The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 20, 1870, Image 1

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. .
'Cotner Sixth Ave. and Smithfield St.
.T.p.aousrete. N. P2REED.
EDITORS AND tmormarims.
- Tylues Or Yne DAILY:
Ily mill, pp. ppip
1 , 1•11. - ttp,1 by carrier. pee Peet ........ ••- 13.
tV plrannlm ate it Paribian
PITMAN - 1111;0111 tig..r in !infix, ban
12: men.
papern linen taken :In each other.
' Vi't.»tr,:s ylerkn c'' to Int Land: in thin
.. il'ouncilnoitentoftlOS._ ', ; 1
.._ .
Tn.. l'Onng fatnilv of Salt Lake City in
t.ttii;•riinz ly)tli to
Tit)! Boston Poet save Pittnburglt
to, be $i fenia3e dollegi%
IN l'hilrokfpli IR 1 ,11.; . jiiclimond
t 11114 I l lllllllllri to more than tweice thou.
'Atm' dollars,
uU Orange tree is not much
ilmunitt of if it doretei lutve fivo thentsund
eu . stu.rrti on it.
.1N NA Diciitziern.:u reported quarrel
` ,1,1 ‘ hr'r intateierl etyled n private re.
lienrenl. .:Itreliker's .
. ,
isded "funernl of
Mi nlth
sititisrtre, iihirh fenfrit Irll. his
• last visit there an an ainatimr:" -
Trim: svidng of a Belgian recently
pinsicil near Bruges has bern.given per
mission to heg by the kincerunient, an n
31Tt. .11,rnEt, SLArx. Of Allegheny,
inin ellogen R. W. D. O. M. nt the
4 rmd. Lodge inert ing of the. I. 0, 0. F. in
I`l's.lN 1 1 . A.NTIIIINV b %aid to hare
tsotirlit the tlerelarsi. Leader, with the
intention .o( running. It and 'abandoning
rho nerehrtien,
Qrans VI , TORIA thinks women should
dtC ts., , ratiltothtn hold oiler; such ns flint
sit Queen Instnaue, hut she thinks they
'shouldn't rote.
Pant Jenny Licare fortune has gone and
now she will . open it Mnging school in
Paris. She could make nnothcr fortnric
n farewell tour in America.
MAnc Tit.%Dlls friend eHntes has toren
wtitittO honk.) thiat the Satz natal in R
are nand unless kolit constantly dredged
nut will fill up, .2[r..thime. ,wept Nrhn
t” ihig for Ito hod sand in his
NINNF.SUTA. farmer, a Bohemian.
binning out corn, found that one on
etepped on the corti,took out the ox and
put in hie wife. !lib knowing enough to
etep over the hula. Some °file. time alio
carried the yoke in h6r trots or on her
eitoulder, but moot of the time ahe put her
head through the bow like an ex. 'while
the stout, by.rly farmer held the plow.
AN :miniver vonvert tab be given in
Jeromee private Illeatre •ln ;New Tech,.
next Saturday; and the prettied!" arc to be
devoted, to procuring a monumentaiMatite
titittschalk the young American piam
int. The Whole thCng is to be of the very
highest fashion, and a noted Belie of
Philadelphia, said to be tlt meet +Mom
plished woman in America, will, it it; eiaid,
be the prima donna in an operetta of her
our composition.
Use: of the moat fertile portions of
lioutheni California was taken possession
.of by the Germano, and copeck:lly for'tim,
purpose of making wine. Tis wine , be-
came ouch a drug that it did not 'pay to
tuake it.. Ileaiy mortgages on the wine.
growing farnio followed.. the dull Bale.
The German popolatiord in -large num.
'bars are cutting up their vineyards inter
homestead lots, and tinning their allele
tionto more profitable ai;ricultnml labor.
ILLNESS WOIIId acorn to be expensive
for foreigners in Spain. Au extraordinary
doctor's bill has been neat to a Mr. Thori
um, of North Shield.. 3f.r. Charlton in the
-owner otspoieni) la** shipo.and the man
ier of one of them fell ill of a fever at
t;arthag!na. lie had to be taken on shore
ro . led ergs. , , Ent attendanits upon him
while in tine chip and fifteen days ;whore
at lodgings, the Spanish medical man
charges' the owntsrof the vessel MO, with
Vitt for his assintud; £llO pound. is
'charged for the fifteen days' lodgings, and
the whole amount for attendance on the
nick, n gond deal -fete than a month, is
I:l,:inti. An the owner is held liable for
nil sick persons landed from hilt veitnel, the
little bill bar- been .eat In loMr.Charlton.
He has brought the attention of the North
Shields Shipowners' Society, and it is
being referred to the Foreign office.
A MOST rueloncholly event occurred Fri
- day night last in Tippan comity, Misois
sippi, seven err eight inilels south of La-
Grange, Tenn. Mr. 11. 0. Sykes,* very
respectable and'intelligent •citisen, on tire
night in question retired,llN . Rll.s his wont,
to rent about nine o'clock. Two of his
• daughters—aged respectively eight and
..fourteen 4 - cara—ocerapintn romp adjoining
he kitchen. Ton-nid midnight the fear
ful cry of fire was raised. The two - story
double log cabin of Mr. Sykes was wrapped
in Homes and there were none nigh to save
or even to succor. That part of the dwell.
Mg which the little girls occupied seems
to have been raught by the fire first, and
when the elder part of the family woke up
the moot could not be approached without
passing through hot Nantes and burning
embers, Mr. elykes, however. managed'
to reach it. =1 A° find one of his dear
children burnr;.l to a cinder, and the other
fearfully burned and unconecioue. She
was quickly taken nut, at the risk of his
life, for he was severely buiistid in the
attempt. She also espied the fella:lag,
morning. The house and all its contents,
rave one .feather bbd,, were. totally de
A Sorra Amnon/Lb travellei these de
scribes the favorite weanort of 1110 pampas
ranger--the lasso; "These, people of the
• campos are • seldom seen with fire-arms;
but they always carry a long knife in the .
'girdle, and a coiled lasso at the awhile
bow. Sometimes, too, they are -armed
with a lasso having three leaden balls or
other heavy material, and lashed to the
train cord by three lesser throngs. One of
these they greep OM band and trwiag
the other twp a fair times over the 'head
jo give them'velocity and aim, and then
sling diem with each force and precision
that they wrap around the legs of any
animal Choy are pursuing, in each a man
ner as to hamper It, till they can route
alongside. In.the tipirrfsh South Ameri
can countries men are frequently garroted
In this manner, with a facility that would
astonish the chcraliers trinclustrie of •our
-larger cities. - In the early days of tle
Paraguayan war, a company of Brazilians
raptured one of the enemy's steamboats
. with lamos! They concealed - themselves
in the motto or tkick busbm on the bank
of the river, where they knew that the
. resod mdst mum close to the shore, and
when it was witin their retch,' party
of them threw ropes around the figure
head and array 'mailable projection, while
the others, with their firearms drove the
Paraguayans from making any resistance,
till the limo party hauled the prizeto lend
and the Brazilians took possession of lt.'r
THE Mythology of the Aryan Nations is
a valuable book slant to be published by
Leypolilt fi Holt.
Tits. Innocents Abroad tato be reprinted
in England. 60,000 copies hate been
sold in this country.
EICHIT hundred thousand volumes of
Appletons New AmericanCyelopedia ham
been sold and it is said to have been thp
greatest .publishing 1111C0346 of the cen:
Mn. RE1:10t speaks very highly, in the
Arcs& Critique, of the first volume of the
History of the Thirty Years' . War," by
Professor Antoine Elindely, of the Culver
city of Prague, The author has been ml
• lecting materials for sixteen year 111 the
archives of Vienna. •
Pnorxeson YHAFEH of the Universitv of
Edinbnigh, is about to publish a new -edi
tion of the works of the well known merit.
physician Bishop Berkeley. They are to
appear in four colrunes, from the (laren
-don Press, Orion, and the last Volume is
to contain a new menu:ft of this
-guished scholar. . •
nleaMlTlrOati, wrino : d certa i n au .
thorees says: She .of coarse ; all
literary' ladies are so_ weer met one in
my life (except Mies Jane Porter, and ebe
is railer pause) that might not lure served
for a scarecrow to keep the birds from the
cherries. It's a prodigiously 'Usage and
disagreeable pecullarty."
• , . .
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Commercial and Family Newspaper I
, \ pi e Z r ,
i t 41 • ruatasinco IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA.
F /
Illr No fanner. 11.00.111 a, or merchant ohould be 't
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OES - i'isiLTAxlA
WAY:SEM:IM COLLEGE Lan more atit-•
dents non than ever iefere
BROiVINKVILI.* fir to have it Fifteenth
,Anientlinent celebration no June 2. •
ilitiattel for Legialature in Beaver County.
Errotrta are boing made to raiee a nn.
lithatlttitalabstifience movement In Bearer
County. •
J. 4 4 . AbLum and Ben T. Hewitt no van
didates for the Republican nomination Id
Aasemblyin comity
1). ,r, MORRELL i 5 Republican ran
dhlate for Cong Tees, and -the choice of the
Cambria County Convention.
A WUXI - 3 men named Clnk wula crashed
In at mine - at Tamaqua oh Tuesday. Ile
Wds only married last autumn.
u ~
limvEmdangliter of Rev. It. M.
Stover. of the Rrie District M. E. Church.
died on Thursday. f the effects
juries received a week before while driv.
Mg a fraction,. hursa
Irish tutor eh:inviter in Ty tone last
week, tdiered to eat it live toad if the by.
'dander, would give him half a MAIM..
The was raised, and he &vow e d
the reptile without waiting to kill or clean
B.i.nlv.(N. a miucr at Hill k
"Fellow's mine, in Ilvde Park. wan fatally
injured on Monday he the raving In er the
roof of the mine where lie was at work.
Fie died (min Ids injuries. Ile lived at
Pine Ilronk;and had a wife and ton chit
Tut: Eionotnitee, when they left
their old quarters Id Ilanuotcy, fifty yesn,
left al., a grace-yard roijealnlng
remain:ill' seventy-I*o itt Ihrit number.
This cemetery they Wt. 110 W 1.11C114,1
Ifitil n handsome stone wall, sodded it and
are shout to rabic a monument in it. .
• ON Saturday, May 7, Edward Paine, who
was running a .largo circular NM in the
mill of Aaron Bitytt, in Slocum Township,
Luzern t6untv, .was caught up by
. some
mishap and thrown upon the saw. Es,
was almost completely severed.ln
After lingering two hours Mr. Paine died
in great agony. -
TUE rottsvllle Jos rim/ says: "About
two thonsaaid swallows arrived in Potts
ville„ at 7 o'clok last evening, and alter
serenading the citizens and getting hun,
dredti of them on the street thee took up
their siumner residence in the northwest
chimney of Trinity Clitirch, which is a
pretty good sign that they are all Etilsca.
panne. - A large concourse of people
gathered near the church to seo them go
down the chltuney.
The Republican primary election Rill
be held in Armstrong County, June 4.
The Armstrong Rep&!iron makes the
following announcements for ciindidatety
Congresa--Captain Charles R. Dißespie
and Ron. Derwin Phelps; Sssembly—R.
W. Smith, Robert Thomson, M. M. Steele;
Associate Jtidge—lsaac Rimier; District
Attorney--1. 0. Barrett; t3herift—John
Ambrose. 11..11. Elwood, David (*.Quigley.
Captain lb. Curren; Commissioner—lt.
P. Lowry, J. K. Ormond, 0. 11. Smith timid
Thomas . Hermn.. .
..! rA6TE:I3,IN, Thibenlrand Tayan ate
thr nnmes of three lady riolinints who
have been giving concerts in Paris.
Pi rsst.t is cultirging the fortifications
narromuling Cologne. The cost' is esti
! mated nt from nine to ten million flutters.
-THE modern tierman composci
- pecialle Brahma and Ralf, are getting 4
he in Paris, through the Schumann
Societv. • -
THE Berlin aquarium in cleveloping.
rapidly. Inning the winter only a _rem
few fink have been Inst. All the mac,
cairn for the reception of sea tish are now
ready. Dircetor Brehm is intending to
go to the Mediterranean very shortly to
procure inhabitants for his empty ponds.
itiT an assemble of the members of the
Berman Schutzeugeellachaft, held not
long ago. the question of holding a •uni.
venal schutzenfest was disentised, and
1871 atm fited as the time when It should
take place. Both Duaseldorf and Rano-
ver .Rh to be the scene of the festival.
A FEW weeks age n bout 'Which hung
outside the eellir-dnor of a Berlin -shoe
maker was stolen. In the afternoon ,eaa
a note on the doorstep. written as
follows: "If you don't hang out the other
boot, sothat we out steal it "also, we will_
seek it in the night or else break all your
• • ••
Tun fourth general, assembly oil, the
Prussian Societe of Ladies for the care of
Wounded and sick soldiers in times of
war area held on the 6th of April. at Ile,
lin, Queen Augusta presiding. Twenty
branch Societies were represented there.
The society bus , now two hundred and,
ninety-one. branches.
A crtitosm in literature has appeared
in Dresden. A blind and dumb poet of
that city has published a book of aphor
isms entitled - A Book of Wisdom and
Truth," which has reached its third edi
tion; also a volume of poems which has
readied its second edition. The name of
the poet is Heinrich Martin.
sniarrr has been formed in Berlin
for the Improving of the German sea and
inland fisheries. Iss directors, there have
been elected, Connt von Munster, von
Bunsen, Marconi, Peters, von Saint Paul,
.osort-tisleisen, VirthOß end lkidinns. The
tont:isms fisheries are to be exaMined, and ,
'all means to be taken to improve their
TFIE Enicternlinctret gips It is stated on
ivied einhority - , thet Bishop Strossmayer_
has been called upon by the Vatican to re-
call the words lie spoko in defense of Pro.
.testantisiu daring-the debate . ofC &hewn
tde fide In the .Terintenlmil Connell, and.
'that he has been threatened with arrest in
the event of his refuting to comply. The
Anatrian (fovernmentould, of course,
interfere on behalf to Bishop, who it.
an Austrian .abject, she this threat be
put into execution.
AT 'Vaduz, in the petty principaliiy of
Lichtenstein, there was hung the other'
day a young fellow who had murdered
hls own mother. The gallows was a polo
with a large AVM hook. The crinal,
who had a_nome around his neck,
ware - hung on this honk by the cleat.
Boner, who then turned him around by
his legs uptil his tongue it:Mended, and'
:he was'biack In the face. The' execution
lasted exactly nine minutes. No doctor
was present, aml the culprit. lived at least
for seven Minutes'after he bad been bung
on the hook..
Tue. fierman Society, for saving; ; the
Shlpirtrockesi has just issued its" report for
1869. In the worse of the year.ll4 ships
were wrecked on the blerrnan coast (against
115 in 181'18, 128 in 1867 and 81 In 1866.)
Fiftyrorix of there vessels belonged totter
many and 25 to England; 680 persons lost
throb: lives in them, while 685 were saved,
as follows; 56 'by coast lifeboats, 3 by
!rockets, 156 be aid from the shore, nud 258
hr./wit-help.' tithed of the wrecks occur
r.a in the North Sea. namely, 213 between
the Ems and Wester; 19 between the
Wester and the Elbe, and 14 on the
Bthleswig•Holstein coast. In the four
laat years 396 persons have been saved by:
this society..
Oil News.
• • -
. .
The new well ,
On the Patten farm keeps
3p its production to 300 barrels of all per
day, and it is claimed - that it. pioduced
from 12 M. :Monday to the same time Toes.
day 10113 barrel< The well is owned by
Watson, Potts and Keifer, and they intend
to put down sit mote trellis on the same.
The'Wood ford wells, three in nutnilbr,
better known as the Conewonge wells, lo-
aced on the opposite side of the meek
fano Tart F51T0,..W003 totally destroyed
by fire Wednewhtv evening. The lire was
caused by a new hand at one of the wens
lighting the derrick lamps when an explo.
sloe ensued, setting are to three derrick:o;
which are quite close together, and also
an oil tank containing about 124 barrels
of air The fire lighted up the erlielo
county around, and was a beautiful sight
to the passengers on the train. One of
these wells was once the banner flowing
well of the oil 'country, and ban been pro.
during a g ood paying quantity for a long
time.• •
xusT ('()NGRESS,
Fifteenth Amendment Fnforeentent
ItIU Furthei Conslchred; in the Sen
. nti•—llighly }hritin Ih.hnte In_ the
House on the Diplontat le And Comm.
"tar Appropriation Bill Over
Mksion to home..,.
Hy Triottroph to Pltl%burgh linsrkto.!
tc.sottttonoc. 11. C.. IItY In. U.O.
Mr. I...seated it memorial of
rill/et,. of 1th.14. Ittaint riiir,entinit Hint
nattiralirril e ' llifeioi were dented the boll"(
posxeNseil of orth or rent cstntr.
Ile hate not', of a hill to r o m e ,iy
Mr. SliLlt XI AN int roiluotol N 1,111 for thh
-1 of oliiitooriailix tot exhibition troy of
1 . ( 1 M441411, - lot reduced a bill amendatory
of the ' , Perianth , . laws, Referred.
Mr. bilh:liMAN, front Vlnetnee Committee,
Mauled wills emmulattuns the bill to tetitiee
taxation. The stuethltueuts couslat society of
modifications to avoid attabiguitice, in it h an
additional section authorinltta the President,
lu his du:Mimi, 10 ,ii){ , 01311t10 , 01' consolidate
Mternal nese disttuda
The flespheth .liumulment enforcement bill •
was discussed by Mr. 111AMilatiN. of Mary
land. to oiToaltion. and by Mr. Its
favor. The latter said he would give to State
goverment, an notch power as was c putt
ble with the safety oT the fieneral Clover..
meet. lie wet strenuously OPIK , Sed to all un
due accumulation of powers in the General
Government. end stlilmore to all centralise
lion of administrative functinnaLend thought
the Itepublitan party would do well to direct
rather than to resist the current of popular
opinion on that question. hhe revolutlonaad
nnt abolished the legitimate sphere of States
rights. If hiaDemocratic friends would Ms-.
pcnae with legislatiOn i llke that T/g I W proposed;
they would ddrientlitt fticatis Ist the South
to tVith the ulord tarn and not
ruin themselves be vniuly resisting the inevit
able. 'llls wonhl accomplish much more fur
aelf -government than 041 their Ingubriona
maledictions and would materially Improve
their chances of success.
• .
Mr. POOL said that fur the purpose ofoe-
Curing liberty 'Congress had the right to pi
Into SAlttro. The Amendment might be
abridged be one cit lien compelling another by
threat or Inducement to discharge or employ
to vote in a particular war.. or by organiza•
lions formed for the Pnrikm. negate notice
of an amendment to provide for such cases.
At a:l5 the Senate voted to take a recess
from half pest four o'clock until half past
seven o'clock.
• . .
The Chair reminded Senate that asa body
1 her Were omerlyeventy divided on the time
-Hon and that the anal adjournment resolu
tion would. come up to-morrow.
Mr. HOWARD sold the tight of the black
man to vote In the late insurrectionary - States
would be for half a century the street ser
wo ea uld bemaintained there nt by which peace and na
Notwi tional autandinthorityg
. ths
the Southernpeople her failed to obtain the
real object of their rebellion. Nattered finde
pendency. and bad lost their property and high
honoring spirit. they hnd not nod would not,
for five generations to come, lose their un
quenchable, treadle - able hatred of Northern
society And goverement. He then proceed
ed to replyto Mr. Ferry, and quoted from
the report of the joint committee on Recaps
structlan In Me to show that the Senatorn
position was in nulligonism with that of the
Republimm party north nod mouth. Universal
amnesty vrould one day bring hack to - these
halls Jefferton Davis and the ringleader% of
the rebellion. to - n,hatch nod revivify the
*lost cause." He • %meld never ronspot„to
Pines , his ewe name en the sonic list of .yeast
and nays with those of Davis. Itrocklaridge
and Toombs. Personal pride world forbid his
affiliation with perjured traitors atidthe err
" if i . ' lllit h V i rlt 4 it u' s t aled . the noir to Mr. Trum.
tall; who taste n report from theJudicinry
emesittee upon the reindutiOn directing lot
quiry whether corrupt UNNIZIS , had been used
to influence the vote. of Senator% on the
Georgia bill. He said the report was -unnnl
alone, except so fan as 11 waasiodlded by the
statement. of two thmensere ot'S be comm ittee l
o rdered
pentd. I
410 ,ftmatenoths
The hill to resin. the commercial and navi
gation interests, was advocated by Mr. HALE
and opposed by aLLE.4O.N. and wentetver
till next Tuesday - . when Mr. LYN CH "arm
P a vote.
The consular nut diploenuin ioprotniation
bin was taken up. It appetspriates tarsus:, or
$177,1e: lest than last year.
Mr. KELSEY explained that the . nilprnpria
lion for the missive to Paraguay was omitted.
because there was no government there the
United States could recognize. 'Appropria
tions were omitted fur the consulates of Odert,
sa. Kesel and Moscow. the ebusulatesntatteau
places being useless, or nearly no. He said be:
would offer a proviso to the item fur contin
gent expenses, requiring vouchers in all cases
to be pretreated to the proper accounting
cen of the Treasury, the certificate of the
President not to be detented a proper voucher.
He explained this at some length as referring.
to the expenditure of the secret service fund,
and read a certificate of President Jobrusem:
authorizing an allowance of $106.510, which fie
was Informed and believed had been spent in
connection with the St. Domingo treaty: too..
'JO of It was paid back to the Treasury.
Its woe also Informed a like certificate. front
President Grant had recently been given fur
dearly ilOO,OOO for the same purpose. The
American people no more wanted St. Domingo
than they had wanted Alaska. an act but one
degreeremoved from actual insanity. If the
Government were to establish a naval station
at St. Domingo, It. Would have to establish a
navy equal in power to that of any other
nation. Otherwise thatnavy would Ire nn
I element of weakness. not of strength. In ease
of war with any great maritime power. St.
Daudet° nitoubt be immediately wrested from
us, uniessLt s bad a envy equal In forte to de.
fend it. DWdes It would add largely to the'
expenditures of the United States to govern
- the hdand and be did not believe the people
- .were wlllhitt i o be toned forsuch pnuTones.
Nr. KEW thenptoseeded to criticise the
yrtede system of =Meg estimetes and appro.
th o tt e l f igal v rinoney.wibleb be el=r g ise t d o
the recent electio and rtn New Itrk. he was not
surprised at the success of the Democratic
Party there, RS more than half the Federal
patrcm , age was given \to the adherents of
Mr. N naked - him whether he meant
any adminharstion could be more intolerant
than the cinema one?
Mr. KELSEY—If to leave more than half its
enemies In their positions, and frequently rap-
enemies to office be intolerant. then
I concede the present administration Is Intol
erant. •
Mr. RLDRIDGB—WIII the gentleman speci
fy 'mono( the incumbents to whom be refers?
• KELBET-..The gentleman cannot get
mo into a controversy over swims.
Mr. WOOD replied to the remarks of
Mr. of reflecting on the present Sect,
tary of State, and said none of bin predeces
sors wan more conscientious in regard to the
law and to the efliciancy , of the oftice than
Hamilton Fish., • -
Amember inqintred cif Mr. Wood whether he
indbrsed the course of the Secretary of State
Inrelation to Cuba?
• Mr. WOOD did not, nor In re. rd to' Sind
lb:mango either. He thought the course 'of
thii administration In both reaps
b y
and unpopular,
a nt w
beniendemned by
the American people. •
Mr. BANKS, Chairman of the Committee On
Foeeign Affairs, opposed tea
t ithdrawal of
thefOonsulato from Odessa, tha being a vety
ImPortant grain port. Ho also opposed th
withdrarral of ch
oosy Mission Man :FaragnM:
Minister was nece there now (HAM uni
preparing to swallow f acet st Republic,) to
watch events and report to the Govern.
anent.. He was also opposed to the pmposi
t=dirtTraesnt fal"":°,,eher,telftV olse to - -
st. Domingo benefit the non-ranikesslon by the
United Stntei of Unit nave staitioln In un veil ed la
War prolonged the *at add thereby
the expenditme of Urea. treamire.
Mr. LOGAN said he was Prepared to give
reasons why St. Dointnge nod Its half-naked
savages should not be annexed. General de
bate, however. was closed and the committee
proceeded to consider the bill in sections for
smendment. :
Mr. BROOKS IN. F.) moved to strike out
Guatemala. and in Insert Rome as a plate for
a Minister resident.. Rejected—lb to T.'.
BANKS moved to Insert Home, witlioht
Istriklngonit any place The omission. world
be considered by a portion of the American'
People Intentional. He did. wish that.
Besides, pile Of the greatest r us convul
sions of the world was appronch MCI . and the
United States should at least hove n represen
tative these to furnish accarate reports 'of
great event. transpiring.
Messrs. CA:I3C and POWER sustained Mr.
.. •
_ • .
Banks amendment. •
DAWE4 opposed tbe Boman mission, as,
needless. - •
• .
Mr. DHOOKId.• of New York. begged the
gentleman from Massaebusetts. who re
seated the Puritan element in the Muse, fromwhich element alone this opposltlen sprung,
to throw by: as he himself did, his religious'
education, and look toblitter mottoes and Im
pulses tam those he had stated to the Haute.
Mr. BINGHAM regretted the gentleman
from New York Imputed to his side of the
House any disposition-lb persecute Rome on
account of Its peculiar religious notion. That
was unworthy thegentleman, and he would
have done well to inform the House, instead
of making such appeal an that to pension or to
prejudice, Instead of making nay
_such hid as
that for the vote of any religious sect. In
Several members—That is It, exactly.
DINGHAM—To have told the House
and country what eocnelon therein for any
other representation in Home than that which
Is already provided- for In this bill. The bill
appropriatesior a Consul at Home, nod that
snowed at once the gentleman', ImiKeation
that therein soy Intention in the bill to
,..stritrs I lli pAoLde fz etn.
. 1 , 4 06 4 t n h eed elr pe
particular eulogy at the heads of the
V no
ientiane& who suppfaies that partletar
religions sectLaippOrta at presrat the De o ,
entleorgadzation of this country, for reoeng
events have shown to reflecting men that
Poway knelt Is no longer a unit and cannot be.
The syllabus recently uttered by the head-of
that organization le a declaration of panel
from w m hXt vo I I r r i nture n to ot =e gentleman
and go home
Mosta his people. It Is an attempt- to fetter
iTrI,tiBURGI-11. FRIDAY. MAY 20, 1870.
freedom of conscience, to fetter freed= of
speech, to strike down the rising entaimnisin
mildest every despotism on the face of earth
In the form of representative governments.
foremost moue which Is America. the
to ch n ild
Vit i lrgliVt e l ti e t a o h i;;t 9 iti e . the 'r"
i l r ot ra . :i r e 4
science noo linnet' tit Urge: ,hy, nif, ...etc is dilyantlre of that genies ertilqin Mulcts
even nuirble Itself. wear. the Divine beauty
of life, more of that jmwer today
living In Anis-den than, eveit_.a. es dreamed of
hritome Might . be acad. ' Why, then. talk nt
this tone of -day about dignifying .that Ilttle
principality with a resident minister from the
United States! Ho not gentlemen knew tiler
, theforentost of, nil, men rented In the faith of
the Chnrch or Ito m fond I ndmit that she
has bred many g tit mil noble men who
knew lows to teaks - hitinonity Itself I
beautiful by the licrillee of noinyrdoin,l
Miens words tinder the ban of t.'hnriee the
Firth, Lee the Tenth and Henry the Eighth. .
which speak to-dny all - mar Christendom. I
refer 4o thesAtigustbsentook.inVio found oat
for himself and repented to Mak nd the great
rentrol fact, Which todny possemee the 'en-,
lightened mind of the nineteenth rehtuitY. that'
"00 mit ii,it bend may, in the grace
id God o
r divine' right, Interpose Its
dark shadow between man and 111. Maker."
[t,,,,eoti. coder the- innolpotent power
of that utterance every tyrant. whether In
Hamm or out orit, holds 10-day the reins of
power with tremulous nod unsteady hands,
and the day Is not far distant when that very
throneof his power shall turn to dust and
ashcs before the consumiug breath of the en
lightened public opinion of the civilized world,
Which declares for free government. free
church., free schOoln, free bibles and freemen,
ittenent lout
Mr. DA wx, , t, lu reply to Mr, Brooke, said be
supposed it was necessary for that - gentleman
t,s misrepresent the oppmition to the amend
ment, and be Mr.Daweed had certainly put
his opposition on nosuch ground as the pecu
liar religious tenets had, by the power which
this milliliter was proposed to be sent. That
gentleman geld that he life. Brook.) had laid
aside his religious character nal easement that
of the representative. Ile (Mr. Dawest had not
found itnecesaary to throw off his publisdutr,
to Iny aside any religious tenets that he might
the gentleman mo re w Tork had
found It neeemary. the was the pity.
iloughteel if that g entleman foiled. in any
past politienlentagonists of libt the whole elms
mf persons who held the religious tenet.
oat which he now ditrodriled so zealous
ly, the! trocesaltv to Ho' wprks meet for
mpolitatne. he Mr. Dawes) had the advantage
or hint In that respect. He iMr. Dawes) never
belonged to any "linow-Elithing" Omani.-
Hon. ILaughtird He Mt never set up that
it was it t Aninst therm or safety of the no
tion to ve politica right'''. to a foreigner of
nay fall Me or rel Mai teuttati tied therefore
he did not dad it neemitarY either to ley meld ,
tan religious chnmeter or to de vie
li-ace to- the principles or the theory
of the government to order to atone for any
such absurdity an that. [Triumphant laughter
on the Republica side of the House). Ile bad
put his opposition to the amendment on other
emends, end considered 'the reasons ,which
Inv at the bottom of sending n minister any
where to lee whether they salon' at them.
Ile did not stand oh suchslippery ground ea
rendered It necessary for lien id proclaim nay
love or hatred of thnt Church, and therefixre
he could look at the question of sending a
rninkter to fhiginnit or to any of the Heroine •
states. - . '
• . •
Mr. CUYODE said that when he war taking
lesamm to Keow.Nothingiani. the gentleman
front New York IMr. Brookst was their great
headcentre. Re 131 r. itrooks) was the man
who edited the paper to light them on their
way. lie was after the Ottholics then. but
non' he had gone into a locality where he
wanted Catholic votes. That was why he had
taken - that ride and brought rip the millions:
question to.titty. lle (Mr. Cosmic) di not
know, unless levees because the great Connell
at Rome had proclaimed the talallJbility of the
Pope. nod the gentleman from New York
anted to get under the Popes wing, that he
might be saved, he might he eared hereafter.
[Laughter on both sides of the House.]
Mr. VOORHEES took Mr. Dawes to task for
making the charge of Know.Nothiugism
against Mr. Brooke, well Rtiowing that that
gentleman had le
a dde the charge three times
lereeeeee. gentleirout train Massa
chusetta tout said had not. laid aside his re-
Iron. bat If Ste had not, and had tanghethe
Sgt T coy of ; tho • a/adorn 'which the
ri drenched' on :eftetliti .any of the
charity or cluistion forbc-itance. it had
t been - striking! y exempitited. The Te
tte= - which. he had not r'lekt aside he
tnIKI: was
that which he inherited from
Is ancmtors. who bunted the witches In Mos
socil:Ma. Ile presinned that. he bnauttit .
hate . the reflected 'stare of the- burning .1 -
tent, which the Knowlenthln.v. eel flre in
h r State In Bat or Ma.- 'thin Imo an outburst
uIA KeCgol,hling , spirit which broke.
uq the ,al4,barued the Catholic
I Caner bew and veld has, burned theCatholim
themsalses at the. stake a. It burned ; the
of New England. had t
dared do so. 'The declarations of
the gentlenutn.
,frOm OMNI Mr. Bingham ,
had gds./Vitra le e exary,lxo/104.
to believe that gentleman bo o no tramdshlp
for Catholics • or for the Catholic religion. Ile
heartlo reason to believe lie charity of pa
...old ever extend tool.' who " Wl , / , in
suffering or in sorrow. Th ere .1‘" ES nothing in
his record or histary. tamale of private. that
'seould lead:him Vol:mho:es, to suppose
Cathollca wen) the objeetsuf hieditor:ate, or his
'kindness, eonsequently notworprised to
I hear hii. tierce and bitter Acclamation
. . . .
lltsielt . enteit . t.l There Isere ..
nsons in the past Mowry of !tome Irby ML
-ountry s.hould not hold diplomatic relation
ith her. It was so roll of glory that tb•
. .
children of schools speak of it. Mid ancient
end grey heeptd 'protestor. !speak., of it. and
sartattlltthrough.the earth speaks of It. The
camtry M tlOoro and Cemer , eertalutle rods
mended Itself, sn far as history ss - as co nuerned.
It WAS its present title. •iIR religions
aspect, that was feigned and assailed here.
and the Ameritati Government would be
advertised all'over then earthas ounderMg
diplomatic relations with a government b.
• •
cause of its religious (nab. The gentlemen
on the, other side tnigtit flatter 'themselves
now that they had tbe negro to take the place
of the foreigner. In his own State it was al
ready bumbled. "Let the Dutch go and let the
relit .o; we have out the negro In thel
.liercr hgd theyiored, the foreig-ne
nirtlenlerly the. foreigner of - the Cothollr
Mr. BINGHAM replied Indignantly t Mr.
Voorhees. and demanded tct know - by whet
assumed or txmlerred.authdrity the gent !canna
undertook to say- that he (Mr. Bingham) had
never felt for Homan Catholics any of that
. .
charity which was the dlyinest of all graces?
Did he presume to billiself the func
tions of Peter. and to clutch in his hands the
keys that Were to open and chat the
gates 7 of 'deliverance t lie was not
aware that - the -- poor ,vere ever , turned
Dorn hhidoor, nanny. , lie had taken -
occasion• to say before. that he repelled
front himself and those whom he represented
the assertion that resistance to tbenmend.
mast was nnt thIS ground o sap hostility to
the Inmost nnenaln of =Ann , * in 'WWI
or elsewhere. It was with him a con =
viction. as strong as knowledge, that
religious belief, of whatever character.
ought -to be tolerated. He Imd said.
wharno gentleman an the other side had eh.,
nen to reply to. that the syllabus Issued cereal.
. . . . ..
~ .... . . .
ly. with the sanction and under the direction
of the ruler, temporal and spirituel, struclLat
the freedom of conscknee,st the rigida OM-e
-dition, at. the freedone of ' representative gov
ernment, and at the rights of the people to
establish and maintain their own forms of
ernment. in abort all advanced and eceep.
Led ideas of the nineteenth century, and he
- dill not believe any gentleman on the oipposite
side of the House would dare this day repub
lish that syllabus and declare he accepted it as
bin creed eithermomily or politically.
Mr. DAWES', referring to Mr. Brooks. mid
he knew be dented having ever'' been in a
Know-Nothing Lodger , ing MA that did not alter
the Met of bin ha 'advocf
Know-Nothing doctrines.
Mr. UROOKS—It is not been
sit. an
It Ls not ate-o true.
(Encitetnent.] •
Mr. DAWES, not noticing the Interrupilon,
said Mr. Books had undertaken to derive all
the beurti frost the Know-liothlag orgsmica-
Alen while IteeDinghtslead out of the halter.
As toithe gentleman 'from Jadiasa(lir. Vold•
bees) end his talk about the burning of Matt. -
chusetts conventhand wltchembe would not
be provoked RAO a •reply. -That was an old
story, and were out:
Mr. v(x)RIIMR, in reply to Mr. Rio t.
reminded him that he (Mr. Mahan hall
Chanel the Deinoiretle shim pf able I onse
with tiyitof to win intim bY thOr Portri nn on
this Imblect, and - that in deliberm . De bodies
when blow, are struck they oulfla to he re
turned. As to the remarks of the gentleman
front Massachusetts (Mr. Dime.) that the
_hunting of iltinseachetts ,sneers and con•
vents wail an old story, he Mid it .1.1,40 Otgri
Ands tneudstory; and - did not . improve 'filial
time. When gentlemen representing com
mural. which had sUnalired their
,bigotry In ~that way - _forn o here to
it. that bigotry.. In .ngtetical action,
thought ititair to retells( them of their pre•
one blot As As for ghee syllabus, he said,
hat car, for the syLabus of thq Pope of
Me 3 er'el e ight of it for ids follow. ,
ers. It 111 his right to do so; it is their right to
believe sad It is not my right to sit in piti 4 e.•
)sent on him.
-(. 314 IMPO warring -la eliarkee of Know,
i gabbed... 4 bastard ?ref sad over again -
2.%,_tt0r„.1...« , hat be aster dad. been in a.
--- "' et. ledge. never had belonged to
the Know-Not lug party, neverhadadvocated
its Prlncinien, never had believed in them and
Mtn been. Journeying in forelin lands during a
large part of ttlie time, of that unhappy:agate.
Mr. OIPTH defied, bin colleague (Mr. Void
hem) to account for Ills statement In his
speech that in Indlenn it was said: "Let the
'lrish go; let h e Meth ge; Wq bare gut the
Demon* in their places) - He wanted to know
who mid that; whether t was said by nay re--
=111: Mai respecta ble man In or out of
Ilfr.: ArelkitHEES—The - gentleman knows
the nut reity Reit afl. , alf as I do. .
Mr. ORTH—No sir I do not.
.....M.r.;'.„,,,,r ( g.ritHEl3 - . -- '1: is inithm current col
"—'• ''''' errhillaPenofbothbAMlesinlnd i a na.
Mr. ORTII—I grant you it ls in the current
columns of one class of newspapers in that
State, but let My oolleague names single Re
publican newspaper among hundreds in that
.State that tens ever uttered, entertained or
even advocated that doctrine.
Mr. VOORHEES—Undoubtedly they would
aeft last as en old Knosmdiothing denies
bin former ponition on this deor; -• .
Mr. HOAR declared the statement ns to the
/burning of witches in-Mamachusetts entirely
false. No human being had ever been burned
at the 'take within the limits of the,Common
- wealth of Massachusetts. '.
Mr. VOORHRES—Thnt is not tnie.
Mr. HOAR went on to 113 Y that two hundred
and reltYYeare ago, when the wh ole .civillled
world massed - In. wittheraß 'oa the , nu ,
thority of the Stroke of the Old - Testament-.
the Courts ef AbleughtMetta had condemned'
• and =mated abate= or twenty Dement of
be " , Mee. Pat lc won alio was that the
pmple of Maseacituzetts had seen tne error
and wickednesi of their proceedings. It was
her Jove of liberty and bar intelligence (sneer
ing laughter on .Democratie dies that heat
exposed the error and wickednese of punish
infaumaa beings for that. •
e remainder of the procoedidlle came too
la e for insertion.] . .
Pot Wcr.ocx.
NEWS 11Y .1.1,A131,11 - •
London 61Tig4eitrqmliie allroad
maiwir, , eiiient7=Arraire coin for the
Annonnecuient- of pH, French Pie
- btgeitoni--iteFentoillipain to be In.
vi,sted with ilolalAttributes.
o ft
Itly Teloingpb 14 ttio Pit ' 'Kb (in,ette.l
WittNt Ul.
LONDON, May 19.-Vh• net of this, morning
has a renini . kably I tter iiritorial .ai the at
lyiteil misauttuate it of4l,oke trio Ha way af
fainwanil.sasetts .t. "the M 30111114 of oem-
111C111.14 morality la lower lil the city of Net'
York than anywhere cinema the worm, who
here In England would
.$' ensiled crime
there are regarded an meek dkeen of anal,
doting. It concern. tbe , Adu Nom people t
Pargethetnselten of this - kepinach, though I
will be a task equal in difiknity to ittnilishlo
slavery." ' • .
The Wows also has an article on the yacht'
race, and 11140 , 1: There in sok achooner in Eng
land. probably; that can wait with the Ameri
can yacht Sappho; widths thrcughout the
match, was handled by an Fattish &indult,
A dispatch from Madrid 'direct elates that
the Commit of Minietere have determined to
-confer upon Serrano the royal attributes, If
nn other candidate for the. threat in found
within a short time.
David petering Hill, the eminent Scotch
tands.,,se pointer. dlgt to-thjY. , n, t
thelrCtte h tT4 as. r e ' rantit n e n tfl- tr alr e 1, 0 r, 1 2-1, rrt n y '' Fi v f
the tea and silk crops, wh n tre said t e e prom
ise largely above the'are e.
TxrEttront., May lb.—The amber of .I'uni
t:tierce object to the now Iledpidng , rode as le
mentably imperfect. ,
The official report of the flank of England.
shown thnt bi.CCi(l has .incresuted E2T.),1100 dur
ing the week.
'ROUT. MOT 19.—The Eniiiietor will licit the
Chambers an SaturdaY sent . and re. Live the
oilleial announcement of thi rote ou the pie
biseltimi. Ile will deliver 'ha addre.e.
it is said. will Le an expression of gratitude to
the people and a promise to fUlal all liberal
aspirations. The ceremony well be similarto
that of the opening of the Chambers. Sena
tor., Deputies, members of the ii.htbinet. high
of the Governmeut mai the principal
dignitaries of the Court will be present. •
The Prince lesperial Intl Shoes a velocipede
to-day and sprained his f00t.....
, 5 1::.
MADRID. Noy lii.. do P is; gni 19.—Prike
Montpansief hint rettirn Madrid. His
oldest son WI a ion; ail ea to-day with
the itegenti , lt It route Unionist ' partY
will consent to the proposition tlutt the pres
ent Regent shot' he invested. Witik royal
nuthority, and are intrik-ain,c to betas about
that rent+ ' ,
Avrweir. gay ahtp llomir. from
Philadelphia. rermet+ that In latitude 4 longi
tude :1814. she pa.sed a blaek %learner steer
ing slow Ir east under ..ail, but Wa. Unlade to
eustununicate with bet.
LONDON. May In— }iteniug..—Consois for
; account.. tit.W.elX. American'
I%tunit . les berry: Ws. Mu.; trocitilk:
Ten-Forte. en. Erie,. ill;
Great Wettcrn. 51.,. Stocks are quiet :did
I.aveneriot.. _May 11.--eotlon let, with
middling uplands at 10Vitllu an. ( Milo s at
11t44; sales 10.101 bales. NVitt mia
white Ha ed; red western N 0.% es 2tl; red
ter Ss Mites Ild. wiricrn 13(1. Corn;
Na. 2 MI t4l ed. Oat!! :Lb& Mirky
{ens 354 fd. Nat - 4110.6ml qtded. fork quiet.
neer 10Ce. Lard tles. Ogres* No. Bacon: :oSs
Oil for Cumberland cut and fin for short
• • .
LoirriOs. Hay 11). - Tallow doL at Hs ad6cl4.
fid. Petroleum: refined beam Sugar 3la
at, 'Linseed Cakes quiet. Calcutta Linseed
5/.". Rope dOn. 1; $'
Vsancrolre; filar opined arm
and quiet at treaft* .••
ki11i5.0.-71Eluur _
seitquiet;. matey
illt.llEN.' NI My 19.—Petroleum quiet.
liAmmyto . . May IV. , retrttleoun heavy.
Alavatra May 11..—Cotton quiet :At PEI inn ntx , l
mui IMR ntlunt.
esehersil Wystiegot she netsrme4 Presbaterlan
Charrh of North America.
tlly Telegraph to the Pittehargh Gazette.]
Cowigs AM May 15.—The General Synod of
ttie Reformed Presbyterian Church of North
Materiel. 'assembled this mOrairig to organize.
-Tb'e following delegates art present: -
Ministers—Rev. Dr. Clark, Rev. A. Thounta,
of Mono Scotia; Rev. Dr. McLeod. Rev. A. G.
Wylie. Re, Hamer lien. Rev. S. Scott. of
New York; Rat. N. Wotolnide- Rev. M. Moffat.
-of Brooklyn; Rey. Dr. 14teel. Rev. M. Galley. of
Philadelphia; Rev. Dr. Douglas. of Pittsburgh;
Rev. It. Stephenson, of Pennsylvania: Rev.. J.
F. Morton. of Certarville.Ohlo; It. J. 11. Cooper,
:Morning Sun, Ohio; Rev. It. Iferallaw, of Con
cord. IllInble; Rev. Morton. of Walnut Rills,
Minot.: Rev. Ramsay, of Cidemro; Rev. Galley,
of Washington, Illinois; Rev. Mr. Walker. of
Wisconsin; lit, Dr. MeMatthewi, of Prince
ton. lantana; Mr. Freeman of Nova Scotia: Dr.
McLeod. Mr.. Stewart. James N. (iriffon'. Mr.
Collins. of New York City; Mr. Guy, Mr. Gra
ham. of Philadelphia; Mr. Munn, Mr. D. Reid.
of" Pittmbtargh; Mr. Ilareson. of Cedarville.
Ohio; 1). McClure. It. Wi h llem. Mesander Kell,
of Illinols; Mr. 'Rumford, of Indiana: Mr. Kil
patrick., of Wisconsin. . • -
Rey. Mr. Marsha, retiring Modenstor.
P reached the opening sermon.
The Synod this morning elected Rev. Dr. Mr
, Leal, of New York, Moderuttn, and lies. Dr.
Steele, of 'Philadelphia. Secretary. Rev: Mr.
Brnokaide. of Brooklyn. wns elected Asslatant
On taking the chair Dr. hfcl.cod made a short
address. alluding to bin connection with the
•Prnoti eh Stated Clerk for thirty-Ore rears.
He looked upon this time isit a crisis in the his
e t
he Synod ' lvould b iro t711. ' • n ips7e u r r :4i
by partisan spirit Its dellhoration4.
A number of informal reports were given.
'after which the Hodendor announced the
standing committet,
Reports of Preshrteries were received. All
those that' referred to thtitmbject of union
with the United Pre,byterian church favored
It except two, the Eastern and the Philadel.
phis Presbyteries. which were opposed. The
Ohio and the Chicago Presbyteries did not re
fer to the subject.
(ireeral Amenably oe the Preabgtielari Church
• South.
[By Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette-7
LotmanLLs, Mff 11.—The General Assembly
of the Southern rivabytcrian Choral met in.
the Second Presbyterian Church at eleven
o'clock. and was opened with an able sermon
by Rev. Stuart Robinson, D. D.. Moderator of
the last Assembl.y, from the tent "1 am not
ashamed of the Gospel of Christ. - After this
Rev. R. L. Dabney, D. LL, of the Union Theo
logical Seminely.‘ Delete. was elected Moder
ator, and Rev. JAL H. Hail, of Georgia. tem
purely Clerk. The Assembly' then adjourned
to meet to.morrow morning at nine o'clock.
A larinnumber of the most eminent divines
es o rurp o o u rra ' n wflr trfOre i Nr2s u s ' en o t- t
ply. Among the eminent men present ore
Rev.D. Dabney end Rev. E. H. Rutherford. of
p n u
Vi VIE . rev. Z ii t'tlry t e . r v arig r ße . •
v. Dr.
sal D. D., D., Dui Rev. hr. Petrie. of Alabama:
11ev. Dr. J. W. Miller and Rev. O. A. KW& of
Texas: Rev. J, IL Lyon of Dliesisetppl; Her.
N. H. Hopkins and Rev. Dr. Stuart. Robinson.
,t rl o livte ct os i tzt si"
fl i ej z. Allim , ~ W right.fitrvernor of
. . . ."4"
[By-Telegraph to the Plttabiligh Gazette.)
New TORE, May 19 ,1070.
Thetaher of Commerce cted Wm. E
Dodge 'as President. Geo. re type d yke am first
Tice President.
Col. Drake DeKay. reported commander of
the Cuban expedition recently sailed, to silt
ao the city
opilmoklyn. refuses tO
approve further expenditure on ,Prospect
Park, on the ground that the legislative act
authorizing the Outlay is unconstitutional.
Toe Park Commissioners will mak the
- to compel hint to authorize more improve
mcmts. Meantime wort will cense.
Horace Greeley sailed to-day tor Nassau, ter
bring home an Invalid site. •
. Five puienters of the Canard steamer Mar
athon have died an adidavit with the author-
Des at Castle Garden complaining n( had
treatment. allowance and poor quality ef
food, which affidavit Is corrohontted by the
signatures of some One hundred steerage pas
Th steamer Suffolk, from London with
theca , et India Weevil* cable: bound to
=lca h. arrived here short of coal.
~Thansan'H.Tratt. partner of Wm. E. Dm,
of forged State Went,. bond tame, has been
arrested here.
It Is r undersiood .the Industrial fahibition
Company contemplate negotinttng for a crys
tal palace. • . .
E. - B. Shafer has resigned the position of
Special Agent o,t;the Treatogypenartment.
Atlantic and Pacific Railroad Directors.
[By Telegraph to the. Plttaborgh Gazette.]
BOSTON. May In.—At the animal meeting of
the Atlantic and nicht° Railroad Company., the follorrhm directors were °bourn:
Messrs. Francis R. Hales, Urlet Crocker, Isaac.
Rich. Jacob -I. o l MM , unmai.hforrlll, Geo. S.
Conic, or !beton: Andrew V. Stbut, N.
Frederick 1111lIngs, Woodstock, Vt.. Andrew
Pierce, Sr., Look: Wm. H. Cain. Clyde.
H. Y.;
Oliver Amer_, North EitstoniMasa.; Jas.
Segal l4usirt, N. Y.; Übits. H. Harwood, Spring-
Cincinnati &leniently Committee
torn determined. at the request of; prominent
citizens, to change their programme in ea to
omit the grand procetskin on Sunday tyro h
the city. They will bold their plo-nic, hog -
ever, on tharday.sind have the procession .n
Thursday. This ehang , recehred the una. -
eons assent of the General Committee.
The Proposed Redahtlon of Taxes—
Undue Influence In the lieomia Case.
t o, 'ro es N o, to th e Pittehuetth Chtzette.l
wAstuNazole..ll,2ly la, bile.
Tbe bill reported'hy Senator:Merman to-day
to reduce taxation strikes out for Salaries of
officers and employes $5041011; special taxes on
banks and hankers, 41,1M,Itit; other special
taxes. ISAl'XlalifrassteceiPts, $6,300.909; sales.
,4ty1111,K19; income, aIa'ut. ; SII,IIJCIASSA legacies,
$1.241.1tit: successions, $l,llrX 4; schedule A,
Vlig.„Kgt; passports, $29,4.13; miscellaneous. $l,-
340.1a1f total, 44.1.579,17,1. _Taxes retained:
Spirits, $1.54411.403; tobacco, 5...1,0170ik fermen
ted 4f1A1R1.051; Income, about
Uti; stances; #14.130,710; gam, 13.1/0.0t: Penal
ties collected, f.arl.0118: excess of gaugers' fees,
4111_11; total, 1114,4t1,576.
The report of the Senate Judiciary ComMit
tea on the 'mention whether comipt or Im
proper Inconel were used or attempted to In
ilUellee the votes of Senators on the Georgia
bill, is to the effect that efforts were made be
one P. J. Avery. a director of the Brunswick
and Malay Railroad, to improperly influence
Senators against the Bingham amendment;
that Lewis Porter, clerk in the city post-
Mace. attempted to aid hits in the purpose:
t that Rufus 11.11nliock. In paving the puts.
Maier of the Washington (Thronicfc triple prices
for printing pamphlets. and Inserting articles
and t speeches on the J . Georgla question,
almo used improper means to Influence votes.
There is, however. no, evidence that nny Sen
ator was ItifillenCed.
The moot,n receipts lint reek atootintod
$1.711,9eti. •
Destructive Pire—:Loss 1f.73.000—.1 Woman
and (111114 Perish In the Flames.
[By Telegraph to the Plttsburgli Gentle.)
CHICAGO, May A special from St. Paul
says A fire broke out this morale, Ina build
ing On Thiel street. being modeled into a
livery stable, Mid etnin eomolunlcated to Con
cert Hall Mijoining, both of which were Ile
stroyclt. Too latter building was occupied on
the, first floor by Rochelle's furniture este..
115h:tient, and on the second floor by Bryant
& &ration's contthercial college and lodging
rooms. Nothing was towed. The buildin
adjoining Concert Hall. occupied hr D. Wer
ner as a saloon and Haggerty & Co. as a oast
mission store. wet also destroyed. The Arc
then crossed Third street nail destroyed Pitt
nam's grocery store and contiguous buildings.
aHsu the block known as Greenleaf 's building.
The loss IS MOO) to ,SAW. Two young meu
in Bryant R. Stratton s building were obliged
leap from tho third story rear window to the
bround below. nearly one hundred feet. the
atildlng being on the edge of a bluff. Both
were badly injured.and one at least will die.
A roman end ebildnetisbed In the flames.
--Much needed rain fell at Chicago and west
of that city yesterday.
—G, W. Houston, a painter, nut of work,
killed' himself at Cincinnati yesterday' by a
pistol-shot. Ito lived at Amelia, Clermont
-.At Memphis. Wednesday during an alter
eat lon, Pat Burke, a drnyman, with a billet of
wood crashed the skull of If. Nauman, a rag
picker. Burke was arrested.
—The Evangelical Pre. Association. now
numbering over two hundred measlier.. held
theirand annnal meeting In New 'York Wed
nesday, G. W. Clifton was chosen President
and George M. Powell Secretary.
—Peter Rich. a residelit of Honesdale. Pa..
woo killed Instantly Wednesday evening, by
the falling of a rickety bridge near Bolton
basin. He wasl , 4eXille a canal boat, the tiller
ut which struck the bridge, causing It to fall
upon, him., .•
—Pullman's train Of eight palace cars, 'just
completed: left Chicago yesterday for Boators,
to receive the great excursion party for-Call
furnia. The train Is one of the most elegant
ever built. A billiard table. will be one of the
means of enjoyment.
—The Toronto Globe and itirgraph have
sarong articles in favor of building a canal on
British ground round Sault St... Marie. end that
the privilege wow enjoyed . by American res
eals la emsadJass musts east' tease oath the
question at Issue In adjusted.
—tine Simon riffen‘jumped or fell - Into the
river at Chicago. Wednesday afternoon. He
kreer.t.-.1, taken to the tombs. and 'flitted
In a there took oil bin boot, and wak
atnnit to rut on dry - clothing• when he laid
down and expired without a struggle. -
__Wedosaday afternoon a gang of six or
eight prisoners made a• desperate attempt to
escape from the Minot. State Penitentiary, at
Joliet, by rushlsig through agate while a tram
was passing. The guards fired cm the runa
ways, killing two, The others were captured
la n few minutes.
—Thmsday morning at . nine o'clock. at
Slade'a Crossing, near Palatine, Illinois , nu
the Northwestern Railroad, as a German
Mood Lisapich and his wife were crossing
the track In a wagonthey were nos into by
the - Woodstock acc mmodation train and
both fatally Injured.
--Advises frtan the counties of Woodford,
Stark. Fulton. Farwell. Knox, Peoria. Henry.
Lasalle and Grundy, Illinois. nay that the
prospects of crops were never better. Every
thing IN toll three 'weeks ahead. A large
breadth of corn has been planted and most of
It Is already up and some nearly ready for the
—.'.t Fort Pickering. emir Memphis, a ahoot-
Ina affray necurred early Thursdai morning,
dining Which Jerry 'Gorden, a bargeeper, was
fatally wounded. Albert Bore, a news vender,
shot. In the knee, and Jacob Moore, another
barkeeper, In the thigh. 1.. Howell, under an
rest, acknowledges having shot Riordan. but
says he acted in self-defense.
--De Hanna• a balloonist. ascended 'from
Rock Island, Illinois, Wednesday evening, and
sailed west. When over the, western portion
of Davenport, lowa, and rapidly nearing the
ground, the balloon collapsed and Spilled oat
the teronaut. He went through the roof of a
rummer house, and received internal Injuries,
but it was thought not of a dangerous char
acter. •
—The Missouri ',Avila' Association held its
annual meeting In Kansas City Wednesday,
All parts of the State were represented, and
Invitation.ber of Kate. editors tpresent by
A banquetwaa given In the even
ing. and yesterday the Association went on
an excursion over the Missouri River,
Fort Scott and Galveston Railroad to Fort
—The Cumintttce on Finance of the Massa
chusetts Legislature, to which was referred
the bill for Jrranting State aid to the Hartford
and Erie Railroad Company, hare reported
against the bill and recommend the ramose of
the bill presented to the Home by the
minority. The committee) speak of the road
as Inn hopeless condition, the only way out of
which is through banktruptcy. One member
dissents. • •
—The Indiana Omnd Lodge of Odd Fellows
discwrsed the question of the modification of
the basis of representation. It is proposed to
cat this down, to abolish the May communica
tions, and Increase the Grand Lodge per cent
age from six to ten. The present body is large
and unwieldy, and the expense» very been.
The matter was referred to a committee to he
reported upon next November.
—A number of men end women of Illinois,
Wisconsin, lowa, Michigan. Indiana. Mime
tada and Ohio, bane this call) "The friends of
woman suffrage in the Northwestern States
are invited to Meet In Farwell Hall, in Chi
cago. on Wednesday and Thursday. the Zth
and t3th. days of May, to organize n North
western Woman's Franchise Association, and
to adopt meantime for canvassing those States
In behalf of woman suffrage." „
—The New York City Doak of Education
had an Interesting and excited discussion,
Wednesday, on the question of restoring cor
poral punishment In public schools. -Argu
ments for and against flagellation were put In
vivid language by the part D ian of either side.
The matter was finally referred to a ape
clot committee, with Instructions to report
some plan of correction that - shall meet the
views of all parties in the Board.
--Preparations are making In New Yorkjcity
for a musical festival. to lake plamilln June
in the American Institute building, and to.
surpass In. stupendousness of arrangement
and grandeur of execution even the Boston
Jubilee. Over three thousand five hundred
tmlnedvoices have been engaged.-an immense
organ (larger than the Boston one) Is in pro
teen of construction. and Gllnsore and his
band of fifty pieces, along with others, hove
promised their services. One hundred•thou
sand dollars have been subscribed, to the
-.The formal exercises of the opcninF of the
POW bonpitbl of the National Soldiers Home,
"at Dayton. Ohio. occurred Thursday after.
noon. in the Music. hall of the Institution.
The attendance was very_ large. 'Speeches
were made by the local Manager, Lewis It.
Gunokel, Governors Hayes, of . Ohio, and Ba
ker. of Indiana, Gen. Mattel!, Gen. Schenck,
and Surgebn Hen. Wolcott, of Wisconsin. The
si be ll c u h :a s blr e .ra i nd e t I r r crjr t ihrit i t 'y E t a i g
! Church of Dayton. The otrailos was can
of great baterest.
—Jildfre Dillon, la the 'United 'States Court
at Des Moines, lowa, has given a decision in
the Railroad-bond ease, of Christopher Lan
sing vs. the Treasurer of Muscatine county.
It appearing that it :am hope:able to have a
writ of mandamus executed by a State !tracer
and to collect the Imes, It must he done by
the United States Marshal. nail he will do It
In the eountlee of Lee. Johnson and Mosta.
tine. The Court said it was important that
the people should understand that they mast
abandon nil hope of escape from the payment
of these hoods: they must be-paid and the oft
ears of the Court will be' !sustained by the of the Government. .
LMnian Re/ River 6:pedalo..
My Telegraph to Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Sr. pun., Miy 19.—Orders have been reeetHir
ed et headquarters iiitbis city., transport;
. .
ed to th e military posti at Porta 4bervOmbie
and Pembiza,to stop and turn bank any tarty
of rmitaas who may be on their Way to the
Red River oountry. The military_ have care:
fully traced up the report of the Fenian expe
dition. Several squads of men with arms
have passed through here, but they were pron.
meting for elnlms or bunting. Under std c .t
orders from Washington the ' military win
keen a sharp lookout that no assistance for
iticf goes through the States.
VOL. LXXXV.---NO. 121
A Day Among' Rural tteenes—FiGh Annual
Ithearing remittal—A Large Gathering sad
• liandsomeDloplay—The LAG of headman
and General Awe. .
It is pleasant and refreshing sometimes to
throve aside the cares of city business life and
tearing behind Its heat and duet and smoke.
to opal& a day .ItthOng the green fields and
fragrant dower," and rural enjoyments of our
suburban country. With this feeling animat
ing them •nnd this object in clew. a large
company of - Ytttsburghers disappeared from
the city yesterday and after a few boom'
pleasant ride stoPped at the magnificent Carta
of Henry MeMurry. Esq... on the Washington
Pike 12 miles out, to participate In the Fifth
Annual Shearing festivnl of the Wool Grow
ers Allsomation—one of the most flourishing
and Important of our rural organizationg, rie
on arriving of the grounds they found assem
bled a very large of ”countrj - and
city folk" every age, sex, class and color being
represented, end nll Intent upow the full
est enjoyment -of the occasion. A look
over the ground also revealed one of the finest
Collections of fancy stook to be found in the
Country, together with agricultural and farm
Implements innumerable and almost unname
able. The sun - ey of the grounds occupied the
time until the commencement of the contests
for the day. when all attendants were
gathered to the scene of operations In n
portion of the farm where all the nec
essary arrsthgeuients bed been made for
giving every competitor "a free field
and a fair fi ght." The programme consisted of
sheep she.aring principnlly, which' was. how
ever, agreeably lengthened by plowing
match. and the testing of a number of the
farm Implements. The contestants went to
wurk with a will, and amid the excitement In
cident to such entertainment sthe hours passed
until dinner was announced. .
• ..... .
The whole company then rested and par
took of—not a lunch or repast—but a right
royal dinner. In which the excellence of
the viands was only exceeded by their abun
dance. This episode In the days festivities
was under the sopervislon of Indies consisting
of Mrs. Henry . McMurray. Mrs. Ira Mahout,
Mrs. George Patterson, Mrs. Archy
rar, Mrs. McMurray Mrs. Wm. Million, Mrs.
Jobs McMurray, Miss klnggie Wright. kilns
Ellen aleClarin end Miss Sallie Matthew. The
best compliment upon the success achieved
by the ladles with the hearty relished and
keen enjoyment with which the edibles were
disposed of. and the evident reluctance with
which each participant left the festal board.
Following the dinner the people distributed
themselves in little groups about and discus
sed the events of the celebration until they
were called together to hear the reports of the
judges. Fitst in order came the class A. In
this Edward Wright received the first premi
um, A. McMutTy the second. and Harvey Mc-
Murry the discriminating. This was for shear
ing rams over one year old, Then In class 11.
There u - err live entries, .1. 11. McMurry
won the first premlum,.ll. Mc3furry the sec
ond, and A. McMunT the discriminating.
Messrs. If. Caldwell and W. MeMurty complet
ed this list. This was for shearing rams one
year old.
In class C. Lewes under one year] Edward
Wright on the first. A. McMurray the
second, and 11. McMurray the Discriminating
Premium. •
In ohms D. levee one year old) W.
Mclifumy icon the first, H. McMurray
the second and John McMurray the Dis
criminating. Mcssers. J., 11. and A. McMurray
completed the list of contestants on this test.
The next contest wns for the best collection
of stock. In that classed' E Mr. Edward
McMurray won the first premium for the best
'en or three ewes, ever one year old. Mr. H.
McMurray the second. and Mr. Edward Wright
the discriminating. In class F. for the best
pen of three ewes, one year old, Mr. R. Cald
well received the first. Mr. John McMurray
the second, and Mr. A. McMurray the discrim
hutting premium. Mr. 11. McMurray also com-
The Judges next reported on the sheep
shearing; the first premium for which was for
.fire dolW,rs For this there were three entries.
Mr. John Wilson finished his work in tea min-
. .
ales and fifty wends, but slightly cut the
sheep. He was awarded the second premium.
Mr. H. C. Rinks completed his taskrin
eleven minutes and lifty-flee seconds. He was
awarded the first premium as the fastest and
best. Mr./. H. McMurray completed his in
eighteen minutes h and- fifty-Ave seconds.
It was thought by the judges that his Will the
best *ark, but the time was not equal to the
others. and he was awarded the Discrimin
ating Premium.
This finished up the report, and the sale of
agricultural • Implements next took place.•
. Sitter i n tl44l sth i tiipp Whie ed a l.7 t h r :mVonleVe a r l
tat Ramer, exhibited Messrs. Hare
it don, of this . citY, 'The
this Implemeht Was SO satisiactory that
the whole' . stook.. fire, on the grounds
were Migrated of Immediately, and or
ders for more taken. Messrs. Hare &
a al . . on exhibition the Red Jacket._
Chars oWseeteninallk with
moot. which was greatly warn= Another
Pittsburgh manufacturer the Loteridge plow.
df which we have heretofore published a full
escription. was tried and gave unirenni sa
tisfaction. The experienced hands in the bu
siness were enthusiastic over this piece of
The ante motioned daring the greater part
of the afternoon, and at Its close the company
slowly sepamtedlor their homes.
We noticed among the attendants a number
of one Prominent agricultural dealers, who
seemed to take great interest in what Will
going on.
Altogether, the Ofth annual festival of this
• Association mar be set down as a decided sue.
cess. During the day they had several noses
alum, to their membership, which testified the
feelings of the people In Its fnvor. The pres
ent albeer, are: Pr esident . James Matthews;
Secretary, Ed. Mon k; Corresponding Secreta
ry, Copt. John GI ellen; Treasurer, Edward
'right. Among the moresresainent members
enticed erreent were James Espy. A. Me-
Mmrny , H. M. MmrstY,John Espey, Wm. F.
Fife. Marry McMurray. Wm. Allison. Dr. C. W.
Townsend, Alex, GUallan.
They have innugurnted a regular system of
annual (estivate which have proved eminently
heneaclrd In collecting the farmers together
and Introducing many new and Improved ma
chines which.have Inn great measure revolu
tionised the tilling of the soil.
The city attendants returned home last eve
ning well pleased with the manner In which
the day hod been spent and with the most
pleasant recollections of the hospitality and
generous hearted liberality of the country
friends' with whom they had spent a - few
°rens. liocsa.—Motnithatanding the al
most imullembly hot weather there • was a
largelleidgelect audience at the Opera House
last evening. "Marble Heart.' or the Scalp
tor'a Dream' was presented in a most ad
nolmble manner. The cast was most excel
lent throughout—in fact we doubt if the com
pany ever appeared to better advantage than
they did laat. night. Mr. Cheater and Miss
°sheeree wereparticularlY good as Ferdinand
Volage and Mlle Marne. as was Mine Georgie
Dickson, an Marie. This evening Mr. Adams
will take a benefit end the house should' be
crowded as he appears in Ma favorite charac
ter of .Nareisae."
The.Certitin Cure of Neuralgia .
Is found in judicious eating and exercise :
and - net only so, a permanent cure cannot
be effected In any other way, while- these
are always efficient.
In neuralgia the blood is always too
thick, impure and in excess: and as diet
and exercise- combine to remedy these
conditions, some rules In relation to these
are desirable. These will be 'adapted to
sedentary persons, to therm who live in
doors generally, as women, students,
bookkeepers, and the like.
It Is rather better to eat thrice a day,
morning noon and night: that is, as soon
after sunrise as practicable, for breakfast;
dinner about oneo'clock; supper before
Fat nothing whatever betn.een ninth.
Breakfast, a Angle: cup of. coffeenr tea,
some cold bread and butter;With a dish of
berries or stewed fruit in summer time,
and nothing else; 3n winter,meat, fish or
poultry, or, in their atead;it maple of soft-
Supper should be made of cold- bread
and butter, and a cup of warm drink of
some kind, and nothing else.
Dinner the same as breakfast, adding
one vegetable, and some fruit, raw or
stewed, as a dessert. and nothing else. A
different kind of vegetable 'may be taken
every day, for variety; the kind of meat
may he changed at each meal.
The object in the specification above
made is to discourage variety of ulnae,
.becanseit is this which tempts all to eat
A. Leggett', auctioneer Invites 'specie
attention to the following oaks:
.0n Friday ( today ). at eleven o'rloek
thirty-four acres and tine residence o
llehowell, at Neville.
On 13aturday next .t 3 o'clock, four va
cant lots on Ohio , ave., between Chartiers
and Manhattan attests.
Oh 'slOnday 10 o'clock, the house
and lot, 53. Mmterey street, and Nevin'
adjacent ♦anht lots. • •
On Wednesday next-at 10 o'clock, thirty
iota cm-the adisgliony Poor Farm at Ben.
On R'ad '
pcixlay apt t „ at 4-siclack. the
late That! Bitlstein;tl repel:v.loo tooth
Canal greet.
~ •
On ThunninY next, 2011. lot., If: C.
Shifeev Irmo , ? Nor Brighton Cut
this out - for refeiencio. .Ful{
at A. Leggaje's office, ia.FedtralMhreet,
Abi*lteny. , • .
MeKEE S POrr PIiOPERTY.—It is detmed e incitestttettOnn llh
fourth 'griMi - of those chOlce boldn •
lota advertised to come offal thisarS2t_a: •
ce rtantpiitut on - M0ndv:....p:931. 23d .
MSTAPHYSICZAWS have long dlepoted
whether the earth was made for man or
man for earth, list no one . doubts the feet
fluit Pier, Pannaer Creim Ale was
made for all , men.
.ZONUArIi ai
MIT I TidILIVI/!lli i tn'ci i i :eine :lie
hem, sere desirable lots are sufsmently !mien.
Terms of maw—One-third mob. bal.,. a and
two years. with lateresL Deeds free of expense to
puchasers. Ten dollars cash to be paid on each
lot when ad.
A FREE EXCURSION TRAIN, an heretofore,
Will leave the Connellmillo °mica. Pittsburgh. at
1 o'clock precisely on the day of sale and convey
griorn perminnlladles and 'motto:mm.)l...mnd from
the rale FILM No one under 21 Teat. Of age Al
lowed on the traln. Sr , theket• relred.
A. ItrILWAINE. Anctloweer.
phorosAls be received et the office Of
controller of the City of Allegheny. until TOES-,
DAY. May Idth. at 3 o'clock r. n.. for the Paint
ing of
ily Ball Building and 3larket llonat
Specifications of prbpi wed work to be seen to the
City binglocer's °aloe. Ulds to be for City Unhand
Market lion se separate, and for both.
'no right Is resorted to reject any or all bids.
J.l SEALED I•ROPORALF , will he rereleed In
theMee f CControllerof the City of Allegheny.
until u Nl FISDA Y, Ney 4 4 th. fur the
Vhitewashing of the Market House
a Whitening of the entice af.i the ratio,. rant
tal bottle of the CITY BUILULNO.
For further Information accenting the character
I work.lnctatre at the office of them, controller.
The right Is resorred in reject W or or nil Ma.
. 11. PORTER.
cnifi Controller.
In Buclumom P.a.Maine. May 'JOWL 18,0:
. II Illneb Wm, Jr
I ltuwell Bea
Berard Thos ,C..g10 Min I . Hem. Evan
Brealdron Lnula, .0 llLlcusell La/
Brown Mn A - 11:1111thorpo J P S
Brown .11 1 / 3 A llmas Geo M iSpaincerJ T •
Brown Miss L • Strlong Min M
Darns) ur I
Johnstu J n
Mrs Paandon Miss II
Brien Dennis Jobastan Miss M'lnesammn Wm
C lobos Miss M J./Bowan Mrs MA
. • . .
Conway Joirs'ne Join, .
Henry C lineman.
Conlon .lax 'Jacobs Wm II lineman. Ann
Canon 311+s I. K 'Schieh Ell
Carnahan M E Kipp Walter I. I.itmitti W
(Tasman Henry Kay 511ss M. A Smith John
Campbell ills . I Shelton Mrs 51
ChArlesJ Stiller Einnist T
II Miller W 4 Thompron in.
Day Mn 31 Mason Josiah .Thtionas Ilea H
Hanks Th... Mason E • W
Heron C II t3lorgan The Wearer Jlisa A
Darla J P • , I. Wntters let
thonoren Dan't ;Poirel Mrs it Wolters Mn K
' E Probes Ilarniny Williams DC
Evens John It Want T. ..Inter
YApir Mat .itoao lliiharn Wromn M i ss C'
.' l ' i 'T t ' T e.' ll 9 4 . lt t
.„0 Mr. , l. T,:, , ll
myln 1 . 1111.1.11' llilltnlt. P. M.
. TWENTY-TIMM Disrim - r.
Dm, C4,l.l.rrtott or INTIM:VAL BINE:MX:1
Inn Cn
67 Disuiet Penn.. t
Water - street.
• ALA:
LIILE:, CM . , May . 40tb. 1871.1
NO I M. M itimebr e'en nut the mind Lists of
tn lZei , fgr i Aimee,. termed Llmnres, nod id
Incomes, Carriages, Watches,
Silver Plate &c, ,
Are now In this emcee, where payment will be re-.
ceired thereon by the Collector. on and after the
UIRST COY OF it:I:D.1870. These taxes har
ing become Inc. mart be paid before the 2.lth day
of. June. 1870. otherwise additional capentww
will be Incurred by the tel payer.
1112ht:INGTON. Leq.. Depute Collect. d to the
County of Aratetrong. and KDIVIN
Deputy Collect., no . the county of fait,. wlll be
ready to rem:Pre after the, let of Juno. for their
resperllya Malone, and will poet notices deslntrut-
Una the Umenod pi 0.3. when end who they will
be prepared to twelve the bum collectable by
them. Tame paid only In meenbecke or national
currency. (Mae hours Imre II A. M. to 3 r. N.
FOR '3-13-N.
By H. llargraee.' , •
By Edward A'. Pollard.
V. 3IY LOVERS. By Mrs. Sarah E.llensbaw.
By Mrs. Lucy 1.1.1111 , N1 Hooper.
IX. SIR HARRY HOTSPUR. A NoCel7 rift 11 .
By Anthony Trollops.
• By Miw Annie Morrie. '
Xi. THE COHLNO HAN. By Craig Biddle.
- By Edgar Fawcett.
Fur Sale at all the Book and Newe Storm.
TelOta---Vearly Subscription-Ell. Slagle Num
ber. 33 coat..:
SPINIMEN NUMBER. with Premium and
Club Raley sent to any addreve on receipt of
Twenty-11re onto.
715 and :17 Market St., Philadelphia.
FOR .SOLE, •,-
S. M'Clean 'Esqi). Dee'd
filtrated on Fifth avenue. betwee IteliliSeld and
Shads Sift Churches. on line of °attend Redraw.
and eight minutes walk to niftier rir B=f
tilde litallons, .Penunrisacila Central Rad
Rowe contains 9 finished Rooms and Cellar. and
Lot Sei feet front by 199 feet deeporbleb Insindes
oil liatralliOne. Cistern. Grapet7. Pratt, lie_ d.c.
PRICE: 11116.000.
• •
Adjoining lads of 60 to SO feet troetaasee 250
leel deep. and Imprared with the heat varkdy ot
Bearing !Tull Tree, The above will be sold In s
whole or permie to salt customer*. ,
Comer Lot. 25 teat front on Greet street. mist
of Strawberry alley, Ana rennin beet
ca: M" ,&, r 3 " Vi l y " Yrejlt PgIV
aiiiiibwerZt ri tazgriv — • be — le. "' e rn r
Watt distend from the new propos e d Petaisyl al " •-
nts 11.1100.4 Derert. tomer 4oveath and 041
Fire-Proof Safe.
doo A
ra Sealtar ee.WouAhead Me PrOof Safe. doubt
et make, for We alai.. •
For any further Information Of the above he
trunthu of . •
N0..57 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh
xviurwcrudalls Or
At their !Nines, Braid Fiord, C. R. L
O cel 142 WATER STREET,,
SHIP TiirALtrittlNT;#
• • ••
And. Deliver in the City.
- FOk. - .SATINGS,
OPEN DAlLiteme *to 4 obtoeltiaad oil SAT
ligi=thir eat to November
tole! Hug Dart msrmabz.
z „., ate ma ay . l. Are tf mot ttlh
omoe. de..lm&edit the
Boma at Nhkeasere—Geo. A. Barre. Preabbrot;¢
r a l i t w arl v rae s = n, . parlc i ir lr lge Preslibmtm D. m
A. Bradley. J. L. Graham. it. e. Hell W. N.
Fiesta. Joke s.Dlbrorth, P. Rabat. O. rohanabee.
'attarim Jt , a eeatt,Debt. C. aohatertm
• D. W. it AA7Ne.II, Sollellotf.
illobrof five
Clota of WO
cow Is f ansloMs4 pralotl.onsly to the getter-up ;•
of ts ChM of tali. Postmasters are regoestma Mott I f
au airsiati.—Xadiiiiic-,
tr - NOTICES. 7 . 7o.Let." "./ 4 1,r Sale," I.
•• B l ount'," "Boarding," I .
~ not exceeding FOUR LINES, will be
ineerted in pa:se.eelianns onee for ?IVEY- j
CENTS: each additional line F..
. .......-__.
b -- - ---_ -.
W.. 41147.1)....—15ktu ttlen y aLola I:
Aririme, %hitt . °nice u . nti . lo2onimalsr,L.,_l l l,--k - " 1": ,
W . 1 , j . 1 , U;D „. . , - , 7- ,7 4 ILOLL m IERS , JL . Ing ;.
'want Ist. work. garlentng. le. T Re'eetsl GIRLS 1
Ste ...led to tln cooking. tonGemett de., IQ alltr
seld eocullfy. R 17141 st MIPLOYM.ENT OFFII.M. ,
l'i 0, 1 Sixth street.
- WASTEM—Eterybody to coal
a1t=e04, " 11. 1 . 0 A 1. 424 "" re P r0 r( 17. f 11 a ..r. - 40 - yrir ---
Iltt.mbuoth P.O.
TATANTED.—.t GIRL to do common r,
housework Ina InnaU faniny Must cog,
II reoontruenden. WI at No. 31 . MONTIMMT
STREET. Allegheny Olt, 5411.1/'
holeside nr manufacturing bonsai b 7 • initable
an:maul atly Waren. given. Addrem Boa).
iissetLe oftice.
XATANTEI).—A Lady experienced fa
v V making
l Pantr ‘ to ainumervillian. AWAY j;
l eyK 110Lierrtili CO.. currier fithave.and laierl7
a. 5-4
) 1 3 - 0.000 Loon to larav or nun
• r rate of totoreat.
• 919 Bond sod ant Ettore Broker. 1..
• No. IT9 Smltharld street.
W . .../11TED.,,XORTGAGES.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
(alma* or moan amount& on proporti In Allesar , r
county at a fair rato of karma-
Real Matsu Aioar.
68 Grant street
WSTEli.,—Bands and Mortgages. ;;
1 for ra011.111. - MVUS 9 term
for t 9,000, buying 3 yew. to rnn o . o rnr
yeah 3 yea to run. I. for 13, Tears to 1_
r s l .r.iloll.V•iirr3 ) :P=o gr I *
hennao Oran tle o B h .
r . rn2.2
run. I for 9.00. paying 3 yua., - • 7 up
t ri. l 7lgriii ter. 104 AVG.
OST.—On Monday evedngi between t
9 SL Clair one birth etreets, oral. In Um Trey
car.. POCKET-13008. winked. between i
twelve anrt thirteen dollars .0 two key. TM
tinder will be liberally rewarded by leaving It at -
No. 308 FEOKRAL STREET. Allegheny. hill V
LOST.—A dark 'brindle Cow—Ups of
the home sawedolf andante:Jet bole In web.
Sheet tall. Any Vence finding ber will be libmay
rewarded by leaving-word at
mylo ,
• Head of Bedford avenue, j
• 11th trunl.
T OST.--On Wednesday elating, be..
Terrh - N NOW }Mena Timm and Muto.
street. •oalr of GOLD SPDOTACLEIL The one r
mA trill ni bn oN libe er ral a l m.r y rewarded by lesettut them .t !)
OARDING.--A. number of lientle-
-MEN can be furnished with boarding and 1.
Reams It desired. pleasantly Rastal. at :to. yy
ANDERSON STREET. near Land street ;
Allegheny CILY. fen.
TOOARDE47.--To•Let,with hoarding, ;
Ale TZtt7, 8gAtii..3113.2M B gAt i i..3113 . 2M •""`"
T O-LET—ROOMS--Fundshed or wk.
EUTtNISHED foramide gentlemen. Aar'
at No. 911 Bearer street: Allegheny.
TO-LET.—Some pleasant rooms to let
at No. 31 Fourth avenue. srlth use of bath
near the rart..A.Usainey. JaipM c-n
rtggrt ) 1 1.1.1frirtfha, m "Vroma= """"
Allegheny. . 161 KI
YERB.—TIER OF OFFICER on Grunt, near
Fifth, and a TIER with entrance on flfth avenue.
lima Court Rouse. Apply to ktraY,
or to X. ITELPO:i. Ile Fifth avenue. - 640 t
-• TO-LET.
The mit/scriber offers fur rent that desirable prop•
erty known no the
Pittuded. et the foot of Craig street, Allegheny
Citi, ',short distance below the fittelmcalon Mae , Z 4,
The lot cm the west Ode of Craig street ts 180 feet
wide trr. about 430 feet more or tom. The lot est
the west side of the street Is 110 feet wide by
about 400 feet, noon or line—both running to low
meter tom haying ono of the best nod infest Iter ,
bore on the 'river. The edrantagea thin property , 4
Pr...its for any kind of menufseturing mawsea is
ere so well known.. to render we farther desertp• ii
Ron unneoeseezy. Long leases will be Ft , . to re.
EMI. MALE—I6O dens Of Land In I,'
Cireonn County, lows, nn the lino of Contr.'
trend.' /oret
Cann snit-Oaf 87 P.O nor. Ad ,
djmi pox I IN. oneer' , 349 N
F Olk SALE.- 7 -Engine of Four Horse
ylr k r,:r . Slitraloirjer. Willtej=ll,oz.y.Ap.
EOR SALE.-A One Horse Spring
s troo4 ,l 2 . tpr at the gl in ag . l 4. k.,T.' E 3
North N.1477:(74h0r1y. " " "." 43.42.
yos SALL—A.Volnable Farm_ 16. ' ,4 )
dedald 'nth • 6 feet elm:Z. Ger bn u ilt
4R1108..= old stand. iireatiXai L fehio N d
LNG LOTS an ail the 'various streets In the
Lawrenceville dlatri__,et ail of which to t ed
.3 ...I' tems. T. It. SILL & SOX, corner P.n ti
and Tbirtf-thlrdfdreot,
1?OR SALE.—A two-horse covered
SPRING WAGON. rowdy N. WIG N+77 two
lon.. Will to rid
laroe and four tiondted toes of
IMtVtot br l a ru mr ...muz h: Prod uxtat
West Porto Nellowg. Novato ot -
Ale or at zitoMa•Relnir.
Om Union a
MOO, Eihorpotoww.
41 2r )R SALE.—A form of 87 acres alt.
DATED on the P.O nandle - Rallreed near n
eltationAt2 miles from Pltlaben.. la Ins-
d 0 with en. excellent Ten of 01)&r., easy cot ,„.
acre. Whole' stades unfler oaltheationOtes a ~%.,
roeCI Orchard and all necessary bothlings. WWI be il
."Thsr .TA R 4/Vl7All DAVIS yo.etriesr ti
640 , leo. 73 Grant
OR SALE-200 LOTS —20%1001
tt-7 FEET NACU. near Isorre.evllle Statioes cm ,
e Railroad. et Mk elal malt and 1,...
bal.. In four yea.. These lots me Dm eelltng
eery fast...a member of homes ere mans lune of this mantle tbe_lxlettelll be Val
0.,, call on T. E. SILL & SON, cornea Pen= It
Tlatr4hlrd - street. or to BOST. ft. 111.1.14 Attorney 4,
at Leer. Ttil Grant street.
FOB Satr--Eng.lpeli and . Bollers4
Neff end Stoma Hard. of an ktneft coostently4
on hand.
Orden from all pule of the canary promptly et.
Corner Marion Avenue sat P.. ft W. AC. I. W..
. AJleghenY. P.
',lB* - - - - , 11.11 3 boa.—
1 1 1 46 fe 4g f il okittreory=
nee,. ene d &a we of the' best In 3
Deem in Western Pennsylvania for • milt 1
relies Wen teem the Indere nf Turtle
Road. q . of • nate nom Stewart a Nuttio. Central
Relined. - Moo. errand good
In good low.
Runs end bootee fur elle. RILL/of ARD
• , 4 1 .
yuNo. 110 Got olliandle Cathodes/. ll,
- 'OII — SALF•
_ . _ .
The shore wen known end deelreble d rpertrA .
t lllWrio to C=reireet. on 'which tle=
large doable two,strery seteteetieliy .trollt Welt
ilyt_e " a7kr: nhgr it r a, =Mar ~.74"71=
pruperty f l' aV walker residence or business per
Ponlieltif y in e ret . lister reettelo o•lPrOposed
.17 not. wed eooe tit whole, be dlrldadL For
Itressate. enquire of
Befall emus.
v - roa. SIALE.--15147 feet Modihrloo ) m.dr•O
cod totoy. depekdotaate mar to um comer ot
nith ammo and . nallbt awl AIMMI as "The d
Mack Bear. Trero." Art d
• 50715 , • O . stns mom.
kA 11013811 oeVagolon t w r.crlAMOmm
f=ectt Mice mood moo. q. IL Ban
'41 ) 17E8T.71,11.7...4==t
betmoo JOON Yolf171:17
. d D I RM3VISO:c. dot= bludiWatit Urn q
erm Hama at .area o itr=. 9 ""` m 'ThelgUlass Art
jou oissemo an
bilttles Bad all d
it. 0
'lll I.