N THE DAILY GAZETTE 11 rUALISHkD By .I!ENNIMAN, REED & C 0.,. Corner Sixth Ave. and Smithfield S P. B. PENNIMAN, JOSIAH T. P. 110111 STOW, N. P. REED, EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. Tr.. Or TUC DAILY n 7 Mall. pe, 1)1.1 1 rered by carder. per Peel, THE DAILY GAZETTE. STATE ITEMS i. to h." 'tn'et Join!: 1.4. A in, In hung in Rending idny next. • EL.; ronnty in nald to hare the 'armee innin•ry in tinn world. lin end%ritp for lentkw:i IN Inn hundred thotatand altlea 1, • ).., yin Hots, of Shenango township. Lure rents. county, watt kicked on the leg he a colt a fortnight ago. and died fott A t tie effects thereof on Monday. • .1 Net!: yearold son of Samuel of Ifeidt•lberg. York county, wee n ohi „, MI Sondes. week, while hie fe - 4 ,„ daft nt noon. . .. rimrd, The Nair wee fo.'nd in the after. • A sell o n 1 ' . ..s rlatinn river, ahem hull mile ( m omthe month ; i i „„, luteu tested, and Is . 3.iewhia. oil In paying.iman. estimating lit daily pedia, :0"" n"' as ten barrels. - LITTLE thikl .of Ilenry }{01 , 4,1111111, tilimbershurg, was smothered in its crib ap Tlitiredav evening lam; the mother had left the rldid alettping,Thnt coming to the nib wane time after. (nand it dead, - lying nn hip face. IItKE men .1' fire to the mountain ereiViTli rolkpA in the : , :nutb Mountain. near nertyaburg. The fire Win, eery diastatnant, And flit rtehrlltttra think itill . only he the beirirmiTg teriea . 11 , 4 iiVibtri,1 if the illePinintim enn be taught. ‘l. elih tures yidgeNrt, Brad fon r . enrily, .. 11. VroorhK \4 J. Iffutimeed re.l;:,tted ; Pre.4llll Venttnim, county E. F. Vice \4 Iticltarti. re Aijrned ; *.brkreSi ('reArforcl crawl. A.. S. Beady, I. A Morgan; re The Clarion Democrat swill: - 'SINCE the big strike at 'Emily's fiend, ninny bare concluded that the wells along the l'larion should be put down between 1.1(10 and I,2oo. fent—taking . lnbA cmisider. Anon the distance between" thy, coal men. suretiattil the third sand rock. • To': Bradford Rfrorfir says on biemlny. hist, A .on of lin Drake, of Ortriville.• was thrown (mot a east iron grain roller and instantly killed. ;The boy struck one of the liorse,i, causing him to jump and t h mw Itlin in front of the roller, when it crushed hint, producin,g death immediately. Nferrer Dispatch say: On \relines tiny night of last week, between the hours of twelve nod one o'clock, the engine and ' hoisting houses and the surrounding buildings at 3 .1). Risher & Co.'s coal works, 111 . 3 a . Morris. near West Middle went destroyed by fire, hoss -$l,OOO No lustarowe. TII 1: nation Hirer Oil rmoorllllV non,. ',lord their well at illyson, on last Tootwirov. Water not sufficiently exhaunted, and the easing was blown up, and dropped down into the well, and. at , host lirt.Rstv had not been taken net. &IMP nil the thrrown nut lov the explistiton, anti Ilicatiotrus are favorable. . THE woods !limonite this place wer e no fire on Sunday lent, And have been -burning ever attire. While the spectacle presented each evening in gtond; it guns a great pity, to have the beauty of - the' mountain side destroyed, and pennons trio are guilty of canning the fire should be punished—Rom:ford Reperter; . Tint Settnton Brie/Wens Any' tho' 'mountains around . Haven have sheen burning, and thero ton, destruction of property ban followed. tin I'Vednes •lay the flames 14 , pm...bed the line of the toilmod.ond roused sorno detenti on to the Intim., some of which had to run A gaunt- let of fire: The large limbering 4,110- lislitnents of McKean , Stoddard and Deadest &VA, caught ilt,, nd wt`re'provtlY ennametedt It in esti that half a million feet of lumber nro burped be longing to these two firms, valued at $2O pee tlumerunt For. a time fear* were en vertnined for the safety of the town. OHIO ITEMS THE Loam( county Woman's Suffrage Ariseciation has fifty-two members. THE salt well at Sugar Creek will be started this week. The water is strong rind abundant. Doyen furnace. which has been in blast - for two yearn trill be blown out for re pairs next week. THE rolling snick for the Pittsburgh and Marietta Railroait, from Marietta - to Caldwell, has been contracted for. Pon the year ending March 31, 187fe Ohio was the second State in the' Caton in contributions to the American Bible So. ~ THE P. C. C. &T. Railway has raised its passenger conductors' wager; to 4125 per month and abolished all patent "checks" upon their honesty. • 3r005... PAINE, of Cleveland, has de cided that a debt made for intoxicating limning sold. to be sold at retail, cannot be collected by th;, laws of Ohio, AT Springfield, Sunday, a six year old sonot-lasmnel Alexander was drowned by terabits,* info Lagonda creek from a bank where hti parents had forbidden him to go. THE new Power Douse in Zanesville was pretty badly wrecked on Friday by the exit:mann of a boiler used in the house. The fireman wan badly anti the engineer slightly,inarf THE market house at Gallipolis, 0., wits burned last Thursday morning. One man, intprivoned .in the station house in the same building, was burned to a crisp. It was the work of an incendiary . Tux wheat crop throughout this por. lion of Ohio is reported to be doing finely. Should neither fly nor mildew intervene to 'blight the prospect, an abundant harvest is anticipated.—Turicararma Ch rat - AT Castalis, Erie tounti,Saturday, Mrs. . Thos. McCarty' and her daughter Mrs. W. Dwight were fatally burned by the break ing of.. lamp they were filling and the ignition and explosion of the oil--or rather • its gas merely. • Tae Tuaramwas Admorte says the certificate of the Lake Branch of. the Baltimore, Pittsburgh . rtnd . Continental Railroad was tiled at th,'Secretary of State's office at Columbus on Fridav .last. The proposed road is to extend' Dein Elyria,- In Lorain oriuntY„ thrritigh the counties of Ned tea; Wayne, Stark, Tim carawas. Harrison end Ifelmont -To Bel mont Station on the Central Ohio Rail mad. We are not informed as pi who the corporation are. WEST VIRGINIA PARRER.6III7IIO is lo him.? a large . Calf riage fagtory. • Me new t nirersity buildings at Mor gantown will be finished by the first of A t.rrrix child *boot seven miler from ti.raf ton woo run 'over and killed by the ears one dasjast wrek. nun State liermbllcaa Convention of West Virginia Is called to meet at Par. kersbuig °Oho 22d of June. I . IIEIIE is, an old lady in Motiongslin ionnty who has lived for 107 ream, she is thought t,si be the oldest Inhabitant theresbonts. CLangenono Democratic politician. are trying to contml the negro vote, hut ii•m• ho "can't see It." Harrimon county will RO the straight Republican. ticket this fall, along with Monottgila, Preston, Taylor, and her other sister counties. tIIS Morgantown Post nays: lieneml Witcher is likely to be nominated for Congren in the :Id District. 'General Do care claims are urged for renomination in the 2cl.Dialtiet, and Heim' , will doubtleas be reelected from our District. THOYA.II HOWARD, IteptibHein. eat erected from the Twenty-fitth . district= Alleghenr county—for one year, to fill the -unexplrea term of Russell Errett. Mr. Romani Is a gentleman a Yery decided ability. lie has shown high qualities for the Senatorial position, and we presume there will be no opposition .to his renom ination and elettron.—Earrieburg Tele- Prerentaton produces some of the finest stained glen to be found. Wm, Xenon, No. 23 Abuitet street, Invites. attention to tic /M i r II ette k - liEl IfiriERAL NEWS • pyetor in Portein ' 'FUN" calla el. - Tatra a rani . tier•dle man. .` Desnwint, iy thlking TlaPKnigl flivnrcr ca... • - Toe ooviZtr commerce of Baltimore i steadily increasing. Theses; is hot one lishze of Sons of Malt in New .lersey. and :Secretary Robeson i itb i'litt; Richmond relief food in amounted erening t. neatly t..idaal - Louis . I[ KalrlNlrs. husband of Madeline Ilenrintimis the nets managing editor of the York Tialra.. TitE rreftitors of Victor Noir have at. tacked the money Which Pierre Bonaparte had to pay to his inmily. NEW onLE.tNs wtt ms something . done to prevent nun d dog s front harpi ng ntr small children in the streets. THE whiskey•inspired attempts of Butlidonian to, climb the smokestack 14 o pluising loonnotiv . e were attelide , l with bind results. 'S ' ANIVEL tittlE:isTAFl , has just been or rested. ntni. Evansville, for the murder of his inther.in.law a Mr. Davis, in Saline county, one yenr ago. FLEArtAsT nr General l.re must la. the fact flint tin , trustees of him college have voted his house :Intl VlPOlin year to Mrs. 1;0e-41itring her widowhood. A unties hand on a schoonor leaving San Francisco tried to hold the main sheet instead of belaying it. Fortunately he IVA VI'S no filthily, nn Inc wns not .wenithy. A igoeN - o Tulin in Coldwater, Michigan. suddenly lost his voice on Christmas, and he has lie.' unable to ,peak since, except in his sleep, when he talk, as fluently as ever. • OvEtt two handrail applications for clerkships in the Censiiti litirealt it Wash ingfou bite been received, and only about a dozen were nbte to moo an exnmination satisfactorily. E. M. Sr.Arcros, son of the Into Seem tnry, has been Mimed the position of Ate sistnnt District Attorney under the Attor ney tienentl of the-District - of tolumbin, nod has declined it. Tits: latest thing in panisols is made of black- silk, with n-lace cover costing from $.50 to $lOO, with et carved coral top and N . beautifully mounted ,gctld Vinaigrette in- Sertcd in the handle. A I.4.xlerx boy of 18 wlntlil he in tin, other world hut for the tenacity of his elnllllng. MS - girl proved raise , and he tried to jump 'into the Thames. whop strong hand seized his A cOLORE.D MAN atteloptvil to cut his throat in church at 3indisona tia., n few days fig.,. (tiring to the dullnes s of the knife rind. the interference of the ivor shippers the vote ors not curtailed. 31 1NNEtrot.ts cells itself 'theAvorkshop of the NorthweSt." There are three thousand two hundred and twelve oar ployes there In the diflerent factories. and the amount invested representif 011. , ,Ncts CROSSLY. Nt. P., and one of the Halifax (England) carpet makTe,, has just gi ven A:60.000 to religionf, and charit able objects„ As his income is L'250,000 year'. Ice is not likely , in sufrer in cons, garner. AMONG lie , exitnniers appointed to look Mtn the scholarship of applicantn for it , osition in the acrd academe from the rhinl Congressional (Iowa) )district, in finks Julia C. 'Addington, School Superin. fendent or .mitowit Conniy. A CatuALTEeLcit.tte, an, lint fami ly exists in that toy, composed of live members. all Of sAhon. have small tiaras ni their heads three inches long. On' of them, beside having horns, has - the body covered with small red hair,• nimiler n rod deei.—&in Term.) ET/y.4:: A CLERGYMAN' in n recent ireCntort, in NoW lifork,iLitoted an annotate of an old; merchant who instructed bin clerks: "When a man come. into n Main and talks of bin honesty. watch him: if he tnlkr of hia wealth. don't try to sell to hint: if be talks of his religion. don't tract him dollar." . Taint in something new under4he nun: The' inmates of the jail in Pittsylvana county, Va., have formed themselves into a moral association. Among the nrt Hen in their creed is one against profane swear. ing, the penalty for violating Which In strlpea It was enforced on one of the members last 'week. SAVinTte Harrison (Teinst nog: . "The flow of immignition into Texas does not abate in the least., Every steamboat up Red River is emu - did with people who are coming to Texas7iAtile the numbers who have taken the overland route valiant be estimated. in ono more year our State will be nearly 'filled IV"- THE jam of logs on Kettle River Rapids, Minnesota, notwithstanding the large crew employed in - breaking' it, continues taiherpoo, until it in now the largest ever known!on the St. Cmix. As fast as the drives from above reach the jam a portion of the crew is: disclitirged, and the re mainder set to (fork to open a climmel. - As affray ocenrred near San ALtOtno, Telas, a few days ajrn, in which Jetties Monroe shot his brother John, It corn. menced with a wrangle and se n t-to with' finis, which finally ended in. Junes nhoot ing hilt brother. Ilia father arrested the culprit, anti ratios in and wported the mat • ter to the San Antonio authorities:. An officer wets promptly neat out., o bring hint in. Mu. FRANK THORNE. of thin rAi n leaven this morning for Niagara Fallt;Ttaiere lie proposes to close. arrangements fora lea(( It to Snin Patch some time next August, probably right after the Ruffnlo horse ram:lC' His platform will be erected be tween the two falls, in the identical spot front which Patch made his wonderful leap. The hight of the fall at this place is one hundred rind Sixty-five fem.—put fain Exprerin. CJILNAme...: resort to all sorts of expedi. .ents for smuggling opium into San Fran dace. Seven hundred pounds have been discovered had seized since the arrival of the Mat steamer from China. The.amug. glees sink large quantities of it.in the bay, near the atramer, and after several days take it up again. The Customs offi cers found two hundred pounds in one . bale, sunk to the bottom with sixty pounds of lead. . • • • Tito tirand Jury of Washington county; (iW., thus speaks of the state of feeling existing between the employer and em ploye;"We are gratified to note the in crease, of confidence and good feeling-be. tween planters and their employes; "and notwithstanding the nnsettled condition of the country and the influence brought to bear upon the nunceptibilitY and igno. tenon of the latter claim, they are conduct. ing theruselvie well, and indeed deserve our commendation. A SAN FIIA?itINCO corrimpentient says "I presume in no city of the United Staten fitulese it 10.,* New - Orleans) is Sun: day no universally regarded. an a holiday as in San. Francisco. Picnics, yachting P.llietf, hoar races, target shooting— anything: you can 1114.111.1011-01,7 hare here on' Sunday. During the newton pmbably tett lens than twenty thousand people leave the city to attend 801120 such scene of festivity. It in a perfect para dise here fur sinnent—inal they enjoy it." Mit. Exits LEPRANC. of New Orleans, hash een for nom. time engaged in per feeling a machine for. hacking and clean ing the ramie plant, ivltich he in confident will pmve a success. The cloth made of ramie is ommled to, be superior to cotton cloth, where the mole has been thorough. Ir elenned, • L Tltitt Mr. 'Atrium feels - sure Lis machi{lyill do. With a mode of cheap hacking and cleaning, it is certain that the 'ramie will pmie a very prefitable crop. A nAn,war across Honduras, from the Pacific to the tinlf, hos now one thousand two hnndred men engaged in its constnte Hon, and is expected to be finished in the eummerof Ital. A contract to lay down a telegraph cable from Key West to Port Calimbos—the Atlantic terminus of the railroad, has also been made, and semi monthly steamers are now running be. tween that point and New Orleans. Sim ultaneously with the opening of the rail road. a line of ocean steamers will be started between San Francisco and the bay et names, the Pacific terminus. nun IiEFIM.VN PRKtot. FriihritA Fr,;!(,i,l asks if in this land where lee are in the habit of pluming ourselves upon our superiority to other people in regard to enlightenment nntl In telligence, it in not p,nmlhle that the oh. surd prejudice in regard to the color of the skin may now rllsAppear. One could'easily believe this to be nn impossibility when OTIP MVOS that men of science ore innuersed over head And ears in this prejudice, over w hich the simplest j , .Owint 'n , in Etltype odd make nt-Try. 'clue recent porreed• lugs the American Medical .4swintion in Washington. in refusing to admit 1111. ' , red deleanteF ealle.l forth them. rentorks, which f 0 1:101111.• as follows; "'flee medic a l gentlemen in Washington will with difli unity find one other rellSl,ll (or this than that pure, ignorant prejudice ngninst the block skin, which they, hold in common with the most uneultured scum of the N. H., nachos The to dri art trip on -Atm•ri. Iran Sertirith , S ill ;crmhny:' says Germany owns from four to five hundred luiL lions of dollars' worth of American 5-?.0 Government bonds. Many persons made enormously hein s, -stingtheir t11131117_ ill these Wilt.ll they were greatly de. preeiated. Iluildingopen this Met, ;rune American sharpers hare recent!, diditged the derintot et , fin.;' 'market with . the stock bf American railway s,:b.:; .u .tdo, l‘arteliVd e 4 . ny the elovernment. Gigantic interest was promised upon them. For n time 1111eS, stocks, of more or less doubt. fat vnlue, Were .paned Upon 'change. short time ago, however, the directors of the Berlin 80.... "hot Antis nu them ; which caused 11111011 1 , 1111 , 1/0 . Tisk cont.'s, however, only from unprincipled brokers anti - specnlntors, and the rt.lkl-' 141111 rejoices that this Ire. orentred:as the continuant, or this swindle could only in ,. jilt, the credit Of oar tioyernment bnds. THE /7.,/ , blihailfr has two interesting srticles, which 'are original or else the credits have been omitted. The first •is n trail over the fact that the present Con gress wilt remain two months longer to gether. in which the remark is made that the 41 11 of July Ls well chosen for its ad journment. an once upon that day the American - nation was greatly Ideated by the declaration of independence, and it wmald be well to ler n second time blessed in the decease of a corrupt Congress. The second article is upon the Militnry little in Georgia, and is in the mune strain. NEW BRIGHTON Pastoral Restanntlon. '[orrespoinietwe to the Pittsburgh ,Clllrette.l NEw Bilotti - 111 N, Nfay. s ..):"P.qtl. 'fire following resignation was read from the pulpit last Sabbath: To the memberaof The First 3letlnsli,' Church, New Brighton, Pa. br;,,, fir, thew ,1 71 - dNixtrr.• .. - \\'e are n o t within less than four months of. the elos -of tine rwesent ennferetwo year, at whirl time (Sept. 7.1 I shall cheerfully resigi the pastoral Mike of this church to whom soeter ellll may scion, as air successor. In the meantime I will „change pulpit with such of my brethren 11s arc suitabl! situated. Mg -Aril! cheerfully yiehl 1111 pulpit` to 1111 y minister von slay wish In hearwith a view to securing his services During the nnitaintier of my • tattor,c term I will still endeavor. by the help ”I (1.1,10 Is' faithful to my vows to Ilod and tar contract with you, so that, as now I may always feel that "I have 1101 Sllllll net to declare into von the whole enrinsel of Hod,—preaching i'ltrist . , warning aver, one, end leeching one in all wisdom, aim ing 10 present ell perfect in Christ.' . I hope, NIA pray, that I'oll 'WO, tail - come up to the help of the Lord," tint' Illalli (vat a proper zeal. in Ilis rause, and for His • glory, perform your iou..,s, and (.161 . i - our tem of 111.. lutes ,-t, 11181 t Os] luny bless us with pett,e and prosperii in . t 'lt list . - %%Atilt.. I mita, that me Avalon butte 1101 biltlll in-vain in She. Loot"- yet ' I feel increasingly 141.1101 1 111111roaril 111, -11101, of my labors among 5011, 800 sp.. that 'some of you still " rereiye the grace of find in , Wint",that there' is no evidence that you' an. being ...attar:l4'l,7i through the truth,' - growing. up into clitist in ell things, enjoying the life hitt with Christ In Cott, going forweni as earnest workers. and faithful soldiers fordesus, and having .gond hope of eternal life. An the salvation of an individual de. pends upon his mtion with Christ, so the success of the church depends upon the mutual 410 Isperlllioll of pastor and, people in Christ. 'flier,. in no other way. Brethren, my Learnt desire, and daily. prayer to God for you all, is, that you may be : saved, and that no a church pm may honor Christ, and win soals. Hay the great "Shepherd and liihilop of sonls," ever preside over um all,llllll in Ills own gotxl way and time bring us into the "eternal inheritance. , " reserved for His faithful mien in:Heaven. In. Christ, cant Pastor.__S. F. Cnowmt Elt, _____-.... ==l The following order lain been iStql from the Headquarters timid Army of tl Re jniblic: I L .The annual cerenionbis of •9lemork Day. — which has been firmly establishe. by national choice and consent, will talc, place on Monday, the UOth day of May'. 11. All departments, districts, posts, anti comrade:4.ot the Grand Army of the Republic, wherever dispersed-throughout the land, will unite in such manner, and with ouch ceremonies for .the . proper observance of the ility, an may be I.)est suited teoraelt n•spective locality, and all organiratinns, and rommunities, and per. sons Whose grateful aid, sympathy and provers sustained us throultgout the dark days of the nation's pv6l, - 1111,1 those whose loyal, patriotic hearts beat in unison with our own, and who have heretofore, or may hereafter, join to in the ninferViln, of this memorial day, are hereby cordially Invited to unite, and are earnestly- re quested to lend their aid and assistance In strewing. the pure garlands of spring that come with votive. memories of lore .and prayer, o'er the mounds that mark the country's altar and fold in rest eternal our martvred dead. i, . This. Is the third public obs.; caner. of a day which has become marked d nation al for this sacred occasion. M y are now missing front. our ranks who w •re with no twfore. Time, with busy lin•rn counts the hours for all. "In the mid of lifs we art, in death," and one by one ( r veteran); are "mustered out" to join alto tal army on high. Let this teach tie'tliat we should so live that when we are gone it can be said: " Ile was a citizen, it soldier, and comrade, 'without fear.and without re proach ."' 11!. It in desirable - that the memorial services nutty be preserved, and depart. mans and post rqmmandert will tortranl direct to the adjutant general at national . headquarters a record of-such proceedings an map oecur in each locality. Should the mine appear in the preset, or by. pamphlet. it duplicate corrected) cep.)• is requeated. By order: Joit:c A..1•00A N. Crim 1.1111 Chief. Wtbm.t)t T. Cold.ii:AdjutAnr OMleral. Burrows tisarrru: I wish to correct an error that occurred in the pitiltilled let tore deliverml lry the Bev. Feth r Hickey, on Friday night last, no the sublet of the "l'ontuton Schools." The Rev. Gentleman says tiM the ('en feat Board of Education refused °dismiss the IFIIOO6 nn(10011 Friday, het 011 1110 other hand ordered a holidayto granted to the sheitlitrx, and the ttchooluin 1 e 1 0 ,,,,i on the 21Ith day of April, the da of the et.aghration of the Fifteenth intim 'moat. Zro, no such . retulution wan! passed in the Board nr even offered. The F 41100114 torte in session that day as unitalulith per 'tura the exception of the coltireff sebnola. •If the other farts M . the reverend gen tleman are as wide of the mark, an the aßove, the lecture will not • tare the iweight and influence that is Itopled for it. .!:ENTIIA I. /1.)1.1111. • THE Senate laid aside the bill abolishing 'the franking privilege.. It is now imremain when the bill will come tip a n far ac tion. Many well-informed Sett tom be lieve that is not the intention of the ma jority ofthe Senate to allow an action on the bill during the present , i mien. Row Senator noe says the bill wi l of be passed, there being a React deter= I Hon on the part of many of the Rekto limn Senators not to vote away this pii' Begs. They hope to prevent any direct at; c be ing reached, that thus they - II . pe front placing their rotes On record, for or against the passage of the bill. FIRST EDITION. 1 ITN Lc; -HT NEW YORK CITY The 31eFiirland Trial,- Woman Sutt frai.L_Meetiug. --Fenian Act ill, .) Indian Peace Ppl icy I rmon lons IMnua•racy, Telegraph to t he Pittsburgh (Lvettel - New Tone, May P. lab!. • Sera 111. AN It TICE% t..—TtrgsTr-rortcrtt mar. Th,, trent trial tv.is the ( . .”11t t lesions. An Immense crowd. among whom the ladies large) j - predominated. ailed every available inch of rdoln and listened .rill t Ito most s rapt attention to the rip oste:lt speech or Mr. Crtiattn. Counsel for defense rose to cdutinan his speech. Ile reminded the Jury that McFar land's threats. or prevican. :throats l n shetd lilchanlemya aut,l Omar no weight with them, unless he won• proved to let sane at the tine, 1-I. t.:::::ears can be appealed. to In order to print- that McFarland was sane on the 20th of Not ember. but Ills Honor would [-barge ! theist that II merlon.. sane act could not how ! ence an Insane net. Mr. Graham reminded the jum - of the ensunt manner in which McFar boat niet Rich:sob:on in the Trlbiotir °Mee, and alluded to thy special Providence which seemed indirert the bullet of an Injured lum. Land, In w0k:n.1,0.14 the Moral mustier of the dctitariebottir lileFartamns wroYis nt tine Dine sholitil twit 14. 6finsidermi. p.teat tse : they wore dearly the attiring ;of arengiell ' mind. Tbt , then.-rvtoceri the eti- - den, t, show the deratityil state of the pris onces mind dating the tiwee tatsl precediug the 2.lth of Novmniwr. - Another point to be borne in mind was the fact that the pnesecution had dabbed Mrs. McFarland with the name of her paramour. telt hold establishing any legal I right to that claim. Again. the prosecution felled to show that Mrs. McFarland had earn ed any moretittrr SPpltrtltiOn from bee hnntnind. and the presumption wan that she was sup ported all this time by Richardson. Counsel then cimdemned the attempt to impeach the test iniony of Mrs. Callegun. ns to the presenee of Mrs. McFarland In Jersey • Cite, and maintained that this attempt had ut terly failed. In truth Mt,. McFarland was then ensconced In Mr.. Gilbert'. house with her paramour: mid her filensts - tried to keel. her pre o sence secret. noing. to the event itself!. it would be seen that the evideure nit the prosecution left Dal twitter In a very doubtful and confused Mate., All the wit nesses w - ere from the niilllll, riffle, mai 11 was notorious thatattaches- of that conc.,. ulere ilnplkaNl in tbIP tree love" t mn.aet it M. In hwt the Trihntsr, wan arraigned In the Court and aline employe.. in Ihe WM* were itnt-sses in eletiring that paper from the Charges Innile against it. The COillisel then alluded to the vagueness of the evidenre of shoot int and the failure of the prmooostion to show the state of McFarblntl's mind ..n the night of the sh,nu Mg. . Ile read the ey Hence of King, and 'argued that Nienstiand i I Ith-benison immediately after he pet en ! tired the office. Ile mentioned w on slons in • which • bier:wined could have shot Richardson. If he hod any curls intent ion, but the Net Iva, he hail no such intention while he had any eontrol oyer his mind, anti it was only schen the balance of his mind overthrown that Richardson fell by hi. hand The counsel then reviewed - 1 bottle of McFar land, antis aid the plot-to destroy this man !is ftemilsh. In drdinary rases the eloping Ile leaves her .childress behind. She went' silent • thin stage nit.rels to meet Richardson. The counsel n.viewed Ihe circumstances under which Mrs. McFarland left her husband. She and Richardson haul ery opportunity for adulterous Intervale... Ile charged Mrs. Caihoun and Mrs. Sinclair with -being Immo Ineiltal In reusing- the separation, alai claimed that the intercepted letter laid downs whole system of philosophy most pernlrione and 4 n/tenets to society. He contended that the itivanitv MeFarland at thintint' of the Arid was clearly proven. IL Wits apparent to all !.Juring the irial that person east's-awe- Mg the counsel for the prom... Minn tvho way acquainted with the most minute particular, of Mentriend's life. This mall have bite nv other than Mrs. McFarbool • and here Is seen horrible spectacle—a wife exerting herself to hang her husband. The r.lllSeller thee eerielred the evidence, whielshossed that Mcrae/anti was a woher man. and expreseed tried to the intelli gence of I he iury and their ns-ollect ion of ttir Their poytt ivait it 100 , 1 itnin.l-I.int cad responsible flne. They should otevt it a, (Atka, end husbands- A t efteetnele Wt. preeelt,l to heir, - Insure in 111 to, mai I'ollll. tine hen.. ettehi in loan, wnyg. 4tot all ran tewne tide t here is inne la the tr.-side. The jurors. should Lenox in mind' that homes - att. not to let desolated with Impunity. 'Woman , . tansy Is a tine. Cr of vtrength. lint all are taught In pray against teeing led into ettiptw. thin. A tairtuonn svonoto Ittr the most glorittnv object in ereatlon. lieseribed {Nth., 'Mahn.. ords of kir- writ. Let those whn attempt to destroy this betostifst/ work or Om learn t their action cannot go' unpunished and that jealousy t rage of a mum which sweep before le the man who attempts to Invade the sanctuary of home and rob nom of their wives. • Tin, .ijourn.4 'at the conclusion or Mr. Graham'. rentark.t and ttenitnTola the Ns: tact Attorney will soon up forth., pro...divt. WOMAN FUrtellArte.. A meeting of the National Womarittle ff rage A.smiat Inn, Preliminary to the affbiverse ry to-morrow. wan held this evening at the par lors of the Winnelfs .I.lnrestu. twenty-third. street. Theo. Tilton's proposition tor the union of the American and National Woman's S of ff di s- s a c g u e s sAiossno c ln ia w o h n ic s h wa r s s . t S h t e nt r o n n c . ipa is s t A p n c thorn'. Mrs. rands Miner, President of the 3lis.ouri Woman's Suffrage Association. llise Phoebe Cocaens, and others joined, Mra• Stanton spoke Term - ably of Mr. Tilton's plan. She Insisted. however, that, the Presi dency of the re"milt essociat ion shoubl be held be women. fo hich position she earn estly sustained Miss Anthony. Other speak er; wore generally opposed to the etineolldn t Inn, panne, however. advocating melon nod double-headed Presidency, one from each sea. Miss Anthony and bit,. flotemt Dale Owen Were particularly severe on the Boston ortpinlzatlon and its leaflet,, characteriring the Massachusetts movement as narrow in its ideas. feeble In Its efforts and puritanical in Ito Principles. Mr.. Stantori peremptorily de clined terser. ye longer as President of tht Me Donal Associetion. TIT-N/AN VON VV-yrlnN. A convention of all the Ventres of Ord. o the Fenian Itrotherhmal in Manhattan nista-lc was held Yesterday afternoon at the heal 'platters..3lntters of the gravest interest ti the organization were dismissed. but most ti their preeeedingsv weresseeret.. It wax mail( known. however.-that the late ellfneulties he tween Cleiff:Veil and the Senate ronstl tilted m:m suhfect of discussion. and th action of the Senate was. bitterle condemned The Centres report that an entlausl.tie feel ing In favor of nn onward movement Is exist in WIDOW; their Circles, and pledge theta selves that In the event of rieneral O'Neil non: menclng a war policy, he may rely upon ef fective support. Tilt iIiTIARMOITIOtiI bzuociticy. The- •anti-Tammany contention to-Any rreed to unite against Tammany, and to combine among themselves on a general icket. A comp osite ticket wan made out. the &Mowing. gagre upeon as the prof. able nominations: For Judges or Court or Common I'leas. Jos. W. Gand, Max Doolittle, George . C art. w. H. Fecklutm. and Roswell tr. lintels; for Marine Court Judges. John A. &ender. William G. Hord and James Thltelmant. Candidates for laermen were ratio agreed upon. and -the en tire ticket will be regularly nominated to morrow night. ' • - • INDIAN PYACY. POLICY. Th 6 United State. Indian Commission have rifted an address to the American 'People, calling for the organization of auxiliary asso ciations 'wall who sustain 'President (;ant's known potion policy towards the Indians. Xcensultathwirill be held here on the llith inst., to disease the Indian onestion and de vise mean.. for Its settlement, and to livert a mut., of colot.sal magnitude. . • 111.15CEL.L.112CEOLIK. The steamer l'entisylsitila, front Liverpm,l, has arrived. The Muumuu Menus nominees for Jildleini ollices were couttnmed by the Convention der. W ardi n lTTY. rir t , tar i Lher Is to have an assistant " -- Tlre ' ;a;d4 of the ..?:;ench BeogruPhieni elety to DdChalliu will he presented to him to-utorrow night.' with appropriate cere monies.' • sadonsal bronze statue of Franklin Is tube erected by Capt: Degront In Printing !louse Square, at nn expense of front $25,000 to tao.uto. The emigration fever Is inereasingann del..t ures for Colorado:tea very numerous. Frank Jones, who attempted. to dispose of forgeilbonds of the Atlantic mei Groat West ern It. nd, has been nrimitted ball. It in rumored an Investigation Inordered from Washington Into the office of Itlichnel. Scanlon . Assessor, as to the managenient of the third Internal Revenue District, which Is said to be conducted In violation of orders. .t Brooklyn school boy, Herman Clink, has been arrested for no alleged Intent to sherd n femaletencher. A revolver wee found on him. Rev. Chas. B. Ellnythe's church to-night voted 11l to Z 1 ;anklet his longer continuing their pastor. Chas..,l - Brooks Chinese Consul at Ban Pr ' hri " . • is here tn-siity, on his to ash ington to Invite the CabinetPresldentand Congressmen to join the excursion Party to -Ban I.'rancisco, leaving Boston May hl FAYETTE COUNTY: Repot,limn Causeminn—D. W. Mae , N. .' Inated for Congress—Also a Vull County Ticket. it 4 Pecial Dispatch to the Ongettal UN loNpowa, May 7.—The Republican Coun ty Convention assembled today. D. - W . H * Aliner. Esq.. was 'nominated. for Congress by acclamation amid great applause. A full county ticket was also nominated. The Con vention was full, and harmonious throughout. Old Fayette la wide awake. .—A_dvices fro Red River to April leth state the mama excitement had subsided. thegloux and Chlppewas hating promised to remnin quiet. Mell had issued another proclamation Val e lVaat Pence was an established fact, 6,,, thi l s ua lse t i o m.l3 . 7 4 v i lyini and Inviting all the td. averment. NEW;73 - .. 8y - CABLE The Crisis in France—Napideon's Pol icy 01 ern helm Stislaitied—Or• der Preser4d in Paris—letirity in the Iron Trade in Wales—Usually Contradictory Adriees from Cuba• -S [Hi Telegruith to the rittnburgl, GAzelte.) Gl= PARIS. May t..—The City of Paris glees it leie . - jority of thirty tennis:lml rules against the Du ' Pero, The cities of Lyon's, Marseilles. Tou louse and Bordeaux also ghve n majority of nays. The general ic -, Vult In estimated as tol imea: Veux n./Aln.ol*l. nay:ll4O9AV. The vote east hp the nits.? hi nil In ascent that of torte ports. thri res4ll shows, Yells a • 15.157. ninons The rat. Pt the ' , event . • he.: rent fitiessettrs eonedir divk ded. Al - the bamacks Eugene the result :alcov ed 1412 yea, need 1,121 no. Twenty (lent Garden votednu7 Only fifteen Garde, du Purls voted tin. It ts repot-tell that two regiments tit Vincennes refused to note. The void ices in Parit voted aboot ?•%OLIII yes, anti au.Ntnw : -}nail igtlettin ,ixe rd re,reie ed. lintenolign known-to Ilinkt, I. efttlit that tilt. Government has been sustnitled by an pnnehnse lnelority. To this hour the figures let foil ors: Vet about 0,400.000.n° n holm 1.110.150. The eit tranquil. The morning. journals have editorial articles on the result of the voting te of Yeste the ltlay nod tem.:neat particularly elei the vo army. The newspapers to.lay announce the martliegeof Gestetve Lafitte tie hateVan jrll.llnrker. stand-11xterltler of Commodore anderbllt, . The - Opinion.. Nationale' necks the eSt ten.r quiet, even solemnity of the voting tll PllllChnitt the Benton% Kweelon• —The reaturosretAlivti foot itte i,01411. :pt.', of the :troty; as far as is known. es Yell 211e,elthe no. It is pm hunt,' that without counting the rote, of the anxendlssinents, the army, navy nod Algeria, the Government te ill bore a majority of 00r The excitement has been Intense all Any. 101 l disturee continued.teve 31111ter tlimnsare .l council of y 3llede was held to-elay. The Emperor pw'sltled. is reported sue the result of the cotencil's liberations tint, the hitnistent will tender resigrinflons tesanOirt.w, and . - 3f. Oltivhe `Cetiehle by the Etnperor with the formittl aleinet. The Emperor has coinplimented the P of Police for his success lee Maintaining P order. Victor ligo has been cited to aper the tribtina n l for an - artlele In , th p e e n ital exciting - Jodrell and eeetteinfet for the gm meet. 301eNetefir -This evening I.lirril . lllll, thrown ot, In lasethorg Du Temple. 'Phew, quickly carried by the troop, se lei it is yet firmi 011 the defenders. Other part arb were t I= Mite o.—The Timm onteronces the marriage of Lord Ihrtier with the Dowairer irtreltionem 'rho London Tinter understands the warning In fieninin esipttalivM against North bonds to hare enure from the North German Consul :rt. New York. The North Pircille Rail way and llon+reas Mont, the Then.. rays, were esiotlii I lv tabiared. Thu —lfi•vre' anannitatheiv contritelitt N the rumor of Johnblright, s ronleniphlt re.rigna [ion fn., the Otbinet. Denby,, May 0...-Thr. National Pre.. de trounces 111,11 op l'ullen's pastoral letter. anti der:hires his annunciation of Feniantstn Kg aid for the Mit b.h coercion Miley. The ant iripnted reduction of duties rot inns Ire the r.it,d Staten causes great activity In t Iron regione of (Vele, The result Of the plehbrcitnm Is necepted t ' , perm here ns 11 foregone coneluvion. from imperial artainrienente prr , b , oo , thado,,. In t he Heine of kfr.4twa Yr birder Foreign Secretary. in eel y to a quest inn of ' -Mr. (lapin. aNdth t Goeenunent nb fully able to soluble the insurrretbm In Orlin. The Insurgents held no Important place The interference of Her :Majesty:a Gm - eminent, sOlirh lawn auggented. would be inoppor tnnn. rte prninisoll that the Government would not fall to eare any °erasion to mitt,- • gate the of of rut it war in that and ICreould ire highly desirable to have the Somperat ion of the thwernment of thnUnited tater.. The Ifouve, conimitte, restintell the C t atsiderntlnn of the Irish land hill; Ti,,. •Ibcuasion hail to (10 111311/1Y with technical arid fl Points. and ira, of little interest. 1101 11nAlon mine.] for leave to jET, o.lg,ra• a hill anienilliir the lan, ',ln tel.. r 1.. P a I-II:tot,. t lon tie Wu, 31alnetfr,d , ha. hem. •I,la.lntt-.1 to he emnennn.l I rein rue. , eedlOC I n,rot raft Itnatrn. .1 Itepololnan not brenk is teimrte.l at tat.. Na pl., The In • nrreellutt ~.11.tiii he 4eriontl. and the troops hart le-en trlnforLeil by aeterul regiments. - In the Howie of Lords Ps-night. Earl lint.. fHIP n, Id no further news had teen received roin Canaria 'concerning heti River affair.. The Nntueall.mtioe bill nun taken up. The Ti Invent of the ermunons War comm.-ell In and the tail passed. am HAVANA. Mar 9.- Some id the prinelpal la dies in Pliers, Prima pe hare signed an address, falling on their G.lstives In the Inv: runtranks to return and .m.leY liberty under the Spanish • ioverninent • IrArA , A• via Key West. ylar s.—general Goicouria was garroted to satisfy the volun teers and open the • war t he . ret Orn of Its The Captain General Is much annoyed at hl. (Attire to eating - n[lh the item Reel ton in the Caniaguni District - . The Spaniards have butchered numbers of families nt Puerto Prin cipe in revenge for the escape of their Cuban re9atives tin refloat the patriots in the Held. The patriot forge , . roam: mil the entire ( - into liars district and occupy the eastern portion of Santo Epiritu jurisflictlnn. - The Spaniards have been routed in eVrry dirTo . litoll find nre note closed in at 3tantanillii. Trinidad. Cienfuegos. Idormn nod Santiago de - Cuba. - The work for devastation has been fairly inaugurated in. the districts of entail and Sagan, line Spanish authorities nre unable to prevent the filsorganiration fb..ir anther. ems. though they are making every effort to rally t heir forces and gine - the appearance of harmony to the situation. With the financial empinyes the cry of hillef tpti elitel is general and t hey seize everything within their reach. Havana is tnumuil. IRVANA. Men' O.' • di;;;;114.'S : iron] pnergrc Principe represent the insurgent 311,1 y has diaappeamd from the Csonaasmay district. Gnnzala %%trona. Chief Of Stall nf the rebel General Agraniunte executedymastr Slunk, w e e e capitired and . A party of six teen armed - insurgents came to Puerto Prin cipe and surrendered. The gunboats at Gni° Jahn Key discncenal and destroyed soother rebel eroft. =I Qum., erowN. May P.-The ht.:m.lllp in iny ru. from Now York. arrived yestenlay. Cuwr.P. May 9.—The yachts Sappho an Datottlesa are off the shore here, and the Pam brit left her dock at lOU r. 0. Mr. Maret ha Meen selected fie umpire for the (Mmtwin. an Mr. Henry Wide. fur the Sappho. .1.• tee Is appoint.' referee. The weather I fine to-night, with n tummise of plenty ci Wind to-morrow: There is every prospect at fair Mart at seven in the morning. Th point, of deParture are yet undecided. ----o- - H 14.1.1 A. • . ST. Prititstivna , May v.—tine Chbickott.: "borer, has been rrested, charged tvith ttt tinier of Prince prince, ifo was one Inployed by the nod it Is sold th roofs npelnet him are conelotive. • WAIN. - kimono. May.P.—The irtm•rnntent ham t , It h drault the tuslarlea of the Ilikhops who refusel to take the oath to the new Conktitntion. • FINANCIAL ANI) COIIMIEECIAL. • Lonntin. 3tur- 9. Evening.—Consols. fo money. PI, and foraccount. 941.;. Amerlom m. See'Elm, quiet; 10-Itrs. WV; 65. trll'; 9E. WI: Erie. I 9 U; lllinnin, 119 N; dreat Weat cm, 29. Stocks quiet. !Ayr:mum, May 9.—Cotton _market steutlY; middling unbinds. Orleans, '11!:41,11l0; sales 12,000 bales. f'alitontiu white wheat NNE red_western. N 0..... Ps 3d; winter, ay Indrit,N Flour: western, 3kt. Corn. Nn. 2 m11e11.298 , Oats, 211 sd. Earley. ss. Peas, ikkt fkl. Pork I firm at PIN., Beef, Ills. Lard flat, at Wis. Cheese, 700. Menu, sfis. Cntribertimd Cot, r,,t. (or short rib middles. Spirit. Petro leum. In Id, anti Is OSA for relined. Mend store.' dull. Losotis, 3lnv 0.-Tallow firm at its. ltd. Sugar quirt at Ills. litlZEtt. Petroleum dull. Calcutta Linseed firmer. at 111 , 1001 s ad. Un fired Onn. Turpentine quiet at lais ad. Sperm nil toilet and steady. Hops rattml...Es sterling, per hundred weiglit, and market heavy. • PIIAXILIMIIT. May P.—llonds firm at itlit f. PARIPI. May P.—Bourse arm at 75f. Mayne. Mar V.—Cotton firm and quiet, 130ytf on spot; and I_ if anon,. /I AVIII4-Mtly P. Evening. cotton tinned Orin at 1311 on spot. Aoawrier,3fity P. -- Petroleum firm _BOSTON Altair Aid to the Itoidosi, Ilartfordand Eri N.llroad—Repori of the Lrglillalite Corn mitten. Mr Telegraph to the Pittehurgh Gazette.] - Werth.. Mny.9.—The majority of the Cain , mitleo on the subject of Stateahlto the Bos ton, Hartford and Erie railroad reportml to the Leginlnt n re to-day. Their report provides that aerie he hunted by the Treasurer of the Cot 1111 l onwealth to the amount of #4l,fstinun to motile for which the corporation In anther heft to Issue newond mortgage bonds to the tonotint of $1 5 .000,000. a majority to he de posited In the State Treanor). c hrore the tirst tie t=rt3lTlfet Trr:rassn'rho'Awhichsimileh‘avti-lel the same value asthe stock. and t he Treasurer Is to hold the stock until the State Is relieved of the liability on account' of Its loan. Before the corporation can twelve any of the scrip from the Treasurer there shall be a none elm:Minot officer. of the company, and the State shalt have the right to rote for eight of the thirteen director., through the Governor and Council. The _report further provides that all property of the Roston. Hartford and Fete perry Extension Company shop beplaced under the bsolute control of the Melon, Hartford and Erie Railroad Company. In such menner chili be' satisfecton- to the Gov eightand Connell. The report is signed by eight me.mbeni of the Cinmittee. A minority report signed by two mmpresentediffering with the majority. was nbro NECO.III EDITION. I'ol7 - 13 O'CLOCK. l' I E CAPITA 1,. Thu. Cuba I lbws, ion —Case of Georgia —Pan . . In a Colored l'hairch—Agri cultural ittpoil—Nortiirea Parille Railroad-- San Dom ilizo 'lreaty, &e. . [fly l'elograph to the Pit tslitirgh lialette..l WASIIINGTON. May 9. I. l ln, illn eI'ILIN QLI,II.N. . TI/4! ea ~ .elect ;ellen or Congres. on the 'within in, if entail lielllgereaer lout 1,,, n Or e _ Jaye.' in a maelifcli seemed, tie. it long . , .nn . r tv •Ilme. atm i•nua . talife. hat - which recent ilevel , opments illy ekpl•iin: Thii delete has been waiting r 4- a report. of Ike t . .5.1)i11i1tet..011 Poreigiy.l fairs favorable to--the resoluflens svidek weri referred to that committee. The . 011111,111101. offered several ieeekTign to IT poll the riunlat jin:. logetlicV with the report UM' , I.'•vlv'reii. trot the!' hoc.. lawn 'hold back paid:' mid, ihtlorlici , . 1 hick hltvr• ',lwo ac tively .operat lug. 11l Mho, dirfa I h.:, 10,1.01- W:11A the sane end. The In o witlit'a. tircaniz: elldvere for llllTment objects. have been' Inus triously mei successfully at work to stave oft any :tribal I.ci • migress. Th.• first consists of the pretended friends of (lab. 'ichose efforts have • been' directed towanls preventing the granting of belligerent rights till the Cub:nf agent. would i•onseilt to their I erinii, The oth er ring Includes several Influent inn persen+ in 1 1 paill and this mintitry. among ttleint an. 1,,,,,inent1 ) t4oi,pr l i I:111111110 . SintniSb )lin ister Hobert, %vitt/ Isle 11111 eel oympat to' aiind concurrence of Secretary ' fish. The scheme nit foot and • matured for practi cal excelif Mu hi that Spain shell aid] the Island to the Spanish volindeers for tee hundred millions of dollar, or -which leti ittlflidne Ore. to be paid down, and bonds given for the hal atm, seminal on the Island anal kaniranteml. If feasible, by the 17pit ell States. it this can not he obtained. ail-ark...111,m1.. morel o las mnde hv It . nied iator or with neat 3lll. 31r. Visit and friends d.r.not hesitate In iyilifeas the man lethal that the cession or Into, to IS SieltllNll , oltiliteers . .etilil be a most desirable tyilet lea of the question. It is comblently in timated (le.( annin will sell the ibliintl to the' spanlsh voliodet•ra; .rd t hat the Spatibili vol unteers will soil it to au', If :tiled Stites. This scheme ha. 1101 become slifireltr.rly de 'eloped sn far as the principal' fentitres an. knew. but It hen been Woken, and the whole Mbar will soon be revealed. I= The Reclined Bart Inn ('"mail tee will take up the livorgia Can on Tuesday. If Ben. Butler shall hitre tel orig.& as expected. A tending ellw•r of the Commit toe seta that the hill the Commit tee a ill report — will he the same us the Virginia and bills.. with clause declaring , the corm of thoprerchit Slate "Wirers ant to lan ciiiislilered In hare begun un til the State ii ,, leelared restored. Thin wfuild have the effect of emitinuine th , • teigislat tire. which is one of the ohjeelluna SI& feature. of the homer mermen. • • •PA 10 .1 11:111:111:11. • I.3st night 3is claim, support tha raper.Voi.hrrol Ilaptimi Church tin Third street attic, ttil ic. 113 , ilig It.. gallery lit settle about toot. Thecon,rlVgAtioni ,ola. •••if:ire. )1111ipilIK (Noll the first ancl tint' story windic‘vs. cltie Si as galccin honing a,- settsitcle, cutoi tier hail his lilt stile sicricrely bruioost, ti third a tcsit. itilitroil 3101 sicvvrtil rerolo.ol c tits and briiisect. cciiiittri, iluinc 1tA11.1t.,... r ca, c 310 int tAsi:nty Itoiire. sent tit Ivos roscilsecl to 00 , 31101 e 6m...tibia in the Scolhrrn otitil tts tricticcts t fits diSOll,ll, in tinct an e nt . • The April Das ort.of the Department 1,1 Agri. MINI, say.: " - tater matins evarms here taloa small Kllrlf Ih: but mmorally or frlanl color .nod ready to start mailer the influence of genial sprit, • TrPitovEii. • - The Pre.idetit has approved the bill itlbov.. pervotta elected to Mike in"lresa, thirty lays f April dOth to take the oath pre eribmt by the act admitting. the State to . I , r...cat:dim, In Congress. = • • The inorrase t Import, excluding -tree wood,. /iring th., tint'oikht tooottol of the 11.,11 vent uucount> to . • I= .•• • • • 11.44 4;4 , 1,4110,a has i.a ree.ntly ...ad% ad ally "n/Cini luf.risidt444n the ctanrts i tin,. any - 4100g to joints Ihr 4.1.41 ~r dna atinip• in ill. 4 4 4.4111 , 1 i 14.411.44 - . 1 , 1.11Sr:0 MEAT, 'l'!,. friend, id 11.. Inditinican treat 4.da tWO-ttlirliN N.A.! 4111 now Id, obtained in the Sadint. for till. rat Meat inn. MIME Gen. Holler 3N 1,17, •turned. the Iteeon tnlet lon Committee will 1,1-11-101 TOW h•, Ileorght tiN returned from t Senate. I• Annual conterorne e of the Methodlon' Ephocopal Chnorio rno,lll. t By Telegraph to, the Pittsburgh (*welt c.] klr.sheitla. May In tbe General Conference of the Mei InaliM Eloi*cooloal Church :bout h. the Conference wasalled to enter by Inshon Payne. .1f ter the- usual exerci*es Ilkhop .knolrews tlenrered a short nolotreii, wicking colotervat Imo In all action, to Cooke is few chature. a* possible for the tient four Years. and then retired to the North Mo_tho dist j'ournale in t abuse. of lain. Ile did not like the - manner loi *chilli our editors are glorifying tone another. and thought that their toner/or., Aloonlol in &rotted in glorifying Mod, not thelnael, es. Various nienthrials and pelt t !Ong xi err appropriately referred, Including_ tae' one' of M P k r t e :m ndolntdg hEi d n e e r t nd t t h o e lth utuo ixh i ing of hiny to the Connell of Illsholos;Jor the Coin toillteC on Revisio. to inquire Into, the expe dient,. of rest rill hog the reto power of the Mkbol 0 00• • resollit lon Ir. :ttlopted that after the I Ith in no resolootion* tor onetnorial* *hall in , referred. Libor one to aoliourn 'rill( die on the end. - Itlt FEE.' 1:1 (; - It 3IS. • Oen. (qieridan was at Salt Lake yesterday, ti -The MOlllana. :-The steamer Tarifm from Europe. at Boston resterdaY. - Jas. T. Austin died at Boston yester day. aged eighty-six. ---The damns done to the Wisconsin State Prison by the recent fire has but sls.oeg. - The 'Penises., Issgtslature .convened yes teniny, but neit her House Imd o. quorum. -Conner extensive knife hictory nt Richmond. Ind.. Iva, destroyed by fire Sunday night. Loss fill:Jalti. . -The Odd Feilows of Polonsims. of made great preparation, for the simile:lt io h n of (heir new hail to-doe. At Crolumbin. Pa., Sontlay , worms, nnsued Cruener cminnit tat alskide by cutting' her throat with a razor. —The 1111011.1 i gnand encampment of (hid Fellows met at San Frandsen yesterday. The Knolls( lodge meets there • —lfon. Lawrence ltrainnwl, formerly United Stolen Senator, 111141 at St. Albans, Vt.. on Siondny night., (wed eighty-sts years. —Nenrly holt the town of Fincastle. Rote tour( count ). Va. WAS burned on Friday night last. The court-house tens saved. —The flooring toill Sfiosigh. and he Illinois Central Itnilrond freight house, t at Sinnnnl. 111., were burned on Monday. LOlO4 V 5.000. . —Dr. Etwne.orliodgers. a Well-known pity sician of Cppor Minn. cfmmiltted sul ide on Sunday by drowning while deliriou from Illuea.. •• —The residence of N. O. Sykes. Tippith coon Missikaippi, was Inwood Saturday nigh. :tat. Two daughter, aged eight and thine° wrishol In the.flanws. —The will of the Into Bishop Kingsley wa. dtnitted to probato at Cincinnati venterday Is, tort $15,000 In real estate and ilk%) In go .anal Property. all to his Wire.• • —At. Lacrosse, of Frank Won.McGovern.McGovern found lead. h having been horribly beaten and mangled• lice hus band has been emitted on suspicion. •--Domestic trouble caused Katherine Bathe yonng married woman residing in Jersey City, to commit klliddlt Paturdar night. by cut ting her throat and wrists. :the bled to.death in a feW minutes. .• • -- John G. Whittier, the poet, attended. Henry Wan! Beecher's Church. in Brooklyn. Sunday. After the sermon Mr. Beecher shook hands warmly with Whittler, mid handed hint a bonnet. The poet seemed, much affected 'at the greeting. —lionThero. 0,13101111111111,1.111FeD1F11l nt Sat. FrIItICINCO on Sunday. Resolution', were adopted condemning the Cllll.ltleN pm, tined upon POlltfral prinonere I; the itriti,,h Government. and also the recent ennetment by Parliament for the government of Ireland. —At Chicago laid evening Patrick J. Doyle, keeper of a pawn hop on Welk area. shot John Schneider. an etnillojirfit his eatahlish ment. thrice in the throat. /Indicting faint WOllllllB. .There was no prneocation for the act, but Doyle wan entz.f - ffann drink. He hem:arrested.. —The State of Maryland has errmmenced stilt stgalnet the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to re l'over the's:tine of gold over ClllTency In Which the State has - been paid its six tier cent. divi dends on preferred stuck. which now =mints to nearly two millions. The claim Is based on the recent decision of the Supreme Conti. —Bev.. Fattier Preston, at. New York, on P u o n peda yT h et ec r ur e o r r e t m h a e r kedt ll hiabt ia po ul he erroresisted alto the characterof the dogma. He explained that the question of Infallibility means that the Pope cannot err in matters of faith." Ile mar sin and err in other things. but In matters of falth he la Infallible. Dr. , one of tmo illstln- milsited Daniel physiciaTi ldenns In Northern he Ohlu. st siled at his residence in Sandusky Sunday morning, In lila eight i remind year.,, He was In active practice fty-sosen years, and wan rOgardP4 as one of the most learnml and skilful of hip profession, and for his many charities and so cial virtues was tittered by all who knew him. Hough publishes a card, at San Fran. clam refuting the charge of Mx Hugh Le e that Gen. Thomas offered his services in writ log to the Governor of Virginia at the begin- Ing of the war and was Orrin/de southern la his feelings. Col. 11. sees the General's own words in regard to the slander, eMphatleally denying that any letter ever passed betvretia tam and the rebel authoritie,. xusT CONGRESS, sE;sMON.) Telegraph to th.• Pittsburgh Gazette.] WAsIIINGMN, )toy 9,1670. • OEN ATE. tr. WILSON reported an aniendinent t th hill furnishing artificial Hal's for disabled poi tilers. Mr. FENTON Int rodneed a bill roquirlng . th • Seeretary of the Treasnry. National bank and other corporations and association,. t. have published annually a . staternent of the 'mount of interest due upon the cereitlebte. stork issued by the United Staten ale. dividends. deposits and interest accritink fro other sources. which hove been.unclaimed In two years.. Referred to the COtimiltlee on Fi The bill reducing total lon wan taken up and Mr. Mi 'MULL, of Vermont. delivered a lung speech. fvoring such a tariff for protection as `pee uldinduce healthy competition in nor MM. °factures without grinding lawn other in terests. and at the same time raising a proper imiount of revenue. • . . Mr. IWILPON. from Military Cononittee, re ported, with itintialment, the bill to extend the time for the prerentallon of claims for ad lliliona Llaiiinty under the art of Joly :Xi, Dian. :tit. WILLIA3IS reported, . with nniend meld ii..t he hill tO incorporate the Kansas An dian Territory and char Railroad Coo, y and to enable the Missenrl (fiver. Fort :wolf .41 (Jolt and the Leavenworth. Lawrence 0041 (1111V4,14.411 11:111roa41 4 'ion ianie. to mins.trort n gle track -Ijamigh 'an Terriliry to the. Gulf. Mr. {VARNER reports te bill extending the time for the reveralont to the, United ';.tales of fonds grantedr higan to aid the const Him if of I heMarg to and Flit MAL , •road... - Mr. IVILSON reported with itnendrn t the hill to reiniburae Kamm. 111011( 4 y$ ex pended in"raising : he equipp ni In for the soppression of the rebellion. The dints, is Committer of the re sumed the ronxideration of the a li ve, Executive pad Judicial .hppro 01100 bill. undo- amendments reported by the Coln7- tee on Appropriations were thrreeil to. Fhe amendment to reduce the appro i for the Bureau of Education from CIAO!. riffling off prorbdon for any r her - tent thun Commissionerand two el. debateo Ire Meiews—iNidrrill, Me., Vette on, Howard. newel; Ferry. Yates. Tipton, rake and Sumner lint Ibitiier4r; nrralliy. , :rrainti. -A. relOillt itli) wan od be Mr. SPRAI I, E. Anil /I (10111 . 11, Ciliiiilg upon the Secretary of the 'rreasury for it copy of. the report mode to the Department by tlmny Pollock. in 1,M7 or Nil. relative to the operations of banks In England and France. House bill for the construction Of a bridge arms the Niagara river at Kufrah, was ob jected to un the ground that the width of the duos' was 'int determined, but . left solelr to the determination' or the Secretary of near. Lthl nrrr. . The appropriation ?All was resumed. • The section relative to the urea of Edu cation was passed os el- till tmniurrose, owing' to the Melted attendance. - Numerous amendments inyolvins- an . in crease in item sof appropriation were agreed tn. lthring the d'iscussion upon one for •the In crease of the salary of the Chief Clerk of the NA% v Department-Sr.:MERMAN reinarked it hall . 111,1:11 proposed by the high officers of the government to combine the War-and Navy . Departments, awl expressed the opinion that the office of Secretary of the Navy could be dispensed with. • Adjourned. 1101;:4: ItEPRI:STSTATIYES. After the reading of Ilm Journal the Home {ljonrnell. there not being it quorum present or tire transaction of bushings. 'Elie Ylethodist Protestant Conference. I fly Telegraph to the Pittsburgh . Gazette.] s' /la taixtintri, elay V. , --•11 the general Confer ence of the ifethodld Prutestant Church the proposition to abolish probationary state In t h. Church was referred, as lien seas the ;woo osit lime for tattoos changes In the constitution of the church. A resolotion that the I.ninds of the 55", t Virginia Conference hr extended to continua-the original Muskingum District In. thin was referred. A commit tee Was ordered to condder the memorial front the Virginia Conference relative to a union between the Methodist' Protestant Church and Methodist Episcopal Church South. • ...when, Baptist Contention. illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOUISVILLE. Kr.. Mar n.—ln - the Southern -Baptist Convention reports on foreign and domestic tols , ilans were read and referred to Committees. The repryrt extendltytt he operns lions of the foreign (11ISSitalS hoard was 'lna, inionsly adopted. Nt. Louis was fixed as .the next place of meeting. Mormon brio!. t. noun) Conferenee. Trkgruph In the Pitt stinrgh nanette.l NA, Lan,. NI:1y fortieth semi-an nual 'iaiterenee of .1 lie Mormon Church ended aeterday. It is estiinatetl that forty thou. nd of the Saints attended. • • • Nen Orleans 4 • Nrw ORLEANS. May 9. —Cotton in Active de mandand firmer. middlings =so: sales S.MIXI bales; receipts:l.l'r; exports 2.Xli:stoek Floor Mrin: KIN'S at #4.37445 for surerithe• ".12&n for extra. and for double extra. Corn $1.3WZ1.91. limn $1.40. Sales of prime :ll r .M r a r i r n S t t l. i le M fors s p o o u rk d efism. ait kr.nsb for clear rib and ISsn't IlO s e for rlrar sides. /lams :Mkt, Lard Id3,l•Ztlie for fere, and Poi.ibile s e for keg. Sugar • tiriner. Prime molasses "lbe. Whisky P2 l sfrijilLfri, Amur. Mat- 9.—Cat tie: the •highest price realized seas Rs for estrum - RAI brought KL.9!:. Sheep lower. and an increased sopply made a moderate demand at 740 - 9110, Nothing do rig In hog, • REAL ESTATE INDICATIONN.—An im imrtaut peremptOry sale of real estate took place in Allegheny yesterday morning, . which is a very goal test of how the wind • tkovs in reganl to real estate. The pmi, any referred Lois situate on the earner of Stockton and' Sherman avenues, and is lifty.four he one Lundred and font- feet. It was offered two months ago in the !nap for $15.01.0, and withdrawn on a bid of *I4POO. - It_ Wit? , offered yesterday in • di visions and -Kohl for the gross sum of wenty thousand, throe hundred and • fifty dollars: 'Mr. Alex. Leggate Otheinted sn net ionem. (4 I I'Strtsrncrto~.—\'illinm Nelson No. 2:1 Market street, makes it a point t. render ratisfartion. Ile — warrnnta all his work. coN) Alalusts at I). %V. 1 7 ,van's Depart mem Store for Look for ionraelf Cott, W. IRKS.-Schnabel a Wnl. ker hare on hand and deliver daily to any part of Pittsburgh and Allegheny Coal, Nut tool nnd Slack at the lowest r - eash.pricen. Special rates to regular cue tomern and for large orders Thin coal in tho best ntlitred In the city. Office and. yard, corner of. Sandusky street and West Penn Railroad, Allegheny city. rro Prrysnunou STAINED °LAMS WOREA , .,-- William Nelson, 2:1 Market street, in pre pared to furninh_ promptly orders for orna mental or plain gloss. Titr: AmenicAN BurToN, iiOLE xnd Family Sewing .Machine is the only inn chine placed before the public that will over seam or slake n perfect button hole. which is an advantage we claim overall others, James Espy, agent; corner Fifth nvenue nnd.Mirltet street. • . Witazi vim aro out slumping, atep. in and nen tin admirable' eelection of men and boy . clothing at the extensive mild,- liniment of t.'rling k Follansbee, No 121, Wood mired, corner of Fifth avenue.' - • 11. W. EvAN's I)EI'ART3f ENT STORE, which has been crowded the past week, in. still. in full operation, and those who wish to get choice bargains this week • 10,1[KAZ rEINT Atencr.tailit the &Fat Inca Store in the 10 cent tiepartment. DArsx.u.s & Co. n.ly upon tin qtiality of their ale ter their reputation; and every — one now pronottneen their errant ale the finest in the market. THE AMP:IOVAN BUTTON . Ilm.k °URI. Seaming and Family 'Sowing Machine the cheapest In the market, and sold n time to emit all. James Espy, agent, coy ner - Firth avenue and Market Street. El==EM!I SKILLED W ORKIIEN.—The best work loon, the beat materiala and the finind aperituens of work are to be Peen at the Pittaborgli Stained Masa I Vorka, , 23 Mar. kot at reel. Go to the Department Store for bar. POLITICAL • • P1TT 2 .1711011. May 1870. fir THE MEMBERS OF THE ILTNIoN REPUBLICAN EXECUTIVE COMMIT TEE fur Allegheny county aro notified to meet to the DISTRICT COURT ROOM, at the COUTI 'on RATERDA T. May 19th. 1870. at M &door P. 3 0 ., for the Pori:Mae of determining end wow' the time of meeting of County Conrontlen or COO. be Plato In nomination a 8.D.bn... Mame for the full eampahro. and for attending to each other bonne. as may be brought before the Gaisimittoo. A full. wttondinop eamestly 're queered. Attetit IVAI r I MVIA"I"I"in''" F. 310.0..7`.11*.gia.ti05, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. fl WORKIN.I:3IEN'S MEET' \"(;.--. MIMEO PUBLIC -MEETING OF. THE Workingmen of Allegheny l'o., To take action in regard to reattallaing our Con greStl from parsing the Tariff DID nor, pending be tom the Daume. Meeting to be held at the old FAIR tattrEND, on WEDNESDAY SEENING, at 7, o'clock. 11th Inst. • • By order of Secretary. V. A. M. 3IYER9. n-TIRAND EXHIBITION BY THE =ME )111S. SLACK DAVIS, AT Ti A FAY E.TTE HALL On Friday Ereninn, May Illtr. • • Consisting of PARLOR DANCING. and al.. a no oodoriginal D1U..., entitled TUE ITALIAN PRINCESS. or TIIE MESTEIIIIT nP THE PEARE.I%. written c..prl W e s ter nshis occasion. The Great Band will he In attendance- Admission. $1.60. Dot, I open at 7, roamer., ar quarter to S precisely. Ticket. and PrOgrorrninn to he had at the 31onle Soo.. troll/aro: 7 Pir Cent, Gold Loan,) OT IT S. TAX,I OF THE BURLINGTON. -- Cf:DA It RAPIDS & :. -" 1 I RTANTED.—Sitaintion RN CJ.erk by a v v Aingle gentleman of ..t0.4 rdnicr.ol n. haying ..... ext..nsio. amn.sintano"tri bc...p e.tiesend mail -. 1 MIX V i ES OT AA.- R. CO'S IggZ."-' 2, ;` , vg . ".::= 6, r-a'idAti`;‘,.:',.,l - 1 . 471q,Lur0. i , -___ 54 First' Mortgage 50 YEW COAEUTIBLE BOBS. - .. A LALITED QUA NMI! }OI SALE.. At Illh and .rented Interesi Intcre,t,payable 11, nn , i Novet)er. 'rho Krenier part nom is Alroulyt.nnirletril tad largn earnltign,nn.l rry n Intlenee of thy, work In rapidly progi ,,, ing. •. We unhesitatingly ren.sunanullnPau Slaula ua tlic . safest and Peat Inreatment lu the naark.q. U.S. Flce,twentica. nt current prices y, re t uur Lars per cent. Intereat. the,. ;say right adti one-quarter per cent. In Goal. and we Cerqnl We PecurtlY equally peal. RENIq CLEWS (k. CO, B:titicer,4 32 Wall Street, New York. MT LEA N t 1 C l►., No. d 5. Fourth Avenue, PM . II?RURGR.PA NOETIIERN Pacific Railroad. To Railroad Contractors, MOIMEZ=II -iir =lliMt9 treet. New Vork. unttlyEttNESll.l.l".l.he 1;t any rt June. IS7 O. at 12 "%leek. neon. for the Gra- ..,31....nry,ltrfihnng end Itulla•ling •If that per -1.,r0 the N. , rthent Pnellk It;tllroad In the stern • i.llll. over over. the western hotandWer of Itlnnew4n In dhlaneo of slhoot 130 mitenT. In- 1111=',f1 bed (•.r n pingle truck. and n,ermary Ride trnek, .4y rreel;e the rail super.tructunr. The amid Compani will niW t receive pecyamhda, nx the same time and place, fry the tinter cnvi-tlea, mid lor the Iron rats. epllren and liztrurea forte road as above. The litetraile to be deliremol In the dock at Duluth. 31.1nnerete., or at (been's:quire the 311m11.51ml rirer. and the lief , reeelere ecOhnling to blank forma, which . will ho ready few illetribu t lOU un WEITNESDA V. May 4. 1870, ris. the °lnce if the Company; 05 above. eltee . e nbul4 of the ct 'reums. and matt and endue. of the reed. With full rinnalleatlons. mot then ho men. an d the flute `lowed for the etimpletlon of the eon, meta made I= The Coutintny reserve the tight fel reject enter blAs ndt.tteentetl to be Inc the Interest! of Übe IZZE Pouted circulars co:Paining full Information will bo 'imitated on application, b mail or of Orr. wlso, to EDWIN F. JOllligt IN. Chief Engine*, r. or . to the President of the Company. at the 120 BROADWAY.. afar♦*,. J. lt It EGORY 531114. resident Nor'kern Pacific Riiiiiond To 'N7 1 - 0111,, April 26.1670. Tr i m RASARIN-p A POMADE WARRANTED TO 111!:STCGIR GRAY MEE KIDDER k WETHERADR RAVEN INK The best Indelible In the Markel 25 mpte per. bnttle Every bottle warranted or ro3 Oslo at L. ROSElsi-BACH'S Patent Medicine and Perfume Depo I_llo SMlTllniED_ftyilliET. To Oil -Capifilists. The BRATT:.9 BEND IRON COMPANY 'reels of land. for boring purpueen. In near MENI=I!IN! They tint nth," Sh:LL LOTS on the bank of tho Ai liE=2!M 1=1:12! W. D. SLACK. DuDelintvndunt 11n,toVer Itr.No. May 10th. 18711,_ J. OTICE. --- NOIICE Is hereby Sheri that an application for n Charter of Incorpp potion of ..TIIE RECTOR. CHURCH WARDENS AND VESTRXIIEN OF THECIIUIfCH ORME ATONEMENT... b. been Olen t \heProthono terra Ofhee of the Court of Co :neon Pleas of AI-, legheny county, when/ the rime will remain upon itrrPOrtiOn and exception, until the FIRST MON DA, OF JUNE. NEXT. U. A. WoCibil'AßD. Attmner for AprllrooM mrlo:lrM, MA p, blo PITTSBURGH BANK : FOR SAVINGS NO. 61 F'ORRTh A rwN RE. PIyrSBITIIGII. • . . .. • . . .. .. or vi nArceligTV<P4 l 74 B ' 2 ncln 4 . ontwr. MIDAS' EVlSNlNatTfrorn flar ' l lot . t.o n rioroorr 1. from 7 toll tolock. and from November 2.1. to ..liz IM. 8 to Pi &elm*. Interval pent nt the r r.to or mr twr cent.. froe of tax, and If not with .M7...x.,:1;TP".7.21,1:.'72.171!",„tg= Illt 4 1 m , menagers—Gdo. A. Berry, President; S. 11. Hartman. Jas. Cart. Jr. {'lre Proeldeols: D. R. 3. 2 ' 21M10y 5' 71. Virs'lrgberr c Model. John S. Dilsrorlh. F. Ro h l G. Folhumbee. imbue, Rhodes. Joe. Broil. C. SehMerts, 9PV•.l'7.7ir.iien.sowitorg. G EORGE REFLICK, WARD WOOD WORKER. • . . . IZ: i I.AII'InTITA I r 7.. WltlegKiatral:t; ontler. All lamb 0; Wayalture repaired and Tie . - ol.hed.. Mouto Refers by pernaleplon to David Aiken. Baud n!. boyIOAKG . TIM WEEKLY GA7ETTE .IS THE BEST AM) CHEAPEST Cowin:till and Family Newspapnr pum.isiimkiN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. farmer. rucchnnle. or merchant should bib =II Clubs of ben A copy Is furnished grituttously to the getterway of a Club of ten. Postrunstres ore requested toilet Vents. Address. PENNIMAN, FIEF:I3 & CO., PRO PRI ETORR. I( t," -"For Sale," " and (went iag Eon.: LI.VES. will be' ineerted i.e no awe for TWEY- Tr FIE eoeh additional line FIVE rEN Tr.,;. v m EIIIIT nrome.l:lL 1 - 1 7 A AT ION—.. ;rholennle or nuinnfartllktlPh!E:ll,!;P,';',:r, „,„„: gorl etly reference oven. Atlares. Lion J. Gnselte °BIM. ' It vcrA n N A KF 6 u tzT - 0 ; , 1 ,E. 1)1 , 1,re . hatter for To en. For terms. apply ut 77"4:17.7",41,16'4t1VZ leghenT City• between the hour, et and WANTED.—A Goot! 8 VLfn Or t• I 5 Mllliner. J. KLI ' L‘ C -4 . WT A T E D.—.l Lady ~7. Hth'.4lr,r, , `Z`Vi...e7;g. tilloy. W. 1 , 7 S , R:1) , :; ; t , 111'11r11 n !gird Itoola, tins. .111.1 re” It. 31..1103 621. k i h ~7 23. . i 1k,• wri,5.;f2 ; ,:1),—,,,!1, 11 M i.. --,,,,:turi 1 5 t. 1 . 1 :; 11 , or 3014 be within five minutes' w II; ' :Jf St. ( 1 3=1. Ilotel. Ail.ln,c9. St. llsarlem 11. tel. 5-.1- A VTED . .--.1 a apt i A NTED.—.III active ittal respo'nsi• t.? :_ 4.atie the tamer a prominent Aildrem. with referrn r eTii?!el f ZZllVO&V Walnut :greet. Philadelphia. . V _ ANTE D. 500. - BARRELS of soER CIDER. avenue the Eat.s,% vine- Ran Works. No. DS MDR avenue Eitennion._ C. E. OW ENS. 12(7.14,Nr_Ent--14 -It HI Ivrs, Irookers a_r.k3niqm,fr, farm work. 3 boys for Colln- I Y., •ynnl. ALL,, girl. for all 'work Yoe ti,l ; y . . t egl i t x ri . og . t . ..4 . — i. Apply at Employment °Mee. ,o Aair V I\T 0.000 to II ED.—XORT6 43 an In large, amounts, at a f ratef Interest. zerGiSAS,K. PETTY. mil. 1.11.1,41.,„14.11w1.,haitat,v • Brae }foam 4? ' f nnn:nn-t,,r. : ! 1 , 17:.:11 r y..0r :nine of ;TI ,I T Any UV InF ranch hew. of ' N.': 'a :1!) F..urt lz nvt.nne 54 WV:I'EI/.—E very holly tp call at 18.1 I.IISEIITT STREET, ,i'sll 55•551,54/ DUNDERDALE APPARATUS fur makine . ants.reonty rights for sale. —; 54 - AVA NTED.—Sealed propokals f l or fir tunnel srark, tee be delivered, 211 1 u.uv pe ' v nn r C ILInt .m. beterren New awl Ron send /Remindful's. Also, sand sufficient for laying thee ssnar OW/ISri MOof*Et. . ni= Forbc;s'attek WA 7TED.—.IIORTGAGES4 Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan In !Urge or !null! arnounle nn proacrtfbfkileabeaf r nnumy at a falerate nr Inters.! . CIIAItLES • Real Kenna AAtmt, 6S Groat street. M I-17 r 1:11.0 7.0 ', Ik u i ,I :vin a . n :gr!.t 1 ot... s. fortll.ooo. hartn t .. 3 Truro V. run. I fl:r10.001*. 95.6013. ( 7atin7t r un . An. 1 for . h" "'g 3 ""' On . ef far 13.000. 2 Jeof. to !urine 3 ...turn to run. -I fur *l.4oo. tturh.g *rum to iun. 1 for *l.OOO. po r ing 3 *run to run. 1 fur $5OO. hating 3 neon to run. on city .ur ''""7l .TgritYl . ll4. A g i . ' , : 1 /;.. 1041 Fourth Are. LOST AND FOUND. • L OST.—.t dark brindle eilw—tips of o rewanled by leavindnding her will be llher.lll g word lit 0101 ).3tOORE . S. 'Meld .neon of Bedford nabotie. tub ward. N u the Allezheny Thirket ?bat three week, ago, Ladrit Gold Breast _. .111. rh,...rn er eau hare the Gage by calling at Hu. Gam:vv.: other. or No. -115 Virgin anc7. aux' LIST.—On Wednesday erenina, be• torn Naitli;i.rorgiOnT:riVlTS."Vneral: will be ilberany rewarded by leaving there at 79 ..bI.IItION STREET. • 54 BOARDING NI OA R DI NG—To-Let,w Ith boarding; t r rnnd %tory FRONT ROOM. Mau DA [ROA ODE ae RE taken at 103 Fourth avenue. .Zt lOt DAMON G.—A, number of Gentle *!..M.Y,=.l,,tegggt7Z4rTing '" ANDERSON STHEn. nenr Hand aunet bn . dire,• Ileghrny City. TO LET T_ -- O.LET.—Sonle pleasant rooms to let No. 31 .lourth avenue, vrith me of bath room. TO - LET. — INTERESTING TO LAW., IN Yrßq —Tx7R OF OFF/CE9 oh "Ormds Fifth, and I TIER with enfranre tip Fifth .s.ue, near thratit Hooks Alitrly to 3tra 31.3tN11GRL. ar to N.IIILIERtf_i N. lltllfill.fLay_e_nue. 540 rirpi-LF.T.TWO WELL FURNISHED A Lear VATinfliMl;;: 'Lo f,`,711:4%2 1 11. SAA Inn • 64 ,,, 'l'o I.ET.—The Three — trick WAREIIOIIirE in Church alley,- mar 14, re` Wood street. ormerly occupied ilinC-51unilorf Co.. ua WA IToom 3laroduram7. Inquire of . . LANG 4 CO. At -8 No. 172 and 17.1 Wax! street. .SL LET.—Brick yonse of 7 Rooms 11.(flo..1101 and Coli l t lVater,LA'tge Y a rj, 1tT1.,1.41 7 4.,1 : 04 .1.:Z;; d 4 . LT ° BUICK. 11011.1 f of fj AlleEnlenikr•7P:P"PP rUV7IFPITiIdff. 115. 0,0 77., At tire. ;It I)Inroomf, 7.mtecheni, TO LET.—COUNTIIV lIESIDENCE. Tita.giV AVETlTEa r iii .1,0A147,,:41en oet hie 4Nf r . L' mntrr rveWentt with all the ndrantaß flee A ttglirtnAn I.,: iwg.Y , ; . .7 , ' „, t y .f7CrAn f eATA For CO., Fifth avenue. apl9-11 1"1:5R -E7OR SALE—HANDSOME BUILD: ,TeoT: 1.071+, •on. all an , carious street. in atie ...,I,..aerrenory to n r I Ile dlntrict, all of whleh will be Wirt eeeeee rent Pon rm SALE.—,A two-harm - covered nearly new, will Miry tana Spline; t trgl e cc? " g e im eV° If4ramigrittl, ,!`°!" WATP 4, %1142.'"47 1 1 " " 211 " flrt. of ...1,10 nr nt the thilenligi?•l3i, ri,:`4`l2l;s. FOI'SALE-4 farm of ifacres sit, ATED on the Pan Handle Railroad near Ilui~l{ac Mallon. 23 miles from l'lttebitrah Is on a=l. an excellent rein of COAL: duty of mani Orchard :nraelletZecuaerbelrill""VlAetit: sold very low. Enquire of eY . JACOB DAVIS. Attornepon•Law. ' • No. 73 Grua intent SALE -200 LOTS 20X100 Lh tu r , '4Y,Tlt.:ll2l.ll 2na L ni=4l B ll:4 " .4 balance r7.L",I.VTZT4 tT"" Ai: 1r,114f. zn.l,..7,ri"Eit , - , -. 4 ; elee l Ttcirty Mint T. I ROBT . N HILL, Ma: at Law: 72 MIMEO TOIL SALE.--. 1. Valuable Farm, un aehaa aim a U feet rrlnte' Qom(. Go,loi bv.lkl. Pgita.,TrpTallt fllorlbLnj. . SALE.--Ezigine of '7P.114,1',1M7.41,:g1:"AT447.i."°- F Vt , i w , ORSAL Ap E— y at A One 'hop. ,T e Sp . ring pl the ..s T. 4. E wAoN. DEN. Wagon 3/barna:id Blacksmith, No. 47 North Alley. Allepheny._ VOlt SALE.--Englne3 and Boilers, New 11 . 31 d Second Hand. of ,diku,d, on bend. veer* front all parts of the country promptly a 4 need to. JAMtIS HILL - A; CO.. Corner Mallon Avenue and P.. Ft. W. & C. R. W., I'OR LOTS IN mtnt gliltri,ltrZLlV;;;;L:=l:6VB=l naril. Allegheny, on D e rr yavllle Plane Road and obnirvntur avenue. adjoining' the Observatory ground. Therm Lots an, Dan of five and onvallialf "%11'141i/e7+,1132,•'''. Thl Tag \n. Pl 3 Path _Lot la • itOrtitig. !r. " „°.T a r a f . 7 : 4l3 Mr.. b rrint'7o 2 ,,..."-% tbe residence fa: Washington and Walter anef.ina”, LMa LirnulT. PW•Oilidel4Ml4lo leave the airgniii h ia naii one ',7't1,7--ti4Virtbelit=, and het four Inlnutou' ' , volt :tom the beadet He yer street; hosed ' , lilt lends to the' lomaniin t . Thmeg i beaufg ot?eenery and avalcaltiCllnta are Wow eaaT Prke.4^.• P.gl'are N .0 0 r: D . jo r No - " • A ' renn W e. 'sd Allegh "" "g i rl dt t p . bArigb . • rum, El • 1.13. WANTS.-- experienced In ing::7.7:44E4 1 , l' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers