The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 10, 1870, Image 4

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The Hymen. of Dr. Douglee mg Palmy Rickey.
A large extra edition of these sermon were
cold before noon Tett -Clan and the demand
seemed unabated. A supplementary print of
both sermons will be found In the drat edition
of this monHus'a RAirrn, for sale nt the
Counting Room, OAZTITE Building, corner of
Sixth 4cimneand T 4mitbdcld street.
May sem na endeavoring to emulate
April for rainy wather. -
Vhe Common Cue!
fore AayorGlloa• I
`Bras ail the business be;
yesterday morning.
Athrouto 800
00 atocount or sick
, of Allegheny, Is off duty
in. He Is not dangerous,
Hoe. Thomas se aril. who has been seri
.l4°ugly with eery° s fever, is again cons's,-
;;...; A Sleeting of the Brut Birmingham Councils
)f.will be hell this ecoling to the hall of the
Waltou Dwane house. •
o ilivensbeee 04 t r Union Republiea
Itzeentice mittee will end a n
tiee tothena on Met page of to-day's paper.
Persona scanting Doors, Shutter,. &C.: made
not of hard wood, walnut and ash, are re
ferred to the card of Belch, on to-day's grit
• Yoe fine This Mess Stand and Dwell
frig attached, situated No. 73 Bearer avenue
Allegheny City.
.IFor terms ennalre on th.
premites. 3
Lateral . —Daniel McClai seal arreeted Tee
larder charged with the the larceny of n
caddy of tobacco: be Is le the lock-up awaiting
it hearing. • I
laullonsl.—The Central Board of Edues
t lon out meet at the roomy of the Boyd
Lloyd's dr Black's building. Fourth avenue
this afternoon.
tee and Wagou.—We call attention to an
advertisement In to-day'n Immo( a two-bone
sprint wagon and several hundred tons of
pure Ice, for sale.
Vesieblay Mary Tlsoespeen made Informa
tion before Alderman Shore against Mufti
Thompson for keeping a disorderly bawds ,
house on Washington street.
Tfloe bridge over Pine Creek on the *macro
Pennsylvania Railroad Is said to be Ina dan-
Kerala condition from the partial "caving In of
the abutment. on both sides. •
A hearing was had yesterday hi ttin rase nt
olhoer Jerry Smith. charged before Alderman
Koenig by Dr. Ernest .wlth extortion. The ac
cused seas held fora hearing.
- Criminal brine. In 'the • Seventeenth 'raid
is looking up. Deputy Mayor Nichols had
ten cases before Wm Sunday morning—the
largest number since he opened his y en.
, Jells Fitzpatrick *as arrested held
a hearlsg tomorrew before Alderman Tar t
for threatening to cause mourning In the Di
more family, by aiding the head. - William,
"shuttle o ff this mortal coll."
(.'Met Marshal Callow has called a meeting
of the Division C,ommanders, Adjutant Gen
erals and aids, for tn./sorrow night, at the
Allegheny Mayor's, to Make arrangements for
the procession on "Decoration Day."
Peatponed.—The parade of the Duquesne'
Greys, srbicb seas announced to take place to
der. 'has been postponed until Tueadnr. the
nth last-. in consequence of the uon-arrisal of
some of their uniforms and accoutrements.
Family Jan.—Victor Heti made information
before 'make Kreban yesterday charring
three of the Jennineer brothers with assault
and battery. He alleges that they attacked
iuntbeat their step mother. The 7 were held
tor s bearing.
The Caster.—The tire which destroyed the
stable In the rear of Jenkins' grocery store.
Federal street. Allegheny. on flatnrater t h e was caused by boys getting into the loft
nod stooking The loss cu IPA fully cover
ed by Insurance.
A A raw occurred an a pie ale at Eberhardt'.
• ( c 4.1 . 3r 4 .1 . -T piairlpdaY atenseen. Two
Augh=g,Tore a=" rd oarogk r er g
for a bearing this Incrlag. No Person w"
pastladarly damaged.
alfeillaiL—VictorAuthmade Information be
foreiastioaltelael yesterday. charging . Conrad
'Beim and Putsey Dellarsh with llama and
In entich he all him ege' that they laid In
b en t V m
or hi, and beat severel The ac-
cused wire arrested and held fora h y.
Beak SlM:Wm.—The stockholders of that
limuishing institution; the American Bank,
will bold their Inman] meeting at their Bank
ing Hones. No. $0 Fourth avenue, this day.
between the hours of eleven and two o'clock.
for the election of. a. Board of Merton to .
serve during the ensuing year. -
•ti I~t{{tiitt
Threwlag liteews.—Phllip Ro'leather made
Information before Justice Helsel yesiordsg•
ellarxingTharles Xarwith disorderly conduct.
He alleges tbat Charles and other boys .moss
the eef by throwloe stones .t the lehwol
home In which he Is teaching. Charles was
arrested and held fora hearing.
John Long yesterday appeared before Al
derman Koenig in a state of fearful agitation.
caused br the threatening demonstratione of
Frederick Miller, who expressed a determina
tion tadislocate the Long neck. 'The Alder
man instructed his police to look after Fred
erick, who, wheri arrested will be dealt with
according to la.,
.oat of eleawra.—Winter storms are not only
Of season. but Justice Helsel thinks them
of Order, or, In other words, disorderly at
this of the year, and being of that
opinion when Informed ern - oath of Catharine
Free. that William Winter had been raising a
atom and arced in a disorderly manner, he
tallied a wait for his arrest.
Ilroseaci.—Emma BIWA and 'Edward Finch
ate neighbors, and Edward's children annoy
rand. according to the allegations of
s a nnitl made toJostice Helsel. Emma struck
them witlt a broom. Mrs. Finch Interfered.
and wag mho broomed be Emma. Justice
Helsel Issued
nand arn t.. 'each Emml.
was arrested held fora hearing. -
The attention of the Street Commissioner is
called to the fact that the pavement on the
northwest corner of Federal street. Alio-
Shunt', near the crossing of the Fort Wapne
road at that point, to In a very had condltio
and unless repair s made shortly, some dam
age may result which might involse certain
persons In trouble not easily remedied.
The thlrlyeixth annirennuy of the Pitts—
bomb and Allegheny Orphan Asylum will
held this afternoon at three o'clock at the In
stitution on Ridgy street. The annual reports
will be read. followed by Interesting exercises
by the chlldrene occasion will be °Be of
doep interest to the friends of the noble char
ity, and a cordlal Invitation to ail Is extended.
Beek WM.—William "Diseh:and John Rol-,
I tlrrelc hem n yg ' t d = " ? on Boost gide,
when • &faculty occurred between them.
William alleges that John *track him on the
bead with a beer Justice Hebei, who
was called UPOP William. booed a warrant.
for John, woo wooarrested and held tor •
Likely to he liatalled.—Berme time since it
mis stated that Bei. Mr. Felton. of Indiana.
anis not likely to accept the call extended
to Mtn by the Fourth V.7'. ChurctkAllegheny.
We are informed. however. that there Is a
good rospect that ere long heYwill be laden
ed u its pluton as It is reported that the call
has been forwarded to his presbyter) and has
bY him teen accepted.
nos Vorksblatt aura the end German Ma
sonic ball In the United States. is that which
is about to be built by the Jefferson Lodge on
Fast Lane and tdberty street, in Alkaloid ,
The colter4donebiyiqg take place on the
Stith Wk. to be pre-• ed by a procession from
blasonick Hulk led by 0.13. G. N. A. It. Pol
lock. which promises to be a grand and:im
posing demomitratlon.
On • Tare,—Tturre 4 a certain lot on Pine
street. ',bleb. until u few days urn. wu am
rounded by a neat fence. The fence is not
there now, and Its removal has caused some
lltlgatlon. The owner of the property, John
Francis, charges Mrs. McCandless with tear
log ft down, out of a malicious spirit. Alder
man Koenig has Ironed a warrant for the ar
rest of Mn. McCandless. • • , -
Gratlfybag Awatauw,eameat, -The public gen
erally. and housekeepers in particular, VV.-
" dully those in want of a LOCALIBRibIet. Win
be both .gratified and benefited to know that
T. 11. Chap:nab. whelasale jobber to Looking
glum, has opened a fullline Of glansea at re
tail, and will sell theta at flout twenty-eve to
thirty percent- leas than any otbeelionelti the
city, at So, a N met, twulloors below
' , oil ATM.. 6
Well/ale. A...lL—Joseph Me)faunas made
1 information before Alderman Merton, yr..,
day, against James Loan tot - fee ...annual el
• and battery. The parties reside. ke T.&
1 -, ward. They bad a street fight, when knives
• I were drawn, and one of them cat. width re
.l salted lathe Information. The amused w.
held fora heerieg, lint at the time the prose
-4 eater railed to app.'s, and the case was dis
-Plenty Yet . —Patrick Walsh and Micheal
Mayer flew to the law yesterday to obtain re
dress for their wrongs. They Ind : a fight In
the street and each wan badly punished.
Cross RIM were entered before Deputy Mayor
Nichols for assault and battery, and the de
fendants held for nrort. Then the Magistrate
Impoied upon them eitc aura for dlatirderly
=dant. ended the case.
ft was reported yesterday that Ilev. Father
Gibbs, of M. .14(u7'• Church, ,kleventeenth
Ward, while stepping off a train on the Penn
sylvania lialiroa at a station some distance
frwtc the city. had missed bin footing and fell
between the ears, his right leg being croehed
so badly that it had to be amputated . We
were unable to learn of his condition last
niht, as be has not yet been brought to the
playful.—'Yesterday afternoon a colored
youth la a playful humor and with a full load
of whisky, entered the Allegheny market
house, and observing that one of tha butchers
b a d left his stall, delibendele spread himself
oaat length across the meet which lay spread
t. for customers. Be was enjoying a quiet
nap on his downy bed when a policeman en
tered, interrupted his dreams and conveyed
the restive dreamer to the Meter , This
mote be will likely be In a condition for
Alleged False Pretence—Alderman Thomas
had amen Dam pretence before WM yester-
Oar. R. F. made laforMation charging
t a m hf Mononsahela, with or
drocerles him to the amount of ninety
wdonors by reProsenthig that he seal lessee
.of alot of ground fn Washiat= county. °Pon
whkfa 'nut raising a crop for soltelmd• and
that when this was sold tbe bill would be
Eld - 01l .tiles it is a lleged was actltlous.
accused was brought from Monongahela
ohs yesterday and jailed fora trial.
,~ 1 h• - d Kie r v r n a it-':' A ` ° 'ry7v;
t -, ....T _., ~ ~c~., ,- ~. .`:~ .n...~ ~'Y r~~ ~,- :,
~.-~ v: v .r~..a 1~ ~ ~-~='•z y .f~` .:..:: .1 .~ 4._ '.. ^ ~d z },r., .?ri.-.nC: '4a"i+~','r_~S - .
1e2,1":.".ng.: &lily: Testimony-The` 4 " -6 '
Ball not Reduced. •
An application was mute In the quarter
Sessions Court yesterday. Judge Sterrett on
the bench, fora reduction Of ball in the cases
of Barney Schultz and Dr. Hewett, two of the
defendants in (he abortion cos. an account of
whichwe limbed previdusly. The Alder
man/nth fix the ball in the case of Schultz.
Wine nd held Dr. Hewett in the sum of
510.100, in default of which both were com
mitted to Jail. Dr. Hewett was represented
by Mr. Pollock, Mr. Powers 'appeared. for
Schultz, and District Attorney Pearson repre
sented the Commonwealth. , •
Mr. Pollock stated to the Court that the tee.
limo. was not clench a character as to War
rant the magistrate in Axing the ball so high.
With the. permission of the Court he would
read the report of the hearing before
dermas from the Dispatch. . I
District Attorney Peal‘son said he had not
read the report, and could not vouch for Its
correctness, but he had no objections to Its
being read.
The report icon then. read.
The District Attorney said that It was not ,
a full report; that some of the most intportant I
points In the testimony had been omitted, and
he referral to several. Mr. Pollock said he
hadeothing further to offer.
eciterres ITISTIMONS.
The District Attorney called Barry Schutt, ' '
who after being sworn testified as follows:
I am a citizen of Iowa; am enga,-ed in the '
patent right business. W. lie /emoted with
Isabella Werner; first met her in January lard
at Newrille. Indiana county. I know Dr.
Hewett; he resldesin this city. Mrs. Werner
was boarding with Mr. Fleming in Newville
when I became acquainted with her. After I
became acquainted with her she told me she
was cackur, and asked me if I mild do any
thing for her; I told her I mold not. that I
was not In that business. She said she hail
been deceived by a man under prom
ise of marriage, and that she would
sooner die than suffer exposure. She said
there were doctors in Pittsburgh who could
fix the matter If she could only had them. I
suggested to her to leave home and stay away
until after the child was born and then re
turn. She sold she had no mtmer to defray her
expenses. My business .ilea me to Pitts
burgh frequently, and she asked recto find a
doctor and have hltn come out and see her. I
at first refused: I told !writ was a business I
did not like ln engage in, and that I was a
stranger in the county and did not wont to get
into trouble. She plead with me until 1
mmte make luquire about a doctor. I
ionic Pittsburgh about the middle of
February' sad mode inquiry about a
Doctor; and woo directed - to Doctor Hewett.
1 called on the Doctor and stated the case to
hiln,• asked him whet he would go out and do
the Job for, and he agreed lit go for aria He
asked me if she had,t.he money. I told him I
did not know. but trite would go he would get
his money. Ile consented to go, and we took
the train and went out to Blairsville together
that - evening. Next dope sre got a buggy and
drove to bewrille. where Ur. Hewett • saw
Mrs. Werner. He was In the room with her.
unit after he came out he told roe he had per
formed no operation on her. and it would be
nil right new. Mrs. Weiner had but
thirty dollars, and she hooded It to one,
nod borrowed twenty dollars trout me to pay
Hewett.. I gave hint the money and she
left. In a - week or ten Mos afterward I
wrote to him at the request of :des. W.. and he
returned and performed another operation. 1
was.not in the roost, tatt he told me after he
came out trot he bud done to, and that he
thought it was nil - right nbw, but it it was not
for Mrs. Werner to come to the city. A few
lbws afterwards I received a letter from Mn.
W. stating that the operation bad not.accom
plished the end. anti requesting use to go to
Pittsburg.wlth her. Mr. Fleming brought the
letter. and gave It to me In the hotel in
Illairesvflfe. After reading it I threw
it p rese nc e . fire and burned it In
his I told him that I would
have anything more to do with the business.
He said
e had commenced it and paid the
money. and might as well go through I
told him I bad already spent a goal deal of
money for her, and if her friends would not
I help her thee must not expect a atom/tor to do
' it. Ho mild If I would hire a horse and buggy
and bring her to the train. he would pay for
' if. and I ngrerd to de it. I mit the buggy and
brought her to the hotel. and be. root me and
.gave ate five dollars. We erne to Pittsburgh
and I got a back at the depot and we went to
the Robinson House; left Mrs: teenier there,
and went up and saw Dr. Hewitt. lie accom
panied mo to the hotel and saw Mrs. Wolter.
mid while there made arrangements to
take . ber his own house ; said
he would go op and h av e Ills wife prePere n
room and come back for her. fie left and in
about an hour returned and took her away ,
with him. I did not go with them but I called
to see Mrs. Werner at Dr. Ilewett's house.
either that wrecking or the next day; called
several times after and and took supper with
the Doctor; :I remained In the cite three et
four Soya and then went back to Blairsville.'
I heard that Sirs. Wooer wanted to set me
eight or ten days afterward and came to the
city again and called to see her. I was pres- I
cot once .when Dr., Hewett performed an
operation on her; was present at her resinest.
Some time afterwards heard that Mrs. We
rner vent dissatisfied and wanted to go home;
called to Pee her, sod she told me that Dr.
Hewett had operated on her ten times In 011,
and that another man had been called in who
isbeslid not know; who performed per tion which proved successful. She raid she,
wantedto go hornet. I thought she, was not
nide to travel, and Mrs.. He*ett mild she woo
not able to go out; Dr. Hewett said she was 1
and as she wasted to go home very much I
consented to take her. The remaining portion
of his testimony did not differ trom what has
already been published.
Judge Sterrett staled that he could see no
reason for interfering with the boil as fixed
by the magistrate. There was certainly no
reason why It should las reduced, and there
win no motion to increase It:
The accused were then remanded to Jail.
• •—•—••••
— .. 1
tolled Kates ClrentlisCon —lola. McKee.
oast. d Ms:Candle.,
MONDAY. May William 'McKerman
was introduced toJhe 'members of the bar of
this city by Judge McCandless, and took his
seat upon the bench for the first time In this
city since his appointment as Circuit Judge.
The Issue List was then celled, end the
causes ready noted for trial.
Decrees pro eon : foss. were entered In some
eighteen MIMS in which E. A. L. Roberts, In
ventor of the oil well torpedo, was the coin
plainest. and in which the respondents sought
to obtain injunctions against parties infring
inltTchalePriltherh C. .Croser on. the Kittan
ning Coal Company, et al., was continued by
The eases of John C. Bryan vs. Fisher. Non
rig and Co., Rr7au et al. ra. {AIM!, i
equity. were ordered to be heard le William,
port. .
Court then adjourned until Ttlesder
District Coart-4vds,
MONDAY. Moy P.—The case. of 'WM. A. Mc-
Mann. ca. Allegheny Valley Halhmad. and
Hugh Trite vs. same defendants, were taken
up and tried together. .Thei were actions to
recover damages for injuries alleged to have •
beers sustained by plaintiffs In consequence of
neglect of defendant. fflaintlffa got on the
train on dam:Manes . road at eleven o'clock.
e. it., In April. 18613, to go to Sandy Creek.
The train stopped at Sandy Creek
eid ot geoff. The nducstaotrio onn,
l u ea t n h n y that
n they were `still on the ! train,
pulled the bell In order to stop n second time.
bat before the train stepped they jumped off
and rolled over an emlutiffithent- On trial. • '
(0....) Leahy v. Knobby.
Neidrutn et trajva. - Mellon.
2 Kapple vs. McClu
3 Klonk et al. vs. Hold rg.
en et al.
5 Jacobs vs. Iloedelbelm Oflelder
9. Sheppard vs. Bchomaker.
19. Barton vs. Black.
11. Mcßoberts vs. Black.'
gamier Elesda.—Jwige blerrft
Yontrar.lilay 9.—The And case taken up was
that of the Commonwealth:vs. Leonard Bra
cher, indicted for felonious ansault and Lat.
tery, H. Busts. prosecutor. The facts of the
ease ware as follows: About the 14th of Peb
rnarY.last a party had assembled at "Bedford
Birtningtnun. end during the night st
s esta. riotand ensued, In which one man
was fatally another seriously wounded.
nod the prosecutor, whole constable of the
borough. interfered to qp4ll the row when the
defent, who was one ul the proprietors of
the bets.; as t he tronsecutor alleges.ff rod Seller
s! shots from a pistol at him from the second
story window. two of Which took effect on hi.
pers... Verdict of not guilty.
The next case taken up wan that of the Com
monwealth vs. Patrick Durgin. indicted for
selling liquor without license. it appears
from the testimony - that oo eating-house li
cense had been granted to Ellen Dargon, the
wife of Patrick, under which she was:en
titled to sell ale.. The COurt gated that the
command/men had no right to grant a license
to a man - led worn., tint that question could
not be raised La thin case. enlict of not
guilty, and county to pay the costs.
The next case taken up wan that of the Conn- I
monerealth vs.• James Johnson, indicted for
forget/. George S. Ilncoroneentor. Defend
ant : wan charged with. forging the name:of .
Robert:Joknson an endorser to .a piereinOrg
note for the sum of two tbouiatid
dollar'. -
Moo, an Indictment wilted the sante de
fend.t. for forgery, In which Hobert Grier
waninosecntor, In which the defendant. It
le n, a
'eget'. forged the name of Robert John
son promieory note for the sum of $l.lOll.
Defendant plead colic confrodre In both
cane,. and was remanded to jail for sentence..
In the cases of the Commonwealth on. Rohl.
Ramsey and same vs. W. P. Kniner, Indicted
for selling liquor without lieenne, node prat
was entered on payment of costa.
Lifte rOn Ter.AIDAY.
Commonwealth so. Hugh Burns.
317. Commonwealth vs.]. Parker Potency.
ins: Commonwealth vs. Wm. MeMlThtn.
Commonwealths.. James A. McDtddett
130. Commouweulth TS. James Freel.
1915. Commonwenith Tll..hußes Melte, •
.103, wealth vw. Samuel Reed, •
tPr a anat ' vrealth vs: John Stehe.' :
nonmonwralth vs. Put. Welsh et
566. Commonwealth Os. PaLCantelll.
199. Commonwealth rt. Peter Wiltort.
lig. Commonwealth vs. Thomas smith.
167: Commonwealth TS. JobnllcCiarran.(th
Common Pleas—Judges Hioire nod Collier.
MONDAY, May 9.—The first Case taken up
was that of James Stewart va. Dickson. Stew
art & Co.' Action on the case , to recover dam
ages alleged to have been inistained by plain
tiff. The etendants are proprietors of coal
works In Versailles township, where it appear.
they were constructing a trestle work over
which to transport coal, at which plaintiff was
working, and while thou engaged a portion of
the trestle upon which plaintiff was working
fell, inflicting serious and permanent Injuries
upon him.. On trial..
116; XeCafferly ye. Lanai:len,
174. Dederick vs. Hatch. evil. •
rns. Optserman vs. Dander, Foegler dr Co.
M. Dada re. Dein.
Powell, for use. vs. Damllton.
166. Dwnberger vs. Ratuaglo.
IffoCrory & Wiggins vu. McCarthy-
Same vs. Dolan.
If 3. Mackey vs. WatifalDAD.
Datheae ye. McGrew. •
166. Allegheily County, for use, vs. Thcenpron
ZG AlL—Hubler. No, ee Federal street. Al
legheny, te r
this superior Ice Chest; so
ponder tor rears to both cities, is receiving
his stock for the summer saies. Tr.
Report of the Demi of Illemeitera to the Troo.
tem lima Coeporators of the church Home
In presenting to you this, eleventh annual
report, are think it proper to begin by offer
ing lb:take to our Heavenly Slather for all his
mercies and benefits during the Mot year. to
us. and to those betel , s one' th at li t hat in "
twisted to your care. All the intnatt. of our
Church Home, young and old.. hnv`e'enjoyed,
Ina remarkable degree, the blessing of almost
uninternipted good health; no sickness having
occurred during the entire year, with the ex
ceth ion 4,f a few colds caught during the in
eTeinent and changeable weather of March.
Means sufficient twilit careful management
cam -prudent economy) have been given us to
aon oar work of love. and - to supply all
these dependent upon us, with plenty of
good, wholesome food. and comfortable raim
ent. Our family has nveraged seventy per
sons: this commisen office end servants.
We have now CA Mutates. ( i these, Si chil
dren and 11l adult.; remain to . provided for.
.:7 of these children are s Idiers' orphans,
for each of which we receive from
the State the sum of . SI O. I a nunlly, without
which addition to our Income . r could loudly
see our way clear in meeting he expenses of
the year. We here Pieced in home , two
boys and one girl and hare returned one boy
told, mother. at her earnest request and after
she proved to nor antisfactiod her ability and
competency to take the charge of him. Fix of
these soldiera* orphans have been transferred
to more edvanced schools. and six have been
transferred to us. It requires between g. 5,000
and /6,030 a year to carry on our Institution,
and it can easily be Seen that a considerable
sum want be raised by collections, subscrip
tions and donations to suffice (oral' expenses.
We lost considerable during the quarter end.'
ing February :24.h, through delays in transfers
after the orders were Issued to us. Front our
festival last June we realized about $1.700110,
ins shown in the Treasurer's report) which is
not quite so large n nuts. ns that realised In
Previous years, and We would take
this opportunity to call the attention
if all good church people to the com
n festival, which will be held on the.
9th of June next, and earnestly beg from
all some contribution to the fancy •table. atm.
per tables, or money th e to rnish merial for
either. We hare now whole nt building
heated by steam, which was expensive in its
Introduction, but which has amply repaid as
In making the house cbmfortuble in every
part, and no doubt has In a great measure con
tributed to the general geed health - before
spoken of.
Wit are Indebted to Mr. Fitenirn for the are
of his omnibusses, which he kindly allowed as
for the conveyance of the children to the
church at the anniversary meeting. and back
again to the Home; also to Mr. McKay. of St.
James' church, for SOO bushels ofcoal, donated
by him last winter, and to the. Sewing Societe
of Trinity church for about:Ole:invents made
and donated by them. AIL such kindness and
liberality Is truly appreciated.
lac are pleased to have this opportunity to
thank nil those who with their kind offerings
helped to make Christmas tiny n tiny of
rejoicing to all in the 'Lorne, especinily the
little lines, who being secluded from the outer
world, flee little or nothing of Its pleasure,
and who look forward to imp holiday with pi , -
cullerly pleasing entiCipatieria. A Christmas
tree arranged, and bung with presents, an am
ple Chrimns Church services, eclat
from the st
and some others interested In
the Home, combined to make it to them alto-.
nether a der to be long remembered.
We would, on this occasion. express our re
gret for the resigrottion and departure of our
late Secretary, Mrs. Crittenden. who for so
numy years ably and faithfully fulfilled, her
duties In that capacity, and devoted IMltelf
so earnestly and heartily - to the work which
she felt was assigned her by her Lord and
Master. And while yieldJnlf a hearty welcome
to the new manngem who are-now with us in
this work. we Con but regret the circumstan
ces that took from as those falthfnl ones that
were formerly associated with us In our work.
Our present Matron. Mine Behan. has been
with us since April, lea% and during that time
line shown a deep interest in all tin's° over
wheat she is placed and has exerted herself
faithfully and untiringly in carrying out our
wishes with regard to them.
In our teachers we have not been no fortu
nate, baring made several changes daring the
Year. We have to record nnetleath.thrtt of Mrs.
:cock, who lived to nearthe threescore and ten
yearn allotted to the life of tn.. and who died
mddenly en the night of mike last festival
m disease of the heart. We des i re, to
—. . .
' I , 7T gt
rc for our late Chaplain, the Rev.
liin.enffroeck, who was so endeared to all
connected with the Home: while we give
especial thanks to the Hee. Abel Kerfootoscho,
in addition to his many pressing duties. gsive
us so cheerfully his valuable services until
such time as we welt fortunate] coos
to secure those of our. potent Chaplain.
the Hey. W.ll. Roberts. who has already woo
the hearts of all at the Home. and to
whose visits they look forward It;lth great
Veasure. We arc also muter oblttrattos. to
r. Hanna for gratuitous servicesrendered
throughout the year. While than king all
those who have remembered us In the past.
we would earnestly mutest the clergymen of
our different churches to speak frequently of
this, one Church Institution. To preach a se,
mon and take up a collection aid of its
Lands once inn year. as well as to enjoin upon
ail the members their dui v of subscribing
toof 5un5m........
..Aily to - this church work In their midst.
We earnestly Pray that the Lord tonT put .
Into the hearts of tili Ills people to give freely,
cheerfully and liberally: and we. extend a cor
dial invitation to an to come and . koe how
their money is expended. and bow much com
fort and happiness it bestows= the helpless
and homeless. The Matron would take great
plensure, at anytime. in showing through the
institution all those who feel interested in
rrovidlng a Home for helpless childhood and
infirm old age. And those that have contri
lmted to this object would - be made happy
theniselves.ln seeing the.happiness and com
fort that they have assisted in bestowing
upon others. and would feel that by no doing
they had called down from heaven blessings
upon themselves and their famillmt.
itmpectfuliv submitted,
C. it. LrA,NARD. Secretory.
I)YEILA Iloroc.—Mr. Edwin Adama, the pop•
ular tragedian, commenced an engagement at
the Opera Hounelast evening, when "Hamlet"
was presented. To say that Mr. Adam's per- '
aonntion of this character was good would
scarcely be doing him justice. as he has but
few• equate, This evening "The ' Lady of
Lyons" will be presented with Mr. Adam. ao
erre Ilnu--The Mercy Hospital Fair. at
City Hall. which has been
pleasuret of attrac
tion for amusement and recker. since
its commencement. will continue through the
present week. The vote 41n the elephants
showed Colonel Swearingen largely ahead.
TIII7. Itma.—Hundredo of pemcms,visit the
Allegheny Rink nightly*. so great ere the at-,
tractions at St. Peters fair. ..
ArrnacTirg EnTitaTatanzar.—Fridnyeven
ing of this week the pupil. of Mrs./dank Datin'
school will give another of their popular en
tertainment. at Lafayette Hall. The pro
gramme conslots of a number of fancy dances,
liPht. e rhril i c e l ''.
e 7, 1 ,71 . h a :14 - . 1 ' = tr ., f I 1 VII e
Pearls.' Heretofore these entertainments
hays been very attrnctive and Interesting, and
that of Friday evening will' dimhtless be no
exception. The performera hare been _train
.ingfcm some time. and even' arrangement has
-been madetor the complete sactess of the ex
hibition. The tickets may be had at the music
stoma or of any rrnsticiptust.
Episcopal Chorea Ilona,
The annual meeting of the Church Home .t
Latina woo held on — Sunday evening at St
Rev. D. C. Page, 0. D., Senior Presbyter of
the:Diocese. to th em e absence of the MOWN pre
sided. The report of the deiretsrT read
by 117 U. F. Brooke. of Christ's Church. Alle-
VaV,CdonVagrofT7.447l:C= eratjeCS
of the Home, shout seventy in number, were
In Mins:lance until the close of the evening
corder. retiring before the reportiAvere read,
sod before the sermon. which Was Prasehed
be- Res. J,. H. Eger. Rector of Pt. Peter's
Church, and woe listened to by :tiaras congre,
Ration with earnest attention. We have rurr
heard the doctrines nd~dntid t char.
.oably presented, su clearly elucidated. or I.
language at once so compact and convincing.
We are promised a copy for publication. W
have been furnished only with the Secretary's
report. which we publien elsewhere in this Is
sue. Commending the subject so gracefully
and eloquently presented by Mrs- Leonard to
the careful pernsal and cordial sympathy of
Oar readers.'
The following preamble and resOlutknis re-
latire to the death of E. F. Whitmore. were
adopted at a meeting of Huy. Post No, i
Grand Army of the Republic, of this city, of
which he was a member:
WITCHEAP, God in his mysterious Prost
dence IRS taken away from us our Comrade.
R. P. Whitmore. whose kindness of heart and
Rental spirits had endeared him to an, be it.
therefore. • . _
Resolteri. That we tender to idifoisitY bur
sympathy in this their hour of sorrels.
noshed. That In token of our regard (mom
brother. *0 wear the usual mourning badge of
the Order, and drape the Want Hays Postßo.
3 in manilas for thirty days. •
Thaolred, That these resolutions be spread
mum the records and limps' tranamitted to the
family of our deceased Comrade, and aim, that
they be published In the daily papers of thin
IDorder. * J. F, litrernmt, P. C.
.1. C. PlTlMY..Adilltallt.
Our much esteemed and • highly respected
Journalistic friend, If. J. Murdoch. Emj., one of
the editors and proprietors of the United Crew
bpferion. and a most worthy gentleman. will
sail from New York. In the City of Brooklyn.
for Europ on the 4th of June proximo. • Mr.
Murdoch we,
ill be nccompanied by his estimable
lady, and their children, and some ladies of
their household. They eapect. to. be absent
about four months. We wish them a prosper
ous and pleasant tour, and a safe return.
Daniel Wilson, P.sq.. father-in-law of our es
teemed fellow-townman, Mr. William M.
flonnly, will sail on the same day nod In
the tutor boat. nett will be accompanied by
his accomplished daughter. Mr. Wilson s
son is now making a tour through Europe and
Join} oly Law. and It is expenel that he will
the party on their ;mind In England.
The following fowl:rats, with tows of con
111 depart to and tomorrow :
. . .
. -
Towboats. .- Boat.. , Barge. ]lush.
Ella 5 , 11n0111
Veteran 3 2 1%.(40
Tom Ito, N 0.3.. 4 • a BUBO
Hyena 3 a MOO
4NOne • • 2 . In mo,00)
Stella . -:
f i r d ke ' Era ' N0..3.... 10 193.050
. 7 30,009
12 14000
Samson No. 2..... 74 6 1/35A00
Jas. Gilmore.- .. rt 2
• . 6 110.000
Felonious lOwsit and Battery.—William Ro
her, made information yesterday Define the
m ayor c h anr io d Joseph S=eltzer with feloni
ous usault and baktory Ae alleges that he
'was sitting on a stop on Carson street, liir
mindham, when the accused came alon and
took a dollar out of his pocket, and - when he
remonstrated, the accused attacked him with
a knife, Indicting several derlimo wounds.
*Waltzer was minded and committed to fall
in default of hall for his appearance at the
next term of Court.
A Ilan I. Thrown Prom an Infamous Den
. Flight of Males and A Im.t In
tantly Ittlleit—Esenpe of the Supposed
Last night about eleven o'clock, a man named
l'otriek Collins. driver of an express or de
livery wagon, inet his death In such a manner
as to warrant the belief that he wan murder
ed. It seens that he had been drinking liber
ally during the evening and bad grown Intoii - -
eated. About nine o'clock he visited the 'vile
rum hole where his death occurred. kept by
his brother-in - law. one Pat IdeCamsli, at No.
2$ Third avenue. 'Here. alter drinking con. ,
slderably. he grew quite drunk and was
repeatedly urnes oy his brother-in
law sad sister-in-law to go home. At,
half-past ten he left the saloon with
the avowed intention of going to his
finally. Instead of doing so he merely stepped
Into the hall door adjoining and went up
stairs to the apartments rented be a iirnstl-
Mc named Carrie Jones. In half an hour.
afterhe was heard to fall down the stair,
n - hich are rather steep, having seven
teen footboards, McCarron, nttricted by the
noise, rushed out and carried the man Into the
saloon. where, In n few moments and before
tactical aid could be summoned. he died. Sub
sequently. Its is stated, two men moused Daniel
Kerr and John Nicholson clone down front
Currie Jones' ruom, called for a drink and
left. since which time • they have eluded the
search of the pollee.
Lieut. Campbell, on receiving word of the
supposed murder of the man. at once dis
patched a part of bin mend to search for Nich
olson and Kerr. Subsequently , Carrie Jones.
who waspreparing to take a 'walk, _Wan ar
rested and confined in the. tombs. She in/lin
telsns a reticence on the Mihicot. and says that
nil she knows about the matter In that she
couldn't have knorked the deceased down.
anti she supposes that he w. sitting on the
top stair teat the door of her chin... when
presseddown stairs. AL the tombs she ex
no desire for bail, she wanted to
wait to see Nicholson. who is suppontel to
keep her. brought in. She certainly knows
more about the closeout the man's death than
she will tell, tied admits that Nichols. and
Kerr were in her room when Collins Wax
*rhe deceased had on his right temple a fear-.
foil looking rash as though cut with the blow
of n blunt instrument or weapon. He Was
otherwise bruised about the face .d neck.
the wounds and contusions being such as
could hardly have been sustained from the fat!.
When the man was first picked up our re
porter was passing the pines and entered the
saloon, where a gOugh lot of cus
tomers. depraved --Lblack and white
men and women were gathered o ut the Ism
The sister-it-law of the dying inansald Some
thing to the effect that she had beard Nichol
son swear when Collins WKS going up stairs
that be would kill anybody who cattle tip to
that room, and that he. Nicholson. had struck
him.. On returning subsequently. our reporter
sons receiving pnrticulars from the same wo
nt.. who was frankly talking when Idcearrol
nobly interfered and mole her keep quiet.
-lifter the two had conversed In the- Irish tan
go., or some other unintelligible gib
berish. thn woman maid she had eeen
nothing. heard nothing. and knew noth
ing. It ptenutnable —that the man.
was struck nod knocked senseless above
and then as he did not recover his senses sens
thrown doss - n the flight of stairs. Who struck
hits or threw bin] out Is n mystery which the
authorities will to-day probnbly unravel. It
may be tensible. but not probable. that the
deceased was not foully dealt with. and before
forming judgment as to the complicity of the
men. one at whom nt least. circumstances
pis. strongly to the murderer. we trust
await the testimony at the inimest to be held
to-day. .
The deceased seas Married and' resided on
Itedoula alley near the Point. Ile leaves a
wife in a Wellcate condition. and two chil
drCll. lie was about thirty - Posen years of age.
The house where the poipponell murder Wit,
tesrpetrattells a den of tbc worst character
frequented by the vilest anti most &guided
specimens of Loma. y. Even while the rorpne.
a fresh victim to intemperance, was hull out
upon the floor of Ihe den._two prostitutes. one
black and the other white, entered together
to see the ghastly spectacle, and with laugh
turned to the counter and called for drinks.
In justice to the host we would nay that he re
fused to sell them just then and with a wick
ed 'oath ...uncoil the Intention over the
booty of his dead friend and demartml cunt °incr.
If there is any tensible way of revoking the
liense of t awful sink Iniquity let It be
do c n, for ills a distrowe to of
the 'neighborhood
and the citynt large.
The following deeds were admitted of re
cord in the office of ThOmas H. Hunter, Re
corder for Allegheny county. rrldar. 0.
A...knotnon to Jacob Ball, October I. I) by
nl feet on Joaoph strect. Ea+t Inrminghatn.
.1 ;cob Rail to A. Glockner. April 3i. 1870.
oluwe real
Adam Miller to .11.4 SicCutcheon. February 17.
lalll. three lots in Third .cord. nit of Atte
ghee Y with buildings. . . . von
Anna i . lra an. extent rig. to .
Jamie Wain
wright. April 7, Isle. by 120 feet on Forty'-
sixth street. Pittsburgh, .site
Ernest C. Kaumdade to Mar) M. Wright, April
23. 1831?- 4 he 100 feet on Carroll street. Alle
gheny Cite $2.00
John bolinskt to Frenaka Berndt. April 27.
1870.31 by 00 feet. on larkin's alley. Ea‘t 111r
mingbam. with buildings $1.30
Jacob Opperman to Carl Welhe, May 3, 1070,15
be 35feet on Twenty-fourth street. liornegh
of East Birmingham. with building 11.1110
Fanny Devlin.. executrix. to J. W. F. White.
May j. ISM. 72 acres sad 13 perches in Ohio
township. xilh buildings 15.413
Agnes C„ War to Marla D. Little. May 7.1870.
4 mom, 1 rood nodps.rches of lend. In best
township.`u ith building $4OOO
James H. McCloy to J. W. Grubbs. March 29,
1431 i 93 by feet on Locust street. Alieshe
-113 city. with buildings $6.7n0
Itobt. P. Battles to Stiletto Lebauda, .May 3.
167011 C acre.. 1 rood an buildings pehes of Mod,
in Koss township. with 17.030
base A. Reed to Jae. H. MeCloy, April R 1870.
10 lot. in Fifth vrtmt. .511egherty cat. with
bellhop; 110,01 3
.IV. Grubbs to Jam. IL MuCloy, March 29.
18 - 31: 33 b3' .51)feet on Glover'~El)try. Miry. A Ilechent
Wm. Murdock et al to A. C tierdts-k. , bre
am 5, 163); 27 to 13) fret In T 4, entirt h WAN.
Pittsburgh 1703
.1 Ibe.selt tor t r if Sprout:. toed I. 1870: 4n by
au feet on Nohet rett. enteenth %ant.
Pittsburgh. with buildings
.„ t'" )
Mr.linSter. to Jas. R. Mellon. Feb. 3.
1870; IS acres arid 55 perches of land In Wil
kins township $7.1131
Michael Marshall to Itichard F. Breed. April
9, 11G0;15 acres of land in Verlaine township
with buildings $6.30
I H. Cordon et al. to Geo 11. Miller. Nov. Ph
IM:S acme of hold in Twentyeecond
Pittsburgh ward
Wm. Phillitut to Biddy Douglass, Sept- 12. 11S11;
47 acres and 8 perches of land in Feeble.
township. with building. Wen
A. M. Sntch et al. to Wm. Wendless, May 4,
1049 i 3 nom and 80 perches of land in Peebles
township. with buildings 14e.320
8. B. Chiles' to 11. B. Minsk. March 51.19701 lot
24 by 94 feet on Caldwell street, Pittsburgh.
with buildings
A. Ammon to B. Moeller,
lamerra re 4
by 50feet on Church street. Pt. anir
township, with 11=3
E. G. Krebon, admirdstrator. to Catherine
Krill. May 5,1870; lot 33 by 63 feet on Fif
teenth street, Emit Ilinninghron, with build
r. h rWhite to Byrom Bracken, Oct. 1665;
lot 48 by 120 feet on Smallman etreet. Pitts
burgh PAX°
Yemnel Cooper et .1.. to S. 11. Curti. Apre
3i, 18:0114 acre , andl37perebesof land In Mc-
Clure township. with buildings 13.500.
S. H. Curtis to Wm. Cooper, May I. liar,
stone as
Samuel S. MeGabove. Bonner to Ernest Stolle, May
3.1870; 18 by 60feet on Clifton street, Lower
St. Clair townehiP
3' 01; ? rr t! ' lll 6 ' ATV w Si rt " r n d n. 1 3 (l ' erth 2 ;n 1 y "..":3
shth 1 1.1
!Behead E. Breed to Petrick MeAvory. May.!.
1870; 1 lots Meer. plan In McKee.port $135.
. Frank Bohr to Andres, tidier. May 3. brag
half Interest in 14 acres 10 Bose townehiP.
• with buildings . . 140.
, Melon,' E. Breed tn'''. J. didsgt ' . MIIY 1870:
4 lot. Breed's oleo. MeKeellport hoe.
Illrhard E. Breed to L. Better. Mot 2, Ire% 3
- lota In Iheed's plan, in McKeesport 1415
MOstoar. May 9.
Jno Garber to Joseph °moods. April 7,180:
2 lots of ground to village of Tempernnee
ille 13X1
Abraham Troup to - John Roads. May 5, 1g3);
10 acres of land in Elizabeth town.nlp. with
branding, . . $1 600 Walter Williaing to T. 1): bitniati' Mara 7,
1879; lot 16 by 16 feet on leabella street. Al.
legbeny, with buildings $3.30
Henry Neely to A. Headland, April 14. 11118
74 sores of land In Mershon township. with
John Webonatuto Michael Slmen, Apfflo,
ISM; 310 ts of ground In Seventh ward. Alio
m. )t y l , with bulldlaga
to Bow es. April I, 187th
12by 52 ' feet on Fulton street, Pittsburgh,
with buildings ,P,111)
Lett Oppenhimer to It. 11, Cuthbert. May 7,
1,570 . 31 by 48 feet on Clark street, Punster
Joseph Vogel to Deniel Maleday. May 6. 16711:
Si by 10 feet no Liberty stfect, PittsbM
with buildings
Janie. McClurg et al. to Nm. H. stedurtif,
February 3, 160113 by 110 tent on Sturgeon
street. Allegheny, with buildings $1,90D
Shem Hughes to Henry Millen Mop 6,
1&9; 10 by 70 feet on Duncan street. Pitts
G. E. Warner et al to Adam Buhl, May srigi l l
46 by 100 feet on Main street., Alleghey, with
Jealah Brink to John F. Vance. September t 7,
1867; 00 by 20 feet wanted street, borough of
West Elizabeth. with bellhop; 141.100.
Doh. Maleday to Jos. Vogel, May 7,1870131 by
94 feet on Berliner street, Pittsburgh. with
Christ. Idaseher to John SI ertz.,Aptil
Xi by 94 feet on Voegthy street, All boor,
It!chant E. Breed to Mary Jame.. May d.
It lots In Breed's plan McKeesport . .. .• Pad
Borah T. Matchett to Henry Neely. March at,
MI .2 acres Of land In Marshall township
tlehant E. Breed In Even (1. Junes. May
1870;2 lots In BreeEn.phtu In MeKees.
• Last evening a very pleasant private musical
.soiree came oft at the residence of Mrs. Ida
A. Biederman the _accomplished. musical in
structress:No.3i Seventh avenue. There was
-in attendance o select company of friends who
passed the evening delightfully in the enjoy
ment of a musicale programme embracing se
lections from some of the best masters.
Duets: vocal and instrumental, songs, sacred
music, instrumental renderings and a variety of
brilliant gems made tip the exercises which
would have been well received even in a more
public entertninment.
Among the _selections which especially Tr-
ceivtal the approbation of the company was a
vocal duet from "Martha," by Profs. Benito
sod Bussman, "The Alphorra" on the dote by
Prot. Guenther. and the '.•Conzertus" of Men
dclasohn by 3fes. Biederman. The lest was nn
especially difficult performance, bat the man
ner in which It was rendered evidenced that
the lady was at home with such selections.
The entertainment Was happily concluded
with an elegant supper. a feature of the occa
sion which the guests did not fall to appreci
ate- Shortly before midnight the company
separateafter an evening of rare pleasure,
In g tvtOg the opinion of Dr. Gross In
y.larnara Wane we should have said that he,
at blo first visit. considered the disease ender
which Mr. McClean was laboring w a s dyep*P
nelnalaia, that he bad no cancerous tu
mors of the abdomen,and that the swain, of
the left lade was m erely a 4:antral:Dow and
hardness of the left weans muscle.
On Ito Lam Lee.—Report of the Treennee—
Electlose( Meer.-
A resrular quarterly meeting of the Pitts
burgh Firemen's Association was held Tester
day (Monday) evening. May 9,1)(70. at half past
Freels o'clock. President W. C. McCarthy in
the chair. - -
The prevailing impression among Bremen'
was that this-would be the last meeting of _this
useless institution, which for years past has,
been of but little consequence. inasmuch as
the volunteer are department. from which. it'''
had its origin. hos ceased to exist. But it
would not die. at present at least.
The Secretory called the roll, when the fol—
lowing members answered to their names:
Messrs. McCarthy, Wilson, C. Wilson. W. J..
Shim, Johnson. Irwin, Clippies. Torley. Rush,
Ferguson. McKee, Reynolds, Smith, Roberts
and Paisley.
The minutes of the preceding meeting were
read and approved.
Mr. Joseph Irwin. Trmmurer. presented hi,
report, as follows:
Balance unhand May 10, IMt O.
raid out during the year.
It lance on hand
The report was received.
Mr. Turley presented the. following
which were ordered to ho paid Salary to Jan,
Mel - lathe. Janitor for on, _quarter. rotary
Of C. T. Palaley. tterretary forUne yen*. PI
Mr. McCarthy said . that if the iaeociation
adhered to the regular order of huaineam, the
nrnt thing jn order would be to Caleb up.t he
ntsineSs of the put year.
Mr. Ward thought that it was useless ,fol
,he Association to strUgle far an existence
' r, It wu of no consequence - I , nd hat
for years. It was not recognized b ,
or by any other department of lb " '
moved P
) long.
the Alonoc4tlon ad
011111 for the purpose IA reorganishsg.
Otioll Witit adopted by ft rote of 1 , yeas to 4
n 7f ." r . . Tories . moved a ensporary organization
by railing C. Me t Carthy io the Chair.
On motion of Mr. Sims Mr. S. T. PaisleY ans
elected temporary secretary.
Mr. McCarthy announced that the first busi
ness in order wan the election of a permanent
Mr. W.C. McCarthy was nomlnated.and the
association hod ballotted when M. Clippies
took enecptions to the proceeding. Ile
thought under the rules the tind business in
order after the temporary orimeirntion was
the receiving of credentials of new members.
The chair said the point was well taken and
called . for the credentials, which were mech . -
mi and read, the only new member being-Mr.
McKelvey from the Independence.
The credentials were received and the Meet
hers Invited to seats.
The roll was then eolied, after which the
Chairman announced the next business in or
der to be the election of permanent oMeers.
This was objected to by some of the met
Mr. McCarthy stated.that If the- Aasoclation
should adjourn sincdic without electing orn
cers and a Chief Engineer. the Fire Depart
ment would be mithout a head. that the Paid
Fire Depertment had not yet gone Into opera
tem and could out before the first of next
month. •
The Association then •vent Into an election
for officers, when the following were elected
without opposition:
:President—N. C. McCarthy.
Secretary—S.-T. Paisley.
•Trensurer —Joseph Irwin.
Chief Engineer—John A. lime.
Entnnrer—J. H. _.rov
trc sj n /
si s , i s s . t i a . tLt
Janitor—James McGaMn.
Mr. Paisley moved that a Committee be np-
Pointed to negotiate the lode of the property
belonging to the Association.
Mr. Word amended by moving that a Com
mittee be npfminted to dispose of the property
end pay the debts of the Association and report
to the Association at its next meeting. - -
The amendment won adopted and Messrs.
Pointy. Word and films appointed on the Com-
th, motion the Association adJourned to meet
t the call of the Committee.
Peripatetic Theologians.
Allegheny is again afflicted with n couple of
peripatetic theologians. They Consist 'of a
'limn and wife.—she one of the Bimuner stripe,
and wearing that style of raiment. Where
they come from no one knows. Where they
are going no one cares.—provided they depart
quickly. Gnat everig their ministrations In
the Allegheny DismOnd were attended by
large crowd of men tche brayed the rain for .
awhile and seemed to enjoy the affair. The
man, who appears to be in middle life. and who
presents a rough exterior. clothing. counte
nance and all opened by a dissertntion on
the Golden 'Hale, in which blasphemy
and silliness were, dispensed In equal
soantities. His wife follon - ed with
s o ng .
supposed to be religions. and
then addressed the crowd in a similar strain
with the man on the causes of female deprar
it y. of which she drew a fearful pic
ture—probably a personal portrait. Thus al
ternnting and song thee man
aged to keep the ctowd together until the rain
came down In torrents and dispersed them.
Ile, John S. Easton, D. Ds pastor of the
I'. congregation at Braddock's Yields; took
suddenly yesterday morning in the Hook
Booms of the U. P. Bonn! of Publication. Ott
Third avenue. The disease w . .ith which - he I.
threatened Is congestion of the brain. several
ministers were present in the moms at the
time. some, of whom noticed In the course of
converottiOn that the Ihictor was oblietous to
matters, which from their recent:occurrent ,
It was supposed would be fresh In his mind.
one of the mlni,ters finally procured
nod the Doctor was conveyed
residence (
where ids daughter on gandusky
Allegheny, he Is now receiving al
apterothi Mance fora Yorione:
The Ilnoly's !bind Oil company propot,
lots In 1,104.• Proximity to the MionniiitS
Well lately Welsh on their prVlstine.. TIM
wll has bee gining ground since the tin,.
the oil was O ri n[etrurk, And promises to he
mine of wealth to its owners. mine lot
ffered hir sale," no doubt; contain the Oil:
hold in equal or greater quantltlen than tin
well nowprodUang. Wl* . not? The well
In thin sect i on have the very profitable quallt:
nonwlhattstion.- •
Another Boarding Bill
Boarding bill. art , among the moot proIIII ,
urceor of trouble. Deputy Mayor Nichol
littleed tato requisition yesterday to settle
la dispute of this character. Yr
' , mumbo Its made information charging
William Intel with 4,htaining from him board
ing to the amount of seventy-two dollars by
representing that he had the contract for
building a certain house. which eventually
proved false. The accused as arrested and
held for n hearing. Boththe
Seventeenth ward.
At • meeting of the Board of Directors of
the Paeine nd Atlantic Telegraph Company
pf the. United Steles, held April 30th. ult.; the
following preamble and resolutions were
Wungian. Owing tniutious causes fully and
clearly set forth in the President'w Report,
now‘submitted, adopted, and ordered to be
prinieda for distribution among the stock
holders. itappears that there have not been
comings from the lines of the Conspany for the
past FIX months, ntfilelent to instin a dividend.
Therefor.. Rroaral. 'Mat no dividend be de..
eared at the present rime. • ,
John Langer and Hans Hauer met in a hoe
tile way yesterds.y. afternoon •in the Second
ward. Allegheny. Langer described a semi
circle In the air which weakened hlm In the
knees and comt:elled him to seek' n recumbent
position with the curbstone as a pillow. Ile
subsequently related the circumstance to Al
derman Bolster, and when BUM' was ar
rested It was mutually agreed, with the Hs
glanders consent, to allow the court to set-.
tle the business. Bauer gave hall for Ms ap
pearance at the proper time.
V. looking glasses suet picture frames
Lontshridire's. 171 Putitheeld etreeL
The penows most emdir woo over to
Ws Wormed Besting )(Whine, are those wh.
aye been accustomed to use other machines
- Orwaw 3 )(Owen's. •
, 23 Sixth street.
Desirable Article.
Fresh Tine APPles to '
• _-- 2 and Nib. mans. •
Better for eating than green •
Pins Att ederal street,
2 e
Allegheny City.
Fresh-Raspberries, Cherries,
Msaberrles, Fears and Peaches,
In glass jars, in Perfect
atl2 . Ferienil street.
Conserve, Raspberries. Blackberries.
Cherries, Strawberries, Pine Apples,
and French Fruits In Juice.
good for the sick..
at Geo....llcAveree,
• ~.- 1 12 Federal street.
Allegheny City.
The Onager newles Machine has more real
Improvement. than any other yet Invented.
Conveiend see It. STRAW& toamn.
' • No. 23 Bixth street.
Wslant Water Cooler Inaud.—An lag/minus
new Invention for the odor dining room or
library. Look In at Robley s. No.BB Federal
Meet/ Allegheny. had see howexactly It nults
The Atoerteau Grhllres la for sale at Huh.
era. No. NI Pedant street,'AllerherT. Tr.
Childrens earrlagem. helee•le and relnll.•
, Jan. I.ertpbrld•e'•, in Smithfield
ttlamlue !Magee. Isprorn4 Hewing 51. , h 1
and you will deckle It to be ahead of all otha
No. 9 Sloth alma
BrasVes: Brushes!—All kimis of brushes; o
our own numnfacture. at Lough / 7
Smithfield street.
The Amerkan Gridiron le for sale at Hub
lel"... No. an Federal et . Allegheny. Tr
The inkiest, lightest roaming, cutest - man
And and least trouhimome Sewing Machin.
n the market i s Roger'. Improved.
feretew k Moirrox,
N 0.90 Sloth street,
The Spring Mock ef Henry G. Hale, Mer
chant Taller, at corner of Penn ATVIIIIIe and
Bluth street, Is now large and complete. 'Alm:i
sle= Bonpain continues to preside at the cut
ting. • tt .
When cesparboase hive been made by skill
tel mechanics between rival sewing machine
their judgment bee been Invariably In favor o
Singer. improved meehine.
. STRAW et M.:arrow.
N 0.20 Sixth street.
Ladles desire what men admire. And this
little thing Is Beauty. What do we say is
beautiful? A transparent complexion and a
luxuriant head of hair. What will Produce
Mtge? Ragan's Idartnolla Babi will make any,
lady of thirty appear but twenty and Lyon's .
Katheroa will keep *MY hair In its place'
and make It grow Uke the Aprllgrass.. It pre
vents the hair from taming 'gray. eradicate'
Dandruff. and is tbe finest - Hair Dreading in
the world, and at only half ordinary coat. If
you want to get rid of Wlowness, Pimples,
Bing-marks. Moth4atchee. etc., don't forget
the Magnolia Balm tthr:
THE prospect of abolishing the . income
tax is not as good B. it was.. Members:
from the country districts very generally
declare that they , shall not vote to repent
this tax. 'rho returns made of the annual
list of taxes on dividends, Meanies, &c..,
show a far grentnr amount no compared
• with last—spring. It appears that more
persons have made returns of income f or
18011. Inn comparative statement of .the
internal revenue returns of nine months
of this fiscal year. compared with the same
period of the lost fiscal year, it appears
that there bus been a gain of $20,000,t160.
Of this amount there iron been an increase
'of 11 per rent. on - tobncro, 211 per rent. on
spirits; :0 per cent. on bankers tool bro.
kers,ll per rent. on groveries, 18 per cent.
on i nc omes, a nd 10 per cent. on gas. On
fermented liquors there lion tern a loss of
4 per rem., nn penalties a loss of 3'2 per
cent., on pnssports 28 per rent, and nn nn
onmnernted sources 2.5 per cent. On all
46 (k)
other classes there ham been nn increase.
Secretary 134 - indwell said he crotild not ob.
Jon to the increase of exemption from in
come tax in $2,00, as it would not reduce
the reVerill, morn than tour or five mil
lions. The committee favors a reduction
of the lax o three per cent., hut is opposed'
to tats nul 11.111111 of exemption. The pro.
posed Set to bill, it seems , does not meet
the view of the House Wnyn and Means.
Caminito e. -They will .not consent to al
low the ineOme tax to remniriat the pres
ent rote, and have virtually agreed to re
duce the tax to three per cent. and incrense
the exemption to *2,000. This will Ix
strongly fought when it motto up for con
sideration in the House, lint -the impres
sion prevails hint it can be prided.
WHITMoItE. Oe the evening ..1 the HO Int
. .
ernl will take plot, WkoAy.A,,Ay:.
k A. it.. from reololonre of ht. falther....;
140 Penn elettot.
PALMER -On Monde , ' morning. kitty ft. !Nl°
7!., o'clock. MANI?: B. daughter of Henri and
Jennie E. Palo}•r. aged 2 y,ears,and 0 ntontha.
Funeral front the reeldence of her temente...lgo
22 Stockton av enue. Allegheny un',Whith rut tA
at 2T. a. The Menlo o f the family are Invited I.
attend. -
auTly 'ire 4 n . in , te ,; :tii . , l ol . l, n . l Pi uunr ( - 2
ofil . srin Liam:lila. '
Tear of her age.
The funeral will bike {gam To-lil T. al 10 &dock.
Carriages w 111 leave• MilleCa !Astir, Stable, Bir
mingham; at S M.
801 l and Brass Founders,
1311-t ASSES
Made Promptly to. Order
:Made and Kept onTland
latel Manufvullsrers
. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee
U 1 I'ENS sinmsr.. Foundry-1 .
N Ell
Mrs. S. C. Robb,
. .
In iotorned front the Eastern elutes with it
.AII6 . KST and YU:DM relectlon
Siring and Summer Milliner
Ever Introdnetot Into Olt snorkel. end Is nor p
pared to .apply her ruptotners end the rothlle
the taint et plc. et the ',west prteei promptly.
Real Esfitte
APRIL 30th, 1870.
Donde mild Morlatageiiilirstllenson__..
It Fiaatel
C. lit.ltittal par
Heal &date
Mare Furniture.. -- 5 7 1
7 2 2 g .4 a i o
i , 1
6611.2112 24
Due fiepoidinni
I.l4,oRitOrl. internot. Mar lid. 12 996 13
1 11711
42:316 13
Contingent Fund
11668,819 99
The amre b. a true
, e , is t legrit iur
The tinderinimed Aniline Committee. hevo exam.
Ined the Niels id the Bank. the Bond*, Mortinse*
and Seearitles. and counted the CAA. and find the
furegille SiAtertlOnt M111 . 111•Ct.
W/i. 11. SMITH,
1(1. t:1111 ,D101.AS e
, Committee.
• B
President JONES.
Vim Preoildent—Wsl. 11. SMITH.
Accountant—B.C. PARKE.
tiolicitut —E. BRADFORD TODD
Hon. Th.. M. Howe. C. B. Homed'.
Janes, Jetted, Painter.
IS. W. C. Kidwell, ' Meanies Voegtly, •
Hamer Osiris. Wm. 11. Smith.
Dion. J. K. aloorhend.
Interest allowed on Deposits at (I per ecnt. per.-
Threir. tr",:::2 1 d7:1 17:4=
and emu mamded.
Upon for depuslte from A. 3E. to 3 le. K.dallm
and every Saturday weentew from llae let to No
ember et,trom 7to and from Ilovember let
to Ma IM. nem elo tielpek.
63 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburg
• And Others, •
The undersigned has letters intent or the Uni
ted Steles for the hopmved nmetroction of
weather-boarding. inside lining and of weinneotlng
for houses , . The weatherdnardlng. in thin Pal , nt
improvement. being more partirulerly - thiconed for
vertical ewe. end ' combines greet durability end
beauty of apprerento; and It is th conetructhd as
to entirely avoid the use of Joint strips. nod to
oriihntgrg:,°„rgrv'a g",toefALga7i
h o pee weather on the Umber. '
Inside lining and weinacoting tide new method
ithsr no constrocted as to form perfect panels
th cheaply WI by the ordinary looting' bowds alone:
thereby preventing the showing of the &dote from
i" . • lietrairs 4 p le r7hTLl n l o t th lie ftnir. po.t.en thr t rt b a i r of what
Ism mmonly known es th e 11/doubled Weather
rth r •
sn ig,*4l`."
th ink A. klundorn. the right of the territory
thuth id the direr In said couni v.
...1:::111=hes Douglass. the right for the First
To 11111.Paltothon & Co.. shim sights for their
ninth Ward, Pttsborgh.
To Ales..llellore. for the borough of NlcKerbb
Pourth wards. AlleghenT
To Parker & Paul. for That, Second, Third arid
To city of
iirrefrgrritiCeOlgh_t" th eir mill in gear.
To Dunhens, Saint CV! for the
of of
as...betroth and NIA
also the townships of Shafer
All Penna. nre 7 nrliel 7 egeinet int
• g et ‘ t d h r e; '"' irr el% latent, and these wie r r th fong po rn' ,
chase will please cell. or address me, at No. 73
gmithgeld Arent. Pittsbargh.
The inanerlhet• beg leave tot:mutton Photograph
.6, • petwn removable himself** •
•Rent of their house. They' have never sent •n
t 4 scoer &mons "Photographers to solicit onion..
thetr burtnets es Manufacturing (Tetrads noting
confined to the whotenitto trade Iti cities et tnucb
as practicable.
pOWISRB k WEIGIIITMAN. 19th.1870. my3mlT
th r ingSt ol l Co.
kanufuturrr of LIGHT GREY IRON
Light wort our ept.cially. Loose Joint Butt.
ShUtter ung Gate 11 , inne. Path Puley...l other
!attain of millaTre Ilanttntro Wynn. on band.
ClTl.VageerNalltes."&"; triirrAt'a
burgh..P. 1.1t.11.5
—Ness Poion. Herring In bairels and
nes; new do dhsd in barrels and have.: No.l
Nackeral , all Mess id , No. 2 do,..n . siscs
o f mcgages. N 0.3 dnrall= of packages. Lake
Vlir S , tiat t h A iL , ti ' sl l q a=r b r e sei h rig l t,g-rel .n =
11, d 0 C Beig.WiMit,,,,vr-d1!..G., 100.01 gs
WATT. LANG, 4.- CO..
=n7lo 'l72 and 174 Wessel street.
FINE OOLONG TEL-41mA rece i ve d
. fresh %denied of extra made Onlona
piddle•, for fondly are; none deer In the I,lllll{l
for by the posed nr caddy, at the nattily tit
eery Store of
m7lO Corner Liberty sad Math gtreeto.
• -
• nEmme-Malle,ol-441,,,,;14M,j
. I . lll,lWWM.May 7 . l s 7O,‘
I r"---'I4E.NERAI, ORDER No. 3.—The
.rnmf,e,•.f THIRD CONICAN Y. Itimne"ne
741;;T1'7;lrir;i1:n t i t . i% . RE N r I F, g; : .il
W. C. WAIL. Seracant. I
r ' '" : r sT,•! " 4:.
PITT slistatt.l 3bly
ORDE r No. 6.—The
limy, null n.'enitole nl the Armory bur pnraote
TV P;sl/A MO 1 0 .. 1 . 5
11. 31000 E. Cup, Co I
1.. T. HIM., I At. 5vr,...•
111,1,EARTLIO: Ill'Vl't_ XF.. 1:11A S.
l'irtsitcticit. May 7. 12 . 40. ,
ITGENER.I-11. ORDER No. ti..—Thr.
Graysßlll 5t.,:n1.1.• nt Ihr
NUE Ill,nt. .1, iork varmlo.
.11 . 1.11's FIE". I%t ~ergrant.
Of Ninf,hisli oubJert L, the decision of
the Union ll,infilivan rotinlY Convriiffon.•
f Indiana township. In a candidate lot County
anlssioner. In subordinate., to the deelsion of
he It, rsubltenn Convention. tint inoduit hl tabu..
cur l'ott9cllm from ❑ n , ~;.coin
nl tho noliolnllun I f nurnervtis dent
lots been Art n number t.(fre
Tllllln NATIONAL 8,04 1 , Prg,111•11011.
2. 12270 PA..
P171,111 . 111.1. i MI. .• i
ILT . DIVI DE N he DI revtors •
this flank have this day declared amt
dead of SIX .I`kat cENT. + l otd the earnlnga
the Nat six months. free of al/ takes. payable
Id after the I.2th !nat.
OrrICE oylrlloll inSeItANCK , Co.. •
PlTrent'lloll.3loX 5. 1870.
of DIRECTORS of thin Orimetny th
n Dividend one 131.Thltql 14 SIX DOLLAR
lEth 001 per 'limo pnJntll demand. fr” , ...f N.
•tlonni Tax. 0. C. H1L 1 1.1 1 %.
toy 6:10:1 SecretaVY•
6CILVAN NA - rittNAl. BANK or Min , .Arm:lLl
lllTtultrlthu. May 4th. 1 0.
flank lurtu deulared a .11 , ...clend,uf • to l'Elt
CENT. th...n the Capital Stuck uut uf the .nrnharo
1.1 the Itua six month., pa.nhle 0. Stock!, ,Ider- or
their legal re,....unlntmui .10 and utter t le 12th
In ge . i f fg .4
it 11,1,AURENT, CR oho,.
• Earn:tsar NATIONxt. B.Ng. ,
1.111,111,1011.11ay 3.1, IN V!. , ,
hare tilts dor de...lnnul n DlThlen.l . ..l PICK.
PER CENT. out of the taming,' of tht leo the
mnths. free of till tn.,. ' , flyable nu awl after
10th In.t.
rity4,7: A. MINI:. Caviller._
7 .. V 11) EN D.
Plirsurimn. 313ky 3.11+70.1
711 e Inrectora of till, Bank linen thin ',toy de
eml a di e lo e ne rt FOl . l, AND ONE UAL!'
PER CEINT. out „aft he mono , of the last
tree of en and r the 1 titb Inst.. of Got.
17411 ". H. K. IVII.SoN, Arttant
DANE or INirrann.7
Mar 311. Trs 1870.
TORS of thin Bank Imre th 4 day declared
Dividend or FIVE MEM CENTion It, Capital
Sloes.os raw of the profit* of the la t nix month.,
which will he paid to ritockhotriernoctheir Iswal rep
rostentallves. on andafter the 13th Intl. free of
Government. State and total taxes.
tiosmitlun. rantiler.
Tun rhos CITY Irarlo:lts.4.: or /
Prrrsa min n. Martl.lB7o.l
BANK have this day declared a Invidetal
of SIX PElt KENT. on the Capital Stock. out of the
pmnU d the lant six months. payable. free of tax.
1. Stockholders or their legal representative. on
and after the 12th net. J. MAGOPEIN.
mylwri Clothier.
Omen WGSTIMN 1,0,111.4.'140 WAXY.
l'irrantnnit. May 3.12470.
The Board t.t Inmet.trn of this Onepnny
tine thin Any tteelartnt a Divide:tit of
Five Dollars
pon each phnnt of the Capital Mork. ont of th
0+0441 morns 1,1 the lout ids niqratss. fiei• of Gov
rnment NM/:t1110 tnir. nlyithie Stockholder
,n .11 after the 10th Inol.
n 3,1,4.9 WM. P. Set re
eioeti ,, n will be laid at the future • , 1
Anter,..n. nn nald avenue. In Sod%
te, nAntn. en W KEN ESI , A V. the not day , •1 Jane.
I S 7 O. between the boom el 12 It. and 7 mil.
to elect SEVEN PERSONN to trend a.. 11, FNtnrl o
Commipelonera el raid nienne until the third Fri
day In April. IL S7l.
Ey ,a.der et the Bonn'.
my7,sl:rattT JOHN 1:11.1 , 11.1.EN, Pretddent.
la" BOUNT Y.
$lOO Bounty Collected
July :12d. 1 861. who were Meehan:ad for !Rutin-
Ity before serving two year,, and who have hereto
fore received no bounty.
The undersigned hue removed hie
zrrrt Bulldlngrevaler rth avunucei
• tree.. and Is now prepared to eolleet claims speed
I y and at moderate rates. Call en. nr address, with
limp. ' D. F. BROWN.
Claim Agent. GAzgrec
Corner Sixth neenne and Smith fluid etrget.
Pitt.burgh. rn
IIFITB1.11(1 NOTlCE.—llisting been
nppol lard GAS and GAS SIETER GiSPEG-
TOR for Allegheny count' , notice b hmbY
lAnt until the neeerrn ry ',Mee and gleelnualral Ted-
In :Machinery ran be melded. I VIII be runne
trre . near.
Schnabel < WaWer,
COAT. Wollkt , , near Plitshontlhou,./‘
Handle Ilalln. d.
Office and tard: Corner Sandusky St
and West Penn R. It.,
Oscar F.Lamm &Co.
Youghiogheny and Anthracite Coal
OFFICE : ROOM No. .5, Gaulle. Bonding
IP - Orders respectlnily
• -
This Compsny noir prepaid - to furnish thr
best Dotal of any Mae or duentity, kfl'A IR RAM+.
Oaks and Tent adjoininn the Corinelherille
road Depot, foot of Try Street. Pittsburgh.
Orders addressed to either 304 es. Wert Newlin,.
Pa., or to Valid. swill be promptly attended to.'
M. P. 0111:11.14, Secretary.
Charles H. Armstrong
Youghiogheny and Connellsville Coa
And Itnnufnotufer of
.OPVICIAND YARD. corner Butler and Morton
risTiVa n P mITt! . 4 }PEW
Roes street, P. C. R. Depot. onvimd o ward.
Orden left 0t either at the above oglees, or ad- -
dressed to ate through Plttlammh P. 0., will receive
Meter to whom lam supplying.: Homey, Wells it
U In n 11011 s, Fowler A
Co., Mitchell, Maven:am Biseoll a Ong
tlettl'Urraj Alez 3004101•
I r t:t o oe ' V
10g.7.1 eia, Ricri,7,,,.,-Itzt?,Acc,-„A!
.11. IL. Pennsylvania R. It.. l Allegnen;
COAL ! COAL !! COAL !! !
Having removed their 9fdoe to
No. 567 Liberty
Ara no. premraa ta hb.toh .good TOUGMO
'meet mte tora liArrettb olltas.or ulttraised to tb •.
wough artll be attended to promptly.
Ana c~ , ~~iix~l - ~,~«.~ r,r~ k~ 'r~Y6~k':~l - ~ ' .:ter , - , ...,:.F..
• -
Dilworth, Harper 4.110,,
213 Lliwgri STREET,
,11 14 ,1 ITt 1.1/ %NOM , ST ..1
Wholes-Ale Grocers,
I 1"1:- 4 13.1' 1: C4ll, PA
Wholesale Grocer,
vLIS Eagle ll"lel.l
Commission 3lerchants,
And Deniers In VIA nit. GRAIN. FEED. AC.. A ,
No. 93 omo STREET. nyttr Ett.ri Common, AO.
tllnnny City.
illeallor & Harpel
C'omrnisr-don Alerchant
N... 329 LIBERTY "I'i{Y.hf'
Con% Irnnrnts Foi
WO CO Arm strati
Feller k Artrmtrong.)
Wholesale and 'Retail Grier,
rI I,:ii:3ll;ilggisl!ktonPletTßl'‘tgYnhtTnined
Dealer% In Prodnec. Flour. Mom. Cheese. Fish,
Carbon nnd 00. Iron, Nulls. Glass, Cotton
1177.7:11 nil
T oil N I. lIOt SE.S BRIM., Successors
to .10115 I. 11 , 11 , 511 CO..
S• WALLACE,PTON & Wholesale
. _
,f:xvg^".'""Y,l;^',"Z:i i t.',T;i7W';'•"g nY-•
• • • in • 'sit
No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St
rer I:enVe nothing meneYo Imler In the latest
No. 47 Sixth Street
ferchnnt Tullon, N... 10 SIXTH KTREKT. Intot
.sel(e.'4l‘irilturoirifen'tgr4rlnolldloi 7::1 7.1 1
.ode In our line. n great portion ofwhich ' ant . o ' ur
tl7lln"gt,":grr'gq`..friVr,.',lllll,ll.o.l4; Tll,`nor_,perrtrfer
.; f rinEty.t. of our Mork of line ClUthp. " llsl
311:111.A NlOll
sultlo So 10 , Istl
1 Ely s pi{ I N I:410115,
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c
at No. 107 Market. St.,
°Mee to U
nd dmlthdeld
We now .gfer 1., thepublic a shalt of PAPER
HANGINGS unatirearne , l In the Went for variety
. 1T ( 1 1, 11 . 1P.. 4 4%. " 31 1 4 411 0 "1411 VII , Mtgr OToIVIT;
DESIONS In plain and bright eolom for Balls,
Dining Rooms. he. Also, WOOD and MARBLE
FALTitliAliV4 t W7ll l l;ran , f c l r lVNS'il
BLANKr Chambers, Se. All of which we pn,:.
pose to veil . as low as the lowest In the market.
Call and see. at
No. 107 Iltirktk mu Fifth Avrnne
SPItING, 1510.
40 I NettES nide tints stl:Se per
filLT—a great variety at Zee lam roll.
GL A ZElt—Altkinds at 05e per roll.
ELEGANT French and American Paper Ilona-
Imp, not specified above, superior to nay loser'.
meat In the country. For sale lit
New Wholesale, and Retail Store. Liberty
street. Pittsburgh.
Vhite Lead and Color Works,
Sehoonmaker & Son,
NAnnfacturors of WIDTH !ACAD. nu, I.KA O
al More DID( OIL.
• owlets AND FACTORY.
10, 61, IS-1, .1% and "liS Rebecca Blrt
We call attention to the ntitustta6 Pogo , ' tlt.ur
Strictly Pure %Valle Lead.ean warn wn say a pat
er carbonate of lead, - we man "chemlcaliy hum
that Is free (nun Acetate and Hydrate.. .cc there.
fore Is whiter and saperlor. both In oolor COT
"lftf XIMLIri:.I, i n • purr carbona Lend
and whiter than anyhe market. and wi l l!orfeit
the price trt this paclonnt DaD.l.lng the 1.. '
241/ lAberty Dolan. Dealers In Itrans i l:lll , ot
and tent Illedletnel,
Dirt rn tin R. M ne s. 11470.5
113:prlt T t o G i g:sling, Mete, end
‘ ..7ol " lfTt i ll " ltST STlttrff Relit Liberty street to
mint li t ristsET fmra Botlerstreet Wrenn
' IMPAT STREET from Bedford to Cliff street.
ret r lfrlFAV ‘a Atill th
IVg " T i tTen " t i gg4nth
street lo Twenty-eighth street.
CATIIHRINY. ALI.EI from Ledlie street to .
Calmat street.
Also for the semstntetkin of the followinff public
An 18 Inch pipe rimier on DIAMOND STREET
Oven Smithfield street to Cherry tiler .
All IM Melt pipe Fewer an ST. PAT HICKS Al`
WI from Miltenberger alley to Gist street.
Will be rewired at this Ohre ontli 3 airlock C.
h.. MONDAY. May 16. 1873
The Committee reserve the right to reject any Or
all bid.s. Speeineatlons and blanks for bidding Cll.O
be bed at this °Mee. No blds will be mealier' no
less made upon blanks furnished by this flake
m 76 C ityi Engine.,
NTOTICE.—The Books for the sub•
J. - SCHIPTION of Stock of tho
Crystal Sprig— Ice 'Manufacturing
and Storage Company, .
Are no. opened atla Mechanics' Sayings 3411,
3". 73 SMITIIFIELI %TM= Thls Comma,. le
du'rtek'd bi tho Legislature of Fennsytranla, and
has the exclusive right of Mannfactarlng lon
the Coonty of Allegheny by Carres celebrated
French Patent.
HOUSE sdioinel yatoliarvna.7l:::
MITI era . % Una tar soon. T. K. ALL t
SON, corner Penn sne_larty-third etreetor at the
ornon of ROM Attorney at L. 72
Omit street.
NEVE OPERA. 1101 7 SE.
Second nttht ef the engnnethent the pdenhte '
and }Arent° net,d..
I G. Me, 10. !KY& 11 . 01
re,ente.l bentilphiF ot the i
de Wino.° raw,nAdatnn.
...ludo with the ettarmitta !erre of
inendn, Ste. Admi. n•
In Atianl , Stalin. , tm ,atunine
- -
Lowy .Hospitat
Fi ` 7 11,
Every Evening
0 ien Every Evening,
New - Catholic Church
lIIBITION of the PlTilititintill ART
mmtaining t fine i.ollection l!f_Palnt-
Ings, the production of American and Foreign Ar.
lists. Is no open boy and Evenlmt. Nu.=l I.IB
EIITt the toad of Wool street
Admission, mutt sPUS
EM 1 5 RE
13D 13110. A. EVW.A.N:
Ordinary whole Life I•oltrhw A lI,OLUTELY
NON-FOIWEITAULEfrurn imment of 11r. ann.,'
Special Insurance NON-FOItrEITABLE after
tiro annual pyments. All isilletc• INUONTPMTA.
It LE for usual causes, and •RPOLUTEIX INCON
TWATABLE after two annual premien.. All re
strictione upon TRAVEL •nrIIWPOIJENCE re
1110V.1. and no lamellarequire& NO ACCUMtb.
LATION OP INTEREST on Loans or Defefted
NI) and N INCREASE of annual parrirnte
;111: d agahl i n d tg i lIVAIIINIrlai
INTAIt Wl* plan. NON .Iv required on LOAN
cherged upon the same. Policies la.come PELF,
iII:STAINING In about ilateen years, and thereaf
ter Meld an Income to the Polley bolder. Life.
term and endowment µRehm urn Issued: wipe.
guarantee Interest poles and annultlea
Number of Policies Issued. 3.349: 0. , .d.a In
Risks. 671313.1 6 110 00: Premiums, 6389.0 , 47
23: Assets, over 6930.000 00.
The FAIPIRf has leaned more Polielos by aver
600 THE POINT "An ending April lat. iN7O.
than any other Company In this country In the
bartlP time nt the same age.
The EMPIRE secures every.Polley bolder nr A
I,T.FONIT Or CASH. CAPITAL with the Rata Trees
"74.:"Eifiv6e'ngiTATFilfell;:bp,T7oF7.4'Z'a EMEME
hue ' . t.4l.rtilb which to per. ,
Rl u
Vire Pennsylvania.
blestager for Western Pennsylvania.
ORice 913 FOIAtTII AVENUE, Pittabergh.
P. HERBERT. Vire President-
WM. P. II EMMERT. Streetary.
('APT. (iEO. NEELD. General Affent.
Were WE water ,treet. bpank.&Co. tWanhoaee,
up stairs. Pittaborgh.
Will insure runtinet all kinds of Firs and Marine
Risk.. A home Institution. nistramed by Dice ettwit
whn are well known to the ['immunily. mid who
are determined bY Prolontnnw and ÜbtOKtitL to
•maintain the character which they hare Moment.
aa offering the best protection to those who Alegi.,
to be Insured.
Alexander Mimic), I John R. McCune.
It. Miller Jr.. Illus. J. Clarke.
Runes McAuley. ' S. ET.,
Alexander Speer. • . Joroph Kirkpatrick.
Andrew Ackley. • Plilillp tinnier.
Duvid Lona. Win. Morrison.
Assets o Jen. Isl. 1570. 621423.734 87.
Capital. 84 .0110 00. Arerned SwPins and
Premiums. f 7.433.73.4 57. UM.. paid since
IS3R. ores . 3.300.000. Perpetu Condmpe
rer) Policies on Liberal Tenn.' SU.
isaties,t;lelea upon the Denise( all kinds of (Wild
' n eI . II . KCIVII I L ' . n iii . f7.l.l n it;f::
V i e , ? ; r. ltl
The ehal,sle r pae, oPe , ( tr . ! ' dine,
hnstsriosT. 11:rern m . "kn
A LVIIND G. BAKED, President.
/lilt/.L PAES. Vice President. •
Jae W,AleAllirter. Pa•erear7.
••- • -
T. U. Rester. A.t.t.nt• 14 't
COI FIN h KZ1..1,000 A
no% (~ r . Mint AVOnIll. end Wood 3t.
OFFICE, N 0.31 FIST ki n dsICNII. BAN p west.
insure. retain. nll *of Fire A
ired _Marine
JOHN 111.111 N. Jtt.. I.resident. -
T. J. 110 SKI NSON. Vice President.
C. 0. ISt NNEI.I.. Secretary.
CAPT. WIL DEAN. General Agent.
John lee n • B. 1.. Fehnestock.
T. J. Hooklnson. ." W. Prervun.
• Itebert 11. linels.
• Frsinvis Felten..
Cherie. llnv.. Capt.J. T. Ste.
VW.. Wm. I 1.30.' H. Nevin.
- fl rrp r Aretat i a 111 : 1-1ND FLOOV.
N.J.ln`Jmll4loy Julio . CApt. M. Bailey.
Omni %%Mince, S. 11.11ArrarouL A. Cloobers.
Joke Mdlookan. !Jen. M. Maki'.
n'r L
ROL F. JRANIAds, s Ice I ' r .6Eleml.
JOS. T. JOHNSTON, Secretary.
l'uVl. IL J. GRACE. cAcrol Assaf..
A lifyrn'e Chromny. taking Me .d Marl. Itlsks
Win. Phillip,..
1 , C' ala t ;.1 - 1" . ..411 " ;a,
Jahn Wall.
'; Cherie , Arnoe4l.
John K. Petty.
I Jared L. firma.
C. It. Love. .
We. Van Kirk.
.1 Z ' t ' n ' unirgielgarl.
. 4'6" D itlrlMll.l.lrn. Prrablant.
_Vine Invegl ty c n , •
‘ i
nt" r lN".
W. . WANT `; Meet I t
''. BROWN i 'JR.. vi en i , re ta
1 • klgits is.srvisN•sog, .4 0 :4:
John A. Myler. I.ltifMkhe ' 4 4:
. '..'
0.31 P.Venlineh;i•lee. 9 gtereeeLh '
:PA . itg. " : " .4 l. ', ter ' Lend
„ ,....3„......
.4.i%;.. v.:,,,,,yeik.,
,J. Axe:OM:Wu.' .
r -
Robt, H, Pattrson &CO.,
Seventh • Avenue an 11(=
Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,
And ererythlnespecnianine to the none.'
Puttee desiting tell will pleas. leave Stieteno
tim of isont i t oonoin on ter be lore Ilkawday bt each
week to eider for adrertlaing. Prompt attention
sod good c . d . s ill De Oven all Stock lett far sale.
ROBERT ? Orr /101rr. 11. PATITII.B..
Livery, Sale and
Cor. Sevtilth A‘cnue and, Liberty St.f
Lk WI?
, ,1g5•09Q 3111
~l ovls to bco •obill1141;r4 .
a• 11CYENIKU , 3loy 10,4•1 4 .14 smith.
of MCILWALNE'S AntoUun ItootoS4
neld street. •
1,1110111 MonotombeleNetvignBo. 2 _ o .. 3 . B6 ...
blaniaresh MU MaWM
10 heir mime)
For ml• by
"~`k..~ ~ .~7?'rJ'-xe_ +,3 i~ r`, "-~?,.,~~t '~i~':t~ •a"4XiK;~'~'~"r`~'a`°`:rv:
Of New York
Of Pittsburgh
Of Pittsburgh
Julio r,