The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 17, 1870, Image 1

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I.DI7IPr slxlhl . h c. aid SiniOilleldSl.
Tit " C !' "13 DJILT.
BT rtAO, ' yew . . .. . ... WOO.
Deitlcre. .7 carter. per week 13.
The 10ernallonel Vneht Etc 6 -z-truest
of Supposed Fenian.; froni Blrining•
Lam—Defectlon or a earllst Leader
• $141114-The ettpan . 1 tistiveitib4!
Iny Tologroph to tilt Pittsburgh Gazette.]
May 15 . ,eclitAhtfphl,-itld ittonourtc ed
that Farl Remy L. Ripon wit.. - Installed last
sight as Grand Master of the order of Free
Mallona in• England.
Mr..tahlitir3-. owner of the Yacht Cambria,
fea 111,1 4 r i e t r i l
, tl- 4, 1x1t, re Itta4to ecittte
tV'o r ltZtt.4ll.o the ' start Vcrsja a n th at wr.•
rite ,, , apt that the new course wan lo direct
violation of the constitution and stioulatiomi
made with Dangly, of the , SeiTho: Otevioa. ,
to the race.' •
Tilt. inn pre,i Lad decided to start the yachts
around the Cherbourg , breakwater., Anbhury
Contended that' the chuditions were dead to
windward. and refused to Mart. The Sappho
tailed over the tonne, ant Claim the cup.
She behaved splendidly. and made seven
tack.,one of slaty mile's. The dispute has
hten sobtuitted to prbitratore. The next rdce
tomes olt tu.niorrew. t
N/N. May P. - 3r:- John Bright is
rapidly convalescing. •
Lord Clarendon and Minister Motley have
gigged the natuntlinnt ion treaty.:
Harms itrunitor leaves lontdOn.lo replate
llama Stockelbarg, the late Ruskin Minister
ur Paris.
'rha. dovernmeat_ will ask Parliament t
amirantee. .New: Zealand n loam of nOlllllO.
dollnrs to etsplar the natives ea x. road lank
ant t.~ assist mamtion:
Four Feninas.troin Iltrminghnni ImAn bee
hrregted here. Fifty' rernleers and three ban
Ore.! pounds ofpowder were seltert.
The.lilng. of Belgium Is now visiting - Lon
The Republican agitation in Italy contin-
2 v • t , • ,
' 7111114(.61s initlortincentollingles Indulge
in sed lons ries. •
The Naples University has been closed. .
!ken 'created
liete - 134 the dereit Ot fIRY punnet. who had
Pitt arrived from thrttlinfrhani by rail. The
prrtrOrrti nll hart revolvers on their persons,
and were plentifully sm , plled with money.
They` ate sapposod Vibe Feedlots. -Thaftutbur-
Ries are taking further mi•asures to prevent
nor disorder.
f,,,,NpoN. May 10.--The' result of the yacht
- nice forma, thii theme of newspaper continent
and vonversatlmn . ItwinFported ;Witt tut
.the eetornutiltie tog, gem Csiives, parties
from, on board iodination y circulated the
falsehood that the Snpphn unfairly shot a mile
and n half attend.. at or Wore the • algoni to
*tart. This statement bad been telegraphed
to many porth4; papers of England The
universal conviction cow Is. hOwirecenhat the
:Wptda futnlleil all the condition' df the race
accurately and honorably. and thus. meat Con
cerned readily =isimlt it. Mr: Anhitre .is
bleated .by his friends for not, insisting on
time allowances.
The Aupposed Venians amsted here Fester--'
day seem examined to-tar. The evidence
was unsatisfactory. and the prisoners were
reiaanded., • 11 k • 1 •
Itev—Thos. Dale Oke , e,• et Fe: Pauli. died
—yesterday In his Tad year.
The English pilots speak in the highest
terra of the sailing qualities of the Sappho.
They out she shipped no 'water. and made
sixty miles on one reach.
A New York correspondent of the London
Timm who is couched for by the asumnial
editor of that paper. tenter to_ •ItetuflOatton.
is and American railroad securities in the
Brit h mat
The match between the watermen Taylor
and Odds for one hundred pounds a side. to
be rowed on the Tyne to-day. ain't came off.
W h tiitt P :tnil tTra d b .raeri t at i b" o t egrlTYl3 ! ro g r
then rowed over the roarer and claims the
In the Hon, of Imrds to-night Lord 6tral h
ea intrudnocti a bill rendering education corn.
misers.. and eitablishlng a rnle for the sop
port of school.. .tetion Was postpousol pend
ing the consideration of Mr. Foerster's bill in
the Commons. -
- In Commons Mr. Lefever. 6ecretary of the
Board of Trade, explained, that: theproPosed
reduction fin light hones dues applied mmally
to steamers and sailing vessels. The Mouse
-sretrt Into Committeeontheletah Wad bill and.
amendments of dead went dtreasseoL Orate
In. which ptorlstou to blade for adraneett to
tenants:Aire rise .to a drab . debate. The
°tame eras sustained a majority of
T. Alter It loud debate the tall was read a
vetoed time. ,
MADRID. Mae IS-...lfidnioht.—Gerteral Ha
nlon Cabers,, the celebrated Carllst leader
has deserted the party and offers to take the
prescribed oath to the Spanish constitution.
'.i.bhr action causes great surprise In political
circles. and he is vehemently condemned by
all his runner adherents. .
to is authoritatively stated to-dny thnt
Prince Ferdinand, En-King" of Portugul, sig
nifies, his willincneas to accept the offer to b
'made King of Spain, but it is not known that
his Mune in connection with this high position
IR at
being" considered by the' Gover
31annin,May_18.--In the Constituent Cort es
glea= ay
O. l . labi ox iza De i p . u4 l ,== t te .
standing the.ropeatd. statements of theGor
marmot thatit halt . been terminated: Senor
Morct, Minister for the Colonies. replied, In
isting that thelngarreet ion had really ended.
There were predstpry bands of insurgents still
Calia,and some stlrrolOes had lately 'oc
curred. but entire order would soon be-re
stored. Ofgelal news from Captain General
Dr Rodes sires universal satisfaction. .
- -
In tbo Corte Minister Morct tnomisiti an
carly intnxinotion of a bill aboll,bing slavery
In de coklntel. •-; ' • •
r.titis. Mac 16—Made me 0111. Ser. wife of
the I`ritni.,3tinister, has received the decora
tion of 'noble ladies of Spain.
Loa box. May M.—The atemnahip Para/Man.
from New York, ha. arrieed.
QrsiMorro May 16.+-The steamer Am
awn. from New Or team. 'arrived In distress,
baring . loaf. her propeller.'
Sorrtumnox;lll.3rl6.-lbc atehmshlp OVA..
from Balt[mote. • ' •
Los DOT. • NIL a:Earring. Consols.
Ply: on nricallei American Senyrities
; quiet:',lC NON; ViN; . !4ecilk MOE'S.
/CA% Eyler; KIS ; Stockid ate
LtrettroOL, Mqr I6.—Cotton market quint.
' lll l 4 ' ? ' ll=W in iilll, n 7ll?•a d irl.:alge? r aliT ' vr ' lllTe i
wheat tea end
2.. as 3dOns 4il;
winter 14.. Western_ Dour 21s. Corn. No 2
mixed. 21 1 / 4 Oats sil. Harley 10. Pen.
Ma. Provisions am. Pork 1111 a ad. Hee Ills.
lard ' Cheese Baton, Eas tar Camber
land and 4s rd for short rib middies. Pro
duce unchanged.
I.tectiON. May 11L—TallawAts 9d:Hops dull.
Sperm Olt Proud at Mglils. Sugar quiet and
steady. Calcutta ',Missed CU. Linseed Cakes
easier. Linseed 011 Omer.
. .
• Aarryrzar. Mar 14;—Petrotenta firm.
FRANKS.MT, Mar 15.--.lknader naIVC and
at tV. , ,a.tailf•
PARIS, Nay la.,Bottrac arm: mates . rif.
Rarity. dlay c l!,—Cotton , ,bvary at I.
vpoti . • ' 3
. Waviest... At She neser..wn Areesel,
Ole telegratit tdtlreOlttabarah Gazette.)
/WM.. May 1.1.--Two buildings connected
withthe Watertown Arsenal were blown to
atoms yesterday afternoon by the. accidental .
explosWn of a. large gnantity of.,shells and
ether wM manitlowl. The esplorion occurred
att....Mott, In the Shell bonne, and was caused
by. ,the Intense heat :drawn from the sun
through a circular skylight, which operated
shelter, to a sun glasg.;;No wprhmen,
present, otherwise the loliWof lire inktin have
been fearful, Thb etplindon was dtlitinctly
toirrd nearly a deter utiles in all directions.
Large crowds gathered to the scene of the ac
tident: through their exertions and those or
heftremen, the Barnes were kept from com
municating with Abeteagastn.. If •it bad
ignited. the destreetlo n to- life and property
would base Deem almost imposSible to conteual
plate.' • . • .
113 - & Telef - raphl •
sfonnawf9wX. Mar Ifi.—Utres
three feet of water la the. obartael; weather
char:. thermometer ell at 4 r. a.
Beinwrraritin, May 10.—River railing, with
ntejeet and s nalf.ct water in the. ctisintel :
weather clear; thermometer 77 tab r.
on, CITY.. May 16.—Ith-er at a stand, with
nineteen Inches of .rrater 7a ene auntie;
weather clear; thermometer in at U rt.X.
Gasrasta nal. May K—Rinen iniltatealetely.
- with tour feet sla Inches of water tertne chat
nel; treatber clear; therinometerla at b 7.1,1
--.llPieers of the Fianna Pantile Railroad at
Pt. lAule confirm the renort front Omaha at an
. Dalian raid .ontheir wad. The, attack Ives
nolde on working Pitnins betwfeb SA C sea
and Willow•Bpringeof distance of lady sages.
Tex men belonging to the ,gredierparties
were killed,. Thin is the fleet -appearance of
the fn Mire - this season,: and the
workmen-were not on guest. Anon hare
beat distributed, and trOoln-= ta 1-474PU'
tee protection. No _has been
msed in the construction of the railroad by
(wren Kit Oeireon and Denver.' '
• blaw Oazataxa.Mafia.—Flaur traicr: FaSPat
$ 4 -=‘ ,7,4 XX SST:6S" 04 X2XIPS. Corn;
white stare. aad Saner $1,40. and mixed at
0,401.1E6 Oats tOe. Brut 11.40. Har
pars: 1137 norm; lafazitur. for 'boul
ders-mi.!. il jz taloregi?a. ;lima V e h r ti
rrtip tetvaoßNt,ltet kettle
tearer at
and Wic. • 20 irat Watet sad Ann at
nx, _taunts; taitatt - ysholitg Tha. Whisky;
aresternmetlfted sl.a(Setteld. Verfta t n fair, 16%
dt,l6;:c, and prune 1770291Pic. Styr
,- 21:1,33...Viar In-tngl=ivb
'Wt..' on day_
_the IT kno
bigker, and on eMuM .+ sx fttnl , l? ad= of
Mc was °fined. hlOtid 10 ehotee Peers
liroaftht flf Me. add from. Oil ne MO
the sande. e antiftly of shpitlllomoderap
at the market rated
of higher: price:arse
at 7cheic. Receipts of hop moderate.
..... ?~.3~`:
a +
t 1 Ili I .: .
1 *ii . -
%/X l'
'0 k Zetie
SENATE: All Orders Suspended and
the Mill to Enforce the Fifteenth
Amendment Considered. 110CSE:
Bill to.lednee Internal Taxes Re
ported. With Explanation by Mr.
Seiler:eh, Chairman Ways, and Means
Committee-,—The Tariff Bill Virtu..
ally Killed. _
Tolegraph to the rittaborgh Gitzettel
W. , IIINGTON. May 10.1s10.
The bill grantirrr public lands In the Slate
I Ala. to:the Decatur and Abllrdren Railroad,
Mr. ItMSEY r.11e.l up , the 6111 rrmlting
hind.. hr Rid the Construction of a railroad
Iran the 'western boundary of Minnesota at,
the junction of the :ions Worm river with 1 he
Roil river of t)e north to the \Virulence dis
trict of British .Itnerlea.
Mr. CASziElltY offered an amendment nut
ting the price of land at the overage rah.. of
4200 per acre and prescribing a method of
keeping for settlements. He said
the amendment was identical with the formu
la proposed by the House committee on public
lands for all bills of this character.
Rejected—yeas :V. nays
The bill then passed.
At one o'clock the appropriation hilt was
called un in order..
. _
. .
Mr. STEWART.. In pursunnee uf n request
ode to him by a numihrrrif Senators. looted
pass over the p resent and all prior , orders.
order to c the bill for the enforcement
f the Fifteen rea thAmendment.
_ ,
Mr: SUNNI:II:it'd .!kIr.SAUL.SIII'IIY rose t
penk. hut
Mr. Wi lAA MS objected to dotmie.
LY asked fora division of th
The question was taken od passing ol cr the
pending order. the appropriation bill. Yens
31. naps 23.
The Franking bill was also laid aside—yeas
%re ' Z ' ill ' entorcing the Fifteenth Ainentiment
then come helore the Semite. ills Prorlsions
were published April3til
Mr. STEWAItT. saibulitted an amendment.
providing that when any . person ineligible
under the third article ot the Fourteenth
.kroendment altall hold ollitv, except as amen her of ChntrreStt ereltate Legislatere. the United
States District Attorney for the district in
in which said person boas Office shall proceed
against Said 1107011 hr gatt trorninto, and such
writs of quo trennnto shall take precedence
over :Mothers en the docket* of the United
&netts wltigh thep are made to
turnable. .
.11r. :ITEM AItT also Moved several addi
tiOnal serthim. Imposing tine and imprison
meet fdr holding office in violation of th.
.FourteentltAmondinent and forever disonali
tying the, offender from holding Wilco node
the rnitml St: te<: wing to all persona with
in the lirriadletion of the milted States. Indl
an. not tiled Mgoepted. the name rights
every State or Territory to make and enfore •
contracitl. to one, give evidence and to the full
and • ritual benefits of all laws and pro
ceedings for the sentritY of person and pro
perty as are enjoyed by White citizens; alto to
be subject to like pains and penalties, taxes.
licensed and exactions of every kind and none
other; nolax or charge to be imposed by soy
Stole Upon nut - person culla - eating-thereto.
Mr.\ IrKEIL argued against the constitu
tional power of Cor.gress to pasg the bill,
:claiming the control of suffrage belonged to
the States atone.
Mr. THURM A N said State after Rate . had
permitted the Colored race to vote. thatno
blank man heel been Interfered with, and it
would now be attest evil example to pass ;t
-hin bristling with tines and imprisoninente
upon maters°ago' ttdreng:ros to Z.
/tits for it. Ile eapretsed bje own opinion that
it maw a hill which had been purpt/sely mode so
otmoxions as to defeat Itself. The first section
wa. olden humble becanse t he 17. t h amendment
could not gain additional 'strength by Its en
tment the shape a statute. 00.1 that
.seemed 4' the only object or the ection. The
second section undertook ton mpose duties
upon tltate Mears, directly i the face 4.f
irdecisionbrthe'Suprente (ourt that it was
not iv theimwer. of Cony - ass to impose any
duty maul on °Meer of n Stole. The third
section required that the offer to perform a
prerequiste roentitle n party to vote shall. if
rendered nugatory by the refusal or negligence
of an election officer. Jar deculed 'a perfor
mance in Lew • of no net, although
it might he pens en b) - a hundred witnesses
that the pony was roil:minim; perjury.
affidavit as to thn olive was to he conch. ive.
If an election officerdid not reveisesuch vote. it
teat provided that he should forfeit CO) to the
Per.. tiger:rested, tints holding out • clear in
ducement to the unterunnhatts to commit per
jury, giving hint COO for and making the
' party in every such case a common informer.
The tillproldblted nay attempt to hinder, de
lay or obstruct a voter under penalty of MOO
to th tenon aggrieved. and imPritonment•
with additional One of Ea to the United
States. What sons AD attempt to delay,
etc.? If one man reasoned with another ap
proaching the polls; and attempted to per
suade him to vote for a particular candidate,
was that an attempt to delay? the of
fender would hove to pay Nab to the man. and
Rialto the United States, and go to prison be
sides. This.would put every man in the pow
er of every unscrupulousman who chose to
swear falsely for pay. Had it come to this.
That the adoption of the Fifteenth amend
ment hats made It necessary to offer a premi
um for perjury and pot even- man in the com
munity at the mercy of a villain.
Mr. THURMAN reviewed the objectionable
featuret of the bill let detail. characteriring
it as a bill to create a race of common in
formers,, and pay them in hard cosh for per
jury. Referring to the calling out of land and
naval forces by order of the President. he
said In England it was n punishable offence
to have troops of the realm within one mile
of the polls. but under this law we wore to
have United Stated troops surrounding every
polling booth, and seeing that judges of elec
tions discharged their (buy. This was sober
dinnt I ag civil to military deem.
aton amid pass such a hill, and the people
should sustain it. all he had to say was that
the country was lost to all sense of freedom.
Mr. FEHRT moved to amend Mr. •tewart's
•. • - • •
amendment ;by etriklng out the section to en
force the Fourteenth Amendment. imposing
Penaltieson any person ineligible thereby.
who knowingly holds office. lie thought the
political disabilities of the Southern people
would nut remain for more than two years
longer. and that It %vas Impolitic to Create new
fin es for misdemeanors of this character, as
the remaining provisions gave sufficient retno
•dy tor ezistuar
Mr. MORTON hoppeed the section Would not
be stricken out. Hotted failed to see the on,
prirty of permitting the old politicinns of the
Fouth. men who itrOught ;thorn Om , war and
were - ihe rent autlit;n.'W nil Mir misfortune..
to Elm* ire.; oft- political right.. The proposi
tionwas subversive of eve principle of 4:en
tice. nnil it would be n cruelly to the conntry.
There seemed to be, a elesire to divest the re
bellion of
feature of criminality, and to
repird It merely si• SeetiOnni controversy. or
onpiesautness, It Woo now propmed to re
liee the. old politicians. of the Smith as ti
means of 'eoncillation. hut the Senate might as
well expect to conciliate a nest /.1 rattle
Mr. MORTON thought in ton years nil dist
hlyiea would be rernoved.e would say
;hey cOuld not be swept away with outsk hnteursl. A bill bad recently passed
the Senate. without no objection,. irecenling
the Iron clod oath. under. which the rebel Gen
erals and member. of the rebel Congress.
not Ineligible under the .Fourteenth Amend
ment. could occupy scats In Congress. That
bill was ado-sill the House, and wne.likely to
be stappedthcre. If. passed. and the
indicated , by. the- Senator from Connecticut
should prevail. the men who were fore
most in the! rebellion n - moo come here
and take nests on this floor. It would
not do for them to talk shout rebels. Person
al Sonsidevitlons leenlid prevent that. The
Only taditiftliM Shen between Linton and rebel
soldierg Wdultt be the pensions and widows
and archival of the former, and these would
soon he withheld A! , the very best measure for
roncilintitin with the -South. Two years had
now elaptied miner the :election of the -Four
teenth Amendmentoind the Senate was urged
not to enforce It. notwithstanding that in
almost; ever> , Southern State,ll not in all, men
were now.holding oftice in open violation of
the amendment.
Mr mun: replied that 31r
cad had en.
tholy mistaken his position and the character
of the amendment.. he had shoply moved to
strike out a tureen°. section. the purport
twhich WAL, substantially contained Ina pee
ing tint rr h oereding to speak on the gen
e a Its can he be
11erleiuttt'n ;lin i n d nen elate of South
ern moiety tinder the boa of the Fourteenth
. Amendment would he doing an injury to soci
ety In general. 'nod' by making tent claim
martyrs in communities in, which
they they - were given an ie.'
Menace' which. they would not otherwise
exercise. .Ther were made stroryrer by dime
bilitiesithan they would be without. The.
Fenger:rem 'lndiana end expressed his regret
foe the passage of the bill repealing the teat
oath. Had the Senator reflected upon the full
extent of Id.words? Within the area embod
ied by the rebellion SiGi.lloo voters were east at
the Presidential election preceding the war.
Of. that number ant orerf4,o3o could take the
wotdd Leal rahl,h4l %%Its continuance .the Senator
ditTntlY to
whole tvhile Population
from admission to the smallest Federal
office that either , the people or the
Executive administration of the Govern
ment could touter. What was the givot
evil before the war? The people of the South
had taught themeelven thnt they had no coun
ty bat the &sold. A Viratirda nr a Carolinian
called himself a Virginian or Carolinian. but
never an American.imd so when the rebellion
came the
came ready for It, because it
h a d lost its patriotism. The great
mom of the people booth might emerge from ,
their escheat prejudices and come up to the
standard-of Anterkan nationality. He said
the removal of political disablaties had been
asked for 'Republican Conventions in all
recOnstmeted Kates. and the success of the
gapolican party South tans mainly dependent
upon the (net.
Mr. MORTON., replying to the remark by
311. Ferry. thnt the National flag was now
honored In every part of the country. !lag o,
men whom it was now 'proposed to relieve
would neverlionor the flag. He was present
last year a t *State Fair in Georgia when a
Committee having Charge of the arrangements
refused 10 hoist the flag. For himself he
would soy he never woOld ream? that any
participant In the rebellion should ever comp
Into Con s. or take fowl in the Govern
ment. until be had given evidence of returning
loyatty. The
_policy- of conciliation would
. the Union teen of the South. To
conciliate rebels was simply 1, proposition
to Ignore things South. and shut Our eyes to
the troth: The only safeecrunie te
to recognise the truth, nnd deal with the ene-
tides of law Will miler In the South as justice
Mr. WARNEIt thought the best Interests of.
the South could he secured by the ascend:weer
of the Republican party. Two-thirds of the
intelligent Republica. of the fflouthwere con
vinced that political disabilities- were a Ma
(trance to the turrets Or the pant.
Mr. 'WILLIAMS enquired whether they
ere not constantly clamoring for military
force in the South to protect loyal• men from
disloyal? Ife svottlil ank the Senator if he had
not Insisted Upon an increase of the tinned
States ArMy to afford protection In the South?
Mr. WARNER ;coiled he had. and went on
to ahotr that the political disabilities of the
Southern people were the real cause of diffi
lAt :,:31 the Senate went into executive itex
Inn. and soon after adjourned.
11111.. Nyco! intruduced Hntl refeiml :1,101
. .
fly Nlr. W11..0N. Ohi': To prevent ernelty
nnininl4 while in triiniiport hp rnilmnd+,
ny Italotii, to gthilitl.,
ions of :tssist ant ootr.hols to t:tko the tonEow.
. . .
NO an not to exclude WOllllOl.
Hy Mr. CUM: Authorizing the coustror
tton of n bridge across the Ohio River at Me
By Mr. Ittnert , : Granting, land for a railnptd
from the Mississippi River to the Arkansas'
River. along. the :Mth parallel.
U Mr. SAW Y ELI: To incortoornte the Inter
national Society of the rnited Rates for the
prointithin 131 protection td latinigrAnts; also.
granting the right of way to the Green Bay
and lake Pepin Railroad Company across the
kinehla Iti,sertat ion. in %V isconbin.
. • . .
By Mr. WAL , II.III , IiNE, To preven6the
extermination of the fur hearing animals of
My Ni. :•.%.ItGEANT:!•lttiposing .is tax on
spirits front apples. peaches aud
axap,x4 exclusively, and to regulate the distil
lation thervx,f.
113 - Mr. VAN wYcK: To incrense pensions to
ovnlisi soldiers: - widows and minor children.
My Mr. To change and moreet-
mine tniation gm distilled .spirits. and provide
for the exportation aspiring from thellnited
eil wen In whir per% ell
through the mlreliton.
lir lir. MN: Wit To repeal the provisions
tC ate net of April 12, lAtta. which authorizes
he Secretary of the Treasury to Nod the pub
lie debt: also, for the stppointment of edeot
Committee totake • action concerning Indian
outrages on the western and southwestern
[prom In violation of the houses treaty of
Mr. COY offered a resolution instructing the
Iteconstmetion Cohnuittee to report forth
with the bill for general rtioneritys awl towed
the precious questiou.,
The House refused to second it -M to 7A.
. .
RANDA . LL, to obtain a vote on the
proposition. movint to lay the resolution on
the table—yeas PI, not
On mot len of Mr. ( . !. , .S.NA, the resolution was
referred to the Reconstruction Committee.
)lr. SCHENCK.. Chairman Committee Way.
and eons, reported a bill to reduce Internal
taxes, and niacin explanations to the Rouse.
lie reminded the members there was now on
the calendar a bill reported in Much lad to
codify and redlice Into one all the laws rela
ting tolnternal taxation. From present ap
pearances It ices not probable that bill could
he disposed of In Its entire fullness. The Com
mittee bud come to the conclusion to divide
the matter of the large bill on Internal taxa
tion In three Mils. and to ask successively the
action of the Route upon them. The Com
mittee proposed. in the first place, a bill to
modify. and to a great extent repeal, all the
internal Dilation laws of the country. with
the exception of taxation on fermented liquors
tobacco and cigars. Then I lieComtnit tee would
report a bill relating to these articles.
ad then it would report a general bill relat
ing to Ihe organization of the Internal Rev
enue Department. •The bill he now offered
was II Mt of these three. it repeals all taxes
on legacies and successions which last year
produced Mi. 31.51.1. It repeals all taxes on
gross retelpte of railroads. Rasura:see com
ptuales and other corporation. and binds , of
business, with the exception of lotteries,
theatre,. places of public nninsements.
The whole of such takes produced last year
RiAtt4.lo. and the reduction now proposed
estimated at te.100.0117. All taxes
on sales were taken off. except that
assessed on dealers In liquor. which would
make a flirt hgr rednelloo of Sti.TP.f.7ftt. It
repealed all iffsslitl taxes. except on
retail and whnlesaiii dealers In liquor.
rectifiers and manufacturer.:
of still,., niainufacturcrs of tobacco
and eigars. dealers In tobacco and leaf tuhnc
co. banks nod bankers. *tonic and money pec.
tem, foreign cumnserciat brokers. fora= In
...ranee agents. patent right dealer, Pain n
brokers. ProPrietom of ' , laces of public amuse
meat.: and of gift entermise , , 'Juggler, rpa
prietors .or bowling alleys and billiard a. , 1114.
lottery managers nail Ilenten in lottery tick
ht.. ft reAtieed the .14,Cial tax on keepers of
otel, inn. and taverns to ten dollars. It nut
er eve...tine the rental sato, of &Arlo widow
three clollitrf for each 100 for rental trerond
VA!. The redoction r h os made amenkam to
$o .;4 mOdided the Income taz to In
creame the exemption to sl.tioo. leaving the
moeu , tar d.i th: l 4tze .„ % v elow., t lte cent.
It changed ther• In
comm. , -so that persons 1 m r.144
$1.341 Income shall not be molted . to
mLike retorts. and there shall be Oa Trablien.
than of Incomes. It repealed schedule A. tax
irtc carriage. watchm. to. It repealed the
toe on gas. grinding of coffee and atdees. end
lei of manufacturers. The total sortount o
redaction proposed was 233.908.:16. :It
ed • tax on foreign ammonia{ brokers. t hose
whit come to this country and sell by sample...
It also taxed deposit. Or Gwecrnment 'none)
in books, at the rate of 3 per rent.peramour,
which would *educe about POO.M. It al..
priamed to abolish stnitipt on ordinary coon
try contracts and Q. reeciPtg. , The Cominitare
felt iperbectly.sageln proponing these relate
lit conclusion he moved the bill be printed and
recommitted to the Committee on. Ways and
Means, with authority to report at any time.
In reply ton question by Mr. Coo, he stated
the bill would be reported back within a he desired to get early notion on It.
A discussion ensued as to the order of busi
ness, Mr. JUNKS wishing to have thne for
the discussion of reports from the Committee
on Foreign Affairs. pmrticularly In relation to
Cuba. and Mr. DAWES insisting on the public
necessity fur net log on the vorlous appropria
tion hills. only one of winch hen becomes jaw,
and allot which should btraome laws Within
theocrat six weeks.
Finally the motion of Mr. Schenck won
nrreed to.
Mr. 'CIIIMCK submitted u resolutlon• in
reference to the tariff bill. that motions to
dose debate on all otrografts embraced in
one general subject shall be in order, and said
olid not suppose the tariff bill would be
passed so as to become a law at this session,
hut he did suppose if action on It by the House
wan toostponed until next session. there
would hr no final action on it by this Congress.
If o .however, duo House-should act Ilnallyoon
it this session. it would be rent to the Sen Ate
and referred to the Finance. Committee there.,
wont , ' probably come up next session. and be
come law toy the third of March. the day
before the tediournmeut. • •
After considerable dismnahm the motion
Woe agreed to, under n suspension of the rules
—eras 118 noel Me.
NB, DA Vi., Chairman of the Committee on
.‘ppropriations, moved to go Into Committeeon the Naval Appropriation bill and moved.
that all prior enters be postponed until
after the toinpletion• of all appropri
ation bills now In committee.. He pre
faced his motion by remarking that it lens a
mere waste of time. as confessed to-day by
the Chairman of the Committee on Ways and
Means. to Indulge in .mono sentimental talk
about the Tariff, which cook' not pose this
Mr. Sr:RENCK said the letter t
he was
ill had faith, alte, his ylehltag tio the gentle
man from Mass. fora motion to gelato Ctan
solace on an appropriation bill.
The motion to postpone all Inter orders un-
HI otter the appropriation bills! aro distiosed
of; thus • virtually postponing tire tariff 'hill
Indefinitely. was agreed to—yeas 72, nays 75,
as follows: I
VCAS—Mesxrec. Adams, Ambler. Arehee.Ar
nen, Asper. .ttaemill, Ayer, Itarip. Beaman,
Beck. Biggs. Booker. Boren, Buy . Barr. Met-
Churchill. Clark 11c5..) Cook, Con
nor. Crete., Iheires, Dickinenn, Don,
Dural, Farnsworth , Ferna.Finkeinburg,Fitch.
Garfield. eiety.. Gibson, Griswold, Haight.
Haldeman. Hale,• Hamiltonfins-
Hawkins. Hawley, Hol
man. Hotchkiss, Kelsey, KetcWa,,
Knott. Lanni. Leah, Malbeen,
MeCrearr. MaKennie. McNeely. Mikies.,Mor
yen. 31ungen. Niblack. Paine. Peters. Platt,
Poland, Pomeroy. Putter. Randall. Rogers.
Boobs, Sargent. Schoemaker, riheldin,-114.0.
Sheldin. (N. T..) Sheerest. Shoeber, Slocum,
Smith, Oregon.; Smith. iVt.,l Smythe., (fovea.)
Starkweather, Stearns. Stiles, Stokes, Swain:
Bey Toffee. Trimble. Twitchell. 'ensure,
W(10 , 1, Woodward, Washbeerne,.
(Win..) Van:Tromp. and Vporlrees.
NArs--Messrs. All6Oll, Armstrong. Ar
len, Banks, Barn Beatty. Benjamin.
11ennett. — Benton. Bingham, Blair; Brobko
mass.), fitilkley. Millington. Merchant: Cake.
Cesium, Clarke 'Texas', Cobb. Coburn, Comm,.
Cowles.Dlte. Dyer. ferry. -Ham
ill, Hay, Hill, Hoar. Hooper. IngerselLJulian.
Kelley. Kelogg. lash, Lynch, MeCartirr. He
'Grew, Mercer,Morinit)./. Moore 1111.1,'Sloore
(New Jersey), Murphy. Morrell,(Prr.l, Myers,
Healey, o'.Neal. Packard, Packer. Peck.
Pierce. Prosser, Rice. tiawyer:.Selsepek: &O
ne& Shanks. Smith 'Ohio). Smith ITenn.),lite
venous:. Stoughton. Strickland, Strong.Taylmr.
Tillman. Townsend. Tener.Vann-yek, Welker.
Wheeler. Whitmore , Williams. Wilson IMinnd a
Wilson (Ohloi and Williard. .
Mr. BINGHAM moved to smpend the roles
In order that he might report from the
i tteli.
Cary Committee and have Passed a bill +
force t he right of citizens of the Called States
to vote in the several States of the Union who
bore hitherto Fern deeded that right ac
count of of race, color or previous cemdition of
Mr. RANDALL moved to adfoorn. ' •
Mr. ELDRIDGE remouatrated agolnit. pass
ing such an Important , hill withoret allowing
ant-opportunity for discussion.
The rules - were suspended and the bill pass
ed—yeas 131. nays 41. Adjettrned.
Recent Cantataa on the gfbnottrlParille
roof—ifornekodg to Blaine. -
[lle Telegraph to.the Pittsburgh Gazette.],
(Sr. I,rmta, May 101.—Tae Coroner's Joey this
afternoon rendered a verdict that the collision
near Eureka Inst Thonday •morning wits
tooted by disobedience of orders and coin/Ole
negligence of Willtath Odor. conductor, and •
Joseph Trney, engineer. of the extra freight
train, in running and Min at least Metn
minutes behind the tone given them through
erders of the, time dispatchnr. — Olden have
Men hinted far the arrest of Tracy. but: tio foe
he has eluded the officers. •
linffman, of New lurk; tool 'vetoed .
the Arcade ItAllrond bill. neeigning thirteen
distinct obleetioue. Conceding tho neerefltY
for Improved ra tithed communication for t.ew
York elty, he reran'', the bill ineuffielent. Vol
un.lort to property holdall.
linnnce Question—Mom Conscience
Money—Treasury Agents—Bounty
Equalization --Indian Chief lied
Cloud 'En Route—Special Cabinet
Session—Sienben Monument.
lit Telegraph to the Pittsburgh linzettc.l
WAsitiNotoN. ft. C.. May
Mr. amoral wits before the Committee of
Ways :old Means to-clay arguing ngatru.t four
per Cent. in the Funding bill. The Committee
...petit teach •time , oh - Sunday In considering
.li_nancial matters. •
A Catholic priest at Alton. Illinois. has sent
to the Secretary of the . Treasury a cheek for
and requests a receipt be sent to night
•Rev. Itettes. Homan Catholic Bishop of
Alton. The writer also asks that no questions
Le n-;ked concerning the money, as he is only
penult tett to gay it hcloors to the toiled
States Treason - .
An'uld soldier, at Mount Sterling, Illinois.
forwards fifteen dolleirs conscience money,
which he says belongs to the Quattermneter' s
Department. • . .
A number of changes have been made by
Secretary Boutwell. thoroughlY reorganizing
the gpeefal agent list. .A new district vglll be
'established In Texas. ander the supervllion of
Henry S. Martln..headquarters• at Browns
ville. The Department Intends putting forth
everr effort to break op Illicit trade along the
Rio Hntade.
The Irloose Committee ott 3111Itors Affairs
hove agrOmi toVeport tsblll for the equalise
if* of e% tibletigttes, eight and.
third dollars ,Ter Mouth lo ran soldier for
efery to th settler. detluct nF tho orttoupt
of headttes previottsly received under former
acts of CongresS.
A telegram from Governor Campbell. of
Wyoming . . annonnees that Red Cloud and
party would arrive at Fort Fetterman on the .
Iraa, en rola< tothlll dtt. (intl.:With leaves
washlngton and It ix Annbable that
Red Cloud and party will be. TIM. In about
week. •
• The Berrnans of this District laid the corner
'tome of the titeuben.lVlninnnent in rtehutren
Pnrkthis afternoon. , l'resident drank. Snare
flobvton and Creuirell. • Gen.
Sherman. Senatfir t'tehurz. Baron rierolt and
several representat ire., Of Congress Ivere pre,
MUITS Pilr.PAAlsli.
Suit. Are being prepared against
eetollOr Illtentrireretitle Who are rtiTents
t estltiettril the total is three m utton lot
A special meeting or the Cabinet ivig held
o-dap•. hinting. • over two hours. It is not
earned that any matters of nnusunl Import.
ace were under consideration.
The President has nominated I'. li. Hawkins
.Ittorney, soirthern district of Mississippi.
lircset Mojor Generals P. ',it. George
and E. U. C. Ord base been assigned to dilly
according to brevet noiE.
National Copilot Rein() Movement
Vigorously Revived—The Sorosis
and the McFarland Vase—Accident
at the 'Noting of the ElOvattal Rail-
fly Telegraph to the llttabargh G‘"rtte•
Nryr YOMIC. May i..1,, , ;(1
11 , 11,1, ItESMTAt.
liras,. the ( - nodal retool er. Is hero erring
the removal of the capital from Weohlegt on.
A call fora National Capitol Consent lon to be
held la Cinciennti, an well no en etlitorird
from Illornce Greeley urging Congress to nit
point commissioner, to Zs a flank location 'of
the Capital. will appear in to-morrow's . Tri.
beer. .Mr. Oracle, - nays
ttlf the American people. for reasonssatis
factory to theteneires, prefer in different Mon
t ion for the Cepital. then It in high tltne the
fact were . nseerteined and mount -
14t. The question hat been raised. It
ought to be fully considered and decisively
adjudicated. It is not well that million after
, tealion be spent in enlarging. thata public
' grounds and multiplying public . eces,de.—
tined to be abandoned; nor in it right that
such expenditure 'Mould be incurred in order
to strengthen the argument against relocation,
hued on coat amount, of public money ex‘
pended on the present Capital. Let no
decide that-the Capital is or it t
to remain no
where It in; and then act
In conformity .to our knowledge. And
now that our westward march has been
arrested by the Pacific, while our miethern
Imundnry seems permanently traced by the
Rio Grande and GIN. It assents tit that the Fed
eral Metropolis shall he placed where it In to
remain. or located where It nowis. We respect
fully suggest that Congress. authorize the
President to select an able Coientiosion to sur
rey the whole field and report what action
would most conduce to the national
An accident occurred this eveulhe nn the
west side of the elevated railroad. at the Wa
ter section of Greenwich and Houston streets.
A passenger, nor. in which were 'Charles
liarrey.Chlef Engineer. C. G. npeigier. First
Assistant Engineer, Dr. Chas. t nderhlll. S.
O. Gunning* ann foe unit a freight
car with lifters tons of pig iron, . were being
drawn nt a rite of about eighteen
mlles an hour . and on approaching
lionston street. where there is a sharp curve
in the track. the rear wheels of the freight
ran slipped off the rail. and the heavily laden
ear- we. preciplted Into Greenwich street.
dragging with it In the fall the passenger ear
with Its passengers. All escaped unhurt ex
cept Frank McKenna whose. ankle .was crush
ed. and Thomas and Peter 310nelll who were
slightly bruised.' The entire span of the track
over Houston street Is destroyed end.the cars
.badly damaged. A truck which was passing
In-the street at the time was deninllshed, but
the driver and homes escaped Injury. The
accident was caused by aWe In one of the
connecting rods of the arch.
A meeting -of the Sonata wits held at
mealoo'a to4llo at Av blob resolationi score
adopted condemning the assumption by the
husband of the owntrahlp of his wife. ns
luetratedln the McFarland trial, expressing
sympathy with Mrs. Richardson and Mrs.
Calhoun-Rankle. Speeches were made in sup
port of the:resolutions hr Mrs. Croly. Sirs.
Tappan. Mr.. Patten, Mrs. flart, Mrs. Demu
rest and others. and all united in Adding fault
with the verdict of the JusT. who they
If honest In their belief of McFarland). Insan
ity. should have ordered his cungneincrit In it
lunatic asylum. A resell:lMM was also adopt
ed expressing admiratitm of the tendert of
Albert D. Richardson In offering marriage - to
Mrs. McFarland. and approving the Methodist
form of marringe ceremony, which recognised
the proper relation betweeo husband and
wife by the substitution of the wools "you
mutually agree."
The unteent ef the eleva
the'inilvray of this
city subjected the road to teat of moving
very henry weights of pig iron over it to-dnT•
when the h‘riCat arch Droved defective vat
fl t irl e ntt • T r y b ajottzt a t i t i l i t . r4. l l:= 4r th o c;
the railroad to - public use will not he delarod
over three days by the occurrence.
Ingrsta.griA ,
A ddfdlcatlonto theiineint of SLIII ' l oo d
has occurred In the North Gertnan Consulate
here. The defaulter has made n fail c-Pniel
slon, and will not be prosecuted.
arlfgAl.To Tug LAwGel9. ;
Geri Jordan' has 3ssieti en: numb,' to the
ladles of New 'Pork to. send clothing to the
women and children of Cuba. who he says arc
well nigh naked.
• I DWI"! Of A wronCar.
WM.TVIMS, litildffit. of Prilkeitni colletcf ,
from Pittsburgh. Rik.,•dled s*ldgnly in me
".. 1 / 4 0 ^Z.ndaY troOn
. neunikfla. Of the heart.
The. etramera Idaho and Marathon. "from
Llyerpool, arrived to-day.. Dr.. 1.0. Holland
Ta Tri,"l"F:enftourrr.o
—Further particulars of the dineler at La
CrOS7 WIKOIISiD, on Sunder. 1m t h e " m i -
bey pi pers- one probably bleb at four—Miss
3f ay °Ma Crosse. the cdlitired barber
of the War Eagle, an old gentleman from Ken
tucky on a pleasure trip, supposed to be burn
ed on the heat , and an elderly lady, name en
kaolin. drowned. -The list of the names of
the passengers teas t.t,- hence the dialculie
of ascertaining the facts. The total loan to
the Railroad Company foots up about VC3.000;
1 .1%Ve.11'41. - ,,,, 7 ll,.7tlrhE"g'°"em ;:ensT.'",V_
o. other pirate losses which make the Iig
ughke4oe.(N.3lt diaratell gigs that,
the fires tnnt here b broken out In the man
theel. ,threriten to be more destruetise than
rests ' P h at i t. l Ere ' Tacrat
rest amount of raluable property Will be de
ittreCed. and to
of Weis epprebended. Des
:MOM: idffortg A ii npir wide to;ptay the
course Of the met.!t
Pieree..nt the; Fifth MI,
Nrisippi C l lll3/treftlowil tilittriet4 bit. appointed
ie.bnel Hemmed, tutored, to the West Point
estletiblp. Nouns 11 srd'stotherir sin OM
bernt the Mints.lppl ITones of Representa
eked Bell
• of Their
Person of the. N,tages who .Wet
dons Repo
Raid, Lalan'Y'a--14
/ ; . - The Finance Committee of Councils yester
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh G • to.) - day met at the Controller's office to take into
Sr. Louis, Mu; in.--Cloteril Pope recoil- e,,,bieration the act ion of the City. Treasurer
ed dispatches front General Wood , at Fort in refiring to pet not nor cite
o be t n i e e llt p te p l i a e rga in
Wallace, stating he ilea sent two , of balance of 111(111,,
in , •1111 of the Indians whparfacked his hands. •We hare , aireatlY expressed our . .,
the working p arties on the Konen, PA eine s,dVel: on the stibiett: we sec no good reaank
Itallroad on atnray. It is not nown where „.i,,, n y of the strong . language used
the the Indians route front. or to win. tribe they
, I ,
belonged, but they went, north tfler,the at- he re Tent , ' to the - nilailridlil^.., of that
L .
tack, taking about three han d head of- office should be reirocted. Helms adopted a
stockwith them. They were about three iorlnsh plan of action: has amitnencecd by his
hundred strong.
. . • • that lie will not suhserve the tdtetests
eolin.i. 4
OMAHA, May Itt.-,A report from Niobrara on of the city at the cost of his own. and we are
• the 10th, says the Indians from Whetstone
, Invorable • to any measures which may lead
Vre7 ‘ t . itre3 .!' ot . t ha" raids
killing f .' 7"l rt . l:; i h •t " Pi r s ' ire "" t„c ' e - en "' h e lms:tra i n
years eld, capturing a girt aged eleven and
shooting their mother. who Is now reetwer,nr..
captured some horses from the Pa ca Indians think s that the Finance Committee were
the people. whose servant he Is. We do not
fil Meetly agressive, ns the case could have
at the same time. r.. be n placed In much stronger light before the
The previous report of the este re Indian yo li d . h o „.„ t h e i r , con e, n o mud and
raid along the line of the'fransas Me Mail- ton able as it is, rnay lead to good results, and
road, In process of roust fiction between Car - we trust the Treasurer may be bronght speed ,
son and Dearer, is contl red. Perbehly be- 'c
o terms. Here is the report of the pro-
twenty and thirty t ten w. killed and vet lines of that Committee :
as mane more wounded and neer o , hundred
head tif stock were run off. Ar cats 'I le - Finance Committee at ('lty Connelly
hel I at meeting, at three o'clock yesterday
here been made to intercept and alsh the aft moon, In the ofilee of Controller Mc-
Indians. who are expected to onion he rnion i i o ~.”.
Pacific Railroad on their way Mort With their y embers present : Messrs. Murray,. FA
plundplunder. " w e do. Tomlinson. Catnerou. E. p. Jones,
Mao MaT Id.--1 mu Ilra. foun d V u s .
Itatehelor. Menwen. Camoll. Morgue,
two miles west of here this morning bruised Brown. Negley. Deplore. Isaac Junes. Mc,
on the head and ' body, and In as insensible Aulev, Oliver. SeilLand Gross.
condition. and was at once reanoged to the Mr: Phillips, the President. being absent,
hospital at the barracks. The imitsfeort Pro - Mr. Batchelor was collial to the chair. The
nounceit his recovery doubtful. ' Railroad President. On telt iag the chair, stattal that the
ticket% from San Frencisco to (It go and a object of the meeting Hai, td Pei.? the report
mull amount of money. were 1 Ain blii of the speCild eonllllittee.nlipolntid to Inquire
possession. It is thought he fell t r ainPed into the legality of the ..Bartort ordinance."
h a
from an eastern bound pa.ssen last Mr. Slagle, City Attorney. presented the
evening and laid on night. Th. anP la sin- report of the etillllnillee, an follows:.
Dmrytat.CoL.Mar 1.'.-The Indialttold of the THE COMMITTEE'S 01 , INION.
lith extended Iran Xit t'arsr:n westward for PITT...MIMI,. May In. kW.
40 miles. The Indians are simonised to bh t„ /N. rin,,,,,, tr.",; . , miller:
CheY " nYa ' They weer • ln small nano of lice tirrtt.mi.tX i -rib.: .1,10 , ;g.,m, o whont
totes. though at Lake elation they are - said to ,
hare been two hundred strong.. They went f 1' al the taimmhdlcaliOtt cif A. J.
northwest and immediately. Further trouble tax
Treasurer, In which he !donna
you that he ueelines to comply with the ordl-
Is apprehended. Two companies of cavalry
,od ton
Councils; passml February 7, MO, en
fwr?lnti be Fort di! V tri 'l b in u c ted e re a a t ch ir d rad C i ' n ni g °ea"m"ipsaYalo---ng
the road and work on the road will not be in- titled °An ordinance to provide for the safe
keeping and custody of the funds of the city.''
respctfully report that they have carefully
terrupted. - , .
examined the o••inIon of his counsel, upon
The "Inwing "P'rt Is
'Habi' Two toilet c - hlch bin nett= Is based: and all acts of Its
west of Carson thirty head of mu les were ran
off and ottoman found dead toutuaked. Three semblv relating to the Matter, and aro clearly .
f the . opinien dud, the ordinance of Councifs
mil. west Mr. Dudley. an engineer, nnkin.; of the contravene pr,v,-
. . does not in any mom= con
ed and a tenet raptured. At UM Saute !hat,
_... za,....
nod ,. _..___,___ __„.,
another party had a tight: tWo , men killed, .‘n, , n1, , ,?,%;‘,.., , ..M . '.„7 .- ° . ..°A ce ' r a' o l
one wounded and n tenor captured . Twenty ?1,,Ly.11T.7,=,,,..,74- Cochran
miles west there was it running' light: one-th i s cit y. 31r. t r.,h r , ‘ „r s , r000 „i y,
man killed and one wounded. Twenty-eve ,
s , .
tulles west. one killml and one badly svoundml oa. al upon .the thirty-second section of the
will probable die. At Water Suring, !tome' act of April CI. 1017, known as the Consolida-
Bose, a Mexican train was attacked. and se, ti?i , Act, which is as full. n'e:
'itty of the City Treasurer
enty mules .1t; one matt killed and four It shall be the d
to receive anal safely keep all moneys Herrn
wounded. •
oso lug to the City eOrporlabin, and he" shall pay
rig A hr be P l i gee fr" n m tw L o ak h e unl a rs t a i l on lo s qd astiths'eatZr-dve-
.out the sine sit narrants dniwn ler the 3layor
t dcounterdsaed by .he Controller. and not
At - minded; several
3E"i"n train" n
Indians ma" kilkd and firer ans were killed. ' onier„ - ise: and he stall keep accurate ac-
There are mane other reports;
lag to be reliable. - Many Won MT missing..
too coulict- comity thereof, and make such reports. In re
lation thereto to the Controller as the Conn-
Total killed probably I went); names tin- din may by order ditTd...
known. THE POINTS AT moire.
There are two clanses ill this sectionavhich.
It- , is alleged are violated bv the. ordinance of
Counelly-one . to keeping and (he other .
---•••---• to paving out the'putille tones.. . We cannot
-The crops of Cilifinnla are unto re: Able. see that the ordlnanceiis inconsistent with the
provisionsof the act. It does lois-prolu•se to
-Bernhard itelshaupt hong himself to a tree
in St. loads Sunday night. , ,
r take the money out. or his enstody, but tacrelY
designates whiore It shalt be k,ad
. by NM, As
--A large "".nber ''' MonnOtin• Iron , lk''' the banks deAlglinted an. public InStiLUIIOIIS.
Sinith and of tto• Warren- class. aro on their nay ant. the usual and cust•nnitry mode of keeping
west. money is to deposit it In such places, there
-ThereAran frost In the mountains, heat In
the plains and a snow steno In the State of
Nevada on Sunday.i
—George 11. Chneth. , rs. aged 4X/ It cars, that
himself fatally at Detroit Stmday. Ile was
temporarily insane. . .
—The Delaware Repablican State Conven
tion to nominate candidates for Governor and
Congressmen 15 called far the Pitt of Jeer.
--A timed temperance meeting was held - at
the Cooper Institute. New York. Sunday
m ening. under the auspices of the Sons of
--In the Teunessre• Legislature yesterday
the Senate pasted lit. titters} reading, oft,-
Wilting the Intermarriage of white and col
ored persons.
--At flay City, Michigan. Sat unlav last.
Franck Warner shot himself dead. Ilesea.
to have been married on the same day. No
cause known.
--It is beyond doubt that htnelred
nten connected with the Fenian organimtlan
have left New Yrirk city, pa l the war path.
within the past few days-
Another electing in Mdudf of the - Es an
gelical Al:lance was held In Note York, timi
dity night. at which Drs. 011. and Eldridge
were the PriediPP •
.1. fire WWI retorted it. a „Virg.• MIKA.
vr•te.rd:gy..ft,r,toont, The wipe war td owing
burricatto, mid the prospeft wss that spoilt of
the town wt 111 1 ,11.. destroyed,
--fly the under of Secrrtßry. Belknap. tioa
charging employes and ordering sales of sur
plus property. the esteems of the War Ik
e~grama floral.
are reduced $1..17072.
4-11 r . I '.7l,t,:Vo t „ P n a Pa t real
lamp on Sunday night, at Fairmont, Ohio,
that he died Inn few hmtk.. Ile was tilling
It while it was Inirning•
-J. I). Webster, for several years past
freight agent of the Chicago k St. Igfuln
at Dwight, Illinois. purposely shot him
self through the brout. Sunday. Domestic
infelicities were the cause.
-The decoration"[ graves of Confederate
dead at Mount Clove and City Cemeteries. at
NaShville, took place on Sundae. and ' , event!
thousand persons were present. It wail a large
and intpoting demonstration.
Theapproaching conference with the
Sioux Chief:Red Cloud, who is, expected to
come to Washington, in greatly relied on as n,
means of bringing the difficulties with that
powerful tribe toa peaceful settlement.
—The vote In the saharbs of Cincinnati ye,.
terdily onoolerant ion was forty-two majorit
In favor. 'lt ertibracen Clifton. Avondale,
Woodburne, Cumtninsville. Riverside, besides
other territory. The legality of the election
will he contested by the opponents of an.
negation, who claim that Camp Washington
and other precincts Vincd that had no right,
being already within the city limits. •
•- Saturdae evening hint Thema% MeGlee
entered the )eivelry Koren!' P. B. Saddler and
tiont. Baltimore. limier the pretence at p ir
ehasiega dlantottd ring for a lady friend. Sor
rel eases were shown Mtn. when suddenly he
seized 0110 and inn away. The proprietor
ran after Mtn. trot the thief disappeared. De
tectives wentput upon his track. and soon
arrested hint. The rings. valued at WIG, were
—The famous breach of mumble case.
Mimed. Craig vs. Mein Sprague. tried about
cue year since in Dupage county.llllnols. the
details of which were abnadantiv garnished
with scandal. is to be fepeated. the Supreme
Court having remaudeol the case for a new
trial. Man Craig obtained Al that time & ver
dict for MAMA which was afterwards re
d.,' to Mint by 'permission of the ninth
Enttea elate• Conn—Jallgra MeKennen and
MONDAY, May, 16.—Tim case of Stilt v.
fluldekooper. before "(merles', Is still on trial.
The evidence for the plaintiff Is notyct closed
At one , o'clock United Staten Attorney
Swope Interrupted the proCemlings with the
announcement of the death of Hon: Thos. Ir
win. Mr. Swope spoke as follows: -
Han It pre.oc tear n011 , .1 . : It baronies my
duty as the representative of the (tavern
me n& to bring to the notice of the court, offi
cially. the death, on Saturdny last, of the Hon.
Thos. Irwin. who for nearly thirty years held
the commission of the President, as United
States District Judge for the Western District
of Pennsylennia. I am informed. moreover.
that the funeral services will take place this
afternoon at three o'clock.
. •
It was Dot my inivilege to know Judge Ir
win personally—,he wee before mv time at the
bar—but I ern not uneaten; of the high posi
tion which be occupied in the history of him
country, both State and national. Deceniled
train revolutionary ancestors, who contribut
ed their full share towards the triumph of
the American arose. he was earlylinbuell with
patriotic sentiments, end evinced it disposi
tion t o take part In public again. lie held
bin first commission from President Madison,
having been sent as an Indian Agent to Lou
where ho designed permanently to lo
cate. But his health failing, he returned to
hie native State, end sought a home innong
bar mountains. lie located permanently in
Uniontown, Fayette county. and engaged in
the practice 01 his profesalen. It 11 not
long until he was elected to the Legisl tore,
where he served two successive tonne, tak
ing an Retire part in the proceedings of that
body. Soon after he wits cleeted by . hit fel
tow citizens to represent them in Congress:
While servitor out his term of service there, be
wan oppotnted by one of the greatest men who
ever wears -Atha Haecutire chair—Hen—lack
son—Judge of the Milted /Mates District Court
for the V. eaten, District of Pennsylvania Ile
continued to hold the Wilco, discharging its
varied and responsible duties with g. rent obit
by, contributing his full share to the litera
ture of his pmfessien in opinions still. quoted
mi authority.— until Walk when he resigned at
the advanced - esre of seventy-seven year., And
retired to the quiet of domestic life. Ho was
succeeded by your Honer. Judge McCandless:
He has passed the evening of his days,sur
rounded by the amenities of anelevatetMcial
circle, and eaJoyint theniinistratlonn Ora fond
and affectionete family. At the ripe age of eigh
ty-seven years. he was. on Saturday.gathered
to bin fathers. It is only tittiug, en a tribute
of respect to his memory, that this Court: In
which he Co long occupied a seat upon the
bench, should now adjourn,• and I niece your
Honors, accordingly, that this Court do stand
Judge Iletkindless replied substantially \
follows: I know Judge Irwin long and-4
Ornately. .1 practised before him for many
Years. and our social relations were M
ello of the kindest character. He- was
called to occupy many distinguished positions
-and now, like a shock fully ripe, he ties been
gathered to the granery. C'uneutring with all
that has been said by the District Attorney, It
is now ordered that the' Court do stand ad
journed until to-mortvw morning at nine
C. Assetaby
The General Assembly of the [Tubed Pre,
byterlan Church mill bold Its twelfth Annual
Sessions In the First U. P. Chars(, Seventh
avenue, commeelng , on Wednesday the dath
Inst. e understand that the, Churches are
making amusements to furnish a. dinner
ouch day to the delegates in seine of our pub
lic halls. undertaking is a large one, but
our United Presbyterian brethren are *de- -
made to the teak.
MAY 17, 1670„
TIIE TREASUItIf 1/11.11111.E..
Martina and Ardttntent ar the Finance Font
• rata appear to be nothing unreasonable it
reit nirtrig a public: other .0 to keep the public
funds. esperially as this is a right - which tilt
city has claimed since the time of Its incorpo
ration. Sur does there seem to be. any great
er objection to the provishm of the ordinance
as to Ihe ninon, in wlibill the moneys shall
be drawn from the. twills. The act provides
.that it shah he drawn frill the treasury upon
warrants signed by the Mayne and counter
signed be the Controller This is a precnution
nry linetiitre. and Is not `a
by the or
. dina nee, which simply petwides ;glorifier ?inte
grant in reqiiiring that it be drawn from the
banks upon the checks of the Treasurer coun
tersigned by z he (*.rattler.
r'tie POWER or COUNCIL: .
Aside from soy general power which the
corral-at ion may have to thusprotect its fonds,
we think the authority in fully conferred by
the consolidation: art itself. The twenty
fourth section. referring to the power of Coun
cils, has the (chiming, "They shall have the
control and management of the Matinees and
of all property. real or personal. belonging tit
the corporation." Anil in the twenty-ninth
section. which provides for,the election of
Mayor, Controller nod Treasurer. it in further
provided, "that they taint! have inch powers
and perform such duties as ere prescribed in
this act. or as umy lie prescribed by ony anti
mance of eneneile not ineonststatnt with this
ail . lad in hich are not introintintible with the
...ore of their respective °fliers. i
" -
A• to the trat mentirthed clause, it s &in
tended that it rotifers rarislnt I, powers only,
nod merely gives to Crancils autitorny to de
fine the objects for which the . public moneys
may I, expended. But surely the words of
that clause have a broader meaning. "Finan
ces, is defined to be "hit da in thepublic treas
ury, or-accruing to it," a d the worts ...tarot
and umnag,e:"certalnly t ban more than mere
ly to 11billtIrne.
The twenty-ninth see don, was not referral
to In the 1014011 outlet Itral to you by Mr.
Cochran. T. osier it Coe ells would not have
the power to impose up. n an officer of the city
duties inconsistent wit the provisions of the
act of Assembly. or Incompatibly_ with the
office. We thinkwe have already sKown thnt
the duties imposed upon the Treasurer by the
ordinance are tint loran Went with the pro
visions of the art of Asentbly. and they are
certainly not inconipall le with,the nature of
the office.
' But there lire other: eta of Assembly, not
referred to In the opinlot. which have n bear
ing upon the
question.p The twenty-first sec
t Ira cif the net of Aprilf
April 1.. PM, which is n sup
plement to the net o 1 Bfri
. . In RS fol•
lws: "That all laws ant ordinances relating
to the city of Pittsburgh which were in force
at the time of the ons.dge of the aforesaid net
Of April 8, I'M:. nail which have not been std.
sentiently repealed or applied. are hereby de
clnreil to be and reirallt in full force and al,
v)icable to said city i s consolidated by said
'A 'I the act of A prli I lgett wasentitled "a
farther supplement to the act i e ncorporating
the city of : Pittsburgh extending Its 1...1-,.
Aries. enlarging its tort rate powers and per
thinkg Its 11111ilielpill VIIIIIZAtIOII... ti e we
the t triune-first section of the net of
April I, Itiag. wits scarce y neg.essary. It was
'moral to mold all mies ions its to the effect
of the net of PCT. As eh net of ISM writ very
fall and specific in its, provisions. it was
thought that It might be construed as sup
plying:lnd sup ereedintilrtirer nets relating to
the city, stool the intent Jou of the not of MA
to explicitly trainee that 1111 the prig.
visions ~ r i 40, nets witch have not been re
pealed...l which have been omitted In the
act of WM, should N. and remain In full force.
The effect of this is to raitdre that all the
acts of Assembly f the not Incorporating
the borontrlt of Pittsburgh, to the present
time, must be regarded as one systetn, and tie
vonstruell together.
ITC nllli, then. all art approved May Pi. ISM,
emitted -An net supplementary to nu net to
incorporate: the City of Pittsburgh," in the
third section of which It is . provided that the
Treasurer shall glee bonds and luke an with
. iionestly to keep and account for all - publle
moneys rind property entrusted to his care:"
and further. "the said Treasurer .ball keep
the public moneys In such place and manner
an the Councils shall direct. and shnll verify
his cash neconnt at least race every month
to the not Isfaction of the Finance 'Committee
of Councils."
This last provision has never been repealed
nor supplied. and Li therefore In full force. If.
then. there were nay doubt as to the power
of Councils tinder the net of DC. there can be
one under the art of PPIT. and we think the
troll:mitre of Councils is clearly within their
poorer. nntl that Mr. Cochran should comply
with its provisions. .
We have not attempted to present a full ar
;foment of the question, but have endeavored
to give the main points upon which bur opin
ion is founded. An roil opinion is different
from that given to Mr. Cochran, and raises an
Issue of low, we premme it can only be settled
try a resort to the courts: We now Mr. Coch
ran nod his counsel, Rod they expressed their
willingness to have It submitted to court in
sueh manner as to procure a speedy decision;
and we recommend that this course he pursu
ed, and.thrtt eon authorize the City Attorney
to agree with Mr. Cochran's counsel for tile
submission of the question to court upon a
re stated, or In such other manner an may
Appcat most minable to obtain a speedy de
cision. f. S. Ruffin. City Attorney,
A. M. 'Mown.
E. P. dosed. . •
The report was accepted and approved.
n -rK)• Linloars.
Mr. McAuley offered the folloWing resolu
tion. which was agreed to.
21(sohr.L That the City Attorney Is hereby
authorized and empowered to enter into an ar
rangement with Mr. Cochran for the purpose
of submitting to the Courts the question of the
validity of the ordinance panned February 7.
IMU, entitled. "An ordinance to provide for the
safe-keeping add security - of the public hands."
and In ease such nu nrrongement cannot be
made. that he be instructed to institute legal
proceedings for the purpose of testing the
The bond of • ira fL MeVny,,t Co., laid over
ate Cornier meeting. was token lip nod Ile.
ar X t t ' rtilon recomtoending that the bond. of
the city Trensurer be increased to 000.000, wns,
on motion. laid on the table.
The Treasnrer submitted a atatement of lost
tone. for 1811 S. which. on Motion, woe referred
tit the Controller forexaMination, to report at
the next locating of • the Committee. The
amount to $31,043 27. •
• The following resolution offered by Mr. Mc-
Auley wan adopted:
Bemired. That the City Attorney be amt he
IS hereby authorized to waive. by agreement
in writing, all right of exception. ntopeal or
writ of error in any cane or suit which may
be brought between the city and A. J. Coch
ran, City Treasurer, provided mid A. J.
Cochran woven the same right on his part.
The Committee then adjourned.
Real F Transfer..
The following deeds were attrettted.
cord In the office of Thomas 11. 111m1:er
. .
corder for Mlefrheny county. Monday, Mcrae.
John Altineyer to Anthony MlinvlerOlay 11,
HMI; A) by 00 feet on Joseph street, istrming,
ham • 12,000
John lientiet • to Jacob Joseph, May 7, issek
nbout an by feet In Poiirteenth sva
... rcl
Pittsburgh, with buildings
w m . H. Hagan to Ilsrinon Miller, May I,IW A
. en by ST feet on Davis styeet. Eleventh ward.
Pittsburgh 115%1
VOL. LXXXV.-7NO. 118.
Prvotreding• 4 14anager MNr
• Mad.
NEW OPERA eight- there was
drawn together
. nt the' Opera House WO , er
the largest and must fashionable audiences of
the season. Every seat in the parquette and
dress circle was filled, while the gallery was
comfortably crowded. It was the occasion
of ttqt . gratid Compliment:lrk benefit tendered
3lr.Caniihlt;;ll(6Pecintirtr. mtmager of the tem
ple. The great outpoiifiiii fitiit In eh averred
the beneficiary that his strenuous ettrils th
please the public during his 'several years'
connection with the niece have by no means'
sensed in e& "Wild Oats" w nre
eated In mirai Adams
style, Mr. Edwin Adams
sustaining the principal character.
Between the leadingplay and the attendee!.
Mr. Adams was called before the curtain for
speech. He graciously reg.:laded. thanking
the audience and the pimple of Pittsburgh for
the generous treatment he had ever received
from them. However, he would not bunien
his he with self but would take occasion
to say a few kind words of Hr. Canning, the
beneficiary of the evening. Ho had for him
the highest regard and knew that the amuse
ment lovers participated hi the same feeling,
else so large, fashionable and Intelligent an
audience would not be present. Mr. tanning,
however, was about to speak for himself .he
was to he made the object of his friends' re
gard r
i than b n it sno
wordre pra
s. ctical and substantial man-
Loud y calls were now made for Mr. Canning,
who appeared and made a very neat speech. in
which he thanked nil present. and many ab
sent. for the kindness shown him during his
managerial career in the city lie had fully
.endeavored to ive satisfaction to the people,.
ant! to afford the greatest attractioas—how
far he teal wiecessful. woo for others to say.
lie would take not dll the glory for any sue ,
revs he had achieved . Mr. HgtMatson had sus
tained him, and his liberality and enterprise
had contributed largely to the success of the
present administration.
Mr. Canning's speech was Interrupted by the
cartels hoisting, an incident entirely unex
pected, and there before the audience was
spread a scene of luxuriance and richness
which would hate done credit to the opening
of an titt dh urfehtto tragedy of fabulous or
Arabian night <mien.
On a table draped In velvet. trimmed with
gold were speed out
A fiearl table rich in decorations and valued
at WWI.
A marble pedestal worth $50,01).
Bronze statue worth $150,00.
A silver service of twenty pieces hand
somely engraved. worth talo,oo.
And the accomplished Oen. A. L: Pearson, an
good looking and smiling as an April rose, ap
peared and delivered a beautiful and happy
address in which he paid tribute to the worth
of the Manager and in behalf .of bin friends
presented theirofferings. •
The scene which followed beggars descrip
tion. An united multitude swayed with one
impulse Joined in is hearty .and enthusiastic
manifestation of applause. which was !Wally
brought ton clone by Mr. Canning, who, over-
Wheimed with the solemnity of the occasion. so
far ns be personally was concerned, in a voice
[remainua with emotion thanked his Mends
„.... . . . . .
for the compliment paid bin. He had hardly
finished Ins truly eloquent and feeling re
sponse, pill General - Pearson was handed
a package addressed "to Mr. Adams from Mr.
Canning.” which contained a handsome ice
cream service set. The gallant General made
a few happy remarks. and the recipient hand
l...mely responded. The curtain then dropped.
and the afterpleco proceeded.
7,3leat:r HoSPITAI, FAIR. - The ceiling »f at
traction for everybody, In City Hall, and last
evening all were delighted with the sweet
music discoursed by the drum , corps of the
Pittsburgh 7.0111.Ve5. The Ilshing_pond, by
Master Bohn. Is quite popular. The voting
on the elephants closes on Thursday. A
Grand Promennde Concert on Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, commencing ut eight
o'clock. Let there ho a crowded house dur
ing the few remaining nights of the fele.
MIK4 ttINFAT. an amateur artist who deserv
edly stands high among our home musicians,
nod whose concerts have ever met with much
favor, is to treat our friends of Irwin's station
• .
with a grand musical entertainment next
Thursday evening. the is to be assisted by
Mr. and Mrs. Damn (Miss 'Hattie Jones). the
choir of the East Liberty Methodist Church
and a number of other talented amateurs.
The concert will be well worthy attendance.
nd we hope there will be a generous responne
ode on the oerallou by all lovers of true and
rtlstie noode.
•The Perrysville Row.
Thmt disturbance at Perryavine Sunday a
ternuun seem. to hare. been an extensi
adair—onoof the Otost tliograceful riots which
has occurred hereabouts for Some time. It
appedm a full delegation of vile characters of
both sexes drove out duringthe afternoon. and
arrived at the WestvieW House - about four
o'CIOCk.. Going out they amused themselves
by blaspheming andbitteettity, and maudlin
songs, occasionally taring the performance
he attempting to collide with the vehicles
they met to the road. The drat note of the
riot WAS an attack on 'Way" Lloyd [not one
of the party] who hod invited some of them to
drink. The Invitation was not accepted, and he
stepped up to the bar himself. One of the
roughs knocked him down and a posse of the
others bent him until they were . wearied out
with the excereise. A general row then en
sued. which continued at Intervals for. about
two hours. Thu house was pretty well de
molished. The whole neighborhood suffered
from the onslaught of the human Vends who'
tore down fences, pillaged orchards and de
stroyed everything possible within reach.
Any citizen who remonstrated was beaten
and in this manner several were • disposal of.
One of the parties. John Miller, wan seriously
injured by the punishment he received, The
toughs seem to have bhen • principally from
Fletcher. Run and Spring Garden av
enue. At one time . Justice Ivry, of
Ross township. interfered but he was
powerlem to control the bullies . They had
things all their own way and only ceased
then the novelty of lighting had worn off',
ticks stones. clubs and other missiles we , '
. .
-4 .. but n,
sed, but no Ire-arms. which is a singular fea
ture of the row. Thus fur no arrests have
been made. but It Is probable the citigerot in
the vicinity will take the case in hands and
have the matter investigated. It's about time
this rowdyism was ended. The Perrysville
road is one of the most beautiful drives lead
ing from the city. but such occurrences al
readbecoming. too frequent. will soon cause
It to be avoided by all persons who value life
nr limb.
LORENZ BRENTANO. in 18411 Dictator of
the Republic of Baden, and afterward one
of the pmprietora of tho lllinoio Staab,
',hung. in Chicago, and member of the
Illinois Leglolature,•gas the other day
badly beaten by an enemy of his, at Studt
gart.ln Wurtemberg. •
Hoir to Save the Eyes
• Throw smnll print into the fire, it is
injurious to the sight. •When the eyes
are weary, rest them as yon would the
wearied body. Bathe them daily in pare
water of moderate temperature. Never
rub them, even if a foreign substance gets
Into them. but apply to e medical man;
he will immediately remove it, thus pre
venting serious trouble in consequence of
the particle lodging there causing inflam
mation. which often produces diseases
very difficult to cure. Mind your eyes at
all times. Be cautions, avoid an indis
criminate use of medicines. Wear proper
spectacles. Be certain yon require them.
Do not hesitate in , applying for inform
tion on the subject to a competent oculist.
Let him examine your eyes, or, if . using
speacles, have his opinion as to their
correctness. Spectacles being an article
of merchandise, we are ton apt to buy a
pair indiscriminately. Such a pair. al
though apparently suiting - the sight,
might be 'highly Improper. It must be
- borne in mind thnt spectacles are danger
run scientific Instruments in the hands of
incompetent parties, who , do not know
1 •to ndapt them to defective vision."--
[Brorn . Pr. Frank's Lecture on the. Eye.]
As a physician. oculistaurist and optician,
ho is not surpassed in this country. See
him early at the St. Clair Ilotel,*here he
has his Patent. Spectacles for sale, and
medically, treats all diseases of the eye
and ear. Consultation . fme. -
Aec-rms.—Wednesday, May 18th, at 2
o'clock r. az., on the preinines, will be.
sold that valuable three story brick honse,
No. 1t Pittsburgh "Diamond, adjoining
Edw. Heizelton. Esq.'s new warehouse.
The lot has a twenty feet front on the
'Diamond and extending back in depth one
hundred and twenty feet to Decatur. Par
ties desiring an itteestnient or business
property will finillt to their advantage to
attend thin sale, Terms at Bale.
.1. H. STEW ART, Auctioneer.'
ii. Tr. Surrnscm. Salesman. • I
ings: and public building! furnished
promptly to , order by Wm. Nelson, Co. 23
Market street. New designs and Ismail
ful pattern:
"HOW TO TAKE TAPE,'to the breading .
of an item in one of our exchanges. Some
people take It molly and quietly, others
take it with a knife or bullet, but we take
it ouraelree In glasaot Pier, Dannal'e
Co.'s Cream Ale' and like it, too,
NETT DEsrt —"- oxs.,-Ito most elaborate and
elOgant designs are to be found at No. 23
Market street, at Nellson'a filesa staining
EYBOIitiED 'GLASS, for doors •nd Inu'•
some. The fli'e'rwOrk connu7
to be seen ft Wm. -Netsois'eartstabligh
merit, 28 Market stiret:' -
STMISED 01,APN; • for &umbra and'
- dwelllngKof every dekripiion, fumbled
promptly to order by Wm. Nebion, No. 23
Market street. •
ae t x. f
THE 11,'W court 11011e,t! at Matitittrtil is to
cost t ;7,000:
Plltar.ll6 111)VIA111.4:1, IWhert, every:
bud/( dances, are held in Akron.
THERE is a utarentent on bait to convert
the Fair Clrotinds at canton into a public
Is Willoughby tp., Lake munty,Tliurs.
day night, Mrs. V. W. Otis went to bail
in good health. She was found dead the
next morning.
PIM:NM', of North Dover's,
Made his will, settled his Intsinetia and
isonod himself with laudanum. Rim
i-other did the Kum , thing a taw yearn
AN qN change says. The Marietta Col.
lege shit , ban reorganized to ilk' the Col.
lege to secitts s portion of the $5,000,000
memorial fund to be mixed at Pittsburgh
for religious and educational purposes by
the Presbyterian churches. ,
191.i.1100,000fewerlogs were cut in Mich
igan during the lint season than during
the previous One. When we hear people
talk of. our exhaustless foreitts and laugh
ing at Abe Idea of Stem laws compelling
tree planting and protection. we like to
mill `their attention to this little fact.
What fn rents could stand for long, such
depletion net . .these of Michigan, where
during the late! two KIIKII.III 1,824,000.000
logs have been cut? .
14 "1:sttaZtl r y'reifira..;
QUEENS GUSTS, will aruremble an the A 14.1 1 .1
fur parade. on TUESDAY. Hay .117t4. al 3 o'clock
Be ilr " 'he
Var. May 14th. 1870.1
the Viewers report Ott the opening of LANE
ALLET, front its present tenolittin In Jeffernon
street, havang been approved by Councils. the da
sessimtts of benefits therefor are now due and
payable at the Oleo Of the lily Treasurer for
flinty da,s lent this date. and it not paid within
that tiny, liens vrtll be fled for the arfliount, with
Interest and eats.
Virginia and Louisville
Tobacco .Jgency ,
Finr FRI Chewing, and Smoking Tobaccos,
72 SMITHFIELD STREEL Pitiattmrgh.":
Amron ESY CITY, MAT 17th.1870.1
Sewer Commission of the City of Allegheny
Sre premixed to reticle,. premien], for the following
ewers. with their epynrtenenae. Inlet. man
holes, It.
Comprieing ntoJut 1.020 feet of I S Inch Circular
Pipe tenet on Eherrann avenue fmm Ohio street
Pt...Merlon avenue. o •
Com petting . about 190 feet of ilecolor Pipe &otter
on Ann street.
Drawings and Specifications can be seen and full
Information obtained at this office.
Bids most be endowed "hewer Proposals," Con
tract rip. X or No..a, and delivered on ur before
3 C. 34.: 31.7 24th. 197 0-
Pones of Proposal, on which forms alone bids
will be received... Lillie furnished at this office.
The Commission do riot bind themselves to se
cept the lowest or env bid. /
Public Auction Sale
233 LOTS, situate in the 19th ward, POOL
ral7Lhe• liil;llllT'vlsi:Viait to
",111 1 rbO 8 " u "d
to Public Sale, On the premtses.on
SATURDAY. the 21st of May,lB7o,
These 1 Ats face the Alleglicoy River, and tent
mend • view. that nnot be excelled. The are
readily toreasitilo be the Allegheny Talley Bail
road, the Allegheny Hirer. and Butler street and
1111 end avenue, East Liberty. They vary in size
from 23 feet by 100 to it quarter Of an acre,
and are so laid out as to render every ono of there
Pidly Reproachful by wide 'treats. The Citizens
assenger Railway Cowpony bare 'reared the
necessary authority for extending their road to
Heighlion. which is ttAlt..nt to these Lota.and
be r
Churches of all denominations are r
convenient. .
These Lots are bound to appreciate rapidly in
val.. and whilst they are the most eligible and
conenient sites for home their Inevitable appre
ciativon in value makes them desirable for ptu - poses
of Inveatment.
. .
Terms to ault purchaser,. The proprietor will
offer these lots so that arm man may secure a
home. and pay for it on very reasonable terms.
A special free train win i 411•0 the Allegheny Val
plot o in t hese tots o ca nbe oe'cnk
the Offas of
C. B. 23N/9LY, No. 87 71Ith avenue. Pittsburgh.
OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock. and on SAT
URDAY EVENINU. from May let to November
lat. from 7to 9 o'clock: and from November h it
In May Ist. 6 to 8 o'clock. interest paid at the
rate of six par cent., free of Lax. and if not with-
acminnnually,ln January and
July. llooka of furnished at the
. .
Board at Mannstren—Geo. A. Berry. Preoldent; S.
ihrettuan. JUR
tary an. Park. d
Treasu Tina
rer. PreeManta; D. E.
A. Beadier. .1. L. Graham. A. S. Bed. Wm.• K.
Jobn Dinverth. F. Sabra, U. F..lininbee.
Joshua lintsles. inn. Scutt. In - pbt. C. one,
D. W. &A. 5. Bell. Solicitors. • Tr.
• & CO.,
93 Market street, Pittsburgh
. .
Hare fie band all lba latest nosellies In Floe Jew
elry; also Silver Fleets and Veer Plated Waye of
new designs. suitable for wedding gifts-
{Vetches of all the Amerleniii makers ih old g wet
hirer meet. Both Key and Pendent Winders...
dmutty on band. as well as a fell. Twisty of the
rier grades or the Swiss Watch. InclittlWa Jur
genres. Bigot. Benet . ... and others. •
We cull particular attention to our facilities for
repairing and regulating lion Watettea. To that
' branch of our business we give special care. •
Orders byoll promptly 011011. Designs of eny
good cot ln d m
rewlnio mall at
- 1,000 (ROSS
White Chalk Crayons
Colored Chalk
Eau- In Mork and arrlvni. ea I itelnus et II! ' 'ereorl
ralees • bT the banana, Meat Our.
one Very tarn end vary t Dreamt. and have
I:entracte nude tar • tonetneed eupply. Oar Ea&
l an reh, fepqV% MX WOlrasV
Crsienaln the oneUT. and haat= sped& rides of
Initibt on the halre ehlerponts, ye ran sell to Job•
wo n meatier. Pvtoes quoted on mean.
Na 102 Fonith Avenue,
PlNlClUBEetsteatt two etnef Miekerealag
nese. °feriae Hall. Seven and mat Cella, ead
-let or irmette tweedy-fate feet tenet nit , Mlle
' , greet IT etttrt(wee feet Ul_ dept. .rte et.
?creep...he V.I. to PElttn•6o. 11E9E4 boas. Men,
Wee *bourn eximine tele esusiriapeetf•
iig r " ' . . S.
C RIII Egithaaretle.'.,
Commercial and Family Newspaper
No farmer. or merchant eboald be
Butts fivegle snbseelbers
Clubs of ten
A copy If furnished destsdtously tolls getter-up
of • Club of led. Postmasters are requestss4 4.601
se agents. Address.
lir NOTICE S---" To-Let," "For Sak,"
.. Copt;' •• "tr or," Found," "Boarrlinstr
,te., not erqedi rw FOUR L 1.8" ES. all be
inNried in the,e entuninr once for MEN-
T CENTS: each additional limit
;SINGER to tour P•rts Of • qunqr. mgt.,
bath erode. Address I). 8.. noz Ao.
• oat, °' •
ally C
r.j:=l.7 . t.r li 'r u t 7 ",..Tr
7 211EFF. Anegneoy my." 3 31°N 541 2
1 1 .
MfeneTn3 gfrehn".°7o.l74.7l'
ANTEIL—A Lidy experienced In
tra i ggz o ek7g. u vira. n ta erdv
AAT A Nr, m o Rolle Rookery
f;ZA.."'ll2V trat:L:tri
Apo, at our=eu O.
N a
30.000 to Loan In largo tnr ZILOIII2 LS, at
a r rate of Interest.
Bond and Real 7941at0 Broker,
80. 179 tirnLhplld street.
TAT A NTED. — T 0 RENT:—.I House of
T .5 or 6 room, with alarge yard. Nast De b
n good naighborhood.ln either any. or on,llne of
come Itallroad. Any onn hating such ran b ar or
fael d r4u7nrr ' i . 104 i.41 , 124,•ivedwg....-
WANTED.--Everybody to call sit
LthERTF STPXl77...and• orsaMmir
• Thirty Thousand Dollars to. Loan
rge or smell annunin on properif In Afteghany
ty nt a fair rat. of
lI InAll.l.6iereat.s
Real Nstato Agent.
• • 68 firpnt otreet.
NV.I.NTED.-11onds and Mortgages.
1 for P 20.000. hnoirm 3 TMa to "ga
for /3,000, tinting 3 Tarn to run. I forte.
haring 3 Tenn to tan. I for 13.000. 0 TOM to
run: I fur 13.303, buying 3 read to run. &pi
P 3300. luring 3 yew', to run. 1 fort 3.
haring 3 years to run. 1 1.300. baling
roars rmn. 1 for 111.00 M :n0... It`nr• to
r. ,r o: s . forl3oo, haring 3 roars to run. On 017
"11 .37
' V. ri . 104 rprth Ara.
dark brindle row—tips of
the horns sawed off and aelsalet bole Path.
hhort tall. Any person ending her will be liberally
It warded by lensing word at •
GEO. 1400REB.
Head of Bedford arene.
• 11 IA want
. OST.—On exeninK, he
1-/ TATICEIC Delhi! EriGne Hum and Minion
atreatiapair id ware ACLES. The flediT
wtfl be liberally reed by leaving thaw at
MARION ST ,ill.=T.
13 OARDING.—A number of Gentle-
MEN tan b furnished with boanlina and
A nn i t c =tplatv , isa e ntl r y located. at Pin 411
n a Band Went Manse.
Allegheny 5-1131.
BOARDlNG.—TaLet,vrith boarding . ,
ono Or two ROOMS. Also. an OFFICE. roltr.
Me for Doctor or Dentist. 01103 Fourth &trona
TO-LET—ROOMS—Furnished or awe
f l.. ° llfnco g g"'' AoS4T
TO-LET.—Some pleasant rooms to let
at No. 31 7000th avenue. with tow of balk
BLEEPING ROOM, 2.;0. 43 Hemmen eirret •
neer the Pork. Allegheny, A gooKl ann. for fool
Allegheny. H.
LET.—The, M ime taffy. Brick
WAIVE:MI.:SE urch alley, rear
of It'o. IMO Wood street, formerly orenpled
by Wm. Moodort d Co., as a Broom Hanel...
.• inquire of -
241 WART. LAB() it Co.
N0:172 and 174 Wood street.
TO LET.—Brick Howie of 7 Roomy
_a. Ital. Ga. Hot and Cold Haar, Lante Tat.
grzpi lli p,ed and panted. Wale No. 14. Mar
t Sixth ward. Allegheny.
Alan. ICH 110U1118 of 6 Rooms. No ;0
Middle a oy.'near Sampson street. Second
Manny. Apply to
12. 7 id p . . PAICZ. .
Fifth, od a-TIER with entrance on 'Fifth
ur Court Muse. Apply to Mt , M. Malan&
—Part of the well known property of W.
McClintock. on the Perrysville, Plank Road, within
homenntos' walk 'of-City Rail. Allegheny. The
la two storied, tuntaining TO MOMS, sad Is
new, comfortable an d of elegant architecture. and
enepplied with all modern improvement,. Also
carriage housed enabling for hones and tog s.
The ground. are en beautifully laid out, and are cov
ered with fine forest trees. rendering, it truly
connteT residence with all the e. advantag of being
very convenient to the city, and from its lona/call.
of themost healthy location. in phi ocetion.
}orent=ltinlne of ()LIVER M CLpfrOCIE
The subscriber offers for rent Mitt dell nbto prop
•rty known sk tho
Situated at the foot of Craig etre= Alhgtheoy
City. a short distance below the Suspension Midge.
The lot on the east side of Craig street Is 130 feet
wide . by about 410 feet more or less. The lot on
tho west side of the street Is 110 feet wide b 1
shout 400 feet. Leers or less—both =untrue to low
water line; having one of the best and safest her
hon on the li•Cr. The advantages this property
=meets for any kind Of menufactmingparpoese
aro so well =owns. to render any further domelee
lion unnetvaMalT. Long lease* wUI be gleen tore.evgglivr.
VOR SALE—Engine otninr Horse
T •
OR SALE.—A One Horne Spring
WAGON'. ADNy AMA°. alloy of I.
.T. J.
31UNDEN, Wagon makers and Blacksmiths, SWAP,
North Alle . Allerheny.
VOR SALE—A Valuable Farui, ult•
I: Offish" with a test senor V.I. Gond build-
Inge. All hnprtrred. Pr 100.1511,000. B.II.NULL
& BROS., idelican's old .and, Waste:wetland Co..
14t. 54
A: Ili° LOTS,. all th
streeta In the
late Latmeneeellle dlataireall of 41ch Int_sokl
on easy terms. T. It. SILL d. BOY . corner roan
and -third street.
L , OR SALF..—A two-horse eosertst
1: SPRING WAGON. nearly new, will cam Oro
tons. will be sold cheap.
Ah between three and four htuidred Wit of
Selina Water Ire. Item 3 to Winches thieli.wel
cured in a towel ke house at numb= on the
Woe. Penn Ibiltroad. Enquire of
IF*IOR farm of 87 acres sit-
CUTE!) on the Pan llandkr Railroid bear
gor Mallon.= miles from Pittsburgh, L. ms
derlald with tin excellent veto of 00AL. - may of
amen- Wholerface under caltlmatiomilata
Rood Orchard awl su all necessary building& Will he
sold very lox. Enquire of
JACOB DAVIS. ttmlierLablaw.
N 0.13 Great street.
FIR SALE-200 LOTS - 201100
the Tanntylirant at dab° ear
nano In fon Team Vine b e are now salmi
very fast, a number of bootee WV , T: and at.
to nes ninth the ottre will In o.a 'or plans.
Ar m ran on T. . BILL & 80N. corner eon and
Tbirty.en led olort. 0010 ROUT. 8. 811,L.Attornin
at Law. TlOntra areal.
FOR saLE.--Englnea and Boners,
Nerw . and Second /land. of a kinds, onnatantir
o , doot from sal puts of tee 00.1.0 prompt',
tended to.
IDENCR. coolatning SO mires with 3 homee
thereon: one. • aim comfortable and ommrerdent
home: g in ood miter, nod one of the best ewer
owners th e
for Creek
miles from the city. on the waters of Theme
Rood. X of a mile from gterrartS Sato% Central
Railroad. Also. eoveral good /hams In good los-
Rona end homes for sale. IMiqulre of
mll No.llo Grant M., opposite Cethegeei.
'llls abort well known nnel dastrablonatr.
M"U'd* q "U t": 7 : l l " Velr. "Dth bloh
4by 19 to. • o•
*oat* two ctomanbstantlatly. bait brick
or Hog, oottalatlyi 14 Mom/OMb
tremor. Ik. Vac is undoubtedly • mon
.ble proctor tot elther ty re,r , tdenr u o i zb u russ par
rentftlicenue t troo. 6 6r".64
. :It not sold won la wboleorill be Alilad . Foe
iopits./... enquire of
113onth toms..
i'\ , ,
C• 7
i. 14