The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 20, 1870, Image 2
;~~~ -THE DAILY 'GAZETTE. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Plttalnugh, Allegheny City and Allegheny, County. GAZETTE •UILDI\O: Censer at 111.1 a Aimee rid lllnilineld litreet FRYIIAY, MAY 20, 1870 HcentA in Viiinik•fon, miaza PETROLEUXIE Antwerp, 521 “OLD dosed in New York yegierday at 114ia1141. THE Kittanning Republican aays: It is the universal opinion, in thin bee tion, at least, that Kerr ahouhl resign. That lie is =tatted to ~,represent this Mu trict in the Senate. , , pi*: Nev.; York election Traubs in the choice of . Miro Democratic and two lie. pnblicari Supreme Judges. ,The last 'come hi on the principle of minority rep. .reoentation. Voting in, the city was ac 'Exuding to the 'Tammany onatom. The World says: Repeating was carried oh as usual and with usual success. In aome of the dia. tricts the register limb; were but Foldout consulted—a fact which made repeating , and other illegal voting comparatively TOE Yr= ratanEns don't like the tariff situation. We though they would feel bad—and they do.' One of their journals protests that "the present tariff is a wonse and more odious meastire than the Com mittee's bill." Another one, the bell wether of •that innocent : flock, takes it so hard that it has not yet said's' word. A 'third nays, "thin defeat - of a bill with zs- Peml tatiffs on good things embodied in it, is a calamity to the country." So they all talk. We offer to them our sympathy in their affliction—and pray them to be aharpoiin the future. GEORGIA We -have -heretofore commended the general nferlta of the Cessna bill; as a Ju dicious and practical adjustment of this embarrassing question. Our judgment, that It needi anientimeet in but one par . Ocular to ensure the approval of Congress and thecountry,AS confirmed by all the cettudileration that we have been enabled to give it. The bill shouldliot attempt to ..etraddle the only reelly.difficult question in the case, by equally affirming and denying the legality of the Legislative organization of July 'ffil—for it is the at tempt to reconcile a sound theory with wholly illegitimate and abnormal facts whtchour friends are unwisely disputing over. Either that organization was or was not legal, at its dale. The Ceram' bill, and indeed Any other measure yet offered, substantially admits that- it teas valid and iegitintate. The facts support the same concluaion. The Legislature met in July. Its Committee on Creden -Ililidulfripiirtedlliarall the • but- -three, were not only eli gible, but properly electetturd all the minders, thus cert{lied favorably. were then and there worn in , and the Legisla ture, proceeded to its. regular business. What else was needed—what 'else could .Jaixe—:hem....oznected—to-perfeet a valid and cattstitnthautl organization from that date? ,Clearly,nothing more.. Why, then, =fuse the two questions—the clear le gitimacy of the "organization, fixing its oirn status forever Under the provisions of . the fundamental law, and the equally and Wrongs, width during the session were perpetrated by the majority in turning out the twenty-eight colored members? Each question stands ufton its own Merits—and no fact pertaining to the later hiatory of the body has the slightest bearing whatever upon the fixed fact of -the primary organ ization of the body. Thin wan the view which the Georgia. Supreme Court up held, for, upon. the'freneral Issue submit ted, that' tribunal, basing its judgment upon the validity of the July organi zation, and not at all contravening that , point, addressed itself to the other - question and • decided treat the ouster was an illegal act. Here was high testimony—and it should be decisive , — to the substantial end technical sufficiency of ,theorganizatiOn, which from that mo ment became responsible for its official acts. Properly weighed, the judgment of the State Court has gone a long way in promoting a fair and satisfactorr solution _of the present difficulty, and we insist that nor friende in Coagreettshoold accept and 'il'iriets in fie 'bmadest- and most et:tel:Art tonetruction. • In the progress of events; and under the .I cleezindieations - that a rebel influence wits ruling the , State, State, it iteMinelt question for Congresswhether she should be Teetered ' to her:Federal relations. The X.Lth Con- ' 1 gress'neither admitted' nor excluded her:l We all rnmember the inconsistencies and mutual disagreements in which, its two branches it:note - ad themselves. • -The YList • Congress has pnidently forborne to take either course, or to pronounce upon anidelli ''• cite. policterithout . delay and reflection. The issue is now to be taken up 'and die • posed of. The Acts of last; December, if they meant anything, signified. only that. since Georgia Was not' yet adtnitted, she might be dealt with provisionelly, and therefeni the usurpations of the prevision ,- • ail Legislature were nullified, and thaw meinbers reamed, according to the judg. merit Of the Georgia Coert, members Shody which, before their ouster, ilteb• bad aided to organize in July V. The December Act assumed nothing more:coif 'tianplated nothing more on that branch of •., The Bingham amendment, tot whieh the -• • Smelt° Chas substituted the present,' or .."1"17 didackaoWledge the legality of the old orginizatiati,,bgt did not affirm the legality of a single - really invalid } ' , of the bodj 'M men*: 'Jringe ham—and the idolise stood with him—ac. , - cepted thenout we think they will , now, . the full effete , : of -the judgment of the Georgia Court. ' The present propealtion to override the State C'ertiiltutloti, which 'ire hare all ae cepted tipublican,in,frmit, ter deny the legality of an orwuriaition which every one at the time socepeed striegitimateiald • which even now no one areteacanx • pines, to Impeach the logiad effect of the ' judgment of the State court ferreting the ousted members. and to confer; a double „tette, of office upon all depart ments of the 'SlideirdcAitimmlenr,l4talnly!it I War with - law, commonsense, practical, states . emery tenablitttheca7 end ,every sdmltt - ed fact. . • , - that' the Legislature was to • iirirapized two years .tage, -it by no . - means follows that the Stite should have been at pots restored to her teepniteinte II I - t.--- - c-•o' ng' r , ' ~h id the indot ited r ight ''' i°;44B bawa '"a able tixnsin sdludg „ _!. to. Wit ewmn„on. ii l,,de im ' Th at so o seh dettyhsectored s due ipe erre tniuletiee of the fresh*. ' t.°131 - rY ' i 'lt is their 'lsillt that a IN !- ' . ' ' ilintir!-* 44 ,... °- f or tw o years, F' '' '" ' . question 148 11 pending ieht Use been decktii " whieh otir rw .4 ° in-" likely to d ispose dui We are .. • . -‘ • • '.: - is mori • • ... . (mat jnstilks. _, f,----,,,,,,.- anises Ore „ .- ." ,, , , a' -,,', •,•-:!.',,, 'i 4 4, "'''''-'r'' yet, it still ' longer pe• b} het se wn ,_, „, mie " the e rehationsr,Y or Pr ° ' • '4‘ , l t ' .- '.: ' 14 , 8° wn S '"' ' ' s he is, to all re• -:;. ''' . "4—*l status coottnttes, . 41 - ' - ' .. ~,...- - supervision ,4 1 '•: - i ee d s ander a Con gr es sional iete teGto -15:,°;: ': , i e . ' way with her 0 1121 1 , -',-4, -, _ ' .:' 7 . •tO ration. This superAsion hasticen justly exercised in reaspa . tabling, het, purged legislatirs, but it doe.; rot ' even lead a color te*nrplea for nullifying .60 midi: of its eirliirrea , rd :at was already legal, ,dc,for ignoring it., , 4ogether We knit*" tiPon what was legitimate, and we corivd- . what was not so. But we can find, in the laSt duty, no plea for avoiding the find. We arc entitled by the situation, at any time before its final ',elution, - to add to or to abate our pending stipulation', for terms: We have seen fit to add ,h eimditione— which we may with tut al title, abate or add elf] store to if Cre , n ) kii c‘iiitiniaes re.- Imttrry. . The present offer la to take her in upon, tire" same cond4ions as ~,l '' TM - Xtekitly accepted by three other States. If we put this offer in form, through the Cessna or any other bill, and Georgit, agrees . to it.slie• will entitle herself to inr ,,,,,,it.t ion. ender which the first Sen ators whose credentials shall show them t o have been legally chotten,by a majority of a legal quont of legal members of her Legielaturewill be the — rightful r i fro claimant* an the ew Senators nt (leer gilt. It makes o difference who they are, or what their po itical opinion s, so long as they have been eligible to the office, and properly elected There is no excuse for any "muddle" o that.queation. —Shun the above wee placed in type. we have neon the report of the Hoene Re conntruction Committee. 'They oiler the name bitten first reported early In the - een sine, which the House then etuended on Jod, Igo Binghatn's notion, and sent to the ' Senate: They have added to it,however,a single section repealing the existing re strictions upon the nrganixation of the militia in Georgia, Texas;-Virginia and Mississippi, and the hill now reported is the same bill an Mr. Cesmtes, omitting from the latter the date of Georgia's mit !leaden of the Sl - oth Article, which it had specified as in January last, and also omit_ ling its provisions for the. continuance of the present Legislature. If ther . re is really say question on the latter point, the bill trout the Committee remits it to tk o State authorities to adjust for themselves. Our ccroarite upon the Cessna bill are there fore argument. in support of the measure as reported front the ('omnttttce. It is pcareely necessary to add that we shall earnestly hope for the adoption of thin plan of settlement with the least poesible, delay. We have no solicitude over the re. missions of time legislative question to the Georgia courts. Set eve should prefer, for the peace of the State; a clear expression from Congress in favor of n new election this year. 1:1=21=113 1.1,, Too Lux or Bnisinnex.'Prinate and Politl ,eal; With d criptive Notices of his ances try. Dy Jo n George Louis Hesekill, author of -Faust a d Don Juan." etc. Translated and edited, th an Introduction, explanato ry notes and ppendiees. Br K. D. H. Mac kenzie. F. B . t. and F. A. S. Profusely il lustrated. tblished by Harper A Brothers, New York. or sale by E.Miner. Fifth ave nue. Pittabu . Bismarck i one of the few turn of thin .age that will lire in, the future, and con- finite to looni jup in grandeur, as time rolls on., In commending him BO highly wr are aware, however, that he has glaring faults, at least ha Jacks certalu cletnents of poptdarity now,aliat will be lisii,sight of in the future. The enthusiasm . 14f the author, In his glowing poet rayal of Bis marck's character, is pardonable, and will not detract from the merits of the man or •the style of the work. emu reformers are usually dictatorial, haughty and aristocratic. Men of nerreoin fighting old notions and policies, require just such characteristics. and these, tritium% seem to be absolutely necessary to acComplish any grand work,tbeugh by an doing, a man generally fails to secure the applause of the masses.' ewuntliiistriarcit is a ptweli- Cal illustration of this truth. and. while he may nor raja] the popular esteem of _Ciaribaldi or Cavour, his great achieve- arms will occupy • prominent place in history. In this elegantly printed and Instrated volume uu. have an necoun the Bisinarck faintly, the wild and heroic incidents of his youth and the various stages of manhood, Ontii his present emi. nence. The reading of the book cannnt fall. to inspire lofty aspirations in young men. The style and grouping of the sali ent features of his life' are lifelike and charm the reader. • . )(Anton Bract's*: A Stog tor Girla. By • Laura Caztort. Illustrated by the author. Published by A. K. Loring, Boston. Doubtless this story of-Dirt-IMo at a fashionable boarding house, trill baTe quite a run. it presents a picture of this interesting period in. girlhood, awl the episodesineident,that is, to a considerable extent, the counterpart of thousands of the fair sex ; and yet, many parents and I . guardians prefer at this period more ■t- -,iention to the head than heart education. The taleends, as all , might eipect, from the sketchy scenes, in marriage. It is thought the style is somewhat 7similar to Miss Alcotes Women," but the -render must be the judge: _Llt certainly lacks some of the characteristics of that capital fumy. ONLY • GIRL: floß A TITTRICIAigroo TIM SOUL. A Romance from the German of Wllhelmine Von Bittern. BY Mrs. A. L. Witter. Pub= rushed be_, J. B. Littglarott. Co., Philadel [ vAti„mfige by E.flitter , flitter, Fifth avenue, Lovers of fiction, especially of the Ger ' min school, will enjoy this romance. It is thoroughly of a Germanic type, though the story hinges upon a common question —the real sphere of woman. Ac we are not expected to give an opinion relative to '.the , orthodoxy of German thought, we may ray, however, that tme • liberalism of that sciMol of thinker* will, perhaps, do as little harm as the species free-1014am to be found so frequently in the so-called liverawe, of the : day. Aside from this, .ihe Work . is adnilitbly written, loth as to it; style, vigorous. thought, and artistic finish. The characters are strongly drawn, and beat an Individuality; that is rather nonstial, and will .strike Sernereaders as being ertravagant, and somewhat distort 'ed. The story represents a 'girl slighted by her parents, whose childhood was made .ufthappy. resolves to enumerate her self to the 'good ofher `sex, and by dill. gent study,. becomes _proficient in study and gifted es a writer.- While than en gaged, she becomes associated with a pro , fewer in a German ; University. BY dint . of persistent effort he succeeds in chang ing the principles of the, young lady, and finally she is brought to see in time, the' truerelations of her eel, that of feeling, and man's function the yruind. The aterjr affords fillt , ',diaplay of the den. 'nista, and hi highlYWronght thrOughont. Tat luan or ThouuLl Translated Into Bag , flab some. Br W. G. rAlaelenuh, author of 1 •IPPl •Bedann wAn . Talest ir:CO:: ate. pubnibbd by . 1 . B. i But little nee dbe said of the value and desirableness' of at:translation of "The Iliad of limier." Thom who know the grandeur of llotnerin the origin& will be t ,i mmK l to see such an excellent rendering hi t . ° leglisli; and persona imacquainted with lime grand -Aram in an unknewn tongue will enjoy the luxury of readin g it In their own familiar httqntette. The tranahttion is a good one, and critics of acknowledged ability think It le, on the wkole:a better translation than Lord Di& ,by's. The .volume ti handsemely printelf" 'and hound. ind does credit to the publish- Tea Lem or Besualmf ocllll Pantrents.llly ruins% UM KVA% PO. • Batted h 7 lesias..Ourowle.,oaaleton. Theis sketches arref eort,l and full of grotesque ind amusing pea. sages. In dealing with men -and thing., even a writer inightloWer himself to the level of the thing in hand. but kir. Matte endetrers to treat the subject -in rather a dignified minter. We think, however, some of the characters are depicted In a style that s ympathises too strongly with the 4didirde*, thai , ,the conduct if the . titeioutt.ind abardlinied not be ptin lehml Tri'itte great .11es:titter; however fine alit thtse eketehes Ire, great principree Of 'a moral type, should not he *sacrificed. The author, evidently, some day will occupy a conspicuous place in literature, if he continues to derelope the talent displayed in this work. • We call attention to 'rite Luck of Roaring Camp." .The Idyl of Red an fair specimena of the hook. The volUmn is well printed. • MR Toms Wrsx's Coon firma. Be the Au thor of "The National Cook Book." Pub liehed by T-B..retereon k.• Brother+, Phlla delphla. Books of this class are becoming quite numerous and popular, as they impart in formation of great value to house.keeping. The chief excellency claimed by the au thor of this honk in, that the receipts have been thormighly tested for many years.. This gives the book a .practiall feature, which should commend it to house-keep.. ere. It contains receipts of all the beet. dishes to be prepared for breakfast, dinner. and tea, as well as a largo number of new receipts, for cooking and preparing in all different. 'ways: Soap, flab, oysters, lob sters, meats, omelets, poultry, game, Jo lies, preserves, salads, puddings, pies, pas tries, desserts, pickles,i'sances, etc., with miscellaneous receipts' and invaluable hints to lives in every article of holm held use. Tur. VALI: Or CEDAHP, Olt THE MARTYR - Iip Grace Aguilar. Published by la. Apple ton & co. New York. Tire works of this gifted author, whose death occurred over a score of years ago, were unusually popular, and are still I sought after: fOrlheir beautiful style and purity of thought. Thin well known ' house are bringing out her works in nn elegant manner; at the low price of One dollar per volume. The \'nle of Cedars. describes in touching words the persecu tion and sufferinga of the Jews in Spain in the fifteenth century. The series will do well for Sunday School libraries. We have just received . - Lothair." by Right lion. Benjamin Disraeli, late Prime Meitner. of Great Britain. This latest product of the old Premier shown the wonderful . genius of- his versatile mind. .Lothair," it is claimed, lots all the bril liant wit, the keen and:_sparkling satire. and the refined grace of the most popular of its predeossmors. It deals with currenc taping of the deepest interest—with Fe. nianism, the Catholic Question, the intrigues of the Jesuits, be., Ac. Also, - The Woman Business," by Marntion Sav age, author of the "Bachelor of the Alba ny." This romance appeared—in serial numbers of that charming weekly, "Ap pleten's Journal," and found great favor by its readers. liaarga & Buvrrugus. New York. hate sent us "Baffled," by Julia Goddard. It delineates the - love of two brothers for the tame girl, and their reconciliation if terwarJa. A story of this kindle sure to find readers. and plenty of them, front the simple announcement of it being a tale of loVe. We received n few hours ago "Be neath the Wheels,' a romance, by the au. thor of "Olive Varcor." etc., and simply announce its publication. T. B. PrrEnsos & BROTHERS, PhiladeL phis. have just issued "A Marriage in High Life." by Mrs. Gray, an English nov elist who flourished and was popular twee. ty or thirty years ago. Phasesof English life are the leading features of this novel. A Witness of the Riekssoati Disaiter Stricken with Paralysis. A correspondent of the Petersburg (Vs.) Index relates the following remark• able circumstance treinnected with the late calamity at Richmond : Professor Dews, a well: known violinist t this city, at the time of that occurrence was stioading in t h e wide avenue lending from the (taverner's house, somewhere near the monument. He beard the crash of the falling timbers and saw the clouds of dust lining from the windows, when with terrible imdderinees and by tome at,= tonishing and Inexplicable working of the imagination, the whole scene, an described afterward by ninny persrms, became vivid leimpressed 'upon bit mind. lie knew Nit a horrible accident bad taken place, but more than this, he could hear the moans of the dying. and the vies of the wounded, and could see their struggles coul' the moan offalling tbubers. The effect upon him was to produce paralysis of the left side; his whole system was shocked as If by an electric current, the nerves vibrated and tangled till they seemed as if they must snap, in great was the tension. He is yet , confined to Led. but is improving under . medical at tention.. Professor Dews Is it reliable. middle aged gentleinan. He is not at all of an imaginative. disposition, is in the most vigorous health, and weighs two hundred pounds. t Implicitly believe his statement, unaccountable as it in. The present condition of his whole side pmven how dreadfully he was chocked, and Ids, eyes are freely spotted, as is often seen in I awes of paralysis or piralytisof the brain. I have heard of some other persons who were nearly an badly injured by hearing of the result of the accident. Old lawyer Cannot, one of our most venerable and worthy citizens, was paralyzed, and is now confined to his bed.: He has been before In thin condition, however; but none of these cases 401,111 so airings as. this, where a venom 'wither seeing nor being told what.liad. happened; at once realized It In ell of Its sickeali4details. Agneulture is hUnsylvania n the report of the Agricultural De partment for the month of March and April. just baued, appears the following paragraph on the condition of the grain crop of l'ennsylvania, so reported to the department by its correeriondents In dif ferent sections of the State : -In more than half the counties report ed the condition of "Vilest and rye is placed below the average, not so mach from win ter-killing as from late germination and unfavorable conditions for growth before winter set in. It is also noticeable that it is not injured in limestone districts, while in poorer elate soils and in low lands it is more or less winter-killed." From the portion of the report on die. eases of cattle, it appears that racer°. pneumonia was the cause of much loss and anxiety during the month of April in I Chester and Beaver counties, and near Ceadd's Ford, on the Octoeara. The fol lowing paragraph from the report relative to "Spanish fever" is of interest The passage of laws to prevent the summer driving of Southern cattle, and their strict enforcement, have limited the lames from this disease in a marked de gree. A. few cases are repo , rted. One in Chester county, Pennsylvania, fundehes another illustration of the Invariable and peculiar features of this disease. Last summer slot of cattle from North Caro. HMI stopped at Avondale. Soonafter thes , left,,other cattle turned into the meadow they: had occupied became nick. Some twenty' were attacked, and About three fourths of them died. No other cattle were ltnmed into the same enclosure, and the disease did not spread further. Many believed the ticks . which ' infested the North - Carolina cattle, and were commuut the natives attacked, caused the disease. There is no evidence Mat thew parasites - have 'anything, to do with its diffusion or Tindal:ice. • The imam of wain* by disease . are re ported to be quite heavy' in all sections ef . A LADY was recently f walking, accom panied by het nurse and two children, neat tat. Louis, when one of the latter was missed for a few moments. On being called,he answered from a little distance. "Hem! mit, Mamma, behind the stump. I'm pitying with a big, beautiful' worm. I've got a. chip, and it opens Its mouth ever im wide when I touch its teeth with the chlk.. Anxious to see the character :of the child's _playmate, the two women went. l 9,tho ern. when saw , behold! they a tattleenaho two feet lung coiled against and the child t artual hebut i tio t f t. th eig e pet= bead. The snake appeared perfectly Insilco, not even giving the usual warning . with its rattles, It is, needless. perhaps*. to say that the mothty . , was frightened beyond the power of mr.ina., TTie, slum quickly removed the child,: and one of, the hinds dispatched the dangers ig playmate.. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 20, 1870 FROM MARK TWAIN.] OUR PRECIOUS LUNATIC. NEW YORK, May 10.180. The Richardson:McFarland jury hid. been out one hour and fifty minutes. ,A breathless silence brooded over Ginn, and auditor - -a silence and a tallness ao abso lute, notwithstanding that vast multitude of human beings peeked together there, that when some one far away among the (throng under' the north-east balcony 'cleared his throat with a smothered little cough it startled everybody uncomfort able, se distinctly did it grate upon the ,the air. At that imposing moment the bang_of.a door was heard, then tire shuttle of approaching feet, then a sort of surging ' and svea3ing ditterder among the heads near the entrance from the jerrreoin told that the twelve were rola; lug; Presently all was atilt again, and foretnan of tire jury rise and mid: ) " oltalloNott AND (i ENTI.EIFIN: We, the my charge() with tire duty of deter. min ng whether the prisoner at the bar, Daniel MeFarland,has been gyilty of mur• der, in inking by . surprise in unarmed man and shooting hint to death,or wheth er the said prisoner is simply afflicted with ' a sad but irresponsible insanity, which at times can be cheered only by violent entertainment with firearms, do find as follows, namely: That the prisoner, Daniel McFarland, in insane, as above described. Because: 1. His great-grandfather's step.father was tainted with insanity, anti frequently killed people who were distasteful to hint. !fence, insanity is hereditary in the familz. - 2. For nine years the prisoner at the bar (lid not adetjuately support Iris fam ily. Strong circumstantial evidence of insanity. • 3. For nine years he made of his home, as a general thing, a poorhouse; some. times (but very rarely) a cheery, happy habitation; frequently the den of - a beery, driveling, atupified animal; but neter, as far as ascertained, the of a gentleman. These be evidences of in. sanity. . 4. Be once -took his young unmarried. xister-in-law to tne museum; while there his hereditary insanity caw upon him, and to such a degree that ho hiccupped and staggered; and afterward, on the way home, even made love to the young girl ho tens prntecting. These an , the acts of person not in his right mind. s.'For a good while his milli:rings were so great that lie had Ott submit to the in convenience of haying his wife give pub lic: readings for the family support; and at times, when ho handed these shameful earnlngsyto the Ipirkeeper, his haughty . soul was no blyn with anguish that lie could lumpily stand without leaning up against something. At such times he Itex been known to shed tears into his gusto. canc., until it was diluted into utter 3.0- clency. Inattention of this nature is not the art of a Democrat unatilicted in mind. 6. Be never spired expense in making his wife mmfortable during her occardonal confinements. tier father is able to testify to thin There was always an element of un smindness about the prisoner's generosi that is very sagge . alive at ads time !M==l 7. Two rears Igo tire prisoner earn fearlesslyvii behind Richardson in th dark, ana shot blur In the leg. The pri. .oner's limn. and protracted defiance of au advernity that for yearn had left him little to depend upon for his support but a wife who sometimes earned _scarcely anything for weeks at a time, is evidence- that he would have appeared in front of Richard son and - shot him In the 1410111.11 if he had, not been insane, at the time of the shooting% R. Fourteen months am, tho mtioner told Archibald Smith that he was going to kill Ittelmniwm. This is insanity. 9. -Twelve months ago he told Marshal P. Jones that ho was going to kill Ilich• ardron. In+znit r. 10. Nine montias ago lie Iru harking •Mwn ilichardport's home in New Jerne M== IMMO [ll=B2 11. ileven'tnemtho ago he sholvi - . 11 np' . . tol to Seth Brown and Kahl that that watt foi gicherdeon. Ile said Brown teatified that at toot time it aetnned plain that there was rontething the matter with McFarland, for he crawl the street diagonally nine • times in . fifty yerde apparently million any iiettled neison for doing eo,anil final', fell In the gutter and went to eleep. II remarked at the time that McFarland ted etrungo"—believed he was inean, Upon hearing Brown's evidence. John V Galen; M.D.. affirmed at once that McFa. bind W. insane. 12. Five months ago McFarland showed his customary picot. in his customary wav, to his "bed-fellow. Charles A. Dana. and told him he wart yning to kill tlirh aalsonthe first lima an opportunity offered. Evidence of insanity, 13. Five months and two weeks ago McFarland asked John Morgan the time of day, and turned and walked rapidly array without wailing fur an muter. Al. most indubitable evidence of insanity. And— 14. It is remarkable that exactly one week after thin circumstance, the prisoner, Daniel McFarland, confronted Albert D. Richardson suddenly and without warn. lag, and shot him dead. This is mitaffest insanity. Everything we know of the prisoner goes tomboy , that If he had been mane at the time, he would hare shot his victim from behind. 15. There In an absolutely overwhelm. lug mass of testimony to show that an hoer before . the shooting, McFarland teem ANXIOUS AND L7SEAAT, and flint fire min• ',ars after it he VGA =CM:D. 'Chun the accumulating conjectures and evideneee of insanity culminate in this Sublime and an• impeachable proof of it. Therefore— " Your Honor and Gentlemen--We, the ; pm, pronounce the said :lonniel McFar land INNOCENT OF Mrnitmt . , lICT CALAXI. TOChhe INSANE." The scene that ensued almost defies der tecription. this, handkerchiefs and bon. nets were frantically. waved 'above the massed heads in the court room, and three tremendoun cheers 'and a tiger told where the sympathies of court and people were. Then a himdred pureed lips were advanced to kiss the liberated prieoner, and many a Land thrust out to give him the congratu. latory shake—but presto! with a mania's own quickness And a maniac's own fury, the lunatic nemesia of Itichardeon fell upon hie friends with teeth and nail., boot. and office furniture, and the amazing rapidity with width he broke heads and Brehm, and rent and sundered bodies, till near a bun. dred citizens wero reduced to mere quiver ing Leaps of fleshy odds and ends and crimson rage, was like nothing in this world but the exultant phrenzy of a plun ging, tearing, roaring devil of a Stearn machine when it militates a human being and spine him and whirls hint till he ehreds away to nothingness like a "four o'clock" before the breath of a child. The destruction was awful, It in said that within the apace of eight minutes Mc- Farland killed and crippledsome nix score pennons and tore down a large portion of the City Hall building; carrying away and naming into Broadway six or seven marble columns fifty-four feet long and weighing nearly twolons each. But he was finally Captured and sent in chains to the lunatic asylum for life (By late teleg_rams it ap peuithatthis In a mistake.—Eincron Ex prettel But the really Curious part of this whole matter Is yet to behold. And that is; that McFarland's most intimate friends believe that the very first time it ever oc curred to him that the insanity plea was not a mere politic pretenee, was when that verdict came in. They - think that the 'turtling thought bated-arm him, then; that If twelve good arid true men, able to comprehend. all the baseness of perjuty, proclaimed anderoath that he ewe et lunatic. there war. no gainsaying inch eiidenee, and he VIWITEBTIONABLY WAN INSANE! Possibly that was really the way of it. It, is dreadful to think that maybe the meat 'awful calamity that can befal a man, namely, loss of reason, was precipitated upon . this Toot prisoner - by a jury That could have hanged .him instead, and so done him a mercy and , his country a ser vice. MAUR TWAIW. POSTSCRIFL—LATER. MAT 11.—I do not expect anybody to believe edsateundlng a thing, and yet it lathe solemn truth that instead of in- stantly sending this dangerous lunatic to the insane asibun (WhiCh I naturally sup posed they would do, and so I prematurely mid they had), the court has actually aRc ntx AT ,LIBERTY. Comment is unneces . IN 1856,a government agent in India, Mr. Moore vsited above 306 villages, to examine their social condition. In 26 vil lages not a girl wits found above six years bid, and no woman had been married from them In SO years. In another circle of 88 villages, there wan not a single girl, and no sciarriarto had taken place within mom city. In 30 other villages there were 38 girls and 329 boys, and this proportion prevallsgenentlly in the district. Nile wholesale destruction of female children is done partly by mothers, to save their daughters from the miseries .they them selves endure, and partly to save the dove eries requited in marrying daughters. IN a recently published book, meal' - The Poetry of the Period." theauth&r , Mr. Alfred Anstin. very oorgre - m " criticiama upon Walt..Wltitman and-his "grotesque, ungrammatical and '.retpulakur rhapsodies:, He quotes this passage: theae B l'ta t rdg " aria ': t e;:gt ' lng a part le- land:O O.all to dear to me—what you are— (wherever it is) I become a part of that whatever It Is Southward, then, I go screaming, with %gaga slowly flapping. with the myriad of gulia wintering along the Col.lltB of Florida." and then remarks : conferral I think the picture not an inaccurate one. Mr: Walt Whitman ocreorning, and with wings, alowly - flapplng,lralizett my notion of him in hit poetical condition—his gull of Mis sissippi, as opposed to the swan of Aron —an perfectly as language could well pre- Fent it to nn . " DON?: Purr calls Pennsylvania a run down Ccnuninnwealth.bnt the only people who run it down are such as he, hired by the line : to work for British inang. fact urers. LOOK 'AT THOSE HANDSO3IE SPONGES! • Ilten-anenua Sao.Oa of all kind.. Mediterranran Sponges of all lambs. Medlterraraom Spoosea'of all kind.. Mrdllernmean Sponsea of all kinds. pimaroes and Patent Medicine% elf al tines, sold vee7 Inwe" , rd." JAMES E. BUNS & CO.'S DRUG STORY, Corner Penn nni Bath (ced Mt. Clair) Nee THRICE ARMRO Thrice I. he armed who keeps within reach of hla band' •• specific that at one and the came time will rarentithen. regulate and Parity his natant when erdeebled. disordered and cornipted. Huth Ls the three-fold operatkon of Hostetter's Stomach Hitters. and hence the great superioritY of that standard vegetable restorative over all medicines Nat are mends . tll2llu and nothing else. The effect of the ordinary astringent tinctures and extracts 'upon the boatels to disestrous a and'upou the depraved blood or bile they Pron.. no bane grist effects whetever. In dlaPegala end liver nom•, Plaints all the fluids and humors of the body are more or tern infected. and the bowels are often badly constipated. An unmodified Retch:besot— quinitflt for instance—dates tetanal, mom berm titan eood In such use,. In llostetter's Hitters on the' other band. the tabu nhating sad tonic ere. meats a...gentian . % with aperients and authen tic ingredient. The need laxatives end blood de marcate In the vegetable kingdom are IntermLwed nulls threw of • purely inrurunatitur nature. and • under the operation of thfs admirable combination the three Importsnt prime.. of ' , Mg...U....Er elation and puridcation ttn on together. The ra pidity with which the disorder.' organisation re turn, to Its natural rondltion under a mune of the Bitters Is due to this cause. Every disturbed fnuction of the body Is faronibli greeted by the various proMilles of this compreherudee and well balanced preparation. A. a general rule the bow. chi are subject to irresularities. and the guide ttu. We to become vitiated, and hence the Bitters are espeohdly valuable as an alterative. oorreetive and Weismant. In all districts when the seeds of In termittent ferers infect the air. OW healthful veg etable elizir should be When's. a protective medi cine. ..pp‘ol•aW l , l l+o 3.l6B ) 4 Zhili: FABER kV, VAN DOREN 367 Liberty Street PITTSBU MM. PA. STEAM ENGINES IRON AND WOOD WORKING • MACHINERY, Steam Pumps, Enginefrs' and Machinists'Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, BELTING, Voolen Nachtncry, Maeldne Cards tirllanntacturers . and XIII Sup plies. A constant supply on hand and tarnished - on nhort notice. 01113E1114 1401,11:171113 An: HORNE & CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloves tatenolln awl tholre moortments at Prices Unknown Since 186 AI.FSARDIL6B KID OLOVES—it fall asfort eot. at 91.73. . . • CDURTIOI4BIE}I'O MD8.4111.73. LONG Tor [IDA, choice shades. at 62.00. REGULAR MAD19113411711H 1109 E. Iterrn nomnrric vertex noitcß or do& GENTS' RH.= wyour HALF H9SIII, 26 • panto. OSNTS' SUPER FUN UAL] , 11031L.513 cents. Alan .rendnd assortments SARUM BASII and MOW 131130058. LADIES' VA NOT BOWS. Large Additions to Stock Jost arriving, to which we IntlLe the attengion of Wbuiepale and 'What Cash Sayers.. '.. AND 79 MARKET STREET THE COPARTNERSHIP OF J. W. BARKKR B.Co. having been heretofore dl.. red hy the death of the late Jetties l a te rt. the administrators of the Wet* of the James W. Barlter.deeed. by and with the consent of the other penmen. have sold the Mammy of the Stork n handset No. 811 Market street, and stroll Trill of the business to A. D. DIcKEE, C. RENNIE and JAMPR B. BARR. under the rifle and W."... of *Mee. Murphy E. Co. We cheerfully mom. mend them to th e customers and (owner Petmuolur the house. • ANNIE M. BARKER, Administratrls. Illy her Attorney. thephen barker.) NTEPIIRN BARKER. Administrator. MAY 1701. 1870. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. W. the inutenigacd. t i g h. 111g4:44 . ..18 0 17a. nerstritgir,l4zot aunlng on the • 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DryGoodsßusiness In the Qty of Pltteburnh. P. ennt M. pa , chased the stock and light. WI. and Intereet In the neatness_ of the late fi lm of J. W. Barker it Co., at No. 311 Market et reel In eald 0111. nal Conflict end early on the business on our own account. Mr= NOTICE! All persons Indebted to the fete ens a J. W. DARKER A CO. are requested to slake butnedlet• payment of the sans to Messrs. AIoKEE. MUR PHY A CO.. or either of the Bald parts:len, seems. tors to the late Dorn of J. W. Barter AO°, who only are eatbortsed to' collect the mote.' All *meets 'Rot thßeadletelY aetthal srtllbe put in salt. A t NNIE X. BARKER. Adedalatratrls. . .• Iftf her Attorney. StaPher , Doter.) STEPHEN BARKER. Admlnlstrstor. RAY lath. 1870. ' • toy lean CANE POLES. • Hum; a One saserfaint, of Oaadi Ebbw len onr from Lot 7116 t. which I' triter at viry low price. Pattio• naming •bonld oreraarl7,w ss to lustre their orders WA' Med. . _ pLIVTLNG MACHINES '" The bat anel cheapest Fisting Machines is the sestet Tries $6,311 each machine. Vail sad see theme& • pINCHING IRONS. - . /11.'11 lad reeeived 'lath, to Irormaiastial• abed nr: mo.o to theioiNki thilla4las ter outing their I*. ter miltM._:.:. 3•31.13 HOWL' enxl is. Wood Stmt.: BUTCHERS, TAKE NOTICE - I hare the Wriest anortareut O Circular Spica Walatiosa, with ghLar aaah end enameled comptate In arin7 partand warranted, for Naha MANY GOOD WILLIAM Nos. 180 and 182 Feder iESH T or T LATEeT NOyELTIICS IN lAT . AND BONNETS, Ribbons and Flowers A COMPLETE ASSOIIMENTT Millinery Goode LACES AtiD WHITE GOODS Munro'dared Malan , and Ineertina, Lue Egging! and Inserting". lace Collars and handkerchiefs. d POPO' Collars and Cud.. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas I= Ilnaler7, Kid and Llano Mira& tibiae, Ladles and Cbildien's Fanci Amin!, - Infant. • Robe@ sodEmbroldered Waists Wholesale . and Iletai AT Vii. SEMPLE'S, 180 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny THE BEST BARGAINS OFFERED This SeAson. =I .British CotloOtoriOn. = Idiot' Heavy British Cotton Slotkings =I 1 1 1= idles' Ebner British Cotton ; Stockings AT 21 CENTS. Itll . l neftTy . Callon Sock .A 23 CENT. 'llea's &av,' T lFrench Cotton Socks =3 MERINO GAUZE UNDERWEAR AT TERT LOW PRIMA. MIOSIDI, DOTS AND CHILDREN'S COTTON STOCKINGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICVI AT Morganstern & Co's 13LOCESSOR TO MACRIFM, (ILYDE & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street NOTICE! Third Arrival of Spring DRY GOODS. Bell & Moothouse 21 FIFTH AIINUE Arc Offering Great Bargains in Dress Goods, Silks 4, Shawls, Linens, Pique and- Chintzeg. 1,000 GROSS White Chalk Crayons 100 GROSS Colored. Chalk CRAYONS, Now L stock and arriving. and eelllngja YeetoLl Mesa bf the Can. We see bambini male °ter m's ewe hove and m at oweeltai sod N.. amalratte matelot cont inued aoredr• ! Ow Idook Is always lama Betas devote for one of the beat sod eheepeet flaws of. White sod Colored Chalk Crayons In the coantar.laut hewing special rates of freight on the lecke shipmettle, we own Nell to Joh ben. as well as !Wallets. - Prices quoted oo appll cattalo. J. L. READ & SON No. 102 Fourth Avenue BUY THE GENUINE. CLARK'S IJ. •: T. A. D. wisz, Y.ANILITURR. SPOOL COT GEO. A. CLARK SOLE AGENT Sold Everywhere. JOHN STEVENSON'S SONS Sz CO., JEWELERS, ItE=T:Ell 93 Market 'treat, Pittsburgh catnip DOOR ifiLOY Firm JAMES wawa. 176 Wood street. Hasse. liana MI lb* latesl sloven's+ la Mee I. aim also &War Mawr wad eltvar Plated Wass of .31 = 1 •21Mktarydiadlar plus pr , ewes. 41=g1=1X41 and. tsr . WlrAng.asws 1 all .N.Asti .. g. =11= 2 .7 ail to oar facllttias tot md.. 4 1 . 1 0:re Sr WaSallas. TOILS 'aVrtraig MfdV.4%l'4 "Y .. WS_ . / at rev:ass. ATTEN lON t—An Excellent oppov tunlly to Invest, In • .PATMIT EtiG for nesters pennnylran*.The ANNA* newish ...IT WWII , Will 1.7 • 4rge per Masi.. ply to BARTON LOWS. 311 Blrth street. MN JAMES SOWN, 130 Wood Waist. NEW `Ji.:DVERTISEIMENTS BAR t'LkINS SEMPLE'S, al Street, Allegheny City A Supeirior Article Gros Grain BLACK SILKS Tor Sacques, Very Cheap. Bleck •nellorcd Bro.. Fllks nd Spotted (7rnnnAlnrot Black and Coldred iped and Figured P. opllns. an ionPrks t==! ~vuntr 1:1=1 =EMI= MT= Striped And Figured Fannin Datuakkt Turkey Ittut Table Ilnnutek~, Sc: Wholealo and 'Retai WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO and IS Federal St rell, Allegheny On a Par with Gold WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY, GOODS AND NOTIONS EASTERN PRICES BUYERS ADE INVITED TO Examineour Goodf& Prime. ARBUTITNOT, • SHANNON &CO., N 0.115 Wood Street OkNteiio BAILEYZ° 12' { ! .CHESTNUTST, P HILADELNU N ' pe*CGtOlt The reputation and eiperi ence of 40 years, warrant us in saying that onr stock of Fine Timekeepers of the best Euro pean and American Makers is now the largest in the coun tu: and we guarantee that each Watch we sell, is finished with groat mechanical precision, has all the late improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. logoirleo promptly nplied to. friatiel OY Tspr - for The Best Suspenders Ever Worn lion e c m U n gu s a gub ne sa c u m to ee o4 M 1 e ;l4 t hmsaut f our pa team... bold at retail first-clue uratchnig Garde dealers la tattled.). FISK) CLARK Sr. -FLAGG, VATENIC=6. 58 White street, New York C=! ARNSTHAL Si SON Virginia and Louisville Tobacpo dgency, SEGARS, M =_ • Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking lobareos, 72 SMITHFIELD STREET. Intleburgh. 1— myr73:s STONE . WATER 11IPES Chimney . Tops, HOT AIR & CHIMNEY FLIJES, &C. A lards and Inn aasortment conalanpt on hand. HENRY 11. COLLINS, 13113070 ND AVIdNVIL KM .21 To Oil Capitalists. 'fbe BRADT% BEND IRON COMPANY wD sell truete•of land. for Inning VireKut.. In neer entity to the new 007100 well on Aratslaimn Tlu • The/ will also 51=1:LOTS on the book pt the A !AMOY the new well. cortvenleil , to - W. D. SI.A.CH, superintendent. In. May 100.181.0. =EI WELCOME HAY ANp GRAIN thelWricr=r 2Vlll7l:lartili nor rt% almolearlo lts construction and at t ic ex. amiss it before yea boy any other: sold as low se thuotamon name an a s worked by a child 7 g r wirYl " :ll l rei VAtr i anit,P,IVATAZIT , Zra , " 47 4 amel mid them, wholesale or retail. mat i 9 awl 1 I.II3XIITY BTHEIST. Piwburirb. Pa., by • • •• .• WINE OF LIFE.-TbArat Bice vhforMtri NAM LIFICIWYge3 I or trose opetiser and terilkand tho t t h the tentfyinrues blond h i s s tbwreort plea,- ene . e fe ene k. t . uncle ever offered Willa nubile. nu. te hm edy, whiny. wine bitters, er any other article. It awe hes/thy - 11M Mrsmer • Both mete and female. pm* or old -ptote tn.; Wine of We. It •Is In fact. a life- rserver. Thous who wish ettloy_ linc.d health snset. OS idfL . is sold by dnininsta; al dl so Stall respect able salo ete ho See. on. Price 111.00. In quart botthni. istylerwrT NSW ADVERTISEMENTS W. SIIAVEN & CO., BOOK AND JOB Printing Rouse, IMMO VOOD ST. AND THIRD AVE BLANKS. NOTES OF ALL KINDS SING LI: AND IN BOOKS Blank .Receipts, SINDLE AND IN BOOKS. lORTGAGEN. WIT-CLAIM DEEDS. COMMON BONDS, JUDGMENT BONUS. AGREEMENTS. LEASES, WARRANTEE DEEM, 3IARRIAGE CERTIFICATES. LA NDLORDN WA lIRA NTEL LEASES OF ALI. KIND& Summons and Subßemts EXECUTIONS AND SCIRE FACIAS: DECLARATIONS. COM3IONWEALTII WARRANTS. AFFIDAVITS. BONDS. ATTACHMENTS. • POWER OF ATTORNEY. 0 ARNISHEE ATTACHMENT. CONSTABLES' SALES. LOMMITMENTs. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.' SCHOOL ORDERS. • LETTERS OF ATTORNEY • NOTARY'S BLANK& . BANKRUPT BLANKS. B 1 ank Books DAY BOOKS. " JOURNALS, LEDGERS. CASH. BOOKS. • _ . RECORD BOOKS. JUSTICES' DOCKETS COMMON INDEX BOOKS =1 All Kinds of Blank Books. FOR RANKS AND RANKERS. FUJI COUNTY RECORDS. FOR MERCTIANTS. • FOR MANUFACTUR MRS, FOR RAILROADS, ' FOR OIL AND COAL COMPANIES. FOR MASONIC LODGES. FOR ODD FELLOWS' LODGES. FOR LODGES OF EVERY KLVD. FOR ALL CORPORATIONS AND ASSOCIA TIONS.' ALL worn,: Executed in the Best Style PLANING MILL MEN And Others, TAKE NOTICE The undersigned has letters patent of the Uni ted Stales for the Improved construVon of I:el= `, itt. i .,Zl:MMTV,lT ' Vht_prte r t4 improvem.t. being more particularly intenned for vertical use. and combines great durability and beauty of appearance. and It is so constructed as to entirely avoid th entering joint stains. end prevent wilier from the Joint of the WM inn or the showing of the joints by the action of • the weather on the timber. • Inside lintug and RILLOSCOfiIIyf by Ms new Method are so constructed m to form perfect' panels as cheaply as by the ordinary timing boards same; thereby previinting the showing of the Joint, from I pt74 '" tre Pgaiserlirright W eat her- L commonly grown . us the "Moulded weather- He ing disporied ahoy right, In Allegheny =11. ° For ' 0111 1 ,:g. " Vt. A. Muudorff. the Melt of the territory '4l4l=7"l34=re'right for tan }first ova Pittsburgh. To /till. CIOLESSOSI A CO.. Shop rig h ts for the' - Itr Alen Ycl;lure, tar Ma b• - vo' ugh of Melte. r pot. To Pasta & Paul. for First. Semid. Third and Fourth wards. city of Allegheol. To herd Brothers, shop right at their mill in Sev enth wur. city of AlleitnenY. To Dunham. Saint Co.. for the boremchs of anaryisbnry and Blum idso the townships of Staler d Indiana. All persons are warned against irdriaginenPim either of said patonts. and those wishing to our ehade will please roll. or address me. at Nu. 73 Smithfield street, Pittsburgh. P. fe J. C. ANDEIU3ON. COAL AND CORE PEARL COAL. Schnabel E Walker - , FRArquvr. COAL; NUT COAL & SLACK PEARL COAL WORKS... Pittsburgh.oo Pan Roadie fialmad. Office and Yard: Corner Sandusky St. and West Penn R. R., E=3l OscarF.Lamin&Co. MANITFACTURNRS OY CONNELLSVILLE COKE • DEALERS DI - Youghiogheny and Anti:incite Con PITTSBURGH. PA, OFFICE : ROOM No. '4, Gazelle Sandie: rlf Oedema respectfully 'Melted. sparlt COAL! COAL! YOUGHIOGIIEDirGAK COAL CO. Thie CoinpanY are nos prepared to furnish the beet Coal °fusels , or quantity. AT FAIR ItATIS. Moe and Tani adjoining the Coneellsville Roil road Depot. fool of Try Street. ClUsburgb. Orders addressed to either Nines. Wen Nest.; FY, or to Yard. will be promptly attended to. _NW:S Charles H. Armstrong DEALEX IN Youghlogite !ny 21 immel, Murblmujactofor of COAL, swim AND IDESOLPTIIMILZED cocr- OFFICMAND YARD.. earner Butler mid Morton 'streets. Liberty and Clymer mem. Ninth also, Second street. 'Eighth ward, and at loin. or Rom street, P. k C. R. R. Depot. Second mud. Orden left at either of the altivre Moos, or Wi dema] to me through Pittston* P. 0, will reeeivn 9'."7.llte:htTi sPP An , Baum . Wellidi Co ß :Wni. Smth. Union u tro l n Wonder lint ! A I & fica, Slimed & Sgatif M e illa&Largl i ro4t . .),M. Lynn & Co. James Manhall &Co, r /en, McKim & Ca. Union Depot Hotel. COnne, S. R. L. Pennsylvania n. Allethae , 1. 4 , Or R. R. W. W. WAIALAOM COAL ! COAL !! COAL !! ! DICKSQN, STEWART & 491, Raving remtred mow oases to No. 567 Liberty: Street, (Lately City Flour lill11) SECOND FLOOR. Are now IPIIS, to tarnish GILENY IXDP NUT COAL Or gtA T CV:34 H ref lowest mute. elle. MI orders lett at tbelrofece,or Redreuedte tkem though the oull, will Si attended to promptl7. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c CARPETS SPRING SocK. rf -'..- - .. . . , Fine, gedium and Common CARPETS. Our Stock Is Ihe largest we have ever offered to the trade._ Boyard, Rose & Co., :41, 1 1FTH AA EM T. April ist, 1870• ~ SPECIE PAYMENT Resuthed ! ' timi t ti=rlrer °mime will Ow Alvin t. 14111 AVFar and &Collins CARPET STORE, 71 and 78. Fifth Ave. rerOur prices are the lowest in thls market ap2 CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES! We. hove Inaugurated the 4,penlne Ne." ,102. ell h tho I=l GIRPETS Ever Offered in this Market. LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861 OLIVER McCLINTOCK CO, 23 Filth Avenue NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices TO CORRESPOND WITH WHOLESALE HATES McCallum Bros., N 0.51 FIFTH AVENITE. ABOVE. WOOD STREET• UPHOLSTERERS.! Mitrinfartarcni of SPRING, HAIR end 1 e. Fea th er Bol•tent and 1•111.1.", (110,reb b rilshl in, Cornier Moulding. and al! kind. ?ladTe " 1 . 3711^; Or'="ii n1'7147.'117 la i n ' " 1 " r . : Totten:. de. Particular attention la d inve d n ' io o la d li... Inn up. cleaning and broaden. altering mind relay winleCirryo'Xn isn 't f c ee k l " atfi re7l ' thitt rtiC h er e ol:l n n l i y a;Wat! duat'en nr,,dhrer:zg rizr u z ,..u. m.m t nt , :4l. . will call Ltd arid t ROBERTS, NICHOLSON b. THOMPSON, cpliPisterors end Proprietors of Steam Carpel Beating Establishment: NO. 127 WOOD STREET, tubing% Near Fifth AV.°, rltt.burgh. P. 2 It 100 WOOD STREET. VEINS 6 China anal Glass.l SILTED MATED GOODS. DINN ER I= the br,t imporlr4 WIIITI: STONK' nniI•COMMON (001)8 nt low i prim, R. E. BREED & 00,r _l;4' ittxr, REYNOLDS STEEN CO., 124 Wood Street FRENCH, CHINA, FINE EFT GLASS AND Qu'eensware rit , The lamest assortment nt New York 01.. ESTABLISHED 18:28 ==! nr-sur miour.:.ALaurr 111011,..R08T. N. Crtir HICBY, CIJST << co., No. 189 Liberty St., MN=Z3 f wb Eit - 'll, l / 4 3 2 A 241111 ` .111116.14 " 21'11'Aj'E1i'l • The ai r time of an Mott C elt I ,g lle, above Ilse.-. thekee=ibarlei, .7.1 we Ll•e feeeletthr a fresh and heritable lot of the above foods np11•13 - - - - - • DR. W.HI71.171:11111 COiTINVT33 TO SIUSAT ALL ritIVATE LIM Syphilis In ail Its forme, all arioNl and the etthrto of mercury are tooopletely c mdles test tiparmaturthea ofSetninal Weakness and Un- POteney. moulting front self-ahose or other mow. and 'ditch protium some of the following elts. Ito blotches. bodily wmitnew intitgmtion. eon akemlon to society. unmanliness. dread of future erect., hiss of memory. Indolenee, non, tam' emissices. and finally so prostrating the sex ual system as to render marrioge unsattofmtorr. and Museum mpradent. are petroanentlY Mired. rersons afflicted with them or, ony other" denote. Intrfeate or horst trtanding oonotltut Woad mm Phan' should give the Doctor a Irish be 111104 T fulls. A terUmilar attention given itt nil hentals own plaints.lorwelwrbra or Monett. }WSW: , lossatms tion or (Attention"( the Womb. Omritis, Pruritic Amunorrhoew kiertorthasts, Dmrsenorrhomo. and Sterility or Berrannem, are treated with the great— . Itia L Ai r ravident thin phytlcian ohoconfines bliaseUeXcluslvely to the study of • certain class of Mimeses and treoi thonsondo of rases every rear mast acquire unteler skill In that specialty than one In Renerol proci ire • The Meter larbillti7 • il.Vgtn b e ,..,'' t r *l n n X 'Xited=rher'conliewhad :mall for Woomera.. In sealed me l oper s. ETrrY sentence contains Instruction to Neu mitted. en slabbed them to determine the precise nature of thf „lr A= on, In pirl./.Sr ten ample tom., la central. Wien It Is Vol onoventent to Tian the Vlrcll=eP deleted enn a'nbittVdllic7ntrina fertrorded 07 Tailor ennlne. In loran lastest betrorer• prvert:ll e.ntinottun la absolte,' • nee t antry. oldie In others daily porsounlnllentUM and for the arirmon flln atlatiori of such zalttr, to t ~..t eem te d to promo., rerovery. Including medi cated Tatar baths. Ail prescriptions ereP repined In the Dootor's eon lentrotorllnder hls rental raperrialm• Medina' tomphk y. qe at °Mee free, Or try Man far trroonnil M. No matter ' , no bore faiiest• read tut Pam leo. 9A.toto ‘I 111. Man days 1 IL tnE . P. si odic, No 9 VTLIE FE. Maar Ceara Howie t tbststis rah. = nd Ci qlsville C • oMrtri or CITY ENGINEI.II •NII Pt:emcee/4 t er • Plrreettit. !ley 11th.11870. XOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.--Scal- ED PROror ALM for the Grading and Stsee4- trotting of Lorimer_ evenue, from Sprier etmet. Urn be nmelred nt tilts oMee until FILI DATOIay TOth, INTO. The Oosemlttee m.erre the right to retert 00 7 m7lO 11. J. ).1.601t11. City Easitteer. - • • 3 7. "i""'1J11 7 gc1,-,,1., 2 ..,,1,:g0. °TICE - is iirtnax OIiEN TO an *elders of Oventue 7tno,lff 1 Bonds of e Llty of Pltirtounit, to forward them to this Mace for Payment_ No Interest will be ailment on such Heeds after Jcily Ist. 1870. Br order of the Fl i tare m Cco l Vitee. couumb.r. mill I=3 = laseorters and Dealers la