The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 13, 1870, Image 3
FINANCIAL. GOLD, giLVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price, Pl - I. Ti. MERTZ, BANKER. Cor. Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas. T.."-Brady & Co., (Summon to S.3ONES Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, 13ANKERS, 6111EIiha-IT_ Demand rather better.par ticulady for the better grades. Apples. Peaches:7as for quarters and Kt. 9 for helves, as to , uality. Blackberries. MANI. EGGS—Continue quiet and marbAnged, 14 cts. for fresh pecked. FEATHEILS—Live gnese feathers are quoted at 870.90. with. the usual advance for entail lota In Panh, market Is firm but the demand is only moderate, and notwithstanding. prices are up. considerably In the west, It seems almost Impossible to make nn advance here. We continue to quote western dour,. In atom xt ss,:red.s,:fl for spring . wheat: s.s.Drali for winter wheat. and (1111..D.‘ for fancy brands. GIIA IN—There is ri steady milling, demand for wheal; and with light offerings prices are tine hotunchanged: t1.152.1.2ii for red and $1,251 - !1.30 for wrote. Oats steady anti the re ceipts are falling it but • prices remain un-, changed:4:ls.4a in tint hands. buyers furnish ing sacks; W, on wharf end track. and 5:X653. in store. Corn is scarce and in demand, and ear sells readily, on wharf or track, at iG for mr and PCI for ;belled. Sales or:ltye at irSiDr7, !ash, and $l. ditto. Barley Is tpliet and an , changed: h . to VD for good to prime spring. 11A V-4.'ontinves very dull and baled may 14 quoted, on wharf, at }DOA:. LAUD 011.—Extrt I,,tlarZlAl, and No. MONEY AND COMMERCE.. DI 'Y AM) NEM. ALI. KLIVIT3 or Government Semities, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Interest Allowed on Depositi. eirllnney Iwpsd on Government Bonds at low est market mite , rff - Onnne-h Extern.. ron THE PrrritA. AFL !!ALt; Ur TOCKS, GOMM eno GOLD. • .IA3II',S T. 1111AllY THE DAILY GAZETTE. (HY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (Inzette.) New Yong. May 12. The money market In easy at 3a5 on coll. All markets at the Stork Exchange arc weak this Afternoon on -the report from Washington I hot the Bonne Committee on Banking and Currency will report back without amend menu; thebill authorizing ilia retirement of 045.000.0 N of 3 per cent: certificates and ro.- (110.000 legal tenders, and issue In place (here of $25.0(0.000 In new National Bank notes, which is a 'measure of severe contraction. Bold weak, owing to this report, and opened at 115% and closed at 111%. Carrying rates 3a 5, closing at 3. Clearances $45.11M0W, Exports to Ilarana, $lO.OOO. Sterling dull anti weak at 9 1rtis ' ihis afternoon private dispatches con tradicted the report In regard to the bill au thorizing the retirement of 3 per cent. certifi cates and legal tenders. It is said important amendments will be nutde before the hill is:re- Pored• Goren:manta Arm. Coupomk 'Ed, 175.1 N: to 1 2 !.Q.1. 1 ,4"; do MI. 113.031%; do 'fir, 12: do new. do la. 16?..41111.c• .10'4 14 3.41 4 5: 16 - 40 , 4 SU(ii.d.V. Currency 'Ws. I 2 Ett2'4. • The Treasury bought one million at 111 61-100 11111 KS-100. The weekly treasury statements show 11 coin balance of $112,900,000, and currency $250.000. Plate bomb arm: Massachasettes UPS; old Tennessee SOX. new Mt old' Virginia 414 new no aid North Carolina 47N. new 25}i. Private telegrams state that the 11. & 0. Co. has leased the 0. &• M. road on terms filtera ble to the latter. In the stock market the Washington telegram spoken of above was the signal for a general stampede to sell, and the decline ranged from 1 to 4 per cent. In lend ing railway share. there was a very large number of weak speculators shaken, and sub suently on the denial of the telegram the arketrecoveredNittlf per cent., but after wards declined again. and was feverish and unsettled. closing weak at the lowest price of the day; The features were Lake Shore. Ohio and Minisaippl,' Northwestern , Wabsch. Paul, Hock Island and New vork Central. The following were the cleslng prices: Canton. 725; CUnhertfusd, 46; Western rn ion Telegraph, 7CM; Quicksilver.,lo:Mari_poot. ass; preferred, 17k; Adam. Express, 66; 14; American, 42N; United States. 44.5 r; Pa cific Mail, 40‘; New York Central, 150; Mk; Erie. :UN; preferred, 47; Harlem. 146; Irei e r a eid,dm o lteading.lo2)(; Michigan Central e Eh re. MU: Illinois Onntral.-143; Thashurgh, 107; North Western, 78; prefeed, 933,;; Rhode Island, 121; New Jersey Central, 19 0 14; St. Paul, 661(; preferred, enx; Wabash, M! , s; Fort Wayne. Mk; Terre Haute.. M; Pre ferred. 64; Chicago and Alton, 114; preferred. 11.6; Ohio and Mississippi. 36%; Hartford and Erie, te Dubuque, 166's; St. Joe, ltlR; C. C. i. C. 10X; C.C.,* C.;9. Sub Treasury balance. Gold $760..566.61. Carnes:ice 1/119,797.71. General 6.816,611.33. Orrrcs or Prrraeurtnn Gar:veer. I Trirn.snar. May 12, c Closing quotatious as received by Jamca•T. Moldy Jr Co: Gold IT. S. t?. R. 5-3,1 M .s.3)Jan...t•Jr. 1: 5..11Jan. & Jy. INK L 174 6..1D.15ta..t./y. ISMS 11% U. P. IL 117. C. P. R. It 8% Cy. Pacific. ..... . U . 18 : 14. U. R. Gal IBM. LEM PCITEBI:RtiII CATTLE MARHET EAST LIBERTY STOOL YARDS, THURSDAY, Moy 12, ILK.. I rarrtg. • The cattle trade continues very slow and unsatisfactory and what Is worse still, there la no prospect at present of any Immediate Improvement. There were plenty of buyers In attendance, In fact the number was unusu ally large, and even at advanced prices, the supply did not begin to supply the demand, The delegation from Philadelphia was very full, including Messrs. )(eyries, McArdie• Case, dull; from New York, Brim, Lamb & Martin, Inemen. Kelley; Hartzell, from Lan caster, surd Moses from Balton. In addition to these, there were quite a number of others, whose names we cannot now recall; for Phila delphia, up to noon to-day, bat a single ear load had been bought, whereas. from the num ber of buyer.. It would have taken gor 31 car loads to have supplied*. them properly. New York got the lion'. share. though the New York buyers were natter supplied and while many of these eastern buyers will be obliged to return home as they came t without a single bullock,. we do not belles, that any of them got the number they Weald like to have had. The supply was again light, un usually so, and to-day at noon there were not a half dozen cattle In the pens unsold, and 'we can not expect ai many buyers next week. as drover., like ottrerpeople. are not disposed to squander their time and money in coming here when there In no probability oftheir be ing Age to boy,when the chances are that next week will be similar to this, plenty of empty perry Ind no cattle. Then there Is another view of the case. and It Is no better. There Is little or no money in ,hansUing stock at theser—prires, and the only reason why it Is persisted in is that drovers must keep up their trade, even if there is no money In it, and what is true of the drovers Is equally applicable to the butchers. We know that people are complaining about the prises of meat and theyhave good reasons for so doing, but the drovers and butchers are not to blame for It. They, would much rather have prices down two or three dollars per cwt. an they could then handle more stuck with the same amount of capital and make more money. There Is an universal complaint among stock men (excepting the stock grow ers) in _regard to these exorbitant prices, and ry we are sure. - would rather see a big •!" - , must be scarce, it ,Id.. • • I , it. I' • • rPTIII . h - i DiDw t. I'x: i i nmn 11. LP, TVISDAY. MAT /O. H. L.* Co. , for G. Ht 7 77 ..... 16 1,11.12 30 3,12 7 0 0 (0 • R. Tborp.os:: 3 2' 640 . 2 00 . 5 • .REDNISSDAY. ! itAT 11. _ H" L.A . C.o.forLIIDooO 110 rr..1810 1100 " "• RThompson.. 17 10,000 707 " " Berry 17- 30801 8 7 " Holmes & P.. 34 38.370 00 00 Stuart to Entries . 10 10,600 It 37 . .. ~..,. . H °. Roth 31 37,140 Bal Orr & William. for 801 a. ,... 14 17,441) 710 ... 18 21.030 830 111CRSDAY, XAT 12 ' • .1. Scott to W. Kelly 51 rd.loo 756 ..... •16 26,n10 '7 On 41.5C0 In W. H. Sands to O. Fritz. 15 ' 21, N. 50 The arrivals this week were somewhat larger than last week but with plenty of buy ers and a continued active demand, prices are naly sustained, and to-day there were but few if any in the pens unsold. Clipped sheep sold tt from 5@6Y, and these may be regarded as he extremes of the market. flood e 6475 .1b eremites. may be quoted at 630i166X. and NI lb averages at. 6%0111i. There are but very few wooled sheep offering, and buyers do not seem to make any difference between wooled and clipped. and everything being elleatether prefer the latter. HOOP. - The H market Is moderately active with Compered y withabou equal to the demand. this day week. Prices. rope daily for the better grades, are about a Si lower, but at the decline, about all that offered were taken, and to-day there were but few if any unsold. Philadelphia Hogs. quoted at, and Yorkers at lasili. • Dry GaAs Marti. -New Tone. May 12.—The market is Inactive. yet mites are cenerally steady, at 15c for At lantic A and Indian Head brown sheath:tea, 140 for Cabot A. 11Mo for Agalroln Fend Pitts field A, 12/te for Atlantic V, =Ho for 04Mon .dpoeb, 35,1 for 9-4 Allendale. 40e for 9.4 Psr , /retell. 45e. for 104 do. 500 for 10-4 reqa ot. Ile for Sprague's old and new styles fancy prints. 11340 for Pacific Mills. do for Free man's. 40e for Amoskeyr blue denims, bln for str Oti ip ed s C sbes C d t o. and 12 34 a 1 a 34 c fop Ame e t e .p inffs. =3 Coxwoo. May acttre and Irm at for rtockeri to extra prime chipping recce. Barr dal" and 10a15a Ilsber , *MO for fair to extra prime. t y. r. Lours, May n.—Cattle. prime and choice ,arce. and wanted. with pricer tending up to Nov,. Hogs Arco at OX . for light to heavy. - -.• PITTIMERGII .SIARACT Orrice or Prttasmiton GAZCITZ, / 'rat - away. May 12. Inn I Trade generally in quiet and our general markets are devoid of anything new or Impor tant. There 'is a continued steady demand for most of the leading articles and a fair ha w, in the agg mgate. though there Is room sine for Improvement. In regard to ValUel/, there are no inimatnut changes, none nt least de ..erring or sPecial notice. AsnEs—Firmer in the east but unchanged here. Common Soda, 4; refined, IX; Pearls, .„,x,; pots. • PPLES—Continue gullet and unchanged, and the season is almost over. We continue to I ( Ote S,K - t4 per IlUTl'Llt—'l • here Is no improvement to inns, in the demand. :and fanners and pedlers ap pee to be supplying the retail 'trade, and out side of that there IN no Inquiry. We continae to vete, at sYittn. for fair to choice roll. II gi n dull hut unchanged. ranging tram $1,50e2 per bushel. BROOM COH A N— Is bat atm:hanged, Id (sl a F F .gr " gl ‘ c . .. ohlo Goshen nt 1611,16351 and New York Goshen nt INSIB. • New .Western Reserve, Is quoted at Inlt eta, CARRON OlL—Demand coittinnes light LIG, prices remain unchanged, 21 ets for standard , brands. C.OltiNEAL—Quiet and unchanged. 9:41.51 per !melte!. PIT.I LOal- Continue very iluirand holdent are :anxious to realize. We continue-to quote Peach Blows at 7,6t413e. PROVISIONS-The western markets are re ported dull and a little offish. but here there in a steady Jobbing demand and as yet prices are rnaintained. Plain Sholddera. 13 , u41.1:13,; Sugar Cured do. 14 Wit,lo4; Ribbed tildes. 16X; Short RIF. l;- Clear. 17,14; Plain Sum Cored llama. Canvivisedi - do. Mein. lard. In tunic liluct,l7N; In kegs, 1840.119 i. Mess Pork. 1UX.1„31, PET ROL F:IL'3I MARK ET email,: or litrrantaton Oaarrrr., Turmoil. r, May 12, MO. I The oil market has recovered somewhat from the panic. of such it can be called/ which prevailed yesterday, and while prices are no higher, the feeling is steadier. and confidence is again being restored. Theft is no doubt but what the repotted Increased production woo the ptilicipid cause of the reaction on Wednesday, and the fact that this month Is expected to show x larger increase than, April. Is not ivitlrout its effect, and Is calculat&l to make operators generally a little “bearish." it was rumored this after noon that the reports of the •'OII Producers Association' . would show about twelve thou sand barrels, which, ff correct. Is an increase, according to their own reports, over March. and will tend somewhat to confirm the belief that the Tdeseille Umbria net far wide of the mark. Be this as it may, however, the production Is large, nearly two thousand bar role per day greater than at this time last year. and the fears at one time entertained that the Venting° Oil relines. might give out, are out likely to be realized. judging from present indications. 'V ktulg. Market NAy active td steadier though unchanged. Sales 1,(K11 , s spot at 12.. U; 1.010 each Feptember. Octobe end November. at 13; 2,000 seller 0) days at 12. :IMO do at 12X: 2,000 buyer June at 13: rand 2 1 000 buyer July at 12M. RE Sales Salem+ July t 0 necembet LOCO bbls last hair May at 27X: 2.500 June at riya; 5.0110 July at .I.S. Darer all yernombtal at 30X. Markel, as In case of crude. in steadier and a shade firmer, bat an will be Seen, prices com pared with yesterti.iy. hare 'undergone no quotable chllnge. I=l A !Mils SA 011 account W Bartle; .1 Wll. gins lan. on account A S Palmer; -W McCutch. con MO. on account Eli Long. Total OIL Sttl rxr.A - rA PER A. Y.-11. it. Citizens Oil Co.. dN bids refined oil. to Tack Oros.. Philadelphia. • J. W. A lexader, sl labia ree. oil to A. H..„31c- Ilan,. Phila. J. cf. Kirkpatrick ,k Co.. tale bblx ref. oil to Waring. K .k Co.. .14111 a: ilnatzheinier. K. Cu.. 150 tibia re. nil t Waring, K. S. I.'n.. Lockhart. ,t 772 Alga re!. iill to Wit . . • .. Natiolva Renolnc. Co.. Tr.!. oil t Vardrn..,F.,t ElM=Mbll=l Co.. Phl ' McKelr,y 8r0..k Co- 410 bbls ref. oil to Lo cals-Wu: fe Cu. Phila. Total ... ...... . ... JoiL an tem} air w. P. R. H. Colon Ref. anti S. Co.. 4110 bids ref. to Logo Bro. lk Kirkpatrick &V.yon. 311 bhls ref. to Logo Bro. k C.Or. Pttth. Balaton & Waring. DA bbls ref. to. Pooltne & Mual. Baltimore. A. Hertz. 100 hies ref. oil to Warden. F. & Co.. Phila. Model Itenneryl/Gobble ref. to Warden. F. & Co.. Phila. -Mentzer. If. & Dtabble ref. to Waring. K. & Co. Phila._ ll Total MARKET RV TELEGRAPH . New York. New Toast. May 12.—Cotton less active lind unchanged. with sales of 1172 bales at 2.lMc for middling uplands. Receipts of 13.0. V Mas— ticte unchanged. with sales of 13:10bbls at $4.95 (.1.5.15 for super State Wad western, $5 ‘l6 for extra State, SS,MV fur do extra western, I . $5 , for shippln ' brands of extra round ham Ohio. SS.6MAJX) for extra brands do; 15,71:anN) for white heat extra western. $5.75a0.00 for extra St. els and $8.1025...3 for good to choice do. Mr flour quiet. with sales of 'JO bbl, at $1.5n.545. Cornmeal unchanged. Whisker firm but less dive. sales 451 bbla wesCrt free at $1.10Q.11.11 closing Inside. Grain; Wheat, receipts 42.1% b sin•wheat 14:te lower and less active, shlppe and millers holding oQ• sales MAU bush at 1.14 for No 4 spring. mint,rix for No :... ring. $1.31 for-No 1 spring to arrive, $1.M.1.31 for winter red and amber western. and $1.40 for White Michigan. i l l e y y e ti l l! n an o ol l u na nh y ttn u g n eA. ang lha . ey and o : Bar. re ceipts 11310 bush; corn dull and a ,bade lower. with sales 3000 bush at $1.1X1.1,15 for new mixed western and $1.1641.19 for yellow. western. the latter an extreme. Onte: re ceipts 5.705 bush: oatn active, excited and 15.2 c better, with sales 140,C31 bush at GIN risMc for western In store and 065451670 afloat; Mane for Ohio and State. tiny unchanged. Mops quiet and unchanged. Coffee dull. Molasses dem. Rice flan at atfe.7Xe. Sugar Or= sales 1.800 hhds at SiistilNic for Porto Itico. Petro leum quiet: crude 15!.;GpItk.; refined 27' Tur pentine steady at. gra.,4.,e. Pork nominal, with salew MU tails at 1."9,25Q29.33 for men.. V1.755t. 2350 for prime and teMdl..3l for prime men. I Reef steady, with rates 3XI bbls at 5118151er plain mess and $l6?-121 for extra mats. Reef Hams quiet, with sales 140 bbls at $165134. Tierce Beef firm at r".43 ^ 4 for prime and $3O for India mess; sales 112) ice old prime mess at $15.3. Middles quiet and firm. Cut Meats steady. with sales for at 13i1.1.2Xe for ...raiders and let2.l7chams. Lard nominal. , • - )l ten at -151jiitliNe for ateatn and i.• :or kettle rendered. Butter 'beady •_. . - for Ohio. Cheese steady at traolTc. Liverpool nominally easier. ..' , -"lour closed doll and without dent. -• • " Whent dall and henry at $l.lBO i -I !spring and $1.33Z61.31 for winter 1,1 e:lber western. Rye nominal. Oats t flue for western lnstore and ilta •,• 0. Corn dull at 1 , for new • tern. Mes.. pork nominal at $2 • • '.l .. , nth and VILT.I for neat month. Beef r. fair demand. Cut meats steady demand. flacon nominal. Lard dull:prime steam ItlYpalaNic on spot and 1113ic bid seller May. Eggs steady at I•MC. Illhocago. Oilcan°. May 12.--Eastern Exchange, un changed. Flour firm and steady. Wheat quiet: No. 2 ranged (rota tout to 7114 c, and closed at tgc: this afternoon the market, was firmer at nakic cash. and (I,OOX sell.' June. Corn doll and 2R41.3c lower. at kia) 690,4 c for IiNISNic and. rejected. Mate for no grade, closing:lt outside vrice. Bye Is more active and 14 - 0.. c. lower. closing at 81q.iffc for No. 2. IMrley stronger. closing at Mantic. Illghwlites are held nt #l.Oll. Provisions quiet. Mess pork rimed at t...i44170.t1.11. Lard IedZIONe. Dry salt shoulders llkditllNc for loose. The re ceipts for the past 21 hours were 3428 Dbl. flour. 40.1t0" bush wheat. 23.KE , bush corn, 31-201 bush oats, 2.062 bush rye, 2,110 bush barley. '791 hogs. Shipments-5.000 hhls flour, 114,000 bush wheat. 41,717 bush corn, 18.842 bush oats. TA) bush rye. 0,610 bush barley, 8.5411 hogs. Freights are more active at 4c for corn, and &Sic fur wheat per call to Buffalo. . Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. Slay 12.—flour firm with good demand for fondly act $5.10ah," Whent not on Item red $1.10a1.11 for Nos 2 nod 1. Corn In good demand; all offered wins taken sot sl, Mot little land corn wanoffered suitable for shipment. ' Oats in good demand at Marra for No mined to choice white. Itre tended upwards: No 1 $l. asking $l4ll for choice. !holey nominalb. unchanged. Cotton firmer no d h2hell middlings Tobacco In gm demand; .nales of 174 htala from $4 to tr.. 15, and three boxes of Ohio seed leaf at 05 to $10: the demand exceed. the 'sueolg. hi unsettled and held ntsl,odal.ffr. repor t e latter rate. but It waet Iro nb o u n d $1.09, an d that made by patent process at re& Messpork saleable of M .50, but held at ,75 WO. Bulk meats dull; shoulders 11Na INc; sides 1430114.'ic: sales of maxi poundi of shoulder. sold at 12e buyer this month. Bacon quiet: shoulders LlNal2fic; sides l O Na l 7Ne asked. No less offered; 'demand light. Lard dull cot Intic for prime kettle. Butter firm at man, Eggs advanced with light supply. St. Lads. Pr. Louis. Mny 12-Tobacco firm and u - ohouge,t, Cotton firm at 2Hic. Hemp steay at $1.2=1.55. Ylonr. lour Vea l scarce: all ratls."n e sii.2lab,i(L l i 'Wheat I t r =irtn4. nod clone d dull and we as to Nei' 2 spring. 04495 c for No. 2 . red fall, $1.54 . tr i ot ti choice. $1.43 for loner , and no] for Whit e. Corn demoralized and prices unsettled: mixed sold at ti 1.57 for re110w,001,06 roechoice to fancy walk , , and closing dull at inside rates. Oats opened at dithiladik• Cloned at teXHAlllki for mixed. Harley dull and lower at ItHges Igic for Minn. lire ranged Snide. wat.k o , advanced to $1.04: held higher. Rogue quiet lONtellb(c. Coffee ranges quiet at 10Xe, 11,10. Molasses steady at Ilbailde for sugar house. Provisions quiet; pork lat- ter fur extra, Dry salted Meats: nothing do ing. Bacon: order sales gig_ Shoulders for dear rib.l7h(llc for eear. Itan)ic. for sugar ennui hams. Receipts—dour. Mal hhls• wheat. 16.000 bush: corn. MAIO do; oats. - IMO do; barley. 110 do; rye. WO do; Mom MU heads. I:9== CIA:et:LAND, I.thw Flour advanced ate. and the market chn,l strong. "nye flour steady and unchanged. The market for prime wheat was k betten.le. of No. l'rert at *1.27: N 0.2 du held at siatam.:. the market clorlug !strung. with an advancing tendency. Corn Onn. The market for oats opened better at WC for No. I State. but at the close were free- Iv offered at thost %guilts Without buyers. Ikea quiet nnd lino: held at ire24l. Marley dull and nominal. Petroleum quiet but steady: relines' in large loti held at 2.5 e for M.. and 2rdse for June: crude- a shade lower—field at /5.60 per bbl. CM= ' • 11,11.1•Mung. 3lay 12.,11n0r arm and unE •hanged, Wheat Ilan. with sales of l'enni - 9 . 1- - ania at $1.40ra1.45. Cunt quiet and unchanged. . . Oats quiet nt10144..5e. Mess lark firm at V..1).15 41.10. Baron firmer: rib sides 161‘e, clear sides 1741.17fae,shoulders 13k,e. and hams 9:021e. bird quiet nt 17e174 . e. Whisky la good de mand: iron-Wand SI,T, wobti sl.(kf, and pa tent !Lir. CM! TOLEDO, May 12.—Flour iYhent 2a4c lower: No 2 White Wabash *1,%1, regular white Michigan /1.27. iintlier Michigan *1.21. cloning with smallealetnt 11,1 a. No I red $1,22, Corn le lower, No 2 Mc. Oats unchanged, No I tine. Freights nominal, Receipts: Hour 1100 bhls, whent 5..5110 hush, corn 34.1110 bush. Shipments: Hour MOO bbls. wheat DOI bush, eon% 5,000 bush, oats 2,100 bush. 1Z1M9312 Lortsvict.k. May ht.—Cotton gnm middling • Hour *5. Corn active find scarce: choler MI. Oats Ilhe. Rye $l. Wheat $10,41.11. ork t bacon lh”:, lfisi and lihsc: bulk . • . . . moats 125 i I , V; and 153,e. , ..I.ord WhlskeY sl,niq,ido- -- Tobacco stendr hhdn at 3sala trash to. lags, low jo good leaf Wings nyt kV-Ik. • - klenaphts. Mr.iirina• Mar lif.—Cotton dull nt 22318 re ceipts of MX bates:exports 774 bales. floor: super $4.1i0a1.5.00. Cum dull at $1.18 , ?.1.25. Data NCltrt, C In store. Hay active at vart:Nl. limn active at $.27Q.27.ria. Lard dull at . Pork quiet nt Bacan skoultless sides /8,40. . . . . Mit.w.trtax. Mao 12.—Flour unchanged, hoot dull at *I,W,No. I WO: No. 2 oats dull wa. No. 2 corn lulet at So for rejected. Hee Icancing.nt Rte No. I. Freights rej ected. with rates unchanged. Receipts 11X bbls flour, bushels wheat: Shipment s :NO 'ibis flour, 121,010 bushels wheat. Philadelphia. Plitt..ionent.t, Mar I_".—Flour In good de mand; extra nt ri.0045.50. Wheat unchangett; offerings light.. Rye unchanged. Corn less active hot unthanged. Prorlslonndull. Mess pork $29,50. Lard 1610106.40. Whisker: sales of Iron bound at $l.lO, now held nt $1,15. Detroit. • De.-rnorr, May 12.—Wheat Is scarce and very dm. with sales No. lat $1.311?,1.1n. Corn held at 14:tle , c. Oats 9.Q.130e. Barley. $1.55. IMPORTS DV RAILROAD eISCINNATI . AND St. LOUIS RAILROAD, May 11.-130 hl Id& Milt, .1 Connor; 10 Mils oil, .1 Henderson & Br.; 52 bids whisky, W Carr; 1 lot potn toes. Bricker & Co; I ear igits, Lang & toi hams, 55 blids do. J II Parker:3 ears stares, W Hroitings; 2941 hgn malt; 'l' Collins; 52 ligs oats, S Hood; 2 hbla eggs, 1 ha butter, Robb & Herron; 14 bags rags, It Christy; 30 bap oats, Camp bell & Aiken; 9 bpi - nits. 3 do flaxseed, W 11 Draft . ; 102 l,go bate, 0 inn meat, 1 bbl do, J J Pettit; 50 tea grease, J Dalzell & Sono; 100 bblo floor: Culp & Shepard; 100 do do, Sehotnaker & Langenbeim; 100 do tin, T C;Jenkinit ,l• Ern; 1 car a iron, Jones & Laughlin; 1 ear It b golden, C P Walker: 1 car Waco,. J Painter; 2 cars wheat, .1 S Liggett & Co; 3,500 fire brick, Lloyd & Black; lITAXI do do, Anderson & Woods; 10 bzs tobacco, McMullin & Co:16 caddies do, J M b7ichel; 4 cans lard, J W Lea; sdo wine, 51 Johnson; IS do do, W Miller & Co; 2 lids tobacco. C F Herd; 3 do do. \Wyman & Pro; r b ls featlarm F ft Craigbend; I ear stares. NI P Adams & Pro; :Aries hams. V St‘llcrg & Co. CLEA - ELANI, RAIL- ROAD COMPANY, May 12.-10 oar,. c ore, Brady's Bond Iron Co; a cars, 23,000 feet lumber. \V W Higdon; 14.000 do do, Slack Sholes; 2 cars nig iron, Moorhead A; Co; t2O aka potatoes. 10 bbls do. Voigt, M C.: 10 bbls beer,: .1 Keller; bbls II F. Sellenc, 100 blds lime, 11 Myers; 40 inni bound bbls, Geo B Neal; 74 As glue scraps. Presser tc Co: 20 hides . (.1 Ander soni 1 bids rosin. BJ. Fahnestock & Co; lot furniture, 1Voodwell: 11l bbls apples. d: 5; :IS skei corn,3 & \V Fairies% bl'' Ails eggs. I' DOI & Son; 1-t bf do fish: L & ('ii; 55 do do. A Kirkpatrick & '."; 3 bbl" eggs, DaY & Vo; 19' do apples, Bruggerman &(); 4 sks potatoes, Randolph &5; I tubs hinter, II Ito Jr; :I bbht d ap ples, Voigi. )t & '4l: 39 bss crackers. Vl' CZ@ I Helmer & 'o;lot • F Maul. I'ITTSTIVROU FORT WAYNE AND I,Aoo It li, Mny bids W Clti 10 0 Mils floor; Culp & 01)(Ido do, 20 don ritkeS, .1 England; titt do do. Fitlinesti4.4 11; 91 Idyls A Unck enlo•itner• 210 Mils floor. Schoinaker & 24 Islis p Mgs , It Christy; lot s inin. - 50 Myers ik Al 4 Ws baron, E Ii Myers & Co: 2 do deli.. Atwell & • 11 bgs rugs, C•P Mnrlde &Z 4 on: lads eggs, 15 boo cheese, 1 hdl map sticks, \Food. worth & I& eggs, 3 boo bacon, 12 Id bbl. hurting, W . II Voiiipitr; 54 aka prols. twes, Mennor & 25 bbl dour, 11 i. Fahnestoelt; I porthble organ, Hoffman & II; 12 sits . regs..Frrinier & M; 10 hf Milo 133131 ierringw, W .1 Fran•; Li do do, Smith & MO do do. S Dilworth A: Co; :I CUM metal,Nintick h: Co; 1 do do, Bry - art . S, C. ALI-EOM:NT STATION, Nap. bblx floor, F. M Jenkins; I car stamp, Strott Br°, 1 car hoop polem, K T Kennedy lIIZi Bro; 2 do lumber, Smith, Cresswell & Ct . i; 2 do do, Lindsay & McCutcheon; 2 MA. egga, 3 bzs butter, H Lenz; 3 bbls eggs, (I itlyerr; 13 hides. 1 pkg tallow. M Sea bold; 7-, bide flour, T C Jenkins; 3 cars stave*, J M Hemphill; I do do. Italya & It; A . earn metal. Stang, Chalfant & Co; 2 do do, ()ruff, Bennett & Co: 11 bides, 3 tibia tallow,J Hiteshue; 2 ears metal, Pgh Iron & Forge ALLEGHENY GALLEY RAILMIAD. May 12.-1 car limber, Montzheimer,K & Co; 13 bbla eggs, 4 lixs butter, J . Klingenamitlq. 8 aka potatoes, Whitenide, Anderson& Co 1 car atone. Henderson, Mackin & Co; 2 Mr do, P Stough; 17 green hides. J Callers; 1 ear metal, McKnight & Co; I bx egg., I sk m" I pkg chickens. I. .1 Blanchard pkgs butter and eggs. Paul & (libaon; 1 lambs, (i V Given: 2 bids eggs, 2 baa bu ter, W Seibert; I ear barley, J M Canon = OMAN:4II7I PER JrNIATA • Mar 12.—W Front & Son, 12 in t roko; 11 E Seller!. A Co, 2 bbls alcohol. I I bas drugs; 11 A Hays & Co, 2 lolls mouldings; Hall & Spear, 120 bills plow A Kelly 2 Ws alcohol; Clark & ('o; 10 bbls ci•nterit; II Rea Jr, 7 doz broncos; Voitrt, Mahood A Co, 8 bbls apples; P Duff & Sono, 12 bbls apples, 3 bbl,. eggs; F Sellers & l'o, 10 ten d bi•ef: C Ilimsen A: Son, 87 m t casko; Hyde & Son, 11 bales cotton; Loomin A C, 20 tons pig iron; W Best, 1 by. ludo,: Bruggerman & O'Brien, 30 bblii apples; .1 Pettit & Co, 5 bbla eggs, 2 bblo d op. pies; W 1I Graff & Co, 2 bbls eggs; Spencer & McKay, 13 lit ale bids; Woodworth & I), 11 bliln eggs; Hauler A: Sono, 72 c a chairs: limitetter & Smith, 8 coke empty bottles: H, 1., A & Co, 10,0(10 ft lumber, Ptrromituitt BROWNMND.I.E AND HE NEVA, May 12.-14 Nile. boy, J C Schauppo & Co; 44 oka oato,B talon hay, Campbell & C; whilikv, A 8 (s:lr. Bole; 1 keg do, lira& Welln - ; . 60 aka corn, S B Floyd,& ('0; 5 bids apples; Kell & It; 60 aka oat,., W II Hagan. (166EvA rot, Brit.LE, May 12.-14 galls apple butter, ('ant fell & C; 20 biro onto, fi 11 Floyd & Co; 04 do do, 42 Iwo • wheat, Mcßane & A; lot stoneware, It Peet; 12 bales hay, S It Patterson; 2 bon butter, M W Rankin; 58 biro onto, IV Welch & Co. POUTRIIOUTII PER ORANITE STAIR, May 12.--31 tons metal, Loomis & C: 250 bbbi h wines, :lark & C0;277 nail kgx, 200 bdls otaTes, 85 do headings, Phillips & M; 4,000 feet lumber, A Harpole. The Best Suspentlers. Ever Worn blerribints are 11111(1011t4 matelot buylntrany but !Imbued goods. Pith pair lb stamped bith Medal. ur our patents. Sold at retail brut-class Furnishing Goods dealers In Ws ettr. FISK-, CLARK & FLAGG, PATENTEES, 58 White street, New York = ILM.M'Co`van&Co. BOULEVARD PAVERS, Pare Stdevralks,Cellars,lnslde Yards, Drives, kr. A II eg tgTEDAGAMTCHANOESOFURAT Orders lett gIiGIiSZTTZ 0111msrat311 1 FR oo DERAL STREET, Annh.ny, pro.pfly attesded 41-I} gr rarteMirsit mOmn PITTSBURG-Ft DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1870 RIVER NEW S. The river was about stationary last "ening with 7 feet 11 inches in the rhan. 4 by Monongahela marks. The Juniata arrived front eincittnati on Wednesday night, and returned as usual. MEM . . The new steamer Ilmnite State arrived from Portsmouth on Wednesday night with a good trip and will • return again to day at 4 o'clock, Commodore Keit is de lighted with hit new packet, as well he any be. She runs well, handles easily, is of very light draft, and admirably adapted for n summer packet. The Argosy from S.A. Louis hoe arrived. The Belle arrived front rteneva, with a god freight list and quite a number of passengers. ('opt. Smith is the right MBA, in the right place, as he makes friends wherever be goes. . - l'• The tilendale, Capt. Hare, is filling up steadily for St. Louis, and will probably Inc the first boat out for that port. • The Kate Putnam, Capt. Evans, is an mowed . to depart for Nashville to-mor. row. Mews Harbison and - Wiriest ore associated together in the office. The Wild Duck, Capt. Anawalt, in fill ingiup steadily for St. Louis. Capt. Ana, wait is very popular among a ippers. B. 11. Gluiest& Co., are ag, mix • for the Wild Duck. The &•Ile will leave again for Browna llc tielika to morrow evening at clock. • The Collier did not leave un Wednes day night, as stated, but site did get off resteniny. Pilots, Marsh Hays end Thos, Morris. . 'onaidemble rain is repotted no, having len at the headwaters of the Allegheny sterdny, and it is fair to infer that there Il he a rise in 'lda stream. • '[ho I,orona. loft St. Louis for l'itts rgh 4 , 11 Tuesday. =The St. Louie pap em, like deem of Chicago; are disposed to flow their own horn pretty freely. The following in trete the Democrat of Tuesday: The Calm port lint of Sunday embraces' nineteen nteatners. Fifteen of these are engaged in the St. Louis trade. That in, there were fifteen mailmen bound to or fmm St. Louis, to four bound to or from l ull other points. We have freimently noted in paid years a similar striking disparity in•favor of St. 'Louis., but the contest has become much greater than it wan in ISI2. It is likely that the river commerce of St. Louis exceeds that- of Pittsburgh,Cincin. nati, Louisville, Wheeling, Evansville, and all other towns of the Ohio river combined. Serene( the fifteen ntemners are owned entirely here, and one partly.] f nny one attempts to break the force of the ninny statement, by mentioning the "interior" trade done upon the Ohio—the local trade. between. Pittsburgh and Portsmouth,. Pittsburgh and Cineitimit;, Sc., let him bear _in • mind tho magniti cent daily linen of -packets we have that do not appear in the cairn list—that run (nun St. 'moist° St. Patti, Keokuk, Oma ha, Miami, Kansas City and Peoria. —The wharf ordinances at St. Paul now stand as follows: Boats pay d 4 cents a ton, provided that id no CIAO shall They be charged over t2O a trip. }Mats to by nl. lowed to lay nt the wharf three dare, but not so as to interfere with the unconding or leading of other boater; aim, that no steamer be charged over $2,50 for each trip, except that barges used as lighters Minn not be compelled to pay witarfage, but when they are used to convey freight in connection with warners they shall be chnrgssl . the same rate per ton an stentn• ers. The salary of the wharf master ivas .changed from three per cent to five per cent on collections, as the change of the wharfage would -otherwise reduce his salary. —A St. Louis dispatch, under date of Tuesday. sayer. Capt. Chapman, of the 'drainer [(arid Wattn, reports si•eing tlso " float one' tut the way up I'mm - ft:aim: also. that nix 1111 id bodies panned Slienneman's Landing within a few days. These are supposed to be the boddiett of the vie, tints of the Stonewall dinanter. The shore bar nt that place where the Stint.• wall bunted in washing away, and the channel 111 ellallgiilg considerably. which dualitiess has disengaged the uncorensl Inkling front the sand and allowed them to rise to the aurface and float away. tow boat Antelope• . arrived at St, Alois sin Tuesday, from Pnbugne with 15.00t1 bushels grain. She made the rip in 47 hours • which is fart time for jus , e,itter ntettiere. The greitt weal till 3.0 CAM rtir. and.make I 5 leek ttnilt 'rite tieeetien of the relative eltentttetett I river neve ter the. litteg•trett eel grail. ns COMPRIVit with therept - ed n t etrongly btetight oat by fetch tthipthent a. 6 11118. family in Florida hvat their little tem. mat they advertiard for him in the tinily paper. That very afternoon an alli gator marled up out of the ',stamp and died on the fmnt door-step. In his atone aelt were found a handful of red hair, some hone buttons, a glans alley, a brae... barreled pistol.. Stint - lay aelimi book and . a pair of check panto. Thrad<rrtinrmr did it. —The Dubuque lima of Sunday sans. The Antelope probably got off last night; if not she gtws this morning. She Lad 'die biggest load yet: It was. in fact, of mammoth proportions, containing 20.000 bushels of wheat and over WOOS) elm note; total, over 120,000 bushels. She goes to St. Louis, where her cargo will probably be reehipps.l to New Orleans. —Says the Cincinnati Guzettt: Some time ago we made mention of the meal. lent aidewbeel steamer ever built. It came down the Allegheny river to Pitt. burgh. Since that time we have beard nothing of her till yesterday, when we learned that she was at IrOnto]) for sale. Iler owners only ask $l,lOO, for her. —Freighta have been reduced by the Northern Line 'from Dubuque to Now Or. tenon, on flour, from Vic. to tile. Per brl., and on pork, from $l2O to $l,OO per lad. No reduction on grain. —The Norman, front Evansville, luta for Pittaburgli, 3•41, skit wheat for Ken nedy Bait. 11U do do, for J. S. Liggett A Co.. and 50 LW. dried_fruit for Henry Ilea Jr. —The Andrew Ackley, from Yankton, arrived at Sioux City on tho I.ith. with a fair cargo and a few passengers, She. will !mid right sway for a fresh trip. —On Monday Capt. 0. P. Slilnkle sob) bin onesighth intrrrnt in the Kate Robin. son to Captain John A. Willlamsnn. Con• sidenttion, $l,OOO. • —The Bellevernon was advertised If leave Cincinnati for this port on Wetines. day. —The Messenger. Pittsburgh to tir Louis. was at Louisville on Tuesday. mwrlmrs Tradesmen's National Bank WOODD STREET, CORNER SECOND ATE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. • Gold, Coupon Bonds and Slott, nOTAiIIT AND BOLD, A BRi A MR T. P c7dar glatkaliOMlZ: CENTRAL BANK No. 35 Bank Block, I=l CAPITAL. Bank of Discount and Deposit. = Interest Allowed on Time Deposits cottectioe to ea the prlndP.l C u.. of lb United Ma tea eanadas. THOMAS FAWCETT, I,IIIM M ARLoN BAILEY. J. V. JAMES/aLER. JARED M. BRUNE JAMES lanoWN, PAUL H. NACRE. J. H. WALTER, • JAHEeI LYONS. MOB. FAWCETT maidant- J. W. DAVIT?, A nal , lL Cashion _iTLvMselorr HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Banker's and Broker., ' CORNERIOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittsburgh. Pa., OWCCEE43OIIB TO HANNA. lIART & CO. = Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particle.. attention bald to-the purchase inn sale of Government Bonds ALSO Sled Draughts on London. V#.0.3t4 . 4 : 1*-gf , W z, V.4 .- . -;,- .!. ,,, 1. 4.t.n'5,.•- , 5, , A - 4,..4.:,-210.0, - ,- . K%!tg..,.t - ;•4.' , g , ..i.5k1N. r. ..;' ,-, i.; .. ; . , , f.A :1- W .; g 0.. : ,404U,ti.f.,0;;A,342,:,.f.,42,.-,.,itV.4,-.;;;Ii",,i.•11.-i.i.k,-t:*,•2-,..z.-. • -- , ••••- ------ -••- ----,•,---,----•,- ~,..--,....----,--,.,....„,... • ... ...... . ... •• . . . , • . . - • ...,....,,.....,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,-,---- -. . RIVER PACEETS. MONONGARBLA RIVER. THE FLEET STEAMER BELLE, • • 1. W. 8 441:1 1 4 Independent rillsburah, Brownsville and Geneva Park& , I.:`;v4ZZltt r y." , ;tll, , ,Vit.l"TAttNtitl'T Will curry Freight end Pettnengers to NI nointAnn the Sfonongnhelo neer. For treight or elnuante apply un h.ntrtt,or ot Whetri in Int. at toot of (3 runt 1 , 4 rent. nt) SAWL vArrimlos. Agent. VIPER 14"Olt St.LOTIS.GALENA, DUBUQUE AND ST. , —The Commander. Jamey Meth, Clerk. leave M nthe above and Intermediate Aorta Ott FRIDAY, ar 13.. 4 n . ;li 'lgh l t ZArirrjaVnilfiD7Atiento.. tOR ST. LOUIS, KEO- - RAIN, 1/1.71.7QUE drawer I:l.,—The One Pthaeddev SAVANNA ' Capt. Ituotats. WM lento f.r the ettntte mut Intermediate ponso 9ATIjRI AY. Ain) . 14th. For freight or tatnnnne aural' oo boom or to rny9 FLACK A COLLINOWDOIL Agent... @OM li`Oß EVANSVILLE . , CA AND ST MIMS 'IIUItsDA Y. MO 121.21. in 4 p. H., temer WILD DUCK, wan an MU I. W. ANAWA LT... CHARLES ADAMS. WIII lenoe nnnouneed Aimee. 1.-" r 'eight "Pl' 4 ' . " lll7llguY Oh. A qe n Who wilt ghee through hills of lading to hew Dr. teens du luntlngn on the Maids:llPN And 11.- Mem I) OR LOVISVILLE,w . mt FtWANSVILLE AND NASH vll.l.l:.—The ',munch and eorutnothoun KATE PUTNAM, ED. EVANS.... W. lIARUISON Will leave six Moo, on SATURDAY. 31. y 14th. Enr 7-ZlYPlgairgl;N:ientA •Y.CIA I. NOTIC . H—The Kuhn Putnam will Lahr. Wag sod receipt them through to Moulphin New Orlon.. EDWAIII, EVANS. Mnso. ifftlfEEE OR PORTSMOUTH and L . .. CINCINNATI.—The new and mild warner GRAN IT E STATE) will leave for the above and internieftlate gain. iitlf,AY. May 13th. at 4 r. N. For freight or 'manage apply in morn. or to I= Pittsburgh ant Cineinnat PACKET LINE The now And prleo.ll4 •ldc.a'hee . JIYNIATA. Capt. 1.. will leave l'lttshuniti fro elnrinmED EVY.ItY 1:2 o'clock pn.pfly. natural.. will IrsvnelneinneDEVEßY SUNDAY of 123 f. For freight or pl.soge, apply .R 1 board for to = nth: JANIS): 01.1.1 \ tt. Agents 'ittsburgh and Cincinnat PACKET LINE. There./ awl oplentlin steamer A lII.INGTOS. I SltailtE. alaster. S. ,SitCP.Otil. Clerk. leaven o Pittsburah for flnnnatt every TUESDAY at 11 a. pnnuptly. Ret taming. leave* , mitt f.,r Pitts burgh. at 12 every FRI I ror freight. Nma, ether, inf. , rm.lon. apply on board JAME. COLLINS, • yi,AcK S (111.1.1NI:W001 , . Acrnts STEAMSHIPS I'O LIVERPOOL AND ItPEENS- L 111 R - INSIA 31A11., nnruMortna.tatren not-* clamo omon, thrto Lho mlebrz- PITT or PARIS. ;Try or A NTW . PITY OF 110sToN. (Try or RA I.IIAIORE. IMME= ry v ri•HIIA Y. In ons r .13 N. •tr turtbvt Infc.rtu BINGII.1)1. = SPECIAL NOTICES LirCONSUMIPTION. - 71•13.340N1C SCItUP tot the ure Con ha Colds and Consumption. Dr. ar . IIENCISit StFiAtnitiCit TONIC for the rare Itysticisoa antiall the Debilitated Cna!llllan! nf he Stomach. lilt. SCltr:scics a A NI.RAX E CILIA, for Di. All the I.lver or to setal • t .code All ..1 them three Medicines are often noilitred In curing Conaumption. though the Pulrtionle riyr. up alone has cured many desperate case The gyred Tonle and Mandrade mishit I s. n reg ulating the Momatli and Liner. and help the !Nil. monk. Symp to Mama and search through the blood vemiels. by which mean. • cure r main' ef fected. These Medicine* am conscientiously offered to the Public as the only We. certain and reliable remed morb id mnary Consumption. and for all those conditions of the body which lead to that fatal illseae. !Aver Complaint and Dpepsia a” often forerunners cof Consumption. a nd when they manifest' themseleee they enquire the meet The attetion. The Pulnionic Myrup la • medicine which hat had • long pndation before the public. Its value has been ;mired by the thonaand cures It haa made ihnonth • period ..more than thirty-hre Dram. in all which time i ts reputation h. Incnremed. and thatmost obstinate skepticism can need rsirer nimbi It in remedy which may he with eowh• dense in ail case. which admit nf a MT. .• . .• If the patient will perwirefinstrlolllll, the Mince tines which iteteint pne nth ddlle.he will certain ty he cured. If hi. In n,* arc not two ranch wasted to rushy cum tensible. Keen cases tenni...l to he ineaneble. when I Kends a n d Ph Yacht.. nit , * despaired, the use of this hledkine haspayed the life of the patient and restored hint In perfect health. tie. Schenck does not say that all mare of Put nary l'onminiption ark within the mach 'of med icine. bat he emphatically aaserto that often when Patient.. have ` the moot Marming•oymplocum ouch m a violent eugh. ereeinng chill, night sweats , general debility. even lu ouch • desfree that tln.y _are ..triMed 1.• he in bed suid when they WV Elven op by their phyolcian, tiler may Mai be cured. No medlcod treatment can enmte new lunim, but when the lung+ are very midi, div•ved and to some tent deoln•yed. a cure may be effected by Dr. Arbenek's medicine. Also. In i , clorulons Inscomea, them medleinem a n y er opp o l ir . Sc eMa otn.P ae osumbellcent n.who h h n ve been p near!, ter S rg with running so m r.d now all healed us. 'Min m o w" Is, heal cavitiesin t he lung. p.ll.loll.which must be able „ . In the treatment of Consumption It It. of the moot linportanee to give vigor eml hea/thy tone at to the ',etre/. Ilence it le neceesary to atrengthen the appetite of thelastient and Improve(' the dim, Eon. Pmper nourlahment It required together with such ar t ic le s will make the food the d iet tibia. The most .Itable for the diet of Coommullve patients are dmlgnated In Dr. Schenck a Almanacs. •hlch are (nett/hetet/ aTatul- Lonely. In general, the MOM highly nutritom elm am to he preferred, but the digestive formula mutt be et rengthened In order to mote either food or medicine pr./TP*loln. This requirormnt Is met by the Seaweed and for thin purport. It mom .1 1.1 ' ; Vb i e dlgestive nowtmare put in good order, the front has teeter effect: the system of the patient is invigorated and the lunge begin to Mier rise their sinfunction • normal and healthy man nr, Te en the rum. the eg powers of Puirnonic Syrup will e . Pulmonary h Consumption lo d aluit poor Che ' c a k gt. see 1 n tein ' t 7 d l=fi 3I; obotructions from the Liver and nature its healthy •ction. They have all the efficacy which le ascribed to calomel or - bine tom," .nine warranted not to contain • particle of any mineral poison. Them Pill, cure the most obetinate• conlvenem, sick heedec.he. piles, billions infections. and all other diseases which Itri.ll from • torpid 14 obstructed comdition of the Liver. One hoz of them pills will prom the efficacy of the medicine. • .1n Consumption the Seaweed Tunic and Man. Ante Ibila are Invalunble auxiliary medicine, They relieve the sufferings of the patient end h a v eanla the Pultnonle Syra pin effecting. rice. They ae been found umful in •dcaticed stage. ComoinfiA lion, where the lungs are Almost entirely destroyed and ell ptoms mconlingtu the i tAdicri b ir tot the w h h M olrce . atrigi:7 Iv; euntrilig • neve o bwen preserced for montbs 7 hy the um of Schenck's three irrrekt remedies. 11r.Schenck's Almanac enntalne full treatise on the carton. forma of hi. mode of treatment and general directions how to nee hie medicine can Principal alls, or sent by mall by addreseing hi. Mee, No. I 3 North Sloth street, Phila delphia. Pa. . Pries of the PulmonlePyrua and Seaweed Tonle Meh 2142 per bottle. or ,1117,10 a half dozen. andrake Pills 93 cents it bon. Fur ludo by all drussists. deC7dAT riAr'DOCTOR . WHITTIER CONTIN ... DM TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE DIP. EAltra. That numerous clan-of cures resulting from self-abuse,' posturing unmanliness. nervous debility, Irritability. eruptions, ...alma emissions, and finally impotency pertuaneutly carp]. Verson. afflicted with delicate, inhicata and long standing M R complaints mats pltely Incited to call for etmsultallon which nothing. KW , Donee, the beet neteachers, has enabled him to PerfePerfect remedies at once efficient, safe. permanent. ct which in most cues Om be used Without hind rance to business. Medicines Prelim , " to that e , tablishment, which embraces office reception nod wading rooms; ahs. boarding and' sleeping apart mental.). patients requiring dallYPersonal *item thin, and vapor and chemical haws, thus carmen tha famed mineral springs. No matter in have failed. stake puts case. Reed what be nays his pamphlet of arty pages, pent to any addresa for two stamps in sealed envelops. Thousand]. of case.] treated annually. at office mid all over threnuntry. Consultation free. pereutudly or by melt. mike 00. 0 wilts H street, Meer Court. louse) Pittsburgh. Fa. Hours 9 /1. st. tt “. Sundays 19m. to 2 p. Pamphlet sent to any address for TWo trrasiDS apt 1100 000 arMASHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED —Just Published In zonated envelope. Prieo,oln Mall. A LECTUREONTHE 'NATURAL THEATMENT. and Radical Cure of Spermatorrboa. or Semlanl Weslaco,. and Impedi ments to Marriage generalin Nerrouaneno. Con on:nation, Epilepsy, sal Film Henna and Phyolod Incapacity, AO.. b 7 HORT. J. I. ULVERWELR, D. D,ontnor of the Green Book,__" BOON TO TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFEREIIa.” Rant under neal, In a plain envelope, to any stlOrtos. poldpaid. CHreceipt of el: onnta, or two analogs Raman, to AS. J. C. RUNE h CO.. 1 . 37 Bowery, New York. Postoteee boo 4386. .Also Dr. Cuiverweiro "Marriage 00100." PlWe 95 cant.. mylloal Igr"BATCHELOR'S HAIR . Thig •plendld lteir la Ite best I the world. harmless, reliable, InalantaneouS. loo n not contain lead. nor any VITALIC pAron to Voodoos I .0 death. Void A the vaunted and delis- Ine s . Trre %VIT.:V/47. '4. 1 1",:i had 30 years untarnlabed reputation to uphold Its integrity as the only Perfect Dye—Block Or Brown. Sold tir. all Dnipsists. Applied et l e i Bond street, B. T. lei FINANCIAL AMERICAN BANK, No. 80 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH _ . I= Stockholders Individually Liable DANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEM/SIT. JOAN FIA/VD. WM. FLOYD Thos. M. 3larahall. I John M. Mnrtland. ' Wm. T. Shannon. Archibald Wallace. James W. Arndt. I J.. 11. Kelly. Chas. H. L y eech. Wm. Floyd. John Flod, Thin Bank is now fully organized and prepared to do general Banking huniness. Jellkkgt FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION„ No. 1110 Fourth hr., Pitt burgh M! . . .ILFX;D V. 200,000. g r ITPIV ;27 U A R IMPID ON TI ME DTS. sident— !WADI/ DOUSE. ?meld MR-4. FL CRAFT. ADAM JACOBR. ME EDWARD HOUSE: WILLIAM 1 , 1111.141 , 8 JAMES 8. CRAFT.. EDICT. W.MAcKEI, THOMAS STKEI A JARED M. BRUSH, THOm A S W. DAVIS. . . -Secretary and Treuumr—THOMAS STEEL. Aninstant enabler—JAMES P. SPEER. ..•. • • Mee bourn from 9 o'clock A. r. to 4 o'clock r. r dell 7, and every Saturday evening (rum 7 to 10. agiti:n3l • Dove, COMMERCIAL BANKING COMPANY, • N 0..) Fourth Are., Pittsburgh, CAPITAL $200.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. w. 11. EVERSON. W. C. MACRUM. President. Cashier. ppti ALEXANDER BATffiii, JOHN Ll:it/SAY, A. 11. F.NGLISII I D. H. MACRum W. 11. EVERSOk • JOHN Q. Mau% W. O.IIUSIIART, H. F. WLI.SoN. JACOB KI.EE. Collections made .mall accessible Minns of the United States and Canada,. NTEREST Allotted on TIME DEPOSITS. attention given to all business of corms .c — mat'4g: ." . Cl THE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Of Pittsburgh, • FOR THE Safe Keeping of Nalnables, Under guarantee. end the renting of /Wolin Its Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, • No. 88 Fourth .Ave. Preeldent—WlLLlA SI Pll I lAA PH. Vice recrldent-11 EERY FLOYD. iam PhlllipS. Byrn. H. rhlhlee. Henry 1.10111, Wllllem Res, Jot. Morrleon. Ovelyte Black. NVllllant E. Lyon. ' I Curtis Hassey. Jam. 1. Bennett. eree'y and Trans.—fl. F. VON BONNHOEST. Open Aelly from A.ielock I. )1.10 4 o'clock 0. et. ENE CITY BANK, 112 FIFTH AVENUE, C=! 1213212 STOCKHNTOLERESDERST PAID IND ON DEPONITS.IVIDITALAff .I.IABLE. I VoDEIGN EXCHANGE bought and sell. end when deOreat em itted to PNimpe. CoSeethe. made on all end all the principal points nt the United States and Caned.. DOMINICK lIIMISEN. Presldena JAMES 044(A BE. Vice Prawn... • W. N. MORI:AN. Cashier. Jun &fetch tin . McCabe.' Keag, T Terrace Campbell. I Jamea Phelan, 11. A. Preiroale. I Thom. Barnes. JOS. M. GA7.ZAII. Solidi e. I\l . ...Holmes & Sorts, Ihruftl. Tbonmik It.ourte. Petrick Kane. Chu. 11. Harr. tier.ltsgftm. R.,. once. N. Stop). lel la BANKERS, 57 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA Collect:ons ninde on all the prinniPni Points the United !hates uid Cantinas. TUCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES, I= .nni , olnr ,nl,l le the hereheee • er United States Securities .rp.l Peale anti Olio &load Co. The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad = the celebrated WHITE SULPHUR APRINOO West Ylretde. 'Z7 sato& It la helm rapidly tended to the Ohio "leer. 200 wiles farther =I I prrnpreas penetrate• and opens p Li market Me WON 11101 YUL COAL D6POBIIII =I GINI A. And thus Mosotho oppertor and abundant Coals of that ...Hon Into 000ttnattleallott tftth the. IRON OHM (*VIRGINIA AND OHIO. aael 'the WESTERN. SOUTH WEEITERN AND EASTERN CM= Whew coatplowwl it will winuanct Om sermon ARDOR I , ...CILITIICS OF TUN CIIESAPSAILIC RAT 10111 rehab!! neeteetten ea the Ohio demise Mu with the ENTIRE RYSTXM OY RAMTMAD AND WATER TRANSPORTATION or THE SEAT WEST AND SOUTHWEST. It will mate a SHORT. LAST. CIIEJLP and FA VORA BUS ROUSH frees the WM? to the REA and will entaneand CAME MIAMI OF TILE =I It will thus become one of the mottIMPORTANT AND PROFITABLE KANT AND WEST TRUNK I= and a trade or tote:ewe .slue. The completed pOrtlon of the Haul Is &Am a PIIIIWITAIII4 'Amp ISCHEAIiffIU 131.11f1f11188, and I. folly equal in velae to the whole ansonnt of the mortsafe,pon the entlre Line-113.000, 1100.1 The loan ot'• ~ th• Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Company, helna• FIRST SIORTIIAOE UPON THE ENTIRE LINE; PRO MATT AND EQUIPMENTS, WORTH WHEN COMPLETED AT LEAST MED.- 000,000. la therefore oneof the most onlietamtlaL ronaerraUve ui 1 d reliable Railroad Loans ever of fered In the m that. and la peculiarly adapted to the w•nta of Investors and. Capitalists. Who desire to nuke their investment. with the most ontamiors assurance of rosmvx AND UNDOUBTED BECUNITY. The Bonds me In denominations bf $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO •od ow be bed!COUPON or HEGISTERSti laaaneat Ms per. cent. per annual. payable MAY Lt and NOVEMBER lat. • PFaNCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD IN THE CITY OF NEW Ironic. Frio" 90 AND ACCRUED INTEREST In Cur. nmer. at which price they per hearty SEVEN PER CENT. IN GOLD on their cost. All Government Bonds and other Becuritleadealt In at the Btock Exchange received In exchange. at Weir full market ♦aloe. and Bonds .eot to all parts of the country. free of Exprese charger, They ma be obtained by ordering direct from es or through any responsible Bank or Banker In any part of the mfuntry. Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS. No. 5 Nassau Street, New York. Maps, Pamphlets and full information furnished upon application in person or by mail. S. M'CLEAN & CO., BANKERS, 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Amt. for the We of thee* Bonds. ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. FORT PITT Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, .0'200,000 =1 BOX AND CYLINDER STEAK BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS. BREECHING AND ASH PANS. SE SERS. SETTLING PANS. SALT PANS AND CON DENSERS. STEAM PIPES. GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON: IX/ORS AND COAL SAUTES. = Cur. '2d, .3d, Short and Liberty Streets, IN - Orders, t to the sboee e ' ddre.e 'MI be promptly attende sen d to. mirlaYd HUGH M. BOLE CO., Cor. Point Alley and Dn q nesne NI, I. Engine Builders, Founders, AND • MACHINISTS. 'Manutacture STEAMBOAT ENGINEB and STA TIONERY ENGINES of ail A 7,71V.`"710. ZIVNV:ZaoI'ORMII OILER of 13 home Power. CASTINGS,of every End. M Mow order at our Foundry, nn THIRD STREET, Market. RIGS for Oil Well.. SHAFTING, MILLISYS. RANGERS. 1101811Sd TOBACCO SCREWS. and IRONPRESSES. TOBACCO PRESSES. on band nod made to order. M. the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Hirer. nenr tho Point Pittsburgh. Poi. =WM =TM Riesick & Bro.; FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP. NO MOULD. ENGINES AND MACHINERY, RRENVE.RF WORE RIPAIRING snl PUTTING UP MAC HINER), II CLIC bu rg h.. Co rner 17th and PIKE ST 'CET'S, Pitt Pa. nolantin O'HARA BOILER WORKS, F. REPHAN & CO., men„Nclurers. of STEAM BOII;EILS,OIL TANKS. STILLS. AGITATOBB, BALT PADS, GASOME TE LS SETTLING PANS. PRISON DOORS. CH VENTS. nitwit EN Ems BEDS. So, Cor. or Second Avenue and Liberty Street. • PITTSBURGH. PA. Repairing done pluiroptly. Orderspent to the .bore eddre,n wlll he promptly SNITiCIPS. octSple FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS 9100.000 KNAP FORT PITT Foundu Company. OFFICE AND WORKS Twelfth Street, = NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND Pipe ANrorks. 'orner Carroll and Smallman Sreels I= WM. SMITH, MANUFACfURRROF Cast fron'Bowl Pipe, SEMI GAS AND WATER WORK tenand Castings for Gas and Water ►Yorks of Gas P ort.. &vomit tom as. uttently mote orow of_ll OuTS. ntoaderktu 017.1.—A-NMATIS6W MR A. F K RAYVOGLE. NONONGAIIELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & llanstattontrs of IRQN UOURS FRONTS. WIN Div LINT EL,4 awl BILL& and l'astings of all Descriptions f ttVanira% ctlftr, f',Vg1 1 ,27,1 7 0 S u rirsixo nr For KDRY—Fo:I3O WAITER ST.. ROBINSON, REA & CO, Snowman to 11Oisps000; MM. MILTAIL. WASHINGTON WORKS POUNDERS & MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH. t r. e inu. N : r ar. 77° ri t1 . 1 8 ,,, ,T r g.": 7 8 1 ,..% m u.....1 far:AT:al? g i er p d streets. ig" THOS. CARLIN & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry & Machine Works I= Manufacturer+ a fltatlontuT and'rertable Steam :4 IT tarrAillia="L`Vallt+ d o Grote Bare. Welsh.. aeon_ Boxes, he. Bunt Gofer and to,. on hand Engines of an slam. mhttcp . (unix Rolf—Foundry. Cyr. LIBERTY AND 24T11 STE BOLLMAN & BAGALEY Igsaufacturers of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions / 4 *) V *f zt(sZ,:f3l 0. w. DeCAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Has removed to No. 37 GRANT STREET, PIRA bunch. WM practice In the CIMUIt District Comte. In the Mahe SWIMS and ail th moot of Allegheny county. awl make collections t o moot of the soma menthe.. 1a=1133 MeCORMICK, Attorney-at-Law, No, 6.9 GRANT STRRKT business. I:llrPronapt attention given W all kinds leN ARCHIBALD BLAKELY, Attorney-at-Law, III( WI. B. NEEPER, liutrat AND EX-OFTICIO 'JUSTICE OY THE PEACE. Office, 112 Fifth avenue. Elpeelal atientlon given to antreyandoe and colt Welton*. Deets. Bonds and Xorigices drawn op and nil WPM MUM*. =atoned to promptly and mt. money. 1 , 101141 0);.. 5•• ft :/1 HOLMES, BELL & CO., I ANCHOR COTTON MILLS, r irreususart. Mazufseturen of HEAVY 116D11711 and LIGHT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting. IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS, ahm Co., I=2 IIU)N. NAILS, STEEL. A:x.cls and Springs iwqr ESN E, I. X IND JUNIATA. 1!:14;,"it".`6,t`,",:;r014`. Bon. PLATI, AND lIRADs . k IRON. 10150 AND IGLI . IYPEIL BAlts IR°N. ' CROWB ABU ARS.W ELK:RS.I4 lAICIIII SPRING. PLOW, AND CULTIVAT STEEL WINGS AND MOULDS ..t "ft , STEEL TutEs L sTEEL su A rrl NO. Ala uOACIL, antl WAGoN SPRINGSrond A nl' NAILS AND SPINES. C=! Goods First Class and Warranted OFFICk>.‘ AND WORKff-161M1 Let tuul Alle 'hen. Meer, 77 Wider etreet. l'Utebureh. mho I.LER; BARR IS PARKLN WM. METCALF. REUBEN MILDER GRO. W. BARK. CIIkS. PARKIN. srccul. PAirrNAU—S.. M. KIER. -- Crescent Steel Works, ILLER, BARR & PARKIN, OFFICE: Nu. 830 Liberty Street, fel4 dt3 PITTtiBU Mal. PA. Pittsburgh Steel Works. ESTABLISIIED Is 184$. ANDERSON & WOODS, Best Relined Cast Steel I= Best Refined German Plow & Spring Steel. b rgN i r a lt DOSB AND FIRST AVENUra;I,II, PITTSBURGH Novelly Works. = )01111E1D, ADAMS & CO., Eanararturera iif KETST(iNE STANDARD( Fair bunk's Patent , PLATFoItSI AND CO E UNTR =I Paint end Correa MM., ite_ Comer of MST AVENUE and ARRANT STA. Plttebumb, P. Sheffield Steel. Works. SINGER NIIIICK & CO Manufacturers of every desaippos of Cast and German Steel, RAILWAY SPRINGS. ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES. STEEL TIRE, Aa.. As. WAREEIOUSE-03 Water and 100 First streets. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL wopas. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufacturers of' ail Descriptions of STEEL. OFFICiI and WAREHOUSE-30th. 31 et and Railroad I= STOVES, CASTINGS, &c. COOK STOVES. Get' the Best! BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, =I FOr Bituminous Coal Warranted to COOK. BAKE or BOAST an wel as any other Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO., - No. 235 Liberty Street ALSO. ON LIAM/ AND FOR BALK; PARLOR STOVES. lIRATLNG STOVES. ORATE FRONTS, FENDERS. COOKING RANGES, ke.. he. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO. STOVES, Boston Cooking Range "TIIE FIERY FURNACE" FOR WARMING RUILDINC TILE NEW ANTI-PEST COOKING STOVE. EMULATOR." CoLUMBIA COOK ST OWE. TA:andonatl PattenS PORTABLE CAST I O N MANTLEB WF.LLMANB REFLW, TO C ATILS free from AM Add duet: ORATE FRO isNbsus. da 206 and 208 Liberty Street, • • . PITTSBURGIL PA. A_,BRA_DLEY&CO',' No. 30 Wood Street. Manufacturers of the Greatest Variety of COOK, PARIA/R and lIF.ATINO STOVES to be found. In our amortment will be found all the latent PAT TERNS and IMPROVEMENTS, and the repute lion of our Stoves such that any one In want of =41; 1 1 1 4 0 11 .h .t l ih P e7v 0 ;i1rbeTo u u n nrt ' h ib''' P ' str nible ail well a:economical. Would call e pUticult: attention to our new VOLCANO STOVE, for churches, Intended More. Over 300 sold In three month. for with or without casing. All who have used them pronounce ahem superier to any other :Ind far cheaper. Send for Catalogue and Price LM. le3:1 WINES, LIQUORS, Bce VAGNER'S FRENCH CUM The Very Beal in the United Sides, MANUFACTURND BS WM. WAGNER, 9SI North Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA Usecusuess-411 the **Mug houses h Ph delphts. jsZuttSirn. Schmidt & Friday IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &c WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. Nos, 384 and 386 Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH ST., formerly Canal . . . JOS. S. FINCH & CO., No.. 185.187.189. 11/1. IER uld ISIS FIRST STREET. PRlsbuigh. Moontseturoio C07ER . D9,1 1 . LLED PURE IWINATIN. o 41.°L' 1.)11,_111k y y /. B. FULTON O. J. /MANN. FULTON & M'GANN 1 Practical Plumbers, GAS AND STEAM FITTINtS, girth Areas..., law , High Street. Pittsburgh Pa. bead Pips, nom groan Gals Ftxtures, Saban Bath Tabs Lint Wash Stands, Iron Pipe and Fatting... Ala rrd Seer Pumps. and Stearn Casio always on hand. bib and Private Buildings Stied up with VAL star and Wats Unattrut Apparatus. Jobbing ppaaptty.attanded to. • '`•-• • RAILROADS. p ENNSYLTASIA , CENTRAL RAIL. ROAW—On and atter I 1 w Sunder. MAT lat. 1870. Trains will arrive • and depart (tom the Union Depot. Corner Of Wank. trigton and liberty Streets.. follows: atimva.MteAlf.T . Mall Train 1 . 30 am ' oNnuthem ex.. 3.30 am t' ' :l l t.. 1. 1 3 4.1 ttg= itriten Ae M. 7 oum M:Il ram. am Wall*, 55 ern it t . Ac....IO: • JCP Cincinnati Ex. 930 am Wks Ar.NO. 1 ir ip p.* Johnstown Atl ft 50 ant Cinonli 0 .a.. .1' Wks Ac. 5%, 7111.1 pn. Wally No- .1 ritm Pittsb'gh Lx .. 140 pm Johnswn At. 40 IMP Pacific Ex 1.50 pm tlo myw'd At. Weirs Nn. 3.. '2:35 pm No. l llomew'd Ac.. Express 3•au Mn. I 0,53 pm Wail's N 0.3... 3.04 P. 7 803 "1 ptn wne pasenr. 1:10 pm .10:3111 pm W. 11 1 .1. No. 5....1 l O U • trams snake close connection at Mall. bit I tor Baltimore. Church Train leaves Walls Ration .every Sunday at 9.03 a. 113.. reaching Pittsburgh at 13,30 p.' Returning, leaves Pittehumn at 13,30 D . m. and attires at Wytils Station at 1.10 P.m. Msittlnisatt Express leaves Smith." Pres% leaves daily except Monday. All othertraistet da ir r tti ' rlTCPl ' n ' t d. "rm's l l l 'r ei(Twiri ' , Agent. The Pennsviranla Railroad Company will not that sr''k the A. J. CASSATT. tny3 Weneral Superintendent,Alloon, Pa. IA It. R. 4. 1669. the Paaaentterra —. .s 'Feel. , on the Western Pennsylvania Railroad will arrive at .4 depart from the Federal _Street Depot. Allegheny MY. Y follows: • Aurtirc. • • br.PANA, r 7 47.1 . t t‘ N N 1. '. 1 1 . i d:44 ) : IT I Hall i 7, - ... 2 : : Express. 10.41 i a to Shmrplig No. I 1,0 0 a 4 , ~47P ., 1 1 . 4.., % . .VAS 1: :;.47'4,7. so. i :3 ° : Mad 'JO p ni.Freeport No • 1° 0 P Springd'e N 0.2 20 P IniFprinid'e Nu. 0. 0p a Atmee trains run daily except Sunday. The Church Tents leares Allegheny Junction my o Sunday at 7:40 A. IL. remitting Ci Allegheny. ty at 0:30 A. st Returninyb leaves Allegheny City at 1:30 r. M. and arrive at Allegheny Junc tion at 3:40 r.%. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 7:00 A. m. make direct ronnection at Freeport with WalkceM line of Stages for Butler and Ilaninthstown. Through tickets may be purchased at the Oflice. NO. I St. Clair street. near the Suapension Bridge. Pittyburgh. and at.the IMpet. Allegheny. k'or further petticulurs apply to JA3II LFERTS. Agent. Federal Street Deptd. The Western Pennsylvania Mimed will not as- Su nu. Any limitr Baggage, eyeept forwent:till KY parel. and their restamsibility to (Inc Hue.. limed Donal, In value. All baggag ect.eding this amount In value will he at the risksof the owner. unless taken by special contract. A. J. CASSATT, null General Superintendent, Alteona. Pa. I3ITTSBFItIRIII, FORT WIINE k CHICAGO it.' W. and CLIW ELAND a 1•11 - 1•SaL7 . 11 • 44,4 /11.1811 l It. 11. FNMA 3IA I' Ist, IS7O. trains will lease trent anti arrive At the union Bets.. nntth Side. Put , - burgh city time, as follows: LEAVY, I Attntre. . Fast Line 12:114 a mlFast Line 2.10 a m Erie 4 egn Hz .70 et a re Pacific Ex.. z •.l2.vm P m CI. tr. Who 311.11: 14 a tin Wheeling 14.114.4 p. • m Chicago Mai1...8:3%, a m'e. k St. 1,. Ex ..7.11S p m Chits° Co 11:314 a m.F i l= d ll:4..t. - 2Lt:: ( g, c i f fil Vi };f r- r . IF r, min ts ° A Fben 3 P a Pre /t - nie Ea. • 3 P mi.. 4. Wiest Ex. 7: PI p m DEPART mom a i.l.r.n . r.,Amarg IN ALLeaq.cvr. FUlho iIe..S:3M a m[boetsdale A•..t.. 3 a m Leetsdale • 10:124 a reelleter Falls .. : team " 11:33a tn:NeyrOmtle" 1 4 Tioehester - .pn2l^,non •• -FL. N a m Coon - oSip nt Leetsdale - 12. 3P In Leetsdale A: 3p m Boar Falls "4,1 p m Beeir 1 0 1911 .40 ik nin 1,001 ale •• 4:. p a il '"': p en l• 1/1 . : 4 115 in 1., .eelsdlde 10,13 P m Fair Oat Sun- • , Falr (lake San ppm day l'hureh...ll:3S am Ma i• serene will leave daily. I 17" Patitic Express an - lies daily. Ilf - Past l.lne leaves dell, Monde]. excepted. ID - Fan Line arrive. daily, Mondays exavpled. re - All other trains will leave and arrive daily, Sundaes race led ..r. SCALES ..-. . . . Gen). Pan. Ticket Aent.. Gan'. Manager. V}WOE OF TIME-ALLEOIIENY VALLEY ItAILROAIL NIIV DC11197:111WX . . WITHOUT CHANGE Or CARS. On od arbor MONDAY, N0v.112, 1809. TWO TIMOI7OII TRAMS DAILY. (except Sundayl OR loom Pittsburgh Depot, corner - of neventh and Ilke steeos. for Franklin, 011 City, Doralo,pind all points In the Oil Regions. LCAVZ liroannnoll. lARMIrm IX rrrYsticuritt. Day Ex ttlll A. M.; liity Er_ Ilt3U P. M. Tr 1,1 t;,; - liirAl:;:i'll'ilaw.: Ill:: :: i 'II allr.".:i ilho it:::i4,1.1 1 .11.t°•... '43 A.M. . 4th Holton-1i: 0 r.a.i4ttilluiton.. 7:1. P. K. Mstiort Air. : OA. M.. Node Works. 7:3. A.M. a Works. : OP. M. Freeport AC. 111. r. 9. Brady's II Ac 3: 3 r.x.!Rradril 0 Ae10:0. A.M. Church 1: OP. m.„(711 orch - 10 , 10 A. K. Express trains stop (ally .at principal points. Ac commodation trains stop at ull stations. We are now running - Silver Palace Sleeping Cnn" on our nleht Express trains. both ways fro M r to ,V 3 . LAWRENCE, Don't Sept. THOMAS M. KING.. AWL tinciL =I P ITTSBURGH, CINCIN.UTI AIND IT. LOUIS RAILWAY. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. L. --r E -4113 CIIANGE TIME.—on lameter SUNDAY. Nor. 14th.1889, trains willand arrive at tha Union Depot. Pittsburgh. RA inflame T Ptburgh it Pittsburgh . ' ime. ARRIVE. Mall i.3111N a. m. 1313p.m. Southern Express 500 a.m. Fast Una • HArin. m. 7:rp. m. Mixed Accommodation.. 5:43 it. m. 8: /p. m. Do Mcnald Aron. No 1.. 11 ittle m. a.m. Steußenßille Accommod. 3:43 p.m. m. McDonald Acc'n. No. 3.. _.li3 p.m. 43 P.:: "' 3 l l.i Ci t ' r. '" rt . f h iii rr ; te l'et7 p. m. " 12:12 p. m.111 " will =ire daily. S. F. SCULL. • PITTSBUR(III AND CONSELLS :MIX /i4LIOAD. Onend after SUNDAY. s i WlMLEgfig February •20th 1200. Trains 4 , f arrlve . tuld depart from the DepOt, ner of Grant and Water streets. as ` • ' • • • • DEPART. Altntri. Mail to and from Unt'n.. 7:O 0 a- m. 1!).1 P. M. McKeesport Acwommial.l? a. ro. _ p. Ex. to and from Unt'n... .1.13 p.m. 111.11 a. . West Newton Accommo. 4:30 p.m. Pl 4 w m. Firsddocka Ant...mods. CIA 7:J. p. m. Men Ace. to McKeespl.lo:3o p. m. 6.4 a. m. Sunday Crimea Train to 0110 a. to. nod t'°°"Vng rttßir : tri3&PTit Arrant. HARDWARE _& CUTLERY ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., B=M=l General Ticket Agent, Columbus, 0. N.N. co. AD Donnie.. Ohio. golf. EIMEMEI HARDWARE, NO. 52 Wood Street, rirrseutiou. PA. Spring Goody, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, Sa Merchants are Invited to examine oar stock when in the city. . Orders by mail will hate prompt at tention. BEAVER FALLS ckpuTLER-y -c); PI No, 70 - Wood Street, pg! p4 l MANUFACTUREIL9 OF TEEIR NEW 1-4 1 4) cDI TABLE KNIFE C/2 Tl.Vz'a rga,pl.l:4l:,^ireer con.trnetlon wlthoot additional weight. ~!tlttle:,?rfttleckM,Vsti L ar, ol o p d lo 'in were. In color and brilliancy, _lt le " •1011ar to iAtl ri zre b r d lrer i dgrdle and Illade,aa above da te On article of UNIQOF L DS- P4,VIA N . Ih t 4- 0 App—co and, Groat Dun ' 1*Z T. tart r l b je 8 4%1 8 tVe " nod r " i3B°' of 1610 e•Ped.L.d.pre r egr Pc14,10,,,4=1 1 ,11&,:*e,,,,=" 3 "'"'"'" u • Beaver Falls Cutlery Co, • NO. 70 . WOOD ST., PITTSBRGH. =! Solid Cast Handle ' MANUFACTURERS OF Table Collel7 and Parket Knives. QUALITY GUARANTEED. BRASS CASTINGS GUSTAVE BAKU Henry Bier & Co.,_ leoeceuors to JOlni JI. COOPER t C 0..) BELL -AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Brass . - . Castings MADE PROMPTLY TO ORDER. TLLtartaEA_NAR Ant RON nrrIXGS. VIFAT, E I4IROIW K IALVES. ALL Ny e ivo or EVEIST MairTION for .€l 7g u n:;ll .. .l4C.Tir p i r Co u ?.' . .mosovEn B AGEsTs of DADYe ye' PATENT °MEM the lxst the laarkeL OFFICE AND WORKS: Corner Thirteenth and Pike Striets. .4.26 ATWOOD & IIicOAUFEY, Corner isatarry Mire_ wad 'THIRD Avast'''. Plltsbatah. BRASS FOUNDERS and IRON PIPE FITTERS. and AGENTi lor A:EL CAMERON =I STONE WEST COMMON Machine Stone Works, Northwest corner of West Common. Allseenanr, TREWS ATVATER. A CO, Have =hand or prepare gn short aotles, Muth Wil i gn c. B Veit st - Nolg on Ireamonable Winn