The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 11, 1870, Image 1
THE DAILY GAZETTE: I= PENNIMAN, REED kCO,, Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St F. B. PENNIMAN, JOSIAH lIRd, T. P. HOUSTON, N. P. REED, EDITORS &RD PROPRIETORS. TWIG 0I T DAILTI By mall. per year DeUrprel 4f eanrler. per east THE DAILY GAZETTE. OFNERAL NE A :apt - theatre is building at bflitrauken' C . AMILLA linen, the einliniate. is in Se- T T ; D u k e de Monti:gutsier is oniraing i to /emeriti, ' • '• ALLIOATORK have been caught in the ,bamen .I; : tlAtiet,tiscl, brilld nu tout ,nald to bqklellstfaci 1 s sic lsOdy id Lola Montei is en id - lo be miming in= her grave. TDIANDX._ ZOOS AND CAVIAN,F4N the roy al diet of Willlsaxapc Phoplis. ts's.s DETROIT drunkards use a stocking with a atone in the toe an a weapon to evade ay. TIMATREIS in moat td the'northern citiea tiarF a ltad I. l?eilefitaloti *Rif terdrs.! CIIICAGO aupposea that of course Patti will aing"Shoo Fly" at)her concerto there thin week. HAUITCAII. BMOXING will kill a man in one hundred and ten years. It ban been tested out Went. . . A ti Eli ILO named Whipper loin been up. pointed brigadier genered of militia for the Charleston distriet. A 13;:areoN notion offers to giro Hast. I WI a new pair of boots if ho spoils his Nil pees in kicking Tilton. . titt.tetolt in anxious to sing the Bohe mian Girl in Italy at Drury lane. and •it in bring translated for her. Cayrbatila QrprEas ore sivall and eoppery as to flavor. In both respects they resemble those of l Enmpe. Two Tenneseco radians shot three men last week, and (ho eitiatins forted the jail and hung.them the sartio night. Omega° taw a dog - itthieh charms rats from their holes and "holds them with his gilttering,eye".till liadiapatehes them. , . 'lll4vart; ixf' • Cameron, Marshall county, West Virginia. wan found on Monday• morning hanging dead in his barn. , ;: • A FUENCII farmer ban just dug up a box. of gold ciiirittoo,ooo francs—sup posed to have been buried in the first rev olution. • • THE Presbyterian church in Omaha bas been guilty, of what the Repub . !icon calls - unchristian discord" and a division is int. mlnent, tv/May ' night three me - ld'' c.• 11110 gs and a barp.:l factory IniPtuttkirs burg •ern - - limited; involving it }o& •of POMO. A :NEW railroad neventrthrtv miles in letigth is contemplated in Mississippi, be tween.OkolonO and the. Tennessee ricer at , • A Locievitia. chap, scuts l last winter was shirtless, wan given e..? he• in vested it in faro. Now he is; a bloated capitalist. S AAeis 11. C. Church in New York is to be demolished, and the congregation have pprehtused a Jewish synagogue for future use. ON Wednesday night Wm. Uentry raped from the OwAha in ?wk . he 104 confined awalthiretrial for the m rder of an Indian. A Covititivon gentleman has cony . ted suicide on account of the liackerard. neon of the young in taking clamsee in hiv Sunday !school. A NEW h allGEAtis velocipedint "tried In ram a street oar without, taking Ili. chine out of the nil. His remains w, much mutilated. IC BOTTA. noted for his early discove - Vies In the ruins of Shorsabad and Sine- Veh, hiur died at the age of sixty-eight years, at /inheres, near Poise 7. °VEIL $lO,OOO were stolen Wednesday, the ith, on the various lines of streetsars in New'Orleans, by pickpockets. The State Fair wits the mansion of their rich harvest. . A.was, readirigtßrlgiunn Yonngh man ifesto that "the great resources of Utah are her women," exclaimed, -It is very evident that the • prophet is disposed to husband his resources." • IN Michigan, thousands of loge lay high and dry on. the banks• of the ,Cass, that floated oat of the proper channel daring the high water... Lumbermen are now at work getting - them - into the :her. - TUE Paris correspondent of the New York World announces that "the Bastile luta been dernolinhee'lt may he interest ing and to add that Lours NVI, King of France, has been beheaded, THE Swedenborgians. English and American, hate 'raised upward of ,C 3,000 toward photolithographing Swedenborg's manuscripti, preserved in , the library of the Academy of Sciences, Stockholnt. - AN Omaha negro, on trial for larceny, stole his laWyer's coat and departed, but wan recaptured. He is now defendant in two similar cases in one of which Ids ad. vocate is the prosecutor of the other. CINCLSNATI has en art gallery, which is very successful pecrudarily; and several of the most noted pictures in the country have been on exhibition at various times, the star system having been adopted. Tug roan of Peroandine, Fla.,' had great sensation Saturday, the 30 ult. , Nineteen whales of the grampus species tattle their appearance ; in the harbor, s ta after a grand chase were all captured." On Saturday, the 110 alto., a difficulty occurred at Pearson's mill, in Putnam county, Ga., between Nathaniet Gorky and Richard Lawrence, which resulted in the stabbing and killing of Gorley by Law rence. Tar. Des Moines Bulletin claims that the enforcement of the prohibitory liquor law in that city is far from being a "fail ure." and that as a result there has been a marked decrease of arrests for petty of fences. ' tOUIRA Mutiveacn to said to be highly. incensed at the rapid decline of her mom larity as a novelist In the. United States. In her salon she always is said to area of the reading public in America In disperag. Mg' terms. DUBUQUE proposes to vote a five Per cent. tax, to aid lb the aMsteeclion of the • Turkey Valley and Tete de Mort Rail roods. A petition is being .cirmihited to have the the question submitted to a void of the people, and nearly 'everybody is signing. • BANDY/alb. the actor is in Anatialls. Pampa Is in New York. Maclaine Sheller: is traversing California with a German and Hairnet' opera troupe. -Mrs( 'Helier! is in Washington. Jefferson is In Cincenz mitt: Latta is In Beistod , Hackett is In . Chicago. • Mit. E. C. McArrax, while walking oe;r the farm of Ida' 8.. C. ThoMpeon, nine miles northweit of Cum ming, (la., and about one mile from the' Chattel:merle river,j on, the 280 t alt., picked up a lump of solid gold, which weight ,...ights and 21 grains. ii Monday.night, the 18th • ult., a coal M l lump exploded at the residence of a Mr.-. Becker, six miles .from Anderson, Texas, scattering the burning fluid over the person of Mrs. Becker, burning her so severely that she died in a 'few hours after. Mrs- B. bad been married but two Tan St. 'LOMB Democra t,accuses the Philadelphia .Nortlt. American of* 'un speakable atopidity and matchleis, nese," bectinse t advocates protection and thinks the majority of Missouri' cans are of the same mind, although the Democrat teaches the vilest free-trade sePhi s i7 erm.rnin JAtutox died on.the loth ult.; after a protracted Illness, at his' resi dence. in Fayette county, Terra', - In the; HithYos r of Ids age. The Nese Jiro rye' he wary young moldier in the little - band of heroes at New Orleans. He was a .cotercrporary and soluaintance of 13ens. Jackson, Houston and Crockett. .t Aiwa= of the Republican' Senators have determined to use their infinenee with the members of the House to have the Tariff bill recommitted to the Ways and Means Committee, and a brief bill, re. during the'dniles on ringer, Jet, coffee, noilassei, etc, substituted and passel. 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' 1 ‘1 ... • -- Or s . • : .. . Commercial and Family ..Mwspaper lb TRE El&aT ANDITIRAI'MOr :,,..., • AZ . Lir' ' • 1 ' L....,... II . IP Ze le t't . • CURTI:biII:I, IN WESTERN FENNbTI.VANIA. - • 'No farmer. manhun, or merchant should DO , -1 '-' . ' .1 • without U. .., TL . . • • • • •- , , ~, .. . . . . Pine° suoortners. ..... All it ' - Clubs of d ye.... I • . . . Clubs of ten..................... , ...._ ..... 1.1 • . : . . A fop, is fannshed irrittoltonaT to th ' e r e """ • 1 .. - - --- ---inetted tone% . • 1 _ ESTABLISHED IN 1786 iiiii to fix the time of adjournment on the 4th of 'July will-be immediately adopted by the Senate. I Ix Buffalo, on Saturday night, a drunk en man nvued Louie White got into his childrena bed and rolled upon his youngest boy, an infant, suffocating - him. .oneenury returned the following vOrdict: "The deceased came to his - death bylbeing emothered by the father to whom to,bletine cou/d ho attached as he was demi - km/ Um time." ' , Krunwtdomitie. 'minim . being laiwked aroundlheintreets of Macon, tieorgia, in briskets and boxes with nn intimation of a plentiful mitm. They are certainlvi luny rimia—cOmmanding from 50 to 7:i - cents per quart. A few green peas, grOwn in the gardens of the city and vicinity, have Inien dinposed of in the market nt Xi cents • per. quart . • , . MM. KATE COLTMAN. Wife of a maim. rant keepef in Kansas Ciiv, allowed her curiosity in regard to the future world to induce her to swallow an mimeo! arsenic, but her. husband, ngainst her will and with nn emetic and stomach pump rescued her. The 'only explanation she vouchnafed wan that she wished to understand the mysteries of eternity. - - • . Ix the May Galaxy "Mark .Twain" Moulted Bev. T. De Witt - Talmage with severity, and 'that gentleman was offended and wrote a reply. Irt Monday's. Buffalo EriweNt Twain prints an apology, which will probably lave the effect of making Mr. Talmage, if he be sensitive, what he . Bad borne the nttnek in silence and not have provoked the apology. A YOuxii lady of Kansas City, says the Sots. one of the fashionable belles, was frightened almost nut of- her with our morning last week on discovering, snugly ensiionsed in her chignon, am innocent little mouse, which had crawled into and made a bed of that feminine adornment. while its fair owner slept. Moral: Every young lady should keep a eat in her chignon. . Tnit recent terrific hail storm in Phila delphia frightened the homes in a funeral procession, and produced a panic among the mourn rs. The hearse was bAdly wreck ed, a driver was fatally injured, some ladles were cot, sprained and bruised a good deal The coffin was taken into one of the car riages and accompanied by two of the - - .ruagini of the other carriages was the cienetiviY. i IT may be remembered, mitt fialignar Messenger: that satin time since the em of the Ceunt.D'Aquila Bourbon, contracted. a marriage which was not overfly to 'the tante of his }loyal Highness, the father. The. Young married couple went to the :buttes, and after remaining there some months, lately returned to Paris. A reconciliation has now been effected, and a family meeting took place on April 10th, when everything passed over with the greatest cordiality. IN the recent 'Philadelphia hail storm the Continental and 'Girard hotels had nearly seven hundred panes of ginss brok en. the Mercantile Librarr lost about 300, St. Marks Church 450, mostly colored. Mrs. B. A. Fahnestock's hot house had the plants rained, and 1,500 lights ',taken, and moat of the - churches' hot houses, and other many windowed edifices lost nn a similar scale. 4,000 public lamps shored the same fate. The' largest hail stone noted was eleven inches in cir cumference. and weighed seven ounces a quarter of an hour after it fell. ONE of those strange beings we "read :deed - has been found in the owner of a number of government 'hauls, residing in Brattleboro, who informs (len. Spinner, Calmed States Treasurer, that for some time he found an old stove a convenient safe for his bonds; Lot recently, without his k n0w1,41,,, the since wax used, neat to his astotdrlttnent tie' Loads were•ltaked• to n crisp. The Treasurer Ins notified him to forward with the greatest tare the - bake' d hoods," and, if they can be identi fied, the government will either pay their value, nr jsaue registered bonds in their A MrKO %I. disp atch to the lloustort (texas) Erening Times of the 28th, dated Milliesn, ears the night before, a flat car, attached in front of an engine, having ten workmen on board, while on its way down to the waalted culvert. this aide of Neva. . • ants, was thrown from the track, a mile and a half north of Neva/int& _bridge, kil. ling two men and severely mangling two others. Mr. May, conductor of the train, tiring on the ear at the time. was also thrown off and somewhat bruised, lint not so an to lay him up. The names of the two that were killed are, A. M. Baker, brakesimm on freight train, and one Col lins, section hand. • Tut: Zanesville Cenci. r nave, We on derstand that the English Cath o lic school connected with the St. Thomas Catholic church, has been abandoned. The reason therefor was, that the scliool was not self sustaining. There artilierhaps other rea. sons, which we have not ascertained. These children will now attend the public schools. and a large number of applications are daily being made for their admission. The Board of Education. in enter_ to ac ,commodate the views of parents in refer ence to the reading of the Bible in the schoOls;bave adopted a rule permitting the Catholic children, who wish it, to retire from the schoolroom each morning during devotional eternal. Ex-I'IIESIDENT JOIINW,IN I recently porcloined thn large briek•blork known in Greenville as the Mowery Block. It generally - believed in Greenville tt =11:131=1 :means, and has been frequently itrgixt to do no for the convenience or the business Own of that and adjoining Imens. An it now, they have no bank nearer than Knox. Ville, and they find it now almost inilseisi• ble to do longer withont one. The Ex. President siwnds most of bin time in study. Ho writes a great deal, and it is .generally snpposed that he contemplates soon publishing a book which :shall be a defence of "my policy" and his Adminis tration. He has some visitorn from a din. 'ranee, and during the Court cvrainna his house is daily filled from early morning till - night by his : friends from the coon try..who : Wink him the greatest man of the age. IT 'WILL be remembered that the re mains of the ;late tlr. Peabody were tem iewarily derredied in Wertminater Abbey priori° their removal to his native town, Over his tempotary grave liters has been placed the following, iniicription on a flag stone three feet square.. Here were depiktited from Nev. I'2 to Dec. 11, 1869, • the remains of • HEOROP. PEABODY, .•- - - --then nonoved to his Wive ortuntrv, and buried in Danvers, now Peatitaly in Massachusetts. 4 "I haw prayed 10. 'heavenly father dav by day that I might be enabled before I died to show me gratitude for the bless legs which lid had hestOwed apon me, by doing some genet r xi to. my fellow , , Lel your light sonlgno to 0 that 111(1' niny nen lot* lnocnk Irak and glorify your Farther which is in heaven. . Tug. Lamar Uitwurwn of the sth inst. states thitron the preceding Sunday ► man whose name was not learned, living near Port Port In Barton manly, attempted to Wilda wife and then end the tragedy by shooting himself. The author of the horrid criute.was a Mall 74 years of age, and had just returned loon the north part of the State, whore he had collected about twenty.eight hundred dellant.. Ile accused his. wife of communicating the fact of his having money to the neighbors and after sending his granddaughter and 'daughter from the harm, he seized a re ;Nolver and fired at his wife, but missed ;his aim; she ran to escape his vengeance, whereupon be took a musket loaded - with huckithet and fired at her ' again as oho Tin, the shot grazing her hip, and she fell *het dead: - 'The old . ihiti thee tool thsisioney. and all of. ids deeds and papers `and burned them. ' Then he loaded hie 'mnaket;and to his held, de i mandecl hie little son, fire years-old. to shoot the . .pui • The boy refused. Ile then tooka piece of - chair round, whittled it flat, so that it would pass in front of the Arigger, placed the Muzzle of the h e tO ibis head and Revd, literally tearing the top part of his head away, , OIL ITEMS The Northiecatcrn independent prints The Risk well otrthe Bailey farm was torpedoed during the early part of the present week,and immediately after being tubed commenced pumping oil at the rate of thirty-fire or forty barrels, per day. Tito Berg well on 'the Toren farm IF now being sunk deeper. The Yongltioglienv well, in Lawrence- , burg, owned by Mr. Kuhn rind others. is being drilled deeper. This %well first commenced pumping at a depth of nil , Ilutuarind end eight feet, and produced for a time some ten mr - twelve barrels Bards}. After it in sunk a depth of ono thousand and forty feet it will doubtless prove n good WI The peritlew ono Attie Annie - oil well, on Inde• One. reaelted the top of the third Saturday morning, May 7th. The big well recently struck near Brady's Bend we understand ix now flow ing about forty barrels per tiny. The well south of the log-house, on, Nyisiiington t4re,ek, ,wirran te i tiefii nearly through the thirdlsind dome &lye' ngo, but, unfortunately - became fast, anif the workmen have thus far been ' unable to extricate them. They are at work, however, with a zeal worthy of suc cess, and we hors , they will succeed. = The - Mellen well on the Clarion river bout one-fourth mile front the tenninu f said stream, has been sunk a depth o . 21 feet, through a third sand. said to hirn•-eight feet thickjt commenced ti amp on the 27th of April, starting limn 10 barrels per day and promising t, mprove. This well is owned by Wit ian•s, John Painter, Mr. Lee, of Kitt°. ing, Mr. Crawford, of Allegheny count. nd otters. Tho Rotary Oil Well, on land of Mrs. Judge Bredin, Lawrenceburg, 4m. the North side of Washington street. has been sunk n depth oflols feet, through a third sand, about thirty feet thick,-and com menced to pump oil on Thursday last, making n fine start and promising to prove a good well. This hell' is owned by Peter Hutchison, James Reese, John Barton, FAL Barton. of .Alleghenv conuity, nod James McCullough, of i s t,imrt, Armstrong ' count)", Pa. The Montgomery well. on land of Lein, ard and Parker. on the Southern hank of Mike run, has been drilled to too depth of '1045 feet, through the third mud, mid to be twenty...eight feet thick. 'bud is now 'being tubed with favorable imlications. 'Phis well in owned by John Montgomery'. M en t g oine4ti, W. Johnson, of Pittsburgh; 0. W:Civingstou, Wm. Item. nett, of Emlenton, and others: • The Belleview well No. 2, on Parker farm. one tulle west of Lawrenceburg, is down and has been tubed for sotue days. The last report we have had from it is. that the water has not - yei been properly shut otr, and consequently it had not pumped any considerable quantay of, nil. 'rids well in owned by .Metatrs, Winennen. Hutchison and other parties living in the ' - .eighborhood of Tarcntum, Allegheny county, Pa. The Keystone well, on the Fares farm, on hill; about sixty rods west of the'river„ and north of Bear creek, has been drilled a depth of 1.0.T.3 feet, through the third fiend said to be thirty free thick, and haw been pumping for. a few days, throwing out a large amount of oil, pminisin.. to he a good well. Tiiis.well .in owned by ' lido. Shidel, of 1-awreureburg, Captain: Allen Wilson, John Keister, W. li. Stoughton. John Shall, Williat4con thristy, of, But ler\ county, and Oth qi, . The ibmyer well Co. :!. .ot land."( Jan. w. Parker, is bill, uorth.nd Boar creek. 111. hers drilled a depth- 'of 1010 feet, through the third mod, said' to Int thirty feet thick; has heel, pumping fir Moll° t. , •11 darn and is now yielding &hoot four bar refs of . oil per day''Thin melt Mowned be Noah,lienry,, - Dri S. Biedip,l J. C liedick. tti. Morel.; of Butler. Monty:and . . other,,. • , _ _ UNWNTOWN,PA UN tori - r(wzi , FA . May 10,1 EDITOR/1 II ZETTE Pursuit:l! -to the Republican County Convention met In the Court Moose yesterday at one o'clock and, was called to order by ti. W. E. Miner. Erit. Chairman of County Cen. teal Committee. Capt. S. R. Page, of Bniirmeiiile, WWI chosen presiding officer. All prttliminaries over the Convention pm , ceeded-to dominate candidates. For Congress, O. W 7. Miner, Esq., Was nominated bv steclarnattnn. Eli (Amt., Fast.. ex.sherlfr of this count?] Wan unanimotts• lv nominated for Assembly. James Curry for County Commissioner, Major A. Guider for Jury • Commissioner, John A. Murphy for Poor House . Direc t tor, and John"gpr County Auditor. With this ticket ollruii RePtl;- . an* we expect to give the Democrats s .oird fight next fall. Should Mr. Miner receive the nomination for this : district. and we have no &min be will, we am con fident of his election by an immense ma jority, such na this district never gave be- Mix., not even for the "old Alligator." Mr. Miner is a rnelf•matle man, and hes barn earnest and true in his devotion to the Ilepublican part,e, and they could not better reward him tan by sending hini to Congress to represent this district. J. 13. Miller, U . riali Sigenbotham and Wm. Par. shall were appointed Congressional con. fgreca for this county.. The neitnna voted at therimary eler. lion on soturday and allowed "p by tlmir or derly deportment that they were f••" qualified for the eternise of the DIM =22 IT WAS CI.EARLT MADE Manifest he the able and skillful manner in which( the Doctor described earionn dhows. of the eye and its optical defects, the various - remedies and optical treatment. (We are speaking of Dr. Franke( 'very inieresting lecture on Monday evening, May pll*, In Allegheny city.) he fully- convinced fleas• present that he is ti- gentibman of high ability an an oculist, (twist and ..ptician. In treating the subject; the learned gen- Doman remarked upon the importance of paying immediate attention to all nensa dons and inconveniences of a character to lead ns to suspect that the organ of vision is, to env extent, deranged, and here we cheerfully enders° the lecturer's clown, viz...that there in much low( of sight from inattention to early symptoms of ;it-ratlines*, and permanent loan of v b ilon in tense pience of haring the eyeatampered Willi, especially in diseases, which may be cured by an tarly application of medical treat. meat. Doctor Franks in well known ea a skillful physician and surgeon, being a regular graduate- of the Philadelphia Kline' of medicine, atid,a. member, of ,the -tate nikiVal nocief e of Pennsylvania'. Ills npecialty, being dineasen of. the rye, ear, and the apPlicatiith of his patent spec tacles to all defects of night. We urge lour readers not to delay, to consult thin gen tleman at once .(oonnaltatioi free awl charges vit'y.mptlereite) ptetlt, :Intrlhotki. Ladled cfilmice, rerun "2 . 4: 'lii iddeit fife. ment in another column.. . , EDITORS : " Central Board vainly attempts to crawl out of the bad box in which placed by Father lilis i ' sre by urging that only the colored schen closed on the day of jubilee. Very Are not the colored schools a part and par) eel of the common schools? Was there 'no Redeemer Who died for other than white people? Should black children be permitted to enjoy a political occasion and refused opportunity to observe "Good Friday ?" The color screen won't, do, Mr., I Central Board. You citthiot jrintlfy yowl; I action in ignoring Good Friday and, intim mania breath. recognixingthe 2tilit of April, by any harmless Sings at your accuser: Father Hickey, however, did not say that all the school's wets closed. He read clearly from the Gazierrk that the color &I *awl* were afforded a holiday, and lit. qualified' with this adjective the word school when used in the connection. No defense in necessary, - CATHOLIC. Solved. . . The enigma found in' the - fast growing, popularity of the Weed Sewing Machine by parties unacquainted with its merits la easy of solution. Its simplicity,durobility and adoption to all kinds of work renders it the most desirable investment .for all in 'ant of this kind - of seamachi. Call' at 116 Market street and give trial. PITTSBURGH,- WEDNESDAY, MAY .11, 1870 FIRST EDITION. MIDNIGHT. NEW YORK CITY Tito . McFarland Trial;— The Agony Oyer—Verdict of icqulttal man's Suffrare Atsoclation. Telegraph to the Pittsliurgh Gazette.] NifwrOnic. Mel 10, IirAttLAAD gitIAL—TWILVIV-Strrll DAY. - A littleaftereleven o'clock the court opened and District Attorney Garvin arose and iicom menced his closing speech.' Commenting first Ora the extraordinary lengt of time taken by the trial, hedeclareil itthe duty of the:jury and himself to devote even _three times as much time if ne cessary to giro the . prisoner 11 fair trial. ' Passing on to the case he said that no man bad a right to take the law Into his own hands. Perhaps Itichardimn and Mn. 'McFarland were Innocent. Richardson was a brave man. who had devoted himself to the service of his country during .the late war. Was he a likely innn to dishonorably seduce, maies wife? Moreover. It was unlikely that Itictairdson would marry his mistress Men neverdo. except under compulsion. IdeFarintid had gveis wife of two years, a - g i n up h ce was bad, nni on his deathbed Richardson coterie. Mrs. Mcnirland as- a pure woman: -. T hi defense acknowledged the commission Of thi deed, but say it was the deed of an Imam man.. In the wee breath they say that h , was Justified In slaying the adulterer. This I not logical. -They must take either tend. They cannot pretend to instil!' the d. , 04 of an insane man. The prosecution takes, tt for granted that theprisoner insane. Such is-the law, as they will be Informed by the Court. Without entering into the question of the na ture and Meng of Insanity, any juror, any sen sible man can decide when a man Is mad. ' Mr. Garvin contended the dedenee proved nothing more than Intense excitement, caused by prisoner's troubles and uncontrollable hi pulse. This wits merely the passion of ranger it'd could never excuse or palliate a crime. .te r neni that theta/ie. of Sickles and Cole ',e parallel ones, for their net, were , done oiddenly. ander excitement, while even they Mould have been convicted of some degree of murder. The District Attorney then rev lewcsl the tes tiniony. showing that on the day of t imahuot •Merarkand showed Intimate knowledge of Iticardeon's habits. and in wait, for him, s howing prem lay editation and des43. 'lle leaned forward when Richardson enttr+l. and fired. and made his escape. In this are ex hibited memory . , judnrnent and perception of Ddanger. Th e . defenee had tried • every ques on. except murder. and had worked to blacken the characters of Mrs. Calhoun. Mrs. Sinclair and Mr. Greeley, 1m nttem pt as absurd ns unFustoined by the. evidence. Mr. Gareinexprmse4 theconvict lon that the then m ig ht • ih doubts but there might be in, to the degree. If giiiity of-murder. let 613 n be hanged: If of manslaughter. let him go to the - State prison. The law must he y in dicated in ,the vase or there nut be no security for life. He felt sure they would de cide according to the evidence under their oaths. The Recorder then addressed the Pay. The accused was not to be convicted nor acquit ted upon the speeches of counsel. orconvicte4 upon prejudice toward the dead or tinny. or because public policy may demand an exam ple. They must concientiouslv reject every fact ur circumstance in the evidence which In their estimation cannot illustrate the question of sanity or insanity. or of malice. or Which does not bear upon the time. place. mode and Oct of killing. The state of domestic relation , it was not material for them to adjudlcr The question wan. how did the peiWinor be lieve about them. and hose did thnl. .essicii . inlial:a;;Wy7rtlijUt . rielyt The Recorder then proceeded to charge sot , dant laity every proposition of the counsel for the defense upon the subject of insanity. and continued: If impv believe that the accused untied himbetf With R loaded pistol. and 4 , sought out he deceased and ,ahot .his. team gredge alp Matins.. Intending th lk W. he la guilty of l atter In the Int degree.. If. ha', Inc a londe pistol. he shot the deceased with out Intent or design to take Idle. and In beat of Plet.loll, then It may he either tuanslaughte in the third or fourth degree. The Recorder then charged neon the poi asked tie the defense. es to the hest shoot/ r!c,„.rannot be taken an eyideir •"'i ''''' en rt pneseent aa thn shwa int teas felonious. and audio a xi insanity. the .lorore were to disc:int it ft consideration altogether. Ile declined to charge that the non.prot :ion .14 defendant therefor is strong' cal that act Ira; not deemed it . crinie the the time of txprimon. The upholding' vr parr tnalon of the marriage relation 'Mould hart rierlan to do with their verdict. ron• tree lore. or wentintentaliam on one hand. and moral reflection upon the conduct of the decent...el man of-living maniac upon the other hand. arc not legitimate/ to effect the verdict. The Inflexible rule of Tors nhould Inc that the aggrieved husband. father. or relative who taken the correci owroorro into hi n own hands. with pint knife. ' anA is not 1n..;;;1,e,;Vc did the rnr tlon.on. la not to be acquitted because It in he duty of every nom to uphold the sanctity if the [marriage tie. annulated by legal procedure. If the priaoner took the law lett , his own hands. in a note of [malts . , and with ieioiiinZrifilitiir of Insnotty.OF Js not KIII!!y. At thrt.e7ClOCk the JutJ. - teakqt. They re dipeared In court at ten minute. to Ave. The silence of death prevailed-as they took their Theand McFarland turned pale an a skeet. The Foreman ?Malty rose to answer the nlnnl question. and McFarland stoodup to face the July. He trembled violently and clutched the railing beside Mtn. no if for support._"ls the prisoner at the bar guilty. or not uilty?" came the question at inst. "Not guilty" was the answer. The scene begmtrs description. The whole audience jurnmsl to their feet and cheered h e tboughAetenstined to shake the house to th foundation. Even the - Court officers Joined in cheering. Men nnd women sorting over seats wed strturgltql for the privilere of stinking McFarLand by the hand. The ladies divided theiraittentinn between the 'Mended man and his outniesl. whore they lavished with thanks. McFarland won VT , 1 much affected:llnd little Ferry in his joy umped upon tffinir and waving, Windt, filer lent his voice to the cheering. NlcSiarland soon after left the court ram, and the crowd dispersed: NATIONAL WOMAN'S NUTTRAGN ANNOLNATION. The National trommin Suffrage Association met iceslay. About two hundred persons WCI.A. present. 3lnt. Stanton. in remarks. thought It would be armee step In proms, when women would be tried by a jury elf tffirir own sex. She alluded to the indecent 110 et- Gone put to women In the NIEVATIMMI and considered It time to clear out outthe courts of law v i ce . stell educated. re fined women In their She rorgner Greeley his flunkeylsm In considerntlon of the One Words he had given expre“lon to In con nection with the McFarland ease. Miss FbeobeCorzena. of St. Lords. and others spoke. 4. i4 4 C4 811441' t=== , John Nixon, who was convicted at Tatter. son, New Jersey, of the murder of David Olsen, and sentenced to prison for twenty years, has made a confession. No acknowl edges that ho had n.fight which resulted In tilsro's death, and charges his own father and slater. who_testified strongly .ligninst him, with incest, for which be says he had threat ened to have then. arrested. Little confidence showsed the statementeg the prisoner, who signs of a weakness of the mind. . MISCULLAXEOUA. • . . - Eleven oases of small pox were reported on Saturdag. A train on the Hudson River rond ran off the Creek at Manhattanville to-day. Nobody M imed. The reparte'd irregularities' in the affairs'of Assessor Scanlon are unfounded. • The Hoboken firemen had 4 riot Mit night. PIIII.OIII were freely need. but no damage done. Dlr. noesing.'North-deirman eonsufGeneral, authorizes the dental of the statement. nee linked lathe Lcasion Timm the...the warning to the German capitalists agninst American railroad. emanated [ruin the North-German Consul at New Yark. lla hes written noth ing on the subject. . • •ilosTaic . 21 _ 4 ,„,_ 4 • .; X r *cdr+.3 .irsaisdin t rt 1.16 tjetiitq [fti Telegraph to Gie"Plttaburgh Gazette.] ' • Bonus, May 10.—A number of Boston men Kill start on the tridof May on en eleurlipo to San Frinelet% :At ritual number of bailie will necomPany them. Capital to the amount of fRAIMOIXI will he represented. and nit the ar- Mingementa are to be un the most elaborate scale. Nine cart, fitted ,np„with restaurant. sofa., beds. billiard tublea,,tc.,bare been built expressly for this occasion. The Governor of Massachusetts. the Mayors of Roston and cur -rumpling towns, and many other prominent Prien xelllibdkaiting the ..eacursiOnlsts. IV has been arranged thnt.the floventors of the Suttee through which they pass nre to meet them on. the confine. Of their States and escort them through the Seine. One of the principal fea tures will which publication bf a newsPaPcr every day will be a complete telintoe of the lel:admits of the route. together WWII de scriptions of the country and notable Perim.* whom they meet. The affair le in charge of Charles W. Brooks, Chinese Consul et San Francisco. The minority report modest. the State aid, to the Ilartfotd lk Erie Road. presented today, takes the ground that It is better for the Road to go into bankruptcy now, than to expend mare millions and then fail. , COLUMBUS, 0 11 1174411 o. i karrriel t e " of: (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh° azettaj Cummins, May 10.—The meeting of the Gored Lodge of the L 0. O. F. and the dedica tion of the new Temple of order. to-day, drew a great crowd of strangers to the city. The streets and buildlngs . were profusely dec orated with fUllra. A procession two miles long, with fight bands of musie, formed at two o'clock - and - paraded the .streets. The exercises took place at the, Opera' Rouse at four o'clock. Governor Ron presided and 'the oration was delivered by Rev. D. H. Moore. At the close the crowd went to the new. Hall. which was dedicated according to the ritual' by Grand Blaster' Turner. . The Gonad Lotrana metg mu nAN nbeust. adjou rn ed NEWS BY CABLE The Agitation in Franee—The Plebite citum Toted by Over Five Million i t, Maj rib , Barricades in Paris Tak n by the Military and Order Pre rved—Britleb Parliament Pro ee4 p The king Question in Spain—lnsurrection in- Italy Sup pressed By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.' FUANCI: r A nil Mai , 10.1 P. M.-4everal riots °Zeit red bite last night. - they were not serious. Three or four barricades were erected in the Belleville district, but being feebly defended the troops carried them easily, without firing a shot. Shots were deed but not by the soldiers. There Wax treat, excitement throughout the night, and indeed is now. hot owing lio the large display of troops, the crowd is more noisy than dente.... Abel Francois Ville:mein, Perpetual Secre tary of the French Academy, died to-day. The returns of the twiny vote are all In: yes. ?27..13%; no, VAN; the result throughout the nation Is not given exactly. 31.—Beturns of the vote from all pans of the country, except Algerle, foot Lin Yes. .210..56: no, 1.5:10,610. Lih,rte says the FAnperor intends to ab rogate the decree banishing members of the Bourbon and Orleans families. The genie Journal asks for the complete freedom of the pn-ss as the result' of the adoption of the ple biscite,. and roves that aer yeas of exPe- rienee, all effor p ts egainst the ft , o pp os ition press are ht r ill feared the in evening. am disturbances of last nill b e renewed th but le me g asures have been taken by the Government to maintain order. Great crowd% of people are gathered In the Faubourg Du Temple. 'lO P.M.—Barricades hove agaln been thrown up in ouhourg Du Temple and also In Belle ville, anti troop. are now operating against commandt In reported that Captain Lafontaine, in of one of the attacking - columns, was wounded by a pistol shot. PATH+. May 11-3 A. the barricade. were taken by the troop. at midnight, and by one o'clock this morning the Faubourg Du lemple and Belleville were °coupled hi the military. Tranquility now peeve it through the city. I= 'NOON. May 10.—There Is a growing . t tent at the Income tax In tlonthay.. several indigestion meetings hate been held. The House of lords panted the bill making changes In the war office and adjourned. In the Mouse of Commons Mr. lefevre er plained the proposed reduction of light house dues. which Is chiefly in favor of coastwise shipping. Mr. Childers,First lord of Admiralty. said thirteen hundred ends - runts were booked for passage to Canada In trood ships. Mr. Dawson moved to resolve that the House eundeums the raising of a large portion of the India revenue from opium. Sir. Fowler sec, onded the motion. Mr. Winfield opposed the resolve, arguing that opium was less harmful than alcohol. Mr. nerdy clonal the debate with remarks in favor of the resolve. The House divided, nod the resolve was lost by a innjoritv.of 101. • Mr. Glndstene moved the following gentle men be appointed a select Committee to in quire by what tenure conventsmsd tannest:les. including Anglican Institutions, hold property In England .• Messrs. Villiers, Newdegute, Gressel. Thomas, Chambers. Matthews, Ilowes. Pemberton. I:CCouner. Don and seven others. • The motion -was agreed to. The under Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Otway, Informed the House of Commons to night that orders foul been sent to Athens which would Insure the thorough Insestlga lion of the Marathon massacre. QUEL , RraWa. May 10.—Phillips, the alleged defaulter, ban been discharged from custody and the gold found in him paaitSloo atthe time of his arrest has been restored to him. C 232 MAD MO. May 10. —Hewn Oleozagn returns immediately to Paris. There le much specu lation a+ to thernasonsof the Government for mmoning him to Madrid. and the mystifica tion Is not lessened by the tact that the Minis ters to italy.Austra and Portugal am also ex pected to arrive her% Humor lute It that these conferences bear on {in qbestfon of a candidate for the throne. The chances otthe elevation of Espartero nre improving. es pecially since the proposition has been coup ed with the suggestion that Gen. Prim i.e de clared his succes.sor on the throne. - • The Spanish press comments onfaserably nn the I reach Plebiscitum• ITALY. hl•tat:?tt_ May 10.- Tll 111Isnametion that tely Molt. out M. 14In.beitl. In bouthert It. wall condned to that Immediate rielni • and wan by no meant formidable. Th 4 test advice+ announce the dispercion of thi .4:orients. %I Kin.* V tr-ms.t. May to.—The Igicri Prove samili land undertakes to clear Greere of brigu on these conditions: That King iicOrgo ponwily withdraw. a itegent tw • appoint :the Ministry dismissed and the habeas ow act suspended. MI! HAVASA, Nay 10.— Private individual hrongholit. Chersld are sending presents ° oney and o articles to the soldiers sell , aptured the rebel General Golconda. • M Iluroggt.g. May 10. —A terribly accident on n ndlroad near Luxembourg yest day. It Ix reportrd twenty persons w 31ARIPIEAEViti • LOMA IM.Y.I{I{Y.I.) . 10.—Tbe steamship lo ,rayiati. front Quebec fur Liverpool has ar rived. Wars:stows+, May 10.-The slennishlps Clip of Brooklyn and Nemesis, from New York, y - have arried. linver.,afay 10.—The steamship St. , Laurent, from New York. has arrived. - • • VINANII.II. ALAD COMMERCIAL: blalmar, Mar 10— Eraniaa..--Copaals lon oney At account 04 1 / 4 . American securi times quiet; M. tfartr.. 00'.: .11, fah 10.404. 05': Erie, 1$: l itinois. 113; Great Western, 2.1+; stocks quiet and stead, , PALMet, line 16.—Illourse dull at Ittigle. ruaganlirr, May 10.--ilonds itnehangell• Iworiteran. May In.—Cotton buoyant: tnld tiling uplands firm.)rleans salesol 4. chestcr market with of 24./kM hale , California wheat tht 911; red western Nn. 2 In 4.1; winter On; receipts for the last three dare were 746) quarters; all American. Western flour :Nag 11.11. Corn:No.2 mixed allt: Oats 210. , Marley sa. Pena Ma , lid, Pork Ms. Meet Lard gal. Cheese iaa. thwon; ses tor Cumber. tandt Ma 0.1 for abort Ilk midd les. Turpentine 29s M. Im:slam, Slay M.—Linseed cakes quiet and steady. Tallow firmer at 4114 ikl. Sugar 21s Ad 4tXs. I.lusecsl nil '.2.qtritM:st. HAyitE, May 10. —Cotton firm at =Mt 441 spot. and 120Xt afloat. • NWT CONGRESS, kECOND KEI,MION.) Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gate WAARINCIVIN, May 10. 11cn. SENATE. The Vice President submitted a memo:lel from the O. A. IL Woking authority to be given to send soldiers' pensions through the mail by the money order system.. 111(PRILLIAMS, (nun the Committee on Pl duties reported n bill for refundine cegtain duties Imposed upon the itnisortation of Hes tia hemp, upon which forty dollen per ton hed been charged tw e nt y- f i ve being e charged on Russia, only on Manilla hemp. - Mr. SHERMAN to reported a bill nothing the duty the same on 14.111 a hemp. On motion of Mr. MORRILL. of Melee, the Secretary of the Interior was acted for infor mation reintive to nor unauthorised - invasion of the Indi. ternitory by °Mavis. , Rills were Introduced uTollows: • 1W Mr. 110WELle. Reeulative pewit)es of disabled officers end soldiers. By. Mr, ROSS: To enable the Leavenworth. Lawrence and Galveston Railroad . company• to ro t oo ,,t o to/ti d o( their road.. i l l Mr),WIIIt•UE bite army MB al a 3 reportedly him a expleined Its prone os. After general discussion It w. without or lon kid nide cud the legislative, executive nd judicial appropriation bill proceeded nth. The section prohibiting the diversion of any urplus of the specific appropriation remaking mexpended wan discussed until Lan, when. after a short executive [mashie, the Senate tatk n mess. Ercning Session.—The conslderetion of the eppropriation bill was continued. The amount for salaries and expenses of the collection et revenue were reduced from eight to seven editions. - Other amendments were adopted. including one that proprietors of bonded warehouses shall pay the current expenses and salaries of storekeepers; Bureau the reduction of the ex penses of the of Edlication was pass ed over. • • Mr. MORRELL, of Vermont. offered au amendment appropriating half a million ,dol lars for the conetnwtion of a building for the state Department, to be used eventually as a wing of the building for State. •War and Navy Depitrtments, at a cost of flee or six millions, which was , discussed-without action. .Adioumed. . HOUSE OF ItEPEESENTATIVFZ. • The Senate amendments to the Pension Ap.. proprieties, bill were nonAconcurred and It Committee of Conference ordered. Mr. LAWRENCE asked to introduce a bill allowing women to act as assistant marshals, but 3l r o . hascA i z r 4 ,tavg k ma de . asked leave to introduce a bill to repeal that part of the act of April 11th, Man, amending the act of March 3,1, MS, to pro= vide ways and meant; to srupport Government.' as authorizes or may be construed to author ize the Secretary of the Treasury to fund the public debt or exchange outstanding bonds and notes for other bonds and notes. Mr. ALLISON and others objected. Mr. Jas. li. Lewis, Representative of the Third Dietrict of Kentucky, vice Clonaday,re. li C i. s t a o A k t!qtab h irn Pacific Railroad bill was. then taken up, and its supporters again refusing to allow time for discussion and amendment, ellbustering commenced . and continued all aftemoon. Without action, adjourned. SECOND EDIIIOII. FOUR O'CLOCK. CAPITAL. San Domingo Treaty—Reorgla Recon struction—Nominations. and t:oattr- EZIE=I II) Telegreph to the Ihtteburgh Unsette.) • *ASIIINGTON, May 10.170. 010 tirl'illfCli)TllEATY. Fft!Amy, the agent of 'Vresident Baez, to secure the rat illcathm of the Post Domingo treaty, had a second lotteries' with Senator Sumner last night; also, one with the .Presi dent. To the latter he delivered the final of ficial documents from the Baez Government. The friends of the treaty seem to take confi dence in the additional documents, but to what purport has not transpired. It does not appear. however. that there has been any um terial chtinge in the views of the Senate upon the treaty,tisid an influential Senator remarked last night that the treat would not be ratified by the Senate execut i y ve residua. If It should come up 111 the shape of 11 joint resolut 100 to mines, as proposed by General Holler, it mar barely receive a matirity vote. 'the latter is expected to press It t resolution to-dny fur the sixth time.. - . . . UEOII , IIA ItECONSI'IIUCTION. The Committee on Reconstruction this morning considered the Georgia bill. It was proposed to report to the Rouse the bill nal as origily introduced In that body. which was sitnilar to the bill admitting - Virginia to representation , with an amendment providing forthc employment of the militia instead of the regular forces, in case of necessity. for the preservation of peace and enforcement of the laws. The amendment is in lien of the Senate substitute. Instead of axing the time of elec tion for members of the Legudatute. as in that substitute and In the Bingham ntnentiment. the question of the term of office is to he left to judicial decision. The Committee arrived nt no definite conclusion. The considenttion of the subject will be resumed on Thursday. • sa.II)UTTED. The State Department he neat to the Senate eorrenpomlence In to Davis latch. citizen ef the United ` Stab, who wan 'mule:tined to death In San Domingo on a Norge of aiding the revolutionary party hut artioned and compelled to leave the country. CON mom, • The Senate conlirmtsl David C. Humphreys; of Alabama. as Aesociate Justice of the go rem. Court of the District of Columbia. and Thomas 11. Learnt., of Tennessee. Consul to Kingston, Jamaica. • I= • The President has nominated Geo.A.itssetch elor . :Secretary of Dakota Territory; Lewis West,lt. Attorney of Colorado; Wm. It: of Ohio. Consul at Rio Janeiro. warn AND muss COMNIITEr- The Committee of Ways and Means In con sidering the Internal Revenue bill. which will ono be reported to the House. The Funding bill may be regarded . virtually dead. • HIE PRIZE FicipT BetweenAmu imee and Allen In nn —Mare the' A Victor. after Ten Round.. [fly Telegraph to tee Pittsburgh Gazette.] New Ontx-tsia. May 10.—The Mace-Allen prize light eicursion party left the city at fire o'clock this morning on the Jackson railroad. occupying nine pass.eitgar cars and comprising about seven hundred pi,rsons.' made up of prominent merchants. lawyers. physicians. ex- Union and Confederate 'officers. and •'sporting meir from all patio of the country. A detail of Metropolitan police accompanied the train. Preparations were made fur the light in St. Charles Parish. three miles above Kenners vine. and f the ring pitched near the m rier. about ile from the railroad. Both en v were in fin m condition, Allen weighing .173 and. Mace leg Mace. The betting watt three to one on Mace. though the Allen men seemed confident. At Pap the fight commenced. Mace made the first blow, hitting Allen under the right eye. and got away laughing. Mace hit Allen on the nose slightly and claimed the first blood. but not allowed. down, interchanging and both - men wt•nt Allen under. Bound two—Allee led oft im Maces fore head. Mare returning on Allen's mouth. First Miami for Stoic. Severe tight int; ensued, Allen getting in tom heitiry.,Mon , near Mace's stom ach. Mace fell short on Allen's neck, the lat ter returning on Mare's breast. Mace then got one under Allen's left eye. and then a se vere cut in the right eye. Allen going down. • KO3ll three —Allen struck - Mace lightly. the latter going down. Gonna four--Fame as last. • gonno - fitv—Allen sent inn blow under Mace's right arui, the latter returning. Alien slipped down. lot was quickly up again. and the men clinched. when Mace threw Allen. ALr—Some little sparring when the men again clinched. Allen throwing Mace and rolling on.hins heavily. Claims of foul, but not allowed. ni/3311..nnt—In this round Allen's tight eye WM completely closed. Mace getting In very heavily: Alien then gave Mace a tyyblow. and quick interchanges ensued. both men fall ing together. /found riyh l —The men-clinched. Mace getting in several blows, and was then thrown by Alien. ibeind one- -A slight hit for Allen, who then struck Mace heavily below and under the left ear. knocking him clean down. First knock down for Allen. . ' Round fen—Allen gave Mace a body blow, then after feigning some time both rested se, ',al seconds: then coming up Allen hit Mane. the latter returning with two hard eats under Alien's lefeeye. froth - which the blood flowe.l freely. The men again retired against the stakes, and going to - their corners were s ome hard fighting ensued in Mowe's favor. when the men clinched and fell hot-vile. Mace's arm toeing around Allen's neck. Allen was carritut to his corner. - On time being called ,Coloirn threw up.the spoe. saying Allens arm' was dislocated. Mace was then declared the winner. The fight lasted forty-fist minntes. Allen vent bully punished about the face. but Mac without a scratch. The crowd was very onder', !not her fight is In progress between Turner, h 0 (Might King about two Stara ago. and Donnelly, a Galveston man. RIMIER PAUTICLIIthoI. Mom and Allen rode together in a cart to the bottle ground. Mace inviting and ...Mating him to get into the cart. Rome time was lost in soleetin pitcheg a d about o le e foromb ohun d ne. 4m rentring was finally ns from the mot bank of the Mississippi, about thir teen miles ntowe New Orleans. Vpon the completion of the ring. Rufus Hunt, it well known %porting man of New Orleam. Was selected os referee. when John C. linemen made a few remarks, during which he veld that both comlottants were. Englishmen. and would light on• their merits, and ho hdPed there would be fair plat' for loth. nod that the beat man *mild win. At B:3S e . it. Allen shied bin cap Into the ring, and soon followed it amidst great cheer ing. More wan not long in following..l wen likewise cheered. the betting being led to t his favor, with the further ndruntage ot hi winning the choice of corners. :Weenie Challenge. Mace. ST. WINS, Pf.) . to.—Mite MCCOMC wilt pub -110 n. challenge tomorrow to fight Mace for WOO to 1"5.000 nMde, six•intinths ntter signing the article'', fifty toiler or New Or 'lean's, nny whe r er n tairlight can be hod. Annual Confer en Chareh Mouthce of the Methodist Episcopal • - . Inc Telegraph to the Pittsburgh UsWttn.l higarata, May 10.—The Methodist Episcopal flenerul Conference South met this morningin the Second atrect Methodist church. The Conference was called to order by HAM , Daggett. Under the call of the Standing Committees,Dr.liamilton, from the Committee on Revisions,. recommended the adhesion -to the present system of discipline. The Colli mate,' on the Interesta Of the Colored People recommended the adoption of the nction of I the last Conference for a separnte church or ganization as provided in the discipline.' teldeh under the rule Maw over, but will un doubtedly pass. Under the calla Conferences a large number of •resolutions and petitions were received and referred, including one from Mobile urging the reennetment of the original prohibition in Code fifty-eight. Pro hibiting such amusements as theatres, chooses. dancing, etc., and one from St. Louis asking for the, formation of a new Conference in Kansas . ; also. allowing Pacific Conference to sub-di-vide itself within the next four years: for changal e n the discipline' regarding Intent baptism,a to relieve the present;dieelpline from am Dies, This led to a leingthy dis oussiou. The other proeeedingx were unim portant. • • Upper Rivers: .. - lily P. .t A. Telegraph.] . On. ovv. May 10.—River falling with thirty, three inches of water in the channel; weather cloudy; thermometer 59 at P. m. c. 1 Ilnownsvit.Lt. May 10.—Itiver falling slowly. with nine feet water In the channel; weather cloudy; thermometer 57 at 7 a. bi. - a. GRZENPOORO, May 10.—River falling very slowly with seven feet nine inches of water In the channel; weather cloudy; thermometer CO at: r. 34. 0;1. MOROANTOWN, May 10.—River falling with four feet of water in the channel; weather cloudy; thermometer 59 at 6P. a. a. . Vermont Constitutional Convention Merlin Lily Telegraph to the Plttehliegh Ciazettea • MONTPLUZII, May 10.—The State election for member% of this Constitutional Convention WM held to-day. There is a small vote. Hardly any Interest was felt. ezcept on the proposi tion to Incorporate woman's suffrage In the Constitution. The Convention is composed of the strongest men In the State and whl be strongly if not unanimously opposed to wo man's intffmge. - The Lola of PertioVee [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Garotte.] Slur, Pe, Mnv 10.—Beni. nemlog, the. last of Commodore Perry's men, died In this city yesterday, aged $O. The funeral will be at. , tended to-morrow by the oMeers mid crew of the U. 13 Steamer Michigan and *irons gal ena, VOL. • LXXX.Y.---No. 112 BRIEF TELEGRAMS -The usual May anniversary meetings be gan at New Turk on Tuesday. A monument to Daniel'O'Connell will be erected in Central Park, New Yotk. There will be a grand re-unionof Turner Societies at Dayton. Ohio. on the lith. —The contributions aPhiladelphia , to the Richmond sufferers. amounts to MOIL —The cleanser Arizona. which arrived at . New York yesterday, brought the survivors of the Oneida. —The Republicans of the Fourth District of North Carolina, have nominated James Harris, colored, for Congress. • —The steamship:Frankfort 'arrived at New Orleans yesterday, from Bremen, with =pas sengers, mostly emigrants. " —A convention Is to be held in Chicago, May Sand .11. to organize a North-western We.. man's Franchise Association. The ship Sunbeam, of Boston, was burned In the Pacific. March 31. The second mate, carpenter. steward, and six of the crew were lost. TIM rest were saved. —Last Sunday some forty ruftlans.whito an I black, assembled at Logan Chapel. in Blunt county. Tennessee. and forcibly prevented Rev. Mr. Bays of the Methodist church from preaching. . —The celebration of the Confederate nieino rial day, at Wilmington, N.C., yesterday, sur passed any previous year. Business was sus pended. Two thousand persons were, present nt the decoration of graves: - At Chicago. Monday. Meager, a butcher. stabbed Keller, a cattle stealer, in the breast with a knife used for akinning dead animals. The wound wits thought to be fatal. They. quarreled about cattle trade. —lt is reported at Salt Lake that A. Lyman, who was cut off from a restorable in the Mor mon church some time since for preaching sermons denying. the atonement of the Savior. has been made President of the Godbeites. —A violent north-easter prevailed. on Lake Superior during Monday. Floating ice was driven into the harbor of Duluth, nearly de the built threeuarters of a milestroying fromdock. the main out land. L os $B,OOO to *lO.OOO. —Three young Indies. two daughters of Rob ert Wallace and the other a daughter of Chas. Wallace. were drowned in the White river. near Wheintland. India., on Monday. They were rowing on a mill pond and were carried over the dam. —Suit has been .brought in the Superior Court at Atlanta, Ga. by Governor Bullock against the ConstUntion newspaper for libel and slander, in publishing a statement that the Governor sold the State Railroad to the Adams Express Company. —The Red River Nem Nat km says thkt Col. Rankin. of Canada, was expelled from Wis..- peg because of bin Fenian proclivities; that he offered Melt the services of two or t hreel.hun tired filibusters from the rafted States. and the offer was declined without thanks. - .—Recent rains hove helped instead of in juring Minnesota fame& prospects. The sexison hos provnl the twist favorable for grain sowing for many years. The wheat is most]) in the ground and considerable progress been made in planting corn and potatoes. The expense. of Chicago for the currentj year are estimated at about $.5.50a,003.0f which - M 700,000 will be for public improvements. The expense of the Are departnient esti ti 115,01. Are department $427,0011. health department $.31.01.10. and schools W. 2,0 UO. —The Governor of California has published two letters declaring his .bellef that the law Pa'ssed by the last Legislature. authorizing the imsiple of San Francisco to vote one million of dollars in s aid of the Southern Pacific Rail Road. Is unconstitutionaL The indications are t the subsidy will be defeated.. CINCINNATI • The National aaengerfest—Sunday Queatioa. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CINCINNATI. May 10.—The Central Commit tee of the National Saengerfest to-night re ceived it memorial, signed by many of our most prominent citizens. asking them Viso change the programme of the approaching festival as tohave It close on some other day than the Sabbath. They decided to report t t In c o he rg Citizens' Com asmittee late matter ha e' that It w now too to make the proposed , chrtoge. but they should recommend that the line of march be arranged on little obnoxious to the christian part of the population as possible. The matter will he finally decided tomorrow. The southern Baskin Con.. kin. illy Telegraph to the Pittburgh Gazette.] LOVINVII.I.6. MIIf 10.—In the Southern Bap tist Convention to-day e report of the Northern Baptist,' wan read. The report was adverse to eo-ollerntion and was sustained try an unatil m vote. The Convention adjourned until the otig next meeting or St. Louis. Avast amount of business was transacted. =I NEW. thus-um May 10.—Cottom active de at full prices; middling ZliiialNel salra 4101 bales. receipts 744, extorts stock 11M.04.1 Flour unchanged. Corn *1,05. Chits 73a75e. Bran $1.50. Hay. Prime Pd. Pork VIO:31,1 . 1S. Bacon 13.017?ialaaliNe for shoulden, rib sides. clear eib and V clear sides. Hume Lard unchanged. Sugar, prime 11Ne. Molasses, prime reboiled 75c. PP.O.. prime I hisky Sr7)ic 7ailLt SXe.r, Co Sterling:T ffee dull. A. talr IGNa • .. . • Lire Stock. . • CAIIIIII[1:10r. Mama.. May 10.—Deef Catt le: elate POI head: market active and last week' aicea Manly held. Sheep land Lamtnn receipt .018 head: prices unchanged. • COUNCIL MEE:rIC, East Birmingham l'onoril , -Itegular Meeting —Vrious Mailers Considered-New 'im provements 47oatemplaiml. • .A regular meeting of East Birmingham Council ums held hot evening in the Walton • 'Engine-house:. Present—Messrs. Miller, Lar kins!, Jones, Haberman, Hahn, Shepherd, and Burgess Schultz. Burgess Schultz presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mr. Jones moved that the construction the John street-sewer be deferred for the present. and that a. committee be appointed to devise a general system of sewer assess ments. Carried. and Messre. Jones. Miller and Shepherd appointed. The Clerk read a communication from Mr: R. F. Jones. President of the Pittsburgh, Vir ginia and Charleston Itiillroad Company, ac cepting the Mary street route which Council had given it. Accepted and Med. • Mr. Jones said that It had been stated that zi livery stable man in the borough had posi tively refused to take out a vehicle license, stating as his tensor that he takes out one In Ilirrithighem. The speaker scooted to know whether Council could not force him to pay the license. After considerable disetission.,the matter was postponed for the present: The Clerk rend a petition from citizens on Jane street asking that the same he paved be tween Harmony and Meadow streets. Re ferred to Street Committee. • Mr. Larkins. of the Committee on Gee light ing, reported that the four lamp posts ordered at last Meeting by Council. had been put up and others, had been erected on Twenty-fourth and Tiveoty-fifth streets. was re ceived and fled.' He also presented a petition for a gas lamp 'in Seventeenth street. Granted. A petition for the paving of Fox alley w p as resented Set Committee ',tct; ed to have and an ordinance drawn up, and a ward the contract. The Clerk read a communication in regnnl to the blacksmith shop on the corner of Joseph 'street and Carey Riley. The communication complains of the placing of wagons on the etrcet there, nnd nuisance. was ',melded to 'abate the nuisance. Referred to Street • Com mittee. Mr. Jones. of the Street:Committee, report ed that they had contracted with Keller,Do ran .t Co. for the paving of Fox niley,betvreen Eighteenth and Nineteenth, and with Mr. net of &butte for the draining of a pond on the eor- Twentv-girst and . Sarah streets, at Lid per foot. Mr. Jones also mewed that a committee be apppoointed to deafer with ]tam, Hastings & O'Nellt In regard to the Joseph street sewer. Ptnied. Mr. Larkins moved that a committee be ap pointed to ascertain whether. it necessary, to paint the front of the Walton engine house, andlneke some repairs amend the building. Carried. and the Committee on Fire Engines and Hose appointed to 'aloud to the matter. The Street Commissioner reported that his disbursements for April. amounted 'to =740. r On motion warrants were ordered for awe tlllsrlr7=ct d ponds on the property of Olirer,_Ormsby. an d Mrs. Mary 0. Phillips, on ora street, wax. referred to the Street Com issioner, with instructions to collect the same. Mr. Jones offered an ordinance for the.gilid lag a nd paving ot Fox alley and Janestreet. between 17th and Ugh streets. Pawed. • • Mr. Jones moved that the Solicitor be in structed to bring suit against the eases that he has se far prepared against delinquents' on paving assessments. Mr. Larkins moved to reconsider the. former action of the Council btrelat lon to paving , al lowences. Carried. Mr. Miller moved that the allowances be given to those only who were originally en, titled to it. • Carried. On motion adjourned. ' 15=1 OPERA litrge audience assembled at the Opera House last' evening to hear Mr. Adams to his favorite character of "Cloud" to the lady . of Lyons.. The. cast was good throughout. antrif course the audlence was delighted. nil evening Othello will be prev Sented. C. 417 HALL.-Ttle , unpleasant weather had no effect _whatever on the attendance at the Mercy Hospital Fair at City Hall last evening. It would require something of a storm to pre tent. those from going who have spent an evening there. The voting on the several ar ticles is becoming quite. Interesting and the fast office continues todo a "land office" homi ness. • toed.bafes;—Thefollovringatocka were sold last main& on second door of Mello:min.'s auction rooms, 1068mithaeld street, by A. Mo. Basing. auctioneer. . . Third National Haub111137,50 Citizens .. • ' MAO 8.60.14 .. 1 .. .. 58.37 Exchange " Allegheny " MZO Monongahela Navigation Co. Bonds. 00 per cent: , • • -5H0E:‘,„:4,110E. , , Snms, tinoe.s, SHOES. A very large auction eale of eeaeunalae boots, shoes and gaiters will he held at Leggate's auction, house. 1:0 Peden% street, Allegheny. on Friday, 12th inns Sales at 9A. at„ and 2 t•. at. The entit stock of a retail atore having to be pot that day, Tare, gond bargains may to. pectod. Heads of families will find profituble to attend. • A. LE,WATE, Auctioneer. noIID RESIDENCE rS ALLEDIIENV. - 7 . A first rate 111 , n dwelling on Sheffield streret, is for a greatly reduced price. An early application Leggate. auc tioneer, 159 street, will se.cure advantageous tern., _ le you would be dressed, you can do no better or wiser thing than leave your measure for a suit of clothes with "riling, FoHowbeit & Co:. corner of Fifth ....IWO' and Wood street. They charge but tea sonnble WHEN YOU 31 Erx A Joi.i.y.ll..mrt gr,4l natured 14110%1%14k him what Inak - eu hint o,.and Le bill trll you that he drink, l'ier,•flattnal, errant ale. NEW ADVERTISE [Ci..l. 0.9. F.—W. H. Hevore lAl4leitte of %N.ilkin Moire. No. 676.. 111 at..l.'llllS DAY. ot 12:30 ololock, ot tho hall to attend tho funeral of ttrott , er .lontee Iterneden. as Sundt Creek. - Brethren trf .toter Inetcor urn re-weell silly In •lted to attend the f Intend. rn The train leaves. et 1 lao te—ret_re_enn. Con. yll • ri-FIFTH ANNUAL SHEARING FESTIVAL—The Filth Annual Shearing Fe/dived will take plane ran the Farm of Remy MeMurry. 1 . 2 ntlliss from PRlshurgh. cm Wash ington a f•eplr. an TIILT USDA Y. May 19th, IS7O. comencsag at 10 o'clock A. M. At m the same Gate and place there wlll be a GRAND DISPLAY OF AGRICULTURAL IM PLEMENTS.und also PUBLIC SALE of FANCY STOCK of all kind, Salo to cornfuenea at 3 o'cioCk P. N. C'Apt..SAS. •lATTIIEWS.IYesident • WY. al. INC fy. beerotary. my11,71-ds.F CA Witt--,111 View of the feet of mT ]tame, 1111.11n1: been. and being connected with e care of supposed nb,tion, 1 leent It a Only to the public. and the profession to which I be long, aa well as matter of Justice. Myself, to state that I am entirely Innocent, and In every way clear of the Impntatione mod umm me. aa I ant and shall be abundantly able to show. bo far, no eyidence whatever has been Owen that In any way crinnlngtea me, und suy'friends may rest' assured none wilt. • The manner In which my Imam came to he con nected with the affair in a utyMery, add wlll doubt less be cleared when this caw; aimeara on trial be fore, a ~nktent Judge mot t'ou rt. Respectfully. myLIorig iff.ITORKINIO.IIEN'S PUBLIC MEETING MEM Workingthen of AltoOtenv Co. take acting In regard to restraining on , CO. gress from tuuuttng the Tar . iff 11111 • no. pending V,Ci PI l'A;=',`,•ollA h ,rgt . r,. m710..r71 YARTNEItSIIII' HERETO. 1 FORE existing between; .10TIN MeNULTY and DEXTER. SAMSON. doing bustoklas under the arm name of MeNnity A Samson, tree this day MY nolyed by mutant consent. the hardness will be bonnnuod by John bfeNunr• who ...Me , MI b.- and ull l debts due the Om care to be paid hum. .1011 N XI•INULTY, DEXTER SAMSON. Prrrauunou..liayVals.lLWAL.. aultmal Orme:or.Cl.ll3E-Nnati [EA y PlrEthEitUti.Muy 12410. OTICE TO CONTRACTORS.—SeaI.• _L ELI PRoPOSALS for the Omit's,: and Macad amising of Lnrinur avenue. from Spring rttmet In UM *afoot. will be recnired at Otis relict until Fitts DAY. May 100. 11,10. The 9eutnittee reser.) the right. to reject en,' t==M MM==l IVOTICE.—The amsessotent for pro .l, DING and PAVINe. of Pump alrny,'lnxn Bennett td Bu rn ett miler, In now r ratty for e omi nation,and can he seen at this omen until TII 'RS DAT. May 19th, 1870. when It mid ha p In the hands of the city controller for eutlernion CIIAMIIS DA VI. Kcal. r. ZMM TO-LFIT. The e h heenhey .10e” fir rent that deal rabic prop; erty kIIORO 1.1. the • ITT-LET. SAW HILLS Situated 01 the font of ['ring street. Al',ghee, 4nty, a short distance below the dosponsion bridge. The lot on thifeast side of Craig streekisl3o feet Aide be about 430 feet more or loss. The loron the west side of tap street is 110 feet wide bY about 400 feet. more or Ices—loth running to low water line: baring one of the best And safest bor .bus on the river. The advantages this properly Prtnents for any kind of manufactering purposes Are so well known. to renderSAY further descrip thin unnecessary. Lung leases will be given to ";;;Irlr"T"' KASARINE. A POMADE WARRANTER TO RI SORK GRAY • II AM. Also. Kidder & • Wetherars Raven Ink The lent lnacunic Ink in the market. 23 cents per bottle. Leery Indllo warranted ar to sale. ;ennine French Wove Cleane = JIMSENBACICS Patent- Medicine and Perfume Depot, 140 SUITIIFIV.I.I) STREET t. _ ' IN4 %EEO . - - AMERICAN BROILER. , Emb.lying In pl•lnilevell,i 4 ;itlc h • • •bit: CVLIISMVOINEI ) : • . ••. • • i Perfect Broiling ...of. lifent§, It rendek bwiilng.lifrotornie 110 T,Zatigllli. garrtirAibrlVlrog 'alatale,iiiitli.o4o4sl thoo by.yother mode of oc;nktootbeol:-Ilo q uires I h IWOO and Iliroo of Um moat. and Its a tud ction voodoo looligh mote leader. Docoaway with all • • . • „ .• Smoke and. Smell ..of Burn ing Grease • In the room. Nits nil eked !totes or Ramp core Wm.; In equally moil for • 1. • • • . . Bee ealr„ gam and Chicken, — . Chopa i .Piah and Oysters. BMW sialub Laei.Nteed or HON EY REFUNDED. Yee ealo tbemi terms by HOUSEPURNISIIING AND STOVE, DEALERS GENERALLY. Thle also onette.l Mead Toaster popper, and • Good ,offee Roaster. . PRICE $2.00- • ••::. Liberal Discount tC. the Trade FLEMING, AGNENV & 62 and 64 Third Avenue 13Z1 • Club of ten. IV.tmytsn are rew nnenta. Andreae,. WAR MAN. REED d. co, PROPllltirOnn. -Yr 'TAWS—"To-Lit," -For f„iie.n Wontr," "Fund," "Roarding," fro-Ming FOUR. LINES, will be in this: rolunons once for TWEN TY -V/ V E E C'XTS: I real additional line YIVE WANTS siTikitTEE,A .t . .. , ; „ r0: ittotto-n -y hote.e .rott. tn a small family . tl: Sinn oal! well recommended Call at N 31 ~T rit" NA T ' ll1 1 ;1( 1 1 TM!!. ll l } ?q i n ii i! - -I T Y4 LI ° avene. Allesthenl. W VA T N E A — V : f NVAPIPATZT Sales V.n; ' . e ra l :4l . gl.77.4=e " e r Tere h, ;! " 7 , 4g , :. ` Tat I:lt(ette .•rw. NA- A NTED.--.1 purrlumr for a To. 11;101. STORE. Good location and dot t,en.a. apply at 71 01110 ANICNIA. A. lecher, City., between the Ponta of 9 and 9 C. N. WAo !!'llll..zt Gad Mill iner. No ad 0 botr.n., Al • b C 4 W ; 1 , 17 , EL. -- A Lady experienced In nt 1101M1 1 62115 " (13 ' ::t:VII• j etTi= " 11CIP PLY 110 v. 54 • TINTED.--An Unfurnished !lamb imitable for a bethromn, to A IlertbOhr. Addreos R. H.. ntIS 6'2 I . rol AVl7;fritErnii)sl;ll!it)l?ip—nTi_jire"rlSlti or tto within tit, minute: Sl.Uttarlnt 110101. lid mi. Q. S. Chnrltin llntel. 5-3 lATANTED.—An aethe and rrsinigndu v hie man to lotto the intent,'of a Prii•iiiin. s lit, Intiurtinen CitnipitnY Inn s,l <lihwiq N. ppl with ntitereners ,tiTACY A. PAIO Walnut store(. ANTED.—tilluation a Clerk by W gentleman to befit A d ATIV.I.Vg;f4 try. and no avlon to WOO. ‘Vlntiti t4{C innocent. t itan den good raprebecol. Allelrds. 327. PlttAt.orgh. AN T ED. ILA RHEIN . oT So ffit 4111E11. Appir fn. Wort,, OS rfth A I N n 7 3T e L n 7 r - .l l r In it ni ° l l w h ir3 : Ly l ßPr iEe rg. No. eblathStreet. 1.; WANTED.—MORTG AGES. • ;13 . 11 ,1 4 , 1 , 91Ln Unto In large or small amounts. at " TIIO3IAS K. PKTTT. • In". Bond T: ' lVit i tlli ' =eirli l lget.. NV ANT ED. 7 -70 ItENT.—A House of y Sor 6 rooms4lth a larneTanl. linstbe la nom! °eights:mi. In either city. or OD lirse of somo Rsllivail. Any one haying curb can hear 01 spsel tenant with a small family. by applying toot andreasing CROFT g. PHILLIPS, heat EstatAl Anent.. No. 199 Fourth arenne. WANTED.—Everybotly •• to call at 184 LIBERTY STREET. and exandn• • the DUNDERDALIC APPARATUS for maktng ISE== • - Utus L . pritoKals wUt Liot:TZTlol d irka'4l. l ll7itirurc2 r tunnel work, to be delivered. 280.000 per manta no a., between raw Mill Run and BlManititann Also. mind suffielent for laying the tome. OWF.tin A hititilf KV. Forbes street. spIT NTED.-MORTG Al+lilf. Thirty Thonittlid Mott to Load In lam or stnan manuals on Pa ITlettl In illaglear county et a fear rate of ABI. E. • JEltEllY. Real Estate Agent. lirant street _____ • W ANTEM.—fionds and Mortgages. " 1 for $20.00 O. having 3 years to run. i for 18.000. bating 37cp .t.ejtrl,_ _3 f 0110.10510. ..,..-;; hating 3 yountlo run. I f or 11,10.V0Y. . ye l , .. run. 1 for *3.300. having 3 Tears to ran. f L 2.500, haring 3 years to run. 1 for fl.OOll, i, having 3 years to run. 1 tor $1,500. having X • ~- 4 , yo:1111 to n. 1 for *l.OOO. having 3 Yea. n , - _...„ nu,. 1 for $ 5OO. hating 3 Year. to run. On d ~.ii ''' '"unt A.' "-. ..„1 ” ...7, - ;, 1 / 4 A M I . t .N •to ... 10 4 rcUrth lie., ...: , LOST AND FOUND. KOST.—A dark brindle tow—_,tlpa of r the horns sawedntnnd sat/Inlet bole In ear*. urt toll. Any wreson ttndbtg her will be liberally re rn 10 warded by laming word a[ CE[/. 11001tEll,. Head of Bedford avenue. ' lat h ward. :LOSTj g, .—On Wednesdai erenin.lbes :?, I.J TWEILN Relief Fxpne loom and Marks% y , ;. .heel. n pair of GOLD SPECTACLES. The good ;,.!, +RI be liberbEy reworded by leaving them et ',.,-.4 MARION STREET. IOUI.CI/.—ln the Allegheny Market three wart,. ag, Ladr•Gold Brags( t;1 1 . 1. The owner can hare tl e name by 4301113ga1. the llage - rrx ogler. or No. 4 ' o Virgin alley. Pitt. burgh. mygl 1,1 BOARDING OARDING.--To-Let ' with boardlogy It for cv trro BOOM. Al.o. an 01 - MK. nun.- for Docnor-or Dent!pt. It 103 FleSh avenue. number or Gentle- Mox ma To ftmllffmtl with boarding T.I Room If dslrefl. flefmailly located. at No. tie ANDF.fI'ON taIiENT, near Ilana brlclo, Alleltheni CUT. • TO LET rt , (FIGET.—Some pleaMml rooms to lot t 50.3 1 Fourth avenue whit use trr bath TO•LET.=I\TEIIESTING TO LAWS YEIM-TIER QF OFFICP.S Gnat, mid Ell^ll3l fth,nd TICK with eatranve nll pl4t6 Hoar Coon •li•mm , A * ' tu M. M. atermare- MMMMINE== 9' O LET.-TWO WELL FURNISHED SLEEPING 11OCIMA,1:o. 43 lteeeees street, mme the Pam Allegheny- A Rood thnom for four trll, l l=V 17. 1 016 ' 1117,111. " 14 1 7==1: Aii,ghenT• Sant ? rrO W l ß EZ' A rj s te . T . hrr .b., .ll , ort . ;!trick of No. IRO Wood Woes formoGY by Wm. Mundorf & Co.. as a Bram Manufact&W. Inquire of WATT. LANG A W. • 7.4 No. 172 and 174 Wood Wort. To LET. Brick. House of 7 Rooms, natl. nes. Hot and Colt) Water, Y... urs.t,p4raging,p,lnr.d. situate -Po. 149 Mae. n Ir g" ii ' • Ala. IlltkOK 1101,1 of ROOMS. re , 1 Kiddie alley - near Sampson street, SeennA ars 3 l l , A2 r egeny- ' APPLY to .... ,m W,P . ..Ellars. y. ...! ° lt ° ^. TO LET:—COUNTRYI RESPertrIDENCE. , —Purt of th well known 3teelinlock. on the e Perrysville Thank raw ßoad. within 73 mUaMi walk or City flail. Allegheny. The house Is two adorled.containing 9 rooms. sold la new. comfortable and of elegant archiLeetere. and is Impelled with .0 modern improvements. Also carnage horse and stabling for homes sort cow.. The grounds an. beautifully laid unt, and are MT. vend with tine forest Imes. rendering It truly • country residence with all the n.l.thlagea or betv very convenient to the ell Lend from Its location 011 e of the most healthy 10..tions In this section, For portintlars. Inquire of OLIVICR M'CLINTOCK & Fifth avenue. , apladf FOR SAME on SALL—Engine' or Four Horse power to running oranr. WIII be .14 low. Ap pohlo ntrce 1. Al lett= - 11. 4 `01i Ono Horne Spring NVAGON. Apply at the shop of 1. & T. J., • MUNI/EN, Waaort3lakersand LUackataltba.llo.47 FOR biAljE.—A Valuable Farm, on• derwe yea, a 6 feat 'Ono! Gael. flocifraille-' Inge Allimproved. 8.7 L NULL_ A. baoa_ MaKinine old stand, Westmoreland CA.' SA F OICWitt-7-1111.1ffslikt — InaliT• • Leti LOTS, on all the of streets In the' late Lairrencoriliti dlatrict.all of which will earth' on near tame T. It. HILL SOS. corner Venn and Thin -third Weal: FOR SALE.—A' .two-horse covered WAGON; nearly lbw, eoeev two tons, will be sold cheap. • Alb bbUrern three and four headrest tons of Spring Water toe. from 3 to 8 Inches thielwereUsos: voreel In s good ice boom st it lh o arps uE bonf ßAt o:ttie Wentrean H4llrOud. linqulru of • .440 • or at the Vnien Ml:sups:bum • OR SILIF.,,A. farm of 37 acres sit ' GATED on the Pen ,o llange I , tallrid , near lie= tett= . ercTilent t vein O f COM.: cony of ammo. Whole. surface under eultivatlon e _hus good °reborn and allneceissury buildings- Win be """7 Iow .IAVOI3 liAls,Alt• L • ,• No. 73 Grant street.. - VOR ,SALE-2007LOTS -201000 STET EACII. near Lawrenceville Station on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at filftk cuh and balance In I , Wr years. These lota are now tcry fast,. number of homes are 'ohm op. and al er this month the price will be OW. Yor Nam kV. call on T. ft BILL. h RON, comer Yen, and Thirty-third street, or to HOST. B. BILL. Atirney at Law. T 9 Grant street. coR SALE.-Engines and Boilers, New and Second Hand. of all kinds. constantly on hand. • Orders from all parts of the country promptly at. tended 10. • • JAMES HILL rico.. Corner Hider. Avenue and P., Pt. W. &C. It. W., Anegheny, Pa. EA SALE CHEAP, OR EXCHANGE Fon CITY PROPERTY.—A One COUNTRY D&TCR, containing .40 acres with bourse thereon: thereon; ona, a One, comfortable and convenient house; good water. and one or the best water powers to Western Pennsylvania for a milk 10 miles fromthe city, on the cotters di Turtle Creek Rona. ti‘ of • mile from Stewart's Station, Central Railroad. Also. several 1004 Farms In good locts 7 Rona ang boners for sale. Enquire of • WILLIAM WARD. No. 1111 Grant EIL, opposite Cethedral.' (2,RANT STREET RESIDENCE FOL. NJ, SL and conveniently arranged three MetesKling holm m deMrable Don. near avenue. wellbulli In modern etyie, wide baU. two perlOrs. dining rcrom and Mellen. mne chambers, bath Boom. kllehen lenge. °Oen l a d vt.xl . ar . td . water datum, marble manual, In session. No. art boos.. Immediate PM. mill S. CUTHBERT & BON. ,39 Sloth avenue. E