The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 19, 1870, Image 1

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Corder Sixth 'Me. glad Smithfield S
YlllOl . or YHA DAILY
„Dr mall. per Peer "
I +eileeme by carrier, per week
through your paper, that the female Suf.
frnge.question is bring 'considered by my
worthy' aisters •of Allegheny, as, the
good tlunkers atty. - fie! the spiriErad v i ug
me" to Bay a few words on this all import.
ant subject. In the first place, rdo not at
loud suffrage meetings nor am lin - favor
of to-lien becoming stump xpeakers, but
wire n law becornetin'Aeceasit - y, then it is
' time it ilmuld be put in force. :There are
a great ninny persons who sneer at the
Idea of n woman arguing a question! Do
not urn hold meetings every day to argue
", questions of Interest to themselves?
- - tlein "by may not aiwintnarfargueler own
muse without 'losing 'the dignity which.
should belong to every true woman, la=
. aware of the fact that home is the place
which woman .shottld chine, but truly
she tint . lend her Influence abroad - seen
situtally In a good anti where can
she do this as quietly and effectually as at
the ballot-box The influence. of every
- guest rind true woman is aIIVIVS on tie side
of reform, nod, I toll you. airs, there -is
great need of reform in the high places of
the earth. What our country wants just
now is men to Make her laws who are not
corrupt, but who have religion and prin-
tilde us the basis of all their actions. - Give
OW woman a right to vote and seeif there
are not 01015. lIISII of temperance and re.
ligion in the halls of our Senate than ever
were there before.. I believe that iu the
gmnd columniation of all things tending
to litiug the earth to • its millenial glory,
bind intends woman to stand Sidi- by slob
with 1111t11-•1`.." workers in all that lie in
leads shall he aceomplitiffed before this
earth can resume Its Eden glory. I
do not ask that woman held WE,. that
•Nhuidil lie regulated according to the het
ter juilgetnent of those in power. If a wo
man has the capacity to till an office with
dignity, thMt let her do so. - Ido not desire
it. but I worth!, and dodesire the privilege
.of resting my vote in favor of moo who
are on the aide of temperance and reform.
1 do not nao-anythiug about the right a
WlllllB.ll has to vote,thitt I think there is
one right the has that is find-given. 'and
that is the right to nay who shall rule over
Ler household, and no man can take that
right lway. notwithstanding he may
withhold all uthern, and if wo
man in a competent" judge in that
twitter • why
may she not be competent to
our who slialFover the land, as well
as man? Ido telieve in women spend
ing the thine, tat, ,should be devoted to
their families in - going about the country
making speechea, but nv every cause must
have its advocates, so will there be women
foetid who have liner to advocate this im
portant subject.. If it .were not n subject
worthy of consideration, it'. never would
have been agitated. The only amendment
I woulthnirer tn. the constitution Is: All
men and women are born free and equal.
And until the constitution atanda thus the
women of America are nnt!un an equality
with man, an they ethoithl be, I do tint
mean that weittuut should occupy one and
,every position that men do. That she
should stand around comers talking pell
ties or Making stump speeches. Bid there
are ways by which she inn). Inform her
mind on the politind homes of .the day
without forgetting her duties as Wife and
motOr at home, and be preparedto cast
her vote without being mentally unfit to
do so. I have never attemptol to ditajims
this subject before.tual perhaps never Wrill
again, but as solute of my friendaconsider
a voting woman, I just took this way
of giving then my opinion.
iSpeeihl Corresganglence of the Gazett
Btorringt: MaueHeM . belnir lh
Allegheny taunty. should certainly be
reprewp ‘ ted in your paper. The readies
of your paper should know that klanalleld
is all hewn and that Ito luhabitanta are
wide awake.
TLe License u umtasiuuarrot that part
of Mansfield sltnated in Scott township
were certainly wide Awake when t h . ey re
fused to give license to liquor dealers in
that township, though a few claim that
"the no license businens" has spoiled the
futurC prospects of the village, but the
majority of the pedple "don't see it" that
There was a temperance meeting held
in the M. E. Church last evening. The
Rev. Wm. M. Young, D. D., addressed the
audience under the auspices of the "Mans
field Division Sons of Temperanr,e." • The
• !edam WWI a and such an our
airless needed. The audience gave the lee
curer a hearty vote of thanks.
" After the lecture resolutions were adopt
ed thankful; the
_License Commissioners
for their refusing to give license in the
township, and assuring them of aid if It
WAS needed in maintaining their. position
The -Nlanstield Division Sons of Temper.
Mire have been endeavoring to agitate the
temperance cause. but without great sue.
rem as yet.
This * division was organized last Janus:
re and its members now number - about
note, The citizens living in that part of
Mansfield situated in Robinsos township
are none behind their neighbors serosatha
creek., They are alive to the advantages
and prosperity of their side. Quite a num
ber of new buildings, aro going up and
some changes made in the old ones to ad
vantage. They have, through iv petition
to the Legislature, olitiined moteetiOn in
the way of a calaboose and policemaii.
`though they have licenses atilt granted
they are vigorously prosecuting those
selling liquors without licence.. 0.
• • •
01TR GERMAN" PREfin. •
The Jh'reihrito Freund base long article
upon the ltchoeppe trial, an n•itrect from
the New Vork :innate Zeitung • upon the
Gres In the New York wombi • and a
Leader entitled • “Iternedv for Legal in
sanity," in which it says filming is a
specific American - appearance of .mental
derengemenr,•invented to rescue murder
ers from the gallows. It has settled the
the practice of setting free on atcount of
bereditaryineenity, any person who coat
mita a nvuer with a certain ruminate pf
deliberation and forethought. - -Thin here
ditary inianitylitiver appears in common
life, and in only kind enough to be ripper.
cot at the moment a murder Is: commit.
ted, in order to spare the murderer the
little disagreeableness of being hung.
And no man believes in it, but the jury,
which it altogether pun:lent, as the in
terested party only wishes to be crazy to
the court, es an common life lunacy might
do him an injury. This in the introduc-.
don to Governor Alcornliplan for decree'.
ing this 'growing evil, which plant in here
highly preined. •
Folkebtolfhot lost its taste for tear
flit article* elmut tine unhappy lot of the
mwing girls. If they can • by their work
earn scarcely enough to hold soul , and
body together, they should simply atop
being mainstreams and devote themseivel
to housework, . Thoneendn and tens of
thousands of girt* can, at once get places
as servant maide.,with wages of from $
to l per week, and work which will prob.
able du them lens berm than sewing, and
'lt this were done tir wagon of the re.
.maining nemostressen, would; tate/ally
rise, and in this way all 'mirth* would
helped. - But this does not"cult many of
the young ladies. They look down upoit
Louse work as degrading, an - slavery;
rather would they be factory slaves, Inc•
mare sewing seems-to. them to be nobler
anti they can find time to gad 'haunt and
amuse themeelves in the evenings and on
Sunday, ,To ask sympathy with ibis
and its consequences is expect
ing too inch of healthy, solid German
mum en !Este. Beattie,' thin the Titan.
Hatt has biographical sketch of 'Uncle
Ben Fleming of Erie, another article- on
the F.reneh situation and one upon the
Strohm monument in Washington.
—Tile workmanship dis
played in the stained and enamelled glass
boseen t'S Market street. NO
se=alned glass works is , an old estalr-
°oaths formlorine the hair and
black, sold at 24b Liberty street
,h, 44 I I
CI 1 44 , 4 ,4,. itivo lk ze le tt
\ , •
.11. 6 1 00.
. I} :ottaxl.amti)lls; the artist ham gone
to Europe. •
„ecru. Lux Leen discovered in tYßrien
AJIVNIMED barrel well has been struck
at Shamburg.
JAPANESE silk woriuu do very well in,
deed in France. • '
Mtss in to Marry a grandson of
Lady Palmerston.
Itriv. HENRY Oman In well enough td
be lecturing again. •
ANTELOPE hunting is unusually good
just now in Nevada. -
JEFF DAVIS in said to be writing a not
el upon a Melican subject. •
• Tut; coming season at Bedford Springs
promises to be unusually brilliant.
PHILADELPHI.t . lo looking about for a
vermifoge— the sparrows not sobering.
THERE was R snow storm in Currahu
mountains. tivorgia. on the, sth of May.
ON Thursday eleven men . tram gradu
ated at Lane Theological Seminary. Ohio.
ON Saturday. Biddy Kelley wax run
over by a coakvagon in Buffalo and killed.
million I.4lars Wo rth. of California prop-
SEVERAL prisoneni . esrapeal On Friday
night from the issunty jail at Troy, Miami
county. Ohio.
. Tneatss lilt Kl V. nliflt and killed in
a row nfk ., a bad house in •Itoeheater,
on liana lay evening.
Titr4entury club of New York has a
formidable rival now. in the new - literary
club called the Lotus,
ABOUT 5,000.000 trees are annually
Planted in lowa. Every other State
should follow this example,
N. 1.. accidentally shot himself on Friday.
and died in twenty minutes. •
CHARLES 31.'1311km - 2i. a prominent tiler
chant of Pottsville.. fell dead while eat
ing his supper on Monday evening.
JUDOE ARA FASNLNIL one of the oldest
lithium of Rochester, N. Y., and at one
time a prominent Whig. died on Sunday
aged 'ZS years.
has eighteen tinily neWs
papers. and judging by their, quality :We
think they had better consolidate as soma
as, convenient. •
MR. MM.:DELLA. M. P. frOm Sheffield.
and a prominent liberal; Is said to have
been an Italian image boy when he first
went to Sheffield.
NEW YORK has Italian opera of a high
class once more, with Brignoli, Kellogg
and tinziniga. McCulloch and Clam Peri.
Le Franc and Susini. •
'Tut State. Dental Association has re•
solved to "disapprove of the use of rubber
us a base for artificial-teeth," and recall.
mends metallic plates.
'fut.:semi-annual whipping day recurred
last Saturday, in Newcastle. Delaware,
when - five colored men and one white man
evere:publicly whipped.
Tug Oneida Indians have a reServatfon
In Visconsin of 61.000 acres. Ther\ekre but
1,200 of these Aborigines, and they culti
vate but 4,500 acres ..f their dotualn.
'rag „Minnesota winters are 'text lung to
make wool growing profitable, and emu*
quentiv'there are now 115,000 fewer sheep
in the State than there ware two ye.r.
"DoN't, beat your cirpet." sas's some
hind hearted 'lemon; "try kindness and
tirnineas, and if that don't kium them
down send for a policeman and have then.
taken Up."
THE. Chimp. Base Ball Club has come
home fnualts tour. and now thinks Its
recant In better than that of the Cincin
nati club, and a match between the two in
a not farilistant event.
Etteiti• suicide. ita aaritek-iii.wit.though4
to he too many for Berlin, where. the pee,
pie think the city In No large, that If its
inhabitants were French, the number of
suicides wouLl be a score or more.
Ftwit Men were caved on at Eureka
Mills. Jamison City, Sierra county. Call.
fornin, April :10tlf, and iinstantly killed.
The bodies had not been recovered at last
accounts, and the names- are not yet
known. •
Anorr two.thirds of the Russian serfs
have become free !arid holders, and about
three millions remain in the Same state of
degradation and servitude in which they
were before the Czar's emancipation proc
.' THAT veteran comedian. Mr. (home
Rolland, had a complimentary benefit in
the Fifthavenue Theatre on Monday. At
the doer -of the play he was presented
with a large" bouquet, composed entirely
of greenbacks. .
Tog authorities of the Te Central
railroad, who have been truin gme `250
Chinese laborers for about ai months
past, report very decidedly in eir favor.
i BEL .We believe, have, taken str.pA to se
cure a large addition to the namtr. - ..
Is Randolph county. Ala., t week.
Br. (leo. B. S. Smith was-killn4 by light
nlng, and the house burnt lob with its
contents—his wife; daughter and Rev.
James Armstrong were also struck. but
' recovered and escaped from the house.
Tat French doctors have Invented a
new and very useful disease. , Zoantliro.
py." by which the love of married people
heroines changed into general repugnance,
It will eery. excellently es a sort of patent
improved attaelonent to the Indiana di.
corer machine.
GS Friday morning, the 25th ult., A.
F. Anderson, of Wetumpka, Ala., while
out turkey hunting, discovered as he
thought a turkey, and fired at it, killing
George Williams and Jasper Whit, two
boys about fifteen years old, who were
sitting behind a stump. ' I
LOUD EL LnlN.who recently died in Lon
don. left his whole fortune to a lunatic,
asylum, alleging that he had rained It by
pleading in chancery,and that, therefore,
it should go to the- benefit of madmen,
since no one but a mad man would prac
tice in a chancery oourt. , .
..... .
NESMITH, the street railroad man of
of Chicionati..who some time ago under
took to thrash an editor, wan elected "out
of his office of President of the Mount
Auburn street milmail, on Monday. Nes
mith objected, and talks about carrying
the thing to the high courts.
. ItErolicr says that the eminent Edouard
Laboulaye will be minister of public
instruction in 011ivier's new ' cabinet.
Nearly all the .well ballaneed liberal
Frenchmen are dropping out of the oppo
sition now, and such men as Rochefort'
make much more noise than theifealibre
warrants. '
Ton Brenham (Texas) Enquirer says
that within sight of Brenham is a sixty
acre field planted in broom corn, and the
editor beam of otter fields in the county
of the same crop. There Is a broom fee- .
tory at Ilampstead turning out brooms
far superior to the Imported article, also
one at Industry . , Austin county:
Yankee Nolinni, a paper which has
made its monthly appearance for many a
long year, now comes out for June look.
Ing very fresh, with a marked improve
ment In its contents, and two colored gat-
Loom.. It looks odd enough to see the
well known curious old bnider of the
rover done up in ruazarin blue.
ericcortravi in having a hubbub all
about anthrtation, or as Vre in Pittsburgh
my. consolidation. On Monday the sub.
mist :Nixed onthe question, and although
the' Majority: of boroughs vidqd in the
negative and only two voted in favot of it,
thotaajority of votes favored ;he project,
and two at least of the . ' anburbs--421itton
and Avondale—are about to nue
„for an in
- plopement. is the latest scandel in
England. The London correspondent of
the New York Timer layn : "Lady Blanche
Noel. Meet daughter of the Earl of
fiainsborough, has eloped and married an
organist named Murphy.. Lady Blanche is
twenty-five yearn of age; Mr. Murphy Mb)
has been in the employment of the Earl
at Exton llotme, Ratlandshire, and
was lady Blanche's tangle teacher, is twen
ty-two. They are all Roman Catholic'.
Lady Blanche came to London to he mar
ried. The Earl followed her„ and obdu.
Moly. rehised his consent. They were
married not Withstanding, at the Catholic
chapel, in Cadogan }lace, Chelsea.". .
ThlnlAtare• Won by . the Anterleau
Yacht Sappho—Case of Capt. Eyre of
the Bombay--Complaint of tirttish
I natulgrants—The Anesthetic lon
troversy—Counttinr of the .a'lrblw•
atom Tote In the french Legisla
ture—Ponlshment of the Refractory
Press—.luktria and Papal Infallibil
ity Dogma.
(Fly Telegraph tit the Pittsburgh Unrett e
Loraton, 114 The staketl for the bont
race between Kelly mul Renton h are alrenily
deposited. The race will tnke pri, -on the
Tyne Monday next.
The Board of Trade hnn declined to reverse
the Judement in thu man of Capt. Eyre, of the
The valuable statuary on Christ (lintel, at
Oxford, wits recent IY removed during the
night and
v r Vih i t ra o c t e hn b(li ween the AMeri
Sappho and English Cambria s c at won by tie
former. The Tones has the following details:
Bothyachts were becalmed for n long title.
The Cambric was winner for the arid twenty
miles of the race,' which was a beat to wind
ward. and weathered the Sappho under
Bonchurch cliff. Between there and St. l'ath
artnes she tacked 11, windward of hoe Star
teen times suceessively in working along the
island In short boards. From St. Catharines
to the mark steamer, cotnplet lug the first side
of the triangle, the Sappho. Rine her greater
length fore, reached and weal hen,' on the
Cambria. doubling the mark fort) 'Anion&
ahead. Here the interest in the Melt ended.
The attack steamer hail to take the Cambria in
tow. as she drifted with the title. A good
breeze prevalliNl for the Ilrid score of tidies.
The struggle for the weather position occa
sioned considerable excitement. A dense fog
prevailed during the greater part of the time.
The Pall Mall Gazette. alluding to the case of
Captalp Eyre, of the Boitibay.argues with the
Ttnics'on the propriety of his condemnation,
and declares the facts sustain the most utast -
°ruble estimate of his conduct.
The evening Journals concede the victory of
the Sappho, but the report foe the I.tess,caso
elation awards the nice to the Cautbria.on the
grotutd that the Sappho is obliged to allow
hue for difference of alto to the antition of
five seconds per ton by Acker 's scale of wants-
• The
The Loot Mayor - in-day read en epist oho" ,
cemplain• front some British immigrants at
Omaha. Neb. They wtforth the miarepresen
tat ions by which they: were Induced to leave
their country, and state they ore unable to
procure employment suEncient to provide riest
and shelter for themes and (reptile,
Controversy On the discovery of the tows
thetic qualities of ether is becoming quite
trans. A writer in thC Timex g.ys chloroform
song administered to the Quesan at the birth of
Prince Alfred. in August, 1 , 44. two years be
fore Or. Morton . , discovery.
Unusual outrages nee reported at Neplea end
the Inland of Sardinia. Brigands are charged
with these crimes, but it is probable political
factions nre responsible for the perpetrations.
The Comrsotpo Iras engaged to-day in the
consideration of local bills. (Inc protecting
the earnings of married women was read
twice. Anothea instituting equity jurisdic
tion in such cases AVM lost. Right I ion. Chaa.
P. Villiers has been made chairman of the Se.
lest Committee of the Com Mons to Inveallgate
the prot.erty tenures of monastic lost Put ion.
in }Arland.
-Ira (mi.:. • •
PARIS. -The Corps Legit:Wit met to
dayand proceeded to count and verify the
vote on the plebischunt. When tbe re.all *as
declared the member. of both Cent res . anti of
the Flight received the announcementwith
shout; of eras. Le Em en
perr." Jules Amon
approached the tribune andendeavored to
make some obtervations , but the Chamber re
futed to hear hint. M. Simon then submitted
an interpellation on the manner in which the
election had been conducted and took a seat.
The Chamber then separated with renewed
eries of tt rile I,e EinpyretiC from the ma
jority. .
The last number of Le Morwrilloi,... neiiM
to-day, announces that the paper will retip
pear on the lath of July, and that Rochefort
wilt employ the intervalof to o munch. in
writing. history of the Oat empire.'
The editor and direeter of the Itereitt
rontiettatmloanelt-1. Imprionmmemk of' eh
and The payment of • 1.011 hem,
alsoeditor and director of the ramped e e ae
also fined Wu francs.each ant tun month
Imprimateent. Many additional permits have
been eon, let.' of participation In th.• late
elide and received sentence. of from ten days
to two months' imprimonment.
Letters front Rome of the leak Inst. site the
Preach' Ilishopt all tent instruction% to their
Z i f '‘'ltsehuonnt 't..4ll"elfge'lnentr.'"Aitqcielre.l;
antbn.sador will have special senice of petite
celelnottal In presence of the tlishops. There
WAR no meeting of the Gouhcil on Sunday or
Monday. A congregation• would Inc held
Tuesday. when the op of Paris was
to speak against the prop o ne nt definition of
Papal Infallibility. Troops have been tent to
Viterbo to prevent the bandit of insurgents
who rebelled egninstthe Italian Cnvertunitni
CrOilning Into the Papal territory with armi.
ti Kilt! t.
Vrevng, May 18.--It lo reported that' Dar •
lieust. Prime Minister of Austria. au.l Coon
Audrey. Hungarian Premier, have agreed it
forbid the promulgation 'of any decree of tit
Ecomealcal Council declaring the I nfallibilift
of the Pope. It Is reasserted that the Aus
trlan bishops will vote with practical unan
lenity against the dogma.
A Democratic manifeito has beesited
signed by the eminent member" of I h
Reicherath. It urges the conciliation r.
nationalities and various lihenti reforms
law and tidnitnistratiou..
HAVANA. May is known t wo brothers
of General Napoleon Arnogo were imprisoned
by the Insolvent, Rad It Is rutnored they have
been killed. General Arango has left Neuvil as
for Goat IMAM, with a column, to learn of hls
brothetu' whereabouts:
LrrmtPooo. May lg. Two eteßinerkiled
• to,Jay paßtellgern for Nets Yor k.
kforn-ro; .May 18. — Tbesteamer Angelica.
from New York. has arrived..
YAWN:W. May 18.—Erening -Coneol, for
tummy AV:: on Recount. W.K. American keen
rifles dull; 'CU Wi; Tki.PBM.T7. OP,: 10-10 k, ?C.
Erie. 18k: Illinois. 112*; U. W.. 2n K. Stock%
FRAMCFORT. Mar P.—C. bonds opened
lilt at iroX
PARIS. 3far 10.—Bounc — lirm. rent en :5 fmac“.
07 centimes.
• .
Ltt'lltrool. May 18.-Cot ton steady; middling
nplandn 118 Orleans 11%; dales 10,000 bales,
C.'alltornin white wheat Ed; red weaterfi No.
2hn 2d4hAfi :Id; red extern Sa • lid. Wentern
dour 9).3d. Cora•-N0.7 mixed d. Oat*
NIA. !Juries . W. Peo dd. Pork 112 a ed.
!Pc Cheese ;44. Bacon M.
dd. Cumberland chart ribn dOis. Naval stores
firmer and unchanged.
LONDoN. Mar IM.—Tallow ender al 41n Ode
4.4 r W.. 91481111. Arm. LlneKed oil dull.
MAtiatt May la.=-CatlOn quiet; spot
afloat I:911.
ATrwkitr, Ma 18.. -PeiioLeum jet
, -
Vondnion Upon Which Tendril; are Al
lowed Io paw Through In. Mary. lihlp C.
[By T.:leg - mph LO the Pitt+burgh artzette.l
Demme, Mtcn., May Ift —'1 • 11e. Port of thin
city In to-morrow morninglt callitot will pub
flub the Mlu In reartraju the tied Ricer e. -
On Saturday or Monday last.: the British
Minister In Washington , in the name of the
British Government, made formal application
to the Government of the, United States,
through Secretary Fish, forpermission to pass
transports engaged in the Red River . Expedi
tion through St. Marrs Ship Canal. Minister
Thornton gave his oMcial assurance to Secre
tary Fish that the troubles to the Red
River country had been peacefully
and entirely settled by an agreement between
Her Majesty. government In the Dominion
anddelegates representing the entire popula
tion of the Red River country, and that the
purpose of the present expedition was a pure
ly peaceful. one. Thereupon secretary Fish
telegraphed to Governor Italdwin, the din-,
Patch reaching the governor on Tuesday. re
citing the Anklet statements made . by the
British Minister, and saving that In view of
these atatements, the Vresident directs that
the Minoru and other vessels of is' Winder
character (that M. we suppate, unarmed mer
chant vessels employed as - public transports)
may bass through the canal, provided they'd°
of carry troops or munitions of war. In ac
cordance with these Instructions from WHAM
Inetcm. Governor Baldwin hos sent proper di
rections to the superintendent Of the mmal.. .•
The Telegraph Leak Dhaarreeed—Amerieaa
!Cerra Asaaelalloa Pplerlag.,
[Bp Telegraph to PH tolburgh Gaunt.)
(ii.agm.sho. May ht.—lnformation bits iisin
received of the disedvery of tbetwinctutit
throng* Which lbc American hews Ass* a
rotiartertgal littereggrr and
resources failed, as theS do op every Important
occasion. deeps will be taken videeihly to stop
the stenlingor until the imNscunioys condi
tion of the Pacific and Atlantic Telegraph
Company render the continuance of the
American concern Impracticable. The early
failure of the 'Pacific and Atlantic is fore
shadowed. in n preamble and. resolutions
adopted by the Directors of that telegraph
line at* meeting recently held in Pittsburgh.
and which have been advertised In the most
obscure mariner. Said preamble declares: .
"ffbcrcas, owing to various canoes, =fend
clearly set forth In the- Preildent's • report. It
atineara that there have not been earnings
from the lines of the Company for the past sic
mouths sufficient to justify a dividend. There—
11eh l e q, d t t iEbV 0 dirfelal Im :declared at
Is . iongise rsmstrolt beeajoropiosed..
1 3 1111'S13UR(411.
The Eil,iloll on Tuesday'. Wholesale
••Itepeating"---llbmrn and the. Me.
Farland fa.w.--_-The Indian CoMulls
!don— Plata Talk ict lien. Sherman—
. etlllllll Privateer—Tile Fashion
Course Hares—Wire Murdered—lnds.
alllllvoree I
flip Telegraph to tnt Pitt eburgh tintettr.]
The Sun says the election In this city was a
force and a mockery. - It is note to.assert.t bat
out of every fifteen Votes cast. fourteen were
fraudulent. Almost every 11011 wac entirely
under the control of corrupt inspertonssind
orronized' bands of repenters., paid' by the
T.lllllllllly ring at-the rote of from live to elf.
teen dollars Oer 111011. The. seemingle
miler muter secret instrnetions front their
superiors. nidbd and nbet led the conspinitOrs,
and exhibited 110 tocllntion 10 cheek the
fraudulent toting. The system of repeating
and ballot-box stuffing WIo carried on on a
scale more extensive than ever. In one of the
wards aloud eleven hundred negroes were re
gi.tered. but when the newly-enfranchised
came to t he.hollob-boxes the white _repeaters
hod already - voted upon nearly five hundred Of
their name, Full scope coat effected for he
beating by the condition of the registry; es.-
erybody who had changed his
named'resnce since
the last elect ion entered hi* uew, but
es a general rule none of the old entries wetr
erased: then, of course. a very large number
of really new names were now registered, in
cluding n consider:dile number of colored men.
This,swelled the registry to 1*4,417 nomessand
Of course nlfOrtied ample opportunity for the
rings of repeaters that shamelessly pectutb...
Intel the city front morning till night.
Tie Trilcout says: The legal cote of the city
was ;shout half (sidled ys.sterdae. but t he,
gni tons nut in nil it.l glory.
lower wards more fraudulent thno tatrful
rotes were cost. Some of the rotexil_ made a
day of it tio voting from poll to 6o11.• and
ntanet Imp, they used the names of le‘lll voters
At a meeting , of the Unite d States Indian
eolllllllAellitt to-day letters -were read front
Secretary t endorsing their policy and front
General Sherman disapproving such Meetings
and saying the real question could only - he dis
cussed where the Indians are. and if they
would adjourn Inn Fort sully, or Fort Klee, hr
Would he strongly inclined attend their
meetings. d
This letter occaoned much Indig
nation, being regarded as a sneer atAhe Com
mission. A Committee was appointed tore
pare n 9leelfle plan of treatment ot the lonian
question for presentation Ain Congress.'
At th e eing %ellolllll Downiug.
Chief of f the yen
Clwtau - S. was present.
A 'letter - Was
read from Win. %Vadslit. of
Philadelphia. protesting gain , ' the wrongs
to which the Indian s hail tern odrjected.lnnil
the usual series of reWilut lon, were adopted
protesting :war:tactile allliCy extermination
/int! approi ingthe course of Preiddent Groat.
THE lel/.IIEX aq ettr
Men. C. &natio dellverisl an address W.
Apollo 11511 yesterday. before n large gather
ing of ladles, In which idie ventilated very
freely her thews of the NleFarland rase. Kir
anew Kirk read ft pOt It 11 , n to Governor Doff
man, askin;{ him to !lave McFarland citight
and-plac o lunatic asylem. The meeting .
adopted. withnut hionaam, the Sotbsia resolu
tions of sympathy to Mrs. McFarland.
Ing of the conduct of the late A.. IL Itiefiaol
.n. Mrs. Anthony. Mrs. Itobert Dale uwea.
Miss Phoebe (.larcens,and Mitt Catharin e ßeecher. also speeches. The letter ad
vocated the legal sepiiration rather than the
diver. , of onhaPbilY married people, in ord.-,
to prevent a-man who had destroyed the hap
pines, of one manna (MIR haring an Opput
t.nit7 to repeat-such conduct.
A letter forwarded from Sandy !hod...
dreamed by the members of the exped I.
Gun which toned gaturdayon the Garortee 1• 1•
ton. confirms the pre1 , 40.4 . ntsttemeitts that
such expedition departed. The writer !my , '
hree hundred men aboard. Ti' l'p.
ton iv n seven hundred tam bark. rigged n Rh
powerful engine , literinm fifteen knout on
hour, and I. pierced • for tour guns. Thomas
L. Darwin. late of the Hornet. and formerly in
the Confederate Nary, commend% her. rite
nutjority of the Ofileera ore brave and ripe
rte need men. 'The military portion of the ea
pedltlMl la commanded by t•enisral "'Mena,
late of General • loieourloe staff. I.econifeil by
Drake de Kay. The rtun's dem Inntitak
hi to oat
insY hi
the dietli ace i ranall Ked
I ttbay Wanda off Florida
e.. 1. in .
Trltr rAsittON
• • -
The and trottingln , ,tiug under tbe
rule. commenced to day Eashlon Lou •
And emtlnues Thursday and Friday. Fitter
1 1. , 1 0„..... nd red :I .Thr atdiviAKtga nw n
that never boat t beer minute., W 1.1.1 Won b
Roder'. I barb,. II ... iu 4. 2: brat
ilke. ill Ihr order named.
• Inn, ,int lo. a Lady • t net 411
taint , 4l, I;.ynn, 1.. t la vitt id .4
'Mart.; The pin.' 1.1 I n 3,
for her., (bat neler wa.t I.
If. W. Genet. beating. In
1. Taylor, 1/m.den. Topsev. Metleilu
and Wevtern New York. lit 510. 2:M.-dna%
Maniarll.. Uroadwcdi shot his vlie.
fatally. In a tn.:trill tdr honan nn Pearl *dr...1.10
day. Came unknon Ti. Ile w !treaded
They had ben married a mainber if years an.
had **cern! children.
The 'notion in Ott aaldn a degree nt divorn
obtained here. toernuv the pantie. had hie Irytaiiy lirnrced in Indiana, u. de
nled In ttin Superior Coot to-day.
Farther arrest; lu connect lon wan iLe dor
mond mingling rase are ostmctrit.
—Snow fell at Cheyenne:he...tat .
--The thennotneler at SI. leitile
i.e In en anti att.
--There Wm a neat 5" rain. Had hail 'tuna at
ahn ye.terday.
Elinklin Littell. finiader ni 1.4ff. - 11 - e Unng
W. lint Tuet.dar. toed 70.
—The eteenter 80rn.... tt out Frentttre.
rived et, New York ye -I/ Cat .
The West Virgin'. Deutru.rat te Convent/.
will meet in Charleston June stn.
'The &tenniers Cubs nod Erie. from Live
pool. arrived at. Sew York yesterday.
—The Big Horn I , xpedit Inn it reported
thinCtijOr the season and the pert y di.•banded
. A heavy shah of earthquake W. expert
roved at the City-of Meal., on th• lit
- The billiard tournament atn Prensiee
Ite elojed.. Joeeph Little ivolt the clunnion
chip silt IT.cue.
• •
—The Weetern InAngulo 'of lioncepath
will hold Um sequel mewsion in Chicago to-de
Ind to-marrow.
--A glrl of fifteen. arrested for drunkenness
attempted to bang berself . tbe Chicagc
tomb. Tuesday night.
a rareoh s t F a e l a k h n on l Cuuy W
N. O n- n Tort. n r u e er t e o r
der. was sold for U 5.1110.
-The city Or Lawrence, gan.u. has voted
tl OO 4O O l. tsOMIK. to ...cure the Kansas ['seine
inilroad machine shop..
-Another building In Chicago fell while be
leg rattled to grade. su'utusn ,vag hurled In
thedebrls and badly hurt. -
-William Lytle. one of the. wounded be the
collimion on the Pacific Railroad Thurad ay of
last week. hns Sued for $lO.OOO damage..
--The Munk in the canal at Whlteaboro. i.
.V..• Is nearly repalti.l. It ialhought
Goa will be returned to-day or to-toorrow.
—The primary election of the Conterrative
Party trill commence at Richmond, Va.. to
day. There are two candidate. foreach race.
—it is announced, on the Qhthortty.of private
advice, from Washingon, the; the President
has decided to remove Governor Pile. of Nen .
• --One hundred and fifty , members or the
abandoned Big Flom esotqlition,comPed at
Cheyenne, will go to the Sweetrenter Joining
-The accident on the Delaware,Lackmrau
na nnd Western Railroad, Tilendal..' neon'
stoned the death qt. two and injury of right
. —The otockholdern of the Utica. Chetiango
&Slav:elm:lna Railroad hare entitled ilieleane
of the road to tho.. Delaware, !Achim - an* k
Western Co. •
—The ladleful artioraided on the Paciar Rail
road recently arera a band of northern-Chey
ennes,Wlin went Sooth not Rill and are now
beating hack North. -
80nd,2 Idaho, au. kis way to
Wei/hit/roe. it g !ailed he will reeled/ and
'..taro to Gem' to! aid In , defeuting Gov.
Bullock and his policy.
-;_Tbe Centrid fliallroad uhd
f r "dbi tirutee/ the/ Prinelpal businese• block of
town and a vain elermor at Wenona. iilinole,
were burned Tufted/4. night. Lone not elated.
• ,- Initel.brddrenceof Methodist' Church, et
Baltimore, Terterday, fraternal tueseengers
from the Methodist Episcopal Church south
made addresses.' The President Milled In n
reciprocal manner. •
—F.dasund West. an ~h 1 mon and serf of re
tina!e'ee 41 4 at. Weiston.-West Virginia, was
horribly simmered strew days since.
hid was found In fieldoyhere the hogs had Inst . -
Melly (rerouted It. The old man had cultivat
ed a farm and iseqeiresi CdnSitterable means,
which histourdermu secured.
- The election for a now boned-of directors
-of rho New York Mercantile Library Amsocht-
I lion. Tuesday. resulted In the; trinsursa of the
regular overthe "reform" ticket by an aver,41. ge t igra'adr'l;.hL"Tllt woe a
elosed, test t sacred Mu was preserved.
—The Grind Jury Of St. Louis has preSented
fOurlndictments Wilma Adolphe Kroeger. al
leged to he imPlieated In the defalcation of the
City Treasurer—two for grand larceny, one
for forgery, and' one for false pretenses. A
bill for embezzlement has also beets found'
ageing Mr. Susisky, thedefaultlng Treasurer.
—At St. Pant, Tuesday l eveldAff, ) iffe.
both Hatch Called on Mills - Joale Mush and-res
quested to see Per privately. They entered
an adjoining room. when Mr.. Hatch turned
the key of tho docm, drew a pistol, and shot
Miss Bush throughthelung.inflictlrig a waned
from which she estraltd revere. Min.nnt ie b t
Inunedlately taa . ,from the house ezalaiMlalt
"Send the
batoctor qnlek. I did not'intead
Mb - ben
M"eli ware sif " he ße e grfn p ,l
tinarzelsonte, from jealonsy,of $ paramour.
Army orders—San. Domingo Treaty
Amended—Rallroadw in Indian Ter
rltory.--tialtua , Against Southern
[ay TtlegratOi to the Phi Gitzettol
WAx . IIINoToN. May N. Ift7ll.
4 ',Tenn order from the War Department
directithat, tbolaleffr requielle for the erec
tion of wheitere, store housee. /cc.. fur the tote
'of troops, when practicable be funnelled by
the enticed force of the army.
General orders fmnii.he War Deportment di
rect cornmendlus fietiernle of department. to
furnlah to railed Stutea Manntalu military aid
In taking the Lemon. on written application
of Nfitl,hllllli groYitled they 'tear troops to
, • •
AN au.. Secretary Fish returns to Wash
ington. the President wilidommunicate to the
Senate sundry alnitatintents to the San 1)ootin
go treaty, In order to nvold the oldentions
made to It pr—Setratont In the -present form.
These amendments wore prep.edto-dar. (tile
of them place. ti o ninmount to be paid the Re
public at $1,500. with the proviso that the
elides of foreign governments shell first .he
wild, next the subjects of citizense And
then domestic debts. The of lion Do
mingo are to be fully protected la their civil
mud religious rights. The friends of the treaty
say the prospect 9; its ratification 1. Improv
ing. .
The petitions presented in the House 7esler
arty by Mr. - Julian. praying that articlesot
iMpeaChment be Nmußal against Judges Field
and Huilman. are signed by one
i lawer, of b se, W.
1 1 1.
.H a
. st , -
bgCl W y
them fro n m practice lw ti the r
States Courts in Cilifornia. and stow charges
then( with misbehavior and misconduct in'
ottitte. Sonearl the allegations are epecided.
The 52 , cietery of the Interior line beard ar
gument* relative to the right. of railroad com
panies to run their trneks through the linlhat
emit ory. Among those r ert t lag the rail
roaanddothe. we rs. re Ca COUnSeleb Cushing. lien. Craig, ofon Mo..
l wan
half of the Cherokee Nation. present be-
The IloiJee Judiciary Committee to-dap
heard on eriVhent from Judge Perry, of
elnnatl. on betmlf of the fiurernntent in the
matter of the prososed enforcement of the
claims of the War Department against various
Southern railroads.
SOS 111.:44"1..11:1s. •
The .SCen'tarrnt Wsr bus not Wed the noose
w. applicatim.4. mole In Mut fott he t nos
ier of the Hosifsrat unITC(6II Isstldfliff fMIIII h,.
Freedmen yore: uto the Trost et, oft be I'nl
elaktr. was awhaulted hy
,Bradley to -day stud struck n heavy blow lc it 11
■ can. Vl‘ber tripped Bindle)* and Lot h full to
the pa veinunt. Neither were ...orlottyly hurt.
X 1..1E3'1' CON( ESS,
Elftfentla A1111414111P111 and
Oroptlillog BM% - Th. Lat tor
+ •
Hy Trl piqn the Plltmintlgh G./et tr.)
. WnsinstrroN.Mftyl,,
Mr. 4 - ,tamuitLr in'.nniticed a hill t..
Latethe' rranadulnsjou of .k,ignc. •laettailaa
and kidritperiii inerohandiqe du Loud 1.1 and
territory of the United States.
Ne: SIYIIIO.II offered n recant ion reinueit....
Jag the leeirsldent to communicate topic% of
IT eorniepondator or paperii In the )hate De
pertinent In rata too to the ,liiioicigre of any
English 'or' Cann eteniners t hrciiiieh the
&RA*. )01iie . . Adopted. '•
Alen. niterentuifinn coiling (or Infoenretton
noneernow the anlient .r,,,Pe.,..1.00.1-31,••
:ti. h" rn, nioC r't 'tjt e a t ~,,it of tit iferrnitn) .
ItesoPolon. •ett Ins apart the last Prlday
•itil Pat noise r ihr oreeetit month for LS.-
trio or l'idairihia bostnrio, :Old providing ri ir
t twee .rv.itp• la the vt ruing i•set. week Fiore.
after for bills on the calendar. wen' agreed to.
At one o'clock the Sciatic bill t esitomr.t be
Fifteenth Amendntent Arita itside and the
Monte bill on the same subject taken up. •
Mr. STEWART incited to toiled Hate tbe
Senate bill and amendments, arguing that the
Howse tall wail detective In many reaper:pi.
Metsra. NAM., and CAUPEXTP./t spots. to
the same e ff ect, and lb« Senate bill Iras then
considered before the Senate on the pending
amendments. •
.... M th r i W l A n ! nilrlidt
itnh a ngieend
oone eehcund
dred dollars. to be forfeited by On election
officer for
or knowingly omitt
to else elect to s the g .
seet Inn shall be paid ing
anY person whir shall site for the same. In
tead of t he part
was .
The discussion Mew n. EdmunJ.mud particittated br
Win, opposed
Mr. Warren's amelnlinium as well no the bill
itself by Mr. Sherman. who considered the
bill defective and needed amendment. and br
Messrs. :Stocktonand lid:ninon. Maryland.
until tire o'clock. when the Senate took remit,.
The evening -Wan =mimed In a
FP41,11 by Mr. tittAtil IN in Supportof the bill'
to teseeint the Ittlf, of the L'alted Stutel In
Ad loomed.
. .
Mr. CESSN A. /tom cannon tee on Election,
made a report on the contested election tsar
01 Wallace against Simpson. from the Fourth
Coaressional Instrict of South Llwelina, de
d:liclUeitle' Vo l ace
nid eenalPiteudj'orttattsiitty,..neaantd. gave
TN. HOLM' theft went intocommittee. Mr.
Eldridge in the chair. on the Naval Appropri
mton MIL thequeetion being on amendment
offered by Mr. SieTen, to the drst paragraph
adding thirty-three per cent to t he ;my of 0111.
.51r. STEVENS . withdreW the amendment,
saying be understood the Committee on. Ap
proprintiOnf had agreed to mote Of nay which
would I...acceptable.
Mr. 11 - M.41/11IJN. represent tug the commit
tee, thereupon offered an amendment making
the animal pay of naval officers as follow*:; Vice Adtalrala. at sea. PAW
chore duty. sl..ff/a; wait no orders, en,lner. when
retired.--: Rear Admirals, at sea 14141.12,
t hr,,,, riot, *SAO; waiting orders.gig.lo; when
/ .....ta,
retired , 1
Cortllllll4orell. $5.01 RA
pax; $2.25A Captain, et,injo, nab% ..
..olgh Commander, $3,140, U.&11,41.2,10u. Lag
donagnant Commanders, g.t,tr.„ gt,,vs:t ~Igo.
sl.l= Lieutenants. r. 4. 4 .14 /...-.' WI. Etjal, La%
Master. VAIL sl..°M_ . StahI .IMIXA Ensign,
CAR 11::J3. dada. gnigt. Staff (Meer, to re
ceive pay according tot heir mint ire ranks. a.
specified In the general order of the Navy De
partment of March 13,1bn1.
Mr. WASILDURN explained that this an
num/ salary was to be in lieu of oil hay and al- 1
lowan.% It diminished the pay of Admire!
SI.3M, of Vire Admlrels at sea SID and on
chore $ 4 1:11, Arc.. . -
tut...m . BElOAX oppoeed Otero Idgh salaries,
and Metiers. DAWES and' VOOItIIIES advo
cated the amendment, which wan agreed to
9ti to Rh
Mr. lIALE morel an additional construed
nothing In t be bill shall be construed to give to
any staMeer any
of pay larger than
that to hrreceived by any Ilne oilleer of cor
responding rank. Agreed to.
The amendment. na offered last night by Mr.
Washburne, as amended to-day. seas agreed
The next pnragraph trait for the pay of
petty o Meers, seamen, ordinary trans, 'nod a
men nod boy., Including into for engineer"
force, 5,000 men at; thd arerasto pay of laud
7.,;,,wPriAtr d io incrotoe the men
to 10,101. Rejected.
On motion of Mr. WASIEDURN. Wis., the
Item of 111450' .13ft1 erta l i mterted for contingent
erenaes of'the Nary tepartment.
The detalla of the bill were eoneldered,ind
Moe Me. disposed of. when the Firmer took.
E.reni Sratioti.—ThC amendment of Mr.
Sargent,; increasing the approprhition for gun
powder from CM= to $lOO.OlO, wee rejected:
an was another to Memel , * the appropriation
for taboret the navy yards from Swami) to
r ilt : In connection Ordinance
The was.repotted to the Rioter nod
patted. • • '
Adjourned. ' • •
• Opening of sioldlesx! Hem. 11 9 .0.1 .
[ fly. TelegTnnh le .tiecTittsburgh tinzette.l
DAYIOIS. ty -,Th neve hos.
vital National )fi Soldiers'e
IY Opened.lO-Merron. netertmen. it furnishes
complete necemmodation for three hundred
patients, end Is nne of the best appointed hoc-
Trot', Iftrd.7"nntrt Macs. f
Schenck ' . Oeners ' i end A' Gallo-.
Ws,r prelent.,.Tbe oonnsion premixes'
to 1,41 000 of tale tnext initpopksAltpl, Interest
ing In the history of the luttitut 1011. The ex
ercises =III be under the direction ot-ffon..
Lewis Ottuckle, reAldent manager, !toL irhorit
the Institution It largely Indebted f9r Ili sin.
Ruler prosperitp.,..„
• •
Tkorral Anomobly of rho tle4oolledl Prosily.
ply Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
pftmoogLOHlO, May /80-A large number of
delegates have arrived lo take part In the
meeting of the Depend Assecohly of. the re
united Presbyterian. church. commencing to
morrow. The sessions will be held to the
First Presbyterian church. Dr WO:nth
of Prliseetou cortege. is embed for Moderator.
the — Th o ei t t it o tr i i linti — of the Karma
worse, It . seeker. than tea:Z it . Fritcti4 tsar
roP4 ".setPletryl. were' killed 4, 124 ev
eery =ea aemenll% j arttone Traci r.
loeslirrterneseett that u b.
JF sweel - PePethe•thees•thlerVineent Coß'
Greer* =OM th e Immo; Xere tat stAtelpite4.
l'be 'Waken a( the Filmesloo. •
Vesterdniaft.entotta a Inlet Inel:tint of the
varlow, committees baring in charge the ar
rangements for "Decoration Day," was held
• the office of E. A. Montootth Esq., at which
adlivent for the, the following were
chosen: •-•
A. P. CALLOW. C'hlet klarehtd.
tiro. H. WOOD. Chief of HIM!. .
ABE Parrciona, A. 8.
W. 11. Ilexlep, C. A. Montomb, •
W. S. Harrah. John Ifonl,
Copt 11. Oal . llsath. . J. I). Furre . ster,
1it7, 1 0,`"41: - .1'... 1"."..r.°R 1 0;.!14'."r'
Job needle, • 'John A. Stewart.
11. -. Loekbardt. John 11. Kerr.
J. I . Bartley, Joe Brown.
D. Y. Riggs, Cart In Haven. .
Hoary N. Funnier. D. A. Haller. •
W. J. Nellratty, W. J. Hatnebod,
Onoar C. Pester. James P. Drown.
N.l'. Felker. Johnson Metier, .
Martin Schaffer, Wm. C. Cooke.
Augh McKlwalue, Wm. N. Yeager.
Wm. Hugon. . John Neeley.
Wm. Caldwell, W. W. Lysol,. •
K. A. Young. ..• .T. H. Hosenbach,
James Drown. D. A. Haller. •
C. H. Drennan, Wm N. Johnson,
H. P. Dean,
The above - aids meet at the Allegheny
Ilayor's oMee Saturday next at 8 1. xi. fo
further arrangements.
Comtnotlor—GßO.D. VAN EMON.
Chief of Staff—S. A. Dore.
A. A. D. Thomas.
F. W. Willock, Q. Me Jno. Walters,
Jan. Kerr. S. In Chief. •
Jun Hartzell/
,Ed. Kenn, Adjutant, .e. Stevenson.
11. C.
Matthew., Ale, limiter.
Jon. Fisher, Garvey Chess.
T. W. Itfiller. Fred Maul,
J. If. Burt, D. S. Salisbury, -
Jno. lined. J. P. Snyder, '
Major Foie, . .Jno. Null..
Eno. Schmillg, . P. Helsel.
Itobert Sent, Jno. If. Mcitubertn,
T. D. M . Lean. W. J. Ceske,
G. B. Miller, Geo. Sidman.
tleo. Fowler. . . S. A. Chamberlain.
Fred. ' Jan. Duncan.
N. Miller. M. D. NI, Miller. • -
M. A. Arnholt. M. it., Stewart McKee. .
Blackburn. M. D, Jas. Chamber,
J. .1. McCord, M. D., Jos. McKnight. •
G. D. Ballantine. M.D. Jon. McKnight, Jr.,
Jas. McLean, Jas. Patterson. Jr,
Prof. Munroe, Wm. M'Colulin.
.sq. Barker, Jnu.
Jno. Chambers, • Jn0...1111,1rW, Jr.,
Jno. 'Redman. Peter Knutslei.
Milt Varner. Wm. Doyle ,
J.. N: Kerr. Chas. Beall .
John Ovum.
J. B. (titter. Bnl,ert Bcyen.
J. lb Walker.'
• The stab of the Fled Divinion meet./ at the
hull of the G. A. R. on the !Ist otMay. at
A1.41 . T.1NT GENERAL AND CII/EI• 01' , FIVf •
Cot. Woo. A. !Whitman.
Mal. Gen. 31:Laughlin Capt. W. ii. Burt.
Capt. I). S. Shield', Lieut. C. Snirelv. •
Capt. M. N. Felker. Lieut. M. A. M. Leltz.
Capt. A. G. Luca', Lieut. David I.trry.
Capt. W. .1. Patterwn, Meat. FL B. Pa rklown
'3tiot. V.A. M. Krepe,
Sargent' General !NM,. King, NI. 11.
It. M.Tindel,
Crank 1.. Mayne.
'Jov. A. Ph 11111.4
Alex. s;ter.
A. H. Gtosol,
.. • -
Col. Hobert Anderson. . S. M. 'Morgan.
Col. W. 11. aCCandlev, lot. Hobert J. Nevin.
%V. L. Nicodemon, - I'd. James Collord,
Col. J. J. Nevin. Mn or Jog. M. Komp..
Maj.T.ll.Bwearingen, Ma or Jas. A. Lowrie
Major J..). Ihiwson. Mn or Wm. M.mrhead
Major J. D. Duncan. Ma .F. W. Ilavekotte
Col. Wm. Phillips.. .Wm:3l. Lyon. Esq.,
Deltsboover. Esq., J. Mel/. Crtentan. Evq.
J. H. Slet.Mne, Fslq• Capt. Theo. Hadley.
David Robinson, Esq. Capt. Cleo. Edward*.
Wm. A. Herron. Eqq. Capt. J. 1.. Brown.
Sanil McKee, Exp. Capt. John Hall.
John Stewart. Esq. Capt. S. P. ()amble.
The:. Ford. Esq. Capt. A. P. Morrison.
Thos. W. Davis, Esq. Capt. Geo. F. Morgan.
Capt. David Verrh. Capt. J. S. Slater.
Jos. S:Murrison,.Eaq.• Lleut.J. D. Minters',
.1. 11. Oliver, Esq. Lieut. H. W. Strickler.
H. C. O. Sproul. E..q. Lieut, J. O. Weal.
Iktpt. WIII. Kennedy. I.leut. A. L. Vera.
Capt. M. U. Corky. Lieut. Jas. E. McCord.
Capt. Hartley I.Mut, Jas. A. Floyd.
Capt. [told. Patterson. Lieut. Kohl. Finney.
Capt. P. F. Itohrtaseker. tient. Wm. Anderson.
Capt. Wm. 11. Irwin.
tre start °lnners designated Above are re
nested to report at headquarters on Monday
tternoon,. al Instant.
. . ... . . .
All organlred societies And balks of men
who desire to participate In the ceremonies of
layillit the minter etone of the Soldienr Motor r ,
trenr, ere requested to report through their
odleeng at the thereattdedise• decimated.
Volorod woldnentsadlitLlWWW , reqweetad
above . ° er. .i..gtt'ller °r° I" " Viwest
la the column, and a proportionate number&
staff oftleere will be allowed them, whom they
are requested to select end report.
tit order .d . J. It. SwErraw.
General Cortunutt.llug
W. A. ROM rO.N. A. G. and line( of 0100. '
.;rl,-s t i Ommantling—CHAS.
A.M. Ad.', Ifni. -- J. F.: DAL2[II..
Cul. D. I.ennutt, Henry Spangler,
Col. T.D. Darn.. Dr. artrneer.
Major W. I. Hope. H
e. W. T. Pente y cost.
i:apt:Joh H. yt . speer. W. W...110-2.lland.
( .o! P t t ell' " 11 1 ne.
Joe. lion, • H. H. Lyon.
s eath, Th. Straub.H. •
P. ClloW. W. H. Grab in.
J ,ho H. Graham. C. J. Strieller..
A. Hollinger. Wni. Saint.,l
Chas, Harttn., Ch.. Davis. ,
Jon. FL Oxley.
The Adjutants 45( the Division will meet o
Monday. Mar =id. o'clock e. 0.. nt Ss A
dersofi street ter turt . her arnstigentents.
Gen. J. IL Sweitxer, tetoporary Presideu
expressed the hope that the whole populatio
wuuld partake in the procession. many noel
he already agreed to Join In, but. ho
ever, he would not tail to address special Inv
lotions to all societies and associations.
The next meeting will be held on Haturda
Real Etude Trinsfere.
:The following deed% were ntltnitted to re
cord In the once of Thom., •II: Hunter. Re
corder for Allegheny count r. Wednetday, May
lg. • WO
George A. Bayard to A. A. Moore. Mar 1:.
146;12 acres of land in Versailles township
wit h building..... . . (;I,9DlFrailer Bros to Andrew Frasier,' October 19,
1,101; 23 by tau trot oo Franklin street. Alle-
SotV.n'sr l e tt e b itt u r ire .
lot Si. Into ' ldere ° h'e - poss. Ftrteentb W IU
Pittsburgh:N.lth ....... .M. 9111
Charles Darla to Darkidones. April 3./ , I*3)
1: by 13 feet oo Beaver snoop , AllegbenY
, .
?1.0. Phillips to Lewis K. Grnbosky: Ap ril
187 u; 03 by Asi feet on Twenty-fourth reel,
Birmingham. . . .
Dollar Saving Book to Wm. Alton, April 10,
Ptah 65 isms of land to Robinson towush , l s y
..... . ...
First Baptist Church South Pittsburgh to i lno.
Lewin, April 24. 1506; NI by 44 feet on Fifth
Street. Routh Pittsburgh $7:!5
B. Kuhn to Ann Haan. April 13. 12417; 7 acres
of laud In Fawn township with buildings
Thoinsol R. Kerr to Joseph Mitchell; April 19.
1&l;; threo-fourtbs of an sore In Connersville
with buildings $433
W. K. Ifoleson to Wm. Youdam. November 17.
1668: lot No. 146 In Frew's ',now borough of
Went Elirabeth, with buildings glO
John K. Graham to Fredrick Howling. April /.
ISIU: 2 acres of land In the village of Green
oak a.lOO
The following Is a statement showing the re
ceipts from the several general sources of
revenue from June, 1880, to March 31, NCO;
M ll e.' ii;
. ''''
041 a ;X .. ..!'" l4
Fermented liquors • ' 0.01P1'05 50
Hanks and bankers. 4.063,642 31
Oros,i receipts a. - 1O 34
Sales • 84103430 lii
Special taxes not elsewhere enu
merated• • 0,41-..042 32
income, Including salaries. • • -... . 37,ieljtai 13
Legnelee 181,004=03
Successions 1..1113,fe4 44
Articles In schedule A 801,9141 Sit
.%,1334 00
• .
O. • =NM IC
&mires not elsewhere crounent•
ted • 08.161 48
Penalties taz,3513 nt
Net receipts from stamps .. .. '. 13,70E057 51
Total $179.308402 UUUU
The receipt, for the year ending March will
be Increased by returnx from two districta for
that month not yet received, estimated at
PAM. • .
, • Epier River.
Or P. 1, A. Telegraph.]
agoW NfIVILLY. May le.—River falling olbwly
with four feet three Inches water le the than-•
Pei. Weather clear. Thermometer epthly-Ora
. .
Gatirmfinott o ..Mag.lll.-Illrer. - falling with
free feet water t theekannel..Weather efrar.
TlLWltelnleter elsbly-i our at: a 1 , . . •: •
DIOROATPAYM6: May it.-- Hirer • atatlonarr :
with - thlrtr inches water la the
w.m.h.r deo, mennaneter - eigntp.nTe •At•
. • • •
4 Titterrir, water nirer c h a n n e l.. tand .witb,
nineteen inches ln the Weath
er clear. Thettnometer•enthty-are at 6P. M.
New Orleans.
, ,
NEW Claiserel. • tfay 18.--C o t ton dull; mld
rmlellytoat e; en ea , l 4 7 . 2,l;:Lie t
bale. ex
arm at SZE ' Met4.7sfor Laperatie•
$5.37Q6.50 for XX; ildadtd,oo for X.X-X. Coni
scarce and higher; mixed $1.3%. white $1.41
°stalk, ifradfdlinfd 1.0.
flay lower at .
Pork $41,007tal Sawn buoyant at lefgalte
abouldera VIM 7fidfor cleat rib, add /fdfle.
181:c for clear. Sams Sugar awl
and lower: rime Iftelrei. b nlaraell earl:
g i f?e e e 4116.140: .
CAttlemxtz, ..)doy C.—Cottle: reee ts
bead: market ire uu . d advanced m
sales, extra . drstclity
Sal saved do.
dbeep sad lambs: reee 45 ad; si
story for old sheep sod_ r_ WM la
lots at $441 . 11 slob; ettra gam.
.1114.11/mare sod Plitiobargh
Mr. R. Garret. the distinguished chief officer
of the Baltimore S. Ohio Railway Company,
arrived In the city yesterday, and was waited
upon during the day and evening by numbers
of our citizens, including many of our moat
extern:lva manufacturers and merchants. -
were present loran hour In the evening, when
Mr. Garret conversed freely with his visitors
on the plans and prospects of the Connelaville
Mr.lfughari, the presldeta.mtd Mr. Latrobe.
the chief engineer of that company, were also
Mr. Garret . . .steers to numerous Interroga-
Corlett in relation to our local Interest,. as they
are to he effected by the policy of his adminis
tration, were all eatbifactory. livery anur
mice wait given that. In the nee of the road
hence to Baltimore, Pittsburgh should have
every benefit due to her geographical pro:-
linitr.• that Pittsburgh was regarded, end
would be treated an a great tranamontartrr
metropolle to full brotherhood of- interests
and policy with Baltimore. He predicts thnt
the material advantages to - result to Pitts
burgh, and also to Baltimore, 'very year after
their connection by roll through Connellsville
cost o f f
will be subjec t o the whole
cost of the road. On thls s we incline
to tie quite as sanguine as Mr. Garret, but we
steer glad to hear n man of hie experience.
judgment and high Integrity express himself
o strongly and so decidedly on • subject of so
much local eignilleneee to this city.
We gathered
Baltimorer interview the Idea
that while the end Ohio administra
tion In undecided about extending her Pittii
burgh branch to the lakes by an Independent
mute, she would be disposed be counectioos
with other companies to establish through - a,
rangements, and suggested the advantages to
serene to Pittsburgh from competing western
mutes converging here, thus affording the
traffic of western rivals a choice at this-focal
poi of divergent al lines to the east •
r. Cen t
el mikes no attempt to conceal the
great objective et his policy, which la to ad
vance the COMMerCIIII prosperity of his home
city. He foresees with charneteristle teigaeltY.
Wm think, that Anil' imore is destined to make
a very respectable contest with her more
northern and more distant rivals for commer
cial eutirethecy. We feel sure that all of our
citizens who called upon Mr. Garret were
pleasantly and favorably Imessed with the
freedom, courtesy and Intel! enee of his con
rersation, and not less ao wit hthe wisdom ot
of t h 4e ,, :a d in m e in rt i lfl ' e l I to
this city.
Boston hour !mime Convention was held
at yesterday. Wendell Phillips pre
sided. Resolutions for shortening the holm
of labor were adopted. A letter was read
from I lerritt Smith. sympathizing with the
movement. Stephen Poster spoke in msposi
thug he wanted the privilege of working as
many hours as he pleased. Among the speak
en in favor of the movement were Jul In IVard
Howe. Wm. 21. Channing, Wendell. Phillips
and Mrs. Livermore.
yen! &Mkt.. Sale,
A. Leggate, auctioneer invites specia
attention to the following sales:
On this abursday) afternoon, at '
o'clock; several vacant lots and good dwell
lags. property of John 13 Kennedy, ru
13eaver ave., near Western ave.
tln Prhlay (tomorrow), at •11 o'clock
thirtv-four act,s and tiro residence °
Ltakewell, at Neville.
On Saturday next at 2 o'clock. four vs
cant lots on Ohio ave.. between Chartler
and Manhattan streets.
01/ Monday next,at 10 oelock, he Lou.
and lot. 55 Monterey street, and Never .
adjacent vacant. lots.
On IVeducaday pert at 10 o'clock, Oilr
lots on the Allegheny Poor Farm at Be
On Wetilnetulay next, at' 4 0'c1.,44; the
late Philip Brilatein'aproperty, 10 , .1 South
Canal street.
On Thursday next, 28th Unit.. H. C.
Sitafer's forth, New Brighton mad. • Cut
this out for reference. Full. particulars
at A. Leggate's office, 1.19 Federal street.
onlionnee ugaiubt currying pintols
elrert the Bop' Revolver sold at .1.
I.l l .'lliouipsou S Co.. corner of Wood a n d
liberty Ntreets.
_ Iti Arnr_s !at Acura! —Sale to-mor
row at 11 o'clock. In the event of Air.
liaketiell's property at Neville, not being
sold entire, a division will he made, and
lots be sold of one desired size. While
every etliwt will' fie. made to sell in one
Were, the attendance is desired of te
persons desirona elf securing indldir .
_ er-4 with.
proceed. without
.., j o urtuutia , ...llllaat434lLpri.perit uq,
usual attractions to tito ,
Railway iitlet4 may he had of A. Leggate.
Anctinnaer, oil ti,, to , ;clock train.
- - • -
PKAIII. .I.l‘l. WouKs.—Schnsbel Wal.
ker have on hand:and deliver daily toany
part of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, coal.
nut coal. and slack at the lowest cash
prices. Special. rates to regular custom.
era and for large orders. This coat in the
best offered in the city. Office and yard,
corner of Sandnsky street and West, Penn
Railroad, Allegheny city.
TIIMArnoS & CO. fell the ruion Re
volver, with 50•Pi14110. Price 40 cent.
who established the !urines. of moaning
glum In thin ity fourteen yearn nun, in
reconnize.ln. the pr.hirer of the hest
work in ht. lino of bovine..
PLASTERS and n linen:il:ere in city mind
country will find good brushes at J. U.
Thottipaon kr C 0..•, corner of Weal and
Liberty otrecta.•
man, bet tire dollars that after drinking
three glasses of Pier Dannala 3: Co.'s
Cream Ale, he could ride the wildeat borer
In the country: lie won.
COME boys. get the lievolver sold at
'lloanpeoria . wholesale and retail. "MO
I.iherty street.
* 2 t. VS in currency for steerage pas
sage from New York to Liverpool. sp.
.ply to John J. licl'ormick . .Lissr:rrE Build
ing. (2d &aim Sixth avenue and Smithfield
FINE French backing sold wholesale
and retail at Thompson& Co.'s.l4o..Liberty
1 7NDr_Ntontr..— The fart that stained
glans adds to the appeamoce of a chhreh
or private dwellings. IYm...Nelson,
Market Street. furnishes all styles stained
glass promptly to order.
D_TitoursoN St Co. are the agent
for the Union Revolver. Price. c nta
WHERE rr MAYBE SEEE.--Oood work,
beautiftil desitrns and brilliant eolors. May
I. Peen at NN m. Nelson's glaas staining
etablishment, 2:t Market street.
BARKER CO. h”lng been betatofoon
Ported by the death the he late James W. Barker.
the adnalnlAtrator• of estate of theasto Same*
W. Barter. deed, by and Wall then o r ßoth
a h att P r a n t el :t. h grAftlg street the mlir
the bastneai to A. D. McKElt, C. MunPlIT and
JAMES It. BMW.,under the style and Ann name
of McKee. Murphy Co. Wo chotrtully meow..
mend thew to the outman and former patron., of
the haunt.
AMNTE M. BARKER. Adturatratr i t.r.
STEl t riltkratlrsil • "A"Zitist ma!
MAT 17th. 1870.
...!vitg:. 'Matt I..:dsm r `f!frlLl
Relthp fair the purl.w c neer., eh the
ty atiereb . and , hayhm
tinin thep
oat Plu sad leterem !atm,
engine•e of the late arm of J. NV Better& ,
abbtxtu Rime& 10 mid elty. - trul conduct, lb.,
any on the betatmeetmt nn yown amment:
^ lanTaaa.
au, 1/th 187111 mymxt:
.pennon JudoOtod.,to the .Into. Ono of 4. IV
-11/111HER. &NO. tOl.recittoalcd male joussodloto
p. meat of Old polio to Slosint. hioKEE, MVO
PM a' CO.. or either of the seld pu:tam,
son to the lota Ono Of 1. W. Benne Cll. %Mil:oily
ors authorised tO collect the talioel All teconnts
Rot tostoodlitelyoottlod tip do rat In bulk. 7 .
M. HARKER, 6,34strantnitilx.
(Br her AUorner, Stephan Barker,
STEPHEN BARKER, Adlalalsystor.
NAT 119c6.11520.
• M719:49
. .
. . ,_ , .
• Tethz's Cr41;:!6114- /roam Yale
/thethe - P, rue en. Le eiarts and plata fee ee' e b 7
the Meer at ['Meat eves there .th L br __
. • - ZORN A. ettVire•tw.
mita • ".: • rc,r, r .r.ifii r ,rmi nuth stneu.
NEW AmorarensErdErrrs.
A xwqup td the eloeltholden of the
the Moe or theCompany.oo THURSDAY, June
!Id. 1870, Ft 3 , o'cloet Na,
W. H. itc.CLlo.l.ssio.
A TTENTIONI---An Excellent oppor
Sanity to invest In • PATENT BROST Pie
Western Pennsylvania. ito article Iv nesisled ns
every tinily. Will pay a large per anntage :
ply to BARTON LOWE. 36 Slith dre.l. nol9
110PIGAN & CO.,
.11 Ihrir Miura. Broad Ford, Y, kC. B. 11
Office, 142 WATER STREET,
And Deliver in the City,
ruyl9 xIG
MI e6tLluit6 Sebo.42 purrhase lan
requaated to put the:nutlet+ m eorreapandeare
with ma relative to illtfllrft awl PRICE?.
8. Sc. i
Sell °of _books
S.SeIIOoI, Books.
We mon have the lareorr 'rock, b, far, In this
eity. 'We bare eeleined with a view at suiting Al.!.
DerSOMINATItiNS: Cain), SCHOOL. will And In,
our .trek Junt what they want,
Largest Discounts,
Largest Discounts.
Largest Discounts.
We we Inaklwr lamer lllwourste. to Sabbath
Setatb. than In, boo.. In the city. 'We ran pm..
We hare had over lasso s 'ears' esperleace In th
Sabbath SChobl Honk La•lness, wad know Low t
boleti • SAFE' and RICLIABLE books,' and will pn
. •
Oct huYenklnltt TlOl,llll •ad Immoral Mentor
Mob hi oat einvralthi the millet.
ON Eat 0 NT - tn . NDRED
We have over nne hundred different Linde of
REWARD CARDS and little books. Nth many Iro:
ported mad. In C'hronao colon. very beandful. We
gat everything new In culla and book.. Waal aapab•
Imbed. You may depend on FRESH. goodie MIR Cl-
All the Isom N. S. Music Hooka — BRADBURY%
KV:B.MA HULL. and any other of hharrti—csot
always M had from oz. Schools bora/ ono hon.
dreg oastee as one tlate.arlligat adlseasht from the
hundred wt. , •
We Can Suit You.
We C'aii Suit You.
We Can Suit You.
cannotlt Tnu
rend a OAMatti W,Stifet, MO
or; for sot f. nod roe can room AL
Oar orome soy hooka not salted. Or, rot ton 400
yoit anyarAirott, nortiroi du Ireton tho bifibco or
Tour e.xtrrrior.. -
CireAVALOOIIBII tanddied.ittad
. t altriii*T . 4iii*Enizo.
Pitifsbuxf i• pa
Commercial and Family Newspaper
.4,11.11 t. Or merebant 0003 to
wit h aut rt.
rg:71 " ...
(lute 0
too 1.13.
A eop) It throttled gratuitously to the tatter-hO
Of a • Club of ton. Postmaster* are Motonteo toact
0. eglkaots. Addseas.
. • PEIIIILMA34 13X.P.D &
-Found;' Boarditiy."
Se.. not ...weeding FOUR LINES, will be
ini.erted in,,the3e coZtinvie ones for
Ti. F 7 FE CENTS; raeh additional line
ANTED.-25 BOILERS nt s6.:f t
T ANTFJ ) .--tvcrybody to call at
Itaa LIDENTT STIUSZT, Sad azniulne
0.,:.../AMDXRDALE APPARAtin for making
tss,..9 . ltintr r4Ejta for sal
T . A 7 A T ED. An ALTO and BASS
VV ertuzu. Oar pugs of a.Quartinte in
cityc ni hurch choir. Add D. 8,1...N0. 013.
Ptrunenb P.O. . .
A T V TED.-A-GIRL to do oomnion
well reonanund ic Z - .1 - -0"
STREET. AlleghenY " 1- "1"
AaT , E O Dcfs i tTUALTN A - o. Ap i. Silleft.
wholesale or manufacturing Douse. lif• tellabl•
man; good
°Moe. city reference Err.. Angus.. 800 J.
Oweetio -
WANTEIL—A Lady experienced In
1130,000 to Loam is Ism or mutt
L fair ate of Interest.
OHL Muhl end nese Betel* Broke,
No. 1711 Smithfield street.
T .
t ojp: . o u f
e4thor cty, or ma Minot
Immo lroad. Any ono .1.g r.4r 0 or "
good tenant altb a moan . : 1 3 6 4 — Kialf gta
addresting CROFT A RIL. Sot •
rtimnts,rio. 139 Fourth ave..
ThiTty Thouoand Dalton to Loan
In large or small tononnta on prOP•rt7taAlleghenr
minty al a fair rate of Interest..
• ' R"'' O r a t rin " ilitet_
and 21042:2114
a., i
VI" •
, NI ~
itte.',' ;4. 104 Fourth A,
T OST.—On Monday vening., betteeen
S. cue- me Fifth lament:Rd °Re in Ste Woe
Hill ear. a POCKET-NOOK: eontaining between
twelve and thirteen dollars end two keys. The
Ender will be libendly rewarded by leeving it at
308 SEDERAL STREET. Alleirbmty...
Lio:47%—A dark brindle row--tips of
the horn. sawed ending gimlet bole tn oath.
nt tall. Any person her lain tea liberally
relearned hi JeartnAtanallt at
Head of •Reilford avenue.
T OST.—On Wednesday ereningy be-
TWICEN Relief Ending oams and Marlon
lareet, • palr of GOLD SPECTACLES. The tinder
will be liberal)y rewarded by leaving them at VA
DOARDING.—A number of Gentle-
MEN can be furnished with boar:hag .p
Rooms V destrolp_Maaaraly Mated. at No. 20
ANDERSON STREET. nOar Rand •Mm t hilage,
Alleahowy CUE. • intr.
0130 A RDING.— -To-Let,with boarding,
one or tyro ROOMS. Alxq. no OFFICE, tuna.
• for Doctor nr Dentist. at 103 Fourth avenue.
rrO-LETLROOMS—Pornished or un-
FURNISHED for eießte. gentlemen. i i p V y
at No. 92 Hearer street. Auessess.
O•LET.—Some pleasant rooms to 1
st N. 31 Fourth avenue. with me of Ds,
81.1:EPLNG 1100.118, No. 44
near elm Mt. AI Unbent. AMa oton , a , for to tr
VAT* irrnfrirel!alarrel:lnilk"="
r.f° ,L--
NT4—The Three Story . Brick
of m r..A i 1t4,01.121 4 pj . Mutt Chin roar
by Win. Mundoff tr. .7... .. a e lllfoomitin=to S t l y.
InAutro of - .WATII,LAG . CO.
.__° No, 172 %Ad 174 W O
frO LET.—Brick Holu'4 of 2 Boom,
_L . Wall, Gas;Tfot and Cold Wa...C . „ 14 1b. Ta ' rd.
.fly . rapenwl and painted. oltaalo Nv..A. Miro
act %met Shah ward Alloabony- • i
• ie .?. tett nottso of a H. m ., 50.198
mc . Y. near Sampson moot, im c ,.t ward,
All effbbny. Apply to W. P. F l U c
j.p. 91 Diamond, Allogbony..,
Fifth, nod a TIER with entrance on Fifth amino,
APO, * Mk Mt,. M. MerlollB
or to N. NELSON. 116
Part of
eig e pt w rr% l Mrinagr:2l.
19 minutes . wait ot any Rail, AlleithenY. The
hoe.* la two storied containing 9 mom.. and 9 .
new. comfortable and. of elegant architecture, and
f t
9 conned with all modern improvements. Also
carriatu house nod rtabllng fur home and cows.
Thogrounds are beautifully laid out, and are
ered with one [Great tree., rends:9lg It trniy ••
country residence with all the advantage. of beMg
very oonvenient to the city, and front Ifs lacation
QUO of the most healthy loos/tops In rfor sa thigiayarlilar. luris or OLPKR M g itttn a
aplb-tt '
The zabeerthor olierkfor rent that ;71estrable prop.
1 kfunnt as the 1, '
Situated at the foot of CeOlg strait. Allegheny
City. a short distance below the guspertiltori bridge.
The lot on the out side of Cratistniet Is 1130 feet
wide by about 430 fast mote or leas. The lot on
the west side of the street Is 110 feet wide by
about 400 feet, more or less—both Otuardng to low
waterline, Meting one of the best - end widest har
bors 'on the river. The adrantages this property
presents for ant Una of ruatrafaciturtng purpose.
are so wall born es to render any tumor demitriPi
Don an...emery. Long leases will be given to re.
I'OR SALE.-11.60. Acres of Lad In
A: Greene venlig= on the to, I of Central
Itelhned. Good 31 010717 per acre. M
ere.* Bon 1l If. Can emu 5.13
F OB SLLE.--Engisite of Four Horse
tri:V.l l .lrarislitiO Z. m i. e .s=i A".
FOR SALL—A One Rome Spring.
Ns'AdoN. /Wt. the am of I. a
.T. 1.
Wilson a end Mean:tilts. h 9.47
dkxto Allen Allee enn
'OR SALE----A Valuable Farm, en
votrztur Intcreiwa. MI , 1115:
r... ,! fg., lief eael old mad. emooreland Co..
f. 4
ING LOTS. on vadat& groats l n Um
t. Loonronarrlno Mania...on of nblob win Do sold
on easy tonna. T. R. BILL & SON. minter Penn
_SALE.—A two-horse catered
:tete, will be
lomp.GON, nearly new, cam two
• •
Also batate me r Icesn thre e from 3an
to d 8
Ilee thiciondle.
four handheld tons of
In a goad lee hones at members on toe
est Nob Railroad. Rood,* ol to
drill • or at the ealca j h oteent
FOR SALE.--A farm of Macres
&lor etatlonneglla. tton a i " Mbo=l" - V:
a rea
.Llont , = ot 00= . 41:1 4, 01
Ceel °Muni and all necebbal7b trm be
veld verr lemur. or
• JACOB DATBAUSIbiIt-atqami,
erste meet.
- . .
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