THE DAILY GAZETTE. ROME NEWS. .oav saarkfts nrs :applied with early vegetables. • . _ The *levet CongaMee will meet thla !Tues. , day) evening at 13i o'clock. . The .lea aad duet combined to maim Pede.. triads= unpleasant yesterday. A Corr was ran over and killed on the Penn gytrants Railroad at Wilklueburgh ,ut Sun day meatus. F... ('anent.—Every one should remember the Concert to-nlght at the Yount Men's Christian Association rooms. --- Catharine Milos sod Mary Jones were com mitted to Jail yesterday by Mayor Callow for thirtyy - days cacti for 3 - agrancy. • .1 large delegation of Pittaburghers left the city last evening fur Lack Haven, to attend the annual meeting of the “Hesetrea:' • Alderman VW,. yesterday committed Ephraim Richardson to answer a charge of larceny by Wine preferred against Dim about • mouth ago. Ref ..Wna Psalms. the new pastor of the Fourth U. F. Church, Allegheny, tformerlY Iter.Dickeral preached Millet sena. in the church. as the regular minister, on Mordin" morning. haelrilliatas.a colofed Benedict. knocked Ms wife down on Federal street, Allegheny. on Sunday afternoon.. Ne spent the night in the lock-up and paid PS to Meyer Callow for his diversion. The bore of Denole Co the boy who was drowned In the 'Allegheny elver Sand aT morn' , lag. had not been found at wren o'clock last ?Terua were hoeUT eTeallett to drag-. Ring the river. _.—L— The Mammal Meeting of the General As sembly of the Cumberland Preillyterian Church will convene on next 'Thursday at Warrensburg, Missouri. The delegates - from Pittsburgh WIG leave this morning. • Palle.—The three uniformed companies o the Duquesne Grays will be out on dress par ads this afternoon. at eve o'clock. In the Din mood. Allegheny. Captain David Campbel will be In command of the battalion. T.. Days Paradc.—Ttme companies of the Duquesne Greys will parade this evening leaving their armory at Are o'clock r. x. TAIr. members of the a b ove companies will find a no tice concerning Om on our first page.—Mr. T. C. Clarkson. of late con nected with the iillegheny G. Comptes . , has teen appointed to fill the position of corres ponding clerk in the Farmers' Deposit Com pow.- “ Cbal" will fill the position well. Mammal Morrow has issued an Invitation to William Eamon calling upon him to novelly before the magisterinl pretence and MUM!t a charge of desertion made against Mm by his bfary Mason. In behalf of herself end her ehildrs.n. Poe Rent—Boos.—A pleasant front room In a very desirable location. within five minutes' walk of the postoffice, furnished or tmfurnlsh ed, with board, to a gentleman and wife. 'dust give good reference. Address. 'J. H.." Oar:ma olkee. Emma Barrett, yesterday expressed her hil 'teed cd ItartAna in .such threatening lananfe that the latter wns of thro fear to seek the protection of Alder man Herron, who Issued • trarrant for the ar rest of the Irate female. Tempensnce Meettsup—The Allegheny Tem perance League will meet this evening at Di o'clock, In the First Presbyterian MGT. Elliot E. Swift's) church. Beaver shrect. Addresses will be delivered by the Rey. J. D. Rip and the Re,. Wm: N. Mayor tallow yesterday issued a . warrant for the arrest of Conrad Enterkb, charged srith• maliciously &trine his bay wagon the re/dele of the prosecutor. and trnl t y damaging the latter. The affair or on Ohio street. Allegheny. A link light bet ween George Peters and Nicholas Schoen, hich occurred near Hlll dale Cemetery. on Sunday afternoon. formed the bads of an assault and battery cue before Mayor Calk...yesterday, with George as pros ecutor. The case, boa - ever, was compromised. Mlifteftig.i.-George Dietrich, a mident of Al legheny, has been missing from home gore April when ha left with twohorses. which he Intended to eell In rinleyrllle. Washington couy. tHe is about Maly rears of age, and left a wife a family. Any Information of his whereabouts will he. receired at the Alle gheny Mayors Mace. The Colon.— . Trades Union" was the sub ject of dlscuasionyesterday between Michael sftuner and John Dickson, two coopers GUTTY- Iog on business to Allegheny. John enforced his argument by knocking his opponent down. He has duce become an object of interest to Alderman Neeper's police, who wish to have Mak explain away the assault and battery. Catharine Gems and Amelia Ham. residing to West Tittabargh. are. distantly related. They bed Orem In the family Sunday after noon. when Amelia threatened to bring sot . - row tato the Claret habitation by "smashime ' Catharine.a heed in with a water bucket. Al derman NsvPsr, to engaged to prevent this. an. has issued his warrant for Amelia's ae t. • Iffkrestenek—EdWard Sweeney says Joseph Robinson threatened to knock the brains out of Daniel Sweeney. a youthful representative of }kat family. Joseph, It isldleged.ahamwle hostile demonstrations against the whole Sweeney household, men women and proper ty, hence Alderman McMaster, to preserve the Peace has sent officer Blondln In search of "Joe." A 0 Dorg."—Among the dogs In Allegheny Is one owned by Fred Nestlar. residing corner Pike and Chestnut Arend& Fourth Ward. A day or two ago the - anbnal attacked 'Mrs. Victoria Gels. and wounded her so badly that she has since been confined to bed. Yesterday Mr. Gels made information. chareng Nestlar with keeping a ferocious dog. The accused srus arrested and held ford hearing. . We are pie... to announce that the Cons miesioneta will set promptlyfand' revoke the license of McCarron. proprietor of. the saloon ;XL ° Th e e t Tftro l i r o7arrniaTo m ne t r " fillo ° • 7 ; sillOtrr. 6 tp r er m erA i fte ,. t. ag n t t r .ii ny ;:i but i w r al ur g i. ll4 th °Moe. We are aetcrnsinA. to far sof the 0 is-concerned, to Waist on licenses of inn ti bonen being revoked, and we have the °ranee that the Commissioners will act p molly in such cases, as they, too, are de te toed to take away the. license of such !Tions. It is but Justice to the Coonniasion to say, McCarron is not the party the li ease mu granted to. he haying bought the house after they were granted. . irlaitors.—We have to acknowledge the ccrrtesles of mottagreeable calls from sever al of our brethren of the isterlor press, during I d t past week. Masers. • Diable, of the New stle Counter. Draggles, of the Mercer lAs. I h, Mr. Weyand of the Deaver Amos. have h given no an hour or two's pleasant• con v rsation. They report "everything lovely d the goose hanging 64[4" In their respect.. iv c ounties. crops looking well , farm work In advanced progress. business generally fair, health neusenllY rod, Republicans all feeling , with clear edications of being sowed at ticeart. the Democracy discouraged, and ri generally flattened. Their journals are all onrishing—ns they should be—and MT friends looked as If, in skimming the public cream, they had beet. themselves well re membered. And thus It shonld be: ,p, is am AmUnM Yesterday afternoon a serious runaway ac cident occurred on Libertr street: Mr. Jana Briley, In the employ of Armstrong & Co., coal dealers, was driving a two horse team op the thoroughfare, when he accidentally dropped the lines. They became entangledMeng the bones feet, when the animals atart:ed off at a gallop. Mr. Briley attempted to jump out, bat was precipitated against a pile of stones at the roadside, and his right leg crushed be low the knee. He was carried Into a store near by and Dr. Dreashear summoned. when It was found that the bones In the leg were splintered. The doctor rendered all the med ical antenna , possible, and then had the in jured man remand to his residence. Armstrong's block. Twenty-eighth street. Amputation will, it is thought, be Deanery. The sinful is about 'thirty-Ate years of age. unmarried, and boarded with relatives. Thestrmatre Deatreyet: Yesterday morninB a very destructive lire occurred on Miller, Biightcm "Road, a short distance out from Woods' Hun. A bout six o'clock the I=4 of Hr. John 8. Hall were. alarmed by discovering flame. issuing from the roof of their house. above the kitchen. They discovered. upon Investigation, that n defective flue was theeause of the gee. Ef forts were at .once made. to chlodt the games, but the .headway ' gained was too great: The building wu a Creche structure, but vary eletnat, and the woodwork burned to rapidly that Its death., Hon 1100 n became evident. Attention was then turned to the contents of perm., en d t r ilttr t o; x rw t o l Ta t rs p ll r c l i or a saved. AU else was lost, includinf the treater lodeon, war portion of the famil y clothing. ewelry, g e . The building was fn ashes in lens than en hour. T h e e no Is stimated at CUBA upon which the is inesurance. Mount? Old Game Very many friends will regret to learn that a paled and protracted akkness has ended in the death, on Sunday, the 14th Inst.. of Mr. wllllem Huron at his residence near Miners `MK Mr. Herron wu to the fath year of his age. He waa a brother of the late activ e er eon, and has for many years of an and autunite been known for his plain. onOilten tatlous habits.-for great simplicity and purity of sharfalar, sad was held la high estimation by • large number of attached Mends. ' . 114 died as he had lived—a sincere and devout clitlstien. "Maud are the dead who die in the Lord. even so alt': the Spirit. for the,' revt from their labors : '—Roc. XiV.XHi. CRUSHED TO DEATH. Fall et Siete—A - aline. aIIIN. ..v i i en terttnnnheralatalmandentoecartell at Horner k Roberti!' octal mien le WestEllza bone. rim= dteivart, one of the em . ployess. was eocarod' in one of the Inersots,% velum shortly before noon a large maisbt slat. MI and heeled blot underneath.. The• noise was heard by several of his ccattionions , vete ran to his seller. and succeeded with gnM efforts Vesting tdin from his Irving grove alive. however. he could be renewed, •or toed! attention be secured, he centred. - The accddent was altogether unavoidable, but' none the less sad. The coal miners welting the other mines In the vicinity, as well as the one le which he was killed. suspended work. and will attend his funeral Ina body to-day. The deceased leaves a wife and family. •CHER(III• • .COURT The Marriage Promise, SS LILLIE lIAWKES ys ev. J. B. CLARKE, I).. D. Trial.Before.Alleghe - n'v 'Presbytery of 'IL P. Church. . •\V BROKEN. AM) WHY r. Clark's _Acknowledg ment and Defense. THE STORY OF MISS HAWKES Tecqintony ht the eztt:e The Allegheny Presbytery of the C.-P. Church,' met yesterday pursuant to adjourn ment, in the Second C. P. Church, Allegheny for the 'purpose of trying Rev. I. D. Clark on a charge of breach of promise of marriage with Miss Lane Hawke., As the case has been thoroughly '• rani. led , ' through the puldlo tointa, A statement It Is unnecessary. as nor readers are all übtless teuulliar with It. The good people of Allegheny, or n portion of them, manifeat a lively Interest in the at- Mir and yesterday. long before the hour ap pointed for Presbytery to convene. n large concourse of people had assembled, in which, the weaker sex were strongly represented. There was also an unusually large meeting of Presbytery, a greater number of mem bers answering to their names, at roll call than is customary. at adjourned meeting's. At eleven o'clock Presbytery was called to Order and opened with prayer by Rev. A. G. Wallace. the Moderator. The Clerk was directed to call the roll after which then:titmice of the preeeeding meeting wero read and armored. • The regular order of business was taken up and after the transaction of some routine Lushness, of no general interest. the Moderator stated that the Presbytery was now ready t proceed with unfinished business.. =I Dr. Pressly asked if there was not a retort of a Special Committee to he presented. lie t hombt= rlp-- Timmons :tamn Rd beeust3reaea:iie exec of Dr Clark. Modeator—They were appointed a commit tee to conduct the prosecution. • The Clerk pm teen, Her. Mr. Witherspoon, was requested to read the minute of unfinish ed business. • • • - That portion of the minutes of the preceding meeting haring reference to the case of Dr. Clark was then read. • • • • Dr. McLean—Mr. Moderator. there is scarce ly z probability of this case being concluded In one senion, and I think that Presbytery might save time and facilitate the proceedings by arranging preliminaries. First ascertain if both the prosecution and the defence were ready to proceed to trial, and if so, then to ar range the time of the sessions. the hours for convening end adjourning. It would only. he 'thought, retard the matter to proceed with the examination of witnesses without .the ar rangement of this matter. as a witness might be called and before Presbytery were half thro . p with the examination theysnight hose to m_ •• M erator —.ls the defendant ready to pro ceed to trial? 31 - r. &Mini—We •re ready for the ellefen Moderator—ls the prosecution ready to pro ceed with the trial of thin case? Mr. Sturgeon—We are ready now and anx ious to get through with It. Dr. McLean—l more, Mr. Moderator, that this Presbytery do now adjourn to meet at half past one o'clock. Mr. Sturgeon—Mr. Moderator, this Presby tery hon Imposed an unpleasant duty upon Mr. Thu:mous and myself and so far as I am con egrood.ray time In preen:ma, and L-desire to have done with this matter. I will oppose aoy motion that may bare a tendency to delay the trial of this case. . . De. McLean-The motion Is not made with a view of delaying the case. as Lam as anxious to introit tried as any one' lse; but rather with a view to facilitate the proceedings. A vote was then taken. when the motion to adjourn was decided In the negative. - Moderator-There being no further motion before Presbytery, we are now ready to pro- teed with the trial of this ease. and are ready to tedeive the plea-of the tamped. DO you plead guilty as not guilty? Mr. Collina-Mr. Moderator, as theharge against the accused in this case is not to the nature of • libel, but merely a charge, we do not think We are required to pot in a. p lea of guilty or not guilty, but merely to ake a statement of our case to the Presbytery. This we are prepared to do now. Mr. S turgeon-Mr. Moderator- I wan ap pointed on the committee to conduct this ease aSalnst my wishes, but since that. duty hos been Imposed upon me, I will perfdnn it to the . best of mu ability. lam here to prosecute the case, and have witnesses to substantiate the the g` h uMan,L " o l i s mr s o ' r " roT d rro p ilt " y.t .o e n s,lll - . to it is oqr privilege and duty to do, make out the case in our own way. Mr. Collins—l apprehend no difficulty. Mr. Moderator between the prosecution and de fence on that question. We are prepared to admit the fact that there was a breach of pro mise, but we do not feel inclined to enter a plea of guilty. We admit the fact but Lclaim Justification. and desire Preabytery to ear our reasons. . _ Dr. presaley, at this point. called the atten tion of Presbytery to the fact that Mr. Col ons was not a member of Presbytery. and therefore excluded front acting as counsel for the:accused by the rules of Presbytery. Dr. McLean hoped that. Dr. Pressley would not love hit objection. as it would be treating I the accused with unfairness to deprive him of his counsel at this stage of the case. At 'the time Mr. Collins was appolotad by Presbytry to act as counsel for Dr. Qark, he we. sing I as a connalting member of the body. and inor der that he might be heard in his own behalf. he Moved that he again be invited tun seat in the Presbytry ea umaulting member. The mo tion was adopted. Moderator—as the case now stands If there are no further motions we are ready to pro ceed with the business. Mr. Collins made a statement relative to his position and thought that even under a strict construction of the rules he might be permit ted to act as Dr. Clark's counsel. Dr.XcLeam hoped that Dr. Presley would rot urge the matter, and permit It to pass by a waiver. It could certainly do no injury to anyone, but might do injuries to Dr. Galt to deprive him of the services of Mr. Collins who 'bad prepared his defense and wan conversant tre w ra c tOr . f.:There is no motion before Pres bytery in relation to this matter. Dr. Press ley'. suggestions were merely as to a point of order, and unless there is a motion of some . . • . character we will proceed to business In the 'regular order. A motion was then made to adjourn, to meet at half-paid one o'clock. The motion was adopted and Presbytery adjourned. ♦FZEBAOON PESSION Presbytery reassembled pursuant to ad lourment at halt-mist one, and was opened wlttrprayer by the Moderator. The Moderator announced that Rey. Hr. Collins haring . been Invited by Presbytery to as a consultory member. would be permit ted-to act es counsel for Dr. Clark. Counset kir viefendent then pruipmed to read the statement of Itev...f.-11. Clark, relative to the breach of promise with which he • wits chlrged Conelderable diaciiMion ensued as to the ad- inissability of the paper. Dr. Pressleymoved that the Presbytery hear the statement of Dr. (lark. . _ ltlIT THIS 111.01116 C WAR sitonsiv. Dr. Clark then arose and, in his eloquent and feeling manner, read the following paper: 7. " °. -Pr . '"? "f Anrell, to mad in the &omit C. P. :Mirth. tlcalwily Mg, May ii. M. . In re ference reference to the matter alleged against Tour table. I real fully present the 7giggr4t....e.: I. I admit that there et Wed between Mica Lillie Hawker and myse f an understand,. lag Involving a {impose and. pippin of mar .' S. Did niter Much des floe =demote! e tre agony I 'asked her to rel me how all oNI -gation in the matter, feell g It my duty to de cline the consummation of the marriage. 3. I present in justifies lon of my refusal to proceal further In the atter a fear with regard to her completeo mental trestoration• which became so fixed upon my mind that I could not remove It. I straggled against the power of this impression until others. whose Judgment I regarded as reliable, and more unbiased than my own, uticonseione of the re lation existing between bliss Ilawkes and myself, gave expresaion to the name opinion In my hearing. I became thoroughly courts sTilitkatcateringtre with her,her, and that In a matter so solemn and Jon- Portant I would be doing a wrong, and com mitting a grievance to proceed further. .1 i s 'din deepest interest, and without any ri% .of . panes or resentment. I feel con strained fo make thi s ailed. to Mil/ H a wes In my own vindication. I am not con scious of ever havbm wild anything derogato ry to her moral or ristiiin character. I. I b er e t +icknowled n a t ugcuprudence and want of e rat Inc into any d r ihmai4. b bliss Hawke@ regard to un unli rime with her. and I can only plead 1 3 , -- ,a, - , -- nation of this conduct tor. Impression at tha t time that her mind had-been perfectly r e - stored.. - A The inere statement 4 humbly aubniitte I, in confidence that . the Presbyter,' will:7e. 'Klee that tent tit/WM(I- with mg 3 . 3.. culeated - the Mirtt of the' Divine ter. . :Respect u:r. ro.ittca, - on ~ • ti. CLAIM. • . ALISCIRIIIIT. May 16. 111113 • • , ID. Btaugeon obleetedno the admission -of the statement on the ironed' that It did not fully meet the requirement. of the cue: the -...isrrolvhig e- Matinee -of "nterrisge" . . wens pot explicit. - No data were IMO- ,' i Dr. McLean—Mr. Moderator the Coninittfee In tuaktmtheir report did not fix a date.. sod ' ' nertalnly Dr. Clark would not be e=_ to > s .r= e tilt ir trat . Z etr asisitsnnent left . ytmy in lust the fix he anticipated, in, eon Of Dhe Indefinite settee of Pre. 1 bytery in forma' nteetlac relative to tett Iltr.cidititaat4 Weeoot intended b _..."..!....2.1te_ =brae& of marriage. to set mind or corer op I to cnotn Itwats, a n d n a d t con m c m t w h as brok e n , Mn• hi•ould see no reason for struribling. Dr. Clark had complied with the regtiest of Presbytery fn making a statement. Presbytery had by a res olution said that It wold not prefer a libel against Dr. Clark, and bat ft would notify PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY . MORNING, MAY 17, 1870. him formally. and what islee could he do, when It was resolved to keep anything out of the case than what propperir belonged to Wand that woe the consideration of his reason for breakingthe promise. Mr. Timmons—la reply to to brother I wold say theft if I was engaged In a breach of o promise or wartaccused of an offence and woe writingjown a statement I would shn- P l y n oI o not state that I was engaged In mct ing which involved a .. faatraCt Or mar riage." If the gentleman would eemit that there was a contract and that such contract had been broken the ease was made out for th e e .prosecution. - oderatr—Have the defense anything fur ther to offer, Mr. sttirge.m — De you propose to admit this paper In evidence? - • m o yterator—lt Is now before the Presbytery. Mr. Sturgeon—Then we have nothing further to offer. We will oak that the statement. In this paper be substantiated, and then we will ,•Inlin the right to rebut any testimony ea t . of object, however, to putting a statement . of the r . In evidence. Mr. Timmons--1 ask the Moderator to rule whether we have the right to offer rebutting testimony.. Mr. Moderntor-1 do nut. wish to decide this .rye m o t at this time. A motioh to allow the prosecution to offer rebutting testimony after the defense tae closed then made. • • Dr. Lean hoped that PresbyterY would not adopt such a motion; It was a matt settled by the rules.' Mr. Collins-1 do hope Mr. Moderetor that you will rula.this motion out of order. Did coo ever hear of such in proceeding. Mr. Sinmens—Mr.Modernt or.this Is estrange proceeding. !admit I never heard of °nen° it. nordo I think any person else did. The tix•we have been placed in by the action of the Presbytery is whet I anticipated. It has charged Dr. Clark with a grave offence, and now proposes to allow him to come in and it himself by a written statement. e brother In his remark. seents to forget 'the fact that his client has plead gullet, or at least - that his canine' has admitted the facts charged, and now offer an appology for his action which they desire to substantiate by bra Statement. We did not compel nor even ask them to plead guilty to the charge. as we are prepared to mate out a taxa against Why - then does the connect complain of beirtg compelled to take the lead in this matter. He certainly wbuld not to prove that Miss liawke, wee not insane in order to mate out our ease. If that is Dr. Clark's plea and he has admitted the facts, he must aubstantinte It by evidence. ! • • .. The prosecution haring announced that they had nothing to offer at this time. the Modera tor called upon the defense to proceed. Dr. McLean said he would first offer an Ana dmit from Dr. Corwin, of the Lunatic Asylum at Harrishur;,•. The eflidasit set forth that Miss Hawke" had been en inmate of that iristitu- , . Dori, nod when brought there was Laboring under great exhnuation of the nervous sys tem, produced by overexertion and too coo stant and tont inuedapplication. The affidavit further set forth that when she left the hos pital her health was greatly Improved and her idled retires, went - pl. Me. John Ikon, sworn.—l am acquainted with Miss Lillie Haw - kes: have been acquaint ed With her for a R.-pod length of time; I re member of seeing Mies Lillie !towhee in this church, eta supper In this church given to the teacher. ido you wish me to go on and make a full statement?) That evening. sir, there was n long table at the opposite elde of the room. for people to eat from, and there were a greet many pews In front, and Miss Haulms was sitting about half-way back In this room: I was standing neer there Whine toe lady; Dr. Clark walked up to Miss Hawker and commenced talking to her; in a few moments I noticed that Miss Hawke' was very much excited..her fare was rem - red. I was a little elarmed. end I walked to Mr. Clark and I mld, "Mr. Clark, that girl is going to take one of those spells to-night, and it will make an ugly thing in this meet- Ile mld, "do 1 you think so?" and I replied, "Look at her now." ISW her come time afterward sitting at the back part of the house and Mr. Bell was sitting beside her. I never knew that there we, a promise of mar dage until after these letters were cumulated round.• I recollect oaring to Dr. Clark after that, that I thOught her manner showed that she would be under excitement at any time; I seas really ale et her_comiltion when I saw her that evening. Cross-examined-Ithink that meeting was about the 'Xlth of November, 'Elk there were two or three persons sitting with Misillawkes when Dr. Clark approached her. Mr. Lockhart as one of them ; there were no other gentle men near he I observed the excitement In her looks and manner: I donut know what co curred between her and Dr. Clarkat that time; I was afraid she seas going to take one of those spells; I only knew - from report that she was In the Hospital at Harrisburg. I have no knowledge of a marriage contract between the parties: I don't know that the lady ever had env of them sne_lls. i~e-dlrcct-i was intimately acquaintett with Miss Hawkes ; she was is member of this con gregation and a teacher in the tlabbatt,school. and sang in the choir for 50111 C time: I think I am capable of judging of her appearance. Cross-examined—Do you say positively that she was deranged: or likely to be that evening. or did you only Imagine each to be the case:• I thought she gave indications of Inmnity ; I do not know wheii she quit singing in the choir. Q. Do you know why she left the choir . ? Wltnesa—l don't think•l. s.-- i . hl4'iinii - h;l7l'ai6 : ii;lng . to isitb ebb' rase.' • - • I?2,lestipo overntledb,i the Moderator.. • V. , Nomll rnoOurf sworn—Am acquainted with Mist Lillie Hawker. at a festival in this church I expressed my opinion to Dr. Clark relative to her-mental condition; I told him I did not think she Jails altogether , well: I re ferred to her mini.l make of the fact that she,svas not capable of takini Maine of her school: I told him that she had said that she • . • . . . . . ould not concentrate her mind fur any length .f thue on any one subject. This was to the atter part of October and the second time 1 poke to blot was about the ant of November "Ott: 1 begged of him to copsider the matter Zd ea co rt . i , estly , : c og ; izt s c o llife . :ll l y h Lo t a o ll co ts 'der the interest of his people when he came to throw bin atl] affmtions in the balance; 1 could not say that t was intimately acquaint ed with 31Ies Hawkes; have watched her ten , chsvely and had a very deep interest in her welfare. after 1 had heard of her 'sick ness. 1 do not rernemoer exactly when tbis conersation occurred, but it must hate been be v fore the 15th of November; 1 have not • • • teen In the haldt of advising Dr. Clark; this was the only . quertion on wtitch lever advised him: I certainly did not know OW* Promi. e of inarringe existed at this t ime. Cross examined-1 did not too.. lutmnise of marriage existed. Dr. (lur k of re"rgale.a me tthoe subject o a r s e n. " n 7 counsetied t' Dr. Clark by letter the letter was relating to his marriage with Mien hawked ; advised him not tomsrr3 - her. Mr. Pturgeon—Whj , did you advise him not to mare Miss Hawke - al' Defendants object. Quests ruled out bythe Moderator. When I told D. Clerk that I del not think Mlss Ilawkes entirely . well, MT opinion won based upon rumor. 1. know that Miss Hawk. visited the Asylum the second time; I know the fact by letters from Dr. Curwin, which I have seen—l do not know that she was there to be treated; I learned front a lady who was misled In the muse building that Miss h ll e a r w sch es . w l, at i n e. ot r, eze ir.. ble of .. ta i k nu ng .. e u, harg fri e ,„ ..o d f of hers that she was not capable of . concen-' trating her mind on boy- one subject. I was entirely Ignorant of the existence a any en gagement at that time; I was lead to believe (non his actions that there was something of the kind ealsting; I did not intimate_to him that 1 knew anything of an eitutegeinent. A. C. Dwarf, swore—T arn acquainted with I Miss Lilile Hawkes; have had conversations with Dr. Clark relative to her mental condi tion; On the evening following. the festival In this church, at his gaudy, I felt it my duty to state to him what I had oboe is for tibi Interest and the interest of his congregetion. I stated to him that I. had observed. that she wan very mash excited and appeared to be flighty; there was no regularity in her road duct, and that I thought her mind was weak. • , I .•a. tearful at thte time from what I had seen that there might be an engagement and I thought It my duty to tell him. whet I knew; Tir.• &lark le not acenstobied to comnit m and take my advice: I noticed the eucitemen both in:her j words and actions. Cross-examined—Q. Tell ue some t r sh said? A. She had a baguet In hey Is and when a gentleman approached her laid: when vile men; touch not ay baguet with thy vile bands." Q. What else didshesey7 - - Mr. Conine objected to this mods of efees exAmlnation. He mad that it wan net the In. (ration of - the defense to puree; Hine Miss Hawken • insole, but merely 'that Dr, Clark had been spoken to. and Informed by numerous myrtles that she was not sound in mind. • Mr. Sturgeon—lf that is all the defendants propose to prove. we will admit It.„ and save the trouble of proving It. There has donbt less been a great deal said to Dr. Clark, too much. indeed. and it was-that talk that has caused the whole dliffetilty. The witnens has stated that be formed his opinion from the • - actions and words of MissHawket," . fedi now ask him what those words we. - The, Modtrator'euled the question net of order, or landmiptible. ' I After considerable discussion the decide's of the chair was appealed from. Mr: Collins made a lengthy speech In fay.r, of the railing of the cher _Mr.Ticonsons said that the gentleman iesoq ed to forget that there wise pottier besides Dr. Clark who.ores Interested in the result of this hearing, that Miss Hawke, was seriously affected ,by this general decimation of the witness,. made before Oils andienne, artless this prossecutio idloWed-to. efintilre Pao the matter in Itsross-examlnation sea see II there Wereany gotegiatitaltor these seeming ly vague suspicions which seemed to have been communicated pp Dr. Park by .his too rennin, Mends. ' • • The appeal was sustained. one member, M. Dean, toting to sustain the Chain Q. if anything, was sold upon which you formed an opinion as to her mental condition? A. There wan soomihlng saki I tabou • leer dollar. but Ido not remember what t w as . Q. Whet were the actions? A. It was her renting abodt the roue from one person to anotbenlihe acted like no other lady intim Ml= on Quit 'one - salon, but did nothing Imprudent. W. /f.Lockhearflaworn—l know Miss Lillie Hawkes; spoke to Dr. Clark relative to Miss Ilawkes' mental condition. 1 cannot remem ber the exact time. It was In relatiowtoMiss Henke? conduct and manner, on that night.: I told Qklm that she 'acted different from anything 1 had ever seen of he ~ dht not . see each of her, m 1 was nt the table most of the time; I told him that she had acted ver7lWrardiri nmo familiar with Dr. Clark; am not accustomed to fare him advice; was not aware at that time Clark s and s engagement existed between Dri Clark and Miss Ilsiwkr; eirerdlwawe 4.4 '1 pened which imereased Itself upon thind,. Cross-euunined--1- spoke to soma ohe else about her conduct., do' not know why I was so particular in speaking to • Dr. Clark-of the =LOT: did not 'Suspect , that the- Dr. was martin:Him Hawke.. Q. Whey ut nor word of Mire Havrkep caused you to form your opinion relative the condition of her mind? . 131 4Veted toViN4Colliiii - . 7 = 7 - - s gArr st tnr i ge 4d vriii ti rl decided pmpere. sod he lusisdell slur; , , . 4 • , rbe Modern:no' ruled that ceder he' r deeinion of Presbytery the question was admissable. A. • 1 -fdrtoodnw opinion. from her actions. She Irms prier to that time a; backward girl. and we neve r could get her to take a leading any oar meetings, and on this even. rd hef ini=enitot hroic, Tenw dnt- Il rs twt hke es at : p 7 Mr 'nev .T er o menl be e tb 7My Se"ra—b"4 •7tar er ;:au h:"" :, Clark to my knowledge. S: Ichad, oworn—AtOacraintipl With Minn Mil Hawke,: lleyer ;ma , an state ment to Dr. Clark of her mental condition. - Mr. Collins here stated that for the present the defendants would restlthe cue, but would reserve the right to offer rebutting testimony. After considerablediscussionon the part of Drs. Md Lean and Collins, whose knowledge of local affairs Is none of the most brilLtant, the defense were requested to proceed with the case. Mr. Timmons said he was ready to proceed, but he denim! It to be understood beforehand, that he was not content to be moderated by Drs. McLean and Collins. He desired to know whether they teeter. offer only such matter as the defense might consider rebutting testi mony. He was willing to submit to the rul ings of the Moderator, and as soon as the pro secution knew if the defense had closed their . . case, they were ready to proceed. Atter some further discussion, the Presby tery adjourned to meet nt 7 o'clock. LVENLNO SEMION. Mresbytry reassembled at ball past seven o'clock, and was opened with prayer by the Moderator. •• • . Mr. Timmons proposed to call. Dr. Clark tO prove tha brok e n ntract or promise o In ar rage wits before the thsteflxed the evidence, for the purpose of showing that he had made up his ruind_to break the engage ment before he had received the gratuitous Information from his friends relative to it. Dr. McLean objected to calling Dr. Clerk upon the stand. He sald It would not be per mitta inn civil court and this court shou ld not permit such practice. If the prosecu tion wanted to fix tho dote of this occuisanCe they must do It by some other. witness than Dr. amt. the defendent. Mr. Collins els° objected to the calling of Dr. Clark. He said the defense could not ex- • • pee, Dr. Clark to make Out their case. The Moderator decided that the Irltriess be . . . called sod sworn. and then It an improper question was asked, It could be ruled out. Dr. J. D. Clark swamp—Question by Mr. Stur geon: When did you ,'make TM your mindlo brook this Promise of marriage with Miss MIMME99!I ground that It was testimony In chief. and second. that If the prissecntion desire to fix a date, they must tix. It by some other person than Dr. Clark. . The question was submitted to the Presby try and deddedin the negative. Mf ffewkes, sworn—The festival think was on the Md of November; Dr. Clark paid me considerable. attention that evening which wee the reawn for 'MT acting in the manner described: Q. Did the fact that you were Folemnly enzaged to be married, account for your free dom of action on that occasion, Objected to by Mr. Collins. Objected to by Er. McLean on the ground that the question was Mr. Timmons I will change the question. What induced Tonto net freely Dr. Clark on that occasion. Objected to by Mr. Collins. Mr. Sturgeon—l will put the question-In another torn. . . Q. Was there anythhtg in your relations with Dr. Clark that accounted for your acting that way. t.. I was veil - happy la the expectation of marrying Dr. dark, and was conscious of feel ing perfectly well. Q. Did Dr. Clark say anything during the evening that was calculated to inspire your confidence. •. . . tr, je Hct rt ed to as being Irrelevant. . ad Dr. Clark promised In the early pa CI that evening to accompany You home? 4.. There was an understanding to this edeet. • Objected to by Mr. Collins aabeing irrelle rant. What Is the gentleman atter? - Mr. Timmons--11 Mr. Collins will just keep his sent a few momenta he will see what we are atter. Mr. Collins—l have rights here. Mr. Modera tor, and am entitled to respect from the gen tleman. Q. Did Dr. Clark ever call on you after that festival? . A. Ile did. Did Dr. Clark ever renew his promise to marry von after that evening? A. Me did.. Q. When was It? A. It was one Sabbath night in December. • Mr. Collins objected. He said that the fact of the engagement and breach of promise was admitted by Dr. Clark and It was not compe tert to prove that another engagement had been made and afterwards broken. ' The ad missions of Dr. Clark were general and In cluded all the engagements. tax Sturgeon— l can hardly bring my mind he point of beleiving that the gentle men believe all they pretend to. They proposed and attempted to prove this morning that Dr. Clarki-had broken this engagement on the strength of the judgement of others. who had been kind enough to inform him that Mies Hawke , was not sound in mind and called witnesses for that purpose. We now propose to show by this witness that Dr. Clark was not controlled in his salons bythisgratuitous .advice and they object. If it is their desire that . we shall prove nothing and accept the statement of Dr. Clark as extenuation for the offence charged. Mr. Collins —Mr. Moderator. I call the gentle. men to order. Mt. Sturgeon—l ant to order. You have thrust this duty upon me. and I will perform Dim the best of my ability. I have tights In thin Presbytery as well as the gentleman, and this young lady in also entitled to the protec tion of this Court. and so long as I occupy the position I do. I shall see that her rights are maintained. and that she vindiested.i The quention was now submitted to Presby tery. and it was derided to admit the answer. Q. I;et its have the exact words of Dr. Clark un that ocension: ' .. A. Ile said: "Lillie, we will be married this coming year now , let there -be no more ,talk about the matter. Let come what wel— come weal ur wile—limor die--elak or swim— urvive or,perish—ire belong to each other." ' Q. Dld the Doctor at any time after this fee. pivot ear anything to you about your mental eaketwa Or emit* it ae a reason for r l aking the engagement f [ • A.. He never made any allusion to my mee t weakness. _Q. Did be ever ask you to be • relieved from V. ' l n i r elTtr e l L Cress-euse ' s ‘ rteed.—Q. How doer It on'. - Miss Hawke. that on the day of DCcetri... tree. nineteen days after, the engagement was 1 .z. , le wed? , A. Decease during the time Intervening ,m the time of the festival until the Imth of December. the question wee undecided: that hr. It was open; we were disuniting the op. position of the people to Our ttlarliM4ll. end on the 12th he gave his Anal decision.. Q. If it was an open question, how can yon say that TOII considered yomeelf entrACCO to Dr. Clark 'on the night of the festival / A. Bemuse be had previously said that not but my health obould foment the roneorn . mation of our marriage; we' re engaged we prior to that time, and the month for our mar -1 liege get. but WWI feu on account of the 'ptri-lgt7. of the th oti mesa e 'lrop irhen you COT that it , vas an o pen question. or had been postponed on account of the opposition of the people-k r A. The engagement was really neverbmken, but Dr. Clam proposed to me to reconsider the poor lan. Dr. sai dL math not anderstand the wit ness. and d that he could not reconcile her ' statements. Mr. eturgeon—l object to Dr. McLean Yea- Mg the ease wi the witness. If he commit comprehend the! languae of Miss Hawke. he. must be exceedingly Stu and shonld not Ind fault with Milo Hawke tor hie own stu pidly, . The Moderator called the brethren to nrrler. Miss Hawke* thought she could explain. The engagement wan never , really broken off, tatirely-held in abeyance:. ,1A the time Dr. Clark wee 'mien* histeklest letters his inter views were of adifferent character. Q. Do you mean to say that Dr. Clark gave no hint to you after that fettled that he war, afraid of the condition of your mind. A. Not that I remember. and I certainly WOOI4 have remembered It If he had done so. Be-direct.—Q.. In answer to the Doctor's tmeation you apoke of opposition er talk about that t ezter m ent. Vrtil you tell the nature of A. All I know about the matter:la what Dr. Clark told me. He said he had got a letter from Mr. Taggart: herald that Use Mold. had Raid that It was not wine for a minister to marry one of his Owtl congregation. Cross-examined.—Did Tot learn from the Doctor the entente of that letter, A. I only knew what Dr. flack told um of At. I never read It. . dgonDonTn never "t anything 01 roar c'' ' ' A. - Ile did not that I recollect of, I would not nay pordtively that hr did not, It hae been so lonresge. !dome receDect anything of the kind. Q. :cot be not have mentioneU the fact. without you recollecting tt. ' ,A. He might have done go. hut I do not re member It. Crogmexamed —Q. w e the Migagement which you any wits renewd on the CO day of December, been discontinued. A.l would judge ea front the contents of that last letter. The language of which Was "I wish no one to come near me except In the bonds of friend:Ale; • ' • . Mr.Tinutions.Mr.. - Moderator. we now pro-' pose to mbetent late Miss Hawkes testimony by producing Dr. Clark's letters, and also to prove by them Abet the outside pressure Peahen of had nothing to tin with break- lug the engagement. That although there was I a strogoutsidepreagure. • brought to bear. the Doctor withstood It all. and ftrther that the charge. of.mental weakness spoken of in Dr. Clarka statement, is not even hinted at In these letters. Dr. McLean objected. He said the testimo ny of Mini Hawke was trot disputed, Indeed , Drs forte tertined toly her were edroitted . g 1 Dr. Clark. and they cannot now bring In , dente to prove that which we have admltted.l And arils, Mkt the prelatic* le all. civil eccle siastical and other courts. when papers of any I character are offered In evidence to One sob- 1 mit them to the wenn,' on the ,opposlte aide 1 to examine, In order that they make their Ole iections. This has not been done, and are do not propene to have these private letters pa- laded before the public or produeedie this court, when they have no trearlegon the mat- tee at lane. , • _ .• . ~, ' . • l • Mr. Tlmmone—Dr. McLean appears to be ex ceeding dull of coMprehenalou. We do not {notate to offer a letterfor the pew referred to by him. We have a few letters which refer to the matter. under consideration, vial Dr. , Clark's reasons for breaking the engagement_ Thequestion which has been forced, upon a. to try Is simply this—Were Doctor Clarka reasons for breaking his engagement with I Miss Hawkegvalid and to discover that I son' mustAirSt aguritain what hill Lrelleemi 'were. We are vet - bond to accept' his rtate meat ns evidence and It Is for the purport of coatradiming It that we offer throe !eaten. Dr. McLean—Thought the defendants might as well Myth. Bible ottthe table and ask the prosecutors to read It aver from Dennis to 'Revelations. He net willing to admit more on in that Tweet than the letters would prove. He objected to the admission of the letters in testimony In any meaner,. shape or form. If the Presbytery so desired they might held CprinteeldellirteltMett zed havethe let tere ready Out auto submitting them to this court he Wituld Vote "no"-ell the time. Kr. Colllns—._ ,Is it proper to present throe lot lenges corroborative Of MI. Hawke+ Unti mely and es rebutting the fact related ;by Dr. Cjark that be justifies hlmaelf In breaking off „Itieclinirtsqp accir e n t e t tit Otte: , n mental , r , 021i: &mined. and the omit have not sae them, and again If there was anyresson that they should be rotated Into this trial thee could nai l be ndmitted for therepeon that the proper of- neer of this Court liked forthem In order that they might be pu b ton file. • Thefi r T n Zetted 1 ' Mee thil lerTi to.II _Wil d n o o k r • cif note r mol • sense Dag these letters cannot be admitted' ' I =-.410 - eeurred , ort the opposite i aide have made a labored argument to ex clude these letters: He says that they are not familiar with- the. contents of these letters. We do. not pree to offer ell the letters. Tine defendant irelfarnis eatrdsdy fansUlar With the Contents Of there letters. If not. who wu? •-- • '' - • ...Mr. Oolibur—Will If.r.Stergeral elleer me to 1 ask Wm it Otlegtloal - - • Mr. SterreotryCertainly. • , Q. Can yantell the ems:ante - of the list of the one evened letters eon brae written? ~,..A.'l. never w'r'ote a half dozen love lettere " - INi l l i r t o e t . , ' ,Mr intention to offer all. those let ters to the Preebytery in evidence: Our bro ther on the other aide need have no fears of that. - There are too many Of them. I would CCM not read - them before this audience for half of AlleghenyWe desire, however, to read enough of 'them to refute the charges and alle gations that Miss Hawkes was insane, and prove be them that Dr. Clark himself did not believe her mind diseased. I plodemtor—lt seems to me that this matter need 'not be argued nay further. If the prose "Om have a paper to present. let it be pre sented. It can be considered afterward. .Mr. Collins—l hope, Mr. Moderator, that these letters will nut be Prewuted to be read In evidence. They even propose to present ex tracts from the letter., which would be very ' unfair. The counsel, when he made the, offer. exhibited the entire package of letters, and his colleague says they do not propose to read them. I hope they wilt agree among them selves. • • Mr. Tlmmons—The gentlemen over the way seem to be in a strait, and ffnd fault with our manner of conducting this cane. I will say Just here That Mr. Sturgeon and I have agreed upoffevery point proposed lathe case, and we have endeavored to try it with the utmost fairness, and we Intend. if possible:to go through with it in that manner to the end, not forgetting, however, that the young lady who stands here unprotected has rights as well as the defendant, and that it is our duty to bare them enforced, and if in our Power we will do it. We do not propose to read all the letters, could not do it if we desired. as the person who has them in charge is reluctant to part with then, The Moderator stated thet whatever papers were Proposed to be offered should be laid be fore the Court, and the question of their ad o/Usability could then be determined. Mr. President, t propose to offer an extract from lettor so. in In evidence. Mr.MoLesm—What do you propose to prove. by it? Sr. Sturgeon—l will give you the language. Levier 1t MCLeaa—No, no; we 'don't' want to hear It. Mr. Sturgeon-1 thought not. • Mr. Mclean-1 protest, Mr. Moderator, t • this matter going Worn Presbytery In thi marker. •• .•••• . Moderator—lf the counsel for the Prosrca tion are willing. as they propose, to nohmit these t his to the counsel for examion. I think this difficulty might be brough to an end. • • mfr. Timmons—Mr. Moderator, we will sub mit the papers on one condition. and that Is, that they be returned to us. We coil can get them on no other consideration. Moderator—All papers • entrusted to this Presbytery are safe. Mr. Sturgeon—We are fully none of that fact, Mr. Moderator: but It is XICTertheICIIS the custom of Presbrtery to place papers en file. and It is difileuleto get them off. It was to this fact. brother Timmons referred. Ur. McLean—That Is n fact. Mr. Moderator. When papers are read before this Corns, they become the property of Presbytery, end make up a part of the record: but I preentme there would be be no objection In this case to re "'Rile . 4 51=tor not willing to decide the Spoint, submitted It to Presbytery, when it was ecured that the letters. If submitted. should be returned. Mr. Wallace stated that, swing to certain engagements. it would ne t mpossie for him to be present at the nex meeting. and he therefore desired that Presbytery should,e lect a Moderator for the morning ..1.10. On motion, Rev. .I. C. Steel wag chosen Moderator. Presbytery then adjourned to meet this morning at nine o'clock. • • REUNION. The Close at an Analsersery blade and 'essays and General Plenintre.. The ...Anniversary 'reunion': of the Second Presbyterian congTegation. held at their church but evening, was no elegant end ex ceedingly pleasant occasion. Following the exercises of the preceding day, and partici pated in with a joyous nod enthusiastic spirit imbued by what had preceded. it formed a most delightful consummation of ono of the most memorable and happy erns In the church'. eventful history. The attendance was extraohlinarily large. not less than a thousand pennons being pres ent, and coming and going during the evening. The young and the old, merry-hearted and sedate, the gay, the gifted. the beautiful—all were represented and entered with a hearty test into the pleasure of the time. As the guests arrived they ascended to the euditorhoo of the church, where for shout no hour they were entertained with • select mu sical soiree. conducted by the Allegheny Quar tette Club, assisted by the excellent choir of the church, which contained about no hour pleasantly, and In the most agreeable man ner. Shortly' - after seven o'clock the exer cises were interrupted. and thecompany descended to the lecture and Sabbath school rooms, where a rare and elegant feast awaited them. The rooms were most beautifully dec orated with festoons of evergreens and delvers, fresh. bright and fragrant , the beauty of which was farther enhanced by the presence of feathery warblers which filled the rooms with the sweetest meted!, ••. . • . One of the waltalcontaleed in large figures of evergreen. '7010." the date of Dr. Howard's entrance as pastor. and opposite a similar green decoration marked ..1g0." no the time to which kis pastornte had extended. More noticeable, however, than the ever green. or - dowers. were the large ta ble. - upon which the - repast—enough to ect an epicure venal with delight, had been spread- There wail a profusion of fruits and pastry and Ice cretin and candles, and the In numerable coneolultantauf the emdectioners' art, and all net off with trunry linen and sr malted with such exquisite grace and beauty. that at once the tables became the center of all eyes and the praise of nil tongues. It • needed no second In vitation to induce the attendants to usemble around the festal board; end once there the supreme pleasure exhibited . hr battening the tiluppeanince of the edible'', wu in the hhfli est degree exhiliatating.• This put of the ceremonies being concluded the company were in excellent condition for the team of pleasure wel friendship which fol lowed. Time would faint to tell of. it. and It need not be recounted for In the memory of 01.1. the recollection will ever In' sufficient. There were no funnel exercise% throughout the arm, which made It doubly plea/min. The helot ell Dr. Howard. received innny and alneere congratobillons and could not but have been touched by the love and sympathy with which he was everywhere greeted. Mnny more enbstantial token.. how rat, esteem than words were given. which eve k ere nown only to the grateful recipient and the liberal donor, The ..Reunion" dosed at a seasonable hour. and the anniversary exercises, which marked the twenty-first year tea misdate'''. maturate over one charge were over. In all Its obser vance It was pleasant and the result cannot bet be felt hereafter in dour bonds of friend ship and renewed veneration between Pastor and people. Tb• Spring bowler Heat, ta. Hale, dust Taller. at comer of Penn avenue nod Sixth wrest, Is now lama end ...Diet , Mon sieur Boupsiin eontinnee to preside at the en t tint- tt Chliders'otSirfter. erholegaleand rttail;at 71 thalthEcld street. I= Vise looking rh.e...d picture . frames R. Loughridse's. Bmlalleld street. • Brembev4 kinds of brush.s of nor own mainifnctare, at Lougbridne. 171 Smithfield street. • Umlife deal, what men admire. And this little thing is Beauty. What do live any le beautiful?. A tianaparent complexion and ► luxuriant head of hair. What will produce these? Hegan's Magnolia Balm will make any lady of thirty appear but twenty; and Lyon's Kathalron will keep every hair In Its place, and make It grow like the Aprll grass. It pre vents the hair from turning, gray. eradicates Dandruff. and la the finest lialr Dressing In the world, and at only half ordinary coat. If you want to get rid of Sallowness. Pimples, Itlngdnarka Moth-patches, etc.,-don't forget the Magnolia Balm.. . tater = 188oNALD—At 1181 booth Avenue, Mender moraine. st 8 tectect. WARY A. rebel of Minoan Ml/naiad: , - Funeral Genie. o . .krek TORStUT MORNING. The tennwed to Wellerille by C. d P. M. It. for Intentontl. Menet. of the family are re- WieCifelly Welted. lIMHRON—At 0 . ({0{11 P. X.. Pandoy. liar 13in. WILLIAM MXILRON, Fr., In the Ith yew of hl. Pabitha rilletelarb b tnet„ et 2 °Wort r. 8.. from lata emblem Mtherwille, Thirteenth .are. Iterthiee at the b anes at :kW, victual. r. m. Cimages will /care rldrialla k bane wall at 2 toieloet r. M. 111.103'11f 'the family are reeneettally toenail to attena. • Lirruc-o. 3londay morning. May 1111th. at II of ttAClflgt, G RACY, only daughter of John and Aona U. lAttte. aged l'eant and 3 The funeral ~fit take place from the parent*' M- Ideaea.lrinlY/I Wylie arced. Tate ArTritnoon at ITelnek. The (demi, of the family aro. re.pect fall, Welted to attend. KASARINE. A POMAhlt CiARRAXTICI ' I ,; rOI:F7T - 0 ' Ai DRAT Mill. Also. Kidder, & Wetberal's Raven Ink, Tna.LMK,4ekllbl.lel la the I ,msetet. ii tedla Ner Cvery Dotal 7 ", 1 4 1 Genuine French Glove Cleaner ForUCWn[iM Glows. *or gel, 11. L.H.ROSENBACII'S Fategt Medic lie and Perfaine Depot, 40 eatnitnim gri!ser. JOHN M. I . OOPE# & CO. Bell and Brass Poly:dere, ENGINE, LOCONIITIVE AND ROLLING RI BRASSES Wade Promptly t i o Order. BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Itumfae ' pm i xers of J. M. Cooper'aßnproved Balance Wheel • STEAM PTJMP. 0111e6-1111a PRICK STREET. Foundsr--Cotn . ... sr MU and RAILROAD STREETS. FRIMORh th EKE:W.-100 Ws. Louisville Hp &sidle Cement. the Mn to me. Tar r.d. DT CAIITIZLD. • 141 TUDiareno. SPECIAL NOTICES Orrlcr. orTIIr GA%1.1 51 ./ .10. 1100. grin DIRECTION OPTHE BOARD VF TittireTEPPr thia Compeer. until further nutlet, the price of Coal Tar .011 ho ONE B DOLLARAN ND TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (M PER ARREL, And that id Coke grill be foot . OP cants per boshel In the yard. end five (5) cents delivered vrithln the weal bounds. =t= mila Treasurer. _ . • Err .1 MEETING OF THE - STOCK HOLDERS of tbobll , lll AVENUE-BANK of PlUsbugh will be WAS on TIIPBSDAT INO.lune 9th. et 8 o'clock. In ilifT3lll HALL. N 0.241 Fifth arena, for the P.M.. , of amend- Itut emmtltution and spprof al of myl2:wif3 - g-DlVll►E\ll.—The Board of Di ' RECTORS of the Fifth Avenge Bank have talc day declared a dividend of $3 falr 'there, free crewcut nod State Tutee, payable on and IM!!!EE=11 = r= Turk, NanoNAL BANE, Plrrnotinnfl, PA.:) PliTeheltau, Hay 7.11170- DTDIVIDEND.—The Directoro of this Bank have this day declared divi dend of SIX PEN CENT. oat of the eantinim of the ,last sirmonths , free of all taxes. payable on id alter the Hlth JOHN B. LIVINOSTONE. Cashier. =1 Orrecc or Prerurrnanon n Ma o y s 3rBlo .t arAT MEETING OF THE BOARD of DIRECTOIIS allele Company held thin do i • 11 Dlcidend was declared lof MX DOLLARS 00,....t0r0 payable on demand. free of Sa t oriel T.. D. C. HULTZ. ray Secretary. - - - GERMAN NATIONAL BANk Or PITMIMPOILI PlTlSlBettall, May 4th. 1870. S rr - THE DIRECTORS OF THIS ssss Bank have declared a dirldend or SIX PER CKNT.illi on the Capital Stork Ind "the evenings of the last Mx months, payable to Storkholders or their least representatives on and after the 12th lost., tree of all Uses. titys,oo JOS.I.A (TRENT. Cashier. EXCIIANOP: NATIONAL n•NIC. PITTEOCIIITIL May 3d.1870. 11:i.TIIE BOARD •OF DIRECTORS bare Olt% day declared I of FIVE PER CENT. ut of the enrnincr of the Out oda Tothfive of all taxer. peraole Aft. , the 10th hut. _art Oar A. LONG. (.'goblet. irr DIVIDEND. VlTlncrin NATIoNai. llArm. INTreschun. Day 3. 11N90.i The Directorsof thin Dank have this des de clared is dividend of YOUlt AND ONE DALY PER CENT.out of the pronto. of the last sit months. peysbleend after the 10th inst.. free of Gov erntneut t at. mirlinal IL IL WILSON. Assistant Cashier. BANK Or Pirmirami.i May 3d. 1870. D:r THE PRESIDENT AND DIREC TORS of thin flank hare this day declared a Dividend of PPM PKB CENT.• on Ile Capital Since, out of the moats of the last els month, which will tie paid to atiektinidemor their free f,- resentatires, on and after the 13th Ina!, of Government. State and local taxes. 1211 , CRLI W. aosEntat.:, Cashier. Ormr. WESTLIIS Corm,. xii.l 111"Th.t ,0 .. M.) 3. IS7O. • The Boarcl of Montoya of Chia CompanY have dar declared a Dividend of Five Dollars pon each share of the Capital littett, out of th all entitle of tho laat month, free of Gov . meat and dude lazea, payable to Stoekholde n and after the 10th Inst. niHmO WM. P. HERBERT. Socretary ?WASHINGTON AVENUE. • ELECTION NOTICE: An election will be held at the tavern of Thou Alderson. on eei6 Weehington Steno.. In-Scott township. on 111KICIF:S. DAY. the and day of June. 1870. between the house of 12 st. and 7 to elect SILVEN t'KItoU?B to mime as a Board of Commissionere of eald , Atenne until the third Fri day In April. 1871._ Slyorder of the Dowd. mY•:wSr:uT JOTIN GII.FIt.LF.N, Prefarlent. BOU:'iT Y., • • $lOO Bounty Collected For all ...tidier* who enliated between May 4th and July thad. 1561. who were diseharged Ter dlttabil hy before Nerving two Tenn. and who hare hereto- fore received no bounty. The underahmed has removed his °Mee to Gd. terra Building. Orwrier tilrrth aventrennd Smithfield Mil... and is now prepared to alien claims speed: By and at moderate rate.. lilt on.or adder... with stamp. B. F. DROWN. . Claim Agent. grirc Corner Cloth arenas and Smithireld greet. Pittsburgh. Pa. Er PUBLIC SOTlCE—Having been = , TOR for Allegheny enmity. notice litherehy Klee. that ante the tieceasey Melee and Mechanical Teet he( Maehilery ran be proOded,l hill be tutted at the OFTICE OF TIM NATIONAL I,OI::VDRY I= =I = CANDIDATES 0 - FUR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, Of. Marshall Township. sublect to the decision of the Union Republican County Convention. irr FOR COUNTY COMIUSSIONPL BENJAMIN DOUTHETT Of Indiana township, Is a candktale foe County Conswissloons. In subordination to the derision of the Republican Convention. Est modal In rebus. apTortRIET THIRTY-FOUR ACRES Fine Suburban Residence, ON 01110 RIVER, AT NEVILLE A t On FILIDAT. May Mlrih. at 11 'lust, will be 'old by auettomon the premise.: the Morena' of Mr. Thomas Bakewell. at Nerille. • station on the P.. Ft.l4.uld P.R. W.. about MI celestes ride from town. The pounds ember.* 34 acme in a high atate of cultivation. thickly ;dented with grape. : Pmrs, apples and other fruits. and highly orna mented with evenreen, chide and forest toms. shrubbery and bosom A winding avenue of pay grade Made from the Manna to the dwelling:which ottlSPlte a sinonaudiug WOO^. In the contra of the grounds. Tbe acenic views obtabitableinim thin Mibit ere really magnincent. The adjacent country for miles around, mid the. beautiful wind ing Ohio liewickley Point, are visible from nay- O every pinion of these premises, It Is • garden mod, and to he ape meat be seen. The hues, Is •aubstantlid and elegant double frame Moreton,. wilts front, beet and side porches: eva sion. balomy. restibule. hall. psrlor.with by win dole; sitting p.m. library, with hey VIZZOOW, din the room. kitchen, with range. hot and cold water. and water. tank; Ito chambers tin second floor: bath, water chest. finished .to storerom. 000,1 dry cellar with heating funiecoormh house. Ma thieu) tubs and other couvenlences. Marbleirsi slate mantles Ln all 'the rooms. The entire build ing verympete order : la of nicelent etric. nod 'has a handwrite appearance. The outbuild ings are extemdre, embracing carriage him.. horse and cow stables tool house, chicken house. Ice boom , sailing Mini and obeertatory. The old Jack manakin, • comfortable boom, la oleo on the This proPerty ta within the Omit. of the • of Melee's, In • highly cleanable beie lambood for • residence. Is approachable by the Brighton road. and Is rlatt at the railway elation, where almost hourly connection with the city Is afforded. It Is the desire of the owner that this property shall be 'saki In one piece, end decided In ducementa will be offered to accomish that object. As sat resort. however. those ;'Went In divisions tothe demands of at the sale.. The premises will be open for iropectlon for three days prior to the sale. • • . •. . • Tinibm—Onottilel ebah.belebee In three eq , 7eerl7 paytuents. with Interest, beented br be A. LEGGATE, AUCTIONICKR Livingston & Co. I=l CASTIN G S. - shielatZVAlrd' w ..°`" .4." 1 ,1, 1 ,11 t &Maas of Halkters' i nsrowaso A/srass oo [Mot oliod Works, near Outor Depot,geghsoy Qty. ftstoMoe ■ sslOress, Look ens 3 . burgh. s2Fl LIS V.".ALTIMORE HERRING, SHAD, &c. —7 .1 . 1 7 1... .t. , : w 1 7 1e: r .5 it.AN 1:: : b.: 40.4.1 1: :... : . nem do Shad la barrels and halves: No.l or paraltestNo.!Weles of paeltstie9 , .. Vtir Mt= ers=7 " 4, l tr ' re . gart halves: Salmon In Ws; Holland lie na.looaelt• choice. Mot . wle loss to the trade. Ita and 1 . 711 Wood NNOTICE.—The asoesoment for Gm DING end PAVDiG or Pump elle/. fro= Sennett to Barnett alleys. le now ready for examl nation, end nen be men et this omen usitU THURS. DAY. May leih.lB7ll. when It will be pinned le the Inman of the CUT Controller for collection. CHARLES DAVI& Dnelncer. _ Ml= THE PARTNERSHIP - HERETS- YORE ecib li p o between 301 IN MeNULTY asil DILITER Cola* hulas. trader the aye, utile utY hetstron. wu thls day di. solved bY Maul eyeaurt. The business will be etteilued by_4olAFetru47, wto astern. all IW 0..., .T uaula utijanme r rald SAMBO}i. Prrturceoll. Ma 7 1/0.98. myth*. CHEAP TINWARE 7 Lc.. s$ = MMOMI _ FIN : OOLONG TEL-4ttst mewed ,st IWO. guarder:. of , extra grade Oolong to caddies, for lendlg mit - note goer to thgesargra: 1 0 , by ate pound or maids. lbe Family Ono eery Store JOHN A. RENSHAW. WAS Coma Liberty sod Math BUesta. REMOVALS. 11E110-V:IT, S. P. SHRIVER & CO. Have rem , red thenb..l , l and 211S511T)IFIF:t.D. to their Warehotme. Nos. lb and !it Liberty St., Above the head of WOOD STREI•rr. where LheY will be plearod to nee all their old frtendr and ow, tomer, S. P. SIIIIIVER:& CO., CZE REMOVAL =I Allegheny Insurance Company Ilas been reronTed Inn,. N 0.31 Fif try ot -oo t o, to NO. 67 FOURTH AVENUE, BETWEEN MARKET. AND WOOD STREETS =2 spnwl° lEMOVAL-FRED'K . SCHROEDER, L.'Merchant Tailor awl healer In Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods; also Gentlenien soil Boys' Clothing un hand end moan to order at the short est notice. has removed (non his Into stung. No. 02 Fourth avenue. to No. 31 WOOD STREET: rumor of Third aTenne. ItEMOVAL. The Pillohnrgh Bank for Baling% Ilas removed from N 0.87 to 81 YOURTII AYE NUC. In the 3terehonte end Manufacturers Flank b 11_1 REMOVAL. • ALDERMAN JAMES LINDSAY Hu removed his Once. from corner of Wehrter avenue and Washington sieved. to Nti.lli7 FIFTTI AVE:NUE. - asy,viie FMOVAL The Monongahela In:infante Company Haw ran:toyed Irmo No. 88 Water - Went to eonlar of Wood greet and Fourth avenue teem' N. n E ri aniPrj entJance on Fourth avenue aphota JOHN H. CLANEF. Secretary. WALL PAPERS NEW WALL PAPER. FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Market St., NEAI3 FIFTH AVE. We now tiger to the public a atork - of PAPER lIANOINGS nnancintased In the Wert for rtiziety nd ininni r or styles. embracing all the Novelties In FRESCO. MOSAIC. PERSIAN and GRECIAN DESIGNS In plain and bright callow. for Halle, innina Room, M. Ala, WOOD and 3IARBLE DECIIMATIONS. TINTED and GILT PARLOR PAPERS. withnn almort endlris rlet, of CHEAP SATIN PAPERS, WIDTH sod va EIRDWIC ULANKS for Chanthers. Ar. All of whleh weprcb pope to mall as low as the lowest In the market. Pall and see. at 'o. Rl7 Modal SI., near Fifth Avenue .1 OS. 11. IWGIEES & BRO. WALL PAPERS. Sl'lllN6, 1870. • PIZ ICES IZEDU (JED. 401N111 tin wide tints at 23e her roll. GILT—a great variety at 50e per roll. GLAZED—AII kinds atit.le per roll. ELEGANT French and American Paper no s-Melt Moose rurl liaa I m m at In t th pa ouy. W. P. MARSIINIES New IN - holesele end Itetall Stare, 191 LibertY street,Pittaburgh. mO4 FLOUR P EARL STEAK FLOURING MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO 31711ERSON & • MUIILANBRING, .iiercbant Tailors( 10 SIXTit ST ramr, (late St. Clair.l We have received a Lege end well se- Ireted Suck-,.•f the beat and) fashionable Goods In nor boa...great portion of no. which are our town importation. ' Farling confident of our ability in Rive perfect aatiefaction. respectly f root f on an earl eraminntion of our Flock of line 'loth, Coned mecca, 411 Vestlnga, 0. 3tcPLIEIISUN a mrui.Asnitts“. ro- bin N 4 .. 10 SlSthClint }l l i . E i t t Oe S el ( !I: VI: t, : .. i., !!!0T"E . \ ER' STRING GOODS psiont Medium( a WIG =! 2.l.ufeicturera of the fullowina relc:,mted breads of.Floun t4d Stne 'itvd thr z lied TA Vrie,"' 74,1 Ploui, superior toAng. of taVra Atoll 26.11870. NEW 3111,1,1NER1 TRIMMINGS. Mrs. S. C. Robb, NO. .►I FEDEIL STREET, MX= Kw , thinned from lbw Waitron 'titles with th LARGEST FINEST ftlection of Spring and Summer Millinery TRIMAIIIN GS Rter intrialuced Into this martet, and Is now pre pared to mind) her customers and the publte with the latest styles at the lowest prices prompt!). tor • PLANING MILL MEN And Others, TAKE NOTICE! The underpinned lbw fellow patent of the Uni ted States for the improved corudruction of wther-Wonting, inside lining and of welinthotteg for ea house.. The weather -boarding. by thin patent improvement. being More particularly intended for vertical use, and combinea great durability and entirely eppeatence, end it is to conatreeted ea to avoid the lbw of loin% strip. and to prevent antler fatm entering the Joint of theirs,. lett norhe showing Id the Joints by the action of the weather on the Umber Wilde lining and wainscoting by this now method see . wmatructed at tie f perfect panels es chesply as by the onlinar7 fif.rlng Imelda alone. thereby :717 p g rv' edPntblng the shgownnr,stl ogf Nthei. gon t f s w from la 9l commn o *norm as th ,Houldedreathea t lie has disposed of the following tereforial and shop rights in Allegheny ha unt). for both Wentz. town. To A. e'lfuvVlnunitt the a th e '"nt"' tr. To Detthewen & nought.. the right for the First ward, filltsburgh To Hili l. thaternon k Co shop rights for their . Alsz.AloCl¢n,. for rig borough of McKee. Puo. To Pinner & Paul. for }lnt, becued. Thief and Fourth ward, city of AlleWr To Heed Brother, log at their mill In Nev. e wool, nth city of All eny. To Dunham, Saint Co . for the boroughs of Shaotaburg and iltna; al. the townships of ilhaler and Indiana. All persons ere 'rented against thfrinentupon either Of mid patents , . and them wishing Int , nhase wilt plea. call, or addles* me, at he. 73 mithfield street, Pittaburnh. J. C. ANDERSON. Ornim Pri-xtunt• uun May 11. 187111. I . I)TICE TO CONTIt ACTORS.—SeaI ED for the tirmitng. Pat ing and Tilt Vt e lt i t4 " tWar - 1 7 1rt ' n a a Lt tun t y street to th I I O A I6 I IIPRISTII.F. '"' ET from Heil er street to Penn TAITAT wriumr frell3 Bedford to If treed. ra r lagillr Aridg thflgr - 41. 2 ,,% : :ctith treat to Tweny hth 'dont. CATIIHRIN ItLEY from I.aNe, street to Also street. Also for the con•tr.tion of the following lottble An IS inch pipe newer on DIAMOND STAN= front Preltbileiti street to Chen 7 WHY. An 18 Inch pipe sewer on ST PATRICILB AL LEY from Miltenberger alley toGlat street. Will he received at thie [Mice until o'CIOCk n. MONDAY. MAY 1/470. The Committ. Keen . . the right tothirtnor all bids. Speotilcattons and bleats for b ding a be had et this office. No bids will be received n leas to upon blanks furnished bb l ogee IL J. HOORN. _ City Ergthm NOTICF..—The Books for the,sub. squrrms of !toot Of the Crystal Spring Ice Manufacturing and Storage Company, _ Are now opened at -the Mechanics' Moine, Met: Na TS SMITHMELD IMRE= • ThlsCommany la chartered Of the reglidatuni of Panneileards. end boa are exciropio right of hianufsetortng Ice la the Oofroty of AlleghecY hi Cam . * celebrated Yrcoeh • JAM VI ornrs or ctvjxgrt . gpan ,l ll4. : NOTIM—The Assefslllolo6 f or the 041,71rtgroziry..mul 01;=::+ b ,74 , 0-„„r, iiiiM o 4VllP'3l b Air Wit' .hen it will A; to A. ci t y r,....mes Office tor 0, _ 0000. InT6 _ p DIA RUBBER 116DSING, 11056 AND Errerim PACKING Fax5,.1.141* ,. p..i wt" ... . J. tAa. rianz . ' At• Dis for ibis rs. def. rt iSSOLUTION OF ' , PARTNER• sinP.—Te.partnetablp bereulareerhttog bamboo J. T. Glass and Cbss. A. Lam, isms ander Um firm of J. T. clteas & Co., was this N 7 dbasolsad by mutual Consent • J. T. GLASS, la 8Q a% WHOLESALt GROCFIRSI&.c. Dilworth, klarper & CO. ) 213 LIBERTY_ STREET, ii F 4 , -11F HI AD oF 01111 ST Wholesale Grocers, tecw 11C÷I I, PA ESTABLISHED BY Y. kT. lIDIIMLY, ISI! M.“ I- ( ' Wholesale Grocer, 271 I,IBEIr STREET, (Immtly 1.„ P 17 1 ,111.11 1 ,111 PA . Meaner- & Harper =I Comnlision 12= • IBEIESIMI CESEI33 M. -STEELE & SON Commission Merchants, And Dealers In FLOUR. GRAIN. VEF:D, ac. kn. Nn. 93 01110 STREET. near East Common. Ants qhnnLc_ll7. W. C. Armstrong ISuccestor to Fetzer 8 AnTottrottßl PRODFCE COMMISSION MERCHANT, 0pt..00 No. 13 MARKET STREET. L. J. BLANCHARD; Wholesale and 'Retail Grocer, No. 396 PENN STREET. aptkr , • I I TTLE, i3MIRD k PATTON, Whole SALE GROCERS,ColuntisslnNerchauts.d Sealers In . Flour, Paton. Cbrese. Fish. rarbou anti Luntil. Inm, Nails. Glass, Colton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Munutsrtnres generally. 11.2 awl 114 SKCOND PTIIKer, Pittsburgh. 7011,.. 1. 110r11,.....r.0W. 1101,41 . .....5VM. a. MICSE. To N I. HOUSE& BROS.. Slimes:44)lm P to .101 IN 1. IforSE s CO., wholonale t;nwers and l'oturaleoloo Ilerrimnts..mtmer of Smithfield and Water atm... Thitabomb. • JOHN A. IVALLACK. QIIIPTON fi WALLACE, Wholesale I1:1104:77.11S AND PRODUCN DEALNRS. Nu. 6 Sixth avenue, Pittaburgh. MERCHANT TAILORS. P. iNicARDLE Fashionable MERCHANT TAILOR, "'"';` , Z! VP.qiirm u KntMair No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St., PITTSBURGH. PA. fir Gene. Clothing Wide to order In the latest tiles. aPI, 9 ' REMOVAL. (V- LOGAN I= N 0.69 FIFTH AVENUE No: 47 Sixth Street SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 1870 A onlindld new stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, =I last reyelyed by lierchant Tailor. 73 Sm367ald 71 reel OIL Tack Brothers COMMISSON MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittabtosti 0111or=DALZELLS BUILDING. car ver of Duquesne Way and Irwin stn.'. Philadelphia Offko-1137 WALNUT STREET spLILTI WARING & KING Colin:Lima= Merchants and Luken, In Petroleum and its Products, DALZ6LL'S BLOCK, DUQUESNE WAY. Philadelphia Addrelia, WARING, KING & CO MMlll=='::== ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddle MANUFACTURER OF Lubricating and High Test Burning a acne: LROAD AXLE OIL. ararlg r A t attglfg. ' 67. ' .%aligrtZl cal climates cm hot steatite, LOCOMOTIVE. ENGINE. MACHINE 51101 EM3iMetiMM Adapted for high speed. SPINIRLIt OLL, WOOl, IiftAtPLIGHT O IL. ' OIL. TARNS/LS' ter tutrizot.r. IN end YINIPRINITOAROLINR, OIL, RNMS 011,. itiARAFFINIt. • - ARMOR VARNISH. to presume Arista Iron Work and Machinery from taut. These products ant mann:actored under Dr. Tireddle's patent by eupertiented Ptearo la Vacuum Th. Lubricating 011 s are Almon odorimot.Peffetnif pure, uniform, and mostly light colored gam' a high rumperaturo onehanged, and remain limpid duiialregtrema odd. trhe Railroad Oils are une qualled. and are In ennstant tun upon many of the Principal Flailrd. 1 74 lituldes Mtn erargAmd and orders left et WOOD riTILI9RT.. Worts lit eharpsburg bldg.. LIVERY & SALE STABLES Siters - on &Co 121=3:2 Seventh Avenue and Liberty Street = RILL o 7 EVERY SATURDAY HOLD AM Auca - uoisr - SALE Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons • Andeataything apperuitning to the Horse. ' Tattles fleshing to sellxlllplease leave their no taw o 1 cansegnment on or before Thursday of each week in order for advertisin PrOll2o. attention i t .' cam will be Oren al l Stet Stuck left:or 'ale. • o jOHIN-H. STEWART, iintrtn7 Livery, Sale' and COMMISSION STABLES Cor. Seventh Avenue and Liberty SI. ht PITTSHVUU It. TA. c . ABBE SHIPIENTS OF ALL s_4 Itiga lf•ob Oda an reverent etally at moDA Bar4l4ll " ta d arg? h ertt "l ibe Vlt Stand. Allegheny My. canter rodent and Ohio fradt l . •o Wrenn. tam on h a la the bantam% an. and elanrartlela and as While A, Saima. Braing. Stank Ban gad Malta Perch. a as my 1 0. re. trtngeMilganVieAtrAle: GREAT BARGAIN.-4 COTTAGE Romig edjolcing P.1011...a..mas Pronntla beautifully laid out. ill be sold at leas POND cost price if celled tor soon. T. IL FILL Ai PON. corner Penn and Thirly-ttilrelstrect s or st the ow of ROST. B. BILL. Attorney at Law, 714 WIWI MOIR. ArdIISENCENT EW OPERA ROUSE. Wahl INut rnu. qf the oniturrn:nt of the ry,mgmetn, I= TVT.SI , ..‘ V ErENINO..IIII, 1711, 17.711. will b. I" , Yerded the celebtmed ammo he Nlndrtmo Julia de NI araderdtc. rent dldd I= I=l Wednemln,lnc—TllK DEAD 'IF:ART. I= Edwin Adam! Mann., on Si;turday. tCITY IRU. The Mercy Hospital FAIR, Will Remain ( ) peal ONE WEEK LONGER, IIANNU ON Saturday Night, May .21. Er FAIR AT KEYSTONE RINK. =1 Qpeq i . FOry ~Eeni.ilk, = PETER'S New Catholic Clihroh.- E~ gy FIFTH ANNUAL SHEARINO VESTIVAL.—The FM ih Angual Shearing will take place on the Farm of Wag! Nic.itorgr. 111 miles Iron. Pitiabusib. <la Wash ington...cane. in IJICIIA DA Y r king 1901.1810. commenting at 10 &elm . * A. 31. At the setae time and place there sill en a GRAND DISPLAY OF AGRICULTFTIAL PLEMENTS.and alma rr LIC SALE of VANE 5 - STOCK tttf ell Mode. Sole l•. coommcn•-oat 3 o'clock r. at. = Seri:M.l7. • ntylt.l•7l-d&F ay M. t SIC XL . SOI EE, N DER the nosy:trot of tho. Young Men'. Chitlntim, Aetna - 1.00164m TUESDAY It VENI Sit.lttay 17t6. at theta Neaellooms, rerun Of Sixth end Penn treetn. The public are Invited. Atinninelun free ourlhutiLST FIRST SEMI-ANNUALEX et the I'ITTUDERGII ART GAl.LERT.mmtilitiost a Mae collection of Paint ings. the production of Amerisso nud S:oreige At is now open Del and Evening. Ito. 231 LIB ERTY STRET:t, opposite the heed of Wood street Admission, 23 cents. sp.R INSURANCE. EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. Of New York. 130 BROADWAY PRINCIPAL FEATelibiei Ordinary whole Ufa Policies ABSOLUTELY NON-FORFEITABLE from Fiume.. or mat annual Premium. Spacial resumnee NON-FORFEITABLE after two annual payments. All polities INcoNTEUTA BLE for weal eauset.nnd ABSOLIiTLLY LtiCON-- - TESTABLE...I4er two annual premium. All re sßiettons upon TRAVEL and nicsinENcr. re moved. and no permits required. NO ACCUbIIIa LATION OF INTEREST an lawns or Defarre6 Premlums. and NO INCREASEtif annuli]payments pany fief of policies. Dividends • m the PRO GRESSIVE PLANT:II3re titan the GUARANTEE INTEREST phut. NO NOTE is required MI WAN, and there is cm ACCUMULATION OF LSTERENT charged trews the asme. Policies become SELF SUBTAIN/NG In shout slxteen year. and thereat. ter yield an Income to the Pollry holder. LUe, terra and endirwment nre Pureed; also. guarantee interest pullefes anti annuities. Number of Policies (med. 3.346: Cnyeting In USU. 67.813.1940 3 13 0 1 0 `m 00 nnr. 0360447 24: Meets. over 1516 . caja CILITERJON mo r e EXCELLENCE. has Lined more Policies by flyier t han In 7 f r ith IV 0a; % M. " I I : l int - gut:7 . iv,t; Themire at the 11143111 age. The EMPIRE return every Polley holder IT A DEPOSIT O. CASA Carnal. with the reale Trim.. 1 1 7 "I'LIT.°1 0 11=1;a7.711..10LPIrtg ".111 wnls a, pay. ;117k7NITS FY:ATI/HER Good. active Agents wanted everywhere In West ern Pennsylvania WM. A. FULLER, IVM i ftgrOte 7rIIMT VA :, fig CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE 43.1 AND 437 CHESTNUT PTREFI4. ' Mares on Jan. Ist. 1870. 1018.2.1.734 117• Capital, 144 * E.0r 00. Accrued burping and Prendums. ' . 4.. 3.731 67. 1A... paid alnre l acy .3 0.00411. Perpetual amiTempe nire Pollerea Liberal Term, The C issue, wild. tone the Rents of 110 kinds of Build- Inas Ground Rents and Mortgages. DIRECTORS-Alfred G. Baker. 7010011 01001. Geo. W. Richards. ban' Lea. Goo. Fates. Allred Hirer. Thee. Sparks, Wm. B. Gwent,. Thomas B. Gustavus S. Benson. - Men. MALES.AKER. President. blew PreslderiL Jas. W. McAllistere-Setvetary. T. IL ACM . . Avg/dant Ns l / 4 . RE sphi Cor. Third Avenue and 'l l Tood U fit. WESTERN INSURANCE COMP'Y 01' Pittsburgh E pi> Elt NIMIcK. President. liEltßEitT.• lee President. . . . WIL - P. HERBERTSecretary. CAPT. N GELD: General Allent. OM co W Water 'Meet, Spann & (M.'s Warehtni se, Satre. Pittsburgh. '.I VIII insure against ell kinds 'lf Are end Marine Riots. Aherne Institut bre, managed by ihreekm who are well known to the conueunlty, and who are determined by pn.rtness and Liberality to maintain the ehanicier which they w ho m as offering the bell protect'. to thy. deer., to be Insured. • In 11.1.1 . 11.1141: Alexander :Andel. John H. 3lcenne.. Sadler Jr.. Ohm, J. Clarke. James McAuley. . WlMarn a. Evans. Alexander Speer, Jowph hirtnntrlce Andrew Adder. lIIMIRIhrMarr. Dare Lon g .. Wm. loon Thtlrjmn. . ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO Of Pit 651, urgli OPFICE, N 0.32 PI Ertl AVENUE. PANK StAxle. Ineares arednat all kings of tire and Marlon Risks. • JOIE: TENVEi. Prealgont. ' T. J. HtIItICIESOIS, Plea l•reslaent. C. 0. lasNE ELL. lietvelarry. CAP[. Illfdr .1.11.11. ISEAN.(ie 1(70101: nertl Agent. John . Fahnestnek. T. J. linsklnstrn. ' IP. lf. Everson. C.. 0. Unitary. Robert Davis. Ifarveyebllds. }'ooooolo Sellars. Charley Ita vs. . Cant. J. T. Staclutals. Ca • . Won. Evan. I T.ll. Nevin.. ASH INSURANCE COMPANY PI 1e1:m . 14 Building; Rtl 111711 AVENUE FEro:4l) FLOOR rwrosunt al, CAPITAI. ALL PALM UP ntncerulta: Bittny. John Floyd, Capt. Mtilef. Datil Walhere. P. IL Ilartznan. A. Chambers. Jake. 11111. Met:tartan. iJaa. M. Lent. Themes Pmlth Wllloork 'Lay.let tt : J:41). F. JEN7II..NIi r i N" Ice gestann J_OMXol:l2.,tlecreptry. • 1 apt. ICJ. umArm. General Agertt. INPL'ltlia UN LINSMAL,.TEIthIa OX ALL VIRE ,743 . r :AL MAlt!." PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMP'Y 1= A Hoare Coolianr. Wing Mee nod 11111/CIVIIA: Capt. John L. Meads Samuel Y A.rbuckle. hbrlv. Mules er " Jared 'M. Il Phu Liwr.rbeh. Seub . u.i afeerickers. Wm. JoboWatt. Jahn E. l'ark. C. N. Leve t ' Wm. Tao Kira. James D. Teem, WM. P11111,1,11•9_, • JOLIN W r, vice riveldenv. NATIONAL INSURANCE COMP'Y. T. J I DIAMOND. ALLE- _ln n 3 th e FtX.V.ND NATJUI‘AL. BANK SIILDIIIII. • • W. W. II Preoldent. IMOWN,Jn, VI , G • /ATM. SeVelary. • 011115CTUIM John A. 2lyler. J. bockhan, Wen. Jon. I- Grans.. Honer< Len, John Mown, Jr. , Grorge Ger., :Jat.b . o.ll.l".WilhanneJno l'horopoon•J Mc.< l ' Orpßen. .. . . AucrioNata a p - - LEAD, DREGS, &o. r S lIU ll{ White Lead ind Color Works, J. Schoonniaker & Son, PR OVIZ lETORS„ Stanotrettirers wiirrr ].BAH. IMPLWZ :PAM WINO. f" U" '. "7. OFFICK ANJ) rArroar. 14, 02, lit '..K) anti 153 RehrcKrßfrcel, = nUnntien to the-an scar.. tea kkaihni =lcily Pure Whitit Tica4,tl when wirETairy. er evhe la rtiata of loan.. taw mean - Ittiend jtcr that tree tram Actinic anti /Win& "' ." fora 11 whiter and rupyrpir, tMnJD eU pm tw Pc rc r cartionata of trail and whiter than any in the tarlint. and will forfeit the price at this package tr containing the 1.0 adulteration. =I ET= Mai
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers