The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 13, 1870, Image 1
THE :DAILY ' GAZETTE PUBI.I9IIFM - r.ENSIMAN, REED & co:14 Aiti r. B. pErnivai, 7OSIAIi KING, • T. P. TIOTYSTON, N. P. REED, EDITORS ANI) PROPMETuItB, Triolx or Tax : • Its t, aU IT ..... .... 1, 4.11,ml 07 annier.pezveelt • 15. FILE DAILY GAZETTE. (ANTRA LITIEg. • r ten t rnd,• in London in ntrawbnri7 staiiqn in FinTidn iw .1. ' ; A INT. 11 , trying to attract licuutlinicrian ACP, 6(whmt lai] Cinrinti atmomaul tel , • , . A sNui:.; •fif. port r otper 9re lis ntl in Nctiorou rodnty, town. xI: 1, V:il.161.:0 is titling I.ix 11100,m - A • • , C strawberries psi • Ni:•Xillt • h about to wit iro .0i to Stiprolu kt Bond i of Now Ilautp. i:o. 'VIII; 114 . 4 , m1. r-t that Califoraht fruit. i.n.podi are 14eabing,antloly man ' , vile. . •,1. t ;•, ~.:1111,1.AN' YEACKICR nurpebler whop; '..;•S:" lastis, was btanie4l NI M,.,Jay. r,,, ~ :•:!,100. Tsii. hook lu•t•pt'r of dri,zer, ht St. Louie, daligerollsky f'iiiLIDELP/11.1 end New York !aro hav ing iht•ir l'owk eeer••rt,.. \Viten will Al l. Login': Cot: dinolg, to *Pill Lr tht• meeet tr,ltl wel weather lu Nortlti•rt: ynno ve . i 7 y . • • ♦he. Wiwi ;it - ember, is . tt I who, hi, ..i• .11•• 1111.4 pcin!mi v•n h WaS. I...tVESWWITIL tho nit.l and hob% laid out city between J.,:j3 Una the l'acific • i r io tlantljrut tlu• earn on like Dubuque mi c;ionx. (IV Railroad will lie running Nioui yby the middle of 3une. N.IIW judge couldn't see what rims• Nieves scanted with lies - en and a pairs of Ames, so he 174 , 111111 it tlll.lll. \ I 11;!: an Indinn ennip is captured by' Shelohin's troops the loose scalps are tit' tho. bop, Kati sent--cast fur dill!. nor, t • BRUTl(Litr; . pniwr tonnufart , ra of North Amherst. '3lass.l" hako payment with small assetts and ~..',0.1,11:0j . I . J.kiNnttion has it man nim hina .h,rty yi.LTR ~r a - ahlab!e Itt In jot!. nw_na, inn ocenpatiou Ito rincit,a Fat, lirtlo Detruit hors found r knife • f“aldn't agree which should baca it, the other, •aud there tedy 0110 h•f: t•• divide among. , Tuesday l'slward .11unty irivA ,to ,cu 'himself in the canal at Itufthh.. wept all that stood between !dui anddeath; bat they were sufficient. it 1 , thought Mr. Oladstone would net ran ice a usual, if Mrs. rall'aql or'•,nay tea:, r 4coatan tainald take a seat in !the,4 Commons during his talln:nitra , . . IN eXIrOI'INIVIIIIIIg In 1 , 4111 1 /111efl'Inly on I .'ll'grafl/V, lil,Nittlgl, w • n. fleor to 1, .. 1,. ran, in. lcritia, a dimanee of 3,700 miles, aml ,nmAcers wire received 'in thirty nro*ada• A nnn•irdmeut at Atboth applied, a few Ilnym ago, to liave bin bride of au ovioillig bound river fill ln• could grt 0 livorre. • She was mmn 11. 1111 t nerd a skil l. r cannily. if at W.' had l' iusme 1:1 , 1r .r.•r' t btu we let Ittnittien like• Ge..rge Fravet, Train icnnde•r around 1 100 14 .. :or i, I t nay ten.pors7 nut uternal insanity flint s tlangerotus? Rtcluxos singe Shoo in the opera of Crown Diamonds, and bus delights that cultivated population Charhistom S. C.; of which we 'have to much. MAN named Cook in Chandlercille• 111.. threw 'n brick nt and broke the bend ~ 1 a ninn.itnnied Serf. Cook left, before the perfnruninco wan - over and line not roirne Intel: vet. A Pit I:sqtrrEtt Fes' Female Collegr Is to he started at Indiana. The , . ~usl Church building 'and grounds, worth about $14.000, have been devote t• fur the.purpase. ONE of the largest autliences ever no enaided in - Providencr, H. L, greeted Sen ator Bevels on Monday, when he lectured upon flu- "'Framer 'of the Age." (loc. l'addleforil introduced Tiir. young King of Bavaria is at prea. enigiged in thoroughly studying the hint.,ry of tliC Catholic Church. They eny in Xtutich t h ut hr let going in write n aetriangly anti.ultramontane book. Two large . brink Intildirign are being premed in 31onnlout h. 111., by Messrs. =BE tc.• Iviziatanifing the eltortE fulli - np to Ilia average, if not a little in adverse. Ir ie thought that :llcrarland . might nuke, catnall fort:inn by truceling over souni:y nominally -to lecture, .but l'eolir to exhibit himself ; not that heb, . , .7 : : MEE Pa there deifies the, right of the male paroren gets to smoke. - This gentle, .agreerible, comlstent, mildest, retiring;feminine - in neater clothes recently snatched n cigar. from a gentleman's 'month in a Ti•xste. ',making car. 1': anme place's is Maine commercial have:ere find a hard time in getting an interview with merchants, who are dis gusted with .the drumming system. ht Bangor the merchants, as a general thing, e ill have nothing to do with drummers, r ad thei re:rumple is being imitated hi &tiler places. . • - Sur. relebmwd RuralanPpera troupe in I leveln nil J nroslaw liajudl is the tenor; Liennomdcy the barrmone, Janjewlez the elir rionet player, and Itudininedd the Lamm. These murderous would have, without route, beer. among tha•Mortt renowned of day if it had not been impostrible remember their names. GENERAL LoNowirn.err 'one Atarthal of the. Day for the Fifteenth _Amendment celebnition In New Orlennt.. hongatreet, 'cannot (Vintage and gallantry on the field cannot be gainsaved even by. the rear guard and rtay.mholue Democracy, wan Otter braver than when, on the nth. of APO' last, he. met the allied foriwe of .Soichern prejudice and puwion. His last , liarge is his be.t: THE Salem (Oregon) Stateigitan Nays - Ilmt, au effort is being made by some of the citizens, and especially some of the ladies of the churches in Salem, to Inet the lugghen Who are la our midst. There is a night school in auccesaftd - operation, meeting four - nights In the week, where the Chinese are taught to read and write. it friend, who vialted.the school, informs un that lie found , about twenty out of a total population of twenty•fiee of theta singular people, ' hit intent oa learning, - and that their teachers repert making excellent progces, . coaltmroleprzer who bass statistical turn. thinks that Mr. Bryant's translation of Homer would be a very good lxiok fot children just leiirning to read works of one wrlluble. At the beginning of the third Look, in the ten lines containing the famous figure of the cranes there are vighty words, of which there are only MX. ~9'rs;~ y . r • LI 1 , ~I ' •': / . ...... * . . . I • . s 1 - I- •.1%. .. ' . '• 4 - _ I ..5 ; ~ 1 Sr , 1 .. t . ,-Ab c • , : . ...1.; , 1 7 . _ . , "':'-• : t .'- :: . -„ ( .._ , ''.. 10 .1111 ).: ~. \ . ..• 7 ,4. .., - 4 ~---- •ix 1 1 1;1 , - ''' '."•4 . .6 ~.. , 1 • • li ~ . ## . ~...4, ' • - . \ ,-7 11 . : - ..# ' ---••• :N. ' \ 1,.;,,,...... 4-..- ...,.., . . _ .liSTABLISTIED IN 178 G. teen dieihtlyle 3 nod one tryßyllnble. The o, ' X , , om lift, , , in • whidt the movement of 1115 Trojan host iA asmtpared 'to ,vapore on the mountain top,'\ them kre eigittpone w•ortltt, df Muhl. titer— me only thirteen dit - ttY 11311 1. , , and n word. of mon:than two •v l lnbleit. ht Iwk five, linelt fiet:l to 1.4.4 , limre arc fifty-f-hoe words, of which but fiat are more thins, one n9lnbh•. ottAcErui, storm, tel Lemon ine. tlin! useq it pentviler, Man of letters called upon hie, nod._ informing him of his ncetly tirtnition. reque.tell the luau. of .11 ,111 114 , 1..1111/1.1. clllll lif. money. Lantartitle, who 1v: to morli moved Ity - the recite!. oponetl — the tlrnwer end zivb hihi I !gt 111111111 M. lie then rontluVied his unfortn. ludo outer the season turn It U 11111.14. and in LAnlAtiizie opened the irs• , :t door, the tinfortnuate author Illtiver , eti in itic At:dotty cool. A sodden idea 4trn, - 1, Lenteratine. end piling 11111 " Ittltrittor, con are fortr,itin4 your over nn;: lot tittiekty took thite.llll • A . 1 . 11 - 4111s 111:11.. WI, it:sag:Ma In t 11.1, 1111,:lge And 110 .11 , 14.4 i. he, vkitor to put it on with 't:o In:, It Illee anti grace that the poor 1111111, nit know how to re fuse witielt was co 110k:111'1S Oireit'll 1.1 16111. AN old in Troy. New York. his, fora Iring tliar *drawn ft it thit. clovernent tho ground "hat by a gun shot 50011101 ho lad loot tho use of ono of Itio hands. The and thumb appeared pi be SO rigidly clos e d that i they could not bo (lout,: of lib: own volition. nnr hy nnothor tile application of gtont owrr, niul of eovere pa %i miloin.l., an no osilo.tio II.• ialunitted. with groat re. 1., dos, 11i other. When it lie. , L em it, hell/r11.,', ;11 1 / 2 1<dt, Vl•litXl,l 1114.1”1111? 11111•110•4 allt! 1:1•` . NMI :11111111, ,ruight nut MS etit.ily and tharni t ehLy te , though Ito injury had ever boon inflicted to iwpnir , in the belle!, the perfect power and nynintet ry of the nteniberl The ',Alaz inner nortlon of the hand exhibit,' halls putable :ovidenreri that It had been ap plied, and ,that 111014 tII.OIIIIIIZIIIY. 10 lb, •piirpoiirs of sever,' annual labor. The pensioner gius no l i on, ltiOnoy front Uncle Sum. ISZI A St:w irum:.l:o: letter says: "When the North has a mild and open winter, Its past, the prOdlirtion of leo hr hrtili. ~ a ge nling is important to everybody. It is always important here. N . Vith clover in ht aims, and the mercury tit seventy• eight degrees, ice is made every day at the fair. A tin cylinder on trunnions so rr-volvo is jacketed with felt; within Gnat hes tin, with tithes of differ lo.?iiing like r. M.ndlc;mold.— The tohr, are filled w:th water; in the. Tare f,T, - ,1:11i them is plitelkt water and the sits of ammonia. A cap or lid is fitted tight, and•the 11 . 11(110 revolved ten mirtuter. Upon roittnving the lid the wa ter nn tic ic,j•to ni the molds i. froz e n in a !oh alit: !dipping the cavalier into tit', larger a cylinder:of ied to formed. Thy wa:i•r tont , duing alumni:in in evapo. "rated,_and the salt, „hen dry, may be used again and nmau. lee in re,,oktin it large scale by this pmcets. Bat a revt-Iviog mil:, with the can be fitted up by it Linnet., and painted, at.o cast of fir, : dollars. te..d-a few portHs of atimioni4cal ,a 1 to W la-A a faniily a heawn.. Eu , nr: in Sew Jersey anti Sod Vett: ore rejoicing titer dirk yrixal fortune. havii, j.t t "Wien heirs'' in an emide in tzoiiiatol. tnrimi=lr eNtiniated at fr.un i some 1.1 hi: ty iaillious of dollars. The pet sell who ;rave tits information t o the "heirs" W:IS is 111 7 :11/11:11111q1 Smith, who makes it his hitsiues4 to look after and 'Z'Alect vial., of this hied. t;-.11/11• of the Lein.; Sr.' in eee , l . .ircililistalle,:e, but unisi iif them are pi,. and when the 'nee,: of theinvied.iiiheribinee re . aeheii their ears lo.licre it N,ls fi11.% and for a tithe ,othing was done, and the,ulot ter was dropped. - One 94 the party, however. wmte a letter . to a Prnmineut metnber ttf the lionise of Lords, Englund, tanking in , iptiries as it, whether-any such estate had 1nwn.1,ft...• Ls. air r,iitror et two:.or thee.' . montitalteirmeived an amitaer, stating that such an estate had been left to William Innis, aml that if the heirs could prove their claims dove Would he lint littlef limits' in getting their nielleV. Since one of' the heirs has visited 'England, and found that both the statement of Smith AIM that contained in the letter were true. - Aldo counsel were consulted:Who state that if the claimants mold produce the old family. Bible, with Alte records, it would be .the hest evidence the title. The gentleman returned home and ominuenced pion - eking for'the key to the rant estate— the old Bible. A few slays ago the sacred %Value, in a double Bernie to the heirs, was found its the hands of an ,Innis living in Pennsylvania, with the family reeonl coin plete.the Bible was prink - 41 . in Edinburg in 17,12, and is in a good State of pres.wym tion. A number of persons named Innis hate heretofore laid claims to.tho estate. which arevif course set aside by the dis cover,' of this old relic. PENNSILNA " h rI, , ILET FtiVkilt is spideLiiie in Carlisle. ;•'Dailt Ali , :torta Sun in a new • paper • Pt., it liken, a worker in the Scranton migs, ttis attached: und o numenti ',--itten by a gang of Itis late fellow. because. he wo.ild'id strike. annual meeting of the Pennsylva ucrves will L. held at -Lock Haven, ilth inst. General Meade- will be there. anti Colonel William B. Mann trill be The orator. , THE barn of John fluzendort of Sum mit township, Butler county, teas struck by lightning on Friday lust, the flth inst., and hurtled to the ground. • What is 'worthy of mention is, that it had light • exis upon it. : , c'trlay last, a son of Dr. Dinke, was thrown front a cast iron • - oiler and instantly killed. The stteck one of the horse.,, causing him and throw' hint in front of the Ilien it crushed him, prtaluclng ;:ntiteillatelyl—Bragfertf .(leporter. heart-rending occurrence mars re, ..,rd of the past .week. The wife vi r. .E. - W. Reynolds wars cleaning a, recently purchased, and had a bottle of corrosive sublimate - standing by Ler, when a little child of fonrteeh months picked it up anti drank the contents. The ditt meted mother started for a physician,' and a neighbor piclted up the little acdfellowcd, taking it up to Dr.' Mayers. Whitt a of eggs were pumped .11110 its brit too late. The terrible poison InuLtaheu toe firm n hold to re.: dislod g ed, and the child died. It is u severe blow to The parentsolemanding the sympathy and cauSelaCiat friends.—Watabarre Rerord nr Ulc .71,0 k MEE En@ is to have n Boman Club. Ue clinrch. • . TUF. Strap Firenisn's Convention meets at Cnt, lino on itic ;1:11 in t. ciot . u.tiN'on HAY , ' is to ddiver nn ad dress in titotthenvilto nu pecorkticnktlay. Tun Carroll Frec. Prcar has nen , type And looks to he almost nq gum! , njixper us it hi. ir,itt: Coshocton Age, I itn now type, is neat and elegant as the belle or a ball . 'mom. nor prisoners escaped n few Jars since front the Scioto county jail ut Ports. month. THE people of Minerva, Stark county, 'rote on the 16th inst., whether they trill hare a new school house built at u fuet of $10,030., . , Tin: Alderney Chem, Factory, New liyma, is now.making:3s to 40rherse of 60 pounds each daily, will Kan double its en. 'amity. Buitor.Ans abound in To ern. $7O were stolen from James . Shleide berme and other attempts are reported: All his money, stos,his wat611,,,&e... were taken .from the house of Rev; W. F.Wllson,the 3lethialist preacher, and a popttlar done- Bon party is to repair Ida loss. • . . —The barge Sheridan. laden with\ sis thou sand three hundred and eighteen bushels of wheat belonging to John 'Robson; of Winona. 'Michigan, and dect Wed for fit. Louis. WM sunk near Hastings WeditesdaT heal collision with the steamer Bannock tlty. 1: wheat will prose a tow loss. Insured. - - MST Elllilt 11 11) N TG HT NEW YORK CITY The MeFairland CIiSC ..1;4171 Depo- Mllon of Vire Pepsiillent Colfikx— IVenorti - litifenze Society So. ciety Anniversacy—Tiirak CAW Cuban I.eogne en the Vi ceotion of CciCecil 1; 01C6Ilill—Salu anal AnneNntion—lNtrailitiou Re ro,e(l--renion V n Connell. illy Telegraph to the I•ittsburgli Yong. Muy 1., 1 s_7o. =9 •rile American !title Society held Iln Ree l': sary to-day. The receipt. of the ere sGated to he 'miner than any !nictitte ear. Itcsolutlyas wcte iidopted that the Bible is the tan , latu.•utal and higher !am tf the Republic.. and Lb:tithe retiscat- ciorlittim of the nation cults !uremia:tacit and Increase:l zeal in its circulation In this country AS well as the rest of the world, TIIK 31CFAULANI. tirdiocox.tosi dr s. fug iltst,tinier efilfax's d: posit ion. offered and eX citified in the McFarland trial. it publitlicil. It ilet nil. ninny interest init. circumst :moist ism 'witted with the affair. r.peeiallr the Indiana sliviirce. Mr. tiolfit, says: I hall no agency commis ion. directly. or indireetiy. in her ., ap licat lon for or procuring trout Me. Fart:old in Indiana. She applied to um by 'let ter. about a year I think atter the septic:Wen, fin letters of Int rodifetlon to persons in' In ianian:di, As It id, been my-daily lie:let', for ytilik to give letters of Introductlon to all peespnitl'lriends. and believing her then. as I lonnns, worthy of. uch lett misfit intraluct ion. theta her wo, Ono addressed to a former col league in Congress. Hon. fi Porter. and the other to tin 'old friend. T. I . ..DUI:Ct. 1 can not recall the cAntents of either of these letters. except I think 1 spoke of her as a lady in sleep distress. andworthy - of esteem. Itut although I supposed, from hoe ing heard her sepatution front her was final. t hat she went to Indiana to obtain a divorce. I ginte no testimony In these lot h., on the subject, as had knowledge of tie own idiom It , and knew ft must he decided by evidence submitted in court when it cane on for trial, if ollrh , Nllll W. COllllllOllC.i, Mc. Richardson never once asked me for any letter of Introduction. et Indiana thin I remember. .1 day nr two af ter the first inputting of iliehanitowhy Menu.- laud. I was passing through Sew York. I called at t, i residence, where Richard- Found Richardso laid and ntiparently in pain. I told him how l it saddened tie to finilliitu involved to such n matter and suffering the contequenees. It, relied by asset tiny; there hail heen not !ling Duin hell in his relat lons wiell Mr.. 31er:film:ft. ring, pan of the coitssitisat ion. which lasted probably halt an hour, ' inn,. 31eFariatts1 Was preient. Site t iok no part iu the conversation and wilt weeping part of the time. In the eiotrersai ion Ilmitardsott stilled to nie if . t he obtained a divorce from her husband lo intended to _marry her. if she would. accept hill,, le believed she would make his life a haptiYo e• ask me tn aid In prior:tiring a divot. and 1 supposed front the reference he tumid nod its lairs that a divorce would be applied for In that State by her. She never at r u n- lime at ated to not that - the coutfontilisted marrying Itiiiiinrfiron after obtaininig a divorce. Think she inert: present and silent when he made the remark. I hat It the obtained adirorce he intended to marry her if she would accept nisi. -I was never instrumental ill premirlitgemploytneut for her, with or without etimlement. nor was I a s ked Iry her, or any penon la her behalf. to do so. I Aid not know she tiontemplat.i going In diana, until I read herb-tier itsking lee letters of lute aluti ion nt our State Capital. Neil her Albert 1). Richardson. Ilur t.V. r went to Indiana in all crimp:my. at any time. or for nor I to do with tit snit torsi is ev• mei IV, 0 , 0 ask.: by to 0111. 10 interfere in it. I did not know no t which it is as to lie conuminveil. wits not present. seas not a witness. and did nes , what testimony Was to IP.. cis en. i.or I know t Will, ..r Jikige ri• i fee Azgeo /can Momati's i , olTri,te morimeat: emol Inc it... /•//iI/ hia/oltiesta /mai, Mc trumids -an to work in all pep., g..c igs .• mem. reinomamtem atamnst the moves/Li/it Pending in the - Unit ed "tales Simalc /// franchise the women of Utah at a numelyset in aid of polygamy ail'almst justice, nod cm:- cratulat Inn the fel/aids of the cause Of vareena sularagy upon itunexampled Imuaac , . dutaM the year. Specelliassvere made to- nto 1. Powell. gr.. Gremwood,Julia War A d puree. Oliver Johnson. Mn,. Ihmlett. Miss Cathatino, Beecher and Miss Cutter. MI. 11.4.snicr. In remarks Ortilest woman suffraCe• asse/1 , 4 the rtaison her trorher/ si as here e'm ilmansc Its culd not .y no to :myth/Li" a woman chills him to /1.1. = A tmknquet wAggiTen tu-night t et, oneral.ln, dna. late conanalaler of the Cuban tray. Se nor Ablates was present. Cieher-.1 Jordan made cm effective speech. The Cubmi only -wnnted arms to obtain their Ilber; If they oeuld liurchnse them in the Unit edf. , ..nt 1, they would be free In threwmontbs. Horace Gree ley and Chas H. Dana spoke forcibly In Savor at Cubrtnerdeucc and argil t Ameri min people ts s the eau•e.. 4 1-41lAN ANSILT - A large meeting A was held to- ATION. night at Cooper Institute to urge upon the NVashiln. , ton au thorities the importance of ratifying the Pa tna. treaty. Chas. 11. Russell presided. :Speeches were made he Moses 11. Orinnell, Iron. N. Banks. lion, Thos. Fitch and Judge Feitheir. Resolutions mere adopted expres sing the sense of the meeting as to the annex ation of Pomona. A decision was given by Judge Brad , • of the Supreme Court, to.tlav, In favor, of Pitt Cooke nguinst the State National Bank of Boston, In which the hank contest,' Its liability on ex.r tbleation of cheek when the drawer bad to, funds to nuiEt It. The amount involved over $tkUSiJ. Proceedings were stayed, how-. ever, lot a review of the case at the general tem. The Cohan League mionted resolutions de nouncing the murder of fionicourin as a crime against humanity, which should receive the emphatic condemnation, If not of the Dovern. meet, At least of the people of the United States. and requesting the President to tithe measures to obtain the 'body of Goulcourin for interment in the land of his adoption. • DISCHARGE!). • United States Commissioner Osborne has dlschargeol Johnston, charged with murder aboard the brie Morning Light. whose extra dition,rn. claimed by the nritish Cinn.inl. on the ground that the 'extradition treaty does , not corer the crime of manslaughter, which was all the evidence showeilllnt edam to bo.,i;. rr."GAS VfATI . The Fenian Council or War hettlt o-slirt, it IS reported. agreed that the Generals leave to morrowmorning for the North, and that It blow will likely be struck neat week. 311 SCELLAITEOus. :tlessr, Taylor. Phillips, Ottendorfer and Jerome declined the Tammany nominations fur Aldermen at large. Others will. be selec ted in their Owes. • .• lieu Peters Want has been chosen Presi dent of the National Academy of Design. • The steamer Helvetia, from Liverpool, Ima arrived. CINCINNATI. - Base Balt Gaine—Roßroad Arrangement,— Lour Theological gesulgary—Cully Bed dencellorned. ply Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CINCINNATI, May IJ.—The game of base ball today between the "lied Stocklngs,'• of Cin cinnati, owl the Fore. 4 Gay, Of.Cleveland,wa., 'one of the best ever played in nil city: A large audience eves Present. The Forest City distinguished themselves by line fielding. The result by Innings was as follows: Red Stockings. ..... Forest City 0--O—U-1-1--11-11-4-.41-- 2 Mr. Allison, of the Red Steel:lnes, had his right thumb split open by a ball in the seventh innings, and his place was taken by Mr. At water.. 'rho former will problbly not be till aided many days. Jay Gould Is here again Urvlay and leaves for Cleveland to-night. He says the relations with the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad are entirely satisfactory. It appears the object of his visit lo to lay it firm bold on Cincinnati and perfect notmectlons here with the west and smith. The Impression prevnlls that the energies of the Erie will henceforth be powerfully expended in Lille direction,and that emigrants to the west and through travel generaltv will as far- as possible be ',rimed: here and scut - over the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. ' • . The Lane 'Theological Seminar .Leif com mencement exercises to-day. Therm Nvcre eleven-graduates. end an unusually hart! at tendance. lime friends of this inAitution ore very much encouraged In tegurd to its future prospect. The rmidence of George C. Knight. at Col lege 111.11, burned at noon. Loss $511.070: In sured for fao.oo. • Methodist Protestant t:onferetten. ply Telegraph ttithe•Pittsburgh gazittia) BALTOIOIIE. May 12.—The General Confer ence of the Methodist Protestant Church re sumed the consideration of the report of - the Judiciary Committee. disapproving of. re-bar , tlmu. A motion to postpone the subject in definitely was lost, sixteen ministers pal melve laymen. voting for postponement. and twenty ministers and. twenty-three!laymen against it. Adjourned. At the evening eesslen Use report of the Ju diciary Committee xilexpproving se-hapthstn, was adopted. North Catalina Republican Convention. tRY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (gazette.) IIALEIGU, 11—The Republican Coureri-' tion re...entitled to-day. S. F. P oI lip,. of thl city. accepted the nomination for Attorney fieneraL iteaolutions were adopted codondo, the administmtioes of President Grant and tjov.)liolden. pledging support of the public meh inviting Immigration from all see- Ilona of the country and Europe. and encour aging mechanic, arts, agriculture and other productive industry. • ~ _ . -_-. :-.:i.:•,-...; , ,51-,-,,-.., ,- -, :1- -..- - ;:.-1 , -.:.:-:k. wi? . 0....,7.- L . z ,, A s fz ,--r .s , : - 4 1.7 2r . k.;4:7& .4 - . Y-.' - ' ,. ::; , .. , -•_e , :• l4t;i4,-si -,- 1, , , v., , 4 , -, - 7.-i..i.,t , -',. '- , -,,,;:z•- -,-:-.., :,-',- o.- --, --..., - , •-z. ,. ..._ •--_ , -- . ,, , 1': , {;4 , 4.,:,--,---- . - a4. - Ik , i=vq .- w''' --,..,---,-- - - - --rt.q. ' - --' ft,e , - -, - - .- -.z?----,,,..,-:i-..e. 1 ,-„.. , ,-- ... - ...;,..v...4,-„,,z,„N4 A t. 6 -,-,- z. , • ~, , ,•1 / 4 1 4X-4.,,, ,, ,,,'1, . ~....- .41 - .:. , • -migotaril,-;-• - 3 / 4 -2 1 44-000-- t it4,, ,, .4f15i-: , : - t . ?*4.. - - -- 11.`;'? , 'er - v. , 4 - ,-p , ,',...-p,. Z;-.. ?i 1: "' 441 :4+.1-xt - :: 4 ' , '---- - ” . - • - -:rte - - - -- '- -- ..' - t-.„ , .0.."....,,, ,, a,,,z -,, , a. 4" y` "fh----,-Tr*, ..4. - iwal,a , xx , oo , .. - . i s'* 4„.t., - 17 ,,, N.A-- - - -.?,,A44.,,,,,,wf. PITY'ATURGII, FRIDAY, MAY T 3, 1870 xLisT eONGItESS, [ll. - I'ekgreph fo the Pittsburgh 6a.e.itte.l WtsrirriGtos, Msy I. SI:NATE. The report of the Conference GAmnitice urn 'the rkravnas Hut Springs liesemtiont Ira 3 cnncurrnd . ' , . . Mr. MORRILL offered . revolution s tfitliinn upon the Presrdent for information Concern leg 04,1:Ezell hands of rsonr at Cheyenne, Wyoming TerritorY which was adopted. iir., c r oilucOl bill granting the. riglt!L; ony to the Oven tine Mil Lake Superior Railroad. Me. SHERMAN gavernottee his/ intention to rad up the bill to 'redetk , tannffion imme diately after the ; , ending order was dispowd of. , Thu Army bill tots taken up, nod t ond ion by Mr. POMEROY to amend the' flrstttiteetion be fixing the reduction of the 'ern* at thirty founded instead of twenty-tivethOusand was agrecti to. Mr. FERRI' moved to cirike milt the elev nth section, toseviding (or I. board to retire army ollieers reported inefficient by the t le part meet eonunanders nod chiefs of stair. tie was opposed to the compulsory retirement of wounded offieerr and these dirabled by ,lek ner.s. Ile preferred to provide for thh. clue:: se Man they rather than they vleteld b, diem , ongrotto ...miry tool turned them but talon the cold charities of the world. Mr. WILSON regarded the intention of this proposition to examine , only such officers as were reported malt for that . : it was mere practicable than that of the I foule bill for a toner - ti eSalliiliat ion of all 4414,1, of the alloy e.,yeritig some three years of lime. Messrs. astd HAMA N enneurred In the belief that to the rdirintrpnwess diserint illatio3l:ollght •to. he made bet wet. those who ought to bo.absobozotiolissuiwt front the see aice heellatio 'of' their, - rendartiess and those ho had become disqualified for duty hi . WOUtizi, Or disease.ll(M:tea the Service.. After discuislon. Mr.. WILt4ON offered an antemlntent to providd that officers to h. re ported to the board shall be only those unfit for duty from any r other than injuries incurred in the thou444 ause 7.. M - .•• - • r. TifiltMAN sotteste.l to thohoto. oi‘obioo try d0,e,,50„ , •. ' The stmesultneinf was ,::rah; to, and alio an amendment be ;qr. HOWARD to Insure to . every °Meer reported fur rctlotinea. a hearits6 before the board. • Ferry'b 111011011 wsts bust, Diseilseisin then el shah upon emend-, silents by Mr_ siIIERM. to allow' retired :trate officers to hold eiy ,Iftlees: loy Mr. CAR PENTER, repealing the art of January 10:11. relating to retired °dicers, and providing• upon their own application. for assign:mint so dots, except service withlrooll, and of jinn, (W.,' In collages—no colopensaltint to be 'Allowed daring snob,orcice, .studs 111111 11111eN10. - . • Mr. Canto:titer's amendm a ent seas ndoptiitl. Mr. Siltilf.MAN ridiculed the. hka 41:nt the pooplo military the rnited. Stitt Cs wercialfrAhr of midge military intlUenee' in their. Illinirir,hy, the election to orifice of rift iced linny (11,1r:fa fie thuticht that In tliti Clise of sattrieruis• Sickles. Fecientimi andotherg. who hod lost legs in the service. no prohibition in 'law should be emit inuoil whtch would prevent t heel holding utiiiie. Ile knew of an Mlle, that had stlutost lost his life. who isms now breathing through one long , and who would i.e homed be tap people or .tlioo with:my lii °Sat lot wrialdrim bl.,tiCifuttl . la: bo ilunied thv Heti an' liold oltiti`lfterely because 'llO was wounded in ill • service of his-country? - . Mr. TlWilltl , l.l. imiarked that Inn s must ilia made of a genertil character, though hat it ship. might be done In Individual vas,. If retire.l talkers were tilloweil to hold 'civil of.. fie., the law Would be tivadiul alli.l persons woulii he plata:iron the retired list as in the eivil screice. Ito did not believe in adminis. t erinicivil &flees q.t.-military inahmityi• t • Mr. THAYER thought if the Men was n 1 dei justice to all. that all the rank and file who met danger in the front i.hould not he birgot.- A bah:the dist...ion 10.11,m - ed. . Mr. Sherinim's amendment wns finally roiceS I oil, Mt. Tuumuul.L. moved to arid the I worr ty-tirst •ieelioll.o to to prohibit any otlicer of the urine. either .in the - active or relitimi list. from Colilini chill 0g1e... Mr. phi lialMai's i.nid army officers wore Ire. iMent IY deinil tsi as indlin ageuts, And this pro hibition ..weld. reverse the practice of tie ( in I [di 'respect. lie t hunt:hi It Muted as u reproaeb• to the President. who re-. peatetilv l e i app,ollacl arta) . obirers to Mil posi tious. It wsmlti eload the Tresitleut man ia:. liluticlf of the ,periellett sif militniT iif-- qeson is 311) . civil rMlliti4lll.S. - It o'olll.l have urerented General Schofield. or. even theocrat ,rent. front titling as Secretary of War. awl flon. ,iekle , from going to Madrid. 31r. SUMNER I hone slit there was It clear dis tinction lu•t ween °threes on the retired Its! UPI retired (Whim, and that-the latter siu4lit no: lo In• excluded rival civil xervire. 31...Ni1/ETON saki tho ainenitineut wiiiild me otT every obieei lotto . I.,tigtleti 1., •1?111.1i ditty on t he plan's, t he private So,. t :mos . f ihe I.t.siatint ..4 num} o th ers. Ix ientild lull' Teri - much liken dieser Mine at hi'- ,Eilleill , .• :ration IMO ,Vi.u!.! :1, ... .........,,,I 14 lII' COIIIII.r, . • • . • Mr. f frunibutrs ainendfnent nag adopted - y If, nays :U. fifteenthi If, Prriding a (land enin penuntion tor each grade ••t fulleern in the stmt, wan unfendud t•c Baffle,tt the part refuttrefo the pay of the General. Lieutenant lienerah, Uajer Gener4l mad Brigadier Generul. ItVCKINGIIAM moved to strike oattheinie: suld the Chairainn of the Committee had stated this nou of Kate, would mince tho errl6 r,f the !Army, while the Chairman of the eenete Committee 'believed the expo:l,s weuld be inere.nedl Ile believed the prop., sition to he nue that could do away with the commutation system. nad fik the specific puy of eilicers Wyly and intelligibly. In order to 'eel - ire a Proper graduation of pay: withal inert:acing the - aggregate cost.c.Whleh could only lye done Ly a Committee, lie tweed to commit the hill. Lost—le to 21. ELM=2IIE=I -. , . After further unimportnnt amendment.; t fie hill ww. reported to the :lennte from the Com mittee, when motions were made to strike Rut the first no e leventh sections. and to adjourn. which wer.Wererallrejected. In reply tri Mr. Stewart. said the bill would - not go into effect for n year and a half. . . . . oxpresscni-n cont MIT opinion. Le tiering the bill would nctuhlly go into operl- Hon deli= the present year. in consequence of the explrat lon of the terns of enlistment. The bill then passed; vhen the legislative no. PrOPlation bill came up In order. - At il:10 the Seurat, adjoutmed. • Housr: OF REPRESENTATIVES. 3tr.11.11 - 8. rising to a person.' quest ton, en lplained aivay the strictures upon him pub ished in the Sew York Star. Kelsey. Butler of Mas'sachusett,i, itrul Niblack, were annotated .tt Conference C.uuniftten on the Pension Appropriation ilia. Mr. JONES, of Kentucky, offered a resolu tion calling on_l.hq Secret.nrY of the War for the recerrt rePhrt of Colonel Albertiof the survey oft he Arkansas River. .Adopted.- The !louse resumed the consideration of the bill reported yesterday. by. Mr. LYNCH to re— vive the navigation and commercial interests of the United Stoles. Mr. ALLISQN :withdrew a point of ardor madeyesterflt`; - that the bill most drst be considered -4n Committee of the .Whole. on the understanding. that amendment and discussion would:be allowed. Mr. WELLS advocated and Mr. ILNKELN EURO opposed the bill. .. • At the expiration of the looming hour, the hill trent over to Tuesday mut. . _ . Mr. DAVIS M. Y.). introdpeed a Intl to pre vent and punish election frauds. tteferrect. Mr. BO WEN introduced a bill to equali - Le bounties. Referred. •• . • Er. SARGENT intrudocOd ii bill to cit.:ld provisions of the preemption, laws tu Colern do. .rni.seti. Mr. SCHENCK 11303 , n1 to go Into Committee of the Whole on the tariff bill. AS • Mr. WOOD. before the ques7l.o.l was put. eked Mr. Schenck trhether in rim of the facts that the bill had been three and a half months before the House, that only twent y one pages ont of flfty. had Yeett dispOsed 'ore thnt It was now late In the session, thattnanY appropriation bills were yet enacted open, thnt there wore many questions of great lin. Portance yet undetemdned , nod, that even if the bill should puss the House it could not possibly onus the Senate, he would gnat let tilt bill either be recommitted or bald aside an the House codld go to pructfealdeffislation? Mr. SCHENCK' replied if the bill were fatrlY considered, nod no amendments offereooo - such as were substontial In their clown, ter, and offered In good faith, with a view to mice or lower duties, he believed they could get through with the bill in the next three or four days easily. He Insisted on his motion to gm into Committee:which was done. Various amendments were offered to !the nlokel paragraphs and rejected, less than a quorum voting in each rase. On a motion to close the debate on, the pant graph relating to.ti Germn silver de quorum I voted. 11tH reit - Skewed present one latallred I and Ilftv-font Members and on a recount aim the moilon woe agreed tn. An amendment offered by Mr. BUTLER, Massochusetts, to the smne paragraph, to In sert the worda . nluminum and its alley... was also offered. No quorum voting and roll call being repeated one hundred and fifty members answered and the amendment woo Weed to. Alike atrantdmnut to ; the. next Porag ra ldr was to. ' • • • • • The peromph taxing type two cents, per pound me, struck out. . . The paragraph taxing,tive animals twenty per cent. wits amended by raising the duty to thirty per cent.. adding a proviso that met teams, not exceeding one %citron and two animals for each family, be atimitteopfree. Several amendments were offered to the paragraph taxing oatmeal and cent per pound and dour of wheat, rya, cons .or buckwheat one-lialf cent per pound. and the paragraph gave rise to considerable discussion. - Without disposing of the question the cons— mittee rose - and the 110111.0 took aII:CCU, the evening session to lle for business from the Commit ee on Invalid pensions: The Lill to .dgfine the...duties of pension agents end prellettbe the mantles' of • paying pensions was discussed, - and nil the amend ments having been rejected. was passed. A large number of hills granting pensions were passed: • • . : ; Adjourned. Lpper RiVieM 1 . 13 y .5t A. Telegraph.] 310EUTAINTOWN. May .12.' reet.tentet , In the Amalie!: • Weather cleat Thermometer C 3 at I L. U. linotexfirndx, Irtlfintrorltb '7feet Uinehee %lam` In the eliantieLl - Weather' cloudy. Thermometer It 7 at IP. Y. GIIEMSEO.IIO. May Ile.—Rlver ntatlonnry. with 7 feet 'venter In the chtinnel. Went her cloudy. Thermometer t 7. ow crnr. may falling, with Ati lather trhter In - the channel. IVentber clear Rod plement. Thermometer CI It eP. SECOND 11111011. FOUR O'CLOCK • THE CAPITAL. Pay of Contestant Ceugrebsmen--4. Encampment -*ohm o . 6lllcers —Naci a:6 EagIMM [flo elegra ph to the fltGeburgh (bazette.) Wa , tii*i•riaN,,Zi.Yl . 2,lB7a.. • PAY or t551t ., ..*.ti% a. . The Clinuitittee on Lfidofti lips air . er i d to report a resolution itypig: the: tolhiWing sums to tinsuccesSllll eo l tirbr seats front) Louisiana: Sytther t ,O . .. inJ4h92g Mitlf-' .gy. /20.10: )IcCaitle, rf,Otilitateal Mut al.ti.f); . . r ., .GicAND xn,ry or ir,..rtnsut.. , ' The Notional Encamp w ent: of the G. .1. it. ... eleeted ultieert for the . , Ing year this otter- Moll. ' Tie vote for - ail Commander-In- Chief resulted:tot:3l;ot .; useassary choice, . • . ~ at: Gcaeral Logan. Ad; leatention 13— 11. tr.: tranft. II: Dennison. it; henckg 1. General Logan was then thighred nounitoonsly chosen: _The other oatiern tioeted. worn: Gov. Lucien Fairchilds, Wisconsin, Senior . "fee Commander; Gen Lewis Wagner. or- • Pennsylvania. Janice I Commenderg Dr. Samuel A. Green. of fa sachusetts. Surgeon General. and Rev. Dr. L 111er, of Ohlo, Chap lain General, with a her. of Council of Atimini..t rat ion (roma. State. Major Poore. of M na httiott... Clmirman . of the Commit ' , e'en , I Int ihns.. reported it series •which were 0114 . They deplcre the death of General- lit., ; reCOullll.lll lb I . Ob. , CrVitilCe of "Deco on Itzty;” coal ein the opinion of Attune's en. Roar, rcituirin the general gi,vertimen ask from the South ern States sovereignty er tuitional gemets ries; .ecuitleitid the 0 lislitneitt of Stan, :;,,ges for soidie,' orp. ..?. and nit toylu 111 at Ile south I,: ed; I' ans; su., , gest c10ne .:.”,; Of Into to v:.litnt . end thong riot: Wat,hing;”.l eon. rotes litezpit a iit ins. To-mgt.; ti:' encamp; nt I evismi. the, toh A old r4guintams.maltati. vend change,vitien t it is thought will he \ :i 1,11.4:61,1 to 11.1. order.. ' • . .. ' ...• mi , :ctcar.s .?.....t.nCTION. The regular liennt:ll4in Nominn: ::g coo m otWm. which had nottileuttrd Mo). Itteliarila for Mayor. to-night mcereed Richard's le:1 rr of. Withdraw:O. 'the Cignention 140.111i.11011, le nominated Matthew ;G. DUTY. hen:M(OM in the Auld as Reform gaudidnte.. nnery a:- .ended. 'r . The S. stenmera Mgr, TllPCrtrforfl. Nn, ni toeket nod rtener la Asinnwnit; arrived at Key West. The Sc n erns golue. to Ito min ;cod the Nnutrulr would return to St. Deanna., The 9olune tug is retunnm; home from brazil neat ton. r, .tegatex to the Nrinehal Encampment G. J. It., beaded I.p Gesentl big:m.ll:o4 their respects to the.Ereshlgit to -day. There tree go formal speeehes.. =! • • • AQUI' 'MOM. W. - S‘rn.ty, .44.5:been retired the full nAnk Brig. Gent Cl. o K. Thiwe.ou.l.,:il 'Pared uu the retired I kt. • ONITHE 113.11. 111000 of Train. oti I . lfissouri Railroad, T11T0...11 Atiasovarelololcos 14 Or arra—CO,. PersotO Killed—Mao) Vound rd—So oma of the Vicilao. • air 'Telegraph to thti ISttebttrgh Gaztte.] Sr. bouns,;3lnll.l.—.4t air o'eloels thio morn ing di.. night °lorers on the Ml.,souri Pacific Railroad. which left Atehison.Raneas. rosters day evening. collided pear. Eureka, twenty • eight Mile/ frolli here 'fhb an extra freight. going weit, 1.1 whirl, sixteen persons were killed out tight and twenty wtottnitslAr which two , ill tile. The wounded car ITlng I. , Ught hire, and timber partienlars will be _ btained when they arrive. Tusk ..lead will Is. nought here at soon an the Cotner reache, t\ • .ern.. r.,.. ;,3 the lii , ,ter and ho san Itique-1. • ' A special I rain lett %Qt. mei, - .1.1. is n •raing with physician+ and sat tho net:essa , hvidi anre, for t la- teller of As, wonaded. For the• of slit deft allot r train wall 1t.:”.. it 0-4 , :l wit It the i'vti der, relent., tool another ~.Iter ~..13.... • ' !Lo th ol Ow 4. , ..-0u41.., vv.....r. < , ,, , p- t,',. ss ~..•L•1 mid the train itatfit. , •,..a‘!”..l. vrio , ,•.:;,..ios, red tht*.ogh the Wk.:woo-hen -,..:) of .0........ ~-it on , p: ..,m111..1.,... 11,1,.qt it. It. itl,:c, PreAdent. and 'Floe., Mt.K.e•.”-:1, an. on the spot doing everythtng possible to relieve the sufferer..., and clear the track. . The trait, with the woun,ictl has not ;mire.' rut, at ;gal it. ti., but the Superintendent tele graphed the following nooses of the killed and wounded. , The menes of the other dead wilt probably not he obtained till the Coroner holds an inquest. , O. It cominetor of the Western Division of the Hoed.' pactuogcr on the train; Frock Holt. and daughter of tea Seim. Sire . r coal:IA . . 41 111o; .L Stuntmen. Pe- Geo. Washington. tcolored.t train bey. St. UMW: A. N. Stickney. Patoska; Wleutdoi-11. M. Half, Sioux Cite. Iowa; A. Starves, /Calmat.. Mitnn :Holt. Thos. Perittt Mud Lake, Chatham county, *rill:. Carolina; Fred. Moister. Vine Grove.. Adman titaulty; Indiana: T. S. Briggs. New York; Wilson Little. Hills Dale. Michigan; Henry Welland. St. Lonia; Jim Mllllll , ll colored. Kansas City; Theodore Hentieretan, St. Louis; Peter Wil liamson. East Richmond. (lido; J. It. flicks. brukentan; J. P. Jackson. engincer; G. J. Dubois, conductor-41U of the erfrhqa train; Jacob Rice. Hickory county. Missouri: Joseph Berry. baggage master, both' legs broken and arm smashed. • Most of 'the killed are persons reOtrnlng from Kansas, destined to points in 1,111.1 s and Ohio. - Although many of the. wounded are verion. ly hurt. It Is believed all will recover. They nre well cared for. .The people and physicians of the .neighlarhood were on . the jrround promptly, and have labored Incessantly All that could he done has been freely done by every body to make the wounded comforta ble. A.ugusteg A. Fleming, Chief Engineer of the Telma) and Neosho Railroad, is reported killed, but this nerds confirmation. Later—The trills containing. the - wounded arrived about three o'clock. The sufferers were taken directly to the hospital. ‘1... great crowd was nt the depot. and as the wounded Mee Were borne on mattresses to proper con , vevances inuchsorrow was manifested. • The following are additional names of the wounded: Thomas L. Manning.. Evansville, Ind.; J. I). Carpenthr Cairo , Ill.; Lommtd.Lee, i , tepliensen county, Ind..; J. It, Ewing, Burn a. Ili: 'Stettin A. Norcross :Highland roan , ty. III.; henry Erst: Bremen, Randolph &mut y. Ill.: J. C. Courier. St4,nols: Cornelius Short,: Chicago; Jacob !,.‘bott,..t. Paul; fir. it.Jtyalf nett lien. Jtenci Connell, Lafayette, Ind.. T. D. Hick. St. Loalsl Wni. J. Hay, Highland Park, Illinois. Noce or iheAC were nerlously- hurt, except Meesee. Ryan and Council, whose collar bones were broken. Jacob nice, Hickory county. Missouri. previously reported wounded, killed. The death-of A. E. Fleming IA con firmed. Andrew J. Stratton. New Brighton. Pa.. was killed. There are oineteea person killed. All-the bodies will be brfAlight to the city to-night. Slit/ Later—The following are additional names of the wounded, with some corrections: 3lnrtin .Idawres, Highland Pork. Lake county. !nine's. previously reported Nor croon; wm• it. hay, salon place,• previmmly reported Kay; Adam Maroon. Jersey county, Illinois, previously reported •• from Kansas, right leg dislocated 'and badly bruised; Henry Nelhollf, Sioux city, provionn ly reported Mohair, ribs broken and otherwise injured: Henry. Ohnike, Randolph Co.. Ills.; Peter Murray, Carondelet, Mo.; H. C. , St ark, Hyde Park, Massachusettn, nrm bro ken; Perry iiirkletnan, St. Louis, foot crushed. nine° =notated; • Wilson Style, Reading, Mich., proelousty reported Little. scull badly cut and bruised in various places on the body. The whole numberitilled now reported Is nineteen; wounded about thirty, of whmn • fifteen are seriously and eight dangerously. A report that the ,engineer of tho freight train had not been nocu.sineu- the occident ir unfouuded. .1. P. jacknon, engineer of the passenger train. states • his train WWI over half no boor late at Eureka. Met the regular freight at that Place, tagging the extra; was told 'limy had twenty inblutes of, express train time, ;when conductor Dubois, wir lemon thefengibe anid..Al "All sgoil ahead 't The train loft Eureka slowly. nod proceeded about a mile, when they saw the extra freight dashing, round o'biett, under headwV, only frem foot to dye hundred yards off. Jackson whistled down brakes, reversed the engine, gavel send, told theebndottor and (Bement° jump, and nn Instaht after the , trains came together with full force and op lolling result. Jankson, In. Jumplu front the engine“ was OVCt 'n wood found himself lying thirty feet on _the tither . side of the fenee.' ire did not losebannelous liens and sent not seriounly hurt. The collision occurred on a ell about fifteen feet high. The train bearing the dead- bodies lout not reached the city at-II. 3), and no more names have been ascertained. Tito mute of A.-H. Sticknev. of Patoka. Maryland, should be Andren , If. Stuckey, Patoka, Indiann. The blame of the collision seems to attach to Wm. Odor, conductor of . the cairn freight train, who should have wallial at the gravel switch until, the. express panted; but, mis apprehending his orders: or thinking be could. reach Eureka before the passenger train, went Ohio Odd - Pellowa—Gritul • 4 4 . Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oneette.] , Cotramna,Maylll......The Grand Lodge of 1.0. 0. F. adjourned to-night after the installation of the following officers: it. W. 0. 31. Romeo Y. Beebe; R. W. D. G. 31.Jamsgu A. Arm strong;Alexis Keeler; C.Terf;.l4 W. G.. T.4 • GeOtgega• Wlrichellz R. W.." G -. .3ohu W 'erter. The lubject of on orphnon boom tens : distussed' at ength. The Orautl, Lcdge.:agrethLtn.sepro •priate $10.10) for a home , provided subordinate <lEre's apprupthtte $40,000, making- the fond for the - home eNAIOO. Thii ;Methodist ConferesteirfSenth. Clfj!Telegrnpb to Lite 'Pittsburgh Gstrette.] Mrstrm 9, M 12.-1 u the 'Methodist Confer.: enee to-day Mishaps:limas and - ff. Trill• of the Northern Church. _took 'their Imre, The rpeerhes of thedo gentlemen Were full of the %Thilllest expressions.- Thebusiness done was fOrmal and affected no question of great pub.. lie interest. NEWS BY CAIIL Paris Tranquil, id the Poineof the Dayonet—Napoleon Thanks I"ts Sol. diem—FUJl ti ote on the PlebiScitinn -Lar..3 . e Decrease 'in 'tuition In the Dank of France—The Recent Yacht itare—Scandinavian }migr:tlon— Inrestl:;ali,n of the Loss oft e. City of Boston (J" a usLave ht. Demanded. (lb 'I clegruph i the Pittsburgh Gazette.] vn.t,a94. £ NLy A. n.—Parts is tranquil. .thgsFnuoti o tho'retent' disorder nro still . „ . . . partly °echo' dby the troops.' • . . .. Iggst M.—lTe iri lloehefert'sjonimal,Lra.ifor ,l /Wise., bait be m firoftedfited to-tlay for nublinit , ~..... ~ ing no article assehing'that the recent riots were organized by the police.. Tho out fl ow of xpecle from the Bank of France during Inc present week has been non= snails heavy.' According to the official revert the ninount rti hand in two billion four hun dred and fifty trance lest than on last Thursday. Put lag the night large crowds collected at various 'mints In the city. Thev Were diaper •sml by the troops-and polies, Withont . lawn! , : shed. :Many arrests have been made, told it is thought that the troubles are ended. . The ministerial changes will not take place um it the *tateilletition of tin, plehlncitinn by the Chambent. ' - . Minded Canrubert has Issued an order of the day to the armY , which contains a let ter 'from the Emperor addressed to ut mils's. The Emperor saes: "Such absurCat d exag gerated rumors have been retorted hlaall 4, mg Ihe vote of the army In Paris.- t at lam inclined to beg to say to you'. memo officers and noldlers, that my confidence' in - the army has never heimshaken.” The letter concludes with thanks to the troops for their rumens and.smfilinifit during the late trouble intbe Ca/Ital. This r.. 11. the Emperor una Empre. , in au IT. Carriage, visited the quarters of lie city wfileh have betn the scene of disturb. nee for Va. Inst few days. Semptoins et agitation are still apparent in Fafi'itourg Du Temple. Detachments of troops are 1101 chiag to lirl!Crilk, o^l , l the crowd In lion' of the caverns Prince Eigene was ills -0051 tO-,lly Lt I he wri Ice. Per, lliatiintl, i., ht. Munich with Ductor Dellinger. .. . . x.—The tot ai votn nn the leWteiUrn hi: Yet. cri vr:g, !ht.. AriLy- -Yes, z6,- :•1 IiTIV:AT EIHELM • th l e A sZ n ice ' vTca : n 4 :l;n l ,l 2.— th T e t' Yn i c ' h u t 'a ra l3 te arr a e6 l:;th i clr t . own way from the Eart. They take the na tional defeat in goad part. LOSIiON. May 12.—The Enzilsit Engineers nt each great siguilleance to tlei speed of the steatnsi,ip Nemesis, because Of the experiments which hays been made in the art a or.ement of her machinery ter set:art:Z . l.l:l: Iltmost ccoim me of coal. ' • ' • u.'n,„Til.'r.',r‘,?tooL!'..',•'&'„l', - ;111'....r?, , ,1i 1 ,id (.Ih:lo jiltuned • . • Two Mindred matt:mate left t• - •-alay to em bark for Quebec. 'fits new steamer Caspian, of the Allen lieu , s j vhi-ch Avas to sv • ,l this week for nel,e‘t. was , Ntaine,l itt consequence of the 'sem cry of a defect In her machinery. The North American'tnites her place. lit the Commons, Sir J. rat:Kim:l,m gave no tice of an lOtOtltioll to. WE,' the . oa t e. into t he loss of the steamship arty of ff° ,,, Mr. Maces Home Secretary. de that Her Matesty's Government had reevived and de mand from Fiance for the extradition of Gus tave Flour Vile. Therefore he anticipated the ismaler demonstration which he had heard was e nder tkeplage In• Hyde l'ark against the surre of GA , exile would not take place. The twoond rtee between the Sappho ROO Cambria ha phstponed until Saturday. to enable Mr. A ittpury to lengthen tile Cam kites bowsprit t wo and a hall feet. -Two tons tal . . been add, to the Cambria's ballast. Mr. Abury wish to reduce the distance of the , 1 1 cent race to th ray tiles. Alessrs.lbmnett and I tooptias have been invited to meet 'Mr. Ash bury. and sixty or seventy of the leading Eng lish trachtmen. at a grand dinner to toe given in their honor. June gd, nt the Maraud Garter. Richmond. . . , • ' 1-PoislinTtott, Ran 12.—The scoiltnunt rum n.ills on the swelling Scandinavian 'emigra tion to America via •Glnagow. The Scotch ironunusters threaten a lock out. • ••• • . • • Dumas... May Samuel .Mareus D. D.. Profennor or Theolnge In Mnell College. I,ouuenderry. is 4h:skis...—. IMO= • • • :nay N.J. cruiner. vice-Couma ofthe United Si ,1”1.•nily n ,, aulted na..le by American reaMilm lu Ihla city. He Wrisre,iew.i.l by the police. nod the ns.ll- ant. whose name in withheld, arrested. No explarvitiou was given. EMI Fronteit. Ma 11!.--Menotti es:maned' bn, efore y a magistrate TGaribaldies terikity• wa.,s the nuttier of his allegril connect'. wile the recent Insurrection at Flindellla. lie abso lutely denied the charge. and no proof to the dOtdr.rY being roromominc was discharged., MARINE NEWA. LoNDONDIaIar, May 12.—The ~ teruslild lowa. Irmo New ' York, touched Mor Ile to day. FINANCIAL AND CO3IMERCIAL. . I AINTON. May 12—Evening.—Qmsol, for money. IWO: for account, 06M. American So rorities are fi rmer: art. O17.:01‘; 10-01 , 05!.;: Erie. Itti; Illinols,112: Great West ern. rt.. Storks quiet. LONDON, aLay 12.--Tallow. 44s lid. Sugar Ma ad. ann. W .,ltosin quiet.hale Oil LI quiet. Calcutta u Lirmeed Trpentine dactive ull at nt Ms. 'Linseed 01l easier at IMAM FRANKFORT, May U.—Bonds clonal Asrtwritr. Mny 12.—Petroletun in Ann. [erne, May 12.—Cdtton firm ut 1311. Pants May 12.—Bourse dull at 34f. neje. FRANKFORT, May EL—itonds firm at Wig QAi . LIVERPOOL. liar 12.-mutton Ann' at lINtl for middling. uplands., anti llnd for Orleans: saLes amounted to 12,000 bales. Wheat: white California held at %4d; red western. No. 2. At Id: winter. Os.. Flour: western, Pd. Corn: Mn. 2 mixed, aft. Out, 20 4d. Barley. In. Pens, Ms NI. Fork Is excited and held at 104 s. Beef. Ills. Lord, Gas. Cheese, 755. Alcoa. 534 for- Cinnberland, and Els fid for short rib middles. Petroleum unchanged. Turpentine quiet nt 29s ittl. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Rev. c oa C r . t il d lk a. Vcr died at 11?sto —The steamship Denmark, from Liverpool. arrived at New herb yesterday. —Tii&troopi for tho !led River Expedition wilt leave Toronto on Monday next. —The Intenintionnl beat ranee at. La Chine: (hood. Is arranged to come off. oft the 14th of cptember. —.l. woman hamed E.. Martin. wea found drowned in the Ohio, nt Cincinnatlyestordor. Verdict. suicide. • —The Board for reviving the artillery tac tics of the United States army Is In session at Fortress Monroe. —Peter Geib, shoemaker, committed suicide Yesterday, by a 100n1 of the Frank lin /rouse, Colllll{btle. Oho. —The people of Eransellle, Ind.. hove de cide:lto build a water rrorke. The Holly syt tein will probably be adapted: —At Utica. New York. yestertlay, Rev. W. 8. Fisher, formerly Pretident of the Hamilton °allege, teas struck with apoplexy, but his rt. , cowry is hoped. for. • —The MoMachusette Lodge of Ma one, of which General Joseph Warmawas t e firs Grand Master. celebrated Its one h Bred anniversary yesterday. • —Memorial service In tommernorat I a of the lives of Uer. be. Jno. McClintock, Bishop Ed ward Vlsontsotraud Calvin , Klngsley won held Wednesday night is Moak ball, Boston. —The strike nt. Kinkel:L.l Iron Works, Mo., Tuesday, was among laborers, not Flailed workmen, who resisted t here:l:talon of wage; from :sl,is to £ 1.50 per day, nod desamodod • . , —The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellowv of Can fonda has received to ectablich an Odd Fel lows college and Howe, and appointed a eon,- teltreo to take the necessary to !ant the en u re. —Captain J. IL Johnson, formerly connoted with the Louisville Couvier. and extensively known as "'Yuba Darn, died at Lexington. Ky., yeiiterdny. ila h a d beeil confined I.lbed for several months with consumption.' • • —Wednesday work was commenced on the central division of the lowa Central Ballromi, 'at Grinnell. A large concourse of rumple as sembled near the college grounds; where bands played and cannons Were tired In honor of the occasion. • —The Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. of Call fornia, yesterday elected C. W.,Diuliels Grund Master. and J. IL' lineman Representative to the Grand Lodge of the Malted States. Con gratillatorY messages Were Interchanged With 'the Grand Lodge of Ohio. was announced In the Canadian Parli ment, Wednesday, that the money, paid to the Mason BaY ComPsaY. for thepurchase of the Ned River Territory, which will ho transfer red to Canada in a mouth. amounting to $l, :14140. 1 , had been appropriated for Northwest phrinwes. -Monis Neville was put off a Terre Haute rallroadirain Tuesday at Piniune beciausa on had thi ck i ticket. Ile attempted to walk on the to Greencastle, but was run over bv n freight, smashing one of Malec" terribly . . lie underwent amputation, and died Wednesdayy. night. - • . . —Senator -Revels lectured at Cooper Instf tute. New. York., Wednesdny evening:on `The Teudetiflov of the Age: . He claimed that.l.he -course of events in this country was toward liberty of thought and of action. Inwhich caste., color of akin and arlatocratic. blood would have no part. ••• qiiELTILIOa correnpoideni, speaking - of the executiOn of Golcourilf; wire thc - old - gen tleman , was moved by - the difficnitimi of. the position. asilmet death with great dual *Gide and conindtfun..l.lle was, not-given no opportunity .to make no auteanortem ad drew,. but still managed to - shout "Irive üba.".the beating of the drums preventing nnyttling else he said from being hessid. He wanted to be shot and not garroted, but the Spaniards would not consent to this, being bent upon his soldering the same kind of a death ea his old friend and companion -In arms, General Marcino, suffered. 'VOL: LXXXV.---No . 'll4. THE FENIANS A Large Way In 311ehlgarL En Rouse Von Bed River—Doubtful Intelligence. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Catet te) CruCAOo,..May E.—The St. Paul P",,, a publishes lettea from Duluth, which says that a largely body of armed Feninns had ar rived at the latter place en rook for lied River to all 11icR. Each man In armed with a breech loaditierille, pistol and knife. Their first steoke will his the capture of Fora FM:Mk on Rainey Lake. which will be guiTisclnell by a few men.. while the Main'. force will harms,: and dispute the passage or the Briti,.4 t Mons through . rivers, swamps and mountains frOut Fort William in Red River. At the proper time they will march dOWIT and join Weirs forces. One party has already started overland by the Vermillion road, another will soon follow, .d a third Is preparing, to en to the Name an In canoes via St. Boris and Vermillion rivers - . Another large your is reportetint Superior river, which NC 111 notch directly wend to Red raver. The fore, at Muth . nre said to he commanded by a distinguished confederate Ohm, who fought General Banks in the Louisiana com mit.. The men are nearly all ex-soldiers. Many FrencliCanadbuni accompany them nod theflorvOsecured the services of several In dian and ,half-breed guides and one or two old emicloyes or rho lIMINOII 113‘" Company, who are perfectly familiar actin the country to lie operated in. • • The Prue ducal not- vouch for the truth of the above Intelligence. tiverythirip, Is !Inlet at Tied River, riot RIO is expecting f ivorable nvx, from Canada. EMIIEEMM „ . tion Cott. entiun. (By Telegraph to the Pit tsle.lrkh Gazette.] LentANArOt.te, )}fay 12.—The Indiann?4.lii Young Men's Chrigtian Association arc making preparntions On a large scale for the lutOrna tional Convention to he , held here in June. The Pennsylvania Railroad and connection, have perfected a through excursion route for delegates to tlio Convention ns follows: Bound trip ticket. from Now York i. 31; Plat tolelphla. Jal;10; Harrisburg. ..MU; Baltimore. itat.7o;and from local stations two 'cents per mile each war. I • • Widmer, ~, , ,13 , ,,7_,, . - i1AT.T1310kE......y ... -..,lTerlose, of Leef eat- lle to-day were abou t , 01.0. Market. active and advance, fully 25 eats per hundred resold Sheep: full supnly and dull with downs aril tendency in pries, at . ti•ihf:447% ,for t , ieer, Per head, and (,o ~ ..‘,3.:01 tor lamb, tot , head. Supply of hogs fully equal to the demand ami price, unchanged st 12. 1 “,7,111 , ic. Receipts tor week were bee 6.11111;0nd; 01,1, nail Ine,E., , 247. - heal; hog, p.99e. Sales for 'the a. Oak. flss bccres. • I ' Bonen Workwarnrsl. There are :30,00 ',Anon iu and n'oeut Bosfon dello liv•qhy leering': very fr., of M thew e v earn • two dollars a, week ; the average earning s about O' deilars and seventy five cult a week. Those who wok', in shops fu d, loiter .than Slime who take work home. The price for is «hi il. h f from four to' SeVell C 0111,; title lassO,Daii , shin, ten to twenty-five cents, satin 1 . ..41, ! ,tWelltr et3r.t6; pantaloons, fifteen, twenty and tflirtr.W:ell 'Cents; route, fifty Vent,.; 'French alith eairta, lined melt; hired ,Itiri, twenty centt. 'The tailoreBheg znd eloakmakem work ten hours in the shop..., quitting at G P. 31:, sad mane of them lake milk home and sit op till 111. In good she.," mot with brisk work, they can earn a adlar a day,-.5011.10 of the boot machine girls more; but the machine whrk is verc \ wearing, -rind few girls am Iderforra it more than TWO . years without econfing (laird:ly ' broken_ down. The firldi , pay Irons two to three dollars a Week. fo r room rent, and usually occupy rooms vith.two or' more double beds.. . in the li Op• Work 41 . 00 girls mu seldom earn Lk re than enough to pay their room. rent, rad they Bate to do overwork In order to g. t « >Mk thing to cat. lit , «lack tune= their sia.ring is extreme, fila . : : :; being known to Wait for wet - s with only bread and dealer 'for fetal, nod Very-iol4llllkte is she WllO maim - gime Oh oule,i of • ten; many have been found whe, have lived for weeks on live cents worth of bread a. week, while necking work through cold and snow. Besides, '. the . imlging house-keepers discriminate against them, and charge them moss foe tent than they charge men; . that many of thou have to sleep in dens Where tb C' wo1114: Ice ashamed . to lo seen going. Awl in spite of all their sufferings mai, very few' of these women break down morally or become untidy its, &as". Their heroic struggle for life, tool for ti virtuous life,. is one 'of the mars; touching things in our malern civilization, and if hoe does fill, she ought to have the mempatily .of all .Christian, people. An.l them to think how unevenly the food and clothing are distributed in this world! What is wanted art almost any fiddle in this city daily would feed one of these serving woman 51111113111011,1 y. if only' I,ollle One . WOlthl 'hlVellt il . .I t tle1110(1 of equitable distribution, the poor in . itiStoll WOIll.l thrive Ms the 'waste of the'ilek. W'e who do not know whatifis to he hungry leave our thricoinn duty undone in suffering Cite.; woinen to lie so wretchedly under. paid for work.—ffi rtfo . rd Courant. Faahlona—PaneT bkrlch—Ekunethlng We Should Laugh at If Ikea to Africa. . • We might hare thdfaht• it absurd if . Dr. Livingstone had written three years ago that be Imal found in Africa a tribe, she women of which dress AS' follows: "'fhe Dayous are beautiful women, With exquisite complexion and fine fonmi, and they dress In the most perfect taste. They wear short dresses reaching the ankles. Upon the forehead in perched a small hat. the frost of which rest's upon the nose. They take large bags of hair and wool, saturate them with butter,andthang them on the 'back of the head,' cheering the neck. Upon the small of the back they tie a bunch of cotton cloth, colored mol cut into strips. Their shoes are beauties, coming ton point at the toe, and having the long and sharp-pointed heel placed under the middle. of the 1040. This makes the foot very small in appearance, but they:mu-or would tip over forward but for the bags on the head and bad:. Each woman, When she goes out ; car ries a barge plantain leaf to keep oil' the sun, which she holds by the stem between the thumb and forefinger, crooking her elbow, up from her body_ at rm angle of ninety. !: The eiTect is More beautiful than you can imagine: The gait of the women is particularly admired. The heavy ones have difficulty in keeping-their balance, bat the light ones pick.' their way along as prettily as bens walk over• hot ashes. Young girls go .pnrCfooted. For tome years after they arebfage to put their shoes, they_ suffer with tameless • and set feet—after thud their feet become perma nently deformed; and they have no more pain. Walking is, however ; not a faro rite practice with them, and rnunitig impossible. . The Government of the Dayous is really demoeratie, the ruler be ing chosen annually by vote of nll the people;.yet It is said the wtoucu do not want to vote. All they care for in plenty of hair and little Shoes. The men are sat,' jailed With thiadbrlnion, and- the elate quite iimsperous; thOngh the society is rather vffigat'and. rinintellect nal." • A Man's Head Sacred On. From the Fed dean ;Kentuckian. On Saturday evening last. about half past two o'clock, a young man by the name of Brown, who was'Cmployell Whin uncle, Sainuel Brown of 13rooklyti - , - Ills.. to help him about nij,ll, met' Stith .an or„ eidenl Whicl4rOFedlnStaistanclitislv fatal, He was arsrnth at' the Milt, hied; fell egainsr rt - 'saiv'Whfcli Waria' , 4 - cubir nue. It caught hint by the arm end drew line down until It - touched his check, Brown made an aint to escape, but with'' . Ourdatrall. t saw Went crashing thralrgh his skull, cutting the top part of his head 'entirely 'and scatteringthis brains in every direction. An inquest ivan held and n verdict Was rendered in se cordanee with the above fade. a man of family, and a teri deht of Golconda, ills. li'ewt;' of his death was convened to his wife; and the 'crime down otV the Idleirild, Sunday, and re turned home with the boily. yesterday morning. - • • Ttitnn great auction sale of loth at Mc- Keesport, on Monday 16th inst. Lots of original plan sold and are already being improved; Adjoining tenet is subdivided into 60 equally beautiful building , sites. all of which- will doubtless . . bo 'sold on Monday. McKeesport is going - ahead. See advertisement. • . r-• oic 0001):Rmitkr.XCE - 41:7 AT:rEGIIP.NV, 4 —k first mu' ceirklielling - on Sheffield. stri ., 01; is for Nil!, at d glitlitlrroduced - price: •• An curly apllicatioio to A: Legote, 1541 - Fedora street, will eocure adivuitakeone termiVi" • • ' OE'rn.kmrs . who gear good tfOrifishirsg goods 'will • find R splendid. assortment et Udine' Follansbee & Co.'s; \0.121 Wood street, corner of Fifth avenue. _ II ,Y.,.ILL-I..PLE. l'i; . fjztra • Mcy. at. 111111 o'clock V. • it:, on the prom see wl3 i , c. • Sold that valueble three story Mich hofl o' N., 31 'Pittsburgh Diamoml, 'adjoinin g •Edw. Heazelton, Esq.'s into warehouse. 'n,t• lot ha, a twenty feM front on the Diamond and_extendiug back in depth one hundred and twenty feet to' Decatur. Pan ties desiring an • investment or liusilwi" , koperty will find it to. their advantage to attend this sale. Terms at sale. STEWART, Auctioneer. H. B. S3ITTIf SON, . . 5 SIIOF:S,SIIOEA, SIII SHOES.-- A.verylge of seasonable .on:. shot,and . onitets o':11 Is o held at Leggnti•'s :not ion noose. 1.%! red;ral street. Allegheny. on Friday, I:itls must, Sales at 9,3 t. and '2 P. M. The emir , stock of a rrtail store having to he sold that day, rare, good hart.inins taav be ex. ported. •!lestls of fautilirn . Brill lied - it profitable o..:Attentl. MI ti=Ell3=! thir-ty for Datumls & Co.'s I•rvnui sir, .All tiN, dass .saloons keep it. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. •. • - Ers-A 311:ETING OC THE STOCK .. HOLDEI'S of the I , l}9'it VI-iNVE DANK of Pitt.burgh will 1.0 bold on I'VE:WAY EVEN !NG, June 9th.o S in THUM'S N0.:2•i1 Fuca n'ooo'. iii , proviti of Ily-Lart... inyl3:wBi ••• la-DIVIDEND.—The Board of Di RECTUMS of the A v,..nne 11;7 na7 deolared n dividend of $3 per share. fro° if :;07 , 2111teent end Taxes. payable on end eftee June let next. =1 : - ) ,~~.+~~ ;, THE AIiNIL;'PLICAN BROILER. end..ndstng tri ntsta utensil. ns !duple It.n std let••••44lilde4 less than 'hive islands, all the PRIN. ..C/PLL's :•11•NE:1.4 TM: .t .44 Perfect Broiling a Meats. it rendurg 14444d1Ing.Lerettd,a Sr dwelt. 'and enslest of all ntodascr cao;aln,t, and ;neat 14,11nd Syit ;este • Palatal.)lo anti Aittr itious • ; by nnynttle,n4•l•4 en4.kles. 1,11. r.equlret - 04 dredirat444n tlr •• be 4:14 444,41401.4 wadi over Wo• .1 ret4,lns 41t1 41 Id. jni4•44 sad daps . , the tan. 4444 d Its sell,: tender tdndh weal. tender. 14, nsaly with all- ; • Smoke and - Smell Of Burn- In 110 tr•onl. din nll .1 , ,t nancer.T.On Ins, Is Beefsteak - , Ham ar.d. Chicken Oho3A, Pish and Oysters. - nErt7:7,ra. naln llnnn, I,n, by 11. AND ST ,, VII , 11,Elt.:1.1.1". • . . . . . 'no% r.•;4•,-.1. PRICE ~`!2:,00. Liberal Discount to the Trade (lIEII . CO., 62 and 64. Third Avenue, y I L'"''OF , LETTERS REMAINING In Buchanan P05.117,3117131.11.15T0: Udlnulden ertne , Mclntire&llrand 11111111 GOO X •Ilaillne , Mb, L 31 : Mellefinn Frank 11°11311.0 A , 1 r • Buckler Thor .I ,, ner . I . ll,l;3rinr!re .Inlin ; J In.. SII,N I. • 1, - , • • , ; - 1 Blaney Win Kelly 1/I 11 • . Pritchard Kuril :Kerr3-Je n • It C1111.1:111011,111 ' I. . I , l.llJohn Coelt Geo Laughlin Mich , 11 . 1 .1.n:1.1.11` Crueer J ad., II: I moul , ler, Miller Cato.. Slipper) H P mn 3,, ..*;;;Tlr,t , ' l,l', II i'4 . 7..tVrt,' - ..;, L Church .t I'd ,31erriT31, 1 : U Stem llolir Davis Nrrs II • ' !Mag ' il::4!lZZ ) St o rer,,, yg , , , ,r. ; F • , Morgan I old . ;IX l'unnlng. , Tl , l tat one cutter Wallace Mita '3IIJ /I ' Moore It , NVllllanna Res IR Hughes KIIIO , . 11l ..Woods Mrs n Malden Michael McMillen AVM. , Wltltcsldey Tlll nlyl3 . PHILLIP. nosmlt... P.M. _ _ Fon • LIPPINCOTT ESTEAU. The above well known tel desirable property. Cl? anted on Fifth erum. Ihnwiddie street. 140 be 195 to strrot. on which there Is n large double two stotT rubstantlally built brick ditilling, containing 14 rooms, with valor. Ms. banter. .S.e. This It undoubtedly a ost desira ble pruperty_t or either residence or butters, pur- Pot,. being tmntediately opposite to the proposed new nftk avenue market 14olles. If not sold soon In wholti. will be thrided. For t"n r' "- "q"1"' mrrtycorf. inyytold ; 11.3 St•oonth avenue. 44 .• - vELOAtv; , • ,' lIAY AND GRAIN. RAKE r ere.ln,a to titte-eqt n tut buy :One but te a ‘Ve:ta.tke “.“.1 4,1 I,kr, It Ike 4 , pnblort ;n •a.d Iwo In a ex o; It 1,36,” lino uther: lowa, tbk_CULLIIOOO 1,11k,a bl. a cltild 7 yew, Oldl Ir Tl:t. reaa d deo neatly w,ra eaa 111 mnran backward nwk. volq wb,,lea On or rela(l,lc at ale, nmi Mal LUILIVT al"1ILIT,11111b11r411.1.0..b) = 21A 11,11.1Y0i I: nun, 1:1171 . 1.7f 'ryiyh.F. DEAUTIFTIT. ? r s• „ " :I ‘ l._•Pian tF G E XI trot oil /At. Or MR' ,ftrtOri 11r, kW been pur chase:lml the Tint and it 4- the proprie tors here imistientisi t sit ?slur Ir:, of the nano el:7llJc !and. for BUILDING to and ta meet the Increased iinuo,aetetinice to hare a Third Sale. Pe, `me'l't. retell:lT-role. are riady tiol; n s7 ituproved . . Thirr.Nsh.in7 . ,.%?n era ar t a. e dal- I h.. Years. nith Interest secured bY .nr , r0 . ..c.. Stu. as part cosh pay:neat. to he amid each I, when sold. TRE heretofore. iollt /Carn e hoIINCLINSION Depot. Pittsburgh. at Weinet precisely on .1 y. of Caner,' crown .. iirailee and gentlemen) to n sad from he Solo FREE. EE. stopienit at Itztlons on the route. and returning at (1 o'clock. No eine under Drent Oar years of tans adowed GO Die Trnin. No tickets required. - • A. YPILWALNE. myth Acttlanee PITTSBU IGII, BANK FOR :1r. , . 61 rovirnr A T7IN CC. PUTS111:60II• ItTER/11) IN 169`.1. • .• • oplIN 11.t11.Y from 9 [IA ne. t o or. P-I.T. CIIPAN 67•• !NG tee!. ltny let to Nnvember let. try. 7in 9 tee! n from Nov. n•lrce let 8,1,1.8 to 8 Interett ;cad nt the rate of alt percent.. d. free of tax.. an If not‘ltte drawn nompounde cent., In •lontenry end .8117. !lonia of Ity-Lnr ue, Sc., Attnletlicd nt. the. ntpe. it,ott a 01 Mon agors,lleo: A. terry, Itrer'dent; S. 11. Itorttrus..iso. Vico Yrusliteuts.• U 'ACKIaley, fit'icrotnry and Treasurer. • A. Itrotiloe. J. 1.. lisahont. A. S. Belt, Wt0.,1(. IStztorth..F.ll.sln. 1,. Fellsnsteo.. Josh. IthoOrt. .tsAt. itolt. C. Schmertz, Christopher Zoo, U. W. a A. 0.1001. DECORATED AND PaiST Marble aml Slate 311 NILES, . . • L 't^.1,°.47ti" . '477i,, 7h',. i , :„:1111.42,,T1 " N I, E T . P a aseethet nte mad, 'keen I. Atarbit scuukr. , ..avuin. gt 9 f;ll;tr '` ihr ," . " %i7i,Tilt:tkOr '"" ni the choicest Arantithte. ad all. vedettes anti •eolots. , SO,l a [Nee' York tlrtee .at 319 and 3:.r. I LIII]JITT' -tur12.02.. . . . w:ir: i'vetidai:-.- PEA NUTR- --413 r wils. 00 ,r4) . ita.. a,.rrive - aCKEY 4 Co. - I: 7 9ENTUCIEY 'MP.-40 bales Tin AIL PtOre, for sale try IS'eLpArf DICKEY .t CO: 'sneks In store;for 1: side by IF.IIAII DICKEY Sr CO.* - ' J. .1.;;;J • • . 7 THE WEEKLY GAZETTE - TM; SC.-Fr - AND COPllliereial and FaalUy Newspaper WESTERN PENSSVI.V.6-Lt mtrrlmot bo ISlnsTeeEbre:iter• 1 ef Eve • A copy 1 faratatOd pat0:p...13 to the Coeta , t l l , of a Cob of ten:- Postsrataters coo raataeatardloolati '•as =tots. Addrota, ' i'E .Nt ttY. lIEED aft CT.. • _.~ _ Y(: / ~_..1~~r~....p0r .Cdr LINES, La =II t.':..,-,l,nfts<nerefor..TWEN TY•l7 r r I.\ IS; ,teiditiot:al Una • IVANTS , _ • •.• tdontr" Tibor Apply ot.IS NCtil mrert WANTED: — A Gi !IL to 10 conuuon , V' 1101451 , nprk .1:111 ram!, r.roulturo.ted. :,tNo. at Mt/MIMI:1i STIrEhT. Alirr.hroY try.. 11:1f trlrtlrcult• or rrnokaurtorlug boUrr. g...,41 007 i.,..r..renew riven. Mlclrr.. 1 , 1" x S. Wife., • • NATANTED.—A •Lady experienced in v mak!. lYuaL, to as.La n journeyme arvl7 . HOUSTON a CO.. corner atliave.and n. Cheryl , al . - - Wts ern It. M., ' • t'g ANT A NTED.--lii active mid respousi- Llc ieun 1.. tat, agcnr, of a prlnninent Inmurzner ComNeY for Al/egh.. , Addre,.. reforettres,,T WV A. P t VON 3 Walnut ,t,et. Pelle , ffelphtai; •SS vir. Nil:D.—Sit Etat ion :pi elp . rk by rtogle geld Inman of good oduostlon. havlnst an ex lon I VI. 3,111:1111t3qC1` In talth cities and cram -1.17. nod tro nrerrion to work.. Would Lake a 1101111 kLr . ..kOod mho - root, AddrensltaX i 127. I'l L 4.6 I. . lad try, to and, In vineynnt.. Also girl: for WI work for city und country. 'Apply at Eutployutent Mire, N. I tlxtll ritrcet. \AT A NTED.-31012TVAGES. 430.0140 to Loan In largo or man mounts. at a Par rata of Interest. • - T 1 1031A:1 PrITY,. 11111, Ind a n d Itral Estato No. 170 Sndtlineld ntro.d. • 'ITA NTED,4II RENT: 7 ,I, nOtIFIO of V or 6 room.. with a large yard. Atha'. born a geed nelghtaWtoret. Other CWT. or on tine of ywane Railroad. Any .eie flaring Inch ran hone of ell tenant witha all faintly, toy applying to or toldrowtalng sm /FT 1.1111.1.11., Heal -Estate Agenta. N0..139 Meath 4, 7 1111 e. 7 te.l MiiN=l== ==l the nesminALE APP.UtATILS' ter ranking Ku, , unty ANT NT E1).—.1 Thirty Thous' IMEMME2 nil flotlors to Luau- In large onAnty at a lair ra, Illas nn proi,rty 111 .11:egUeny f Intproff. 11.L1LL1, 4 . JER.r!.IS", ' Her , nititto Mann. GS Grunt mtnoc. Ilr NTED.—.I onda and Murl,zagcs. 1 for S3O.Q 0. haring 3 yerf . nut. 1 I /Imm. having Our. to rot , . I for f 6.000. unttng 3 yr,. u. ron. 1 fnr f 5.000.0 ynnth to ran. •11 tor /3300, haring 3 yews to run.. for t 3 ,111 04 Intrtn,4 3 Itnutt to run. 1 for t 3.000, rue. 1 for fl .1100.1aLvalg 3 , h ,',.,`,1P c ,7, gr. for 111.000. nom, 3,years to ma.. I for 4300. hart.._ 3 yettni. to run. On'etty nr count:- prota.rrt. ta h.:ltel,Afltr Fourth Atm LOST AND POUND I ()ST.—A dark hrindic con - -tips of the bora+ eninedul7minglnitet bnle rah- Shorttell. Aril pripon vedltie bur trill Le libetullY r ew"'" urn. moclifth.g. Item! of Littlf, .1100 lOST.—Op WNlnt , silur eventnx. 61, TV EEN Ilene( Enainn /fol.. and Nation t i ll be ... 4 ,TItaK T. • f... 4 BOARDING 1.11Q.7 is DIN G.-I'o-14.1.1v it h 11.) ”n o 1100.NIF an OPFICr, mat.- iao Zr o Doc:, or laont.i.nt 103 Fourth 41,11110. TIOA 12 DING.—A number of I; entle• 1..) MEN can he fumbled with bearding and emir.. If deetted, pleasontl; iamtpil, at No. 20 sTILECT. near limal street bridge, Allegheny t TO M',T TO-LET.—Some pleasant rooms to let No. 31 Fourth even., with use of bath rro-ixT.LINTERESFING TO LAW 'MRS.—TIER OF OFFICES on o=4. near IVO, nr./1 a TIER nitln entrunce on Fifth avenue rte. , Coon 11Ott.O. .tOttir to Mn. M. McTIGME. I=TM:EEIM Agost l ch.ce for font Allrghetlr. 540 t rro LET.—Tlic Three Story Brick .11.. WAREHOUSE In Cburrh Miry. roar or No. ISO Wood street, formerly • ....Wed by Wm, Mundorl & Co., no a Broom Manufactory. Inquire of WATT. LA NO & CO. 24 No. 17:1 and 17 Woad Snot. _ . rrO, LET Brick linuso of 7 Rooms, L Ilall, G as. Hat and Cold Water. Ltintn_Sanl. newly in re d and paintlid, situate N 0.149 'Mar ket street, ninth ward, Allewheny. AD, BRICK HOUSE ~t G Rooms, Nn. 13$ Diddle alley. near Sampson street. Second ward; Alleheny. Apply Do IC. P. PRICE. _?l ar d 'FO LET.-COUNTRY ILESIDENCE: —Curt of the well known property within 11eClinteek. on the PerTrseille Plank Ron& 13 minutes' walk nf City Hall. Allegheny. The house is ten storied. centulning D,roms. and la 117IgN'grUrg°,1r d .Z:gng===.11V. ensilage henna and stabling for horse, and eons. The mond, ore beautifully bald out. 'and are coo. tu n e d with fine ("rest trees. rendering It truly a eiguntry residence with all the ridvnntages of being Tery convenient In the nity.and Own Its Incision le one of the most healthy 1N...10ns In this section. Fur particular", inquire of OLIVER. 31'CLINTOCK. .0 CO.. Fifth avenue. t s 10.11 TO-LET. The subscriber offers for rent that ileslrableprop erty known'as the OUT-LET SAW MILLS Minuted at the foot of Craig street. Allegheny City. o shoh distance below the Suspension bridge. The lot on the met side of Crnig , street is 150 feet wide be about 450 feet more or less. The lot on the weed side of the .strect ti 110 foot wide by about 400 feet. more or less—both running to low waterThie: haring one of the bent and safest bar bor‘ion the rirer. Tho advantages this property ~stunts for ony kind of ninauficturing purposes are so well known as to render any further desert,. lion unnecessary. Long Wines will be given to se ''Pr'nVAr'''''. IBAAC FOR SALE • VORSALE—ROUM—A good-m, ma ROUTE •the • littriDAY LEADEIL C 11.21 be bought tox. For terms, apply at the Leel2 .- s.: mt office. FOR - SALE.—En:IIm of Four' 'Home volt SALL—A One Hum Spring. WAG6N. ATV! Int nLop of I.k T. J. JlV:rth .lES War on 3nAkers LlucknrrAllob N 0.4 T beeitlMS. - von .smr,-,k Valuable Farm un. r detinld with n a Tend nolo of Goird , ..11111onroTed, PrIonai111:4000. E./f.tiCLL SlcKean's old stand, Wentmo:cland Co VOlt 1.F.-11ASDSOME BUILIN I. Vt. TOTS, on sll (Lc ration. elreets In th e Into Lnerenceettle Platrlet, an et 'Olen min bowel andterms. T. It. SILL, SON. corner Penn lThirty-I . yr.! street. VOR SALE.—A 1 leo•borse covered s P RING WAGOIr, neut . & new, will cum two 411111.1tlii to Sold cbeup. Also beta ten three and flour bounced Inns Of Spring Water Ire. Imre 3 to 81n, hcs thtrk.welll.. cored Inn good Ice toe. et Sturrpgang on the Weut Penn ifallroud, Enqurrn et Jiiit63lr 540 or at the Linton 1101eIrrinunrburn. .rtpH SA Cann of 37- Dere*. Al. U,tThyyoA Oil Ilan Motile ., Penn/en r Deft*, • vvoure surfcer n under cu cf ltivation. b ee rs f goOn Orchanl anArgt nceerrar, banning. 171111, sold very Icr. Logone of LIAVIs, AM:meg-at-an, N 0.13 Omni armor. . IIIC SATA" . .--200 FEET EACIL neur Laitereneetillo &elk.. on the l'enr•ylcuolti Ithureho. earl 1110 tnehand, ?gaunter tar four yew". Theee lote ere now 1.1411 O re toot. no nAor of hcnn , •• rm. ro4or nj.. antei r this month th o N,. will bet ath For ;earl tell on T. 14 SILL SoN. corner rgnn 'rhrt3-thfrd street. or to 1“./ lir. P. b ILL, Attorney - ht1,ir . ,212 Grant street. . sii...f.:=Fli„.l„n„ and al) lent, !Cow onel . Sof.ond Mite. of all ktnds, constantly mt hand. Orders from all parts di the country promptly at tended tn. JAMES HILL A Cl 3. Corr,cr 3.tarlon Ji.vonue end r., It. W. it C. H.. w., ACegheni. I. ' - • rOR SALE CHEAP. OR EXCHAMIE FUR CITY PROPRRTY.—A fine UNTRY tESlDENCE.contsinirg 30 arses wit S house. there.: one. a doe, en:atonable and coneatient house; good water,and one of the beat water tr newers to Wesriarennaylesnla for milk 16 Trod.from limo ell tin the triter, of Turtle Creek Reed. i 3 algae truirCgdewart'w B[4,3mA:en met Itainced. At..several good Farms In good lons ' lions lioutos for sale. Snqulre of . ,WILLIA 31 WARD. ~ torn ' NerllOnrant Stroanteen . to CelhadraL. R ESIDESCR FOR . RAI:R.—A largo boomenentlyirrei •:thme Mort brick dunning In deslnible hies llon.nearPlethp.tte. neil built In modern style, jwlda hall two ors, dining room and kitchen, I,l,,,ebrunhere„ ath room, kitchen range, miler , !tisult.gasend water Mau res. marble mantles, /C' side shutters. wash house. etc. Itnniedlate. pos. asetion. 1i0.130 Grant street, 0. COTIIRERT &SON, 39 Sixth 111•PLI00, 0130