The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 12, 1870, Image 1
TEE DAILY GAZETTE : PUBLISIM. BY rENNIMAN REED & CO.,- • Consfr Sixth Ate. and Smithfield St. PENNI/AAB, JOSIAH VINO, T. P. HOUSTON, N. P. REED, EDITORS AND PEOpRINTOBJ.. Tara or .rate DAILY, • By 0u4.1, oar year 18.01. Deliver.' by burley, my week THE DAILY GAZETTE. GENERALITIE 64 SAN FRANEIACO 11811 t elliurate diet. HAIR.PINN an , now called switch tea dere. THE. London Mara Lax had a favorable rritichun upon ''Shoo Fly." Du. AniniN, once of Pittsburgh', luta ectrled down in San Francisco. (iYPSIEW aro hanging nroundbode Island and Spraguo'n ifrnid they wiltii Pal LAKE wt glorified by Mark Twain, la to have a iteamer upon its ho- Atm. , • - • Lira Inaucanee humblesa has been very brick in Illehinond attire tho fall of the thetr. - IN Louisville, prisoners are taken to the work-house in what they call the Black Betty. 'Welt EFOItT receives at Sr. Peingie , every day, upward of fifty hoquets from. Dem. critic Wm. N. EvAare has Leen paid by the tiovernment ffeSi,s44 lawyer's fees during the 'mat all years. Ting hat Member of the family of Euguene Sue, au Abbe at Beeson - In, died on the . 2oth of April.. L FIGARO considers tobacco to be not only a "plow, poison," but one of the slowest poisune in the world: Leantu RotAAN, the great Red Republb eau leader, .114 building himself A magnifi rent villa at •Fontesiay. Tug King of Pruteaa hex, at the garden at Babelsburg. fifty white mice, which he often watcher' for hours. Tasononm THOMAS and his fi ne orches tra gaveitheiropening concert , Central Park Garden ktoaday. •1 • t' Usintom BAKER, of Carroll tnnnty, killed five, hundred and eight snakes in plowing an elghtyacre field. A 3/.4.N, supposed to be Diek . Sires. from Caddo parish, La., was found murdered, near aco, Texan, last week. B. tilblm, of Mitdasippi, belongs the distinetion of being the ugliest man in the University of Virginia:, MRS. MARTHA OWEN, cha rged S with the murder of V .'. H. Baldwin. was acquitted at Huntsville, Ala., Friday last. - In the great Philadelphia hail storm, Mr. &int the well -known horticulturist had slo,oo33rorth of property destroyed. ilMsnom, the "beaver trapper" of the Coma, died In Calhoun county: Ala.. - recently. in the eighty-third year of his timmens million bottle. of champagne were produced lu France lent year, of which more than three.fouirtha wets ex ported.' - z , BALT/MORE is trying to get a $300,0011 Academy of Music, and already luts.tnere than half that aum subscribed for the purpose. A NEW Yong lidy goes toParis yearly and expends $230 to be enamelled. But It save* her the trouble and °spermse of washing. A MIRSIONAUT in Rio Janeiro says that nearly every Brazilian, who wishes to be thought respectable, belongs to the Ma nonic order. Tun Ea• Queen of Spain failed to secure the crownjewels, and is in poverty. I. e., she ha. only her fandlyjewels, and about $2,000,000 besides. • • TuF. parties trim have been trying to blow up 140110 Napolo.n were evidently "going in for s rise in governments. - - Commercial Balletift. A eAws:nnozatt, named Peter J. Doyle. . . . . in - Chicago, shot 1 wounded, probiaily Wane. his clerk. J hn Schneider, on Mon day night. eau jealousy. Ozos of the 0 10 excurniuniKts says Chaae wan as rude a s a boor. We never before heard lila supreme----courtlinens doubt/M.—Lou, if: w rier Journal. . - in the Philadelp tie Ledger we And this.. .s, woman wishes i situation to go by the week." The advertiser is evidently hyp ped and thinks hetslf to be a clock. MobrrAcmcs are going out of fashion. - so are full beards. Smooth faces are 'now the rage and a mutat inn must now shave every morning just like an Englishman. 1104. 13oxnEen has declared her in tention to paint, hereafter. only wild • beasts. She Is negotiatitig for (he fair. chase oft lion, a tiger, and wolves and A RF.SIDENT of lisrows writee to intend• jagerrklirrart_ta that tliey moot expect to have of month. sliakfog with Chi &rile to . begin With, after' which they will MIE At: Omaha damsel is subject to fits of vonanibullem, during whirl. elle gets up, saddles her horse. and gallops it throligh the streets, where she has Leen taken for a ghoot. Titivrir Cuußcrt, New York. is continu ally frequented by male and female low ', - era, who go in there to read, rat luncheol \ nurse tables. Av.', and It is the same colony every day. • 1 . • , PATER napkiim for table use LAW, jIISI ced been introdulnto the restaurants o Oermariy. They answer every purpose for one using. Three of them cost less than a mut. CILIRT.EB ROWEL a Chicago butcher. on Wednesda l y stabbed _Adam Keller. a cattle drover., Keller called Sorger a liar and he wrized to prove the contrary. . Keller will p Lally die. - ss i d ro A womsz I . Providence , whose ' only .wna, ia imbed „wax seized with , typhoid - fever, and aft several days illness died, totally apostle ed and mitered for. her son refusing a+ mission to the 1.400 to all tamers. Twir.Unenvil e Courier says: Mr. John Welch, of Falls township, today sold two Oar steers whir weighed 4.14,4 pound.. ai l , The prim. he ' iced was IMO M. These were the Ur and finwt cattle- we ever, remember to e wen. 'A TOLIIO ma wag found dead In his hod at the Manilla watereure establish. must. a few mowing* since, having corn, `. ittitteel suicide. According te statmnents, ' the demised was a victim of consumption and became despondent on being told that his recovery was impossible, --r. , i . Tltg Wisps and Means fkrinmittca 'had a protracted scselon on the Tax'l4ll, They do not consider that the Senate Commit tee has any authmity to bring. in the mea sure, and will not madder it when It trachea the UMW, but will report and press their awn revenue bill. _lLtnalf K. hlsrnminr and Charles Mei eemer were both probably drowned in the canal at Harrisburg on Monday. Their parents missed them both on Monday at. wmoon, and after long search; on Tuesday the' body of younOlayberre was fuupd in the amid, but no sign of his comtlidon SATs the Hmhester rnion - : The water ad ' Lake Ontario has been rising steadily for a month past, and dose not appear to h ave reached its head. At ( harlotte, akmg the shore and in the IWys, it is all of two feet above the high !rater mark of 'bet year, and it was then higher than ever • :before known. . , .107, :Huntsville (Al - depe ndent Ind • ' - looms f row every ,quarter' of thSte ' • • that there was never a Warr stand -of ~.gala and cotton: . Them) :la e . ' : greal .deal , • atom land in cultivation tide median any' . lansirem year since the war. , ..SO; far the - • astioncre aro doing well. , or the most, • Part land la cultivated on Jute& latoettur %Slog of Belem, hes It to ' • • stated, an lattnible repugnaoo to sign , ... tug a deativirarnint, and ' has," therefore meetly eommuted to hard Mbar the sere .once to the gallants, of a ciindial viho • -- bad murdered . Three cattle dealer!, brtith ' ere,"iiinl secreted ' their Midiri.lalds awn •, court -yard, and had also poisoned Ids own . tart faildosi of having reading stoma •• for Americans has lately sprung up all • ' over the continent. Today at Rome or Constantinople they can find all ' the leek j a g papers of America on the tables of a prominent banker. Throughout Oemtiny *erne of the seamiest of German firms have engaged in American banking, and have this most elegant apartments. 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' * ' \:f:I: " :'-; •' ' '' -; 4 , - 1i,.f.;,,12.A.-44VA 4:41% .t:Af-24.i'.:7,t4 - .V'..:-Rj'f4l:.:V::g - At r 'ln',.A; - ; , ':*if-zW'i,'f .2 .PX ,s: !k 4 ' - ' , 'A3 - : 1-. . , ~ . . . .. , _h. ~. A.t . . . e tt, „ lk.# ( rk i Ze t ) 111 ityri 4/ 1 74 1 e i i i_iii 4 . 40 ,- 1 h b ESTABLISHED IN 1786. Berlin and Dresden these firms publish doily market reports, and talk as much. of State and railway loans as do those of London. -Tut: Cincinnati Conwarcial discourses glibly upon Count Reust's - failure, and thinks that- it was the-muse of Bissmarcks remarkable convalesence. Meantime Von Benst still guides the Austrian ship of State, Von Bismarck is still ill and the Cincinnati papers reputation, as a roman cer has been increased. fJ.t: the slat of January, Mr. Wm, P. Angell disappeared from Providence, where he bad been collecting his rends. On Sunday last two young anglers found his Inaly in the reservoir at North Provi dence; with six bullet holes through it. James i'agirs, a servant of the Angell fam ily, has been arrested on suspicion of be- I ing the murderer. THE lashuethod of combining sCyle and economy occurred at Albany not long since. A own went to an undertakent to borrow a valuable casket, to witr at the fu. neml of his brother. pmpoeing to take the body out after the funeral, place it in a plain pine coilln and return the casket to - tho undertaker. The undertaker was near sighted and couldn't. Toy project to connect Ow Mississippi river and Lake Michigan by the Sac and Wisconsin rivers, will bit reported favor ably by the Sub-Committee on Commerce to the full' committee, and probably by them to the !louse. It will require an ap propriation of upward of four millitins to completetlie - work , so that there is not notch chance of its completion for some year! to come. Anorr num are to Is• dischorgssl front the Springfield armory immediately; orders having Iseen received to muspetid the repairing of guns as .011 RN those now In hand tine noisiest. The alteration of the 511.000 Springfield muskets into the ins proved breech loader of Ititki will be cone plettsil in July, and there is only one other order, for 10,1100 Remington guns for the use or the-navy. It hi stated, that notwithstanding ing the heat, the climate of Bmzil Is so danth that it iii necessary to air one's wearing apparel ewers few days to protect them from mildew. :Boots' left 'Wending In'thr warmest plait' In a room for three days, will bo covered with a blue m o uld. The houses. however, with all this damp. tens, err uncomfortably hot. but at the Same time, healthy., • ONE of the many stories Boating about Paris in connection with the ravages of the smallpox, Is that of a lover who had taken-the disease from his lady and had became frightfully pitted in consequence, -while she escaped with an unbroken skin. At their first me e ting, after both had re covered, he• dropped on his knees before the lady. and, pointing to his fare, thanked her fur on many marks of love. Tim}' played, the_ - 'other day, at the Tuileries the so-called game of definitions. The question watt baked, "What is n usuretV' tine of the Ifenemls present re plied, "A banker who acts illegally." "But then what is a tanker!• was the next question. • There was much merri ment, among the distinguished persons present when the same itividual unhesitat• ingly' replied. "A usurer who acts legally. Tug St. James Episcopal congregation of Philadelphia:aretting up a $200.000 church nn 22nd and Walnut streets. and Bishop Stevens laid the corner stone on Monday. In the wall of the new church. will be illneed the corner stone of the old, which bears this inscription. -St. Jam.' Church, Juno e3l. 1807. This atone was laid by lit. lies - . Dr. Wm. White, first Protestant Episcopal Bishop of Penneyl vania.ll Tut" 'ill whiell hm, passed the :senate for the Letter security of life on board of vessels noqielled by steam. and which is now on the Speaker's table, will lie no sidered by the Committee on Commerce thin session. The aulecommit tee who have charge of it will be called this week. It codifies all the steamboat laws since the Initial-act of BM and affects almost every - tiding entering into the composition of a steam vessel. MANAGER C. 1) Bus received a grand complimentary ix nefit in Chicago on Mon day, during which he appeared for the first time upon the stage as an actor • tak ing the role of Captain Smith in Po-en borottas, and acquitting himself creditable. Be was presented With a handsome gold chain and a large rnli of bills. lie was greatly surprised 'and affected, as Mr-. Canning no doubt will he here, when he in astonished by the silver net which is to I be given him. A MILD poisoning ease. involving a number id ignorant negro.. was before a Mobile court the other day. All the witnesses swore that the poison was an old nutty nail, in the head of which three little decils_were confined, one of which was to charm the mother, the second to pat oft the light, and the third was to strangle-the child with the future of nut phut from his lii. All this nice arrange ment was fru mted by tile burning of the nail with iol. devils. . -- a, TILE following are the prodarls 'for April of borne of the Lake Superior capper mines: Calumet, 311 time, 1,015 Ibil ; lice ha, 463 tons. 11 8 0 Ibi; Franklin. 70 tons. 6;7 Ilia; Pewabic. CA tons, 257 lbs. The Port age !Ake Mining Garrfle Rays: " The Cop per Producers - Association has finally and ioneluitively decided to export 3.000100 11.11,3(10 hump: ingot nipper, to be sold on general account, A -correspondent nays: "This done, I shall look for a new lease of life to our copper Mince.' A likmatonit old lady. a wasberworniri by occupation. had 11114/111 in arrape to enough men a to - build a snug lit. ~,,j tle house and barn n the country. One linvelY afternoon in s ly. mon after she teascomfortably Wished in her new home, a ttnihie tornado .swept through her little ploperty,Acat!ering the timber of her mull barn, Mel put et the house in every dirertion.- Coming out of her kitchen and poring the devastation the stn./ /OSI made. the old larly t at first was at a Iran to riplialli ''her, indignation. but at last elle subleak "Well, liere'ii a pretty burineas. No matter thonith—l'li pay for this-4'll wash an Stnulaye I" Tula diamond is only found in the Its. columite rock frilled flexible or elastic N mdatone.) which Is only found in a half -litiddix_kallittiMin thdlnirld,,tind the most extensive axittpertocintystallzi:!!" , of thi s Aientilar rock is found Imventing upper tieorgia, from Atlanta through Hall coun ty, near Oainevillle, to Virginia, on - which line of formation numbers of dianionde have been found by accident by permit', who were totally Ignorant of their nature or value. Some of these diamond,' are worth' from $100,.4300, ir,1300, re 5,000 to $2,000,000. Several have been lost, and two broken to piens to asp whence cab l e their brillianey. When examined by the diamond miners Beorgpt will yield (mott le. millions of dollar,' worth of diamonds. Lawi!zits and .Fisher, two .notmions Texas dieperedoes, have received their quietus. After their escape from the sheriff of McLennan county and lease they made their way into Coryell county. Learning of their presence, the citizen. determined to capture them, dead or alive. Raising a company they wonted the coun try and nuns upon them, in a thicket. After a desperate fight they , were .cap haul{ effghtly wohededg' Trit‘ 4 o l l{ towards Waco, Fisher suddenly jumped mini his horse and rensowiuxis a thicket. He wtor-fired - :upOnAindf leU 'dead when about sixty yards distiut. Meanwhile Lawless, taking. edvsmago of the excite ment, thought to make his recipe and thumped, from the horsehpnfaxriding., lie was shot end A St.sonT liiiitrann.—When hoop skirts came Into hishion there lived in the city M-- on excellent physician who kept a dreg store. • dioup skirts then, as now, were often tidied skeletons. - One day a lady stepped into the store and inquired of the Doctor if he had any skeletons, meeting boil{ skirts. TIM Dne mi pr !lts: 'tingly replied in the affirmative. whereat,. on Ake lade ilesirivU IP !gee them, Site W Invited to step dohn trite back end of t as he store, where the Doctor h opened two folding doors to n closet, and disclosed to ware s. ie two tuman skeletons hung on wire The lady screamed, turned pale, and fainted. • The. frightened Dotter ap: :piled #estonitives..atidne • the lady.caute to she, .exclainteti, in a Anne pf leaver: '"Skeietoi, notlhat kind?' - -It - -was a longtime before:the Doctor, heard . the laid of 'skeleton. HEM BM FIRST EDIIIOI. MIDIS IGITT NEW YORK CITY The McFarland-Richardson ease Statement of Mrs. A. D. Richardson —Her Separation from Maurland,. Avgnaintance with Richardson, In diana Divorce, ke.—Drigres Ro. quest of Ills Friend, Junius 11. Browne. ity Teleirroph to toe Pitt%burgh t;:tzette.l Nrw rOlll,. MAy 11. /Cti. Slfr lief AIMAND CAsx—RIVATMENT Or M.A. A D. Mrs. A.ll. Richardson haft ltad publighed itt the TrUntne the story of Ter married life. Reviewing her acqualutace with Richardson and his connection with her case. she says that up to the time of her coming to room at the same house In Amity street...their acquaint ance had been very slight and formal. They had met occasionally at Mrs. Sinclair's and Mrs. Calhoun's. and up to the iaah of January, latC. bee acqualatanee with Richardson emulated solely of two calls, at the request of her hus- band, to solicit his (Richardson's) slid in get- McFarland a altuatiou In the employ of the Pacific flail Road Company, Of the Amity street lodgings she says: ..If 1 had any feeling about Mr. Itiebardson's coming to tare a rOOlll no near Mr. McFarland and myself, R. wall one of aversion. front the fact t hat be could not be there without knowing something of inY unhappy life. I saw him then often. and he =9 . _ prior to toy leaving Nlegarlond, n wool. or even n look. passed between us which I should not be glad If all the world had seen and heard. - On the tiny of the separation. Feb')'. 21st. Mr, Richardson told Mrs. McFar land 'V& Is a matter In which I cannot advise you; but what ever you do, I shall be glad to help you in." On the evening of the separation. as Richardson was leaving Sin clair., he bid Mrs. McFarland good bre. say ing “I wish you to remember., my child, that any responsibillty you choose to give me, in any possible future, 'I shall be eery: glad to take.' and two days after made a formal avowal of his love, counselling her to toll her friends all be said ,and take their counsel. Richardson was nest shot on • • • . _ • . ... . the lath of March. 'M. and then Mrs. Mernrinnti says she heard of theintercepted t letter for the rat time, toot never saw it ur knew its cunt Efts until * it appeared, in print. After the sh ting McFarland , ruffed sill his wife's corres ndence. ma unmet - lots. private apers. etc., pproprinting the letters from Mrs. Sinclair rol Mrs. Calhoun, which were rend on the ill I, . . Mrs. Rlchn wm incorporates iti this por tion of her nn rive a letter from Richard son. dated M. h 31. 'C. continuing in the most earnest terms the affection avowed In . .. the Intercepted letter. and which alto says woo the key note of the absolute love and trust in which Richardson held her- for three years. which passed till his death. The history of the holoas corpus case and the Indiana divorce are ntso given. Of the latter she says: .The itlit, there, as I Rama on consultation. permit a ditore for drunk eness, extreme cruelty and tenure to oupport n wife. I knew beyond a doubt that Mc- Farland had commlUed adultery while I lived with him. I had been offered proof that he had committed that crime agninst marriage since I had ceases' to live with him. I was told that adultery was the only grounds on which a divorce In New York was obtainable, but I repent now what. I said then, with all my soul upon my lips, that I considered his treat ment of me. his personal abuses. his ter rible profenity, his mangos of all kinds. an Infinitely greater sin egelust one and m, womaneoodi than If he had committed again and again, unknown tome,'crimes against the , marriage vow, which is the only cause New ' York courts hold as Just grounds for divorce. My opinion In this remalto unchanged, even ,vhile I write. During the loug time—almost throe years—that ensued between nw formal separation from McFarland and my legal dl• acquaintance with Mr. Richardson had been most rarendly planted. During all my !nay In Indiana, and in all his frommit journeying: west. I never sew him once. ;tail he carefully avoided passing through the city where I stopped, to give no abode id a cans, for sca h nda e. onn l. o November :list o IT. Mf Octks,o ber. 3lr. teal. Itch ardor om n come on to his mother' , house. In peed. way. to 'riot nksgi v ing. On Thanksgiving ve en. log I met hint at the railroad stailon. and he came from his aged mother whose youngest son he was. For the first time since he wa. lint. In led. I walked with Mtn In the et reef In all that titan we had entered no place of amusement together, and had only once awl weeldentalir at en eveniar party at the howl. of n minuet friend. On the day -nfter Thanks giving Mr, Richardson went heck to New York. NMl:dug definite:weeSlimmed abou our future. Just a week nftet he' left, a die patch came that he welt mortally hurt, and canine to. ete York toinurse him till he dice When I emote he askull me. If there shim! , seem at any time to be no hopes of his rem, ery. If I wbuld marry him at once, and I raid 1.,. would. We decided to wait till he recoveries. IT otherwl e. I supposed he wished to be mar . tied that ; might hare a firmer right to take charge of t e rearing of his three orphan chil dren. and emuse he would die [Mire peniCe- NUT bails mole me his wife. As for myeelf. if I had ten houttand liver, I should have given them up for bits, who wee dying for the crime of having It ed me. and hie highest wish in the matter would bore Weighed with me against all other ermt Ives let the world, So bek when It me plain that he 11111 , 4 go - away from all lb hearts that yearned to t imid him be lt " 41 r rnr is :es . . Ricleird ' sdn's eitete meet of the general ion from McFarboad, un avoidably omitted in the report of not night: . . _. . On the °Truing of the lath of February,' hen McFarland came in from the enamel House, where' be bolt beau cuiployed since the tat of Felsnary as clerk in tlic office, proeured for him tliflulgh ihslllßUchr.Spf fb.e hineloirs. I sins ttendlog et Mr. Riche , iou s door, In the front hail. and he , res agar 11 4adiMt• me Rome manuaetipt• which he hod offered to lend me to make use Of. If I could,-in some literary work. Mr. Richardson's room WOO used as bit working room, and at thin time, es at all parte of the day, he had a stenographer. measenger boy and artist. who were engaged In 61. literary work.. When McFarland carne la he obleMed to my going to liteherlames room, to which I replied that I had not been In, wan not In, had not been la the habit of go ng there, end even if I hod been In there. It was not a nrivate room but an Deice, In the day supposed thin the matter drop ped, mart I this wa. all of it. Rot In a few' moinema gal orient! commenced to say Rome thing agin on Ole situjeat. I sow he won in 111 humor,o and I oupphae be dished to 4 111141. Anythle the' ,pretext for one of . his posafitas, god cil ti l little or nothing. I. root this ha Fmk, 6 scif tip lulu a great lure. is 'la".l I. b " 1 16 trl all once work alt e theatre. li e continued in thin rage through the night, and f spent a. terrible night with. him. All through the next day, the Alth, he remained at home, abusing and lamenting to Me. Ile used to the expresaiona Which I never could forgive Or' en dtu...' littit RIM harping on the fact of My be ing at Ilicharlson ,- room. asked me before Percy. who ints all ihe tints fousent, MI Rich ardson ever Ids. you) Haveyou ever been in hie room alone with him? and other& Which I considered Insulting and nOliardenahle. :lie was under the influence of liquor all day. re maininget home or going out every little while to the neater' bur room to drink, and coming In • litnl moreturimit.. -, At l o st he declared he WWl' Telltlple ta 1.,e aeflorated front me. and that I might go home *wow father's and leave him.. When Resented to thin.. TM Wanted tp Wag In Rome of my friends to talk the, matter 1, before thenbldif I rarefied tfiliikt: vOtiosel !dig any tut to ...ier °mild L 4 sent fur. and I Only pre vent 4 hie, fru:: ' ni nikin.ll 4 * 04 roiling in some of my !Mende, by n nanlntilifitlif i ii i that bo was so intoxicaied thri: nin ~,-inili . ,!, wollild be prejudiced by that fact. On tu., evening of the 21th. before going to the thew:. tre,) secreted bhp razor. his pocket knife. InT seri. and all artiales I considered dam/Tr ona na I frequently did on Ruch coca:lone, and left,him. .When I came home be Was still f n-, ging. Ile frequently had made threats of , committing suicide. often going .out .Of docks with that avowed purpose. On thin occasior4 about midnight, he bade me nn am mofil ly solemn. eternal farewell. and told me thl time he semi certainly going out to de tro himself. Ife had done this ma many time. this field nothing and made no effort to de tain him. At the door he hesitated. and asked If abut nothing to say in this last parting. I said. "I col only say that I am hopelesnly sorry for you." Ile wen; out mull:in fave,min etas returned, as I knew he would, coolefll . neh sobered by the cold night air, and then, It loi IPM. P itry lr e - gi o ro i twii Ig 4 :llir Ili elif,t t ?)., ° i himfdeci.edis. I should cave nim for ever; that I tad borne irlttiptlllenee for Upiny Yeasegreat outrages from him; that Ate hod midis my life miserable and hnd often put me In great dread of my life; that I Could not en dure It any longer; that bit' outrageon. ,sou duct for the two day. post. and by the.lan - Mc o giiivi h s e onVl,Vtrrn i e 17, : i h d e a n ciTC,I f' ge m l i ari 4 to my nano( endurance, and I should gin away from him at once. On thin he grovelled at my( feet In the most abject penitence; he wept and sobbed and begged ore to forgive hint;. be cord muted he had wronged me; 'that no *o men would have borne with him as I had done, and about daylight went to deep, ex hausted. Next morning I did not allude (DOW gir. e ittliti r M i g, k i 4 4,77 to the st Linn and placed znyseif under the proteo , Mon of his roof, and never nfterwards saw McFarland, except once or twice in the ples, , . ant erof others. ructrAUnfirov's uxqtrrsr or A Magri. Albert. D. HJekardsop, In a letter to Janke). Henry Broke, dated tie. let, lag; eve "Should the madman, Who has once attempted my life, and who shows symptoms of renewing his attempt. 1.11CC6 In .. .killing me, rts he has threatened. please set forth some of the facts fee tbe nye 'etr the lady they involve and of myown ehlldrern so that they mar see that my conduct has left, them nothing to blush fur. "Barre of the MIS ant Wit, that:66ldd lithe, ited a taint of madness In his Med, audi sec ond, that before: he had been married two years be struck ids wife violently, melbas fre quently abosegker, besides threatening vio lence to he ark 4 himself with knives end pis— tols. Third, that from pride and deliener slat iblekledblakind kept these things secret, sad madly explainedgelly to two Of bet friends her 'Hunt - ion and asked their counsel: ,?..4 let- PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1870. ter to one exists and can be seen. Fourth. That all this suits before I knew her. or had an ti ything butmost for cqu mal aaintance: * chardson further says that she sepatated from :McFarland. sent for her father. and in the presence of him and other f Heads had no Interview with McFarland. in which he con. rented to a separation. and left the children with her father; that after this final separa tion she had taken steps for it divorce. Rich ardson was thrown much into her compan and his interest devellmed into a wanner y. feel ing. and it became understood that they would be married when she should be legally free. lie declares that before thn separation no such thought had ever entered hls' heart. and she had never uttered one word which the most loyal wife might not say to any gen ' Remelt she knew and respected. RlChard son sold lie dill not prosecute Maar landafter the first emoting'. because he wished to avoid public bee:lute he knew McFarland was a half mad , maps arid because he felt having done wrong totnhntion marriage sn soon. After mentioning arnwige ments ttbout his children. Richardson says-he did not want the blood of anv man. especially of this. on his hands. and tie :vas determined, If attneltd again, to nut great risk rather than do batllr harm to McFarland. its' could have E a tena McFarland's life In the Ilrstlt tack: w always glad he did not. lie commends his children and the lade he has loved to the care of the friend to whom the letter is addressed. and says then both have faced deal h ton (Men. and seen sweet sleep nil the perfect rest it brings. to have lily ear of It. CHAS, A. mettAittaa)A's wr.yringt:AY. Boston. Mao P.-- Si I many misstatements hate been made.about my lute brother Albert Richardson: estate. that I deem it necessary under the circumstances to say that his entire estate Is not worth. at the highest , altte.moro than tool. and that. his widow, Mr, Abble S. Ric C2s,l hardson. has refused any part of the property except that required to rear and educate 'Mt orphan rand The following n eons' of thl, tnemorantin. which have been anoded to by the counsel for the de feaee as the will of - my late brother. tie died intestate. Made at the Astor House. before my sister- in-law's arrival. [Signed.) Cu.. A. litellA111.1N: Administrator of A. U. Richardson. 'Memorandum of a will dictated to Mr Nicholson on the night after he was shot lot. I owe It. Nicholson tau...M. Mr. Johnsot . . will umlerstand about no" house. I have paid him ttlis) interest Within 'the hunt few days. :41. I want or Tribune shares. Ifyossible. kept for my children. 4th. Of my Kansas lands; the three Marshal county tracts antral in tor name, so does the tract near Topeka, now Shawnee county tract. fOrrnerlycMled Jackson comity. The )lama county tract stands an undivided three-fourths in toy name. and an undivided one-fourth in Junius'. ly Spring Hill Into stand one undivided half In my name and; the other _undivided half In Jutting'. Of all the Kansasproperty have the pro ceeds nf one. I think. of the Marsha count Y quarter sections. That would be n faisettle- Ment bet ween us. All the rest should he sold for the benetit. or mv children. The taxes on none of them have (wen paid for BOP. • • --IA dkpatch I: said to have been receive. idthe city. laat, eight,antiouncing that Mr. Itlehanison bad enmmltteA guidde. A cci. ned.doubtlemvi sn (11At.ITION The Union Republican lie:ter-al Committee to nlght.after protraeted and eat it midebote. de chief! not to Jobt the cnalitidu Retinal Tam snotty. and noinhented.tha followlogt leket for 'Judge of the Court. Ort:otamcitt Ileac, J. Solis Ritterbond. Richard S. Emmett. Vrot, M. Rich ardson. Elias A. 11.11. Marine Court Judges, A. E. Tromaine. Benj. A Willis. Wm. Kircher.. Among the Aldermen nominated On !feta,. Clews. Chart, T. Tiffany. Charles K. I:rainun. W. H. Raymond and other prominent clthres. The Moran Hall Democrats to-night adopt ed resolutions endorsing TatninanY and It. ticket nod doe/axing the place of any member.. on the general Committee refusing to abide by. this action be considered mount. lien. Wood has subscribed one thousand dollam for po litical uses of Movtrt Hail. Tha American Home Missionary Society elected Hey, Dr. Woolsey, of Tote President. - The first New York Presbytery of the United Presbyterian Church.nitting at Pat tersdn. N. J.. granted a petition severing t be pastoral re lations of Rev. Charles It. Smythe with his church In New York. Smythe preaeho,'t here for the lust tiler On Sundry next. The strikers of Patterson cotton min bare resumed work nt waft., twenty per cent. less thnn before the strike. A intieting of tho Cacholic clergymen of this .-ity wow held la.nlifittato consider the 911 P- lioll Of In the pablte .e hoo c h shit the t&tutt or lien. Dr. Mr. Illynn. pixtdur or St. tepheu& and , ftev.-31r. Farrell, of St. Jo. geph& who-are 111ns:tett by their Ilk- ROCial era, too liberal on thk. sub ject. The reading of the bible in the hoomlß cvnileonned, and I r. Sot: orro I en. Generni lb/ 1 Intoctoome. Will LP naked t: renown the two obJectionnble trvrto, to country dirt.rietw, where they cuunot, t 1 nu. grent extent. Indut.nklirtely int opin ion. The Vial- Llenerti but WI-M. fit Arch bi.ahop Me&'tuuky for Instruction.. The American Woman , Sun.., Ayumia. lion assembled to-dae. Henry Ward Item-hal was chosen Pry-anima of the National We man'a Suffrage Societe. Ile exptened bin hearty good will and wishes for rani nal emote emit Itm. Speeches Wen. made try carious per sons In advocacy ith., caus. The Notional Wtionm - te suffrage Association dlacossed nod mien eul a resolution 10 tnyor of the equalization of he pay of Women und men. Resolutions fgrorin the extension or int/rage to women were ref wed. • The American Tract Society celebrolcil the ISthannireraary toulay. Ite , ellri 4 of the year tilStOtili'halance in treamry V. - in. The old officers were generally re-elected- (River Kingsbury was {wouded to be treasurer, Mee Moses Allen declined. Tammany nominated Motes Tay it 11i,),1i Phelpa, Oawald Allendorf mid Lawrence It 1 Jerome for aldermen nt large. . Arrangements ire making to orgaill/e society of pincers commanding colored troop daring the war. The neon Qt the viclory of the FutppitO created finite a seqsat Oonetate.latail tele grams scene sent to her rarer. . riot occurred at Noreislann. Monday. dur ing 11111 election rot Members Or the I/corm:noir General Committee. Many persons w - ere stabbed. one fatally. The Presbyterian Home for Aged Witte. was dedicaesterday. . ...Jas. laudW. declinel the'. an 'Yanimatty nominatirl or'Jnolge of Cottonton Fleas. T. W. Thuntan, broker, who absconded in April with fif‘t,issi worth of Kansan Pacific bones belonging to - ,ltnbner. Morgan S Co., can arrested rooterdnY, The Bremner. )41miesota nml I yof Cork. from Livetpool. 'nfol• Under.rom 4113YROW, have arrived. The Trlhafir i•fettll di:Pelted Of =extra edi tion Of IAIYnIY-thrtte thousand copies' of Ar... Itichardson's statement. tinier« for It con. linue. and another edition will bu issued to morrow. 31E311' General Coatereare Sil lb. Alteloollet Eptneo pal Ithareh Mouth—This Wathieet or Unitas telth the Church !north. ' ( Ity Telerrnith to the Pit taterreh•ti :wet tel MFlinitlK. M.Te11.. -- thnhot. ' Jnanw Daniel Curry, Levi . Scott end others of the .Northern Metlowtint Church. sohnt'eted .n•topourlel .to the Shutlierripeneral Contereoca an follower .; ., .. .. "Illgsio by f 11C114: • - BY theactlon anddettiority of tha fitment Conference at ClOcago, In May, 1808, we were nppointed a' conurdsidon to co-operate' with like comminnlortern from the Church Fandlt .on the subject of : union. At IL meeting of the commission Ind Philadelphia, November , 23, leak molutione weep .adopted eppeoelek or the action contemplating the onion of the two churehen; but Iti Is thought proper to make thin further communication. The aliPtilidiurni of thin COMIDIII6IOII shows, lathe judgment of the Northern Church, there Is not sutillelent I renew] why a union may no he affected an ataturabla terms. , Hoping that you maY.aleW the subject In the name light, nod that you may appal:4 . n similar committee to confer with tin pre% lOUTto the next (knell Cinder ence,itt 1172010 d raying that chUnti IM Prea" 1 0 mired In all that iertnlnn to the wel areOf the chrbillan Chore nd desiring your prayers In b 'biir flf W. F we represent. I fint we may ',Mare site prosperttY, we no, kc." The I4ninitttle of pine to which thin memo gist In r :fred consists of 'the strougent men in.the I feyeptie herd. It in tiglleved that the - --th,nttlith Wlll not he 14 , proved, . i . : • .', - - —.----, 1 ---• , t , • (!•ANAD - A. I . • MEIMMEMMI • . • • The Witinfraaal of Urtilas Troop•. Illy Telegraph to the . Pttlaborgh ilatittp.l Ottawa, Mar the linume of CUM :von:4 lamt night, the Manitoba bill permed. Sir George Cartier announced the prorogation would take place to-morrow. In the Bennte, In reply to a Quest ion relating to, titirithd4wairog r t t in tif Mr. q!run I the he 4 . :r nittf 1W et Th ore 1 aga not f. cobt ill it . pol Of the Imperinl Government. e might FN', him ever. the view of the home government was that In ordlrmrg tlmeot of ponce, Ganda was JdolaiotllOXlO art be he oxpaploof fence len the mother . cnuntry! Tbe home g ernment proposed to garrison Halifax told similar fOr tlncatlens, but It wan expected the luldnd fortMentlono, If.garrisoned ot all, would b . °erupted try Canadian volunteer*. • , •Pelllion fur Prow..flow from Indiana, , • Teksreeptr b the Pittaherpb Claret tn.) CIIICAOo, Piny 11.--A petition wne receircat nt (len. Sherldito . 4 henilnianrtern In thin City to..4ey. ',lvied by two Puodreit und ttigisteen nettlera in the Sweetwater dintrletr ttyoming Territory. ,rneatly nitters. urging the necessity glen7lft tharr t egr u ltrgli t geis f Viie .that there are about VW inhabitants In that country, a large proportionof whom .nre women sad ottildien; that theghlet , abject _of the men tb develop the Sweetwater mines. which are very rich, b ut hat they arc In con giant danger Of de neon* fr om roving hands of • w o infest: that 'Motion of country. L edeeoua a . s i t t f i Lzo w n numerous om th r tr e l n i n4l m . daiia 'upon minera, and they, tarn mason rto naPrehead ' , Mae tremble tram the kalneAtOUnre, daring the prevent luituann uhiese efficient pre ventive measuree are promptly ndnptrd. " - Serious Blot by Coal Telesimph to the Pitteburgd Gazette.) IfAucnMar - nefroun tint necunt e ryeterUar among the wallet" nt }lngeltou. Three .Initn, were Oak Aut. not nttetp btalf belie.. rolmilitary' of under arms. but not use thaw, The miner. - were eelebrating_the nmslrerrem of Ifseertruttlzettei pt thi Minnie 7 Union. EE SKR] tIEOI. FOUR O'CL NEWS BY CATTLE The Great Yacht Race The American entft, Sappho, Galna an Easy Tie tory—University of London . Opened by gneenThe Tur moil In Ft:awe—Tranquility Main tained by the Bayonet—Amirican Railroad Seonrities in lierntany. Telegrapizto the Pittsburgh Gazette.] I= LoNow:, May 11.-The great yacht nice be tween the American yacht Sappho, owned by Mr. Douglas, and the English yacht Cambria. owned by Mr. Anhbury, which took place ye. turdaY, off the Isle of Wight, has resulted In a complete victory for the Sappho, she having reached the point of destination far 'ahead of the Cambria. The course taken was a antall encterly one from the Nab-light, the distance being sixtyhdles. Great enthusiasm prevails among the friends of the American yacht, so complete n victory having been hardly ex pected. • The Cambria returned to Cowen without rounding the umpire's' boat. The Prince of Wales has offered a challenge sup, to be competed for by American and British yachts of a hundred tons and upwards. The crw., distance andslato of nailing Is to be published soon. ' The member. of the Royal Yacht Club will meet on Saturday next to arrange n race for the Prince of Wales cup, to be contested for by the American and British yachts over ninety-nine tone burden. The Queen In state to-day opened the new building of the ColvernitY of London, in Har lington Gordon, Little Interest , woo mani fested by the people gathered In the grounds. but the main hall wan crowded and among the m einent persons resent were Mentos. Glad stone, Disraeli and leading members of the Goverritnent and Parliatnant. Earl Granville and Messrs. George Grate and Robert Lowe received the Queen rat the doors and presented an address tojler Jfaje,uy Inatend of read ing the reply which bad . been furninhed her. sloe said nn clear voice: -I decinre this building to be opeue.L" The queen -WM loudly cheered. and cheers called and gledwin succesnion for the royal family. the Premier and Disraeli. The Gammons to-day_ held nhert session. exclusively devoted to local measures. ' =I The first of the series Of three race. between the Auteritatti yacht Sappho and English yacht, Cambria, sixty milts to windward and return; which commenced yesterday morning, ter: minuted this morning . In tt decided victory for the Sappho. which bent the Cambria at the .tart. nt the latter's best point of sailing. namely. turning to the windward. The yacht; were towed, very witty on the morning of the 10th. to n point sixty miles south east of Cowes' Itoadn, as •it strong ...trey wind was blowing, and the 'race wits to eastward. or no the than net. The Aniericau yacht Dauntless, and the English yacht Pleind, made number of English eraft and steamer; accompanied the contest ing yachts. The scene at the stet( was very exciting. It watt sarranged by the umpires that a flying start should be given on the . tart tack. by which the yachts would gain a grant. oiling towardsmid channel la ears of a change 1 of wind. The Cambria having won the toss. took the weather position. and than hind the advaittnge at the start. The Sappho car ded thirty-two hands and a cloud of mown.. including. with her fore and aft sail, a main top mast. stay Fall and flying jib: while the Carnbrin only set one Jib In addition to her forest el and other racing . WI, and tarried twenty-six hands. The signal to go was given at 841 a. a. The Sappho took the lead from' the NUM. mid by the time she Was off Ileachy Hend.about rift; mikwifrnin titentartingiseint. the fully ten edit.. to - the windward of the Cambria. The letter. seeing It Impunalble 11l win. nave op the race, and without round-,I log the umpire,' atermer, returned to Cowes,. where de• arrived at four o'clock this morn , Mg. accompnnied by the Inpultie.... 'n. • Sappho, which at the time was OW of sight of the Cambria. returned to Cowan about two hours later. Mr. Aslibury frankly; admits bin lefeat. The Wand race will be-ailed' on Fri ol:ly.: _ i DUllitl N. May IL—During, the Progresn of the' election at Longford, gestertiny. titer< was some rioting. Order. ,ras, rumored withont calling out the troop,. 4t L . ---te-- Fit %ACE. • suss. May D.—The follow - In.! official re tries. have been received from some of. the principal cities: Paris. yea. lit:eel; no. Irst.ind. Nantes,' yes. =9le: Marseille,. pee, Is.stei no. as-Rm. Line. Yes. .5.187; rad, 01,411. In...dean, ye,, lu.bri; no. 14. M% Tolsuse. ye. 9,112; no, ' The troubles throughout the city last even ing were more serious than woo nnilailpated. The euthoritiea were forced to make n display of tho 'raillery to estore oilier In the dis turbed portions of the city. The barriced. in thelleilvllle district u ere stubbornly de fended, though subseunently carried by: the soldiers at the • point of the bayonet. There were several killed and wounded on both sides. _During the night other eturagemente .moaned and a noisier of soldier. Po lice... and sit trees were killed. The French oppositionnd clerical organs question the result of the election. They main- I min that while the vote may have numerical value. I. Is sailboat social. pont keel or religions , ignlecenes, • • The police arrested Oyer taco hundred per. I sons lagt night • and starcbtal many house.' the disturbed diet rhaa. Artists dont 'nue tobe made to-day. vre.o trtet i ap,ts feared to-night. finials of people arab - Faubourg Ile Temple, •' Large numbers collected In frost of the Bar racks,but were dispersed by the malice, and the guards aratanditeloldlerst quarter. have been intomosell. .. • . Desperate altenlpta 111..relie..Wellainade by the inmettm of the prison of a Roquette yes terday. The prisoner.. while at work In the shops. attacked the keepers. ad a niece strug gle followed. The revolt was finally quelled. Clue keeper was killed and tiro utile" pincers wounded. MuegninV.—ManY group* of. spectaton throng the itoulevenl. but a heavy raM 1. fell ing and prevent, lay, dengerous increase of numbers. DellealUe and Fliabolarg du Temple are held hy the military and tin one Is allowed to 1144.1 the truants In those quarters. 17p ,to this hour tranquility is nut disturbed. • =EOM Ilmtuir, May 11.—In vmsemsence of the re , rein action n( the ;Berlin Baiter In winning the public aanlimt American secuilt lea, much Inconvenience and trouble continues . Urllltag dealers, and the governing committees are se verely censured for their lack of prudence and discrimination. The subject ge assumed - such i ffreralt t liltrA l n if 4. tka 1E p 9 113.1 e I ' to ii n n tries. thitt. United Stat es : es:Miier thincrott has teen fit to makes diplonnit lc representation of the matter to the Prussian Government. Germany will financially 1191111S1 in the eon otruction of the Saint flo than% and Switzer land Hallway.. =MEM Sorniaurros. Mar 11.--The steamer Atne lea haw arrived. Tho Vuogrd ram.dalp Morocco. *lt h cs go of nupp li ttlmom, tmi M stilled from Llverpooll o Slber. • EM Vttsx,t, May, ll. , Preparatioyhaveb . . enotserterYheefor t fittl r .ro the Impitr!th brthdlYV: r VIA.I3,CIAL Aran I'OIAIIaRCIAL. LI/X - DOll. May 11.—Consol; for money, RIM; 945 t • A merican peouritlemulet: 'ft% twos' WA, 98; 'Ca, 90; 1040 a, MU: pa,lB; li ning.. Mali Aflantio Client •Wlia era, glita. Morita qpiet.• May 11.—Mourse quint at rlf 99C. ' Maximum, May It —Honda heavy. PVTIIPIKM. May 11,—Cotton buoyant; mid nUlairds. MAIN: Orleans, 11St anlee Ir.i.- 000Valea. California white wheat , Pe 9d, red iveatern No t {do winter 9,1. Western dour Ala tid. Corn, Not adand ads. Oats 21 far. bar ley fr. Pena 9MI. 6,JMork bisbor. but ringed doll, IMF, Hoof llla. Lard dull, 00.. Cheese Macon: Wa for Cumberland cot, Cl. ad fur abort rib middles. l'roduco appliued:. /Ity inmate, Nay IL llow rmer; 111 lu- gar Omar. not hl her. Petroleum firmer. fi r arm. . liavritt, Slay li.-Cotton ntm. • • . • Pppri RS P. & A. Telopaph.l. OIL Om, Mayll:-41lieriallingslowlv.whh t 31 Inch. water in thq channel. Weather cloudy. Thennometer Witt M. IL tt 011OWNIWILLE, MAY 11illtrer falling elate- Ir. with letcht M o), c att ifilannel. Weather cloudy. TherMameter at Ir. v. la • Weathert G ritr 4s4n t tl id uclier it iinnwer7. Thermometer IV .41,1 Moitoat3OWN. May IL-11.1vor with ID Inch,. water. in the channel. Weather Therutemeter haat r. thdtday observance raPtecianall. • [By Telegraph Lathe Pittsburgh anzatte.l ClaCtitNATI. May 11.—Chlet of Pollee Bulkn to-dar issued Instruction. tu,./14eutenantaof pollen to notify All saloon heaven that OCT most keep their front door. closed On kilpdar. and that they Inuit not one hilndiolithot der also that confectioners and 'keeper" of cigar atortstnnat keep their. est abllithmente chimed, nod thnt bolt plaOnnd standing on the cor ners must ho stO on the Sabbath. (Hikers neglecting to en enforce the order db , 4' chaff*. ' losowl; 111111311elpal ElecUar.. to r TIMI N AIIM - 4! r tiTggiero V 111 4 1.7 1. Doyle. Itepubllenn. for 2.lkerrt allifrtmlort over cilia. ,CILIVIII, and. Unna...De. Tbe Board or Aldermen are In rarer Tifit t nt.• PIATTA I ggIib . ' l4 ,t'.."l two Pae* VREV 4 : I V - TVdg ti ff 10 •4,,, 6164 Wt ia rlr fdt :_VekiaWndote,rtr amt.' %. Tt. u.• . B 1 .74 1 1 XLIST coNGRESS ; \ (.EcoNo • y Tel egmtph to the Pittsburgh ( et t e.) WASHINGTON. Mnr 11.1870. SENATE. LING Introduc., CK. Mr. CONK_ .... Intl —... d nth to est._ .1 oh mall service to •the west roast of Smith :America. Referred. , . Mr. SPENCER letroduced ft bill granting 'ands to the Alnbame and ltallroad POISIDRTIV. Referred. •• '', The bill to provide artidcial !Mass to die- nbled soldiers was passed. The bill relatire to lands withdrawn for the benefit of the Southern Pacific Ifnitread In California WAS explained by Me. STEW ALIT as' making no additional grant, and was then so peeceded by the legislative appropriallon bill. The amendment approiwiating $.500,011) for a new building for the State Department wan 11110004-41 against 15. Another amendment for the enlargement of the Capitol grounds, at an expense of $.5X1,11M, was also adopted. An amendment to apply the 'unexpended surplus of $15.000 on account of the Paris Ex position of '67 to enable citizens of the Culled States to take part In the London Exhibition f's 7. was objected to an the entering wedge for—larger appropriations, and rejected-12 against:hi. An amendment reducing the appropriation to the bureau of education by 510.501 war re jected—le to as. An amendment was agreed to requiring the Assistant Commissioner of Patents to be ap pointed by the President, subject to con densation by the Senate. to not as commis- oilers In eon of temporary vacialley. The Senate refused...into ill, to Increase the lacy of the chief clerk of the nnvy depart- ment. Among other amendments adopted wan one to Incronae the appropriation to the office Of Comptroller of Currency front $75,01/0 to A dincunnion ensued upon an amendment by Mr. WILLIAMS authorizing the United State. mint to receive on deposit refined nand silver•bullion tiellver In pa ment Imported bars, tinder certain rennin lions, thus providing for the refining by pri vate parties. Without disposing of the nubject. Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPItP-SENTATIVES. Mr. BEAMAN reported an appropriation of $r ,000 to supply deficiencies In the compen sation of mileage of Congressmen. Passed. • The Northern Pacific Railroad bill was then t taken up. mail Mr. 0 11 1TH allowed to make an explanation of the reasons governing Its op ponents in their filibustering li.gromme. Mr. WHEELER replied on behalf of the , friends of the measure, and then the House. by "T. to M. refused to orator the bill ton third I reading, as follows YrAS--Messm. Allison. Ames, Armatmng, Atwood r Axtell. Ayer. Harry, .11eaman. lien. , nett, Bingham, Weir, Booker. Ltorren. Brooks, (Man.) Buck, Buckley. Butler, (Tennr.) Coke. Churchill. Conger. Covode. Degener, Dickey; Dos. Ferris, Fisher, Fitch, Cahoon, Harris. Hoar. Hooper, Hotchkiss. Kelly, Kellogg, Keiwy, Lash, Lynch , Maynard, McCarthy, McKee. Milnes. Morrill, (Pa..) Myers. Kegler. O'Neill. Peck, Pierce. Peters. Platt. Poland, Pomeroy. Porter. Prosser. Sanford. Sawyer, Schenck. Sheldon sLu .. l Sheldon, (N. V..) Sher rod. Mob.. Smith. (Oregon,) Smith. (Vt..) Smyth. (lowa.) Starkwenther, Stokes. Stough ton, Strickland. Taft. Tillman, Townsend, Trimble, Twitchell.- Voorhees. Washburne. (Wis..) Welker. Whitmore, iTex..) and Wilson. (Minn.) , Nala—Mesitni. Archer. Antell,Asper, Beatty, Beck. BenJamiti.llhtgs. Bird. Brooks. (N. V.,) finftington. lturchard.lintler (Mass..) Clnrke 1Kv..1 Cleaveland, Cobh, Coburn, Conner. Towles. Cox, Crebs, Davis IN. Dickinson, Millar. Duval Uyer. Ebb Eldridge. Farns worth, Ferry, Flnkelnburg. Garfield. Getz. Griswold. Haight, Haldeman. Hale. Ramble ton :linmil. Hamilton, (Fla.) Haw le Jones tor7re•liir): Morrissey. Orth, Pnckard, Paine, Potter.ltandisli, flexes, Rice. Rogers, Sargent, Sehuntaker. Shanks, Slocum, Smith (01, Smith genn.i. Stevens. Stevenson. Stiles. Stone. Swans. Sweeny...Westin, Tyner, Colton. Van Auk., Van Trump Van Wyck. Wells, Wheel er. Wil liams. Wilson 10.1. %Mans, ,Winchester and Woods.. • Mr. WHEELER voted In the negativein or der to be able to move a reconsideration. Twenty-fouramendment!. were offered and with the bill were referred to the Pacific Rail road Coaimittee. who wereauthorited to re port at fins time. The bill to revive the navigation and com mercial Interests of the United States was taken up. and Me. LYNCH. chairman of the special committee on the . subject, spoke at le' Ail. h Ai i ltli s .ll ' . p it ' ;rliducei r d a bill repealing the .net of DOG authorizing the States of Maryland and Girorgia to levy tonnage tax on vessel, Referred. • Mr. DRGF-VER Introduced shill for the bet ter ptection of the frontier of Texas. The Housewent into Committee on thu tariff. The duty rat steel ray wheels ,111.1 fixed at three cents per pound: steel blooms end ear and locomotive tires, roiled or hammered to pattern, twoland one-bell cents; steel car riage. car, lochinotive and other springs live cents. The House took a recess. IlnettinuNeasion.—Paragraphs were Inserted taxing crinoline and corset steel wire nine rent• per pound and ten per cont. ad rolorms sword blades. blades thirty-five per cent. and rohirem. nun swords forty-five Per re nt. n'i rai,(lll. were P'"ed over la the course of dlseussien Mr.l LI:IVODE said the Holum and the country-were dis gusted with the Tariff bill. He understood the internal Revenue bill was ready nod hoped the chairman of the committee would report It to-morrow and lay aside the Tnrifi bill, and go Co practical legislation, else sonic - f the members trill have trouble next fall. The Committee rose at ten 'o'eloek and the louse adjourned. BItiIit"rELECIRAMS —The Hammonta steamship, from Hamburg' •rrived at New York yesterday. • —The dorat fah- of the cotton States w - - - - opened at Augusta. Ga., yesterday. -- Monis. Military Sheriff of Warren county. (la., has been taken to Atlanta In Irons. by order of (len. Terry. —Twenty hostiles Joseohlte. Siorrnops. numherine la nu 01111 btradrrilaCMls. left Iltab this week rat their QICI Manes In the States. — ln Om town of Klmhan. Clef county, Michhtaa. Jiihn Schmidt. a lierman. was fauna shot throaali the heart In the cellar of his refl. deface. There Is no aloe to the murderer. RberMan And Neff Arrived M Con rinne. us.a. Tale,lday night, And left by A —The Philadelphia Union League comment °rated the anniversary of the occupancy of the Broad Mewl building bra reception and ball bud evening. —A Indite for Mabee wager , oocurrod Mon day among the workmen nt HingaLand Iron furnace. to L'arondelet. Mlaeouri..nmPleur tending "t 4 itr. qcp —Ftkl' purr, bl ood f miswold Tama intro been aold !It tic, Maas., to ifO to Ari zona. ThttY lOU ho d v naroas ale country from the termitnnt of the Ramat', Nolan Rail road. • —The board of trustees of the Ohio Agricul tural College met nt Colombo. yesterday, fif teen members attending, and elected V. It. Horton ns President. IL C. Anderson as Sccre. too'. and Joseph Sullivant as Trensnrcy,-.- ' —At New York, Sunday evening, Paul Du Chidllu, de great African` traveler, wee presented by President Daly. of the American ileographical and Statistical Society, with the silver medal awarded him by the Imperial tle ogrephlcal Society. of Peri.. —The North Carolina Republican Convention Met nt Raleigh yesterday. and consumed the day In diecussirM cduterning a permanent chairtnan. Between 5101.0111eidelegatetr were present. two-thirds colored:' 'Unit night there a tarcblig4 PrceatlOA. to t — n I e4 l "Lt e Fitt r more, of b 3.1 g port Of la' Joilivif, •"Ccantnittee. Involving Chi t ydet fon' of cebkPllstri. wee diececcotii without actlein. Tip revert an the Besot Gm cern was made and adopted and the Book Committee selected. —The bonded warehouxe of Murray & Co.. nt Prorin. Illinois, containing a large quantity of whiaky, was broken open on Tuesday during the temporary atomic° of the storekeeper, , and the entire content, removed. No clue to the robbers. Government detectives are In veatlgating the matter. • ' report, stunting that tho amount 'of "nation ty and lamp drawn by the member. range. from tea to ninety dollars. They also report • gnat (startle t beatifies charged by the Slide °facers tor the stationery. • 7 , Th. rr , !. logs. in 'pens attac an helia i s i r 4 A ° Virtree‘r7singillfp i' rtt hogs ware ralitrtl gralro.• and ° Min:l to Miller Co.: the pene, belonging to Colt CO. were rallied at MOON T4g, ficolpah shocking Otte! aplyohla IMO pnq it 11tU. • Ohiohe iiiirrihor or lollies year 'Panthe r § In liforeasea during las trom MB Jo M. This deans of ttcholrah if - reported to be proaperots,an4 Increasing. The timid LoAro secretory repotts the general fund to be ter:. widows. and orphans' Baia WS. • Horace Beebe has beenplarted N. W. G. N. _tor the earth[ year. • . —Win.:Dermody one of tbeplasterem em ployed bathe west wing of the Chicago Do Mum. and who was under the ruins of t e fallen Mof for an boor and n half. has brou ght an notion of Igor ,agfilnst the eity b to h r i a- VlVlMPhotothe n r i ttrklln who Irl ' go. Jared in the building will bring Regan. to re sarteT.lll case Dermody succeeds., • —A wriest of a RaMan Catholic Church lathe outskirts of Cincinnati has been quietly dim missed .10 a discovered Motu l communication with n female member. Slate hie departure it has been nactittained that' ire'or Tonna. giiikof the congregation UM' been mined be tam, natl. isithougn the citeutastanoes were known in their ftwinctiee families. the Somas Dined to Make oomplaint: owing to a finely caliteated fear of divine wrath. • —At the menthol' of the National Woman's Snarage Association - In New York; Tuesday: hitht, a union was effected with the Path de ntine Woman's Stating° Societe. The Mated orgatilmtion will be known au the Union -Wor;' matis SaffrageSeelet . Theodore Tiltoterwad elected President. Wit- coalition does not fully unite allthe Woman Suffrage 'pooge, as the floston branch, oil which- Henry - and needier Presiom, Wattle distinct ottani Wilton, dad to Wlllsposedto Join NeW.York un eee large sqamslons, 'remade., • VOL. LXXXV.---NO. 113. THE CAPITAL Revenue Collector Robbed by HIA E. eort—Grand Encampment G.l. 1 —Various Items. [lty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh G arett WARtILNGTON, May 11, 1870. - COLLECTOR ROBBED. . • Collector Kerney. of Corpus Christi, to graphs theSecreinry of the Treasury he was violently robbed on the sixth inst. while re turning from tUe Grande, by a portion of his united States ugllttuy escort, of $12,810 to specie. eustoms furub4 coneqed by his deputy. The matter will be referred to the War De oartment. O. A. IL GIULVD The Grand Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic commenced its fourth annual session to-day. Thirty-nine States and Terri tories are represented. General Logan de livered an address. in which he took occasion to say the organization woe not aolitical one, and to state briefly Grandejct e also urged that the Armypermanently an "decoration day' and enjoin Its observance, and opposed any change in the plam or ritual 01 the organization. Various reports ware submitted and committees appointed. Air ,- journed till 10-tnoreow. utacELLancOPS The Superintendent of Coast Survey asks an appropriation of $41.000 for the survey of Alaska and Alleutlau Islands. Admiral Porter has written" letter in favor . of the projected China telegraph. ' Lewis Kingsley has been appointed Deputy" Naval °nicer at New York, vice Franklin, to al/coml. A large.reductlon Is to be made on the first of July In the force of clerks and employes of bureaus In the War. Department. Insole a monthly saving of over *SOIL The medical Department Is to be discontinued. Mr. Bowles, banker in Paris, will appear be fore the Committee of Waysand 'Keane to morrow. It la understood he will argue a loan can be taken In Europe at four per cent, The object of the proposed caucus of Repub lican Senators is to select the usual Congres sional munpaigo committee,. NEW BRIGHTON. 7 , Nrw Depot—Tem prraner —Weather. ceorreipoodence 'of the Garette.l .SKW ii)41011TON May ‘ The new railroad depot is now:it The buildings are line, and well nd• but it seems au ;awkward arrangem have it SO far from the business pa I the town, The Sdd depot Is beeomi' nuisance, being used as it loafing pis! Ther.Tentp•rance 'sague met last n in First Methodist Church. The mitten on Remonstrance ugainht lie' for the Borough, report.' success. lieenst granted for Brighton. • Falls, or Fallstown. . A romntigee Was: appointed to arrange for a County Temperance Convention, &c. The weather is cool—has been raining for seYeral days.- No frost this morning. though we luta, severahlays since. I think the fruit has nut been ktllei -Vegetation coming on - country looks beautiful. More anon. Yours, &C., C. Ilioibmetaid • Beggs, • A Paris letter amps: Our lot our news papers related a few days since that the Late Baron James de !Rothschild, visiting Jay Schetier's studio, found the eminent artist in a towermg rage. A model, a Jew beggar. harti failed to keep his ap maintment. and the artist, who felt in the est mood for painting, was, of necessity. idle: The Boom gaily exclaimed. "Let toe supply my absent brother's place?' Scheflbr habiterl hint in picturesque rags. and Dives looked every inch Lazants. A visitor came in. He was touched by the wretchedness . depicted on the -model's countenance and clothes (could such rags be wt dignified?) he slipped a napoleon into the pauper's hands and received thanks in the professional whine. • The visitor, in a letter to the newspaper which related the anecdote,' says ho received four or five . years after the occurrence, a note front Baron tbr 'Rothschild, reminding him of Ida generosity and informing him his money had been put nut or judiciously it had grown to he VAIL whieh awaited his orders. The visitor called on the Baron td express gratitude for; and at the same time decline, this munificence; but the banker proved by his hooks that the $2,000 had been fairly earned and was the right ful property*of the visitor. A ...111toeraftivrthe .as DkappolutmeeL The Worthington Tiwrx " A abort time since. Caton Fletcher. who re sides In the neighborhood of Spencer. was In pastes/lion, near his residence, of ii spring of fine mineral water. Chemists who examined. and analyzed the water, pronounced It to be posaeised of very rare medical eirtuto for the care of many climate disessea tiltielt our country le heir ibi Ttterr Welln grandschetbe au foot of establishing a Watering place at tilt spring, for the summer re-art of all the fashionable who might be athletes!. to be fitted up with a hotel, infirmary and all the neceatutry improvements and fixtures. whereby they could be ettied - bi virtue of the Wafer, and qt the same time have all the Pleasures of an eatikblishmenj of this kind. ''SVdtitotetioutuutattetitl . digging, to improve the spring. After taking out a few wagon leads of black meek, and ex homing a few 'old saddle skirts, beef bones, horns, hoop skirts,. pieces of iron', and a brass kettle, the mineral quali ties of the spring disappeared, leaving a spring of pure fresh water. Violent; of a magnificent watering place at Spencer have disappeared." SIIOP.A. SHOP-A, 4110E.5. SWlf-4.,§111AS I.V!ttiall oak t 4 aeaaonable k"P.PA I :%til galtoPi will be held at AuctiLlA lail Federal street, Allegheny. on Friday. tub bolt. Sides at 9A. M. and 2 P. z. The entire Mock of a retail abire • having to be sold that day. nire • Rind bargains may ho ntt peeled. Heads of fandlies SO it profitable to attend. 11, a. - riVioartf, Auctioneer. IVF.u. KNowx—The fact that William lactu. 23 Market tfireet. produces the fineat work to he wen In the uttatty. *lt lasua-the , clauturt Mapcolom Penns, COAT, WORKS.—Schnabol& Wal ker have on hand and deliver daily to any part of Pittsburgh and' Allegheny Coal, %Nut t'oai and Slack at the lowest wish prices. Special rates to regular cur. touters and for large orders This coal in the heat offercA In :the city. Office and Yard, corner of Sanditsky street and West Ponn Railroad, Allegheny city. Tra • .AN 01.11 ERTAULINIRMENT. -leon'a glamiataining eatablielnuent Aran estab lished fourteen yenta ago. Now located at 33 Market street. 099 Itxlinr.xice. fri at.r.nottENT.—A first plYezini; dkeilLug on Sheffield street, In tar nitre at agreatly reduccal price. An early application to A. Loggate, ,auc. tioneer, 159 Fedlllll will WN' O . • . . • tho eiclamettb6 of 1111 ahn fxoruinO staltifkl klOge. it beafi fierldior. No. 23 Market street. No rosort ahould buy 44.h:11 :for men or boyetill they htve examined the large glad eolinitie stook-on. hand at the extenalTillouso of Urling,'; Follansbee & Co., N 0.121 Mood street. rooter of Fifth BFARA SCRIMINT: = Nelson's 'Mined, enameled and'emboased glaas lacer:4loy equal to the beet made at home or abroad. Examine It. Tag demand • forit -preset; that Pier, Danaals &Co.'s cream ale is the' best in = —The' National Temper:wee • Poelety. held their fifth naiteentary at New York Tuesday. mated. During the ;year ending , Alwid an. h the Soclety..haa stereotyped and Publinned thirteen new bookaand pamphlets nridAhlrty tww totonnl',.9B,6ooeopledot the "Youths' Tdrapentsee - Thinner!' tare - been:printed, Its clltuOtinnbetadl3o,lloolmonthty., riftyyhowo , and copies' or.the - Nittiowd Temperance At. manse' and" Immo copies of the ..eNational. •Temaperaamodulatioato ',kneealso .been MAW— Thastotal receipts tor_ lass slier. wets .01,1432.: Thc expendleum .uvre Isl.4oose res/arty overdtiwn - W,BIII. :The' indebted. nese of the Bounty 'lawyer . • . gam, Lodge- L 0.0. T: of Onto de-- Med to -bold their next teeettas at Toledo: on the setoud Mondai to 31217.1871. —A special from Ailenville. on the Iron Mountain Railroad, Missouri. givesan account of it bloody affray there s eterday, between two Men named Outtming. and Comstock on one side. anti Johnson. father ands .on the other side. Young Johnson received cut in the side, letting a portionof his bow at oat. after which he shot and killed Ounmings. Comstock was then beaten with a club by the elder Johnson till insensible. The affair grew out nt a disagreement In settling n bum,. matter. Comstock and Cummings were the assatilting patty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS egister's Notice, Notice hereby Il ionhat the following at cuunbi of A d 112101.11•101, K2PCIItOIII , sad U., Mans will he ',repented to the Orphans' Court for ac hos MONDA P. June 6. 7.°P.1140. -d No. 1. Find and final account of Jcien Wilson. Administrator of David IL Sampson, deceased. Flied February SWh 1870. No. 2. Account of Robert Potter. Adminhitrator of J ohs Pollock,deed. Flied February 31.11.1870. No. 3. Final account of Theodore 11. Nevin sad Willistu H. Knox, Executors of Junes A. Knox. ;deceits...l. Flied F'elduary 7 W , 1870. N 0.4. Final acwount of illiam Ilituilltou. Ad `ndnistautor Of Richard Hamilton., deed. Filed FFebruary 7, IS7O. No. 3. Final account of Matthew hiliwford. Ex eeutor of Matthew. Crawford. Sr., deed. Flied February 7.1870.' • No. 6. Account of Andrew Strang. Wr uf the esti. of John Mueller. deed. Filed February 20! First nod foal account of Margaret Meat. rinj one of the Administrators of John Leck.deed. Filed February 3.1870. No. S. Find account of S. it. Haled and Mrs. Mary 1.1100, two of the Executors of the estate of Thomas Little deeM. Filed February 7, 1870. No. 9. Mini partial account of General Wet. Hoffman, one of the Executors of the estate of Louisa Bitopson, deed. tilled Februarr 6. 1870. No. 10. Final account of John flenslnger. AAI - of Georaa llothuan. deed. Flied Feb ruary 5.11470. No. 1 I. Final neon:Mot William C. Borland, Ad ministrator of tho ...tate of Dr. Charles Bayer. deed. Filed February 1 0.1870. No. I/. Account of Mary Jaciaaon, Administra tor of Isaac Jackson. deed. Filed February 11. 1 870. N 0.13. Mai accountof John 11. Bnarn,Guar dtan of John and gate W Filed ebru . anti accuuni of John Geiser, Administrator of David Kaiser. deed. Flied Feb ;lB7tt a'iftl°`:r Dennisa l,a ; aiA,nee:.dce*d. ld nary . 187 No.l o. 6. Final account .tf F. E. Tyler. Executor If B 3 . 4alida leeson, decd. Flied February 23. No. 17. Account of Henry Donaldson. Adminle- Moir of James S. Kees. deed. Stied No. IS. Final account of C. P. Biddle. Adminis trator of the estate of Samuel likddle, deed. Filed February 21. 1 S7O. No. 1 9, .Final account of Jam McElroy, Guar dian of Mt. Salina Snowden, es Flied February 2.1, IS7O. • John F. F I-42. 1- I,l's7i3. inn • No 27. Account of John it. Ham, Adult:Mt.. our of Fanny Sbauno ~, deed. Filed Febnaary 211. 20;112•Account of Hodson Denneyand Juieph 31. Denney, Fs tun of Eckhart Denny, dec ti. Flied March 7.1870. • N t. 23. Account of Robert Walton. Executor of Wiiligm Jackson. deed. Filed March 11. 18711. N. 1.24. Account of John Porterfield, Adruinis. craw of the estateol IL Porterfield. deed. Filed March 11,11470. Nu. 23. Second account of Jar.. AL Christy. tin executor of Charles Bowan, deed. Filed March 14. 1870. • N :. ' ;h l .4 L 4t.irel•ltge:ll, n :r4T.. In liki/7. First and partial deem:raid John Huffer. one ed of tbo executors 0. of Mary Aun deed. Fil March 13.1147 Nu. 98. Mod socount of Henry Heath, tor of Samuel Heath, who wail executor of Benda mln Coetonl, deed. Filed son, Administrator. of the write than. Wright. deed. Filed blued 18.1870. N... 30 . Final account of .101.0 Castor. gnardtun of James 31. Lytle. minor son of David Life. deed. Flied March . 1870. No. 31. Final account of John Ramsey, Intone of the 'Mate of Margaret Hatilltaw. deed. Filed March .22. 1870. N 0.311. Account of James H. Dtek.gwaßlian of ,William A. 310'unly. minor child of Aktfloldef McCurdy, deed. Mareh l 4S, 1870: Na. 33. Final account of Itol.rt P. Johnson. Ad mintaragrdoLtlals sl i at; B l,3f o. John M. Johnson. ' h;t: ' ,l. 34. rdrat h ifn ' d final account of Ju7l: fa o l a at r golarig . 7 4l Hugh Crawford. decd. 01 N ...4,11 3 1ta M Final artin, !t o r. ' ' eft% M url i l h da vh" . Martit. deed. Idled Apal 1. I S7u. NO. 36. Final account t George Warner. guar dian .of John 'gooliner, minor eon of John Dual :ter, deed. Filed April 1,1870. No. 37. Second account of Robert Hard Exec utor of 11enjamin Patton, deed. Flied Aped 4. 1 r. 0 99. Finalaccount of Charles Norris. Guar dian of Charfes Unatam. minor non of James Orst llZAZ:dk,titte,entp.l2..lew 87 1 ) ,i of 9an now, Adminintratrix of Daniel Koss, deed. h llled April 3. I S7O. N .40. Float l4e of Thomas A nn {rMt,Adminlstn- 1810. No. 4 I.tAccount of David Hendersun md 31. Fodder. Administrators of the estate of Jacob Ved der, deed. Filed April 7.1870. N 0.46. Aecoula John J. Travolli,Ereoula. of the estate of S. A. Lyon. deed. Filed April S. 11470. • N 0.43. 1.1041 ac oust of Nicholas Schwartz, Ad minitonstor of Shout: !Septet. deed. Flied Apra* 9 tc 1 0 8 .14 : Final account of John P. and Wm. B. tlamdlon.Rxeniturs of Thomas HaatlltOn. deed: Filed April 9.187 Hun o. N 0.43. ACCOUIn of ter Richey. Administra tor of the estate ca John Doriand. deed. Filed April I 1, 1870. 46. Account. of John Myers. Administrator o i Njuo.h.e7M.r"Zi' I ,r 12,ier F"ed 3gralint?;. 1 174 1 : utor of John McCartney. deed. Filed AP 4 113., 18 Noo. . 48. Final acconnt of Edward MeGinnoss. Guardian of James C. Springer. minor eon of Alan, , "/Te.hillhgitl*Zadatf tiled e ke. A r lis l uk 3 ): rat of the canoe of Orrin Newton, deed. Flied April r gj. o Flnal account of gramuel G. Brown and E. It. Trimble : Executors of John Trimble. deed. Filed .keril 13,1810. N 31. Final N.CCOUOt. of John Tritaiale. deed. Executor of Wut. McCuahene deed. hied bY ne . 4 Cii...4lltrn . sod E. B.Titsble. dee'd. 10044001 1 94.5 4 .7100 neconnt of John Vecialy. Jr.. and W. Nee s Ad:Mohan:tor. of Nicholas VOOOll. deed. ?Veil April 10. 1870. ' N. 33. Amount of Thomas Byrne. cum testa moo." annex°, of Patrick Cramer, deed. Flied AVR•Attuicempt. MAlltt Latat. Adm pted; i nt to ht. nnti in • No r Andric of licularithi Whir, Filed ' APrit IS. INFO. A;lrraiut of Jacob Diet, Administrator or There. Wernet. deed. riled April 21.1810. 'Ea. 30. Fatal account of David Poureal,.4ilniin- Istreitor of Y'enisison Biggs. deed. Flied April $ll, 1870. No. 32. Final embank or John Ad ministrator of Chrtstion Dreitcobactier, deed. Filed April 61,1876. Mai account of Itarld Stewart. Exec utor of the estato of Margaret Stewart, deed. Flied April 43.1870. No. 39• Second account of Bernard Rafferty, Ex ecutor of the estate of S'rexcistiassolu.dee'd. Flied A r!! at: gap. lit Of Bernard art ,Ginar- Man of Annie Glides,minor child of Jameirtilldes. deed. Filed April 93 1870. Na. 61. Account of 'James Wilson. Administra tor of the estate of Samuel Bennett. deed. Flied A RT it ii 8 7 1 1.; e tar and di DM Goa Wr;it r ri g . e dl 7 l l : u 1 000 A. . 6 1 "silk James No. 63. Account of Ales. Nlmlck and Thomas Dramprnn. Executors of the will of Charlotte (rnr r7..idee'd Pilerl April 27. 1810. No. 64. Account of Alexander 11, Miner. Ad 10ltilsintor of that estate of Robert Wallace,derfd. 1104 April2B. 1870. No. 63. I , oml of of'llernarn Ilafferty.Rx ecutornf the estate of Charles tidings, deed. Filed A b et) ti 9, 1870. ,No. :Partlel account of Dr. A. NI =DT. ne O 1 des J. VitLierora."4l,44. Jebu N. by. No. In, Account of on . ierritt,Adipinlitr lB7 ator Teliat ri nft d r, ~tr.l ed April 30. 1870. tur of the estate of xatharine G '~tanhrs.deo'd. Iliad 'May 2,1870. No. 69. Account of Robert N. Blackburn. Ad dministrator of the estate of J. W. Conninglrnot. eed. Filed May 1.1570. No. 70. Account of James B tinfoil. fireentar of John Harrell, dec'd. Vied 3lay St. 1570. Partin) nccullntlf Georce , ti e 1; , ; . 1 1 tt1 Z 1L ,1 1 3 1,.1,14 7 ,51,!10 of • Robert £10.41, N 0.21. Final account of Joseph Raul. - tor of Archibald McAlliater. lice& 1.1104. Mar 3. 1870. 73.-11111 d account of David Reel and 'Miter 17411.hit;r1.!...""Prith.tioc'ti. Filed No. 7J. If amount of James. Belle? Ad niintstrniar Robert Lafferty, doc'i. FilaNlaY . 11470. • 3 3.0.73. Final account of Francis Wilrort. Guar dian of Robert Tkomildson. Iltrid May 4.1870. No. 7.43. Amount. of Merlin Illosohert, Adman's tnitor de tonic noncestate of William Glass, deed. Filed flay 3,1870. Na. 77. &wood account of C. Ilasbrouck.Esila Admlnlstratorof James A.Monastirn,dee'd. Filed 71.23. 1870. No. 7ft. slue/ amount of Edward Kelley,-Admin istrator of Mary Brogan. deed. Filed may 4, Flail account of Jahn Young, Jo, Guar dian of Thomas and MIT ti McMillin. mipmehlldra - FL9d MsT7 6.1870. of manor shildrilli Of James Steeling. dee'd. Filed URI 0.1876. .51a. 81. Final account of A. M.Brown;Guarrilan of Joseph. lilhabelb D. and Marta Bbtaltstack, minor children of James Bladtstoca: deed: Filed May 11..1870. . Y,io.s',t•PlllL:.(4ltAi' ,. PirremE , SO., Mar e.lB/9.• DECORATED IND rliAri Marble and' Slate MANTLES, . . y:dgt . lxg . am , cr e r. sh Lboa s lietz In Wes= Illelales are madenClogant Marble blari l tV, Ws , muting. Conners; Puraitare Tops, krt., Merldelsed from white =bade and Mate to enmity represent goldoice marbles et all varieties and colors. at Nem Tort mires et 319 and 321 taltraTr STREET. Pittsburgh, Pa. mrIL•EI W. W. WALLACE. • Crtl.COsitiOLLat's • rertfmtilteli P.O Xarlilth.lB7*. nt. Itie. Cty. ottl'ittstarAh. to loamoni to= to the crake for Pormeat.totereft wilt be idlimml oe mob Bonds after-July 1.0.1879. • .117 nraermr too Finance Committee. rail BileGONTAN.Commiler.. rrlIE PARTSERSRUP. Hrlirro. TOM: exl4lp7,_lietween 3OM .11eNTILV" and DK= Fat B.MAnoN,llolme bathes Mdaruto mired Or o nI f Iif.V 4I IIVAM btok t i=will n ak .yr_atimed Jas ' WeNali.y..irho sOmmig MI Its ob. arcio be imv • • - " ' JOllm .eNturT jmul ' 9thaimegl WitE OOLONg. TEA.. ,-.lnst received, fresh Sara. of !MIL grade. Wong ln naddlei. for bunny we: ogee doer In. she parte; 17 Webrthe PgdAdd. cams, 5!.!24. Yamg7 0,0 '7Bl"re!' arrarah,* • min ('.order laharts end Nlnth aanalls. 111:143$$AiretEVAViaq THE BEST AND CIIICAPFST l'oinmereial anti Family . Newspaper I . I.7HLIsIIED IN WESTERN PIGINSYINANI N.. termer. mechanic. or merchant abould be Sing. sub.libon . of D. flubs in A copy Ls furnished gratuitously to the getter-on of a nab of ten. Postmasters are requested waft as agents. Address, , PENNIMAN, REED & CO., PROPRIETORS.. NOTIr ES-- . To-Let," For Solt, - d' t.. not exteilliiig LINES, will be inAettal in these eolnatn. onee Ft rh; (W 11." TS; tach additional line FII'F CEA' WANTS \N r houe,•work In a smell onlio:;Txt,tl..4.)r. well recommended. call at N 0.31, MONTI:Ill .- A Aheaheny I w I AVANTED—SITL'ifiIO3IAs Sales- MAN (1. TRACT-LINT. 10 a wholefale or tuanutarturlng house. by a releable uam gOINJellr rvterenee Wpm. .I,l4 . rema n , . s J. _ _ wANTED. —A Lady experlence4 In etakinfi_Perds y tnessist•Jounieritoin. Apply at lit. RV IiSTON ( 0., corner .ith as e.and I 'berry alley. FD Unfur ..Add..., IL M.. Box 821. lea WANTED.—An active i mminent man to to the wren' of h tetweiheht ireiPii '".""" C = P et 'Y lePZ(4 MAYO ress. with . 0 re , Walnut street rhanselpnia _ • AVA?iTED.—Sltuatlon as Clerk by a tingle g entleman of 1 -mod education, tuning an °cyanotic e acquaintance In both cities and coun try. and no averalion to work. Would take a small I .4 l . lt 7 rt l ik u lit . tri t d b v . e il rd reference, Address Box yvA i r s E . l . L n — fr!. Ro . ,ll :4 B ll ,l . l f oo r.. 05- 144 to rl . 2"it !IT Also f.tfr:;:ifig:l7ll`,ller. No. l a Sixth StreaL WANTED.---MORTG AltEB.• 30.000 to hoan In largo or small amounts.. l a ir rata Interest. THOSIAM K. rrrry. • Bill, Bond an 1179 Rotate Broker, No.Smithileld street. WASTED.—TO RENT.—A Manse of 3or 8 rooms, with alasge yard. Must both • goat neighborhood, In either city, or on line of some Itallroltd."Azrerill bath[ such can hear of ° 44:P an ty t x110F; s ri=il4l,= th f:Vai:f Age AIL 139 Fourth events. • WANTED.—Eterybody to call at 154 LIBERTY STUEET. and atoning I= , gap. County Neill. for sale. • • 5-4 ANT A NTEID.—MORTGACIES. Till rly- Thousand Dollars to Loan In large or :mall annionua on property In Allegheny onloty ut a fair Tato of talon.. CITARI.FN. JEREMY. • heal Estate Agent. . , • N Grant avrat. W 1 NTED.—Bands ' and Idertgageg. 11.. 020.000, Amyl sf 3 yearito run. 1 fee #+5,000, hawing 3 yeast run. 1 for $6.000. having 3 year, to rum 1 for 5,000. 3 Teen to Nan. 1 fre.53.300. haring 3 ere to run. 1 for 00500, having 3 yews to n. •1 for 03.000. haring years to run. 1 fo 11.0014 haling 3 Y.s to run. 1 for 01.000 baffialt 3 Nu. h. run. 1 for 1300, having 3Ye to Nur- op chr "70311 - Zri r k A A &S! ' 3I:, 04 Fourth Are. 1,.. • LQ ST AND rduino. LOST.—k dark blind' eow—tips of the horns sawed rail and It radel huh, In earl. hill. Any person Andras or will be liberally rewarded by leaving word at G . MOORE . % Read dford avenue. rash) • 11th ward. LOST.—On Wednesday ,evenlngy be- TWERN Relief Engine Ron. and Marina treat, a Fair of GoLD ECTACI.ES. The ander 111 La Ilbersll iewarded- by tearing them nt 7:11 . BOARDING No for Doctor or Den ot 103 euurtb BOIRDING.—A number of lientle- MEN eau be furnished with boarding and Rooms if desired, plessenilY No. 120 ANDERSONSTIIRCY..nosr Mild street bridge. Allegheny eit, , TO LET rrO-LET.—Some pleasant rooms to let A.. at No. 31 Fourth avenue, with use of bath ns.uf • TO•LET.-INTERESTING TO LAW- El= ==! = S==E=M:MM LET. -- TWO WELL FURNISHED 81.2NPING 1100112 No. 43 ltelooca Weer near the Park. Allegheny. A gv.axl chance for fens gentlaaarn irlahlng _romp , In • tenant location! Inquire of E.ll. BUTMETER, 127 Federal tr. I, Allagheay. ' LET,—The Three Story Brick WARNIIOI- SE In. Chum* elloy, mom of Igo.' 1140 Vtoo4l arced formerly *meted ° V,Wtr'n'',.VARITAIETIT" - ed . • lid 172 end 174 Wood Moot TO LET.—Briek Ilonlle of 7 Rooms, 1101, Una, Hot aaet Cold Water, Large Yard, k,tly papered APO panted. alttatte Nn. 149 Mar 'Usti. glyth goad, Alleghepy. nulco HOUMA of 6 - }toom_ .11 . 90 139 'Middle alloy. near 'Sampson hooDo9.ard. Alt p egen ,y. Apply to 1%17;y. rro EET.COUNTRY RESIDENCE. , -Rri of the_well known nror.r! „ 7 t ~ l . house Is two StoricS, now. comfortable nail 02 Is sepplixi with or I...Strn eunlare house on tab , D.: tt" .` , 14 The grounds arc.0.r..0 •:.iy takut ered with One rues , country redden. sr..tres ofbelOC very convenient to the ytty.end Irmo Its location Is me of ttotroost beefily location* to this seetirm. IVNIVIILTgrtiV"' '":""Yzawculs;l4` TO-LET. The subscriber MUMe for re:at:l4 drelrtble pmo fty known se O: OUT-LET SAW . MILLS, • Situated at the foot of (TAM street. Qty. a short distance below the floaPetition The lot 00 tbe east side of Craig stycogi a l4o feel wide by ihnot 450 fret More or lett. The lot on the nest side of the street In 110 feet wide by shoat 400 feet, more or I. -Loth ronntaa to low Inner line; having nap df the taut and safest har bor. on the flyer. The advantages QM property IMMente foe oaf Mild of manufacturing purpoeia are .4 veil 'morns, to rendes any farther 6itsetip. tem unnecessary. Long Imam will be MY.] to re sponsible persons, myliratS FOR SALE FUR SALE—ROUTE.—A rood pky- ING ROUTE cm SUNDAY LEA Cbi be Weibel... For the wrms..pcdy et the L ADDER. - = office. - fon SALE—Engine of Four Mom yk. pojv lz o u tn g prder. Will he sold Ay- Ohlo strect.tql,plear.' TIOR SALE.--A One Herne Sprin.r Munn 1 414:t North Allen am/omq... n' • FOB SALE.—A Talinable Finial, an . 4ord .101 ill feet s.oltiond.. old c iiand,'Weittiaorets.d 036. FOB SALE-HANDSOME BUILD, LNG LOTS. on alt vaiiolis streets In the FOB Lawrenceville district. all of sr [nth will be sold OA easy Servos. T. R. SILL k NON, corn. Penn sod Thirts-thizt street. FOtt . ....5..11;E;ii iit'o•horso covered ElPstareCl WAGON: newly nee; wni pint ten nai l ii=i d e ev re ierlrr of Shrine I Mar lee. hum er guiles Whir; teen se en' in good tee helm tr.t. Sherostrerli on the Went PenalteUrcet4—UnieeittU, n • or et thoeflikerlllotreAl4olss. Begistei VORliEr-Liktitrai fit 37 acres sit• iLin'A r aggnirm e ttirn. mtia.VMPZ: •of COAL. sass or .4.VPier"ta 4"‘rlr c ,hs • osoreir tOkIlto: .94:" 7.! '". ..1AR0VVV15, Attorney-et-lAm Gnat sr— sIo. - APoif - MILIE2OO fAWrs = eoffoi MTV 10/ICH. mar LaarrancOrine Station on Ns Pannoilranla Railroad. at 113.0. WO cub nod balsam in four ) -Throb lota are Wm' *dina rant. • number of horn. are {Mug up, and af far Ma maul/fib* paid wlll Pend. For plan., do.. nail on T.ll. SILL & BON, corner Penn and rram. ) ...adas Ana*, to ROUT. P. PILL, AtUrftlar diLarr. 7,2 Grant street.. FOB SAL Engines,.an. $o [trip Ye" indgetud 11. d, cif ll kleis;constantly tteeete moo U pans of the country etottettit teletext to. /AUER HILL .4- 01, =:l==M Allegheny. PR. • k,OR SALE CliE___,ArF OR EXCIAASOE TOR CITY PROPERTY.-A line COUNTRY riTNCE. contalning 214 acres with bowies thereren eine, • tine. comfortable and - ntio:dent Lou.,: good water. and one of the best water towers in - Western Pennsylvania for a ndll: ID yalleatona Rm.:Onion the waters of Turtle (leek Road. of awn." from Atewarti Station. Central liatirnad. Alen, several rind. Warm In good lona. limns told flosses for side. Roar of ' ao.",;t. rt.. l . l l , pljteßteir;a. A. STREET ItESIDEliet FOR *AUG-% - Wm wad . enovsnaitUyarinntid Ito Wick dwelling house In desirable lots- Wm. wear aLtin esenele.malltingt windern wide. hall. two .pitriers, dining rpm and kitchen. ulna ehicabilsa.haint socim.:idtebss nmarill... eager vault. gins sad, water, datum. marble mantles. Ir. • iloeliftmem home, me. Immediate 'Po, rola, 111.511 1:,13 1.13 =I ~=> - ~:: MERE