FINANCIAL GOLD, SILVER, Co - CI - POTS Bought at Highest Price. PH. R. MERTZ, BANKER, • Con Wood St: and sth Ave, Jas. T. Brady. & Co., (Socervsn, to S. JONES & CM.) Corner Fourth Avenue and lyoOd Street, .11 . A - KtEB,' . . k Bur, Am) eri.x. CM RUSE (11, .Government Securities, COLD, SILVER AND L'Otq'ONS,E ! OF MOST FA , OI3ASLIL Intereet Allowed on Deposits. rrlioney fllttted on liorernmont Bonds at low eft rt, t fftM. fir unnimx krzerrien nin rut PritrltAtil ADD NAGA WY MINKS. DWI DB Atop GOLD. !' .JAMES T. BRADY & CO. THE , DAILY GAZETTE IioNEfAND•IiiMMERCE: [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh (1.04.1 ` . - .A . , Nine VOlsg; May L 'f, test. (Innen mnromient for the week Important: ilecrants at nil ports large. &Van baleat ex porta. 44=5 bales. It Is now believed that the trot' Will exceed 3.000,000 bales, and it Is esti mated that the new plantingi dre or. tho Imsis b of 4403,00tb This weekl i es .n an Important one also on thentookox' - chvi . :Prieto sharp, lylvalistincod.' and the rise two weeks:an finding shares 123 to ilXic per Cent. The rrn.: end trade of the city is fair. Imports of dry 00de,11.433,1711; general merchandire:St.leti, The bank statement'(. 1,1,-oiiia- . - ti,,iii., thl l 4l=l7.ilegk'''cliroti Ut. 444,041; decrease. 1ta1.te.... Deposits, U17.3it2,- :IP; Increase, 443.51`2,K1e- Legal ,teaders. M- M..= Increase, gla6l/167. • -- - , Molter eIIST at 015 per Cent. on call. Ster ling quiet at Gold beaVY: opened at 1111, touched UPS. and closed at -111M2.1117i. etorrring rates n. 5 per rent. elearnnees, 1.14,- 030.0113. 'Exports for the treck,Slirl,s3l. Governments os shade higher andsteady. Coupons of T1.11rOsellots; .112,1110„,p.m5, .01 110%51110%; WS, 110j/1,111; do a112i,, , Zr.U3; Wt. 11ati411133,i: 1133 1133(: ew. }MN% , CorrencY. as. 11:NCril 2 ii. State bonds wask,_ 2dissouriii.ltPe: old Ten nessecs• nOV: new Tennessees. N 0.,: old VII , Virnlari 0; ae~r tlirglntns • OP[ old N ooh Cm,- Levee re, Stocks strong and advancing antii about, three o'clock: fell off about is 'per cent. in the attenant. but closed strong. Bootlaces of the day quite large. Hock Island .and Labe Shore were the great features. • Canton. :1: Cumberland, Cs Welder - 4 Enlon, Quicksilver. eh: & f E . :it: Mariposa Preferred. 1 0 ;s: Hartford & Erie. 6‘.: No .m ss. 64'.; Wells & Parocu, ..17%; American, 41; 1. rotted States, NW; Pacific' Mull. 42it: New' York Central. WV: New York ventral Scrip, Nil: Erie. 04 Erie preferred. 41i irtern,o44l Heading, MN': MlChigan; Centre/. 124: Lake Shore, 100%; Indiana Central:HlM:Pittsburgh. Northwestern:NLUl.BorillarestenlPre ferred. VP,: Hock blood , I.Mhit New . Jen,. Central, PAM; St. Pull. Pat St. Paid preferral. Wabash, W.; Wabash Alrefarred. 7& Fort Wayne. •, Te reel - Haute. Mk Terre Haute pre (erred, frk . Chiesgo & • Alton. 1141 Chr & Alton preferred. ILS; Ohio & Allselsalp 'Mehl:tall, Cleveland & Columba* 11?: t. Joe preferred, 110 U. Iron - Mountain, pat!, Columbuoi 10 Indiana Central. IV:: Do buquejnot. Copperprices at Boston: (Sniper Franklin, tied, Pe; Quince, finb•Trealmry balance: Gold, r.olftaal:; err ranry, general tinlunce, E= . . . Omco or PrrrserooiGszrrrz. t. NATVIWAT. Min 7, NT.7I. . The. general markets present but Ihtle that Is new or important; outwit Wan:Wing there is some oompsint being made m re rd to dull Ma ft ns, yet after all, we beliere ths businesi generally Is boot as brisk as tT actually is t e n t Ull a Season of the year.. While the demand s r afs t- voimptroe, err& ttatriebef almost wholly to supplying the Immediate wabts of the. lout trade, there la not's - ablate:AMß, . very fair volume of business In the aggregate. We hove but few round lot operations to re port; which maybe attributed In 'sotto an almost total absence of anything Ilkespecula tient and while some articles, the most prom inent of *bleb Is the hog product. haie appri elated considerably In value within a com paratively short time, yet after all the feeling . la this respect In hardly is strong as It was a week ago. Flour Warm and wheat Is higher. but It In not likely that there will be mach of an advance. unless the wheat crop should be Injured by frost:- the adsiem from neatly every:quarter are favorable and there is every, indication that the yield this year will be equallo that of IMP The grocery trade con tinues fairly active, and it seems a little strange that while colfee has advanced' with gold. sugars, as yet, have undergone no 'Change,' and prices ars about the Same now with gold at 111 to 115, that there were With gold at 11l to 111. The secret of this. however, seems to Ile in the fact that the stocks are large, touisually So, and large holders are mush - suto realike, ! / ; • • . Ai4HES—Ftrmerbut not quotably higher. Common Soda Anti 4: rennet' do, 4J P99r19. 9 ' 7 E410 Pots. :M. APPLES—The season for green apples Is rapidly coming' tO. a close. We continue to, -.llrAwimb'erc:ontinaes very dull. and prices are weak and drooping. The peddlera and farmers are now bringing In nearly. enough to supply the retail trade. and, as. might be expected, commissionbutter isnot wanted. We now quote prime to choice at MA—CalltPe very dull th.oUgh prices annominally unchanged. sumo.. per bushel; to quality. • auto .prke: Ewer. WO; No. 7. i'SPC Pa.!. gir Non, KIS; Common: !IVES. - CAUBON OLl,—Ls firmer and higher, laid we • isose a ar ri u=la T ri m br . a l :=% ll4 i cts ' but prices remain unchanged. at Meg I per bushel. CRANBERRIES—Season • about over and market Mmost bare, tglehNlirgtrles - c ' d Loulsvllle cement at y 7 ' 4l3Aper bbl. CREWEes of new Ohio Factory at M I D lerNeur York Dairy. at IM1X017; and New York Gosben at Is. DRIED FRUIT-The demand is rather. bet ter bat prices remain unchanged. Apples OR7 eta; Peaches, MX for quarters. and KO for halves: pared, ifsw. Illackberties, M.,Lai pitted Cherries. • FlijlEtcllGS:siTdbeZinooT,h4,l'7.`egg 7;4! ..,....12.15-.Most of tne e salca et the 'rodeo . Canoe. FEATHERS-Live a'eese feathers are quoted at 85R90, with tha usual advance for small lots in store FLOUR-The market Is firm but rl4 , vold of excitement, and there is no material I provr ,, meat to note In the demand. them(i at the same time holders appear stiff quo t et very anxious to sell. We continue tO at 1.:61 Alf !Or *prism: PARA for winter, and 8101.50 for ranee brands. • GRAIN-There Is a steady Milling demand for wheat, though, notwithstanding'. tbeoirer. toga continue light, there is no change to mak tim , a e in iA r t otst l 9.4 J O rn IL. I3 for Jted • and farreicce in ad t v e rMee th n e e e a r st ' r ' bu7 ti t r demand in this market contimies light an/ price* unchanged-at to tO for ear and OR to for shelled. Oat. dull but unchanged - the ae . .• rivals appear to be falling off somewhat. We continue to quote at-11 to MI to first hand.. buyers furnishing sacks; 50 on wharf and track . and 5 2to 53 in store. Rye is still quoted at fib to $l,-cash and time, and prime spring bade/ at 8.5 to 90. HAY-Baled is very dullnd may be fairly ~,,oied at sit to 1/1. - for fa irto strictly prime timothy. 11O20NYMarket almost bare • but there is little or no Inquiry for It; VON per bbl. LIME - Is steady but unchanged. Ise.tkra. dL:6; Cleveland. LARD 011;-..P. d-So. report extra Nl'llbal,l4%aSn-d3lNa7i;t'dff7m, and . ' demand good bat prices are without quotable chant, Plain &rani . Cored Hams, Iniablnk: Carussed de. car l9 P,V. 9 lif, 7.lgges'fignir4ll; Clear do, IN ot.axi - Lard. tt . crr_eL , ll;,..ig 'buckets, lb. e r r cad/1 , 4 9 = 9 N In WAIT'ODOS--ed-Contic;neluil and holders are moreanzious to realize. We now quote et as to 40 on whiff and .track and 40 to 45 10 store N t lleDu itrT ll; prime Tennessee !till quoted at SRO ups. HERDS-There it C little or nothing .doing In either. Timothy or Cloverseed as the season is about over. flaxseed ,_ _Mu bid-a round lot would probably bring PETROLEUM MARKET Orr= or Firmer:roan Gefferra. - SATIIRDAIr, Mlly ' , I, HEVIIIR roe tar WELK. The oil market he. Deco consuallY firic this 'reek. and prices harp still further ndranced ~__. compared with last week,tholuth the sales con- Liana light. There his been considerable In quiry all the week for rennet'. particularly for the early months. and, the demand Is 1e5it1.4.4 .4. 4 means as It doCs from' expoitets Who want the oil for expo m lbut the prices o ff ered are not saLiefectoT. d. conswinently, id lers are fees ; In num r.- The same difficulties lo the trade here that. • have existed all the year. still continue. one of the most serious of 'which Is the high price of crude, as compared w ith r efined, and until this and other obsta cle. no w in I,le, way, are overcome 7 there!, ° not much prospect of any Immediate Improve- meat. The refining business. proper. is in a very unsatlsfactmy condition. and hat been to for some time past.' And the whole trouble lies in the high prior of !nights. at compared with other rival points. There are other Cause. of count, but this is the Principal'one, and It is from this that the others emanate. and It cannot hr ete:Fted that the oil trade will prosper here no long as It Is hedged In on evert tide as Wig at present. It Is hard to be. lieu , that the railroads . kintering here would droanythlng to prostrate so important an in temt. tart this is the effect of the policy pur sued Ty them for name time past. . Receipts Crude this week. 21.410 bbls: last week. =SSA' Jamin- let to date. =017: sante time last yeac.=.l,4M. • Expdrts of reamed this week. Mari; last week. I..Mit from January tat to date. Ifitlatil same time lust year. 119.71. Sales this. week,' 21400 bble crude; GAM bbln refined; list week. 24410 bbls crude; 17.:01 Wits refine& EMI Markal..baully us strung. .conitalred with yesterday, but prica, are. unchanged. Spot or seller, May quoted at I=X. and seller June may be quoted at 12hq.33. There Were several car loads sold at. 1214. 'Buyer all year nominal at ,1451 RIPS. • Market Orin but unchanged.' with the e ception of May which is a loan, higher, compnred with the opening price this morn ing. • valet :,OW May at :hi. 2,oloJune at and same month and price. The Inquiry is tenthly for the early - months, May, June and Juln " 0 m this afternoon they were all quaint t tia.which Is soniething unusual. July to December nuoted at and August to December tit 20.' • • lIMIIIPTS ¢nnna mitt, or .t. e . tl. n. Fisher Goa /UM, on account same: A It Mills on account W Bartle: Penn Oil Works 610, on 'account Jos Wilkins; J Gallagher Rh on nc onunt T Kin ; E I. Goodwin lOU. on account J II Barluaur; t. Wrens 011 Works rth on account O S Gulalrick. Total bbls OIL Slllrntu.lni P. IL It. AND A. V. IL 1)11, .1. W. Alesso.icr,.3,lrn g:illtins to Bostwick .t Telford. N. Y. • nu, sat:rumen; mm A. t. • Citizen% (ill Ira.. tat Ltd% refined oil. to Tack Ilroe.. Philadelphia. J. C. Kirkpatrick t Co.. 212 lib's ref..oll to Waring. K S Co.. l'hila. - Bruen A Wa,,,er, lin hblii ref. oil to Waring,. K. A. T'hll'a. 11. Koehler 8: Co.. 100 bbls ref. oil to Warble. K. A cu.. rbfl'a. Tula MARKETS 11lr TELEGRAPH :few York. . NEW YORK, May t --Cotton firmer, sales lad bales at - :2lc for middling uplands. Flour. receipt. 21,235 bbl,.; market a shade better and In fair demand for export and home mg sales P. 700 bbt at $.10‘.5a.5,03 for superfine State and western: $5,10n5,15 for extra State, £4.104.Ki for extra western, $5.15an.2.1 for extra round hoop Ohio. $:)...0.k01.:*1 for white wheat extra, V..."Ani.tie for extra St. Louis. f5,1008:41 for ,Rof to choke de. Metalling sales of MOO bbin lose grades of extra State and western, for ex port. at 14.1fki.,25. lire flour firm; sales of _5Ol bbls .at 111.hikt5.fll. Corn meal quiet and un changed. Whisky a shade firmer, sales 400 Ws at' sl.l76al.odVallg, free—latter extreme. Wheat—receipts -21=1 betels, and market lc better with tale export and milling demand. Them In ales a good enqUiry for ints,to orrice; Sales.of MOM:bush at 81.17a1.21 for No. 2 spring, Mt+ Job No. 1 spring, $13111.52;4 for winter red and amber western, $1.400,13.5 for white 'Michigan. Also. sales of =COO bush No 1 spring. to Arrive by canal, at Bye %aka, and nnehanged. Barley %inlet. Barley malt In fair demand; 'aloe of !Wedbush at Sk. Corn-receipts. 15.411 hash--scarce and a shade firmer. with sales of 31.01X1 bush ut $1.1161,15 for new mixed western. $1.16 , 7 , 1,17 for new western for old mixed western delivered, Oats-receipts, 3.3:4 bush-dull. with alts of 18,010 bush at Moja:Se for western In store and shat. trZragne for Ohio and Stale. Hay is in fair demand. flops quiet. Leather; hemlock sole la in good demand at . stli3l.l for Buenos Ayres and Ifto Grande. Wand dull, with sal, of . ."4011tal pounda ut 2.1,a,164c for do mestic fleece, Lat,t:Pc for palled. Coffee dull and unchanged. Molannca dull. Sugar steady, with sates of :SO heds Cuba at atol/10c. Petr o . learn lahttlec for crude. 2710 for refined. Turpentine . weak at 4246.1tc. Sheathing copper quiet and stend,e; ingot cor r.,. qnlet nt Possillts,,e for Baltimore, and atlntsc for Like Superior. Ilg Iron quiet at 4.sirea: for Scotch, and VIIV:14 . for Ameri cas; bar iron quiet and steads . at PIS for relined English and Americas,: sheet Iron dull at $1.1n12 gold for Russia. Nails quiet and steady tit.l 4 attic for cut: 51.1n5'50 for clinch. ed. and ffkg.i4o for horseshoe. Pork dull and heavy: 110 bbla at filt.talfl for meta: for prime, and ICl.Nitalat for prime mess; also. NU bbis Mean for June at ISA-M. 50. Beef ism:let: 221 tibia at stlatS for new plain nesse. and Ws 10 fur new extra mess. Tierce beef nrm lOU tee extra India mess at Stir. Reef hams quiet: aft blds at paalti. Middles quiet and unchang ed. Cut meats Orin: 11,1 tea at lUl2`se shout ers, and 15a11 hams. Lard dull: sales :ea/ tee at irnleKc steam: 161.411 e kettle rendered; lso ail, prime strain May, June and July Itialfit.e. Butter an Beak O h io. Cheese steady Sane. Freights are rather quiet; ship merits. i.n.rorl bush wheat to Liverpool at hirer andl 4.1 strain. Flour unchanged and firm, with fair export and Imam t rade demand. Wheat linn t for N 0.2 spring: 51.:11d.1.1: for whiter red and anther western. lice nomin ally unchanged. Oats quiet at ft . ..442fsic for western in store and admit. Corn quiet and Orin at $1,150 I.o' ,- for -new mixed western. Pork quiet. with .1, Uri Mils mess. seller June. at $O2-Sl. closing sellers at $,9,12 and buyers at an:A. Beef quiet and arm. Cot Meats steady and In foie demand. Buena' n o minal. ',apt Eggs Inlet as lart 190. ' Chi 0, e.PUR.V., , NAMY.IO°: r a , '" an ie sayesterd ay.Wheat is West and Irregular hut rather arm; sales o No. 2 early at ak: - astssequently it sold for tae, closing at ht.l.a 91.4 c; In the afternoon sales wereath" at ICS M.Sc. seller during.the month. and 9 m stdanlc, seller Junta very little done In other grades: 974•518 c for No. 1. Corn ar mor and higher: sales at Rosaftl4c for No. 2. and Neale for new. closing at Koy ain't for the former: me nnl corn Inn toad higher and movements Brat; optional salty at iat,4aHl4e, nclicc during the month. and MSc. seller June. for No. 1; In the afternoon. Ilitse for N.,. 2: the demand good. Oats quiet but firm at llassallo.c cash. 494 nave buyer May and We seller dime. Bye -quiet and unchanged. Barley dull and entire le nominal. Highwlnes without material change. Mess. Pork nominal at Vitra. Lard quiet at 164aliSt.c. Mesa onllnary Sweet Pickled llama I.kler,Cc. Meats quiet but firm ut 111%lc for dry salted shoulders. 14100 for rough sides, 15e for short ribs and 15Isa lake for short clear middles loose. Receipts -3.410 Globs pour. 440fe. bush wheat. 56.311.1 bush . nem bush oats, .1-7.15 bush rye, 31.164 hush barley and a.tq hogs. Shipments-14,1W bids flour. SCsOll bush wheat. 530.0 t bush cum X.SSO bush oats. 11.5-i7 bosh rye, 1.110 bush bar ley and 5.5C1 hogs. Cattle quiet and stens!) . at fog light stoekers to extra prime shipping beeves. Lingo Retire and firm at. RttrAtltlitS for corn-) mon to extra. MEM Loma, May 7.—Tobarco strong and un ebanged. Cotton dull at 7.1 c. Hemp arm at 51.1.h5 for undressed. Flour firm and good demand at .#4ll 1.50 for fallsuper. $1,75 for AX. kr.314.55,511 for XXX. Pla.:ol4.: r il n for choice to fA tau cholla io N' f ' n;ej .-P 51.,40a1 Corn exc red ited and higher: mixed and yellow sl.lalt I.IG, choice to fancy. white $1.11 , 01.31. Oats higher at Urnalc. Rye firm at 6runnr ion steady and unchanged. Provisions firm. but buyers stood off. Pork V9,50 - d.:JO. Small sales of- dry _salted , shoulders at. JU, clear sides 15Xe- . -Packed bacon Jobbing sales: shoulders - WWl:le, clear rib blkalaXe. clear 17}1(117Se. Canvassed sugar cared hams lON Istrd: jobbing sales at lON for tierce. Me for keg.. ' Cattle Orin .cithn fair demand at tKfa,734e.' hogs steady at Sitnhe for good to chsuct. 1=1:22 Cracrana - n, May —Flour and wheat un chrmged. Corn Pearce and higher,--mlsed m't Ole, white tWitlYac. Oats steady at 50 , 71,C0. Rye sewer nod firm at ale for No 2. Cotton In firmer and held Mc higher: middling 21NR22.c... Toloneco unchanged with no sales to-day. Whiskey quiet and unchanged: sales nt 1.030 demand light and nut much offering. Mess pork quiet and unehanged: held at On buyers offer tr.29A . Bulk meat* firm but quiet: shoulders 11!:012c, sides 14.1“415c. Bacon In light supply and firm at 12100,130 for shoul ders, and 16c for rib shies, and liMe. for clear sides. Lard 16,10 and nllminal. flutter unchanged nod dull ae.T. , 'Ar3lc. Egoltc. Lin seed 01l firm nt $1; but little offering. Cheese unchanged .and qulet nt 1V315c:- Groceries unchanged and quiet. ' . Pldradelphla. PH ILADELPH lA. May 7.—FlOur6rm. with fair rlcraanil for tairthweetarn exam-family • • , • . 1...5.370_4, Ohio $.5.7:1701.50. - and fancy t 7,4,8410. Wheat unchanged. with , sales of . Indiana red at $1,..1110,1 ,M. Rye 'lOl. Corn is held firmly: sales of mixed western at *L08161.10. Oats aro dull, with sales of western at °tittle. Petro.; lento quiet, with saki of erode at 11),Iic. and refined :Pie. There was a email business done In provisions. Men pork IrJ1161:10M. Laid lf,tic. Whisky gilletAtt .1.051f41.01 for Iron bound. • Saw Francisco. PAN FILANCISOU, May 7.—Legal Tenders 8954• Flour: during the week flour was In goal de mand'and active. with more variety In prices than the previous Six months • with the peat ten days flour advanced 75 to toe per bhl and wheat let° 15c per Mallets. It Is generally admitted that the unfavorable condition of the crops Is the main cause of appreciation. The heated term continues • the thermometer here to-day Is Kt and In the Interior of the State fe,to 100. altlmer.•. Pat:mums% May 7.—Flour quiet: western superfine ss,l2ii.rain do extra 8.5.50 , 25.40; fam ily 8625003.75. Wheat dull ; T 1 aryland ambes $1.51V,1a5; Pennaylranhs $1,4141.1.5. Corn Ann: white tl.l6aut yellow $1.1141.15. Oats Arm at &v. Mess pork arm at riliTainii). ifiacon Ore; rib sides 16M 017 e: clear sides 17.40: shoulders lase; hams 19(W)c; Lard firm at 11 Na. Whisky firm and In moderate to demand; pat sl.olli. straight $1.06, and iron-bound • 81.07 12=1:121 CLEVELAND. May 7.—flour unchanged and very firm. with a strong advancing,tendency hsprices. Rye flour steady and unchanged. No. I red wheat closed strong. holddrs asking CUP: No. Z. red la held at 5U:Q.1,13. Pont closed weak, with sales at nlc for new mixed W,estern. Onto steady at fi's?-74.fe for No. 1 State. ltye quiet at UC2X4e. Batley dull and nominal. Petroleum quiet but fief, at 2.4 c for round lota of refined--small lots at lat;.:c above these figures: crude firm at 1. , :p.74.1 per bbl. sew °Oran.. • Haw ORLEANS, Dlay 7.—Cottun in active de =tend at fall prices: middlings . .Mi..."-Ne; sales Ml4OO bales:. receipts 1,1447: experts 1,7%; stock Mena: stuck light and market arm: shaaldera at 13%014c, rib sides 17tila,17Xc. dear sides hams agit,lNc. Other articles unchanged. Sterling I=IM Comsat LO. Mai T.—Cotton Ann; middling 31. M. Flour commands $5. Choice shelled corn mche , gm 73 4 .. Wheat sons at $1001.31. Hpe We. Oats 65. Pork $.W.50. flacon 133. i, 17 end - 17g.. hams rac 7 . 4 lkta_Eit " i a lint c 4.. T Loni , ! o, " o; c * B. Fel e ' 153 bhda at 0.85., f l oc (toot ed t o b logs, g?.k .' o for low to good leaf. Toledo. Toygno, Mae 7.—Flour quiet. Wheat inlet and nnehamted: No. I while Michigan 1,b5: amber Michigan $1.114t1,11.14; No. I red 147; No. do held at $l,ll with $1.13 bid. Com la better for No.l at Sge; No:4 We; No. p, o ld We: Oats dull and nominal; No.l Tintdic; Mir I Me. • Wawa'. Miturtus, May 7.—Cottoa stiff at W.e. Ile. celpts, ittli bales; exports 1,410 bale.. Flour PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE 151yer active at $4.1.01 Om name at tlaira, 1. 1 ;!. Oats arm at (Pc. tidy arm at. Vary 31,11).8ran scarce at 27e. Park arm at f.UO, :MO Lard 17,4 q, 19c. 11amm ,boulders I te: sides IN C. Dry Goods . liroor Tonic. Mac 7.--111isiness an a general Muir in very quint. vet prices rule uniform scent Lancaster pertales, which are reelliced iy agents Irian . MILWAUKEE. Mar flour lino: choice Win connin .4.2.1635. Vhent firm; iniSc for No I; for N 0.2. onto firmer: Inc for No 2. Corn 'Arany: Kic for new. Ifye nteady: 77c for No 2. Barley (Inn; !Cie for chelce. Buffalo. • Remit" May t—Cattle. sheep and bug markets unchanged. Receipts or cattle heavy, •heepnad begs IMPORTS ar CLYXKLANI, AND ItAILBOAD, May cars bitewut. Park Pros: 12 do iron or, lirreir e Heed Iron Co; 2 do pig metal, I. Loyd &-Illach: 2 do do, Graff. 'Sennett Sr Co: 2 410 jackson ore, ihown ,t• CO: I do pig metal. Zug A: Co: Ido !amber. W Het:lnge At Co e.0(10 ft do, A l'attenam: 2.5 dot w boards, 50 oho do, S Shriner A: Co: OD Gaffe:. C tobacco, Ar buckles y CO; f. Idle handles, Hoye & (iettr;- lit sks potatoes, Broggerman 1 VII; 30 MAR scrip Iron, J Moorhead: MI) ft :ember, W W Al on,' M talon shingles. ninn Planing Mill: Kt ft limber, Heath A: Spear:' Lb' eggs, S Marvin: I Nil rockers Lemon & Weise: P bkle . . apples, Hose St Ewing: 1 bbl bacon. V II Graff at Co: 12 skit potatoes, 1 Isil bags, Graham Sr 31 1 cask baron. P Dull .1: Son: 16 bdls c stuff, 1 box dtwlletiford C Co: 11 empty boo. Schwartz Si II: LI/ bbls flour. P Duff & SOU: I skit MO. ROM. & Christy. 67 skit rye. Graham St MO c"kg chrOc..l A Grim I tub baron. Atwell St Lee; 4 kgs lanl, 7 tubs butter, 11-Hen Jr: lot si lumber. J Nora: 3 lads dry peachee. Hood . . .• .1; 10 In An, S Devol: ' PITTKRURGII Font WATNE AND CHICAGO nu.sioAo, MaT 7.-10 pails tobacco, Means & Collin; 11 pkg. spirits, Milligan &H; ht tibia fish. Haworth & Dcwhorst; 400 eke flour. • . . . owner: 10 Imics p stock, Markle & CO; :5111 pigs lend, Ilnkewell. Pears & CO: 1(10 bids floor. Crilp & Shepard; 100 do do. I) Wallace; 400 do. I do. owner; 25 bbls oil. It i, Fahnestock & 'On 11 bus tobacco. Knox & Orr; 29 don brooms, W M Gormley; 200 by. barley. Foonheim. V & Co; Mholes roes. It hrist v; I hr Mil wine, Jos cKay; 7 bxs cheese, 1 , 1 J Bradein 46 do do. NV II Kirkpatrick & Co; 52 has w glass. Ihmseu Son; 2 boo cheese. I ear potatoes. Woodworth & D;1 cur potat.scs, Vont:order & Shepard; I do do. .11r1mcerronn & O'Brien; 27 ohs do. Schnelbach k. 11; ti Mils shovels, Myers & A:3 logs coffer. ' Rinehart S; 2 Mils mitts. 2do men'. J A Renshaw; 5 ban tin. TJ I.lcl.strty; 3 pkgs butter. 23 do Sob. W D Cooper 5: CO; 100, tads flour, Shomaker & PITTNSUROD, CINCINNATI AND ST. 1,011111 RAILDOAD, May 7.-4 Nan staves, Tr HaStIONT: 1 car corn. 45 bra do, McHenry & II; 501 ms attach. Sesbnircr & 0 ; N hhde tobacco. Wet man tOo; I car stares. M P Adams; NO bbls floor. 1) Wallacc,• 100 do do, S. Lindsay Jr & 25 bgs potatoes. thicker & Co, 1 bid egg, 1 1 nr & Co; t DIN, apples, .1 A Graff; 2 Able eggs, 1 lob butter. Head & H; N bge wool, 2 do rag , 4 Dbl.. lard. E Saab; n hg, b arter, Smttl & Co; 6 1.1 , 16 cgs, 14 do apples. Itruggermaa & 0; 20 bp corn. Scbotnaker & 14 10 do .1 peaches. 31eanor S II; 6 bales e stock, Al It l'offroth; 11 • • . pkg. tobacco, S For; 10 do In. T Carland; blds apples. Yolgt. at a- Co; 14 do do, J A Graff; bg . .4 raga..l , Cralirbrad; tib ia 00. M W Rankin. Au.sonr-Kr tcrkramr. Mar 7.-1 cur lum ber. J Mender:3D ?Mix dour. :4 bra millreed. M Steel 5: Son; 45 aka lent, :C.!. do eve. Si do outs, G Stewart; Ifr2 bea out,, 90 do M'e , Knox Son:ft lilts corn, 51 do oats.l9 do rye,' 1131eKee: 275 ban malt, Smith le Co:2 cars staves. ..1 Mllemptilll; pica lead, Saloon maker k Son:3 do. broom,. R Crozier. Prrrse,unan AND Ooncia.tatiLLa n 01111: Mar 7. -1 bbl bacon. 1 ha butter;Ne- Crarken. ti & Co; bid. cement. C 'Leech: 5 Wei eggs, Allentown Line; a) bona w_glass..l S Dilworth .t Co:11 cotta leather. R A Memo= 121 sks oats. W Welsh & Co; 1 car posta..l Patterson & Co; X. 3 tools, paper. Smith k P;.l I,bl eggs, Watt. Lang & ALLEGHENY VALLEY ILULROAD. MAy . 7. - 4 hrs seed. bids eggs. W H Kirkpatrick & Co; a kers hotter. Rinehart & Stevens: 2 bbls eggr, I bx butter, 11 Klingensmith; 1 bhi egg*. A Neff; 1 hid eggs, Paul & Gibson; 1 car Ilit stone.l 4 l,,minbtrger. II & Co; 12 do coal. Arm strong. Hickson & Co; Id do do, Coleman, Ithant & Co. • 141P011'114 UV RIVER. PCH Prialll.l.A. May 7iirs potatiiett..lJ Pettit:4 tails wine. Jiihn gs; 11l tails npples. Mcerneken. (I k en; Li hL s le- tstors. H II Harlin:' 2 , pito cignrs. M K do J Ilinekmiret I; bales hay. . . . . , . . . Robb & II:In J bgs barter. W 'Sleek; Ir.2rill lob's. C A Want-mastle: 27 aka potatoes. a tax limburg cheese. 1' Duff a: Sun; 13 sks potatoes, ado rye. I box baron. W H Hndf N Co: 3 bbls eggs. Head at M; 3 bbls apples. Voight. It I' Cu; 2 bas ergs, 2 do butter. .1 Mr(loutivt.tbd sugar. Dilworth. II & Co; I sks rags. J It Wel. en: 1/1 bbls oil. C. Ihtehanurn; IS skspe.'W eh.ffr: 7do do. 141 do corn..l kW Fatrley. • Prrrgetritaii, BROWNSVILLE SNP GISLVA rActuer Cc OMAN, MRS . 7. la hhk Hour. 01131. hle S Anderson:4Se Isss es. Ines. H C Schmertz: tusks onto. 'McHenry S: Hood:: Ilss het/Mier.- bbl eggs. Watt. Ling . & Co; II hogs..i UMW; ' tons metal: J Wilgum .0 Soo; 2 Ohio egg . .. I butter. I do berries. 4 sks 1,010. Slcerneken. Co; Uri galls .stonesenr, Peet: Rao eggs. IT sko out, bblo whisky. I: sks oats. .\ S s4rlisle; IS ben chopped feed. IS do meal. P. II Conwns— In lark flour. Cols Fhepard: 20 b, r y,.11 , n, by 4 corn, r) 5 co, Ilitcheoek, Me- Vrcery &Co. , LEGAL. Orphans' Court Sale. MM:=Kt==l 1 , 111,4 Burn!!. " IITVIn .: Iso of an ord., of tho Ort•tows' Court 7th DAY OF JUNE. isin, • i:ect he ti right. Ulla. intern. sad eburu of the raid liwlne. nee,. ot. to awl triMe Urlto ilortlej deft-Mod real 01..1.6. t I The one norilynfell third 11 peel of • certain teem or parcel .4 land etto• Min Burrell town ehlpoutht rounty.orthdottot lands of Joe...lode sod Wu, Maher, with • ...den tee try. 30 feet 0 0•.. fe el htxh. • two acre" frame dwelling has..,. 30 feei he 20.5 etable and other outbuilding+. thereon ereuted. eunt•lnlng 4 were, be the mate more , base. . . TRIMS—One-half the perch.. men., on ennet , Instinct We. and the he.W.nre In one 'eat there after, with Intereet , in be scented by band and tonrteeee. &de In be conducted by OH N BRUCE & WM. MAHER Adminiaroton of said decomool. ot.walkdAT WM. IL BLACK. Vieth. AISTRICT COURT OF THE U 4 SI. LA' Ten KT/ITM FOR TRU WESTERN DM TRICT or PRIINBYLVARLA. IN BANKRUPT r:- • , - In the nutlet. of ROBERT W. lIODOKNS mot A LKAANOKIt 110DGKRII. hanknns. 'l3;atenviiistrict of Perat4iisile., es. A venereal In bankruptcy hem been Issued by said art.C.F gainst the ee.te4of Robert W. Hodge. and Alexander M. Hodgena. of the. con aty of Beaver. anA Stet. of Pennsylvania, In Hid I)Httirt. who hare been duly tultuilsed bankrevito main PHILPn of their enektltor, and the p+rm.nt of an tot ebt. sod the delivery of any pniperty behlnglrug id tank - rapt, them or for their nee. and the tans. ter of any property by them are forbidden by Law. A meeting of the creditor, of said bankrupts. to prove their debt. and china s one or OM •••• signet.. of their estate, will be held et a Court of Bankruptcy to lie holden at No. Ya Diamond dtrect. Piltatmegh. In mild Midden. on the 26th ay of 31ay.A. IX 1870, at 10 firlork •A. .11.. at. on named Harper, ran., one of the ItelliTtc o g In n ' keliptcl of said Malden. A. MURDOCK, • • U. N. Marshal. • ktiOTICF..--Whereas Lettere' of Ad- Inlmtratt. to the estate of THOMAS N. NLEY. late of Cointm township, dee...ed. have been Ranted to the subscriber. oil persona Indebted In the said notate see requestevi to make immediate Per Meet, es ta teese having chime or demands =ain't theof the said decedent will Make known the enmn without deliv to. CATHARINE PINLEY. Ad 11111 3 .1. or W. C. A oghlabsugh. Attorney, No. 3177 Dienuend Street. HZ E Pittsbutati. Apill 30, 18 7 0. enyYT • AUCTION. _ ILDING LOTS House and Lot, SHERMAN d: STOCKTON AVENUES E=3 on MONDAY, May 9th, at 10 recteck, there win be sold on the premises. by an order of the Or. plows . Court of Allegheny county. one lot situated on the corner of Stockton and Rieman seennes • Inset ward. Allegheny. 27 by 120 feet. on which is erected a two story Prick Dwelling of .12roonte In good habitable condition. Also the ad/olulull vacant lot on Stockton avenue 27 by 120 feed. Also. one lot corner of Sherman avenue and Water affect.2o by 36 feet. and the four adjacent lots on Sherman avenue. each 23 by 36 feet. The peseta:movements render these lola desirable for private residence.. Tames—One-third cash: balance la two yearly payments. aplelfemyl M=== Chatters Cemetery. PUBLIC -SALES BURIAL LOTS 0 the Cemetery Orintisils. beginning at 10 o'clock SATURDAT. and dintlen_itkil.•pr i aittl: Y ° . SraAyITITAII4IO." 7 111. 1". Chanters Cemetery is situated on Temper nneerille and Mansfield Plank Road. abo u t 3 miler from tbk Ricer and one-quarter _of Milo from Cemetef* Monsrounde R o heharin n carefullY Olottefl r in.. mintand ranges. manager man tile r t mint eligible bits St priers to sult Li he or all. rit and e rn oy le t' el h es ' 7 l A.T. ‘ .7 , !; " . ,lll:". h 7 n let ' t fin in reli t i:seil i caTniiy none. hot ere particularly directed to tire htles. and urged to eon e nt.mce and make rieleet on of a lot while the prices are se Intr. Vlsitsok from the cities and boroughs can Peach the Cemetery by taking the A cerniltnionallen Than. ng 11,0 unpin Depot at 11:25 A. Imtrlng treeing Station at 11:3g A. Y.: leaving Ikon. pentnrevllle Station at 114 i Trains rotvrn ntft the the VALI4?„,I;I.'rIS griSo I:3EAUTIFUL LOTS ON (SUTLER S M TRTICT and ST. ARY Ft AN 491 /IS, In 17th want 14wrenceeille. SATURDAY ATTER NWN. 76. " 3 "'irk. will ' II f re o old "o:r .I'7, 733=i , 1 3, l eh Mary'. arena°. or 43th e stree ' 7ll4llr=l7r= r ti r ella ;lsti:"l7l4l7L feet In depth. along 43th street. to ail° feelalle7. ailtolnirt each 93 feet _front On.h o n lee strum.. and 39 feet In depth Vt. • ,g 0 teats u. Also. that %a lot in Iml:ciente ra.V.I f in a r n o n, i 7 ii t ang feet In TeTt.171.1713 feet alley. the Int Iming feet In nletth at rear. There le • email "T211.11t-s-euZe`Atfi':i- balance in one and Inn Years. with.leskresk secured by ), lnirArVrd,ele pp tL` moton. Auctloneer. RIVER NEWS. Our rivers are again rising under the in titletlee of the recent ruins, and yesterday at 2 r. m. the Monongahela marks indicated nee feet ten inches. • Weather cloudy and cool with frequent showers. The Kate Putnam. • from Nashville. and the Glendale, frOm St. ; Portia. constitute the sr riVals. The Glendale laid at Wheeling pearl)", three days puttirrg of iron , ore, and this ac counts tor the unusual time She was out from Cincinnati. The Granite State departed for Cincinnati tan early hour on Saturday morning. The St. Charles. en route from Cincinnati, on itgrtinnd at Glass House. about It o'clock 'atroday night, and she was still sticking here at 2 F. u. yesterday. • The Belle departed for Brownsville and Geneva on Saturday evening. and ehe will leave the Monongahela wharf every other day hereafterat 6r. sc. She is at staunch and re liable host. and Capt. S. P. Smith is well and feverishly known along the Monongahela Valley. • The Collier is a announced for St. Louis •forthwith." She has received another new barge front theshipvard up the Monongahela. The Arlington is 4110 hey* trans Cincinnati to-day and will return lii usual to-morrow at The Omelette and Savanna. the letter en route for this tort .and the former for Nnithyllie. were at Cincinnati on Friday. A tow boat. supposisi to be the Ironsides. fassed Cairo on bridal: night and the Arguer. ront St. LOUIP, tens at , lo uisville the same der. _The Leonid:is and . N o s were both load ing nt Cincinnati for New Orleans on Satur day last. The Julie Is due here from 7.anesrilleto-daY , -A newspaper correspondent of n St. Louie paper gays: ete was' a Woe this spring ,vhen It cost more to Ship a hornet et flour by 'boat to New Orleans than to ship It to Boston by railroad. The remedy suggested is regular floes of boats, and less expensive boats for freighting putposes.• Too ranch is spent 00 our steamboats for useless ornamentation. A boat costing $40.00 may have a capacity for business equal to anottier that will cost tar MU. The fanner must pay fifty per cent. more for his freights on the ono than the other. The wages paid for service on boats ore too high. There is no reason for paving pilots from *MOO to $5OO per month. and deck hands from *SO to $l3O per Month." —The Cincinnati S.:no:dm says: Three pas sengers and vem' of the crew of the ill feted Maggie Hays. among them the first en gineer. are about to bring suit In the Superior Court of this city against Captains Rees and Coursin, of Pittsburgh, who were the owners of that steamer, to recover for the loss of their personal effects. The total Antolini of the dimmer they claim is shout .$7,030. The plea set up Is thilt their propertyerns lost through, carelessness of the officers of the boat. • • . —The Grand Tower will enter the St. Lottle and Memphis trade In place of the City of Cairo. Wednesday. which will he placed in the Vicksburg trade, ousting the Mary E. For syth:which:will thereafter beheld in reserve for contingent purposes. The Forsyth's eterc will run the City of thin,. and the crew of the letter will have 'the honor to conduct the Grand Tower to fame and fortune. —The Cincinnati Gazette says: The seizure of steamboats by deck hands for small sums so frequent of late that the legality of such seizure was tested. yestenlay. In the Patted States District court. in the caae of John Field vs. the Mini. Hale. an action for SE 5o wages. A decialon was given in favor of complainant. hut the ease will be carried to the Circuit Court. —The Davenport Garrtfc says the little steamer Oriole, while on a plemittre tnp rap Rork river. on Sundny. knocked her cylinder head out. The engineer wan struck on the leg and badly wounded; one or two other to were slightly scalded by the escaping steam. --IL J. Luckland is the name selected fo Capt. A. Conkle,s now_ steamer intended for the Missouri and Red river trade. She will to• ready for business by the Ist of June. The steamer ComMerclal has been per andwill Capt. tors. Ware, of the tewellin and will be placed In the ETILLII4N Me and Mena phis trade. —The . Des Are is on the dry duck at Nash rifle. She struck a snag between August: and Jacksonport. anal .broke eightern'of he limbers. —A report was current in New Orleans ci Tueday that Capt. Cannon had s S old his Inter est int be Belle Lee to Mr. John . Sullivan. —The receipts of cotton at Galvestod up b May Bat exceed theestimates of many fo the Whole year. being 31.11..11a buttes. —II it believCd that the railroad bridge tree the Ohio, at Parkersburg. will be ready to use this year. --Maier John U. Adams has purchased th machinery of the wrecked steamer Onl. Chance. —Tbe Ida Itirese and Black ifOlood u ere both nt Galveston. Tneeilay. loading for the Unner Trinity. . • --The St.)Larys. fnmi St. left Cincin nati for Pitteintrgh iic Satontay morning. Pink Verble has retire." for the ere,- eat from the Tenneame river trade. —The WlllB. Hayti la Ur the Cumberland with Dan mw. Oren*. RIVER PACKETS L AkiJ! I 14W lii 4i fHE FLEET STEAMER BELLE, SMITH J. W. SCOTT odir - rnitrni Viiiinnren. Bran and Grump Parket = o, N:lL.x . nz l`soronsera t.. • .... trel ' ittror moZoi . C . apply on 1a...m[1...r Wt.o.rl twmtl. 41,1... of Aitunt •Irevt.. tt.CSVI. PATTERSON. Ag•rnt. 1:I :I=l= F OR &T . LOUIS, IMO. PiI.72IIIAUUQU AND T. [M Idealnet 1113113 Will :aye for the Abeve and Interm.QlLLO pert SATVKDAY;aIey 1410. Yee fretab , P.e. CO aa .eplr to Alp FLACK a LLINGIVOOD. As.. Kr. Lorin. • (ZHIPPERS' BARClE sa dr si e LLNE—Olit EWANEVILLE. +. AlltO AND ST. LOCO+. the O.N..mier COLLIER AND HAIRDO+. JAS. SHEDDEN Mmar 11l AS. MATTHEWS, Clork,lll lease AP above o THIS DAY. lbw Oth, at 4 r. at. • CI. 11. (iIIIIIMIT h. Co.. Am•nte. • PORTYHOCTIt AND CMCINNATI TIIE NEW AND SPLESi• DID *Roamer ANITS STASH... ..... . 11. I, apt. vslll for the strYta boornandlate porta on SATURDAY MORNING. May 7th. • Yo , DoWO or pamse apply on board. lEEM=S33 Pittsburgh and Cincinna PACKET LINE The new and splendid •10awhee JUNIATA, Capt. C. 1.. RIMINAN. will leave Fittabergh for Cincinnati EVE 12 o'clock promptly. Returni will leave Cincinnati EVERY SUNDAY at 12 3, For freight or passarro. apply on board or to FLACK ACOLLINOWOOD. nth: JAMES COLLINS. Agento. Pittsburgkand Cincinnati PACKET LINE. The new and splendid aide•wheel _Steamer ARIAN/ITUE. DANIEL UOORE. Ruler. A. S. iingrAnn. Clerk. hoses Pittsburgh for Cincinnati every TUESDAY at 12 M. promptly. Returning. leaves (Incimmtifor Pitbe Mire,. at 12 M. ever,. YRIDAY. Yor freight. passage, or ether information. apply on hoard or to I= IM=l=l STEAMSHIPS T LIVERPOOL _AND QUEENS. TOWN.— THE IMM - AN NAIL bombedemeleteen OM- r d • TCSKi/. emcee them the celebr- CITY 01 , C . ITy • (777 °V V RIV V CIF ItrgfileilValr."gr°4P"lrtgrott North 'age appli to' WILLIAM BINGHAM, dr. =! WINES, LIQUORS, &o. Schmidt & Friday IMPORTERS 'OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &e WHOLESALE DEALERS IS PURE RYE WHISKIES Nos. 384 and 386 Penn Cor. of ELEVENTH ST., formerly Canal JOS. S. FINCH Sr, CO • -18 3,187,189,191, 193 and 193 YIRgT STREW?, Pinabontn. Ilfannfactown of COPPER lIIKTILLED,WHE BYE WHISKY. Al.o, dealers In Fonts.. w... and LlOCuat, Itopf,to. tnhalatin MONDAY MORNING, MAY 9, 1870 SPECIAL NOTICES. •""-`-•-eONSI.'"IPTION. • PULMoNIC. SYRUP for the lt of mtspepes and all the Debilltatql Conditions of the:d C, fnr t6o earn imwit. MIL l in e r sEC the ithit,NDRAKE PILLS. for eases of ero tO act an a Gentle Pitmans', All of these three 'Medicines are Alton required In „ n .i n ,,, nnu , o ptn i o. though the Pultrionte Sr. up alone b ee cured tonr” desperate canes. 1110 Seaweed Toni, nod alandnolc PUN:insist in te ninting the Romani. and Lire, snot help the Pal. Syrup to digest and nearch through the blood rennet, by which Mean! ti elite is soon el , ft IfitnlY eaered to " 1 7 gdjj e i2.! ' tt ' gon ' lj s ' fi . i ' X'l . 7na t In and reliable medn for ve of the h ale which lead that fata ' did l disease. Liver C..niplaint cad Itysnopsia ere often forerennern of eoimaraption. and when they manifest themselvea they require the mint prompt attentin. Th e p u h ge gic tr,eup is a niedicine width has had a long probation before the public. Its 'sine has been prove.d hy the thousand mires It has made through a period of more than thirtv-tive years,ln nil of which time Its repulattott has Increased. and the moat obstinate skepticism can no longer doubt that is a ',mod, which may be Withconfi dece In nil omen which admit of mire: if the pacient will perseveringly follow the direr tions which nem. 'mutely each bottle. he.will