- t SILYER, C9TJPONS Bought at Highest Price, Pll. R. MERTZ, BANKER, Cor.Wood Et. na sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & Co., = Cotner Fourth Avenue and WoodMreet, BANKERS, BUT AND SELL ALT. RINDS OF Government Securities GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLY TWO. Interest Allowed on Deposits. Ml:M== POO 21111. POOrIIAON APRLt OrRTOCICI3. 11141:COS ANSI GOLD. JAI'S T. BRADY & CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. , - iISONEY - O.i*,ER6 - E; ( 2. ) 5. ltrf ri Th. t The highest 'prices at the stock excbanie. Untold roamiand the bond market made at the otass of , iiiit.rmenltes•biator , " wet* istfrnalasd, awls tortber.lifas st: least for a 4 161 " or two IS 4 48 4 114 OerlabstOtollou - before -,therecan be any Motion. Gold v. ay stroop lit 110. to-1143i. „. 'hands: foi isrxrnsx. and 10404: 1033 .• Pn : M W I. taken /A land by a mons clique ,-4411 May be nta rip- ant that Ws - Stock will or bdae - beatlly neelhie there is no Stoolri. - Now Mut OrotroPt. strvr at WM. and itaadlngst 10S to /OKX. Money nosy wt dld 8 per cent. Business very dull.' Me Closing quotations as rectlYed by Pb. R. Gold - Americas 43.‘ 0111 CR Of . . . . liliver 112 Western Union.. :21 von Elands 1175 N. Y.Orntral 10l' 5.40 Hoods 120E...1U56 Reading...... 10ii, f•-. 1) Bonds 1141...111% P. Ft. W. & C W. 2.41 Bonds 1265...1111, Uhlo & Miss Ft Consols 1205 1121( Web. Southern.. • 0 7 / 4 11.21 llonds 12117...113!, Cleveland .& P... 1224 aa) Bonds 12118...U37b C. 11- I. & V...,... • . 101 e. 1040 - 106.% Chicago &N.sr . B. Adams Express.. &P. C. &N. W. Pref.. B.' Merchants U. Ex. Erie. 2:P: Larva, *Ana. London Exchange per pound' ' 5,10 &ZS • Parts Exchange Per Franc,• 5 ' 4 Berlin Excbanw Thaler ' 85 Frankfort Ran per Florin 4a 53 Cloning quot :Worm as recetred .by •Tentea T. Brady & Co: gold_ im;llY-196"1:1•!‘. last • iv; U. s. 590180= &-. II!' 5-53 Jan. Iy. 1136 11.1. 8. 5-W 1861 18 % U. P. : KW V. 8.5-88188 5 11..1( C. P. it. H - SCSI U. 8 10-10..: 61 CY. Panlaell : I = t i tsp Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Nicw TOOL May :0%, 1870. Money easy at 3n5 per cent. Sterling Berner at tigalih: per cent. Gold quiet; opened at 11 4 N, touched 1141,1 and 11411. and closed at 1141.1. Carrying rates .U.ti per cent. 13ieiciear lances were• The Government 'old $1,000403 at 113 8-1110.114 5-103. Export:l; g 334.644. Governments strong: Coupes. of el.. 17 ha ITN; lr„. 11%a1V.: IN. 11% 115. 11.ha11!4; new. 13XaMN;lf7.13liaLSU:138,13Nalf; 8.OIIS; currency Cs: Maid. , dude bond. strong; idissouris.".i old Ten nessee.. tli• new do., 58X; old NorthC.ht.rollnas, - ON; new-410, t. Stocks, higher. closing • strong. though s Stifle under the highest point of ro-day. - • , Canton,lMN; Cumberland, ife Western Union Telegrnph.3l%; Quicksilver. 1; Mariposa, 7; do preferred. 151 i; Adams igsprees..GliG & Barg.. 15 3 G Alnericen United States, 45's: Pncific Melt. 3114; New York Central. 1011 s, do scrip. WV; Erie, =%; do preferred. An; Harlem. 1411 i; Reading. MS: !Cell n.. Content, lin: Loke Shore. 37i.: 1111- nobs Central, Ili; Pittsburgh. todN; North ; , Western , try; do preferred. SP:: /Soak Island, •Ilg; New Jersey Central. NW St. Paul:6s%; do preferred, Wabash. 55%; do preferred. 75; Port Wayne, YS; Terre Hante, SI; Chicago & Alton. 117' do prefer...l.lM ohlo & Mile 11. PiPPI, MN; Hartford. slit C. C. & St. Joe, Gs. • • , lintsTreasutT balance: ,oId,II7eAMAIP: cur noes. 14)127.30e4 ge..n.l.souggc.ma• PETROLEUM MARKET. • Omer or PerronMon Oaxerre, . Wm:Trunk's, May MI, 1873. • 1 The oil market continues aboressingly dull aid what Is worse still there Is not much proipect at present of any Immediate Me prOvement. There has been "hitch" In the business now for several days, what it in or What produced it. it Is difficult- to point out bat that there in something-in. tim-way is. evident from the very light sales. The main cause of the • unsatlsfaitorY Ind stagnated conditlca of the market lies In the haft& and unjust policy •by pursued cell Mdlroad companies, and for this there seems to be no help at present, no way of obtaining relief. We do not way that this Is the direct' cause of the present stagnation, although there Is no doubt but what Indirectly It has something to do with it-there Is no doubt but what the high rates of freight on 01l has done more to Injure the trade here, than all other causes combined • Cenitlnues dull but unchanged:.Sale at 1,00 Ws la:mediate delivery, 140 to 45) at i t-55 at Qu Ong. Quotations may be fairly Tem at It to nx, spot or teller this month; • getter June; lett. seller July; PLk August to memo, ber;lls; to le, seller all year, and 13K to 14 buyer all year. swynuto. Market quiet and without material thane. Mar and Jane. quoted ni.P.;; July. 2:X; August to December, nk buyer all year. - Z; bid. There vesu a sale at BBL for Jove, but subsequently It told up to 'X. stscetrors Coupe 0n... 11: - W. C. Tweddle HI. on account 8. A. Hull; A. 13. Mails 40. on• account W. Bartle; J. K. Tutu 50, on account same. Total ' bbla. OIL witurra eta •. V. It. rt. t - Krum k Wavier 4C bbla tanned olt fn War latotgtatoCCl: debahlgli bbls ref. oil to Waring.'K. & Co.. Phila. H. Koehler & Co.. 101 bbl.,ref. PK 40 Waring. K. k Co.. Phila. J. C.Klrrsatrick bbla relined tO tkck ' PCo e .V. tam retinid to Lo Bro . & Co.. Philadelphia. Logan Bro. S Co.; 358 bide ref. on to Lo gan Bro. & Co. Phila. - of train 011 Co.. 472 bble refined 611, to Tack B- Philadelphia. B. W. Morgan 150 hills refined to Tack tiro... Philadelphia. Lockhart. F. k Co., WI alb ref. oil to War den. F. & Co.. Phlia. Total • • • • • - ATAITXIEXT CSC DI OL. 11111IPPLO WY 1, AND A. V. it. It. Oil . LIMY. DCHINO WErlf. VADltiti 14/11 . `2l. 1570. From IL C. Herbst trim Parker to Poultney & )(Dale. Baltimore, Fe tibia. Praha D. C. Herbst from Cocbran to PoultneY & Maalr,Dalthuore. 4.s)bbis. From J. Lombard from Parker to Lombard, .tyres & Co.. New York, 1,441 bbis. From Fisher Bros. from Parker to Malcolm & Lloyd. Phllsdelphla 1.490 bblo. From .1. Badmen from Parker to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. 3.310 bbla. From B. H. DIUICX/2 from Parker to W. P. Loran it Co.. Philadelphia. 4100 bbis. From Parker & ThOttlpltOtt Wm Parer to Joslah Macy. Sr Mos, New York. 315 bbl ,. From Eastoriy from Parker to Josiah Macy , . X Bow, Neer York. 451 From A. P. Bennett from Scruhrrams to Wal lime. Curtis k Co.. Philadelphia. 4id From other potato not, 401 bbls. Total s,slLbble. of 4:. grit, ANDLEATHIZIR IMARRItr. oraida:ll% Prilatinaoll Gramm, 4 WEDNIMIDAv, Mar 1.. a, j We b ane o r e port. a continued dullness In the hide and leather trade, and there is not touch prospect of apt immediate 'lnstate ment. Stocks are not large, and the demand Is light being restricted almost wholly to sup plying the immediate wants' of ionstimers. Prices have receded steadily, since the grst of Se year, until they are now down on to a gold Lauds, nod it. Is possible the next change trill be In rarer' of better prices, sad largeY sales. Following are the ruling quotations, as tarnished by Mr. 0. H. Anderson . , , •, Onk Slaochter sole .15 Xi L ight and Mid.. 40 . • 40 4 , 6. ,- Ileag..-:•.• "...• • . 40 " "Spanish " All elitio.. •• • • Red Sole 11. , A. 3fiddlitue I& 'feast' 31 50 " ••Oronneo 31 :0 45 " W b rx °s k it ...... .. . , 41.1 1. Kip Upper per It ... •••• • • • • o x Oak Harness best City.... .... ...... 41 43 40 • 46 Ru st se" g r dj i :te doer 0310 Black Bridle 100 Nisol•FeidMlan . 5-'0 Band Leather per lb -•. , - 44 Rand SS& 0 .--; 11 -I:0061144W Rile's all weights_ _ _ 14 6 ,, e s gaoler ,_ : 'Cote and Steer/ ; 44 Cir Sell ri1 ,,,, 5.; . 1 16 ' =Y....Horn. ' AND TALLOW. Pure LabradoAksl 011 pen , gallon .. $1 00 Best Straits .. ... . , .... ..... . .... ... :.:, .. ... , . 2 lion Rank: , • , . ' .k OW , r lb. KO MEM 191T V:1= MI7 It Az WN The markelebin a general way, are devoid of anything new fir Important. nothing at least deserving of special 'notlee. Their* is no Im provement to note in the demand for any of the leading catuntodities: and no Important ehariges to Make' In . ittiotetlonst; and while business, generally, ititittll It is nevertheless Lull an good an it usually It at Oda particular time. Our country trade is always light at thin Season of theyear, as country people are always brolly engaged on their farms about this time:Art.lln the absence of country buy wrs, trade is dwell, very ,tow. APPMZ-43etuon about over. We Continue to G a"ll .4 at. -M 6 e W d r et t l ' a l itd . continues to int -prwre and with dtmlninbed arrival, Primo.. ..tending upward. We now quote at It to =, nor good to choice. • GROOMS—Store prices; Fancy. o n, tWOUNo. I. fttAn; No. $4; No. a. 044 Commo 502,1 •• BEANS—DWI but nominally unchanged, ifi.00411.75 per -bushel.' • • • CARRON OIL--Quiet Ind unchanged: toN rt. I for standard brands in a lobbing way. • td New Garment' le quoted at. nem end New York Goshen at 170117 N. CORNMEAL—Quiet end unchanged, Magl. per brthel. CEMENT—SaIes of Louisville Hydraulic at Pffali per bbl.. DRIED FRUIT—The Market quiet and un changed. Apples fe7 cts: Peaches, OW for quarter,. and nen for halves. Blackberrlen, Lr eG 4 f 'ri- 1 11 1 1 t i t h ed rm Ci ern erri rol ' ed demand and .. c:co - tinned light arriValn? prices are strong and tending. upward. We now quote at tiVtlit. FLOUR—The market in quiet and unchang ed. and the feeling is lot as strong as It was a week or two ay.—the excitement which then prevailed has almost died out, and those who have been operating with a 'view to big prices are likely to be disappoloted. We continue tod s e at irs . 'n n '0 for opting wheat; nod f- for winter wheat, and girfryi for fancy brands. GROlEl t tig— k =w; are more active nod higher—Li on reflood and N on raw. Coffee continue* dull and drooping. FYlniPn ~nre stead but without quotable change. tha n molassen lion, much firmer Mau Evrups. Teas, Fine. etc. etc, devoid of any, thing new. Following are the ruling quota- ME • mati,• Port. Rico ot 1130 New Orleans, Havana In boxes, HULL. Montages Su menjt. A Coffee, 13c; . 11" do 12...30n tra IVie: C, lace; Crushed. Granulated and Powdered 131 i c. CorrEc--Ordinary Rio. 11334 c; (air to good. Beak; prime., 211 em choice, r.e: ttrlctly choice, aNe. MoLattam---New Orleans, Mak: Porto Hien. 65aMe. • EiritursHaremeger and Eder. or .11 and E" Symp, Me; White Honey Drips, ItSe; Silver p..Urlpe,me; Covering, Me; Golden. ale; Amber and lower grades from 3:0, e.' Teas—You m ng H 01. ea W i lk Gunpowder, 91)=Ms i on, s Sewn:p.-omin Pepper, 34e: Pimento. ate; Cassia, sOOMe; Cloves. 40e: Natmegs, SLAV. 51.40. Pnotra—Prunes..l.l 4,e; Currants. Dire: !Ayer Raisins. 54,s per boo; Valencia itnisina, 1. 1 4" 17e per lb. SO.ll.PR—Chemical Olive, Ne; Ilabbitt's. - 10‘; Oakley's. 10e: Crampton'a, lle: Dobbin's. 14.% e: Chemical Erasive, 74• e: Redo, kiOfE53C Toilet BAK Soaps, lbZ=3. S pawer yer's Barber. R . per boa. Lean—lbe lb. " • DROP tine—sil{ per bag. . IDZOICIErrILA.7I9 LTC—PO:IR. $8 per ease: other brands. geal. FSTRACT CorrEE-54.`4 per gr.. tor Hum meta. • • Sool--In kegs, Ge: in boxes, assorted pa pers. Die; Sal Soda. 3.4 c. Inntoo—sl.4Msl.6o. CANIO.P.—Mottld, DC; Star, ale; Si eerie. PO . . STARCH —Pearl, tilde; Stalin aloes nod Silver GlOss, 11.4 c: Cara. Rttn--t'arolina, vetSC. Fign—No. &Mackerel, 511,/'e per bbl; No. '2 large. $l7; No. 3 large. $1416; No. 3 medium. all; In half bbls.so eta additional. In kilt.-- ;s!7'. d, Lake Herring. Pq: Codfish. 5 c te is Der pound. Herring, .GRAIN—The feeling In wheat continue* & little offish, and the millers are "heurlah." though' an ,vet there Is no quote/de decline , and - we continue to quote red at and white at $1,1501.30. Bata dull as ever but unchanged; we cOntlnue to QUOte at 4:041I, in first hands. and 51051 on wharf and track; sale Is Math. to go tut. at 51. free on board. Coral, very dull but unchanged, sadaafor eat. and 15'011.- 4 0 for shelled. The mein* are tight and the name Is true of the stocl i t , Ae-,we can report sales of small lots at and a round, ot may be quoted at $ll. 30 or day.. - For Barley there to little or no inquiry, and there Is little or none offering. HAY—la very dull, and from country welfOns may he quoted at CAW. Sale, of prime baled on wharf at $1630, • HEMP—Sales' of undressed Kentucky I temp at $167. • 11128K8—Corn husk.. ai - osi eta. • LARD 011.—City blends, 1.1.26411.= for No. 1. and Keg: for N 0.... Well established Cin cinnati and Chicago brands 81,8:01.113 for es tin No. I. LlMB—Sales of Clevelaml at t 2.21 per bbl, and eastern at $1.17 , POTATOES—DuII but unchanged: 'salmi of Peach IlloWs at X41...10 ctn. PROVISIONS—Market steady with a con tinued Mr jobbing demand. but M and uneheused. Shoulders: (I.li for plata 15501).15 for Sugar Cured; Bib Sides , 16k: Clear Sort 17h: .Clear. 17N; Breakfast Bacon. lets; Cativaseed Sugar Cured Hama MMIENeI. Mesa Pork. rkiNe..3l. Lanl. neolvt In tierces and LM.lroi lnkgs - PEANUTS. —Dull. Tenneuee. 80.9 eta. SEFIDS --There 1. , no inquire for either Timo thy or Clover Seed. and the SC.III-1 may be re, masted as over. ilaareetl Is in steady de diand at with but very little onerina, -and a round. lot. might ['Hag Mai. I:=3 ===l= „tem...use, Slay V., MO. The market since the date of our last re port hasbeen. if anything. a little more ac tile.anckstrobaAly„, the sales were somewhat larger In the 110 - regale. while In regard to 'Deices. there has been -no esseiltlil change. The rtoek of timber and boards, afloat. Is nteadily tieing rinueed, and it la thought th the - great proportion of What remains In riv. will he taken down the river to CiLICUM. and other down river markets. Mountain and Cleveland lumber remains unchanged: as It Is •till being sold in ear loud lots on track at last .weeks quotations. Following are tb , Tani twice, I= Vint Common Second Common .. . Third Common Sheeting nemlona JoL4 and Scantling. PIA 'NM 11.r1IBLIL. ' Find common_.. . . M. ft. , X) Clear. " Flooring lloardm .. . Partition Hoard§ 'Shelving. on both widen.. Sbehing. oe nee sides Plow and Dent, Weatherix,arding " Moulded Weatherboarding (new stle) ._. . .. ... . " .Itabbetted Weatherboartfing ' 1( In. patent planed do 7a In. patent Emplaned do . ... 12 In. vertical do, with attir; . Oak and Yellow Pine flooring.. t !leaded Palings 4 It minNoLim. N 0.1.18 loch. sawed . No. 1.11 loch, swored No. s to loch . shave. No. I, 1d Inch. shaved Lath.No.l, 10 Inch, shaved . . „ .... &mita Post+ INARKIFTII TICLE4III.IV/i. mew trwr. Nrew Mail...L-014ton dull sod .lo.t. sales of 25,000 bales at =Mc for middling up lands, !lour—receipts 12,351 barrels; irjegolar and unsettled, closing dull; m ire lig at tucet.so for sepertine — State and western; 04.1k015.nl for extra do; 05.2045.10 for good choice do: .55.15241.93 for white: whe west ern extra:o44E4B for extra Ohio; for extra St. Louie. Bye flour unchanged. Whisky lower; sales of 150 bbl. at 411.1.0 f free. .Wheat—receipts 40,100 bush. and opened lc bet ter, closing quiet, buyers generally refusing pay In advance; sales of 51,000 bush at $l,lO for northwest spring; 411.1.014 for , prime No. 2 Milwaukee; $1.2.1 for in store No. I spring:ol:M 01.31 for winter red and amber western. Bre on time at M.moderate M dasoands miesaloo Barley . (Xirn—tcoeipts 4.700 bulb; opened le betttor and bu o h dd u 6 l l l o w 42 i 4 t l h . I t 4 hfeo advance m o xed a v m e s 4 e o rn fo , closlog st 01.341.12; $1,1541.17 for new yellow I western. Oats— receipts of 34,000 bush; dull And heavy; sale. %.031 bush at 640.115 c tor western; friapinc for Ohio and State. Hay quiet.l Hops in fair request nt 114tElc. Coal quiet andunetisoged. Leather less active and 'tiettry.l Wo dull; antes ff.d.olo Ina do- mestic tierce at ol 3G41.46C; tubbed 474;40c; pulled Mrdolde. .Ooffee firm and quiet. Molasses dull. Petroleum quiet at 15e for crude and trldrilfc for refined. Rice firmer at 741.5Wc. Sugarless tive; sales 7nlittids 101,004 c for Cuba and 0)421100 'for Port Rico. - Sheathing Copper steady at Sic: ingot quiet at IBlic for Haiti-. more. and 10c for lake. Pig Iron doll-at 50101. Defoe Sootob and 131004 for American. Bar steady nt $25 for refined Y our and Amerl can. Sheet Iron quiet at 1014110, gold, for aLtttislia clinch. Na 11,414 , i f o o r r g 0 ug ,, 52 . Provisions: Pork firmer ; sales s eller V9,111a29,57 for men; Jobbing lots $3O; Prime r22.51,5p; priffie mess pk,so; also 750 bids mess. seller June, July and AnicuSt. at 020,5011M1.i5. Beef bet and ateady. with eaten of 110 bbls at 011a15 for plain mess, /112 for extra mess. Tierce beefnulet at fz,50.2; tor extra mess, thlalli for India mess. Beef hams quiet, with sales MOO bbla at ra33 . IlldiAlea doll. Cut meats dull at 12,12 'o for shoo den, 1514A10c for hams. Lard steady, with sales of Is 3 tierces at Itml6Nc for steam, 1.51(.1014c for kettle rendered; also 1,000 tierces prime steam I seller May June andJuly,ntifi,ls4altic. But ter lower at nedlefor Oho. Cheese dull and heavy at :RIC.. Freights to Liverpool firm Ithirents of 15.000. bosh' wheat per steam at N Esteatr-illour .oblied dull and declining. Wheat quiet and rather easier with No. 2 spring at .1.150141 and winter red and anther western at $1,33a1.33. Rye dull and unchang ed. Oats dull and heavy at 134484V L2 rest ern and Plallfle for Ohio. Corn dull :al. for new mixed western. Pork qu with Mess at $9,75 seller June. 1123430 seller three Months and Meant. Beef arm with a mode rate demand. Cat Meats and Bacon nominal. Lard quiet; prime steam hold at 10)40 ont; epo 16c hid; held at Ric for June or July, with 15ha 15)4c bid. Eggs dull at Italic. - • IX= tmic.oo, May M.—Exchange unchaste& Mohr du% and at most nomirAL Wheat—No. 2 opened Ilan _rd excirl , and closed quiet nd eaffititlldtTlf,b.,ata a nd tit, I% l r c r e '' x j Ni sellers June. Own arm, claming at 85Nc toe unchanged . t dull and . h t7a7y, e c i losing at 'MX° for NZ a. Eye iLlrie nominal. Highwines LILMELO6. Provision. dull. Ness Pork .. .1.75(1ida. Lard 15)NtiMuc. It salted shoulders 111.01170. N o v o p e , m i st r tive . and doted dull.. at idgMLU.M fpr cow fa to .'s c orn prime. Cattle dull. IlgeN for common cows to extra shipping steers. Receipts for the sast twenty-four bongo—MA b o le dour. 64" hush wheaL . 021 trusircorn, 48,884 bulb oats, RIM hoed Tye. 1410 boob barley, 4,928 Shipment•—t..l49 ibis emu:MOM bush wbsat... Islam bush corn IL= bush oats.lo.3oU bush rye, 5.291 bush bar 1 E71 4 . 270 /WW I ." Ereight.■ twist awl Irmer. er. LOME. May M.—Tobacco settee and Is strong. Cotton held at V..c. but without sal. Ben:perm at $1.0001.76 for undressed. Flour Eet and unchanged: g 441.25 for fall super. „16i54,0) for .11.14.M45 for IX. 15.ltV:sd for X. family brands gr,.700-2t.M. Wheat tine No 2 spring Mc; choice No do Vic, No red fall $1.0a1.1:15, No 1 da 11,1115.1.15. Cord dull and lower at /374:00c, yellow SOcall latter for Innoy, SIRI.t for white. Oats dulland low er. with sales at lkiCiDalc Barley: nothing do ter. Rye better at 8143 G, latter for choice. Whisky lower at 11,05. Corr. dullat Samar firm and slightly.better nt.:loMktlik , Louisiana molasses higher at Cffikl4c for sugar house. Pork dull and weak at =Mk. Dry salted meats: nothing doing, but lbc offered for clear rib. but lake asked for clear. flacon at 1.1100.44,Mc. Shoulders Nkc asked for clear sides. like. offered. Land dull and- nom inal at Itiiecl.S.M for prime steam; 144.161tc for choice kettle rendered. Receipts -: Flour, 5,11.10 bbIL. wheat, MAO bush: corn. :in.tx) do; oats. 31.400 do; rye 1,700 do. Collie: bogs firm and unchanged. , Clarianati. CINCINNATI. May 'Al.—Flour unchanged and the demand is light. Wheat was offered more freely under She Increased supplies; N 6.1 red sold at $l,lO. and No, at sl,(*. Corn In good demand at CGOINIC, which was more‘ freely met by holders; the supply Is large. ,Oats dull trader large receipts, and price, are drooping; N0..1.55e; No. 1 :kit, and white sold at 5841/10e, the latter an extreme rate- Rye firm nt Igallec;• supply light, and miles of choice were made' at $l. Cotton dull; mid dling the demand La only light. To bacco grin; sales lull Mid. at $11.754411,in for frosted trash to common leaf. Whisky open ed quiet hut firm at $1.1X41.01, but advanced to, elating at si.oszuin for new and old pro cess make. Mess pork Is held more firmly at V-19,541 - 4 , k1.1 Lard nominallY unchanged and held at loc. hulk meats held mbre firmly; shoUlders at lam: aides at "lSe. Bacon. Is held at 13.44 c, 1115,,c and 1714 c for shoulders, clear rib and clear sides. Sugar - cured hams 19, Me Linseed all dull at $420(4141.?3 for extra. Butter dull at :0111.25e. • Ems advanced to Ito. Bold 111 M. Money market easy. Ltse Steels Market. New Yong, May 35.—N0 beeves and mine wanted; but fear arrivals are reporteiffor to morrow, and will doubtless be lower; the hot" damp weather, with an abundance of straw berrlis retailing at twenty cents per quart. hurt the sales of meat. Sheep: arrival of three ears, and even- they were not wanted; prices were another Mc lower for thin Ohio of &S lbs, selling at 4%r, some of 11 lba at SMe. and one car of SI lbs at 640, with another car of the same weight at W. c, but most of these were held from yesterday. Lambs are worth Valk, with ti few extra Jerseys at Me. Hog. dmsed steady ears arrived the market at "ns 9c per lb for fair to choice; they Injure other meats. • . CITXMLAND. Mar f-I.—Flour Is steady and unchanged. Rye dour steady and unchanged. (Wheat is quiet and firmer. with sales No.l. red winter at $l.lB, .and No. du at $I.10( - 0.1.11. Corn is heavy. Oats Is nominally unchanged, with no sales reported. Rye Arm at 96cruAl. Barley Is quiet andnominal. • Petroleum— nothing doing in stud oil. and future deliveries are almost entirely nominal: dealers in refined Inner. the twice ut barrels having advanced within the last day or two , and the nomln figures are ..t.4rib244c for spot in woad tut swan lute advance; crude is steady OM per Igtrret TOLEDO, Map in.—Flour quiet and arm: Wheat 1 better and closing weak: No. white Wabash g 1.56: No. I. white Miehlgtm U.t; regular do. VAS; amber $1.19 and clos ing $1.12.*: CO. 3 red $1,16. Corn igtdiric better; No. 1. liCe. Oats quiet; No. S Fret:tam quiet - and unchanged. Receipts: dour All bbl..: wheat la.11:10 bulb.: corn IMO do.: mita 3,(10 do. Shipments: floor IMO bbiP.: wheat. MU bush.. Corn EVAI. do.: oats Vital do.- BALTrmonr-Nayt&—Flour fairly active mud uteady: Wheat It firm. with Kale, of Mary land-at Illt1011:440clutd Pennin - trarda !la", Corn dem, with sale* of with.. at #1.114161.1d, and yellow M 11.1351,14. Oat, dull at d..t4.115e. Nets York to arm at. Pl. Bacon firm. Itib Sides. I7e, clear slde.t. 174 c. shoulder.. 14c, • . ant hams at lAnt quirt Al Whiskey is tlat at $141.411.10.. Philadelphia. ' Pnir.ADELPMA, Mar tn.- Flour dull and dn.:Ming: (nadir Wheat: den and very light and price. drooping. live held nt il.necial.lo. °urn artiVe and unchanged. Oats lower; State G Lido. Petroleum less active; crude Mac; retitled !".".a.I.W. Provision% un changed. Whisky very quirl; Iron u - entern $l.lO. wfad St.trilbl4B. • Memphis. 51mtPuts. Day '2s.—Cotton attire at 215,c: receipts .55.1 bales; esports 570. Flour; fall su per to double extraWsul. Corn dull at $1.15n 1.51. Oats 07c. Hay dull-st $01. , 12=. limndull at Watt. Lard nominal at It'alto4e. Pork dull at - fliAso. Bacon shoulders 13 , pr; ride, dull ati.?Zatec. Dry floods Martel. • Nr.w Vona. May 35.--The most Important feature in the trade to-day Is a Mallet lon lit Lanca 70 Wood Street, t>4 a =I MANUFACEURRES OF TEEM NEW Solid Cant Handle - - - - - - - - - - - - • - • P ! • P TABLE • • 1 KNIFE 02 1.4 The pet/ flle4l . ll4le ih ,rn eoper;re Dobler. 1 i . 3 to MN= r d earlnt tbe i ouswit . stres *lt Z ' a al S&L • • . 4 .4 q als Ist b le . o r f the hardnefe. and will tad ware. In oolor and beilreLity". fl. la Zdt ' s to ,w 2! Isztg , sljver..ltelelle and Vexes ...Meese da p:l4lo N. =I I ' A l =e '. ge b il fi Wilt jenny. 1 - . a. ..the Superb Style and Great EltseV o =hls .Etea .. ode enable. Ma coanotaaserers , mane It as especially adapted for use In al pq =4.l7llV.l:•)tmlrir.'". ft". lost, ver Falls Cutlery Co; 80. 70 WOOD ST., PITTBBORGD. MANUFACTURERS OF Table Cutlery and Parket Saints QUALiTT GUARANTEED. CASTINGS. AJ3TINGI3. OMAR. BA CH Henry Bier & Macaroon to JOHN COOPta 1 C 0..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Brass Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. .ttittmair n o n gfi I RON VTITINGS. . Vag? ANNA A.I4D CHEM teALygi3. illAfraftlea r fie f or Stem Wster andoll. DrAT r rEt i C AVPIr r a 131BMI) AulthrTe of D SIMS` PAT . MIMI& the best the market. OFFICE AND WORZB Corner -Thirteenth and Pike Streets. ATWOOD & McCAFFEZY, Corner pantinT Mtn. and Tunin AVM% Pittg.Dib. Pa, BRASS vommirsa tad IRON PINK FIITNRS.and A GENTS for A. B. CAMERON C)11 STRAY PUMPS AND BLOWER& WEST Machine Stone Works. North•eneonmar at West Oximpiollteghskry.. ThlarlE ATVATIM a. CO.. Hance kaall or prApont an abort mile* Bomb ralarrio. B ll= lrlcogeroirre" 8"." ord.,on rnsoriable 417:4 111 El