The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 27, 1870, Image 1

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Corset 411th ATP. •td Stalthltelel St.
T. P. notnrrols, N. P. REED,
St man. per pea
Delivered Pp wrist. per week.—
• • .
Ftor+ are ripe in ()clitoral..
VERDI IP at work on a new opera.
MARK. TWAIN refrows to lecture any ,
Qt I NINE IS now sueeessfoily raised in'
. .
biter kill oft 10,000 East Indians
Four WATK! b to hitca a college of
Lmtt) has brirrk clfacovetTd .. at Omogo,
Tae rolling mill at Crawfordsville.lud.,
ha■ suspended.
Tnt: mystery of a twin Druid has noth
ing to do with Norma.
time.= CARA have made a lilt In Lon
dust. nod are very popular.
of the mean bahions—Chinese
lawxrdresses.—Y Y. Leader.
Snow of Mount Virsakiingtom N. H., is
still .bon. three fathonis
D11310:1 ns, instead of gold, are fashion.
nide and-percale* for teeth Gilliige.
Tan experiment of. raising the cash
mere goat I. being tried in Nebraska.
deneettt, bsalmen made a Treasury clerk.
TOL fit* atone of the new Lunatic
AP}lum at Columbus; Ohio, was laid on
Dnoept of faule are being driven from
Eastern 'Oregon to Idaho. to Ito disj.sed
of for beef. • •
FOINXIT (rrv, Nivada 001112 tr, an old
mining town, is asaumitig a lively appear
._Tits: travel' on the Union Peale - rail.
rued amounts to between 600 and 000 pas.
'engem daily.
DUstrof income dowest aprohnl6to more
than a thimeand -.'Mek, but he
endeavor* to spend no more.
AN Englishman has been adjudged two
months on the treadmill for tearing out a
friend's side whiskers In a scuttle.
THE State paper* are joyful over the re
cent plentiful rains. The proepecte for
abundant crops are largely increased.
A i.riTt.T. girl In Kentucky went out to
drown I a kitten, the other day, but
drowned herself instead, and the' kitten
ran home.
TIM 011Itld Lair 'of Mood Templars
la Minnesota resolved to support no man
at the polls who doer not openly favor
prohibition. • • •
Scyci the recant death of the sole sur
vivor of Perry 's victory., a large invoice of
other sole survivors has been heard of at
various points.
Fottss-Ussissonplea rim at the Niagara
hotels already, trying to look as though
/hey had been married for years, but de
ceiving nobody.
' LONDON ehintneyewesp has been
fined fo - ty shillings for atoning some peo
ple "who presented him from routing
two threshes alive." • I r, •
IN Patio they define a Miser as "a Oil-
Intrepid who, knowing money to be the
root of all evil, sacrifices himself for the
good of hhi nolearvr
A Jirmit loti)e went under a stave
for his top, upset it, scalded the baby to
death, and burnt himself and his mother so
badly that they will die.
TUE New Orleans Republira rt of the
19th inst. says: -Sugar plantem are gen
erally matialled with the condition of the
crop; at the present time.
• A Ro d trif CAROT.I.N . A hors., made a xpring
e few ys ago, which proved fatal ;to
• /I1abe1:1, the young lady who was • riding
him, and a aisidlaegve
Tux Synod of the English Presbyterian
Church has decided that each anupetra-
Oat Is at liberty to employ inatresuental
music in its worship at pleasure.
' A eOlorrrrire has been appointed; in'
Detroit to agitate instruction in the Ocr.
man language in the public schools. The
prtipadtiraz meets generil favor. ,
Pam , . Sxt.i.uwf lectured toe full home
at the Academy of Music In Philadelphia.
•Ilia ittldect was the To Semite,' and he il
lustrated It by stereopticon views.
ATTACKS were made lately by the Chi
nese mobs upon the misaionarlis at Jung
keen and Shekloong. near Canton. Both
Protein...lns and Catholics suffinvd.
Wolfe* lecturers have appeared at St.
Petersburg, and a lady lawyer recently
pleaded animportamt cause at !AWOL. be
. foredo Court of Appeal. of Justiee.
Tug eat-worm Is destroying ;the 'corn
crop In Kentucky, but as it is not always
reliable, they have invented a new warm
that' is sure deathon crops every time:
Ix Wyoming thire is said to be a grave
discussion as to whether their; female
judge shall be called "Jturticesie of the
Peace" or "Justice of the .Peseam."
AT &admit, New:York; a justice has I
-.kidded that livery stable -keepers 'cannot
lICOTRi. by salt -for Snaky, badness,
riding on Sunday being against the law.
Tux Peach atones thrown away by nibel
pickets alengthe "Petersburg line" have
. fonnid ontlinnons line of trees, fifty
miles long, which bore profusely last year.
. Tae shlpmsaters and shipowners of
Bath, Maine ,have held a meeting . and
adopted resolutions spproving Mr. O'N
bill to regulate the shipping and paYin
A COMMA negro cocked a gun and
blew down the muscle to see it it was
loaded. Ile didn't state his conclusion,
but the bystanders who' saw his head fly
atf, think it was.
A CALTIO I / 1 111A Indian went for a bottle
• of whisky to give his wife as an antidote
. fat a rattlesnake bile.... Chancing to taste
It himself, he' finigiod the bottle, got
drunk, and the woman died.
• A alritritnnit's Order,- called the
=flonacil of the O. F. 0. says the
11aiernito have an ertgatthatton in
Bacramento. Its objects are principally
piddled against the Chine's, r •
' Witivtioione, the man who Belle ca
detships, Is likely to be reelected. If
theta Is an otthher way for Congress to
. keep him out, suppose all the members
Otattein seeding him to C,ovington.
The Peath tirades ensure the horiedy
of their money collector 'by placing the
the hat in one of his bands, and a live fir
In the other, which he must bring back
unharmed, or be considered a defaulter.
Ix the sand of the Eau Claire River has
been found the leg of a young man. who
eras drowned three years ago. 'The leg
was In a good state of preservation, and
was identified by the young man's family.
. Engliabman, Allen, who was whip.
ped by the other Englishmen, Mace, now
claims to be champion of, America by the
kind pert hission of the other Englishman,
who calls himself the champion' of the
world. -
Tbo Borten' Post says: "Mike Howard
la the name - of thenegro cadet appointed
by Mr. Pierce, of Mississippi- For the
credit of - the young aulets valor; Mr.
Pierce should not speak of .him by that
Tuts North Missouri railroad have pur
chased SAO tone of cast pteel rails for
the DA of the road, and it is intended to
sabstituto ideal for iron rails the entire
length of the road (400 miles) as rapidly
as possible. •
Fora Kentuckians, in jail for murder
tDir=bor, had a surprise party from
or two citizens, the other night.
They hadn't any last words ready, and
wouldn't have had time to my them if
they had. An leave families.
Tow apple blossom covets the trees of
New Hampshire more luxuriously than
was ever before known. Even the most
antiquated °retards seem to have waked
up. From all sections of the States comes
the, promise of an immense crop.
Ate Arizona letter to a gentleman in
genus City save that the Indians are NO
bold and hostile in that Tenitory.that it
I. impossible for small parties to leave
the stetter of the military posts. Min
ing and farming operations are entirely
A perrnecni - i fire.was raging an the
llithlnat. in the Lake SuperiorrminiagdL
4.1 tit 111 itt bUX Ij ettt
triet, and the villages of Red ...Jacket and
Calumet have been badly injured. The
last is about 4153,000. Insurance $57,-
00:10. 'The whole thing was started from
the setting fire to brush to clear potato
Tug State Ileum bell at Philadelphia
rung oat a general alarm of fire a day or
two ago . without due cause, and a crazy
man was found In the belfry working th;
lever. He said he was 'ringing the merry
chimes of freedom," and that it was very
"'tweet to live far thane we ldte" which
no one questioned.
THE Lonlaville . Journal tiara: Pitts
burgh has no lens than ten daily Journals,
including three printed . in German. It
doee'nt cost much to print a.paper there.
Take a square yard of the atmosphere of
the city, and stir in a quart of crude petro
leum, and you hare a half gallon of just
as good ink as a Pittsburgh printer wants.
t AT THE Anniversary of the American
Sunday School rnlon in Philadelphia, on
Tuesday, Gen. H. Stewart presided, and
Vice President Colfax and the Hey. Dre.
Smote, Cheney; addlaw and hfcCosh de
livered addresses, The report presented
on the occasion states the number of
Missionaries... .....
Of these re-commisaloned
New. Schools organized
. .
Teachers engaged In these...::. 7009
SchCOls gathered 55.153
Schools visited and aided 4256
These contain teachers 32.497
These cattalo scholars 273.346
Sennons and addresses 6,487
Miles traveled 266,847
Enmities visited 21.632
Bibles and Testaments distributed 11 592
The Societe has received from the
American Bible Society grants of 1500
Bibles And 10,000 Testaments; value 61600.
Tut: Lafayette Dimpateh of the 25d says:
"One of the most itorriblo minders ever
known was committed yesterday after
noon, in the usually quiet town of Hamil
ton, In Clinton county. A man named Mo.
sea Davis was somr years ago married to
a widow - named Emmons, who, at the
time of her marriage tia Davis. was the
mother of several - children. Davis' con
duct to the children was sometimes un
bearable, and at othhr times he seemed
very kind to theta, but for the last few
years Ile. hes entertained the bitterest
feeling towards them, and especially has
he time and, again threatened the life of
one of the sons, Frank Emmons. On yes.
nudes; Davis was sitting calmly eon
venting with some friends, when tie sud
denly -exclaimed he was going to kill
Frank numeral, and left them. He went
to the house of Edward Miller, the hue.
band of one of his stepdaughters, and
found Exunimuto lle at once drew &butch
er knife and struck it Emmons with it,
inflicting n serious wound between the
enkir bone and neck joint. Emmons stag:
gelifd out with Davis following him. at.
tempting another blow, which he inflict
ed, stabbing his victim about the second
rib. Emmona tell and expired In about
ten minutes. After inflicting the second
wound on Emmons, Davis made for Mrs.
Miller, swearing he was going "to exter
minate the whole family." Mr. Miller at
once interfered• and succeeded In taking
the knife from him. Davis all the time
swearing he'was ping to kill the whole
family before he quit. He was arrested,
and a large number of the citizens of
Hamilton were present, and not a few
suggested tho propriety of settling the
ease.atottce, in Judge Lynch's court. -A
gentleman relates that, some weeks ago,
Davis pointed to a deep pond, and said: "I
am • to drown myself there. I am
goi 4, kill my wife, and all her chil
dren, then "drown myself. The pets
oner was arrested. taken to Frankfort,
Id elosely guarded.
'or oa e. wit a minutes' drive
of City tall and only six minutew walk
from . Laughlin or Frankstown . irtation on
the Connelleville Railroad. There are be.
tween seven and eight acres of ground in
tbs. veq highest state of cultivation: and
laid oat in the most tasteful manner, by in that line, In walks, drives.
&c. It Is acknowledged, by person. famil
iar with this and all the leading proper
ties adjacent to the city, to have the very
finest variety of fruits In this part of the
country, such as apples, peaches, pears,
plume, cherries, quinces, apricots, nectar
ines, grapes, dm. and an endless variety
of garden veget ables, Bowers. Ike., and the
great variety of shrubbery and shade
trees, Some of them very rare, Is unsur
passed by any other place in this part of
the country. The view of the city. the
river, and the whole country around, Is
varied and truly magnificent. The house
is a cottage, very conveniently arranged,
and the_gardenerk house is very hand
some and well gotten up; also, a good stk.
ble, carriage house, &e.. There are two
wells and one miring of the very best wa
ter, 'delightfully cold, and also a very
large underground cistern, with pump,
&c. The vegetable garden is now full of
fine vegetables, many of them now ready°
for use. There are many attractions too
numerous to mention,. Buell as patent
swings, dm. It is certainly the moat de
sirable place now for sale lu this part of
the country, and must be seen to lie ap
preciated, for there are many attractions
that are really too grand Ter description
without seeing them. Thie very &rots.
Lie property-will be sold low and on rea.
ecitudile terms. The neighborhood in ex
cellent. and, In abort, cannot be eurpassed
in any other tart of the country. k
furti;er information inquire of
Inve. 58 Fourth. avenue
Ng1.30)1; 23 Market street,• will
furnish to order aide lights, skylight.
church, hall; boat and all kltide of num
mental window, ground. ertme.ele.l an
tlork glass. Jobbing of all LiadA
ALMS and estimates furnished at the
shortest notice tor churches, public build
ing' and private residence+, by Wm. N 4
son, No. Zi Market street. •
PeerL.F..alirays boy the heat, la the row.
eon that Pier.ltannala & Co. well MO much
of their cream ale.
WOItriVIE.N.-112. , beat work
men. the beat material. and the beat
epecimone of work are to be seen at the
Pittsburgh Stained Maas Works, 28 Mar
ket street.
GIVO• SATatFAcTIO3I.—Wm. Nelson,
No. 23 Market street. makes it a point to
render satistactiOn.. .Hn warrants all Ilia
An.romumi , SALE of McKeesport Build.
ng lots is advertised to come off on Mon.
My, 30th, with tree excursion as hereto
ore. Bee advertisement. .
STAINED GLANN equal In brilliancy of
color or artistic, taste in design to the pro
',lndians of the 'old mister.. Nel-
Jan, No. 23 Market street.
WM. NEILSON, No. 23 Market street, will
furnish plain or tinted enameled glass In
lead exalt. properly eemimted and with the
teeestiary fastenings ready for putting in
the frames at the lowest prices.
Nelson, 23 Market street, La prepared
to furnish promptly orders for ornamental
or plain glass.
FINE GOLD Locarre, with diamond and
pearl settiags. also enamel and plainer
ones. John Stevenson's Sons & Co.
NSMi. NELSON, manufacturer of stained,
enameled and embossed gimes, 2.8 Market
street. The • finest work done in the
Rhea staining establishment was founded
fourteen years ago. Now located' at 23
Market street.
Ton.r.r SEIT, %MRCS and fancy goods at
John Stevenron'a SODS & 03 Market
parent. •
Writ. KNOWN.—The fact that Wet.
Nelson. 23 Market street. produces the
finest work to be seen Sn the country. It
bears the closest Inspection.
BARE Wortx.—Thls Is the exclamation
of all who examine Nelson's stained glass.
It bears scrutiny. No. 28 Market. street.
a grove ono mile beyond. They are armed
wit h improved needle guns.
Latest from 'SI. Aleasw.
yr. A LIU Nel, May SL: During the day gtmads
• of Fenian., tired and diacouraged. hare been
.arriving hero from the Franklin line. ll...turn
nti have been loitering ng about e
• 'streets, a notwlthstaning huger and th
appointment, have been quite orderly and civil.
general Spear has been hreonsultr I'm with
tbo officers. urging them to go to Malone with
the men, bet the men are out generally In-'
dined anti declare they have Item] and expe
rienced quite enough of thin sort of tear upon
her Majesty's dominions:
Companies I, E and L sth United States Ar
tillerY. numbering seve-tl men, under
command of Lieut. Col. Kercei. have anived
from Boston.
The Canadian troops In the engagement
yesterday were In commmod of Capt. West
over. They were an Independent company of
militia, iand did. not number over seventy
men: They were shortly reenforCed. but
now there ate few, If any, at the scene of the
enliffe onef m ,
Rowe, the Fontana killed. buried
by the Canadians. After the burial large
stones were placed at the head and font of
the grave, and n pile of stones on toP•
• is reported °mem! Donnelly le, badly
and learn are entertained be can-
MlDl\r 1G HT
The Ultimatum after the Ambush •t the Horde,
[Ty Telerniph to the Pittsburgh Ciftzettel
Nose I . OIM, Noy 31.—A St. Albans special
gam After the animate guard. under O'Neill..
had received several volleys from the am
bushed British, a portion tell back. and the re
mainder, under Adjutant General Donnelly.
entrenched Inn wood shed near Cook's Cor
ner. There was no communication with
them yesterday afternoon, and the pros-
Peet* of escape were doubt NI. They were
IRbeim - y! „„tha.ilhag.e.°,ll:dl°gre° from
hopeless. They _ hoped they would be
able to escape - under cover of the dark
ness. Just after the repulse, O'Neill with
two hundred recruitsarrived and gave a fresh
Impulse to the disheartened Protons, But in
consequence of the want of leaders no for
ward movement was made. Several attempts
to reinforce Donnelly sad effect the release of
his command proved futile. The men are not
at all disheartened and no desertions have
taken place; on the contrary, every train
brings large acoesslomi. No doubt there will
be more fighting to-day. and though the Fan
inns may gain a temporary advantage. it will
be unavailing. ast efforts at a successful raid
are abortive. Several companies of United
States regular infantry and, artliterfhare ar
rived and are encamped near the border. •
Demoutratton• from Other Quarters.
The Timm' dispatch from Ogdensburg Mates
that the united column. numbering. LOA Is
moving Into Canada on the right bank of the
St. Lawrence. and will probably strike Can
luta near Huntingdon, and seize the Health a
mnia Omni. A suspected formidable move
ment In organizing to attack Montreal, nnd
the end is not vet. The railroad it torn op.
the telegruph - destroyed..te.
MAIUNZT. Mny il.—Four ments of Fo
nlana,croased the Trout river line
Ilne this morn
ing, Old are new marching. Lieutenant Col
onel O'Leary Is In emu ttanlsd. Colonel,: Smith.
McWade.Thompson and Campbell nre regl-
Sr. AtagNe, May 51—The Fenian bobble, ni
far as the movement In thin direction is con
cerned, has bust. Soon after the arrest of
General O'Neill. the Fenian officer. held a long
council of war and decided that It Wll,ll 11Se•
legs for them, with the email ndmber of men,
under their command, to make any further at
tempt at Invading Canadian soil. "A. a con
meqnce the roads from here to Franklin are
lined:w Ith returning renbm..
Movement. In 11w Northam.
Conoco. May 51. The Feuinns have error Al
ed their headquarters all mominc and are
much etched. Forty Fenlana left two hours
since. some fur the East and quite n number
far Minnesota. A number of Irish organise-
lions have also left. but precisely In what Al
tection Is not known.
A tbseisullan Npy DlerOVered.
During the Fenian meeting last night nt'sn•
stnan spF teas discovered In t heandience. and
savage him.ffb ao—e:t2r4n,V. rri4. rushing
and trampling each other behind hint, hot the
fellow escaped without Injury.
IrNellrs Arrest Not Deplored.
The news of the capture of General O'Neill
will not check the ISOPOSSIOn9 nor diminish the
ardor of the Chicago' Fenian', The misfor
tune they regard. part of the luck of war.
but they have every confidence In the ability
of the other Genernls who are at the front to
take nod It O'Nelll'i - place an well. If not bet
ter. Therefore. contributionewill he solicited
to-day, and men will be provided as fast . as
possible. A large awl of moues was poured
into the treasury yesterday.and was as rapid
-17" Ve fOr
'" 4 " 1111 1" P n " ) !P t °, ;7l;r mo
a n "'
wealthy:lrishmen of the elty will baud n
checks for large Rnlololol, Iterord., ore kept
of every dollar collected.' and the lame of
every co
is kept for future reference
If neonate.
George Francis Train arrived from :Mune. ,
to thin morning. Hr reran - It thata tribe of
Chippewa Indiana have 111111,11 the Fenian% at
Winnipeg. Thee are ander command of a
. • . .
.. • . • . •
chin( Who a feet. weeka since wan converted
by a Catholic Priest. Train made a speech at
the Fenian hetultlartee• and coot rtbuted ntlY
dollars to aid the cause. Ile \rill ...peak again
W AMU:sari - IN i Mav Al.—. Much interest Ii felt
here retarding the Penian movement. which
meets with general reprobation. There is no
doubt but n-hat Gist Administration hi do
W la itepalear to check Minn and inatrjaln
the nentrality
Dispatches were received at the Stale be•
partnunt from United Stares 'Marshals 01.100
the ennowilan tarsier giving detidill of the gni h
evict, or large taallel. of men Gone the line.
bat the objective point or intentions are not
stated. Becretau7 Fish sent the o
the President. Thu tlecretarydiepa t ehes
Yenbuts mean mischief, and admits they oer
tainly cOnducted affairs ably-Jaen. Sherman
has ordered Generals McDowell and Cooke
commandint the Corder departments, I.
lend all the assistance necessary t
the Marshals In preventing an armed inva
sion of Canada. Sherman says we cannot pre
vent unarmed men from entering Canada nu
lets it Ig_proven that they are bent upon mis
chief. The United States steamer Michigan.
on the latest. wee ordered to render the Her
shel. all the necessary aselstatce. General
Banks. Chairman of the Committee on Foreign
Adair.. believes the 'Fenian movement It n big
scare. and emphatically declares that be does
not believe that the Fenian are going to at
tempt the capture of Canada and fight Great
Britain without the assistance of this Govern
ment. Be trusts and tames that If they make
the attempt they will encased and believes as
soon as we obt a in a foothold In the Antilles.
Great Britain will withdraw entirely from this
Worse at Franklin. the Point eteleesedi fee
('easels the Line.
ALSANN. May Si.— A gentleman lust from
Franklin brings the information that there
la not now n Fenian In the whole place:
that guns. ammunition. blankets, de.. are seat.
tared about Invent abundance. The reek and
die complain taterdy of. the Willem,. and say
they do not underlined their trtudeen. ,
It hi evident the point chosen for crossing
the line was a most unfortunate one. An aid
af Gen. O'Neill .ays.a thousand men could
not bare driven the Canadians from , their po-.
Anon, which was naturally very ofttallf, and
the Fennn for the most part behaved badly
and became nadir demoralized at t he nod 1 . 01-
1 1Rge t e h = d a ' 1.1%! "' thin morning relwred
killed and ten or fifteen wounded. Gen. Don
nelly. In attempting to escaoe from the Rich
ard.' House. wen I s In the leg, but not
seriously. O'Neill Is now In Janet Burlington.
Gee. Spear Is here at the Weldon house.
Retirement as Chicago—George Francis Trate
Tanta Up and Blain ide Temper.
gifICMIO. -.14.7 al.—Great excitement has
prevailed among the Fenian. of this city all
day. They very generally disbelieved the re
ported rapture of O'Neill until it wee con-
Mmad by subsequent dispatches.
The besdqnsiteill have been crowded nil
day. George Franchi Tula appeared there
about noon. made one of kin cliarectetistic
epeaches and gave the Peones fifty . dollars.
Mile evening he lectured for them. giving the
proceed. of the lecture fur the benefit Of the
, •
Rill du I amber of
! b d am, ir have left Ittr lb
lOC Of ring ay.
A Aletaal llallapse—tteawag *ory.
TOltorrO. May 95.—The retina movement 4
looked upon no virtually mdlapsed. Strut
gllng mirth., may glee little trouble, but
preparations are so complete that entire de
feat will attend any further attempt, at lava
The Mon - or the, bream having at the
troop. at Sault St. Marle.cannot be traced to'
say reliable source, and the latent advice. slay
nothing of It. On the Niagara and Detroit
frontler. there 4sufficient force Id, readinemi
to repel nay attempt to enter the country.
incitement at New Work latesar -Derstorslia.
lan Reports Denied.
NEW Wong, Mny Nl—The Fenian excitement
bare continues intense. The leaders prate..
to hire dispatches front the frontier; denying
reports Of deinorallration an the part of the
men, and speaking hopefully of a prospective
battle. The Franklin movement la character
ised as * feint to draw the attention of the
Canadian. from other pollute.
General Gleason telegraph, from Weter
town, N. V....A1l right. Men going forward.
and we expect a hitt."
Tourism, Mc Mi.- Prom the test Informa
tion received, the Venice raid, as ferns Pigeon
Hill is concerned, Is looked upon as a miser
able failure. The Fenian, are now ret renting,
leaving their arm& bauage and wounded be
bind them. There was no loss of life on tit.
Canadian aide.
Hunan:too Is bow the principal point of In
terest, where every necessary preparation ha •
been made. • s
The afternoon train from Rea - York un the
Hudson litter Road In sold to have carded
fourteen hundred matt under Col. McMahon.
an ex-Confederate officer. while Col. Rayner
Intends leaving to-night with one thousfuld
men. The Fenian say there are now seven
thousand men at Malone preparing to more In
a werterlp direction-
O'Neill Denounced as a Coward.
Many Irishmen denounce what they call the
cowardice of O'Neill to allowing himself 'olio
mardswi I p l rionerb u M iv emonb
ettered hie cap
leftffo d e he
t f hm t en rso-fdU y. ited States t ro ops
Riticalesta, U Troe.
OTTAWA. May Ml.—lt b rumored the Gov.
ottiment Wu received notice from the British
GOIVTl2O2ellt that Minister Thornton Affairs
directed by . the Secretary of Foreiffn
to demand the protection of the Canadian
frontier by F resident Grant.
Disappearance of Arms
"POrrrienti. Mc.. Id% 20.—some Fenian arms
which hod been tune back yesterday to the
Eastern Emu . .. Company have been delivered
to tbe ornal shippers and vanished. •
• Eaeltement and Activity At Ogdensburg.
Nnw Tonic, May IXI.—A special to the Times
from Ogdensbnrg says: The Fenian excite.
meat is increasing. The Irish tamers •e
been battling material for the last three nigh .
Elithty-five teamsters accompanied the c l
imn Acbleh emceed the lino title morn' .
Huntington was occupied by the Fenlarts tide
Ten Tbermull Pb
•t Mslotto—The a
froni MalOn• report. t
A , if:/rid *pea
hat hoe.
Penton,. /terms the Border—Rumored Dekei
or the Regulars.
The telegraph operator at Hashing Brook
says the Aeolians had crossed the border there,
and a fight seas expected. He closed his office
with thescordst '•Fenians onlya few rods off.^
A ci•ntlemaa In pgdensburg, from Canada.
says there Is a fearful depression In ail circles,
and rutnors of the defeat of the Regulars are
The Sixtieth Mies are moving to Hunting
ton by forced Marches. Straggling Parties of
Fennos can be met on the road from Trout
river to Malone, Two Fenian. were wounded
today in attempting to pass the amen!. •
United States troops are expected to-night.
There to no movement of Vaned'nn troop/.
towards the line. Residents at Trout Myer
are moving their goods and families to Ma
lone. in engagement will doubtless soon
take pines. The Fenlans are orderly and on
eseollent terms with the residents along
the tine. although. conaideratie apprehension
xusT coNoßEss,
Hy Telegraph to the Pittaburgh liezette.l
' V74aulltrertei. May 'Z.. pat.
Mr. CHANDLER introduced a bill estab
lishing the right of tray of the Portage Lake
and River Improvement Company, and for a
land grant to It. itefetred.
of T t h h e e ' ;=l P' en '". . ri ll t , i lr ' e g ta V'4 u I n
alt of the Wiliwr•
force Univeraity woo panted.
The Constilarral Diplomatic bill was re
ceived tioto the Hoene and referred.
The S,u,le resumed the consideration of
the conference report on t he Fifteenth Amend
ment enforcement bill.
A oration of order by Me. SAELnIII'ItE.
t hat it W. ineOnlyetent for the Committee to
Intro.lnce a new matter to to aection
whlrh had been agreed upon by both Houses.
Wee overruled by the Chair.
After dincusslon by Meatier.. 1:10 and. Saul.
bury and Stewart. the conference report was
adopted—are , IS , oaye 11,
The appropriation bill won proceeded with.
the poem ion bring on an amendment by Mr.
Linske to prevent the ttdmitrion of %pardon
or amnesty a. evidence In the Court of anima
in favor of the loyalty of the claimant. nod
regulating the rule on the subject'.
The queat ion war dhicussed by w
yer, Drake, Edmund.. Hamilton, 1T11,1%.1
Saulsbury and Eye tint irrecess.
Errant,' Stasbut. —Mr. TIPTUE. from Po.t.
office Commit le, reported a joint revolutln.
authorizing the Midland Pacific Railroad to
bridge the Mi.souri river at or near Eebrnska
31r. TRUMBULL, Into Judiciary Commit
tee, reported the apportionment bill, with
The amendments to the apportionment tall
increases the number of the House from :NZ to'
nue. from Match lea; it rites cart the requite-
:neat that in any RMe where the number of
Itepre.ientatlves it 111 be reduced by the new
apportionment, the rtaltictiou shall not take
effect in the Congress: the time
within Which the riuperintendent of the ten
th. shall submit to the Secret:trent' the late
tier the preliminaryTrt of enumeration P
extended from ugant nth 10 October lot.
• Also. favorably. the Mot - resolution author
bring the State of New York to receive a be•
quest fhr the Stevens battery. •
The apprepriatiou Imo them yetemed.
- After a zenrrel ITltenselen Drake ,
nnendment was with a .light modi
fication- yeas ii0I• IM
51 r. 311i1tHILI., of die.. •iiipseitied
amendments, includiou. one limeys/4m; the
number of female clerk. In the odice of the
Commissioner of Intern al Revenue from tiftx
rouryo ninety-lire. Adjourned.
/ • • - sexanueo-rox". May is, MNI.
The joint resolution giving the consent of
Congress }nettle acceptance by the State of
New Jerser of the Stevens battery blur
Mr. E1t3.11. - NDA, from the Judiciary Commit
millet. submitted a report upon the memorial
of citizens of Rhode Island. upon diecrimina
sloes against naturalized Clthen! under the
constitution of that State. nod asked the
Committee tr discharged from the further
oomildemtien. So ordered.
Mr. lIAMSET, from the Fostoilice Commit
tee, reported as amended the bill to provide
for carrying malls between the totted States
and the west come of South America.
_Mr. CONKLIN°. from the Judiciary Com
mittee, reported • substitute for the bill regu
lating proceedings for the naturalization of
The Appropriation bill watt proceeded with
and several amendments adopted.
'Mehl° was then reported to the Senate and
the amendments in Committee of the Whale
agreed to. except those upon which separate
votes were desired by - Senators.
An agreement was made thatthe. amend
comas undireposed of Ix voted on et I o'clock
A djourried.
WeSntstexcia. CL . C.. May 2r., Pn.
•Wedricostay next was assigned for the bust- -
nes. of the Committee on Banking and Cur
The bill to revile thenavigation and com
mercial interests of the United States was
taken up.
Messrs. Farnsworth. Loran, Ingersoll and
Garfield spoke againtd. the bill.
; Mr. LYNCH then Introduced a substitute
agreed noon by the Committee. • which leaves
the preamble as now, and simply allows a
draw.brick upon materials Imported for use In
the construct lorr of ves.,els of not less h.,
ouethoustitut tons. and 'that ship stores and
coed may lee taken and conattnrierl free of duty.
Tbe bill went over until to-morrow.
Mr. WASIIIICIIN. Wis.. form rum
p re oat postnl telegraphs, offered to waive
the right of thatcommittee to be called as
next on the list If unanimous consent were
given to report at any time, With the nder
! 'Minding that action would:i u
nt be asked of
thin 'Aston. That suggestion etas agreed to.
Mr. IifIEF.I.E° reported, without amend
ment, the Smote n Northern Patine itnlirmill
The debate then proceeded upon the atoned
mente offered previous to the recommittal of
the bill, inetribere explaining their 1 , M1. 0 . 1-
New' amendments ss ere also offered and ad
The previous quest ion was nnelia seentuded
and the main question ordered-ye. lig. ^^-•
Mr. Ilawley's amendment •whirli forbids
Company telling
_itx land, to other than
..ctual seinen', In lots of one hundred and !sla
ty acres, or at prices beyond SZMI an acre.aes
rejected—W: to ICK
Mr. Sargent's amendment subjecting lands
granted to the operation of the preemp
tion and homestead laws, at gI,N) per acre.
was rejected-73 to UK.
Without disposing of the dther amendments
the Hon. mijounnul.
WAMIIINOTON, 11. May Mk toN.
Mr. CCLLOM. from Committee on Territo
ries. reported a bill annulling a tow of New
Mexico, which reserves real vitals' front exe
cution, with a proviso that n homestead only
to the amount of .1,000 he reserved. noised:
The Senate bill creating an additional land
orrice In Colorado was passed.
Mr. GARFIELD. from Committee on Roles.
reported a resolutiOn declaring the speed' on
the recognition of Cuba inserted In the Dade
(flobr of February MI, lON, underprice to print
given to Mr. Halogen, contains remarks of a
personal Character, prohibited by the rules of
the House and not proper to be Inserted In the
Conan... Mom/ Globe. and Instructing the pro
prietors of the ()lobe Co exclude It..
The Speaker anggested that as Mr. Mons en
was not In his seat, the resolution tie with
drawnfor the present. It was so dour.
Mr. HAWFLit, from Committee on Conr
merce.reported the river and barber hill. Re
(mod to Committee attAPPres,li. ltmekee
appropriations to the amount of nearly
WO. The following are among the items: .1 , or
the enlargeme , ist of harbor facilities at Chic.:
sfic s ortac i a...fiAmiolmw . tag . wa.
Big Heed us, ow; 00,1100; 'Ogdens
burg, $15.010; Hudson River, 11.40. 0 0 1 ; removing
obstructions in East River, IMAM; examine
tion and surveys of north and northwestern
lakes and rivers, and Atlantic and Pacific
coasts and contingencies. giM O33 .
Mr. SCOFIELD - Introduced a bill exemPtlng
machinery used in steam vessels from tonnage
duty. Referred.
. The Hansa proceeded to rote on the North
ern Patine Railroad bill.
All amendments were rejected, and the hill.
posed-107 against 85.
Mr * InNOHAM male n report from the Con
ference Committee on the bill to enforce the
Fifteenth Amendment, which, after some MI-
Malad, went over until to-morrow. Two
and a h alf hours will be allowed for discussion,
when the vote will be taken without further
dilatory motions.
The bill to refiVo the commercial and nevi
mition latetests of the United States wan dis-
Fsedl a y t le m gh. o
motion to table it, by Mr. ALLI
SON. was releeted--el against
Stage Coat* Pa...eager@ Robbed
[By Telegraph to the fittaloargh o.Tett
PLCAssarr Mu., Mo.. hay %.—The mall
coach between here and Butler was stoPeed
fiats afternoon. thgpassemeen , robbed, widths,
mail bugs ripped open, but nothing taken. A
horseman passing at the time was also robbed.
The st age was then *flowed to proceed. Two
lady paestrugere wore not molested.
The Fenian Rai ln.Canada—Satlefae
Hon Expressal at President Grant's
Proelamatlon--Begatta for Yachts
or all Natkuto—Polltleal tlralra In
Franre—Deatb Penalty In Germany
—Englishmen la the Rands of Span
lab Brigands.
[By Telegraph to , rttaburgh Gazette.]
WY Telegraph to the Pittiburgh Gazette.]
LONDON, Mny Thine mos that while
President Grant'll - proeinmation itself is eat
ilinstolT, the absenceOf American troop! on
the border to card oat Its provisions Is de
plorable. “Thle, betrayer," the Times con
tinues, L'is not stigpgislig, as troops are not
usually quirtered , oll friendly frontier.
Troops should tinned( to ("amidst immediately.
and Gaandastould4drvrard to the front en
the soldiers she OM Mire. Canada must
have no tenderness for this second offence.
The marauders Meat be treated en robbers,
radians and murderant."
This mornings Tigetsroph says President
Grant has acted with Royalty and honor.
The firin Mall anarfk adroit s the promptitude
with which the American Government has
acted on the Coastline frontier and mote to
dissipate the fearstrf those who expect the
worst remits fronnette Feninn 'overran.
Mr. 'Dis ra eli is want ill. hut it Is mid there
Is no reason for epprebension.
The name of tic engineer who, with ids
family, woo murdered to II :bridge, Is Mar
shall. The supposed mhrderer. I,IOIV tamer ar
rest. Is mid to he hisbrot her, who 'MU trans
port.t. to
Australle• eighteen }yen. ago
through the efforts atilt. deceased.
A butler exploded it
Forge, In
Staffordshire, to-day:while the men were at
work. Five men were killed nod many lo
regatta for yachts of all nations wilt take
place on the Of /nee for the' Prince of
tr Wales prise cup. - •Ttie yachts are to Stan
tram tovces at live is the morning and nail
through the Needles to Bell of Portland,
where they will }Mind the shambles and re
turn hack to the Isle of Wight and outside
Nab lightship to Hyde pier.
The hellion in the Hank of England has in
of •
The case of the lievernment of the United
Staten vs. Illakely.lef the possession of certain
guns, shells veil otberortinance. came up for
decision togiay bother the Hells Court. when
judgment It as given in favor of the United
In the Commons kir. /idons.ell Raid the Colo
nial I apartment bad melted telegraphic dis
patch. from the (11.40 r General of Canada
announcing ttdt the lens crossed the line
near P.hllllpaWarg.' other' points nn the
frontier. and that f lat le wan threatened at
canner place. Mead the border, but be war
happy to say the mtertrament had further in
formation that the rfrildent of the United
ranteu had lasued aprOrlamat lon of warning.
and General Meade had devpatched troops to
the frontier to pretend the violation of nen-
I cality.
The Chancellor of the Kachenuer sald ad
ditional claims of Metter: for drawbacks en
auger would be *Gated. and In other cut.
three 4111111nel drawback Would be con-
The [rich Land bill,' with emendments. WILY
reported from comWitee. After the discus
lion of some etnetdraent P. the report wan
fli r n e r e go to lentlkin h ; Verlanud
received wit latoad and repeated Cheer,.
lAll VIII E.
P vets. May the l'orpi Les Islet If, to
morrow. nn Interneliation will he submitted
to the Government on the cause of the dhow.
lion of the Pleb'.nary Initunirter. The Min
isterial Journals caterer fears that the ques
tion raised may result In coalition of the
Right hod left wings of th e Corps
Corps against tlw.
Ministry. It Is announced that on. this ...s
-td.m the left will deck", itself a constitu
tional arty. and Migaity It• willingness to
lever pewee under the Empire. if It is per
mitted to carrynut Its programthe. M. Picard
Is the lender In the mosement. nod .111 be
chief of the_party, which Is to be celled Con
st Itutlorod Len.
Dispatches from Lisbon report that, on Tues
day. groat , " of &Imps
_past thrtnagb the
streets crytng Ase Mier redo..
Dim., NI, - 01. Tb• ritoalv
oiroptaol ti hill nimoliallltur ponturnsoon.
elrcpt in ork.. - I premeditatmt niuniOr and
the taunter of ruennhers of the royal family .
King William tunrcilty closed the
Mthe Ileiclistag to-day. He enumerated the
lle pseeed during the first se”lon of the
boor, and anticipated the happiest results
trout these laws, which would go a long way
toward assuring foreign power. that the con
federation has developed stational strength.
and is • powerful agent for tha preservation,
it not in the security of peace.
Ltenon. May . tr—Lntet ads Wet from Rio
Jantero stntc the Emperor of I.lrnxii opened
the peneloos of the Chambers with a !speech:
The expected reference to the emanethetion
of sieve% was omitted.
) p, May :>l.—The Englishmen captured
YS brigands near'llibraltar bare net Yet been
rescued. The party e4nsisted of John Bore
his nephew. and we domestics.
I. F!! sr=
Lg. DON. MaT 53.--The ahlV Marfaret
from Greenock for Cuba. bas put back. leaking.
Lop OfIIOIa.IIRT, May 3L—Tbr. steamship C
Imlay. from Quebei.. arrived to-day.
LoNtdri, May :lit-Consols for money (lAN:
account WS. Atnerlcan securities 'lnner and
higher. bonds of W.. old. n4y, '67,.ta1%;
11.40 a, Stocks steady: Erie. 19; 1111nola,
lUN; G. 2.0.
Ltv mean. May M.—Cutton dull; uplands
10Val07s: Orleans. !Pails; salts WAD bales.
Ureadstuira lino. California wheat 9d: red
western as 2d, Flour unchanged. Corn at
ad. o Pork dulL Cheese Va. Bacon Ms fid for
Cumberland cut: abort rib. unchanged.
LONDON. May 9d.—:sperm nil quiet. Sugar
act 111.. Calcutta Unwed %inlet at 61s W. Lin
seed all Wary; 10e4A1 12.. Turpentine
Omer at ant Dd.
The Episcopal tou•eottoe anti the Cenobite
hebools—hes Ma Woad Pregeet—A Duel,
Almess—Kalitlst Templar: igaeamtimest.
Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Si. Loom. Mar hl.—At the session of the
Episcopal COUVVIStiOti the Committee on
("brig!ltn Education submitted the following
report, which one member asserted aimed ft
blow et the public school system. end moved
to recommit It for altendloe. A very sharp
discuaalon emoted, which wag futrtiel
pated in by a large number of members.
some of them Diking strong grounds againet
the present sy.tern of public education. One
of them said he did not approve of the sys
tem at all. Another didn't believe the clergy
should be muzzled by public opinion. and
wished the report adopted, without regard to
consciences. Motions to Indefinitely poetimne
the consideration of the report. end to poet
pone until to-morrow were wermly Abscessed.
and defeated. Flually.sifter a heated debate,
the motion to recommit prevailed, and the
Convention proceeded to routine business.
The Dowd of Directors of the Missouri Pa
cific Railroad determined to-day to build a
road from Pleasant 11111. Mo.. to Lawrence,
Kane.. which will materially shorten and
etraighten the route from here to Downer nod
give the Missouri Paden Company Pleiades
for bottoms In Kansas South of the Kaw river
superior to any other route. The Directors
Mao appointed n committee to negotiate with
the Missouti River and Leavenworth, Atchee
son end Nerthwestern Railroad Company for
the modification of existing lessee with those
road., and gave the committee full power to
commence proceeding. to terminate leases. if
their effort, At compromise were nosuccerafol.
Cot. David Murphy, editor of the Franklin
Oisenrer. and Judge Oweus of Franklin Coun
ty Circuit Court. met this morning for the
purpose of Oghting a duel. hot while the pre
liminaries, were being arranged an emicable
settlement of, the matter wen effected. The
affair grew out of the nitrite,' Illegal issue of
bonds by the Franklin County Court and re-
Meal of Judge Owens to grant injunctions
anoint oneof the parties concerned. Owens
end .Murphy are brothers-In-law and men of
considerable twominence. Murphy Is some
what celebrated as the defender of Pilot Knob
against the rebel ticnersi Price daring the
The varlottalCommandeM of Knights Tem
plar of this S
have gone into encampment
at Colutribla, Ronne county.
The Boston Excursionists seaman...
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
OmAlLuMay2l.—The Barton Doled of Trade
ezearsion party arrived here early this morn- ,
log, and they and their train were at once
transferred to the west side of the river. Af
ter visiting the 11. R. shops and thoroughly la
with carriages, and the hospitalities sad,
Erect of the city extended to them. Accore-'
Pooled bY Prominent eitizetts, the entire party'
drove over the city and through the suburb..
drawing up about noon at the capitol build
ing. where addresses were delivered by Mayor
Millard, Dr. Miller. Alexander H. Rice arid Dd.
W. Klngstr. The train was whited by thou
sands during the day, and every possible at
tention paid to the guest.. They left for the
west at lye o'clock in the afternoon. All were
Baptist Home Modellers AlRRlversary.
niik Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette:l
ptirbson.rftts, Mar.W.--The celebration of
the thirty-eighth anniversary of the Baptist
Home Maslen Society took place to-day at
Broad and Arch streets church. A resolution
asking Congress to annul the charter of the
National Theological Institute, on the ground
that Weyland Seminary was capable of meet
ing tbe necessities of the Baptist denomina
tion to Washington for the education of Co l.
ored preachers, wee referred to a specialoom
' 1 ?
[Hy Telegraph to the Picteburall Clnxette.f
WASIIMITON. May 53. 18711.
Ununt Dismarek has written a letter to a
distinguished gentleman here. In which he
says that his physicians hare prescribed rest
and a sea voyage. He Is thinking of visiting
tho United States, but asks “Van I find rent
there: •
" The revenue cutter Chase. which has been
out of commission, for some time. ha been or
dered by the Secretary of - the Treasury to be
put In adine. and proceed to Ogdensburg..
peudin • the present Fenian disturbances, fur
the p ose of protecting the property of
Ameri . an citizens.
VIC INDIAN rllntqu.v44.
Gen. rat Parker expresses himself' confident
hat i.e trouble. with the Sioux. and Chey
nue. terminated, and they will go on
he re et-rations without further trouble.
(leneral Jordan wan at the House this after
noon: In conference with Individual member+,
known friends of Cuban independence.
The President hos nominated A. S. Larkin
tar Marshal of Northern Alabama. and James
B. Storer for Postmaster.
•?e been 111
Thu custom. rueelptet for thu week were
Find Ilearrol MormMy of the
Prrobyterloo Chords.
P0.4.1,1[1.Y111A. May In the PrenM.
qinn Annentbir thin morning, t bee...Wein
nn of the Reeonntruetlon report tens efl'*.
tinned. The Items ',melding that the ratio
of representation to the Synod and Assembly
should be altered an no In bring the Menthes;
In the Assembly within due limits, and secure
Nina rights to all parts of the Church, was
considered at great length.
The Items reported by the Committee rec
ommend no change In the Presbyterian re pre
aentation be proposed at present, lint nolY
change In the ratio and torn of representa
tion. This change would provide for one
commissioner. minister or an rider. from each
Presbytery having • twenty members. The
three. Items bearing upon this anklet., were in
amended that only the Presbyterian represen
tation Is left unchanged, but no change is rec
ommended in the ratio of representation. The
whole matter is left as ordered by Chapter 12.
Section 2of the Form of Government. The
three Items were adopted as ;uncoiled. • •
The question of appeals to the General As
sembly was considered. The Committee
reconurtended that all claimants and refer.-
..terminate Al the Synod. eaceut In WM: -
tionx of constitutional law, or the trial of min
isters for heresy. This Item was adopted. with
the addition of the words -except where the
parties agree to trial by Commission."
Several unimportant items of the report
were adopted without discussion.
The anent°ea session of the Assembly one
for the administration of the holy emnottanon
nail other devotional exercises. •
ral ..wanlyil of rbePreabyirrian Chute
lawasytti.x. May bt. ,• In the General As
sembly this forenoon there was an animated
discussion 011 the question nt nppoint Mg lay
exhorters. A petition had been received by
the Assembly to prohibit appolntm rots. The
committee appointed on the question reported
In favor of allowing lay exhorters. which re
port was adopted by the Aasemblr•
In the afternoon the Assemble aceepied no
Invitation of the Louleville Bridge CompttnY
and took no excursion over the bridge. visit
ing New Albany and Jeffersonville. Indiana.
The proposal of the Northern Presbyterian
Assembly for n Committee of Conference to
consult respecting the settlement' of differ,
races that are in litigation it the theme of the
greatest' .Interest. The Committee nn For
eign Correspondence were not prepared to
report to -day. and their rePort in the order of
the day for ten o'clock to-morrow.
The addressee of Dr. Vandyke and Mr. Bailie
yesterday made • profound Impression, and
struck • tender chord in the breasts of a large
number. There were it great ninny moist eves.
and the overture wan cordially responded to
in the feeling, of many. Could the vote have
been taken then, the fusion' would bare been
settled affirmatively by an overwhelming tna-
Smite; othersumber of leaders. Dabney.Palm
er, and. are bitterly opposed to any re
somas that may eventually lead to union. and
are making eernest effort• to countemet the
effect of the speoche• of the Philadelphia del
i tror rj ß l:,:io7,l " l= 4 47—isr n eiVre ' Ea
tiemion of the Legislature,
my Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Darman, May 26.—1 n the case of the De•
trolt and Howell Railroad vs. G. town of
Salem. In which the company - prayed for a
mandamus from the Supreme Court ordering
the township Board to lota, certain bonds.
authorised to be Issued. as was claimed, by
vote of the electors, the Court refused' the•
motion for the writ. It WWI held that if the
constitutionality of the law authortrio.
towns to render aid to mowers In this
way could besustained at ell. - It
must be under the authorite of the
Mute to prescribe and determine the
otdecta to be provided for and fostered
through the expenditures of the public money.
That there are certain limitations upon this
power. Taxation must be Imposed for a pub
lic and not fora mereirate purpose. The
tat mat be laid accord in g to some rul e .
of ap
portionment. If the tax s Imposed upon one
of the municipaleubdlvisions of the State only,
the purpose must not only be anal:die purpose,
but It must alto be loot. that Is.
the people of that municipality must
bare peculiar Interest In the object
to be accomplished. which trill make it
Just, proper and equitable that they should
tear the burden rather than the State at large
or any considerable portion of the State.
It held that railroads are not public oh-
Jects•, that the State cannot itself, under the
constitution of Michigan. ley taxes for the
aid of railway enterprise. nor can It authorize
munielpidities to do what It cannot do Itself.
Judges Lboley. Campbell end Christiancy
concurred in these views. Judge Graves dis
sented. This decision will prove a death blow
to the numerous companies Which have been
orgaelsed under the general railroad law of
the State. Some of the roads have been com
pleted and township bonds delivered and
°then are In progress. It le estimated that
st,rmoau of these bonds are In the hands of
bona Ode holders. mostly eastern Capitallsta,
and that SCUIRJIM ofibonds which have been
voted are deposited with the State Treasurer
but not yet delivered. It in expected that the
Governor will call an extra section of the
Legislature to submit an amendment to the
constitution mating these bonds valid.
— SI, —
Nvehoresatera %gamma'. goitres.. Ammetatkm
--Projected Ate Lime Railroad to Pio.
Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 azet tel
Coteau°, May H.- -The Northwestern Wo
man's Rummage Association has been in ses
alon all day. During the morning session
speech..s were made by Giles It. Stebbens. of
Of Detroit, Miss Rebecca Mott, of Chicago.
Miss Anthony. Miss Peckham. Miss Ballo%
Judge Waite and others. A constitution
vvaa presented and adopted. and the follow
ing Ricers elected under it: President, M.
Adele Hazlett. Michigan; Vire Presidents,
ItobertJ. Ingersoll. Illinois: Lizzie Boynton.
Indiana: Mrs. Fairchild, Wisconsin: Mary J.
Conroe% Minnesota; Henry O'Connor. Iowa:
Giles B. Stebbins: Michigan: Phcebe ('omen,.
or Missouri; Mallon Cole. Ohio. Executive
tire Committee: Colonel F z. Judge Waite.
George W. JlMan. I.olle P CILIUM. Swab It.
Steers. and Miss A. J. t. apin; Recording
Secretary. Mn. Harriett It M.:Correspond
ing Secretary. Mrs. J. W. loomis; Treasurer.
Fernando Jones.
The following resolution was discussed at
the afternoon session and adopted: '
Hrsolred, That we are in favor of nu amend
ment to the Constitution of the United Staten
recognizing and declaring the right of women
to claret.r the elective franchise on equal
terms with all other citizens.
J. W. Garrett, Preslaent of the Baltimore
nod Ohio Railroad, addressed the members of
the Chicago Board of Trade to-dny in en rd
to the construction of an air line railroad be
tween this city and Pittsburgh, passing
through Akron and Tiffin, Ohio. At Pitts
burgh it will connect with the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad. Mr. Ourett claims that the
opening of this now route will bring Chicago
over one hundred miles nearer to a seaport
than from, and with the aid of steamship
lines Baltimore to Weer Indies and En'
ropean porta will give quickand chper
facilities for expert than are nosy enjoyedea.
iSpecial Telegram to the Gazette.]
WAsnrxoros, D. C. May SI, a P. M.
The Northern Pacific Railway bill from the
Senate. has Just passed the Rouse. without
amendment, and over the opposition of the
free-trade combination. in this shape it will
have the Executive tipper - mai. The Southern
Ilne on the thirty-second parallel will also go
through on the same equitable buts, and with
the same provisions for the exclusive use of
home-made iron. U. R.
giesmong, Va., Mau!Nita' Election.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Clasettel
ItiaMOND, may 26.—The municipal election .
Is progresaing quietly. Ellison'• friends claim
his auccess le undoubted. Both parties are
bringing out all they have. •
Later—The election has resulted In the
choice of H. K. Ellison for Mayor. and of the
whole c on eenative city ticket by a handsome
majorit y.
lu Norfolk It is catimated the Conservatives
have carried the city by arty maloritY•
JaiDeal Election at Memphis.
iffy Telegraph to the Pltiaburgh Gazette.]
Ermyffre, May 26.—The Judicial election
Democa ff
n p g ror a d b is ly r s b le a e n t c e e d .
emW majority over the fusion ticket.
VOL. LXNxiv.---No.
Meeting of Liquor - Dealers 'Awe Brentes-•Re.•
porters Invited to Leave—tteeret Conclave.
There wan coned yesterday at 2 r. sf.. at
Sxnger Hall. corner of Grant and Seventh
streets, a meeting of "all those opposed to the
Injustice of refusing license to nine or ten
townships and boroughs In the county." •
At the anpoint ed hour our reporter appeared
at the designated place, finding there two rep
resentatives of other city papers, and other
persons, not sufficient In number, however, to
Indicate to the casual observer that a public
meeting was about to be held. After consid
erable delay the “audience" assembled in an
upper room.
On motion, Mr. took the chair. and
when all were Rented, the reporters found they
were exactly one-fifth of the number present.
The call for the meeting bore the caption.
"attention, liquor dealers and brewers; " but
the calling of the even dozen was sufficiently
Indicated without this Intimation—their Ideas
on the subject of temperance apparent with
out the more tangible evidence given by them.
Wistful, not to say tierce or angry,' glances
toward the reporters' table were soon ex
plained Inn motion by one of the twelve, his.
apart words being, "Mr. President, I move we
don't want reporters here."
There was no "second," but the motion evi
dently found favor with some. and there seem
ed to be a weight of trouble about it.
The President announced they would pro
reed to business, directing the Secretary to
rend the minutes of the previous meeting.
This done, the President said "I move we do
no more business here to-day.:' putting the
question, and declaring the motion carried.
This was followed by knowing looks. and
much whispering, but the move failed of ef
fect. the reporters, In their stupidity, not ink-
lug the hint.
The President. who labored under the Infir
mity of indistinct utterance. after the lapse
of some time reconsidered his mot!. Ms our
"reporter understood him) t w i th O more homi
ness. and moved to proceedthe meeting.
The question wan put and the Chairman's mo
tion carried unanimously.
At this point one Mr. ituhe ruined that re
hort era he excluded from the meeting. giving
i, reasons for such motion. At their Just
meeting, when, but one reporter Arno errand,
great mont things were reported that were
nut true. Tow. there were three reporters
attending . . and the reports would he a
great deal worse.
The DOJO.* reporter. interrupting the
speaker—lleg pardon. sir, will you please
state what paper thereporter belonged to%
Mr. roinincrrfnt.
Mr. Prt,iitent --Ton all hear the motion,
that we don't have any moon,e here. -
Carried unanimously.
'rhe reporters, stupid no longer. being thus
told, not discourteously, nor yet. politely, to
ti art. departed. •
This meeting was called, we believe. in pur
suance of a deshrn to test the cons titutionali
tyof the law lumped by the Wt . Leglalnt are
prohibiting the license of taverns In certain
districts in the county. There are ninny,
even temperance advocates. who believe the
law to be unconstitutional. The few Individ
-1101% who met nt .Saerytee Hall yesterday, we
need scarcely say. Old not represent the In
telligence of the whisky Inferent. Any cause.
DO matter how righteous, would suffer In etch
Our Ittolllato Motlog--The Chicago Club to
Ito Ironed—The PrOmpeel• for • flood
The suggeQ Urn made in the GAlrrrE a few
nyit ngn, tint the - rbleigo club nhould be
riled here during the cemion, hn. met with
furor among the base ball fraternity. Mea
sures have been taken to carry out the Idea.
The great difficulty was the fact that no local
club existed hereabouts which was tOn
sldered strong enough to make a good
game with the famous White Stock
ings." This Is no discredit to one organ
i atzions. as none of them have been In
hractice for some thue. A consultation was
eld yesterday afternoon among the most
prominent players. when the matter was ar
ranged by the selection of a picked nine. which
comprises about the best material we can pre
sent In a base ball way. The chosen were
formerly members of the Allegheny and En
terprise Chiba, when to be one of the nine in
either was a. guarantee of high rank as a
player. They will take their old posit ions and
be assigned c follows: Catcher. Wood Mc-
Knight. Enterprise: pitcher. W. Mosey, Alle
gheny: nest base. J. T . Lenin, Enterprise: se,
oud base. Frank Rinehart, Allegheny: third
base. ii. Nichols. Allegheny; short stop. linn
Rawer. Enterprise: right del& J. C. Gristmill.
Enterprise:centre, Al.
.(lirty, Allegheny; left.
Joe Rower. Enterprise:
As will be seen, the list embraces the dudes
of the old clubs. They will go into training
immediately. If he Chicago Club have been In
vited, but bare not answered. In all proba
bility they will conic however, and lovers of
this spurt will harem: opportunity of witness
tber Aar contest. It Ow •Folokssistans
;Aar as well a. an runner occasions, the
'White Stockings" will not carry away the
victors' palm without displaying their abil
ities in a marked degree. The game will be
loured lo with great interegl.
forahrr Arrangement. by the Colored Pert
pLe— lt Tbay Appoint Aldo to she Chief of
in compliance with instructions received,
and in response to the invitation given to the
Colored Military Societies and citizens to par
ticipate In the parade and memorial service.
of Decoration Day, the colored people have
leaned the following general request :
All societies. clubs, and citizens of Pitts
burgh, form on Grant street. at 9 o'clock A. L.
Societies, citizens, etc.,
of Allegheny, will
loran on North avenue. at the same hour.
societies. alt Deus, etc.. of Birmingham:will
meet-the Pittsburgh and Allegheny Division,
on Rost street. Pittsburgh. ate o'clock A. M.
It Is desirable that the General Division
shall start from noes street. at nine o'clock
precisely. to join General Sweltzer's
Committee of Arrangements-George W.
Nosey. Sr., Granville S. Woodmn, B. F.Samp
son, John B riscoe. lllrminghatn.
Chairman- Benj. F. l'ulpress.
Seeretarr-S. A. Neal,
Aids to General Sweitser's Staff -Henry C.
Pointe... George S. Massey, D. W. Atwood,
Wm. L. Miller, Lafayette :Massey.
It to earnestly hoped that all places of hot
ness, barber shops, etc., will be closed on Mon
day, so as to givenar loyal men an opportuni
ty of testifying their regard for the departed
soldiers of the late aver.
A grand mass meeting will be held at Miller
street school house. this (Friday) evening, to
make further arrangements.
Enrivits tlairrra: M'e notice in your paper
of the nith a publication headed "Riot InMans
neld." Who ever It might be that wrote the
WIMP. we would say to him. through your
widely circulated cohinans, that before he
writes any more Home News about our thriv
ing and beautiful village of Mansfield. he had
better gather at least some facts. as the ma
bustfhle Iv false. Our policeman. M. B. Clark.
arrested two men and took them before Jua
ne till for drunkenness and disorderly con
duct: both were lined and In default of pay
ment commitmeuts were placed la the berate
of faker Clark. • tint rather than go to Jail
the concluded to tai their linen. This wan all
of, the kind.
Much needed rain has fallen In Georgia
duilng the punt few days.
:' , Geo. W. Demers. editor of the Albany
Eren Ng Journal. d led on Tuesday.
--Orli. John A. Granger. died at noon yes
erday, nt rand signet. N. V., after a protracted
line.. •
—The State Treasurer of Indiana has re
paired a contribution of SIAS to the con
selende fund, front a person in Nets York.
—Prof. N. N. Niles, of Trinity College, Hart
ford, Conn., has been elected Bishop of the
Protestant Episcopal Dionne of New Hamp
—The books of John McMarsh. late Collet ,
or of 'rases st Westfield, N. J., •how a deficit
f 114,0%1. Suit hen been commenced alfignat
Ids sureties for recovery..
--Francis (lope, an old man, hung himself in
a barn* Liberty Corners. N. .1., Tuesday
night. - Wednesday morning a lad named
Colliding went into the barn and hung himself
from the same beam. •
--South American advises mention that the
City of Mendosa was visited on the .14th of
March bv a terrific earthquake, which des
troyed all buildings with upper stories. The
loss of life is not stated, but le mad to be less
than might have been exPected.
--The Arnericankfiselonary Aasociation held
tie annum' meeting nt Mann on Wednesday.
The report shows the employment of over
six hundred missiontirles and teachers among
the freedmen, with nu attendance at day
school sof nineteen thousand tire hundred.anil
at night schools of sixteen thousand two hun
dred and fifty-four.
The Umetea Coital Expedition—Peep.* of
the Sense.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette
New TORN, May M.—By the steamer Alaska
advice' from the Darien expedition to Mny
13th are received.: The work of survey had
progressed tweivetniles inland from the Bay
of San Blas.xt which distance the first moun
tain spurs proper were reached, the highest
elevation pained being , one hundred and
twelve feet.
heavy rogress of the survey was
impeded by rains which swelled the
streams to torrents. T he weather was hot.
The work of surveying the Bay of San Bias is
coprogressing rapidly, and it is believed will be
mpleted b y the time the expedition is ready
to sail home. The sick Hit of the guard num
bered eight persons. Three Olean at the
front with the surveying party are sick with
fever and ague. The rest of the expeditioa is
in good health. The expedition sails for home
about the 27th of the present month.
Nra - Ongssars, Map _P:l,—Cotton dull and
unchanged; middling =Mt-Mei salsa of COO
mks; receipts 1.900 baler stook, MOM hales.
Flour doll and unehanfeil Corn easier. Tal
low white $1.33a 45: Oats drooping at
Na72o. Flrtut quiet. Hay r , gwm Pork
Bacon unchanged. Lasd unchanged.
ru i ns firmer, prime ghillie. Molasses 'as
cii:mead. Whisky dull; western reclined et
97)(010:X. Coffee unchanged. Stettin:2k,
• Bailsman,
Bat etmORB May 26.—mecca—onerbsgs to
day Me market dull at a decline of hay.
Sbeep—demand almost mama for ° tge,T,,Pu
and paces at alalsic nom
n m .—rupply fair and
im pZ7lsAr . to
. e ahias 77X®L'41c per lb net.
Receipts for t h e week—berms SIB amen and
lambi Mt bogs BM
h C r
rit.buro. mairt an
at 94
oclork. and those tri . au, 11,
iioam at 9 o'clock at the neeignaten n elms
with blue Mantis! sash and rra k s . . N hN. 4 , 0 a..
en chief Marshal.
111cAtojr..kaTtIttl DI.QtIiANE
Prrraarium, May: ,
Duquesne itays will be held et the Armory FRI
DAY, May :nth, at S O'clock. P. Y.
By order
Dry -NOTICE.-'-A. P. A. NO SUR
RENDER LOUD E. NO. 4, wan meet to Ilan
corner Hand ant Liberty atreeta,. on MONDAY
May 30th. at $43 A. m.. to participate to the lay
Ing of comer Move of Aoldleral Monument.
By order. of W. M.,
.ncrid::s7 W. T. ARMSTRONG.
DT. A. P. A.—NOTICE.--lodges of the
TION In Gila District Intending to participate In
the eilroinonies of laying the corrierotone of the
Soldiers' Monnmenton Decoration Day, MONDAY,
May 30. will assertible at their resinwSlvw Ledge
Rooms march o'clock A. W. Lodges In Allegbwor
will ant to hall on corner of tint and Flan
streets, and from thence to Neptune hall, Seventh
avenue, Pittsburgh. Birmingham and Pittsburgh
itallinZ i eh e tr=al:ll:P, " av:iltel:reg::
where the Chief Marshal tall take chargo of the
Association at to n'CIOCk A. NI.
Border or
HOLDRS . gonad. the hat -
togs Bank. of Plttabo nth. PA.. was held at the Mo
nongahela House. 'I hamlet'. Male 16. 1870. at 3
On motion. N. P. Kawyer. felled to .bo
Chair, awl Themlow E. Tack eiectod Secretary.
he call of the meeting was read by the heeletatT.
A motion Whs made that the meeting he Into an
elective of Dim...e of the Dank...hick resulted
in the election of the folleiving •
J A 4. F. R. ALLISON. JoSEPII 1 . 1.101 Mt).
1171. D. COOPER. WM. HINDS. -•
A. 1.. ROBINSON: 1...01 I:MEDI 101. D.
ht mutton of James Nitnie, En 4 .. the nmber
of chore• of stock 1.11 Increased t , twelve u hun
dred. 'fin moth., the meetina adjourned.
gt.q.,,,e,ojonrsourill of the Lire meetinl , of Stud ,
holder,. the Itvard ..1 lAroctort organlaed
E.... Pre.hleut.
cuts 51x NitillTS,_,Nl.V . .
cototnenclog MONDAY. 31sr 30. 1100,
Mat itropeorunce In 'Pittsburgh 44
Cr..,.. 391) Itroadway. N ew. York.
The . greatest minstrel of thentull„- N. Y.
w" " ""l .lvrAvicai - v. rim"'
pistons:eh favorite Comedian.
They will producu Offenbactis Comic Opera.
iNi MAC 111. tile ILI. leughable ever mit
ten. and i• NS AND FRIT2CH E.Y. theient
ns t ri IVY' g e rs ' gcelreirallei
with h P
outs of applause. For father PertiOniers ;,
Faintly Clfsia. 43 cents. Gallery. Rui mots.
Me mile of reserved seals will commence on ra
dar. !ley 97. at LS Richer A Drus. • •
boors open at 7, performance nommeneen at ti
tl ATINEK RA nafis Y, Da no .1, at It o'ciock.
Admission, 30 Cent.. Children, 93 coots.
myttis7o XY.LYII.I.II. Agent.
ALLEY.—The undernigfted
appointed Viewer, to assess damages and
benefits for the opening of Grunt Ailey. In the
Borough of Sharpsboru. will meet on the premises
June the 9th. at IS o'clock-'....t0 attend to the
•PP"''''".intwrit HART. •
kley 911th 1/.10. mez.c..
lists STREET .- The
tof nen. fur the widening t of Main Meet. In the.
Borough of Sharpsburp. will meet on the prinallisie
June 10th. at 9 o'clock A: , is., to attend to the
their eppaint
.1091fP11 DART.
Mar .4811,1570
Bakery, Confectioner,
The undersigned haa e•tabltahed the above bag-
Allegheny,` 2 .rolit'i Klock
sr im the Park, where bet, preparen supply all
orders In Ma Mee. HIP saloon Is
up for the commoners ot Ice cream. who will 500 R
very convenient to the Park. 50[11111.11012 war
ranted In goods, uttendance and picas. The pub
lic patronage is sollettrel.
Monday Allernoon. May 30th, 1870,
At 'A o'clock on the premises. Lotskadottl sold
ere being rapidly Improved, cud no plane In this
vicinity is attracting more atteorton or ll:mooring
m Tc ore rapidly than McKeespo rt .
rion or Sakg—Onathlrd cash: he ante to one
mud two years. with interest, $lO rash to {add
each Int when sold.
A. FREE EXCERSION TRAIN as hmel..frine
wol lease the CrionaUssllle Depot : Pittsburgh.. /
o'alocit precisely on. the dayof sale. and convey
grown ;onions to the from the .We free. No one
under 21 years of ego allowed on the traits. No
tickets required.
my2l:rtis A. IIcILWALNE. Auelinneer.
A N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the
opening of Greet alley, from Main Greet an
uniform width of twenty sect to. Middle street,
and from said Middle street an uniform wid th of
forty feet to the Western Penna. Itagroad.
Sir. 1. Ito it ordained and enacted by the Bur
em tmil Town Council of the Borough of Sharpe--
burg. and It is hereby ordained and enacted by
authority of the name. That Grant alley. in the
Borough of Sharpnburg be opened from Main
Metal an uniform wldtti of twenty feet to Middle
street. and from mid Middle street an natural
width of forty feet to the Wentern Penusylvmda
Railroad. and that Samuel Coyle. Joseph Mart and
Joseph Turner. free
holders. be anti theyam hereby
emsdnted viewers to view the premises. appraise
the damage., and mato msesnments of benetita as
217V111:1. iTer..=`kgplg e gallr,:t
Streets In me City of Allegheny," end extended by
act of March 1 1 1th 1870. to the Berough of
OrtMlned and enacted Into a law this 23111 day of
May. A. D. 1870.
T. 11. G N
Attest: FRANCIS A. Kiwis. Cleric. myroiall!
41 N ORDlNANCE—Anthorlzing the
Widening of Main' street, from Pine Peewit
Meet° eastern terminus of B ah l street. •
• ` Asa'. 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the our.
and Town Counci ordai n edßorough of Sharpe
bum. and It Is hereby and enacted by au
t holity of the :tame, Trial Main Meet. In the bor
ough of Sharpsburg, from Pine Creek bridge to
em tern terminus of raid einem. be widened an
uniform width of arty feet. and that Joseph Tur
ner. M. F. Dethime. and Joseph start. freeholders,
be and they are hereby appointed vlewers towline
the protein., appmise the damage.. and mate u
nion:lents of benellia, as provided by Act of As
nemble. approved the Mat of May 1881. entitled
"Au Art relative to Streets la t he City of Alle
gheny." and extended by act of March 11th.
1870, to the lioreugh of Sharpnburstb.
or Ma y.
EV . f s e46 . ed Into a law thin 45th day
Alien: kne Scts A. 4..!:.(14,11.1`. myt Zie7_
The Safe. Deposit Co.
Is now prepared Want in a Genend Stilarter, Ca-
Executor, Administrator. Guardian.
Trustee. Agent or Committee of any person or es
tate: and also as tienemi Agent for any State. Mu
nicipality or Corporation, at reasonable rates of
CIES and WILLS received wider guarantee and
Certidcates issued therefor.
ELR IC received fora year or lees period.
Persons leaving the city logo Mimed, or visiting
watering piseco , will tad • most orinvenlent and
secure place of Dapralt In the Weans of the Sale
Deposit Uompen7.
102 Fourth Avenue,
(Between Wood and Smithfield Street.,
010411100 of all slats,
Mother Tinctures, o •
Page's Soft Globules, •
D I in past Tatisty,
ohc 4 Mosthis,
Pune Alol,
Tinctures for External Use.
Page's Arnica 011,
Pond's kismet of Aantanseits,
Err4enin• for °Mantles and Constipattoo ,
Vials and Corks.
Family Cases and Books.
ms I ,4=thl: and Allopathic Mtallosi Book.
Ter&nit, l o 'l l ? Mti. D. maw Pill miot
07V1.11Wirt the posona: attAmtlone
No. 102 Fourth Avenue.
Wishing to close out toy stock of 13asii Bac
.1 will sell any of tbo fon owtof brands as Mil,
Iloramnn•s, Van Iftirri. Ross, Atlantic and Bain.
SOD/ ASII.-100 casks for sale by
Commereial and - Family Newspaper
No rancor, tooohNoic. er merchant .tiooN.l 1.0
743 1 := th."
Clubs Of ;an
eery II etleatehed re•lvelovely ti the gellee-.1.
• flab of ten. Postmasters •re TOQUOIN.OI3 t.••et
Street*. Address.
NOTICES--" , To-Let." "Fin. Sale."
"Lost." Want'," '• Found," "Boardi4."
QT., not ereeiding FOVE LINES. Fill be
inserted in these columns onee:for T.WEN
TY.FIVE CENTS; earh additional liue
rt.% oogl
NY A T I I n:D . — SU good SEWERS and
ImmidLataly wz34lss Al2gE
5....31 Fourth avenue.
TASTED.--A. Situation as Book-
KNEPER or rLClllK;'manufnetuong
Atablishment mterretl. ,0„ roteronew
ddrees Box 7020.11ttabonip P. 0. I.
m igdig wed Wow. to tab charge of
house and do garoiral aoiaialt. or
references molted and given. Address K,.tie-
Irrra rtaine.addrass and Terelevnef
11' T •• •
HELPERS.' None bet Wadi, saw an 4
good woriugeo mood Addron J. BEY MON
.visdondont, Radioed. Oblo.
WASTEIL—Ermbody to call at
184 LIBERTY STREET. and eammtn.
'P_~ c°°° .. _i~n~n~for wla.
wir. or maw al:mono, st
11111. Wed sad heal Estate Water.
Thirty Thouland Dollllfllo Lou
barge or mall amount...on woperty In Miogheny
unty at a falr rota of Interim. •
Boat Mutotoditunt.
BS Wont stmt.
A p n r ; ‘ l 2 L i? . Ell , Si s t
Irani farm work:frerdonlng. &c. ' Anvers! GIRLS
are 'ranted am t .trooltliv.bousemork,Ar...lis a•Ny
sad roonN7. Apply of ISNIPLOYMENY
No.l Sixth stn.. •
F .2;taiwp
OST.—On' Wednesday . evening. a
J KOntlernatio tnorroeen eard raee. onntaluiNVlt
.nucv. Card ands paperspapers
at value to the na man
ter. AnY non fading it in ...-
ma to the money and will Confer • TOOr by send
na the curd man and papers in NC. 110 Iflatnond
1100 . 0ARDINCI.—A nombor of Gentle-
MIC:i Sian be furnisbed with boarding mud
Knouts If desired, pleasantly toasted, at :to. SO
ANDERSON STREET. neat Dand street bridde.
Allesbeny CIV. L-171f.
frisalf , 34
6FI T AVICNIIF., Pittabarkb, Pa. AM
well4lniabed noise of d
1. room. on laMaps street. near Alleghinjaare
new WM be given to a good Limon for per
month. IMgoiro of CIIARLF.S PeIINE
ner or AllegbanLaranno and Robaoca street. 14a
T V-LET—With Boarding, a pleasant FRONT ROOMorithin nor 'Wont.' walk of
Poolontre. Addn,n. M., o.42rrit oath. I= -
_a SLEEPING ROOMS, No. 43 Kowloon street.
near the Park. AllegbenT. A good Gismo! for roar
TARP.—TIER OF OFFICES on Grant. noor
The inabeerlber otters for MIL that deelrableleW
erty known se the
eltuated at the foot of Craig street, Alhaddlor
City. • short distance below the Suspension bride.
The loon the east aide of Craig latest Is 130 feet
wide hr about 430 !Won., or less. The lot oft
the west tide of the street is 110 'feet wtde by
about 400 feet, 0203 . 0 or lava—both maul= to low
Inter Lee= having one of the but end Meet he..
bn - rs on the river. The adrantaires this ptotert7
pressmita for any kind of csanufnetaying purpose.
are so we/I townies to leader way farther descrip
tion istuseosesary. Loos teams will be Oven to tn.
k: OR SALL-149 beautiful building
lots near the Pennsylvania Ball d. The.
are selling very cheap-8300 eleh-11100 cash
and balance In four equal minuet rents. Attar
the la of June the price be, 0. Comitsaft
examine plans at the office of T. . SILL BON,
comer Penn and 33d street.. or It. B. SILL Attor
ney al. Taw. 72 Grant street. .
A frame d ire It containing 4 rooms. situate oaf
44th 'treat Int* by 100 feet. This is • ear/
handsotoeißeos n property nod will mate a pleas
ant home or mir one of moderate moans. T. R.
A Game enlace house containing 4 room. and
kitchen, 'innate on Main Street. near the Groans
burghike. Int 30 m il loo feet. MM. Is • vtirl
beautiful place andbe *old cheap If called for
soon. T. R. BILL A BON.
' Those desiring to purchase houses tm.t lots ad
vantageously Po well to ca/lupon us anti east.-
Inc our list. We have proportf that we are SCRS
MP prove sCeeptable to an luqulrele, both bn so-
Mont Of Patch and atrOTION. T. FL SILL &
HON, comer Pena and 33d streets. boy=
ROR SALE.—Engine of Four Horse
power running • rider. Will be sold low.. AP.
ply to W. P. PRICE. Z. Ohio street. Alleorhimy.
some twlp-hors• carriage. In noon rgpnbk
Will bo sold_ at • low prim_ Apply or No. 2/1
dream 11. T.. Bad I.lom Hotel. Mull street. ' 4-.111
F OR SALE.—Engines • and Balers,
Now sod Wood Hood, of all kindsoMootootlT
013 hand.
Orden from all put. of the eauxii7 Dromppy
tended to. . . .. • . •
11.. TAINS *AO AM®. cot bundled And aLtty
sem wader ealtitnation, Oaku* atagnA,leeprovee.
ent—e dwelllnga, vary lams AM Ittid' Mania.
awl .I.op Maaatt, arabard and watt whelp a
meek palming throne tae shim at la
1101trIX:11111 " Unad: 4 1§11%rn fr atioral
near to lade* aneal!. .The fanocabs
chased at AS per acre. Apple to
B. eLAILN CO:. N 0.104 Tour* Are.
Von CITY PROPER .— A tine CQC,...Y
DENCH. oontalelne • scree with 3 houima
thereon; ono : • lee . comfortable andconvenient
he: wad wa
sy ter : nal one of the -beet. erg
powers Western Pennlvania far • mil : 1
mile. tram the dry, an the :eaten of Turk!.
=l,a( of • mlle from litarran'a &att. Ca
• AIM. reveral Load Fulcra In ewe ' loca
tions end house. for sal. En 4141111 at _
niVII No. 113 Grant St. o •,. • • Ca th edral.
FOR SALR—In good location oo Cllff Meet:
Dear corner of Fulton Amt. • Urge tt , to Mon
Mick noose with std. pooStee on three &Ye.
hall. le roortu. bath room sod eallar.ossall ester
fixtures. shade trees. foontalpshnabbefratol
metro lots of ground...fah 114 by 14 o•OP.
Also.. Sea Stable and Lot Selby feet*.
wets side of Clolf etreet. etesy at awes Motet
ears. A splendid old. of the cals., Swore sad
surf . .. Max eh/.
aly23 S.
xo. SI ro VRTei inequx. PrrresuaGa.
vatr D A lSAß.g4 m , BAT :
13PAZingt= =.'4l7,Az r 4:
per pent" trak . t4 tax. andl u with . -
17GrOrrny="kri4G' Gb.'"=
1 1 2! re Binearir
tL B
X' MT 8117774.17 Ana A l M r Tnes ' •
Bruller. J.
,Oratuat B L
Mlt. Job, B. Ntrerorta..F.'lltai. G. r.
tabu Jno. Scott. K. C. Sloka - eiii4
D. W. 77
goqtrET I
dompest AAA bit IkANO M Crosurs
In Um caw. Far WA* by
I 1=1!!!!!
au. atsorttootit of Silo•P
suitable for oof Iffoda of ewe. THOM As Imes
-t slowest. and 'nods wood to sous. YOTOoio 0.1
EC C 2 T 1
A -foil assortment of Petit eartieravatsat
Wrotmet Anvils. from US te Ay IMMO,. Jost
th o alas for onesoo COOntli talc ~,..• Tor ale
. iHwoodStmt.
t 7 r_
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