The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 11, 1870, Image 2
THE DAILY GAZETTE .OFFIO.IAI, PAPER Of flttsbur g h, Allegheny City and Allegheny County. GAZETTE IitILDING Cornet of %sib Alen,! U. 4 Smtilineld Marti WICDNESDAY NG, MA-17;17.--1670. WORRUEO.MEN, REMEMBER Th. .t the old fair-grentid thin evening?" We leant to Be.o in it an old•fash lolled crowd of the bone and 'sinew of the. community. Every num- who liven by in• &Leery. or Who honors it as the main-spring of every tvellordered social fabric, and Most of all here, should attend this Mitt fug. Every citizen of Allegheny county ha', If he knows it; the deepest concern iti the direction of the national policy to the protection of the labor of our own poople. It is one of the foremost rights of labor to insert its Own dignity - and influence, and a-o , shall expect to ewe this done this evening-, BONDI In Frankfort, 95} PrunotEt - 33 In Aqt)rerp, 583 ; (int.D closed in New York yesterday ai 114 j. ; MI 0311talft in the House arer the Pa cif d Railroad bill turned upon a preposh firm to 'require the Company to sell its Itodito ictual settlers at $2,50 per acre. The bill wee the first Imacriesis In order yesterday, and our dispatches should tell what has come of it. AN Ebensburg correspondent "of -the Pittsburgh Commerrial•reports a madam In Cambria County on the Congreesional nomination, A wrangle among Repub licans is to the Commerriars taste. You will ,always find the Murexd where there Is any carrion!' Cambria la in tlut - XVilth district, now represented by D. . 1. Non farm., who is a candidate for re-election. The other counties. Blair, Huntingdon and Wain, are yet tribe heard front. THE "Wliiio Men's Patti - which our neighbor of the Pm: was no much in fa vor of two yearn ago, has not bean heard of eince, - until recently it has come to the surface in Delaware. That is also among ,the Peg's political friends. A circular from the Trustees of the . State Normal . - School of Delaware eatimatea the number . of white men and 'women in that State,. _ who are not able to read or write their own names, at one-thint of the entire pop ulation of the State. 'A very good place for a White Mann Party TNT. united Presbyterian Assemblies trlMmeet at Pbildelphia on the 10th. The attendance will be very large, representing IM6 Presbyteries, and about 450,000 com-• =nein members. This is to be the joint meeting to which the separate sittings of last autumn in this city were adjourned. The report , from the joint,committee on reconstruction,- and the location of the Missionary Moults,. will present the most important topics for discussion. 'We may justly remark that this first business meet ing will belikely to subject the not wholly consummated reunion to its severest test. There are matters for debate and perma nent adjustment which will constitute the loperimvita <Twit for* the reunion. Let us hope that the results. of the corn ing trial-will redound to the' blgheet ire Linnets of -ii practical religion 4hiah ie works an well as by" faith! SOME of our conimpobries are exercised sorely over the rejection, by the Senate, of the Governor's nominee for Superin tendent of the Soldiers' Orphan Schools. __We have no doubt that the Governor in tended to do his duty, while we are quito certain that a majority of the Senators did theirs. The nominee would have been confirmed, if he had been willing to arqui epee. in the judgment of ihe Senate that hiedishursements should be accounted for, b the form usual with all other officers, witlitlte Auditor General. lie apprirently had his own private reasons for objecting to any supervision of the finances of his office—which the Senate found tole; a .Tory.. ample reason. for sonelcbing his nomination to the phice. That is the whole of the story. face any one deny its substantial tni,th ? or the,,force of the Senatorial objection? slmuld like a squab per Or n n, funs the rejected ap pointee himself. fur which our columns are open to him. 1= About the coolest thing of the season, Is the refreshing paragraph which we quote from the Washington correspond. race of the Y. Tind , s as foklows: The recent private meeting of several gee- tlamen In this city, and which la exciting some discussion, was not, I think, intended to M aletV a new party movement, but merely tomstrate the necessity of concession on t 4r e . Vvi c ti f f t v 7,71: t cannot e hOps *". f o Pam the large majority Of ms Ilepubilean Mende, if be is ready to co-operate In any at tempt to break up theltepublksan party. The assaults of Ms opponents have been so bitter and Indostillable that It is not strange that he Should seek to retaliate, but he cannot expect to be =stained by those who hove strenjOh coed his bands most heretofore, if be shall lead hisaid for the ditruption of the party in erii state, - • —Oh, no! certainly m harm to the Re 'publican party was Intended! of coupe, not 1. It was "merely to demonstrate the necessity of concession;' that "several gentlemen," meeting in a mutual-admire. tlon 'arty, resolved—in the more explicit language of that far better authority, the Free-Trader, from-which we quoted yes terday—to crush the policy of protection, of take action at. once (mud& of the lie publican party! It ens to demonstrate the ' necessity" for: concession, wan it, that journal, like the Chicago Tribune add N. Y. Post: With which the Times is in heart): cut themselves squarely free from Republican/Im, and agreed to auppOrt (me tre& estalidates against our own tariff nominees It in clear then that these,Tooley street oonspirstors—have diacovered that their famons_petard, which' was to blow up the Republican party, is only a huge MEWS aast, a hollow and innocent pumpkin which everybody laughs at. And so the; sneak 'Wyk, in the chWipeat mortification, totheir press boardsand' cabbage. Bre, iMit's powder boat failure at Fort - Fisher was a, splendid success, compared with the rest:tits which this Washington "private meeting;' flourished In with such a brazen blare of trumpets, and menacing the ice.. mediate extinction of the Republican par ty, has pitifully dwindled to. "Several gentlemen" are not going to roconetract American politics, ett4 much as they propos ed. They find that they absurdly miscal cilittal--` their influence, and they -ate grieved, profoundly cut, by the hearty alacrity with which the party generally has welcomed their threat to withdraw. dedly, the room of these gentry isloiire,screptable than their company, to the groat party of the Administration and the people, We beg them not to' afflict us by propoeinife come back again, or to insult us bmttempting to deny their in• tention to d4kti They are dangerous 'Li lle", but , of, notalhe, least account 'when fairly kicked oaf of the party. Oir no Tbeir :lISTIIi intended to do os keno I /Imo, they couldn't, and have Just sound it out °need-them, the Chicago TrOune. appwr-=-1'" -3Z:74feek-i-O *4W W,4,vi 144 11;i f it'q4-'11" o.* ' _ .z..AAfit might have :realized thin earlier, for it cannot hare forgotten its great tinele of last year, when it attacked President GRANT'S administmtion—with an oqual. &Atrial, of Arnmpets, and retired in an ispalty ludicmua disorder. • UWEIGIA YAW MORE. We print the full text of the Cessna hill, whirl, is I,mlooool as 6 fillb9titllle for the measure passed by the Senate three weeks since, for theadjustment of the Georgia question. Other propositions are also suggested to the IlOnse, but none of them has so gene's] an approval as this bill has already elicited. Yet, we doubt it ran puts either body In its rirssen shape. There Is, as "we have heretofore observed, bill one objection to IL yet that objection ought to be fatal to the plan, or ensure its expurgation. It is a palPable mistake to propose to legalize an extra constitutional term of the Georgia Legis lature. More that this: it asserts, in - the moot offensive form, the real issue inpon Which a Republican Congress is now di tided. - Amended in this particular, so as in acquiesce in the election, in doer terse, of another Legislature this year, we think this Lill of Mr. Cessna would ;PI throdgh the House with a rush, and that the Sen ate, would accept it. For the strong vote on the Pomemy idian, which the Senate adopted, is plain notice to the *Meal, that no prolongation of the present Leglsla tore beyond the period for which it was chosen, can bong - reed to in that body. It is this question.unon-which the long con. teat iu the Renate, which so wearied the country; did really turn. inaistiiig upon ouch prolongation for, two year!, Mr. Canna must exhibit an Ignorance of, or an indifference to; the tenor of public arm tinient, which would not correspond to our ratlinate of his practical and clear sighted sagacity.. WP , have been told that many Republi can members favor this bill. Well, it is, in. every other particular, an excellent plan. of settlement. • But it cannot pass the Senate, without providing for an elec tins this year. Why, then prolong the ;mutest in Congresit and before the people. mosi'needlesay. and ' itievously irrb truing a wound, which would heal by the second intention if prudently trrotedOnto a chronic and dangerous sore. Besides declaring the provisional nature of the State government, the Cessna bill'pn!wides or the new Legislative election whit t too long defers, prescribes the qualKi log oath to be taken hr offleekolders, and imposes the same other fundamental con ditions to which Virginia. Teatt and Mississippi hare agreed. The majority of members in both the Senate and House hare thus three times recorded their sup. port of a settled 'Alley for the closing up f the work of reconstruction—and it lithe to.) much to ask that they alinuld blindontheir records. in favor of a plan hich recognizes the State as Republican nil legal, yet rejects and nullifies its Leg- = Legislative term to mice the period fixed in the instrument, and yet imposes It as a lundatnental condition upon the readmit. tad State, that her 'Legislature .shall - never emend tht; term of any office I;e. yondtithe regular period named in the Conetitution ". " • —This won't do. Mr. (lemma ! It is al- together too bald ! Make your bill ron. sietent and logical, by omitting or amend. inf.. , this unfortunate feature, and, before tbe week ie over, you would findl jynuroel atuttained by both Houses, by the PISA . dent, by the South, and by the rebel count e. =! • The "Crawford county system" may be judged by its fruits. Look at Lowry for a 'Senator, tr i Billingfelt fur neither! Look at your mes, Reinoehl, tiodshalk, late IleprestitatiVes: All these men wrre nem, ¬ed o the "Crawford county" plan. What anloquent testimony:their, records bear to its merits! No other syetem of party machinery can possibly bo sii bad an _that which has entrusted such men us thee., with oftioe. NVltatever may bOhojimt objections to the delegate systi-m, it is in point of merit, as an honest and free rxprele sloe of the popular will, an far above the Crawford county humbug as the sky is above the earth. Look St Lanranter county which, not long-ago, was persuaded by fraudulent riluii•ke of the l'oinmerrial stamp, to abandon the delegate-coTivention and adopt this ballot.hux-stuffing arrange ment.. The •result has li4n there, just, what it is everywhere else,— he triumph of the most' scampish rings l the party. Why not? Their opportunitl for cheat ing are increased tenfold: They have, titular this mogidetioe which the Lowry gang in Crawford first invente - d, every de sired facility for stuffing the boxes, and doctoring the returns, without a shadow of any public responaibility. As the Bradford Reporter remarks: Our observation, and the unanimous testimony of those who have had evpori mice in the working. of this system is ad verse to it. On its face, the plan is pop ular and feasible. It professedly aubmirif to a vote of - the people, the selection of candidates. If the electors would attend the primary meetings and express their preferences; uncontrolled by other consid erations, then the Crawford County Sys tem, wduld accomplish what it prafessen to ascertain, and giye expreselnn to the popular. will.. But just hero is the great ditticultY—arid here this system fails. The people will not, en ordinary occasions, at tend the 'delegate elections. This, being au admitted fact, then does the Crawford County •stem prevent anf . et the alms. perpetrated by means of the delegate sys tem Y This so take it, is the great object to be atiiiined. Are not combinations as many nude, lug improper influences an riasdly and.successfully . used, in , one came as in the-ethint:,. liana* dealing is the exception. There can. be Stllifegaludn.for honesty. because fdLitte , lnakidnery , employed . la without refrifotilability. It tends -to -corrupt and dennwallie =ell. by placing them In the W4!oreentptation. - We 'alklutow "that gnodmen, under tho ' heat of personalri valry andpolitieal sieltement, will do or sanction thing,' which their cooler judg ment disapproves, and thin Crawford coun ty system opens the door to such eaay fraud, time universal experience toddies to its dingorous tendency. This Tight not be the effect for a short time, but ft wcifild inevitably crime. ,! The 'frauds committed through this Systeiii can be conceited, and theirperpetraterescreen ed from observation„while the votes of delegates to a County Convention, at least, are public, and can be scrutinized by their . constituents. The delegate who would misrepresent or disregard the wishes .of his 'people, or be open to the suspicion of being governed in bin votes by. IMproper intluenors, would certninly meet with popular reprobation,' and for ever lose his standing and iriallerlFe with kbf ' . The alleged abuser, of the delegate vs tem proceed from the failure of the voters to attend the primary elections, thus al lowing a few men to control the elections, and virtually make the nominations. Now we believe these evils to be in great MVI44. urn imaginary, the allegation proceeding from the interested growling% of malcon tente, and in most canes become the off spring of men, who have not the confi dence of the people. If the voters do n u t tarn out to the delegate elections, it is so evidence that they donotleel any bitest In the formation of a proper ticket - 'They say, "A or B, are candidate. for Sheriff, (or some other office} .both are good man —we don't care who lies the nomination," —and being content with the success of either, will not take the trouble to attend the primary meetings. A ball dozen men go to the meeting and elect delegates, and it looks as Lf that MU dozen men spoke for the townsidp,'whereas they butrepre sent the feelings and repress the wishes of perhaps nine-tenths of the Republican Totem. In meet cases, a light attendance . at the primary meetings is only evidence that those seeking the nominations are not objectionable, and that the people have no choice between them. The action of otirsiater county of 14, PITMURGH DAILY GAZETTE -- WEDNESDAY- MORNING, MAY 11, 1870 ilneLarna is pertinent and 'somewhat bug. geshire. A Convention was held at M., true... On the 17th . ett January last, for the 111111106 e of adopting Or r.-ling the craw ford Comity Sykein ; w hich re.dved talent it. There was en little feeling amongst the people, - on the subject that barely half the • districts in the county were represented, and the resolution to try the system wan adopted by a small ma jority. This action has given rise, to such an expreasion Of opposition, that the County Committee at a recent meeting ve toed the action of the Convention, and re commend that the next County enliven Lion be composed of two delegates as bete. tofore, who atoll decide whether the lbe publican party of Susquehanna will here. after work under the Crawford County, the !=n=ret I It appears front the experience of Sus quehanna, that the people do not feel or realize, the terrible evils flowing from the delegate system, as one-half the election districts failed to be represented in a Con vention called for the express purpose of their reformation. I==! The liar/dart Us au article on the French election: sayn that' thn crafty 1,111114 Napoleon haA triumphed again, that he has shown lidw uniyorsal suffrage may be used in. the Interest tit dylnunies. lie has stolen their be,st thunder from the Democrats. But ferhape It is LI'S last tri umph. The eharacter of the Gallic pcs, pie is as unstable as the ocean—today an even plain smiling in the sunlight—to. morrow a chaos of wild and raging billows.' There in another article descriptive of Edward Degener, M. C. from Team, which is copied from the Baltimore ii'rel,yr. Of the Jencken bill, a third article treats. It thinks that little by little thin reform movement' will break its way through, but such things moye very slowly, and the oldadage '•to the victor belongs the spoils" in too deeply rooted in .American public life to leave much hope that any thing satisfactory will be • dose, at lout during the present sesidon. The RePublikaner speaks of the ladies who compose the Woman's Suffrage ism, elation, as "mon-women." nod as "punt, loon wearing women." It also Inman nrti- cle on the French election, which it cc sii.rda no having hoen a fair one, and ridi cules the idea that eight minima of French voter. would allow themselves to be guided by a handful of prefects. "Such a supposition la no perfectly childish that one might regard it in silence Were it not to bo found In so ninny newspapers. The fact is that the great majority, perluips seVen.eighthe of the French people is in perfect accord with the Napoleonic goy ernment." In another article, tk fanatical congregation of colored people. • 110 spring. howl and scream the moot abominable Ima m:MN,. le described, and diem as a sort of *planation. it aura: "Their rime alliance with the plOW6Villg (which by the way is he stronger) of the Republican party. raves utl but slight hope of their early re ease from auperatltlon and blind fanuti- chilli, for they serve it as unconscious tools PIIII just at present as Bible guard' WE hear front Washington. that : M. S. Humphreys.. 7. D. Evans, H. A. McGin ty. and David Harris. Iron-worker, from Pittsburgh. have arrived here as a delegation from the trorkincroen of the rolling anilis in the city of Pitts - burgh. for the purpose of pleading .agalnat any reduction of the tariff n Iron. believing that sueh reduction is det rimental to.the Interest of the entire country ZANESVILLE, OHIO The Boller Explosion at Water Works—Death of an Insane—Another Ilienspaper, hr. [Correspondence to the. 'Pittsburgh Gasettol ZANESVILLE, 01110, May 7. 1870. Yesterday tills city W. the ~renee esplosion of'a iikiriotei nature, resulting in the death of ono man, and the slightly in. wing of 00100 other.. About tenticlock, I was standing at the rourt House. when I beard the sound It. of a heavy blast going off, but which I gummed to be a boiler explosion, Look ing in the direction from which the sound came, I proceeded, and soon came to the corner of Fourth and South streets, and found that one. of the hollers of_ Water Works had exploded, and bfidly damaged thu Power House building, knocking off about half of the slats, roof and badly chattering the balance. The exploded boiler was driven through the !south wall, bat the other two were only eannewhat dieplaced. Be.ldes two large apertures. in the walls. two of the walls of the building were very much sprung. In the yard wo found the fireman, Mr. lotleib Stabler, badly burned and bru:sed, and suffering Most itstensely. Physicist. decided that ho could not recover,' but he survived his injurimi for fwenty-sh hours. His funeral will tab, place to-morrow. (flabbathl and the firemen trill appear in proceigsion.. Although the Power "louse building was wrecked, the engine was not thought to be much damaged, and can he in work ing order in Iwo weeks. The accident does not seriously abet the supply . of water, as the old l'ower !louse, which is operated by water power, was soon pot . in operation, and will be ample to supply the ordinary demand. The trustees of Water Works had only a short time since changed engineers, and it appears that the incoming engineer hod desired a thorough overhauling of the engine, but the trustees had deferred this for a week or so. The esplosion was caused by a deficiency of water in the no. led d boiler , which bas ~n. deadens i this rt ri s o il b ct tloss often t boiler was considerably burned turf in"somee • Henry Kiesterg young man well known as a grocery keeper on - Main street, died a few days since in the insane asylum, and his funeral took place yesterday, attended by two lodges of Masons. His insanity was the result of an accident which oc curred several years - since. . The firm of Brown, Manly & Co., ptow makers, of McComaelleiville, who expected anti'deaired to establish their works in this city. hare concluded to remain in McCeimelleville, they having received an accession of V 5,000 to their capital stock from parties at that place. It three is any other firm making valu. Isle machinery, or desiring to make such, they ran bare valuable material aid from the citizens. This would be a good point for the manufacture of wire; and wire fabrics, lire brick, roofing and drain tile, chimneys and chimney tops. John T. Shryisek, after being out of the business four and a halt years. is about to engage again in publishing. He will in a few days issue glary weekly newspaper, to he called the Fanners and Merhaait.' Attract,le. The paper le to be independent in politica, and will maintain this prow, tier policy and other Interests of the pro doting classes.: The weather here is beautiful, a little too dry for some of the crops, but splendid for fruit, and prospectively &loom which is now being put in the ground. Court - ia note in megaton. Only three In dictments were made by the grand Jury, and they for not very flagrant of ones. • Yours,&c., WA/omit. Wor the Pittnburzh i3azette SUIPPRAIIIC OVER THE WATER. "Listen. Brother Jonathan," said John Bull, the other day, after a eleepless,-long and weary night, with doleful looks and a heavy heart. "If we do not enfranchise these terribly eincero women, they will tell every body our most secret nine. And sure is I live, they, will picture us exactly 'as we are, and not as we want to be thought of by other people. Only think of this! We would never be aide to re- deefn our characters after they have once done speaking. There is in fact no other device left, consider It as you like. When. woman once starts to speak out, you can not stop her, not more than rt cannon Mill. For our owrisakes, let no hurry this mat. tor.. This everlasting luunming.and chirp. Mg, and singing, and' Murmuring, and whispering about enfranchisement stuns my nerves. confuses my mind, eXeitee my admiration in spite of my masculine city so that I shall get maddened, If it in going on for a much longer time." , "My own dear John," cried the congenial sympathising brother, "you take n heavy burden from my heart; your words, fall like dew on my weary soul; • for if we grant it -willingly they will love its the better for our generosity; and if they force us to surrender, we would feel awfully mean." Si,ended 'the converse,- EDfrORII Clsztrig: DEAR Erne—l mut rejoiced to see the announcement in the GitzarrE that Captain Charles B. 01Iles, pit', of Freeport, Armstrong &minty, In a candidate for t h o Congressional nomina lion. • Brave. loyal, true and gifted, he would mike an able and efficient member of C° 4l7l7l;irubilcans of 'Armstrong county will corer themselves with glory by nom. Inathig him. ALLEAHIMIAN ALLEGHENY. Mly 10, 1870. ~' ~%,.__-,try re.sxiw~'w~. 3~. ~ s..x 3 } ~, ~. c^'ia3 ~ t «+,tt~:~;L. a. w.sk4L~,.,s.G`ww.~FrMt.~.v"iu+, ?a„~w~,..;aKa,2l:^.rt I Thr following is the runt.taltLeto .eel. milled by Mr C.... 1,1, t.• t i n . 1 „ n at Il 1.2211 to admit the State of (4‘orgia to representation in the Congress of the United States, and to Anpiiresa violence and'protect American citizens in the seve ral States: . WIIF.REAS, The prOple of Georgia have framed and adopted a constitution of State government which is republican: and Wit EItEAS, The Legislature of Georgia, elected under said constitution, In • the month of January last, did ratify the Four. teenth and Fifteenth , Amendments to the Constitution of the United States; and WIIF.ICEAS. TlO4 performance of these several acts in good faith is a condition prEs'edent to the vepreseutat Me of the State in Congress: therefore Ile it enacted by the Senate nod Hoene of Representatices of the United &ales of I Anathea in Cangrees omembled. That the said State of Georgia is entitled to repre- . •sentation in the Congress of the United States: Provided. That the next election for members of the General Assnembly of said State shall be held on the Tneaday after the first Monday in November, Rune Domini lff.:2, and the last clause of the second subdivision of the first aection of the third article of said constitution. in the following words,l"The General etti. senility mar, by lan/. change the time of election, and the members shall hold ere tip their 811,CeillsOrti a'• elected and quali fied.' •altall never b , by any Legislature exercised so as to ex e nd the term of any office. beyond the r gulat period named in .the - said csinstitution; and the said General ! Assembly shall. by 'joint resolution, consent to this proviso 1 as a fundamental condition before this act shall take elicit: Penrid.d, That before any member of the Legislature of said - State shall take or resume his seat or any officer or the State shall enter the duties otitis office, he shall take and subscribe, and file in the office of the Secretary of State of Georgia, for preservation, an oath of affirmation in thd form following: "1, ---. do soleinnly swear (or affirm) that I hare never taken an oath as a mem ber of Congress. or as an officer of the' United States, or of a member of any State Legislature. or an an executive or judicial officer of any State to support the Constitution of the • ruins' States and afterward engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same. or given aid, or comfort .to enemies thereof. So :help' me God," lie under the pains and penal , ties of perjury tan the case may be.) Or such brats Shall in like manner, take, subscribe, and file the following oath or affirmation: I. ,do solemnly swear for attirm) that I have by act id Congress of the United Staten been re lieved from disabilities imposed upon me by .tbe fourteenth amendment of the Con stitution of the United States. So help 1110 (intl." Or under the pains and penalties of perjury (an the case may he.) whirl) oaths of affirmation shall be taken before : ou t certified by, nay i n ➢eer lawful. dy authorized to administer iiatlts. And any person who gladl knowingly swenr or affirm. falsely In taking. either of such mule. 4,r affirmations shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and shall he polished therlor by imprisonment not Ilse than one rear and - not more t han tea VI•lt . S. and thull 11”. fined not 1n . ,. tit:mime t dollars and not more than 'ten thotimml dollars. And in all trials for any violation of thin Itel the certilicate of the taking of either of said oaths or atUrmat ions, with proof of the signature of the party accused. Shall lee taken and held as conclusive evidence that such oath or affirmation was regular ly and lawfully administered by romp. , tent authority: And 'prurided further, That every molt person who shall neglect for a period of thirty days nett after the passage of this net to take, subscribe, and tile such oath or affirmation is aforesaid shall be deemed and taken to all intents and purposes to have vacated his •office: .-I nil prorided fa rI/re. 'Thal the State of icorgia is tulmitbvl to .n 1, 1 .0.11411 km in Congress as one of the States of - the ion upset the following. ftUidamental cot, dition, First That the constitution of leorgia shall never Is, S.(l mncn d ed.or changed as 10'dr:rive unV citizen or loss of citizens of the rutted Slates of the right to vote who are entitled to vote by the constitution herein recognized, except - as a punishment for such crimes as are now- felonies at common law., whereof they shall have Men duly eonvicied nutter laws equally applicable to all the inhabitant.; 14 said State: Peerided, That any alters• thin of said &institution, prospective In its I . ffecni, may be made in regard to the time and place of residency of velem.' Second. That if shall never be lawful for the mid State to deprive any citizen of the rotted StatM., on account of hit. race, color. or preview. - condition of. servitude; of the right to hold office .uutler the conntitution antllllWri of said State, or upon any such ground to require of him any other quali• to.tions for oppose than smell an arc re quired of all other citizens. Third. That the constitution of I loorgia shall never he on amended or changed an to deprive any citizen or clam: of citizen,. of • the Sinkaa of the school right. ant privilege. secured lie the coreiiiiiition of NM State. SEC. 2. And ce.ini if, That so touch of the act mititiml "Au act mak ing lli,llvnprialinna for the million of the army . for the year ending June ittl, 1868, and for other purposen, - approved March 2. 1867, as prohibits the organimtion, arming or calling into service of the militia forces in the State of tleorgia, be, and the name is hereby repealed. Sr.c. 3. .4Mi be if larlher . rna4,4l, That whenever it shall appear to the president, from en application lay tine Legialature of any State, or by the eitivernor of much ,late, when the Legislature ~cannot Ito convened, that domestic violence prevails in Inv city, county, or municipal organiza tion in such State, that Cal/114t he sup rested by the local authorities, it shall be the 'dote of the President to suppress such domestic violence, anti for that pur. pose Inc is hereby authorized to employ the military force of the • rnited States, and any portion or the militia of any Stato t he may deem necennary, and to es:- et-rine all smelt powers and inflict south .punishment as may by the laws, or - the rules and articles of tear, be exercimel or inflicted in ante of insurrection nr inv. The 1 Wilms of f ocompownito The origin of the fearful calamity which recently occurred in Richmond in a quo, tion of public Importance everynthere. 'fliere is nu better illustration of tl4l ne comity for thu thorough and scient e in. Infliction of our young mechanics rand ar- Mame than what the people no frequently read of concerning the falling of houses and the consequent destruction of life and limb:- We have had accounterof two such accidents rifler, the dreadful occurnmee in Richmond. But it is only when sumo dbe 'aster meorn that destroy,. semen Or lino- dreds of liven that the public nand in no strongly aroused Pin to to ke etlective means to guard against the recurrence of retch terribleAragedien. 'rhe construction of a building that can .„by any posnibility lee made tire of for the congregationof large number. of people, in all Important matter that should always bo placed in unques tionably competent Immix. An a genemli rule, such men are chewer; toe often, how. ever, they an, not. But it very (re-. quently happens, fu tho course of years. that buildingn carefully construct ed by the original architects and builders are put In charge of Inferior urcldtectreor ignorant immune tube altered to suit other purposen. This Is nearly always a fatal mistake, for if there in any discrimination to be made, there should lie More care in the selection of the directing head, where ahem:Man are to be made in a large building, than If it - were to be an entirely new structure. But the cafe rule is to employ only the hest men in all canes whetslarge numbers of persons may be placed in peril, whether the preponed building is either entirely new or only an altered one. It is quite 'too common . to take serious rinks to save material, work manship and cont. Such buildings should always be sultiected to the tests, and. con structed upon the principle applied to rail way bridges cif.' tint.class roads—that is, the maximum load which by stir possibil ity- mu be placed upon them, whether of freight, or turrchamlire in store, or the more precious burden of human beings. should be first carefully ascertained; nod then the walla and floors, and every part on which any part of the strain can rest, should be so constructed an to bear free or ten timer the uneximrim load no rwer tabled. When a now building falls down, it is nearly always becattse the architect or builder is ignorant, or becaus e g he reckless ly disregards the, plainest ptineiples of mechanical reienite When this happens with an altered old building, It is most frequently thmtigh ptire ignorance. Some men who take charge of such operations seem to have no idea that those parts of a building upon which nearly the whole weight of the structure rests should be firm and strong, and rontinnota Irate the foundation trenches to the uppermost gir der, rafter or foist at the top of house. They do their work as if the weigh! of a building ban some inherent magical prop. erty of sustaining itself In the ail without other support. Thna we find such blunders as were perpetrated rotor years age, In oor of the llocpital buildings at the Bh.sli ley Almshouse, in cutting through the pier. on which the- floors rested, to make .me "improvements" iu beating, leaving the unfortunate inmates in daily peril of their lives until one day thishouse without ;legs went down, burying a score or ea of helpless victims in the ruins. So, too, In a recent-cao. in At. Louis, whereareckless or Ignorant contractor. cut away the corner pier from under a building to make some alterations, and had his men working away at it, the same as if it were still. firm as the Mlle, when the house went down with a crash, killing and maim log workmen and street passenger. alike. Those are always the products of pure Ignorance, even when there is' reckless item as well. We crould multiply such il lustrations far beyond our available opare. As to the breakiugdown of the Richmond Court-room, It least quite clear whirls part gave way first, whether the gallery or the middle of 'the floor,— Th. Fatter was supported by three timber girders, about . thirty-four 'feet long, tiventy inches ley twelve, and placed fourteen feet apart. They were not support...l by pillars be low, and the middle one, which. broke down, bad "settled" about nine Inches he. fore the disaster. Some think it iota way first, under the weight of the crowd upon it, and carried the gallery along./ Others, and among them one of our own expert cowed meeltanico who was in Richmond at the time, and narrowly escaped tho dis aster, believe that the gallery and the crowd of peoplefell first, anal by the with linnet weight thus precipitated suddenly upon the middle of the weak girder. broke that and carried all down together. In either ease there were lamentable defects of Construction for ouch a building,' for the gallery, as this gentleman describer it, was supported by a heavy glider, which, in its turn, was oupporte; by nothing, for all it had under it Wcs a re meag wooden post nt either end, end wee nowhere supported by the avail. It is a wonder it did nut go do:in long ago. Thorough instruction of our young ar tisane in the principles of mechanienT sefence, and the utmost care in the prier- ion of rompotent a raltit Ms' and build on fur public buildings, and especially for ab temtions in old buildings used, or to be. used, for public purposes, aro the trim remedies fur these shocking tragedies.— Philadelphia Lcdger. = This It the only Inn.llltolo reined, known h. sel mice for thaOinslghtly disease of the Ferretti!ms known as einnoilnnek Black Nkomo on the nose end fare. It alai mires them disfiguring disarm, Acne and elects, sled. Nyhtte and klattreated Pimples on toy part of the body. It leave. the sun loft...tooth and healthy. Sold at JAMES E. BURNS & CO.'S DRUG ITIIIIE, Varner Penn mud Mlath (old St. elute) MI. 'rim WEAR £MI TEAR OF RCHINF:OI/4 MEE. The cares and Wien of business life are apt to tell ...ere') upon the health and constitution of the &Meet, energetic business man. and when the tlsuet of er.o mirtaining ngent Is felt. ellninlents that cause only *temporary exhlleirallOn.and Inure the system Ina state of partial collapse when their. drat effect hoe passed off, are he , often mounted to. An certainly as ere leaves behind It • residuum of ash., thu nen of the adulterated ileums of com merce produces premature exhaustion and decay. Timeitt them nut. Tone and regulate theucortaxed vital machinery with flostettere SIOMIACt hitters. In that wholomme elixir. the alcoholic element, which le the purest derivable from any ut.sren. I. tempered by the choicest tonic. apericet.iontl.bll- bus and antl.febrlle vegetable extracts an Juices. To strengthen , remelt. solace and purify be aye tem Is the Weston of the grearvegotable fifichfe. When the stomach Is In a healthy state , he bile doe" regularly, the brnielv perforM thee eel. properly. and the telegraph'', fibres of the wry°. system ere In pertect treating outer... du" , . .. l. lunette( of labor eau be horns without ristior tn• roncenionne, and the direct effect of the hiders hi to Prnittote this clgorven coedit,m of the functions limn which the. nourishment of the body, and Its power of onduran. mainly depend. j The wrest tonic and alterative Is. therefore. emphatically rec ommended for Ito reniartable. strengthening prop ertiee, to all' m. whom the responsibilttleuipf life iiress heavil and who feel like feinting undgr the telethon. A lively appetite. • stlendlii digestion, ohmic spittle. and • marvellous ill. to witlistand fatigue. are anions the blood:les-featly ..* to the renovating Operation 01 this palatable and pow. orful oital. looped te n uredeithllls in ina thateria medico that .11 be e . with It. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS FABER. Sr. VAN DOREN 367 Liberty Street, 1•171,11•1.11, STFI\ E . N(:; I NES •ItDW'tPt%lHfltZlt)HMWfll ACI LN EFi Stean _Punips Engineers' and Machinists' Tools, STEAM FIRE ENGINES MELTING, Woolen Machinery, Machine Cards VirManufacturers' and MIII Sup plies. A constant supply on hand and furnished on short notice. I= "HILL &ADAM'S SEIVER PIPE CO' 65auil 67 Sandusky St.Alleub env. • ;I t i m r p fil i c. ligh I 1 . 1 IT RI FlEp WATrt A l D F . LI; KS .4 siTtikAulV •T'llar 18' C. G. bIerdILL.EN, Agent. .!_" 7 To Oil Capitalists, The 1111A11rel 11F.ND IHO4 I.'OyI•AYY w sell tn.vis nt land. for boring purpose,. In noir v dotty to the new tinning well on A rtustnlng nu, Tiler Ell also SELL LOTS no the bank of the A When y Itlvor. near the now well. convenient t I= I=l BRADY'S Basal. Ala/ lOth. I SIO. WINE OF LIFE.—The great Ulnud s s rapider and Delicions Drink, WA YIN Val VIT.E. Ott \ VINE off LIVE, In free from . ;:gtrj: IrgiTyle=l appaUser and tonic. and the an thing In tale world for penlylng the blood. It 1 the mootpleas ant and delicious article ever offered la the patine. far superior to brandy, o r y. alito bitters, or LOY other article. It Is ore he and ea. Per• Both node and fema. young . .. Oldie.. take the Wine of Life. It I,in fort. S lire praserser. Thews who *Oh to enjoy good health and a frea of of lively spirits, will do well to take the W WS of Life, it IA different from below. In use. It Is 71,:lTh,idnicalati; elm, at oil regent able saloon. Prim 1.00,1 n enact bottles. 11. FAH,N .K CO., Wholeade agents. nayksovrT • KING WASHER This =whine has taken the entire market In New York, New Jerney and. Eastern Pennsyleatdayand A Perfect 'sad Lila) , Working Nadine W. W. KSO.,C Sole Agent, oho • • 199 LIBERTY !IT a PAT, GARDEN PL ANT MEM Flower Trellises! no hendnnment.neateri,cheeyert ■arden moot. Over 710 • W. W. KNOX, = 'ARDEN VASES i!lmements. Lawn Rnker. Ulm &Vito% lawn Mnwern. etc.. etc. EIDEEM 137 LlbertLatreat. Plttabtirdb, T ANI) PLASTER, GUANO, AND 'our celebrated, AIIMOI9ATE SUPER-PHOSPHATE 11F LIME. Alwarrlo Mere. W. w. IMOI. 137 I , llstri7 tallest. Pittsburgh, Pa. CESE:M-100 Cbls. Louisville 111 . - w dreulleCetnent, the best to ewe rix. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tuesday, May 10th, WM. SEMPLE'S, 'Wand IS Federal Stret, Allegheny if. FRESH NTOCK OF NEW DRESS, GOODS, WASH POPLINS, =I Biantiful Chene Mixtures, I= P l) PLiN ALPACAS ALL FAPIIIONABLF COLORS: . . -. F R SUIT* VERY CHEAP. Plain and Figured Silk Poplins. Black and Colored ILK'S DRESS S TC YTOCK OF red P. K's. A LAMM AND UOMP Striped and-Fil ASSIMI;II"ES 1 Cottonades and JEANS,, ire Drills. I= Wit. SF) LES, 180 and Is:: Feder:llS 'reel, Allegheny NOTICE! Third Arrival of Spring DRY GOODS. Bell & Moorhouse, 21 FIFTH AVENUE; Are Offering Great Bargains in Dress Goods., Silks, ShEiNvl4, Linens, Piques and ChUxtzes. READ THE PRICES AT James Hoag, Jr's, 174 Federal St., Allegheny. St 10 rent, 30 patterns. Wall Papers. bright Colors, pad at the price. At 12 1.2... Hoary Eden Miff Wall Papers, a bargain. - At 13 cants, Pine leblle Pa . rs. At 113 cents. yant.elde Wh t. and Buff Holland fur Wlmlty• Shade, good at 0 price. Pin* 011 Cloth Window Shad at lo• prima. .. Yard Wide Floor Cloth, brig colors. 43 cents. Wide 011 flotb. cut to et ball , rooms, ag Elegant Gold and timid Mad. Wall Paget . ..o low prime. JAMES HOAG, Jr., N 0.174 FEDERAL STREET,. =ll THE BEST BARGAINS OFFERED This Season. AT 20 CENTS. Ladles' Healy British Colloa Stockiags. AT 23 Cam's, Ladies' Heavy British Cotton Stockings AT EXTRA BARGAIN. AT 1 PAIR MR MOE, Ladies' Super British Cotton Stoekiags, AT 20 CRNTE • Mtn Heavy British Cotton Socks. AT 23 CENT& Mean Heavy French Colley Socks. LADIES' AND MONO MERINO GAUZE UNDERWEAR AT YERh.OW PRICES. MIMES, ROTH AND CUILDRIESIB COTTON STOCKINGS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER AT Morounstern&Co's, NUFCESSOR TO MACRUM, (CLYDE & CO., Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. mb22 EEO HORNE & CO'S. Hosiery ! Gloves ! Ittlasalve . d , ch olcoamaartsaenta at Prices UnhioNvii Since 1861. ALEXANDRE:IS ETD tILOVES-4 full assort ment at 111-73. COURVIORSIER'S KIDS at 11145. LONISMIET KIDS. etudes shades. at *LBO. ' REGULAR MADILBRITISH MOSS, UesrE 36 FLAY AND RIBBED COTTON HOSE, .141 MU and OP. DOMESTIC COTTON ILIOSIERT, uid . or dos. GENTS' SUPER STOUT HALT tIOSE. 25 eents. camrs• SUPER FINE HALF HOSE, 93 cents. AlllO splendid assortments SASHES, BASK and BOW RIBBONS. LADTT FANCY ROWS. Large Additions to Stock J..t .rrfatrig. to watna aro Invite the attention of Whnlesala and Retail na.h Rafe, • 77 ANT) 79 MARKET STREET. ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, ED . BARKER, Proprietor, - Cm Pen M. nd 11th, formerly old Casal NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BARGAINS ! Every Department, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, ISO an di $2 Federal SI reel, Allegheny Spring and Summer Shawls, PANNIER ARABS, Open Centre Shawls, LIGHT SUMMER SKIRTS, HATS .A 1 D BONNETS Sundowns, Ribboini and Flowers, • STOCK OF Parasols Oil Suit Umbrellas, = UNE Housekeeping Dry Goods IN EVERY VARIETY ATTRACTIVE PRICES. Wholesale and .Retail 1111S1 1 1111 E'S 180 and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny. On a Par with Gold ! 'WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS NOTIONS EASTERN. PRICES I=l Examineter Goods & Prices kRBETHNOT SHANNON & CO. N 0.115 Wood - Street. BUY THE GENUINE. ...,..CLARK'S'_ ...":0...,N - : - T.-- .SPIOOL...COTTON GEO. A. CLARK , SOLE .-kGE.NT Sold Everywhere. fbilg '74Iw , JIE BAI LE YZO IV tteCHESTNUT ST, NILADELpHIx• peqemoit The reputation and experi ence of 40 years, warrant us in saying that our stock. of Vi llo Timekeepers of the best Muni pean and. American Makers is now the largest in the coun fm and we guarantee that each Watch we sell, is finished wt h great mechanical precision, h alt the late improvements, attal will run- regularly, well, and give -satisfaction. Inquiries promptly repli.d le. Wades forwarded by Wren for auroral. AMP Harray_a Lawman's Florida Water, The most celebrated and most delightful of all per fumes, for use on the hand kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Druggists and Perfumers. AMP THE CHEAPEST'PLACE In the City TO - BUY WATCHES, • 18 AT Wattles &Sheafer's 101 Fifth • A, of AMERICAN and IMPORTED INATC . Inst reoetredand rorsalestOßEATLT PRICER . rayt_ CANE POLES. here • doe assortment of Cane Pole. , lOft over from hot year. EWA lotter et • very IO Free. PartleismatinEshOuld deter easily. so as to Lome their Orden being 011118. ' • • JAMES 'SOWN. 138_111rd Street: FLUTING' MACHINES. . The best me ebespest }luting Ilachinen the mutat. Price6o3o each madam. Call WI smith= at JAMES iIOWIN'EI. 136 Wood Street. pINCHING IRONS. • ' • .• I bare just received an issOrtment of Much log Irons, an article used very moat to She cart by the isdles for curling theft hair. For We by JASISS DOWN: .131 136 Wood Street. -BUTCHERS, TARE NOTICE! I Mad the Sagest assortment atlar IlDalag._Palanees, with glass ossa and enameled trodtaemplateia o . sool past and ....Mid. tot , . 1.. p ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NORTHERN Pacific Railroad. Toßailroad Contractors. Sealed Praimatala will be received at the +Aire of he NORTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD COM- tio, 120 BROADWAY, owner Of Cedar reel. New tort. unto WEDNESDA Y. the let dine = ding: M.,,anry, nn,winc dmr A 41401614 of .th . la nnr. lion of the Northern ruelne Ralln. u m In mob =I I.ouls liver to the Red river. the western Wender) , of Melee... le diMance of about 230 milee), iv- ll= I= 'ady to receive the cell euperstreetere The nald Company will also receive Ornitowids. he tame time and place, for the timber cnits-ties, and for the Iron rails. spikea and fixtures for the road as above. ' the Innt rrlb to be delivered on the dock at Duluth, Minnesota, or at the mutes of the 3111Asiesippl flier. And the ties received seconding =I I= ll= ..r.a.,n.4a,rnrTTtlflTll!mSVTTlCll] full specidcatlons. can then he' seen. and the time allowed for the coosplctlnn of the onntrects made The Cometny resert o the right N. reject my or WI bids net neenn4 be for the Interests of the =1 111 bo !amigo:4l on application. by mall or othel , boo, in 1....1.)/INSON. Chief Entnoer. or to the Prep!dent of theC'i. {!estr. et the ofecio. No. 120 OROA NW A T. C. above. J. GREGORY SMITH, President Northern Parifir Railroad Co sIO. 1 oSC. April 48.1N70.. mylo 7 Per Cent. Gold Loan ME= BU LINGTON, CEDAR RA PIDS4 MINNESOTA 11. R. CO', First Mortgage 50 YEAR CONVERTIBLE BONDS • A I.IIIITHD QUANTITT FUIt IttALE. At 9(1 and Accrued interest I= I. EI GAN TIIOMPSON. 1.,...tet.5. CIIA BUN L. FICOHT. The greater hart of the road Is already Completed and show. large earning.. and the balance of the wnrk Is Tepidly progressing. , We unhesitatingly recommend theseßonds as the safest and best investment In the market. U. h. Flaretwenttoe, at current prices only, return tire tier rent. Interest, while theme Ire ought end onu-querter per rent. In Gold, and we regent the security equally good. . HENRY CLEWS & CO t3ankers 32 Wall Street, :New York S. M'CLEAN & CO., No. 65 Fourth Avenue ===C! DAVito WORKMAN & DAVIS 9wett.4s to {YORK SIAN. 11(10R P. & man tocturers itod beaten in. • • Carriages, Buggies, SPRING & BUCK WAGONS, Lt. 41, 46 nod IS Ikarer St., Allegheny. Repatrinkt neatly nnd pmtaptly eretuted. On. t r : 4l 4 f ni e riPio ' cir;:li , %Tan u 4n l M ' rp:lllgrg : rat ' Z ' AVl4 e ilAr.,l • :3lr ß a r VeVi,.. El s 7 4 b. cl!!lN,lM A Quici Anti -Battler RICTIARD DAVIS having purchased the In terest of Alex. and Was. D. 'Moore. In the late Om hf WODEMAN. SIOORE A CO., the buslneas ellt ereafter be continued at the old stand under the name and style of WORKMAN A DA ns. Orders JOHN Q. WORKMAN, U. RICHARD DAVIS t Lf1(0 with Citizens' National Bunk. Pittsburgb bi.N.llll. STONE WATER PIPES Chimney Tops, HOT AIR & CHIMNEY FLUES, &e. A lime and full umrtment constitratlT cm build. lIENRX 11. COLLINS, 133 sECONkILVENUE. TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! Jud received... large anal fine aaaortment of Ye Tow...misting of = NIM •3OKeIIONti. Buyer% are Invited to cell and examine the stock a. quality and price 0111 be for the Interest of the and Also. no hand, large and excellent assortment of choice Groceries. For sale by I=l •I!MI C. BARNES, Sealer of Weights awl Measures, OFFICE: No. 5 FOURTII GLASS, QIIEENSWARE 100 WOOD STREET.. I FIN IC VHENCIL Q 4 I China: and Glass SILVER PLATED 4100Dtt DINNER ; 7 4j AND TPA item, TEA T FLATS PA! • ,AsuctrmEnv. • The best Im pq V WARE Andet)ll.llo:ALlns . .1. a prime. T4 l R. E. BREED & CO., 100 won STlrger. REYNOLDS STEEN & CO, 424 Virood . fteet Importer. Deal.* le • FRENCH, CHINA, FINE CUT CLASS AND Queensware. _ I:llrThe largost assortment at Now sort prloo. ESTABLISHED 1828. lIINILT Incur ...Auteur 1110115...801R. Y. COO ILIGBY; CUST & CO., No. 189 Liberty St ! Wholesale and Retail Ideadet arid ci lobbec IP f c .VA N ADVIra- s wAn E ' SS SIL Lk- The Is Of all reguirtng goods In the above line Is [Wetted to oto. Stock. Imported dlreetlY from the best Europe= markets, and we are antf retching a fresh and desirable lot of the aboye • • • *PIFa MIFININPALUZTEIM • • JOHN - T. GRAY-, HOME LID SIGN METE% it AND GLAZIV,R., No- 34 ND:T[I BTNEHT 400371 (Ws gmia strew Pittslnmilt, Pa. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &A) CARPETS. SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common C./1 RPETS. Our Stork Is the largest we have ever offered to the trade.. • Bovard, ROSO & CO., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. Aaaaay April Ist, 1870. MEE SPECIE PAEIty,NT Rentmed .f) From Ilds dale Silver Ilmarro will be friVal An cub customer.. at M'Farland &Collins CARPET STORE, 71 and 73 Fifth Ave tr Our prices aro the lowest In this Market. CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goeds! NEW PRICES! We tinee'inisinoireted the opening of our New IfINID3T DISPLAX CsiiiPE TS • Ever Offere4 in this Market. LOWEST PRICES SINCE 1861. OLIVER MeCLINTOCK & CO, 23 Fifth Avenue. NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices TO CORRESPOND WITU WHOLESALE RITES., McCallum Bros., No. 51 FIFTH AVENUE. I===! •• UPHOLSTERERS ram . Church hanufactu uf SING, surf Mar MATTUEN SWI, Cushion s. leath Pß er_ Boaters NAIR and and e Pllknra. Cornice Mouldings ll etude of Upholstery matt Mu, deale In Window Made, 'MN firma and White Uo rs llenda* Cord.. Tassels. be. Particular attentlon I. gleen to Wk. , ins up. cleaning nod bmushiug. altering and rearm In n s Of cleaning arq ls the l wane you can feel aware.] th a t th e naltTn y itrttra. swami mad the good. thorough) from all dust mad lama The price for WS U. been IPrr Il7, 4 «,trtree.°:l°'Pr7 `rn f " .°4 d P* HOBBITS, NICHOLSON k THOMPSON, • Upholsterers and Proprietors of Steam Carpet Beating Establishment, • • - NO. 127 WOOD STREET, zukana New Fifth Avenue. Mishnah. Pa. REMOVALS. REMOV4L. S. P. SHRIVE,R & CO, IL". 2rlVglirlt tiViarag. l7 NOL Sio and 211 Liberty St.,' AAnt. too be a d of WOOD YTHFEC, my S. P.'BIIItIVER .& CO., REMOVAL. ' TEE (WINCE OF THE Allegheny Insurance Company Has be Named from Nm 37 rifth lIVIMUL to No. ii : FOURTH AVENUE, BETWEEN MARKET AND WOOD STREW& C. J. DONNELL. 'km l =7. Iard:LIFO EMOVAL--FR ELIE SCHROEDER, Xerchant Tailor and Dealer to Gentles. Dornladalna (Dods, alma, Gentlemen anal Bop' Clothing on hand and made to order at the short est nottee, low rumored lrnin !Gelato eland. NO. 11`. WAND avenue, to No. 3t WOOD STURM% come al Third avenue. • untasl•ll-D RINOTIL The Pittsburgh Bask for Siring' llu emoted from No. 417 to IL FOURTH AR. NUK. Is tie Ilorotkonts wed ltaeotreturits Book opl2 REMOVAL. ALDERMAN JAMES LINDSAY Hu removed Mx °Moo, fnm corner of Webster avows. and Waolfloston Afoot:to N 0.187 FIFTH , AVENtTX. • as TV REMOVAL. - The Maingahela Insorante Company Ram removed from No. 98 Water street to N. Z. floor.) of Wood street and Voand avenue domed floor.) entrance/ on Fourth avenue. apeirrel JOHN H. cLAnts. Ref:akar T. • . DR , .WHITIA.II)R giogyelooli t yrmajwAntellZA : and the efforts of mercury ars comps.! MO.. Mai Itmematarrhes or Seminal Weeks.. and Mb hirtencri reimbitta from self about of other moms, pad which produce mom of the initiating @beta, a. blotch... bodily weakness, .I=estion..ozi ti tra rtri=i " ..Lalitif hot: sutd=lors Imprudent. ille Pommeoti) Persons Meted with these or any otbm delicate.. tableaus or king standing conatitationsl t oatplintill ' l 'l =l =go . iret Planta lattoorebm or Whites. Itliina Mamma bon or Uliteralca of the Womb. °rabbis, Pnuttla ~..sun.omea by.menornmes. San St rility or Plantioneo. arc treated with the great at la self-mblent that a phybetan who tepee wait excintiteir to the Many of a cantata elms of Macaws and lOW thootanda of imam tiemiT year men acquire greater Mill tbat epeelinty than roe In mineral ractice. • The Doctor puoiDnce onstlcel pamphlet - Of My hams that infra • full c wanton uf eenereel sad prone dlleabre tint aw nbe bad free et ones or be Mail fur two names. In sealed enve i ope.. eentenoe eontains Inerruction to the elbleted ...Wog them to determine the bombe Want aJ 'their complalnta The celabliebetent i. ennipriairm ten ample MOM. hi cntral. When it not cancenient to Menthe city. the Ilvtoes, op Mon can be initainedbyetfittf, Dot written Mato:neat ot the =me, and med =WM ego forwanfed by mall or naprom. In pea* me. however• prreonnt examination Is etteoodelt? necestery, wine In others daily portion.' ebbilflk._,, le required. and for the meommodatirm ft , T" '"" •th. we eenDreents commute let* the oak. UMW* provided 'nth OMNI LI 41449U1d to Promote recovery. Ina . 14 . 4 ' , Mot' Naha All preectiWom at ptpatd bt Dodoes own labonitory. ander Ms persottal saperviteoo. Mer4pampineta al Macs fte by mall for bre Pin 119 t Teed what he egya unra matter Br 9A. . Uls • • eg: