The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 16, 1870, Image 1

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Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St.
T. P. 110DITON, N. P. REND.
Timis or Tim Danl.
_NY moll. belivared b ''''''''''''''''
6 ENERA 11.1T-11,-.S
Same died of dipPiiiiinnuff.
K tWise:Ca. is unusually • reliable this
spring In Illinois.
Till; new Illinois State lloune, at spring
field. is to root 0,450.1100.
At Sfelboume, Australia, February 15th,
the thermometer stood 109.
TIIEHF. has been a colored case of 'Mc-
Fnrlanding on Long Inland.
IIIMMRCI: and 51otley were intimate
friends in their University diva.
Tor. !femme tunnel in getting ahead at
the rate of ten feet per day.
• A ants Mulled Smythe has been detee.
led roue-ter:felting. English ketchup s and
murex in P hiladelphia. .
Is the )3oaf latem fashion. * lt has long been a
omitant of boarding house liatth.'"-
out in Indiana when+ a female divine
performed the marriage ceremony the
other day, ate kissed the bridegroom.
Tat Pilgrims Progress has been trans
lated Into the Catl language, and Bun
yan'n hero wander, on among the Hotter,
I Yr:4m:rug life insurance 'agents arc ac
cused of bribing grocers to mate their ad
vertlasinents on theircustotuers,kerosehe
TRENTON proposes to Lard an equestri
an statue. of Washington. Pittsburgh
hony W ht to have one too, and also one of Mad
A LADY on the Hudson left a pot of tar
boiling while she went to makes call. The
tar boiled over, and when she returned
she hadn't any house or baby.
luiwinty-three weeks there have been
twenty rainy Mondays in Boston, and the
housekeepers of the hub think of trans
!erring washday to wino other part of the
ONNERAL JORDAN told some ardent Cu
bans whim proposed serenading him, that
he would rather they would spend their
money for ammunition for the Cuban
8,335 retail Ilquorstorne or drinking sa
t,.Y. lanerender New York litnly, end the
Superintendent of Police lute warned thew
sett to awry on their busluees on 'Sundays
" "FtY3 desperadoes in Louisiana captured.
; a former comrade who had betrayed them,
• ; and prepared to hang them, The citizens
; rallied, surrounded the whole gang, and
shot them dead..
• I - A slns.
at Brookfield, Ails.
sour!, the other day by mietake gave her
• child, an infant of but a year. old,
, laudanum for syrup of equine, 3leallcal
aid was railed, but too late.
• Tue French and Austrian govern
ments have begun the cultivation of
sponges, and they produce them in large
quantities. The question seems to. Le
whether it le to be classed a. rattle raid
leg or agriculture.
A YOOll LADY fell cut of the door of a
4 carriage while traveling the other day on
. the London and Brighton Railway, and
; instantly killed. The guard, whose
dutylt was to have locked the door was
1 so horritretricken at the accident that he
rut his throat. • '.
SOME one . 'carelessly placed a package
i of powder in an empty store" out West
the other day, and thd result. a day .or
two after, seam a house on tire and a dis
-4' figured woruatt:' The men who did it
n!'. ought to be ratTlessly !ducted in a gosi
~„?. strong penitentiary.
4 1 Tee Detroit Tribotor save, in re / pod to
the report that Anna Dickins n wa s to ill
'it liver the address at Am, Arbor commence.
1." meet, that with the exception that tiler.
• is ter such address, and that Anna bee
.• • neither been invited nor declined, the
item Is strictly correct.
PRESIDMT .LINTOLII, during the war,
Yet wit.thle. unique telegram to General
Henkel.. "If the iteed'of Lee's army is at
Marthaburg and the tail of- it on the
vi plank read between Fredericksburg and
Chartoollorsvillo, the animal mast be ;wet
: t ty ;dim somewhere. Couldn't You break
hint? A Lincoln."
41 A coLb-mooD ED murder is detailed bv
$ the Chillicothe (5104 Tribune of the stik
inst. A Mr. Butcher, of Mandeville, Car
' 'roil county, bad losseesion of the old
. Bugg farm; a Mr. Lee residing near
I wanted poesaexion of an out .house, which
Butcher refused. Lee took forcible" pos.
session and Butcher disposes... 4 i him.
. Lee commenced suit for detention of his
goods, bat both disputants Meeting at
, Mandeville on Saturday couipntrideed the
matter. On Monday, Sir. Butcher had oc.
. melon to go to Mandeville; returning in
the evening ho was confronted by Lee,
who shot him white double barreled ,. gun.
i After he wee down he situt him again
with a revolver, and then mounted hie
horse and rode away.
• Ali
4 . OHIO.
--... •
l Tux Houton Quintette Club, will give's
t concert In Meadlion on the 2.lth.
/ •
•,,, Iva supposed incendiary fire at Belle
ir Center, Monday, a business block burned.
A CIECIENATI manufacturer has next
i year's contract for supplying the United
States Treasury Department with gold
t loot. '
books of the Lake Branch, Bal.
... thane, Pittsburgh & Continental itsilroed,,
. upen June 11. at Elyria. Medina and Se.
.. .
.1 tionDOE ttgicasnli, a Pennsylvanian,
died on Sunday In Manafield from the el
.! frets of Injuries received in the knee from
aeireular saw
A LITTLE girl named Maggie Wagon.
er, of Tallruage. Summit counts- was
• burned to death on Monday week, while
attempting to kindle a fire with carbon
Tog English Catholic school. )
St. Thom
as Church, Zanesville, has been abandon
. ed for wsarPof support. .To accommodate
parents lima in reference to Bible read
log. , the -Board of Education permit.,
Catholic scholars In 'labile achools to re
tire from the Reba,' ram during devo
tional exercises.
NIUE boys In Akron have formed a club
for robbing a grocery stone where or.
sages, lemons and cocoanuts are eold.
Their depredations have been going on
successfully for sortie time, but nue of the
band was captured the other day and be.
taped the rest. The ring.leader was
- twelve yews old, and all the rest arc
younger, all the way down, to fire years,
they were all fined, reprimanded and dis.
' Tax Cambridge, 0. Hens nays: "-We
have been shown anew patent coal digger,
owned by citizens of this county, on tehicli
Obey axe now making an improvement that
will.render it one of the most valuable
'lnventions of the age. The great diet.
Amity. 11l every person aoluainted with
.mining knows , is In making the heisting
in, widch requires both time and skill.
This pa nt, costing only $ l OO, does the
work owo hands In about one-fourth of
the time, sates 23 per cent. of the coal
wasted by the present mode, and will be
an effectual' guarantee against ' strikes.
The machine has been sufficiently tested
to render Its success certain, and the pst
toffees only; , wait the completion of the
present Improvement to put it in market.'
31a. Tilo w 7 RICE, of West New Ca.
fo drownetl In Ails libeflango
oO Thursda . He wan last seen alive on
Tug Oil City Timer of. Friday says: We
were Informed, lut evening, that a new
well had been struck on the Scott farm,
West Hickory, which wai pumping good
100 barrels daily.
Tun Paul Sehoeppe case in the Su
preme Court, waapomponed until Monday
a week. The auk, cornea up now on a
writ to review the evidence under the act
recently paued by the Legislature with
special reference to this trial.. The Coni
monwealth insists that the case was detail
on the 14th of February last, and was not
pending when the act of the Le
was premed on the 15th, and that the judo
meat cannot possibly be reopened now.
This Is the question which will be argued
Galli* 23d.
tit $ t it h,
LA ,Zt
. . ,
iii 2
TH E:Northwestern in eleTende,4
The 3 lurnty well, on land of John 3lar•
shall, has been sunk a depth of 1.027 feet,
through a third sand about 30 feet thick
~—has been cased. tithed and pumped fur
alma day.. 'traducing some oil. promising
nt prove a paying well.. It is owed by-
Richard JettiOngs, John A. Brown, c:f
Arnistrang county-, and others.
'lle Mt stir is name of a new nil we•II
on the McGinnis farm. about one mile
above lindenton. on the river. This will
is owned by Jatiten Bennett, of EinWittou,
and others. It lute been pumping for
about ten days. and is now yielding seven
or' eight barrels per day.
Well No. 4. Fowler farm, nit the river.
owed by Brown. Neal, Sawyer and
others, has been sunk a depth of 780 feet.
through a third sand mid to In' twenty
eight feet thick. This well has b.a.o
pumping for about two Wteks, and is now
producing soffit! Oil. •
lambing No. 2 , on :land of Hartley &
Shannon. on river. owned I. lambing,
J. B. Vinlay and others. has b'eatt sunk -a
depth of S7o' feet, through a thin! sand
twenty.six feet thick. This well has been
pumping one week, and Is now producing ,
oil, promising to prove a good well.
The Leauont well, on land.of ileorge W.
SLntq in Lawrenreburg, has lam sunk a
depth .4.10.20 feet, through a thinl sand
about thirty feet thick, has bean pumping
for several days, and is lIONV yitqding not
less than ten barrels per day. Thin well
Is owned by- J. V. Foster, R. Coleman.
J. C. Wallace. S. S. Wallace, \yin. A. Fos.
ter. C. A. Foster. Robert 'Rem John A.
Patton, of Armstrong county. and Chris
mph, Ilarndd. of Ohio.
The Nevin well No. I. on hind of I itoirgi•
Rorke,: eonie distance northeast of the
tolt•Il of 1 .. 1 M11 . 111,•IPIII•g. 11103 Well sank
depth of 1,130 feet, through the third sand
—has been cased, tubed, and is now being
tested. The indications for nil are said to ;
be good. This well is ownila by John
Eberly, of Freeport. E. 1.1.. Nevin, Robert
Net-in, Robert Jameson, Robert Pollock.
linhert Hunt, John Hunt, John B. Kenne
dy., John IL Curtis, H. If. Collins and John
i. Nevin. of Pittalturgh.
Ilieltory No. 2, on Robinson '[sent, uu
the river has been sunk throunh the
third said and pumped for some days. It
is now yielding twentr,
tietwo barrels per
day. is well is owned by neral John
N. Pin 'This
of Butler, E. litany:Mu,
Alexander Reynolds, William 1). Robin
son. tier Orr, and)Tliom. McConnell of
Kittanning. S. A. Pnrcianee of PRIN.
burgh, and others. • • •
The Montgomery well; on the South
bank of. Mike run. makes .an excellent
start. - Its production Lirritirtutted by home
at 28 or 311 barrels Ter day. We place it
on our list na a 20 barrel 'sell feeling cdn
tident that it now 'producing that
- 1111101111:1I.
The Matilda well im . Church run had
&Indira down to fire or six barrel
well. It was torpedoed a few days ago,
and Itt6 since been throwing oil at the
rate of about thirty barrels per oar We
place it on our Hat as a ten barrel well.
The Lauietta well on church run has
dwindled down to a three barrel well.
The tubing has been drawn and arrange
.are .being made to 'dean. It out
thoroughly and insert a torpedo.
Tice Maple Shade wells, Nos. 1 and 2.
on the Ballylarm, hate both been torpe.
dad during the present week and their
production materially increased.
Au oil trod! on Riehey's run, on land of
E. Crawford, near Endentou. *as torts.-
doed lust
.week, and• ito production in
nvased to 21 1 / 1 0111 fifteen barrels Per day. •
THE. Pc•ritouut'u l'uonrciate* A,SOCIA-
TioN reports during the month of April a
deerease 44 10,222 barrels of oil, stored
in lank, a .I••••retise Of bl:. 14
oil 4I bond die well,. at ilii• elarre .
the month; an bows,. of 31.403
delivered (non wells 1111 inert.... of IS
:in barrels in the production of the Incense of 00 t , barrels an The
average daily produrt ion anti an , increase
of 2,010 borrele in the rapacity for iron
tang. wells we. commas...l. lted
com ka ple e ted. Si! abandoned. 18 aband oned
riroutut‘t and ;49 being drilled.
• _ _
NE* CASTLE, May 12. 1s 0.
1.1:k11 udzr77r • 1111/11i day',.lAllllll.c.
iisltvretufor, you are. outiapalien fu
I have bw•n 0101 of your made,, for over
fifteen years. and while I have never
known you ttidiailly.wrong, vet I did not
darelllll/0 for the untidy condemnation of
the wholesale license given every scound,
Tel in the land who wishes to, imbue his
Mind& in his brother's blood- For, it is not
necessary that the victim he guilty; the
question. na put- by the Recorder. wan,
How did the - prisoner believe about
the '•••
From the venlict of the jury it follow
that, if a man befierra lit,, wife ban a para
mour, he has w right to idiom him.
The cane b, one of many. Jurors go
into the .box With their ve . rdicts already
mado, and no evidence ran change it.
Hence, in thin good and useful man
has hoes hurried into the prmience of God,
and an nasansin applauded in a Sew York
court 1100111..
"Cry aloud, mare not; lift up - our
vol., n trumpel." May the time
soon come when our j
urors will be gov
erned In- the &viand the t entimony. lours
for the right,
10 THE Boston Pegg, the leading. Democrat
ic journal of .New.. England, malice the
following remarks: "Senator Revers lee-.
ttttt • was n good proof of the average col.
turn within the reach of either -Meek.. or
white men: Its generalities were Ant
striking, and he assumptions mill await
the teat of time. It wan very respectable
no a platform production, but excited no
special hopes of a ouddea acrekeion of' In
tellectaat power to the predominant race
from that which hao'been styled the in
'-'-f-e;rior. An for the i usual attention paid
hint with such pertinacity be he
dividnalz,as if he were tyre chance they
moot not fall to improve, it only empha
sized the distinction between the two races
which they pretend to ignore. They pa
raded hit¢ as a' curiosity more than they
took him to their onus-no a brother. In
their towentatious presentation of their
valuable political prize, we meet say that
he exhibited • far more real dignity and
manly, modesty than they. The colored
Senator front Ntiosissippi made a good
presshor on all who sew and heard hint,
which woe not In the least improved by
those whosought to persormilyshare with
hint in ito result?'
Lin August Albert IL Haws shot
Thomns Dann In a Western barroom and
escaped. On 'Monday, 'May ist, IL S.
Deputy Marshal .Storey and Sheriff Carri.
gan, from Nevada, caught him unarmed
at his house in biranteville, Utah. A
Struggle ensued, during which_ he wrench
ed a pistol from Carrigan, hit him 'over
the head with it, then shot Storey twice,
killing him, and lied, armed with the
weapons of the officers. A body of men
from Salt Lake City punued and killed
him, but three Mormons were shot before
he died.
TUE Canadian steamer Chicon). reached
Sault Ste. Marie on the 12th. crossed to
the American aide , and reported at the
custom.. A abort time afterwards the
captain was informed he could not go
through the canal, but luul better wait
untilll'hursdar noon, when further orders
were expects( . M. eaptalaxhen crossed
to the Canada side, diseharged his cargo,
and left for i'ollingwood.
ADMOI.I.I. PORTER hao addreraied a
lengthy ietter to lion. James S. Negley,
of Permsylrnis. on the subject of the
revival of American commerce. The Ad
miral depreciates the decline of American
shipping interests. and urges Congress to
pass the bill now befor e th e H ouse, .
ported from the select committee on the
decline of American commerce.
AcconDuca to the Sioux City Journal
discoveries of hard coal have been blade
in O'Brien county, lowa. Foxes thretv
pieces out of the ground first, and called
the attention of the people to the deposit.
litntrit didn't make his lilting by Writ
ing for the newspapers; it paid then just
as well as it does now. The fact is not
generally known to the public that he
drew his inspiration from a quart of Pier;
Denials& eo.'a Cream Ale.
The 144111 Elw • tloa 111 Franee—A
Opposition View of nil' Resoll 11111
its Nevomplisinnen I —Flonrens No
Wattisi in ("ark—Trial of Allege.
Conspirators—Nail SPI.ViCI` Bet weal
1 . nifimi States and Crest Britain
The .Itneriean Yacht Sappho Win.
Another Rare-3110re (larrotthg h
flavana--The Eetimenleal Cannel
and Papal Infallibility—liemrree
lion in Italy.
Telegnipl t tint Pit tttlotrith t 0.1
PARK May IC—The French ilovernment ha;
nicially denied the report that the extradi- .
lon of (iustave Morens In contemplated.
Many more persons have been sentenced to
mprisonment for connect ion with the late di,.
Noir Yong, May 14.-The Tribunes Paris
mbie dispatch says:
Pruitt gives on the vote (or the pleblseittim
nominally afty thousand negative majority,
but counting the absentions. it Is really tine
hundred and thirty thonsand. Rochefort's
district alone. following his counsel to nly
stain, gives five thousand yeas and One thou
sand six himdrest nays, with twenty thousand
absentions. The cities next In rank voted
- no" with scarcely an exception. The Em
peror expected that at least eight liondred
thousand would vote yes, as they did in ICI3.
There are a million more electors, but the num
ber voting yea Is %ix Fund tod thousand smaller.
while the number voting no in twelve hundred
thousand great,. The whole vote - Is: yes.
1.5311,9001 blank. 19.1410;absentions,
1,110,000: not reported. illatilii. The vote of the
army was rimmed with the greatest care.
No soldiers scree allowed to attend the polit
ical nieetlngs. The whole army votes In bar,
rocks, Collmels presiding. livery man's rote
Is .know 0. An opposition vote puts a Week
mark against his name, stops
.promotion, and
10 surely followed by punishment:. but out of
fewer than three hundred thultsnitil Volta,
there are forty thousand noes. :The rusty
gives fifty Gone:sod noes and t wenty-three
thousand voits. Some regiments give an ac
' foal majority of linen. TWO regiments at Vin
cennes. following Rochefort', ads lee, refused
Insisted The soldiers
theene of the barracks
on warchinff vote. though they
were threatened with being shot for holding
an unlawful meeting. In the garrison of
Paris the defection was PO serious that Oen.
Leboeuff wanted to march several regiment,
out of the city. but wouldp refused. on
the ground that this betray fear. After
a short delay thy.severest measures will be
token with these regiments. The disturb
ances in Paris since the vote have been abso
lutely insignificant. The pretended scheme
of assassination. fictitious revointino, sham
dlsturtmnre In the streets, make-believe bar-
Geodes, were pollee devices, all of theta, to
frighten timid voters into the ranks of the
Ktimeror's pan y. and have only excited
derision iOnorig the well informed classes.
The result of the plebiscitum disappolto.l
nil tam lea, The Republican, and others of the
opposition are surprised bythe 'timber of af
firmative votes, for they expected not noire
than five or sin millions: but though saddened
they are not discouraged. They have heroic
ally fought eighteen years against imperial
despotism. and the warfare will never cease
until they are successful. The large affirma
tive vote in Paris Was also unexpected.
but on the other hand the great
numb, swho voted - no" lii the
army equally surprises and alarms the Elm-
Peror. The only man entirely eontent with
the resultOilivier. - whose vanity per
suades Illin the niajority Is the. ratification
of his administration. ilia Iha true meaning
of the vote Is far different. The Emperor's
proclamation demands `Ten". a new proof
of France's confidence in himself and the
means of facilitating. the transmission of the
crown to his son. Tie great • affirma
tive Majority. so fur as it was not
fraudulent, did undoubtedly 1111.2t1 thin
and nothing V 1 ,... It was a vole for
an, and sinipie, liberal or ll es
is it le, us the,lanperor chooses, • IA: course. A
large fraction 0 Med "re s." under "the lead of
onodentte 1.0.0,41, who tried ta. believe Ihe
g'n'Y' , . ei l."gn:.""Al,'„,;;."J, .'„"r',.•,l'g4s;:‘. l „ ';',:si
- yes" under fear of pints,nd rous t un. A t
least t Wo million out of scree Mu be credl-
led to ardor or civilian officials. to per o ons
connected..Olreastly or indirect's., with the
Tilt • meehtnevy - ; : ot the administratioe. or
onsYnieles dePeroisat upon the Coven/-
Meat. The rest. say friar mations. Ne,
made up pert. tip (road and coercion. part n
by votes of binirgeolse and pt.antry —Nets,
leonists no doubt. trr choice. but always for
the pincers that be in any case. Tb. peas.
- ant. In email tow - nit and villages mast vote as
they are ordeted by the 1313rOTS and tabu
functionaries. Of actual force and roeicion
mi the day - of tint vote, them on. , less than in
latt. but the system remains unchanged. •
The Govemnient during the whole piebisci.
tart' period has systematically applied every
meansof silmwlng opposition. and driving
affirmative voters to the polls. 'file mg.:Rion
press nit over F.tice tins been prosecuted mid
seized: the journals not seized were refused
transmission tbrimati the postofilce: subscrip
tion to the fundaof the opposition committee
was treated. as!crime: Printers Were arrested
for printing ' negative • ballots i• agents
were arrested for distributing t neni;
the Opposition committee room , : were
invaded by the Seized and searched.
end papers found there . Since the pub
lication of the official report on the alleged
plot nojournal has been allowed to publish
evidence 'in disproof Of It. The flootell wits
seized for printing a letter from Francais Hu
/10 proving peavey a Police spy, The .Iforsra-
Misr Wan reined for publishing as fuilleton the
report of the Proeureur General, Grande Ver
ret. the Her. Perret. The Berea was seized
for doubting the exlsten, of any plot. The
Sleet,' nod Val rent,. were seized for
the same offense. From Thursday to
Sunday these papers Went sel.eil every
day. The provincial newspapers suffer
ed the Gone fate. Five prosecutions were In
stituted in one day against the
flapall alone
and its edito yeah r isentenced to yea' Imprison
ment for printing a single article by Victor
Hugo. The system of nMcial pressure of. the
Prefets, which M. 011ivier was pledged to
abandon. was never more energetically or un
scrupulously enforced. : Prefets were sum
monedilveeks ago to Paris and promised coin
plete , immunity for all efforts they
Nevertheless In behalf of m ajo ri t yiscite!.
the Mantua ive Is whol
,ly a rural majority. Fraud and coercion are
'equally difficult in greatcities. and all the
great Cities, with most of the larger towns.
throughout Fnince. most
given melorities
irgalturt the Emp. Some part of the tinge
systeni of temir ands raud will be exposed by
interpellations and the counting of the vote.
which the opposition In the Corps,Legislatif
will demand. The Government will oppose
aoy Investigation, but cannot stifle questions.
The first result of the plebiscituni will!. the •
reorganirat lon of the Ministry. The Emperor's
personal power is on far strengthened that he
may dispense 'with concessions. The semi-
official papers are filled with rumors of new
name•. tillivier Is to retneln • being at present
a more serviceable tool than Rootlet. but
'Umber's return to power is only n question of '
time. A min folio will probably be Offered to
Olmrdin. as the price of his usefulness. 011 -
vier has no longer any Liberal support: no 1
Liberal will enter his cabinet• andancies
will be filled from the Right and Right Centre. I
The disturbances In Paris since, thevote
have been absolutely insignificant. Every Ile- ,
publican Journal counselled quiet, and such
isorders an occurred were confined to re
mote quarters of the eitY and were the work
of police Wong and other mimlnni CIRFBeII.
An-enm-mous tidlltaiT farce was displayed:
the polite were
buildinggeer: andough
barricades were ln presence oiloth,
no effort w. made JO stop them until they
were completed; they wero attacked. but 110-
body defended them. A few Republicans In
one case were cheated into joining
In this absurd performunce, but
the police. with the reatest efforts. failed to
continue the disturbance. beyond the'second
night. Nothing mord.acheard of Ihe pint; that
has dune its intended work of adding foIGSIO or
LOVAS) votes to the Emperor's majority.
Verdi,. one of Grand Perret's chief attn.-
seg. has returned from Belgium and. Konen
dered himself a prisoner. lie declares the
whole statement attributed to him Is false.
The Liberal press deplores the fresh degrada
tion inflicted on them by the plebiscition.
Messrs. Milliere and Hermon. editors of the
Marerilkdar newspaper. and some other pris
tine., who 'were arrested fur complicity In
the plot of last FebruatT, have been provision
ally liberated. The inagistmtea are still en
gaged in hearing the cases of those arrested
for alleged participation in the late outbreak.
Yesterday forty-nine persons were condemned
and variouslY sentenced to from nine month.
dOilat to fifteen days' imprisonment. Eight
Persons were acquitted for went of iltOof.
PAR.. May 14.—Tne Corps Legislatif will re
assemble Tuesday. Nothing has been decided
in realm! to the constitut ion of the nest. Cat,-
yea 15.—1 t hi reported that Eder.
Istboulhs itecepted an face In the ne,
Cabinet to Ministerf Public Instructlo
The appointment Is w ell -received, as Laboal
aye Ix very popular In Paris.
LoNlotN. May IL—We 'Tim,. predicts that
arnan's right./ are- doomed in. this present
The bodies of the victims of the Greek bri
gands arrived to-day.
Flourens has left the city. The meeting In
flvde Park has been postponed.
The achts Cambria an were tice
from Co y wes. at 4 o'clock d
thlSa. pp
mo ho
rning, to o the d
east end of the Isle of Wight. A stiff
southwest. breeze prevailed. The Cambria
mehed Hyde nt 10 o'clock. under easy sail.
The seeond'of the three races between the
Yachts Sappho and Cambria was won yenta.-
day by the.fonner. owing to the virtual back
ing out of the Cambria. The following Is ta
ken from an English account of the affair:
eh Cambria. with her note bowsprit length
en t wo anti one-h feet to mmodate a
larger W oking alf proceeded acco outside Nab
light shortly after four o'clock Saturdpymorn-
In tow of the Pectic. The Sappho had
already arrived there, towed be the Jem. The
wind was blowing off shore W. E. W. with
considerable sea. though less then auticlDat
pe Cambria signalled to the umpires her
Vore for a triangular cOonle, but they
~~, .:.
. -
refused to. grant It. The Cambria then RC
eept ed a proposal to sail slaty mil, to wind
breakwateru t b arniund Cheristorg
by the o
eas e
tern entrance. Mr.
Ashbugy won the toss and took the weal her
station, and every! hint Ica., read,' (Or the
tart. The warning to was tired at ;::XI v. st.
Present' c the Calabria signallial: "This 'ill not
a dead Lent to windward. - and the answer
was returned: - nag is the best the umpire
can do. being only half a point oft wind." The
Calabria then flung old the signal. - dead heat
fir no race." She was ordered lii mite tier Slit
lion. 1 , 01 refused. At 7:45 the Dauntless way
bearing W. N. W. eight tall, ell. While
the Calabria wa s lying dead, the American
yacht swept I.y 111111, full headway. The
starting gins was tired. lw Ashbary's pieta
remain...l IlOonle.s. 'rite Sappho stood to
itidw:llll with a steainer following and slg-
naling the COome as before. leillti cheers
werggin en cot hoard line American yacht as
she lion. away to Chiang the twit, :11,,,Illisani
ed by the Dauntless. The Cambria tat
Intl ennintencenow and fo
shefor a shortr dlstan.w. e
then t aekingl
she returned to Cowes. 4 Th, Damn 1,,,4
aotin after arrined at Concgs There ws a
splendid breezy, and Ihe Sappho a behaved •ti
perble. slapping little water. A protest
agaltist gin lag the pH, to the Sallitho Is ex
l'lte /Hoc fks.k. just iq ,1 101i.14)11t1Ii. the tot
' lowing statement illative to to II service be.
tin Ihe CnOed State'' , allii Orval Itritaln :
- The laniard line to New York and 1101100 re
evil., an animal , Itliside of .1: - .0.11110. The ron
tract with this line expires in ISlth but is fi.r.
mitialile eta rear's make. . The Halifax and
St. Thoutag fine receives tingsnOo and the In
, man line !X..0111, on the stamp tent.. No pen
alties are eAafted ill ally ease for long lime
made in 1 oysge. The cont r:ll.t With the North
fiertimil 1.1.w.1 It
• he terminated at
m nix•
malt.' get fee. Leliel M :lie tootared to be
carried tit .hove petwe per ohnee, and papers
at I hrve pence per Ponntl.-
• •
tonarY, Slav 11. An out break is report
In Modem, t - levernl
.relmht wet, k n
wOunileit inn ak huffish. Iteinforretnent aha
been sent:mt with troop.: the trot:WC. Ir
dont:lle... l.e spi•eil lir suppreaaml.
LATI:11. Part lellint ors In the pcilit
tronblen hem loolay were nialttly
Severn! were nrreatetl.
Insurectio Gu r in g l Ne r a a
pol f i n taaanl to n oy in it e g e ui nlaat t I
tribute:l to the Met 111:11 many 01 the Man
R ent S ore hit 111,11 workmen And friend,
11 . 111 1/.‘,4May IS. -The rnlveralty 1c:
13)1, 11101 bet:li closed. owing to the dlaunlerl
conduct of the at 11111,11tS.
Rome. May 11-In the fEcittnerileal 'mina
YeatentnY the iiiSt'llX , ioll the lesser miti
chlam Sens 0011011. The 1111111(0 .11 the infulY
bullty.-of the Pope vonnonnoviv 11...:10e. Th
thetalntalliont :me party hove trait rontl.l.“.
sult.nnil believe all will be tl Mallet! n it h
In It mouth. About a knotted tornita•ra
oralmul notice that they will opine:.
more ss milkally the pros dent:Ulm
of infuihi iliv.
'lava aa. May ti and A,
were parrot rd ?big ,Lftertintrn. They u.. t I
fate finely. Them. erxa nn iimiies4e
The pone° loamxeized registered rot J
pondence .. ; goingoul to Nen To t k on H o e.
atetunablix!dinottn. Nothing was found, on f .
se/1(1110ns character.
The cannon recontle captured in [l,l. middle
district have anlved In Hanna. and xi ere 14-
doe'taken I hrough the •treels in triumph.
A namtan. of tallies In Trinidad were recent
ly sentenced to imprisonment, List till - ouch t Ise
Intercession of the American t l on , lll nt Trini
dad the Captain General commuted their pun
, Ishment to xile.
An Insurgent leader. With onef3llllial 3 al
forte men. all armed x olunteers. xurrentter d
at Crnmarones Curidad. and some of his In ,ft
tendered their senicel to the•ifovidontent nod
were pertnltt Nth, as the troops In their
search for other insurgents. In consequence
of t Illy stirrender twn bildred
toutpers% note
preNented Inetnretren tar pardon he /41,
that it les in the Trinidad Jut isdict ion.
lsuttn. Slay , Infortnatiou h
reined hero that quite a formidabl ds e
t lon has brolen'out lu the Islnnil of At/uteri:
The Government has dispatched .3 butt •
tril(111.1 there.
Innuntn. Mak It - / - .:reuftat. - for anal
ey ttettount. Attn-ritta it,
quint nud steady: AM. w,,;.674.141,
in'.. 111i11014. Stick
quirt and ' atetaly.
Panic. May IL-. LIMIT,' Oral at
Li v Ett mat I- Mar IL- 't tt Ina quiet 314
...atty. With 1,111 . 8 ttf taiddling.attl'Antll at II
;tad on - lean. at oft:: t ntt l.= a ere la,.
bah... California Whirr hrnt in attl; Itet
wr , tttru No 2 as NIA,. 411, and winter W. Motu!
ern attar Wt.. I'orn. Ntt :nixed. Nit.. tat.
Martel- Pita.
t. Ltnl uati Mao., C.•
, r ,:;1 ., ;711 1 2Q . 11.! ,, r , r . N
lt t t iert.,ll,.
31 14,
Aiotnti I,il 11, If It lb.
oil quint. Fairtts pet rttleatn gang at Itt
t! i t.T:t . :l drn,er
'4l;L4747ll Tjll,l2Uytall
!taunt:. May 14.- trentnn ulta.
At:nut:lm May IC- Pet...learn gait! to all.
HA RE. May tit-Elva/au. -- Cotttt closed
quiet and SIEHItIV.
A N 11,1.11 P. t- 11-}:fen;.).,
e1,,,a1 quietatltl atatbattrell
1 11111111. ; , lay II -
eltttted dot at I 11 maw Lancet.
.)lay- tt/1.- t
uln.etl flat at Cettrlnitt , prier`,
Aunt.. Contemner of Om Method!. Epbaco.
Lpsi %arch Mouth The eft...jun of rolen or
the Two laronebna.
(fly Tel to the Pittsburgh to...qtr.].
Area ttra. Afar It. lit the Met Melia! Epiueo.
pal GenentiConference:South Bishop Wight.
man presided. .h vc*.. large number of report ,
of committee., petition:. resolutionu,
were received and adopted. petiole relating to
'light modifications end changes the dinci.
faille. A 1,,, inn providing fee an orphan.'
hon. , in each Conference. to be in charge of a
armed of Truutees.
Memorial. from the colored lentile.r. of
Georgia to Inc 'feline..., Conference were
received, expreming their deviation to the
Church South. and hoping fore cunt Inuance of
t he some kindly relation. hen-Info, existing.
The Committee un the reoval of the Hook
Concern to Louluville repo m rt/. In favor. of
two house,, one to let loe.tted at (b It tenon.
ane othOr at St. L a nd , referred
to the Committee on Hooks and Period lead,
A me e
morial was presented for the est ale.
liennent of a Inimlon la the Empir of Ilrazil.
To-day being the la.t day. wider the rule
adopted, in which petit ions. memorial., rem,
totter.. etc., can be received for reference,. au
'mownvc number are being presented.
=The Coultnittee to it hoer menu referent the
paper. relating to the proposed unbolt matte bi
the 3f et Well. Episcopal Church. recommended
of moletd.l.-That gmt efully recognizing that
Providence which hats hitherto guided "mul
tiplied nt. strengthened tulip-homes, and e
served our Integrity no a church of .l ean.
Christ under thetryingronalitions hot It of war
and peace, we ,cornt%tty desire tor cultivate
true Christian r . feltottubin rtvit nor beet lamo
of the several broncheo of Methodism in this
country an
the .actld Eat ope.
lid, That on of our Inshore. at the
last annual meeting In St. Lends. In rest use
to n message from the Iliehop. of the Met
dist ElliscOml Church. has the free endorse
ment of thin fienerel I.lonference ACCUrate-
IY defines our position in reference touncover
havingi muy proceed nom that illorch.
in them au °Mond and proper recogni
tion of thln body.
.3d, 'Ant t hedhotinguished fitunoliusion, now
present, of the fitment' Conference of the M.
E. Church which met at :Chicago Ice llly, lota, aPPOinted br It for the specific te fols
tur . p o o a
nlme n
Th h t theCotgnim Mulli
the Genentl Conferenee t he confer with the
into Commission from ' Afritino .M.
Chute.* to -orfunge for a union of hail Lodi - .
with our own, be also empowered . to treat
.rteitthhoVlT t li gu L reWia l tn tr i,t; tl f es r = „Tor
cannot, tonur judgment, trillion!
great tilt.
fence in 40 tilitilitlig the lallgtlare of Said mini
lot inn. be regarded as hatvlogbeen eon. tinted'
by that General Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church South.
i:o4mthtitiXalf?ortei9wlrre ftubill;
m dot hod meth ant bath e
illi Ile for union, It is ho" judgment of this
Conference that the true interests of the
church of Christ gent dethand the main.
tninimco of our e—dlstlnet °Miran,-
.41h. That we tender to Her. liifhop B.
Emanes unit tier. W. L. Marti,. -member: or the
iM i mi r ." , ii now Present trifle tar. our
inn regards an brethren in the Lord, mul ex
press out sincere deolret that thedar tone sum
cHome when the proper dr Milani contimunt nail
i"paternal relation between the t men branches of
e‘lenattita,,ehrn,.,ll yelliodistaehnll
The rgolutlons were nnatilitionalyrndopted.
A large antenna illtintlicittant linaineus men.
t I:inverted. Adjourned.
Strismbost Mar Eagle, -*- fle
kerw and Estor
Burned --the Result ors osene A rrld lm ent-
Hest y Lime,
lit; Telegraph to the Pittsburgh I azet e.)
LACHONSE, WIS.. XV -At El::111 this A. Y.
a barrel of kerosene oil Was leaking on Ward
the strainer War Eagle and a man WS. trying
to stop the leakage, when n boy pas
with a lantern. As he gig opposite t h e along
e kero
sene the bottom of his lantern fell. and set
fire tothe kerosene and the steamer was soon
enveloped in flames, which communieated to
the Michigan and at. Paul depot and
elevator buildings which wire al
so consumed. In consispience of a
report that there were eight barrels of
' powder In the hold of the stentner. it Seat im
passible to get men to work to extinguish the
their boat trot LOH of passengers, who
made CtrOpC from the hurricane deck by
Jumping Into the giver. As far as learned
only two were drottned, a negro employed on
the bent and a" Ind front J, Crosse, whose
name was nclt reported. Everything on the
bout was lost. nod all the freight in the depot
con.semed• Net a single thing wits saved. The
damage i s c ot
heavy, bat cannot b, rAti
!rod Mauer. aad Pig Mehl
till" Telegraph to the Pftt.titurgh Gazette.)
GoutsMlA, Pt.. May IC—The Iron -Master,
at a meeting resterdar expressed a determina
tion to stop the production of pig Iron, ehtm.
log that cumin rates Were unprofitable.
still Another Chapter In the YeFar
land ease-113s4olntIon of
RION Slwlrty—Regigtry of Voters
— School A iini versary = Another
Ocean Cable-31;u stud War Noterial
for (lane—Still s for Bounty Xiiney,
illy Telegraph to the Pitt Aurgh (.lazfljte.
New l'otta. kfaT. / in,ii
sy.yroatorm FROM TlCTAltftnarb..
Daniel 31..1-attend publishes In this, morn
ing's papers a nuniber of letters yr - kitten by
his wife before her acquaintance iiiiih the
. .
21.ibtin, people , overflotring with affection
showing, Lis providence for her-And •griitillen
tine and lore rho expressed nt eta kind' treat
went. .A upended to these letters" Ix the for
lowing statement: The pretended" statimer
of my wlfe.sublishod In the Tribont, Induct
me to semi for publicationfavarions 1- ''
In this city letters which were wrltte
her at the seveml times to which:the (Wet.
ded statement fins reforence.• It has * useerte.
that I Was n drunken brute, and grits very
cruel to toy wife. After readia . these let
ters, üblte may Judge for it and even
without - them I consider that the Yet-dirt
the lure lied hies tiny course, espd...llllly when .
it Is consldermi the prosecution ern an/ thin to
produce mum the witness stand a' Single per
son from the locality where we fired during
the gninter portion of our married like or trout
any other place. who could testify that I ever
treated her unkindly, or spoke a liniall word
to her. The testimony that ktra.Calhouri t'ar.
during t he trial innteriallycontllcfs iyitit whet
she stated on the ludlattti divorce ter. She
swore in Indiana that tt was appMatell Coin
inissloner of Enrollment through the Influence
of hermy and friends, and that - I was ills
clunged for drunkenness. I recelied that
Pointment in April. latft. nearly three yars
hefore I knew 1/r liwyd of Ilot..Calhomi. or ,she
of me. She testilleil during the late trial that
..i.e became m•quainted with teeth Lhe latter
r " % t wes t i i iil r Ch 4;Ni Ith ;nlubt'gitnhetinglaistflcmt*Ol
Commissioner of Enrollment in
the year she sworn she first berme 111,-
qm - tinted with me. How, then, ofmi sh
hose procured me that nopollatment - in d ISM e !
I received
I n lionontble discharge • from the
position of `onunissioner. and wens-one of the
last i:amtni sinner, of the. entollniont muss
• term! out of the servire. Samuel Sinclair
publisher bt the Tribunc,itiso swore i the re
cent trial that In the early part of 1514 be sue
no' Intoxicated once, oral my. wile told 'hie
not to tell her father about It. Sinclair we
ant acquainted with her father...lf r. Sage ittt
bad never seen him for years after the slat
went ioned in the testimony. which, in oth.
resat...Os. va ried nutterially. and against to
f rms. that be mom in the habeut 01.141
en... In Massneliusetts. Title telthartny
lest I, 1':1 , ... i. :I nod ter of Judicial record. •
- -- -
‘ 1 1 , F.1.f.,CL01... •
lb,. It LI. ell VOW ell. fornierly lit (incinnat
inutulled hist evening an pastor of tin
Thirteenth street Welch CulTnnistic 3fethod •
Tbr the tire on rody-nlstb Otto,
Inni nicht. were. J..r W.V. flrAn-n.
llortnelty SI2JUn: full) Insured.
Tin*. body or t man who committed unield
nt Itutlivue. Thuriidny, boo been Identified ;
Wm. Spruill:, of Sprinittield,
thousand d , dinrr wi, found to his litinAnltei
l'he iiteniller Columba. from Illni.gow,
e Stunt enborr. It N call ht' merchant of
Newark. died of a poplely Op Saturday. at
IVa , hlttauun.
ft Icreported that A. T. Steuart will erect
to Lrihtitur. on if ettacireml f•laina until rail
oad C l, lllll.lUltiellt 100 If Secured.
/lon. A... 1. It •n'hu ctioke at a ; - olit Ica!
neat tug. la.d. MN ht. wit!. suiotmecued by u
holy er of egri , trod alonea.• • -
otrer nine t tion.and Imuligrnnta arrireal hmt
IN ItWOK 107111. •
boo& nliUon of the MeFurlnent
Le Leon}. linter. , hrt,r been reeelred In
lin eoplee. %Irv. HiclinnNon 11 Nerlungly
at IVnailslde.
e hundred nod tilty tholemul dollars'hog in - opey era butted bunted the 1111 t week
wirf • rt wale' tswir Atlttniic (II r. New
NQI I I - ITP.D. •
...mkt N 14,101,1,1 vrovonquettlxt it 11481
btrok ell hi< by ...veto/ nflicet. of
to), ot YotioniC.
lit P.MANS.
Oeueral ONeill knees here tto-liAerr,
l o o nrent eel e the Fenlua tome, tut thee*
to feed Ulcer,
NEW YOits. May I.', taus
mots 1.1•11.;1111i
AI a no...ling of the American Kapott Right
Ass...imam. yesterday, Mr: Mocks - ell pro
posed s kcal a iton. On Ihe ground' t hat
Pol it leo! dist inetns of race Ore abolished nod
that arrangements hart 1.4,11 made to
the format ion or a Ironton', tetarnge
Asocial ion for the odetwocy of the
rlghre of won., so separate question.
Parker Pillsbury offered a resolution, as a
substitute. uhieh. instead of terminating its
existence, transfers the books,
the Moelety to the Paton %remnants suffrage
Soclett . . After an exciting discus:ion a
sea, reached. and all present. except Mr. and
Mr, Ithiekerelj • voted Jro Pill.btlee'l
tuteoend the meeting entiourntat outaesd
the mill of the Union Woman', Suffoete Roo.
elation, of which Theodore. Tilton Is President.
nail. sworne
Ile v. Charles it. Smythe preached his lax
Tsermon to-day. at the Eleventh street church
here testa 0 large congregation present. 31r
nit he onlv alluded to the matter to say t ha
be felt a:111411rd with Ws wicu courke, am
would be pleased t hat those whocanoed hi.
retirement from the charge Wollili hare is
rename to deplore their own conduct after a
dispassionate and pinyerful review of thei
it c hurch: Mr. Suitt the will take charge of an
TUE 7.111/J.,"
A sequel to the civic of Hamilton Woodruff,
llideiken. acififit led of charge of obtain
ing money under false pretense Se
appear" t
day lu a statetnent from him acensing Iles.
Ed weird-I', tirtrdner, pastor of the First Pres
byterian Cliureh. who tens his - prosecutor, with
uxorious operation.. The case will be brought
before the Frei:lit-I,y.
.1. AI. linar.l. lien. Hatfield and other bounty
anent bare , ned the city of. Hoboken for the
recovery of three hundred . and tlity dollars
exel, of a lafge number of ‘olutiteers enllated
to all the - quota In the late wet. The defense
In that fraud was practiced and the volunteer,
were not forthcoming.
An expedition of three hundred men all Cu
bans except tire American cept.lee, left litre
ea route to Cuba early Sa turday - morning, As
meeiengers on a steamer bound to San Lorain-.
go. they deified seven thousand Mlles, els
large gum uniforms, equipments. powder. dc.
Thipktiocied Chinn cable Is to run ehll
9:lade:den laloodc , MudwaY Islands and.Yoko
boom to Shanghai, and Its length, including
an allowance of twenty per RemlL for stack,
Will be 9.121 tulles.
One hundred Land r
t a welv u e thousand two
hundred and ninety-two white anaone thou
sand two hundred and fifteen colored voters
Were registered yesterday. The aggregate
registry Is 184.419, including 2,4 D minted.
An anniversary meeting. at which thirteen
Sunday ca:iota And two thousand Scholars
were present. Witt held. In, Ltrook.lye. yester
day, under 'the auspices 01 the American
Churchlfitsionary Society.
The pronpeclus ot n new ocean' gable be
tween Wales ne r d the const of -Ithode Island.
to be' Inid nest..3 - ear, will soon be published.
A large number of Indies residing In New
York and 'vicinity are taking steps to cause
McFurinnd to lw sent to a lunatic asylum.
A right Between Na • and' hldlers—The
Former 11 hipped and Stolen Yropen He
rot ered—Untrage hi lowa. •
[ligTebegramblo the Plitsburgh Liatto.l,--
f7nidAno, May Il.—A communication wus
received in this city to-day from Brevet Major
Gordon, Company LI, Second United States
Cavalry, commanding at Atlantic, Gulch, near
Atlantic City. Wyoming Territory, stating
that on the morning of the Ith Inst. some of '
hid men discovered patties of Indians with
stolen stock prowling amund the post. Tak
ing n Jettichment -of the commanding
officer stailed in punollt of the In
truders. tvhen a light ensued, during
which two Indians were killed and several
wounded, with no loss te the soldiers. and all
the stolen stock recovered. The Indians beat
a retreat, were hotly punned :by the troops
and a running light was kept up pretty much
aliday. Five more Indians were slain and
urge number wounded. The Victory an the
;ar{ of the soldiers was complete. Lieut.
itambaugh.was killed and Sergeant Brown
leriously wounded.
c in alWa h i
ILl;J:hrel Tal 0 11 :vern d Te s :;!
the cabin of a settler Ilvingan Nebraska river.
LSI miles north of Sioux City, lowa, and while
thhaking bands with the man's Wife. shot her,
en killed her little son and took her . daugh
ter. aged thirteen, a prisoner. The husband
escaped. The excitement in that region is
veay greatr and it is feared it will be depopu
lated. Loud calls are made for Sheridan and
(MATTA, May 15.—A simultaneous attack
froin the Indians was made yesterdny along
the line nf the Kansas Pacing itwirned. be
tween Kit Dimon and Denver. The attack
, Nylfl it m r ade at different jDO lets for a_ distance
„e% or sixty twelve ls''inenddteorC:;e:
hundred head of stock ran off." wounded ,
David P. Dudley, formerly of LeXington. Ky..
was killed by Indians yesterdaY, eight. miles
rum Kit Carson, Colorado.
Exenrsion on the Potoniae—Ennds In
the Treasnry—Retenne Receipts—
radian Affairs Considered by the
l'ahluel—ltepartment Order.
[lly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh
WASHINGTON, /day 14, Da.
ENCURAION ON Trio I'lTrllaAt•.
A large nibinher of Congressmen and MU
/ President."
wi h ..irittit, indulged in a
trip down the Potomac to-day.
bin in the Treasury to-day amounted
iii. 110.1.. including coin certificates to
ant of *5333.500; currency #1147000.
ea. receipts to-day were $674.i.e0b
the month fik.ktitgifig grand total for
: year $146,2=1.
The 'abinet y.terday bad Indian matrs
under onsideration. and the situation of In
other airs wan generally discussed. Among
o things decided . conducive to the in
terest 'of both Government and the India.,
the Se retary of War to Issue orders to pre
vent t e starting of the Ilig Horn expedition.
pendin negotiations with Red Cloud and
oCher in. chiefs now . their way here.
Genera Anger, 'commanding the department
it the 1 hate, boa aceordl expedition,struced
to dela tillh and bind!. The in
tention. 4 the Government is to carefully con
. skier w a ever representations may be made
by the 41 miffeeted chiefs. with st slew• to must
settle.. t et: all difficulties between them and
the Unit d tes. The latter will no doubt
Insist th. e Indians who left the reservations
shall at en return to them.
Quarter Master General Melge mats ordered
the suspension of WI work on National ceme
teries On May MO, except what is necessary
to assist in preparations for decorating thi.
Zen ,
Plea 1.
The e
to shr,
the am.
I r
t e Oh
• DEPARTMENT 1,1141:11.
An cinder line been prepared and
sued from the liiefnirtinent of the
quiring official permission before e
nllrondst brounli Indian reservnt 1
• ......_...,_._
II 'floe Recent Collision on the 31 Issuuri Pantie
Railroad—Where the Disuse Lies- Condor.
tor Arrested.
Illy Telegraph In the Pittsburgh floret I e.)
I ST. I.Orts, Nov It.-- The evidence loblee the
Coroner's jury to-drop very plainly shone,,
that the extra freight train which collided
with the passenger train in - Eureka. Thursday
morning, was running outride of inn -ructions,
mill had to use from ten to fifteen minutes more
of the Express' .- train's t !me thanfrt.-
dal ceders .had allotted to It. The
conductor mid engineer of the extra
train swore thee ran precisely according
to orders. nod If there one a mistake it arose
from n difference in watcher. The weight of
et iiimice it strongly against Ahem, however.
and the Coroner ordered the arrest of Wm.
Odor, the conductor, and be was 'placed in the
calaboose. The fact that I idor and his engin
eer, Tracy, left the root instantly after the
collirion. berate:o, at th Rosen. they - feared
personal violence. while e the conductor and
othereinplover of the passenger train re
otalm-d and harked nobly for the release and
relief oft lie 4 a fferer4. Is generally regarded as
e 0 11,1011 , 11es.: of having done wrong and
_bt nog' hems the belief that they alone were to
lame for the collision.
The retaine deal h of .1. E. Elenilng, Chie
Engineer of- the d
Tit. and Nemihn Railroad. f
in a mistake. lie was un the trait,, but left It at
Sedalia. The - wounded generally Cr, doing
well. and are receiv Ogg the rare of some of
the best surgeonn and physicians in the city.
The railroad company- are doing everything
porsible for their comfort. and will recompense
Mein fur loeiee, gn far IL.I money can do so,:
without salt or expense. The reaming of the
dead have been placed lu metallic eaSeg, and
will he detainted In the cemetery vault, rule
Inn ject to tile orders of ens. The. prenatal, -
sby accident to fri
rolling stock Is abbot
I.3o.issi. -
ales.. Flee
.pour Establishment. Burned.
illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh linzette.l.
Wm:watt. Mn.- 15—About one o'clock this
morning a tire broke out in the stable at
tnciteil to Iteid's grocery and liquor store.,
The flames spread rapidly to the warehouse
residence adjoining. which were soon en
, veloped in names. Before the tire could be
got under rontrol the entire residence and
ilOttur stores welt. dtees troyed. and th
Mom.. had cmunicad to Mr. Collin's e
hex.. fol om
oniry :out Fulton's plumber shop.
bot Ltd which were burned to the ground
and el mt enr entirely lost. glnto nlll ti
feet in in the water pipes. but one en gin e child
be blade serviceable, which will account for
the tlllllCett entire destruction of the four es
taldlshmunts. ItehUs stock of merchandlre
and liquors wax pall insured. The
brass foundry and plumbing Shop wore with
out insune.
John Rei ra d. c Jr.'. boat In stock in about
Inured for PS.UAL & hon. and PAU: Luke
Fulton's; hos nut- wort:tined: no Insurance.
But-m.4W 'Tete:trap!. Experiment.
Illy Teksgraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW OuLEAlts. May 15.--The experitnenl
over the Western Union Telemph OWN wires
of working long circuit. Ihmugh a number of •
rrneater., was tried tri-day with remarkable
wee.... Mr. ft. V. Duncan, chief operator
here, sent through ulne rt.pmsterti. one nt
Rme. Georgia. Lynchburg. Ye.,. New fork.
Pit t t u r n at I Inv Moat L Ohio. one at
St. t %Irmo, and Memphis, the writing
returning to New Orleans no clearly a when
leaving the race. boring hoard through
eighteen Staten and over fort y-eight thousand
utiles of wire. and theelectric . ctUrrent trav
ersing the distance In about three-quarters of
a second. Thewriting was translated' us
rapidly rte on ordinary short wire.. flakier's
Cove was In Mewl, etnnlll nide:dime and work
ed timely. •
Upper like,
Via A. P. Telegra ph Idne.l
•Ilu. Very, Mar la.—Meer falling. with PI la
kes of water In the channel. M. eat her clear.
Itertnometer !et nt 0 P. n.
9 11 EK.1,0110. May la.—Ulcer falling. with
ti feet of water - la the channel. Th
e Gn at 7 P. erstiont,
r at.
tlitowarserta.P.:Mny 15.-- River falling Maw
r. with 0 1 / 4 feet at water In the channel.
'rather clear. Thertootneter 04 at 7 P.M. C.
Allethogla Protestant rrrrr I Itanterentre.
Ila urtmolati. May 11.—In the General Confer•
nee of the Methodist Protestantchurch the
JANI.IOIIOII the Ritual was continued. Recs.
rnn and Collier, fraternal messengers (nun
tit...burgh Conference of Methodist church.
ok Mental lease In nroost cordial manner,
Pressing an canirst desire for re-union. I
—A tire in Nos. In, I It rand Id t7ranni' stree
Chicago. on Fridray night, did $75,000 ...meg.
of which
llen., fu l r . n ..o it o u l .ore o winra.dnraitnedby. T h e n
lo n
are nerarly cowered by.insurrance.
(cling, Yolllan.bre dk Orp.
From time to time we bare directed the
attention of our readers to the large and
well selected nod assorted stock of ready
trade clothing for men mid boys wear,
cloths, cnssimeres and' vestlngs for cos.
tom work, and general furnishing goods
to be found at the popular and extensive
establishment of Frling, Follansbee dr
.No. 121 Woemi street, corner of Fifth ave.
Renders on visiting the house will
discover that.not one-half of the superior
attractions and advantages atforded have
been advertises!. The stock to . not only
highly suitable to the market but is offer
ed at such reasonabl e figures as to meet
the requirements of all patrons. •In the
custom department touch rare and Allen
lion in bestowed on the filling of orders
and dumbility,lieettness and fits in every
Orb are warranted We earnestly advise
our readers to favor the house with a pur
chasing visit feeling assured that no where
else can they deal to more decided advan
Tits: prejudice against the Re Organ
hex bergs° deep and no firmly rtip_ted, that
many musicians .are not aware of
him been dune during thin List few years,
to remove what wan unpleasant In quality
of tone, and to develop its power and
variety of effects. .Among the moat en
terprising and ingenious of manufactur.
era, are Messrs. 8. D. St 11. W. Smith, of
now a wide spread reputation, for musical
and mechindeal excellen... With the re.
cent addition of pedals, and by the use of
couplers, they are able to imitate fully the
round, smooth tone', of the Pipe Organ,—
while at the same time the action in
prompt HIM delicate that the Organ is also
a splendid instrument for the lightcat and
most rapid music.
Arc - rms.—Wednesday. May 18th, at 2
o'clock P. at_ on, the premises, will be
sold that valuable three story brick house,
No. 31 Pittsburgh Disanond, adjoining
Edw. Ilearelion, Esq.'s new warelibuse.
The lot has a twenty feet front on the.
Diamond and extending back in depth one
hundred and twenty feet to Decatur. Par
ties desiring an investment or business
Property will tindit to their advantage to
attend this wile. Terms at sale.
J. H. STEIVART, Auctioneer.
H. B. Smintso3, Salesman.
SicKEr.srorcr Free Excursion Train for
the third great auction sale of those beau.
tiful building lots, trill leave the Connell,.
title Depot, Pittsburgh, thia-day at one
o'clock precisely,and return at six. • Free
both ways. No tickets requireit See ad
—The steamer Samaria. from Liverpool, ar
rived at Roston yesterday.
—Fred Orem, n porter, tried to drown
self in the Ohio, at Cincinnati, on Saturday.,
—The rooms of the Shoe and Leather Asso
ciation, at Roston, wore dedicated on Satur
—Six men, convicted of petty larcen
were publicly whipped at Wilmington. Del.
—Marcus T. Harden Walt stabbed and killed
by Thom. Bowles, opposite Spring Garden.
Louisville, on Saturday afternoon. 3
— some of the most prominent sub
urbs of Cincinnati cote on annexation. I Among
then, are Clifton. Avondaleand Woodburn.
—James Havers seas shot by James lAw
rents, at Ogden mine . . Sussex couty. Nem ,
Jersey on Saturday, for intimacy n with his
—The death of Thomas Clay, son of Hon.
Gem?' MY: who for nearly fifty years has
been an Inmate of the Lexington Lunatic Asy
lum, is nunounced. •
—The silk manufacturers of Paterson, New
Jersey, are making contracts formic - Mg their
raw silk In California, whence it Will be reeled
and shipped to the mills.
—lt is reported that n firm In Cincinnati has
received orders for the manufacture of three
thousand hand grenades, For whom they are
Intended no one seems to know.
achef Mississippi, Is stopping
In Lo ell. Massetts, at t he ho use of Gen.
Butler. Ills marriage with Miss Illauche Hut;
ler takes place probably lu June.
• —The stables of Bold Doble, the well known
horse trainer end sporting man. in Rip.-
..use S.piare, Philadelphia, were bunted last
night. The large and valuable stock of horses
was rescued.
—The Methodist Episcopal Conference, at
Rockland, Maine, oaturda voted.l3 to M -
to favor of lay delega nS tions. a nd adopted reso
lutions in favor of the Prohibition of the sale
of liquor and total abstinence.
—The corner -stone of the new Jewish tem
ple at Columbus, Ohlo, was laid on Sunday
with Masonic cerem - ouleS. Rev. Isaac M. Wise.
of Cincinnati, pronounced an oration on the
- dignity of man. Doe. Hayes, the citr officials
and several thousand people were present.
—Great preparatio ope nin g ahing at Dayton.
Ohio. for the formal of the new hos-
Wilda( the National Soldiers Home on Thurs
day. The Governor. of Ohio and adjoining
States. General Snennan and other prominent
otticent are expected. The hospital is one of
the moat complete and best In this country..
--A Denver teoloradol dispatch says: Sue ,
claim to the effect that the nion colony was
breaking and twomebe scering are mi
t rue.l line or dissatisfied m e mbers;seho
expected to find a large town with all the
conveniences. have come to Denver temporari
ly. The colony is a great success and Greeley
growing rapidly. .
There has been some doubt whether tinder
.the new tnimielpril code the Judge of the police
court of Cincinnati could nod Judgment and
sentence to Imprisonment in a case where the
arraigned party might have demanded a Jury.
The question . come up Saturday In a habots
corpus ease before the Probate Judge, who de
rided the court had jurisdiction.
-The recent order of the Chief of Police of
Cincinnati closing the front doors of liquor
shops on the Sabbath, silso cigar stands and
confectionary stores, went into operation yes
terday. It was not rigidly enforced and in
some cases openly disregarded. Frompresent
appeaces it seer. but little good will arise
from this action of the authorities.
W particuars are grten of the borri-'
We affair at Ladore. l Kansas. Tuesday night of
last week. The names of the live men hung
were Win. Ryan. Ste Telma Co.. Ills.. PAtrin
tZSt a rr:
t ratse s y Har i; Stainixti
itlsileasCes...Canemia. The i l inen ' now In 4 j A alt is
named Peter Kelley, and the one shot byhls
companions W. Robert Wright.
—At Omaha, Nebntska. Saturday afternbon;
a young lady named Ida Huth committed
suicide by shooting herself through the heart.
Death was Instant. She was to have been
married at 10 A, Y. Sunday, to a man named
Brewer. The cause is reported to have been
her great dislike for her affianced, her love
for another man, and the determinetion of
her parents that she should marry Brewer.
The Dritith Red Rite, Ex peditien.
[fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
Cfn,usowcnm, Mn.' 13.—The steamer
l'hicora left last night with one' hundred
troops and n 71111.13T0 of Government storer
for the lied Myer expedition. She also taken
number of horsekto cart stores across Port
age at Sault Ste. Marie, where she will he due
Monday nook.
ornex UP tfix Prrrsorrou 0.40
Nay 10, IS7O.
. til' TRUATRES of ;bit COLLII.Dr• .n
rumor 11.. tire, the arlre , of Cual Tar will
And that of ekkke will ba tour kit Ceu4 per hush
ku the walked. •ud tiva 131 twine deliver./ within tb
ukkual bekkible
31 .. 7 .1.ELLAND,
T 1 11.11.1
The Mercy Hospita
Will Remain. open
Saturday Night, May 2
cu.q„,, \
& F' 0.,
93 Market street, Pittsburgh
oTHIIID WWI 10.11(;Nr
ihoon hand all
; 11 ;:l ' Vt n al i l l \ ' ',a . 1474
Il'ilif:tv..,:t!i trttbeleAlgr74d=i;l:ll:c.t.l:4!
g 1" = "13,-'4l7,.. ha'str b ilf ii . v .„i...... g ,
~...g . t . ,„; f . , „
g.„,....attel.'errnesta. and ostohefz:,....
W, cell
11.11::: NV:tchaa. To that
fapturina and reaulat ng
v. . .
branch of our total.. we at. i .tacgg s zt n ro ..,
Orden, hr rt..l rmell"i at.fauuest. '
good, mat In draw altt y
White Chalk Crayon
O() G-Ross
Colored Chalk
CR A.:170 NS, '9'
Now In. stook and oMting, and neUingnt Factory
wPt c nT the Cone. wan.. Bandung Chalk l4ay.
In ultra). larlnk ltelnk Arenta (Droop of the best
and cheapest lines of White and Colored Chalk
Crayons. In the country , and baring s%Virkto.aug!
tg.T.Teir,Vl47l Vr°1.141°,.1.
cation. on appll•
No, 102 Fourth Avenue,
WIIITE. ail all..
HUFF. all Ake,
'•EAAL, all Waal.
(MANGE, WI ay, •
GOLD, all
. s,
ANIMAL a/1 Naas. • .
MELON all 11144, •
CAIIIIk all le es, •
0P1.41 itr
`LEGA .114.1:1""'
.u poo ßeu k l stitt "rl li '
• CUPID, all Gall, —
Also. all the above In different Ireightsind think
eases. lii....etrend Jon Lots. yen' thew At.-
tionen. Printers and Coniume rs,hen bny of tia to
advantage. Sample, and trines mailed fete on Un
J. L. RE lok SON
Booksellers and Stationers,
Printing House
Blank Receipts,
3101 tTUAGEt.,
IV/MAIO:4 110N1).4.
Ali p:/•:AIENTS, •
I. EA ME S, WA It RA NTE.: 14:1 , ;(..4
• LEA ~ E S OF Al.l. IC IN
.811 n m -oils-and Subßente.s.,
LETTERS OF eiTorr-vrr
Blank Books
cAsn BOOKS',
- '031310N lA . DEN BOOKS
All Kinds of Blank Books,
Court Rouse. Apply to Mrs.:W. AfeT/Ghlt.
plflttzsno. SAO
lira I Votle, gtr e e Pe ' rrysttre ' lln4TZT. gl3 Ninnee.` walk ( City [tall, Aileeheny. fl.'
it - ;
new. comrtale meleg fo bd o ant treh ' Zrect lire tad supplied with
all modem Impmvements
mminge house and autbltng horses and cows.
The gruunds are beautifully laid out. and are csv-
Vnitrrythm:lll:ned."o:llr iheTit,74e."474a
very - convenient v. the city . .. 4 from Its !math:lnm
174 . !: 4 71 te r s , r n a , ". .: l ag o l t re hy olitt.V1It h 4.R.FIC ,04, 1k
Executed in the Beet Style. TO-LEI•
Disraeli's New. Note
Noss ready. published from xdruum sheela.
The Right lion. lk , n.j. Disraeli, M
tate Primo Mtel.ter a( Groat BMW o
Two E4ltioui of •re Phh/1A..4 0.
Cloth4lllato. price *JOG: the other In Octt•
PPPer, Price 81.00.
Frnm the New York Tribune.)
-The anthuncentent of • Iwthalr's new curie) by
9G'JAMIY DIRSIANI.I. 0. reused quite • mum
Con In .England, where novelists seldom become
Prime Ministers. Tue twenty-three year. the att.
thor of • Vivian Grey' has abandonth the Unwary
field. of romance for the duety paths of polities.
Ills last nthel,•Tthcred,' nth tuned In 1 847, amt
hie long •hence. to his political eminence,
glees an unusual ten to the endelpation of 'IA.
their' The Saturday Review eaya , tbatall England
will be recited over It in May, and another English
Journal states that • newtheper had offered the
author ten thousand pounds for the Menage of
publishing It In instalments. The Appletous have
purchased • Lothair. - at a high price, and M. 1.1 tune
It simuloomously with Its appearance In England
in the ant week of Eay. •Lothalr,• the hero, lea
young English nobleman of the highest rank, who.
left en orphan at .1 •arty 0 ,0.12100 a Kett tn the
are Of two guardian•, one a Scoulab duke of the
Protholerian falth, and the other a cardinal of the
Catholic Church. The plot . tome, In part, on the
batwthn these opposing forme, and em
braces, besides. Feniutlem and rations other
piquant ►ad Interesting *Mathes. Soria of the
prouthent characters of the novel an Anathema.
aud In the tonne of it. Um American sculptor
Story and his statues are Teri highly
......; . :•1 0. 1e4.1er o tr_ee, to me athhast to the trolled
the Pie,.
92 and 9•! Grand St., New York
PRTlitr3iecTAgt •
At the Lowest Prieeß, at
41 FIFTH AVENUE.abore alattlaleld'Strot
. utT.!?41 .5 .1-,,E41171" :/1311:;VAIW..
Rooms. leo Sudtbeeki street:
Tres Ci
R. x z h or Hire Baia:
10 Aileen= Atonal Bank.
myld A. McILW.UXE. AuCtloneer.
to arHAMS.— s o l i li asks on steamer Robin ?loom
rive. forr
Commercial .and Family Newspaper
N, farmer, ruerh•nie. or merchant should ' he
Without it.
Single eubtennere
Clubs of are. •
Mine of ten....
. .
A C. , py I. furnisbod gratuitously to the getterdtp
of a Club of ten. Postmasters are requested Josef
as agents. Address.
Li 4- .VOTR`ES--"To.let." "For Sale."
"1 1 ;Infs. - - Found:* "Boarding."
de.. not execeding . FOUR LINE. 4:,
inAetted in thett-coluinns 1ee677 TWE-r•
TY .1.71. R CE2l"7"s: rneh additional lino
-WANTED. -.-A GIRL to do cOutmon
STREET. Allegheny City.
TANTED-SITUATI Oi : A - s - Sail'i;•
'n rl[nnle " "TWerry et:1". Utr:l 4J a
INTEIL—A. Lady rxperkneed ht
WASTED. -3 Rollers, 3 Itookers•
In. 3 men tor farm work. 3 boyt fur coun
try. to work In vineyard. Also Met for all work for
city 1
Slot and count
Ptrery. Apply at Employment Inneo,
h wt.
~ 114 . , 11 , 1 . 1 n lar g e or .mall amount.. at
HIII, Mond and Itnnl Ls' tato Brulgor.
TI• •
R.—TO RENT.A Rouse of
3 or 8 mm, with a large yard.. 31118 be In
• ito4 neghborhood. In either city. or on line of
X 0•111 Railroad. Any one lotting smell can finny of
L'd7,l-1:grill1 1 44
138 Fourth aranne.
NATANTED.--Everybody to call at
IS4 t.tnxnrx STItE}:T. end examine
M. County rightoltr tat. 54
Thirty Thoniand Dollars to Loan
In large or small amounts on property In AlleahanY
county at a tart rate or Interest.
• Meal Estate Ilgont.
VANTED.-411onds and Mortgages.
9,01 for /30.000, n n
aling 3 years to run
- harmn S sear. to run. I for *3,000. 2 lend to
. 1
;1,1 ) ,A
UN to near. In
1 fiJr 11.000. Irt:lng Yea, to
run. I
for $3OO. haying 3 yrtrt. to run. On cay
"""`L. P .ZTI.i Pi1 1 .T.t..11:1•1 Fourth Are.
OST.—A dark rindle eow—tips of
JL., the bnrne &mod A l and gimlet hole.ln nehh.
Mort tall Any person ninling her noun
Yenurded by leaving Word at
Read of Bo. Mord avenuo.
uip 1 th tow.
° X;ll —On
atialltri:llr6gl4rnir 4 tgli them
_ _
11D00A . RDIN G .— TaLetorithi - na - rilln - g,
OARDIN(4.--.1. De furn u i bem te -
TmgN7llg"lshed board!nfr
ANIRM47fIk, eTrIV4I4,m
Allegheny CU,.
T°-LET.—Some pleasant rooms to let
at NO. 31 Fourth avenue, with ure of bath
neer itUWa P rir N , 5 kgell: ItTZ,Vrugui;
r - i — q‘b;"ll'l , l,TAVll °A 1 7= 411=1:
AI eAl!n7._
TO LET.—The Three S t ory
Briehl A s r,VSC .? ~,w
Inngnlre or , n'P mer ' Y t 'lco L sjakwo, WATT, inl72
: iv
TO,RYEL-,-,trtia honorC ~:.,,, R ° 8
.tr'rrev.Tgr°4l-.447?:' l 'o . :.
Middle :Erteki.r.g 4:Tr. In. 19t{ .
AlleKbeny. Apply tn!
... W. P.
YERS.—TIEII 9P OFFICES on. Grua, our
Fifth and a TIER With entrance ha Fifth avenue,
The subfbriber offer. for rent that desirable prop
rt., kaolin aa the
Situated at the foot or Craig street, Allegheny
City, a short distance below the Suapenalon bridge.
The lot on tho east aide of Craig street 131.130 feet
wide tor about 430 feet more or less. The lot on
the west_ aide of the atreet In 110 feel wide by
abut 400 feet, more or lean—both running to low
water line, haying one of the best and sorest her.
burs on the river. The wirantages thisproparti
Presenta for eny kind of manufacturing purpooes
are!. well known es to render any.further
Oon unnneesaary. long lea., will be Oren to re
FOR SALE.—Englne of Four Norse
L'OR SALE.-1 One Horse Spring
ALlnti4ll7l4g. ilt"osZ tZ4 j i
North Ahry.rotrghenr•
F2f41t 1 1 , ..- T, A Valliable Farm n n
eVereill 78,1:4911VibOUL'iicoliC:
gING LOTS, on all the various Wrests In the
'irtlV'teTatin'."l . d r 9 WAll(Ml4 l : r " P t i l
and Thirty-third menet.
FOR SALE.—A two•horge covered
ViMitnoddy on*. ""' c*"
Alpo between three and four hatuleed• tans of
In Weber lee. front 5 to hi inehea thick, rrellne
cu a
ai ood. les house al. Shari:ohms on the
Weal Penn Rlroad. Enquire of
5-10 -ore' the Union Motel. Shari:album.
POR SALE.—A farm ;137 acres EATER on on the Pan Handle Ralßend arty
Vrth r l 'l:lltltit 71"Arit *-
Moowens. Whole Pu 11.% Under cultivation, heel
ID d Orchard and all neeefuary WIII be .
"lox. tllqyuulre of
5-10 .a Attentest-Law.
No. 73 (Rant streeL
FOR SAL E.- 900 LOTS 20X100
teq, 'itir;j4:77.WPALZ%,„l
ttrr7,4°.:Vga,'4"..i 1' 2 6° "D" ..."NZ!
ter mi. month the pore be g initt ° Por plane.
tal,rtegliVilritLe.l4!;k4tßiTa:B7gill. PAirRTZ
at Lam, 72 Great .tract,
VOW SALE , --Engines and. Boilers.,
- 4 - . New and second Hand. of-all kinds, coast/nal,
on hand.
Orden from all parts of .the .. . ntry promptly at..
tended to.
JAMES arm. . CO.,
Corner Marlon Avenue and '..
M. W. & C. it W..
All • • . en
t'OR SALE CHEAP OR Excsks_ss
16tAtkir.';0 111, the e reon; one, nd o. ZIO rul
h M; tM ter, rod 0n0 2. 1 El, ?Ili
.f;;L'a ILIZTLZrt
lialloeio. Also. severs/ 5004 i MM. 1 . 11. 0041 lore-
Ilona and bosses for sale. w yn l site , e f *AR6
• No 110 Great 81.. opposite Ciittuisaj.
. .•
The above _ . mar Innate e Mem.
by' 193 Colwell etreet, which th ere to a
tioublo story_ unbetantlailly built inlet
heater, Bc, ftl Ie ItZatrlbmlte4.l%-'
V40.73r. Zr:llZ 741Z1T, V Vt. nr put.
new ir Mk avenue mutat bonze. P""
if not solo soon in wboloorill be divided. For
terms. he,. enquire of
23 .
Seventh avenue.
ajr:e illAlrrE.l,74kbatllt'idh=egigrratiTlM
WT. Eltar Math avenue. well built le medal:style,
o e ettl tre y 4 , War .41 '1 15 Zr d P b &Z ,
nault.eund vraterhenurea , marble mantles. le
& BON'
molt • 3 illstb ayeatie,
} i { h? ~