The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, May 04, 1870, Image 1

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ryinaitimi er
t r
PENNI M AN, 111111 &
Corner Sixth .I.t.e..and Smitheey St.
. • .
.r. tx.rgielttotom, , zostna
itottsron, le P. stiMX.
TIWIN or rim Purr
By med. j,er year sB.oo.
Ibrbyr.ryvi by earner / per week 13.
nt: hop reitortn thus fir from itilpirla
the ("main• an. favorable.
IN California ihe Japanese have WA out
WlOlO ten plants at Calistoipt.
wimnswroN, Delaware, now employs
.mily female public nehool,teachers.
Is LrntieeilU bop; aro' ellntudetl:
for 'etotting entered tnilitta when. they
vs !ilipeiPlAippi 4 kiver several moan.
Wantl,..l.llave jly nr4rifilorni publinhudon
, • Iran
Loitti serinontt are popular In
Toronto, whom. lorgo cmado flock to Leaf
Tim Rink in Cincinnati ban lArn fined
up am a ren:hinnalde Ireer and Ice main
PRANK 111. AI t ntinOunciorihnt lie • will
len leave Si. Louis. 'no. rrst of 111,- world
mum Inallagy to do without .
,I . "
ratarEr, *hone
.ncting 'we:nil:iced sari a
seuxatien here during the winter, ix note .
nt the Arch Street Theater, Philadelplf:
Aii1110.01,11)11tits Nair that 'Sat mil ie noir in
peculiarly faroralibi I,o4itioft for ultiter
cal hint., the rLtlro being at their. fullesi
A nintuNTLii, nit n bet, lOut agreed to
Itarmoni himself ilia talky and draw a nun
weighing PH) 'pounds a nine in fifteen
)s Friday Nib. Olive Logan leei um" in
1 1Almierille ie . an immense crthrti, ecarmly
any I ,f!..lrliom bad aver beard a irornen
leetiire before.
1.1, to make thirtyono couples
happy were issued he tbe Clerk cif Alie
Jefferson County Oly.l Court 'Math* the
Wee* just put.
AsoocrAvtonn. of capitalists and land.
'owners ato being formed in carious parts
_of Mirraslppi for the purpose of encour.
...ging hunt's:ration.
Toe first theatre opened in the colo nies
ni North America wan at Williamsburg,
Pa., September 5, 1742—the play, the
"Mordiant of Venice."
.1 it tmzurr. hall and bodkin hunt will
le. the triple attraction at Kamm City on
the kith of May, on the oemudrin of 'the
l'oe , u convention there. •
fy running the boundaries Of the new
...unity of Alcorn, Miasissimi, by 601110
tuistaitt the lino was run annul two and .a.
half miles hitoTenntsutee.
N thief stole; tie mber day. from
Seuutor Stininer'n house in Waellington,
..lock valued at $l4O. Ih evidently ap
vreviated:tlie value of dine..
A cottnnlTEL of distinguished xititmlut
has 'been appninted in Philadelphia to Cam
licit. receive and transmit contribotions
for the Richmond sufferern.
Knitimitnn 011 has been tried in Texas
to kill bogs on plants. 1i was
rather ton effectual—for 'it killed
the plants as well as the bugs.
?Ins. Fn MA \VALLEE, the wellluoitn
I ragmliettee, is to be permanently engaged
at Booth's theatre in New York, and jolly
John Brougham is to Fettle down at Wal
ANNIE LEAK. OM fieorgia girl who is
as candy witli her feet as she . could hsve
been with hands if nature land provided
them, war 'exhibiting. In Atlanta at bra .
Tun Annual Council of the Protestant
Episcopal Church in the Diocese of
tieorgia, will meet in St. Attire Church,
Albany, on Wednesday, the 14th of the
thin month. .
Poen men are undee anent
Pa., chargod with ettaling nottarclr organ.
The four Say the church ourei them twee.
-ty dollars, and they hare taken the organ
ILK security..
THE Protestant .E pisetgal Chtwth in
/Oshawa will . .bold lte thittymlnik
Runnel twarretion, !Pit tit John's
Church, Mentgoinvry;coninwiwing out the
I ith of May.
tit', BARRY, 1010 rtpretteptis the COUIII
- iMbot.) District, itax.recovered from
the wounds Inflicted by a crazed aseallant,
and is again in his place in the Boom of
3itte. MILLIARD 'NM a 'candidate fox
. .Nlayor at the recent election in• Belleville,
!lump county, Ohio, and' received sixty
votes. They have a wonunis eufrage
society in that town. •
AT a minstrel allow In New OrAnn one
Talbot performs William Tell by shooting
with a pistol en apple from the head of
his wife, the ball 'lodging in the board
against wlllch she stands.,
IT is N lid that the disorder with which
tieueral Leo is threateSed is disease of th
heart, Ho Is troubled with shortness o
the breath, and, after walking or any un
usual exercise pants a great deal. '
ritocieson J. D. Dana. announces that
the action of the drift er was wholly of
the character of glaciers, and that the
supposed sea over 'SewEngland, in which
lechery floated, had no enistenee.
A ocaikttarr in Craig county, Va.,
writes that the Ice. in Sinking creek in
from four to twenteinclies thick, and that
at the time of writing (April litthrh was
anotring,:and had been for three dayis..
binvEitit. ofrlto Directors of the Mer
cantile Library of Philadelphia have re
-signed berates. , that institution is net
kept open on Sunday. In the mean time
large numbers of men enjoy the new privia
Tts growing wheat • crop of Ernst Ten
neneo never looked better before at this
season of the Cm. - If no blight of any
kind should befall it befweep now and
harvest, Ea' aft Tenneseee'will raise a romp
ing crop. . •
Ton Lone Star Mille, at Bastrop, Texas
which wet originally $lOO,OOO, were late
ly enid at trustees sale for $12,0,51. It is
the intention of the trustee to Ingram,
and run Them on a much larger stale than
• Tus.Proclivity of the Wyoming Legis
lature and Judiciary for schemes to harslet,
the Pacific Retires& will probably prodnce
a repeal of the 'act of Congress creati ng
the 'Territory, and a bill will be introduced
for that purpoee. .
Trut Montreal .Yots mays : Thee privilege
of selling water at the taps in Cadieux and
Pants streets will be put up at auction on
Monday next. The purchasers of the
privilege are not to sell at more than five
cents per puncheon.
Tau Montreal Now says: Arrangements
have been made with Dr. Schulte, to pre
cede the first detachment for Red River,
and make the necessary amingements
with the Indians whine territory lies an
the route for the peaceful transit of the
ST. LOote.- has imported tw enty-two
rages of English sparrows and let thorn
loose in Infayette Park. We do not
know, but we think Pittsburgh smoke is
better Oki English sparrows for keeping
trees free from worms, or worms free
from trees.
Tug Cincinnati Red Stockings played
and brat the Low titan, of 'New Orleans,
on Friday hot, and were to play again
yesterday. The Chicago White Stockings
have started upontheir tritunpbal cam-,
wign front which th
they hope to Morn
ith red stocking trop hies.
- Pstiinchrmas Councils hare , . appm
Prialed $15.000 for the erection 'of- hoe
,publio bilks. Philadelphians do hot get
dirty leo quickly as Pittsburgbers,
and we hare heard of no appropriations
for frinitallis here: but then we are so
use d tttthe dirt in Pittsburgh.
A eisividays ago a family of eight per
sons were. traveling on the Rome WO
railroad, every one of them being idiots.
They ~did . not know where -they were
the were , going, or whero they Were
grata or where they were from. They
were put crib° train between Rome and
Tan lotion Peace Commissioners
make arningements for returning to the
Indian country with a view of quieting
the existing trouble: Cieneral :Parker.
Commissioner of Indian Main, says that
the hostile spirit among certain tribes of
Indians, grows out of the Aran-compliance
of treaty obligations by the Government.
The resuttlif the amtest on steel in the
Tarte bill. Will probably be the turning
point in the fate of the MIL If the, Com-
IIN veif Nv , itlo tir
i ( j r,
-44 .." • 4, t
titter are austedned the bill will probably
get through. It they: are beaten
.by t h e
Free Thrieut, the Peunnylvanin and other
manufacturing interest, will probably re
commit the bill and take up the Tax bill.
A PARTY of officers of the Pennsylvania
Railroad and Pin Handle 'are In Indiana
insiteming muds belonging to them, and
to examine the Indlannpolis and Vincennes
Rona, which they are to about assume con
trol or. It mid the 'cumin Central
will now take, charge, of the Cairo and
Vincennes Road and complete it iinmedi•
Titi: Milk Alt Cincinnati • which wog
opem•l na a Ilel!r hall on Saturday, was in
augurated on Sunday by n ro . of hand.
some proportion: in which s o me aeon. or
fwnot 11101 participated. Something like
5.1X10 personm witnegsell the fight, which
was brought to nn untimely cod, before
any one was killed, by the arrest of eight?
of 1111. contentanta.
THE late Dr. Koch anytt that in COIIIII4 ,
HMI with the rentnitta of the mammoth
found by hint iu the Otatgo Valley of the
Micsonri were found flint - arrowltratla uml
remains of eltarcual, an though the aborig.
.Inca had found and attacked the natintala
when mired. Thin Nel . lllB to prove that
he mammoth in not of extreme antiquity ;
leant. that he atm-iced the hitredue.
tint of num it 01h bnitinent. :
Tut: Cincinnati' Red Stocking', have
played six match games of ball this wa
eon won six victories. The last
club.vanrinisltettwas the Robeit E. Lee ' s,
of New Orleans. They vitae meet with
the White Stockings of Chicago upon
their triumphal journey, and an they are
the butiotim $20.000 club gottenup for the
express puris,se of laying out the Cincin
,4llltiglllll sit Interesting match would result.
ti a recent church meeting in New
Albany n lout anal" to girt , his experi
ence, and being somewhat embarrassed,
conimenced by saying,'" I feel—l feel—l
feel," and here lank,' down cernipletelr.
Every face was turned toward the speaker.
Whisper thmughout the assembly, "like
a morning. star," " shoo fir, don't balder
me:* `dames die nigge r's head,'! &e
By this time the speaker's month. went
off and the audience ten d its deco-
Ronal frame of mind.
Tut; Bel-oust ruction Committee ere
likely•to take the Senate tieergia bill and
ntrike'ont the section making the State
government provisional, and ihnert ono in
its place. 'nodding that the elcctinitw shall
take place in November,lB7o. Mr. Butler
arrproven of thin, and it in believed a nu,
j"rity of pie Committee do, but to action
will bet en till •next week. Att oppon
ttmity lo vote will be given to the llonne
in an amendment 'ordering the election
next fall, anti it in oltrpponed that the Item
octets will join the Bingham Itepublicann
•in voting for it, and it is possible in thin
way it may bo carried.
• \Vilna: excavating. for the foundations
of a new bridge over the clued near Tmn
ton, N. on Tuesday afternoon, • quanti
ty of treasure in the shappoe • nf old coins of
much value was unearthed. One of the
workmen threw up eighteen pieces of
gold, valued at *WO, and • overjoyed, threw
down his shovel and left. Urvat excite.
'Went reigns, And all the idlers front Tren
ton are-watching the laborers. Many of
the Poor diggers have been quite lucky.
One - of the coins bears date IlXkl, and nil
of them see•ut to Ire Spanish. A_Meoe of
very pun• metal Mot two castles' on one.
side, and two lions on the reverse, with
the lettere S, 11. V. and P. V. A. I:titier
Own, an• the figures 7,.d. I, and over the
V. a figure S. Some think that the coin
WAS buried by the Hessians; but, front the
mins le•ing Spanish, that scents. imposai
ble, aml it nut,- heliport of the longsougltt
Kidd treasure. •
SECUET.IIII" EkirT*Ll.l... was at e tin•
Noose Saturday, linking after the• income
tax unitter...ami. aras assured by Omen)
Schenck that he would in foam• provis
ions oppt.., 1/11.1" decrease of the amount of
the tax below five per cent., or an increase
ttf the exemption beyond *l,OOO, Secreta
ry Bent well argues iluttps the lmadhold
•ers can-till their bonds today for more
value in gold than their legal tenders were
worth when they bought them, titer have
not really contributed anything to the.psy
mem of the war debt, sad the sacrificer
that have been made here been made be
the soldiers who fell or ~were womufbil
during the war. Now, lie thinks the cap
ital of the country, which - is protected In
its enjoyment of its acquired rights, ought
to be taxed enough on rho income derived
front fire pay the pensions, which are now
about M006,00(11, while the income tax
last year brought only V. 1.000,000: and he
has accordingly recommended that it be
continued while there in a penaion roll to
. pay, and that it only be decreased an the
pensioners die n 2 .
LONDON Is *OOll (0 open two ooreet rail
way lines.
THEY give Wachtel, the tenor, if 400 a
night for singing in London.
IN France thirty per cent. of the popu
lation, it is said, can neither read nor write.
RunOtta,iciiiinne that European ship
owners ars disappointed in Suez Canal-
TugPay4i . l4jaro . pstimiitos the whole
fortune of the Orleans fatally at forty mil
lion francs.
IN Ireland landlords are often - warned"
nowadays by finding:graves dug in their
front yards. .
VioLL - rs tried.rrian in butter and sugar
re thought to be deliclona hr soma Tarla
tan epicures.
Tim London ,Ithenan ie of the opin.
km that ono•fottrth of the population of
France am Mindful. . .
Tqt first volume of the Life of r.lierle.
lawn, lirNapoleon the Third is said to be
nearly ready for the prem.
MDR; BMX= In MIT modelling In clay
a full length figure of Maria Sophia, the
ox-Queen of the two Skillet..
A'NO , 4* tkortA paper heads an article
with the startling, announcement, "The
ale laid at the root of our fiaherles."
DRESDEN% new opera honk., from Pro
lessor Semper's plana. is to haye an invis
ible orchestra. And costs 400,000 traders.
Axonw the articles recently discovered
- at Pompeii are a-yery rare plink oil lamp;
and a night lamp, titre those in modern
IT VAS kV!' been noticed no a curiout
coincidence that the British Government
introduced-the Irish Coercion bill Into Par
liament on St. Patrick's Day. •
JAMES E. HARVEY is about to publish
Ms recollections of Portugal during eight
tiats' residence there as repmentatire of
'the railed States Government.
liame American ladies are engaged u
sculptor. in Thyme, at the present time—
Misses /Tamer, Whitney, I,ewia (colored).
Freentan. Stebbins, Foiley. and Virginia
Altamitaix s the headsman of Paris; has
recently cut °trills beads of a great many
imimafa, in order to era whether, after de
cavitatirf, sennibility remains in ihe head
Allmon KILVICUEL ham beau breaking out
with the measles, crysipelati and scarlatina
.all aithln II few months, but pmbably
would prefer several more such to one pop.
ular outbreak.
A committmsnLe shower of re ml, in
some places mixed with snow, fell' Febru•
ary 111th and 14th, to 'ltaly, The micro.
theDesescope sho rt wed the sand a. foliate come.from
of Sahar
Mn. Fnnncr linnAlv, in a recently putt
Halted article, expresses the opinion that
there are but two questions totally mysto
rimm—the origin of the human conscience,
and the supreme end of the universe.
THE cholem is raging on the eastern
coast of Africa. In Zanzibar the loan of
Ilfe has been fearful.:onl month and
a half 10,600 •people' died In - that town
alone, and 30,000 in the whole Island.
A NEw YORc comes) of a Lelp
7dg L4erary • Renew sacs that the daily,
weekly .and Sunday. edition of the Noe
Yorker Skutt., Zeitung have and aggregate
circulation of one hundred thousand copies.
Tat scat in the French Academy, to
which M. Emile °Dicier was recently
elected,. was formerly that of Noel Darn,
the famous historian and father of M. QI-
Avieie Napoleon Darn.
Noel Darn was elected member of the
French Academy In 1806. lila successor
wax Alphonselamartlne, who wag elected
- =^ '?-4A-",
The McFarland Trial—Continuation
of Rebutting Evldenca
BY the Pittlartirgh thtrette.l
Ninv Yong. 7day a. ISM. .
The first witness called this morning was
Ilan. David Atwood. representative of the
Madison (Wis.l district in Congress: Knew the
prisonerjla Madison: remember Mrs. McFar
landgivirig a reading there, at which t was
presli. ( ", .
Itirrraham hero remarked that ho had read
over Irn. l'alhoun's letters again. and found
~i t i_„
that hey exulted in what she !outdone.
JI , I it. Elwoo4i. lawyer. lien( WWII the cum
plii t in the suit — of McFarland vs. Richard
ion. rusion. in March, %S.
' Mr. Sinclair was then called by the prose
Mr. Grammrdeeted to having him revalloil
without some . alid renson being given..
Judge Davis until he wished to examine him
nn the entertainment-given at titeinway Hall
by Mrs. Men
. .
Witness—A portion of the money got tends
reading was given to Mr. McFarland. Mrs.
McFarland came down first for the money. I
gave her some, but the remainder 1 L a dd to
McFarland. t cannot swear positively that
McFarland asked for the money.
Mrs. Mary Vandenhoff, wife of Geo. Vanden
holt. testified: I have met McFarland three
or four times. I lived in this city In INN.
Mrs. McFarland took lessons from my hus
band in'tt!: she took lessons from me after,
ns me terms were less than those of my hus
band. Mrs. McFarland gave a parlor rending
daring her tuition: It was at Mr. Sinclair's
house: I was there; went them in a carriage
With Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, who called for
Mrs. Sage. mother of Mrs. McFarland, - was
'Judge Darin—Are you_ the Mother of )tn.
hsrdsont Witness—t am sir.
Mr. firoham-1 object to this form of the
question: they must plat It. Are you the mother
of the woman who clams to be . Mm. Richard
son f
Witness—My daughter sae 'thairled In 'M. at
Madison. N. Y.; she was *Mont twenty years
of age when she mantel. Mr. and Men. Mc-
Farland left for Wisconsin immediately after
the marriage, and remained there until the
nth of May following, when they returned to
me. They left for Brooklyn In Aagust; this
was about the time of Mrs. McFarland'. con
Mr. Davis here asked some questions which
would go to prove that the expenses attendant
on the sickness of Mrs. MeFamine,' were paid
by her friends and not by McFarland.
The questions were excluded. '
Witness—We hired a buret, to take care of
Mrs. McFarland during her illness. McFarland
and his wife went to Madison twain in 1511.
Th., remained there ationt n year. Mrs. Mc-
Farland told Inn she was going to take lessons
of Mr. Vandenhoff for the purpose of going on
the stage. I said I thought It a hard life. Mc-
Farland was present at the time. There was
a letter read In my presence by Mr. McFarland
from Mrs. Calhoun to Mrs. McFarland re
garding her appeannwe nt the Winter
Garden Theater. McFarland appnweil of it.
During the time McFarland snit family
lived with me they never palcllins- other com
pensat ion than ten clonal.. I know the hand
writing of the prisoner. This note Is In his
handwriting. It was given my husband for
money homtwed from hint by McFarland. Af
ter these tpamtion Mrs. McFarland lived with
me until Mae 9.1515, when she Went to Indi
ana. She lift India= in October, 11151. see
then came to my house. and was there mull
the shooting.
To Mr. Graham—Those visits of my daugh
ter were forced hr necessity. and not from af
fection. Ido not know whether she had any
money. or not to go elsewhere. I have seen
'Mr. Richardson. Saw him In the fall of Itel.
Miss Gilbert came with Richardson to my
house, in Charlestown. Mrs. McFarland was
not there at the tine. Did not know of the
Intimacy .11 my daughter with him. I first
knew Itichanison was going to many my
daughter.perbnps one year ago, or perhaps
two s-enrs. I cannot tell
.precisely. I heard of
the intercepted letter in the spring of 1517;
never knew what it contained until I
here this tipple. 1 think it was a rash letter to
rites. , soon afterseparation. I think my
daughter acted perfectiv right in every per
ticular. 1 don't know what was the'briplence
on this trial. .
. .
Donn! niTpMV,Ilf Men. McFarland gblng
Indiana to revlde in order to obtain a divorce?
Witness-4. we no hurt in doing so. I live at
Wo.skide. While In Nei,. Ynrk I bear tnyolCll
elr t n: r es; my tla; Er..
ahtej;:r:.lll term [Frio nm
stand but her evidence was unimportant.
The next witness called was Mrs. Sinclair,
dial red make her nrm-aranre. and then
Miss Lizzie J. Sage was called and tentnedi I
am Mrs. Richardson's slater; lived ith Mr.
and Mn. McFarland. In Brooklyn. In law. for
flye weeks, when their first child was born. I
saw McFarland drunk lin a lintunlar; he took
me to it matinee at the Museum—he left one
awl when he came hack he wax quite drunk:
he took me hr the hands and muttered some
words of which only two were Intelligible.
namely. - love" and 'dearest." I was about
at much staggered as he wan. Thdt was my
last visit to them.
Judge Darts offered as evidence a depoal
tion of Miss Phoebe Wood. to prove when
Me,. McFarland took op her residence In.
Indianapolis. This was to diaprove that Mr..
McFarland was in New Jersey, as witness for
the defence testified to. when the was In
reality . in Indiana.
Mimi Wood depover that Mrs. McFarland
bowled with her in Indianapolis in the early
part of the summer of land and stayed a year.
Schuyler Colfax recommended Mrs. McFar
land as a lady of high standing. Met Mrs.
Richardson in Washington. Mrs. McFarland
was writing articles for the New York Tri
bune. Hirer - side Magazine and independent.
Schusler Colfax called on Mrs. McFarland.
Mr. Richardson never to my knowledge visited
Mn. McFarland. She never spoke to me of
her husband. I have had no communication
with ber shire she
left the city. Did not know
snails vvhat business. she came to live In Indian
The deposition of Schuyler Colfax wan pro
posed to be read but objected to by the
Judge Davis had not read it, but proposed to
give it, as Mr. Colfax's name had been men-,
tloned in the course of the trial.
The Court said It did not see what It could
avail. as he did not know of anything regard
ing Mr. Colfax in this trial. Ruled out.
Dr. M. G. Echeverri. testified: I live in hew
York: have been fur the lan eleven years con
nected with hospitals In London and New
York. I have read the testimony of Dr. Ham
mond and Dr. Vance. I agree with them In
their ideas of the normal functions of the
brain. Insanity Is that condition of the mind
where there is an uncontrollable Impulse of
the emotions, and is produced by disease. I
mean cerebral disease. Insanity does not al
ways exist where there is nn uncontrollable
TiOlta 00 Of emotion. Insanity is never to be a (I
mitttd.unlean through Instrnmentallty of dis
ease. Ido not believe in temporary Insanity.
where the subject is sane in mind and body
both before and after the expression of It.
Suppose a maw lie In watt for a man for the
Pa nose of slaying him, would you consider it
any evidence of. insanity? I should hove to
know whether there was any cause for this
emnlty, and then should see: whether the
cause was sufficient to cause Insanity. If It
were not. I shunid not call him: insane. If he
h a d a grudge against him, also grieving out of
a wrong—
Do you mean real wrong? Suppose it to be
a real one?
Mach debate arose out of this question, Mr.
Graham taking the ground that it wits not a
pn.per znode-of examination.
The Court allowed the question.
- witness—l would not consider him insane.
Have you read the evidence in this case. and
what Is your opinion as to sanity of the priso
Mr. Graham objected, ou the iroinui that
the newspaper accounts were incomplete.
'Miami—There shoots be some evidence of
makeand parents of a man having haranlty to
the disease hereditary. Hereditary Insan
ity gm:lentil) . shows Itself on several members
of a family. Take the MUM of a man whose pulse
would go up from 10; to 1 . 24, on the night of a
photograph of his wife, who he said was false
to him, what would it show you in regard to
his sanity or InErnity? It would not show me
anything. There is u form of insanity where
Its customary to twitch the lips, but in that
case he talks incoherently and walks unstead
ily. This Is called general paralysis and Is of
a suicidal tendency.
To Mr. Graham—After Reynolds was con
demned, did Ton not examine him/
Witriesi—l did. I considered blur unit tube
executed, but stiU sane. In opposition to my
affidavits were those of Dr. Hammond and Dr.
Vance. I swore to the insanity of Chambers
In the late trial. Dr. Vance and Dr. Ham
mond had examined him and pronounced him
Men. Mary F. Gilbert testified: Reside In
Jersey city: have lived there since May. Ina
Have known Mrs. Richardson slime MM, bet
not intimately until two years ago. Was
very well acquainted with Mr. Richardson; he.
Wan boarding with us. !le had Pi *err huge
head, yew high forehead; wore 111 beard in
winter and shaved his chin in gummier.' I law
him very oftenidnee his return from the rebel
prison. I never sa hi with a ard corn
down to his breast. w
Mr. m
Holden im
mune wit h g a
• lady to my house; this lady was my daughter:
they remained for lan or three days eta time,
nntil December. Mr. Holden wore whiskers
at the side; my son wears a long - beard.
Lillian Gilbert testified: I live with mypa
rents; was most at home In August; remember
going with Mrs. McFarland to No. hi Amity
street to get some papers. Mrs. Mason ad
ulated us and sald her husband was occupy
ing - the room Mr. McFarland formerly occu
pled.- I asked to get into Itichnrdson's room
to get some papers he left for-my sister.
I slept with Mn. McFarland while she re
mained' at that place. I remember Rictisrd
son's coming in one night; nt twelve o'clock. I
breakfasted next morning with Mrs. McFar
land. Richardson was not there. Richardson
asked to conic into our room. Mrs.McFnriand
Was gone out to get something for breakfast. -
I told him the room was not fixed up.- lie
went away and refihrned in about fifteen min
utes. Mr.. McFarland had not returned, but
come In during his stay in the room.
To Mr. Ornham—l was never In company
with Mrs. McFarland when she said a lady
with her Ives engaged to Ilichardam. I was
present when Mri. McFarland engaged the
loom for Richardson. I was introduced to
Mrs. Mason as Miss Lily Gilbert. I don't know
whether Mr. Brown slept with Richardson.
Richardson came two nights after we did. He
was expected. I was told he cent a
telegram on the evening of the night
that be arrived. lie came in with
when a
I f ht
key. I • hare no recollection
rfit knew that Mrd. McFarland was
hhgaged to Richardson. She never told me
she loved him very much. If I knew Mn. Mc-
Farland had gene to that house with toy bad
intention I should not have gone with her. I
never saw any letters from Richardson to Mn.
McFarland before I went to the house. I knew
Richtirdson occupied the front room. I did
nut think itwrong that Mn. McFarland occu
pied rooms so near Richardson. as It was pure
ly occidental. I did not see how it could affect
on that Richardson occupied the front room
and we the back. I think Richardaon's lore
burst out immediately after the aepttration of
Mn. McFarland from her husband. I did not
read the Intercepted letter. ,
The Court here adjourned.
Another attempt to force Postmaster Junes
to deliver letters addressed to alleged road
demo operators by evencrecinlous people. was
attended yesterday with futile reedits. Wm.
M. Martin. ono of the aggrieved parties. rote
monad n snit for ten thousand dollars dama
ges and the value of letters which were held.
In the Superior Court, bid on tnotiod of S. G.
Courtney. counsel for Postmaster Jones. the
ranee was removed by certiorari to the totted
crates Circuit Cburt.
Kra' atttoirr Mterzits.
The ease of the Madison. New Jersey. riot-
Ts will Cause before the Grand Jun: to-day.
he man who fired the shot et Miss O'Gorman.
after her lecture on thellt.s• I Inst., has not been
Identified, but a number of persons are held to
answer a charge of participating In the riot.
Two students of Drew's Theological Seminary
who drew their pistols on the mob in defence
of Miss O'Gorman, are also held to answer.
The Fenian. are on the more. Undoubtedly
ninny of them here already departed for filers
headquarter,. Others are awaiting orders to
depart daily. Enlisting goes on briskly at the
headquarter.. Several men were sworn In
Yesterday. •
(nCONTI N1E5.31,410N.)
SENATE: Consideration of Business
from the House—Bankrupt - Law
Amendments—Bilis Passed—Confer.
sues Committee on Census Bill.
110 USE: Civil Service ROO
Tariff Bill In Committee.
By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Bate le.)
The House joint resolution creating the 311th
of Mare public holiday win opposed by Mr.
SHERMAN. and referred to the Military Al. .lairr Committee-3i" to Et
The bill (ranting n petnilon to Mrs. Lincoln
waa dlacussed by Mettars. TRUMBULL and
SUMNER ~Dt‘Onkid.r. and by Mr. EDMUNDS
to oppoeltion, the latter saylmr the Committee
on Pensions would report a tall. accompanied
by evidence. Upon which the Senator. could
laiform a
asidje .adgment, this week. and wee then
d •
. . .
Mr. SHERMAN reported favorably a bill to
authwise Om 'settlement of the accounts of
ofacers of the army and navy.
••• • • •
Mr. • • •
reported .
sdversely the hill
prescribing the rules of evidence In certain
Also, with an amendment. the bill to amend
the bankrupt law.
Also. several bills on the same subject. with
the recommendation that they be indefinitely
Mr. DRAKE Introduced a hill to promote the
greater efficiency of the navy and misdate
pensions In the Meey and Marine Corps and for
of her purposes.
Mr.IIAItRIS Introduced a bill for the relief
of the inhabitants of the city of Illack Hawk.
The joint resolution appropriatingVa.' Isla
out of the funds of the Freedmen's Human for
the benefit of the Wilberforce University was and laid over.
Senate bills icuissq : The bill for the non
of n railroad route on the west bank of the
Potomac river, near Georgetown, to Harper's
Ferry. scat passed. •
Vie Omaha and Northvrestern land grant
bit was also passed.
• Mr. CONK LING submitted *report from the
Census Conference Committee. and. in rely .
to questions, made a statement to show that
the compensation provided for the mums
takers, in law. was alike arleowtte in populous
and sparsely settled districts. The report WAS
‘d 'ib P e te till the number of special
agents of the Treastd7 Department to arty
three. and fixing their compensation , was
amended and mowed.
The bill providing that Abe appoint Meet or
civil officers .1 the riovernu,nt. except to-At
m:lst:elk and such officers-as ore required to to.
appointed by the President by and vi-ith the
advire and etinsent of the -Senate, shall be
made front - persons . fouml best qualified for
position. after open and conmet Sive examina
tions, toot
S peer terms of probation. was taken
up. It preides tor the all 1,1 three
comndssioners, who shall constitute a clod
armies,_ commission, to-hold omen for bee
years. Thin , elktlMblnlOn to prescribe
the qualifications, rtsmisite for an am
' , ointment 'to each branch and grade of the
deli serrice. to establish rules governing ap
plications. examinations and period. and con
ditions of probation and report to Congress nt
the opening of each session. An examination
of all officers is to be held evert...four year ,
and inch on may not be found qualified are to
be retollllllolltlett for distanissal and to be dis
missed accordingly. The President or Senate
may require an applicant for any office that re
quires confirmation by the Senate to appear
before the board And be examined as to quallti
• .
During the•slon by Messrs. Jenckes
Priem Beck and Benton
Mr. SAAGENTIrtoeed to Insert an additional
section, forbidding members of Cowes. to
solicit verbally or in writing from the Presi
dent. or any bead of 'department or
bureau. the appointment ot any person to
office.'and making the offense a misdemeanor,
punistsble by a fine not exceeding /1.000.
The ornlng hour hosing expired, the bill
went over till to-morrow,
All the remaining paragraphs relating to
Iron were, on motion of Mr. SUlENCli.struck
out, via: Ileferring to vessels of cast Iron.
not otherwise provided for; referring to
llazed. tinned or enamelled wrought iron hol
ow ware: imposing a duty of one and three
fourth cents per pound on cast Iron steam, gas
or water pipe, and taxing all other castings of
iron not otherwise provided for thirty-fire per
cent, ad rafortan. •
The next paragraph was im all cast or other
descriptions of steel, In Ingots. blooms or hll
- and on rolled or hammered steel, In ban.
min. sheets, slabs, plates, bands, coils ur
strips three andthree-frmrth cents per pound.
The dut y was, on motion of Mr. ALLISON, by
rote of 73 to 47, reduced to :Ise.
The next paragraph was. on steel of circular
shapes or forms and on steel of all shapes or
forms. cast. cut. rolled or 'hammered to pat
tern. not otherwise provided for. four centa
per lb. ' -
The rate was reduced to three and one-half
to 64:
c . ' rpVe b 4:t '") p t :r4, 7 . 3 ,,h mss on steel railway
bars two cents per it,, and on ell railway bars
made to part of steel one and ono-half cents
per pound; provided that metal converted,
cast or made from iron by the Bessemer or
pneumatic process, of satever form or de
scription. shall be classed h a steel.
Mr. BENJAMIN movedto strike .out the
proviso and insert Instead of it madeords:
And on metal converted. cast or from
Iron 'by the Bessemer or pneumatic process,
or of whatever form or description, one cent.
per pound.
Mr. DINGMAN moved to amend the amend
ment by changing one cent. per pound to
thirty-six dollars per ton.
A long discussion • followed, terminating In
the adoption of Mr. Ilingham's amendment—
in to 43.
•. •.
Without action on Mr. Benjamin's amends
mint as thus amended; the committee rose. •
Mr. SCHENCK introduced a trill to confirm
certain legislation la Colorado Territory.
Which ...referred.
Mr. JONal, Ky.. desired to offer a resolu
tion McMinn. to deference to the asslvr
meat of to-morrow as a day of r
prayer In Virginia la consequence cMeki and
mond calamity, for adjournment instil Thurs
day. !rut objection war made.
Bleeds:el of Hatband Directors.
ins Telegraph to the Swabs:cab tlusttei
CINCOINATI, M. 3.—At the annual meeting
Of the stockholder:: of the Cincinnati, Hamil
ton end Drayton Railroad to-day, the following
persons Were elected Directors: 8.8. L'Hom
medico. John Young, Jobs: W. Erna William
G.:ode:au, Geo. T. Stendman, Lowell Fletcher,
H. D. Huntington, Samuel Fosdick and Dan'l
McLaren. "Ms la a sums' for Hr. Viten).
medien mills ticket by a vote of newt: two
to one. Mr. L'ltommedieu received over two
to one of the eastern rote and about the same
!number of western stockholders' votes as
Iwere coot for the enPosltlou. He will doubt
- ma be elected Preeldent at the organization of
"the Board to-morrow.
OIL Crrr, Pa, Hay 3.—Rlaer falling, with 20
Inches Amamr In the channel. Weather cloudy..
Thermometer 111 at a P. 11. C.
BrtowNerriux, Pa.. May 3.—Hlrer about on
a stand, with 5 1.19 Inches water In the
channel. Weather cloudy. Thermometer TO
at 6 r. 0.
asziusgao.Pa; Hay 3.-Itiver feili6B6low
with about 6 feet 6 Inches treter In the
channel: - Weather cloudy. Thermometer CC
.340110.klenown, W. Va.. Mat 3.—Elver sta
tionary, rsith 110 Inches seater n
whatte channel.
Weather cloudy. -Thermometer 6 r. •
Mouth Carotitta Issodgratioa Convention
By Televet* to the Pittsburgh (Waite.]
Glummer:in, Hay 3.—The Agricultural and
Immigntion Oloneention hy the &mth
Carolina Institute , met t o-de pp. The delegates
embrace many of the most distinguished men
of OM &ate, Georgia and North Pirollna.
The chief object is to devise a system of emi
gration which will secure reliable toren ln.
bor. Gen. John Hagood was chosen Presi
dent. Committees were appointed on 'various
—The sale of the old Centel Ohio lunatic
whim ;rounds for two hundred thouwoul
five hundred dollars was completed yeaterdny
and the Pulltrant farm, two miles west of Co.
(nimbus, parch/wed for the new building: price
The funding Bill—American Medical
Ammclation Nomimations April
Treasury Disbursements —Orphans
by the Oneida Calamity,
By Telettraph to the TMAbefgh Gastatte . .l
WAKIIII4I4 . ON, .11114
rrstam . ; Nati-
Another protracted Remickkof the Wan. and
?deans Committee Wl.l held ..3 - enerO.S over
the funding bill, but no .dechdon acne reached.
and no cote taken cin any Ont. procislue.. It
in underatood.that the majority of the com
mittee incline to one class. of bonds, bearing
four and four and one-halljorieent. leteremt.
Intend of three eerie.. iuipitmided in the Sen
ate bill.
The twenty-first nitnnal',';neetlng of the
American Medical Associapolrismtvenmi to
day. About four hundred delegates were
Present. representing most of the Stato asso
ciations and medical echos* of the country.
The Association .tae elated. to order by
President Mendenhall. of,Cinclunati. The
report of the Committee on Credentials
ons rend. excluding certain delegates, as
On. stated would be done to last night's
dispatch A minority report, of an opposite
nature, was made by Dr. Hepburn, Chairman
of Committee and both referred to the Com
mittee on Ethics. Stabsequantly n mew Corn
rnlttec on Ethics was eppainted, sir. Alfred
Stine. of Pa.. N. S. Darts, 0111., Jno. Keller,
of Ky., and If. F. Askew, of Del. Tho
Preaident then proceeded to &deer
the annual address which was lirtelled
with much interest. Reports were made front
various Committees and accepted. The fol.
rowing were appointed a Committee of Gen
eral Arrangements: Dr. T. Antfoell, Chair
man, Dr. R . Rayburn, Dr. li. J. C. Duhamet.
Dr. L. tr. Ritchie. Dr. D. It. Hogoer, Dr. C. Y.
Notes, Dr. Wm. Lee.
The delegates to-night called on the Presi
dent, who received them In the east room.
There was no speech Malting. Secretary
Belknap and several memhgry of Congress
Were present.
CLAIM 1.1411A0 .
The owners of the American steamer Aspin
wall, which wee seized by the Spenlards and
afterwards released on demand by Secretary
Fish, hare made •a big claim for damages.
Th want thr ee ood round eltrll for the act of
seinure and humlre4 dollars per day for
detention , and extant to get It all. It is Odd
here. hOlireeei , they have little etranc,of real
teing their expectations. Information at the
State Departmeot leads to the conclusion that
the entire value of the vessel wan not more
than ten thousand dollars, and that the real
ti l
r a i n . lvytt a a t in c gt im b i l d the censers in inna hely
Amt. torsounuggavra.
The following atnounta were paid troth thy•
Trfaaury during the month ending April .1111 u
Civil and miseellaneung • g-Lird.s4kt:
War 5.501.:17
Interior . ... . . . LI
Total . .• trt
The isbote does not include payments on
account. of intere•st or principal of the public
- The follow Ina norninatkata were sent In to
day: Samuel T. Day. of Florida. Consul at
Wino pet: Oscar Malinrose, of Sflnnesola.
Consul at Pinion; They. If. Pearl, or Tennea-
See. Consul at Kinraton, JAMAICA; Henry W.
Smith. A.<l4lOr Internal Seventh
Distrkt. Ohio: Horatio Wt.:Shure. Collector
of Internal Revenue. Second District. Indiana.
THANKS 17.1.15611tra1,
The Secretary of the Nary has addressed a
letter espresslve of the warmest thanks to
Mn.. Fremont. In response to a communica
tion from thnt lady ;announcing that the mans
frers of the 1 - nlon Home and &boo' for Sol
diers and Sailors' Oritinns milk take charge of
MA educate the children of those lost on the
tiennettsttn uktik.
Seeerul Cubans. fitunkinens.l/ the Insurrec
tionist"' mosernent. lately mac r ~ r ectures to
the staini•h itlialster 1.111,: - .0..1.1. It.
Inn up the cnnte*l. Ttie moat .6111
son 1..1. •hti. n I he, Minim.,
At the late tent) of the Snitgente fours ,1„„,,
two hundred and t wente-Ilve ense• were din.
rge o d m o d f...lfing t of on the docket &bow two
Propoaltion to the Illenitem's Boy Corr_
paos—lneoliest Vaguer of thr Mann Voltam
—General War Verwel.
Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiette.).
Pr. Part.. Minn.. May I.—The Press has a let
from Penthinn. which says Mill hoe made it
prommition to the Hodson flay Company
which has been Receded to. It lain substance
its follows: The company are to aeknow lege
the_ Provisional Government aa the - only legal
government eglatlng In the stint tocestl to ad
vance a loon of MAD to the Govenurient, and
In ease of the refusal of the Canadian Govern
merit to accept the' Inane offered. to Inerrant
It to ZAP; also. to advance goods to Salient
to the amount of LSO) at current market val
ue.. and In that case the company will be al
lowed to reoceopr moth of the tort not la
not now occupied neeesaarily for Government
headquarters and • annisnn of fifty men and to
resume thelmarreantile pursaltrandcr the pr
tertian of the Provincial Government. The ,
Parliament went Into seasion, and everything
la harmonious.
'Another letter mys the Sioux Indians had
appeared rat the line. eta fort near - the Hud
son liar Company's trading post at White
Hone 'Plains, and made 1310.1, Insolent de
mands. stating that they were gOln_g to kill all
the Americana In the settlement. 'Upon being
furniahM with anpplin, and also being told
that If they were solar to 'fight Americans
they would also have to fight half-breeds, they
consented to return foe the present. prombi
leg. however, to clean out Crawley'. and
House's establishments. There in great ex
citement existing In the settlements, nod n
general Sioux war Is apprehended. The set
tlements on the Ametienn side of the line are
greatly alarmed. and lean are entertained
that the military do not fully realize the Im
mediate danger of the settlement, and will be
too tardy in .morements to afford help un
til too late. This in but the natural result of
the Polley bieugurated by Governor McDou
gall and hi. adherent..
Another Dee Won le She Dhlirki Attorney Cue
—Sheppard Consited In.
Illy Telegraph to the muiourgh Garette.i
PrllLAnitellln. nay 8.•-Mach excitement
exists over the anal decision In the contested
election cam 'tor Igstrict Attornovehip—
Inir lie ' l l et ' e u rb r ei t e;; " ih G a l t b lirtir i gS n o b ir i gt
oily held the position nod that tribbene con
tented the election. ousting Sheppard. The
latter appe aled end le now declared elected by
thirteen tuniorlty. ' Judge" Ailleon, Ludlow,
Pierce anti Penton appeared on the bench.
Judge Allison delivered the opinion of the
Y 0111rN(
The taloa Peelle Reline! C....
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Basette.]
CSIBIENNE, May 3.—The statements that the
Court of Wyoming has assumed Jurisdiction
the F:i ' lgt t t ' PTus t ril i : e lalgn e d en trom o p r a D4 y, T u il n . ‘l ". er
and by virtue of the territorial laws ofWet..
Ulla,. la without foundation. Judge In
entirely ignorant of the sald laws , and has
never proposed to appoint a receiver unless
One million dollars are deposited with the
court. The laidcause ls In process of adjust
ment. upon known principles of equity Juris
diction, to the entire satisfaction of both
Beath of a gethalle Bishop—Atnerican talmr.
(By Telegraph to the rittabarshOmette.l
ligokrnEAL, May 3. Monseigneur Cook,
Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of the
Three Riven, died Saturday morning, aged 70.
Ile will ho succeeded bySlons, La Fleiche.
Bishop of Anthedon , now attending the (Ecu
menical Council at Rome.
The amount of American sliver received on
fhl e altV(4sW e
for permission to receive another million.
Deputy tatted States Marshal Murdered.
lir Telegraph to the Inuabersh Casette.]
BALT LAKE, May d.--Captain N. R. Story.
Deputy hatted States Marshal, was shot and •
instantly killed to4lay by a desperado named
_Bowes, whom he was about to arrest. An
armed posse gave pursuit of the murderer.
LATtift—Hos,T, murderer of Deputy r. B.
Marshal Story, was shot by a lot of Mormon
boys to-day within six miles of Grantsville,
not, however, until bee a wounded three of
them, one supposed fatally.
0111 A HA
Travel Wera—Fuss Railroad Time.
Te'seraph to tbe Pittsburgh Casette.] .
OMAHA. April 3.—Between three end four
hundred passengers are going west from here
daily; Arrangements are being made by east
ern roads to make the running time between
Omaha and New York fifty-four bourn.
Thu Upper Missouri steamer trade is on very
g l egrige 4 1-1 ,4Z,a 4 1, 1 3 4. w. h uAl
from there.
N.EWS' 81 - ' CABLE
The Irruption In France—tonspiracy
Plot—scrio m Riot—Garibaldi Ad.
. rises the F ench Army to Raise the
Flag or
t eyolution—lielmilion in
India—Cotton Production Equal to
-Consum Pt lon.
(By Telerreph to the Pittahtimh (htXette.l
Ps uts.May 3.- TheJeurnal ngirieldenolinces
the tactics of the revolutionary Journals, In
seeking to make their renders believe there
has been nip conspiracy, and declares it the
duty of the Goverment to warn the public
:against the effect of such electoral tricks. The
Jiiiiyaii/ adds: - This conspiracris part of that
of last whiter, the investigation Into which
hail been so protr.Mted. When the examina
tions are Mrtnlriiited, and they se 011 will he.
the public will know all and be able to appre
ciate the danger In which the country has
been planed. -
M. Oillvier_ line addressed a letter In the
Monittrir, in which he ussurmi the editor the
t/overnumt will not fall Into a Policy of reac
tion, though obliged to take oppressive meas
ures against Its enemies. lie hopes this (Tank
anon er dissipate the fears expressed by
h Moult/pr.
The Ibtpin7 publishes a manifesto (coin On,
lbatili to the tench army. calling on the sol
diers to reise the flag Of revolut Pm.
The police ore searching for 31. Haut. who
they say in implicated in the conspiracy. Bal
lot was no nutter eiffinribaldi, and is a 'Minn
friend of Gustave Flourens. The maker of
the bombs, seized by the police, explains that
they were ordered fur America, and It was
fepreseoted they were to be used ns wheels
or patent wiocipedes.
i11:11T P. M.—A serious riot occurred ye-ster
ility at St. Quentin; enured ay the arrest of a
member of the International Smietv. Two
thousand workmen attacked the National
Guard and the gen, /Cannes stationed around
the prison to which the man had been token.
The Garvin held their_ ground, though n num
b, were wounded; The Prefet: command
ing General and Procurer eame to their re
lief with detachment of regular, troops, when
- theme!, was dispersed and ureter restored.
To-tiny the Prefet nod General held nn inter
view at which they thanked the troops and
National fiminl (or causing the laws to hr
M bite. who attempted the life of Buxton.
trim arrested in Paris and the pistol found on
Tim. • •
The Dublin rrrrnmn denounces Dlnruelgn
novel" Lothair" for itn groan Immortality.
The Pali Moll (Mutt. ha, authority for de
nying the truth of the report that Mr. Bright
hal renigned. _
DINININ, May 3,-,Dispatehes from bulls re
port a rebellion bes broken out among the
Khlglsh tribe%en the shores of the t'neplen
•% ilispatelt from Athens states th.• troops
are still hunting for the survivors of the band
of brigands who murdered foreigner),
MANCIIENTIM. Mare:l.—At a meeting of the
Chamber of Commerce last ironing marl, so
tiefaction wan trprcestsl that the' prodlirt of
cotton Is now commensurate with coneurein.,
, 4,11,11, May a. -Cerun.chl. Italian banker,
expelled Blau France for contributing money
to the anti-plebiscite committee, has been or
tiered to leave Geneva. lila offenae was con
tributing a second hundred thousand francs
trout this city for the same object. Before
lenving. hongerr. he nveived a telegmm
M. Clambetta. a radical member of the Corp.
Legisintiff and officer of the anti-plebiscite
committrea Paris, acknowledging the receipt
of the trlfllty. ,
HAVAS., May 3....Francepeu Eequamble. a
pe lti j e• wag eievuled at Clentethros on the MO
A court martial NA% lately convened at Car
denas for the trial of Exteben Parnell and Jose
Mara. 11th were sentenced to death.
140 mi- May 3.—The steamer
Iry Sew - York, arrivert to-day. •
m w
I.O,KNIN Mai' :I. Ereniny. Consols, W.
American orritrit In quiet. ns 'll5, tta ti:
Ten-Forliss.ll4 l / 2 . . Pale. ; Illinois;
112; Atlantic .111 °roc Wostsni. 27.5. Stocks
Ps tits. Mao a. fliiiiree nuisu at alf 27r.
Li rue i; Mao 3.- Cot ton quiet end steady
ith ni illt111114: at loisnd °flea.. at
11.s - 411yd ; anion of MAO bale a s. California
white is heat 0.1 id : red isestern fo 2. :di
attler inditt . a 114: writes for three clays
2.1,(110 ull/IrtRIII .8111COIC.811. Western Floor Corn,liii. 2 seised. ?Is. Oat. 2a brl. [tarter 2e.
Fran 'flea. at ;Ms ed. Pork two. [leaf . I}le.
Lard dull. at. Cheese fleenn Mb for
t_'uniberlmid cat and 114 s for abort rib middles.
I unphangsal r
Lensbuis. Slay 2.—Tallute Is 3tt. Sugar on Wit
easier at ra ml; afloat. doll at Via. Calcutta
Linseed OA 41 and nn,. Linseed OU easier at
FRANK MUT. :HAY 3.—ltood. quiet and nn -
A WiI•CRP, Marl — firm at
Myatt. May 3 , —Coitus at 13. sf un spot. •
--Thirtyarres cd woodland on Fighltill
glouutairis. New York, are burning,
•-The steamship Siberia Is over due. kneeing.
left Queenstown on the WO of 41pr1ll,
--the steamers Java and Manhattan, from.
LiverNol, arrived at „New Tork last night.
---The reunion of the 13th army corps will he
held at r , pringflold, Illinois, on the 17th Mat.
--A grand Union depot and hotel will be'
built at Vincennes, Indiana, by the concen
trating railroads.
—The body of a man named David ti. Phillips
was found in n 'Vacant lot at Chicago, Monday
afternoon. Ile had committed suicide.
—.lrrangements are progressing for a public
meeting of jet York merchants In favor of
the treaty for the acqUisition of Raman,.
Russian named John W. 'Jackman, an
engraver by profession, committed suicide ye.
terdav at Indianapolis br taking poison.
• • • '•
--A Havana correspondent writes that ell
the steamers going to Europe ere crowded
telt h passengers. 1. he law, compelling persons
who Intend to go to the United Staten to rice
five thousand dollars ball prevents many from
prOceetling In that direction:
- , The ceremony of decorating soldiers'
graves In the vicinity. of Washington. D. C.. on
Monday adtla inst.. will be grand and imputing,
excelling In this respect the demonstration
hut year. A chorus of singers, to the number
of dee - hundred Is being organized.
bus Ohio, exconitem Mo ent nday. by was st a
irred rumor up
th aat W t Col ash.
McLean of the Cincinnati Enquirer, passed
through that city for Detroit, followed noon
after by Murat Ilalstead, of the Cincinnati
Commercial, and friends, for the same point,.
with a view to fighting a duel on Canadian
—The forty-sixth anniversary of the New
York Bible Nociety was held throday evening.
The annual report shows that the aggrek-ate
distributions of the society for the year have
been 'laid bibles, tato7 and 1,01
tracts. oinking a total of 111.143 volumes, at a
cost of 05419 at. The entire receipt, for the
year have been Mend tit, and the ezmnditurea
showing an excess of expenditure,
over the receipt, of k8h8 57.
--Citizen. of Broadway New York, - are
anxious concerning the action of
n ow .Hff man on the Arcade Railroad bill. await
ing his signature. In answer to en Inquire of
A. T. Stewart. the President of the New York
City Underground Railroad Company sayer
that a contract for building the road has al
ready been made with English capitallats, and
the prOebliOrM of the new Arcade hill conflict
with the grant by the legislature to the under-
ground company.
—The difficulty with the students at Dick-
Insun-College, at Carlisle. arose from a hoary
system of demerit marks put In operation
against those who rebelled against the proper
authorities and Insisted on seeing and engag
ing in the negro celebration on the Bah of
April, during recitation time. Some of the
demerits amount to 150, ZEO and ace. It is
probable the difficulty will be settled by the
withdrawal of the demerits, which is demand
ed by the seceding classes.
—At Chicago, on the:knit ult., Gustave Het
land, a Swede, twenty-eight years of age, eat
some veal fur supper, and accidentally put a
piece of . bone about an inch long into his
mouth. A. his mouth was full of food he did
not feel the bone until he had swallowed it
and it had lodged in big windpipe. Physicians
were Immediately sent for but all efforts to
remove the hone were useless. fletland lin
gered until Monday, when he died. During
the time intervening ho experienced great
pain, both from the bone and the want of food,
as the former was so situated that nourish
ment of no kind could be given him.
[By lbltignoph to thli Plttaborsh Uctsetto.j
Auanirr, May 3.-Ihe Canal Board to-day
made the following Important reductions from
the rates of last year : On salt, alßi per cent.;
on coal, SO per cent.; on wheat, corn and other
grains,tris per cent: on flour. 50 per cent; on
bloom, pig and 'snap iron. 'l5 percent. Other
reductions will be made In the same ratio:
Nate Oru.r.sus, April B.—Cotton' steady and
in fairdemmd; middlingfl calm 3,300
bales. recelpt• atoms* 141.713. Flour
nreserAnsl.--ni41.37. double extra $6. treble
extra 41. Corn SI.IK4L-13, Oats firmer
at 074/70e. ran 10e. Hay-MAO. Pork. f 30,30
Q. 31 for Mess. Bacon firmer IVllc for stioul
d.c., 17X.74171f0 for clear rib, meane for
clear, hams 117X0 M. Lard unchanged. bum.
ge 11411 , Molasses,JF_lme rebelled 70311
.tt r - n - WM lEY ' SC4feI
onnnged.'ntertjug fion fl
Glahfilge Cattle Market
CA 3111111DOL. May 3.-hest cattle: reeelptstair
demand is active and inices hava n advceri
INe• salm of extra at It; t quality
ItyltiCel3; second anal tt 1 ,4 1 :01245, third
quality Stall. Sheep lambs: reeelpta
ri a ce o.
well stustalned:
Saw Faancukon. War a—Then were Hem
ttansactiom. In dour, and the market bad an
upward tendency. Wbeat adsancel with
'alma choice ati1.E631.45. Lesakend :ISW.
VOL. LXXXV---NO. 106
Regular Meeting of the Board.of Control—
Whipping Id the tiebools—Condition of the
tichoola—Mlseelloneout Matters.
Last evening a regular monthly meeting of
the Allegheny tioard of School Controllers was
held In the Common Council chamber. CitY
building. Piesident King In the chair.
Present—Messrs. Ashworth. Algeo, Brehm,
Flarkett Beckart, Brown, Borland, Denny - ,
Chadwick. Dunlap, Eaton, Francis, Forrester,
Fans, Go,lfrer. Ingham. Krepps, Kallock„Mar
them, McltOhorts, McConnell, Mcalnton,
Higgs. Than. Sprague, Smith, Torrence, Trim
ble. Walton, White, Wilson and President
Secretary Denney rend the minutes of the
preceillog meeting, which were approved.
lh reply to an inquiry, the Secretary stated
he had notified the Secretary. of the Central
Board of EdUcation of the action of the Alle
gheny School Board In relation to the Bible In
the schools. andl that the communication
would be laid beftire that Board at their neat
.•. • • .
Reports from the local Boards of the schools
were then presented.
Mr. Barton from the Second ward reported
the resignation of Mine Nettle Mrtbrmick in
the Primary Department, and the election of
Miss Blanche Oliver to-fill the vacancy. The
election was confirmed.. •
Mr. Barker from the-Fourth ward, stated
that a report had appeared in the Sunday
Mirror. In relation to- an alleged outrages=
whipping. by Min Duncan a teacher in
their schools. The-report ihe gentle
man said was very greatly exaggerated.
If the • facts had been as Mated the
Local Board would Immediately hoer called a
meeting and dismissed the teacher. They
found, however, that the truth had not been
told. lie was glad to are that some of the pa-
Per. hod
the not exaggerated the case, and ho
thought a had ade a
sensation out p of per
it simpme ntionly to ed
makem sock
the paper
sell. The chilli was whipped and hurt some
what. but nothing like in the degree that, had
been reported. and nothing to harm it what
ever. He matte-this statement to bring the
Matter right before the Board.
. . . . ..
Mr. Trimble reported the resignation of Mr.
C. W. Kimball and the electlon:of Mr. James
Godfrey to 1111 the saeauenin the Local Board
of the Seth ward.
. . .
.111 the Boards reported the • schools In a
nourishing condition. In some of them -cc
dalprogress was evident In the Reading of the
PBP/is. •
Mr. Eaton, from the Committee on Colored
Schools, presented a minute report of the con
dition of the schools, the neat and happy aP'
My:MCP of the scholars, their progress In
study, their polite hearing and the kind and
parental control manifested by the teachers,
Prof. Neale, and the Misses Wilaun and_Ware.
The Committee also expressed themselves as
not surprised that each pupil counted one In
the grand procession In commemoration of the
adoption of the Fifteenth amendment. (This
sentiment was greeted with applause.)
The report further.gaVe en account of the
Visiting Committee 011 . Clux of Honor Dny."
when the pupil, of merit receive prizes.
The report was accepted and niad.
The Secretary read the following report
Irian the Committee on Teacher. and
(Imrrt.gmmr:--Tour Committee on Teacher's
and Salaries met Monday evening, at City
Hall. In consequence of few membens of the
ComMittee being present. we make a very
brief report. We deem it inexpedient at prea
cot to change the number of teacher. In any
!school of the city.
Your Committer, would resptxtfull
mend that the salarlen of teachers be
in the following =lnner within each
Principals with als. or more assist.
Principals with Ica* than six mauls
Grammar Teacher .
Medium Teacher
Primary Teacher
Mr. Borland moved to amend by m ,
salaries of the teachere equal to th.
Mr. Chadwick was opposed to such
The subject had already been act .
the Board, and should not be again
A general tllscussion here sprung n
Messrs. Chadwick, Barker. Borland ..
. .
In relation to it point of order rain.
Clandwlck, whether Mr. Itorland had
. .„.
mike his motion, as on the last oc
which the matter had been cosaildered
In On: nllll4nntive iocilannv the nninri
This t.lnt was finally decided by
Ale, who VOttd la the neratlve at th
lair. and who mode a motion to
" 4 ' . " Ma r g - Irgo ro ve t rio refer
. .
back to the committee, with Imam
report at what time they Intended
pent Iva new schedule cof prices to
After n rana.llng tllscusslon upo
mentary rules In general., eornmill
Anti.s, nM the svlnsies of tensbers,
',lotion to pier the report back wee
The question then chromed upo ,
atorodotent.—to adopt Pittnhorgh .
Mr. McConnell orrent to lay the w
. .
Mr. Walton old he did not oppo e the In
crease in the salaries. Ile thought. oweser.
by the Pittsburgh rate, some of the teacheril
would be unjustly treated. Accortil • to that
schedule, teachers without one year' experi
ence, were reduced to Pegt, whereon hey are
Pow getting !Val. It WIMI here-in the Prima
ry Deportment-that the great work Was done.
Me moved that the schedule be • taken tip
seriatim. Subsequently this motion was with
drawn, to give place to one offered be Mr.
Barker. adopting the report of the Co umittee.
and the corresponding increase, for the re
minder of the school year-two mo tbs. This'
motion was carried.
Mr. Smith reported the f Mr. C.
C. Boyle. and the election of Mr. Otto Krebs as
a member of the Third ward Board.
The Secretary sented imvend small bills,
amounting to 116, for which rearms were
Mr. Baton offered a resolution ant mixing
the closing of the Schools on ration
Day. - Adopted.
!dr. Eaton also offered a resolution uthori
sing the Committee on inspection to sit the
schm,ll, complete their rounds within the next
six weeks and prepare. a report for Publica
tion. Adopted.
- - .
The Secretory presented a report In reply to
a resolution passed nt the last meeting, ask
ing information in regard to the number of.
teachers to which each want was entitled, and
whether some wants had not more than their
share. Ile mid-he had made two cale Malone.
Taking 1111 Y-eve as the number of sch.lars for
each teacher, and geminating It with the near.
age attendance In each ward, he found that
the First want erns entitled to twelve teachers;
Second. twenty-three; Third. twenty-four;
Fourth. nineteen; Fifth. twelve; Sixth, four
teen; Seventh, seven; Eighth.,four; Colored
schools, three; total one hundred and nineteen.
In the second calculation he took 45 scholars
as the Mists 11.121 i found that the First ward
was then entited to Ill; Second, 24,• Third.lls;
- Fourth, .1k Fifth. 12; Sloth, II; Seventh, 9:
Eighth. I; Colored Schools, 3—total.
Thus in one case 119 teachers were allowed
and in another 123, while the number actually
employed was I showing an Increase above
either calculation.
The report was accepted and referred to the
Committee on Teachers and Salaries fob con.
sideration, to repott at the next meeting the
schools having too many teachers.
Mr. Trimble asked, in behalf of the Sixth
Ward Board , for authority to elect a writing
tecieber, which was granted.
The Secretary reed a report showing the sal
aries paid during the month as follows: First
ward, te; Second. $1128; Third, SON; Fourth,
$1178: Fifth. 0654 Sixth, PM; &Tenth. VIA
Eighth, gen; colored schools, $187; mimic
teachers, =O. Total, $M79.,
lie also read a report exhibiting the attend
ance at the schools as follow.:
• Average New
Enrollment. At'mrce. &MM.
That Ward
Second Word • 1132 .... 1069 .... 166
Third Ward 1343 112^ .... 123
Fourth Ward 36
No 5 538 47(1. 70
Fifth Want ..... '
534 .... I.Te ...
Sixth Ward 756
. 80701
4 P rVn i ?flr li".
W00drt11n...... . .. 78 IS
Eighth \Vara 196 ..
164 .... 17
Colored Schools.... 161 .... .... 810
Totnl 6;t:1 t
The report. were received and filed.. The
meeting then ndjounted.
Reialor Meetlax—Comenanlestions
eellaneoas Ihtdiness.•
Smith Pittsburgh Councils met In 'regular
session last tight all the members being
present. •
After reading the minutes. the accounts of
the Street Committee for 8306,74 and the bill
of officer Stemmler, borough Policeman for SOO
were presented rind warrants ordered.
A communication was received from the
Borough Solicitor in relation to Bowe, Scanlan
& Co.'s bill of paring, together with a petition
from these contractors In reference to the
The Solicitor reported that the ant item of
10010 the bill for "estraa" waa never paid
for by them. •
The bill was, on motion of. Mr. Haines, re
The election of Borough Befitlater was poet
ned until next meeting.
The Burgess was authorized to employ an
ddltlonal pollcemsn at a salary of 150 per
iv. 6. Moreland, Es q.. was elected Borough
Solicitor for the ensuing Teat. ,
The propilety of_purchnsing a hose carriage
for the Allegheny Fire Company. was dimm
ed at length, nod .tho matter Dually pontoon
ed until next meeting.
Common Prem.-Judges Stowe and ColSera!
TUYSDAY, May 3.—in the care of Darla vs.
Montgomery and McKee, reported yesterday:
verdict for plaintiff in the sum of $l4O, i.
The fret ease taken up before fudge Stowe
was that of Williams vs. Berri Miller, ac
tion to recover damaged for mica received.
Plaintiff, it is alleged , fell into efendant's cal
ler through an opening in the sidewalk which
three ha d be:p l ;i i e . g r i i i t szut&le t fA a u l l . movered, and broke
The ease of the Pittsburgh and Conneliffige
Gas. Coal and Coke Company vs.Balley. previ
ously reported on trial before Judge Cbiller.
was resumed, and occupied the time Of the
court till the hour of adjournment.
Attachments were leaned by this Court for
eight defaulting jurors and • a fine of twenty
dollars Imposed upon each of them.
PIP. Collins vs. Hatch.
IX Hamilton vs. NM'.
WI Stevenson et al. vs. Prescott et_
157. Kaufman vs. Wm. Hashure *PP.
MO. Pittsburgh and Greensburg 'gamma co
vs. McClintock.
MI. Kennedy vs. CassldaY et al.
1113. Gallagher y vs . ..= .
100. McCaffre v
N 11.91505," nave the PariO
Gyntfois," will definitively ]race the triage.
is going to marry a yortegl man of
very good family, the nephew Of an ad-
It is a pure love match, the young
min having no fortune. The dira, who
had a brilliant future before hei on the
slake, has preferred to follow the inspira
tions of her heart. We have I not the
right to blame her for it."
Lightning Rods.—STATE OP IMIO,
January 18th, 1868.—Grntas it gives me
plintsure to be able to certify that in select
ing Mumon'n Patent Copper Lightning
lied n 8 the one to he put upon the new
Dent anti Dumb Asylitin in thin city, I
wan assisted by disinterested scientific
men, and am fully satisfied iliacS the rod
is, 'all things 'considered, the tof the
matey T had the opportunity of cumin.
lug'. Very respectfully, von, bedient
serest t, . J. D. OX'
tiovemot-of Ohio.
,ufactnrell by Lorkart V0.,..7.C0. 234
atroot, Pittsburgh.
Penn a
deliver the Second Lecture of the course.
to the Melee ot - Alleehenf City. TIER AFTER
NOON. ht 4 o'clock, in Dr. nudge's (Thumb. Will
meet her friends et ,RTOCETON AVENUE.
between the hours of 8 end 1.3 A. N. ISIJI:R15
PItANKI.IN I.6Dittf. No. .2 . 21. A. Y. M..
will be held In Maaonle 11111, TIIIS (Wednesday)
ETNNING. at 7 'o'clock. to make antangements
attend the funeral ..f nor late brother nod P. M.
James Finlay.
By order of the .
myt: W. M.
' I'lTTegeiton..llay 3d. IN7O.
have this day declared a Dividend of FIFE
PER CENT. out of the earnings of the hut Ito
tne.ntha, free of all taxes, 'eyed,' on and after the
10th inst.
• •
PrrroncUon. Eday 3. Is7o.
The Irlrectom of thin Bank hare Ills day do
cloud a dlrtdond of FOUR AND ONE HALF
PEIt CENT. out of the pron. of the hut ale month,
payablenn and after the 10th Inst.. free of Gov
ement tur.
mytobt . It. K. WILSON. Asalstant Cuhler.
;Bar 3d. 1510.
TORS of this Bank have teas day declared
SDividend of FIVE PER CF—NT. nn Its Copan!
tockc oat of the Fronts of the hut Pin month'
which will be paid to stockholders or their leinvl rev..
resentatives.on and after the 13th Mat. tree of
Government. State and local take,
W. ROPERDRG, Cashier.
PITTCHVIIHII• May 3, 1870. 5
The "P.M of Directors of Ole Commie
hare thia day declared a Dividend of
te !IS
Five llars
_..... •
upon each ' , hare of the Capital Stork. out of the
earned prodta of the Waste moathe. free of Gov
ernment and State taxes, parable to Stoekholden.
.on Mid after the 10th tort.
id t he
Pa In
P. HERBERT, PerretatT
i. change:
: Up 00 in
;d others.
.• by Mr.
r i ro l g t i:
he bled
4 4 bleb
Er li. A. B
I NGB, Rey sth, Bth and 7th.
Foe the. benefit ft Soldiers' %Idol.. and Orphans.
. meet
end by
floes to
he pro.-
Into et-
By Py. E. A. DUNCAN. (Serious El!Masa late of
Gauen' SherrastisstalEaaalstesi by Prof. BRONTE
Pianist and VocailsL teens the Conierrator) of
. d their
ly the
Prokraaanta ever? Wahl- lax.= open
al acarn sad a half ',chick.
ntvl At
Real Estate
. APRIL 30th, 1870.
Sundt, and Merinuersinnitilentinn
17.1.1r1 t liiu '' par . "Min ts
Huai Kauai , ' 2431 OP4
Mee Furniture
Cann 72.3141 11
'retail 116W519 0.1
Due Depu•Dom 34111.267 74
Due Drpositun, Interest. Lsy d In.
1870 13:133 13
Cuntlndent Fund 42.313 13
Tb°*'"'" h a ""°P. - a:emC I Tray 6B,ol u 7 7.
i n emigned Astiling Committee. hays exam-
Inad th ‘ o gooks of the Bulk. the Bonds. Hotting.
and Securities , and counted the Caah. and Mid the
foregoing Statement correct.
WM. ii. SMITH. •
11. CHILDS, Committee.
Pnrdldent-18AAC JONES.
Vico Presid.Bl-11 - 11. IL 8311711'"
.Accountatn—fl. C. PARKE.
• rncarara : -
Hon.lTas. M. Wave. I C. H.
Isaac Jones, • Jacob
D. W. C. Bidwell, I Nicholas VOSWDY.
Harvey Childs , Wm. H. Bmith.
Hon.'. B. Moortieed. ,
Interest allowed Atneltrd , v; ,,,, trr _
:',l',%ir,,,T,lttd.we',.tu addld to Dm principal
m egi m r:Tazi.t. f,b. Et A. L. to a!- IC dall7;
over Ratorday everdnig from May lst to No lat, from 7 to D. and from November lat
to Mey let, from 6 to 8 o'clock.
63 Fourth Avenue, Pittsburgh
James Hoag, Jr's,
174 Federal St., Allegheny.
At 10 eft, ts. 30 miter.. well Popen. Deihl
eotee..oo4et the prke.
u At ,... 151 Ilsavy Bright Doff Wall Paper., a
At 13 cents. Floe White Vapors.
At 23 cents. card-wide Whits and Half Iloilo:id
for Window Shades, good at the price.
4the Oil Cloth Window Shades at low prices.
tvd Wide Floor Cloth. bright colors. 43 wets-
Wide Oil Cloth. cot to It hells, moon s de. •
Elegant Gold and Band Made Wall Paper. at low
No. 174
''o. N. T."
Sold Evelidiere
IS THE MT AND (Turf:sr
Commercial and Family New:gaper
No farmer. merh.le. or merchant rbould tN
Pinola subscribers.
Clubs of too
Clubs of tot
copy_ls Am . 4. _ skied gratuitously to th e vette! -o p .
of a Mb of Poriatastara are requested toga
'as agents. Addrets.
rft.NOTICES—"To•Let," "lbr Sale,"
"Loot," Want..," -Pound," "Boarding',"
Ec., not exceeding FOUR LINES. teal be
inserted in these columns ones for TIV:EN
TY.EIVE CENTS; each additioiral Bite
WANTED.—.I Good Ap-
N...66P4.1.1,"=1gg';;Zi.'. KELLY
wANTED.—A Ludy experienced In
making Pants. losesist apemen:Jan. APS/
el ! N.ey. lIOUSTOIC & CO.. comer Stli ave. and CbenT
WINTEIL—An Unfnmished ROOM.
suitable for • bedoviout. In Alleatienyosal
Gas. Address It. M.. Dos 821-
WANTED --ROOM --Farnlsbed or
thifitintehed, with privtlefte of bath-meth
mutt be within etre minutes' trait of SL Charles
Hotel. Addrere , St. Charles Hotel. b-S
WANTED.—An active and responsi•
r - bin man t. take lbo agene7 of protatmot
late 'mama., Company - fur Alleghaay omit.
Adana".., with rafrraeram, STACY A. PAZOINI.
W•Mut ptreet. Ph il adelphia. • • - 34
ITASTED.—Sitonilon as Cleili'lby a
Angle gentleman of good caw:mm.3.ll.las
:Missive acquaintance In both cities and cum
try, .il no aversion to work. Would take a small
Interest. eau rive :taut references. Address nos
427. Pittsburgh. Pa. 34
PLEEPING ROOM, :Co. 43 Ileums street.
near the Park. Allegheny. .A good chance for font .
irkz " l=7 PtI r ATAYrt a I • V M1 4
Al'wnheny. e 64.1 t
CiAzrrn: Office.
. SOUR CIDER.. Apply at the No„Upso Wino.
gar Works. No. 98 fifth avenue Exumalon.
WINTED.-3 Rollers, Hookers-
In. 3 man for farm 'work. 3 boy. for coon.
try. to work In olooyard. Also ifirlet for all work
g 47. i"kr&trAtn. ~
at E mployment
30.000 to Loan In lareo or small amounts, at
s felt Into of Interest.
BEI. Bad Baal
t PETY ,
\o. 179 Smithfield street.
r ANTED .— RENT. —, A Ronee
• •.•• lielabborbaid. In either city. or on line I A
some Railroad. Any one haring such dui hear of
good tenant with n small faintly, by applying to or
addressiny c&orr, & PHILLIPS. Real Wan§
Agents. no. 139 Fourth arcane. 54
- -
AVANTED.—Everlbody to call it
184 LIBERTY STREET, and' examine
County sights fo - f J.
WANTED.—SeaIed progals will
be received by
_the ender. cone d for_QTlll
tonne! work, to be delivered, HU., per month
Alawe, between Sow HUI HIM an Blrovinittem.
so, sand sufficient Z 03.01 1 ,11; rt o t irzy.
Forbes Street.
Soho. •
Thirty Thousand Dollars to Loon
In large or small amounts on properly In Allegheny
roomy at a Mr rate of interest.
neat Innate Agent,'
• 88 Grant street.
STElL—Bonds and Mortgages.
1 for no,oo. hru? rertlt. TAL .° °AhrT 2 " t0f,.r.j L3.ta.1 t 13.600.
tarun. for $3.500. harlcu[ 0 3 kers t0 t :4, 2. 11er
;frn geTn ini' lo 3 rgsrl
1 . 747 4,07 4 4 0 1 m m ti4o4mmr y ea s
"'" lt.=Zi aleTt. lea nate an,.
....t.N .
...pond a ry .
A IIIIERS led at 1t....
lI°ARDIS .—A. number of Gentle.
MEN can he rumba.' trlth boardtega
= If des!' , pleasantly Icsrated, at NQ i 0
ANDXRSONSTItELP,near Hand I,treet bridge.
Allegheny City. •
• ood m
To-Let }) wlth boarding . ,
tool at 103 Fourth oven.. $4
30 rent.
rro LET The Three' Story Brick
JL WAIIXIII) 'SE In Church alley, rear
of No. 100 ood street formerly owl_ Sad
31 d an
b it4no of ''
' a C 0.," '''' W . A .l. l4Mbitt frj.r. * -
Le NO. 173 and 174 Wood t.
, i rick House of 7 Room,
.. : of and Cold Water, Large Yard.
% • • panted. situate NO. 1481 ILT
• , All
C ICUSE of Begheny. Rooms. No. 13/$
a Sampson street, Second rm..
sl to W. P. PRICE.
21 Diamond. Allegheny.
A. —Part of the well known property of W.
MeClintock. on the Perrysville Plank Road. erlaila
IN minutes' Intikof City Rail . skileigheny. The
house Is two atorled. isintalnlng 0 rooms. and to
new, Comfortable and of elegant arehlteaure, and
t t ,
M.P.. with al modern Improvements. Al.
centime house am stabling for horses and cows.
The grounds are autifelly UM out, and uncov
ered with One 1 o trete. rendering It truly a
country residence th all the adventegee of beWg
very convenient to the elly.and from lis location le
qt the most healthy loattlons In this eectiog.
F' or tartlet:llnm Logone of OLIVER WOLLNTOCIC
a CO.. Fifth avenue. • 1ip1941
........._ ..............
• 011' SALE. - -A Valuable Fa rm, un
dertatd with a 0 feet vein of Cet: Goml NM.
__Alliowoved- Prieo,llll2, W OO 6. B.H.NULL
a Wade., AteKeatis old stand, eetmorelaad s4 ea.
______ • •
T'OR SALL—Engine of Four Iltoise
F.OR SALE —Pr:info House. .Two
Rooms. Lot 30:104P_feet- rlicall7oo. T..
ntreets. I SILL & SON. earner of ream and Twenty-third
T'OR SA.LEA One Ronm Spring
4 , 1 , A7)11:4;47iigA I`,l
'IVOR SALE.j—MannfacturinK
we have for sale . very deldrablo location for
.3,Loof..,iavi o g p.p. ! , would be . rue ammo
for • hawing teen .formerly used for
that purpose. There on! geed vats
j a t E
houses, and some in
Int_llo X 0 f est;
femur, on two enacts and near voney d, to
the Fifteenth ward.. T.ll. 811.1. & SON, conker of
Penn wid Thirty-third 111.11. t.
FOR SALL.—A Large Amount of
•ery destrat emeerly. Imyeaved and mem.
Proved, h Me • ono wards of Mt ef
iwhich we ever at radxt4ll,2t
litt2TrA l reash. AdCfes One substantial dwellion
these lots. built to
pore o r em • • ons co or
Imo.. T. R. MIL &SON. miser Fend and y.
third street.
FORSALE.—Engines and Boller.,
Now and Second nand. of alildad., cooatlaU)
on hand.
Ormuz from all Wt. of Ilw oottutt7 promptly at
tended to.
Corner Marton Annul, and P.. Irt. W. & C. IL W.,
• Anagbenr, Pa.
ALLEGIIENT CTET..-t 'oder tor W s =
most delightful bueitnt lots gloated in the
ward. Allegheny. on ravywrille Plank Road sad
Obeervatov h . avenue.. leelolnitg the Obeerralorg
riitY l a
t it ' 2
tap s " 2l, 12. "'d
_o o 2=
store. !in. WOOD EITREEr. The Pt=
has also been ed. Each Lot is • pent lot.
f i t r tl a r Aig r i:Vdrintd d orObtgraloryavenhat
A'residence ot Wishingtortid
L. Eggs.. are 24 by 173 310.105
aro s old. • Five dwellings have hem
.NITMVI7. Pgrerkeiteaihv"trrur..l7:',X3Fitil
and but tour minutes' walk from the bead of De.
veretreet; • boatel walk made to the pemLen*
The great beauty of stenet7 and s ate
Tents east: Prices low. Sleuth , rd .
GEO. .311:13W.
N 0.83 Wood street, Pittsburgh, or No BE Al..
Avenue. Allegheny elty.
MONET TO LOAN.-LBT arrange- .
MENTS Put Winded ath Enniteineinsod boss
montallatn. Ire eatilod to buyordniodid•
Onno owondnita on %nod thy no insearban Leinwand
Poiperty In Inn or smAl] owns, st fialt mt. sad 01
dim notion. T. SILL & BOX, corner of Pena
nod Teiltty•Lhal 0110014
Rouse and Lot,
XONDAY. * .Mty 9th. at 10 o'clock. thereat/I
be sold on the ' , remitter, by an order at tb•
plans' Court of Allegheny tunny. one lot sibeittod '
on the corner of Stockton and Sherman ironing.;
Vlrin ward. Allrobeon 27 by, 149 teat: on Mitch
is erected a two story Mot Drrentiur of 12 roomy
in good habitable condition. Also the attbanion
raamt lot on Stockton ovectOn2i by 120 feet.
Abu. one lot corny of eh =Man eraoae and Wolin
otreet, 22 by 05 lima and the four aelt lob
on Shona. arostne. each 23 by 05 110$. , Th.
Park Improvements Yonder these lot dasyshl.fOr
private retetdalliens. , .
lee bo. o , : mbenct.a.,
• !too Donn Factory; tor yaw by
141 ri CAl vet avenueMlDED.
A. L.E6GATZ. Auctloaa•r'