The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 06, 1870, Image 1

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• PrALl.4llltli or
PENNI.IAN, 11E11) k, \ CO.j
f.:oruer, Sixth Are. owl titnitlikleil Sit
r. R. rEsNimix, :mum 41N*
n. mall. per TM
Delivenctrby akAtei, ger *tit
% 1.1 011 N % in eerlted by_itireielinriee.
Tim •'. heat . fields of . L *nerttel look
("nor,. in rood tong r. dy kick {tense
411,1 y well,
. a .
' . CFA*Lot: pelt oldet. Atteen OrJuinty.han
I....,,re,r4tablinhill. -
' Tit.eonta frent Bedford 'cod ty "Trak of
\ of iron. . _ '
i . I % ..ip c Er PA9 , olsq., in hil, t• tikilio.t.,
ail lit..lo.:(4‘^end malty. i: •
A IMMITEEN mend pair of •
tnniohrd ltoteseville on the 2nd.
A t it", nt. 4 4ltipg.looAdrdn use drop
ped in Soldeiret , ' &rarity T. ~w eek.
Tn E. wheat crop looke badly l Mercer..
hat oilier mover% ore enoottraintf. •
TIIE biFf .lil well in .Inneirong Avon,
pa ;:tid bn* daily, with trouts and rope !till
'It L III°I , f .. ! ..'iilr!i .: l; li f 1
Tflt,:p oor li. of (ravrfarr taking a
• warn) interest-in ‘ lite,pTo a:1 canal.rail.
rora. - ! ' ' , •••• 1.. • c • I
No eflorte bar, teen Made tu.sted.4llo /
Ilend.oht Ind of big arid! at Itrady'e
Tna: non rolling mill. at Wheatland,
Ntercrr ountr , in bolng rapidly:llll4lml to
'fate ltepuliliciona tat 'llenver mintly
hold their primary electionti on Saturday,
the :Nth inst.
011/..1N " ; '.the $Ol9
14telt nt TituNville
11ewitt racily,
. ,
Mann lion; ti. w
Mpimait fn[ congres
alonal nomination.
THE; ilia &aneroid branch Tail
read is finished, and lie =permanent lona
lion in noir looked for,
Tit fineilt.charchA2 bfretrio,county is
thstY ,bulk bir file tlainarchael )Presbyte
rians and Just 'dedicated.
. 4 ;MOS will be rartningfrota !..Nfonsfield to
E^ififf's will, on the Chortien, Valley
lhal•cood by thu first of October. •
Tar: first victim to the newaledical law
of the Stole was arrested at Erie the other
day, for doctoring without a license.
A : , t.tx in Center county, fire feet nine
inches tall, twa kirk ow , foot . wren - feet
seven itichek high 'while standing oiPthe
rowrorrici has ben establisbed near
(lei - eville, Washington count y, and named
Boiselly, in hopor'of the Reperserqatiye lu
rongTeßi. t E i
• • .
Lh •
1. P. 'fiaß;" of rtopewell lorwriship,
Las been appointed Colleetor of. Internal
Revenue, in Weehingion comity, rye J. E.
Bell, resigned.
S'yT. XiTtErta' college, at I,tatrabc,lield its
Ma *y, ott ekbeedir My( Ceceliti
O'Donnerlt ?F
Donnell, of Butler; was the charming
. queen of the occasion.
TEE explosion olit boiler in a steam new
mill near tlarland,on the.2lith nit, killed
Curtis McCandless, and two other men
- were,lnjored, not fatally.
Tug truck on the Jameetown and Frank
. lin linihead is laid *linnet a mile above
Reno: The. work on the tunnel in Alpo
fast approeflaitt . g cpinpletiet. ,
;frig tit:lanolin ;420.4 'AI toonst.hits been
on lire, presenting a terrible aeons. Some
timber, wood, charcoal and a vast amount
of luelkeberriee. are deatroyed.
Enron], open v neill vote on the tlltb
inst. entice question whether their
how. «ballot shall not be gold: If cold
nen- and more Knit:thin hnilding - will I.
aruu:e-Fh'nczer,~ Indiana.
e - fteltVii: A. MiNulo,.tice Johti Hilbert,
..iestypted ; -Nay Veoango-county; - Miss
"moo viee Misciennie Tem-
Thu. -primary electionsof tl Republi
cans of Cambria county will be Weld to
morrow. Tim • convention •to nominate.
candidates for Congress and county offices
Will be held on Monday. -
TILL Penneylmnia. Central Railroad
l'rmianytookimesessiori of the Erie and
-Pittsburgh 'Railroad on last Morality, hav
ing lensed the and for the term of ninety
ohm years from that day...
YOrnc DlLL'al:nrictial_two yearn ago
in dui Weadnumland Court of killing n
man In Urrrnab . altit; and arattOntall to the
rrnitentiary for a term of years, has been
pardoned tyr the Dovernor.
Tut: great Credit !daffier ease conies:
up. on appeali befit/etAA itinpretne Court
at Ilamsburg on the 10th. Also, the..
- fish!' catty against the Pennsylvania flail
wed. for neglect i fig to provide fittli.wiVni on
the Juniata.
ON fl a fi7tll nib. kir.. John. R. Hoover
Area drawn Snit, the.' bidl:Wheef, at Hood
fellow's rave mill. two miles south of Kit
taring, and killed, with licoriblitsmutila
lions—tile - second accident of the kind in
that neighborhood within two years.
ON Wednesday afternoon a little girl
about two and a Leif years old; a daugh
ter of Henry Miller, of Venting° City,
was burned to death. Hite was playing
with some shayings and net thou}., on fire.
The fire,eanght her elothits, bunting her
so severely that elm died in two or three
SATURDAY. 1164 1/110' 1:01170ell voted in
lireene county. The Warneeburg . Repoe-,
insry claim that Sant Warfleld NMI the
first colored man to rote in Pennsylcania.
,(iutis -not. i-The Democracy
. egone time
ago got a eislaresi prisoner out of jail to
vote with thorn in thits city.
Two men, one named Powers and the
other Mock; were drowned inlfttle Stunt"-
creek, in the vicinity of Clark:down, Ly•
coming county, on Monday of\ last week.
They were twinged in driving logs, and
were in a entail bout. The Almon wan
veryl?hcli, and by. !Fine mean, Jito , boat
irin .
'• I •
02i Thursday of last week, Mrs. Mary
gamey, of Minermilie. Huntingdon conm
ty, swallowed a half ounce of laudanum.
from the effects of which she died on the
following morning. The unfortunate wo.
man bad been drinking. and when she
_swallowed the laudanum was no muchin
toxicatcd that she did nOt knoW what she
was doing. • • , : • ,
. Tot: following weights are established
be law in this Stale:' Potatoes, by act 'af
March' 23, 1865, 10 lbs.: Wheat, act'of
March 10.1818, 60 lbs. nye ■nd COM. act
of April 10, 1815. 56 lbw, -Bailey, sec of
_March 10,1818, 47 lbs.; Buckwheat. ad of
March 10:1818, 48 lbs.; Oats; act of April
13, 1859, 30 lbs. elorerseed, act of Mareh
22. IBZO. 00 lbs.; ,Timothy seed, by custom
44 lbs.
1 1 .0
liere and there about the street emirs
and around the doors of tams ,of amuse
ment con-will see a lot of urchins, some
of thein decently chid and presenting a re
ar, ctablo appearance, who are engaged in
Locrting their tnanhond be puffing away
at execrable cigars. it in fair to tiresome
that their soxions wanness are not Aware
of the foul habits their' darling bops pick
up cunt practice .outaide of the parental
roof; bat for their benefit thew should
know that it la stated that a French ph,
alarm has investigated the effect of amok.
log on thirty-eight to bet Ween .the
vein( 'linseed fifteen, who were saldicted
to the habit. "TwentY-Heeen presented
distinct amptoms ornicotine poison. in
twenty -tiro there were serious uhf Orders of
the circulation, indigestion, dullness of in
tellect, and a marked, appetite .for strong
•drinks. • In three therewas heart offeetiON
In eight decided deterioration Of the blood;
in twelre there was frequent cOtoxls; ten
had disturbed slip; and four had ulcers-
Hon of the omen membrane of the
mouth." it in easy. then, tow how the
ranke of the dr:intents anticilireolute"men
about totreare recruited, when there are
so many boys in training for delirium tre
mens and all the, horrors ordlasirsition.
—4,e;riarak CuurierJenrnal. ' •
Tar. heivleet hill atom for yeans l iialted
Cleburne, Texas, on the 10Ih. f3onte of the
'Mee were as large ma hen - eg,p, and
ante with eueh forte ea to break through
the moth of houses Neu_ ly the wed.
exposed to the hall were Med. ".
Iv many mantles of Mari
1k Nam& `are being . closed
tan& to lay the Bath% of
.~:, ...,. t: ~ X14=~~~9
71141 I t • t
I, o t ,
1V 111 LW-
Ac ( v
<4 e it ,
,IN 1786.
trop failed thin yenr.
T 111: future Mtn. Ole Bull Is now Mine
hilt. Iret 7 n nt work
111 (Incitinati.
lio‘vrtaiiriit in •:reinninirticiing'
Furl Summer.
. N. 11., hoo allow drifts
twele fort deep.
.1011 N Hamm]Am's latent play is eolk4
"klinitle's Lurk."
3 UnTIN . MtVAIITII it will take big huutly
altmotl on the 18th.
.7o 't %RV. Venitinn lad—Put out his
A stta Of cue of the Sinlinlit• t 1011(0
iiVtin in
SHAD am larger-more 11111111,NOt and
more limy than usual this year.
NONE but Bostonian. - WM ran limit,lly
grind, haud.orgins in ibtuton streets.
Tut: poetical name given to the Presi
dent by the Sioux savages is Smoke Cloud.
Tim 7danlitis of Salisbury in said to be
a lending character in Dlsmeli's Lothair.
expects by meansnflift_court
house to mit do Richmond in the calamity
A Lrrn,E Ohio girl trinted to see hose.
sirychnlne tasted, and found out. Slta Is
now no mom..
A.N• experinnent with Ilia neighbor'. lwe
tire has tenninatea the career of an nil.
Atclndiana man hes just shot
nHri tlve.treeka of marriage. Ae
eituldn't,ntand grief.
litt.ttAN - roN, S.• W. has slm- drifts
twelve feet deep, yet the people are mod
em. and. Illuminating alanut it.
- A uktottit usin. in Misaissippi broke
from the alterifl and last
tho river.
lie witirliotAiliFe - at last acrotinta.
4 t
• TORIV AV ROBBERS are active, end their
' 'vial : branch of tridnatr,- in. Nourishing
•11 ily in the neighborhood of fltnibers.
burg. •
Timm is danger if we hate many more
cheap morning journal, that emote of them
;will become two cents-orious.—..,Thr York
Tae Ikadon 7'm/retire predicts that
Grant will be reuleeted, and that thin year
thare will be, number earthquake in Cali
BENJAMIN N. €.l...ter had *5,000 worth
of bonds stolen from him while standing
in Verniileo & Co.'s office in Now York on
Tuesday. 7 . .
AN . Indiana lady got tired of waiting
for her divorce, and .went beyond the
mach of connubial,bondo by loran. of a
drive of morphia.
ONE of rho Mom:eal regiments gaard
irig the frontier against the bloody Feni
one, you know, numbers thirteen officers
and eight privates. .
PHILADELPIILt will cool• herself - off
with 350,000 tons of ice this summer.
New York will require nearly three times
that amount to apprise her thirst. •
A alit, at Annapolis, Crawford county,
Illinois, made twenty-two attempts to burn
doeter'ii house Inat;sreei. It is supposed.
she had.soniething against the doctor.
On. Mcroeu, of 'Princeton, in a recent
levure In 'Boston, .poke of "the declining
age, of Puritanism; when its life had
withered and only its bare .talks were left. -
A 31i - cult:AN couple who had been mar
ried nineteen years arredivnrced recently:t
but quickly repented, and four hours 'fakir
Oalledon a clergyman and were made one•'
-A it , CM , Indrkt Iturlitwton, lowa, went
to church tind forge., herwaterfrill,learing:.
it in the windnw, mud when 'the returned
she fumed ■ little bluebird aittlngln It on
two eggs.
TEEM: lx a Movement in. Berlin to limit
the right of publishers in the copyrights
of literary works, when a certain number
of vears after the death of the author
shrill have panned.
. THE burnink turmoils in lhn neighber
hood . of Altoona are said to Imagined
sight at night. Immense quantieitof tim
ber have been destroyed ind the huckle
-lie,rry trip anniliilatt:d.
Tug first base ball accident' of the
semmu is repelled frutu Carlinville,lll. A
youngster unit ”batted" in the mouth
there one day last week, and is disfigured
,for life in imusequeure.
ONE day lam week Jonathan Allen, of
New Britian, was spreading a plaster for a
mom foot. A man who oared hlm a grudge
.one that way. and Jonathan had to nee
the plaster for his head.
• it 711 said that George Peabody's dona
tion of *MOW to Washington College,
Virginia, will not amount to anything. ae
Virginia will mill refuse to pay ...Om bonds
dontded as she has done since 1836..
Ti,.; main forests have been so well
stripped that not In tree of old growth in to
be Seen in them. The white pine is tr
preserited only by saplings, which will not
be of any service as lumber for years. •
A SPOT on the non has
,just been observ
ed in England, which, it in Pliserted,
eetnabreak in the solar photospere to the
extent of 16.000,000,000 square 'miles or
eight thrust the surface of the terrestrial
Ne:w YORK, before a vrituess 1s ex
amined in Conti, the question Is asked :
"Have you ever been a member of the
City Government ?" If the reply is in the
affirmative.the attorney invariably adds :
•• Step aside. sir." •
Tite: Clearfield Jiturnal says: Within
the past week, extensive fires have been
raging in the forests in various parts of
the country, no doubt, destroying much
vulnable timber. No other damage has
been done, no far we know.
Vr.tanncoro:c courrir is having a lively
contest, just now, because the schools
were closed on good Friday—the new
State holiday. T9tl horrible crime is
severely reprimanded by critics out that.
way who look upon it with holy horror.
• GOOD It KIN pi for the ladies--Oloves, it is
said. will be very cli.p in the fall. The
Paris market in ovendocked, and the
Italian gloves are rapidly gaining favor,
nOthlorigh they , do net wear as well as the
French gloven, and the kid it not no ftne.
A St•euaertox is wade by an English
druggist in relation to the dispensing of
poisonous substance. Ho
. proposes that,
In addition to the word "plosion' the labels
should. hare printed on their margins the
,appmpriatts antidotes of each CUSS of; poi.
TUE Pompelian palace, built by Prince
Napoleon in the Avenue Montaigne, Paris,
is again offered for mile, at the upset price
of 720,000 francs. The ground on which
it stands, a surface of four thonsand nine
hundred meters, is said to be worth a
larger sum.
SEVERAL seizures of goods for unpaid
customs 'aro advertised at Pensacola.
Among them are f . abetilt two thousand
segars, one cask; partially filled with Cuba
mm; and three rases of whisky, Imparted
in a Norwegian ship, and declared to be
'excessive sea stores.' " .
A PHI:SM.\ N" Secretary, now in Constan
tinople' vibes: - .There is nothing to do,
no one to speak to: if you go out, you toilet
go like a gouty cripple, in a sedartelieir,
anti you are awakened every morning, at
5: o'clock by a fireman, who comes to re
port that 'the house is not on flro yet r
A MITTEIt in the Prosideico Journal
discoursing of frogs, says the bark of a
deg can be heard at the distance of eigh
teen hundred Santo; the voice of man at
a thousand yards, and the croak of a frog
at tithe' hundred. 'Taking the difference
of size into consideration, the. frog like
altogether the best lungs.
In.the German cities, the afternoon con
cert is as much an institution as dinner.
Whole families look for their afternoon
music an antiounly as they look for the
promenade. Music Is one of the best of
the means of relaxation from toil, and in
the Mermen cities it is regarded an a daily,
necessity rather than ne a fashionable en
Tim Chicago Tribune says a new frame
building on Yet Randolph • street fell
down recently, burying three or four per ln `its tlllns.'
was no wind
blowing at the, time, and no assignable
cause for Its falling. It was evidently one
of those dispensations of Providence where
LIM law of gravitation and the &mane of
tor — ttit t .
the arelliteet were working at erne,* pur
',oes in a niyairrioua manner.
A FLAIONI. catubtroplie recently (wenn,'
in the works id illy Uhl+ l‘finnfacturing.
Coattail* . at Ft. (idea, in the 'envimus of
Brunnels, bylltr elplomion of a boiler in
the drying-bonne, Nearly- twenty into
and women .were killed or frightfully
sealded hr the steam, and eight had ith
ready died at tliJ moment of the last al,
comas. The factory wan at the name time
set on lire, and the building was entirely
destroyed. .
TIUNiTY I. 4 ISr,LEGE, C'andwidge, has led
the way in the restoration of the ancient
English and prevent continental-mde of
pronouncing Latin. .The clang, in the
sounds of the viiivels was one of those made
at the Reformation,And it ban made En
glish Latin unintelligible loan the rent of
the world. Sow-, England in going back in
t his and ot hex mat tern, to the older fashion.
which has been adopted at King's College,
and will soon become unhorsed.
• A comteNteNTlON from Carlstadt,. states
that the speech pronotmesil hy the
Duke of Baden for the clove of, the Cham
bers, se, redolent of affectionate regard .
for Prussia and North (lennany, tipper
to have pnylneed iu that Duchy an effect
diametrically opposed to wlud WAN expect
ed by the illustrious speaker. Sitice the
day on dutch - it was - delivervd, popular
mertiturs had ben. held, at all of which
the will of the people to defend the au
tummy of tho country was unanimously
proclaimed. - •
THE Philadelphia Larger e•ontains the
following advertisements: -
“A IVoITIRII want. washing. rear of Itnee
atreet; has largo 3 . n0t.”
It is pleasant to know that she kill 8 , 4111
be chile to get free Imam.
".1 Protestant girl wants n place as cham
bermaid. th e or,conntry; ate. • cook."
thin wotdd-he mere definite If the Pro.
testant girl had stated what she wanted
with n cook. •
Thenext astonishes by its frankness and
NVIIIIIII the unwary:
eAerican want s a situation as keepe r tor a widower; can give reference. Ad
dress Gertrude, Ledger °nice."
In the following we see a delicate' con
feesion of personal crudity made by one
who hint attained sears of ditscretiMs.
"A middle aged woman wants cooking.
The next prefers private to public baths.
"Wanted, a wash Cl home or to KO 00 by the
.1•14 g Baltimore American of the 2d
saidt • That• great'. bagbeir,ellualitY , ln the
city ears, which has been gnawing at the
thurekiuned objectlontra certain persona,
who have declared that they would rather
walk (nun one end of thin city to the other
Ilion ride inn city car' with a colored per
son, %rat, yesterday introduced-in Balti
more, and to the utter astonishment of
those he resin., who predicted that the cars
RI apart for the colored persons would be
run without passengers, they yesterday
traversed our streets with about the same
gnats of passengers an were wont to pat
ronize them before the words "Colored
persons admitted into this car." were pia.
carded. The truth is, that a sensible lady
or gentleman who cares to ride in the
cars carnal but little who compose the pan
senger list, no long as mid passengers ob
serve that decorum which should pert - ails
all gatherings.
AMON,. the Cossacks of the Ukraine
leap year is eterunl. • When a young we
man-feels a temlor passion for a young.
man Idle seeks him at the residence of his
patents, and addressee hint as if:4mile
"Thp waviness I see Written in yenta euttli
tenants, is n sufficient assurnnee tome that
you are-capable of ruling anti loving a
-wife, and Tour excellent' flunkies encour
agetue to hope that yon will Make a good
husband. It is in this belief that I havo
taken the resolution to mite amert.g you,
with all due lutinility, to at-rept - me for
your spouse. - She then addressees the
halter and mother. anti solicits their (sm.
Seel to the tunrringe. if she Meets with
n refusal, she declines to leave the house.
and such conduci is - usually crowned with
Rumens. The parents of the young man
never lint the young maiden away, if she
still persists ht her stay, believing that by
so doing they would Wing down the yen.
geance of heaven upon their heads.
THE Marion, o.,•.4firree tells the follow.
ing minks story: "On the 10th inst., at
Big Island township, in thin connty,on the
farm of Alexander ('am , bell, a great
stink° hunt occurred. The party wan
headed by Captain Jackson Brady; who led
his gallant . company down into the tall
prairie tfrass,atxlsurmuntled a t wentyatTe
lot, set fire on tine-outer edge of the grass
at 4 P.n. The grass burned well, the
flames coiling rep ten feet high, and as ,the
fire advanced the snakes retreated to the
centre, sometimes making liesperrte efforts
apring through the. names,' but the
blaze being too heavy they were killed in
the attempt.. M 7:45 P. Y. the ground
tree burned over, and Captain Brady went
over the field of carnage and picked rip
the debris of the great army of snakes,
and by actual count there wits found 134183
snakes of all sizes. One black racer was
nine feet and four incites long and wren
feet in circumference! This may: be eon:-
sidered a good day's work far this neigh
borhood, as the minken had become no bad
that mull' children were afraid tocgo to
schnel, and they even attacked some adults,
several having been bitten on their hoots,
and it had become a mullion thing for.
fifty or a hundred makes to chase nom,
women and children aerotte this - prnrie.
They were constantly milking the cows,
and therefore interfering With the dairy
business in tint section.
The Tables Taroet:.Allienninno Misninnnry in
,It is an odd revolution iu religiotp af
fair!, by Which a ntiosionary of Brahma
has come to convert the pe ople of England
to Whitt ho believes to be the trait faith.
But thin revolution has begun. Keshub
Chunder Lien in
. the latest se.mintion in
London, and is preaching in that city to
crowded congregations upon the lading
oints of the Braltniinlcal religion. When
thane had subdued Ordecc,)the conqueror)),
were taught iddlosophy and the arta' by
the coniptelvred, and hi like, ninkner it
would appear that hallo: hating breit re
duced to a condition of dependence upon
great Britain, is seeking to imprint her
learning )and her theoloky upon her
Western mtters. • •
Keebub Chunder Ben has tunny advant
ages as a missionary. He speaks the Inn
gnaw, of the nation lie Wines to convert
with ease and propriety. From the ac
counts of his orator,, given in the Leaden
papers we may faint, infer that for grace;
earnestness and flitetter he lathe superior
of the greater nwnlier of ,the English
clergy. ' •
It was long ego mid by intelligent tour
/Ma, and among them Mr.Tuckerman, the
prosentltrudster to Oreece,and.if we Mi..
take not, by the Abbe Hue himself, that
the most learned of. the Clinese theolo
gians often obtained the' victory over the
Christian missionary in- argument, by re
proaching' the enlightened nations of
Christendom with the wars and violence
and widespread licentiousness — which
eighteen centuries of • Biblical 'teachings
had wholly failed to suppress. But that
the priests of the false religious of the
world should go forth to contend with the
Christian Church in enlightened hunts is
surely a striking fact, which .we may not
dismiss as simply ludicrous. •
lienhub (*homier Sea is not without F-u
-mpean co-workers in this new missionary
Movement. A work has 'recently been
published in France, of which Carleton of
this city has just issued an English trans
lotion, entitled, "The Bible in Indio,"
wherein M. Jamilicot &eke to prove , Stet
the sacred Scriptures are but at rode copy
of the %Wee. - The argument aims to es.
tablish that the gospel of Brollies is of
higher antiquity and of inure vital power.
than what the Christian nations believe to
be the wen! of God. The question of the
compote Ova age of these writings (is one
which must be left . to scholars, and is
quite apart from the binding authority
and the saving cflicatrof the Bible. There
neeribc no fear that fhb' holy volume, let
it he excluded or not froni tho:-Mtblic
whoa', bt to be displaced by the lore of
the Babbitts or the - works of Confucius,
but it is not the least remarkable conee
quence of the close commercial relitiono
betertxM the East and West, which Sane
=ale and Pacific milwitys hare brought
about, that the Pundits of India should
sally forth to effect the convendon of
We have Joss henries. irt
shall wee see the tarot Juirgetnant propell
ed by steam in the United States! If so,
we alteald like to nominate ammo of-the
mulleat tietima.
Tito Mayoralty Contest—Proposed Re
ductiOn or Internal Taxes—James
River and Ohio Canal—Medical Cot
- vention—lialance of Trade—Wonteu
InelWeide asiCeitsus Takers—Mrs..
Lincoln's Assets.
tor Totharsett w the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
• WAsHINOTON, May 5, intl.
TILE MAYonALTY coons?.
The Republican Mayoralty Convention met
W-day. Two sets of delegates present- from
the various wards. The Bowen men every in
the majority. The opposing Interest with
andnominated A. C. Richards, present
Chief of r
olice,, fur Mayon., The remaining
delegeterre-nomlnated Mayor Bowen. It Is
undershoot! Richards will decline and his
placebo filled by the neaten( Mathew G. Emory.
alrendy - th tbscileld as a reform candidat . c.
The DeMocrna will Make no nomination. Way,
llichards has aceeptettthe nomination for the
the mayoralty.
In the American Medical Association to lay
the nomenclature of disensecs, prepared by the
Royal CullegC. of Physician, In (OH. woo
adopted. A resolution recommending the
establishment of veterinary schools in States,
and appropriations . . thercior by the. Legis
latures. was adopted. The several medi
cal schools were recommended to estab
lish Chairs of - Psychology for the
treatment of mental diseases. A committee
as appointed to report measures to prevent
the spread of epidemic diseases. Two reports
were made Cram the Committee on Ethics. the
majority rejecting the claim to nests of dele
gates from the Alumni of Georgetown Col
lege.. National Medical Society. Freedmen's
Hoepitai and Smallspox Ilospitah while the
minority give them scats. After a scene of
considerable excitement and confusion, the
minority report was tabled-107 against ea,
and the majority report adopted.
The amount of reduction, of taxes no pro
posed by the bill introduced in •the Senate by
Mr. Sherman is as follows On incomes. 111,-
003.030: sales. te.712.0a1; gross receipts, teI.G.R.-
articles in schedule A.; salaries - of ,
United States emcees, Mr: PasaPerts,
IC . T.CCO: legacies and success 0n5..12,,43.000:
miscellaneous, SWAG: special taxes, except
spirits and tobacco, which includes license
taxes and all taxes en employment, $9,311,000
total $.43,007,000. This will leave the taxes on
the following articles In force: On distilled
Spirits. fermented liquors, tobacco. gas, in
come, at rate of 3 per cent. All stump taxes
or taxes collectable are to he collected by
stamp. ,
The Sehate Committee ' its Commerce' hoe
been discharged at their own request, from
the consideration of the subject of a surrey
for the James River and Ohio Canal. General
Humphrey. chief of engineers, havingteported
that the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad would
probable be speedily completed and serve
military purposes bettertharra meal.
The monthly report from the bureau of !sta
tistics shows the value of ;foreign commodi
ties In warehousesJanuaryMst was abit.674.1.3.'
or g 11,000.000 more than in IMO: the imports
for three months ending that day, specie
.nine, reveonly mixe.s72 In excess of -Im
'General Walker, Superintendentor Census
has informed the United States Marshal of
Southern Ohlo that the two women appointed
Assistant Marshals by htm are ineUlaible and
cannot be accepted by the Deportment.
The rapOrt of the Senate Committee on Ten
sions against the claim of Mrs. Lincoln for a
pension states
her cash assets at WM. be
sides home tutprodoctive real estate.
Tbe trailed Bratet Pharmaceutical Antoci
&ChM accelited Prof. Thomaaaa a delegate
from the Philadelphia Women', Medical
College.. •
The Merariihd Trial—Further Fri
denim for Defenue and Prosecution
By Telegraph to tha Patabargh tiasetia.l
NKR YOKE. May 5,157 U.
. sera:mann SitIAL — Ter.FTS-11ECONt. nay.
On the opening of court this . morning Mr.
Graham. referring to the coo n-czatalitallon
of Juntas Henri Browne, read from Darker's
Commentaries that a man can be cross-exam
ined as to his religious belief. or belief of after
punishment. Mr. Drown had frequently ex
pressed his disbelief In the Deity.
Donald Nicholson, recalled: Received a pack
ago from Richason, wch I think was pis-
tol, on the Mai of Novem hi ber, immediately af
ter the shooting: gave It to JIM!. Fleur'
Drown. '
Mr. Gnat= uueibbout to examine the It
hens further In this strain, but the Recorde
• led It Infolmlselble.
• Melchor P. Mu . nn testified: I remember
hen McFarland saa in my house. Never
NV him drunk. Wand his wife appeared to
very haPPY. I did net receive:the night
key from Browne: be rather refused to give it
tome: thin was before the first shooting.
Dennis Shay recalled—Was In court when
Howell was examined. Howell said to MeV.
that if he (Rowell, was In McFarland's place.
he would shoot Richardson. This ono in De
cember. I&iT.
Mr. ham woe about to examine the wit
ness the meeting of McFarland and Rich
ardson he Adtor House, which Browne
:f thi=nn w c i r.
which wax intended to prove that McFarland
merelk went in
there on business—to serve n
commons on Richardson.
Isaac G. Reed journalist, testified: Write for
the Trflounc and Day's Delays. Met Horace
Greeley• five or nix thorn. Had an interview
with him immediately after the occurrence on
the nth November. Published ft within four
honrs of the meeting. Used in many cases the
exact words, and always as near as possible.
to many eases I modified the language, and
when Greeler used "God damn." I simply put
down Vain?' out of respect to - him. 31r.
Greeley used that language. This was to the
siraha m xth paragraph from the report read by Mr
Fits Hugh Ludlow. recalleei.-I had a conver
sation with McFarland. Told him I would
have-have been able to get some articles In the and Moor Jourmd if he had sent me. a
ticket for the reading at Steinway MIL given
by Hrs. McFarland. He told be did not wish
any.o( hisliionde to know of It, sad regretted
oh...should leave the sanctity of her home.. Ho
also said he did not consent to her going on the
stage. hut at the earnest request of some of
her friends. McFarland brought me an article
which I retouched and gave him ; It was after
wards publishortin the Echtcoftomil Monthly.
William' D. Norton t hat d.- and
Mrs.said he would sho Richardson and
Mrs. McFarland. while In -Blnelalr's house, oc
cupied rooms only separated by a curtain. and
Mrs. McFarland brought him In his meals In
bed, and made up his bed. •
Se Court excluded this testimony.. on the
ground nd that it would oblige a rebuttal by the
p eentlon: being new testimony - . •
e ir
Court took a recessand onreassenibling
Au as J. Cummings testified: In a converse-
tin with Junius Henri Itrow.—he told .me
R ardson would have shot McFarland, only
he as afraid he would hurt some body else
int he Trams once.
Q. Did yo u. .u. afte r the first shooting , hare a
conversation with Ricterthion, when he said
- he woe prepared for McFarland/
Much argument arose in regent to the ad
missibility of this testimony, Mr. Graham ar
guing it - was right - that Richardson's 'senti
ments toward the prisoner be mini known to
the jury.
liecorder—l think the question 1 competent
and It must be excluded.
Mr. Wm. McFarland. recalled. t stifled to
he authenticity of certain lette of Mrs.
Mr. Gerry then 'admitted one d led No.
'ember 21st, INN. It commenced ''My Dar-
Wr i llggletti= k g:tP/c&tgf t ing
states how she will dispose of the sum. She
aboutver much affeeted about what them
the mientiderstanding between \
acknowledges herself to be perverse and ob
stinate, and the whole letter replete with ex
,presalcins of affection. Mr.firebam wished to
read another letter, showing she did go to her
father's house, not to be a burden to them.
but tor pay. a friendly visit. They /mint .0
Poor-they torrid hardly support themseltes, It
was Scarcely to be topposed they Would sup
port her: ThE court excluded it.
Several other' letters were read from :qrs.
Be" mother of Mrs. McFarland. Including
one dated December it lOW , after the sepam
tion. Inviting McFarland and Percy to visit her.
Dr. Vance. recalled: I have - heard all the ev-
Mere° frtnn the beginning, and have heard
nothing to make me change my oPlnlodlP re
gard to the Insanity of the prisoner.
The defence here rested.
For the prosemitlonThomati F. Holden testi
fied: Am n son-In-law of Mr. Gilbert. Was in
his house in August, tiN. Never saw Mrs.
McFarland mail at Richardson'. bedside.
While in Gilbert's I was obliged to walk on
' Wheelsrright Gilbert tebtilled: Weis ca m e
home all last summer. Mrs. McFarland
to my house, for the drat tine know of. a few
days before the tria. •
lluttli R. Glibtrt testiliedr Was home dur
ing the entire mouth or Auynst. Mrs McFar
land mune to the house In July. I wote along
beard at the time.
Court adjourned.
' River Disaster—drearner Kenton gent:
(Hy Telegraph to the Plusbersh duetted
CmcdoraTt. May Private dlSPatere.
state that the steamer Kenton .
cadgeunk .01.-
Ne eras tt! thhtr;
i m e n .4 ., ,
bay loss. II . 8
u m r l . ll . 7l it 'ere for
load of anclanatt produce. Ko five! I
ton. o_,liiratlon Convention at' s.
.tourn.ed yesterday. The!
measures for establishing* , European I
and mntgra_tion steamship line, for the
Lion of,..doutration society, with a I.
tmreau Larileston, and, for the Introdit
of Chinese labor Into I..•Eties of the •
where it can be used with advantage.
FRIDAY, MAY 6. 1870
o mem bE8810,..)
SENATE: Mrs. 'Uncoils% Pension—
Final Adjournment Discussed—Osaga
Indian Landn7lneffectual Attempt
to Consider the Franking Pr! v Ilege
Bill. HOUSE: Civil Serviee Bill
Discussed aid laid Asidi—Para
gmlytto Investigation—Northern Pa-
cifte Railroad—Adjournment to MOP
MY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Queue.) •
WialtraoTON, May 5. 1510.
)Ir...ED3itiNDS4ltted the elennte bill to
grout a pension Lincoln; with the re
commendation that it be indefinitely postpon
ed. The bill was sectitnpanied Nvith a report
which was ordered to be printed.
Mr. DRAKE repotted n substnate for the
bill to promote the !Wearing of efficlein smtaten
for the nary.
Mr. VlClhtli repotted adverblt the MI
to regulat ehe Importation or inudgrunto un
der labor contracts. ; ;
1 . . ..
Mr. M ; DoNA LD riftaried, with amendments.
tho bill authorlaing naafi steamship crevice be
tween New °fleapit and certain i.orts in
Mexico. . .
. 7 4 plorted, without mimed
meat, the joint re ;Mien anthoriaing the See
retail- of War to establish weather Ranges and
hare daily observations road° along the Mis
sissippi ricer and principal tributaries.
The Mouse resolution for fillni adjournment
on the Rh of July wax taken up.
. A motion to refer to' , Vlnance Connuittee was
-lost—yens It, nays 31.
Th . e resolution was. diteussed without ne
lion until thi expiration of the morning hour.
The HOW. 01I2ge /OW land hill ClllllO LIP
In order.
Mr. BIORIII LL, of Maine, moved to take up
the legislative, executive and judicial stoop,
priation bill.
Mr. Enmrgus made on Ineffectual effort to
get up the bill to enforce the Fifteenth Amend
?tr. HOWEargued•the franking bill should
take precedence. and Severaltienaturs insisted
upon edherineto
an 'alleged understanding on
the previous as to take up Hr..MorrilFs bill.
The Osage Indian land hill was then pro
ceeded with, the onesstion beteg on the amend
ment of, Mr. Itoss to take the land. from the.
Indians at twenty centrals acre. and give them
to certain railroads lb Kansas nt specified
sums, giving settler. On the reservation the
right triAmrehase one burnired and sixty acres
each at 1,25 an acre,
Mr. M NEILL, of:Maine, spoke against the
hill. the passage of - Which ho said would 10. a
legislative scandal. He moved to recommit
the hill, with instructions totreport a hill for
the removal of the Oaageledians to the Indian
Territory, and the sale of their reservation
for cosh, as other public lands were disposed
The hill woe laid aside without action.
The bill to abolish the franking privilege
came Mit tb A e lt'l l tm i Ver i.t er imss over the bill
in order to take up the next special order, the
bill tu ensoree the fifteenth amendment. •
nod the yeas end nays,
which were ordered nod the motion lost—yeas.
?a, nays 3).
Mr. MORRILL. of Verna' oat, moved to pens
over the present• business, and proceed with
the legisletive .approgrelatlcrn bill. Carried-2U
Mr. PAINE. from Committee on Elections.
reported n bill navigating compensation In
caseaorconteatell elections. •Ite-committed.
. The House then went into business of the
morning hour, being the bill to regulate the
cllvti aerrice.
After me . c e trs m e o gainst the bill by Messrs.
KELSEY ntor r entyTh i e M ar s igibe
table. Negatived—yeas 43, nay. 101.
The discussion continued by Mr. RENTON,
In opposition to the bill: -
Amendments were offered by Mr. ARNELL,
providing that the hilt abaft apply without di.
tinctlon as to sex; by Mr. DIUGHRIDOE,
looking . to equal proportien of Mikes sarong
Plate,, and by M. O'NEILL. to strike out the
payment of fees for examination and certifi
The bill and amendements were then, on
Mr. Jencke's mothm.retotroultted end order
ed prated.
Mr. OAL from Committee on Foreign Af
fair,. made a report In the matter of the Parn
deny Investigation, analfe turtle. he would
cad it up for action ore n posathle. •
.4 tics of the mi
nority as reported by Meaary. Swarm and WU
land, and stated he concurred with come of the
rewlut lona reported by the majority and mi
lority, but did not think then. Was anything
n the record calling for. any action by the
he Sena amendment to the House bill
lim T iting the te
appointment Of ce rt ain °given of
the Treasury Department lens concurred
Senate bill to establish an additional laud
district In Kansas rens passed-
Senate bill authorising the Northern Pacific
Itailro.4 to issue Its bonds for, the construc
tion of the road. and to secure the stole by
mortgage coming up,
Mr. WHEELER moved to
_put the bill on Ito
passage,_ and addressed the House In advocacy
of It.
Mr. HAWLEY proposed to offer nit amend
tnent requiring all the land .genoted to the
company to be sold to aetnal Rattlers only,
nod In quantities not greater than one hun
dred and slaty acres to any one person, And
for n prier not exceeding Inc per acre. nod
made an argument In support of that proposi
Mr. WILSON. 'of Minnesota, opposed the
amendment, and denounced the hill and land
grant system as wrong in principle and an out
rage on tux payers. Thia road had already
received 4.1010.011) ocean of public land, and this
bill propoaed to give it 2 . ...=ol)triore. He on.
posed. however, It would be passed.
thought he taw in that provision of It w hi ch
required American rails to be used in the rued
cornbination between land speculator. and
hlgirprotectionista, and he intimated that Mr.
Weteler, chairman of the Puler Railroad
Committee, had In his other rapacity, ns choir
nine of the Committer of the Whole on the
Tariff bill. lent his aid to that combination. •
After flintier discussion 'Mr. WHEELER de
manded the previous question, which was-sec
onded—al 50—excludIng.g.11 amendments.
Mr. STILES moved to lay the hill on the ta
ble. Negatived , -yeas Ss, naysti.l.
Motions to adjunrn and to reconsider the
vole ordering the main question were made
and negatived by yeas nod nays.
Dilators.. proreedings were continued there
after until when by vote of 70 to GT the
House adjourned to Monday.
—The customs receipts last week amounted
tm thatidilth
• .
--The survey of tbe National Railroad route,
across New Jersey: has been commenced.
—Rodolphe. thampion - hillianlist, got nail-
Torte (ruin hie wife at Chicago, yesterday.
—Senator Revels delivered a lecture at Wor
cester. Mass., last evening to a large audience
-- A convention met at Wilmington, yester
day, to organize n "White Man's Party" In
Weldekled, of the - Thin of Hahn Sr
• Weldeklnd.'of Ashland. Ohio, hung hltmelf in
a barn Tuesday.
• — The Third Anny Corp"' held thelranaual
re-union at Huston yesterday. There 'was a
good attendanee.
—The steamers Australia, from Glasgow anti
Queens k
town. and City of Manchester , arrived
nt New Yor yesterday. •
The grand hotel at Jan Francisco, costing
jaraooo, has been opened. It oecuples.the
greater portion of tiro blocks.
—Herman H. Weimer. tiny-wren 3 - eare of
age. hung himself at St. Louis yesterday.
Domeatle trouble bla affliction.
—A fire at Quing - o., ; vesterdny, destroyed
riti=ln lamp. la n il i slaty i lli n . "
—A man, supposed to be Capt. IV, J. Stew
art, of Piqua. Ohio. Jumped into the river at
Chicago, wednesdar Michtotad was drowned.
—The latest intelligence tram different por
tions of California confirm thelears ofs short
crop. The drought is more serious - then for
annoy Tears.
—Passenger. from San Francisco arrived ut
Sten• York yesterday in six days and twenty
three hours, the quickest time yet made across
the continent.
—Officers of the Union l'acifie Railroad Com
pany state there Is no troth In the rumor that
traine will stop running under any daunt
stances.whateser. •
—A dispatch from Toronto explode. the In
dianapolis balloon sensation. No balloon
started from there on the nth of April for
New York or anywlurre etre.. •
—The venerable Justice Nelson, of their. s.
Supreme Court, la at New York, hearing the
arguments in the ease of Fisk, Jr.. and J.T
Gould against the Union! Pacific Ittliroad
• —On Monday Frank Malphas. merchant at
Red Fork, Ark ., was attacked by Den and Nam
Moore in front of his store. lie defended him-
Bell with no axe, killing Den and mortally
wounding Sam
—The new Nuperintendent of Pollee of New
York cite, Jourdan, has directed his captain.
to make lists of all gambling dens in their pre
cincts, and Will detail patrolmen tq watch
them and ssarrrvictlms from entering.
—Out of a ob.. of seventy applicants for
admission to the bar of the Supreme Court
et the New York City District only thirty
eight were found by the examining committee
sufficiently qualified to entitle them to pnw
—The Loyal Legion milttan' order had a
banquet at Delmonico's; New 'Fork, Wednes
day night. General lleintxelenan, General
fifcldaban, Paraguayan Minister, Colonel Laeg
don, and several other prominent army and
navy officers attended.
r —The relapsing:fever prevallerin the Bed
ford street district, In Philadelphia. Sixteen
persons afflicted with It were rynoved on Wed
nesday. and the name numhafienterdar, to the
tee renox
until pox
atin g hospital infectedjoenli, and the Uon of Health
the tnl
—The second annuli! convention of . the
United States Baggagemasters and Brake
men's Mutual Insurance Association met at
Chicago yesterday. The total number of
roads enlisted to May sth w•as. forte-Ave.
representing six hundred and seventy-live
I rt ti r
it a
• took
e rnnt
in Linn
—Upwardn of three hundred delpodes &rein
nttendnnce at the. Southern Baptist Conven
tion. now in mention at .LoulevUle. -Rev. Dr.
Wall, nalcorgin,•ww• elected president. 11.
resolution. which in effect looked to co
operation. with the Northern brooch of the
hutch. wits lost hp nn orerwhehninit rote.
The . 'Neitement In France-high Court
4/ Justice Convoked roe the Trial of
the Conspirattors—ilautu Suffrage
. in England—Exportation of London
"Ari;bs"—The Ecumenical Council.
[IV Telegraph to the Pittsburgh
Penis. May .5.--The Jowled r.ncirl contalig
It decree convoking the High Court of Justice
for the trial of those recently arrested for Im
plication in the plot against the Emperor.
The, report of 'Minister fancier, preceding
the decree. Shows the existence of a revolu
tionary party, having fur Its object the estati
lishinent tot a democrat iv: and social Republic.
Its weapons are misrepresentation. system
at is outrage. calumny. eineates and assassin:l
-t ions. The new I ibert les. so far trout appeas
ing. increase its frenzy. It seen in them only
facilities for increased organization and
extension of its Influence. Its existence
and purposes are scarcely concealed In Its 11µ-
and in the columns of jot:Gs:lls which
follow Its fortunes._ He exposes its designs
and declares hitnself lit - possession of evidence
sulaclent to prove eriminal-attempt and con
spiracy. He reproduces parts of the speech in
which he annousused the existence of this
party rind told its number. Thu Government
hoped kindness and patience would sittllcelo.
mintier passions which had their rise In other
times, but hr is forced to ladies . ° that ener
getic repression Is the only nicans through
which to re-establish peace nod respect for
lose, without which the Inauguration of free
Institutions would he n fool hanly step. Mince
the appeal to the people had already been de
creed, his find instruction was to delay this
trial. in order .that involentarn evidence
might not seem an electioneering maneu
ver. Rut the revolutioulsta have sought
to -sweep :may by tine crime the reigning
Sovereign and Hie Constitution, which
would he to destroy. with n sure 'blow
the State Itself, and they have resolved to
execute their pitrpese before the Bth of May.
Their plans have for a long time been pre
pared. Under these circumstances. It is our
duty to publicly surrender them to justice.
The number inculpated, the nature and
grarity of the ante and exigencies of pub
lic order. demand the exercise of the powers
of the High Court in the trial arid judgment of
the cause. ..„
Then follows a report of the Procureur
General, thou Mg that In : their public assem
blies ardent revolutloniste had come together
to prepare Insurrection attempts against the
Emperor. The report gives some details of
the conspiracy of February and accuses the
conspirators of having participated In the
eumute which followed the arrest of Roche
fort. and °flossing designed to assassinate the
Emperor by an explosion of nitro glycerine.
.Tho report publishes. for the: purpose of
proving the complicity of the International
Association of Workingmen, a letter from
Voila, President of that. Society, In which he
says the Association should concert for united
action In case of an outbreak. The report then
passes to the new conspiracy and declares that
the confession of Beauty shows that he was
In collusion with Gustave Flourens Ina plot to
assassinate the Emperor. '
A letter is published from Murata to
Beaury. whereto the question of the attempt Is
discussed, also a letter from Beaury to Ballot.
a friend of Flourens, In which he Incites him
is assist at amputations . In Hue de Rivoll.
where there were likely to be wounded men on
the 2lst of April, between the hours of twO and
four o'clock. Another letter from Floury's,
found at the house of Ballot and dated April
29tli, speaks likewise of that affair.
The report then gives an account of the dis
covery of bombs. aad states there might be
another foundry where bombit were manufac
tured. The report announces thearrest of
Ballot. • •
The Procurcur Geneml. flranste . l'erret. pub
lishes In the Journal pfilricl letters containing
evidence of the existing.. of conspiracy.
Among them is the following from Gustave
}lumens. which was found on Beam 7 when
Mu .Dear Frieno: I have duly received your
three letters. • I regret that you have addres
red them by this way and not through Mr.
Smaller, of the New York Trdorne, PI Pall
irtitlfitte ll Anitittril i gaTe
to wait long, and next we shall tee each ether
again in
Purl l
nil will base ended well.
Yon should have received my letter of the 9th.
ioldressed to Piton', In which there in one for
toy friend of Ilank: If he has duly received
it. and if this friend has handed to you, by
Mdme. S., the sum of PM francs. burn the en
closed letter for him, and there is an end of R.
If not, send it to him and act Immediately
the 4011 franca are received. There Is not a
moment to lose.- The men with the patent
might go into the country and all will be de
layed Rot you will succeed. I reckon upo
you and your faithful friends. Only go oat at
night, or in a cab. Take are of the money
and don't be imprudent. Du not fail. If pos
sible. I shall be very soon ot Ports to assist
you once more. I repeat what I 'hove alreadr
said to you, either von ought not to have had
anything to do with it.•or you must be suc
cessful. ISlgnedi l()Carays.
It is reported the Goventment has demand
ed of England the extradition of Gustave,
Flottretis. nn accoont of his complicity In the
plot against the Emperor.
The Sleek explains the situation as follows:
"The Government. asks for the unqualified ap
proval of the past and a rack Manche for the
future." •
Tracex of the conspiracy have been dlecov
ered et 31nrecilica. 'There is much agitation
al Iterlers and troops arc conetently arriving
The bullion in - the bank of France has
creag,d 5.300.00:1 francs during the week.
The earnings of Adelina NW for the NMl'
..ension were 1.000.1100 franca, toatte nothing of
the presents she ho received. trier husband
has contributed 1.50' 0 francs to the funds of the'
plablaritary committee.
13111041001‘. •
I.(matm. 31ny 6: ll lTit...Atßynes deplores the
woman's rights movement In the House of
Commons last evening, and does nol. believe
that the women of England ere nt all In sym
pathy with It.
.A Brussels dispatch toys Archbishop Keis.
rick has on to Naples to finish the molest
against Papal totinfalliy.
"Oupsnloup's reply Archbishop Spaldinft •
in the matter of infallibility. Aril! soon be pub
The Pope has urged that the discussion of
the infallibility question be closed before As
conduit clay. The committee en that subject
in the Ecumenical Connell has promised to pre
sent the revised schema - immediately.
Livenrm.n., May s.—The steamer Scandina
vian, which stilled to-day. took a cargo of
London "Arabs," or street boys. for Osnada,
where the are to he provided with homes.
At the ueen's levee yesterday Hon. Jno.
Joy, Amer con Minister to Australia, was pre
sented to Her Majesty's Goverment.
Offers of free passage In the transports
which are about to sail for 4nada are made td
all dock yard laborers recently discharged.
arid who witch to emigrate.
. The returns of the Dank of England show a
decrenie of .1:12.7400 during the week.
It is reported the Spanish Government, de
ferring to the petitions received from the An
tilles, has suspended action ou the new COP
stltution for l'orto Rico. and win consider no
pr i l re 'si i.A ' u n h f rim r sa th r e s sa t i t= L u a b' ntnior that M.
011ivler will toots exchange the Ministry of
Justice for that of Foreign Affairs. The report
isfrne n credited.
In cdited.
i . the m Commons to-night Mr. Hoarier gave
notice of an Intention of scoring the rejec
tion of the female suffrage hill.
The Chimellorof the Exchequer said he saw
no objection to the mint coining money for
Bolivia, as it now floes.
-• • •
Mr. Otway wild that according to the latest
officinl advice. from Athens. ten of the. Mara
than lalgandn bad been enntured. An inves
tigation into the murders.... proceeding.
Mr. Monsen. under Colonial Secretary, an
nounced the settlement of the Red River dif
HON& May 4.—The Council to-day voted on
the schema relative to the small catechism.
One-tenth of the bishops present voted non'
placer. Among them were the German and
Hungarian blshopa,-who desire to preserve the
catechism of Conislus.
Movimz, May 5.--Tbe :steamer India, tram
New York for Glasgow, bas arrived.
• _
FINANCIAL ARD .comtmEnirim;
Losood,— Eccning—May S.—Consols, money
91, on account MU. American accurttlen are
'55. 88: 'SUL 10-400, NU, Bries
1854. 1111n0m,112. G. w.,W.
F RANKFORT. May 5-United, States boo
quiet at 0 5 %e1P , 51.
PARIK May s—Bourse quiet at 74 W.
LIVERPOOL...May 5. Cotton steady,. mid
dling uplands 10%, OrleanllN4l.l.k; sales 10,000 bales. California white wheat Os Ildalls 7d, red
western No:2oa Od,wlnterSe Itode,BB lid. West
ern flour 20e. Corn. No..' mined o. Oat. at
Oa rd. Barley se. Peas Weed. Park Arm 103 s.
Ilea( 111 a. Lard nulet at 614, Cheese Ws.
Bacon Nis for Cumberland, 624113d!f0r 'Mort rib'
middles. Naval stores non. '
LONDON. May s.—Tallow 4411 3d.. Linseed
firmer at Ole. Linseed all heavy. , •
If AVRE May s.—Cotton quiet at 11.13 on ',pia.
12714 afloat.
Anovr,ne, Mays — Petroleum firm at 53N.
—ln the General Conference of the M. B.
ft arch South, at 'Memphis Bishop Pierce, pre
siding, the standing committee , were anuses
red, and special committees appointed on Or
phan? Home, Revised Hymn Book and Finan
ce. All the Bishops were present. except
Bishop Early, from whom a communication
wonh r,‘,..7tgre:gtqlzt.hatttel:=l4,olarl
epectal committee of II ve clergymen and eve
laymen, together with the. Bishop._srae ap
pointed to prepare a pasttter w on
spiritual Sl:dere-Ms of the church . After the
submission of the various reports the Confer
eaee adjourned until to-day.
—Termv's extensive bamboo paper mills, at
Bloomfield, N. Lorere destroyed by . fire Wed
nesdaritight. together with all the machinery,
and stock. I.oss $lOO,OXt mostly Insured. •A
boiler and resolving cylinder in the mills et:-
plated, throwing.the pagments In every di
rection and seriously Injuring n man vernal
hundred feet. distant...,
- .
Reported Threatened by the Savages—Dl.
position and klorement of Troops.
Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
ST.'L . OMS, May s.—lntelligence is received
here theta large number of Indians are report
ed to be on the Solomon River, Kansas, threat
ening the settlements: also that two hundred
Indians crossed the Kansas Pacific Railroad
between Forts Hays and Parker on the sec,
and Instant. Later dispatches deny that any
Indians are on the Solomon and say no trouble is
anticipated there. Three companies of caval
ry. are stationed at three prominent point. on
the Solomon. also at Lake Sibley on the Re
publican river, and the Indians could-not pen
etrate. that region without encountering
troops or so many casein:. •
One infantry company has been sent to Fort
Wallace to protect railroad construction par
ties nest of that place.
Five companies of cavalry. under General
Costar. left Fort Leavenworth on Tuesday for
Fort Have, from which point they can more
In any direction, should hostile demonstration
he mode by the Indians. •
--The English "crackstrinn. - John Williams.
arrested Monday in New York. charged with
stealing 'MOW worth of di:lino:Ws and honda
In Paris, was committed to prison at Newark,
N.J., Wednesday,after examination. A paling
girl was also arrestesi who claimed to be his
wife. but it was shown that she had only lived
with him as such, was a servant, had assisted
Williams In the robbers. at Paris, and came
with hum to this country.
Unked Malira lilatrict Court—Judge Met!an
- diem
Till.lanD.te, May 2.—ln the case of the United
States vs. the Distillery et al.of Charles Leek
er et al., W. K. Jennings. Esq., attorney for De
Lacey, moved for the appointment of 11. D.
Gamble, Esq.. as special commissioner to take
testimony and report the facts in the matter
of the hill of Do Lacer for services as watch
man In the above mentioned case. The Court
granted the Motion. .
In the cane of the United Stolen vs. the Dis
tillery of Valentine Croft, reported yesterday.
the jury.found for the United Statesam to Val
entine Croft. In regard to J. it. Bayard and
Benjamin Croft, Interviewer*. the jury found
"that the sold interviewers slid not knowingly
suffer or permit the business of distiller to
e carried on on the premises, and they did
not connive at the same,"
The first case taken up this • morning was
that of the United States vs. the 'brewery and
fixtures owned by John Ilolst len. This wile a
case of forfeiture for violating the revenue
011 trial.
The (living Jury reA used the following true
United States vs. James DaleY alias Chars.
Chambers. Indicted for making and attempt
ing to pass counterfeit coin.
United States vs. Catharine Frees..indleted
for brewing without keeping books.
United States vs. William Clayton. Indicted
for carrying on business of wholesale liquor
dealer without keeping the required books.
• United States vs. same, for carrving onbusi
ness of retail dealer without paying the spe
cial tax.
United State, vs. William Seu i ell, Indicted
for retailing liquor without paying the special
Ceeninon Pleas—Judge stop e. .
Tnritallav, May s.—ln the case of Hamilton
vs. Curry, reported yesterday, verdict for
The first case taken up was that of Kauff
an vs. Ilasiage d; Co. Jury returned a ver
m ict for defendant and certify a balance in
their favor of $24 58.
In the case of Gallaher vs. Connelly the
jary returned a verdict for plaintiff for 810 eo.
Dr. Wm. Badger vs. Lk 8. Kormine, Esq.; ac
tion on book account. Jury out.
Davis vs. Farron, et al., jury aware.
In the case of the Pittahurih S Connellsville
Gas, Coal and Coke Co. vs James M. Bailey,
previously repOrted. the Jury returned a ver
dict for plaintiff for 810.875 00.
101. Stutz TO. Bald.
171. Carrol vs. Atwater.
Ir.: Senn vs. Mazur. •
174. Hedrick or Hatch & Rigby.
175. Apperman TS. Hnmllo. Koegler &Co.
175. Osterman 4s Funiac. Sr. and Jr.
177. Hain vs. Daly.
178. Powell & Co. vs. Hamilton. et al.
171. Pettit TS. Phillips.
Doroberger vs. Hallam - le.
Quarter Sesslons—Judge merry**.
The Quarter Sessions Aurt will meet Mon
dap the Bth Inst.. teethe purpose Di dtsposlng
of the cases romaine on the March calendar.
tbilowingis the trial list.
Tatra. LIST FOIL laminar.
270. Commonwealth es. Hugh Burn.
.117. Commonwealth 111. J. Parker Sweeney.
Commonwealth V. Leonard Braker.
310. Commonwealth so. Jam. Johnston, itwo
308. Cotranonsreallh vs. Wm. Mermnan.
Commonwealth V. James A. McFadden
131. Commonwealth vs. James flee!. -
311 Cbmnronwealth Pat-Dargon..
111. Commonwealth as, Pat. Gorilla.
MI. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Stanley.
201. Commonwealth vs. Peter Barris.
198. Commduwealth v. James McKee.
MO. Commonwealth vs. Robert Ramsey.
303. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Reed.
'AC. Commonwealth vs: W. F. Kaiser.
.735. Commonwealth vs. John Stelae.
:1101. Commonwealth vs. Pat. Welsh et nx.
as Commonwealth vs. Pat. Oastelll.
199. Commonwealth to. Peter Wilbert. ,
11r. Commonwealth vs. Thomas Smith. •
167. Commonwealth vs. John McClarran. (three
Last • evening Dr. - E. A. Duncan, "Serious
Wilkins," gave the first of his entertainments
In the Town Ball, Birmingham, under the
auspices of the G. A. K. The performance
consbited of a lecture on the "March and
Bivouac, or Sherman loose in Georgia," com
prising a. great vatiety of stories, 'hu
morous: pathetic" and - dramatic, together
with • descriptive scenes, all relating
to the great march,. and given in. •• a
manner so fresh, and feeling and inimitable.
that the fancy and mental characteristics of
every hearer could hardly fail to and some
thing at which to be delighted. The Doctor's
style Is different from what we have been ac
customed th hear—different, In that he makes
from the every day experiences of his career
as n soldier. a• rich. racy, humorous. and yet
touching and graceful record of army
- life, always pleasing and equally as In
structive. The hall. wan crowded on
the occasion with one of the largest and finest
audiences ever gathered there. and to say
that they were delighted with the evening's
'entertainment, or that it was tine fully worthy
of loch. en audience, Is but recording the
truth. There was at the clone but one
criticism, and that was regret that the hour
could not have been extended longer.
To-night the second entertainmen4 will be
given at the same place when,the lecture will
give_piace to an elocutionary entertainment.
`The Doctor evidenced his finished culture as
an eloctrionist last night and assured his
ability t entertain and amuse as well in that
line as I other respects. The programme for
this evening embraces selections from popular
authors of the day, and ranges throughout
all the styles from "gay to grave, from lively
to severe." Among those to be rend are
poems of "Shell Anna," a patriotic Incident of
the battle of Jonesboro, "The Soldier's
Record." and an humorous take off on "Poe's
.liaven."—all emanations of the Doctor's geni
an. All of . these have been spoken of in
high terms by the press of other cities, tut welt
as the elocutionary entertainments through
out. If last night be .nny criterion we can
promise all who attend this evenings rare
and racy entertainment. . .
The Soldiers' MoiliustehL
The committee appointed by the Ladles'
Modumeetal Association, to meet theSoldlers'
Mununient 'lading Committee, Mkt yesterday
morning at the omee of General A.L. Pearson,
on Grant street, to arrange for the corner
stone ceremonies.
. ,
Mr. Lee S. Smith was appointed Chairman.
nud Mr. J. W. Pittock Secretary of the meet
The following terannittee on carriages, plat
form and music was appointed:.M.
Burgher. Rev..l. A. Gray, W.A. Collini, Hugh
McNeil and J. C. Patterson. - • .
On protnme, orphan children and invite-
Goma Gen gra eral A. L. Pearscm. James P. Barr.
Rev. 11. Lea, A. P. Callow and John McConnell.
On Printing—John W. Pittock, T. P. Hous
ton. Will Anderson: -
t t Finairce—Hou. John Morrison, Mon. Joe.
Blackmore, Hon. Jared Brush, Chas. Jere
my and 0. D. Van Ammon.
art. Alex. Callow was elected Chief -.Mar
shal of. the procession._
The following Division Commanderswere
chosen: Pittsburgh Division. -Gen. J. B.
Sweitscr; Allegheny Division, General Chas.
Barnes; South Side Division. General B. Vim
..... .
An Invitation was cordially extended to all
organizations to take part In the demonstra-
The meeting adjourned to: meet on Taesdeq
afternoon at threa o'clock at the came ptaee.
A meeting of 'the Western Division of the
Penesylrenla Reserve Aseeolation aim held
last evening at the ofdee of Messrs. Erearin
ger and McCandleu, Fourth assns, for the
purpose of making arnuereineuts to attend
the annual meeting at Lott Haien, of the 17th
The mintitest4 the preview meeting Were
read and approved. •
The Committee on-By-Laws and limps was
continued. ••
The..%mespoodingtiecretary read' a oommu
nicateon hom Jobn •C. Harvey: Secretary of
the Mate Associatkm: giving information
with regard to ordere for excursion ticket,.
On motion of Mr. Abel a badge was ordered
to be vrintrdeorlifo 'members attending the
.A' number of °niers to c cursion
tickets were Issued to ..persons attending attend tee
meeting, Ail persona mho:bare not yet re
zeived an older can
ons . by apPlY_l.B t.
Mr. r 4. Abet' Commercial Moue, do or
May 11th. The excursion fare for the entire
tree will be 17.50. tickets good from May Nth
to the :hid., Nrues desiring to_attqad cpn
lease Pittsburgh on the 7:110 train nitimike, ta .
lath, and return on the e b ea d nir tpie
An who deals to attend s bear In mi n d
the t n r is sao tic gted to meet on Thursday
iriself/to Make nnalearrangements for
tt v irmnal mettl.6.
brEw 011Ll-t!IS. Stay X. - cotton Arm nnd in
fair detruind; middling 2INM:to,n.
bales: receipts 2.12= bales: exports bales:
stock • 144.119 bales. Flour limn at Elalita.
Corn scarce and higher at $1.311.t.1.35.
Bean at #1.40. , f1ay unchanged. Pork gai.
BaCon and Lard firm and unchanged. busm.
!MOM. Molasses-prime- rcholled inta.7se.
Whisky fe144:141.M. Coffee firm and stock
light; fain 163ifratijin; prime 17.*:e.1f..1ic. Ster-
s.—Cattle—receipta, ail ears;
market easier for buyers; shipping cattle
t7.2.'4iN373.1, and stockers in fair supply anti
demand at ratk. Receipts of .sheep light and
market firm, with sales of 210 head Ohio aver
aging 07 pourids nt re and W.: head Indiana av
eraging SS pounds at 7lsc. • Hogg dull at $ll
09. so.
SAN FRASKISCO, afar active and
advanced 24 to 2736 e; - Oregon superfine $44
4.371 i; extra $4.7n5.50. Wheat. five vessels
enraged for England; market strong et an ad
vance of 10e for choice grad r. 15e on superfine
qualities. Legal tenders Ks'(. .
OrrivE l'insintinon t •
Ptrisnritan.Mny 3. ISTO.,
a DIRECTORS of this Coin piny held Ibis
Dividend aim ilecinred of SIX DOLLA
i OW per gime Disynble on demand. free of En.
Dunn! Tax. D. C. lIELTZ.
my nimX • Secretary.
The dictlngulshrd taw Siodent.of St. 1..111
will lecture before the Womea's Sultrege
Mei of Allegheny County, nt
Saturday, May 7th
Single Tickets 50 rents. Four Tickets 81 00.
No reserved seats. Lecture to commence et S
o'clock. Tickets can be obtained at Charlotte
Bleme's. Pittsburgh, and at Sirs. Arnohrs Book
Stem. OS Federal street, Allegheny. ' myanss4
I - our celebrnted
Arnyr in .more.
w.. W. KNOX.
Of L. Pittsburgh. Pa.
garden Ornaments. Lawn
137 Übrrll stmt, Pitt.bantb.
°Frit.: or cm• EsclSElat AND SrilV troll.)
[Prnalsunolt. 31076041860.
- VOTICE.---The Assessments for the
J_lG=clna , earl paring of Pleasant Alley (runs
Forty-tLitril to Finely-fourth street. th i no ready
for examination, and min be seen at office un
til MONDAY. MAY 111711. 1870. whet. It mill be the T Treasurer. Ohre for
' 'll.ld. 11008 E.
mTG ity Engineer.
This machine has taken the entire market In Ne
York, Nee , Jereey end Eastern Pennnylranln,and
guaranteed •
Ferrer' timiEnsily Working Narhin
W. W. KNOX. Sole Agent,
Flower Trellises'.
.rbe handsomest. neatest. cheapest canlen °ma
met. taser'2o design,
,w. IL KNOX,
Schnabel Walker
PEARL COAI, WORKS. pear Pittabusgh:un Pa
fiandle Itai!ralt.
Office and Yard: Corner Sandusky S
and West Penn R. R.,
cirs. re-
JUST RE - AID - Y . .
A Physician for the Soul
From the German of In, Von 11111 em
Tranulabor of "Tho 014 Preret. - "aold
Elsle."”t'ountere (10414."0tb. One volume. 12rno.
$4 . 4 pates. (lo th . $2. -
.1 or Mkt by 01 ikrokbellem or will be sPnt by Mlll,
portage tree, upon receipt of the (0100. br
713 AND 718 MARK NT pLuLA
• Vertex or CITY ENC.:LEH ANT
Prirtmeiton. Ulm B. 1870- I
Pmponals for Me freding. Pitting hod
Curbing o T) f
the following ntreets
Till RT SIM from Liberty street to
" TMIPTV ' g Ankrrim. nutiendrem. to Pe.
eAtrefAT STREET from Redford to CIE stmt.
IrtiGmrtiv .,- Atriff
CATIIERI\L~ ALLEY from Lt•dito area to
Cosset .tract.
Also 101 the emostroction otthel following public
Art 18 inch plpe sewer DIAMOND STREET
from Smithfield street to Cherry slier.
Al, 18 hob pipe sewer no ST. PATRICKS AL
LEY from Miltenbergeralley to Gist street. •
MI be remised at nmre moil 3 redoes P.
x.. MONDAY. blot . 16. 1879.
bideommitee reserre blocks to reject say or
all lipecitiosUorts and for bidding can
he had st this 011101. No bids will be received tor
less made upon Monks fuMishednhyptriogilineout
nod • City Engineer.
N `ORDINANCE--Antborizing the
Item of Arbuckles ,& Co. to construct and em
au ron Bridge over Church alley.
lif,Clion 1. Be it rdained and enacted IV the
City of Pittsburgh, h r Select and Common Councils
mumbled. and it Is hereby ordaliml and enacted
by 'authority of the same. • That the BMof Ar
buckle% & Co. be, and •they aro hereby authorised
to construct (under the auperrision of the Street
Committee of Comfits/ and tee on uncovered Iron
t over Church alley, In the Third ward. et the
of at lewd !went,' feet ally the Pr !aunt
an not more than fire feet 111 lb so as to con
nect by inch .hrldste endmano *ay the bundinga
rod premises OWTed occupied by said rem on
both sldentutaald attach alley. Pttrrlited. Thar
said Arbuckle. & CO. shall be responsible for W damages Which may be canoed by acid erection.and'
Council. rmeree the tight to repeal this ordinanon
at my Mae. •
SEC. Y. That sae welcomes er pert of tirehisepi '
nm l . l o l:ll , art e lusr , s . age ibis entwines at the
far as the name affects this onl= 7 l!Pe'"4"
ath Cbtinells th 4
Aped: htidtr, P"I"' " C°"'".
• Clerk ot Coessidl. ' : • • •
s i d
Attest: ns e'Men.
• Clerk of Cowmen tkiusiell.i. ' wee-
NOTICL—The Boots . for .
81.7RIPTION of Btoo or the • • - ;
Cry lal Spring_ Ice Minufaduring
and Storage Company,
Are nn+ oPenedat the gleebeeldeflartnan Bang,
No.lll sautanawernisrr. Thls Comma,. ti
chartered by the Legidelere of Pectsylvanla, and
bag the azelnetre right of Manatacturing lee la'
the ConntY of Allegheny by CWT. celebrated
French Patent,
N ° 7 - ; OILY .711,11 b.
1 itch ..rd.
.The /Renee Beard 'will bear the oboe* ephßee.
Dee on SATURDAY. May_ 7 U5..1870.• is
cider* ♦. R.
sesErit BROIVNIS. a.*
Sealer of 'Weights and. Measures,
No. 5 FOURTH AYE.) Pittsburgh.
TA issourtort .. •OP ' • , PARTIVER,
Jur SITIP.-,Tbe sweeeened9 bdo Twoxbtlai '
between J. T. Glagneasid tlias: A.:: debts bur:
teen ander the flan a<.T. T. Mau 4 eetligy this:
day dlsseived by nantwal consent. . .
PrriastmOn. Aprll2 . o, MR 1 8. .
. : il l fte'rzt
Commercial and Family. Newspaper
No tanner, mechanic, or merchant should be
without it.
197,1/* 411*
nubs of ten lli
A Copy Is furnished mytultoriali to Dm opar-eV
of a Club of ten. Postmasters are requeittrid toad
as agents. Address.
- PERNI3LAN. REED & C 0.,.
NOTICES--"T.lrc." "For Sak;•
"Leer. - 11'4 . nte," -Found," "Boarding."
dc.. not exceeding FOUR will be
imterted rolvrnna !MCA for TWEN
TY-FIVE CEN.7:S; each additional line
TA TA NTED.—A purchaser 101
lIACCO STORE. Good Ificatlort
Jenne,"l4.`jbLlT,l, • i
I egheny City, between
WtliTi G 001311111;
WAN ED.—A Lady expert
.17.11VAPerdi= j i=e:'
_ _
WANTED.A.n tinfurnish Rom,
aultable for a 1.1.4T0m, AlleelSrly, ,, ltla
Addrear Doz. fra . I is
.AVANTED—ROOIII Furnished or
Unurnished. with r 1311616 of bit=
mint be within five MIZIOLCS . IntIk Of 3t.
36ytel.. Addma• Mark. (total. 63
AVA7EI).—An active and reapaael
We InaneTn ' ert=a ` n h ; for " lii4:nr OOtnl
Valgr e7ltht,lll=l.l.".Y A.
ft "
AAT! . NTED.—Sltriation as Clerk by a
on ontosinfeVAtlntelg:ll ` ; Vnr Airsa ' t i lleplenk ohm
tw. and no nrondon to work. Would take • Men
14 , d 2 veit
i fg r At . o r en . ulrolerencoe. ,Addresaasz
-iddrote n t i l. 8..
odurrre Ortiro.
C c tav::;gr E. - Nlia
jAvoZatoz .,k.
WANTED. -1 Rollers. 8 Hookers.
In. 3 men for farm work. 3 boys for coca•
try. to work in ylneyard. • Aloo girls for all 'metier
at Employment Oflldr.
ti3o.oon to Loan in largo or nnfounia,at
fair rats of interest. •
Bill, Bond tad liked Zetat• 810ke.%
No. 179 SmittMeld at
v y 3or tt rooms, with s Lugo yard. Most be
a good nelgbhorh . ood. in elthilr....clty„oroti2llasi
good te i nant
Agents. No.
181 LIBERTY STREET. incl.'eassalop
the DUNDiRDALE APrARATT.79 hie mates/
iga , !. Collo T la forma
UTAgTED.---Sealed proposal — 8 w - will
3 t l L , TOVNTl7 d zilL i tol•;l7Milica t
Altunnel work, to be delivered, o,oll tu tT urum.
toadtween Saw mut lien and
so. suntelentlorcitglgibmeigzy.
Forbes street,
apIS Sobo.
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loan
a '',lVAT:;:grr? th ""P"Peft 7 th " 'A I "
' ClitatTE:ii JrninaT.
WASTED.--Bonde and Mortgages.
for 120,000. haring 3 years to
for /9.000, bating 3 years to mt. 1 tor MVO..
having 3 yearn to run., 1 for, pears to
run 1 for $3.3011, haring 3 years to run.
13.300,. haring 3 Years to ran. 1 tor s2,li.
hating 3 years to ran, 1 . for $1.300 , having
year. to run. 1 for /1,000, haring 3 youh to
run. 1 for MOO, baring 3 years to ran. Oa qty
" t rt. P .l7eat ' S; te,8 1 . 7 . Po 104 .tata
'DOARDING.—To•Let,w ithioardleig
Prieinri t orF7 "?.:7..r 3 L jU".
BOARDING.—A. number, of Gentle.
NW( aln flunlAbed vith bowling Ng
.. If de. tnql, plenseztly located, at 11.11111
ANT3ERSON sTannr. ow Head sta.l. bffege.
A. SLEEPING 'ROOMS. No.' 43 itesaas mei*.
!quire h Archeef. ir j ro char* for low
!ire of E. U.
l WWl'',
TO LET.—The Three Story Brlbk
WARIIIOI.`3II In amazon nuoy. rinar
4 1- 1%./iMorTre, : B t rornrlZlon=
Inquire of
No. 172 md 174 Wood CO.
TO LET.—Brick grow of 7 Room
Zr ll4d r i. a 4 l ull ' d.7l / 4 ° l ' 21.1.1" rj?
marii,-Alucic AA, oßbori, • 1 9 Mao:
ct 6 6,„,,,,.
cr. rm.
benr. A '...1.0. sto -•-• No /
Atttitlfg Prdr to „t.perd ,ZI
21 DiAmot4 -A„Mc6, •
--- onifikr.
tg:P7r,. °ll v k iIIrELTAVI. .gtai
13 minutes' walk of utty natl. Allegheny. The
boost is two storied, corstalning rooms. and Is
new. comfortable and of elegant architect. ..and
ts supplied with nil modem Improvements. Al.
earns. house and stabling for horses and cows.
The grounds are beautifully lsit out. and MI CClT
coed with nne forest trees. rendering It *tali
gor articular:. Inquire of OLivllitiartullocua
A CO., Fifth avenue. splgif
FOR SALE.—A Valuable Fa ..) ,rtu 'unw
ewrwed with a 6 fk6,4211 fat-
Alllmproved. sTice. ' . Fif!V
.t 111108...11clEcli. old N and. 'cumorolana
54 "
• •
17 1 Olt SALE.--Enufne_ of Four Horse
PIT , n7 v praryi r m r i .. guzz i 0i41 , 0, !Lp
1?OR ,SALE.—Frime • Rouse, Two
IL: Room. Lot 30100 tooL ITtoe $7OO. T.
It. FALL & HON. comer of Penn and Twenty-third
streets. •
EOR SALE.—A One Horse Spring
yvao i z . . Ail= d
North Alio . Air hon
F Olt SALE:•:--Stenutletctring
We bate for sole a eery deelnble location for
mollufmlorlolf PUrtememuld be a in chrome
for . Tannery, It hawing be wo en formerly used for
that purpose. There are 28 food ends Coot
houses. and mute mnehloory. Lot_ll9 x remit
the 11 W r eeTt th e ; ..; ', l7 ` 4.l ' esi n tr. * :mt , .... of
Penn and T2slrty4hlrd arreeL.
VOR KALE.—A Large Amount or
.L eery de.leable property. Improved and unim
proved. in the votive, wards a the city. all of
beet. ;LITT
24.120 teo non tennestibstininua l a o t
hare lately been built tho Intmodlate tietn/ty et
p n
`401! tirre2fr. '" rte t rY " " " Mt °'
third etrecte.
Fon SALE,—Engines and Boilers,
.ew and
Beomd Hand, of on klods. mutant-I,
on hood.
.o .d rd e e d ni to. ro
'm W ports of the of...t r y prompui".
Corner Hanlon Avenue on 4 P., FL W. & C. ' IL W.
r °LG
apon a
=411.-b,,_ll..egertangn2,l ft• V tr 4
Frourad•• • x.L . 14, Lota . are part os flea Sad onanalf
114 gr 14'14/71.11trET47.=
4ban also been roconted. 'loch Lot I. • lot.
",T1 Pertly 74.°7,71«7:0,0',1'
the rtoldenet• of Washington and Walter marlin
Lens.. T 2 l4Y m llO fot , At 1 p .V4, : , alitean
a e :l7e: lor. de
of toot min
Phre'greaibeautilf Renew luid ingnit.=Z
dellghtlza :
L •
Terms easy; prices low. Eropalre of
Nn. X 73 GEO. nnEDL.
{Yule sweet. Moab/trail. or No.Bo BIT
A Tenae.Aidi n / .."
.ERTMlgnALE.—Thoreartrzyof nano,
t ;;;;;liNfifd " and Itels4Le wolild divide
well Into one or Awo awe lot.: A/so. a neat two
story house of tLe monis and caw. end One or
sere. of 10Tel hold. In pleasant tecatian,
distance from the Station. Aloo. • SAW
WI; laths, ete.. dwelling
house wldAhnte aura of gronnel. low
pappe CUIII.LIAT &SO ea N
1.... •
T 39 With • ••
MENDS Just affected with Eastern and bone
capitalists. Ire are enabled to berm negotiate
it7l4.lar g ele"Teg = ll7 n7Jsis b irrnitr i° 4l
hort. notS% , R. SILL & mac corner of Yee%
and Tbirtilibird streets.
1,49. rAmciTgivispiwuruaou.,
411;71141itikrtg"`'"‘a SAT.
Ist.ftuto Ito 9 tetiock. tPtyrtrl:veNeigPrit
.to hist 1909 to 8 o'clock. Interest yk , hl at the
ernata +u tam ..
= free
rot hot .rib rb i
An y.. 1.
errtle"Trj Grabens. A. 8;440 get 4
aleck,lohn S. Dilworth. F. Rahn,. 6,Pgla‘ee.
Joshes anodes. Jaw Swat . Bold. C. lechemme.
Chntalaree at& * • •
D, W. dr A.& Bell. &diction. "
1870.-111 On ay. ON D ic ir --
E,sbnat 13 hands h °Alt ~aa 1 ' 4
D ' P"7 31 .7 0, Cettwtfgti yd on ce.61144
a a j °.