El .::` ES THE DAILY . GAZ TTE, HOME NEW rot 9ale--A Ll:od paying route on Mir parer. Apply at. GatITTE collating rot.. perwual. 7'. 14, Hamilton. is lying Ilanterously 11l with fever nt An reenlenee near East Liberty. The can ha., commenced to run on the In clined plane. hut the formal opening will CM take place until It has been =flounced a few more times: Pittsburgh It tr. be favored Art* the cele brated Reny S Lcores Minstrels. Johnny Hart, Plttsburrit'a favorite, is along with them. Look out for fun. Mourner Oproluu.—.l. It. Wurbor. f u Fourth avenue, corner of M irket ste , et..will open an sesorttnent of hat. nod Donner. in hie retail deportment, Ent urdny, 2 . - Mary Nickel mild a visit to Elizabeth Shutt er yesterday In Girt Birmingham; they met n Wends and parted atenemies. It was al about there. Justice Conrad held Mary t ball for trial for !disorderly conduct. Jacob Thicken was allow ea to pay the cog • la a disorderly conduct case before Justin Conrad yesterday tor geniug all a rampage' I, Bra saloon iughamof Christopher Sendort in I,, i`t Birm. • Chlhhee.—Phillp John Buy, he ie. knocked down letth e. club on Noun,. WeehinKton, wedneeday nicht; end kicked—ull by William Dietrich. Justice noire! Wm been relied . in CO settle the ease. An Alerm.—About Neeea o'cloCk Yeeteren3 Morning there wes RU alarm of Ire from tam corner of Loren and Tranklin streets .rhtch was resfe.soded to by the fire ,depart Meal Procuptly. The cause of the germ at - e a chimney on are in this vicinity—, • Christopher Meader and his landiad, Mrs 'Veltman. residing' to the Third ward, Alto-. ShatiP, IrW a quarrel yesterday. in regard to the rent. width resulted In Mrs. V.'s appear ance before Alderman Bolster for disorderly Magnet. The ease Was amicably arranged. linr•Sg:—.lllstiee Conradwai called on yes terday Ch to settle a case wherein It aPPeer datnag o, • Crai had threatened to Christopher Send g orf. all of which occurred I a saloon In Allentown borough. The roses trate settled It by esieSsing the cost.. Char • • What's ha a Ndaw.-1 - esterday Era& Chette - was before Justlca Conrad. of Lower St. Mal towohlp, for &Wog to a dlsorderli manna Wont John Bloaomlnaki. The man with th • =abridged name wne compelled to pay th eons of the salt. Ile falltal to mean out case. . Metal Meettnea.—The Railroad Committee will meet to-day M three o'clocl', and the Saner Saturday afternoon or three o'clock. The Mot:mambola Vaarf Committee will m@eae•t thin afternoon, at three o'clock, at Nourae.k. Bro.'s. corner Water and Smlthheld • tar Cream at the Park.—Vialtors at the Al legheny Park during the warm weather will flattery nice rooms, excellent cream. cakes and confectionery', prompt attendaooe and nawmable charges, at Rhodes' new rooms, No. = Warrant arenue, only half a block from the Park. Open antll Il P. It. OseDellee.--Jturtle• Helsel yoterdag issued a warrant for the arrest of John Kaiser. iit o irstrie .t itnggne dollar t f h T t in t flenu . *drover. the owner of o cattle about wren miles from the city. The deponent sweat: but could not tee the cattle when be got there; neither woo bit money to sight. The Iron floideposited in the corner atone of the German Masonic Gall of Allegheny. laid yesterday was very peculiar In Its char acter being-made of enameled Iron and bear ing the Inaerlption in enameled letters which never can fade. I: was the gift of Air. llartie and manufactured at the enameling foundry of which he la one of the .proprietora. The wreaths and festoon work In green were also worthy malsabial notice haying be e n mad. un der the direction of Secretor,' Tr.glem by the :ladles of Allegheny. , Oesatzei.—lloyal La Touch. recently from Efersislrorg. accompanied be a lady end a lit tie child, Was arrested at the Union Depot yesterday morning. about half-pert one oclock. on a oharge of larceny.. It appeara that the, woman was a dressmaker and had been entrusted with a silk dress to repair by &lady in Harrisburg, which she neglected to fotuen. AZ officer was croected. to antra from Harrisburg for the Prisoners et ten o'clock lut evening. —Tao officers came this morning at one . o'clock. They will go back with their pris oners to-day. • Turners' National Conventlon. Next Monday the National Conventlon of•• fa erfout Tamers will assemble in this city In Turner Hall. The Conventions are held every tiro yearn and attract representatives from pray State In the talon. They partake of a political character, end this one will consider matters pertaining to this basil:Midi:of interest to all who take any part in the rmlitice of the country. The revision of the platform, which fa of the most radical charscier,• will be the maln anblect for conskivration. Among delegates will be Hon. Edward RurnaCtill, Sec- Jittery of State of Illinois. Preparatlops IWeirt=ggt tl the v i t ors man will bare no reason to-complain of the bospit aid y of rittsbultiti Henna., • CM= • The warriors hereabouts who raloice to the "Wearing of the Green" manifested alight nativity yesterday. but the enthnslasta is Stridently declining. A squad numbering about thirty left to the early morning train. under fo o n m t. m " a Th ore H w e s d con f ide D a o le m taalrk foor others to go. but at. last' accounts they were Mill at home. It is said that the leaders of the movement in the city are preparing for a grand sue meeting to be held Saturday evening, probably to Lafayette Rail, for the wrpose of in:4CW( new life mid inspiration Into the cause. It. would bear considerable Waging of a practical kind. - All eves com paratively quiet last night. licooplars Hall Dedication Last night a new Tempters Hall was dedi cated is allegiteny; It !iterated le the build- Lee MS We/eh= 1 u ton aril street. The hall is in the third story, and Preterits a Teri neat. cosy end, attractive le- Odor: - The COOT has been handsomely car peted. the woodwork grained. "Militant chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, and La satire nee . seta( furniture, for onleers and elesebers.procured. railer the gun light it redacts iceman a: any Mil In the city. and credit upon the taste es well nu the generoslte of the Templar& l o t is to andd eschisively by temperance scietiesis previdedwith all the paraphernalia of the different Ordenn. In the rear are two ante - rooms !gm:abed la keeping with the male an partment. Altogether the Templars should be Idled with their new quarter. The dedicatory exercises were conducted In accordance' with the regular form and at tracted& large tedienioofladies and gentle men laterested in the temperance cause.' == Tit Omni HOC= was thronged last night' ebb one of the largest and most brilliant tisi . Aloof of the season. It was the occasion of 'Sheenier:ltalian of Norma, one of the most jiliallng and charming of operas. Placed on the stags with One scenic appointments Bpd , Oted by the very superior artists of the English Opera Company, the beauti. composition was produced In unusually style. In pleasant competition for put.. he favor Mrs. Bernard as - Norma." and Mil.. Emma Hews= as:ltidnizisa, - appeared, and their vocalizations charmed and entranced the audience. The chorus was ably con ducted, and altogether the company appeared tol4ecided advantage. Thin iit day evening _on the occasion of the =lt benefit of Mrs. Caroline Ridden. . will be presented for the first time in thil city the English translation of Meyer. beerb grand historical opera of "The Huge- Sots." with a strong cast. To-morrow a Mat inee -will 'be held, and In. the evening the season will close with the delightfa operant '. "Magitata." . TUC PniEgs-liass. and Caroline Richings. Bernard Opera companies have Jot effected a . flOosolldatlon. hereafter therewill be but one English Opera troupe Us the country, boded by Mrs. Bernard. as Carepa.hnea pro rear gift t t o j ' Co r usuildatl y ers on hal f b= li e c fffe i t l ,- 1 or but hale encouragement could be af. 'lorded either company of true artists when brogh pet t Into comition with each other for Wale favor. . . THE COURTS VOW Sews {;cart e lOva McCandle“ and =!I TECIIManT, May the cue of Stitt re'. Mtaldatooper, prarlonaly reported, the Gory Inland for the plaintiff to the one of 117400. Tbi next Case taken up WWI 'that of Menus Ft. The City of Pittsburgh—two eases. This was etton to recover Interest on certain b on d. bold by plaintiff. Verdict for plaintiff. Diatries Ceort—Jadge !Kirkpatrick. Tgrysimy, May 20.—The eases of Marshall ' as, Jancireten. & Craig, and Bell og. same de fendants warp remand and to still on Vital. • • 11,1ki. uor roll gnroar. • 11. Milearoodh Blaekstock vs. ilerabauser. M. Walter vs. Kelly. M. Collins Ta. Knox. M. Orrn. McFadden. Jr. I& Carpenter Ir. Barrows vs. Berger a; Co. • ' 44. efallarrs. Porter. OIL Powelor me. TS. Feruo n Oro. .1a ay Te . Carr. of'PlttoburSh Ts.kerr,l:e3.lam vi. Cluler. Oniumori Pleas—Jodie Collier. • TineDAT. May is.—The tint dais taken up • wie that of W. C. Shaffer vs. The Whitestown 0:41 Company. Action on a eontract for weal.. Verdict for plelstill in the' sum of . ti,.T.Stelaht sr& The Sohool District of Plum 4172 W. Action to recover bounty. Jury ll ra. and non snit entered. _--- art , Kelly 're. J. H. Dierker. Sil. Fa. Stir , tea lien. Nen:Ml.lot plaintiff to the . • The &remnant list to tide Court will he _tasting before a full bench Tuesday of nest week. Jurors esnoanneUed for - the coming week will not be required before Monday. June eth• rata& LIST TOR TIUDAT. VI Teensy vs. Duff A Ewing. • 077 Xedelland vs. Rangers, Jr. ' . 801 ignsith Guardian vs. Jacobs. bit.:,,,, ; . r ..., : 5 t . hloo r j .d etC; . l . l , esuben. IW L' arrins e l k C0 . . &1 vv 47 . He i r n h )fa st. 1n4.1" Co. Allegheny Co. vs. Walker. plohads ve. iichweb. GS Dunn Vs.B.lel. UNITED PRF.SBYTEDIAN tlecond Day of the Asormobly—Rleelloo of Mod. orator -Itopors• Received and Dl.ausaed— ppolatrnent of CoosralOteerr-Tbe !Madan . ary 'Work sIiCONI) SESSION 'the Assembly met ett nine o'clock M. yes terday and wits opened with prayer by the Moderator. Bev. Jninc, Brown„ 'LIST Or DEI ATEM. Thr roll of memberi sena then called by the stnted Clerk, 'Lev. Dr. Cooper, *lien the, fp! lowing delegntes an FOV Pied ; Albonu PreAbpteni—Mlnbaer: H. 1.-McAdoo) Elder: H. !logo. Aroyle-Ministers: W. E. Henning. J. M. .%n - . drew, J. B. Cloonan., Elders: Archibald Lenchrum, John Shlland:W. C. Barthel. Allegheny —MinlittersrJ. C. Wiloon. J. 11. Timmons. A. Wnlsee. .r. El den:: John Ross, G. G an. l ItoblnAson.Mst t hew Is em neely.'Josephs.7. Wilson. GIO Sprina—Mlnisers:themMcG 11. F. M Burney. Elders: lion. Jas. :son. • Jacob Grove.. Blooming , n .—Mlrsters: J. C. Trues . dnle. T. Y, Prom Hoot: Tool. : J. M. Ma unough, Rota. MorraY. B.Mno- Mlsters Joshns It. Kyle. G. M. Clark. 8 11.-Ko i be rt l son. tt lohn Iliown. Elders: IC Reed, Wm. IL rtlr3, Joseph Brown. Cdotionto-Mlnlsters : John Edgar. 11. It. GlnOloo. Elder, C. Van PaGen, John W. Walker. nab.. Mister G in don. Elder Alex. Johnson. Chartiers—Ministers : J. T. Brownlee, J. It. .lohmon. EJders John Templeton. Wan. An C drew Bevehkaeo—Minridge ster: S. F. Clark. Elder Chilltrothr—Minister: John Gilmore. Ei der: Joseph MeCreight. Ch-r•70041-51InIster: J. W. Conn. Elder: W. 11. Kennedy. Omenintioh—Mluisters .• D. 31. Thorne. A. B. Struthers, D. M. McCielland.l •Elolers .1. R. Smith. Robert MeCreare•J• M. Girlie. Delanwre.—Minletem D. S. McHenry. N. K. Crone. Elders: John W. Smith. Wm. Elliott. Des Rearms—allnisters: Richard. Turnbull. D.P. Roamer. wm.,thilbralth. Elders: A. A. Itantsy, M. 11.. ElloS Hunter. W. 11. ti r sham. Drindt—Min Letliraut n: T. S. Itracken, D. M. Andrrson. Jas. Mc- Kibben. . - 4••rnakfort---Minister. J. L. Purdy: Elder. W. WithersPooe• (MownMinisters:Er skine. Elders: A. N.,li mina. David Martin. fudioria —Minister : T. P. Dysart. Elder: Samuel Green. Honsas—Ministers: J. C. Herron. Jo.. Mc- Kelvey. Elders: Isaac Walker, J. T. Larkin,. KoJettk—Ministeru J. F. Graham, J. M. Henderson. James Brown, D. 1): Elders: It. B. Glasgow, S. H. Palmer. W. Wllkin. Lake—Mintsters: Jos. H. Presley. Wm. It. Stewart. Elden: J. J. Christie, John C. Ray • Clalr(—Mlntster. James Setubal. Elder: J. It. Mitchell.• Mamodeld—klinisters: It. H. Pollock,-S: )1. Coon. -Elders: J. H. Downing.. David Stitson. Mrvorr—Ministers: W.A. ?Iceland. S. Alex ander, Cyrus Cummings. Elders: lilac Mc- Forland..l. hlcLoury. T M. Best. Michfoan—Mhilster: John Anderson. Elder: David Wylie. Minncsota—liinister. J. S. Whitt, Elder: W. Wilson. ' Monmouth—Ministers •. A. M. Black. MD., J. A. Edie, John Scott. 13.13„ James McArthur, J. IL Dior, D.D. Elders: David Turnbull, It. Campbell. Alex. Spear, Samuel Graham, Math. MeLaughree. Monongahela—Mlnlsters: James Grier, 13.1).. J. D, Turner. H. C. McFarland. Elders: James Reed. N. Ballantine, Et. J. McGowan. • Minkingurn.—Mlnistera: H. Forsyth. David Paul, S. M. Hutchinson. Elders: Samuel Lee. A. Armstrong. Echoed Bell. Nehrodso.—Minlster. D. C. Wilson. Elder: B. C. Murphy. First New Birk.—Ministers: James Thomp son. Robt. Armstrong.. Eiders: Isaac McGay. Robt. Harper. II • Santo Sew rork.—.Ministers: M. L. Ross, 11. . Blair. Elders: James B. Roy, J. S. Dale. First Ohio.—Ministers: Marcus Ormond, Joseph Mclieton. Elders: T. C. Reed. W. McCreary. Presbytery of Oregon.—Minister: T. S. Kendal. Philoddohia--Enisters: William Bruce. W. C. Jackson. W. S. Owens. Elders: W. M. Mc- Knight. W. Getty; Buchanan. • J.rolotton.-31(nigter: James Nicene. /loch Nand.—Nlinisters: .1. W. Cloicuy, S. 11. Weed. Elders:David Milllgan.D. S. Carnahan. Sidney.—Ministers: J.A. Railer. J. IL Brown. Elders: D. K. Gillespie. Thom.; Cook. Stereo.—Minister: Alex. Smith. Eider: Duncan 1. - Xguson. Stabestriee--Ministers: .7. M. JamLson. T. .1. Kennedy. Elders: D. Harr,. A. Simpson. 1 • St. Lawrence.—Minister: John Harper. St. Lary—Ministers: Thomas Brown. N. N. Matting. Elders: John Russell. A. M. Alln. Ttntioasre—Minitter. A. B. Coleman. Feratont—Minister: John Service. Elder: Robert Buten. .Weshosh—klinister: Thomas 'Mercer. Elder. 'David McEirath. IFestocorrlond—Ministers: J. S. Easton D. 11. D.ll. Pollodk. Elders: James H. Campbell. I David Shaw. ' lirl b' gr h lre; M . in tagt• lL T?i 3,c ve ' Ne ' r "' Robert I Paxton. I Irrstern I:oiton—Minlaters: W. C. William- I son. W. P. Currie.' Elders: George Cain. 3..1.. Kltittent. Hering Illevr—Mlnister James Ingle. Elder: Wm. Campbell. Wiscontan—Ministers: It.. 0. Wallace, J. If. NIII:ock. • riders: James 'Menzies, W. Camp ell. • Senfo—lNlMMers: W. Parser. W. A. Robb. W. A. Campbell. Elders: J. 11. Carruth ers, Wm. Anderson. James Brian.. Themlautes of the preceding . Seaden were read and approved. • Her. A. G 'Wallace wattappoluted second or serat_. Min Moderatecr . Ttian l T , siltierritattre tine .business he e election of u Mod erator for the ensuing year. Int-ECEION OF RODIERATOR. On motion ' was resolved to go into 00 election, and the Moderator announced that the Assembly was ready to receive tontine dons. • • Rev. T. S. Kendall, of Oregon, 'Rev. James Brown. of Keokuk. Dawn, and ReT. William Bruce. D. D.. of Baltimore. were placed in umninat Dr. Bruce declined the honer and requested the members not to vote (or him. A vote was then taketn. which resulted in the election of Iter. Mr. Kendall. Dr. Brown announced Ithe result and re turned his thanks to the humbly for having selected him at the previOus meetlig to Pre side over their deliberations. after which he Introduced the Moderator elect. ' REV. T. EL IELEDAL. , Mr. Kendall on taking the chair. said: Breth ren of this Assembly. It would be unhurt to oat. fentiogn not to enemas to you my unhu rt of your kindness is placing me let this position- This is the hLrben court of our hurch. and to be called upon to preside over its deliberations is an honor or which more pretentious and more able men than myself might well be proud. I feel, however. in ac cepting the position thus kindly tendered. that I am 'mowing a resPoesibilitY I an: I scarcely competent tabear without your aid and co-operation. My position in life has been unfavorable for becoming acquainted and fa miliar with the rules which Rover. bodies of this character. At as early age In life. and shortly after I entered. Into the ministry - , I was called la the frontiers of the southwest. where evil prevailed to a great extent and raged in ou conflict:with truth and all that was good a nd from there 1. wan-called to the extreme western frontier, 'midst the savages. so that I have- had but little opportunity for fitting myself for the position you have placed mein. will. with your aid, however, dls charge ethe duties of my office to the best of my ability. lie then urged upon the members 'the Propriety of conducting the proceedings in harmony. after, which he closed his re narks. I= , Dr. Drown moved - that the Assembly now proceed to arrange tho hours of rneetiog nod ad journing. Adopted. Dr. Browo moved that the Assembly bold two sessions each day. so follows: From 9 o'clock to 12 v.. ati from 2to P. u. After some discussion. t e motion was adopted. A motion was m eto adjourn, but. at the request of A. G. Wallace, It was withdrawn. In order that he might read the credentials of Iles. Thomas McPherson. delegate from tbe Brood of the Canada Presbyt .atan Church. The credentials were read mid accepted. OOLNITTEi OY 11CLE11,:CM. Dr. Brown stated that the Committee On Ruler and Regulations had submitted a report. and that Rule 18 In said report, which referred to the appointment of committees, contem plated come change In the committees. and bo moved that it be adopted for the government of the Assembly in that matter, in order that the Moderator might have time to appoint the committees... The The motion War adopted. • Rev. Dr. _Beveridge thought that It would be necessary to proceed further with the report. es Rule 19 had Immediate connectlon with the one just adop p ted, and the Moderator could not proceed to It or some other guidea had poiutcommittees been adopted,.until It defined the number of own of which each committee should consist. He, therefore,mored that it be adopted. A motion was made to amend and adopt all the rates between 19 end N. Inclusive. ?ending the motion. the question was raised as to what proportion of eldere should be on the several committees, and considerable ills ounion ensued. It waa he resolved that the matter be left to the discretion of the Moderator. A motion war then made to lay the matter under consideration on the table. Rev. Mr. Smith moved to &diction. Lost. The queston then curring oti the motion to lay on the table, It o was adopted. The motion to adjourn was then renewed end carried, after which the Assenably wets dismissed with prayer by Rey. Dr. Beveridge. - - TNVITATION TO DINNER. Rev. Dr. Brown announced that dinner bad been prepared in Mozart Hall for all who de sired to oval( themselves of the ingitation.and requested that all who contemplated dining with the committee would meet lathe church at ten minutes past twelve o'clock, from whence the w i t hin be conducted to the bail. which was one minute's walk. AFTERNOON IMIRION. Assembly convened at two o'clock and was opened with prayer by Rev Dr. Willis. F'rein dent of Knox College. • The minutes of the preceding meeting worn reed and approved. CITASIMING COMMITIZI.B. The Moderator stated that he bad nominated the Standing Committees for the ensuing year and would submit thorn to the Assembly for approval. Following are the Committees: Dills and °restores—James Brown, D. D., Joseph U. Premly, James Thompson. A. B. Coleman. Thomas Sweeny, Wm. and Samuel Lee. Judioal Committer -John Scott , A. G. Wal lace. D. D., Thos. Brown, James Greer. lion. J. B. Downing, . .David Shaw, and Andrew Beveridge. Nrrater: and State of Reltgioa.--Wm. Bruce. John Anderson Marcus Armond. Wm. M. Mc- Knigt,aushes. Leonia 3flestont.--V.-5. McHenry. Red. Assn etrong.l3. C.; Wilson. DaviS Rumbull; D. H. Gillespie. Pot - v. dLing „Bent 7: _S. Dale. FradThen'm Mittform.—.l. mons,./. H. Timmons, it Remedy. Edwation.—J. R. Dolg. .1. A. Dailey, S. IL Clark. J. W. Walker. James Campbell. Pubiteentem.—J. M. Henderson, L. M. Coon. W. C. Williamson. C. VatiPatten. John Ewer. Churth Retenston.—D. F. Donner. Richard Dante:tit, B. C. Cooper, Hiram Anderson. Palmer. ,Sablmth Schools.“-J. d Johnson, H. D. Nto- - • Adams, T. J. Kennedy, Samuel Graham. 1f tn. Getty. Pintinet.—Wm.Getty,Hon..lame, Ferguson. Alex. Speen, U.S. Carnahan. Istow McGaY• 14.liotIn..—Wm. S. ()webs.C. Truesnale, A.W. Clark. Joseph 11107reight. J. C. Heed. Correapondenet.—.l. Niblock. Jo., flitrht A. Y. Houston, J. 11. McCullough, W. C.,:tat ford. Httrotiondl,.-- 3. D. Turner. J. t'• Purdy. William Wit herspoon. N. Balliod . Mehanl. J. Herron. J. 1.. Width, liotac MiFarland. David tqloo,p. The nomination., were cotirtnetl as re:MI hly The Modendor announced that the Ato•etn -I.IOW ready to receive papers ,whiet, 'tiutred reference to cotronitteea. The credelant of Her. Mr. McPherson. delegate front he s ynod of the Canada Preo byteria Chu rch WAN taken up nod referred to the committee on correspondence. The itetltinric of the Trustees of the San • e rection . P. Church asking ...niece in the rof rhuteh banding . was read bp the clerk. Refereed to the committee 1.11 church extension In Cortihnctiou with the committee nn.finances. • Itr.Ql . lllT 111,1E1t.. 11ev. J. M. Anderson. Moderator of the As sociate Synod,askeit that the members of that body be allowed to retire until three o'clock. as they had some important business to transact. , • Rev. Mr. Blair objected to 'thegranting of the privilege. It would be breaking in upon the business and time of the Assembly. and wan equal to an adjournment: Several other members made the sane oh ject lon to granting the request. Mr. Blair again gained the doornail noted that as there WWI a majoritv of the members the A si,mbly present who were not mem bers of the Associate Synod, It Won simply making them to adjourn. Jainghter.) A vote was then taken. when' the request was denied, the vote standing al, yeas nod 541 nays E=M3=El _ . . . . . Hee. Dr. Willis. President of Knox College. and a member of the Omuta Presbyterian Church. and Her. Dr. Presort, of the Mienis gippri Synod. were introduced to the Asset's. bly and invited to Rents as corresponding members. A reconsideration of the vote in.7elation to the request of the Associate Scnott wax nioVell and the riniteSt again denied by a decided vote. iteporto from Presbyteries wore thin taken up, an a number presented which were re ferred to the appropriate Committees. Her. Mr. Henderson then anßedtho - members of the Associate Synod who were not members of the General Assembly to retire, and if a quorum.was present to organize. This was necessitated by the refasal te allow the others to withdraw. Reports from the Boards•being in order. The {ter. Wm. J. Heldpresented the: report of the Hoard of Home Masker+. IfhttdiShed in foil in yesterday's Geku. - rnt.l The report less received and referred to the Committee on Home 31iesions. . •- • . Rev. Dr. J. R. Dales then Present , . the re port of the Board of Foreign Missions. The paper refers at first to the fact that Mr. John Alexander -coo unable to meet with them during the year; that Rev. J. M. Hutchison had resigned, and Mr. Samuel C. Huey elected to 9.11 the vacancy; the terms of Rev. IV. C. Johnson and Messrs. Wm. Oett3 - and Thomas !Allison expired at the last meeting. The Association begnn with au appropria tion of rum, $1,997 55 of which was in the treasury. During the year'Ci3.B4s It were re ceived from all sources. an Increase of glto.lo over the former years. The expenditures were $S.t.tU M, leaving a balance in the treas ury of 15= 91. Daring the year 93.847 Ed were, realised front bequests and legacies, indicat ing a 'disposition on the part of the people to remember the work In making their wills. Of the changes its the missionary toilers the report speaks of the death of Miss Sarah Hart, Precept ress of the girls' school, Cairo Egypt. on the 27th of June. Rev. Ebenezer Currien, In Egypt. died October 18th. The report speaks In the -most eulogistic manne of the character and irorks of these faithful laborers. VIE cni.d.Non9. Among the changes noted were the resigns• tions of Elev. li. 11.. Pinkerton and Iter. Mr. McKelvey.:tea recruits had. however. been received, which filled up the force and en abled the Board to entry on the work withont nagging. Of these were Miss Martha .1. Mc- Kown, - who returned to Egypt: Miss Eliza F. Wharton. of St. Clairsville. Ohio. who ent erred the mow field: Slice Mary E. Welsh, of Mar tlnsburgh.. Ohio, and Mew Ellen Culbeen. or Pennsylvania. were sent to •Indin. On the ;loth of October these four Christian ladies sailed from New York for the distant missions. The report then speaks of the various nile stone. revlerspg teem at length in the order o f their 'mg .iratiort, as follow": Ist. Trin idad: 2d, Syria; Al, India; 4th. Egypt. Includ ing the stations of Alexandria, Cairo. The Fat-mini, and Oslot. Following came a general review of the work in which the press, book department. .contributlona of the natives. and theological training were considered. The medical de partment was also reviewed at some length. The Board also stated they had no report from Chinn. and were unable to stare what Mr. Nevins' intentions were for the future. The sante was also true of Abyssinia. the mission ary having presented nn report. In relation to Italy. the Board gave an account of the .labors of the Bev. W. G. Mtu,rhead, and stated tbat.althongh he had been an efficient laborer. the deld was yet . - white for the harvest." 'guar La NIEDCD. I • The wants for the ensuing year are enume. rat ettna Ist: New missionaries for Sp in. India and ;sent. Appropriations for the current expenses of theensuing year. ns follow, Orrin. s.4sse India, sl7.lltve Egypt. $21006; total, 141. 1 10 C In gold or 01.32.5 in currency at SS per vest. per annum. For neer Mitenonaries. in cone all the appointments are continued. de..VI) in gold or sll.tar in currency. making a total of s:lo.6llin gold or Mad currency - . 3d. Contingencies. Daring the last yearn famine prevailed in India. Should that oocur sUc-rwarlew- lorlutttlimmdo% would buy< to be largely increased. lth. Prayer and increase of missionary in . tellitreeee. The hoard in cchotlon recommended. Firer, that the churches lie urged to pray more for the success of the work. Second. that if suitable persons Can be secured. Mingled:tries be sent, nue to'Syrla. two tO India, and OW' to Egypt. Third: that tbd constitution for nn Association be first approved by the Assembly and then adopted as a guide for the Associa tion. Fourth, that all efforts to raise funds for the Board be under their own supervis ion, nod not so loosely as heretofore. Fifth. that all the chnrcites be requested to have stated seasons of conference and prayer for the cause, and that greater efforts be made to disseminate missionary intelligence. Sixth. that the vacanci centring at this ssion of the Assembly es in the Beard. be law -es mail. manly tilled. . . . Aroompanying the reporrta - na the follnu - log nnt'APTITIATVIN. • The ar of the whole church numberand nf re gularly u receiving nder the re ontributfone from our church Lv . -6; stations viz: India :1; nyrin 6: Egypt 10. Of the e -10[11111PS and tentistants In act lye cornet: ales. 13: female.. Lk nutivefi. Gl—total 891 Of hear 10 are in Syria: XI in India. and 46 In F W... t i : e II churches with Di communicant 41 in Syria., al In India. ISO In Egypt. I:Tir school.' number lb with 1.419, scholars 27 in Syria. 711 In indt.. Oil in Erna. The can tributions amount to g4O from India. 1.1.1•43 front Egypt- total SOO6. Received , frouitul- Wm fee, CSC. Estimated value of mission iroprty.: Srria sls . .,Szt India gle.bile Egypt ' T•Vf .. s t g.le sl n al tirfltr of pages prlnt4d ' .• in Egypt was d eMloo. The whole nmount of money !receive: into..the Rennin' for for, eicn mission's purposes doting the Year we. The total expenditure was $33.111.33, leas , ing on hand $7=.91 for entering upon the good work of another year. The report and accompanying reeaplthhet lion etre received and referred to the Com mittee on Foreign Maims. . I . • • vote oft rietarrutrice. - The Moderator announced as the ohmic tee to count the vote on overtures the Revs. Messrs. John Galley...robe Anderaon and John C. liars. The appointments ,were confirmed. The reports of the Board of ireedmenl' Mix lion and Education, were referred to APPro prime committees, without reading, The TreasurenTs reports from the Rome and Foreign and Freedmen's Minions were also presented and referred. • CleeLatailED BUSISISS. • Reports of Committees from the last Asset. , My. were.enlled for. !ter. Dr. Cooper. Stated Clerk. read the re port of the Committee on Revision of the Rook of Psalms,—a very. lengthy document—which was put on the calendar. -The chairman of the. Committee on Devo tional Exercises prevented a report recom mendiug that the moralng session fee 9to SX o'clock, be spent In praise and pray r, The recommendation wax adopted. The report of the Committee on Presbyte rian Union was called for, but none presented —the members og the Committee ling air cent. Several papers In reference to FOrelga Nis The sions were referred to the Committee. The hour of five having arrived, tuslness wan suspended and the 'Asnembly ad;aurned note this morning at nine o'clock. Lev. Mr. Armstrong closing with prayer and benedic tion. • niter. AND Manx. Iles - - Thomas S.Kendall, of.whom we gave a personal aketeh yesterday, wag chosen Mode rator by a very complimentary vote. IL may not be uninteresting further to .mentlon that he was born In Oreen county. Ohio, and set- . tied In Tennessee. • In ISA he was licensed to preach and four yearn afterward was sent to Santis (Molina to explain thepoeition of. the Churchin regard to/Ussery. Ms experiences then have been noted. Returning to Ten nessee he mlsslonated in the Church. About the year ISM. he traveled overland to Oregon, and hes not seen the '`Enst"since. uil he mane to the Assembly. • In reaching here he Assembly traveled three days In the wilds intervening between hi. home in the Valley of Minaret, Oregon, and San Francisco, and then came the remainder of his journey . by rail. Assembly, with dignity and firmness over the, and justifies the confidence repened In him. Evers effort is being made for the comfort and enjoyment of the visitors who are hearty in their praise of the generous hospitality which they have everywhere met. Dinner will be served each day in the church, so that all may avoid the loss of time and the incon venience attendant upon seeking their stop ping places In the middle of the day. This feature of the arrangement, is universally ad mired, not aloneby the visitors. ; Yesterday the street In front of the church was covered with a thick layer of tanbark which deadens the noise made by passing teams. Arrangements have nlem been mode for decorating the church each day with fresh flowers. In short, nal. leg seem. to have been unthought of, which would add to the pleasure and full enjoy ment of the gathering. and make It n one mem evade forharmony and good cheer.. Reception of General Meade. Lust evening a meeting of the Western Di vision Pentlitylennlit Itceerve Mend:Won sena held at the office of Messrs. Swear ingen and McCandleis Fourthaventie, to make arrangements for the reception of General Meade on Decoratiolt dai ' Me. J. R. porton preshied with Mr.. Willis Preston es Secretary. - Atter son*consideintion a Committee of one hundred gentlemen comprising acme of our most prominent citizens wan aPPolnled to meetine distinguistheall visitor. itOmewhern on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad outside t h e city—probably at Oreeusburg. It Is not certain yet what time he will ar rive. The Secretary at the Association, hew hyhe, In correspondence with hlm and the thee will he herrenfter announced. W. lone. C. Cwn . bed Harper. W. II !Igor 'fashionable hair dressing. plain or - IW curling. and a Mule. fora luxurious share or bath and for skillful euPPlog or leeching, call at Williamson's elegant asloon at No. NO Fed.' a t i d street. Alleghtloi• PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 27, IS7O Iti.V•ON • lotoretattfc CrretunOle.—Laying of the Corner hum, of the Firm Gannon Mountie 11611 to the United @totes. s-odd:iv was laid al 11, r,ruer ai Wath_ Ington :dr... nod Mattison menus lu Ail.r.- gbeny. city, tin. cornet-stone of the this! Ger , man alosunie Hall in tie. United M t _rules. As wc nave previouidr stated the hall is tote erected by the metithers of Jefferson Loils,e, No. Zait, and other clod nbut ea , and. while recognized an a Masonie insult.; ion, It areal made connerve he best Interests of the o society of the neighte whited where it ands place. The plan of the hull is very tine a n d we can safely promise that the building will be one of the gmatest atetistecturalniturtnnernt'i nur sister cite. With such enterprising and lilsend minded-citizens as Mr. Augustus Hartle.' as chairman, and Mr. 11. Yiggar. us secretary of the Building Commtttne. toe have full guarantee that the edifice Will he u thing of pride and 11111.(1.C6 to Allegheny. Yes terday agreeable to proirrnrnme the comers stone Was laid eccord mg to t he imposing rites 11111 i ceremonies of, the Masonic Onto, At a little aft cereu o'clock In the wOrriinr. the ariotar-Lottges of Pittsburgh and All, gloms . . already assembled at )laconic Dail on Fifth avenue, formed in procession and took up the line of rite rch. The Allegheny Division, headed by the Great Western Baud dud under Charge of Dr. F. Hardtineyer, took the ad vance. l'his division comprised Lodges NO, 1.510. SAt, and 1174. The Pittsburgh Divhdon. under charge of main W. Batchelor. and headed by argon band, followed. Thin division coin- Lodges Nos. 45, 219. :1111. 2:gt and an of st Liberty. Members of numerous other dges. from surrounding district?, part lel [ed. but they took places In the ranks . of the Ages already Damen. All wore appropriate adges and regalia. The route Market and followr, Along Fifth arcane, Market and lath streets to the suspension bridge. up tderal street to Ohio, along Ohio to Went 'ark. thence to the north end Bart Park. wage to 01110 street, along Ohio to Madison Ten., to the corner of Wa.liington. where . . . . . the ceremony erns to take``lnca. t The Green Oflicer,i , f thbQrdoc went from the Union Depot to Ilagheny In estriars. and Joining the pro essien, marched at the head to the place of t e ceremony. The f01112111.1i011 of the Bell to completed. nod upon this a temporary floor was con.druct- Pd. When, the (T11'11101111:6 were Conduct- Mi. At the northeast corner. the portion se lected for the stone, we observed the follow lug arrangements: The stone was suspended from a derrick be means of ropes, and beneath was the receptacle for the various articles to be deposited. Fronting on the avenue tuns a bountiful arch bedecked. with evergreen, sus : pended from which was the omblematle ring enclosing the solUthe and compass. • • Upon the arrival of the procession at :the side or the urojeeted temple. the Gland Lodge oflicers took up their positions under the rail ing which enclosed a space resembling in all its arrangements the Interior of n Masonic Lodge. The following Cirand Lodge officers . - wre In attendance: It. W. O. M. It. A. Lanlberton; R. W. M.. A. M. Potluck; It. W. 6.0. W., Robt. Clark: R. W. J. G. W., Cluts.ll. Kingston: 11. W. O. Treasurer. W. Noble: It. w.0,,,,,ary. Thome.: It. W. O. Cnaplalo. lie, J. J. Mo- Dyer: S.G. Deacon. F. F. Smith; J. G. Deacon A. V. Coale; G. Stewards. George Glass ant Eichbaum; G. Marshal J. Galileo slayer: O. Sword Dearer , B. It. harbours: 0 rursulraut. C. F. Wells; G. Tyler, Can • • . T e Grand Lodge °Mears haring taken their respective stations, It. W. Onnad Master Laut t.erton opsned the ceremonies lodine Masonic form. 'I he It. W. Grand Chaplalln, RC,. J. .1. Mellvar. made the opening prayer lu these words: t•wc come hefore Thee, Thou Great had Eternal God and Father, maker of worlds and ruler of men, to offer to Thee oar adoration and praise, our thanksgiving. We Pros . The to bless the work now begpl., with the Fr strength. the wine of refreshment. and the ,11 of joy. We emplore Thee Id bless the vent brotherhood of Free Masonry here. and everywhere, and give to It unity. harmony and prospurlty. We ask Thee ni Thy ore to preserve gad protect us. and have comp passion f ort hose who sutler, and be the . • .......... 4 the widow and fatherless of our Brethret Be ;.lessee to teach us one stolt. that See MR ever revere Thy holy haute. andobee The dl - !•;31 • . . have Shay an respdect forare these accountable in authorit to The ., e u. the as ! we only WI, God. blessed forever. Look down from heaven, Thy dwelling Oft", U Thou who created the earth and sea. the ,h and moon, and stars. and pour out upon this fraternity of men like blessings which aloretinto Thou dldst upon our father, 0 Thou ottintscient omnipo tent and omnipresent God hear us. do with us and grans us Thy salvation. And. .-hen we shall have ended our labors no earth. may Thou. 0 Yother of light and_ love, who art picnic us In mercy guide us up le Thy throne. that m. sh ra dud crowns of glOry. with hams iu the. hands. slug the lungs of Joy and delictrence, and redemption throughout the endless uges of eternity. .luken.: The choir. under the leaderMdp of Professor Slack. rendered In nn impressive manner ',- following: :.:-.1.9.31t1ig 000. In every clime. from age to age Masons performed their mystle tit Craft men. scholar. poet, sae, Met and beheld Milsonig Then esk of fled his choice - That 3tason , work map iterfnab. And Nlasonry, Cacti heist possessing, The craft may dwell in unity. Uy commend of the It. AV. Grand Master, the artlnd Marshal Itrocialmed inn loud 1 . 01r9. "Silence—silence—allence The It. W. Deputy Grand-Master, A. M. Pol lock. then addressed the nlauti, Mailer as follows: Sir , "The GarmanMax.- ic Aelasciethinul Allegheny. haring aim.- IMousle Cabbed to build on this site a Ma sonic limb t Ito members and brethren ere now ,herenerembied torstre-ramexe of witnessing , the itufweedve ceremony of laying the Corner drone of the lidttice. The nee tesaary arrange ent" tinee been made terttin Cotntnitt.c the 4tnlrlatton Intrusted wilt. tbeir preitrn than. and I hare now the ;demure. to present to you IL %V. A.. the Chairman of that Com mittee. Toe Chairmen of tbs.; Building Committee. 3lr.Auinstas IlartJe.reanonded tat!. fttinttn l'6.llldollf'rs'l.Vorshinetit !tir: The Consmitte e charged With thedrite ot reparing the cot ner-Itnne. and maklnic the arrangements tor its being lahl, nnve curoplctontinAintkarti. It t Is now trans, Int Wut.nlytui t -rn nand.: the F•mmistion ELOLC :Ltn new 'loin -1%; It. W. %I rtn.l Chnplnin here .nronnuneed the . 12,0CATIO:, • !Supreme Architect of lienven and earth. we render Thee our thanksgiving and praise fur the Masonic Order. Ito , estabil.hment and 11.3 prosperity, and as members of which we arc now assembled to praise Thee, and magnifY Thy holy name. Teachpcuy.Thee. to feel and know our dependence. Cu Thee al ways. that by our works, begun. continued. and ended In Thee. no mar •gtve Thee glory, for Thou art Jehovah, our rather and our God. And O. as Thou Moist xforetime appear unto theservant Mose, ha a name of tire. out of I .sn Wet of a bush, enkindle. non be Thee. In our - heart, n Baum of true devotion and reference Nen..., brotherly kindness to each other, and of charity to all mankind. And now to Thee King Eternal, the only wine 0011, be both hnnor and glory from eve:last ing to everlasting: Aram Response - I , the Wet hren. l•Amen, mote it be. Amen." The It. Grand Master directo the It, W. Grand Treasurer to place the articles. coins and other valuable gifts In the corner-stone. The R. le. Grand Muster than directed the 11. NC. Grand Secretary to read a list of the arti clen no deposited. which he ',conceded to do, as follOves7 . = 'Herne of the Association; date bf its charter; .date of the day of ceremonies; names of the officer. of the Grand Lodge of 'Peunnylvanin; date of the charter Jefferson Lodge, No. 10t; names of charter member. of same; names of of officers; names of Ito Past Mester": names of Board of Directors of the Oerrunn Masonic Hall Association; name: of stockholders:name of architect; names of Balding Committee; names of the contractors; names of invited Lodges; a copy of the Holy Bible; the Ahlmon Heron; constitution and by-laws; a full set of the coin of IMO; coin' of ICU and 1703; pontal currency of Its first Issue; names of orators Of the dny, viz: Rev. Charles Schilling and John iii. n a p e , Eaq.; a copy of each of the newepa per. of Pittrbergh and Allegheny: names of 'geeing chops and lenders of the name; names of Building Committee, viz: A. Hartle. Presi dent: 11. Eggers, Secretary; Wm. Hader, Ed. Gelling, J. C. Lapte; copies of the odes sung dursug the ceremonies and the masse plesed and sung; by-loars of. Lodge 15, A. T. M.,. a copy of .Manning's Masonic Register for the 'State of Pennsylvania for the year 1611). ' The choir sang an anthem. after which the' R. W. Grand Master addressed the it. W. De- puny Grand Master— It. W. Deputy Grand Master: It la my will and pleasure that the corner stone of the now Masonic Temple be: now laid. Yon will :um mama° the sonic to' the IL W. ,, llestior Grand Warden, that he may aincrunCo it to the It. W. Junior Grand Warden. that he mat 'Pftelislill I It to the lirethren, that all present may. gen , ens themselves accordingly. ' I The box In which the article. were dePonit ed was mode of 'enameled iron. and the top. bad the following Inscription, la German: "Corner Mons /Aline Of fete. rim German Free Masons' Hall, of the German Free Meson Society, through J e fferson Lod No. Dill. of Allepany city. tett of June, 187 ge 0, end A. 1.. 1 At the conclusion !the ccromonieeJ oho If. Bailey. Esq., one of the orators of theocca-' elan, made a very creditable orators. He be gan by referrierr to the nuccen,ful laying of the corner-stone. or perfect ishlar,tho symbol of the perfected Mason; that the work *ea now begun, and here was to be erected u tem. ple to be devoted to the uses of the Masonic' Order, and though not consecrated to the wor ship, was dedicated to the glory of God; that Its threnhhold could not be pasted by any bee , who did not recognize If lm ) W asted the Almightt I Creator. In this temple store to be enahrined the Three Great Light. and to be celehrated 1 solemn ceremonies, consecrated by all that is symbolized by the mystic letter "O." ,' ' lie then alluded to the lentos of rectitude. self-rentraint end charity there to be taught and of the benefits conferred, by the order upon the brother and his family. Ile c trailed the ties of the fraternity with the friends:hit/of ,the world—that the one was Ifni lted and restricted, while the other Was world-wide-,the one could be blighted b , a breath, while the other was baned unm. n charity that the world knows nothing of. , lie referred to the minintrations of nuorinre and its ameliorating influences In war as well as In it mentioned instances in which it Mtn saved nuffering nod life dining the war the rebellioe. withhe that this wan perfectly consistent the obligation. ofpatriotism and quoted the landmarks of the order against treason and conspiraer. Ho enforced this-position by reference" to the patriotic labors of Masons, during the American Bevolutlon—by the martyrdom of Warren—the generosity of Lafayette, end the services of Washington nd in later times of Clinton,Jacknon rind Cl oy , all members of the Order. He-deduced from all this the claims of the Order upon the brettata—lts hold upon nur alreetlona. and its assured perpetuation. lie referred to the names of prominent cititetts— of the places of oarresidence—and of those from sacred bistro'', which were. selected W. the title. of the lodges, as evidence of where the affections of the Order were fixed, and that' those adopt log them must be worthy citizenr. He concluded by saying that, the occasion of their meeting Nvii.s no mere display. nor Idle ceremony. nor unmeaning adherence to usage; but that thewas to honor Masonry and ta en courage brethree engaged in erecting Oils hall, and hoped that the building might he preserved from accident, long remain the home of benevolence and charity, and stand throngb future years a monument of the fidel ity and zealot the brethren who had built it. On the conclusion of lifr. Ilailey's well Pre- Ipared sad einburatc aildres, Ile, Mr. Schil ling took tile_stand. and delivered an eloquent nod impressive orsition in the German lan- Volt g o na n e all uded in to t 4 ' Urn g n o d t ; ' r e o c f o sne e r I stone antler the beautiful and correct Ideas of I the orate.e and honorable orderefthis - Mations. In the hall nig,: to rear Its wi l l meet into heavens' own nir. free men will meet In so elitill 1' and lessen the labors or each other, and exteud a helping hotel towards the cool fare and prosperdr of general humanity Out from this heautifel work, laid with no much pomp and ceremony will. wise bless- Mg. to society. Though the sell of mys tery is thrown over thu Orgoniratlon there !sneer of that which' the outside world re gard as suners.tlt lOUS and Ignorant 'connected with the !mot lieriumd. bill to the contrary, it battles such nremdices. and stands always for the right. for Justice. and for humid; y. The speaker went on to detail the history of Ma sonry, and eloquently traced Its origin ewer down In the past, .el spoke of the good which the. order worked In our own day and time. lie was listened to mitts marked attention, and his speech was regarded by Berman scholars as 011 e of the most masterly efforts , heard hereabouts for rears. Mr. 11. A.Schnabel neat rend In good style a One original poen, Irma the elegant pea of Rev.. Mr. Weitershmusen. which wits re rotted NOM much applause. Benedictlon was now pronounced, cud the numerous ;italic'. 'Atilt separated with pleasant recollections 0 the micas'. in. . ALE° II EN COUNCILS t egulat Nlecting—retilluno, Communications, tte.--Iteport• A rogatiar scml-nnouthiy meeting of the .elect 61111 Comuinn Council of Allegheny city as held yesterd ty. ThoradaY. May 2tithi ut night o'clock I. INt. SELECT COCNCIL. Member.: present- were: 31ei0.r. , . Olvinuer, Hell. linekenstine , Lone, 3lngrew, Patterson, J. C., Poternon , Phillips, itelter, Riddle. Wet tact and President Me trier. The minute,: the preceding meeting were read and approved. rrriTlONs. • Mr. , LOU/ presented it peCit d ion Grunt AV for a gas lamp nu the corner of Ridge an.- Referred to One Coutniittae. Mr. thillips, it remonstrance itgainst sewer on Ja kaon street. trout hinter street. Re ferred to Committee on Streets and Sewers. Also, a petition for water pipe on Sherman Avenue. Referred to the Water Committee. Mr. Megraw, a remonstrance against the Opening of Robinson street. Referred to the !Survey Committee. • rtna. , Cg CONStiTran. • , Mr. Hall, Ctusirman of thit Finance Commit tee. presented the report of the Committee. ac companying which WWI a resolution instruct ing the City tlelicitor to - settle the claim against Bates and Clayton for sewer asses., moat, on payment.ot the amount assessed without 2 interest or 00018. - Report accepted and the resolution adopted. FnCat Tan Mr. J. C. 'Patterson. Chairman of tt . e Street ; Committee submitted the reports of theVotn- I mittee, accompanying which were the follow ing ordinances: For sewer on Starke alley. Rend three - times and pained under a suspension of the rules. For sewer on Federal street to connect with Montgomery avenue sewer. Read three times and passed finally. • For grading and paring Cedar aconite. Pas sed finally under a suspension of the rules. • Gradingwid paving:Mennen oven.. Passed hest reeding. For main sewer on Jackson street. A mo tion to extend the sewer to Beaver street was adopted. The onllnance as nmended was passed. For opening Fulton Street. Passed dually under a suspension of the rules. Gentling Brown street. Passed finally under a ...TOW,. Or the Mr. Patterson presented the !troth° of grad ,azrystre:timArroved. remonstrance against the grading Candy. aving of Ohio street. Referred to Street Committee. Mr, Gall. a communication from Mr. Bernard Gray asking that hoods he issued to him for the amount due on contract for grading Gal laher street. Referred to the Finance Com mittee. Mr. Phillips, communicatlOn from the May or requesting the Councils to ant horizo hint to employ twenty additional men on Decora tion Day. Communication accepted and request g.ll - Mr. J. C. Pacers...l petition for a lamp on Myer avenue and Sandusky street. Referred to the Gas Committee; Mr. Reiter, n resolution oppointibg a viewer on street openings; Ad^litea' ,lire Long, a resolution instructing the Com mittee on Comm.: Grounds to enquire Into the right of property in Nelson's Island, with a view to having •the same improved. Adopted. Mr. Phillips. a resolution instructing the engineer to have property lately tolded to the city on the north side...Jaye.]out In streets, Referred to the Survey Committee. Mr. Lone tailed up the ordinance for th e opening of Often street, laid over at lass meeting;told moved Its final passage •Adolited. • Adjourned. _ ==! Members present: 'Hmere. Aehworth, Brown, Brehm, COnHey, Dsdzell, Gilmore Henna; Hunker, Hustings. Herebenroether Hoot, I:Lou - bottom, Repnoide, Seddie Tnzgurt, Thompson, Voegtly, and Pr.lder, Warner. - The reading or the minutes of the preceding wetting were dispensed nit h. PETTTIONI3. Mr. Ashworth, petition for grading and. Cu leg Bartlett alley. Referred to the committi on streets. • • Mr. Brehm, petition for grading and paving East Mr.. ward. Referred to the com mitter. on Rt roe I End sewers. ' M petition for cradled rind peeing P41..11.011 . • oiler, mid want. Retorted to the committee on simile mot grccer, Mr. Ilosrhuittore. pet itb.n fur gat lamp on Franklin et r^,r. Ile.fdrred to gas commit ien• Also. petition for ii ear lamp on Seiirrivi,ii dreet. To iies c eeiet ,.. mr_ ro,,lnn , t vow° nn . /V river on Walnut street. To Commit tee on tit tee:, rind s. Emcee, Mr. v e. lot rcinve to widen lee the a id e wa r, on Federkl street. Re ferred to Countitit e en . Streets Mr. Vnerity. resolution for itgas lamp an corker of Cedar avenue undsecond street. To Committee on Gas. Air. Hustings. n re,olution instracting the arou Poll.= • Co nd the nd Park r e mov ed m Adopt ed. e 'the watc . h bones Mr. McNeil presented the report of the Coin• mittee on Poor In the mutter of tie petition (rpm tiIt:LAMPS Belief Society, relative to the payment for mediciatd, reported a resotutlau recommend• dog that onedrugtdore in each ward he desig nated to furnish medicines to poor persons on pnyslcian's prescription , . Considerable discurrion ensued en the ..adoption of the resolution.. Some of the mem bers held that It wastliscriminating against one class of physicians. The homeopathist furnlshed• hiu own medicine', and under that resolution could not receive pay 'fruit. •'ifr. Hanna moved to refer it back to the Committee. Lost. . • The question then recurred on. the adoption of the resolution which was decided In the negative by a vote of I: to:. Several other motions were made end lost, oil inatiOn of Mr. Comic/ the resolution wad so amended au to allow all regular prac taittlilePdh.Y'll.h. C. the f whole n l a n i ' 4 on the table. Adlotirned. and beautiful trallinetT Lomb, flower., Itteei erapes,&e., at Mrs. F. ulortlas. 30 Diamond street. Mr:9 • For looking Oast , . earl picture framer K. Lnughridge's, 1.71 Smithfield etreet. • Stonerood . Cathartic Syrup is used luau' ans. ioutend of pills, cnstor ull, epoom HI 61y tioVored. 'rwrnly-lire rents. Try Sold by 11,11 druxists. Bruabeig.llruds:—All kluda of bruahe nur one manufacture, at LougbridLe. Smithgeld atrort. The lipelne Week or Henry G. Heir, Mee ehant Tailor, at comer of Penn avenue and Sixth ,treet, In Dow large and complete. Mon sieur Itonpaln continue, to preside at the cut- Mllllnery.—New stree of June bats and bonnets nt. Mrs. E. If invins',XlDlnmond street. 1:1,111 C6IIIIITIVII CArrtegc., wiles:llc stud retail. at Jrtg:Lolithrldge*, 171 gm It field street. • MARRIED: sintivEnt-itimenuarr=m IWt uverpod, Ohio. liar 26; 2 4 670, by the Rev. J. C. Tevrart. Mr. I'. B. statMit, 01 Alic4ittou city. to Mitt ALLlY.ll4sillate,llT. of Seat Ltverpqnl. DILLE4O 2Uth lug, 11 Ker. P. T. iffinte.ly. Mr. JulIN L. DILLINOgn. of Plttoltuutlhtend7i4l .16111 Y 11. >WANTIng, of Chanters toitasblv. J DIED: *taiNl:Amdt7.lZWAl'l!tg,W,V.P° septi Finch. ' Fueeno YO-Dae at 3 gk, from his late residence. fro. 410 Bingham treat, South Pitts burgh. Priengs of the family resPeCtfolifics vited to &Uinta. CA2PBELI.—(n lbursday, 20th Mat., at r. Mrs. JeLtA,A. CAMPLILLL. Funand from the realdeurn of her Con, Jame) Parapbell.lo6Peslentl street, Allegheny city, at 41.2. 10-bar. Fricadz of the tawny are re spectfully tovittul to attend. PUCIIeI—MAILGATtET. dhter. of GoilfreT and Elizabeth ruche. aged and 10 months. The funeral edil tale blaze Yale AYSltusooN, at 3 o'clock, Iron, the residence of the payout.. Wylie went. to proceed to the Protestant Cemetery. Troy 11111. The friend's of the family are rinpoct fully 11,001 to attend. realdonen.Colurni.us.lndlana, ThumeMY. of /oth, 1870, R. FRANK WIII TLNO, formed, of tel. city. aidamt t o of Benja min V.l.4oenaartd) and Mario C. Whiting. axed 30 70010.8 months end 97 days. KASARINE A POMARE WA TIRANTUD TO RESTORE (MAT MEI= I{hider & Wetheral's Raven Ink Tile trek litdoilble la In tho market, 23 .rente per Dotter. Evan botilr • warranted or no rale. Genuine French Glove Cleaner,ll\ Frreiesnlng KW Gloves,. For sales% L.H.ROSENBACIT'S Patent Medicine and Perfume Dein) 40 SMITIIVIELD , sTRT:ET • T !NE. - J !ill Clevo bble Eastern MI." I.lroe. bete ldnd Llme: • bble Fretonot dn.: bble Toledo do.: 1 . , ? r e x ! • I ab y J. ILI. C' ANFIELD. . 141 Itiv t bees. SPECIAL NOTICES. • meetlng of the Mar t•uAL :VW STAFF of the TIIIRD LIYIe lON will be held at the Mayor's Otfico. Alkitchen) (Ili. on FRIDAY. May . 27. I ' S, O. at 4 4i'cliiek A :.r e .rp - al IN Ilia, Owe all atoll otheiire are ear. iiiriytly requested to attend. and all meant ]doll] desiriu to participate will ',lax, Tel...al fl lit. Mull place . ee at to be a.s3l,tici to thellertl! Rot, in l i'ITARI.FiR BA Riaieral J. r:. e. ittiowlne ere the ordure et the THIRD DlrtfilOs' lleuefal Ci•MMIID11111g—,11,011.1:ew Chief of 51x11—W. A. CAMPBELL. 'A•ollitent AO. f7.3rl.—J. E. B. DALZEI.L. j r. n . b .l " . idepi W. 3.110,0. ...treetop Itolllnder. :'apt. John Speer, ~yilit,Lm.e+Alut, I l ie * l7o7 " Cu. coal, Jewel. E. Crow. Iloorge Ebel eta. .Ineeph Ft. 111107. 11114 r col. Grams Emrst. A. I V . Eeefle Itterlter. Joel 000. . lioFh tier, roar •lor. .1. 1..14011.160. A. J. rrnteeoet. Yeutter. Pr. F'. Itorlme7Rr , 11'llt John Vert7l;l E. J. Willane, • rge 11 Nt .eNult). Georg. Cieo AT• Peso • Theo. Straub. U. W. Even, - Illnan E. Cell Whom King. W. 11. Grahuto. I. V. 1.000. tis,Ls:3 torrtrE 310N0NuestElJt Isertt , i C 0.., N. K. r weer of 1(1,011 rt. end •Ith Are, , I . rrotormon. *or 33d.1870. 1 Irr 4.l.ll)END.The'Prrsident and d,,,i,,,,,1T,1V.71,•1;,1i,11f0 1111"PdIM Milt Kt: on the Cooltel Stork of tbe Company. ant , o f the eefulugr of the laid WE Menthe. free of ggite7. '"oo. J MWIT. 10 T"..,"P}! V.` hwith. • ir-s-STOCKIIOI,IIERS' MEETING.— .t Jlretinoof the Stockholder. ni the IMP.% N V will be held nt the 011100 01 the cool pop Y. On I'lll' ItSDA V, J onr 2.1. 1573.13 3 IV. 11. MOCLEI.LAND. Treeettret. • Orrice or TVS PlTSPorrlioll 040 c 0..) • Mar 10, 11110. Bti DIRECTION OVULE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of ails ronspnay. 00111 foohir notice, the pee° of Coal Tor will be • - ONE DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS g 51.261 PER BARREL., And that of enke will be four bal cents per bushel In the rant. end Ova i 3) rents delivered within the W. If. MrCI.EI.I.AIII,. [Crl _MEETING OF THE STOCK HOLDERS of the FIFTH AVENUE. BANK or Pittsburgh ail to bele nn TIME-MAT EVEN 'O. June 90, at N oclock. In TUIJMS EAU.. No. 241 Fifth %amino, for the purmise of amend and appro..) of Dr-laws. DIVIDENIL—The Board of DI. RECTORS of the Fifth Avenue Dank have this dot declared • dividend of $3 per .hare. too Govarament and Elate Twroo, payable nil and er June Is . t neat 717:1•10 =SW;II:ME111 [ry-rumac NOTICE.—IIavIng been sPIAAntedRAS arld GAS METER ITISP EC- TOII for Allegheny anent}, natl. Is hend/I lase. that until the neeessetT °face end Mocha/Doti Test 1. Machinery cow, be molded, I win be found at the OFFICE Oh' THE NATIONAL. YOUNDIIT AND PIPE WORKS; Twenty-third street. neer rem Pittsburgh. It. 11. SHIM • @== Er BOUNTY. $lOO Bounty Collected For an soldiery who enlisted between Stay 4th and July 2.14. 1861.wh0 were dischartred for disabil ity before serving two Teary, and who have beret , fore received no bounty. The undersigned bee removed hi. °Rice to G zirrr fiu.:ding.cornerSirthevenue and Smithfield Greet. and is now prepared to collect Maim, epeerC Py and at modenite rod,. Call on,orioidrevt, with vtarop. IL F. BROWN. Helm Agent. linVerrs bedding. Forney Slab ermine and Smithfield street. Pittsburgh. Pa.. CANDIDATES u 3 —• FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, of Marthall Townalilth subject to the decision of the Colon Republican County Contention. lALttalt La . FOIL COUNTY COMMISSIONER BENJAMIN DOUTHETT, Of hidlane township, 0 • candidate foe' Count) Comtnisslmier., In subordination 41 the decision of the Iteesibllesu Convention. Kat modes In re -.- eahlertada.T MILL MEN PLAN ENO . And Others, "L'AICE. - b.:o'r - 101! , Evil Thn undenntned has letters pa nt of the Uni ted buttes for the I:Dimmed rustructlou of eather-beard M g. 10• 11. lining me f viratneeoting w for Mopes. The weatlier-boardleur , thig patent improvement. being more particularly ntended for vertical tip. Rodcombine. great durability mud beauty of appeuranon slot it l• of. CullatOlaid to up manly avoid the nee of Joliet etripe,end to filo Joint or the data rgrorihelr*Flhowlns. OWL Mut: by the action of the weather on the timber. Waldo lining end weinscotlng by nth new method MIPIIIO constructed an to to= perfect panel. aslopply as by the inary flooring boards same: thereby preventing the showing of the joint. from nil. ca. and leaving no refutes for Mega ' fle b ooaliopurchased the patent fight of what is cortimenily known as the -Moulded Weather boarding" lie has disposed of the following territorial and 'hop rights In Allegheny oeunty, for both P 5.... 7u A. Menem - ff. the right of the tarritoiis lath of the river In mid county. To 51cQueeran A Doughnut. the right for the First TrJ , Pittsburgh. o Patterson h Co.. shop rights for their • al. stOth .era. Pittsburgh. I'u Ales. McClure. for the tinlrough of ?AMC's'. Port• Parker & Paul. for Flrst. Second. Thal and Fourth wards. city ut Allaahmly. To Hned Brothers. shut light at their mlil Itev eVit> et Au l tot the t....p.isr I . ln=rir and Sum: Mao toe to of haler to chum, .111 please oat either et awl h. or midtown me. m N 0.7. Malthtleld street, MlMl:mesh. Pa. ta I. C. AN-DAMON. HN M. COM CO. Bell and Brass Founders ENGINE. LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING it BRA SSES Blade r Promptly to - Order BABBITT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand I= T. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wbee STEAM PUMP. oak4,--8142 PRNX STREET. Vow:idly—Corner 17TH and RAILROAD BTHLILTti, nttsburill FOR SALE OR LEASE. I=r3 OIL REFINERY, Well located: eepeell.J 1,0017 Dbl. per weak. In good oProlltlon,nearly now. Apply to.or edema H. M. LONG & CO ...PIITABUI.GII, PA MEI PART - ERS HIP HERETO FORE existing bet... A. Ballow and W. C. Adams dohs bustneas under tha aim name or Salon 2 Atteme, was thle glar4l*arestly mutual consent. W. C. ADAYB 'annum all Ilabliftlem..d all debts duc the arm are tom paid to hint mArillo.ltlTo 671.ffEAP "'yTOWe r VINWARIC COAL BO TAE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETO .I747. .11,TMATIV]Vria ta " l94lAr. ' as thladar allmanaeuhy 15ThnVART mutual anneal. itcnntwr W. McK WILLIAM McKEE. rrirw...m.r 41. 1 r yg . RICKART. MYM.MS AT ARSHALL'S ELIXIR. 'NrADAIIALL.9 EUXIA WILL CrAZ filADAcirly. NIAAMIALL, ELIZIA WILL cus Pri- rt. M I utat natn. L irtinglAtl. co -- .DA:4O. Proprietor.. Formbe,...' hobnails noo hT GEORGE A. KELLY, rittaburah. pini RUBBER, BIAMNO. 110 ST: AND ATRAM PACKING Of the Beaten Belting Minoan) . .. make. A f rzz.ig n ali sites. The lade supplied at mold • J. t n elf Amite for this ells EHENT.-100 Louisville Hv. drAnlto Cement. the best 1n use. For We ul .1.. B. 141 Cnen ANTIZLO. .. • ammo OFFICIAL. ALLEGHENY AILIEGRENT, May 24. IM7O. a.se , “inent for 1:ro :- andf^l.VlNG vt CbtAntil ttie rt, tan, north of river avenue to the Nteehaule street enditei also. the assessment for the cOrmtmettor. nt • BOARDWALK en Bell avenue. 110,0 Fetterul street this street. arsr rewly ran be 'wen at iditiee until rATI'II- ItAI% June .Ith.lS7o. when they brill place.] In the fiends of Dwell, Otntridier I= CEO t'rrr cONTIEOLI.EII4. Fru,- err ! . OP Ll.[l:llC7. V. Mr. 2.3,1 POO.. EA LED I RoposALs iv ILL BF A on. g. , l ;:k. ,77 g Till' RSDA iii7ideng will elf,' the rat., per ynrd, which prie., will icicle e their delivery smolt the Wtittf , tit Whe e. deelanuted by the C..nituitt.ee no t, La ndinac id. the Pleelhit of the W. M. PORTER, =I UNA ConettOLLEICS OrrICK. • • ALLEGULNV Cute, May 1411..18,0.1 NOTICE IS lIEREIIti GIVEN THAT 3.tin Viewers report on thd opening it LANE ALLEY. fbm its present terminus to Jefferson street, heath's been approved by Councils, thee.. segments of benefits therefor are now due and payable at the nMee of the City Treneurer for slaty days irons this dote. nod If not paid within that time liens will he tiled for the atununts with Interest and rout. CM - VOTI ue CF. TO WHITEWASHERS he . - - SRA LED PROPOSALS be f rost tred , In Whitewashing of the Market liouß ado s coo • I'll Wrote e t:l I 11`.11V411Y1'n&V"' For further Informetlon enneerelnithg, ehernet of Work. Itiqulre at the taco et the llty tennelle The Tient Is reserredto PITTSBURGH. C virrst:i7J kr °TICE IS II EKED G 1 %E\ TO _LI at holders of Overdue Mutleipal Bonds of the Clty.ot Clustnir4ll, to foment. Otero thle ger koVelre.mftVjulyoliFfirgyVl7.lll b° W 100.4 nn By order of the Flounce Committee. It. J. SfeGOWAN. Controller. 132=1 LIVERY & SALE STABLES Robt. H. Patterson &Co. ME= Seventh Avenue and Liberty Stree I=l WILL ONEVERS SATLILDAT 1101.1 , AN • AT_TCTI.ON SALE orses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagon., And everything appertalning to the Horse. rut!. desiring to bell willplasm leave their na tive id wiroilfnantent on or before Thni.dgY of each nor venial s mod attention L'l gk,trel% • _ _ 01E4 H. SITEW.ART. ROBERT 1,11 . r 11.011 T. 11. PATrilli‘ol4 11. PATTERSON 110 Livery, Sale and . COMMISSION • STABLES 'or. Srventh Avenue and Librrty I= e .gin LEAD, DRUGS, 814. _ PMSBURGII White Lead and Color Works, J, Sehoonmaker & Son, PROPR anuf ortarers nt WIIMLLTI4. I /. \ axle CIFFICE AND FACTORY. SO. 451..01. 416 and 4$S Rebecca Sine EZEIMEI An eall &Item lan to the Fhehthtee I.:•tett jitrletly I'n'. White 1,5.1 : and V.;:. re.titg l k.t:D to be • purer ehrbonuhe at land sod whit. than SOS tu ttut market, sod itatortult the price at the paetflu It euutuhUng the beet adulteration. TNDERSON, J. 6; BROTHERS, 2648 I2bnt y street. Dealer. In Drug.. Paint and tent Medicine.. , Jai NORTHERN Pacffie -flaifrom To Railroad Contractors. healed Proposals nth be rocelend as the oaths of the NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COM- PANY, No. 190 BROADWAY. corner of Cedar street, Non York, until WEDNESDAi.the 1M dar of .1 une.lB7o. at ID Welock. noon. for the Gra dlng.3lissonef.Brldeina and Ballasting of that Poe nen of the Northern Patine Railroad In the !Mate at lllnnpoto. onehdlog !foto the Dell. of the Pt. Louts aver to the Rod river, the 110401S 1 boundary of Minnesota la distance of abbot 930 tallesl:ln- • eluding everything mutate to