THE-DAILY.GAZETTE has dually coot If tve had not offered i al y. The fact was made apparent,tiy this te tha t all obstruction and lhat,price, we should never lace found important buidness of revlsing4Ter in this • revenue nut that it WAR ton much, for we tiliMald - 'l,=.,.,lliitooramnydendoinestic, came t ram t h e have had no mad to the Pacific. perhaps The bill &ma. the %Ing e r' Ifitl4.7:W i during this century. Let , ..iia resisetiiher Recomiligeyt-eitts coTildered an d that the result , secuzen,to:our Rapids not , 4 , t t ,lrt meets the approval 'of iti:Ercreill a y one. avenue, topii three, - lieshavt".More; loore!da= tei r g=tl7.nt'grsM l arrow the continent. We have made it no l e :T e i g l A l i t c ar. 3 ni u ., gtfi t m ii i'h oP rZ e e:"4' cleis that a liberal land-grant is induce. ZI O Ri and c lust In rill its bearings. ' ls ' delayed me enough to repay capital for Ito risks, jalt.welg m to ti erci eat t t r i a vN. l , , , , ll . o o, t a rr, k e tae that a second and even a third line are not °Pl ' ''lt ion 1° only Proposed. but arecertain to be built within the neat live yeara, with just that degree of -aid front the governMent and no storm If the Union Pacific Com pany have made a profit of even twerity millions of dollars, we can justly average that amount upon .the en. tire!trarmcontlnental system which it late succesafully developed, and find plenty I I of sktisfaction in reflecting that even an R re t , I liberality was not altogether un wise, when it Is to secure for mist least thir independent tninklinea to the Pa cifie,-with all the lateral corinectiona pen etrating North and South, through every great valley and into every mining district in the great heart of the continent. O,FFICIAL PAPER or Isittebnrgh. Allegheny City and Allegheny County. GAZETTE BUILDING, Corner Sixth Are. and Smithfield St. WERNEODAY !NORM:VG, MA 4. Iwo. BowDi hl Frankfort, 95u9r4 PlrritniErn in Antwerp, 59 Gout closed In New York yesterday at 1141. Scott indiscreet Champion of the Pacific railway interests, whose notiona of legal authority are amusingly crude. pmposea to flank the Wyoming Court by abolishing the territorial pvemment.. We should regret to believe that the situation can be maintained in no other way. Tug name of the 'widow of the Moat distinguished martyr in the cause of the Union, our aatuundrateti President, fivery properly to be placed on the pension rolls. This tartly net of justice will be approved by ail, but those who, from Ignorance or from an active sympathy, continue to apolo gize_ for treason in the lump and in detail. THE Treasuiry report for April is genet , ally regarded as one of the most sarisfac fury. yet presented. It showy a steady Increase of receipts, and an equally steady reduction of expenses. Under substan tially the same tax system. the surplus revennee have been doubled by the present Administration, comparing April '7o . with April Dr.ooll\ TION DAY. the 30th day of May, is to be hereafter observed as a pull lie holiday, for we pmenitte that • the Sen. ate will agree with the Mouse msolution, of that tenor. It is not elated that the resolution contemplutes - kuct a suspension of all would make notes, their terms payable. to the 30th, to ma. tore on the .preceding day. If only a general recomendation is 'given, it can have no legal effect. In our own State, (Mod Friday has been legally established as a dies son,—for all but the press and the church. THE Greene County Repultlirana express a deckled wish for tbe rernanination of their present Representative in Congress, lion. J. 13. Don3ey. Beaversvill pn•Kntt aro competitors nod Lawrence 1/11Y. for the suirutt honor. The selection will be made, we presume, by conferees As 11.10- three from each county of the district. At the election of '69, the total Republican vote of Beaver Into 3.000. of Lawrence 3217, of Greene 1,512. and of Washington 4.476. The Ana two ornintlem gore Re pablLean majorities, in all 2419; the other two were Democratic, one by 156 and the other by 1,450 majority. TUE Waalithyton correepondence of a Ilew York journal triakes. known • very Interesting fact; The writer had been permitted to examine a mimber of privateletters retelyed by &eaters • from. eminent English statesmen', and all of -which evin ced an earnest desire for an early and sat. isfactorr_ adjoatmeat : of our Alabama claims. One letter, from Mr. - roam, said substuttially, this: Canada was aravitatier towards this gaun try so fat that the mother country was fully reconciled to the ides of cutting loose from her. /1 Canada kid .a mind to ask for Inde pendence through her Parliament, Ragland would. yield • ready assent. The Engliah gov ernment had been gradually cutting off the supplies from Canada solely with the view to her annexation to the Vatted States, and there war now a powerful Influence at work in the Canadian Parliament to urge on an appeal for self-government, which, although it meant at. negation. the English government was more than willing to grant. = It will surprise the people; when they come to know how the Pacific railway ex periment pays. The annual receipts of the road front Omaha to San Francisco bid fair to exceed twelve millions of dollars. The days-are n o t infrequent when the receipts will Indicate a total of full sixteen millions for the year. The road will be worked at n expenae of not over seventy per cent. of is 'incomethe average in the railway systems of the more settled regions of N.- Republic is from fifty-five to sixty per rent.—nod the present promise is that it will pay, in the year 1870, a dividend. fairly earned from Ito legitimate businists, of not lese than six per mut. upon the total cost of its construction. This would satis fy the interest accruing upon both the sub sidy and mort g age bonds, and repay to the stockholders more than was ever before yielded by any trunk line on the first year of its complete operation. Add to this fair and mom legitimate ptfs fit, the value of the Company's vast landed domain—an almost boundless property which his scarcely yet been encroached upon but which in now fully opened to settlement,--and remembering that this la a value which will increase so rapidly that the aisles of each of the next ten or twelve years will leave the acreage, nt the end of each year remaining unsold, worth more in cash than the whole could have been 'estimated at when the year commenced, —and we can begin to form an approxi mate Idea, and not -more, of the actual worth of the property which capital, con fidence and enterprise have won for the fortunate owners. ~ We hear that vast sums, supposed to be any where from five to twenty Millions' of dollars, havi peen gained by the few citi zens whose energy and means have con structed the I:nion Pacific railway. It Is said that the work has been put through witlf the proceeds of the subsidy and first mortgage bonds. It is claimed that the country hie berM swindled,—that we have' paid too !neat for the acquisltion,mid that wei must not repeat the mistake. To all this, there need be bud the simple reply ; what was a good bargain for us eight years ago, woutd be a had bar gain now, and the people do not propose is repetition. The road from Omaha to • Sacramento would never have been built, unless we had offered extraordinary induce ments to capita/ and enterprise to under take it. A mere land grant, with no other public aid, would have remained to this hour unappropriated on the statutehoot: The investment of more than sixty tuli, lions of dollars in the cowdruction Of two thousand three hundred miles of railway, . —for the most part through an uninhabit edand desolate region and surmounting . in its course two of the most difficult mountain ranges between . the oceans—if proposed to simply private capital, would then have been regarded as the merest chi mera of a ,distentpered 'fancy;' wo should have Teen nothing of its feasibility, even ha the way of an approach to . Its realisation, in . during the present generation. nail ' matter was clearly understood by intolli kfa gent people when the project wan under "41),.,A, consideration . The necessity for the 444 work wait in:main:windy admitted; it was. ..' f l : equally clear that its accomplishment was ~ 1 not within the reach - of, any corporation .. unless supported by the strong arm of the 4. ....,' WIGS. it. became simply the question; : 6 1 How mtich nre we willing to pay for a 4 - - ~...., to the Pacifier Vie -question wsimet.liberally, for it could, be solved .7 .4 . ,: ti 4 in no*rother way. ' We discover now, what 4.p. no one could then have kaolin, that our , ' .',,r liberality. was excessive, but we must not - - 1. depreciate the real worth oeits results. , .- , Suppose that we have paid ten or twelve • '..- millions more for ir. wort than it Eal • 4 3 %,4zetat..... • str. 1 :;-›- r; - •- • ~, -•r„.„t „„. . • • - ' - f 4 • • For no future event Is more certain of consummation than is the speedy under taking and completion of the two other lines, the Northern Pacific from Lake Su perior to the navigable waters of the Co- lunibia, and the Southern Pacific, front the: lower Mimissippi Valley, skirting the Mexican Harder, and delmuching upon the ship chaniitel of the Californian Colorado. Especially', we hear the note of active preparation &tribe former of these works. The other project will be seen not fur in its rear. Each of these roads will be built with no other national aid than by grants of lands in that vast, unoccupied and other wise wholly inacctstsible domain, which van never profit us a dollar until improved and opened for settlement by the ample. lion of thaw. mods. Without the in structive lesson of the Union Pacific to encourage us. how chinterical would have* wonted any proposition •to build a two-thousand mile railway with no more than the-shadow of an inducement to cap ital which a iner,r; theory could have of fermi I Yet, what the lesson has actually profited us in in tide it has made the the ory a hard and glittering reality; it enables • capital to compute a positive and satisfac tory cash result ; It has prdved the feasi bility and verified the golden promises • 'which two years ago were sneered at; it is to give us, as its 'first and immediate fruit , a transcontinental railway system which, for its grandeur of outline and boundless Mope of material influence upon the des tines of a people, will be without a paral lel on the globe. Before the close of the year 1870. a eon siderable portion of the Northern Pacific line will br put tinder contract. The af fair is in the most competent hands. When we see what citizens of Pittsburgh_ are interested in it, we can the better judge of the class of men with wh o m they see associated. Enterprise, capital and experience have taken this job in hand, and warrant its success.. The land-grant to which the approval of Congress is about to be given, is generous In its pro- visions. The project has greater intrinsic merits than can be claimed for the Omaha 'route. The line is to be three hundred milei - sherter. through a vastly more fee tile region. exempt from both the topo graphical and the climatic difficulties which exist to embarrass the middle route, and every separate hundred-mile section of the Cthupleted line promisei to be not only self-supporting. but remunerative to the stockholders. We can fralize the ee timate which capital puts upon the ulti mate value of this line, when we under stand that not less than five millions are offered for the investment in tAtis vicinity alone. Will patience, it must bring t•e turns whielt will justify the highest an icipations. ' Thin to a very pertinent illustration of the value of the lesson for which, it is true, we paid roundly to the Union Pa cific Company. lint whieh,luii misured the eonStmetiOn of a second line without the root of a dollar to the National . Treasury. Put that on the credit side of Mr. Bort , WELl:Siedgei,—and leave room for still other additions hereafter. PROGREIid ON THE' TARIFF We 'adverted briefly yesterday to the present situation of the tariffluestion in the Ilpuge. Writiig hastily, and at a late hour. we neglected to congratulate the friends of protection upon the very grafi. tying aspect . which Saturday's debate has given, to this issue. Our friends find themselves strong enough to hold their pce sitloti, and ton thoroughly well informed to be cajoled or bullied out of it. There to apparently good.reason to believe that - the movement for a. bogui "revenne reform" has spent Itself, and that the original measnredis reported from the Ways and Means, will be 'substantially •the bill as it will pars that body. • It is of no :sae to deny that the free traders did gain, in the temporary negli gence of the majority. some transient ad vantages during the past fortnight, but fortunately they had not the tact or even the opportunity, under the rules, to follow up their blows, and the time since has been well imporwed for the recovery of the ground by our friends,. It is now In the tower . of the majority to do what bee not been the practice hereto fore, to stop, at their' discretion, the de bates inSommittee .4 the Whole. The widest latitude of discussion bar been pos sible under, the old nde, while the fact that no rlSciiiice vote timid be taken in Cominittee, except subject to reconsidera tion in the House, has disarmed the vigil. ante of the supporters of the bill, who saw no positive danger -in surrendering thm, temporary possesnion'of a barren field to the enemy. But it Is found that this in. /agents. has been abused, and that the erratic voter of a small party of the mem bers in the Committee were reacting on_ faVorably Ilion public opinion. • The 'rouse is therelort hereafter to be held well in hand, whether sitting in Commit tee or otheneise; absentees will no longer excuMethenrielvet on theplea that a mere Committee cannot be controlled, or that its votes have 'no intrinsic importance: t e new role, adopted on Monday at the Ili. stance of Mi. Scup:ex, has inverted these informal discussions with n real con sequence which will recure the needful attendance of every member, putting, .we think, On effectual check to the tactic of the fceedraders.. . • It has been the policy of those members to wear out if - prosible, the patience of the Molise and of persisting in the II arky'jwarfaio which was 'so aptly de scribed by Mr. Schenck. The laxity of the old sale in committee was directly favo rable to flat poltryr tiud . the "refonuers'' have to thank themselves 'for justifying the House in applying the long delayed curb. With the better attendance )shicy members wilL]now find it necessary" . .. to give, the reunify may exPect a more rapid progress, and frit more Satisfactory results, in the current discussions. The opponents of the bill brae exhausted their strength in unprolltabie akirmishes; and ha friends will hArafter force the fighting. We - shall not anticipate the issue, otherwise than to nett; the increased confidence with Which the supporters of the protective prin ciple are meeting the situation. Apropos to Saturday's debate, the WWI. Chronicle remarks: .* • The motion to set aside the tariff huh and all °titer spwlsi enable the House to reach lii.Jutld's short. cat to reform sad retrench tom:oral defeatild Dr In .averwbel m i n g H. 12- PIrfSBMIGH ILY G-A - ZETTE : WEDNESDAY MORNING, HAY 4, 1870 THE FEMALE NUFFRADE HIVEMION. The following pn l anutticaoOn seems to short that all women do not want to vote, and that Rome of those who do not are as readv to wield the pen as their fair opt . news. li speaka for itself - • NLsx let, 1870. EDITORS °AMITE: I see in vmir pa per of last Thursday. that there is a Woman's Suffrage . Association ,orgtunzed in Allegheny city. Now this is somethiug that I have never thought ruuchabnut un til I perused the article in your paper, and there were, some things contained In it that did not exactly suit my ideas. 01 course, there is some allowance to be made for women that are' inwne on the subject of t'o'ting; but every right-minded woman will agree with me that there were some cutting remarks made about the women who are oppawd to lwoman suf frage. For Instance, here IS one' from Mrs Helen Jenkins: It is ignorant men and women who are our opposers in this work." Now, I am opposed to it, and do not consider it ignorance. as thit learned lady is }deleted to call it. I suppose , 1 have not had the benefits of no good an education as some of those lailT aristo crats, for I am a working woman and a working man's wife. I want my rights as long as they remain within the hounds of reason; but I do not want to leave two house neglected and my husband to cook his own meals, while I ant priMding the streets, elbowing any way through crowds of men to get a vote. I love my country; I love leer laws; she is no dear to me ax to any American that ever breathed the air of fn' don; but I think we have men enough yet to make the latex and to en. force them without women neglecting their homes and children to meddle with men's affairs. What would be the use of inen at all, if wit - nen me going to rule the country ? Man was cm- I sled stronger than woman. to protect ller, to :shield her from .every droller. With Mated gar a eompation for make home n place of rest for him after his bard day's work. Now, I ask, how in the name of common sense , ran a woman bea lawyer, a postmaster, doctor or President, and make a happy home for her husband at the same time Surely she would 'have to have a double eiistence. For me, lam as much opposed to negro suffrage as I ant to woman suf frage. Let the negroes . have their free dom; that is perfectly right. They hare been kept In bondage long enough; but are not capable of voting. It will do very well for those ladies who have plenty of ,mouey and line silks and satins, and moth ingto do at home. It will suit' them to vote: they want power—they want some thing to occupy their minds. • his not the industrious women that are enntending for a vote. They have enough to do to attend to their own business. and let the men-at tend to their's. lam a woman, butt before I would be ruled be one of floss: haughty aristocrats. I would leave the country. - If this should meet the eyes 44f any of those olrOng.ndroind women wlto wing to hen-peck their husbands. I hope they will excuse thin little bit of artreasm, as I be long to the class that is opposed to woman suffrage unit the wearing of unmentiona bles. A WOMAN' TIIAT 'ATTENDS TO HER OWN BrsrsEss. I= The rotbblalt yesterday hod a feeling article on the Richmondcalandty. It says "the news ota lost 13114 bloody bottle never caused so many tears or broke sonnony hearto,tut the calamity which burst, so tiddenlyao unexpectedly upon the citize if Richmond. The strong hand of Rea we choked the p litical bitterness whi recently had burnt into flame; It has bri dlcA the passions aroused by differ races of opinion, and beneath the tollings of all the bells. friends and enemies have united to show the last marks of respect to their fellow-citizens who have - found untimely graves." The article winds up with a succlncVsynopels of the incidents, of this fearful calamity. This article Is followed by aothe interesting statistics of the railroads and telegraphs of Penusylx via, which we shall probably refer to at more length again. In regard to the tax and tariff question we find the following, "What is now wanted is the Amplification and reduction of the tan system and a substantial arrangement of the duties. We will at least know Where we stand and how we are to calculate In regard to industrial affairs. - That which has recently been so injurious, and from which the Iron business of our State has so especially suffered, IF the insecurity of the ground upon which the business of the country now stands. In this question the behavior of Congress has been pittt ful; it has chrovn no n-teadfast statesman ship, but only ignorance and indecision from one side to the other.' It la quite useless, first to quarrel over the Funding bill and the question of the return to specie payment. The key to both is to be found in the tariff anti tax questions. First, give a secure founda tion to trade, the confidence of the busi ness world. and the finance and bond questions will then anise themselves." The Freihrita Freund had a leader about the Northern Pacific Itallrotul. which asserts that this project, when com pleted, will open up an enormous tract of country including the Territories of Idaho. Dakotan, Washington and Montana, - where the ground for the most part is rich and the climate pleasant, and whither Yankee speculation has not yet reached. 'tut the peculiar fitness of this road for the furtherance of trade between Europe. Asia and America, being three hundred miles shorter than the Union Pacific road. strikes the editor most forcibly. The difficulties of constructing this road . . are not to great aa those which were over come by the other road, because there are fewer high mountains to be crossed and dui material need for the construction can be brought:_ by taming of navigable streams, Into the Immediate neighborhood a the route. Thin article winds up - with the assertion that German emigrant. will flock thin way to Wzothington Tetritor where there in now a German govo or, and predict' , that two groat commercial cities. cicala of San Fraucieco and Chicago will spring up at the modern and Nineteen trindni. An other editorial treat", upo ;lie "Conspiracy of the Irreormcilablen," with whom it boo no myntrathe, fetrarding them ni enemies of liberty anti freedom. . A JVMT The' Harrieburix Trlrgraph of the 2d State Treasurer. Hon. It. W. Mackey, to-day transferred the Treasury to hls successor, Hon. W. W. Irwin. We do a simple duty In record ing that. never In the history of Pennsylvania have her finances been so ably managed or transferred In a manner so creditable to the yearofileer. During Mr. Mackey's s ys t e m one the reprehensible and Illegal of loaning the funds of the State to pri vate Individual. for their benefit vas been abolished. The "vault account"—which con sisted of due bills of these parties—amounted one year ago to ff.:11,00); to-day there le no such account. The balance on hand Is new ELM,- multurt VIRCI,OOO one year ago, and not less than $OOO,OOO. In round .numix,rs. of our State debt tun been paid off. ' Mr. Mackey's able report on the finances; his , auggestions; his untiring and restless energy and activit on ly the manage ment of bis trust; have not favorably af fected the value of our bonds, but have strengthened the financial condition and stand ing or the State. His bold, and at lhe time startling, offer to anticipate the payment of a loan not due wan found to immediately en hance the price of our loans. until now every bond lamed by our State commando premi um—the See per cents:even selling a WI. It will be difficult to surpass this lupe b 'man-• nement of our finances; and the yea ending Nay 2, MO, will furnish severe t • end comparison (or any retire o f • tion of thls Important department of our St to goy ' eninent. ANEW YOU telegratimmys: It Is known here from :autlioratlve sources that Secretary Fish will withdraw f om the Cabinet the moment the See Dominica treaty inbeen ratified by the Senate, .It Is sche in which Mr. Fish will never glee hi ass ent. Mstriet Attorney Plerrenolnt, of thl city, is to be Mr. Fish's stweessor. THE Dubuque 211714,1 Ram "Al bough the spring, rise this year did ex . that ot most of the spring freshets of tIC past = ears, yet it may be reasomt:ly ex ihat the spring, or April f ' theta, as Well an the Jane rite, will . ~ . m umy reach a higher point than ever kno n be fore. The subject of the MieSieel I flood was investigated by a citizen of 1 . :uque over ten years ago. He nays that the rset tlement of the country north .by ag riculturing, Increases the deal w , to such an extent that all the tribe ea of the great river. as well at the mighty river itself, will have annual floods of more height and force front year to fear." For the Pittsburgh liszetto WOMILN FVRA I: . ALEttuts. EDIT('Es :—Woman suffrage haelst . la,t - nwt with a public espousal In Allegheny - County, A few lutelligent not supinelycontent with the - present political and economical .ttotet of woman. btu realizing. :thw difficulties with which eta,. legislation mad an unjust gublie opinion have circumscribed her sphe're of action, have takes the initial step toward th ~ removed of these difficulties - by hold inga meeting,.and thereat proclaiming their determinationto actively insist upon equal rights with men. An earlier mani festation, perhapff. could not have been expected. the energies of reform have been directed for yearn to the over throw of shivery, So hideous an evil quite obscured those less evident. Thin in n law of progress. But now slavery is overthroWn, and the neat question that should engage the thoughtful considera tion of the people of-this country is fe male suffrage. In suggesting a few reflections on this subject, I desire loony before proceeding that tot one can alibi to sneer at it, or turn it into ridienle. Many excellent men and women an. earnestly working for its aceomplishment. • That of itself nhould elicit candor in the diSCUSAMI. lint there is another reason why - those who scoff at this matter ran n o t aiThrli to do so, and that is. I f they he mtnpared with the Men and woinen who Lave espoused it,the eon• trust will be severely damaging M them. I would therefok suggest to the °ppm nents of this reform. that, if thev would merit the appreciation of those ihose tip ii preciation is • worth the havi g. hume nut in favor of it; bat if they e n mit di: that, if thee are afflicted. as 'man art., with a load of dead • beliefs and obsolete tmdi ' tiotts, but miil-rlairn *IMP recognition for Intelligence, they had better say nothing about it. and reap the only fruits possible to them—the fruits of silence. Without further digression I come to the question Should the right of suffrage be withheld front woman? -. Abstractly considered there is tin possible vocals. front the conclusion that it should not. It iv mnregled by every one who knows the meaning of abstract right, that no dis criminations Can be found in the reahus of pure theory. If then, then• be objec tions to her political etpudity,--they must be founded on expediency: and such we shall find to Ie• the case. To the feW vaneed minds, all the reply here necessary is that what is abstractly right cannot be concretely wnsig: and this elms of think ers have gone still further and determined that abstract right should be the rule of human action. Only the few however are satialied with this, tlu• expedien cy school linving five• hundred votaries for every on — e — that worships 'at the shrine Of immutable right. And therefore it is that you have got to meet the expediency --objections if you would overcome the real opposition to this important move: meat. Let On examine eseme of those obj times. The lealffing one is that woma 4pheir in a domestic one—that her dot require her to remain at home.—that e should not meddle with public affairs. Many departures from this antiquated not' have been made which our olijec loos do not 'see fit to censure, and which they must be presumed to commend, shire they are so ready to assail the ex tension of suffrage. there are u great many women engaged in teaching schrsd, in mercantile vocations and in artistic em ployment",, every one of whom is within the prescrilxsl l'ean. Why not accept the consequences of your position, and pro scribe these transgressions of the domes tic sphere But how do you know that woman's sphere is a domestic one? Wien told you? I tell you that you hail. no More right tee say what her sphere ix than she has to say what ratans sphere Is. Equal freedom Is the birth right of woman as well an of Maui. The avenue" , let wealth and honor and happiness should not be foreclosed against any, lint, like the air we breathe. should be frees to all. But, say our objectors, it would Inc high. lv ittipri!per Mr women tee gee to the pone and vote. and cmute iu contact with the riff raft of society. To thl., I reply, you are not the persons to tench women propriety You may leave, you most likely do .lance Very fastidious notions of proirleet v. but 11 in a propriety.devoid of_poml stamina, and suited only itir,dress parade. If. however. wo concede a little to this objection. what does it amount tie? • Women are en the streets—thousands of them ; seven - day: they attend churches, lectures, theatres, mass conventions and what not of a public character. New what more would they encounter In going to the pelts and dive. iting a ballot I There is lint one objection that I Lace Meant urged, and that is, that the rx ercise of the franchise by woman nveul2 disturb the telartiagoreiat ion. In WMe exceptional cases this would leerlenjes prove trrie,. but the geneMl effect would lee di rectly the reverse. Among liee wuhitari lion reasons that can lee Rolm wily wonica sliolll.l have th leer b e ballot this wee, that would induce e rend and think about important public slattern. and thus elevate the standard of her intelligence. A ref emote .to- the miseries of their creurentiot will satisfy any unprejudiced person thae such a result will surely follow their nice participation in White "affairs. The proceedings Of Oww conventiona exhibi a depths of thought. a degree of scholastie attainment -and a purity of 'nape., thit compare very favorably with the rbulll lions of our masculine p litial entices tions. Now, if the effect of *versa] suf frage smulti be to increase the general in telligence, it would tend be sharpen the' admiration of husband anti wife for e ach other, and the advantages thus derived would greatly outweigh the exceptional alienation,. • •, But I Will Slit omsielcr these objectibus further. They are trivial and illogical. Tier only premises which will support the Conclusion that woman should not have: the right to vote have king'since been given up. The logic of events and Cm, ditions points with unerring eertninty tee her early enfranchisement• and no human Intervention inn prevent. though it may retard. the foMeeleadowesi cominnonation. I have already, Mew.. -Editors, trees. seised on your spare ton much. I should Ike to present some aiglittlenta in favor of his question which strike me an tunas. ewemble. but will not die SO now. May 2d, 1870. T. M. B. NEW BRIGHTON Plllrrnlh Amendment Velrbirmlutt M2==l lintaitToN. Nifty 3. ISIO. The darker colnieff part of the inhabi tants of Beaver irialley, including especi ally have: Fallsew Brighton. Sharon, Beaver, Bridgewater and Rochester, yes terday celebrated the Fifteenth Amend ment. The procession started at Beaver Falls and, accompanied by suitable music, marched through all the towns named above. Appropriate ' addresses were de liveriA at the different points by white an well as colored 'speakers. It was n time of general rejoicing. but as far as I have learned, (having been ab sent that day) there was no improper demonstrations upon the part of the newly eitizenirml and enfranchised of our Valley. Hope they will ever Is. worthy of their aew . privileges, rind thus stop the mouths of their enemies. Yours, Ac., C. The ..New Party^ Mhtake. Certain'editorial gentlemen who visited this City recently 'have free trade on the brain, and labor under the impression that they ran build up - a new party bailed en tirely upon that doctrine. They held public and private conferences, were fiat, tered and complimented by- Democratic politicians, and feeling assured that they were about to accomplish great things ancinstonlsh the world, returned to their reaketive homes in a high state °limns. faction. • .. - . 'lie Idea of a new party_ to be funned upon the free trade principle is exceeding ly grateful to the Demon at is mind. They know it will not take one roan from the Democratic fold, and that the Republican gudgeona who swallotv the bait will find themseiviat on the Democratic string. The mot anent it in every reepect for the ix-petit of the Democratic party, and thin is no obvious that it would require a vast amount of charity to suppose that the ed itorial gentlemen in question do not un derstand-and desire such result. But we predict ita utter failure. ~The attempt will be made, and while in some localities •it may . injure the Republican raity temporarily,' in othera it will be substantially strengthened, and the prin. cipal consequence will ba that a few Jour. male now nominally, Republican will find thetnseivex in tile' Demoiratic party, which to Republicans Will be goottrid. 1 , dance and great gain. Come, gimt emelt, move on! The sooner you sail uncle your this...colors the better for the cdtint and the Republican party,—Wosh- Chronicle. THE new Union Park Congregational Church In Chicago wan dedicated Mat San day. lta win whet, completed will , be about $150,000. /..' ,-. TUE OFFICE OF COROYiEIt Mltssn.s. Ettrrons ' Major W. H. Hope. of Allegheny city, his t.s-en suggested as a proper person to discharge the duties I of the - taffice of . Coroner, - for which a candidate will be selected by the Republican County convention,', soon tat -meet. That Ale is in every way titted for the place. sayable and of high integrity. fltse who know hint will !trot-Mins, and lie enjoys a barge ac quaintance. But he has another claim, of paramount consideration, that of devittiou to his country, practically demonstrated. e wits. a soldier in the war with Maizico, and joined the Union host (with the 9th Pa. Reserves) at the commencement of the t.toutheni rebellion, serving with credit until mustered out, In July, lEtiVi. - when treason had been subdued, mat the armies were dishamled. His ClitUrllll., with whonrhe shared the hardships-and perils ! of (11111144(1114, and more especially dna. under Ids immediate illuminist in the dif ferent ranks whirls he held, 'speak of hint in lIIIICeXANI praise, as a lance, true hearted soldier—ever reliable, never found wanting in the line of his duty, and equally noted for his -kindly disposition. That such a man is worthy of trust by Mu fellow-citizens, no one will question. His friends haveltut hiM forward' for the Is flee of Coroner, and hope to 'is creed in lacing him therein upon his merits—. ility and honestv. If. FOUND. DROWNEDi =I Kidder's Raltn Indelible Ink, Warranted 1 , 1 auperlor quality for mutklna LINEN PILE. t'OrroN. Sc.; So., with it munmnn quill or steel pen. Flows never gluts or ;iltlVlLlt k l . ntl t zzgr i t y al. ,_ Marta a permanent brit. JAMES E. BURNS & CO.'S 'rug Store and FernPr Medical Depot, er repo and Math sold HI. Clair( HI. AN OW PALLACV EXPLODED. Thirty or forty years ego. ft was the fashion to admlnliter powerful purgatives as - order medl dues." Terrific doses of salts andscene, calomel, and Jalap, or glauber salts were given all the members of a family. whether sick or well, by way of preparing them for the warm weather to pros pect. ml. pernicious custom I. nearly obsolete, but there aro some old Bourbons of private life. Incapable allite or forgetting • anything, or learninf. anything. who obstinately cling to It still. Nothing Could be more pernicious. morn utterly unphilo sophlcal. than such as onaleeght on the vigor and elasticity of the system. In order to °noble the physical structures to rcidst the enerrittlag effect. of spring damps and summer heats. It should be toned and reinforced. not relaxed and weakened. 'The best medicine agent forthis purpose in Haslet. ten Mouttich Bitters. Its effect Is to tone ilie.stom ach pod liver. gently relieve Um bowels from M., an:m.llons. brace the fierce, Improve the • ilualit of the blond, etimulato the appetite and 011001 . the spirits. , In this improved condition the natant:a. tine is capable of resisting unhOelthY • Inii nen.. .which would prostrate an enfeebled sister. A vigorous digestion Is absolutely essential to health.' and there Is no danger of the stomach faltering or falling In its Important eEee If ibis general vege table elixir is taken regularly ...le...hi. None of lb tonic tinctures or extracts will supply the place f the Bitter.. for the simple reason that they operate as astringents only. • In fact: in ordinary prartlcet live or Itir prescriptions would be reiluthiid to Produoo eeparately, the beneficial results,•whlch are effected simultaneously. sad harmoniously by this single specter, piot7/.1111••34; 1 ,1104)$ 6 . , t;wil FABER VAN DOREN 367 Liberty Street, PITTSBIYUGH. PA. STEAM E,4 =I ACI-T IN ERN", Steam Putnps, Engineers and Machinists' Tools. STEAM FIRE ENGINES 13E1:171 N G, Woolen 31achinez).1 Machine Paris CB - Mannfaettirere and 31111 inn pile, A cowitant soppl) on hand and fornkhoal on %bort notlev. .1 C01t13V.:11,t4 k.+olLlcyrr.i, Balance of the Dry Goods STOCK --' -°1 • ,LIV.BARK.ER &CO Wholesale aid. Retail. J. W. Barker Co.. 59 Market Street, will close out thOlbalance of their stock, amountitig to $lO,OOO w orth of Goods, to jobbers, retail dealers or consnmen, in lot* of from one to five thousand dollar* and upwards at prices mach lower than the good* can be pnr chased In the East at the present time. • The lease, fixtarea and good will of the establishment are also for sale. This Is a rare chande for any one who wishes to go Into -the dry goods bold ness. The Administrator is at present In the city wish the view of closing ont the entire establishment. J. W. BARKER, jr E=.=!l;=l MILITARY HALL: Graiid Opening.! nn IVEDNESDAT and . the 4th end 3th Inst.. . • Capt. Chilli salt 11 ; 2 -,h ; , d. . ri f il l at l TSg. ll 4l. U . opon hit dm hi..., FREE LUNCH AND BOCK BEER, From Oangstrich Brewery. MI friends and cent owl , . arc Inetted In keep Mew th the mude. and hol at Nit. 66 DIAMOND ALLEY and be Term By order et the Captain. umrrgl It It McCOWAN. It kIeKOWN R.M.lllTowan&Co. BOULEVARD PAYERS, Pare Sidewalks,Cellars, Inside Yards, Dares, ice. WARRANTED Al/A MET (•HANGES OE HEAT D COLD. . . • bnierslett at anztm.olllco. or et 3911:1MILAT pnottutly to. A. Hulot . by penutatton Ilattentionob Co.. Wto. Perk. Itirtlev. McKee & Junior nliltor J. Dun ut73:w4n CAUTION ! =I Or. ans/upt a pcnon roprepentlng himself PP .0 spent of their noose. They hero never lent ner traypler mann* Phonntraplierm to pollclL omen, their Lupine... en .Itlnnufectering Cbentlats,belen connned in the Pr togennle liana In cttlep an tenth a 0 Dnetlarible. • _ . inui.AnztrutA,A l :ll7lll " th. Z i ( 3 A:24 • CANE POLEI, Imeo Ono aseortment of Coto Pole. left over from laat 'oar, which I offer Eta eery low price. Portly, noting' 'tumid order early... to their order. being prEING MACHINES The best and 'cheapest Fluting Machloes to the market. Price 110.30 each machine. Citll and see there at JAMES DOWN'S. 138 Wood Street pi:WRING, IRONS. 1 have Jun received nu muuntment of Pinch. Inn Irmo, an article mama very much In the east by the ladle* for mollrig their hair. Tor sale by JAILED DOWN. _Ural - 130 Wood Street. BUTCHERS, TARE NOTICE! I base the dnest As/min/ant of Circular Spring nalanee., stn./. aW. torahe4 enameled fronts, complete In ovary part and warranted. for JA.IIBB DOWN, 130 Wood Street. NEW ito born sutchdr. eelebraind Burlington Herrin". the Orel or the aosaoni aim treab ~toted SeJmon, lost received sad for sale Ur the boo or at retail. at the Familykora • • • 7 3REN nmenAvi reY3 ‘..`orner Libenv and moth Weals. NEW. ADVERTISE/ CENTS Che saPede and 06 Rawl Ca The Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad Is completed and running from RICHMOND, TA.. to the celebrated WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, In West Tindall.. 22? miles. It Is tieing tapWY extended to tlm Ohio Over. 200 miles farther meting In ell 422 TIMMS. = • up to marital the WONDERFUL COAL DEPOSITS OF THE KANAWHA. ItEOION IN WEST VIE GINIA. And thus bitnpa the oupertorandabunflaut Coals of that section Intocommuniattion with the IRON ORE; OF VIRGINIA AND OHIO. and the =1 EZECE! When 'completed It will connect the SUPERIOR HARBOR FACILITIES THE CHESAPEAKE BAY with reliable nay hotline, on the Ohio elver. am/ them with the ENTIRE SYSTEM OF RAILROAD AND WATER TRANSPORTATION OF THE ORlfitT WEST AND SOUTHWEST. will nuke a SHORT, EANT. CHEAP uIA PA VORAELE ROUTE (mu the WENT to the SEA and will command et LAME SHARE OF THE ENORMOUS FILE W lITS melting tramportationte the coast. It will thee become one of the meet IMPORTANT AND PROFITABLE EMIT AND WEPT TRUER LINES OE RAILROAD In the country. and 113/110 • 1.00 of Immense Viable The completed portion of the Raul Is doln• • PDOTITAALID AND INCREASING BUSINESS. and h; fully equal In value 10 the whole amount of the 111011..410 upon 4110 entire Uste-1111.3.000.- • 000.1 The lon or the Chesapeake end Ohlolimed heheta FIRST 3101ITUAO E UPON THE ENTIRE LINE. I . ROPERTV AND EQUIPMENT% WORTH MIEN COMPLETED AT LEANT 1130.- 000.0 . 00. Is therefore no nr the most enbaLetstlal, conaorrativa and reliable Rallroad•Loatto ever of fered In tho market. and in mt.!, adarded the leant, of investors and Capitalists, Who &Fere to nist heir Investments with the eeptfactory wtivancer or POSITIVE AND UNDOUIITED SECURITY. The Benda era In denneolnahnne of $l,OOO, $5OO and $lOO may b 6;14 COUPON ..r UPOISTERIM • Interest Piz ptt coot. per annum, payable MAT lin and Noremneti PRINCIPAL. AND INTEREST PATAHLE IY GOLD IN THE CITY OP NEW TORE. Pawl DO AND ACCRUED LNTICRSAT In Cur rency, at which plat they pay nearly SEVEN PER CENT. IN GOLD on Welt awn. • I= In nt the Keck. Briehanire received In eaehaala, .1. their fall Market eelne. and Banda sant to W eerie of the country. [rev of Expreto They cork be °Wattled by oMertne direct rival Cr through am reeponsible Bank or Beaker In any Pert of the country. Fisk & Hatch BAN K ERB. Maps, Pamphlets and full informationfurnished upon application in person or by mail. S. & CO. 65 'Fourth Ave., Pittsburgh Agents tor thw +el* of thew* Bond. BARGAINS I -- • • Lorrs2 Job Lots! Job Lots! = ==ll3 I.111!1 =I =I EM=I 13=1 Bell & Aloorhouse, 21 FIFTH AVENUE. HORNS & CO'S. ,Hosiery Oloves ! = Prices Unknown Since 1861 ALEXANDRE'S Km , CLOY KS-s roll asmnrt • ot at 111.73. ••• • COURVIORSICR'S KIDS at 31.63. • 1.030 TOP KIDS, chola. ahadoe. at 119.110. REGULARNATE BRITISH 11063,110avy, 36 mot. • . • . . PLAN AND RIMINI) . COTTON MAN. le rent. sad uN. DOMESTIC COTTON HOSIERY, by cud or Roe. OENTS • SUPER STOUT HALE HOSE, MR . . GINtS' FINN HALF 1105E,23 cents. AIM tpl odld ansortmotils HAMM. BASH and BOW RIBBONS, LARIFS FANCV BOWS. Large Additions to Stock J oat vi r t,h3g. te — whlch we Invite the attention of Whoteeale and Retell ()tett Buyers. 77 ANI)79 MARKET STREET. ELMS Wattles & Slieafer Ilave just received another Invoice of elegant Silver Plated Ware, TEFit'alli IrkTivi"-livars lits &lawn% amok 'ni 101 Fifth Avenue, ABtorn SMITIDIZLD EITRZILT. JAMF.S SOWN, 136 Wood Street OscarF.Lamm& I=l CONNELLSYILLE COKE, Youghiogheny and Anthracite Coal PITTSIIIIIIISIII, PA.. OFFICE : ROOM No. S,6zotte Baildimg. rir olden re.pactfull, 11. Fill TON FULTON & 1 ri Practical - - GAS AND ATEA . I Fifth Nrcove, oceir nigh AU pipe, Gum Hose. Gag Tubs an Wish Mood.. Don 1 DO fl i alsr=1 0 = Ma . owl Sumo oottOrgl promptly attoatlVl to. NEW /X4I3II.NTS , Nos. 180 and 182 Feder NEW DRESS GOODS Plata and Figured PIM POPIIOII. Black and Colanai Double Warp PPP' (',anted Durso Silk, Barges and Oren , Urns Grain Black Pats, al very tow p New Styles Spring Del BLACK POPLIN ALP Thb"lien offered Oh , 50todo at the NEW STY 1.E3 SPRTNG SITAA NEW SPRING SKIRTS, Cassimeres & Spninidir Pan Wholesale and liett-d WI . SEMPLE'S, SO aid ISt Federal Street, illegheny SIITH'S, American Organs Services of Chapels and Lodges, as well as Home A T1101t0U0111:011PARISON LNVITICI Never to tett sotittled with tuoilinere entrees has been ate MAW at title /1011143. And with even Tear'. experience they arpect not only to rlntale thew prevent poeition. but to produce Instruments a greater and more varied power, thus anticipatiug the increaring demand. of the MOM cultivated Instruments with Pedal• Bass and Don hle Manuals, for Organ Students. ELEGANT PARLOR INSTRUMENTS An Illustrawl etrenlar.mntulnlng tuu descrlu- urtts and ,prleer, will b...ent 1..t-*,Ol l . nn.PM *Walton.] , S.D.&7II.W.SMITILBoston,Mass John Zweidinge 136 SMI'I'IIFH? - l.l► ST THE BEST BARGAINS This Season idles' Heavy Brithh Cotton Storkin Ladirf Heavy British Cotton Storkitigs = adirs' Super British Colton Stockings IDEZ! Mn'es Wary British Cotton Sorts Men's Heavy Firnrii eotton Sur LADIES' AND MEN'S MERINO GAUZE UNDERWEAR MISSES. BOYS AND CUILDRRN'S COTTON STOCKINGS AT 6REATI.I RFDPCED PRICES AT Morganstern &Co's, :IVCCF2SOR TO MACRITM, GLYDE & CO Nos. 78 and 80 Market Stree MB A J 14 JVCINS BAILEYtro P AILADELPN I X• pe*CstOlttimeßi. no reputation and expori- Once of 40 years, warrant ne in saying that our stock of Fine Timekeepers of the best Euro pean and American Makers is now the largest in the coun try; and we guarantee that each Watch we Bell, is finished with great mechanical precision, has all the late improvements, and will run regularly, well, and give satisfaction. !squids; promptly ropliod Winn trwarloa Ol MITZI for pprofol. WATER PIPES, • Chimney Top, HOT AIIt.&CIIIMNEY FLUES, &c. A Isma and fall eksliOrtglent tOlutalalr da hard. HENRY A. COLLINS, mai 123 SECOND AVENDE. WHEELER'S Patent Stamp Canceler& meamm • EDWIN *STEVENS, No. 41 S. Third Street, ' PHILADELPIIIA. Geminil igent for Mateo( Ptill11)411111kt. All omen will be sued thrmlb gbh. ^See f^rtht. pt:TO 0W0A1414. ANN ,lumbers, CHARLES P. STRIGHT, Carpenter and Builder;,llV.f s=l 7 .roor , websta stmt. Alieemai. anttstmoh. P. alDtarskalnka. Batt M:ta InttUo. Mee iirr " .geofo. "4. ADP...Um Jobblui NEW ADV=Ti AY: 2d, 1870, WILLIAM al Street, Allegheny City. Al 31r Asll3oo Honey Comb Crib Quilts. Mixwmaviugy,tmk, I=l ames I= I= CAS OM CLOTHS, =LEM Recreation. I= FOR SALE LS- PITTSBUIttIII OF OFFERED =CI = = AT 3 PAIR FOR $l.OO. = Elf AT VERT LOW PRICES. 12'1"-4- CHESTNUT ST, STONE SEAIL , ItAC'E' (11T-EI'..I7AINS, Clirt ain Damasks Sheeting. Swims, all widths, IMllnw Clistiyusittle. Starting Muslim. leinh Linens. Shirt Faints, Wrhit Banda- NEW STYLES Light and 'Dark Calicos. I=l HATS AND BONNETS, RIBBONS AND FLOWERS, • Parasols awl" Sun Umbrellas. and Retail, \\Tliolesnle WM, SEMPLES, SO and 182 Federal Street, Allegheny OR a Par with Gold WE NOW OFFER Our New Stock DRY GOODS AND . NOTIONS_ EASTERN PRICES I=l Examineour Goods & Prices ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., N 0.115 'Wood Street. PLANING MILL MEN And ' Others, NOTICg! The undersigned had lettere patent of the Uni ted- States fur the impnored ronstractlon Weether-hrerding. inside lining and of train for houses. The weather.boerding. by th 1•71.3 Improvement. being were parties:Jetty Intended f verticaland rombinee great duratelity _and beauty of appearance: and it constructed as to entirely avoid the tn. of Joint Wine. and recent water from entering the Joint of the gap- Ind or th e .bowing of the Joints by tha action of the weather en the timber. Inside lining end wainscoting by this new method are no li ning an to fenu perfect Panel. clityyoly b. by the brdl may !lootng be iartim..n.: thereby We% 011tihrt the i•hovribli , bb /bib. from = l :4•Vt r i 'f e " t '""i''' e latent '' rlKgto wha t it commonly W ' calber.. hoarding." st!‘t (c..17:7;"E territo rial and to wit: • for not Penned+. To tt. A. linntiorlf. the right of the-territory south of the titer In said County. • To 31eQue wen A Douglass. the right for the First ward. Pittoburgli... To Hill. Pseterwin A Co. shop rights for their mill. ward. Plitsburtg;. To Aloe. McClure. for e borough of Alleliee•-, Pori. To Parker b: Paul, for First. Second. Thine &ad Fourth wards. city of Alle r tlay. To Reed Brothers. shop t at their mill In Sev enth anvil. city of Allegheny, To Dunham. Saint & Co., for the boroughs of mharpeburit and Mac also the townships of Shale. ad Indiana. All persons are warned against Infringing upon either of said patents. and those wishing brbur chase will please gall. or address me, at Fin. 73 Smithfield Janet. Pittsburgh, Pa. fe - J. C. ANDERSON. The Best Suspenders Ever Worn. Ilereb.ts are cautioned agralbst buylng.y bat Ileebaed pods. Fa. balr le stamped Wltlttbedat. .r patent". Sold at wall ringt,lassrUrnishing lloods dealers la tale eltY. FISK, CLARK & FLAG. =ll 68 White street, New York. aiMlkawr .101 IN Q. WORKMAN 11. RICHARD DAVIS WORKMAN & DAVIS floctessnes to WORKMAN, MOORE h CO., manu facturer. and Dealers Iq Carriages, Buggies, SPRING BUCK WAGONS • 42 44 4011 d 481nver,81., Allegheiy. • • dATlVlL"WringUrgir,`'''' . _ Or. warranted to w irive wstlafaelltm to e'er/ Itm 4 =l4r. XMLONt ratNer Itrej o% head, partrs mate of PAMIR'S PATENT WmICKIR. end Ramie Patent Quick Shifter and Anti-Battler for Shalt. • 11. RICKARD DAVIS haring parehared the In terest ofAlga. end Wm. D. Moore, In the Wu Mu. of WORKMAN, MOORE A Co., the butane. 'nil hereafter be continued at the old stand under the name turd *We of WORKMAN A DAVIS. Orders witched. Waratt a rt i t . /..k late with PRltens . National Bank, Pittemormo JeMbunl. Murray & Lanzaan's Florida Water The most celebrated and most delightful of all pti fumes, lor use on the hand- kerchief, at the toilet, and in the bath, for sale by all Drn l ggists and Perfumers. Mr/ DREKA, • IMPORTER AND RETAIL DZAIRRIN FINE STATIONER - St, WEDDING, VISITING, PARTT Boa BUSINESS !CARD ENGRAVING, MONOGRAMS. ARMIL IL LUMINATING. Sc. Vir 0 rders. b mail receive prompt attantloa. Send for samples. 1033 Chestnut St- Phil'', ST. LAWRENCE HOTEL, ° ED. BARKER, Proprietor, Cor. Peen M. and 110, formerly old Caul - xa , :g,„.m- a ,a i rt- , , ,, ;:;,.i,;4 • CARPETS, OEL CLOTHS, &c CARIPETS SPRING STOCK. Fine, Medium and Common CsIRPETS. Our StOck Is jhe large.t we have ever offered to the trade. Bovard, Rose & Co., 21 FIFTH AVENUE. ~i April Ist, 1870. SPECIE PAYMENT Reimmed ! From this .tae Silver Change sill be given to ell cash sootonveni, • • MNarl lid & Collins CARPET STORE, 71 and 7$ Fifth Ave. itlf - (tur price, are the Invitee. hi dile m•rkeL CARPETS. New Rooms! New Goods! NEW PRICES! We have tnaugungted the opening our New ROOMS with the ==lll C~FIRPETS' Ever Offered in this Market. 101 VEST PRICES SINCE 1861 OLIVER MeCLINTOCK & CO. 23 Fifth Avemiti. NEW CARPETS. Reduction in Prices, TO CiRRESPOND {VITO WHOLESALE RATES McCallum Bios., No. FIFTH AVENUE = UPHOLSTERERS. Manufacturer, nt llAlit and HUSK klATTltitidinS. Prather Itl dotcro and Pillows; Church Cualtliito, Condon Moulding" and all Plods or . thitodatery worn Ala,. dealer. In Window Massey.l.'"?'l=Aird.,ll . gll,l. l 4 4l 4';t:;t:at hag up, clawing and brUshipg, µtering and relay ilnraiPti :it Of cleaning carpet I. the only which you an feel assured that the eolorsiX y &erred and tin grinds thoroughly freed wen dust sad versals.. The price tor dnning bun r..tu.5,7d 0 1:1. :g47 . , will on fur and de , •" HOBERT& NICHOLSON & THOMPSON, =I Sittig Carpei • &aliug Elo..olfshmelf, NO. 127 WOOD STREET, planer Near Fifth Avenue, Plitsbureb. P. REMOVAL T.R. REMOVAL. S. P. SHRIVER & CO. Have removed from their oh! stand. Nee. 27 and. SMITIIFIELH; to their Warebnuid, No%. IA and Liberty SI., Above the heed of woori STREET. srherethey 111 W plowed to see sll their ohi Moods miens tOMerS. . r S. P. SHIVER & Co., 17=I REMOVAL. Allegheny' Insurance Company- Ka been remneed from No. 37 Ala annals. to Na C 7 FOURTH AVENUE, =I 1213=== = REIOVAL-FRED'i SCHAOEDER, Merchant Tailor and Dealer In Gentlemen's Furnlshln& Goods: also Gentlemen awl Boys' Clothing offhand and made to order at 'the abort. eat notke, has removed from Istslatertand.No. Fourth avenue. to No. 31 MOOD BTRZrf.. comer of Mani arena*. mh111.117-I,' REMORA!. • ALDERMAN JAMES LINDSAY 11... moved his ofilet i .fmm tam. of Webster ...Nu* .NNS W.s b but. anwt, to N. I Nl' rims AVR.VUR. ' sisllit R EMOVAL. The Pittshergh Bank for Sariago am removed from Ho. It 7 to et A • OURTIM AVE NUE. in the Membants and Manufacturers Baal Tio ENOVAL. Irhe Monongahela lizteirat compaßy Ilan reginvoll tram Na l. w.i. r ) t u rnet to S. S. sve , ots• (wood apittila - ".•01IN CLANICT. Reastrr. tIoNTINUICiI TO TUNA? ALL OHIVArlii Dina. 14 11thhh. to all be foram, an - winery Mum.. ma the abbots tit wormy are empletely amino teG nammidonhas or Seminal Weakness and Is. potenoy„temultlng from aelf.ebnm or other MM.. and whithiarmince maw of Use fennel.* elltlehs. - as bhitehes. Gaut - wealtnem. ar I=aaine. treion to .skiers.m loath. drawl of totem meat., Mass of eseesorr. t•••••• 914 = 4 r•ho. mMrr ead . therefore trOtaedent. ere limetereadY Pewee with Mete or any other delicate. niuteattite=slandthe emstitationid emipleint . " 4=rll=ritZeit b Mingli . Comp' ill:Mamas* • = th Ptf=oer of Womb. Amenottema Netambsgia, limatenr — ao l =l mertiity or ammonessoire ire with the pent. eat mama. It mthevident *et a' physician who matte* himself enetnetrely to the study of a certain chum of dimwit and treat. tbormanda of wee every mem miquire emitter etlH Its - that smaideity 'pap mess gmeralratice, Th e pomp petal ea • medical pannadat of MT page* rest ern a WI ate oblate diseases that can le bad free at ogee or be • mYi Jar two Kamm In sealed entail - inc. every maraca containe Instruction to the mulcted. and ...tome them to determine the precise nature ,or their coalphinds. - • ha1.1 4 :=Thr,f , T 1 4 4 117.1t 4 474: du s ts. Destor'a opinion can bo obtained b thing • written Mate of the case. mid be forwarded by man or mem. pee. en. however personal ethmlitation Meet netemery ln other. daily pommel o ut each" is req sad. far INCOOOIMOdaIiOII of patients them are apartments catuteeted with the Mace that are provided with Mart Mobile Met adin4leZdto proat i od i e recovery. Intindind bbtha. prewriptions eroPpnipared , too eths:tor • s own laboratm. Infant. ell heriol2•l, - ftherrtia. bledical panaMete et Mel fen:: • by mall Or two stamps. No nuttier liththall• tal this wee be OM Holm. et A. le. to P. -Ben days IP al. to 'A P. tr. lialea No. II rus tft. them ComittOnse) Yttratntryb. '2.xzh.,:.4,-&4- • • - • -- iiiii I