THE DAILY GAZETTE.: PUBLIBIIED BY EN N 1M AN,, REED & CO., Oirner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St. F. B. PENNIMAN, JOSIAH EMU T. 'P. ELOI7STON, N. P. REED, EDITORS AEU PROPRIETORS =I ny mmi. cer rear Debtrreci by culla.per week THE DAILY GAZETTE. THE PITTSBURGH MEMORIAL. It is worth while for every vzod citizen to lend the subjoin' tu'ernoriel, prenenteil tot'ongrene, by a delegetion of our opera. ti• c...0n Wednesday . lent. Thefto are the Citizens whom our free trade printe,looking Pit them from the . F.timpeen 'dant:lpoint , n. bon pt to Pincer at WI sheen"and • r uend lentos. - We copy from the official report in the Congreeeionol Globe: 'Mr. Negley—i rusk llnatrimoua consent to present and have printed in the Globe a memorial of the workingmen of Pitts burgh, irrespective of party. The memorial was received and or dered to ho printed in the (ib,be. as fol bnFe To at , . lionorable Sc,nton , and Reps.. rui otirca the people of (hi Coifed .States, in flonrirese niqemblerf : • 111 .:5TLEMILN The Utith•rt•ig not, tie ),10.41 by the iron-workers of the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and vicinity, to visit Congress for the pnrpone of pleading against the reduction of the tariff' upon -- iron, beg leave to present to 'our honer. able bodies the inventive that induced our vtivrnit hero, together with the interests ittvolyett_ - The gridual decline In iron during the last ear, nudes a natural consequence a eorrespontling reduction in our wages, have erlatonkleel ns , end ith us our fel low.workere,"of the neet-esitvef arousing anti outaelvi•s lu defense o f th e great fraternity of labor, that fraternity through which the framer ion of our mt. t 'oral wealth is only gtutranteed, and upon whout the maintenance of the honor of our nation in time of pent feat only ' Le re. I 'pon a consideration of the present ren dition of the iron trade, viewed by the light of all the intelligence we can aim mend, we aro lett, to the cent:lesion that our employers, under existing circum. ampere. are 'tealiaing . scarcely, certainly toe more than a fair and reasonable profit atom the iron manufactured, and with a positive ' realinsi knowledge • that the wages new paid no are scarcely more than adequate to defray. the necessary expendi tures of. our families, to soy nothing of natural afford our children the Ket mesas of education. Contemplating too, the probably, nay, the inevitable cer tainty. lof a still further reduction in pur wages, brought about by foreign comps.- tine through a reduction of the present lut lea upon foreign iron, we are constrain ed tontine our emcee in opposition braying ; Congress to protect, above everything elae, American labor, and thereby the Ameri can people; for labor, by virtue of its numbers7tonstitutes the people. To that end we were delegated to come to Washington city; but finding 'that members of Congress are too busily en gaged in their respective duties to give as the hearing Personally that we desired, and the expenses of living here being too exhorbitant to allow us to remain any _length time, ,we aro compelled to return to our homes, and in lieu thereof adopt thin method of presenting our cause. • To at length enter upon en nrgument in (aim of a pmtective tariff we deem at this time unnecessary, inasmuch as the representatives of that interest in Con. greed hare already presented the subject in such a light that our efforts,perhaps, *mild only darken , with an ability truly exhaustive and, and in our judgment, in vulnerable. What tvc ask is that the Mon interests of our country shall not be placed in jeep. anly by any intervening act of COIIRTV., but oirthe contrary that you will extend such aid by congressional enactments as will continue to infuse vigor; activity and prosperity. 'Should the foreign manufac turer desire to enter into competition in our market here with our home prodncere, let them pay for OW privilege In the shapeof a duty upset their products, which will 'not only bo a source from_whenes our National Treitattry will receive supplies, but will also be effective in reducing the •price of iron to the coniumerbv virtue of a healthy competition. Since arriving here we have frequently been ram with the assertion that during the last few years one emplevers have re sliied immense fortune, and that there is Ate justice Ina demand that will, they say, continue to sender fabulous profile. To this 'we reply, that during the war nut - iron manufacturers did realize' enor mons profits, and with a selfishness by no mesas commendable, launched them en tire into theirown coffers,' avoiding sue reasfulle a fair distribution with the labor that produced the article Fold; but we beg leave,to remind you that in this great re. serve of llberty,labor Sn the iron-works is daily growing in intelligence, demanding and receiving to a greater extent today their proportionate share of the profits de. rived lons the manufactured article than I ever before in thin country. The labor of ten years ago, in point of intelligence, dignity, and manhood, can. not 'possibly be compared with_ the Inbor et today. The preservation of that dignity. the source from which that intelligence is tie. Heed, um only be maintained by our abil ity to work, and the remuneration we re. ceive therefor. Strike at the iron interest of the .roun try bv 'a reduction of the duties upon tile foreign article, thus reducing the price and consequently our wages:ona you strike at the comforts of our firesides, cripple one energies, and dwarf an atnbi ion to elevate our posterity to. the high est plane of American citizenship. To forever be -hewers of wood and drawers of water - is a condition foreign to every precept in the history of our country and its people, and doubtless there are-many who are toiling today in oar iron-manufacturing establishments, aspiring, by their meager savings, deri ved by no means from overpaid wages, to .) be some day not . only workep, but 'mit ewners in establishments yet to be built. if the business be not protected from excessive foreign competition, their .aspi. rations can never' be realized. Protect, then, that interest, and you create an in centive that will be conducive to the erec tion of iron works throughout our entire . country thus opening up new avenues for '. the toling and down-trodden millions of ' the earth, creating a prosperity here, the influence of which *ill ramify favorably throughout every descriptive Interest. When tee aro reminded of the fact that 101 l a Int. years ago,, when the Witte in volved was one of free and slave labor, new emphatic the free labor of this land declared, through the;that the • soil of our tree Territories should not be Blighted by the damning influeneen of slave labor, and how nobly that principle was defended by the arm labor upon the bloody fields of the late war, we feel justified in pleading in the interests, end' in behalf of at least a large portion el that labor. We, plead not in the interests of our employer exclusively, but in the combined interests of employer and employed. We know if he is enable to successfully run . his works we cannot receive employment, and without employment at our 1:111441 TO cations we will be compelled to seek new ones. spheres to' which we would not probably be adapted, thus proving detri mental not only I to us, but possibly to others 'alto. ' We pray, then, that you do not dectease • the .present duties on iron, and in our prayer we desire more,especially to ap. peal to the representatives of the great party that has been so Instrumental in wiping out human bondage and elevating all labor to a free and common level, and that DO., when the cloud of war has dis appeared, leaving our country once more ii united and in peace, you exert yonnielees tl with all the ennobling eltaracteristicsAf etateameniu.preserving _the dignity and • comfort of that labor,- and through your ,wisdom such laws will be enacted as will tend to enhance Its pmspierity. M. S. liourengss, . DAVID HAREM J. D. EvAse, - B.A. McGinn : • Committee. 1 Wain:won& Crrr, D. C., May .14. IEOO. llxase Pommy. Nelson'a stained. enameled and embossed glass is certainly !quarto tho best made at homo and abroad. ,Esamine it. iiiiiiMEM;S=M23::=2llT23==iiiiiiiiiMilil j tit •V . 1111 A ' \s - I M I,tit -vv4. /v <*#, F ESTABLISHED IN MG, iii 3 GENERALITIES THEY have Confederate pieniesin Metn dds. Tn in f rom -Nr.w England—Shoo fly &nap .—ux tall. • Wkit:At ti ready for the tickle in Mte • THE eats luirvent in in begin in - (inorgia ilext wenk. A .I.aanan: maia and fnmain_crdlegn is a Ttraan Meet. Tilt; intilodelpliii Bec coils every 1.01. tun nn edition. " PEACIILs and apple., pronnae 1.1 I. drug in Georgia. LITTLL Roo:, Arkanans, Lad n alight earthquake last week. JUDIJIMI by our exchangek the country .•. . iv swarming with 'crcuses. - .IonDAN Iwo done runcli to make Do- Hoda a hard to travel no possible—Boston Pool Toe employes of the North l'amlina Railroad are to wear nnifortna idler next month. Tun Nevnila titate House will be ready or occoputiOn by the next netiaimi of the .egislat ore. Tut: Boston AdvertiArr sAys,.No•patiets were pored to make the Philadelphia ,Imilidonn successful." PILINCE. IjEOROE of • Prueniithas joined the ranks of royal authors under the 110111 dr plume of Cl. Conard. Ton A toolsa, a jeweler in Blountsville, Alabanta, wan shot dead while. Standing in kin own doorway last week. SlNct; the 'AleFarland rial,content's,. rary thinks ()tin must hare Mum morally insane when he killed 'Abel. 1. - MITA:ENE:RATE youth at 'Frisco call it to pot clothes -pins on dog's tails. and them - level the human race. THE New. York Times says that the - re• peaters" were great travellers at Tuesday's election there: "they journied train poll to No Chinainen having been stabbed. shot or run over at Sacramento within the prat two days, the Bee Thinks it in dull in the city. A DROWNED man picked up at New York n dm. or trim ago. graxped in one habd n lifelese dog. Hie bark wan One down forever. So far as is known but one Philadelphian wlitt woo asked, refused to aid the Rich mond . sutlerers, and he is reputed to be worth $1 4 .00,000. iNDIANA le about to receive from the United States $.111,000 as an indemnity kir looses sustained by her citizens by Morgans rebel raids. LTDIA Tuogrsoti, Alex. Henderson and Archibald tiordon were fined V.VO each. and Pauline Markhant $l5O for their at. tack on Story. the Chicago editor. A OL ERGS - X.34i of COWL. recent ly married a couple on the care, without the other pasmengeni haring Inc knowl edgeOr sunplcion of the transaction. PII sent nearly' twice as mu ley to relieve the Richmond euf. fetes Id Neu- York. - From the Witr city the amount collected Is r ael $7 Az. TUE Wistonsiu papers .are waxing warm in debating the question whether or ntd women shall be admitted into the state University on an equality with Ito male students. A 't.ty named Raiford loadetl n 'nuke' .hot 1111 Thur.lny.nwl fired into a gang of boys who were * tainting iu tle river near his residence in Aagm.ia. tea He brought down tkree. • A '4A . Lin; hail storm visited tirrenvill and Laurens counties. South Carolina,last week, doing considerable damage to tlo growing crop. The bail covered TI ground to the depth of three.. inches. TUE, Troy 1174 has. novel remedy for foolish marriages, proposing that the clergyman phonic' Fe better paid, no that they will not to. under temptation, for a paltry fee, to of lemitize them. - t Tux New York .Commercial wants the Board of Brokers of that city, to follow the recent esample of the Berlin and Lon don Stack Exchange* and strike off ones tionable securities from the lists. °Wftv." asked a go mess of her little charge. -du or. Fray Uod to .give us our daily bread?. V. by don't we ILA for four dors, or five days, or a week!" "Wel want it freshr replied the Ingenious_ehild. Tut Lersui 'Herald states ediuiriallY that unless Mr. Soutz.o. the Cheek minns ter)! War. is slandered.his relations with the brigamis are more intimate and reeip meal than be would probably atm t o , knowledge. SENATtni Ft.tinv, of ronuedicitt, is go. ing the war of all baCksliders. He has already got - beyond Mr. Footer, whom he superaerled because he proferiaed to he more radical. and is rapldly overtaking • Mr. Dixon. TUE Southwmg Virginia Mormons are congregating at Wrtimrille, preparatory to their transportation in a bode to tin. Kingdom itif Brigham Young. 'Seventy. fire or a liondrod of them had aanembled at lent rcports. A TERRIBLE hail-storm -occurred at Wilmington. North Carolina, on Friday morning, and extended some. distance up the Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Some of the hall stones were said to be an large an ben 's eggs. THE friends of the San Domingo treats give up all hope of its bring ratified bj- Ole Senate. there being more than twenty. four votes against it—the number nem,- sary to secure its defeat. The protector ate scheme will now be tried. A I,TRAN(Ii: epidemic among evergreens is prevalent through Central Illinois. In some lovalitleie not one has been left. Fine trees, apparently healthy, arc struck with the blight, and in ten days are with .ered and dead. The cause is unknown. Mu. LAKE 1). CilAnwicK, a young man of Charleston, S. C.. was shot and almost Instantly' killed by his brother John Chad- Wick, Jr., on Waamaian Island, last Week. The two young men were conversing to gether, when u pistol which John was placing' with was accidently discharged, will ouch fatal result. Tut: beautiful milieu,' at Ridgovray North-Carolina, recently built by. Prof Dodworth,of New York, and occupied con jointly by Meecre. E. Ford and J. D. North saa fientroyed by fire nn Thursday las The occupants Mul barely time to escape- with their lives, losing nearly all their clothing, furniture, dc. No insurance. The fire was accidental. OMAHA has amen who lives with his family in one of the law iron tubes used In the construction of the bridge. lie was too poor to buy or rent Oven the hum blest frame cabin, so he adopted this sing ular expedient. lie has constructed a neat stone fire-place in bistros house, and here the wife and children manage to liveand got their frugal mends. The following advertisement was re oontly published in the New York Herald: "Degrees (U. D., D. D.; &e.) wanted. An English gentleman of position is desirous of obtaining Honorary• Degrees for some of England's bent authors and distinguish ed men, whom he could conscientiously recommend. The presidents of chartered colleges or universities will oblige by im mediately annniunicattng with Dr. —. - street NeW York." Tim Houston (Texas) Union says Dr. W. H. Famer. editor of the late . ./Fews- Letter. "is the rightful heir to an estate in (lemony. said to be worth several null• lions, of pounds sterling, which estate, when obtained; will oonfer upon him the title of Duke of Ihulen-Thulen. This title he cares nothing about, as he would not give up the title of an American citizen and the pride of being a Texan for all the dukedoms in Germany," but he in going after the money. Or Mies Abell. formerly with the Rich. ing's Opera Troupe, the Holston fast says: This young lady, who Is Boston born and a great favorite kith', our people, has reached Milan, and is already under the beet musical ad e. , Bite la at pros. ente a pupil - of Sangtotitnni, one of - the first masters in Italy, who la full of faith and enthusiasm as to g her future. He has ofibred: her two - enagements Withra, which she will probably accept. this view she is to study "Faust," "Favorite," .Trariata," Trovatore," ",Berbkm.. :P•Semirainide" and other standard owes. These who know her best will not doubt of her success. Of the many lady vocalists who have gone to Italy front Beaton none "have given more promise than Alit% Abell A.TItAXELEII; wbn demanded his trunk at a Baltimore depot before all nthent, anti was told by the Irish beggage.masier-that he must have patience and wait his turn, turned upon the baggage-toaster with, "You're an impudent dog." To which he of the trunks rejoined: "An' faith, To are a monkey, and it's a great pity that when we two were made bastes, ye wasn't mad, ■n illiphmq . so that ye could have vet blasted wank ander ver noes 'all the time." 11F. New York Iroad re- • fors to the McFarland caM•, and denitunces McFarland as one of the meanest and most despicable cowards. whose baseness in publishing his wife's hitters altar the trial was Over displayed an ohnsual depth of degradation. It soya:. 'Vie anti unt sure that hanging would not have.been greatest merry (lint could be shown tint, for what can life be 'worth to a mil, •trmnt to thormighly despised and loathed MEM=MI hind's side before and during the trial.. and pnblinhi•d dump u the private fetters it refers. to, A Pm:plc - mit Etnrinit.sabi.—An old miner recently returned to San Francisco front a region two hundred and fifty miles north-east of Fort Mohave, \where, accord ing to his report, he found,gold dust and nuggets in abundance in the Streams. The 3Johave Indian's, whileiumnitting him to help himself to no much treasure as he I wanted, forbade him to b 'lig other white men to assist Ida, in gat wring it. lie claims to be the first white. nan who ever visited that region.. As a s iecial favor the. Indians introduced him to t wir priestess : an aged woman, a hundred. - ears 01,1, and he was surprised to hear he describe San Francisco es accurately ic!, i she was well acquainted with it, and still noro startled to hear her predict the city could be swal lowed up by au earthquake in 1878. WE find in the Philadelphia Milletin the following: Thoughowf a belated pa.seenger on the North Penntsylvania milk train: Ought not the milk to come down by the Whey Train.: Is the detention owing to something that bas n.curtl'! At what distance can we hear the motives.cream? . That engine stns tiro hullers ahcad and noun butters behind. We should get to town sooner if they euld bring the milk udder-wine. Ought not the ismsengers much town mer thou the milk can •. == compelled to Aide 4in the cow catcher'! ' hat dairy is best adaped to a sandy ,mill The drotnedniry,! torn the conductor make a milk pond •ry time, he taken op a ticket on th . Ik train' Tax Douglass monument at Chicago is a ruin and a failure, and it is now pmposed as the land upon which Mt. Douglas is buried is valuable, and as it belong to the State, to cause the monument and the re. mains it covers to be retuoved to larg er adjacent grounds of the Chicago rni vnrsity, the prep...tit burial place, and, with the 1110111`y gotten therefor—a sum, variounly ,timated at t-10.000—romplete the monument on the original, or n still more elaborate plan. The grounds of the University *ere given by Mr. Dr.tlg6ll. SO it is fitting that his remain• should repo, there. It is under- eoaal' that the Trustees of the ritiversity. Mr. Douglas's widow and bans. his atrong est personal friends. and indeed every. Mole to whom the plan has been sal ted. are in favor of what is proisl;.ed.., Tut. tioneral Assembly of the reunit e d Presbyterian organization will embrace het seen fit e and sin hundred delegat and will he the lot,e,tt ever cretvened ie Al',wring. Three illiportant Presbyterian Indies in the British Islands have tent . men of high reputation an mrreopontling delegates. The Free Church of Scotland sewn, Bev. Wilitani Arnot and Professor Blalkie, of Edinburg, both well known on this tide of the Atlantic an authors. The rnited Presbyterian Church of Unit Britain sends Revs, Dr. Edmund, of Lon don, and Dr. Macleod, of Birkenhead, near Liverpool. The !Hall Presbyterian Church sends Rev. Prof. Wain', of Assembly'n • . ('ollege. in Belfast, and Thomas Esti., a leading citizen of the same place. [Dr. Dill, of I.ndooderry, wan appointed chairman of this tlelegation, but the table has since announced his decease.] The growth of cordial feelings between the Presbyterian Morales of the Old find the New Wotld, within the last flee years. has been eery marked end to eid, ■nd in more than one cmarter proposals ate heard or the organization of a Pan.Preabyt erian Is4enthly, to represent and unite allthe hatches who adhere to the faith and .olity which .Thlnr eatabhnhed here hundred yenrll ago in Geneva. • OHIO TniThwer rolling ^ars is now olfi•red THE State Deinaert held at Columbus mill, idle for two (or sale: title Convention is to t Juno Ist. • $lO,OOO in stamina coverml a *104100900 inotgage at Colutnbus Saturday. SPRINGFIELD'S $9.0,000 for the (*ohm. boo, Springfield and Cincinnati ltailrnnd is made up and the road is to be built. DAYTON is trying to form a mammoth oint stock company to inanufacture agri ultuml implements and secure clam' MR. AND Mn.N 30UN TREAT celebrated their golden ...eliding on the 10th Mat. at their Koine in Vernon, Trumbull minty. Mao. KIMPFIAN who failed to get a di vorce from her husband in the. Akron courts on the Ilth loot., hale eloped with a young man named Forderle, taking her .two children with her. SATURDAY the Cincinnati, tiallipolis Pomeroy Railroad incorporated with el,- 900,000 capital to run through ilamilton, Clermont, frown, Highland, Pike, Gallia, Jackson and Meigs counties, . . PROF. E. li. ANDTMWB, of the State fie. ological Corps, has just returned from a tour through the Licking County gold fields. lie found j,v9,1 in small quantities, but thinks It would pay better to work a gravel bank. Or last Friday morning Mins Mary Powleson, of New Philadelphia, was found dead In her bed.. She was a Yfunag lade against whom no one mold speak a word. quiet In liar demeanor and a earnest christian, ahe wastighly ?rape ed by nil -who knew her. 1m A m:owl' to $6,000 dam ges wan ( I rendered last week in the Licking musty Common Pleas Court, against Ole Balti more and Ohio railroad, in favor of a brakeman, named Cornell, who had his leg broken and nn arm crushed by a col lision on the read' last Winter. EDITORS oASETTE: As It has been an nounced in the OSTRITE and Republie that I ant a candidate, for the State Sen ate, to succeed Mr. Reward, In answer to numerous inquiries allow me to state that 1 am not a candidate. 1 pregame the re. port originated from the fact that I have been Urged, by a number of my friends on this side of the river, to submit my name for. the Senate at the. expiration of the present term of olliceF of the lion. James Omhant. JAMES Mullitltm. RIAAXiIf ENV, May 19,1870. IF YOE EAT half - a "dozen Mares of bread you won't get as much nouriiihnicnt au you could from 'one glass of Pier Dannala & Co's Cicam Me. Mclinneroirr.—Thu fourth great male of those beautiful lots is advertised to wine off on Monday. 7dd, with the metal free incur/don. See advertisement. AD OLD ESTABLISHMENT. - Nelson's glass staining establishment was founded fourteen years ago. Now located at 23 Market street. WELL Buovris.—The fact that Wm. N,._elson. 28 Market street. produces the tined work to be seen In the country. It beers.the closest inspection. RAXE Won:.—This is the exclamation of all who examine Nelson's stained glass. It beans sorntiny. No 23 Market street. PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY. MAY 21, 1870. PENNSYLVANIA Foittisr (minty has a new coati house vitich met t_2 3110. Is Scranton a man named Piety mis ook arsenic tor golnine. The Pine of the unreal was to be ;m1 1 °1111(441 in the Mein t.g papar. THE Forest Rcimblitan advocates the re.el'etion of Hon. li. W. Scofield to Cnn- greys front the district of which Forest county is a part. 'THE iro.tnasters of Columbia, Pa., at a meeting'Fridac. expressed a determination to stop the proanction of pig iron, claim ing that the current rates were utipmfita. ble. Tice Venangn t 'omits* Ibtpubbean pri. 'nary elections' will be )aeli, On the 281 It is . Metrarn.llfillan,and Galbraith are the candidates fnr Congirss and J. D. Mc Jancklit foi• Aentbly.. Timm: will be a intuiting of the D. U. !' O. M.'s and P.-D. C. of Erie, Warren. • Venango. Mercer and Cmwfonl counties. at Meadville, on the 30th inst.. at 2 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of fixing on a place in one of these counties for holding the proposed Odd celebration on the Fourth of July. iIIIrNSTQWN lens excited by 11 11111 d 1 , 1111 last tuesday. It rushed about town deal ing destruction. A man named Bowers and a little girl ayes both badly injured, and a number of wagons were demolished. On the same day. in the same place, a cow went mad and tossed and frightfully gored a Mrs. Samuels. Evidently the cattle can't stand Johnstown. • YORK has a haunted house. where an invisible but heavily shod visitor tramps through the rooms eiew when lightid. and tilled with people. Groans and sighs are heard anti the hed clothes are pulled from a certain bed. The kitchen table moves about, and everything occurs just the same whether the house he dark or brightly lighted. The . ghost who tuakes the most noise is thought to have a wood en leg. Tut: Uniontown I:ruins sage On Tiles. day last we stopped fora few moments at Jackson mines to watch the worknien who were engaged in grading the gt4nd for 1 .. the Cochran Bros. new ovens. NV the we were standing there, a blast was put o ff which was placed in what they 11 th_ top plate shell: and was not n hea l / 4 •Y one, but it' sent large tunsttes of rocksl hying into the air. and threw two pieces Weigh ing almosra hundred pounds clearlacross the railroad track,one of them falling upon the roof of a one-story house which stands there, and crasht4l through it, making the shingles By in every direction. The other struck the weatherboarding . of an adjoin ing inmost% and knocked a , hole in it at least a foot in diameter. Directly under the spot where the stone hod struck sussl a bed, and quietly sleeping thereon lay two young children. A strong ceiling of pine boards had stnrpett the stone, or they would surelY hare been crushed to (tenth BRIEF TELEGRAMS Francis Yernt's malt him% at Philadel Phi:. w burned on Frblay. Lots MOO/. —The spinners at Clark's thread factory, at Newark. N.. 1.. have resumed work at cmplo er's terms. after a three uzeks' strike, —tleOrge Ilrmitnno knitting mill. at Iteanjngrun, It.. was burned yesterday after noon. Ltnis, /ZOO; covered by insurance. --The German Theatre In III:ean, west di vision. was destroyed by arc at I o't:lock yee tcrday morning. together with aconsidetable muscat of theatrical property --At Cleveland, Thursday night,'thc ware house of Freeman k Crumb's lubricating oil works. was destroyed by are. Loss estimated at $40,000; covered by Insurance. —lt la Wain relnrYd.thit 14. Pa t en pc otailed In *a nirton City, with a capital of $15,000, to take the place of the Nit:lomat Irdrlllwrirer. -Thom. Ilamenn. wife noinaerer. han been themeted at Morrinionvn. of murder .:ecod degree, and will probahl err %sent cuce of twenty years' imprisonment A special from Iles Minn,. Ito, sa% here have been copious rains through Central %era duriturthe past three clays, , ve hid% hate yee f rent benefit to the crops. all of which reloot i ngi first rate. —The Butted :States Insurtst grand Jury of Tylor, Texas. hns found !MT-tout' tr e e Unix for Internal revenue frauds against Horace Broughton. ux-assessor, and Thos. Browning and George It. Stunning, ex-assistant ai !Msrl, -Extensive pre rations are making for the :fleeting of the internaffounl Typographical Union in Cincinnati. to begin 6th Soar. Delo gates• will be present from. all parts of the United States and Canada. Too ladles will i.e present as delegates from New York. --Red Cloud and twenty other Indian chiefs. .momOnnled by the notorious renegade John Richards, are expected to reach Cheyenne • Tuesday next. They wlikbe furnished by Gen eral-Augur with en escort at that point to conduct them.on their way to Washington. --Judge McCann. at New York. has dis charged two children trout the control of the . . . . Commissioner. of Charities and Correction. holding that they could not be detained until the,pnyment of a board bill incurred under au agreement with their parents or guardian. —The New York Mudniene Sodety held their thirtieth annivensery on Tkursdny. Mr, Thomas Hastings, the head of the lost I- . . . . baton for twenty years past, resign w ed the Po sition.' The receipts last year ere ft=o. and the Inmates one hundred and Ilftiy-three. —Mr. Susisky, the defaulting treasurer of St. tools. fulled to give brill In SIO.CuLI to answer an Indictment for embezzling $140,00. and has been committed to prison. Three of his bondsmen have made known their readi ness to pay their proportion of his bond, and the fourth will probably pursue the name course. • —A cooing has been issued ordering the war dens of Trinity Church,New York, or their representatives. to appear In the United States Circuit Court and' answer a complaint of number of heirs of Anek Jens, whose prop erty Is In possession of the church. The serv ing of the writ created considerable excite ment among the magnates of Trinity. —There lx considerable commotion among the Peale. in Chicago. over the expected ar rival on Monday evening next of Gen. O'Neill. who goes to complete arrangements already nearly matured for sending a force to old Melt against the British expedition on Its way to the Red River country. He Is expect ed to make Chicago his headquarter.. —Oen. Po telegraphs to military head quarters at. 'cage. that the Indian raid no the Use of the Kansas Pacific Road seems to be ended, and thinks the arrangements made will prevent the re-occurrence of such outra ges. Gen. Sherman telegraphs Gen. Pope that he hopes the most vigorous measures possible will be adopted to capture and destroy the In dians who made the raid. —St. Louis has undertaken to get pollees elan of the gas works, the City Counsellor having been instructed to Ming suit against the company to compel the sale of the works to the city. as provided by contract. The gnu company . has brought sults against the city for sums alleged to be due for gas furnished for three years. aggregating over s3oooo—this being regarded as an offset to the nit by the cite. From the report of the Cincinnati Board of Health for the year ending March 15t.1870. it appears there has been one death to sixty nine and one-half, whereas by the last census In the whole county . of Hamilton, there was one in forty-nre and one-half. Thedenth rate Is much less than in London and cities gener ally in Europe as well on New York, lit.Lonis. Chicago and the remainder of the-principal cities of the country. The whole number of deaths for the year.was 3,740. —Further 'partlmilars of the Ore which oc curred at Weriona, Illinois, on the lath, show It to have been more extensive and destruc tive than It first reported. Almost the entire business portion of the town was destroyed. Including n large block of wooden buildings occupied by dry goods store., groceries. drug stores. Jewelry stores, etc., it steam elevator, owned by Buckingham & Bro.' of Chicago, Illinois Central depot, freight bonne,. tele graph and Itarx offices; etc: Loss $140.000: Insured for principally In the;Hartford and Xtna o ces. • , —important movensents are afoot at NeW York relative to the departure of the fithan Privateer Upton. She Pa lled with three hun dred men and provisions insuMcient for half that number. It Is reported that the Spanish Minister has placed a Spanish man-of-war at the disposal of a celebrated detectlie, who confidently affirms that be will capture the Upton within three days. The Spanish man of-war is off Cape Henry, within signal dis tance, and can he warned instantly of the ao pearunce of the Upton on any part of the coast. Another experienced detective in the employ of the Cuban Junta, will probably con trive to out-wit the Spanish agents. —The New York World says: "!tome time since General Hancock wrote to General Sherman inquiring why he wo not promoted to the position vacated by the death of Gen eral Thomas. which belonged to him in the order Of preoadenoe. The letter wm - shown to the Presklent, who dictated the substance of the reply. Shortly afterwards General Hancock received from the Lieutenant Gen eral a curt answer, couched in the following terms: q. am requested by the President to in form you that there Is nothing In your person al relations to General Grant or official otion now, or lend rela prom Hoes to Ms adminietratkm that could justifyKour ereallisr.'' . . —The officers of the Chicago and Alton Roil' you to expect If "ad' have executed a perpetual IMMO of the Loulelema and Missouri River Railroad which will give .a Chicago direct line to Fort Scott. Tbe Company will immediately mammon the construction of the mad • from Jacksonville or White Hall. IIL, the mitttuipoi river, where trains will connect hy. a transfer 'boat with the • Louisiana and Mis souri River road for KAMAN City and et. Joseph. Branches win also he built through Glasgow or Brownsville to See. della and theta on to Fort Scott. BY this route the distance, from Cyaago to the re. firteg t atp , . 11 1 111 be a d t. asfollrAt T O, Scott 140. ILL trahrwill br running through next fall. , FIRST EDITIOI. IGHT. PR ESRVT ER TAN The General is.serobt of the Reunited Presby team'. Church. ins Telegraph to ttie Pittaburgh ilakette.) I's FLA unt..rtuA. Alny 10,15711. The first meeting:of the tiencrei Assembly of the Itimulted-Pitesbyterion Church, com posed of the wholi of the late Old School and New School hallo, commenced this niorning in the l4xot Presbyterian Church. on Washington :time. The building, was beautifully derorateif with evergreens, hich were tastefully festeohed iirmlnd the bunt of the galleries. Immediately over the pulpit wan the text: "See ore lhry suing larsobox, ortiout our tr.sly," fu letters formed of ivy leaves.. On the front of the organ-loft were the ia4artiatoma 15711." tit., in Ivy leaves. The pulpit tens Winos' covered with flowers. a beautiful hOthquet of exotics being on midi side of the desk. The vast eillece tins densely crrnviled the delegates and interested spectators, who • occupied every available Melt of space In the pews, aloes, galleifea, pulpit stepti t nirl where ever else stionting..or sitting room could be obtained. The galleries.are strengthened try extra Iron posts, eta inches in diameter, in or sloe to support the great strain on them ad to obvinte an possihilitY of Occident. Many distinguished cli!rgvineu of the Pres byterian Church are present it this bible.. and it will be the most importmit delit erative lusty ever held in the history of the Church. ' , AlllOllg the delegates ore the Mrs. Robert Watts, D. It. and Mr—Sinclair. from Belfast, Ireland: Rev. tin. Arnot end [tinkle. of Edinburgh. Iter. Mr. Edmund. of Birkenhead. England: Dr. McLeod, of Lyndon, and Rev. James M. Priest, a ccilored delegate. from Liberia. In Aeries. - Promptly at eleven o'clock the exercises opened with it voluntary on the organ, per formed bee. Emmert. Esp.. the organist of the church. At the. , clove of the voluntary, an anthem wnn , sung. consisting •f the tenth Psalm of David. which was rendered by a quartettechoir. After the anthem, 'pray, wax offered by Hee. X. W.,incolno. Modemtor of the Old School Assembly. The ',glowing hymn. entitled - I)ne." stud written 14timeciAlly for the occasion by Francis De lines Jointer. WO. their sung to the tune of 01,1 Hand -1 rest, l " while the whole great congregation Joining heartilt - In the singing: ' Almighty Owl—While. day by day we falter. talb and pato , away; Thy etumgelego glory we adore: Immutable forevermore. Though prone to err. and disagree, And slight thy law of harmony; All controversy we resign. And pledge ourselves. In union, Thine 'Chine, andThtne only. would w e One with each other. one with Thee In Clod the Father. God the Son. And God the SPA. ever one. One. In the minion tee (dint; (too. In tlevotiOn to Thy, will; One, herr, in fellowship and love; One. with Thy tsuivolned ehtlreh nbeivc. • Itet. Dr. Philemon It. rimier, Modenttor of the hut New ;School Assembly. then read the leaaou from EJMnsianot I V. chapter. alter which Dr. Jacobus aptin (Merest' reaper. The 1:111.1 , Psalm, Dann the - Church Psalmist." Lose Thy Kingdom Lord. - was then sinte. Or. Herrick Johnsonannounced that the. Committee of rennrements had flied ht. fol lowing at the h ours for the fleeting 14 the As sembly each day Open at 9A. 111 One hour to he parsed in re lialoua Take a recess from 1 r. N. to t. C. N.. and adjourn at Zits. r. N. Rev. Dr. "'ulster then preached the Modera tor sermon. ..ThVV! in 1.211,614 Y and not spirit. even to , ye re ...lied In one hope of your callinp."--Epti, 11. The !termini, which occupied an hour-and a quarter ill its deli . was closely attended I to by She lame . At It 1.7 9 , !th /Xt it/ tir `ma on ortho Aeaenittly would be freely open to the .11111ie. Ile then slall : "The Genonsl Assent -1 I .lt of the Presbyterinn Chureh in the rotted Stairs ur America 1,111.! onler." The Ain:mint' Won then opened with Inver by the Pee. Pr. Jacobus. Miadernl iit the ht.t old uttetu nuts nu rd many', connubial,. 0,1 he., fitunit ileteettve. he tenuld ittipilint a tnnunin - ter nit Connitineions. c,r tposedret. diet. Geo. r. Hickman. D. 11.. lies. Samuel AL Morton and Hasid lioltinson. Esq.. to whom als thich com missions Omni.% be ',lent's!. • t' At the afternoon session Kw, Dr. J. T. Parkas. ut Schenectady. was elected Modern. tor urncclamation. and the Assembly then adjoed. Synods will report to-ntorrow. and the lie. construction Conintittee SaturilitY. Pitzt.abrzenta. May 9L-In the Presbyteri an Assembly this morning the Moderator read a t. wet. ars • rreCHRISTIASS LOOKING . FOR tha bleseedhupe. theirloriouo appearinlinf the Great:God and the Lord Jesus, will worship in quiNcv it ALL. 127 14tcock street, Allegheny. I,I,DER WO.OlDEbt. will preach TO.3IIIIRBOW at 10:30 and 3 and 7:30 0..01. come and we winter and d.l you to O. 3FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH her Hester street and Montgomery nee nue, Allegheny City, JOSEPH KING thisto Presehlng TO-MORROW ibord's Dare. .10M A. stud 7' P.m. &oda entirety toot and a cordlal Invitation to Sunday School at A. O. PREACHING LS THE HALL OF the YOURTII WARD SCROOL.Pittabargh, where Iter. A. M. Milligan's congregation woe.' shim , . on SABBATH MOBNINCI. at lON o'clock. by Rev. D. C. MARTIN. Subject- - Ctirist the model life... Also, at 731 Re,. D. Olt£6o. of New Vont. hubjeet— , Cbrlst's call to th chinch. - Sabbath Sebool at IN. All are Melted ATTENTION:—An Excellent oppor tuulty—to lorest In PATENT RIGHT for Western Pennsylvmis r The article is needed in every Tangly. Will P T n Loire per cordage. Are ply to BARTON LOWE. 38 Sixth street. myll PROPOSALS. SEALED PROPOSALS will be metro] by the CENTRAL DOA ItD OF EDUCATION of the City of Pittsburgh. In neon-dance with the provisions of an Act. Supplementary to an Act.relating to the School Laws of the City of Pittsburgh. That the Central Boar 4 of Education Annua l lyree months fru the peruse of this and Annuathereafter. select from the s an e banks or regular exchange brokers , of raid clays Masa no or place of deposit for nll,OllOOl fund. uder the control of sold. Boned. and said Rued to give ten days' mitts by publleatiiin in t ooted wepa published in Paid 'city asking for proposals from raid Paulo or exchange brokers to act as treas urer or ;lamellar,' of said school funills.and the se lection shall be made upon the opening of said o.lr7irettlrfa b Pr z ' ITZglrg aragi ;LT; woollen by brod, c to no apprised by wild Rood, and shall pay for th e use of said shoot fund the highest rate of Interest on careen% balances. and pny all cheeks. warrants ur drafts of the proper °Meer or °Motu of odd board on demand.. ' In accordance with share jitet and resolution. passed by the Board. Sealed Missal. will he . mined and opened al the nest regular meliting f the Bunt at their rooms. Yo. $1 Fourth avenue. on TUIDDAY. June 14th pros. Bidden also to state on what term. they will Iran the Board such mono so may be nereaury for school and school building PnrNee.• GEO. H. ANDERSON, • mill PRIDIDENT P. T. JUST REAM BOOK FOR THE TIMES ONLY A GIRL.; ECZEEM I , rom the Clensue of Wllhelothie Veit HID =I Translator of . The Old afism'aelleeZo o: 72 eld IClrle," “Countres etc. OM O.°. J .... 3:llll47s'lnsCrel.ittbest WM"— Phila. Pre.. hi a Wtl7 With • 00.0 ., • °°• forcel am ible. and Polla•e•O L O Ih r ithmit is oelle t."— aser Its. • • • Tee too.! lto Phila. North Americ..un o , l° '-'"rrea/s can WY. down •rithOi Tesdhigiincith the superior talent of Ira lOW ~Vs t hr e. i f...7VlVlTA7 llll. ;" = .l . l 7= di t ried writers of the and while In the of "se of i t s Whs. and the mind rtiond le•son is equal. I has t I t o ouperior •ny work of she character that as for resin tome and"t„,,.. notke."—llittaburgh Dispatch. oltogUsti Tendons of Glenn. novels Dore be come popular of late. and no one ha•Melact.l more phisalar and interesting .d clothed them to I. uc h awcabla Enshas a. lam Wleter."—Phlhi. n alter. I, we by all Boolosellers, or win be lent b 7 eta. besiege free, upon receipt of the pries. by • J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO GEE= 715 and 717 Market St., Philadelphia. WEEKLY GAZETTE IS i IIIE BEST AND CHEAPEST Commercial and Family Newspper TrBLISII ED IN WESTERN DE.NNSFLTANIA. No firmer. mechanic. , merchant should t, MEM tOnnle subscribers (labs of Bee Clubs Of ten A copy is furnished sTatunously to the RIK of a Club of ten. rostmasiers are tadassled toned as agents. Address. PENNIMAN, REED & AM., PROPRIETORS. OrNOTICE&--"T'.r.,t," - Far Sale," "Lost. - " Wants," "Furind," "Boarding," &c., not exCeeding HAM LINES, will be inlerted in thcie columns once for MEN- T CENTS: each additional tine FIVE CENTS. • WANTS I,\TINTED.—.I few PUDDLERS and HELPERS. None but pteady. sober mud good workmen need apply. Adarem J. BETTCON Soperinterldent. Bedford. Ohio. WANTE. —E Dvet7body to call at IS4 LIBERTY STREET. and examine the D6iDERDALE ArrAUATUB Iturmialse AVINTED.-MORTGAGES. , •11.30;000 to Loan In nano or moll • fair rote of lorcrent.. T1103.1A1 K. PSTTY. Bill, Bond and Iron! Estate Woke, No. 179 Sentthrlokl stroot. WANTED.—MORTU AGES. Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan In torn° or small amounts on property In Allegheny' county of a fair rate of Interest. CHARLES JEII.. 1011% Real FM+ Anent. BS Grant street. AATATEll,—llods awl Mortgages. y I. for $llO.OOO. bweins 3 ye!. to run. 1 for $O.OOO. h. , TF u 3 . y.f7, 0 1....z . w 0 4 . 1 7= ;I'!"ll.M.ll:lo;nh.,ing 3 yeas torn,. 1 few P 2.300. haring 3 Y.. , to ) for 1/3.900, .hsving 3 yenra run. I for MAW. leaving a nrt mn. 1 hatingooo. harrtus 3 yew" to or. for *5OO. 3 years to run. On nttY 04 Yourlb Ave. - WA:WED.-2o BOILERS at *11. 75 Der ton: no once ler to Par. gime rat want tam work, gardening. an. Stint sew . wanted to do molder , hymmiktr a lf i ra • and ranntry. Applt at londr No.l State atreeL WANTED.—A GIRL to do common housework ina MAE fealty. Mint mate well recommended. Call at NO.3INIONT63NT STREET, Allegheny CRY. • . 54111 BOARDING - 11QOARDING.A nnmber or Gentle- SINN can ha turolohod wIW boordtrigand Room% It deotreA, _o L oioint/y located, ot. No. 211 ANDER/SON BTIUSNr, near 4..1 0iN.N 5.. in . .. Alkotbeny TO LET - - . T O -LET.-TWO WELL FERNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS, No. 43 Itesmar ettebt. seer the Perk.Mahe.) , good ohanle fot*Sh•s rg:7 E. " 2l43Nallfr " lreketteet. Al:sheny. &let TO•LET-INTERESTING TO LAM YER&—TIER OF OFFICES on Gnat. pear =1 Cotirt noose. Apo', to tdrs. M. MITIGIIE.• =2l TO-LET. The subscriber offers for rent that a.lo►le Ref. rty known me the OUT-LET SAW MILLS, Situated at the foot of Crain West. Arienhand , City, a short distance below the Sunpenakin bolos. The lut on the east side of Craig street Is 100 feet wide by about 4teet more or lees. The lit en the west. side of e street la 111Irfret wide he about 400 feet, m or less—Mott running to low water line; haying one of the best and safest har bors on the ricer. The ailrantages this property presents for any kind of manufacturing ournuen• are so well known as to render any further deecrip lion unnecessary. Long leaseewill he Orenne "t7ll°.l°,l"'""`"- I=! FOR SALE FOR SALE. • PHOTOGRAPH um.taßyi, doing • goad boelnosa. and good lonian°. Ad dr*. M. T.. Had Lion Hotel, Blain Mae•t. 444 FOR SALE.,— `` En of Four Horse DV tro 7 .l;. th pitrer. IV& 172e'r " A OR SALE—HANDSOME BUILD. LNG LOTS, on an the various streets in the fre terms district, all SON, will bemoan on easy terms. T. IL SILL & oorner Penn and Thin -third meet. FOR SALE-200 LOTS - '2OllOO FEYT SACO. neer Lawrenceville Station on e Pennsylvania Railroad. at On /KO meg and Wane, In tour These lot. are now Deaths" very f aid. a noniber of bomes are going end al ter this month the price will be Pn plena Thirty. on T. lt. SILL 'it NB, corner Penn uwg hird street. or ROBT. S. SILL. Alicia.) at Lou. 7(1 Grant street. 'FOR SALL—Engines And Boilers, A- New ...a Second Hand. of all Idtc: 000staatir on hand. , Orden trout all pasta of the comm . ) promptly itt. tended to. ON= EMiSigMNU=II FurSALE CREAP OR EXCHANGE FOR CITY PROPERT Y.—A One COUNTRY DENCE. containing 20 arms with 3 booms thereon; one, n flue. comfortable - and eouventitug house; good water. and one of the beet n powers In Western Pennsylvania for a milt 1 rodeo from the city. on the waters of Turtle Road. 2 of a mUe from Stewartis Station. Central liallroad. .Alsc. several good gams In good lowa lions and houses for sale. Enquire of - , WILLIAM WARD, • rnyll No. 110 Grant M.. oppftlte Caibedral. FOE SALE. LIPPINCOTT HOMESTEAD. The above well known and desirable property situated on Fifth avenue. owner Dterrlddle Enrol. OAkg 103 to Colwell lim. on whids tts7 double two Wei substantially built Twilit dwelling. °outlining 14 roma with ware gag heater. kg This is undoubtedly • moat bin property for either mildew* or bus= pales, being Immediately opposite le the new Fifth avenue market bons*. if net sold woo In whole, will be dilide Tor terms. go- minim of utyll-w•q; JAIIIIOI LITTINCOTT, Igg Seventh avenue. ATALUABLEDIANONDPBOPERTY avyine and itorl to depth l ret a11e7.1.0.11 no "TM ute otee to the Dance Black Boy Toyota . Arlj4 mlll5 No. GREAT BARGAIL-A COTTAGE HOUSE wayarani Unica% Sark alibi Roam ,° ° ' " 1 Win.brerlitlrt SON. owner Palm arta Thirts-thirdstraakor et law Waal of WEST. S. SILL. .(hone? 51 Law. WS Grant Meth. INFANTS' °Au= MERINO VIM& Lattice sad Misses' GAUZE MERINO VIMIM. CMS GAUZE iIIERLNO VESTS. !bye sad Youths' GAUZE MEELSO VESTS. DOSIEEY 010117 Aesestyttoo. AT THE • OLD STAED STOCLUSS ISTOILIL . AYLSUE• Fff==!M =I ALL THE LATEST STYLES OE 8 11htAT„ . ' ZR • 81, l igri At the LOvrest•Pri?es, at WATTLES & SHEAFER'S JEWELRY STORE. 1.01 14 111111 AVENUE, acne Smithnekl &mei. mr TEAS! TEAS! TEAS:! =MME=ME!it!I TOUNO %1V111,4 UZEJ 5017C110116. hems ore invited to rah and smiles the meek as quality one price will be for the teleran of the P /Vici beret. II 111216 and excellent roKirtnieet of eh Grocerlee. For oale by . , - • =wimp nraimatra. -GEORGE HYYLICK, HARD WOOD WOU:1131, • nne.xT ofpaatottam•ismi c.i.f. - VI 148 .. of - FlilimPotioot widow. Mated. Helmpermlnion to David . Alton, Ikon" Moomer. Mao% 1~. _.l`.<.. _ ~~=~ a t t 1: 13: