SIX4MOULL. GOLD, ILVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, PH. R. MERTZ, 'BANKER, nor. Wood St. and.sth. Ave. las. T. Brady & K. J °SIN A V 0.,) Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, DDT AND NMI. A f.f. RINDS OT Government. 'Securities, (OLD,. SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MONT FAVORAILIP: TERMS. Interest Allowed on Deposits. ..Clovernmont Bond. at low ! 7. • 1 EM I :: r Fl!r C l fW rl OAN3 I TM troirLu" JAMES T. BRADY & CO. .THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE. Omcs or I , nwrionaisiGATerrs, I Tin:rnxnAT, NAT l. ll= Gold ban a strong upward tendency. opening today at UGC, and closed at 111. X. The Pur chases are principally by the stock cliques for speculative account to order to maintain and advance the price of railroad actuante,. Aside fr... thi. mid In support from the speculative atonements, there are euflicient reasons to be lieve In mush higher prices for gold during the next three months. The constant outflow of gold to toroth, thl lower quotations for 'au bonds In the lituropean markets, and the light export., we must consider for some time to come are all sufficient reasons totem the gold market gem. if not advancing the pteml• um long before there is any actual route for Vise. Govarstnent Rands -were very strong to:. day. ;but slightly advanced.' incive yes terday!' quotations. The price. however, Is kept artilLciallv low by speculator. woo have large lota 01' bonds lying In Europe unsold. The stock market hat a very strong and " atleanclug tendency, and it 1,111 be attempted to force prices much .higher on a steady run If possible. Papilla Mall. Ohio and, Mississippi railroad and Reading shares are strongest. alto • Bs. Paul; the balance of - the list is stronger • but has not yet advanced. Money remains easy. ' • M eng quotations as received by Ph. R.' Gold • • 114 X AmtriCan Cl' Other 112 Western Union— ti nal Bond. 1173( N. Y. Central 101!: • 8-20 Bond" 11101. „MIN Residing. sao Bonds 1864_ Mil P. Pt. W. & C sat Bonds 11065...11115 Ohio & Miss - Cossets 1865 113% Mich. Southern... 00; 0.10 Pond. 11367.1.114 Cleveland & P.... MN I. Bonds 1800...114 C. R. I. & P • 19!, 1040 1063( Chicago &N. W. Adams Expects.. glif & N. W. Pref... PP. ,Mstoisants 11.1 x. —. Erie , . • London Exchange per pound 5,70 5.15 Exchange parFrana = Gs( Derttn - Exctnnire per Thaler = •fd ' Frankfort Earl Usage per Florin 411 Cloalnircootatlordral recetted by James T. Brady & Ido:• Gold ...........:..U4OEO lan. &Jy.l&V. wit tt ; t IP. 174 s.3)Jaa.&Jy. 13% IN`ll l :l. 4 ..'nf • -tr. 8.510 MS C:F:IL L 033 U. a. 1040..::.....• .111 a• Ey. Fatilca......; illy Tele/nigh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] New liOac. May 93, lit O. Money market easy at $5 per cent. Rer'" • ling strong at 9%GaN per amt. Gold arena: —*pausal atiltli and closed Car r Ting rates WM Per cent; Clearance,. thirtY eight mUllono. Export. one bonclr,d and awe:dr-Eve thousatnt. Governments Ina.' Coupo n of I#ll. 117%; dn. 'IS, Mtn:lV do. 64. 3 11 . 15a1 . 11!.: do. .aue it1 i ii 1 4,91 1 4.Vit.1.& 4 1 4 0 1 111: 4 4 Igi.Nradt4 4 . Currenepillees, iux - State bonds quiet and• firm; Missouri* Oil:: :*_d_ .... Tennessces, now .do.. .14%; old North ta1.441(1 he.' do. ;SW. • St ell but B rio 68%; 'Coo, bertand 42; W. U. Telt fx . aph • Will. 15 tnt.i 1.ar1.. Win - C&; Gal& SUIT ts. e, : Pacific man 4oh . Northern Central 1 0 1%; tiurin VIM Erie ISM prerd id; Harlem 141%: Prerd ' "11114 Reading 10. Mulligan Centred IZS. Lake Shore .Central 140%; Pittsburgh ',, , ,,1001*; Northwestern. (MX; do preferred. nOli. bland, 119 r. Nor Jersey Central, 119%; do p referred, 81%; Wabash, UP.: do - preterred, 72; Fort Wa e. 0% Chicago and Altmadlf; do preferred.J.k)hio sod 1 4; P t i attte7P ar lr.l n o:, 3 11914; C..c t;,;d '. ; • liub-Treasury balance: Gold, 978=0.790: . cur saucy, so.9...l.3Xlagenaral balance, f.r..,990A1♦:. Bub-Treasury. bouglt g,coo.non Lands a 49-10ee110 97-100. I 2== Eaxr LIBLIVIT STOCII YARDR, THLIII,AII . May AO. i The operations In cattle were again light this week, owing to the the very 14M-sup ply. sad a mueh•'larger somber could have been sold, as the offerings did bot - :begin to 'satisfy the demoted. There mad again a very . goodettendance a buyers both' from Phila delphia and New. York, and MIR being - the casetlhe market, as might be expected, ruled a/rye - tram and: compared with last week, -pelsmaisata lairthor—adilktieMit:lthd the Quotations are h,bec now, ,re telleve,than they bare' been - for ire years. There lathe ' siitunkatplalntetooAB 400 blIPPte fboytthe exorbitant price ems- prevailing. sod ;wit? geed reason, too, and as a general thing, toe trade is very . untatiifaCtory CO nit'eOcept stock ,tort growers; many drovers nod butchers would monk rather retire from Wag on. fora time and make money bysso doing, If It vu . potalble, but thin they cannot d Tbay are obliged to keep up their trade area, If It does not pay at times. ae It la much eider to let It run down Ie td build It uD aptln. . . The since the date of our last report Toot rip sbant - vervirhwatind.kead, 'and at Make men by , referepse - to the report of aales, Inices ranged all they way trim Leo to fkleM, bat the Walk of the sales went at S to Or. • Everything considered. there la an stivance of fid l 7 X. PerliaPs.X, aloes last week: and even at the advisee the amply. did not peen t ra d ksi for Monde he could not get Sc In Allegheny Monde) , naIDAY, No.' WO. Price. ii. L. k Co. ,for McDaniel 45 fifi4?l, 8 . • skitrkpar. e &Co. fotrDot , roth..i .4`13 Aliso; iganktavotai M. 0 t . Razlewood & 11. for Allertottal 30.1‘ . 0 810 Rothchild, 18 11J .1111). H. L. & ro. for Quinn 15 111.. M. 87 .•• •: •I Monis .. :.. .'.. /I . 5.119 BWI . .! Berry ..1 191350' 6SZ Thomptoo ...O.t 21070 BZ. Needy. to Tomb 18 V.. 740 it BS Traumas's to Rifler 1,14 17 • SOW 045 WZDNISIDA.T, MAT 23. Klemans to Anll.-......., .. ..... 301 101.50 1 38 Ward to Voetter k II 41.140' 875 Stereos to Puller! NI 41 98.1:91 940 T. Kerby to J. Mnaltb fl MOO V ft' Joartool.o•2tilth 99 rikze 940 .... . . . Outland &W. to Fidler& K.. 17 21,403 H. &T. for Kline r....... 17 /WO a 8. 1 M.. i t & Co. for Holmel & Z1.4:1 " . .. rum v‘.• Te;i4ao , 96 •IC 11.800 6.00 10 Tau, roo rftritanat. aurr 114.1 ; SAO. H.. I. jt. Co. for licFadden....l: 10,7&1 .• N. Hart— 21 17.100 'OO A. Campbell toT, Lamb.. .1,240 9.MM:cum td • • I! 111,a01 8.7 r, en ! J. Needy to J. Neeedie SREZT. The arrivals have been mach smaller this week than last, and with no falling Off In the demand, the market ruled strong and prices have advanced full half a cent per pound niece this day week, The demand restricted mainly to the better grade& and , eansaaaaat" 17. prime cheep sold more readily, and at bet- Wehrle', than the commoner trades,• though W ideals Cr. higher than last week. Quota tions may be falrir given at kIIAM, for Inferior to common. 64P57{ for middling; aXika for of tie m en d tre N tlg r re pr iV;Z e t= grd n . i ff,rl drove averaging PO lb. The hog market is modefsdNy active. and the eerMIY hu sot thus far been u large no that of last week. Light hugs are bldeer rel a=r,than the better gradee. , i t ilich wan t about by a lively oom Non be. tIeMM IMlUmore and New Tort Yet". To day Beitlmore man were paying frZNIS. we" New Yorkers- said that they could not par over ghf. Philadelphia bogs may be quoted 01 11%410/ 1 4. with some few Wes of extra at 10. 11d1•4e1ph11414 PRILADIMPICIA, War 71.—Flour doll and de elided Mel extra $44535,1Kr. extra fanallysSili GAO. Wheat quoudlona barely maintained: wiwtsra red suoat.z. Rye beldat $l. Corn scare with yellow at stuctuog. t o steady. Petrotatun arm: °rade lam rel oa d a lt . Prartsions; demand light. Mew Pork $39.50. 1114531,05 tor w Whisky steady.aood.t 1.00 far western Iron and ~,~.5>>w+P... w+.: ;;~.r.1.4t-s%sa`ikkLf u...v5i+1n..~~:.5..-„`r;U..d ~.s..:ac-c,-~,..«,~ac;..- ~~ ~ -~ PITTSBERGII DIA/A/LET Oen . ceThrLor Pr t =gaeagA & 1 1 8 , 3 7A. 1 .1 . The markets for gene ral erchandixe con tintue dull and unsatisfactory. the stales being small, comparatively. aad margins In many I n n.,,,totl e a, There in no improvement tonote In the grain trade. and with little or no inquiry for shipment. and a meagre local demand. dealers in tnany instances. are 6 learn from one of our bllg.At Chicago aLore. exchanges ~that the amount of wheat in store there last week increased over half a million bushels, competed with the previous yet in face of this, prices have been screwed up higher. In regard to tour, the same paper Mr. "This market continues very quiet. not on account of a lack of demand, bat because there in no stock of the grade. wanted to fill the ordenof Doyen. Flour that Is selling at $4.25 and less Is extremely scarce. and there are orden he n e i t h e rseveral thousand barrels, but receiver% have the supply nor are the millers willies to connect for round lots at present, they seeming to have confidence In their opinion that better prices will be ob tained th ot are now current. There is also a very fair demand for choice spring Miner notes, and the stock of thin grade le only mod erately large and firmly held. Flour that Is worth from $4.5041.5 is In very good supply and limited demand. APPLES-Sales reported at MAN per bid, for fair to choice. Receipts continue very light. BUTTER-Demand Is improving, and we are reported sales of prime to choicest Ale!„=. 111100 MS-Store prices: Fancy, $5.50 . No. I. $4. 2 4: No. 2, $1; No. 3. $3.50: Common; Winha. BEANS-Buil. but nominally unchanged, sl4trd3.7. per bushel. CARBON 01L-Quiet and unchanged; MN to 24 for or brand. In a Jobbing way. CHEEZE-Chelee old New York. State Far ton. 11. New York State Goshen, (new/ 1= l' E f akila 'l lAill t etTm i g 3. Unchanged, 9=41 per bushel. CEMENT--Sales of Louisville Hydraulic at I ttlEg r VlrTlT-The demand Is rather better while prices ate unchanged. Apples f or cts; Peaches, Q., for quarters, and er , i for halves. Blackberries. I=l4 and pin Cherries. Etillki-Demand continue* act Ire, and with limited arrivals, market la firm with sales at I=lP ate. FM/CR-The market is quiet and Arm but unchangedaging wheat Bourg range all the way from St. as there is a great differ ence In the mod ty. Winter:wheat four.. are quoted at $5.141416, and fancy brands at s7,COik ..50. Rye dour, (BLAIN, -Wheat Is coming In more freely, end while the market is weaker. prices as yet are not quotably ir e . re for red. and $l.2=lX for white. C 'ore Is deli but un changed: =.35 for ear and &WO for t h eelled. It Is rather singular that corn Is worh more in the west than it is here, but such Is the ease-quoted at ssll at Nashville. Rye is quiet and unchanged; we continue to quote at ini to $l, cash and time. For Barley there Is no in scarcely and little or none of- VA - - The man light. and with liberal arridevals.d the continues market it dull and Prices drnaPiniC w a gon bar'. Cattle for mom. mon to prime timothy. HEMP-Sales of undressed Kentucky Hemp at t ltirlfS-Corn husks..l2t3l( 'Ms. • - LARD OIL-City brands. tlet=l.2ll for No. 1., and *and. for N 0... Well established CM , clam* and Chicago brandslll.l=l43 for ex tra No. 1. LIME-Sales of Cleveland at V., ° 4 per bbl. and eastern et sl,:b. POTATOEI-No Improvement to note in the demand and no clAtx to make In quota tions; Pe:whitlow,. per bushel. PF-111L BARLEY- No. 4. Slic per lb: No.:1, 55,: No. 1, MS. Oat Meal-A & n per Ltd, of Au lbs. $1(1; tor half bbl, 100 lbs. S4,DU. PIRA ISIONS-Market steady with •a con tinued fair Jobbing demand, but unchanged. Shoulders,llK 14 for plain and latialliN for Sugar Cured; Rib Sides, ItIN; Clear Short 1 714 . ; Clear. 12.1 i; .Breakfast Bacon, leg; LSl:massed Sugar Cured Rams, 3154(121. Mess Pork. NBIGENII. Lard. 170.1714 la tierces: and 1 15k In Tennessee, either. SEEDS-There Rion inquiry for either Timo. thy lor Clover Seeds and the senson may be regarded as over. Flaxseed very in steady de mand at $2.15, with but very little offering, and around lot might bring VAL I= Orrice or Premium:in Oszerrr., THURSDAY, May W, brat. r The oil market continues very dull and Is devoid of anything new or important. There are several causes for the present stagnation , the most prominent of which is the high freights. Compared with last year, the man ufacturer has to pay 10 cents per bbl more on erode, and ItSc per bbt on !Mined, making In kit Mc per bbl, orecer .!,; of a cent per gallon, which of itself is a very snug „margin. This Is unfortunate, but there gems - to be no help for it. Our refineia thought the rates were entirely too high in 110.1, but: this year, as will be worse still: instead of getting a reduction, as hoped for, the rates have been advanced, and that, too, right in the face of a very dull and . unaatiafactory market. The Pentraylvania Railroad Company Instead of protecting the oil interest here n. she should, appears to Lre doing ail In her power to cripple and dent roe it. • Market clad and neglected though pricen are without quotable change. Sale of 1.11,1 and I.alta Abbe for immediate delivery nt 121 i: end Lull seder June atly seller all year 11?:kb12: and buyer all year LIMO.II. RICTEMD. Market opened quiet but Meads; end closed a abode eailer. .There leconsiderable inquiry mainly for early montbs, but the pri c e. offered are not aatlatactory. covaequent. sales are of rare occurrence. May and .04-9u4ted 4 l:Vuel.ff.U: July and Augnet. 'TN: August - to December bld;.buyer all SeitY.V.S, bid. "flrr.lmlPYLilll IKR A. T. R. R. MeKelty Bro.& Co., KG Ude rot. oil to La. Kau Bro. & Co. Phila. National Helloing Co.. 310 bble ref. oil to Warder:, F. & Co.. Phila. FhWatt.L. Logan. Stockdale k Co.. Via bble ref. Ott to Logati Bro. & Co.. Phira. Lockhart. F. & Co., 775 ref. till to War. den. F. di Co.. Phila. • . • ... Livingston Bro., 50 bblit ref oil to Warden, F. & Co.. Phila. Pennock & Beeson 51 MA!, lubriCating on to .1. C. Don& Philadelphia. Citizen. CPU Co., 571 Ws refined oil, to •Toek llroc, Philadelphia. Total. . ' ':.111 lobta. MARKETV RA TELEGRAPH !ie. ADA. New Yoke... May 24—Cotton dull and berry: sides of 1,1 , 75 bales at. 2-"Nc for middling up lands. Flour Sc.better; lodes of MOO bbis at $1.6:44,151 for superfine State and wester's. tir, tl4. for extra do. $5,52.1-1.5: for good to choice do, $5,40 .- d4;X: for *bite wheat west ern extra, rec extra Ohio, 24 . 9 as " extra St. Louis. Rye dour ateady. Corn meal steady. Whisky steady; salmi of 250 barrel. et SIAM free. Freights to Liverpool firmer, with abipments per steamer of BLOM bush of wheat at •Stsgt.lkl. Pork dem and quiet 7. sales of 51D bble at MOO 4 30 for mess, 120.,50 for prime, 520.50 for prune mess. Beef steady, - sales of IGO We at SMSIS for plain mess.-4111CIS for extra mean. Beef hams quiet; sales of 30 bbl. at Mtn Tierce beef quiet and !needy at $26,5=2.7 for prime mess. Wff3) Volatile mess. Middle. quiet; gales of 01 boxes Cumberland cut at 140. Cut meats dull: sales of 121 Duchene at 12012.4 c for sbouldere.ll/hFclaUc for hams. Lard: sales 202 tierces at for steam; axe 16010 for kettle; also 500 tierce. prime steam buyer Xfay seller May and June Inc. Butter dull and heavy at 10Q—Nc for western. 'Cheese quiet at Wslelic. Wheat: secelpte :15.720 bush. Wheat Ic better for Bar export and milling demand; sales of 114000 bush at $1.15 for No.: Chicago in !store; $l LIBel,l2 for N 0.2 ' , Prior $i.... for No. 2 Milwaukee; nOpt, Mc for for winter and amber Uf•qto ding one load to arrive In lune at SI.II. Itve quiet. Barley and Barley Malt dull. Corn: receipts 14000 bush. Corn unchanged; sales of 34.0011 bosh nt 5L0861.014m for new mixed western. and $1.141,1.16 for western yellow. Oats: receipt. 11400 bush; market heavy and lower, sales of 44,010 bush at /Mato for west ern af loat In stare, and efoffliffic for Ohio and State. }fay drm. Hope qtdet and unchanged. Sugarless active: sales 0(010 aids at_94Catic for Cuba:' eds9'4 for Lietnarara. °Wee" dull. Coffee quiet and firm. Petroleum quiet at 150 for erode; :Nc for refined. n4at.: , 7lour closed II shade firmer 'with a fair defamed. Wheat very firm at $1.1001.1.1 for No; 9 diming and ff 1.11 0 ,14/ for winter red and amber western. Bye quiet, Oat. dull and heavy at Gds for west ern to store, and Lead% lor Ohio. Corn dul at ILlffffel,l2 for new mixed western. Pork nominal for me re t t... 9 a0a0 cash, and 222.75 seller June or July. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats and beano doll and heavy. Lard Oran prime 'ltem lanettiU on spot, nod ItNe 'wilier June. July or August. Egg. quiet and unchanged, nry goods quiet and unchanged. 12==2 CINCINNATI, Me i 20.—flour steady. Wheat ne. h .711 ° 4 100: 1 7.1117il s ent i al. f flr. Corn is steady and in *Tad demand. at 1461.96 e, and was Offered leas Neely - at these rates. Oats doll at WOW, the latter rate for choice white. Rye steady at Maisie. Barter nomi nally unchanged. Cotton Is doll and prices are nominal at is for middling, and Mc for low do. Tobacco Is steady and eupply_tlght, wltheales hogsheads at Sketer.lik Whlnty opened dull and closed firm. at 111.66 for old Vo ‘ gt e ;;;l m octs e ng , C i g d alt4P 4 strafly_ n , Vltg o nal M es e :: tan,sll, but It Is onnetilt to stybu oelow 1gnk1543). lard neglected and held 6. Hulk meats are inlet bat Arm; shoulders held at 12c, and saleable at Win: sides. 15.15 R and Ific for rib, Near rib and dear Alden. With no sales. Bacon stnrce and wanted at 13,Ve for shoulders, bat they ore held at UM c; sides. 1 6 / 4 e16110 for clear rib, and,1730.1:16rc for clear. Pat much out of smoke, and no disposition to sell at the quotations. Linseed oil firm atlll,lo. Gold, tlCM.Rschangest eady. and par busies. Ma=M Chicago. CHICAGO, May M.—Exchange unchanged. Floor dull and unchanged. Wheat firmer; sales of No 2 at 1/44w R. much and wailer June, sl.Mdatjl: seller last half of June, closing " pile 83.0 sash and We .eller. Jane; tbiu after noon the market was doll, at Rime seller Slav and 993(c seller June. Corn moderately active and easier, closing at 114‘4286e for No 2; this afternoon the market wa. ateady at B Oats dull and Re lower. closing at c 047.14 f ' P f ig rj: Nye i s e tlirt ' , d 4.' , e7o a r Y gO o l in fi jithtFlß: quiet and Menu)* fl,Ol for Iron bound. Pro. rl.lOllO dull and nominal. Receipt. for the past 24 bourn 4,7 g: tdds flour, el.= bos h wheat, 14,110 bush corn. 78.509 hush oat., 3,f;;; bumf, rye, 13.345 bosh barley, 7.I'M hojm. Ship. mentm 7.100 bids flour. suss bush wheat, 14- 64 bush corn. 1.6,460 bush oalx. DS) bush rye, 247 Nam. Freights' firmer. Hogs dull nod 102:41.5e lower. ranging at VIM RAM • Cattle Inner and active. µXV , SU for light Mocker, to extra chipping steers. E1:21212 • LOrlarlm.g. Afar hisky gIAVEGISX. Tobacto: wades of 31.1bhda ti ( or o n . ed to good NV,: Pe AVIGOI.4:: for log leaf to m ilium bright I=l=2 BALTIMORE, May Ml—Flour settee and steady for western Rupee at PlM.M..ratral'Mmeo. family da,dmeg. Wheat steady:Maryland 11,46 m 1.56, western IMMIX. Corm Wu edaaneed: white stsseLso. yellow 111.1501.111. Oats Is steady at eleddds. Provisions drat and un- MIMI changed. Whisky firm and in good demand but scarce at 111,Celtigat. Cleveland. CIXVICLAND, Mmir6.—Petruleum active for apot,oil ; nominal rate. for standard white relined is 24c for round lot. ; crude quiet Per barrel. DIEM fir. LOUIS, May al.—Cattle active at 11:48.$ rings steady at 17.7544.11 for full range. = M►.wuu4 May L'l.—Cottoct dull . at Ile Iptc 34/1 balite: export% 543 bale, I:l2=itemmin CIRTELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD COMPANY, May 55.-11 cars b ore, Chess, S & Co; 2 do do. Brown & Co: 3 do do b ore. J Painter & Son; I s ore, Coleman. H & Co: 1 do w ore. Wilson. G & Co; Ido poets. W P Howell: 90,000 'shingles. W W Higdon; 35.000 do. 8.000 ft lumber. 35,193 shingle.. B Schmidt & Co- 11 bes k d sett meats. Smith & Forrester; 800 kgs powder. Brady'. Bend Iron Co; 180 do do, W & J M Hood: 101 bbl. lime. John s on & C: 101 do do. J Meskimen; 8.003 ft lumber, H A Clarke; NCO° do do, B Schmidt & Co; 8 bee wire shape, Pickersgill. L & Co: 1 be elates, Amos Stevens; 1 be hh good., 1 bbl do, Tiddell & Chrletv; 8 pea marble, P Sten.: lot sundries, 11' (1 Howley; 10 bbl. paint. Schwartz & Hazlett: 8.338 ft lumber, M Seibert & Co; lot stoneware, A (I Cribbage; 6 all bbls. Inter & Kirk; 1 bbl tallow. W Fleeces & Son; 10 bbls green hides, M DeLange; d bile knob.. Jones, Ilmick & Co; i eke net meal, .1 , N Lea; 1 be d goods, Stein & Bra: Ido bacon. Voir M & Ca. 3 bbls s Iron, Maloney & Mardian; 10 bids flour. Wm Flame & Son; 1 cask bacon ' 1 bbl do. 'Colo, 31 & Co: eke cement, (1 W Phillips; 1 ek dry apples, Dilworth, H & Co: HO LW. lub oil. 1 car corn In bulk. W (1 Miller; bbls cider, .1 F Dunn; 3 tubas cheese. J Daub; 2 eke wool, Arbuthnot, Shannon & Co; 3 Nile rope. Goodwin & Clerk; 8 eke rage. 1 be bacon, P Duff & Sons; M DIES molasses, Bruggerman & O'Brien; 7 sks oats, 6 eke corn, ti do do. F G Craighead:2 bile bacon. Brut/term= & WU; :81 eke mlllfeed, J & W Fairley; I be gloss ware, McKee Bros; I car plow beanie, Sprott, J ohn eon & Co:DSO emit oil bile. C A Wornicastle: 24 hf bbl. fish. Atwell & Lee: 10 do do, W W Swain:2s do do, J Wilson & Son; 25 dodo. E Heazleton; 50 do do. Carter. McGrew & Co. Perna:moon, Frier WAYNE ANTI CITICADO RAILROAD. May ZIL-3 bbls a Iron. 'McKnight & Co; I keg lard. 1 bbl nice, H Riddle; 1 be hd ware, .1 II & C II Davie; 11 sks. I bbl- floe maps. Prescott; 1 car lumber, W Hostage & Co; 500 bbls flour, T C Jenki. Urn; 103 do do. J Wilson & 70 oil bbl,, 31 P Adams: bills shovel., Myers & A: 2 bbl. dour. Shepard & D;1 be cutlers., 1 di:troll, Beaver Fa. Co 4 bps scraps. 11 ben cheese, Woodworth & D 1 car corn F Ardary; 8 sks kgs. Davie C & Co 12 do L FatinestOck; 2 ben bacon, 8 Ws do, pkg. a rack., S Hare & Son; 'M bdls fork., Park &D;8 do do. PII Leaman; Ido do. Joe Woodwell & Co; 18 do do, 7 do hoes. Logan, 0 & Co: 172 bge oats, It Knox & Son; =gall. e ware, - L HutchlneomM bbl , b dour, LJ chard; 4 kg, lard, Voir, M & Co; 2 bbl. bacon, Haworth & D. 31 bdls b hdle. W Mardord; dog hides. M Delouse; 60 bbl,- dour, Vergley. K & Co; 100 bbls dour. Schomaker & 14 1 car metal, 2do do. Nlmlck & Co; 1 do do, Loomis AC; I da do, Lewis, 0 & 1.; 2do do, Pgh Forge and Iron Co. ALISOHY.ItY VARLET RAILItOAD. May 51.- 79 cars coal. Kier, Fostei . & Cl 3D do do. Arm strong, Dickson A Co:- 18 do do. Coleman. Rahm & Co; 2 We black paint. Pitts Add Works; 60 pcs head stone, Openhelmer & Mc; 2k7t l w lo cfcVl b ai n rre ' ..l Wnitten; Ig7 skrontr, 14 do coca..( do ere. 11 do wheat. Scott & Oland; she ra&s, $ ppm-mar keting, J Seibert; 03 sks oats, It T Stewart; 17 lambs, 2 . sheep, W Evan"; 84 bush oats. F A Patterson. PITIVDDTUID CINCINNATI AND' Pr. Lewis It•ILROAD. May 90. - 2 Can staves, M P Ad, ams; 1 do wheat. J W Dotogarder; 1 do oats, J. C &hoopla; 4 bee Dour. T C Jenklne; 2.1 do oats. Kell k II; .1 be most. 'Houck & .1 ; 1 boo bacon. F 6 Craighead; 3 bbts japan, El A Kel ley; 4 bales wool. 1 Dickey; 12 cads tobacco. 2 bee do. EM A Co; 40 cads do, EMe w; boo starch, M W Rankin; Id Nils smiths. John Hebmam; 8 bolt h ware. 31 McWhinney, I bbl meat. 3leanor A H. ALLsoevtT &Vends. May 23.—1 d bbls wine. J Keller; MI bbls dour. s 1 eke do, (i Stewart; I car lumber..l Nan:: 10 bbls, 41 sks dour. W Sanders; 3 pkgs butter. I bbl eggs, J Selling; a Ws eggs, (I Meyers; 38 sks rags. •J Jones; 4 bgs meal. Mercer & It; 176 sks f seed, Knox & Son; MO slut dn. M Suydam; 0 whist, WK.... 8 Co; .0 do lumber, 1. Walters & Son. = PITTSBURGII. DROITSIITILLA AND OTHAVA PACHITT 13GYPANY, May 96.-90 A. rats. Jam Stephens: 10 do rags, Can & to: 100 sks oat,. 103 do cores Schnelbach & Iley1; to rolls leather. M Delange: 10 Ins eggs. M AV Rankin & llro; 154 As e corn. J 1' Schauppe & Co; 271 do oats. It 11 Conway; 60 hogs, J K Bailey; 14 As oats, It Floyd k Co; MD gallsstoneware. W D Cooper A Co; Wks wool. A Carlisle:MN sheep, Pollock & Lb; 18 As meal. Campbell & Coulson: :1 aka eon. E A Lythe: bbls flour. J 8 Dila orth A Co; 24 hasty glass. Thus Swan: to As oats, D Chess; 4 bbl, whisky. J K !Ans han; 1 pkg butter. I do eggs, Woodworth A Davison; 5 bbls tlour. Hill A Bra: Ia pkgs but ter. 3 do eggs. S H Baird: :1 Asoats, John Rankin: 9 bbls apples, Johnston & Is: has glen. H C Schtnens: II hos butter and eggs. D F Krouse. Pall JUNIATA, May LW—Clark & Co, 75 Use and pitons h h good, 3 horses: Shrlrer. I saw mlll,lB pen and pkgs; J Dunlap. 40 cases :meat; II I. Fshitestock. to do do: J & W Falrley. WIN sks; E HeAleton. 5 bbls I oil; Gruff. It& Co. sdo do: C Ihmsen•S: Son, 111 mt casks; Totten A B. 1 Ltd+ cement: Schwartz A H. 14 has drugs; ti A Kelley. 1 do do: Means A ft:41111.1 bone; Hall A 8. del bnles Whs. Brooks; II & Co. M oil Obis: Close. S A Cu, tit chairs; A Drtlaib & Co, 114 chairs. 15 rockers. 5 stands: 14 Berger. 36achales. 21 rockers: Kremple. F & Co, IT chain. 24 rockers; Inaler chain; .1 IlePPerl & Co. 40 bbls noun W J Street & Cu, VI As wheat: .3 11 Shri rely. L(G) feel lumber. (ira [VA pelt 'Huy sks oats. Mcerneken A Co; I bra empty. row. II I. Fahnestork; sks ,mts,a, aeon, Ilr/Irsay If bap eggs sad butter. I nal apples. a Eberhart gall stoneware. NT I) I ',mi., Tuu do do, Jo hnstonh & S; de togs opts. Mellann A .5: - 50 ski wheat, do oats. SII Floyd; *I A 0 Mt 01. IT do wheat. Menses & A; 4 ale Dbl.. Spencer A )1; 1501 As whet:Lae do corn, W Welch: 25 do oats. 2.bbls eggs,Battey: ta do nab. s Ew art: 44 bbts apples. McKay & la:casks oat, T Head:6 bales hay. S It Patterson:Sl oil Idds. EC Furlong; 1 MIGHT. J W RIVER PACKETS. = THE FLEET STEAMER a dG t BELLE, OM nett. Independent Piltsboraßrownitille nod Gratve Pinta. .:' , 7MNlNc B ..ilieitg;',4":::TZ'At (VS ' "Arc Y. th .. o r4Z i te r lV Nasanirero n•lnt..m b. trrar i tlflj.giati=; , sppirii troard. or at WWI - tiAlll. PATTERSON, AgeaL 1:21E=I VOR CAIRO AND ST. sigg ig mt I.LOUIS.—The .plendid In steamer WAUANITA ...... J. B. COVKA V. Coml., %Mai.; bran'. FOR ST. LOUIS.-The ag o t floe pusenorr neon., R. J. LOCKWOOD cept. A. C. COMell Wm. C. Ramble, Clerk...Vl leave tor lb* ale,. ariet. d Intermediate porta on MATrRIIA &b tr.4ht nr pu..le bond or to mm (1. It. Ol[Rrr.nC t Ct.., A{eel.. I= EOR WHEELINIs, MARI- zig ge t NTTA. PA RNERSIIVRG, eiTuN AND POILTANIOLTD. Des,. Pittebaewb EVERT FIDDLY,-4 P. ea Leave. EVERY MONDA T —I 0 A.Y. Tao new and eplendld paatenwer Steil mor GRANITE STATE. w. IL [see... .... . Oocurnander. WI. Leav• as Announced. For MOOT. or Nonage nwAY on board. O. LIRIEST I c 0„ • - - Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE .; 1 2:: w and splet.ol4 side-.heel JUN I.A.TA, Capt. C. L.. BitictP i rtot 111 leave Plttaburp,b lar Ma th:pull ItgbltT T UMW/1 Yat Iglo'cloolt prompt -15. y ttraini. 1.11 leave Clnclunatl XVI: It t" NUN. tor ?Melt ut. W M . Viti.)VirlAPl), tub? JAM DUII.I.IIIN, Agentst. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE: Th.., and aplendld sl4solheal sid W at Simmer 'ARLINGTON. MOORFL Marsier, A. H. 81117,11 n, (UM Dave. Pitlaburgh for Cincinnati evser 'MEHRA V al. 12 Y. PnanPßl. fintanalnyr. leave. Oincinnatlror Pitts. burgh. at 12.11, Ovary FRIDAY. For frrairat, teallans. or atria Informatlon, apply on board or to JAMES COLLINS. fel ELACIAA-001J.INOWOOD, Agents STEAMSHIPS. TO LIVERPOOL ANIIL_QUEENS. TOWN.— THE INMAN bfAu• BIeAMEILUIS'I4, numbering sixteen Met clam vethels, amens them the celebra ted FITT OF Wax, Vcr i i°g•FAlMlDay, CITY OF IX)Pi 411!.T.Tyvar. 1 1/741.1/Ty . ,Vgarrt s fi= lion apply to • WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., 143 SMITIIFIELD STREET. DALTIMORE lIERRINIi r SHAD, &C. —Now Pntomso Rental in barrelsm. ein new do ebb. In barrel. awn No. iiteFenTratrobriVA,Ltr halves: Salmon I n a kilo. Roland Barnum 0 0 am. For """ 41 7 14, LA NG .31).. r 170 and 174 WOOll street. POTTER. 10 • • / 5 base. baffolin M Treab Roll Bolter; U rue We Or .1. ED. 141 CA Th NVl at ave Lnue. URGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 27, 1870, RIVER NEW S The river continues to recede steadily a this point with .0 feet 10 inches in the channel bythe . Alonongahala marks. The arather last evening was rloudy and a • 'warmer, with every appearance of . e rain. ch.. Belli-venal° departed for New Or nr with a fair trip, and engagements low, pilots--Thionas Morris awl John GE= The Juniata departed - for Cincinnati in t to afternoon with a grim] freight list, a d but few passengers. • The Belle, from Geneva, arrived and d parted. illit=utd an excellent shown t well he seen by reference to her anifest. The 11. J. Lockwood, Capt. ('ankle, ix ft , ling op rapidly. and will depart for St. I min to-morrow. We are informed by ( apt. Conide that with 150 tons of freight. 'board, she only drew two feet of 111,. The mantle), Wattanita. Capt. Conway, as will Is' Keen by cant, ix announced to depart for St. Louta to.ntorrow. It is reported that the tow bunt Lionelax stuck a part of her tow near the Pork Muse. . . 1 The Gmnite State, Capt. Kerr, is the regular packet for Portsmouth to-day leaving at 4P. it. , I . The Glasgow arrivt it nt New Orleans nn Tuesday and the tilendale reached St. Louis the same day. —The Glendale arrived at St. Louis on Tuesday. —The Juniata left for Cincinnati yea terdny afternoon. -Copt. lee Crane has taken command of the low pressure steamer Hunter. —The Leonidas from New lirleang hits 673 ban railroad iron for Louisville. Steranna wauto 1 av e left Cincin nati for St, Louis on Tuesday evening. —The Messenger lest Cincinnati for this port on Tuesday. Pilots—Crato Reno and Nick Whitten. —At lust arc-muds the Ironsidete bar gealvero aground.. The recent rise has, no doubt, let them before fain time. —Pilot Campbell, a resident of—George town, near Pittsburgh: is an invalid on the, going home. Ills rout-. plaint Is chronic diarrhea. stands of cotton along the Ar. kansas an• looking in,. and promise an abondant yield. It is anticipated that the cotton crop will he larger this season than ever befon.. . The Lon•na In tow of the Jonas PoWell, arrived at Cincinnati on TuorAny where her broken shaft will he mended. She reshipped her Pittsburgh freight on the \Varmints. —'l•he Northern Line Packet Company's steamer Petrel arrived at Little Hoek on the.l6tli, u lib a barge loaded with lee. She sunk one barge below and left one forty miles below Pine Bluff. —Captain it. E. Neal, commander, and Charley Miller, find clerk. of the ateamer Indiana. are greatly Improved In health, and•hopen :tn• entertained that they will he able to resume business in a day or two. —Freight runes front :4t. Lonis to Mem• phis have inereused to 20e. per harm' far tloor. It?.e p•r 100 lumnd+ (arrant. Vie per 100 pounds for bacon. nod 21le per .1110 pounds (or !my. .It additional nth-tt, is looked for. J Dodge. for many years a eleg ant on the river, has invented and pat. onto.' a coffeepot, which he claim. nave, 331 per cent of coffee, much time and labor, aturinaken hotter mare than the old style of dripping —A Telegram inform. us that Onachi to River is falling fast, and navigation becoming quite difficult. The Mayflower, in the event of not going thontyll will trannfer her freight to the light draught packet Lightwood, for Camden. —A cereal inventigrition hye an English Board of Trade has developoil th.• fact that titmy•of the . English merchant yes Kele are eighty yearn old and la cr. The investigation was made in the interest of gaiters Who go down to the sea in gape, and do lousineen in the gnat waters. —The ttranite State. Capt. Kerr. ix the regular packet for Portsmouth to-day, leaving at 4 t•. Thin Aime steamer in adding to her jkipularitv every trip, but this is to he ectiettteti. under the adminis tration of t•om. Kerr. Passengers and will retnetille, that the tense. pn.mpas.,n t i oo•. —Says the t t num i y, Ire r. The workmen engaged In rxeavating shorn pier of the Newport bridge. on this side. inrtWlp urietivertsi. thirty feet helots the aortas,. the remains of S straut boat hail. stipposed to bs that •Of slit. Moselln, which was' destroSed by the ex I. 4 oalortsif lire boilers over thirty years ago with awful loss of life. The river hank . at that parr in made ground. FINANCIAL. CENTRAL BANK No, 35 Bank Block, I=l CAPITAL Bank of Discount and DepoNit I= Interest Allowed on Timr Deposits naloelloras made In all the gatridiaLl 11Iles of O. 001.4 !Mete. and I muds.. 1 11 . 14 :V Y Alifitt n. AM II o H, .11,1,1 CS ADLER, 1e1tr4,11, / ittk , ll - 1 . JAYLEATIFLOWN, ,11YAciK. J. IL WALTICH, Mon rreftseint .1. W. pwl. ITT, Camialst. M. !IL NNIN(ili. Aut.l'outtler. ap11,70:1011. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK No. G 5 Fourth Avenue. I= ASSETS. 52..598,37160. ..ortatt,l,7? November IM, hem 7 to 9 Wel. en 4 Dom So wl.mber let to MeV kid. from 6to o'clock. Deposlug rewired of all cams o not less then ONTY DO. I.LA It. and a dleldend of the pronto a.' clued twice a year. In June end Deassetter. Inter est has been ilenterial sembenntoally in June and December, elan! ate Bank mu urgent.., at the rate of ale Or Cara. per ye, Internet If not drawn Out. le piece(' to the credit Of UM deposit., as principal, and bears the same Interest,Mm the Dna days of • June anti Deeember. compounding twine a year, without troubligatv depoallor to call, or even to present Ms past AI ail. rate metier Will double le less than twelve re Hookew. eonntalning the Menet Brine.. Belt ggl=latlims. turd third Engle, on eppilretooo at . Pitanwre—JAlnS ITICSIMAN. ace 1141.111ZNITIL rieolt :I.lrollock. M. D.. rit S. WI 1. 124 :joita 111Vir.inberger. am. Memory. .Jonlas Shlttle, M. It D. owds. :Alezender Spoor, Ira. M. Peacock, .eltristlan Vetter. = . • Tstoverico. Atadormm, 2=27.A111.114. I.lotko 111trobajl w. 2 1171rturr nb t atria= SOVVZ. '""a. I am id H. 011 v.• NVIIr r;3 1 1 1 7ll P.. Peter 11. Iflcbmd HIM Samna , James I/. ' lAlownder IttMort C. Lomitim 1 irIt:I7•I7tRULE.I/A..171; The Best Suspenders Ever Worn. k tr: d rgr . ar =ituvigx: craginthttrii tarnishing CLARK &l FILA(Hi, 58 White :street New York. epthaner Win OF ming._.Th e great Blood u3M2l.,,v,l3Vrt,nrrak.tergx ri,c.„-tv,.., th r . hope... bet. Mew. - - 0 twe re "then. It le • splendid op petit. and wow. Slid the sig. thing In the 150=n0pea u01..,r,1t02::.441' tin4.27;."7,r,r4.14; btxlll ,o 4w. lathe pe4114. 1..* young or oidosan Wu the Vine of ISte. It h. - 'ln h.. • .13, !rho. who wish to era. go. It .0 tr. 11°." It wri. win do wedl to talte the W. tAfe. It la ellhorent front anythiegw•bt 1.4. m sew ux.. Yds* LS Quen 4 4411. "' In wow It le eola dlr.. Abe at ell respect. gitenteT SPECIAL NOTICES 120—coNsumpTios DE. SCHENCK'S puLmorric STRUT for the , °g.llaktk§,Vitral.l7l'43NPlor the ewe 1=0....0 the Debilitated Cdtal ons of SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PU.St i jce Dis eases of the Liver or to est a• • Gentle vs. All of these three Medicines are often required In smug Consumption. th oast the Palmonic tl up anoe h. cured many aesPenste CA.. The lteasead Tontoand Handmade Pills asen In rasp Mating the Stomach end laver. .00 help the Pul =vl:7.27:.'Lli, dATCII end Much throush Tfe f eeted. . . These MeAlaine, are relried•Mounly offered to the Public a. the only ante. certalti and reliable remedy fur Pulmonary ComemPflon. and for ell those morbid elinditions of the body which lead to that fatal disease- lAver Complaint and Dy when theyoften forerunners of ConsumpUon, and when they . manifest then:male. they tritilfa the mat prompt attentiOn. The Pule:ionic Syrup is • medicine which has bad blong probation before the Public- Pa rale e has een finned by the Moaned cures it has made through • period of more than tbibly-tire p.n. In .11 of whim timg its reputation h. Increased, and the most Obstinate skepticism can, no lo doubt that it in a remedy which may be used wit h mull. dance in all ama which admit of a cure. lionsMe patent will perseveringly fellow the di...0-which which oompany mob butile, he will certain ly be mineel. i fhis lung/ WV not too much wasted to c u ra b le , pima... Mr.. In =Ms suppmed to be i when friends and phy.104.• hare of wig. the um of this Medicine h a saved the lifeealt ofh. the patient and restored him to perfect • • Dr. Schenck does not MI that all' cues of Put m...7 Consumption are within the reach of med icine, but he emphatically user. that often when Patents hare the [llll2i /1.11.r. , 4 smptom.. such wi a violent cough. cms•Plairnil,D. ni ght 'pe rm " debili t y. pear, to suc h Snap. that tee) are ...pod to he in bed, and when May are Siren up by th troy hysielsp, they may aired. ble medic. tmust can mate new luny, but when the tuna are eery 2.117 as and to some en. tent dettroyed, • cure 0111/ be effected by Dr. de/uncles medicine. •• . • n • .. Alan In Heron:does Dlsfleae.• those medkines equally efficient. Dr. Schanck has photograph. of a number of persons who bare been nearly oust Ind with running toren and now which ed up. This shows its purifylna pospertl. MSS he able to heal Mlles the lungs. In the treatment of (minium ptlan It is My the et molt impetuses, to give vigor and • healthy done to the .miteus. 'fenced is sieocssat7 to strengthen the appetite of the patient and ins prow. the Mire. Dun. Proper nouri.hMent required together with such means as will meta the food safely dlge.. tibia. The articles most minable for the diet of Connimptlre patients are designated In Dr. 'Schnuck. s Almanac., which are distributed aratui In mer.eral, the most highly nutrttons arti cle. aro to bu preferred. bat the d4emive must be strengthened In Iffelee mod. either Dee' or inediettm sorvibeSol. • Ws pequire mend Is met by the Seaweed Tonle, and tor unk purpand it was losMnated.. whey, mostly. vomits am pat In good order. the food Imo Ito proper effect: the .711L002 of the patent Is invigorated and the lungs begin to cone d. Malt functionsnormal sod man er. Then Use beallef Doff.. of Delmont. SYree will effect the cure. Ivelemony , ContiMinn le Meant Wane eism- Pinned with 07•Pepela end /dyer Conier . l. nchenelt . • Mndrine Masan Intended to e untractlons fn. the Urn . and restore Pe Minty Cotton.. They have all the agent/ Which Is ascribed to calomel or "blur man. - and are warranted not to eanteln a panicle of any mineral Palen. Then Pills cure the mnat ohlinnate nostlireoese, Sick heedeche.plies. afrectima, and all other diseases which arise from • torpid or obstructed eondithin of the Llver. One box of theme pills will prove the steamy of the medicine. anteAnsomptlon the Seaweed Tonle and Man- Pills are Invelueble auxiliary medicines. They relieve the sufrerinn of the patient and went the Pulmonle Syrup le *nett., cure. They have been found unto) In advanced Mane Of Oonsurop. ion, where the lump are almost entirely dearer.' and ill symptoms according to tbe Judgment of the ehlelcian Indicntga . rily i tunb. The lives of pponha a b . ei w n h Pn 7 served Lon ' thl yi tft4l:l: l ".7 Schen Caki three err at rennin. Dr. Netienetie Alienn Contents • fall treatise on the vendee for.. of disease, hlvinpdeuf treatment and general dinette. how to on his - Indictee can Mitt parri ' etc N7f. " ta b lf o ' rtt I s t abllZZ!Vida! delphie- Price of the Pub:ionic Sync i and Seaweed Tonle nand.4 per tuttle. or 7,3 M a halt dozen, ke Pine Mg, cant. boa. Sur male by an druggist.. de:if:dd.) er-Dotrrolt WHITTIER CONTIN. TR ,t7C ALL ol luv f rit reeoi o tlT; tram self.abuse, producing nomanlincaa. tion - rons debility, Irritability. eruptions. Neminni =Whine, and fluidly Impiteney peraninetillyesraL Penning sancta.: anti dellatta, intrinata arid lung standing constitutional romplaints• are politely dr for consultation, which coats nothing. 'dance, the best of Leachers, has enabled him to perfect remedies at once nalcient, safe. permanent, dwhich in most case* can be u.ed without hind rance to bculnces. Medicines pespared In the es. tabllshment. which embraCes °Mee, nominal and waiting rooms: also brardltuf and. sleeping apart ments for patients requirnut daily peracaW atten tion, and en por and chemical thaths,tbus ooncen- Leann" the famed mineral springs. No matter who have failed. state your case. Read wbaS he says in bin pamphlet of Oily Mos, sent to uty adder. fur two stamp& In pealed envelope. Thousands of eases treated annually, at odice and all over Übe counts). OOndr ~eee, Nn. Hours 11. tO SP. 11. Sunday. 1M M. b to P. M. Pamphlet sent to any address fur Two gram., 0:r MANHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW lONTOltril -Jot Poldleh.A alieOrd VAT. 1L97.7.1°,17. 1 5 lif..nadorrOces. ur So:inlet Waltzes*, sad lispedl. e m tro{.ll!:l. M ..p ." lr ^e* ofilrga r k i 2, -. =lt; ineapaltr. ' ilir...rr l ttloST. J. cui.vr:9EL WIZTAT.4g b ender In a plait envelope. to WV addnraa. peetpuid, ( 1 .. 0 . MTV, ',4l;.°!l f t: tort. rem/airy tiea 43F411, Ala/ Or. (iiiivarean's - Marna.. L4rHATCHELOR'S HUH This splendld llalr Dye is the best In the world. Ilarmisas. inetardasionts. done nut Contain lend. hi ,r any ITAIJC poison to produce paralyal. or death. Arad the vaunted and dela :r4P7E=r;ru,2l;l=,,P.7l:ll7 had 30 years untarnished nipuLallia to 13,1.014 Its timbal - soy as lb. only role s Oar ase-laaelt Doom. npid by ail lanes Os. Mahal at 1 1. Wad stoat. Y. fe: WHOLESALE GROCERS, Sac ESTABLISHED BI k T. COBALT. \V. Ni.(:( mm Wholesale Grocer, 271 LIBERTY STREET, I=l PlTTfilll 11 , 01 PA . Meanor & Harper 51,111. GRAIN AND PRODLICR Corninis:•+ion Nierelirtnts = 12. - emplumnts - . 11. KrEgl 11! .1 A. iITELII.T. M. STEEL E & SON, Stoo nog) Commkrlon Mprehmitn, 4: 4 11!itirc4KM,..114.11(711:n.,1:. ", W. C. Armstrong, tgurmii ,- ;e to Feta.* Arnastroo4.l PRODITE COMMISSION MERCHANT. spla No. 4 13 11All/CF:T STRICICT L..f. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocer NQ• g ;396 PENN STREET. a. lt LITTLE, BSI It D k PATTON , bolo SALE GAIN: r Ilpt.Vaitotbilou ltstebant• And re to Produce. blobs. Hama, Chorea, Ptah. eart.nn and • Lard Iron. Naas. Glass. Pelson V IT,and RH Pllistopytt by utaslutes generally. . 19511 4 2.r. ° 292 Joni/ I. Norst....LON. Irbgic...ant. 110CSL FOB'S I. HOU SE di BROS., Suret.esors u to JOHN I. HOINIC t CO., Wbnisside °mows and Cononliolon Merchants, corner of thaltblekl and Water stn.*. Pittsburgh. /OR: 111111ROX • WAI.LACI. rIPTON & WALLACE. Wholank, GRUCZILti AND ruunuce-bICALISIbi. No. Stith sveroue. rlttstmintli. OILS Tack, Bro, & Co., • PERRY BUILDING, Duquesne ;Way, Pittsburgh. • mog • Philadelphia WARTNC & Connoinlob Mira=la god Broksrs to Petroleum and its Products, I= I= WARING, KING & 00., spy 110111LNAL.NUT (yrRUT.. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. Herbert W. C. Tweddle, MANUFACTURER OW Lubricating and High Test Burning Oils. WOLIN'S RAI,LROAD AXLIV OIL, stand• meat heat vrllliont Munn; nertnalns lip. lovest o te t isAeglitre t s ; Spacial oil for trr.l4. IQf larMr.. r ‘ KNUIII/1„ YACIIINE 8110 P, AND PLANING MILL OILS. i } a 2 l e , L 11 4 h l7 aro-rrr OIL, 01 uc moms E .4 Mk OAmPa ri 0 &ARAI. it E. A Olt VAnNISIL tO Preserve Inas Wort and Machinery from rust. The. produce RT. talOtligetArld nadpr Dr. Theddle's patent Sy Superheated Steam In Vaemo. The I.uhnotlne ohs am almost odorless, perfectly puro. niform. and mostly NEW. atiored, stand • te u mPeratum uneharrett, .4 rema in limpid daring enreme *old. This ltailm. Otis ate me. qualledowd are In emstant use egin many of the principal Samples mm ordera left at 174 HOOD tg wln hharyeburs Bride. • CIIEESiE • lU • • rrueNoILL AMERICAN BANK, No. 80 Fourth Avenue. PrTSBURGH CA.= CAPITAL 11200.000 StoekholderU Individually Liable. DAME CIF DISPOIJET AND DEPOSIT. JOLLY PLOYD. NM. VIA/YD. . Pre. deM. ' Cubler. DimsPIDES: ram. M.. /lambs% Wm. T. Munson. Jobs Tats Bo ts stow folly • do: u ntsral Bardt!tut bus Jaen IL Maitland. Acct. Maid Wallace Ju. D. Kelly. • Wm. Floyd. ===l3 FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No. 100 Fourth Ave., Pittoburgh ARRA* 1433:g°03 DEPOSITORS SECURED. ST REAL BAITATIC AND INTEREST ALLOWED ON TIME DE- M/RITA. PnesldetSEDWA RD HOUSE. • Vice INTRldepts—J. Ii CRAM ADAM JACOBS. DlU['Motu, ED*/ 1..0U5i.., _WILLIAM PIT 1 . 14,1p5. TN II WILT: .132 . 61'111L - 1111.'• • THOaaAll W. DAVIS. Secretary and Treamerr—Tllo3lAS STEEL. Asalstatt Cashter—J &WPM P. SPEKIL Offloe hours from 9 o'clock A. Y.lO 4 tic10515..r. Y. ahn daily, and every Saturday overdo/ tuna 7 to 1 0. sr3l COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, t1e..9! Fourth Ave.. Pittsburgh =Ea! "400.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. W. H. iscHusom, rnnammt. - • , ntaseropm . - 11 7 1 tat Hyx • 24. jez: . Awl) IA % con Da I.Boli. • Cortoettont ma W A awes7olWe points of 1110 U NA IM A rand IT allow - Atm DXPORITS. Prompt attontloo even to on bottom , . of COM. Qo deny. CITY- BANK, 112 - FIF'rIIAVENtTE, rrrrsia mum. PA. • 00.000 W. C. MACRO3I MET BTOCKTIOLDERS INDIVIDCAJ.UP LIABLE. • INTERIMT PAID ON nxPOSITS. FORMIGN EXCHANGE bouht aadisold. and atom !Wired remitted to Elirtere , ( °Bretton, made m Yd a/I . the priaelpal poi m of the United ate* and Caned.. DOMINICK 11/.IIIEN, Ppaddent. V.l9tMlo!=r'" l4 "`• 111•ZeTOILX: . . D. Mon.. 1 Jat t • • 31 lofib e , Thos. flociiive, Hoek Keating, Patna Kane. • Tonal.. eampueD • etua. B. Barr. • Lames Phelan, RurdiCKßß3, RV= a ." Ert: N. sum. leis ROD /4,De , i 72 AM. lIBBIr, THE SAFE DEPOSIT-CO. Of Pittsburgh, YOB TIM Safe Keeping of Valuables, Ondoranarant., and the renting of Se. In Its Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No. 83 Fourth Avo Proddent—WlLLlAM PHU.I,IPS. Vie. President—HENßY run U. William Phillips, Henry William R. William M. Lyon. Jm. I. Hanna.. ' Dim', and Itroui—M. F. VON IiONNTIOIDST. • Orti Maly Irma oteamt A. Di. L. 4 !,'F IZMM =in= 7 Per Cent, Gold Loan, I=ll=ll Or TM; BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS & MINNESOTA IL R. CO'S ,First Mortgage GO TEIR CDNYERTIBLE BONDS. A LIMITED QUANTITY rag MALE. At 90 and Accrued interest. 1:=11 J EDGAR T110)IPIU , N, t cIIAKI.Cet The 'seater part of the toed is slreetly am pitted sad phase twee ~slogs. sod the Oshawa at the wort le sttidle We ealmoeiteflaely rommmad 'Mee 1M0... the eateet as 4 beet Investment la the motet. Ilveotmeitleo at correct prim ably. return Sr. par rent. latemm. while thee* pay eight sad coemtentle per neat. In O//td, sad Ire mewl the morntrlty equelly*mad. HENRY' CLEWS & Bankers 32 WEal Street, New York S. IiECLEAN & Co., No. 65 Fourth Avenue =E2 MORGAN, KEENE & MARVIN Wall Street (TIMM do, from Ilnoidro).) N 1 1K YORK. tatat,4ll[4; A General Baiking Business. TURD M. MORGAN. SAMIGKI. EXPNK. IdI.DILY C 11AllY12d, UAW Parma.... &mend end Adjutant 4Joneral of the Nude of New Tort.l Salad la the lamodlale uldalty at the Maul ILX ahand• .4.11 tie thad 11.. and mud members of each). cadets an eloculad with the greaten poealtde dee- Petah. Marsgarda and 141,0100114 tiring at a distance. ern ?My upon oar 040.01100 to noir smallert or Znorders. Inta rniul ears and promptness. o nun mut. am snail motto. to 4n1000.4et posinesa of National Banta and Corporations on Ms mad Wombed Wog ' tatilvtdosta and Trost Coirm. - eoniamplaUrig 141 Mgt Want or desiring to maiM j.= gpgg,gpag, any to asil:man 1007 may balm in this cm , are UM corannualcall 51ta as pensamily or by letter. liefaranoe—Maran. fay (testa • Co., flea Port. N. Holmes & Sons BANKERS, 61 Marbet Street, P rrrsß RGII, PA. ( f . '""7. °"'"" STOCIS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES; DOUGH? AND BOLD ON OOLIIIINION RH.lcutsr attantloo ptht to tlao poro/tato sop trio of United State. Securities HART, CA U GREY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORM ROUTH AND WOOD RTDEETS, Pittsburgh. Pa.. MVO=MORS TO FIANNA, lIART A CO:,1 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And welch!" attauttost veld to the purchase end We of Government Bonds M 1 Sight Draughts on London. .61 Tradesmen's National Bank WOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND AVE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Conn Boni nd Slott BOMBS! AND SOLD.itlymET t. oadier creardETKltiek—GAlL. ENGINES, BOILERS, &o. FORT PI-Tit • Boiler, Still and. Tank WORKS. !ARROLL & SNYDER, =I UT QIL STII,VS - AND OIL TANKS. CHLIINEIS.BILICKCLIINO ANDM PANS, SETTLING PANS. HALT PAN S AND 000. DENSICRS. n rali " PIPFM. GASOMETERS AND IRON DOORS AND COAL. SHUTES. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE: Cor. 2d, 84, Short and Liberty Streets, PITTSBUIIOU. PA. Er4VrterrlZ "d" " mITLY t. HUGH M. BOLE & CO., (or. Point Alley and buqueene St, I= Engine Builders, Founders, AND MACHINISTS. Manufacture BTF.AMBOAT ENGINES and NTA TIONKRY !MOINES of all Wrs. A TrAtr U FF INIVN Mo"Zfillfi BO .Blttl horse power. CANTINGIVot every Ittnt wade to order at our r =7B " f:l 1t, 1 2.71415rai1g Vt. lIANUKRA. tsoUhli ant TO AC(.O .4 IRON TOFIACCO PIIMISRS, on hand sts4 made to order. It the • • INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting an the Allegheny Rarer, near the Pnlnt Plttaburgh. Pa. IGIr All ordonFrapVlllled. TM' CS. Biesick & Bro., JIM AND BURGL.AR•PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS. NO MOULD. OEM EN CI:INES AND MACHINERY, BREWERY WORE. REPAIRING AAA IT_TTI_NG UP MACHINERY ~ty nor VAR and PUKE STR nOtavEr O'HARA BOILER, WORKS, F. REPHAN CO., W.W.ll:mow of STEAM BOILIN I QII. TAISK . S : AGIT/ITMIiaT z ig ulam . CI.IIIIEITS, Ihtl MIEN YTICE BEDS, Ac.. Cor, of Strand Avenue and Liberty Street. PITTSBURGH. PA. • Repairing don. promptly. Orders' soot to the abbr. s4Atas• Will be promptly attends/1 &a F. REPIIAN. formerly Manager at CARROLL & ICITDERIi. oclititt FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS KNAP FORT PITT Foundry Company. OFFICE AND WORKS Twelfth Street, I= Troniiinro. amloi 11111 Machinery. Nell Ma 141. v, and nutlwo wend!, NATIONA I, FOUNDRY AND • Pipe Wor]_ - s. 'inner Carroll and Smal'man Sreets, otllNvitir Alt!. = WM. SMITH, MANUrAeII/RICR or Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, GAS AND WATER WORKS. ..11.171TIZIIIZILVVAilLT.112V flstinks for Gas and Water Work's' I would aloo WI the attenion of Swpo_kinteodenta of Goo Works eal opluf t of ItUVOICTN. . J. ANTICASoR 11. A.i , liktf MONQNGAHELA 'FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., )"°" — DOWgalifironFill.°.l7. "cm . • Castings. or all Descriptions. f i c.r,%°Z° A'Weoz. Ore AND YorNblir—No. 130 WATER Pilteburgh. P. ROBINSON, REA & CO., 8um...0n to 114:sprOoX. MottO t Mauna WASHINGTON WORKS FODBDLILyI MACIIINISIS,PITTSDURGII. Marrotretarog - of Boat AA Statteruars Memo Ro. tut., soneri v , !WON Iron wort. QM*" L I AO A r D IVATIMPAVirfi . •. jurrS: THOS. CARLIN Si, CO., Fourth Ward Foundry.& Machine Marta SANDUSKY ST.. ALLEGITKNT CITY. PA. .Itsaufastanes of Statlanare PorlabLe Mesta Ears. pit Pres... 1 . 11.1571, 81..../tlOO. Grist .0 0. II I meta gaoo,ll.ollll.o stmseta. tr a ttrs. Ordsr mod havittlta4Vglooo of st e- lines. torl.3l_ Phcenix Roll Foundry. Cor.,4IIIRTT. AND 94TH STA. BOLLMAN &. BAGALEY Ituratsciarers of Snorter Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls' and Phdons PROFESSIONAL . . (2. DeCAJIP • • • NA • ITTORNET AND COUNSELOR IT LAW, F 17 4 10 Nfa.ll7 OfkT. Nrlllirr, raiii `u" a m t h'u =3,lf= l gi *boar county. ail O.Y. audoollons in won of agooNst confitOr.. H. MeCORNICIR • A.A.• [ [ Attorney-at-Law, No, GS GRANT STAMM, Immoillr'PTonapt aunktion Oren to el kinds a .. • A RCHIBALD BLAKELY,. , Attorney -at-Law, IMO= M=MWI IM WM. B. BEEPER, • AUER-VAN AND rEAIVIIICIO JUSTICE CV THE M Office, 112 Fift L h avenue. I=l7Vrgli:=,tat; sun aU WM busing.. Wavle. to and so. ourstely. NI, w 0 . - 9 . iii,', e I fi irl HOLMES, BELL & CO. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, pITT DUMIL Manoticumus of HHATTGtand LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting Fcy v;n. IRON AND STEEL DUQUESNE WORKS, Coleman, Rahm Co., IRON, NAILS, S'fEEL, -tx_xels and . Springs. DINUESNE, L X AND JUNIATA. FLAT BAR. 11.012 ND AND SOCARE 1110 V laraltl'netirl7l AttPATANK T p yF iN ti r d w .w w lA2 A , , ,,k4 D NTEKL• rINGB AND MOULD. AT % " -- rVANINNI S I T VVVVrV I A WIGS and AXLM CUT NAILS AND SMILES. All bloods First Class and Warranted. OFFICER AND WORTS-1601 . •tivid ars! Al!e lem. River, mat 77 Water street, Plttaburitt. FILLER, BARR & PARKIN. =I METCALF. lIEVDEN Mu LBE, Gil .W. BAR. CAM. $e IA I. R P. 4 ItTNIM— R 11. 1,11:11. Crescent Steel Works, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE: No. 130 Liberty Street, f± PI_TTSBETROII, PA. Pittsburgh Steel Works, ItSTABLISNED IN 1845. ANDERSON & WOODS, =I Best Refined Cast Steel or Error oz.ciorTioN. Amo. But &tined German PI& & Spring Steel CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVILNUE. Pitts burp. Ps. . sul&stt PITTSBURG-II Novelty Works. FOLTNIMiI, A. D. 1899. 1001111EAD, ADAMS & CO., Mantlfaxturnrs of KF.VSTONE STANDARD (Flr bane. Patoral PLATFORM AND PUP STRR S C, AL ES. Janus Fared Patent. Wad Isa•ka and Inane., Paint and Ole; Mine. 'Corner of AVENUE and .GRANT Mi., Plttabinh,l'a Sheffield Steel Wo'rks, & Co., I=! Manufseturan of .rap demiptloo of Cast and. German Steel, Ren.m4tsPßlNGti, ELLIPTIC AND PLATVORM SPRINGS. AXLES. STEEL TIER; Se., do. WARITUOUOE-83 Watarand 100 INoristreela BLACK DIAMOND' STEEL WORKS. YARD, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of all Descriptions of STEEL. . OFFICE and WAHETIOUSE-3011. 31. t and Oallroul street., PlOoburch. STOVES, CASTINGS, Zlbe COOK STOVES. Get the Best! BISSELL & CO'S T MIT MPH, For Bituminous Coal Warren.] to COOK, BAKE or ROAST es 'nal as SIT other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. ALDO, ON RAND AND FOR BALI PARLOR NIVVIS. ' GRATIN() STOVES. 'ORATE MONTS. PR-NDICREL COOKING RANGIOL AA. f,se. - GRAFF, HUGUS SL CO, Alaaufartorsra of every variety of STONES, Boston Cooking Range "THE FIERY FURNACE" MR WARMING BUILDINGS. .RWUL N YOR. VM CO D L la m er EZ O N2 . li a lerast ANT l fr i treall o ft i atta b lirr s. fra . MA sad QM: I/KATI 206 and 208 Liberty Street, _ rrrrneoaae,_ pw_ A.BRADLEY& CO. No. 30 WOod Street. Illantthwthrors of the Greatest Varlet, ot MOIL PAII.LOI4 ano lISATING STOVICeI to be found. In our amwtment wllthe_found all the latest /PAT TI:W:B owl IMPUOIENTS / and the toputa *Jon of our Mores to roeh that any on* tn want of ,1 1 : I a . b ruble as woo as econouncal. Would cal4farloular attention to our now VOLCANO t/ foe el/weber / halls one mores. Over 300 .old Mathes Dlntended for with or wi th out caslng. All who have used them proommee theMminetho. per mho. and farebesper. blood toeintaindimontl Jrza Mee . WINES, LIQUORS, &o. WAGNER'S FiEIC - 11 COLORING The Very Best in the United:4lnlei, =EI WAGNER, Nil North Seventh Street, PRILADLLPTIIA. -- a ggrviess—All the Mulles houses te.Ptitlt• midtklifday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Noa 384 and 386 Penn, Cot. of ELEVENTH ff., formerly Canal JOS. S. PlNeff& CO. .Sim. ma, Isl. took 121.153..• 1 1 4 errintAT. Pltubencb. of COPPIllit AlwJdarlenYOUSOZ=3l. 4 t tot: a. = • FULTON &IMAM, Practical Plumbers, GAS AND BTICAM TIMM& Nth Ammo, otos Moll Street. INsborob, Po. Lead rim Goat limo, est Pirturtok_Onaks. Rath Tab. sae Wath Nods. Ina NS , 1.0 nttftio. Ale rogro rt 1 " 1 rt. Mt fro r and Moon Illatino Apporosi?. JObbiZig oroolottystlandad to. .' ti;`... rtu . .... i-RAILROADS TEVAYLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL 7 'sr Trains inn arrira . a . 11 e. n. Sunday. r..Zl7V:t r d Wa arta depart from the Union Depot. nom.. of Witzlit ineton andt.itrerti Hee... a. i0i74.,,,, an u c. 9.0 Train! . '... 1:30 am "Sionthertina7. -- 3 . 10 an. - 1 line.. . 1 . 1.14 am ' , Pantile No . ... 449 a m I Wall's nii..l. ti- oam Wall , No. 1 U r ant Briten anNo.l 7. pi , , waw . 50. ..,.. ~ am Mall, rain .. ai. to Klll -1.111111, O . I , il ~' ", ,i ' i lITXX' p ,' . V . ,; I 'l' 3 ;;;;; Johriatuwn ae.lo OAN Ciro:heti Ex . . .1. •33 piss Iblia Ac. Sir. 1 7,00 poi Wall, No. ia..l 31 nl. r ity V NO.. 110 pm Johtono,rri se. 4 .03 ino H . .1 .4 1 . if No a 3 1131 .1 1% il:,`"'" Ac -11...'41'Ae., ' Liiik.lexproa• ' 1111 " Ti No. 1 3 pm Wales No. 3.. 3:03 i t ' im Wall', No. 4.. .330 p m WWI'. No. 4.. 01/3 ,4:13 Hrin'n AeNoSI 1:10 pm •Fast Linn.... play p p, War Pasan.r..loStl do s eall', N0.3...114111111111 *Thew° teal. make Connection at Harris burg f or Baltimore. The Church Train leave, Walla Stationevery email!) at 0.03 a. ...' reaching Pittsbnrigh at 10,03 p. ro. Returning. leave" Pittabtinthal 10:30 p • en. and arrlros at Walls Station at 11:10 P. m. "Cineinnati Mitre. leaven dail 'uthern Er r.. leaves dally eatlest lidonday! . Allother trains 011 . / e y e except Sunday. • further Informailon apple to _ e HI. 11. DECKWITIkAtent _ Penn,yl..laltalinsul Company will not Sr Yre.fanr,.erli for_ Eaalrage. ereetit for wearing asp resrinsibillty to One Ilan; 7,artnt to value will Ott 2l 7rthe g ter '4. flei". u " . special mintnict. . . . ' A.J. CAPPATT, rap General So pertntenden, Altotia. WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA R. R. 1 1 n l . B ll 4 l V iq ne . rem:v.v. Railroad pill arrive at and depart I .i hN o 4 c heilorni V.YY . , iietiot, Allegheny part t lit . ARHXYI4 1 N 1 15•49 a al. Mall "PA'r. :lll) ato I, l =n 4 N o. ' l .3is • In; Freeport No. 1 .20 • m tir n tl . Nt i t "'"V,V...g".' .V • m Freeport "7 .f.'•USSl,'l' : 7 *,d..,,,., :18r:, ... i • • 3 ou p nr . pint .. 20 p m Stehinreßo.9lol4o p to!Springd i e No.l . .:111 pna Above mins ran daily except Suaday. The Char& Train leaves Allegheny Junction every Sunday at 7:40 A. L.. reaching Allellieby Illy at. 0:30 A. M Returning. leaves Alleabeny Pity at 1:30 P. Si. and arrive at AJlegheny June. thin at 3:40 P. P. . . . . The imins leaving Allegheny-Clty at 7:00 A. is. nuke direct connectio Ru d ereort with Walkers line of lioticie for mid Henna/Won, Throug tickets may be purehmed at tJte Office. Ne. k P t. Clair soviet. near the Snepenelon Bridge, Pittsburgh. and at the Depot Allegheny. Ver further particulars i t JAMES L FFERTS. Agent. Federal Street Depot. The Weetem Pennsylvania Railroad will nut &a .m. any rlek for biom e t fer wearing op. bad, and limit their resty to One Um dred Dollen In value. A exclwelituf tads amount value aid be et the Met of the owner , antes. taken by *pedal ountract. 1:1253= EITTSBUROR, FORT WAYNE k CITICAGO R. W. d UNIt. N IP a PnIIPS- Eggiil@g&—. Prow MAY lid, 18,1). train. will leave Own and arrive at the Linton David. north Ilde. Mr. burgh city Raw... follow.: . . . I.lVr. . I AMUR. , r Fast Line 111: 1 a m,Faat Line 2:30 aea Erie it. Vlrn Ex.7: l a m Pacific I , U....liAirlp m Chid Wk g MI. : • zolltheellos ELI AR • m mah Ma 11... : a mlc. a Bt. /.. Ex.. p m Chlcso Kr : a „ I; p i .3% . 41.. 3.1 Faii v l rb zl ll"-. : ':. It ' 1R4'11'6117 Ttt IVe k Erle Ka. .• pm O. d Wit a: Ex.. 7. Np m IlIP•Irr 1110/4 4I4.ULI . Y.,AURIVIr IN ALLMMENI Beer Falls Ac. hl: N a an Leetsdale Ac..t1:33 a 1 L' :: Pt.g::,z;ralt::: a. : :.; Rochester - 14.44 penEnon .- pea m ram, - . Lcehniale . 111 Leemdale - • pm'Bear Falls" p m Beer Valls . • :Mil 1. m Leetsdale - • p m Leola4ale .1 1 .43 9 m - - 7 : P . lair Oaks Ron. .Falr Oaks Run - du Ch arch.. 1:13 p ro' day Church-9:6h ava Pacific Express Will leave daily. Parton Express arrives del). Fast Line leaves WIT. Mondays elcepled. W - l'ast tine arrives dully, Mondays soroeptml. ' All other trains will lea's and arrive daily. B V. d lnk F ti r ie d. .1. N. XIeFIILLOUOII. TlAtet Agent: 04ml:inage, (TRANCE OF TIME.-ALLEOHENY VALLES' ItAll.llO/11 b.= tia.-719iuoTiE WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. . . . d .. . . . On anattor MONDAY, Nov. M 2. lni, TWO THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, (exoept day) will leave Iltibbuligh Depst, comer of Klereath and pmtb, far Franklin, Oil City, Diablo, and all bi the OP Itegiona U iii L ~..,. PITIW.MaIt m t llitr. l IN riatagn, I N M intit Er.— kill plis . .:Nlibt Ex.... 1: A . Y. let Mutton.. 6:4 A la!' tit Milton.. . A. al. ' Iloiton..11:6 A. w.:Md Holum.. . A. 0. ai r lagt . ...l 3 . ' ft:::!=htra . ... fl ° 1:::: ji 5.141 1 1 ' 0,411 :. t...t.ir41:41t: i . A.M. grady'sliAc : P. w.,Bgadyb BAcl . A. Y. Church. . P.N.:Church 1 U A. N. ESP mas smith stop only at at points. Ac commodation laths stop at all stations. we are now running "Sliver Palace Sleeping Can" on our nit ., " Elp[oll6 trEDIS. both ways front Pl"""jh (01 J. 7: LAWRFV.„ CF., Oral Snot , TIIOI4AS M. KIND, Am't Supt. DITTSiII.TRUII, CINCINNATI AND 1 ST. lANTIS 'RAILWAY. PAN RANDLE ROUTE, CrIANOM 01 TISIn and after SONMA , Non. 14th 1669, trains will lathe sad writh at rho Union D epot, Pittsburgh, as folio.: Plltaburgh Time. DEPART .. .2,okkil El. irri D. ID. * . #B p. m . ..:99 , ...i 111. •-- . • ••. „..._ ilo - Zthern Esprem ..... .... OMS p.m. :oa. m. Fast Line :4,4 a. to. : p. m. .11 Mired Acommodation.. V: e. m. i ip. m. McDonald Acen. Nu 1.. l e l , a. m. : Am. tlismbenville Accommod. i , Am. Am. McDonald Acen. No. 'J.. 4 P.AA • P. m. gun.l44'burch Tratu.. ;ii it i ,S , i d az. a. so. 1 ltl M ro: ot ritrimlll srri:: ,117. '' s. 0 . SCULL. . General Ticket Agent, Columbus, 0. W. W. CARS, Sept.. Dennison. Ohlo. nols PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLN VILLE 'RAILROAD. Fag,: Erilggl Trains will anire and depart from the Depot. nd , tier of Grant and NVater StiVela, as follows: IMPART . ♦BB(Pi Mall to and Imo, lint'n.. 1:00 .m. re p. m McKeesport Accommod.11:111) a. us. • 1 9.. it.. to and from Untli.'.. 3:13 p. id. 1 . a. m Wnt Newton Arm:onto. 4: op. to. 0:0 a. p.m Braddock's Arrow:soda. 1111 0 p.m. 7:De m Night do, to klelitseepl.lo: 0 p.m. 11:110 a. m .90'1`" Church 'hal o :11.0 1: 11. 0U SYSAUZ - thr HARDWARE & CUTLERY. ESTABLISHED 1831, Logan, Gregg & Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE, No. 52 Wood Street, prrrsausmn. PA. Spring Goods, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, &c. 'Keith/MIA are . turned to examine our stock when in the city. Orders by mall will bare prompt at. tentlon. BEAVER FALLS gCUTLERY CO" c) No. 70 Wood Street, l>4! PITTSBURGH. PA., .., 11/aIUFACTITRICRE 067 THEIR NEW Hi 1 Solid Cut Handle ....../ ' CD TABLE . KNIFE. w • • 14 T apintee=ei h ttit . on d r . or Solna,. 1 3 !=Pel 7 =fi t itic=43 °Sth 1; . - F 1 4 4 a. p . , „ lr . lag am wale ti noelill w trare'7 1. oolor and britiran 4 nr, _lt la einma Al= rdarl o lta "rl' Ylrt?titt etrTkgerp " r . IGN. ~ . al Apeaanoa and. Ggt Gars . Whir. The Smooth St, I* and Great Strength ' lhia rartlole i e;na . t2e:Jha isasaufnetlanas to 000 !MAW. Steamboats, p. = PI" fg. 0.. In o 1 Fell tuti....d t.t.:. na,:aue. ' L . "'.? 31- " u . , beaver Falls Cutlery Co, • NO. 70 SNOOD ST., PITTSBURGH. . KANUFACTORVIS OF • Table Cullen and Pocket EMUS QUALITY GUARANTEED. BRASS CAS TINGS. .1/MAU BASCH RZPIRT MAR . Henry Bier -& Co, (thocamoto to ]OILY M. OGOVIERt 00..1 BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS Brass Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. m0ti..:11 . 83 . 8e IRON ITTEN .. OR ,A 4,4 IL ATT VALLVER, HOSE . 7 4iii' ON for a Mt V I M IMPROVE) beet its the market. MEM the 0117CIE AND WORLD; Corner Thirteenth' and Pike Street'''. ATWOOD & McOAFFREY, Donor Llazair and Tamp Amer% BRASS VODNDZIRD =I IRON PIPIC AGNNTSforA.ILCAMZEION kOOB MUNI PUMPS AND =WEBS. STONE WEST COMMON Machine. Stone Works, Nartimot, comes of Wool, Common. AlleCkmay. I,IIEVX ATVAMM k co.. Mr. on nand or proi Onfor nh ilotlec Mond ro d olinn a = ann