The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 28, 1870, Image 1

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TENNIIIAN, 111:341) & CO.,
Corner Sixth Att. and Smithfield St
rim-L.OIS AND: ricorntri*A.:
Fly mail, pe.r year
MUT ore." by rimer. puma*.
Tin; Otis iron Compsufs s ew works It
§lisron will bowheueornplets4. lolo POille
niitsf ~r eineilie in the State. .
Str.u. malicious person girdled an the
ins, in the orchard of conntablo Neall in
'Nlonorigithela City lot Saturday. •
BL,AiK. of Allegheny has ae.
',pied a call from the Field.. Presbyterian
(beech of Waterford. lre his
nes- char g e early in June, - •
Tor. Presbyterian church at liposevillo
iy VI be dedicated on the kL of May,
when Mr. - Noble, pastor of the Third
I.liirch in this city, wilb preach ser-
)lEssns, Woou'e SONS a. co., of
l'itteburgh, are building a new ganti
rail milt at. Wheat Sharon, It
will be done in iyiiej.."- , ~tus emp l oy . s i n
hundred ;, and turn out when running
.'.....11i1110 At the rate of thirty thousand
tons of rails per year. This firm Is also
patting. up one In*reci
- JAIL N. MithoWe edited ihe
Wiynteburg acceptably and
kept it thoroughly Republican, Ims sold
oat find ii going tto the, 'West to hunt for
that fortune which we hope he may find.
Mr. W. Day, a gentleman of experience
amt a staunch Republican. has purrhasied
and will hereafter conduct the paper—we
liope,e Ulf success.
Trio. 'Uniontown tirnios says: A Mr.
Harper, of •Allegliany OD.; watt it Dew
sot's Station' hod week with the view of
selecting a site for a large hub and spoke
, factory. Mr. harper is in the
manufacture of .wagous in Allegheny aml
wishes to locate bin bob noir Kpolo,
rein a good timber. con MIT. 'fhb. sumo
1 , 11i11.0.11 . 6 Station . has jtuat giVrtii a Mr.
L'iicafer ten MIMI of ground In build a fur
macs on.
The Mungithela
On Tuesday morning last, as Mr. Patrick
Collins was going to work in the mines at
Cleveland Landing, lie met a draft of fire
datuly which Ignited and insult - 1k killed
him.' Pat was a eltleedidt follow• and a
brave moan. lie served through the Mott-
Van war and teas true of the first mobil,
'errs from Washington comity in Lin
coln's first call for troops, bring n Inerabor
of Cup'. Cooper's . company.
" •
ginting n nen Preeibyte,
'Jinn chunk. : , • :; ' .
iinturilnr, in lon, n p t trnieum
lamp explodoli, rriii/Iting. in ton death nt
II a Oman.—
• ..ILIE 994.1 . 110i7CJ1, EU), Of -3: E. , tianien
paystiat•ter on the &
renliett.talitle bathing in the tier natTo
A I , IIAND field trial of tuo . tvere and reap.
it to be held near Nlansfield sometime
d ring thelatter part of July, The trial
ig tolre: . eandiictesl wider thiil linplees of
'die 0111.5 State &lard' of 'Agrieillture.
iLehrumu,l nay::
- We•iiro informed. that Iliam Laura Wool
wine, the talented soprano of our village,
out wake her tiNt appearance in a grand
upon: at Cincinnati, nitlt.the. Mailings
Oplra. Troo ::, next Sptember. Herr/dna
will' be in the Bohemian I.i . trl. - •
I.Asr Sunday three negrues Wein nut on
a spree in a 1.11 M", prit TUF4IIIIIIIIIS.
They over c ook "'urinal
liodewald, ttlinan iiirrhny they demanded.
He complied, hut an ten cents wan all he
had they attacked Mtn, eau big hint fright
fully with a rotor: „ISio'rif damn were of%
tern awls cnpt tired. but the third, namitd
Albert Johnsen, in yet at large. It..dewnl.l
will pc.ibably recover.
Zanustilli"., on . - v. Alien
llighfield. filed of . affidatit before Justice
coinplainitirthat cal or about the
Inst,lacob Beall , sold -intoxicating lig
ital." to her ton. Frank HighTielfc'who in a
`xidnier. , On the defendant was brought
. 'before' the justice and tried. De plead
tullty and was Tined ¢16..16 including the
'costs, which he paid. The intoxicating
. liquor eold wan a giant!, of. boor. • •
• AT Circleville, last -week, a-young man
ested his father ntider the follhning shste
"nf tants: The. Risintiff;while n minor, went
tote 114. tinny es 'a sialestittite, with his
father's consent. Ile receivsel eight bun
dultd ,lelfars,teltiellfte left nitialds father'
to tic` ineested for lihtlutifrs Isisiefit.l" Ile
.purchased land nitk the money, but refu
sed to deed it to his eon. or to .pay him
Lark the mouey,claiming it as his own,and
4lust LS' hid hired out his eon as a substi
tute. .finlgusent for IVAN; and cost f4r
,'EP/lORt PAZ ETTlii — Ttio world oentin
juoTdri. Old Hap i'nu Winkle i
waking up. Our boougli fathers are im
bibing the spirit of the age. They have
cut Ravi° front their rusty moorings of the
past, and are launching out on the sea of
improettiont. I They are now engaged in
curbing and poring slur streets, and we
trust that tbleadranco is only the begin
ning.lf better days. cptcoy, e. hare a
- }iftle - cariery innpinloo. ppd. balms; but
thin life *nit:till:4 doll motrototti - irithout
it. For instance, the !takes that our Sur
., dyer puts dotinAuring the day, are mos
seriously removettihrnugh the:night. ate
Crush however, that wisei counsels
prevail, and that Injunctions, /sc., will
be like angel's visits--" Yew and far be.
Where the public good is contemplated,
atul where all propotty will be improved
to appsararice and value, all - the- citizens
alietild cheerfully submit to their shareof
lipuble, sacrifice and expense. Our per
-"severing - Burgess and' Council descry°
groat credit and honor for their indefati•
geblii labors - to improve our 'beautiful
town. gore anon.
Elegant Mansion Rome
Formerly occupied' bi James A. Hutchi
son; Eiq., Sixth warcf;Antirlielly - Cify, to
..gether with about three acres of ground,
fronting on the Ohio tiror,Preble,ltayard
'and Adams stieeta. The, ri,vez front in
3430 :feet. the mansion is ibout 1 84 by 44
'fee', two stories high; slate roof: the
rooms are largo--psrlor 18 ! by.49,,dining
room 19 by % , ,i T rstrl: by 19 , ball B by
40. porch 8 - by '
tii, .
and the chambers.
kitchen, pantzy„ and other rooms are
all very large and, air' - and conveniently
areango.l.,.so as trAgo- into fey ruoin lathe
house without having to go through an
other. Nearlyall thp,rotaus hale marble
er slate nuoitles; the Ceiling; eiti lofty and
rosy. - of them handsomely paneled in
'tasteful style; the grounds arphandsome
ly Inid out lilawne, &c.;and Well covered
with. fine fruit, such as apples. peaches,
pears and other 'small fruit The house
has two fronte=the one ',lit the liver is a
magnificent view:, of the river and the
,i,,,ie country around, and is a very
I ,i,. fi sent,place,l having the 'fresh breeze
fru* the rivettand free from any smoke,
soot, &t Inquire of C. 11. Love, asEouiti;
:Tho numerous patrons of Dr. GiHasp
o ill be pleased to learn that he ;lay re
turned, after au absenee of's few' reeks,
and may be found, MI usual, at his ofilce,
No. 2.16 Penn - street, where he is prepared
to servo all who fluty need his services.
Such ere his facilities for business; that
the best work is made in the shortest
possible time: Ile warrants superior
work ILL the lowest prices. No charge
for extracting 'when teeth are ordered,
iteenembet the place: N 0.246 Penn street.
8 " 41,3 Worm - ass ~—The best work•
men, the best material, and the finest
specimens of work are to be seen at the
Pittsburgh Stained Maws Works, '23 • Mar
kot Street.
AT rill -4W, , FOLLANnTIEE. & No.
)21 Wood mrset, corner of Fifth avenue.
Will be found • laripi sud iudielounly wt .
'sorted stock of men. non fie fs' clothing,
eUltable for this season's Wear. Fair
prices . and very reasonable. Especial at
tention is paid to custom work, anti neat
and substantially made guineas
are supplied at the shortest notice.
W.)l. Na1...50x% No. 23 Market street, will
fOrnlah plain or tinted enameled glasid In
lead sash, properly cemented and with the
necessary fastenings ready for patting In
the frames at the lowest prices. •
• ,
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~ , Comniercial and Faintly Newspaper
~,,,,outr ruz nsechanth or merchant Ocala ha
n'eoM''''' . • IN:
- -
Most Inglorious Demonstration,
The Franklin Affair Repeated at Trout
River—The Brotherhood llemoral•
leed at the Firmt Fire--Rathering of
7ortea —tattle Reported Fought
near Malone—Great Eicitementon
the Borden
Illy Telegraph to theirittsburgh tiazette.l
etlll Coneentraeng on the Border.
Sr. At.tiaNN., May _..'large numbers of Fe
titans are roncentmting. and trill make a
shoultancoug. attack 'all along the border.
Gen. Speer and - the ex-Confederate Meshy are
organising Ne force,' here for another attack
near St. Around.. The blow will probably be
atruek to-morrow :
The only Fenian 's that left fur their homes
nighL were the Burlington buys; the rest
remained beet and were periled with food
by order of raited Slate.. Marshal Foster nod
the village authorities.
Entrenched' neor M.lone—A Bailie Exportea.
MALosir. May '-'l'.—Gen Gleasua has been
- .
• • -
tronele reinf..rced. Ire has three thousand
lien and now orcliples a position , four tulles
upend: the line. Ile Is entrenched stronglV
toil Is confident of holding hi. ;wahine.
Nen a's twelve , / IWrt after the 111,1 , 4 i•r
leNctll and bit incarceration In Harlin.,
on prison by U.S. Marshal Foster, General
7antnel P. Spear teas appointed Commander
u.Chlef, nod proceeded at once to iPSUI! his
- . . . . . .
orders I, the face of Marshal Foster. Gen
eral Spear will either cross the border at
comepoint heretofore not attempted or I ein
force General Gleason. This statement Is by
The Sheldon tleroming
MALoNr. May 27..-The sheath= 16 becoming
heckles. Fully twelve hundred Fenian. have
gone to the front. and several hundred more
le reported on their vmy. A company of
"nited State regular - 3" arrived, this morning
to preserve order. The Fenian behave quiet
ly. Mid thn main body has already crossed the
. .
livrder. A battl” telll trobablr fake viler to
morrow or next dny. urneraf Gimlet - al Is In
. . . . . .
command of t tie invading force.
Privates express great dissatisfaction with
iieuerat O'Neill. Some say he is too young to
Ilan mut too inexperienced to execute. and
that to both practically and theoretically
General Gleason telegraphed to a friend In
thla city hod night that he arnidd fight before
. .
thlr morning. Thu British, regulars
and' Canarthin volunteers art concentrating
. .
arm 'Vrout, river. I.cutana are InvOly
gageil lu Ihrovlnz up earth works.
* Gt. Donnelly Dead.
General Donnelly. of ft ;ca. New York, died
of his wenwls to -dac.
.litnek and Repulse at Trent . Hiner.
TORONTO, May 17.7-The Fenian% near Trout
river commenced an attack this morning. hut
irclre ritiidtV 41 - leen hack arms+ the line.
n. Beier. minded.
I..vrr.o.—The Fcnihne al Huntingdon and
Trout Titer gbt oat of the way ai filet an pos
sible after the tiring commenced. leaving
their wounded behind. (lea. Gleason has gone
back to New, York diricusted. General Spear
hat it.time ft
nttnilon of Fenian l'llletit—The Holders
• 1;o1no Into Camp.
Sr. ALl":is. 'Slav :::.-...fienerals Spear and J.
4:lea/son. with' other lesser lights in the
Fenian Brotherhood. have been in tdu .e. eon
- saltation over the rittration, and the consul
tatlon has culminated in the Issuing of an or
der by Uettend Spear for the men to go into
camp fwo or three miles front here. Clue or
two hundred have obeyed the order. General
Spear want stile men to return to the Frank
lin line. us th el, {Testacy will necessarily
draw a portion of the Canadian troops front
II untlnyton_ Vtany of thy men express de
sire to ro hoot, :mil hare done Ft, if
they had money onotigh to pay fur tranetior.•
cation; but the -atones wu. t t.c home by tt,
The State covet timeet.
ildrr Merwl,, on a R.M. .
Cot. Moseby repotted yesterday and
left for ihz border mrls• th in. morning with
nits pldt men. Tho report. however. ucolle
Altar the Fen , ens had pretty much all left
Franallo some Canadian troops came to this
side of the line nod seised a piece of artillery
and a large quantity of arms and ammuni
tion that bad hoes abandoned. Marshal Fos
ter, it Is said. has made a demand for their re
attra,atul the reply seal he conid ugly hoes
them at the "Mat of the bayonet.
A . . Grand hkedadille et Atuntinaton-ihe Bays
OIVVII Witt atm,
TtntolVit, May Ti.—The mOrement at Hun
tington-rbegan at fee o'clock thia morning.
The replant had constructed a breastwork of
rails =mane field on the north hunk of Trout
deer.. At half-past eight the Canadieartroops
came up and opened gm T.= r chinos tired a
few shots nod then toot to Abets. heel.. They
were punt:tato the boundtry line. where the
neficers, revolsera. attempted to
form them into line. but It wan (mittens.
There was not a single casualty on the Cana
dian side. The Fenians left it few woundod
, und one killed on the field.
The United Vtates troops are Advancing
from 'Malone.
MU; Casm#l.. i'apent k.
The (....Varlffln papers. la treating p 1 the
prevent -7nrilan raid, express the offering
eleies: In It 4 effects upon Canruth gentanlsni
Is IS misezehle pest. a coerce of annoyance and
fxpense: andsance which the emintrg is
orced to mffer from continually Without rea
son. entailing loss of life In an Ignoble came
and disturbance of business relation.. To
these evils the renadien Ise td" roitid
submit without complaint, It they thought
tie Imperial (Seehtnumut sufficiently con
sklerate 'ot their position 'or assumed
Its share of responsibility. Thee hold
that the Imperial Government "Is re
miss In not. makingimper representations
at Washington and demanding of the United
States Government tient It ci+rlt t'lle some
steps to prevent , them I"Aurring thermion,
the murder of hl - sie men and waste of money.
Cnnadn• bOnF enlnnY. Is In no position to re
monttrate with the United States Government.
Complaint of the inked State,
Referring to the I:nited States. they com
plain that FOoilOhOtt hag received the coon
tenanee and snoport of her lending men nod
yards,: that O'Neill nod his chief confeder
ates. have been allowed to go about openly.
Public demuhstratiq for t'rese ()Noels have
her maart Ugo e tt'a sufl=fo Ci te r 4 ' .. n lO il r f o ' pp l ) . 4
It. Is n farce. rnfrlendlinesst,
hos steadily marked the policy ..! t!:.-aitro
— rates Government In Its V./Wool:I of rt.
More ?cola oe! Glans Forward.
Mar Z7.--Tvre hnhtlfel .mane
eft to-night forNalutr, A large portion of
he recruits were Mtn Chicago. Recruiting
s actively going on • and money being rub
cribeti liberally. '
• ,Di.goeltiou of Inilegtßatee Forma..
(VonMsocun,Mny 27.---(ten. Unsnap°. C. P.
Army. arrived to-day and assumed commend
of the regular forces. MO. Baskin,. was dis
patchrd to Malone with one company of men
to assist Deputy Marshal Benedict kr enforc
ing the neutrality lows. Capt. (Wheeler, with
one outopany, is ntaliotted . at Potsdam' Jttno.
lion. - Three, companies are hare. encamped
near the revenue cutter Chase. No orders
have been received Itr put the Chase in coin
. The Arnrat O'Neill Bojo..
The , Fertirios hero tascrtdit the reported ar
tist of 01.ellt and Matt the peeobn arrested Is
only personating him as part of a Plan of ac
tion. The Fenian oMcer here' in charge of
transportation reports O'Neill at Malone yes
terday. and there paid to ms officer In charge
of trauspOrtation at Potsdam Junction a con
siderable sant to 1115 e in forwarding men to
the front.
' Large stippliets of provisions have been f or
warded front here. The Fenians are very ac
t/re and confident. Tho Regular troops are
mostly Irishmen and Fenian sympathizer., and
ithrought to confront the Fenian., It Is doubt-
PO if they can he handled by their °Meer,.
The Boat to Train Inver Co7rietr.
TommerO, May 'Z.—Detailed ticeountn from
Trout river nil agree that the rout of the
Ws , gene wag complete. 'The Ortrig bad hardly
commenced when they an took to their hods
In wild confusion and got acrost the border
as Dud as possible. Large numbers have ar
rived at. Malone and such as have means to
get back home see getting away. 1 .1 few Pris
oners were captured and a few are known to
have been wounded. I -
ttierly Demoralised. 1 ,•
• •
There In aurae talk of further Fenian opera
tions at Cook's Corners, near Pigeon 11111, bat
it la hardly Probable, as the wholo, rabble are
utterly demoralised and fighting more or less
among the:melees. _
Demortetrotion Olt Detroit River.
• A report reached bore to eight thitt a Fenian
t o re, was gathering on Detroit river. Ample
preparations, however.. have been made in
that quarter.
Anxiety About Tramper'sglom Home
Sr. AMA-ye, May In.—lt proves that \ the Ye
nta= who lett here nib. morning only pro
needed north about two miles and a halt, dl.
cussed the altoation, and returnedihere. • The
news of the repulee near Trout dyer nutekly
epread, and the only talk was of obtaltdog
tramportnt lon home at the earllelt, moment.
Eralss °Ricers
, • --
At I o'clock r. M. Fenian, officer, • Col. John
A. Brown. of Lawrence, Mass., and Capt. Mon
ohne. of Iturilngton. were arrested upon war
rants made out by the 17:Med States District
Attorney, and In default of bail were ordered
committed. Others are Nicely to be arrested
If they remain: •
hiame Homan& to he Done.
A report
m bail „t be , 6n b. r n ezelrgd , tbit Thome;
41;f03.6,fr'ndlorni near Con; : r f roTXra ' N,: t t u o ns bl
bang [C.IIIO[TOW.
. „.
Arrival of Gen. 3lcalc, McDowell and Other..
An euthuslardlc crowd gathered at the de -
Dot Phil evening to "'Dour .tlea apical of
Gene ' rals Meade, McDowell, Hunt, Ingalls and'
I. S. Troops for Malone.
A pi mien of the United StAtes rsrom
Fort Warren. which have been h e r of o rtwo
or three days, left this evening for Malone. In
compnny with three , enmpatficit Jun arrived.
A forgo number of Fenian , : left for their
tomes tb-day. Still many remain, who this
evening are marching about the streets lent
cellent spirits. The citizens treat them
dip au furnish them with provisions.
& In Forces Meting to the Front.
down ' l l r g ' t ' . l Law
rence to-dr.:, in it steamer, which also hod en
...I,ant Cfro hundred tons of ammunition hound
for the seta of , hostilities. The greater pan
of the trootis in} rescott err ordered enst.and
the Cdnadian. Government is pushing avers
available liataliun o the front.
A Hattie Fought N or Malone—Contradictory
, 1 teports.
NrW Vont:. Nlay ~--A dispatch trent Elle,
burg, IN. T.. gives a report. probably bogus,
that front three to four thousand Fenans
crossed the frontler;at Malone and captured
two companies .if C :median volunteers. to
gether ii ith lams atpd mittnunition
Another disinachi from Dundee. Canada,
says the Fenian advkinec , guard it ere driven.
Thu male army. clitanded be Captain Stun.
was attacked and !riven across the line by
the English forces. s ipposed to be Use thou
sand strong. Feel: Inss seven killed and
several wounded. :nemy's loss not known.
The battle last ed an hoer nod twenty minutes.
A distich from Toronto says there are now
e'er 4155) volunteer. .and regulars along the
\.w York mud' Vorntiott frontier. Prince
A thur at-rived at Trout Ills,, and created
0 thuslasto .by marellpg to the front with the
v I . 7 m te . e y rs oT:: l e t e t , i ,i ,T rol iti l ~ of the retreating rea
l. s.
fr m Malone to-night
a fluted for a new n
Move on St. Armind
Ilse miles beyond Ito
from New. York.
Another spatch
has moved too St. Al
heat Reports. •
`The World.. Hied:o
Buys:Gen. Uleabon.has
'remelt. Spererwriii to
and attar entrenching
lino do :111,Itt fur help.
leprolllar , Spear
natl. fr.,. Sr: Altetob
with 1.500 teem
Gleason t, making
tight. lie IN , 0 11
I.ret her Patric/.
II , ITori to it:ive aunt her
parch slitting I hot 111,
rtmehr,fl thirteen toile.
tteetmd the butindr.r. - Vigeon with'
ft trty Stool and A aithe for Spear: -
Gen. llicaton hi non\speaking. to the Foul:ink
endeavoring to •Isittit r (bout to retake Ihe
guns. mutt 14ons alit! manumit tun front Ir.
klarshal and regular; at Leak la fan o.
The racers are disputing angrily ts lilt him.
but he tare he will havelthe arms. &v... at any
risk amen It he has to come Into conflict with.
the United it ales Manisa The latter ore Pa
trolling the streets Unit In sirfficient fume to
Prevent any movement bythe Fenian,. noire,
the latter entirely conceal . 11eir pious.
On lenson's aeries! hereso 1 . 011.11 of war
NV. held. it is will)))attempt to blow
up the locks of the Moho y but no
definite lion It funned. \
A messagn from Iturlingua says O'Neill ex
' Pect , to be , released ttentor owt. 110 Is de-
Itunced everywhere-
RE1,1(.401,7 \
First General Autemloly W the neonlied
Pre.bxterlitu AuemblT. •
Ear Telegrajth to thePittebitrgh Gruntte.)
FITILAIALTIIIe, Nay?;.--The session of the
Preibyterian General Assembly wa., resumed
to-doe. Thi:receptionof two delegates, Iler.
Jas. Demorest and Rev. Darld Cole. (mu the
Reformed Church. pointed strongly towards
union between the Presbyterian and Reform
ed Churches at some future day. though it is
deemed impoisihle at present.
The cotodderntion of tits reconstruct i ion re
port was resumed.
The Item cannel • g tho renting of ehapter
ection 2. of t Rook 1.5 liiseipllne was
• The Item
follost • n lens turientlisl to -road
'lt is rerommen! ni g l
Ma! the .tsternbly In
struct nmt order all PresbM.ertes. when re
nstructed. nt th. it first appointed ,nettingOc tot e ate or n n these tetai I vrnnren
nod report it to th next Assembly."
Itot remaining it ens of tb' reltort timl M
inipe Over , ' atl,utet and On, •roport referred
the committee for r•TIVI.,111,211 1 , 1,1 lone to
final action.
The 'report ohne Committee on the If °bill,
erg. Costechisat snu the Joint cen i atittee
Misstonei and Church Extension were ma,
titirsivett tincesi On the docket tor future
In the afternoon sc-;iicii Tette, o o r. r e nd
nt the follow , corresputoling %tele
. ten: Ilex. J. Et. Dales- Rev. eltarles Smith.
ev. J. J. Carol berg antt er. intent .Iteherts.
Short addresses moire dellverest Revs.
lessrs. Plol.lernan add Wehteit Out of the
utherun I.:l,arch. nen.
liresbs !villa n.l o,llgre•fatlOC3lChui,h.
Ver. Dl'. ,p,ko la
con/Mendable tenth of the treatment and ram
feat of said mission, and said he wan never so
cordially received be any Atiremlitr.
The report 01 thel,...otlPlll,enn tfourels Erec
tion tens presented by Iter.• non.ra
and placed on the docket.
The report of the Committee on irorebrn
Nlltislons Wag placed on the docket.'
Drs. Musgrave. Hatfield and NElitn-r were
°P & lnf c r s2Al,lTr i : 're n
Presbyterian Church condi.. of Rive. li canier frith the
Johnson. it. It. Harper. W. E. Bak etrett, and
Richard Eillvdrdit Erg.
Adjourned until Nliinday.
rancity.:7l.:Sity tit: At the
4 the wend row, of the Laymen's Usti
tute.,ehieh hue been under the direction of
. • ..
Ifer. Dr. !laid. of the Northwestern Cartrfhal
I.dnroatr.Chicago. and Do Morris had Prof.
F.Cati4..f Lane lientinarn the Member. of the
Young Men's Cht-Pt lan Assoc:MOon dew ermined
upon the g rxanizatiou of a Laymen's Theolog
ial Ilptilute. haring fur its Olde,:t. the
dtstical Instruction of perlons engaged in
Et ankelistie labor. It will call Into requisi
tlun the prominent clerical and lay instructors
of the Evangelical denominations of (luau
natl. and willprodrubly bold weekly meetings.
It is regarded twee, a very important move
in the religions field. -
--Nathaniel Willis. founder lb
Arun., and 1 - otstric Companion. died
yecterday aged nluetr..
Manx. s eat enced Le hop
Oriente, etsterdnr i (or.the nfritiler
o An •!....ov. -.Vermouth.
-T . uu erotestunt EpISCOVSI Conn'
iriola and West Irnla et In NV'
ThuriloV. MON, Nttrlm nrusidta!
—A 1l patch from l.t. (:en. Shot
'Fort Shaw, Thursday, sit), sapc.:
dry,. to procomd to Pcmhi!
- . .
Greenwald has eorneleor
mainst the'law firm of tirlfhth
blame. for false imprisonment: D
diSputch has 141. n • Acsitsra
Smith. saying he left Fort Locoed
day with the Indian Chief' RANI (.1
for Washington.
--A bill passed the Senate lag,
riding for thegovernment of t he
Colombia with .os Governor. Se
Legislative assembly.
There ore on the stock, rat ene
lug estnbllslimmat In Cow York
ocean strainers. Two others are
mewed immediately. •
funeral of Molloy }tempt. -
plate at N:Lshotah. Walconsln. Tule
The churches In the State se in be
mourning for thirty days. '
—Joseph Smith, a yowls •man.
suicide at New Martiusvillet We'd
few days since. shooting himself -1
Intemperance was the cause.
--In • tho Superior Court at CM
teray. IL T. Redtnan.'Jr., obtain,.
for ttr..ntlo In a suit against 11. C.
for the seduction of his wife.
-Two German mulgrant.S. for t
once in prosecuting swindlers to
limn been presented with-fifty dol
the Emigration Commissioners ail
—The Reform ChM of New York
tneeting discussed the )tuFnelatui
counts ]taros: idol nil cOnearned
eltlttal were culled "Aponte% °DI]
—George Darren, whose trio' ho
greasing for tho meat week at Its
for the murder' of his brother,
brought in guilty of murder hi I t
The steamers Perriere, PennsYlvania. City
of Dublin and Scotia have arrived out. The
steamers Bavaria. from Bremen. a n d Cated..
rdn, - frout Glasgow, arrived nt Ne v York yen
tents?. ~ .
—Thecase of Colonel Sherni n, charged
with being connected with c unterfetting
beer stamps. at Philndelphin.eloned svaerdar
bye " c ad a guilty.' .Colonel .7 , 1 f Ightmara,
who was Implicated in fhb same j transaction,
Is held for trial. • • , '
—At Peoria. 111., Thursday. ExU udge Mead
Insulted J udge Puterbaugh Whilrion t hot bench.
'fter court adjourned Puterbnugh met Mead
tad dealt him a heave blow In 1 kti face. Mend
was caned by Judge 'Powell many years ago
or using insulting language to f Int while on
\he bench. -
1 —The trial of Wm. E. 11111 and Oho Phillip,
colored. for the murder of Will ant Jacobs it
Stoughton. Mass., resulted In II r Ttlict of mar-
F. l :l l d t h d e e:n " .ro "i n e p gr l " i ' ' lt I " I t z Vtr . rf o r iff syl l
atene. to be hanged tt . tal ‘ llll,lps to the
t;Tate prison for life.
—Thursday nfternoon.nt Raymond, IN'cine
unty. Ma rtin aunt West got
Into a dispute about a bill, whoa the
the former
drew a knife and ln the nbdo
men, causing his death Innfew hour, Mar
tin went to Racine and gaee himself up.
Great excitement prevailed. as the murdered
roan was highly respected. •
--At on adjourned meeting of 'the' American
Tract Society, at , 1100011, yesterday, the reso
- dissolving the Society was reconsider
ed. A proimsition to reduce the expense* and
liquidate tire liabilities with Gm assets, and
thus enable contlnuation„was defeated, and
tinnily the recommendation of the Executive
rmine, ac
to place the affairs of the Society
lis the hands of a Spechtl Committee, was
in opted. -
i—ln Marcelline, .Irlnnts county. 111.. on
Thursday. Prank Antlers., a young man of
Middy respectable fancily. shot anti instantly
killed II negro named Thomas Antstend. The
trouble mos° nbout n *neer of ten cents.
which wns lost by Anderson; he paid It and
Immediately went to his house and ga, a re
volver. returned to where Antstead was and
demanded a return of the Ca01:10) . • which Atn
stead refused. wnereupon Anderson drew his
revolver and fired at Amstead, with the re
sult as stated. Anderson is In jail.
lßr Teleormph to tbol'iltsborgh Gazato.l
basuoa, May 2:.—Lady :Mbarley Is lectur ,
lug in favor of the Radical 'Mimetic Itlghtx
Suffrage League. She declared that Lucretia
Mott was MI IMlStriOlts woman.
i r‘
. .. . .
The Xliege Fenian& Wilson and Darla.
nho were rec. tit arrested on their arriral
from tlirmin nun. were examined to-day.
The Treasur Solicitor announced that the
Go, ertuneni ad determined to prosecute
both these m n for treaion and felotlY•
The Fenian movement on the New York and
Vermont border is still anxiously watched,
and Is the topic uppermost in noWspaper com
The Morntrip Mondani thinks that the
United States Government has no Motive to
embroil itself with Great Britain on a question
contemptible an the Fenian business.
rho King of the Belgians visited the Anieri-•
can Minister. Mr. Motley, yesterday.
The Dad p Sm.urges the banging of till Fe
ohms caught with anon. us a humane and pa
tribtle duty ,of the Dominion to the people.
It is. the only measure designed to stop the
The Macs
to 'wood . of the Canadian spirit.
and warmly appreciates the action of the
American Government.
Lrnstaoa, Mar 2 - „ —The Sore refers to the
vigilance of the Canadian Government, the
neat attitude taken by the United States. and
the abaointe Imbecility of the Terrines, to
',rove that further aggressions•upon Canada
are. it nut Impossible, ut least improbable.
The rillles Im:du expresses Its admiration
fort he Waite and,vigor displayed by Presi
dent Grant. It lebnable, however,to express
its indignation at the object for which the.
i American and Canadian troops had been put
in unit lon. It applies to the affair such words
as - abominable," "pillage.".slaughter.""out
viscous runrdeters,
3lrs. Mutter, wife of the AntaliCa'n Minister,
gave n grand dinner last evening• It was
largely attended.
.The . Government of India opposes the Inter
ference of the home government in the opium
trade. In any other way than by the Imposi
tion of a heave duty.
Davits and Wilson, alleged
infer Information were
arrested in this city en information
given the nuthorites by Corydon. When they
were taken Into qustody they were found
armed. •'
. .
Tha. widow of Bishop . nebor died to-day lit
an advanced ago.
The PjLdfn Club raprluts for universal 'Ar
nt:an id on the la e blot of lion. David A.
otateai:nuitelaillonor of Internal
rAng, ,at ay :rt.-•Yestentay there , rmt a meet
ing of the Connell of 3linisters to , trilherute on
ho form of discussion in the coming Benton
of the corps Legirintif. To-.fop it in hinted
that the members , of .tho , Ministry are very
Last eVe..11114 there woe private reuniun of
the Radteals In tire rielleville quarter. tiam
!tette made a speech to thee ffect that thew
mutt violence. Our triumph, be
told', must by through universal suffrage.,
These sentiments were applauded to the echo.
The. Coroner's Inquest at Uxbridge. on the
bodies of the Marshall family, resulted In a
verdict that the deceased come to their death
at the hoods of the parties now under arrest.
Tho victims were burled to-day. A large
crowd attended the funeral.
A decision on the appeal of SW Charlet Moe
daunt for a continuation of the proceedings
for divorce against Lady Islordaunt. It prom
ited lur sent TuestlitY. • •
la the Corps Legislatig. the leterpelletion
.•n the retemns for the Alstolut ion of the Pie
biaeltary Committee woo submitted. >L °M
tier made an explanation. width was so natto
factory that the House voted the order of the
day. members of the left only dlstentlug.
Three. were no Indication. of the expected
coalition of the right and tett wings of the
Chamber. and the new ministry eaters nu Its
labors with an expressiqn of confidence voted
ug as Overwhelming.Majarity.
A violent disturbance was created "-day at
the lecture 11 El wand [about:oY before the
Luse Fehoolt The students interrupted the
Pretense, with a stertwof blue.. and forced
him to leave the hall. The student. followed
Laboulaye Into the street. where the denten
qrxtlon tontlntled• Tbef_Wreqaor finally et
, oed. Imt with , much Inicultv. A nuinher
the prominent netora In the stair have been
our ;veto/v.6 , ' ,
lee Cortes, vaterdse. General Prism assured
he adherents ohEstiartero that he considered
he refusal of their etilef Itsand that
hey $1:00. nuw . endeavor to consolidate the
likatraN,Mny.t:.—Tlictnarek hi* made prop..
Mato the ("teat Pols eta that then take loun
etion for the suppl,taion of Omer to
The Ooreentnents of (hoot Brit-
In and the United ELMea hare alit:tined their
Lreeptanre of the proposition.
tor. PMERSIII.3I43. May. Emperor
Alexander is to abdicate In favor of Ids eldest
son. if there N no hoprocement In Ms health.
.0, WK. NUT In.—The O.IIIIIIHISi. 1)1V id hur ,
trod out. _
I.oNoos. )(ay. :17—Ercning.—Comiub.,
money. 94h; fprateosint.94,ll. Arimettesnem
tveltirs Art, y
steed); 10-14/s. MILAN; 'M.
ilo Erie. 183 s: Great
'Stocks stead?,
• •
3livirrowi.'SiLit -hoods
noug, ismir!..4! 71tta: heal e* if. :he
11. 4 Y8V. ! , InY Z.—Cotton heavy nt •
. •
eptie..iuld MI afloat. • •
A NTW cur. May 27.—Pet ruieum quiet RI te i ie t
Ile EMUS. Mar V.—Pet rol ev m uctiee et 4 the
len a p-oat.. • .
kIA.% corg[o, Yard.—Petroleum quiet-
t 110 tor:
Ua'rapll9t.. Ifa , lohrk et: snles
f the week. AGRI bales: exports :OKI; spice
lotion. 4.l:Mh stock, WAWA Ameriran 3 5 4 . 0,0 .
receipts of the wee,. , 19.0,0; American. 2e1.001;
quantlte silent 3fX1.000; American. Italasr, mar
ket to.-any doll with middling uplands at Min
Wed and. Orleans at 111111,dt “let ul *AV
hales.: Breadstuff, Ilrttinti Cal!fraaalk white
Wheat Ps AlnP 10t1; and western No. 2, to 4d;
, Inter It, 2d. Receipts for the past three days
quarters; 15,Q00 American. western
Flour Inner at Ws ad. Corn; No._ 2 ridged Ms
let'.o.lte2ssd. Ballea ss. l'" ad, Pork
ItPw IMI. lintr tlrm Rt Ilts. 1.10,1 *rut At*.
Cl. Cheese r.!s. flacon 50s NI for Comberland
sad t:ls for short ribs.
l ellpt New
for fume s.
•iLor n•
fans in
Inn. Intel
Inn! IA
Inge laid
imt; (tort.
n Thu
• • . .
L.lvtnn. May 27.-I.lnasad Cnkel firm fit 19s.
Tallow firm id 44a gel; Iketho: aflnnt et ane
Lin.c.ll Oil rally It 31/0011 . . Tullmtntln ender
night . 1 n,
. mtritt of
trete] , end
Br Telegraph te. the Pittsburgh Gestate.)
Nicer Tung, Slay
:46WS IrßO!‘ RILL., •
Respectable persons, Well known here,
Vtit. Iron
s al i ripe,f in
rived yesterday o the ?Info Castle from ?Ow
yhee. Wing iniportent dispatches for Oeneml
Jordan from the Cohan 00Tellipint. It jig
trild that a rescautkinjotHited the Fn bite
trees condemning rertaid tleelereflons made
In this, country by prominent officiate, and
whiell have imen t left itemiof Much comment
by.3ournahtiof ineutennte In thin conntrY.
These gentioineb confirm toe report. -beret._
Hbdas to Puerto. onset teen at
tendmi with good reenits, and that all the
colutune which raterbedltotet that city , have
returned With bist littie glom It is, etated
that the Cuban. 'entered' Puerto Prinetpe in
stead takirig nut all they desired. fO
- Colonel . Cornell,, Perm. with a large
force. In near the city. The defeat of Utica
osdatten.ritrninceottojereh.c b urb y i t i. lie ....l l t o d rces of iiitarnsol near
triots other than route:
,nto. c d e . ff
e T et h e ,, Et t t n a o n .g i f
I n the bend.
'd a rerdl
Ir per W..
tru each by
N csr Tork.
k. at n recent
I lain,. The
it IS the he
sae been pro
boa been
the tint de-
The yacht Amerka, irhich won the ehallehge
cup In IW'l , ben been brought to the Brooklyn
Navy Turd:from Annapolis to be', fak e
overhauled; She le tlenlgned to take Port 10
the trent International recall. next fail. •
The stmner Catharine Whiting pad toga
hlcCoole, hinby and Jonathan .Chase. ssiind
lost munmer for haring been Used Sa'4 911 C ;11-
bohtortng expeditions. have sh ISd Perir
rind adhhorittan ! mater
orders from is nshingtoo.
• •
Vermin Pi oneers' Anniversary—A Contain,
clans Pork Packers? Tat —TVs
rEOhllll. •
ID, Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Onsett
CINCINNATI. May Z3.—The German riCaleerS
Society celebrated their second am:averts
In the examinntion of the cane Of Colonel
Itoberte to-dar, before Commissioner 114111-
dny, A. P. Willberne, for refuting to nnewer
enedlone, which ho gleamed be could not do
without eliminating himself, wee sent to )411
fur Couteutta.Of court. end wet. enbeedec_ollg
reliamtd on a writ of habeas eorPdt 00 °
for $3.000.
Supervisor Cowen has been instructed by
Commissioner Delano to further _suspend in
his district till gentler orders the Collection
of tux usseesed against pork peckers. •
There is some feeling here fu Fenian circles,
but no excitement during the day. t few , it
Is believed nut more than one hundred,have
left Cincinnati. borne think not more then
fifty. Doubtless many would go had they
means. but the organization here continuos to
give the mutter the cold shoulder. •
Virginia Town liticetkano.:
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh .Gazette.]
t itt o g . ii t tr e a c t i 43f4 6 r k t— i. T . h l e ., ll , lpubl . lcit 7 %
e mtkt n r :
servatives carry the City Council.
The ilopublicens also carry Petersburg nod
the Conserratives Lynchburg. Danville and
ALT:XANDAL., May LPL—The Conserratire
ticket is elected by about 160 majority. The
Republicans carry one ward.
oievoND tesntos.l
Calittnl Romovalluestlon—Fifteeutli
Amendment Enforcement 11111 Pass
,ed Elnally—lnterual Retenne Bill
Taken rti in the llonse.
BXleiraph to. the Pitteburgh tiazeite.)
WARIIINGTON; 31nv L"70A70.
Bine were Introduced and referred as fol
ilr•Mr. RAMSEY: To promote the eultivn.
Bon of public lands. •
. Ap Mr. HOWE: 'Fur the improvement
water communication between the Mississippi
River and Lake Michigan by the • Wisconsin
tip Mri Fer a bridge across the Ar
kansas River at Little Rock '
tip Mr. PATTERSON: To present any em
err or employs of the corporation of Wash
ington noting as an officer of election Or regli
trution. '
Mr. MORRILL, tl,ante. froM Committee on
Appropriations. :reported with nmendments
the Douse bill to supply deficiency In the ap
propriation fur mileage of members of the
Rouse of 'Representatives. The amendment ,
appropriate t•LXifi,ooll to supply the deficiency
In the amount required this year to pay for t Ite
collection of custem duties. and e...1u.010 for
the pay of special counsel employed - by the
Treasure Department. •
Mr. SCMNEIL from the Committee on For
eign Relations, reported, without amendment,
the bill oppropriating Vt . 4.oun In gold, to pay
the Government of Groat Britain the amount
awarded under the treat e f July
settle the claims of the Hu o dson. Bay Co.
Puget Sound .Igrieult urn! 1:0111PUlly.
It lent ordered the Senate would adjourn
front Saturday toTnessltly, In order to cheerio
Monday. as a IsOllday for the decoration of
soldier.' graves. '
The appropriation bill was resumed and the
amendment placing female clerks In the Lie-
Pertmenty on an, equality with males as to
~,u trizeneatirin, wait debate , l
and adopted—al
The next amendment from the Committee
of the whole t the apprOPriat fun for the e sten
slottof t (Xtpludi grtmods, was rend.
Mr. MARLIN asked for the reading pi - the
resolutions of the lowa Legislature.
in; their Representatives to oppose flirt her p
propriations foppubllC I s
In Wn,littig
t on. in vieseof he antiripated removal of the
The recointio s were re:Mould Mr. 11.11 -
LAN hreh,d th no public nkwessit n o
fin. the propo,m ex
Qat lino old;
cOa ininl on whir h it Iv. lessed teasthe
gratification of l'ongressmen u.l v it
ilors to the Cltv-
The distensaiTi continue:l at length.
ouch spa:4ox tOr allowed live minute..
Mr. 3initinu, of •41.
b which It wan propfesed the Capital he re ,
“onvenl. SVIS the chief city p elate at hid:
OUid have gone lute the rul , eltion but for the
efforts of .unt. - tattn. General Frank
to whom he willst4: to • pro,ml all • Iw
credit :Inc him. lle on1:1 kelp tho OPPItal In
loynl coniumnitrY• •
Mr. TATES said the ;ter frt.! ',p
resented as has inc moms:pi .1 ht .olt eve 10 a
former debate on the -that it limit:oon
voted down Mine Senate. lie :doe:: op now
to predict that not one Nor: be - est ern inemlwr
of the House of Ifepresent at iv Avon bt he re
turned mile.. he pledge:l hitt:v.lf to vote for
the removal of .the Coplt al to the ylisslseippl.
31r2Milltill Lie of Vermout, roe:afoul that
If the ..ole power of removal war let. to "niter
the Senator from :Mr. lutes , or the
Stealer from lowa tXlr. Harlan, be tild mot
think either of them would ever exerelse It.
Mr. VATF-S—Why not Where nuns the Met
t-loud in! Vermont eseeps In far ere.t.
where Its warmth and VW .vas ninnif.,‘ il
the building of school houses. elute her and
the general onward march that studio:, le
power And position flld New Engtand
desire to have tine ettpital under lice fdsger:
foevr I.7pOts the Father f tenon It
mould be central to every
c e n t r epr iu of the e.,lln
try. end perhaps the f et ure et of hundred
Mite, cant 13011100 , of people.
Sint:lllW AHD thought the agitation of the
:mestion IP,blrlVOlO public t a ste and detri
ment., :o the slant fir rroren; a n Bis;
trict of Colimihni. .:"esPingtonblt I ioteeo•
i.yrecoikttion.: sat LT:I4I.OU , too sw . re.l to
treated gill
Mr. CARPENTER maid if prop, tion to 10-
rate the Capital anew was matte to t repre
sentatives of lowa. Missouri. Indiana. and
other weedern States, tt would take thew
wentv-flve prat, to ..f:fre altos a site. lie
ankse the only pla ce en( Itted to
P. lost enuhl nin 'Or 040: in the Senate but
los so:fleapit. to agree wit h lilm.
Mr. stvitToN thoogbi . it W.f. under•ttnad
reo s ev.d. the Gst...l t.. In
j'e"-41'..11.;v sod the alms r. to Idtlop
Mr DRAM: Mewed shot at. o
eandobste for ice sac, and thought tun clltuat
„f era.niugtop.:me/tor to that. of any l'iscc in
the ht ism's - tent vain , -
and A t e e se re a m rt a I rk f s
nc by o r rf
Mes ll sr f . e P, t i o t o l . l o Tip a to nd n
hr "sr. ibe s s: Ngtkltt.t tt, Pao nititultltt,ri! NN - 4,
c:irTfed- V. , 1 , 4 1,13.
Nays--Messrs. Davin, Cw...rly, Hamilton.
:Texas. lion-aril. ItseCreerv.
loran, lb,. and Wllloons —in.
The amendment appropriatlngilildAY for ex
pedltions to the North Pole s: r11,14,1.-c,
An ntnendment ‘vd, dont:Led making the
..Alan of the. Chief Justice of Hu SUoronle
(Ant /MAU. Arsdclate Judg“ MOW). Circuif
J %ARCM WO). Court of lasiars mud District of
Cohnobin Judges t:...trt).
A motion to Increut the arkihry of the Uni
ted etllltt Tref:titter to PAU '.t io reject rd.
Tke-Shurta took recesq. .
The evening session you denote.' I 0 the Of,.
triut of Cutuothid business.
Adjourned. _ _
Xr.CiLiCiA, from Committe, Eject!,,,,
rest, of Wallace 140.1114 t iiiin pare. declaring A.
Waller* duly elected end e nth Led to a seat.
lit, moved the pro ions question, which was
seconded. and the resolution wan adopted.
When the Democratic members realized
what had been doue, Messrs. RA NDA LL and
BROOK'S remonstrated against It, and a mo
t lon to reconsider W. ante. .1,11 Th,r, was
a brief discussion.
Mr. RANDALL admitted Oimiison conl.l
out take the oath. he Inning I.een an officer
In the Confederate army. but condemned the
iteconntrdetion Committee for not removing 1
his disabilities. for which he bad petitioned
and w !eh he had deserved. been., hr had
hones tly and firmly aided In ties fteenn.,, roe.
lion 1 cusur!s.
Mr. ROOKO denounced the. operntloo I. it
fraud, as had as tine election fraud charged
upon partite In t he York. It. was an at
tempt LI defraud the minority of thy House
by furring on tin NAY emit her. Member. clue
ted by.ewbody, having no constituentx, and
representing nothing whatever. -
Me. DAWES repudiated the principle em
' bodied in the ort that the Ineligibility ef
',emus Who receivethe greatest number of
votes gave. the sent to. the persons having the
next highest milliba.
Mr. CMlNA'reminded the Rouse he had Itt -
reedy stated that part of the report represent
ed only his lion views: alto, that on two or
flirt* occasions: he had distinctly dated the
case would not Occupy over ten minntes,. All
he wanted was that the .Ifouse should rou-
tune no mere then the [natter. •
Atter farther dbl.:select by. Messrs. Palm.
nit !hart, the t.Venkrrcnltint cni Mr. Watince
o canes tom - tint awl-tithe the oath, wh:ch wan
Mt. CULLUM trout the Untutnittee on Terri:
, .... • • - . .
toles, reported the hill annulling all 1 / 1 1V, of
the Territory of Idaho taxing t,c persons of
Chinese or the Mongolian race and El late
creating the onceisttict Attorneyfor
each county; Mao; prohl Ring Territorial Leg
lelaturea paling extra salaries to Federal ent
rees In Tenitoriea, ot• to membent or employes
of Legislatures. Passed. •
Reports from the Committee nu Foreign
Affairs ware made. mostly of MlPrNkt. ham.,
ter. but including the following: the refening
to the President of the pelltiona of Wm. J.
and John Warren, citizens of tile United
Rates; note prisoners In Great Itritaln.'erith
the counter that sueheetion be takenhy him.
la.accordance ith International law had
• •
. . •
with the rights of American eltirensidp. Rd
the facia shall Justify. •
A large number of reports from the Com
mittee on Revolutionary Pensions rind war of
1812, were made and disposed of.
Mr. WILLARD obtained teare to report to
morrow the public bill in reference to pen
sions of survivors of the one of 1812. •
Mr. RANKS, front the Committee on Rules,
reported a uew rule forbidding the ehange.of
a rote after the anuonucement of the rentilt,
and also forbidding the record of a member's
vote who was not present.when the vole was
taken. Adopted.
The Ileum renamed the consideration of t.,
- Conference report on the bill to enforce the
fifteenth Amergiment.
Mr.IILSKIAM explained and advocated the
report, and Messrs. Kerr, Reck, Potter, John
son, Stiles and Cox spoke in opposition to It.
Mr. Davis followed in defense of the report,
and Mr. Bingham closed the debate.
A vote was taken and the report of the Con
ference Committee nerved to—Yeas IXI, nays
s %.r ‘ . ' l3 r ( i gga,Cha e ;rttiat of the . Coinmittee
of . Ways and Steens.veltorted back the Inter
nal revenue bill, and naked to hare the first
reading dispensed with. Agreed to.
The Speaker directed the Clerk to rend tint
rule governing adutbisions to the door • and
gave notice It was for the doorkeeper to ere
' cute that role, and the chair 0111 net be re
sponsible for anybair on the Hoer. except
those privileged.
Several members--Thal Is right.
The House proceeded with the coniddern-
Don of the bill to reduce internal takes.
The reading of the Und section. covering
thirty m" had been completed when the
House adjourned.
Fearful fonflagrailok—Fite Ilnadred Fami
ne. !tendered Oesnitate —Low of Life.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh riautt e .) -
Or - gnat'. May 27.—Ajlestractive are Is raging
at Saugenay. covering in area of Oro miles
wide by thirty miles in length. Over live bun.
dred families, numbering forty-five bun
deed noes,
Sin ndultaeod htawvue cbal':ll4.l7;!.segeteitrtnitutthee.
th, me s. Tim wharf at - hobo 11.0 gain severai
churches were burned. The Ore originated In
the woods:
war roe the Ft.hing Uroung..
HALIFAX, Hey more Itritihh *en
vessel% the R.:Welled end Philoinet, hove bee
ordered to the fishing ground...
S. 1870
[lity.Trlegrsphro Pittsburgh Gazette.]
WAnIIINOTON, D. C. May X. 1579.
• A rumor from Ottawa. that Minister Thorn
ton had been directed by the Secretary of
Foreicn Affairs to demand the protection of
t e Cadadlan frontier by President Grant, is
nt roc. On the coutrary,the Tlritish Minister•
n behalf of nix (I,efnment. is notixdcd Arlen
what the President i, dolog_tu suppress the
Fenian Invit.qion. 'nod hiss so expressed himself
to the (;overionent.
Capt. PoWell has asked. and the proper de
partment has einWrsed his request, that an ap
prOpriati". of ,112.000 be made to complete the
exploration of the Colorado river and tribe
terles. --•
•Joint Mretiair of Om 31onougaholo Wharf'
Committee and the Committee on Railroad..
The Monongahela Wharf arid Railroad Con
waters of Councils held a joint meeting yr.-
terday afternoon, nt the Directors' romn — of
the Monongahela bridge, to consider the ordi
nanee granting the Pittsburgh and Corinelbs
side Itaiiroael the priVilege 'of nreeting
Passenger Depot fronting on Sulithfield'street.
and track on the fonottrahoin wharf, refonasl
tan then, at - t be last meeting of Councils. The
ordinance wits considered favorably; but the
inrevise aCcoinpanylug it• giving the Pitts
batrgh, Charlestown and West Virginia Pall
road the privilege of occupying the buildings
of the COnnelliwille road If they desired it s by
paying half the costs. was referrer! back to
Cutundis with a negative recounmendations.
for the reason than Imre is 110 Kuch a road In ex
ist mice, um, tine privilege seas not asked.
The ( 2,„„ m i t , are expressed theinseirei favor
able to the propp=ed road. but considered
any act in uow prentat urn.
The building. IMP form and truck re to oe
copy spare nut exceeding aft' feet, anal will
be at least fourteen feet high on the tipper
side, supported by iron columns resting on
stone foundation,. The whdle will be made
safe and fire proof, and in not go Interfere with
the business of the wharf. eArringe drive
will be lett between the brid e and the end of
the track. the rompany to hit e the brie liege
of erecting a two-story hull Mg fronting on
this drive.
The oeu,,,ltteh•• toed tip_ ntantal rent tit
nea. for tett years, tan he paid semi-annually
t payment to he tnade nine months niter
the groud bat neon broken. After te ex-
piration often e veal, Couticli hare t hehprivi
lege of continuing grant tit the same rates
car :sad at thoir option.
'fhe rinohargb and elaTeland.Raliway—ln
re•ting Statiotie•.
At the meeting. of thelloard ut Apprateera
of the Clevehtud and rittalafrghllailrOad. hold
It cli.aelippl, W. Olt/Fell PITil•
dent. :old 11. C. Ellison. Auditor of 'stark
L ona; y. Syeretaryl Company CepanY waa repre
sented by the Tidy Preyddent and .kuditor.
who presented . written statements of inateri•
additional ad caali on hand. new atrueltirea and
rolling stock provided within the
payt view. et The /Piard decided to add ten
lokt ‘' s et. [o the ralna[iou of r" t l ‘ l l i t n al s v t aTi ' i k a t
is n. follows • '
• . .
Cuynhogu—Clevebtnd t 427.417
Elva Cle4 01.4401 $1.140u
Newburg . 1132.V1
ludependenre . 2.014
Redford . 1041,72L 1
11.01 ford ellinxe. . 22.311
t - 7a
1..343. 1t1.610
. .
Purl - •
dtattbt n.
Jett,. In
I It
Rolling stock
Oth, prorerty
. n r lT ' ; ‘ ~ ft u' .
110. main track.l..
tu :i
Reception of Gen. Meade
The fulfolving special order relative to the
reception of Gen. Geo. G. Mcade of the r. S.
Army. who 14 expecte.l to 'kit thin elly on
•Montlay ndst. b . a. been 1-sued by 7.‘l.o•"Geti•••‘•
P0.M.0:1. c.nntan,ltng the Vth
Tics VrAeoro, ,. .
• 1,...,1 tirmiu -
• liccm.rarasat. M.ny M6h.
Genet , ' iWder :so.l I. Mn.l. Gen. G.. (4.
Medd" C. S. A. Latin; algultled his Intention
IA being present at lb ceremonies of laying
the corner stout of 11 e Soldlers • Monument
en Monday. ItAy ilfett. 60,1 hosing. consented
to rector the troops of that Vomitn of the
rerliteentlt ItOoden N6tiounl Guards be
letrang to AlteglttnY Crain,. the following
named Colu,Atni. Art requested to appear In
fell notional. ea the day abort erattd. nt ten
rcloolt A. nod form on Ottool street.
ight resting on water str•ret. In the following
teler; Ist. :PI. :41 and Ith (..111131Mliel. Duquesne
.0 rays, under crammed of Capt. Liartil Craps
hell; Wranington Infantry. Month &rates
and ilttseurge Zoo., under tolerated of
Ca pt. T. A. Rowley.
A seta .ralicer will Indicate the pose lon of
the mei , . when the line has reached Seminary
Tllll. • Ity order. A. L. Prictso..
Mal. Gen. Corn •
medal: John McLanahan
The Fayette county Sunday SchoolTenchers
Institute held its anutialsesslon In Uniontown
Wednesday and Thursday of this week. It
u. one of the best ever held. and was very
largely attended. Among those is attendance
Ivory a. number of Molders end laymen from
Pfttslinrgh. The session...was oprned with n
sermon by the Rev. S. F. Seti,l. of Pittsburgh.
u -Christian "'Attention of Children, - followed
by an address on "The Ideal Sunday School,'
by the Rev. S. W. Horee, of Coo.
nclbrflie, and 'a
class drill hr the Rev.
S. C. Feria. of Pittsburgh. This occupied
Wednesday afternoon. Rev.Struln and Messrs.
.1. D. Carlisle and A. M. Marshall of Pitts-
'burgh delivowd addresses on Vrtfleals topics
In too evenim.. Rove, Mr. Scaled; Faris. and
Mr. It. Cooper. of Vlttstargh. with Mrs. M. A.
Eccles of l'hiontosyn, were the principal
sneshers Thursday morning and afternoon.
In the es ening a grand mans meeting of the
children was held, at which addressee were
meie by the llce. Messrs. Faris, Horner,'
Strain and McCasiln. An intcrestldg feature
of this gathering wee the attendance of the
child Wit ffolll thy t''Oldierti Orphans School,
who came in u tot'd! . . accompanied by their
' Institute was held In the Methodist
liac,val Church, Rev. A. R. Cestie, pastor.
ft stint st t e adrd by mprusontat lees from all
parts of • the comity. antdwas throughout an
exceedingly pleasant and prontrible enter.
111.ANCA.HTIC 11 . 9 StCVNI)'
Parrsuviron. )Iny tu,
Find- The total! of the Pittsburgh. Division
will assemble nt tlie4COstom Douse. by e:•.roo
t' clock A. Al., the. lth Inn;
Second. Headquarters will be est ablished . at
the turner of Arced and Water streets until
the prece.iou moven, where delegations can
report for instruction, •
Third. Stuff Hikers will be stationed on the'
Principal streets lending Into the city. who
will direct delegations •by
Division to
mova to the piece where the will he
ft:toted. ' •
Fourth. The Pittsburgh Division embrives
all territory bet wren the rivers, nod all dele
gations within this territory, no/farmed nod
untiolfonued. belong le it. and are rogdested
not expected to report for aesignment It,
nem. rem
Fifth. Tha Dille'. trill he formed' lo the
following order:
let. foinyor's Police.
2d. General Commandlog and Start.
ad. Donneenc Grays, Pittsburgh Zooaves,
Washington lufantrY, Ease Liberty Cadets,
Crystal Fount Section, N 0.51. O. C.D.T.
4th. German Torners' Union, German Noel
cal Societies.
tall. Select and Common Councils.
. -
Ith. Fire Department.
7th. lineh other delegetimin NS may report •
silt. Colored Brigade.
By °vier of
General ng.
MOUE on. Jn..
A. O. and On f of
The following is
National Turners
Ides al Turner II
o'clock S. W.
. Vorort --Spitzer.
Now York.—Coral
Illebanl Meinhart,
lel. IL Schneider.
St. Louis—Hugo
Boston—C. Knot' 0!, C. Lewlson.
Wlscousln—ltel nod Richter. Emil Waller.
Chlengo—Francl. Lamer, Edward Rummel,
State Secretary of 'tato of Illinois. John Oloy.
West New 1 ork -Mr. Bender, editor of Tfl.
graph, Max Boar the]. Wm. Laugbelm.
Pidladulphla—A too Volgt, Henry Heger.
New Jersey—Mr. Slelnnagen. C. Ehrlick.
Iludson- -M. Rapp.
Pittsburgh—Cart Ducifeld, F. Lehr, Wm.
Melggs, F. Keep, A.. Lambert, C. F. Bauer, C.
Conrad,T. Tolley ,John Froehlich, John Busch.
cklenburg. M. Orneser.
Kansas-11. Henry.
Minnesota—L. Maegele.
Mlssissippl—E. Clausen. E. Krell.
Central New York—F. Wachtel.
Jersey City--C. Steinmetz. C. Flier.
' New Orleans-8. Schmidt, B. Armbruster.
Michlgan—liermann Kuhn.
lint of delegate, to the
'onvention, which woole
n. on Motidy, at ten
lertz. N. Metzner.
d Kuhn. Choy. llnhl, Alex
Krieger , Fred. Gehrinc,
I.llen titecker, Anton [tau
. lee Cream—The ice cream sensmi has fairly
ripened. anti lovers ratite delicious article are
hating their tastes gratified. Among the
hest laces in the City for this purpose is the
popular.lndies' ;Ind gents' confectionery.
1 °angst's'', corner of Smithfield street and
Diamond alley. In addition to the attraction
of the best ice cream. cakes, and the delicate
ci rekros, this establishment Is provided with
sumptuous dining-room, where at any hour
of the day ladles and gentlemen Callappease
their appetites with the daintiest luxuries of
the senses. Ye hungry one's call at Young-
fholaing of a Tank
Last night, is few minutes before twelve
o'clock, an alarm of ftrewas sounded from
box 75. which was followed about fifteen min
utes later with a second alarm. The :engines
In the First and Second District responded.
when it was found that the alarm was occa
stoned by a fire at the small tar refinery of
Trunlck h Co., at the foot of Forty-eighth
street. The man head In one of the stills blew
out and the contents were at once on fire.
The tar refiner). Is surrounded by other large
oil works, which made the prospect or an on
tenelee conflagration more dangerous. Lo
cated about thirty feet off were two tanks con
taining about thirty thousand barrels of crude
oil. belonging to Fawcett, Logan S Stockdale.
The firemen labored faithfully. and succeeded
In cutting off an far ns possible all communi
cation between the fire and any other commis
tible. A serious confiagratiou it was thought
et. last accounts might be avoided.
2L20 r. >T.—The tar In the tank was still burn
ing. but the tlremeM had the tire under control
and it will likely result in nothing but the loss
of the tar. This will be small. No insurance.
United Bute, Circuit Court—Judge Weekndlesn.
INIDAY. May Z.—The first case taken up
was that of James R. smith vs. City of Pitts
burgh, action to recnrer Interest on city "gall
road bonds." Verdict for plaintiff In the sum
of 41.411.0,. paynble In gold..
Dlotrlet Coort —Judge Fllrkpatrlik
Fla OA T. May 2.—The cane of 'l , larshell vs.
Andel, aud Bell vs. same defendants.'
previously reported, heil not be. concluded
nob. Court adjourned.
Irom.unu Pleas—Jtidge Collirr.
FRIDAY, May 27.—The first case taken up
wax that of McMahon rt. al. vs. Rodgers
fa. eta Mechanics Isla. Verdict for plaintiff
in the aura of $87.50.
Montgomery vs. Moore te Chambers. Ac
tion to recover wages on A contract. Jury
!REA . ..IOII:N DOCOLA4. D. D, of this city, re
turned home froniCineinnati yesterday where
he had hem attending the General Assembly
of the Reformed Presbyterian church. Mx
able address in favor of the union of Presby
terian Studies was pronounced by the press of
that city as the finest, most gnified and con
clusive nrenmentAtive discourse of the ses
sion. .
• MR. DifilTON. of the ltiching'oopern troupe.
was assailed on Liberty street by an unknown
rowdy at no early hour yesterday morn,
log while on bin way to the. tome Depot.
The singer showed great` proficiency In the
manly art and bin annallaut. fled with a half
broken bead.
lion. A. !Ultima, formerly member • of Con
gress from Cambria rOuntv woo In the city
thin week. .
W. G. GATIMAITn. Esp.. will not be n can
dilate for ConirriniSional boson In Venango.
Jrthir. Jewry. of the Pan Handle railway,
was in the•rity yesterday.
Light, b,ret, 7iutritotto
Take one quart of flour, ono measure of
Banner Baking Powder, and one tea.
spoonful of salt: mix thorimghlv, and
sift then rub in oar. - tablespoonful cold
.4(ortening, and . mix in with a spoon two-
thirds of a pint of cold sweet milk, or
water., (milk is the best;) this makes a
dough too soft to . bosollod; turn it out on
your tray lid, well floured: press with
your hand to time th!sired thiclinses, cut in
shapes and Liao 'itt. once In a very quick
'oven. When mixed with milk you may
leave out, the shortening, if • you prefer
not to Inc it. If your oven is at ths pro
per heat, ten minutes will suffice to bake
t hem. •
. . .
Each can of the Banner Baking Powder
contains a small measure. to be used even
full. By bbying this powder you will al
ways get a perfectly pure article, and
will be enabled to take the enact. mantity,
wpch you cannot do were you to use a
.313, there being to many different
f 4,211.16
Prepared nalr by Jessie 11. Lippincot,
cotner of findibdeld street and Second
arcane, Pitistmigh.
frt. tr. LAM' FntEsue are Invltoi to call
nl,llO Market atrect, and •'try a Weed,"
:vainly,. In tlso mad - line market
.t in compare with it lava:vary. durability
DLSlGNn . firal cnimatcs fimnished at th
shortest notice for churcltee. public build
inga and private residences by Wm. :Tel
eon, N 0.23 Market street.
PEARL CO L WORKS.—Scltnabel &
ker hare on hand, and deliver daily Inane
rail of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, coal,
nut and' 'dark at the lowest cash
prices. Special rates •to.regulttr custom
ers and for large orders. This coal is the
beet offervd in the city. Office and vsol t
corner of Sandusky sirect and West Penn
+tallies& Allegheny city. rens
- STAINLI, (41. A equal in brilliancy of
valor or artistit taste In design to the pro
ductioes. of the old flusters. Wm. Nel
son. I , :n. 93 )Inrket street.
CHEM' ittotts, end goad interest on
uey ran be obtained by attending the
Is of thot , e choice Boirdin Lots to be
14 at Mclieepipqrt on Mon d ay. See ad
furnish to order side lights. akyligbta,
church, ball. boat aud•all kinds of orna•
mental window, ground, enameled and
flock glees. Jobbing of all kinds done
JNo.thut . ;Eirr & tic* Bell the Weed
aviving machit.e, and in their memo, 116
Marko :greet, will be found a variety of
styli. and price in thew incomparable ma
chinca. -
Gj SATISFAI7tION.—Wm. Nelson,
t 3 Morket street, maker it a pointto
render satiNfaction. lie warrants all ids
WM; Nelson, 241 Market street, In prepared•
to furidnit promptly orders for ornamental
or pinin glean.
lattutovem until theircetmes to be mom
or Improvement. all tvho see the Weed,
.r better still, all who use it pronounce it
perfret *tinily sowing machine.
NEtsoN, manufacturer of stained,
enameled nod embossed glass, 23 Market
street. The finest 'work .done in the
OLD. Estanmeingutt—Nelson's
glass scalping. establishment was founded
fonrteen years ago. Now located M
Market street.
Lead - drinker. but NVIMBI Chris. did
- smile," he always took Pier, Pannela &
Co's. cream ale. • • '
WELL KNows.—The fact that WEL
Nelson. 23 Market street, produces the
finest work to be been In the country. It
bears the closest ins Mon.
HAIM WORK.--Thie le the exelathatio.
of ell who exainlue Nelson's stained glass
It beers ecrutius. No. 23 Market street
t;paiyiWiflv2.fZi#lo=bo 6ll Whiliz
'Rig!lenad atreet near °mat.) NV, BMWs-
TO, Pc. SABBAT H 0W+111 , 31, Panor. ProUkaNt
EVERY at 10S W. =et 7 X P. R.
Public rurftlally thrited.
corner Beaver greet eud Bontgomery
nue, Allegheny City, JOSEPH Kle.O. Pastor
Preaching TO-310111 BM iLord'e Der at o}i
end c. h.
Scats entlrely free a oordlal Invitation to all.
Sunder . &boot et II m.
rata. Raab's! ntorninic_and_evening at 10.
d 7!4 o'clock. la EXCEIOR HALL. corner of
Lazo& ad }Wend streets. Allegheny. Reelect
for the annlng: ''Our duties as citizens of a as.
lion aced.'
Seats are free and ► cordial welcome to all.
CT;;;;; 311u5ONGAIIIIILA Ncui t tr y ) . ,
J_ LIC 'Wit the
Wales, Opened for Rnsiness on SATUFLOAY.Ms)
28. at 3 o'clock r. a.
meontin SAMUEL HARPER. President.
(Lilo of Fatzitromotts & Morro.)
( sactizssoyc TO ILE AN & ZETA
Jobbing uttended . pro.ISID
No. 112 Firßtvenue,
(Na.r M.rk" 9 "" rrrISEURGII. PA
• - ,
. •
nc........4...,..c.i..........-..... ' . '.r.--eii-11,---PL:
'.'"-."---.-•.*...... , , . ~.•-•"' ''' ,'...'Le,..4.7,,C..,.
VOL. LXXxv.---No. 129.
11. ADAMS,
67, 168, 169 and 170
Are npw prepared to ruirdeb VINEKAn
LOWEST MARKET RATES. Attention peril=
larli celled 1 ,, eur
Extra Wine Vinegar,
To (
The Act s undsed, Comssioners tippeinuid I
and hy an uf the litter,! Assembly of th.
Commonwealth efSylverlll. for the purpo •
of eontmedng with one or more persons for th •
r usticg of the indexes Lb the Deeds and Merl
ages in the office fertile Recording of Deeds.Ae.
In the Countl of Allegheny. hereby give ott
thst Sealed roomed. for She meting of told to
deo.. trill be recelved.nnill
:DNEsnAy„) FNE 2?, iBlO
The 'lndex Books will be furnished by the Com
tniefloners. but a I stationery necermey to be need
will be required to be turnished by the euntractors.
The contractor or contractors will he reinired to
give bond in the ov
ine autumn required by law to
ter given by the Decor-der of Deeds lentenY
•eoputy, awl with It' least two •unicureties,
which bond cited he conditional for the faithful
eel Orman., 0! the said work.
A specimen book, ..xhiblting the size of the loiter
hooks to be used. and the plan upon which raid in
dexes tire to be made, min be seen by applying to
hir. lIENTER. at the Recorder's office.
The Ctentulactunern reserro to thenicelres the
right to anperrlso the werk, and on thew/repletion
of the Indexing of inch volume uf the Deed or
Merigitge Boobs, to rescind the mmtrect if the
work dues pot moot their approbatkm.
Each bill will be required to c/Main the Olen
per page and the time within which the bidder will
undertake to complete the eenteeet. and will bo au.
eorupstaled with the names of thesumUes prop..a
to be Circe f..r the faithful performance of the
Each bidder mar hid for the whole wort, or for
tho making of the Indexes In the Deed Books or
ttormage Boot,. alone. - but It the contract for
muting the index.: to the Mortgage ROOM be
awarded to different NMI*, each will be cequired
to give security the same amount to he given hi
the Recorder of Deed,
ThO"COMMir.IOIIeTS elan repent to therrireivea
the right to reject or accept no bld'or bids we to
their judgment mur be most conducive to the Pub-
Ile interest,
The bider/111 be addressed ijinnigh the Peetothee
to the Coincoisslutiers. No. 8 GRANT STREET.
Pittsburgh. PS.
ft. F. I.CCAS,
U 11. lIVNTEIL. Coturul”luners
tiEo. SHIBA% Jr..
6 1-4 Cents,
Lineit NapkinB,
Linen .Vapkim.
i 51.50 DOZEN.
54.00 Pair.
Dress. Goods, Cloaks,. Shawls,
21 Fifth Avenue.
Blank Book Manuthelumrs
The tindersigned. Commissioners appuintod In
Cnd by an Act of the Genets! Amiably of the
ommonwealth Of lionnsylranla Approved the
Second day of April 1870. to contract withone
or mons persons for the maktu . of Indexes to the
Deeds and Mortgagee In the olbee for the nAlle fOtOrd.
Ina of Deeds, Ao.. tha Count. of
hereby giro notice In
that S bee ealed Prot...hi ror th r:
!risking of from
Forty to Fifty Blank Books
Sulliblo for index books to Ow:Wand wort-
Ewes aforesaid; wl/1 be remised oink
WEDNESDAY, JuneB, 1870
• A opeelmen book. shoving the dtmenslons and
method of preparing tho books neetultad. au be
saad er'n• by ealllog upon Itr.ErbTßlt. at thaltecor
s °Mee.
In ruling the mad kaiaks. the limes be seven
ntateanthe of ea Inch apart. and tha handing trlll
he required in he of the most kobstanttal than.
" lhe Cotoottssloaers .111 sward the cesttreet to
the bleder or bledere 'these bid or Me .111.1 ti
their Pe=Mot, be meet faeurable to the trablie
' The Ws .111 be addreeetel. thrangle_tbe Poet-
Me m to the Cotembotloners. No. eas GRANT
STREET. Plttebureh Pb.
R. F. trc.ks. •
THOS. 11. lICHTER, Costmettalonere.
F.O. Sill RAS. Jr..
'S. H. GEYER. • .
OFFICE: No. 889 Liberty Street,
Yellow Springs,Ohio'
*at he ready for tba ramtlon of rave., na
SATURDAY. Jana 11th. 1970. ..
AjOollcatlon. for Booms for the maga will b te.
mired on and after tba 40th of Ibis month.
Watches ! Watches
Great reduction in price of LADIES' ICAI+CI OI3
and CHAINS. A lance assortment on bu."
101 Fifth .Avenue
A3muic,o, w•rcuca of ell Meet le (Melted
ht the lowest otiose. • otrZ
74 nrra Aviarg.
A ropy is tarnished anduttously to the eetter-.p
t s Club of W. Postmasters arm requoateel toed
MIMI, Address,
PIaNNIMAN, Ram .1.!co.;
:3 — NOTICES--"ToZet," "Fisr Slots,"
"Lost," -IVonts," "Found," "Boarding,"
&c., not e.rceedinry , FO URf LINES, %rat b.
inserted in them column. blue for Trim
?' T. 1 ,1 V E CENTS; rash additional . lino
good SE WEBS and
31oWRIMMitgtirelug.. Xis. kW.
.ANTE.IkANTED.--.11. Sltnatloo as Book ,
KEEPER or CLERK, r, rpoomir .
lishment votorrerl. Kaustrotory
Adißeu Box PRubuslit P. O.
W Ao2se It 4— 40 0 USE , ! . i.F.EFEIL.
hou anti do generalbousenrori ni gnol
Werepcbt x1%11111 . 04 and Wen.' *dame K. a
orris °Mee. name. aggress and ragennee.
HELPERS. None but steatty, sober asit
good Address I. DAWSON
.rtatood.t. Bedford. 011
WINTED.:--Eccrybody to' call at
184 LIBERTY STREET, and eamsami
1"" ...0;.1sou
. T1703110* K. PXT7T.
MU, flood ndl .SkltMSe
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Lou .:
Z;fir.r.V.ltTrtnfr en ' thAll """ ',
Itael state Aimed,
Gnat otareli. • :
UTANTED.-25 BOILERS at 80.76
per ton: nb race Yea top)' . Several 1/1111d
west tam K. garden . lng, AA. Several GIAUS
Sr. ...Antoci to do ouo/d E. - byr tvert /A I M!
And Apply at laddr IrAIWIT 0
No. I :Myth street.
LOST.—On Wednesday eTenizi
gentleman'. moTtn c
. wo Card aft. can •
mall non of money. L.Wd and Roane men
of rata to the owner. Aar one IS Is
come to the money and will cantor • ft by and.
Inc tbe rant tree and paper,. all NO.II Olomood
*Nat. lattabargh.
NIPITED orVP.ll7ll)llaMni, - Snubs at
FIRST AVMS tThr. Pittsburgh. Pa. .5.11
.-A welLlinished of 6
month. Rnqutro of MAULER URNSO.L. oat.'
ner Alleglatenuestad WARN= lit •41.
LET—With Boarding a pleasant
T O-LET—With FRONT ROOMoOttan 4.11 1111144 . 41.140 r
voo1:14:4. AtlOrc44 GAZSITI
NLEFPING ROOMS. No. 43 Basaeos stmt.
peer the I.are
cetlenten weehl A r'"d
Ara. of £
ewe,. _ dunce tee
Teelteny. ffCTUXIEMV"" I°V.
rederej •
YE/W.—TIER OF OFFICER on Want, new
Caul. Home. Apply to 2114. M. wertont.
The eubsoriber utters fur rout that deeltsbleprop
rty known ae the
81tujited et the foot of Crag street. Althildssul
Clty. a etthrt dlstaneebelow the Suspenstentorldres.
The lot on the eat side of Cndg streettsloo fat
0110 Or stout 410 tout there or Ws. The let MI
the lweet sldi of the street is 110 feet wirtek,
about 400 feet, morn or - Jose—both running tohser
water line: berths non of the bast and whet her
lon on the firer. The ideal:dans 00,.1000110
' presents her any bind of manufsdarlaryptireheee
are. so well known WS IA render any further 010011.
Dun unneeenstry. Lens lasam will to slio4looo
‘llbl+ r.'" ' .. • • '
:FOR SALE--i 49 beantifial...7a
. lots near the rento . :Mr ei =n.
lota env gelling very them
and balance In font en aIinIMIIINC 7 AILM
[helot of June the price will be avi
examine plans at the ofece of T. , .1..nn0
wavier Penn aid M3d street. or 8.8. Attar:
uey at Law. 7 Omit street.
A frame dwe ling Containing 4 ratans. situate on
44th Wein. lot' 44 hy 100 feet. This to a vary
handsome pleoe of property and will make • glow
SlLLhome for any one of moderate mimes.
SI T. K.
LL It 80N.
A net V.italite hon. e0n...4 4
a t and•
kitchen situate on Main street. near tbeh,tieseete
tlaretletegteed7geeVirdhenP ajr.
soon. T. K. ttILL. 8001. .
desiring to purchase houses and lota ad
vautievenesty. dit.well to Cell plop eland exam
toe our Ust. We base OrdPerLY 3 vd , .t• t Ad SC=
•111 prove acceptable to alt Inquirers, & x i...
count of mum .d. ertu4vlCov. T. 8 .
tittS. onmer Penn end 334 a.m..
FOR SALE.—En of Foliar, Horse
power in rune!. er. Weal low. Api•
Pi/ to W. I% PRICE. ' • Ohio stroat.Alleeh ••• .
Do sold at a low prim. Apply as
doing'• rood tmlnegs, ikad good lotatkm. ♦d-
FOB SAlL—Engines and Rollers',
New .4 13•c0n4 Mad. of al colestbatly
Orders from all parte of the coonis7 PeredlMlS se.
tended to. , . _ .
. •
Corner Merlon Aranra and P. rt. W. IC. 1/1. ag.,
euesemmr. Pa
TAMS 240 ACHES. one bentlied
area ender centrally% balance mood%
ment-11 dwelling% very lera barn end
end abeep houses. orchard end !well wat.
pall arakerVi=beg i r . VAN
agl=lll4l In trait nnZt.:=
near tO Mat tary. canna pig
°"ed =n.. 3°2114 Ponsin Ave.
FOR CITY PROP/att.—A gar 0107=
IDISISCR. coutatolog
..... %res with 3
thereon: one, ••Rue. oomf and souveulese
house; good water. sad one of the ton
Posters to West.. Pennaylosola It •re 1
cake from the dty. on the watery
Hoed. el: of a tulle Mot Stewart% mum.
Itallroad. Also...oral good Fur= to Fool
Row aud houses for tele. Require
melt No. 110 Great PL. swam. Casheasso.
FOR BALE—In good locatlos Da GIR sfesit,. m.
Withcorner of FUltoo sums, a lam
Mame with side weasel. on Oar:: al"'
1211 1 10 somas. bath room sad orals:. gas sad In=
=tares. shade trees. tonstolpobro
0.811 loss of ground. each 24
_try pse.
Also, a Bildt Stable sod Lob 60 1
west slde of CIIII street. Easy of &owes y
cars. Solesthld stew of Us cities, 14,84
surrounding MU. gfET
mi23' S.
The Safe Depositeo.
Is me pre pared to sot la d t= c rdeZia .
malty. es Executor, A
Trustee, tem or Come=,ss , dlsr i adrah
Ma. sad ues Get Mrs sd
nidpatity Carpmetka. m ream& Mee .4
" ArEsioß RENT w A i la t nl i tn a gil
. T . kto. name
D 0 6RP „ 4,me. 115817 RANCE POW
larrneretret mder glitriMllo.64l4
Otralks. PLATS sad JIM.
:1114412.ritr0 rs= 4. ww .dt SislA
, a ,,,, s ' swudr pts 9 e: oe D p laVirentlior see
D petrf ComPIM7.
Bakery ; Confectionery f
The undersigned ass estabdettel the ste
nags M very nonTIMIMit 00M1M1.
WESTERN AVENTZ. Alloirbmay, 00,6-1.4 r
Irma the Perk. where he is pre=%
I l Ord e n .v• ll i ti .
op for the condemn of lee cram. elm dad*
Tort ed os=t . lZZLlZZl L . IBlLUMbett i t
m .:r59
14 TM Airstsc
stmt. [Or salt hi
tome two-bone aurtaii. 147 good mat,.