The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 07, 1870, Image 1

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_ • ruatzaukto hr. •
Cot - ntl• Sixth lye. and,"pulfbrield St.
fl inixturtni. I '
T. P. 1101178 TON, S. P. VaSD, •
11040 : : •
y 1, 141/.lStr year .
IN•liNard breanter.par
..... • L! , . •• 15
. ..,—;•• • t.
ii"i' ...S.s.ll.4l.:l 4 tittlllivo 'a Trltners
tit June.
Tut. Citiontown •R•lotitard suggests
Thonurs'll.!Davidson; of -Connelle!ille, as
titling coOdlctitto for Astlerubly..
MI:. F6fElt-Forwr, of FouettOwn „York,
hunk himself last nide!, • li e w5 ,„ k i,,,,, d.
. nig soon in that' ditntirt hnd the'father of
-es c children.
indlotur Republican County Cont
. stutter.wet, last week, deelded against
'j qop4r4the Cniniord Lbrinly;avisteincend
I otpc.inted the 4tli of Jitrio as the day on
stitch to hold the printery elections..
Heading biapOch ears:
11-tiben Mull, an old sad 'attrilirriowneiti
:en of the - villageWf l Sinkilii Spring, and
. ono of tho Supervisor! of Spring Town.
chig,entnutitted suicide on :Monday after.
noon last."
TIIU Erie Gotrfte says; ThstAlonne.
/Medical Solely. irf Penjonintriis
• All' hold Iteankituril **striae 'in' thin city
t, the 2nd and 34 day of .7uno nett.
Tito animal addle.% will-be delivered in
'rho (tont lions° on the 6ttning of the 3d.
ltr Prof..ltobart .1, .111eClatcherty, M. D..
of the Ilahnitnati 3fediera College Af
THE Fnionlown Genius says', For sev
eral days pest, n terrific fin; has loon rag
ing in the tnountaltui toThe leftteen of ,the
Safutrukl Seam as 'ort di Leurel- Hill.
On Monday night the lurid flames lit up
the whole contorts horizon, and freui the
; rusnint.froru whirl are.vionved
. the *eche, it rush
A !nit cith on fine.
4;reut await* , m o st have boost &not to the
At< luxidiqis si alit DuChar furnace. nom'
l'Oentown, occurioned by a brook in the
a'aner lining which allowed the gee to, es
cape Into the stone work of the stack re
suiting in the fall of ten or fifteen feet of
outer well, hoe caused the auspenillon -of
work, which'rea toioabl4 not resumed
for "two weristlis.„ *lliiiragtants' improve•
'eets are to be tirade in the /canon. and A
, remarkably finwengina hatiljool
• front Pittsburgh no that use weekly run
Itennifter will ho Moron. 1 t tom..
TILE Johnstown Lloaocrot PAVIti r.
Jelin C. Illftle of tide cite shciwttil its the
other day on egg, the ;hell of which , at
-ono end nws broken by.alitentbet of bin
lantily who waenhout to mop it : for cooking
- purls - rift, when; it wie diecoverml' that
will in'the egg, were five kernels of oats
which had germinated and had sprthits on
them nearly or enite half an Inch long.
The egg shell WOO perfectly sound and
the egg treat and fit,for use. How' borne
eihtt oats in the egg': nmi toikidifil they
. ! germinate MA ernwtwitlibit theivilesenc e
of air? •
A Naw wrinkle- has recently been
developed in the shingle husiness.. At
one of our. IMyleatown luinber yards a ear •
load of tieenty.lour atilt:nand pine shit-
Fl. less recently received from Michigan
wit out transhipment. - These ohingi
the. beet tarred out in the ordinary mIY.
and then passed through a planing ota•
whine which cuts the snrface such n
ranuer as to leave .: a nrinklec of ridges.
About en inch apart, nu the exp.. por
tion. It in asserted that shingles prepay,'
in this war will shed rain hetter and dry'
room quickly eftenvard titan the common_
arricle., -Tim jaig JtM hifiteritjun that
rotheeekinrrleat.: ' ,
J. N., the immortal. is in Mansfield. .
From the Akron Barton we cut the fol.
, A NEW synagagne ., building •in
(bleinibus. '
kiiiremorre .has a new bank .with
M.OOO capital.. _ • I.
tizcon.trro,k dry , will..bp-AtilsOT 0 1 "
Tkiviciiio."Cineen is indeed and at last the
Wood etihnty . 11
',pun. 22, engine-hose.,, de, at. Rey
aold's coal shaft, burned. • •
AN engine building and machine oho',
is about starting In Canton.,.. •
TnE New Philadelphia paper mill was
Fold at auction, on Saturday, for $3.340.
Tee Prohibition party holds State - prim.
illation convention at Columbus. June let.
NazaItETII•CoLLEGE, Dayton, is
`' a threeirtorj- brick building, 164 by 70
• Orr of 44G lady graduates at.Oberliu
College, 11-2 here married gentlemen grad-'
• Atintair E. LEE hail been confiniii.rl In
ternal Revenue Collator from the Eighth
Ohio Diat rict.
Miss IlermiterrA .I.4latil tin, of Toledo.
to ammiated a member of 'the School
Eza.minera' Board. • -1: •
Eclat J. Multi got a $O,OOO breach of
prongse verdict of • Isaac H. Hellen, in
Clinton Common Pleas.
Tee Champaign County Sheriff link 'al.
ready sold. $55,4213 of real property of
Matthew Mason's estate. ..
FRANK IlAnEr. a boy of eighteen. in to
be hung In Adams county on the oth of
:May for the murdes of bin idep-father.
Berri. B. STISON, lately an: employe of
• Ellie, Miner k Co., of YoUngstown, awaits
• trial on a ehargerld embezzling $2,000.-
C'ANNABLE & slaughter
house, Xenia, burned to the ground ,Satur
day midnight. Coro $B,OOO. Uninsnred.
...,„-the April election in Springfield, Me
holing county, there were thirteen cumuli.
. elates for.liquire, two of whom were wir.
McDowEct,. of.Carrolhon, a etre
educated boy, has just been sent to tin
penitentiary for one year, for burglary .
W. A. Wewroo Mot been appointed Re
, corder of thir Cincinnati and Idaokbuiw
llailrood Company at Oreenville, Duke
county, Ohio,
• Tax Ohio State froth's' .of song will
t be held in Mansfield on the •Mrd Inst.
Several eminent musicians will be present
from the east.
.Manage county boasts of nine clever
factorys, each averaging' 604tcowe: .Thei
largest factor.. made 20,000. pounds of
cLrawe last veer. .
Tugrousictil papers of Germany pre
. -did. that a yery large. number of perorate
- frOM Germany will imrticipato in the CM
timudi Saengerfen, . . • .
sereniyiwreit years Oki, preaches twice
each Sunday, and with the tame power tut
in his younger darn. .
Tag Sheriff of ',Testaments oronty'ints
fined $a the other day' for driving over the
Dover badge at st htghed rats yol 'o°44
than the law euggeste. • - 1
. .
• . A intone:, mriti rum' bmtFglti atilt for
aOOO-against We •trnaters of St. Clair
township, COlnrabiana county, for 'rinsing
lila vote on thadth
A mitt, ham passed the Ohio Legielatirov
making county infirmaries repast., strain
districts, and authorizing the .rotablidt.
went of schools therein. - •,
Haniniondayille, 'a
deaf and dumb min, was -run 'Over and
. killed on Monday by a train of are on the
Cleveland and Pltieburgh
A ittaisren in Toledo, - Ohlo, within ten
months, married a Maple, baptised Asir
End child, preached the funeral daemon of
the husband, and married the widow.
, D. In Sr.jc "" e " m 3 sP list o re, , just
started it Canal Fulton, •burned - April 4.
Loo. $ 7 OO. The Fulton people enbectibed
overt hroe The
dollars to repair: the
, Ort * Flitlay..last, Samuel lintienhiser,
yawl master at Letitteburg; was struck
by a piece of timber projtieg from one
of the cars, thrown upon the track and
killed. _ . . .
TUC people of. Youngstown, Ohio, are
petitioning for the suppression of .the dale
of teneationsl.napem like the Pollee Ger
zee:M.ll4Y. Dings, and other disreputable
&RIX/WIELD, Ohio, heaths meat eaten.
dye nisirofactuting.establishroent, of any
cltyln the Weak Over 18,000 Reapers
are made every year In tkiri,Labopa enr
Tarrying about 1,000 hands.. I
Turas:ire twenty. furnaces now In o p
• moron between - Ironton and Chillicothe,
. . .. . .
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K 7.. . -41 - .\.l je 1 . 10 It . ._, , • : A : tic ...1
~ . . • .. . THE WEEKLY GA,, / .„
' 11l - . . •Lw ' .
A •
.. (\. .. . It. 'I 111. 11/. TA.DI. II Pn , T ' ...,
Commercial and Famil News T
A . . • ~,,,..,,: ,.„ : hw . p n . k .. -fir: :: : :: : :• ...n . : , .., :1. Ab .
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.•„„....„: •
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• 7 er It,
making en arenttge of two thonsand lire fret eight and one-half inches. To bring
lint:ond lons rich of trig foetal per year, the other• sixth to this if is igropotted drat,
0 a total of fifty lhoUnand tons.; afferla • given day, ne road n
LgruNlA will noon have
A. roturinv has agreed to .conntruct I.7thge. The expenses. of Changing will
a rolling mill. Poe road that dog's lad cenfohn foßtin
proritlNl the citizens will raise a bomb of not exceed five hundred dollars a mile, and
six thousand dollars, which is nose as there are leas titan eight thousand
about raised, and the work in noon to b e miles of mid requiring 'alteration, the
CoruntenCciL whole cost of the work would not exceed
000 -
A ;hurls taconamed l • •)°°-
fell from a bridge near Younbortown,4 one 'fnElfraugar Tunnel, cis reported. is
-night last week,, and when found next "."' Pr'o4n'ti . sin •t4' the rote of t"li f7 l
morning, he was pitting in too water, in- day—four feet from fhe west end, 1111,1
nensible, haring owlet Ito' night in that 'feet frten the rant end. The centrahnliaft •
positiob. Iht Pays remembers falling is de/get:Hang at the not. 61" a font a day,
and.that. is all. and it in tknerted, will be completed ht
. about our - f months. • The tunnel ban bent
Matittottrit,t.s: citizen s have er,rnid-scs‘i excavated I I,7tVi feet at both portals, that
vigilancea coninditet Far purpose o' is 6040 feet east side, anti 48n) feei on the
taking all Lewitt' monaures and forcible weal
menns necessary for driving out and keep.
•ing out of that pike all gamblers, dice. A 1 1 toti - rxxscorrespondent, of the
sfl , s k , s fid en ts, m i.. Springfield Repleblicatt, referring to the
and pickpockets. Piegan massacre, seen: '•ln our private,
A , T7l.k fonr year rid daughter. of
humble opinion, the world. would sustain
John N. Myers of Steubenville, while at a •"eenter loss in the sncce of n single
trtite men of avetag . t chnracter awl d e .
play, in the yard, Wes chat by some inn.
reloptnont, 'ditto in th ' e extermination of
known person, the hall entering the tee,.
all the wild worthltent tribes that would
pie mad trnversing the skull to the hack of
the heard. The shot watt intended it in make a wiltiernks of the fairest imrtions
of the earth's carfare."
believed, for the dog bear by.
Wittfc Richard Cobden was in the
Tote State or Ohio hatrauld its old ;aria- United States he visited an Illinois fanner
Ito totitaln grOundeg 71.4 ac reneforii 2 Onoys' alto owned twenty thiniaand arres.'whe
to a stock company, by which they will be told the eminent English Statraninn, While
laid :out in streets and lots. • ...rhesiato lung entertaining him with Koine 'fine peach
1 011-01,1 '''' 11 B, itliv ol6 ( am of 302 M.. brands., that he had laid away two lout
near Columbus, for $lOO,OOO, and trill tired 6arreln of it for old oar.. - Certain.
there erect-the new tusyltun.
•Iy,"•ns the great advocate of free trade re.
IlEntsterr Stoe, a Germarlsraelite, will marked, -a most oximortlinery provision
,1•10 hang. at Norwalk, Iluron county, Ohio, for hie declining years."
on the of August next,-for the murder, Writ • • 11 •
noltscrat.not new ert otoreagent,
and robbery of hin employer, Jacob flood- t,, h a y, g w‘gige•• times the retro of
man • n man of the minim nntioruility. The powder and tire (intro that
murder woe committed With en Iron bar, eerie.% in of a deep bluish color, fesembling
while the two were riding nlon,ga country mud
the minsistency of
rond, the unsuspecting victim booing hingil •I I. bole drilled f h •
t tut into aor
Scott to asegiat
CAPT. IN: J. STEWART, of Pie purpose, without tamping or covering of
ua, Ohio, any kind except a handful of tine clay to
on drowned himself in the ester at Chicago keep It in ponce, and fired by It. fn. end-
Wednemlny night. Ile left behind him ing in a copper cap, ninth, for the purist..
nt bin lintel.a. sealed letter to Lis wife and "-The danger of :its useits ken lengethlul
two cards, on one of which was addrenned podder, = •
• liningy, nod on the other: •
to hie wITO--130 good and you a-ill ,
, -
puma'. Pottrut hns written n letter
which he says that the Dw
elaare in the'
'Tired of life'. hist:Ors.
Mad of death ' s rnystoo, anal defensibl
e river in the world, and
thrift to be hareggi-- • - • duo s'ltenter is the very.. best location in
Anyw . totre. :anywhere out of this world. the Potted States for building ircni ship,
• -- Re adds, "There 18 going to be nn
mnrnne business done in the next ten years
in iron,ships. Our liorernment in soak.
ening to the necessity of rearaingoorrong•
meico (non the bends of t h e Ensellste,antf
must necessarily front year •to yeor grunt
liberal drawbacks and ;übsidien until we
can stand on mu loge again."
Tim N. Y. Pi-testa:l'n ✓ Joerted ans n se
vere onslaught on Rev. Dr. Iglciilynn. pas
tor of St. Stephen - A Montan Catholic/ .
Church, 'l' wenty eighth street, for giving
espreasion to sentiments favorable tri the
PXiStin , g public school spoon, -The editor
-ril l e scandal is too open • too prominent
to be pa.ed 'over. "" I " If there be
a living, discipline of the. Catholic Church
Mille administration. of the ditxuuse of
NeW York. Ihr.•lllcl.llpus mast revOrie his
action, nr cense' to haw 'charge oft St. Ste,
phen's Church and cegugrogntien. And if
there be no s uch diegfipline in thin
dicnxsr tbellishen of Bishops most take
note of thin affair.
NEW JER,EY forests are on Ore.
Oht has been struck in 'l‘pc.higan. will soon be . ateatitors on the
White Sew , - -
. 3n:igDoch. 16 i ragtqlian, ix lIONV nt
Olin farmer.
TILE tioutte "ill adopt the Houpo
lution to totionnt on the 4th of July.
. .
THE Mont etmls'ingnel, it is thought.
twill be formally opened in August.
THE Louisville Journal calls Theodore
Tilton - that :llrs.Jellaby in men's clothes."
.I,orrA is to give rt performance itt 1341.
filature in aid of the Richmond sufferers.
.PITILADELMti.V 110 A raised $3,500 and
Baltimore nearly /41.000, for the Richmond
THERE are raid to he 5,000 needle wo
men dependent upon their work for daily'
:bread in the city of Baltimore.
-• It is evident, from the tone of debate on
the .lerickes civil frerViCe bill, that it will
he defeated by annvertvlielitilng.majority.
• Dt - wit Kim.a, L. L. has nobly vimli•
cried the propriety of its name by having
'five fatal mantis' accidents since the Ist of
ONE HUNDRED nt•wspapers bare started
and Tanen in Claiengy, and
Lard been bunk in journalistic fanfares in
New Tork.
AN Indian. near Fort Scott. recently
tratkrl tiro mules fnr n set of false teeth.
and prottrlly,.woro them, necklace fashion.
'amulet 11in nock"..
AN insult:man who had. not vet mar.
eltirtatiorit ititrithAtiivried'lliiirsielf in the
lake at Chicago on .Wednesday. liis name
was Paul Vogel. .
TIIE Senate Territorial Committee had
/alon g session on the Rolm hill abolialting
polygamy. They are divided on the quon
thin of making it ret mactive.
HILDEBRAND, the notorious Missouri
ninrderer, desperado and outlaw, is about
to join the Red River insurgents. lie is
mid to have.mardered 496 men.
. - A DEM:TAT/ON of 'clergymen in _New
Orleans visited the members of the lied
-631%4113ga /3.13. nine, and thanked them for
refusing to play in that city on Sunday.
SEVERAL. &mines, from mere point in
Western New York. arrived at Lortiatilk•
Supday, the tat, on a raft, which they
thee almndoned, and took steamboat pas.
sago' for Namtville:
„, .
ttri old families of Santa Fe have not
at present a high opinion of the Terito
rialiihritrian, Mr. Bond, who has sold for
wrapping paper-the records of New Mext.,
co, embracing a period of two hundred
urn. C. P. MAr.traNn, assistant engineer
on the Pittsburgh and Clnnellaville Rail.
road has resigned thafixmition. Mr. Man
ning lifts been appointed one of lite engi
neers in charge of the work on Jones' Falls,
in %hinter°.
Tnt: Troy (N. Y.t . Tuna save: The
little spot of land in the- river * known as
Whale Inland ban entirely 'disappeared.
enry. - onelbtle strtiggling arm
appearing above the water. We remem
ber when it wane good sized corn field."
. Drama 18119 there were built in the
United Staten 6,459 miles of railroad
-nearly twice An Mann- an In env preview
year. Three lititulMd new roads arepm,
}cried- or under contract , which , when
completed; will make ItiAKKI additimmi
Pow. rsa, Cit%Not:s.--Eldredsville, Stith4
can cotriity—David Pardon,. vice e. O.
LanDanter, resigned. Pike Run, Wrieh.
ington connty—John Wilkins, vice le
.loha Baker, resigned. Kw - m.1:41e. Jeffer,
son 'onnty—E. P. Sharp, vice. M. Steiner
Tnr: egg trnde recently brought to To
edo a train of woven crirn, o n e hundred and
tweintr•fire barrel,. in each ear ; and one
bundied and twenty dozen in each barrel,
or ytio,ooo eggs on one train, What a
abate to the mdent ; cheerful and indit e ,
trinuo hen! . " 44. ,
. • .
"ALI, the turn' in the South Wheeling
glass works who refused a few days since
to work nt the proposed relucttan of their
wager, have returned to theit respective
duties in the establislinient and every.
thing down there is now quietly moving
along in the error tent of its way.
LEATENVroirrn, Kansas, claims the
proud distinction of turning out "a larger
nnwber of people to a smaller fire, and
they'll have a better dinner, and run
faster, and • surround the conflagration
qitickkr, able thereleriger; and go home
...Ntter, than any other toan.iin Ainrrica."
• YksTiniuT Afternoon, says tlae Cincin
nati Goit - aff, Leo Hager. a, young• man,
twerrty.ene'years of age - , a member of the
firm of Hager vt Co., proprietors of the
Ilrewery,fFll intombir of-the lingo .
deem. connectisl with theestabliblunent,
and was dr11.11.11 before , help could Mot
forded him. •
• Tux Vicksburg Timor declares that the
Mira Capitol In in a dangerous con
, dition.and that the roof in likely to fall at
any moment,owing to the spreading of the.
walla. It nano *lOO,OOO, and perhaps
,000, - would be regptired to put it in a
Nate condition. and it calls upon the Leg
fidatnre to move nut at once.
_A tORIIMA111.11.; protest against the an:
nenation of fiat DomiUgo to the United
Staten, having the signatures of several
thounwnd of the most Intelligent and lead
ing men of that motile % and formally' ad
dreneed to the riennte of the United States.
has been forwarded by general Joeoph
Cabral, the. chief of the Revolutionary
government.. -
Tun gold mines of Nora EI:II4I4'AM Ma
flourinhing condition, the tramber In oPer
ation fuming lammed nineteen In one
year. making alotal of eighty4teren;34.-
424 tuna of quartz *ere crushed last ymir,
yielding 1'7.808 ounces of gold, or nearly
one-Ealf ounce to the tun; while in Ann
tnklia threeeights of an ounce to a but la
Miranda a-good result..
A PLAN for 'uniform railroad gauge is
under consideration by railroad men and
members of Congress. Fiscal:the of the
roads already hare the same , gauge—four
Fur the Pittsburgh Guyette.
The ceetisnerainr. Attack en Gen. Mown,*
. •
the in . restigation into the Howard
case 1110 V, on, the animus which governs
the ntii,ir becomes more and 'more man!
fest. Itrit ROAVIVI wished investiga
tion to be public, but the corumittis, dr
fitted otherwi.e, still a son .if Dr. Bop,
bat's. the %Vashingion corretpontlent of
the fiend ale, of
}'eminent 11A14.74 from ether isertern
cities, is daily transmitting wino purports
to lie evidence latfore tle. committee. but
,whickfaaku fact only budget
iv i ne r zeil out of viitneniei bdote 11111 go
betllo the clutniftee, or 'afteithr base
appeared, and grossbr perverted no as 14
Nail 111 S own wisherun tending to create a
prejudice lien. 'Toward by miarep
resentation before the truth ahail he de
clared, .Wo nigh,therefore; to state what
we know to be true. that. PO far. although
not n word has been said by ("mt. 'lowan!.
not a shadow of one charge has Iron
made nut. AM to rir. .130y111 , ,te st testimony.
that he knew nothing of the charges
those melding in Washington, who have
knowledge of a certain meeting in hi,.
house, before these charges were made,
and of who composed that ir e ling, and
who know the character of, DY 11. hint
elf„clui at leant see dm antecedent anti the
AK to the charges, Jura notice that it is
mid General 110*Vard receivm the pay of
a Major General. no Superintendent of the
"Bureau of Itelngem, Preednien and
Abandoned Lantin," and also as SUperill.
tentlenk of Colored Schmitt. General
Howard does bet draw any other pay"ithan
that of Brigadier General in the Regular
Army.. Then on to the brick., of which
the University _wad mode ; it Ran nimbi
mously resolved be the Board of Director.,
Dr. B. being then i'resident of the Board,
to adopt them. Den. H. was not'inturenttsl
in the patent, and had the bricks been
Prno•Gv mode, it would have been the
beet thing they could have done. The•
building is now nate and beenniing more
Brut daily. This University. alone Will
muse Gqneral Howard to be gratefully re
mentbered, alma after-the B. family shall
have been forgotten. -Thin structure, 201
feet long, by 30 to 80 In width, in one o f
the finest building., in app./mem around
‘Vatilkingion ; and ro=t but $OO4OO at a
time when anderials and labor were at
their highest points.
Proslavrry hate and rebel spite are call
ed in to nal in injuring owe who has done
so mach to elevate a class dmpined by
such awn as F. Weed. The friends of
Gen. H. nought. this Investigation- when
the charges were noble. T h ey insisted
for an opportunity to XV pante t h e acts per.,
formed by other persona front these for
which Oen. llowant is reaponsilde. They
.eonfidently believed that such an lures- .
tigation would place Gen: Howard before
the country as an upright, pare, noble
man—an he is— and they are now sure
this will be the case. It in due to a brave
officer, and most unselfish man, that so
much should be mid in odvance of the
Corumittee'n report, when such kletertuin
cd effikrta are made by such persons an the
C0011)111 , i , IN correspOurlentlo twiny lkis
fame. . JeSTICE.,
k'Llanj,: l (.7 l[ l l :l 4B:-' 1 11
There is greet actiyity , among oil clots
tors in thin vicinity at present. A large
amount of territory is being hauled by ex
perienced operators and capitalists; new
rigs are being put up in many localities,
and the indications are that a great breadth
of territory surrounding Franklin will be'
developed this season. .
On. last Wednesday the Lock_Well,"
situated near the Venatigd Mills, was tor
pedoed, and is now producing at the pito
If tight ; barrels aft, tiny. fltiq well is
Finningl by waterpower, and in probably
the best paying well in the oil region, m
nuking nn attendance of tiny kind, except
furnishing the tankage for the reception
of the. till.
eltt,tr ro.'e RCII Imlths Out titendily. at .
the rate of 12-bbla. per day.
Tlm.Vineent well, nntim4l last week, in
pmdueing 15 bbla per day.
Vincent well, No. 2, ready to drill. -
: 'Mackey well, \o, 1, pumping 2 filing.
Mackey well; No. 2, puinping 2 Lbla.
Mickey well. Nos. 1 and 2 bare been
I.:lmitating at the rate given above, tor: ten
ears, and now give premier Of larger
Smith VIAL producing 4 Milt,. ,
Austin & Co, turxhadng bhl
For day. .
Fariinger & fle Armer well, 2 Mile.
Smith, Haetings & Co.'s well, 2 hble
Steven Smith well, I bbl.
Me&Meter & Snow,'2
Mum ford well, 1 bbl.
Connelly & Co., on Evens lot, 4 Mils.
Capt..l. C. Hall, on Evans lot, 1 bbl.
Many other riga are being erected 'on
the Evans lot and adjoining territory.
The wells of Vincent & Co., Cheap &
Co., Mackey, and Miller, Austin & Co.,
producing, are mill on the "
Which le — coneidered firatehies • territory,
and leases there command one-fouith
The. McFOritinit Trial—Suliming Up
for Deft he City of
Ilniaeeh ienta—Tnn•
noting' :hem.
1. NEW ronx‘Blny 6, mu.
The announcement that 'counsel for the de
fense would sum up to-dap attended an Im
mense throng to the Court Meal this morning.
It transpired nt an curly hour that for reasons
unknown to the public, Judge: Doris would
not sum up
.for the prooecution, and that his
connection with the case won thus virtually
ended. This rumor caused mach sensation
among the friends of Ilichnrdson, andit one
unheidtatingly asserted that outside Influence
had been brought to bear to preclude Judge
Davis from seeming up, as was his Intention.
When the Recorder had taken his seat, the
iounsel for the defense commenced his clos
ng speech amid breathless anent*. Mr. Or,.
tined said that fer yearn the primmer had borne
the pitilesaping Of alltdentithe - Mil wrong,
.d now he ht found nth... Inn court
of Justine e had leered not wisely, but too
well. The story of his woe.* must hare gone
to the depth of their souls. Could not the
prlaotter nsk with confidence, f hare
.done lens, and ought I not have dope morel" allegation of the prosecution was not that
the individual who had passed to his fete. hail
not merited bin. doom, but, that. however
righter,. 2 Mut. Pens that domni he tr
celved itha hands of sin unauthorized
agent. The•question; then, hat the jury wnet he
mental condition of the accused when the deed
was committed. There were two Incidents In
the trial well worthy of observation.. One was
the appesirence of private counsel !tithe case:
the other syan the rejection of three jurors
who happened to be countrymea of the pris
oner.- Thine tuft were good and respectable
citizens: eligible its jurors, and their exch.-
don by the District Attorney was utterly in
defensible. The jury would remember the
.mestion put by private counsel to one of
the Wituosset, “Was it at a Four
elite • establishment that • ' McFarland.
wris livingr Who inspired the ques
tion? Were they •to conclude t hnt
thin wicked women had betrayed the secrets
entrusted to her as a wife.? Other quentions
prirtr. c , ,m i ri.m t rred that
Igosecut rilate malice
ui i lona
'raised evety Volnti.w ken It wan. adapt to
prove that Mra. McFarland hitch; received the
proceeds of an insurance on Itichardson's life.
An objection wird 'raised that the prisoner
was prevented . from showing the motives
of. this Wicked woman In deserting her b.-
baud. It was charßed that the defense had
tried to makes thin - trial sensational. Itut
the compleint that the trial Wad trionottatous.
Ivehlrbaansanade In all the papers, sufbeientlF
'distavieri this absurd charge. Ile wished to
impress upon the jury that thin waS a case 01
morder, or nothing. Any such couiprinuise
sending the prisoner to the State prison would
M• a , violation of their oaths. 111, upon, the
whole. case: the jury entertoined a doubt of
, the sanity of the prmoner. they were bound to
aequit him. •
Ur. °retinues plea for the prisoner. Mat ai
rfield:entirely devoted thus far to the legation!
technical questions involved In the cane, chief
Portoece being riven to the insanity theory
of the defense. Many authorities, precedents
and offIcLII reportsof previous Oases were
cited. by which Mr. Graham maintained the
principles which would Justify the aequittni
•of the primmer had been fully established. '
The counsel eutered into a disCuaslon of the
different rariet les of - Insanity. claiming that if
I the prisoner was found Insane at the Instant
of shoot hog only he wan not morally respon
! slide and must heal:quitted. Mr. Graham cited
tintCule-Hiscoek case am the comet counter
: rad of this, and the Sickles-Reyer. ease, pay
high compliment to Edwin N. Stanton.
one of the columeL and the Rodger. mew from
Maosactintetts, in which Chief Justice Shaw
charged thejury that the aridonyr twist is.-
, moo and be bathe full inert-toe of memory. In.
talllateice.:realum and 'VIII In, he morally or ,
countable ;for his.... Mr. Graham mild If
McFarland meant to kill Itichaniaon. and IV.
sane, he could not hove chosen a more unser,.
Vicious Mace than the Tribune office, where
the odds were all against him. -
The counsel thus far in the anrunntht had
not commented on the relations between Mich
ardaott and MeV:Wend.. the alleged conspiracy
2 IP•Mte fdeFat land and his wife, am: of hci
proatittent polnt• of Mr. h is
speech. The case will be resumed Slonnay.
The latest European mails brings an oh-.
etraet of the log of the Inman oteaniship City
oaf ilnLfeh, detailing the meant event fat soy
nit" henre eo 1.0. M . -ad. She left Mew York
on the ,tth of March. - and on the third day
out unfortunately tint the blades Of her nro
;teller. On Aprll Ist was spoken by the
steamship. Idaho, who offered to tow her
back to this port, but the Certain declined
this offer, an, with the exception of the loss of
her prordler. the thin was staunch and tight
In every particUlar. The 11.4.4 , 11, of thd
City of Brussels were asked If they wioberl to
return to New York In the 'ldaho. twinges.,
ed that all wishing it would, with their bag
, vette. he tnsnofernest. hut all - refutted. when the
On made sail and proceeded after send
, Mg news of the acchlent to this port. On the
14th of April thesteamship Dello., bound
from !dew York to London, was spoken d
! the same offer made to the passengent. b u t
they unanimously refused pzuonge in another
rented. and It It worthy of raped that letters
sent by
.her to London arrived at Liveri..l
the da y . after the lily of Brussels reached
port under cane.. The same authority flat
ly contradicts thererort in that e 1.., that the
flruoselo had lost her calls. Thia was a 'amine
ful fahricattom as ahe neither lost nor split
.11 on the roseate. The log in question
stampo'her an being one of the fastest vessels
alt at under canvas.
17-`21.4128 Xllll2, ItCslartatt.
There m ean ery reason to believe that the
Fenians business. The utmost activity
prevails among officials, men being dispatched'
-daily to different points to facilitate the gun-
Ceatration of the army, which in Wd to num
ber thirtrtbree thousand welltlis c ipilard men.
O'Neill says be is fully provided with manna.
and that contributions are tinning in rapidity.
Ile further rape that the statendent that the
10th May is set down no the time for the proud
movement is incorrect.
A special correspondent tram ilontreel
writes that ttie7 is no elated with his greatness
that he has dropped hi, scheme for annexation
to the United Staten, and wlll - benat tailed with,
nothing else than imlependent nationality.
O'Bonahue, one of Biers Ministry. Is a Fenian,
and bopes to make Wirtnepeg the NMIe
grvund het...ern the Brotherhood and the Ol
Ile Senate Commerce Committee yesterday
nuthorised Senator Conklhor to prepare a bill
providing for.the tunneling otEast and North
rivers. The oorporntors .who ask Congress
to grant them the privilegn reside In thin city
mid no soon as the bill Is passed Intend tom,.
ceed at once with the undertaking. Materials
an already on the ground with which to com
mence It..
5...1.600.11111 . moulding mill, and Rugg &
Atackhouse's now -mill, Brooklyn were burned
to-day. Loss 11E01X10; partially insured.
Chariot L. Lawrence, Treasury agtult, an-
Mined of smuggling ribbons from Canada. wets
to-day discharged.
The Produce Exchange will give a recent lot,
to. Senator Ifardenberg next Monday. In au
knowledgment of his efforts for a free ennui
n"NnVii:sgehnetNettises have been tanned thus
far under the new excise law.
John G. ,Willttler la now a Of Colonel
Brooklyn, and will haven creep
tine by awl/nicer League next week. -
The steamers Saxony. from Hamlinrg. nod
Rhein, from tirernen, have arrived.
The.C.ennilesioners of Emigration have set
Inartti balding on Ward'. Island Mr a. tem
porary. home for such Jewish fugitive, from
Russia an are sent there.
Genersl Conference of the Melhallst Episcopal
Clpreh Ilona,
Telebrnaph to Oa Pillsborsh Garotte.)
Mr.xen3i, May.0.. , --In the General Conference
of 14 3Liwdbit EPilletial ',March Beath,
Maher, Kavanagh in the chair, after the usual
religious exercise., Dr. Young , of Nevi
from the Board of l/loceee Misnions. made an
elaborate report, showing that despite the ef
fect, of the war, the work ateadllyMoßresami•
The balance remaining In the treasury Is two
thousand dollars.
A communication 1,1111 mad from churches
Bf Louisville asking fur the removal of the
ook Concern from Nashville to that city.
guaranteeing arty thousand dollars to defray
the expenses of removal. It was refereed to
the Committee on Books, Periodicals. kc..
with inatructions to report ae early a. posal
ble, .
A comniunlmitltt;from the Ladles' lifemorl
al Aasoelat ion. asking the attendance of dele
gates rat the. decoration of Pedeyal grave.
xt Elmwood Cemetery to-morrow, provoked
discussion. Several members spoke against
taking any action as a body that !Mould have
any political coloring wintioverr. IM.Manshall
thought it An insult to the good 'Renee', of the
people of the North to suppose they would
Attach any signilicance to our weep
ing over our dead. Ile was willing to weep
with them over their dead that lay amino
Viek•burg, and believed they would do the
.same with as. t Finally a motion to adjourn at
eleven o'clock to-morrow, to allow the mem
ber. to attend the decoration, Prein ll . l .
A emnumnicatlon was presented from the
Board of Domestic Missions, urging Crinfer
enco to take step. to Missions,
lota for church
tirtVeTn i inmr.mng"dgrgithAAVgg h :ll: l 3.
courtteract the work of othm• churches In that
q ua djou rter.
'Upper Rivers.
I'. k A. Telegraphj
•, May 6:—River stationary
with thirty Inches of seater In the channel;
weather clear; thermometer :0 at 4 P. Z.
nrszfaßOlto, Hay a.—Sher sand orlm7 with
four feet lour Incite. of water in the channel;
weather clear; thermometer fit at 5 r. Y.
Ilanwsectux, May IL—River _stAtiOner. ,
with four feet water In the channel; weather
cloudy; thermometer at at b P. X.
-•s:.Tutt.U.ll", MAY 7, I,7()
Excitement Concerning the Conspiracy
France—hoodoo Times Ridicules
the Story—Another :Manifesto from
Depnticit of the Left.-Mr. Smalley,
°Mite Tribune, Denies any K non l
edge of the Conspiracy—Precool ions
to i4rserre Order'int Sunday, the
Voting- Day—iterialon of - the Bible
Translation Called. for—The inter
national Taeht Ifsee—,trrival of the
Disabled Skauter Bibetia.
(fir Telegraph to the PittMatruh Gateins,l
LoNninceldayll.—ifarrpEelly. Who won the
recent match With the river Tyne.
at 'New Cnstle. hes received from hit Northern
ndmireru at New Castle * gold medal, with n
purse of sixty sovereignal,
• The residence of - ladrtlcantnont tens enter
ed by hi:mottoes last night; who escaped with
Jeweler rained at teal' thousand pounds
a The 1,011,1(nl Tinto* bilge editorial of this
morning. ridicules the .re ach essassinntion
story. notwithatiold off the recognition
of the existence of it pie; to murder the Em
peror, and the anneisucaldient by the French
/reran:intent. on yestardz i r a special amiable
of .the High Court or ice to Investigate
the affair and pnnlsit the offenders. the Tlia.
remains Ideredulout antfiloes net inhere that
Maxxini and }inertias trtiold foolishly allow
fhe French government to obtain written
proofs of their complicity ha the conspiracy.
It is stated that the etpedition recently or
ganized-to operate wraith* the fled • River in
surgents has been abandoned, owing to tina
recent receipt of favorable pewfi trout flint re
Mr. Mansell, under tolonlal Secretary, ex
plained that the compromise of the lied River
difficulty had been effected try the introduction
into the Dominion Parliament of bill
creating the province or Manitoba De mated
that Caeada would retain all the public land.
of the new province, with exception of 120.0011
acres, to secure Ito debt.,
The . H
• ~
ouse of Cornmntss, erne provoked to a
long rllSchtMon. last ceetnng. on npoint of or
der, It taring been Staled that M. Whaley,
member for Petershorough, had publh.bed cer
tain tottnnents on the pno,,,edlnge: No result
was reached.
The rail Nall Graza lr, in behalf of Gen.
Elmallestates on authority that he w
r. an mon
rent of the allege.' colutplracy and of the con
tent:red letters sent to .Onstare Flourens, in
Ills ease.
• The Time continues ctiltorarily to belittle the
French miatspiraCl- . It says to-alas the peril
lies less lithe strengthl of those • who "mud
Inflict than to the weakness of thow, who
would resist conspiracy,
The. House of Lords to-day IP It% engaged on
business of local Internet.
In the Commons Mr. Qt - t.' submitted
another Installment of , dotrespotidenee with
this Greek Government om the recent lona
Mr. Stansiteld. Secretary of the esury.
ctated that. £7O(PAKU paid for teicgrn Tr ph n
wee Included in the son total of .i.Al.nOtletat of
the national debt on lititech 3.•
The international yacht race betwevni the
Cambria and,ciapptio. used fur May 104
fur stnrt on ttnn.dny on the opinion of the
timpirna whether there exilts a seyen-knot
breeze: The round rolot will be slaty milel
to windward for the ilrst two races, and the
third race will b. in a triangular course.
each tide twenty miles - long.. The umpirea'
steamer will take ascleet party to witness the
The Convocation has asked the frown for a
revision of the translation of the Bible. .
runs Mar meeting of the continued
en of the troopt stationed in 31.1 around thla
city If called for to-liar. fur the purpose of
agreeing open • plan of net Mn for the enforce
meet of public , order on Sunday next. the
fob Jima— dating the apte on the plebiseltuet.
The Uftalni* stye :LW oppolittleu
_party hoe
sent pi rout:Wit, try Loudon and uruseela to .
ascertain the rent truth of the alleged eoreqdr-
The wad seietel by the ant horit
to-day on account of the violet., of Its arti
cles on political affairs. •
Arrests continue of persons suspected of
irlirscion in the riptide plot.
General Wlm rep .haa reported to the
War Deprt
aertiet, raw Oran. that the tribes
of Algetia twhich recently revolted hare sub
mitted to Fretrch rule again. Too sharp rn
gageits o ere had st It h thr the
ino timi
dity, then 3.l. in bock of thr French wide
• . o
Mere as
w a ntemn, yeatenta,r at .the
n hit co * 0 11likier.Canria,rte.
_bon and the the •lofetterr 'rem
present.. l'be deafen of the eenforepee era, t o
agree upon the prat-mano. .nterraaary to he
taken to preaerve public enter On Sundity
vent. the day of tart
Mr. Smalley._ of the Now York Tribune. In
here.rtoMonnommen M. readiness to name,
ml 'mention, though rho outhroitieo tr. tert
hove Meru him no ta.conlon. Lit,joino
.gree l = l errl i eTta ' roTt ' ll . tn ' . ;I'ut him in
new nol hint
d Abe cootent, and drelares he hod no knows.
edge ofMunroe being to •ny way connected
with the rowthirheY•
PAM.. Day ft.—The edition of alse [Myr.,
wan wised to-do)' by the pollee.
Trouble Is reported nt I.yont. where the
authorltien Interrupted the publication of a
church newtrptimm.
The joint committee of Deputies of the
Left and reprenentet Iv, of the Democretic
press have Issued another manifentn elec
tors They protest nenlant the trickery of the
Government in publinhlng. on the ete of the
eleet lon/ Intent and IS FUnnldered reports for
the purpose of creating a panic. They de
nounce the Government for charging all Its
opponent, with Inmrrection and asnannlnta
tfon and for endeavoring to create t he Impres
glen that France ban escaped a great danger.
The Committee say they despise these cal
umnies. France know, un which nide are Men
ofviolence. She known e.-ho got power by
rottp woof, and who reserve the right of mop
tf'daf. •
(;raascittw. Nay o.—Tbe steamer Ind hi, which
haa arrived front New York, reports she spoke
the at earner Siberia. which Palled front Lire,
pool April ll'. for llootatn, heading - .et. The
atdborla had broken her ahaft and was on her o
way bk to Queenstown. She needed n
*axial once.
Qpramernittr, May O.—The steamship S,„iberin.
of LArerponi t for noStOn. fall in trith
miles west a this port, with oshaft broken,
arrireti last night.
has arrived out. bbrf6.—The steamship Russia
MARIP. Muy n.—OlozaßQ bin nrrlvM from
It Is rumored that Msrstinl Serrano will net
resign, hot bo Invested with full powers of
floret Regent.
Thirty-eight Spanish Bishops announce from
Home their refusal to tnkelthe oath to the new
l'onstltutlrm of Senn:. ettirongh -the Pope ht.
terpontit no objections. .
1T.% LI
Boat. March 6.—Two-thinis
Rome Vrench
bishops and priests ININV in have 11 ,
quested permission to vote at the French
Embassy on the plebisciturn. The Marquis of
Bonneville thanks them for their patriotism,
but is Instructed to reply thohlW does not per such a step.
iIEIII.I.N. May 6.—The Parliamentof Zulive
rein hoeing the duty on coffee, hare
redoced that on pig iron to 2), , allrergroachen
per quintal nod that on ride to 15. The dolt
on cotton yarn is retained.
X.ONDON, 31113 . Efflting.—Consols for
money. 94; account 94V. American securities
3' E ' r ' l ( cs " . s l . l , 7;
Western, Lel.
pAms, May dull at 14(.
Fnancrolers May 0.--tionds lint fit trJ.
Livanrwo., May o.—Cotton; sales for the
week, 61.(ta) bales; exports. NIXICI bales; specu
lation. 'AO bales; stock. 540.000 bales, Amerl- .
can, 335,000 bales; receipts (or the week,
.111,1190 bales. :The market to-clay wag steady
for uplands at - 10 'id altd Orleans at nsnittm.
California wheat tfiridalix 9d; red western tts
ad; receipts of wheat for last three days.
5010 quarters, chiefly American. Corn firmer
hot not higher. Pork 101 s. Lard dull and ttn
changed. Bacon unchanged. Beat firmer but
net higher.
Laanox, May o.—Tallow firmer at lls fid.
Sugar on the Ipot was easier at ;do 9/S.:Lls;
afloat. heavy. Calcutta Ilaactut firm. Linseed
oil firmer.
jjAviE, May 41- , Cotton tjulet and stendy
Con.Sh.tlonal Amendenerit Congressional
Iladrierk—Mormons. Seeking a IftrAig•--
' Volcano in IS ruptioe. •
Ol Telegraph to the Plttaburgh °matte.]
Crrr or Mexico. May 2, via Havana" mai.
An amendment to the Constitution creating it
Senate has passed • CenFtens-106 to 41), and
welts ratification by States. The Tehunn
tepee Canal bill Is pending. The appro.
priation hills are , now under consideration,
and the', Itallroad bills will be postponed to
September. unless an extra session be had.
The Itevolottonints lire unusually quiet.
The President Is expected to pardon a son of
Santa Anna, now prisoner at Puebla.
It is rumored the Mormons. are looking to
Mexico ou t place of refer. s
• The volcano of Cetioru o is again la a vio
lent state of eruption.
General Conference of the Methodist Prof..
toot Church—lifmninie Connell.
By Telegraph to the _Pittsburgh rateeitej
Ittvrtmont, May (I.—The General Confer- ,
coca of the Methodist Prolestuit - Chureh as
sembled to-day. Delegates wore present front
nearly all the States and Conferencis in Penn
eylvania, Indiana. Illinois. Missouri and
lowa. The Conference organized by the elec
tion of J.O. Whiteddge, of :Virginia. preald
ing °nicer: The usual committees were lop
pointed.. Attlourned until to-morrow.
In the Supreme Council of Masons of the
Thirty-third Degree, the Grand Consistory of
Maryland was inaugurated and officers ID
1-4'()1.: 11 (
A meritah 31edien1 ennventioto--Dills
Approved,loy the President—Rev votl
of Shipping halerests—Nonolunti nos
-,-Revenne Receipts—l ncome nd
Special TnNek.
Illy Tolerreph to the Pliteburgh Gelette.t
3lay 1. 1140.
711.1 N
In the American 3tedlcal Convention to-day.
the. Commit tee on Ethics reported favorably
on the credentials of delegates front the Wo
men'e Medical College and Wonten's Hos
pital at Philadelphln. eho report tent Indefi
nitely postponed, but; notice given of no
ante:Wawa of the eonstutution not excluding
women from the Association.
Resolutions looking In the discountenancing
of thr renewal of prescriptions by apotheca
ries, Without bile illithinite (Mi. physician,
was referred to a special co : ism:Mee
A resolution declaring Dr. Horace ' Wells, of
Mans.. the discoverer of anasthe4dx, was
Dr. John O'Sullivan of Roston. offered a
resolution that no distinction of nice or color
shall ezeilliie pers4ns from claiming adinission
to the AsStatist inn wby ore duly accredited
thereto. The rerolution wits received with a
Mono of hisses. Hr. Sands, of the Committee
on Ethics. explains / i d the reasons for the ex
clusion of the Distriet of Columbia delegates,
viz: Dint they ii —le members of the Na
tional Medical ' wiety, .which society
reeeivee medicalin n who arc not licentiates,
openly violates the ales c) , the Associstilm,
misrepresented the i tibia of the Medical Asso
ciation of the District of Columbia. and is dis
honorably endeavoring to procure the dest rue-
Don thereof by indocing Congress. to abrogate
the charter.
• .
Dr. Storer. of flostois. offered n resolution
leclaring the report of the committee adopt
ed. which was enreitsl-11:: to T.
Adjourned s Inr
The Prenident 4an signed. the act to amend
the art pro% hi log for the t akin; of the seventh
and sitliseipient eennamen of the rnited States.
and to fix the number of members of the
Rouse of Representatives and provide for
their future apportionment. among the nen eral
Staten; also an net to fig tiro point of junction
of the Union had Central Patine. Railroad
Cunitinn les, and a joint resolution authorizing
the supply of armstfor instruction nod pmt'-
lee to certain colleges and universities.
• nevlrAL or silirriNG
The appliettt to ns yesterday for . awards of of
ficial numbersand signal letters to merchant
V 1,414 represented 6400 tons. exhibiting n Pat-
Ignetory eolvnl f our shipping interests.
This includes two large steamers front Gale
nu. one large schooner trout port Huron, one
large ship. three steamers and twenty Cosmic
of Other Ci:1660% from Detroit.
• ,13.115"ATIONs.
The following nominal ions were sent in to-
Henri IL R clle, r. S. At tegney for Vlr-
Midst L. Norton. Register • Land Offire ut
Springfield. Dakota; Enos Stnitgman. Register
Lund °Mee at Pembina, Dakota; Gabriel (i.
Itembery, Iteteiver of Public 31nricy at. Spring
field. Dakota; I tee. P. Putter. Reemver of Pub
lie Money at Pembina, Dakota.
111,1,-SrE RECYIPTS.
The merlins of revenue for the fleet nine
month. of the current then" rear amount.' to
iMainim $1014:41.1* for the Rune
tune of iireviou, year.
The returns from the:mu:ll list of incomes
ant .Dental 1A.,. from thirt)'-atn
nenewilly small one,. show. ns roinpitred wit h
19PJ. an Increase of
SENATE: The itne.tion of Final Ad
journment -- Legislatit up Jndielal
and Execuli ApropriatiOns—Pnit-
Ileation of the Imes in Nenupapers.
(UT T.egraith t•• 010 lioksatto j
. WAattrmEnus . .. Ntv 4. HEW
Rill.. for the merease of fees of V. S. Mar..
shuts and other: of the western district of An
kansss nod to provide for special terms of the
i n
Circuit Court In the southern district 'l' filth,
were reports.' on adversely today.
The House termini hem for final attjo mein
July tth coming on. Motions to postp ne and
extend the time to :august Ist were lost.
Mo. SUMIMIt olTr.sed the resolution. and
moved to table It. Ibilt--l7 to fe.
Discussion followed. and the restolutlon was
finally postponed till Trinity. MayZilth. by yeas
P. nays —.l.
At . ..t=s o'clock the Legislative. Ffs, , ctitive
and Judiciary Appropriation bill was taken up,
and the various annereinients reported •be the
Committee on Appropriations agreed to.
An amendment to discontinue the publica
tion of lawn In newspepe,rs was debated.
Mr. WILLIA3IS favored the continuance of
the system as the most efficient means of dif
fusing Information as to *hat were the laws
an' rt ' ' ' . r SlNCrO n .fll !' s ' Ui.l rather than abolish the
Jo - stein. he would provide for newspaper pub
ication in every Congressional district. Thin
might be expensive; but If It was Important to
enact laws, It was equally important to give
the people means at finding out what'theY
Mr. MOM thought the public
, tx .i mx could
nuPbc upprOptiated to better p
Mr. A N'IIION Y told the pnblicat on of laws
In newspapers was an entire waste of public
money. It cost the Government about *M
OW a rear, and publication was not completed
In moot papers until long after. the ndjourn
tnent of the seottion.
The amendment was agreed to In Committee
of the Whole, with the tindemtanding that a
yen, and nave vote be taken in the Senate.
Mr. ANT/10NY gave notice of an amend
ment ahollehl ag the Mut, book.
Adjourned to Monday. ,
Arrival of the Eit-Otban Chief Jectsis:-What
tie It !farrow Storepo—Captare
of the Rebel 17 I Golconda.
illiTelograph to the Pittsburgh Garotte.]
Nvw Tong, May o.—Gen. Thouras Jordan,
l ate'Counnander-in-Chief of the Cuban Maur
gents, arrived on the Moro Castle. from Hav
ana, thil Morning. toldproceeded to the resi
dence of ticnor Lemon. Cuban Minister to this
country, to deliver Important dispatches. Gen.
Jordan Is accompanied by Col. Agramonte,
brother of Gen. Agramonte, Col. Castillo, 3lal.
Betancourt. and other conkers of the Cuban
army , and after a visit to Washington will re
turn to Cuba. Ills stay in this country, which
has reference to procuring munitions of way,
will be brief. Geu. Jordan reports the Cubnn
moue in better condition than at any previous
stage. and that the success of the revolution
depends on Gina . The Cuban army now num
bers ten thousand men, well armed, equipped
and supplied with artillery and mountain how
itzers, sufficient for the present needs of the
service. The season la now in favor of the
revolutionists, giving them what they the
most need, time for organiration and colleo
-lion of supplies. There are not over eighty
fortigners in the Cuban army. Gen. Jordan
saga the Cuban nre In no way discotuaged nt
the prospect, and that the Spaniards have lost
their opportunity for putting down the revo
Ocu. Joidau leba i ch alet ll sloop, sad
when three days oatwas by five steam
gunboats, but a storm arising he made his
ca' enerul Jordan has furnished the Tribune
with a detailed account of the condition of af
fairs In Cuba. He says the limit to an effec
tual finny Is not men, butweepous and trained
mh,:crs. Powder the Cubans are making
for themserria - of guperlor duality. He just
Nassau, ree thousand pound thresh from
suMelent to wok e undred
thousand rounds.. The Spaniards are
drnwing all .their resources from sugar and
coffee; and to do thin occupy plantations
with garrisons of lifty to one hundred men,
necessarily diminishing ' their effective
strength. OeneraL.Tordan expects to raise an
American nealus, around which Cubans Will
rally, and on his retell, will carry
on the war in the deco Villas dis
trict. Ito prairies both the negro and Chinese
soldiers. he letter tight splendidly, while of
the former he expects to obtain some use of
them as merrards in Cuba. He says Cuba can
ufilrimtely become free through a guerilla
system. hat with a supply of arms the war
would be a short one, and the plantations
sas ed to commerce. The cruelties of the
Spaniards are lacredible. Under no drown
danees do they spare alwisoner, and this Pal
ley forced the Cubans to retaliate in some in
stances. He. however, had only shot three,
though he now regards retaliation perfectly
Ills Recount of military operations IS very
interesting, though containing little not
already known. Many Cubans he sere fa
vor annexation to tile United States, the
only ones against it being In Nassau
and New. York. • Ceepedes has not been
deposed and veto on the first of April at; Cno
nas, while the Cuban Convene was in session
near at hand. A new Cabinet, however, has
been formed. The Spaniards are no nearer st .
re-establiahment of their power than a year
ac ksvaira, May s.—Two sailors belonging to
a Spanish man-of-war captured the rebel
General Golcouria on Guagaba Island. The
remniuderof the party. consisting.of a Cana
dine, three pilots and two Cubans, are still at
large Os the Island. and three Spanish ,grtn.
boats closely watching to prevent their. se
cape. After Golcourie'a capture he was taken
toldierto Principe and soon after ordered to
Havana, under a guard of naval officers, for
trial. He is expected to-morrow. ,
gooeg 18dg who FRIT birth to an
mate bhlld, which wax found dead la a grace.
yard near Columbus, Ohio, a short thee since,
died Thursday night. Her seducer was the
seducer of her sister, whom he married gout
eight weeks ego. He him left Columbus.
''UL. LXXXV,---NO. 10:h
Enslomloo on • .tromfug -I.teed. Goirrnor
•n 4 Pollee l'ontroi.laner. Jallrd for too-
thy Teltgruplt tullie Pittsburgh Gagette.)
new (biI.EAES. May 6. lie cylinder of the
at cauttug N 0.2 blew nut fn the mouth of the
Dlackriver to-day.und nue deck hand was kill
-ell and another wounded.
Lieut. Gov. Donn and members of the [Ward
of Pollee Commissioners have been committed
toprison for five days nail fined Mend, by
Judge Cooley. of the Sixth. District Court. for
contempt. • •
6. x. Lanny has been appointed City , 'Attor
ney. tie, Deck witlicesiyned.
, —Franklin Ponta died in PhlinfieldhinTburs
dny. need seventy-flve.
—The Third Army Carpi Association have
chosen G.. Sickles President fur the ensuing
--The Pres on the Flshklll mountains. N. ,Y.,
have been extinguished. Acres of young trees
and hundreds of cords of wood were des
—Peter L. Walsh. a wealthy New York
stevedore. offers coo reward for the arrest
of parties who attempted to 1.11114%10z20 him
n few days since.
• —The Jackson. Michigan and Ft. Wayte
Railroad will be completed In ninety days.
The Grand Rapids anti Indians road *rill be
completed about the middle of June. -
--In New York, Thursday, Mary Ann Mc-
Mahon. n teacher, fell down the Stairs of the
school house whore employed, receiving in
juries which caused her death in n very short
—Her:Frederick Fremont Lovell. pastor of
the' Velren.allat Church In Essex; Mass- Is ac
cused of ',ROSS licentiousness. and lb Is report
ed left his parish and the town under threats
of a coat of tar and feathers.
—.l disastrous fire occurred at Wlikesbarre.
Pa..' yesterday morning,. which destroyed
some half dozen .barns and outbuildings and
the extensive livery stable of P. Corneff, In
which thirty-one. hones wen burned to
death. •
—A disastrous storm prevailed yesterday nt
Council Bluffs. lowa. A church, jug COMIIiC.
led u cog of $15;000, less:entirely dernulish
ed and numerous small buildings were de
stroyed. The loss it Is estimated will aggre
gate 1 ,3 0.000. •
—Only twenty-11 e, persons, all reported
assembled nt Dover. Delaware, on
Thursday. in respouse to a call for a "White
Man's fonvention.." The attendance was sn
small that It was derided not to organize, and
the inoyetnent it probably dead. •
—lt in understood there is a final and deter
mined secret movement among the leaders in
I he present coal strike in the Rust to persunde
li , Lehigh mul Wyoming men to Join them.
Theyare becoming erniVinced that unless oth
er regions suspend they cannot succeed.
—At Kalamazoo. Michigan, Thursday. Fred.
Warner. sixteen years of age, shot and killed
Albert Smith. of the firm of Hurd dr Smith,
butchers. A quarrel bud occurred between
them. when the boy went into his home, of
gun. and shot llmlth In the head- He lx In
-- A circular has been issued by the proper
committee at Richmond, V.. announcing that
arrangements ore completed fur the distribu
tion of funds received fur sufferers by the re
cent calamity in that cite. Five thousand dol
ars weree received on Tburnday from North
A fire at Quincy. Tburoday night,
d , troyed fi fteen buslueig houses, Including
the /tray Ik,ohf office, canning n lOU of Me.
The amount of Insurance is not yet known.
The principal sufferers are James A. Parker,
Lkal y Ilrrobl; Bristol A: Co., Emmars & Al
drich, Murphy k Charles. and Dr. Ralston.,
At Tdneavilie. Ohio, Fridgy morning. the
boilers of the new power house of the Water
works exploded. demolishing the building.
The firm= was blown through the roof and
alighted fifty feet away, receivin g probably
fatal Injuries. The engineer w not much
hurt. No other persona wren in the bullding.
—The proceedings of the Southern Baptist
Convention at Louisville. Yesterday. were un
linmirtant. other than 'the impanittmentof
committees and the report of the Memphis
Smiday-school Board. They decline co-oPcm
lion with northern smieties at pment.
doutiting the practicability or benefits to arise
—On the night of the 2d. near NlUrine Sta
tion. on the Honesdale branch of the Erie Hall
way, asJohn Hares and wife were retiring.
a musket loaded with buckshot RIM fired
through the window. several of the shot lodg
ing In the brain of the former. He was alive
at last accounts. bt no hope entertained of
his recovery.PP
—The MAC tegisi titre of Louisiana repealed
the old stntutes fri the punishment of crimes,
ete., and enacted t to NW. now In force, but
made no provision for the prosecution Of per
_sons charged with crimes committed prior to'
April Ist. WO, leering a hiatus through which
one hundred anti twenty-doe persons Indicted
for various offences will likely go Unpunished.
—ln Chicago a public meeting will be held
to-day with a view to effect a permanent or
gnnhattion of those. in favor of dada.' the
saloons on Sandal . . Acity ordinance reactires
them to be dosed, but the Mayor declines to
enforce it. and the Common Council being ap
pealed to, turned the matter over to 'him.
Over two thousand places for selling- liquor
ore open even• day.
- —An important suit is now progressing In
the United States Circuit Court of Cincinnati.
Involving the validity ofshe patent of Itlchard
Tilghman. id Philadelphia. for the Moe.s of
decomposing fats Into fat acids and glycerine;
also, whether certain manufacturers at Cln-'
einnati are not Infringing upon the patent, If
the mine be rand. 1 csterday was consumed
be George Harding,of Philadelphia. la no
argument for Mr. Tilghman the complainant.
0111.1;AS6. May 0. MU—Cotton firm
and In fair demand for middling at
males of 1150 bales: receipts 6.109 bales;
extorts 0.5443 hales: Mock 146,485 bales; re
ceipt• during the week 2,919 bales:. exports
30.198 boles: sales 21.050 halos. Flour unchang
ed. Corn firmat Onto Mc. Bran
$1.40. Bar MX. Mess pork ale. Bacon
shoulders tll, 41.14 e: rib aides I:ti4Ll7Xc; clear
sides hams 15 1 / 4 1...1k, Lord: tierce /02(.0
1174 c; keg If9kr¢l9}(e. Sugar 11 , 41ff.12c. Mo
lssses: prime rebolled 71:10:15c. Whisky ge,,re,
$1.05. Coffee fair at 111X0.105:c; prime
185sc. Sterling Z.V.1.25.1.:e. • '
Dernorr. May &—Wheat acarco awlvery
firm; extra no. No I SlM—regular 51,15.
Corn £32.94e. Oats adratalc. Barley quiet at
!VA per rental.
Penn:ay!smuts Palest..
Tho following toiled States patents were
issued to citizens of Western Pennsylvania
daring the week ending May ad „Imo : •
No. IMRE— Stave-dressing machltie: M.
Pascal Adams, Pittsburgh.
No. Ite,6l6—]tagkolder: George Sweigart.
Martin township, assigner to himself and
Samuel Echleman, same place.
No. iirmi—liendltig machine:Henry Winter.
Honesdale. assigner to himself and Thomas M.
Ball, NewTork city. •
No. E2,963—SaJety derrick lamp; Jonathan
Dillon, Petroleum Centre.
No. 1i84067 —Sash-holder ; Wad A. Eisen
hower, Friedeneburg, antedated' April 29th,
No. I(e..6,*—lVashing machine, F. Fell
man, Sellersville.
No. IrC,6Bl—Wentilator for 10105; Jenkins A
Jones. Laurel Run.
. . . .
No. mace \ —Cookink store; Edward Kik,
No. 11X,V.9-11ar and lime elevator; Abraham
and George D. Thomas. Bt, Thome.. ..
AEALED PROPOSALS will be received. until
MONDAYj r klay oth. 1870. at 7 o'clock r. for
one Clll ENGINEER, to take ohm* of the
ronstruetlon of Waahlogton avenue. Blds to be
for both per diem and monthly salary. Alt prop.
rale to be handed to the Prealdent or Secretary, or
left et the °Moe of C.B. FETTEILII47I,I37 4th
Right reserved to relict any or ml bids.
701Tlr, on.rmati. Preeldent.
lIMAC N. llunotax. Secretary.' myI:AX
& AI)A3I'S
65 and 67 Sandusky SL, Allegheny.
C. G. MUD: MEN, Agent.
101 Fifth Avenue.
loss stock of AMERICAN scot RIPOSTED
CCATCRES Jost resolved scl formals st GREATLY
_WARNER% PILE IigsINCEDY has no•er &AA
(net even In One me) to men the rem went rein
of Inlnd. Itching or Bleeding Mee. nose nhoen.
Undid Obindd imoindintoly nlt on their druggist
end get WA.R.VEWS . PILE mown. A la at-
Pret. l 7 for .the Piles. end h not hesonnbended to
' en, ether Menem It has cued many rasa of °nor
thirty inn standing. , Prios St. Ferule by erne ,
' H. L. r&unasrocit & Co.. vilugionso Minh.
lit.rineld.tre4:neer Derke..l Batn-
TN. Pa— .
S. P. . PaNtAre Preaching
zviox SABBATH et 102. i A. a. A. 74 I. y
Public cordially Invltert, • •
corner Beaver etreet end tire
nne Alleghene Can JOSKPIL ALM:. Paster.
Pre • eliltur ilAltErs Daylntl
and I^ N.
lr . ents entlrely free and n conlial Invitation to
Sunday School nt 9 A.
Irr PI , I'3I4IE : TII .(I)NtißMATl(lN
cuuncimi. Ron. FL V. fiAtIItETTE.
Preaching orning and evening nt
slat '7 V Wel. rk. at ICACIII.SIOII lIA corner et
I...neork and Vedontl atreet,.. Alleghenl.
Sent% are Tom and a cordial welcome
T ,P u ril u N i i MEN. — .I sermon to
',tn.,' lijn. o .;:,,"' i si,.°°-.'7:?,rck7,d loltre ..-
T0•51011ItOW Itlebbalill n EVip4`4ll " , n ny A
th th CJI ttIFITIA A C111.711C11.
corner Denver 111001 and Notth Common, Alle
gheny. rub;
beats free; all young Mau axe 'naffed.
_ -
An election will he held at the tavern of Thotnes
Alderson. nnevil Washington avenue, in2Scott
township. on WEDNESDAY. tho feel day of June.
1870. between the hour. of 1J w. and 7 7..0'
to eIeet_SEVEN PERSONS to servo as a Board of
Commtssioners of said avenue until the third Fri
day in April. 1871.
By order of thelinerti.
nly7,67:saT JOHN Iitt,FILLEN. President.
_ • PAT' TI ! PATTI !! •
MAX STICAKOSCII respectfully tuteoatteea that
the wertd-renownetl alai unrivaled INtnintrlct,
Miss Carlotta Patti,
Will, prior to her departure fur Rio Janeiro. on the
2341 of May. per the Itntaillan 'Romer :teeth Ame r-
Irv. to Iho
iiataraay Evening; May 7th, al Id o'clock.
lat—hia neat app....ranee here;
Sit/NOR PABLO SA RASATE. the wonderful Vi
olinist—his first appearunta• here.
,Gertuan Tenor. and JOUR!' ILERMANNS, the
areet German Rea,. Mr. G. W. COLEY, Ilusleal
A d int a.m. $l.OlO ftererred Seats. 1.00 extra
Geller,. 30 cents.
The aaln of :eats roll commence TUESDAY.
MAY 3d, at ..l. elock A. D., at bleb:mars Agency
Elena, A 8r0.,. Sc. 132 Wood street.
Steinway's Inane, used at all Pattga Concerts.
St. 'Vincent de Paid.
Very Rev. J.. Hickey,
Sunday Evening. May 86, 1870
1E ZEti I=lllM
.jlercy Hospital
Open Every Evening
The Big. Sunilower t
Will eve R FREE LUNCII today from 10 to 0
p'clock P. M.
The best of Mom Llquors. Ale arid Beer, trill be
rir - 1 beg leave to Inform my old mend. of the
Army of the Potomac% and citizens In general. k
have opened a first-elm. saloon at the above out
bee. The very beat of all thinks will be found ai
my bar. The bast of order will be kept at all tinieW
Jt_Tsrr RE-kDY.
A Physician for the Soul.
From the German of Wlthelmlne Port 11111 em.
Translator of - The Old Igin'selle's Secret... - Gold
Y.lsle.”"Countess6teeld..ete.• Onevolutne.l2mo.
a ttr=y ill?got&lcrs.ortslll be sent by toSal,
postage free. upon receipt of the price, by
Mrs. 8. C. Robb,
Ilse returned from the FA stern cities with the
LAROMT and FINEST selection of •
Sprhig and Summer ttillinerl .
E'er introduced Into as =tot, and Is now pro
pared to supply her customers and the public with
the latest styles of the lowest prices prompt Ly.
Orphans' Court Sale.
ayleatila: -
By virtue of an order of the Otyhans . Omni of
Indiana eounty. there will be exposed public woo
on the prendsee. on the FIRST TtlElar/CY. -
7th DAY OF JUNE, 1870,
all the right. title. Interest and Mine of the d
Joseph uwlnner, deed, of, In and to the following
described reel estate. to-wit The ono tintlarl od
third past of • certain piece or parcel of land attu
ne In Berndt township. said county.a.dluinitiglands
of Jamb fiat and Wm. Maher, w ill woolen few
tory. 30 feet by 40, two stories high. a two um'
frame dwelling been. 30 feet by 20, a amble
other outbuildings thereon erected. containitug •
amen. be the same more or hum •
TERMS—One-ball the yorthano money on confir
mation of Cele, end the balance In one Mir tn..'
after. with interest, to be Pecured by bond and
Sale tu bo conducted be • • -
• . •
• A disilnlatestore of said detee•ed.
pytntbkonT It. BLACK. Clerk.
and MIXED.
Geole. Lank- le.Xtons and CbUnsen'a
In OWvariat/at
mr:.ll 24 rirra Avvivx.
I'lnhv tell
h•p; i• furn.tteLl a-ratan...lg to the %ettet•q
of a Club of ten. roatmastern ore regrested toad
twottl.g. Adarvas,
." slle,"
" Loil. - "115 Int"," Plorpd," "Boarding;
n , ;( FO L INES. will be
in thexe rnln-nune in!, for .7117.1q1
TY-Fl V 1 CENTS: each entelitipmel-line
nA A NTrrn ED
F—rOA— purchar for a To
, nr:. se location n.
tn. For term... apply at 77 olno A VENt . G. Al:
li.gberly City, hr.tvre.e, the iwurs of El and 9 P: . M.
AV A STED.—A Goo 4! Milliner.. A r
".& •
WANTED.—A Lady experienced In
I I m Ut k a3 n 7L l N ' t ir an n tii Fling
THlftWas; ln lY nnWhila" ikMm ig
G. Addl.., It. M. , likix rf.rEL:th
nTANTED—ROOM—Furnished or
I r rnfurrasheri. with privilege of beth-rnont;
mast be within nve minutes' walk of St..
Hotel. germ. S. St. Merles Hobs/. 54
WANTED.—An actfie And responxl-
Tie man to tato the agency of a prominent
I.lfe Imuimnee Company for Alleghenyeourli
Address, with reforeneee, STACY A. PA/0:1,
Walnut ativet. 1%1131(1E40On.'
AATANTED.—Situation as Clerk by a
y y single gentleman of bot h Ina and
nn ertenelve eemmlntance InMI. and 01•111...
try, and n
& a n y :4Z . 11,1 , Yr ` e ' rt it= l"k ` "m a n
327. I . lflobu h, Ps.
WA NTED.—A good second-hand
COTTAGE cnces. Address G. T.. 8.,
i 'WA STEM 4100 BARRELS of
so UR C/DMIL 'heel/ nt the Allem Vine
igar Votes, No. Bei Filth avenue Extenvlon.
W t t N r: l 9 E m p en tr.r-f R° W!, e
: , ,,, ! , ISt. rth Street.
WANTED.-310RiliAGES.„ .
1130.000 tg , Sonn In lame ur small .
a fair tato of Internat.
. .
PHIL Titynd Eatate Broker.
Nu. 170 Smithneld street
v T S or 6 room, with a large Yanl4. blnat tn. In
a good ilelabborhuod. In rather city, or on line of
mane Railroad. Any one haring such can hew of
good tenant whir a email family. by applying. to or
addreaaing iliIT h PITILLICS, Real Estate
Agents, 139 rourth nTenne.
WANYED . .—Eyerybody to call at
181 LIBERTY STREET, and .axploe
AVANTED.—SeaIed proposals w , lll
mlcLig 9 A c "LlT ' illtrol P lattg` d intiqfn e
tonna! work, to be delivered. 2 0,0 00 per toonth
can. betweerrSmr 'MI It. and Blrlaingtaset.
Mao, aund 311111(10a . for , migAh . :Ta imr.
Fortin greet.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
to umre or nail nmouota on property la Allegbo.7
aaaair at fair rate of In
7E11E311 1 .
Realajte n=
NVA;iTED.—Bonds and Mortgages;
rorso.oo47tirgeg?'eo h A v i"rsi."Vior'weia.
boring 3 years to run. 1 for o * years to
rot, I f0r113.300. haylas 3 Yeats to run. 1 for
13.300. huring 3 Tears to run! 1 for 13.000.
Issmag 3 years to run. 1 for /I.3oo,hurtnx 3
Tenn to run. 1 for $l.OOO. haring years to
for 1300. buying 3 years to rua. On MY
cou' ll i gra.l 7 3 Aett l .Tt. 104 Fourth Are.
LOSE.—On Wednesday eTening, be -1
TWREN Relief Ermine Home nod Marlon
wen. Rale IJOLD BPECTACLES. The tinder
ill' be libera reworded by leant{ theta at 79
jOt OA R DEIG .w I th
recoud Awry FRONT 11001 L AhIo,DAY
ItoARDERS taken ut 103 Fourth avenue, FT
130ARDING.—A number of Gentle.
MEN can be I urniiihed with bawling and
A Ml.l l i gri l s 4 ' 2 1' 4 ' 441!
Allegheny CIO. •
A .3.... eg li h i cn r: . PlNG . . ROO , e_fd, No. 43 neesont sa etreet.
maw the Perk. Allegheny. A good chancel& four
In~l Ire
'O LET.--Ttj Three Story Brick
WARICHOL7SE In Church alley. rear
a No. IMO Wood 'Watt, formerly mmmpled
by Wm. Mundorf St Co.. as • Broom Manufactory.
Inqulre WATT. LANG A Co.
No. ill and 174 Wood street.
LET.-Brick House of 7 Rooms,
Hall, Gag. Ilot and Cold Water Large Yard.
ewly papered and painted. eltualo• No, 148 Mar
ket etre...Sixth word, Allegheny.
Aloe. 'BRICK ROUSE of 8 Rooms. Nn. 111,
Middle alley. near Sampson P . Rtcr.
i t
V". A pp ly
z_ —Part of thew ell intosnt ProPeriT ir
1 1 •T e nIrn t ga: .00 'the TrVa/ 1 1 . . b. M11 4 hIty: - ~;
house hi two storied, containing MOM, and is
new, comfortable and of elegant architecture, and
aannlied with all modern improvements. Also
narrlage house and stabling fur horses sad
P , AlWtlrg:;: nt io b— r u 4. 7 .l.l.4'.°l•.`ltargn
country residence with all the adrantats• of Micas
very coneenlent to ., the city.and from IN location is
k o Co..Flfth avenue. • 5p1941
t'OR SALE.-1 Valuable Farm
Ip .L e d ; "TA'fa, MV
a mioB.. aLeaoarro old 'mud. ilrontmoroland Co.o
- 114
EOR SALE.—Engine of Four Horse
t m . vzi.totisanalr i . o 7111 Zeluo=i,Ap.
OR SALE.—Franie. Rogge; Two
Rooms. Lot 30e100 feet. Mies $7Olll. T.
SILL &SON. corner of Penn end Twenty-third
EOR "SALL—A. ,One Wow Spring
WAGON. at the shop of 1.
N o 4D, M ,w iITAIT. "-d IH-1-"`""'""
FOR SALE—Manufacturing Site:—
w e cor e for idle a very desitside toottioti for
cosmoses; would be a now (tame
tor tannery. cawing been formerly' used for
that purpose, Theta are 28_good seta and out
houte: end some maehlueri , I g or. 1 /021gOleist;
minting on two streets and near Take, utdd.
the Fifteenth went. T.ll. SILL Sort, earner' Of
Penn end Thirty-third street.
FOR SALL—A Large Amonot of
very deerslo property. Improvod and tulle.
preyed. In the various wards of th e city. all of
which evor at most tanroins. Smallarmi
street. Tw we
elfth ward, two handsome ballelhny
94Y120 feet each. dome Poe substantial dwollhme
have lately been Wit In the immedloto vlelntty
these lots. Pro otter them at a bargain If called for
1 , 000. T. It. HMI. 6 SON. comer Peen sad Thirty
third Sterad.
FOR- SALE.--Engines And Boilers,
New sad Second Mane, of all kinds, conatantly
tm hand.
Orders from all parts of the °notary promplly ea.
landed to.
Comer Marlon Avenue and P., rt. 'Mk MIL W.
ou pITT.—I offer for sato itte
most dOlght fel bundling lot. situated In .ti=eond
rr.tor se
grouedis. t hese Lots are p.m or ere end ono-aux
rho Opyrntoux
(3)0 nerve. A p of these Lots , ran be nem
at my store. \o. 33 WOOD SITHEET. The OM
ttl.o been mounted. Each Lot I. hold
frontpu on Penyilvtlle reed orOtwervatotynyenue
elm, 44 feet wide by 131 deep. The kntlOyffsentte
the reeldence of Washlutrum and Welter Meatus
tack. now, are 24 by 173 rect. Yon of the. Lots
Sr. aold. Vire dwe lling bee* ber
already. Person. de.trousto 'mouths owgrounds
Tee ro r grt gig eta
triingir 4 ' th
and but four minutest walk from the head of Iles
ver.treett board sod. leads to the Presalsee.
Tunas nun Pride . . Es q ui ug, F Dm ,
No. 33 Wood Shutt Pittsburgh. or 14. be Il
Avenue, Alkurben . tat
?gg i. beauty of •CCUCTY and surroundiuku.k.
VALILI4Igg q . A IIp r iSV i ALE PROP.
land, an s nod loonuon. nenr iti r OPtnt Vatr,
y.tsgowood nnd flwisavalo Stations: would 41 , 160
wen Into ono or two now lots. Alto. • neat two
moo. hourly of sir moots atd•coller. andl ono Or
three arm of level land. In
2121,1=71nralogAlwr, Mt . *, 'i tr,:alr,4l.. W
how, tunt throe sorer of wrowpd. Eor partloglari.
•PlAr to ' B..COTHAIMT 6 HON,
tor 3 SD Birth nrenue.
111°U.Iis efriAlLLitiltelltrg.
eepitallels, we ere enabled to borer nem.. grin
dam mortgages on goon MO°, suburban Improved
rarilit=t7 771 17EZPr t , pr pt "
.0 7lnely-thltn streets.
.3011.1 711E18.6V.'
12th wat.
The Lteevae . Bwant will heir the above applies.
tbn . 6ATUBDAY. Mar 7th. 1870, at 10
attn. a. at. •
Prrramwm.24as OtO. IMO. S.
rOTICL—The fig fur the.
on ,Ozgaart n P i az r lng Platrzt. A 11.7.0
trIttartAIIPITITAI III Qt. °di al''' .
tags to d o Ci ty .pnr.r. : ,worn muse..b.
tlow • • • •H. J.
S I . •J