FINANCIAL GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS Bought at. Highest Price, PH. R. MERTZ, BANKER, Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave Jas. Ti:Brady & Co. Muoceseerit to 8. JONICi A 6..1 Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street BANKERS, BUY A\IP !WU. ALL KINDS OF Governmetit Securities GOLD ; SILVER AND COUPONS wtosr YATORABLE TERMS. Interest Allowed on Deposits. 03i0ocy Inanan on Government ti.tts at ton l.Vlllll,aft rate. 113 - ONlntita E2III , TEn Mx ?NE 14 , 11111A1 , AND MALL STOCKS, MINIM AND 001,11. JAMES T. BRADY. & 'CO THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE Orrzcs: or SISTSIMRO ft Gsmcrxx.l Mospay, Mny 114 i Gold was dull to-day, hat Arm at from MS to !lei'. The transnetions are light, although it is conceded that higher prices for gold are inevitable under a continued export demand and Ilstit produce and cotton exports. So far , the shipments of coin have been set off by the payment of interest of the rutted States Treasury. • flovernment bonds are dull, but Wring un der an Improved demand from Europe. and some of the later Inure advanced to-day about one-half per cent. Stocks appear to yield gradually under the preseurebf the sale. by the digitits with but few exceptions. like Reading, which is a ten per cent stock The local money market it dull and without any movement. • Money from seven to ten per cent. Ito ress dull. Closing quotation's at received by Pb. R. Nett. Gold 1141‘ American.........- M!yez ilialliondo 1111 N NA - .ZquiVal -- 100% 531 Bonds 442'...111 Beading. . 1-3) Bonds 1864_111M P. Ft. W. & C 4 1 41. 640 Bond. 11165...1115. Ohio& Miss..lB l . Coning. 18111..":.111th Mich. Southern— 99 6.811 Bond. 18.1 1 ...114,44 Cleveland. & P... 100% 6.70 Bonds 1868...1141( C.E. 2 IN. 10-40 Ilia, Chicago st N. W.. 00%. Adam. Express.. 66 C. A It. W. Pref... 93.4. Merchants Ex. 41% Erie.. ...1. .... ... . Gary. 105,00. London F.:change per pound 15,911' Part. Eichange per franc • ' Berlin Exchange per 'MisterKi ' 04 Frankfort Exchange per Florin . , 411 49N Central Pncific ft. It. Hoods id 01 Colon P. It. L. Bonds - . NI 'B7 Circling 9.lotAtiollll as received by James T. Brady * Gold 114.; 5.53 Jy. PM 14 U. 9. 601, 1001 17 s.9lJan:a Jy. 19437 U.S. 11-SO 6-53 Jos. Jy. 14!. U. 9.5.% Iflo4 P. B- KM U. B. 5-9) 1885. P. R. 14 4S,li U. 0.10-10.. Pacifico ..... . Gazette.] . 1 _ -)RK, May 16.1.10.- 3a,.. Money easy at per cent. Stelling Arm at 914¢01( per nen . Gold Arm: opened_at 114% and closed at Ilitnell4N. eamTingrates 445 per cent. aearances were twenty-fire million.. Government. etro l ' . Coupons of 111. I,l7tie. Irat; do. 'St. 112NOE • M; do. '64. 111?,011111%; do. Iga nixopit de. new. 111N04114NG do 'tn. 4143i454hil do. 'SS. ITAXGII4N._• Ten-forties 1M Caitlin, Currency sizes. ILIV&IP44:• State bond. arm: Missouri. 94: old Tenues- Nests, fethi; do new. MN: old North Carolinas.•new,diN. .1 - Railway speculation as quite animated daring tbe afternoon end higher prices were made lathe entire Ilat. while New York Cen tral stock and Reading touched the highest point of the season.i The leading features of the market were Reck Island, Northwestern, New York Central; Reading and Ohlo and Mbusissippl. The immediate cease of the rine wa. a report from Washington that the new • Tax bllimileved railroads trout tax on gross receipt.. The great strength of the market throtighout the day was due in some 'sternum t o bees,. by strong parties. Miscel laneous stocks dull. Exams. stocks steady, ,Lynton 70..: W. C. T. Slh; Quicksilver nZi: Mattoon 9.. do. tw'ee'd 17..1, Adams Ex. Cu , . tisk Wells 154: American L. United States th; Pacific Mall aPi: New York Central UM; Scrip gi'X. Erie Er;: do prerd 47: Radon MN; Mi chigan Central ltriM; Lake Shore MP.: Indium Centrall4lN: PittsbUrgh RCN: North Westean SIX. do. prerd 901.:dlock island tdl7;: N. J. Centrallifid“ St. Paid Mt.. do. prof d ell!;: Wa bash WM: Vt. Wayne illtst Terre Haute de; C. 6. - A.lO, do. prerd Ilfg O. A M. mot'.; Hartford,k Erie ts!;. St. Jos. pref'd 110 N. C. C. k c ilk 80.4 Oil prices: Calumet. N. Cpper Falls, 5: Franklin. M Heels'. ise Quincy. Itel. ,• Sub-Treasury b.;tnce: gold. 577.517.191; cur rency. ts4.OW- .07S: neral balance. fA1.1.39.:16'.. (Br Telerr!Lph PITTSBURGH MARKET Orrice No y M . ..s Y trum] OM / :ITM DA. May It. CIL The markets, in o general way. present te little that Is new or Important. Our Mer chants are beginning to realize the fact that the best of the spring trade Is over. as their orders both from city and country ,have com - - minced to slacken off: and while hopes are en tertained that trade, generally: will be up to the usual standard at this seasoatif. the year. we can not reasonably look for any Immediate Improvement. Manama is always slow dur ing the summer months, and It Is not likely that thin summer will be an exception. The :demand for 'almost everything entirely fo cal, being confined to supplying the Immediate wants of a C011.111( 1 1 Ire demand. as there Is an entire absence of anything like specal.- . lion. and this is likely. to continue for the next two or three months. In regard to val ues there are no changes, none at lent worth)" of special notice. • ASHES—Flrtner to tne MA but unchanged here. Common Dods, 1; refined,. eel Pearls, Pk; Pots.lN. APPLES—Continue quiet and unchanged and the season Is rapidly drawing to close. We continue to quote at end.s per bid. BUTTER—There I. no Improvement to note In the demand, and. as might be expected. with the present hot weather. prices are weak and barely maintained. We continue to quote at Al to =, for good to, choice -roll. Fanners and peddler. are almost able now to supply the retail trade. and. consequently. there Is little or no inquiry for commission butter. BPANS—DuII and we reduce our quotation. to $1.6'.1 RI per bushel. OROOM . CORS — Is dull but unchanged, MO If et. per pound: CHEIII6I3-1s dull with a wide range in • prices. 13 to 17c. - as to quality. CARBON 011,-1s steady notwithstendltof the Jobbing demand la light. Quotations m_. ‘ sy be fairly given at 24 to tide for V: or 511" bbl lot (M ., AMMAL—Quiet and unchanged, P. 341 per bushel. RIMED FRUlT—Market quietand un changed. - Apples ea t : etc Peaches. fIR: for quarters. And PQ9 for halves. Blackberries, Iffßd3 and pitted Cherries, =et. EXifiß—Market quiet and unchanged. 14 to 15 mute. YLOVR—The market is quiet nod steady Wt unchanged, and demand entirely local. We continue to quote western Sours, In Mare. at. $6,5005.75 for inning wheat: d 5.74 46 for winter-wheat. and WOK for fancy brands.- Rye dour, firm atre.. CHLAl7.—There la little or no movement Wheat In this market. and tot , offerintot ;con tinue light; we continue to smote at dl.tra , VA } for red, and $1.041.30 ; (or * bile.. tints steady but quiet and unettnnged; last sale. tai fro met at U-'os 3 .end /Mil 10t... as yet, will Dot bring much more. Corn Is scarce and firm with moderate Inquiry: we 1:101T quote ear at fic:Eitstril shelled at OVAL Bala. of Rye at I. Barley is quiet nod unelsettged, at IB grocery "trade aPPenrs to • be slacking at somewhat though this Is • . zonally the caw at this season of the year: in prices there are no changes to make. but the feeling, particularly to Sugars and Coffees, Is not so Wong , HAF—(klntlnnes very wtth. offerings • a re In excess of the are nominally unchanged; $14001: LARD 014—Extra No. I. ki.:1061411, and Lio. Lt, SO. POTATOE.4I-ontlutte very dull, sad en are anzlous to dose oat.Peank-illotss may be quoted at 3.51 - 00, Buckeyes do not seem to be wanted at any price. PitOVlSlONtl—Market steady win! a good jobbing demalut and_ regular !tt . l . ell at ku i l mr dat&ri r s e . d do r:lT el aft= S TANI 6 111 iklulrealb„ lit Clear,. 17X; Plain Sugar cured Flatus, 1eX61930 On:massed do.. isimq:l9n• Oyar~dd to tierces..l7,s!VlV in kegs, IssiEtlex. SRED&—, o inurement to Clover or Timothy Reedeas t he season VinUaltr ever. nwr , • seed Is steady demand. at V. 15. and a round t in kot would untruly Walt' (•2-3). Lire Meeks., ; Nhw TORK.Hays6.—'There %were 46 esrs of cattle at Weehawken to -day, Oe mre .:t , mu dime Rad 45 et Frandleilth street, teeee T er 3,40 for to-day and 5490 toy, tbeoece, he market is very 11000 and tef4yet all the Reed scwalesl wi 1 04. u l a 44 t l y lK ay . e w rag h ! , n C utar l : on o u t n h u E LaiU heeehtht 18Nc, Ain steers and old omen ylßbOr than . lest v:atiemegdrpgi v ug cwt, state fed Illtnelsfeera krOught .171 e. • Ito head Wewir et le 16‘fe. 3) Kentucky 8 , 8 isio:sl,4tc, Mls art 1.140 Um grow at 8 8 ) , 8 . 5; lb§ per cwt.: pr spects atrone fee the wed „ sheep go doll ty and soot s concessions were . mode: total for the week 16,te0 calla 4MOto day: they bronght 4 4 . e for thin to gOOd Weaterta sheared: a car r. Ohlo sold ad. ....vibe 7e; car nil les an: a car title gms ex Lambe lower,selllak from tnaltle. Bogs worth 12)4e dressed total alive forthe week ,11.4151. with 7 1, Oen to den endlet One, so no selling Snag. ~~ == ornrcor TITE PITTSBURG!! OATBITS. r MONDAY. May 16. 1610. I Following shows the amber of cattle on sale, the Points at whleh they were nhiptied, and the.enmes of the 'shipners: .1. Needy & Bro.. Chicago.. J. Needy & Bro., MAnsheld 4. T. Has., c6tc.4o . - . . E. Katz. Chicago . ... ... 1 car S. Marla k Jiro., Chicago 3 cars L. Keefer. Chicago. .. -.. 1.. . . 1 car lluthchilds 11, 7.., Chicago.. , :.. . ...... cars Greenwald & Kahn, Chicao 3 tart 112119 & limn% Chlonico3 can 1.. 3: J. shatat..era, Chicago ' ' ' 1 eaN .t. Brdy. Chicago • llazieworal & Illacketock. Chicago 1 car N. Losrensteine, Chicago 1 ear C. Boyer. Chlcago 1 ear I'. Hartman. Chicago 2 coca M. Varner. Chicago I can nohm.4. Lafferty & Co., Dayton ..... .. a cars 0.1). Caldron dv Co., Canton 1 car David Sherrick. Canton . 1 car ECM As will be seen there are forty ear loads of cattle reigned, this week, but it he well to bear In mindthat seven car toasts were stock ers, bought in the west for stock growers. wen , not on sale. at alb and consequently can not be included in the number. Seven from fatty leaves thine-three ear loads, two Car loads, less. or In all about *XI Ilead against ers.l last week. 'Therefore. with a diminished nap -14, as two roe Wads of the thirty-three ears were wholesaled to go to Baltimore. leaving but thirty-one ears: or only About MO head for the retail trade. .The market was strong and prices tally sustained.-many dealers realised still further advance. Parish steers sold readily at &good to prime at B.44sit, and extra at U.12. , 4QA1. and it Is probable that all the cattle Olt sale, sold at aanverage of a, probe- bit - There the same bitter complaint among the bntchers nod drovers, in regard to the ex orbitant prices at which stock is now selling, and there is no prospect of any immediate relief. So long as rattle continue scarce. so long will prices be maintained. and It io not probable that there will be any Increase in the offerings within the next four perhaps six weeks. Ilta.o, cattle -usually commence to make their appearance about the lot of July, and not ilthey are thrown upon the market, it is almost certain that present prices will be sustained. We expect quite st• number of grass rattle in from Butler. Washington. Green, and other adjoining counties. cad Western Ohio usually .!contributes pretty freely to this market during the last of June and the ne arl y of July.the past three or for months nearly all of OUT cattle have co m e (nun Chicago—ln the course of another month or two. we expect to get our supplies much nearer home. Holmes, Lafferty & Co. sold la head. prime still fed bulls. from Cincinnati. at isii US head medium still fed steers to huff, 01 r tailed 50 head. at 7.8040,75. ' Jns. Herr sold it bulls, from Washington r 1 at SIS S. siwenidelne sold 19 hend of fair to good nt 7.85 , 10.40. - hrhildx & Zeigler sold :11 head steers. Meng°. front Sittitii et, Cr Hnrt roan .4. mcerg fro.- ebleago. at M. Varner sold 3.1 head of good to pri 'PirkTr.7l"l4"*.rt?...l-1 8 ;'..;., Chicago, s l / 4 4ts.m. tireenwald & Kahn sold in all about 71: head from Chicago. at liiikta cgs. Hozlew,stid & Blackstock 13 head prime tr earn steers. at SNOB). - B e Marks & Bro:St head of prime to extrs steers, from lincago. nt Slatl9M. L. &I. Shamberg 31 front Lineage. at 8,754 - 4 Trautman & Lohman 63 bead from Chicago, at tiliaie sent Co.head stockers to the conntrY. Emmick & o sold 24 head good to calm Ohio Meers, at wiz. Is. Keefer 17 head good to extra steers. 'at -- "Hsu ' soldtt4 bead. fair stockers. at 35 fat' cattle. at 6469 cis. Clans. Boyer 17 head good to extra steers, from Chicago, at BtXtilli. MIELF. ANDLAMM The offerings were unusually large .this week, reaching close to alms hundred and nearly all from Butler county. The market was -Steady and moderately active, though had It not have buyerr the timelY aPPeerence of an eastern lt would almost cer tainly been n slow one—whenever the butch ers see eastern buyers about they always buy with less hesitation they do not hang so long; it has-considerable influence In causing them to stoke their minds up quickly. Compared with last week. prices have undergone es quotablevhange; clipped sheep sold at from os to 6K—one bunch of fancy averaging fully 150 lbs, brought Sc. Lambs sold at front V to 24.50 per head, and , the offerings appear to be increasing every week. John Beeler 131 head sheep and lambs at CPS per head to tle per pound for the former and gni per head for the latter. Isaac C. MciCeese SO. head; sheep at tide par lb: and lambs nt V to 24 per heat • M. Humes sold 53; sheep and lambs at VMS?. ''?l,l'Aeehep.atrm.±.sZo.yee;:v,,Te"r'Zionni 101 Ito. also. 3t clipped. at de. • Stokely Bro. 95 good to extra lambs; sold 99 extra to Haison at PIS; Clead to Au ox atJas. 23,15; 19 rr head fairish sheep at 25)6 per head. ' Jacob Snyder sold 24 bead of extra clipped sheep. averaging. about BO lbs. at tic per ;soun Adam Eckert told 44 • lambs at tti - ca; wooled sheep at tic per pound. John Walters Pt head clipped sheep nod iambs at 2.1,t,11A - 4or the latter. and Vra.s per head for sheep. Joshua Oarwin about 160;seold lambs at rxy and sheep at Pharr' per head. John Patrice sold 71 wooled: Meanor Pohl tia Kauffman sold 75 bead of clipped. noes. - Market slow.. alwaye In Ow ease ason of . the Tear. and prices are no nebanged, We quote, nominally, in a ay. at u to Itic. I= Orme. or PrITSIM - 00110AZCITT..1 Ilosnars Hay to, M 0. .; The moat important to nottee In regard to oil is the report of nnother,blg well. aal bbls, on the Dairen farm. It did ,not have any ha tinence on the market, however, so the feeling was Strollrer after the reception of thin re port than it was before. These reported-big strikes arc always to greatly exaggerated at first that operators receive them wMr a good deal of allowance. as It generally turns, when late and reliable adviees come to hand, that the production * dwindles down very materi ally, and we should not be surprised if thls was the result to regard to the well above referred to. Instead of MO hhls per day. it will most probably torn out to be 50 bids or even less. crtE,Dr- Was quirt and rather, weak In the early fart of the day. but In the afternoon. for some reason or other, the feeling was stronger Sale Lono bids spot at 121‘; and Lao seller ao days at 12. Later In the day. 21ti; spot or seller tray was quoted at 12)a; •and seller 60days. it thought. would hare brought the wlnte figure. -• larket firmer but tcry :qulet —not a single sale reported. May. to June. 'ln.'s to .t S n i J e u rpr = po 3 r ; t : ed J firms o De f c rambe..r. Lid. RISCCIPTS CRUDE Ott. Darld Illy TA on acconntJ. Kunkle; Peerless O. W. Su, maaccount B. S. Duncan: Commer cial 0. W. WO. on account D. C. st: Cosmos 0. W 480. L W. YOUDir; M Herb aher lak on account same; W. McCutcheon VC, on ac count llittiutnatu J. Wilkins 1111.1, on ac 4 count Phila. & B. Pet.Co; Fulton & Marvin 00 . on account Peter Hutchinson; H. W. C. Twed , die RI. on account same. Total OIL lIIITPMEXT% PEN. A. V. U. U. J. M. Miter. LIAR ref. oli to Loon'ilro. & Co.. Plan. McKelvr Bro.& Co.. S 4 Lble ref. oil to Lo gan Hr.. & lb. Phila. Fatrcett.• Logan. Stoekdale & Co., 2511 Ude ref. 01l to Logan M. 0.& Co., Phlra.. Cillunn Oil Co.. 6EI We reined oil, taTack Philadelphia. Wane & Wagner :1311 b 1.44 reined oil to War ing'. King k Co., Philadelphia. • H. Koehler & Co., 100 bids ref. nil to Waring, K. & Co.. PhUa. Montrheinter. K. & Co., Mkt LIAR ref. oil Waring, K. & Co.. Phila. Lockhart. P. & Co., bble ref. oil to WI den. F. & Co., Phila. _Total ot2antPenD ire w. P. a. Union Ref. and tt. Co.. 4.96 bhie ref. to Logan Bro. & Co.. Phila. Kirkpatrick & Lyon, G.B Wile ref. to Logon Bro. &Co Phila. ltalfiton & Waring. 122 bib ref. to Poultney & Moat, Baltimore. Model Refinery. 52lObbla ref. to Warden. F. & Co., Phila. Mentzer. IL & Co....alabbl• ref. to Waring. K. & Co.. Phila. • - /taint Waring, Zit libla relined to A. It. McHenry, Philadelphia. Total, 'MARKETS Ell TELKAIRAPU Res lark. • _ Nair Form, May 10.—Cotton dull, heavy and lowerorltli sales 1,400 bales at Salto for mid ',llllng uplands: Flour: 'ltacelpts—M,C 4 rive Skeatt e ls Xn dl w oc e s o t w er e n r, 4 a s t 10 $ 0 4. 3 11d .1 it r a for o extra State. $1.1041.6.15 for extra Ohio. ss,7ros for extra St. Louis, and. $6.10(4125 tat rood to choice do, the Mirka closing dull md heavy. Nye flour unchanged: sales 400 bbis. Cornmeal quiet and unchanged. Whiskey unchanged. with sales 400 bbis at $1.102,1.1Dg free, closing at Inside prices. Wheat: Receipt W.oosed busks; the market opened heavy and s clo lfftffc lower, with sales of 11,40) • bushels at $1.18411.2 2 for No. 2 spring, the latter an extreme for very choice /1.1 2 4 1 . 12 )4 for winter red, and winter red amber western; 41,4ekt1,55 for white Michigan, and $1.70 for - White California. Rye quiet and unchanged. Barley And and barley malt. siominaL Receipts withe 111,1 5:1 bush; 'Market • shad - lower, w Sales of 24,000 bush at $1,06a1,13 f e or new mined western, 81,13 - 61,14 for western yyllow, and 11,11 for old mixed western. Receipts of oat ‘,11.443 bush; marker active and unchanged. isdh sales of C',ooo hush at 606/184 for Western. and 7 0 Miiic for Ohio and State. Stock in ware house: SM.iiff bush wheat. itLim7,lillsh core, 414.2761m5h oats, ItMe bulb rye. 1=490 bush barley, 811.084 lamb S barley naalt,:und 2.190 buss peas. Bay sady. Mops thin. stesuir; crude te 15c.,.and-rellsied Bice. Arm at 654211:c. Sugar la moderate request: with sales of LSO hhtis Cuts st si4oloiic. and 25 boxes Susannah at t4c. liolasses dull and nominal. Coffer quiet and firm. Turpentine quiet at 41)441.4214c. Pork Armee. with sales of bids at MISSPOJO for mess. Sttrit=il for pritne,'Siffklaginff for prime rm.; also 3.fti bids mess. seller May and June, at vai 3 O;nr.:4l. Beef steady, with sales of =5 bbls at tlikila for plain moss. ;10ablil for extra Mesa. thief hams quiet, virile ade.s of lOD bbls at .ffsribille. Tierce beef Ann, with sales of 100 MerCeent rjit — c.Xlitit lithos mess and for Hunt mess Middles quiet. •Cat meats:sales nuo packages atL% - tl2%c for shoulders. left EYa for tltaall. Lard henry, with sales or tierces at ISMBUIMe for steam; lOnare tor kettle; also 1.000 tierces steam. seller May, June and July, at 1614111014 c. Batter steady and In fair demand at 144tiale forOhlo. Cheese quiet at afflaMe. Freights to Liverpool are "di',V rper loweri (4 kiiir ty r e lo c l o wer. Wheat-• bearer and lower. Rye nominal. - OM llstery'rmlet at Me for western in more.; 'Corp dull nt 81,6firffiliff for new. mixed western. Pork quiet. and deans at for mans. Beef steady -With mtWerate demand,. Cut meats Ann sod res.' , Baorm nominal. Lard quiet at Wi4blo, c' 'Spoti for June or.inly. Eggs g et and naehtinged. Ctheinsuml. • • • eraciaxixr, Mae al—Flour steluiy; enmity 1410(0440; extra $44 1 (1644 0 Wheat qultt and steady at 1t1,112Q1,12 for winter:: Corn in better supply and ptices lower, closing dull at ' ege.• Oats unchanged at felagt.c., whole sage. Bye dull at flrgalk. iktrley unchanged. Cot ton unchanged 'and 'quiet ; middling uplands. L'igc. Tobacco unchanged and steadY. Mess pnrk held firmly at 30c. Lard 183,,e: no sales. There was an active demand for bulk should ers, lbs. sold at 1 4 2 c: held at 12 , 4 c at the close:sides held at 15e. with sales of M OM lbs. at this rate: clear rib sides sold at hitic, and clear at Icic, buyers' this month. Three was a fair.dentand for bacon. particu larly shoulders. which sold at I3c. cash. and 131,e. buyers' nrst half of. une: clear rib sides sold at ad clew" at ltic. Butter un changed and doll at 1r.0,,.har. Eggs lien at liineotil oil VIM,. More:ries unchanged and quiet. Gold lIIr.. Buying exchange Money market easy at Sftlo per cent. St. Louts. car , , c. can Se. Locts. May la.—Tobacco active and a shade better. Cotton dull; 213 f v. Hemp ac tive .d better. gl:Atit.l.6o for undressed. fin) C1,2,k1 for dressed. Flour Om, $4.1.144450 for fall super. 54,6504,90 for extra. t 161.50 for double extra: choice to fancy Vinba,./.5. Wheat: spring lower. not quotable: No red sold at f 1.12441.1 5, No 1 do $1.1Y3.1 . ...a. choice SlAlki. 1,41. Corn Leavy. and all grades below choice lower: mixed texeusxc. solo. 91eCS4 1 .(e , choice to fancy white, $1,06a , 1,123i, ' Oats heart. 010.040. Rye quiet, =Pan. whisky. was helda t $l.lO, without sales. Groceries unchanged Provisions active and higher. Pork Nu. Dry salt anent buoyant; nearly a million pounds were sold here and np the country Saturday and to-day; lIN(P.r2c for shoulder.. 1510 for clear rib. idc for Clear. Bacon higher. shoulders Bile, clear rib 170. clear 17ke. Sugar cured hams. canvassed.:aie. Lard held at ttlfc for tierce. lac for keg. Re ceipts: dour O,IW bbla, wheat 55.011 bosh, corn en.loll bush. oats 39,7011 bush, barley I,llllbush, Dye 3.OND bush, hogs Mi. Cattle amerce and wanted: 431k - t5 4 .c for roe ,- mon, 0.V.7.4,c for good to choice. Dogs un- Changed; tat:Vac for good to choice. 13=12 • Clitcsoo, May In.—Exchange unchanged. e Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat ry quiet for No.! and N;Wic lower, and closing at . trNdt.fiThic: this afternoon unchanged. Corn dull and *,2 , 4 c lower, and closing at td. CouPic for No. 2. oats dull and and closing at 11hr.t4eNc for No, 2. live quiet at anditille for No. 2. Ilighwines quiet and steady at 'Led for wood. Provisions quiet easy. and firmly held. .Mess ork elosed and at Va. Lard 113;54 - .ltiNc. Dry nutted shoulders 1 - (1.121.‘c. Itecelpta for the put is hours: 1.:14 obis noun ro,lou bush wheat; 1 ,1 1.- bush istrley: hogs. Shipments: 2.1 a.! bbla dour; :P.,997 bush wheat; 61.12.5 bush corn; 15.910 bush oats; 340 bush ree; :WOO bush bar ley: e.. 9421 bogs. }}eights qtdetnnd unchanged. CHICAGO, May 10.--Cattle active at 4.1,87, , ,a ;MI for stockers to choice steers. Hogs ac tive at $8.1rad.0,40 for common to choice. Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. May 16—Floor in less de mand with western calm family at Wheat steady and unchanged. 11Ye steady; western at $1,(M2.1.0:i.- Cons lower: yellow at $1.13. Oats unchanged: western ti2tit:4c. Pe troleum dull: crude 193ic; relined %M c. Pro iissions dull: pork $29.104130. lard hP.Pit. 10.s.ic. Whisky dull at $1,1140 for western iron bound. PHILADELPHIA. May 16.—C: title active and higher. with sales of 1.100 head extra nt $10(it11. fair to good $Bq,A, common Wa. Sheep are in fair demand. with sales of 10.0(C1 head at 0e..7.7, tor clipped. Hogs unchanged. with salt, of :I.‘ol head at $1Wr.13,7!.. Lauts.llle. I.out.svii.t.E. Mar -Oa ton k Inactive anal droping; udddilug Fleur brings 5. Corn les. active and weaker;ales at :."Nisi_.'. Wheat $1,1.66 , 101. Oats d c. Rye $l. Precis ions Arm and advancing; sales 2.110 tierces augur cured hams; 100 tierces on spot at 18 , ..c, and 2,403 delivery 15th June, 1441,- . . pork pan hulk meats 1216. le and 111!..c. bacon 13%, 175 and 17%; lard EC. Whisky $1,0741.1.116. Tobac co: sales lilt hlids td, g1i*.09. 5 0 for lrovted 10 good lent. CLEVELAND, May it—Flour arm and un changed. Rye dour steady and unchanged. Wheat dull and prices fell oll4c, with sales of No tred winter at /1X.% no Inquiry for No 2 red. .Corn. nu change. Oats le lower. and No '1 State offered at rile. Ilye quiet and held a. tidcktal. Barley dull and nominal. Petroleutn quiet and prices nominally unchanged; reamed held at 24e for may and crude hold at .4440 per Mg QM= BALTIMORE, May 10.--Flour quiet but ateadr. Wheat dull: western $1314'0.15: Peoria:dr:tale lower at f Lirol.4o. Cure: white $1"-zr1.1'...3: . yellow $1.1:. oats arm at 65e. Pork quiet at VB. Mixon active and advancing; rib sides ITe: clear aides 1:%e: %boulder+ De: barns sb*.t. Mc. Lard rival at 1641Vae. Whisky in Pair demand: iron-bound P 1.10: wood-bound $1.09: patent 51,1 e. Dry Good. Market. • Nan' Tonic, Mar id.—Xtrket quiet but steady for observel staple fabrics.' The only changes to were In C.Omega. ticks, which have fallen off from 34! to at4c. nail A 4-4 ticks of the same brand. which have been held at ale by some Jobbers , were alto reduced to 1, , 4c. 1 aukee. • ii.warage. May 17.—Flour nominal and 12)i c lower. I Wheat weak at }I for No 1, fal , ac for No 2. Oats active at linc for No 2. ' Corn steady at a7c for rejected. Rye and barley nominal. Freights quiet at .Otae,Sse to Buf falo and Oswego. Itecelpts--Flour 3.1.40 bbls: wheatsti.ttO Meat. Shipments—Flour WU heat, 212.f100 bush. 51Emvii Is.; May Id—Cation dull and nominal receipts 1,436 Wes: exportN 1.46:1 bale, flou ViQ.AI4O. Cilra dull at 11,E1. Oats quiet at Hay dull atl=l=4. Bran quiet at Zic. 1,11% dull at liVt.noic. Pork dull at POI. Itacon shoulders lip, c and sides lac. • OM Drntorr. Mew -Flour demand fooderz tconittun for Owlet.. W hoof rboor[ stra 'Wm; No. .1 $1,1o; rforylor SI.ZI. It rod) . nt tAz.for :got r. Barley +II I.,er r. MINI/NTH Ilk 11.411.1(0411. PI'ITSOI7BO LI CINCINNATI AND ST. IA It/ALM/AD. May 16.-4 cats stoves, W Hosting• bits oats. 36 &icons. 21 do wheat. Id do bad ley. 2 bide peaches. I boo bacon, Meanor & II 10., bucket. tar, Mean. & CI; bbls whick!) Valeta & Mal; 5 toe d beef. Wit HaYei 3 sausage. Eli Myers;?-1 dobsens,Dolselit 3 bids apples. W 11 Omit. 04 bg. oats. IF 13biebas; I Dbl. eggs. M W Itankin: =bits corn. a bite rye. 8 Hoop: IV bbls flour. Scbomaker & 14 ts & It; ; ear wheat. J W. Horagorder, 5 bhdit tobaecoi W Jenkins= 3 do do. ,Idartlri Hey); 2 do do. A Schaub; II do do. I has - samples, F. Wurtnser; I do do. W. 1,. 'Rinehart lea bk. tons, 31 do corn7. 4 A do wheat, 31cHenm & 11; 01 Wes e corn. Id do do, ...At do oat, Meanor & 11;43 do emu; 17 do rye, do oat., McHenry & 11. CI.Y.VELAND AND PITTADURatI It ADDOA 0 COSMANY, May 16.-4 cars 0 ore. .1 Phi Mer & Son;:tdo do. Brom & Cu; 4 .do 3 s ore. 11c & Co: 7do do. Colon Iron Mills; sdo do. Dilworth. I' & Co; :l do bloom, Nignick & Co; 1 do pig Loyd ro I W n. Tron Milk; Z dO do & II; 10 s fish Union oil, .1 Callery; 15 do do, , W C Howard & Co; MOH lath, Stock & 0: &Co. , feet lumber, R A Clork & Co; 1 boy tg ware, Lewis, 0 3: F; 10 Ude hams, nalzeß & T; II do glese/Agnew & W; lot sheet Iron, semps, An demon & W; 10 bas scales, Fairbanks. M & Co; I car pipe. 11 H Collins; 8 bbla meld, A kg. do, II do p burley. Strickler & 11; :11bdie chair stuff, Ikulford Chair Co; IL bbl whisky, J Mc- Kay:6 e beig, Reymer Ilro; 8 do MI bbls,J S Dilworth: 13,1.0 aats. I* (1 Craighead; lot lum ber, Seibert & Co; 15 Lids oil. Junker, H & Co; 140 if bids herring, Johnson & a bbls dry peaches. 3do apples. 1 box anise, Henry It,, Jr; 1 bbl eggs. Held & /d; do pototoes. Vole M & Co; 1180 eke corn. Hitchcock, 11 & Co:3 ill. medicine, R E Sellers & Co; 5 bbl. oil. Hender son lira; 2 . 1 bag p nuts. W .1 Steel Inn; 10 Ws steel, Hugewy, IV & Co; 1 em IW, C A Wurtn castle. PLITOII2OOA. FORS WAYNE AND CHICAGO IIAII.IIOO. May lit —IIA green hide', Hoff.tott & CO: IL castes w oil. 11 McCully & Co: 5 has 1103 D. E Hertzleton; 100 1011. greens hide, D Chestnut & Co; 50 tee bouts. t It Myers gt COl bids alcohol; Hostetter & Smith: 400 4/blO flour, T C Jenkins & Dm; I ear iron, Maloney N eewing =goblet., W Stunner & Co; casee hdlg. Whitmore. Wulf. D& Co; 100 bbls flour. W Haslage: AIS oil bids. Lockhart. F & Co; 1 ear scrap Iron. Fgh Forge & Iron Co; 111 bble flour. Ileghmyer & V; 101 do do, Culp & Shepard; 0 bales twine. 11 Oerwig; 15 skis kept Hari, Chambers & Co; 12 do do, 11110000 1 .1" Lead Works; 1 car putatOes. Y bbls Woodworth &_D; LEI idle paper. C Markle & Co; 03 eke ras, McCullough, ti &C. 61 bee AT shunt, Clhuown: 11 bag cheese. W it Kirk patrick & Co; 17 eks ram Fender M & Ctr, 2 ors Milestone, (Half, II & Cu; 10 cars metal. Bryon & C 7,3 do do, hoick & Co; 4do do. HMl man & H. ALLIGICY-NY VAuZ - r ItAttnoAl. May 111.--3 cars limestone. Shoenberger & II; 8 eke rags. McCullough. S & Co; 1 cur metal, Graff, Mo nett. &Co I sir saw. Lippincott & 1 / 4 2 bide butter. It Walker; 1 do do, Ern g german, O'R & Co; 1 car old rope. Frazier & Metsgar, 1 box h ware, & C Davis; 2WS egg., Wit Kirkpat rick & Co; I car metal. W Suth^l by. mdse. E Kurts . 1 bbl dry opples, I 8 Dilworth; I car lime, Hendermon & Km;l ear clay, titer Fire Brick Co; 5 roils leather, Seibert & Herr; o pkgs butter,: lads eggs. A Reelmyer; I ho butter, 2 bids eggs, J A fterhigle; 2 LLD egg, I In but ter, 11 I reeve; ,'.Les do. 2 bide eggs, (3 Wain hot; 1 bid bacon, I do egg.. E Heasletrin. ALLEGHENY STATION, May 10.-1 car luni- J Nang; MO pigs lead, T 11 Nevin & Co: 1130 bble dine, G Stewart; 4 care Iron ore, Lewin. 11 &D; ado wheat, 11' McKee Co; Ido do, en Knedy tiro; 1 do shlnglan. Voeghtly & 11;1( kin nails, J Fletcher. 1 ear lumber. 1. Walters & Son; I Car coopentge, Malys' 0' It; 3 do 00.1, M Hemphill; fit) pigs lead, Heymer. D & Co; 1 cart seed, 11 It Snydnln; 44 has cheese, 14 Corn wall; 3 car Hine, J K Rhino., MEM EIEZ9 MEM IMPORTS RT RIVER WRITI.IOO PLO PETTOI.I.t, MOT Bl lII*I ryc. W .1 Meek; 21 bales 41%0 aka nate, Id do wheat:Bß barley..l & Falrley; 10 do po— tatoes. Bra/Brennan & do do, llandolph & 14.77 do rye. M Steel k Sum 41. do Potatoes, .1.1 Pettit:7 bdls paper. Pittsburgh Paper Manor Co; 2 boo butter , .. pkgs eggs. lek • rye, 2 blds beans. II Bea .131 1 cage clptri,ll less do, W W Calanngg a pkg. do, It & Jeltklnson;, 1 case Zimmerman; T Blakon.: 3 pkgs do, J. 1.151 D nail k g o, Ph 1111p* & 11; 40 ckc wheat, Rose & bbls, a sks - potatoes, Choc allow, tr. 14 17 pkgs produce, Head ; lot I orni tare,lo Berger. PrITAELTOGII. 131101FleSVII.I.L ATM GENOVA pAcmcr CoupoNY, May 16.-03 wk.: oats. B 11 c o a s ecry 1140 corn IV Welch & 11D do note. P Duff & tIon; 4$ do d o. Campbell &C; do do. Johnston & boo w clam Pl - & Co:31 mks note, Campbell & L';l bbls eggs. Means & I.` i • 1 box bacon, arter, M &Co; 21,kcs bncon, 1 Baled: bbl ' s whisky. A Car11410;16 aka 0:160, McCracken. II & Co; 38 do wheat.l76 do oats. 171 do corn. Mclienrr & H; l6 pkgc butter. Al W Ilaulthr; 1$ sks oats, W Welsh & Co: 1.61711 ,, Pr.II 111.1.1.EVT1 0 00. Mily. 111.-7411 bbl, none, Clark & CO:-BI do clay, 'l' Collin; 3.0 pip lead. C 0 Hussey & Co; 10 ckc bags. W McKim; bbls bone black. Seward .48; 4 bola , white sand. McKee & Bro. . NOTICF..—Notke k •Igereby , given that an applieetion for n Charter of Income, rullou of "CBE ni.cToll, CETI, nen TEXTUIENS AND VESTRYMEN OF TUE CIIEDOEI OF TEE' ATONESIENt.' has bcnn tatol In the Pfothonco *.E'a Office of the Conn of Common Flea. of Al , lughenr county. where the atture,rlll remain open 19 ifiaPtetion anil exception. until the FIRST DON. DAT Or JUNR NEXT- MU= EW BERLIIifiTON 1.-• beset 'Mllebell'a colebosl4ll Darlington terns, tee ent, of the mewl; WM, boxoted r2,2=1.. !reeved ape for IWO brlll.or,Ut -0. Garber Liberty ea 2. rile barters.. PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY MORNING, 'MAY 17, 1870 RIVER -The river continuer to rerede titendily with 5 feet 9 inches In the channel by the Monongahela marks. , . The.Belle,•Capt. J..P. Smith, deirane forltrownsville and Geneva this evening at 5 o'clock. She is making many good friends along the Monongahebt Valley. •The Arlington, arrived from Cincinnati last eyening, and will return again to. day itt noon. She iv ill all respects au er celleut packet, very prompt ill all her en gagements. and ('apt. Moore, 1113, alit KM' one thing and do nastier, and his clerk Capt. A. S Shepard, is et very reliable gen tleman. Although the Arlington is not i advertised as an excuraion matt, she net er. thelesa has her share of the pnseengers.' The Bolleyornon, Capt..llarragli., is an nounced to depart for New Orleans on Thunotay; and we hope she will get, as she deseres, a good trip. The Glendale. Capt. Bare, is announced to depart for St. Louis to-day Avitluiut fall —at leant the Captain said so, and he ought to know. The Granite State. will hove 1.1111514./11. 66 from Portsmouth this trip. She is' due here on Wednesday night. and trill return us usual on Friday at 4 e. St. • - . 'the Wild thick and triages, Capt. Ana - welt, Is annondeeti to depart for St. Louis this evening. and shippers am requested to have their bills of lading down tvolny as early a possible. The Sit amm. t'apt. Thos. Rogers. with Capt. iRa li: ‘Vfiittaker, in the race, is is. 8000113.11. fOr St. 1.011i3 01111 the Upper Mississip i. , -The ]nary Byrd, running so the Up per Tennessee, sank iu thirty feer : of wa ter Tuesolay night, ten miles het* Kel ley's Ferry. She run upon a sung, stav ing in lrri brans, and speedily filled and sunk. She had an board Minot 1.700 Ilis of bacon, some lard, said 1,000 bushels of corn. The Mary Byrd was built by Capt. R. Ti. Byrd, of Kingston. in 1800. and het first trip was down the river from Chatm mega to the Suck, with the Crimgres shined delegates that passed through Chattanooga id Wit, on a trip throne the • South. She was ennoble rot the fastest boat on the river. • —The Quincy Whig of the 10th 11311 that Oho chief' engineer of the PO. Sheridan was robbed of $1:01 while asleep on that boat on Monday. A negro cabin boy wan seen to enter the engin.. eer's room shortly before the Money wis missing, and on arrival 'of the boat at Quint's - the boy and a companion were ar rested. lint nary rent found. The taint 'Mid them otl, and the engineer is short *l5O. • —The Memphis Avalanche. of Tina's day. sap, Tho cargo of thr Keaton— sunk at Totter's Landing—ham been saved though tho bulk of it is slightly d/11116g. ed. 'Vito boat, it in feared, will prove n total bat. as she is badly broken ainid- —A dispatch from the agent of the uuderwiters, dated nt New Al bany. on Saturday, says ..Cargo of he Oinsgow was not damaged by Wayer. The boat will 144 4 repaired iu a side dock, and resnmes her voyage on Monday." —Capt. James Paul, who • recently .purchased two.thirds interest in the Alob lie liratz, on 'lllitraulay bought ant the parties who ownesPrhe remainder, which gives hint possession 4.f the whole lsaat. —The Dextkr, with Rid tons, is report ed to lance 104 44 .1114 e ram - front New Or leans 4t St.-Loitis luride of, rice days. her time from Sew Orleans to t being three days and twenty-three hours. Scudder,-R. R. Pei.Tratu awl others, have Purchased the huh of the : burned Stonewall from Peter Conrad, for a wharf boat at Cairn, for the indopetelent• line of Orleans packets. —Adis patch front Washington ea) s that the 801131. 4 rollttllitte4 4 . 4l ll Commerce is loading down the River and Harbor bill to such no extent that it trill never pass. —'rite Reserve ennante from Nashville has for Pitisinrgli--100 hsti star di bar Hilwortlidiarper & Co., and 4S lags pea nuts for Isaiah Hickey a& Cu. —The Sam. S. Hale cleared Sladnplais Tuesday kening with one 1141141441nd bales of cotton and a large lot of miscellano mot freight for Cincinnati. —Cornelius I3ealer, an old citizen tat CitWinnatl, and largely interested its steamboats. died 4,441 . 4141.1 y ut that 034 4 4 ou Saturday. —The steanNwl Tyrone ask lift ' miles laelaaw 4140444vi11•-• is the C411441.4-r laud river. RIVER PACKETS. All/MAGA • an E.H. r ...: rtErr ST EA M EM BELLE, J. VrVIT44. ndtpendrnlYittaburgh, Brawnivllje aa Genera l'ackrl. • Laarea 11.. at stare Ma ..... araltela linage Very TlikAlt/LV.TItUItItILI i and a ATl:ititate t Y. tt. Will Cam Fre , g anti l'assengert t•. ao‘at.a. it Maoottaabala ti ht re, V-rfretatit arpotaaasa•nTAT 1t" , t" , • , .. -3, at. at haa ..f Grant atr,t. soya P.VITEKattN. Aaant. PORTKIIGt. TN rAchicr. FOtt WHEELING. MAUI. , EllA. P A RKERSBURG. .IBONTON AND PURT:+II4.47II. Leave. Piustairsh.EVEßV FRIDAY- .4 1.. sl ',woes Yoramouth !: \'I:11Y MONDAY —lO A =II GRANITE STATE, w. a* Nittl Igor* a. aaninasee , i, • For freight .4 pgstng, uggly Int VArd, hr to Fun. MEMPHIS and NEW . .,,,A=lo. 0R1,11./.1 , 1.- Tl, .taunclk and fast stem.. BELLEVEILSON.. ...... Capt. J. J. DARRAGH •Ili I.ti for awash , . noel Intermediate pent Tian...ADA Y, Xay 111th. at 4 P. L. . b""lgh"* lt a rk7l.. l T V AIINTIV3 m)li, U. I UILUhK T & Area., VMS t.LOI I I S.O A LEN i ssag E i j DU BUQUE AND T. PAUL . t — TirETrAt r V P'"'"" .; ;Mt t. Ceraniandev. James Mellon. Clerk ,wlll leave he . the above and abet - 01014W ports TitlN DAT. Mae tr. at 4 P.L. trirgVErArrrNIVA.4I4"&"ACT L'OR ST. LOUIS, KU I . DUBCQUE AND ST.aildrat PM: L.—Tan g. ps.enster !Learner SAVANNA Capt: Maxus. • WIII lave for Y.Maf 180,1 k the endt 4 Intermediate perte ItUft 13.4'; A3ll!l34lllft,"`,Zina.,. - - . E1.'0:;i41;714 1 1 3 ,1Ar!-: MILD DUCK; • And Barges Swan and Dove, J. W. ANAWALT., Will home ea announced above. For freight nPPIY rd. hoard or 10 (0.. As, Who hid alve ilahntah Mils of lading to lento , and all landing. on the ShaeivOPP_ l -OP ° ' M rivers. ru Pittiburgirand Chielinta PACKET LINE Tito new aria opiendia mde-,:ameisidEit ita,ll6-E'cr.3l"o, VO.lll leave PitUbtrA for On ER THURSDAY nt o'clock uonzp! 7U!:°,7? f7oclnml{ h\ ER Nl. 7- ft"lb";•Pa V.tiaiPo l it. 4 (7430 n: JAIEESI E0LL1NL1.,22.112312_,_ ittsburgifaid FLicKET LINE. now. and splealld nide-wheel Stearint ARLINGTON, DANIE.I. 'MOORr, Maher,' A. fl. JirtErAuth.Clc , lc;.to."" •pittsburgli for.anthinatt crx,.TirkBPNY 71 , M. P ,, apPtl7. Rahman*, eaaaa etheirmatLfor bursa. at 1.2 X. cam FRIDAY. ror or other Information, nPPIT on toird or to '3iirrxeol.r..nBci. ' r i , tal • • IPI.ACit COLLINGWOOD. AN°`'. LEGAL 7'o LIVERPOOL AND ITEENs TOWN.— THE tdAll9 BT6A l tBllllll.notabeetnitolzteen tthh , - Wth• tie." veuelt, nraohg there the celeb l n- 1P • ted ,- RR: 81: DIM . • Rimiu , NDO. . • MUMMY far Applicants. • IRT t EVR SAT LIRDA Y. fears Pier 43 N , Itlatig:eiefl Witt. Yoe passage or lumber Info tlea ilpply to •,• • -••••—• SPECIAL NOTICES 1.041.7MPT10N. • DR. ScRENCER PULMONIC STROP fur the Dr.of Coughs, Cold. and Consumption. Dr. SCUENCK'S SEAWEED TONIC for the mire of Dyspepsia and all the Debilitated Conditions of the Stomach. DR. SCIIENC.K'S MANDRAKE PILLS. for DU, ewes of the Liver or tout ma Gentle Purgative.. Allot these three Medicines are often regulned.l us caring Consumption. though the Pulmonie Seaweed Tunic alone has sated many desperate COMM The Seaweed Tunic and Mandrade Pills assist In reg ulating the Stomach and Liver, and help the Pal iconic Syrup to digest and smirch through the blood vr*sers, by which rhea.. a Cores soon er• looted. Theu Sicaletnes conuientiously oiSen3d to rem edy ublic as the only ufe..eertalti and re liable rem for Pulmonary or the and for all those morbid conditiOns or the body which teed to Chet fatal dive. Liver Cou.plaintand Dysppsia' are ( manifestrtm of onsuesplin, and when they themselves they require the moat ptunpt ttentlon. I • Thu Pulmonle Syrup is a medicine which has had blong probation before the public. it. vale e has een proved by the thousand cares Ithu made through a period ofvuore than thlrty.ave you. in tof which time its rePatittiou him ...sued. and he most obstinate skepticism can no longer doubt ducet is .r.m.ti which may be used with confi en in all cases which admit of a ears. If the natient will per...tingly follow Me direr. (lona which if mob MA0...! Mil becured. If his mum are not too mach wasted to maim a care possible. Even in ease* sapposed to be incurable, when friends and physitans have despaired, the use of this Medicine has saved the life of the patient and restored him perfect healt Dr.Schencke deer not say that all moe. of PM- I mon, consumption are Wit - On die read, of meti - Wine. but he emphatically assert* that often whe patients have the most alarming ern witputs. au aa a violent Polith• creeping qiin. eight own s • general debility, even to elicit. a degreeithat th are obliged to fiiiin bed and When they've al up by their phYsiclini• w e Y . " In b. " " d ' .' the treatment can create hew lungs but w n the lungs ere veal sadly diseased and to eerie :- tent destroyed. a cure may be , effected by . achenciCs medicine. A imi. In Scroftilous Diseases, these Me Dcinea en equally efficient. Dr. ffeheneff hae PhoOolimPhlii n number of persona who have been nearly cove with rucoing cores end now all healed up. 'Tit s thows km pull fling prePertles. which tact be able o heel cavities In the lungs. In the treatment of Consumption It of the It, nails, inn...ince to give vigor and a h thy tone to the system. Hence it Is necessary to Drengthen the appetite of the patient end linproweithe Moe.- ton. Proluir nourishment is required together with such loom. as will make theft.] wildly diger tittle: The talkies most suitable Tor She diet of ConsuMptive patients ere designalld In Dr. tictienck's Almanacs, which are distributed gratui tously. In general, the most highly outrito vti dee are strengthened d, but the digestive nans must he ln order to sane either food or medicine wiryleeeble. TM. requirement Is met by the Seaweed Tonle, and for this purpose it was natant:Ord. ' When the digestive gotten are nut le good order. the food has Its proper effect; the system of the patient Is invigorated and the lungs begin to ever elite t uncts he al i ng a normal and healthy men ner. Then the r Powtas of Pulusonle SYMP will effect the one. Pulmonary Consume Dun Is almost al..s co.. pl M andr a ke pPla and Liver Complaint: Schenck's Pills are intended to remove obstructions from the Liver and vesture Its healthy action. They have all the efacagy which is ascribed to calomel oe•blite mass, - and arewarranted not to contain a panicle or any mineral poison. These Pillscu mo re the at obsti.te oosUseness sick headache, ellen. billions enaction; and all 'other Mae.% which arise from a torpid pr obstructed condition of the Liver. One boa of U.. Pine will prove the ofilc.y of the medicine. - In convumption the Seaweed Tonic .4 Man drags tills are invaluable auxiliary medicines. The relieve the wagering.. the patient end corset the PitiMenie STPip in effecting • cure. Th.' have been found obtain advanced stages of Cotieump tin, where the loop are almost entirely destrOted and ell eyrnplommacowding to the Judgment pi the " ?I aceigriM,','%V.a " MI; j d n ea a th. ltuv me" m s tif:!, p ma be. preserved for until M c o, th e ase of Sche re nck's three great remedies. Dr. Schenck's Almanac contains a full treatise on the various b dne of of treatment anJ general directions tom to rise hit [131411C1110 can he lied gratis, or sent by mail by addressing his Ihincipel Office, ho. 1. North SIX. street. Phila delphia. Pa. - pone of. the Pultnonte Strom and Seaweed Tonic .ch 111.30 per botUe. or 87.3111 half down. .Mandrake villa 15 Cents a box. For We by all druggists. derTalaT v6 - DOCTOR WHITTIER CONTI'S . UE TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DIP EASKeI, Tbat numerous class of rte. resign." front self-abuse, reducing unmanliness. nertons debility. irritability, eruption., walnut etnitudona. and smalls luttsttency pertuanenUyeured. Persons 'afflicted with delicate. Intricate and long atanai.l nontitutional eminent.. ant poUtely Melted to cell for consultation. which costs nothing. nonce, the best of tenchsra, has enabled him to perfect re medie• once arllelent.anfe.penuanent. and which in moat Medicines rance to business. peeped,' In the ea. tablishment. which embrates ntlice s reeeptlon and waiting rooms; also bowling end aletplM itput meno for patents romdrinst daily panto flop mid vapor and chemical bath, thus concern trtting the fantod tuliternl springs. No matter who torte tailed. state your ease. Read what be says In lila pamphlet of fifty owes, sent to any address Toe two etatnpli In sealed en seinen. Thoutiandli of non treated annually. at twine and all near that:ow:art. Ponsultation rem personally or by mall. slant No. A Wells street, (newt Conn. Mouse) Plttsbarg. Pa. Hours It S. alto P. W. Huntley. Itj M. to la ell. Pamphlet p,..1,10.t..1. to any address for TWO STAMP. to ErRA!iHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW RESTORY.II —Just Published In a - totaisal Wc i f3VAI=A4LIVA.ttnaIt!IZtVN elpermaunThrets or nominal Weakness, and Itapedt monis to Marriaco generally, Samoan., Coo snroptlon, Epilepsy. and Fit. Mental and Physleal Is . be., by RORI' . J. CVLVERWELI., U. Is. author of the 'Green Rook, - Ac. lUMIN TO TflOttliA NOM Op SO a ddress, nt under seal in a clam envelope. to toe rrtelpold. VIITSt e .r ; a sir cent.. ;. r (V./.. * V.trikr:.Vni et: York. tance hoe 3386. Also or. thine rwelPe - Mu rriaar pelts 24 cents_ in rAirRATCHELOW'S HAIR• IR.! , pr. le the best In tht 1 0 0 _return lead. nor auy rtraLle Dania pvideed pantlysi. or death. Avoid the vaunted and delu sive pan...retools liil4llllLtirtuas they du suit pin eras. The genuine .A. Datclielors Ilulr Die has had 30 years untarnlsheit reputation to uphold its Integrity as the only. Perfect Hair live—Blank or Brown. lid UT all Drusglsts. Applied at lb Wind atm., te: AUCTION. Chartiers Cemeter Pt - BLI:c SAALI-4:8 Oh the Ce mete ry_tirouthla,beirinnlng at 10 o'cick FFIIIIIIAP OA V, Nay Ileth. len/0. Chartiery temeter, le enlisted on the TemPen. aneertlle and Benefield Plank Road. afloat asullea font, the Biter and onn-liearter of Mile front Cemetery Mallon. Vanlimelle Railroad. The grounds hoeing beck carefully 'dotted Into ...Bone and range., the manager, ern over the ennat ehaibie bd. at prices to mutt the puree. of all. sod lunch below the prie,v, rare current in the city conielarivet. AU Rho have Mot yet purehased a Family Burial Lot are particulaXlT direnlani wmsw vale, and urged to come at once wit/make aelentlon of a lot while the prim, are vo viiitonerroin the cities and boroughs: can Teeth I the Cemetery by taking the A ernmmodation Train. leaving the Union titled tit 11 , 43 A. fid /aging Birmingham Station at 11:35 A. M.: leaving Tenn peran.rille Stalks° st 11-40 K.; swigs, off the train at C met eery Station. train. return In the erten...on at 3u rad 3:30 r. M. trte.te • ATIIINAL ISINI 7.ENS, ttNielt and ALLFXiIIE,. V. T1.7)..517A V EV EN (NO. May k kth. kt Pt o'clock. vile be *old on nelvaul Mew of idellwatne'a Auctkat /ham, 10ree5 ntulthgehl street - 31 ent Onions National Bank: 5. vinare. E xchang• National Bank: chine. mild .Auctioaser. • L. 31113111.1 I= = - - - UPPICR MI illhlrr~ ME= .111ron.ralee . lerk JTJII.IA.TA, tz:EIC4 r4itOg • DII Nycioneirorirn, 1 , 1:47 Frrros'sra.rcr,barner'ot Wobster ave nue FROST snd ESTIBULE DOORS suds to cadet'. -A11 . 1,104. of 34,11:015re ISlRltsorlind Atm; pt. rmlselon Ditid ADA', ooth 143 I Messurer. . . . layllkßOG . BITRIAL LOTS OUNTltot.t.letta' Orvu•r. t crrr or A a...M1% May 1311t1.21 , 741.1 ?OT ICE TO CO N T R ACTORS.—NeaI ED PROPOS/11A Will be reealtred at this tatter until 3 P. N.. Ta VIIM,A V, Nay 1% tot the f. RAPING AND PAVING • I the following Streets and 111r1.11EURY front liebeem,treet to LP 40tahern lernainup. TAW; A KT ' , TRIM'. from Wx.hlnst , .. to Quiou UNION"AVENGE. (non To/mort street to It northern termlnns. BLIE.NA VISTA STII.KET, from Thylot torso to Attlee street. JACKSON STREET,from Fremont street t Orunt avenue. 0111:114 - 11 AVENVIC, from Federal street 1 trios avenue. IRWIN A VENCE.'ffo.__Pve%eot tenni.... of paving to Wa‘hinuton ova nos. A ItA2AS STREET. *nun Fulton .teat to Deaver arenuc. Pfrf A from Stniwberry allay to Mont- FRAZIER ALLEY; from Whoa to Sedgatick street.. EGR GRADING fbNIX: /A LAPPA !TREET. from Walter street to Ito wetter,. terminus. EVANS A 1.1. ET. from - Fayette street toWeatern avenue. Spectllcatlont ran lie seen at lA. nrtiev of Mullet • ItavlS, Esq.; Illy Eneneof. The elolt It volumed to reject any or all Milo. w: it. PORTER, =l3 9. NypllliCS4N 11. RtepAnt, rfAvilb WORKMA'N DAVIS • I:moo/mars to WORKMAN, NIOORE & CO., mail =I Carriages, Buggies, SPRING & BUCK WAGONS 44, 46 amil 48 Semi SW illegkeny. dgni,VA,:°;errtz,. — qtar,Vili.,ll4 - r ...- o „.to4 , Ar i f.VVrrilagn'.ll:l; cr .-, :1301,N MINN' II feellpiffey Usve ee %M‘ paky's nab( et ((ARVIN% ./rxr ~. ii pu,s, ndjtaop',l Camel Quiekefthifter an Anti- Miler for Meats. 1 't'ittrrixterrnA3lB iK , tereet of Alex. and Wm. IL Moore. to the late tem of WORILMAN; MOORS* ifkOdthe lewdness will hereafter be eelltlrMS es We old Hewett leader the name and affl? el' WidItNMAN A-111A. VIA, Orden ailleXtfidi e' , (ti l i 1 .. ,Ai.4 t. j0i4. , , .; :s 1 . f. IVICTII 1.111 MN f Late with Citizens' National Bank, Pitlsbefei: 67oRiti3 writotivir, Silk hats; Nebo!Gale sind.Ratalt, - Ilesda 711 , 111 arlePitle, en to re. Old it rettoested and remodel oil to pt style, blocked and repaired. Hat etted by ' tee Ainerleess,t,Mmturter. ALL orde setimptiy attendadea.. Isesswery etqu.Es P. STIt!T,, Carpenier...a.p.d win promptly Wend to all kinds of Jobbinggiark.• 011 ..".rr,ftltitgrlii4tglir..."4• `lgt ° :E r " • AMERICAN BANK,I No. 80. Fourth Aybnue PITTSBURGH CASII C/PITAL friatooo Stockholders Individually Liable. BANE OF DISCuUNT AED DEPOSIT. lOUS FLOYD. ISE. FLOYD. PToOdent. l'auhltr LillitiXToll/4: Sl.Marshall, A rc h bal dM. sitland, Wm. T. Shmson. Welsce. lamer. Arras. 1 J. D. Kelly. Chs, E. Leech. 1 W. nun]. John Maya._ This Bank is no. fully Ondsondad and P.P.dabdo do don:land disoklod busload.. FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, No. lOU Fourth Are., Pittsburgh. *lOO.OOO. 9909.0410. D EVITRIA CU AIR4I9 .9 I g A i l ha TA n r g mans. Prestdent—EDWAßD HOUSE. Vice Presidents—J ;, s. CRAM ADAM JA6)1313. JAMMES 5. FitttrENAL, A ROW . 'MORA. BTEkg . JAssao.l. RULED.. TEO AB W. DAI . Secretary and Truasurer—TßOßAP STEEL. 'Assistant Outdoor-4 AMES P . SPEER. Orden hours from 9 o'clock A. M. tO4 o'clock P.R. dans, =I every Saturday ereinsw from 7 to 1.0. aedlnda COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY No. 92 Fourth Ave.. Pithburgh .1M200,000 Stockholders Individually Liable. W. 11. EVERSON, W. C. MACRUM, President. Cashier. IHSATOA T.EXANDER BATES, .101r.N. LI.NDSAY, A. ENO! I SII, W. It. EV EftSON, J . F . l6AtillYgt W. O.IIUODART, R F WILSON,. JACOB KLEE. Unit Co lled ections de ma on EL accessible Ants nt the Mateo d INTEREST allo=MMEta DEPOBI'IB. Prompt attention glvon to all Latin.. ar acre. pow:lents. CEIBM CITY BANK npS:j'tSs 12=1 ISIEEM7 EITOCEIIOI.I/NES _INDIVIDUADIA LIABLE. sell PAR/ UN DEP./MTS. FOREIGN EXL.IIANGE bought and sold. sod when desired rensitt.l to Europe. Csalections made on ell sod In all the loinelPei points of the Coiled Elutes and lades. DOMINICK I MREV, President. • J ABM MccA E. Vice President. • W. N. MORGAN. Cashier. DIREMOBJI: I Juno • :IcCabe. , BELO Kestins. rangtll.9 b e l ! . A. FregofS. D. Ibmson. Thom. 11..urter Patrick Kane. Jog' lI.GAZZAM. Sollritra H. J s. iltupy Jet k.% THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO Of Pittsburgh, Safe keeping of yatuabies, Under guarantee. Itno the Tenthir ?t Sees In I Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No. 83 Fourth Ave 7:1= -WILLIAM • • • WWI= Pbllllo. ; Byron 11. Pander, .• neon f toyd. dna. E. Monism, NOOlant Kea. ; (knots Mack: Mahon M. I4on. 1 Corm!). lintoey. Jar. 1. Bennett. tarey and Trear.-9. F. VON BONNIIOBAS. Open daily froze S o'clock A. M. to 4 o'Clnet. 7 Per-Cent. Gold Loan .(FREE Or U. S. TAX,( of TUN. 'BURLINGTON, • CEDAR RAPIDS & MINNESOTA. R. R. CO'S 'First Mortgage FM YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS, A LIMITED QUANTITY TOR PAM At 90 and Accrued Interes I=l 3. 1:104) /a it TFINMPSON.; 11 AIII.RS I— I. PAST, The greater pan of the ruts lo aimed, completed end shown hires earnings. and the balance of the work is rapidly progremlog. Re unheslia/Jaglyreoutomendthese goads as the safest and heel investment In the market. . ' i. ilve-twentlia M mann% petrel only.mturn eve per cent. Interest. Mille them pay eight and one-quarter per cent. In Gold, and •e regard the ...MY equally gal. HEN RY GLENS & CO 32 Wall Street,New York S. M'CLEAN & CO., No. 65 Fourth Avenue, =M! N. Holmes & Sons, RA NITERS, 57 Market Street, Parrs BURGH, PA Unilectinne made an sll the the pettier Innate of United State. and e. STOCKS, BONDS AID OTWER BOUGHT AND SOLO ON COMMISSION Partlevier sites:lo..llo.M to ttet perches end feet United States Seouritieg CA COREY & CO., Bankers and Broken, ,ORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittsbprgh. Pa., (Stleelt+SOßS 11.4ViN.A. HART d C 0..) E=1:161 Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And pardetar altanttoia paid to the purchase laid sale of GoN'eent Bonde Sight Draughts am Loudon. 1.0.82 Tradesmen's National Bank, WOODD STREET, COINER SECOND RE, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupes Gilds and Stock BOUGHT AND !Iola). 10.1,131i1C4, President, ' 41tlfanitYlin=4:: GEM FAINTING, GRAINING, am. JOHN"GRAY; BOOBS AND MN MIMES, faiii.AAN - Fat Aavr. ' II AI. 34 blirEll wrarir laWn 41.14;;U•114 MWEEMEOT .'T‘......1):..F4:v ,- .S. -• • " Pm 49 virrlt ATENIIIC . Plans snit .11.410- WHEELF,Ris Patent Stamp Caneelers. EDWIN STEVENS, No. 41 S. , tiTiiird Street. "f • rfur4l.3lg.trlirK: te arra! Agep,tlo *Ik qt Pru~pwrdir: • All ardent 1111 b 6110 'WIWI Uti.:411011400•thlb CHEESE, &V I. • - 'I i nq An n a•. , . ENGINES, BOILERS, &o FORT - Ellt Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS-. CARROLL Si SNYDER, DIANUFAVTIJBOLS ' OF TNPVrbii dArkflrTrd FIRE. OLATLLISAD TANuS TUBULAR CIIMNEIS. RREEOiLIG AND ASH PANS. SETTLING PANS. SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS. ' STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON 3 74L150N DOORS AND COAL MUTES- OFFICE AND WAEEIIOCSE Cor—td,lld, Short and Liberty Streets, nrdere sent to the above address will be praattay attended to: HUGH M. BOLE & CO. Cor. Pulnt Alley and Duquesne (NEAP. TIIN POUT.) Engine Builders, Founders AND MACHINISTS. Mann STEAMBOAT ENGINES and STA TIONERY WINS:4 of all slow . A tkode m ittre v rat ing i nt N tA)ozwerg i ligl i n BaLEIt of 15 bona scorer. CASTlNOS.Age7 T lgr or made r A rdeLet our F VO 4 FitT . NI vEg.. PuLLiqs. HANGERS. HOUSE and TOBACeNt SCREWS and IRON TOBACCO PRESSES , on hand and Blade to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Frontinurgh, g on the Allegheny Hirer , near the Poi Plitab PS. • IT All ordtrut9l3.lV.Tjled. Riesick & Bro., FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS FXE=22 ENGINES AND MACHINED =I BREWERY WORE,. RICI:0 and PUTTIMI UP MACEUNISU.,_}IIf RAULIC CEMENT. Co, par =and Finn, dT , Pntsbunin, °TURA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN & CO., T I VIS I rOV I VI LIL IZ 4 K 1111171: CHIIIWS7BILCLIRN A iIfig BEDS . • Cor. of Stroud Avenue and Liberty Strut. PITTSBURGH. PA. Repairing donepromptly. Orden- sent to the almre addreas pill be promptly attended to. V. ILISPIIAS. tumidly Maunder at CARROLL & IibNYDER.P. oelltptC POUNDERS, MACHINISTS KNAP FORT PITT Foundry Company, OFFI('E AND WOIMCS. Twelfth Street, OrlingUse*, Rollins 34111 MathLuerr. N• 11 chines, .or!s, sad CaNLEirmienersal 7 . mil NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe ANTorks. Corner Carroll and SmaMan Sreet I=l WM. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe GAS AND WATER WORKS. geoeni Castings for Gas and Water !Works I would also call the attention of Suerlotoodoots of U. Wort. to 0t ILIIIMP of UNTO Ilt.k * 11. A. 0fE r r0...... MONONGAIIIIA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & IRON ROS, H M"""" aV LINTELS HO and U S IL L S,L F of IE sof Castings of all Descriptions. cEIatIIS 4 C ARVALITLLI Orincs ARR Yousintr—No. ISO WATER ST.. ROBINSON, REA & CO. illitaimots to ZODISSow. MDTIA i MILLI= WASHINGTON WORKS FOUNDERS S RACUINISTR PITTSBURG'S liamitmetnenrs of Bost. and Ratlonsal Steam PS, oUrtner i rirgraire , od .tfar an Mont Iton worm. " otri ' Ur l etATet. PAW-41TIMMIL THOS. CARLIN & CO. Fourth Ward Foundry it Mathino Works SAM/INKY BT., ALT.BOIIII27Y CITY, PA Manufacturers of Stationary and Portable Steam rosin*, Oil Presses. Pullers, Orin and bait MU Wa Itolling_3llU and Machin Casting.. Grata Barb We it, ights, Wagon &web be. Blab to order and bare on band Rubino, of all Mow Phoenix Roll Foundry. Car. LIDDILTY AND 5114M1 PT& BOLLMAN & BAGALEY ==ll Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions • ':::1 .11 G w:.DeCAMP, . . ATTORNEY AND COUNAILLOIL AT LAW, Mu mowed to bi0:5 4 7 UttATPI4I.I3IT. Pt _tub bog . IV t i l b trise . tles t r the u. P. a i t t r . v . = 4 / 431.0.14 oaort..A=Zitemons in of ot the adjacent mantle. , : •• • - : ' *aim Attorney-at-Law, r o, 68 GIIAJiT STREET, Vi-Promp talLution given In all kinds of B/LD lILUEELY ARCM 1. Attornerat-Liw 11. is nrrn .tvras-uz. A IFILVAN AND Ir raI A TICIO .TOBTICE OF Office;ll.2 rifth avenue:( B attention Amato 'am • sal cot- COTTON. /KILLS. HOIATES, ELL SL CO. ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, m.outeusniia II htlfr " 41 ' 611? • OCTIOR A ND _ MAGNOLIA. •,,1.:134tti-ig 1M DPiUESNg WORKS, Coleman, Balm & Co., I=l IRON, NAILS, STEEL -vxos nild Springs bIEquESN L X AND JUN I ATA.- lAtl. ° 4, l ;6l.`fshill4'l3 iIVAANY BOILER 1 . 1..1eP-4 AND HEADS • GUARD IRON. DRAG AND OII OPPEII DARK. BAR....CYLINDER IRON. T AND CROWBAILS ' Atkg4 " E . C .ItratiN TEETH. STEEL W!Nt;S AND NOI'I.DS, rut t Rem. STEEL sT EEL SIIAMING. A to is COACH. BLGGY and WAGON SL lIINIIS end ' 7I I IT NAILS AND SPIKES, .All Goods First Class and-Warranted. C=l , OFFICE e AND WORKS-16thstreet and Ant; Oen River. and 77 Water Street. PRobursh. MILLER , - BARU _4. PARKIN I= Wst. . OKto c. C . BAHR .F . .14rcelAl. P.Orricx—S. M. KIER. Crescent Steel Works, LLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE: No. 830 Liberty Street, wl4 ditl PITTSBURGH. PA. Pittsburgh Steel. Works. IN 1843. ANDERSON & WOODS, Best Refined Cast Steel OF EVERY DESCRIPTION.. ALSO. Best Refined German Plow & Spring Steel. CORNER ROSS AND FIRST AVENUE. Pitt. burgh. P. NO MOULD. ,PITTSBURCI4 JVbrelty Works. FOUNDND A. D. 1333. MOORHEAD, ADAMS & CO tend of IC EYBTONE STANDARD Wall. • tent, PLATFI PR)! AND l'oU NT ER SCALES. - ]sous Faced Potent laaa• Local and. Latency Patna and Coffee 11111. ,de. Cotner of FIIRcr A VF:NUE and GRANT STS. PRWbuntn.P,F Sheffield Steel Works, SINGER, NIMICK & CO., lifonufactuntra of every descriptkm of . Cast and German Steel. "ifffirt`liZantATl , o AXLE., STEEL TIRE. - M== BLACS DIAM STEEL WORKS. PAIIK,IIIIOTHER & CO., manufacturers of atb Descriptions of STEEL. =l2ll • OFFICE and WM1E1101;8E-301. Railroad Areal, Pntsburati. STOVES, CASTIN c ; COOK STO Get the 'Be; BISSELL & TRITIMP = For BitaninoutCoa Warranted to COOK, BAKE or ROAST es w my Other Stove M the Enloe. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 - Liberty Street ALSO, ON RAND AND FOR SALE PARLOR STOTF.S, HEATING STOVES. GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS. COOELNO RANGES. a. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO. Boston Cooking Range `'THE FIERY FURNACE'', THE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE. REGULATOR, - COLUMBIA tnNAC STQTE. VANE G_NnaLnzual Pattern/ PORTABLE RANGE. CARCON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S RETLE , Ta o HAiT i aGne_ from SIR and dust; GRATE EBB. de. 206 and 208 Liberty Street, • PITTSBURGH. PA. A.BRADLEY & CO. No. 30 Wood Street Manufacturers of the Greatest Vatiety of COOL PARLOR and TIF.ATING STOVES to be found. In our smortment will he found *lithe latest PAT TERNS and IMPROVEMENTS, and the reputa tion of our _ Stoves Is such that soy one In w an of none but thom man tr,g,i,Vgli:::=Perwiu—ho,„und the most du made to well no economical. Would call particular ttentlon to our new VOLCANO STOVE.. foe thurchew halls and mores. Orer ssoo fold Intbreo months. Intended for with or witht amine- • All who hare used them pronounce t hem superior to anyother and far cheaper. Send forCatabiltheand nice iat. WINES, LIQUORS, AGNER ' S FRENCII COLOIIII The Very Best in the United States MANUFACTURED BY • WM. - WAGNER • 981 North Soren& Street, Rxramioci—All the'leatUAß houseslp Ph ptchu. gchmidt VINES, BRANDIES, GINS; Sce PURE RYE WHISKIS. Car. of. ELEVENTH ST., family Ca a ~t~~~~a~~:4:~'~~ E 333 • Nramtluturen of COPPER DrsTILLED • AY E WHISKY: Mao. dosleri rosunaw w I:II. MILTON FIF'LTON' .1102141 - - I • • • • e 1 ' AtIAND sTiut otrrleak,': " FAvalua• sow igh .Street.•PS Lena am ll a,tact !row" ketsattg, rmn IWZSlt s =x. A. gal= • AtrISIZAS=" 6". Walef—Md SUMO Remit= 2prii:L. , /*Ai promatirstiouled to. . . ; . r7Ol • _.---,- PENNSYLTANIA CENTRAL. ItAllr ,j--,,.R0an.-aln+ne_.nei amtdepast tteca the LTniotPlkpot, cantor otlla Mittoarand Libetti stemmas toilets: ARRIVE. Ystl Tin.. 1 , 30 am •Scolthern es.. a.... a. I.lno. ..11:13 am I..•PatteclFA-, /.0 nm Wall', No. w.„, No. .. tii3Q Ac No.l 7 atil Mall Trait,— . am tpinton 4r..19 . 4 DN M 4ll aN mrinalt pl ks A. , ' • 3 : 4% :,„, JohretprellA,i 0.0 am i s t 1 . 1%.%.• • • •• • B." N. 7:90 soo N0.e.h...111:.311 nos, OTo, 4.03 I , P Wa7l . :.'N. M - 31 4 p . zn' l ko. llomooM A c IL'Pr* . • , . 3 , aow. No. 1 11413 p al an No. 3. • 31 0 . Pm Walra N. 4.. 3.30 pal Walre No. 4.. 6•11/ " ..31 P i. V . 1414: P : • Nrsrlthr, 111.11 1 P P: es =trains memo ' lmo consooolon st Ilarttee- burg tor Baltimore. • Thy March Trala leaves Walls Station Sipalay at 9:03 a. In.. reaching Pittsbargli . ]0:03 Upturning. lean." , riataburtip at 12:30 m. an 3 arrival at Walls Station et 2'lo P 4. ' inelnnall tramps leaves daily. Sebthern lean!. daily except Monday. - All other tralret Sunda) , Fur th The Penwerlyania Railroad Company httll not UT gable Iny risk for their e.rApi:=l,7_ 11;2 - 1 1 1r.1 ilagr exceedlng the , huteent in Tattle Will be al the rhea of the outlet. trken by ethTl*l b•otl I .'•• I • A. J. CASSATT. hua General littbeEtt.itendent„Alltb2t2a..lllz . _ . ESTERN PENN IN IA It. R. WI attar NOV. 14. 1569. the thutatareraaa." -- Troia, ha the Waatarn pennayleanta Itnanout teal nertte at sad tlettart (raw (ha he Street Ilea.. All. "Y• as follow.: APR., . burAhr . 1 4 am Mail I 'N ' et li m d tt * Yro! 1 ill ....,.,,r ; . 1 ;4;1:: ...,,,.... ~.. ..m Sharpfg Ala 1 1:20 a m Sharpb gNo 1 1 20 pm Express 2 20 p m Freeport No. 2 4 03 p m spring., e No 1 3 141 p m Mail . 400 9 mirreetarn N.. 2 8.111,... eprinipre No 20-20 p m Sidingd e No .1 to 30 e ni Above trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Trsin leaves Altegllny Junolon every Sunday at 7 40 4. sr, math ng AlleghenY City at 9 12 0 A. N Returning. itrovea AljewhehY tlty at 111 P. sr. and arrive at Aileen.. lune- Roost 3'40 P.m. The trnins connect i onleghey City wi t h Q 0 A n. mato direct at PreepOrt Walter's line of Mar ma be Buller and Hannahstown. be portrnmed at the 11010. 7,1711 ) : Viairtreor. near the Smpension Bridge. Pittsietrith. and at the lapin , Alleghen7. Fax further particulars apply to JAHR* LEFFERTS, Agent. !greet - Depot. The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not aii mpaureete,e'nerd'llirl.thl'el " Tre laig ' ll7fiV " Vi ' ll L g n lS: ll,: de., ' Doli ar s In value All basmuro exceeding this amount in value will lie at the risk of the ostler, unless taken by medal contruCt. A.J. CASSATT. noiS General Supertntendebt, Altonai Pa. ITTSBFRG 11, FORT WAYNE k PiocAGo . ll. W. and MU:ILT! r`T'Fgi -2--- 7 ' 7/ Krim MAY lat, 1870. trains will leave from and arrive at the Lnion Depot, north side. Pitts burgh city time. as follows LIAVe. Anal,' . Fast Line 12 5a to Fast Line 2.10 ain Erie It IFt Ikly 7.: Bam thwitle Ex . I•4lP , am .1 1 1 eL & wh at,' ' ; ' micrrref.'i.";'• s y . 1; °"' eblZur. . 11. .. 9 . : it.Chl o Maill . 2l: Z: Ph& 7rtegni. p mlCAnuit. ET grp. T P• 6 °' ' 2 - ° min li4 -s °lt" .....r. ' Pro St Erie Ex pto • IR 14 . m g',...:,n,..rdr;T'_4,',ll4.`;';‘...l;tl=lt'..ll,siTri4.lL‘ T. Leetsdale - '- a oin a etelleat Falls - 14 Oise in . 11.3& • Maim thistle - 10 33 a iii Roeheater -1 I p tu,EMdl "PIAS a in Enos •• • pet Leetsdale •• lit 43 pin Leetsdale •• 1p in Betir Fail. "213 p in Beier Falls •• IP • p m LtsamOdle •• 144 r al Leetwliale • 10 43 Dm " 733 e iii Fair oats Sun- Fair Oats Sun dal ilunch. 113 p m disYChuroh . 9 3 8 . 'll 13r - Paelfla ktrprers will leave dale. I.lrPacies Klemm arrives daily. Want Line leases dully. Mondays excepted. Fast Um arrives daily, Mondays Nos idod kllother Indus will leave end arrive d Sundaes etrepted . I- It `4l Fat". J h Met 111.1.0UG11. illy) Gana. Pas. A 'Octet Agent. tteni Mitzurger. c. I IIANIIE OF TIME.-ALLEOII EN 1 VAI.I.IIIT RAILROAD. - oniy DIRECT ItOU'rEaraZ„ --2- ..4,.. TO TIO , 011. ItItttIONS WITIIOLT Cll.l\llb OF CAlui. on end after MONDAY, Nov 22. 18118. TWO THROUGH TRAINS GAILY, iexmpt Sunda y I will leave PittabtlOth DOPOt. co rn er of Faeventh and rite streets, for Franklin, 011 CID. Rabble. and ail Pointe In the Oil Regions. twAvs Prrtmarlittli. lALLIIIWP th PITITWIIGIT. DILI *T r . 714 A. IL Day Na 330 p. a. lit h hollon 11 . 171! . eianntu r lte . ' VA .t: Z . . •CA,lluiton 11 .10 AltAld lialton . 900 /1. at. Itultnn... A 0 P.M..3olballow . Si lb/ P NI. 4 liultoit .11 P-11.4thliullow.. 713 P. U. I Ftwep.rt Ae. 113 A. I.I.IFrOWL Works. 7 31A si Soda Worts. GS P.PI 'Freeport Ac tl 1. P AI. 14,1.°4. 1 ' . Ace . ? • 1:::1°17.1 7 .i: 'IVA 1.11: ....Express train. Map only' ax principal point, Ac. commodAtinowta. WA , at all stations, We am running Silver Palace Sleeping Cars" on our night VOpress trains. both war , fn. n FittAburgh lorry J T . 3. LAWRENCE, Gent Supt. HOMAS M. KLlti, AmN. Shpt PITTSIIIIROH, CINCINNATI A'S D ST. LOUIS ItAlLWAl.rnes, PAN HINDLE ROUTE, 00/44 1 CIIANGE OF R O U T-On mil atter SUNDAY, NOT 14th, 18119, trams will leave and arrive at the Union `b pd, Pittsburgh... folloWE Pittsburgh Time. . DICPAIRT. A St Mall lig i s nt.141 lft, ni. Southern ElrprVl. ' • I. 111. 3 0 a . m. Font 1.100 ` il ann. as. 718 p. in. Mixed Aerommodathe , 3:45 . ,u. 2 Alp m. Melkmuld Ace•n. No 1 . 11 . 4 a. ni. 713 a m. Steubenville AtTotstrund. 343 pan. 1 Ma m. 11CDonald Ace's No 2. 3.33 p.m. "3 p in. aunlgly Church Train.... "l2 SS p in. 9a m. -,:.-taLy. - , rif.inTwrgg.:l,l.l . ,- - ~._. , :p. 8... General Ticket Ageni, Columbus. 0. _w . . W. Patta.tkpa.yenopl22. Ohio. nor. PITTSBURGH AND CONNELLS VILLE RAJLROAD Onand .fret SUNDAY. Xlia.=Ea February 20th. 1870. Trains Gran t rrive and desert from the Depot. am ber of und Water atreets, as follows Deemer. Muter. Mall to and from list',,. 9:10 a.m. 11/1/ p. m. ee McKsport Acconimod.ll ity am. • 93 p m. from 91. to and Lnt n . 3. 3 p.m. 1 Oil a. tn. Wevt Newton Aecommo 4 0 p.m. Pt 33 4 m. Bmddoet's Accommoda. 613 P. m. 7au 14 . .. Nlght Ace. to MeKeei op. m. 9:43 m. S l n n d erg; I laVelit 2 T r m tll = t f. 1 Du p.,.... a ra -11.10•11A111/ B. StißibliS,Atm . 1. n =I = =M= EIZEM i IS, &a _ - TES. CO'S I=ll STONES, =3 = Friday IMPORTERS OF WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Noe. 384 and 386 Penn No.. 183.187.1189391,193 end i 9 Thin Tram. num.:ugh,. GAB ESZCSI2 1: VI oly(31:11 4tlP4lr ."4_:,11 ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & 11133E1113 HARD W ARE, No. 5'2 - Wood Street, PIITSIII.IItaTI. PA. Spring Goods, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Sey thes, Snaths, ke. Merchants are Invited to examine oar stock when in the city. Orders by mail will Lars prompt at. tention. BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CO No, 70 Wood Street, t:-41 PITTSBURGH, PA., 14: : AIANITAFTUREI:t9 OF Tirein NEW a E-' Solid CO goodie , . . .. O. , =Di' TABLE KNIFE. r 7 2 . ..., I Superior Steel Blade. h a ndl e re Bolster. 1-11 The metal composing this is cast freely ' t el=rti d oi; ,Will'oi:f.2l,=CV.Vlrg th I" 44 .. I ll:4,Tgir:r f aitairVit tIV 6- z'kli.l.l ware. In command brilliancy; It Is s r to rs,A I pure silver. Handle and IlledeAumbolre de- P. -, scribed, constitute an article Of UNIQUE DE. ....lilllS, Mcg.t. Appearnma and Upset Oura• bllite. • . _AI The Superb Style and Groat liErengtb of th l• - -is' 'article enables the IstalmfactlVera to ream F a llll3l23.l===rr= d t:Atr. tlst ~..,: Lotions and Private Famine. Beaver • Falls Cutlery Co., NO 70 WOOD ST., PMSBfRGII. ' ' ' '-' 'III - AiIIOYATUREII9 OF Table Cutlery_ nod Pocket Inlets QV AL ITC GUAIIANTEEII. BRASS.CASTINGS. Mena BIM -GUSTAVE RASill Henry Bier •t% Co : (Successors to JOITN. COOPER lk 00-.1 BELt • AND- BRASS. FOUNDERS. Bras..-Ca§tings MADE PROITTLY TO, ORDER. yirrixae VRAWITV". • • TOR /.1 AFITViriIitaVALVIES. Nik:l4 A GS . EVERY C IiESVEGT 4. /GNIor retesas, Wager sad i ireAVANatwrilvi:_..' --, '" AJ3K-SVS of DIUCTVUS' P4TENT "ALLEUX. Wa biotin the markeL. °VMS jOBESi Coble TidrteenOt and The Streets. ATWOOD eiIIeCAFFIEY Corners LirilariTA3.rarXr eea Tam) AYL - rce. ritoperlwr....lngcti Foincpptsen6 mom PIPEIFTITEIReird AG`rTIiItor..t.E.CAMILtION dri'S in:now:e t -0 itoirills. BTONE woo c01.3110 . a_:• , ; . F . Works. Wad Cosamon.Atloo?..7. 4 1 1 4 al, lit l~ltf ith " mud ma . ..,sommfir tertin ' ' II II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers