GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Puri e, PH. R. HERTZ, BANKER, Cor Wood St. and sth Ave. Jas, T. Brady & Co., ISocamors to 8. JONES 2 C 0..) Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Street, BANKERS, =I Government Securities, COLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORAILM TERMS Interest Allowed on Deposits. • rat m . itr utat )toney . loaned on (kmenu „- nant !tono at low rata.. • lir Onitnut TOlt. Pllteltint AN" Sal.* Or !MUCKS, BON pm ono GOLD. • ;JAMES T. BRADY & CO. THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE. OTTICIe Or PiiTSIIVIION GAZeTTE,I: TITIIII/AT, May . ID. in°. I The manipulation?, bf the clique?, have advanced gold again to 114 7-14. with n hieing market, and government bonds bare likewise ‘advanned under tile in- fluent.e of the higher gold premium. The funding bill 11.4.111,4 to have no chance t. pa., and therefore the advance coupled with the slimy money tuarket. Stocks are etronger and higher._and may advance considerably. , higher before • reaction can be counted on. In local socuritlea bonds and bank stocks are inquired for, but relined?, are not muck In demand. . - Money easy at from 7 to 9 per cent. Closing quotations as received by Ph. Mertr. . Oold 114 V American Silver NM Western Union.- ISt Bonds 116 V N. Y. Central FIN b 3 Broods 11NX...11114 Itsadlog.. 6....1) Mods 1864...111 P. 1.1. W. & C 7141, 6-33 Bonds 18116-111 Ohio d Miss ltdi Consols 1866 11:Bi Mich. Southern... 10J 6-20 Bonds 1867...1ux k P• • • tiE'. 6-33 Bonds 1936...1131: C. E. & P 1040 . 101 Chicago &N. W.. &I Merchants Adams Epes_ •ea ' &N. W. Pier... 91.; U. Ex. 42.'6 Erie London Eichan Lana.. Ibnall. ge per pound 6,12 6,74 Perk Exchange per Franc - Berlin Exchange per Thaler El IG Frankfort Exchange per Florin 4914 ' Centre] Pacific IL K. Bonds Y 7 fid Union P. It. L. Bond. 04 sa • Closing quotations in received by James T. Brads' dr Co: Gold 13.14' U.& ISSI • RN 5-BJJati.&./y. 18117 II U. 8. 6.8) BNB Iln 11.-.10.1an./kJy. Ikkel 14 U. 8.6-20 In% U. P. R. IL - U. 8.6 , 761865 Ili( C. P. R. It. 01)4 U. 8.111.40 8,5 i Cy. Pacifica.......l2!: • (*Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) New. You, blaylo. ISM Stock Exchange animated and buoyant, and the prices of the afternoon were 'the highest since the "bull" movement commenced. Money easy at NW, on call. Sterling Arm at Ogbilfd• _ Gold firmer; opened at Iltta, advanced to 116 and closed at lIIU. - Curylng rates amda (I. Clearances, ici.ox.opi. The &monist took $200,01 Governments active and buoyant. Private dispatches from Washington eas y • tho .pur chases for the present month will belt:creased t o sly roofs:a. , This possibly is a mere sur mise. Another dlstetch ears n Texas Member of the House intend• Introducing a resolution to repeal an act passed Aprli 11.04, which Is • most complete funding blli. but bus no compulsotg section on bonds. Coupons of /.1. latie..l7. do VC. lr.h(delli; do 'O4. 11 %AIM: do '65,11N4115• do new. 13tiq,131%• do 'G. 14..4 , Ulf; do ..,1 454.141(; 10-104, Sh . Q.SK: careen ey MOM:S. State Londe arm; Missouris, fah; old Ten toealln do, btu.' rin strong. . Canton. TIX: Cumberland, 4.1; Western Union TelagraPh. Mg; Quicksilver. !)'s Mposa. IP)1:, do neened. 18h: Adams tex a s „ ,p fah tE American . 4.1(; United States. to Paella lb 4234; New cork CeKpl. IkriP• ON: Erie, =34; dopreferred KsHarlem 145; do preferred, 145; heading. 1(CX; Ifichl gan Chairs!. 124; Lake Shore, 100!;; Illinois Central. ICI: Pittsburgh. 100 N; new. tl' do preferred. 01%; hock Island. 1-4 . N; New Jersey Cent ral, k. ; yeti' Bl do " 1. re= , p Fort Wayne, 94,i; Terre Ilante P , tg,V; do pre ferred. 114. Chicago & Alton. 113 h: do pre ferred. Ohio & • Mississippi, C. C. & C., Witt Hertford & ; - C. C. a I. c., St. Joe. DOS. Boston pilots: Cebu:let. 65; Copper Fails , 5: Franklin, 3; Ueda, Quittcy, 1:64. Sub-Treasury balance: gold. 170,07 d; cur =US% rs/83.iir; general balance, $81,3-3042. I= timer. or Prersionon fistirrrE. t . TUESDAY, MAY 10, ISM. The oil market was comparatively quiet today, and contrasted with yesterday refined appeared to be a shade weaker, while on the other hand crude was stronger and highlir. This is regarded as a bad indicition, as crude_ is already too high for refined, and the far of it ad saucing Li the face of refinect declining la not favorable, and, is mi Lt Le ca. 'peered, is calculated to have n Lad influ ence on the market. As we Lave ripest. rally noted, our refiners generally want to do a legitimate manufacturing business, but in the present attitude of affairs this Is almost imposolhle. There is no mirgin In bating crude and selling -- refined agadnet- It at the same time: this is well known and must be conceded. And in or. der to do business at all, the refiner Is obliged to speculate mute or less. To illustrate: Ihe buys Lls crude - when he thinks It la low and holds' it , until such time as refined advances sufficiently to .stuable him to sell, and this is the only stay by which a margin twi be secured. idometinua the refiner can sell his crude at a profit, and then turn around and buy . refined to weer his contracts at a less cost than he could make it, and by making a movement of this kind-the refiner Some. times comes out eery handsoffirly, real ; hint a good margin in both rases, , Somti of our refiners are making ir . ioney, but it Ia by pursuing the course alai n indiaded 'lt they were to do what Is strictly termed a legitimate manufacturing business, td, buy crude and sell refine4 7 at present. wk.., there doubt what the number of , bankutpts would soon. be largely inc4sed. This Is dot situation as near as we can get at it, and how- Bier 11110011.1aUll it may appear, there is no use in trying to dixguinr and 111 tu dzi rause for the wholn_troubie lien il - t h e w e:A einit of transpoatation,an erne pared with ether points. MEM ittimpared with yesterday; is firmer and hlghef: - . Sate 1.000 bids pellet-, May at 13; and 1,000 seller June at /lame figure. Yeeterday seller 10 days. sold 10,14 to 121: At the dose today the feeling did not seem to be quite so strong, and buy ers at quotations are ant very numerous. The refined m it a F ik vi e : l E :as reported a lit, tle offish to-day, as compared with Irate! , 44 9. and prices: are oif abouttt 3. Mar. which Wag ;sold yesterday at 283, would not bring over 281 today, and-it was said that 283 watt the best offer for June- Fa tten; quiet . and nominally uathsaga • sect tern or CHIGOE OIL. E L Goodwin 249, on account J B Bar bour; W hicCutcheon, 160, on account E H Long; Fisher Bro 90, on account name: Gallagher 160, on account - tome; Jos kin, 80, on accoant Fox & Punk; Jae kina 80, on account Pldla and Boaton Pet ... • ..... • .. . ....... 800 blda. • AUTP.inacre ran A. v. n. Coizetut Oil Co, 104 bids ref. oil to Tack Thos., Phila. ~" Fawcett, L. . & Co., 200 Mils ref. oil to Lo gan Bro. & Co., Phili. Montzlielmer, K. & Co., 2a bias oil to Waring, K. & Co., Phila. Bram & Wagner 317. bbls ref,. oil to Waritaln, K. & Co., Phila. - To ,- • • • - • Cal= Omcg or Prrrr.,on OArrr. rs. There is nothing new or especially ion. portant to Le said about the markets in a general way. Business generally, al though by no means brisk, is about all that mould Is• ,,pected under existing as trade is usually a little - slack tit this season 'of the year, as the best part :4 the spring business is over. Some of our grain merchants are opera ting pretty largelfalong the river for the cineirmati market, and neraly all kinds grain that formerly Was shipped to th market is er- low sent to Cincinnati, as prices are relatively higher there than here, and freights are low (by ricer) there is a mach better margin:than any of the east ern' :markets afford. One Pittsburgh firm sold seven thousand bushels of oats to go to ancinnati, the other day, and quite a number of large shipments of both .oats and corn have been made to that market within the pant few weeks, and the parties selling realized a , very handsome margin. -It Inks somewhat singular to see. Pittsburgh grain opera tors, buying for Cincinnati, as heretotere, they astiall bought there for Pittsburgh, but, att" nlrendy intimated, prices are higher. relatively than here, and the dif ferent,. in (mighty makes it a much - more desirable itoint, for Pittsburgh at least, than PhiladeliMia or any of the eastern markets. And this aceounts for the very resluced stocks of gmin, here, as the great pmpertion of the Amin that is now being shipped from along tho river to that uh , ket; in former yearn, was shipkeil to this tnarket. Pittsburgh certainly has no right to complain, however, ati it tends, indirectly:it may he, to help litlitinen here. and without it • trade would ho leo le•tter, and ponsibly not m good. 1 APPLES—The Homily is light and the season is rapidly drawing to a dilf4b. continue to quote at *4 to t,Spar BeTT.Elt—Then• is no improvement to note in tlodemand and the market is dull awl prices weak; we continue to quote prime to choir,' roll at tlit to 25. Common nod in Eerier is hard to sell at any price. Itot MI t 'Olt N —ls 11011 lot I:t to Id- its Is•r pound. CHEESE—SaIes of Ohio (MAO. at 111 to 111 i; and New York Goshen at 17 to 171. New Western Reserve: is quoted at 19 tol4.ets. CARSON 011.—la firmer and tending upward, though as in nlwtvn the case. the jobbing demand at thin season of the rear is light. Standard brands firm at d 4 to 241 ctn. . EGOS—TIO. arrivals appear to la, on the incase again and the market is dull but unchanked. gales at 121014 cts. • FLUOR—Is lint], but there Is nu Me poivemenf in the demand, which is en tirely local, and prices remain unchanged. We oontinue to quote at $5 to Pi for spring wheat; $5,50 •to $6 for winter wheat, and $7 to $7,50 for fancy brand's, DRAlN—There is a steady•demand wheat and the arrivals nintinue light; we continue to quote at $1,150,20 for red and $1.25a1A0 for white. Sale of 75 eke red at $1,1.9. Oats, if anything, a shade firmer; we continue to quote at 47a48, in first hands, - buyers furnishing sacks;sl:ll 51 on %vim( anittrack, and 5;9153 in store. can report a male bv a Pittsburgh firm of 7.099 bushels, delivered in Cincid mai, at 57c, the buyer furnishing sacks. Corn is firmer but not quotably higher. Sale of 275 eke ear, on wharf.. at 85, and shelled sells readily at 90— Rye is un• changed at 95 to sl—sale of ,no car at the outside quidation—titue.! Barlei is quiet and unchangisl, 85e90e for good to spring. , . - , tiIIOCEIRIER—The market is moiler. ately active, but the demand in mainly from the country. Relined Sugars are an eighth higher in the rant, while Coffees nre weak though unrhanged. 11A1"--continues dull butlnominally unchanged: $l5 to $lSa2O pees ton, as to quality. and condition. • • PIIIII - ISIONS-Market Steady lint un cltangvd. Plain Slm'dent, 1111.4n13 1-2: Sugar lured do, 14 1-4n14 12: Ribbed Sides. 10 1-2; Short Rib. 17; t'lettr, 17 1-2; Plain Sugar Cured Hume IS 3 ROD 1-4; t Vl.ltieli do , Iti 1 ...hilt) 3-4. !Ant, in tieree... I 7 '4.17 1-2; in keg.. IS 1.4a15 1-2- Mee. Pork, 130n:11. POTATOES—Olittittop Jul( with a sop. ply considerably in exceas of the demand. Peach Wows, :Cfi by the car load. and 40 to 42 in more. Ituckeyin.. do out seem to be srautod at nay .price. . MARKETS BY TELFGRAPII New York. New Yong, May IS—Cotton less active; sales I.Poei bales nt :Mtic for middling upinods. Flout: receipts were 4,M bills; prices are 54 10c better; there was n fair export and home trade demand; sales 15,400 bids at $,10 far superfine State nail western: $,4 extra State; .5.15(d5,5ti, extra western; $5.:11d. dal, IL if. O.; rt,e441,41.50, white wheat extra western; ss.7Aittl, extra St. Louis; $ 1 1.1M18.25 . , good to choice do. Rye Flour unchanged; sales WU bbls at $4,514.1,00. Cornmeal quiet and unchanged. Whisky active and Omen I sales G 6 bbls at $1,04a2,10 for western, free, ebletlY at $1,08.N; also, oxl Gbh seller June and July at $l4O. Wheat: receipts 44.277 bush; mar-. ket is Xtllc better; with a good export and milling demand; sales 72.000 bush at $1,19.4e, 1,13 for No. 2 spring; $ No. 1 spring; $1311.1,35, winter red and am ber welder= comtnon winter red Illinois; $1.40, white Michigan. Rye nominally unctmged. parley in moderate return; sales 7,160 bush Canada on private terms; Sic for State. Harley Malt more active; sales 11.1 U) bush Canada on pri vate terms; two rowed State 8714c. „ Corn: re ceipts /LOU - bush; market lc better nd fairly active; sales CAC bush at $1.L341,1 fur new mined wester.: $1.17, now; $l.lB, old , western yellow; $l,lB In store; $l,lB admit for old mix ed western. Oats; receipts were 24.085 bush; market unchanged; sales :MOM bush at )25, die for western In store and &delivered; '6761. tbe for Ohio and State. Hey active and steady. hops quiet. Coffee quiet. Sugor fru:los-Ith sales 11110 hhtis Cuba at frBloc. Molasses dull. Rice quiet at eitV. Petroleum Arm at 16c for crude and No for relined. Turtwatine quiet at 41.ti1i54.1e.. Pork dull, with sales 2. 1 0 bbls at tat.2:..4:t29.87 'for meas, U1.7h42...k.” for prime and r11,r04 - 431.00 for prime mess. Beef steady, with sales bbl. at sllCelli,so' for flair! mess and $151145 for extra mess. Reef Lbla a 2, pierce lVeleft.flrtsrn_,"s,47Vralef4s 4M..174"0r prime mess and 1411) file liana mess. Middles Arm, with sales PUO Lbs. Cumberland cut at IStde , Cut Meat. steady, with antes 110 phis nt L.V..I2Nc for shoulders and t ells fur hams. Lard quiet , with sales 3ro tea at P - .4.4' 111%c for steam and 10,,4517c for -kettle: alto Sart. prime steam se ller four mouths at 1115,0 Itlyc. Butter steady at 144 - 00 c for 0.13f0. Cheese in fair demand Si Ne.l7c. Freights to Liverpool Arm, with shipments 2:1,01/ bushels wheat at 4d lair soil and /Nil Per steam. 'Laced—Flour elated osier endwithout (le elded change. Wheat Arm, with moderate ex . port and milling demand at 111.1.X41.= for No. spring and sl.3rulai for winter red and am ber western.. Rye , and nominal. Oats dead/. at tilatdfie for westera in store and afloat and COMM° for Ohio. Corn Arm nt $1.101.10M for sound new mixed western afloat. Pork dull and nominally- unchanged. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats Arm with moderate demand. Mean steady and quiet. Lard leMe seller /day for prime steam. and steady. .Rgg• quiet at Idyllic. Chicago. CHICAGO, May 10.—Flour pule and held higher. letteat excited and dike hinter; sales of Nat ablaral, closing with buyerrat t hisP. Y. the market was active at $1.0834 for cash seller May, ${1,854 for seller Jane. Corn firm and =Se bleier for No gat WAN e. rejected 0:490c, no genus A 4 416 c, new 90e; the marker this afternoon 2 was Ares, at fftMc for No 2. Oats strong; No closed Pt 14Volf2ft4e. Rye quiet and - 134e higher, clotting at tdMe for Noll. Illghwines le higher, closing at SLOG for Iron noda. Provisions dull and nominal at s2B,fiett.7s for mesa lM porIL Intake for lard, 11)(tac for dry' shouldent. Receipts for the past 1:4 boa —Hour, PAW Ws: wheat, 53,774 bush; corn.bush; oats, dalsh; rye. 2.1249 bush; barley, 12,471 hotta2,sll head. Shipments-1 our. 9.572 hblal wheat, 33.754 bnshi. corn. 1ir,544 bush; oats, MUM: barley; 1:1111 bush; hogs, 1.14110 head. • Cattle firmer and upper _qualities fairly ' lire et $A.:191441 8 ,7a tor stockers to extra steers. Hogs active and a shade higher at $8,600.9.1u for fair to /(001.1 unmith. =EI CINCINNATI. MaTlo.—Plour In moderate de mand: extra 5t.:143:!./r./. family ti.V.S.L . Y. Wheat firm and In goal demand, 01,004141 for No. and! red *lnter. Corn ither and la demand: .aales of mixed at $l. asking higheryiltes. Rye end oats unchanged and quiet. Barley dull and prices nominal. Cotton Inn and In good demand at full prices; middling ;Re 22c Tobacco firm; sates =, hhils; 40 for trash to good leaf." Whisky unsettled: eld at $1.4001.07 at the close. Men pork quiet; not much demand: imid it WO, and Bqo bbl. sold at thin rate, Bulk meats %Wei; shouldersll)4 Pide.l43tc.- Mena id smell sales of side. nt 1(04c and 173(c for clear rib and glean shoulders held at Llbe, and them lea good de mand for cigar cured 1101313; prices advanced toltlisethilc for June delivery': 1104 e is asked. Lard held a 'Ogg : no soles. flutter and cheese s !Trt y ;:mZ T : l t . 71;0111 em nOl Rale,. LarYgli m. I L e a e4 _r7 l ti 144. 1.3). (t tie ntead.r. Goki 11 1. tap 2M Exehatitie firm ; 140 1 0 00 per cent . discount burins': Money market easy at edtid. Fir. Loris. May 10.-70bacco strong gad sa tire:P.soWD for common leaf; /10431512.64 for medium dark; and $1.33 MAU for good mans. factoring. Cotton grin at 21)1e. Hemp firm at $1.314 - 0145 for undressed. Flour Mani tend ing up for fall super at tit6Lt.37.14; extra $4.5 4.iffil; double extra t4.73ki5,1R treble extra t3=3.5,73. Wheat stiff and higher: No. 3 spring Inspected 85c; No. I red fall #l.l 1,15; No. I do $1.3%• choice to fancy $1 X 41.50. Corn unsettled and drooping: with sales for all grades choler dry, choice mlied and yel low .1.1401.10: white $1.1110111.3). Oats hater at MOW. Nye: buyers holding off on small sales. pork *29, 0.60 Dry wilt clear skleg on orders 15Nc; bacon: jobbing lots shoulders 13c; clear sides 18)(0.1ffite; clear I:% 17%c. .Lard: ;mall sales at Mite. Cattle firm and ac tive at $08.7,(0 for prime to choice. Hogs in pod demand at sB6g..ffi for goat to choice. Flour. receipts of 4 4 11 bbla. WbeatoVEoDlo6, I,B6o'lbbls Corn 18.410 bush. Oats 111. AD bush. ElarleY 1,1.10 bush. nye 2,400 bush. Hogs WO. ersver.Aarrh May 10.—irlour unchanged and firm. Rye flour'steady and unchanged. Wheat firm and lc better; nu I red winter brought 11.5.1. No 2 do held at $14.1a1.1.4. COM quiet anti nominal. Oats: no salmi reported. Rye quiet at for Barley dull and nominal. Pe troleum opens strong. cellere asking Sic, on spot, for large iota relined. but buyere are not willing to give more than 21,4 c; crude firm at f 50.1. The Assoc:Udine on Monday changed the rule to sell all oil byAreight. after the drat Of May non, to read that nil oil cold should be considered by weight when not otherwise ape- iIIGSDAY. 1.1.3 T Philadelphia. PHILADELPHIA. May 10.—Flour Mn and Ohio do r,.rfusl, - In'enrira Wheat. less active : western red' $1,3.1i11,40, white $1.41:41.50. Rye $l.O. Corn steady: yellow $1.13. Oats steady and utichanged, Petroleum advanced: crude In bulk Me; refined LIPSe. Groceries unchanged. Provisions less gem. Mess pork CIO. Lard 111 Nice Whisky Is steady at 111.04.1,07 for western Iron .bound. RALTIVORE. May 10.—Flourt city mills', ad vanced Mc; other grades unchanged. Wheat dull: Pennsylvania #14C41.40, Maryland quiet ut $1,1M1.14). Corn firm: White sl,lfritl,:* yellow $1.15. Oats Arm at KVII.Sc. Provi sions unchanged. , Whisky Arm. stmlirbt Iron bound . sl.M.e.; wood AIX. patent SUP, - Toixix). May 10.—}lour quiet. Wheat :laic better nod =tire; regular white Michigan SIM; amber Michigan flak No. 1 red $1.2.1: N 0,2 do $1.19: Corn leo better; No. 1 Whir: Na. %Stir: yellow 99.4 c; No. 1 Old $l. Oats befte.;oo}tc;Receipts Flour, OM lads; wheat. 10.41 M bash; corn, 4X° do: oats, 010 do. Merupl.h. • MEMPHIS, Map 10.—Cotton quiet at =tic; th receipts were 513 bales. and exportil 4;15 bales Flour Arm but inactive. Corn; choice white 111... ti. Oats active. Hay dull at t 00 i. lira scarce at }:;0 01. Lard dull nt 11:116118yc York quiet at *3l. flacon—shoulders 13N4514c and sides, at !r• Louis,llle. LoutaviLLE.. Moo 111. —Cotton: middling:2c. Flour $.. Corn #ll:3‘. Wheat cLik504..11. Oats 'ale. Rye V. Pork SAt.M. Bacon ielltp 17a.173ie. Bulkmeats IYAdltiXe. - Lard 17c. Rams: c Whisky 'LIZ. Tobacco: sales 01 bhdo at sNate for frosted to fancy Ica. • _ Milwaukee. Mimarner.. May - M.—Flour firmer. Wheat unsettled at $1,04 for No I and 51,00.4 for No I. Oat. excited at 50e for No 2. I.orn Brut and unchanged. Rye and barley nominal. Freights nominally at 4sQvc to Buffalo and Omega. Detroit.' Drcitorn Mak 10.—Wheat scarce and higher, with an active login . : extra $1.47: No.l #1.30 (c 1.37; regular Litt and for amber. Corn quiet at Ilk. ate; State &W. Man IS. Coarse utiddlingattl. Dry Good. Markel. NOW YORK. May la.—Thu market is quiet and lacking in InIOyASICV. Thu most itufmrtant changes today were In Utica; 10-4 bleached sheeting. were reduced from Ifi.he to fiAc, do W do from Wire to WV, do d.l do from 37.16 e to '3se, do do from fr.lqe to :kW. do 1-4 mutants from _le to tie. and do ..ate to 19e. l'irNitet tin LOUIS RAII.IIOAD, May 10.-1 ear barley, J ('arron; 2 do staves, SI P Adams; I do do, J Painter; 3 do wheat. It 'l' Kennedy; 2 do d r o„ F P Runk: 2 do do, Voigt, 0 & it; 100•11bla flour. T C Jenkins; 100 do do, I) Wallace; 100 do do, Keil & Ritchart: 50 bbla whisky, Schmidt St F; 130 Id do her ring, 1 du augar,..l Colmar: 31:N) buckets tar, 8 P Shrivel.; 12.3 ligs grain, P Duff & Son; 28 do barley, McHenry & It; I wagon, 1) Couch; 1 bbl bacon, J J Pettit; It/ do op. Ides, Voigt, M & Co; 1 LIM Limon. Carter & Meti; 1 bale noise, S Bradley: 18 bills mullet., 4 do anatlia, AV W Knox; I box S Ewart; S bales tow, Moiler & Son; . . • 20 bx tolutem J Wilson; 2 do glass, 20 drums tobaceO. J Fullerton; 8 box do. R F Weddell; 7 Lis spin,. Arbuckle.. & Co; 3 has' nulse. 1. Sunman; 2 bge potala•s. .l Brown; 1 bag bags. Selmelbark; a 8 bins willows. I. Mooney; 1, J lamb; I old . - • scale, Fairbanks S at; t mdse, Bran than; 5 bids whisky. 11 McSwiirgin; 2 14114 d g, McCandless SJ; 8 hales b corn, liar- Hwin; 1 lc moat, M Nlclichwn; 15 bbb, charcoal. Little & 51; 5 do whisky, J Me. Culloutrii; 6 do do. M Hirsch; 2 bra bit• term. Vi Marvin; 6do do. W Rhin; 10 do do. J it Stratton; 1 Wig tobacco. 51 Hoyle; 3do do. 1 ha aaruplea, W D Hine hart. CLEVELAND AND PiTTSUCRGII RAIL• ROAD COMPANY, May 10.-10 cars r Ore, 13mtly's Bend Iron ('o; fi do ore, Shoenber ger, B & Co; 2 do bridge iron, Ohio Bridge Co; I do blooms, J MN - ahead; 3 do do, :tarnlrk & 4'o; 2 do pig iron, WoN!well & Co; 70.000 shingles. (1 A Munilorf; 18 kirs tobarro,,lB (Imes du, Porterfield Bro; 3,1 do do. It .AVeddell; 1 box It• powder. Rinehart & S; 3 libln tumish , Freemnn A B; 14 lixo a machines, Smith & F; kgs paint, Tldick; 100 Id& herring. 30 dO w fish; Arbuckle,. & Co; 100 Milo lime. Bakewell & P; bids oil. W . Flat , rus & Son; 12 do do, J Henderson & Bro; I do do, Vl' A Jones; 7 do do. It F: Sellers A Co; I bid, I cask baron. Voigt, H & 3 bids eggs. F ti Craighead; 2 do do,. .1' Putr & Son; I Leg butter. Atwell & lot stone ware, John Seibert, 01 mks potatoes, Voia: SI & to; :1 empty 111 bbls. Spencer. M 4: Cu; 13 aka oats. F 11 Craighead; 25 lets .ehee.e, P.Dulf& Sun; 180 em oil bbls, C A Worturastle: 230 du do. B D Moore; 2011 g bides, Springer. II & Co; 10 tins rot to bacco, S P flhrirer & Co; 100 hi bbls ber• 111110 L Di 1 1 ,0101;, 11 & Co; 173 oil bids. B D Moore; 1 bid dpeaches, I jar butter.; tibia dapples, Woodworth & I); 2 lila eggs, nose & F:; 0 do do, Day & Co; 1 du do, 11 Ik'o Jr; II do beano, 10 do apples, Voigt, Al I do eggs, P Doff & rion. PITTSIICItOII Finer WAYNE AND Clll - HAILRORD, Mar 10.-3 bbls alcohol; V Miller & Cu; 18 tae lard, J II Parker; • Ilk) bsit c pins, Freeman & 13; 25 bbl,. alnr, hot. llostotter & smith ; 5 m ei :, nil , j b ox Mottles, W McCully; 300 bids flour, 4fkl sks do. T C Jenki n s & 1.1 n,; 250 pigs lead, Dithridge & Sou; 2 cars stone, man & fl; I csr hours ip bulk, !lovelier. K & Co; 10 bms w OM, C Ihmsen & Son; 12 resins, 0 1011. paper, 50 eks rags, lindlrev & Clark; I chest tea, 1 caddie do, Haworth & Pewhurst; IS9 has flint glass jars, Atlan tic (Mass ('o; 12 bag rags, C P Markle & Son; I elsest tea, !Carter, Mcliresv& Co; . IS mks potatoes, Meaner & Harper; I box I chimneys, Harris & Ewing; 3 flrkinm but ter. W II Cooper & Beck; 17 oil Ws, Dram. & Robertson; 14 has cheese. 1 tub butter, N .1 Braden. Al-LEI - WENT VALLEY liarr.aoso, May 10.-12 aka potatoes, A Dougherty; 111 aka calm, 9 do wheat, Scott & 10 mks corn Adams & Austin-2.S do P•brat, John Boyd; *t do oats, Houck, Jamison & Co; 13 dodo, 6 do potatoms,' Donfielly; 20 do oats, F Altavater; I bbl eggs, E Heazleton; 2 do do, Head & 3fetrgar; 6 do butter anti eggs, L J Blanchard; 9 do do, A W Beer; I 1 do do, F Templeton; 3 airs metal. Mc , Knight & Co; 2 dodo, Totten & Co; 4 pkgo butter and egg., W Reedy; 2 earn stone, llonderson & M; 3 do do. P through; 7 hbls tallow, II Healer; 12 blob. apples, ‘'angor. der & Nhepard. • ALLEonsucv li4rAntr3, May 10.-3 CAN a iron, rlrriff,B & Co; 46 boles cotton, Ken• mak, l'hilds CO; 2 earn lumber, Smith. Ct - Co; 1 du do, S' M Cummlagx; 6 blobs eggs. II Lena; 38 dot taken, J 'M Me. Cutcheon; 1 car atavet,Ralya di II; 4 do do, J M Hemphill: 3 earn wheat, Kennedy Bro. • • . . CINCINNATI PER AitzpsoTits, May 10.- 10 bga wheat, 21 do rys, 0 du earn, 2 do oats; 1 bill Isms, J A W Fairley;s tea beef, W g Hays; 7 pkgs, 37 caddies tobacco, Johnson A C; 21 Ws d peaches, J Collins; 1 seed drill, 1 cultivator, WW Knox; aundries, Brownsville Packet; 21/0 hdla keg staves, 50 do heady:, 85 bills hoops, Phillip• &M; 134 o carhop, Penn Kilt /daunt Co: 20 bza h ware, 1: 'swing. A & Co; 12 bbis cement, 13 do eggs, 8 do apples, 350 do pork. 100 do h AVltigN. Clark & Co: 2 doz chairs, J Meyer & Son; 2 wardrobes, 1 pkg carving„i liernhaid; 11 bedsteads, 0 Whiting & 20 bias apples, $1 dopo tatoes, Voigt, M & ('n; 53 lulls hoop poles, II ilinkle; 3 kgs butter, 3 bbls apples, 11 Rea Jr; 2 do eggs, Meanor & 11; 1 do do, J Pettit, lo do, Wll Grail & Co; 40 tong iron, Loomis 4 O. PITTNER:11011 lIIIOWNBNII.I.M. AP.I3 (Mr :NEVA. May 10.-20 bbis apples, 20 do ' flour,/ 8 Dilworth & Cwr. 1 bbl whisky, iN 8 Head; 16 mks corn, 45 do wheat, McHenry & Hood; 2 Lb's whisky, Wells; 101 skit oats, 60 a o corn, 8 bales bay, Campbell' & Cortliton;'4o hogn. & Co; 220 galls stnneivare, 11'11 Cooper; 267 slut corn 49 do wheat, 99 do Batts, '3lc('Facken, & Co; 29 skit cora, C Schauppe Co:. 2 halo crackers, J Porterfield; 21 ski .crapß, B Pflaum; 24 tibia flour, McCullough, Smith & t'n; 6 pkgs,ll W nankin; 80 skx corn, Hitchock, kfcCreery & Co; 68 lalls paper, C Buckley. (iF.NEVA PER BELLE, May 10.-55 akt• corn,'Mclisnry & Hood; 40 do do, kießane & Aujer, 20 Ito wheat,Olenshaw; 12 bales hay, Pattentou; 26 Lb's - 1;1)10;1.1i S Carlisle; 5 bbls fish, Johnston & STEAMSHIPS TO LIVEUPOOL AND _ QUEENS. I'OWN.-7111: iNMAhI ; [ AIL ST .A.thilltihh, natal:meths attlocal arst4lo . data vowels, among thou too celebna. tad Elif Of MN r an°4I7,IWASILE LeiztßoN. . ui e Von apply to WILLIAM BINGIIAM, dr., 143 SMITHFIELD STREET XTEW BURLINGTON HERRING 10 born Mltehell'a celebrated Burtingtm Herring. the WTI of the soma: also fresh smoked Salmon. Just rewired and for We by th e box or at 'LW."the Fltdlf ° MVP/7 ittiSHAW my 3 Corner Liberty and Moth Meet , s. \ I PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE : WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 11, 1870 L'2 ET= IMPOWM in - RAIMIU tip CINCINNATI AND Sr. 131P911T14 It!VER THE NEW AID SPLEN aionniewrA4l. IY. Ili le.te for ttppYNIIIA ap h omanr i l .. intermedlate poll. nn For freigbp orpLage P. r 1 lump/. . . Pittsburgh and Cincinnati The now and oplendid vide-whee si dr at JUNIATA. Cale(.- H, F.. will leave Pfitaburgli the Cincinnati STEM' TIIVRADAY,at Ili o'clock promptly.' Retneninf. will leave Cincinnati EVERY StiNDAY P 1 12 M. V O, M O IXtt ;wawa. apply on board or to Pittsburgh and Cincinnati The new end splendid eidoarbeel Steamer •ARLINGTON, DANIEL MOORE. Master, A.S.flntstsun. Clerk. lessee pittsbrireh for Clneinnati every TUESDAY et 12 M. promptly. Retnriting.letie . s andenstifor Pitts burgh, au 12 N. every . till-DAT. • JAMS COLLINS. fel nacx a coLI,INGWOOD, AJMOtil. `RIVER NEWS The river Wlln about stationary last evening, but it was expected to rise again during the night under the influence of the late rains. The' Arlington arrived about aim' o'clock- on Monday night, and departed yestenlay at IP. St. She had an i;celletit passenger trip not and a fair freight list. and it would have been much better had It not been for the unfavorable weather. The Belle'arrlved from iieneva and de parted again last evening.. Site will leave again to-morrow evening at 6 o'clock. The Collier barges, ('apt. Shedden. will 'depart for St. Louis today without fail, and shippers are requested to have their bills of lading down no early in the day is possible. The Kate Putnam, Capt. Ed Evans. will be the first Wit out fur Nashville. The Savanna, train St. Louis, was duo last night. The illendale. Capt. Hare, with the vet. eran Capt. Mellon in the office, is an, 'teamed for St. Louis forthwith. She in nee of the best boats in the trade and dters xuperior iudureuient;i to F.t.4...1.i.r.e!. -,'Tito Juniata is duo licre from Cinrin nati, and will return OM. usual to morrow at 12 o'clock. Mr. J. W. Fairley tosf,Mathew Steele. both well known .grain merchants. were passengers on tho Arlington. also Mr. J. N. Montgomery: some years ago oni, Of the editors and proprietors of the Pitts burgh Port. . The . Wild Duck' burgeo,Capt. Anawalt are announced for St. 1.011i9. Capt. Anw wait is well known - no one of o4r j moo energetic and hard working stelunbont men. - RED RIVEII,—Quite a thin of.llolllfl have returned with loads of cotton front above the tuft, aggregating fully tl,lloo The ollicera of those steamers report the river falling rapidly, but as they left lie fore the last rains, we anticipate - another rise. The bulk of all, cotton nt the land. toga on Upper lied river MIS already been brought out on the lute rise. but it is es. thuated by those who ought to know, that four or five thousand bales might he found by boats that would make diligent search near the head of navitration.-01d do Ooze:ft. —The Decatur (Alabama) Repro?,liran of last Weduetiday, contains the follow The improvements On the • Peones are river ArColbert's Shoals are progress ing rnPldly to completion. When the oh structions in the river at that point ar all removed, preparations will Is• made t clear oat obstructions at the Mosel Shoals.. When this is done, the Tenses. see river will have uninterrupted naviga tion from Paducah to Knovville —The Itarborrnaster at St. Lenin has made the following regulations: - All boats are rellitired to discharge and re. ceive their cargos at their lawn landings or meson their own wharf boats. • If they have railroad iron fur the North MiSnouri Railroad, or freight (or the Elevator, Haw areismuitt.l to discharge there. A breach of this ordinance will subject the offimder to a fine not less than ,t.. 5 or more than $3OO. — . ll. Cincinnati Chronic), of Monday sacs: Sir. Wth. Doyle. one of the add stock of engineers. anal well-known here. arrived in thin city thin morning. Ile in just from the Red river packet Rudolph. and is en route for Pittsburgh. Ile will return here and 7 superlntend the construe. Hon of a Red river packet_ —leapt. E. B. Trinidad. of New Orlanum, closed a contract on Wednesday. the 4th inst.. with John B. Davies. of Louisville. for a boat for the Attakapan and New Dr leans trade. Her dimensional are an fol lows: 135 feet long. In fret beach, nod 5 feet hold; 15 inch cylinders and 4 feet striae. • —The Sallie, bound for t h e inonataina. passed Omaha last ‘Yetinesday. She re fused freight and paaaengera to the amount of $1.200 at that point. Mboiouri Hoer is falling.. —Eph n retired b.sttnan, is sue cenefully Tanning at liarpeth .Shtrals Tennessee.. He began hie career as deck hand with J.. Thrtaip and Bea. Egan. —Thu Belleverpon and Camelia were at Evansville on Sunday, the former en ' mute from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, and the latter Pittsburgh to Nashville. —A party-of buildeN paawd through Nlemphis a few -WO to Pittsburgh, where they *will contract for an ironclad snaghistt to olw•rate ill lied river. —Th.• Argosy. St. Louis to Pittsburgh. left Vineingtskii Sunday ninming 19 lots—Erastns St. John and W NI —The new boat—amt.! Tower uaft have left Louisville Jro St. Louis yester. —The ArkananA lIR4 again gone aliovii Attie Hook tor a heavy load avvatiiii. —The Nfeasengi.r •Nona•to bayu left ein innatt for St. Loma on Monday. • • —Business is good at New Orleana for Ohio river bow& Rrirra — PecnrcTs. MONONGAHELA. RIVER. THE FLEET STEAMER BELLE, .L I'. SMITII J W Ci notultieder, ndependeul Pillsbargh. Brownsville and Geneva Yodel. LEAVES DAILY AT i P. Al Will aim Freight Peiviengare to all Dein. en the llunongsbele t lxf.r t ep . e x tg.:3pe r meitygily ea Leant. 01 . 1,1 Win rf - tore PALI. I'ATTERS(' /N. Agent. =fflZZ= •1 4 , 011. t DuaucKrE AND ST. PAUL. —File popular pasvanger steamer , 1‘1.14.91/ A . . M. Haut.. ummander. James Bellow Cle . rt , will leave for the above and Intermediate mar FRIDA Y. May 19. at 4 ww. For freight Pr y hammer apply tot bward or to myll • FI,ACK A CoLLlNollool).Agenta. - FOR ST. 1.01.15, I. NUR, BUQUE AND AT. PA UL.—Tha foe paaactayer steamer SAVANNA Feel. Itountx. Will leave for the...above and Intermediate porta on SATURDA Y. May 14th. reigh r. r Ar/t . r. NIV.I3AIIinVIZ%en HT. Lat. lii. L'OR—EV A NSVILLE, CAIRO AND ' IntNDA Y. M. 7 I 2th. et .1 P.N., the steemer. WILD And Baxges Swim and Dove J. W. ANAWALT... CHARLES ADAMS. Will leeve ea announced above. r" Mrlabt " P ' 7 ll'.'ir.Vit'Ll; a co.. A V . ". Who will give through hills or lading to New lie Inane abri el-Ingllittni flie Mietioriepi gull Ilia writ , souri !inn. a ( 11:1 ,: VOR LOUISVILLE; jat iag -- 4. EVANSVILLE AND NAND. %11.1. E. -The .1.1.1 Ch and commodious KATE PUTNAI.II, RIX NVANPL.,, W. RARBIS9N . Will Way. soh sale• on THURSDAY,lsky t plb """qtariflMlAo3=r4seoli SPECIAL NIYPICE—The Kati Poleaxe sill Mk, tret t • =Ler . Ipt them thrtmAb Nk eleatehh ttrt NIMI f§ HIPP ERS O BAROE sA IEa LINK—FOR EVANSVILLE, IRO AND ST. LOUIS. the Doman rDLMEE AND R 4 au?!:s. iiiiiiii THIS DA 'Cline I Ito, at 4 . e. D. O. 11. WIRIEST 6 Ca.. Agen.. PORTIMIIiTH AND CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI PACKET LINE FLACKS COLI.INOWOoD, SAIIICS COLLINS, Agents. PACKET LINE. SPECIAL NOTICES CONSUMPTION DR. SCHFINCK'S PULMONIC SYRUP for the Cure of Coughs. Cold. and ConseteTtion. Dr. SCHENCK'S SEAWEED TO.•IC for the cure of Dyspepsia mad all the Debilitated Condition of the Stomach. DR. SCHENCK'S MANDRARE PIT.T.S. for Dias easmi of the Liner or to art as • Gentle Put - mire. All of these three Medicines are often required in curing Consumption. though the Manion.° Syr up alone Lem cured Ronny el cue.. 'the Seaweed Toole and Mandrade saint In "pi elating the Stomach and Lire, and help the Poi bloodlTU to dlgeet sod sear rough the o Twines. by which means a cures soon eft fected. These Medicines are cmnscientionsly offered to the Public a s th e onir safe. certain and reliable remedy for Pulmonary Co sundithan, and for all those tthrtild conditions of the body which lead in that (mai diseatni.• liver t amphant and Dyspepsia theyften forerunners of onsumptlon. and when manifest they require the hen prompt attention. . The Pulmonic Syrup is • edielne which has had a long probntion before th public. It. value bus been proved by the thou d cures at e hs made I through at period of more tan thirty-fiv years, In all of which tane Its repu Ron haa increased. and the moat °Ordinate theta' am no longer doubt that It le a remedy thigh may be used wall cimil den the all ma. which admit ef a cam. Ifpetlent will perseveringly follow the direc tions which aecompesay each bottle. he will certain. IT be cured, if his lungs are not too much wasted to make a cure Ismail. Even In cease supposed Pa be incureble. when friends and physicians have deimuired, the u. of this Medicine has mired the life of the patient and restartsi him to perfect health. Dr. ticbenek does not say that all cases of Pul monary Consumption the within the ranch of med icine, Mil he em phatimily ..rta that often when s uepents have `Gait,s alurming symptom, each as iolent PO creeping China, night meats, Mansell dahlia,. even to mach a degree that they ern obliged to he In bed, and when they are given up by their physician, they may still be cured. No medical treatment can create new hinge, but when the lungs are very sadly dliennied and of Pane ex tent destroyed, scum may be elected by Dr. Sclienekls medicine. 1 Alen In Sendulo. Use.., thew medicines are ' Mintally efficient. Dr. Schenck hata photographs to a number Of persona who have been rtmrly metered with running mires and now ell heeled up. This shows Its purifying propertl., which most be this to heal myth. In the Ithan. In the treatment of Comminption It Is of the at ds,,,,, h dd oed, de g co glen Maur and a healthy tone Lo the systeni. panne It is necessary to strengthen the appetite of the mallard and improare the Mires rim. Proper nourishment la minima together with auch means . will make the food they diestible. The article. Moat sellable for diet of Consumptive pollenia ure deslimatam id • Dr. Schenek's Almanac.. which are distributed I thusly. In general. the most highly held. a arta. cies are to be preferred. but the digestive must be etrentathene4 In dialer to make eith I=l or medicine itervicenble. This requlremen Is met hi the Seaweed TOlllO, um? for Mile pu It was d' l ' lrent digestive semen, are We In r oAier. 4t. the fond haft. th proper effect: the sy te of the patient Is Invimmated Midi/. Ithlm begi ' n eater. Mae their functions in a su ers of healthy man ner. Then the healing powers of Putnam/lc Syr.° n ti ngl e n c ite t r h y " Pftt7s . o all P ' ' ' thin Is alnaost &Drama com planted .wlth Dyke pia and liver Complaint. , SchenoiCe Mandrske Pills ere attended 11, 123110,0 1 obetruellims from the liver and minima. healthy action. They hem all the efficacy which la not to ealithel ifs ... blue Illnel," and are Immanuel not to contain a wild° of any edema' poison. Those Mlle euro themood obstinate costiveneas. Met headache, piles, Milanw aneetione. end all other diseases which arise from a torpidor übetriacted condition of the Liver. One boiled there pals will In the eMcacy of the medicine. - In Consunthtlon the Seaweed Tonle and Man drake Pllla are invaluable maxillary medicine...- Tiler relieve the auffertoraorthe patient ands...fist the Pulmonic Syrup In effeminate cure. They have bete found useful 11l advainvil Magee of Conautne aloe. where the hinge are adman entirely desuayed mid all symptoms eocordaag to the Judgment of the physician Indic:atm] u lam death. The lives of patients who were amoully In a dying condition have been . unmarred for months by the use if alehencla three greet remedies. Dr. Scheck's , Almanac contalna a full treatise oh Ws nun,,,,. farms 1 1‘11..o.his mode of thatment land general directions hum to nee his medicine.a be had goals, or runt by mail by addreaslng his Principal office. No. 13 North Sixth street, I'bila delphia. Pa. Price of the Putnam/1c Syrup and Semireed.Tonic emit 41 1 40 lam bottle-or 57,30 a half down.. Mthdmke Pale 53 CPS.a a box. For sale byall ra dt/sista. defflidiaT IgI ' 'INWTOR • It ' ll ITTIER CONTIS IMIS TO TRIIAT PRIVATR WS- EASE.S. That minimum clan of cases resulting fru..lf-abanetinadumnat ammaitlineas, nervou• debility, imiebilliY, ...Mom, alind.l ehli.M... and family impotency permanentay cured. Pessium adilkied with delicate. Intricate rid lon 111.11111 M. constitulliond complaints are piditely Invited to mil fee conaultatlem which coats nothing. Rave n... the best of teachent, h. enabled hap to perfect remedies at ono° eta agent. lute, permanent, and which In most cases vale be used •Ithout hind mum to businesa. Medical. prepared in the e tabladinient, which eau bum.. MEI., reception and welting nun.; id. 'hoarding and attaining aPeo . t u .T. U gl ' i ' lat s .po " V ' rui r lTZLi d t l :/hZ " rg, " t gri: rating the tamed mineral amine, hat who have failed, mate your ca.. Read what he says in 111.1 pamphlet fif tatty pages, mad tu &sty edam. for two steMPa in , at envelope. Thou... of Pas. treated annually, at um " in ell over the Countrff ;;" \ ': ' l l i t e 4""n 1".. l'..7 : '" gri:T, "mal l . ., ""'"t" - ir".”l/Inii.Viget!. ~g. . ' mun...i.j. l i ll t st. b lr4 h P! at Pamphlet pent to any address for TWO 5T..11.11. SP , .... , a— MANHOOD: 110 W LOSti r itOO' itklallooltlflo -Jun Published in a medial envelpe. Price. als rents. A I.Eff,TURRON THE NATURAL TitRATMENT. and Medical flare of Sentinel Weeklies., and Ilifillall' :=ltli , :t.kliaNT: l" ps ' , at '‘ lir erN.l, - .4,:gi0."7;.t .T., IneaPpera the“pitOßT. .1. CRl.Villt n iVßlsk,, ' D. Ito author, il Cireen Book . he. vA Huth - TO TiIIaUSANDS OP SUPPER/MU, Sent ender moat. in a phalli envelope. to any address. pompalii. Virgin, V. ' li ‘ 171!1 " /i !. r Itt; " .: rail., V1 . T 1" .4 e r :: York. Postoface lain 4 41411. Alen Dr. Culrerwolils - Marriage tinkle." p r ice 4 3 macula. tnylwlti OILS rtacii Brothers, COIEMISSON 11LF:RelIA'ktS =1 Petroleum and its Products Pltt.bureti (Mk,- I.* LIEU., BL:ILIUNti.^, nor un9in•.no %%", and Irwin .1,1 .Ig.tila • . 111. 187 'v, INUT okplie N '. h A.N I N:(i * kV/ RINI / 4, Commimon Mercla.ta .4 Orukers trt Petroleum and its. Products DALZELLV 111 , 01- K.DUQUERNE WA T. 11=!I WAR , KING dr, CO •P 72 109 WALNM STREW. ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY Herbert W. C. Tweddle, MANUFAVTUit 01' • Lubricating and High Test Burning Oils. ECLIPSE: RAILROAD ATLI( OIL, Stands great heat wlthout chamfer remains Ilm. Indat lowest temperature.. !Racial MI for hster t wahe. • r tropi- LDtMOTVIor hot MACIWNR SHOP, Will cut scrawl, SAW MILL AND BLARING MILL OILS, 51AdriatIVC for V.i,ghaMlNA Oil Oil, TANNERS' FIND and FINISIIING.GAboLINR, OIL., HARNESS OIL. IPARAFFINIR. ARMOR VARNISH. to preserve Bright Imo Work and Machinery from rust. Theme pnalucts aremanuractured finder Dr. 10 T,11,11e). talent by Superheansl Steam In Vaccuo. The Lehrhatlng 01la are ltdolieut, perfectly pure, untfonn. and woolly light 1411110 a high temperature unchanged. and remain limpid during eitnana cold. The Itallmed Oils an une qualled, and are In constant Use t many of the principal Itallruadm. Samples can he emu:greed and order. leftat 174 WOOD STRICRT. Worts at Shanabunf Bridge. LEGAL. Orphans' Court Sale. KamLa. of JOSEPH IiWINNER.I.Lo of the icw° ' blp an ofla: Bonvll, *loot,' of lodlans, Kate of Pone yfr I , ll : txriTteal ., m . gtla of the °nal...Court at the prentbeth . on the nitATLTAMPI,b""'e 7th DAY. OF JUNE, 1870 all the Mpht , title, int/Vela and claim of the said Jomph Iwlunor, dec . d. of. In and to the following de...wined rest estate. to-wit: The mac undivided third part of a tenant piece or parcepof bend situ ate In Horned lownshlweald conntf.adJolrildlg LOOM or jseolf Grall wad Wet. /lialierzW4ll mlto4lfltm -I:o4l.lx,,l,Bl4trWir;Vih_l*.gunr, other ontbeileinfs Namur, erect/M.0013.0131mi 4 acrea,be the MIMI, more or less. TRMS—One-balf the purchase moosr on muter elation of sale, end the balance In one year there after with Interest. to ho secured by bond and mortjmge. Sale to be coed nand by JOIIN BRU.CEI& WM. MAHER Vart i :l4 Administrators of said doceaaed. mnwiXl-daT WM. R. BLACK, Clark. LIIIC'STRICT COURT OP THE . UNI TED PENNSY L VANIA . lly WESTERN T OP IN BANKRUPT CY. A 1:.:F . ..1.1 .. .4V , FtLai d ' . ' c 0,6,: W. I tad co A maw.' In euunnjy H. t Wan fo t :7f latrAe i n v ia l libli by aald "HIT MnWtdrFst„:::"Sirdii L Tres Mill•aoatdAbetartipta n pin wuuon ri dt i.L 4 /t 4;; ;. I' l lia ":; nrtr o /4 % .11, pnla "4'11:a to wid ny debt. for of any property by Mem are forbidden by law. A meeting of lbw enedlion of said bankrupts, to prove their debt. sad choose one or more tut f moires of their rotate. mil be held at • Court of roost Pilnhu h. In Bankruptcy to be holden,. No m tgamond ;t i t re tn _o c •Ata t A ° ?, ll ,ll the ar the oak. of Hamm! Harper, Esq., ono . of Rdl/!.tr7 !p 14p!..0try.”( .un uholet: 4' r%V ••et, S. • itofloOlOT. =I The Bat Suspenders ever Wein. If °ritual. Ilk, eantiOnofi opine. buying on, Ind lloensoo loud& _Noah petit. Is stamped *mai. a nt „ of nor (foods patents. Sold at rota!! flon-otoss Fornisbhfif dealers to thlo FISK,CLARK St FLAGG; PATFNTEE6, -- 58 White street , New York.; .02,4wr FINANCIAL AMERICAN BANK, No. So Fourth Aven.ue PITTSBURGH (`AHD CAPITA! s2eo.ooe Stockholders Individually liable. BANK Or DISCOUNT AND DEPOSIT. JOHN FLOYD. WK. FLOYD, • President. ()ashler. nigacTogs: Thos. IL Karshall, • I John Y. Itonland, • Wm. T. Shannon, • Archlba/d Wallace. James W. Awing, Jas. D. Kelly, Chas. &Leech, Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, This Dana is ads , DOW orgardrad and prepared to do a general Banking business, FREEHOLD BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION, • No; 100 Fourth Are.,4ltlshorgh. l'4llrth. ..... ................. :118183: DEPOSITORS SECURED BY REAL ESTATE AND INTEREJT ALLOWED UN TIME DE. PorIITN. PesideaI—EDWARZ:USE. • Vine Pres'Munro—J. N CRAFT, ADAM JACORS. EDWARD 110US6 . • W ILLIAM rim.i.lpm, JAM MI S. PRAYS% HOST. W.IIACICKY, STEEL, JARED M. BRUNIE , TfIOMAS W. DAVIN. ••• Somata'/ sod Troramorer—TllollAS STEEL. A Matmt 11•INar—JAMYSI P. SPEER. Odloa bums [lump Airlock 4 o'clock P.M. daily, and ovary Saturday amnia& from 7 to 10. antlnr3l • COMMERCLA L BANKING COMPANY No. 9! Fourth Are., Pittsburgh. CAP/TAI • 0400,000 • Stockholders Liable. W. 11. EVERSON, W. C. ACR MCI President.. Caxhler. MR.CTO.: ALMA/if/BB BAT/21, JOHN LINIaIA Y, A. 11. EN/MIMI B. IaACIIC W. 11. ET BILRCIB, JOHN O. W. O.IICOIIAHT, B. V. WIL.MoN, • JACOB KUSH. Collection/ roads on all _aecesol bla Pant, of Oa United Maus and Canada. INT/IFLIBT alkanal an THIS DI/POETS. Poua r . / . attention Elven' to all bulaaas• al O.*. 111.. E. SAFE . DEPOSIT CO. Of Pit tsburgii, FOR TIIR Safe Keeping of Valuables, Under guarantee. and the renting of Safes In to Fire and Burglar-Proof Vaults, No. 83 Four:th Ave. Pre.ldent—Wll.l lAN P 1111.14 William Phillips. "' 7ll;;iisi if. Painter. Ham?Llnpd,.l Joe. ' Witham Re.. George Black, U. ". Nees and Traas.-.P. F. YON BONNHORST. • Open dall.t.frein 9 (Moak •. M. 104 /1 . 4111 PM P. M. CITY BANK, 112 FIFTH' AVENUE PITTSBURGH, PA. IZEIZE • 0100.000 STOIIIIIOI.DEBI4 •IsnivIDILLUISr. LIABLE. INTXRESII PAID ON DEPOSITS. FOREIGN EXCHAIVOIC bought and wild. and when desiredremitted to Europe. Collections Untied on ail .oa ill Mil the PrlneiVal or the Untied 5i411141, AV Canada., 110)i Yll X 111.101P.N. President. JAMES lircA UR, Vice President. W. N:111101tGAII. Cashier. V. Bunsen. l i iitas McCabe. tesinslieurha, peel Kean.. 1.111.11%4: . Jannis Phelan N. J.• reprogte. . • l i re en I Thom A a P s ftrues. • N. Stahl. JeI•AS 305 .1 31.1iA EXAM. Solicitor. CENTRAL BANK No. 35 Bank Block, 11= VA PITA I •1 00.000 Bank of Distount and Deposit. SUNIC1101.1)1019 INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE- Intend Allowed on Time Deposits 4,lleet hon. made to all the oriooloal Cities of th United:lWe. and Vapadas. Tll',to VA W..14"Vri11.900 II AILEY • J. F. bez:Nt•irov. ' JAM Fe Dolan Ia e, °WHOM AN. JAI.IUCaVia: Wit u li " . it n ATIM J. WA I.TRIt, • JAMES LrONn. Tllok. F %TETT 'Preelthmt. J. w. nA Err, cgAior. • M. MUNI NW., Asst. Cashier. ap11,710. DOLLAR AVINGS BANK, No. Gr) F r turth. Avenue. CHAR lIRD IN 1833. ASSETS,- 82,598,371 GO. Open dally front WON'. A. 3 'ock.. N. end ttATURDA I' EVENINGS. Woo he y let to November IN, from I to 9 eeclo.3. and from No. NNW.' Ist to May ley from to PI o'clock. newel. nwelved of all soma or nut leas num tiredDoLLAtt. and • turideod of the profits de twice • year. In June and Deoembey Inter est has been declared seml•annuellY In June and December. Now the Ralik was otwolsed, at the rate of NM Per Cent. per i.e. Interest. U not drewn ookbt placed to the credit f the denten/kr as principal, nod bows the IName tolerant front the find days of Jane and December, compounding twice a year. without troubWestthe depoWor to call. or even to present Ins pass book. Al OW MN owner trill double In kw than twelve yeam,_ Books contalnlek the Charter. 974 Ales, Rules andd Inentiallow. rertinhed Pally uti Applicata:mat once. Pltkennrk - f-JAMIPM. TIZROMAN. were raILSIII.TII,- Demme Albree, A. M. Pollock, M. D., Juba Q. Bactufen. Hobert Robb. Bent. F. Pahnemock, John 11. Ellosentetrier, Jame* MCAnter. ;James Stadia, James 11. D. Meeits, AlerAnder Speer, lame M. Pennock, iChristlso Yeager. • Minsk. Was J. Andimson, !Mears L. Lynch, Colvin Ad... _Wier A. Madeirs, Mihne• Mindlor. Poles Marshall, itall(banes icirftll. l[ e alteti . P. Marshall. A. 11=11"n; Jobs Krebs. John J. Gillespie, Mists, Jr, Williat II mS. Haven, ft/rMsby Ftllll. IRdhaN liars. . !Heart L. Illteralt, IWm. Sehtrierm. James D. Rally.' Alexander Tina, Robert C. Loomis, ' WRllam . S' hilt. TAMA lotrazet—CllA L khil A. DOL Ito TON, • timmirrARY—JAMES B. D. DEEDS. N. Holmes --& Sous - BANKERS, 67 Market Street, • PITTSIIIIROT - 1, PA: cglict:f igmAt o r , a 11polus ati ita44:4. STOCKS, BONDS AND.OTHER SECURITIES, BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. WO Parttester f attention pal 44 IQ the purchase and United i3tateg Seouritibk HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Bankers and Brokers, CORNER FOURTH AND WOOD BTRDETN, Pittsburgh. Pa., ISOCCERIORS TO UANNA, lIART & C 0.,) • DiaLM tN Exchange, - Coin, Coupons, sanielat attataiolttl to Lb. parchata and Government Bonds, QTR Sight Draughts on London, Tradesmen's National Bank, WOODD STiEET, CORNER SECOND AVE. INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS, COI, Coupon Beads and Mock ROIIODTAND BOLD. tiVilEMtistildent, oN:dAT VTR H. - /H. Cupp}, FLOUR. PEARL STFAI FLOURINO R. T. KENNEDY & ENO., ALLscanurr crry, hlanntseturene of the l ade eidebnted titled. arrow: Star Green Wand ktt evoraiiid Myrlalit. 4 Star EV: Stand u tz. a now N l . l liraned Weed. • %tee " Ft oe,. .t ... p .,,. o‘ . to an T off INI Mime _ In tha==t gtfr. far .'" ". °"*" . "4 ' . . . . s} °-; ~~'.t`,~~s'gi~`~'> ~":-:salsa.I+~;z%~'.,~ , ~:ax.~;c'.x .. ~. c..~...:~f*=c-.:=;~.:~ ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. FORT PITT - Boiler, Still and Tank WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER =I TI;SI.II,4B,DOUBLE-FLUKD TUBULAR TIRE. AND CYLINDER STEAM BOILER& (111. STILLS. AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEYS, BREECHING AND ASH PANS. DENSEEirrruRSNo 'PANS. MALT PANS AND CON , STICAAI PIPES- GASOMETERS AND IRON BRIDGES, PRISON DOORS AND COAL SIICTISL • OFFICE AND WAREIIOI7I3k Cor. 2d, Bd, Short and Liberty Street■ I= tlrOrders 'COL to the above addroetwill to P.mptlyttttendeld HUGH M. BOLE SL CO. Cor. Point Alley and DuquenneS =1 Engine Builders, Founders, • A :elf • NI.A.(J.I4INI.BI`S. Manufacture teIetAMMOAT M:Mille PM and PTA. TIoNMItY Itefff IN IN uf ail .11. ea, prZi", VA:7, "M11,3r,Air7,111733 n 0 11 , K111 ,4 13 hurt. porrar.. CAMTINO , nf l avory elm? matte to urtler at atm Foututry., on fin MD RI MUT. below, Maffei I(N)N fen. fug Walk, elm TIM/4, PVI,LMIre. 11,011/1110., Iff Um: sou Trrff MT° trtirent, and MON Tlrtleartr l'lttterMCN. fin b end -an e d trut4s In order. at Um INDISSTRIAL . WORKS, rronlh uret, Ing on the Allegheny Myer. neer the litte Pe. sl All ronlor• prempl.l,- n 11.4 Tit? 174. & .I)ty)., I=l SAFES AND VAULTS, 1112E2 60=111 :NGINES AND MACHIN ER !MUMMY WOUK, REPAMINii AuldUTTiNd UP .MACUINF,ISY, II VDRAULIP MKTveN nur 17th and PIK IC 14TliZIM9, PlUsburxh. nolikter, O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPHAN CO., v A yJNILDVATaitgsIt T SIMIAN° ,ANS. PlllBO, NIORS. MAlti R. MUCH FIRE Bems..te.. Cor. of Strand Irene and Liberty Street. PITTSEILIIIOII. PA. Repairing done promptly. Onion vent to the above add nom will be promptly attended to. F. REPIIAS, formerly Manager at CARROLL .1 BNYDIOCS. - oellhatd POUNDERS, MACHINISTS BAP FORT PITT Foundry Company. OFFICE AND WORKS Twelfth Street, =I Urtneini,, RoMug Mill Machinery. Nail Mi 11!",!- E t4umis. and CanAtittoism_yr, --~~ NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe Works. .orner Carroll and Snitllman Sreets =I = ATM. SMITH, MANUFACTURER OP Cast fron'Bowl Pipe, GAS AND WATER WORK Z 3 .tr 2 reti l :4lt. in lr'',' l ii m ".At"" Castings for Gas and Water Works I would abo call thoatteutlonof Soporlutorldoota of (ha Works to my make of RETORTS. W .J. ANUERSON 11. A. WHEYVOOLE. MONONG.AIIELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Idszofacturers of IRO( lIOUSR FRONTS WIN DOW - LINTELS and HILL S, od Castings of all Descriptions. Ads en,t . I on c til to to atITECTLTR i I tiT.INUB -sou to mon r wtroo• thus °mem ANn VorstnaT—No. 430 WATER PlRstut •• Pc ROBINSON, REA & CO., Simonson to Roattmort,llmd & Mauna WASHINGTON WORKS , • roinvttEM Jt 11ACEILVISTB. PITTSB(IRGII. Iflk titytum,=,,,trjalittVit+,lll 4: iiiX t ßi tBlll2l Mn 'i:l4L". Id Us. fo.di, PATINTIMO474O, THOS. CARLIN & CO., Fourthlard Foundry k Machine IVorka, • SANDUSKY ST., ALLFAIIIILNY . (NM PA. Mannfactorera of Satttonary add Portable Stoma limb wzr.rinLelltift.2°C.MY=. limbo Bora. WORM.. {raison Bozos; At. Built to OrAsta q ll have on nand Emainea of all alum Phoenix Roll Foundry. Co, LIBERTY AND 24T11 STS. . - BOLIN AN & BAGALEY , Manufartarara of Saporta{ Chill Rolls, Sapd Rolls and Plains. PROFESSIONAL. LE W. DeCAMP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Wm removed to No. 6? GRANT STRKET_, Itunth. WM practice In the U.S. Clrcultand Dtetrlet ( bort+. to the Mete Interne. =Kt .11 ta• Co.rts Allegheny county, end mate coliecttotts M lowa of the Oaf mint mantles. MGM II H. McCORMICE, Attorney-at-Law, No, OS GRANT STILLIZT bu l:Prompt atiantloo given to all kinds 1:121., ARCHIBALD BLAKELY, Attorney-at-Lavr, Na FIFTH A VENUE, IF= =TE W B. B. 'BEEPER, AILLIUIAX 'AND ELDSICIO JUSTICE or . TUE PEACE. Offioei,ll2 Fifth avenue. a m mai attention Elven to 'lo ngues and col. woman. Deed.. Banos and 'longues drawn ay and aElegel business attendee to promptlr and so. COTTON: MILLS OLMES BELL & CO. COTTON MILLS, rrnsaonaa Phm?etentniot MATT =Dune mairr ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and .Batting. IRON AND STEEL. DUQUESNE WORKS. Coleman,Rahm IRON, NAILS, STEEL, Axels and Springs. DuquEsNE, LX Vi Ju.NIATA I; V§Th• R it'Ufs.ti ITO NA`4, ggr'Allksi PLA - rrai Axn RON * IiUAED IRON. 111110 AND DROPPER BARS. RAIS.CTLINDER IRON. CROWBARS . M. Vak t itIAA 'th ieRtiN grim SPRINO, PLOW .AND CI,LTIVATORTYTEEL. ____STPEL WINOS AND RoULDS, rut to paßeni STERI.TIRES,STRIELSIIAICTING,A lISTKEL: COACIL BUIIGT apa WAGON sriliNus AXLms, CUT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goo& First Clll.Ol and Warranted th. 7 ,411 1, 17 4,...., AND_ WO RKS — an leth ...I d All a. 7 street. Pittsburgh. MIMI?, BARR & PARKIN = WM. MfrreAl.P. MEI:BEN MI [,EN .altrp, W. MARK. 1'1144 MARKIN. / 1 . 4 P/4101 et. M. lIIIICII. Crescent Steel Works, MILLER, BARR k PARKIN, OFTICT.: No. 330 I.lberly Street. foli to; rri - nliwwitt, PA. Pittsburgh Steel Works, rri...xf./Alrrf. rR ss43. ANDERSON & WOODS, neMt Itelhied CII.St Steel • OF EVRRY LESCRIPTION. ALM/. Bent Rerinril German Plow k Spring Steel. (fORN.P:II. AND FIRST AVRNlMtts auhlltil buret, P.. P1T7':...L1311H011 Novelly Works. FOUNDED A. D. 1533. MOOINIEAD, A DX.3IS & CO., ttrkl7:ll'gi7 • • SCALES. Janus Faced Mitsui Door Locks and latches Paint and Cortes 31111 s. an. Corner or FIRST A CARVE and GRANT STS. Pittsburgh. Ps. Sheffield Steel Works, sim; Elt, NEMICK & Co ., PITTSBURGH. PA, Manufactorent or every dearripDaD ar Cast and German Steel. RAILWAY SPRINGR. ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS. AXLES. 97$LT. TIRE, ac to. WAREHOUSE-83. Wale rand 100 Flrat rarest,. BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. EkIiK,I3ROTIIIER & Manufacturers of alk Descriptions o OFFICE tow WAREIIOI.IBE-3001. 31st and Railroad streets. Pittsburgh. STOVES CASTINGS &o. COOK' SIOVES. Get the Best! 'BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, For Bituminous Coal. . 5 v . r .n . 7:::::. , 91 0 ,,, , e '00 i., K , , j _1 ttf01 0r ROAST wel BISSELL & CO .) No. 235 Liberty Street. ALSO ON lIAND AND FOR SALE: PARLOR Attit . Es. HEATING STOVIHI. GRATE FRONTS, FENDERS. COOKING RANGES. Ac., ' Se. GRAFF, HUGUS & CO manufacturers of every vortoty of STOVES, Boston Cookinn. Range, "THE FIERY FURNACE" FOR WARMINO BUTLDINGS. TAE NEW ANTI-DUST COOKING STOVE, arS U ISI 2 . 1 °R. ; Ariterp .. U IPO U RTVIVE CAST I R ON ' /ILTNTLES, ELLMAN's REF LEC. RILAIATatmVs MO and Oust, GRATE 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH, PA.' • • A.BRADLEY&CO. No . . 30 Wood Street, Manufacturers of the yreatost Tahiti) of COOL PARLOR and HEATING BTOVIIMI to be found. to our assortment will he bound WI the latest PAT TERNS mid IMPROVEMENTS, and the rebut.. lion of our Stoves Is such that any one in want of a food imitate should purchase none hut Mimi man 'uured hy us. ma they will be found the 010.1. do. ruble as welt as economical. Would eallparticular attention to our . new VOLCANO STOVE, for churches. halls and stores. Over ZOO Sold In three months. Intended for with or without casing. All who have used them pronounce thew sePirier tsj o rtrkand farcheaper. Send for t.tatogit • d WINES, LIQUORS, &c. AGNER ' S FRENCH COLORING The Very Beitil the United States, MANUFACTURED DT WM. WAGNER, NI North Seventh Street, • ItzrrarNans—All the leading bonsea bvPhU. delphla. J+mar ag Schmidt & Friday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, U., wriousALE DEALERS IN PURE RYE WHISKIES, . Nos, 384 and 386 Penn, Cot of ELEVENTH NT., forsefir CHO. rim JOS. S. FINCH Sr, CO .) Nos. 193,187.149. IRE 103 and 111 S MST STREET. PI ti.borgh, Manotootarves INIPPELS DISTUALND PURE REX MUSKY% .Al.l. denim in Poar.laN LINC . O.I. 110 PC, AC. 114/11 L Y , i ;) al Z7Zieffi r .V.ll4Wi l l NI 21 3:1 L. B. POLTO FULTON & M'GANN, Practical - Pltumberp, GAB AXD STEAX rrrrinis, Mai Avenue, near ILO Street. PittsburPa. Load Mt, Own liose,Cies /Wares, elnkii. nate Tabs sad Waal &sada bram Pipe and rittless-Ale r.d lien P. ps. Me= Cocks always on bile sad Private Illtildlegs lined up srltb Gas agar and Bum USedlest APplirstes. Jobbtai Promptly attended to. • - . .a. -•-•••• "," 1 ..........______ ENNSTLVANIA CENTRAL RAIL ROAD.—On and titer r...r . .....„..xrzi:‘,7;7,.. 1 IA , M 4sl ' r ' t *A ralI!I L . . and depart Mut the Union li ves: epoin' of Wash- Murton and Liberty streets, ar.follo n v . ' • Perste. Mall rati. '' .!..' ' 1:90 am , Simlharn ex.. •30 am Put Line 1.4:12 mu acific f&X-• • ' tO '' m Wall's No. 1 . time ant Wall's No.' I_ . 30 MU Ort,„4.e No.I 7 30 sim' Mail Train 0.10 nto PMl's n0...1 . S. 3am Minton Ac... 1 Mis MO eirleillniati ICS• 9, SI am Wks An . No. I 'lO I'm Johnstown A. 117 oem Pincinli Fix.. - 1:. 4PM Wits Ac. :it , . 1 7: 0 e mp Wail's No. M.. 11,31 am 1 Pitts With Co. . is 0 en Johnstown AC. 4.113 ro , Pnelde ie.. 1.30 pus ilomew'd A. Wall's No. 3.. .4.3 a pm' N. I 11 , unow'd Ac.. .PlOl. ilxpiess HS MI No. 1 9443 pm Wall's No. 3.. 3:03 Pm Well's No. 4.. 3:311pm Walirs No. 4.. 003 PM Rrhirn AnNo.2 1.70 pm •Fast I.lne 740 Pm We y-Passu'r..7ll,3o pm Wall's Nu. 3-71:00 sou hem' trains maim clove connection at Harris "lTefeiThuilan'A7in leaves Walls Slat on eic , 7 . 1 11 JI Y 0 {!. " Xit t 7 9 i - ri o a }l :g a. 7. l ,: i ii r Ti t il l e.""s L l ii":"°:""t 5, 4"' 111 P. ' m Cincinnati Knows leaves daity. Sopthern Xx- Press learns daily except u.d.r, ,All tither trains daily,Sund ay.' ffiligr . , thin pli/y ' ' W. I * . RECtIIPII, Azent. • The Pennsylvania Rallruail Cm= 7 . 1 ... .. 11 n , d Its mune any risk for Inuring. P.M'S '" . "" . "'fi"fr rtioknd limit heir. tresponalbilill tii O ne _F : ...mien In •alue. All Reunite exCeening ins , . amount in value will he at the nen of the owner, unless taken by special contract. -• A.J. CASSATT, mr 7 oral Unral Iturrintamlaut. Altoonn,yi, . .. . N kr FSTERN PENNSTI.VAN IA R.R. 4kiut s6 :6' I L*P iiiim i aagt Pennsylrania itausuad too . Alleghenyarriv d ileiort _Don. tbe Federal btrsol Depot. , so rollover : - A antra. 1 ligestrr. . tYre ' 7,7.,,. :;;;: 1 11..... „ /1 . 10.....1 . 1 1 11 1 1f , 5 , !Zp0 d 5 . ;..1 .1 .T e j 3 : : : :,„. ITIP ' 7I ? Uti lt 4 rl ri U n iLlA. 4 .... ‘ N' 1 . 3 ° ' . mp...,,,,,wAi5414::,,„411,.,4:1 itl: i Above tnillns run dell) except Sunday. The Chinch Train leaves, Allsotbeny Jutunion ay ary . lifi . ir :J , Zullf) . .A. a.. rer . b I nit J i lflti{:i . l3 44.,t,40,,.... and l a. " mln g al. Alleebeenunc tton I 3 41111,11. TT. trala• lancing Alintheinr CU, al 730 A. a. ate din.* connection a Freeport olth alter/. line of Magee Inc Outlet and Ilannabstoen. Tbrough tieliata m a ter ) be torchinied at the (Once, No 1 Mt. flair street. n the duspension Dodge, Pittatsurgh. and at tbe toped Allegheny: rot farther partiessbus &evil to .IA/it:a I, 'rears. Agent. Federal Street Depart. The Weaken POIMAPIII.I44 14111144 d 1.211 not a.. Dune any Mk Ica &WPM crux t forsreng ai. petal, and Inuit tbalr responsibility toOneDan dred Indian. In Nue. All baggage exeseolling this art.ount In Value will I. at th e Dia ut tbe Gamer. able.. taken by oppetiLl Malnet. Ai J. CARdATT, not/ General Superintendent,Altoona. Fa. . 13ITTSIFFRO9. FORT WAYNE k I 4 LKAWINV . gAq4SiIigW — AE U arm It. it. . aroma MAY tat, Is7o. trams lear• freso and arrlva at lb. baput, a, , ,t1, aide, burgh. city Utrsr, at . • I.ZAVIC . I •RIIII,. Inst lArs• 12 I li • m nut 1.1n5.......2211 •In ,;,, o &y, ZF.k. Ilkm,t , Nurth Ex... • 14 . 2 e. Pso ' I 'l l "' ILI 1 a s ' : % ~„.111;1,!.7, Hall. Y, 1 : am Iti="Y.: .... frl4 a m . animeu . .1%/til . rtl ' u. 11. A Wh a Er.. El pal ,C 1 ,•• I d E . .3.1 P I VZIT ge It a..AI : re 1 1.44.*- ..}.i-. , : sg t: 111.111,111 M /114. A1.1.1.0y. ANNINIE IN .. 1 11ea . ..n010 A c..K38 a tn, Leetsdale Ac. I 34 el Leetsdale • 19:1i am Ilea, Falls " , : era IP .. .. /13 a !New Castle " 1 . 3a so Rochester "ti p wEnon II ?1: P 1 •En Klum - .lip to Leetsdale "ITp to LeatAdale. .. : ,. .3 P m Ruler Fa lb - t . .4 P m ltra'r Palls " dlosE p m LearKlAter " • : pm Laohodale 104 . 3 P m - - 7 ' P m Fat, (Rpm Sun- Pair Oakt Sun- ttztclll,72liii.' l P.lll IZZ - S ; 111 - 93" 111/7Patitle Manses. enives dully. gr - Fart I,lns leaves daily. Al undeas excepted. 1111 - Fast Line arrives dally, Ih/hirers excepted. , Ille - Alt other Dales alll leave and solve daily, ~4 1 nIVITIE4?4 . .1. N. McCULI.OUGII, Cant Pan & Ticket Aden& Gent alanaer. QIIANGE OF TI3III.—ALLEGIIENT Ll . ll,AV E, t4 . l,l4oo4lig ai i . ' ,.... ip ... To VS OIL IDADON WIT11{) .r.cli.csaE OF CARS. On and ridONDAY,. Nov. tn, 186 D, TWO THEOCCI TO.O.INS DAILY, lexcept Sendeyl ai d leave Pitts en*, Maple. oornersof Eleventh an Ilh Meets, turAineußs. Oil Lily, BulD/o, and all Inners In the Oil Ilentene. Inked pixTentltuttl. ,I.Llettet IN peresernall. Day Ex il .B. Day Ek...... 3:30 St at. Rink& lex— ASO P.M.,Nixtit EX.... ill A.B. Ist liveltun.. :40 A st.ilst Haltom. e 4 . xi. lad liellam„ 801t0n... . .),. 3.1 Button— t 0 P.11.:3d Dulles— 111 P. K. 4th Heiton..l P.E.l4th Helton.. V: P.s. Freeport An . A. sknods Works. 7:3 A $ . Ruda Works. . p. miFreeport Ac. 113 . • P.N. . Brady's BAc 3: P. g...Drady'a It Act° , A.B. Clunwis 1: ii.y...rt0irch......10e A. II . Enpeass trains atop only e.Xprincipal points. Am commolletlon trains atop at as station, We ... .. . running °Mitor red/W. Bleep's:el Cars - WI oar Might Express trains, .tro th ways [runs 1114."'W'S'" 4 " 1.. I.AII it ENCE, Don't Bern. VaIMIAS li._lllNß,-/5:22....L8e54._ Fiffsi:s - 1116 1114 CINCINNATI AND st. Louis f; " a42g_l42;ai . • • A4L. PANTANDLE RD,. N a. -- kne SUNDAY, CHANGE OT TIME.---s 4. . 7° ,4,.._, 4 1'" 4. Nov. 14 t 1 4,118119,traIns will ° •°.__..- ,Thos • the Union Depot, Pittsburgh, as . -- "es - e... - P,,i11. . little, -`,617,. (APART. ' p• m. ?dell !Southern Express I% 7;.:: i t'. r: ' least Line Mixed Accommodation r: 4 3 " :: r ixT --- gE IF ''''• 24cDobald Ace'n. Nu 1 .. lliM a tu • 7 - 3- • •'''. m. ineubenville Ancommod. 3: P.m. 1 , hlaS se. yelionall Amen. No. E.. 33 p.m. , p sn• tion . dsly,t, bench Train.... 12:3. p. sn : uck , l'el is • - 0. 14:11 P. s ' g f1! , 1 ‘, 7,1 „ 7 , i 0 , ::::4::: " ..g . ; ' . 17. 0 rt. F. DCULL. W. 3,Y, CAUL), M 0.. , Dennison, bto. m m 4.5 111748 U Reit A Vi. ^^- _ VILi, +. • -- - .41TTSBUR611 AND CONNELLS. ofi .2 . 11U114211?: February 20th. 1870. Trams arrive aim depart from the Depot, cor er of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Malt Wand from Unt'n.. .77) . af . m. i""r!fn. Iyp, m.1 * 0 1 1 , 1: : E , O : Wmt Newton Acronym°. 4 t o ) p. 18 8 0 m. Boddoek'. Aecommada. al: 3p. m. 7131) p. m. Night Ace. to MeNeeflptalk p. 1N:43 cm. Sunday Ch em: Train to. . 0 ""'" "'11.0.96'417,1401,1!°- F-' -';'l'l Ai ESTABLISHED 1831. Logan, Gregg & Co., HARDWARE, N - Q. 5'2 Wood Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. Spring Goode, Hoes, Rakes, Forks, Scythes, Snaths, &c. Merchants are Invited to examine our Meek when In the city. Orders by mall will have prompt at tention. . • BEAVER FALLS OCUTLERY CO., c), No. 70 Wood Street, t)-4' MANUFArFORERS OF THEIR NFAV Solid. Cast Handle . aTABLE KNIFE. a The L', PA" Itgir,- to the hind.. securing the utmost strength In construction without additional Wright. W. It Is made of the ulnae hardnmh endow r•vi mit tarnish or bluer., se in the muse of plated ward In calor end brilllnney, lt Is Monier , to c 4; pure sliver. Handle And 13Mde,ns above dn. ,constltute mi article of OFIOOR. firo. FMK....MMd. Appearance and Great Dues ,billty. 1 -4 .3 .. T it "P t r iVlb to nod ?, - "=" Tnh Cote pq 71. 0 ,71 . 1 3 ,2_,Tr u tai==fm i s i e c it . . sati pci tenons ste7Frivate Vantllled . eaver Falls Cutlery . Co, NO. 70 WOOD ST., PITTSBURGH.. ...... PLANIJFACTURERS OF PIIiLADNIXTRA. Table Callen' and Pocket lakes QUALITY GUARANTEED. F4.r7.llr7Tr".7t"it .: EXERT BIER . - GUSTAVE BASCH Henry Bier & Co (Nocceasors to .101111 IL CA6PIE& & COJ BELL AND ;BRASS FOUNDERS Bras,.4zEastings MADE-PROMPTLY TO ORDER. 3.ll.o,pur Al guWAt Mort IrliNOH. McorrEs, 13A7111T - VikliD man( 'VALVES, tkiwiowsrdlyntniwAioN f,„ Ste...Wats, and . • 11AVAVILVIrgtilKSAW. IMPII V ZD AGM!! of BRET 8! TENT OILRRR , the = iberner Thirteenth and Pike Streets. ATWOOD & McOMREY, . , Cnraer Lrla rl3Tvlrr S I Timm .A.TEII7; Pittsburgh. Pa, )I)iLABSYOUNDIPS and IRON NSW FlTTPlitioutd AGE:nit orA.. S. CAMERON tam erritAisporss Asuncowzas ' etE=A STONE. WEST:CONION Altiehine - Stone Works . , 1.1 oribmst coroor di Nen Common, Alleentor. • ',MINOT, ATVAT&Ii & CO, , anor n :=" l " . ite b ei; ,„, _As._ • ULM ,-, RAILELROADS EEZEIMMEI Fl===l2l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers