~~~ GOLD, SILVER, COUPONS Bought at Highest Price. PH. R. MERTZ, BANKER. Coy. Wood St. and sth Ave Jas. T. Brady &Co.-, (SUC.mwsWf.L.IONV.A.A.... I Corner Fourth Avenue and Wood Steee BANKEIiS, = Government Securities GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST FAVORABLE TERMS. Interest Allowedon Deposits. Or - Money loaned on Government Band. io eqn . Wee. A ff• - trAiVit7 FWIWGI4-11148: TNL Ic.", JAMES T. BIIA - DY . & Co. THE DAILY GAZETTE. MONEY AND COMMERCE Orrare or Prrraarnam OAtrrTZ, Turasoar. Mar 5.1870: Gold la steady at 114.3( to 114..• appearing from time to time 'viral!. and atrong, but on the average the market ham d strong undertone. Honda are very dull and lower; we, have declined from 11l to IlObj, and new- (mm UV to 11-11; with largionera to bell. • Stock, are very atrOg and client higher under manipulatione and an rimy Money mar ket. Our Meal inarket la Welt with funds.,- MertzPlating quotations ns received by Ph. R. : . Gold • 11456 American......... 41 Nllnr ...... 112 Western Union... :Eh 11491 Blonds 4.1165( N. 1% Central ra.: 545:1 Bonds 11W. - . 111 Reading . 44211 'loads 18/44...110!: P. Ft. W. ..C 5491101 ids 1806...110!: 0510 k Miss 37'; - Consols DOI 112% 'Ceti. Southern... tiaN, Sal llonds 1x6:...1131, Cleveland .5 P... 100 4 6420 Bonds 18151...119 4 i C. It. 1..5 P 22. 4 . 11140 Chleafo A; N. W sl Adams Express . dll , . C.. 5 N. W. fret.. Merchants I'. E. 11 Erie Lary, Small. London Exchange per pound 5,11 l • 54'5 Parte E'xcbange per Franc Ilerlln Exchange per Thaler lel al Frankfort. Exchange per Florin id r 4 Closintr ‘ quotatiotte on received by James T. (boll 11. ISM 5-.llJan. 1114 5-33.1an.diy.1Jy..Idal U. 8. . U. 8.5.10 tar. .11 Jy. INS 134 1.1.. U. I'. R. R......... I`. S. 1,13 1(P. P. R. ..... I'. 8.104 n.. 7+; (y. Pacifica Illy Telegraph In the Pittablunh.tlasette.l • • , New Yong. Maya !KS Money easy at 4GI,S. There woo u great plethora of Nal tonal Runk notee. and banks were offering them at 3 per cent. for two weeks, tree of intetest for one week where greenbacks are retuned , and • discount of 11 cents to $1 per SLOW allowed *here bankera willgire check or greenbacks. • DiscOnnt quiet at 0k.7. Sterling firmer, under the decree, of specie In the Hank of Priince, at ' Gold : opened at 14 , ., touched 14.;. and closigi at 1415. Qtrrying vat. Clearancee. ft!. . .. ' 14abareisury statement: Kold. S.C,";I "1a; mirrency, $1,3:14::. General balance, 1101... ala drernmenta heave and !Direr. 1 Couras ' lg.. : 111,‘ 1 1 1 . 4 i :' : e 0 :1-:fr,:itio . •ot. bri 10y, 10.40.1.-.... . 6.. .; " • 115..103( 10; ettrreney.ta..nlittl2S - acre -. L, ' 12!..4 - ,• Government bought 12,011ririfki at 110 4-100ir, 111 W-100. State bond. dull and sternly. Iflsaourla . .le , . New Tenne,olee r.. , , 4 /Id Tenuesseea....-- Stocks Elise. strong aud higher, bait hear; and one-balt jcr cent. below the test prites of the.day. Canton 71M flilnitisCentrul Western 111. T...,. 14 Pittsburgh Northwestern .Ii Preferred flock ..... Adam, Enure.... .31!; N.J Central • ... tf: Wattlei ' ll‘ft . Paut _ _ :titlaiiilin ''''''' :- 1 41 ' 14riirled... .... :9 l!alted States.... 45 Wabash ..... .... rd. , . Paella Mal! 43t; Pt. Wayne at N. Y. Central WI% Terre Name W. &rp Erie s UV C. & A.... .. . ..... IlMi Maxim. .... .. it: eferred . . . 111..., Preferred 111 M 0 - . a: M .. ... . . Mt, Reading . 10 5 M Hartford .1: crie . ; Mlchlganlkatral.lt..l C. l`. &I.t! .. .... ISk lake Shore Hai. Boston tices: Heels .94 rapper Falls G Quincy. ..... .. .IS MARKET' Ran Lturiairr triront Tstuis, Tanstalatr, May 5, Isffi. The offerings were again very meagre. this week, which le evident \from the fact that the salesdace the date of our lest report (this day week) were lean than wo hehtl lo the ag gregate. There were plikrity of buyera In at teadence. including an unusually large delegn, Mon from Philadelphia, and n much larger number of cattle could have been sold if they bed been berm the supply did not begin to tu b!, t h e demand, notWitbstendlug Prices ruled - high acid bidders were very stiff. The great trouble list nowlies In the fact that the great proportion of ;he western matte are be leg dapped east by other routes, as the rates are much lower than via Plttsburgh. , . But for this there le on doubt but whet the receipts here would be much larger, and with increas ed offerings, lower prices would follow.. it may seem strange. yet it is nevertheless a fact, that cattle are almost as low in New Tork as they are here, and cheep freights Is the Cause of It. For the last twit or three gonatim the avenge antes here per week have not exceeded 400 bead, not more than suffi cient Id Ordinary times to supply one shipper. The whole blame for the stagnation In the cat tle trade here may he attributed to an unfair and unjust. railway discrimination, end/fio Wages thin dlocritnlnet lon Is persisted In. we need not look for any material improvement. TIWRSDAY, APRIL No..Wia. Price. Holuleo, L & Cn. to Inrltlo.-- 41. 4 .75 d tis June. 51 111.59) BtB " • " 03 MOD 7EC Aull U 11=0 737 C. Uristo to Aall I; 12 4 .440 IirDNESDAT, MAY I.' . Holmes, L . J . t Co. La Youra..• . I" LIWI .1193 martta....3laim, - , 29 Hedges &T. to lamb a al.= BOS M . DUNI II al "mtb." tO Pi:AI : IA 17 •19.1110 90) 11cAulry to 'Undo lt 1.1.510 7GS ilulevrootl kit. to McAuley. IR ia.na There — ls a tne tlaued active demand for obeet i and with only moderate arrival. and plea of buyer., both from PhUndelphhi and New 'Mt, the market is strrmir and Price. well sustained. Clipped. averaging WON. Ito, sold et MOW, one drove *elflike as high as 61‘, and anothe . i. areratinifif lbs. at 0 : 4 70g75 Its avenge , . brought 6 eta. Very few wool sheep ogerbur, and what few there are, are mainly of an inferior grade, and If the ;cool WOO car would be demonlasted ocalawags. It Olden WA a little remarkable that "he an - leals con tinue so Ilea. ns It would be naturally Inferred that the Present prices should bring them nut, Cl=l The market is a shade stronger as compared with last meek. and Philadelphia hogs are ): bilker. being quoted at 9.1:4111- York lints cold at KM and the demand for both grades is - as Cull y up to the suppir. ,• 'PITTIBUR9H LIMBICR MI‘EKRT OrVICIZ or TIM PITTRUITILOB nAZETTC.' • THURSDAY, May 5, I=l, j The marital hat been comparatively quiet for some days past but it Is probable that there will be •an clay Improvement. as the season It fat approaching when deallers commence to lay In their rummer supplies. Timber Is quoted as follows: , Pine ESselacts per foot Hemlock . Reid s.per toot It Is moving off slowly but ly at. full prime. Them is considerable interior lumber. on the market, and it mils Yell sioscir al it 'sot wanted. Large timber Is In demand, an/ Is being sold at full quotations. Sales HUM feet at 18 etc 100,000 feet at lAlf; and N.st llrds are being sold at SSW) Per IL The stock In east hands Is light and considerably below that of this time last Tea:. Deal." have not yet commenced to buy to any extent, being dispoledlo bold back in expectation of_ lowersyloce, while holders. on the other hand, are KW and refuse to make concessions. Sale Ammo = sualit ree n t 4, l4 R c er , nt ten; 4.50,EX11 feet Llre lidock. nALTMOIIC. May 5.--nocees are more retire at last weeks rates. finest; are In fair suppb• at llfft:Sfe. Lambs settee at 11:1g.5 per head. flogs 1-131181de for good to extra; supply fully equal to the demand. CHICAGO. Mar s.ril —Cattle Islay net Ire nt 01:lifen tor stocklt entrn prim,ee flt.. Vogl opened tolenthly active and. - 1.41,0/e eele• Siler‘4a.P.l for common in duller. clueing quiet. frt. LOVIn. Nnt S.—Cattle In good request at bop arm at MIN. • , EII:9!!!!! MILIVAtrIECZ. Ma) , & —Flour Inn andma nn...and. Wt..* - weak at folo for No. I and VOU• (or No. I. Oat* dull at 4(c for No. n. PITTSBURGH MARKET er oi7l - Mgatmon laam-rt:. Trtnatutar. May 5.1870. i Trade la general merchndise IN moderately active, though it might Is...better, there plenty of aeon for Improvement: The grain business has flattened out considerably within the past week nr en days which Ls owing. in part at least. to the adverse advices from the east, botlbotts and corn, having fallen to a point ratti toot almost puts 311 end to ahip meats for the present. It may - seem a little remarkable. yet it is nevertheless a fact, that Cincinnati idol been a Lotter market for our grab, Aoppers thin winter and spring. than ililladelphla, and the allipuwnts by Pitts burghers to the former have been much lark,. than to thelatter place. For setae and Clint. prices have beenrelat Icily higher in Cincin nati than in Philadelphia, nut then the freight is moot, loan; it Cost, about h 1 eta per bushel in mate to the latter place, while to the former (by them the freight is only a or 7 eta. n big ltem in these times of close margins. •'tire Provision market is ,steady - with a rept lar demand, and prices are well sustained: there has lean it sharp advance within the past two or Um, weeks, and 3 very nice open ing for those who it, Of a speculative turn. and those who nee carrying stocks bought be fore the big decline, ore feeling mere comfort able. In groceries, there are no new charm teriaties; there is a continued good &noon!, good 11111311011,1 in ltd. nap - eft - ate, but ua. tier the iIInUOnCY of a strong competition mnrgint are very MAIL Common fl i a m ik " 4!Z d refl u n ' e 4 d I Tre h l i gro!rti APPLES-In steady demand and limited supply but unchanged: $44t5 per Md. ' , . , 1117117.1t -COM tones dull. and while the ar.. rivals are not large. and the stock of the bet ter grades in the hands of the common men. comparatively light. prices are weak and drooping. -ore now quote prime fresh roll ht et, !moons-Store prices; Fancy. $.1.50; i V". 2 ..t. 4 : - No. Cala:Common. VNiCt..3. • lIK.aNS- here is no improvement to not rin the IlemanA and no change to make In qu lotions. $.1.50'1 , 2 per bushel. et)IINItIRAL-Is In fair demand with sot. .at Ws:4lller bushel. as to quality. CRANLIKIIRIES-Swason shout over market almo4 hare. . . . CEMENT—S:Ore of Louisville cement at $.2 1414 per t'ARBON Olh—ls firmer. and standard brands mar be fairly quoted at tic. - CII,EF24:—Is dull. the demand for common Ohio being very light. YOrk State Goshen is quoted at IT U to IT IN. DD FRThe demand to father bet ter but priees remain unchanged. Apples RR: ets; Feaches.7e:L; for, quart ers. aa d t W. 9 for halve*: pared. 161315. Blackberries. 1*.13; pitted Cherries. FAllirt do l t, —Te though continues light and the etiorket l though prices' are tolch.cged. 144.15 rt... FE.rrIiERS- Live 'mese feat her. are quoted at tiNitltl, with lot usual Jolt - awe for wmill tot.: Sillre. FLOCIt--The market is quiet but firm, and prices are well maintained; the receipts have been nn her larger during the past week, but the demand seems to be equal to the supply and holders are not dlspoted to press sales. We continue to quote western lion., Milton., at 117i.f.f.f. for spring whent,5.1,50414 for winter, and $741.7fs for fancy brands. nye dour. CI. .OltAlN—The grain unirket is quiet and de vold of nnythinignew or Important. Wheat is in demand and the offerings continue light; we continue to quote at t1,15t•I.11 for red , and tra $1.l.:10 for white. Oats dolt but unchanged; 47kt.in in first hands, buyers 'furnishing sacks; and smra for small lots its store. Corn. not withstanding the arrivals continue light and the stock in market considerably reduced. Is quiet tbough unchanged: fe1.1.54 for ear. and es lilt Ter. ebellef.l. We are reirarted Pole, of Rye at t 642.51. cash and time. Ihirley eon.' finites quiet and unchanged; 5.1.1140 for fair to prime spring. HAVontinue4 dull with a suilply In ex cess of the demand; sales front country wag ons nt sli.l.Al, for common to strictly prime. HO3IINV-31arket almost bare, but there Is little or no inquiry for It: t.fla.i.6li per bbl. LARD 011..--Is firm and tending upwnrd. We now quote-Extra No. t at $I.:100..1,:E. and No. 2. at Metal. LIME—Is steads. but unchanged. E.istena, fl.7s:..fiereland. IVISIONS—Is reported firm with a steady city and country demand. and while prices are unchanged they are welt frnstained, and dealers are not disposed to make concessions in order to effect sales. Plain Shoulders, 1atii.13 , 4: Sugar Cured. 144 - talif Rib- Sides,.lBM; Short Rib, 17: Clear Sides. 17M; Plain Hams, hi n;• Plain Sugar Cored. lititaliO4;* Canvassed do, Inf.iiil.l9. Breakfast flacon. 17Nals. Dried Beef, texist..9). Me es Pork, VNN... Lard.1730../.17N. In t 'ere., and IS to IS' in kegs and buckets. .ifit In good though not quotably lower. Sales of prime Peach Blows at itic—in small lots, J toil pent. PEA NVTS—DuII; prime Tennessee still G uoted lit KO et s. SEEDS—There hi little or nothing doing In either Timot by or Clorerseed as the season Is shoot over: Flaxseed— } - 2;15 bid—a mood lot would probably brink 14.1 t. PETROLEITAI MARKET OFFICE or PITTSIIrIIOII GAZETTE. ) TIIVINDAY. May 5. 1570. The oil market continues strong. both crude and n,llited, and compared with yesterday. prices are a shade higher. _Vs a general thing. :I strong market and better prices is regarded /I+ an indication_of improved business. that the deniand is In excess of the supply; but the oil businesselo),A not seem to be controlled by the old established laws of trade, and, conse quently, is subjected to 1100 i. yen' curious nod remarkable freaks. Prices of both exude and refined are higher than-last week, and the feeling is much stronger. but . the trade, so far as Pittsburgh is contented, Is none the better of it; One sale. are no larger this than last week—there was no margin for the refiner then and there is none now: .1 refiner re marked to-day that he made a little money this year, but it did not coma from his re finery, and this Is douLtle.t the case with others. AA intimated, Jr firmer and tending upward Sale 1,000 Gbh clot at CSC; lOU artier Mar nt 124 i, and LOW at I2X. Seller Jane, 12 , t Ltd buyer all tear 14;6e414 There Is a considerable Inquiry, parthmlarly for the near mouths , and that. too , at an ad vance compared, with yesterday but there are no sellers. May. bid; May and June. 2 7 ,, C , Hay to JulY.27.3ft May to December. 2•5. ht July to Decesnber 28S; August to December. its.; September and October, —11 r; buyer all year. :a 1 442:11. lIMETPTS CIIVDE OIL DT A. V. IL R. L flocaDeln 640, on account J B Barbour; J WIIAIns 100, no account A B Palmer: Llb, erty 011 Work. 240, on account 'l' H Hackett; Citizens Oil Works SOO, on account A S Goad rick: National Olt Co r 44, L W Young Bro & Co; Fisher Bro XI. on account same; Alt Mulls SO, on account W Bartle. Total bLas • 01 011111P.IILVTSTICR A. V. R. H. Fawcett, Logan Stockdale A. Co., 249 bbls ref. MI to Logan Bro. & Co.: Phil'a. Fulton. Marcia & Co., 15,1 bbls ref. sill to Logan. Bra & Co., Total 104 bldg. _ 111 !SKEW DV TELEGRAPH: • • New Vag*. 1 - New Yong. May s.—Cotton heavy and low .r a ith .Orr of Lene bares et ?..-..1.;c for middling mlanits. Flout-. receipts of P.llll bbls; less or .ive and a shade easier: stiles of !MUM bbls at e.t.aliittlen superfine state and western ss.arZm 5.74; roltinloll extra %taleSr.ffiSra do extra western $.1.1%.045t1; white w eat extra 1451141. earl; round hoop Ohio ea.504 - 01.0k St. Main ..17404.25 for good .cholce du; 3410 Paler of 4, 8 501 bbls low grade extra state and western to arrive anon atflafridd„M on wharf deliver ed. live flour quiet: sales 3M bble at $4101!. IL•st Corn meal quiet and unchanged. Whis ky: salmi of =W bbis western 1051.0521.1 M free. .Wheat: receipts of 33.940 bush; opened quiet and steady and closed a shade lower with ' a °V bushels rn a h l g f ..demand. 1% 1 . ri_ l 7rin . o g; f retell sales of No . " Woe, ukee at to .145.,.. No e-1 sprteg $1,2411 . .2.^t, winter red Illitiols er".3. winter red und molter western fl...lift I.:11. while Michigan f1,40(61,5d. Rye nominal ly unchanged. Barley and. barley malt un changed. Corn: receipts of 14.11/0 bush; IC Letter: western, 48.1101 bush: R1.0.ie11.13 for new mixed 51.15 for old alined western In store. $1.13/01.1.11: for yellowwestern d southern. oats: , receipts of 2a.56.1 !umbel an s; opil quite Irm, but closed dull; sales of bugle 1VM4141 , 5c fpr western, Bailie fur t Mo. iLty steady. Hops quiet. Rice steady at 0441,:14c. Smear item• sales' of 2000 We Colas at 11!:41.504c, . ^ ,O M ; im , Meted° at Vic. Coffee dull. Molasses dull. Petroleum quiet; crude 1.5.'e, refined ilYiQl.ele. Turpentine quiet. at 4441.404 r. Pork heavy and lower. with sale, SSU Ws at edd.r.r4n.ro !dr mess. • 1e1424 - AM for mime and fem NWt2245 far prime mess; also lades rrii Ulm mess. seller June end JulY. at Mit.Z.l,:Z. Meet steady, with sales Ma brie at gMle for new plain mess and $lO 418 for new extra mess. Tierce Beef firm, telt h sales "Mtlerce_snt IMi for prime meta sod eaitor India mmis. - Reef Munn steady, with sales IGS bble at c 2517131 far arty. Cut Meats arm, with sales ...., packages at liffelliee•for shoulders and I:411:c for hams, Middles mtiet end steady. Lord u shade lower. with sa l es mo times at ffieltil.c for steam and a m , 1714 c far kettle rendered: also I= ten etram, seller May. June end July. at 16W,1e.e. Hut ter unchanged. Chores steady.. Freights to Liverpool heavy. Shipment:: ao.tiou bushels wheat per steamer at 4d. Lotter lour closed doll, and scarce/y so firm. - Wheat heavy, and a moderate export demand; males at e1,L51A,17 for No.: fPflhtf• end el 1.911 for winter red and amber Sf ent er. Rye nominal. Oats dull and rather heart'. with sales at fEiO/tarre for Wester.. lo store and afloat. Corn steady, with soles at $1. 1 1:a1.12!.f for new mixed Western. Pales of . .M.i tads MeV; ste a m seller July, at etilr,ri. lard ant? Vet grc tis;ftr Nay; o b u Ll s p ig' li ' 4 o e . asked. seller June end July: There ' were CU,- PM lbs of wool takento-day, chiefly by menu netanrs, at Prices considered satisfactory. flWoloostL CINCINNATI'. Mar 6.—Flour III) nial un changed, with—tales 'of family at Wheat unchanged at im.oini.th. con, in fair / ,,k demand at !stank. oats as6-orn and e eel ,. ply light. Rye unchanged and steady. larley unehangtd and dull. Cotton dull; mi lino MK, Tobacco In good demand at fall rims, with sales of :nr. Mid, at 14,15 to for rash ,t o gpel leaf. Whiskey higher and in g de ' t onna; ei,L.ing St 51.01,11.141. the latter rate in iron boned cooperege. ?less pork closed doll. With no buyers al betterthen V 11.0.1. link mtara ln Par netetantl, and shoulders sold very freely tit II!,c, but luldat Ida generally; sides held at /5 end 15;0 tor clear rib. Bacon In -alai:rate tlrtnanit at 12. 1 . , 115441eNc for shoal dent. clear rib ;snitch,: sides. sales MI Mids. Lord dull and nominal at Isl.letlfillc for prime country and city. flutter dull artislaic. Enn a 14c. Dame(' ofi held firmly at 01 but no ..aloe better thou (sic. Luca oil unchanged and firmest 111., for oily. Cirocerles steady. ehlrap, . Cull - .4.00. May 5. Flour quiet. et gLenis for spring extras. 'Wheat opened dull and weak. with sales of N 0.2 at sestquillic, advanced' to gm •,nsta, d afternoon rinsing Inner. This afteoonhe iii nrlic 'W t WI 411111 and unsettlmlott 21/fe. /tiler for May: Corn toilet, clotting )4ktlic lows .10 alMihuttlle for No. .1; leer, for rejected, and 41, is fur no grade. This afternoon the mar ket Was steady, at trite for No.:. • °Mean- . changed. closing at 471.4. the for N 0...." We dull and almostrnotninal at 'arttooc. Diablelees are easier. at $1,03,4.U1.111 , for iron. PrOrbilll. are dull. Mess Pork closed at V2O. Lard, lay 41a,sse. Dry Salted Shoulders, lIC e. The re ceipts for the prod twenty-four hours were: 6.81' barrels flour. 3i.653 bushels wheat, - CM:: bushels corn, 40.&.4 bushels oats, 1.885 bushels rye, lattlbushels barley, and 0.401. head of hogs. Alpments-41,2913 bancis flour, 37,110 bushels wheat, Rada bushels corn, 7,101 bushels oats :LEM bushels rec. =bushels barley, and 5,3e.i bead of bogs. Prelgbts quiet and nominal. CIE= Loots. Slay s.—Tobacco firm. Cotton dull at 214211 tr for middling. Hemp firm nt 1.1411+1.50 for undressed: s2.itih2,:li for dress d. hour quiet: super fine Ckititts4,Ps: X $4.25 61,1.:A" I: X X $4.61V 4.01: XXX $5.51X185.0th, choice fondly V..21kr.1.6.511. Wheal Is In better demand: N 0.2 springyc; N 0.2 red fall sl. o taLlth No. I $1.11; No. white $1.12: No. 1 $1.25. Corn higher: mixed In bulk gre; white irk: mixed sacked $1.25181.118 yellow $1,dV.1117. Hats dull nod le lower: a6ts,r for bulk; faPlile for sack ed. Barley quiet. !lye firm at 8141.ftle. Oro •ceries quiet and unchanged. Whisky Orin and unchanged. Provisions excited and higher. Mess pork s29el...Wth dry cult shoulders at I 1!( 1.120: hams 110g1,15e. Loose baron: shoulders 12%41.13; clear rib Int;c: clear sides 161ic: sugar cured hams Ina.l9c. Lard quiet and nrm at 16'56i.1111,e for tierce: lac for keg. • Clevrland. CI.EVI:I.AI.. May s.—Flour steady: country brands, white double extra etia64:l; red double extra f.1.2:0:.450; amber double extra $.5,,=p 5.75; spring double extra , flour ti rA n STN I S: " V.7sVii.II - Zr.L. * t„ done and the market nominally tinchangett. Oats dull at Mc offered for No. 1 State. bye quiet at Patttlric. Barley heavy and held at Al State for State and Canada. Petroleum finut sales of taagt bbls relined standard white.seller May. at 24c: crude steady at $l,lO. Philadelphia. PIIIIADELTAIA. May s.—Flour Brut and In fair demand at .5.2.1QA1 for low grades of loan and choice Minnesota. $11.25 for Ohio. Wheat. small business doingat $lOl5 for prime Indiana. Rye steady at $l.lO. Corn less active; sales yellow western at sl.Uttit.l.lo. mixed 11.08. Oats-dull. Petroleunt lino: crude offered at 9k. refined at for Slay and 27.5(c torJunt. Provisions advancing and mess pork was held at S:IU. yard unchanged. Whisky steady nt $1.06. iron bound. IM=2 IlAt.vimnitr., May 5.--Flour quietand limn with western Ile eft n e at $5.504714,00. Wheat ry dull With Maland sl.soUl,sdand Pennsyl vania at Corn firm with white at f1. , 141.15 and yellow at $1.1.%,L14. Oat., firm at ttle. live Orin at $1.(11 Mess Turk firstat Ma:13,01. Menu firm with rib sides at clear sides 175,r, ahoulders 137s'e and hams 19Q,Ale. Lard firm at 11Ne. 'Sihhlcy dull at $1.47e1.08. Dry Gool. Markel Ncw Tom:. May .—The market Is devoid of activity among wholegale and jobbing trade,, but retailer, are doing a better businena un der more favorable weather. In prieee there are but few change,, the following being the moat important: Atlantic A heavy brown alteetings are reduced to 15e. do. II to 14e, ex tra to and Lyman E to Ave. =I r,rlayluoy, May s.—lnittort Inactive: mid dlings 2110.. Flour 2.4. Corn $1,1.5 fur choice In sacks. Wheat sl,igal.:lo. Oats Mc. Itye Mc. 'Pork C.21,2,VJ. Bacon 121,c.174,2142. Bulk meats 121,c, 15 , :0161,e. Lard 17e. Hums, 'su gar cured IPc. Whisky to 2:35 hhds nt rtila..4 for frosted to lugs, and /...S:2".W11: !or low to medium leaf. • Memphis. NEMPII.I. Mar 5.--Cotton at 21?;Q:1 receipts 401, export. tXut bale.. Flour nom'. Corn $1.15. Onto 6.1 e. Hoy dull. Oran act at 'AP.Se. Lard stiff at 170.18,Vc. Pork dull CV. Bacon—shoulder. 131Oe; old. 173(e. I=! Tin.r.oci. Mar s.—Flour Ault. Wheat dull and lower; PRle : / 1 white Michigan at I.:M Amber Michigan SI,IN; I red. ;Nsl,lB o 2 do. $1.11.4; No. a white Wabash, $1.14. Corn Ito .8c lower; gales No. I t tee; No. 2. One; vellow.tge. Onto unchanged, =II Drrnorr. Mar s.—Wtwit very nrtn,_• city. white sl....Wa.t.dt: No. t dn. 1.1.11. Corn 90etac Oita: State :17e: wt . dern rd. thriff dohn it LW per rental.' 111YOINT1 RAILROUL ' • • • C1J0•10.A.30 .4ND PcrlstHilton RALLItilsl/. May mow blooms, .1 Moorhead; 10 do ore. Ilritdr's Bend Iron Co; 3 do do, Hrowo A co; 4 do lake sup ore, I.7nion Iron Mills; 3do do. L Lord & II; 1 do do, Dilworth. Porters Co: 24.600 ft lumber. W Itigdon,• 65.811 shingles. A Patterson; 151 bbls lime. 1.1 L Fahnestock; 2 bids fence wire. 1 cask do, J It Taylor; 7 bills hdls. J Woodirell; 6 drums tobacco. Pretzlield Bros: lot new furniture, G H Hauler A Son: 9 hos scales. Fairbanks. &I & Co: 44 bits wood to shape. Pickeragill. L A Co; 30 cases tobacco, 10 Rails do, Jamison. C A Co; 2 bids varnish. Hor ns & 5; 2 cribs croquet, II S Davis; 11 bbls glass. Agnew A Wilcox: 10 bbls m pork. 4 do shoulders, 2. bas bacon. Dalaell. T & Co; lot h h good, P Mouselle; 50 twits brooms, .1 Conner: 12 bas sewin mach. Smith & Forrester; hi grlet;w". Co l lins: 11 t l e, truTn j e, b oll 4 a o g i l ' o bl i! Co; 1 do do. II Bender; I iron frog, F W Smith; 2 bids wine. P Gelchenner; 2 do do, F K Bdo onions, keg. beans, Ido Itu-d. It A Hen; 6 empty a bbl, McKay Brits; 12 bills chairs; 3do rocker,. T II Young & Co':: bbla s iron. J Jones; 1 bx soap, Haworth & Di 1 hf bbl wine. H Eberhart; 1 keg do W Strotel; 2 bblx 110. Michael Krieg: 1 hf do, J Gras; It b tables, H Berger, 1 bids peaches. Total. M & Co; 3 do eggs . 8 sks rags, 3 bbls eggs. 11 lies Jr: 31 sks poettoes. YOH, M Co; Lin) ft scant - - Hog, H i.ittflu; 3 bbls d apples.: do 8/050100, thou! 8: :11; 3t As indator, Robb & Herron: — . 5 hf tads herring. C Hearletott; 25 do GO. It W Honk tiros bblf apples, Volta, ll,l 110 bf ash. Watt. lons A I.lt do..d Kirk patrick 3. Co; it lef do trut. Johnson A C; I:: to do. W Cooper: 10 do d0..1 11 Lippincott: lA. sks ear room, Robb S Herron. PITTSBURGH. INCISSATI BSI/ ST. LOCI. RAI IRO to. May 5. -0 cats stare., IV Hastings: :do do, P Kober; 1 do-lumber. 10 bbisap Wood% orth & D; I ear wheat, J AV Rotator ples. der: is; tett hams. 5 bbls sausage. Wizen & T; Rai bbls dour. Watt, Lang. A. Co; Up g bides. .1 Hammett; =do do, Stnekratht hbds to bacco, A Schaub: 4 lib's K Opole., M W Ran kin & Ilrot Gros barns, Hoene tarred.; 25 bids vrpinky, It A Carson: r. bbls alcohol, Harris a - . E.; It) do whisky. Llttrk. Ir A y. A Co; 68 bcs oats. 9 do potntnes. Hebb A Ht 401ds potatoes% J W Craig; do potatoes. Mrs L 11 Coulter; 4 Ws apples, M A Co; 11 bgs scraps. Wm Flaccusbblr Hour. Bchontaker dt 50 Sc, hams, P Sellers 3: Co; 49 do d0..1 DO ell A Son; Kt step ladders, W IV KORB: 1 car wheat. H T Kennedy A Urn; 2 bids eggs, W H Graff. PITTABDROR - FORT WATNE AND (VICAR° ItAILROAD. May 5.-3 CAIN metal, Simick & Co: 1 do do. Hallman & H; 4 do dn. Bryan .14 (' I do do, Pittsburgh Iron and Forge Co; 10 bag soap. I H Parker; bbls alcohol. Hostetter & Smith; IDII bbls flour, D Wallace; 25 bbls h wines. 14 McCullough Jr A: Co: 17 bbls glass. W A Hamilton a Co; IS hf bbl. fish. S Ewart & Co:_. do do. Haworth & D; 43 wk. rags, Hobt Christy: ILO ohs dour. do dog & 1g Aft bbls do, T Jenk ins Deo: 10) do do. itLindsay & Co:15 bbls I 011. II L Fahnedock & Cu; 1 car wooden ware. Watt, L & Co; 6 bides, Seibert a 11;21 sk. oats. Laing & .51: 10 dos brooms, l5 ban soap. M W Hankie; 15 do do, Head & Mc to bbla oil. E Palmer; I keg. 2 tubs butter. H Rea; dears I stone, Graff, It & Co. .ALLEORIENT VALLEY HAIAD. May 5.-4 bid,3 pkg. butter..l Seibert b o pkg. market ing.] Mc() Crosean; 68 cars coal. Kier. Foster & K; 47 do do, Armstrong, whi t ) T Palmer, do. Coleman. H a Co; Ltd. whisky. 0 Pame 2 car% metal, McKnight & Co, 3 do limestone, .Sticenberger a II 17 pkgs mi.rketing .1 Heck man: 4 calve hides, ffman; 10.144 barley. Scott . & Gisal: 47 b 3 balls a pelts. 2 calf hides, 5 bbls tallow. C Felhr: I car grain. W J, Meek; .1 do do, W McKim 5: CO: ti roll. leather. Seibert & II; o)lbbls salt, T Mitchell; 3 uckete butter. M STATION. May - -1 ear ore, Spank. Chiral) & Co; 4do do. Le w is. Bailey & Millen: 17 ph s pearl barley. Chris Heist,- 1 ear wheat. Kennedy tiro; I ear flaxseed. M dam; 14 rolls leather, J Canary; at, pota toes. Pitcairn & McC; 1 car metal. Prrh Iron & Forge Co; lOU bids flour. It Knox & Son; 1 car millfeed, ltippley & - lieckert; I ray pipe, A (1 McMillen. PITIIIIII3IOII ANI) CONNELLAVILLN LLAIL 110AD. May car metal, Dunbar Iron Co; pkga Witter. Matt. Lang & Co; 77 ilk. %teat. 7:1 do collo, W Weigh & Co; 33 aka raga, FL Cbrbity; I roll leather. lien I) Klm; 'ALI' Falls c mlth S . F e r , rAl t s; ( 11 : Ira! lt tc her, Seibert • IMPORTH BY HIVEIt • PETTNBERUN. BROWAMTILLE AND extrA . PACKET COMPANY. Mn; ske corn. 38 bbls appir_MeCracken, Co; 17 sign oats. 2 bbln 4 - do eggs. It t% oodward; la mks onto, .1 M William.; al do do, Kell & It; 14 sks scraps, W Macros t Soo: i bbl eggs. 'Rinehart & 5; 1 do In, Carter; M k Co; 19 bide app ben, box egg!. Y (4 barter; 74 eke oats, McHenry & 41 bales bar, .1 H Heller; bile apples. 1 boa ego, Y Carrfgan: 911 wbleki, 11 do p- Wee. A S Carlisle; 100 las sy glass, Fry & f!'"o; bb le k2 g b k e e r,7!:; bbls sop/es:Geo. He.ulebaker. •• ' Wunrunn rut Prrormu. • Mar 4.-2 Idols erg.. 3 do d nppleg. 1 b. cherries. bar & Co; 2 bxs [lnking. powder. .1 31111 s & Mn: 21 Wen hay,,ltobb & Herron:lo4oo lumber.l49lneust poostg. bnleg lair, IL Miller: 20 lads potato., W H Harlan: 19 [ibis apples, W Henry; 19 Nils p paper, tft.:47.!1.31`.1,,,i90r.P4117h2.1.7,): u Co: ton; 2 camas g ware,' Bennett & 40949 potato.,, H Kennedy. The Best Suspenders Ever Worn Mer;shants are cautioned turaluat Smalls any pouted voila. Each pair ia otamp ,/ edialth the dat bus es A. ;!,...!111at.r..bt5a Furnishing tool. dealers In Stir. FISK, CLARK &FLAGG, _ 58 tiThite - street, New York DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNI McitNYMMVANEATZTIA;II: In the =Re, of nom= W. 110DGEN9 end ALEXANDER M. DODDS:NS. bunkrnpoi. Western District or Pennsylvania, . A vturrant In bankruptC7 has been binned bg said Court adninst the estate of Siebert W.lltnigens and Aleanuder M. trodden', of the county Of Deaver. unit Rate of Pennsylvan bankrupts Distnet. who have been MDT udJudgiid upon petition of their creditors, and the .paTunnt of it./ debts Valli7li e ptVt * lTeg r ~PlCl7U`tris t rot h "nT tlt anr ' Property by Aria are forbidden by lan. A :fleeting or the credit.. of said bankrupts, to coon tbelr debts and choose ono rir morn a. ian of their estate, RID be Deld ourt Dantroploy to tie holden nt No. 93 Dtarnond rhiaboegli, In said District. On the Rath Ifig; 4142 %Z.."," 4" Resistor, In Ibilikruptcy of Said District. * UR row A. C sti, As Messenger. =1 PITTSIWRGH DAILY GAZETTE : FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 6, 1870 RIVER NEWS. • The riser continues to recede slowly it Ills teat 5 Inches in the channel. Weather CiO.o and unsettled with uccuslonal shower, • .The Pet redid. front Whetting arrived and parted. T i' ' Jeoloror for Cirieinneti, departed. n ith nil the freight she multi take. and a fair num ber of promenger, The new Pittsburgh and Putt modah rarkr t. Granite Pt ate. nettle a 9Lort Irinl trip ye.t er. tiny. and then mini' op to the main landing. Capt. Kerr. and he ought to know, .otes she :will leave for Portsmouth nod Cincinnati. slanting. and tee trill probably Imo tonne - t hint/ to nay about her to-morrou . The Messenger did not gel nit until ". o'clock veaterylav morning. Pilots ende Reno anti Nick Whitten. lIPW int° hull sttlirner the hull of whlch k being built nt Covington to t*be completed nt Louincllle.. She to to b 175 feet long, lin feet beam, live and one-hnl feet hold. SWeene...was lighLeing . the St. ataryli, nit Monday, timparntory VlE...ming lip over the tans. --The Itellevernon *hived nt St. Loul other day. TPe Glisirow Is not coining to Pittsburgh, Capt. HittAnson having determined to reload nt Cincinnati for New Orlenns. —The Aritanfins Ix reported 'rising. with 1 feet at Little Hoek and d feel at Fort Smith, --The Hod river packetight wood has been sold to Harlow - Phelps for 0.000, and goes in the Ouachita trade. —The Anna Bagley W. sunk In 14(ourch bayou on Tuesday. Boat total' loss. :rod chambertnedd drowned. —The turners,us friends of Capt. James Col lins will be glad to hear that he is getting better. lie was down to the wharf boat the other day. —The Savanim. Pittsburgh to St. Louie. was at Evanaville on Tuesday. - Kate Putnam acaa' expected to len Cincinnati for Pittsburgh on Wednesday. • —Capt. A'. C. 'McCallum and wire. were ntnotae the Juniata's passengers, on her last up trip. also. Capt. Frank Marratta and wife. who Rut off at Beaver. iC:j h O e xi l ta e s E r i ggi ° reT r4 1 ,1 da) evening. —The Collier bar e, nre ailing up atend for th-Loute, and leave an adverthed. RIVER PACKETS MIME c,l RIPPERS' BAROE . (XMLIKII. AND itAlt(Wq . JAR: SItE011g!: _ CHAS. AIATTIII:Wg. dart,et I Mftft SATURDAY. May "Its.et e. l 4 ll"ftft ft" fttft' ." H. WIRIEST • Co. Agent PORTSMOUTH AND CINCINNATI: NEW AND SPLEN , er ORA:CITE: s' F' will loses for the Moire vol itsDromDate t iLl:l4l SATURDAY 310ItNISO, 71ey 71h. For-freight or puma., APO, on hietwl. L E2=l2 Cincinnati Pittsburgh and Cincinnati PACKET LINE The new und Ithle.whee . - w is t JUNIATA, ('ph. C. I. BRENNAN. RBI kere rtUALUEER for llnotnnati EVbRY TIII7RSDAY.at 12 o'clock promptly. Returning. will leave ClnciannU EVERT SUNDAY et 12 M. For tzvlght or toetstyie, apply on heel or to FLACK A COI.I.INMVI ton, rota • JANIES COLLINS. Aientt. Pittsburgh and eineinna PACKET LINE. Tile new end splendid sidedo heel ~r,ii ri ait Steamer ARLINGTON. DANIEL 1100/41:. Unmet, A. N. riumeAkri. Clerk. leaves littleburgh for Cluvirmittl every 111F-ADA V et. 12 IL promptly. lieturnlng.leaies elliettinalllnr Pllts burgh.. 19 14. every } - RI DA V. . . For freight. PaNuare.ne !ober Intarmstl.m, Annie on bon.' JA.IIMI fog FLACK A 1.0 /.l.llatiVi Olt. Agent..- STEAMSHIPS M. iiI.It'EEN S. 11 11181 I NN — nuin twin drva-zalt l•sx velliel 4 . among theta the celebi, ted CITY t/i' raINN CITV G.SD6s. 8 rr "I T .". e . P . I gr i tre r rtn ' lion apply 1.. I"4 IVILLIAM BINGIIAM. Jr. =I AUCTION. • BITIL LOTS, Idolise and Lot, SHERMAN .& STOeETON A VENUES .ratotrECE e tu On MONDAY,IIty oth. at 10 , eeleek. there wm he load son the permit*, by In onler et thu OF Vhaoi roArt of Allegheny county, one lot Oluatosl on the of Stockton and Sherman avenues nett ward. Allegheny. 27 by 120 feet. un IT erected a tan Riney thick Derelitna of lit rootlet In ennui habitable Itindltli.n. Also the adjulatila remni..lla, on . litiiettna avenue 27 by 120 feet. Alen. eaelet_corner of Sherman avenue and ‘Vater street. 20 by 36 feet. and the firer adjacent lot. on Sheeny. &venni,. each 23 by 50 -feat. The Putt imptureteehtt rend*, th*te let. desirable for private reeldeneee. TutNn—Ono-thins cad,: Wan. In two yearly lATtnento. 5pL931.44 A E6OATF Auctio neer . Chartiers Cemetery. PUBLIC! SALES 4. BTTRT,k. f 1.01'4 • tat the Cesuelau ()mends, iseggening et 10 Wel,* A. sr. nu ag i 7l%fsb , l, end continuing Apv . ll A ?f t tt i b. i t ilb."ll4m o ° 7 vb. 1 "° . L- Chertlers Cemetery. is .tee on the Temper imceville and Manseeld Hoed, about 3 nille• from the River and one-pewter of a mile fmul remoter, Station. Pal:Mandl° Ralhryd , ' The grounds baying been earefully plotted lute sections atul ranges, the manure.Cnn over the toteSeliV.Ple ' , Neat priceo to suit the Pureeefd end WM. below the anew new runent the city r.ttriEru'ri ila"grcunZi-y7SlreM7ht:Ve c e sales, and urged to come at egos gad stake miection of • lot while the prices are so low. Visitors Inns the calico and bonreghs can reach the Vemelet7 by taking the Accommodation Tenth. leaving the Union Depot at 1,143 A. Wo4 . rtoa ....Itirtolowatantile ,Plta.t.Lal.ati 1 : 31A. tearing • I'4 leo a7 r tinitgu l VZl t ; r 6 5i04114i30 "tera,PAlr: B EAUTIFUL LOTSON BUTLER OTRICET and PT. MART% AY110:1111. to 17th ward; Lawrencenile.• SATURDAY NOON. 7th,et 3 o'clock, will be %id on the !metals.. In 17th ward. (Lawrenceville ',muffle Cemetery. on the neute s t reet,uker street le n d. "lawn ITCOWW. or 40th the folk/wing mu tels ituated end very valuable I.nta. lell3 feet front on utt er /greet and 7.57 feet le debit , . MOng44tll t, to a2O feeta7l i. s ti 4 e ll . l = l 7s ' itortrt h d entn t 7 it AO. , that ire lotln immediate nor pf above, Inn ft t I t% h ' T7l feetMX; a venue being Ma feet 1n width at rear. There Pia smell brick Mame on LOa lot. . .TERMS—CIoe-Oall cash, Wane. lo One and two lee.. with intennt. Mound by Maxi end mlr on tbe premise*. A.lll.ll•WAL'rre • mys 'Auctioneer. /49.yom_Ap. Schmidt & Friday, IMPORTERS OF WINES, BRANDIES, GINS, &t., WHOLESALE DEALERs IN PURE RYE WHISKIES. NOB. 384 and 386 Penn, Cor. of ELEVENTH ST.. formerly Canal OS. S. FINCH Sr , CO Noa. 183 . 167 .189.101, 193 and 193' • 7 mum STREET,Pluaburill, )4 1 ,19v w fort..a . r . nt of COPITR DIRTILLED PORK aa m i!,14. 1 . 14 4 , 0 . , dealer. In FORM,: WIN X.. " , f• • u14krt.5.4 CSTOVES AN') TINW II IIEAP - . BOX i ‘4. FIRS? IRONS. de., nt SPECIAL NOTICES •_;-.4,3-CONSUMI!TION. PI:LIM:Mt SYRUP for the of lir . speptle and pill the Deb ilirateti t eondittous ,t the Phomach. DR. SCIIENCK'S 1 1A.NDRAHR easel of - theldrer or to act as • Gen ii'''. rin for t b r t e. s. All 4.1 these three Medicines are orUtehr'rectuilosd to corlog Confuoiption. the Ugh th e PulmooM Syr up alone has cured maul desperate casos. The seaweed Tonic and Mandrade Pills alAel In reg ulartitc Ihe rit.msch and layer, and help the PI. :malt. nth to bbyyy brillCb dean/ 111, tgeet end rrule thntrigh Sy by i• sada et f.mted. t s'a fr.."ons."rntTlritit'odtri*iteil:: rentetty for Pullman, Con sumPtion. and for all dotso untried conditions of the body which lead to that fetal aliMesie. 1.1,er Coln Atli* and layepepale are often foreninuers of Consomit4 o , and when they manifest thetomires they r tore the most prompt intention. • rt.. poiiroogg Syr.° It medicine which fors had a 1..0tt befttre the Its value has bn trnmed by the thousand mires it has made t a l l ough a mtriod of out., than thirty.dre yearn, in Wof which date its reputation h. inmeased. and e most °tads:ate skepticism ran no longer doubt tip, It i n n eagneo which miry he used with mon genre In ell cases which admit of fo ll ow If the iatlent will peraeveritraly the direc tions ACVollip•ill . cash Inn{ le. be will certain: ly be cured. If his ton ae out tat gine!, ...red lo make a cure poesible. S iren tocams supporied to be Incu ra ble, when friends and phreicinas have despainal t the use of this Medicine has grayed the Ilia of the netball and restored Mal to 'perfect o Dr. Schenek Dot say that all caw, of Pul monary con...mm.lon are within the reach of teed- Mine, but he etephaticallyasserts that ofteniwhen tatienis hare the most alarming symptoms, such es • violent cough. creeping Mains. night sweets, general dewing, even to atria a degree thin they are obliged to he in bed, and . when they are given up Ur their physlcten, they may still be euretti medical treatment can create new lungs. hut whoa temp are very lordly diseased nod to some ex tlig.t.lud'vettrOyed. a cum may be effected by Dr. Sehenck's medicine. Alm. In Scrifolens Illseases, them medicine are equally °Melvin. Dr. -Schenck has photographs 41' amber of tenons who hare been nearlyoovered with running sores and now elf healed up. This .Wows In. purifying poraertim. which must be able to heel cavities In the Mona In the treatment of Consumption It is of the ut most importance Melee vigor and • healthy tone to the system. Hence it In net - W..4 to grapier& :1b1P11.*"7111lIt'rd. taepwatientand h.grifll"l"gdi with such means.' will make ab le fond ra ergs ttily diger Rhin. The articles most suitab for the diet of ea...ratty'. µWelds are designated in Dr. Schenck'. news which are dishibuted gratui tously. In general. the most highly notritous artl el.. be to be prefivved. but the gir l :wive orpne must be strengthened in order to ma e either food or medicine iterric.ble. Thls requirement is met by the Seaweed Tonic, and for this purpose It was d'Clltt digestive Powereare pat In Mod order. the' 1.001 Inas Ito proper effect the of the patent to invigorated end the longs begin to exer cise their functions Ln a normal and Iseelthy man ner. Than the healing powers of Pulmonic Syrup will effect the cure. pulmonary Consumption tau most always mei nitrated with Dyspepsia and 'Jeer Complaint. Schenck's 3landmke Pills are intended to remove obstructions frourthe Liver and reidatrite healthy to r o le They hare all the efficacy ableh is to calomel or 'thine mu., ," and are wervanted out to contain a Martlelo of thy mineral poison. Them Milo cure the most obstinate coetivenees. slob beralarbe. pilee, Winos affectione. and ell other dlsoases aria from • torpid or obstructed condition of the User. Otte box of these pills will prove thehihmey of the medicine. • Consomptlon the Seaweed Toole and Man drake Pills am ihrialuable susiliary uradielom. They relieve the eaterings of the patient and assist the Pelletier° elyrup fiffefilfigil Th.f . hone. been totted ueeful girrilvedsiggerl Cortina/IP. tion, where the lunge are a lmost entirety desthmed and nil symptom* acconilitit to the Judgtemt of the Physkim iu,ilouted a gpeedr dointl. The lives of patients who wen' actuallY In • dying aindition hare. been of th e e for mnths by the use ircheticka three grml remedies o . Ur. Schenck's Alruarac ...Ina. a full treatise on the verb t o forms of dironge, his mode •tf natant..m end general dins-Mons how to use his medicinecen bo had colitis, or aunt by mall by addnessina his principal Po. 13 North Oath street. Phila delphia. Pry . Pelee of the Puinemic Syrup and Seaweed Tonle !Mandrake per bottle. or $7.30 a Lull dozen. - Mandrake Pills 13 rents a bor. For ado byall deEdIST WIIITTIER COSTLY, 1:}:s TO TREAT Aid. PRIVATE MS. EASES. That numarsus class of 'Clues 11.11/Lillg from sciasibuse, pi . ..luring unmanliness, nervous debilite,D - rdabliity, eruptions, seminal emosions. and am , / lintsdener PensaneutiTeured. Persona allikled with delicate, Intricate' and Inns Standing sutitutional romplatists are politely invited to ns forgonsultetion, which rich. nothing. R.rpo rime, the hest teaaioars, has enabled him to farfect mamba. St (1600 eilleient. safe, pemunant and which. 11, most cases can-bo used sghul hind-.h mire to business. Mecillanes 'lmpend la the es tablishment, which orgboosew ufgoecteeeptton and waiting towns; also Laminae and pimping apart ment', for patient• requiring daily pnrsonal attere non. and toper mid chemical baths. the. cons.- tickling the famed mineral spring.. No mater who bare failed, sta. peer one. Read what ha says In hie rillOphlat of arty pave, sent towns &Odour for 'two stamps in sealed onselope. Thonsanda of nay treated annually. at onto, and all over the country. eansultation penoonally orbs mall. OMNI No. Waite arzli,t,ntrf.(erLitlry..,llll,abstratti.pl. Pamphlet sent to any address fur Two STALPI, MANHOOD: 110 W LOST! HOW RESTORED'—../net Pub Tribal 10 a tented Spernixterrtoea. or Seminal Weelines, and impedi menta to liarriefre stwario o umµlon. Et p O l laypr . C. and Flt., o.nraorauit alol ct-Lre t ima z D. VitrAlVt>s th eoi , Getratitilse.:. 't.61 Ttl under seal, in a plan envidope, to any addreali. plasma. en receipt of all neua. or two i t r u er n il bpi oolsrue otenspe, CAS. J. C. KLINE t W.. 311 , %eery. er ' ~.1 -1 1.1TCHELOR'S 11111111111.— nis eplendid Hale Bye la the d o e. the world. 'fermiers, sellable, instantaneous not roman lead. nor any Avid tonl, ,, ni laelina peralyal• or 'death. Avoid the vaunted and delu sive penetration& Unaellna art.* ee, do not pos. sea. • The sena. W. A. Batchelor'. Hale Illy. bee had 30 years untarnished to talon to uphold Us Integrity a the may Perfect Hair Dar—Bbiek ty• lenAwn. Sold by ali brugaistr. Applied at 16 Bond frltoot. S. Y. OILS. Tack Brotl ers, COMMISSON MERCHANTS Petroleum and its Products. PLIIWeI4Li• , Mee-137 WALNUT STREET. Ly 1,11) WARTNG & KING, tAnnasl,l/..n .%lerctuantA aa. B.Am, la Petroleum and its Products, IoINVEANE WAY. - [1:1I11=1!!! W A RI NClr, K INC+ & 0() _AO2 IUR WALNUT STREL . T. ETILIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. `Herbert W.- C. Twaddle" ILINUEACTEMER •-• Lubricating and High Text Burning 01h. ECLIPSE RAILROAD AXLE OIL. Stand. great heat without chitty'', remains lim pid at lowest o riniieratu t tl, Special oil for Minh 14 9 , 1itiTIV Es:ICM M A CIILN hi SI I SAW MD , L . AND b P . LAN I ING MILL OILS, Pl\l4 l llr4l 9 tfp n fait a r lin A Indult VARNISH. to Prot l oP ‘ eliright loon Work and Machinery front cwt. Thest products matiolnehmd under De. Tsreddle•aptteut. try thiliiirtmated Masan In Vaccno. rt. Imbricating Oils aro almost °dories, perfectly argi.,:i . gfoi n na L undsosmtlY light colored, stand I d ling eZione7old. Tb • rallruit.7lVnoradefi hgurftditltir '' ilsl 44 nuilita a rsa u g: --rn,:g hears Jett at ' I7X WOOD STIIEDY. Worlfr at .81..4.4urg Bridgo. GLASS, - QUEMTSWARE&b. Too p l CricINECNVA fftc - e U' 111 E FRENCH. - I '2S: China and alris . ,s.} • SILVER PLATED CIOODS.DIN:VER ! / :: 1 rx , AND TEA SIM. TEA. TRAYS 1 41 .4; ANDCUTLERY. ZnR b er4nrIMON W NE.4 ITT; Fa' 411 1 t. E: BREED. & 00.,1 Pd foo. .00D ATREET. REYNOLDS STEEN & CO, 124 Wood Street. Importers and Design in FRENCH. CDI9A, FINE CET CLASS AND QueenBwar,' cir The largest assortment at New York prices, ESTABLISILED 1828. ----- . ermy sem MO SY— linWe. e. MSS. RIGBY, CUST & CO., No. 189 Liberty St., Tbo attention of al . lnyans rods in abOs; tree, ten ben Ed , nod snarkka,Orirtr I:101 receiving n [mei and desindile lot of the above 11.`intyllp aaj, C 1 .TORN T. GRAY, 110178 A 4.8 D .BICIN PAINTER, - 011AINEXt AND ot..n.zzEß, No. :it NINTH FTILVET, tUte Thad street.) Vitudirob:Plik. ARainTEOT. T D EVANS, A_RCHITEG T , No. 411 i FIFTH AVENI. -z4, :dimd m * uoo.prow.' with c".f b ‘ in • IMEMMM 1441 Ono: streit. No. 100 Fourth Are.,.Pilluburuh. Vtra" 3M.*,E •t A 4 T rITF UE POSIT . Preeldent—EDWAßD HOUSE. Tice Presidents—J. B.CRAFT, ADAM JACOBS. ATI) : - EDWARD 1y)1.186. VrtpdAm Plll3.J.lrth Oft trAt gt/C A /II Ili V,' 11 Mt TIIO AS W. Dit VW. Secretary .0 Treasurer—TßOlKA/I STKEL.. Assloant theddee—JAMlCS P. SMOG Otte hours from D o'clock A. Y. to 4 o'clock P.M. and every Saturday _ eveulna front 7 to 10. ap2Twltl COMMERCIAL BANKING C?MPANY, No. 92 Fourth Arr., Pittsburgh._ CAPITAL woo,oeo Stockholders Individually Liable. W. 11. EVERSON. W. C. MACRUIt, ' President. ALEZANpoLR reader. BAT6fierrolit_, 1. .10Hfi LIAtieAY. • ' 041 rb•i•nidloilli Yofi4(6'7lllll w. o:u yam • JACOB KLEE. Co/teething taunt o all accessible points of Abe tittea and Canada,. INTERMIT allotnot on TIME DEPOSITIi. Prompt. attention pavan to all Lottne.to of ei wren- Doenienta. TIE SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Of Pi ttsburgh, FORTHE Safe Keeping of yalualiles, Under anarantee, and the renting of Rafe. In lie No. 83 Fourth .Ave. LIAII Pit tlgt:l7lrell:4lltNlFlY 11 , 1 t 44(1.1 . .41/441 W 1114120 maim. iHrttit ti. PNINtH. Tlleri Lkird, I Jae. N. )Inrriarto, Illlem Nee George Black. 11. m It. Lynn. Curti. C. 11..7. Jim. I. Bennett, Neer me Treee—S. F. VON \ 80N9710941.. Op. dellrrrem 9 °Meek A. 414 o'clock v. 9. CITY 112 FIFTH AVENUE. PITIIIBIHUi H. P. VAPITAI • 9104.000 - STORFENTEET grarylyarklAßLE. FOlialliN EXCHANGE bought i vtad eutd. when detired remitted 41 Envie. • Collactko. made on all .4 le the prtitetpat points tit the UW"drillt Ptestd.t. tyn. mgott ('ton .. 1 1 1414 . 40113: • 4,131.991. /Ames McCabe. • emu Rourtn. Heel liettlex in'tt Trittl e :ra ' n_ , PW .7.131 X.W Th . r. If. A. Frelegrie. em mines. " Nolkilter. ; ...i,. * . ......, i ll CENTRAL ANK 'APITAI Autoo,ooo Bank of Discount and Deposit. WWI( 11o1.1bY Its INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. C.. 1100.1.11. made I. all the princlmi C.Ue.. , 1 the ti. 11.42 Nt..• ond Canada,. iltowxs lANYCERV. '7,1 111;1130.1 . ."M_IA lA:V. ..01411.11%10. H. N A 1.1 . 1C1t1 . • JAM 1....1. - 11 . 11 . 9. FA_VicETP, PrmAdent J. W. IRA vivr, talut.r. • M. WONG. Ao.l. tide.. 1 49:•:Chavbe N. Holmes & Sons, I=l RANKERS, 67 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Coliecto taf a tf lZpt: pOltae Efz i tz ..e = . :TUCKS, BOIDS Eth OTHER SECIAMES. Particular attention paid to the purchase and We of OLLAR SAVINGS BANK No. 35 Fourth Avenue: . CHARTERED IN 183:3. ASSETS U 52,598,37160 . cerattl i lliffr?o,tex'. ga°4l - 11A; N0,..b0e let from 7 to 9 o'clock, and gum No /x)'l•C.frontfitocroh,o7. ore Meed of di v idend t he lam Oast ONE DOLLAR. =4 ti of the profits • do. clued twice •year, In Juturand December. Inter -eat has been declared sentbannually In Juneand Dthember.• slo th the dust we. - osiaalred, at the rale of nth Per Dant. per TOW. Interest, If not drawn oat, Is placed to the credit at th e depoaltor as prlndpal, and bears the Yaw Interest. from the ant daft of June and December, compoundinetwthe • than, without troubliag the rt P• titi ." ===.lgbrt tg w titti„VvlO yearn. 'knits eantelnlng the Charter, ityangre. Rub. the itrinilatiOns, furnished gratis, ng.. uppi as .sen. PiarAtniccr—JAllVA4 vicz parAirictrp. Benl Georgi . Albrwa, 11. Pqocki M. D.. . Ikator . r. lobar. bra . rl took. I obn H . hoenberger, James McA Wiry. . ante. MUM, Jam. B. p. Needs, I Alexander Spam • hue IL Pennoek. Ctutalan Yeager. Tanana.. Wm. J. Anderson. ittenry y erif 9.1.11 ". knitp4lll : I alter .seal, ton I fllttl "' lllkaarZ. Y.trtlCltarot''' OW W. Weer. J r. W i tt frAtaple. gg1 r . 14. 4. 1 . 7!r• Crifrkhltt`• Ar.a Tte igrAnr,CTA A. COYIM. Ord -JAM/ 9 D. MEL DS. HART, CAUGHkf - & CO., Bankers and Broken, CORNER FORTH AND WOOD STREET (SUCCESSORS TO HANNA, HART Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And paticiar attentloutt to the pmrlaso mid Government 'Bonds AO Dratiespl-on London. Tradeinneitifliational Bank, WOODD.STEEET, CORNER SECOND AVE, INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. , DOVORT AND SOLD. AVM.. rt"l Vlto IV a l t on . oclklar . CYR 8 CLARICE, ju. EARL STEAM FLOURING MILLS. R. T. KENNEDY & BRO., ArAnat.othrr. of the follOVlng pnitrat.dbmd. of norm Star Green Brawl-an unscented Pastry Molar. w Star Ulna Beasel, Na: 1 rm. no . that stew mire rummest: • - • nee two Bread. a srl bbr o ll u rktar . ssperter to guitof the tame ea d o ., : r. te . tralarNi " .. P"... • ITNANGIAL. AMERICAN - ' tANk, N o. 80 Fourth A.vonue, • ITITSBURGII CAPIN I A PITA L 0900,000 Stoekholilen Individual!) Liable. BANK DIHCOUNT AND DEPORIT .lollN_ ,_ . 1V34..FV10, Th.*. M. klarshall John M. "kfurtlaad, Wink T. Shannon, Afehlbald Wa Jamos W. A rroll, • , J4l. I/. Kelly, Chan. 11.1.unch, Wm. Floyd. John Floyd, mi. Bank IP Ilem• fully• meant/Ad and proonned - to o general Banking Int• 1131..: .10/0:k11 FREEHOLD BANK AND 'WILDING ASSiXIATION, SI Fire and Burglar,l'roof Vaults, N. 35 Bank Block, = BOUIIHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION United States Semulties Pittaburgh. Pa., MO=1:1 onds and Stocks oupoa PLOD3L I= ENGINES, BOILERS, &c. l''( Irr __ Boiler, Still and Tank CARROLL & SNI DER = OfRUL A Re i t FD . TI i4 IIAILI i tt . FIR IL L A III I LLN A . ND r itA ► Ks. • • lIREFTILING ' AND SETTLING I'ANS, SAIN" PANS AND CON. DENVISIDI, STEAM „ PIPES. OASONIIITERS AND IRON a P ANON DOORS ANTI COAL SHIITEN. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE: tor.2d,ltd, Short and Liberty Streets, = 1111 r Orders se to Eitl atteadZ to. t'" "n 7 "ii_77.mhk by ..." 1 HUGH M. BOLE & Cu. ear. Point Alley and Diuseene =I Engine Builders, Founders, ". AND MACHINISTS T rAIMELTIA 4 .3IjrgIaGINZ.9 end STA goirthr:fic r72141"4.17111 CASTING).M every MO, —.O to order at our Fqtri tt r igr rn lip i Veln E ll:7l47 o 4_ M MLUß. .1 1 4 1 , N=1,_5t01.116 and TINg(I.3I hand an d TOBADDL) PAM , hand and nude to order, m the INDUSTRIAL . WORKS, EYoo(lijr on the AJlegheny River, near ihe Polnt, Plttabungtk. P. TRY LT. M• esick & Bro." FIRM AND_ BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES_ AND VAULTS. lIMIECIZECI EC= ENGINES AND MACHINERY ger I sth .nd KM'S, Pittsburgh. P. O'HARA BOILER WORKS P. JIEPHAN & CO., fivrailTATlNufarrane,ipa bdimrsiitantAoN. for. of Stroud Avenue and Liberty Stmt. I=! RepAlrlag done promptly. Orden Rent oy/ Address ell be to the promptly attended to. s ,fi r trAlL formed) ilembrer At CARROLL A • • AeLOVA' FOUNDERS, MAOEINISTS. KNAP FORT PITT Fouitdry Company, - OFFICE AND WORKS: Twelfth Street, • PITTABVIKM. PA. irEAgin”. Sanaa MU lalschlnes7, Nall Ma dan.. Betoks.Add (111111130 emen.ll . NATIONAL FOUNDRY Pipe Works. Corner Carroll and %oilman Sleets, =I =I WM. SMITH:, • MANITFACTURIR OF Cast Iron Bowl Pipe, GAS AND WATER WORKS. .. 1 . 1 . 1 : 1 174 . 7....*. 1 L1T.. h 1tiMi l efi Castings far . Gits and Water Works .Lll aApt73o uerendestad.w=L.=l4Ax r AADIASON A. A. FREYVAGLE. MONONGAHELA FOUNDRY. W. J. ANDERSON & m — "ftimninif.' l s2llLittg,T9. Castings of all Descriptions. agYa n triv: (ttgto toe VPlpdu+ OR.. -- oirt%txplutrEAßT—NA: ISO WATER MT.. ROBINSON, REA & CO., :Ntoveisors to flommosi, 31.1nd lITLI:tRa ' • WASHINGTON :WORKS .iY/UIkIDM & pirrseum u. Iltunafariarorn of - Boat and EiLatioinstry Struirn ti Is, illorreet Iron ) VFork. wir7 0 474410 . !AT= Stem. Jall:rs2 THOS, CAHLIN CO., Fourth Ward Fouudh &Nadine Works. SANDUSIT ST.. ALL= RIMY CITY. PA laantitaetmiimit Stationary and Portable' Stogie Win tirist and Orate Ben. .Wag . M Ho - el, h At n e! , Bann; order widhaire ua !Wad 4:01 aU wog, =TWA • . . • Phcenix Roll -Foundry, cor. LIDENTY AND 24T11 BOLLMAN & BAGALEY YOZOffilefonLfs of Superior rhill Rolls, Sand Rolls and. Pinions. PROPESSIONAL. G. W. DeCADIP, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Was removed to No. 57 OIIANT STIMET.J.Iths. twhek. Who mare ha the u.O. Moat and Main Curts. In the State &memo ahLd all the Courts of 0r01t7.T . 10 Ontll/10ollOctIons Mmot H. H. IgiCORMICK, Attorney-at-Law. • 619 ORA= STREET. boatooos. I IT"Prlopt &Mutton i 4 rant to all kinds ofArl ARCHIBALD BLAKELY, Attorlitztt-Law, N 0.116 ATEDWE, Mi!TM!I wX. B. NE'EIIIB, i• . • AII;EXXLX, A,ND 11:1-0/Ti' StSTICE or TIM PEA= Office, 112 Fifth avenue. I.=simmalon pyrOn tO croP= res elory mid cot- Amts. 'Roods Pad .X d 2.4.1, sod all lertM busloomattelarted.to promptly and so- COTTOWDIELLS - CILIVIES I - 11ELL & ANCHOR COTTON 3iTLLS, PrIIBLIROII Itanatww..rs *WAVY ItICOMM *Kt MORT ANCHOR AND MAGNOLIA Sheeting and Batting. IRON. AND STEEL DUQUESNE WORKS. Coleman;Rahm & Co., 114 . )N, NAILS. STEEL, • A.xels • a licl SApriligs. .DrquEsNE. L X ANP4UNIATA GUARDBAND IRON. Dtt IG As E.AutteIPPXR DARN. ;VONA DS TWANLII:!VUIati AMID' T ETI SPDIND,PLOW AND CL7LTIVATIGI STINK' ,ITICILL WINGS AND MOULDS; cut An . inatani _ It&SSTNEI. SII A PIING. A II wr end.: COACH. BUGGY and W At:ON aPIIIMIn anu A.FLAS. . CDT.NAII.9 AND SPIKES. All Goods First Class and Warranted ..O_S:lll" . tig ANT! tL'ORKSI- - -18th street and All — t ag 77 ! ,, ter PlUsbursh. 11A1{11: . & PARKIN I= WM. METCALF, --- REUBEN 3111,1„ER, W. BARR. PARICU. SPKCIAI. PAITTNLII-8. M. KIZR. - Crescent Steel Works MILLER, BARR PARKIN, OFFICE: No. :EIO Liberty Street, 133:13 = Pittsburjh Steel Works, ESTABLISHED IN 1845. ANDERSON k WOODS, I=l Best. Refined Cast Steel OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. ALSO. • Berl Refined German Plow & Spring Steel CORNER ROSS AND. FIRST AVF.NUE au. burgh. INt. lG:on P1178131 - TRCi-H Novelty Work s. FOUNDED h..D. 1533. 31()011111:,A I), .A t)AMS K. CO, tan'kt=i;"iI.K.MITNiN,ULIiTAPAIF"Ir -B€l_4l,ES. • Janni Fared rated Door Lock , . and Ihteber Paha sad Coffee Mina. he. Corner of FIRS'r A VENUE and GRANT STS. Plttaborga;Pa. Sheffield Steel 'AVorks. NGEII, NIMICK & CO., = Manufacturers of every doscriptlon of Cast and German Steel, R-A ga r Tg.'B:VPLATvoinc SPRING% 876/CL TIR). WA REFIOIIII6-83 Waterand 100 Flna rtreeta BLACK. DIA46ND STEEL - WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Manufoeturors of ail Deseriptiorm of TEEL, OFFICE and WARSIIIMUUE,-30th. 31st and Railroad streets, Pittsburgh. STOVES, CASTINGS, duo MIMt!I Get the Best! BISSELL • & CO'S TRIUMPH, For Bituminous Coal Warranted to coon, BAKE or R6ASi . I.I wed at any other Store In the Llolon. BISSELL & CO., No. 235 Liberty Street. ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR .14ALE PARLOR srovr.s. STOV E 4 . ORATE FRONTS. • FT-NORMA COOKING RANGES, Itd: • GRAFF, HUGUS Si CO ,, Moonforturers of every varioty of STOVES, Boston Cooking Range "THE FIERY FURNACE" FOR WARMING BURMINOS. LEL NMONTaU t pli (1101[410 PTOI:E, VAN'S thscisinodi PuttensMltTifit i t s. UN MANTLE/1, VV.ELLAIANII REPLEC St ATM true from dirt and dust; GRATIS TP. ENDFIR. pu. 206 and 208 Liberty. Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. A.BRADLEY&CO. No. 30 Wood Street. Manufacturers of thetpreatest Variety of COOE. PA NEON and HEATING STOVES to be found. l i P aillfrug7l7ll4l ' Vrt e m r og . :lL . gr n .m: Hon of our Moms la such that my one le want of trai ' l. "4 'll of dta u allesTfirl b liti n i 'n t eitit t" crsit " . ' ilg: noble as well eoonomical. Would 0011 particular attention to our new VOLCANO ()VE , for elturches,halls and mores. over 300 sold In three months. Intended for with or without midair. All who ham used thetismonounce them superior to any other and for cheaper. trod for Catalogue and Price Met. W:rt7 ... qM!37 Oscirl.Lamm&Co MANUFACTIIR,F3I.9 OF CONNELLSVILLE COKE, ITEMZEI Youghiogheny and Anthracite \Cos PITTSBURGH. PA.. OFFICE : 8008 No. 5, Casette Building WON/an lnPbttnßT solleitaL agEtv \l4 . COAL! • COAL! YOUGMOGIIENY GAS COAL CO. Thus Company MY tIOR prepared to (=dab the best Coal of until*, or Opaatlty. A.T.S.AIII RATE* OMNI sad Yard adlidelng the Camel's - Wl° Rail.' road: Depot. foot of Try Street, Pitteburgb. Orden addreend to either Ulan. Wen Newton. Pb., or to Yard, toll be promptly attended to. P. OTIERS, Secretary. .ChatleA . H. Annstrong, • . DEALER. LaT Youghiogheny and Connellmille Coal; And Manufactimer of • COAL, SLACK AND DERTLPLIDDLZED COL OFFICE AND TARO. center Antler and Morton stmts. Liberty and Omer streets, Numb mardj lam Second street, EMMA wird, and au lout to.. street, P. A C. ft. R. DePot. nomad .04- Orde lett at eitAer of the: atom Mem, neeetya drawl „ to too through Pitunutub P. 0., mit ad- Prompt atteution.' Defer to whom I am roDnlVlnr 3 ,-s ccumi .......lWmtch ; B e .orEl. :o 4B .. tev :T= Vetro .. o ur ft n , K. Cod. N. Lyon Cm. y= ra l ltiritgiiiggireran.o6l Valley IL _ COAL ! COIL!! COAL.!•!! • • DICKSON, STEWART & CO., • Rityhtgramored their 0111 a to No. 567 ..Libo - rt3- • Street', • a..(o.,co,o.ranii ) siemm nook ti - MM i ArT'lT&Wcfoleiifi c liANYra AL t o ~rtenNft utLatre~a.ariddrc~este them UOtottb the MILO. VW be attended to PloloOßT. CEMENT. -100 bills, Louisville fly &mall. Cement, the best In use. 'For by jitranaligic 'RAELROAI . 3B A.ENNSILVANIA CENTRAL RAIIO . ROAD.-00 and after a ri a 11 P. W., Runday, MAT Ist 1200. ?minsalt u - rtre at and depart from the Enlon Depot. corner of Wu/s -in/b. and Liberty streets, as follows: Anitfri. I REPAID . . Mall Train....: 1:30 00•Scrothern ex.. IC i i Similar 113 . 1.4 arcieraeloc Ex.... • : cm Wall's No. 1.. 11. II am iTall's No. 1.. : m BricOn AcNo.li 7, OAM Mall Train h< hi