111 El M 11 II HOME NEWS. • - . M.ll fever and sore throat prevail In th city. Allegheny • Commits will meet to-Morro- Slay devotions are !deal,' held le St. Paul Cathedral. The Pel Alley wge dbgturbed t, a elfght fracas reelenlay. The Caatatagenely are rehearsing for tin, Kraut Concerts. Carlotta Patti Infused new enthusiasm I. our musical circles. Onr Ja cipally Sporting Hen had their . oney up prin- one. glath avenue square. Is the preferred walk after night of courtezam: Hayes ftllovr had eleven, au unnintal num ber before him yesterday, 3 / .M "Mrf o r=i—editor of th epoet..nt,pya Trsvel over our city paisenger rallwsrs Ir very heavy this inclement season. • We ha•e not bead of e• single Wer-nollii Parry moon the children this season. Personal.—James McGrew. Fa and mother ind sister left fore visit to Calif o rnia , yester ay. AAtllipariana are much pelillexeed to dbeor er what propbet of try, Put. =rued Virgin Alley. . . . _ Wash on the foundation of the new Trinity church building on Muth avenue is twrorably D...ty Mayer Nichols seat Patrick Mayer to Work Moose for Meaty days yesterday for drunkenness. -• • instrci. hoar. out of the day is the term served by the drivers sod conductors of our street railways. Tae wallas Nelson • KeyOs bad names. k2l • AMMO will probably be arrested as Aldermrt • E4iora's police were after her yesterday. Tlmayettlairmaa and all la israkt.tar with our manntsetuting Intermits should remember the meeting to-night at the old • Pair ground. //Aube.. kkeale and L W. Fairly... Emil, both h.earyFaln merchants, left be steamer .. .tr. gto ' for the lower grate market, rester- OW. Menials and Chiefs of Staff should roam bar to meet at Mayor Callon'. °Mee to-night Mo to in. mage for the “Deeomttoa Dar peace 1178.1 , 00 has been refused far the church property of the German Reformed Lutheran emarna llitreet.tion, corner of Sloth avenue and. Gaza s John Deglenran a Co., No. al. Fifth avenue, Invite the especial attention of ladles to the elegant assortment of hosiery, gloves and un derwear, Just opened, • —O.------ Xlsetyday..eh to the Workhouse were even to William Boyd and Silas Davis by gayor . r . gr e , e y o e m st= y ..tor a. emend worth- It is rumored that Henry Warner, Esq.: the Popular sad efficient President of the Alle gheny Common Council,' will be a candidate for Assembly for the ensuing term. The attention Of partlee wishing to rent one of the most desirable law mill. In or near Pittsburgh or Allegheny. will end an opporta• nity advertised on our grid page of. to-day . k . Minor. - Wllltam Hall was before Alderman Koenig , Yeeterd Charged with ornamenting the fare ofCoetf Lotempahl alth a black and blue' bawdT Vot. The matter was amicably ad.: bawl e . • /Lanais and Ilattery.—John Flinn made In formation belorethe Mayor yesterday. chem. lug David Hutehltison with await and bat . tery. There will be II hearing in the case this morning. Illesal Ligner Pemg..—entherine GiriT male intonnutlon before the Mayor yesterday, charging Andrew hlllietts with selling liquor on Sunday. The accused was arrested and held for a hearing. Gesu*we'. hosiery and underahlrte. draw-, ers and general tarnishing goods ma)* be ot , talned vary reasonable prices at the New No. Stand ElfeCtlng Store of John Degirmsn & al:VIlleh avenue. Yesterday Depots Mayor Nlchots Issued a seaward for the arrest of Daniel Doneho, °Wiled with an attempt to commit cc Ind, cent assault upon Miry Anderson. residing. on /beGiseensburirPike. TeacydayJusdee RAM Issued • warrant for the or:nt of Patsy Deamarsh for mali ciously tiro:ring stones aed breaking the glass In the wilztows of John Fors ,residence on Eighteenth stratl. • - illsslbaa: the colored chap who took a sleep on a botellere stall In the Allegheny market Mooday afterw was seta to the work home for thirty day.. yesterday morn log by Mayor Callow. • _ Capt. w •. COOtr.. who has bent tenon Is. daring the past tsrd.stbathrt., was able to be Yesterday. HU met triesda hope for his Cud and speeds. recovery hots the kat attsdent that has attacked tdm. - Pros.—Tills murnlng_the traces of * het& trod Isere ebsenable. We await with mrs fey Molls from the onentry districts as the fruit trees are all In blossom and a hexer frost would materially damage the prospect* Thertfth.Asenne Bank )esterday held an election fora Board of Directors. with the following result: Wm. C. Robertson Wm. P. Werman.D.M.Armor. Daniel Klnier, Emil' Mr:11.770m. 6 l i;c 4i!me, :11. R. Mertr. Lome Well 44 on the Bartlett Oil Company'■ tract on the property of the Ithlladelphla and Bos ton Petroleum Company: above Franklin. le now flowing attbe rate •of one hundred bar rels per day. It Is a new strike.. Ckmt..lam. WUklus, a well known on dealer, is one of the owners. The Annual Zlectisa of officers for the Mer chants National Telegraph Company. resulted as folloara: President, H. 8. Waring: Secretary and Treasurer, James Director. It. 8. Waring, James Wilkins. J. T. Stockdale, John Dem, W:P..Logan. Fred. Fisher, R. D. Cochran. David Greenbent residing in the 6tsth ward, has a dog which yesterday bit a son of Mich ael O'Donnell. who yesterday made informa tion before Alderman Thomas, setting forth the fact and causing. the Alderman to issue • Warrant for the arrest of David for keeping inch a dog. Mooched haws—Wm. IL Fischer and John Fisher got Into an altercation yesterday about some trifling matter. when, as William alleges. John struck him with his flat and knocked him down. The Mayor was, Informed of the affair, and at the lemma of William: he Issued • warrant tor the arrest of John. leased histi.—Jobs Douglass yesterday made information : before Alderman McMaster,. Mantel John Snyder for felonious await and battery. The prosecutor alleges that defend ant hit him on the head with a bar of railroad Iron. Inflicting a severe scound upon his phre aelogimd organism. The accused gave ball for trial. Illegal Am:ft.—John Costello made Uttar tuition before Alderman O'Donnell yesterday charging Michael Mulvaney with arresting hiM on Diamond alley a few evenings ago, Without a warrant and for no mum, and onn peutag tilos- to undergo an Imprisonment of Oita hours. -The accused was arrested and held for Court. Organisation Formed—The eareleing mem bers of Knapp* . Battery held a meeting last night at Eildden's Hall. and formed an aneein- Hob. Ileum R. H. Kam P. B. Moan, B. Me -01,44&A. J. Walker and A. Derry were to draft a Q3llflitiltioEland.Dy Law.. to recant at a meeting to be held at the same place on Thera:lay, May 19th. fkiddse slate. The stakeholder In a bet always occupies • delicate position. He is liable to be m i l 3, 7=ented. -He often sets Into trouble. Farrel Is experiencing the truth of this. William Bowman amuses him al a MO Brutpertinacity, In Mtaintns on elm dollars, stakes la n carts! - William puts It under the mat of lir danY. tad Alderman Butler has tuned a war rant on en taformat lon to that effect. A Bath. — Yesterday' Thomas A, Wright made Information before Me man Taylor against Lamar McKean for aggravated as mull and battery. The sou of la• prosecutor. Is stated, othmded the defendant, where upon the latter threw the boy Into the Mow, MMand then stood ea the shore and pushed ack when he swam: out.. The lad. •1 Is dated. was Only saved by the timely illftifelP cure of a Meant.r. The pant. - ttnide at Soho, where the it occurred. The seemed was arrested and held fora bearing. • A Temperance , Ole ittedaY's ffa satte we noted the fact that Welter Ferrit son abd William Irwin, of Teusperenceville, were chamd before the Mayor by Jobe An /emu with aggravated assault and battery. AeWing wan had to the case resterday, which molted_ the discharge of Mr. Fer guson. sad the holding to tail of , who waived a hearings* far as he was concerned. Mr. Femsaa's connection with the Adair wu In no way improper, bat the reverlie, be bar ing endeavored to preserve the pence.. • Savage Trlmmer.—Monday evening the Al ,.POlice s u e? called to area sinc e re- Third foo a nd a s b n usnawife. e 'lle s woorta was Ulla, on the hod, aad stated Mist het hand had knocked her down and then tramped upon her. The police attempted to arrest him when he drew &knife and attacked Ihem, cutting the coat of one officer. but not njuring him., When at last overpowered and taken to the lock-op, be gave Ms name IA /o omph Craig. Last evening the woman was MIMS' to be out tied, and was sage:d wry much from her of treatment. The fello ig w: was held until further developments. LZ32 , It Is well known that Poet G. A. R. recently /dead tO secede to the artsneetnent for the celserstion of - ant .Deoarstion Day._ ' They contended that Us frig of the corner etone wadi lentweete wit Oa proper otos:nem of the occestoo se a WM for drowers over the guru of Ms dips aohlfain bum f. = tr . id=ot at V ia rrl ct patag . tx amaidarabis listing oommuit., sad, for f , sl the *owl of hulas t smatter deo , mogiet• soother mooting wa s held on Moeda,' It wag tertedy attended. se& atter Moe, the pterlows auto, wu rescinded. the Post waived L evel itds at theft' all la Birmingham at fetlock In the awning, from Bums proufsf to tho anneury sad duarats tba gram. AM thee. retuning. fats Um mouskm and asereisee at the mon otone*. The settee *Wise the ditikalty. , .::: • EDtCATIONIL. kinnfing of C.rneral Ward of Kinranne— Re. ports of ntvinionde lteerel . n r t y ._rineiztl i ....a . donn--fterts or the Committee. on Finant, and Tong Hooka. The Conirnl Board or FAuention held a reg ular monthly meeting yesterday. Tuesday. May W. 1871). nt to o'n'el.k. P. M. :The Hoard organized by calling Geo. 11. An derson to the chair. Members present were: Mews. Aiken, An derson. Caddy. Chadwick, Craig,Clark, Flem lee, Getty, Hamilton, Itarrisom Hartman, liuml.rt. Monttans Bars. Mitchell,. Necker mann, Nubbs, Shavoz,•tlims and Taylor. The minutes, of the preceeding meeting were d and approved. ren The Chairmen presented-a communication from the Secretary of the Board tot School Controllers of Allegheny city. transmitting resolutions passed by that body tniative to the Bible in the public schools and I Ilvision , the School Fund. The paper was received no. Med; Mr. Craig moved that the resolutions be adopted &tithe sentiment of this body. Mr. Taylor inquired if there bed been any at tempt to divide the schrools or the school fund In this city lie thought it time enough to diseuss this question when it came•before 'the Board pmperly. Mr. Mitchell moved to postpone the matter: Mr. Aiken thought it ns well to meet the question nt this time as any other. The ques tion would have to be met sooner or later. Mr. Nobbs moved to amend to postpone for one month.. Adopted. sorguiwrr.angar's REPORT. $ • Mr. G. J. Luckey City Superintendent; o w presented the folloing reprt: GENTLEMEN beg leave to submit the fol lowing report of the conditions of the public school's of Pittsburgh. for the month of Aytil • reacnana EMPLOYED.: District Schools—males ; females 180; to ol 310.. High Schools—males t: formica 3 total IL Colored Schools—tnales ternales3; total 4. Mute Schools —Tonkel; females 1; total 2. Teachers of music—.males 4. Total smoother of, teachers employed MI. E511611.LX7:4 r District Sehools. Digit Schools • '''' Colored Schools - Total AVEHMIX ATTIMIOANCK. District Schools Colored SCIIOOI6. Mute school Total l'ercentage of attendance. 84. In the High, North. Grant, Morehead, How- Red, Washlecton and Highland Schools, there was an attendance of over RI per cent. on the enrollment. • • • • The number or cori - rui punishments re ported was 142, a decrease . In the number re ported tor March. The report was received and tiled. • I= • Mr. John A. Sergeant. Secretary. presented n report for the month of April, showing - the total :mount of eateries, de. paid for the month to he I/16.540 12. • The Secretary furtherreported that he had been informed that thefollowlng tax had been levied by the sub-dist ticta named: Eniqueanc, mill: South, IM; Grant.;* -Forben. Prank. lin Ralston, 3: O'Hara. Colfax. Minerseille. Oakland, Lan - mace and Washington, 10 Ntount Albion. 5; Highland and Lincoln. 21, and Howard. 25.. The report tens received and flied. THE HIGH lIITIOOL. Sihno • Mr. Philatun Dem. Princlind of the High eubmitted a report. of which toe fol iating is a recapitulation, of the attendanc for the month of April: . Blab School Mles. Females- Total. . til NorNormalal School... . ... . '1 11l 9MII l'ommerclol School... JOl 9 . 110 - Total in ISO 357 T he re a or conc t ud es bee o ll re w u : l ar in - their attendance except Messrs. Horner and Dar ling. music teachers, the fonner being absent during his hour on Pride,: April Mi. and the latteronTuesday. May 3. 'They furnieted no substitutes. to As It le customary for your honorable body I 1 at this meeting the date of I:lamination of candidate. for admission. the Fncultyagree In recommending Monday. June 27 and To- Aar. June 4 as hest suiting their convenience. forahn H. Sawyer ints recently becn eminined admisslon and &Aliened the Faculty of his fitness: I would therefore recommend that he be admitted. . The report was received and filed, and the reeoMtnendatlons adopted. =I Mr. 'Cuddy, front the Commtitec on Finance. submitted the following report: Your Committee onFinance would respect, - fully Infant. that hiving exeminedtbe law, approved April 24. LIM, endwhat purports to be the title of your' board • misnomer. and In no part of the Oct Is the legal corporate mune given. These serious defects might In the opinion of your committee invalidate the 'bill, hut on thorough consideratlon..we would. 'recommend your board to correct the errors 'and comply with. Ha provisions, by publication In two newspapers published to said city, asking for sealed proposals from banks or es , change broken to aft as the treasurer nr de -I,posltary of said school funds; mid ace further recommend that you Include In the published proposels a request that bidders for the funds shall also state the terms on which they would agree to loan such BUMS as may be necessary to meet any deficiency In the requirements of Yourboard for school and !school butldingpar,, poses. We would suggest to your Board that in fa, lure, all monevo received for tuition. in High . Schools. Deaf Mute School. or any other source by the Secretary, shall be paid Into to general treasury and'dlebursed regularly, ss any other funds, Instead of the plan which has bees of the Secretary receiving and dieburs. log such moneys, apart from and not entering Into the general treasury. In making our usual monthly statement of receipts and expenditure a d di t ion a l our atten tion with pleasure to the receipt of tot thousand dollars. received somewhat un expectedly from the Store Treasurer, which money had been detained by an arbitrary reg. •lation of the Treasury. Department, but which, owing to the courtesy and influence of nom R. W. MncheY, is now In our possession. and will materially assist In bridging our own tinancialchasm. 'For this act Mr. Mackey Is entitled to our wannest thanks. Annexed we present our usual monthly statement: Balance on hand Mat report =ll6 06 Received from it. W.Mackey and col , lected 10.310 40 Total . • MIX id Amount of warrant. paid mod out ' .landing /f..X.Pe Z -1 Balance on hand $15.044 The report wilt accepted and Use recommen dation. adopted. Mr. Aiken. from the Committa, on Text Books. submitted the report of the Committee recommending the adoption of the following books: • • . Osgood's Cards and Primer. Osgood 's Spell er. Wilson's Ist Render. Osgood s 2d Reader, Wilson's ad Reader; Osgood's 4th Reader and Wilson's 4th Reader, Dean's Primary' Intellec tual and Intermediate Arithmetic. Flobinson's nett Elementary Algebra, Mitchell's Primary, Intermediate and Physical Ge shy, Barn'. Practical Grammar. Lossing'_s .non School Ilistory of Voltedittates. Webster's Diction.. elle., Smartt Gymnastics and Dumb Bell Ex erciser., Barcholemew's Droning Cards, Al den's Citizen i Manual. . . • The report was accepted. Mr. Craig mused that the report be taken up seriatim. Adopted. The first three on the list were adovird - • ' Mr. Leaman mooed to amend the report by aubstiteliag-Osgood's First Reader 'tor son's. The yeas and mot Wore called on the motion with the following result: Ayes 11, nays 9. So the motion prevailed. • Osgood's First reader was then ado_p ted. ond, Wilson's Third, ' 05g...K.: Fourth and Wilson's Fourth Readers •• then adopted: Mr. Hamilton moved to amend the, report by adding OsgoodS Fifth Reader to the list reported by the committee. After considerable dlscusslnn the motion was adopted. Dean's Primary Intellectual and Intermedi ate Arithmetic!, wereadopted. Itobinson's New. Elementary Algebra was adapted. Mr. Cralgnioved to strike out MitebelY. and substitute Guyot'a. In support. of the motion Mr. Craig spoke at oansiderable length. set ting forth the advantage. of .Guyot's Geogra phy over that of Mitchell's. Considerable discussion conned. • ' Mr. Craig called for the yeas and nays us the question, with the followincresult : • • Yros-Messrs.Anderson.Credg,Cuddy, Flem ing. Hamilton. H son . Hartman, Mays Neckermann and films- Now-Messrs. Aiken. Chadwick. Cliirk. Get ty, Humbert. tantalum, Mitchell, Nobbs,Bhawr; and Taylor-10. • Fa, the motion was lost. • The question then recurred on the motion to adopt Mitchell's Geography, as reported by the Committee. . _ ' The yeas and nays were called, when the motion was lost, the vote standing 10 yeas and 10 nays, to reported above. Hitchell's Now Intermediate Geogen47 then Stites up and the motion to ad . 'OR 10st by a vote of 10 to 10. - " • Mitchel'. Physical Geography was adopted by a vote of II yeas to 9 nays. Burtt's Practical Grammar was adopted. te Lossing's Common School History was adopt Mr. Getty presented a communication from the Teacher. of Don oche Schools .king that Goodrich'. Itistory be retained. Mr. Getty moved to reconaider the vtd9 lost. adopting Loping'. Ifigtory. The motion leas &Webster'. Dictionary was adopted. • ft...VS 3f anual ollOymnastic and Dumb Bell Eserctses was then taken up. W. Hartman mooed to strike It eft the list. Adopted. Bartholomew's drawing card and Alden's citizens manual were adopted. • I dr.TVs moved. to add. Wilson-Third Third Soge It c4:11 'ennued after which the yeas and nays were called, when the motion was lost by a vote of 11 to p. • 1110 H WHOM. 00011. S. • 'The Secretory then read the following II t of text books which were adopted ro - r the Mgt School: Ward School Arithmetic.. Grammar, Geogrophy.Atrobra. Ro o binson'a(; • °metro . . sorreying and /Sidles A. tmnomy. Bullion • and Herrin' tame Gra - mu. Reader. Caeaftr, any edition of, Cicero. &that. Horace. Ilecitees ' Greek Grammar and Lessons, nay edition of Xeno p h on makfromer. and the Cambrldge Drone of Pbrsics, Cotton''. Heoteee, Dal run*. Hitcneock's . ...kturtomy and Rysiology, Chambers or Tenney. Zoology, Wood's Bota ny, Dana's Geology, Inertis, Hamilton's, Hickories Intellectual Philosophe, Fairchild'. Moral Philosphk o :pper's Logic and Rhetoric. Anderson'. an ormier's General Histo ries. &weer'. rich's History of the 17,34 hir t y.L. =Br g V . 1 . !. U. 8, Fuller's P% Analyst', Mitchel's Physical= a pll 9 . Moines Rockiest Bookkeepialg; Bayern & snStratton's Countipuse Bookping; & Steelton" ting-bcruse Arithmetic; Cewlers k: & Packard's Practical Penmanship and Ornamental Pen manship. The IXiots weal adopted. Ht.inecterniann reported that be had "tilted the High School to ascertain what progress had been made in 'the study of the Minoan language. and found that there were forty-doe now studying the la In the school, and that they were mat=irable Pratt'..., Mr. Hobbs, from the Committee on Teachers and gantries. reported that In the matter of an , - _ - • PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY MORNING,. MA 11, 1870. application of Mt. Albion and Washington Sub-Districts fccadditional butchers. the ifm mittee recommended the granting of ' the re quest of the former school, but rejected the latter. • Mr. Fleming, from the Monthly. Visiting Committee. reported thnt had visited the High School and Colomi School and (nand m In good condition. Mr. Harrison reported that the work en the new High School building it prep - ening AN rapidly - as possible. and that It will be reed,' forocennation by the let of September. 1871. = Mr. Craig presented - the report of the Special Committee to whom was referred the matter of the division of the O'Hara Sob- District. The report sett_ forth that under hertiOn 35 of the late schbol law the Hoard ad power to — divide or consolidate sub-dia t rhos. .Since the passage of. the act referred to that two new Aut..districts have been formed out of four, but In each case the peti tions for the same came from the Directors of the sub-districts. In this ease the Directors have not petitioned-for a division of the die , trict. but on the contrary, have unanimously , signed a remonstrance against it. The Co m: mittee thus far report that the [ [bard had no authority to divide the ward, but they recom mend that under the facts the prayer of the petitioners be granted. Mr. Shaw moved that the prayer of the pe.. Wieners he granted. Mr. !Cobbs rend a resolution adopted by the local board of the District. remenatmting Pr o " P "i di tt vis a i t"tit te that - the Daarl deride that they m have no power to - di vide a district without a petition from the Board of Directors of sold distr table ict. Thu motion wa laid on , . Considernble dis s position the ensued; after which the question eventing on the motion of Dr. Shaw to divide the ward, a vote was taken and the motion adopted.. . Mr.,Shawhat Inasmuch thepeep been no Geo graphyadopted. that there !Vents! mee called on the let instant to adapt' :nc?it e litt was y : e adopted by a rote of it to a.' Mr. Craig moved that. the President pro trio. he authorized to sign all necessary are. until such time as the Preablent was able to attend to duties. Mr. Humbert noide • application for two teachers in the Howard district. Mr. Harrison lir application fora teacher In the ldinermille strict. Both appliration were referred to the Com mMr ittee on Teachers and Salaries. Ilumbert stated that the new schoolhouse In the Howard district would be dedicated no the evening of tha 14th Inst. . . • On motion. adjourned. BENEVOLENCE. Pltesbormh .od \liegheu p •ftrph.o Asylum— Oull.k for the ruture: One of the noblest benevolent Institutions in Mar midst Is the Plttiburgh and Allegheny Orphan Asylum. Year by year It flourishes, Silently doing Its Work, nnd ever gaining in the Confidence and love of the people. A slight eVidence of the feeling with which It Is regarded in the community was evinced, by the 'gathering of Indies and gentlenwn who filled the chapel of thtinsylutti On Midge street, interested spectators of, and participants In the exercises of the thirty-faith anniversary. afternoon! r - The chapel had'been'titstefuilY trimmed for I ,the occasionwith evergreens and flowers, which served the doublepuipose of adding grace and beauty to the Interior and tilling the air with perfume. The children, neatly dressed. occupied the is In front of the platform. and numbered about two hundred and fifty. They ranged in all ages, from In fancy up to fifteen or sixteen years, and ulet. attentive. and apparently very great!) Inte rested, presented on excetdingly natl. fill picture of fresh, young innocence an hap py childhood, which enlisted the sym thy and ininiinition of ever, spectator. .Whcn all had assembled and order tv se cured, Mon. Robert McKnight took the It nd, about three o'clock. as presiding officer, end called upon Ur. Miller to lead in prayer. The exerchnp then began with a song of greeting by the school to the - visitors after which the President read, as follow., tie = Our religion teaches us that we must not on core o nes, e aged, and t he. suffering, but thelittle The Jewish m6thers. irWt en drovored to gather around the Factor with their children, that he might bleat them, little knew the encouragement his words would prove in after years to those who labor among the young. We, believing that the same lov ing welcome now ;matte our little ones, try to gather in the homeless and (o...ken, that they, too, may learn of that loving, nod Yet unconscious core for them. About two hundred and sixty-flee children have found a bonne in the Asylum for a greater or learn of time during the past year. The brought In under the follow ing classes : Ist. Such children as are given to the Asy lum by their relatives or guardians. end. Stich children as, being without .proper homes, need core and shelter, as they hose not been given to us, are taken on enmity. 3rd. Half orphans,. whose remaloing parent Is corning something. and Is #ousettnently able to paint little towards their support. These ate called boarders. Ith. Soldiers' orphans—The State contract• support. them until sixteen years of age. One hundred and five of the children are now under State Control. The health of these children bas been. very good throughout the year. There has been but two deaths. one a young boy, who hmt been an Invalid for two years from eonsurn_ption. and a little ght—a soldier's orphan. They passed away instwo successive March morning. into the fadeless .sprlng of the celestial shone. There has not been any important change in the management of the family. Men. Sterling ontinues to 211 the position of matron. The uniform good health of these children we coo. •Ider a sufficient proof that they are properly fed and well eared for. Without such there wonld be a greateernortality where so many areguthered. Nitteteen little children are 12- mates of the nursery. Our former none. Mrs. Medley. after having had charge of this de partment for nine years. was obliged to return to her home In the west, leaving her place well supplied. The children are bright and Incase. I,Two. who when giTett to as well rate, hate become nearly as 'rigorous has the rent. We must also acknowledge th kind ness of Dr. 0. L. Miller inwatching oier the ailments to which childhood Is subjected. • For each of school. have ; ry fortwr.ate .In the our choice .. of t teachers. been M hos Ileney and Miss Miller are earnestly endeav oring to give their older pupils a good. Practi cal edumtlon. while the younger children arc anthem. Into a primary class. where the confinement or school hours In render leas irksome by singing nd gymnastics. Te older gi rls also form aa clan og sewl s ad mending, under the Instruction of the ma tron. The large increase In our family hair neces sitated the appointment of Purtbuing Com mittee. They, with the Visiting Committee, are molted to send In written reports to the monthly meetings of -the managers. so that the details of their -work may become familiar to all the Board. and all matters submitted to their discussions. . . The Tend) , letters required from the chil dren. or from those with whom they have been placed by the Board. have this year been very satlsfagtory. There Is an Increasing interest In their education and training. In this age. when the - Saviour is recognized as the friend of children, none feel he 'lnfluence mom than the orphan. Of thosewhose term of Indenture has ex pired. during the past year, six have remained In thehomes In which they were brought tip. The money due when of age has been paid and invested. One hits been educated to All the position of teacher. All prove to be honest and loduatrious. and some are tans latent MUD• he of EilitttllClU churches. -" - We owe much td our friends, as our list of donations will show. not only on the holidays: but through the entire year. Christmas was made very attructive for the children. Their tree was eiellsupplied with gifts, and the little ones were very glad to have a view of the ver itable Santa Claus. Mr. Julius Richter gave the children a pleasant aurorae party of Ice - cream and cake: other kind friends have sometimes varied their daily fare with a sup ply of fruit la Its season. while Mr. Hugh • Itichardson's donation of IMO enabled us to replenish their library. Much visitable nridstance has been gratu owl), rendered to the Managers In the dis charge of their duties, and It Is very encour aging to the Association to find year by yea*. more decided expression of the necessity of this work. H. Lornnor. rat FINANCTA. Meloßowing report of Mr*. B. Logan, Treasurer, was nest read. H. R. Leann, Treasurer. in account with PO/A -burVzoil,...:dlll/1, c ,r ri b u o l,Av i n • orphans during year half $ 879 55 Received by donations and subscrip tions 77 60 Received from Interest on Investments 9,373 36 Received from rent of property on Penn street .. • $93 00 Received from the State for educe- • • ' Ron and maintenance of soldier? orphans 15,6 e Received from fines of member. of Board of Managers 5 (9 . . 007 11 , 60—AM'ount due Treasurer per last $ s'7,Sa audited report 250 10 Expended by Furnhihing Connmittee for clothing and provisions 1.676 51 Eapanded.for. wagearaf employes.... Lae 00 Expended for Martel marketing... nn Cal Expended for salaries - • • 1,073 50 Expended for brew! 2.41 e to Expended for Meld • 2,542 oe Expended for milk 2,440 1P Expended for oral, ER IR Expended for gas 140 40 Expended for Physician's salary : .... ISO CO Expended for repairs ROI 511 Expended for drugs end mecleines... 346 67 Expended for school books ` 112 06 Expended for shoes 1.1.= 61 Expended for grading. llidge street. and sewer on Lincoln arC11120.... ... . 1.454 el Expended for Insurance 101 00 Expended for funeral expenses 51 42 Expended for sundries 7 44 Invested In forty shares Penney'. mallill Railroad stock 2.0:0 03 Cash In bank NV/ 75 ~ Due bills on Interest 4.000 01 Cash an band.. , 011--7,210,111 .127.52'? 511 - Therein - et* were accepted and elect. ' The exercises were cOatiMied. Miss Mary Mciihnly presiding at the organ and Profesolor W. H. Slack - leading, when the erhool aaain Joined In a lively Ming "The Household Pets" when Master Samuel Cunningham, in a very neat salutatory . a . dress, in behalf of his schoolmates returned their thanks to the managers and Patron. Or the helinm for their manifold kindness and care during the year. Nine of the little girls now Jollied In a recitation, "Gifts of the fairy Freddy u Heir neat talked of "Old diff .,..!: ,, a b ti t morons ween' t he contrasting toe girdneatly which the shams I e na Poetical ver by r dern . w m u y 7 la taU n liir t,r A ninn body'• who d ° 4 - was followed by Do what son can," a song by the member of the latent shut Cora Babbit a neat little Miss rejoicing in the weight of about six Fears, =La e wn indignant year old Proten agauht the tyranny of being compe ll ed to retire before seven o'clock and bei deprived of the pleasure Of Dab Jones. compury, and ail the enjoyment. of "moiety." The little performer was nerwitiTatadamiecl. Johnny Price next illustrated "whit I hate,- in a recitation which was followed by another - tong iby! the: lOW , The first Disiosue on the -P me was "Peter Sly participated in hy four boys, verynitied themselves well. manner Dew a mall boy, in a sprightly manner, related some of the grievances attendant upon the imaseaslon of a pair of "short le" chief among which was the impossibility o keeping quiet in school. with moth appendages. "the Races." o humorous recitation by Beta Smoth ers, was weil received, and created considera ble merriment by its ... take riff" of the foibles of rerrain classes of fmthionable society. , Freddy Heir and B. Wills, varied the programme at thin psdett. With a spirited Temperance song. entitled "They crowd us Awfully," In which the troubles of the whiskey seller" from the activity of temperance advocates, was happily represented. A dialogue "About Gambling.' by Mantels W. Dolby and W. Platt. depleted the evils of this practice from its commence ment funonif boys by "pitching cents," "play ing keeps,' and similar evidencraof Juvenile propensities la this [direction. A recitation: "The Prettiest Sight," was participates! to by seven little boys and aids, 'who described to their maternal guardian the prettiest sleds each had ever seen, numbered among which were "soldiers." "circus homes," "birds.' "sky," "redatigarhorses." nad jest the !un dren, nt the Sabbath tkhooL" - whicb was toted the palm. Jenuette Alfordpoetical reci tation Spoke of the "Voice of Nature," follow-, ed by "Sweet Bye and Bye," aoag, by the, girls of the School, which watt exquisitely! rendered. ' - The neat performance was dialogue, "The Little Philosopher," by two of the girls, in which the joys of labor In comparison with the tans* pf Idleness were discussed. Freddy lielr- again conic on 'the platform and deliv ered h patriotic declamation on the "Ameri can Ensign" In a very correct manner, The Her. Dr. Preston was then called upon, and delivered a very pleasant and appropriate address to the childrem,Which Wu listened to very attentively. Mr. McKnight also made a fete remarks, complimenting the children .upon their good conduct, and expressing the hope that they would always prove thus wor thy of the care bestowed upon them. The pro. !gramme was Wound up with the song, "Work, for the' night is coming." sang In a eldrited manner by the school, after which the Bene diction was pronounced, and the anniversary. ' exercises thus brought to a oleos. 011161IIIS AND MANMIERS. The patrons and contributors were called together immedatelft 'after the.dismlisien br .the scholars. when' the following officers and , innongers were chosen for the ensuing year: esi r P dent—Mrs. flannar,Dennr. Vice Preildent —Mrs. Mtn' Wilkins.' • Secretsry—Miss IL Lothrop, Treasurer-Mrs. It. 11 Logan. Mantigell—Mrs. H. Childs, Mr. W. Vankirk' Mrs. F. G. Ray, Mrs. L. Ilohne s s, Mrs. It. S. Hays. Mrs. George Mack, Mrs. J. Jennings. Mrs. Jamefi'Verner.Mrs.llll.CßUlPbell.Mri. F. Brunot, Mrs. John Heath, Miss Jane Holmes, Miss H. H.Sinith. The visitors and manngers. after the ad inurement, went 'through the building on a tour of the nod were highly plestred with the evidence filndshed them on every hand that the Asylilni . wits properly mansgen. The most perfect order and system seemed to Pervade In even- department. and the. elem. 'Mess. butte and even eleganoe manifest. to many Instances. were in the highest degree complimentary to the attention and faithful ness of the. matron and her assistants. .The ocensicen throughout, whether In the deport ment of the scholars and their evident ad vancement In moral MB well as mental culture._ or In the Inspection of Ihe Asylum. furnished additional proof of the eminently praise worthy character of this noble charitable inst it at ion. THE COURTS. Cnitra Nate* cotari-Jod.es Mel . ..Heim and 311e.liessao. • TezzinAr, May 10.—In the ease of J. C. An derson vs. ft: Schmidt & Cu. q being a bill for Infringement of letter" mdent.the preliminary injunction asked for was granted. the respOn 'dents having failed to make any defense. The first case called up for trial was that of H. E. Kline vs. thejlartford Fire lumarance Compa. This WAS nction to recover the !mount ny of Insumnce on pnmerty located In Scranton destroyed by lire. The case was brought Into the United States Court under the law authorizing insurance companies to minor, certain cases from State Courts to the United States (Antrim. Messrs. Furs iance And J. W. Handler. Kgrie,...Ptwar for plaintiff. and George Shims. Jr., Esq.. for defendants. On trial. District Coen —lodge Hampton. Tr [spiv - , 10.-..1n the ernes of William A. MeMnnuus and thigh Tree vs. Allegheny Valley Railroad Company. the Jury found for the plaintiffs In (nem of McManus In the cum of WO end la favor of Tux for fillre.• W. IL Leahy vs. J. IL Nobba. Action on a book account. The Jury was aubsequently withdrawn and Judgment confeased for $3B. David Meldrum at ax. vs. Thomas A. Mellon. Action to determine the ownership of prop erty which had been levied on by the She'll! Jury discharged by , consent. and case mated for the opinion of the Court. Alen. Kepple vs. William A. Metlurg. blcrllrn interpleader. Verdict for the plan t I ff. • Willie!mina Klonk of al 'ca. Hartley Holden et of. Netlon as to ownerablp Of proporty teired by the tOseriff. On . Following la tke trial Hat forlo.day: Jaantiti ra. ltmdlhelm & &fielder. H. Shephyrit on. tiehoontnaker. W. Barton ill. Itlae2 . • • 11. Mcßoberts,. flack. • 12. Uhl. rattenion & Co. en. Mich. et al. li. Lorish es. Kish. B. 'Reliclrey.fleo. & Co. co. lititehl.on et al. Iloort of Common Pleas -410ilre Tricati&Y, May 10.—la the case of ,lernes Stewart as.. Stewart. Dixon .k CO.. the jury found.for the plainciff W the cum of S4WD. Conrad Opperman c..llllnillo.Ktityler& CO.; net lon on a hook account- Verdict for plain tiff for thekom nt Mc). 7111/It. 1.11 , 1 . ron vervomemar. I. Allegheny . (Monty T. Thompson. Edmondmin vs. Administrator of John Neel. Is 9. Ovris es. Juobs et al. 19 . lardi W fielmasn Rash. an vs. -UV.. W. N...hlennuinar. trustee. U. liaTton. lid. Presbyterian Church of Plum Creek mall.. Met Reed et nt., • . • . . , Int. Borland en. Darlington et az Mi. Beatty v.. Hanauer. ' Hoard of Health ♦e: Conrad). Shaffer vs. Shaffer. Quarter neatlaits . —luage turfrett. Tv May In. I'. unit David Hatch plead runty to a churn, of forrible entry nod detainer. Feynenre deferred. . Joseph McKee was acquitted on a charge of relline liquor • wltbohre - license. and Hobert Crawford, the prosecutor. was ordered to pay the costa. • • John Fleming. Esq., was appointed Road etipervieor of Neat Deestownship, vice Alien Aber resigned. William Minitnium, indictedfor fonds et cet., was declared not guilty. but directed to pay the costs. Peter Wilber, convicted of felonious assault Ind . battery upon oath of Michael M'Ouire. was nenteneed to the workhouselot t n months and to m a One of one hundred e dol lars. The sante defendust mat tried for ill, gal liquor selling and convictml. On this charge he wan sentenced to pay a llne:of.oue hundred dollar, James The actw ried for Illegal liquor sell- Ina. • The Jury auitted him and directed Robert Crawford, the prosecutor. to pay the costs. John Stein.indleted for resisting an tinker. The Jury found a verdictof not minty and directed the prosecutor, John Chess,' to pay the cost. The jurors in atterolaure were then neatly diteharged. 'Judge Sterrett elated that when they were called together it was .I:rented t het there would be business sufficient to-no copy two weeks. The cues disposed of. how ever. were an that the District Attorney could get readijor trial. and the others would go over until the nest term. COAL SHIPMENTS. Thse Wearilesss a liesteriley. Our noel dealers Were up to time In being Prepared for the present rise In the rivers. and have got out an Immense quitatity of_blitek diamonds for the port. tielobst 11ePendent nu Pittsburgh for their supply of fuel. We have to-dot to report, In addition to thidepartures onnonneed Sesterderi the-followings MR CINCINNATI. • Tosr Bouts. ROW.. bate. . Bustleii. Whale 310,0e0 Leopard 90.000 Liar.' 1 . z , A . 130.00:1 Niagara ''lo -, 110.0 W Greyhound .......,- I 154X0 Coal Valley 9 16)031 Coal flute. ..ig M i 1104X0 OOD' Resolute No. 3.. , .. 3 . 84. Lotnavit.r.r.. ',m , 6 aker— =MOO Lake P.rte N 0.3.. C Fred Wile. N 0.2. 3 5 1:10.018) Reindeer 4 13 31 4 000 Llonesa 4 ii UMW Horner N 0.2 3 8 Ife.ooo Venture , 3 2 • Arai Warner • 8 • , 106.18%0 WM The Mysterious Departed Some time idnee's mailsnide his appearance at the United States Hotel, Buffalo, New York, and registered his: name as Oeo. Smith. He appeared to have no friends or acquaint. lances In the city. hut sponsor* maay and be came quite well known. He never gave any ac count of his, past history, however. A few weeks ago be became sick and died, even on his deathbed maintaining a studied reserve regarding his antecedent.. He wan burled, and the circumstance made known through the column% of the &rpm& with a description of him, which elicited a reply from Miss Annle 11. Munn, of Trenton, New Jersey, together with a photograph of her father, who had been missing from home, and who answered to the description given of Smith, the de ceased. The photograph was recognised as a correct likeness of Smith, who was the. Idea. tined as Seth C. Nunn, of Trenton. The lady stated she would hare the remains brought borne for Interment Within het mother. The Buffalo Express, In aiding an account of the affair, also says: I . ."Since the above wattput in type we getatUl anothersinffular tine. Holmeajafferty & Co.. of East Liberty, ffennsylvanla,,write In the Interest of Mr.. Seth C. i Pl . ,unn regarding this mysterious dead man. Snt describe hint quite accurately. He left East Liberty with a sum of misty to bay, cattle some month' WO, And was not heard from WWI our pantgraph float ing about la the newspaper. attracted Mrs. Munn's attention. It is anspeeted that, after leaving Trenton, or while on one of his trips as a drover, he married thin second wife. re sa :Te 'd I n at makes hnoommheltitlioan"i,'ftear was second Measures have been taken to unravel tg s chapter of the mystery of vaeOrge Smith: - L=a=l We not a plineivat j adertaking to keep "Batch.lees - k1411,'! There's always a great deal of trouble attending it. What with 'title cookies and mending', the cleaning and mar keting, and the Multifelotis duties attendant ming the regertatunis4 thelsolfeehold,' a man has about all hie time occupied. and is subject to untold vexation beside. Paulus and John Pehauber tried the plan—took tarn about at it. They have at last brought up at Justice Heinel's office. It happened this way: William says John was on duty and found that the prterlsions ; was vetting low. H. applied for tag dollars and neeetreg There urn" no perceptible Warsaw' In the table IteCOMMOdAtiOtta, and llpoo Invat r Viatfon William says he dicoovered thepaddy of John—be bad used the money for his own• per tial gratifications. William's story formed hebasis of an Information for false pretence, madhich a warrant for John's smut wee is FATAL ACVDENT. • • Oise Man Killed. and a Day Dangeronely Ili.oded, • • An accident of a most shocking character occurred yesterday morning. at the Coal Works of Messrs. gels. Foster & heir, on the Allegheny Valley Railroad, at Sandy Creek. by which one man was killed instantly, and a boy wee seriously, and perhaps fatally in jured. Mr. James Iternsdon, a conl miner, and a young man by the name of Fullmer, It appears were ascending the Incline from the coal tipple to 1 the . check-hoase .in an tehmecthyeckcob e al r ,c w ar hlch "' “h d iall b lha n c o e m e e top a ped ccid t e h n e t descending car, became misplaced and failed to stay the loaded car, which run over the tipple. The empty car being drawn up by the descending one we drawn over the drum at a fearfol.rate of speed, and Ole. Ramedon's Bend struck an btu bar above 'the drum. eplitting hie skull and scattering his brains In every direction. Ilia neck was also broken. killing him instantly, leullmer's bead also etruck the iron b. and ills skullwasfrac tared. but he was dill living at last ace nuts. Cornoner Clavreon was notified and re red to the place where the accident occurref yes terdey forenoon, to-bold an Ropiest o the body of Mr. Rainsdon, but we did not. cer tain what verdict was re dered. The er n:ice wee... Cording to th statement f an informant, however, pure y accidental and the verdict will protnib y be ntal denth:". . FIRE IN EAST IBERTT. stable sad Two Homo tenhied—supprified In. Arrested. .Atont kalf-past one • o'Clock Yeaienler morning a lire occurred in the Twenty-first Ward, which burned actable and two valuable horses belonging to Mr. Jacob Maleell. The fire was evidently the wori of an Incendiary. ,at the stable Was not euntigumw to any other end there ere of r. isell's famliT emPloyes w ti the st able s about the stable Ma after dark. Jame* Rena who had formerly been em ployed by Mt. M. as driver.-bot had bean dis charged, wali suopected of setting the build ing on fire. Mid k woo - rant wits Issued by Fire Marshal Joseph A. Butler. upon which He era. amended and Melted up In the Tombs. He will have a hearing thle morning. • Real Estate Transfers. .The folloWing are the deeds admitted of record in the office of Thomas H. Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny county, Tuesday, May 10, IMO t • ' Lewis Baum et al. to A, it Weisser, April 31. 11170. three lots in Bloomfield. lath ward. Pittebargh, with bundles& 1400 Jae. Drown to John L. Fleece, Merck 31, IBM; • lot 31 by 31 feet en Jane street, Rant Ilir ngham. with building, roBo3 Martin Kelly to Jacob Schaffner, May 7.1870; two lota in Alleritoivn borough, with build inl.o(l Fran g c s is Hamm to 11. H. Kreimeyer, Ap k rll 1 0 , ISM; 9 acres and 90 perches of land In Elisa beth tp 1.3.075 ,C. Splitting toJ. H. Oberdick, March Min% acres of lend in Elizabeth to 91,473 John Drown to Wm. talker. May 7. lank lot Ill) by 00 feet In • Union tp ...... . _..t • }Lite Margaret Lockert to George Brooks. Tebru'r 01, 1870; lot .fillfy 111 feet on Shank street, Pittsburgh Ear. wm. Robinson to John N. Monti. April lot SC - by 26 feet in 7th ward, A11e ........ . H g . .et ...... . loft;lCletnee. tiiotwr M balk Ai by 140 feet on Fourth street. In the Lionnugh of aloffeerport. with building., Rasa. Joseph Rome el al. to George Shoenberger et al.. May 9, PM: 40 by 15 fret on yedar s bu treet, Itiormilield, Sisteenth wnrd, Pitt,- r •' Jamesg h •Venkirk to M. liicklans; Octobersl. 231. IDA lot N 0.31 in Robb's plan. In Temper .ceville. with bnildliws $1,3X1. Adam Towre to .1. F. McDiflin. May ;, pdf4 40 by 100 feet on Mount Wanhington *OS William M. Clancy to .iohn.nynd, Atir ll, l , l v 14. • 16:0; 40 by MP feet on Chartiers stree G Alle gheny City , with building. to Catha ine Da. April lel. MO; le by lo n feet on Main street. nn Allegheny City, with buildings. ... . 2 , ICAO. C. Risenhatier to Jtodice Schermer. March 10, Pffie 31 by laa feet on (knees tenet, fifth ward. Allegheny City, a - ilk buildings . KW). ml The .tockholders of the American Hank held t heir. eau.) meetlut ye.tenlagnt their bank ing hmtse, tO Fourth avenue, for the election of a Ward of Directors. The following gen tlemen were unanimously elected to Sen . e durict , c the year: John Floyd. Pr.litent. Wm. Floy Thome. DI. Marshall. William T. Shan mm. W. Arndt. Cha.. & Leech, John M. Alurtland. Archibald Wallace and Jame. T. Kelley. the following e resolution, were adopted r e n pr n t. Imousy: ftcsobcdabot the stockholders of the-Amer 'Ml Bank hoveheard with high sall.faction the m.0..0f the'Auditont, which exhibit, it.. opermionot during the tint •yenr of its exist ence. • . Rargoril, That the thank. of the anckhold ors are due. and theyare hereby tendered, to our excellent President, John Floyd, Esq., and our able Cashier, William Floyd. Lob. for the nicer. sad econieny with which they have conducted the lignite of the bank dating the bast year. Inatitution of the kind that h. been es tablished in our city has. no I far as we know. succeeded hater than the American flank. The exhibit made yestenlay wasmost flattering. Isar moat namable friend John Flo} d, Esq.. who presides river the institution. has proved himself to be. as all who knew his eminent qualifitions ft.. the position h etelt mars he would a ant rate toorcier. - compliment paid both hlmnnd thn reorder In the abut resolutions of theerock holders wan well mer ited. - Penn islrivvement ramonlaalonent Nouvin.ged. Monday evening •meeting of owner.. on Penn avenue wa• held at Temper ance Mil. /but Liberty. to nominate candi a lem for Mr ronimboitiners to conduct the propoord improvement of the avenue. Joseph Woodwell, Esq.. prmided. with)lr. Fmk Van Border at Secretary. After some discuttion the following were nominated: William P. Shinn. hut.. Paul Lingua, F.sq.. Dr. A. J. Dario, lion. John P. Fenny. Dr. A. 11. Bows, Dr. J. J. Marchand. Dr. It. C. Beatty, Henry Monhold, Monet Phil.. lips, Beni. F. Candevert and H. H-Tomer. A committee, consisting of Metier". Wm. Coleman. T. 11. Hamilton and C. W. Batchelor. was appointee' to jointer Into the legality of toting by proxy. with Instructions to report to the Judifeeof Election. The candldatem,nt the snggettion of Mr. Hatchelor. expre.eel their sierra on the mat ter..Pledglng themselves. It elected, to per form the work to the fullest extent of their ability. The following reiolution was then ;owed: Rewired, That persona living on Penn ave nue, and entitled to vote for geld Commie.lon hrs, shall base the right to vote at said election '.,, crony.m eeting then adjourned. Allegol INroany Our laws mate no provision for e plurality of mien—except to punish the possessor of mops than one better half. It In natural to suppose that the property would be enough punishment. but It semen that It in not always sufficient. 'There are some men who have no fear of the lan' on that point, among which Hugh Burns seems to occupy a place. Yester day Hugh was brought from Cleveland. lie slatted that citya short time ago, leaving Ptitsturrgh WIT hntlly—he had a better half here whom he thought he'd _better not meet. She came all the way from Ireland to me him. She Wisess long comlng.that Hugh, It la said, forget her hod united his fortunes with another fair .Dukinea, with whom he dwel t happily until the appearance of No. . This lady made Inquiries. and heard of his departure and other matters. The two wive, had a meeting which resulted in an Informa tion before Alderman McMasiers against Bores for bigamy. William O'Neill, the broth er of one of the ladles, being prosecutor. An officer was dispatched to Cleveland and secur ed his mon. Yesterday a hearing In the case was had when Hugh gave ball In the sum of 11.010 toe his appearance at court to answer the charge. E=l Corunor Clawson yesterday morning em pannelled a Jury to hold an Inquest on the body of Patsy Collins, who was murdeied at No. VI Third avenue, Monday night. an ne tount of which we published yesterday.. The Jury after viewing the body adjourned to meet at v A. C. this morning In order to hear the testimony of I/r. McCook. who had been re quested to hold a pod mortcm esarninntion. About ten o'clock yesterday morning Daniel Kerr woe arrested and taken to the lock-up, and the officers were searching for John Nich olson all night. Yesterday morning Chief Hague mods infor mation, from Information received...charging Carrie John Nicholson and Daniel Kerr with the murder. 1.197,000 • • • . - •It Is quite evident from . whatian already trumpired that Carrie Jones and Kerr, if not actulartielmtn In the crime, know more about- thnn they are willing to admit, but we I that there le tmtlmouy dearly Indi cating who *truck the fatal blow. • About eight o'clock last evening Nicholson tune to the lock-up and delivered himself up to the authorities. lie stated that he had been to Sewickley. Qateessrare. Keystone ttecessenre, as Liberty i Street i Keystone eenssrare, :en liberty Street Keystone neenswere, art Liberty Street " . The celebrated Keystone Quieenaware tan only be had at No. NC Liberty street. The ProPrietors. Messrs. Kier & Co.. have a full and complete ittock, from a toy cup to the fin est tea setts. Call at fie ll id ool .tr too t. k. at Milt price agar's, tat Lim Ith Webster'. Unabridged Dietienary et Use's. MI Smithfield street. field The Caireeese , ssi chstier,eit F4ra.... Smith street near 'Me alley. Haute; Ileamel, Law; Tbeelogleal, 80hnol , nml all Mans et Bookrat Egan e.Bmithaelol areal, near . Amin aDe Vol. rpm la lie mew store has reptentshed his etoOl na tit Implotot of new am! popular Works, Iln their departmental , which he la cloe Ott et hen the mama prices. Call on him at mlthtleld Strata, near Virgin alley. The ISMlrer Sers4ll; Meeliterhas More reel Improvements than any other yet Invented. Come and see It. 19sauw h MORTOS. No. 3) 811th street. Cklitres's Carriages, wholesale and mail, at Imubildre's, ITt Bmltbleld street. Examine Slaw, finr..ed sawing ElWane and ton dectde It lobo ahead of all others. etnAW & MORTON. • ' • ; N 0.20 With Wed. ou ilrosimw—A)l kind' of brushes, of C. 0.. OW% Manufacture, at Lougdilddie, 1 7 1 Smithfield street. Tor looking glasses and picture frames Rota LouStrides's. in eminateid street. .;:F E^,_ ~3i ° 1 3,z ~.c,''i.~l 3~wxt .. ,-x..>,?r~nr:.,;xz ..k`+rtr~'r4~,' JAMES T. BRADY & CO Occupation of theft Elegant New Banking Home. Cotner of 51..1h Avenue mid Wood Street. MeAnn, James T, Brady & Co.. bankers and brokers, hime just taken possession of the ma g nificent nem banking building. Which graces - and :Worms the corner of Fourth avenue and Wood street, and • which wan built on the site of the old es• especiallytahlisLal Louse, f.t .for nhefirm.. Lnihliug is a conspicuoun crmtribrdlort to the architectural entlndlielimenta of the city, end reflects much credit In the good . tante of the owners, and the proficieney of the architect and builders. It Itas a front on Wood" street of sixty feet. and a depth of forty feet running parallel 'and front ing Foarth avenue, the corner being rounded off gmcefnlly, to lend effect to the general proportions of the building. Front the pavement to the roof it is nisiy.four feet high, The basement, surrounded on the street fronts an area, in 10 feet high in the clear. 'lle first story, 16 feet, aecond.l4 feet, third, 12 feet 10 inchen, and the fourth in II feet 0 inches, all in the clear. ' The flair of the first stun' in rained four feet above the pavement. - - The walls of the basement are of stone, the outside sur faces of which an, cut work,the other walls being constructed mainly of brick, faced with pressed brick. with attunes or hinds of Mont., built at regular intervals, and extending around the two (Mitts. Benitlex these bands, there is a moulded belt coat. running around the building: at every story. 'flu, window heads are also formed of attenuated blocks'of stone and bricks. circumscribed by moulded stone tables.. The two fronts are nor. mounted by n heavy bracket vendee: The stair hall door-which is at the extreme end of the Fourth avenue front, and also the entrance door to the first door (i. e. into the banking noun) have cut stone fmmen around the entire opening*. The principal feature of the building consists, Ist in the blending or the two mine, viz: of stone and brick, in the two fronts, both of these materials forming a strong vet harmonious contrast color, whiilt has been brightened by laying the brick in Muck mortar; Id, in the outline of the window and Maer Openings theme being half circular style, but the labels of • head being ovenprung, from a "slight isdnted arelt,lllus imparting to the struct ureaneul.tietlhic appearance. This fea ture in pmnervisi in all the openings. The Nilllle door frames are surnenutted by: a head Mere, timid,: in its chametcrywith appropriate ornamentation. 31ensrs. Brady h f'o's. room, is ear of the finest in the city', being large, well lighted and ventilated. 'The floors are In terlaid with black walnut and yellow pine, while all the desks, counters and shelving Arent oiled walnut trimmed with ash. The counters nee elaborately carved. - 'lit,' veldt in especially worthy attention, as it fn 0111. Of the stannshest lire anti burglar proof deinsdtorien in the city.. Within itself am own Ntfes, ettels of a 'supe rior character and limit made of steel anti Iron, and armed with impregnable bolts and ham. • bidets], the firm might give the Inrgent liberty set burglars to obtain their funds: for their skill in the use of Motet and gunpowder would prat, of no avail on solo Itingterlv works of mechanical .ingenuity, as the vault and 'cafes contained therein. 'ro the rear of the main banking noun bethe private consultation mom, ele gantly fitted and furnished for the rs:cu. piney of the firm. Altogether the new banking 111111 W inn mrstel in its .way, and affitols the greatest 1./Milli.. facilities - for the easy and proper. .trannaction of the large nhare of business directed towanls the farm. The banking house of James T. Brady tt Co. was originally established in 16:11 by Siblieu .5; Jones, who were in turn sue needed, In 1818, by S. Jones k Co. In 1e66 James T. BradyAr.-Co. succeeded the latter first,no that the same house,. in an unlit. ken chain of succession. reaches as far bask-as tith and takes place• among our oldest banking institutions. 17nder its present auspices and clever financial man. agement, it has not - only sustained the high repution won in the past, but added largely to its f Sends and-patrons The firm today enjoy the fullest measure of public confidence, and worthily too, for they con duct their business in a systematic man ner, Opgleciittg it in Imilepartment,—thus, whit• guarding their own interests, pro testing those of patrons and depositors. . • 1 H. ROSENBACH 11%. Pepsis.. Perfume and PaSrsi SfeOrier Drpel, Nov. I SO Mmlthlleld Wrest' Mr. 1,. 11. liosenharit, although ancoey. the yinin g est of 4,1, energetic and pers.. , verin g hinnies. Men. bun iscceciltsi hies tablishing, in first class St le. a drug and perfolue Isms.. which .cq M, in point of arrangement 'and stock, a y in the city. Being thontughly oilman I in the inix terice of phaimacology, MI posted by long • practice Mai exp. knee In all branches of the trade, Mr. liosenbaelt eaccessfully competes • with the older holiness fora large share of patronage. Ills elegant store room has recently been thor oughly refitted nail overhauled, and pnaents an exceedingly bright and cheerful appearance. The stock is fresh and varied, enihracing . not only all .the conceivable ingredients of medicine but all the standard patent prep. amtioua before the Atne . rican public. Of. the latter a specialty is made, and metiers can procure any pill, powder or decoction manufactured in this country and worthy place among the really good medicinal preparations of the day. l'hyeicians' pre. scriptione are rare f ally and aecu ratel,y com pounded at any hour of the day or night. In this department especially is the house worthy of patronage, an Mr. Rosenbach Is an I,perienrect phaninteentiet himself, and bin assistants Sr., thoroughly educa ted, painstaking and competent. .Mr. lineenhaelt is agent for the sale of the celebrated and univontally praised ",'Kasiarine," a • prepamtirm or pomade which Is warranted to rectum gray hair. He also eel], Kidder St Wetliemra Raven Inic'the beet indeilible ink in this market. We cannot today take occasion to enume rate all the leading specialties which-en ter his stock but would invite our readers to call and Pee for themselter, It would not be well, however, to . omit culling at tention to the magnificent fountain which graces tho store, and from - which most re freshing and reviving draughts, of pure, sparkling mineral water may beahtamcd. Altogether Mr. Roaenbach's store is a model in Its way and worthy Large patn,n -1 age.. The proprietor is urterms, fair dealing and honorable, wit' e hi. 'assist ants are polite and attentive to all comers. We earnestly Commend the mow to the patronage of our readern, nowing that they can no ' where else deal to better advantage. Th. quietest, Rabic% running, easiest man aged and lout troublesome Sewing Machine In the nottket Is Singers Improved. Ntturr h Mnirrorl. No. al Sixth street, tee beam.—The Ice cream season has fairly opened, and lovera of the delicious article are having their tastes gratified. Among the best place. in the city for this pumose Is the popu -1 arr ladles' and gents' coafectionery,_ Young ,x,raer of Smithaeld street and Diamond shier, In addition to the attraction of the best l ee cream, cakes, and the delicate et refer:is, this establish:neat Iv provided with a sample ousnining-room, where at any hour of the day ladles and gentlemen min appease their appc tiles with the dalatiest luxuries of the season. Ye hungry one'a call at loung:m:l*i. The persons most easily won over to Bin gees Improved Sewing Machias, ere those who have been accustomed to use other machines. ftit.Sw & MOtrro, No. 23 Sixth street. try Mrßr•wl , agtara from 45 Ninth atirct Nololitoit Cop and smoker.' complete ( mitt at Megratv'e, o. 43 Ninth street. Flue cut umok lug and chewing tobacco, bent brands, at litegraw'n, No. bi Ninth street. • Tobarrooania. c lar 17, DlDeff, krt svh I —l and retail atidegrava No. 4 4 - Ito 3-00 want antelogant Meerschaum? Me grow. No, OnNint h street, has an the varieties. Fine Game Dinner at Holtattelmer'i Conti. neatal to-day. con v TAlti. m . 7l "gr.7o:PAlT4'4,,l,b„t et the Continental to-dv. 13 9 ye.111.4•Y VAX e bright beamit,,i day, and the streets were thro e with ladies. One of the chief centres of at ction for them was Moorhead's, No. Cl Mark t street , where Ilthe latest fashions in fem et attire.were l i splayed in rich and .elegatt ;mon, .The atom presented • brilliant - a penance from the happy combination of ban some faces and gorgeous millinery. lace goods, trimmings,. and.all the varieties composed lea fleet class fsahionable emporium. Moorhead's Is the Nape to buy. &worldling about the Continental bespeaks the care exercised by the genial proprietor. Mr. Holt:delete?. In arritliflog for the comfort and convenience of 44 pea.. The Continental is always open, silvan pop ular, and the place 'where hungry patront.are Moray eure to have their appetite appeased la on Fifth avenue below the Poston:lee. • ilioneroadr Cathartic brawls used I salt, cases Instead of pills, castor 011, epsom ,dc. Highly flavored. Twenty-dte cents. Try It. Bold by all druirlota. -; • THE AMERICAN BROILER For Nate by Firming. 10;new 61 No 6. b 2 •nd 64 Thlrd A.enne. An eminent French 'physician, Who Mil, traveled through America. Itel u rned home and Wittt, a book on our national • and domestic habits.. In his observations • he was particular to note that' "the Amer . lams do not know the value of beef. They fry ;m i d simmer. the essence in a primitive pan, and present it to the hun gry man as a baked chip. Broiling, they either do not know. or else they are too indifferent to adopt it in preference to the easier method of preparation for the In- Ilk' i Ile was right. The ordinary and cu,tonutry mot hod of - dishing np' the .jueles't sirloins and most tempting cuts is not the best; for, iti frying Ini , at,.i , ranch, if not all, of the sustaining, health-giving and .nourishing qualitien are lost. ' They go up the chim ney. ITinvever, this state of things was brought about becautse lace naive genius wan slow to present an easier method of cooking. • To.dav we maystife, y annitunce the desired end has been OW ned. The "Amerfran Broiler" acenniplinhea all that is wanthd. It broils bet 4 in , such a mam ner that it is rendered net only' palatable but retains all its nutritious qualities. A cut of the culinary instrument in another column will, perhaps, better ill udrate the virtues of the broiler than an language we • might adopt: - Simp in its construction, it ix one -of - the grandest kitchen inventions of the age, and we cannot well conceive how any household could remain without ft broils rapidly, efficaciously and completely over wooden fires, coal fires or gas bunt ers It sutlers no odor to escape, and can to' fitted to any sine of stove or range. .11 can be used for roasting corn and nuts, for popping corn and any othei,like phrposii, and is sold at the ti,* priced of if'.2 each. The well known and enter prising firnt of -Fleming. Agnew k Co., V oS ; WI , And IU Third avenue. nru the soh , p.wiprictors for this in6lunble invention nit ;these parts and they allow a liheral disci mitt to the trade. 'They have alm R fine fltioinrttnenf of general tin ware, Jimmies' stock, fine Japan ware and house-furnishing hard ware of all descriptions in store And for 'kale, We commend them to the patronage of our rendersmi eminently worthy a share . of their orders • When comparison* hear.' been made by skill NI mechanics betWeed.rlial sawitur.machine. their Judgment has been invariably in favor o Singer's im'prueed machine. Seitaw Sr !dolma, No. :JD Sixth street. The Continental will In ready far rinitnn at ilny hour twilay. It to loCatPil flit Firth ave nue, below the"Poatolllee. Ihaduesa 1110.11 and rithen , whin can appreciate a alc“ atind health ful repast • , hould trot. In at the Cinaltitail al. The' Spring Stork of Henry Hale. Mer chant Tailor. nt corner of Prim rune nod titzth atrret. huge rte. Mon sieur Itonimin continues to prcside ut the cut t( OM WIIITSIDUE-Dn the evening of tt, hith EDWIN F. %If tTmoitr. • Ills funeral will take place on Wtte..stial . . al 10 o'clock a. Sr.. from residence I•I Lin fatner.No. 140 Penn street. t PALMS:It—On Monde. nionnne.lll4 9. IS7O. oclock. MAXIE FL/laughter of Henry and Jennie Palmer. aced g year. and 6 months: Funeral from the re...dente .4 her parent.. No . 22 Stockton avenue, Allegheny. on %V CON E,ll/11,. at 2P. 5. The friend, Of the family ore melted to CRATE—Enattend. Tumetnv r morning. at 2 o'clock. SAMUEL .young nent non of W. J. and NnIICY .10'd e 4 mth... The funeral .111 take place from the remittent. of Mr parent., No. Al Pal.. Alto atreet. Allegheny Pity, Tuts ATTCIO:OON. et 2 o'clock. The friends of the family are respectfully, har:ted to attend. NEW ADVEkTISEXENTS. JOHN M. COOPER & CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOIVIOTIVE VIII ROLLING RILL BRASSES Made Promptly to Order gABI3ITTS mad 4 and Kept oii Hand J. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee ST EAM PIT MP. M- k 14.2 I;KNN wrunrrr. FlFlalOry • l'orner tirrit and itAtiaok All ...±TitKr.v.....!),ktt,burgh " rr ' cr. "r CITY ri;W,Z.litiN,,"siTx"ii.rigiii It . NOTICE TO CONTRACTOOM.—SeaI / N En Prllpoanlo for the Grading. Paving and Corbin, of the following strevt, TIIIIITY-FIItST STREET fnlnt Liberty street to tho A Ileitheny _ FURTII:7II STIMICT tramßutlerstreet o Penn Frltt:ET ft , nt I4tifitnl to OM ntreeL . t'ir;E r iNllCAfn".x.r.rv i iin f ..j l " l l:7:2l%7l:4 ! lth street to Twentv,ighth street. _ CATIIKTIINX ALIALI In... Lonna etrcet to Caarat Ptreet: Al.. for the construction of the following publi An 181 n. pipe sewer DIAMOND STREET (non Smithfield street to Chem alley. An 181.11 pipe sewer' PATRICKS AI, 4 EY rem Miltenberger alley tollisk street. • Will be received at this Mare until 3 o'clock P. a. MONDAY. M ar 16.. 1573. bide.tee no.erse the right to reject any or al Specifications and blanks for bidding eon he bad at this 41 , 111 e, No bids Will be received un less made upon blanks furnished by thin office, tu It. J. MOORE. rn _City Eacinenr. It M. McCOWAN J. NtcMOWVI R.ll. l 3l'Cowan&Co, BOULEVARD PAVERS; hidewalls,Cellars, Inside Yards, Drires. ke. WARIL\NTEO AI.AINMT ( lIA S(.ISS OP ((EAT AN! ? (IR o.urrrr. 0111ce.ornt 39 FEDICItA. STREET, Allegheny. promptly attended to. Frr Refer by perraferlon Lyon,Sborb & Co., 11ro. Park, Hartley, leeKee Co for J. Dub. cam mylerld BALTIMORE 11E11 RING. SII AD, dc. —New Need In in barrel. and halves; new do Shad In barrels and baleen No.l Markers]. nil Olsen of parkrairon No. dn. ell rhea 11,,re'rr,e14r, No. 3 ,1 d o " = " grZleri k ZETVll: Josh. bad' rm g rrene Lnerador Hewing, hanwle and balers, Salmon In kW: Ifollemd Ilersing, 100 kea• choice. For Pale low ro WATT, IA; A CO 7 7'l and 17R W wrl nl . Livingston & Co. Manufacturer of LIGHT MIRY IRON CASTINGS. 1,1 ht:nqkG.:;l7ll‘tif 11571_e_jo',;".n"Antt.'"'. rticle. of IJunklers'ittarnwarohnotoyaion.nanol.b' c Orllco t end Works, near Outer Dpot, Allegheny Hy. 10.1031. addreAr, Lock Dor 302. litho burgh. Pa. Ja29.tlS GEORGE 1. - TROUPE, Silk _flats, Wholesale end Retail:No.o3 FIFTENUE. Pittsburgh. Pa. Old lints renovated andsmodel ed top resent ' , Ole. blocked and repaired. this by the American Comforter. All orders promptly attended to, CHARLES P. STRIUHT, Carpenter• and Bailder, Will proruetly aiaend lo all kinds of Jobbing wort. Olt uld water tankmeinadalo order. No. 171 North avenue. corner Webster atreet, Allegheny. Pa. anal:wet CI FORGE HEFLICK, CI • . HMO) WOOD WORKEtt, • No. 47 :1 , 1 , 1"., SvarnsT. comp, of Webster are nue. FRONT and VESTIBULE UOOlO3 made le „ ` r. All All binds of Furniture repelred mul var. nlnh tusfe6 bl Pormlulon b, David Aiken, th..l Nsasnrer. na710....01 CHEAP . • wrovxii ANIS TINWARE. FT-NMI/11N • C OAL BOXTA. FIRS /KOZO. A 4. Ae_. at = I 0/Prei ur CITY ENOlN.ltallienntrok.i Prrneuuntt, May 11th. Iwo. NOTICE,—Tho Aesesements for the Grading and raving of Pkutsant Miry fn. 'tiny-third to I , odr-fourth greet. are now reariT for enuninat ion, and cari•be 1.0011 at this oface an t/I 140SDAY. MAT 2 BTYLlS7ll..shann. Intl Da returned to the elty Treasurer's orate for collec tion. 4 . ; t. M(XiitE, men vier Enittnerr. • 'Vigil, 'FISH. '" 14a .b Leto IleninXi • " Whits - • "No: IL: 9 and 3 Iducitorel—all shed Pkgu; Labrador Mackerel; Round Herring: Cod Mau at WATT. LANOACO.'S. ( - .91 • No. 113 and 1,4 WaM Sc. FINEVOLONG TEA.—Just 'veered ■ fresh Invoice oeestre Sereee 00loot to. 'cuddles, for femlly use: new liner In the market: for We by the pound or Witty. at the noisily Gm eery Store of . . • 4011 N A. RE.VBI.IAW. 10 Corner Liberty and Ninth .tree Ls. 111=017Z.Eon Ecrter. • J. A CAlf PHEW. 141 Mat avenoic Chi CREESE, a NI baxea tio•batt . Jr Cbaem b 14.1 boxes Factory, re c z aueLD 141 Ftrat. amnia , _ ....„ < ZYa • . ," =I - • rirrsnrunn. thty 9th. 1870. fl y' T ini M i MISERS OF THE UNION RECURIA 'AN El PATTI VE COMMIT TEE.: f.sr Allegime, county are notated to meet in the IitSTRI , T Vil 'lrr 1101131. at the Conti lieu,. on SATI'ItIIA V, 3 ay 14th. 1570. at 1 Weloilt n. at- t..r the inn, .:e of determining and fixing r the time of meeting o Count, i , nr , ." . . " r Con. rention% to place 1;7 ., nomination a Itepublivan ticket for the tall airman., and for attending to Ruch other hiinines.lo, may he brought before the Comniittee. A f all aitendanre I. earnestly re quentt.d. . W. S. I.I . I tVIANVE, Chaintan. WALT. Meet's, tiKo. r,crvthr,e, • mytl , w 7.? CANDEDA'rES. Ea - -FOll. COUNTY COMMISSIONER. GEORGE NEELEY, Of 31arshall Township. subject to the dectsion'of the Union Republican County Otnvention. aphYda /a ar FOR corn Y COMMISSIONER. BENJAMIN DOUTHETT, Of Indiana township. Is n candidate for County Conarnisebner. In suhordinittlon to the decision of the Republican Convention Eat modus In rebus. ardftwrtbdAT • DT.FOR ASSEMBLY. DAVID L. FLEMING, Yeatber of City Conned. from the deventh Ward. dhttaburdh. itl the solicitation of numerous friends. Phi boa candidate for the As/tenthly:subject to air decision of the Union Republican Convention. It'finiCan has been for a number of years, and te atnrehent, connected with the GAZwrdw office f3PECIAIr.L - NOTIOES Titan," 137.-DIVIDEND.—The Directors or this Hank hare this day leelare,l a divi dend !I I SIX Plilt CENT. out of the of the tret Isnsontlis.tree,of all taret.Parahid on and after the Itllth Inst. JMIN H. LIVINGSTONE. Cashier. CCM Orricr or P111,111 . 1(011 Co.. lOrrsoroon. May 3. 11430. UT -AT A MEETING OF TIIE IMAGO of DIRIICTOTIS oof 'hie Commay held IRO dew. Dieldwnd wee deelerol of SIX DOLLARS I , lt .m ttO r t arU. per nlogre troohic on demand. f ree C Fay 1;:vrill • - SCCrethry. gr.ustdo: NATIONAL 1.1,01 . to. Prrnil;i;ra. • Prrrsor. noir. May 4th. 1870. THE DIRECTORS OF .TIIIS I .ll‘ .t:Th7, 9 4trat 148014 " n •rf the teL Mx ninnl he. ',n ate to Sinclutolon , N• 'their legal Iprosvntallvee .1 and utter the " ll7.l.h net.. teen of nll tam, .'OS: LAU It t:NT. enehler. h niinl„ . " . BOARD or' it i LuTtrits rrft Iwe mmf j ee of all e P.Yab.c and tiller an, my/:w37 MMWM r - g-. ill VI I/EN D. CITILKSIM NATIONAI. i!ANK Pirreitutton. May 3. 1370. f The Dirors dividend( this Rank have this day de clares! is of Poll It AND oNlit lIALF Phil CHNT. tthe tenet .4 the lest Minton:tbs. nYable snit utter the 10th Inst.. free of Goy neht, (sr. ,1:1r41 It. K. WILSON, Arststant Cashier. listis or PITSsal , llOll. May 3d. 1870. ffy.THE I'RESIDENT AND DIREC TORS of MN litutklinve thin day declared s Dividend r .IV}, l'Ell Cit Yr. on its Capital Stock. out o f the peons of the but .10 months. which alit N, mid to Mock holdera ortheirlegatret. rev•illethea. on and titer the 13th IMIL,IMe of Dovernment, State and Mod taxes. metn..ll W. ROSICIII.7IIG. Cashier. TUN IRON CI," NATIONAL HANK or t PITTSOCIIGH. May 2.1870. DT•TIIE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK hare thin day declared a Dividend of SIX PER CENT. on the Capital Stock, out of the profits of the Lint sin month, payable, free of tax. "to Stockholders or their legal representatives on and after the 12th Inn. MAGOEFIN. my3.M7 Cashier. °MCP WY-STERN INnt•IIANCK COMPANY.) PITIMOVIOM. May 3. 1 bit O. ITT. DI VIDEN IP. The Board of Ihreetora of thia Company hare IVOR day deciarcl a Dividend of Five Dollars upon each ehstre of the Capital Rock. out of the rented profile of the hart. Fla month,. free of Gee cement and Rate true., parable to Stoetholdent Cu and after the 10th Inet. MCI 12'i:===! arWASHINGTON AVENUE. ELECTION -NOTICE. An election will be held nt the Invent of Thomas Aldernon. on "add Washington avenue. In Scott townsnlft. on WEDNESDA Y. the tent Coy June. IN7O. between the hones of 12 st.nnn 7 g. Nt. to eh., SEVEN PERSONS to nerve not n Boned of Vonituis.doviers mold avenue until the third Fri day In Aortl. 1.N71. • By order of the Board.-- =M!EI JOHN 411,FILLFIN, BrBOGFTI. $lOO Bounty Collected For all soldiers who enlisted between Mny 4th and July 224.1861. who were diseharged for disabil ity hefore serving two years, and who bare hereto fore received no bounty. - The undersisited has remdeed his °thee to GA dirra Bailding.comer Sixth arenue and Smithfield street, and Is now prepared to collect claima speed lip and at moderate rates. Call on. or address. with gawp. B. r, SHOWN. Claim Agent. G.argre Corner Sixth aTrnuo and Smithfield street. I'ltt•borgh, P. [CrPUBLIC NOTlCE.—Having been appointed GAS and GAS SIETES INBPEC- TOR' for Allegheny county, notice le hereby ghee that until the neeesaery °eke and Mechanical Test- tg Machinery can be provided. I will be found at the OFFICE OF nIE NATIONAL FOUNDRY AND PIPE WORKS, Twenty-Oiled Menet. near I= CEEZZI ill=3 Mae and Can Meter Inspect., COAL AND COKE. PEARL COAL. Schnabel_ Walker, m"rßA"Nilllailr. AND 111 4 0 , T N ISSALR COAL, NUT COAL & SLACK, PITTSBURGH. PA . ii nStillar r llL 11, ORBS. near Pillabarah on Pan Office and lent: Corner Sandusky. St. and Rest Penn R. R., nryt wSS ALLEI.IIPST CATY. PA. Oscar F.Lamm&Co. MANUFACTVIIERS OF AONNELESVILLE COKE, I=9 Youghiogheny—and Anthracite Coal hrrsounGzi. OFFICE : ROOM Nu. 5, Gazelle Building. uy-I)rdersre . speetfully solicited. oratTli COAL! COAL! YOUGHIOGILEI4r GAS COAL CO. Title Company are now premed to furnish the hest Coal utany she or goatitkt). AT FALK ILATP.S. Mee mid Yard 'Mohan: the Connelhirllle ••nail. toad Depot, fad of Try Street, Pittebrimb. Vden addressed to either Hines. West Newton, Pa, or to Lad, will to promptly attended W. M. P. 011ERN. $.1..e. • Charles H, Armstrong, • DRALXR IN Youghiogheny and Connellsvllle Coal; And Manufacturer of COAL, SLACK ANIMDESULPIIURIZED CORR. OPTICRAND YARD. miner Dotte N inth orton streets, I.lMrty and. Clymer utreets, ward; also, Second street. traget& ward,. and at foot or Ross street, P. kC. R. R. Depot. Mseond ward.. Orders leit at either of the above offices, or ad dressed to me through Pittsburgh P.O, remise "."7,4 0 ,14 0 ,171!"" . • - Co w....,,1°12.t0 Co, Mitchell. Stevenson & Co, Bissell A Co ow Gnat & Ale.t. Bradley Park. Dro._& Co_ McCurdy & Co., Reese, drag& Dull, Wm. Pl. genet & Co., J. B. Lyon & Co. James Manshirn & Co., Al. len. McKee & Co.. Linton Depot Hotel, Connell.- vino IL 11., Pennsylvania R. It.. Allegheny Valley COAL! • COAL ! ! COAL I:I. ! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having reemoeed their Office to No. 567 Liberty Street, (Letely City Moor Mil) SECOND FLOOR. AR GREW L l arti d itiV COALrO Rood SILYCZIEntti us V:their ofiloa.er Menem:lto them threash the toele tie attereilo3 to promptlY. GREAT BAIMAIII.--A COTTAGE ROE ?thing Ton Part.. vith 6 mem: rail '''. 'VW tr"Litli°,4 b 4."4. ° 81 1 11 0 7 SON. corner Penn end Thirty-Wm areet,or at the ollive of ROHT. S. SILL. Attorney it L... 72 °that stmt. Amustraxarr l ir NEW OPERA 110Usr • -- - Third mcbt of the enrsArgernt of 0, 0 And Istwite Actor.. • Enivini iDtMs, nr l t OTI I F. 1.1.0. titan Edwin Adams. ' ln this great eherssr Mr. Adams .has beers two oti ith n u oeet a livd by te ing superior. the pre., and public of New Coy j i bz,lnf i vapri- :A ltaveg Adstno as It AC I lAEL F.alh•ln Adams M atinee on nature... GRAND EXHIBITION HT THE MRS. SLACK DAYIS. ,, • AT LAFAYETTE HALL, Oa Friday Evening, May 11th. Cone"sting of PARLOR DANCING. and MAI Anew and otiginal DRAtIA. entitled THE I•rAidAN • PRINC=t, or TAM 311nITIn1hr or rite PTAAL., Written expreindy Tor this °erasion. i• The Great Westert hand will be In Attendance. Adnilastun. gl.OO. Doors, open at lArtuntenee at neuter to precisely. Tickets and Ppieninn ee. to be had at the Mnste Stan,. niylnew 03=w1AST WEEK OF THE Mercy Hospital FAIR, Open Every Evening ,CITY" HALL:- EC= irrFAIR. KEYSTONE RINK =9 Open Every Evening, =9 ST. PETER'S New Catholic Clnu•ch AIMI , . It N apn FIRST SEMI-ANNUAL EX lIIRITION of the PlTTUllUitilli ART I:ALLY:RT. containing a ens-collection of Paint ings, tile production of American and Foreign Ar tist.. Is now open Day and Kvening. No. 231 LIB• MTV STRY.RT.opposite the head of Wood Rivet Admission. 23'cents. app INSURANCE. EMPIRE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE 'CO. Of New York. 131) - 13rion.row.A.1.- PRINCIPAL FEATURES: Ordinary whole IMe Pond. AIDIOLUTELY NoN-FORFEITAIILE from penitent first annual Premium. Special Insurance NON-FORFEITABY.R- after ...annual [ailments. All priliews INCONTESTA• lII.E fur usual maws. and ABSOLUTELY INCON TESTABLE after two annual premluins. All re. strictlons open 'TRAVEL and RESIDENCE m a:loved. and no permits required. NO ACCUMIN LATIUM. OF INTEREST on Inane DefelTed Premiums. end NO INCREASE of annual !meats TRW., s C IV the G irrrxittssr plan. NO NOTE ' ls riniulred on LOA . H. and there Is nn ACCUMULATIoN oF INTERVIT ti h U o tin d l grgri t in e illT•trn s i t=y e e s agi7.M " rth= i ; - . ter yield an Income to the Polley holder. Life. term and endowment policies are booed; also , guarantee intieresepolicies and annuities. Number of Policies Isened.3.34lD Coveting In Risk& 07.813540 00. Premiums. 6389.047 23: Am.. over 111330,11100 00. SUCCESS THE CRITERION OF EXCELLENCE. The EMPIRE has issued more Polickw by over 800 Tun FIRST Torn ending April 1.1. > 870. than any other Company In this country In the same time at the same awe. The EMPIRE secures every Piffle/ holder nY A OrPOrrr Or CAM CATOTAI. with) the Stale Treas. h o . 7orvi " w gi i Ti th ! ,, Eir ch lt e lig.lFl Y e . EMPIRE LAMPE AgentsLlßS.ltAl. FEATURES rainy, - Ganil i ftctlye wanted everywhere In West ern Pennsylvania. • WM. A. 1011 Ice 7814FinTit A far rgirlTEPPltutiergh. • WESTERN INSURANCE COMFY. 01 . Pittsburgh: ALENIIRR SIM Prden WM. P. XA REIMS:RT.ICK. Vice Pe niten t . WM. P. lIICRIIRRT, Secretary. • steert ree sEE Ueneral Agent., (mice 92 Slang Co.'s Warehottne. pstates, Pittsburgh. Insure against all kinds of klm and Minim Risks. •A home Institution. manuned by Directors who.. well known to the community; and who Rre determined by riwoluptotou d liberality to maintain the character which the y haveseamed. at hollering th d e best protection to those who dal!, tolnsure. PINECTO.: - Alexander Munch.. John R. McCune. R. Miller Jr., ' Chun. J. Clarke. James McAuley. William S. Lyons. Alexander imohifelrkiretrlelt. th r :cld M. Lom,. Wm. Lorr=7:. D. Mumma, . • CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. • OF PLULADELDIMA. • OFFICE 433 AND 437 CHMITNUT FITMENT. Asseta on J.. 822423.734 WY. Capital, 11490.000 00. Accrued Surplus and IgarPAMMlllllll 4 le4etrarlTet i t ' 7 law , NOM. on Libeiol TUtn. The Company.. latrO. Wades upon the Hentsof lands of Dull& in rilt G ECTU d & e .l7frell Bali g etTaancitel Gr.D, Geo. W. Richan Irene Lea, Geo. Pole. Altnal Filler. Thu. Sparks , Wm. S. Want, Thotou S. MID. Gustay. A LYNX D IL BAKED, President. GEO. PALM Vita President. • Jun. W. McAllister. Secrets:l. T. 11. Heger. AnSIMALIt ~ q IS. A . IN a Kr Looa spa; Cor. Third Avenue and l iN'ood M. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. Of Pittsburgh OFFICE. N 0.37 FIFTH AVESUI4.IIAsE Mourns niniinst dl kinds 01 Else and Marino Rlsks. JOILV 111 W IN . Jii., Prevident. T. J. 111 INICI NM IN, Vice PreridenL C. 0. I/40i Secrem. C.ArT. T: DKA Ge le nerel Agent • • . - .• . John Irwin. Jr.. H. L. EshrimMek, T. J. llnfilbson, W. H. Everson. lis?;:;aCta;I• Jemmiesl Drts. Sellers. Charles Bars, Capt. J. T. Stuekrts/0 Copt Wm . Dean. IT. H. Nevin. „ . • • •• CASH . INSURANCE COMPANY. . , Pholan's Building, NO. tri IFIFTVALELNILAIEOND FLOOR. CAPITAL ALL PAW UP nitircroßs: 11;k1 5 017f... ,I."l',"_tage4n iI 'P CII, L M. 8.11.1.ie. Juke Hill, :S. Mciatirken.. 111 s. Sr BILE. Thomas Moldo. S. Willesek,. • _ ItiIIIERT H. KING. President. JNO. P.IF.NNING. ,8 Vice Preeldene J1)8. 7'. JOHNSTON,Secretery. Cept. R. J. GRAVE, General Agent. INSURES ON LIBEGAL TERMS ON ALL FIRE AND MARINE RISKS. ep2:e37 PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMP'Y. OFFICE, N. E. (V ICIER WOOD & FIFTH ST& A [tome Compen7. hiking Fireand Marine' Mina. 1/111ICTON. • Wm. Phillip., Rapt. John I- Rhoade. John Walt. Samuel P. Shrives, John E. Parka. . (Made. Arbuckle. C. H. LTe. Jared M. Brush. Wm. Van Kirk., Wm. F. Lenjt James D. Verner, p i Samuel alstra i ckart. Wel. P 1111.1.1 . , President. JOHN WATT, Vim President. w. F. G ARDN6II. "deism. _ NATIONAL INSURANCE COMP'f. COIL FEDERAL. ST. AND DIAMOND; ALLE GHENY. All i llaa „ the'.SECOND NATIONAL BANK W. W. MARTIN. Preeldedt. JOHN BROWN, Jo_ Ilse Fresh:Sarni. JAMES E. STEVENSON. SecedisT. - • 1.1111L,0118: John A. If !ler. '.lm. Leskharl. Joe. Myer.. ' •. J.. L. Grehnni;Rohert Lea. , C. C. lin.de. l . . Jnhn Drown. Jr.'llel.. se Gent. :Jaddi MGT. o.ll.P.WlUlatrieJoo. Thompson:J. ileleangnar. • KVA 34 01•47V/NA — Ani krA a{:l Robt. H. Patterson .&Co., CoHNICII OF Seventh Avenue and .Liberty Street PITTSBUROIL PA.. HILL ON EVNIEVSATURDAY HOLD AN'' AUCTION SALE Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, E ., = ll77l =lV=ltrnri „„,,,,f =err ore or be..., Thursday of 7rip h mid are Zr.tri ' gr•rtitf"Ht=t gr i ral " o7 JOHN H..S1 r EWAR_ L T AIICTIOrramtL JOHN H. w2ivr7t tir ............ NOW. 11. Nerrnam ROBERT H. PATTERSON & CO. Livery, Sale and . COMMISSION STABLES, Cor. Seventh Avenue and Liberty St. .1011:III PITTSBURGH, PA. IMI!!!I ME=
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