The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 07, 1870, Image 4

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The finishing touches are being put upon the
new criminal court towns
Mk*lnge ml plate glass, embossing for
churches amp dwellings. by Wrn. Nelson. M
Market street.
M•Yer.Callos. had two drunk% and two di+
orderlies before him yor- terday. which com
prised the Moines. of the day..
Am. Nelms, tnanufaetnrer of stained. en
aineled and embossed Kiasa4. l Market street
The finest work done in the oosinti7.
' Rained Gloss Worts.--Ornsmental. enntn
led, flocked nu& tinted glnss for entireties and
dwlliors. Wm. Nelson, No.= Market street.
The Awning In fronnof Frazier's new block,
Federal street: Allegheny, _seas blown. down
Yesterday afternoon during the - 111nd suni rain
Tire !trades. hlan.'—Plty the man without
arms who presides at an organ net Fifth even-.
ue; give him your spare perm( or, he has
sustained a Fad
The Womaa'a S
SPeCI.I meeting
o'clock for si x pa
the earning mo
.16as . .xiationvill hold
afternoon at four
e of electing onleers for
Yesterday a runaway occurred on Feden
street, Allegheny. A country wagon wan of
set, and a lot of eggs and produce aratteret
prourlscucrUaly about. but nobody hart.
The WlRL—During the wind SWIM which
Prevailed about half past one o'clock Tester-,
nor the Are wall was blown front a house on
Second avenue le Flpetosrn. Fortunately no
Peron was Injured.
War With Mier.—Chief of Pollee liagae
w. buq ye.ttenlay with notifying owners of
1101/1 acmes thepavements to tutee,them re
moved. We understand he -to preparing a
grand raid on thew.
Market street.
to order. able lights. sky lights, hall,
boat. and all kinds of ornamental window.
ground. enameled and flock glass. Jobbing of
all kinds done promptly.
Crlhsa. Folleastme t Co, are selling. at much
reduced rates nal styles of spthirrand summer
clothing Tor men sad boys, at their establish
ment corner of Fifth avenue and Wood street.
Call In and examine the stock. • ;
The Democratic Street Comm issiona of DlP
mingbam, Mr. Doran. Wit holds the office. on
account of the Illness of hie Republicab suc
cessor. Mr. Evans, who has been appointed by
the Council but not yet swolja In. 1 .
.• A horse attached to n light spring Wvon col
lided with a lamp post, on Chestnut stree
Allegheny, yesterday morning. He was run
ning away. The driver woo thrown out but
'natant. The, wagon was demolished.
The mole 'l'. the thinsnla.:-The er. John
Douglas. D. D.., will preach a sermon to-tuor
row (Pebbath) evening; to the First 'Reformed
Presbyterian Church. corner of Liberty street
Sml Plum alley, on the Bible In our Common
'Yesterday the Directors of the Poor. and
special commlttee appointed for the purpose,
visited the Poor Farm, for the purpose of ex
amng the property with a view of dividing
linto lots, and selling a portion of They
apent the day'. in the work.
Grave Charge.—Testerday Susan Hall made
Information before Alderman Nenbert against
James Donnelly for. adultery. She alleges
James has a WIN In fall life and •yet cohabits
with another female. The accused was ar
rested and held for a batting.
Chili Rua Over.—About .In o'clock Inst .
evening n little child, whose name we could
not learn. wee run over by a buggy on Wylie
street. near Tunnel. It was not seriously in
jured. however, and. en far an we could learn.
no blame was attached to the driver of the
Hy reference to an advertisement on our
ant page. It will be seen that Vet.? p J.
Hickey's-111 lecture to the Cathedral cm Soo
day evening, at o'clock. Subject, The
School and the Bible. An the object to for
charitable purposes, the Cathedral should be
There is norm In going •!seedy" when such
good selections of men and boys' clothing and
gentlemen's furnishing goods can be anode at
such rensonable_priees at Urling. Follansbee
.2 C0,.. ' N 0.121 Wood street. corner of Fifth
avenue. Call and are. No charge-for show
ing goods.
eimmekillo.—james Alten made information
before dlderm. Taylor. Tnterdar, setting
forth that William M. Fetridge had attacked
him onPike street and abused him without
provocation. The case was amicably settled
and the prosecution withdrawn, the defend
alit paying the costa.
Fraud in manufacturing bru"shes by using
tampese and horse hair paint brushes and
whitewash brashes enables the manufacturer
to sell cheap and deceive the purchaser. If
you want pure Mime! brushea. caltat Thomp
son & ccc., xo.StO Liberty street. Merchants
and dealers note the fact.
bet 4 o.—Yeaterday montiost.James blialfer
nud PhMlp Bauer bad a hostile meeting In the
Second ward Allegheny. James retired with
hie egna draped in Atmaraing. To settle the
case MI a proper way Bhagat. subsequently
went before Alderman Bolster and canned a
warrant to be Issued for the arrest of Bauer
for assault and battery.
Gettaary.—Elsewhere we snnonnce the death
f. an interesting little daughter of A. W.
'Rook. Eq.. of the Dfrpolrh, who died yester
day from the measles. The funeral will take
place to-morrow afternocm at two o'clock
from the residence of the parents No. 75 Sec
ond avenue. and the friends and ntqualatences
of the family are respectfully invited to at
gaseinforly.—,John Stemler. high constable of
Routh Pittsburgh. made Information before
JpEttce Barker, Yesterday, charging Andrew -
Burnside with sfisordetiy. Conduct, Hufnagle
It appears 'doped his horse and - Srmon in the
rtreet, blocking up the roadway, and when re
quested to "more on" he became "rantanker
ons.' He was required to pay a tine of one
dollar and costs.
nA.II the night long their ece mournfol watch dory
keo . P."—A pocket time P, to be ;of solue.
meet be correct. and fail i ng 'odds. It will be
Trot a mournful watch, and demand' constant
watching by Its possessor to keep it going et
all. To avoid onysuch annocance, procure
one of the rolled States Co. r s scotches, for
which W. 0. Dunseath, Le Fifth avenue, In the
agent In this city. ' • •
- Ninety Day..-Lllichard Alien, John Zimmer
nun and Jacob Edwarde were arrested and
taken before Juntice Barker, of South Pitta-
burgh. resterdar, charged with
and after a hearing were committ m j i 4f t c _ti r e
Work House for tdnetr darn each. 'Zimmer
man is not a stranger at Claremont, as he ban
versed at least one term there, which expired
Only a few dare since.
Overtliumt—Yesterday morning a horse
and cart were backcd over the embankment
on Rim avenue, Allegheny, in front of the
Penn Cotton lUD. , The animal landed In the
water but was not hurt. The wharf le beteg
graded at that point. and the vehicle and ani
mal were used in hauling the dirt for the pnr
pose. The salami wan Tweed from drowning
In the liver by cutting the twee.,
Gratifying Announeertmmt.—The public gen
erally. and housekeepers In particular, espe
cially those to mot of a Looking-glass. will
be both gratified and benefited to know that
T. U. Chapman. wholesale Jobber In Looking
uses. has opened a full line of glasses at !c
-11. and ',lnnen them at from twenty-Ave to
thl rty per rent. less than any other bone In the
rite, at No. 43 Market street, two doors below
Thlrd arcane. • 6
A PeculiarAnanyance.—Yesterdny morning
Rachel Kirsh made information before Alder
man Donaldson against Mary J.3lcClintock for
malicious mischief. The parties reside neigh
bor' on March alley. and the prosecutrfx idle
des that defendant encourages the visits
of male Mends at all hones. directing them to
call at her (theprosecutrix's) house. thm caus
ing her great annoyance. A warrant for the
arrest of the accused was immed.
Fine Meeting.—lye Pittslmrgh Barge Club
held Its first meeting in their new boat home:
on Thursday night. The house is notrahnoet
• finished. and is being handsomely fitted up.
A crew will be made up in few dare. when
they y
will • give the new boats, re
centl recei. a Mint The uniform fo the
members ham ved been already *elected, sad r 'the
• contract for making awarded to Megan' Gray .
& Logan, who will get it up In n neat and tasty
Testerlay the pedestrians treat e dout
street, about two o'clock, wereto a
disgusting nibibltion, A drunken driver rit
a wagon had drleen his vehicle op Against the
curb, and then belabored the horse, ores bead,
legs, and body, beennse it could smt drag the
- bean load scronthe pavement. The bruteln
human shape only ceased when his strength
fulled. He then toned his bone and pro=
eroded on his way unmolested and unpun
hineL We bare a splendid end for Bergh In
this loenllty.
• -. ,
Yesterday was a bright am beautiful day-,
mut the atreeta - were thronged with
One of the chief centres of attraction for them
was Moorhearra, No. $1 Market street, where
all the latest fashions in technic- attire were
displayed In rich and elegant profusion. The
stem presented a brilliant appearance from
the happy combination of handsome farce and
millinery,. lace goods, trimming.,
aml.all the 'eidetic% composed In a and class
fashionable emporium., M.rbegurn le the
place to buy.
. .
A Bey Baby was found in a-basket at the
East lAberty deput, Thursday night, by a
policeman. It was well clothed, appeared to
he about. two months old, and lively am a
cricket. lathe basket with It were several
new mita of clothing. a nurstu bottle and
other little trinkets. Irian left It there la the
Inyttery. No clue has been obtained. No
note accompanied It. Some of the nelghhews
have It la charge. but it will likely be taken
to the Poor .Farin, es deeretary Fortune has
been notLeed,
Brat.' iloselact. —Thursdet evening. Mr.
Jacob &Pei, tavern keeper Mount Wanh-
Ington, while pawing through South Pitts
burgh. on hie way home from this city. was
attacked by three raglans, James Otoskey.
J. C. Rothe and R. Rothe, ad severely beaten..
one of the arty, It Is alleged, struck Safe on
on the hai4with a "billy" inflicting a serious
wound.. information was made before the
Mayor charging the Rabe. and Crooke,' with
era,eious ansault 'and battery and a warrant
ssued for their arrest..
. The diagrams to be need .on the occasion are
magnified mammoth size, representing the human eye
10,f030 times. TheThe' ery splendid,
and have been painted exp for this occa
sion by a celebrated artist. lecture night
is Monday . . May nth. at Excelsior Hall. Alle
ebony. That Dr. Fninks will handle Ms sub ,
loot In a masterly manner we well know. We
need not remind oar readers that the lecture
is tree. Tickets can be obtained at tids oMce.
.at the drug store of It. DL' Snodgrass. corner
Federalthe drug sad Robinson streets. ALegbeny. and
store of Ellis C. Thorn.
Building, Allegheny. Market
~~ r
A %life Beater.-Thrimas MorAls,.lf WS Mc
nut misinformed, Is a pr7fessiona wife beater.
Bamako% a prneticepf letting s wife re/ru
tarty and oseashomily Fives her a 101111 t out.
ragemw,ponisrling Just in the way of amuse
ment. Mrs. Morris has submitted to this in
human treatment until - forbearance ceases
to be a.iirtatt," aM now appeals to the strong
arm or the law for protection. Fhe made in
formation before Justice Salisbury yesterdav,
charging him with assault and battery ands
warrant was issued for armtt.
. ,
K li•F•11.--"rest4biar afternoon about
five o'clock. Alexander. ahright little six yen,
oLt son of Mr. Alex. Aiken, undertaker. met
with an accident which caused his death.
lie wan plaring In the secood atm
of an addition to his " father's resi
dence, Just about completed. when he
fell through the opeh apace left for a hearth
stone to the Mat floor, a distance of about ten
feet. Ho tree injured lutermilly. Dr. Gilmore
was callol;4 and airthat was possible 's,. done
to save the little sufferer, but to no nvallas he
died at obe o'clock thu. rooming. The parents
have our heartfelt sympathy.
• ----nee--
The.bllarket Committee held k meeting last
night and considered Ow+ plans for the new
Fifth avenue - market bonne.. Prom the draw
leg., which we have examined, we can safely
beauthat the new edifice will be a modelof
beauty and ,ineenience. The chairman, with
a anh-conimittee. wan Inntructed to eecure an
architect for the work. A committee wan also
appointed.with Wainwright as chair
man. to visit the district comprising the'
Twelfth. Thirteenth. Fifteenth. Seventeenth,
Eighteenth and Nineteenth wards. to select a
saltable site for the market house asked for
by the citizens of that part of the city.
fterotteetion.—Jackson Curry seems to be
possessed with a powerful memory. Ile keeps
a indoor, in the Pittsburgh Diamond. Tester
dav morning Peter Welker entered the calash~
ilahment to get a drink, when. - so he saps, he
was accosted by Curry, who demanded from
him ten cents as payment fora drink received
On credit two years before. The demand wag
of r Mahe not complied with, as; Walker had
no knowledge of such a transaction. A row
then ensued and Walker was ejected from the
premises. Ile repaired to Alderm MeMas
:tern' Office and made information agninst an
aeonsesitor assault nod battery.. mme - which
Curry was arrested and held to boil for trial.
Serious Aerblent.—A few days ago n etriker
employellin the blacksmith shop attached to
Workman and Davis' Carriage Manufactory,
Denver street, Allegheny. was severely injur
ed. lie wne engaged in rutting a bar of {ran
On the Ravel, when a small piece cut tenon the
,end glanced off with ouch force as to enter his
abdomen and bury itself beneath the flesh.
Ile was taken to his residence on Franklin
street. Allegheny. and It physician summ oned,
who probed the wound but failed to extract
the iron. feet evening It had not been taken
oct wnd the unfortunate man was lying In u
very precarious condition. Ile will, hardly
recover.. We could not ascertain hie mune.
No. ZIG Penn Street.
For the benefit of strangers who may be In
search of a good dentist. where good work at
reasonable rates may be obtained, we refer
them to the above number. hr. Gillespie is an
experienced dentist In all branches of his pro
fession, and will warrant the loot work at the
lowest prices. He makes no charge for ex
tracting when teeth are ordered, and warrants
toextract teeth without pain or Injury to
health. The most incredulous are cousin-Ceti
by taking his hammed gas, that he is able to
!alai all he promises.
The Sequel.
Our readers will remember that about two
months ago we gate the particulars of the cir
cumstances attending the birth of a child on
Water street, Allegheny, about four o'clock
one morning.. The mother. Mrs. Caruthers.
was taken. in by some of the neighbors and
kindly eared for. but she steadily refused to
glee any t
he n informaio about the affair. and
soon as able o about disappeared. The
mystery connected with the Incident trim
somewhat cleared up yesterday Mrs. Crmith
en appeared. before Alderman' Medlin of the
Fourth ward, and made information charging
Martin ()Tanner. a young man, with fornica
tion and bastardy.- The accused was arrested,
waived a hearing and earn-bail for Court.
• Spring Millinerf.7
Ladies should note the fort that Mrs. S.C.
Robb, the fashionable Allegheny milliner. has
Just returned from the East. with the latest
novelties and styles. Her establlehment is nt
Na. 9l Federal street, where she hat opened
ao nstiortment which for variety. brilliancy
or fashion has never been'exectled in this vicin
ity. It comprises istentlly everything In the
millinery Ilne—lnee, fent hers, ribbons.plumes,
hats and bonnets. of all description, dowers,
borders, and an endless stork which only the
ladies can appreciate. Mrs. Robb:enjoys a
hish reputation ets a tnsteful am( fashionable
milliner and we would advise disr lady friends
to go at once to No. 91 Federal street. Alle
heny. nnd prorate their spring millinery.
Mr. William G. Denstath, No. 511 Fifth ave
nue, has on hand a very carefully selected as
sortment of line jewelry, gold and silver
watches, rings and trinkets. for use and orna
ment. to which be Invites attention. He Is
agent for so of the beet watehes in thenuir
kat. among which are those of the Waltham
manufacture:which have no superior. la the
line of ladles watches his assortment is espe
cially varied and choice. and no matter how
faatidiong the tastes or light the jacket hook,
those contemplating purc ha ses ran hardly fail
to he tatted. In the matterof rings his stock
embraces everything. from the most elaborate
wedding souvenir to the simplest and moat un
pretending etyies. We know of no place In the
city where purchasers can be better salted, in
variety, choice or beauty, than at No. 55 Fifth
Burglary la Tereperamml le.
On 'm made; night last, Mr. J. Inmilton's
shoe store in the Odd Fellow's building. Tem
• peranceville, a - . entered by burglars and
about sixty pairs of-boots and shoes stolen.
At an early hour the next morning the thieves
were seen by a rouatrymm. who was com
ing to market carrying the binds and shoes
toward the river, but he knevianothlng of the
burglary and of course paid but little atten
tion to the matter. They got in a skiff and
erossed to the Allegheny side, where they
were seen by two boys, to each of whom they
gave a pair of shoes, and rconested them not
to say anything about having i seen them. In
formation was made before Aldermen Mc-
Masters yesterday uainst a man by the name
of Whalen, and another whose name we did
not ascertain. Whalen woe arrested and com
mitted to jail to answer the charge.
- -
Pine Clothing.)
Hespenhlde & Co.'s is the proper place for
gentlemen who desire the best fitting Mid Cash,
unable clothing. In the assortment of goods
offered for a choice no house In the city ex
cel!, this establishment. anfn making op,
theahn of flespenbide Co. have always been
to octopi a front rank among the best mer
chant tailors. ler this purpose the best
cutters and the beet hands throughout are
employed, and every care exercised. Thin
arm has been engaged in the trade for years.
and eniormi a patronage corresponding with
their yearn and merit. We know of no place
In the city worthy of more hearty commend
don. :They hare now a fine, new freak assort
ment of geode for wins wear, to which at
tention le invited. Gentlemen ran do no bet
ter In prtoe 'or goods than patronizing Iles
peridide k Co.
Comer aawson held an Inquest yesterday
on the body of Thomas Bradley. , Cho was
killed yesterday morning by falling Lit - of a
window. The following testimony, wai,
f .• •
Sarah Beeper mvorn—Was In the' bact — yard,
and. looking up, saw Mr. Bradley falling out
of the window. He appeared badly hurt.
Mrs. Isabella Bradley (hia mother) more—
ls, the evening he went up stairs to bed; told
me to call him at three o clock lathe morning.
He sat down by the window and fell 'asleep.
The sash was out. and hamlet have fallen oat.
Dr. Donnelly .worn—Warcalled about half-
Peat eleven o'clock, and found deceased in a
comatose condition, from which he could not
be rallied.' The cause of death was, concus
sion of spinal chord.
Verdict. that deceased came to his death on
May MIL to the Ninth Ward - fromiln.hirles re
ceived in falling out of the window.
Deceased was twenty-four years of age. Ile
wets a'slegleman and Una ttrairetend.-
The X.oulayitie ,Couritir.sfournoi. in speaking
of the cry 'theald from Iticiimcetd. earth 'Let
aid of the most liberal kind go forward at
once. It has been too long delayed.
„Let cm
one 'think this aid is not needed. The great
and the small, the rich and the poor, hate each
representatives among the afflicted in this
calamity. It is no ordinary occasion, an Is
evidenced by the fact that It has caused the
strong and sell-reliant people to set maul*
special day for fasting and prayer. Let uo one
feel exempt from any cause. We know not
what boor calamity may befall us. 'We mar
then call In rain for sympathy ourselves.'
Such language is just ns appropriate here. In
fact we who, twenty-are years ago knew: -
what:lt wan to have a whole city full of people.
and only half a city to put them 'in, who felt
how grateful Is the sympathy of our distant
fellow-men in times of- public distress ithortld
most especially avoid letting any oypOrtnnity
like this fur showing our gratitude path by un
Probably Fatal hteeNient. , I
A most terrible accident occurred yesterday
about one o'clock, at the Etna iron Works of
Smog. Chalfant it Co.. Etna boro. An Old gen
tleman. John Nicholson, aged sixty-three, seas
nseletlog to shift some coal ears, and sehlle at
tempting to catch hold of the broker - sect-
V t tellY fell between the can. The wheels of
car lades with cool passed over his legs
below the knee, crushing them to a jelly.
The Injured ma
y swas immediately taken to
his house near by and Drs. Kernel& Onterloh
and litoblmoo. Of Hharpsburg, called in. when
It was found necessary to amputate the in
jured limbs below the knee.
Mr. Nicholson was employed as a driver by
the company, and was • saber. industrious and
br e w respected citizen of the borough.
The accident will probably prose fast, as
reaction had taken place while the operation
sons Wog ',donned.
H s family consists of wife and four chil
dren. Two of his !Oft I n Pleasantville were
telegraphed • for.
MUM Aediem.
An accident of a very serious nature and
*bleb resulted in the depth of Sebasthm
Hoblead. and the Lajuring of several otkem
whose name. we were unable to learn, occur
' red at the Superior Iron works near the Ma
rine Hospital. Allmtheny. yesterday morn
ing. A train of ears loaded with coal
was being run Into the mill. over the trestle
rork leading from the main track of the
ilroad, when thestrestle work gave way and
Precipitated the train to the ground; Several
Demons employed at the mill were under the
trestle work at the time of the accident,
and fiebeicht was covered under a
struckad of coal. and 'Me. others were
by pieces of timber. Mohekbt
was extricated from the work as soon as pm-
Wile. and a physician summoned, but his injur
ies were forted to be of a fatal character. He
was removed to hls madame. ISO-Franklin
street. Allegheny. where he died ill a few
moments. An Inquest was held on the body
and the jury returned a verdict of accidental
..5_ ~m _ .. -.. ,
1 0.11Nstrler Court--judge Meranale.s. _
Ffilina tr. iMay 6.—ln the case of the Indted
Statei en. thee brewery. et al. of Johnliold
stein. previously reported. the Jury failed to
agree nrelwai discharged.
The case of the tidied Stalin:Vs. John 110142
stein was continued until next tern,
Nicholas I,eltuy. altos J. J. Gilroy. indicted
for lsliely representing a revenue omcer, Was
placed on trial: The defendant 'ens Charged
with attempting to obtain the sum" of live bun
deed Jollote Mr. Swell, grocer in the
Twelfth personating a revenue util
e,. It appears in evidence that Gilroy par-
- hosed whisks. of Swell, and then returned
him for violating the revenue law. Subse
quently Gilroy came to Swell and exhibited a
raper purporting , to be signed by United States
Commissioner Gamble. and authorizing. set'
Bement of the case. which signature was a
forgery. The Jury found a verdict ofjuilty
without leaving the hoz. Sentence w e
(erred till Saturday morning at tennicl k.
The Grund Jury returned true bills amdast
the following parties: Solomon .1. Item.. illicit
Frederick Schild, exercising the
business of it wholesale liquor dealer, without
payment of the special tax.
The jury .in attendance were discharged
With tho thanks of the Cutlet.
The ilnuol Jury mule the following pre
To the Jim,. Wilson Are,, mart. Jutlpc uJ the
United Rota Dtserkt Com lor Weatern Penn
614.FE°V:on:C.1.1:41fArtgd In Trn..of the
Western District of rentisyleanitt, most re
pettfully make the following presentment, to
After a careful Inspection of-the building In
'which the Uniteil States Court now holds ses
sions. and In which carious United Rath+ offi
ces arc located. they are decidedly of the opin
ion that the heitith and comfort of the officers
of the Court and Jurors would be better re
gerded, and the ,traneaction of bustners fa
cilitated, by certain Improrements, as fol
iates :
They find that . the rooms set apart for. the
use of the Grand Jury, as well as other rooms
of the United States building, are dirty and
Molly furnished. In parts of the building plan
ter has fallen from the eelllng„ and lumber. of
varifrus kinds encumbers the ehltries.
The water-closets are in a very bad condi
tion. and the font air and stench mitring there
from are both, offensive and unwholesome.
The noise occasioned by the passage of wak.
one over cobble stone pavements, laid In the
street In front of the at times
ettibairmsing to bestows.. They, therefore,
recommend that wooden pavements be mibat I
toted for the cobble atones. That the offices.
entries and water-closets be cleaned, and that
certain enumerated cuticles of furniture. cope
d:die needed. be. provided. In the onset
pout mid Jut. radius there is nu insufficient
number of choirs, and these are all ton bud
condition. M many instances being broken.
The window shades In the court room are
worn out and very dirty. There in great need
for a new counsel table, the one In present nee
being much dilapidated. .
There are loony other necessary improve
ment. which the Grand Jury cannot specify
in detail. They wpuki recommend, however.
that a general examination and renovation of
the building be made by the proper mthorit les,
and that such necessary improvementa as hove
Themet made. • .
Grand J d ury be
must, finally, express great
- satisfaction with the able and courteous man
ner to which the Assistant United States Dis
trict Attornev.V. Esq.. in the ab
sence of the United States Attorney. has at
tended to his duties,' and presented his busi
ness before them. J. VI .11Latrcnano,
Atter the presentment had , been read, the
Court thanked the Grand Jury for the sug
gestion. made, and stated that stetetwould he
taken to have them carried into effect.
Previoui to separating. the Grand Jury as
sembled In their moms, and unanimously ,
adopted the following. vote of thank.:
The Members of the Grand Jury of the
United States District Court, now holding se -
sten Inl'ittehorgh, beg leave tO.lender
acknowledgments to the manage. orblz
moue Hospital forthe courtesy extended them
on their late visit to that' institution. Dr.
Reed beiot temporarily absent, Dr. Ewing.
the Assistant Physician. kindle extended the
• hospitalities; To him .me thanki are doe., and
also to Mr. Caldwell, Mr. Slater and 311ot
Keltz. The members of the Grand Jury wish
here to bear witness to the admirable condi
tion of the Hospital. The neatness and yer
feet order everywhere exhibited reflect very
great credit on the managemeot.
thir thanks metals° du ne t Gen. Whitely for
his politeuren to the members of the Grand
Jury on the oectudon of their visit to the
• .
The thanka of the Grand Jury are clue to the
Ilon. Wilson McCandles:, who by hla many
rourtesles much enbanortl the pleasure of the
Grand jury. d""Jr. Ito stay In the cite. P. llGame. Secretary.
tolled Mates Circuit Coon—Judge Mcfignuan.
The May term of the' l'ult ed States Circuit
Court, for the Western District of rennin'Ura
nia, will commence in this_city Monday, the
9th Mat.. Judge Megennen presiding: The
following le the trial list for the term :
rya.] Stites vF. Jobs IP. Cu]
vs. Frederick
" vs. ./. C. .t 11. W. Bu ff 00.
• s. E. 11c-drub:nit.
s. Frederick Kochendoerfer.
TA. Two barrels of Whisky
owned by Semi. Bell.
11. F. Quinby & Co. vs. A. C. Sturgeon.
E. S. Pike vs. &F. IL 11. Co.
. . • . .
First Nat. Bank ot Cbicago & tior
Madison Reynolds es. D. R. Daltrey.
Wm. Stitt sr. A. & F. W. llutdekoper.
C./gonna TM. Tbe CID. of Pittsburgh.
11. E. Kling re. Hartinrd Ftre Insurance Co.
Josiah 11. Evans rs. Cleveland & Pittsburgh
Railroad Co.
J. IL Jones, asslince in Itankruptcy of Wm
Dorm cr. First National Hank of Merlon..
• . •
. . .
Arthur W. )(when fa. City of Pittsburgh'.
Laati Iladaleman. J. G. !fusser. Wm. D.3k-
Bride and James Farmer vs. Jaunts srba and
Josiah Minter.
Levi Haldeman, J. G. Hussey, Wm. D. Me-
Bride and Jas. Farmer vs. Wm. Dane, John
Wiadior and CI. G.-Laln/L
James 11. Smith es. My of Pittsburgh.
C. Moran vs. City of Pittsburgh.
C. Moran vs. City of Pittsburgh.
Josiah B. F.v,ans vs. Cleveland S. Pittsburgh
It. It. Co.
- • .
Lather C. Chine vs. Kittanning Corti Co.
Thos. Loganse. Oakland Italians Co.
Phineas Copeland vs. County of butler.
Berger.vs. Leonard Kyle,
Gottleib eehreyer vs: Michael Ehrgott and
J m. Parks. _
• . -
United States for we of Phillip NWT ,VS.
Thome., A. Rowley. Henry A. Wearer end
David Flterinamonn.
- . .
Harr vs. Thomas A. Rowley.
..James }toward Tl. Robt.. M. Christy.
Geo. LT. Dobbin vs. County of Allesheny.
O. M. Burke, Assignee of Thos. arni Patrick
Drutsgool vs. James Drumamol.
T. W.f... Assignee In nankrupkT of O.
W.'McCay vs. Millet Day. A. J. Stilloragon
and M. I. StUlwagon.
Quarter Teas , .ll•llee Sterrett.
The Quarter Sessions Court will meet Mon
day the 9th last.. for the purpose of disposing
of the cases remains , on the March calendar.
Follow - Imb, the trial list.
Mti. Commonwealth re. Hash Burns.
317. Commonwealth vs. J. Parker Sweeney.
340. Commonwealth vs. L.conard Broker.
110. Commonwealth vs. James Johnston; two
38. Commonwealth vs. Wm. blerryntan..
to). Commonwealth vs: Jame..B;..
Commmnreahh ss. James Free. •
313. Commonwealth se. Pat.Dargon.
311. Commonnialth .IA. Pat. Garbin.
121. Ccanmontrealth vs. Thom.. etanle.t.
SH. (kaantonsrealth vi. Peterllenis.
1911. Cbtomouvrealth vs. James WeKee.
510. Commonwealth vs. Hobert liarnsey.
3111. Commonwealth v.. Samna Reed.
. Commonwealth vs. W. F. Kaiser.
raw. usr YOU Tommy.
MS. Commonwealth NIL John &mine. •
3:9. Commonwealth vs. Pat. Welsh et nx.
513. Commonwealth v.. Pat.
HU Commonwealth v.. Peter Wilbert.
ltd. Commonwealth so. Thomas Bmlth.
1137, Conmumwealth vaaohnMeClarran.(three
cams./ • : ; • ;
Camases Pleu—Jadtte Weave.
FrunaT. Mlye.—ln the cafe of Francis Da
vi. vs. Thomas Farrell. et al, previously re
ported, the Jury found for the defendant.
In the case of Badger se. liormlne. prey l
otuOy reported, the Jury found for the de
Mamas Wll5OO TIC 8111.118 W 115012. ID dl
vott•e. Petition presented and subpoena
The first ease taken opwas that of. James Carroll rat Alt Water dr Co. dethm to regoser
for work and labor done. The defendant•was
the owner of n stone quarry and employed the
plaintiff so foreman, agreeing. according. to
the testimony - of the plaintlff to pay him P.,50
per day. The defendant allegesthat he agroed
to pay the plaintiff $2.1i0 pee day. The-jury
found for the plaintiff in the man of SI.Z.
Belle the Law."
The Woman's Suffrage Association has com
menced the campaign With vigor, ' slid very
sensibly too.. Hardly has It been organized
before the announcement in made that the
people are to be instructed in regnid tolts ob
ject and the end at which It Sims. To carry
out nib Idea. as Brut on the programme. Idles
Phoebe Councils, the famous lady law student
of St. Lords. hat been engaged todellver a lec
ture on the captivating title given above. The
young lady made her debut iota speaker before
thelissouri Legislature, while that body was
considering the Woman. Suffrage , bill, which
eventually passed but was vetoed by the Oov
ernor. Her address on that occasion was
of such wseharacter that she was invited to
speak Jo, the citizens of her native city. an in
vitation Which she accepted. The result made
her famous and placed her In the front rank of
platform speakers in the Interest of Woman
Huffing. Sloe Is spoken of as an eloquent and
very PlenSing speaker and a woman of supe
rior mental culture. Logic and not nut, ora
tory and not scolding, intelligence and not
flash characterize her literary efforts In this
direction. She in now on her way to the New -
York convention, and 'tops-only long enough
in the city to deliver a lecture La
fayette Hull. It Is unfortunate that she comes
while Patti Is In the city, but there will doubt
less ben large audience In attendance: Whet
they will be pleased and instructed is elm*.
gene conclusion.
Sewer Pipe.
We direct the attention of parties interested
to the atmouneement of btr.G.C.Mukfillan,tbe
gentlemanly agent of the Hill 8: Adamsflower
Pipe Company. • Mr. McMillan Is WeMired to
all marmites for this entellent vitrified water
and sewer pipe on the shortest notice. It has
keen so long la .tbe market and ita tneribi are
s 6 well 'known that no further commendation
is needed than the universal favorable testi
mony of all who have used It. For the
poeo dealgued it Is nneneell e d . ; The same
gentleman will also roomy chimr," tops .
dues, t. , hydraulic cement ne., to bricklayer;
and others, at the most reasonable rates and
prompt/y. Mr. McMillan In well and favor
the f
ably k ut no
that be warrants vrn in the businesews . com lythlingmurtit hey, and
Is a sulfides:it guarantee that n as retirells
seneed. His office and warehouse Is at M and
M Sandusky street, Allegheny, where ere
would advt.' ail la need of. anything 4n hi.
line to direct their orders or call In person
and procure their supplies.
..#. - • -- ' .
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• •
_ •
awl Brilliant %tirndancv at the
Last night at the .t caderny, the charming vo
cali,t. carlotta Patti and her excellent
w,,,mpanying quartette- of musical artists
ere greeted by one of the largest and moil
brilliant audiences we have had assembled
dace. the ?arena occasion. The parmette.
_dress circle., and gallery were filled to reple
lion by those anxious to iray homage at I
the shrine of true art and genius,
and to acknowledge a vocalist who tire-cull
neatly ilmervet the pliailits of no musically
trained people. Certalulv Patti hail no
reason to complain of the reception and kindly
greeting awarded her here in Pittsburgh
where despite oat enslaving habit. of Md.-
try, we have ever time to rest front labor and
enjoy the finer side of life,
.and an earnest in
clination to encourage art arid science.
. The proireanmse opened. with an exquisite
imtrumental duo. an adaptation fromilotow's
"William Tell," her v.lofln and piano. 'With ths
former in the hands of Senor Sarasate and the
latter maniputated in the most skilful manner
by Mons. Theodore Hitter, a brilliant feast of
music: was afforded and at its cirisea iteerty
encore was awarded the performers. The
pretty German song "ItletAngel" traarendered
by • mt. Hableman in good stYle but that
accomplished performer did not seem to be
himself. lacking In this, as In a aubsequent ef
fort, his usual force, feeling and expression.
Perhaps his selections were not judiciously
made, nod. that may explain the absence of
strength in hie vocalizations. The bright.
particular star of the evening made ber debut
a Pittsburgh audience in a cavatlna,
' , Ueda di chamounix," Donizettl, and
her appearance watthe signal for rapturous
applause. liar voice svne in !excellent con-.
dttion. and she scam succeeded In linpresslng .
:her auditor* with her Inarveloua powers of
exethltion • and the justlee of her claims for
high position en the world's musical stage.
Ise will not attempt to criticise, nor yet in
words award her that praise and admiration
which she so richly merited. Her•vocaliza
' Aloe is rich, clear and distinct, and she glides
over. the .most difficult 'calm, reaches the
higheat notes and descends to the lowest.
with an much ease and grace that effort can
not be discovered. Then her expression Is
supreme. She Ulla !fiery utterance , with life
and sends her words chasing each other In
liquid harmony deep down Into the souls of
her audience, and there they leave an Indeli
ble impreadon. The sweet songatrese is
gifted with an exceedingly pretty face, ex
pressirsical ve of wonderful vivaciousuess , and
a h deformity, painfull oba
blep in her walking. retake. y
herse ry
the more Interesting and loveable. Her
ravishingly awcet voice had hardXs ceased
to sound in her first offering than a heart)
outburst of genuine applause shook the A cede- .
my to Its very foundation. Nor did this
manifestation of plertentro and gratification
cease till she bowed acquiescence to the Inez
°tibia demands of her enraptured hearers,
and rendered "Cumin' thm' the rye" In a pret
ty, simle and yet exquisitively - . beautiful
style, 'ln-her InterpretittlonZthe old gong
seemed clothed anew, and found warmer
place in the hearts of those who were carries'
away by the artiste.
Mr. Joseph Herman., a basso of much pow
rand flexibility of voice, rendered an ails
trout "La Prophete," Meverbeer. In fair man
ner, bat he, too, like Mr. liableman, seemed to
lack strength and vitality. lathe Opem both
would be more at home. A violin solo, -fan
task.. from Martha, executed by Scour Sarno
ate, was heartilyieelved add encored. la
response to the call, he "Last nose of Sum
mer" was made in beautiful style and
marked the artist as worthy place with Ole
Bull and Rosa..
• The "Carnival of Venice," by Mile Patti
gas the conspleitons gent of pan second of the
rand entertainment. She was vociferintsly
encased and sang in response thereto, a perfect
gent in the way of a laughing Song. This did
not satisfy the tormentors. for such we must
,call those who. make Pittsburgh audiences
conspicuous for unjust demand* upon artists
who, either In singing or actier. meet, with
favor. DM Patti was too good natured to re
fuse. and again responded to the demand,
ringing the song of laughter once more.
A piano solo by Mr. Hitter scan rendered
with brilliant effect, and of course was re
panted at the earnest solicitation of noisy en
thusiasts. who at laud showed that their
tastes inn musical direction , were well milli
rated. Mr. lirnnanns was encored in a lively
aria, and responded gracefully. A sparkling
corniest duet from Donizetti by Wile Patti and
Mons. Ritter concluded the concert. Find Ilde-
Parted vastly pleased with the rare and unto.
oat feast of music afforded. .
To-night the second and final entertainment
will he given, with an entire change, of pro
gramme. at the Academy, for which
vet be secured at Kieber's music store, Nn. I=
Wood street.
The Weather.
The record front 3t.t of March to 30th of
April exhibits twenty cloudy and variable
days. of Which tart. Were rain. and inv..
nine of sunshine and three of white frost.
Daily average of the thermometer:4 3-10 deg.
bb' feet. .too tut ,rain fall i 3,10
'lnehett. in tsth the some days, shred nn average thermometer 40 decrees tel the river
v feet.
April has been unusually free from hard
freezes and sudden changes. with a remark
able uniformity of the temperature it the at
moshere. The loWest temperature was on
the 4 th and gib, &Id/Loves: the inatlinant. in
the itth and :Ith. 78,and it) degrees.
To (hie time the peuspects of the farmer.for
production. and the /community for a healthy
Otmcophere. are as 4bed as any previous year.
ne decidedly faro de trait of this seamy is,
an abseare of thunder storms. In February.
March and kpril three short storms 0010 hare
occurred. Dr pre,s.l observation it has
hero aserrtainegl that If from ten to twenty ,
thunder !storms prevail in those month.. a dry
July and August. and an unuemally unhealthy
atmosphere. an, the results.
There has been but little murmuring among
the farmers, complaining of a too backward
reason. cold nights. tc. We are to run the
gauntlet of the Wag orthenst and east wind
rain storms, whin u ually prevail Shout the
10th to the Mth of M . If the discharge of
rain Is large and ormi us. It midtienly chills the
air and changes the Ind to the ,northwest.
the first and ti nd mornings are liable
to develop white frost li or a freeze when the
blonsottn aro In a delicate state. If the earth
continues saturated with water. the hot
June sunshine will bring thunder storms. so
necessary for II rigorott. growth.
From the :Ink April to the :Ink t.f slay.
twenty-one elontly. variable fifteen of
whirl, rain and nine of sunshine. The indica
tions show not vers . hear : Timings, hut dark and
loude. with warm showers of rain, which
tone preserve us from injurious frost.
WM§ Mni
Oran Horst —A large audience assembled
at the Opera House last evening. Which was
the occasion of Mr. Chenfran's farewell bene
fit. The bill was one of exceeding interest.
embracing - floTon Shlngle,“ end . TOodies."
both of which afforded ample scope. for Mr.
Cluinfmn's versatile talent an i comedian.
Illssupport was excellent in tattr pieces.
Chanfrun matinee this afternoon. and his en
frtn= closes t
f mo s Z h ay ad ni4t7 `n d!fr g . ' ' ' ;:iw " rt;
ouse. commences an engagement sit the
Ooera House.
Meng - r. HoorrrrAt, FAin.—The ftie Mar in
progress at City Hall wilt be continued next
week, and we expect to see the ball filled
nightly. There will be . matinee this after
noon at two o'clock. Let all the little folks
attend. ' The circus Is now In good trim. end
will no doubt bra. source of great enjoyment
to them. The voting on the afghan Is quite
spirited, and many of our leading . M.D.% are
anxious, as it Is • great test of their 'popular
ity, and they all have a Ihely Interest In the
welfare of the Mercy Hospital.
Ebturaitsr dommtca. Notwithatandlog
the appearmme of Parlotta Patti at the Aca
demy, Wu Goldstecker, of Ft. Louis. attract
ed a brilliant assemblage at Masonic last
night, and all who were present expressed un
bounded adiefactlon and pleasure with the
performer, We hope the concert may soon be
repeated ender more suspicions dictum
ef arieef.
A Pennsylvania botehelor thus inipeaches
"the girl at the pedal:" *ii I impeach her in
the name of the great whole of the ocean.
whose boneli are torn asunder to enable her
to keep straight. I Impeach' her in the
name of the peacock, wham strut, without
ipermission, she ban stcalthfully assumed. I
mpeach on her. in the name of the horse,
thhose tail she has perverted front Ili use to
e making of wavy tresses Id decorate the
back of her bead and neck. I impeach on her
in the name of the kangaroo. whose beautiful
figure she, in taking upon herself the (hecian
bead has brought into ill-favor and dhsrepute.
I would Impeach on her to the name of econ
omybut that she eshibits a degree of reason
in purchasing her "Saratoga 's" and traveling
satchels at Liebler's, Nolo4 Wood street. Thin
Is the one redeeming feature of her character
She realism and nets according to the truth,.
that. Liebler has the finest, cheapest, most
varied and beet assortment of trunks, valises
and ladles' traveling satchels to be had any
where. Liebler has nil the Styles, and ail the
varieties that have ever appeared In his line of
trade. ills mammoth emporium No. 101 Wood
street is stocked from cellar to roof with the
assortment that is worthy of visit- of inspec
tion whether purchasing or not. Emulate
•the girl of the period nod patronize Liebler.
Dr. J. Guy McCandless, Physician to the
Board of Health, furnishes us with the follow
ing return of the number of deaths, with the
discuses atoning them, In the city of rm.-
burgh, for-the week commencing April :sth,
and.ending May 2d, -
There were 40 deaths; of these ZI were males
and 11 females, and all were white.
The ages range as follows: Under ono rear
II died: from 1 to 2.3; 2 to 5,1; sto 10, 3: 15 to
I: :5.1 to 31 3; 30 to 40, 5; 40 to 50.2; 50 to GI,
1; 03 to 70.2: 70 to BOO; 10 to 00.1. ' -
The mimes of death were: Cirrhosis ti pul
monary hemorrhage I; scarletina malign. 7;
pneumonia 0; old age 0; measles .% inanition 1;
consumption 4; convulsions 1: typhus fever 1;
inertia of womb 1: whooping cough t debility
1; ulceration of temporal bone, invading brain
I; dlptherla patsy]; premature birth 11;
rasmes Jeterus neamaturn 1; chroold hepa
titis I; pueperal peritonitis I; chronic disease
'of stomach 1.
Desirable Articles.
Fresh Pine Apples le
sad TJf Ib. cane,
Bette; foe eating than green "
e il p anl 4 edend street..
• Allegheny City.
Fresh Raspberries, Cherries,
Blackberries, Pears and Peaches.
In glass Jars; in perfect ,
at IV Federeet.
Coluerrshibens. Blackb ral erri s e i s,
Cherries. Strawberries. Pine Apples, '
. And French Fruits le Sauce. •
' good for the sick.'
at Chco. Buseau . s.
112 Federal street.
• • . Allegheny CliY.
. .
lee Cream—The ice cream season has fairly
opened. and levers Of the delicious article are
having their tastes gratified. Among the hest
places In the city - for this purpose is the popu
lar ladies' and rents' confectionery Young_
earn addition Sd street and Diamond
alley. In to o the d attraction of the best
Ice cream, cakes, and the delicate ct War.
this establishment is provided with a sunititu.
e. dining-room, where at any hour of the day
ladles .nd
• - e m en can appease their • appe
tites with tiCdalntlest Mamie* of the sermon.
haarry one's call at Yourimion's.
Keystone Queensware.= Liberty Street
Keystone Queensarnee.nin Liberty Street
Kerstone Queensware. Liberti - tit reel
only Th e celebrated Keystone Que....L.' ' an
be bad - at No. iltri Libertystreet. The
proprietors, }team, Kier k Co.. have a full
and complete stock, from 'a toy cup to the fin
est tea %eta. CaU at 3°3.
(1111.11relea Carr Lag., wholeimle Imd remil, at
L. ,, Shridres, 171 Smithfield street.
• -.
. .
6 ." Boako at half irkat F.gan's.l3l Smith
Yield street.
Weimer, tnahlidocti Dictionary at Egan 's
134 Smithfield street.
"The Carpenter's Galan" . Egan's. Stnit_b_
field street, near Virgin alley. •
.Nonday !Selma, L. Theologicl. Schocil,
and all kinds of Books at •F.gan's, t4nlthfleld
street. near Virgin alley.
• Ca. Egan In his new store has replenished
his stock with a large lot of new. and popular
worka, ntandonl in their departments, which
bolo closing off at half the usual prices. Call
on him at Smithfield atreet, near Virgin alley.
The laranl Hann.—tine of the most com
fortable. home-like and cosy hotels In the vi
cinity is the Girard House corner of 'Peden')
and Isabella streets, Allegheny. It has all the
modern conveniences, and possesses the ad
vantages of being located In !scented poeition
Yet nway from the noise and bustle which Is
so often the annoyance of r houses like
this. Mr. Lighteop, the prop etor,lnrelletln
It. has spared neither expens nor trouble an
has succeeded In makingit one of the most 14
tractive places, exteriorly sad Interiorly.
the-two cities. Parties wishing. eoMfortable
boarding house. or strangers In the elty would
do well to waken note of the Girard Hon.,
Coate and See the Lane Improvements on
Singer's Sewing Machines *lon , Purehlar
elsewhere. STRAW & !Warmer,
93 Sixth &re t.
Trylegrave• Ogg,. from 45 Ninth s!rcei
Honking Caps mid amakern' complete °Milt
at - Mcgnt,v's. No. 45 Ninth street..
Fine oat ittboklng entlebelsing tobacco, best
brands. at Megrim's. No. 45 Ninth street.
robaoM, muff, cigars, pipes. So., wholosslo
and retell, et Memo's. No. 45 Ninth street.
Do you 'rant an'elegaut Meerschaum? Me
U..: No, ONlrals . gtreet, hag all the varieties.
Come ..m1 flee the Late Improvements on
o lngerl Sewing Machines before purchasing
elsewhere. - Ivrnew.k Marmon,
20 filgth &Feet.
- If you have a discharge from the nose,
offensive or otherwise, partial ion of the
sense of smell, taste or hearing. eves watering
or weak, feel dull, stupid or debilitated, pain
or pressure in the head, take cold easily. you
may rest assured that }-00 have the Catarrh.
Thousands annually without manifesting hall
of the• above symptoms, terminate In con
sumption and and In the grave. No disease is
so common, more deceptive or less understood
by physicians... It. V. Pierce. M:D.. Dullalo,
Y, is the proprietor of Dr. Rage's Catarrh
Remedy. s perfect specific for Catarrh. "cold
in the head." Or colonial headache. which he
sends to any address. post-Paid. for slaty
cents, or four packages for K. Hold by most
druggists everywhere.
Come and Nee the Late bum:memento an
ginger's Bening Machines before purebaelog
elsewhere. STfIA & MORTON,
Plith Ptrret.
Irhae.Gsone Dinner la noltzbeimer's Conti
onntnl to-finy.
Vegatable, nreata,gillale.pantry. and all the
concomitants of a rich and appetizing report
at the Continental to-clay. •
Everything about the Continental bestii•aks
the care exercised by the genialproprietor,
Mr. itultzhellner. to nrranging for the comfort.
and convenience of his guests.
The Continental is alurays open. always pop
ular. and the place where hungry patrons are
alw•ay sure to have their appetite !appeased is
on Fifth avenue below the rostoftiee.
The Ceutimental will be ready fur visitors et
'aie hour today. it in located on Fifth are
nue. below the Postoffire. Busitiesa" men end
others who can appreciate a clean and health
ful repast should drop In at the continental.
Tile Veiling Wlfe's Cook Beek, with receipts
of the best dishes for bre:Mast, dinner and
tea: containing nisi, a large number of entire
nee moeiPts , for cooking and preparing In all
00 , 141114 2.01. oysters, terrapin, lobsters,
meats.'ornelets. meat pies, poultry, game, ten
cakes, jellies, hot rolls, preserves, salads.
stews. puddings, pies, pastries, dessert , cakes.
biscuits, pickles, ounces, etc., with miscella
neous receipts and invaluable hints to Wives
in every article of household use. By the an
ther of "The National Cook Book." Complete
In one large duodecimo volume. Mond in
morocco cloth. frier hi 5. For sale by John
W. Pittock. Bookseller and Stationer, opposite
Post. ()Met., Pittsburgh.
Came and Mee the Late Inthrthement. an
Sinithril Sewing Machine% before purchaxing
elsewhere.• ttraaw & Morcrith,
•0 Math Street.
remit Peals.—print MoMinh. comer of
Sixth avenue and Smithfield street,—Oxercr•
building— him JIM received a tine aesortment
of Bananas sad .Plne Appfes, which he will
Graml Oprnlng To-la, of 111.• Big I.ananwer
The Fun !lOW er Saloon. No. ICI Smithfield
street. Charles riallerrher proprietor, will open
his doors to-day with a One lunch from 10 in
2 o'clock e.. 1. Mr. Rail:seer We. n noble not
in the armr or the Potomac. served four
thetin the nervier. and was ingagod In all
attles from Washington to Richmond.
For part Malan. see card rm f ret page.
Brinefteor Brushesit-AIL kinds of bruthen• of
our null manufacture. nt Loughrldsiti, 171
Smithfield ntreet.
Stecktam sad eberatan A Property at
Aacilost.—The Stockton property. on the cor
ner of Stockton and Sherman evennes s All,
gheny, Is to he sold without reserve on Mon
dny. the 9th Instant. rit 10 o'clock. 'See mice,
tisement by A. Termite auctioneer.
oThrew Physic re the Dogs." and drink filer
Damanls Co.,' cream ale was what Shah-,
create meant to say.
ream sad Pre the Lair liapremeaseara oa
Magee'. Relying Maehinet before initthaelvg
elseerbene. t None's,
al SIVI Street.
•Tbe Nortaz Nisei of Peary G. Role. Mer
chant Tailor, at corner of Penn arenuo and
Sixth street, h now largo and complete. Mon
sieur Hoorah Continues to preside at the cut
ting. • If
lame and Pen the Loin teiee•eeeeb en
Pincer's Sewing Machines before purchasing
elsewhere. Stracw d Moremc,
Ai Sixth Street.
Vor looking Owes and picture frames go to
Loughridge'e.l7l Smithfield street.
laLe desire what men admire. And this
II ttle thing to Beauty. What do we say ia
beautiful? A •transparent complexion and a
• .;xuriat head of hair. • What will produce
hear? Maran's Magnolia Balm soul make any
lady of thirty appear but twenty: and Lyon's
Kattudrou will keep every hair to Its place.
and make it grow like the April grass. It pre
vents the hair from turning- gray, eradicates
Dandruff, and IN the guest Bair Dressing to
the world;and'itt only half ordlnarY Cost. If
you Want - to RIM It of Sallowness. Pimple..
Bing-marks, Moth-patace, etc, don't forget
.Magnolia Balm. - - • Mbar
GRAY—BROWN—Oa Tharmlay evening. lOW 3
11370. by R. Wilson. D. IL. Mr. W. IA:
CRAY to lem M. LOU DROWN. daughter of Wm.
M. Brown. 1.q.. both of this cty.
COVER—REILLY—On the' 3th Inat.. - by Re, .1 .
Dermatt, at his residence. oh Monet Wmblaston.
Mr. SAMUEL COVER. of Vardar. to Wm
NANNY D. IDDLLY. of Cameron. W. Va. N , S
PlTTOCK—numNs—l/o Thursday esorting. Miry
4th. IT the Hos. J. S. X. tato% Mr. T. R. PIT
TOPIC: of Pittabursh.und Mtn EMMA Z. BURN&
of yeaangu tsnioty.
.JOTHPRON-()n 'Mannl.3 . Crenintl. r
Funeral horn the residence .1 her parent.. No
117 .
Ohio avenue, Allegheny city. on nnitrannit
NOIECLNO .110 o'clock.
- - .
"11001t—tht Friday night, May 8. at MN o'clock.
HATTIE BLANCIIIt. youngeat daughter of Al.e
2 gni Harriet L. Rook. aged 1 ye•r. 3 month. ,
and dn.
Thorn:moral trill takei Flap grout the reuldenee of
her remota. No. 73 Second avenue, on BCtioglr
grernstrog. at LI tielock. the tsiengs of the fan-
IIY are hulleetfullr breltod to attend.
• • •
' AIKFX—At halt-past one &cloak Mt Itiaterday)
GJmorning. ALIMAIMER A.. ann of Alluander and
years and months.
Notlee of .fanentl to afternoon pepen.
Bell and BraseLFounders,
Made Promptly to Order.
. -
Made and Kept on. Hand.
PrOPrielon Manascterers or
J. M. Coopers Improred Balance Wheel
Office-4982 PIM ISTREST. Fonadry—Corner
19TH RAJLTIOAD trPLEETS. rithamrsh
Pa. 7 •
GE94GE I. TRoupE F
• Silk Hats,
NM:4ml° , Sti MTN Artnnt.
PltMemlltl. Ps. Old Was reemsted mad remodel.
ea to roma Kyle. blocked =a ressid. Ref.
fitted Um American Comforter. Alle n
PrOmPtir Minded to. a
MORNING 4 _ M-AN 7. 1810
6f Mt.-Anil Totrn,thp. Kuhjett to the clecish•n
the Union tlepUbhchn Chanty Cm . ..rah...
. -Benjamin. Eputhett, Esq.,
Lt helinna totenelne. I. itcandidate for Ceuntt
ronatuleelener. In nabilillnetlen to the neeteinu et
the Republican Coneentlon. Eat next. In rein..
'Of the Seventhward. rittebefif h. (tor mine filen ,
etioneeted with the GaZiriTa at the led oleo
thin of many .filen•te, will pCrlnit the Wle hi•
name for Aiieembly. nubJect to the nomination Of
the Union Republican party.
l'irreincnon.3l..l Z. 1870.
DIRECTORS nf Comtuny Lek' this
dm'. Pk DIVOPend wen OFFIRIFO Doi:LANs
(SO 001 rer.hoine payable on drmanll. TO.. Of No..
tlonsl 'ha, • I?.
• Secretary.
• 11.0.41,1(17.11.1 Drt,g - msx
May 4,1870.
Flrst.Beoond and Mini Companion mitt
held In the Arronm. on FRIDAY EVENING, the
oth Init.. at acre!, and a half o'clock. •
By order at the commanding I gelcer.
akfa .1. J. ALDEITZ. Feel, Aar,
fre.NpTlCE.There will be iiregul
non . non Pride ottoei, on FRIDAVM:ViI f i. L l' , IL;
l u tt ..t isio. ,, All of th e monlbern are eurnnetly 0 0 .
bro.o l os o gne i gto upinens Of Import.nonwfilbo
W. B. Ernne.,Seezein los ry. BLAK!nCYZ;:ji.
IicKNIAN NATION"... BASK or PtrreuVitott.
Prrrenruort, May 4th, 11470.
Bank have dociKrell o Wendt et! SIX PER.
CENT. ttl) umthe Capital Stool uut eurtllngn
of the loot utuotho, perahle to Stockbuldem or
their legut representattren on and after the Itlth
tunt., tree et all Intien.
tuttimbil LAURENT. (Nuttier.
Prrinnonon. May 341.1870. ff
PER CENI d oVCll l V=4. ll :4 l 7bVtrili ' a '
Tiab L iz=v,i,f i....P.P 01 0 on and otter the
A. LONG. Canhlon
irr DI V I DEN D.
The fitreetora r!; tbtr a Ve:l 3 lY . it h ie 111!6:1a(vEci1e
thired • dividend of FOUR AND ONE HALE
PER CENT. t of the palate of thelmtelemontliv,
payable on And after Itio letta amt.. free of Gov
n .. 2zt:wtt It. E. WILSON. As/Ml.lml I:lathier.
MAY 3d; 1870.
TORS of this Dank have this day declanol
Dividend of FIVE PERCENT. uu Ile Capital
Stock, nut o the went. of the last nix mouth,
which will be paid to atorithoidersor their legal wP
nittentatlvew on and after the 13th WC, free .4
tiovertment. State and local taxer,:
nutl:w4l W. ROSEBURG, Caahler.
May 2;1870.i
BANK have thin day declared - s Dividend
of SIF l'K'lt CKNT. on the Conlin' Stork. nut tif tht
poets of the tasks!: month.. payable. free of tax.
to Stockholders or their legal retneaentettwis eu
and aftet the 12th Inst. J. IIAtiOFFIN.
mylinet Cashier.
Wince W..irrats.v I varstantrx CoSrinsrv./
litTrantiou. May .3. 1100. y .
The Board of Directors of this Company
bore tido day doctored a I'Mytdond of- •
Five Dollars
upon .oath Mare of the Capital Stock, out of the
earned profits Of t h e Met eta month. free of Gov
ernment and State Meek payable to Stockholder,
on and after the 1(411 not.
./two {PM. P. IllettllEßT, Secretary.
$lOO Bojunty , Clollected
For all wildiers who colleted between :Nor 4th Rod
.1 My 1id.1861 . 1.1 were discharged for disabd-
Ity before ,wrylng two year, and who have bend.,
fora received no bounty.
The undersigned he. removed his ofilre lo
Ballding.conter Sixth avenue and Smithfield
lltredt , and 1. now prepared to collect claims speed
ily and alpigieritc rules. Call on. or address, with
• •
Claim Agent. G /kerne Building.
rum, Sixth avenue end Netatbgeld ateeet.
rcr ÜBLIC OTICE.--Ilaylng been
.re,doten 0 8 And GAS METES 1.88881,
V., A heirtlony I ...manly., In hereby. oven
Um/. untll the necevetury °Moe sutt Mectutuleut Test.'
Inw Machinery ran lan prvrlded. I will be round at
AND PIPE WOll S. Twenty-01rd aiscel.•near
Penn. littanursh.
Real. Estate
`APRIL 30th,1870. ,
'Plto and ?Yellows Oltutliun.un
411 "' Itt ) tod*, at par "Ilpi
• % o 22
B . lr Furniture
• 72. 1.171
Total os
1.1.AD1L1711.15. ~$ 6418.810
pep -- '9811;297 06113117 74
11, - Fundtart.tuterest. May I.t.
Ctl i tnent Fund
7118 above Is • true Stettehettlt. $608.1919
R. A. CARRIER, Troisum,
In Tb eethe n bne der n l th A elktVtre L Um an . l a, VrMTe
and Securities. one emoted the eeTle
loresehet fttatement newel.
W. IL :1111TH,
Freeldent—lSAAC JONIm-,.
Floe Ptveltlent—WM. 11. FRITH
Aonnontant-11: C. PA,RKF
7aCeritri .
Gen. J.
Bowe. s'. U. lln
' Nicholas aono
Ws. Min 9 Bett
1 . 00.7. E h . moorhead.
Interest allowed on Deposits ate percent. porno
nom. payable to n e . os In May and
which, If not &ton will be added to the principal
and ,pe m' itt .rVed . Ile from 9 A st. tR3 r, et. 4 411
rna eyer7Biltrr ' d%7 e ening Imo may isito ao
terniber yet. fro 7 14. and fecal Norentber lisi.
to May Ist. Crum% to IS o'clock.
88 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh
Ormx or (Try Erni: m b asolirlti . cira. e.
s.b, ED f lZopmed. for the Grading. Perim, end
THINY-Plll.47 l ME ) gr from Liberty utmet
the Alleitherm 'Weer.
Iron .
YORTAETu 8111ENT f ro m Dotter anaet tureen
C.itiSAT STREET from HodfUnt . to amt.
it n j 1 rit " 2.11 1 ih rgg " Zol I.:;enth
StreetCA horn Loolle •trect to
An 1/211nen pine Pawn' on DIAMOND STREET
Irmo enntheold street to Cherry alley.
An 11S Inch also sewer on ST. PAT RICKS AL
LEY from Mllaenbanter WWI to Gist street.
W 111 beavettly_tat Ware p.m 3 weloak r.
n,,MONDAI—maY . 181111. •
!titl e d :111p.m °'" 1.1I Lll'l= krlratlnc"yrttoor
oe had et tate oMee. No hide will be nteelvon un
test mane nem blenkalamtalted ISM ^Mtn
my 6 It. J. auxmtg.
City &min.,
NOTICE.—The itooks.for the sub
. SERI rTION of Stock of the
Crystal . Spring- .Ico Manufacturing
and Storage Company ,
Are now opened et the ilectintiles . Sayings Bank:
No. 73 SMITHFIELD STREET. This Coopeny le
chambered bY the begirJature of po,i,a n da . no d
hns the exclusive right of Ifiniutacturing lee In
the County of Allegheny by Careen celebrated
•Freaeb steel.
County Soldiers' Monument.
ALLraUTNTEgr Irell'="1.870.1
The Park Comeatralettera will revere PIIOI.O
- for the conotruetlon of the foundation for the
&Adler.' Moneliienrrin 111 TEIFZDA T. 3 r. Y.. Mop
grov y ikri n tra jiNwAitz. .
COAL sp_xxs,_
-118.6 IRON& td. te...0
P. C. Orr re.
lakt4 _ ' . /441 Omit rtreet.
is boxes Mitchell's celebrated Burtlmmo.'
erring. the Urn Of the season; also fresh @meted
seos. Jon received and Zr, sale br the boo or at
retail. at the Family Onmtor i a m,li , w
mra. _'" corger Liberti and Nlothstrecis.
14 boxes Fresh Roll Rattan •
- - 10 half barrels; •
Forests by l. n. CARFIELD.
• , 141 First toremne.
r‘N FIUNKSTOWN . Itain t
- .•,;:i;7.::, , ,; , .F:17 4 _. , •.T.:. , —..:.,, , ,:,...
N ,. OR Ne--E Ant horizinz t h e
. .
Stx. 1. It vr, erm. - ted 1., Ow . ..elect
an.l • amp , . et.nnol.. et' the City ”1 :%11.ktrheny.
Montylt I•.here,y 0r,131nr41 th,
Monty the ,4111 e. 'flint the , 0.011114.4..nt,tre,t.
1.,. :Ind they ore hert , l., +.0,1..4 All.l dlreviett,l••
htrite iinti rect.lve the gnarling nn.l
't,yltor t.f later. MA a mnd t.• I, .1,
Intel therel , r %lan the le , tet gull Mart hicit, rr
bidder. it their discretion:
St, 2. That for 41..frAying• the sst and eTpe.s.v.
of the nn c. there in• levied n ....veiny,
"At l i relative io'Street+ - in the (Mit.. ,t!,•gt. y...
3 '47.r:V.Al'aTnlll:rtfit?..?(:e. or parts"( osismtne,
Insmn,dent • hsres II h Nu and the,' ars hereby
"stained and enacted into a law. MIN the
tns of April. Ann" nit Ototmand eight
hundred and nev...ity.
JAMES !Neill.. Elt,
Pro...denier t.'elest. Council.
Atte,t .J. It. ‘1.171",
Isrt of t.eleet Sounrll.
• -
• k.
lLu ot I Counql.
("1,•r4 ,t Common 20.3
11 N ORDlNANCE—Anthorifing• the
GradinA end raring of Union avenue. fn.
Tegeert .tree' I. northern (ermine..
SEC.I. He it ordained and rnaeled by the Select
and (.'onitnon Connell. of the Illy AllerhenY.
and it hereby ordained and enacted by the Au
thority of the name. That the Committee on Streets
te.And they ore hm . eby null d and directed. id
unite and (91. the vatting end
peeing of Union avenue. ageforeAdid. end lit come
ract therefor with the lowert and be.t bidder or
bidder,. at their 111%eretten.
1. That for defraying the cost end 01{,111.C5
of the nem, there is hereby levied ant...dal assess
men% mid a.nerenient to be made and enllected, n
provided by the Act of 'A.sendity. Plllllllml en .. .tot
relative to Streets In Om City of Allegheny: . an.
pmved April let, I S7O. •
SW. 3. That all ordinancen and parts of ordi
hances inconxistent herewith, be and the name in
ereby repented.
Ordained aned into a law, this tbe 28111
day of A 'WU. Ann,, thourend eight
hundred and seventy.
Clerk r 2iolec4Cetitnell.
NemMont of Common OtnnelL
Allen,. :
A N ORDlNANCE—Authorizinr. the
Grading of School Weer. front Itribtreorn
Weer to the ricer. •
Syr. 1. Be It iirdninnil and ranted by the Seleet
and Collusion l'outicil. Of the ray of Annette.),
It lu herein) ordained and enacted by the au
thority of the tame. That Ihrconlmiltrnon NI renta
be. and they urn ' hereby authitriunt and directed,
In and.yetelve prom:cal, Ine r t he evading of
School sirect:na aforesaid, and In ontrart there
for with the li neat and bent bidder or
their ilheretion.
SW. 2. That Inr defraying the ens' and ell:ewe,
nr thesame. there LI hereby levied a 'retal asses.-
men t, mod inaerourent b. he ;male and as ellectssal. n• provides' by the Art of Ara...ably, entitled an "Act
relative to Streets In the City of Allegheny. - an
provSeeed April Ist. 1870.
. 3. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances
Inconidatent herewith, be and they nee hereby re
onlalned and enacted into :I law, title the 28th
day of April, A n Ihnui nlone honsand eight harts
dred Mid Seventy.
kn. Z712'"1
r 111„,;61.
Atcat R. ix
Clerk of Select: Council.
PrOPide mt. of Common Council.
Attest: It. In twoirvrt.
• (jerk of evrat . non Council. mys
A N ORDINANCE--Authertzi3it; the
Grading and Paving of Irwin avenue. from
Prcaent lenumnn of imving to Wanbingt.m tiVelmr.
1 , 1 . . V. 1. Ile it ordained and enacted by the Select
god 111, eby liptlll.nrl rted I, the 1.13-
(1,.”-ity I.! the NMI, 'Chet t he Committer MI Slxv.e.,
he. and then are 111.,44111111‘.11/,1 :4141 directed. to
Invite and receive pn..ponnin for the Grading and
raving of Irwin nvenne. en afore,,el.l. and to con
tract therefor with the lowent and bent bidder or
bidden , at their glineretion.
SEC./. for dere:tying the eot.t ttnd expenerel
of the nem, there le hereby levied n vperini nese:,
meat, wall neeeeement to be made and milecteti, av
provided by the Art ~f A eventbly, entitle,' Oct .. Act
relative to Streete in the (Ity of Allegheny 7 op.
" eL^.
yell pbi .c. 7line..
3. rPllst nil onnee. end (tell of 00n
m:wee int.rnsintont herewith be and uro hereby re..
Ordelnett and marled into n Inw, this the 28th
day of Afnil. Ann" Itornlnt. 1 1 111 thous...ed. eight
hundred and Nevynty.
JAM?, >frii
President of !select Council
Attest J. IL. Ow ttit. •
Clerk of o.line.ll. •
I'reqiient Common Council
Atte.: J. IL Oxl.r.V.
-. . .
Clerk .1 Common Council. my:.
A N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the
11 Grading and Paving of Pltt alley. from Mina
womery avenue ire Straw tierce alleY..
SKr. I. Be it ordained and eructed by the Select
and Coin Councils. of the City of Allheny,
and hereby ordained and enacted by
thority of the oars Thatthe Committee onStreets
be. and they are authorised and directed. to
incite sod receive proposals. for tile grading and
pairing of alley. as aforionid.und euntraet there
for with the loweat and brit ladder or bidders. at
their discretion.
Sac . W. That for defraying the root end ripens.
of toe lame. three Whereby levied a special sane.-
ni,t. amid asereirorit to be made and collected..
resided hyithe Act of Aso...ably. entitled an - Art
rlnilve tolitreer in the City of ape
proved Apr! lat. 1570.
SEC. 3. That /ill "edition,. nod parta of ordinan
ce, insinnlatent herewith be and net hereby re-
Orchilned and enacted into a law, olio the 2/41.11
dag Apocernt y. rll. , Anno Domini one thousand
dna! and • I
.1.1311 KS Mennl Y.N.
President of Select Council.
Attest: .1 1151.55.
. Clerk of Select. Council
, I;r4iglent of Common punnet.
Clerk of (ionirue , n Connell. nifs
llRl)lNANCE—Anthorlzitut the
Grading and Paving of Jackson attest, from
Fremont street to Grant avenue.
e 1. tla It iirdalned and en a cted by the Select
awl Cuirunon Council:. aid the City of -Ulegbeny.
and it la hereby ordained nail enacted by the na
tbority of the +ante, Tim . theConimlitecoa Street,
be, and they are hereby a ttiortzed the
direeted to
Inytte and receive protb als tor the grading and
traVi l igtXt".3 ' til 'a rb e i I:7r. ' ntTiV:ealTlVl:rTi .
bidder.. at tbetrdbieretion.
SE, 2. TlllO detnlyhig 11$.• Jinn rwpon,e,
7rlVel;‘A'cil A""h"'..."'-
sre. 3. hat all w I
V•lqi hererrir4- rr,rer""hfe"'y'::
- Ordained and enacted Into a la, this the I,lllSth
i=l , A i p . r . it. e tn yt uiltuntinionettudisandelgtit bud
mL.,. resident lictect Cann ell.
itteit: J. R.l
Cleft of Select Ceundl. •
ressidesit of Common Connell.
Attest Dirtroiern,
. . . . .
Clerk of Common Connd. es
A ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the
and reacted b, the Select
and rotornon Council,. of the Cup of Allehany.
and It la hereby odained and enaetea by the un
'abed ty of the enure:That the Connalttenon &mete
be. and they are hereby authorised and d irected, to
Wylie and receive pmp,ms for the Grading of de
t:ret e loweel n beet iird ‘ 24 " o ' r * t ' ,l=.l47lt r z
That for defanying leviedt and expenses
of the ening, then 'Whereby special SSW...
meat. said
t o
Ac t,. to be made and collected. as
provided by the Act of Asavonbly. entitled an "Act
relative to Streets In the City of Allegheny." ap
proved Ap ril tat. 1870.
gar. 3. That all ordatanees and parts of onllnanl
rev Inconsistent ber,ith. be and are hereby re
ordained and enacted Into g lavr. this the 2sth
due of Atoll one thuneund eight hundred and set
Prn24dent of Select Council
Clerk of beim( Connell.
Prenllent of Common Cnanell.
/Went: IL 111LI1'oirttr.
Clerk of Ciounion Council. MO
ORDlNANCE—Authorizing the
Grading and Pavin Ave n ue. vans alleY• from
Isrette street to Western
NW. 1. Re it ordained end enacted bill, ticket
and Cnmmon Councils of - the City of , nilegneny.
and It L bemby ordained. and enacted by the au
thority of tbe same. That the Committee on Streets
be. and they - are hereby authorised and threaded. to
Invite end receive proDomie for the eroding and
CAI! crti a th ' e * Arar,ga.74:gem t :rlarg
at their dismelinn.
Tn., f, fmyln g. the coot end expenses
of the reme.there Iv hereby levied n ;Terre! nose's.
meet said assessment to be made end collected. as
proems:4llly the Act of Arsembitvotitleal an .. Aet
Motive to rtrects in the City ef Allerrhent - OP
rlsilinances and 'parte ori;;14
names Inc; nsistont herewith be end are hereby ;w
Orcialarrand enacted into a lam. this the 48th
day of Aped, Anne Dernintone thousand eight hun
dred and seventy.
President of Select CounH.
"'" (1; ' ilr of ° AlCti , Corlndl. •
President of Common Council.
Attest It. intirinrru,
Cleat - of COOlT . Elllolluncll. nob
tit•N 7.- atDINANCE--Authorizing the
Grading and Bating of nigh street, from
ten street to Angle street.
line. 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the Select
and Common Councils of the City of Allegheny.
and It- le hereby ordain. and enacted by the an
thrall) of Ott same. That theCommletee on Streets
be, and they are hereby authorized and directed. to
incite and receive yneyesels for the grading and
paring of High etreet an n foneeald. end to o knt rant
therefor with the lowest and beet bidder or bidder!
at their dlserell..
8r.C.2. That for defraying the n et .4 erminee
of the frame. there le lieraby forted a eperaal as; said ',sewn:lent to be med. and eratect
cd. as provided by the Act of Assembly. entitled
an w.tot relative to Streets In the (MY of APO
kgbeny:apyroyed Ist."1810. '
Sgr. 3. The nil ordinances and yens of
Inconsistent herewith be and f t re h ere by
Ordainedand enacted Into e law, this the tablth
day of Apri l . An. Do.. one thousand eight
hundred and seeenty.
' • ' JA3LES MeBRUM.
• Preadentof Select Connell
Attest:'.l. C It; • - ;
PreAlient of Common Connell.
AIWA: IL 1/11.temmi.
• • •
Clerk of Common Council. my!.
AN ORDINANC,E.--Authorieinte the
Greding and Paying of Chnrch avenue form
ral Greet to Union avenue.
SEC. 1. the It ordained and enacted by the Select
Ind Common Vouncile of the city of All and.
t le herebyordnlned anti enacted by the authority
of the name. That the Committee an Streets be,
and they are hereby outh , Deed and directed to in
vite and receive proposals DT the grading and Pne
tizitt/ftlioavenne as demand. (th d e ti, north aide
thereroe tetth y tg7h!..tti n ehl i g t e i eqb a tlder egg=
at their nIKTfli..
SW. 2. flint for defraying the Mint and expenses
of the tem, there is hereby levied a epetial n.
geese:l.l,mM asseasment to be made endcollect
ed as provided by the Act. of A wrably. entitled an
"Art relative to Greene In the Cite of Allegheny."'
ar gantgir. ale I 6 glittnces wad parts of ordi
napeances inconsisteneherewith be matt tee - hereby
re . .
Drelein led ed anti enacted into a law, this itcth day
of April Anne Domini one thousand eight hun
dred and reventy.
President Of (elect Council,.
Attest: J. IL (MI XT.
- Clerk
• President of comm. , Colincli.
Attest: Dii.vrovrtu. •
Clerk of Common Conticii.
N ORDlN,LNCE—Widiniiig thiirch
A VCP. Eleven feet
.1. Be It ordained end wetted br tbo fle)ect
and Common Councils of the fety trf Allegheny.
.4 It Is hereby ordained and coeetist by the
antbotity the sante . , That Church ArerAe.
from Federal... to beton Avenue. be efirtsed
to an uniform width of forty-three feet. the extra
width to Include en addition of Mk feet, to the
Present mutiny end dye feet for sidewalk on the
north wide of said street
0rd1411.. Ineonalstent with this
ordinance. to and they an bomb,' repeated.
atOrdained and
187 enacted unto a law mu 2sth dky
Apell. A. D.
President of Select Council.
Attest: J el, fl a fifpg i ... d.
Presldeo U t o E i N Co ß lbm W on Aß C N oftri n itl.
Attest.: R. DILIt'O.II,
Clerk of Common Connell.
"t'vEu» Ix ~;"
OR DlNAMS—Anthoriz(ng: the
tIIC onn , .Iter CM ne holThy
mnd empowered to hove bends Prelmo . 4 : t
to hear date or July I .t. I S7O, to malice IM torn
)cat,frat dm, or toole. to have 4rt.ttf..ns at
tn.heft benring nt the rote of seven Per
rent..per Anato.,pura hie on the 11,1 day. of J . art..
ars noht jot. In ker.); /1 1 / 1 1 Tear. nt the L ninti
Naltona.l ILlnt In the etty of nabf
h e
•tcned toy the.—M, or and Trealturt,
and r , eltr•lnen hv the Controller.
SIN'. Lt. hat .rho •estd=tomd. which mar
maotr, the ronttoller Of .61
Ir. by ankl with thr woo, of the Onnerdttee on
Ilium, and ni all other r.perl. Or home. salt.
and d..poral of the proced, ot ..tod bonds shall
he In nerordance with the Art Acorembly. en
titled an net outhmirtne the tits of Allegheny
Imme 'rat , bond". npproved the 2.2 rt day of
March. ISM). -
. .
sw. 3. 'elpti the fault. el-win and r - o - rtu•nak.
r ofhe city .1 Allegheny ht. um) I• herebY
fu ' Vitgjd "r the n ln n i.l ' rrt
SEC. A. That •••• tuuels of any ordlnanee
pi Cap with ..r be warrytlled by the
and the ttatnelA hatch) . rePealed.
. . .
Ordainedand ennetatti With Into a law this tt, dav
of Atil. A. It trete. '• •
aldena C
Alarrc .l, r - """'"'
Clark of ,tees Connell.
titantlrnllV WAlt!flat.
l'ornitient of rotnnion
A wad .
rieta of common Council.
N lIRI/INANtE.—Anthorizing . the
street from
Si;,. 1. Ile it ordaine anal enacted by the !Weft
and Common Counelle l af the city of AlleshEny,
and it le ordained and ected by the au-
thority of till. came, That 'the Committee on
Streets he and they are hereby authorised and di
rected to invite and foreire propottals for the
grading and paving of Toa srect,ta aforeeald.
anal tat contract therefor ni ne th the lowest and bird
bidder or bidder, at their disc:Otto:l.
Ste. 2. That for defraying the coat and astreneet
of the same. there is hereby levied a 'rectal an.
sesarnent, said aarroducnt to be made and collect
ed am provided be the Act of Asr.ernbl}. entitled an
"Act relative to litreeta to the City of Allegheny."
arrived April 1.1/470.
nay 3. That all ordinnnreo and
.ittiOrt of ordl
nia Ineonelatent henrolth be and artaltereby re
Ordnined and enacted into n la, this the Olith
day of April, A. 11. ISl'O.
JA5ll:$ S 1 1111E11,
Prvoilent of Select Council.
Alien J. It, tix Lao.
i•nnl'ent, , f l‘e.leet Onsnctl
. .
• Clerk cd Select Coon.*ll.
fiflNltY ICA
' I'rc•lAcnt nt Comtn•rn Connell
A N DINA NCE—Authorittng the
th.tling and raring of :lam , Vials lareet
trom Taylor Avenue to Aeltlny srat.
SKr. 1: Ile It ordain.% and enacted hy the Select
and i'iinino.n Councils of the City of Allegheny.
ir e t t ll Y o 11 ' 1 ' 0 ' 1%1:gilt . a i s in
tirreV . l ' „ e lgit t e l i ' Vud se L!:•77e b y tnil ' jiTialllgr Vi d e
trailing AMd paring of Iluenti Pint street tte afore
said. and to contract therefor truth the krirest and
bent blddeb or bidder,. et their diecrettim.
SPY. 2. That for defraying the coot and expenses
of the same, there Is hereby levied a special a.
comment. said assemment in be made and col
lected as pryrlded by the Act of Assembly. en
titled Sc, "Am relative to Streets In the City of
AMegbent,"appmved April tist.ll47o.
Pte. 3. That. all optimum. and parts of ordi
nances inconsistent herewith be and sea berebyte
rowel:Jed and enacted into a low this 28th day
or April, A. 11,1870.
Pre”lclcra of common council
Attest. 11. Di tActoirrli.
•N 0111)INANCE—Authorlzing tho
firm 1d Arbuckle. K Co. to construct end pee
u Scrim Bridge over Church alley.
s I. Be It ordained end enacted by the
City of Pittsburgb. In Select and Common Councils
arrembled, and It Whereby enthined end enacted
authority ef the same, That the firm of Ar
buckles A Cm. be. and they are hereby entberlthii
eenstruct (under the mision of the St
Committee of Collect tel and one unenvered Iron
Bridno ever Church alley, In the Third ward. at the
helgbrof et leant twenty feet entire thement
end net more than five feet In width. wea r to con
net by such bridge or parsage way the bundled.
and Kende,. owned and oempleWhy mid Ithre
dwell sides of mid Church Miley. Provided, That
ro id Arbuckle. A. Co. shall be responsible for ell
C daniage. which may be 11111 11 4111 by said erectbm. end
ounelle reserve the tight to repeal this urdinence
at any time.
• 2. That itnir ordinance er twin of ordinance
etintliaing with tlie passage of this ordinance at the
brewint (line. be and the same herehy repealed so
far as the mune streets this erdloartre.
Ordained and enacted tido a law in Connell, this
talith day id' April. A. D. 1870.
, . . .
President pro tern. Select Council
Attest: K. 8: MIIIIIOIW.
the;lL of ncleci,Counell.
rrr•menc of Common Council
Allest: 11. MellAntem. •
P. AIc.....k.RDL,
- Fashionable
No. 93 1-2 Smithileld St.,
Otte, ie" Gent's Clothing wade it/ enter In the latest
GITZAY & 11,0(
is.: O. .t 7.: F I FTH A V EN - LIE,
No. 47 Sixth Street.
J. C. "ClintamoN. C. I- aItigLANMIING.
Merchant Tailors. N0..10 RITE STUEVV.IIate
St. Clanti We have received a large' and well se.
lerted Stock of the beatarid Moet faehlonable
Goods In our line, a greet portion of which are our
Fn importation.
Feeling com:lent of ourability to give rii;rfeet
rattsraftintl. WD mspectly nollclt f
examinationof our stock of Flue
ere', Vesting', dc.
mblo No. 10 NIVIt tart.
A splendid new stock of .
Cloths, Cassinieres,
red Merchant ' Taller. 73 Smithfield street
at No. 107 Market St.,
Wen ow. offer to-the penile a Hoch of PAPER
lIANGINOS on:mit/rased In the Wert for varloty
rtri , R=. 'i IroVrICTETVIV I LTIPPV a r
EI O MIGNS to than and brfEbt lulu, for Ilan&
I rInS h AL4 4 I7b 17Dotil PAHliii
P RS, trlthan almost endless *grimy of
BLANKS for Chambers, So. All of which we pro
cuont.gdtell.t 10.• aa.lba lowest In the market.
No. 107 Market St" near Fifth AMR , .
mh121,15 • •
SPRING 1870.
49 1901E9,6de llnta at_99e per rll.
GILT-4 great variety at 60c Per run.
GLAZED—J6II kin. at 99C Per roll.
=WANT Franch .6 Antencan Paper -Hang
ings, not
above, anperlor to any
In the country. For sale at
iew Whotothleand Retail Store. 191
.. I.rar
threat, Plttabarah.
Robt. H. Patterson SeCo.,
Seventh Avenue and Liberty Street
Horses, Carriages, linggies, Wagons,
And everything appertaining to the }lmre.
Noires desiring to sell will please leave their no
tice of consignment on or beige Thunder of Vech
week to order for etivertlshm, PrOmpt attention
end griod care will be given on Stock lett for note.
' •
JuitY n. frrInTAKT MAT. U. rArrsamx.
Liyery, Sale and
for. Serrnik :Item Aind Lifieriy 81;
aprchl PITTEBUR6,II. PA.
\lnds of •treati esti ate received deny at
. popular ash stAnd. 41,
mond Mutat. Pfaibusgts. rod at ttio Told City
• Stand, Allegheny City. corner Yedena and Ohl , /
streets. Our long espertenos In' the ensnarer are
shies as to always bate on hand a annexes ankle.
sad ow sell Whit* Fish. danten. Herring. tuset
Bus Mae, all at very loe psi
Oire s eacall. te• eat limas • lee article. Whole.
Ws oeretall. All orders 011111 ermine,.
PrrNlaleut of
Clerk of col:ninon Council.
%TT:I4I,A) - AfI'EIC. O I I N.
f , t.ON:I • nnn JACK
sATCHDAT EVNNING• P , ..i.v.17 wr avow.
-3m. v. F.
3londa7 liveniog—ti/Kllk ADAM,:
The dl.ttngulithed Law Stud." of 134 Lout,
Winn/ before the Wore.ris 1.7211nT0 1 1 .1/110C14
non of Atfeghr.T.CountY , t •
Saturday, MaY 7th.
single Ttrkets4o Man.' Few" Tlegelnsa
reerrecl neat& Lertdre •to ,Vllnfnenee nt
• , I•6ct. Tickets enn be eblalnea l'harlettg
Bl r ume', 1411.hnulth. andnt .11 - ewlint neat
mote. ON Vedentl Curet, Allegheny. 1nYt1:. ,4
• -•- -
111 0S.htuy .1111.11 th and 7th.
Foe the benefit •tt ftekhert• Whilown sn , l VW."
1..0011[ (IrotflllA.
PT Dr. r. A. DUNCAN. (Serious Witklns,) isto Of
fieneisltiherrasesstaMossistest by Prot. HISONTE
Phials[ and Vasslist. trom the cooserlstorr of
Mush, Lelpsh,
Change of Programme iniery night. Naas area
at Wen wad a half o'clock.
ADMISSION 30 pent%
• mplwal
Open Every Ev-ening,
New Catholic Church_
OAI.I.ERY, etellatolna • One eolleellon of Pain,
Ingo. the productive of American and Pmeign A,
lists. is now open /harmed Evening. No. 231 LIB
ERTY STUMM Opposite the "" of Vro.daralt•
Adrellahm.23 cents. • atdi
Inoue. mtalnot all kind, of Hro and no
Risks..JOLN IRWIN. JR., Pr041460L
T.J. J . i182,4141.r.0441.1-r"d i '" ' , •
CAPT. W.11.1/EAN, General Agent,
boirchlow: •
Jo hn trerM. Jr.. I B. Fhlmettoek.
T. J. Ifneklnton. .. I W. I.
H. Everson.,
C. G. Gummy.
• Hobert H. Davi..
IlitreeyCbllde, 'I Fennel. Neilson,
Clnolen Hey,. ; Cam. J. T. Ittockdols.
Gant. Wm. Donn . ' . T. 11. Nveln. '
A Home Company. inking }ire and Marine HIM.
. . .
Wm. rhithee. • I rank. John L. Almada,
John Watt. , eareuel P. Shrlv.m.
John E. Parke, Omens ArtmeMe.
(A H. Love, • Jared M. Brode,
Wm. Van Kirk, i W. le Lam., •
Jame. D. Verner. : Sam m uel XeCridart...
WY. President,. •
• JOHN WATT Vice Preaklent.
w. F. OARlelleft, Seeretarr. •
JAMLB N. ST SO. .• Beatelterf-•
No. 22 I.l}ll l AV E le r ni . r)ND YLOON.
11.. , 8yjr ,;c,e. ...To . f Ettg i. -
n . ICIo&LIL I . Bailey
A. ben.. .
Ma 11 16.... Igle t r . OFe.. IJu. IL Iley.
ati/043tT YLlti k eresident..
' vu.Preadoov
, . 1iff1.169 ,
IL ,Elecretary . . • GUM: . %Mull Agent. 1
• A MAMA : MiI ', o ' L ' th '
N01F37 •
Of Pittsburgh..
.-A41.1.. 3,1 "111111111
T l.'ilf;
P. Itt ss,
CAPT. Gm,. Uede7 , l Agent.
Men V$ Water street. Pla Co
na& . • vermin's,
up stairs. Pittsburgh.
17111 insure wiret all kinds of Vire and Marine
Risk.. A home Institution. managed by Dinseters
who are well known to theeommunity. and who
d.i.etirdivd hp Promptness and libmglity to
maintain the ebarneter which they hart mammal.
offering the best pnitection to those WV. &Was
to be Insured.
. . hiukciOns:
Alerandrr Khnick. . John U. iletione,
It. KWor Jr.. . chns.J clarke,
Jennie McAuley. Milk= S. Xraas.
Aleininder Speer. . Joeeph Kirkpatrick.
Andrew Ackley. 1
ti b eglfir= .
Meld M. Look
•D. thcosen. . i nail
Assets on
J. M. 1870. W 3.825.734 61.
Capital; 1,4,51.0 09 Accrued Marque and
rUtie "rirtafaegis='"'
Mimi The . Compliey
Uuues polides spun the Rents of all kinds ut WM.
pc Groom! Bents and Horhiesen
k' DIRECTORS—AIfred O. Baker. Samuel M i n
hG. W. Ric herds, Isaac IRIA, two. Fake.
oer. Thos. erects, Wm. S. (Pent. Thansis
1211.4 Gustavus a—Benson.
AISRED G. lIASCEII, rtesident.
J.. x
Au rz.="im Presides!..:
T. 11. Rem!, Assisisin Seel * * , •
1)1) K
side Con Third Anomie ite=tlt.
Of -New York. •
139 33110 A DWAY x. "Jr.
NVGlVRAl4 l ,:alt.Llady:denstiaruLnurl
I:metal hound
00) N
A!) om.yo ot.. nvon l. TArias , .41,2 r
N :
TESTABLE after Oro al l urrlidrnq,. re
strictions upon TRAVEL aro RIBODNIS re
Premiums. and NO INCREASE:of annual pion-ents
;7 ' IIEIISM rttl "d tn n d Vi?Ard PRO. 7.
1151=1 . .11 . (1:VartriEr l ialgH.Acu'ica t it
OraVidSauV.rgteihttle'in`7o.":""" "6Y- 4
ter ytald an inonue to the Pnlicy " holtle thi l.lfel
terns and endowment ptalebes an 4.4; also,
gaarantee Interest pullets , * and annuities.
N ontbrr of f "Hetes Issued. 3.3411: eninninff
W 37 11S . Z . V 3 igi e rnnntn.i 11MM:
titgsl. art' v ' s Agents nitnted everywgensig West
em Pennsylvania, •
• •
w wn. 11%31. 1..
,t co 71S FOINITAVPa r oitt.....
Mean beeribera ben leave-taeanunn Parduarapb
era a.piece a para., reprona l dlng bliaartf da min
Una M their home: They - have arr..' aunt any
traveler myna Plakarranhera to pulled order,.
their burdnemt is Manafaritning Cleanable baling
moaned to trat 'alinderala trade In ritien rIS !tuna
aa prastleatdd
rowans t wrsoirritsm.
_llT.4xsplo.!. I.lh. ISM me .....•T
Livingston &
s=ued --k:arardnt-a,%===
gt'ad"4l:. tV A I
L a 4e, g
rteah Like ll•rei rm \Yhlle 11M:
• Nn. I. t ond 3 Mwterel—elli4lo7 7 7 17:
l.brador Mack:Tel: -
Cod Fab;
foe. WATT. LAZIO .1100.11,.
30. 173 sad IV4 WoN I St-
ISIIIP.—Tua mai beartotutatarlstlua
betueen J. T. Glam. And Clam lArptoloing bus.
Mc. usage the lima ad J. T. 0 1 .141 , tdaa.nathi.
dal dinared by mutual eonaeal. -
J. .r.
Preiramiac Auell 90. air- A.