FINANCIAL GOLD, SILVER. c;o - t_r_poiNs Bought, 'at Highest Price. PH. R. MERTZ, r., BANKER, Vor. Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas. T. Brady & co. ( SumoNoos to S. JONES it C 0..) Corner i;'ourth Avenue and Wodd Street, -13ANKERS, RI!Y AND SELL ALL KINDS OF Olovernment Securities, GOLD, SILVER-AND rOUPONS, ON MOB 7 FAVORABLE TERMS . Interest Allowed on Deposits. 17rMee loaned On Goremdrent Bono at low eat mar ket rate. EillCerTto MR tar rl,O - 11/136 AXIII BALI or STOCKS. HONlei •sin GOLD. .1,131 ES CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE, MONEY AND COMMERCE, Omer. or PrITSIIVRGR Wr.oxixoAr, May tl,. mix I ield yeas lit now at 115—.41 th e em „ . Moak,ns formed to put it op could it... I iovernment tam& nder,,„ri nlwwl one per rent today, lint w .l at a of about I per rent. • Stock,. were RtrOr.,g. l,ut ales, felt ati . at tile clone. Money easy at 6 to 14 per cent for 1i0 t441 ° 11 " 3 " • and a fair demand for local lands 'daily increasing. r insing quotations a■ received by - Ph. /Comm . • . • geld s 11SS1 American ......... 2illver - 108 lVestern Union.. Ted Ikalds 116 N. Y. Central 1011% .5-20 Donde 1eee...112 Reading. ........11e% .5.33 Honda 1P54...111% P. Ft. W. & C o s. Bonds 1955...111X Ohlo & Nlas :AN' 13onsals 1.1185 111 MICA.. Southern..., In% 590 Honda 1 8 67...114s Cleveland &P. len' Ss:lEol2de 1858...114 C. It. I. &P . '%."-- 24., 1.0.40 Iffi . Chi... R .. ..Wit:W.. 5 7a Adams Exprena.. 67.1 i 'C.& If. ' tY • IRO.. Merchants U. Ec. 1.23 i F . ....,.. _ g. Inndon Exchange ban Smon. pound 5.a/ 547, Paris Exchange - oor n um , Berlin Exclts:„4,r Towßif a cc Wil k d l r l ° P. It. L. Bonds 84 tla Closing quotations as received by James T. Brady & Co: Gold .... 5-51Jan..t.Ty.1961 115 . U. M. :IS. liNI Inn; 5-.llJan.kJy. IBM It% U. B. 343 lattl lil 6410 Jan. &Jy. II!. IP 8. 5,^01811 11X U. P. IL .... Tr.K.54, MS IS C. P. IL IL WS' U. 8. 10.10......... Cy. Pa.lik. • /=,,l [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NICK Yong, May IL IBM. 51 ‘..7 easy at 31ff.5 on call. Sterling Oem at 9h 9%. Gold mote active and Otto; opened at 15, touched 15%, and closed at 15. Carrying rates MM. Clearaisces, 518.004000. Governments active and higher, closing 'Onn. Coupons of 'Si, 1610117ist do '4P, mu 12X: do 'O4, 11M41117.,; do 'O5, 11%01% do new,' 141,04.14 M; do '01,14%4514!.; do '66, 14M41.141,; 10 liiieNll4; currency sixes, 12.14Hi12ii. The sub-treasury sold one million dollars of gold 00 , 0 Rate at Bonds firm: Missouri,, tali; old Tenors.. roes, SIM; nevr,'Hiii: old Virginias, Mif; new, 419,i4; old North Csrolinas.47k; new, rss. The railway market was active and excited la the afternoon, and the highest 'prices of the Is t esmnt bull movement were made in the New 1 ork Central, Ohlo & Mississippi. Wabash. Northwestern, St. Paul and hock Island. At the close there were sales to realize profits, which caused a reaction of kat per cent. from toe highest pedal of to-day, but the mar ket closed strong. Miscellaneous shares dell. Express, stocks a1itr,,7,..',4?t : tl & t r i beil t g:l7i4:3l'estern rm.= Telegraph i . . 14; QuiVrer. % v igor' ,la r iaa.. %II `,' rs7g; r A r r d nelitin . Ar.....iterSist:l saki . Pacinc Mall, 4111:; New York Cec h y; : 1011 s; Scrip. MX; Me. Mk: do preferred, 47: Harlem, /411%; do preferred. /Mk R,,ding. i; Michigan Central , 125. Lake .41,,, iipri, Illinois Central, 142; Pittsbutgl, 1071 C. do new. SON; do preferred. u• Bock Lidan di 124%; New . tga. C i e l n i t ; r ; ' "iteiii.. r'!4,.. , , P T,t 1 ' I t e ' d° , 1" 7r&. Fort Wayne , 941,it Telre Haute, ...7 Chicago & Alton, 114%; do prrArrred. 115; oh & Missi. aIP3 O I . 39 Cii I ,Lord & 'Erie. 10ais: C. C. & 1. C., "Ai; Bt. Jo 112; do preferred. 11; C. C. & (1. 1. 71114. Huston ;dices: Calumet. 65; Copper lulls. 5 ; Weskit, a; fled., Ett (Nucl . '. 10.14, ' Sub- TrewlinT balance: gold; 1.6,1221.114 1 1; currency, r. , &1", General balance, 1C:47311. - ._ - PETR ' 0 - LBC3I lII_ARRIST • . Omer or Prrresentin Gazrrrx,l • • ' . 'WEDNESDAY. May 11. IMO. , . The oil market has undergone another 'unction, the advance established within the past few dayn having been nine. 1 , 1 . lost, and the tendency continue down. ward—according to the latest adyi ts, the indications still pointed to lowers figural Thin sudden' sod unlooked for auction may be attributed mainly to the increased production reported by• th , Titusville Herald, some nix hundred • rads of a dallY Increase In April, an CO itared With Mardi. While it was general y expected that than would be an inc note, it in tench larger than was antici tad, and of course, it had the.greater Intim •mce on the market. It in nowpretty rally be lieved that these will be a largei increase . this than there was last 'month, and this, as might be expected, in calculated 'to. make operators a little "bearish," and to canoe those who have been calculating no big prices, to hesitate and consider. It is rumored, however, that the report of the "Oil Prig:lucent Ansociation".will be quite different from that of the Herald, that It Will show a decrease, instead of an it. crease. There is thin about these reports, . the made up in the interest of those who ere interested in big prices, while she other is got up by the reporter of the Herald, and we believe that he gives the truth as near as be knows how—that his facts and figures are the result of Careful and attentive observation: ! ' Sales unusually large, but as already intimated, prices are lower, Sale 2,000 sellerJuns, Id 124; 9,000, In two lots of two thousand each, seller 60 days, at 124; and 3,000 in three different lots, same de. livery and apaon, at 124. 1332333 'june opened at 274; and sold from that down to 271. We glee afternoon quinta -1 tions as follows: Spot, 273a271; May, 271; -June,27B; Jtdy!' offered at 28; and July to .December. it 281; 'sale 1,009 bbls buyer all year. at3ol. • tirriirrs or CRUDE OIL. Penn Oil Works 400, on account Jas. Wilkins; *nay Oil Works 560, on account Parker & Co; Flatter Bro. 800, on account L. W. Young. • Total. .............. 1,700 bbls. RI.IIrIIENTA PER A. V. It. R. Fawcett, 1.. B. dc Co., 200_ tibla ref. oil to Lodi Bro. & NIIIPPISD..PPat P. 1111. • A. V. RR. OLD OEM J. TV. Alexander 10,867 refined to llostwiek & Telford. Now York. 1117111OR0II WOOL Wthosr. dr;icir. or Tm - e PIITSEC . RCM WZDNICSDAY: May !LIM. Thus far there has been no movement 'in wool in this section of country, and as a general thing there has been but little Blipping done, and, ionsequently, there Is little or no wool offering. It is supposed tlult by the first of next month there will be 'a movement of some kind, an by that tiene it will be In mark etable condition, and until k commenceito change hurls, there , can be' no established. Prices. Theeast . • ern markets are reported as being almost cleared, most of the wool having Passed into thkinunis of manufacturers, and in this respect the trade Is in hetter .condition than it has been for several years; The feeling jut now seems to be. that prices will of necessity rule lower 'this season thin last, and It may be that the market will be comparatively slow for s time, as It Is probable tharbuyers and sellers will be unable to get together. In this MC (lnn of country. fine wools averaged 46 to 49 cts last year, while this year, u al 'readj Intimited, buyers are impressed with the toilet that these figures will not her Wised, though - thin in • matter of conjecture. In the course . of another week or two we hope to be able to report the market more definitely. . rIIIISBiIFIGH,MARKET Orncz ,ir Pyrrsnunnii GAzerTE. t THI7IIBDA 1 . , May 11. ICU. Business, ge nerally,, is rather slow, at t eam i t is reported by our Maine.. turn, and i hey ought to know. There in not oti nu complaint nimbi ahout th e Volume of busbies:is as there in In regard to margins; this iit'lheworst feature of the two. There is eurli it vigorous conipmition for trade that 'some parties, in order to 'fleet sales will sell goods at coy or it very entail margin' thereon, and, consequently, of her parties,' in order to compete nuccensfully, are obliged to do likewise. Flour, it in said, nail them in nn reason to dimlit it, in relittively higher in the Wl,l than it is Item, and whlly is it° simply because the rivalry antongiislilere is no at rong that it in almost'imposnible to put prices up. And what is !men! flour is equally applialble in gmceries; S wars; especially refineds, are relatively over than nt Minted any culler place 1 the country. This spirit of competition in nil right and paper when it ix not carried to extremes; NM to sell goods nt cost or per. hope has than met in osier to Reduce the customer of a riva: bowie, is to say the least, doubtful policy, and, in the long run, trill not pay, APPLES--Quirt but unchanged. We continue to quote at t4ns per bbl. ALllES—Firmer in the), oak but"" - nn , ehanged here. Common Botta, 4; relined, 41: Pearla, 9 to 91: Tote, 7}. • Brl"l'Llt—la dull and neglected and prices are barely suntained. Fair to atrictly prime roll may bo fairly itiottal at tfikt2.s. emunion grader, tio tiOt Went to be wiraled at any price. BROOM CORN—In dull but unchanged, to la cte per pound. .CliEl.:l3E—Salro - nt Ohio tionhen at 16 to 161: and New York tioxiwn at 17 to 174. New Weateru Reserve, in Tufted at 19 to 14 eta.. CARBON OlL—is firmer and tending upward, though a. In alwayn the cane, the jobbing demand at thin (waxen of the year is light. 1 4 4a:elanl brand.. Minn at 24 to 244 ctn. • 'OIIN ME.t I,—Q uet and it ncl ta nge4 U.', to $1 b oa bushel. 1)111ED FR l'lT—Dostand 'rather bet ter, particularly for the better grades. Apples, hi to is Peaches, 7to 8 for tibar ters antbli to 9 for halves, as to quality. Blackberries. 13 to 14. • F.ditit,— The demand is rather better and the market a shade firmer; and fresh packed mat; be quoted at 14c. CEMENT—Louisville Ilydrau is Ce ment, rgt to 3,50 per bbl. FLOVII—The market is firm with a 'leads' local demand, but prices• re not - q . higher. We continue t quote western flours, in store, at Vie 51) for $4,50a0 for winter and s7a 50 for fancy brands. GllOCEltli>l--Sugars an'. stron .er and relined . sugara are quottml an ,dglith higher in the east. Coffees are vender but unchanged. With these exception there has nut been a single change sin the date of our last report. Following are the ruling quotations: RN:Ana—Cuba, 106e11: Porto-Rico nt 114; Seh orleana, 10N5.741.2c: Havana In boxes, 11412. Molaser" Stigma, 8 , ,idt.11 , , A Coffee. .121:v; "Ir do 12S c: Extra C C. 11c; Crushed. Granulated and Powdered 1:13,;-c. Coerce—Ordinary Rio. laSe; fair In Road, 1941.3)c;prime, 22. c; choice, =he; strictly lifotaanix—Neir Orleims, /intik; Porto Itlc.. 11V.7 o. Sruurs—Whlte Honer and Perfection Drips, 10 a 49 c: Lovering. Epps gilver Drips; dne; Iron City Drips, We; kling Des-Drop, Mc; Ocean Srar, - . TEAR-1'1.13g Ilyeun. WX/4140; Gunpowder, tLOIV,I.PD; Imperini, u ?4 , o Zr. 05041.23: Inai.j.. , s f.t.ikliG; So bong, AN ny, Sltcat—Graln Pepper, 81e; - Pimento. ,Vc; Cll4lO/1. 60agic: Cloves. 40c; Nutmegs, .1.3Y,Y, WO. - FaurrA—Prunes..l2.3Se:C.urrants.l37rei Layer Raisins. NA Per taix; Valencia lintsWs. Mrs 17e per lb. • Oakley m s 10r; m Crom p ß t a oi,s ,Pc; R b b b i ins s ,. 14114X:Chedro. ; Erosive. 734 c; Rosin. 31141.5 X; Toilet SO/018.15q=, Sawyer's Barber. CI per box. Hsu LLEsn—lUe per lb, 11nor Snorr-IC3i per bag. • CONCENTEATED LTE--/'PEEE. VI per Cube; other brands. faq„7. Erra-tar COFFEE- $4.5Q per gross for Hum mels. Son.t- In kegs. Re: in bores. assorted rg. 7.*(e. Yui t mte. 3, , jr. • INDIGO—V.4O 761. M CaNPL.2.B-3lotlld, /2c; eteArin, B T.:+ll22l—Bearl. die; Stalin Gioia and. liver B.Ings.111(e; Corn, Inca—Carniina, :Epee. • Fran—No. 1 Mackerel. 112c61,.9 per bbl; N 0.2 large. $1:: No. 3 large. !Mkt No. medium , /.11:'In all bbl , 60 to addltlonni. In kith-- N0,.1. V: No. 2,6.!(; N 0.3. V. bike Herring. 24,10. White .111 h, tali. Baltimore Herring. Codfish. 5 ets per pound. GRAIN—The offerings of wheat contin. ue light and with a good milling de mond, the market in firm though prices are unchanged, $1.15 to $l2O for sal. and $125 Inc $1;10 for white. An we re marked the other day, wheat is rela tively higher in thin market than flour; and the nituatiuMin unsatisfactory to our millers. Oats, if any thing, a shade', firmer, but not qUotably higher; we con: tinueto ,mote at 47 to 48, in feat hand., 5)), on wharf and tracki -and 52 to 53-in store. • Corn is nearer and firm, and cello readily at 85 for ear and 00 for shelled. Rye, in quoted at 95 to 97 canlimile 1 car at $l, GO days. No movement in Barley, and prices unchanged. 85 to 00 for good to prime spring. • HAY--Continuen doll but nominally unchanged; $l5 to slBa2o per ton, as to quality and condition. LIME--Cleveland White Lime, V 25; &intern, $1.75, LARD 011.—In quoted at $1;10 to $1,32 for Extra No. 1, and otl for No. 2. _ . . . POTATOES—Continue dull with a sup. ply considerable in excess of the demand. Peach Blows, 34 by the car load. and 40 to 42 in store. Buckeyes do not seem to he wanted at any price. PEA NUTS--Tennessee welted at 8 to cis. PROVISIONS—Market . steady but au hanged. Plain Shoulders, 12 1-1n1312; Sugar' Cured do, 141-4a14 1.2; Ribbed Sides, 16 1.2; Shod- Rib, 17; Clear, 17 12; Plain Sugar Cured llams, 18 3-4a12 Canvassed do, 19 1.2a19 3-4. Lard, in - tierces, 17 1-lal7 I.2;in kegs, 18 1-4108 1.2.- 1 Mess Pork, $30a31. SEEDS—There in little or nothing do. ing in either Timothy er Clover Seeds. no the Melll4ofl is about over. Flaxseed is in steady demnnd at $215, and n round lot vonld probably. bring $2,20. MARKEI7B 11V TELEGRAPH. =EMI New Tonic, May . IL—Cotton firmer and more active. with sales 3,300 bales at Ne for Middling uplands. Flour: receipt. 13.1P0 bbls ; flour,soloe better, with sales 11,300 bbls at $4.1005.15 for superfine State and western, $5=05,10 for extra Stine, $4.106 'fur extra western. $5,7004.50 for. St. - Louis, and $5,100 0, for good to choice do. winter brands do included In the rale.; 4.501 bbis low grades extra western State nt $.5=0„5,01. Rye Flour unchanged. Corn Meal quiet. Whisky firmer, es e with salitgl bide western free at $1.0001.10. butehlefly $1,0971; also mles 2 - 41 bids for June nt $l.lO. Wheat: receipts 111.50 bush: whent opened firmer but closed dull and Mg° lower, with sales 0.1 bush, part toot evening. at n l . ll O 193 for NO:: spring. $lO6 torso. 1 sprlng,sL2l L,AI for winter red and amber weste rn , and 14561.50 for white Michigan. Barley and rley Malt quiet end: unchanged. Corm rc+celpta 19,585busic corn unchanged.withsales MOO bosh at $1,13011.15 for new mined west: ern: $1.14M for new Whlte• western; 11,10 lit store for old mixed western. Oats: receipts', CMS bash; oats active and IC better, sales ofd 04.000 bosh at 540.5.5 c for western; 69070 c for Ohio and State. Hay unchanged. Hops ready. Wool dull iales of-150.000 pounds at 46)4048e for domestic fleece, and 40e for pull ed, Coed quiet and unchanged. Coffee firm. Molasses doll. Sugar steady sales of ellahhde Cuba nt 9010 c. Rice firm at 5X0730. Petro leurn Ono lac for crude: ffivilffiklic for refined. Leather: hemlock sole firmer at 91030. for Buenos Ayres and ready-made. Turpentine mtlet at tigra.cmc. Sheathing copper steady at Rll. Ingot dull and heavy at $18.50 for Bal. Omel 37 r; $l,l for Lake. Pig Iron steady at s ac:A mdeat s al 4 ., ito . $ 3 1t 3 4 1 a ci . u 'u lt.. eriv ai sii 3b ad e t at liTh. for unen Englis h Ru n ic. American. Ninth"d t 4144 Me. for cat, 35.0512M0 for cl and for horse shoe. Provielons: pork firmer. les 5,54 M bble at mrTee. 1ML 75 0 , L50_ for prime. W,93. 4 r2. Po r e L"" me " . .e"- , Meade; sales 385 bbls at $ll If. for plain. $lOO.lB for entre mess. Beef . quet, sale• 110 bbli at Van Tierce beef fimer; sale. 500 tcs et rt.% fo r prime mesa. OD for India men; mi dies quiet.. Cat meats erne mies=o pkgs at LlOl2Mc: shoal dere 10017 c. Lard rather more geed, - Wee 340 tea at 1 5 1(01014c for steam kettle dried 15M017c for kettle rendered; also 'Meg .1,2N1 prime steam, Maraud Jane nt 15Me. Butter ' steady at MOTs for Oblo. Cheese quiet at 80 17c. Freights nominally unchanged. Lotest—lnour closed less active • but without any decided change. Wheat nominal and 102 c .lower. No 2 spring $1.111651,21. winter red 'and amber westernsl...W,ll..U. Bye quiet aed un changed. Oats firmer at 04Xe for western in store, and Mc for Ohio. Corn quiet at si.m. ' 1.15 for new Mind western, Pork nominally nnehanged.‘ Beef doll and unchanged. Cot mate firm. flacon nominal. Lard flat at lame for spot. Eggs .ready at Inc. Elnelnaul. • • .r. ' Ctrrqurniter, May 11.—Flour firm, in rani do- L mond and encrally held . hirer, with extra at $4.85.4, and family at liks3X. Wheat very firm a d held at $1.191 ,14 for Nos. 2 and 1 red. Co in good demand with sales LIOI bush at 411 .Ig, for ear and piime mixed and white:abetted; not much offered but buyers dot disposl to follow up the advance. Bye advanced t 00c, and as held at. $1 at:the close. Bo y nomino&unehaored. Ootton firm with middling nt . Tobacco In good denoted with sales 242 Maim and 9a boxes at $4.10 for frosted trash to fO6 for bright lent. Whialty unsettled nod held at $1,10; $1.07e1.04 Is offered: it would have been difficult to *stye bought to any extend at $l,lO at the close. Mesa Pork In moderato demand at VS; held at ~' ~: ~ «. PITTSBURGH DAILY. PO. Bulk Meals quiet rind unchnnaeirat !Vita 11)(c for shoulders, 11)02.11).c (or - rib shies. 14 411151;e for clear rib and clear sides. Lanl held at bible with rip de Batter un changed with briniest Eggs ltlll iierd.oll Geld ti * ring. Exelinnab stenily it 1-10 discount buting. MEM 4r. Lrinia, May 11.—tobitenoSteidY :mit no' changed. Lotion quiet at elik2C,,,c. Hemp unchanged fit Flour firm at *Kr. Jai for fall to #l,Mit.4.ts for X. *Silk& VII for XX. 0..50ric-i.75 for XXX. Wheat firm and higher, with sales of No 2 spring at Vic. No I do ut SIQ • . No 2 red full at 1 , 1,15611.15'i, and low choice to fancy at k1.:A1ta1..50. Corn opened firm, with sales of mixed at *Lose 1.13, choice yellow At $1.1M2,1,13, choice to bleep white k1.1ik.11421, and mined and yellow closed 5e lower. (bits opened at tZsliikic but fell off at vimie. lb.rley, nothing gloing. Rye lower at OR for prime. Whisky higher at Groceries quiet and unchangted. Coffee range% at "rrirEtc. Sugar 10,51E1.11N c. Nolassen Wahl for mum house. Pork quiet tit. Villtak.lo. Dry salt meats: small salmi shoulders at 11,4 and clear shies at Ifstic. Bacon; jobbing sales shoulders at Dr. clear rib at 16)KGIOVI and clear at 17,4 e. Lard; small sales tierce at 104 16. , ic and keg at Its. Receipts: 2100 bush flour. 12,4(10 bush wheat, WU') bush corn, MU) bush oats, PHU bush barter. 701 bush rye. Sr. Logla, May IL—Cattle; best grades in activntrquest at aq..73(c. Hogs steady at Sic. P. 3, o for good to choice. Chicago. • • CHICAGO. May 11.—Exchanie it Unchanged. Flinn. in declined tzhaMf...V.23 fo g extras. Wheat tikrbalte: No. 2 opened at SI.OON, 4hl.inni and fell to At% c, closed with sellers at 97c:Ithis atternoOn unsettled nt UN rash. PI nailer June. Corti less active and.lithle lower, cloying at ICM(At.93o No. 2 thin attenuant quiet and unchanged. Oats flrtn and taq.tie higher, eloping at i&h(ftth:le No, 2, .Ityri is Inner h(fOlo . higher, at fiVic h.o. 2. Migitwlues Ji and nutitinalir tinggge l y r i on' llghl ' a i rr Nutt sw orn y oar hon.- it:luta:67a bbls,cheat 4 , 5,090. c an,111., Halo 21.072, rye 1,477. barley 400 halal. hors 5.781. Shiputents--Iloar 5.10 P bids. wheat 1141..1 , 1, eorn:lF,Z4. oats '6,.161 - I,' barley 2c ol t, hogs 4.1 2 2. Freights and unchanged. ( IMAGO. May 11.--Cattle firmer and a shade name active at tt , 5,r0C1.8.2 for fair stockers to extra Prime bhipping beeves. flogs active, hi titan higher at /41,411,01.2.5 for lair to Prime. • fleveLnni. Chgeta.dan, Mae It. Flour Is very Inn with strong hilknol feeling on the part of holders;coindry brands white double extra held at ifddit-ikred. double extra at fff,gto.T.l,fo; amber, double ext rt. $5.2:1425,75: spring, double extra, $4.50d5.0(1. Ike flour steady and un changed. Wheat strong 4nit.2o better; Ida. red winter held lit 114 t. itubll so. 2 do. at $1.19 @LW. f7orn stronger and sales were made of new mixed Outs; rejected reel No. Yellow held at Ilk. better at 51145:e. Rye quiet at POffteici Owlet; dull and nominal. Petroleum decidedly M 1.,. but buyers arfaholding off to great extent: relined held at 2k Pk round lots: small lota of count, are a shade higher: crude Inn lit t, Iltalthnore. Ilaidanonr. ;May IL—Flour Inn with good demand. j Wheat Inn; Maryland $1.511.1.0.); Penusylvdnin $1.37n1,43. morn Inn and higher: white $1.:041:21: yellow sl.lsaLlti. Oats firm at gladn'. Mess pork firm et pi,ifiallh Macon Inn: rib Odes Intie; clear eldee shOul dem Elise: hams =lc. Lard !mkt at MO. IIMe. Whisky ' no Inquiry and holders aro firm; Iron hound SIA6 and wood $lOl Louisville. Loctsrli.Lx. May .11.—Cottote fair demand; sales DO bales; middling Mc' . Flour $5. Corn $1.33. Rye $l. Wheat $1.05a1.3). Pork M 1.50. Bacon l 3 e, 163;e and lfiMe. Bulk meats 12Me. Itle and ltlkie. Lard lie. Whisky SIM. To• baccm sales all hhds at advanced prim, for Inge and low- leaf: $5,a5a5.50 for frosted to lugs, SS.7SaLSI for low to good leaf. . Memphis. Memmits, Mar P.—Cottnu lull at c; re ceipts. SIC hales; exports. 1,001 hales. Flour . superfine $1.7547.5.1.1. Corn dull at fl 21. White oats scarce nt c. liar dull nt limn active at M. lard dull nt lbit.lSMe. Pork dull at MAI for mess. Bacon shoulders lie; sides lay. OEM ToLem% May ll.—Flour inactive. Wheat active and laic better for No I 'white Michi gan at sl,47.lunber Michigan $1.24 . closing at $1.23.h; No 1 n. 41 tl.Zt. No 2do flat Corn a shade hotter for No lat ts.c. No 2 fs:c. Oats. dull and nominal. Receipts: Flour, 10) Lb's; wheat 3,..1x) bush; corn, 1030 Nish; oats, 2,101 bush.: iliistankee. • • . MILWAUKEE, May ll.—Flour firm and un changed. Wheat unsettled at nil{ for No. I and Kidc for No. =. Oats active at rec for No. Corn We for rejected: Freightsweak at Ai...antic to Muffalo. Receipts-4.4100 [ibis flour, MOM bush wheat. Shiptnents't6.B.ll lib's flour, IMAM bush wheat. GC! • . Iturnorr. May 11.—The Wheat market la In light aupply, anti pritea continue to advance: sales of No. 1 white nt flat. Corn higher. 'with antra nt ltsr. Chas advanced to Writelk. Barley #I,.T. per cental, niPttlivni ni PITTsIIIII , :M.. CINeINNATI- AND St. Louis lt.t o.ttoAo. Mee 11.-40 bble flour. 100)do do, Den Walla . ce; 100 do do, 400 eke T (7Jenkine; 200 bge do,S Undear; 3 care entree, W Ileetinge; 1 do lumber, J M Seibert; 34 bge corn, Mranor & II: 30 bge wheat, 112 do flour, SO.emah.t. 10 do potetoett. F erllors;•0 tee haute, J II Par ker; 2 tee eatwege, Deese Owens: 10 tee imam% .1 Dalzell; hit& tobneco, . M urPL; Ido 40.'1 box movies, It W Jenkineon: 7 tee t o e!, %Vett, I, & Co; 35 lEee *tap, 9 do etnreh , 1 'orite do, son; 5 ter Lams, E Heozleton; 2 do sausage, NV li Hays A Son:2 dodo, E 11 Meer... 5 (If. hams, Vidgt II A Co; 3 bblei nicoliol, NV Meliowenr2 cars state', IV Hastings, 182 bgs grain W.l Meek 1 car wheat, J Liggett: do lumber. W Brown; 50 bbls vinegar, P Dun' tc . Son; 100 do flour, Schmuaker & L. CLEVELAND AND PITTnDURGII RAIL BOAD ('oMPANY. May 11.-12 ears c ore. 13rodr's Bend Iron Co:It do or', tilmenbev gmq h& co ; 2 do do, Dilworth, P Co; 2 do do, Brown & Co; 2 di, pig iron, Zug & Co; I dodo, 1. I.yd & B, IS boo shoulders, Dalzell A•T; 2 kgs paint, J Barneville; 70.. 000, 'Mingles. It A Mundorf: 8,000 feet, lumber, li Burgan; 120 skootatoes, Bruggermon A 0; bids oil, D Ble; I ear tram, %V tl Miller; 21 ski. - do, A Black; 1 bbl,. eggs, Day& Co;1.12 ski. mgt., McCul lough, & Co; 10 Ins g ware. (Irminger & Co; 12 Mb. choirs, 1 box, 11 Berger; 5 hides, ( - 4 N 1 105000; A bbl wine, McCul lough, S & Co; 29 ban cheese, AVuodworth & Davidson; 3 tubs bolter, Bruggerman & 0; 19 kgs p barley, Watt, L & Co; 1 cask are, J J Leary & Boo; 19 ski. rye, J & NV • Fairlev; 1 bbl tin Monk, .1:11 lb Chan, •bers; 770 bbls radii, 11 L Fahneotock & Co: 1 bbl eggo_Nroigt, 14 & Co; Ido dn, I do beans, I do apples, Head & NI; 410 oil bbl', C A Wonnctiotle; 73 do do, B 13 Moore. PITTSBURGH FORT WAYNE AND CHI CAGO IIAILICOBD, May 11.-1 car stone, Bulman & 4 casks p ash, JII Ctutfield; 100 Idels dour, Watt, Lang & CO; MO do do,,Sclioniaker & L; 200 do do, owner; 100 do do, D Wrilloce; 27 ski. kgs B 1. Folio,- stock A: Co; 2 ilea spokes, M 11cWhinney; 211 churns & ;mar, S Hare & Son; DM irks rats ; SC McMosters; '37 bgo rve, IV .1 Meek; 12 eke. potatoes, Paul & Gibson; 100 bzirgjara 3eases do, Atlantic Mass ('..; law staves, H Downier; 23 sks potatoes, 1 do empty rho, 2 bobs eggs, Woodworth & D; 1 tub butler, Voigt, Mnl,oud & Co; 3 obis baron, 11 Ilea Jr; 2 ibis scrap iron, .1 Jones; AM pco steel, Brown & ('o; 6 pea mil, 7 do iron, I bill pins, Shall. & Parker: 5 bxn Cheese, E llcazeltoni 5 do do, W I) Csrperoer: 21 Nils forks, J Rebuts:), & Co; 2 bells hoes, J W'oodwell & Co; 1 Isll r forks, Logan, Gregg & ('0; 2 do do, Whit , more, Wolf, 1)& bga oats,3 do rye, J Wilson & Son; 30 bbla trcoal, Seward & Emerson; 10 bbla liquor, Adler & II; 15 s machines, W Sumner & Co;. 1 bill alcohol, Sf A Jones. ALLFXHIENT $7.4T10N. May 11.-12 ears metal, Ststn{r. C & Co;. 3 do staves, Italra & It; I do lime, J K Shinn; 24 hides, A lloIntim; 40 sks potatoes, J Mins; 1 car lumber, I, Walters & Son; 228 Iqrs onto, 0 do f seed, II Knox & I car ;wheat, AV McKee & Co; I do f nerd, M B liti.rdatii; 300 pio lead, T II Nevin & Co; Li cars ore, tinitt, It & Co 2 do lumber, Smith, C & Co; 2 do do, Frazier Bro; I do dn, Jaines Mcßrier; :93 dos brooms, Bdo brusl4-s. C Ilutchinaon. ALIIEOIIENY VALLEY RAILROAD. May 14.-2'cars wheat. Kennedy Bro; 1 do torn, 268 nate, 36 do rye, Scott & 0; 45 bgs wheat, 1 S Liggett & Co; 16 bgs rye, Keil & 11;2 bbla eggs, 3 Ina butter, L J Blan chard; 1 car lime, Henderson Bro; 3 ears metal, McKnight & Co; 9 sks rags, Knox & Orr; 1 car grain, 21 aka rye, Houck..l & Co; 3 pkgs butter, S S Marvin; '2O pkgs sundries, 11 Pllautn; 1 car barley, J M Carson & Co. PITT/OR:ROB AHD CONNELLIIVILEE RAILROAD, May 11.-37' skit rags J B Jones; 1 car salt, Cunningham & Bunsen; 88 bgs wheat, Scott i Metal; !lio bbls whisky, Little & !deriding; 350 tills iter, Smith & Francis; 18 bbiseggs, town Line; 71 bbls cement, II 'it Beeson; 18 rolls leather, (.3 11 Anderson; bids flour, D Wallace; 150 bbls Cement,' C Leech. = PITTSBURGH BROWNSHINZ, AND GS-. smvs, May 11.-12 bbls apples, W Miller; 36 sks oats, P Flitter; 390 but w glass, It C Schmertz; 34 bbls apples, Johnston & Colvin; 23 do do; H Ilea Jr; 87 sks oats, 87 do corn. Kell di Method; 12 do corn; W Welsh & Co; 3 bbls Britisky, J Gallagher; 36 bztt w glass, 0 H Swearer; 13 pkgsbut ter and eggs, J S Funk; 6 do do, S Heaton; 3 bids eggs, Johnston & Colvin; 36 bge corn, Mcßano & Anjorr, 364 galls stone ware, W D Cooper & Co; 61 aka oats, 80 do wheat, McCracken, & Co; 104 bbls whiskv, 16 bales hay.- 7 do apples, A S Carlisle; 8 bales bay, Campbell & Coulson; 30 sks oats, 5 bbls apples, 11 Bailey; 100 sks oats, S B Floyd &AA,. WitEttt,tfo; rim Ptrritoma, Mny 11,- 08 sks mom, M Steel & Son; 11 bdln pa per, Pittsbargb. Paper - Co; 81 Ws -pota toes; Bruge Minn & 0; 120 ska wheat, W McKee & Co; 1,200 feet - walnut lumber, (.1 rreeinan; skis potatoes, 2 bbls eggs,l boX cheese, Randolph &'.S; 104 oil bbla,C A:Worn:Rustle; 2 Ws egirs: - P , Duff & Son; 000 nail kegs, Phillips & M; 12 wash slush,. 2 bureaus, (loan, S Co; 0 Mils up- Pl".;.lolin Herbert; 20 bbis whltikr,'Jart West; 1147 p r . ' ,i re , Hartman & E; 10 MAN flour,M Whim; 17 oka morn, 11l do oats, R '" .l3 KBO pkgs potatoes, M Herr; " K " 1 7 0 ;2 calves, I row, II Laughlin, - .11 - GAMTTE: THURSDAY- MORNING, MAY 12, MO. RIVER NEWS Tie Collier elepartml fr” Ht. Louis lam evening viili a big trip soon. 1.809 tons mostly Pittsburgh manufacture- Pilots —Thulium Morris and Marsh Harm. • The Savanna. trotti St. Lonin was due last night and will doubtlesti be fiiuuil hi port today. The Granite State in due to day and will return to Portninontli to. morrow at'-4 e. n., Capt. Wanli Kerr in command. The 13elle, Copt: .1. P. 'Smith, ix the regular packet for tlul kionntigalydn river to-day; leaving nt nix o'clock P. it. Pashengers Mlllll shippers ahnuld lent to mind that she I.Tneet clear through• in tletwva and pays - particular attention to way busineaa. The Juniata, Capt. C. 1,. Brennan, in the regular packet for Cincinnati to-day, lea, big at 12 o'clock. Site is a good boat and otTers superior Inducements to passen gers and has plenty of capacity for freight. The Mondale, Capt. Bare, in tilling up steadily for St. Louts. She in one of the best boats, in all respects, in the trade. Ti,' Retro Via, from Wheeling, arrived and departed as usual .The Wild Duck, nounced to depart ft day to; Anawalt, In on t.ll.oilln on Sofia The Sa‘..inna, Cap for St. Lodin and th —Henry Arev, male died near * Am inst. • Ile came IA C wita mate of the n 1 . F anrunthrtal pion er tytennilavi lin, 0 sin, on Friday icinna i in 1817, and Pula n, sternwheni Pike, Highland La Wei o d Cincinnati, tt , Montezuma, tsplend t.l,- Am zon, Express Mail, Hen. Pike, Pe inn, n d other old. time boots. Ile Was' UM li st man who introdumi spars to Intik Herrick, Ile wan born at Martha's Vlm'vafti. .. —A late Mentplis parr says: Tite. Kenton struck a snag just above Helena,. tin Thursday, At IA A. St., anti was run on the bank, where slid careened and sunk, with her 'starboard side under water nearly up to her hurricane rof. tier lar board guard .was also under wafer a few feet when the City of Alton passed up, and her crew tvere . busy caring what they mild from die wreck. —The h o use Committe 'on Commerce haa agreed upon the following apiumnia, tions for western lima: Ohio, 00,000 ; Miasianippi; Missouri and Allnyms, $150,- 000; falls of the Ohio, $350900; Illinois, $1000000: Rock Island Rapids, $150,000: Des Moines rapids, $400,000; Cleveland. $20,000; Toledo and Monne, Bay, $50.000. The Committee will nut have it chance to report for several weeks. —The Emily Labarge,-en rout• from St. Louis to Fort Buford, with 400 lone Oov. eminent freight, was at Sioni City on the 2d. She had three companies of the 7th IL•gintent, 225 men, 10 offici•rmAl women. several Indian scouts, aml lawn< 20 chi!, dren, from Otnaha,.all for Fort Buford. —Soya the Cincinnati Gazette: Capt, J. 11. Maratta, of the Leonidas. was on Satur day appointed by the Probate Court of thin county to • administer the estate of 3rafter.M . Maratta, who bad his life by the disaster to the Emma No. 3. TI, estate is mined at V 2.101), —Mesars. :.'buck and Malone, of Met. phis. a-few days ago cent 111Clell with John 101. Davis. for a fine sidewheA steamer for the Vicksburgh and .Memphis trade, of tho following dimensions: Hull, 150 feet; beam ;1T feet; hold. .6 feet. —The Louisville C,,rier of Monday nays: Ajax same in from New Or leans yesterday with 22 empty barges, covering. forir acres of water. She will return with a tow of coal for Ni,V Orleans as soon as there is sufficient of wat4. --The ateauter Dubuque - went , tin to Minnenpolia 'net Thureany. The Trilm" nave of the rimmed/mee. The anti 1111111 l taint upon the Atterta created no pair whatever, and there Were no "Altutert, a t the levee when the beat came in. —A lot of lime got wet on the Ms. marek adore Cairn, nu Thursday, and but for the watchfulness of ('apt. William Thompson. that fine ntentner Would have been destroyed by fire. 'rite lino , lean thrown overboard. —Theimmework of a new steamer for the Nortltwestern Packet Company, at Mndinon, la np, and the planken. and Catil k era nee at work. The boat is to to' ram. pkted ttitltiti Oa dr eight 'reeks, —Since the bilata hare Onalinenred car. rying tobacco from Clarksville. Tenn., re ceipting through to East .nt the all rail rat.. fins West lixed at 47c.. italselsog dmystge from the warehouse. —Th.. St. Maur P.P. Mod aground at Buffington Sat tirday. very near the dons. Capt. Sweeney went to Parkendmigh on the 01,10 No. 4to get the New State lighten her, —The steamer Tacony was sold by the Marnlud M. the. Balt alt., at Bufool The partien who bought- her Mad, a trip to Benton and put on a large lot of east ern freight. -.The Cincinnati C'unornrrrial of Tors day noro, that it was reported on Monday that Capt. George. had purchased the Bey muds. for the 'cannabis River. trade. Price. *B,OOO. —John Sullivan, chief purser of the Magenta, has purelguad an interest in the Belle Lee, and taken charge of the office, -dames. Kerr, Jr.; Lan quit the (hand Era. and now occupies. a place in the Mike Mf Koontz Bro., in New Orleans, —The Bellevemon. St. Loris to l'itto burgh wan expected to arrive at lAntis ville nn Mdnday. —The Cumberland river was falling on Monday with .five feel on Ilarpeth.Slmals. FINANCIAL Tradesmen's National Bank WOODD •MEET, CORNER %ECM AVE INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. Gold, Coupon Bonds and Rork =I Predent, !dent, CYRUS CLARVIn si s. Outlier. HART, CAUGHEY &CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD STREETS, Pittsburgh, Pa., ISUCCEBEIOBB TO HANNA. HART &C 0..) °LUXUS In Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And tartlelar altentiolr o ll the puretme.d Government Bonds. Sight Draughts on London. ladt LEGAL. Orphans' Court Sale. Eatate of JOSEPH OWINNELIate of the town h °Wen. Monty of heitsas.State of keen ylventa • rty virtue of an ordia of the Ofrhhaf .,, .... mama county. them:twill be expoeq to inblie We on the jateaniaa. on the FIRST TIMpAr. 7th DAY'- OF JUNE; 1870, .JI the right. Mk, interest and adarot the'eald Joseph Usti:ma r . deal, of. In and to the following deanthed . real taw, to-volt: The one undivided thin% part of • Gestalts teem 4ff parcel el land agn ate In Durrell towstann...d.r..utwir. Jael r andr ow Wm. Mahar,. th . tt JULI tire =a. llts..agot a r= other ontho w lialngi thereon ete l 1ed.... 11 . 1 1 , ...1 4 at7e. manna 'of We. and the QineThirsa one roar tier: I. - after. 'nth Mame. to be Watson by bond end • We to be comilotal by. • ,• • JOHN BRUCE & WM.MARER, Administrators or um togisic • mrtiretder' DIBIIIIC U flialit OTHE IINI. 4 ICT T OPPWITIMMUMN I : C lh th matter 1/tr W. nnlar4otllfl7lDSM.9•e..D abd btrlot dria "."' efda t ei ' tb b r=o ram Ide.uAer 31 . HAM.. of . the connti.o newer", and Mato of Patowleinla. tn . add =met. et* tjesZn.„Z i wzn e tefrete t nj r n.PlAt i l o r. and the dellvem of U." bankrnete. batten, or jrzo MOW use. Allin the trans. f A e /Li . i r g P o r th irg a vg Il. f . st a bate i Ngat .L prITII their 'debts and. choose .. .ma or DOM 11. elitheee of their eau., ill be field et • Conn or nonkre_recT to: be holden pr, No. ! as PLomond etteoy Ittabnreh. In a t inetrlet. on .the Seth dagll e y,r , V Ll er t i v -118 WooloCk Ztegilell imatmlicy o r ' MZOI 1:11= .&ROBITEOT. T. D. EVANS, .A_RCHIVECT, 411 VIFTE AVENUE: Plans ilati simplifies Nous toWParod with v on fur all hinds of buildings RIVER PACKETS. MIONOSUAIIiLi F;R: T H E - iiEET STEAMER BELLE, J. I'. SMITH t.olllMeglor. J. W. SCOTT' urk. liidependeni Pithlinroli, Brownsville and Brown Packet. Icsren WhnJf . llnnt nloore Monnngahrbs IICSDAI. Tilt RSDAT and SATURDA ‘ l itrryrreggnni Pnnnvngern nil ',ln t . it2 :y i: l L y.r. , w,. ;: . 11t0n Inmnl, or at Wharf ntyn SA'S! to PAIIEIis uN. Agent. UPPER AllS1•414411•PI. frilif4Vl•oll.; %LENA 1 4 ntlinl Q uE 'Akb E .4 'r ".44 Janie, McII , n.' I Inm:will lenve f‘..l - to:, above noel Intermediate ports otn FILI MA Y. May 7 3. nt 4 e.ll. .."' ti 1.. MI?. 17 ' 1 . i. ST.A II ti9l,ogrg:;grlstenl4 • BAVANN C..APL,11.1 Itrylirirtt.and Intvrmedixtu ports MEM Fon E s 11 E A l VLHI) AND ST. LAMS.— TWURS A DA T, Mar 19111, ntl PA. M.. the Moamar WI_ED prrex, And Barges wan and Dove, J. W. ANAWA I.T CHARLES ADAMS . WM helve lintvaincrd abve. """"In'ted'rkr, " Als Avnts . . Was will give through bile ef Wing to w Ir- Irene end MIIIIIIIIIII. 011 the 311reketeet nod 31e— eourl r$ errs. • el o eyli F?!4tr i - 1. !!11! K. N he:m i 1/ lumed..Vll.l. etelt null v KATE PUT AM, ED. EC A NS.. W. II A It 111$. F•,r n.ighl:vrAra-.4.`"1:::111,11.N'I'i W. 101 0 . AgonE,, SPECIAL NtrrtrE •The Kate Potnam will tate freight. And revelpt them thruoith to Meatt.hto und New ltriennot. myth }AWARD EVANS. Neater. cl II IPPE It S Alt E LIN E.—FOl( EVNSVILE. CAIRO AND ST. LOUIS. the otoetuor • (OLI.IEII AND BARGES. JAS. SIIEDDEN %Wee. cil AS. MATTHEWS. clerk; will leave. LA nborr rn TIIIS I,A .3ltly 11th, at .1 p. m. I:. 11. t:IIIIII.;ST .t Co.. • Agent., POlt .310ETII AND CINCINNATI. • nrilE N :W AND SPLEN IIIII . rner IiIIANITE M ATE ..W. 11.4 R. win if fe the above and Internnellwe 1..11.4 en FRIDAY. N Jr bills. at 4 1.. W. Few freight ire pavvaze apply eh board. 112333 TM Pittsburgh and Cineinnali PACKET LINE TI. new and .oplen.ll.l side-whet. JPSIATA, Cunt. 1.. RukrisAN...,, will leave Pittsburgh fur mil. pr. , aptly. Returning. will learn l'lntinnull EVERY iII7NDA V ut 13 3t. For freight or In11.11114(e. Minty sin in s nni °is to FLACK A (I , I.I.INGWouIP. 11111; JAMES COLLINS. Ave.. Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE. Tho now anti splendid side-wheel r „ x iihrirg_ Steamer ARLINGTON. DA NI Mt SINK, Mititer. A. S. Sat - P.llOO. Ilea. Larry Ihtlyhurigh tot tlhNnmtl every Ti'n4ll.A Y. al lY itgiornhvg, lea Toy! Ineinnatifiir nit* , burgh. at 1 . 2 M. every Fill DA V. For freight iinavgge,nr other Inlomlotinn, apply on board or to =9 I=2 STEAMSHIPS rrO LIVERI'OOI, AN I) ItI:EENS. 1 , K!: —THE INNIAN MAIL Kr KA numhering nizteen 11r, Anon v...sciel, amen. thew the celebn4- 11TV orri ANTWTILP CITV lrF Ty 44 . (111 , of Ntoltng KVERYSNTl:l[l,l.(r—ml,r43,,eth 11l r•r. No. V•qt.. Vor lion avi.,T WILLIAM BINGIftM, Jr., 43 HMITIII3}3.I) 333.3 ET CONSUM PTION. Itit. SCHENCK'S PCI,MI.NIC NVIll'I. her the eon, or tNngha. Colda aml toexamoth.h. Dr. NCIIENCK'S SEAWKEI,II I NII , Hof Iltspeppla and all the Deldlltated l'ooklllmna the Ktonlarh. iIK. SCIIIC . NCK'S K for Ins. e All of lher three In curing Consumption. thou en the rulnionle Syr up alone has cured many raper - rite CUM. The Seaweed Tonle end ?Umfrage PPM amlnt In reg ultitlng the Stilitierh anti liner. and , help the rut monle Syrup tn glebe end corerug the blpod •enreln, by which measure la 1.01011 gr. reeled. These Medicines are conyclentiously Offered to the Public as the only safe, certain' and reliable remedy (or Pulmonary COII.IBIPIIOII , end for all those morbid conditions of the body which lead to that fatal diseawit. IJ eeee .fon.pla,nt.ndliralePsat thoften forerunners of Consumption. end when ey manifest themselves they regetre the moat prompt attention. The rulmonic Syrup Is a medicine which has had a bine 'probation before the public. Its value has been peered by the thriumind ears+. it has made through a period nf attire than thirty•tlve year, in ell of which time He reputation ham incrested. and the most obstinate okeptielam cen no longer doubt tht train allmedy which may be timed with confi d MY. which mintit n . - •. If the patient Will perneveringly followthe direc tion* which set each Intl ie. he Will certain ly ho cured. If Ida lung, are not to, much mauled to he • core poarible. Even An canes MS to be incurable, When Mends rind PliPtielana tr a in denettimd. the use of this Medicine hie, saved the lire of the patient and restored him le Krfect health. IP...Schenck 11011”1 not NU that an Mai, eq pal. inonary eanatituptlon are within the reach I,f med iator. hat he ertiplutticallyanwerta that attain when patient.. have the moot alarming nymptanna. latch aaa 'born, eanah, creepiaa chill.. night Angst, general debility. 'Yen to ma •h • deartat that they are obliged to he In bed, mild when they ate given up by their phynlclan. they may TIM be canal. NO treatment can ereffitr new lanes. bat when the lung. are nary wally ill.cauml and to nome....- tent drain - qr.', a cure may be ulna-tell by Dr. etcliencler. AIM.. In Scrofulous Diseases. these ITIYIIiCIIIIIII ore equally erlicient. ire. Schenek has photograph% uf a number of peraons who have been nearly coverV with nrnning mores sad now ail healed up. ThM shows tie purifying prepertlea. which must be able to heal cavities In the lungs. In the treatment of uonsiimptlon it la of the ut most importance to give them' amt health , / tune to the system. !fence It is necessary to al renal hen the appetite of the {salient end Improve the cline. Don. Proper:nourishment I. requlrrd namther with such means as win make the fora% easily ingot tibia. Tbe articles WOOL sellable for tbe diet of Conaureptive , ;anoint am designated' in SChendes Almanacs. which are distributed gratui tously. in eneral, the p et highly marlines arti cles are to be praferre@ bat the digestive nuns must bo strengthened in order to make either food or medicine serviceable. This requ treinent In met by the Seaweed Tunic. and for this purpose it was deAtl w digestive pirremare put in good order. the foo has Ile proper effect: the system oe patient Is Invigorated and the, lungs. berth] to Baer -OM Thenuirms in normal anal healthy nisn rier. the healing of reintordc STrur Rill canal the cure. Pultbortari • Corsiumption nodesnnt airways eoni plierded h Uprpopola Liver Complaint. Eichceek's Mandrake Liverre Intended to remove amine/Nous from the and restore its healthy to They have O man the °Macy which in each bed to calomel or .. blue n' and are warranted not to contain a particle of any mineral poison. Thew Pills cure the most obstinate costiveness. sick header:napery, aSections, and all caber dime.. which arise Promo torpid oldarected oondition of the ;Aver. One boo of these Dills will pp., the ofe.3. of the medicine. In Consumption the Seaweed Tonle and Man drake Pills axe lovalmible euxillary 0104110110.9. al b a:l4oMT igirg Ns f 071: n T n h o o d l hare been found use al n advance stages of Consump tion, where the lungs are struoid. entirely destniyed and all eymptom• according to tr e taudynerihrif the . aflaq aave been possessed for months by the use of Schenck . . three great 'merino.. .Mr. Schenck . . Atuntresc contai mode treatise 00 the various f f disease, hif treatment aid genera' d lneotloos how to use hie medicine ten be bud Vatin, or sent by mall by eddressing his mul le d wpm No. 13 north Sixth street. Phil., 'Wear the VWMOOI.O Open rd .000 i Tom e blr;a3rbl4tnigialrEX.ttr da27lTOi dAp - -- - • WDOCTOR , WHITTIER CONTIN . UM TO TREAT ALL PEUVATS DIS EASES. That numerous- class of cases molting foga golf.abuse, maturing . unmanliness. nervous debilityttonabiity, eruptions. seminal emissions. goui p.m , impotaney permanently mtrocl. remota altateted with delicate. Intricate and Inca • standing nooMillhational ocemptslata costs ills invited to il for conaullatlon whic nothing. Epo fiance, the best of ' teachers; ham tumbled him to Perfect mangles at °nee eMdent, safe, permanent. Mad which In most Imes cati be used without hind :tr.: . ..trah 'ix= Wrglegt2: :A If ailtbas toOms: Clio bearding and aleeptnif mean ugziggr:rporstret Mital d tfrtrial :gel: V tlahhAtainti mineral ogling. tired :131 , Matter who Ora ha Wilk of figgages;sent to anyair tape to twite% two s ' ade in scaled envelope. Thouds clonal. t annually, at Moe and all over the env ci .7. imitation free, personaligor by mall. 001 ea go. WDattcht. (near COurt House) Pittsburgh. Pa. on A. N. to BP. Y. Sundays V.ll N. to fa P. X. Pam et sent to any addlasti for Two 'MA XIII. fir - IiASHOOD: • HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED .—thurt Publlthed In • ',waled envelope. Prlon,elx cent. A LECPUREONTLIN NATURAI.TREATNLICOP.• and Dadleat Core or Bporntstorrfiten. or nominal Weeknets, and Intixd I. mo o t. to Slarrlane ffenntellt! Denman. Con rnmption, tptleroy, and Me Mooted an d Ph yttnd Ineapaelty. he, bz BMW. .1. CU o. O. •D„. author of the Gle.llDook," ha. "A MOD TO TDOODANDEL Or pe BUMMERS." Rent under pn " lesn .lna Or ' l4 o", . ° Z " ..Z.ltril; CRAB. ' . KLINE „040., A rtn t / money, nen Tort. POlllothee hem 4.2 so Dr. Cal...metre ."Xemage Conde." Woe 43 cents. enytern) garBATCHEIAHVIV HAIR' • • e . el th rtattid Ilatr Dye Is the beet to the uteri& , Instantaneous. does nut contain' . OCT any. iIiTALIP pub. to erode. .o Pantlyster death. Arold theied and dahl ,.re ia pparations biatiUns virtues t hey do not ps sess. Th. genuine W. A. Ratehelor's I h. had 30 years untarnished reputation too phold its Integrity as the only Perfect Italy Dye—Mack or Brown. Sold or all Druggists. Applied at 10 Bond Civet.. K. ter ME FINANCIAL AMERICAN BANK, No. SO Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH Stockholders Individually Liable RANK OF DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. Jolly W.SL. FLOYD. l.toOdent. Cashier. ArA-rowi: Tine. SI. Nlarnhall. John \i. Alnnland. Wm. T. Shannon. ; Archibald Wallace. Jounca W. Arndt, Jan. 1 , . Kelly. • Chu,. It. Leech. Win. Floyd. . 'Thin Bank IA now fnlly ere:mixed and prepared to do a ',nom! Banking busincs, • lelU.kl.l FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, j e No. On Fourlh Am, rittsbuilh. 2 RM,. 0100.0.0. 0000 0.0 _-- DEINNITOIL9 N}:cUtirl. Br RVAI. %STATE AND INTEREM r A 1.1.0 U ED ON 1 UNE DE POSITS Prosidont-EDWARD 1101 SY:. 4 Ice Posildents-J S CRAFT. ADAM. JACOBS EDWARD WILLIAM I.IIII,LIrS. .I AM KS S. A FT, lIODT. W. M A 'lt V. 1 , TllOMAti NTKKI., J ARID M. lIIWSII, TIIO3IAS W. DAVIS. '' A ' era r dni I . ' " m ' s i hTe r :. ' 7l " A " ATlf.4 . l!. ' l4 l 17. T " . . . Miter I rs (nun ft 'clock n. 104 cluck P.Nt /lady. and curry Saturday evening front 7 to 10. nlal:tv34 . _COMMERCIAL BANKING CIIMPANY, u. 92 Fourth Arr., Fittshurgh. APITAI 8 . 200.000 Stockholders I.ialde. W. H. KV ERStIN, W. I'..3IAI'IMM. Pre A 1.1 , :XA I.I . NDSA WII. 1M:1.11411. D. S. 51AVIOTS1' W. EVKILSON. JOHN O. 1.1111.' • W. O.IIIIIIIIAM', U. F. %M.S. PN. JAeoll KLEE. s.,:ol,ctlwao made ..11 secvsedble of the ITnitoli Slate% .11 eanntls.t. ' • .. INTKitEST alloweol on TisiKI,EVOSITS. . Ittoomi4 attention given 100 all %maim.. oof 0111if , 111.. THE SAFE DEPOSIT .00. 01' Pi t t,thurgli Full Tltk Safe Keeping of Valuables, I=l • 'Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No. 8:3 Fourth' A. - Ve. rint,IAPS. Piro Prsskient—llPNßY FLOYD: .. Ironic Phillips. Brun IL Painter. lisnry Lloyd. Jos. N. Morrison. N'llllwm Rea. George Mack. William M. Lyon. Curtly G. ins. I. Urtanert. Mee, unit Trrtic—S. F. VON BONNIIOIDrt. ripen daily from N Welork u. t0..1 o' oo o r..• CITY BANK, 112. FLETII AVENUE, 1'ITTS111" Itt: 11. PA. CAPITAL 9100.000 MDIVIIM7AI44 LIABLE. INTKIIKST PAIIPON VORKItiN EXCILA tannalt and Wald. and when dealer...l remllted to Kur0p...... Dad., nn all and In all the principal falinto II the lolled Slates and ...nadal. 1 / 1 131113tICK Pri•ablent.. • J ANIKM TIE. Yreablent. W. Y. Ml lin /A ',WWI 0tt..4, • V. limpet, i Jame. McCabe. j iltrgb Keating. ' Patrick Kane, Terence Cannotrell,• Tao. H. Ilart. ; James ci Phelan, Ma,nn. If • A. Fravvagfe. J. t:noce. ,Th.usa flames, N. LIPT• 10.1 LS 311 K. 31. GAZZAM. F... 1 N. nolmes & Sons, • BANKERS, 57 Market Street, PITI'SBURMI, PA. the m n e ted n i n°ad C i n n eiaP. .Phihh of STOCKS, BONDS .I\D OINK SECITITIES, = I•wrticuiv att,ntio. pdi4l the Ina , aaaa and ',ale of 'United States Securities 'C-tAILaZMIT Che~rim and Ohio Railroad Ca The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad In completed and running front Illl'lthlONl/, YA.. to _the celebrated WHITE. SUMllltlit SPIIINGS, in Went Virginia, i 147 nitien. It la hying rapidly extended to the (thin Meer. !ZOO milee further • nothing in nil 4:17 miles. In Its pottery. penetrate, and ore. up to market the WONDEIIFIII.CfIA I: DEPOSITS OF TILE KANAWHA REGION IN WEST VIII ,. GINZA. And th a bringethe aupertorandeliundant Coals of that tie thin Into communication with the lIION ORES O VIRGINIA ANII (11110. and the WIOITEIIII,SOI TII WESTERN ANti EASTERN MARKETS. When outride( •d it will connect the SUPERIOR II Alllloll FACILITIES OF THE CHESAPEAKE RA 1' with !citable nnelgationtin the Ohio Over,and then with l ' he ENTIRE SYSTEM OF RA IlitIOAI) M=l3 =1 It will nialio a SHORT. EASY, CHEAP and SA TORAIILE ROUTE from the WMT to the SEA and will command a LAME SHARE (W THE ENORMOUS FREIGIITS stroking imimportatlon to the coast. IL nlll thus lxvorno onoof the most IMPORTANT AND PROFITABLK EAST AND WEST TRUNK LINEIi OP RAILROAD In the country. and com mand n trade of Immense value. The completed portion of the Road Is doing • PROFITABLE AND INCREASINO RUBINPSB. end If. fully emial In value to the whole amount of the mortgage upon the entire Ltne-11113.000.- 000.1_ The loan of the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Gornpani, being a FIRST AloRT(lAllE UPON TUE ENTIRE I.IN E. PROPERTY AND EQUIPMENTS. WORTH WREN CRIIPLETED AT LEAST IMO: lherafotre one of the most au bola/ARO, conscrvetive and reliable Railroad Loans ever of fered to the roarbet, and Is peculiarly edspled to the Imola of Investors and Capitalists. who desire to make their Investment. with the teed entitfeetorT assunitiee of POE/TIVEAND UNDOUBTED SECURITY. • The Bonds are in ilehoininatione of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO, Und may Le bad COUPON or REM/ITS:RED. Interest Ws per cenL per annum. buyable MAY Ist end NOVEMBER Ist. • - PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST PAYABLE IN GOLD IN TILE CITY OP NEW YORK. Price DO AND ACCRUED INTEREPT In Cur rency. at which price they pay nearly SEVEN PER CENT. IN GOLD on tbelr coat. All Government Bonds and otherSecuritles dealt In at the Stock Exchange received In exchange. at their full market value. and Banda sent to all parts of the cooll{l7. fl.l Kft.llll Chef., They can be obtained by ordectng direct from es or through any responsible Bank or flanker In any part of the emInGT. Fisk & Hatch, BANKERS. No, 5 Nassau Street, New York Maps, Pamphlets and full Information furnished upon application in person or by mail.. S. M'CLEAN & CO., BANKERS, 65 Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh, Aguniu fur the We of these Hoofs. • ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. 'FORT I 'ITT Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS. L 200.000 CARROLL SL SNYDER, =9 A till PANS. - SETTLING PANS7 - SAI.T PANS AND CON DF:NSERS. STEA:II PIPBS, IASOSIFTERS AND IRON BRIDGES. ' PRISON IN ANI/ COAL. StIUTE.B. • =I Cor.;•-'ll, Short and Liberty Streets, rr - Ortlers sent to the Oboes address will he pnoneUy stiended to. tn10:141 HUGH M, .BOLE & CO,, Cur. Point Alley and Du q uesne St, TIIE POINT.) Engine Builders, Founders, AND • MACHINISTS. slatlnfacloro STEAMBOAT ENGINES acid STA TIONERY ENGINES of nll rim e. SpecialtOtetalion Invited P. ournow STATION ARY OIL Pe 1.1.1, ENGINE AND PORTABLE .11M LER of 13 home CASTINI:S. ..1 rverz kind. made I.) order at our It for 1111 H'olln, SIIAOTISO I' lIANOEItS. HOUSE and TOBACCO SPREWS . . nod IRON ToßACell PRESSES. on hand and math , to .. - tier.At 11,0 INI►I>SI'IIIAL AVM:KS, I:rentingn the Allegheny Inner. nenr the Point Pittsburgh. Va. fir All 7121uremptir 1111e4. THY UN. Riesick & Bro• 7 FIRE AND BURGLAR-PROOF' SAFES. AND VAULTS, EIDE ENGINES.INDMACHINERY, BILEWEILV %CORK, II EPA [RING and PUITINS UP 31AVIIINKIt1111YDRA171.1t . I•KIIUNT. Orr her Itch and PIKK STREMS. el.bogh. ti 016,0 , OTAR,A, BOILER WORKS, FI REPHAN & CO., Manufarturoro of STICA 31 BOILICILS.OIL TANKS. STLLLS. AGITATMLS, SALT PANS tor. of Seeond Avenue and Liberty Street. PITTSBUIIOI . I, l'A. Repairing Mina — promptly. Orden , sent to the tam., address Mil be pnanplly attended to. F. REPHA N. formerly Maoagnr at CARROLL .1/4 FOUNDERS, MACHINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT Foundry Company. OFFICE AND .WORKS Twelfth Street, rirr.n.ones, It!..lllpg SIM Mitchleer". Nall Ms chine, Itengta. Avi_d_C.Min. generally. nql NATIONAL FOUNDRY t , (11 Pile Works Corner Carroll an 4 Smallman Snits, = WM. SMITH, MA YUYACTURP.IC OF - Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, FoR GAS AN I) WATER WORKS NT Pipes are all MA( Invariably In Pits. In ory nand sad feet lengths. Also, fullansortment of Kencni Castings for Gas and Water Works afl Toilid.alsocllthestron.!lnv&Mgl.tAcndenti. \Y. J. ANDERSON ' U. A. IREYVOG LE. MONONGAII al FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., 31anufacInrem of IRON lIOI7SE FRONTS. WLy 110 W LINTELS and SII.I.S.smI Castings of all Descriptions. Stwelnl Rttentlon pold to ARCHITECTURE CASTINGS and' to Castings for Window Gloss Mums. Om, ANT ForNIMT—No. 130 WATER ST., Pittsburg!, I'n. ROBINSON, REA & CO I, Successors to ltollissoN, MINIS AltmEns WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS& MACIIINLSTS,PITTSUITRGEt. Manotocturen, Or Bost and Stationary Steam En gines, Mast Elttnes. Niachincry,itioating, shafting, Carat f all desert gliOns, Oil Tanta anal Stills, boiler ant Sheet Ironork. (Mee No. 32, corner First and Egiliggicht Wants. Agents forGIFICAIIIES PATE:I:THUM - TOR for footling Notion. Jall:rs3 THOS, CARLIN & CO., • Fourth Ward Foundry te Machine Works, SANDUSKY ST., A LLEGIIENY CITY. PA. 51anufactorers of Stationary and Portable Stearn Engines, 011 Prassea. Pulleys. Shafting. Grist and Saw 11111 Wort. 111111 and Machlna Outings. (Irate Dam Weights, Wart Bone, Se. MOD to order and have on hand Eaglet. of all slam. naythqb Phoenix Roll Foundry. LIRERTI AND 24T11 BOLLMAN BAGALEY, Ainnufacturons of Superior Chill Rolls, Sand Rolls and Pinions. PROFESSIONAL MIEMI ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ltu removed to N 0.67 GRANT STREET, PRI.. burgh. Will practico In the U. S. Circuit awl District Courts. In the State Supremo end all the Courts of Allegheny county...l woke collections In most of the odtscont counties. , azoaa H. H. McGIORNICK, Attorney-at-Law,- No, BN GRANT STREET, If - Prompt attonUon Elven to all kinds of 1..1 bnolzielot IndAIG ARCHIBALD BLAIELY, Attomey-at-Law, 4 YEN thr., rma WM. B. NEEPER, • ItAIAN AND RX.OFFICIO JUSTICE OF TUE PEACE. Office, 112 Fifth avenue. 1= 10 :r n tl n n" ""'li o - .3.1 a IViggrai nt4 lly.*calnenatlendeaonmot4l7 oodonte COTTON HOLMES, BELL 4 CO., ANCHOR. COTTON MILLS,. PIrrpBUEGH. Ihuaufactsuen of ifiAVY MIELUFAI .of ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting. IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS, Colen tan, Malin► &Co., IRON,. NA [LS, STEEL. :tmr Spring. DUQUESNE. I, X AND JUNIA'CA FLAT BAIt. ROI' .‘ND SOU All I Itt;N BAND. 11001,snErr AND `r , • BOILER PLATES AND EAD.s. T AND FLAT 11.511,. for C.ail eIIOWBA RS. WEDGES and II A It itoW TRFT. II SPRING, PLOW , AND CULTIVATiia .TVL. STEEL WINGS AND NMI' LDS, rat to ' patern . STF:EL TIRES.STEELSHAFTING. A 'COACH. BUGGY 5) 1 0 WAGON SPRING', ' Sid AXLES.' CUT NAILS AND SPIKES.. All (loads First Claw- and Warranted =I FtW;Mr. ' O;TON I nITMAVITIfItTge se nth, MILLER, BAlili & PAIIJW. YM. 3IETCAI.P. itEMIEN MILI.EIL GEO. W. HAIM. PAILTNEII—S. M. JCbt:ll.., Crescent Steel Works, AI ILUR, BARFL k PARKIN: OFIICE: No. '330 liberty Street, 0111111 rsist mai. PA . l'ittsburgh Steel Works, •' ESTABLISHED IN 1511. ANDERSON WOODS,- Best Refined Cast Sterel OF EVEltli DICSCIIIVTION. AUG. Ilrst Wined German Plow 76 Spring Sled =ID CORNYM ROSS AND FIRS AVENUE. MN burgh. Va. P1.1".17: 1, 11U1 - 1( NO V e ItylVorks. I. I/ A' I , 1%33 MOOR HEAD, ADAMS & Moknuritcturers K DYSTi E STANDARD I Fair tetnk's Patent) PLATFORM AND COUNTER • SCALES.• Janus red Patent Doer Locks and Latches Paint and f'ortee Att.' Owner g FIRST AVENVII and GRANT itTe'. Illtsburgli. Pa. Sheffield Steel Worts SINGER, NINICK CO, Manufacturois of c‘Try , Rm..npllon of Cast and German. Steel RAILWAY SPRINGS. ELLIPTIC AND PLATODRM SPRINGS. AXIOCS. STEEL TIRE, .te., he. ARISIO RISK-5a Walernnol 100 Firyt !tree t 131-4 A C ' DIA MON") STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTIII I & CO., Mannfact;irers or all Iletwriptions o E= STEEL.. °F! r,: •n4I WARKTIOU9E-30th. 3t.t an ILLlln.rad stmt.'s. Pittaburati. STOVES CASTINGS, 86c COOK STOVES. Get the 13eW BISSELL & 'CO'S TRIUMPH, Foi; Bituminous Coal. =! Werointed to COOK. BAKU or ROAST an mei as toy other Store In the Union. BISSELL Co., No. 235 Liberty. Street IS= PARLOR STOVES, HEATING STOVES. GRATA: FRONTS. FENDERS. COOKING RANGES. he., de. GRAFF, HHUGUS & CO, Manufacturvrs of every variety of STOVF,S, Boston Cooking Range "THE FIERY FURNACE" = THE NEW ANTLDPST COOKING STOVE, REGULATOIC ' COLUMBIA COOK STOVE. VAN'S leinclonull Pattern) PORTABLE RANGE. CAST IRON MANTLES. WELLMAN'S ItEVLEC- Tzt.m . A,T F EAf t me s. fl.r . 0121.0 dust; GRATE 206 and 208 Liberty Street, • PITTSRURGII. PA. A. BRADLEY & CO. No. 20 WoOd Street Manefactonersuf the Greatest Variety of•CCS/K, PARIAGt tend GRATING I:TOYER to he found. In ourossortanent will be found nll the latest PAT TERNS and IMPROVEMENTS. and tho reputa tion fStoves Is such that any one In want of ugood article should purchase none but those nun [u tuned by uas they will be found the most du rable as well an s, essnomfrol. Wonldll particulor attention to our new VOLCANO STOVE.. for churches, hells ono utores. over 3001.1 d In three months. Intend...l for u or wit lo to 01.1111.:. All C 1,,, ham' used Pro ll tt Ince them solrtior to any ether and us e rheaper. Mind for Catalogurnod Price last. • ROD WINES, LIQUORS, WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, . The Very Best in the railed Hates, .M.A.NUFACTURED UT WDI.• NVA.GNE, 981 Norih Seventh Street, PHILADELPHIA. d lg i r i ttENTE...—Alt the leedlrut horfsAggitt• Schmidt & Frid4y, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, CINS' Sit WHOLESALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE. WHISKIES. t. • Nos. 384 and 386 Penn, .Cor. of ELEVENTH ST., foinierly Canal. JOB7B:FINCH& No. 103, and 103 enuTr.eitub‘b. flaiinfaclurers of COPPER nurroxan PURE RYE MINIM ARn.dealenlo roacfax and LIQUORS, ROM. ht. . mhZ:nfa' M=Ml N it24:71 YULTON a.. 1 MVANN. FULTON & 11'GANN Practical Plurcibers, GAS AND WITAM FITTICHS, • • Fifth Avenue, near Illah Street. rittahargth_ Lead !Spa, Gum lime. Gam Flatunea Sinks. Bath Tubs and Wash Sundt. Iron Pipe and'lGtUnas..Al han d e ru'dbß:rll."Prr and rnte B 8 team Cock, Mldlngs attetTrirl ° lo Water and Stearn Heating Apparatua Johrung Prowatir attended to. • RAILROADS. TIEN,XYLVANI A CENTRAL RAIL R—Ori And Aft"Waile. 11 e a.. Sunday. MAl* Da. 57.0. Tran% will arrive at M! depart Irwin the Union u•l..t. Corner of Wesb- Ingt.. nod Libor, y etrimite, as : V all Tr...n ""v . ' l'3o •: , ...ulherVt27o , 2o Eta 4 13 vx, 3:3: 7.311 am Mall Tim., • a= im Wall, . l ilt 1040 am Cowin...lli Kr. 910 nm Ac. No. 1 3:;1T Ar.lll :al um c.c.'. E5...141. pm Ilk, Ar. No.. 700 pm Wall , N.... 4 .11: Ima INtt.ligli Er.. I , 30 pla Ac. 4:03 Dm ". •:T '''d A' 8..1.2 I 10nt...,0 Ae., prron 340.1 1 1 ' N... 1 AS pa, Wall'. N... 3.. a.oa pm W a in, 4.. 3am pm Wall'o No. 4.. I[l:ll3.pes 11F4nr.T..,,`4t r N 1;.., J 11: rain mak. 1.1:1u for 1,11110.. re. I=l Titt• clntVelt Trate leave% Well. Station 11 e ptplp, et .0.1 a. nv. remelting littetturghve ry 10.04 p. to. Returnlnn. Inure, ylltabargh at . 12'30 p. nt. and arrives at Walls bustlon at *.lO Expres. leaxes daily. Smitten? P o n- Prvio. Irnnv (tally except .11mIlAy. All otllCX7‘.lnf eteept r— nt The Penn.7lvml• Italtrim 3l 'it :itl nrn titt. t"r vAlue. , to ne that tttt to Nam 0 111 t•' ‘trPn. ""."". t th e rulk of the owner. ant e ., "" ' t • ml Frritinntrnnr 1, Al4xmn. I'n. AVE".,i'Elt's'i PENNSYLVANIA R. R. In mit nfter NoV. I V7n r n r iMZIVIL - 7.• Venn•ylxmlst arrlxo nt and &nowt front 'the Fellentl Street 110 pot. Allegben, es follows: . . The train, lea vine Allegheny City at 7:00 A.Y. make direct eannectlon at Freeport with Walker" line .•f Stage, far flutter mid - 11annahnnurn. Titraugh ticket., may Ile parchneed 'the talky. No. 1 st. Clore Menet. near the Susinmalon Midge. Ibv .. tr r lT u ALr I ail , Itepot, AlleghenT. - ""r TAI3gI.IrI.I4I6:IITS. beta t. Street Oepat . The IVraternl'ennaylvanla Itallnual will not Ali. P mar hay rink fur lia.fgage. excep u t for wearing ap pael. null llnut their N.4..11111415; tro .110 Ilan. drod I.allar. in value. All lummtge execedlng this nmaant In vain° will lie at the risk of the owner. unleralnUeriby "pedal contract. nols I:enontl Survrlnten.l;44. I.IITTSBURGH, FORT WAYNE & 1 . 1111 . AG0 It. %S.aoll 11.1CVNI.AND PITTS-jadarj 11111tliII It. It. i'rantYlnt. 1870. tntina trill leave from maul arrive at the [raise ttortb aide. Pitts buralk city Slate. eta follows; LEAVE. A miry- Fug nn ni llFasi Line '4:30 a m Erin A A 25a in; Pacific .. • .11:00 P MA Wiest 1111.0,: en! ylict!lina F4.10: 2 40 ait ( 1• C T. 1 7; ' 1 1. 1 . '72:.‘ .. .1 1 111 1.1 g u ill i Elir ' n ' 4 , ih P.irinc 24,4 .t.:1 , 31 . ri ra .03 p Eric mx..1:03 p ‘‘t. M PEP . AUT FROM al.j.rn • ARRIVE V.V ALLEGMICST. r is Ae,S:3N a in I.4.4dsdaln Ae. Alla a Leatadalo 101124 a fled Fulls ..24:014a a M 1.1:53 tWNen Cantla 1014 linahesier 2,124 p m!Enon 24.3 r a tet Enna .C. 2 SI m Leetsdale p Leuudplo •I 3 m - Hero. Fate 12:43 pm it,p , r Fans 0:23 m.bentsdale n 443 P Lo... Sale 111.44 P .". 743 p a. Fair tinks San. Fair Oaks Sun- ' day 4 . liurch .1:13 pm dluy m rr will lout.. daily. ' . 4- 1 , 44.1410 Y.x mp.* arrive. 111 , Fa., Linn lace. CWI, ~ ~ [Trani I dna arrive. daily. Nhaidays rarvgird. frAii toElvr Indus wtlllravn und arrlyo daily. S llniWar d. J. N. McCULLOI7OII. Gaul. Pas. Titlint Agent. Gent. Manager. II ANGE OF TIME.—ALLEGHENT I VALLEY RAILROAD. . h. .".:M7k IIII EC:IMV.I9`k TU T DIRECT ittllll'ffraW . TO TIIR till. ItlgHtiNS-t WITIIuIIT CHANGE OF CAM. On and after MONDAY. Non. 22. 153811. TWO TIIItitt'GII TRAINS DAILY. lexcept Santlayltrlll leave Illtaburait Ihipot u corner of IClnvent& and Pike streets. for Franklin. trli City, Buffalo. and all points In the Oil }lotion, LENVZ PIPPIM - 114111. ,AIIIIIOO IN PmPktinott. Day Re 7:15 A. 11.111ay thr 520 P. M. tl ' :lo l :Crt . . l Pritttik ‘. )n:: 1i.41 3.1 li :50 A. HAI AOC, Ifni ton 3:00 P. lit., 3.11101100... 2:10P.M. 4th 110lb:0..11:00 dth If alton.. 7:1 P. Id. Freeport Ac. S.NI. Works. 7:1) A.M. Sala Works, 0:20 1.31.1,11N,P0n AP. h un ch It Ac' 315 I..m..llrnerit II Acl DO A.M. Church 1:00 unit. .P N. , Church 10:2 A. Y. • Rumen, trains y at principal oints. Ac commodatio train. Mop at ail stations. We urn now running - Silver Palace Sleeping Corn . ' on our night Fapress trains. both ways from ilitteiliarith torry J. J.. LAWRY:NPR, Hen, Supt. • THOMAS M. KING. Asgt. Supt. 13 I TTS BIT III: II , CINCINNATI AN D 1 ST. LOUIS RAILWAY: PAN HANDLE ROUTE. A , --- 1- 4 1 - 7 . CTIANfitOI , TlME,—tin and after SUNDAY. Nor. 14th. 1860, trains will learn and arrive the Union Iteptit. Pittsburgh. t_i)..r.olla7r.i =I . • l'lttnburgli Time. • DEPART. A mtirt. Mall 2:ON Am. Ivaa p.m. 2:28 P.m. '-'i'n.''''' nithern Kapeens Pant' Line 9:4rtn.m. 7:124p.m. Mixed Acennimodation.. 3:43 a. tn. iti:. 4 p.m. Aleltenald Aeen. Nn 1.. 1 1 lti a. rn. 7: 3 a.m. rtentemvillo Aecomnrel. 3:43 p.m. Illfa.M. Mrle.nalti Actin. NO. 1.. 5:34 P.m. 3 4 p.m. : nAny in Train ... 12:3 P. m. 9 , 14. M. '" 2.2 S p. , refe , will leave dolly. 12:12 p. in. , Alall will arrive .11214:. ,... w th .L. General Ticket Agent, Volumene. 0. .W. W. CAIIII, Popl..l.enniann. Ohin. noir. 13 I TTS B RI: II AND CONS ELLS. VILLE tutteu,A D. °and after UDAY. FiZi; 7 41,44?„ rehroarY 20th. 1870. Trains will arrive and depart from the Depot, col , nor of Grant and Water streets, as follows: ... IMPAR. MOUT. Mail to and from UnVn.. 7:00 a. tn. §:Ue p. m. 4 „McKeeport Amommixt.ll.lllU .m. : 3p. M. P.. to and from lnen... 3:14 p. ea. 1 : oa. m. West Newton Amommo. 9: up. m. M: a. in. Itnutdoeleo•Acrommoda. U: 4 p.m. 7: P. tit. Night Arr. to McKeespl./ U . 0 a. M. Sundar Church Train to m 10:0111. to and indu {Vest Itiziritaligstiwki.. - A.., • HARDWARE & EIITLERY ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., IGIALIGIS IN HARDWARE, No. 5 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. Spring Goods, lbws, Rakes,lorks, Scythes, Smiths, &c. Merchants are invited to examine our stock when in the city. Orders by mail will have prompt at tention. BEAVER FALLS O:CUTLERY CO., No, 70 Wood Street, Pg_ p 4; I.I:II3FACTURENS OF TEEM NEW E -I 1.4 r=i! P TAI-3LE 111 V IFI The t.,`,.l,l2lthi,:tcdru° 'Ng; to the blade, securing theutmost strength In censtructleu withoutMethuen.' weight. PLI l'AV""ty. f '"' ph. d Ware. , In color and bnlllsoey It Is smatter to Pe4 to an article of UNIQUE I, s N. Elegant hellettrance gad Great /Mrs. _A! The Funprb Style anti Great Strength of thin '" - L4 article enables the mantaset ran in ream pq me m! It as especially sdap for use In Si cel I.ll7l,T;ll:rd'inkr4l:.PlCZnLS.P""°l"d heaver Falls Cutlery Co, • NO. 70 WOOD ST.. PITTOBORGH. Table Callery and Packet Knives. QUALITY GUARANTEED. BRASS CASTINGS. ueiii Wien ocsTAvs tuscii - Henry Bier & CO., (Kocressors to JOHN IL COOPER & C 0..) BELL AND BRASS FOUNDERS. Brass Castings RADE PRONPTLY TO ORDER. - MALEAPLIS AND GMT IRON nrrmos, OAR PI rEiLNI) TRUING Thitcyrn. Amrcre. ARD CHECK VALVES. ALL Moil PATTIIRN IRON COCKS. BRAM WORE OV ETKRY DEICRIPTION for .leanz, Water uld OIL ihipHOTED BAJANCE-WITELI.II2I: MANTA ot ll u ETEue• TENT - 0 . Diet In the market', Corner Thirteenth and Pike Watt& nrOS ATWOOD & Moe/La - REY 1 Corner laspar prussr„ •nd Taniz Arixes, i ritt.banty, 141.4.11p11`0 . 1114vE1ts and IRAN PlPEkTrii!Llouxt-Attrii'arA.B.CAMMON aCO's sTsAY. Puitrtaalii BLOWERS. WEST COMMON T r Machine Stone Works, Northwest termer of West Common.AUeeteny , PRIOVE ATVATER & CO., neve On head or prepare ea r then orates, Hearth rll , l2lfg rt, tlleewa~e, Brewer! ~ tly endo Orden •wpmp ••••104 on 0 a L awn Froepairt I LI: IL In ...... nt.Sparir g No. 1 1 :1 2 00 am Dm ~: i 4 pritaarg•Na.`2l3:lo I. Sl•ringd . .3 , •• IU. DM A 1.., train. imn dolly Sandal'. The Clainrlt Train lunves. Allegtr gl ny Jonctlaal e ; l st: ' W:l l :ll 7 a f . ' City at 1:2111•. 11. and 'mire at Allegheny Ittft• nom nt 3:10 r. 0. • PITTBLunaf, PA., Solid Cast Handle I=l , OFFICE AND WORKS STONE