THE DAILY GAZETTE. ROME NEWS. the Git. Cezeux%ties held meeting last eight. but trabeaeted nothlnit 'but routine buslneu. Tbe Water Committee of Councils 'mill meet tbls 'evening at seven mul a halt o'clock. at City Hall. • Odfeenot the Third Disinion. obriusinaded by amoral Bayne., will find n notice on 'rid Dale eoneersdng them. • Allegheny Coserlhons wilt remember to as semble to-morrow night for their regular semi-monthly meeting. Chief Engineer Cron of Allegheny hag been by Deputy Fir° Marshal for Pint elty by Fire .Warehal Butler. • The Allegheny Pollee force ahould be en larged. Forty-two men are not .o Dino to guard the city properly, • • _Fifteen Dellire:were stolen from a milk era re rsesills6sy as Wylie street by several Found ralcals, ebb escaped. . ALlleighest bee one of the best sewerage to le the eountry--an Inestimable benefit In relttlonto the eolnfbrt end health of the The ..1111eghenf Park . Ceauselsaleversmai Street Committee of AllenhenT Connrib , b old meeting , last evening, but transacted no busi ness of public; Importmee. - • • _ The Vest picair cams off at Itdn CUT Park yestanthe The =propitious weather ' Inter ered wit h-the onforumut -of the = who had a rather (ions time of It. • The Van on the Troy 11111 line Allegheny Passenger Railway are being repaired and thoroughly overhauled. The ay bright one yesterday exhibited the. r riv " al the Improvement. -John Inman ant Michael hfoCun, in fight ing humor approactiod the redaction of Thom .. Harlington Ninth ward pinioning awl thrnatanna to castigate that gentleman. Al derman 'Taylor has tbe am in hand. The only reason why W Wlfm Dillsn is not not In 'id for knocking Wlll4m dUrtall down and kicking blot yesterday le because Alderman MOrelfind's pollee bare not un clouded In laying their °Metal bands upon tam. We call special' attendee. of bankers, bro ken, and dealerejn stocks , to the advertlstr merit of Messrs. organ. Keens Marrln.Nerr York..oct our grit page. From refer/sees shown us, weeaa eommeud the abase Arm as perfectly rellable:end honest-dee:lMS Male men. linglanlaut—Phil. Barman and Ban 31eirad den were arrested on. Monday night for at tacking Lieut. Gordon. of the Mayor's pollee. and knocking h!m down. They were fined =ants each. and in default of payment was committed to the Work House for thirty, day'. • &Were Purcell who lays claims to surgical -skill. disturbed Margaret Flemington . ' Douce of 'mind yesterday by strangely . Insinuating that at his earliest ooneenience It was his In tention to disembowel her. In fear she sought Illdamsan Taylor who has Interposed legal ob jections to the scientiflo overatica. • Lizale and Dennis Cowley. residing In the Ninth Wald hut a quarrel yesterday whigh 4.ldertnan Taylor has been caned in to settle. Wade saps that Dennis threatened ber with inch liolenee that she cannot rest of 11161 A, and walks abroad to constant rear In daptime. The ease has been set down for disposition to day.. Unsaway.—Yesterday afternoon abouttbree ricloCk a horse attached to a light buggy Mu off on renn's .avemse. in the Fifteenth - want. The driver wan thrown out but not hurt. Three women were knocked down and slight ly Injured. and the burgs was finally wrapped around a lamppost which put an end to the exciting entertainment. Tee Dollars' sue Castu—Wtillatu Adams went Into No. 3 Smithfield street Monday night and attempted to break up housekeep ing for the occupants of the establishment by demolishing the furniture. He smashed n marble top table and other articles of furni ture. He was 'wrested and taken to the lock up. anditzul Tes costs.ts rday morning was fined tea dol lars Ineediat /Lassalt.—Yesterday Birdie Love, a colored damsel. made information before Al derman McMaster% settled forth that . Ad.- Nell. o white youth. bad met her to Temper a/mein° a few erenlnys since, and when she sockedomply with his Indecent demands he kn her down. The accused will he brought before the Alden:um as soon as °Pacer Simian can find him. Jonas 8. Banergeld, has been selected bT the citizens of tae Fourteenth ward to deliv er an addrese on the presentation of a flag to Vie Washington Infantre. XMor WWII had been selected but was compelled to decline La ooneequence of tithesmain meats. Mr. Butterfield is a fine , and a man of conridarable talent, and will doubt less mike an eluellent address, • Mr. Jain Meilen, No. 45 Ninth stieet, the extensive tobacco deeler. is daily in receipt of importations of the finest. • hiss of tobacco tad together with Emoting apparatus .of sli d = Ms store is puked fall cod yet the supply t hardly voter to the detasud °Gantry merchants alunild drop in at Me. grays. Wholesale and retail dealer. Cirl core boney by purchaeing at fa Ninth street. • Ttie General Assembly of the United Prise brartan Church will convene this evening at the First. G. P. Church, Seventh arenue. A sermon will be preached by the retiring Mod erator. Rev. B. A. Brown, D. D., of Wltming. ton. Lemmas° County. Pennsylvania. The Committee having the matter to charge will Prepare dinner each day of the session for the delegates, reporters and Invited guests._ Anetber Slag.—Florsee Begets. employed on a steamboat, , was arrested yesterday on a ar t c in n ois t e l' e is a Pro rinit l tre i r m orbT . ToUl a of the two boys. a notice of whose arrest we pub lished yesterday. and he alleges that the boy gams Mtn the ring. which Was found In his pessesslon. It mu Identified by Mr.Dnaseatb. bud was valued at SU.W. Hamm wan held fora hearing. No table can be - complete without a choice' - selection of Queensware. Messrs. Kier & Co.. proprietors of want. eysto Pottery. hare el. predated ttas and augured In the man ufacture of an article to this line which has tiO Iti:etior. They manufacture all kinds, from the Cheapest to the finest and most cost ly. But all through, their ware and prices will be found unexcelled. The storeroom Is at 303 Minty street. Hoary Disrount.—Heury Mehoffsars he put $lO3 Into the bands of Cooper Klerebolf, of Brownstown, for safe•keeplongß, and that when be demanded It again, Illetehoff handed him Only AK Malodor the remalndm as Interest for keeplog It. Henry thought the shave a Mlle tem, learn and Alderman. O'Donnell slums In the same opinion,. which induced him to Issue a warrant for the arreet of 'Kier eta gesterday: •: .• • • Held for Trial—lnformation tem tondo' be fore the Mayor yesterday "morning by John Elaternallorbo WU robbed in Cherry alley phia7 Urbane. an Smoot of - KWh we pub reuterdaY. against Henry Cramer, Peter le, and William Daft, and the accused were brougbt out for, a bearing. , TeittmooY liras ooncluslad se to the itufit. and 'the Mayor held tbem to tall in the man of oaeb, to default committed them forigl Abeet Thirty•dee gneta—T.tentsy Alder- Inan Arent !entertained' the information - of Christ. Woeruly against Henry Kaiser for assault and battery. Kaiser beeps a saloon to the Third ward, Allegheny. and when .. .Toon.- Ir entered yesterday he daniteded thlrtrlrre cents In payment of a little MU: Not bulbs his request Complied with, be seised his debt or's hat and held it as seenritv. This led to the legal antartalament:wbleb resulted hathe issuing of a warrant. •Ilse Pkocehlef Marshal Callownas issued general order commanding Captain George Massey's and other militarycompanles uniformed and 'equipped to report. to General A. L. Pearson on'Wood street at aloe o'clock U. Decoration Day. All °Len. not unl ftmned to report to General J. 11. Bsreizer. Commander of the Second disision. at as early day as youth* all colored campanile, not Military are also ordered to report to General Bireitser for meignment. they choosing their own Mad dicers. .Tbe Gni Straw," dr.e. Benedlet,". In notlefut our query NU!. ...rho will start. the fikehlan ot. put4libing births." nye: - • "ROI& We:Editor. bold : Purely YOU Tann be• bachelor: ihdltnow nothing of the and of babies, alas you would not add another Item to the aLrentdp lons and heavy list of exPen,sek Pave:uenectl Doctor, nurse, long and a b ort &Abet, squills and ockektinf snug, chrhaW , " hags and Pula show., ko., ke, etc.. etc. All tb " e = I .I.I I APPP (r) Parents green backs, 1 an tbe One. We can't afford to a:Mae) charge. It Wed be the last at i aw that broke the earner. back. Play A ItranonCr. Pore( in. *lke - • , enct, a merahmit tailor Intl:22.BlmM teenth Ward. related to Deputy MeyorYich ois, yesterday. &dale ot duplicity wherein he was made the victim of John Cashmere. It • wad L 2 this wises John desired a usr eed. being short of funds. prevailed upon the tailor to let him hove the article on credit—to be paid for whemdls wages were received at the end of two week,. The promise wee not fat tilled. . that, farther. Stitt isys be has disco, end that Cashmere gets bl. snse. ever/ night.. The magistrate promptly issued ► war rant forbia arrest far false pretence. • Suicide in Ostler Ooenty. • . On Sunday wombs' last. Gustavo, Wolf. 0114 DUMMY roars, a eon of German Darrnts. restdiair ,about three miles north of Saxon ban. }latter county . , oommltted.sultide by b•••lnit -himself. He was a bright. lotselgent boy, and remarkably besithy, and no canoe is towns to lout. He left his father's house about a o'clook in the morning in his usual spirits, and about an hour later his lifeless body was found enspetuled from a tree by • 11:11,11. to a /roue a short. distance from the LlM . ,TAls_ts the third case of suicide by whieh hasooeurre4 in that neighbor t7.oi7inte the Imagine of HockenbersY+ The Nene ea Moseley Rverdng it seems extended over the Whole country, and was marked everywhere by the same eldlence that was noted in the cite. We /earn that la-Patton township a tree Was attack and rent to shreds. that slit yards from the tree Listood the house • at Capt. McCully. whose place Is known as the TM/Yard Farm; the lightening enterted this booms, in which; at the time, were seated sit P3mone. Ms: John Robinson. Jacob Greenawalt, Robert McColloob, a boy named Joseph Baxter, bls mother. Mrs. Baxter. Mrs. ilicCully and her daughter. These persons were sli more or lees stunned or yzed. but quickly recov ered; all felt rejoiced that baring been to the ful pres s they had escaped of a pe caped wi th ril so eminent their awllisss. so fright l4 BOOK OF BOOKS" ' re t d!ttkr.. A Las/Teel Chancre sad Poet Last eV District la/ lectai 11. Bucher sirope, 17. S. :livered ci Telt Interest s Young Ifen's Christian Literary Character of the w•as the iecond in the ted Lr this—orranization audience of ladies and ms for intelligence and ' to ovendowins thir„&is C COUIVI d dr !Warren • sociatlon's Hall, corner of Sixth foal Penn streets. ',a , The speaker WWI Introduced at eight o'clock by W. h. Howard. 8e9.. and commenced by saying that to form an approximate idea of the true .11terary value of do barred :it was necessary adopt some such proemn as that by .".. eatronomers determined the marinade and distance Of theaters by parallel. He did not Intend to express his Clews of each book. but rather Wished to divide it and consider their parts, tat its History. td. its Philosophy. Its Poetry. These characteristics were blooded d e Genesis to the together on ever. , Rag° i Whilst it was, chase et John's aubliaterts to a certain elteat, intricate, yet it was . pet— fact in every P oint. 'lt nip was seen, in its originality pal In the n te suocession of combinations f hough. ierodotus, the weer pf profane history. evinced. bylis high coloring- mat be was but an Inventor.. Tacitus was not only faulty In his Latin 'bat hi many respects utterly unfit for historialcomposltiou. Macauly said of him that he told a One story finely , but could not tell a plain ono plainly. And as with ancient so with a great majority of the historians of the present day—they nil exaggerated facts to suit theirown hypothesp frol HISTOny. It tr. only when the Bible was compared with Livy and Xenophon. and Macaulay and Hume; and others In the historical world, that Its phrlty sad .Ndltuess of style and tdaptn tfoatoallteen. When the evetsts narrated . . . . were considered there could be seen the im measurable superiority of it. to any other work: in the annals of history. Its opening chapters Pere aufacient proof of this. There the Spirit was seen •muring on the waters" and In one breath the sublime truth was enunciated "In the beginning God created the hearens and the earth" and then anon was - . . . heard the Hat, "Let there be light, Then ao toe dawn otd the. fourth day approached the twinkling Stara were beheld calm and placid as the eyed of the great Being who ailed theta with light: The God of Day arose Row bY couch of purple eloutileta and guild ed with brightness the deep green : for est, quiet lakes, and dark rolling rivers and then was beheld the glories of the neat sunset.. Again it rose and exhibited the fowls of cheek, the tlibesof the deep and the whole creation/ teemini with life, and then came man, made in Ills own Image, tnitinct with • . . . . the breath of.Detty—and the creation forever rests. "Then he man was followed through the garden, beside the tree of life and out into the toils and game of earth. We watch the earth filled with violence nod trace the origin of music on the "harp and organ." and of the mechanlci arts: We behold the world once more peotiled from the noniron: of the flood, and stand With the grand entriarch and his son by the mit altar on Mount Moriah and witness the !