FINANCIAL GOLD, SIL'VER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Prieel Pll. R MERTZ, BANKER, - Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & Co., 10 K. ioxaq A C 0..) Corner Fourth Avenue aadlVoodStrett, BANKERS, - =I Government Securities, 1:oLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON won FATORABLIS T.Rms. Interest Allowed on Deposits. loanc4l on Government , Bonds at In., ..t market • J Mi , „S T. BRADY &. CO. TIIE DAILY GAZETTE, !oldielvy Bro.& Co.. 5111 bbls rel. oil to Lo gan Bro. & Co. Phila. Montzhelnier. K. & Co., :CO Ws ref. 01l to Wooing, K. & Co., Phila. 310 N EY AND (.',O3I.3IERCE, 3,tt bbl.. bbls. _ _ _ orrice or rrrrsoroolt GAZEiTT.,4 TIMINDAV. May IP. I. f — .ln the gold market there are tm new fea tures except le slight 'decline, from Ittlf to 111 . Government bonds deolloed ;thou/ one-half per rent. for the six per amt hOndg, whilst 114104 totnaintol torn nt Iftsl, • • In the block market the :wear:owe this 11101,111tg . inns fora none r in Reading, but , whim the general market declined Heading followed the lend sad declined from 1 1 1% to tatrn, Lake Shore declined to 97. Xorthwest kept nearly its own.. The general market Is dull, hut so ling it, money remains easy bighertwiejs will likely follow. Money from tto liner cent. • • ' Closing quotations ins rikelred Pt:. R. Mertz: . bold 114 W American._......43 • Silver 112 Western Un :r= lest !toads 116 N N. li-Central. 5-31 Itonds Isse... iI IN Reading.. ........101!S• 5-3,) !totals IneW,..lllW P. Ft: & C 5-23 11nnd & MiNS ..... Consuls 1.15 _113% Mich. Southern... t;!: 5.3.1 Honda Cleveland & P... 11774, b-31 Bonds E48....114,W C. H. 1. &P.. 1(elW Chicago & Adams Express,. lii C. &N. W. Pref... P 32.4 Merchants 11. Ex. -- Erie 23 • lame. Smog. Loudon Exchange per pound 5,00 5.75 • Parts Exchange perPrano • • 21. W 24 Ilerlia Exchange per Thaler 81)4 RI Frankfort Exchange per Florin 4; - inw • Closing quotations as received by James I'. Brady & Gold - 5-3) Jan. &Jy.M5l. 13T . U. S. Its. Fed 5-51.1An.&.Ty. 1P67 14' U. S. 5-ai Ill; 5-28Jan.&Jy.11sib 14'. U. 5-5) 1144 11.4 t 14, ....5... r. 8. 5-33 1815 11W. -C. P. IL E 97% U.S. 14-40 RX CS Pacifica.......l.lW illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • NE - vr 'roar., May ISL IBM Money easy at 405 on call. Sterling active, !Imps. cold dandy, opening at 'HU and dosing at .Carrying mien nrd.,. Clearances tla." 000.000. - Governments lower. but firm. Coupodslot 117:418: 17.4.12 M; d 4. 11,ahil,U, tga 114011.1.: do new, Idlidfill; 1 1 1 14 44t1/V: 10-40%. Currency, tob t.Nec, 'l. The Sub-Treasury bought r..,000,000 at 11l 33.1111143,11154-100. State bonds qrm. NV; old TCI3- nemces, UN: new do. 5.1!i; old North Com- Nos , UN; do 0 0w, My; Louis'awl LcTees. ds,.l3N. Stocks heave, the decline led be Pacific Mall, which fell to 35.?, on unfavorable reports concerning the annual statement now in process of preparation. Alter Pedigo Mail the principal doings were in New York Central. Hudson, Lake Show. Ohio and Mississippi, Rending, Rock Island and Northwestern. Canton. CO; Cumberland, 45:' Western cap, Telegraph. =IC; Qnteltsflver. r): Mariposa. 0: Preferred. INLAdents Expreas, at wells. 14. h.; American. 46: United States.4o , l: Pacific Mail. 3 .5 1 / 4 ; New York Central, 10Ps; Sone. SEX: Erie, .234; Harlem. Reading, 1037,1: Michigan Central...PM: Lake - Shore; UN; Illinois Central: Cltt.tmran. Northwestern. KIN; pre ferred, MN: Rork Island: New Jersey Control. Ite,k; St. Paul, 6 43 i; Preferred. 70, i; Wabash, SW; preferred. 7lit Port Warne. 04.‘f Alton and Terre Haute. St Chicago and Alton. III; rreferred. Ill; Ohio and Mississippi. ato.: Hartford and Erie. 5: C. C. A C., iti; 134- bonne, 105; St. Joe, MSS. Boston prices: Calumet, 65: Copper Falls./; Franklin, g.; Ilecla. let Quincy. pp.;. Sub•Treastiv . balauCt—rold. Vii. 543.317; cur rency. 5.40.7= general balance, IM=IZIEMIMM Orrice or Prrraalsol3 Garret, / TnticgDAY. May 19, IL CO. Trade In merchandLue generally. continues quiet. nod there is not much prospect of any Immediate Improvement. We can report a fair local demand for all of the leading com modities. but, notwithstanding moues is earl. there is no speculation, nor ate there any In- Mentions that there will be soon. The firm ness noticed in the grain trade for some days past bat given place to weakness, - under the Influence of unfavorable advlces from the east. and it begins to look as If a reaction leas near at band. as If the “top" had beetitouched; anti that lower prices were alniost inevitable. A Chicago paper of Wednesday gays: "Re cent higher prices have 'stimulated country holders to send In their property, and the re trip. :ire now so large as to seriously weak en prices, the olferings being In excess of the wants of shippers. while specula°rs scarcely want to take hold at present quotation.. The feeling here Is very similar: operators are apprehensive of or . breek" and do not want to carry nor more stock than they ern possibly help. . ASIIES-11noer in tne east but unchanged here. Common Soda. 4; refined. i's“ 91f: rote. 7K. APPLES—Quiet and unchanged—receipts receipts continue • light. and the season Is about over. We continue to quote at 51/16 per Md. BUTTEU--tiood to prime quoted at 1:41.0).• and grease hatter at EY.415. Market continues dull. and meat the stock In hands of corn men Is in bad order. REANS—[lull but noullnally unchanged. 51.5041.75 ver bushel. CAHHOIS 011,—Thc demand it only moder ate, but prices arc maintained, M eta for So or 50 bid lots, end the usual advance for small lots. Cll EESM—Is dull and difficult to quote defi nitely. ranging from taa.l7 cu, as to quality. CORNMEAL.--Quiet and =changed, Wr..f.51 per bushel. CEMENT—PaIes of Louisville Hydraulic at 5.1701. h 3,er bbl. DRIED 'FRUIT—The demand, at might be expected, Is Improving but r elites h remain 7 tos ,lhn'arr!: all p ft e 3 . o ° Po . ; .11Xsla and pitted Cherries, OSZtZ. EGGS—Market oonsiderably nester, to eon segnence of diminiehed receipts. and fresh packed sour now be quoted at 16c: FEATHILS—Lire geese feathers quoted a fin to Mc to the trade end 5 to ac more for small tote. FLOCH—There Is no Improvement to note In the ilemand, and no change to make In quo taloa. We continue to quote western flours. in store, at ..54005.:5 for spring wheat $5,75 brands. winter w h ea t. and SVAIsi . for fancy Rye flour. firm nt 55. OHAIN—As already intimated, toe strain markets are weaker, but as yet there Is no quotable decline In mice,. Wheat le quiet but unchanged; til.Pirt.l.ll for red and sl=o 1.30 for white. flats dull, but under the In fluence of cautioned light arrivals. Priees are nnehanged: BD= on wharf and track, and 57 6t.55 In store. Corn, al.. dull but unchanged; 65187 for ear, and Male for shelled. nye— gales at 4a to 51. cash and time. Harley is ull. and notwithstanding the offering. con tinue light, the tevilency continues down want .• 11.1 V—Dull but undimmed, ranging from $l2 tona to quality. LARD 011..—Extm No. 1, la quota at 111 avid N 0.2, do at 90. . LlME—Sales of Cleveland at s2= too bbl. and e.tern at $1.75. POTATOES—DuII but anchanged;• mica eg Pesch Blows at a'lrgai) eta. PROVISIONS—Arm with a steady demand and regular sales at quotations. Plain Shoulders. 13VELI3iil Sugar Cured Canvaasmi Shoulders, ISSOIS,q; Short Rib Sides 17dI7X' Ribbed du, ItMat.l7, and Clear 17K: Cavassed Sugar Cured Hams, ikleaX. Mews Pork, MX WI. Lard. 17.1441136. In tierces, sad lekke , la);', in kegs and buckets. • SEEDS—No movement In Clover or Timothy Seeds as e season is virtually over. Flax wed is In steady demand at $2.10, and a round lot would orobaly bring r..,31. alikaaa. Citicano. May l 9 . —Exchange . unebralged. Flour quiet at f4.INOLNOO torir,n•eng extras Wheat active and excited; No 2 2NetlVe higher: Pale. at 04iitaii a , closing outside: this afternoon fairly *airy at no cash. and,ll7.o7Nc , seller Jane. can arm IlaitNe 'higher. closing at fiWilbal for No 2t this afternoon quiet at 4 , 5% flak'. Oats quiet and stronger, closing at ON csNai. Bice quiet. closing at KiNc for N 0... Barley nondnal. Hiabocurler at 1.41 Provisions dull and raider. Mess per at Vs.. Lard . Dry uilted shoulders Ill.:012e. Cattle steady and fairly astir .at Nagle for common to extra prime beCres. Frogs steady at fil.Nntlist2N for common to cabin ',rime. Receipts tor the mat tree tour hour,--1,178 bbls flour. 41,90 Ira Wheat" bu corn. 47.012 To oats. 1510 bu 'rye, 3.300 bu barleyallati7 bogs. Shipments—WWl bbls dour. 40,010 b 9 wheat- MR O ba corsbie.l,6o bti oats, 10.3141 rrii a.alla bora . Freights dull. • Dry Goal. Market. NEW ypair, Mar D.—The dry goods market continues very quiet. but prices nevertheless ,we well maintained.. Den heavy brown liening% 14).44Lic ; soutlierit db. llibitse. Apart from Lenrel D. which are held at Um. N o , go 1, bleached mus li n, are 24c; wainsulta 21)442 'Arnold'. prints 9c; Patine wills 11,44 C. • • _ • . PETBOLAUbt 1!IAI1Kt:T • Orrice or Prrrs ev.t,.. Tneneoar. Nay IC, I The oil hmaness is dull. and as the feeling 'seems toprevall that prices are liktiity td g3l'oVvv er, perticol trill . crude. there Is nothing doing. and so long as the market remains in its pres ent condition. it Is not likely that there will b„ atty Improvement. When the market gives evidence of a decline, it is very difficult to effect sMen, as buyers are always disposed to hold back in anticipation of a still further decline. and w hen the market turns the other way there is the same difficulty with sellers— they, too, hold off In hopes of it stilt furthei advance. It is thie the decline during the past two or three .days has not been very great, but the number of new strikes reported recently hue created the impression that the production is rapidly increasing, and su long as this feeling prevails. the "bearish" element will continue to predominate. dale 0000 libls spot at 1.24'; 1,000 do at same frs77:ell ' er ' . b .rnre ' lT S en i A e ‘ e • Ter g ru t l; d ltl2T. Seller all year. 113,Vd.12, and buyer all nor. offering at 14 and seller last all months at 11?4'. farket Heady. May quoted at 27; eVvit="3.l: Jule, 27,..63,27.4: Seapterrther. Angust December, : 10 ±0. 28 .1t. “ad buyer all year, .29, bid.. =I .1 Wilkins Pt. on account Mina and notton l'et Co; 11. W. C. Tweedln SO. on account T Chess; Fisher Ore. WO,. on account same; .111 Illy /40. on account .1 01 Pert . ); Cosmos Oil Works 210; on account I) C Herbst; Fisher Rro on account L W Young; Tarentrim Olt Works PIO. on account P Hutchinson. Total . 1,010 bhls. 1/111. 51111,111,11, PIM A. V. It. R. Lockhart. F. k Co., 786 bbls rot. all to War den. F'. 3 (a., U. W.V. Tweedle, ItO this rot. oil to War den. FS: Co.. Phila. • .. :itandar,l (HI (0., ::9 bbts ref. oil to Warden F—d, Co.. Phila. National Relining Co., 467 bbls ref. oil to IVarden, 6: Phila. Fnweett, Lorin. Slot:Moir (0., :.710 bbis ref, oil ftro..t CO.. ZtleKee. bbls !scatted oil to Lilian Oro. & Co., Mrs. . . . Ralston & Witting. tdds refined to A. It. 3leHeory. Philndelphin.- Kirkrattirk & Lyon, WS bbls ref. to Lognn Bro. & Ca., Phila. • . . . . Union Ref, and S. Co., 5:8 bbl ref. to Logan Bro. & Cu.. Phila. . • .•. . Mtlston Waring. MO bbla, fieL oil to Wer- Ing. K. & l'o.. ' 13113= riAST Linl;TE STOCK } • Anus. I rintliSOAT, Mn; 19, DE% CATTLE. The offerings wore again light thin week. the simply falling short of the dineted, and, consequentli. the neliket trat ieby strong and oriet4 bare still furthoradiariced;•There wart full attendance of buyers both from Phila delphia and New York, Ml anxious for rattle and willing to pay big prices, and, neldready Intimated, a much larger number could have been sold if they had have been here. While It Is conceded that cattle are scarce, yet there Is no doubt but what the offerings would be larger if it was not for the fact that Pitts burgh labors to n great disadvantage under the present policy of the railroad companies. - Freights front the west are higher relatively to this place than the east, nod, consequently, the . . great proportion of the stock is going right through to Philadelphia, Baltimore and NeW York. This ought not to bb, but such is the:fact, and there appears to be no help for it. Fe'veral droves of cattle e vert sold here to he delivered in the cast: including the follow in StVVI3II4 sold to John Smith Bro. 165 head of eaten Illinois steers, averaging 1,400 lbs. at Oki, delivered in Philadelphia. Martin .5: Fuller sold for Hunter & Co. to 'Kleinert & Co., 61 head of prime Illinois steer* averaging 1,300 to 1310 at PX, delivered in New York. . Martin k Fuller fur Hunter k Co. to McAr dle k Co.. HS head commonlah cteen. at SX. de livered in Philadelphia. ==l3 Heskett to 011lett ' 17 :A, 8J 830 Holmes. L. 5: Co. to Kelly 19 18.950 750 Taylor. -24 16,700 509 . • Greensvoldli 21.180 nl5 wzimEcn.VC, 31AT I. • Scott to Kclty AO Immo tv Casterline to L,mb 17 ammo Ato Want to Ciilltt &Co L 5 5:1.510 50 Itcnlter to Kt, --- ..nker to Niemen'. ...... _ _ Snyder to dines 19 15.7011 5Ki THCRSDAT. MAT 19. Irampl,4,ll to Lamb , • 18`..71.1711 x5O HMrex F.T. In .17 17.115 773 Holmes. L. & Co. to Tay10r....74 16.40 5 !,0 Under the Influenee of largelr increased ar rivals. and no corresponding Improrement in the demand, the market has been weak and sluggish this week. amt comparmlwith :est week..priee: bare declined lolly half a cent, Per pound. cittotathms may he fairly risen at 43$ Mr. for C 0111111•111 to prime and extra. such its would have brought . lest week. nt LLSid. It is expected that from this out the arrivals of sheep will be larger, as a general thing. :IS this usually Is the ease at this season of the year. and the probability is that the p* which have been prevailing durisig the eattwo or three months. will not be realized again for several months to mime. The hog market. notwithstanding the hot weather. Is stronger, and compared with last week. prices are a to 3. of a cent' higher. We nowquote York liugs at PCP:. and Phila delphia Hogs at 10(t.I03s. The offerings have been unusually light. and this is the principal cause of the advanced prices.' MAIIKETK 131" TKLEGRAPII Sew York. • Maw YORK. May 19.—Cotton firmer; sales LIM bales at n..c fur middling uplands. Mar: receipts 23432$ Ws; prices 5310 c lower; sales 71,003 bbls at $1.00 , 13.4.50 for superfine State and western;,t0. extra do.; $5,10Q.5;11. white Wheat western extra; end, extra Ohio; 1.5:t53465,' extra St. Louis liyellour steady: Wales 300 bbls at $1.71 , 1,5.80. Cornmeal steady. Whiskey lower: Sales bbls at SLOB/WA closing at el.(loEl,reti. Wheat: receipt. 50.40 bosh; market irregular and unsettled. cloning It lower; antics 01.003 bush at $1,1421.2114 for No.: spring. closing al. $• No. Mil waukee; 41.:141.30, winter red and amber western: .1.30, prime, winter red Canada in. bond: Ellie, white Michigan. Ilye 11011;.sales 10,00) bush western on private terms. Barley and Barley Malt are both. quiet. Corn; re, eelpts were 212,0XIbush; - prices are lo tower; sales of 361.00) bush at $ for new mixed western. e1,10,4a1,11X fur yellow do. $1,13. 1,15 for old mixed westesn afloat. Oats: the market opened henry and closed more active and itrui, sales of MOM bush nt 613..;:tr0ic for western; n'.Oc for Ohio and State. Hay steady. Flops quiet and firm. Coffee firm. Sugar quiet; wales of MU hhdia at SMatliso for Cuba. Ilk for 'Porto Rico, and sales of 1.11 boxes of Bavaria at 10c. Molasses dull. /tire steady; sales at uhatXc. Petnalemat quiet: crude 15a15tic; refined 20. Pork heavy and lower; sales of 100 bbls at 1tti9,50 for men; SX-as 1:14,61 for primer,- LW.% sail foe prime mew; 730 bids mess seller May and June Etit.:JO. Beef steady: sales 100 bbls. at 11q..15c for plain mess; ll:CryltlXc for extra men. Horns quiet; sale. SO fable. at ZsireTle. 'tierce beef firm and quiet nt mss,;ffie.. Prime mess XX. Cutmeats steady; Bares 2W packages at 1tt?...1114 for shoulden; I alte for hams. - Lard heavy and lower; sales 160 bbis at 1541.1630 c for steam, and 16Mc for kettle rendered: alma 'al tierces prime steam May. June mad July nt IlYialiNe. Butter dull and heavy at 1 'Wt.:Ate for Ohio. Cheese quiet at Dfbielcc. Lac S st.—Flour closed -rather tnore steady with a very moderate demand. Wheet dull without decided change. Bye quiet and steady. Oats 64MGIndo for western in store. Corn dull at $1.(011.1.01 for new mixed western. Pork quiet with 0 fair inqu Cut Meats firm - nod In fair demand. Bacon nominal. Lard very quiet at Inc for prime steam. Eggs quiet and uttchanfred. Clncianati. Cusemsrax9, May 19.—Flour !steady and In moderate demand; superfine g4=14..6: extra .• family ta.10415,10. Wheat quiet and stackaaged: red 11,1041. C: white $1.2541.30. Oats unchanged and in fair damned nt 57V,tec. Corn in good demand at 1641.96 e on the spot. and ale to arrive. live firmer at 9:495c. Bar ley unchanged. Cotton firmer and ,Wu higher; middling =ie. Tobacco In good demand; sales: beds nt g.S.=rll. and It cases Ohio seed leaf at fpfelle.M. Whiskey dull; sales at thowAcc. closing dull atsl.or, and more sel lers than buyers. Mess pork dull slo and go sales: Lard dull and con be bo ught at lake and no demand. Bulk, meats ingood demand at 114 c -for shoulders, and 16%;41.1, !.c for clear rib and clear sides, generally asking Mc for the letter. Sugar cured hams firm at I9,tie. :Me; plain hams and second pickle hams sold at liKeolnd lac nll canvassed and packed. 'Rutter very dull and prices declined to Me. ; Western Reserve can be bought at lEeffie. Eggs steady at.1.14/aSSic. Cheese dull at 1)1) 'sc. Linseed oil $1,0(01.011. Lanl oil dull at $1...1101...15. Petroleum at ARMS° for refined. Groceries unchanged. Gold 110( haying. Ex change steady at Par holing. Hi. Loots. Sr. [Aims, May 19.—Tobacco in unchanged. Cotton In, at tle. , Heron unchanged; it 2311. 153 for 'undressed. Flour steady; /I 9:0460 for fall superette, $4 arm for X. /3 Irdgd for XXX.. Spring Whent In better. at Ono, no inspected; fall Is dull, except cludc• grades ,No.l nedi at {l oral Od; No. I 'do:III IVA ff , l; choice and atrictly choice $1 2fial 40. Coru— na best :moles are firm and In good demanl; other oinallties are neglected; mixed %cell yellowsecrlql M. white fl 0901 15. Oats are ' and lower; allaalc. Rye dull. at 72Q75c. Whiskey steady , at ft On. Sugar dull: 101141 11:c for Lin:lsla:ln Coffee dull; lfftlrXle. lasses dull. at 43010 c for sugar-house. Pork Inn: POWS 60. There was nothing done In dry - saltedsneat. Bacon ire fair consumptive demand; 13:0 for shoulders.l6XeLllc forclesr rib. and 17:c for elem.. Lard nominal, at 15: -Cahnin. Cattle active and 'wanted; 50.7,5, lingo are steady, at wee k. ltecelpts: 4.660" bpi. flour, 1a.510 bush wheat, 44.333 bush c ra. =go bush oats, 2.300 bush barley, 1.000 p ush rye. 430 hogs. CM TOLEDO. Mir 19.—flour quiet. *beat ea the and a shade better: No. 2 white Wabash ILO; regular white Michigan 147, amber utehion *I,I No. I red 31.13. N 0.% g0.1.L3 No. 3 white Wabash. No. 3 red. .3143: is lc b e ttor; No. 1 ire, d 0.2, Ric. re n 0,.; dic. (late. dull and nominal. Freights dull • and unchanged. Receipls—dour. bbt,• vrhest, 15.000 bush; corn. 10.000 bush; oats, bush. Shipments—flour, 1.003 bids; corn. dad bush. • • LOII/FrirAit MIT it - artthi; luta salmi at Z.c. Cation firmer; mddi ng at 91 e. Flour and wheat are unchanged. Corn at Sig. pain at Cc.. 1.17•41. Provision. firmer. Pork. at 1410. Bacon laimnio. Bulk meat. 1PX411671 ILION. Lard 17c- Whisky 111.078Lein. ,Totato. co: rale. n. 14 hbds nt faCnir. s n for fronted to lop, 1i6.501 r;.5 tor too-lest co medium bright wrap. Per.. Maytag**, MILWAUKEE, Mar le.— Flour unchanged. Wheat unsettled at $1 for No I and etio for No ._..__ ~~~w ~.,,...,..,..: ~.~, 2. Oats unchnolteit. Corn lower nt MC PIT ejected. nye - nonannl. Frelghtn stnadr 4101.1314 c to Buffalo and Oswego. Receipt::: 3.11/obbls nour nod 7:1401 bash Artie:lr.:PE:kW went, bbls Arhe:it. Ct.r.rnuaritn - May la.—Flour steady and un changed. Itre dour steady and unchanged. Wheat in good demand: No. I red $1.111; No. 2 lu $l,lO. Corn quiet: No. I mixed 9Ge; No. 2 do 14Q.01c: choice yellow 960;97c. Oats less firm 5641-SSO for No. I Slate. Rye quiet ilicafl for State. Barley nominal. Petroleum quiet and unchanged. Philadelphia. PMLADELPRIA, May 19.—Plohr hem and quiettextra family $6,75. Wheat quiet and unchanged. lire steadF at 11.1310,M. Coln Is' less active. valltivs 51.11. Oats steady; welt ern Blank. 'Petroleum quiet; crude I9Ne; fined 2Tc. Provisions finis and unchanged.- Whiskey dull at $1.094.10 for Iron holing!. Memphis. 51g111.11mMay 10.—Cotton active at 220 ; re ceipts nal; exports 2.11 hales,. Fleur att.:hi, - at D e ports MitiFdd II nt whit, nl,ltilal.ll3. Oats dull at file. Slur (lull at *Are= . - Brun doll at Mrd.Z. Lard dull at, 17(a.18Me. Mess - Pork Mal. Macon: shoul ders Itv, tildes •• • . R.O.NolOtte, May 10.—Flour dull and market weak. Wheat very• dull, and market lower: sales of weslern s at doll and lower; sales of white at $l.lll. and yellow $1,13. Oats !Inn at cZc. Provisions firm and un changed. Whisky quiet and unchanged. - Detroit. • DETROIT, May 10.—Fleur firm and in fair de mand with choke at $4.5(Ki0;75. Wheat a sNadu weaker at $1.40 for No. I. Cora 17.nikle. Data 11 - 0.3 c hover with $lOlO twit C : lad at 58c and wekthrh iit Odic. EMIL= PITIMBUDIIII CINCINNATI AND Sr. Loris IL‘lLltilaD, May 19.-3 cars staves, W Hastings; 2 dodo, M Y Adams,• 2 do wheat, J W Boman garden 1 dodo, J S I.lggett; bbls flour. r C Jenkins; bas stareth 19 bbls meld, Arbock-, les & Co; 50 bbls h wines, W Sillier lOU buckets tar.J Conner; 1 bbl eggs, J biteel; 67 bge oats. Kell & R; 24 do..corn, McHenry & H:29 ligs wheat, 10 do oats, 89 do corn. 3; do bar ley, M . eanor & II: 75d01Y . c.5 Hood; 22 em . b4t ; i b i;;? ,. .llTrs ' L ' ,, , :t c . ' l " 3,; hl tl i tert,k'frrl 31: 6 bgs feather ,. P P - Ctillgri " eitch . bxs starch. Wm Cooper: 50 do do, IA M 130n/11y:50 do do, S P Shriver; SO hgs oats. Wicker & Cu; Ibbis sugar. Ylilworth & 11:13 tails iron, McKnight & Co; I box indoc, 1) Stewart: 4 pkgs furniture, Dallier A Son; t.l boo. Ileymer & Iles;1 idle hoes, .1 31eCotelienn; 5 bpi rags, AV II Graff; lot o metal, 11011 & S: 5 boo mdse, J Stench; 12 do tobacco, J Zimmerman; Ido books, J Hook A CO; 411 tcs II Parker; 1 bid tobacco, A Sehanb: I keg whisky. I bolo corks. Artu strong & Ban 1 case tobacco. El Goldsmith —, ton hams. J Mills; 100 buckets. tar..6Ewart; 30 hf butts. tobacco. AV L Junes; 6 eases tobacco, W Rinehart; a / MI Schwartz A 3 Vega do, W Gee/MITI 3do do, 11 . W Drown; 2 do do, Griffith liyoi 3 leo hathlt. Reese Owens, a do db, W Ilaslage: 5 do do. F Sellers: 5 bbls 011, .Penn Salt Co; tI do glycerine. E Wormser: 1 con do. .1 C Matterm 2 top sausage. Ilalzell &T; 1 hid tobacco, It W Jenkinson; 3 do do. W I) Rinehart; 5 bbls 011, Pittshargh and Connellsvile Railroad. . CU:A - EL-46n AND Firearm/nit It4lutnsp COMPANY, May 10.-1 car lake sup ore, Shoen-• berger. Blair & Co: 2 du do. Dilworth, Porter Sr Co: do do, McKnight A Cn; ado do. Moor head 'a Co: I do Iron ore. Brown A Co; 6do s 4 - L if i mmt rb d :net metal Cnlpa Iron Illgdon; 68,(U) shingles, Union Planing_ Mills; 2 cases ei mach, Grover & Raker: IN bbl, I beer, .1 Kessler; 4 bait new mocks, Smith & Forrester; II boa scales. Fairbanks, M & Co; 1 keg paint, Wilson & McClurg; 133 bbls copper. Cliff. 31 & Co; 10 bbls dye :wood, 11 L stock & CO: bbls tin oil, M A Jones; 5 bbls tr lime. 11 Hamilton & Lin 10 coils wire rope. lot _sundries. R .4 Cook: 1= bills trunk slats, W J Gilmore: 4 crates starch, Head & Metxgar: 20 bat do, Eli Myers k Cs:) crates do, 10 boo do. Renner Bros; 1 halo hides, M DeLange:2oo eke oats, Graham & Marshall: ;rl4 tall, straw w paper, Robt Christy; 5 Ibis dry apples, 5 eke do peaches, Carter. McGrew &Co; 6 casks cheese, J Daub; 1 sack rags, 1 bill eggs, 31 W Rankin & Mtn 2 crocks hotter, H Jamison & Co: Saks rags, McCullough, S & Co; 0 bbls flour, 2 bbls bacon, McCullough. S & Co; 1 bbl Crackers, Dilworth, Harper & Co:3 hide tobacco, W M Gormley: 1 car bulk whent, Scott & 71C oil bbls. 11 T/ Mowrel I cur M Seibert & Co: 7M 61 bids S Shelver & Co; &I do do, herrldg. Sehomaker & L: ISO do do, S Ewalt A Co; •' boo butter.) kg, do.: bbls eggs. 'lose & Ewing: 1 tub egirtl, Head 1c 31: bbls eggs. Randolph &Suppe,: t do de. P Duff & Sous: 2 tubs' cheese. J Book; II Mils eggs, 1 bin do, Head &31 bbl, code,Voigt. M Cl:3 do apples, slt, do, 3do dry peaches. Read M. MEE PrrITRICRIIIII. FORT WAYNE, AND 10111CAIIII RAILROAD. May 10.-31 dor. tubs. 3 aka coffee. 2 bbls syrup Dilworth. H S . . Co; 50 boo cheese. S P Shriver & Co; 15 do do, Head & IL 24 do do, Johnston & C; 25 do do, J S Dil worth; WI boo ist glass, IS aka rugs, McCul lough, S & Co; S bus cutlery. Beaver FallyC Co; 10 tits soap. J II Snent hen & Co: 4001 s ogle, W D Cooper Bro; 2 bids d peachae. P Duff & Sou; 2 Mils sausage, S Baird:3 do vinegar. W 01 Arnold; IS Mils bacon, E II Myers S Co; 18 s k. I 9 kff B, HCbristY; 3 bbls s Iron, J Jones; 45 talls bungs. Armstrong 13r0; 400 bbls flour. owner:1011 do do. Schomaker .O . L: 109 410 do. 1) Wallace; IGO do do. Houck .1 & Co; 73 !Ails f seed..l Thereby A Co; 0; s machines. W Sum ner A Cm 01 hf bbls fish, A Kirkpatrick; 25 do dn, J H Baird; n dodo. J1. 4 1 - 111worth;a5 do do. Knot & Orr; l ears metal, Hallman & It; 10,0 do. Coleman, It A CO. VALLZII RAILROAD: May 19. - 1 ear metal. McKnight & Co; 2 Mils eggs, I do coopbutter. I coop chickens, L J Blanchard:B sks• rags, W Stiller A Co: I car barley. I do malt. J M Carson & Co; 3 Mils eggs, Bruggernsan 011; I car lime. lienderion & tiro; 3),'10,6.5 has batter. .1 -Klingensm E ith; I ear barley. J Heekelmere Ihe milse. Harris& wing:B4 cars coal. Kier. Foster S K; Si do dn..ortnstrong. & Co:3 do do, Coleman. liahm .0 Co, 13 aka oats, .1 lloyei. .ANDPrrrSnultnu 1..4nAN1:1.1,' I LIZ RA L ROAD. 31:1w sks wheat. 194 do mire. Scott A 111431: I bid ta1100..1 Dietrich: Yr, sk. wheat. Wallace; Ir 4 .fu do. Lieprt .1. 2 roll. Imither. S Stimple; 21 do do. II Ander. sun; ears grain. W Welsh & C.r. Ido do. Il Schnelbach; 75 bbls cement. C B Leash; 01 has w J S Dilworth & CO: !cast grain. Mc- Henry & Hood: 2 Mils whisky-. W Becktoki: 4 dodo. E Becktold. -ALLMON.", STATION. May In.-161 N a IlAx leed. M 11 Suydam; M) tallx broom hdtr. E it Mathema; MM. erica. Emo Mien; 15 Lama. & Wei,: *kw natl. J MrAlliater. 1 rar Mingle.. Mc)(toll Jr WC/Malan; 11411dden. C Lai INI: I car lime, J K Shinn. S 5 Ilk. corn. lllp pleT & Ileckert. IMPORT% ov-EtivEn Ctsr . txttaTt pox Jrataia. 31a7 19.--W. J. Snothmtss, boo, I bbl cement; C G linswy A C O,l boo copper, Steamer Elizabeth. 1 corn mill and natures; W II Bongo & Co. 2 bbb bo ron; E If Myers & Co. 100 tea barns; to r 11 Hato & Co. n tea hams; Rankin & W, 1 beer looter: McMullen & C 0.3 pkga tobacco: T B 'Young A Co. 1 bbl wine; F Sellers & Co. 2 d beef; II Ilea Jr.lo halo d peaches; Bruggerman & t., In bbls d twitches; .1 A Graff. 12 do do; C Ibmson & Son. 3) mt J C Menem. 4 bet WI era. , ter! Clark & Co, 5 hbla eggst.ll C Gray. 1 pkg.: 31 Lk:lenge. 3 pkg.); hoes; JoneS k Ninlinit. 3 in stones: J Keiser.: bbis eggs. 2 bas do. I bdl carpet; ti II 3lathews, 31 hhls eggs; MeCoal lonbg & 5.:44 hgantgo:lßnider Artion.2l choir.; Lemon & W. :lido; Gni & boeffer, IS chain: If Berger. :11 do: racklner & Ira - W.141 dot Tot ten & Co. 2 pcs pstings; Moonor & If. S Shia t.tr5.;.1'81t27.4'.!413ne.r:;1;,-‘bt‘l.L.""'cactle. IJ3 oil ggs.3lks rags: Schwartz &H. :2 kgs lord: B moor, 4ed oil bbl.; W If Parke, I pkgs ninon. PII7SIIVNOII. fIitOWNNVILL6 AMP GLNEVA PACKET COMPANY. Mar 119.--410 aka oats, I' Duff & Son; 35 d 4 do, W Mltchner; 15 rolls leather. be lb.' lilterr pkg* butter and rocs. McCracken. G. Co; 5 do do, I do apples, Rep part Sr. Co; =4 bas w glans. It C Schmertz; ;21 hales hay, Schnapps, k Co; R do do, Campbell L. Coulson: 11 bids NPPIC, M tP Rankin: Al sits oats, Krll K Hit chart: 9 pkga butter. and ekes: a do apples. Johnston k ColvlnlslD4lo whisky, 13 do apples, A S Carlisle; sks corn. Sit Floyd K co; 191 do do, W Welsh K Co. Poirrukior - rn Prit G u VIM'. Freer_-- trio MS high...lnes. Clarke & Cu; 7 hilt dry apples. N Sberrnrd; 10 do In. pkgt eggs. itt) & Co:1 1 . 1.11. hoops Si toll • keg heading.. and/IstMe* Phiilipo &N; n. 730 lunlp-poles. Rudolph ;CS; I bbl egg.. I Ito butter. Houck. J k Co; MO oil hbls.l pkg. egg.. S Dern!: 1 1.1.1 eggs. NOT k Son; 114 oil Fhb , . 11 I) Mote; OM, i40)1., Ili/Vitt. Steel Bro. plut Illtr.t.g. Ma; 19.-31.1 rolls .tone ware, C 14111. & Son; 31 sk• oats. Hitchcock & MeCreery; HO galls stoneware., IV D Cooper; . ask. oat., Manuel AnJerl 150 A. oat.. It H Floyd; 411 sks corn, Campbell k Cnolwas: 101 do do. McHenry & Hotnl: 31 do onto, P Duff & Pon; MI do corn. W Welsh &lb! eggs, J W Stott; 1 lot 'twelve 11. i . c Ptinemety OILS Tack, -Bro. & Co., PERRY BUILDING, Duquesne Way; Pittsburgh. TACK 8R05.,,.. Phil:lth?lphia WARING & KIN,G, CornAdolon Idereknan and Boon In Petroleum and its Products, .DALZELL'IS BLOCK. DUQUESNE WAY. Phllazlelphin Addrces. WARING, KIN Gr Oo ITU 100 WALNUT PTKENT. ECLIPSE • - . PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. TWeddle, • MANUFACTURER or Lubritating and High 'Test. Burning 011 n. ECLIPSE RAILROAD AXLICOIL. atand• Vest heat without chanter: Mains Urn- Pid Imosst temperatures. Soh:MI.OM roe trupl eat climates nr hot weather. LOCOMOTIVE. ENGINE.' mamma 111101'. Wilt but orn,ml. HAW forND ELANIN4I MILL 0112 t. Adaptad high ar.eed. SPINKLE WOOL . II/CAIMARIVi OIL. OIL: TANNERS' STUIHRENZOLE, . - FIND and IMNISHING,DASOLINE, '• OH, HARNESS OIL.. !PARAFFINS:. • ARMOR VARNISH. to orators@ Bright Iron Wort and Machinery from nat. These prod luta are mannlurturad tinder Dr. Tweet/Ile', patent by anpethented Meant In Vprenn, The LtlbelenUng MI6 are abno•ll.4orlebb. per featly . Sigh . teti l glitagt ad it uThrti,l Y eer aiollanVait . ing dining extrorne cold. The Railroad tills are amt. and are in, coolant use a man, of the Pnacipblßallemuts. Sample* am no examinedimd: nrcim lett at. 1.74 ..WOOD sTitarr. Works at PAINTING, GRAINING, &c. CrTfra T. GRAY, ROMS AND SIGN PAINTER, 011 .4.1DiE11. AND Gr.I.AZI3EII, ' No. 34 NINTh NTRNIST, i a74 t 27 (Late Hand .tn..) PSLUOMb. - PITTSBURGH .DAILYT GAZETTE : , FRIDAY ,MORNING; AAY 20, 1876 RIVER NEWS.* deer ctliiiinitis• to recede otowly with 1 feet $ inches in the channel by the Mono:ignitely marks. Weather continues oppressively hot, and'there will doubtless Len storm before long. The Juniata frotu Cincinnati, and Gran. to !;tale from. Portsmouth, ore the noi r e retain we hare to report. TLe Juniaia returriett again in the' al. entoon with about all the freight she fluid take on the water The Kranite State. Cant. Kerr, is the regular packet fni Portsmouth today, leaving pnouptly.. et 4 p. v. This bout has been pnmounced by competent judges one of the best stern wheel boats built Imre fur some, time, and she is adolimblit adapted for the trade for which she was 6110 ructed, Shell; nt'very light draught and can miry a large amount of freight on the present stage of water. _The Belle arrived and departed. as usual. with a gaol trip end, was. She appears to have about all. the business she can attend to.. 'fire Ballet ernetii,Clifil• barrngh. is fil ling up steadily for New Orleans, as is also the Savanna, Capt. llogers, for St. Louis. .. . The Reserve hos been pureAnsed by Capt. Ad Jacobs, who will transfer the , machinery to A ew boat. Price—private. The Irenside ; St. I.lltils id rittoquvi. wnsat Lonisvil e on,Tuesday.. The Great epublic was exported to arrive nt rit. I ninon Thursday. The Messen r ivnit to leave . St. Irwin for the iron pi e 011 Weditesday,iyhere she would load to Pittsburgh, 'The firunitit State hnd an excellent trip up, Including about. one. hundred lady and gentlemen excursionists front, Ports mouth. It is needless to say that thete excursionists spenk in glowing terms of the bout, Capt. Herr and his clerk, Mr. Johnston. . —A onumlttee of seven, headed by the Presidents of the lioards of Alderman and 0111 mil e -ten , II to go to Vl'aehlngton to urge tipon,Ciatgresa the importance of immeulately appropriattng a suincient sum of money for the enlargement of tbe- Louisville mual, en 014 river steamer,: 11). feet wide may be enabled to pass through it by the bit of :.oventber. of .thits year. We Lope thin committee will discounten ance any alternative pnitmoition looking to the organization of a private corpora tion to run the canal on any terms, and that it will insist on l'rongreas *emitting the canal by joint resolution Immediately, under the terms proposed before the war. This will insare an early reduction of tolls.—Cia. Gazette. --C'apt. Horace R. Patterson, who died 1n t ` l,ovl~teecntlr : well-known boatman. 'Twentnfire years ago he kept a small confectionary store on Main street, between Washington swenue and Green. In 1847 he was conimander of the steamer Mustnng, which ran between St. I,IIIA and the Missouri. This was a aide-wheel 'tingle engine steamer. More recently he owned and commanded the little Martin, John Warner and Des Moines. —The liobert . Moore, which boat en• gaged in. and. • snnk in the Climbed:lnd river on Mnudav night ,trill,ll is reported, prove It total jam. She woo owned by the Cincinnati and Nashville Packer Com pany, valued at- *1.1,000 and insured in Cincinnati rances for $7,500. —The Collier:Pittsbnrgh to St. Louis, pastc%l Louisville on Nlondav, and the Mollie Ebert enroute from Nee- Orleans, pussaeil Vicksburg the same day. —The St. Joseph Garde( says: .•A great rise in reported at Fort Benton by telegraph. Nothing se heap). has °cent red for 'years!' - —Captain I'.. B. Scott has resumed charge of the I.ightivcwwl. in New. ()rleana and Ouadlita. I tde. —The Kate Putnam, (row this lion. heft Cincinnati for Nashville on Ti.!.esay —The Nornuin. from Evansville, has 599 lugs 'wheat for ).. S. Liggett k Co. ' RIVER PACKETS T ILE FLEET STEAMER _ BELLE, °4:1;r1-t . 11idrprndrnl riltshurah. Browncville and Grarvn l'arkrt. T ooma end tbela , llrlN 11l carry IrrrßAl and Paarenarra to •111...D.0e th.o , klozlrormirala nye, naard. or •t Wbart ow.) ,'AMA. PATTRIDURr, Agent. PORT.. tN PACKET. FOR WHEELINII. MARI ETTA, PA KFIISRCHIi. IRONTON AND PIARTRIVIUTII. I,arca rubhnrah EVERY FRI DAY.{ LeaF, DorlsoroFl6 EVERY MI; IC DA Y.- 10 A.m. nn nrlr and rpleßlllllrra.roarr . (Iti A N I E tCIII Irate as allllrlaorra. For Rata,. or papaw, Mill t/rt board. or 1.1 D. It, WIRIEST R m)l7 Agro4a. '` OINLEANN. VON MEMPHIS and NEW siiti tZ t 01MX A )15.-Thr Stanch Wad tut riAramer • BEILI.CY R MON-- ... 37 - J. 1.114.4011. till Inn., for the NWT. ma 111Lortnat.ti THISDA T. Ilk, YMh. a; 4 r. r. """19" rr.ra IVA • n, 1:.14 GIUILLSS 8 , Gx...-Aspnto. 111% /411.1.41PP1. tOlt ST. I.OIIS, Kirk '.Ot7BV(:VP: AND' ST. - I. ry.-141P ene tsmerecet‘rtentner • . • - - 122223 wnt less for the 4h/ore and Intermediate purl. roe SATURDAY. Hay 21 et, at 4 r. re. ror Irrlglit. or rormatte artily Mani, to mfr. FLACK a COLLIN on GWOOD. Agent.. Pittsburgitanteintitinati PACKET TM The new and splenald thle-whee!" l o l 6 elewner - • JUNIATA, C. L. Mown AM, WIC lotre l'lttphunch for Cln dui...I.I6VMM TIIIJABDA sl.lll4isA9sk_RVT34 P41 1 34! ',1 .4r . .7 5 ?..' • • ..1 4 iTliltirgiat'0 . oda - Agnt.. • Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE. The new and aplerallA aldo-arbeeli iid gEt Sta•araer ARLINGTON. DANIRL ROOM Hadar. #. S. 511.16PARD. Clerk. leaaaal Ilitlablttalkuiclnennatt over; TREADAY at 12 LE pßitoptli. ILataintlaiLlaireselsitnnatllor Mts• burgh, at 12 b. every FRIDAY. gmisht, V!Wi 5. or other. Ltto=ttlon,' srplf JAMES COLLINS, fel '7I,ACK A COLLINOWOOD, Agenti. ~ali„i; _~ t' TO LIVERPOOL AND' QUEENS- AtAYMii: l n itc tr u 's_g mA e_ All. • clam vemuos, mow ....IRS tell ITTT OK rAIIIK, OITT OK ANTWERP, CITY Or 19.11T0N, CITY (I F BALTIMORE, OTT OF LoNDOIL SeHlog EY MY gATIIIIDAY.frow. rter43 Multi River. New York. Yor puska or furtkr Won.. lion apply b , • WILLIAM BINGHAM, Jr., 143 851ITIIVIELD STREET. Jolt* Q. WORKMAN WORKMAN BOcoesomrs to W08X24A21; . 1400iiE kW.. mina tomato. Sad Dolan to • • " • piages Buggies, ./, SPRING Ic'BUCK IVAGOAK 4411, 46 and ,48 &aver 6L, Allegheny., • • 15 . d&V.l.Vlazioir.7"P r ° 7 ll3Vl... wurnattod to give settataction a .n every 1414=1: ErnlrreAdV4=lVettlNAtflt,. ! . m . parsys maks or ty k sym!xlYAWENT.- and Espqe+Pilest Wet Miter Ind Antl.ilattigie for Mafia. 11 mcdHitit wrest Ales,and Wm. 1.1.1111 r bn ethe late n ' rei WORKMAN. DIOORL CO.. a Dullness .111 • hereafter be eatithined at the olditanth ender the nameand - gtyle Og vromotArt. $. nape. Orden solicited. J ial4. " 'ViB Ll 6 .44atd661•irl4P!iSbUrg1.• ST. - 'LAWRE4OH HOTEL, Proprietor,. C. PeaalLaad utkpinizirfilyid Cull SPECIAL NOTICES 'CONSGKPTION~ ph. saLIENCK'S Plift.MOSiC BYREC tot the core of Conchs, Colds and Constellation. Dr. SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC for the cure g o rr o imPg . WI all the Debilitated condition, of DR. SCIIENCKE MANDRAKE PILLE. for Di, Oases of 1 he.T.lver nr to art as a Gentle Ent ...tire, All of there three Mcdkines are often requite. In curing Consump. though-the P , ulmonic Sr op alone has numlhat! many deeperste noes. The Seaweed Tonic and 3teletnale Plll, usslst In reg ulating the Stomach and Liver. 'nnd help the' Pith mode Mynas to bl9 clldord end search thereat. the by wld . eh mean. a cure Is soon et. etdta : These Medicines ate cohrrlchlltaittly offered to the Public to the only parr. txrtaln gad rollablo rey for Pulmonry l'Onsomptlon. and for ell theta a lily body which lead to that fatal .11,esse. I.lrer complaint nral 117. pepsin are often forevotinent conouniptlon, when they manifest thetutclrep they require end the most 'Prompt attention. Tim Pulnionic Syrup it a Medicine which has had long probation before the public- Icy value lons been proved bA the thousand urea It has nude 21 ‘. .2 iNTcr :1nte 1 E... 7 41 , 7 , TV11/11TaTrZt ' a y :.1 " . thamon obstinate 'amulets= on longer doubt t lt Is a remedy which Duty he used with cond. deuce In all cases which adroit of s core. • dons which ern t m n i t: l tigreitTrull t f. o l l t l e " :llZTolia ' cg: lf• be cored, If his lunge see not too much wasted rossible. f:ven rases suppesed. to be torniable. when cods and physician,. have dexPatted. the one oft hls Medicine has raved the Me of the patient and restored him to perfect health. behenck dues not say that all asses .4 Pal ma., honsamption are within the mach ormied. 'eine, but he eftlphntlivilly asserts that often when patients, lint the.lnthit abirintnp semptoms. such as violent. eolign. ertiehing thins. nlabi. sweat, general debility. eren such dearSso tbs.. dive ate obliged Wile in bed, utti when they are given op he their physician. they may still pe cured. nowlitasi treatment can create new lu pi. but when the lungs are very sadly diseased and to some ex tent destroyed, a cure may be ellbeted by Dr. behencles medicine. • Also, In Ncroftileum ibrenne, therm M d jets] es are entlally efficient. 11r. Itehrucli ban photogrnplin qf numberof renin...llo !limit/e'en ciirertC wltMirunnlnk rota, mid nowell healed op. Thin Minim Its pnrirrinC Pruned kir; Widen mull be able to herd cavities in Um lunme. . . . . W the treatment of Consumption it is of the et most importance to give vigor and a healthy tone to the system. lienco it. Is necessary to streuirtheit the rippellte of the pialent and Improwe the diges tion, leper nomisbment Is required together with sue Means mete the food eusliYiligmo w T e articlesmost sibtahlo or the diet of cense/Nibs. anti..nee desikinted In. Dr. Sevenths Ainnoines. which are distributed atatel• bawl. In ger.end. the most highly nut,' time arti cles are to be preferred. Inn the Illpestivn omens must he strengthened in girder to make either food or medicine servieeable. This requirement is met hy the benweed Tonle. and for th is purpose it vine 'designated. When tile disestive powersare tint in West iinler• the feed nes Proper effect: the systt-nu of the patient Is Invigontted end the longs begin to exer cise their functions In n normal and healthymin wilThen the healing powers of Pulitionle byruP toriort.the cure. . . piiknonary emmemptlon la almost Ma'am com plicated *lth Dyspepsia and Liver ConsplainL echenclis Mandrake PM* are Intend in remove obstructions from the Liver and restore ed Its health,' aetion. They have all the effiroey whichtsa•mlbed to calomel Jr 'little massW and are anted not to cent:Mt a particle of any mineral poison. Them Pills mire the most ob,,Linxte ...User.... sick hendachn,plles, tillectlon.. and all other which the fown a torpid or otedniett.l condition of the Liver. One Isok of these pills will p ln me efilmey of medicine. ponsamptlon the. Seaweed Tonle and Man. drake Pills stre Invalcmble auxiliary medicines. lee been found umful advanced stages of Pomo: are inf. (ion, whem the Intim. are almost entirety destroyed And all sympt tons amordlocto the Judgment of the Physicist/indicated speedy dealtd. 'lke lives of patients who were actually I din condition hve been preserved for months by the um of Shnck's three great remedies. tie, Schenck's Almanac coot/time full treader on the radon. forms of disease, his mode t refitment and general dlnectiona how to use his P s had gnats, or sent br mail by toldreesing his Principal OMm. No. 13 North Math street, Phila. delpbta, l'a. h q ralf Mandrake 23 cents a hex. Poe In he all druggist. .dend&T Mr — DOCTOR UR'S TO TREAT ALL I'IIIVATR PIS. EMMA That cameras class of Cane, resalllng from Telf.abuse, 'maturing unmanlinms, l. r, debility. Irritability. eruption.. remina! ertil..24lonn, and finally Impotency permanently cured. Persons afflicted with delicate. Intricate and long etanding consditutlunal canal/Onto are politely invited to cull for conmltatlon. which costa maid:. Rime rlencesthe best of telw-hers, h. - enabled him to r"rfe ,, rrilledi onmperm.nent. and which in mo es ist mom canettlelent.mte. be anon without hind. ranee to fatalness. hledleines prepared in the es tabliahmenL which embraces otbee. reeepthm and waiting mono.; also tswolitshr and sleeping apart ments forlattlenta requiring bathe,ulted atten tion, and vapor and chendeal thus concen tenting the famed mineral erring.. No matter who . have failed, state year case. Read what he says In his pamphlet of fifty prop, vont to any address fm two stamps In warden...elope. Thousands of comes *mated anntudly. ht °Mee and All 1.,' the country. Consultation tree, per...null. or by mall. °Men No. 1) Write street, (near l'ourt Pitteburgh. Pa. Hours OA. }I. to NM!, Srintlap. 12 m. 1,2 P.M. Pamphlet sent to any srldrrn f.d . TSWIPTAMVS. I ' arC Oa . MA NI1001): 1101YINAV RINTOIIRII —Jest. Pubilalte4 to n mated and Spenwttorrhavi, or Seminal Westin...and impedi l: rat ments to Marriage genersilli Nervonstiesl• oomplion. F:p.levey. and Fit, Mentol and Physical Inmpaelly, hr.. by SORT. J. tIIII.VERNe 01.11,, D. IL. author of the 'Tireenft,..k,' . Ac. "A BOON TO TIIOUSANDS .OF PIIIITERERS." Sent under wsal, In Own envelnpo, 1,, any widow, postpaid. rorript era c,31,. or two vo,olne •lamp,, CAS. J. 1.. IsLINS f .0- UST Bowery. hew von . Pestoffice boa 4356. Alm Pr. thilverweirs - Marriage (lulde.'' Mire 23 MM., t0r3.03 V . 3ATCIIII.IIIt ' S 11,11 It This splendid timis Dye I. the best In the world. II winks, relinMe, inatontaneoti,bms not conMln lead, nor arty vrtAtit. poison to produce taindyels or death. Avoid the vaunted and delu sive preteinstion. boasting the• an not me, 3011 e genuineßatchelor'. flair ltyr has had pears untarnished repaMOon to uphold its integnty the mils Perfect Hair Ilye• -111.0 k or, rll Drugg..• A 1.1 4 i. , d at 10 Bond .creel. N. T. fel AUCTION I R. D. GALES' 4111111 T, AND VAI TT :',?'" N • . • • • . 1,, GEN 10, a, HID . 'flits 51*•10.21 1 0 •• ..n ..1 11c11..ruin., 10t1 surer. the. aI•A • 1 . 20 r Mace no . n,.•n. ork,. have Innn .rnlt rrint, jinlgn ttttt nont a• to noon tan•lleinv..eotl will N. ' 4ll . l u g• ' 4 s %rgg Py• the • 1111. •••••••f natty.. ..11„0..1•• aMnt 111 ritr. •11101nilnnirre ~1?) A. . 1 1 , 11. , VAINIt. Aumn•ocr..r. Public A tictiou Stile Uo' BUILDING LOTS. • 1,417,L.1, 0tt.i..." I9th vrkrtl, and tr , ..tvrvettinnt . lirill i esnt A.attnn. ti! bop SATURDAY, fl 31s1 of Ma5.,1870. 19= 1. , ,n• flu, the A !leg hen, Blear, nutlet a vie+ that ronnot he evrelle4. They are numbly aorevalble by the Allegheny Valley Bat/. ngt. the Allegheny Hirer, and Butler Invert and 1111/Inn nun Anal totter., The. , vary in el. rmm feet 0-4011 to a quarter .4 an acre. and ;mean laid nut.* to render ever. one of them really appronehe.l hY onto etrorta The tattren• haa,engar Railway Company bare at the neereaary authority ellenttlng their rood t. I laighen !tun. oh leb ',adjacent to three 1y4., and theno City Water Wort, vetil in ail Prot.•ahtlitf he located ed olthtn • aluay 'natant., Setn.,ll an Churchee of all denomination. are con. enient. Tbetpl.ta ate tnt apreerutte rapidl nnn 'aloe, mad *Mb, tilt th• Moat elh:lhlea 64teetitani 'ln , Tu.albetrlner Kahle appre... entllan In table make. them tlealmbla tor borpnoea of ineeattnent. =I will oile T i wg.l • Ulla on aalt parr:tha t haw. 'The ProPrtetOr the.. over/ man may secure a bon., and pny tor it on very reaNamilde Wrens. A apecial fr. train will leave the A IleghenY Val ley Thpot on day sale 4112 o'clock. • A plot lots' van *ten at the oftlev nl .1% ; :•t0.h7 Muth overlay, Illtal:urale. R. STEWART, 111112:1 TIIIRTY-FOUFSCRES, Fine' Suburban Residence, ON 01110 • RIVER; IT. NEVILLE, All(ltit r ) On yltltrA Y. :day gOth. at 11 trona*. will he ...Id by auction,on the premises. the Property of Mr. Monte Miaow oil. et Neville. a endive Os the P.. Pt. d C. IL W.. anon SO minutes ride from town... The twolls embrace 34 acres la /a high state of ettitleati :to on , thickly plented with grapes. Peer, apples and other fruits, and Matt/ Ones. shrubbery wilt avergnectt. shade end forest trees. shrubbery end dowers, A whadingeveene easy grads leads from the 'Online to the dwelling.whinh p n contniending poslthin An the centre of ilin " Annela. The genic •vlews obtainable from MO tenet Attie nnallY mngnificent. The adjacent mnntry fnr miles aninnil. and thn beautiful wind ing Ohio to bestride/ / i nlet. are •ialble from newe l? every porunt. of terse mnism, It is a genies rpotoand to be stitareciated meet be: acre. The house Is substantial and elegant double Insane atructure. with front. back and side porehest sot, clone balcony. 'MOW Nile, ball. reran, with by win dow a sitting noon, library. with bey ',lnd .'s,. din legroom, kitchen, with range, and cold water. And' water t.t) Piz chambers on Strong floor. bath. trete; closet, finished attic, tibinerount. good dry cellar with heating.furnace. wash Inoue. ads tannery tabs end Itther ennvenievr a. Marbleised taro moraines In 11. ,the uv rs 4, 1 41`,..1171!.ut i gj hen very hanolsortic appearance. The outbuild ings ere entertains. embracing carriage hours. bum end oast stables, tool house. chicken loose. lee house. moiling room and athsertatnry. The old Jack mulatto, it comfortable house. is nista nit the ground. This en-inert yis within the limns of the borough of Bellevue, In s highly desirable neign borhoed for a.resldoere. Is epproarbable by late knigblon nod. and Is right at the tenser stattlite, wherealmost hourly- connectkin with the city Is SUOrdfd. It is the desire of the owner that this property shall be gold in one elm', end decided in ducements will be netted Wsedwarlish that object. As hut reso demand yor. thane l be told et diViIIIOTSI to salt the s of present et the eme. The premises 'gibe open for Inspect!. for three days prior le the NJ. r • • . • • .. , Ttniut—Ono•thlrd reAb,balunce ihree)eqnst 7...17 Permeate, with Intere4t. M,cnne4 t. bond end inntlamee on the preestem • LEApi„DRUGS, 140. PiliSO - UR(' DECORATED AND PLAIN White Lead and Color Works, tr blJ. grid plate Sk k &S c oonma er on; I 'iv PROPRIETORS, I lbd ron:A b yl 'l ,lT ":" l w "nn.'it hre i.l4,lt