The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 18, 1870, Image 4

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Egere pollee ore to q
Philip Quest for g whipiling his Irtfe,fisratiuest of.
Venereal Alderman Humbert committed to
Milter trial Michaeli Nolan , cherved with Im
mo, erlaret Thompson.
Mettle Illeritamee Vito found. thle morning. at
eone ceelhek lythe In the getter In - Tin Pot
ller. 9114 was removed to the lockup-
A leg aum.. knomm by thename of Sllin
Ihn.sras arrelted last night on Sixth aTenue,
for oenlms. by oMccr Garber after n chase of
. o ma. tea minute*.
Alailatest Vire Marhal.— We learn that
August Ammon. Eon.. of Fast itirtninghain:
has been appointed Assistant Fini Marshal.
A gooitappotatment.
Assault awl Battery.—A
for the arrest of Luke 11
Mha sW with assault mid
ary Bag= before the Ma
'arntot was Issued
.nton. Who was
tiers on oath of
r. yesterday.
Meyer 611ew yesterda committed Marc
Williams to Jail for thirty dams, for disorderly
conduct.. tier companion. Emma Wilson. was
released upon payment of a fine of tendollars.
Yeelerilay Stephen Hoffman made Informa
tion before Alderman Koenig. elfalest William
Hall. for keeping a disorderly house on Penn
street. In the Twelfth ward. Warrant Issued.
Tooterlet Alderman Taylor 1.51113.1 ts war
ranWor the arrest or Albert-Stabler. proprte
tor of a, saloon on' Water strut. who_ to
e st a n v., Ritz Stock with eening Honor on
Ewes' Hum before daytrreak 'yesterday a
maple -alame, were stolen from the stable
of Hr. Itolshouse at Evergreen Hamlet. mls
lathe seeondtlme the nalmals have been taken.
No elute this time
A . Nrateral Sm.—Frauds Sankey made In
formation before Justice Salisbury "y - esterday
ehargies his non John with assault and bat
tery. Be alleges that John came home drunk
and bent him. A warrant was Issued.
!I oder .—A meeting of the Woman's Suffrage
A 8100111174 of Allegheny County will be held
Thursday, at r. r., at the residence
-of Mrs. Dense, No. 4 Eighth street. All per
PODS interested la the cause are invited to at
a L=4, r stdhA p th.i h Tsseltt . Z ) l ward,
w attl.
t i !,71L, ""` ..7 DlV °is mad ' .l.7. com wn teotriVe• so
Herron who Ms tined • warrant for Dennis'
Craw Yalu—John Solwright yestertlat made
Information before Deputy Mayor Nichols,
agallist - LoulaZeinnter, for assault and battery.
Loots catered a cross suit against Erna-right
for surety. of the peace. The parties had a
Quarrel in a shop In the Ninth ward. Both
ease ball for hearings.
Tbe Int election for Directors of the new
OtTalaa Barbara Bank (chartered by the late
tags. latare ) was held yerterday, when Messrs.
C. Kerma, J. F. Harelotte. A. Stelnuleyer.
Adam /Wawa.. G. dchleiter, Joseph Abel.
Jantes K. Kerr, C. Darchtleld and Joseph Kw
dlnistelm were chosen.
Mr. Joao Smith. of Allegheny. cut down a
in the yard of John eohn's property,
upon' hich a lot of Mahlon was hung out to
dry. The clothing was drallbled in the mod,
and Mrs. Smith was arrested yesterday, and
held for a bearing for malicious mischief,
before Alderman Eggers:
rd B toe
the Third ard. Alleeear, appreciates bus
troth now, as he has been held to answer o a
charge of assault nod battery before Alder
man Bolster, for whitening a youthful heir of
Conrad Meyer, one of his neighbors..
Wnb gla - rrest complained to Alderman
Enron. Yesterday. that Mary Ann Ellott bad
thrOwn, a bucket of dirty water upon. her
bead... The parties are neighbors in the
Twelfth ward but hare not recently been on
the best terms. The Alderman arrested the
offending female and she gave bail for a hear
ing. ,
Leas evening an interesting temperance
meeting was held in the Firm Presbyterian
china. AlleghenY. (Rev. Swift's) Bawer
street_ Addresses were made by Rev. R. Hall,
Prof, L. EL. Berm, and El. W. Bradley. .The
time for the annual eeeting of theTemperance
vilie Llekttle Was axed for the Ant week in
fan Orokea.—John Harder, in the employ of
Messrs. Diebold S Blair, ire mershants.
EJghth crud. Allegireny, bad Ms leg broken
Inn e e r e r , t %hetl i a e lrqn " grVel l l a ttp,? '"" h " if
In and being Mauer thti the o n . the latter
had to give way, Dr. Ehrhart attended to hie
nigMg iihe Clogman hut an
old grodrti agairest Emrich Fiddler and want
ed to pay him beck-a desire which he carried
out yesterday by-striktng the Fiddler in the
face. The attached party called upon Alder
man Hotter and Louis was arrested and had
a hearing for assault and battery. The parties
reside in the Third 11•1114 Allegheny. -
Inernarkeepers ahould look at those curets..
Motes gets, ntrt. manufactured from new de=
'Wog armt In acre, at No. 863 Liberty street.
They are from the celebrated Keystone Pot
tery, and for elegaace In fluid, and durability
'are unextelled. Messrs. Kier & Co. hare
taken especial pains with the 1r orlranazublp,
etialleigte Competition without Sear of failure.
Iludimy•--Testettlty afternoon aback two
o'clock a team belonging' to Jobe Hall & Co..
took trigkt at the comer of Fifth avenue and
Market street and mn.ptt with great aimed.
and bad it not been tombs timely intervention
of tem Moorhead great damage might have
been Atha result. A small boy wee thrown
from the wagon but did not sustain serious
EsPemase.—Joasr Beck made a bad invest
ment ymiterd e purchased a Motor whis
me, star' too. which cost him $lB
alder e 1.113 Pa/ that muck for hew hir.
atit t coot him that In the end. paid
forty alit fisr the liquor and sinuElded it lat.
Jack Bradford and 8d O'Donnell. who were
confined to the lock-up, for which offense he
was fined $lO and coats.
A Canaira•- . .-001. Jeans Dancin, on account
of 111 health, baa been compelled to resign the
Malik* of Chief of Pollee of Allegheny.
Mayor Callow has appointed Mr. Benjamin
- Th (lark, of the day force, to fill the vacancy.
Col. Duncan was an obliging and gentlemanly
weer, aside from his detective abilities, and
-the necessity for hls resignation to regretted
by alt ialal bare had business at the office.
kismet lasitattew—Jobri Ptah= ali
before Alderman McXasters yesterday, that
Charles Mullen had Invited lam out the other
evening to take ■ drink. and then, as soon] as
he was outside his own door, bad dealt hlm a
violent blow on the head with a poker. The
mrtles reside In "P town. near the bridge.
The Alderman issued &warrant for the anest
of Mullen for aggravated assault and battery.
Mr. AO. * Megraw. No. /I 5 Ninth street.
deals wholesale and retail In tobacco, snuff.
olgars and all articles In that trade: Country
merehts will And It an advantage to deal
wlthilm. His stock Is fresh and very large,
and terms cianndt be excelled. All lovers
of t weed should patrol:dee Heitelie He
lea arrireelate their wants, and can supply
them immediately with the best article manu
Fraternal Coneelien.—Dav id and Thomui
Hecett are brothers, residing to the Fourth
Allegben Th omas is the elder. He
watches over h ie
relative with • frateruak
rate, and admonishes the young David of his
faults by whipping him occasionally. He tried
it yesterday, it is said. when David reseeded,
and appealed to Alderman Taylor, who will
arbitrate the ease as soon as Thomas is
brought before him.
Alleged Pelee Preiesee.—Yesterday Mr. J.
11. Wyreiworth made information against
Mary Manning for false pretence. • It is M
anaged that Mary risked the book store of
Wyresworth. and stated to the little girl in
attendance that her father had agreed to sell
.her a large family Rible - upon the installments
:plan, paying one dollar each week until the
amount was secured. Martng thus obtained
lon of the book, Mary pawned it for
dollar, and vent the money In wkdshdl.
- She was arrested and committed for a
This moiling about oree o'clock the atten
tion or the pollee was attracted to Virgin
Alley.. James Dickson, a noted character,
was amusing himself by smashing fbe win
dows, faralture, queeasware. et., in the
house of Kate Howard, shore Bmltheeld
street. Kate was absent, and only arrived
after the wreck had been made. Six police
men escorted James to the lock-up. It seems
he ens eagry at Hate's delay in coming home.
and took this method to express his dlsPleee
ore and entertaining himself.
Meer &bearing
By appointment of the Wool Growers' Asso.
clatiois a Sheep Shearing Festival will be held
at Harvey PicHarrals, In Peters township
twelve miles from this city via Washiaoou
avenue. on Thursday. the lOth lust. all der.
It is expected that the attendance will be
very large and the occasion will doubtless be
owe of great Interest to the farmers and oth
ers who will be present, especially as of late
these meeting, are frequented by competing
g rie t t V p i tri t ti n cl e l nt pre ve ttnigsirirgt "-
tmentiy dispmy their had teeth:maned perms
sivepowers to the assembled constituency.
The 6K)•
Pursuant to annotuiceutent the Duquesne
prise held a dress parade yeeterdar. The
Cara out was quite respectable and they madi
an ester dinglyilne appearance. The battalion
Irbleh was under commead of Col. Campbell
formed at the arsenal on Fourth avenue, and.
preceded by the (heat Wester* band and the
see drum corps. proceeded to Diamond
Aqua Allegheny, where the dress parade
wash d: Both menand oflicers evinced great
progrieney In drill. and were universally &d
-odged by all who saw them. • That veteran
soldier and protege of the Greys,Dr. Jackson.
scoompanled the battalion mounted and to
0211=1114.n' dress. After the ;sande the bat
. Wien tonned and returned to the arsenal.
Wi en they were dismissed.
Jack Bradford and Ed. O'Donnell. residents.
of the "801 l Run district." and old friends of
•"Tfeedeyt , Hem, who left.tida.citY on AL visit
to Claremont soutoweeks since. with the in
tentkm 01 remaining dB emamer. l y hare gone to
make their old chum a riklt. lfae
m a r t
6, %OS*. They leave under thipadeloecd
MaYor Bondy Who was induced Weald', them'
thusly for the folloiriOrreasMlC Jackand Ed.
ware out buggy riding And had been indulging
toO k lzr t In had whisky. -They were driTicur
ree down Fifth manna when an officer
eff% ,t. Bri . t ridr le d not fas Ams-..
doles test driving duriZth:4 sts n if t l thl;t 1 ;
tars. •
•ileltheep Pieebytery—MlS Ulu. Hawk. s - s.
Rev. J. B. Clark, P. D.—erraeh of Prombor
Mreterions Proterdlag•-.lorellenere ,
pow4—The Boal•—Da. OW Cam 11.141.111.
The Allegheny Presbytery of the P. P.
Chinch. which met Intife Sreond P. P. Church.
Allegheny blonder. to bear and determine
the case of Dr. J. 11. Clark. who Is arraigned
on a charge of breach of promise of marriage
with Miss Lillie Hawker, en necompllshed and
Intelligent member of Ms congregation. reas
sembled yesterday morning, pnrsuant to ad
The meeting was called to order by ltev. J.
G. Steel, who had been elected Moderator pin
fem. at the previous seselon.
The roll of memberi was called, alter which
the minutes of the preceding meeting were
read end approved.
Notwithstanding the fact that Presbytery
had been open and ready for bneheas tome
minutes and the Moderator had announced
that Presbyterywas ready to proceed with
the unfinished business. the counsel on either
side had not yet put In an erence at their
respective tables. They m ight be aeon, how
ever. hastily from t e Library room to
the Pastor's study, and then Warn again to
the library. whispering mystemously to each
other. but no move WAS made to proceed
After some minutes had ,been'spent in this
'manner. during which the audience waited
for further developments,
Mr. Sturgeon, counsel, for the prosecution,
quietly emergedfrom the Library room, where
he had been closeted some eve minutes with
his collengue.Mr.Timmons, and Hiss liawkes,
and spoke es follows:
. Mr. Moderator and Brethren of the l'resby
try, we are compelled to ask your Indulgence
for a short time. We are not .ready to pro
ceed with this trial, and will. not be reedy
for an hour at least. I might as well state to
you now the reastme for this request, as the
matter will have to be brought before you
for your consideration and approve', and
when you hear it I know you will - all heartily
approve of the course we have adopted.
There seems to be a desiren the part of
every one interested in this matter to have an
amicable settlement of the difficulty, if It can
be. made without prejudice to env one or the
cause of religion, an you ell the
difficulty the prosecuti d
on hove laboredknow under
in consequence nrthe position In which we
have been placed. In order to ovoid further
difficulties of this character,, proposition for
an adjostment of the matter at tome, which we
feel will be of advantage to the cause of our
Mester, has been Inthmitted by the prosecution,
fled if the aettlement,is effected we feel confi
dent that it will sate a great deal of bickering.
hard feeling, etc., and be better for all con
In slew coI effecting this settlement I now
ask Presbytery to Indulge us by taking . a recess
for one hour.
This announcement had a most thrillng ef
fect upon the large.-audience assembled, par
ticularly the female portion of It. The ex
pressions of deep anxiety attendant upon hn
patient waiting at once gave Kay and the
moor brilliant faces were illumined with a
bright amile, in anticipation of the develop
melds that were to follewtelagy t were the
s o r i oratlons thatwe re mad
proposed lement of all thiCedWead
ties. Some hinted that a settlement might he
effected on a matrimonial hada bat the Doc
tor's "advisers," who bad previously Mani
fested such a "deep interest In hts welfare,"
R. well an In the condition of Miss Hawker,
raid, No. Ouch a thing could not be." Others
Z u o g irelrV i li t c ha ou t tlt h s e .and e otTie ould
but all were doomed to disappointment. As
time passed the interest increased, and the ex
pectations of the audience through their own
vivid Imaginations were heightened, yet the
end came not.
The hour of grace which' had been asked for
and granted, had expired, and still the my..
ter). was not solved. The seats at the coun
sel table were still Tenant and the counsel, as
in the e arly part of-the evening. might be seen
sin from ry. room to stud.
a pas nd as hastilyhastily Libra
returning, halting at the door y ,
(whieh was neveropened wide enough to per
mit the audience to sec. whatwas tramp!,
ing within.) and whisper mysteriously to some
one on the Inside. and Presbytery being weary
of waiting proposed to give them a little
On motion It was resolved that Presbytery
aerate in devotional exercises for one-half
hour, at the expiration of which tints It sine
hoped the arrangements between the parties
would have been consummated and the result
made known.
The-Moderator read a Psilm, which the con
[mention tained In siniing.after which Hee.
in.. A. G. URA lead In prayer.
Over an hour was spent in alternate Psalm
singles and prayer. and yet the report no anx
iously looked for came not. After n few
minutes. each of which appeared an age to
some of the anxious multitude. judging from
the expression of their countenanceathe doors
of the library and pastor's study opened alma
taneously, and the parties, with their counsel.
emerged and took their seats at their respec
tive table*, when the curiosity of the audience .
was mratided, and the
'Mr. Sturgeon, after Presbytery had been
called to order by the Moderator, said:'
Mr. Moderator. Permit me to make one
word of explanation. The Presbytery and
this audience are aware of the difficulty under
which we have labored in conducting this
case. The disposition on both sides bar been
to settle the matter so ea to be satisfactory to
all pasties. The parties Immediately interested
in the case have catered Into an agreement
as a basis of settlement, which we think will
be a final settleinent of the whole matter. We
submit this agreement to the Presbytery.
Moderator—The bailer will , be received and
read to Presbytery. . •
•-• • • - •
The clerk to whom the paper had been hand
ed read the following
Mine Lillie linwkes, Robert C. Millerand
Her..l. IL Clark do enter into the following
agreement, on the conditions hereafter men-
let. That she; Mine Lillie Hawkes, will not
prosecute Rev. J. B. Clark in the civil courts
for breach • of promise of marriage.
Robert C. Miller binds himself under this obli
That after the contemphited !wrestl.-
U. before Presbytery. Her. J.H. Clark'a let
ters to Miss Hasekes shall be pieced under seal
Pnd placed In the hands of .y member of the
resbytery sohom Miss Mistakes .bell name.
and said letteri shall remain there for three
years end then be destroyed In the presence
of John B. Clare, ;or his representative. or
sooner. If Min Havr,ltes desires it.
The following arse the conditions of this
I. That she (Missi Metes/ be permitted to
make, under oathla fall statement to the
Presbytery of her and •Dr. Clark's marriage
contract. .
2. That she be permitted to lay before the
Presbytery such extracts from his letters as
bear directly on their courtships.
3. That Dr. Clark agrees to admit the genu
ineness of said lettere.
4. Dr. Clark has the privilege of rebutting
testimony to this statement and said extracts
from letters which may be presented' by Ills.
Hawke.. according to the rules that govern
and according to the rules of the
Presbytery. •
Miss flawkes to have the privilege of re
butting testimony under the same rules.
Subscribed in Allegheny city, this nth day of
May, Inn in presence of these witnesses, HAWKE&
H. C. Iltmcit,
Jong B. Ct.sts.
*View Joe. FL Tinunous. D. IL A. McLean.
‘f3rrh etarlteon, D. .
it Collin.
I now more
to?canln° morning ten rT=C thatmrm for
MIN. Hawke. to prepare her statement in ac
cordairee with t$ a t mat submitted,
and the arrangement of each other matter! as
may be neeesaary. The motion teas adopted
and Preabytery adjourned.
So far as a settlement of the case is con
cerned the statement above does not appear
to effect It much. as it simply puts the case
where It was at the beginning, or prior to the
time when Dr Clark's statement eras submit
ted. It Is now proposed to make out a case
against him, that IL prove the facts already
admitted. which probably would have been
the better way in the Int Place.
The only thing the prosecation gain by this
eat. Is the right to offer the letters of Cr:lark, or such portion of them ma hive a
bearing on the case. In evidence. a right they
clearly have under all rake of evidence, inde-
pendent of the oßreemeat. and we which we
think the Presbytery would scarcely have de
nied them.
15r. Clark, perhaps, fares better. He virtu
ally get( possession of those troublesome
ninety-eight letters and has the promise of
Miss Hawke, not to institute proceedings In
the civil courts for damages.
We await the reknit.
Railway Zfahraree.
Every now and then we receive anonymous
communications, complaining. with more or
less acrimony, of the annoyance experienced
by the citizens residing along the line of:the
Pittsburgh. Fort Wayne de Chicago Railway:
within the city of Allegheny. Those residing
on StOckton avenue are annoyed by the shift
ing and making up of trains at the Allegheny
depot, canning an almost Incessant screeching
and whizzing of the engines. Sometimes
there are as many as six or eight at the same
time vomiting forth volumes of dense, dark
smoke, which is wafted by the winds to their
houses. filling them with the unwelcome creo-
Nabs clouds and odors. Cattle trains. too,
arc sometimes detained here over night. - and
sleep is made impossible by the plaintive
hirelings of distressed calves or sheep, or the
bellowing of cattle, or still worse, by the
stench and choral orgies of a host of swinish
From residents beyond the Outer Depot we
have a message today that the globbath Is
desecrated and the people exceeding!) , an
noyed end vexed by the shifting of engine*
and trains In their vicinity on the sacred day.
Our own residence affords us a sad experi
ence of the truth of these specifications. We
have refrained from publishing them, because
we had understood that the use of raw coal
by the engines was prohibited by a cityOrdi
ance, and supposed the police would enforce
the law, or that the Mtriesel citizens Would
memorialise the Railway authorities. with
whom we hoped there would be prompt relief
if made aware of the,prevalling dissatisfac
tion:, We lOU think Plat the Superintendent
Of the road would regard Inch an appeal and
correct the evil, If madenware:of its charac
ter and extent. We have thus alluded to the
subject, to well by way of apology to those
whose communications we have suppressed.
as for the Information of the Railway officers
in whose bands the remedy lies.
. •
The tioert at the new rooms of the Pow*
Mea's Christian Association, corner of Penn
and Bath streets, last evening, Woos brilliant
nata , . The rooms weri r orowdadtiefore the
commencement Of the ey.erebtes by a very so.
legit anditalce 'of ladles Cad gentletnett. and
many who came afterward were compelled to
to away for want of even iIUIA: I = room.
The embraced tea sel as. and
was In every respect equal to any amateur en
lariat:meat of a m Quite uslea. probable'l character ever given
la the clty. It Is another wa
dert will be given to short time In .response
to the general desire expressed atthe Close of
that of last erasing.
IJ'ml•Auauuf Meeting of the A. M. C.llltattoo
ary Badly—A Pay Hirai la litprech-Maldaa
to Weillaraday.
Yesterday mortjngthe semi-annual meet Ina
ut the American Christian. Missionaty Societf
.mmenced LI the First Christian Church. .41
gheny. Bev. Joseph King penlor.
• The meeting as organized at 10 o'clock, El
der hlunnell. Corresponding 1 1 ecretarg, in the
.nhaencc of the President, taking the choir.
• . .
When the roll was called It was found that
delegates were present from Baltimore, Louis
vllte Cincinnati, Uero
land. Bethany. Philadelphia, and other cities.
For an hour and a !mil' the exercises consis
ted of praise and prayer. and brief address.
Oder William Baxter was the first speaker
called anon. and said It was a very prevalent
Ides amongst some profaned Christians that
all that was necessary was tot a thumb and
'then take thinga easy, thinking that because
Christ was at the mast-head.we should all be
safely brought Into port at but. This In not
so—the speaker quoting. "Ile ye steady, al
scorn abounding in the work of the Lord.
J: H. Johns, of Cleveland, said. "Jesus went
about continually doing good." and to
mean, for this same lanais° we are assembled
to-day; and ,then tenting to a grey haired
bMs aisle id: had
better bequicku about
it, for the sa
night" You
no man can work;". then to a young ma. said,
"You ore strong and In health, 'see to it that
Cou lose no time in working for the cause of
Ender Crenshaw, of Washington, said what
we wanted erns not eloquence or oratory, hut
brief, pungent ideas to provoke one another
to good works, and no he looked over this
earth and YAK that eight-tenths of its ponula•
Gun are in heathen darkness, he was forced to
confess:the great need of the,day AVM greeter
efforts in the dissemhuttion of the truth to the
future than in the past.
N. A. Gilbert, of Baltimore, remarked,
.The love ost „ronstruineth us." This
motive only should'hO tsars: be that thinks It.
his "duty" to work for Christ, Is only on the
'threshold of the Christian life. Love, 'the
speaker said, alone must guide us to all Our
actions and deliberations`
41;;;;;;Ini7eiiii;iiiiten closed with the
Opened at two o'clock. with devotional ea
The President. Min. M. Mahon. stated
that the object of this send-annual meeting
was somewhat different from the omitted meet
log. They met for consultation In regard to
the work. and to devise measures that might
interest the Society at large. The next an
nual meeting would be held at Indianapolis.
Mr. A. N. Gilbert was then appointed Secre
A Committee on Rusioess, Srith Hoy. Joseph
King as chairman, was appointed.
While the committee retired to deliberate,
sevend members were called op on for re
marks. in response to which Eider James
Davis came forward with a MI greenback,
which he offered as a contribution for the
spread of the Gospel. He thought this one of
the most practicable means for the advance
meat of the cause.
The Rev. Mr. Hinter. of Johnstown. Pa.,
gerp'l:3:4letA rlril:4 l 4 ' oftiVl t t !
He thought there arla-MT of money in the church and plenty of us. for It In the Master's
cause, but the people must have this fact more
clearly impressed upon them. The people
should ho made to feel that the Macedonian
cry "Come neer and . . help Us." • was addressed
to them, and that they should respond not only
by prayer and faith, bat by their money.
Tome let us anew
Our journey pursue.
The Her. Joseph Kig, from the Committee
on Resiness. presented a partial report:which
provided for the services- of yesterday,
which were carried out as noted> and those
of to-day as follows: Meet at half-past eight.
and spend half an hour lo social exercises; at
nine o'clock receive report of the Correspond
ing Secretary; at half-:-ast nine to eleven, mis
byßillaneous busimenr, at eleven A- sermon
the Rev. Dr. Ric hardson of Bethany, West
irginia:adjourn at noon. Meet again at two
P. t. and spend from two to half-past three
o'clock in mieeellaneene business: - - then hear
a sermon from the Rev. James Chalice, of
Cinema!: adjourn at half-past four o'clock.
Assemble at half-past seven, and spend half
m bout la social exercises, to he followed by
nn ticamon from the lie, J. W. Barbee, of Mis
The report was adopted.
Addresses were then continued.
The Rev. E. 11. Clark. of galern. Ohio. was
the first speaker, He urged greater ommecre-
Ron in the muse, more aggreasive real and the
enlistment of young men for war and old men
for counsel and all for work.
wan Th e Rev. Mitchell said one of the great
ts of the church was more liberality
among the Membership: Then, too, the Gospel
must be preached, and ought to be preached
by men. If they ditnot b
done. He thoughtdn't du
It a lamentable )
fact Hutt e
preachers were not is zealous as they
should be—that is they had not improved
retry opportunity to speak of their mission.
ha d
Many not fil of
led them bad laboredwell. but yet they
up all their time in the wori.
They could not go back, but they could do bet
ter in time to come. This was the only rent-
VIY. He urged the young men especially, by
all the solemn responsibilities of their posi
tion. to watch every opportunity, be "instant
in season," and always and everywhere to
speak a word for the Master, that they would
have nothing to regret when their toll was
all over.
The Hon. It. M. Bishop, of Cincinnati
thought the great want was more religion
the hearts of the people. If this was secured
there would be no dMallty in getting mOnet
men and evergthing for the amass of tit .
The Missionary hymn commencing
"From Greenland's Icy mountains I
From Indla's coral strand."
then sung by the assembly, standini,:after
whlt% t: .
The Iktr. Mr. Reynolds. of - WoosterlNas
suchusetts. was next introduced. He Raid he
always was pleased to see unity among Rotor
aml people—arid It was gratifying to not from
the speeehes that there was an' uni y of
thought In me respect—money. T h y all
seemed to feel that the great need w. oney.
He -thought the best plan tocommis. tits
object was to Instruct the people in the Gos
pel standard of giving. They should be In
trotted that It was as much of a duty to lay
aside n portion of their mean. weekly for the
support of the Gospel. as itwax to come to
the church or partake of thehement. and 'blear
legs of the chureh. -
r. 0. C. Hervey. o Lock . won
sed that the prea c hers talkeH adven ton much of
Ixith and neglected works. He thought the
People should be histructoi that It was' their
duty to ere just an much at It is to pray.
The prenchero should talk to their people pri
vately again this subject. and they ohould talk
of It In pobile ortain stated neenakin..
n certain
They should 1w taught to accompany their
faith with-their works.
. The`. A. G. klertzoih f Waehlogton
county. thought n very goM plan WAS to rn
oat among the people and ask them personally
for the meaty. He had tried this plan and In
every case had been sueeesaftd.
Mr. W. had
of Troy. New York, maid
the best way to accomplish anything Was to
go to work at It. He believed “stlck-toelf.
f: to
and . hang-turetiveness."
The Rett. James Challen.of Cincinnati. made
a brief address upon the same theme. which
was followed with the singing of. the flith
hymn. t
Elders W. J. flambee. of Mississippi, and J
H.Jonms.inf Ohio. mode brief addresses, a
the Hose of which the meeting adjourned. of
ter singing the hymn
Near my Hod to Thee."
And brneljetion by the Bee. Mr. Mitchell.
The followlog deeds were admitted of re
cool In the onlce of Thomas If. Hunter. Re
corder foe Allegheny county Monday. May. It.
Wm. A:•Magan to Charles Ilaviw May 1.10007
3) to 64 feet on Davis street Eleventh ward;
Pittsburgh • IRO
TheodoreXimmel to Fritz Fisher, May 10.1670;
43 by 40 feet in the borough of libarpsb rs """ h " ,
nglichee to John Wlebari, et al Apol I.
,?; 45;by 9e feet In the boeongb of Etna
Fidel Scilell to Joseph Zahlhair April 0, IMO;
37 by 11):feet In the borough of Sharpsbnrg,
with bundles, $1,440
Ann Turner to David Peter,. April hi, Mb; 40
by 140 fret on Dithridge street, Fourteenth
word. Pittaburgh PLOW
0.8. Williams to Joseph Hayedonn. April 11,
16'0:. 40 by 137 feet on Taylor street i t
tenth ward Pittsburgh
Patrick Donnelly to Thomas McCann, May I.
IOW; 31 by W feetlin Morton'. phut. Lorimer
street St. Clair Township....
Executor, of Anna li. Erwin to Th Wow
• Kruse,February 3, UMW by 1(0 feet build
3lary's, avenue. Pittsburgh, with -
Flewirig (Sheriff) to Perste! Os Plebert.
May =1 by 123 feet on Forbes Meet,
Pittsburgh, with buUdlngs - • $lOO.
M. McMahon to James Iddy, April 94. 183 h
74 by ICO feet on Forty-fi ft h st., Pittsburrh,
building, SIAM
W. 11. Negley (trustee) to Eleanor Stotler.
April 1. IRO; 10D by 130 feet on Mill Street,
Nineteenth ward. Pittsburgh, with build.'
Inge WOW.
IL C. !telecom. to Henry Fawn, December 6,
1667;34 by 100 feet on Spring Garden road.
Allegheny, with buildings FLOOD.
W W Smith to Timothy Nut Februau POMO;
by ICO feet on the Shartuburg road, Seven
teenth ward. Pittsburgh 61,00.
0. Wharton to Union Fleeing Mill. Sash nod
Door Factory. Jantlary_l9, 1819;93 by 191 feet
n Jane street, East plAw.
B. Mitchell to W. W. Moore, February 17,
1071:4 04 bY 110 feet In Boydstown. Lorimer at..
St. Clair Township
The "lbw. MeiselCat Beek Mere."
One of the best houses in the city in the
Book and Stationery trade Is that of Messrs.
J. L. Read & Stn, N.. ICC Fourth avenue. The
senior member of this firm, lately connec
ted with' the Methodist Book Depositor'',
has been engaged in brininess so long, and
Is so well known, that his name Is a sufficient
guarantee of the character of the house. Hie
son, Mr. William Read, also nee had an cope.
dente of years to this branch of mercantile
affairs and Is thoroughly econrereaat lielth all
the details. They have on hamlet tber house
One of the Brien and large-stansortglaet of etas:
lard books In every department &literature to
be found in thecity. Be pecialisk will preacher"
and student. Of theology dig at tell 'km*
Methodist Book Store ' s full and complete as.
t o
be of theologise workepany of them
to bo obtained' nowhere else: The other de.
prutments also present an array quite es per.
fret. Messrs. Read & Son, besides the regular
book trade, he a speciality of statimleT.
In which they have everything. Their new
srrltiort paper. from Ito cheapness and excel
lence. wine its way wherever a good article
can heappreciated. Jost now they are hand
ling chalk crayons In large quantities. By
special arrangements they are prepared to
scree crayon., white or colored, to jobber s
and retailer' at factory prices. The prices
will he quoted on app/icetion.. Gold pens and
cues, lead pencils of nil descriptions.
Docket knives, paper
paper, weights,
hundrednk erasers. Inks. mucilage. and a
other notions a part of their
stock In the statkinerTrar. par r renders
about to purehaae honks or stationery eau do
no better than at the . New Methodist Book
Bore," No. Ife Fourth avenue,
Beautiful eabarben Reuolanes et Auction.—
The very tine property of )tr. Thomas Bake
well, at Neville. to uread on Friday ext,
embraces tbirty-fOur of as finely situa
ted leaQas COO be found In Allegheny county.
The civics obtainable from every portion of it
are exceedingly line, and render the location
, 11,104 desirable for private residence. Being
situated on the railroad. within a few mtantes
rile of the town, It embraces City and conn
' tr In en eminent degree. -See advertisement
by IL Leggate, auctioneer.
1:ultell Slates Circuit Court—Judge Mcßeauaa
Kai McCaw'lcso.
Truut,r. May In.—The ca. of Stitt vs.
littlrlekoper preciously reported was resumed
And -was on trial when court mijourned.
Matti. court—Judge Hampton.
May case of Barton
Black cod Mt:Robert, vs saute defendant 'pre
cloudy reported were resumed and are Mill on
9- Sheppard I. Bchooraniiker.
'V- /lilt. Patterson & Co. vs. Dillow et al.
U. Lorish vs.•.Kish.
=. Brown vs. Anderson.
Z. Lupton & Co. vs. Richardson.
11artupee vs. Caldwell.
77. Eakin for use vi. Awes 31. E. Church.
: Barlnwood /c Blackstock vs. Hershouser
& Co. „,
Common Pleso—Jnage Mmovite
Trunk'''. May 16.—The cage of C. Howard
vg. Allegheny Valley Itallmad Company pre•
vlouly reported .vu ru , gried and had not
been concluded when Um adjourned. •
.121W11. LIST Part IfnMEWAY.
VI, Johnson vv. Wolf.
711 Jacobs v.. Hanna, Hart & Co.
217 Kendall to. Hahn.
217 Calhoun& Co. v.. Graham.
vx. Dungeon. • -
_1 Shaffer vs. Howard and wife.
221 New Haven Hardware Co. vs. J. F. NY
& Co.
i Godfrey & Chock vs. H. M. Lytle & Co.
A Rare thane, so Perchase. • Heamteell.'
It la the duty of every married man to se
cure for himself a hontentend. In the vigor of
health he should make preparation for the
comfort of declining Tears. No mutter how
much It may pinch him to-day to secure and
pay for n home, to-morrow he will forget his
financial didleulties and be more than 'com
pensated In the enjoyment of his , poseessione.
It is, of court, unusual for entail capitalists to
be offered core good chances for real estate
investment, such. for Instance, as will be of
feredliext Satunlay afternoon in the' Nine
teenth ward. These lots. delightfully situated.
have been laid - out with especial view to suit
mechanics, manhunts and others who may be
desirous or obtaining homesteads outside the
heat and dust and dirt of this great city. They
(Roe the Allegheny river, and command a view
that cannot be excelled. They are readily awes
elide by the Allegheny '.Valley Railroad, the
Allegheny river, and Butler etreet and Hi
land avenue, Poet Liberty. The 7 vary - in sire
from II feet by 100 to a quarterot an acre, and
are. hid rot as to render every one of them
easily approached by wide streets. The Citi
zens Passenger Rallwny Company have no.
cured the necessary authority for extending
their road to flaistid'e Run, which Is adjacent
to these lots, and the new.Clty Water Works
I will In all probability hit-. located within a ,
short dintance. Schoisis and churches of 'all
denominations ire convenient. These loin are
bmind to appreciate rapirllc in value. and
'chitin they are the most eligible and conve
nient idles for home their Inevitable apprecia
tion In value makes them desirable for pur
poses of investment. Terms to salt 'the pur
chasers. The proprietor will offer three lots
so that every man may secure a home, and
pity for it on reasonable terms.
A speciel free train will d arer he Allegheny
Valley Railroad Depot on yof sale at noon
or thereabout,.
A plot of these lots can be seen at the oflice
of C. 11. Seely, No. AI Fifth avenue. Pittsburgh.
and we advise all our readers who may wish
to secure a home on advantageous terms to
roll and examine the plan and attend the sale.
Arare or better opportunity for the purchase
of property has seldom or never been offered
s . iss4. l %7l , t , le n gd w . e .. know . that . a
unnecessary the sec ond u2ile e
sites will all he taken at onou by those who
can appreciate a good thing. 1
Tolmeess Agency: •
Thn tobacco trade of Pittehurgh within the
last few years has grown rapidly in 'moor.
tance. which is evidenced by the number of
neer Simon established especially devoted to
*is brs?sch of trade. There Is no reason why
Pittsburgh should not take a lead 111 thin an In
other Mercantile pursuits. flee position Is
such t 1. communication In easily bad with
some of the best tobaron growing
Section of the country, and If the
bustle is but properly encreareged
It will-sous take even a higher rank than it
now enjoys hereabouts. It Is a pleasure to
note that some of our lire business men appro.
.elate this fact.. and are amoging accord
ingly. Among the firms enraged In the tobar
OD trade now on an extensive wale, Is that of
Messrs. Arnsthal ,t Son, who have located at
N 0.72 Smithfield etreetOnd made arrangements
for stlePlTiag Jobbers. wholeeale or retail. with
any desired quantity ofthe "weed.' • Messrs.
•Arnsthal. a Son. have iota an extensive ex
perience in their line and know just what Is
wanted. They have secured control of some
of the best brands of Louisville and.Vireinie
tobecco. m anuf a ct ure cu d chevvirig. toether with
• choice of cigar.. Their Plane
are inch that at the. obortent notice
and- no the most reasonable terms
ever . patron • ran be supplied. Preopt in
dealing. and exact in the execution of every
contract. together with the best articles M
unn. In store, they hare succeeded already In
melting their establishment one of the most
oister, AA it Is one of the bent of Its kind in
Western Pennsylvania. •
Dealery In this line, whether large or small,
would ores:suit their own Interests by leaving ,
their orders at No 72 Smithfield street.
.OPIERA HortlL—Notwithstanding the fact
that the amusement wawa In about over end
the weather eiceedlngir wt.... Mr. 8.,`".
Adams la drawing large audiences at the
Opera Hoube. It is certainly. an evidence of
bin poputaiity in this city An elsewhere.
"Enoch Arden" was presented last evening.
with Mr. Adams in the title role. Thin evening
he will appear In the "Dead Heart."
FAIA----Hercy Hospital Fair at env Hail
continues to be the center of nttrertien for
amusement goers. The Fair will be continued
through the week, end we would
vine all all who d esireto Ppeed a plea.ant
lag to drop in.
Ono:, nereeette, the ge e n which
sgt .t h nr n i :L lnmsnoml Square. Allegheny. ea the
lave- The Fair nt the Rink continue. , to t
a ell pnt
There is no better, restaurant In the city than
the Continental. Fifth avenue. t4ICINV the Post
Office., ao when you will nt any hour of the
clay and a meal At for the dantlest .e Petits
will be placed before Yeh. The saloon Is Kum
from at In the morning until midnight. and Is
managed with such tart that no GOIINItiOn It
ever extierlenced In providing for thew ante of
customers. To-day a grand dinner will be set
up eomprivfnin edibles.. the mentionof which
would be to create an appetite. The beet way,
to teat the character of the establishment
would lie to drop In tf...lay and get a lunch or
dinner l i en ne, visit will be enough to satisfy
tho m credulous that nowhere In the
oily ram ore varied, healthful repast be had
for the mono
Ice Cream.
Ice Cream .roungvon's
Ice Cream.... .
Ire Cream -
Ice Cream '
ice Cream
Ice Cream
Ire Cream • ..Younison'a
lee Creem with all the concomitants at the
elegant confectionary and Ladles Saloon. of
Younirsen and tr corner of Smithfield street
and Diamond al ey.
Menrfaed, the New York nensation, ban
not yet determined to visit Pliteborgh. lt.has
been suggested that if he can't come himself
that he eend to 110.104 Wood street. for one of
Lieblen trunks. to pack away the rolumitioue
document•dereloped in his trial, to be perused
by future OlstorlllnA when rertewing thin re..
markahle case. IS be puts the paper . away In
one of these they are bound to be safe.
Timm wesid fall to tell of the ribbon. and
laces and flowers and trinketa and fancy
articles In store at .Moorhead's. No. al Market
street. for the ladles. The establishment In
fair art gallery of l Itself. representing all the
art upended In manufacturing useful and or
namental articiof female apparel. The
stock Is always I e. and always freak—kept
so by quick pales. d coustantarrivala Ladles
call at Ni Market reel.
Lou and Deed Dwelling at Ane
ilen.—Mr. John It Kennedy'. property on
Beaver avenue, at elm loteraection of Western
avenue, h. been divided tutu lota Which will
be offered to-morrow. Thuraday, at 2 o'clock.
Parties In quest of lots and a good dwelling
In this neighborhood. will find this a favarabl•
opportunity: A. LCOOAIT., Auctioneer.
A Great Many of our citizens are making
preparations for visiting the continent the
coming season, and among the first Ump at
tended to ill the purchase of some of Welder's
trunk., from 101 Wood atrect, for storing
"war what takrlPtga •they , may carry with
them. It is a wise • provision. for nowhere
else can they get such articles In thin line as
'Ashler manufactures. •
The Nprtaa Flinch of Heavy U. Hale, Her
hina Tenet. at Corner of. Penn avenue and
Sixth street, is nose large and complete. Mon
sieur Boswells continues to preside at the cut-
Dents' Bremi Coleys lialf.lleee, very cheap,
at the new stand stocking store, N 0.30 Firth
Nteerread . S'atbartic !lyres Is used In mileages
Instead of pills, castor oil, epsom saltS,fin.
Highly flavored. Twenty-five cents. • Try It.
Sold by nil &pests.
Yerlookinceltnee and picture triunes rot°
Louihrlda's. 171 Smithfield street.
"What a Lore of a Bennet• Is an exclama
tion which Is changed to "what a love of a—
trunk" as the bullet look at the elegant bridal
trunks or travelling satchels made especially
to accommodate their baggage while travel
ling and on hand only at Lieblers N0..104 Wood
Giant 'Grew Marina Cailandliftts. gents'
Jean drawers. gents . summer merino drawers,
at the new stand !docking store.
JOHN Dnardatair &Ctt '
Fifth are.
ehildemee wboledale and retfill.lit
Jae. Loughridgee, 171 Smithfield etreet.
Moe eletioc cassimerra. retain/S. — all trades.
for sprier cults, at Heapeobelda & C 0... No.
ZO Math street.
A wed sluiraoseed in ever article from
HeWeebeldes, meroluuit tailors, No. SO Batik
Dorn you want the worth of yaw tooforft
Pairooko iletptaLhohlo* Co.. 40 86th itrort•
m lir e =narAn a Qr t, clothing
A'feshteeabie' teflon, 50
Sixth street,
Setubal! Bruabral—All kinds of bruabea of
our awn manufacture. at Loathed/V. an
&attained infect.
WM. M. Pnirrmm. Controller 'of AlleghhaT
city, Is eery ill with fever.
A crannont Limos:re Is the leading anetlore
eer of Allegheny city.
I.l.n.Jonn QYVODIF wag 'in the City yester
JAMLIS 31cIlluen. Freaklent of the Select
Council. Allegheny Citg. la a candidate for the
State `Senate.
DAVID, member of the Common Council, Pittsbu • has the Inside Slack for
Jury Commissioner. The selection would be a
good one.
Figur.7Anits a. NiCILLT and the Hon. John
P. ftnney will have a square race Err the Re
tri bli canct. nomination for_Conprees In this dis-
Oust cugegle and energetic friends. Mears.
.1.. H. Coyne and C. D. Mien, of Coyne k Het
ilt SI 1 t w y e ' a t k t n tir I ' ll . C b ell=l il t ie I h . " n e: .
gentlemen n ave the honor of publishing t he
very best railroad guide in the.mllttitV•elqd
while directly repreggatigg the union , 2,1C111C
t i n
Hallroad. they likewise hare con ributed
largely to the convenience of the enti travel.
leg community by ftirtilsbing. not n Plant,
but a solid took of railway Informs 0 Whkh
IS worthy a place on the shelves of all private
and public liaries. We bid them private
11114 tenet their brief stay in the city. may be
pleasant snd enjoyable. .
Allegheny Imessasse Company.
It will be seen by our', advertising columns,
that this lavorttelocal institution ban rem°,
ed its omoe to Mo. if Fourth avenue, where Its
trlnwlag business will have Increased conven
iences. The offices are on the ground floor *
and are more commodious and more weasel
hie than formerly. None of our Insurance
Companies It more carefully end )udiclOUoly
conducted than the"Allmeheny: Mr. John
Irwin continues at the head oflts stairs. Mr.
C. J. Donnell. than whom none in he city It
more accoMplished or obliging I the dis
charge of his official duties. retains the place
of !Secretary. Captain Wm. Dean, with a
larks expetience and cooed Judgment. serves
the Company as surveyor of risks and general
outolde agent.. The institution well deserve.
Its growing prosperity.
rot. Ease has become dually established In
his new and commodious quarters. &MIA/held
street. near Virgin alley. Ile has received is
new• lot of books since the Change. and is
prepared to dispose of them at the rates
which hare already made his house so popu
lar. All kindsof hooks army be had from the
Colonel at his new house. Look st his stock
and examine the prices.
17, et Irwin. 14.. by Rev. A. G. Widest, of New
11r1wht., Mr. THOMAS N. NTNIWART, of Rev,.
art's :Nation. sod IIIeeNANNIII H. IRlVlN,thawrla.
tee: of Jobe Irwin. MN.
AHMMTRONG—fin Ilmotay evening, May 14th.
st 10 o'clock, Ittss ELIZA AiLIItITIVONts. In Um
601 year of berm.,
The funend will take place flints the nahlence
of her hrottiatin-law. Andrew Thonspeon, corner
of Eighth and Wmblngton street. Itlytalnihato.
•Pliotooox. at 2 o'clock. The Mend. of
the fatally an respectfully Invited to attend.
Kidder & Wetheral's Raven Ink
The beet Indelible Ink In the market. 93
Penne per bottle. Seer, bottle
warranted or no sole.
Genuine French. Glove Cleaner,
Patent Medicine and Perfume Depot,
I 1.,' 4 ~
Bell and Brass Founders,
An electroe will be held at the lateen of Thomas
Alderson. on mid Washington,. avennet. In Noott
teornsalp. on WEDNESDAY. the rest day of Jens.
1870. betimen the hirers of 1* mt. uld i 0.1.
In elect SEVEN PENNONS to were ea • Bllard of
duenallsaloners of Yid mite until the MIDI Fri
day In Apyll. 1871.
By order of the Some.
Made Promptly to Orderd eft tirSTgaT JOIIN President...
Made and Kept on HaiL.
rrewriodors sod Illaenfoof wen of
J. M. Cooper's improved Balm Wbee
01111.;.--NINA PENN STREET, Youndry—Cornst
Tit •d RAILROAD STREETS. Plltsbsrsh
1,000 (IROS - S
While Chalk - Crayons
uo (,Ross
Colored Ch alk
CliA - YONS,
Nem In alma and arriving. and tells tur al Factory
Prima by star . We am handling (Malt Cray
on, vamY Mega and eery dews at wesant. and. have
eontrama made frizistlanted 'apply. M
la al arum lame. daunt* for sea of Um best
and cheapest Uses o Whtte and Colored
ra i ls 4
In the smantry. and having apeatal rates of
freight on the lame shipments. we can sell to Job
ber.. av wall a. Ramapo, Primesquoted on •ppll;
NO. 102 Fourth AvOnue,
t ng.n'•
A u...igh * iti,T.X:r . ' ilaqsl••
Fewen. (teoraleelen of the Ott of Allairbeof
are prepared to recedes proponale for thejo le
i t e w ere• tr tth their ePPartemetes. Inlet.. man
ludo*, de, -
. • .
Compri.log •heal feel of IS Inob Melds
lipo Sewer on Phelman Gomm, from Oblo elrse
to Mama ayes..
• ' coxTßAcr No. 2, .
Comtnionts &boot lee feet of (Ilion.. rips Po,
on Ain street.
Drawings emllostlneu OM be eees end
Inform/Mine obtained Si this office. s
Inds must be undone...l - SW**, rronswals..• Con
tract No. f ur No. y. Mid deltsered on or bet..
3 r. Met 3111te.
rams of r1.P.1414 en whicti forms alone bid
will be received. will be furnished st this teed.
,The Commission do not bind themeelves to Sc
edit the lowest or •ny Mt • . .
Marble and -Slate
Nada by Itssue poorer. The oalysiiste In We/Mem
rennerbranla spore iciest. and marble Marbbilsell
Manilas ats made. Elegant Tope, MWain
rorelne. Collates, Morn Mare le, marbleised
from wills niefble and Mato lo *malt MMsneat
the choicest =MOS of cariMies and colors.
Sold et Nes York brio...Nal" sad 391 LiIM,TY
etyttsrm•T 7,yr. , WALLACE.
To O i l Capitalists.
Nell Creole of land. for donna Pur9o...
dolly to the pew Bootee well tat Armetroos R. .
They will also lIRLL LOSS op the beak of the ►
!She., Blew. ewer the new well, eoltleet f
W. n. BLACK, Sepaintmedeett.
IMAnylillF.V.ll47 Mit. 1870. e54...1).471
ki a ,ti
Fenn... 100 to your Interest an 4 bay nen* but
11;6171,km. eteel ToWil Wheel Vale. It Is the
Menden In Ita eneeteselluo t e ben II loin es.
amine It before yen bay any ether; wed as le..
tbe_etnemon rakes end .o be warted br a <bile 7
ITV;r11 . i grt ” linrre t er T ern b =s7l
ellbest danger Le MO et driver. ea Wheaten to
' , boathouses. Nlvadtsetered in Celoarbleeitrio,
.1.411.1 d • 7 1 4 7 e1=10 7 ! . nbn
a DIM rt i rp rgit E allU l gai r a
ebeolhr r rr %illy 1 grac i r i ztioltut
ttao4og r.i.hifmni,,.ho mamas al Maw
beltlea. .ad 604 dm um Um ars to Palt
. vatzuhuk. •
Pringsrasa, fhb.
No Potomac , noon[ N ei.,74l•Nri
Wiest naw n 6:361 , 1 1 ,16 tem • 14 .
tasi " d eV= of i rM io V .,
Otb 6 * 6 I % r inta b lST. Z d s
<Mo. -or INO6low to tivt74 7 7. LANo
In7lo 119 41 ' 26176 Wood stmt.
I:) 4 *ifi VA •Le) v C*) sf:11
. -
HICADVASTSIO.O , 100:c01.22mt GRAlli,
I rrrami mm. 34.7 16. IS7O.
QUESNE GREYS. wlll awsomble at the Armory
too wade. oo TUMMY, MOOl 17th. at 5 o'clock
117 order of the
(Writ , : Ur TAILttOAT Co..
Slay 10. 1870.
OF TRIVSTEKS nl thin Coliipany, moo,
further notice. the price of Coal TOE Wilt 00
($1.25) PER HARREL.
And that of Coke will be four IC cents per bushel
In : the yard, and Iva (3) cents delivered within the
.al bounds. .
I .
07 11
W. U. ZdeCl.ltl.l. AND,
rtqlf ' Treasurer.
of Pl t %burgh nut he tieldonTitUßSDAY EVEN
WO. June Ittl, at !I cielock, In TIIUMI4 HALL.
No. ..X.! 11. Fifth nvenusi.f or the purr..e of amend
ing Constitution and nporosal of fly-Lews.
DITIDENDF - The Board of DI
RECTORN of the Fifth Avenue Bentham,
thin day declared a dividend of $3 per ehare, free
of Government and State Taxes. payable on and
after Jane lid
Y. E. SCHENCK. feebler.
' 4l °'" N•
SID itoNAI. PANIC. rtrnlnrunn. PA.,
nrnternaa, May 7.1070.
lir VIDEND.—The Directors of
thin Dank have thin da declared • divi
dend of SIX
no CENT. out o M anes. on. of
the Net n nopitha. free of allpayable on
and after the- Mtn Net.
_my9oren Ctudder.
Pfl - CTOUNCIII, May 3.1070.
of DIRECIVRiI of this Company held thin
/4 • Dividend wasi deehord of MIS DOLLARS
.m rp r i . tmr there payable on nelan , i . d . .4n . g , NA
_nly Secrotnry.
Prentiss sae, M•74th. IE7O.
Rank hare declared • dividend of SIX PER
CENT. OP tin the Capital Stock out of the eamters
tf the last alit months, parable to Stqrkholdent or
heir keel niereaentattves on and &Ref the 12th
flee of all taxed.
JOS. LA CREST, Cashier. '
1141 . c.1
hare this day declared a Dividend of FATE
PER CENT. 1111 t Of the earnings of the hot six
months, free of all tine, parable on and alter the
1 Illth Inst. . •
A. lAng(l, Cubit!,
er.....NATIONAL RAY t (
rib irhou.lNO.
The Directors o P f r this Bank have r d
Dripy do.
haledh dividend of FOUR AND oNR HALF
PRA CZNT.rint of the pendia of the lest Ate months.
PeYehle an and after the Illth hot.. Ironed (Jur
yman.* Lax.
BANK; 77174°.
TOM, of this BY* have this day - depleted
• Dividend of EINE PER CENT. on Its Leonel
Stock out of the Welts of the last six months.
cinch cut be paid to stockholder. or their least rep
rissentatiree,.. and lOW the 13th 1114.• free of .
Government. Matt
.oust ii . W. MIURA. Ca.h lea
Onyx Wvrrnol Istrinwsr. Comr,NT.
Prrrsiumula. Mel R. 18111. 3
The Board of •Direttova of this CoineanY
Wve W e dist declared • Dividend of
lye- Dollars
.eon each' there .of the Cahltel Stock, hot of Lb.
earned mans of the last Mx mouth, ffea of GM'
orotund end !hate taxes. payable to PLoelholders
no and after the 11th jest
_ . ¢l_ ..
c r . BOOT
• S/00 BOMA) , 00/103Cted ,
For ell eoldlere who enlleted between May 4lb and
July 'M. IE4I. who were Mocha:wed tor dlaabll
fty before amine two 'TM", end who hare hereto
ton received wo boentr.
The wrelemMwerl hm removed Ma rare to GA
arrre Building. corner Natio...tut and lissistaleld
M.S. sod is sow prepared to mdlert Malan weed
fly and-al moderate rate. oo.orsddress. with
steam. 11. E. BROWN,
(Ulna Anent. G StTI . Z
Canior Mgtl. avenue and nultlineld stAbet,
Ptlf.ablarxh. Pn.
3- PUTILIe I , SOTICF.—HaTing been
frumn!•. lob bomb, Oven
Du" until lbw nem...try "Mee and Mrehanical Tent
ing Mark:liner, tan be prnvided. I will be found Al .
AND PIPE WORKS, Tveiily•tbird street, near
Pam. Pltiebtugb. •
IL H. 1111111T11,
==2 =I
Of Mani:tali Tom:mina, 'ablaut to ins &mid. of
Um Celan linpublluan Count, entit.tito.
Of Indiana tonnahip, I. • ...Mate for en••tY
Colombo/om% in subordination to Me decision'tif
tbe Ilepublitaa Contention. Fat toodits In retina.
Nat. 2i9 and Liberty St.,
A %olio the bead of WOOD PTIMXT, whom the,
willM IdOosed to moo All their old Mood. And co.
Odom. •
Allegheny Insurance Compan
Hu base TOMOTO4I ham No. 37 llttti ammo*. to
C. J. DONNELL. D.ert'Do7
Tbe Piltaborgh Bank for Malaga
Bu removed from No. 17 to 41 FOURTII AVE
NUR in the Merebante aml Manufacturers Beak
balled . a If
- Ai Monongahela Ii grain Pompon
Has nunoved from No. OR • Mew street to W. E.
own., of Wood Wawa and loarth avenue (senond
Sow.) entrance on Fourth avenue.
.0,,a JOHN IL MANNY. tgeenetary.
wiNE OF LIFF---The great
end 4ll4ll - 01 , TA, To r AfXr=
Ngteggolgr4ll%7:ll . 4l9r. ?OAP.=
.„tr d v A,14,11114 0 b10ge. 7t7.1h t . ° 17.42':
ant and delicious article ever offered to the public.
auperlor to brandy, tablets, wino bitter; co lOW
other article. It le 'DM healt and cheaper.
Both male and fencede; Mine or out take tha
Wine of We. to In tact. Ilk peceerrer.
node who Isiah to dodo, Rood bealth and • free
Sow of fleet aldiltdctsin do teed to take the Vrine
ne - urd, It is dietement rrote an7thhig ever before
In we. It la sold kr dr_aigehrts: alas at all soonest..
Wtee saloon. Mica 111.00. In quart bottle..
Livingston . & Co.,
liiinstseturer of LIMIT OMIT IRON.
u i bt yrnit oareyewink,. Lonna Joint Nutt*.
nutter non riolialiMiZatralleynoine o th er
Widen of Ruth! ' wort on bond.
Moe awl Worti neer Order Ron Arr i enY
City. Pootollton lock stn.
tmvws AND TIMWAH£,
AL tst
LROXII.Ar." kr-at
T - vssoLuriox- or PARTNER.
ae,..."FiC=frel.V.V.V4 4 .lr4l7l.
WO* udder the drm of J. T. Glaaa A Ob., was tbl,
day dboolvad by matnal
4 A.Z.Ro
Trnssous c, April tie. 1 O. apiklol
,t N ORDINANCE—Grunting
ittpht of way o, the r'edval Street and i'lea.-
t Culler
Win streets. with rtibel...a. relating theitait
bre. I. Be it onluinerl and motored by the select,
and Common Connell. of the city . Allegliens.
and It I. hereby enacted by the me
of tire
That the min./int of the Connell. of the etty
tit Allegheny la heretic Inf. 1., On federal rilbeel
and Pim-ant Valley Ilailerey Company to lay mit
and con.truct railway, nnd for that barmier to
enter 'mon and occupy the following street, viri
Starting from the present line of mid comPeny's
track on }Went street. and continuing ea.twerelY
eta the north elite of the Inamond to the mist ride
of the Diamond: thence antthwuedly along east
aide of Diamond to tiny .110 i, thUit Gay alley it..t
.rly to Union avenue: thence routhwantlY erring
Colon avenue toChorch avenue: thencetwurtwentll
along Church s,mm:it r Andersen eUvel; thence
muthwardly along Antleirmn street to AileghenT
bridge (known an Hand street Midget The Came
to be constructed with double tracks. except aring
Gay alley. and to truyente said streets with their
homes and cam, ' , abject to regulations and resit-m
-..ler hereinafter mentioned mid described.
SM . . it. bald Councils shall here the right. from
iiillll to dine. hy oniluancti r to establish much regu
lations In regard to said mot he reqnired
for the paving. repaving. Medina nr eulverting.
sewertng and laying of pipe idling said ettbela
toprevent otistructirms thermal.
Sint a. That raid runway enures., in esaistriir' -
lnir their toad. shall nrnborm pr the grad,' now Y" .
tablished, of the raid streets, end 10 keep laid
streets In perpetual rein. from mtrb eurh. from
the time the dls put In ruffle enter. always
rubject to the direction of the City Hegineer. with
privilege of nuptial to the Street Committee. whose
decision shell be anal, and from thee nf tanning Of
their enie to keep mid %treets clean, under the di
remion of Street t,,nitni,sarmer. with right of air
Peel es before suited.
ars. That-after Nye veer: nperittinn of. the
Tthe Company she. fie required to pay the
Treesuner of mid city PItO peeret. for
arid three per meat. of the ildvirlend , a_dred. for
o f
too .1`.71;•,1
fg :74 gr u , ' : "' :h a sum of MO
mout. of rhe r div e ntenoa deelagili the Payment of
nth aeresseri upon mac cur to he made ono
m alter the beginning of eeetind bertml of
nre years, end et the same date annually thereaf
ter: end the Milli cars shall be 'numbered tinder the
ordinances ol cold city regulnting lift.llllw if said
vehicier. The President of raid 00illimay Khali an
nually, on the tent Mrlnday in July In each year.
make a written return u, the Contreller of raid
cit. of the number of m which ma et any tim
dur y ing the year run pat ti
mid r oad. y
and thetrooks e
of raid company shall et ell times be open to the
insiiection of the fining' num. or any other
cianmittee tint:minted by
SST. 3. That mud company stlpelate rate rstruct
their railway, and ran cars upon the rouwithin
eight minithit from their acceptance of the Proriai
. . .
on. of thin ordinance.
Sm. 6. That the said - europany nhall ant.. In the
inntructlon of the maid railway, ralle:nf n Pattern
tie approved be the City Engineer and the Cont.-
atria on Streata. and shall lay down the atone to
. •
a daugn of dee read two and one-hall inches, the
male to herbals under the supervision and dire,
lion of the City Engineer. 'eh° nh . " " pull few
his services by the eon:dam, while tonrdlld. by
dm. 7. That sold rompany shall put down at all
gutter' , leaned by said rilway. inm
re n
Mlrt=o.7gpr,ZAl4',T,7:4lE,flforhecrl/:‘4l, St ree t
taw .4 the street.. betwert: het tine of prare rtY.
04 the Min 'than not lat e until the axle culverts
• . • .
shall ho pit down. •
tier. ft That this ordinance. and nny contract
entered into tiy virtue. it. shall he ouhlect to
modlncation or change any lime after the expira
tion of ten years from the thua of acceptance here
of by Auld eintipany. the city girina meld company
thrh months' wirier. /if the Intention so to do.
Sae. 9. The city reserve% the right at any time
after the ortion of twenty years from the date
hereof. by rine the nein year's conipany one yea. n
tire s. intention, to Possess raid road and
. ,
stock, by pitying for the earns at a rate fixed by fire
disinterest. appmlsem. to be appointed at the re
quest of said city by the President Judge of the
Quarter Seasions Court of Allegheny County.
ethero. This ordinance shall com b go shallect.
nbe published. until said any file
in the idilce of the Controller of the city. an .4...-
meet. under the 'eel of the company. ...felon
this ordinance. with ell Ita prorimion. condi
tions. and core... that any (educe to comply
with the term. hereof. shall, at theoption of said
A nnvocation of the Privilege. herein
granted. 'Mould the mid fall to
glee the city notice.? their...replan.. the ordi
nen, within ten days after It. pasnagr A vsid neglect
will work a forfeiture of all the prtelleges herein
tier. ed
11. That nothing in thin ordinance shell he
construed to glee cald rattan,' mantwnl the
privilege d running eel other.theil •Pesmilger
cam road. '
der. 1111. M a farther meulltion of this grant hr
Councils, the memhentoof Councileand the 31esse
ger of eminent , . shall be allowed the Unreserved
Mivilnte of ttrilnP on anybf the ran of, said com
pany free of charge.
ac. I s .. That Connell. rmerre the right to grant
to any other Pamenger Hallway Company the nee
of the t w
its tit mid Pedant Street and Ploamnt
Valley Hallway Company. on Anderson street, he
paying to the said Federal street and fleamot Vat ,
ley Hallway Company an equal slider of the cret of
rwnstractton.and maintenance of said tract...end
. . .
to run a re. subject to liar Una. penedule adUpted
b. maid Federal Street and Plca.ant Valley Railway
6 ar m aln Y cd . and enacted Into a ' Law. thin the 1 lith
Ray of May Anna. thousand eight hun
dred and perenty.
President of Relent
Attest: J. R. Ox
. .
Clerk of Select Council.
Ermines:A of Common Council
Clerk of Conn . non Council
AN ORDlNANCE—Authorizing , the
Gradingand Paring of Slope Alley. from
ds alley to Monterey street.
Stc. 1. Be it tirdalned theofnacte y the Select
and Common Councils o City o Allegheny.
end it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the au
thority of the same. 'net the Committee on &reels
be. and theyare hereby stithorised and directed, to
Invite end erector proposals for the grading and
thers 9".'" f4 f :.Zlr4i d e k l.;:es . ntri'srasingidTe7,ll.Zt.
at then. discretion.
Peg. 2. That for defraying the cost and expensce
tit the Pal., there I. hereby leTied • ppertal ssAPI,s
meat. said assessment to be randy and collected. an
prowideti by the Art of Assembly. entitled an "Act
relative to Streets In the City of Allegheny," Sr.
proved April lst, 1870.
Sr, 3. 'That an ordinances and parte f ordinen
gas Ineorialstent herewith be and are hereby re
Ordained and enacted to a Chia the 12th
day of May . Anna Domini n
one thmi law sand eight hun
dred and rerenty. . .
. .
President of Select Council
Attest: 3. It.
Clerk or Select Counril.
11PCNItY WA R.Nrit,
rre.lrlent of Common Council
Atte.. K. 1111.'0...rt..
1N 11RDINANCE—AnthorizIng the
“nuitng of Pair *treat. from . preannt tem,
s,r. • Ik. It rrnlaln. A lll. of x i, or
. " TlZ:n. ‘ and to rontosat t Rrarl
jr ' o Con tnn ' ltotrat and heat tadlter or bidder., a
than. ginaanOon.
Sic. ..1. That nye/lemma Ole (oat and eapenset
of the tame, there Is herelq levied a awl.; &veva
ideet. *ant ay....we:met In, made and collected ,
, as
roved by the Art Id Aaartahl.r, entitled an .. Act
relallve• to - tenet . In the city Alleghens."
pretend April 9t,131'. • •
per. 3. Thal .11 ordteariecaornp
par."! ordinances
Incenvlsteut herewith, be and they no botchy.-
pealed. •
Inttned Anne ctd Intothle the 1.2 n.
ti es andf Mar. lnenini nen thren,end eight, he
red •event.T• . .
President of r,lect Council
Attest J. 11.0> 1.11) •
• Clerk of Select Connell.'
11 Ex
President of onCiAntn Connell
Attest R. nikwonkii.
Clerk et Cuminen'llortnell. myth
A N OR DI N A SCE—Authorizing the
iiNon dth i inage7grhtgul'et'" alley. Item
lire. I. Re It ordained and enabled by the Select
and Cm.., Conned:. tif the Ally of Allegheny.
and it Is boron, ordalned and rescind by the au
thority of the same. That the CMlntlthoann Streets
be. and they nro bombe authorlyed and illgera ed,
Melte and must've orMatmla for dm Pearling mu'
paving of 71er11nly alley. at atureeald. end to ma
lt-net therebtr with the lowest and beat bidder or
bidder, at their dint -rotten.
SEA, '2. That for detrAying the er.tst and expene
the sante. there Is hereby levied it eperidl
sediment. said 11,M,L, met" (a he mane s•
p hied b . the Act of Aneenibly titled •
l' l ' Act r" relittlee rtrecib In the City Allegheny.
"p417-.1 .4 . .4TIV:II'A - ofget n . ordlnetn
inCunsOlent herewith. be and the; are hereby
Ordained an 4 enarled Imo a law, ml% he 12th
day of May. Anno Domini, one thnumand eight
handred and eerenty.
. . . .
Clerk of Select Council. •
I'l . nel/eel or Common Council
Allan: H. Inkivirrii.
Clerk of Common Council. eosin •
AN ORDlNANCE=Anthurizing the
ll Grading_ and Paring of . C edar Alley. from
grenklin to Washington street ,
Ste. 1. lie It ordained and enacted by the Select
and entnanon Councils of the City of Allegheny.
and It is hereby ordained and enartcni by
thority of the Immo. That the Committee on Str e ets
he, and they are hereby authortged find directed, to
invite and reneire proposals foe the Grading and
Paring of Cedar all
ey. "
lowest:said. non to con
trite,. therefor with the nd best bidder or
bidders at their discretion.
SI. That for Ilefraying the cost and gametes
of the atone. then, In hereby hinted a epeeist asse.-
envoi. eald um/foment to be made and collected
, ,at
provided by the Act of Asrn
sebly,entltled in - Act
relative In Ntreetn In the Clty of Allegheny, - ap
cvee.d 3 p o l et,l6 o lo n
aneea and parts of ordi
nance. Incontinent he ree Ith be and are hereby
a re
pealed. ,
Onlalnecl nd enacted Into • la, thin the Illth
day of tiny. Anno ono thousand eight
hundred a seventy.
President of Select Council
Attest .1, 11. OMAT
• _
Bari of
- President of COMlOollConnelt
Altest..l; IL Merv.
Dart of Common Council.
• ORIHNANCE--ProvidlOg for
Chisnlog Sidewalks.
IS ordained ang enacted by the Select.
and Common Councils of the City .1 Allegheny.
and It Is hereby ordalried said enacted by the au.
Monty of the sante, That Seaton 614. (Thaplor 113.
tat_ the City Visfle. be so' stMolltitot . to require the
owner or lessee of any property not occupied as
dwellings to have the eldessike 1 mot of said
Protterty clesned once every seek, and to
the what Is reetilred and set forth in the abs
AliVi.. 7 2:lraudi b. the duty or the Pollee to tee
the above onllnanre Is rwrited Into elket.
into l a tentdlanore and part. of ordi..
RAM. nsherewith. be and the same It
h' =lartsolactett into a law. thls the 12th
day of May. Annu Dornlnt. one Lhotioand data
hundred an d' seventy.
Attest: J. R. Oilxv. -
Clerk of Select Council.
PreeldlnlSNoßYo WmoLCH
Anent: LL Duvrourn.
- Clerk of Common Council. colic
lORDINANCE—AuthorizIng the
f con sheet. from Fulton street
Ser. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select
and Common Councilsof the 017 of Allegheny.
eind It It hereby enacted by . the anthotily of the
tame, That Locust street be owned. to...taming
• nolfartn width of WV feet from Yuitea street to
gitarer nCe. and that S. W. Mel:finales. Arthur
Hobson, mat Henry Irwin, Freeholders. be. and
they are hereby appointed viewer, to view the
Premises. apprall4 the damages. and make mi.'smenta of benefit:sas provided tl AG Assembin
egartived the first of April. 187/1. entitled .- An
A rk i=ira 8 := 1 t o l l: rat! CITYL,
a Nay. A. D. 1870.
President of Select Commit.
Attest: J. 11:001.1gr.
Clark " Select e illgil l er WA
• President of Common C u
Atteit: Infirm? DILIVOIrrti..
Clerk of Common Council. toil
_ _ _______
AOIIDINANCE-7-, Ming the name
of an Ailey In the &Leona ward. •
Sts. 1. Re It ordained and enacted hy the Saint
and Common Cannella of the. City of Allegheny.
and It la herebY ordained aed enacted hY , the
authority of the same. That the alley runnieut pap.
extendingth Jefferson street and st i nt)ck otrut, and
e betueen Monterey and Shields
heeund small. Is heron) tiamut Plope
nu, S. Any ordinance nr part of ordinance in.
oMudatent. barest*, be and the same le hereby re
pealed. • •
Ordained and elueted Into •law this 12t10 day
of A. D. one thontand eight hundred and
President. of Select Mandl.
Attest: J. IL Until . . .
Clerk of Solent Connell.
President uf Cosmos Connell.
Attest: R. °Mumma.
Clerk of Common Connell.
..., ORDINANCE—To authori ze
. the
struction of a.l.aleml Sewer on Sherman
Sec. rile It ordained. and enacted by the Select
ann c n „ non c nt.tert h t. „r the Ott of Allegheny.
and It . is horeh• ordained and enacted by tne au.
thorns nf the s:amo. That the Sewer Cunftnn.inn
anil thnf 'To hereby' authorized and directed
of It. Ito and receive pnmosels for the construction
of ower, locat.d as follow s • viz.. and nee. utitnit
to I. l nn ee uomocect es Councils : Conauseneine
.in the north side of Ohio street at the Intersection
of Sherman ..cone: thence smote Otilts street and
along Sherman arenun to a point near Park War;
thence across Part around hi Marion avenue. and
to contract therefnr with the lowest and nest bid
der or bidders. at their diserrtion.
rent es *non as the cost and expenses of
Had !fewer shall be fully Amoortained. the same
' , hall be levied. assessed and collected as procided
for. by an act of Assembly of the Commonwealth
nt pemmylvanta entitled - a supplement to a sup
plement of the fourth section of an art. entitled
an 'Act minting to AlleP.MMYCitY.'aliliniTedjitmb
lige..ll. Test so much of any ordlnanre as May
conflict with or aapplimi hy the foregoing be
the mune is hereby repealed. •
Ordained and 'enacted into a law. this the ltith
On of May. one thoutuirld eight hundred and ste
ams. 31} - - , : 3httltlEß.
President of Select Connell.
'Attest: J. 11. OgLgr.
Clerk of SelectConneil.
IfltHit WARSP:R,
PresMent of Common Council.
Atteet: L
Cinch of C R ommon Council. meld
A N ORDINANCE—To Authorize the
SConstruction of a Intend Sewer.
vc. 1. Be It Orlinlned and enacted by the Select
and Common Coun of the City of AUeisben7.
and It I. hereby or dai ned d and enacted by the au
thorityo ta
f the me. That the Sewer Commission
be. and they are hereby ant honied and directed to
invite and receive proposals for the construction of
st Sewer. located an follows. Ma. nod plan an be
nomoved. lie Commencing nt a point, on
Ann street one hundred and fifty feet west of Corry
street. and connecting with Corry street sewer. and
contmet therefor wllll the lowest and beet bid
der or bidders. nt their dlirretlim.
Svc. 2. Thata• retinal the cost and expenses of
sald Server shall be folly ascertained, the same
shall he levied. assessed endcollected as provided
fur. by An not of Assembly of the Commonwealth
pf Pennsy Ivania. entitled "is anpplement to • sap.
lementiPf the finirth section of an act.entitled an
Act relating to Allegheny City.' approved March
24th, A. D. 1860.- _
Ser. 3. That no ranch of any ordinemm as n es :
conflict with , or be mpplied by the foregoing. be
and the Ittllllo la hereby repealed.
Ordained and enacted into n law. this the 12th
de, of Slay. Are Domini. one thornier' eight
hundred and seventy.
President of Select (*mined.
Attest. J. It. Oats:,'.
Clerk el Select Conned.
President of Common Council.
*toot n. 1111.11 - 010111.
Clark of i'im Conned. myt!
Authorizintr the
Opening of Robin/don etreet.f rem Hope street
to River nvenue.
arr. 1. It 0P1.111.11 and enatied by the Seleet
nod Common Councils of the tate of Alegitenyi
and It in hereby ordained and enacted by the au
thority of the same. That Robinson street be °MM.
oil from Hope Wert to Meer avenue an uniform
idth, and (bet Robert Lea Henry Faulkner and
John Frazier. Freeholders, be and they are hereby
git t l 'a gtV.lrn ' d ". l;i:Sie clew the e r grortVgig
provided by Act of Aseembly. approved the tint of
Aprll.lB7o, entitled "An Act relative to Streets
In the ISM' of. A llegheny"
See. 3. That all tinithanemand melee( ordinan
ces lummlstent herewith be and are hereby re-
Ordained and enacted Into • law. this the 12th
day of May. Anne lbrminl ono thousand eight han
dfed and seventy.
President of Select Connell.
perk of Select Council.
- 111iNit1 iN FR.
President of Common Council.
Attest: it.
Clerk of. Common Counell. meld
CHT . Arrratttra r. Mar 13th.187e,
ED PROROSALS will •he rersered •t thlt
olitoe mall 3 r. it., THURSDAY. Hay 18. 1871,
for the
d the follorringlitreets and Alleys':
MULBERRY STREET.Irom Rebecca street to .
Its southern terminue. • •
TAGUA RT STREET.Inim Washington to Union
avenues. , • .
UNION AVENUE, from Taggart street to Its
northern imerilnus.
BUENA VISTA STREET. form Taylor erenne
to Ackley street.
. JACKSON STREET. tom, Tremont ttreet to
Groot avenue.
CHURCH AVENUE. trurn Nederel Areal t
Union avenue. •
IRWIN AVENUE. from present terminus of
paving to Wasbinatem avenue.
ADAMS STREET. from Fulton street to Beaver
PITT ALLEY. from Strawberry alley to gent-
Romer,. avenue. •
FRAZIER ALLEY. from Fulton to Salimink
strata. . . . .
JALAPPA STREET. from Walker etreet to Its
western terminus. ' •
EVANS ALLEY. from Fayette etreet to Weetern
tlpeelfkallons an be wen al the colnee of Cheales
Darts. r.eq..Clly Etrtneer.
.The right is rescreen to reject eny or ell bide.
°``'" or OTT L i""Tip t Igh 1
NOTICE, TO ., for : titiladtwr. , inK L i ;
Ve1f142111%. ' a i ami, i 4. L., etreetb
thr-.^lloll from Bnticr.troetto Penn
CAOICAT STREET Irmo Bedfooll to ChIT street.
tillsBo.ll . fir l Arl y .Pl ih l l gg l V:n a t l ; Zenth
" CATllEttl e 4 7' A l itg; t tro t h, Loothe etreet to
cssost otrOet.
Alin tor the c,npetruct,n I tho folloortno Phtate
An 114 , n h e r t. DIAMOND STREET
tram tn01'0gr44 . 44: "itY•rttreKs Al,.
1. Inne Millenntnirnr stYnek
Will he reeelYed at this 41 , 111ae until 3 o'clock r.
D.. MONDAY. May 1 IL Mi7ll.
The Committee mune the right to reject any or
all bids. Specific:Minna and blank, for bidding an
be had at this orrice. No bids will he ISC2i•Cgi nil.
less made arim blanks tarnished by Ibis office
rt. J. MOOD.M.
A tdmilluisi CITV. Slay 14th. fB7O.
the Viewers report on the opening of LANE
ALLEY, from Its present terminus to Jefferson
street. having been approved by Council•, tb...
mssments of benefits therefor are now dee and
payable al the office of the City Treasurer for
sixty dam. from this — date. and If not paid within
that time liens will be Bled for the amounts with
Interest and Cost.
NOTICIFL—The assessment for Gra-
DM and PACINU of Pump. alley. from
Bennett to Barnett alley. Is now ready for ewand
nation. and can be even et thin ortice until TllBlll.
DAT. Mer 19th. 1870. when It win be Owed in
the heed. of the CRT Controller for mdlectlon. .
nd colle,ti
Orrtrt or CITY 'thorium Alio
Prrnettntau. May 61. h. 1840.
pTOTICE. — Tho Assesmeits for the
Grading and Paving cif Fleroiant Alley 11010
rty•third 10 Forty-fourth street. are now ready
VAITATIP.TIAVi ?Oh i'VeNt h ,A‘lrTrirCi
returned to the fly Trouurcer office for collec
tion. 11. J. 3IOORE,
mid City Engineer.
PrrelJent of Select Connell
Dilworth, Harper & Co.
Wholesale Grocers'
f . 4 ,-,,ITTSBILT,Ii i er'I-1, PA.
Wholesale Grocer
(Directly opposite Rule Hotel.)
Meanor & Harper
Commission Merchants
Consignment* so/kited. sea
President of Select Council
Commission Merchants,
And DV , In Ftf,TR. GRAI FEED. de., de.
dLicr.neu .tb Common, /die
W. C. Armstrong
Itioccessor to rotate — Armstrong.)
&WV,/ No_ "13 MARE= STREET
L. J. BL:.kNCHAR .
• ,
... •
Wholetqle and Retail Groot ;
• •
MeIeSALE GROCERS.C,oromisdon Mershon& and
L. Punroe, Floor. Rama. Chees. Dah.
Carts= and Ism! 011. Iron, Nal* Gins. Corlon
Tarns and all Pittsburgh Manufsetrnos fl 1111 r 114 SECOND STREET. inttsboriß
.zot soi•ss....ww. sorst....lnc r. YOflL
D u OHN I. HOUSE &BROS., Sammons
to JOHN I. HOUSE a CO.. ?Matta/. Groan
eoC Comotlttlon llgtehents t comer of figolthilelCl
god IVater streets, raubarsn.
ANtioWALLACE, Wholesale
11.1 th RS ovens.. PlbwilL
LAM night ton three of the engagement of the
popular and (aroma young toter,
be ereaented the four act dram•. Cat hied the
Hobart Landrl • Edwin Attains
Thursday Everdna—MAllßLE HEART.
Edwin Adams Matins. sn Saturday.
Riehings Grand English Opera,
Coruisting of the following acknowlvlgerl first-tiara
artists: Mr. Drookhoor• ll , mler, Mr. Morn, m.r.,
mi. Yr. Mks Drsytort. Mr 11. C. Yers. r.
las. G. Pr•kes,Mr. Marren White. Mir. Noma
litnroon. Mtn, mempOrtyl t o
A r.Mrs.ll . ertry Inazn,
u 4 , f •
Business Mswor.
Season commencing MONDAY. May
23 , hr
FM - Ras Shoot .111 tion iiodneaday IJomlnk,
May 1.200, for Palo of Smarm Tioket. For Palo .4
810010 Night. on Thunday. May lOW. rt
Repoed Orchoms. nal Panikette,el.3o, It
• 'erred Drrns Circlll.43;
j 1.23: Mean circle le.
•dml. $1.00. d Prionto
The Mercy Hospit4l
Will :Remain Open
Saturday Night, May 21.
DT . Fill AT
Open Every Evening,
P.LA11:12.16 a 34zvizj
New Catholic Church
ap= 1,12__
FESTIVAL.—The Flfth Amnia Sheartnic
Festival will take p4aile on the. Ferm of Henry
Ifehlurry. PA miles from Pittsburgh. via Wash
ington avenue. on TITUILSDAY.May letb. 1870.
commencing at 10 o'clock A. M.
Al the same time and piece there trill he •
STOCK of all hinds.
Sale to commence at 3 o'cioNAl P.
RIBITION of the prrrsnunon AE
GALLERY. tootalutos • tine collection of Psis
theta the peodoetlvo at American sad rorelim -
mu, I. sow opea Dey sod Ereetne. F 0.2111 LIB
ERTY STREET. oppeette Uri heed of Wood etteet
Admission.= testa. • spS
RiVEMV . VMM9eraNsAsyriNg
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St..
HT Gent'. Clothing made to order in the Wiest
No. 47 Sixth Street.
J. C. IePHOMON. C. L. I crm.....nacia.
Mernhant Talton, No. 10 SLITH STREET. (late
M. Char.) We hare rewired a how and well en.
lected Woe& of the beat and most fashionable
tloode In our line, a wend motion of which are oar
own Importalkw n
. Ir , e4l=onj r l . tof ve . rilliti to
} pre perfect
; : f:mlnation of our Mott of Floe JAL. Ca C al-
& 1111131thANBRING.
mhlo ' 10 Sixth etreen
A eplendid new cinch of
Cloths, Cassitheres, &c .,
r in
Taraircil br ILEIRT . METER.
rod Aletclant Eillor. 73 licrilthOehl Wrest
Cotandtatou altscbante and Broken in
Petroleum and its Products,
WARING-,.K IN (5- Sr, CO
arr.' leg' WALNUT STEP:RT.
Herbert W. C. Tweddle, •
Lubricating and High Test Burning Oils.
Steads west beat without charism remains Ma
ma et lowest temperatures. Spada! on fur Ingl
e& Minute" Or weellts,
Will mat messy.
Mill: r s ., :iSMEntlili HT OIL.
1 7; 1 1 1 :;41 "4
omums r
Detibt Don
Wart and Dlschlnerr from net.
These postnets are taannatiered ender Dr.
meddles patent Sy Putambeeted steam . C...p0
The Lubstomlng One are Mount ottorkat. DWI;
t i l lrWtroTtil nl n d
nTrA i t y relf gh a. Ll m ret a fa s rl
d pa a al ft"g letl ."". .and ' are ' " In ad o . ul Tb' stan " t see e d pon O tra s tre
principal Railroad, Samples ma ISe examined lad
orders left at 171 WOOD sTREE-r. Worts st
at No. 107 Market St.
We now one to Ow pe .. 101.• Mote
HANGINGS wnoZneg z.„ ,a.zi7, 4 li 'till:
In VIII Inc A.°43IISTIAIf. All
nth 1:11&1 1 ;;
DIEGG2 , IB le pieln enil v r i vt&zolenl. V A WA
n/IV/Ilgt.lllsTEll n 4 fiILT PA B R
&fill, loth se mimed. endless, e , ...b. nt
LANES fee Chambers. Se. All of which we
pews to WI ea tow es the lowest. In the et.
Blell end tee, at
o. 107 Mithfl St:, nrar Fifth frenne
lOS. It & BRO
SPRING, 1870.
arida Unto,k V epeeglL
111, 1 T la Veit VIIIIKY at ape M I.
GLAZED—AII Ueda at !Elc par rpli.
ELEGANT French and- American Paper Hans.
tan. aa Specific% above. 1 1 1perlor. to any mod
meat tba &Pantry. ripeWeat •
I•k= WiteissaJe sod B.t.U. 1111 MX,
street, ritteboritt