THE DAIL G.AIZETIT,: ruß F suz..," I' ENNIMAN REED & CO,, Coiner . Sixth I.Te. tad Smithßeld St r. B. Prg.mnium, rdlaA.k KING, T. r. rjbwrbit, N., p : ten : Ol4AM rircilsTons. .Tears or TIE DAILY riks rkalkopyr year • . 1. bramered by culla% per week, :THE DAILY GAZETTE• DULL TII. rietiborst Dttern, Mo- I have been been for the last ten daps Lave laxonte pretty well posted In "corner lots," etc.,. and desire throukh - yrair limns to give my friends in Plttaburgh ~,,, • information in remits' to this (to be) queen City of the Lnkett. Duluth Iles at the I. xtrint western end of lake Superior and is !Seated on the most beautiful site for a city that I ever beheld. The land "rises gmdually, as you go back 'from the lake shore. and while it cannot lie called it hill, there is just enough elevation to make it hani to decide on tiw'litiet leen Con fur a residence. From almost ,eery point within the city limits, an enchanting view of the Lake. the Bey, Minnesota and !rice's Point can be had, and in such clear, delightful weather as generally prevails herr, Superior City can be 'plainly seen 1 , 1101.111 t ft glass—seem miles across the bay. Besides the natural beauty of the "'D. , point has great ativantage, whit-I,lllllst not be overlooked. Owing to the formation of this country, particu larly along the %brae, with lifre's Point ratting nut two miles inte the' bay, 3.lAtitestite Point running down a distance I,f seven iniles and !separating the lake and bay, and - Wisoobsiti Point irojecting from that State until it alrimet meets Min. =sista Point. and - the breakwatei.-now building (to waning' Lhe heavy seas which ne itOlinetintes have wheiti the wind blows ' m fro the northeast), dile .ity le favored with one of the finest harbors on the lakes. It is probably well known that the rail mid now being' built from St. Paul to Duluth - , a distance of only 140' miles, will draw all the grain-and - other product. of southern and southweitern Minnesota to this point, in order to get to the seaboard by water, and thus save to the producer the immenselser eentage ,between water and rail freights. It may not -be so well known, but it is nevertheless a' fact, that - Duluth will be the eastern terminus - of the great Northern Pacific Railroad, and . will thus be( the point of transhipment of - the roductli of western and northwestern Minnesota, Dakota,'Montanas Idaho,, and even Oregon and Washington Territories. When it is remembered that the area of country which, by these two mods alone is made tributary, : to Duluth, ist ten times greater in extet thin is now tributary to Chicago with all her rail roads; and that Within inyboundeiries, it embraces millions of acres of the best wheat growing territory in the wcirld,lbe., sides Innumerable tons of 'coal, iron, Cop:: per, gold, silver and load; that in addition, timber is plenty, water flows in cryidal streams, the climate, clear through to the Pacific. Is delightful, and conducive to longevity; that nature has provided. so abundantly of all her stores -Of wealth. that the fanner, ineclinic, the laboring man and people of every clime and condt tion have only to enter in. possess and en joy, while at the same time they will send the producta of their Induatry to people of eastern and hes favored localities ,it will not be earpriaing it within the neat tweuty five yiars, Duluth should &Debra position second to none of our large L'ake ('itie it may look a "little previous" to pmclaim so fair a destiny, tint thine. who trictrac anointed - with the fedi will endems 'all 1 have - written: Never has a eit:t started under brighter auspices, or "been - backed" by..., much capital. OPP hundred millions ot ' dollar, say Duluth will he a large city, for more than thit is interested in building the two railroads that will make this their -head metre," and among the aubscribers are to be found the heaviest capitalist. in the country. .1 year ago this was a forest, note It is a city o(-2, - ,..:W inhabitants, and scores orris - BM .by every's - easel, and the cry is-"still they come:' • To all who are thinking of beat. inhere, I would say "crane now: Mori' ty will never be cheaper, and labor of all • kinds Is In very great demand. 'We want carpenters, builder., romons, quarrymen. machinists, laborers, men of every employ meet andprofesoion, to make thin them home, and grow and prosper with the place. To those who wish to invest. I would say "invest now;" real estate is advancing-every week rapidly, and men who one year ago would not lave given one dollar, are now 'scrambling for the chance- Ad investing one hundred dollar,. -per toot front in into near the business heart -of the town. It is - not —,nezaratary for every one ,to have a businem .lot. There are plenty of fine lote'rezitable for residences at from one hundred.• thousand dollars, for three who "go in soon." if you want any property here,' don't delay purchasing. Men are corning in every day and paying the cash down for lots, at prices which in an eastern country town would Ix• thought enormous, and. vet they know this property to be cheap, ana the meth continues. Bu siness here is lively. The breakwater, elevator, and the docks are being . built as rapidly as possible. the railroads are being "pushed throughh` with the utmost vigor, and building. for stores, elnipe, • factories, mills and residences are being erected -as - fast ors lumber and ruaterials car be pro _eared. Regular lines of steamers are now running front Britralo..Cleveland. Dr trait and Chicago to this port, and I would Brie& all coming here to come by .beat, until the railroad to St. Paul is finished, which will not be before .lnly. Before closing 1 would:like fir say a few words in famr of dhe Northern Pacific Railroad. I see - by' the " papers '", that some. of our Congressmen have 'been expos ing- their , ignorance, by, calling the - country - through which it will pass a ' "wilderness whom principal product is grizzly bears" The names of such wise acres should go - down 'in history along with 'Bind of 'the gentleman - who Intended ' to eat the boiler of the first steamship that Should cross the ocean.' -.ln fact I think a certain Congressman oeenpies a pollitiOn identicml 'with that- of a certain onimol—one 'Balm= .e. In this in mance Bls an i nteiterte paity, or corpora- ; tion, who cannot speeds. Itself, and the am speaks for it. The rtitory extend , Mg from the ,western end et•lake Sn-. Dakota, through n a orthrreeltern Minnesota, Idaho, Oregon and Washington Territories to Puget Sound, and through which the North Pacific will be built, has been no often traversed " and explored, and so much of it is now set tled by thousands of '"pioneers," that au ' thentic intimation in regard to it eau be had without any difiicultv,and any school boy could displarmote knowledge in • re. gad to It than this great ignoramus of a Congressmaa. Daring ,l 64 and 1865 I spent fifteen -months itr"the \ tertitou' of Montana. I have been '_ through 1 New 'York, Pemisvivarria, Ohio, part of ' Illinois, Indima,..klissousi, Kansas and - Nebrzaka, and I must say I prefer Mon - tans to any of them. Besides the' gold, s il ver , teen, 'copper, and other. precious minerals within her boundaries, Montana . is bleated with, some of Orel:est 'agricultu ral mull grazing lands in the United Stamm ('cal and timber are there in &Madame, and innumerable streams of , clear, cold water. The streams abound in speckled trout, and feeding among her' -hills and valleys are herds of deer, antelope; moun tain sheep, elk, and in the southern part haffalo, jack rabbits, grouse land prairie chickentican be had almost anywhere, and 'the cattle herded by settlers fatten re. • medicably fast. Last year, a Montana far mer exhibited in Helena city a sample of - wheat produced on Montana soil. It was large, plump, and very fine, and yielded I elghty.two bushels to the acre Other . kinds of produce are - just as prolific. I hare met a great' many Men who have 1 • traveled all over Mahe, Oregon and WasidagtonTerritoried, and have now in , i - Pittsburgh • relative who has spent eighteen yeari in the far west, and in. Intimately acquainted with this northwest em country, and they all say. Out the country, *eat of Montana is better, in AU ageMulinral Point of-view, than it id. t ' It is also known beyond question that She , ' - valheyof the. Red River of the North = riyal - I lei forty relies wide,and one hundred and V fifty miles long—is splendidly adapted :M. i ' raising tetrifer wheat.. - .Theroille rich and very fertile, and as it is not subjectod to the 'stormy winds that prevail in Southern ! . -Minnesota,Wisconain, lowa and Illinois, ' the sitim lies all *alter on the ground, and protects the' wheat. • Now all this :4! =I i. 06 c\i ' t Altit 0 it p r y v4l 14 EsTABLI SHED 1 : IN 178(3. El grand,. rich territrirv, from hereto the Pn- cifie, tichet by far than anrof ilia Firl err States, wants lobe nettled -by on indus trioun people-, who, while they -live hap pily and prosper thentsedves, will add greatly to the happiness, comfort and sus tentunto of others, and add millions upon millions of wealth to Our great American r Mon. How in it to be done? Everything A have written in regard to that country has been well known: for ream. This Country. rich in everything :has been in viting settlement for rear., and yet there are only tene i tyhere there should be thou sands of eaglets. _.,There is just one thing needed Id peo ple this country. It is a* good railroad, into such. an the North Pacific prnpnees to lie. When that is built people will Nock along it by the thoneands, and eettle - and work there lands and minerals. (live it all the 'holds it treks for, if it will only make the balance easy of acres.. What is the land worth wits n o t the railroad to" get at and fmm it? Nothing.' You nor 1, nnr any - one else wants it. Build the road, girt . r the company half the land if they want it, and the other half trill be settled tepidly and he worth millions. , , Pirrounnongn. GE.•ERALITIES. THERE are to be railroads in Java. lticii i i ittisori in ill, and no wonder. grasshoppers are invading Utah' again„ ; TnE \ Acetify of Egypt luta forty Amerl• can onkel . .. Tntatii is S great mph to the Arizona silver mines. r Mr II,VAINE to going to Europe again !i*June. fifty years old n Of .Tone. CCMIE UNtn.ntworno rieelinee a renon lion t 'ongreits. ,AN English newspaper IS to In. Ftnrted if Mitnicli, Bavaria. - 1... :NPND T , WILES two feet in diameter are swannin in Wisermaln. A Low . nt. p4er" thinks the heat ',lace for lawyers wouW he Sioux city. LArintinnantities of rtlllain have been found in Jefferson conntiaaowa. sea, Tot: celebratectiloeciiii divorce case in Philadelphia hoe been again postponed. STRAUSS' orchestra, with the master himself, &reit; beta% Flak's Opera House. Tutsilo aiiiatt who afters next autumn will only be ltiown.aalda Lewls' husband. A reastt,- to about to be latmeled Quebro Itaving. iron mate made In tit Pete California Immigrant Union w' - - seal agents to the principal European cities. A. LITTLE eon of Henry Smith, of Du buque, woo drowned, on Tuendoy of bust week. THERE is a weekly 'lmperil:l Landon de. voted entirely to the intereata of church choirs. Moms than .1,9p0,000 evergreens are to be shipped this spring from Sturgeon Bar, Vileermsin. `,`LINE: of Oeaniers in the internal of the Pennsylvania railmad la praposidbetireen Duluth and Erie. TOE Boston Ti-miacript pertinently asks "If a man blows his own trumpet, can his opinions be sound"." LAbT Wednesday night the telegraph 'wires in Lancaster, H., were broken by a heavy fall of Toy French Prime Minister receives more than three times as much salmslb the American President. RrselA only uses 100,000 tons of tall in Tar now as it is not so popular so an l• Or food no it once woo. TnaLl'outanches add Kimmel erre . ..odd to be nu ths our path.on account_of unequal distribution of supplies. 1 • . A STEAMER. and fivr barges are - now r lying at Dubuque 100,000 bushels •beat and oats for New Orleans. • Mns. Lizien and her. children do • . - deep grave for Lopez with cigar Lux id and buried him and his .n together. THE Snarly for the Suppression of Urn. rlty to Animala, in I.aria, han made a move ment against frying email fish and eel AT the Illinois penitentiary in Joliet, to make one' hundred and tortynne thonsand cigar"; is thought to he a good week's THE prominent features of the late prize fight were at first the 1106 , ,, but as they got mashed the ryes began to protrude finely. TriEng in nothing new• under the nun, ■nd nom° one has unearthed a kerosane 1 ,,, w , re1 t Pompeii. It had not yet been en ONE thousand and fifty yank' of matting, one yard in width, are required to rover the floor of the 'National House of Repro eentatiree. . . . Tat Dubuque. Tint,s mars: •' If present indications hold true, the lamest:of 1870 will be one of 'the, most gloriobs in the annals of fool." •' - • • • Mn. FULTON, one of the - proprietors of the grist-mill at Ilehuont, lowa, was .re cently caught in the machinery and in stantly killed. DICSENS in to be presented to the world in a nocelkluint not in the shape of a novel—a volume of his speeehei - in about to be published. It La estimated that 8,000 tone of Iron are arrived .at: Cleceldnd fratn %mamba and - Marquette from Thdrtslay morning np to Friday noon.' A MAN in New Ilavon'has a vary natural looking set of false teeth, which replace his old oneswhich wrre knit In. a recent innin fountain explosion. THE redaction of the public debt intday 1869, wan nearly thirteen million., and the prerpot indications are that it will ha ,a. lime, if not lamer, (hie pear.' P*OVIDENCL, R. 1., had an insane man Who did unto himself its New York insane men do - unto others. He left • wife and seven children in destitute circumstances. ' • Tug Houtte.Waye and Means will re port in favor of a long consolidated four per cent, bond instead of the three classes ' of bonds provided In the Senate Funding bill. - Tazotioni - ritertmi i shucking for fe male suffrage. Ile should remember that eince the abolition of crinoline Tilton whoops are at a discount.— M. Louis Timm. CINCINNATI Las II kitten which is tyro- . thirds of a pap; only the feet arid whiskers being feline. The amine part of it being the largent, thin kitten meet takeafter.tta father. MINN EIIMONIA LEmis: the American sculptress at Rome. is said a Zambo an 4 not a negress, her parents basing born one an Indian ■n the other a rzrz:a IT seeing pmbable that 'the next class at West Point will contain several colored cadet'. , Three or font- Congresemen an• flounce their intention of appointing ml. ored bap,. Tni arrangements of taking the census 7 of 1870 sea musidered more thorough and , promise to give more correct and malaisc. tory results than in the cauM of any pro- IT is thought. that diamond!, 'exist in .the vicinit vof Pine Bluff, Arkansas. As a proof of R. the Republican,al.that place. sass several "suspiciouelooking" 'stones hive been found. Tim. Boston Post says; "Some little lw diana boys had a real nice time last week, playing with a revolver, till it went off, and they were all invited to the funeral of one of the little boys." TEE work on the Baffin - tore and Ohio Railroad bridge at Seaweed Is pre m ., log rapidly . Withxt 'corps of efffeie n t workmen, its construction is being dill. gently - pushed forward. . THE ..A1 flan says Grundy county, lowa, nemisten thousandlanners more • than It had got now, Northweetern lowa needs a million, and every mauwho,will come this yam can have a home foe nothing. Tug weather telegraphs of Europe now predict the condition of the weather from England to Sicily for Many hours before hand with perfect regularity and almost nnerrring certainty. The less thus avert t , rl Mar la. ealcnhltlX4. Dta high figure. The papers publish their telegrams afiscarefoll . as the fluctuations of the Bourse. THE Scandinavian population 'of Minot , stun numbers abont 110,000, Of Ono eighth of the entire population of the State. Of thin aggregate of 60.000, Norway supplies 40.0(*, 6tveden 13,000 and .1 - tenmark 5,000. Tee enruer stone of the Southern 1111 nob 1 - niveraitv will be laid nn the lith lust.. by firm{ Master Reynolds, at Car trinityle. An address appmpriate to the . °erasion. will .be delivered by tiny, Pol l MCI. , AiIIVERNOIt AtiIILET, Wilt , litiN , 1.01 , 11 , InUring to induce • emigretion from t e East, to Montana. Ilan written to M. 'lnset.. of Mouton, urging her to organiz . parties of women to settle in that Terr tore.: f i ir, T tr. fuel need at Angelo., Cantor l nin, i obt tied Inuit the plains. It. isi 1,11111.1 MN I' depth - below the nurinee, on iltono pini s wlwre there are no indentions of nut timber or shrubbery of nay kind •liove. Teens ailo only six Mills in the United Staten for the distillation of gin- , --four In Connecticut 11.1111 two in Massachusetts— which may account for the. custom of diluting. it with milk, which- Is more plenty. e I - A IIISCAT(11 from St. Paul. Minn., of the 4th, says the Indian excitement has subsided. Tbe • Sioux and the CliippewaS hare. promised that they would rennin peaceable, an cause no trouble tone whites. TIM Ohio and Mississippi Which the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad titnopanY has least l, runs front Cincinnati to St. Louis. Baltimore thus. in effect. holds `-pessetsidn . of a continuous' line fnon that city to St. Louis. California they are erecting nil ..earthquake-proof church, - the roof s. =X= the earth will tilt the whole etructuu clear of. the foundations, assuring. tit . . safety of the congregation. Tut average annual production of twit in England is 25,000.000 barrel*, of which four-fifths are consumed'at home. In E.- pain a ivorkman'a daily ration of beer, is seven gonna. In Vienna the consUmptinn, per capita, in twrrand a half barrels yearly. A WEIVIERN paper toile how a primmer 'kept asking the officer who arrested Min whet he had rather be buried, if he bad made his will, how the widow sod orphans would bear the newt., and other 111110 of tk no particular account to any policent n." Tnr. Senate on the :Alt inst. panne a bill providing that Duluth, in the State of Minneenta, ellen be a , port of delis, thin mllaction rortricT •leans. and that there shall be appsint ur,f,eyor of customs, to reside at th, Est Zealand via Honolulu to San Fnin in thirty-one days by way of gm Anstraliii" New • Zea sod Sand trfcli islands steamship line. Thirty-six &rya is.rennired to go from Sidney to San Ftnrinco. Frtrrr is inotauelly plenty hereabouts; cherries and peaches are almost altogether out of reach of frost, and are so numerous that some of these must be sacrificed or the trees ulll break. Straviberties and apples are in full bloom. plume look rrel but then , frill probably es usual bO, . Crop. =I rial to Bishop Delancey, in Genera, Went em New York, wan consecrated on Toes. 'day by Bishops. care, of 'Western New York; Yeelter, of Maine. and flendington, of Central ..,‘Cear York. Dr. Haight; of Trinity chnic.h, New York, preached the sermon. THE St. Louie Trib•ipe given n list 3Jhuottri journaht imeven • of issued daily) which are mttsp+krn fot Proteetion,..od says thin hot le incomplet.. These, with the tinvernor of the State and the P'tesideett of the St. lootht.ilkard -of SEC= Tru affords a pretty fair "indication the drift of trublie;rotiment - • ' MAPKKELTAxio voted the Uties. Sta Lunatic ASylmit a few days ago;and asked leave to sing to I thomore violent patients, accompanying herself on a guitar. The. inmates were deeply affected, examined - , her from bead to fooLturned her round and round, and finally the women inalatid upon kisalig her, to all of which the young singer *tormented. • A fiftssoton paper thou reruns the PP• cret of ISentocratist clubs : '•Knvtrlville hat, ellemocratic A...dation in lull blest. Tho other night it performed 'Kiss in the Park,' Wirginie Muminy: and Box and Cox, with preludes, interludes and finale . . muair, Instrumental and vocal, all to crowded house, and with grand success," W, never knew before why some of them thnught it worth while to exist., A FEW data ago a gentleman whose probiseis heti been . lost was invited nut ,to tea. "•My dear," said the good wranii of the house to her daugher. "I want you to be very particular and to rneke,ne'reniark about Mr. Jenkins' nows." tlathered about the table, everything was going well; the child peeped about, looked rather puzzled, and "dirtied the table: "Ma, why did you tell mete nay unthing about Mr. nnee? he haeri't get an}'." THE Philidelphia L?dger has . often tome liurionn advertisementn, (nrinntandk what a rush the young Quakers !mint:hay made when thei read this 110 warded at;loe cream and baking, II Nort h t Tealb streeo And beta la i:vidently a inimical C. bampered by circiinistancan: A lady v'lll render valuable services nf eery ''smalf compensation to - any agrecabi famlig:forthe privilege of practicing on tn. piano.— Ibturhinello, the new comic paper, very weak imitation of....ettneh. Its car toons are stupid, and - badly drawn, its smaller pictures in, devoid of fun; Its jokes are pointless, and its chief rtid null aim seems to be to malign and bold lip to derision, the liadingeongwvismen and the President and his Cabinet, which it does In a.milk and , watery wort of way, which is ideant lift serciaim. Its tamale an en dearing diminutive for Pooch, and there. fore as far as smallness anddearnean gotta, is appropriate. TIMOTHY TITCONIO will bi - , home again next week, but every misfortune generally ha. a blessing to counteract it,arsl though Timothy will be here again, we may rea amiably. hope that his letters from Europe will cea se. We have seen a good many accounts of European tours, but never an , other that seemed en as if the writer went on his way ever looking throagh the dis torted spectacles of falsehood, and deter mined on no account to Miami any one for • moment to suppose that he had any sense or justice In his brain. PI:DDLIAS'iu Philadelphia. who have been receiving six &Hata a day, had their wage. reduced about a month ago to kin dollars and eighty cents, and the paddlers to pay their own helpers. The puddles 'truck, and are still striking. On Friday they had a meeting, at which they resolved that their employers were unreasonable; that they would not go to work for a re , duction of mom limn ten per cent on for mer , wages,. and that the paddlers-and Wiere would stand by each other, leaving the heaters to take care of themselves.. ERNEXT RE2GEII, although he-is not rery fond of going into society, and shows himself very rarely In the . Parisian a nion., the other dee at the reception of one of the Minister)* He yratithere presented to Madame 03---; Wild. paid bin some rather sarcastic compltments "shoat his learned .writings. "Sir, said she - to the author of the Life of Jeans, I am-, sure there is among the Apostles one whom yeti will not have failed to treat as a brother and colleague." "And who is that Madame!" asked Henan.. "Why'iSt. Thmnas," was tho reply: YEtITERDAY. says the Washington Ch rookie, Dr.- U. A. Otis, United States army, undated by others, suet-u esfully ant notated the leg at the hip joint of in in mate of the Soldier's Home, near this city. The patient had been wounded in the kte war. The surgeons look forward with good hopes of the patient'S entire reeov °lT, and should the case prove anicesiful it will add one, more 'laurel to those- al. wwdy earned by American trorgeone, Sc thin will make the .elghth case of ' this difficult operation In title country that has been aucoutifully performed. PITTSBURU,II, WEDNE:DAY, MAY In, "18707 FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT XI,I ST 0N G BESS, (NRCOND 14EPWION., SENATE: Fifteenth Amendment Bill Further Diamtased Without.,Action The Subject of Amnesty. HOUSE: American Conitueree and Navigation —Petition for the-Impeachnmcnt. of Justice Fie , l i t of C. S. Supreme Court, and .ti. Attlee Hoffmau. of California —/Naval .appropriation Dill—lntemtion Debate Concerning the Navy. flc Teleentph to the Titthburgh 9,uvti,l IC.i.BIIINOTON. May W. Pa. SF-NATE. Mr.C.l.l4lEltaN, in presenting a memorial fo the general abolition of taxntion on proton tions. 'evoke In favor ' q the substitution of in ternal for external taxes. and strove an the ab °Mimi or the income tax. Mr. 110WAIID, from Ills... Committee on Pa cific Italleinl,' reported itubstitute fur the rinkhrille and Sall Diego Railroad 11111. It grtnts twenty alternate wetionn•of land bri each side In'Territories. and ten .sections in any State through which the road mik Pas , . Ordered printed and Moved on the enlendnr: ' After the transaction of sonic minor hind. ness, the Fifteenth Amendment hill came up, at the expiration of the morning hour. Mr. FERRY omposeda modilleation - of his amendment. rihlob would prevent anyfuriber political disabilities thin now exist. , lie then replied to Mr. Morton's remarks of Yesterday, denying the right of that Senator to foist his turn opinion upon the South and assume to make them the embodiment of the views of the whole Union party South and Republican Party lirm-tb. diodenied thetexisience of any reirtiiitions date of atnirs'South and asserted theßepublican party'of the /North di're lo vor of the removal of politioel Mr. blOirfOlstreplied at Iring‘h to the meat of Mr. Ferry, Whose views he said en titled him to a soot on the Democrat le sole of the Chamber. and whose argxunent should lead hint next to :move a' repeal of ell Pen sions to Union Soldier, or else to pension .rebels. He 111611 defended Georgia officials front the charg orcorestitiott nod argued that when admitli e. ed. to port icipitibn In the flosernment thd rebels of the South Witillil turn upon and defy those whom they n ere Mice cajoling d !tattering. J tIHNSO an N argued that the natural effect of proscriptive legislation In alienating the People of - a Etat° form the genernlgoverinsiern ' was to foster !State' mide and toed 'ite. detail:ldeate of net Lend authority- Ifs referred to the generally entertnined.though erroneous 0 .inlon in t he:lout It tulor to the war, that the legiance of the citizen was due to the State Government which protected hint. .11 that the people then loOkell upon the Coital States .Government ...effete something necessary for carrying on foreign relations and the functions. In England, for {min.., this divided alleginnce never existed. Hence the criminal Intent pertaining to the word "Rebel. - in that and other countries. did not_ properly advert to - the southern.people. Mr. vLaWYEIt eulogized, the speech of Mr. Terre as soand Republik. doCtrine, and though. the attempt to reltd.that Senator out Of the Republican party would require - more than mere assertion and denunciation for its accomplishment. as It WRS aimed at one half at least of the Republican Senators. and four fifths of the Republic. voter.s In the Unite., States. rof .himiself he would Menotti , no man's right to read Him out of,the party. until he could show that the ground on which he stood was not Republican. lie- went on to argue that actual reconstruction could only be achieved bv:_e t zterlding 'Pt citizene of one . '' o l tre e r,:n t il h l ' h r th ib unVe " r 3 = l P b orill i grrrisrb?P; scheme two Innocent men suffered for every one guilty. • Mr. DRAKE believed the only class under disablittle. In the South at the present time were those who, after holding Once under the 1. - nited States Government and owing allegi ance to it. engaged In rebellion. Their number would aot. be thought. exceed lent; thou... Mr. SAWYER Vat mt only tket menthe.' Of . Conirre.. governmatuld Judgea 'Were indent ed. but the net took in constable., sheriffs. deputy sheriffs. octal., just hest Or m e n uth ace and no on art Mantra.. raisinghst ho had no more to a. with ra the nag of sece.vion than had the Senator from Mivsourl. Nomore blunderingor .tnnid neehme than that or — the te.t oath and have been - C 00,11041. In the South the) were now reduced to the nere,sity of veleet log public officials from among incompetents or rascal.. Ile hoped to hear some expression of opinion from the representative in the Sett lte or that race which so largely mete up the oyal elementof the South on the wboboo of keeping the Intelliirenr e. wealth and virtue of the South Pt such condition of political slavery for an indefinite period: because any man who was nut the equal of nnot her In his political rights Was in some vense slave. lie thought the Senator trout alississlppl t Mr. Revels) wrmitt declare in favOtoi amnesty fro the past as the best proteetien few Ms..: Mr. CAMERON extort...A his conviction. a, the result of personal observe( lon during cent visit to the South. Xlint the rebellion! . spirit of the people was atilt alive. no showt by their contemptuous reference to Norther; men. When they appreciate their guilt it wld he time enough to bestow clemency. • ou REVEJ.S having been c alled upon. pro ceeded to define his loosition antht of the Republican partgin Missivelppl apon the ques tion of general amnesty. If, was In favor of removing disabilities in the South just us fast as the people gave evidence 1 , 1 loyalty. Whereever a man gave; this evidence. by ceasing to denounce sad OPPose• he laws of Congress. by respecting them and laboring to carry taelll at. he was In favor of removing his dlsabilitien. If this could he truly said of whole State. h. ivould be In favor of a the removal of the disabilities of that State. in the Slate of Mississippi the Republican party had pledged Itself to univer sal amnesty.and the Legislature ha,t redeemed that pledge by the passage of a resolution ask ing Congrees to remove the disabilities of the citizens of the State, and which he had pre sented. The condition of thing. in Mis*siPPl was exoepticnial.. Tbe laveleisnesa ataTtio lence prevailing hi other reetouthacted States did not exist there, tat the people were bar- Monlous end prosperous. lie wai In fnvor of amnesty In Mississippi. no the party had Oren Its pledge to that effect and the State WWI St for it. - Mr. DRAKE mole an argument against t general removal of disahilities. During the discussion It was proposed ti take up the finuse hill on thesubject. whlcl had been received from that body. but objec tlnn was made on the ground that :he prod log bill had been carefully matured by tle Judiciary Committee.. whlie the Rouse bil •as defective. At five o'clock. after a short executive see the Senate adjourned. 15702 HOUSE OF REPIMtENTATIVES. The considerallon of he bill to revive American commerce and navigation was m ourned. Mr. LYNCH giving notice he would call for a vote on Thursday. Mr. WOOD °untended our commercial Inter est/sere not safferbbe, aid that It was, only the navigation or ship building Interest that .decreasing, the reasons for which he sta ted at length. He apposed the hill as not reaching the causes 'and being onlv - a little soothing syrup to ship builders. •Vhe teua remedies were In the revival of trade on a specie bade, new &senate of foreign com merce. the readmission to American regiStrY of vessels which sought the proteetion of for eign fings daring • the war, discrimination • in favor of American buttons. ke. Mr. WASHIMiIIN, ei Wisconsin; Mr:led generally the • bill, ascribing the decrealm. et American shipping principally to the unfttedd lines. of England during the war, and giving notice to the lobby that no scheme of subsi dies would pass this Congress. Ile believed. the duty could be removed from ship -Wilding' materials without harm to American Interests. -and if the Interest of American shipping could, 1w ^ " umtcd hT • egetein Of diseriminatieg duties, he word° say abrogate 'at °pee your commercial treaties and discriminate. in reser. of American bottoms. The bill went over till to-morrow., Mr. JULIAN Raked leave to present "Io petitions against Stephen J. Field. Justice of the Supreme Court of United States. and Ogden Hoffman, Judge de facto of the Netted Matra fur the IMptect of California aid PrAA"- ter articles of ImpeasMneet= be Inereawa o Ttr in li h NTlN objected. Mr. JULIAN thereupon presented them un der the rot toe them referred to the Jo dietary' Committee. Me. ROOTA intredisoesi a bill' InenrPoretial the Texas Pacific Railroad Comnear• as grantlnf land thereto. Referred. The Nit i E te. i.l , Approprlation bill ices taken up In Comm' of the rd' jtole. and discussed hr Messrs. le. Morgan and Schofteld• Mr. MOdtGAN condemned the Deondm...t for haying/. in riotttitm of law oald m0 „, n..... of the neer thi r-three ante one-third per cent.. or $370,1100. to addition to the leant P' I . OIi.BCI)F.IELD contended It was strictly - to iatordsmislNS.b , • YOILGAIF Itontinued: to Convinto,h.e k tlllepartlamt, aria kmed by 114.1%. tun ENS old COX.on ttte same side. Mr. BAII6 &NT defended the Department. At half pant four a receAs was taken. sithav Beedma—The Committee of the holle returned the eotudderatkul at themaral • bill. • • Mr. ARCHER defended the Navy Depart meet from charges of extravagance. ',Mr. DA WIRS attacked the Department, for its tagonlem to . the law-making isotter ad Said that for the lent ten years excluding those of war, the average appropriation for the navy was less, by moo noo, than, appropriated In this bit and yet the Doparttrient ,wanted 000.000 More. The complaint the law -making power had a right to make against the Navy Department was, that with the Money for nishod the navy wag in the bad cenditlen de scribed, 3 Why was it theta: the United- States nameecist three or four tinteslshoninnl in " uch sale rffraf „Sreal tlgdide nist , cost tvro r 7r three - tilds aerintels In tit United States twin Great Britai? Mr. DAWES went on to any that the United Butts aal. which emulated of 011 t 4ik. 1 1t . thotwand re hundred men," cost while the estimate for the British navy lest year. which consisted of aisty-three thousand mon. Only g4140t0,030: Esrey vessel id the United Stat. navy coat on average annually a s,F j ✓s. 4 ,~~ '-fib, _. of $1.3 , 011. and In the Bd tish navy sfio,ooo. Even. ton In the tonnage of the United States nnvY cost ma° per anntnn, and In the British navy To keep the Ainerican nave nfiont, and to keep It In rePate, costs 11100 a man, while the British navy cads but Ede a man. To keep it up to the,stristdard the, United States Niter Depertment had estimat ed foe flittirs,ooo for ilepairs, while the esttnintes of the - RAUH navy for the emir coding March 31. 10Th. for new ma chinery and re airs. was hot /3.000,70!). At the same rate of cost as Itringland. the whole American navy should he kept lu repair for 100.011 a year. What was the reason for this vast diffenmce? The British estinintes for the past ten yeses varied:Wit very little. Man for man, wont! for_vieek inn for ton, the whole expendilltre for mad.of the British navy Wa s jest Maar Ono-tenth tar wet for remark of . the AnterfeatiAMl.. Analset the American navy had been Ahmed to run down to the conditions in which Its Mends described It to be. The fault did nut Ile with Congress. It Ink In • lack of, allsisna:ergy and !spirit In the navy of the present ay. Mr. Lt.lif AN said there In the United States nosy one thousand and rourollieers and but right thoustmd live lutrulftd men, one officer to every six torn and u fraction river. The put - of the navy was a little over a 7.000.- WO, and of that orer $5,0110,011 Ayes paid to (Akers. There were on the active tint of the nary seven hundred and tift.rdnne officers'ut sea and on shore sly. hundrudand fifty. There were ten Rear Admirals. are at am. twantr - are Cummodorks, only three at sea; fifty Cap tains, only ten rat sea; ninety Commanders. only twenty-nine at sea. There were twenty four naval officers stationed at the Washing ton navy yahi alone. In short, there ore on cots enough in the navy to man a nary suffi cient to make war upon the strongest naval power of the world. nnd MAU few me n. Wily should this swarm of officer. be kept without any necessity for them? Mr. BECK spoke of the eatramtaa nee of all the deturrtmentssand stated that there were In the Treasury Deimrtment sixteen hundred employes more (hen were authorized by law. and six hundred mere than worn employed last year. Thedehate being closed. the Lilt - con sidered by paragraphs for amendment. The first paragraph was for the pay of com .Missloned and warrant officers at PCP. on shore, on spec%) iderclee. end of those on re t Red list s o d unemployed, and fur mileage or transportation of emcees traveling umber orders. $1.1.1110.0110. Mr. WASHBURN,. Wlsonntin, offered an amendment that no allowance be made to Lacers for drawing hills, receiving or dis bursing money. or for ...Tut s, fuel, clothing. gunners or transportation:, An., thus cutting off thirty-three per east. M once. • A. long discasslonensued ore the amendment. in the anises of which a lettxr won end from Secretary Robeson. route fling that Socretare In making allowance. And not terms eroded his antherlty, thatthe 11110W4tt... was nod in lawful. nod - relating the Malone of the N r. caked leave to .read a letter re ecired frets the tateSecretagy Welles. of whom he no id he sontld no Anon think of comparing an old canal scow to a magnitleleut. nemaa steamer as to compare SticretrUrY Thllskoft Io Secretary Welles. • • i . • . • Mr. 111 stieeted & J the temiltig ac maint of the . objectional afinsion Seer, tary Robeson The letter. however. was sub sennentic read. ' Mr. aTtrENS moved as an amendment to the amendment that' thirt r•thrce per rent. be Aided to the pay df all offlcers of the navy helow .1 hat of Commodore.- The amendment offered b p kir. Stevens was first voted on. when it-appeared there Were for it. and ta agairut it. Noquorum voting the Committee rose and the linuse ariPmrned• IMF TEI, Bill A )IS • Senator Wilson's wife in thwiteronslY Ili A iwirtlwit of Anion fltalingime is to ed in Varna! Hall. Boston. . . —The funeralof tholate Hon. C. T. Ward. Tonawanda. Pa.. took place yeaterday aft no 'Cuban. b►rea privitier amt. Avhlch I probablv Inllict ruin uptm Span 611 corn- • - . - -The cable.announeas the arrival out of the steamohips Austrian. hmi or, Of Antwerp. -Gen. J. Far Bert Inman , . a brilliant aold the Federal army during the late Neer, d New York on Morl:tr.. • • Tbe marls Onalaros part of Itandem/a. destren•ed by fr. IrePtertlity morn ing. Lung. t. 50.000; small Insurance, —John T. Duos. ftproittinentcltiztauf II:ea-- too. N.J.. bah Isappenrml. an4l to said to la, a defaulter o•te amount of $llll.OOO. —Strum:l4nd Sehriliffel WaC t rlitgrdity %en fenced at Jamey 1.71ty to treen years Impris onment for Mandan a little gir t four yearn 01.1. —Richard Ithot.'s planing will and hmsber yard.adjuiniryr. In Chicago, were daraaped by Ilre , 'Ycgterdar Morning to the. eitent of t10.0(1). . . Wrist nit ion at Richmond. Va.. closed t The whiten are tinkellead. At the regist rat len lbe Meeks n =OM T Of nti bemire& Tenrienree Anrfrultutnl and neeine Fair opened e.t , nl , i:ti NA , h% ennibit kat* rnet II , : bet red:mire • ' bee at likhkosh, kVl..ontun.)estve.lay. burned ,4 . Irsine & CO's. &gable mill owl Welsch.' 'Jenkins & of planing mill.- Low. of the former s2llikk. of the hiller &N OM par tinily Issued. {.cell known and Influential business min of New Volt, whovei nAme the I*.S. Commis stoner, ether* to dlvolge. hos been . ..reveled and beld to bail IS CVO. for smuggling Map 'worth of diamonds. - ' I =The libel nit against Ilichamlsmtlbroti. er%; psarrietors of the - Davenport tlowat Dronsmat, ht‘aight by 'Thomas. Flake. ex- Treasurer of Scott county. lowa. Is now on trial. Fluke claims sls,tna damages: —The difScultire In Dickinson College. al Csr liNle, I'a., have been roitislactoriir +rdiumed• The order of suspension boo been recalled and the of the Sophomore and Junior classes present have resumed their College • duties. -•tilt- Stafford Northcote, accompanied by Lady Northcote and tiro sons. left Nen , York yesterday by Erie ft. IL for Niagara rri ern/trio Martel:reg. F4r R.offord Rees thence on a diplomatic ini.rion to the lied itiver In surgents. A sedane break lo thei Ede Canal occurred lentil) . morning. one mile above Wh i. One t ,o n t woo carried through the law h, and one hundred feet of the track of the . • tralllrond carried away. N'y trait. can until the damage tcraired. —Three members of the Junior Class of the Pennsylvania College. nt Gettgurg.• Linville been s uspended for ullenves, the Oa. have rebelled and denim their re instatement. The affair will probahly• result In the surTenalon of the entire clots. • - • - Nathaniel Gab-, for umny years clerk In the naval alive at Diatom Ist charged with de- Intuiting the Government Of KUM in AAuld, In the collection of Invoke dunes. mer chant's clerk. mutant Ilibbard. is charged an an Coolllltitd. , : . Sloth bane been arrested. -Campbell county, wilt vote on the . tth on the unusual ion to suliscritse risidau to the Licking t: Big Nandi 111111m/id. to tic expend- Ned ill that county. 'rho projected rend IF front ew port to Catlettsburg via. Maysville. to con nect with the Ohio ( hegalseatke liallroed-- distante till tulles. _ , , —Dispatcher eintiouncei Mitt the steamer Robert Moore. from • Nmhillie to Cincinnati. struck a snag At twelve o'clock Monday night at the head of Cumberland Island and sunk in Miceli feet of water. She belongs to the Cin cinnati and Nashville l'itckyt Comfddiy, and won owned at Cincinnati. • —The electlontor Director City Intirmare of Cineinunti occurred Yesterday. There was very little Interest manifested. only &boot are thousand votes being lolled. Inc returns from all the wards but one Indicate the elec tion of Hey Democratepublian. over b ed majority. Greer. by ebetit Otto hundred majority. —A null. , for divorce is before the Supremo Courtof Boston, brought hr Mr.. Lewis against hechusband. Dr. Lewis. on the bile. gat ion of adultery. The parties are tbe parents of Corinna bewilo, who wmi abduotml some months ago by her father and subsequently returried.tu the mother by order of the New Tort cones. • —Tom Allen,who Ago% himself ••Champion .of A mer k a ,- by permission of Jew Mace, “Clutandon of the IN arid." has Issued a dud lenge to all profesaional tertelnera except' Mace mad Heenan, tonight for 1.540:1, or less. and Is particularly ansioas that Coburn will accept. He admits the defeat he received at the bands of Mace In Louisiana. —Th e Gruel Lodge of Mlesreni Odd Fellows met at St. Louis yesterday. There -has been a very large nercaibon of membership during the year, and the order lain a very prosper.. condition. There are 116' lodges In the Mite. with bYO7 contributing members. The total mallets amount to ,211,&16: increase for the year. The nomad Grand Encampment will meet to-morrow. —Tbe.Clalengit "White Stocking': bme ball club returned from their southern tour Mon day night. Doting their absence they played eight match games. three of which were with champion clubs - of Illsemui. Tennessee sad _Louisiana. The club "won erMT game, !Tor an aggregate of cm rune optima IS made b ea ster npots. The club will commence an tour June M. —The trial of Pauline, Markham. Lydia Thompson, Alexander Henderson and Archi bald Gordon for an assault on Mr. Story, edi tor of the Chicago Pious, came oil nt Chicago. yesyertlay in the iterMrdeeil Cpdrt. None of tpe !Wri were. present. extent, Mr. Ling, counsel for defendants, who put toe a Plea ttf guilty. Miss Thompson and Henderson were fined WO each and Miss Marisham elbe • —The questic7n Orate power of Chicago street car companies to charge six .cents foe single fare. wan tested yesterday by Alderman C. C. P. Holden, who tendered to the conduc tor eve cents. Refusing to pay more the con ductor called hint a hog and threatened to put him oil, bat lid not. The Alderman proposes to pay only five cents hereafter, and will let the company test the question In the courts if they choose. .His example, will probably be followed. its the city charter nem the leen! rate nt five cents for single fare: —There was quite a commotion among the membera of the pretni in Washington CRY, .Monday, on account of the President calling n special session of the Cabinet. A war with Spain s trouble with the kerdans and •indlans d the probable resignation of Secretnry Fish, that gentleman being absent from the city, and a thousand other remain, were cosigned. The Pretildent, however. settled nil surmtses on the subject by slating that he himplycon ened the Cabinet use there wits to be lunch party alike by Mrc Grant Yeiterday at hatfast en, O'cloce:and he dashed to' attend famineo give the Cabinet ofecers• with their s the same opportunity. „Ir k ,. Orleaa, NEW Ont.rar:a;Mny 17.--6tton very doll; no oemtations for middlings, sales 45t re toipt. &N o; export.; 4,801. Produce =rice, uirt; all articlqs unchanr4 exrePt bnLn. siuuta. Sterllng2=26ll. e>r"S.:T.~.. ...... 4COID EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK. 11 INVWS BY . CABLE The' I*lit Controversy—Herohim of 4 i the Buglish Victims of Greek Brig- [fly fn li ils* ft -4Thealricall Fund Pinner In n4n—Women llieliOble as Par. Th. s kardlans—The 'New Ifr.ench T'" Ministry Arrangements for_ the Declamation of the Plehiseitum— Espartero Declines fhe i Mpapjsh X lug; Marringel Legalized in Spnin—Christopher Colnmbns to be Canonized at (tome—lnStirreetion in Italy tinppreSsed. y Tekgraph to the Pittsbuqh G uette.] =I LoNDoN. May 17..-The controversy between A shbury awl the umpires in regard to the ',cupful race fp:generally thought to be unfa vorable to the. former. It is considered that he 113, 110 warrant for resisting the decision of the tmodres and referee after starting fur the race. The wind at the .time of starting was Wowing about a half gale. The Sappho, Dauntless and Guinevere were the only ves sels which ventured outside and proved their seaworthiness. It was shown that American vessels are able to .11 in the roughest weather on the channel. Mr. Douglas tele graphs that the Sappho, having been thrice directed to go around Cherbourg breakwater, did so. - I claim the cup." To this Ashbnry protests. e - Touching accounts Lure been received of the heroism dietdayod be the victims of the Greek massacre. Their official publication han been ordered. Mr. Vine, who was killed by the briefs, of the brigands. wrote lust ',Millius to his assassination to his friend Lord Manche. ter: toe position is beyond hope; let us trust to God and die bravely as 'Englishmen. Tray for your affectionate friend. oend us a Bible . if A theatrical fund dinner was given at St. James' Hall Inaevening. The Prince of Wales presided. Among the distinguished guests present wipe the Duke of Sutherland, Lord Carl:wt.. Lord Lenox, Newenb, of Ilen.l. and others. It was understood that Charles Dickens was to be the orator of the evening. but he wog obliged 'to be absent. 110, Prince of Write, in his speech. paid a high tribute to the theatrical profeenlon. and closed tiv urging the elating of the charitable object 14 the meeting. John Baldwin Ihmkstoneand Dion floueicault followed with humorous speeehee. The meeting did not adjourn till a late hour. The Poor Low tismrd roles that women can notlawfully act... parish gnerdienn. and thus consequently 511ss Burdett Coons is ineligible to that office In the parish of • Beth.) Green. In the House of Commons to-night Mr. Monsell stated the commission of colonists from New Zealand. which welted on the gov ernment here, were refused their request that the troops be retained in the colon but ob tained authority to borrow .L sterling annually for live years, to be . to promote immigration and improve internal communi .tion. In the liouee of Lors many petition. were received for the repeal of the lase forbiddlag montage with deceased wife's sister. . MEM Poets. May 17. —The French Government has officially notified Greece that If the Dri- Rands capture Frenchmen Greece shall pay 1 the ransom . The arty 14 the loft Centre, to which longed the three ministers who have resigned, is to be immediately reconstructed. The new cabinet is received with considerable aston ishment and no little dissatisfaction. The re minsterial ournals po i eta that It da J ng m will be sucontradkt and the grand fetes with illuminations given on the occasion of the decloratkm of the plehlscitnm, hot they state a solemn assemblage will be convoked, at which the Emperor will receive the official announcement of the result of the national vole In the presence 14 the great bodies of state. The 0./utile/Onto& officialorgan, demands that the law e be applied in their rigor to the case , of all who attack the ffitastltution, and that full penalties be visited on members of t Internotionsy workingmen's SocietY con victed of creating disorder. The police continue to sestet for nuesreest parties implicated in the late onspiracy. A oath , . of Belgian.. who discovered dur ing the ebvtion anions. voters ati of th" sdlieg pia, es. was arrested and has since keen. rent out of the country. The Emperor of Auxtrin and P.rnpre+% of France will be the god-parent, of the es petted child of le Metternich. • It IN reported Prince de In Tour D'Avcrig hes been noininated an Minister to Vienna. Generel Geyor..ltenntor,died to-der.nnem . . Tminurrow there will he a public meeting of the Corps Leald to count cotes. let Morsel/lawttsb has been condemned for Its, offense anninst the Emperor and for exciting . hatred and contempt for the government. The nuthor at the articles spect:d was sentenced to six months' imprison.. t And n fine of San Erato, and the managing nor to no tmprla wnt of one yenr and a One of 1.000 (rums. The tribunal also decreed the suspension of the publication of Lt .ffarstilinisc hir two months. =! Stanton. May l7.—Esparterr, has written a letter to Margin' Print declining the candida cy for the Crown, on account of great age. The Cortes passed a bill authorizing civil marriage by 142 yens to 34 nays. The press continue to urge the settlement of the question of the throne end the anxiety In political circles for the termination of the provisional status daily Increases. 1122 a Eton. Ate ll.—She canonic:4ton of Christ Mee Columbus 16 contemplated. Yr.orturc - r., May 17.- - -The entire redact 1 submissioa n the Neapolitan Insarge , reported to the War Othee this morning. 4IERJIANI lintt.ta. !lac 17.—The Reichstag has palmed to third roullhg a bill carrying into effect the provlelons of the postal convention concluded between the Cnited Ptah , and the North-Ger man Confederation. FINANCIAL AND COMMERtIAL. LONDON, Mar IT. Errning.—Consuis for money 940.. on account MX. American snen lities ateadr 8834: '67,90%; 10-40's We.i: Erie IN; Blinds. 1123 ; fireatwesterrh :nn.,y. Stocks steady. Lirastroot, Mar la.—Cotton—Market doll; middling uplands 110114 d. Orleans 11.%; of LOW bales; Manchester market quiet. Brearlstuffs quiet. California white wheat Oa 9.1e9a lid: No! redwestern Os . 3d: winter Ildeals; receipts for-pelt AVIA quarters, all ArneliCMl. Western flour Mls Al. Corn: N 0.2 mixed ITht6d. Oata Barley ha. Peat Ms 6d. Pork 11!e 6d. Beef Pls. Tent ttolet at Be • Cheese 13a. Bacon Ilia for Cumberihnd, 64s for short rib middles. N•ral atbres quiet. Tallow 440. Loanos. May 17.—Tallow henry. Sperm nil Suitor firmer bet not higher. Cal cutta linseed Oates 3d. , Linseed oil easier at !Ma= As. PARIS. Mop 17.—Bourse closed quiet centre • • 75 . 1 . 10C: FRANKrofce. May IL—Bculs quiet al 95ti HAVRi. May 17.—Cotton heavy; IMIX f nflont. • Ittti-uts, 'Star IT.—Petroleuni active nod firm nt s tbaleri 24 grade,. Ilsatsmto. May IT.—Petroleum flat. HAVRE. Slav 'LT.—Cotton cloned helm; spot 1575 f. afloat 1:102. ICIV lir, May I7.—Petroleum closeddeelln ls nt 53)i T. nsur-n. May 17.—Pelside4m closed flat at 6 thrdern \ Heineman, Mar IT.-- Petroleum Arm. _ ALEX I Ct). 111 ono.. of Revolutionists—Member of Coo.' Toroto be Triel—Tehnoolopec ClMBl—Rop tore le Jalisco. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garette.l ' HAVANA, May M.—Mexican advice, to May 10 are received. Garcia Jadera. after again organizing a oumerous band. attacked the town of Tactilella and was repulsed. The Cuerravoco iniurgents had been defeat ed, and afterwards moved Into the State of Puebla. Congress hod decided to try Trinidad Garcia. 'a member of that body. and a prisoner brought to the Capital. Mr. Williams, an American engineer, and Mr. Garrey, a Commissioner for the Govern ment. bate gone to Tehuantepec to survey the • ‘. canal route. A rupture has taken phice between the Irlev brain end Legislature of Jalisco. . ' A outuber of highwaymen have been pee , ted.• • • A colony of miner. left Rermansville for ewly diseonered placers. SOUTH -CAROLINA . . Retrenchment and Reform Miming. [Ely Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CuAniximig, Map 11.—One Of the largest meetings tiler held in this city occurred lut night under a call for citizens of all elutes. Mors and political parties,' to Inaugurate • Movement for' Retrenchment and lieforni In the State Garernment. The officers of the meeting amtspeakers were both ahlepof col ored persons. t delegation was tip nted to rEretent Charleston In the State Re arm Con s. talon at Columbia. July 15. Great.entlinsii - • Railroad , Accident In New Jeneyr Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) PATtnacrt, N. J. May 17.-An arafeat co. meted on t h of the Delaware, Laoka. wens and Western RaUrotd, In course of eon.. struction near Mead's Darin. thin afternoon, by which several perform employes of • the company were injured and two klltad. , A construction train was crossing a long work over the Peelle:nee river, when the Um bera gave way and the train woo Precipitated • below, • • ;:(::. VOL. LXXXV.---NO . 119. W YORK CITY EH tdielary Election—Democratic ity In the State 75,000—Total ote Small—,Diantond Smuggler Ar %tett—Sunday School% Ainerersary -The Methodist Lay Delegation !nest The Jr' i. •ph to the Platburgh (Inzette.) New Yoßh. May It. THE JrDICIAL SLECtION. ne eye lion was quiet, and vote light. The' tickets undoubtedly have an over whelming majority. The colored eitizens cast their votes without interference. r. u.—The indications from the interior are that the Democrats have carried the State by at least fifty thousand majority. 12 r. St..—From present indications the Dern ocratssweeP thisetty by7o,ooomajority. Thir teen of the twenty-two wards thus far retiort ed give Church, Democrat, forChletJustke of, the Court of Appeals, E 6,913,. and Selden, Re--. publican. 11.515. The Eighth ward. in which the colored reaistration was the heaviest n gives the largest majority of n or , v ia; 733 6 in a total of 9,512. All the Tnmnimar candidates for minor ofil s are doubtless elected. The indications are that Brooklyn has also given 10,1:60 to Dem ocrat icic majority. and elected the city ticket by 8,000 to 10.000. . Eighty-nine cities, towns and districts scat tere.ll3 d thfor.Churough rich.and 4te g .MK forive totaSeldi l maj n. indiorities of.Ba cating that the State outside of the cit'Y tins gone heavily for the Democrats. Among titles see the following. Ellnir..4 ll majorit y' for Church; Morrislana. 575 do.; Newburg.:i do.; Cohocs. 275 do.; Hudson.= do.; Canandaigua. 152 do.; Ismkport,24/1 do.; Ctica,lo9 do.; Burrs. =do.; Rochester. 566 do.; Poughkeepsie. 1211 majority for Belden. 1 2 S. x.—Total vote of the city: Church. SC, 101: Belden, 2^-186. Brooklyn gives about 9 Democratic inn jority noon the State ticket and elects the Democratic city ticket by between 6,000 nod 7.50. Buffalo gives Church 1,104 majority and Troy 1,761. The indications are that the Democrat lc majority In the State will exceed 75.000. The total vote is comparatively light. DI AMOLID SMITOOLINCI A Swiss named Oulreares has been arrested for smuggling SIOO,IIUO worth of diamonds from Rio Janeiro. and held to bail for examination. Thirty thousand dollars' worth was found on his person. and an additional amount In the house where he was stopping. Wheel prisoner Is said to have been an agent of er &Wil son at Rio Janeiro, and that arm Is reported to have gone his bail. SeNDAY MCIIOOI. ANNIVERSARY. • The anniversary of the New York Sunday School Missionary Union was celebrated to day. Meetings were held in thirty-two church es. at which there were appropriate exercises and singing by children. At the annual meeting to-night addresses were delivered by Henry• Ward Beecher and Rev. T. Sabine. METTIODIFT LAY DELEGATION The three-fourths 'Vote required for the rat! fication of the question of lay delegation 1. the Methodist Church was secured In the not. of the East Maine Conference on Saturday with only the Mission Conference in Gerniany to hear from. The ministerial vote stand 4,1706 to 1,634. • THE CAPITAL Won to Winne MEE{ of Goonfla—Fundpig 11111—Appoin moots . Confirmed. • BT Telever& to the Pittaborgb Gazette.] Wwman:OSOIL WO' 17. MO. • _ THE Barman win:servo itarmrrrtow. . The statement which reaches here that the Canadian authorities have dispatched a supply , expedition for the Whinges region and that it is of a pacific character, naturally attracts mustttention and comment. These sup. plies pass through the Sault Omar. and they can only do so when the Government au thorities here are assured that the intention of—the Dritlsh Government is one of peace. The report that a peaceful' settlement has been concluded between the authorities and Winnepeg malcontents Ls credited here, and It ld probable view of this, a request will be made by the English Minister for the pas sage of supply vessels through. the canal. It la reported here that special Cabinet Kneeling will be held to-day for the purpose of consid ering such application. However this may be. It seems reasmutble to predict that It a set. Gement H already concluded-and the English Government gives satbfaetOol JIBIZUVACCII of its non-belligerent purposes. permbadon i n be accorded to supply vessels to pass through the canal. TUE CARE or 0601101 A The Iteconstruct!mn Committee agreed t report 46111 readmitting the tete Georir on terms p re cisely like those applied to I girlie. NleeisdpDPi roof Texas, with the additl. that the four State.s.named are allowed to.o grotto. arm and call into service their rcspe tit - 0 militia fortes. IMOMMI The Senate coallrmed the nominationa of N. 11. Stone as Poet:muter at San Premier°, and Alonzo Postmaster at Troy. New York.- The Committer on Wars and Means have poettloned the funding bill until neat Tuesday. THE INDIANS Rohl ofr Podgy Rallrool—MoTesneol of Troop.. with Instructions to Moveroly Chao- Hoe tie Novato. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] tif. Lours, May IL—A:dispatch received from General Woods. commanding at Fort Wallace,. Kansas. to Gen. Pope. says the Indians at tacked a water tank on the Pacific Railroad, Oro miles east of Kit. Carson. Sunday , after nom:Lend were mill in the vicinity . . Mouday morning Company C. of the 7th Cavalry, were sent. In pursuit. Four - companies of cavalry and three of infantry will be immediately sta tioned along the railroad under ocamitatul of Gen. Wald, with 'lnstructions tor severely chastise the savages. Itrevet Major General Griggs, accompanied by Captain Meßlery. Captain Starr and Lieu tenant Wheeler, arrived to-day from Califor nia and will proceed to New Mesleo. • MMESVVIROINIA =K= at the borough election in Morirantoirm was the first colored man who ever voted in Mopongalia county. A"intetnrcrivr. fire in Wheeling, on. Sunday morning, completely demolished n brass foundry and played sad havoc with a dwelling houto . and grocery, besides a lot of handsome shade trees. The loss was &bent $20,000, on which there was an insurance of about $12,000. REPOILTS from moot of the counties of Maryland and Virginia, to to the present condition of the wheat crop, have been rewired at the Agricultural Department. The appearance of the wheat halt much improved since the Ist of April. when' it was thin, and the general tenor of the rn turns is now favorable. ..Tam Charleston Journal .lays: "We are informed that an old colored man, residing in Logan county, was brutally murdered, by i squad of white men, in the latter part of March bait. The colored man wan an aged, peacahle citizen, and was assault ed and murdered for no provocation what. over. The particulars will be hereafter given." . Tin Charleston Journal sayer "We am dentand that a few days ago a white than near Coa'burgh struck a black man with a stone. for no provocation whatever. The black man was employed on the C. k. O. R. 'R.:and the over/leer of the bands deliber ately clubbed the said white man. Thie colulatt so enraged the white man that he procured the services of some fifty es timates and at night moved on Coalburgh to mansacre the said overseer. But the shrewdnetw of the overseer enabled him to escape. This "le rather a bad elate of affairs for a civilized country. Something should be done." OmcAMENItD GLASS, for dwel lings and public buildings, farniahed promptly to oiler by Win, Nelson, No. 23 Market street. New.designe and beauti ful patterns. VAGIIAHLL Diamono PROPERTY AT Aii-rw a r.—Wednesday, May 18th; at 2 o'clock r. x., on the premim - will be sold that valuable three star* brick honse; No. 31 Pittsburgh Diamond, adjoining Edw. Hesselton, - Esq.'s new warehouse. The lot has a twenty feet hoot • -the Diamond and extending back In depth one hundred and twenty feet to Decatur. Par flee desiring . in Investment or business property will find it to their advantage to attend - this sale. :Terms at sale. J. H. litzwanT, Auctioneer. If. B. Surrnsott, Salesman. - 5 . gaoht.m,s—Fnr draws Ma trail some:- The lismatsiork In the 6111Itrf tti:66 Mt`eti Li 'William Istabam's . -balabilah. mciii,23Markititrbot. ' ' • 7 *Tria.ler =gnus inanri4n their Vises . ' .15y sining.tbelr militancy frith Pier, Dainals dr Cent R11),--7 STAINED Plass, for ettlarcheit' and dwellings, of every deeerlptlon, fortdahed promptly to order by Wm. Xelern3,-,No. ;C. • •- Methodist rroirstant General, [Re Telegraph to the Pitt,burgh Gazette. BALintoltr., Mao I;'—ln thy riencral Con— ference of the 3lethoill,t Prot...tent Church Fraternal Meseenger , to the tieg, th m . r m c , an. terrace Or the Mothodiw Episcopal ch nr o, were appointed Fraternal 31easengees r r „ a , the Methodist Episcopal Church South we, received. It was ordered that Lynchburg. v., be the place ofmeeting of the next Gen eral Conference.' The committee appointed to ascertain what conferences were recognized by the Montgomeey Convent ion made a report.. to which a resolution scat appended. that thin General Conference is clothed with conven tional power.. Adopted. Adjourned• NEW ADVERTISEMENTS ErTIIE MASTODON IS COXING 1_ CAMPBELL'S 'New York and Philadelphia ZOOLOGICAL lIESTRIAN INSTIT u WILL EXHIBIT IN A11,11.11:61 N ,triDAY, TrESDAY and WEDNESDAY Ylny loth; ilst, nut hint Isl. AFTERNIwN,AND EVEN'S.; EAC?I DAY Doan. pot' at I ty'vl.,,k In the A (lent., and oclott In the 11venIng. Annatnin. 30 cent, l'hlldren under 10 yettru,t23 cents. TUG GREAT MENAGERIE. consiAtinii of . 20 mom of LIVING WILD ANIMALS. will CUM h. 111 R g 0 .1 An"AR A,IMut ISM afol Ted. s ELATE Lim;hl: Y:UL'E~'CIIIA\ PI O BIDE • The Grand Street Display t„,e plans on 310NDAT MORMNG, Hay Hilf and will nominee by Its grandeur and extent, the moat skeptical of the resourcesmd tiolidlty of thl. the LARGEST SHOW ON EARTH. Fur further particulars see the large Illuminated Posters coveting everrtill board and dead well In - PiushaNy.and the am bed on the Dia mltlltlArAlirogntromes, Dodgers, ate.. etc, :M= Orphans' Court Sale REAL ESTATE. fir virtue of an fader of the Orphans' Coati of Allegheny Cf'ant?, the undersigned Executor' of the Estate Of Wary Ann Lafferty. late of Ptttsburgh. deceased. will otter at Public time. on the ermines, on TkIESDAT. Jane 7th. 187.0. at 10. o'clock S. u.. all that lot piece of hind situated In the Eighth ward of sai d City of Pittsburgh. bousaled and dencribed as follows. via: beginning o Peon ylvania arenne at the corner where the lot n now or formerly of George Dem bert joins the oniperty of Wm-Lippincott ; thence ohms Pennnylranla arc- Lene towards Dlnwiddie street. 311 fret more 11l as; thence en a line running back from said arc ane to 'treat 134 feet; thence at right angles to the last mentioned line 23 feet to e line of George Gumbert's lots, and thence along Gambert's tots 154 feet to the place of bMonlng. on: which I s erected two-stery Frame Dwelling House. Terms made known at the time of Sale, or on op, plicatitm to' rorlbiall_,_W. C. AUGUINBA ORN STEVENSON'S SONS JEWELERS, 93 Market street, Pittsburgh =I flare on hand all the latest novelties in time Jess. elry; also Sliver Pieces and Silver Plated Ware of new designs. reliable for wedding Otte. Watches of all Use American makers in gold and sliver cases. Both Key and Pendant Wlnderscom mantis on hand. as well as a fall variety of On nue: grades of the Swiss Watch. Including Jar gensen. Jecot, Perregans. and others. We call particular attention to one facilities for repairing and regulating non Watches. To that branch el flue burble. we give special care. Orders by mall promptly =ed. - Designs of an coods sent In drevrinas by mall at request Tack, Bro, & Co, PEI 111 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh TACK. BROS., PhiltideThhia p ESOLUTlON—Approiing Act of Asaccably. Whereas. Tba Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania enacted a law entitled. 'is supple meet to an At creating a Hoard for the erection of YCity Hall- In the City of Pittaburghs - •Pintivnit nlist. /PAT. which was duly appliance on the flith day of Aprg. A. 0.1.810. and In and by said act provided that the provision. of the said ad shall not be In toms until canctirred In by the Pe - lea and Common Councils of the Clty of Pittabtirgh. Now. therefore. be It . Ica Inn Common CononUs ;,.1 .1 V tab .rg. co•eur 0 1•`... rtivwrlmi9tinAtlttliwwt , . . stoners afornold shall net in accordance therewith. That any ordinance or cart of ordinance corditet- WW:gltri====atrogllf:t the same ode., this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a iaw In Connell. this 26th day of April, A. I). I KM" • . Mu, OURGWIM ' Pref.Ment tied tem. Select Council. Attest.: perkok f Select Conned. w. A. TOMLINSON'. Preslddat of Common Council. Attest: H. licklanr,,, Clerk of Conmido Council. inyla =I kIINSTIIAL . & SON ... - S,i'irginia at)iiiitouisville Tobacco .41goicy, :=IEC-, A Fine Cut Chewing and Smoking Tobaccos, 79 SMITHFIELD STREET. Pittsburgh. i R. D.' GALES' CHOICE AND VAL ]. COLLECTION OF MODERN OIL Al. TINGE CONSISTING OF LANDSCARPM, MARINES. GENRES. ge.--FRIDAT MORNING. May 20..0 10 o'clock, will be wild on second lone of Mcilliralne's Auction Room, 11M/ Srallbeeld street, the above 180 choice works of art. These • worts gave been selected with crltiml Judgment and special are as to their excellence. and will be found on Inspection 17. the connotssenus of this city to have among them some of Gm best speci mens of native and foreign talent of known celeb rity. llablbition free. myl9 A. McII.WAINE. Auctioneer. ABBE SHIPMENTS OF ALL hinds or fresh Osh aro meet.. ly at ...rupreas' papal. llah gland, Na daiDia 6Wd hlarlet. Pitlahurgh, and at the Tam City l: Allegheny Clty. corner •Wederal sae Ohlo Our Wog expetionee• la-the buslaess.- Ohl. us to always...o on hand a Umtata, artkla oao.ll Whlle Pl.O. Salmon. lisnlue. Pasch lhus sod WhlLll Perth. all at no low {P hole- Moe us co irl•OTO a eII.II4IICIC. sale nr n. All orders 011.1proustety. I REMOVAL. ALDERMAN JAMES LINDSAY Ras nrenored LL otice.trosa Zia - ARV Filth ah tm of area. sad Washbaataa @treat. INDIA RUBBER DEDTiNO, 1109 E AND NTNAJA PACHIN Of the Boehm Belling Coisteenr , toakis'." eeSee t.m. f,ef pri el c. l .. ileee.-'Phe Ueda supplied et • 1. & IL PILLIPS; rll Agents for this lefty. ALU ABLE Di A KOND PROPERIT v FOR fiALIL-91ste feet front erase Imedro Fifthteem, to dirth. eitoate .near to the comer Fifth arches ■oe ?twit. , duet. klutern its ^ The Blatt Sear Term.' • • - • , 1 3 98 812th even.. . BARGAIN-A COTTAGE e.b...aragg'a k anliai cost Rice calteNl• suao.J. It. ALL N. eorNer POMO and Irty .041, ROBT. EL BlLL,Attorner , st. ekital rizpAit BOARDS and PRUDDTS. - aeolr uat. • Ili mks Pea Nuts.. IN; .nive eo steamer p . m.:M..11:17 1 11m a co. BASIET IVILLOWS. - --43 'bundles Kentucky new meld!. tune IstedinK tram "U."'' lr3=§l7o3l l 7 io.listei 10:e4aNWifoletVA:0044 IS THE HEST AND ourArarr Commercial and Family Newspaper rt..' IS WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. * N. , (*.me, awl:tank.. Or ...reheat b. MET (lul'f fiv lc o subtenbert e Clubs of ten . A copy Is furnishvi gratuitously to Use Otter-*P of Club of log. Peels:Lamers are requested foist% as .000 U. Address. PEN IMAM. REED & • 1•14111•Al1ETORL, NOTICES--"Tolit," "Far &rle,;' ''Los 1." "Illtigte,''Fclitld;' 'Boarding: are., Got exterding FOUR LINES:: will be inorrlell in Oh.-se roltiina once for TIWEY. TY kirk: CESN:Ri; (nth . additional /in* 1471-E WANTS „ .• A ., iTF,D.-2:1 Bolan* •t 1;a hhter , the to par. Meyers LEN .Root form w..rt.hxrelehin t Snritoll PUS 111,4%Atk i k. No. 1 Sixth WANTEM—Ererybody to call at IS4 LIBERTV I.IIII.EZT. mut fumed" =I WANTED. ,— A el pi tyel bu icl:l7ls ß lL l, WANTED. — A housework in a a well resirnmended. 111 STREET. Allegheny MY. AATANTED--SITITATION-Avi Sales. , , MAN Olt TRAVELING AGENT. bk • Mban'.%,7lgirrelnearllver7il= VA! I,VANTEI).-A Lady experienced In inZ n •ftZ w it.. .4 j 7 J ANTED.-MORTGAGES. TIFIOMAA K. PETTY. B"dlrAirlrE=el/274. VITANTEIL—TO RENT r —A V 3 ere rooms; with •WO MM. Mod V. a good smlghbortiood. on either dlr. or °kilns oli some Realm:id. Any e harlot such etin hoar of good tenant with • small hiodivjiy ddrmoing CROVT d PII Id. A emits. him 139 Fourth arrows. 5-1 .TANTED.—NoRTGAGEs. Thirty Thonsandlleparfto Loan me or man antonnte on property la Annlbenl IT at a lair rata of Internat. CHARLES 19rtate Anent. =MI Real "I 68 Greet 511554 r ri ANTEII). - -Boids• mid .Mortgages. 1 for 040,0110, tinting 3 Inn. , to run. Mr 9.00(1, twine 3 yearn to ran. 1 f0r414 . ' A ' , in Y r " Gliel. la .I.4l'7?Zit; gjrtif"' r/..100 i having , moan it t.; ran. . 1 1431 1 111114 g 41r; 'E to Tff. ' _ l7fr: ' il•ol)o r . tILIZIX h Jr.. le ran. 1 rot /SOL having 3 Moe to neo. On Nl)• ' ""mi ri. o 4 - zr6, Pt , . ; a. 104 it 4rth Are. LOST AND POUND OS F.-0n Monday evening, between St. Char tmd Filth *trees. nr ohm In tha tw , r 11111 earl POCKET-BOOK. aortal nlng between , welt. and thirteen dollars and twn key.. The .ndar will Re libenally A ll eghen y. cing 11 at 'o. 308 FEDERAL STREET. l4l gsT.44. dark brindle cow—tips of the bons sawed off and mfbilet bole m ~b. newel e tall d . by leaving AA/ POMP lewd t boding leer will be liberally a GEO. IIOORVII. • Read of Redford avenue. hl lltb war& OST.--On 'Wednesday eventon z t- J_l TWERN Rellpf Eaginll2llLe_ Ana street.•• pair ef-OOLD SPECTACLE.. Taw lade/ will be Ilberalli rewarded - by leaetag them at al MARION STREET. BOARDING bOARDING.-A number of Gentle- A.MN e•sa he furnished with boarding/10. ANIMMNVMT "" ta, 11;inViegt citig All - • say • 6-4 - 4 Az. pOABDING.—To•Letos Ith bearding, t, 4).;;:; , ;. , , , ,, ,, , , = 0 .,raingtr r t h r1CE. mita- • T O-LET—HOONS—Furnlshed or nap YURNISELED formate weallesalem. A 0217 at . So. Mt Usaver M=M rro-LET.--Some pleasant rooms to let _a. at No. 31 Fourth avenue. with ate of bath rraver.- . --Two 'WELL FITRYISHED SLEEPING ROOMS. No. 43 Ilemaca Wm*. nese the Part. Allegheny.. .A good shame for fogs gentkdnenwishing_ Alsogets tn •element lessitket. UTSINTNIt. ITT redeem] Stseet. 6.&tt LET.—The Throe Story Britt WARN 21021137 In Church a 1157. 217, of No. 1520 Wood street, formed? 5.225W 5 W. lloodoal Co., as • Bloom 12.442.450ry. Inqulre of WATT,. I.ANG ft CO. 2-5 . - No. 1711 sad 174 Wood TlLET.—Brick Honoo of 7 Rooins, .0....111/1, Gem Rot sad Cold Water,. Law TraS. nerd, papered and palated, sltuata-N0.1411 MU -o.a Meth ward, Alleghany. Also. tICK LIOUSR or Rooms, leo.IS MIMIR r. near Sampson street. Sapeoll Alasar. aerie ro SI Illirea7r;d P . ArUCtly. TO-LET.-INT•ERESTI\G TO LAW YERS.—TIER of OFFICE on Giant, near Flttb. and a TIER witlL entrance on 11th anon.* me., Court Mouse. , Apply to Mre. M. MoTIORL =I To LET.—COUNTRY RESIDENCE. &cur= Ole e P e w niv *ll AL% 13 minute.' walk " of City Hen. Allefban . y. The house la two storied, noitairdng mount end ts new nimfortsble and or elegant antbitectere. Is t oppled with all modern Improvements.. Also carriedm loose and Minnie, for horses awl Went The immune ambeantlfeUdtale-out. and are cov ered with One forest trees. rendering it Moly country relief...nov.llh c i tye adventedee of Wog very convenient to the nn 'from Its tomato. is one of the most hinithy locations t h particol Finn IMMOars, kon °. dre of OLIVER M 0.. • TO-LET. The eubsesiber otters for teat that ttestralthe prep.. ert y known as the . OUT-LET SAN MILLS, htleated at th• foot of Crate street. AhrreferaY City. • short dtstamie below the Snow:mt. bridge. The lot on the east slde of Craig .treotl. 160 hot wide be about 41:11111feet worrier lesa• Thal*, at the west .id• of the arena 0 110 feet 014 e by about 400 feet. more or less—both rurottrurto tote eater hariniene Of the beet and seen hen bon on the river. The advantages thin property Present• for any . clod of manufseturlng penmen" are so yell known as to render any further illseerta. aloe p i,,,,, 0 pp p.p. Lops lade.olll to WWI 46 M. •aptudbleAvnions. myths. =I "IVOR SALE.—Vine of Four Horse power tu rugal er. NMI be spld brer. - Ap. DO to W. Y-PB.I.CE. Okla eltreet:All . OR: - SA LE.--A One • Horse - Op WAGOX. Apply at .nop I. ONDEN. Vln asbers erma listen gal Illsamaltbs. N 0.4 North . All -FOR SALE.,---A Valuable Fans un derlaid with it • fact "eV( (i e kiM Mia.3l= uw oUtiteictetteitireliall you - SALE-HANDSOME BUILD . ECG LOTS, ea • eJI the envious oteeeth lathe te Lawrenceville dieter:4. all of which will be oath on they term. T. R. 13W.. & 80X. comer. Rdn luid Thin .third etreet. FlNgo ' fATic, eißt A . ,,,,- . two ; h; :gz e win eover it Will, wilt be aold cheat. ' Alen between thrwa and tom hamteed Of =Water leo. from A to 8 Ineheetidebotell low In a spoil lee house at Sharteharg on the • West Pena MM.& Zeman of }p JVROX . RA or el tae. • • FOR SALE.—A. farm of S 7 sere* MlL wall]) on the Pee Micelle halberd wet vviz.,70.711.-r.: I. wham tv tere sarrue, ender euttlieeJois good *old very totr-Nrl= "7 b'n"'""' 5-10 " vis innf.....4t. • OR RALE-200 . LOTS - 20X100 FICIT MACH, no IL., N. LAnhe Stance en I; Cenrectreten meteerete. et NOR HOD malt enel balsam In tour year. These tote am nom AgAltqg , ~., f..f. . puplbg a i r Line• Ste 121 M eM. etaS ter OM month win be mm • ror 4.e..., eh nal'. IL. IL KELt. Thirty .thlre etreet., or to R LlMPAtteeme7 at Lew. TM HantAtthet....„... , . CHIR I OR RICH AIME FOR CITY PROP .—A One COUNT= =CR, eoetiletng scree trlth .11 Mesas thereon: one, a One, comfortable and renverdest. beam: 'good water, and we of the ben amen poem, in Western Pennsylvania few ri t 1111 ml.. Wow the elm on the waters of Cnet Reed. IC of e tone from Sewart's utto tnd flatlreeel.. Also. several good rams le good lee. Goes and boners tor We. Enquire or PrILLIAM WARD, • _mm .1. 10Grant St.. oppinite Cathedra?, FOR - r LIPPINCOTT 'HOMESTEAD. ib• - yen karma ma iltated i aftr="4„...... • atrnte W or on,A=l ll . 4 : m stater. 1.-. 1.4.j0r beat•••• oft matt bNln. bl• ••••••erf: !?1,P•••••••• • ft a * . 111 Pc rot If Pot sold goon a .t.••,••,.••••DIZ JAI% atiICOTT. E q -TO LET EMMEM3 FOR SALE