TIIE,D4ILY GAZETTE .- 1 • couNcii., riegnlar litnnirat. pool Conanotm llotom--Itorrort tloto CoalrOli,—:tcport.• Ctottotaittret—Ortitotaioce, . I r+cola^ • til itiertialv media,; !net. nto 1 t2.otrat, ti,e c..y Alia Titurrilay, ):.ty IrriQ, at 6 o'cli irk v. yl.• , cot . scrt... ?detnherii tirestint -- I f totketAt tae. f. or. nvw• Mot. Pattei . ooon, J. (fo, l'atto,..a. A.. l'oAttt:.l`ttillitai, n. Itootton, rortttan'a. and President ma I rier. . e niMut 4 ..i, of the preceding meeting srt , ie rent andapproven.- ff if, an invitation from the bloat- wens it Asmoclntlon to Connell, to part iripate In the corr.er.tone laying of thr lituldters' :‘.lontonent. Ina body. Accepted. and resolved to participate In ni - hoity. Mr. Mort, a counnunientit:n front tit, Cali Inspector, to.kingi for in‘t relativel ro the 11 oh it. to t toe mance lonottitleii. Mr. Itt.lnie. pet fi ir, latnrai Setter on lic.lerool not hoot Ono Do:imolai too MOtilf.:olll4.,t-V rot to t flitter 00 and Strwt•rf, on [l47:lnc per_ Mr. J. I'. o-on ;tot: o. allotslon to enact m, tothoocrvatonY h • the Toni tracer. Italinno.. coto o tit.. .rect. C.nr.:11,• , !.,110 - 11E NEW& • - a - Thccotinty Exi , entire 07.,:mmIttce meet s 1:101TOW 1111.01.00 n. . Madam Mowry:Vs beautifully' Illottrnted Monthly Mirror of Tos.thlons for .Irvr f.•r inale nt 11. Glldenfennerg 4 No. rtaavenne. Weitoa—oiot the - Pedeotrtan—hut John We.. too the Vatta - nt. Ras Rent to the workhouse for ntnet3 - . days by Mayor Callow yecterdny. • - - It Is esirerted that the new building for the 12intcllrt.h Fire Company of A IlreheoY will be ready Inr occupancy about the Mat of nest month. •• intellhit•ttee COlllO3 bv•telegraph that Mr..tn•lrmv J. St ratton. of !...4 , n• Brigh ton. ht.. ..7as kil l e .-,drtine whleh - eurred yo,teniai the th Mtaeourl Pacific oe • . Vester.lay Alderman Arent I , eittln warrant for the arrest of Valentin, fluoither for thr t .rslenlng to eat the ,clO4 ^ n little non of Mrs. Eleltelberger. The art/C; relile In the Seventh ward. The ProirGleg Voutho.—A. 1 ell rModelntortn atlon before Justice. livlrel 7rsterda9. eharg• Ina hls sons, Willhon and Go: dun, vial briar habitual drunkardA, and that they brat and abuse bite., Warrant, ir,ued. Mums% tsp . —Yesterday afterucon PM-Feat tached tit( - WU Treser's buteher wagon ran away on 'WO MI - Mt &oath ward. Atte eollidinettrith a pair of ntep,l,ading Into a house, and noguo nod steps, t he runaway was secured. - • , Larreay by Ilallee.-,Jacob nobler triads In fortnatlott talore Just!, y,scenlay, I,,trgiug Fred. flebrwith laree.ny by Lall Ile alleges that the aeegost Ixoronroll sotto anleleat•olotwhhr; fe on hint of the valtte o, two dollant, bleh he nvgleaccl to return Warrnat. Issued. Fe We Pretenee.--John Sehleigle made info aati.m beroredasi leo Helsel yest rdaY.ehar_ log Chart,. Darkhetater bh obtninang under [Abe pretences. lie !Mere, Ilett r. cased obtained a canary bird ‘a:eed at 'Z'd t',f.li cash by tl.en , of certain falw. rep Fe.tation, A Avarirint was • , • ItiplOolets—Weduesdny ',elan:: an rd;ilo lim of Ras cuurrod 1.1 Pct L,WII'SS3Innit. corner (ttnitham street and rift a: . enue. planter:mt . nn the bar-room ceding and on the walls was tom alt end the door in the second story raised several Inches. but nohodi . hurt. A leak In the gas vibe leas tub enuze. Ilameotte firtrvanc4 , —Saralt Sznith , ou made inforntnt lon I,:are :,11.1erntroa fi.uunns Ties daYuli:l:l t=n^ltirmt };,t not ,ntitt,al.l.tr Sueott hint ,It ac cuse& trot attested. sp,r.: night in Jail and snataktirty was rereoinn:. Tic entr: war, tires eualproulttett, the wire , itiarttvinit the rEe. • • Cry. Falt,—Crirth Hanlon and lames Mc- Ca,.n tad crass sus bfor.: Alderman lierrun' ye•tardav fur nisa lt ult c nud battery. Iteenn , %track Md. In the fan. MeOran charg,l Hanlon with trPsitin,, Wan in ri innnner.parties - rest& Ia T•relh.4 .I:tern liratin;; th e ills -I.:n 1.3 Cra.lll,.lscd:‘,- of Ite s textq.—c.ear.re.T.dimen is a reildent the Twelftli U-ATJ...vI.I:VP 4 in terror every day front the thr,a!, =WC T.Zailltt bill, by Ja-• and Ana Eevatear nua Henry Marty.le. wha horn no Te.,iard for him. 6..ree•was c.N.,t .eaten Ye,bn w -day ill tech the advice of .11 , ..nanTitylor. ho arrested the two .aud tae:] furdh;pc.siti...a to-dos. 'i0n , Y 1, .... -70, 11,Y.Irt 1 :ma silty-fly dallars Ira; :ittet from tit.: t.,:acutto tti 'tam. qtiall. teat i3.-A113..1 tow II,: ::::, t:imr!, i et.tittatt 1 the tr.:en art.l ra. lt,t ettrcute 1.,:01re. "Wenn,. 'Taylor , nett m tte bir,,”: tion.el,rAinc Igt br ~, t et-In-!nar.r...lwttra,• I'. I a:. with I tin t ! trrelly 31 - :ill' 111C11.7. Tile. 3 ratati ',la 4restel yet , tEetut . ttml Le'..l far lit.tr:ste. • . • _—_— . .4 iopprted.-,1" e-ter.lar Joba Itrel‘ps ulnae lufortaatiou before Al.lerloar To; or setting forth• thilt hir Nrufroa • shop in the Twelfth word hfulheen rebbial of n pair of shaft, s ili uerl at eleven dollars; and that from Infortua ' tion ree&•ltcd he thought Joseph Haul might be'able tog their mysterious departure. • Joseph wire brought before the Aldertuan. awl Nrill have an opportunity to explain to-dot'. Perwortal.—Yesterday• we had the pleasure • of a frieadly ii6it tram Mr. corgswell. one or , tho pablishera ot, the Titusville Lferteri. wh•• ' eathe to the city to perfect arrangementfi look ing. toward the still erecter improvement and • usefulue , nf soirito.l of welt cm:Mu:Leo, joardal. The/felled Is ono of our must valued ezehanreF, and we are glad to know that its proprietors !Mend TO aklaz It ft {II more worthy of the largo patronage willed tt enjoy, Abandonment.—Cnthatine DOilnlitC has been abandoned hr her husband John Dohnine. as +re:lern by an informal'. at Justice lietsel's oMce. The afc.esald iuwer state•furtherthal JJltti is an habitual drunkard. that he beats and abuses thamforesald Catharine. and has at various thorn threatened to take her life. and furthermore has ni,glected and refuged to con t ribate to the support of his- wife. and eblid ten. A warturst was issued for his arrest. Adnattled.—Mr. Charles C. Mentooth, the gentlemanly. comicous and etileictit Clerk of the District Court. Was yesterday admitted to - practice lase the several - courts of this counts. Mr. • Monteath, and are informed. assed a highly creditable examination. and it student, diligent as an attorney Rs tie W 11.4 his success is only a question of t ere; and he 8111 be an ornament to the prercesian. We congratulate yuu **Charles." • I• - .C6llnairlet tame. -41C111 . 7 Canper. according to the alleantlans made by Barbara Ilinerman before J ustioe Helsel yesterday. hal been try ing 1.10 hand at the conndence haginess. She RUT... 4 that she oran'the P0YA1,40,01 W 4 in ench. which fact came to the knowledge of cagier. who very kindly Prot to invest it for her. The money tens t;ieen tn him. no she alleged. andbe. instead of inveStia,: It for her benefit tanned •it Inking a note In hit awn riatne. A. warrant was isstie,l for his nrrest. Bawdy liouse.—Frunz iturghard alleges that he !testa - T:1 victimized. and has called upon Justice Helsel for 'nil and comfort," all of which was extended to him of course. It al , pears that Franz Is the owner of a tenement house In the borough of East Dirtningbant, ..which some time since he rented t Mary Morrliocho represented tohim, Eho was poor widow woman sr*, imb!e ber be 'sewing. Ile has since discovers d. so he •af leres, that hia house has been turned into an infamous den of prostitutes.' Mary was ar rested and held for a hearing,.." • We announced yesterday that "Althorn Mc- Cafferty and John Itoblus ut both of Pitts burgh had been arrested in • Cincinnati on Wednesday and wore retained on h "put op churn° to await the reTtisit ion of our author ities. The robbery e.rge eras Whnilr nn founded. but the game , :o hold t hem on it Iva, blocked by the shroud plininers who obtain ed their liberty through a writ of habona pus in the Coon.; and tied before the arrival of the Pittsburgh officers who event down to bring them back to this city. T o y narrowly es-cant...Land. it they ProPo. 4l,, Ploa clear of this city. we think the retttior.:i., wind.) well to permit them to enjdt . the largest I:hero :And trouble themselves 'no further to bring them back. Fire at East Llb‘ri 5. •• "a . Teaterday morning about two O'clock the carpenter shop of Mr. Alexander Lleilx!r.. cor ner of Broad and MITI str:ets. Ent Liberty. was destroyed by Ore. - Lore . about P1,0f9l no insulance. The Ore Hs:tap...and tube the vrork of an incendiary. The shop was a wooden structure, and lamed so rn alai: , that not hirn: was saved . It was under full head icny when discoVered. Whichnireny,thens the sspicion f tr.ceadin atm. About f..ld) of the l u oss :yea In worn which had Just been flulsbe.l. Mr. Liedtlfr had clam:armed basincss but a short tittle. The eltinons tall: of offer i ng - a reward for the apprehension of. thevi alias who cailt:od II this sort of tirinr. • t . That resterda; Joseph Clirist, the witn whipper. had a heath:: before Mayor Callow On a cha.rge of „Solent°. ll,Mllit end batten* pre -, fend" ft =dna him by a lady 'whit recopied a nPrtion of the house. The lady testified that FtlfAheard Christ whlpplr.cLia wife WedoerdaY -tlght ‘ and went around to the uddr when the man threw Mrp.Clirist out In thdyard :.nd that :he was tonnd by the neighbors:who were In n perfectly node eandit,l.m. Ohs woo plotted up and tit'tea into the hi.oFee— nante,Cif the people remain - Inn wit': W. , tie' , re • mttodisr or the :light after Cultf had hauri lie.drai 01100 knowd 10 whip her rah tan father eseer.lad Ito. mark Wed. • or-day night.' When arrested. after the hear ing. he Wrii scat to tall In default .4 t.wo thou sand dollars hail. for trial. Mrs. Carlst is stir' tualdala to sit no Nod .1.1 yet out of dean , . She' was terrlblr abused and was remarnbly fortunate even to escape with.har life. Wads- Company Dames= Grays. ta r e are pleased to note that egg ale Loops 11 „,,,- r . of the Sixty-first Pennsylraula Regi ment, has recruited enough of our German I tOIe-citizens to enter the. Lingoes. Gm)* i the sixth ,comPanT Dr tl4 reniment Mr, forming. Captain . linger tens a noble soldier In the late gar s _ nod Just the man to raise a. regi ment of Gentians, Insical of a c..m.rinay. lie .1111 wants n few more good me , `Pic 1 , 1 et this company can be teen at Alderman NCI:- herds, Si Filth ntenue. We arc iuformed there are four other companies started and filling ap rapidly: which completes tan DuOuesne Grays Regiment. All our young men who d wish to belong to this "pet" reglment shoul loin to the ranks nt once. as a for days will find It full. --- 1 • • \ • • • = BRUTAL. • A Woman Alunwt Killed—Auarked by Two •• Brutes—Ono of Them In Custody. . A most brutal case of inhumnaltY woo de veloped at the Mayor's office yesterday. In fOrmation for felonious assault and battery was preferred against a cyrtatn Thigh Mad ison. a young MAO who Is not unknown to pollee fame. It was stated that the even ing previous Madison and a female named Wilson. his mistruw, residing on the hill. and towhom be was devoted. had • a quarrel. when the brute fn Truman form bent her In n terrible manner. ot satfied is own powers of punishme N nt. he t end withed into h Gls old another brute—a large hull dog. witch, et Its master's bidding, tore the flesh from the . wo trut In many places. rind doubtless would base killed her bad her screams not attracted assistance. Madison intmedhstely disappeared. The officers were on the lookout for htm yes— terday. but he kefe “slindy." Last night, shortly after twelve ocloCk. officers OtOelirO and Mooney got on his track ADO inceeedod in arresttpg Mtn just OA he entered the Muth arm: bu t Ile showed signs of remit arm: but 'was easily overpowered told was taken to the lock-up. • . • The woman livery badly injured and sutlers yeti Much from her wounds. It is mnisible she will not be able to appear aiMinst s him s this morning. In fact she oil' he exceed/DM • fortunate to recover at all. • Itsdisoo is well known at a bully of the first water, as his Conduct proves. Doubtless he will get his deserts Mistime. • "^~GXk~aa+rFy;'}:la"' .W4'~li+~i~ks'~' /"kY'4'~_ h ~~ -y ~ ~'k~~.~ h ..~S IY t;'y .` ~Mt~~.~ ~ 27 \ . Mr. ~.i, t , IL 00•••0111•••1 11 cultimunieutinu frog, Jam , .. Park..lr.. Pre-Meur of the Park. COM . - ma do. aeromeanYme . m enacea Willell the l'enunission had prepared referrers 10 ;••••••••• re;lat 103, • , f 1, grounds. The erne niatOcal lon seas ;Imo:Plod and alrO• a. 71 er dial le o; loa of Mr. (;...1••••• I Le'ordlnanoe wilt (tonsil:erect set - Intim tusl after lieiitu - sitghtl!.. geocatie-1 lopted. rt., ordinance provide,- ' , 1. That ;11 I,l , ans :r.-(, fol3 , l.lden to cater , or leave the Parh grounds cd.,:g 0 t by the re:op. lar gal oways. 2. :al oer,oal are lead:Wen to climb er walk noon Or loner._ ' 3. To 17171• Itrrarras or to 1.1,0•01 SIODLL-10: Oil., 1114,..1c, µ-33hIn the •Pyroll , l , s or LAT. I d, a i1:c.,t1... , q0 satnuuttliut; the saute. Cdoe elduse In- rclat om 10 tl: on nos wad ruhso .godoly dri..3.en amt] . . • tut t o'.n,rt:. L 'l. , on, break or In 1I'll• A.,,,,••• iQjUrr. Or de •,.. 33 ' . , .., , ar"ill e Ivor strut., Comp/turf, su• any IA MI .s.at ~ ,,' lP'r”"C.' '1 . .-''' . .'•: *r '''''''''''. , ,:.-1,, , ,i,111,.. ' ?..pc. 4 . seats. le Wire, fountalihr tee. •olau 1 ; 13,1 '. ' l °"•OwLng FLT'''' . ' ~ ' I ••r 0; hor .• •;at rue:lons nponthe Park. L liesrmotigh-roue Cotton:tee or, :jot, • z,. •5,., i• .‘ „,,,,,1,,,,,, n3„,,430, nalskelons, prog N‘aill'i 1,1/12Cli.ny report as f011ovs: • ~,....„..,,,,1,,,,,,, ~,,,n . u n, o 5 , , ,,,,,, 0nn0w0 , on In ,I.ttiM 1 L ,, *. , . , ,T *Me , I'll , ' . 3 ...!g.‘ 1,, ' .. a. (.3the Park groat.; s. ' IIT yvl''''• CO''' F`''''''' d t -I° 'h."' "•''"• .l .' UNu pea- a 31: ;II Le allowal to tell fort ones soar Com:Ott, would roport that the w o rs , plny al. any game.3lf chance, at , with ;toy has boot done. • -. , tlkk or 111Mironerre dr Wimit,.lloo 11 1 1 di, nay la relation to the ordinance ft.r the asst.,- ~..,,, ~ ~,. , C ., ~,,,, L. ,, „:1„,,,,,,,„ the ir.„.l, went for watt, for building 1 011 1- 1, c 3 . ,40, `.T." '',...u ' ,_. .. ha wing 1;‘,..n re-furred back for Pi • .Ter runemi- I ••• .... No ;.,.,,,,. 5 . 0 „.,, 00 .,, or oLharwir, , otter ment, 3 our Colontillee wonl , l P•To• I •‘• M L ., * l •,••••• 1.1•1.11otico or paper opost any structure or amended ttell same I v re.II , OOT 11 • 1....... 1, r i ~,,,,, „ ilk , ~,, ~,0 , „,,,,. not uro , L , ny of tht I,IFII WI Mon, to 10.0. t 1,11• 1 11,0/Nl4i 11V, I. , r „.1,,i,, (1, ~,,, . . ~..,'. 1, ~ ‘l.' r.lk.rte‘‘ '''''''''''''''.. r ' . .. No person shall. without the consent: - or 01..,:enclati.m. , I •1..• Park. Upultrissl, , n or ofileer in e.target 1 1. 11 ,11 : ;I ,, f'n" , nud 'h - r`i...'" ''''''''''`• ' -; ty Inuan any musty:it Instrument within the ,r 1 "• , - , rt ' h,L''' 6","•' to , 11mC ' ' ' ,.• Tr , "tahls. nor she'd any •11erpon take into or uur ' 1 ,'",:',;''''''''' °I . t''' r a. "'• L . • `-'' "".'''''''' earry or tti,..1., in tho Pork aoy han,r. tar s • .:• ; or lttnspare.3. , o N 3 military or tarret rdoll•ftny. ,cialc rr 1 .u_s•••••• • oc; sslons shah 1, I.crall; tad to parmle .1,1, ••r ps,3•,ro. upda ria Park, any aulnory , . ••••I.:ons , trorycaranlg. I I .l. N • 11.4 i• 011111 ill -.liowed :won an Porrlen -1-1,...1`..•;;,,1t14m.1p 1i1 , 1,... bt- a stuto or prop , :. ou •. s•ria r out em--.3inn Ave-feet. In length, , •. r • . 1..,3 . p4,,,11 , • ,i.:0 , 1.11 :, Jena .1) . I , ~ :•1 .. C ,t`pt 4i,F, +96 Olt' 11-:o poson stai I tilt :IL , ~I. Ash Iv, or go. or aniuril Into az... of the tvuters of the 'Purl,. r. ,, r et-air!, any tt; ;hall.. or ochorblals '•. I ne l'r.rl: n• .• r.row ,'solace :my article or ;••• la; '.ii t•••• 1 •••I...terr without the consent of ".:., ....1..,'1..0::.ng r tlargt, of the Park. • 1 .• • 1..: v 3••• r , r.ea ms..else t hose employml In the P.", s hall •IE eh: . ina1,....0r UFO auy 1110 (SlllOl,- 1,1: .7,,:.1...0 worn it, proirois. • 1 No • c; , ••••••••; foo shall g . , •pmn the grass TI nr.illll ol 31,e c, , rk cy.o.p; e. here and y. Ton the vt.onl - Common - It pitstet,. ladle:a -:1i; that putsons are r.l Ilki , rtt, at that.time t.,., lime, logo t 0 1.11.• g••• 11,1 tel,Cl.l 1.(TS011- ri•work 11. N., persons sPon arc. discharge or 30 Olf. in Ow Pari,any 1•061111. crasher, 1 , 1/1,410. S'Lilii• L b:tlloll•lL or ,' rorks. of allY•allacle 1 whatever or fir arhut' of whatever 1 , .in.1 11,-No person 3h: ll c;pose any aft isle Cr th•ng for sale upon the .Pare. ur nay of the deo all.s surtonnding ' I lit' , RA.T.1.., :Vie 11101 ha w k1..1 nr peddli;i4 ho alloaro3l. • - • 111-NO 1,11,111 Slll‘ll 11,1 1,110 t hr. t':‘,l;. nor allow any animal a; ver y Po :mat large on any ;,t th.. 3 street s so.anding, the same. I:- -i , 21, F. ,00r1;e11 "...r Imtle," shall ho ex for Im.lier• nod gentlomea aceou;:a ••••11., - ,• M.o. IL;-.N.4 article of anyyllnd as halaOrter I.liCli for cams; nu pleitsepterehantlise. manure. soli ,ot -.er articiiii e,..teupt those omplayal an he. Park promulsl shall enter v. Ithm the en elosure.aosl plena re earl - legal 31.! only be ...riven on the muds designated thIVCS and at a rate not faster than - a walk. 10-That fur a violation of any of thopro isinna orthts.nrrlln.,:ttefeentrasktall he' a One of not less thall eye fIUCMOre than riftY dollars. together with the ran of Irakiaz ft,' :43,11?„'e 1101, LI thillp7 ill 1110 Falls; . Lilt, Cilli, 10 1,•1 Y•1110V01 ., •1 Cairn:Wilt . ~11COnvirtion before TLC May,. • , .01--It swat he the fluty of t , poked of ilic Park, and.all policemen of the ;dry. to 111:- ",t r.II ,rson4 Nlolat!ng :my of the pros:- ill, of 'thi, oplinancr. . 3 1 .- AO oral:mores or parts of ordinance, -•,li, ..1n: with the fort;ola.: are Ler , bY I'l ,f, tro.Mat^, MEE! BEIMMENEES o:ancv duo un ac: - . ,a11:11 ,ev 1114 ti I :g : /Ili 31erf .ICh ng Fecla 1o . 611 t th:. pray, ot 11:0 t.ct o I Lrouil tourvforc oecoLto.on.111:. ,c:.l d: CoactOa as Looll :IN Ole eltrl rocared :111 notds. 1. paper rc.lel:cd vc.or Colt:mitt vr• tllov:sh suarce. par; or:111,, to ft rt,§1,, ,, i1 10:1:: or 'revstevg of thy We , :vrt: Tivol .21,11:1 a.laavy. Le: :• .or to - collect latvre.t - the Sv:oicary ;tn. hcootofort• recoil IS I for voclor 1.5 11 a.l t 1 ntav lcmtiwr boo.Lne due t LI: y Alloguccy •tro::: , of Itolll,,Cat Ai. it I, luivalo al. .1 bill accorup. , tcl :lc: :::11 daaoi:o; 11. c pro_ alioat. oa pn y 5 al cot made to lheal Joiv 151. 1110. oarl on the paval'vat ttia•le Jwinary Ist ~ 1 a less, vranlnall..a L I'L .to ltee Lolll bogleave rcpart 11a cot occaToize Lt•ir claim to laylocr: In cola roport was aac:.:51.1• =I ME= Mr. Biddle. front the rinnuce Committee restntml the Controller's report of eliirodi tor., for the moot It of :Orltiof which t Lo. lowing Is it ::. Ettgine...auti. • •• 4. l'rlnti.le •• 5. "4..t , e.t.s ntvl tl. Wiatives 9. C.aatinger. 1.1. Wat , r .. .. LIMIEMI T• 1 i~.;~1. P ;: I,: ~.:. r: n;ra:. T, rt;port- r.: d , mzua fnrtn, .?aFraCIII the =I Mr .1. C. ?At:A.7,n, c r cctno itce en 4, rein s and ocenit ad the F.:towing. Cenocii tizmi.r.m.ion—Yonr tree on t n. 115 offer CL , : following reborn: In the Tinnier of A change el =tele thnt portion of JelTernon street h,t.iivtiett Heaver rent and v..... G.ll7lilted hath is, pet !thou for n chann., and al.io a 1,:311'11- - t ravel" to same ',fore then:. or the rioninlttee riait.. i t h rrrntihd and front a knowledge Of all t h e fact.: to the case report adversely to :akin; any change in 11 , :'trade. Your connnittee submit the folk , inn °Win anew!: • Fixing . name fur Alley In Fixing ward; grading . nnd paving MeCurdy alley fro., Ful ton street to Denver arena,: itso Cedarsct , tine bet w eenw Franklin and Wirshincton td els: 3:K.3 Riley from iThields alley t‘t . Mont, my Street: alto for eo net ruction of rev:, on Darragh street: - nisei for the openiiiir - of I,wilet I St re et front Beaver at t ar , , fir Pa:l,n,, I Met . ' acre, e conanitteef iirtlrN,01;;Ullt:111 in pursu of ptsiyer *nil petitlin, it• . chance of t - rate for ltleCurtly alley. n profile 'Of which ecompantevit this retairt • ' Thy report was roe,IVIA .‘l,l the 111111,1,1,11,, referred to were passed nutter a SUF a KII+IO II of the rid., except, that relative to e ewer on' Darragh Street, 'Whit II I,to lab , over. Anc ua lllunoce for irradini: l ave street was piureal 'finally.' ._,_ . An ordinance for the coniornetlon of ,wer on a portion of Ann rtreet wa, passed • 'ne of gradriat-ever:l:streets worePo, to . tithreveil. lip - the °Min:lnce for the centarietion of SeVCCr un Sherman :tweet , hue it WOO 1 , 412224 1122 n y. cm LTA. , Mr. [Letter. Chniriottp of the Committee on Survept. submitt.ql the I . rib:ft of the Commit tee as follow , GI:NTLEMEN: Your Committoe Sur, reill;dr - IIZII/110 11 iii 111 relation to the femtin , trance agtdurt Mangano the node of Taggart street. your lommince would stand, report with the rlt of statism; th. mind. of ri minntrant 5 at mid. that n change of grade ha, not been Pe . it • for, and certainty none contempined by 51:0 city authorities. In noation to the opening of tiolan , in from Hopi_ street to liner cane. your 1 . 0111- mitten visited the locality. anti are 14.134011 i1.10.50.1ei1e11111.711111 not only add t. pertrance, eiat prose a gyre," tO d tie hienee to the reiudents anti owns ^, of yro , and ran be done ver y cheep. To-) tl 55 fore. report nn pH:tin:to doming according to Intr. lit the matter of opening i 11.0.1 SI teLl 041 c mond,' ee clotted the locaidiy, nod to that a he practicable to 01 n tke . %book' he opened in order to fain.% an Quiet to previa , that 1s at present alio ;bed le. and ta far , of the fart that 11 e •note,l ,'.es tat - tr the 1 , ea- 'Oa line . of Hera urrct. An orate ant Lorizim lie os.d - an I ai v LOCUi of tir arm thy+ iit t The ri loirt 'ye Ace'•the pi a The plias] i, nie . I reel teas taken Mr. Lung that One r nl l r pit ed ntil ucid me...ing. Minded. ibn Mr. J. C. lint , n , in..pr. - ed. , ' a re , iltd inctructlii,; cieurrn in of the ,ort un nine, to t one tod,r , the acct lags si . Ailopte I. All Witt r. n riuointl for d roil Buoy e • Alli.gbent a, iinue 11: d estreet. Ait Mr' J. C. Patter-tie. a re:olin.on the CM Engineer to fnrnbSn 0. , 50-I,ltrzn property the cite ag h liens aa to be filed. Adopted. m e ,insei moved the vote of "iklect Council an the n. , tte r of 1 , 1 e 'i-'s'4hoZ,estitruit..."ctr.crfrotr ilettfreth..ilniri'l'il'itefe-' gi C. at it previous meeting. The Mr . lost to re,nnt (AO; MI. Megrne mined to conekr with Creamer Caudill. • Mr. Callery riot cello amend by nothorizing the ittauhineut robe :lilac to Lies, 0111110110 `mils. one In the east and it other :•t the see sed of the city. Coat. The question recurring en 1 , 111 motion to concur, w oo decided In the wide it c. Council then loci: no the bumiteel nctrt upon in CommanConaca at List tit-et.145.4.Y.h.ch nut reached its iiicket I'oo . 1. In the action of Common mei a lit tlie note The report of the Cienunitte, In rrhtcb t oMe W il:^7 .P .P „ 1 e7:121 i " l r r ' n e m "L g ; i ' tekcO 40 1 :which etas ioi.l noes at tat.t non ling teat taken al. Mr. lilddlc noted to concur .1 ilk C. C. in art t, t Ito v....obit ion. After i iii.dnucti. the motion nne derided inl he nog:die , . rue nrilkoitici , tr •am the .11.-e or "Coll Rester " pasted at a previn id:Ming In C o en tiptaken op and Ihe ti.tlon of I i'‘ioneil con. amid in. Tile lit pelt of the Wharf Commitit oe, ni roan p toying which Collltila Nrot the city anti Mr. bhullenberger , leash , to hint 'two biotin. feet the whiter 'JOSE. the nand Street Bridge fur a taut of t )e.11 . 5. 1. bleb seas apt t 4,0 In Dimmutt CO111:1. 0 p 11 1 re rt.•as mc•eding, 1.1, taken up. . Mr. 31. gra , rm. ed 10 mend lot the Sane of lull in to Joy tiro Adopted. Co moon Coluteii conearrea In. )I r. 3legran tome I a resnioliler Lid Of the notion o fSleet Council on the ordinance ,ern. rating the tirllt of tea , or-Trot - cal street , to the Pleasant. Valley Pane:lgor Hannay. Adopt Mr. Medan tin, mos ed the mho t !n of the mill:law as reported he the commit! ei.. Mr.J. C. I'oll nem moved to :mend to re sorting the right to grunt to any other road the right. to tint rrs's the trod. ,if v,1,1 com tinn nn r lit rent nnd the payment nequitable propnrtion of the coat of cnn ,truptiou of sold nevi. After some qlseu,slun the amendment ova Adopted. e r, c ,, u , r , r n ei , t i e ? ! n. u and ti o[ tar oMh:aace n•pueal suvywusiou, of the An ordinances' relative to the clinging of d m ire v o uTig r" isideteniks, o'hich panned one rending t n previous meeting, non taken up nod lotiut I foully round' najoinbett I= This branch wag' cane.] to order nt eight o'clock, President Warner in the chair. Prezent: Mesa: , Ashworth, lirnhm, Cole Thdaell, Gilliland, Hanna. Hunker. Ilnatlos s McYdli,Rowbotunn, Slack, Seidl, Taggart, Thompaon. menhir, and Prealdent Warm, ClerkDilworTh read the Mlnut.A of the pc, ceding meeting, which wee. adOlded• Ilr.fa3..fit nUst.NME.. • Mir. 'I ivenpsou presented it resolution in structing the Committee on Streets to retort If W ieKerl upon opening of Fulton street between eer avenue and Ridge greet, Fifth warii....., • A d r?.4rd l ie. a. petit lon for grading and paving .of that portion of Ohio street which lion with- In the Eighth st•trl. Referred totreec cony mittio. Mr. itowhottom. petition Mr totter pipes on W aytt., anti Deady streets. Site h ward. Ile ferm.llo Watt etrfultt , t , ' Mr. Slark, itetfi , n, for NvIVI , TIi on Jackson street. finrders o low itond. mid on Tazgett , 1 3 street. lU:ferret to COMlllitteCMlStreet. Mr. Taggart. t• linen for gas lama on /min nvonue between season and .Acittey streets. 1 1 8 !Irso At t .llFA n i '3 r lt e l s e le n il o 9lo (t n a rl . f. diacretinrutry 1 powers of Etre .. Commissioners in regard to sinks, prier vaults ate. Referred to Commits tee on Ortlinstndos. Mr.' McNeill.` a remonstrance se- • 11TOpf,C•1 Cr ft , " lateral se Wert; V.bort llc ferr,tl to mreet CorarrtildMr. ! • 4e. Linea inc . ! preselll44 rent ~r 1: behni I of the L-tz-;1•7.! Muenmentni A.:oda:inn Iripat e the,reretAti:l4 - . iorinz.,l the ;inner sidne ! llirtetaveet `•lt 'wed; 'en l'h!..! • ' Mr. [lnstil., 143;1 , 1 :I et nrovided mU the tin's: t,: : :: n . would rint: lit 114 , 1 Lin' " Mr. Minn, he I'"dt" Hei'erred nor dote , 4; 1.1 . ;he rrordrit Ced , nc: tee. 121=1 • ' . . _.S'>lll 1.1 10l BO b 1 5. 41,i 1 21 ia. ~:a to - !vJ :A . . . . . . . . ri [Lc s!a . - rrar- C.:•, and rr.riai.te , l. I. aas !I• - $4711. -. .{ to 113 - :!:, !•,r ant 1,11. Nt {;(• 1,00 4n, ,e3iS I,r ...uldboa,sall•Tgrail...na , last them. Tao ..ppoaeal. of the elan, etPa t,hilv,lllint gentg 010‘114: Irc- z.n. tan! - first r.lute. tint scrysal" 41.,:1.1 :ht. a1....nal that :11111eiCtit teats V . ,.1,41 for all com e rs. 4:131t, tans finally alniard L .r.s.• The ordinance as aalen.ll - 1 ;•!So niter 3 ,t16111,31',11 cr tta by Soto 'aLatoi. Mr. Ilan :natant. rigt:a rye 1 - I , ediolitre ant ta, ta.nrinted a reaort ac - d:: a re,tai ion rtavai int: I tar the ereet tan or nt, laraig. egree - ar: n , . ai- , lop and Itayltr.4reett e , rare .4 Nttr - t n h nt vae i and Middle etreet; career.ei Thire and r.P.illat ,ereet 4: between Mb:, 10 00.1 Wei.% corner cl i seeemen avenue and tittle. bet ry itlieyt na t .,- i t . 4 , 00 t 4,0111er of Liberty 4,i C,,,tal, street, aging lanai eerner 01 Portal, street and Hirer a v.,nu, on Churoo 0, mite be: wean -Ma gian alley tintl Standee:ay M.V. , ...1: .1;i, re:1,,,1 .4 tu the:ne Irani non tlttint ,rliOr ci Pitt End t , •trit ,i -rniatr:t alleys to ..0.,1.00, eartter . - 4 tit, The Omani:, also report ad :Lay tic:nice,: haring a efAl'el,llru with t i.e. '6lO- Coma:say . M nemtunday tnerning. id relotlon to the an te:l-ion nI 1:10.11, ,,,,, 1 It CO3l C0 , C,3,1 1,021 r :0 , !0 ,- y art-doge-an:4 might t,:natle. Tae if,po:: ,Ii %C.,., t,d 10,1 r:SO:Cti011 adto acton runs enc;emrt-t-L. . . . _ Mr. :Ma:till fohtshntel. the re;sort of the • %,11ttlitt, Pool ] - ari with the ° - -"ort,- -. . That the Bon. 'of Poor Directors of Alirc.beny vitt nuthurixtd to th.ll thin y lots, contf.rn..ht tit•pretxnt Poor Fano tract -- At the taunt :r.:, nt CO 1:11' sAle, vie: one-fourth otsb, halanet In nye annual • atlnnin wit:, eta per Interest ne•t •1.,,1 by tond and Inert:fa:ft on the th ey ' Cu l l it litre t a k e it they , N,. - nn,tl it bad , . :sable to take :illy aetlon at a~•..n; on ;.roposit inn Cr John Scott-F.9.. 9 n faxn] for a nro, Farm. llnb]ort Th ..011443...14 • IS= Ihmnn presented the report et the Com. ;Ail tee on : , tarkets uttem.l.rlg the Jolley:Ng Co cCipt s during April. ;;; ;; ;,,,n Ih t ur;.. Clerk of ?tart:et , . !.teNulty. Wrie.homster Diu- • 1.: 3:01 tChltr S..;eerte. nrd . MEM To a 1 and glvd 1.1,t11,1.21VLL n oxEssNrss. (!.:ring the rem ling 14 the report a numb•or .I:i:ember , b. rt 140 rtho•7l. when t 'a e Pre•lident ,ked the clerk if a ,:mo um was pro f•tut, - the ay..er V.ing ...there le 1101 . 7 . Pre,..l.,;:ut, “erenelyJ Gentlemen. Common i' , .....1 tt:mds adieersed r,: , ,. cant of a quorum. ~,,ht :oh aihrhut Ih^ mmaining members, , t rot Presitient left the ,!.tir. remarking O.S Inc ' , '"ht , - the, is tt gust deal of important ~ ..,ine:, yes to at t , an tt, but tee Cant go on wi!i.otat a (mon:at. - • • At tho 11,,3ticr: on m be Clark the loyal em -I.t.r, rotalsed their tents while the veteran 1..-C•.-.mt-ate-kruls assumed an unwonted de-, os en ~f tint. .1 briskness and hastily peram int the building in search or the [Men -1 e,,,. ed In afew moment.. they began to, re gum. One Lad '• been In the Select 'Council el m, mather " smaller had been to "see a men." .I a 01611 "forget .kbelut the riles," While II luurth thought he“ Wouldn't Le missed,” and all thought tutt;ness las Lad often been the ametice! Might hove prdcended , without hem. The Yrenident aga h,.. in 34,1t11,1 the chair. and and V. itmist rt. rding the t•smrt-e., ttfitintlneetl. as A toittl'hhiNvq, nt , ltt,ht, .Ittiohlt,t Walttla Le re mtttlt,...." • , ; • . • • u , f .. .. ..... . . , OLD .11MINESS • . then taken u:. The petition from tte Lulles Belief Seit,P;, referred to rinance C...uotnit tee with power to art. April i. to C.. C.. mod in S. C. referred to Committee on Poor rano. Wen again I,,,ented, when C, C. reek-, .ini gnd f,ilDlit red. . The,ordllance compelling ownet , Pf PeoPer ty'containlnz no hffildingo to clean the altt , u , trallta In front of Fill, tyrlce a well: in P. C., Apra ILt it. adopted,, wax In C.C., iPtv 12th, sitnilnrly tilFpo,ed.f.. , - „. . The resolution In relation to the extension • of soli pipe of Ellsworth engine house to the river was in C. C.: Aptil Mb. adopted, in :i.e. referred to Conurritteu on City Prtniorty, was henught up. Nell, C. C. nd tiered to former ac tion and asked fora Committee of Conference. Adjourned. PENN AVENUE IMPROVEMENT Elcrilon 4# Cutrant.loner.—Fuur Electe4.—A . A.„orcealtly. to notice, „ the property holden intercoted regt,i•isterdny raternoon, betire,en . . the hours oftoro ind she hs, t coolest - flee com missioners for the Venn Avenue Improvoneat. tut required by the act of Assembly. . t Paul H. Gros. John 3. 01nrchand.1100 11.eury , ideneld. .. fi john P. Penney... OC. It: C. Beatty ..... •• • 43 W. I'. Shinn Eco , ITenry:Tonter..... Pa A. J. Darts • 70 it. Vanderrr•rt.. It will he thus seen that but four of the fire were chosen. a "tie" rote happening no be • tweet! Drs. Gross and Darla t watch we, ;de. sumo- it will take another election to deter. mine. The elected etittituissioners were Messrs. Paul Min+, John J. narcliaml,Jolitl Y. Penney reel W. P. e. 4 1 ,10. • The greatest interest ovn. manifested in thc l.tion, and the Brit who of the o arious Candi date,. were as ”1,1101: litioct,s" from the opening to the clOsinif, of the polls. This Inn proveuient is very Important itorte Of dent mei we nri , glad to sec runt ita execution, criornitt.sis Into the bands of the right tind of men. licooluttons of Itrobrct. meeting a the Cnitrd 11.0.etrit's:.fshve3e1:'Fi"tine':ftli ren:eqlt h Ur W111:11CA, It has pis.issed ithriglitt - God. In Memysterious brosicience. remove, by death . TY.fn or Mid its our beloved flood not brother,. Flown:el Jackson, whofor mat*" ware mosuite.ted the .Inost tore. and Chris:inn Cent in the welfare of our th , cfnU, be it nr. ,,,,, r,Thrst hi rnentreT ernb.s4lts entrlpmrts: (bat pis death society sus losf nn eminent Chrktion end brother. crcating s,ssid dlinsult tfa.fill. . 71 , tr , s , t. TbSt attmWer,rar beast:eft nat. Rearmtl.e family or decessod. in this their It.trottronwnt. Iter , lo , f, That tbs. , : roust:along to spread up.,n the vnlellte!. a t°l ?I' b.lont VI the trolly thnthet - . to rtotlslacii In the tall}' {moors. .A. P. 11 ViVKINS, Cotrimittve. J. Magee.. Imprtf,e.d Sewing 311tchlue. you 1.111 <cclde Ie to bruliewl of all otherp. STRAW .% M(.lllfiN. No.:11 Sixth street. CLittdren'e Carriage. relmll. at Jae. I..)ll:hrldg e5.171 . 5.3:1 ith3 old street.. . . r , . PITTSIWRGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY ,MORNING,, MAY 13, 1870. !I I: Tit YIN UT. 11.0311CIDE. I • Trat v— • • lit rr, tadCarrir Jones, the Ac- I for Tr:nl. 1•111 1 •2q.17.2a. , • Ann, Cr.t c r ratiick. :re F., T.211d a tan ; T3iackTra flit MayOefl 1:021t0 • Cr,.: NV, the Interest ti.Nt e.,,,...1.1eft to its cl rins:es and col ' JT' nf - -it ten I;ela , k the necused mc, , :n•ttrllt frona the init. where they have 'wen ronared Flare N7ctln4i.laY mbrninC• to the Matof s Inal were represented at the henrin, hy “11..n0n, Mnrbhall. Collier and NV - _ _ I= _. load The i h f,....l3,(ten . ureL a 4 en the'accuied liv th. , Nar..'.'... cieLL:. nlt. r. which the tollowidg, tee; ha. hy sac glielted:. • :11,. .Runr.tre...lfcca..V.7, sworn—Am sister tu-laW Of 41,eca , e1; Ii , LL a; ',Li Thitli as emu. C.JIIIIII , care Lut.. I', lar.r,ou. on Mulaley C,C141,1,..111111 I , llltllll . I' 11 hilt; he drank amt seeme.l tu a good Immort after :Mid , I L , a , • 'naea.. , .". - ahnil' I.:', 1... in: tlurre. am. NV: 'lll Cl.l 111111 '1C,;.10 110.11• 'rt . :1,43.1 1.1.1 go: 1 Le. ..t to tee 'kitchen viz. , . time :.I,envartl... awl' IWO men game througa la a Imr..y on go 110, - Ithe beet: stales; I .toored them :out Lehi sue lout to go 1.1.1 . -unglt t it.•re; one ni t 1111131 r.4.....1 to be th em-L.41. and they humid on; I loltowed them ' - 'n stain.; ;111 , 3 mad iNieholsom seemed to 1.111 Cl.ll 111.1,11,1111,1/111.1 Wag making SCOW toss: 1 ~. ., 1 11 1.11 , Slain 'again. and Carrie Jones tame nut of 1., room 1.11.1,11 II lc,. 1110111C111% and said. '.:ii,Liel...oa I. a, tut quarrelsome to-night; a Nall came into. my room, and NlllllOl6Oll A11i1C.,,1i..r LootedLum down stars; Yon had twit etLio am: ,Le. e. no 11 - 19.'• Lthe lit a piece ..1 u10,....111,1 tt ...' , • . en; nut and ,ate - the body !Ling I i h.:re, I I hoe.h.t it lean a Co-the of 11 1,111 !c!, 1111 1 1.•1.111.1a11 ‘N,IIIIIIII/111 Wltl. 0110 Of the Mr.tt , t',. cti:triv l',ntwlt it ht , iei4,hen. and ;M.. Iliall .1,11, 1 11,!01.. 111 , 1 , I 1,. Miter alto.. :ttt . t , ,i , tt CZ. , t , l 1,110 nattu..l Jack whom i thin.: ntiLr.,.tlol-.1 beta about t lt,re that night. se:et:l.—When I was Ittat:itqz itt, ~,it o'clock nurnl. I 10. 1.14 11 11.311 had hem hided, and ;Anne was a woman c 10`11:, 10 arrest: I meld 0,1,11.: 1 quirle", and 1001,1 and armsted Carrie .I..ne - . eke i old 111 C :inn the man bed 110 1,11,1111C , 14 1 to, and got , 1,11 Is, tlot , ervcd: Mr , . let.arrol told me t hat ... Nieltolmm did it., ;Jahn 6rll-- I ;ilia iginnt ootmer; cons eantin; doh tahlrdaveatte .4..t.day night ; saw t melt. cello told lion 0 a::o,loart drank nt the foot of thetan.lo;ttte , were Poll ing at him Whet] 1 virile tip; I tydnc Into the bar ratan and told them In t hear. nod the Watt 'MIS (tarried In: tho two :non harried away towanlti alarket ntreett woahl not 00 nlle le Identify them Again: oat, or t !tete tern tall and tale wai Malt( . ulßrrr .1 , .11:1 Lirs. 1. stv,)rn — Was on Third. avenue on an night tints ntlairt henld noise like t of to:tart hint: heavy nt I how,: 50001 ..tere.3 toDCC wa6 ! ttlatuti•tua et etedtl :corn of hone: think thlk ~ , trUtt 11:1,11 minates bolero toot le 'l e : e'l!r..tt eent'.eiii,ralled nil other vitro...se , the def,,n , e had plenty 01 ::at did not pr:,po.e p, I.: (elute it itt,V. 11, V. net ask di.. ?day , to . en.l , •f irtairse they I tool , ) Onto t 0.1.1 e•ret leo trial. ht•el'tuea toad,. ;et e,ttnlttoent , fur Itai• three Prtsotter, m.al Isey Intro 1)10! .ros. COURT:i I!..rtoP —The eu., of Barton vc. .. Cr, care a ,1:13,1:c.r , vs - . 't !-, ...ono .ivicadnola• a..ltioll i, a oa, stailiar to -. ...a s'.ove. was taknn , wrola . sa ...or t Irlial I. C., one Nry. On trial. • On tantit.a ,:f ilat I:I li,. t. Esq., Messrs. Caul ton U. Mn - u..:1 a , I J.sto I.- Mato, wore ,loll:tyot a practice la this :oar,. -. - • TraST LIST r9ll 9811,V. 7. Shoopstr..l as. Scholninalter. =. lid, l'aunvy.a a. Ca. vs. Dlllownt 111. I!. 1,1 - i,ll vs. 1;,, , ,, i . fi: rj.la, " [l C .J . Cri t '.!. ' l'..i . : ‘ ll3lLlSO:r. [V.. tllartup., is Co. vs. tlahlavoll. - Zs. talun for a ~-vs. Aloes M. I.„Lhareh. a , . ißraewooatltacksrastli. ve. • Lterskoutcr A: IMIMIIIIIIIE • Carantottrloeta—Jtol.7: Some. 1 - 11,,5t.t.,, - r. MD.:: r .•-.-Tlx tirs: care Inkon +IP v.• 1 ; ; Iv., t .T . .,...., 3 ll,:klstmth vi. J. N..0 . N.1 1 . •tr....,,,,.1. - .: - , ;lo •, ca,c aft ... .von? , - .1...Atm, - u - , - ,1:t3 - 1:-. ",:ito -P.-rtks rest , to ,: r: 1.. wrough. - ,.... - ,:n •I:,11, i‘ttliottf , i.: , .: 50...t...1 or charred I,eoi: LT; I , 1. , ., •C ni 111 f!omo• 1 • ANI, 1 11 . , Ie;:e e , .. 11. 1 , ..ei Lee t.e. :11:t iun to !e- . 111_11 1 4 - 1,111N(4 $ •, er fee,, , :e , in, 1.141,.... ,r... 21- . • -A! .1. ..... .... . I • . . r . tt .r.',:ta••••• , -; ,- .. ,- ;:.• ,., • 1 by exa ., Lltti: .1.3 ' • 1 . 0. r. : o. rt M:l1,1,. 3t.t. too four r,..1t.A. imtt ' ; '. :r. 'l' ; '-',' , ' •.: ' ,1 ' . ! .1 '. . •-•.: ; " "r.--"' d'Y' • ' I NII .C'' ( ' / 1-1() I) I) 1 ~.0tir.,, , ,i. • - ..n f Dlt :0, lt, 1. r.... , 1.. 0,0, 1.. 11i.• I i.. , ,toio ...vo rn voi; ,i. - l- ' •,;:t«,i ' Itl l o:t I ••, I L ::., 7... - -, ,:-i r ..„„; ,• ' 1 ). IIIIIIbL'ILIi,sTit i :.V.T ..,,,..,........,-,—„v : r t r r t DE.VIII IN THE WEIA.: o.' ':y A,Llent !prop.. anor 11,1 I in , o ,, t 3,ateidh.V tbo Nxt:ltiaq I'7li:l7lm. lr.. an.luey. came 10 th,lr an 2w:7l:lent a t firmilry borough , a rr;, - at NV'..•;,•l Wt. pub , rr,'.e.lita • I II !Ili iu tLe vault rt ar, pears Mr. Wilhelm. sr.. Sri, V. 4 1 ,1 tse time or the accident was cati,avnring t mak . , en opening between the nee vselt awl the old one. and when sueceedel tha foot ;:m..-00 and filth vas ; r ed in en rapid:' as to suffocate hint. Ilia • son, mho sras at 41(0 top Of the well, seeing him !all. cterted down to rescue him and had not one ter when he too fells victim to the dead ly poisonous rases arliltig from the tilth. and info tho :ores" of sheath will. hit father. Mr. Mu - "my mixt atter...Wed to descend to res nse the fati,r and son. and he top fell II vie- WI to Of., deadly •vripor which pet-laded the well. Other, attempted to make the descent bat took the precaution to sec Are themselves wills tierce try which they could. be drawnwp. and theretry ...dual death. The Jury. alter hearing the foll.nclng testi mony. returoed verdict in accordance with the facts: . Trimble_ sworn-Iw, , coming coming down street shouto'clock last evening , whew' saw Large.. rowel 'llollllllrt Lift tle erased iMooneNt said, lie would go down the well; he went deSsenTise sent about seven feet. when he seu overpOwered and fell to. the When WOW.. trim out he ,115 dealt. Or. Rohm..., about six o.clock. was called to-the place of the accident; they .had Just sucee;bied lit taking nut the body of Mr. Wilhelm.life wan oystinett I tried to rescusloite Idol, but all restorative% failed; death wan caused by the foul sir es gas. MEM MEI Back beer is an exlillaratlng beverage. It exhilarated the man who sells It by, attraettrig enatceners to his est:lCl:aliment. nod exhtlar ates tholic who imbibe It. though Ina different teacher. The various cenlitlons In which dif ferent. peorlc ore place.l by .'trlozk" would he an Interesting study fort philosopher. i;0111, who non not nhllncephEre 11rd It interesting. Yesterday Charles 'hen and Frank Brown met in n saloon on Ohio street. Allegheny. They hnd been taking ttl.lock" claasvbere. which awunental fesilen of Mendable be tween [helot aeetlicr glass and this feeling t~us changed to Irate. trod they were Indus ttibusly int:elan:n:l l .g <nett other with black eyes. nilov :tl.l sWol!,1 RMS. Ebert rt. ceived the. gamut:at orntuountation. and to s.utare unit; en.. coiled upon. A.ldermaa,Koenig. wno issued a warrant far the arrest of Brown. svillbe diseased of. according to the pro . yielons of the twain acct battery act. ;,1 Actort. frame!, ROtO For to,klmc The prra,ns mast won over to Sin or r haprovett.Setvin Machine, ire those who nye hero occur:V.:led to urn other machines. S , rnim MourOzt, • . No. street:. This Assicricati•lltidlrou is for sail: .ISub es'y rodcrul street—Allegheny. Tr • Ml= ---- • St oncroad' eat WWI., Syrup IF uted InAll meg last ne.d ni cnitnt nil,. cluto,u_snlca,fec. li lzhl vllnvoted. Twenty-nye ern e. TIT It. drogl,ls. inln'ltt Water Cooltr IngenlotlP tipsy Invent Jolt for the prior. dining room or library. LOOK In nt 3/.ll.lcy'n, No. CS Fedenll entre, Allegheny, and nu. haw ...meal It snit. •• • •Wht.n entuporttons hare linen mntle by slt Ill fat tne,hrtnlc. be.tweeit rivtd sewing trlnchlue• their yalrtner.t het been invnrinbly In rnror 01 Slugrr Imprnscl .tritchlne• • MoirroS. • ' • No. Z) Sixth Alma; •• . ts."etcje' rttccl.!, nun . largo and colonic:G . : Mon stem, flonpn cunttuneg to prcolde nt thin cut- • • The Apaeriron (IrLitrotils-for :alit nt 'tut. !cy'n, reclei al ut met:AIIC,r , ,IiCUS• • • .., lb< quleir.l.lltitteg running, ea,leNt man, heed hntl, troubtesome Sewins Machine in the I, rk eihghr'slmproved. - STRAW Anitrox. " No. 2h Sixth !street, • • ni the Arradr, No. ,ISO 811101101 streut,Plttsburg l3 . l 'n. . . No: 113 Itexitrni street. Al legheny. tl for this !MPG' dor lee Chest. se, conninr for yearn to both cities. Is receiving his stncit Int . the summer salcS. Tr. - • ft machine has donee me , itaTlng‘B•ellgeenrta'ltrain" at* . , Lr a n th w r Come and 5e0 . 1t. .Ko t. . New °clean.. N!vr Mr; fl)2. Clos ono ce lm pt o s Y l a . n a nltditug. 2hc. ^o Ciports to Bremen..rtt bnieg stock totes: 4.1.5 , e, ihs.7eu fi ner ArmeLle en i & G ': 4; ': 1 ; 1 n. a : r '7 " Fe l re. I m ureterss ' l o , ' ltre: . titan nt 31 octet nl 1 r d 1.50. orm' n7‘ :11 11:111 r n' ;114 I s di; and 4'o' l 6adsr-cio-c! Pria2o , . t ,„, tara ,,11 1 311 4(.1131. , ' Oct s v . 6.,:TA demand at In!iti 7:c for prime. Scut:lair r..eir.-16.?ic'• A Silrcr :%Tour.tata-15 It o Fact ore Fancy 1 A San Fr :ism connspcbdaut says A saver mouritain - ik said to exist in Yen - Mir:leo, fifteen miles i:I3M. the Ari zona boundary lire. A mys.t,riotts expe ditiets left the cit.: nye r,el.,s ego for that region,not' the 'tank of Cslifernin was rnirtored tale the projector 'of it.. Its 'members, were 4eppliedlrlth army, money ' nod comforts. that no private . tote] prise could allbrd,nnd it is au nacerained fact thnt the corporation named prevtor.av de i spatchcsi a force to that nei ,, llleplionil. to 1 lay claim to something or whirr; of 'which I ordinary mortals knew ~,, 1.. In runner ' tiro with this matter, hue Minoan iliTers mention the existence Of is mash of silver rock in ihat . Territory, ,eolllpris. ing four hundred. thousand squint yards ~ :they nice detaaa , , which ways from' ..r5 , 200 to ~ , 5,•1 2 ,1 1 7i0 per ton. It ii certain and front time to thee this story of a silver mbuntain is repeated by travelers from this Indian-haunted section, liter until the s Apnches are exterminated, prol , °` l " , , 1 said require .a entail army to protect thesis, and then stand n fair - ebrince of los. my their scalps. , , \ • W11.11r.1.31—0n Wellar•Any.. 10 r•clolk r. NI. NIATMAS in all: 31,: ,car o hia age. • • - - ms= In Ormsby borough. Tills (Friday) Ant:lts:dot:. itt (delnek. 'rho friend, of the family uru f Invited to attend. Ictr.nns—O Velnma.y.ft 6toes t. , t .:trUr.'. tV LUt:LA, J¢., lu t4r 13th T r LAMA:SI—On Wvlnc4.l,e min,, 31P, 1 1 th. 1 o'cl BLL nrn ck. ANN A E . the .17 ~lan47tt¢r ter Jahn and Ann Jana • 14 Oulu, aged '2 >¢ttr • month., f.AI'IIA M rn Thum' mornlnF. Mof 1 2th. at 8 L'clock.JOUgglf Kink: • ton of John nod Annadane Laphan. aged 4 fun... 14 rho funeral of both children srtll take place TUIr .trituxonN. May 113th. nt 3 fdelork. from the tdr deuce of the parentr. No. 85 Ackley Weft , . Ale . deny. Thu fflends'ef the (!daily rag fe,negtrollY ladled to attend. 1.1311.1.1P5-4)n Thur.daymnrninv, 3iny 12th. nt her renltlenee In Pin, den town.b.j., weir 11t. , V. Ilmbent , coonty, N ANC V A. .04., 1/0.t.11 Int!, !,11,11 year ber ntn , Fulnqul Iron% her into ret.itleneq on SATCnIsAr. nt 11 A. N. Vrton.ls of the respeCtfullY intitell vtorni. !11'R\. \t half mot one o'clreM Friday morn- Ina. May 13lb, ELIZA H BUBETRNS. fa tha.124,11 ..or of her am. Tao Bumml wlll take Ma. , 5r ,,,, T 01 two o'eloek. from the resl.lenro of her ISO Übe ty atreet.• e. ft ar.l:o`. aged 2Uirm7. unarelll lake phi, from the residence of O. 3e: Smithfield r.treet. role IFlir j The (deeds of the f are retpcelludir invited lei Mitre . . NEW ADVERTISEMENTS KA.SIRINE. Ur , WA 111 , TM= GIIAY 'Lula 'Kidder ZN. Wetherars Me, en Genuine Freitrlt e Clonvr. L,II.IIOSENII.k(II'S Patent Mei Heine Kai Pernie, i Deinit I so smnorlsl,D '.\ - .1.., \V . )1i 1 ,11'.1 - FAII IN cf 1 nt, fr,r. i I , r ..t..,er0• 11,11 t. !w.:A and rINE,r • 1.1 4. - ' . 1.5‘ ;.%ti 1= lit, Insr,whtcw4 iwiw Ott, Mukr1....1. wll.l iliwwr ter— to st,rty her. euttamers ov.l tho pohtle with ,itcwt .::ef at the 131. eft ‘4 - 114. promptly: I= EEC IN!t IndoMain Ink In Urn tnnrkel; rents per battle. r:yer,Odo vrorrannol or no nolo. FOr Co,ar.lng tati I'.•r lE= T.fillyiAl JOHN Al. (001)1. 1 .3t& CO. 'BO and Brass rounders, EM;INE, LOCOMOTIVE AM, ROLLIM; MILL Bil._,,N_ssi;:s Made Promptly to Order BA ITITTS METAL Made and Kept qn Hand _ Proprietors soil Nano loiterers of J. M. Cooper's boproved Balance Whee STEAM PtiTII-P. 011Ico--592 PE STREET. FountlrriCerner 17111 tont RAILROAD STREETS. PlOcaDoEb LiTillgston & Co,, 3t.ufactkiret of LIWIT GREY I1U) CASTINGS • I.laltt. work ourruerlalty. bunk 3 , 1.0 Butts. Shutter and Gate 11Ingea, !nab Pune Ta.. an. , 4.ther nobler, of Builder.' Hardware always on Bout. 00Ice and Works.near Outer Dotu , AOre.ny ritr. Posudice address. ...fk Boa 30J. title. Intratt. Pa. "a BS C. BARNES, Sealer or Weiehts and - Measures, • . OFFICE: NO. u INIPRTII ANT., Pittsburgh 11 .. E 5 A 7 1: , UM= 146 Gritnt 13= Orrice or Ctry Hoomleem.kom Si:num - mut ,rmseuroon. Stay lltb. 11470. \VOTICE TO CONTRACTORS-Senl- ' ED PROPOSALS for truifirntlinstond Woad- Llytroar 'mantle. root rtforinis Arcot to 1 11111 3. ,4t . trz . t i Alp,:r is li c rlia this °moo until FRI• Teo Committee rosary° the right to Toted Mir or - all niflo IL 3. 3100Itt. RoOlOror: • n.,:tiessinent fur Grin DEIC. ant PAVING of Pume elley. frOn Bennett to lin.rnett littera-is noir ready f, r egunil nation, end can be ienti of flits office until TIIERP DAV.,ltay 1810, ailaen It will be h the beilieof rttfrEUrtiroller foe mileatlon. Engineer. mull:-:. ' !T.l II:n/101M !HERR I NG, SHAD, ,te. .1../ —Now Palau/ea Ilartjaa: tu barrala and laalreta now du Shad to latarris end bola.: No. 1 , h.k.r .l t an elt 001 Paalatteat No.s du, all epee poekalsot NO. 3. do. tall shoe of pactagesi take Ilernog. bad 'apd boner I..amale; Late Whitt , nsb, lodf band,,: bradar 'During. Carrels and ladatte; Salaam Ir. all,. Itolland Ilertlng, 100 katia r'r t 0!'%7171!"1,A co. mils • • ri Undl74 Wtiltd atra4t. • • Oft CONTltol.mtes Orrice. t NOTICE I GIVEN TO Prrranvent,laa. 3ta ltith 1870. all holders of Ovenlna Manlellaal Honda of the tit, et rlttaborala. JO forwor4 Ibton to thla °Moe for Payment. ~No Intro. be allowed on suet Donna after July 114.11570 r ny order of the Plnanon Comanttor. • null • z • •-11.../.:Ala(lOWAN.CoulTeler._ TF. PARTNrit9llll' lIERETO. TORE eislattng 11COrcen JOYIN hIcRULTY end DEXTER MAMMON, dot= engines, under the ZZlo of McNulty I was Otis tislttis y mutual consent. The business wilt be 'continued by John McNulty. whn mount.% .11 be - Wines, and all debts due the firm are to be 'mid him. - JOIE: 31cSELTV, _ DEXTV:It 13/LhtSON. 1th.121960. PrITIDUILOII. VINE TEA.—Just recelied froth Inroteeof extra amide Oolong In . 0244101, for faintly um none neer to the market; for salei by the pound or caddy. at the Vainlly (Ire eery l, of JOAN A.•ItENSIIAW Cnmor Martyoirnd Ninthocroe. ppri RUBBI;ft DEMING, 11011 i AND STEAD PACKING Of the button. Beltinif ComPeaY'. mk. A fi tergni m y pl of Met ell ites. The trade impelled at ampule ' ro, • • _J. k U. PLULTAPS. Agents for this MU, retail. at tbe Tamil! -AM ^ V, TW T,IRMCITONiI uUIhQ•- • liming, dm thattif tbelgfittltVeyb " ;Lgg i Mattoon, pod received and for Rae be 0,0 twiny at Corner laberty and it loth id recta ":176.‘. FRANKSTOWN ROAD, Mnf 2 44 11970.—Taken up. ONE DANK , DI OW. ILE...bPut la Immix WO. Enpulre PP Limit: IOYD.ut Deputy Maror °trim. not Libor:3, POLITICAL IZEII=I rt*TIIE 31E3111E12S OF THE UNION rzor.curivt commi - r- TEE for ch;ny count. nottflod to - moet In the InFruicr COVICPROOM.nttin.Court SATCIZILIY, , Inc 11th. IS2o.t!t ot. .I.terMisiing And the time of t neoting County Conventionerltmn tr. pitted In ...minutia ticket for the. full aunndllnt•told tor ....limn to 1.01 other btosineto. :LI lathy brhrtmeht befdte the Ceminitted: .d Cull attendance he earnestly re. w. S. PURVI ASCE. Chatmi.in ---- CA 1 MATE S. lir you coU.'IY COMMISSIOER. itGEOP 1 ' NEELEY, if,0311::::7,11:1,1,e1,1:, ,11::,(..,:utl;Tctronti,:et,Intiewd.ctiled. 0 4 ,14i -110 k -----..— if i --- reit C 1:10Y CO)MISSIONER I. BENJAMIN DOUTIIETT, lit Itlidann townebli. Is a rainlidete for conmY Coioniiiieiner. In subordination to the decision in the Beriublhat o Convention. Est moil. In rebus. a 4. - KlaiT • FOR issLAnn. DAYILD L. FLF.MING mi.r l'lt7 Councils front 00 17.4.venth Ara • t.burgh.at the solicitation of nmurttals II Len ettittlithtte I*.u . the Anmyr.tkly, titildect to e tleeisital of the Ltnltal ItePtthile., Mr. FLEitisii, hail been for numlier ~r venni. arid lit hriimint.limitwirettit with the SPECIAL NOTICES. Tu.. , N Mr.! , TIANsc. I.lTrrinnto. P.,' • • .I.lll,lWltia..3llty 7, IS . i ITT Di V I DEN 11.— The • Director:: of I Bank have 1111, tlar deChtfed , t divl .o.l ..f SIN 1 . 1111 CE.NT. out of Om exrnln4•x of the In.l. ,Ix month, fro° of all tuie, payolniu 0 . , '" 4" th.' ""' 1 :174:IN H. I.IVM:STN , ...ashler. orncr. oF 1 1 ,00cmo II ssru.vicr • 1 1 rFnalicitnil. 314 ? 5. 1.57 0. AT A MEETING Ot TB T. BOARD of DIRECTORS of this min's, held Oda darn 111vIsleno1 was I Irrlared of FIX 'MILLAR?' ISO 001 per share paymble on demand. Inn nt l N, ...owl Twx. 0. C. 1101.17. nty FFerelars... • NAnosm , 11.15 K or Pinsm , toll, I•rrrsuvlum. May 40.1870. 4' rs — TIIE 1111 i ECTO RS OF Tilts Rink of tI h. shoneth: puTubl. Shy:o3 , l , ler , Or their legal Tehrep.euuttives en told tarter 160 1211! th::vrgAl; all tales. JOS. LAO 11!E...1 . 1 . Goble r. 1:11,11/0:0: SATIO , At. DANN. Pri1 , 111711.1. htety 3d.R.7,C!. n~U ho In F ay' Tilt BOARD Ok 1111.1k101h, outh, (s ve..l tales. raystuu *nand artrr the 10th my{ vrn A. IANG. Cn.hler. a:r I/lA . II)EN'). Tlet ftlt - ertors tblo B,tth been tot, tloo I. after t r lri ' llas last., tree ef I.ov rb ~... at, 4.0:1 U. N. I:ll.SON.Aostptant • uAb'KOl ' tr P 3rl r i4Ti ".' rig ° Tlll. Pit ESIIA:NT A ND nini:c -.40 I'. tote (cottnl wl, 4 , 1 $.l Om rnOito rl tee not wouttr, roily 'it to P. :I cut. bttt tilt43•ot.tltur.t••• Cr•oillE r,_ , ', Cr NAT aft.lllotl.'“ r 'Z. 1570.: .1 r~ y plll F. I)IItECTOIV.i or Tuis BANK uarn nil, ,I,vlar,cl It Di fidond Cr.NT. 1.11. e .1 thc t•rcnte cf. the la, -It tn.ni.eha:pety . . l IC. 10,0 ..1 toy. !..lar , or their !era] re;.r.setitialTos nn and at t, I.lm 12th Itt.t. J. 1..030F11.N, alaslner._ 1N41,4% r 4 7,1 TV.) ‘.‘ r ITMK. ap As.r 3, .110 3 ily• DI V [PEND. this 1 - cisiisiiT lisvo %his ilisisivit a liividruil iif hip Dollars co," cnel. ot ay.1,1 Stock. out otf the •nt* Ott. WI to“nthc. f rec u r G.,. vrtnuent .11111 roy.o,t, to t , t..../tholtlers .21 und tAter the I 0 '.1.2 hnt- WM. P. HERBERT. Serretnry. O T-6-AstuNwrox AVENUE. ELECTI(..)S NOTICE.. • • electlon to , held at the talent of Iltonno aldertun. on tatt Waalklnaion rttenne. In F . entt tow wok+ p. tak A V. the tint{ day of June. 1870. net aern like iv of 12 31, and 7 r. rlott seer:: PERSON. 4 to tone non 112,2rt1 - of 02,12 2n1 , 22122.222, nf .12,1 c[121.2 uottltho thll - 211 - I . l= 21 to ~ 2 •21 , 1 , 7 r: • tor n. , . n.y7 .I , kll\ 1.1LF11.1.Y.N.1 . T. ,112 1.2 111 2 0 g . 1210U5TV.2 • -$lOO Bounty . Colleced For all arittlerattho enlFted between illy ith Juiy 221. 1861, who 'rum Math:aged for 11Isal11 117 here aerring two yearhanki who bare Iterat fore reonred no bounty. • The rinderrignert has mitered hie niflee to arm: Sellable, homer Sl.Ohlrenue and Smithfield Beet, and la one Prepared t 9 reelect Claims speed ly and at moderate rate.. Call fm.oradilresa.alth B.F. BIIOWN. Claim Agent, Giarrag. Corner Sixth avenue and Smithfield etreet. • Pitt.burgh, l•n. arPUBLIC NOTlCE.—llaving been appointed OAS and GAS ItrITER IXSPEr• TOR for Allegheny county, notice la hereby given that until the necessary orrice and aliThaniral Ten, InE Alachlncry can be proclecCUl .111 be !moll at tbe OFFICE OF TIIE. NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORK?, T.cnty-lbirvl :Rem. EMEME = MEM COAL AND COKE PEARL COAL. Selinabel F.;, Walker, 31INF.IIN. SHIPPERS AND WHOLESALE AND DETAIL Dr.ALEus IN COAL, NUT COAL k SLACK IPnEA L R COlrnd. OAL WOR:K, nom littabunth,an Pan nat e °Mee and Yard: Corner Sandusky St 'and West Penn IL It 9 CLTY. PA MO Oscar F.Lamm &Co. I.I.:4III , ACTI:TtEr6 OP CONN ELLSVILLE COKE, DEAI,ERS IN Yong:dog - bony and Anthracite Con 1•ITTSI1U11011. PA., OFFICE...ROOM No, s.linzelli Building. ..prttg.deeerespeatfully Whetted. 5p12714 QOATI YOUGIIIOOItENI . GAS.:,COAI 4 CO . This company are now prepared to furnish lb best Cool of any site or goantit F. AT FAIR PATES me wsA. d . ygrd Adjoining the connellaville Itali xmd pliVot, font of Trl Street, Pittsburgh. • . : Order e addreeeed to either :Siitlelt. West Newt° Pe., Or to Tod, .111 be promptly ettendell to, NI. P. 0.1.11-.llN,Seerefttel• Charles H. Armstrong DEA Youghiogheny and fimellsville Coal L , Aun Nt.manincer of • CIiAL, SLACK AXD DYISULDIIIIIIIIMITI COKE. • OFFICE AND YAIID. womer Butler 00 Morton ;greets, Linear am) ' , Dente, Ninth ward; • Pecond street. l)l?h want . wog at foot 'or " ir'trTlr{; t: 1. tPgdoofgideraelt; C. oVfmtigenl ; nd dresed to the thruglantt•burghP.O..wh , receive prompt attention. Wier to whom I agt roPPITInit ihmaer, ,t CO., Wm. Smith, Limpy' Iron I Is. IL B.ltlwler (. 11 4g411x1cm1i4.A1'441,1z,!):6:;711 . 4nr. hteennlyerCo., Itmoo, tWnfr Doll. tYm. ranee v„.„ y, D. Lyop cp Jam. 11gmhall Do., Al len. 'McKee A I Mon Depot 110101, C llse it. IL, l' nn It. It., Allegheny Volley IL COAL! COAL !! COAL DICKSON, STEW ART & CO romoved tbelr'Othoo to - : Na. 567 Liberty Street (Lately . City. Liner Mllll SECOND Fl4lOll. Are neer preparett farnlell al C OUGIIIO IiIIENY LIMP NUT COAL, OW SLACK, et th e lonest market mine. All orders le i t at their °Mee, oraddressed to the through the tnallorllLteiatlsmled to pp/raptly. CIREA"TEri COTTIG V T t'Sl% t 1 th „,4„,, icllrd Sums. T. IL NII.I. I"'On'or ;rat r.k. Grant street. WHOLESALE GROCERS, &c. Dilworth, Harper & 243 LIBEIITY STREET, own, ru in %I> OF v6..0n Wholesale Grocers, 1 'ITTST3I7 ESTABLINHEU 111 1 &. T. MI MI, 1•12 . .W. M. Gop.m.:Ly, Wholesale . Grocer,. 271 LIBERTY sTiIEET, ..- 7FAtgl, 'lll - .1116Fi l'A. M. ON, NerehAnts, • • • ' And IR.lvra. 1'1.11'I!. 61:A . 1N, KEE:Max.. Se. .No. 05 WOO .4•TiLEET..nr.4y I.lPt 00limo": Alto • - • •• Aleapicr & I.l.ittlt. (HUTS Nton Co''! arkii -IN Level 'ant No. $..9 LIBERTY WI ArillStrOng, lEurcen..” - op eltrrS ArtritAroug.l COMIIISMON MERCHANT. opl4-.ti' MARKET 13.1.,AN-(_'L-I,\A-z 1-) Wholesale and Wail Grocer, No 3913 I'EN7IN. T. STREET. - - T ans. BA 1111) PATTON. Whole SAL): Gll.l)CElLS.Conunnodon 31erchnnin and Poole:, In Prnducv. Timm' Inron. Carbon nun Lunt 1111. Irno. itit.4. Lott. Torn, tont nll I'llntburgh 3lnsurnonr , nrnnnOly. 111.2 and 11.1 nEci t\ll sin LET. Pittommi, +lli Pro , . • ...... ....... I.Acr. i I r,..0.• • , `L, • 31; Al: C. I. j I.ItCpUCL: 1)ti.t1.1:1:S, i " • I JOHN 1. ,TOWN i. HOUSE& It 11 S I : ( -. ! oc.w•rs mul Water Msgro,n, Tial-IRCHANT TAILORS. Plc EDLE Fat4l - lionalDlc K to,tnfir.,.. hr vrt and V F.411,,-+• 1 - 'Co.: 93 1-2 Sr ithlieltl •jt . PITTe111.111(111.1`.1 11,cle . to order le the laterc -.1._;-;.:N.10 • G RAY 6.7. LOG .1N HAVE 11.1 - .IIOV FFTNI • St: , • F IFTI IVI:{NUE. LTO No. 47 Sia:th Street. SPRING AND SUMNER STYLES 1 S7O. • 4. C. M'Pllrn-F..ON. NC111.AN101.1:40. VIIIERAN Merchant Tailors. N. 10 SIXTH STREET. stale :sst. Wss ...are rers.lve.lar largo and well re le,letl Stork of 011.-1 , 1 , .4. and fassltissisabli. tuna In our line. a simat partial of -stisle:s are cur own Importation. it:rens:a' confides:Lot eural.llllr Co perfect pati3fnctlon. rempectlr 55•.11.-St nn early I,[AllliOttli,lls or '0111,...Cil 11 Fine not nm, 311111.. \ 41111ING. Nqo. 11C-EW .C:OODS. /.1 . A •ptellaldtm , stock of Cloths, OaSSina6reS, itt.t recOrml by HENRY METER. ,03 Merchitnt Tath a.'7 3 ,imithtleld vbrett WALL P NEII/ %VALI, PAPER. FOR SP R SALES, at. No, 10 Market St • NEAR IFTI - I AVE. We. tour offer to tl public u sqult of PAPER. tut:oirpa sed IN l est for yttperY le V' I t '.'43l'4llll;!ValSl.t eiO I‘ittrtril'iej.4.l'; to 01111,1 tend brlfla oroluru. for HMIs. lII.ANICS for (lumbers. Or. All of which we pro. toP . Vl e. na low 13 the lowest in the m a rke t. El= No. M.. mar Fifth tvenue JO& Jl. HUGHES & BRO. WALL PAPERS, SPRING 1870. PRICES -REDUCED. 40 I NCIIF:F+ wide tints at _l3c rer redi. &dent variety at Atic rer eoll• ii 7,1.! \ in et 4 .13. Mr roll. ELLOA I NT. ' French and American Vapor Mpg. loco. not welded above. mbertor ...Y.... - . went in the country. For onto at IV: T. MARSIDIVS Now 'Mimics:de and Itcuill - Store. 101 1.4M0Y street, Pittabtirhh. rahr =I LIVERY & SALE STABLES. R 0 1 1 44 IL Patterson &Co., Seventh Avenue and liberty- Stre WILL ON lITEUS NAT. I:DAV HOLD AN A.UCTIcI SATJ oTses, Carriages; Buggies, Wagons • And everything appertaining to the tier. e. Parties desiring to rell will pleiire terse their Ueh ~..t consignment tin or before TlioradaY 'III; to or e tor navertlileg. Premitt attention d via& ritre will be give, all Stock lett fora:der JOHN H. STEWART, AUCTIONR Jul": FT131...2 OMIT. 11. PATITIISON ROBERT 11. PATTERSON & CO Liver COMMISSION STABLES for. Seventh Anne and Liberty St. IMMO LEAD, DRUGS' 8/..c. PITTSBURGH While Lead and Calor Works, _ J. Schoonmakeri Sz. Son, PIIQPRItTq RS, litreiltur zo&n, man: wiriiPt,Di AND 911.. OFFICE AND VACT,Op". 450, 45i, fifid.4lB ;Rebecca . Stud, IV° cell atteotlia to the tillll.rinec rt;r::4.lll.2pcj;r. '1411‘.111411 andl un that .01m, 000- fore Is whiter .41 stPcrl"r• bathr fn CITIUSISTViED IP DO. Lead Lbs!Vgli rho ))`llOO o! Ohio I`artaß ITENDERSON. J. k BROTHERS, JL 260 I.lLe rt.' strict. Dodos lo Dtvcs i Paint and rsisat ERIE MM PetTole,trai alj:i. it..l Pnilticts. lI.DING. ~ Pitlll•tirgh OAP , ilvr of IM,olosti: NV: 0 - I In,. 1 , 11Intio,'.101:Il ll f..t 131 A. 1 ., CT ,T.#12.17.1'. A _L Ii ( E . - , I N (.7.1 Inn.Or mid Broken In Fel re:cLro. its Products /3!..-.:CF:.1,1:%117,E;,5E WAY I=l \N" A R IN Cr, K LNG CO 109 'WALNUT STP.r.ET. hci.Aps.E PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Two&Ile, mANrrAutuni - nt ut Lubricating and lil i Ti( Burning Oils ECLII . SE IIAII.IIOaI..IILE 111. ' nntingrokd heat without, rhange, remain, Ike .', 4 to. hay., tenatatnr.a. 1 , 14,1a1 oil tor tropl - ' • WlllOO scam,. SAW MIL!. AND PLANING 'lntl, 011.14. art:•ntka 'for 1:47.11,10raa. Vao IIK.11)-1.1GLIT In k TANNER , srt:F- VV.:CA(IIX. FINU 1111.1 FINISHG IN t:ASOLIN.I:, I!: A t,7:,Vg l i; .}ll ight Iron Wo:k and Nl:o.lanory tr.au curt. Theo. producte, ntann:ucturrol 004er Dr. rushes Went z.ulaohe.o.,6lSl.llllln Vaeraia. 'rise lathrleatlo..7 0115 or.. nest odorless. rak holly pore, unilorta. awl kao.aly colorra. aland t..mtaratore on. I.auk.oL nod rekakln lingdd dun. extr. , :ko 'rho artnno quallja.luna coloanat kkon raanYf tlo . Sharpkbork Bridge. " - LEGAL. Orphaus'Court Sale. s,tatoof josrrif Eit.lnte id the town .lilp of Burrell. County of Indiumt. Stain of Penn- X 87. • • s wutau: virtne of tai ordet of the Ortihnnie Court hr Indeitut county. tlinre rill lie nn nubile rule Ott the tirernHer. On the I'lltßT ITESD.II - , 7th DAY OF .11:_s..;E, 1.570 .1 0111\.; BI.I.T.TCE k ITII.I\IAIiER, A ,Itain.:l.r.tvra •,Leal tl,cc.ca WM. R. 1 , 11..1..1:, Clrrk. TIISTItiCr .0:1Z T IV FTT: 'ITT) , TATI7. , 7,1! TID: :STERN TWCT OF . =ME In the te.uter of 119199 - 1 T 11(919PINS and ...I.II.YA.NDIIIt M. 1101111 EN, bankrupts. Wwdern Iltstriet 1,1 A wanwnt in bankruptcy bus beep issued hl.Olll aunintt the es:ate I Itobert W.llodvemlunt alesnder 51. Hodgen, of the. County of Beaver. and Stele f Pnon,ylvania. In raid histrint. wit. barn been defy eltheleed luntkruPtsPut l9l / 11 of their creditors. end the payment of nnrdebts pd the delivery of env property helunging to said bankrupt, to thI:1 or I.e . their one, mei the trnns for of nny property hf them ore b•rbidden by bow A meeting of the ennll l ,4 a nald bunt:runts. to prove their debt , end brine onn.nr more a no,,ns of an-ir entet, will be nt Court of am llenkrul:ten b lo bu . bO. In : I ‘ eo et.„l,:d 110 t. 9 ti 3 It , lll2nw e n e ,t"the 0111, 1 .3 of Sanun , I:nen.7 11 , n.. one the n"bt'"'" As Messenzer. MEE AUCTION. Chart' ers Cemetery, PUBLIC SALES HL:.ftLI\IJ r_oTs On the fp,:nk A. 3t iLTP.% . Ap S oto. ISffi I 4 4.17 7133. 1:470. SAI , II- 11.4 10 0 eeeeellie n.ei ii -Id Mt: Inane, rt 11"1 tin nt S. 4 tle L. at ieSem t., snit ear surms I. nod the prtees now current in the MI r...tuetertm. erne: hare nut yet peratared tnnetir 11.... t ere particularly directed.. these Au1m...4 Haredt..! 1.• e.nue et Minn sted inakeseleetien of n 1.4 ••ttlie 11.'e priet, are ~., St , . Vir.l44. tens the eltlea and boroughs thin reach the I,:net,.; bp, taking the Accommodation Trutt, leaven: tho tinteit Del.( at 11,23 A. Ala having 111,11119ghilll Stntlon nt 1133 A. tth leant. Ton- Oemnv Slat as nt. 11 , 10 A. Ath and get el the [lemur Cemetery Station. TrninA return in the at at '2 :341.‘15:30 `stn F ERS EA ItL ST R, T. KENNEDY & BRO o ld f aAuLa = cntrers of the LOVA - lag celebrated brand Flan Green Brand unranalett thtso7 ...Iblar Blue 110001 A to. I . l'Ams I=ll Flour t7ensTo7. n entire 03111f0011 titmll7 ruur.:UPrr: All'bratels warranted as rertateurk".. • Aptil .26. I S7O- • "t'd• T. - D. - lEWANS kr ( . .. - r - T - Frri74" time preptas, . _ f ! • . PLANI And Others, TAKE NOTICE! The nndorelened boo letters patent of the lint.: ted tiMtee for the ImprOted ramtructlon enothersboarding.inaide toting nen of nideacuting for houses. Thu weather -boarding. by thm paimat Improvement, being more partlenlarly ll:ten:aid for vertical ore. and combines great durablllty rail beauty of appearance:and it. 15 bn constructed ea to entrely njohl tits uso of Joint mire cod t o , I t ' he a-rather oon tar timber. Inside 110 Mg end -ihinsootirg - toy unit nen method -ere an construct...l m form perfeet an cheaply Is by thy ordlnary lloorlng boards ol one: thereby preventing the shout ng of the joint , from any come aud lent lug no refuges for bug, Ile has aim 1111,014 :on 41:c imlent right of whni Is commonly .Ig., a no - Moulded Weather boarding." . Ile ben illpcscd el the fall:mire tem:l:mini MIA they :whin t on All 1111ty, tftth to irlt: To it. A. MetuttnlT. the right of the terrhorl south of the titer in snide:mot - Y. To MeQuegran Donglms. the Milit fnithe Fite , tsartl: Pittsburgh. o 1101. Puttersr:n r,glste for their 011C0(1.1M'4',t'f.;r1111.: nor:mg:l of 31e1Cecei =i I`II7SEIiIiGIT. Pnevr T`nal, far Find,x , ca , Third wrist Fourth ward.. city .1 To Iletal la io wvd, rill 01 for of To Dunham. laant shskr Wharjaiburg and Eli. o 1' a Dad+, ‘a dad holism,. • • All porsuum ve warded. addl.'', infriddrair dAd r d :',o2 "h. ;t " . 41r 1 2 4 w ir.:l> „1 . ' ro d .T.47.=. Z. 14sVnad. Pilaabordhi nib NOTlC't.—Tbe Books ,fsr• .the SCRIPTIOS of g lock of the • "ir (Crystal -Sprite , :lee 'Aranufactnring • and Storage Company, Are now opened at the 3fecbemies* Sayings Batik, No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET • glib 00111iving la e heeteepd by the Lmltletarc of Pennsylvania. and has the exelutive light of Manutactutlng lee In the County or Allegheny by Cower celebrated French Patent. 111WE:3i0111.1. Petwldent. • ARGE SHIP3IENTS OF ALL kinds of fresh fish are received Stand. Allegheny' t11) 2. eil t e h ra I 0h ".7 areas. Our long °aperient . ° In the beanie. eii ° - sales ea to always bate on bandit ant clas attic! and can tell Vance VIAL Salmon. 11,0411 El °. 8.11 and White l'ore'L MI at vary ton 'prl 'ck Give tun cell. we vim intare ahem:tele • Whole min on retell. All enters , tined vromPtlY: Salo and rrrrentatan. 1 --- Orrirc Oi , CM . ' I:Nranratu AND SVDVEVOM I'm Antfunt. ?day Ulla, 1560. i "VOTICL—The Assessments for the 1 Grading end l'hytufrof Inee‘wn l ',MO' ready ....nly.third to Forty-fourth frrett. ate nOar-rnrmY jar eironirman.o, bud ran re welaut, thh.orftre un til .ItON DA Y. ILA Y 16111.1810. when It will ha returned to the City Trenaurer's (10tH for mute liar. - • 11..7. 31001111. mac City Engtneer. JULLF4IIZNY. MEE 3 - ' AM twERA noi r I ers, rI:I:,AV 13.1S711,1iENI:11 attd fit.vr:l4. EDI% .trl Of, or nOo +lll core L4.nvor.oorloa Orr .:..R.rt Irf too .Ir_orrio4 II:o.11:1104‘fut cwiway o . Exele, vuLmlrd rtatt the eharraing (kir, ..f 3111.1.V.T1161.,111WITilTIlinill,KING VAIL, 4;‘1 , 1.1n Adausa.Nlatiliecvn S.-tmrdal. • - - 0-°OIIAND EM1:11E110N BY TUE rum.; OF , MRS. D ~ SLACK AITS, A FA. Y. TT E IT :4. T,L, On Friday Evening, r Co:3101°dr( PA rit rtn_ssItIoORDA!VINA. :n zdr , : • nrr and ;4 ‘l n Vrtl r f, Te A The oateAVly for thr G stern Ilanr•hl ...In ..F.. Adml dnarter tO S tare7.ll,:r. r 1 . . • to no hod nt. the ' ANNI 7 A f: FEtATIVA.I..—T;,.• 1 till:.lhnant Festival take rilso thi(Fnivk 3tr3lorrr.l2 tr. •A Innton :Avenue. on TiII:USDA Y. 1:1 .141 C . cornrstenting tstlo tient& A. It: • At the . ..Ile thus. and {4,0, the n 111 1.:0 ORANII ItISPL.I V OF AtatICULTFISAI. TI.E3II•IN'TS.und ttls.nn Pt:MAC:SALE ht CANE: :TOO,' of all kinds.. Fait: to cot:mew - out 3 ib'clock Wm. 310 N rg. Secret. r:.. g3= usTEEK 0I TIIE I tic Op en Every Ev e • tor, t. t .1 uvlter 111.•;,::).tnee I.llft your • tit,ro -1,..rt, to Le r,clLr.L.l Ly Load and en the Tempt att. M..). 3 mil - lull,: trE FLOUR E=i99 PA;otigiviewq ; L • . . WWLL N.l. 2 - and 3 Mackorelra ataddl 2 s2: Labrador 11ackercl; Hound ' • C"d 1 " ; ' {7177. LANO tef. , N0:172 and 1.7_12.114.1T21,_-__ pitEtsT, V.Ttbuer,:" CENENT.—Ion ',milsVille Hy ) ttnallc Canctit, the kat It i ‘ ar. s yptilte Itl 1 14 . 1!til ' at oven:Nß. BUTTER. • 15 troxo , Fre,h not! norm 10 NM brinvbs: For Hale• j1141171glaW; ArdusnmErrr MEM I=l Capt././613. , u,krriiEwE , , MS= .41erey'li4; , 1);itd FAIR, CITY H.A.Te L. All 1I IOY mz: [l:4- FAIR A.T. • ROPINTiON ma,b.lll,Ny. QpePt . Every' • .. I • .: = ST. PIT,'TER'S New Catholic Church eatetacig • . . • - ri - Tlit: FIItST Stlll-AiNSUALE 3 : ''-' -11113111ns of the I'ITIIIIIU Ited I.A HT tIALLFILI". containing a tints coilection of Paint n as, the. I'd:Auction of Ainertten and Forolgn Ar tie' s. le now open Day and Evening, a n d '2l LID leltTir STllNET,opponito the head of Wood etre, Admiesion• 23 rnata. a 11C:1 nvsUR4 C EiVT_PI'PE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO . . - Of New York. 3.a0 into.A.rxsv..l..-1-. N. Y. PIIINCIPAI.FEATUIiES: , , .. rirdleary whole I.IVe • Pelleles 'A 13SOLL1 11.1 NON.FORFEITABLIifrieu payment of lint annual Premium. .I/eclat insurance NON-FORFEITAIII,Iii rifler 171 e .ft ' Pr=t:Ztutc l i l rit .11,1 : 1 ' 1,1"IMT)k:, gPolti.t%orrritt'ir 7.4r.:VtiTuliirrlTTTlT)Nt''ll Pr:: : n' l ' ilP7`rl 7 l 3 gt l :.,S 7 l rl" i l l ' i ' ./ L _ o e ;tl'/VreMl Premiums. uoilNO , intitEA j sKet alumni 13einn001. 1 I(lolt7grlikl,l' VLEl l ;`l,l7,', - , ! ) ,':`;g'.' 9 'l.VA) , :l l % INTigg;',lgric(3a67.l l i l7 N q Ul:Vl l Afita charged upon the game. Policies become b Skil.li"- ill•SyVllN;g?nlgigir ttollrPoTrerligrddli. 'rill.: lyre. end endowment Juillckei are Piquet: .1..... °‘'n"."l"`ga,VrTZ,,lrednd3o4'li4l.oll'. ~. i Cumin-rot 3 do: 1.4 , . 4i0. , ;. igoo n t i i ..q;,4,,,,,,!bT0ret.3.1,rt00, 00., ~ , , ____ „ , 6%;,(e}i...iliVar, 1 1 :. 11 1!". 1 , ' ,1 ' .:Pso ',' r l' e 17.\,`,-A'Aii.'•;?';..2( :j ttf!? 71' '•:;`7Yr';:Ll';.'l l ,M,;,!'V,2.i , -., 17,1 P.; ",:11;',.;,,1.1g,,;,;,.ry IN, iry bold.' n, - c:ro.r or CA]. CAPITAL i1.t 1 , 1 he SI:, .11,, . 4 . ILL .r, e9 !:, ' Z n r ‘ fi l ; ' ltuMl7 . l . :; r l ' l,:n:TC: • Zir 3ll. .: ILI, $1.4 a .hl, which Id pa.. . 1.0011 A'V ITS I.lllelt. I. FI:ATI.: ILES Good. metre Agents wwited er rrY , lirm in We' , ern Preasylruniu. A NI. A. PUILI:R. 001ro 74 • Witrlt l i4VA :e i . f i7ll . .. ' lffn.rl= l. aidl . ----- WESTERN'T\-suRANcE ecfgr 01 t t shurgh ent. 31.1% \ lirealdeff , I i Fltlt EMT. Secretary. General Agent. Office 92 Wider:Arent, Span, Co.'s Waren...C. '%!'lftliiatls=tti:all kiwis of 1. - 'lAi and ]lathe hicks. A home Inatitution.manamed by Direetore Whoa see well known to the cranninnity. and who are detertntned by pronwitnesa and Illiendlty to inalntain the character which they have timunted. SoMt offering the beat yrialectlieu to tlowe who desire ba insurecL • .111.1:CTO.: Alexander Madok. I John It. ltreune, 11. Miller Jr.. ; Chant., 'omen S. Evans, Alexander f;;peer. Jorel , h Elrhlwarinh. Andrew .Ackler. , Romer.. Insvld 3L. Lend. ; Wm.Alorriwort. D. Thrown. 1 n2Ft CHARTER 1899 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSTIL CO. • . • • • OF VIII__LALLETZELA. ' OFFICE 435 - -- ANTrI37 taiesr:l7 griy:l3. Ar,oth on J., ps_.s;i rp n; 1,1_47,%„7 1 011., 1 1j4;g 87• luvca - 9. • I Tomo, - • • , 11,5 Con ThP4 ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO Of Pittsburgh OFFICE. \O. 37 Tll , l - 1T AVENTF.. BAN - v. 124. 0,, Insures against. all kinds . of FL, nn Ntf , 1 '"trulz:;.7"'"*. • '. • . .bent. • P. li. II "'""Flas ' Pras - Ls .SOas, hnY.\ ills.cua. Dean. 1..11. vq.11:11-f-omPANY. Pliclau's NO. .22 FIFTH AVV UBURGII I7S. , P S A ROND FLOW!. PIT . . 'CAPITAL ALL •PAID CP . THILFCTORM: rd -1",'47? St"."(.`i,tatL'i• ihn, • tz. Capt. ft.]. GnAct:, , • INSUDF-9 ONAN I.ID MARINE111".1lAI. TERMS Al.!, Flltc . 0pt4.5 PEOPLES' INSURNME COMP'Y OFFICE. N. E. colLtn wool) z. STS. A Limo Cvmirtny, ualhac . 11re and Marine MBAs pmeeroty, ( apt. J,;to I. Ithoods ow,/ I`..l'l.:lver. I rh W artol,..trlta ßra Vt.lo. JaICO.• Samuel Moll-telout.. Wm. ITIIIIPn. . John Wait. John E. Parke, C. H. Love. Wm. Van Kirk, an." n, rower. Oflt. .7 , ?1,..!: VII', %lee l'ioAbleet. b'. GA itArAyitz,tocrostri. NXTIONAJ , INSURANCE COMP'Y. FOIL i'ISDIMAI , "r S I :C0N1) .. 14 ATIONAL DANK rS.sON • Pectetar JAI n_A-cldlzh.r, 111.11i4r, 13'n ' argrl. " Yk;i1;:r ' g o.ll.P.WWlntwoi TloculrsopiJ..lleNnug tiliTlCe. or ctrt I,olNrett AND ttUlteTott.. j • It rroteltltoll. May 9.1870. S PToTICE TO CONTIt ACTORS.—SeaI- Zti Protto.l. for 4,11 e, Grading. Paving raid 'tatting 01 the ft - Mt:wit, Itt,,eet,,,, TUIIKTI.VIIttrg 071tECT trent laborty street to the Allegheny Hist, - FORTISTII, STItEMT !tom Buticlatreet to Penn rtaTAT STll4llcr fmm Bedford M &turd. tgiEl. d iCaTtlr d A l l o .l o l7 th t e rt! i° 74lttiTZeath etreet to Twin:l4.l3 , st CATLIERIN k. ALLM - I..tcoat atiett.t, to Gass% for eet. the ettn,trtit , ti , nt if the following puteto semen , : 'Ati 18 Inch pipe er trr r DIAMOND STREET from lit pize,t Cur Kt allr. lit Inch Ittl,oter cm Kt% Pt-TB:AS AI: LET from elk.) to Glit *Meet. brt tlectt DUO 3 o'cloch P. MONDAY. 3.1,4 19.1579. TM/Camel - arc rcoerre 000 right in res et COOP nr all bide. Ypeciticatlono oil blanks for It tiling eon Po had at title N.I be received lin. tees made upon blacks temi!hed by title sa ke U. J. MOORE , Engineer El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers