FZ:= CI H IR .NEWS BY CABLE. Sell *ph to the Pittsburgh Gts!itte.l PRA.NCE. Pdll.lll.May 7.—The Journal Oftekl announces that the irshei of th e_ " -ivelder National Riegle" and ' Tetell" seere naffed because of - puelications therein of false proclamations Antal by Lends Bonaparte. ' rho *de of the " Revell " Wu again seized to-Any, oh account of lel violation of the Praia taw; ... AlTeata fOT complici In the Met to Haell- I,- Mate the Lmperur cocu ty out. his members sw of tha illtereatiodal hoc tete of M. armee were apprenemisa at et. times in-dai . Pliiiners of all Loam., at Lions yesterdat have not wen id:mimed t Abe At...u1m.0 juuream of thin city . strongly' Waimea tee Keine to lon calm and qulet to morruu . i :the - aulois ' says the Empress effused muses t o be sntd ill tee reels cuurthes for the a MlCAress of tao peel/gen ti.inunater. a u it..1.41.121., it lle It a Caught puelle meeting read tee itupeacionent of the Levert., has S been seinen,/ to tu o Lars' tinprrommein awl a nue Of itaIIUVICALICS.3 Pallie. May ti—:a LXO..—/ ea rtcfct Of Po- Ike lasuee tate morning ine.toliewing P.... iadiation: •lauseora alarming fur the pubic.: peace are dm...tett In sin mail pans 01 the Capital mat dawn:Aye are pm:limed MI sure to 101100 . the Colleting Of tee soles. Inc Preset or ted reatee Merefore altailla It Ills alit) to warn elf:seal teat tee West ettwaucus measures hate Wee tal,.eil to repress unu energy . 0 . Psuswistutte every attempt at Aleilltlue. lee 44.6,2 nriths au good o(l,temit to Yu* 0 10 u) Ileilo,plboel a ecru cruumel attempts /nay be . „ V 44, bahtaus ledr,c r e spianstly eChargedl grtY. "141 -4'ol 'o en nom troll khtei..lf.—The votiag on the plebiscitunt —imisipleted tool toe coon/leg nag Col, I„ ealmocc. tarr.rt means, pre,auttoue aille tenon And tee c 11.) 5 01. gun , ail di* * . li s - Weems grann itepartulents report WI quiet. lee seen-Wean. JULlrtinin alattalpate al nee tap/Mined to-Ingot or to-morrow, eat ec,tua, h. OZeurred up tO the premed nantr 10 Lulu Illan tee lents. eallsou eleCtlOn connu.sloners ere assent . ivied at tee places 01 Meeting and will remain all Men tO retioten the returns trout the pro vinces. 'Ade polls were opened to the barruks, and pearly ul tee soldiery to and aruund Zee city , • cams Wear autos, nut no Oleanan wail admitted to witness the Voting. Ted µMee continue unremitting in their seared tor parties implicated in toe alleged considreei. Many arrests were made to-4111). , M. Laillingarg hen been coneeemetl to cue ~ yelali Impnwaudent end a • tale usitwo thou ' wad fraud. our mums .talent epeeches at pa i htlithiniectilifil. ante, persons reeetegd ailtil • tar timelier% tor humnistori speeches In tee t . proneces, 'a Pere lnlny Journals were seized 'yes , and condemned to near.) µmantes. a large 1111111ber of a/Testa hale also been made ill One dePlittuenis. thastave J. feurese Is atilt In Lundell.' . 12 P. st—'itie Teeple are usaemeled m the antllollllXlll anal Vttler pans id too city. Tee agitation ta n cried.. um. there has heel no Conning with tun isniee or troops. There is sunning deunite roug h l y he result of the rote *otos u, hut it is estimated mat the city has gri en 14 1 ,tleti sews against 107,gUn DO ten pieWeehum. in the depart . tratuti to tarns tomtit Inim the great majority sated lathe ailment', e. :The DrecaUtlons alialnat an outbreak are ettulted. A. smug military guard is stationed Mond the Pathetic, .i he places of Conner , Nature and the Arts et 3letie are occupied by troops, and the Place des invalids is Idled Mtn cavalry. flesh' troops from the camp of St. ' Maar arrived to-night. sifititilithf.t-The Sole le Paris, with one sec tion only to hear Imo, is as follows: yes, 1 3 d. - ;w no, 112,etil. The city remains tranquil. A few return,, from surrounding pros locos foot up /06,09: no, 39,310. GREAT BRITAIN. London, ]fay 7.7Tbe new steamship Side - Min, for the AnCho, line. was successfully littinehed at Glasgow to-der. The American Consul at Cork. procured the ft:leder adjournment of the Platnips CAIIC until of Important seitnesees from Annerlet., • steamer Earl of Elgin km* to-day otf bate g collided with an unknown rea. gel: ..The captain, mate and thelrfamtliee were lost: ,Duty two-of those on board escaped death: -- Tbridedslon in thellordamit divorce ease le ready; but WEI not ho delivered until 'neat term of the court. • Dispatches just received state the defeat of the Imperial army at Shansi:sal, Ih the north of China, it fully conflrreed. Loirootr, May B.—The Moan, noires the minor of see retirement of Mr. lirlibt from the Ministry, and mentions' Mandela as ble probable successor. EEO • FLAVAIIA. May 7.—The steamer Triumfa or. sired last night, hrieuting the Cuban General G4:deoarta under a strong guard of aural ofll - Golcourla was Immediately taken to All, where the court martial assembled to try was sentenced , to he garroted and then morm Mee h d e th; =, At four o'clock thin o the Principe port and garroted. An immense Princ ipe. a.- 'availed on the heights of the The the General remained perfectly serene and fi rm to last. OM= - s . esi a on us the Zoi B v — e K re in n g l William e c n lo se w d i th fmhhe from tehaet I th ne. tre e t ie r s e t wt d M n xi k o mid the Hawaiian Iniabds. and congratulated members on the work accomplished. • The. Bing to-day formally received the Oblong embassy. EMI MADAM, Kay B.—la reply to deputies of the Cortes. the Blasters of Justlee and Finance declare tho State -will PO boozer pay the sale- Ades of those Bishops who refuse to take the oath of the new constitution. tut the Govern meat Cannot displaoe Bishops. Winne ft did act eppsint • ACIITHW Vann*. May' S.—The repl.e of Cardinal tonelll to Baron Benin's note of February 111 - has been received. The Cardinal hold. to the Wlll,"el,eagat h aileMi . c °f ad Vs t% leading the malt - ion among the power., • 1:3=3 Sr. Prriastruno. ,L t,—Prince Dalsenberg. an attache of th e A lan le ration, was mur ! clued to-day. 'The mutilated body tyu found to his own room tills montius. The susessin le unknown. MARINE NEWtI. QUEDitexciiii. May F.—Tte geamshli; Cid • tido, tram New 'fork, arrived to -day. 11NANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. .• LOSlDOXXayr—Erening.—Consols formoneY ?It account Otti. American securities quiet; nf72B;Tln Stork. k rls,. n, rent Western. FaaariatOsrr. May 'l.—Crated States bonds Arm at Rad6N. PAMIR: May 7.-11 purse firm , at 4f. LrYERIVOL, May 7.—Counn steady: mld . dila( UPI/tads lay; Orleans 11Na11IM sale. mi..: - • OXI balm. California white wheat Bs 7diso/1 (41 for la irestern,No. 'A Ss ad for winter. au tB. 10daSa lid for Nre9tern. Flour Ms. Co No. mixed 240 6d. Cats 20 td., Earley to. Pe*a id. I Pork IM. Reef lam. Lard Ms. Cheese • TIM Bacon, Ws for Cumberland and 63s ild for Mort. rib middles. Spirits of _petroleum Is Id: refined L s)(d. biassed oil firm at atd. • LONDON. May 7.—Tallou - Ns dd. American hogeed sue per ton. Sugar 31. Mara. Lin s oil MtaZs. Hrres.llfity . .7.—Cotton quiet. Atortyrtme. mar ..—Patroloutti firm at 13)41. Ittuarce. May ..—Petroleum firm but quiet M 6 thalersVOUS. Hanarsitb May 7.—Petrolcum quiet. CINCINNATI Ilallnwt Matters—loonteiblag In. the WW I= Extension it r —The Patent Cate. • ""4-11*".E. ler Velenntph to the Pltlthoutt Gazette.] Clareralrial. May 7.:-Mr. Jay Oould reached here last MAL. Ms pretence soon atter the New York Central party boa created tome • 11Xlertreencerning the cause. It reported - • to-day that the representatives of the New York Central were here endeavoring to -?make terms with the Cincinnati. Munn - US and Dayton Railroad for. more Intimate business connection with that reed, on account of some disturbance ' Of the relations of the Central with the Little Klemm Road. Rumor further says that Jar Gould Is here to prevent any arrangement with the Cincinnati, Hamilton a - Dayton Hoed, and that he threatens to build a road troatatmati to Dayton if ( truess are not fien ds , Whether ths is t or not, (berets douldieu something important in the wind. Theimpresslon is gaining ground that the three great roads nut not always be content with two routes into Cincinnati. Out. Thomas R. Roberts. former Inspector of . spirits under the revenue laws, was arrested to-day, charged with "Blaine fraudulent wands, using fraudulent certificates of add. . by inspection, and conspiring with H. N. row. „ter and others to defraud the Government. - The offenses are charged in DP and ifeti, and splitta are Involved ranging from MAID to to,, ddo gallons, upon which the tax at that time was two dollars per gallon. The Government seems to have been working up the cue for some time - and is armed with considerable dOedmentary evidence. Roberts was released on tall for a hearing next week. Six men wakened Martin Myers, an elderly citizen e n near Mt. Airy, seven utiles from t the city. at one o'clock this morning, under gird ' Qf need i ng deht fi s , no assistance.re. th ree " 7l n t he Pent who were masked, seizedre, him, presented frti a d i 2 l atittgr e e o ffiglT, d h h e i nll o d e lge ve ;o ' s 'n st=. The then thoroughly searched - t o dwelling, thinking tkfind additional treasure, without 'accept. The robbers made their escape. In the importantsteoric acid and glycerine patent case. the whole day ewas occupied by smaties A o:diler, of Phitedelphia. In his arra ment.- OMAHA XEN, S . 9811140,_ by Storro—Re4 Cloud Collecting HI. Ilaists—ing Horn Repetition. \lb. Telegraph to the PlUmburgh Goer• e I ..--- ill:HtArk. Hay:is-4 terrible gale dared at ip _1 iMa pima on the night or the UM And during he atztb. Several cburobes were partially ed or moved from their foundations. .., , , 1 • i m= stw rp i gAtr,v, i. :ti t =gai e ral ' t 3 7, course of construction blown down and chin,- t . . . Wes and algal generally demollsbed. All tel. r egrIPI" re ' r ul arlfi trer'wh w eir int r O. -- ti n ntli br se t url river e g o ' po n e ., succeeded % ... e Xtlal b r; ri bl e t r .a ft = " cilmn the e fArrt i t o aat , .• down and abandoned the attempt. Pllabeti ' gars from the eat were ohll c fed to atop on the ' " I t an:ll4r= i t o b tr u ia =ha s a z i lted 1 S . .. :, I n left Otero to-collect his bands ore 's replf reached there, but that a '.. ' t. Witte Horn 111 0 Z E wit ztjtltlOn Is welt , 'stet. bane rtdaforcements daily •at Cberenne • - wMhsets to start on the 10th or 13th of Mils . . -. 4C/-V44P''YZ'j,CA;;,;e7.oj..t.!iS-SSTA"-* Vii.'re-M74'''-',:‘;)''''''''''Z'el,':-."27-4,,V11"-i''l,':":,-;,.',-.`,-'",5.:.,.,^',.f.,cii.".;i...--I.l=i-4.,:::,1,.,;..,ki,f,,..;59iii.:=.r-"lf=•a,Z‘,."-,i 4.,;-t ~.....t.it ;V.;:: , ,. , ,',. ..-; 7.,1.. :7,,,,... ...::...;....,.,,,.7. 7,.;.,17:7,-.;;;.."...,.j7,7g.,...„7,-.,..7,1t,ri.,,-,p..,,11:::,-,1,..., Ti.?.:, , '.:,;'.1,- - r7-.;;;',.,,, , ,,7,7,...,-. ',".1 . ,,. . f..7 , . j.'... , 1''',,5- • /f , „,.,"' ~ w+?.-..." -- . ,-,,,.!..414,4, 7-rv.,.,,t*.t.;-.0:ziggq0,41y..:;,:kt:;.,::::..•-4j•v,4..g.-._..:••..F,..,,•::-.•..-,.,,v:z.r.,--..,••..JN•:.,....;•:-z.•,.A.,-,c,,,z,....,%Aifm4..1;(,.*}.it-z,1:;0,.eg.r.,t,.,•atz,.5-,t.g.,di....,4.-,..r•..1,e,..-t„.,••,,j:„•:,,,t,-i.,!--•'-;I,•-•',•;.:-g•,-.,..q*s:l'ilß;.,if-•-•-.:'-r2..'r,i•:-q.t..•ziyrk,-q..'.W.••'',v-,z-'-is,r-• •,,,'-',-"-"----".---- , 4•••• -4 , "'"" "' . , . • THE CAPITA.' My Tele/nib to the Pitteburgh G.ette3 Captain 6..1. Calton, of the 17th Infantry, Brevet Brigadier General Julius Hayden. and . Brevet Lieutenant Colonel B.Coillna have been retired by the President on account of wounds received In service. Brevet MaJorCieneral W. S. Elliott is relieved front duty In the depiart - went gi of the Lakes. and ordered to return to his re 1=0:3=1 This morning a pnrty or one hundred and arty Senators md kepresentatives started wt piensure trip to Limullton, Virginia. M.,. iadies accompanied the.. They return tin , . evening. Watiurscrtvia, /Mar r. leda CONORESSIONAL HEESION. Many adeuthern of Congress nre despairing of adjournment beforolhe tint of August. The A.pproprintion bill. are far advanced. but tee Tariff will likely COUOIII2IO several weeks more. Ahciuttrteen contested election eases arc yet Vo be considered by the House and there are other questions Of general character which will give rise to prolonged debate. (resent! Fret/lost, who Las been veriullaly 11l for several days. Is reported eouvalercent. drvVir saivurs Tile 'report or the Committee on Foreign Au . r . kiyeNruity makes t birty oct tiVik patios - nun tue testimony nee bundrmi morn. the members of the committee Kay it. shows Lopez tynmimore cruel and Itioodthinty than any of Inn %o f [tome. ItELIGIOUS General Cusift•Ercnc - c — Orth;3lelhodlut Episcu. pal Church Mouth. . . 113' 'relegraph to the l'ittsburgh Onzette.j .MisliPuts. May 7.—Tho (le:total Couferetiee of the Methodist Episcopal Church South.con vened this tuoriiiiig, befog the fourth day. The Ceuference Was calf l to order by Mahar. tfigbtman after the religloits exercises by Or. _ fisher. Bishop Wiglittuan spoke briefly :Apulia the useless nooto of tune In speech surging. tinder call of the Conferences a turge Inuneur 01 weworlaia awl communications sv're presented had relerred, Includingi;ne irgiulainking that the loutiolnetUr 1111,1 oellug. Of wtlioics' by Members be punish ed.' Moe irons Lagiango, Goorgla, SoVerO/y • critifloilig the Snowily :school literature nOw' id use. One Irma Misaohn untying tor :1 ito`pro rigid Wooly/foe lo regard to uanciug. Manumit iolvocatt.s.l the olitablistoutent oft a lomatifiy I.llOffaZilto deVoletl tolue interest. r Uleratdre. Ilintiolo giro 140flOo that It would he established. A resolution to ad- Juurn rih-`• - r ~+:af!~s . ArarrStblENt. ONF.II OPERA ROt SE. Lgri 17,1:114L * ,, 11m,t "'"'"I''''' the Pl.' EDWIN ADANII4, rirVII:u . I: ; " ; 11,- . 1 7411 " nrZa r l i t i .gaTtt Brno motion. . 11A3.11.ET. PHINCF OW 10.:NNIARIt. . Ilatelet Edwin Mims, Edwin Adams Ilann. on Sntunlay. W Br no h HKART NA ni r nS A t.,LA .o . g 01- , y. ONS, WII.D WITS. DRAMATIST._ Er ' LAST WEER OF THE Mercy flovital Open Every Evening CITY - HALL. [ t r FAIR AT KEY STON 1 NK RORiSOY STREET. A I I Mars V, Open Every Evning, ST. PETER'S New Catholic Church .11111111.181(,N apttroal frr THE FIRST SEMI.ANNITAL EX • RIRITIOR of the PITTSBUROU ART GALLERY. mot... Suing • no oollection of PARK fhe Production of A roosicen end Torelgn A. Rats, Is now open AT and Even Log. No. :131 LIB— ERTY STREET, opprwite the howl of Meld street Admlsslon,ll3 sews. JOAN M. CaPER &CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES • made Promptly to Order. • BABBITTS METAL Made and Kept on Hand„ , Proprietors and Menaferturers Of .f. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Wheel STEAM PITAi l f. Office-:882 PENN STREET. Foondry7Coener 17T11 and RAILROAD STREETS, Plttsbsolis Pm, 110=!MI5 MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE Of New York, Imo MM.& ONVAT N. Y. .PRLYCIPAL FEATURIN: I N Br „ t ix triz r y.44. Life Policies A.11801.137111.1r El ABLE from payment of irrelmineal Premium. lit . tristirance NON-FORPEITABLIC . Star llTEhrus,ll7= a it, Ent i r.l;vorlTA: MITA/ILE attar two annual premium. re. sUiettons upon TRAVEL ad RESIDENCE moved, and noipermits required. NO Actva l r LATION OP INTEREST on Loa. or Dar Premiums. ad NO INCREASE of atrial ipsyquista 14 left trliTatoTtnr""danTASlVTlaa arre Is no A . C . C . lgitil ' .A . T in toTll INTEREST ilitPrA d Atretit e agfir= . r . Fit=rth i geuz: ter yield an lame to the holder. We. term and endowment policies too Maned; also, w r %o ma 10 policiespolicies and annultlas. ...balivp-A.3.tt vas= Aioo 00. ' SUCCESS THE CRITERION OF EXCELLENCE. • The EMPIRE ban luad morn nail. tof over - ROO Tug PlittiT Peonending April Is. El b e, than any other Company In this (catty it • maw tnaws at the mama nee. The IAMPIRE secures every Polley holder ET °ATOM" OP rang CAPITAL with the Rate strjintlitplit tina_T eyeixpallET. tux In.4i with ThicE to pa. LOOK AT ITS LIIIKKAL FSATUItN9. Oma,vetive Agents totaled eseryerttereln W on - Pennsylvania. MarffiWY. A. F3ll egnee TErtiairtaAtiltintk. Or or crry XIITZZIL AIM SCIRLYZ a t • Prrnumaan. ht.y clam pTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS.— HEi Proposals for the %nal& Paving iunt 171013rAET froon Liberty atreetto th i kp i lMtr gurr trorp ihaur to RIIII avenue. NITIEET from Bettfort i to Cliff " o t. hel CdtV MlBl r /tail thflslV'Ttren=rmattt CA 7 f t llEßAllleal !' Mies LediLe street to Cassat street. Alto fur the construction of the following public seems: An 114 loch pipe seem no D/AMOND STREET wn j ' A l =pi ld pa 't =e t .Vo ' t; 4 P7iruca AL LEY from Miltenberam alley tu . 014 street. Will be received at Ibis (dem until 3 o'clock P. M.. M el ONDAY. Yap It 1879. Tba Committee reserve tile reit !o r reject szli atatgr.VZ. " liVoldTr4ft: ,4,1112 ...T -ile. made open blank. !undated by this E olEce. ewe. tt. J. OOR, City =edam, . CATTTION! • r I The sot... Mess beg leave to ...taloa Photograph. era easiest • person representing himself as an silent of their house. They have never eent anY 1e...1er moose PhotietraPhere to soi oft organ. their bushume es Memufsetering Chemist+ being enullned to the wholesale tied* in eithse en much I. Precticatde. POWERS ifItIttITMAN. PUILATM.TITIA. A pril 19t1H,1870..: TO STONE CONTRACTORS.• County Soldiers'Monument • Ran sarong Omen, ALLisonvor Cur. April 'Rah. 1878. The Park Commissioners will jecolve enoyka sale for the construction of the fonroletton for the Soldiers' Monement until TITESDAY, 1 Y. se.. Key cHA WASS DAVIS. r iplikels • Horses, IMENEffit! Livingston & Co., Mrauf.turfer or LIGHT GREY IBOX CASTINGS. Light frock oor specialty. Loose t d lta. Matter and (late Hinge., sub Pulleys. anther article. of [Widen( thtrdtrare allow. on . and.weniot near Outer , ftl% CUT. Protolltea aCldress. Loeb Box OOP. aey, boa b.. Pa • • ,TOTICE TO CIVIL ENGINEERS.' PEALED PROPORALS will be received nary' MONDAY. May Nlh. 1871. at 7 reelect P. M.. for one t7IIEF =NOINERII. to take charm of the cumatrustron of Waablnalan 10,11394 ntda to be far tank per diem and monthly salarl. All PEP. east,. be handed to the Presklant or Rosemary. Or left at the office of C. B. VIITTISRMAN, 137 4th avenue. flight reserved to relent m 7 nr W hid,. - Jotter OILFILLAN. etn tacit. butte et. BOIMIA X. 6.701117. .117M5S NOTICE.--The Books for The sub• BCIIIPTION of Stu* of tho Crystal Spring Ice Manufacturinu and Storage Company, Are note opened at tho Nett.les' Pertain Mee. TZSILITIWIELD STUSET, 79UCompaa7 t. quartered by the leaddetere n 7 rr...71. 41 . , end htu the cutest.a right of libutafseturlng Ice In the Carenty ap Aileabroy by eillIr• oelebrated Viands Patent. - IlrißY NETER, rzsrr OrricE or Ctry ?Ng isms •mo Aro nap 1 . 11 . 011.11 . 401 t. May Ikb. TOTICL—;The imessmeeto for tie tt-01,44rArg1gzf.P1,,r , „1... A„J e trgy; trozwaviantv,rongArz mttrotd to wig Mr Tr...naves office fur mile. tlon. MOORS. C B7OPR9 p AYn TINWAILE, , ocKS. CuAL BoXEs, VMS 180143, az. to. r.anurrra leeu 146 Gnat mew DINTXTION OF PAllTNlll tmew.nya:=lslphnolotereeddikle buss adder the brut of J. T. trlaintkOnated. day disamtved by mutual euctoml. Mllll,2Yl,igl B UTTER* ba b r tulf bare 2, &" Mt"' j itl e C lllll4 MINIVe MI EEO= FOR Tllk BENEFIT OF EOM! MPIRE, =1=IE!! MME!I