THE DAILY GAZETTE. HOME NEWS. Weekly Duette. Our Wednesdell Immo of the Weekly ram Ii now reUay and con be hod at our Counting Boom. The Weekly Gazers% Is a large quarto sheet containing 48 oolomns of rending Matter. It contalmtbe latest nye. up to this morning. Asa general newspaper . it Is Jun the one to send to your friends. As WI advertising medium to reach the. fanner. mechanic and country merchant, it far eXcels OUT other In the city on it has three times the circulation of most of the other weekly jour nals. But few advent...meat. are received. For term. call at our counting room. rite Women'. lieffeege Aowel*tle• will meet arde to -day. Oar Neat, Sam. Collins, of Philadelptda;was In the city yesterday, The elegant gates of the Allegheny Oemetery will soon be completed. ties? Roamer oboes of all kinds at W. T. Wylies .63 and C. Fifth %none. eb. B. Mersa. Eva., and bride ; are borne assdn, after a pleasant baldal tour. Fneex and Iliptherla prevail. to ■n alarming extent In innne teetiont of the cttF. Caswell !teeth{.-A speelsl meeting of • Pittsburgh Couclls will be held to-morrow, at 2 o'clock P. M. •. Rev. W. A. Peleavaste 51leer wedding was largely atleaded. The cards said: No pre*. eats received." Ile Gazelle of to-morrow will coastal* a full sevacuat of the Woman'. Rights meeting, to be held to -day. Mrs, lanes, an old lady, fell In a at Tester day morning In the Allegheny market-hone She was taken home Ina carriage. CkespLibileop: Chaapt—Tbe boots and shoes sold at Wsiles',.tio. SO and Os Fllttiasenne, are the cheapest and_the best In the city. Ilko %sorsa was present at the Ladles*. Exec utive Oammittee meeting of the Ladles' Mon unman' Association held yesterday. Futlsci Clan fcrr chorales sucl dorelling. of g e gat e raiZinlrr i k l errVer. ordor Yesterday mandate a mule nt work in the Allegheny Park met with an aceldent—tbe breaking of Its leg, and had to be shot. Three Illeadma and Thlrtythrer fre' per ecrlptione Were homed from the Iformepathic Dispensary, Second avenue. during. April. • Pie", Dedgas..—Tioe mo.t elaborate arid ele gant designs are to be !mind at No. =Market street. at. Nelson's glass staining establish ment. Middy Ornamented alma for dweilluna and public buildings furnished promptly to order by Wm. Nelson, No..= Market street. Neu• dealgus and beautiful patterns. Steamy Is WeeM.—Therefore go to Wy- Iles' Shoe Store, Zio.Sl and IS Filth Avenue, for your shoes and save Tour m0n0 . .. He sells the cheapest of any house la the city. Last evening the Allegheny Park Commis glen held a tneeUng and awarded the contract l u n r i i t n o i g t i h* "" of !Alt ' 'Z'f'ocM-- Yeatenla),Della Dean was before Alderman Taflor chaored with stealing a table cloth from Um residence of Martin Delaney, on Penn street. The linen was valued at four dollars and a half. Erse bath kaser. are needed In Pittsburgh. Lust year tgclarnit bath houses, which were simonizes. were patronized by over thirty one thousand people In the sir. weeks they went open.. AN%errs Wader yesterday Lamed a warrant for the arrest of George Won and other boys for thinning stones and breaking the glass in the windows of Mn. Nary Elliott's residence on Washington stmt. oblblind horsey Mada,. night, arena ' over the hillside from the top of ..arch street. Eleventh ward, and changed his locality into the Tenth ward. Strange tosay, the animal was not killed. only slightly braised. Stack lales.—The folio sing stocks Irene soil last evening on the sneer I floor of Mcllsrahre's Auction Rooms. MS Smithfield stmt., by A. RI l a nk Ilank of rittsbnryb .01 German Inattranceeo I. "lmilair Nowlin& while a funeral proces sion waspasaing up Me= Vista street, dile -O=Y • little boy, name unknown. ran Into the middle of the street, was knocked down, rue ewer. and eel la the had, by a wheel of • bilfy 4 4lll ill:dudes. though painftd. went • no Thaw of oor readers living In the Math ward. "Pittsburgh, who felled to get their PaPer Tertmdan will escuse the carrier, Mr. Flirter. who was so ill with diptheria, It was impossible - for him to be on his route. Re was , much batter last evening and hopes to be able to scree Ms patrons this morning. heehaw Anellent.—A man named Poky, while Fe In repalrbt& a building on rcenlaq 4... n. rerTotsl; ‘ 4l7u h re n d r Lyire=4 , s ur e was fractured. and be renelrea ser er., serere contusions on the bend and body.. Dr. P. W. Huron dressed ht. wound.. Lettere (nnsunittee.—At a meeting of the Toting Men's Library Association. held in their Munn Ina evening, the following nemed gentleman were elected to serve on the Lec ture Committee during the ensuing year W. N. Reward, A. H. Lane. Wm. Scheyer, W. J. Radcliff 13. P. Corwin, T. D. Swearingen and Wilson Ktng. ^II Rig a Treat."—What was? Why.the sety interesting and very profitable lecture.ot Mn. Bandar' Yesterday afternoon. Ladles. do not sin against your own souls by absenting yonmelres from these lectures, and thus de mire yourselves of the knowledge you here_ may gain. the %smelts of which mar be the happiness of a lite time. We. coegratatate our iselithboraAn Alle gheny. They are to hare a real enjoyment on Monday evening. May 91. h, at Escalator HAIL that distinguished gentleman, Dr. Franks, mow at the St. Clair Hotel.) haring kindly consented• to give one of his great free lec— ture.. Tickets (free of expense) at Thorn's drug store, and at Snodgrass' drug etore, Al legheny. urattfylag Aunotoweawat.—The public gest erally. and housekeeperie In particular, espe cially those In want of a Looking-glans, will be both gratified and beautified to know that T. H. Chapman, wholesale jobber In looking stones. has opened a full line of glasses at re tail, and will sell them at from twenty-are to thirty per cent. less than any other house In the Lity,at No. M Market street, two door. below TUlrdallnlue. The Dispatch proposes to issue a Bonder number on and sgter the 115th last. In the MeTertui I.ll,mtgeblyittiezirtzsrle,iintn f rom clear new type, on One white paper. and noth ing that the experitame of It. proprietors may maggest or that money can command. will be wanting to render It one of the most enter taining, instructive and interesting family pa pers In the United States. gee Meat at Weans Monday night Thomas MeNaley had kb leg *timely crashed while otting off the accommodation train on the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago. Railroad, while the train was in motion. He flran such a manner that the steps of the car struck him. Hewes remored to the near the Station, and Die. James Buchanan cad B. N. Ribs summoned, who found it necessary to amputate his leg, which they speedily succeeded in doing. 011tnary.—We are pained to announce the 'del" of W. Junes Finley. which took place tut inningat hie residence on Second avenue. from ngia. The deceased was a native of Scotland, and was for many years one of our netir• dry {nods dealers but retired from bulli on some two years ago on a large fortune enquired through his own exertions. He was unmarried. and - one of our leading Masons and attacked to Franklin Lodge and during life m ended many high and responsible pMtiont In that. order. Witt Midrib Te.las . rWe mentioned a few day!t and that W. . 'llunseath.Jeweler, Ed ?MA aceanikhatf ordefed. while - East, about way of the United Butes Watch Company's movements. to be made for him especially. We were Informed by him yesterday that a porllon of them would arrive to - day. The or der embmoed some of their finest nickel more. menu ` full jeweled with chronometer balance _ and all the extra adjustments. These watches be bad gotten up by the mummy especially - for hi s retail trade, and in the best manner They will be wad at • very marlin on the manufacturer's prioes, as will be discovered by all who Mal to me them. Don't forget the number, to Firth amule' op. podia flasoulo MU- • • "For ids the Dres• that Mokoo the 'Man." . • We were impelled to the belief of, the shore maxim on seeing one of oar Mend,, who a abort time before had donned a new suit, got Ezi c, sk• the latest style by that inimitable abler, P. Xedrdle, of 113.4 Smithfield street. w off that old, faded. unfitting garment you carry on your shoulders, and which you mill a east, and go to the above number and get •St what it a St. You can pursue your business avocations with morepigor salprolit. You will be better pleased with yourself, and please 'age Mend. better by being fitted, al lie fitted the friend towboat we refer. He has an elegant assortment of cloths. eas slmeres sal ratings. which he can get, up In thaideet Hy% sod with the best ftirkmaa ship. Please give him a call. lie will be pleated and teen will be pleased. Flghttu the Duties o'er Ars•W• Haler A-Ducan, "Serious Wilkins." who has been giving entertainments throturboat the country under the auspices of the Grand Army of the Reeribllc. and whose adve among "comrades to the MO' we noted • ta w dam. ago,• ban been bolding forth at New Mighton, with excellent success. as a cones- Deadest informs us. The programme of the entertainment • comprised many ex= bet "Shell Anna. or Dorn on the Yield," (an Incident Soldie r ' attle of Jane*. bolo.) end "The Old Record." °pie powL•pf which Maier Duncan Is the author, ell liveliest satisfaction. Sherman • march through the "egg shell" was also molted with Sne effect. We are glad to vote that on Thursday, Pride,. and Saturday ana logs of this wmg Hai. D. wi ll appear at the Market Hall, Birmingham, under arrange ments made by Prat 16113. A. B. of that Nue when a rare treat will be offered. He was In mardes a the month-west, participated bathe d W sc rb m s, In d d d n ncgid en e ,m w rc h h h " f h romAl v a id t y to the Sea," and this experience addg greatly to widows of his mbsion in behalf of the and orphans of the patriot dead. i ~ ~ y rt 4 r J ~ ~tra, ~iry4'7 ~. . { t ~i:", ALLEGHENY PRESBYTERY /leftist of the Preobtiery o< Ailetlhrry N the G. P. Church—The Oftorh of Promise Pose —Report of the Imestirathig Committee— /Rootlet Repon—tettoo of the Presbytery— Martel with Breach of Proodoe—tipeeisi /leftist of PmehTiffl Moii/IY. lift • 111th list., at %Melt Time the (See *lll he Tried. The Allegheny Presbytery of the 'United Presbyter!. Church met pursuant to adlouru meet. et ten o'clock. yesterday (Tuesday) morning, May fkl, In the Pecond U. P. Church. •Sandusky street, Allegheny, and woe opened with prayer by the Moderatoraivr. Mr. Wallace. after which the roll of members was called and the minutes of the . preceding meeting, held at Beaver , were read and ap proved. The Fret busineaslaken up Iran the prchen- Litton of a call from the - U.P. Dm/aeration at Monmouth, Illinois. to !WT. J. P. Barnes. of this Presbytery. and pastor of Glade Mills and West Union eburebe, _ . • . On motion the call teas Presented and Sc- _ On motion • the rules were Suspended in order to receive the retsot of the committee APPOlnted to investigate the rumors and e h a rr," affecting the character of Rev. J. B; Clark. D. D. Her. ldr. Sturgeon said the case had. created considerable curiosity- from persons outside of the Presbytery as was evident from the number present. Ile was not Informed as t, . . . what the report contained, as be had made inquiry but no matter what Ito contents were there might be something In It that lhould be heard by Presbytery before It was ipread broad cast to the public, and be would therefore move that Presbyteryait with clmed, doors to erector the report, so that the matter might be given to the public officially. Lir. Pressly hoped that the motion would not be adopted. There was no use trying to keep i e g tr u ro u c i ezMir f m In the Allegheny river. Besides a dam slop lb. dow " nging f 'cron struction would be given by the public If the senior's were In secret, and he thought II would be better for nil concerned that the pro ceedings be public. If Presbeterpdecilled to Alt with closed doors. he would ask to sit on the outside. • Mr. Sturgeon said he had no desire to ob struct the Investigation. nor to deprive the public of full information, but he thought the inotter should be made known officially by the PtrB . b =n Dr n saw no necessity fors Ong orith closed doors, and hoped the motion would prevail. Bev. Dr. Clark sold he had not Interrogated any member of the Committee as to the nature .of the report. The quetson of receiving the report peddler v or with crowd doors wee In the bands of the Presbetely. The brethren could do as they deemed proper./and their action would be satisfactory to hint. The rote was then taken. and It was decided by a large majority to lilt with open doom. The reports were then called for when Ile, J. C. Wilson stated that there woo a =diorite and n minority report teem the Committee. Ile submitted the following from the ma prity ro the Moderator and membens of the C. P. Presbytery of Allegheny: Burma= Two of your Committee, ap pointed to investlaate certain rumors respect ing the character add conduct of. Rev. J. D. Clark, D. D_ es - mild respectfully - aubmit the following report: From an examination - of persons and papers. your Committee find that an engagement of marriage existed between J. ft. Clark, D. D., and Miss Mlle Hawker, and that this mime meet was broken by one of the parties, viz, Rev. J. R. Clark, D. D. for reasons sat isfactore to himself then. as now, as declared by himself. JAN. C. WILSON. Chairman of Corn Jona TACIO/ • Rev. A. 11. Calvert. toe remaining member of the Committee, submitted the following Mr. Moderator. and members of the Presby tery of Allegheayt As a member of your Co mmittee, appointed to investigate certnin ru mors reopening the character and conduct of Her..l. B. Clark, D. P., I would remectfully submit the following report: • • Having carefully Inquired concerning the case, I have elicited the following,. Both from the statements of the parties and the correseandence. I learn that' there was a prombe of marriage between them. .1 further learn that after [some time, opits. rentiy by the consent of both parties, this con tract was annulled, or left eons to be annulled or confirmed by mutual consent. From the correspondence I could not be es sured that there was a renewal of that con tract by Dr. Clark, but the statement of Miss Hawkes poaltivi that there was a renewal offhe o further e ut gemen f. I w - report that I saw no reason. from the correspemdenoe,whetheengegement should be broken, neither did I learn from the correspondence which one of the parties goat propmwd the breach of contt vo l unta r y e on of both Is that it was on the part of Dr. Clark. I wouldfurther report that the general char meter of the letters written. I believe, by Dr. Clark, is each as I would expect from a Claris ' Han, and one much devoted to the work of his Master. They breathe a spirit of love to His I cause and kingdom. Hering submitted the foregoing fact s. I have nothing to recommend to Presbytery, but would respectfully ask to be discharged from further consideration of the matter. ' • [Signed]. A. H. Csimenr. After the read in g of the relkirtathere was a halt la the proceedings, and considerable diffl rutty experienced as to the mode of proceed era . . A Piesbeter moved to adopt the report and discharge the Committee. - The Moderator replied that. under the rules of Presbeter . r. there being no exceptions to the report, it would be considered as received. but in order that there should be no doubt . . about the matter, he would put the motion. Tim report soon then accepted and the Com ralttee discharged, The question whether the Committee had fully discharged the duties 'of their appoint ment was again raised. Dr. Pressly said the committee was appoint ed simply - to inquire what foundation there was for the roman current. This they had done by exatilinlaqq. persons and papers pre sented to them. The question before Presby tery was simply what will be done in view of the facts submitted to Presbytery . . The Moderator announced that the report was before Presbytery for consideration, and that he was ready to receive a motion. Dr. Pressly said it seemed to him that to all parties concerned the sooner the matter was disposed of the better it would be, provided that due time wax given and a proper under standing obtained of what was being done. It appeared that it was an established fact that there was a matrimonial engagement and that it wait admitted that there was n departure on the part of one of Ogee interested for reasons satisfactory to. himself. The question would naturally arise "are those reasons sufficient to Justify the departure ?" lie thought it won!. be proper to hear from Dr.:Clark.and he would" like to know whether It was Idapleaaure to go on with the Investigation - or whether. he de sired time to prepare for trial. Dr. McLean thought that however desirable such a course as that suggested by Dr. Pressly might be, it would hardly be proper for Dr. Clark to pursue it at this time. After the Presbytery had taken action Dr. Clark would then feel free to say what he had to say, and not till then. If Presbytery saw proper to lay • charge against him. it 'would be time enough to ask him the questions suggested. Dr._Pressly—Whilt course do you suggest. then Dr. McLean replied that he had no special suggestions to make. Presbytery, he thought. should appoint agornmitteeto report charges. but he hoped his name would not be included. Dr. Clark said there seemed to be an Intense anxiety in certain directions toelicit a state ment fr om his side. Meander:doodah the Mr cumstances perfectly, and could assure Pres bytery that there were - two sides to the case. He thought it unkind and unchristian to ask him to present his facts and make his defense before any' indictment had been prepared against him. It seemed to him that Presby tery was not quits, prepared for action, and he thought, It would be better to postpone It. If It was thodght that the matter could be dis posed of without the formality of a trial. let, It be so; but If the charges should be consider ed of such a character as to demand a trial, then let the trial - be proceeded with. He thought, however, that nothing should be done reship- ' Dr. Pressly said Dr. Cfark had misconstrued his remarks, and disclaimed any desire to ex tort any admissions from him. Itr. Clark, In reply, said belted so understood the remarks. VIA if he was mistaken he w-mild apologize. • -- Dr. Guthrie then moved that the further consideration of the matter be postponed un til two o'clock thisafternuon. Adopted. . A Presbyter awned that a committee be ap pointed to report charges and apecifications against Dr Clark at the time agreed upon bore. lien. Mr. Moues moved to amend by naming Drs. McLean. Presslynnd Guthrie as the com mittee. Dr. McLean hoped that his name would be omitted from that, committee. j Reg, Mr. Barnett then moved to - rubstltute the name of Dr. A. D. Clark for that of Mr. Mr. Clark objected. and hoped that the com mittee as originally named would be appoin ted. A vote was taken on Mr. Dames' motion to substitute Dr. Clark, and was decided in the negative. After some further dlssussion . the question recurred on Mr. Dames amendment to appoint Drs. McLean. Pressly and Guthrie. which was adopted and the committee appointed. Presbytery then took up .the °nature. on Nalmody. which had been postponed at the last meeting, which occupledthe remainder of the morning session.. Adjourned till two o'clOck. AITEBNOOI.I PESIIION. Presbytery convened at two olnlock. and Dr. lteLean. cbairman of the committee ap pointed to present charges and specifications npon which Presbytery should proceed to try Dr. submitted the following: TOO IMPOUT. Tour Committee beg leave to report: Your Committee of Investigatioo have r°"' ported that a marriage engagement existed between Rev. Dr. Clerk and Miss Hawke., and ham been broken off by Dr. Clark, end that he claims that Mamma for so donut mete then and still are satisfactory to himself. This so Camilla the matter as to exclude from all la mitigation before as, the matter of fact about the engagement and seemsta leave nothing for consideration except whether the reasons for his oonduct are inch as ought to Justify or condemn his Maul t acuminate the ea. impatient. '-Wirtberefme do ant the proposition ot a libel maim" 14,7 - 7 . 7 . ; Clark, but do rocommand: - • let. That Hay. J. B. Clark. g u m , on trial for Imach proudeit to, mut, pu s . Llllle Ilawkamot Another/ , • T . and. That —— be - appointed a Committee to prnimiate the charge bona. Presbyters'. ' • c ' Dy order of the (kromittee. ' D. H A. 3lClcut, Chairman. Dr. McLean In piesen . Ling the report said that the Committee did not think taste was v an est yt igation whichhing in the repo rtllad o been r f thpeferred to Committee of In them to warrant them In aiding a Übe!. but for the benefit of the cause of religion sad the parties interested ttie matter should be Investigated by Presbytery, and In orderthat thin might be done the Committee have reported as above. Dr. Prefale7 thought the matter one which perhaps came under the rule providing for ex ceptional asset and for that reason the Com mittee thought Mimi' not to put the cue In the form of a libel. After some further discussion a Tate was taken on the licit monition. which was adsmted. • The second resolution was adopted withlint discussion. The namable was thee adopted, The Moderate/ stated that It Maias neces sary that a committee be appoint n ed to con. • • ••• ••‘, • • " ,tj PITTSBURGH DAILY GAZETTE,: WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 4; 1870 duct the prosecution. Mid anted that the com mittee be appointed by the Presbytery. Dr. Guthrie suggested the name of IMP. P. C. Steel, as one of the prosecuting committee. Mr. Steel thought that there had .trendy been More committees amsolnted than was necessary - .. Two committers bed been atr ia-Anted and reported. and PresbyterY wh en CO much °bout the matter as they did when it sena first presented to, their notice and no more. At the matter tow stood he wonld not know- for •,‘,y,lV.d”.n-sectiprt.ourcuy.. but Dr. Clark. decline to an on the prosecutlngeottimitte, Dr. McLean thought it War necessary to 111 , -. point at least two men d rote cutton. ea one man did no t in his s e dandlou constitute a committee. Moderator—lf there are no further sugges tions or nondnntions, the Chair will • have to appoint the committee. Mr. Steel-1 hope. Mr. Moderator, you will nut orjonint me. -Scarcely a year boa elapsed snivel was appointed on Al committee to de fend this Presbytery before the Synod, nod it wns a severe task. There are other-older raid moreexperienced members of this body, from whom to make the appointment. Rey. Samuel Patterson suggested the name of Rev. J. C. Wilson. who had served on the Committee of Investigation as one of the Pros ecuting Committee. Mr. Wilson thought it would be both unjust and ungenerous on the part of Presbytery to impose this duty on him. lie had served on one committee and discharged his deity to the best of his ability. and so far its be was con cerned, hod had enough of h. In fact he vrould not have towthlng more do with the matter. He hoped Mont Presbytery would not place him in position to compel hint to pernitiptort ly refuse to act, which he wouldi_tnost certaio ly do if aPPointed. Mr. Patterson then nominated Dr. McLean instead of Mr. Wilson. Dr. McLean said he would respectfully, but mod positively decline !serving on tbo COM mlttee. He woo Judicially excluded from serving. He had been spoken to by Dr. Clark and requested to conduct the defence. and had promised to do no. He did . nut intend to gay anything about this matter, but bad been compelled to do no. Ile thought he had given suMelent intimation to Presbytery at different times during the day, hat it did not apprise to be understood. . . The name of Dr. A. D. Clark was suggested, and that gentleman also declined the honor. The Moderator announced that the nomins [ions were brothers Wilson. Steel and Clark. MP. Witherspoon hoped that the - names of brother Wilson end Steel would be withdrawn. They had both given good and ample reasons why they should not serve on the committee. Dr. Pressly auggested the some of Mr. With r. therspoon mild he dad the stone ob jections to urge against Nerving that had been Drs. Pressly and Clark._ Ile moved to substitute the names of Rev.. Timmons And Sturgeon, for those previously suggested. Mr 'Minions had various reasons for nut serving on the Oninmittee. Rehm' done SORIC. thing to the committee business since he had been a member of this Presbytery. and had sometimes been accused of doing too much. that to, exceeding his authority. That did not appear tO be I he case In thLa instance, however, a. two 'corata [Dees And been appointed and neither of them had done enough. So far as he was competent of judging as the matter nose stood, there erns nothing for is Prolteint nag Committee to do. The ',crumble to the report present.' by lb. Mob& n, admitted the fact, and as the ease now stood. - the facts were edmitted and the law denied.% or the facts Miring been admitted It only remained for Dr. Clark to Justify his conduct before the Presbytery, if be could. There was no lune formed. consequently nothing upon which to go to trial. The question recurred on the motion to ap point Revs. Timmons and Sturgeon on the Committee, which motion was adopted. 3luderater—What further lotion will Pres bytery take in ts.,matter? Mr. McLean—T ice course is plain now, I think. Mr. Moderator. Our rules requireathat the accused shall have time to inquire his de fense. It only remains now to appoint a tiny for_trinl. Ten davit would be suiliclent time. and the day could be hoed at any date after that time. Mr. Steel-1 cannot see how the prosecution nre to proceed In Ode case as the matter now stands. Unless the committee will present to Presbytery some charge against Dr. (lark.. to which he could enter a plan of guilty or not entity. there will be no Issue joined and noth tng for Presbytery to determine. Mr. Timmons—To what committee do Top oder? If the prosecuting committee is meant. I min Inform you 1101 V that I shall not trouble Myself preparing chadees or hunting up evi dence to tip what should have been dune by former committees; and I sae this now, In or tier that it may not be said If the prosecutiba fells. that the committee did not do their duty. Mr. Barnes—The shape this matter assumes really does look as it Dr. Clark's counsel had been on the Committee as the ease . Is so as! ranged that Presbytery could du nothing. Mr. Timmons—l cannot see the propriety of • appoluting any more Committees on this mat ter to go out of Presbytery and return • re= port, leaving the matternot where it stood at the beginning. Thesition the case note stood to was a pecu liar one: All that eras - . necessary to be done was to appoint a dor and allow Dr. Clark to come in and justify his or ttoo. According to the report presented by Dr. McLean the fact was admitted it and only. remained for Presbytery to hear Dr. Clark's reasons for breaking the engagement .and then pass upon them. Mr. Sturgeon—Mr. Moderator, Dr. Clark has admitted nothing to this Presbytery. We have no proof of a promise of montage, or of tu f t e rf ng;a4i n Lm e ut. Nor nu proof of the breach . Mr. linroes—We have the report of the Com mittee and Dr. Clark's admissions , to .them, and if necessary the same facts elicited before the Committee can be produced to Presbytery, I nreoume; but I think with brother Timmons, that the best way would be for Dr. flack to' lead off to the matter and justify his action before the Presbytery. Mr. Patterson—lt would be asking too much, Mr. Moderator, of Mr. Clark to ask him to lead off and establish his Innocence before his . . . , . It was proven. 1,41 the witness be brought beTore the Presbytery w•ho had to pass on the Cage. Dr. McLcan—l repeat Mr. Moderator. that the count to be pursued lea plain one, There now remaine nothing for Presbytery to do but hpt oint a day for the trial. And I will state ere that we do not admit anything.. but will require the witneases to be present. If Dr. Clark sees it he mar probably admit the en gagement. but that will only be lessening the htbors of the prosecution. Dr. Reed mooed that Tnestlar: the'. 17th in stant, be fixed as the day of trial. . Mr. Patterson IlloTed to amend. by fixing Monday, the lath. Dr. Guthrie thought If the matter could be adjusted without a trial. it would perhaps be better for nil parties; but if not. the sooner it was determined the better for all concerned. The amendment of Mr. Patterson was then adopted. and Monday, the lath Inst., fixed for trbn motion. ingthecas ° ll was resolved to meet in the United Presbyterian Church, Allegheny, at 11 o'ciock .1. M. On motion of Mr. Barnes, the Clerk was di rected to furnish the parties with blanks for the citation of witnesses and any documentary evidence they might require. Dr. Clark—N.: Moderator, I do not Intend to ••• open my mouth to this matter, but will submit the case to Presbytery to do as the think proper with It. would ask that Dr. 'McLean and liar. D. W. Conlin be recognized as my counsel In the case. On motion the request was granted. • Mr. Thin - nem—l want Presbytery to -under stand that I am not going to trouble myself In hunting up evidence to prosecute this cane. Moderator—Understand/Igs are not binding in this body. It Is the resolution that hinds. Mr. Eturgeon—Mr. Moderator, I ask that the Clerk be directed, to cite witndses and Procure such evidence as may be directed by the Committee for the prosecution of this ens, Moderator—lt Is his duty to do so. - Mr. Patterson thought for the sake of Pres bytery. the Commlqre should prosecute the case with all the power and sigqr they pos sessed. If they should come unprepared it would be said that the Presbytery did not do Its dutPln the matter, and an acquittal would he of nrilleraellt to the accused. The 'Presbytery then took up unfinished, business; hit nothing further of public interest transpired. Building limpretoire Report. Tho following le the report of Mr. Heed, Building Inspector. of the number of pcindte for buildings granted during the month of April, to whom grmffed and the amount of revenue derived therefrom. The' report, as will be seen. exceeds largely that of any pre vious month. bothin the number of permits granted and the amount of revenue derived therefrom. One hundred and eighteen Per mite were granted, as folknaw - • •- • To whom Fees 0,1-Xcebler & White. 15 30 Grented. lected. Anthony Aappy.. 9 CO W. E. Long $6 CO Henr• Mellon. 3pt Reynolds & Mc- . ;Handl er DO Mahon 01 1 Gunnell & Clark. a IX) Mullane & Anger 3 OdGeorge OHL . 300 Aben & Raab 3 OnJohn 3103cr 300 Samuel Scott 3 130[Thomes Rourke.. 10 00 James Hughes... 3 0013. Gilchrist 800 James Wide 10 CON. Schneider 11 00 James Reed 3 00rtew.Rosenmund - 3 IX) J. IL Chamber.... bOO M. Haggerty 500 &Word Uhlman. t. 03J. Waltuight h. MI Thos. &halters.. 301 Francis Tinker.;.. 300 John,A. Strain. 3'03 Wal. Dnekhans... 3133 Robert Fife 300 11 - ..1. Lynch 300 L.J.Shaltenbmnd iMr. Kelley 3 00 &Cu _ 13 00John Reystlrmf.. 503 _ _____ F. C W. .3rm strome 6 0015favtlxi Valk 3 CO Fred. tatter 3 00J. B.& O.ll.ChaL . A. Waldschmldt. 300 . men sco ltobt. Thompson. 5 00J. Catighlln. 500 ittnlth Criswell 4no. Wilhelm.... 305 & Co - • 14 30 Chas. KUL l e al Jacob Zahniser... 01 W. Ilogigl Son... 50 John Daum 0214cKee& Riga '• WOO John Mareli4...., 3 oxeosepid yeageitas L.J.Shaltetibtanet 'WWI John C. Miley. Oo Martin Pllser." 590 WW• Mete 500 H r . '" W? ^." ntf. :tite E.A.YZI=.2I: !. &.° Wm. en..:. 3OD John Beecher. ... 531 Jackson erg 3 00. Henry limiter... 300 V. G. Elliott 3 60 Dennis 350 John C. Wall 2 00. Chester & Co 3 IA Chas. Ham ben 511 Q WMA llhartimul.... 300 Nallaret Potts:. 505 W.. Martin—. 301 Kobte & Meyer.. a 00'Adagn antler.— 300 Ctirld Beene..... • 3 05 Pat. Scanlon 300 win; Stroud , 500 214 Stelwait.t.. •• • 3.1 D . Pierre Sinnott-1 ' 3 00Jski -Mat" • . 4, 3410 Hanlon & Ripper 5 05llarnuel Drown. 500 Jno. Knoll 5 CDC. W. Smith 300 Petrick Labez ... 3 Fennel.! Griffin-3 01 C: W. Nurdslek., ; 6. Martin .t . . . W. J. tlieffl-, 5Pr3X..... 3 W.I. O'Donnell &Co 316.1 6tr00d...... 6 IX) Deo. Kugler 3IV Ur. Jun. Duncan. 3 IBA. L. Pearson.... 301 E. 3311& /IMMO! 300 1 (9. Orissa . , lis.; Am. Fritz 10 01 Jou. L. Mown... 13 OD MM. Mihaly... 15 05) Wm. Frank 8 00 , Total.. 1 We directihe attenten of our wader' to the statement of the Heal &tate Savings Bank w tikti appear In soother colleen. The trust worthy tad well managed InMtatkn in teak- Lug Tepid headway in public confidence, and Its depositors are twoomiew much tante numerate while the depoilth ere correspondent heat ler. Dull% the pact six mouths the growing ii= ll / 1 11:P br,7d.r. marked and bed patro i ti b . It Is me of our staunchest and most le depositor es. for savings. The badness well end carefully conducted. and liberal • deathly - towiedu- customers has been a laaabur, ogee. ,The oeftoP- 0! the : rie l aiurer ua • /tr adtai i a i a.mi ti 1477 . In i cesi n 11.7. 0 7 ..d peta gi. F"n li On le , .w o h r deposits. The Batik Is open daily New t .. and 3 o'clock, end on flatardet ,ereeingspqa, 7 tog o'clock. . . . . Entlmesen Glom for do o r and transimu. The finest Work In the mostly Ito be seen at Wm. Nelson's Establishment. b0.1:3 Market street. sANITARI• At Last—Mrating at thr. Board of,.filralth-- 001eial Urporta- Meat Invectlon--A rare- Documetit—Thr .err Reg l.rrarbn-- Pleaunr Reading., The thirst attempt ss ■s succcoottil; the hoard of Health met yesterda>' Ohl:soon. Four o'clock sena the appointed hour. tbmins in email aquodo and iingly, at half -must four there were present' )tenors. Ilnue, Albeito. Liam King. and Preoldent throes, president Grose occupied the ;heir, and Mr. Athens officiated no Secretary. • The minuteswere read and approved. = The rrports of the Health Oftleen worn prr scan'. Health tdUcer Cr'n.l.y they reported thlrt) three nuisance. abated, 'weenie penalty granted, 11.35 received, and *MOO Imprinted during the month. A.sidant Health °Meer McFadden reported lre notices nerved. ,?S nulgance. removed. 4.2 abated. and I mull entered. The Mehl Inspeitor ittviehtell the following report: Ge.m.e..slKtg :—Tbe number. of hop shilted end inspected during the month of A pelt WWI the came nein March. =I Aprol7lll, sciznl nt the Dlionond market one barrel of cornett beef, as being unlit for toe, which wan by my order thrown Into the Allegheny river: nirn somo poultry belonging to Michele.. • I condemned them as tains In n State Of decompoeltion. They were nine consigned to the Allegheny riser. Seised at the ',hop of Lewin Boyer, roan otreet, almost a whole beef which wan eased end totally unfit for use; I. . etindenment the name and ordered It to be thrown Into the Allegheny river. The offender wan arrestenh and taken before Deputy Mayor Cartwright' for a heating, and pinned guilty'nrid netted the ==! And promised never to engage In such trulhe again, whereupon he was tined ten dollars and 005111. • . I condemned three calves belonging to rant ern. end eompelled them to lake them home end keep then, until thee were It for market. In the amen of Edward Lacher end Freder ick Frenkenbetcb. the butcher Who deemed TILE DEAD e11w,.'4" • As mentioned In my last monthly report. they horn not yet been found. but I feel satisfied t n hee have retired from the butchering bushieve i disgust. I find that on the arrive] of stock from the west at the Union Stock Vents nt East Liberty, that their healthy condition Is better than has been known for some time. Upon examination of the hooks of Mr. FAwnni Smith, the gentle ...lY Mont of Samuel W. Allerton , & Co.. I find that out of I= which hen arrived within a few days only tight were dead. and that caused by suffoca ion. cattle and other stock ere generally good and In a healthy condition. Respectfully submitted. Thos. W. LtrIDNAT. Ptrranriton requested ItMt Mr- Listdeiny the publication of his report in fu11.% Reporters are accommodating. That's apart of the profession. It In given rerbalfat above. exclusive of the smiles with which the rending of its - facetious" points was attended.. . The 111;:niet . were nit necepted mum filed SIM NIGHT N01LY.1421. Mr. flays reported certain)" finm the Sani tary Committee. stating that Messrs. Mena doer &Co., who And applied for license. as I night %oilers, had procured- the necessary tankagn,carts and implements for carrying .on the trade. and that hr instructions omeer Gray had granted them license 'for one year. first explaining the law to theta and the penalty for its violation. ... The report teas accepted. Health °tire , GM" Presented a certified copy of the folloWing act, is relation to rectom' try of marriage*, births and deaths: Anact supplententary to an act to establish a Board of Health. and to secure the city and port of Pittsburgh from the Introduction of pestilential and contaitione disclose. Scerton 1. 1k ft enacted. ,tc., That the Boast 11 Health shall furnish separate book.s, in which shall be registered. In the manner here- limiter directed, the 'returns mode to said Board of the marriage s_ which-army be con trected. and of the bh-tha and deaths which may occur In the city of Pittsburgh. Ste. -.. That It shall be the duty of clergy mend all denominations, of derke or keepers of the records of all churches and religious so cieties. as alto of every magistrate and. of other persons. by or before • whren •any mar riage may hereafter he solemnized or con tracted, and of every predictive physician and of every practitioner pf miderifery, and of every undertaker and superintendent. or sex ton of any cemetery or burial 'grouted In the mid cite of Plttsborgh on or before the first day of June next manatee. 'the .day In which the law goes laid, effect) to report his, her or their earner-and Lorne.of residence to the health officers at - the office of the hoard of Health, and It shell be the duty of the health °nicer to have the same properly registered in index form In suitable books. to be furnished by the Board of Health. In the event of any of the lee tons above specified removing to any other place of residence, It shall be their duty to notify the health officer of the fact within thirty days after such removal, except where the Persons shell cease to act in such official capacity as makes them subject to the provhdons of .this act. arr. I. That whenever any person shall die In the city of Pittsburgh, it shall be the duty of the physician who attended .durlng his or her last sickness. or of the crooner twhen the case comes under hit notice) to furnish to the undertaker or otherperson superintending the burial, a certificate setting forth,' as far as the same can be ascertained. the full name, occupation. sex, color. age and condition (whether married or single) of the dead person. the cause of death. In cue any person ahalt tile without the attendance of a physician, or if the physi cian who did attend at the time of the death refuses or neglects to furnish such cert Ideate. it shall be the duty of the physician of the Board of Health, upon being notified thereof. to make the neemnary examination In such cases, and to give a certificate of death as eforesatd. Prorated. It be not a case requir in the attendance of the Coroner. Sec. 4. That it shall be the duty of every un dertaker or other pertain before removing any. curse for burial within the city or elsewhere to obtain from the Board of Health a permit AO to do. which shall he granted by said thmtd , hut before obtaining such permit he shall de posit In the office of the Board of Health the physician's or Coroners certillcate together with his own certificate. letting forth as near ir en can be ascertained the birth place of the Party. ward. number and street of late real. lence in the city. time of residence therein. place of previousresidence. duration of last illness and the place and date of Jutended in terment, which certificate shall be signed by the undertaker ae well as the physician or ma gma in attendance at the 'time of death, and no sexton or tither per-1 son shall moat in or assent to or al low say such interment, or aid or assist about preparing any grave or place of deposit foruly such body for which such permit has not been given authorizing the same, and It shall be the duty of any sexton or other person who shall receive any inch permit to preserve and return the same to the Board of Health on or before the first Monday succeeding each interment. lice. I. That every person practising mid wifery In the city aforesaid under whose charge or superintendence a birth shall here after take place. shall keep a true and exact register of such birth, and shall enter the same on a blank ochedule to be furnished by the Board of Health. This schedule shall contain a list of the births which have occurred under his or her care during the month. and shall ant forth es farm the same can be anceftained the full name of each child. (if any name shall here been conferral.) Its sex, colon the full name and occupation of it. parent or parents, the day and lace of Its birth, and the - suld sched ule shall be delivered duly signed by the prat , •Utiouer In the form of a certificate on the first day of cock and every month to the health offi cer 'Jr to any other authorized person. Incase the birth of any child shall have occurred with out the attendance of a physician or of a prac titioner of midwifery. or s hould no other per son be in attendance upon the mother Immedi ately thereafter It shall then become the duty of the parent or parents of such child to MlMrt it. birth to tho Health officer la the Manner 'and fort and within the period above required. SEC. ti. That It shall be the date of every clergyman nod every magistrate, and of the clerk or keeper of the records of all re ligious and other socletich and of every other person by or before whom any marriage may hereafter be solemnized or contracted to make a faithful return of the same at the expiration of every three months to the health officer In the form of a certificate, which shall set forth as far aa the sem° can be ascertained the full name of the husband. his occupation. the place of his birth, his residence and age , the date of marriage, the full name of the wile previous to said marriage, and her age,. the color of the parties, and the place where and the name of the clergyman or other person by whom the marriage ceremony was performed. That is case any clergyman, magis trate, physlehm.Comner, mid wife, undertaker, sexton, clerk ur any other person as aforesaid %hall violate any of the provisions of this act. dr refuse or neglect to perform any of the du ties required by the same, he, she or they shall forfeit and pay tor every such offence the sum of nut less than five nor more than twenty dollars for the use of the Board of Health. which mum.or sums shall be _recoverable. as debt, of like aoudad, and on nonr.payment of the same a rapine ralsotlefocktufrinf may Issue. Bic. S. That the books ur registers keVbby the health. OMeer at a certificate duly eertlned by him an containing a copy of the record of Par marriage, birth or death she') hereafter be admitted In any mart of the. State as trim fuck evidence of said marriage, birth ur death. SW P. That the restry of marriages, births and deaths shell he kept in separate. Barka. and there shall be s'eneral Indexes to the record of all merrriageo, births and deaths, . . . . which indexes shall also be-tept in separate hooka. enc. 10. That the health officer shall receive fur the Ilse of the Board of Health fifty cents for malting • certificate or aertlfied copy of the record of any marriage, birth or death, and ten cents for making a search for either a marriage, birth or death, which sums shall be mild by the patty applying for. the certificate or narch. but the said register. shall at all times be accessible to physician. cleraTmen • and lawyers without charge. See. 11. That in order to secure uniformity and dispatch In the registration herein provi ded for, the books shall contain on the margin of each page printed title. with corresponding blanks fur suitable entries for marriage., births and clelitnill order, to wit; • • : • • ..Varrfaocs.--Full name of husband; 'occupa tion; resideace,• birth place; age when married; fall name of wife .prerious to marriage; resi dence; birth place; age when married; time of marriage; color of the parties:. ceremony em-, played; name of the person performing the mat:farm residence of the lint named person; date of certificate; date of registration. /firths—Full name of the child: sea; color; full name of father, his occupation; fall name of the mother; day, month and year of the birth; street nod number of the house where born: name of physician or other person sign ing certificate; his residence; date of certifi cate; date of registration. Druthie-fall mane of the deceased; color:sex; aim married or aloud occupation; date of death; cane of death; duration of last Miens: birth place; ward, number and street of late res idence:Uwe of residence therein: plan Of Org. violas renience,• plate of intended Interment; date of intended interment; date of Certificate; date of registration. SEC. 1.1. - ne Board of Health Ann keep on Muni, at an times, a supply of blanififilrgratu hams distribution to all persona wbOse ant' it 'shall be to make returns under thlg ea* •••- go ewr B 4 l:: : : , • t o b i :ope ,. . rha r:t . i . o t ri th h ol att an bv d r i e tta h p.a all r ed r t he . ..fint aire dg - T " O d f June,.. k .tna e o w D l o r :i e rd ...d , one re t gu hcru ha sa:d . e f igh or oany t bon deed and seventy, and all ants Inconsistent ,Alter rl4,..hTbe reading Board.fotflee.alcuthpm.ludildbeantvez Ing the provisions of t hin actinto effect. am W gold Pittsburgh was the only oily of which had nut this system In form, Mr. King moved that a committee be ap pointed to Ntellre the necnootry lauds, and pa pers for the carrying out of the object of the not. Hurried and Stemma. Kluft% Alh6t2 and Edwards deslgnatml as the c Mee to uct in conjunction with the Health Oilier, and have t'frrYthing inside. that the registration m r t he commenced ,Inne I. ItliMllll.ll talk herr sprung In which It nay onnnimmody concluthal that the. Mant hod - ornatown t•r—rttn ensue' d would In future exhibit no ..runktanher. s" feeling or oug th oodtion to e Hoard -the the loydelatlon trcrsllll hn•thg hot 0 , 110.11•41 firtet. 1K11171105 acre then inhered ; tor the tot,- eat of the inlarles ut the Health onlnere, and to Boned ntlJultened. BIUMINOHAM, COUNCIL. Brioler NeellaY—r. V. 6 C. Railway . •or Iltreet fault A4per4—Flnancra Retrain , Colleetions. Itirmingluon Connell hold a regular monthly meeting In the (3uuncll.Chninbcr yesterdny. ' (Tuesday, evening, May a, mu. Members present:' Meson. Attorintry, Doyle, Duncan. Oliver. Sehwartn, VuegleY, Itedman, Schneider and Burgess Aughenbangh, who presided. The minutes of the but electing were rend and approved. Mr..eitterbury. from a special committee, made it verhel report concerning the route of the 'Pittsburgh, Virginia & Charleston Mail. rood through the borough. The committee, if which he was a member, had e Kaoline.' z ‘ both routes (the Manor street. and the ry and Breed.strect routes.) It had been fo red that t Milatter route would be the nos ad- I vantageous to the borough. There would, ea grade of about fourteen feet from Seventr r lnth street to the bridge. The Manor street lute was accepted last year, but tile - Went of D rec- tors of the road hail since been changed, and It Wes necessary for the present Hoard to tra verse the route on Mary and Breed streets. The Committee recommend that the route along Manor street be greeted .to e the Com pony. This route had be surveyed eetent. engineers, and found to be entirely .racticable. Thu report was accepted and .led. Mr. Duncan moved that the report ho adopt ed, and that the Railroad Cbuipany WO con . nned to Manor street. - Mr. AtVerbury sald It would be necesaary for the Itatiroad Company to have the route through East Birmingham changed from Mary to Josephine street, In the event of the odor . lion of the report. • • Mr. Atterbury, front the Finance Commit tee. reported that. one thousand. dollars had twee paid to Messrs. O'Neill ft Hastings on cc count of gnarling and roving. In order to do thin the Committee got a note for two thou sand dollars discounted. There was in the treasury of the borough fifteen hundred dol- , lure. The borough t. 311 duplicate amounted to 513.983 77.. about four hundred dollars more than taut year. The taX was asammed at the rate of eighteen mills. The report was approved. Mr. Atterbury moved that hereafter nil borough officer* who collect the revenue of the borough. he required to pay over to the Treasurer the entire amounts collected, and that the commlaskuts far the collection of the male be paid said oakers by warrants drawn on the treasurer. The motion was adopted. Mr. Duncan. from the Erect Committee. re ported that the Committee had examined Fred- rick Street. and ri.:Counnend thui it be graded and paved from Tenth to Twelfth strata. A portion of the Committee had alas examined Oeventb street,. and recommend that It also be Irrmled nod paved between Brigham and Manor " Tr t tl : The eport wns accepted nod the recotranen. dation. adopted. Nez Itedmart sold it would be necessary to pare Chestnut eller, between Fifth and Cloth streets, this season. Mr. Redman said Binnlnghatn - street. be tween Fifth and Sixth, needed rn Pair , . • On motion of Mr. r. the Matter of gra ding and pmsh's. the streets mentioned as referred to the Street Conurtlttee. with power to, not. A number of bills were read by the Burgess, . . and were ordered to be raid. Warrants were ordered for officers. ralnrtea A 1.,. a warrant for te.130 for the Street Cow EMEIIIEMM •.• . . mhsnioner. to 81,010. Wee prene. egad and ap proved. A warrant wan ordered for the amount of the Insurance premium on , the Town Hall A comumnlcatlon it at clothe white washine and cleaning it the Market /louse for $5l was read and referred to the Market Corn- Petition,. were pmented for a newer on Fourteenth street. Referred to the Commit- • tee on Streets. me Burgess rend a communication from Philip Pfeil. Market Mester. stating that he had Fold one hundred and tweet r-seren standL tram which sales the sum of V. 221 had been !Mired. Mr. Atterburg nald there Yet , remained ner .ral stands unsold. which would morel there.-e from thin source to IgeMal. Mr. Doyle Mid the market building needed Tales, and that ;Winona% market facilities ere necerwary for the aceokornodation of the market proVe. On motion of Mr. Doyle the matter waa re ferred ton special Committee of flee, who shall Inquire into the feasibility of the proposed improseinents. Messrs. lloyle. &hareem, Voerely. °Doer and Atterhury were appointed, The Committee was instructed to report at the nett meeting. On motion adjourned. . I 3213== The folloWing are the deeds admitted of re cord in the older of Ttioa..ll. Hinder. Recorder for Allegheny roomy, parssditY , Maga. 1079. Jas. Laurent. This.. to Jacob Nusemsus, April In. 1 78. tedlots is! ground In Collins towo ship fIX,O Alex. King to Sarah C. King. APril =l , 1070. a lot 31 by 120 feet. on Greensburg Pike.with' buildings 81.0t19 C. Hanson bolo to. Win. /I..llerr. March). PE% a lot 50 by 91 feet, In Thirteenth ward, Pitts • burgh George Precker Fred. Aprint ° (la by 141. feet. in TwentY-lirst word. Pittsburgh Geo. 11. Hogg. et al.. to Calvin Wells, et al., March I, IeSP,IIIII by Int feet on Libertystreet. ar Pittaburgh m I. Koenig to Annie V. Davis. April 39. 1:1119. by 1,3 a fort on Itemiser avenue. Allegheny, city. with building, #I,IEO Samuel C. Rankin to Wm. Ilagglem April 9. 96 acres and ld perches of land in Elis abeth township. with buildings KEE Joseph Spann . to E. &Hefty, Jan. 31, MO, lot In Etna borough IMMO Marsraret.Potts to Jog Meebel, April 27. 1870, :111.e di feet on Meadow 'greet, Ban Dir. minkham, with buildings James Anderson to. Frank Korner. September 1860. 19K acres Pf land and bullding4l.99o James Anderoon to C. F. W. Brecht Septem ber IS, PM, 2.3 lures with buildings In Mee.,- dleas township J1d..709 John Kelly to Mare 'looney. April 22. 1)170. Pb by 100 feet on Ituncein street, Pittabur i a with buildings The Greatest Bargains la Hats. tape mot !Ostler titualls at leteetleg 6 Ce:a Great Repreaentattve Horse--row Geed. ispeatag. Mr. Wm. Fleming. the senior member' of this great and leading eatablishment. has just returned from the East, and Increased ship- moot, of MU. Gulw, go.. are nuw being open 'Led In the store. The unusually large trade of their house this season has necessitated this extraordinary supply of stock: but the arm Is °anal to all einergerwies, and the assortment now en band and arriving has never been equalled In the city.. either in extent ur late ness and novelty of style. STRAW 01.110136. There Is also being opened at the salesroom one of the largest, tuetrt and most complete assortment of straw goods that has ever been brought to Pittsburgh. Wholesale and retail buyer. may depend upon finding this depart mentaulted to their wants. The prices In all departments of the store will be as hereto fore, at least IS to AI per cent. less than any other house. The public should call- and ex amine the goods that arc now being opened. whether they wishlo purchase or nut. They will nlways find the most courteous treats Meet. No. lap Wood street. The' Road Committee held their regular monthly meeting yesterday afternoon, at the office of the City Engineer. The business referred to them by Councils was acted upon. and the monthly pay mile of the Rind Commissioners .signed. • A claim of a citizen of the Fourteenth weed (Oakland) for dem:lnes caused by the water main bursting when the land slide occurred br that locality n short time ego. was reported adversely to by the cub-committee appointed to Investigete the claim. Other claims for demegee caused by the same slide are •known to be ready for presen tetion. and as the sub-committee were gelded by reportn of the. city follcltor In making their mann allowing the claim Pre sented It will be useless for others having sim ilar claims to present them. • 'Come nal Ea r a the Lem lathrereneols ea Bloaers Sewing Medilnes before purchasing elsewhere. armor a MORTPX, tilzth Street. nave your mosey and 'au). your. shoes Ire W. T. Wylie. No. en and 65 Fifth avenue. It I. a well known fact that • at Write's. No. and 6b filth avenue. you can buy , cheaper and better shoes than any other Inman In the city. • 1:5=1 Corm! mad Nee the tale Improvement. on B . l Nrer'e Mewing Madden before purehrisinir . eenAw & MoRTON. 90 Misfit Street. The newerlers am full of woman's Buff ram., the frlfteenth Amendment. soul Pler, Demuth & Co:. cream ale, showing Conch , TlV . What eutdeets are nearest the people's It 111 a well known fact - that at Wytiet; No. a 3 and e 6 Fifth avenue, Ton 'ran buy Cheaper and better abaci than any other house In the city. Crushes: Ibusheub.l.All kinds of brushes, or our own manufacture. at Lough:l,4e, fkolfhleld street.. Th. ehesPeit shoe house uthe city Is Wr Iles'. No. AI sod GS Fifth avenue. The lamina Meek if Hem" 0: Hale, Mr., 44 . 0 . 1 T s at eerier of Peon avenue and Plith street, in now large and complete. Mon sleoellonpaln matinees to preolde at the cut ting. tf Cosa awl Ihre the late haprafensesta oss Binter•. Bewley Meriden before purcheslng elsewhere. Brame & XORTON. ".p /Seth Street. co se* bee the Late Imprevestears ae Sister's Sewing Machines before purehallni elsewhere. Elrits.w & Mostrosr. Blxth Street. • The ebeAopt shoe house In the eltr Is irr Bea', No. ea 41412 65 Filth teens . COMO ayd See the Italy lewevetneete ee Kneed Soviet Medlin., before pufeleeldi elfewbere. fifit4w & Monrott. 20 Sixth Street. Merieroor Catholic Syrup Is used In all oases Instead or pills, orator oil, epsom salts, &a. Highly 1111,9 red. Twenty-are cents. Try It. Fold by all, awing. 1111LANTHROPIC The Priam noels.. y .tnnual Meeting -heparin nd 6rner•l huslnem. Yeetertiny the Prisson Sosilety of Allegheny County held its annual meeting et ti,.. y oung Men's Monne. Ihissui,ne Way. Mr. h,,bert 0,1111,111nd. Mr..l..M.Mefissonl gle acting on Sswertnry. The report Of the trensurer. Mr. Carll,le. wn, ',Jewett,' showing the receipt, from the or ganization. Jill.• 105 5 us May list, INIII. to looe Iwo. .2.31:1nn, unit theel proollturem $2.- TPOrt,llenrlng in balance In the tremolo. if to:4,18. mound • not Include the unionist.. re rselvesl (ono member,. Individually. The re pos! wins epprored. A report from the agent wan called for , null noun being et band a tilecueslon sprung op, in ss Kiel. mune of Ales sruesillsere urged the Importance of Me matter a, . a niedium i h militia which the griddle might ten Informed of the opens, lows of the nos:lets.. ' Mr, I gslhde .aid the work of the agent we. of mieh it ellertilder that It could hardly he re ported.' Mr, Arley did not sena is regular report, but thought occasionally one might In mule out MI a geno . nt resume of the agent. work. It WOlllllllO more all Isfactory than n inn at all.• Th.. rule.. committed now ITI dlell. Mr. Wray. from the MOnday Conn litre, gave 1111 MN: 011111 a Ito. weekly meetings held lu the Jail, and said 1 he result wan enconfaging. Mr, Marionale told he wax gre tly encour -1 lIIMII, AN ri member of the Sunday Committee. at this work which had been ar .omplished. Ile t o good might be nee, pilshed by taking the money paid to the agent (unless he was doing a great work) and expending It to, aid Mocha; ed prim:nem In various warm.: * A mull of Instances went related oil the enacts at ending the efforts of the, elevating nit restoring to the path, of virtue. ninny oft owe who hall been thought - lost. Km MnYoung neggested that the Sunday Coininitt . commit. with the various clergy men will a view to licensing their serviette at the Sinai y 111,IIIIFII In the Jail. Ile , thought any nit t em would officiate. end It . variety would I. beneficial. Mr. Van tinnier thought the Visiting Com mittee should be Increased. There was work for n great many more. Ile also urged more 'widen] In nnNng diecharged primmer'', that all Alamo of conlidenee on the pert of the amens, fat might b.! checked. In reply to nn Inquiry, the gentleman staled that the Committee had famished trensportatlon to forty men et veri tem timel during the year. Mr. Ca lisle gave an interceding account of Ihe maw thins of the Acting Committee nt the l'enitenehim Member.. visitited the Inetitu- I lun not lens that three times each week, and the prsogreen made sent gratlrglng. The gr.- tlensun gave nn Inutnnen of 0 young man who had became a useful Uhrlethin member of 11, deli. niter hie relense through the efforts put turd, in Id. belinlf, end who wan active In Phi 'anthrople labor.. Mr. Mcflonnlgle mild that durh 'our mantis Revel:O . -eve prbeinel lischarged, and urged the most .111 'or their lild and eneteirngenient w' o the world. At the elope of the discuselen he election for officers wee held owing result : Proodoit--Robert Orr. 17,4lroildrubs-Major Win. F Robert Wray. S'rtrtorit - -It. C. Miller. Treasurer-J. U. Carlisle. Attorney-Wm. It. Clark. The meeting then adjourned —40.--- would be IlgentelTort glen restort I Rare Opportunity to Bay Gods. As u 111 be seen from an a vertisement. which appears In another column the balance of the dry goody stock. of .1. W. taller & Co.. 110 Market street. Is for sale at an °itemise Ric ridee. As the object of the firm sto foil bu siness and settle up the estat . of the Isle senior member of the house. the g... *oust be sold. In order to hasten the sale and accom modate all parties, the Adminlst tor, J. W. Barker. Jr., Km., who is now In the city for the purpose of closing out the e tablishment, will sell goods In any quantity, f m tvsent, live cents to one or ten thousand dollars. tie will sell the entire establishme t. Including stock. lease and fixtures, to any me who may desire to go Into the dry goOds business. We know of no better location In the city. Ass los one who desires to embark In t dry goods business can now avail himself o the prestige of the long established and pop or house of J. W. Barker Sr Co. The stock on hand nt present Is valued at abont forty thousand dol lars.l` and competent Judges nom us there is no "rimier" or nicer stock of orals in any house In the Plate. Mr. Barker 111 be glad to receive propositions from partie desiring to negotiate. Bane your money and buy yoliti shoes from W. T. Wylie. No. hi and s.l Fifth venue. 48. Yoe looking glass°, sind picture frames got Loughridge's, 171 Smithfield street. ••Come .nd Mee the Late Imp •tepsents ea Singer's Sewing .34schines beta : purchasing elsewhere. . :Knave s Mom's, 90 Sixth Street. ',F.h.7r,:td', l 3,cl.;,l';;rsr,..;tl' City 11111: Varrtage., wholesale:and reiall, at Jas. Loughridger. 171 Smithfield street. MCI HANNA—On Monday. May 2d at 3 r: 31..11ARY W.IIA NNA. da tighter of Alexander arid Catharine Hanna. axed 23 and 10 months. funeral will take place fnim the ...Menet of her Im . rentei iis. 37 Craig B.Btd,lAlleghelly. On W.W.11/Of. May 4th. at 10 o'clock A. M. TIM Mends of the family are respectfully Invited to attend. CARICIN —At Ala ddence, No. 74 1.111, 1417s " ;4 n i m M 7 4 : . 1.1;61 nant.7i ht. we. Vamemil 'Mem his residence of to mommten.. at 13 o'clock , to proceed to the For Wayne de pot teethe 6,43 Wain L. Item Galilee. Dearer mammy. Paneral aerelees. im Tuesday ev ening at Sti elect. The Mende' ot, the family an reepertfully Invited. attend. SMYTH -on Mondßy. at 7 r. ft.. May Yd. LIZZIE J. S.B VTII. iir r.mae•tion of the bruin, la the 12th year of her age. The funeral will take plans - from the residence et her father. It. F. iiinyth. Esq.. Mansfield, TO-DAT• 4th Inst., at 12 31.. and proceed h 1111Idale Ceme tery. Carriages will lease IL It. Patterson k Co. stables. at IC ii clerk A. a. The friends of the fondly are respectfully Willed to attend. FINLAY—tin Tuesdaina, Ma ; 3d. at right and a half o'clock. JA M BS FIN BS FIN AI In the 47th rear of his ago. Funeral from his late residence. No. 160 Third avenue, on Tilt' soiliallsilott 10 o'clock 110 ttlendi are respectfully invited to attend. CANDIDATES. . Bga FOR COUNTV-61-11SSiOilER GEORGE NELLET, Of Marshall Totrothlp. &object to the decision of the /1n Itspoolloto Copnty ettovention.• ap.1131& Da. FOR COU:!iTli COMMITB-iIO3EL Benjamin Donthett, Esq., Ot Indienn township. IF ncandidate fin' Co Commissioner, In subordination to the detlat.r t .d 111: p it p a r al a rr Cvnrent Eat clod. In rebus. gFOB ASSEMBLY DAVID L. FLEMING, of the Seventhword, Ilitaburuh, (for meat Trace connectal With the it A Z 1.7 1 .6 °Picea at the solicita tion of many friends. will permit the n. of bls naroo for A onembly.subJect the nunenettun of the Union Republican Peril. • SPEOLLL NOTICES,. / • TUE 'NON CITY NATIONAL BANK or Prrrnutxo a. MO 2.1870. f DTTIIE DIRECTORS OF THIS BANK have this day declared K Driidand of All[ PER CKNT. on the Capital Stock. ' oat of the pronta of the hist .to months. ' , dyable, free of too. to Stockholders or their level representatives OK and after the 12th Inst. .1. MAGOrillii. mirl :ti Cashier. BTBOUNTY. •_ • $lOO Bounty Collected Vor ell soldiers who enlisted between M.y 4th and July Tad. 1881. who were discharged tor dl.nbll ity basest serving two yeeni. and who have hereto funs received no bounty. r t The understamed has removed h omen to GA irlTl:Balldlas.eornerl3lsth seem, nod Maltbaeld Weets•w 2 O ml. prepared to cullodal= wed . lir at moderate rates. Call on. or address, with Manor. B. r. BROWN. Claim Asent. Bazar= Building. /truer Math avenue , and Smithfield welt. • Plitetucti, Pa. DTPUBLIC NOTICE.--HaTlng been appointed GAS and GAB MUER I NaPIDG TOR for Allegheny ounnlY. nolloo to hereby glean ,le L oei.sauy olliCeatitt IleelUizlaslTest.; Ing Machthe+, .4 14, pnovlded, I will Os (mad the OFFICE OF TILE NATIONAL ripNORT AND PIPE WORMS. Twenty-third Meet. near = = failed Cho sod rise Metier Inspector. AN HOOD: HOW LOSTI HOW 11149TOREE0—Just Pnbll.b.edd t i t c l staled Te n Altri 16 P, PirdgM, l'targau.l Ctlt of Spermstorrbres, or Semlasi Proshoesa. and Imt toasts to Monies. IreMnitYLPICrTOUSTIBOW, ,ODn• fr. ; :gili.T.37lgarrtrtVElVlZE M V T. author of the 'Green Hooke de. ...A . CKIN . TO THOUSANDS Or SUFFEHDRA.“ Met Under T ai. InaoCllpi .hi KLINE. nr " W.. 1117 whorery..New York. Postorhee box 4 SEL , Aim Ihtestrenrelre ellarrlssre Guide." prlee .43 cent.. my2wel3 THE . MAY MAGAZINES.' Just Issued, With Profuse Illustrations. TIM MAY IYUME6IIB.OIr. • THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE; Wart. nftellmog i lArtieks. 30 mita pee - . GOOD WORDS, 17,„Trg.,*'0,7%1 1 ,411117='!"' i Good Words for t e Young. Ng larin=le i Wtruct rhHr4t r ue.• aatag u trig , P" pe t tel ir jrl= l Mg 11=4 1 ad Ti. ym.P".. J. B. LUPINO° & CO., PUBLISHERS, 71b and 717 Market Bt., Pldladelphlin Ell AMUSEMENT. OPERA 1101:SE. fixers - night I•nt there the enrogeruent ••1 th/. pr.puler rernr.llotn. I=l V.ItN r.,11A V EV KNINIi. Mar 1.1%70.. ill Fr aaantaal relehrottal drama 111 (Mar no 10.... rt."- aval at Ilia tValntil attryt Tleautra, Mira OW. I= SI, F. S. Chan' mu ronpluole v•lth farce of thn SWISS .WA ...111 night ..r KIT. Chnnfnto Metttp•ro •.n . . 0-.... ACADEMY OF MUSIC. r>nrtt! PATTI !! --- MAX fillt A KOMI' rt.perthelly enn , n3nern that world.renowned and umlwalril ant/mire, Miss Carlotta Patti, WIM prier to her departorp for Igo Almelo., on the 28.1.1 May. per the liratlllanatenmerPouth Amer ica. appear In TWO OMANI, PATTI cuxcnimi. Etlliay Evening. Slav 6th. and Nottinday Evenlng, May lth, al N NWN IILOTTA YAWL will b awileitril Dy V.OllOllll ItITTEIt. the llywel rlanylcal SIGNOR. PAULO NA lIANATP.. The wonderful Whilinlet-billnrot appearance here:lllKRR rtizo nr. no 101111.11 MANN, the mipular German Tenet:, and JOMME 11EHMANNe, the great Getman Rarer. Mr. 0. W. COLY.Y. inverter. Admleehn,sl.UO; lkwerycdrierita.ll.oo extra. Gellert. 30 mete. 'The wile nf Neale will commence TUKWILA Y. MAY 3,1..0 t 4 o'clock A. tr. at nteliteray'a Agency. Klither A S. 122 Wend Kirin. litelnway's Hanna mien at all Patti'. Concert, apibittfil DT. : MERCY IIOSPITA I. FAIR, Open Every "Evening OI'L'Y HALE =CM ADM INSION i'AIR AT KEYSTONE RINK rid reTorte ith the fol IMMT2 =9 Open Every Evening, =9 ST. PETER'S Catholic Church A IIMISNION spa w'S _ or THE FIRST SEMI-ANNEAL EX HIBMON of the rirratteucin ART GALLERY, containing II ftnc collection of Paint ings., the production of Amerinen and Foreign A, ties. le mow open Der and Evening. 30. 231 LIR 4RTY ATREET,oppovite the head of W,.od street • Atintlevion, !Al rent,. nti3 INSURANCE. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE CO Of Pittsburgh OFFICE, NO. 31 FIPTII AVENUE. DANK Dun. ' Insures against all kinds of Piro and Marl.. JOHN 1.111VIN,)11-. President. • T. J. IiuSKINrION. Tien President. C. 1/ONNEI.L. Seelylary. CAPT. WM: DEAN. General Agent. 1,111E1,01.: Irwin. Jr., • D. L..F T. J. I10•111.11.0[1. • W. II Everson..r D. 'fosse?, . itobert If. Davis. Harvey Francis Sellers. IT! PEOPLES' INSURANCE COMP'Y I= = DIREPTOna: Scm. PkUllpe. Cent. John L. Rhonda John VI att. Funnel P. Phrtver. John E. Parke. 'Charles Arbuckle. , Jared IL Brush. Wm. F. Lana. June* D. Forger, • Simnel hletTlekarL WM. N PU11.1.1115 Prealdent. - NATIONAL INSURANCE COMFY. (Oft. FEDERAL RT. AND AIIOND, ALLE GHENY. =ISIMENEM=2 T. W. 51AETIN. Erroddent. JOIE, 11110 W N. J n., ,'lre Pre•lnont. .1 AMES E. STEVENSON, Seerutary: IIIErone: • John A. Myhar. „Lie Lockhart. 'Ito: Myers. Jas. L. Graham:llol,d Len. C. C. 13.ty1,, John Ilnotn.JEGeorge ..hirob Kopp. o.ll.l . .WEllatosiJno. Thompoon J. 31,Nsugher. CAM INSURANCE COMPANY Pitpluti's 13uildiug, NO. 24 Fl AVENPI.:. SECOND FLOOR PITIRDUROIL PA. CAPITAL ALL PAID UI N.J. BoAlojr. 'John Fiton. '( .pt. 11. male, INan'l Wallace, p. H. Ottoman. •A. Chambers. Jake 11111. IN. MeClorknn. ...!Jaa. M. Beller. Thomas OmOh, Y•tut.N. 11011E/1T H. ICILN9. President. Jl.O. F.JENNINGN Flee PraTideni .10N. T. JOONNTONSeerelarr. • Capt. It. J. intAer. General Agent. INStIIYS UN LIIIIIRAI. TKIIIIN ON ALL MIRE aitt AND MARINE oti - WESTERN INSURANCE COMP'Y Of Pittsburgh ViExpA. 144V411: wm. 11141tREP.T. Semetary. CAPT. titto. SKEL.I). fienentl Acent. Otter 92 Water street. Spang /11:4.'sWimebOntm up stair, Pittsburgh. Inture against all kinds of Fire and Marin: Risks. A home instituti•in. mourned bY who are well known to the eintimaitlty. and torti • maintainned by promptness and liberality • the character which they barn assumed as etffering the best proteetlett to t Men who deal to be Insured. • . • leer K. McCune cess. J. Clark, James McAuley.lllsra K. Keane. ftl m ettneellirr,' pert IClrkpetrlck pssY4 If 1, 0 , ' 4 1 41 :Z7.*. O. tension ' . . CHARTER 1829 PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSUR. CO. OF ,PIIILADELPHIA. ONNICE 430 ANN 437 iIIENTNUT tTitEKT. Assets on an. pt. 1870. 09.&23.734 07. Capital. 0418) . . , 2 00. Accrued Surplus mid ratriAtilit . 7 1411. 1 Vet4rgruMerg 0001 ides on bum Terns. Thu Company suur l•ww watch.. upon the Rents of oil kinds 011101113- logs,Gratind Rents and Mortgages. DITENCTORS—AIfred U. Baker, Mumma Uri., tine. W. Rietianis. ISABA, Lee, (t Geo. Poles. Alfred Miler. Thos. Sparks, Wm. N. rent. Thorium N. Ellis, Gustavus Fl. Ronson. ' ALFRED IL BAK KII. President. 11171. FALM.I, Vio President. 4ar. W. McAllister. tierretury. T. it. Heger. Aseistuut COFFIN A KNIAA/GO. uplN Con. Third Avenue wad Wood Rt. E,A1P114.14_; MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO Of New York. 199 isrtoA DWA:I" N. Y. = I." P l a d ggent remium. • Special Immures NON.FORFISITFLIC her ren anneal payment. All iodides NTESTA- Ithr tor areal cum, and AIISOLUT LY INVON TMITABLE after two annual premium, All re strictions npen TRAVEL and RMIDENOE ni AtY'UYL- P.nmluoßnndNO INCItEASIC °Mutual payments inrslslti; l ' agiNtt't x in w vi p . " ti w iiiinit:47 .l Pit INTNItitt.T plan. NO.N. NOTE.e t reguired nn and there In no ACCUSIULATION INTICREST NMI t.Tit ' htlettVa ter term Tte and endowment ;mho. are Issued: also. guanantes interest poi IMes and annulUeit Number of (wisp. haued,3.349; co , .rial ha 93; APSIAS over 115339,vu ye. • Onod,actlvo Agents wanted eerercherOn ern Pennsylvania. • WY. A. FULLER. .01 Ogren 78Mge/il;za.}Arattg.,:.- JOHN M. COOPER .& CO. Bell and Brass Founders, ENGINE, LOCOMOTIVE AND ROLLING MILL BRASSES :Made Promptly to Order BABBiTTS METAL Made and Kept on Hand. nvoriotors Rod Mout acturefs of I. M. Cooper's Improved Balance Whee STEAM PUMP. O led -8841.16 STREW.' Foundry—Come ITTLt nod RAILROAD STREFTS. Ptitsbursh . . PUTTER. 1.1 I:boxes barre Fn.& Ftal Butler , . Poe .• halt. l,: bY j'itlegitniAte. OFFICIAL N It DIN INt'E--4:ntiing: to the thlt-huh,h, um% Iht-rntaahrtm 7,1? --WV.',:Ttl';:%':47:;:r=int unur Ntr ' n ' n: ham 1 . 3,10g0r Itnitwx t'mf.nny to use Kral °ma ll 1., the parp...a. their r.rilaur the 1011...1na ntreeta ..t the ray "pmt I, ‘ aeetthn lat art VM, ' tt any In A MI. A. 11. 151P......tim;1.111( 7 11/, ' to un net ta in. ‘..rprorate the Ihtt•hurall und n lfirininghun‘ ihtPut'^ - aer pUllyra i a‘.prhred the 30th day April, A. IS3III. azat the .ahl , ..mpuny I. here nuthorarl to enter ota.n noel lay .I.orn rail. for oletuhlr. truck thr..trh the an ehturuenema at I ha prevent tueu.mek rquithnel.l atm,. near Ihtta wren. then, • . . . . along Pniithltel.l.4.l . p ..t p. Spv.•pth IA VIII 11, thence *bong ~ , r ent It no' •3V ~.irll(lt .t r.... 1. xl..tag , :r.ant otreet to own., ot W....hingt.n. .tp...t. ,tll.3ert, U. all re n t iletion. ttn.l P .n.llli. .n.. vont:sin...l m .1.1 at ..1 IneorpPnation. unit .01.)ert all the terms. condition.. ro,trletion.. .0.1 Itint.tions pmtatheill • . . In •n ‘•rtlinanks.••l August 2.9111. A. It. 18.310.. u. thortring the said Itailwny l'oinininy to ocTistie and Inverse Smithfield Provided, however. that said Comp.lny rointncnee wawa within three month. from the tal•Nsge of thin ordinance and numb 1.111 , mere within nix nn•ntlis thereafter. StA, tt. That the Councils of the city of MI, laugh herri , y rrnerve to Ihemrelnen ille right t•• grant al any time t. any pics.engernittway meat to the Sitt.hargh and rtirniingnam l'ansen- K j et 4 i ' .ll7l . "i , that no company ttl which the right to 1150 Mich trneltn in granted .hall ran their ran thereon, sub .) ect to and in eraiformltv with Pula. rennonnhie la a n d table an ;min estnbihdied he the l'ittahurgh and Birroinghnm Company: provided MAO. that 11141111jj herein contained nhsh Interfere with the right of the city to vacate any . part ot the etn.‘ets over which the raid tracks•nhall he laid. • sr.r. 3. That uny ordinance nr turn of otedinanee mode:111w with the ins•aue.of t his ordinance at the present tone nd the 9111,1•• Is hereby repealed too far as the tame affects thin ordinance. Obtained and en:lett:di into a law In Councils this With day of March, A. I). 1870. 111701)WIN. President era tent. beleet Council. Attest: K K. Monitory, Clerk of :Meet Council. W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Connell. Attest. U. 11e1latrrEit. . Clerk . of Connoon Council. mee A N Ottl)lNlNCE—Authorizing the _Li_ Laylngo( Switch Track connecting Shoettbers ger Eurntteen with the A. V. It. K. Truck. CSygrt o P st t t l s . b urßgeh I l o n r d S a e i l n ec e t d a a nd d ( .o e i nc oendC byn tchlns tie anti it is hereby onlalnc.l and enacted by the nathority of the nam .That Shoenberger Blair .1. Co. be and they are e. hereby antlturiud . construct a Switch Track nonntoling their Furnaces with the A. V. It. It. tool In such places ns may be designutell by the lite Engineer. No an streetnter fere wlth the established grade of the Sm. 3. Tint Shoenitentor. tuber S Co. In using paid :witch (nick ',ht.!' not leave earn standing no at t0...5t00l travel .nny street tomboy d nit the tine of writch or In any oaf' thistle. with the drains or water courses of any ntritct. or any In dlnidual doting now hurled. tlix. d amnt the Mayor. In tronJunclien with the Hameloittee. la teeth authorized to grant unto the sell Shuenberger, Blair St', a Serene° for the sane upon the payment to the Meyer the penal tee for the mild license. ECM . • . ev;. That nothing berngo•rontalned shall he Lo priellegn pointed D 7 thh o o rg t n y all r eC " A any limo . . atoll, slaty class notice being wire.. War. S. Thal any ordinance pelmet of ordlaan wanttlethsa with the homage"( that ordinances! th prawn,. time. be and thate Is harebyrepealed far an the moue atleeta o r Orduload out onartellnto a law. In Councils. thl Stli any of April, A. D. 1870. BURCIWIN. Prosldent pro ten, of SO I 1,11. Council. Attest: E. Nil.lllo, St.l.-A W. A, Tomi.iNl.N. Conit.,n Council A tle.t: n. aeynm:u. . ~ . C . ilera of .nine. Courcd. t N fllit N ANCE—To ,retittire COM mittees roport to Councils. Sr.e. le It ..nlasned and enacted by the tidy of Pittsburgh. In L.lelect and Common Council expert,. bled. end That ereby enaed by the aoriy of the same, hereafter it evil be the tinty 01 the Chairman of each Committee of Council. basing charge of appropriations. at each stated morithly meeting of (...orneli., to report sn abotmet or nal note of all pnxectilngs of raid Committees since the bud stated meeting of Councils, which ab stract PI/1111 Bed forth among other Witco all oun tools made. *lth the names the contracture and the lending terms thereof. a detailed state- Mont of nil liabilities Incurred and of ell dleburse manta of moy. which they have authorized, and the amount in the fund under their control an -disposed-of. r. 2. Cold idalernent iduill be signed by the Chalminn and certified by the Clerk of each said Committcearespectivelc. Pac.3. That any ordinance or part or part ordinance corilllraing with the ilf of divan., at the present time. ire and trio same I. hereby repealed to far as the same affeete this et nano,. IMEM! Ordained and enartea In. • law to Connell, th tiSth day of A yr% A. D. 11+70. • HILL • President nro Lein. Select.Counell. Attest.: E. S. 3loituusc. Clerk of ISclect Council. W. A. TLINSON. President of Comm OM on Council Attest: 11. Mc.MArTun, ncrt of Common Connell. •i ORDINANCE—AuthorIzIng the I W. B op . Mo ening of lump street from Fifth avenue rry's line. her. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, In Selectand Common Councils as webiol. and It is hereby ordained nnd enacted by authority of the name, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorised and directed to sur cY and open Ilona street' from Fifth avenue to Jos. B. 3ltorv l s line: and to uppralse damages and asness henetita canned thereby. ,Sh ep he rd ebe Samuel Chadwick end itroullten are hereby appointed. in areordartre . withan Ast_oun cerniogStreets. approved January Rth. 1564• tc.' . That any orednance. or part f Ordi nance conflicting with the tee: argil of this Ordi nance at the yorteten farm e be, and the this hereby repealed: so as the lame aftectS Ordinance. Ortinined and enacted Into a law. In Council. this 15th day of April. A. D. 187 O. OIL]. firRGIVIN. President tiro tent of Select Connell. Attest; E. S. MOIMOW. . . Clerk of ['deer Council. P W. A. TOMLINSON Alle•t: U. 310 .1144 4 cut " C"'"'" C";'6l 6231tE A - N (1111)INANCE— Ant horigitic the' ix • Grnding. paving and Curbing of Thirty seventh street. from Butler street to Penn arcane. See. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In Select and Common Council. as. eembhol. and It is hereby ordained and ennetfol by Me. authority herehe same. That the City Engineer be. and i.e is by authorised rind directed to ad. vertV, propoNtls for the Grafting. Paving and Curbing of Thirty...erenth stet. sameutler street to Pelin avenue. and to lit the In the manner dinorteil byan Ontinanee concernin Streets. pasted August 31nt. 1837: also an act concerning Streets. aptirored January lith 1864. ger. That any Onitnance ;met of Ordlnanne conflicting with . the parotage of thin ordinance at the present Unit I,e. and the hereby re pealed an far an the MARIO affects thisnllnance. Onlalned and enacted Into a law in Councils. thin filth chic of April. A. 6..1870. I 1111.1.11616:1118. • President pro tem of Select Comet!. Attest:S. of nOtr.• Clerk of Select Coon iii W. A. TO3II.INSON. • President of Curnmon Council. Attest: 11. 31e31n (lent o a f Common Conn l ell. t ORDlNCE—Authorizinz the Gmntlng of Permits for e constritetion of 4au the lts lIC under sidewalks. ilEtwirg I. Do It ordained and enacted by the COT of Pittsburgh. In Select sal Common Councils assembled. awl it Is hereby tained end enacted by anthorlty of the same. That the Street Cm ntholonent. In their rempertice 111,1111de: shall have r:""?4, TILI t u zit^4g4riTgri„ - JoZlent. such permit. , may be witeirridowl. Pr, 2. That any ordinance or part ordinance preflicting with the pc...woof this ordinance at the sent time r e and the same Is hereby rePode4 far the amend affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a hor in Councils this 25th day of April. A. D. 1670. 1111.1. PTcrildent pro tern. Select Council. Attest: Y. rt. Ittot now, Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TO MLINSON.' President of Common Council. Attest: 11. llcktswren. Clerk of Common Council. ORDINANCE--Stivending the Ordinancendattric to Wooden Buildings no ay as it relate. to the 15th and Ifith want.. Pre. 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In !Wired and Common Council,. en sembles'. and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the mune. That t h e rdinance prohibiting the motion of Wooden Bui o lding= be and the some Is hereby suspended during the year i1f4701 eighteen hundred ging nerenty. In no far as it testes to the 15th diid Sac.% That any Ordinance or . part OF Onil. fiance conflicting with the linago of thin untl• fiance at the present time. ho and the same Is hereby repealed Co far an the same afftels thin Or dinence. Detained andcnncied Into a law, to Councils, this 25th day of April. A.R i1 11171,. • .president pat, tern of Nel sen7onecil.. Attest: E. h. Winnow. Clerk of Beira Council. ' W. A. TOMLINSON. Prenident of Comnion!Connell. Attest: I Cu ell o awe mm on Council.. I unOl iiit fit iil , lCE—Authorizing the A. Grading. Paying and Curbing of Cam t ferret rom Bedford Avenue b/ Cliff street. Stcrlon 1. Be It ordained and enacted by the City of Pt ltsbunrh. In Select and COMM. Councils mmtnbled. mod a it hereby ordainedand cted by authority of the came. - That the City! En ena gineer be and furs hereby authorised and directed to ad vertise prop:mile for the Grading. Paring and Curbing of Canal street from Bedford Avenue to Cliff Street.and to let the same In themanner di rected by no ordinance ninterntng Amite. pureed 31at.15.17: sip. an act concerning symta approved January 6th. 1864. tira, 2. That any ordinance co: part of 4rdiniMee conflicting with the sage Or 1.116.0 MIT M the Orrrent time. be and the same in here by retreaded so far as the mime affects thin ortitnenoe. Ordains:fend erected into a lattrin COU ells, this 25th day of April, A. D 1870 HILL 101167718. ' President pro tent. of Select t men. Attest: 11. S. Mounter. • Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOIIII.IN N. President of Common t mink Attest: It. UMIAK - ran. Clerk of Common Council, • nel_ R fliBA SCE—Appointing .11 Viewer on the Opening of liemsernal Ave- nue. Sec. I. licit ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh. In Select and Commncil. asaem bled. and it In hereby ordained d en acted by the authority of the same. That John Iki y lin be and to hemby appointed a viewer on th openind of Homewood avenue, from Pcnn• avauue to Ftwukstown avenue. In lieu of Finley Tureens, who declines Pinery°. Ser. 3. That any or:Nuance or part of ordinance enntileting with the psmage of tbls ordittanbe al the prnsent time, be and. tba IMMO IS hereby re owled so far no the same affects tills ordinance. Ordained and enacted into • law in Councils this 18311 i day of April, A. D. ltl7o. H BEIRGIVIN. President Pro tem. of Seim( Council. Attest: E. 13. MoullOw, -Clerk of Select Council. • •W. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common CounelL mn.3At test: 11. Meliltim _ N ORI)INANCE--Reecallim un Or i....dinan re authorising the Grading of Casaat • 81X2277 1. it ordained and enacted by the Cu of lattaborgh. In Select and Common Councils assembled. and H. is hereby ordained enacted by the authority of the Same. That the ordinance authorising the (trading of Closet Rotel. frum Cliff to Arch, passed March 28th,' 1870, he and the atone Is hereby repealed. • 000.2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the wane of thinordlasisce at the •preaent. time. be .15 the same it hereby repealed. 110 far es the same affects this ordituume. Ordained and enacted into a law In CounclisOlds 03th day of April. A. D 11070. nunc,wm. Pr . ..0g0 orm Attest: E2.llonow l tem.of delectCll. • Clerk of Select Connell. ' • IP. A. Tomulisori. President of Common Council, Attest: It. 31c11 a terra. Clerk el Common Council. In 2 141. li6lC—AHlPiftlffstir-Stht hinds of fresh fish aro received daily at J. Pnlpress . popular nth Mend, No. 43 Pt..- Stand.inet. Pittsburgh. and at the an MY Allegheny City. corner Voderal and Ohlo Weeds. Oar lung experience in the tautness en ables as to always have on band a findela.e article. and an sell White rt.n. Salmon. flaming. Black Sass Kid Mite Perch. all at very low prrees. Give ns a call. we will insure • one article. tV hole •srdo cr retail. All coders filled gnmptlr. FISH, FISH. - Fresh Lao N y orri hß ot: ; • No. 1. 2 ' lmA Z4crol-91MZed lAbrador Mackerel; ' . Round Horsing; • COA nab; ivArr. LANG &CO.'S. • • N 0.179 47 174 WOO 4 84 MERCHANT TAILORS. P. McATIDT,E, 31 ER (' H A N"1"I'A 1 I ,OR, No. 93 1-2 SniithiiulslSt., • rirrsautiGn.l.A. tirGent , ll..thing made t.,oraterin l. .lbriatr. 1,1.... 1. ' Roy IZEINIOVA GRAY LV -LOGAN =I N o. Fl-9 FiFT I VIEN Ir No. 47 Sixth Street. SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES! ME I'PIIERSON & 111 . 11LINBRINIL Merrhant Tailor, No. 10 SIXTII Wr1101 , 1% dole llalr., We hewn ereeWMa large and well ...- levied Sleek of the bent and mod tanhlnnabk, nwln In our line. a Chat • rbntinn of wLleb are nor awn Irnpbriailn. fr4l . l.Aiz . n4l:ent t 7ur 10,11.7 t.. orr porter! .mtnatlon of our sto r t - k ' nrillte .errs. Veiling", ie. 2.IcI'IIERSON .t No. 10 Sixth otrret. NEW SPRING (4000 s, =I Cloths, Cassimeres, &c., mann= I= =I WALL PAPERS NEW WALL PAPER, FOR SPRING SALES, at No. 107 Market, St., NE4Z, FIFTII AVE. We now rlfFer to the nubile a ' , hock of PAPER llANlllNGSunourpanned In the West for 'oriel) , rnirl.!. 4," 'L, g )t t /Tirit:. '" III " IVPIN PI LVd ‘e Ii N frIVZI . lIESIGNW In pi.ln end bright rnlor. foe Ilnll% P ITit;TAAVP 1r,,4174,7`w",V47,,n . d'*1;171?W1T few (-lumber, 'octet .4 Inrh we p pOl.ll to nell Sc 11 , v, (I the ln the mak.. Call end nt No. 107 Market SI., near Fifth Avenue JOS. R. & BRO. mh123.15 WALL PIPERS. • SPRING 1810. - PRICES REDITC.I.ED: • 40 INCITES wide (lota at',Se per MI., GILT—a nreat variety at 31:In per I:LAZED—AII kinds at 413 c ELEGANT French and American Paper Ilmngs Inn, not spavined above, superfOr to any assort& went in the country. For sale et W. P. MARSHALL'S New Wholesale and RetellFStore, 191 Ltee rlj etreet.Plttebarial. met LIVERY _& SALE STABLES. H Robt. H. Patterson SLCo., =MIMES Seventh Avenue and Liberty Street =I {PILL ON EVERY SATURDAY HOLD AN AUCTION SALE Horses, Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, And everythini appertaining to the Horse. Partial, dentring to .11 will please leave their no tice of consignment on or beforeThunitlay of each week in itrder for advertising. Prompt attention and go cane will be given alititock lector Bale. JOHN H. STEWART,. • AUCTltitiltalt, .1•011r4 n. 'RPM, tn . • nom. n. onmr.mco: ROBERT .11. PATTERSON & CO Livery, Sale and COMMISSION STABLES, Cor. Seventh benne and Liberty SI., MEEMMI TEAS! TEAS! TEAS! Junreceired. a U rge And fine newirtineut of New Teno.connieung YOUNG IfTeilfs.. 001.11\G, . . • MEI MEM! Dem. ato invited pi null and examine the Stock 14 quality and price rill h fur the Interest Of the purchase, Al.. OD bend.n lark 5114 excellent assortment of choice Gn.iceties. For seta bY I= up.lftw,F Nam. 20 nn43o Dimond Mum, Livingston &. = CA ST IN GS • L 'f ht .""*. """"l'a ZiA tWh ttld L tViri - Phu Ur mkt Gale t . snide, of Builders' 111.1119 re Va -l itt\MlTZ bnigh. ro • 1..Z.115 TO STONE CONTRACTORS. County Soldiers' Monument, • ENGINEVII'd I I MITT, t ALLEG T CITY, Aril Itt4tls, I STIP. The Perk CommlsMenere wlll metere I'llol,o min for the minetruction of the foundation for . the Soldier* . Monument until TUESDAT. 3 r. H.. 141.7 I= soalr32 • N ls OTICE.--The Books for the su. •A• gerillTlON of block of the Crystal Spring Ice Manufacturing • . and Storage Company, Are noir opened at the blechlardes' Savings Bank. No. 75 SMITIIPLELDST Man. Thls Company Is eheftered by tho Leglehltulb her the eseleelre right of 31sonfactorIng lee In the County of Allegheny by Carries Celebrated French Patent. ' JAMES IILACKDICIRE. President. C. BARNES, Sealer of Weights and Measures, OFFICE: N 0.5 FOURTH ATE., l'lthitotriia. GEORGE t. TROUPE, - • Silk Tints, • ell. N 0.63 PDT Wholesale and HO Pittsburgh. Pa. Irld liatv renomted and ed to Were stile. 'Shirked and ieneacri. lilted by the Anwar-an Comforter. ../ill orders Proinfilif attended on. ; mamma VALUABLE SWISSVALE••PROP • Nan - FOR SA I.ll—Trrenty styes of choice lan t. in good lomaloin, near i Ito Itellemd. native. wall Into one er ter acre 1',V.",11,71 . 11,411g - story benne 0( ( al e r end cam. and one or ;three acme of level Mod. In fleassnt locatio a abort diortance trim the Mallon. also. a RAW MILL, In running order. teals. laths . , eta. dimpling 2. . house and three acres ilgagi n f : iir, r imr.. apply to ITO 39 Sloth avenue. ri HEAP V.l STOVES ARO TINWARE. VNDERS. • COSI. FIRE 'RONA, Ay_ P. C. DUFFY'S. 140 Omit street. 31ARSIIALL'S ELI.XI.It. - JI7IIORALVS YrAirh KILL CCRII ItlCADAtiti: . MAltee.O.Vs Et mitt trtl.t crux DTXPICItt./.. MAMMA IV* ELIXIR KILL CrII CoIITITXXXAS. PAM of Marshall', 1010r,11.01 per n vitha i, Ue* 2 1 . 1 0 301 Market street. ht.l4A ma, Proprietors. yor ty wholesale and rete 11 , by 0E(/. A. KEttil i :,..l , llSatrargh. INDIA RUBBER . • • BILDTING, HOSE AIII sTEAIIPACIIING Of the Donau COM'', nAlm. mu e l PPIT af en Orr.. The (rude rude. et J, & /L rU • Awarder.. all DiSSOLliiioN -- :or'. iETNEE 51,11P.—The PalitiPt}hip . Ore ...MINI between J. T. Glww and tipte. A. 4, doing ten. lona alder the Oren nf J. T. Oboe CA; ww. this day Absolved by mutual ...wt. • - ' J. T. W OLA . UA Si/jgi. PTITEDIO1011„ Awn - 94,157m t, ..-,(4G-7W.:!:;`,:4-..V../.,rvz 4 :--ecate4ea.4