TILE . DAILY :GAZETTE =I PENNIMAN lIEEI),k.. Cor u er Six& A. and Smithfield S P. B. PENNIMAN, JOMAN AIWA T. P. NOOSTON, N. P. NEED. • ADIT6NE AXE PAoPMErnmi. == ror year Doherty-0 by airier. per week HE DAILY GAZETTE. Renown itiottrand's brow:. the leuret never nrosve; vtenown (.4/111C11 not of Indolent rentnv. Musette. Envious ItAnKrrE: Allow rue to auhuirmulate you aim the eeitleuce!t of proeperity, made innuifeet hyttite improved appeantner of your patiwr Orb. morning. I tuu glint to nee it; eatta proud. of It. told hail it withp. I easure, an it proves tint this staid, slow, hut - otelligeot Or/ratan icy of hart-listedmechanics - and foe binis, whose name for honrxty and fair ddd ling .., h. s l e ek since itilioted into a proverb; known and recognized so Smelt in. all the great marts of- trade, both at home and sbestad, lanlf nee andsuifpreciate thfebeins• fits to he derived, and the proud eatlafac• lion to be felt, front 'Laving a newspaper in our city, which will challenge emnpari mut with any in the land hit soundness upon all question of finance, iHalite and but inetaa integrity, an well at , a wide-awake dispoeition to know and tell its reader. oil Obit is nein, and to tell it in the lost lam guago and torn.: . As oso,°native *vita the manner 111 . 11,” 1 114n141 Ilflarita 'and grand.narents, is far 1 bark as can be traced, were readers tool friends of the 14AzrITE, might not It. , .. be pardoned for exulting . in the great i lizelierity of rut old fn.. led. for such . beryl the acknowledged title of your paper its our family circle for - 4 wuch a letortit of tint, that the aleatory of no ono of the numerous stions . rUtifietit to the coritntry." • , . In "olden time," we are told it wits, lite stoat of the place, for the Rind iveople of PittsbUrgh lit ipisenthie in the Sllllllll4l' IrVellilig% nu the green and shaded hanks of the 'amid : n 3lonongaltela, where, among other - m.l( Iron the pleasure of one, who, but lately pastas( away In Clint t'bourne shelter no traveler rettfrum," or ita itri.vots Wont to say, when in Ilia nintromta of repose. ..to his t..ng home, - to read to the gad 'ample ••f to village choice extracts from the ti.. xtrerr., the only newrpaper then printed on tin -west aide of the Allegheny Slountalus. , Some of rout subscrilmrs yet 11We.U1heit at a good old age, Who -may • rentatulfer these accurst on the Lanka of , the quiet liver. anti from that early dote down through_ three ,generatious the li.folrce. lout oxen a welcome visitor to oar family rude. Our children have learned to Mee it and read it as their fathers' did, for the inatructicm and news it containa, and mar we not hope tltat it may eantintic to siwali out manfully for Trull,. Lilt it's I atai Rigid, long after itspresent managers shill haw hero called." frrim earth away." ifopinsr that Sneering nifty continue to at tend your labonyand that you may nap a rich Larrest of reward, anti ':nosing that you will band down the grail name of the liAl.F.Trw uttimpoirtd to your nuefeltiiolit o when you shell have been called to give. thou 'darn, . . I remain an ever, , Your friend. . L. 1 Carlotta Patti Concerti • - - first of the Patti ouncerts took place I Kat evening at Philharmonic hall before a ilintatged ami fuxldennble audience. !Wr ing the earlier part of the.evening the lier fOrtnalare Wail rather coldly received. but the appearance of the great eunatric•wn the signal for It WAIL' deunanatratlea, and from thence onwartl to the ekes , ' eren• piers 111U4 heartily elleecd. The ocedsion was at once brilliant, successful and inter esting. The concert wits Melt in merit and attraction, and alibi-tied lu inet.prex+i• bin pleasure teen wltiase.l„.nied fortune it was to be in attendance. - • The gnat Interest lust eXperlatiotl rrn trre of mule, in Patti, and great tep was that expectation, It wan more than realized. Nix rears ago left the !united States, . ail lona passed That period in Europe, dm ' ring which time wive has than from a de 4,ftrufunta to an-mintage. old itlit:tt- her to the aMellitlon of - "Quren Eddie concert-room." fiha now 'relatrok beam in,,itifary--sit ' ' ,-her'lltelirt:lreprdied 'by' constant study' 'a n teml.the natural develepatent of thus-e" ft splendid qualities bestowed on herby pa lure. and also by an baceesaut contact all this time with the elite of European till letantehnu. The woke of ('atlotti Patti ix iu the highest degree tulle. trite and Jolla. We' nee the term doelle advisedly, as it Cprisia , CO Mote thou our other the exceptiopal character of her eminently fantamie and oligiard talent. The eapricious epentaniety al her vm al ization perfeet rime and toduralunts, yet muteining the most original and eurprising effects, exquisite 'lain:wing uuti accent, characterise her as an Individuality, and Individualitlex are the riches of art. The ermipass of her.solve is wonderful, extending" far Iffialtiollg - the bzi - ,54" - litien and throughout the entire ,entle is syrups thetie to the highest degree .. United to, this Is u perfect srbnid , and ouch astottitth lug volubility ettable her to execute with the- unnort distinctness, ',towages which would be deemed only within the capacity of a violin. Witness, in 'Mutant- Hon of this, the variations on Paganinni'm well-known theme the - Carvival of Ven ice," which the tang In part second of the pm/rant:no last evening. It 'dented the audience Immensely. who Initiated ona re • eponott to their mustre, and which M'lle Patti gratified by oinking In her don eietible glanuer, the .I.stughing Some from Auber'a -Marro Spada. - , Her tarty nolo wax to our taste' an, un wise eelettion, insomuch as it is not fame .lated to chow the thothituntt feature. of her talent. ibiwever, Ate achieved a eucress, and treerved a still greater mirpridgefor her second appearance. Mr. Theodore Hitter, the pianist of the troupe, is an artist of narked ability. Ue is the coolest pianoplayer we have cream-en. tend. towanle the classical tityle, yet has an • np preciation of popular, cattily comprehead ed Sara, and - fat 'drapes both elements of IJx andienee. lie ban ix) useless 'and dis gutting flourish, littf - eimplv place. his finger* upon the kept and melody follows. flip touch Ili exquisite, his execution buil- Haut and hie expresiden liniohrd. /la AC -4=llo4lllrd a deserved success and will be met down, by ell who heard him,' aft' km' of the moat chaste anitelegant pianists that ham ever visited us. The piano used—n Steinway—wan one of the finest inxtru went* we have ever lietened to, and greatly relieved the want of an. Lorchestra.—,'i. loons Paptr. ' - - T SI. Limin Timer nat.: - Ntlm}NA ma Hatkaloo bap auspirioiralv_ began her legal career. ller first ciae;tratisplied a few days ago, and was no ably and adroitly ocsaiticted that a settlement was MlCCrill fully effected without a trial. This was the mute: The plaintiff, ap lady; claimed datuagee for a dead dog, whore rattily ca reer was alleged to have beenirregufarly terminated by one of tho thy street cant. Sixty dollar. was the amount of damages required. The Directors.of the railway rampant demurred to thin bill. apd re tained Mix. liarkainoaa their connote' m thr cult. There was overwhelming rtidence that the dog was dead' and could never bark again, as that it. barkingletot rondi tbta wax caused by carelessness cm the part et defendant.' agent.. Minn Barka liao, therefore, with a sagacity and Modes ty *bleb do her infinite credit, obtained a settlement of the caw on fivorable notwlthatanding that plutthereby twerifitird a brilliant opportuttity far making her makii plea.'. A MAN' calling himself - Rey.' 'Frank' Whitcomb hay been playing the ionetificti swindler game suereeslittly In rations mestenetowns. It'hen but brush (row he was engaged in leading prayer meeting*, managing the Y. M. C. A. and swindling credulous Cluistiona in (Judi:mail.. Ile MIDI to he coning this way. - Tits St. Lorna. Democrat sap.: A dal. or two ago two colored merchants termed McMurdo and °Way, doing Muffler; at Port- Anderson. Illailaalppl purthaaed bills a goods of Walter M. ?Smith k('o. Mallards was formerly a Ono of Colonel Davb., a brother of the celebrmed.deffer nm I)2TIL •Srtrrivrxci officers of the star of lien. Ptenewall Jackson hare published six ap. Esil for funds to plakU a lIIMILIaIeUt over 1. remains, and say that such a teemocial of love and respect, mote than all uthets, -meet,. with the cordial apptulattlen of m t i. Jarkaon. Ma. .k. k'r,oarxer. are to Gana a new theatre on Twcropthird street. New r-4....;<- •.; , • , . _ . • • 1. 11 4 1 - - A • lAcir , . 111 1 tit 1-211 Y .• - 1.1111 ri C' t Ndr • - --- ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GIE PENNSAIS.I.?iIA TIIIICCEISS GTOI4 were Ina g-2.1,000. • A st:a• ten barrel oil well on Cherry non "'OS tOrpolll.oll Monday And han boom pumping at the rate of fifty barrels a day 4•VPI. 110.. EowAtto Mel tEINoN addmaeed the colored nun of tiettyslotrfr Inat Ftl• day, dtiring theit Fifteenth Amendment rehdmition. • A 4:ENTI.F.MAN n . tkirided Natrliez, a few dap ago, Mal lefi a note to the land. lady apologizing for making ta, much trot, hl, , but stating that he "allot have .01110 Voce to die.'l s • JOHN 111;t , Et.I. 101.730 . A now two penny ',NAT huts appeared in New York. It is called the Sbratrard, and seems,. we judge by the first number, tp belong to the bra . - Y. 011,11.4 'of journals. • ll.sumstwto: is going to hare a new market hotiee and lark.' Setunton.is IN( to lot,* sesend hundre.l new •lioup•pg, the State Fair, a new opera house, imw mal nhaft, SIO perhaps few new rail roads. • CoNIPVTITIOS.—Tho proprietors of 1110 twn toi re lines la' Parker's landing. hod a ratio slinnish on Theishie last, result ing iu blacked opt. Se. , tine proprietor pahlynen 10 cents' eachdo ride over with - lain. and the othervecaildrit have it. • Tilt: new span of the St. Paul bridge was oTently blolanabout a foot nut of place. aunt negotiations are now in pro gress 1,01. - Mll Mity.t. Lee and the Tunnel Comp:lnv, nt St. Anthony. al.', in trouble. t.. eseltittlge the' bridge for the tunnel, • SoM ;11114...yea ill the AF, roll rLaiu. wo .11,n "It rltel: !apt Tlturnlay fin . higher wage+. Trade hi dull and the pro. prietniu ARM'S t that they would have stopped some time . ago had it 1101 Leen that the:e.were ranwillingdo turn so runny men out of employment. Tilt; Northeast - .t ar save: The Super itendent of th e Erie canal - . W. W. bleed. at., it ascenting howlnuch he can raise lie inthacription from the town, along the line of the canal to aid in till' cductruction of the proposed railroad faun Erie to l'Utsburglt:on the line of the canal. TIM' Clearfield Mpg,Mi.'', • sap+ a ttec was cut in that comity, the past winter, which sealed five thousand four hundred rual eighty feet, and produced.twenty teen feet trlgl.4, one of fourteen and one of twelve feet, which would make the witholit stump or branches. three hundred and forty-six feet hum. c"Tiin Reading Railroad. whith already controls the vtuirms linen of. road lying between Easton and Columbia, now aims to open a through rotate from New York to the Cumberland enal 011.60115. via Easton, Reading, Columbia. Y,ork, lingers: etc., connecting with the Shoutu &rah Vallee tuna! at Sharpshurg or the Antietam fron Works. , O Thursday two burglani entered the iesidenee of Ur. Eoaw, rtn Mill street, near \Villow avenue, blcrnuintown, and -stole 010. They enterrsltthrough the second story window, They awakened Mr. Esaw, and beat him aud ids wife unmercifully. During the scuttle one of the thieves tilt 'a finger off Mr. Esaw. They Waal and pegged the pair and left. . S.EVEItAI. Ilirilittllll papers argne the pmpriety of having National Park of (Irmo thous:mid acres, win, the property of States, each State.contrihuting something towards adorning the Park. Michikan, they say, will furnish the ground without charge; and the citiaens will do Much toward its ornanulntatioit. The re. Milt would he to mtract 'addifiotud wealth Mall emigration to Litt , Staten. LT. COMNIANDF.R CC:MING, of AI bej..rh. Lunt, assisted by a o.lotiel Forls, tender. t6olt lust week to hone-whip %Ir. I. E. Itinhop, editor. of , the Janientown; K. V. ..211e-reriult won Vint - both al ; Cern were choked and thrOwn down stairs; leaving their weniions—a cane and a horse, 1,1110-"- - Steltind . fhern''. - : The teamon of the nttnek was an 'article in the Jo/tenet/ whirl. spoke of Cushing as t.the most Inetikble. kindle vounfe snob that ever trend leather:* Sintymonv in &VIM.] in building a line house; at leant we judge : 50 mint the following liit if local discription. "The writet has seen the costly .nplendora of the Eastern world, the Mosque of Omar, and the ilohlen Palace of Nen° fitt. Lib at Calcutta, as well an other tegal dwellings of i the .Queen of - England hut even In point of cost this house -of an American citizen will equal them, while it for eseeeds them in the wonderful rum bination of utility and elegance. ' A NUNIIIEIL of Landman pitmen have al ready ho-en projected in East Brady, We Ann not N. surprised .to ins• machine nhopy, blnek-mith, Amps', furnish ing stores, springing up all .nrmal us within a few darn.- W.- thinl; it a nth, taken.luiliey on the pint of landholders in the vicinity of the new well in demiusi Inch exOriiinant prices - for territory for building purponen. The 'right (num• would lie to Invite deveropment and:gen eral ',tininess be moderate rates fur lessen. —East Brady t,,drpeadent..• . THE Jaya: ..Many of our Ititgbiltlieit am returnlogimm• imd: along the ricerochere they sold their lumber. Timber ratiges from 8 to 15 - rents, according to quality—moptly about 11 mel 12 cent. Not many hoards are being sold. lioat-t are high—selling for shout $l,-100 a pair. A largo amount of ti nd er him la-en run out this seasou— uo much in tact. Tlmee who save their timber land a few years will get much more for their hunter. Our formal, are spill; Lowing before the wi;clinan'a axe, and trill not last many teat: at this rare. Toe Schuylkill Jimrnat care: Philip Marshall, convicted on the Iltliult.of the larriiity of a picket book containing itbont pm from Mrs. Kate Clouser, was brought before • Judge' Woodivani,Monday. for smiteuca.. ;The Doctor's couusiel called his tuba - . Dr. Jacob in tvgant.to OM prisoner's state of health. lfe restb fied that his eon Was at eCied: with -a variety of complaints. the principal of which were heart disease, asthma and chronic dizziness in the heal. din lungs were also 'somewhat "weak, and Dr. M. stated that an imprisonment would kill him.. Drs. hunter and Coblentzemunined the prisoner during the intemassion of Conn'. and lusted that they had found that there was nothing. material the mat ter with him. The Court then sentenced the Uoctor to fifteen months' imprison ment. Upon receiving his sentence the Doctor publicly protested his innocence. . Trig tiarden Grave Enterpt ise tells the lollowing'story of a lingo living without font - 1 or water for three weeks: ..Last fell Captain Boyle sold several head of hogs. The Captain wan very positive to know just the number of hogs which ho 'wished to torn °fret that time, on he, engaged 'a certain number. When he came to drive the Loge (hit of lily lot, be found that three were missing. Some little search was mode but to no avail, the Captairi sol* posing that the ling" had got out of - the lot and strayed od. Three Areas after; w. cliano.run. Who waa in the Caiman's emplt, at the time in the mill, was looking shoat the perm careless ly. when he opted three lingo whith 'had erept'unde - r the Hoar of nue of the pens. which mood up from the ground a little ways. .I.pon examination lie found that two of the homy were dead, and that the oilier, was' still living litymetilate mopsr were taken, and the live hog was brought out of his prison home and tenderly. cared for, and is now alive and in good • &mai- . ulna." • • Altmana..Pa., Sunday evening , lire wax discovered in a frame stable. situatedon the south Wear Main alley. earned ler Mr. Evans.' Of Pittsburgh. The flames in their course de stroyed a frame stable adjoining on the mud. then passing northwest destroyed three more stables and their contents. After the fire In this locality was extinguished n fire was sem on the roof of a brick dwelling owned by Mr. Brophy.. and before the fire engines could again- be brought into proper action It had gained considerable headway and communi =deft to a brick dwelling of John M. Dolman adjoining on the east. The damage sestilined to the,. properties was considemble. 11. 'Rose. Chief Eogin&r, flustalned n plight Joint" .. . en tes. ed by a thick striking him on the temple. The cause of the fire it supposed to he the work of incendiaries. --The 'f.clre Commiriloner, nf New York cay hare irsurd n proelmootion announcing the Intention a the board to enforce the doling of liquor !dome and hail on dumbly; at the mune time they prottttft• that they ‘will never comitemince inoilCiOne eApolonge- Iktorm informerr, nor the extreme auto ce nittlt Of technical pOlOtll. . 'ws:vd:.~wCa':'M..T~i=`G'.'a. +MiS.~i,;~y,~F:ii;'dxis`~a"'3F_+.`^. .'" FIRST EDITION. EIDNICMT. NEWS by CAlli.E ltritigh Delegnta+ to New York Pro le%lant Vonferenee—lrlehLund 8111 --Investlgutlon or Muninille !natl. lotions—Turmoil_ In Paris—Derel: °potent of the Plot Against Napo. Iron•+ Life—The Situation in enha. Hy Telegraph le the Plttebargh llaaeite.l 1:=1 LONDON. May —John .Ittcy tont lilt. Ninny hate arrive-4 beret There is ..the movement of rl,tl oil weavers xll oter the counter for ran nth - nure of ing delegate+ to lite Sere York Prote,onnt t7onferenee Imre nlrently nnnouno ad their intention to he Itr , rtent: }.onl Alf‘,4 Churchill. Ent.' of Conan. and the following member* of the !loosen( Conimonc Mr Harry Verney, Of Itnekingiouth . Wltilaut Shepherd Alit. of Sews Castle-Under-Tyne; John Cond. ligh, of Sunderland; Thomas Chamber* of Marietione:.Wnt. limier, of Cambridge Bor ough; Wtn. McArthur, of Lambeth, and Row land Smith. of South Derbyshire. The TiinrA of thin morning' rhltruirs the Torino lo ea,nt, nnting thittnelther Englinh con science or honor i. in nny Way conrerned A diormtels loon :Florence Colithrlii the r - pot t of The irshrtw.itintirm of the hniinn C•c4tqui At Uueno. Ayre, • It it intimated that General Lindsey, who cononnnth, the expedition to the lied River country, wllPrentaln there as Governor of the sort hwextern territory after enter is centered. The Kelley and Bright rue In open boots for Ills rwereigns, which took place to-day on the river Tyne la New Castle. resulted In favor of Harry Kelley, of Putney, ex-chumnion of the Thames. • . , In the Maine of Lorda .to-olght Itaron Tal bott presenttal a, petition from the Parkh Guardian:l of :foul. Dublin praying for the repeal of the act of union. In the Howe Or C4IMMOng Many petitions . ere received for and nmdast the proposed nquiry into monastic institutions. • • . Correspondence on the lied Myer difficulty vas ordered liy the Route. • . The Mouse went into Committee hn the Irish land bill. Mr.:. Symar moved an amendment making the term of africultund leases sixty one InSt end of thirty-one yeah. This wns op posed hy Mr. Disraeli and withdmwn. it was moved to :intend by reducing the terra to tweuty-one yearn. This Wlas rejected hy• vote of zsei to ?d!. Other amendments of dc tall were considered and either . witildrawn or rejected and the Committee rose. Me. Newdegate then urged his motion for investigation into the Monastic Institutions of England. Mr. O Itt.lMotte itoplortKt theutembeti to show st spirit of eonrenanu mut concillatlon. He 'ly. pot Gm...v(l toil]] inquiry lota the Ltws whereby suutuutic tu - uties held ph/petty. but he lyrne decidedly upix.rd to all Inv eAt Iva lon „of their Internal affair". Mr. Netederate's elation fora connulttee of inventlinition W. rejected by n majority' of till. Mr. Gladstone then asked tor tbe appoint 'Went of a committee to inquire Into tho tenure of monastic property, which. atter 'slight ote: iposit ion. was carried by 291 majority. At two o'clock A. v. the Douse adjourned. Lord Derby wan before the Committee on Diplomatic Service to-day. In course of bill test Unduly he objected to the .tmericab system ofdiplottmer. becanae it employed men wheee diplomatic carter was occidental, not (more.- Dratax.'-.lnT= brdlml 0111 en Lai Issued linotber paitotal letter. renewing hi, dependx atiott of Vent:milt. and Yll.O 3iallltirr. =E3I Pants, May 2. -The Central Committee who are In favor of tho pieLlscite, have cent one hundred thousand copies of tho morning's Homo, which contains all the details of the conspiracy against the life of the EmperOr t Into various provinces as a document furnish; Inn st ong arguments in favor of an affirmative vole. • TuLdic meetings held In different pan+ of 'arks yesterday were very exciting, and some ere consequently dissolved by t he authorit les. n mini; Instances the audiences departed mid shunt .f “Iliv hi RepttNique. — •So titli ng Declared. Our of the Radical Journalo publiohei pront.uncing that the expulsion of the Italian talltker. Cemulschl, for violation of the lawn of the country, was &he" In the lutereot of a political patty. A proteot to slimed b M. Arago Crenilux. - 'Jules Pnore. J. Peoria Pelle. tau. Jules Shnonand many other equally, well known Radicals. The Fastro says a man was arrested at the race course yesterday, where the was expected an usual, who. upon examine thin, was, with a revolver and a formid able looking dagger. Subsequently Wt house wan searched and a large quantity of bombs discovered. The ramification. of the plot . against the Emperor seem much wider spread than at first suppeaed.and new developments are contlim ally coming to light. continue In nil directions. • The Journal (Wad announces to-day. the publication 61 addresses 'presented to the gin peror conatet Wet ing him on the discovery and (nutrition of the conspirucp against his life. The person arrested yesterday on the race course is nn Englishman and proves insane. Fie bad nothing. whatever to do with the con- Sidney- The police continue to wake arrests and ceerches In connection with the lasi con 'piracy. The F.cole de Medicine was reopened -to day. 10. Tardleu Sean present and dellyered his lecture without interruption, owing in the great precaut ions taken by the authorities, but on lensing fhb college the. Pinftasor Irma in sulted by a large crowd" of students In the _street and compelled to mill on the, police fOr protection. . " . . At Creuzot yestenlay M. Assy, n leader in tifelast strike. was arrested. The workmen attempted to rescue blos, but did not mieeeed and nine of them were made prisoners. Sec; eral soldiers were wounded during the strop. tile. , • The Blabnp of Eareux died o - hiie'nn hI4 way home from !Lune. -_O ilevarra. May.2.—The folbah reports of the situation In the Interior are from Span Ith sourer.: • The InSargent/ In the • Cornaquey district continue In present themselves In largo nun,- here in receive pardon.. The resignation of the rebel General Agramonte Is conanned• The nelsels abolished the rank. e 4 - General-In- Chief add :appointed Frederick Nevado Chief . of Operation, and Otontiltn, COMMIAIdIIIg era: in Clnco Villas district. rifteia Spanish soldiers captured tut June hF the Rebel+ hive just arrived . at Puerto Principe. They were threatened with death he Quesada, but theirlivei were saved thiough the intervention of Iternblta, with whom they nerved up to the time of their release. e , Cowden is roaming about the coast, never sleeping twice in the same place. The disloyal Prefet Relaneonrt, Stun liar taco. Mad sub-Prefet Rafete were exPtured and executed at Puerto Principe. A miaboat intently captured a mall boat at Lapin Pont Key. In the boot were found a passport issued to Oen. GoLeourla and his commission as ambassador to Mexico. Both were signed by Cespedes. Other gunboats coming . np the Key was nurrotinded • and search made, and if aolcouria is on the island he cannot escape. . Many Insurgent, were killed at Alveres and near Santa Espiritu by the volunteers. The Captain General ban issued orders in-. nuking nil persons residing within the re ear rectlonary district to come to the nearest. settlement or town within thirty days. ing to do if cap tured they will be treated 4. rebels. The order causes much excitement. HARMS :NEW& LONDON, May 2.—The Members City of Hal 'more. Hermann and Liple bare defined oat. WAYNESBURG, PA Orrr.tr County Br4iorgtiguair• Han. .1. D. • Do.ley for Cos/rm. It'Pedol Thtpatch to the MUM.Vt. Go , ettO ' WATNItIIIOII.O. Shy g. 11. Donley bas been re-nominated by the Ilepublleans, ford Congress by an Itimost unanimous Tote, both In Cons - cation and by the popular cote. N. PITTSBURGH.. TUESDAY, MAY- 3, 1870. N I4ST CONCatESS, =I SENATE: Report.i from Counnit tee,: Calendar Proereiled ith —Railroad 13111 a 11"mmeil- 7 Widowq and Orpheus of tho.e !mot on the Oneida. DOESE: 131114 !Int rodured--Pen.qu - Linenin--Int;re.ll un Yu4' lOe hall- road Bon& —Alabima ration Dny Al l'n Tariff Bill Prareded WHS.! Trioaraph to tita rittobanth tittaril,l .....W.4siittorrotz. May tt, .813M.ATE. Nr. WILSON. (mut the 7,lllltary• Comniltt co rep.n tegl pdcurs.l3 tipiln the followlug Jo.vt,tho . further col:Oder:It Inn of wlstelt wn Indefictitrly..poltpontAl: • Petitlntp, et rellnkl nnity oltiver!+ t , mylnp, t be allowed 6111 sn'farioN. • Mcmorbil or. the Vnivoraol Pence Society Litninst the Increase Of the number ”1 cadet. to the Military Acnamy. Joint resiiintion for the hotter- nrotertioa of the frontier of Texas. • Yet ltiona for the , naolltlon of the Nlllitary Acadt•my. Mr. ale° reported favorably the Howls jolnd reaidatton for the payment ot, ry - tt Aeoni join t . ...... tor the poet.. ~ one yettr'• Illtill %for the benefit of the (molly of the Into • Oehernl Itxwllni. lined . ‘4 the talendir.l , . . The Cotnutitteeon Clahnb nod Pension!: re ported navermelr to nnuteroutt opplicat ion+ for relief. . • Mr. 1t05.4. front the Committee iin Indian Affair, rvtiiirted favonthly the Joint 10.01.10111 directing the SiTtetary of the Interior to Inane patent to Indiana yearly meeting of the z4oelety it Vie:ids for certain lan& in slimy nee reservation. Pnised. . . )Ir. )10111{11.1.. of Vermont. offered a tear. lotion directing . . the Committee, Art Peteut4 I enquire Intrrthee antallener of attending the. patent Inn. .o that tlto free.* of et - en pat ent hereafter issued. mar be retained for the use of the Culled State: In all .lepartmeuts. Bill. were Introduced and referred ea rot- Iowa: - By Mr. HOWE, t ',while the tithe for eon- Winning n railrond fmm St. tivoric Hirer or Lake to the west end of lake Superior. • Hp Ur. POOL: To enforce the Fourteouth Amendment to the Conntitut km of the United Staten. • Be Mr. ROSS: To reitnburao K 4111.9 for equipping and pros - Binning mlllttn forces to old In anatomising the rebelliOn. - The calendar woe proceeded with. The bill to pay loyal citizens In the late I chi/ States for taking the census in lam coming up. Mr. SUMMER indited upon no amendment req h. uiring each claimant to take the iron-clod oat Alter.disorplion the Gill waS Lid aside. The bill to notice up deficienclex its 1.m.1 grant,. to aid In the contraction of n r Orme! mad' telegraph line front the Central Pacific Railroad to, Portland. Oregon. and the bill graining/multi and right -of way in Miss:au-I nod Arkansas to aid In the conxtructlon of railroad and telegraph line along or near the 21th parallel from the Mieeleciiitil river to the Arkansas river. passed. The House hill emending for thitty days the time within which p.mmn elected to office in. Tens may. take the oath of otlice was amended and intsseil. The bill to increase the number of judges of the Supreme and Circuit Courts and establish the boundaries 143111116A1 Cin alts, W. post poned indefinitely. The bill fort he relief of whiciwa and orphidis of oillerri, seamen and marines of the I tilted. States steamer Oneida. Firing them. L. ehe months' pay. slot :1111C10141 to author!, the Commission and corresponding inereaxeot pay to officers who. by their absence. torte not ex amined with their classes. but hasl since been confirmed by the Senate. iu sev.-n,l eases timed after their death. HIM prtsw.l. HOUSE or lc urnrsri-rxr ry W. AlllOlll the billn Int minced were !he fol lowing: • UT Mr. STEVENSON: T. sott horiie citizens of the United Stat en to accept diplomat ic Ser vice from foreign govennnent • • %fr. 1-IWIrES(7I:4 To incorpornte the American I:nion Acadamy of I.ltrrittuiv. once and Art. • • . . By Mr. VAX TlltiMP,lteelting I hat Ito Government Las to pay 1.:4 ho‘ala <4 , 114 , 1"atftt.,.. . a - T.:lowa:me., which flume gotntsanle: shalld re Moil. Stli , that tht .1311saesampat tat also paid those •'-al- Old fur traasPortillion and Tr:whir:old ills not ing the Secretary • a I le Treaaury-to retail hereafter all moneys that may be d by-the Government t such comp:, ue olca no indemnity for interest' hn railroad bonds paid by• the Government.. Dr Mr. MOltClAti: To repeat he proviso at sixth section of the act of July :rah. Psi which limits applications for petwinn: to lice years from the origin qf the Call., r 4 ! By Mr. ItOtIERS: Tn reauvie all polls Old Hr 3lr. STRICKLAND: Ertu Wing . ailtlit tonal terms of United Slates . Courts in lifiehltian. By Mr. SM YTH E. lawn: Amendatory of nct extending the flute for the coompletion of the Dubuque and Sioux City Built, intE • It Mr. WASHBURN E. Wis.: Slant lug land to Wisconsin fora ultimo! front Augusta via Chippewa nillA t o Super - Sir City, Lake Supe rior. II Mr. CLARKE. En sox: To amend the net granting !mots to Kansas for railroad par: KIEV Introduced a bill tireeting;t he Secretary of the Interior to pia, the nond of the widow of Abrahnin Lincoln on the pen4on roll and pay her a penoion of SOW Per noon. , Under the operation of the tweet°. queAtion the hill poised- red, tiny., 5. Mr. BIRD offered a reenlnt ion reqoeFt tar. the .President to Intercede with the INGO or Ca”dlim authoritier for the pardon of John Gallaher, captured with the renians and sen tenced to twenty years' Imprisonment. Adopted. Mr.CALKIN offered ee-olution decLarintr It the zentinient of the Alllerie/111 people that Immediate replant lon be made he the 4 overa tnent of Great Britain for the ae,truction of Vessels belonging. to citizens of the rotted Staten by the steamer Alabama and Other oteatnert of like kind. and rearresting the Pen. Went teepress the Alabama eininin to immedi ate •ettlement. no that citizen, may tie pro n', ho mpt lynor remunemt ed. for Inn St.l and the na tio maintained. The Moue reftr:ed to ,second the previous, question-44)10 ;5. nrul t .re.olut - mi. (erred to the Cronin itt,e on Foreign Mr. SIMI:NCR Introduced .d joint resolutlan declaring the 3nth of May. being. the tiny ap pointed for the deeornt lott of the yrrnve, of sohtlerl n - ho died in the defense of the Uninn, public holiday, to be forever ob.erved as such by the Invsple- of, ,the United. -state, Finned 'without . . . . . . Mr. fIeitE.NCK offered n resolutionigivine the Collmitten..lo the‘Wheie antboritr to snap datiate irm .ensl _portion: of, the Titriff ;Mil: Adopted , -113 to M. r' . VW ' Mr. tiIIILACK I, ti.luced a joint resolution for the payment artallin y to nil soldiers who were mustered' Inks theservice under the President's pmclumet lot of ral May. lilt. Re ferred to the Committee on Military Attain. The Mottle then-went drain Committee no the Tariff bill: . l • ' . . The paragraph as to telegraph soot amended to read: On all Insulated telegraphic or electric cables for submarim , parr... and on tattelegraph solre. forte 'per cent. n.l miG rvm. • The next pamgmh , waa•thni I,txing hair pins .nnule of Iron wire Any uer. cud: ml nalarvin. Mr. 1102.11 moved to Insert the follow On machine card clothing and hunt rash, whether iron.' steel or brass wire, stuck In leather...cloth, rubber or. paper, or. however manufactured, arty percent. .ml valorem. Agreed to. . The nucceeding panurraph was, am nation of Mr. SCHENCK. 'Amended to 'read On iron o ,f 6 ;lar f s o lz r e . ., e ri ce lesfriptlon nut t d. e ' .. ,;hcruisc °- The paragrapere i re r = ch, WM. OA motion of Mr. SCHENCK, struck nut. The next paragraph, on motion of Mr. SCHENCK, was amended to read: On wrought iron %cambers, nuts, bolts or rivets, -wholly of partially finished, of all descriptions, punched or unpunched..ttro and one-haat Cents per pound Mr. SCHENCK moved to insert on ndditional Pnragraph a 7 renown: On wrought Iron hinges. weighing not more than twenty pounds to the dozen pairs, twenty-five per cent. ad Lytham In addition tnpresent duty. Agreed to. • ..' M raSellaNtir. moved to Insert nn addition al ,panteraph al folios:cc 'Elna 'wrought binges. weighing not more than twenty pounds to the dozen pairs. twenty-tee per cent ad rokarran la addition to the preaaputdUlT s Agrtaad rsa.. - - The paragraph imptedng a' dull' or , cents per pound on. n-co, at Iron welded PIM., tubes and that of all deem ipt ions, wall not amended. • • The paragruph Imposing a duty of two and a half cents per pound - on tinned UM. known itstirokttes. and on Iron. or tin plates gulvtof ised,-40.. 'WWI *Oink out: • • • = Th°l " tm mini hal.glnrse and mule shag' two cents per pound woo, on motion of Mr. COX, struck. out. • The P.asrmr.t. ImlOingit duty - on rill memmi of Iron not otherwise provided for, and on screws of stay otherlpetal than iron. of forty per • cent, rill roforenm woe untie to read thirty Raj rent., and then, on motion of Mr. te- 112 . 1, CK• the Intratntph was struck out, leaving the duty-on iron screws. as under the present law.' • • Mr. SCHENCltiuoied to:tail - Ike out the next , VtrntrraPh. as to relselsbt cast Iron and Irons, lilthOut dlirpOsitig of the motion the Cou mlttee rose. harlolprgressed as far page e'lle:RegfseltinsLlb aaJOuracq until tageor mar at tierce o'cl o ck. _ • NEW ORLEANS Sm ere Tinnier Stdrit—Hhitiop Consennfed• Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gacettel Onhtails, May 2.—Darin - a revere thunder r tunnrefierdarseceral. hOusch were strode _hr. llghtnint mid one reined wornan Right Hes, Futter'Perchi wee Teri cedar consecrated bishop of St. Louis At the catlike,. drat. Bishop Hosecrims of Columlima 0.. nth elated. n 10 . 61 - I .ll3l,skalcis Foley of chltago. and Fehen of Xashvill. Wm. Henderson. formerly a prominent mer. chant and director of the. Jackson HaltrOad, died to-day. SECOND. EDITION. FO R CYCLOCi-Z E CAPITA lk , bt Itetinecd April 8 11 0l11:.79:149--Mr. Jude,' Tariff -11111--Thr, Wlttliepcg Itullroiut. Casa in Wyoming— McAlral Doctor, , ufcglot•--Nural rourl and Ike Onettlit Dinagfi,r, rill. I'o6 mph In Out Pittsburgh 40E41 .; WANIIIIOTOIC, pputit'UktYCFC:LTSa..ter,i.. Tho tollott big Ix tho 'public thbb-Ittirtetucnt for the wool iit April, bah Outtichilinc 1111tlrvel Totf.l, lucluolnff 101.1 - 0.1 Anal_ —_ 10.1 11111410 t••• 2. 4 54.192411 .4 011rItiq ill TerllaillV. - Coln Carnalley 11%55,213 01 4.034.04 0; T,nnl-x•41,1v,T, • Doti 00 .101111.0 pf•creofe tliirleig the 01000. ..... a 11; 1 . 4 .41 g Dect.oo...l.ol.lfiarch 1.f.137/ 17.1111.112 MR. 'two's 1111.1.1 - .1 toi,Vit tariff bill contains onlythree..sect lons. reducing the tariff on slant . . urolannes. salt, pig rind scrap Iron: tea and coffee, and manu factures of Iron - end railroad-lien, ntl 'entn pressed in 2.00 section of fourteen linen.. In another section 'fourteen Hues, .reiluellotm of Internal ton by repealing teat,* on sales, on ernes receipts, on domestic artlieles of house bold one. ail spacial taxes except On distillers, brewers, companies, bank. and Waters: and the third neotion eolitetnlng . Initickv free Of ditty, beinx In this respect thentune its the one reputed by the Committee,' Ways and -Means, except that coat end' bitten lame been 'added . — hllfTtott EIPtDITIOR TO-WIRSIPEti. The (internment bar no Specific Infonontion er to the luteut ions of the Meitieg expedition to Winnipeg beyond the fact' that ( It Will UM nP Like Huron. No appileatkrn hen been made for the privilege of going thrOugh the St. 3farioCanni, but seer foralpe intimation toe( been glven that only empty beats win go through, the military notes, ke.. being' firer landed on the British soil and,catted around to - the Lake Superior side, where the,' trill be embarked amain. The queetten inimedistely before the PreAldeat and Cattiest. 4, (whether there unloaded Weikel:lll be allowed the use of the canal, In the lace of tbelact that they are intended for n oarlike obtect. The gun boat Michigan hat not yet bead. ordered from Detroit - to the straits, but the ligepuired to be In rendineav to proceed ton pohignear to Fort firmly, to watch the Brit Isitex*lt ion. Noel ELS IWDl.o:l3—istn twins ,711XPRDITION: ~ Ciencral Parker. Commlnanity of Indian Altairs; estimates (he Indian Warriors In the . neighbarboad of Fort Rely, sr' abOut eight t haus:m.l. They are well armed had mounted. About sla thousand of thetnnielahria. and the remainder ore tondo up of scaiiiiing tribes. {WI. vat lifted that they are Georgia war, and It It ghoul robe place It will be diost de,drue the a n d expensive Indian war ' Ali has ever occurred. He says these envagen.are better prepared n all hot,* thou any nardm•and Mat they ran raise about tartlye thousand worriont. The 'Skala - and ther allies were never In better condition to give battle. true of the Immediate causes Of Mom to the Indiana I. the threatened, npproach of the lag Iforn, expedition, which utionibere . about twenly.tive bundled wen, ;nowt aulenthicd at Cheyenne, awl tampered of Whin, survey ore,rt. fanners, die. They net ax od lek.atArt in a fen dny" to id4soct. the Notts. maitre of ds t.nn4 , laitrailoin thescit raceme • off in... Over. if po.sibie, flea immense gold depoots Skid to be 'at 16111 realm,. (funeral Sherman wit, ordered sometime ago to stop this'expedition, but nu n pledge from the ex pcditiouliot that they would not molest the Indians. the order woo totaled. The !Wane will not i.e.unnamed: that this expedition Is pencenble, and ate therefore pretutring f or War. • Gen. Paiker think. fur enrsdry I. not lamer' enntigh hp one-hvif to cope with the •fndlnn.. whn will divide and fight in bandy of five bun- tired or so. and will scatter over Montana, Wyoutitur. Dakota and Colorado territories, and.wc.s/tall.La taartled tchit the. aCCuilittit of horrible massacres la these territoi Ica. The tuitions will tint meet Gen: • itherldan y In a pitched bat t le. 'rhey are ton shrewd for that. Sheridan cans. a Lace nada than al mat cntalry, and it can t ettally that It will: he ditlicult for him to cheek the Foliages. The' Infantry, that has been seat out is merely to atrengt hen the force, at different forts along the f rotitlfri and tlltcrldan.ran only net on the deferisiveTuntll our entalry Arne of the service is, trengtbenial. Dent Pail., estimates the 0,1 . 51 of a iwn montitti ttnr with the Militias at a .out not greater than it would tequire to feed the Indiana one rear. • , .The National Convention of Medical Col lege's has appointed w committee to take neces ann for the formation of a peemanenf to,seCiation fhr imumvement In ukedlcnt educn thin.. The committee are Professors M. basis, of Illinois; Samuel. I.gam New Orleans; A: Hammer. St. Loafs; T. Parone, Louisville; S. It. Gross, Philadelphia: O. K. Blackman; ein clnuati:' J. C. - Shattuck: lioston. and A. C. l'ogt. New • York. The convention adjourned The nand 500511411 of the American Medt cal A.,lnciation commences to-morrow. The delegates, nitmLer over three hundred and COlnpti94 the molt eminent 'Medical men of the United States. In the evening the AE4O - %CHI pay their' regßaiß to Presidenr and .Mrs. Grant. RA11,310.10 VASE 1p Wll O.IIIFO The Senate; to-day pawed n bill rinnulling the ten - U04,11 law. of Wyoming under which the, preset, government of "the Territory manatee jurisdi , t ion to appoint a receiver of the robot, Peelle Rail' Road, in the salt of , Jacrit, DAG. for ties furnished the mad. Tht• action ; was in consequence of Information from Cheyenne that Judge Stowe propane,. to (inter A invitee Mlles. the' C.ttopanY 'piny the sum demanded, nr deposit In cowl $54000 as Security foranyjudgmenti-bavis mayrecover. The Company refuse to Mabee deposit, claim ing they 110 not owe, Gaits, and even, If they did, no each prOce.edings could be legal Until Jude - Taut bras first obtained in the uninifognl, and have given orden.lo the supertmifid l it to atou;the running of the road if the court :hall untied:dot 18 piteltreceteeeln pow4ision. WIC 1 . 1•08-4: . 11.1k. ellto l 4.ll.s*MilifOX The Committee miCredeetllde n4"the Icon Medical Association of the I. 7 ulted • Eitatee refined at prelLothitij meeting to receive the credentials of delegate. gram the Notional MedlOal - Society. a , neW". itation of the. Distrik; 'also Gum from three of- , the hatpitals ,end the , Alen - Iml ACIOCIR/Inil ' of the -Medical DepirtMent of Georgetown College: The reason assigned le their, cousuludlon with colored physlchuw, notWithstandhair theyhad been regularly grad uated. Alt the .white physician., as wells. , three colOred, la this organization are ru l e d out. , Tyr CiNLIDA-11M111AT ATFAITL. The oolnion of the United Statei NM' Courti held at Yotobaron, an-the lost of Ihe' *Fat fin - warded to Coogrers 1:111Y Lys the gars. Departu:ent. After glrlai a full ,rtiouNif or the'erldence the. Court toy: "The . more of the collision It aftolfpthereutlrelvdue to I he flombay.schose cominaMllng officer Is to . blame beyond excuse. :titan, the conduct of the Bomboy after the nonillion, In PRIAM art and out of sight. In not communleatbsg with. the Oneida and disregarding bee signals and guns. Is .uu guilty and bbtmeable that this Court' con only speak of It as unparafleledin cnietty." • • • ' Crlll2l ATTAIRR: The Government has up to this morning re celved no oalcbd dlstustches In the least de gree confirming or ..streturthenltUr the report that the volunteers seized Moro Castle. RI ir t . cently reported. There Is no doubt. himmter, the volunteers control. to a great desree, the Spanish authorities. The Committee on Territories In the Sedate has submitted a Mport organizing the Tend 'tory of Oklahoma. consolklath4 the Indian tribes raider n territorial garernmeni. nellraX comantom The 'lndian gate Comminlemers moil' In Washington to:morrow to make arrangements for returning to the Indian country with a Mew of quiet or the existing troubles. AelarivaAtit "AY:mitre Not lass than three hundred thousand ma. nesty oaths have been taken under the procla mations respectively of Presidents 1.10 coin and Johnson. • aVYia'.: l ."..!-^ka.~'✓-r~nc .v. .~h..t54.~ NEW YORK CITY The McFarland Trlal—Coutinnatlon of the l'exttour—Mrn. Calhoun on I the Stand. By Tettetetaph to the Pletsbehth Clesette.] Nam Tonic. Map 2, bro. The court nom was crowded Lotter Hnrtnu. ex-Deputy 3lnrehnl. t editlo4 be found Menu . Mud In Druntivrny Intoxicated In took him home. •,..• • • • , .Inmes Chunble. resident of Woodside, teSti- lied he ow prisoner nt Woodside the 'week Isofore the shooting of Itlehnedson; he (elated his family troubles and sold he should ',boot Richardson o¢ sight. Mr. Ryerson, of Woodside. testified that shortly before the shooting liferarland inquired of him whore Richardson lived; noticed no ex citement or irrntional talk on the part of the prisoner. The cruel-examinntion of these witnesses elicited nothing. A:8. Merriman. of Brookint, a lair . yer, tes tified that he bad a Irmg' conversation with prisoner two days before the shooting; noticed an excitement. • Judge bash, here said it was proved that the Greenwich street property was attached In IA and that niece that time the properly re main,. The defence clainiedlhat >fn.-McFar land had remained with her husband till he became poor, and then left him. This was not 'tree; she remained with her husband years after be beertmespoor. 'Mark M. Po...MY, the nest witness, escort that he formed the prisoner's acquaintance in Prisoner eame to him and 'irked witness to purchase serenti letters from him and unh itch them in the Derrocraf; meld letters cone nined a fultdescrintlon of the. debauchery of his wife by Richardson; said Greeley and the Truants people were running "f re e-Inve" es tabilsbnient; Ihotthe winters could make n serisittion by pubilehlng them end get' even with Greeley for canduct toward witness In the teditical arena: McFarland charged nne hundred &Mare for the letters. Witness re fused to purchase: but the prisoner 'persisted. toying It would enlarge the circulation of the Asir nrf. Never saw him Mr..Grahaut—Mentrialut dltfnot look like a teniperance lecturer in September, '6A. • lames W. SchefnerbOrn, 'editor of the .4nWileon Eduratioiud Ibinthly, testified he published McFariend'a numuscrtprla March, 1361, and gave him $23 for It. On the 9th of Jandary McFarland called at my office; he seemed to me to be perfectly rational. To. Mr. Graham—Prisoner called on me first emir In January. On the 9th of January he told me be wrote it himself and wanted to sell the manuscript. lie did not eat' when it smut Written; he said Inn public achnol forty yearn NM. and mild that It was a ham indc description of things ns they then were. A recess we, here taken. After rece..l..t: Ribberhardt testified he semi Provost Marshal front - the commence ment of the war till it• Mote. 'Never LIM the Prisoner under the Influence of liquor: met him In linw,klyn two or three weeks after the Irst shooting; be said he wished to showldm an Intercepted letter. He sold he did not shoot Richardson because he thought his wife was unclunde, but because ho Roues.. Riebsidson had done wrong tijwards him. He said he came to have me dairy In a proceeding In 'bode]) that - I had never seen him •drunk.faid !did so testify. He .1d If Richardson bad anything more to do with his wife until she Was divorced, ho would find be was Ina peril ous path. To Mr. Gerry—Atn certain be told me be hod sued - Richanison for abducting kis wife. lie was very nervous nud excited ; I do not think he was Irrational; his movements were excited; ho kept twist Log about in his chair; ha gener ally did twist 'bout inlets chair. 'lle read the intercepted letter; was calm while reading It. but became excited afterwards; 4, ,5 4,1 tharttote — on Meritlantl'a aide. not on witnovv% never saw him since that In terview. • John Dickens testified be wa, in the Pro Marche., .nttlee and Raw McFarland drunk. John Stout testified he knew the prisoner; he told him certain irtles bad entered - into a ennsPinter agalott_Mu be named Mrs. ed- Ansi, and Mrs. Sinclair; told me he would never allow Richardson to live with his wits The next witness called was Mrs. Runkle Who testified: .1 reside In the city; was fonnek ly Mn. Calhoun; knew prisoner and Mrs. Mc lerland; first knew them In January, Itga; met them at an evening party at the house of a friend; saw Mre. McFarland after: seldom saw her at my own house. generally at No. 7: t'llnion:Place. The McFarland+ had several residences during my fiequaintance with them. Woo in correspondence with Mrs. McFarland while in the White Mountain.. I presume wince these letters. (Produced as evidence on trial I did not read them. I think this letter .(one given to her by Judge Davlsr. dated June, 'an was the first I ever wrote toiler Before going to the White Mountains, what hod beeuthe subject of conversation between You? Objected to by Mr. Graham. Prior to her going to the White Mountains, had she been In the habit of giving reading.? Mr. Graham objected. After argument the Recorder said the pros ecution had w night to show there was no conspiracy In regard to Mri./11cFatind going on the stage. Wit tiess-1 attended rending. given by Mrs. Menaland In April, ma; at Htelnwny before she went to the White Mountains. I know thnt many or my Mends and myself' took tirkets nod paid for them. • .• . Mr.firahnm objected to showing thatMc- Farland could not ouppmi the site by thin mean.. Mr. Darts °trete& to shocelhat McFarland retelved the bulk of his pmeeeds of ibis . Wltnem—ilefore gnlog to White. Mountains Mn.* McFarland and T.converied in relation to going on the stn e. The first letter In which It ts'lts spoken about was June ftth, 180 d. Hare no idea bon• many letters I wrote Mn. McFarland. . Judge Darts desire witness to reed u letter And see If she could tell whet month It wns ;mitten. Witnwis—lt MI wtitten In the winter of • Jedlte Davit—Bead that letter and any what that word.t. B. Y. a Mr. tlnthem objected, but the queethat w•oo *hatred. Wltnem the word. "you.". 'We. McFar land came with me to Mrs. Sinclair's to get a dram from her, which she was going to lend Mrs. McFarland to enable her to appear on the stage without going to the expeuse of buying' one. He McFarland) commeet al on the drew and suggested • some Improvements. He said he had great confidence In her Leona he himself bad trained her, sad he thought himself the best teacher she could have. I went to his house, No. II Amity street. The room Mc- Farland was in was hot and smoking. McFar land came lu drunk; he spidte grapy. .ata rudely to me. I started to go out, but before I lett he turned to hie wife and sold, "You. must base your Rana here during my 11. Bence.' I was so frightenid that I did not know whether to go or stay. heard loud talk alter I lift the room and remained our. aide. I.thee went to the outer door and rang, and cent a tenant for Mrs. BleFarland. She did not come home with_ me that night. She woo sesiting,witUe.bs S Amity sheet, for the independent and Riverside Maculae. Judge Davis here •ollered tb read 'a letter from Mrs. McFarland to Mrs. Coltman, telling her of the trouble which she bad Endured, and In Justice to this Witness, who was - charged with being worse than the vilest strumpet or prostitute, namely, a "praurea or a pan. derer." It was wrong that this should be kept .from the public, or that this woman and Mrs. Sinclair, who had been paraded In the public press should net have some mina of proving her conduct. It was only a piece of pureauu ity and kindliness towards en unfortunate woman. Courts Of. Justice are Justly • scorn lo the land unless such a thing be 'allowed to show how the facts really are and to vindicate the character of a pure woman. Mr. Graham—Do you cell on us fora reply = ? Racorder—No, Mr. Graham. To Judge Davis—l 'bola be eery glad to be olio to allow you to read this letter, but It In LW/sable to illiote a wife to Sestlly. against her Inabniad, and therefore I cannot allow the letter to be Mad. 'Witness—While in Womble:ton I recaved a .letter from Mrs. McFarland. to which mine to Mr. Dula again wild he Shaded the. letter ationid be in evidence to order to fully explain the answer.- . • Recorder—l don't ft.. how 1 can admit It. Wltueu—l returned home about the 11th or Lfth of March. Saw Mrs. McFarland; she Was ME=l=l VOL. performing her engagement at Winter Garden. Did not know of any improper conduct be tween Mrs.. McFarland and Richardson; never kneW of any impure to bring theta together. • Did you base any such Intentions f• ' Mr. Grano n objected on the ground that it was making the prosecution a private concern and depriving it of Ira public character. Recottler—l allow the question. Witn.s—Never! I wished simply to enable her to earn her bread. • To Mr. Ornham-4 hhve 'not disbursed any money for the purposes of this prosecution. I don't know that Mr. linable has. Don't know the washerwoman Mrs: McCormick. I never was within this Park (City Hall Park) fora year until to-day. Never saw Mrs. Mc. Farinud since December 2d, but once on Ilromiway. I beg your pardon, I met her also last Moaday in jersey City, by acci dent; she WOO at rap father's house in Jersey City; she never remained for any length of time. Richardson lived at.- Cll. ton Place from May, and John Russell Young came In the fall of the same year; they left about the list of May. *ll7. I drat am Nra. McFarland at nu evening party at Mr. Sin ews's. Richardson may have accommuded me. I was living at the tale on-Nineteenth street . ; with my mother. Itichardson lived for a while at tag mother's. Ile woo a widower. MIN. Mason did not . apply to Inn for a chanteter for McFarland; did not say to Mrs. Mason that McFarland KIPS down now. but that my husband would get him a situation. I have already stated he was entitled she should go on the stage, and seas delighted at her WUCCC/01. This was a week before Mrs. McFarland appeared In Romeo and . Juliet. The first time I saw her niter coming from the White Mountains, in October. she was is McDougal street . . She was writing!' child's story, sick In bed, and said she was afraid she would not be able to fulfill. her engagement. McFarland said she should be. ready or forfeit tier entragment. The dot character eke ap peared in was the Player Queen In Hamlet, minor characiiii: the neat one was Lady C.apulet. a more conspicuous character, after wards in Melissa. in Merchant of 'Venice. Do not know lhat McFarland — Was no enraptured with Mrs. McFarland that he did not dare no g-mile her for fear she would do as she pleased - wintout his consent. McFarland was fond of his wife In his own way. Never heard that Richardson was caught three tines in one af ternoon In her room. The phrase In the inter cepted letter referring to his feelings about, public opinion, is very unlike his sentiments. Mr. Graham here read a part of the inter cepted letter and asked Witlltsa if she ever knew 'Richardson had used such terms to wards a married woman? . Wituese—l did not and detwi subscribe to them, accosting to the interpretation you put on them. I think It makes a moral difference If a woman is formally separates!. My rut husband died in May. ',37. and I married again on the =I of December. V. I did not know that Men. Menaland. and *another lady called at Amity street. and that for the pur pose of r ottin g Into Richardson's room Mrs. McFarland represented that young lady as be ing the betrothed of Richardson. The Court here adjourned. A special meeting of the Chember of Com 'pierce mita held to-day for the purpose of set ting* sabeotiptlon on foot to aid the sufferers by the recent milatritty. at Richmond. Mr. George Opdyitm- presided. Resolutions of sympathy wire adopted. and a committee of fifteen appointed to ntrry out the object of the meeting. A EJtOLtR AIIREATF.P. Jobs Williams, an English burginr, who on the sib of April WWI arrested ori the Gorman 'sten:nee Main, nt flobOken. with sls,las) worth of smuggled diamonds. WU twiny rearrested and sixty thousand - francs in stolen Russia and French bonds found on him He was commit ted In defatilt 0f,R204100 ball. • Arrumtuirx sUetuar.n. -111..tha:,,nase• at. the Nernst lo6adhzl4ent atamst the , de fendants have fornuilly entered their appear nue In the Clerk's office of •t he t7nltell States Circuit Calm: An answer will he died June 11%11410AD ItIYAIIIT. The adoption of the summer &tie table hence I dehicagn, which - . tank' effect tn-day will It is saiehe accepted as •n mutual decla ration of war between rival routes, and rate 'of freight will be cut down' heavily. = Stewart and )fuses H. Grinuell this foominipoid to the New Cork Trust Company traStt). the amount oft subscriptions received for the family of the' late Secretor): Rawlins. PRY,IDENT - Orneril i/rnnt left Elizabeth, N. 1.1111% at lemon and will arrive In Wanlngton to-mnr row morning. __L THE INDIANS I:bap:nor Actbey la INAbb,iian liatbye Cattle Killed by Thew. Teiegripb to the Pittsburgh Celesta.) • . CHICAGO, tiny 2.-Persons who arrived nt Sioux City yesterday front for rt. Sully report that the Cheyenne aireney hits been taken pos session of by Indians, and that on attempting to bind they were ordered oil by the savages, who bred over their bead.; that the majority *of Randall and his comrades are prisoners. and that the Indians bad killed a large number of cattle, the carcaosea of which are seen along the river hanks nod on sand ban. CHEYENNE May 2.--A private letter front Fort Laramie, dated April 7rdb, says the In dians attacked Err. Mill's cat le bent, on Chug Water, slaughtering itevern . Two men that were with the herd ate missing. ; Large numbers of men are daily arriving from the East to jojn the pig Horn Associa tion. Over one hundred turned not to-day and paraded the streets. The expedition starts May 10th. 0/LUIA. Nr.a., May 2.—The brusque reply of Gen. Sherman to the advance wade by 'Red Cloud; Sioux. chief. is generally . believed to be impolitic. amt that if theauswer is delivered him aslant, it mill result In lose of life ulij treasure that might have been avoided. RICHMOND, TA C. N. Ctreult Court—Chief Justice Chase. Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) IticustOso, May 2.—ln the Circuit Court. CillefJustice Chase dismissed the Richmond Mayoralty . case. it having been decided by the Virginia Court of Appeals. The appeal In the case of James Jetter Phil lips was also diamissed. and units. the Execu tive intervenes be will be executed July lith. He has been beapited nine tires pending a de cision by the United States Court. The Chief Justice this afternoon called on the members of the barwho were Injured by the late calamity. 'Jai. IC liohinVon. another victim, died to-day. • Lynch Lase la Kentucky. Mr Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Our LOtossmr.s. May !.—At twelve o'clock last night forty men took John and Levy Shy oat Of Glasgow Jolt and hung them to death. Young Proctor and Jame* mot death at the hands of them men - while milstlng the 'sheriff In an attempt to arrest them. So exasperated were the community .that they took the law In their own hands and lynched the murderers. Crop FsUoie Is CallirosJa CDT Telegraph to the PawnerslS Gazettes] BAN FRANCLACO. MAY 2.—From nearly erect portion of California .alarming Intelligence is received of - short' crops. In Saris aara county half the grain will not pay for har vesting. In Male valley the north wind. and dry weather hare ahnost destroyed the crops. More favorable relents come.from the north ern portion of the &hate. Solon. Paella. Railroad Opening. [Sy Telegraph to the Pittebargh Gamito.) St. Loom. Mar R—A largenumber of promi nent gentlemen arid 'ladies lett t his evening air Springfield. Mo.. to participate In the for mal opening to-minrom of the - South Pacific Railroad to that point. Tha party will be joined at Franklin by Governor McClurg and several other officials and members of the Legislature. CT= New 0111.1.1M1, May 2..—Cotton easiest salmi middling uplands and nominal, eaten, hiss Miles; .- recer i we4l_s l . l lour es; ex t rina prig bales; st,sr treble extra BrZifit& Carl firmer; sales at Bl,ltirld.nit Oats M. Bran 11,4 a. Ness Bork Baeon firmer: sales of &Madders at IM(Bl2xe dear 'Lord; prtml\rb dltrel7‘llqtalleatglje'4')(Tagl"?_erte.: wLe l d Um' tildski7 sexcalkko.- C°ffe° firmerildr. /ElOrddlfri, pelme - vc• • Mien, Caitte Market • Ititrf, Slap "—Cattle offerings ibis week are realtdr good butchering . . but few mixed drerrem a smallnumber of oxen andcompare reTll7 Ma te"..ll`d".rW , truft Slam we ight LSO to LAI lbs. sold at minue. and lighter at .an d{ c; a few (..tyullan stockers Aiken at beAtke. and oxen from Sheep .b., an „a n ., attic, and range at limas c. LXXXV. NO. 105 BRIEF TELEGRAMS • — . Pechter reraelte• nt Donee AP the =wager of a theatre. —Tbe steamer Perfere. from lirelit Aprll Ca. arrived at New York. yesterday. —Speaker Maine declines to be candidate for United Rates Senator from Maine. —At Weapon, Wig.. yesterday..-the work ihope of the State priaon were burned; 10 $l5llOOO. . • —Adain N. Riddle, member of the Cincinnati bar and npromlnent 'citizen, died yeaterday. of pneumonia. , • .—Mrs. Robing., well known nuthorean.Wh. formerly resided,in thin eonntfy, died recent ly in Gervinny. • —The spring flees will commence at Dayton. Ohio, June 15th. !tome of the finest hones on the turf are engaged. —The Schrock & Co. varnish factory. at rbiladelpitin, ults entirely destroyed by ere yesterdny—loss 04001) • —Henry H. Hnsfor.L Grand Muter of the 0 rand Lodge of I. 0. 0. F.. of Vermont, died at his residence in Paudet. Sunday. —John Creollng. an ...pod lunatic from the State etarlum at Harrisburg, was found drown ed In the Susquehanna, near, Dauphin. •—,t Ching. woman. Ivhotell tbrongik a rot ten aidenalk in that eity,tliereby mittining Injuries, has been Awarded $lllll3 damage., in;latilZigftanag" dltsligeyn- A lr . &ll . re, involringa lola of $75.00N t Ingullume —J. S. Balks. a prominent citizen and old resident of Indianapolis, and brother-In-We Of 11011. , Sittlon (7ameron, of Pennsylvanl.a. died Sunday. night. -The Governor of Illinois has offered 4400 toward for the apprehension nnd conviction of t h eoar pe ed nt nc coerned in the lynching of Hank —The Philadelphia lercantile Library vea - thrown open on Stindny. In accordance wit the decision of the majority of the stockhold. • ers at the recent election,— . —TIiF Junior and Sophomore chases at Dickinson College. Corlisle, Pa.. rebelled Against nn order of the faculty. refused to at tend recitations and hare been Impended. - —Thramount of Collector flalley's defalca tion in ascertained to be Strtaoop. and his mee t len have been notified to make It good, which it la believed they will do without waiting for suit to be brought. —A dispatch from Quebec elates that on Sal urday the steamship Gennnue run Into th. lteamship City of Quebec. o ff Cireen island. th atter sinking in deep water half en hour cite word. The Mini engineer and one passenge were lost. " =MM! One of the oldest and most reliable es tablishments ill the tin- is known as the Pittsburgh Stained Iflass Works. Wan. Nelson, proprleffir. Mr. Nelson has been engaged In the linsinesS of staining glass for churches and public and pricate build ings during the past fourteen years. "His success has been remarkable. • Recently this old and favorably known. eatabliith lishment has undergone it aeriesof changes which place it among the foremost glass staining factories in the country. The fa cilities have been increased -tenfold ; the number of workmen more than doubled, and nevi : method* intim - laced. which enable the preprietorto . produce a first-class arti cle at a moderate coat. A. careful' exami nation of the stock at No. 23 Market street is sufficient to convince any one that the ' war,: itrxineed is not surpassed by any foreign establishment. Lightning Rod. WSlimn Henderson. Esq.. Presi dent of • •the Indianapolis Insurance Company. says •of the Munson Crip per Tubidar Lightning Hod, with Spiral Flanges: It is the rule of this company to charge le,s premium on buildings pro. temed by the Munsou rod. I would not consider the lit - es of my (wilily safe With out these rode on my residence." . . INltinittentareil by Locklulrt & Co., 234 Prnn streat. NEW AEVERVISEMENTs: ire•MRS. BARCLAY BEGIINK A '-• COURSE OF LECTlMESterShehidleeet Alleshooy . cuy this AFTIOLNOOK at 3 eldeelb in in. 'Hedges church iNorth Presbyterian/. Nn. 0. will remain In the city during - the week. and will be happy to nee her friends at 18 STOCKTON AVENUE. between the hours of 8 and 12 A.M. ...21 411 CM Tfte IRON CITY NATIONAL RANK'OF Strianuntlitl. May 2, is7o., ay.THE • DIRECTORS OF THIS RANK Lave this dm declared a Dividend of MX PER CENT. no the Capital Monk, out of the pronts 01 the last six month, SMallte. DT. of 100. to Stockholder, or their legal rapresentativas On and after the lftth inst. :J. .14ACIOFFEc,' InylovE Cashier. 'VFW EURLtNOTON HERRING.- ra m 4:::.; l :ll=g r := Salaam, just received and for Puio by Wu toot or at retail. at the Fatally Unvay.lized NßßAw. tall Corner Liberty and Ninth oftvate. ATTLlrnkiltY . HALL. Grand Opening! WIEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. the 4th and Sth Capt. Gallisaith, The VETERAN SOLDlER,wlllowenbla new house. at. N. ell Manama alley, arta, • —FREE ixNen AND BOCK BEER, From cianirmieh Brewery. All Mends and elno mho, are Invited In tee ne t , wttie muMe.andbalt at No. 69 DIAMOND A1.1.1..1i and be refreshed. By order of the Captain. rayMerld R. M. BeCOWAN J R. MeKOWN. • _ R.M.M'Cowan&Col 1 9 BOULEVARD PAVERS, Pair Nitlewalks,Cellars,lnside lards • Drives Re. • • VOlt SALL=BUILDING LOTS IN ALLEGHENY CITT.-I offer tat sale Cho moat delightful building lota situated In the Second ward, Allegheny. on Perrysv il le Plank Read and Obserats% avenue, adJuleinit th e tlbnervetory Er4rneress e b OO ~ s part nv°nod one-halt t my Moro, Nn, gy wtrui) teritEßT '' . Tb., ' l. "' ' has also beep recanted. Each Lot Ls n 1 roat i' lot. MVAre ' enTs%na=p ) . l l7l47ii i, I.l , g t res , ..4 - 11 - 7:inleg d 3 l l. V tlFof the Lot; we Plea dwe Bog. on.. heen akently. Persons denrous to leave the low grounds and anaOky ttmt here end an oppigtonity. The locahty hi one of the *nest In the two elides.. and hut four minutes walk from the head of Bat- WIT streak it board walk .Icada Is the promises. The "rear beauty of scenery and OurroUlldttapi are delightful. Terms easy:l/K..10w. Enquire of GEO. F. • No. 83 Wood Street. PitUlturgh, or No. So sheer Avenue, AlletthenLelly. VALUABLE SWISSEM.E BUTT FOR BAR-Twonty nen. of chide. land. in good locathtn. t ear the Railroad, between ltd at and Swissvale Statham; .onnild divide well into ens or two acre lots. Also, a neat two tTap tons, of ale moms. and cellar. and ono or hree acres of level laud, In pleasant loostion.n' short dinette., front the Station, Also. a SAW myt,L, to renown enter, 10010, laths, etc., dweillswg house and three screen( amend. bur pmslculars, apply C to M. UTHBERT & BUN, . - yt 39 Sixth avenue. With Profuse Illustrations.:to • AGAINSTATLCNUSiI lISAT AND COLD.. . . Ordenleft al ttAggni Olnee,oral 39FEDERAL &TIMM', Allegheny, m raptly attended tn. • P , Wafer hi la`ttnlaslnn Iltua, ghorb & en., Lu. Perk. Hartley. Melte. & Co., Major J. Dun can. tay3.3.16 CAUTION! • no subscribers beg leave tO mutt. Isokar•Dh ere turstinst a mean representing himself u es agent of their house. They hive never sent so traveler among Photographers to solicit cedars. their business es Manufacturing Chengsts being contineg to the wholesale tesdelu cities as ortich as precticultli. POWERS PITILADELPIII.I. April 19th. 187 O. m 3:.27 THE MAY MAGAZINES. Just Issued, THE MAY NUMBERS OP TILE SUNDAY MAGAZINE With Fifteen Valuable Articles. 3U Teets per Past. *3.341 Per =lnn. • GOOD WORDS,: With Twelve Pltertalnlna and Instructive Anklet. 23 cent, per part. Only 22.73 per IWO.. • Good Words for the Yoiffig. Pr For azdelky allPeriodlal Dealers. Fur Prot pectusalberel Una Rastas, etc.. address. J. B. 'LIPPINCOTT & CO PUBLISHEMS. 715 and 717 Market St, Phllade JUST PUBLISHED. • TEEE TLIAT) OF HOMER. Tnronted Into litielinYern • BY W. G. CALDCLRUGII. Author 'l4 ••Eanern vie. tan Swig 0800 11. AnLilyts nl of Alierican St Law. Ihndbon for Idopts. • • _ Ily THOMAS W. POWELt s,. EWA C 100.1114.31. Law EllrepAl6.sl. 6 - 11, PowelL t a le Amin's a the rrA;A:=4:" the -w =I:736Brr th conikiesoc. and r' a%vg , 03 Part.t. P11134‘. • Madagascar and' its People. With • Sketch at the rustarr. Position ard rrni. p.m of W.ioo Wort...toes ula #1.1 , 111.1 , DT JASM SIMISS.; Pe rzir Inlnstrnted. 12sno.' Mdra The Vicar of BulliamptOrt. PAnr p. .•bT AN7TIONT TROLLOPY. Illumated. . Par ealebr Booksellarsor elk be eetdhiiirii. mu go pete MPJU feeflrf Of the peke by the Pub _ J. B. LIPPINCOTT' & CO" • . • 713 AND 718 MAII.X.T ST., PHILA. THE WEEKLY GA 7RTTE ie Tux BEN+ Am, CITAAPINT Commercial — and Family Newspaper = • No_l,trener, nierhierile, toerch.nt stioniii tie without it. ' ' *nee subscriber. Subs of 13.4, flubm of ten - A copy Is furnished gratultouoly to the 'pilot-UP of • Club of Inn.. Posinnastlrs requostod to•C‘ ,PENNUILLN, REED CO.;. miormicrotts.. • • ar.von•P'Exz-n:rie , "For Ask," Ithr:' '"Found," "I?oarding." d , ...trzerking - F1) rtryncEs, will be inserted in these columns ones for TWTS• TY.F/1"F: f'h:XTS; forh mblitional line WARTS 11 7 A IL T Ml l e ll' t or stalld7l,ol.4rlnhi.le7leinly4helii: Cu. Address R. M.. Bos 897, IJITASTED--ROOM —Fiwnisheit or unfurnished, otlth prlttitto of bottoro.oto• must be within Ott , .•Inutes' wait , t St. (Toole.. Hotel. Adtlotoos Q. St. lotritt Itatel. • t... 6 INTANTEII--Aii , mettie and reitpotlCl. Me man to tato the siren, of prOlnineUt We rami.le7 Alleahr7 must { Wed e l with rafereneos,ATACY l'A. ON. 4.0 Walnut street. Philadelphia. . W.l.STED.Sitatilotizaar n k b !) . 4 an eaten= rgrallntrin ' te fMth Atka 0114 coo n nt try, and an &rend= tayroyk. Woul d fate. ninth T...6-34.„1;,.:,:z0rrid -len:noes. Address rrO•LET.—TWO WELI;FURSISIIED SLEEPLNG ;LOOMS. No; 43 Reuteavnts44l. near ton Part. Allogheoy. A go.d for Ivor E n t:Vint fitgl n A e ltracr=r=l: Alleibeny. cif • AVANTED.-A good pecood-band COTTAGE PLOW. Addl.,. G. T. 8., GAECTIM 01Sce. WANTED ( V E I L O BARRELS of • OCR APPliat the Fallpee gar tPorte, So. D Fifth avenue Ksten,lon. • MS=l ANTED.--It Rollers. Hookent v In. 3 moo for farm wort- '3 boys for roun- Z ` l7l . =. " l7. ' igArali g o; ' ,l77,l,t:. No. Stub Strret. • WANTEIitorniAGES. . 1 . 131 r? j . = s ln largo or mall at TUC/SIAS DArrY, DID B.utd inoll Deal Estate Broker. 11 II! , 22!1 1 .1qL , - WI:STED.—Sealed proposals iv 111 be received by the . undervigned for ON It 311 LLION AND A HALF OP BAUD BRICK for tunnel work, to be delivered, 200.000 ocr month Oilcans. between Sew MID Nun end Itinningnoto. sand sufficient forAlA4.llh,zujsicy, Forbes ste.t. • • _ WA )11011TO AGES. Thirty Thousand Dollars to Luau In unly at fits lame Or soull sznountat or proponflo Alleglieny eo& rut° of hio.t. rii.tur.Es .11:RF:31"V, IteN I , ..hate Uent. unint rtrn•t. . 1) 7- 17). / 2Wittin a g n .4 1 ,. m .: r t t ..lutrl . for 30011, baring 3 years to run. 1 f0r.18.000. lon rut 3 roars tore n. 1 for 13,000, 2 yet. to 'run. for $3.300. baring 3 yours to run. 1 for 1240 , burin!! 3 roars to 11/1. 1 for /3000. baring years to run. 1 for 111300, baring rears to run. 1 fur 11.001. having. 3 loan to run. -1 for /SOL haring 3 Tents to run. on cfrY "" L.=/i ale,' g. 104 r...th Aro. 1 BOARDING pARDING.—A number of Gentle• neintm 4n funneled trltti boordlng and Grans If desired, plensantly located. nt No. /0 ANISE/WON STREET. nedr Hand street brtdde. Allegheny UV. TO LET • LET.--The Three Story . Brick IVAR):1101ltik: In Church alley, rear et No. 18111 Wood street, formerly tiemmlOd ' 9 'nd"" . l - " " as W a A 1 14`..rAe 3 rVir ". gulf", g Nll. 173 nod 174 WorNi Amer. rrb LET.--Brick llonac of 7 Rooms. A. lint and COld Water, Large nnl. Itt:r=reAri t r L a v d ,. ; r nrnal. ib eltusto No. 149 Ito- 1111.11: 1 K 110041 n tat ° FitOomv. NO. 13$ }While Idle,. none Sampson street. HOCflhel word, Allegheny. Apply to 2l Di. d P. rj . ta 4419 • • • rET.-COUNTRY ISESIDENCE. '--Part of the well known riolierty of W. lirellutock, .1 the reaper - 111 e Plonk flood, within 15 Minutes' It of City' Mil. Allegheny. The home WIWI] oterind, enotainlng rooms. and la tow. comfoitable and of eleven( architecture, mid supplied with ell tunchiria Improvemen an ts. Also earrunte home and otablina for tow., d toms. The grounds we beautifully lid nut, and eon cov ered. wlth tine forest trim rendering It tartly a countrpreoldenoe with rill the itdvantauco of Nina very convenient to the ett y, anti front no location la 4 1. 11 D of the moat f e'ntlm:+ In this stolen. &"&r.ralfth air= FOR SALE _ . r 4 on SALL—Euglue otronr Horse WT .nr.VT•llitl:Srego MII,IMAZi." OR SALF..--Frano, Hoiiso, Two Room, Lot 30:100 toot. POOO 6700. T. I. SON, ooraor of Penn on .1 'lNronty-thirl otrocte. ----- • FOR .SALE.—A One . .!Irse_Sprjng• " t I,, A2fdiZ,I,,IfIL!NI4 j i North Anal. Aoleghoay. rOR SALE. — Munntiteturlaz We kayo for rale a very derlru tole - location for manufacturing purposes; pooh% 55 a rain Chance for erannery, It hawing Nom formerly nma. for that maraca*. There are 2S goad rota owl out- Rz horn ytt: Hatta tl: nr w o ,l 7 , 47 7 ll . l sa tm d l7 ol . lT lem os,: l .,..4 ll i O v a Pean sad Matt -111.1.7eL • FOR SALE.,— . I Large , Amou d at of irrumed.Vir=f;gl= ' lltl v a 4 Lichwe tah " 4:4sv,wavz . ., liOll.4tlgr 1.;t4,4 4:720 feet math. Son:e tine substantial we have tell bean aunt In the Immediate ale[ woo f of then. lota. We oiler thew at a barman call for anon. T. It. HILL R U N. earner Rena and ha:F illed *Well. 'FOR VALE.—Engines and Boilers, -a- Now and fieoond Hand. of all kind•. conNtautly on hand. Orden Cram nl/ 'parts of the Country promptly ut tended to. . . • JAMP—q intr. & k• Corner Marion Arena., and P., Ft. W. O. R. W. =2 ! TO LOAN.—Ity arrange. Just efleetod with Eastern and dunce capitalists, We are enabled to buy or negotiate tott ed.. mortgage. on Itlettelly or suburban implored PrOnertflo largo or snail SUM!. nt raiz rat. and at short notice. SILI..t SON, motor Penn and Thirty-thlrd ISTRICT COURT OF THE UM.. V._TED STAVE; FOR THE WESTERN DIS- T ICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. IN ILIANKREPT- • . In the matter of RORa:RT W. DODGERS end ALEXANDER M. 110DRENN, bankrupt. ' ' Western Dtrarkt Penusylvania. ss. • A warrunt In bankruptcy hari teen Lewd by said Court melon the estato of Robert W. Iforreentand Alexander M. Iludgen. of the Onnott of Heaver, and State of Pennsylvania, In Dlatrict. who have been duly adjudged bankrupts upon petition of their creditors, and the payment of any debts and the delivery of any property beloturinik tO•00 rkruptA tO them or for their UNC. Ann the tramp o:ot my property by them am forbidden try law. A meeting of the creditors of told bankmptu, to prove their debts me Moose ono or more as• alieees of their mta=l . I.r . Avail at. =R-of An ok on Kft ' sburo M rre We atriot on MO 20th day at . May, A. D. 11240. Ot / 0 :0 .000, . 0 0.1 Mt b itairgan S trigAr sll5 D i tto ohs t. . t CM! rz:a PITTSBURGH • 0 F SA RTIT R•ra•WP.'ma. BANK FOR SAVINGS, ' NO_ • nt`Vt MILS from 9 to 4 _o dna. sad on SAT pr.DA V KV/LYING. trnot r gatt , to Ito:member lAnt ft" lFr I.lo.3"trgiatt InteraFat it to.cant.. free ot tax. and t not with. d m .. tes.pinamis intal-anentaily, In Jantou7 and jai,. Hooka ot Ily-Lant. an...turnishod at the • nce. . . n. • VlK7i.t . tiggagt i Vit: winnicx, iL•Tetuyand r- inaeturer. A. Money. • L. On A.A. Bell 'Wm It I „ V , llt=.l: , ..a! ` "Fra. u e. e gArgr 4.V.7.1 4 nen. oCidtan.• TIC GEORGE I. TROITE, Silk •Hats, . . . . Wholesale ilind Retail. No. IC MTH A% rat yr., Pittsburgh. F. Old Bus renovated and remodel. ed to nt sole, moused and repaired. stat e Sited the Amertean•Roatitoter. All . order* PrCou 1 attandld to. aptikrria pDLCRUBIT,RI, BLOM% ROSE .0713 , try*.S.M PACICISQ Of the Boston BelUng Company.. pia., A tali smog/ of all suet. The trade mpplted at Manufne.-' tams' Pd.." • J. IL prnixtes, " Anent* far tht. city.' Syr x€ 32 MMM 411.3(1. 1%5 1.13