The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 25, 1870, Image 1

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Corner Sixth Ave. and `Smithfield St
T. ; riniman,
P. nOution, P.
Trims yr zna DAILY,
eltvierc4 by carrier, per week
. •
MIL.) cry-Infos Mut+, I. , :r. , ist t rjoniti in
a - Memphis . " church. '
• MINNEbOTA and Wisoonsin call for 1000
... ~....4.118 each, hops rAlifPm l '!" ' I<.
Tnr: hot sitihigs of Arkatteati hare al
r ady over 400 visitors this season.
nut: Sfascins of Cinkinn:!iti Are to Lire
a • grnnd aquatic picnic bn nest 44t.t,lohti.a
Tun North Herman iron.ulated tleet will
cruise in the Atlantic in the summer as
far . ie the of Iladjita!
Tuft Piletka (Pia.) 17eraidi rein atoll of
the winter visitors hive gone north, and
that malty will return and settle.
ERE rue eighty4qur Masonic Lodges
in the State. Of Ktinsimi, said 11,122 members.
'rhere were 4 initiations last year.
Slittell - that the Pope iw about to
create a new, bishoprick in Pennsylvania,
re be, known as the. Diocese of lioscling•
THOM, are of .Orld Fellows Diu India=
303 'Wakes, at - UV -17.3n1i Settee menihers.
-The resources of the lodges nre t 411.371.-
A PAIR of runaway horses overturned
.even hive? el . bees in Illinois last week.
and' the enragml . bees stung them to
r Wisconsin Leather Comiatur:stim
nery at Milwaukee will, when com . pleted,
be ore of ,the veri lorgeet in the - United
. Emboli, -
l is the 20th there was received at N
Waukee 300 tons of iron ire and 120 roar
of ore, and :DO tons tom of pig iron were
A LAlttil.: foundry) and inechine shop is
to be located at Deprn.. Wisconsin, the
. village taking tore-tenth of the stock in
. the company.
S. men Englishman is laid to be coin.
ing - to America to give grituitous Shaken
_ perian performances to everybody except
dramatic critics. ,
• licists t has one .61 the ripest and
moat thorough and completely' finished
and furnished woolen factories in the
State of Indiana. • ,• •
TOE New York Iltrolution, the woman's
final, newspaper, is hereafter to be pub
lished by.a stock company, Theodore Til
ton being president.
A isslAcnlAN named Eckert: in Cleve
land, saw a small boy drowning in the
river, and jumped in and hauled him out
at the risk Orlds own life: •
Tatlatest novelties in the way of en
' gagement tinge are sapphitessetwith dia
monds—one large stapphire in the centre
and a large diamond on either aide:
TiMBER of the prominenteitttenti in
rindleinspolie have propbsed tivorginfze a
benevolent society in that city for the re
" ...lief of the crippled and deformed. .•
Tim Missouri has washed away about
thirty rods of the bank' on the lows side
at Cohneillitluffit,thie spring;. and left a
corresponding vend bank on le' Omaha
n recent lecture, Anna Dickinson de
mended, -Why was 1 born`." A thrill,
anti the question was repeated, when a
' horrid boy in the gallery sung vit t "! give
it ul;. -
THE two Pervirce are virtually bank.
t • rapt. They ane to refund to the victims
they swinciied in so barefaced a , manner
the nice little rum of , !It'ettt) 4 t4il; million
trance, .
- •
-- -
THE Columbus iOhlo) brute Journ.
anxiously asks no. " If water is a beve
rage."what is to be done with the beer`."
That is cosily answered. The beer must
be pm down.
.1 xi:w llOatil Comic paper .s I.; be
started in Dublin. It in to be callsd
iosim air, after a renowned and witty blind
lballad singer who was contentporaneous
with O'Connel.
EXT, ma," exclaimed a Utile mint of
thirteen, "do you what the pyrotechniad
remedy is for a cryingrinfenti' • "Gracious
goodness me. no; I never heard of such a
Ming"" "Well, ma, it's rocket." -
A NEW colony from Ohlo—Miller's
operative—consisting of about three hun
dred members, have selected lands mirth
of the center of Republican county, Kan
sas, and will soon lay out a town.
Eurivrx FORBtieT has for fifty ydars
trodden the boards, and ranted and cursed
the unfortunate. who were obliged to
play subordinate parts, and now he thinks
of retiring from'all this sort of thing.
Toe Cillelllllllti Cantle says: "A beauti
ful cortoni has recently sprung up among
the infants of this Metropolis, of plunging
headlong from the windows in the upper
stories of the parental domiciles into the
Essay Soits.nvlLLE DIuRT and Charles
Livingstone got into a drunken quarrel
recently in New York. The knickerbock
er thrashed the bearer of the patrician
English name and repented of hie tins in
the Tombs
"Edwin Mood" is in process of transhe
l i
tion already, a second Enoch before it is
able to stand alone. Bat a' new novel of
'Lltselncris',. - is es- anxiously especial- in
puce and' Germans,' as it is In England
or Atrierica.
Osriof the beet speeches made in either
Nous"; of Congrese this session was made
the other -'day by Senator Retesey, of
Minnesota, Re . KM& "Let ma quh.ttalking
and commence voting." Only this and
nothing more.
THF. Duluth MillatoWilalt says that
quite a migration took . place from Du
luth the past week of settlers with their
families to their homestead claims at the
Rice Lake farming settlement. nine miles
northweet from this thy." ,
Yrcvon ilueo declares that the only
question which 'the Emperor Napolees
.has o right to address to the. French peo
plc is this: "Ought , I to leave the Tuiler
ies for Fineennea give myself tip tee
justice?"' To this the reply is given•• Yes."
DullOco the great Philadelphia hail
storm. a fortnight ago, a fine albatross
was beaten down near Mount Holly, 2r..1.,
when it.Rll.ll captured. It measured five
feeilrom tip to tip of the wings, andd must
;Nap! been brought a great sc by
the storm.
THE following are the numbers of bents
per second for the wings of each insect
mentioned : The common fly 330, the
dntent 244, the bee 190. the wasp 110, the
hawk-moth 72, the dragon fly 213, and the
cabbage-butterfly, which Is inandlble, 9
heats per second. • ' -
Co. weirs, who lived more than five
• centuries before Christ,. when asked by
one of his disciples, "Is there one word
tildeh may serve as a rule of practice for
all one's life" replied'. "Is not reciprocity
such a wordl What you do not want
• done to yourself, do not do to others;'
- A COLonano critic apologises for the
short -comings manifest in his account of a
recent performande, by raying thatlie was
compelled to bang on to ) the gallery sod
let Make. hanyy down among the midi
- wee, aid that all he could do was to inter-
Vie* the man who hting by his side and
give his opinion.
Tux bodies of pi n t eorge and Rogers,
drowned at Rock dear, Bearer coon
. ty, were found about 3 o'clock P. M. on Sat
urday, the 215 t. The funeral of George
took place on_ Sunday, the 22d, at Slip
,peryroct cemetery, and that of Rogers at
Greenwood cemetery, both attended by
large circle of Vends.
a=. IIIZAM,BASSET, of Keokuk, has
41e4 hugest vineyard in lowa. In sowtf
ferent enclosures, within two and
relies of Keokuk, he has seeeutyoue acres
-in grape vines, with fine oak parts and
wire to train on. He has expended $34,-
000 012 his vineyanl, enclosing It!grotod•
banding tenant Muses • •
THE St. Louis Tribune say-sthat the
pi de of Missouri sure
nothing about an
cultural sthestd,bat do care somg
s at a school of mines, which they want
to be lodated in the mining re f it -Ices in the
snitheastern portion of the tate, and to
ba"a reel, practical and thorough school,
and not a pretentious slum."
M. Bassurr, colored Minister of the
United States at the Court of Sept,a t
Hayti, waited upon him,-on the lit h Met ,
to inform him officially of the4stification
of the Fifteenth Amendment the Con
stitution of the United States; •,Seget re
plied with eulogistic remarks oaths Pail-
. ,
I A .
IV iyve
ii 2
denkanl Congress of the United Status.
Lee said the people of Hayti, would fuel
much closer allied to us on account of the
Waultun, Wisconsin, on .Tuesday.
tfirriei Wicks committed suicide by
taking n quantity of • Paris green. She
Was 112• years old, and wan laboring under
alempumra St of insanity. On Thursday
James Beddow, about 17 Team of age, in .
the employ„of Mr. James Clark. o - f
Chca i
ter, committed suicide by shooting him
self through the heart with n shot gun.
i. jlEtinx .13smovis went over the Rhine
in Cincinnati on Sunday. and when he
!Came back found his supper Pilo not
ready. This apparent neglect ho punished
l by beating, knocking down and almost
strangling the wife of his bosom before
•he dung her out of the window, which
was twelve feet from the' ground. Ma.
donne Baldwin. although badly bruised,
woo not seriously injured, and her loving
MMse won so insane that he OM off for
fear of the police.
is "Harrison. Winnebago comity, llli.
nols, on the' 14th inst., while soverallyoung
men were playing croquet. a" minander.
standing arose bet veer a Mr. tiheptirdson
and Oeo. Lightheart. Mr. Shepardsou's
ball having rolled into Etlole, he asked
the'Privilege of moving it nut of the hole
stile. could strike it. Mr. Liglitheart in
sisted on his striking the ball sit it lay.
As Mr. Sltepardcm persisted In the privi
lege of movingll. Mr. Lightheart flew
into a passion, and seizing his mallet with
both bandS. , struck Shepardsou on the
head, stnnahing in his skull. Shepordson
was not expected to rarever and Light
heart was arrested.
A Prom.' dinner given in Boston rs
eently istlitoled opportunity for novel il,
signs in the display of tempting viand
%YU ducks stood et the brink of Minh
tore ponds, live by two and a half feet in
size, bordCfed with moss and containing
live trout. Snipes were standing by the
edge of another pond similarly bordered
and inhabited. rpon a pigeon-hems%
built of bark in rustic style and aliadedby
willow. pigeons were perched. An enor
mous goose ocenpled the centre of the
table. -Ail these birds had their.featheis
on, and-preserved a lifelike appearance;
but a touch of the knife removed the
feathers and revealed cooked birds, ready
for esting.
The Baltimore American says : within
that:past three weeks three citizens of
Baltimore have been stricken down by the
hands of assassins. The first life taken
was that of n respelled tlernan. Mr.
Frederick Reilfruicht, a quiet, inoffensive
gentleman, who was murdered in cold
blood bya,gang of ruffians; nest came the
stabbing of Mr. Joshua S. Creamer, who
warn found on North Gay street, a few
evenings since, with three ruts in his
stomach and breast. inflicted by some un
known parties. and died yosionlav, and
now we have the third case to recor - d, that
of William Young, who was shot down
in cold blood on 'Wednesday night, for the
offence of luting a black man. Something
must be done to rid ne of these assassins,
who are prowling about with such free.
dour that trot man's life' can be considered
safe. For the credit of the city we hope
that the perpetrators of these deeds of
mod will he lirouglit to justice.
Tut: Leipzig riartentanbe has 1/5,000
litikriliers. •
TUE Enipenir ei Anntrin is in very
eehle health.
SERILA.NO. the Spanish Regent, is en in.
.eterate npinw enter.
TnE King of Foiction intends to mak(
journey round tho
Few TITRE! , gal 1.. y mitkve•+ reeently •••,
roped from the Bagne of To - ulon• ••
THE King of tt•trtettiburg was recent
swindled out of 10.1.100 Hones by nn Amen
van black-kg.
Mr-QuE••,: tire ..3comul, of
Spahl.has purcheeed epaloce
for 30(.1.000 trance.
ALYRILUI TENNYISON, the poet laurate. is
going to spend the nest summer on the
banks of the Rhine.
THE King of Prussia loos , just contribut
ed V. 0,000 toward building a hospiul for
Herman in Constantinople.
:SURE - lEEE has promised Strause' or
cheStra five hundred dollars for every
night they play in the United States. •
ICaroLeco: 111. does not smoke auy
more citarettes.• Ain doctors told him
that it would kill him to do le, any longer.
THE courtiers in Vienna ridicule the
story about the betrothal of the French
Prince Imperial to the Archduchess
Dr. Evan and the Empress Eugenie
have recently quarreled, and the Ameri
can dentist does pot 'visit the Tuileries
any mom. . .
Prtritit NA1 ,, 1.E.0.N. incredibl e as it
may eerie. is said to be at work upon a
history of Bruttm. in which he defends
him against the charges that Lave been
raised against him for so many centuries.
TOE King of Prussia has causal his
name to he enrolled in the list of mein.'
bent of the (Lerman Association for the
1 protection of emigrants at' New York;
with an annual snbscriptiim of V 2.30 In
1 gold. . !
l Scant Is haunted by old women who
wheedle young ladles out of their beau
' tiful hair under pretence that it is needed
[ for the Holy• Virgin, and then sell it at
high prices., In Paris; too. Young girls
are exposed to the depredations of hair
stealers. 'Notwithstanding, many anbsti
ttii en far hair, the genuine article continues
In gridqtennd , .
• Tag: bonne of Rothsehild in about to
celebrate the' fiftieth anitiv , r , sry of is
settlement in Austria. Th..' v ,•te i' c
first Jews who, by a special permit of the
Enspeiwr, wen* authorized, to own
rail ee
-1 tate in that country. ' Vienna paperifstate
that Francis Joseph is about to celebrate
the day by'bestowing fresh honora on the
head of that house.
THE attacks on the dogma. of Papal lw
falliblty from the most of the higher
, Catholic clergy are I becoming more and
, more formidable. In. a pamphlet .pub
liahed a few weeks ago by the Bishop of
'Wittenberg, it is shown that Pope Flotio
ries was convicted of heresy by a council
of bishops, and at that time the Pope was
subject to the control of councils.
. ,
Fr creates a gre at'
. deal of surprise in
diplomatic circles in , Europe, that two of
l the minor Protestant' princes of the North
I German Confederation, the Grand Duke of '
I Itfecklenburg and the,Prince of Lippe, are
receired with the utmost Consideration by
the Pope and the whole. Papal court. In
, fact the moot dintingulahed loners are
paid to the Grand Duke, whose adminia•
trod= heretofore has been by no means
friendly to the Catholics.
A ontr."l4,witAN having,paid a very high
price for a very bad dinner. seni for the
' proprietor of the resturant who came, all
mallet , . The customer put Wearies about
him, embraced him; adding, "Adieu. Mem
eleur,.l shall never see you again." A
celebrated actor had ordered 6 1
Soup, it Was served,' but contained one
pea. neK•ok tiff his coat, but the waiter
inform:lllm no one was allowed to dine
in shirt sleeve.. "Oh," was the reply. "I
am only going to swim for my pea."—y
Patin Cor.
Tor. 'shape of the whiskers which' the
edictal' . of the Grandduchy of liaise' is
permitted to wear Is strictly regulated by
the Government, Moustaches and a full
beard are considered. as indecent, and a
special permit of the Grand Duke is re,
quired before an - official of that great
country dare wear them, A fewdays ago
the Government organ contained the ' l
notice that his lloyal Ilighneas lad moat
graciously - accorded the privilege of wear
ing si - lull heard to a prosecuting attorney
in .taints, named Falkner.
Sawa the death of Ilieneml Grey ; Pri
vwte Secretary to Queen Victoria. It has
transpired that her- Majesty taken a rely
active part in the buninetsa of every de•
partment of the Government, and cope
dilly the War Office, the Admiralty, and
the l'oor Law Board. She writes out her
views with a fullnean that reminds one of
Philip 11., and the Private Secretary's
business is to reduce her memoranda to
official form. Some Froude of the future
my find in the Victoria MSS. a Mine of
his a torical lore almost as rich
as the as.
&Isom of Sirruinear,
13"1'elegraph to Pittsblirgh Garotte.]
lC lannicrrox, May
A memorial from the eitizenr of the Domin
'O.ll Republic akainst anuelation °Wet
01 to and not received. - _ '
Mr. MORRILL} rom the Finance Commit e.
reported aJoittF re...Online for the admix on
et foreign photo g raphs free of dal' for e ,
Whitton at the Naliounl Phutograitlikt . E.hi bi
t tun at Cleveland inSune. Phoond. ' 1
Mr.II.IIILAN addressed the tie ini te at length
In support of the sale of the Osage Indian
reservation In Hauser and. the settlement Of
the said Indians in Indian Territory.
The Senate proceeded with the legislative;
impropriation bill. the .inestion befog 111100;
the motion of Mr. Chandler to Insert In thei
bill the ma ire river and' harbor approptlat ions
as an Iteleillielettl to the motion of Mr. ehemian
to appropriate t 4.50,000 tor the completion of
the Loitisville Canal.
After tiNeeSSlen both amendments were
Mr. DRAKE offered an amendment that un
pardon or amnesty shall be admiasable as evi
dence tn estblish the loalt of any claimant
In the Court of Claims. o y r' ot y
herwise affect 0
Mr-recce presented the report of the
Conference CoMmittee on the differences be
tween the tsvo Houses mu the Fifteenth
Amettiiment bill. -
Mr. STEW ART. in esplanation of the re
port. told the amendment did not aer any
essential mature of the bill. hut simply har
monized them. In the eleventh and taller
sections the word -indictment" was inserted.
In order to conform to the mintrementn of
the eighth section. that where the ene ts In
famous the punishment must be by In di ctmnt
where not Infamous It may be alt her bv in
dictment or presentiment of the tinted Jury.
The thirteenth section had been amended tn
authorize the President to employ ouch part
the land and naval forces or mil
itia m, shall be necessary to alit In
the execution of - hmlical process issued
. nutter Om act, Instead. of to Prevent
violations of the . get. etc. HectlOn
tenth. providing penalties for unlawful regis
tration at the election of Congressmen. had'
been amended by adding a proviso that every
registration at Wllietr a representative or del
i•gote to Congress • may he elected shall be
deemed a registration within the'ineanlng of
them:la This was to meet a suggestion Hata
the . penalties of the section against fraudule
- Elting. repenting. etc., minted only tute e
ono of members of Congress , whereas ger
'al tickets forS tate a oMccrs were semi
„. .
me Mates, and voters Were registered. not
mplv for the purpose of voting for Congress
ten. hut fora general ticket. This proviso WEIS
'ntereil to simplify the evidenee be requiring.
where a men, fraudulently voted the whole
ticket, that the burden of proof to show that
the name of a member of Longress was upon
the ticael should not rest upon the Govern
ment. It he votes fraudulently at en election
where votes are taken for a COngreSSnaint it
shall be presumed he' voted fraudulently Or :
such Vernon. Section -Ist of the hill WAS
'l tTa v il n dl t .l ' a r tc a :g ' Vo n' i p tir . ' ii e e . 1 1 .111t a cl h( J r a z i ed es
Courts and vote effect to the votes of persons
offering to vote at an election but who were
denied that right by rea
son of race.r
condition of servitude. Porntance. if In nor Southern State a candidate
for sheriff recefved one thousand white votes.
and there were one thousand fire hundred
colored voters ready to vote for him. but ex
cluded. he IMO' go Into court and have those
e thousand 'fletshutulred votes counted for
(tint. The Conference' Committee trod merelY
redrawn the need lon le mere guarded la
guage, o as to express this purpose mo n re
After dirClibldral. it Was agreed a vote
should be Gael) upon the reNrt to-mottos , "
afternoon, tit 3 o'clock-
._..... _
sir. HA LE iinroduced libill for the rob.
lion of Internal taxes. Referred to Commit.
tee on Ways and Means. •
Mr. CCLLOM, trait Content - tee on Terri
tories. asked to report a bill disapproving err
talu nets of the Idaho Legislature. Including
the act a special mining tax on
i 'Meese and Mongolians.
Mr. JOU NStiN objected.
Mr. SIGUMHTON. from committee on Mili
ta .0 !fairs. reported a bill ream log the
cha ry
rge of dm-et-tine from soldier- who ',erred
:heir terms of enlistment and were honorable
_discharged. Passed.•
The bill to revive Ainerican Navigation and
Commercial Interests was discussed at length.
Several amendments were offered andhe
previous eraution eeetruded. wheat - sou..
,rdertna the mainquestion was take, result
' lug. yeas 75. nays 07.
he morning hour expiring, the bill went
over till to.morrow.
The Rouse, by a vote of 00 to a. refired to
consider the South Carolina contested elec
tion cue of Wall against Simpson.
The Committee on Elections reported on
the Virginia contested cue that McKenzie,
sitting member. was entitled to a Welt.
The Consular and Diplomatic Appropriation
bill was considered In Committee of the
(('hole. -
Mr.VOGRIIEES moved to omit:Santiago Ile
Cuba front the list (
lateulates. end had read
a statement of' the Consul Phillips. He
implored the members of the Committee on
Foreign Affairs, who had tt e .iss to the fou.l
or dead roan who presld over the State
Department. to tell him the b ood 'of Ameri
can citizens woe crying from the ground
for action against his inabecillo . „ sloth. and
want of regard for the honor, lon v md safety
of >tr. firfare t nad n o a n h ed the correctness of
Consul Phillips statement. The Committee
on Foreign Affairs Wes only waiting an oppor
tunity to report on the subject. The facts
steted. LONeeier. were nly an additional rea
son who the Consulate o should he supported
instead of abolished.
Mr. LOGAN had felt for u long time the
.tmerican Government was not doing Its duty.
and that its. hesitancy uts almost criminal.
Hewes satiated there would be no objection
to a report when the Committee asked consent
to make it.
Mr. BANKS expected a report would be
' sande and acted on within.a week or tonsbin.
Mr.',LOONN emit what tbF country den:laud
ed WAS action on Cuban attain. Outrages had
heen perpetrated in Cuba until the blood of
%instr_nan citirsins cried out from the ground.
The Oovernment should show at least it had
,omF Sympathy with the struggling people of
that island. _
,Mr. SARGENT attributed the irtaction of
our government to the refusal of Congress to
put the neve on an efficient footing to vindi
cate the honor of our ling
Mr. GARFIELD ridiculed the statement of
Consul Phillips, nod- represented him as un
deserving of credit, having despoiled his pre
decusor in office. Gen. Steadttlu,• Who died
there. and evaded giving his widow and fowl
lv an account of the circumstances of his
death or making restoration of money and
eff;'lt..llM3l2l:'l:jnigtiedtfWitlt Phl dips. One thing, ' however, man true., that
American citizens had been abet and killed
by blood-thirsty Spaniards In Cline. and that
American citizens were not sale there under
the American flag. No government , ever yet
set so quiet '...the Present. itandniStration
while a streggle wan going on between OP.-
greelliOri *rid liberty. An to the IneMelency
of the navy of the United Mates, if the Uni
ted States had not permitted naval vessels to
be supplied to Spain, there would not now be
so strong a Spanish Seat In Cuban waters.
Mr. DAWh.S contended the navy had power
enough to defend our tag In• Cuban 'waters,
and repelled the Imputation that It was be
cause Congress did not clothe It with power
enough that it bad not performed its duty.
Mr. HONORS favored the recognition of
the billigerent rights of Cubans as ell that le
necessary to protect the Americans there.
Mr. BANKS repeated the Committee on
Foreign Affairs would report at the earliest
moment. He , did rot doubt the House would
find tile l,Commlttee determined to maintain
the honott of the country.
Mr. MYERS, _another member of ,the Com
mittee. stated the Committee had done its
r w e h as o e l la d :Fe a setVi . o " ga u r Ni e a r sLCi t t giVra ' ari l f
more yes els were necessary, and • not sent. It
vesselscas there were but forty , sea going
now to patrol the seas. end the MM•
cults,; t o d f . e c t i l.b . r: - , , b 1 , 1 ,11.. from e .ii . tt:t d • ieas
Wilkinson, Garfield. Voorhus, Willard and:
others. -
The debatdclosed and Mr. Vocirheme amend
ment was rejected.
Several other amendments of no public Ito
portance were discussed.
Daring the discussion a neatly hail storm
1 Pused over the capitol, causing, by the noise
n the glare roof. nn Interruption of proceed s
Inge. The Committee rose-and the hill was
reported to the Hones and passed.
The House *gabs went Into Committee on
the postoffloe bill,which approttriaten 124,n0,-
093 from postonte revemtes end ROA.): nom
the Treasnry.
After discussion on the letter carrier system,
some member. luivoentlag'aa Increase of pay
to .1110, the Committee rose and the House
-...----1.--- --
Calltskia Between Barre.. aid Emigrant
Trains on Ilia Primoglyaal•Eami — Erlad rial
N.ileet of a Condaelor--Bralteman
[Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Onzette.l
La:ie./AMER, May 21.—The Philadelphia Ex
pires train going , east this moralug.pluntled
Into en emigrant train going west which was
stalking at,Lertman Place. The switch eon- '
necting the two track. hail been left open by
the criminal neglect of the conductor of the
freight train which passed over the road dur
ing the night, and the express min at sharp
speed was led from its own track winst the
locomotive of the emigrant train* Thu on'y
person killed was a brakeman on the express
train. Thomas Bsraino. of Philsdelokla. Two
German emigrants were Injured anfl
sent to
Lancaster. The baggage and exprese cars
were thrown across the track nod all the it
u"lten escaped hriumPlpg•
Terrible Storm In lowa.
IBTFeleirraph to tire Pittsburgh Clazurtd-1
Crimea°. May .24.—A.terrible rain and hall
stormpassedover a portion of Allammler
county. lows, but Saturday. Buildings were
•blowm down, trees uprooted and cattle and
hogs killed. There were rumors of the lose f
se ve ral human lives. Mani' filriner . will b
opliged to do their planting all over again.
Aleseral Momment of the Brotherhood for •
mk fo••ln—Brent E•eltemeny In Ver
mont •nd Along the Border. '
[lly Telegraph to the'l'ittsburgh Gass.u...l
IinTLANI.I. VT.. Bay Vermont Is again
all excitement over a Proleeted Feniaa wan
m Canada. The excitement runs higher than
at any time since the ritid of WA Irishmen
• various parts of the State are active and
'eediug In largo numbers to St.Albtins.
'IT MlliMent are being augmented by
our the east and west. and capes+
-.a towns along the shore of Lake Chant
atm. In New York. A compaorot men num
bering fifty passed through here last night
route-for St. Albans. They came from -Wash
liutton. Warren and Itensalaer. counties, Sew
}'ark. Many more are m
expected up to-day. A
camPanY gees fro this town. and several re
cruits from towns bet here nod Burling
fon. Large , numbers of n e anye gone up
Lake Champlain to be landed at St. Allmon
liar. where-others will Join them from House's
Poln along the Canadian n. The authori
ties arc vigilant in endeavoring to preserve
neutrality, hut It Is deemed the movement has
gained toil much headway to prevent the
crossin of the line by the Fenian% and the
comitud of overt acts. Catania Lnuegan. of
the m Fenian General's staff. is here hurrying
men to the front. Ile expressed himself con
fident of the success of the movement.
MostrrEr-ten. Vt.. hay
Tbe mutant
in such motion along the line trots ...dun to
the frontier. as to Indicate that they mean
'business. There nre rumor. that t
ar ge num
bers of men are ready to ship frolloston,
Manchester. Concord. and Che r( mints. where
thee are awaiting transportaion.
Si. ALBANS, Vt., May 21.—Trustworthy re
wts from Fairfield AMC that several teams
re taken 10,01.1 at the barns of Irishmen end
t ma n ta the line.• A comany of forty
arrived front Burling p ton at nine
k In the evening. formed in mili
took up up their line of march ttarowa y
here th
Fairtield. •
The Curlew. a .unit steamer on Like Cham
lain. has been chartered to bring men 'from
fort Henry. and the railroad companies Pave
been asked fora sp.:hilts:tin to bring one bun
tired and tifty more Inca from Burlington. One
or two rennin Qicere are to town
.W0:1E10138, hid thee are reticent that even
their names cannOt 'be ascertained. There are
110 government troops or militia here. The
p.puty United States Marshal is looking after
affairs, bat ax yet has had no occasion to In-
Undoubtedly there is a movement un foot
o invade Canada. Hundreds of ntrangers are :
rinsing and departing. • '
May:24.Fenian leaden, cre is seine activity
among the Fenianand the men are
being quietly concentrated at the different
rendezvous here. It is Impossible to nay, nt
this time, where the tension will he made.
the drat . point attempted may be merely a
blind: The trendier IS - lined with men.
'rhe United Mates steamer Michigan hoe
takenatp her pbsition at Port C9lborne, CADA
its. In the harbor, to protect the ell and
ItortiksTert. May 111.—A car load of Venialos
ticketed for Malone passed throe& beret this
morning for the East. I few Fenian* from
the southern cotilitles arrived last nicht over
the Erie Railroad. The lenders of the Brother
hood here arc very reticent regarding their
movements: ,
Poco IIk6SYSIE. May 24.—Three car loads of
Irishmen arrived here to-night on the mid
night train of the Hudson Railroad. ou their
way up. They have all purchased tickets for
the Reapslslet and Saratoga Railroad. They
are wi Itthout arms. but Is supposed t hey are
all runlet's.
New Yong. 3fav 00-A large number of men.
who boldly avowed themselves to tee FC9111130,
left this cite thin morning for the northeast.
Boßrox,llity 04.-Three bemired lied men.
.apposed to be Fenian , . left on the northern
trains yesterday. •
MoN - rnr.u., Nay 24—The Government has
received Information of the threatened ren
nin demonstration on the frontier. The news
does not excite immediate 'dam. except In
with the Red Ricer expedition.
It to believed the frontier Mere' in inn feint to
cover the attack on the expedition when it
nters the wilderness, and to prevent
fOreenlentfi from being toot on.
Dispatches from Ottawa slate that consid
emble alarm prevails !shunt the fate of the
Red River expedition. Mel is said to hare re
ceived promises of Fenian aid on condition of
the establishment of a searate and idepen
tient republic In the heert p of thecontinent.
Immense Conflagration at Quebec -Telegrap
Mr. Cut-1.000 to 5,000 Floss at SC
lib' Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 0 at OM]
• MIA NT. 'May . 24.-A Quebecspecial t• Lb •
Troy Tinua says a trent conangrallon Wit
there to-day. Overall. hundred house
had been burned to the mend, and thousand
rendered hoess. The Fenlans had cut th
a - trea. and nofurther pertienlars could
White Mad aueetal -.Rya four ear load% of
Fentuns paaaed thery to-day. and trout 1.000 to
. s.bal would be to St. Albans tto•olght. armed
• Atattlear squad -passed routtlakeepale to
night. for Malone. O th ers traraed • throu g h
Itotne to-day. and Lba statement to made tban ,
°M do elilltltY arill contribute 1.000.
‘‘lres CalMrrFtero.•l of A
'Snit' Vona, May 24.—The Tim's! sPechil from
Ogdensburg says: Daly this A. a. the tele
raph cable acro,,a the St. Lawrence and land
lines were cut by Fealties. Four car loads of
Feniam arris ed. going East.
At their - Isla settlement in the town of Wad
lino. the utmost activity Pre , died ell
Large quantities of , arms, ammunition,
mosislots, ete.,have been stored there since
est March. and last night these were mimed
nr the renderrbus on the Canadian side. The
,scitement In the neighborhood Is Intense.
At Prescott the volunteers are drilling for
defence. There • are no regulars In that
Dominion. A battery has been or-
Ottewe and will reach Prescott
earlof tin
dared trot
The American Consul there endeavors t.
quiet the fears of Canadians with assurance.
that Gen. Shermill arrive to.morrow with
Imlticient force to rt prevent - invasion at this
rerporotlons to Oppot the Hata.
TORONTO, !guy 24. —There is con.siderable ex
citement here and tbrottehopt the country on
account of the threatened Fenian raid. .trtive
prepstrations have been mad p
any attempt. Troops left M on treal
night for K. Johns and the east front.
A. dispatch from Buffalo says ills not un
likely n raid.acill he made on the Niagam front
aloe. •
The IR. Catherine Volunteers. Infantry Rod
:artillery, left for Niagara Fall. this evening,
The Wlndsor Volunteers are called out and
the Grand Trunk Brigade at Montreal. A de
of Royal arttllery left Ottawa for
Premeott to-night.
The people along the line -of the Welland
Canal look to a dash at the loan as etrtrilo.
Ewalt . lassisig Picket ape Well Armee Men
from: Milwaukee—Concealable...l Descent on
rAogldlsia Toro.
'CumAnn, May 24.—A Fenian eakrtion. it
01 %nicely stated here. Is to leave Ilwankee
to.. for the purpose of making d e s cent on
to West. witlithe imentlou of
marching to Ilmotford. Col.Oonnor, an ex.-
to 'mill be in command. The
force Is sold to consist of picked men. all well
armed . tindletialpped.
A parting reinforcement left Chicago to-dal
for Mllwasilter to be In time for the sailing of
the steateer.• 'nete to considerable excite
ment in this city among the Irish population.
Merge number of well known Chicago Fel:k
iwis ksvisbeen missing - from the city for the
pant week.
Five Hundred Fenian. at tit. Albion.
AT. Al.tuato, May 24.—About five hundred
Fenlons arrived here by train. One or two
hundred have come in from towns lathe viola
ity. These comprise the full forte now on
dote here.
They will proceed without delay to Frank
lin, Vt. about fourteen miles from here. and
opposite Pigeon MIL Canada, They have an
abundance of arms, ammunition and artilimi.
nd are under the command of Colonel J. J.
The Canadian Government has vent
to Pigeon Hill this evening. to confront them,
come fifteen care of infantry and artilletT.
This forte mil) reach Its destination soma
time during the night. Warm timeS arelooked
Movement@ at Buffalo:
ll,' .—A
rraw. May 24bout four hundred and
nit Young men left fur the eaat on . the eao
train. Another large body more to-ulght
-A detachment arrlred this afternoon from
Sharon. Pu.; another came In from Colombo&
OW I .
neglrilrenifores la hlldlor.ltZC
t r on,Ti te : c i o
rntler, If opportuft7o7era.
Vers Little lixeltemeat In Camas—Troops Id
.MoriviiimiL. May. li4.ltumore of a- Fenian
raid are rife but very little excitement is
masticated. The troops did not turn ont at
mid-day. The volunteers were under anus.
In readiness, If. necessary, to move to the
. • Rumen at Detrele. .
• Stern Orr. MOT 'U.-The city I. glied with
rumors of Fenian movement.. To -night it le
reported that !Aro:llama bargee, la tone of a
tug and carrying about taro hundred men,
left the dock about eleven o'clock, but the
rumor can be traced to ne reliable source.
Fenian Meeting in Cinci nnati.'
CINCINNATI. May 24.—The. Fenian, have a
very large meeting at their armory to -night.
The hall wns packed and crowds to theetreet.
The meeting vita a went one. What they
propose to do hal not yet tenneliired•
litem9nboat Clan Bank—lmaraose la Pttti
. .
burgh OSlees.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Rr. 1- ' °ulB.. ?der 24.—The steamer Qua,
which was mink the Missouri river yester
ny,, was owned by the Miami Star Line and
valued at MGM. She war Insured for 5. 00 : 1
Intim Boatman, St. Louis, 0,000 each In ll the
Citizens. Eureka and Boatman& Pittsburgh.
Western GOO click In the Allegheny. Pies.
and Monongahela, Pittsburgh.
. .
[DS Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Olizetth.]
McGitenott, lowa, May . 24—Haek Bakei. of '
Cincinnati, who went out with balloon belong
log to De Haven's circus last evening, wae
carried eastward by a slight breeze, and when
over the river It descended rapidly, falling m
the middle of the river, about a mile below
town. Before boats which happened to be
near the
bodyld mob him he wee drown-
bed, His has not yet been Incovered.
- - -
Mouthern Trans-Contlne al Railroad
lion (Om the; rre.
Red River ExPedit ou—lssassintt
, lion in North Carol!, a; &sr.
y Telegraph col ne
WASIIIIiIaroN, May 24
The House Committee un the Pacific Rail
road authorized the ehetif Mon to relZrt the
Southern Trano-Continen al Railroad bill. It
provides , for connection with other roads,
placing all On nn eitind fo tins, and requiring
uniform charges for fret ht and plasengers.
making them all Practice 1 1 0136 . /ead. '
T 111: rENIANS-riretill4Lrrr T110C..431.1T1M1.
The President has issued the following Pro
clantatiou". Ily the President of the United
States of Amin - teal A Proclamation: Whereas.
It ha„ 00010 to 'ay knowledge that sundry.)
illegal military enterprises 'nod expiAltlons
lire being get on foot within the territory and
Jurisdiction of tint United Staten, with a view
to carry the Milne front such territory tied
Jurisdiction against the 'iconic and diet riot of
the Dominion of Canada, within thaDominlon
of tier Majesty, the Queen of the United
Kingdom ot threat Britain . and Ireland, with
whom the United States is at peace:
Now, therefore. I. Ulysses B. Grant, 'treat
dent, of the United States, do hereby admen- .
I+6 all goal citizen , of the United States. and
all persons within the military juriediction of
the fruited States, against aiding. oninten
awing, abetting or taking part in suc h t
lawful proceeding,. And i do hereby warn
All persons that. by committing such illegal
acts, they will forfeit all right to the protec
tion of this Government , or its Interference
In their behalf. to 0100 1 10 them from the ton - I
.eutince of their own arts. iAud 'I sin hereby
enj a oin all °Mears 10 the )lawfulKen he United
States to employ all their 14111110rIty
and power tellrevent and defeat the afore
to procealimps. and to accost and.
bring to justice all ermone who ~ay be en
gaged therein.
In 44,4111140* whereat t have Intrennlu eet
my hand and maned the seal of the ratted
;totes to ho nibs ed.
Done at the City of Washington , thls 2,1t11
lav of May, la the year of Our Lord
llii eight•huudred and Seventy . , andthe hole
ia•ndenee of the United Rates of Americo
heto4th. • "
Ily the Preeldent : U. H. GRANT.
• Hamilton Fish. Secretary of State.
'Che Secretory of the Treasury ban Malang.
zed an addition of one million dollars In gob:
to the Bullion fund of the, Branch mint at Sal
Francisco during the online! settlement, to
take place In Jam , , .
41124511 ma) RIVER _um:m.ll 4, x.
Secretary Fish has consented to the moot of
of orals and InullitlOnsi belonging to the Cana
dian Obrerulnent. from Abercrombie up lied
rive .whenever the Canadian Horernment do
lt! .'
Arrorfer34 ferns.
The President has nominated Gilmore Mars
ton as Governor of Idaho; Charles C. Crowe.
f Alabama. Fecretary of Utah; James B.
McKean, of New . York, Chief Justice of Utah.
otskt , vita OR COKidIiTIT-
Jonian dined this evening with' the
Committee on Foreign Affairs at the house
of Reprnselltative Swann, a metal", of the
FS-ellteraol l Meta!, StanTati .
.1. W. Sinew.. ea-State Senator. was bra
tnlly ansanalnated lathe Court Rowe _at Pet
ham. N. C., Saturday. Ttp , mUrdararn are un
The South WashingtorAuuday School Union
paded to-day and were received by
realdent at tlie Egecutlee Mauston
.1 delegation of chieti of the Brute and
Ogallalah Sloth arrived to-dy with Captain
Poole. ageut of the Whetatone rigancY
• mew? , IJIAGrr-
The National Executlire Committee of the
ruffle League meets bore next Tue•day.
Allstoics-The 3laulialt- arrangement N.
Altogether flathifacion.
My Telegraph to titti Glear4te.3 • 3
cntes.oo, Nay 'A.—The Winnipeg :Vein No
'oat of May 6th makes no allusion to the nu-I
ticipaWdindlantroubles. The coaster) . isquiet
std business is becoming active. The Provis
ional government had recelyed information
from Its delegates In Canada that the Domin
ion government hod agreed to nearly all the
terms asked by the Winnipeggers and that
everyth i ngevethng looked well for satisfactory set
all difficulties. •
A Tribune special from St. Paul gives a
private letter from Red River which reports
that Belli, In a recent speech to his Legisla.
tive Assemble. declared that the Canadian
Oct organizing the Province of Manitoba. was
by no -means a complete settlement of the
'existing . dispute. The protocol sent to Cana
da by the Winnipeg Governmnrt has suet
been Published. Most of the demands of this
protocol. are covered by the Manitoba Al
except one that the new province shall have
control of the public lauds. Mien also de
mands that no member of the Provisional
Government chub bo held responsible for any
action leading to the present state of affairs,
and for this no provision has been made ltv
I the Dominion Legislature. •
—........-- ,
sleeiteg of the R. W. Grand Lodge. 1
lily - Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l ii
Sr. Louis, May N.—Right Worthy Grand i
Lodge of Good Tempters met: et the 'Teuiple i
building tbli mottling. Delegates were pre.-
oat from Maine. New Hampshire,Vertnont ,
)lessachusetts. New Tork,yennsylittnia. New
Jerser, Delaware. Maryland, Vest Virginia.
Indinne. Missouri, Kansa., California. lowa.
.Wisconsin. Michigan, Georgia. Tennessee,
Ohio. Ithode Island. Connect eat. Kentucky.
Illinois. Nebraska, District of -Columbia. N'lr
'riffle and CW1114.. Secretary Spencer imbed
ted a long report, which shows the order to
be in a very pr :porous condition. The num
ber of Good Templar lodges In the United
State., Canada, England and -Scotland is 5.908.
representing n membershin Of MA I. The
majority for degrees is 17.3.1. although• the •
vote was very light. The Secretary stronglY
favors a national probibititm party, and urges
a persistent effort iil that direct believing
the battle of prohibition must be fought oat at
the ballot box. The kgasuret's report ehows
a good financial cofelltlon. ' The Treasurer
urges the esteblishment of a weekly paper.
The delegates this afternoon visited Shaw's
Botanical Garden and o i ! . .* places of note in
the suburbs, and teem° , evening will have
a banquet. • , , .
Mastro,. Conflagration—Thousands of Peo.
pie Rendered HomeNr—t.on Over St ~.
OW. • . .
Lily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.
Qrener, May 24.—A disastrous ere b be
out this morning in the St. Roch sub b of
Qu e bec, by which over NIXXII or 41,C0)
people are rendered homeless, and o r one
hundred thoussnd dollars' worth of D ertY
destroyed. .The fire originated in a ba k erl;
shop, and although the troops were called out
and u ses. to stay It* progress b blow..
log up ho all efforts were una ailing.
Two ships on the stocks were also burried. A
large number of houses were destroyed be.
longing to the bettr class. having been 11,
built after the fire o f 'dd. Two men are miss
ing and a number of accidents occurred. The
ho . „.1“. people Cr,, being lodged by the oor
poration and will be in great distress unless
outside aid is received..
. •
lion fo he r
Defence In Deems. ad Ream—Proper!
My Telegraphic , the Pittsburgh Gazette.] .
Ctiteacm, May 24.—News was received hero that the Indians who made the Lrecent
nttacke on white men on the line of the . Kan
,,,,,,, p ac ific Railroad, hed crossed the Union
Pacific Railroad at Ante lope station, on their
way north. Several parties of troops are in
pursuit of the SiOrageli, and the military au-
Dimities seem conlident,that they will soon
be overtaken and puniehed. The party of In
dians numbers about sixty.
A dispetch from General Hancock. who ar
rived at Fort Randall, Dakota, a few days
*go. on a tour of inettectlon, states that imp
arations are being rapidly made for the better
deferment that country aiming Indian depre
dation.. The General, however. thinks there
will be no serious collision between thetroops
nod savages at present.
-- ~
. . upper Rivera.
Illy Pacific and Atlantic Lines.)'. , •
BpA: f wusvux.n, May XL—Dicer. stationery,
with three end a feet of water In th Channel;
weather cloudy: thermometer 08 et five r. en.
OIL CITY. Hay 2t. =River rising el wiy with
twenty-tight Inches of water in thr channel;
weather cloudy; thermometer_6i at slit P. M.
67 ,,,,,n0, May H.—River stationary
with three feet three inches of water In the
channel; weather showery; thermometer 138
at fire T. M. ' .
Atieraptro Horrewhip an Editor.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Ci rreat - r. May -24.—W '
m. H. Disney, an
attorney, undertook this morning to horsee
whip Joseph W. Miner, of the Commercial, for
an article that Mr. Miller had written for the
paper. reflecting, as he thought, on him. The
ttack was made In o street ear, but the par
separated very early In the engage
ment, and before much damage wan done to
A Family of Five rerSous Murdered
in Loudon—Search for Di. Living.
stone, African Traveler—The Kiug
question in Spain—Source of l'oun.
terfeit American Seenrities Discov
i ermi.
ply Telegraph to the
BRlT tsburgh Garettel
Lonnob, May 2L—Considerable excitement
exists to-day over the brutal murder during
the night of n family of five persons rX.-
belittle. The tastily conilsted" Of father, mo
ther. a sister-in-law and two children. The
sister-In-law wits to have been married to
day. and it In. suppOind the murder was
prompted in 9.110 way rpm this mrcuttv
stance. There ia uu eine to the murderer.
Lord Clarendon announces a further grant
Ia thi of nn expedition In ached , of Dr. Liv.
ingstone. the African traveler.
A. 'vessel recently left England for Hon
durass with cars, engines. Sc.. for a new rail
.ond building la that country.
The Co:oex° GOzttle remarks the feeling of
,ppesition to Denmark Is gaining . ahcendancy
n Iceland and threatens the seletrat ion of
:he Island from the mother eonntry.
The efts is greatly excited over the m MARC re
f a family in rxhridge last night. A father
his mother, sister. wife nod four • chltdrer
were killed. k rejected Inver of the sister h
suspected of the crime. He we. seam has tIIY
embarking on a trite for London shortly after
the discovery of the tragedy and has not been
beard of since. '
• Minister Motley and men - Mars of hislamily
attended the debate on the Greek massacre
last night In the Lords. It was notice& they
were In mourning for victims of the tragedy.
The Lords were to-dny engaged whelly with
local matters.
The celebration
postponed until It
of the Quern'6 !.Irtb , lBN
Pante, Mits . 21.—The prt led of law has
been Introduced M the Corps Legislatif for
decreasing the salaries ot members. The
present salary to .thirty thousand francs per
eeellisi. The new law contemplates n redue
tiontof IlftY her rent.
The committee of citizen, formed to per
mote -the adoption of the plebileitum , have
decided - to 'maintain their organization. It
eves necessary to obtain permission of the
Government, end they applied to M. (Mirk ,
Ile. while complimenting them on their zeal
ous and effective service In the election. was.
conttrained to decline granting the. anthori
zatinn. declaring . the Government (Meld not
annetion the creation of n permanent and ir
responsible political body.
The rininlxr of cases of small pox In the city
to increasing_ daily.
Detectire - Farley has discovered in Perle the
source of the counterfeit American bonds
which beer been circulated on the Continent.
Ifs has
has seized the plates, but the counterfeit
ers have sn
r eluded :
MADRID. Slay 24.—El ?mitt. newspaper,
tattle issue of yesterday, sold the Duke of
Mon:veinier In ten much anuOYed AL the
caar.e his adherents had taken. The Duke
titmands that his candidature be wooed upon
01 cult by the constituent Corte., otherwise
to will withdraw and publish numnifegto mak
: log a completeezposition of the acts of those
parties who are compromised-to him. It Is
°Ow sold tdpertero has agreed to accept the
Ten of Spain. if the Cones elect him.
MADRID. May 24.—The ,opinion is general
tnt Duke Haldanhua Is anxious; to e ff ect the
union of Spain and Postngel •
BitttksELS, MAy 24.--The Chinese En - thaw ,
dors have concluded their negotiations with
the Belgian Government and leave to-morrow
for Florence.
QUakss - rowa , Slay 24.—The steamship Cala
bria4 from New York, arrived this morning
SorrnamrrON. May 24.—The steamship
Rhein. from New York. touches here this
morning. -
I.osconttcanv , May 2i.—The stemonbin
Pinelnan. from Quebec, arrived to-day.
I.rvnttroOt- May 24.—The Captain of a ves
sel just arrived (ruin an American port re
ports that on Wednesday last, off Lands' end,
en explosion occurred on the nark Asterism,.
killing the Captain and, one sailor and nearly
dtroying the vessel.
.lart ,
Acrtox. May 24.—The ship atio was
sighted in distress May 7th. In the 111.11411
Ocean. Twenty-one of her crew had died from
stvati on .and the remainder were In a dying
LOS DOS. Ha'' -I—Evening.-Consols PC,
Americnn securities Ilrmer ; nets. see.; '6 5 4. old.
Sl3b; '67s. PP..." Illinois
Cuntral,lloM. Great Western....nn
LICTXPOOL. May V.—Cotton irregatnr , M.
lauds 10141111; Orlon. 11}4; sales LOW bales.
llreadstuffs firmer. Ited wheat Sr Id; red
winter as 10.1alis Md. Receipts for three
days. 12.4410 quarter4,./m ' erlean 11.000. Welt -
ern flour quirt anegteady nt 114 3d. Curti
dull at 20.4. Peas quiet end steady at We tkl.
Oats 254 sd. Manchester Pic. fabrics quiet.
Provisions firmer. Pork lins ed. Beef llns.
.1..nrd6.3. Cheese 745. Bacon: Ma for
Cumberland; nis for short rib middles. Navel
stores firmer. but unchanged.
LONDON. May 24.—Sugar hail a declining ten
£wats. May 21.—The Bourse is quiet; mutes
Site. ire.
FRANKronv.Mity N.—Bonds quiet nt %Xs
} i.
invite. Msv N.—Cotton quiet st In,
As:Tamar. May' 24.--Petroleum aridt bliM
Vino Itenerat Aosembly of the Bevelled Phew
_ hytertea Church.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
PHILADELPHIA, Mrp• :4.—The mornineses.
don of the Presbyterian General Assembly
was occupied with further discussion of the
reconstruction report. -The final Items on
boundaries of Synods *were acted upon. The
Synod of lOWA (North) will comprise all the
counties recommended by the committee.
That of lowa (South) will comprise the south
eru part of the Stat
Thewith Nebraska and Wyo.
ming Territory. Synod of Missouri will
be conterminous with the State. The Synod
of Kansas extends over that State. Colorado.
New Mexico and Indian Territollol.TheSynod
of Piscine will embraoc all west of the Rocky
.)lountains. That of India comprises nil the
mlssionntics and churches In that court
. The• Item forming a Synod of the
church was struck out. leaving conneotions
with the Amoebae Synod as at present. •
' Thezeneral principles for formation of 'Pres
byteries were agreed to, but no action taken
on the tioundaries up to the hoar of adjourn
In the afternoon a report Was made that.
the accounts of .the Church Erection fund
were found correct.
The reorganisation of Presbyteries and
fixing the future boundaries was. 1 , 3%H vote of .
I* against lee, remitted to the SYnods.
ice-President Colfax presided at, the forty
sixth anniversary of the American Sunday
School Union to-night. Speeches were made
by PmfessoriMcCostt. of Princeton College.
lter. Brooks. of - Tennessee, and Rev. Client,
of Chicago. • •
Deformed Presbyterian General Synod.
Crictxsayt.May 24.—1 n the Ref onlied Flea
. •
byterlan Synod the entire day bas been con
sumed in the discussion of the question of
union with the United Presbyterian church
on the terms agreed upon by the Joint Com
mittee, which was. substantially. that the
churches should form nn organic union on the
bests of the principles contained In their re
standards, testimoniesdtr e " ilm et e t ol r ch s u u rrh rd sl i inta
be "United Presbyteriau." The discussion
was opened by Dr. McMaster, chairman of the
Committee, who spoke one hour anbe half.
lie ton cod the history of the union movement
from 1038 doe nto the present time, urged the
reasennbleneas of the terms agreed upon by
the Joint Committee and the necessity open
the church to move.
In the afternoon Robert firer, of Phltadel
phis, and the venerable Dr. ORA, of Nova
Scotia, spoke in opposition to the proposed
union. h unch upon the venerable char
acter of the Church, the purity of its docmines
and practices. and clamed. that the reason
she was not large was because the testimonies
and usages were not so conformed to the cus
toms of the world. Each spoke in great kind
ness of other members 'of the Presbyterian
family, but thought•it would not be best at
present to consummate the proposed union.
Rev. M. Harshen . . of Illinois. followed in n
speech that was listened to with marked at
tention. no less by the opponents of talon
than by Its fries a. Ills statements were
made with so much candor, his appeals so
earnest and touching. and his demeanor to the
that grenTsres s e o r i st d stre od og=t r ley d It:
Reformed Presbyterian Church commenced
well, but its forms had been scattered—the
descendants of the fathers of the chuich were
not now with It, at least in the West. There
agenciesethi the
employed he of fGeat
had to be lnthis age the
world. Colleges. schools and the press must
he brought into requisition. We must
hove home and foreign missions. These
agencies the United Presbyterian Church
already bad.
A recess was taken till half-past seven
o'cl ock this
evening, Mr. Morton. of the com
ittee. havinethe door.
Methodist Epi opal Genenti Conference
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Menrans. May 24.—1 n the General Confer
ence of the Methodist Episcopal Church South
—eighteenth day—take report of the Committee
i on Missions was continued.. That portion de
claring the action of Smithson. the Treaturer
of the Foreign Board., in investing the funds
in Erie stocks as *reckless, Wall street specu
lation, was discussed at great length without
action.. The report of they Committee on ac
ceptance of Mthes's Quarterly Review also
provoked an extended debate, during which
one member said he understood Bledsoe was
an Episcopalian, and this looked like a bid for
him to
w come over. Another characterized the
revie as nu Armstrong gun. Dr. Bennett
mid that experience had shown that the most
disaatrOuS cOneequences followed the explo
sion of n gun of large calibre. and thought en
- explosion would follow the adoption. of {the
resolution Nehleh would nbake the . Cburch
from pillar to dome. The report WAS finally
On motion ofDr. Mlles. a resolution NV as
adopted monesting the Bishops tt Issue a pas
toral address on the subject of worldly amuse-
• The rept - t. of the Committee on
reference to the argnnization of a nd uidted
Board of Missions. was taken up a discussed
until the expiration of the teeming session-
At the afternoon session, BishO, Paine pre
siding. a resolution was ndoptedlauthorixing
the Bishops to organize Conferm . mel in the
interior of the: General Contemn c not occu
pied by any eXistiror Conference. after which
the report of the Committee on Missions was
again taken up. and the office of Correspond
ing Secretary stricken out. Other items were
discussed at great length.
Prest,terian Generst Assembly South.
Kr., May 21—The most inter
eithig discussion of to-day In the General
I'resbyterian AiiSOMbly 10x500 the subjected
ley-preaching. One of the boasts of • the
Presbyterian Church Is the high standard of
education required of her ministry. A year
exhorter. ssembly authbrireti the cg t h is men who bed not. re c ei ved.this
thorough training. One of the Presbyteries
requested that thin authority. be withdrawn.
and the request gave rise to n lengthy. ant-.
meted. earnest and able debate. This ques
tion conies up again to-morrow.
Nominations to fill the chair of Pestered
Theology In Columbia Theological Bemitiary.
!loath &Aniline. being In order, Rev. Dr. Jas.
R. Wilson, of Augusta. Georgia. Rev. T. A.
Lefever. of Baltimore. Res. Dr. 11. H. Hop
kins, of Owensboro, Kentucky. end Ito , Dr.
Mee. Franklin. T were
noininated. of
eleution willennessee.
take place to
m'A nort. row.
ight anentlinalastie Flame Idiseionary
meeting was held and addressed by liars.
Rutherford. Boggs and Robison.
Ker.. Vandyke. S. S. Backus and 'Wm. E.
Dodge. delegates from the-northern assembly
to propose the opening of corresnondence
between the too bodies, arrived In Louisville
I this afternoon and will probably be heard in
the morning.
Merlons lare—ltepubilian Printing °Mee De
' stroyed—Tetal Lu.. 9100,000. .
Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
fir. Louts, May N.—About half past eight
this evening a lire broke out in) the bindery
department of the Missouri Repablicon office.
The names spread • with ablating ra
pldlty in less than ten minutes
the entire building was a sheet of ere,
nod at, this writing nothing is left
f the off ce but a mass of ruins.
The losses art estimated as follows: one eight
FOr job room ;w o g r f : u oft yrrbtt:
cry $10,001); paper.fra. g. 30.000; but ding $400 1 B;
$5.000; total,. $160.000. The four cylin
der pres library.
s. which was not in use. was In a fire
proof vault and feerobably safe. The large
press may also be ved in badly damaged
state. The private library of
aging editor, valued ,at $l5OO • is' also
lost. The insurance is as follow.: On build
ing, Globe, Mutual and! Pacific Insurance
Company, St. Louis, 3 _ a ch; Missouri
State olutuni. St. Louis. North Ameri
can, Pldindelphit , HOOD: Buffalo, N.Y., tX.&10:
international.`. s.l.p.
~on stock. Laclede
Mutual, St. Louis, , Home Mutual.
St. Louis, $4,000; M ssonri 'State Mutual.
so.oo l g Citizens Mutual' St. Louis. POO;
Mound City Mutual. St. Louis. $5.001.r. St.
Collis Insurance. Company. s3ooot Lumber
mens 0 Mechanics, St. Louis. P. 00);
Manhattan. Dauer. Security and Put
nam. all of New York. OMB - each; FlYerada3
and Excelsior. New York. SZSO each; Corn
' coerce. AlbanY. $0.000; Maryland. Baltimore,
I .V.,500; St. Louis, Mutual arid Tradestnens.
St. Louis, $5.003 each. Total. $1116.500.
The adjoining building on the south. occu
' pled a n d Jubell & Co., notions and fancy
• goods. Merchants Paper Collar Company.
lens badly damaged by water.
The queensware house of Reinke, Estelle &
Co.: • North Main street. the" rear of which
joined the dam aged the Republican office, took
fire end 'van about MOW; the stock
is valued at HOAG. Insurance about r 3.000:
&Sees not known.
• The building ownedss,ooo by the Reptagimi Com-
pn is insuredfor In the
St a .
Louis. sod sl'.ooo In Eastern companiesHomeMutual,.
The illsiliche Pad newspaper, on Chestnut
street. opposite the Republican, was badly
-shbrched, but saved by the firemen. '
The Repubilcan will issue a small sheet to-
Morrow, and thereafter continue publication
nk usual. The publication of the Irish Netts,
which was printed by the Republican, will be ,
suspended one week.
—The bonded debt of Lou Wine is hi.3.065,30U.
L-Phibidelphia has contributed g 14,136 to the
liehrtiond. Va., eufferers.
—A very destrective storm visited Hunting
ton county, New Jersey. on Saturday night.
toing much damage.
—An immense are toot place in Quebee,Can
ed. yesterday. Five hundred houses and twr
new ships are reported burned.
plin for teaching .f emelt students ho
been adopted by 'the managers of the Penn
sylvanin Hozpital..nt Philadelphia. . -
-The house of John Allen, g
the owickedes
man In New Tork.' , ' , Is bein demolished ti
make way for the Howard Missiom
—Over one hundred thousand bushels of
grain aro awaiting shipment over
ofthe Cantor
ale nud Oregon Railroad. north Marysville.
—Three laborers. Patrick Harrigan, Michael
Mulvaney and Jeremiah Sullivan, were killed
at Trenton, N.. 1., on , Monday. by . the fulling
of n
—At the meeting of the American Baptiet
Missionary . nt Philadelhia. the re
ceipts of tbe rulesTOlLr were stated at p it 200,053 and
expenditures M,SOO.
—The Board of Aldermen of Boston voted
*JOAO to Col. Iturrell, in full of settlement of
his claim for obtaining
then and sailors
towards the eity's quota In ar. •
--Chinese Companies In San Francisco have
decided to discourage the emigration of their
countrymen to California. and have drawn up
a circular, to be posted in all theprincipal
towns and cities of the Empire, for the infer
mutton ofall dames.
—Red Cloud and nineteen Chiefs and head
men of the Sioux nation arrived at Ft. Lara
mie yesterday morning. John Richards with
them. They come into the post on foot Meg -
Mg their native soap. • They will probably
reach Cheyenne on the 27th.
--A general convention of the Board of Bele
gates of the American Is lite, was held in
New York. Monday. Ab m Hart, of Phila
delphia. President of the taloclation, occupy
ing. the chair. Delegates were present from
all the principal AMeri eietee. • • ,
—By the arrival of t e . South American
Malls we have full decal of, the assassina
tion of the South American Gimend Urgulsa,
which - took place on the 'llth of April. in
Buenos Ayres. The scene was frightful . the
General was oho: In the month by a band of
his political opponents, who broke Into his
house. Ills two heroic, daughters attempted
theefend him, and the eldest• killed one of
assailants. The murder was -one of the
Incidents of the new rebellion now ragtag in
the Argentine Confederation.. General Lo
pez Jordan, who is so Lin-law , of General rr
guise; has surrounded the palace of Ban Joie
vela, four hundred m Upon kUling of IR
guise the troops all m hednpon Conception,
where the legislature "vita then eittleg, and
surrounded the town, . hich, apto latest ac
counts, still held out. , . 1 , .
Death of Blahop Kemper-
IN Telegraph to the Pittsburgh . Gazette.]
blit.w.scrsin. May 24.—Tbe venerable Bishop
Kemper, Bishop of the Episcopal Dlooese of
Wisconsin. widely knovra as the Pioneer
Dishonor the Northwest, died at his evidence
Nashatab avenue s
agewo o'clock this after
noon, at the ripe old of eighty-ohe.
Neer Orleans.
IS'esr °User& May 24.—Cottou dull and
unchanged; sales 2 bale., receipt. S.M3
bales, exports 6,51:6 bites, and stock 129,M1
klor t zertne firmer. other grades
.astert , a7s. c 7 Idooping: rutted
$13501.40: white $1.454,5).
Oats, Bran and
Hay unchanged. Mess pork firm at rt
avg. Bacon unchanged. Hams 21 •c.
Lard, Sugar, Moluses, Whiskey and CoCo ec
unchanged. Sterling MMiii,MM.
OSWEGO. May 94.—Flour unchanged, with
sales 2.930 bbls at 15.75 for No.l spring. 1e.50
for amber winter. V.% for white. and $5,714i
BP for double extra, the latter chiefly at the
outside quotation. Wheat to moderate de
mand, with sales amber winter at fl.Zfor No.
11 sales Milwaukee Club on private terms.
Corn held at 14.10 for mixed western and $403
for kilo dried.
CaJmmy, Nay ek.—Cattle—ltecelPtS Tikic
market less actismund Arleen Mil Inuciin extra
$13813,110, tint quality $1M512.50. second slla
WO, and third 1111110,50. Sheep and Lambs—
Receipts LtS; strict. unchanged: ualesin lota at
WS, extra gd,4o.
Leggate. auctioneer, will sell at . ten
o'clock this morning, SO lots on the. Alle
gheny Poor Farm at Bennet.
Also, at four o'clock today, the late
Philip Beilateln's property, 109 and 110
South Canal street. •
Also, en Thursday; N3th inst., at eleven
o'clock; Barry Shafer's farm of eleven
acres; and dwelling, on the New Brighton
road, beyond second toll gate.
Also, on Tuesday next, at two o'clock,
Mr. Coffin's residence and vacant lots on
Bidwell street.
.• A. LECIGATE, Auctioneer.
are being made for a
division of this property, and a public
sale at tut early a day as possible. • In the
meantime, however; the property can be
purchased entire on very attractive terms.
There are thirty•four acres of choice land,
finely improved, eztensive buildings,
beautiful scenery, and all the ajuncte of a
lovely suburban home. The value of this
land will unquestionably increase, and
the low price at which it will now be acid
presents a, rare chance for Investment.
Apply to , A. Leggate, auctioneer, 159
Federal street, Allegheny.
PkOli,Eare bound to give Pier, Dan
nala & Co. no rest, for they-have to work
night and day to gil, the dermal -for
cream ale. ' •
DTNOTICL—A meeting of the Mar
ads Ti IBD DIV&
101kOill W 1101.1.1rOtcei
Citr: 170.34X.:V0i.VW0..&(440'c10ek
r. ciecrp. which WO at& attooniv aililor
oioistly requested ad' isilehdrittil all onpoisatious
destined to p a rticipate will plosuel ISP , " .1. IL
nate end place st•t9 he isoltroedlA their poli
tico. In the cote
eiiAl4•E3 n4"8 25 .,
R ere the °Meer' , et the
T 111111)
dlng-Cl[All[.L^.l RAltiG~
Cilia of Staff—W. A. CAMPBELL. _
ASelelent Adit. B. li. PALZELL.
Aine.nrecAnn t. . •
GeIMMO Davie lemeure. aohn IL C'altanL .
Vol. Th eo. H. Bayne.' •E. 3. dartekler.
Major" Wm. H. liope. A_orpletno liolUnder
24 P 1 . . ?tell K=._ t Malrn
Sohn J. le M ama. ' • Cbarles Darla: '
Ed. Conte. • .lantes E. Crow.
GeOrgO Chalfant. .1174eRtk Orley. ...
Theo. Myler. Genave Garet.
A. Kredel. -Geraln. Metter,
Joel Goa. Illeltanareet.
Henry Spangler. "Ballston , . -
A. J. Penteeort, M. if. y
:PA I I. I 7.Mh,
A.J. lti. Wilkins. George 11.31e.,ntr .
Geom. WAlean. W. H. Tama. ' •
Theo. Street, O. W. Evens.
ltlram P. Onlow. • Wilma Etna.
W. U. Graham. I. V. Long.
m723:eln , •
• •
H) : TEI)DER. ,
Thy greates ma t labor saver and Um sayer of all
harvesting chines. The labor of wenty men
dune by one mon end a bor.. By u g the Ted
der all hell Is dispensed with. and the farmer Is.
enabled to properly cure an the p.m be mar see
ilt to cut. end get It Into the barn on the same a 7,
fOrrWaullt. Westmoreland Co.. Pa.
W. W. KNOX'. Ited.—tkur SW: We used The
Almeria. liay Tedder I. our annolowslatt harvest.
and would not undertake to make hay again with
out one. Clover .4 Timothy cot In the forenoon
ago ho pat Into tbr bunt or start In ow. onler In
the a f tern... of name day by Ming UsteTedder.
Tory respectfully.
We also refer to 1.. 31. IIPEP.II. Bellevernue. Pao
WILLIA3t. OLIVER. Port Perry. Ps.. and others
who bought machtnes from us lam e 1211.4.17.
NV. AV - . KiSrOX,
General Agent for ,Pennsylvania
R 0(41,4'11 S
Cultivator &Shovel Plow
Without doubt the bolt Impletiout of Its oleos yet
Invented.. .The frame to of Iron - Rod hideltruett.
ble. It wall work to any toll without elollitot. It
Gan be set to eutitrate Kite width between row.
The 'hovels toin be .et to throw the dirt Inwurdlr
oottruzdly to any depth.
Delers mad Farmer aorylled et makers' priowil
Etna Mower an
Thu new double 13301.11.1 et• maehine.. sememelnit
more practical, wouderfel improvements Man any
macne In the market. Farmer* should not fall
to se e It before buying any other kinds:
Exe,elsior Reaper and Mower
The establlabed add celebrated mist.
Self-Rake, Reaper & MTN°
HAND RAKES FLAILS, ete.. ete. •
The Most Complete luortment of liar
testing Goods in the Stole
ur illuannted and descriptive Cetakigue of
Garden 'Tools and Machinery•
37. Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa
\V all Street,
Third dmr from Broadway.) NEW YORK
A Generananking Business.
Late roymaeter Genona arse Adjutant Generator
the State of New York.)
Guinn in the immediate vicinit memberstock Ki
el:mere and the Gold Board and of eathil,
Onion are executed with the greeted possible des
chants and investors. livingat a distance.
tan rely neon our attention it, their maenad or
Groat order., with odeel
all ' lnlrstroltiaar b = ll7=rnst'
on the moat favorable
individuals and Trutt Companies. mutemPlelthd
n ehmire in their emeriti.. or detartter to Mite
inpuirity mummies SOT Emil business they
me,' have hi this site ate invited to communicate
with ua personally or by letter.
Iletereuee—dlears. Jar Coate & Co., New Tort.
• •
Booksellers; StatiOileirk
05 Wood Street
, a
LANK fral
t eo
For Sale, Wholesale and Retail,
Omura by bull pnlmptly attended le. "myt4
lOU 24.1570.
3OTICE.—The harassment for Gra
• DI NG and PAVING of Okedinnt street. from
•orb side of TiTOr 1111 . 111.6 to the Yechnule etreet
sho, the assessment for the construction
of %BOARDWALK on sen arenue, from rammi
west to Wlllts street. ere now reedy for ateasfsis
tton and tut be seen at tat. °Moe lantfl
DAIN Jane 4th:11570, whoa ther .111 De Pberrel
to tho hands of the atf Controller faroolleetiou.
roan existing between
A. Ballou Adana,
dolma %Mathias MOW' die firm maze of mane
Adams, mad tads day &moire.' by mutual comsat.
W. C. ADAM... wanes all Wattle! And en debts
Able the sto to bo peldto blot.
MAT llkb. 1191*
_IL YORE ealstiog WW•ce ' tlw
in e
IT .= of 13TZWART " M i
,_4 4 ZONT
' • =BIM W. wag.
-"Xi. MO. saYMAM
OFJOICT.-100 bbls. LoutsTille Hy.
v./ &sane Onaloot, the best ost ic fmte try y.
• - 11.rn. aveacis.
ommereial and Family Newspaper
No farmer, meetomor, or merchant Motile to
et .....
Clubs of tan
oopy t+ ea gratuitously to taa saktar.p.
( •Club of to Pt:Ramadan gni orw/eme6 tomet
a agent/. Adiare*S.
• • .
IV-NOTIVES="To-Ltt," "For Bak,"
-Lost," 'Wants," “Foune "Bearding: j ` .
cte., not exceeding ForricraYEs. win be
*Med in these columns once for TWEN
i'V-FTVE CENTS; each additional
_ •
AATANTED.—I. Situation. ius Book.
• v • KEEPER or CLERK; uistiturbattartuir
erdatillsbotrot Errferre. Baßafatto47 naMMO:
Addl.. Poi TUC Pittsburgh P.O.
--_ ,
V V middle' safed WOll3lO tO tate eltarsit 0
in j 1 house and do genet.' brommork. of
reference• required and Oven. Addeo.. S. A
z erre OSGre. ifrei.itfieae, add...wendfere...
WA:MD.—A Toff PIIDDI,EEti and
. marans. Nene - but .twill. !,Mr Asa
good uorlonen need epelf, Addreu J. •
' '
Superintendent. Bedford. Oldu.
, .
WANTED.-16Terytiody - to tall -ikt
184 .11BES17 Errasar. und .
ices. Ouunty rights for male.
-1-ATANTE. .
or .m. 31 ..a0."1.6
Vl3 0 .00n itftairott T Io
it MA
Lair rate of
mu. Bona iota
Thirty Thousand Donau to Loos
nage . or -
rmam l r.atTri pertounts an proyln111•113nlig
c ` .."'" i cu
WAN t T or E
11D.—B9nn. tdursv and
to Mort
IV"4llg"rir m"
r.o *520t. 4
nt 'rj . g;OgrifaOoflV
n‘ i tra h"trl,to
run. a ' for eavro,rnavinir yarn to ran, .07
. 4t A EVIZ..I4...nbAr •
T ED.-25 BOILERS' aLr7i.
par to. no oßloe f W 1• 51 ,
"cunt farm worlr.'gviliNd.ofsdt. Wend NE
TZ. ' hlnt in ktkArT lT.litAa
No. I Sixth Mice .
B .
OARDING.—A number of Gentle-
NEVI OW De farnlshiod with balul
.„. .akil
11.44,12 . ag N or T il t/ g r aisr , 117=. at 814
1 6 FIRST AVENUE, Pltubungb. Pa.
r1"0-LET.1 well-flObluid r HOnso of 6
.11.. rwr on Jeanne street. De. Anothr.) 'On
=en. • Ergo fr i en ' f l atA ' ffir it male:
ner of Annul. , 7 sten. end Rebecca street. MIS •
• —_ ,
0-LET—With Boarding, *pleasant
FBONT BOOM. ollbto soivatos . walk ot
tante. Address M.. GAZerrt Mice. Lai
J. SLEEPING ROOM, O. 43 litnuttne, etrltlt,
neer the Perk. Aileen.) , Ail= ...out: .
WAIVER:I 7 Fed: Wad.
YED.S.—TIER OF OFTICidEI on Groat, to,•.r
li;and• TIES with mtrance on Pink avenue
Court How. Apply 40.305.24.)teT1011L
74..NELISON, 118 Filth ay...
The subecriber offers for reel:that desirable prop
erty known as the
Situated et the foot of era's sire.. AMMO.?
city. o 'here distance below the Sateen.= bridge.
The lot on the ens olds of Craig areal ks 160 feet
wide by about - 4.511 fait mon or less. The baton
the west side of the street le 110 feet Wtdi
about 40afeet. more or Ime—both retudoh to low
water Um bovine one of the beet and safer bar.
bore on the ricer. The advantages thla property
iresouts for 07 kind of suanufactuainef.7o.o
are so known an to render any further deectip
lion unnecessary. Long leans will be even to re.
sponstble persona
SALE.—En of Pour Norse
in running o . Milne sold low. Ap.
to W. P. PRICE. 32 0 o street. Allegbon7.
MU LOTS on ail the .1104111•14100 t•
La.TIMOCITIIIO (114tricl,11 1 of Mblett loth
on emus terms. T. It. BIM. DON. CoOseel . ens
and TWO -third • t..
..e txu.Euree aurINII, in 1100 d MU,
will Do sold at • low price. Apply at No. 914
doing a ■ooa b 6111121,116, and tood location. A
- VOL?. SALE-200 LOTS - 203E100
FEET EACH near Lawrenceville
ItArxteilznla 1 3 11 , IXt SISO B =2
UP,LlNgaritor,AT:gn , 4ll7 a a
an.. cell on T. It. SILL & SOll,
Tetrty.thini Areal. or to MST. 13 ' .73n. Attorney
Law.ll)(lnust rtreet.
VOL SALE.—Englnes and Boilers,
-I- , New and &wood Mad. of all kln4f, conleantlf
on hind.
Orden from Al farts of the ansno7 PM/Mg! at
timao4 to.
Comer &fart. Avenue end Ft. W. & C.ll. W.,
. .A.l/0111.1.7. Pa.
murtelotng lwree eltba c tbegale
theme: one, • duo, comfortable and memos
house; good water, and we of the beet esteg
mowers in Western Pennwhrenla foe
miles from the dty. cm the e s ta t e
Rood, br of a mile from IStenart •
Rellroad- Also. reran] good Mums In good be.
tlone and houses for eale.Ar a tilof w
m No.llo Grant Bt., • • • •
The snows wall %nowt. end des
moans% on Fifth avenue. some! Ihr in ZElnl
=by 193 to Colwell street. on which ore* •
doubts two story substantially leallt.„briet
dwelling, asstalning 14 roontsorthe Witter.gfoo,
nasal. 3e. This Is undoubtedly s ;most fears
ble property for either resldenes or Pianos pril.
p 0..., bolos innuedlatelf 05Posi4 thlr 51op0ps4
wet Fifth ...hue sturtet boa..
lf oot sold soon In whole, will be divided . Tor
trentunkf. enquire of
myltsrge JAM% LIPTMOTT.
23 Seventh ..ante.
TOR BALE—In good looatlon MS . 0
our tomer of Fulton stsmi i • WI.
Bele& noose with wide porches on three Mai.
ball, 10 rooms. bath moot and eidlar.gastlod
=ono. ohado tram 1 ouotalp,ehrotherfAMX
=a l I=t d 'eV VI 11;
west side of Cliff Meet- Ea. of ..rg;:r.
aim ofdenold view of Um AWL - Mon and
surniondlog • •
8. Cirillj
m 4 a . A.L BO •
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0 LET.
Red Lion Hoist. Blzth street. 6.21.
H . o
t aT i gray s varkea , v. ,
con price II 01000 10T room T om, 11114;
owner Nag sad liarty4hirdor tlti•
of _ROM d. 1511+. Attarasy at um, 7%
• Lama- r
China and (Masa
1313XES nATILD GOODS. norm/.
R..• E. BREED & 00.,1
P 4
100 we s : .
144 onsit, gums.