The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 06, 1870, Image 4

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James Brceaw•ooi has been appointed one of
the Allegheny Park policemen.
Mayer Callow returned to the city last Meta
from Ms trip Into the oil merlons.
They have& patent mower to cut the grass
In the Allegheny Park. It works well.
Preparadoes for thn"Decoratlon Dal" ter
emOnles, nave at last commenced In earnest
Cassias' insslnest .t the Allegheny Mayor's
01114411 s dull. Oltly.five cases at sesta:liar
mcamiturs levee.
Only a Olrl.—A nen. romance, pub/lobed by
Lippincott k Co.. Philadelphia. bee advertise
meat. on first page.
Aliensilak Irwin, netted. for Ilayort!alloie,
yesterdaf sent Henry Jones tod i all for slily
days. Henry's trouble tens dru mums.
A Rare Treat ter - Lecture Goerc-None
abode fall to hear NW Pheobe Commis', great
lecture. "Woman before the Law" In Lear
ette Baturday night.
Metes. Tldef.-8. Holzer made Information
before Justice Conrad. yeaterday, charging
John Winters with stealing a chiken.
warrant was Issued for the arrest of John.
1: """ 1 1.—Mary Neurerer. Ea-aortaei to the
etatemerd of Caroline Kirsh, acted In a v , rT
- disonietly manner In Lower En.Clalr townhip.
and Justice Lielsel Issued a warrant for her
Ifeeserday An Ernst made Inf . osm_all.on,, tar__
fore Alderman l"u nal =Tsar ‘ S4e '
assault and batten
beat sad abased err. A warrant for Bmittis
irrest was Issued.
Threw • Itekli.—(leorre Rhodes was charged
before flee Helsel. yesterday, on oath of
Thomas Me wit hthrowing a brick through
proeseator'swtaiow. A warrant was issued
for the arrest of George.
Llgeor Cases—Yesterday S. Chester made
Information before Alderman hirAlssters
manta H Eliword for selling liquor without
licensee and to minors.. Ellword has a saloon
In Forward towmhip. Warrant issued.
UMW Agata.—llubeet Ammo., eon of Jus
tice Ammon. of East illnahlatueol. who some
time since entered the regular army and has
been doing duty on the Plain, has been honor
ably discharged and returned home YesterdaT•
Assault and Ilailer7.—Carollne Kirsh made
information before Justice Helsel, of East liar
=legham. yesterday, charaing John Kirsh
with assault and battery: She Idler. that be
Krecr her with his flat. A warrant was issued
for his arrest.
base . people poob-pooh the "Universal Rut
=doctrine. coatendlnc that a-limited
Ise Is much better. They would even
make common sense the shiboletb and test
that by the ase or disuse of Pier. Dannals k
Co.'. mom ale. a sure trot.
Might Vbs.—Monday evening about eight
Welockythe store pipe In Mister's millinery
Rory id?. Penn street, became heated and net
ire to a partition .through width it
There tea. no alarm struck. The =e t.
amOunted total; fully inwnred.
Dtborgerty lieut.—Hester Dance made in
formation before Justice Helsel. YesterdaY.
charging . James Wasson with keeping , • disor
derly house. James was arrested. and after
bearing, wu committed to Jail In default of
ball for his appearance at Court.
New Semsl limme.—The brick :rork ihe
new school house in the borough or Millrele,
was commenced a few days ago. The Maid
mf will be two stories high and furnished with
t all the modern coo
ked to rt
public school
house. 'Tbeestlrnated cost ts t4OOO.
Squire Egger. of Allegheny le R great bird
fancier. About a dozen of the 'ringed wart,
in cage.. adorn Me office, and an day long
make melody—an agreeable variety to the
monotony and vexation of litigation. , •
.11.111e4.—Daniel Sullivan, of thie Mtn was
.killed by
betas ran over by the night express
trala of the Allegheny Valley Railroad at PM-
Mann. yesterday morning. He wee twenty
seven Ymirn of ego, unmarried, and In the em
ploy at the road.
Ksercherovorktnit at As
__ m ett. w tied bd t:; door which
was Dandling. falling upon him. ne was Is-
Jared internally. asp to such a manner as to
cause some doubts as to his recovery.
.Wellak.—Arnone,the attendants before AF
dertnan Inch; at the Allegheny Mayor's office
miterday.norning were Mr. iutd Mrs. John
Wolf. They were disposed of—John wolog to
the Workhouse for ninety days. and Mrs. Wolf
retiring for thirty days to the coanty jail.
"Omega steel.'—That Is the name as
colored • man. 1 resident of Centre mantle
wo was before Alderman
ta h rdy charged with keeping Thfer oc omas yes
ious dog
shout his premises. Albert Wetter:mt. was
- the prosecutor. Orange we, held for slimming.
Burly lamma.—Yesterday Ida Williams ant
Amanda Douglas, misted. were brUgilli.
tore Amerman Butler, charged by Sawa Wil
liams with maintaildult "a room. bawdy
Uwe" ou Arthur atmet. • liabsequently tho
cue was settled arid prosecution withdraw,
Alderman levete yesterday sent John Tre
terbaaa~Rth to Work House for twenty dale•
Tleterhaaßh was drunk the evening Prerlona
,toneed the attention of s t ru c k f-Prre
of whom he finally on the
bead with a lump of coal, IittIIMIOS a eercre
Wale. C. P. Meekle & Co.. the leading
Paper Manufacturers west of the mountains,
contemplte lding one of the line&
Looses to the bui
s city this coming summer. The
house high, tweady-four feet wide and four
stogies running from Tied totecood
• ---
Urge Crualug.—Testerday from Garrison &
Co.'s foundry was stdpped to aerehind an
Immense iron roller, twenty-di Inches In dia
meter. eight feet long and weighing cistern
thousand pounds. It required eight horses to
haul it on timber wheels from the foundry to
the depot.
A Mummy occurred on Liberty street res
terday. The hones attached to flate's gros
eery wagon, were frightened by n locomotive
started off. upset the groceries. aullied out the
driver. and wrecked the SCAgOII. hobode. how
ever. was hurt. the unfortunate driver 'mirac
ulously ...Muff
LApock et rcesiy.—.l:T. Wltitesidescontainingpo wu relieved of
his k. , while %mite
the - influenc b e o oo f
liquor, and he Is of °pinkly. r
secordhur to his statement to Jestloe
barn that John Puff took the motto - , A wnr
rant was hunted for the arrest of PaV and be
was arrested and held for hearing. • ,
111441W.7.—AbOlit, WM o'clock last evenitig
Anna Reynolds wait focal lying on the side
walk oo High street to a beastly state of fa
toxioation. She had two children with her.
one about three years of ale and the other a
babe scarcely a year old.' The yoingestorhen
brand by the odlcer was thought to be dead,
but oh further inquiry It proved to be dnmk.
Lamp deplanes.-- Last *venlig a lamp.
which one at the clerks held In his band: ex
piated In the cellar of H.A. Jones drug hams.
earner of Smithfield street and Seventh ace
one. The man escaped Intim . . but the Imards
on the door of the. cellar caught Ore. and
misted an exeltement. Ito alarm was struck.
The Neptuae Host...canine was brought eat"
and the Ore extinguished without much dam
Igrattrytai Annewneemem.—The public gen-
OrnitY. and housekeepers In particular. , espe
cially those ln want of a Looking-Rinse. will
be both gratified and benefited to know that
T. M. Chapman. 'wholesale jobber In Looking
bas opened a f line of gbusev at re-
M i rld sill sell them at from twenty-hoe to
thirty per cent. less than any other house to the
oily at lie. 43 Market street; two dome below
Med avenue.
lawn. M.Th.—Wednesday afternoon t 1
Wllter shop of Jacob kneeler. corner Penn
enty.imicond street. was robbed of slot
of teals and about four dollars in money. The
to was In the pocket of a coat hanging uR
la the shop. Mr. Siegler inveittleided , ftna
thinking he had sufficient evidence against
Michael Gallahr, yesterday made Inform. ,
tic's , him belore Aldimusau Taylor.
Michael was arrested and held for a bearing.
, Mambo.. Metbm—Anotber victlin made hl 1
appeareace M Alderman Thomai Mike alt
terrier. Hie name - teas Louis liteinler.
occupation that of proprietor of slam& mllr'
on the Frankstown road. Among the microns
of the one Kuekr. Ramify
la not a patrol:lmm; be
a littlebtll behind
Min. It is mid be obtained credit et
the •lrillr
wy.false pretence-this Is the charge upon retdah
Alderman Thomas, at Steil:dr/II request, Issu
ed a warrant for his arrest- The cue mill be
baared to-dar.
'Altelisal—John relson Is proprietor of a
bo.edime house on Third avenue. Among. his
Warder. Wale tIMC 2,1r9 an ono W. H. Doubt.
Mr. Burke ran up n bill of HSI and maid
run It down twain. irk lieu of cash
lot of furniture as security until the debt
could be paid. Yesterday with the cash in
hated he went to Felson. demanded the burnt
tore. und.tnet with a refusal. This forms the
haals of an Information for larceny as bones,
Burke prosecutor. Pelson defendant, upon
which a Warrant stun Issued.
Tn. UiII Pon.4.—Gliroy,the bouts' revenue
ogicer who endeavored to turn azibovest pen
ny by i'setting up" a CASO against a Twelfth
..rd grocer, [leading him to commit a fraud-
Unit act ag alma the. reventpw. and then
offering to compromise for forging the
name of Commissioner Gamb e to a letterpar-
Porting to have lin the •little
suAtern studs • good chute for the peni
tentiary. A true bUI bee been found against
him by the U. B. Grand Jury. The groce r.
•Xxian ram a charge growing out of ..-
Tor_e oPeraUons wee pending for a. vfolatioo
'mono laws, wan discharged by the
Court, the Grand Jury having 'lgnoron the in'
Mr. Omani= entertained the patrons of the
• °Pips Irmo. Iwt e•eideg witli the thrilling
drama entitled iflt Or the Arkansas Tree
- . The swilewe the large end as
swat 1014$1/ MlNlNlOrdpiec te e
was weg
ft-Mr-red. ?bit /treeing be will take a fare
well hearlit when the house will deehtleet be
On tbedrst of Mani last Jobe Ymakfort
41104 lobo noddy escaped from thew:minty Adt.
Duo diligence was used to secure bls recap;
tun. and on Tuesday was nrwstdml Abby
tbe escaped psisoaer to
In CI tt.
Warden itcandrett /bitted th at city sodl4 tt-
ZMlrrtoOlte' clwrri:7l,4lMtotiti
st =rlttit r brewho..
tne t Pretuctaot to e lit
the prteoeer 000/11 [MO way sod mete
. (11 . 1 , .
=t them Mr. bmadrett bazaar sot.
of bleb , awl now km is pbUO , lO4l
ea the ba iblo of ertme la our county Jall.
`~ a
Spertat Meeting of Pietect Coovell—elly
lip Approved Salary of the Secretory to
YleeCwomlogio—nero—Other Floolona.
A 3pectal - meeting of the Select C.ninell of
the city was held to the Council lilatunber, city
building yesterday, Thursday. May sth lg:11,
for the purpose of conelderLng the bill Increas
ing the City Hall fund r.A.0.00(1, And fur the
transaction of such other business u might be
brought before Council.
Members present—Messrs. Ahl, Aiken,
sell Brown. Hurgwln. Docile, Duncan, Ed
wards, Gallaher. Glenn, Hartman, Herron,
House. E. P. Jones, IsancJones, Kirk. Liddell.
LitteU, Morrow: , Murdoch. Murray. alcEwen.
McMahon, Rafferty, Schmidt, Scully. Seckr.
Shipton. _Wainwright, Wilson, and Prerldent
McAuley. •
• The reading of the minutes of the preceding
meeting was dispensed with.
Mr. Burrertn raised the point,
whether one lima of City 'f old hold
a meeting legally without a C° ilee n l. e li e ; o ee f ee bo e th e
branches being calico'. tie said
iee t . o
thet it
provision made for It In ro'
h t . b 7na ter ' referred to
rules In speaking of "
f lonnalLi and not to torinrh o et f e lci e i a nn t el
chair. tli Council for twenty
yennreTiarsiend-tome k o n f ew of no rule to the con-
Drgwin snitrf it had been the
practice of Councils he bad no further objec
tions to make.
The-object of the meeting was then stated by
the the
who said that COUGUOU Conned
at the last rc% t ar meeting bad passed reso
lution itpprov of the hill providing for the
luenasse of the City Hall fond. which bad been
. •
laid over In this branch. As it was necessrry
for the completion of the work that the bill
should be approved, and it was desirable that
it should he completed at as early a day as
poSaible, he had called this meetme for the
purpose of taking action on the matter. • •
The Mayor presented the r<llllll3 a( it special
election held in the Fifth ward fortheeleution
of a member of helhct (booed to all the ea- -
cancy occurring by the reshmation of Dr.
McMeal. and the certificate of the election
board of the election of .1. C. 31eCarthy, Mae.
The impora were rend by the President.
Mr. 'Lafferty moved that the oath of office he
administered to the member elect. Adopted.
The President then administered theonth of
office to Mr. McCarthy, echo took his seat as
member of that WY , • ' ' •
. .
Mr. Brown moved that the resolution passed
to Common Commilat the htst meet ing niVrna•-
ing_of the City Hall bill be taken up. Adopted.
' Mr. Brown then moved to concur with the
action Of Common Council.
Mr. McAuley, President. Wll6 of opinion that
It was necessary to suspend the rules in order
to puss the resolution finally.
Mr. lturgwin disagreed with the President.
The rules of Councils provides that a perm
coming front one branch to the other. should
be considered on second reading. and as this
matter had been before Council nt the previous
meeting, and coming front Common Councl ,
was nob. u
the rules. on Its third tea
4 and Anal passage.
lhe President thought that the member'
from the Twenty-third ward might be right,
but as It was a matter of great importance.
involving the expenditure of a large sum of •
money, he hoped that some member would
more to suspend the rules. lie did not think
:She opponents of tho bill would be captious
about the matter, awn feihrre to suspend the
rules would only necessitate the calling of
another meeting at which the resolution could
be passed by a mere mojnritr. I •
Mr. Drawn—Although I do not agree with
you, Mr. President. and think it unnecessary.
in order to nutke tbe Matter satisfactory. I
will move to 'suspend the rules. •
Mr. Kirk called for the yeas and nays on the
question, with the following result—yeas 24„
req. --
a three-fol We in to t gs a p e end
the s rolestge l =otion d ' ercid
The President stated that he would now
give notice to Caused tha he would. call a
special meeting on Friday. t he nth, at which
the resolution under consideration could be
.pa by a majority vote.
.Mr. McCarthy moved to adjourn.
Mr. Jones cored to adjourn to meet at two
o'clock on Friday, the oth inst.
Considerable confusion ensued. after which
the motions tondjourn were withdrawn..
Mr. Kirk then moved to reconsider the action
cc Council on the City Hall hill. Ile said he
did not desire to be captious, and an the mat
ter now stood it would necessitate the milling
of another meeting, lie had done his duty he
thought in opposing the measure, but ar be
was in the minority It was useless to contend
any furthet.
- the motion to reconsider was then adopted.
Mr. Morrow then moved a suspension of the
rules and Anal passage of the resolution.
Mr-bark asked that the question be divided.
He could vote foe a suspension of the rules. l
but under no consideration would be Vote for
the pusage of the resointion approving the
bill. He thought it a nseless expenditure of
MIMI of the peoples' money. and would
never give his consent to it. Ile thought a
better building could be erected for half the
money, and that the City Hall Commiasioners
were not the proper men to entrust with the
completion of the work.
Mr. McCarty replied to Mr. Kirk In defense I
of the Commissioners In a forcible and lengthy
The motion to suspend the roles was then
adopted. ,
Mr. Jones moved the And passage- of the
Mr. Kirk called for the yeas and nays, with
the followhig result:
Tlargrldessrs. Aiken, Disselli
win, Duncan. Edwards, Glegot,liartrom. Her-
ron, !louse. Jones. E-P, Jones. Isaac, Littell.
Morrow, Murdoch. Murray. MeEwen, Me-
Lacrthy, Rees. Schmidt, Shinto= Wilson. Presi
dent MeAuley--= • .
Narso.Afesm. Ichl. Devlin, Kirk, Liddell,
Rafferty, Seeley, Wait,
weight. S. 3.-9.
So the resolution was adopted.
earmismin BrSINIIPP.
The follow - log businesmacted upon in Com
mon Council at a previous meeting was taken
up and the action of C. C. concurred in.
Plans of grader of Lang and Dallas arenas,
Report of viewers no. the opening of Lang
avenue. Accepted and approved.
anTgrl t t:EU i rg: " al7m n. st he a c gP 4-I .T ' av
Ordinance for the opening of Crescent street
passed dually.
Dates' plan of lots to the Twenty-drat ward,
accepted and approved.
Mr, Kirk offered an ordinance supplementary
to an ordinance, creating n paid Fire Demist
vont.providing that the. fire Commissioners
tauthesalary of their clerk or secretary
not to exceed six hundred dollars per
The ordinance yeas' adopted 'without adi
eating vote.
• w.aft.ito.aff enomouro. • -
Mr. Deacon offered the folkming, and mo
helt be referred to a
he tcommitee of five.
C o•
tom Feint and three from Common o
WHIM/AL The crossing of the Fort Wayne
and Chicago Railroad On Penn street is gener
ally conceded to be a greet public nuisance.
endangering daily the lives and property of
our citizens. and
Wmtutts, It Is the duty of Councils to Pro
tect the lives and property of the citizens to
the extent of their ability. therefore.
Reeolred. That a committee be aPpointed to
ascertain the best method of correcting thie
evil and. report to this .Council of Its next
The resolution liras adopted and Messrs.
DULICIM and Gallaher appointed from Select
Council.. I
Mr. HeEtven pmented a petition for s gas
lamp on Dorton street- Referred to the oas
Mraones—Petition for the merlins of Web
sterasenne and Moreau'Mreet, in the Thir
teenth Ward. Referred to the Road Commit
Mr.Derlin—Petition for the the rte of grinlit
on Penn avenue. between Rain nod Forty-fifth
stracts.accampanying which was =ordinance
providing for the same. Referred to the Pur
vey Committee.
W. Drown. a remonstrance against the
opening of Granville street.. Referred to the
Street Committee. e
Mr. Ii WET, petition front the Agent of the
Western Ilion Telegraph Company. salting
permtasion to erect new poles on Liberty
street. Petition received and privilege
Mr. Romero irtated that It woe quite evi
dent that Councils could not transact the bu
sine moved city by meeting o cha n gedonth.
and hat rule thing be so ins to
require Councils to meet, semi monthly.
Councils adjourned.
The Free well, is the name of a new strike
on the hill to Lawrenceburg, on ground of the
Company. owned by J. B. Clark - and A: L.
Arms. of Butler. ounty, John Turner and
ofhers. The well was tell: tubed this morn
incla(eßallutgllV. well. ' Is a Del .° atrtke In La se
re ncebu rg. on land of ILL. Ritchie, owned by
'Foul Darling and •Mr. Kennedy. of Broo
Mr. Bailey and John Kelly, of Radler county.
,R. L. Ritchie and A. Dickey. of Lawrenceburg.
'and others. The well as being tubed this
morning—Saturday — with good indications.
• The West Branch. Is a new well on the hill.
north of Church run, which commenced to
pump on Saturday of last week. It has pro
duced some
ownedmies to be a good
well. This well Is by John3lcGanchy
aneuther 'parties of Clearfield, Pa.. Mr. Fur
gown, of Erie. and Others.
The Corbett N 0.3 is a new strike on . the hill
Immediately west of Parker's Lauding onland
of Fullerton Parker. The well commenced to
Pump on 'Thursday evening, and makes a very
good show. It is owned by D. J. Reed. of
Kittanning; W. Fisher and J. Conch, of Pitts
burgh: Wm. Porter. of Clearfield; Barney Ba
er:. C. C. Andrews. Philip .Corbett - , Adam
Hoy and J. D, Lawson, of Clarion county;
Mr.. Dr. Balton and James D. Vauhn: of Law
• The Meade well Is a new strike on land of
John k larshall. which commenced to pump cm
r k,,kt az f arred w rf &or% awl Is:wielding
owned DT David orris P oi r s. d ons:wren 7 3 g;
3 D. Wilson. et Clarion county; liarry m Wie r k.
John Moore, Sylvester Wiles. R. yr Starr, of
Butler county, soul ahem.
The Union N 0.2 Is the name of a w strike
on the Robinson farm on the rlvr. nr llds well
Crawford. b' Sam b u c el Purvi jW an n ee r ro "l f Ai l le ° gheoi
City; Rev. ick, of Kittanning; H er. Coulter
I. D. mcCo, of Butler etmett, and Wm. ..
Crawford. and Is pm:during about
dgy. • •
.; lilotted the
Thtprolied States Grand .7 dry. now bi.esal.
.. -
In this oily. yesterday' visited the. Allegheny
arsenal not however in an offiftel capacity but
as citizens of various portions of the State. suf.
geiently.interested In Uncle Saes affairs. to
acquaint tbeniseives with one of his best man
aged and regulated military store houses.
work .shops and quarters. - They bore with
them a letterof commendation to Gea.Whitely.
from Hon-Judge McCaw:lle., and we need
not Pay they were hospitably received and
gentlemanly treated. for a different reception
would have been foreign to the gallant .ofheer
commanding. sod more especially when the
- Corsi - words of credit" came from his friend
on tbe • Beach; - The visitort were shown
tArlfarthepewligoLulmittata na to he d and
stout the premises la in good order mrh few
tidous cleanliness prevails in •rach depart
ment. The Wand Jury had also the plleasore
recatringtaartectill eats:alma la
Hammy as polite and aceomplisised an u eer
visiteer wore arseiform. and altogether their
to the nal waa most pleataat. !a
ttractive and enjoysible.
Prop of RIOO4—A New Remedial Am..-
Ik:dame Glom Way to floperaildon
Tale Ride." theate4—Hmes.theMm Loot
hi• Tall, ao4 What Wm Pam With It.
SiTerstition will probably never cease to es•
in a greater or less. degree, its influence
over the mind. Even in the present age. with
all Its advancement in knowledge, the power
Of superstition is felt and controls In many .
eases where the power would
TOL . be
s ,gnowiedged• Evidences of
I[ are furnished daily In tthe
counnonestift.andwsii,omotimee.zi mciesttil,nAortretr.
FJ,ll:o ° J e lco . of the -algae" which are talked
„r on d recognized as forebodings of good or
evil. The principle has invaded all depart
melds of bunion life and at times an 'old
housewifes superatitation. foolish as it May
seeni.'has been suniclent to set aside all knowl
edge and nasume complete control—a forcible
Illustration Of which Is given in the following
circumstance, which few weeks ago trans
pired in the city: ,
The wife of one of outmost prominent busi
ness men' and respected citizens was taken
sick with a malignant fever, The moot skill
ful medical aid was summoned. but the disease
continued to gain headway. All that. wealth
and loving friends and the physician's experi
ence could devise was called Into requisition.
but the sufferer found ms relief: In less than a
fortnight all hope , had gone; the woman hov
ered on the shore of eternity's ocean and its
dark water. almost laved. her weary
feet. Just at this juncture an aged
dame a cunndant of the sick one,
called up from the store-house of memory an
old superstition, and Metaled that if "a drop
of ablack cars Mood - mild be administered
with thernedicine the recovery of theatient
wan certain and sure to be smetly. The pre
scription was at first treated 'with contempt.
but as often as rejected was urgedagain,
with a pertinacity whit% at length = n ail
acquiescence in the demand, the friends think
ing it could du no harm and would4pacifY no
olnd associate. .
. .
The next concern was to get the cat. It
was n stipulation in the prescription that the
vital told should emanate frOm—a feline per
fectly black, as &elms or charcoal—so black
that not a single white or any other colored
hair should be risible in its fur.. Scouts were
sent out in all directions to look for such an
animal, but the search was rather discourag
ing. Cats of all ages, sexes, colors and descrip
tions, save. the:one desired, could be procured
In abundance. The record of the experience
• . . .
of these scouts, if preserved In proper form.
would add an invaluable chapter to feline his
tory. At last after a long and wearisome day
of perambulations, one of the seekers happen
ed to pass along Craig attest, Allegheny,—and
there basking in the sunlight. sod calmly re
posing upon a door mat in front of an larding
residencejny a feline answering exactly to the
description. It was but the work of a moment
-to mon the mistress of the mansion and
make known the case. The lady was kind
hearted enough, but 'unfortunately the anlmnl
Was not her own; another member almosthouse
hold claimed and held it sacred. as the
apple of his eye. By some fortunes circum
stance the owner arrived at this moment, and
after an urgent appeal, accompanied with a
pruritic that Thornas wan a male feline)
should not be damaged, further then the ex
traction of a drop of blood from the tall, it
was siren into the possession of the seeker.
No more was seen of Thetaas until two weeks
after his departure. He then returned but
nut all that went away. Before his visit if
there wan One thing ho had been proud of, it
was . • long bushy, shiny. caudal append
age. When by sought his home again
he woo without anything of the caudal
kind, and bore with him! Instead a relic
of what had.been his pride—a stump, .1 which
straightened cot like a liberty pole an a calm
day. To say that therewere hostile demon
strations lathe house-of his owner, when the
situation was realised, would be stating it
mildly; to record that the app
earance of Thom
as. shorn of his beauty and glory. was the sig
nal fora domestic tornado, would be 'writing
the truth.
The remainder of tflo story is soon told.
The new remedial agent was administered
end found effective—or rather from the
time It was iven the woman began
to improve and literally "uo from the
jaws of death" she came. Vigor and health
returned rapidly. The ehamberof POITONV and
death In less than a fortnight became one of
convalescence and to-day should the render
perambulate one of the principal thorough
fares in the LIM ward and enter one of the
!blest residences In the neighborhood.
' find surrounded with luxury an d refineme hewonld
one who appears as if she had never been sick
In her life—the heroine of this strange but
true tale of superstition.
trganization of oho Boord—Conotilitees Art
The Fire Commissioners elected under-the
Act of Asseolbly and City ordinance creating
a Feld Fire Department for the city of Pitts
burgh, met at the Mayor's office for the pur-
POSP Of organizing,. last evening. From the
number of persons assenthiel In lad about the
place of meeting during the evening it might
be inferred that a lively interest was manifest
ed in the matter, which inferencewould
doubtless be correct. There is an' eiciting
contest for the offices of Chief Engineer of the
Fire Department and Secretary of the Board.
both of which are elected by the Board and
the friends of the several candidates. Were of
course on hand. There were also a number of '
applicants for the minor positions in the gift
of the Commission In attendance, but thee
Cere all doomed to disappointment, as the
omm i ssion determined to make nu .appoint
-meats at that time. • .
The Commisaloneri. all belngpresent. met at
half-past seven o'clock with cloied doors, and
rganised by electing Henry Hata, Esq.,
, atrman.and Wm. N. McKelvey. Secretary
pm tens.
The Mayor was then called in and adminis
tered the oath of office to the members of the
Board as prescribed by law, after which the
following business was trafiltdeltd:
On motion of It. Finney. Esq., JAI. Stewart.
11. Finney and M. Moorhead, were appointed a
committee to define the duties of the Secre-
On motion of 31r. Remo. Mears.lteese, c-
Elroy and Tories. were appointed a commit M tee
to take a schedule of propetty belonging to
the different engine companies.
On motion of ]. R. Steeart. the. Secretary
as instructed to procure from Clerks 'of
Councils a certified copy of the ordinance
cresting the Paidire Departlocat under peal.
The follbwing feeolution wan adopted,
Bemired, That the Superintendent of the
Fire Alarm Telegraph be instructed to report
to the Commission the number of men em
ployed on the line, the Seth. and salaries of
cola watch. and CO impend ACT and all. im
provements upon the line until notified by the
Commission to proceed. said report to be pre
sented to a meeting of the Commission .on
next Saturday eveniag.
Adjourned to meet Saturday evening. :May
ithott 734 o'clock.
The collections of Internal Iterenne. in the
Twenty-second District drains the month of
April. es sticivro by the books of T. W.• Davis.
Fee- Collector. were as follows '•
Total collections on spirits l X*: ire
Total collections on tobacco 37.5.31 ql
Total collections on fermented
liquors 10.866 3)
Total collections on honks and bank
ers 4.061' .13
Total collections on gross rooelPta• • 9 . 50 515
Total collections on sales • I. 3)
Total collections on special taxes not
elsewhere enumerated 3,216 01
Total collections on 1nc0me5...... Il. ffi
Total collections on legacies
Total collections on NUCCtatiOtkil 1.:0f 04
Total collections on articles !niched
! ale “A". . .. . SG
.Total collectionstm /. '. 4.1,17
Total collections not otherwise bete
-1 In provided for 16 33
otal collections on penalties. de.... .W 41
Grand Lard
The following are the deeds admitted of
record in the °Dee of Thomas IL Junter.
Recorder for Allegheny madly, 'Thursday.
t i araV i r. oc% to Pred. BeckerL al.. April 16.
Nos I= and te in libuttertro pion,
Hoboken. Indiana, townedp. with buildM
' . •
Brood to 3131:thael •
Engitsh,•May Ig7r;
be 100 feet In Breed's plan. McKeesport ..9160
It C. Sawyer to N. P. Sawyer, May 3, Mt 93
scree and 30 perches of land In Chortles
township, with buildings • 916.337
E. F. Denny to Wm. Anderson, Hay 3. Itele 01
by 11:0 feet on Grant avenue, Allegheny city
Chas Kerr to John A. Miller, Aril IL int 6
acres and D perches of land in Wilkins town-
ship, with buildia,ms SLUM
Sardis J. Duff to flunuel Duff. Apr 1112.131% 3)
by 311 feet on Railroad street. Out Birmin - -
tiom, with buildings • {MAO
A. P. mton to Patrick Daunt; Auga66al.4o
by 90feet. In Norton's plan. To fit: Clair
township $4.11
Jo a h , n m Dodds i lc; Peter tleahltta
'forthln 4111.31
as 4th buildings • _KA
N. Voegliey to G. kv. Stacy. at nl..3ine NEL
:P. by 60 feet, in Fourth word, Allegheny. with
Heirs of Us Allen to Christ. Meyer. May 51,
. 18117;.73 by 50
hip feet, In Boydrtown, Lower St.
Clr towno 9310
Jos. ai Mills toDtdman Cncreford.Nor.laS2.33
by 110 feet, In Maples plan, Braddock b0r0.9.190
• • •
Thos. Mills to Jas. MOIL Nord, 1006. D1PT1... 3 )
feat, In Broddocks ions • " ' .
A lifllVe Aet. • ,
The Philadelphia Inquirer of Wednesday . ,
hes the following: "Two 7011.4 . men. OMMC. ,
day afternoon. hired a boat 11'airmouot for
the purpose of taking a row They had oot
prooeerled far when the boa as overturned
and the men were thrown Ifttothe water, and
would have perished bed It not been for Mr.
Marry. Coulter, of Pittsburgh, who was at
the boot-hrmse of the Quaker City Barge Club
at - the time: With seine diflloulty he succeed
-ed fn running out Imat, and pulled out to the
drowning men. who were almost exhausted
when reached. At one time It seemed as If
Mr. Coulter and those whom he bad preserved
from death would bout - rind over the dam, but
Mr. Coulter's admirable management af - the
boot prevented such a astute.
Ms!ldea. KWhlei.
James Wasson made Information before Jus
tieettleisel yesterday charging ureter Moss
alias Dance with malicisSus mischief. He al
egess that the accused came to Ms residamoe In
mer bt. Clair township About eleven o'clock
turday night and threw a brick threw his
window, striking one of his children and in-
Juringitsererely. There mu Aloe a charge
.:11,=t=tuheimirizh',3. information. to
the -1=0 , 4 .the Prosecutor. The accused was
arrested. and In default of ball for her erwenr.
ante atikinirkinseouwetmed to-MIL"r-"L"
h • &loos. '
Joseph prieheY ogled on Altierines„Hultnr
iatntoing, it eu °metal gilt. He hatted
to the Alderman a tale of suffering. He was
n batirtreZer Inn Wood Ip Dirminghsso.. The
saloOn. widieds, war/ Nialtird by
cbrutLib' Wilbert. Jacob Luber and Philip
LIP4b Who after a few minutes ionvessation
maprOVokedly raged a row, beat and finally
threw beet Into liff tune. i He ceoldigtbearthe
last Insult and so sought redress In an intorno.
tlon for runnsolt and battery Must his usolb
anti. They were arrested and rare ball for
hearing. -
itin4arid kinds of tervibein of
our awn manufaettme, at Ldniehrldte.
Smithfield stilled.
ppeal for hid.
The r o ijU wing circular. from Messrs. Wm. P.
w arn roeri, G. K. Gilmer. David P. Barker and
Misr E. E. Van Yew. a Committee appointed to
prepare an address to the !woolen( the caned
Staten referire to the circumstances of the suf
ferer% ,by the recent calamity at Richmond.
Va., on an appeal for aid, was received by
Mayor Brooh yesterday,
„“trur beautiful city has again been visited by
a'dire calamity. We have been called to mourn
the loss of many of our most valued and be
loved citizens. hoarsely a family in our midst
Is exempt froth the shadow cast by the Angel
of Death. We do not mournns those without
e have the sympathy of the good and Bea
uteous In every portion of our land, and we
can plainly see through our tears the hand of
a kind and benificent Providence. .Mang sweet
drops of comfort are mingled in the bitter cup
of our affliction. . .'
The number of sufferer a in this ...feat calam
ity Is not less than three hundred nod fifty per
sons, of whom silty live have died and many
more see serious!, Injured. MUM of the teet
hes of those whose lives were taken from us,
and many others who were dependent for sup
port upon those who were wounded, and are
now helpless to give assistance. ae suffering
for the necessaries of life. To t hree we will
antes:mit a privilege to minisier; hut we would
espeetally invoke the spirit .of harmony and
charity in its most enlarged sensed and in our
sympai (f S a 'm ct P Lulea
ttuctlo¢s in i tt n iel7oL d r l ZT " common " si re r
•*The object of the address in In the interests
of a common humanity, to - afford on opportu
nity to the benevolent of the whole country to
give such assistance as their feeling' may
Nay contributions left with Slayer Brush
wilt be promptly forwarded to the Committee.
•In lath our
w hochise ee the recipients of aid
from the people hnow make an appeal to
our benevolence. Let no not be ungrateful.
A Young Mere. • •
'Yesterday we had the pleasure of meeting
with an accomplished young gentleman who.
asinuch as any body else, gave , rise to the
beautiful' rotice nee of the late war of the
- drummer boy of Shiloh," and floured its the
hero. It was Mr. John L. Clem, whose mother
sonce a resident of this' city. Ile is now
pending n few days With the family of NC
Atm', of the PostoMce,and is on his way to
West Point AcadeteN.• . Kr. Clem entered
the .army at the outbreak of the rebellion
as a drummer boy running away from home
sto o. although he andarcely attained his
tenth'ear. Ills manly dignified bearing,
Indomitable spirit and moral courage made
hint n great pet In the Arne - of the Cumber
letAt the battle of Chickamauga he was
between the two erotic. and a rebel Colo
nel note tip to him and demanded his surren
der. striking at him at the name time with a
sabre. Re responded by shooting the °lacer
dead. and safely retreated to the Union ranks
to receive honor and laudation from his com
rndes whodind witnessed his heroic net. Hew.
at cram placed on General Itosecrans' staff,
and subsequently wag adopted' for military
education by the lamented General Thomas.
Ile served throughout the war, and was once
seriously wounded and taken prisoner. In
lettil-he was appointed by General Grant to
West Point. but from his diminutive size woo
debarred from entering that school. Now he
has acquired the:necessary heighth, and will
take his place In the Freshman class, with a
Arm resolve to do the best he can to sustain
the splendid record he made In the late war.
dligent, frank'. and good-looking. he con.
ids attention and respect, and we are cure
one day prove an ornament to the reg.
, A Word or AIM,.
To persons having any business in the real
estate or brokerage line, we can cordially re—
commend Mr. Charles Jeremy. one of our best
known and moat reliable citizen.. who has es
tablished himself at No. Ca Grent street. Mr.
Jeremy has made hie reputation In this vicin
ity by fair dealing in a long business mover.
an commen da tio n su a character thno addition
al is needed. in his present
circumstances he is especially fitted to accom
modate every Patron. Loosened of ample fa
cilities In the way of money. and with a
thorough knowledge of real encase In this vi
cinity. and sound judgment. he will he Mond
enmity he man to deal with In either line of
the business In which he Is engaged. Me has
now about 1171.1110 on band, which will be loan
ed out on good sectaity on the most favorable
terms. For money or real estate transactions
Mr. Jeremy can be relied en.
When Culotta Patti sang In Dreklen every
ticket was sold at a premium. and the .Lin
kesche Bad'—the largest hall in the cliy—was
crowded as no one since the days of Sontag
had ever crowded it. Here the furore it not
quite so awaked. yet there are but a very few
of the choice, reserved t seats still to be had.
and we expect_ that the moot brilliant audi
ences Pittsburgh has ever held will greet the
fall artist to-night and to-morrow night.
Many of our music loving eitirema who choose
to get a first class article for the least possible
money. will probably avail themselves of the
chance to get good meats In the Family Orel ,
for *IX Or in the Upper Tier for ke cents. ,
which price the music will be just as sweet
down in the buses, MI that_ Miss Patti v
protmbly witness that tare sight. a the ,
crowded from Pitt to dome with an midi
made ap altogether of the upper and mm
tell/rent classes.
Yesterday morning a very *erten, accident
orcurred to William Schad,. one of the ent
rinses at Lewis. Dailey. Dairen t Co:s n tong
at Shartutrorg. He wasattending some
ir as
on which was being passed through the rolls
when one of the pleoes. by some means.
sheered snide and struck hint on the right
thigh. -in an Instant It had burned the drab
to a crisp Into the bone. The unfortunate
victim was taken to his residence. In the
vicinity. and Dr. ftedlick called in. lie suf
fered terribly during the day and the physi
cian of
evening thought amputation would
be necessary . to save his life.
Trustees aisle of LAO In Allegheny—The
following building lots are to hr told at notion
n Monday nest. at 10 n.clock: 1 lot. 31 by 54
feet, corner of Water etreet and RltrrllAll Ore
-14444 4 •1014. n by m feet, on Sherenan avenue:
a lot, corner of herman and Stockton avenue.
I'7 by 131 feet. with dwelling: and 1 vacant lot
adtolnirtor of the. mune size. One advertise
cent. A.1.140G5TC. Atte.
Coate sal *ere She Late leeproveateale ear
Inge?. &win Macabre, before purchasing
aeteltere. 141114 W a MOterna,
xi Stith Street.
. ,
Walnut Water Canter NUM.—An• Ingenious
est . Intention for the parlor. dining room or
inntry. Look In at !fabler*, No.* Federal
treet. Anegbeer. and see hole exactly it cult.
Came and •liire the late Ingirevesenta an
Singer's Sewing Machines before purchaainif
elsewhere. - Mum a Mo ttrox,
Z(i Sixth Street.
nanneenad . Cathartic ayrap is used In all eases
Instead of pill. ' cantor 011. nalta&u.
Highly filtrated. Twenty-Ave end.. Try It.
Sold by nll drsuybrty.
The Americo. firaUron Is for sale at Hub
let'a io. ett Federal it . Altos - hew. • Tr.
Come mad Mee. the Late baprovelseur• ate
Singer's Sewing Machines bernre purchasing
el.ewherr. • Snaw &Mon Tort,
131:th &tree.
XL Alb—libibley, No. 66 Federnistreet, 'Al
legheny. agent for thin guperlor Ice Chest. go
popular for years In both cities. Is receiving
his dock for the summer Kiel. IT.
litlldreara earillarra. wholesale and retail, at
Jas. Loughrldges. 11l Stalthfleld street.
• Come aa4l the Late laspeoweaseute as
Singer'. Pew ria• Machines before matinee
elsewhere. tsritaw & hf orrmsr. .
-5) Matta OtteeL
The Npring Hock of Hew, U. Hole. Nee.
chant Tailor: at corner of Penn avenue and
Sloth etreet le now large and complete. Mon
elm. !Mamie continues to president the cut
e . tf •
The Artierlnn Gridiron Is for safe • at
y's. 100. 68 Fedend street. Allegheny.
reuse awl Nee the Late letroielesete oe
eingersBewlets Msehines before Perebetalf
elsewhere. eraAw a Monroe.
3:181.1th Street.
For looking tinge. and picture grimes go
Lougitridge'g,l7lsmltbfleld street.
Coate awl Nee tie Late Impiaransearto ea
Singer's Sewing Machines before purchasing
elsewhere. Brasw aMosrrilo xt r.
31 Sih Street.
Victoria and Eugenia
Atxmat ,a dozen . veers, a . suppoee, have
peered away lance j saw the Empire* En.
genie and Queen Merle sitting tilde by
side. Assuredly the difference "ten then
Might wdll have been called avontiost,
'although the Queen was in her happiest
time, and has worn out terribly fent since
that period. But the quality which above
alt others Queen Victoria wanted waaluet
that In which the Em t rees of the French
Is supreme—the quality of imperial, we
manly grace. I have never been a raptor
ous admirer of the beauty of the Empires;
a certain narmernems of contour in the face,
the eyes too cloeely set together, am! an
appearance of artificiality in every meve
ment-of the features, tweet to me to 'de
tract 'very much from the charms of her
countenance. But her.queenly grace of
gesture, of attitude; of form, of motion,
must be admitted to be beyond cavil, and
superb.' She looks jolt the woman on
whetn any sori of garment would hang
with glace And pkttractlveneis; a blanket
would become like. a regal mantle if
if Tell roniel:lter tilecitildeee. 1 verily
believe she would actually: look
graceful in Mary Walker's coeturoe,
which 1 consider decidedly thq, most de.
testable, in an artistic sense, ever yet in.
dined by mortal woman. Poor Queen
Victoria looked awkward and homely
indeed by the side of this graceful, noble
form ; this figure; that exprensed so well
the combination of supplenesx null afflu
ence of imperial dignity anti charming
womanhood, Time has not of late spared
the face of the Empress of the French.
Meet; and hollows arc growing - Pug. there ;
the bright eyed, are sinking into their
places; the colexion is fading and
clouding. But - the grace of form and
movement is still them, unimpaired and
unsurpassed. Thu whitest and truest
shoulders etill samzeunt 'noble bust
which, but that its amplitude soinuelai
exceeds the severe proportiouts of antique
Grecian beauty, Might be produced in mar
ble to illitstrate . tbe contour of a Venus or
a Juno: I Levet seldom looked at the Eta
'Asses of the French, orsny picture or bust
of lter;wlthout thinking how Mary Wort
ley Montague would have gone into bold
and eloquent *tures over , the • superb
womanhood of thit eplendid fo'ret.—Jes•
tin McCarthy in Golazy.'"
A dew Plrsl4:taa. On Strike. •
Ilona varSpeetal Correspondent.).
TIDIOrTT., May 4, 1870.
Situ,' workmen leased , ten acres - of the
little Farm some time rina•, and put ,a
well down to the oil-rock. Some parties
who had closely observed their work.
were pleased with the sand first pumped
from the nick, and befofe nil had been
struck, purchased the well with the ten
acre lease for *13,000. Oil was reached on
'-e 2d the Bd, . and
the.. Inst., the well tubed on the
this day, (the 4tho the yield of oil ill not
less. than six .barrels per hour. Expeei:
enced nil men say the indications are sure
of a 250 barrel well. Tim Workmen who
sold thin lease have another of ten acres
which they will at once sink a well.
oh excitement is exhibited COll ,-- •
Much excitement 3s exi..--11 concerning
this renuutatfle well, whirl]. ix !situate on
Semi llill,'about a mile from the river at
.White Oak Station, and about five miles
tromp Tidioute. The fortunate purvhaaern
of this well ere Fisher Brothers, of Pitts.
burgh. Brownson d: 'Harrington, of Titus.
ville, and J. W. Irwin, of PetWileunt Cen-,
The effects of thin strike on the value
of adjacent land, is indicated - by a sale of
an adjoining tract of 159 acres by a widow
huh - to Messrs. Urandon & Neyhart of
Tidioute for 9120,000. These are wealthy
gentlemen of.large experience than whom -
DOnI • are mum capable of estimating
value of such proprt
ev. The • transaction
smacks a little of the old times of 1891
and 135. A gentleman just arrived 'from
Brady. Bend•reporte that the celebrity of
that locality is now producing only almut
four barrels per hour or 90 to 100 barrels
per day and he corrects the mistaken im
pression that the well was only 1,225 feet
deep, be says it Is actually_l,3o9 feet deep.
'' l l
I witnessed this day the conflagration , of
nick, engine-house and tank, w it h
0 barrels of oil, on lot 2:11. of t e
I Company's farm. The working
belonged to the Weible Bros.
II was producing but thire.barrels
d will be abandoned..
It nine interest sonic of your renders
know tliat Messrs. Croisley have
taken posseminn this doe, of the well.
knoWn Triumph Tract. under a lease for a
term of year's. from the Company. These
lessees have ample resources, arid are de
termined to proceed at mice with a liberal
scale of resusitat ion and development, ha,
Mg full faith that tinder their manage
ment the Triumph elm be brought back to
Ito ancient glory.
MATTEIGI—McK AY—Thum:ley eeettlng. Me/ the Smog U. P. Church. by the R. T. H.
Henn., tire. THOMAS MATTEHU and Miss
SARAH J. WHAT, troth of Allegheny tit].
Mao Sth. et St. Peden Church. Allegheny, by the
Hee. Richard Phelan. modeled by the Iles. J.U. -
Mahal. E. U. DAUGHERTT.Eeti..nt lleever.gnn
glee HART CUNNINGHAM. of Allegheny. No
DIED: - •
_je4278021-17 07 1 tt1.rr ' 17 ,. ..41 , I. l j
I.Ktc at.... to the 7so yeor of. her M.-
• Vaneral from the eminence of her parent.. N
I 3? Ohto avenue. Allegheny City. MI SATML.
kioleilko St 10 o'clock.
Me! iktb. In WM Phltmtelph Mr. AVICIANDLm
BUM KISNRIUGIS. Is the m entr.hlnth Tem' of
The hanerhl sir, lake place Men. ttl. late o
011 Centre 11Vembe. iBta 1111100/11.% at,
. .. .
o'clock. Ills tticrwn are respectfully invited to
attend. k '
December lab. IND,. CPIO.I Creek Village. Pa..
JAMEY 1.. HEA . IS. D.. eget M year..
The subject of thia• tire wail born to Crew
Creek township. Warble county, Pa. He al-.
Mulled a full name cd a Modkis In Co.
Cloak Academy, under l e tuition of Protegees R.
J. Medlin. and T. C. YD Mo. He atedled medi
eine tinder Dr. R. Made n. of CD. Creak and
Dr. John DMIIIIIT. of 111 ry. Do After attend
ing lectunts at Jefferson Mind Coil to Phila
delphia. Pa_. be vitnui the pi...Um of 1131 , 41.
rile to Elderville. Pa_ • • physician he Mood
high among ble fellow pra timer.. and had After
I i In the practice . f hit mutt... in. After
the rebellion broke .0* he flute the Army of
the Potato. as surgeon. While in the army be
contracted dleeaso. from w lib...mew recovered.
mid after .fferlng the romg Intense pale for over
three n
ew be was called Tom earth to Illemea.
Ile bad new...united Lb the t he of D.. bat
maven. en kin d yin bed that he had swear done
so At the rime of h life he gave unosniMimble
evident: of the ty of h t
religion of Jmu•
Christ. While at Granville Water Cum, In Oldo.
he mid that ciften in the hours of night. when ha
mould not met me amount of pawl, be often prayed
that God would restore him so health. in oriMrr.
'fist he might wt. , Drew. for o•miti; moo
on his dying bed be
..b ra to his wife. - eep not
for thls mortal dying ..body. m an y have
pray that
before I be called A. m. I may have a good hope
givenme of having an abundant entrance admin.
Wet. unto am mto thi s k/ngdons of glove." Ile
oLien warned thomthat tun to me Mot of the
Imrtance of preparing to meet mate God. Ile
bivi left setter an mour n hild and numerous (Reeds
and relatives to mou I bis departure: bat they
moans not ow tepee who have no hope. Wtriflitt
be b. dope to thst land of glory above. ellen , no
pain can veer moue. arid 'Mere some has toms.,
NMI. His body Reg In the cemetery at (Yves
Creek.. 6 there meal. the esti. -Awake and sing.
ye that dwell in Use Oast." _.,_ •
'hite Lead - and Color Works,
Sehoonmaker & Son,
vritmt. : x 6 H M LTAIMV.: DEW:II
DR U b. OIL.
li6 And 1 geberce Rim
We MU attentkoe the fiNiee•Mee Peete , 4 0. ,
Stria/ r Pare White Lead, Yd whoa use, a"per
or carbonate of Wed, - we otteae_ . ehemirally pare: .
that Is free from Acetate and Itrdrete. end there.
fore is whiter and upertor. both in 00101 . Wed too.
" Strar. itED to be truer rut. te of .ad
and whiter Mau Ur in the mutat , eawill forfeit
o • nera
eke of package If oenteteng the lam
t _4l
966 Liberty omen. Deniers In Dress, Mat
%Medi a / a u. • jokS
Real EBlale
APRIL 30th, 1870.
AkiiIRTY: 1
n n ." .. , d 11.14[Nreslerrtileason , .
... i ti n.. .6. 1 / 4 1 W W .et pite . - gip t
011 tee nature
eiteh 72.
. . . .
- Tutel , ..
Due Depeniton
Dee Deptioltine.tftereet. Key 15t. "611.267 74
Cont o ingent Fund • ' - 11:111 ii
11648,819 Oil
The Omen it • Mee ra i mit i ...,..... ,
The endereignell Auntnn ' ttnnnilttee. have exam
ined the WM of the Mink, the Bonne. II
and ileenritiee. and <mutated the Miish. and=
"M " " '3 4lit. ' ?lrNiii l lr ""
dei. l' i
• Committee.
Alllms ide mdleA—AWC
M 0) 111:
Accountant—R. C. PARRY.:
i ton. ?or. 31.110 we, !, C. 1.1. nussey.
F.TII. ! irch b olo i r{ rj oeinlr;
Here (.1111ds, Wm.
11 .
Hon. J. R. Moorbeed•
inurreot alloyed 6 porr46. Per.-
'v'rti4trir tr.jir. ri5re..1.3 . 41; to the prtndpaf
and compounded.
uLr4ery ' ' PL1173 4 1 . 2 e r ie n
tember g et, 1 111,M from November let
o May lA. from Ito o'clock. •,
88 Fourth .Avenue t Tittsburgh
mytwu : .
In Huth.. Pnntoffice. lany G 0.1870
A ;Psalms Chas 'hfcßalm Miss II
Adams Mins II ;Fonda, Wm ' N •
B Phrrell Mn 1' ;Nichols Wm •
Brown Jamb ' Ilrogle Alfred ' "swab Miss M ,
Blase John ss : P
''' John.
Indian Itartin IGould 14 C Pbillipa,-.
=„1- 1 M ,'fiT Mail ' C IRamin RIM.
Bilden Ml.. 11 . C• . 11 ,Itimland Ladd
C - !Wynn Mrs 3 lellialter 311.13
navy FAN C Aleadermas 0 Wlllenner 8
C 4 1 ,0111.4/ Min A Master AC, ,
Cantab.). A :Hard. Mr. A L Seymour freely
F•I•n•MI A. ,Hagaa C. C Snyder li II
Cooley Edmond Hughes David iallekerJohn
Collier AW. t J ISinelalr MIN S
•Di JohnstAgJolny Ihiaele lim N
Dirndl Wm ' ' : . :Snyder
Danford John 3.411 Jr :Silvis Daniel
Duffey Jl3 INotrrn John Iliovers MD. MA
'Mir Henry 1•C•11.. Demlei Smith John ti
Doy e T Nonni. A Smith Th. A
Davie Mrs ill .1 Moore RC Shook Levi
Iberia W. A. Mos. TMs : Shook Mrs C
Ihivle Mtn 111 MA V •
Derwine Met McCabe John IV.d.rne Wm V
Dun. Mien INetliffin Pa t I
F . McKenna Pat ITruverAdeline
Mneh Win McCord Joint I W •
i ll 44. ' - "MCVeLtliflrall". M.
• Silk Hats,
wholistle "end 'Retail. No. 13 AVENIM.
. Pittsburgh. Ph. Old lists ressursted sad rairsolet.
ssl 00 Present style. blotto:l.4ga repaired. Ibis
sited bY the American •Coistforter. All at
IT Piss.
' W
_4 ,
1 time
labtn l I .
0 0.
- Sinittli and 114CWW
ifetvrTnt.' ' • ' •
BOX•=11toll Butte.: •
Vet . . We by
G MAY 6.
D:r s FOli Col ` STS CO]IJ[IN~IO\Eit
Of Manthrtll Towtrthth. nubthrt to the tlecielon .4
the Eaten iteptthl...n Coutty Om rention.
- eIp3T.AA.h.
. .
Benjamin Donthett, Esq.,
Of Indiana licetiohip. to candidate for Vounir
rornmlootner. subordinatinn the dentin of
the Republican Cotirentlnn. Fed foodua in rebut , .
DAVID L. rizmnid
(If the Seventh want Plitsburitt. (for many years
connected with the (mzerrx oMer.) at the solicita
tion 'of massy friends, will permit the use of his
name for Assembly. subject to the nomination of
the I.7niun Republican party.
i cipa
SPE 11 .
ikl.l NOTICES.
MA t Fan SDr 4t; ri . rs,
Fleet. nd and Third Commtnlcs trill be
held. In the A arr. on FRIDAY EVENING, th e
Bth lees[., at se en and a half o'clock.
By order of t c commanding carer,
tort _ J. J. AItBEITZ. Secmtary_
ay' NOTlCEr—There 1C 111 bearegalar
meeting. of HENRY LAMBERT Lonon,
N 0.1741. t.o. o. F.. at the 2 hall, corner Fifth ave
nue and Pride street. on FRIDAY EVENING. Mar
Oth, 1810. All of the windier+ are earnmtle re..
quested teattentLas business of Importance +IBM°
brought. before the Dallt. 7;uos. J. BLAKE,
W. D. EVANS, Seeretarl. WJArkl
arson.mrrn Mel 40. 1870. i
ifi:Nr.°R__ i?Ne"trpitYtdat'cr„l,l:7liVe..?rn.PlnEgne_i
of the tad. *la month+, parable to Stockholders or
their legal representatives on and after the 12th
;Wt., fort of all taxes.
n1y5.n.11 305. LAURENT. Canhlar.
, Excrix non NA•rumkt. DANK.
Plrrsnexun. May 34, 1810. l
have Ude day declared a Invld end of FIVE
PElt PENT. out of We earnings 01 nix last Mx
- •....115. free f all taxes, payable on and after the
1 th
n . 27 . tostli
Prrnntr n. L• 7 3. 1870.
de Ti rgl Isn':1111:Zlig0111-011117 Ae k b t7; IVE d 7l;l7l '
PER CET. oat of .1,1 . 0110 ,0 ( we lan sta onths.
nefable on and after thole. Inst.. fr. of Got.
___ _
D./0010r P3d, 181riTsatinind,
May 0.
TOllB of this Dank have this day declared
whichDidd of FIVE PER CENT. on 10
or*. oat of the profits of the last sit months.
aria be mdd or their two-ga
resentatives. On and alter the lath hut, free of
Government, Mate and load YIK
onshar4l :W. HOSEDEIt., Cashier.
M 1870. i
BANK have Oita Any tlevtared a I,,ldentl
of SI Yr r ER CENT. ob the Capital Rock, oot of the
Keats of the last sty months. payable, free-of fax
to Stockholders or their legal repreeentatirea o•
and after the 12th lest. J. MA(101TIN.
tart • feebler.
• --
`1T=. 1 ,71;:.1.q`111 . 641.
The Board of Direntors of thle Company
Is day declared . Dividend of
Five Dollars
Pee each there of the replthl lithe], not of lb
owned prfit* of the at elt month, free of ti n t
M.O" and tftato f , thee. enable t.. tttoetholde
o and after the tOth
$lOO Bounty Collected
Fur dl aoldlera who on Med between May 4th won
lily 124. 141, who were diteharred for 41114041-
U? before serving two you, and why hare hereto
fore received no bounty.
The underehmed has removed his idhee to .4A-
M.. flullelloc rayrn.t Sixth evens. and Smithfield
street, and le now prepared to oolleet claims %reed
-11) aod at moderate rates. Call ott.or addrem. with
Mates. B. F. SNOWS.
Claim Admit. d arms Butldlng.
Corner Sixth area. and Smithfield aimed.
. fiftieths:lh. rm.
NOTICE.--lintlng been
opy.ltatect GAS and GAS mrrEn INSPEC
'TOR for Allegheny county, notler Is hereby gi
In, Mathtiler) . vv be prilelded.l will be 14ilinel at
1 . 11 . 0 WORKS. Tvrenty-thlnl Otte t
Dilworth, Harper & Co.,
Wholesale Grocers,
~p.ITTS...BURE'rIi, PA
Wholesale Grocer
I_4 (kr, SON
Commtmlon Merchants,
Nu 1$
1 Vrtlp GRA IN. dm. A
II ATIMET. near Fast Common. MI
~een7 City.
Ileanor & Harper
Commission Merchants
C. Armstrong
(Flocorsur to rasa d Armstrout3
0M. , " Nn. 9S X.Nuerrffritesyr.
%Male and Retail Grocer
SALM ottoccus,CtamisMon nl_ershants and
ern In Produce. Flw. trees. Pleb.
earbouxd oi lia l l u ttLi
117-4114 SECtigir STMT. PittanunA.
JOHN I. ItOCIRL....T.Mr. Horn.
TORN I. ROUSE & BROS., Summons
t., to JOIIN I. HoIIBE Wholtuala fingers
and Connotation Merchants. earner of Smithfield
and Water stmts. Pittsburgh._
max MM.. A. WALLACE.
Bell and Brass Founders,
Made Promptly -to Order
Mude and Kept on Hand.
J. M. Cooper's Improved Balmy Whee
111.01SUALLIS Minn 71 - 14 L (11Mt CORTIrLXIOB.
co ZL. 3" ....: E LVEI !g i g Afia...r. vamiL a
ER..] wrlnhatT i onit Matt, ty 13E0.
LY° . rittourgh. • A.
iin the estate of WILLIAM CALDWELL, of
nom township, Allegheny enmity. deceased,
hating _intea panted to the underaigned..ll permits
Indebted to mid estate will mate immediate nay
...timid all tem. 111010 S Mania against the
Moe Ittli ritant them. MORA/ mitheommyed for
Wilmer. i to the lind J n.
apkgs3•T BanilogtOn, gtheny minty, Pa.
t oßDlNANCE—Anthorizlug the
bobs Grafting and 14min¢ of Mulberry farect. infra i
Iletnerea !Met to terminus of ntreet.
br.c. 1. Ile It obtained and enacted by the Seleet
and Common Connelbf of tb'
City of . Allegheny, 1
A it :7f
d thry are hereby nnthorffed fobs irected. to
Inviteln nnd receive orotandb. for the grading. and
the )ntlhrrry a t e . nn * ..........................
bldd the
a, their MIK-retie:l.
Pre..2. That for defraying the vi e and expense!.
of the name, there in hereby levied n friecial an
neftelnent, city anat....anent tolie
enterprovided by the Art of Asf.entbly. entitled nn
-Act relative t i ff i br id. In the l'ltY Alldlthenn
""Z7s'.' 4111 or ports"! , Ir.` ,
Ineonwtent lienidlth be and they are hereby re-
I' llg;ltned and enacted nit. In , this the IStb
day I April. Anne thinlini. imp thonsetnd eight,
hUndred nnd perenty.
rre•ttlent .1 St lcot
Allot: J. It. Clx Ley, .
Clerk ol Select eounoll.
t ENr WA o RNER.
'ProphlenCommn olln
Attort It. Dit.n Malt,
lletk l,t Common t'onnol. my:
t N (11t1)1N.%NCE—Aittltorizing 'the
Gruding and Coving of Union avenue. [runt
Taggart street to northern terminno.
bre. I. He IL •ustoined and eneeted by the Select
and Common Connell. of the City of Allegheny.,
and it in hereby ordained and enacted by the au
thority of the mine. That the Committee on Streets
be. wri.d they are hereby nuthurinst and directed. h'
th4l''l.r?tvP,r"4".l.l:aLor the
gth l t r .thd
ruVi rn i4; f reffr with the
Idddern,ut their discretion.
St, It. 'flint for aermii.g the cdnt mut ...Penne ,
of the aunt, there I. here levied u opens' unseals
ment. mid assessulent toe,be made nett led
relative t b j e A tS t Irell ' t b • l y Y jy r r it t il t e4,;
." up
proved April 1,4..1E470.
Etre. 3. That an unitnane, owl pans 0( Oral.
mance+ , Inconsistent herewith. Ile and the mute Is
hereby repealed—
Ordained and enacted hates net. this the 2.Sth
day of April. Ann.. tolip thonsulta eight
hundred and seventy
I' 1 nit of I , clect Council.
%Mont .1. It. an e
"1"1 1aIN WARNICIt.
• Prennlent of Common Omura
Clerk ~ f I;umnlnn Counol.
A N ORDINANCE—AntborlzInr the
.1 limiting of Sebta , l street. from Robinson
street to the river. •
ac. 1. He It ordnlned and enacted by the Select
and Common Onintils the nee of Allegheny.
•nd It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the aa
thinity.of the manse. That the Commit let. 011 tilMetl•
be. and tier are hereby 1ia111101 . 1.11 and directed.
to Invite owl rereive prowsals for the grading of
School street- na aforesaid. and to contnirt titer,
for with the lOweet and best Milder or bidders, at
their discretion.
ser. 2. That for defraying the cost and expenses
of the same. there Is hereby levied 11 . ,perlel asses.-
elect. said nvecomment to he made and collected. as
provided by the Art of Assembly. entitled an .. .Act
relative to blend, to
the City of Allegheny. - an
nr..d3". ' ‘ n! 6 :111 Itnimer. or garb, of tirdlnitne , es
inennviatent herewith, he and they arc hereby re-
•Ordnined and enacted Into a law, this the !Pith
,lay of A pril,Anno Domini one tin outland eight hun
dred and seventy. '
JA SIPS 31011i1Elt,
President of Select Council
Allen: J. It. OXLEY,
uo ell
" SCled /IMN ' ltf WA
Ili I:II,
rreeldent of Com Count.ll
Atterl: 11. Its INVONTII.
Clerk of Common Council. !"Y.
A N OlMlNANCE—Aulltorizing i
1:1 (trading nod Pay in4of Irwin avenue. fare.
Prevent ternitno. of having to Wa , liititim
Syr. 1. Ite ft ordained:lnd rnacteil (hr. SPlect
and Conmedi ol the City id AlleirhenY.
eind it in hereby . i.rilatned and enitried by the au
thority of the some. Th.t Ille , onttuittee on Strevl
;: s •Zi l,l :TrUl °4l! : rlf,',:ll ; ',l = d7 r van
Paving.of Irwin avenue. an afortvaid. and etin•
tract therefor with the lowest and best bidder er
bidders at their discretion. .•
Par. 2. That for defraying the and expensex
of the Nell, there la herehy levied a special...v.3,s
inent. mid arveitament to be made and collected. as
provided by the• Act of A.Pllibly. entitled an - Act
relative. to Street,. in the CPT Allegheny. - aP
proved April It t. IS7O.
*tr. 3. That aIl oniinnnees and party of mill-
I mum, Inconsistent herewith be and are hereby re-
Ordolned• and runt tell into n tide the :POI .
day of April. Ann. , Honda. une tisounand eight
hundred and Beet:Ml.
Pre•ident of Select Council
Atte.: J. It. Oxt.e.v..
Clerk of ,elect
i lik_ 4
NK WA H:ifflt,
Prep Went of Common I. oun
ki l e ' en: ,f "' . ‘ :lnman Connell.
t N ORDlNANCE—Authorizin; the
.t 1 'Grading and Paring of thtralley. from Mont
'7[T.7ll!7l%"ii;..lll:::;:=l,;Vi'd by the Select
nod Common council, of the Cityof Allegheny.
and. it is hereby ordained and enacted by the an.
thotity the tattle. That the Committee on btrects
be, and they are hereby authorited and directed. to
Invite and receive prePtinala for the grading and
Pur4iViltV:l=l.l:74 l" bidVr " i ' rlrigargli
their thecretion.
ste. 2. That for defraying the mot. and exp..,
of the mune. there in by
levied a cumin' cases.-
ment. said anacamment to he made and collected. an
provided hy the Al of Aaaembly. entitled an - Act
relative to Keret. In the City of Allegheny. - up.
An ;71: 1 3 .A . %"1131 e ln parts of °Milian
yea Ineormistent herewith he and are bomb, re
- Ordained and enacted Into a law, this the Inkh.
day of April. Anne Ilomini one thousand eight hue
dmil and aeventy. •
Vat J.
e'l 11.1. c2,e_elllctl,
• -
Prealdent of Common Council.
Attest:' It. Itirwenyn.
Clerk of Common Council.
N ORDlNANCE—Authorizing' the
th_ Grading and Paring of Jgtet.ilistrect. from
Fremont overt to Grant avenue.
age. t. be tunntalned and enacted hr the Pelee ,
sad Common Coltudh...l the CUT of Allegheny,
d it Ie hereby. ordained and enacted by the au
totity of the name. ThatthcCnmmitteennbtteeta
he. and they am hereby authorized and directed to
Invite and the prvponttl% for the grading and
paving of Jackson street. m
nfereid. and to p
team theref.n nail the Mater ovr
..f the .Letrt.e.there 11rilar, ieriedn apeelai aavraa
nint.o.les......nacut; h. I:. single and I ollectelll. as
-provedeAp lime
lil 1.4. I N7O.
Sur. 3. l'hat all ordinance. and parts of ordinan
ce. locullrletent herewith he and are , hereby re
peale .
Ordai d.
nedand ensiled into a law, Ode the ibith
day of April. Anna DommionelhousendehMt hue
deed and Precut,.
Attest: J. ILL/fat:F. •
Clerk of e.elect Council.
• l•ro.lflerst of Common Count.l
Atte.t: FL IVlLwolfrrfr.
Clerk of Common Connell. Tar
Y. ORDlNASCAttthorizing the
Gradlng g
.taded perti. of !steppe m trees.
I. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the Select
and Common Conned,. uf_the City et AllotheeY.
.4 ix , hi f, hereby ordained and enacted by the ate
ni the same. That the Committee on Street.
I.e. and ey are hereby authorised and directed,to
nvite and receive proposals for the Grading of Je
t:lg il t a calt , egtti r Trelt i lrge t t .2 o c r o ol t tiZ t ra t riti;
SIC. 2. That for de baying le vied t and egtsatoca
of the same. there in hereby ante...lei asseme
meat. maid aoeasnient Ito made and collected an
provided by the Art of 'Aoonibly. entitled an - Act
relative to Streets in the City of Alleghenr."
proved April Ist. 11470.
Soc. 3. 'Mat all ordinance , . and pots of on-finan
ces loconsietent bereattliebe and are hereby re
Oined and ected into a yew, Oils the 218th
day of April. otte tho na umml eight hundred and ---
Attest: J. It. Oster,
Clerk of Select Council. •
President of Comm. Council.
Attest R. Disvonten.
Clerk of Common Council. mph
ORDINANCE --Authorizing the
OssstlVl'W.Vvgs'ggigsl':::"" " u ' Y ' from
sec_ 1. Bo it ..rdained and unitised hy Ihe Select
and Common Councils of the (It, ot AllechenY.
and it Is hereby ordained and enneted by um au
thority of Cho nom, nun the Committee on Streets
be, and they are hereby Authorized directed, and i ne r t . . n ,y pmposals for rhoeluding nod
paving of alvans alley,ttaforessild.and to contract
throat. with tlie lowest end best bidder or bidders.
at their discern..
kinc..J. Vint for defraying the cost and expenses
of the same, them la hereby 'MOM o epeeist eases..
assessment to be made And collected, as
provided by the Act of Assembly. entlUed on "Act
relative to Streets In the City of Allegheny." op.
proved April Ist, 18~R.
bgC. ~-That nil Miewi rdt
minces 'Peonsistent, herewith be and etre hereb ‘ V . re
Ordained and enacted into a law. tins the Utsith
day of April. Ann.. Demi nlovie thousandeieht hun
dred and seventy.
J A NV' , MoilltlEß.
President of Salta Council.
Attest: J. It. On Lily. • •
Cies* of Select Council.
President of Common Punned.
Attest R Dam until.
_rlerk of er2lntnonConnell. _ nryS
N ORIIINANCE -- Anthorizlng the
(tradingd Paving Of High street. from
ten street to A an ngie street.
Ste 1. Be It ordainedand enacted by the Seler.l
and Common t'onnells of the City of Allegheny.
end It la hereby ordained and enacted by the an-
Shadily of the same. Thatthe Commieteerm Streets
be, and they are bend.y authorised and directed. to
Invite and receive ongrosals for the grading and
paving of nigh street as aforesaid. and VI tented
therefor with the loosest and best bidder:or bidders
at then: discretion.
5in...2. That for defraying the rot anti expense
of the same. there is herchp-levied a special as
eeesanstit, said • ...element to be made and
e by to th Ertget "l s oljr"frlrM. endued
Ebony." eN•ron 7 ed April Ist, lys7 0.
Sac. 3. That all onlln.cer and NMs of, enti
names Inconsistent herewith be andare hereby
" Sitigel arsd enacted tate a law, this the
of April. Anne one thoesned
hundred and %evenly.
• I•realdent of Select Council.
J a tt ,,,, r,l
Select Conned.
\ Iftlettlr WAR:SF:R.
President of Common Council.
Attest: it. Buxomly.
Oct* of Common Critincil. orb
N OkDINANCE.--Authotitthtg the
tet (rem
Commße It ordained co t
enacted by Ihe Select
and on Ceunciln of the etty of Alregheny.and
It it hereby ordained and enacted by (he authority
of the ramie. That the Committee on. Streets be,
and they are hereby nether:Red and directed loin.
site endreive proomals ter the grading and rav
ing of Ctorrehyavenee alorsaid , ithe north side
ware la'mottly nee feet inwidtbi and to con tenet
therefor with the lowest and hest bidder or bidden
at their discretion.
9. Tint for
r t.l7,Vg r g Zat:V4ll oo .7
sessment, wed t he or be made and collect
ed as
el l
Live by the Art otAssembly. entitled or
- Act relative to streets lm the 0(0 of Allegßetty.
Tl r s ." .74tr ' l I rgtitirces and eerts
nann%s ipconsistcrit herewith be and
trAiln;elandenvisled inu*... ' thin I
gf r.i .Ap . rll l ;A . nn ,w n 1X 0. 71 0 1 unethioUN!nd rigtlhgot7
President of Select Councils.
A " "4' jagicTf"47.t. ct s ,.. u.n e,f2 ; .. • -,;—•
itr.s.. WARNE... '
President of Common council.
Attest: t. Dittrotern. •
tlert of CorronnEstit
_.. •
; N RDINASCE,MhIeuing Church
..t A IlltliVlS Inesen feet.
..1. fie it ordained amt enacted by the Aelect
and Commo n
Con.. of th e City of Aneeh,
and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by the
uthority of the same, That Church Avenue.
from Federal Street to talon Avenue. be widened
to an untfonn
includedwith of forty - three feat, th. er n..
width to an addltlon of sin feet to Ne
P.eint cert.n7 pad nee feet for sidewalk on th o
north side of said street. •
firc.g. All ordinances inconsistent trith.thla
onlinartee,be bed they ue beret , / repealed. •
Ordained and enacted into al. this 48th day
of April, A. D. 1810. . - :
Preddeitt of Select Connell.
Attest: J. It. Oif-rtri
„f sewe. Cowl
President of Common Cannot
Atte 11, !
etPel Liir pant. f
Common ComtelL
N ORlDlNANCE—,Authorizing the
and Comlle n
mon Conned. of litthe ill'
Agld l nY•
a. it Iv hemhy e nameo hy the authority t.t the
t rn " ; r 4Ttr l: : l :
nod ....hated a. water hots.. tolhe amount et
rotltt°lVe.!.; nr
Ir -
lotry tn.; n ' ate . of I . mme. to urliiMital.
wrllrnlmaring intenod at the rate o Ofrell per
mlt per annum, parahle the neat day, .st J . anu ,
!\ r slt a ntdr nntn, ri ' llMniZa ' .t
hon. to he vliyned t nnd
tan nand.
he Immed sh ' all he made hy the Contndler paid
city, by and with the advice .4 the Committee en
Finance. and in nil other revue.. the Iva.. vale
anA divimvat of the proceed , of mod hon. abaft
I be In accordance with the Art ot Aavettihly. en
titled an art autherlzinc the' igty or .:110,lieny
'niter bond, approvel l tile 2'2.1 noy of
hee.l. That the faith. eredlt and correlatehereb pmp
erty oC U
f the ,of Allegheny be and is y
tlrritle,f;;„figit,i,:',•.=°,l;l::At f ,;t ll Z „ T d, " --
Sr.r. 3. That 1.0 numb of any ordinance as may
conflict with or be -.polled by the foregoing be
and the same In hereby repented. •
-Ordained and enacted into a law thin tifith der
AP'''. A.
I S7O.
P resident of Select Council. .
Altest , A it.t% tv,v. .
eek of
' 13: " ;liT WA RN lilt.
President of Common Council.
Attest , none.
Clerk of t , rtimon Conned. MY: ,
• '
A N ORDlNANCE.—Atitherizing the
and Paving of Taart stn-MA from
Wnallington event.. to I:10.111teehile.
See.,l. lie it ordained and elbeeted by the Sehal
and Common Councils of the city of Alleetheny.
and it is hereby ~rbitneci rindellnetell by the au
thority of the same. That the Committee on
directs lie and they are berebY mrthanted aihd
rected to Write and receive moiseads rit th
grading and paring of Taggart street. an aforesaid.
and to contract therefor with the lowest and bait
bidder or bidders. at their discretion.
• SYC..2. That for defraying the cost and earensms
of the same. there is hereby levied apecial S.-
neßstnent, assessment la be made and collect
'e f lll.l ided by the Act of Assembly. entitled an
“ prry Act relative to Streets in the City of
''gr.W.lgilbll.l732l.llCe. t priltb VI ordi
nances Inconristent herewith be n an t a rea hereby re-
Ordained and enacted Into a hos.-thla the .2Nth
d" V.
President of tlelect Conned,
Attest:.t. OA LEY.
lurk of Select Cncil.
President of Corilmon Council.
At R•at: It. Urr.auurtt.
t'ierkComo il
\.tXCE=.lnthliriz[ng the
N 6r. 0 , ! . 1!1 1t :„,
f t'bto `select
i. e t: -. l.'f n a n a ::lnn k ol le c y n: t ric 7 4 . l l- 1 , the `select
end Common Como:li t e of the City of YAllebeny
and it Is hereby ordained and h e by theau
thority of the Kittle. That the Committee' on
Streets be and they are hereby autbutised and
directed to Levity• and receive proposals for the
grading d paving of Baena Vista street as afore
said, end to contract therefor with the lowest and
Loot bldilcCor their discretion.
SEC. 2. That for deffilying the COM and expenses
id the same,' there in hereby levied Crpecial SS
sessment. said assessment err hemails and col
lected as providtol by the Art of Amembly. en
titled .an Act retailer to Streets in the City of
Allegheny,” approved April let. 'I S7O.
Sr, 3. That all onilmmees and Paw , iirdi
miners inconsistent herowith be and am hereby re-
i minified and enacted tote a law this 15th dal"
of April. A. U. IM7 O.
Atte.l: J. !t.9Xt•er. •
• "". . l."1' 11F; • 1(n . Alt!elill7
rre•tdent of Common Comm
Atter. 1(.1.1..1 wi,
I'lerk of Curtmon Co.urkcil.
ING li001)S.
No. 03 1-2 Smithfield St
rp-.;en'tl, Clothing crude to order In the Inteet
teles.. net.
: • _
No. 47 Sixth Street.
Prceident of tielmt_CoUnd
Merchant Tailors, NO. 10 SIXTH. STREET, (late
St. Clair., We bare rennin...l a lame and trell
reeled Stock of filo Mat arid moat faahlostable
flomits In out line. a great, portion of nblen arse our
own Immo - tattoo.
Feeling confident of mr !slants . to etre perfect
ratlefacilon. we mot:wetly solicit front Tinian early
examination of our smelt of Elm (lotto, L'ami..
mercy, Vestin he.
rattle No. 10 Slink tcr
Cloths, Cassimeres, &c
ae3 Merchant Tenor. 73 Ihnithneld etreet
JAM t:S Nknittxit.
Prrsltlcut of Select Coonci
at No. 107 Market ' - St.
VV/r P as AP rl t ag Eß
1714171 . 01), of tIOVI e D7,I4VIIN ' II:4 ° G N RgIAN
orAlG:ts in plain and bet hi calory. rar A
Dining Itmoms, da. Aloo. WOOD end RIME
PAPERS, with an almost.
.ondlews votiety , f
DLANKS for Chamrs. At. All of which we pro.
Krirg d oell . ll4 low S o the lowan In the mortal.
'o. 107 Meiriqt Kt., gnr Fifth Avenue
JOS. R. 11RillES & BIW.
I`mrltltnt s.clett Council
, SPRING 1810. •
iItINCIIMS wino Pa
r r Jon.
I:LAZ I3—All galgt43! k jeeroll'." .
ELEGANT French nod American raper Bong
s% not speeleed
Fur superior to any Import
ent in the country. For sale at
New Wholesaleanti Neal] More. 191 Liberty
street. Pltt•bursh. mht
Lirzaty&fiA . T....p BTABLEB
Rob!. H. Pat4erson &Co.
Seventh Avenue and Liberty Stree
Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons,
Ann coorfthlng apportalnlng to the Mac.
Peones donning oell 0111 olome 10,0 theft nn
leo of comity:Mont on or befole Thitfol.l' oecn
enk In ordor for adrertlolng Prolont eltCntion
good taro *nitro gioen 'Block left for sac.
Livery, Sal . e and
for. Seventh Arenorrind Liberty It.,
Livingston & Co.,
Light wort our 'probate. Loose! Joint Bah,
tihntter M, gath Pulleand other
ankles thdlden' Har d ware; ninny. oh hand.
Office and Works. near Order throok, Al~ht n7'
Puetoface address. frock Ilea 302, r!!!.-
County Soldiers' Monument
aids for the a . . .traction of the tinindalluto for the
Hotelier.' Monument until TVWDAY. 311.1
3, 1870.
• - ipakwa3
yr, rflpalifie
Of the Boston Belting Coniamity . a make. A fat
mPtee of Al sixes. The trans supplied as =hula •
ratan• prima.
Agents for Mt. Cite.
[3:3> EAV A
ELI. BENEFIT ~ f the I..etilT rind It
~, r ue Comedian,
• JERRY- Cl.ll'.
Jerry Clio. with Imitation. • Mr. C 11.111,11.
..mnclthle .rlrh the ever popular
Timothy .... Mr. t'. Chrinkall
chant mu Matinee en Sartfrdat.
_ . A
Morothy Kvenhm- s -KIAVIN A1 , 41k 1 .
Preeddent round
l•. L. mt-111;i.nnINct
➢laaufattoret of LIGHT tam - IRON
Au.wonrww C.Y.e AwrII:WM.IB7 9 . ,
The Perk Ownntlsoleners will mei.
V lIIIIAP EVENINI:. MAT fith. ISTO.ilte pet
01111101, wlll n41...f1ee wait Mc cogmt.ittonis
M STRAKO;(II rrsprctfully annonn rrn
he world-renowned and unriCalell cantativc. '
Miss Carlotta Patti,
win, T y...1,w her departure for iltrieiro. the
234 Of Mn.. per the UnullienAteamertimlT Amer
ica. eppesith TWO GRAM' PATTI CON , ERTS.
Ealajf. u (1411. sad Saturday
Evraing. May Mn ith, at at
MIS. CARLOTTA PATTI will be se4.l.ted by
TllEolkiltll RITTER. the Great Cluoiylotl
4t—Ale !Ina girlie:l7lnm hen,
. . . .. . •
The , omderful Ylohnht—hleankt scow -Jew. hare:
EXt hOlte
German Tenor. nod JOSEF 1 1. , LtN:SIt • the
gent (icemen Oa.,
M. o. W. efiLlny, Moskva, lOreeter. •
Admisehm.Ml.oll; H.:mewed Seate.9l.oo -rte
. ,
Gallery, 50 cents.
The MAIO of seats will commence TUICSOAY
MAY 3d. at 8 o'clock A. 11., at Meson , 'e Aftelf
Wlton - No. 143 Wood street.
Stelnway's litantie used st all MUT* Convert..
moTtwsT • •
Erli. - A. R
'NUS. May 3th, 611, and Tth,
For the lieoO6l of Soldier"' Wtdows soft Orokaar
By Or. F. A: DUNCAN. Wil 2n,. IM. of
General Sherman's AMT. assisted PrtrI.IIIIONTE.
Pianist snot Vocalist. from the Conservatory of
MUSIC. Leland, .
Change oI Prty nnrme every night. Dyers open
at seven wld allalf o'clock,
Open Eyery Evening
Open Every Evening,
New Catholic Church.
N T4emor;
GALLERY. containing e Ono collectrou of Paint
ings. the production of American and Foreign Ar
ils.. le now open Day end Evening. No. /131 LIB
ERTY STREET.opposito the head of Wood street
Admission. 93 cond. atiTh
• Of Pittsburgh..
.1011 N IRWIN, JR., President.
T. J. HOPKINSON. rt. , i
-I'.C. DoNNEI.I., SecrstarT.
CAPT. WM. oF.AN. Clown. AP... B. Ishnest.t.
T.J. 110.1RINM. W. 11. teen.,
C. Mosey. Robert IL Davis.
Harvey Childs. ' Francis Sells..
Charles !toys. C•Lq. J. ?So
Wm. Deno. T./1_
A . Home Coympany, Intim; Fire laml Marino Mak,
t narks Arbuckle..
J. hrt {Nett.
J Ant C. Parke
Wm. Van tuk, ; Wm. F. 1111 . 4, •
James D. Tomer. 1 kelnuel McOndool
• WM. PHILIALT tamOdent.,
JOHN WATT, Vice Pre.Olento
• . MIEN Y.
W. W. IRA MIN. President.
JOHN BROWN, JR., Vlne PThsklbat
John A. Byte, 'Jac Lockhart , ' J blrers,
J. I. Graham.: Robert Lea. ;L. L. Eyre,
John Brown. Jr:Geom. , Genet, „lamb !tot,.
O.II.P.IVIIIIumm.ImL Thompson. ,
Phelan 's Building,
211 inTp ir tam plc:two FLOOR.
N.J. BOW. ;MIA Floyd, Cr.o.. 3L Bit*.
t"."1 W"".
rletiV "'"l El=.
! :41 444C7141.1 1 0 1,
. • Thu. F . . JENUrvlte , c' Wag
• gro....kj.l°.UllAerk. &nen* Agog.
Of Pittsburgh
W3I. P. 111C11.11EUT. Ice President.
Rsks.Offlce 8,1 Water rtmet. el:maga to.'•Art=le•
p utairs. Pittsurgh.
lnrurn anutnat all kinds of /Ire end Marine
Risks. A home Instittion. menaced id' Dinmium
who are welt known to the commuult. and arta.
are determined by protnpiners and liberality tu
maintain the character which they loss warned.
as °resins the best protection to those who MOMn
to be Rowed.'
untkMolts: ' ..
klecander Nina Mk. John H. Slct • une.
0 .11011cr .Ir.. ' • (lum. J. elute,
James McAuley. ` Wlllluuke. M...
Alexarider elmer, IMPlerlek.
Andrew AckMy, I Pkllllplleymer.
IMW4 M. Jung. ' W AZ I
I) Mum.
` • ` nor
tiFFIC6433 AND 457 CIIESTNII7 1 , 766E7.
Aseet• on J . D. .1 , 4, 1870. 02.1425.734 67.
4.70t2. 646.000 04 eerploo ao4
Premium .425.7 67. Lee(ee peel Mere
1820. noon .400.6 . Derreteel enlereeepe•
reaT !Video on Ltherel 'Terme. The l'..repao_7(.l.
Denee teAleles 111,11 the Reels of all Ueda 01 10114.
th irDre . X.T " Zga...-. 0 114 . 2 tit= Sea eel
.. I,lse
Ajeo. W.ltlebante. 11.00 Lea. Gem. ('.lOO. urree
FWD, The.. Neer gt .o Wnl. ID-apt, Th=ei S.
6111 s. GolNarve H. eon.
A 1.1 , 11 G. RAKER. Preeldetil.
:to. W. IdeAlle.ter. Ste(e(Ff.
U. •
nn , " Cee.llllr4 Avenue anul Wund
ENIP - 113.E
Of_ Now York
kiidiaarj_ Pß 2 ' I i" A T I ' Migr243l.trrisLy
Lm-ronAtrAn,:.mnurament ft.t.e.m.l
Minium •
t,ryeelal NON-PIRVEI.TASTA after
11 * 1 „ •.na '4 MIP , Ner. 1
„, ylr . A e .
atActMloa own TUA hi and tr.
mimed and mi rtuinlud. ) Akladli
gridS Or
'l 7. dem , 0(1.14K1.T. 01vdtu on sae Fwd.
INTEREST .1"1,A1C:nlyo upon the GIIARANTICS
INTEREST m: Nit N9TE la required on in „AN
A there Mao ArY.11111.1.AT i ll0:: lW
geMingen c OrTt e .i=f:.,, b' lrnr, tag:
ter yield an tncome to Po ley holder. late.
term suit endowment pols are tamed) Woo,
ganrantee policies mut annuities. •
Mumber of 1,1141.‘ (70,,,jncin
11.10. 1117S13.riirl 0i
_trrllans. 113090 17
23: Ames. rn-111340
• thaw). ill. *seam nsulttil nprroqwra In Heal.
ernPcon,WW•ala. 4
Ilintrigyr for Wertent Ihmasylwetww
Oillee 78 YOUIRTII A VENUE. riunisass•
Mode of ftr.h thlt are remised da/ i ld .
monA i.l7i7c4i7!gr ‘ h'. I nr A n t a "'Twist COY
Wand. Allegheny Coy. corner rederal and Ohlo
stmts. Otte long expellent. Itt . the tomb:was en
ables utt to always Mee on
he Seta wind ankle.
and tan tell White hbh. nennont Unwind. Mere
Baas and White teeth. alt. at very toe prier*.
Giftes a mil t ,. hooter a One Whole
sale oe retail. All orders Mind promptly. .
CHEESE; - •..
100 vi ' Qoatiesmileese:
100 boxes Muter,: fy
itl eA rl4 7 4inie