The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 16, 1870, Image 2
THE DAILY GAZETTE OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. GAZETTE BUILDING: Verner of *Gelb Avenue • ani Baillhlel4 Navel mommv 111011.NING, MAY Ili, MO BONDS in Frankfort, firm Prrnotxtrm I Antwerp, Ili Gum, 'closed In New Ygrk daturday at 114 f. Ay effect will be made to imprcive Mr. Covenn's nuggeation, and lay the pend ing tariffddll on the table. The ealeting law le more favorable to American Inter vets than anything yet conceded to en by . the Committee of the Whole. Rerours from tha Indian country are morn favorable. The leading Sioux scar chiefs show a disposition to talk rather than to strike. The Big Item expedition . seems to threaten the only serious ditlicul• ty in the way of a pacific arrangement. TUE Secretary of the Treasury talks of reducing the public debt some fifteen mil liomi this month. Everylicsly prayed for just thin auspicious state of things last year, but some peoPle seem to have chan ged their minds recently, and don't want the debt paid off, so long as that won'd colt anything to the taxpayers. t Wo in cline to think that a large majority of the people were in earnest last year, and . that they are of precisely the same mind now, maugre tho demote of a few rings inter-' ested in keeping the public hurthens nndl minlehed. Otis article of lut week on the State Trum an., Mateps to imply tMr. Mackey. the late Thasurer, did out , a s had been re ported, turn over to Ids successor an entire clean treasury. This is a mistake, as is @li dera from an examination of the record. Our article was limply Intended to show that cer min sums paid ove t r ea s ury , MAcken when he took charge of the were in precisely the condition In which they were received tromlir; Kemple hie predecessor, by Mr.lrwin =ls accession to the Treesurorshtp—lfar lbple. —lf Mr. Bomble went out of office short, and his successor did nothing, for. one whole year, to recover from him the amount- due to the Treasury, the blame for this neglect should he laid, in the ab sence of explanition, squarely at the doors of the Treasuier, the tiorernor and the Attorney General. •But the Govern& did instruct the law officer of the State, B. 11. Brewster, to investigate the liemble beei ness,—which Brewster failed to do. That was one of the many good reasons for his retirement from the office. And then an efficient officer, Mr. Mackey, went into the Treasury and got the; - .shorts" settled up -in full. This divides all the responsibility for the delay between Mr. Brewster and that accomplished scholar and nuiel finan cier who was then, and is now, Treasurer of the Commonwealth. THE NOMINATING CONVENTIONS At the meeting of the Republican Ez ecotive.Committee on Saturday, the 14th • inst., it was decided-that two conventions __should be held on the 30th of August, with the primea7 elections on tho Satur day preceding, the - 21t11. One Conven tion :select the Congressional and Legislative ticket, and to the other will. fall the duly of the nominations for the local offices. , infixing thepe date*, the Committee have wisely recognized the direction of public opinion. which was decfdedly advesin to an earlier opening of the canvass. Candi dates and the people will now find ample time to become • acquainted with each other, nia . delegates will be the better prepared to select the beet and morepopu lay men. The ticket!, will still have some six weeks before the people -q uite long enough for a situation which is Wholly local, and where ell the candidates are already personally known to the great body of the electors.' =l3 on Friday evening there passed through this city, in a sleeping car. supported by cushions, en invalid lady, who has done more for humanity than this world can ever know—more than any other roman tiring. It Is needless , to isay: that quiet, noble sufferer was Mites Donovan L. Dix. She was °niter way to the East, having been detained in Columbus, Ohio. for toe, rral weeks from the effects of malaria, 'imbibed while traveling through some of the Southern States visiting and inspect ing hospitals for the . insano.• In early life she devoted her great intellectual and . moral energies to a grand philanthropic purpose, the-amelioration of the condition of the insane, and her work has been well * her efforts "mad hohaes" and .bedlams" have been transtonned Into asylums and hospitals; and lunitcy, which humanity shrank from with shuddering, has become mental disease. ly . .in‘ the ratio of tie duration of the symptoms. For the purpose of careful ministration and cure to this terrible form of malady, through her direct agency and persevering efforts, hospitals for the:Jo lene, with every hacii i ity and convenience that science and experience could suggest, have berm established In nearly every — State of this Union. "Mind diseased" is better cared for In the United States than elsewhere; and for this glorious attain ment we are indebted to our noble coun trywoman, Miss Dix. We my that her health may be restored, for the world cannot yet afford to let her depart. 'MS TURKS PROTROAOTARIE* The period is at hied "for the regular appointment of the Prothonotaries of the Supreme Court of Pennsylrania. There are three of these officers. one for each district. The present incumbents are all Democrats; and all of them have been conspicuously summed in rendering: themselves obnoxious, for their political partisanship,. to a majority of the peo ple. Indeed the record in-that regard of one of them. Snowden, at Philadelphia, has richly earned a public censure not limited by the State boundaries. bithis' Western district/the officer had discharged, his duties as competently as many Repub. llama would have done, and net more no. He has 'held that lucrative post for at beat nine years—and. strange as It may seem,. appears, confident of still retaining - it. Bet we- think better of Mr. Kee nan's - good sense. lie .is himself too &Clive; bitter and shrewd a partizan not to ,understand that the people of the Commonwealth gave, last October. a eery clear espreadon of ',heir desire, that the judicial service should be in all particulars committed to Republican hands. We thus reformed the bench for the express parry of . redeeming our highest tribunal of Justice from any shadow of suspicion of fie continued proetltutkei to merely pill= Influences. Moreover, the friends of the present incumbent must be aware that, in it political sense, he has succeeded In Meng himself peculiarly unpopular with a majority of the bar and the people. Yet MOO: they, his Mende, ire all Demo. crate, and adhere to the Detimeratic dogma of rotation to cam We mania thins, she unanimous send. meat Of a majority , of lite , people of the district, that it IS time for him to retire. If atiernixist mitt have it, let the Judges appoint, some other man from that party. •:.4evf;Ai4h = ;t, , ex.!,.n.'",;!= . -:-,i;.•;:,::::::-,'::.:.L:a..7.:•.'1'.,:.-;-::.-7.1.; but, if the recent votes of the majority of the people of Pennsylvania mean anything at all,.ths& signify clearly that thin im portant official trued should be confided to come officer in sympathy therewith. Thin is not at all a question to he gov erned by peroonal predilections. There am plenty of gentlemen who will equnlly well fill the poet, and some of them may be Republicans. We have no doubt, there fore, that our Supreme Bench, with which those appointments rest, 'will approach their obnoxious duty in the premises with a senso of all the,. responnibilities which a clear majority of the people have im posed 'upon their choice. And it is clear that this majority amid never be- recon cilcsi to a re-appointment of °Shur Messrs. Keenan or Snowdon. OSITUARI non. Thoniair Irvin departed thin life at hie r esidence in Allegheny; on last Sat. nrday afternoon. Ilia depth, although sudden Or unexpected, fast ri gloom of swimss over these communities, us the de- coaxed was universally beloved, respected soil admired. Judge Irwin was born in Philadelphia, on the 22d day of February, 1784. His father, Col. Matthew Irwin, Was distinguished soldier in the revolution ary war and was a few; Philadelphia patriots of that trying period who brought relief and comfort to the famishing army at Valley Forge, and prevented their ut-' ter demoralization by affording opportune pecuniary aid, he alone subscribing J.:9.000 . t0 the muse. The mother of the deceased was a daughter of Benjamin Mif flin, whose gratalfather,John :Mifflin, came with William Penn to this country, set_ tling in Nekv Castle, Delaware, in 1602. The Miffing were known is the -fighting Quakers;' from the active part they took in the ruvolutionary war. and one of them rose to the distinction of Brigadier Gener al in the:Continental army and was elect ed as the first Governor of this Com monwealth under the Constitution of 1790. Judge Irwin received a fair education in Franklin College, at Lancaster, quitting at the age of nineteen to help support hie mother. who. with six small children, was left a widow in straightened circumstances. the father having involved himself before death by a series ; of heavy endorsements. In 1804 he beamie editor of the Philadel phia Repository, a weekly paper. In 181 he commence,' the practice of law, and, in search of a more encouraging field, be left for Louisiana. Ile woo subsequently appointed by President Madison to a position in the Indian Depaitment es. tablialteti at Natchitoches, .•hero h soon obtained the position of Indire Atirnrate •of the parish. 11l health rendered his return to Pennsylvania ad- Visable, and in. 1811 he come to Union town, Fayette county. where' he resumed the practice of law. ilo Was married in 1512 to Miss Walker. a lady of that place, and one of great worth, beauty and Re. Complishments. The marriage wan an unusually happy one, and the venerable lady, the bride of nearly sixty years ago. survives her husband. and we feel sure is as charming and loveable in her declining years of life as she was when led to tb altar by the youthful husband in the earl 'fart of the century. In 1924 Judge Irwin was elected to a peat in the State Legisla ture and was returned in . 192 G. Ile took an active and leading part in all the prom. •inent measures oOlte two twesions during 'his membership and retired with a high reputation and the esteem and confidence of his constituentp. in 1828. he was elected to Congress, and took - his seat in 'Deeember, DM., On the resignation of Jtititte Wilkins to accept a neat In the United States Senate, Presi dent Jackson appointed the deceased to succeed Lim as District Judge of the Uni ted States Court fur the Western District of Pennsylvania. . no dischargod, tie du ties of that high office with marked ability anti fidelity. He teas regarded an ■n emi nent jurist, and some of his opinions, espe cially that bearing on the Fugitive Slave law, delivered in tom. obtained for him national reputation. -In - 18.19 ho resigned the ermine robes and retired to private life. He never mixed in the warfare of politics, was unobtrusive with his views, and never conned popularity. In private; as well an public life, he sustaintel a high reputation, and through the four score and six years which ha lived, preserved an on. blemiahed record no a citizen, lawyer and Christian. A WORK WELL DONS The 111inolei Constitiitional Cenvention, having. completed Its work, has been die solved. The new instutnent, which will be submitttsl to a popular vote on the 2nd of July, providing for en election of Judges. on the same day; is printed is full in a Chicago paper. The articles on railroads, warehouses and counties, and the sectionS relating to the Illinois Central railroad ; the removal of county seat', minority rep resentetion and municipal subscriptions to railroads will be submitted separately. As a whole, this code of lundemetnal law is regarded as a great improvement upon the present cenatitntion. Art. 2; Sec. 22 prohibits special legisla• lion, thrust The Otneral Assembly shall not piss local or special laws in any of the following enumer ated cases, that it to say: For— Granting divorces; Changing the names of persons or place; Laying oat, opening. altering and working roads or, highways; Vacating roads, town plats. streets, alleys and public grounds; Locating or changing county seats: Regulating county and township alai.: Regulating the practice In muds of-Justice; Regulating the jurisdiction and duties of Justices of the peace, police Magistrates and constables; Providing for 'changes of venue In civil and criminal cases; Incorporating elties..totens. or villages, or changing or amending tho charter of any town, city or village; Providing for the election of members of the porated Board of r e cot Supervis ities;ors In townships, incorpor town Summoning and empanelling grand or petit Juries; Prodding for the management of common schools; Regulating the rate of interest on money; The opening and conducting of any election, or designating the place of voting; The sale or mortgage u nd er l estate belong- Ing_to minors or others disability; The protection of pane or nab; Chartering or licensing terries or toll bridges; ; Remiting nom. penalties or forfeitures; Creating. increasing or decreaaing fees, per eentuse.or allowances of public officers during the terms for which said officers are elected or appointed; • Changing the law of descent; • - °mating to any corporation, association or individnaf the right to lay down railroad minks, or amending existing charters for ouch Puree.* Granting to any corporation, amocintion or individual any !medal or exclualve privileM immunity or franchise whatever: In all eases where a general law can be made applicable, no special law shall be enacted. Members et the Legislature aro to take a qualifying oath as follows: do solemnly swear (or a(Ern) that I will s s lt o rgf i r , :ae u 2=tAtlo i n t ef the United Strata and will faithfully 41:eba h 4e 8 411:,, te c 1 1 1 0%:: ator (or Representatival Recanting to the best Of my ability: and that I hare not, knowingly Or Intentionally,paid or contributed anything, or made any promises In the nature of R bribe; to directly or indirectl Influence any voteat the election at which 1 ' was chosen to alt the said offloe, and have not aCeeplid, nor will I accept or receive, directly or indirectly, any money, or other valuable thing, from antic°, poration, compan, or person, for any vote b i ll, influence I ,may[lee or withhold on any bill, resolution or appropriation. for any other om elet act." • • • The . principle of minority represents . lion la embodied in the following section The House of Representatives shall consist of three times the umber of the members of the Senate, sad the term of sh a l l all be two years. 'three ftepreaentatives be elected Meech Senatorial district at the general els& lion to the year A. and every two years thereafter. .In all elections of Representative' aforesaid. each Modified liner may Cast Ur many votes. for on• candidate ies 'thine are Representatives to be elected: or; may dis tribute the same,or Bowel parts tbereof.amoog the candidates. as he shin see SU and the can- Warm bleat In votes shall be deolated elected. In all proeceutions for libel, whether civil or criminal, "the truth, when pub. fished with good motives and for justifi able ends, shall be • a sufficient defense"! The "fee of land taken for railroad tracks, ~:_; FEE without consent of the owners Thereof, shall remain in such ownem, subject to the use for which it is taken." N. Pers o n convicted of bribery, perjury or other in famous crime, or of defalcation in the public monies, shall be i digiblo to office. All bills before the L e gislatures must be road in each Gonne on them separate days, and the yess and nays on Theirptts ri sage shall be e ntered on the jonrnals. No Igiven power Is to tiUSIMIId this rule. The tint" shall not lend its aid directly o , by credit to any public or private corpo lion or i n dividual. The_eovernor has the veto power. No extra compensations 81) Ibe allowed to public officers after service rem dorm!. Tho Governor has power to grant .reprieves, commutations and pardons. Tho Supreme Court consists of seven judges. Three judges are. provided for the Chicago circuit, on - u of whom must be chosen by the ntinority. Tho suffrage is given to - every citizen of the United States over 21 years, a resident of the State for a yeai, of the - county nine. ty days and of the district thirty diys. A thorough and efficient system of free schools is provided for, and no appropriation shall be made, by sty authority, State or local: In aid of any church or sectarbm purpose, or ' to help support or tannin any school, sonde m)", seminary, college or university, or other literary or selentitio tastitotton• controlled by any church or sectarian denomination whater over•, nor shall any grant or donation of land. money, or other personal property ever be made by the State or any such public corpora tion to any church or for any sectarian por. pose. No teacher or school officer shall he in. terested in the sale of any book, sppu. rotas or furniture used in hie school. No county shall lIS . K.IMS , tuxes exceeding 15 cents on the $lOO valuation,extept for the payment of already existing indebteiness, when authorized by a:direct popnlar.ivote. No county or municipal authorities shall in cur delta excreding iu tho aggregate Ilve,per rent. on the value of the taxable Properly. No new county shall Isi formed of less 1 1 than four hundred equate miles n area. or reducing any old comity bel Ai' that limit, nor without the consent of popu. ler majority of a majority of the whole number of riles in each county co tribu. ring - to tho new territory. Nor r t hall a county seat' be removed without the con. sent of a majority of the people. No corporation shall be createdlttkspeelal laws, or Its charter extended. chat Red or amended, except those for charitable. educe- t lomat, penal or reformatory purposes. but the General Assembly shall provide, by general laws. for the organization of all corporations hereafter to he created. In all elections for directors or managers of corporated companies. every stockholder shall have the right to vote. In person or by prosy. for the number of shares of stock owned by him. for as many-Persons as there are direc tors or managers to be elected, or to cumu late said shares, and give one candidates man votes as the number of directors , multi pliby the number of hi. shares of stock. shall equal. or to distribute them on the same -principle among es many candidates as he Kee think •, and inch directors or mane- Kers shall not be elected by any other manner. ' Every bank stockholder shall be respon sible for liabilities in the amount of his stock and as much more. A sepaiate article prohibits the coned. idation of railroads with parallel or com peting lines. All railroads to be free public highways, under proper legal teg- Illations. No railway !dock account shall be .vratered , fictitiously. The right of eminent domain to operate as well egainnt corporations as individuals. Enjtmt dis criminationa and extortions in railway tariff. may be corrected by the Legitila The following dame , contemplates a Micirius •lindtatian upon the existing No county. city. _town, township. or other municipality. shall ever become subscriber to the capital stock ofany railroad or ;Private corporation, or make donation to. or loan its credit to aid of such. corporation: Ihmvind. hoverer. that the adoption-of this article shall not be cearstrued as affecting the right of such municipality to make such sbscript lam where the same base been autho rized, under existing laws, er • vote of the ;tropic. nt such mencipalities prior to mach adoption 1 Them can be little qurstioo, jtatigma as well front the intrinsic 'sterile of the in strument as from the favorable opinion of the Illinois preste.lbat title excellent Consti tution will be adopted by an almost 'lna !l imo. vote. =2! The New Castle Cascara states the substance of the current imputations against - SenstOc James Kerr. of that di, triet. and remarks: It Is a publie scandal, a e the constitu ents of Mr. Kerr. the people sof Lewrence county have a right to an explanation. and we thltk will demand It- 3fr. Kerr should have the matter laveitlgate.l—probed to the bat tom, and his own integrity and honor, as well as the honor of .his coustituency. vindicated. or he should resign his seat. We shall be glad to afford him all 'the facilities In our power to bring the offender to justice. If he hue been villainously abased by men who seek to rob him of a character-which should be , worth.more than tens of thouvand• of dollars. and will see that every voter In Lawrence county Is made swans of his innocence when It Is established. It la not cages rumor In inuendo. It Is a bold chargeeand names are published. The editor of the Philasielphis Mars uses the following language at the close of the article: .. If they desire as Investigating committee next winter, we shall be glad So give them all the particulars of this. and more of the eameeort." • We trust Mr. Kerr Kernwill have the matter thoroughly Investigated, hie own gaol name redeemed from reproach. and the miscreant who started no vile a slander made an &topic of. • plane the above was written we have had a conversation with Mr. Kerr, and he denies that there is any truth in the story. . . —By all mmins. let the public Lear from Mr. Heir. His simple "denials" In private conversation do not meet the nituation. WELL MAID. ' The Pittsburgh Commertin/ remarks • We have no doubt that the simple, artless narrative of Mrs. McFarland-Richardson pre, sent. the naked truth: It has each element. of truth in Ito. to command the assent of the most unwilling: The story of the sufferings and wrongs touches the hardest. heart. The bile will never believe her to haye been hip oru f crime; and, as respect. the imp- Ence of her conduct In contracting a matti monist] engagement before she had obtained a divorce, those only are authorised to pro duce a harsh Judgment who have passed through similar trials without deviation from the lines of strict propriety. Neither the laws of God nor man required this woman to waste her life In slavish bondage to a man of unre strained violence of passions. aggravated by habitual Intoxication—leading a burdensome life topossibly a tragical end. Mr. Rlchardson's conduct towards the lady: although exceedingly Imprudent. we. prompt ed by It noble generosity, as far removed from crime as virtue is from guilt. Theahamelees attacks made on Mrs. Cal houn. Mrs. Sinclair, Horace Greeley and every person who bad In any way assisted or be friended a moat unhappy woman struggling to earn a subsistence for herself and children. characterize the trial as disgraced to the ad , ministration ofJustice. Th e most. honorable conduct and pnilieworthy sympathy were tor tured Into evidence of COMpiregq to sop n man and wife, In a may to gratify the most devilish malignity. The trial will be memora ble, as showing hoar much Individual. wrong m be perpetrated ha the administration of Ne a w York Justice. • Tug Carlisle Heroid joins in the anan- • intone voice of the Republican preen of , the Commonwealth, as follows,: A nombet of our Republican counties are about culling th county cnventions, to nominate meoche e r ir s of the L o egislature and county officers. We advise them. most cans estly, not to renominate any man who voted but winter for the Omnibus Ralhoed bill. II a majority of {boss gentlemen get back again to the Legislature, there wilt not be much left of the Republican party after ne wier. Let all gentiomen of that stripe re mnl n at home. OUR GRAMAIII PllgM. Freiheits Freu nil has an article on the condition of the; working classes-in Europe and, America, in which it says that although in this country there is much misery and want among the laboring people, yet on the whole their condition is satisfactory, and contrasted with that of thmEuropearriaborer, an enviable one. In England the workmen see nothing in the',condition of their class in Spain, in Russia, or indeed in any part of the world to attract them from home, excepting in thetie United States, which is their true Eldorado, where strong hands are sure to find work and Industry and endurance meet with their reward, for in no other land in the world can skilled workmen earn an average of 2 to 21 dollars of a coMmen laborer $1.87 per day, _ And this favorable condition of affairs our free tra. ders win now change and press down to the European level. No wonder that the manes rise up against the Free Trade teachings. In regard to the Crawford county s tem and the complaints against it, It ys that up to this time no political cyst m has been discovered which is altogether . PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : MONDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1870: perfect; and the main thing always re mains that the people shall understand how to make proper use of it. Thu VA -Willi discusses the recent at tempt at revolution in Paris, and says that. Paris is antagonistic to L ogin Napoleon and imperialism. and contains enough ex plosive material for a revolution to break out at nay minute if Napoleon were not cleverer than all of his predeceesore. Ho knows what he wants, and stops at no means that will effect thedesired end. He would blow up all Paris to maintain his dominion over Frituce, bnt ho at the name time takeo care not to Invite rceolution- So be will hold the revOlutionarvliCapital with a tight rein until one tlay,!ltte -closes his eyes, or the Bourgeoisie lose their fear of the "red ghost" or the army deserts him, or all together, Upon ate' luxury of funerals," it ways ."the extravagance attending funerals here has reached such a bight that an appeal for a return to simplicity Is in tuore titan one sense aduty. The attempt to display pomp and magnificence on the last journey here, whore h Is so sot of place, demands from thoke of .moderate means - pecuniary-sacrifices, bunions the survivers of impecuhlouts People. and has neseuse in it. A simple funeral—with no unnecessary show—is certainly the meet respectaide way in will - 6 one can bring his beloved dead to their last resting places. The Republibrocr contains some excel lent selections. I.Froni the Philadelphia Ledger.] The Tariff on Iron and Merl. The following table shows the present windition of the Tariff bill pending to Con green with reference to, the duties on Iron and sieel. The present rates of duty are given in one column, and In another the rates proposed by the House of Represen tatives in Committee of the Whole. The items marked • having been ',ordered to be stricken out of the bill by. tire Commit tee of the Whole, this action, If intatained by the House and the Senate, 'will leave, the duties on those items the same as they are now in the existing 'Tariff, and we therefore insert the present rate of duty in the columns of -proposed" dutien. 'The tariff on iron and steel is of great interest In Pennsylvania, and this table shows at a glance the present and proposed rates on these important articles. This table in-, eludes such articles and duties only as en• proposed to be changed in 'any way: lb.. duties on all articles of iron and steel not named in the table remain as specified in the existing laws. It mint lie remem• bend, however, that all these items have to pans another vote, when the tariff' bill In reportrtl from the Committee of the NI, hole to the llouse itself: whilst the fate of the entire bill is also problematical: 'DUTY Pile , PROILNT maw DT rne nrrr. Hours z. Cone reef. =I how. Fig,l3s per ton. ,E per Lon. Scrap, cast . S per ton. • per ton. Feeep, wrought, per ton. ~ per ton. Slabs.llloome.l ! Loops, I to two per 1b.1113 per ton. Ends.Cllppings se.. ; Ito 1140 per 16.411 per ton, I iars, rolled or ' i ham tne red.. between w h ir . . and 4 In. •snd le and 2i in. thick. it to 1140 per 161120 per ton. PH., ie. than , Di or more. then 4 In. - wide; be tween .1.4 and , . r Sl oe nchs th cik: , ovr 2 in. tick.ll to toe per lb. a= 10 per ion Rode, leis than; 16 Inch In: diameter, or!' square, 1040 per lb. ;plc per lb. D 1.1.• over 5-16 inch, 'Die per lb. ltac per lb. Ovid, half.oval. . --- ti n d ha 1 f-' round less , . D than 5-16 in.. 6 1 tic per lb. ,1140 par lb. 0.. over 5-1 Inch. ' Dec per lb. Die per lb. &c., between Nos. 6 and 11. Ise per lb. 'lke per lb.• Do.. thinner than No. 1/. 1.4 to'l l, ,;c Sarin Is to 1. 4 c p lb. Sheets or . Plates. Oct glared or pol ished. Pe. to Po pr lb De to Par Pr lb , Hoop. and Cot ton Ties. liar per ib: 114 e per lb. Rolled or Ham mooed ..1 . 1146 per lb.. nr, Angle Iron. • 26 peecent. 'lke per lb. Itallwar ,Spllceu. per lb., or 35. Ham tec-• percent. 'll4O per lb. Railwaylltalre ;:e per lb.. or air Frogs. 0.. per reat.• ' * per lb. Railroad Iron, made to pat - . tern and ra ted to be laid. , , dawn. '3,1‘ , . per IVO lbs. tee. per 10fIltet. •Wire, not leen -Ihe per IN ntrd.le per Ilaandl6 than Nu. lit i 15 per cent_ per cent. Wire. betweenatio per lb. and illec pr lb and Noe-16 to Z.. 15 par cent. i Is per cent. Wires less than :Pie pr lb.-end, se per lb and - 15 No. Z , . 15 per cent, , Per Oeat. W Ire. If rose, k per lb in ad. ed with silk, 7to 0,360 pr lb. riltion to the cotton. 3 -n-. and Ili pr et. abort rates. Wire rope of Iron or atel.' made of wire nOL lee. than • No. Pt x., per rent. Car pr lb nod 31 Wire betty nen, , per oent. Nue. In end. OS c per lb and 35. ,36 per cent 120 per neat.. Wire lees th.. 35 percent. , 40 per lb and al No. M. I - , per cent. Wire Cloth, as per cent. Or per eq. loot and3s per et. Do.. If Painted. 40 per ~ 1. foot or printed. 3S per cent. ' and 35 per et. Spiral • fared- r,c pm lb, and tore spring., 15 per mmt. 3c, per lb. Telegr a p b According to wlre& cable. , materials. 411 per cent. Hair pins. 35 per cent. 10 per cent. Stubble cards,' clothing end; hand cards. ;Stair cent. 1 40 per cent. In not other wlse provid ed for. ' 35 per cent. le (or lb. 6. Chabot made of ', rods not lees . than .1:, 1..14261c. per lb. 9540 per lb.° Chalets be-, . tween % inch & N. n wire _ 3 cent. per lb. Ito per lb.* C talus lei." than No. V wire, 35 per cent. X, per cent. Wroughtwash- . e 1.., nuts, bolts. &c.. • Wrought Met, 5w ..,, weighing • not over 2 lb,ns per cent. Ai per e. per dot. Pali,! - I W relight weld,: a d pI pe a. , 2)4 to Me verge per lb. tribes. flues. , lb. Tin, . gales -. • I .13110 per lb. or nixed. zinc- 24c par lb or, V. per cent.. coated. itc.,! 25 per cent. I Honemole) oboes, .35 per cent. & [l6 per cent.! Screws of Iron I or any other . -- i metal, rl5 per cent. , - ra per cent.. feet 'Mete,: andirons,: 1 •' stoves. &co 13. c. per lb. 7140. per lb.' Glared. tinned. , _ or wroughC' iron, boll° w-j Ware, or etrr nared ware.llXc. per lb.- ViXe. per lb. • feet etemn.mml I or wart pipe INC. per lb._ ;1540. per lb.' Other castings, 33 per cent. - 90 percent! ORIEL. : • . , Cast and other I kind., In In-, • gots, blooms., ~ billet., /he., .46 per cent. 0)40. per lb. All kind. cast.l cut, rolled or:, hammered to, I • pattern. not i . Orherwlee, provided for. 2)4 to 30 per 16:314c. per lb. Railway bevel , all .teily 45 per cent. lc. per lb. fee., pa steel, 45 per cent. ' I.lfo. per Iti. Bement rralls.4s per cent. ll.lll per ton: Wire, not letstr,lMe. per 1112)4e. per lb. li thano.'l3. , I and M per and 10 per cent. Wire. les. than!lie re . per lb. and 30. per lb. and N 0.13. ' ISO per cent. 130 per cent. Wire,ll cover -~ 7 tol94c.perib.l3s per cent. In ed with silk; and 16 per , addition to or cotton, I cent. 1 above rates. Railway hood itc., 46 per cent. ',Slip. Per lb. (or wheels, ;45 per cent. ,lict. per lb. Blooins.for earl I .or 10como-1 the tires.; . , rolled or, i . hammered to ; pattern, :46 per cent. 1234 e. per lb. Carriage: car.: I locomotive, i and otberi spring., '45 per cent.. l sc. per lb. Crinoline. Cor- 1 I set and Hall ' .....i Wire, If co. I ered with iexole n m t a , t o- 146 per cent. 11S p p er cent. , • vior Ib. 'Nc P.' lb THE Ways and Means Committee is making all resale baste to get the inter nal revenue bill in shape to report it to the House. They are holding meetings every morning, and in the evening also, when the House is. not in session. It is understood that a majority of the commit tee will enstain the Secretary of the Treasury In opposing a reduction of the tuxes beyond thirty minions at this nes. shin. It in held that this is as much as the revenues of the country can stand before the debt ix funded, or while it is being funded. The tai bill, an revised by the Committee, will reduce the. amount to be collected at least thirty-five millions, with out reducing the percentage to be collect ed on Incomes over two thousand dollars per annum. Tat House Committee on Foreign Affairs had before them Cyrus W. Fields, who was interrogated as to the Importance of the proposed line of cable from. San Franeisoo to Japan; via the Sandwich Is• 'lends. Mr. Fields now asks that, instead of n gift of land being granted in aid of the enterprise, be be allowed a subsidy of fire hundred thousarid dollars per annum for a term of years. .... ,..-.-,-.-. .. t . ,-,- .. :• :, ,, m... , ?4 , : . :4 - 1.41.4, , ,. - ig... , -;; , .'.4-i6gi .: ::&,..:tt.h:', , , - 10-:.?e:is;4 - ;.g;0:::i '! - ,i,:q.- - ..-V•:., , ,-:S,4!i•-..-Y.i.1...;5 - ,.;.;-;.q.!.74:, , ,t, , :pr.m..i. - •:. -.--, .-: -••-- —. • . . . . „:„—.. ... TWE Ways and Moans Committee have completed their Tai bill, with the excop. tion of.the provisions for re-enacting the Income tan. Thu Committee are disposed to make it 5 per cent. on allover $l3OO per annum. but do not Indicate any disposition to drop it altogether. The Committee will, probably, repoal the taxes on a suffi cient number of articles to reduce the in" 24,110.1 taxation about forty millions. They decided to sit Sat unlay and Sunday, in or der to finish the Tax and Funding bills, and have them teadv to report .early this week, and Gettoral .Schenck- Friday tai -1 nounced his purpose to do so. Tna new bounty .1611, passed by the House early in Febrnarv, wait favorably reported 1n the itenate. It gireethe name bounty to the helm of - enldiers who enlist ed for uno year and died or ware killed in service as In now given to two year soh diem. It also repeals the limitation in the the act of 1809 as to time for filing claims, and soya they may be presented at any time. It further given one hundred dol. lam bounty to all soldiers who enlisted be. tween May 4th, 1861, and July 7241, 1411 who were honorably discharged or nine tered out. PERRY% VOMEDO%E !DIME HEM This le the . only Infallible remody imuwn to sci ence for that unsightly' disc....of the secretions known at Cornedone's Black Womie or the Pere end face. It also carom those Mongering diseases. Acne and Illyonals, Red.- White and Mittreate4 Pimples on any part of the WT. It loners the skin soft,tmooth and heelthy. Fold at JAMES. E. BURNS. & CO.'S MUM /MD R. tanker Penn and %lath (old SlAlalr) TIMM% ARMED. Thrice t he armed who lio.P..ithin rE.d. his hand a opittline that at en• and the name time will •trengthen, regulate and purify his system when enfeebled. disordered and corrupted. "Ch Is the th.e-ma operation of Hostetter'. stomach Bitten, and hence the great sePeriorHY 'a that standard vegetable restorative over all medicines that are merely tunic" and nothing else. The effect of the ordinary astringent tinctures and extracts upon the newels is disastrous. and upon the depreved blood or Idle they produce no bene ficial effect. whatever. In dyspapslaandlivercone plaints all tbisp Bolds and humors of the body are more or loss Infected. and the bowels are often loll) constlysttal. An unmodleed estrlngente quinine for Instance-den InfinitelS more hirtn than good In such cases, In llostetter's Bitters on the other hand, the stimulating sad tonic alt.o meets are disabled with .portents ;And medium- ' tie Ingredient. The finest !exalts'. and blood der purouts In the vegetable kingdom are Intoneteed with those of ► purely invigorating net. , and under the operation of thin adentreble comblnatam the throe important prneeloesegf ulatton and purification gn on together. The res. pldit r with which the disordered newel...Wm Ta tum& to Its natural rendition under a Cilflr. Of . the Bitten if don to this rause. Every disturbed (election of the body Is favorably affected by the groPertle , of this cemprebenalve andwen == balanced preparation. As a general role the tem, elm ars nnbleet to irregularities. and the fluids lia ble to become vitiated. sad hence the Bitters are eeptytallg valuable as an altirshive. rommtive and !nets/omit. In all districts whore the needs of In termittent fevers Infect the air. this healthful veg etable elixir :Mould be taken an a protective tnedi- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FABER & VAN DOREN 3(17 Liberty Street, lITTSBURGU. rA, STEAM EN - G INES _ IRON AND WOO)) WORKING A.CHINERY, Steam Pumps, Eaginerrs' aml Nloyhinism' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES, BELT , Woolen , Machhey, Machine Cards 13rMannfaturers' and Mill Sup plies. A constant supply on hand and tor - Malted on shuri nutlet, 01113E1110..1 0.4431.1 C 11C 1117. NOTICE! Third Arrival of Sprint DRY GOODS. Bell & Moorhouse, 21 FIFTH AVENUE, re Offering Great Bargains in Dreis Cy oods, SilkH, Shawlr4, Linents, Piques and Chintzea DECORATED AND PLAIN Marble and Slate MANTLES, re by Ceara power. The 011111.1.e0 In Weetern attrylranla When. Mate .4 Uarble Marbleised eotles are made. Eleorant Marble 31.tlell,Waln- Etna. Counters , Fointtore Tope. de-, marbleised white marble antl elate to eflkeilY repreeent IN oriole.'marble. of all vedettes and room Pohl at New York prices at SIB and 331 LIBERTY STREET, Elttatimith. Pa. naythwall W. W. WALLACE. "HILL & ADA3I'S SEWER PIPE - CO," 65 and 67 Sandusky St,Allegheny. 6clattralog.%7..llr7 C. G. NeraILLEN, Agent. 61173,61 To Oil Capitalist The ' BriAlirB BEini IRON COMPANY. Id' MO tncu of laud. for borlai Por " olotti to the new hawing well on Armstrong flo . mry sin elan BELL LOTS on the bank of the A leebeey River, newt the new wen. conronlent for building sites. = BRADT'', 8t.., L.r 10th. 1810. toyliOn.73 WELCOME 'LAY AND GRAIN RAKE. tb r e•zr=rAttz,TT•;;lt%".7g.r . ,l,l%y. 11 . 0 sleepiest In Re o:tests...Ron and best In use; es. &mime It before you buy any other; sole as km as thgeommon retell and can he worked by • child 7 or yes. old; It le eel( -operating. The horsed°. nearly all the w;nlt and It can be ruts backward , OthOut danger to robe or drtvean advantage In nootherreke. Manufactured ret ellumbler o,llo d sod sold them wholesale sr or at 1:9 an 3illl LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh. Pg. W. W. WALLACE. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL ED. BARRER, Proprietor, Pm Penn Laud llth, formerly old Canal FIMFISH. 110.1.2., alai—all E.t.d Oat: • hrseliat., n 4; oral; • Cod Vl i sh: at l A IR A ITI C Qtea No. BB. DTEW ADVERTI spEciMME ..„"A_. AV T. IA NI E P_l j] Nos.lBo And 182-Feder! Large Aisortuicat of 06 Latest Novel dies LADIES' HATS AND BONNETS, :hisses' and Children's Nets. A 11F.ALITIFOI , ANHORTSIF.NT Ribbons " and FloWerS,; lUD AN!) LISLE TIMM) OLOYES: "Lana Conan , and IlandkarchlMil, Linen collate ma Clan. Ladles' Panel now.. Lao.. r•oci !"q(.. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas • Ladles' end Wane, lamer Ileene. Mit..* and Bore' otton Socks. luel'e Summer U C nde rwear. Vane, - Bows and Neck Tlen LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, • Paper Collars and Cuffs, Wholesale and Rated], 11 T H. SEMPLE'S, laollllll IS2 Federal Street, Allegheny. THE BEST BARGAINS • OFFERED This Season. = Lactic!: Davy British Cotton Stockings AT 23 CKNTS. Ladies' Heat y British Cotton Stockings = AT 3 PAIR )OR $l.OO. Ladirs' Now British Colton Blorkings Mr:11=! Men's Heavy British lotion • Socks AT 23 31rn'l Heavy Fruit!' Cotton Socks LADIES' AND MEN'S MERINO GAUZE UNDERWEAR I=l MINSICS. 110115 AND CLIII.MIEN'S ('oi"roN sTc)cKiNcis AT GICLAIII lILDLA ED PRICL.4 Al Morgan stern&Co's CCIMSOR MACRUM, GLYDE &CO., Nos. 7S and So Market Street. 'll.= EMI HORNE CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloves ! Prices Unknown Since 1861. A I.E.VANDItt7B lUD (11A/VIA , -. full siumu4 meat at (11.73. .roI7 KV ionsiRIUS KIDS al IA)N(; Toll KIDS. choice shadee..lsl.oo. KIaII:I.AK 3 1 / 4 -13F. BRITIOII )10M6. ileik,Ty. 33 cuutu. PLAN AND • RIBBED (N,TTON HOPE. 10 ma. and up. DOXYI3II , COTTON 11010KRY. by y brain. GENTS' SCPEII STOUT ITALY 1109 K. 1.3 bents. RENTS' SUPER FINE HALF RORK. 23 cents. Alin wleodlel !moments BARIUM BAIR! and Row RIBBON!. LADIES• FANCY BOWS. Large Additions to Stock Jove ant ring, to which we Invlke the att.:then of ITenteeele and ILetall Cede, Beyer. 77 AND 79 MARKET STREET On a Par with Gold ! WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS NOTIONS EASTERN PRICES BUYERS ARE INVITED TO Ex amineour Goods & Prices. AItBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. 115 Wood Street.. BUY THE GENUINE CLARK'S "0. N. T." SPOOL COTTON. GEO. A. CLARK SOLE AGENT Sold Everywhere. Murray & Lawman's Florida Water The most eelehrated an most delightfur : or all per fumeS, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and • In the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers •_ , , , _ • -••-•..• ITE:W ADPERTISEMEZITS al Street, Allegheny City. NEW SUIDIEE SHAWLS, Black Silk Basques, MACK SILK SACQUES. Silk I'ul)liu Dresses, (111 ENE MIXED WASH POPLINS 1-'oplius, I= At 'AiSr., 'Double Width l'opiltoi—very elionp, At Bne.. Good calico,. At We.. Flint Colored calico, At 30e. and 62 Se. Marti Alpacas - Very great barwalne.. At New tityla Delaine, • At 22c.. yard.wkleteather At Ittlite.. -1.4 Bleached At 12kr.. Heavy Sheeting, At iientueliy Jean', - ti decided bargain. LACK CIAITA INS. Stripcyd :1 Figured CURTAIN DAMASKS. Turkey Red Table Damasks. BLEACHED AND uxnht:AritEn 'PA 8.1.11,' 1 .1 NS, Very. Low Prices, Wholesale and Retail WM. SEMPLE'S, 114) and In?. Federal Si reel AII (Then y ! 7 Per Cent, Gold Loan 11=1 4/F THE 131:111.1NOON, CEDAR RAPIDS .MINNESOTA ILA. CO'S First Mortgag© ao YEAR CONVERTIBLE -BONDS. A LIMITRII QVAYTITY FOR MALI. At 90 and Accrued Interes Interest payable May and :: , ..iymber. J. PAW:AIt TIK*II . SON. , ' CIIAIILIiS tll.lSt. Tr..."' The greater part of the nisal Is already completed and show* large earnings. and the balance of the work Is rapidly progressing. We unhesitatingly nneommend these Ronda as the safest and hest Inaestment In the market. tl. S. Fteretwentles. at current prices onlY.Mtdm Ore per rent. Interest. while these pay eight wneequarter per cent. In liwld end we reword th e ee.rity equally_ good. - HENRY CLEWS & CO Bankers 32 Wall Street, New York $. 31 * CLEAN & No.' 65 Fourth Avenue 1 - 31\1 5 3 DAILEYO 12Th 8 1 . CHESTNUT ST, P HILADELPHI A ' l ikkrecGtort Etmertj. The reputation and experi ence of 40 years, warrant us in saying that our stock of Fine Timekeepers of tho best Euro pean and American Makers is now the largest in the coun try; and wo guarantee that each Watch wo sell, is finished with great mechanical precision, has all the lato improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. Inquiries promptly replied to. Wanes forwaidbi Dy EiDress ler anngal JOHN Q. WORKMAN U. RI F IiARD worth WORKMAN & Pit 1.1.10 1 .1 to WORKRAN, MOORE & CO.. nano I. =C!!== Carriages, Buggies, , SPRING & BUCK WAGONS. 41., 41, 411 endklS Bearer St., Allegheny. nn tioakly 'and promptly erecuten. Or der. for New Wort gotten up in good Kyle and warTantod to give satisfaction In emu] particular. 111 - 1.1111108 ' 4 tun - pan y a make of SANTINII PATENT VitailDeLA. 7 , i , gli t t i ags Patent quiet Sbifter and Anti-/tattier , - H. Eltitl,RD DAVIS haring Purtillintol theaw In irir4dit A n , 0 3 . 4.0 ‘ (1K0rz.7,. , ,, in b1iget onge:n; Iffig°, l ll4lZTlA °Alt 4.mlgatt solicited. JOHN k. WORIEMAN, H. lUC ARE DAVIS. 1M le with Ettlarns National /4 Pittsburgh. jarrabb. STONE WATER PIPES . Chimney Tops, HOT Alit & CHIMNEY FLUES, SZE. A large end full sew ortment constantly on bend. • IltiNltlf 11. COLLINS, 133 SECOND AVENUE. WINE OF LIFE.—Tho great Blood Purlffer, 'Mak, WARNER'S TINED OR WI impurities, E. Is free from any pOll.lOllll drug. or being PrePeted for those who require stimulant. •Itis a splendid appstiter and tonic, and the finest thing in Om world for purifying the blood. itle the most giros: ant and delicious article ever offered la the publie. far superior to brandy. whisky, wine bitters, or any other article. It himore healthy and cheaper. With male d female. Doing or old, can tote the Wine of Life. It is in fort. Il ls preserver. Those who wish to will good health and • free DOW or lively WM.. will do well to take the Wine of Life. It is different from mnythirig over before in use. It Is seilattruggists; also et all resist... able saloon. Price 1.00. In quart bottles. R. L. FAIRNES IC A. CO., Wholesale Agents. mylbMwirT CANE POLES. . • I have floe assortment 1!1 Cane roles left over Item test year, which I offer eta very It, fleloe. Pardee wanting ehould order early. Po as t Insure their oritem being Mimi. ap.ll FLUTING MACIIINES , The best and cheapeat Fianna Meehan. the market: Nice 96.30 each machine.. Can and tee them at pINCHING • I bate just received an amort ment of rintito. 'agleam an article used very muc bent he cast by the ladles for rtirlitut thetr bale For sale by JAIIES BOWN, BUTCHERS, TAKE NOTICE! the attest assortment. of Clrenlas with eau gash and enameled front/. eomPleto saeeen . nest and seassanted, fos sale. EW BURLINGTON HERRING 10 celebrated BerlingtOn ulna. the drat of the seaeon: also fresh emoked Salton°. just ivied rece and for este by the box or at reeeth" the "a VakrgENSUAW, Corner Liberty and bitnth streets. • NEW ADVERTISEMENTS N ORTIIERN .Pac ?fie Railroad. 'fo.Hailcoad t'ontraetors. ',will be re% Mee, nt the ettice of =I PANT. No. 110 BIP,AmeA y, i.oreer street. New York, until iVEDESDA V. the lAt day d June. 1570. nt 12 • Welook, nrwsn. the ding. Masonry. lin.lgln. rod Balla:ding dint (ton ..f the I.Mhe.ll Pacific Railroad in the State of t‘t..haingrrom the linnet , of the St Imisli , te to the Ited river, the weelern bounden Mltthesolni in distenee of nhout 230 milee‘. in. =1 1 , 4 , 1 for a ~ I ngle track. end ae,q, , sary .Ide Iraas I=l =I = nlrTnrr,rrTfllnmrfllrfl?rEfl!! = ll= = lon no WEDNESDAY. May 4. IST O. at (be °eke , f the . ...oar:toy. na tattoe, where plane of the .trorturee. and maps end peonies of the flout, with = The the right M refr , t en,' 0 1.11115 net de.elerl to he for the Inter,. of th Printed eiroulani round:Ong full In( onnutni will ne furnished on npiilloitlon. 110.11 oiothe wise. to EDWIN F. JOHNSON, Chief EnSlnnen. to the Pnmident of the Couttmto'..O. lht °Me, 120 BROADWAY. fo above. ;I. GREGORY SMITH, rtArdrnt Norlhrni Parifir Railroad rn =lllllll The Best Suspenders_ Ever Worn Mortise. e 9tuti i oned as.W net butincany but beeneed bond ar , botch pair .utped wilb the to relgginTbll :It t'" F."'"b""' FISK, CLARK & FLAGG, rA.'r.miqinoms, 58 White street, New York ap22.mwr I= R.M.3lTowan&Co., BOULEVARD PAVERS, tildewalks.Cellars, Inside Tar& • • . • Drives &e. WA IIitA,NT ED AC A INA' OUNCES OF LIZAT A O N us t.° l l- Iq . al. Gez °Moe, orat739IFEDKRAL BTREET;Alletherty.i:mptly atten ded a Co.. Z,7 Waarey...l7ek.e ° ,l Co.. n ilajor J. Dun mya,VS WHEELER'S Patent Stamp Caneelers. M=I=NO EDWIN STEVENS, N‘ , . 41 St. Third Street I.IIILADELPIILA. General Agent for State of Pennsylvania. All orders will be tilled thruiddi thle office V.r this Stele. nee ve2 C. BARNES, Sealer of Weights and Measures, No . . 5 FOURTH — AVE., Plltsb . urgh GEORGE I. TROUPE, Silk Hats, Wholesale spd Itetall.:go.63 PIETII AVENUE Pittsburgh. Pa. Old lintsrenovated And remodel eel to prent style. blocked An replayed. 'liars Otted the American Comforter. All orders promptly Attended to. aptlastb CIHARLES. P. STRIMIT, 1 Carpenter and 43uilder, Will promptly attend to all kinds nt Jobbing work. Oil and water tanks:ntadeto order. t No. 111 North avenue. corner Webster street. Allegheny. Pa. 'arab w 47 • _ G EORGE' lIEFIJCK, =I N 0.47 !Tyro,: tirorscr. Webster nee nue. FItONT and VIV3TIBULE DOortB made to order. All elude Furnlture repaired and ear- Matted. flare. by perml”ton to_Darbt Aiken, Simard nuttesoll Melourer. • COAL AND COKE PEARL COAL. Schnabel < Walker MINER& RIMPERS ANT , WROLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS LN COAL NUT COAL & SLACK PHAIH. COAL WORKS. near Idttaborail,on Pan Handle Itadread. office and Yard: Corner Sandusky S and West Penn R. R., 122:111 Oscar F.Lamm &Co. MAIWACTURERS OF CONNELLSVILLE COKE, Youghiogheny and Anthracite Coa • PITTSBURGH. PA.. OFFICE ROOM No. i, Gazelle Building COAL! COAL! YOUGHIOGIIENI - GAS COAL CO Thls Company are nun prepared to furnish the best Coe: 0(810701m e) quantity, AT FAIR HATES. (lmoo and yp e d . adjoining the connellseille Itnll road Depot, foot of Try Street. Pittsburgh. Orden add1....M1 to either Mines. West Newton, Ps., or to Taw& will ha promptly attended to. Charles I - 1, Armstrong DEALER IN JAM) DOWN. Is 6 \C.vM Street. Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coa . COAL. SLACK AND DFNULPIIINUKKD COKE. °MCP: AND TARO. corner Butler and Motion street, Liberty and Clymer streets, Ninth ward; also. Second street, Mega want, and at foot o f Weis street, P. &C. it. Depot. Ceased warit Orders left et either of the above offices, or ativ dressed to me through Pittsburgh P.0..w11l receive Promptttention. a tinier to whom l ant supplying: Ilussey, Well. A Co., Wm. :Penh. 00100 I ...Mills, S. H. owler A Co. Mitchell. Stevenson & C ron 0., Pitmen & Co., Grafi AA lingua Alex. Bradley. Part, tiro. & Co.. Cart. McCoNly A Co.. Geese, Graff Dull, Wm. 31. Caber A Co., J. IL Lyon & Co.. Jumea'3larshall & Co.. Al len. IteKms & Co., tininn Depot flute'. Cuenca. , ' , Hie It. IL, Pennsylvania 11. IL Allegheny Valley IL .•• JAM KS HOWN'S. 130,WOMIS5r_. Etli== COAL ! COAL !! COAL ! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Havind removed their Office to JAMES SOWN, 136 Wood StrseL No. 567 Liberty Street, • (Lately City Aleut MIII) RECOND YLOOR, Aropootiatod to 1 sottish INA YQUOIIIO GHE bow NT LUMP NUT COAL OR SLACK. et tb . loiroot muket prim. All orders millt their olboe. or addresited to the through the be oaceaded to promptly. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common C.IRPETS. Our Stock la the largest we hare erer offered to the-trade. ' Bovard, Rose & Co., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. April Ist 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT F moir ga=e r l:t n s t Sllver Change will be K im, W . • 'Al'Farland &Collins CARPET STORE, 71 and 73 Filth Ave. = CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! . NEW PRICES! W. Inmumented the "petting , 4 not few Hoorn with the C.fIRP. TS Ever Offered_ in this Market. LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861 OLIVER MeCLINTOCK & CO, CARPETS. Reduction in Prices =I WHOLESALE RATES McCallum Bros., N 0.51. FIFTH AVENUE I , lll7l , saws 1::(1 and 51351( Ire h ctir:lll,l4. Cornice ke.ulr:gs d a ' l7 l lA7d e i id uotoisiery work. dealers In Window Shades. Bud. Green and White Ifollands. Cords, a.n. Particular attention Is gtven to tat trinune. cleaning and bmitilegi altering and relay- I/ redeets. t mode of cleaning carpel. In the only way In ehlula yeti ean feel assured that the odors are pre saireeCarld the goods thoroughly freed from all dust and sosrmirt. The pidos for 0 1 ailing Wee fizi=7Zo . el;l ;„ : , ;l u ti f r otprez will call %or and de- ROBERTS. NICAOLSO7i & THOMPSON, Strain Carpet Entablithmeat, mhT:tris Irenr Flab Arenuo, Pittsburgh. Ps GLASS, QUEENSW.ARE ioU ifoon , k 1! China and Glass SILVER PLATED DODDS. DINNER AND TEA SETS. TEA TRATB rAi • ANDCUTLEILY. Tba beat inworteli WHITE STONE WARE and 01)}(310:4 EtKIDS at low. 1.11 prima. R. E.• BREED & CO., ioo WO/31) sAver. REYNOLD - 8,, STEEN & CO., 124 Wood Street FRENCH, CIIINA, PINE CUT GUM AND [ll - The hirgest awortment at New York price. • ESTABLISHED 1828. I= nes:he 111GDY...ALIZAT gitlii,..lloriT. H. cm HIUBY, CUST & No. 189 Liberty St., • PA, 111 RCWI NSWAItIMai ' MilTakit n . ATILDIVARE. The ushaution of all maturingrods In the she line Is dlrerlett to our Stock, mooned direCtil from the bald Ken:melee markets. and we are now receiving • fresh and desirable lot of the above Food. api:vl3 I=! 1123=E1 COIMN ES TO TREAT ALI. SKS. Syphilis to all forms, all wineryfob. and the electa of mercury amcompletely cradts. tell Spermatorrhes or Seminal Weaknew and ini- Pdetter. metalling fnnn pelf-thew or .dher cutlet and which produce some of the following Wed. m blotehes. 1..1t1y weaknee. Indignation. ens ... Mtge.. aversion to nodety.unmanliness, dread of future events. loss of mernur}. =e ternal omissions. and Snotty so prostrating the se. nal itratem as to vender marriage tousyUafaetm. end therefore Imrid, are permanently mired. Ferman aelleted with thew or any tier delicate Intricate or long standing winatUntionsi colophon{ .4.lll=l27l=';n.'gtlrtsln b t7i V niN or Salle. e n g . !=7=l ' V=lhn n .nig 15 5 4 0 = . Am n norha.StenosThank,owoeno i moe. and Sterility or Illanonnew, are tooled with the great est metes,. It la eel (-widen t that physician who mmene• himself eget...dye. to the mud, et • certain eta.. of disease* and treats thousands of vases every rear must acquire smiler Will In that spend I..phiet an t , atm rra:triTt ""- „Tr,' ;•.'4:7l l 4l'rel:te.",gror by mall for two stoups. In misledenvelopes. terry sentence iostructlon to.the Millet.% and enabling them to determine the precise nature of their complain.. The entabilith nowt. vowelising ten ample room% V central. Whoa it Is. not ronventeo{ oLlt the city. the Doctor's opinion ton bc obtained 07 Wing a wilttem etalsoorni I' the rase, and medicines can De y„.....ded by mad expr.s. SOMAS UMW. tkommer. personal imainlmillon Is aheolutele necessary, white in {Mien. dell) personal o f it ....mired. and for the arrommodatlim of such palletts/ theme. siorlinents connected with the office that S. ptovl.l,l with every novitiate that la calculated to Iwo. .lo rt . ...,Veri, Incrusting medi c... moor MO.. All prorrtidlinis are prepared In the Doelurs torn laboratory.under his personal at rdhpf rays wale days *SI.. r. i/Mce. Nn. 9 IV Lig. S N. T.. Maar Court Houscl Pletsbursh. ME IM=M M= And Mannlnciurer of Orate. Or (711, - .EN OIN Cott AND Elr lIYOK. PITIOLIOlioll; :Hey 11th. 18 70. :XOTICE TO CONTRAtTORA.—NeaI. lilts rRoPosALS fee the tiratlingued Silatand welling of Latimer •ectute. fn. Sprier meet to street. 0111 ho reeeieee at thin oMoa until TM DA T. BUT 200. 0. The Committes rv.e,c the data to relent .07 or all bit. • m7lO ll. J. Mooll.E..eity Bine:Wee, Crtr Bonntou.r.We Orintit. 4 • 0 holders of Overdue Municipal Bonita of City of rittaburnh. to forward them to thin °Mee for Payment. lio interest will be allowed on Ih Honda otter July 114.1870. nc By order of the FULance Committee. mall • 11. J. BleGOWAYl,Bobtralet. Resetnied ! I= 23 Fifth Avenue TO CORRESPOND WITH = UPHOLSTERERS. I=l NO. 127, WOOD STREET, I=l I=l Queensware. DR. WHITTIER o