GAZETTE: =LI VEN IMAM; REEL) Comer Sixth Are. and Smithfield St b. Praankabi, :r. P. uougToß„ a. P. REED, = Iflwcwflp.ll'etlflfll :4 wan. per yeor rettol by Center. per week THE DAILY GAZETTE. GENERAL NEWS MIOHIOAN has Strack oil.: 141111 Vaxiiirtik II a lioaat , FrboXii ILLINOIS has Mmi.l.ock for a town: Mix Xl.6dersita is lark from Europe. Ilikattir Horn 'is ' Tea original In..' --the diorite. • A tit.ow that hurteth not—The blow• of a Hower—Puschinillo. Neer - the chimney for a studio—Ono that Monkail I Ile.i HrActitns dente% ho Mite the ('ont• orde. pt is his brother. Mac. Allll-SAOR-3ICFAILLA ten. ...moo!: N writitigherlilograoy. - Tux Now Tory ruin thinks the • Peris tailors struck when their irons were hrs. MOrrfi for unstitreiniful croquet-player*— . Hoops deferred make the heart sick."— Putolderfto. • • • ' r fit I•liiltlaks" waste. ihisik *the? Wive disc vend a Ilentile plot to areassinato • brother Brigham. NORDONsibill.ri, Of Sweden, pnilairkli to go for the pole, via Spi4lier goo. in 1871 and 18 Z. ' AO ungainly. deformed beggar in New Orleans IN worth vopoo in real 'state and nine a stock brokerage business A Now Ont.Y.taa editor has ill* soh tallied the juatiee of Ida alrameitir by a Moodieaa duel with Sti actor. . Ovrat 200 Conituotwpi bay« plign«t h ro gue-lit to Mr.libmistone to take, up the lel -let question during tho present nession. A speaking of a men of indisputable sttdoiditv..said: 'l'd Rennin. , is perfect brute h« Hoots only instinct I" . Xins Egg" WEBB has. been having a theatrical benefit at- Snit Francisco. - She loot her effinita by the tlolden City wreck. W. A. WaNTON has been appointed .12e mire!. of the .00teltutati sad Mackinaw Railroad Cutnpaiti, ai Greenville. 'Dark,. Couuty. A -2 , 7ew gentleman has in. vented a machine for preparing the:ramie plant fibre for market. It grindsmit 1200 pounds a day., - • , . A Idxruari.ts agriculturist lost Ills life to the vain etlbrt to rescue en idolized fan : ming mill from alien which consumed lila ham last week-- : , ; • . has a preacher wliii getii• Ids rougregution In church; locks the door. and preaeLes to , tlion untiLthe deacons rolled a specified atniiiint. A incr.xt : horrid mouse in litleldkiwat Misfile, frightened a fair Trenstrry clerk . to destlilast week. Olio had worn rate in her hale without tthealilinv u t.r . DitO,DON't , tie* operallouae,.frOui pod. Temper's plans, is to have all Invisible or cliestra and-cost 0.000 thalers.. That cwill maks l ,Srauxier.' NAN FRANTONNlprOltlaied to tax the t'hinese gatubliug houses for a fund to pay the eapenses of the .female slacks who want to retUni to flit: Flowery - King , dom. • - 'ADDITIONAL Ileße , front Cuba ft -girding' the counter revolution on the part of the volunteers to looked for with n t rworl • deal of interest by the offieinlA and In politieal rinds. ' : ' irtittl %V, iSeilikiin Itie lour. chased a camera hair abiad in New 1011, for his mita, at tlat etla•n,•e fist. tla.a. KO 1k k. . a Lioated aaw•ntili AN English farm laborvc Wad reeentle wedded In the parish-cherub, and lilt Lehi . e dropped. dead La it fewntinutelt after.. He was single, utarrlAl and 'widowed- within ari hour. Iv. is eatitindedat the Treasury Depart,' mint :that the public debt -statement for the present month will chow a seder, lion in tho debt of not less than flee mill tone of dollars. . VETO& EYLNVEt. kaa been breaking I oat with the_ measles, erysipelas and Oar , Luisa, all within a few months, but proba bly would prefer several more such to one PoPitiOr outbreak. Titf slat of Mrs. McFarland against the P. C. & St. Louis 11-allway Companv Was settletiby compmmise in the Cirruii Court. • of.,Etrook county, W: Va., Mts. AleFarbural receiving t.1.35b. TIIR, Senate Committ, un Public Lands ham decided' to report favorably _upop the bill allowing a subsidy of lands to.a.hdln cvnatmctingtlin.ltiregua. Branch of the Pacific Railroad. TUE lady teachers of a New Orleans school recently adjourned N. the play. ground-cud settled a misunderitanding lif ter the rules of the P. B. not la the pees" mace of their admiring scholars. - AN esvitayor of Louisville regrets that ids confidence in a fellow-muntryman just over from Faderlar.l Induced him to lend him 4'oo and a gold watch and chain,. since hie sudden disappearance a day -or two after. . , - 'TnRRR Chirgee prisoners In a Sacra mento court the 'other day, were hand cuffed" by tying — their pigtails together One fell down stairs and lost toth'ititi scalp and his C 111113.1 1, to go where the good Johns go. Ciscfssari painters rent fashionable houses, cover the front with gaudy Awns, and Penn remove to another house which they decorate similarly, getting the ad vantage of two or three first-rinse ndver. tinementit by this means. AK Illinoisan lout become the fifth hus band of a woman, just to we what edict it would have on him, as be heard 'that her Brat husband ran away, that the: peered hung himself, the thlt'd abut himself, and the fourth drowned hlnutelf. > . NEW YORK ravings banks have over waren million dollars of unclaimed depos it*, and It In proposed that they atoll build from these •funds a' borne for diem . blast soldiers - and tailors, and nit eitylum for the orphans of the slain. A PIInPESSOR of natural" science In a New Engiand College use.d-annually to astonish the students In .natural phlioso. phy by remarking, when the time came ?or assigning a certain portion of the test I,,stk, .'rhe risk. may ir9 - At a meeting of the Howie Committee on Eloctioun it was agreed that Henry D. buster, who contested the scat of. Hon. John Cocotte, should be allowed the RUM of $3,500 to defray expenses incurred. , The, claim presented by kir. Foster amotuactl t 054,000. . Tug editor of the Indiana fit utfrot-ad suoltbdioii a contributor in thin style: !'Now, sir, next time when. you underiake to 'm incer a production, do no In some logical Milner; &net snatch up your pen and go sib -muting alorg in a style that shows -You to be an unconscionable woe `. IN El = • CUINFLICTING amounts continue to be te cetvert.trcnn the 'lndian country. Strung hopes are still entertained that a general ... . •war may be avoided. Aa vet no open eat , break has occurred, and if prompt mess: urea are taken at once it Is believed at the .11 - Indian Bureau that there will be Mine Play/era dwellings ate now being erect - s ed in New York by the following persoos at ' li . • the coetgiven : ?tita. Mary • Mason Jonce, , n ; $150.000: 1)r. n,%V. Brooke ,$70,00 0 ; i; eltarloi , Dugan,. $/10,000: (Utica CrConor." • +q, $70,000: Willis , Janes, $80.000; P. Lorril. • A - lard, $00,000; Lawrence Keep, $1.25,000. y A .`Tnn merry nrat of May."—Firatyoung „; wife :—"Oh 1 tide hortid bonsomoving— lel ain't you distracted about it dear?”. Sec eij_ and - acn—'o dear i no. We have it ar .r2? ranged, nicely. Clunk* will iee to the i , 4, furniture awl things., and I _will superin - tend the removal of Fido myself."— :i ~, ~ qi [PsmaincUo. - . . . d;noon deal of. . testimony has been taken-by the Senate — Committee on:Peri. - %i:4 aims in reference to the claim of Mrs. I .- •-- - - -t, • Lincoln for Petadon. It) t diltcoveted that l' i - together with_ the aid given by:others and , .... • • proerty. left her by tlr. Lincoln. she is - ..,,. 4 welt enoegh otr In worldly goods, and the • ,, , ,, ; i, -, Constance has decided to report advenmly Ail., on ljer altint. • ....,...V:-.4 Voltz is a mere child in 31bn:tenets—. ..- • .. , •!asfg. ' Minnie Wilkine--not 'quite twelve' yenta -':••••''.',,i of awe, Who recently became the mother --4"-_ of a girl baby that weighed seven and a g,, ''" - half pounds at its birth. Mother and babe :VP , . • . • ' , - . - • • . , .. -- .. -.. .. ..-... ... -..-- _ . . : ' - • ......... • ...... -...• .......... - ....... .. . • N ."./. ' ' 'S.-- . . - . -1. • / , \. , ,.. 1: ..., __ ~ . , / C 1 11.1 7 . I -• . jig - i 4, , . I . 'lett t . -..... . _ .. . . . . • . ESTABLISHED IN 1786. GE are curd. to be titling Avel!—latt fur a eolduiiruaie, nndt tor that of Minneauta, the talk. deem to bi 11114 . 0 Ci tUld Uie production not only premature, but tin. natural. Exviittp..NeE PI,ANK, lintingly Connertirld. In her 105th year. and re rollerta dintinetly the Indian war Avhoop multhe El•Vgatitiounty War. She Is quite feeble. add ton modeNt to do the knitting for the whle neighhorlum.d. walk. to ,hurrit ten udh, every Sunday. chop her own wood, &g.: 'Pit..". Oil (II V 'lib,, . nude tando tbot as the now Stub: Treasurer goes into office, Ames and ''the pl - 01111.11ellt oil operator will start a new *oink In Titusville. It makes this Antrim:tit entirely non matter of news, without any intention of inoinn sting that the course of these two gentle men In Ilarrisl owl; lost winter, in the elec tion of State Treasnrer, has anithingto'do with the establishment of this bank. 1 ' i • itrAtiaN is sutra to Lot, gas in pi ,es front the Funitentvale coal mines, re miles nit . It ran he furnished at one c ht 1 per hundred cubic feet in Berlin.. anti nine, Thousand cubic fret have the heating pow er of a ton of the lost coal, which costs in the city temdollars. Workk are building to nmiZe 'lowly ihree millions of cubic feet tinily. If this is a success We shall soon lutvi. all oni fuel from coal Mines in nipiii, knotetal of on railroads. AT. Montictllo, fin „Saturday. 011,m:4 A. Pft . l. - ite anti Mae Stapleton, SOW had Insen driiking, fell out . about some small mattt-r, and agreed to nettle it by re tiring to a Count by themselves, in the dark, aml_linitiog the thsir. Cod. Payne had to knife and Stapleton, n rev,deer. situne eitizt•ns, .to hearing n shot, burst open tin- ths - o- and found Stapletott with Ilk throat rut and Payne Kiii4 through the lung,. 'it. , wormer wan not 1.X11441.41 10 Let it WllOl thought thut Thu latter . would re cover. • tiEr. IlEzitv \VAUD BEF.eittn lately sent the following note to the t•noprietor of iht(-.New York Lrdstrri • —"?41 - 1*!tet BoNteltit-1 • have-just rect•ivetl r. curious letter front Mit-1111;am and I give it to you rcrfsitivt: ".oswasso t'rrs - . Mich_ "•avrtii. -1 hart, leant of unto nil , . wrote letters and forgid to sign their 11R111 ,. , but never before met a case in wltiett a 'man signed his name and forgot to write the letter. t t 11. W. B." 00Ni - use:rt. for the completion of the f'llentipeake and Ohio road - front (lattice to the Ohio (ono hundred miles) have li . cn.n awarded, and the time for their fulfilment fried, under heavy, penaltien, at Mar I. 1871. 'lint contnicts for the heavy work on the line from flattley rantward !tam also been lot. This portion of the road, owing to the tunneling: heave cub( told embankments along the mute, it will re quire tiro, and a half yearn to finish. About two thousand laborers, are already at work. and their number will be increased in six thousand within two weeks 'ruin. Engineer Department will shortly covome work in rebuilding Fort Sum ter, which yet remains in the condition in which it was left at the. lose of the rebel lion. It id proposed to "use it an It battery ratheCtlum n 24 IL fart, and eonnequently the works will not be rebuilt in do tingjnal dimensions. bur of leas height and greater thickness. and better fitted to witlinutud the effects of o earaillUed innultaniment. Much of the original Material is available, and the experus- of rebuilding will not be exorbitant. it aptsvirn lit anti proper that the ilovernmes,t,should again tniattlinh thin defense, not only on Illsh,lll.lpf Its value lu tithe of war. b u t for reanohn of a IlatiilllAl rhnmrtec Tnr. ramore which pare been carmut for neeeral day+ that the Senate founding bill is dead, killed hr the Ways and Means Ctintraittee,ltave some fontalatlatilett th e y are not entirely true. 'the Senate hill in en amended that Its own tither would not know it. eeuator Sherman, author of . it, is reported to Ist tzTtHltiV vent - ti at the coarse of the Ways and Mean, (..'ontatitu, and to sae that the bill is entirely intrllt lens. The tate of Interest to KO lore that 'lloutwell saw bonds cannot bu stout to nay amtnnat. The cumpultor!, section in re gaol to banks in sum-tided so that it will be a t ect.mble to the books. Then, a recite ittut reliable 1111110 N On the subject, awl prolsibly'arn ttearly eprreet. Tut: reputation of the last Letrinlature becomes daily morn infagirobs us its pro ceedings are developed. It now aptwars that a bill was passed, Intended to divert itl0,0(10 Iter innum for the nest ninety nine rears from the State Treasury for the benefit of railrand company in the north eastern part of the State. i;ltich has no Pl intence except on paper. 'flitt'project Yeas dinguinetl as a 'hamletss hill, anti an amendment, covering the desired object; wan quietly panned to the document in one of the houses, and passed through both without ever having been read. On the last day of the an-Anion it was hurried through the blovernor's deparimt•at by the inapoltunitien of state of the mettatern, who represented It sonlocal measure, and in the press of biotin-ens its true object was overlooked. There 1.4 _reason to lieliorti that the (ranters of the hill over reaclonl thinneelves tout used laugnage wltb-h is Of. equivocal. that they cannot obtain a Tiff: San Fraucisco' Nair, says: on? gold preduct hon fallen 1 6 - daring the pant eight yearn from rytt,ooo,ooo to $23,- 000,000 annually. The yield 14 lferi, the year for which the geological aurvev com puted mining statistics, wan WM.000; lidded an to source whence derived— quartz. $0,500,000; placer and gravel. $2l ; 000,000. The skid . per capita of men em ployed wan not actually me:ermined, but in imrer tf pay fuller( mining 'wages, *6O to .t. 70 per month, the rate munt have ezceed. td $720 to sS4otier veer. Since that date the mliguitt yielded Ity quartz mining hat Alight!) . increaned, and may ho emimated at abont $7,000. 0 0 0 : The }it ' ll from other mimeo loin in the., same time fallen off from $21,000,000 1.1/ *16000.000. 111 1800, the yield of gold in Australia, per capita. war: alluvial Minere, t..T.13.32: quartz:ad , ners, 1?.401.30. The aggregata annual net profit of our quartz mining interenkin not known, but it in known to be small: In cumperinou, the gold quartz mining in Auatrnlla Outwit to advantage, and fore man the value of thin interest in Callfor. 3ftr. who recently announced Minna( as. an independent raw didaw for Congress In the Vtla District of Maryland, has thought. better . of • It, and now withdraws from thg Finns. He has appearently become satisfied that the Ihmorratic party of the Vtlt District, and of - the Htate of Maryland, will looore the resuitajif_the !'.4.ldetuaintrirea."—ltnd. fight their battles oer again upon • the good old platform Of a White Mann Hoy merit.and the „resolutions of 119. In hie addiesa withdrawing from um canvas, he ways, - .1 have no fear but that your core , ventionm will, when they meet, rercind the resolutions of the Central Committee, and in their mead will lay down and splice as great distinctive plank , in the Dem ocratic platform, 77ent Me io called Fif keno, ?or buo—,:iLtw,noti tutionra in vnnn,vr.turd Matter-41'00 nod of nn /0 Ire'. nod as. refit entitled to Mc obedience of 1111 U citizen of tfe United Ntot,.. See to it nay friend‘, that thin or something like it will he the foundation of your action: Yegurilleas of COURVICIICeP. oryOnt *volition will be the moist abjeet." . . . Stwnto MArin's*.A . ittiitTTL— Slnie-prejUdice .11Fqt 1.41 excited against the tine Of wetting machinist on the score of their injurious effects on health. As the result of (itn. , investlgnilons on the subject, , (Britipli Mirliertljotirioil)ltrisy avow oar conviction that these abatements have iteen greatly exaggerated. They apply, we-believe, chiefly to thisie worked by one foot only; and we are quite unable to discover that there is arc kind of ob jection, on the ...nit. of health, to floss. in which Lnth fetrate employed. in;'Atneei lea, where Otte use of ittitchirits.,:is le( m ore t runnion than with, us, the athortion of Medical men:, has liCett gocid deal directed to the Subject, 'and with", A.,t , be lieve, tolerable unanimity of result. Against the douhle.pedal machine in row own use in England, as far as tee can learn from Inquiry among those whohave had them for many years constant .111- 14911.1C111, ;tiara in not the slightest evi. denee. Of their sanitary , advanta,ges In saving Mule front tt sedentary au - yty titelmine occupation, and thus favoring to. lasation and exercise. , it is not neresaary that we should speak. EUROPEAN GOSSIP Tn~. priu the do Metternich isikanger iticly sick.' &N► itostiEvlc ig — itaintinfen group of 14.11.4 (or tile Der of King of Prussia has onlered fifty thonitighbred hornen in Egypt. 'nil.: tunnel thmugh Moinit Conk will In• in running order next August. CIIRISTINE Nn.p.sox,. the celotiratnnt prinut donna, in to sinit title counlry thin fall. Ilourtss SviisialtrAillr. the original (Intuit Ihiehese, of ileiolstein. has n o w four children. Oxi.v .even luenibersof tlte Chamber of l'eers under King Louis the Eighteenth. are still alive. . , . . THY. pret.eut• Mayor of ' 'Palermo Vim iti the year 18.17. almost tortured to death by enter of King Bonita. Tuft Empress of Russia is unable to take any solid -fisftl, and she Aye» now en• elusively on milk, eggs and sage. RICHARD WAtINEIL skim,' distingulah'ed flerniam paychlatists biiHere, has been partially insane for somei time past. Ei.-QuxEN Isanni.z.a 16s a new lover in the person of, a 11111tAil iwblmnsu, who gambled hiS W1W1.% Tartu w away In Paris. ADELINA P.m' cleared last year 1.10,0 M francs. She is said to Ivo on very cold farms With her husband, the Marquis de Caul.. 'FFENtimii'slltltr opera. limnd tut," is said to Ins the greatest failure popular composer of "tat limn& •liesso - has vet made. NI , of the Roman Bishops preached other than at 'l'elletri, and. in inorseof Serlll.lll, called railroads. telegraphs . the printing preini!•isteentins of the • BtsmAncu'ei diarner unfortunately is nothing but delirium !roue.. lteaide 'drinking twat quantities of wine. the Prus sian Chants , llor ia mild to 1* an habitital morphine eater. Tsixnn are pnly tire . pretty woMeti Wong the 'leading artremwa of Paris. Young horn, wrwhom was martini the Monthyon prize. a fm.y.yeara ago. is the hanihkoneAt of thorn all. •• nn CUAMPAI/NY, n fanhinnable deaf mute. and tim wife of n fellow.uf: ferer. Count do la Foresi - reeently gave a billlant soiree. attendodordy by the um,er. tell deaf mutes of Pail, A. PI , II. Jlt., in him work, "Vnual de Femmes,"• derlaree that women ''reta ni more in emancipated than she van Is , re made; that her dbt les have have linen eetnit halted Jinni the beginning, as ItILVI , roan w' house is wad to sit, in furititun•, it than tint• other it will be rtmuerot it. the Emperor Princiwa allow a mon% i•xquiriito to decoratiiin, and work of a in Pada. Princoaa. Bert d, is drat cousin Na 106,11. eltanutniz Ducheee of Parma. Mee° of the Count tie Chambord, is lito luckt reeittient holy goldun men. whit% the Popoltle.etee anttruttly andresentedur• lug Lent to one of the antodiltiviatt prim ofthe,liourben trim•. Obn tirtzcrr offered to mak, the. enotoru- Dr.! lisitu for M. llut latter rue ',zed to become a eandi,ftte foir um‘ of the vacant .rata In the French Academy. °Wrier ILittutolf said he WAN'AiI busy that he um., unable to make tlamos visit.. Entpress Etttr,rnie has dismissed fiwt• id her lndles et humor. The muse of Shia utletpevted measure has Inca the dis covery-of the fart that tie , hulks in qua.. th.e i‘ere en too intituate IVilltinCS With ,Cl l / 1 121 gentletuen entployeal at the Tuil eries. TUE - Klug of hair t very waned of lila esploit era higiter.7hut thn Itnfl n Yme nide assert, 'on ithat they mit gores au thuritv, hat ife: Majesty never vet 'hot ..r stabbed a ringia sutintal in t& tiff , : and that, diteitig his hunting enounlonn. all the niateting envy demo Ty his The Richmond Dianater. • The balinring_wdilitional partic:idora have toc ti teeels. , il of the terrible calamity that 4 . 1111. i to RL hmiapl Wednraday Shortly alter ,It‘ren S. %1., and when he c.nui waited but tbe.:reeence of the udgrot to rouiph,te the truck and titer - 11 the lottevAinge, a eluarp crack true weird in the eentn , of Alio door, then an• titer, then the door beam to sink, Awn-1y t firm. bet, t , fort: am, man in tweet • • . . - could v.-ape, Own. Own it went with tituntikroun clash into the hall of del Rate„ below, taking with it all who had filled the ecntre of the room, and sheeting so clone up (wards the judges that, while the reporters on the aide of their table next to the bench were saved. doe who sat on the outer side, WSs carried.ulf and killed. f;kurcely had the dust started to rise from the first fracture before - the rest of the tins'. taking in the gallery with itk ''thronging occunants. also fell, the pause being scarcely that of- a seninil, and then, upon the struggling, commingled mass below, fell iu tin. walls. tearing with them the ceiling. - &, sudden. so awful, PO thorough a de. struction by the fall of an edifice has tar paps never before been recorded in Our, day. Of the scarce three ltundredpersons whin jacked the small court, room, fifty. nine were killed outright. two have since died, and one hundred and sixteen were more or lees twriotudy wounded. making in all considerably over half of all-in the , MOM killed or wounded. The scenes on the Capitol lionare wee uch aS (aloud be des...TH.l. In aeveral rodaneen wives came utssi the bodies of heir husband.. One of them was w hocked that it Is scarcely hoped that she live can lice through the day; another I Inane, with but Ilttln hope of her . strew cry. A merulwrof the Legislature describes his fall a! followw I heard a low rumbling sound and felt •loyself sinking rapidly; I was facing the gallery and saw it falling towanl me. Fortunately it did not reach me. • I saw the men scrambling over melt other in the gallery, and heard what !mew ed to be one unearthly yell of agony: Then came the crash, and.i sank into dark Hera. I found myself under a mass of rubbish with a deed. body over me. a wounded man undmsne.'and -annther nt my side. The poor fellow under me said, "Oh, me! But tr I could only fear hind always as Ido nowt How, wicked I have been all my 'Lyn! Oh, Ood, forgive me! Spam on, and I will be a true follower of ,Jeans." The =mat my wide exclaimed: "Oh, Death wham La thy sting! Oh, (have, where Is thy efttioir I beard a number of cries all about me; some were speaking about their wives; other of their children; whileetheraOrerit wgging.WAr; be lievittilidy. et-them died; frisin for, althodgl4. but little:lmre inytelf, I should have died from suffixation if .1 had not been removed when I scan. - • Mr: Joynes.tells the following touching incident concerning - Dr. Brock : was sitting behind Dr. Brock, and fell tinder hint; I lay with my mouth to his cheek, and could feel him growing cold. He ask ed my name; I told hint who I was.' He said, am dying. Tell my poor wife how. much I loved her and thought Of her WI my last moments:" • An experienced' aiddteci. with has re viewed the .plan of the Capitol, Looping,; says that the girder which gave Way was comp osed of two pieces of timber • totted together, making when area of 1:1 by 20 Inches. It was formerly sup ported ,by columns: which were , subse .prently.remoVed td 'the' npiaar ance of the Hall of the House of Del- Notes. In the centre;of the girder was a mortise which reduced- the - available steeneilt to 01 by 20, inches. .Theirdal er ror was in making interior changes with- out esaminlng the girders with reference to their capacity to endtere the new stress placed upon them. • Titit word "plebiscite". no common in Paris news the past fortnight, is the French form ; of the Latin word rplebi. biscitmn," and is merely • a high Sounding name for n special election. or, strictly spc.wking. a decree pawed by, the whole body of the people at n pp eeial election; though the word is loosely applied to the decree, the submission of the decree to vote, and the draft of the decree dbletimed in the Corps Legielatif. The draft is More properly called a "salami consul- LULL" signifying both a decree. of the Senate and a debate therroi). ' PITTSLTRGH, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1870.- FIRST EDITION. i~iID TG IIT • N t 4 .1 , 11i BS" C.XBI.E. - Plot Against the Life of Napoleon ttl. '• cater!ett—Nninernos Arrests --tieltal ment i ' On the Subject of the Plehlss ritual—The Massacre ky Greek Brig - Junds--Ilaniptet of the Goya! Academy of Arts, Londou—Address of the Sul tan of Turkey to Ws Counellom— rprlsing of Volunteers In Cuba Con. Aradlcted—Serrano wlll - Resign the , 11( 2 4nei of Spala—Bloniarek's Con. !llama Precarlous-rAds lets from the West !tulles. UJ ipliisyypb to 4 tba Clu•4ur`tb k)•..,,,,Y1 MEM Pitta. April is reported Thal the Pope boa advLsed the French clergy to (*aid...their in iltience and-vote.) on the viable& ot the /drat 'lite in faiiir of the dovitininent. The Architlehone of Too., Noveri and Mont pelier-tare advised an affirmative vete: The clergy of Lyons have received loot ructions of a similar character. •- tiotmltlLatatallag Abe great excitement he • • the Government Iv 111 not prevent the holding of public meetings Chia evening.. The moment nny ettempt le mud° to create public excite .. meet, the'sathortties will Interfere. The Committee of the Lett 1111 e addre3ted n msalfesto in favor of it motive vote. • The lllshop of • Torantalse Invitee the clergy o tine —nye." It Is reported the Yreneh and Papal Cover, ntents,ltave . ntreed. to . consider iu. mdl n • - . .• Told ilia last aientorandum of Count Pa The Unfree. , toelerti that an nnswer has been received here from Rome to the effect. that the mitoonanduut trill not be, atimittell to the CAlithell and that Antonelli will enter into no discussion of the quest lon it raters.' Reports are rife in this city of a DiteC pint thittwo4 tirseovered hi the police againAt the Etta and life of the Emperor. It ,avaa dieted yesterday-t front hat a deverter om the arttlY, a 11013,00113ligli0130(1 officer, woo arrested In hotel near Montmartre, who had In his posse,- elan letters from (bastes, Plottrena, antra nide containing Instruct Inns tar his parr In the ex ocutien of the conspltarr. The Manna says lion part of the dolga of the pletteralens to till up the Place of the Tullleries and the I' ref. =I Several pen°. lutpliented In the plot Imee been dhicovered. lint succeeded In e4caplog . from Prance. Onlng to- ilgomus reumr-hiln full particulars are wanting. .Afternoon.—The Journal 0,91.irl autiouncee the pollee have been tint . 110:1141 that, on the track of n plot agnlnst the Emperor. Yefilit dny morning one flertur,• recent ly arrived iron. England. Waal arrested In lice net whereby the plot vex, completely . dlecOverett. Ou the person of Bettor trite found a largo mm of money rt revolver and a letter fronal.on.l;M. front it man Who 1,14 implicated In in pint In Pebrurtty beet. ThK iettet.llll3 Ike confeeeirMs niade 1., Itertur)sivntelt. ke..Kee u. doubt of blorlntent Pm to ttnmrdintelc Otteifiiit to Relliia,itinie the Emperor. Last night other penal:li were nrretted In the It