THE 13/01r Y GMETTE I= PENNIMMI REED O. • Corpo ROL* Ave:,andifin4 #-C tl4lll# FB. 'PENNIMAN, JOSIAH LINO, T. P. HOUSTON, N. P. REED, ,SDITOES•ND pßorairrons.. Totta" , T , f f ) .. 1 )-1: Delivered by earner, per took THE DAILY GAZETTE. agNilALrnsti; , MN P. I VALE* is going to St. Petemburgh to vist the Coar. • • •i • • - • Fix time, says an' exchange, 'remind* "Us bow time rile*. . Titit*.E . Chin* phOltlltaillPhic exisi in gait Franciam: • • ORPHEUS C. Kum is writing a travestin of 'Dickens' new novel. Ngwan*: 'roman . made her last tire the Idlrer .41y,withlterniene. ' ; 'rtsimuch . rottan 'mid "too • little 'coin fs the cry of the Alabama papers. ,t Now England punster say fan. Is fruit bou•No „ Tut: London park lanai arc - pledged. not to play dance music on Sunday. lllsolLts sun bonnet* are Vibe just the thing this year at- the watering places. TSlKAO‘lifrim. P. T .Barirnii, of latia,left lbotit *IMXOOO to hit &DAV. Amin' detachment of Papal Zonavro is now being • inputted" :lit Canada for Tu.c country about: raprilad tuhe stein°, andoffera no I dnierthentalul agriculture.. A STREET PT in New Orl anria-driven by concentrated ammonia, which must be disagresalllez, `• 4 SE% Aron tirocirros and his r wife eels : brat,' their golden wedding in NTishing • toa last week. 17• is reported that Edward Ketchum hal made 00.000 in ATall "street sines his re• lease from !lug Bing. TriEnti is i coppei Cedar county, lows, and hundreds of men are poompecting for that metal. •.. W. F. Q. SHANKS has finirdied "a - ism. plete Index of Harper's Magazine. It make* five octavo volumes. A'less kitten lately* a' Klumian nobleman InParia-. whleWiti said tojhave colt ore, two million francs. ; t'ins'rtistrAlias elected tv eniiiieif mangy one of its Aldermen. Thin is the first in stance of the kind in Illinois. . ppm* are said in Lying bad lack, rind lean. with them, and are never safe oilse given as en engagement ring. Ax exchange Rays a London reporter hat doekA the torniterfti twiatvitinot yhN " Wunder what be has used tt for. A ROT osa the Staten la/and boat* plays an his violin with a piece of ordinary mu sic tied in a roll. instead of a how. 6120 hlrdirk't.4- tilt knhs - n. It ntlutit trouble to- oar Knee breeeheOni Um court reetMtioirot 7 THE American Sunday School Tnion is to hold It* 411th annual reunion this eve ning in the Academy of Music, Phliadel. phi..., • l!'; .s. ;•, TUE Cleiefatsr Coluinhus.' Cinc:innati and Indianapolis Railroad has ordered 3.- 000 toga of.solid Bessemer steel rails for that crud. Tut: 12011. *tuiversary of the birth of thrphen Girard Is, about. tnlrc,eelebrated at tiirird college by 'the' allutiMi of that institution. Mmes, the .Swedieh naturalist. was one of, he victim:4l ; ot' Lope;., His eciletalooßttita'44 - I,r4,re rtuf, for; Stdrkhoim. • • ' • ' ." ' - UPWARD of LAOO per annum have been *stared to Mr. tied. Hudson. the our., fa mono English railviay king, is a provision' for hie old age. A aged lOtidied hot *reek in Vannertient. and it lien a t een nolioftd an the' moat nsmarkahlefaet In her history that she never nuroed O. W. A.7Jorrr of ladles- and irnthmen - in.: il-elams teethe', Patltbee of situating thee works of Lord Byron ned his eZoielpttrarl.. _ A Lain, in trying to cure her bastion' of sot:toting, his learned to-smoke the wied.luerself, and eimplains that "It hi rather an expetelye habit fortsru." - • TnE manufacture -of axes Is behig largely carried no in cirsoud Rapids, low., weer • hundred &lien 'h , iseek being ion. - staidly turned out at one shop alone. A (INPANY islo I,e organized in Terre Orem for the purpose of improving the navigation of the NTAbasliTiVer, and pot. hog oa one or tw? Boos of steamers. Atins Ttnrarsso`ti ltetrire at ' Saginaw for the benefit of the Home of the Friend. sese..rnsulu, altar .V herO L O..for the lecture.'o. the Home receiving $10,21 A iniiriA is lid 4 011tadiusft0 pees for coal, is the :vieinitv of Holton. Hensel'. There are a num ber of vertu cropping out within three miles of the town. H• .•^ tui loan bV the liuraing ofbioiehouse. Freemen d; Crumb's oil warehouse la Cleveland on Friday amounted to more . than $411,1r0„ on which tliere. Is about $30,000 insumnee, kittlitrrEn MOTLEY'S dispytep that the Earl of Clinendon and ho bad signed the naturalisation treats'. at."6l r. tr. on the - 13th Mat, was ready Secretary Fish at 2 P. se, on the setae day. Tux rector. waidene. Vestry and parish of Rt. Andrews, Hanover, Mass., have voted URlAnimously‘to laypahie tLd : white murrain!" to use oulv,the black gown in the se7inn, of that et larch: A WOIIA.X In lows City, lowa, whose husband -has 'been In the insane asylum for.two yeara,reamtly applied for dtvoroe on the ground of desertion: The, suit Wag diatulased at plaintirs . cost. Tutuila - IA claims that the general goy entrant owed her on the list of Decem. bat% rin account of the war of 1812, $0113,1 5 / 4 . and that with the interest it has nOwlactrased tri'over $1:00.000. ' ...TuX Queen -of England. for of Peusalit; and the Mutterer of Enna hare araireokitit alathaus to the Emperor Napa ledeoerpreeshag itatisfactkat at the failure the.recent plot to anutsabt'ate hint, ' . ~." Li' Cleveland on Saturday: Hendrickson and , lbother'sehingle factory . ..Da Bowlers iuta. *bees iron foundry were 'destroyed • by qre. The late. which was about -$15.. . WO, was only partially covered by)nsur star. • OVITAIIit FLOCANKII wrote, • two Tear ' 44o.Sletter, seeejliO • -tianieg for • oratoweerahlpin thiatiolleire • .ot Itnuale torn the Emperor,' whom he •-• vow suspected ot a pkt to awasetaiue with - TER Detroit Th true ears: "Emigration to Duluth had bettir eetow tot the preeett. 26werione. Handy de of ;imamate" are allots, dal , able to get stet without ineana:to A escrows israt'ei in Wilmington. Dela ware; has been .convicted of obtaining soma nodes false preterwM, for telling a psi ng as the work of the marine mint, llamiltoe, which had never been buir364 by his brush. Lbulaville doctors 7proteriti against - the demand made on theto by the city for $lO, for a license, and" lay" th er Will, dot render gratuitous services in.tlie institutions, as heretofore, if the dem,d la persisted fl, people of South Frankfort, Michi gan, offer to donate to the responsible For ties who will erect and operate two UM." aeries, two-am slits settL,water frontage. Bark can be had at insignificant paws', and freightif are cheap. Tut work in tiro various Coniereneea of the' Methodist March on lay delegation resulted; is far an known, in 4.907 for, and 1,588 limiest; IV Conierenoral Yobatill the adirmative.4 voted in . the riegatitki and] one—that of Nevada—was a tie; • AWING' Governor Pound. of i'vte". l2- sin, lois pawiened the murderer of a Wo man. whom's" under life sentence, in ac-;; knowledgment, .of,hla heroism at the re , -cent are !tithe %depths:in: ''''PhrOdgli Lie exertions emend lives were saved. colrtivt. who. the fdemplds Appeal says. devotes liinwelf to the - task of dragging upr - Wreeked vessels jiom si t ha m k se abysses along the Missisalppl. 1 n go ing on a search for the body of ter dinand-de Soto. and karma' hi* t *hip i t lies. • I,Afirt week, as the ROM D. lc for many years Probate Judge of CalliMui county, 111., wassittingin fronted an opm • are Ito was wised with n' at and fell faro .jt, and was-to badly burned before be was 44,‘*XC-- • • -- • • I • `\msi 4, ESTABLISHED IN 1786. rescued that feara are eiltertahte4 that he 1:1= is accused of neglecting het :West India colonies, Which do not pay: 'and devoting all her attention 10 the East Itidia`iolonles, which do pay. Dutch (Adana and Surinam are in a state of de. asy, while the adjoining Britliih colonies ate in a prosperous condition. 1710111..00t. CKIIIIAR explains how It was that the Duke of FAlinburgh got no salute at Deig,andtheerplanation Is most satisfactory. Two brass gone. he says, were sent •from Bhurtpbre to Delg on pur ase to salutethe Duke. hut, unfortunate• y. "while the'y were saluting. one gunner got his hands blown away, and the other got blown away altogether." IT is proposed to found' a permanent self-supporting charity • iu Richmond with the relief fund contributed in aid of fhe Capitol 'sufferers- Of course all the immediate wants of the atitfereni are first VS be sepplied, and they,wo long as they need help, ate to he preferred benefici aries of the charity. it is now thought the fund may reach 4100.0120. i Tara Burlington, lowa, Aryls learns thatdnring last week in Keokuk county,. a family named Berne burled the last of their three ehildremall of whom died of Scarlet fever. As the father and mother were returning home from the grave of ale inst child.ju - st as they were entering their gat*, the lightning struck their team killing it and the • husband. 'f he wife Is new_a raving maniac. • & Ss& Fassicisee merchant who had an 'unsaleable article consigned to him trout the Fast, got his personal friends togethe . r. assigned 06C11 a street, and in structed them to call at every atom and inquire for 016 particular article. Then he adrertized the goods. and the. retail dealers, surprised at the unusual call which had been made for them, took them klioff his haids at a high price. TWENTY-F.lo= traina aWnowetin daily by the united railroad companies between 'New York and Philadelphia (Sunday ex yeptedl44ifteen. from Jersey: City and thirteen from Philadelphia. These eon, *nes. now -run one hundred and eight chilly train* of all kinds, beside' from two to nix extra freight trains. ninth is more 'than on am other railroad line in this - fountrY. and probably in the world ~TnE Boatost Trawler eays that a mem ber of a 3fatialkellusettg House Committee wan 6ffered s2oboo to alga a certain re port, and subsequently-made a fell espla nation to bin colleaguea thus: went home the othounight. and after Harriet Fad 1 bad retired, Faye I, Harriet. which had you rather have me to do, bring home to you pi,non fur pin money, or an honest hiuthand - Pavottlie. 'Thomas. an honest husband'" THE Sem - York .liihrtinl of Commrree publishes extracts front a private letter written by W. C. Prince. 'Esq wlgch give some plain statements regarding the Suez renal, nearly the whole length of which Isis-has; recently explored: He save it is nothing more or leas Chan a great sane! Jot the ?rampart dug through sand. whltli iR generally level or "elevated into Lilly by the wind, the northern portion for several miles being through the mud once canes-its lake, with the earth thrown np'on each side for walls in separate the canal bed from the muddy swamps. ,-The constant depssim of sand its the wind, whirl . are enormous;the aorta sontellmee rising in hills at the rate of a foot in three odour hours, on the desert, the effect on the loose sand at the mouth of the Suez, aid of the canal. of sit feet rise and fall 'of tide.'the 'dossing of a portion •of the sides.into the middle of the canal by every steamer which grounds. an nee:dent few steamers escape. and the constant rise , of the bottom along the mod portion -caused be the Outside press are all to nil „up the canal, and, . neoensitate, steady and . (*natant dredging at an. immense_ expense. The aueceso of the: .ennui ax a mains oCrinumunicatioa 'will depend upon whether the annual tolls will pay the eXpense of keeping it open, which thaw who have estimated the commerce likelito go through the canal, deny un less some - government 'emulates it and keeps it open for the 'benefit of the world. CilahLES slew, Victor's Son, {ells In the Paris Happen the following fairy story about the Plebiscite: There was once, in, the middle ag ea, • a young lad named Universal Suffrage. As he wait a Republican he was gene ally railed Little Bed Chaperon. One day the State had brought a plebiscite on the topis, and his adoptive father width him : "Pray go and look bow Tour grandmother Liberty is, and bring her your cafe in thin email but - ter lir —, Little` Red Chaperon started immediately - for his - grandmother's house. When he came through the forest of nOudy...lw m,t old .Coup d'etai, who asked , Idnierhere ; be roe gejaye. The poor ivy ' Salo did nor Rim* that it wart dangerous top on the road and to listen toivoly said to him:- "I am going to visit my grandmother. and bring . her my vote in thitalinual butter jar.". "'Very well." said the wolf. "I shall aceompanv you and visit her tott. Now, the wolf had de voured the -grandmother eighteen years . ago: Ile hurried on so as to reach the house in advance of Little Red Chaperon. Upon hie arrival there,be went to bed and waited there for thelittle our who shortly afterward 'vvrapped at - the door and step ped in. Little Chaperon was greatly our. prisod to find his grandmother in atich dishabille, anti said to her, ;lint: grand mollusc.. you really have- very. large and strong order to be better able to protect society frost anarchy, my ,l'arandruother. ;mu hive also sett big legw "' order to .he better able to escape from Melia), my child:' "Urandnii4her, you have very large eyes. - "In order to be. better to verify liattinanareff 'remota." !landau/lei. am hide' vary large:teetli.' ".1h order to be bettor abler to devour you, brat." to 'eating, mists old Cowp d'ttpt threw Lim. se if ITniverral Suffrage. and devoured YENNSYLVNIA A FT - IMF:DUANE (.1.: lake lam recently been explored eight miles from Lancaster., 'ftiseeltenty feet below the' surface and in ...reeky 4eet long by forty broad. icn bedded in solid limmitone without any ap. , Parent inlet or outlet. Blind fish and 1^?0,114944 It TEtsi Colatadi Repaid iaye hat on Sun day morning bat. Change Wnlfarth. an employe of the Susquehanna Iron Corn. piny, was found In front of hia residence. in Righters alley. with a terrible gash Out on hie head- Medical aid was summoned lint the Bristles received were imfileient VI cease death in a abort time. . • Kiscitrair'imin named Frank Eaton suss kilted while trying to jump on a moving Vain of cam while :intoxicated. near fret tystoiatilast woirk. Tho :gat:and:4 ehtihtl in recording the accident., makes the fol lowing remarkable statement: Ile. Bed twee married only about three weeks ago. Intempe.renee is said to have been the cause. This is another warning to these who Indulge lathe use of the wine cup. • K trxtrat 'from Rock 'Feint; Bearer county, 'states that two men named (ieorge And John Rodgers were drowned yesterday morning. They were engaged in towing a pat load of coal from the CUP* Call. Company's chutes on Rock Point dam. The boat will too heavily laden, and sunk in the dam. mirryit* the unfortunate men with It: George leaves a wife and one child, and Rodgers a wife and two children, to mourn fhelr untimPly end. This holies had mit been recovered at last aca)unts. OHIO. THE African Netliodistioof Xenia bare jilt 'dedicated a net' church. TWInTITTWO Democrats of -*awn eOunty are willing to yield to the aolleita tiona of their many friends and be eatatt: dateefor. tho Bberifra of _ • „ 2t ox. W. 11. EVE r, of Logan rounty„ Lai been appointed ,Consul to His Janeiro, the Capital of Brazil. Tlie 'Wary is six thousand dollars a year. It is doubtful whether Mr. West will accept: Mn..lisurn,nt, of Akron, who, we late. 11nntral_ wu in pursuit of hlawile who eloped with A man named. Federie, - taking her two children, overtook the runaways ealouinville, captured his children And placed the two adults in thir Akron jail. FIRST EDITIOI. _ THE CAPITAL --o-- Nominations The Kansas Pacific , Rallroad-HLake Tonnage—Mlosissiti: pi Letees--Correspondeueo ?Minait• tat —ldaho tiocprnorship, By Telerritiat to Ile pittentigh Duet le.l . WAHITINOTON, D7C., May 23, I. , , The Prisident sent the In following nomttnr tlons: 'Postmasters . : Henry 11. Jagger, MO son, Wis.: H. I'. Strong, Beloit. Wis.: Henry A. Northam. Ccinsul General at Tampico. min RAILROAD RAID. The telegraphic correspondence between l'opeand Sherman relative to the recent Indian rnid..en. the. Kansas Paring published. 4t shows - that the latter ordered the most energetic measures to destroy the party that made the attack. lien. Sherman also informed Gen. Sheridan that volunteers mat* engage in the pursuit, bat shall WA pass more than one march north of the Union Pa cific H. It., unless in close pursuit of actual marauders. . • • 1..0: VIU , SELA The Bureau of Statistic. haw oreontod table exhibiting the lumber of wall and Mean vessels. with the value and tonnage ot:each kind. belonging to the various lake ports on the att tt of June. ital. The following stow, the total tonnage of n few of the principal' ports: Budnick. WM; Chicago. ;Wick Detroit. 110.4.7 t Huron. 12,kt1.1: Mllcsaukee.37.ll7c go, 17.578; Sandusky. Y[abla tell trotter. Tfit , bill to secure' perompent levees 14 the protection nnd recClatnntlon of the a lluvial lands of the Mississippi Valley. was presented In the Senate hr Mr. Kellogg, read twice, and referred to the Committee on Finance. . , • . . Tho President sent to the Samoteip in formation relative to the Itir'Mont Fla t lot and eorrespcmdenee with; Beth& lager Thornton' relntive to St. Marti' Catuld..l The purport of both is already known. Minister Thornton is to be asked to net as orbiter between the United States and Brazil fa the. claim for indemnity for the seizure of the Whale ship Canada by the Idler imply . ; •••• • .30.411 2 0 r, : It is reported that the President will ap point Gen. Gilt:tom Manion, lif New Hamp shire. Rs Governor of Idaho. vice Bard. re signed.- RARTHQuAti,irts, The United Nate. Mettinir Benicia reached . . . Rio Janeiro April id. She experienced two shocki`of earthqunke on the _...nh of Starch. when netar the equator. SPaalsh Coremcnent Ants ageed Itat the' ease ijite at-tamer; bail be arftlea by arbitration!' - xusT coNGREss, , 4 Ely Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] WAsnisoroN. May t.t, SFoNATE. Mr. W11.1.1A-Mi reported. with amendment., the bill riwptt.g the Atchison . ..Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company a continued right of way' to Albuquerque and ten • sections of land per mile on each side. Mr. POMIEROPreport 04 a sul,st it at the hilt t &alit iheenmttucdoe of the letkr (Mean.: and 'Northeastern Railroad. It grant, the right Of u - ny and ten alternate ...alum per mile on each aide of a line from York. or Mer den. Miss.. to New . Orleans. Mr. CAMERON report ed-a joint' resolution. to furnish medals to the Pennsylvania nal Massnchusetts soldiers who were the nrst it/ arrive In W 54515005 to level. Mr. THAYER offered resolutions calling un the Secretary of the Interior for information relating to the St. Joseph italimpl - of sours, sad also in regard to the report of the' Ontmolowioners sent out to report 51105 we. deal easnplet Inn of the - l'avine • ]. The Lemdslatice. Masculine nod Judistal promintlonstilli was proceeded with. Art amendment by Ur; coltßßlT.that alai.' bJerks. comae,* sad ist a in Departments e paid the same and no more hen females perionntrur the same ore. rejected -- T 55.5 5 nays an. (BULL.The pending amendment of Mr. ,Till.:114 LL. placing females In the matter of cont. 'pensatlon on tae same footing with males KU stra tified. upon the suggestion of 'Mr. MOB. DELL; Me, br adding to it a ilrovleMit (bort:ins t ae 'hands of Dcpartmentiv to apl point females an clerks in any of the clams.* of cletirshlps in Departments. and adopted- . - t to 11. Committees of conference were appointed as follows: On the bill to enforce the PM ienth Amend ment. Messrs. Stewart.'F.Mmtads and Stock ton. On the army bill, Messrs. R il.ioo, Marto. and Abbott. -Sir—SHERMAN addressed the Senate up°, the general %abject of appropriations. to show that the uneertalotv tot to reheats items wee the real difficulty In regulatiug the rates of tanatkin. In proof of this he referred to the fact that appropriation bills from the House were invariably increased largely in the Sen ate, while the estimate. for public wrote claims for property of loyal people destroy ed during the war. Indian • service , boun ties, etc.. were very :indefinite- , - .Were It not for the payment of the. interest on the t'itdebt, the entire revenue system might cpensed with. The Finance annsolltee. however, proposed to sweep awkr all the special taxes on sales, gross receipts, fees, Sc..: leaving of the internal tnxes,only theme on ere articles. rim spirits, tobacco• beer, stamper and a small income tax, which, except the latter. , were paid all over the country, without mur muring. Be thee reviewed the historypf the Income tax Wallow its equitable ehabetet.. ' Mr. CASSFMLY followed agatmit the renew al of the income tax. -. Mr. MORTON said the country demanded a reduction - of duties on artniles of neceselty extending into consumption by the poor, and Congress must meet that demand before ad journment. The bill was then proceeded 'With said aw e amendments adopted. among others one by Mr. SUMNER, authorizing the President to send out one or more ex peditiom la the North Pole, to appoint ouch person or persons as he may deem most dtted for the command there of. to use any publics easel salt ed.for the pur pose, and appropriating gIUCI,C33. to be expend ed under the Preaidenta direction. Adopted —rem m, nay, tfi,' the N' ice President giving casting rote In the affirmative. At 4:11t the gamete look X . recess until 7Js Emoted Session. -he Legislative Aproprla tion Bill w as further considered. Hr. SIREH.MAN. from Finance Committer. reported a WV.. appropriating s l i p to complet. tbe onlargement of tbe.atip cam] around the falls of the Ohio River. r Hecate. THURMAN. SFIEMISAN and others advocated tbe amendment, which num opposed by Mr. CIIANDLRIL The latter yid It was alrendyincerporated In the/Over and Harbor Dub th e total Migineer's estimate, for which amounted to neenly twelve tettlierna - - : • Without action adjourned. ; E • 1101.1iS OF IMIStgIiENTATITVii Rills were introduced and referred no 10 Iowa: Todetaet odd purdah election l*llitit• oe:Mee the eaten daty to forettre Import and abolish theeltle and compound duties. To geottre to Micro. of Owl:tilted Mates tke narlgatlon Of theta. Lawretece nor For the relief of pilot* the sslisillpi uPladenn entlearsteingjamilies: i , Authorial:lg the survey of tbie +Oh 'of Rock er. • - • • For t he nmorosement of the usigut ion iof ,theCtim . beriettd flyer. , • Illy rl nb . rTVl e VirtTOVillS w ee t of the , Teuury cause inquiry as to the ex tent and - state of . trade between tile United States and WHOM NorthAnterleae Provinces. Rejected, ByMr. LAPLItir Hulling that the ormant contract for publisUne the debars of Cen- Whe x er=tee the ot tb P ' ;lll " Tr b t . o li rn d l u n i . re r riqn . the expedlencyntfarther ' aos ' Idieg g for out fighting the debates nod repent's plan that will best sob:terve the interests of the Gareth went. Adopted.. Hy Mr. EPOLI Iturtruflog the Committee crf eet roirol=-'• age mop. for the general. gotemMent In thgt. a:wonting to nearly eue'million / &diem. The Honsereed to seen qd the previous question and he resolution WeaCmer. • Ely Mr. A LL,Lottnirting the Judi:na ry Committee to report. back Mr. Coin bill for the:tient hour law in Government 'workshops. The Home refused to second the previous question—ti to 10-rand" the resolution went over. By Mr. REEVVI: Calling on the Postmaster General foe faforinetion to to the proof Icabill ty,,ke.. of transmitting mall matter by means . Pf Tre e ll m uo l ie ic te tu fa btl eed . to second the presto. questiolt and the he went over. Mr. CHURCHILL introduced a bill to ex. ;eloPtveltheit onflUed. -: Internal and coast- , *lee imeigaticm ind . 11anerlies 'TOM' the: pay went of tonnage duties. Passed. Mr. GRISWOLD offered a resolution for the WiTeteefo'r'l Iggus4 2 ll,74t e el;roto aster and interested in the franchise of the North ern Pacific Railroad Company. Rejected— yens M. nap , tn. . . The Senate joint resolution to preside for the appointment of no exantineeof elnims for the State Department and - sulditional clerks was amended by reducing the improprieties, from 513,(101) to FAB. nod passed. • The Senate onlendmentato the bill toenthree irigs ot otttonsot the•troit woe, to ottl la ht the several States werernon- concurred in nod a committee of conference asked, end Masora. illoghara. Davis IN.T:I, and Kerr rip: pointed an the committee, 1 , 4 r. INGERSOLL moved to suspend -the rules so no to take from the Speaker's table the bill for an Air Line Railroad between Washington and New York Rejected --yeas MR WWII ;I, lest then two•thirds mojority. Mr. HALE, from the Election Committee. made 1% report in the Ohio contented election oath of Eggleston against Stroller. that Strid er. the online member, entitled tp . ME MMEN sent. and said he would call it up for action eV-Monday. Mt. MC011• a reMbof in the-Ken tucky , contested election • dad of Barnes against Adams. that Adams, the sitting mem ber. Is entitled to a seat, and said be would tall It up nt nn early dap. • ' Mr. SEGLEY introduced a joint resolution donnting eight condemned cannon for the sol diers' monument In Allegheny—Park, Pitts- bu i(r. h. .n.TDl=ved to suspend the rules that be might introduce a bill to reduce the duties on imports. as follows: On syrup. molasses and all augurs, and on salt, SIX per cent:: on offee and tea. per cent.; on pig and scrap -Iron, 22.4 per. cent. Rejected—Ness M. nor. 80, leas than two-thirds voting in the MM..- ttte. Mr. DICKEY, from the tk,utmitt re on Appro. i d ptiatlons, reported the Army Appropriation bill. which tns m e the speCial order for Wednesday. The 11l nopterpriatet Siliknalikii. Mr. ATWOOD I trOdured a bill to theorem.. rate the Intern:lG oat Society of the United Staters for the 1 otectiou of Immigration, Referred. Mr. D.-1 VIS, N.l*., introduced n bill to ex tend the provisions of the net which confers. the right of maturnliration on Miens who en listed In thermay and were honorably dis charged to t hose who enlist paused.)' enlist In the navy ore marine corps,. The Ituuse then went Into Committee of the Whole on the'Ousular and Diplomatic bill. ~. The debate i the amendment for a Minister resident at lb me being Molted to ten min i ales. Mr. DAWKS had rend a letter from n member of the Know-Mahlon norm and ex tracts from speechei delivered by Mr. Brooks In Columbus. Ohio, and New York city, to prove thaGlati had not wilfully adsmatresented the tarter, and after some discussion thereof, asked Mr. Brooks to take back his remarks to 1 that effect whiph Mr. Brooks did, whereupon Mr. Dawe withdrew all hr snid. amidst the laughter u the House. - Mr. Ban s' amendment to Insert Rome as apiece for a Minister resident was rejected without d - Ision. • I Mr. COVollEmoved to strike out the mit, Mon to Greece.' Rejected.". .. : .1 Mr. HA I.TIRMAN moved to combine the missions to I ienmark nail Sweden. Rejected, The imragrapit for a Minister resident at the Argentine Republic was amended by striking' out the words !itppolitled. also to ernputy, and be reducing the approprintion from ell.- ZICI t ti s,:at. s ' . . . • A paragropit wt. Inserted apProprinting sll:rst for a minkter to CrnMlnY• accredited also to Carapooty. . The paragniptut for Commissioner to Marti and Liberia were amended by the words "Min. Liter resident' for Commissioner. At thief.° clock the Onmenfttee ruse nod the • Rohs, protresied to Note 'ph the motion to rableltir:Elitridgelt motion to reconsider the . ..ate of Saruniny Inst. whereby Mr. Newaham ',woe declared entitled to n seat In -t he boast iana contested, election rase of Newsham I,'againnt Ryan." ' . I The motion to reronaider was tabled by yeas Wi. nays 77. • . The Speaker railed upon Mr. Newshant to comelireward and take the oath. Mr. £I,I3RIDOK rofe,to against that gentleman being sworn in as not tinting been elettedbethepeople, but by the House. lthslis to order.) The Speaker -The gentleman is not in order. , Mr. ELDRIDGE-1 know I was not. The oath wasadministered to Mr. New - sham. The Noose Arlan went into committee on the Consular bill. - ()emotion of-Mr. MA VNARD, the appropria tion for n Minister resident to. Liberia. was Increased front 1& to e7.sath Mn, DANVl.nrgued Ulf - WI II no an amend ment apparently prompted by the sane mo ttle that Prompted the amendment for the mission to Rome, and merest the paragraph be struck nut. tearing the matter to he fixed by the Senate. ' The paragraph was struck oils. Wit hold disposing oft he bill, I lie committee Mr. COX]introduced'A joint; revolution ens bodying 'l. -*velem of rivenne and expendi ture. and torn commission to examine into the question of taxation. Referred. .A hill introduced by Mr. MUNGEN relat Ive to the Imprisonment of he men within the United States at the Instance or by the authority of the Spanish government. was re f rAlturned. NEV YOItK CITY Lur.Tetettret.h t.. the , Pittelturelt Gazette.) Nei! Woo:. Mar et;o. htegat Int lone ore ittogreettine for the moo -eel of the Clattortt ttorkr to Iloboken. Alnnwn Robiniton. a Director :if the, North weXtern and Lahr Shorn Railroad,. tiled • The festival of the Arbiel reunion teas cele brated to day ht Janes' WOod. An netion has been Commenced in the Su prattle Court by Tracer E. Roberta 111 recioce SWIM for injuries sustained on the Toledo tool WnbaniiHnillenuti. The defendants clans, inzugultifill vent using tt pass nl i he t• undo to-ditt - be the third Presbyters . for the iti.daltstion ot llossn..m. of the eminent Dr. tort'.. Cl Detroit. over the Claremont church. N. J. counterteir 'tens' n the Ventral Nallattal Ina& ot Hoene are' in o circulation. The Holm Cour. rtirteig 111,1.114 meeting romationeed toidaysrTbe nest tate, rue homes I hest never heat three wen won by Chas. Greeu in `2,40.:739 1 / 4 ; and The nest net, for horses that never brutwas siva by Lady Wells, beating Finnegan. Col. Fiske, Lady Seam. , Lydia:Thompson - nal Dutcher Boy, in iiAlts. ii:Xt and ent. BRIEF TELEGRAMS - The yearly meeting of the Hickrite Qua ke...lee/ran In Brooklyn on Bewail . . —Conrail fro m a 94.1..0uLii policeman. dlirl on Sunday from the effeela of rtnit Bike. . Weckerlin died U. PI. Louir Sunday from injuries receiver] by 'coal oil email...lon.' —A naval architect to have con rtrueted a recite] 1171PerVinOi to ram.. Olen or who]. . . —Ads' lees from oft pane of Nebre+la the nete p r n a b p er t. e o s r p e O c n l e a ll M a m ong i gmoadll --Two more bottle. were found below ['Mace. Wlaeonutn. yeaterdar, one woman and one man. summed to be of the late Mar Bugle dlvister. They have nut Yet boon Identified, ,• - • --Theolegant realdeni... of Fla-Senator San derson. near Madison, , wne strnck .bylightninitanaSat Died. and with Ita enntenta bevel to the aroma& 14.19 104110: insured for fllp4slo. - , --itetresinag showers occurred throughout tonayloortlons of the t•iorthsreatt Sunday and yesterday'. The effect upon the crops is most satisfactory. The crops its almost every direction looliPme and are almost . two weeks ahead. —A young man who was found dead on feat lads,. morning last , near the Hebrew Ceme tery, In Chica 6 0. with evidence about him of having committed suicide. mores to be F.:H. Yotiter. belonging Ltaltuffnlai New-Torit. and a son of. W. r. Foster. • . -At a meeting at the Fenian nrmory. In Cincinnati. Sunday night, for the ,nurvose of raising funds foe the contemplated movement on ()made. Mr. }Urger/aid predkted that it would end in a mlsetnble Mom and tend to rivet the chalneof frehtudvalhOr than weaken them. • The Barters have selected the Lilliiwintr crew for the University rare with Yale: }. A. Lyman. 4roke. G. J. Janes. G. Millis. Geollre Roberts, and N. U Read, bow. Mr. Lyman pulled. In the International race, and Jones. Ohs and Meade wese la the Uni versity race last year. A t - farmer named Munson, living near We'd Pan. Nebraska. was found in n field. on Ban dar, with Ms bend entirely eerered• frog , tali .body. and Ida Minim, gone. The affair iv ituronded - In mgatere.. Is *awned the per petrators were Indians.' 'Active ,reparations for tbelr apprehension are being made. —The jewelry slm - e - of • flarrett 17pbeTer. in Create, woe burglarized Saharan> night or liundat, morning. The safe was blown open and about #11. , 1100 worth of gold watches and chains. diamonds. jewelry. Lo.. carried off. Pour men, filly Tresaler.llarid Cummings. David lifer and George Mullen were ar rested , --Klnghnra'a m a lt-bonne, At Wheeling, ral burned Monday tnornlng, tOirether with a ,large quantity of malt. Loss ne ed tutlY eared. The building vras owned by Mess.. Held. *lama. Suitor establishment was des troyed Ashen time since. The bre Is supposed to hale haea Incendiary. : • • —During a shim at Cairo, yesterdaY, light ning strneg group of seven section men at work on the railroad tract, Instantly killing John Stafford, foneman, and injuring. 11. thrall man an that bewill probably die. Four others *ere stunned,bet not dangemnnslY. hart. Only one Lot the seven excaped without in- Jeri. —A m 7 oar man who committal suicide at City Hotel. Chicago, Sunday. proves to be .100. W. Marquardt,' of lowa City, He •was one of the dam of Marquardt Brothers, jeweler, lie seems to have had a warm affection for a young lady named Hattie pitta. which was re clirrooded.,but ha seems to:, have considered hinraelfantrorthy ofher. • ' ' * —The akeieion of a man encased Ind foil mlit Of cloth MR was found last Saturday tutrAinftbr a rope to • a tree near Golden City.t 01. A memorandum book was found in his pocket I with the name of George Hancbett. A man • by - that mane saddettly disappeared from Den ver two years ago, and ft Is supposed that this is the man and that he committed suicide: —A man named Dallas P. Cate alias Prank Case, was shot on Sunday erten:monies house • of 81-tome, at Omaha, by Sam. It. Poole, • no ted desperado and house-brenker. The cause of the shooting it reported as having arisen from too great intimacy existing - between Case and Poole'. wife, who was an inmate at the house where Oise was shot. Poor. es caped. • —RerSC, U. Smythe. of Mow Tod: recently deposed I his congregation for drin k "gin and milk ', with reporters In a restaurant, o cVlVg a totrall ' d?e f nC i :, ? 'lL " re7e B o u Cgrt . ;il l tc; bind me: no strait Jacket cratnps me. have nothing. beloved friends, to prevent me from going forward." He claims that he 19 are former. like Wesley and Whitfield. I== [By Tole:Mph to the Plttatnrgh G omit e.l tIItc , N.AM . MeV. henry 'Mono of wind. rain and ball occurred et half-pent two Ibis afternorra. Halanlostew fell broom° pieces over one Merin d bunter. A number of shade treen were blown down; the glum to the went skle of House of Refuge Wen nearly all broken nun' the'Presbyterien Church at Mt. Auburn also nurrend 4q broken glass, and private dwellingw too wastelned injuries of tills char eater. _The Shrubbery la conservitcniee and the garden in the Suburbs were conaiderably damaged. For several dors the weather ben been, for theeeanon, almost unprecedentedly hot. At twelve o'clock to-gay the thermome ter. wan ninety-three degreemlo-nlght tis much cooler. ONE TUF,SDAY. MA SECOND ENTIOX. FOUR .O'CLOCK. NEWS BY CABLE Cotten Shipments from India—The ta Ci . World's Evangelical ' nell—Edi. tor or " Punch" Dead . — panish nor. / 1, rors hi enha—Movem for Iberian Union Confirmed— Th ereach &11. ride Conspliaters—Un 'entity Tes and Irish land Bills in English PA liament—Sonth Airmtlean News— , Political Affairs In Anatrlm . Telegmb to the Pitbibuttb Gatette.] GREAT RELITAIE. lArcooa, May :13.—Late dispatches trona Bom bay state that nearly bait Oita cotton WM' 'thinned from tint Indian potteries by ik-ay Indian the Suez Canal.. Only a mull partion of thia, however, reaches Fugland-110k bulk of the cottonao shipped soca to she various porta on the Mediterranean. ,-,•"°• • , Pollo.l news Is meagre. iI The Tim. , rejottea In the dbuippearsuMe of Japanese social and commercial Isolation. A.large meetly wee .held 10-day at the Stansion Rouse tolake antien,oll the qUelt ion of sending a deputation to the World • Evan gelical C'anacil in New York.. The chair wail occupied by the 'Lord Mayor; The Earls of Chicester and Shaftesbury. Bishop of Ripon, Beau of Ripon, kW. K irraWay, W. P.; Land Al fred Churchill, Rev; Thos,Btrney and other distinguished persona rawapitat UM:platform. Resolutions approving the inesajw of Council and accepting the idrltntioned were unanirrously adopted. and moiiiires-Oaken to provide for a deletratiem rk from Great Britain. Ma Lemon. editor of Patich,died to-daY le his slaty-Ono year. Sir John Simeon, H. J., today aged 6 71 - e n gn . or plated steamer Audacious had a trial rrlp ol! Broadside. She is . f. the type of liend's second:class iron clads Her perfor mance won in evert' way mtlefaCtorY, She attained a speed of thirteen and a half knots: The House resumed the consideratioti of the Irish land bill In Committee. The amend- meet requiring the Miletioll. of a (bort to be given to notices to quit was stgennonsly debat ed and reteeted. Mr. Fordrtque agreed to take Into consideration a proposal for the oh; t rillion of digtresis Tor rent: The bill then passed through Committee and was ordered to be reported to the House ma Thursday .- In the House of -Lords. to-day. Earl Claren don made a prolonged explanation of the mas sacre by Cheek brigands and Subsequent nego tiations with the Meek tiortonment. In the e(111111)01,19. the SolicltOrGeoeral moved • • - . • second residing of the bill for the abolition bf University testa Messrs. Walpon and Mow ray, members respectfully for emnbridge and Oslord Universities. opposed,and Mr. itortoris :poke for the bilL 31r. flindstone took occasion to defend the course of the Government In this matter. He Bald the bill note before the Homo was the logical reisult of previous legislation on a similar suldect. Ile rejoiced at the promised acquiescence of Universities In the abolition of odious restriction*. lie q ted^ and indorsed the utterances of tir Opted Teel em the policy of protecting ecclesiastical sod spiritmd foondallous. and declared that while he was for giving the broadest .sonme to them benefit , . foriereri ie olpold arm the ex tinct ion of say-religious connected with them. After remark, *nee Messrs. Hardy. Hots end Nowdecate the House divided goal the motion that the bill be nun a second time W. carried by jts ma.lorityi ; - a M sot Kerr's. May —Tb AllOCOOster too Supply Ascot-Dalton at t Wont mass ing cons-rat abated the Meehan Minister on The production Santo/. cotton. . EEO • liCADlttit:*ts• ar- Thai litoreedings In the rinustititent fortes on t , attgrday were; quit. Interesting. line of the Deputies questioned the Minister• an to the truth of the rumored i concert of action on the pa o f (treat Britain and the Grated states toe the mitigation of the smesdied So mars in (alba. Senor Bore, Minister fort lalonies. replied that 'while he had heard such rumors had been • . . extensivtlY Onlitisbcd. the government Mlae mithout officio! Information on the subject. While the matter was before Mt desired to remind them thoklibe lfixtets, Captain iiineral of Cuba. halt ftilitmaid!Y In% ittif Atnerit,n evntstnl:•ltuurnito vloit mine Into Iloyr , altrirrt B NEW A.TIVERTIf3.EXENTS. iff-BENF,FIT OF TILE CENTRAL 111011 SCITOOL. —COY' EAT Under the d Iractloo of Prof. WY. B. lIALL. Irtt MASONIC FIALNIZEMI: EVENINO. • Pceote 30 o9ftte. The OaM.O. :In ho do oto4 to We Art Fl of the ,t4O • t0124:134 113=. THE DIAMOND SATIN GS BANK —The SteckholJors of the Damond Sav ings Bank, Plitatiorgh.ertil meet teethe Wt.. of electing. Board of Directors and trammeling such other business at may be bronght before the meet ing et the Monongahela Haute, on rutresaar. Ray 96. at 3 o'clock P. N. my2l: Orrick or SIONONdAttittA LNittfltatica CO., N. E. corner of Wood lit. and 4th Are.. • Pm - sermon, May 134.1870. 11 3 -. DIVIDEND.—The President and Diremors of this mpany have this day declared • dividend of YO UR DOLLARS PER SHARE on the Capital Stock of the Company. out of the earnings of the last six menthe, free of Resentment tax. Payable in cash forthwith. myeitagl JOUN H. CLANKS. Semetary. r ANNUAL MEETING. OPTICS PITTNIIUIIOII ANT, BOSTON MINING CPI., Prrrauraotr, may 114th, 147 0. The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the DIDDIBURDII AND BOSTON MINING CON TANI' Or PITTSBURGH. will be held at the Of. ace of the Company, on WISDNIRADA T. the 113th 10 st.. at 2 o'clock P. mylArLtS Seti'land Treat', CI. CON - MOLLER:4' Orrice. 't Ur' or ALLCOHINY. Mar 13‘1.11870. I k SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE received In ittit omen until THURSDAY. . 1421.1 t. eta o'clock P. R.. for • •• C±I.,II•TK.F.:Ft S. speed y the ratte d per yard, which price will inclue alon the Wharf at wtmLever poi nts t death - noted Ity the g Committee on Wharves and Landings; alto the plating of the W. M. PORTER, =I MEE KAY COMPANY, 800 tationers, ERZ BLANK BOOK MANI' r WTURERS fl Wood Street to • =I SCELLANEKS ...BOQKS SCHOOL WOES, BLABS BOOKS. • WRITING PAPERS. FINI6 RTATIONEII.Y. CoUNTINu.HOLYSF: STATIONF:RV L IM 7 A WZf RV.AIL` Or Sale, Wholesale and Rela LOW EST PRICES IltralritCANlTtLFl PRINTENO executed In to teat atYler. Orden el , mall promptly attended to. tnytt .VAL,ITA_I3.LEI BUSINESS PROPERTY AT AITQTION WEDNESDAY , June let, at J o'clock r. ?Linn the premlses. will be sold that very valuable bun neon property Bunting on the Dlatuoad 03 feet and extendlnir back In dinilb about 130 feet. Yawn, an - TUX BLACK BEAR 110313. - located within a *bort distant. of 11ftb Taunt. ravtlen deentlighavenseent wall And Lt greatly to their mid vanlate to ye-amine the , property and attend the It not sold man whole. It will Le airlded Into Lot. to ault purchtum. Ihros—one-thlrd huh. bal ance in one. two and three years. email mato' Palo:mots. armored by bond and mo rtgage with lo lama. . S. CUTHBERT i SON. = H. B. Juan PON; ELEGANT . Silver - Plated -Ware WATTLES & SREA FEW 101 Fifth Avenue Tn Sets. Casters. tee Pitchers. Bent Dish" Better Dishes. 1 4 ,rett P. 0 . ,. Holder. Chthlren's essok.Sectoss. Forks. Belves. etc. mr= DECORATED AND PLAIN Marble and. Slate MANTLES, Yuba by .temp power. The efAryieee In Weutum Pennsyrrsuht where Mate end warble Marble:tee Mantles ere nude. Levant Marble Mantles,Waln noting, Counters. Furniture Tops. Ete.. marbleised from whale marble end slate tu exactly represent the choicest 111/1111p nt all varieties wne Pekl at New 'Pork Woes si4l9 .0341 LIB= BPREET,Plttsburgh, P. , • mraart.T W. W. WALLACT. Pittsburgh Utility AVurks. AVENYER & JONES • Corner of Jovial' and Fulton StretlL %ixlh Ward, 'Allegheny. Manufacturars or BTAPLX HARTMARX and all kinds LIGHT GREY IRON -CASTINGS. We tender Lour Goods and eersion to the Trade at the Lowest Prices, and warrant all our wart skillfully finished. Orders solicited. • The attentlon of (PL AT Erall_ called to our mate of BED AND CANTERS. WEAVER !" TONER: • Address.: Plttsbargh Postoltre. notErbt • OHN STEVENSON'S SONS JEWELERS, 93 Market street, Pittsburgh. (THIRD DOOR FROM Finn.) Bare on band ell the West novelties in Film Jew elry; a/so Weer Plena and Miser ilst•d Ware of new designs, suitable for wedding gifts. Watches ot all the American make. in gad and silver rase. Both Key and Pendant Winders son. Mainly on hookas isidl as a full varlet! of the Mier grades oythe ihttss Watch, including Jur.. genteel, Btoot. reneging. and others. We 0111 pintailar attention to our Winne* toe tomtit? . I , tr i regulating fm Welobes. To that nine our business we giro spe, can. • Onion by midi pronintly MOlgas of any 11.4..1.011t In drawings by men et Mb., PMSBURGII BANK FOR SAYINGS NO 61 FOURTH AVENUE.PITTABURGH. CHARTERED IN OPIOI DAILY from to 4 o'clank. to and on SAT. BADLY IIVENLNG. Dom Slay Ist • Nov amber f:lepr.trt°4 4 4*.tV 10-=OFt; I st mt. of . sis per free of to non not also drawn compounds sentlannually On .and .44 July. Boots of By. Laws„ Au. furolaben tbe Boast of .114wageni—Geo. A. BerfT. Prileblenti S. n. Humus, Jas. Park, Jr., Vice Presidents; D. B. he'lltulay, Secretary an 4 Treasurer: A. Bradley, J. L. Ben. Was.lß. tllosick, R hodes , S. Dilworth, F. Bah= O. Follansbee, Joshua Jno. Scott. Hobs. Schineets. `hristopher nu. D. W. A A. S. Bell, Solicitors. WELCOME HAY AND GRALN a.n.'Pel a W nd em W y T M W rOin tit s almWaaa hl he eanstrOctke snd. bot,.td dr v lt the colazdradra= ""6" 2,= . • citt I=tta i rgrtri. 'l 4 wtmwt as Vr i grAti l m sa m s4 l . lo , vale or mit 9 g.T r ilikta ' F M ET, t tab anti. Y • weLLArn. CARPET CHAIN Of all . Colors, • os HAND AND POR SALE AT' ANCHOR. COTTON" MILT, 1. . Allegheny City. 19 k*ltb."** - rormite b, 1.111; WEEKLY GA nTTE IS TUE BEST AND CIIEAPEBr 'ommerelil and Family Newspaper runLism. IN WESTKILN PENNSYLVANIA. MIMMM:I=I Mr. 11=1:11 Sin& ra cobs of nubs of ♦ copy la fointabea gratuitously to 0./totter-AP of a Club Often. Postmaster, are requested to net PICILIIMAX acm & PROPRIETOIV3 tiFNOTICI2.74i—"to-Letl .For Lost." -Wants," n.l exceeding FOUR TIA - Fg.teiii be inxerird in these CO: lf nA .efor TWEY- Tr.FivE ('EBTs; curb additional tine F/1 - 7 , ..7 I 'EN TS.. WANTS - - •- WANTED.--A few PUDDLERS and waLrand. Nu.° but ttentl,sub.or slut rood Workmen need •DVIT. Andrees.l. nEV anpetinlandent. Bedfon1;41111o. . WANTED.—Ererybody to call At IE4 I. lIXIITY STILICKT. end ..Ties I= MEE= MEM ANTED MORTGAGES. •1 t o • to ia ß eor amaly amounis,at THPAIAS K. PETTY. and and Revd Estate Broker. . tip. 1751 Smithfield stretl i : r. W A riTED.—MORTI7AtiES. Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan In Mote or small amount. nn property In ditties.y eennly at • talr rate at interest. JEREY. RealßE Grua Estate t Azo.t. street. • TA NT ED.—Bonds and Mortgages. I for, bovine 3 rears to ron. 1 t. ?9,000. baling 3 from to tors. .1. forl4looo. g1.1 . 147r1647.1 . .,;411 3 1.7t; , 2 .,1 - 1'11; 04.30 ~boving 3 Tears 4 f ore m 1 for /2000: haring 3 years lo roo. 4E300. lkorlo4 3 70.1. to ten. A for 41. O. having 3 years to run. 1 for 4500, lowing years to roo. 00 city m. c° " 9i ii.lton t i, ti 4 3 111%. 104 Fourth Ave: ._ , .. lATANTED—P.:I BOILERS at g 11.74 V per IOU: 00 sane fee to pay. Several MIEN want tam wort. implant:yr./tr. Several G r tai3 are wanted to do coollog, housework, Se.. NNIn cni d cnnoltry. Apply at ISMPLOYNIENT o. I Math atreot. BOARDING OARDING.—A nnlnhor or Gentle can be furnished with boardlngspd. Do YLISN me If desired. pleasantly located. at so. 20 AIaDICIPION trTRENT, near nand street, bridae. Allegheny ell, TO LE T . r PO-LET.—SLEEPING 800319—Fur I. NIHRED or UNFURNISHED. Enquireat 176 !MINT SVEN UE:Pttinbunth. Pa. L-11 PO-LET.--A well•fitilsbed Haase of rooms ouJahuipa street near nue. Will bo oven toa Rosin tenant for per mouth. !Unpile of CHARLES J.. nor nee 01211/eghens avenue aml Relessa shell rtoLET—Willi Boarding. a pleasant FRONTONT ROOM. within five minutes walk or aslee. Address M., Gazitrr office. rrO•LET.-TWO WELL FURNISHED A:SLEEKS° 11003111.N0. 49 Item= Me... rit near tt Isel ePa 7 rll 2 .A4leo l,....,m e ,ol, ny v . •h-Vtl ,heel • Allegheny O-LETINTERENTIND TO LAW -ITEGIM—TIEFi OF OFFICES on Grnnt. neat. MMMMWMIE coon Applr to Mrs. M. MeTlCiti E. TO—LET• The subekriber nfferh for rent Wet derlrkhie prop. erty known no the OUT-LET SAW MILLS, /Masted .1 the foot of Craig street, Allegheny City, a short distance below the. Suspension bridge. The lot on the eist side of Craig street is 130 feet wide by alsoni 430 feet more or less. The lot on the west side of the street is 110 feet wide by about 400 feet, more or less—both running to low Ma. liner, haying one, of the beet sad safest her• hors on the note. The adynntsges this property presents for any kind of msonfactuting purptires see so well knower. to nindertury farther desertp. tionwonecessary. Long leases will be gitlM to so. swlgae . rob.. I=l • . FOR SALE. FOR fidLE.--CA Handl. =! =I ==M • • F OR SALE. PTIOTOGRAPII GALLERY doing a good buslaesa. and good location. Ad I;ZIZMI=Ir;=EWII F OR &Mt.—Engine of Four Horile VA p Zferattr th :T=4, 001.1 low. AT. my. FOR SALE—HANDSOME BUILD .. WO en all tbe o f streets m a nia late Laereneeruie of mitten will on It. nod i_le2e ten. .. . . SILL At BON. ennui, Penn 'Enirtieterti stmts. "VOR SALE-200 LOTS - 20%100 FEET NACU. near Lawrenceville Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Vat 1111:0 twat said balance In font mean. These lota aregall. nOw selll a n T n vary tut. • number ot hos ar e an nd ter this month the twice me will be SUL For a plum te., call on T. H. WILL t SON, corner Penn and Thirty-third street, or to BOOT. B. !SILL. Attorney at Lew. 711 Grant street. SALE.—Engines and • New and Second Mind, of ail kinds, constantly hand. Odor from all pails at the estuary pros:44ly l► Sandal to. JAMES RILL & CO.. Corner Marlon Avenue and P.. Ft. W. & C. R. W. Alleaturny. Pa. • EOR HUE CHEAP OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPER&.—A One COUNTRY IDRNCR, onntalnlng serer with 3 hone. thereon; one. a line. oomfortable and tionvenhint. bonne; good water, and one of the beat water tall! the city a n d o f f ol.iltila , Mi c Hoed, g of a salle frrm fitewtitta Matta% Central Ragroad. A 1... several grood Far= In geed Rea tlons end houses for We. Maguire of • WILLIAII WARD, mlii No. VIII Grant CI.. apparels Cathedral. F OR SALE. . LIPPINCOTT HOMESTEAD. The above well known comerdesirale mbar/. situated on girth avenue. DinwicMe mem. 149 by 193 to COlwell Sigma. on which there is a large double two story subslantially boot betel dwelling. containing 14 moots, with water, gm., heater, d c. This Is undoubtedly a moat dedlrs ble prmerty for either residence or business pur poses, being Immediately opposite to the proposed new nigh avenue market house. If not sold soon to whole. will be divided. For terms. go. armoire of JAMPIS LIPPINCOTT. MIMI 23 Seventh Kremer DESIRABLE CITY ' RESIDENCE FOR RA.1.3.—1n good location on CUR street. Brig! corner ut ' widere. a large two stroll Brick House with porches on three sides. 11511.19 rooms. bath not, and rellar.saa niberlder Attars. shade trees. foastain shrubbery, ete...And Wren lota of ground. each 9 4 byl47sfllt deer. Also.. Bob?, Stable wed Lot 30 by on west tide of CUR street. Easy of no en by street Ctn. A spletelkt •lew of the tittu, rbreesand surrounding city. 9. CUTHBERT SON. mi 2 3 39 Meth Avenue. REAT • BARGAIN = . -A COTTARE 101 HOUSE %VI art. Park. irqb Snxhan grn a Dent mica It Plla TO; l b t It; at 4 1. Olgaar. rt . l it in iiinVerraftls; Watt gavel. JOTIN Q. WORKMAN If RICILUSODAVIs WORKMAN it DAVIS, Bowerman to WORKMAN. MOORE & eek. firsterwe sad Dean. lo Carriages, Ruggles, SPRING BUCK WAGONS, 42, 44, 46 sod Muter M., illegkeßy. d e a rilrife tirirtottrtir = l 4= snireated to sive satisfaction to •Tary ralrarA . VOT ravzvugA s ears aiske of MARS PATTNT rKELN. sail s = Potent toilet Ratites mid Bottler RIMIIID D 00AV rine. striktiwaid 's of WORKMAN. MOO 4 i t - e() ths h. btir . will hereafter be erantrosed uu oft steal s wider the suss and style otWOltilldAN DA% is. Orders willettint if O , R iu N CILZ V RIM%. Late with ClUsens' National Bank. bra s h. p VIE APPLES. A small lot of Trish' Plait Apples Plat eo *allied la good order. sod for sale low. et the Fl6l. Uy Groom of JO= A. RZNBEIAW. isy24 Corner Liberty and Ninth streets. f'IIEIIINT - .-100 bbls. Lontreille Hy &mile assents. toe hest to use. Ter sale 107 J.ll. CANIFIZJ). /Um avenue. FrENAMSEE COUNTRY MIRED so arrive /1A lOal e byi oaks . on Maw! Hobart Iloon, . • . DICKXT a co. 111 ==3, s i ls MEIJI =I