El LIR littsbutti etaisttE. (JTY AND SUBURBAN But One Left. We have bdt one more room to let to the Kimrsizz building." It la • very &tillable room on the Second floor, trent ng on Fmllbtleld Matt., Tema very lola for the location. tall at the Count ing Room. tint floor. Ninth Try wino or Megraw's cigars from 45 (Hand) street. - - Tobacco abnps are multiplying with great rapidity in nibs city. The Allegbany School Controllers SU meet nest Tuesday evening. Proposals fat buildina the Soldiers' Meantnent will not be received after to. dry. Milted Stairs watches of all grades Eng b obtained at W. G. Dtinfiesth's. No. 56 Fifth avenue. Patabergii Is looking up In lane build. Inca. A new order of things hall been Inaugurated. elf Gale-you enjoy the luxury of s good smoke? Tben purebsee your supplies at McgraWa, 45 Ninth (Hand) street. ,The Ben Assortment of gents' furnish• tog goats to be found In the city Oat Urhog, Follenstme &Co.'s, earner of Fifth almond and Wood creet. Clothing for the Muses, of good quail • ty and onpartor workmanship at Deana, corner of Fifth WVOIII2O and Wood street. Prima very reasonable. Indies will he pleased with the large and tine aseertment of general j.welry, Elver plated ware and putt:mu at Dun oath's jewelry house, No. 66, Fifth aye. -nue. Rigs gins, street wilken whose ages hardly weeded ID the aggregate an hun dred years, were Ili the tombs yesterday inoraluireharged with drunkenness and disorderly conduct. Peelet Plesed.—]fn. Asterman. a Garman. lately residing In Allegheny, bad har pocket picked and a pocket book sontsining 120 stolen. while In an auction Yore on Smithfield street yesterday. Yestaday aftenrion Mre. Osterman, from Allegheny, while In "Cheap John's" suction store on Smithfield street, bed her rocket picked of flys dol. lens. The light-fingered rogue escaped. Last night about ten o'clock Mr. Ed mund Brunt', Non of Mayor. Brush, was thrown& om • buggy on Chatham street and seriously injured. He bad his wounds dressed In a drug store near by, and was afterwards taken borne. Murderls.—WHllam Bristol wu act ing hi a very dlaorderly manner on the corner Of Carotin and Twenty-fourth . street, and en Information was made be fore Jostles Helsel for disorderly am. duet. A warrant was honed for his arrest. _ Yesterday Frank Adrian made infor mation- before Alderman Taylor charg ing Frank and Mary tichemp with maintaining a bawdy house at the cor ner of Thirteenth and Penn streets. Tim amused were arrested and held for • hearing on Monday. °QUO:Mina, Follansbee & Co.'s, car nar of Fifth avenue and Wood street, and saamtne the very Ane display of new goods In the way of clothe, cassimeres and vesting*, for spring wear. Spec:Sal attention iskiven to =atom work and reasonable prima °harked. A Woman Heater Mrs. Margaret Shanglienaha made Information before the Mayor yesterday charging Martin Kennedy with assault and battery al leging that he caught her by the throat and choked her. and then beat her with hi. gat. A warrant was loaned for hi. arrest: Aiming the most noticeable Improve. manta of Allegheny is the repainting of the Grant House corner Federal and Isabella streets. It is now exteriorly one of the most attractive buildings to the city._ interior improvements are upon the same scale, and are destined to make the house moro popular than VW. Amanit and Battery.—John Eberline Made Information before itiatiCe Helm!, yesterday, charging William Smith with &Mann and battery. .The parties reside Scott townstop, and were working in a field together.. A quarrel ensued between them, an aa la alleged by she War. Smith &truck him on the t a lL iec with a shovel. A warrant was famed. • There Is no finer queensware In the smarts% thaw that manufactured at the /0740ne Pottery, Messrs. Kier dc Co. prat:dietary Pbr cheapness, durability and finish, the Keystone ware will coin. pare with anything in the unsanitary:o line In the city. As It is a home Mathis. non. and as the manufacture Is of such a character, Messrs. Kier & Co. deserve public! patamfage. - • NUS ii—Pte Here. The tint vote polled In Allegheny county by a colored man wee cast in the old Third ward, a stronghold of Democracy,and fora Dem ocrat. This much we have said before, but to complete the item, It would be wellto put on record that this newly en franchised citinn had been but ten lain- Mem out ofJall when he put in his vote. There' willbe an exhibition of the Fire Extinguisher this afternoon. at three o'clock, en the wharf, near the foot of Wood street. This machine has been adopted by the leading railroad comps. Wee and steamboat llnealland already te ens to show prastbial remits, as was evi denced in the saving of the magnificent steamboat Gen. Lytle, few days since, on tits Ohio river. neldeed.-Testarday morning, about wan o'clock, Mr. JClhll Sampseit. engi neer On No. 6, tsmnoldmille Railroad. wee waded, by the giving way of the Mown sheet" cd.his engine. which al kneed the steam to escape. The accident coOttrred near Naltaburg, and he was sub. stquentJy brought to his residence. No. 11l BMW street, this city. lits•luiurim Omagh painful are not dangerous. en=Fire.—About Mx o'clock laid , there wan a stir among the fire. men, occasioned by an alarm of fire from bag 117, comer of Try street and Second menus. The cause of the alarm was • alight fire at the Smelting Fumy* at tached to Anderson & Wood's Moot Works. The miters and roof ignited from a spark, and the - filmes Were eg. anguished before they had made much MIMI. The damage was veryaUght. • Another Charge.—We gave • the par . Scalars yesterday of a cue before Alder man Herron, wherein .1. P. Gilroy was gorged with fates Dret4l3lll In forging p'aname of V. EL . Cotimilesloner Gamble paper agreeing to nettle certain liquor ge)eq against a third party. for 1600. Subsequently another liquor dealer, • William Sewell. made a.. similar charge . against Gilroy. who had a lieulug yew. terday afternoon. and In default of 15,0P13 . 1411, was committed for trial. • Ernie Down.—Thmeday evening the earth of the tender attached to the lone. moths of the McDonald 11 0:10012120d10011. • on the Pan Handle Railroad, brake down.' The coupling between the loop. Sealy* and tuder wu broken, b` eagles wee uninjured. Two of the pas park however, in the rear of the feeder 1111111 thrown off the track over as antmakinent and wrecked. No math was Injured. The retaengsra did not gag Men the city until nine o'clock. The Week ~cleared away yeatarday. Watches.. • Tbouit of our readers who are &Wire° , porchadnir a good Watch, would do Well to call On W. O. Daneeath. 58 Fifth anon, and see the W. FL Watch Co'a. watehea. for which he ta the agent in this They are becoming' very nonttlar to this nark et, owing altogether to the floe record they have made within the Net two years. Come and see them fbr Wm. Don% forget the place,-W.C a l=weath, 66 Fifth avenue. Pars to Allegheny- I cm About 50,000 Tgatiodim morning about Ave o'clock a Are broke out In the "dry 'kiln" . litheebed to Gilmore. Straub Drewry, Corn street, Allegheny. \ The etorehing grain had been In the kiln for crawl days. The heat wee shut off two daye ego bat it le thought enough remain ed 63 amnia the Are. The Are companies labored faithfully, but notoelthetendlng their idlorta sbout 14.0 00 worth of grnin war destroyed. -The building wars al • damaged tothe extent a of bout joinisB.ooo, covered by insurance. In an adng =l:‘ -the building several hUndred worth of pain was stored. The Ireman. however, were =Total not to tamer water In that direction ,thut a 41112 greater law was prereeded. end They deism praise ter MU discretional' weu THE L /kn. BANE., I Description of the ',Sew Building, on Fourth Avenue—How It IsOccupied, din., she. \ In yesterday'n issue we briefly annotm. ced the forial opening of, the new buildbig - of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Bank, on Fourth avenue, on which oocasion a sumptuous dinner was given. .llpwards of three hundred guests were in attendance, corn. prising prominent bankers, merchants and other citizens. Below will he- founda brief description of the magnificent structure.: TUB BUILDING Is located on Fourth avenue, near glarket street, and is two stories high. The front Is of cut stone, and presents evidences of rare skill in its elaborate finish. ' The en trance to the bank Is In the center of the building, while on either , side are rooms occupied by S. McClean ik Co., and the Pittsburgh Bank for Savings. The bank ingroom proper Is located immediately in the rear of these rooms, the vestibule and ball leading thereto being finished to b ea utiful style. The counters are ar ranged EG Rs -to have a sesai.eircular form in front and extend to the wall In the rear, completely enclosing the attaches. On either aide of the counters are wide paasage ways, room sufficiently ample to avoid all crowding. Within the esiclosare and at the rear of the room the vault is located, and Is situated in such a position that no outsider could gain access to it without detection. On the left of the Ivault are rooms fitted up in elegant style for the accommodation of the President, while on th e right is the Cashier's room, with firioproot vault and every, other convenience attached. Over the Vaults and rooms referred to is a wide gallery, overlooking and forming a pion of the banking room. .The banking roiom is lighted by largo, windows on eithek side, and by.en immense sky-light.' The ceil ing Is lofty, and the highly finish - IA wood work, beautiful fresceeing and elegant fittings throughout give an appearance that cannot g be surpassed. Our city can boast of no finer bank building than the one we have here briefly described. It is, indeed, aperfeet model of elegance—a trigimph in archi tecture. It displays a degree of bode and llisirallty on part cf the directoiv and stockholders which Is highly creditable. BARK OP SAYINGS The Pittsburgh Bank for Savings, one of the most popular of our banking in stitutionsr occupies the room at the right of Ator main entrance to the new build- ing.- . The apartment is large, well lighted, and very admirably arranged. The furnishment is rich, though plain, and harmonizes finely with the genfti character of the room. The counters and railings are of finely finished black walnut, and handsome cut glass consti tutes a promlstent feature at the various desks. The Directors' office Is sepa rated from the main apartment by a handsome walnut railing, and is well and comfortably furnished with chairs, tables, desks, arc. , The floors are handsomely carpeted, and the walls and ceiling qui etly but finely finished. The institution was originally incorporated under- the name of the Dime Savings Institution of Pittsburgh, by an amot the Legislature of the Stateof Pennsylvania, approved April 11, 11362,and opened out for blueness at No. 110 Bmiddiald street, in May, 1869, with 'James Park, Jr., .Esq. President, and D. B. McKinley, Secretary and Treasurer. ' A suridement to Its charter was pro- Cured n April, 1865, putbmizing the present title and the creation „of a capital stock of $75,000, for the greater security of its depositors, and organisation under Its provisloni was iced in January of 1866. The bank has been very successful, and the high character of its directory, com mends it to the public for • liberal propor tion of its patronage . The amount of its deposits is $500,000. The Board of Managers is as follows : President—George A. Berry. Vice Presidents-8. H. Hartman, Jas. Park, Jr. _ Secretary and Treasurer—D. E. Mc..l Kinley. Directors—A. Bradley, F. Rshm, Bell; Joshua Rhodes, J. S. 'Dilworth J. Ikon, G. Follansbee, Robert C. Scirtnertx, denies L Graham, daistoprier Zag, W. H: Nimiclr. . Solicitors—D. W. and A. Snell. At the left of the main entrance is the office of S. McLean & Co., brokers. Tcia apartment, also, is richly and handsomely fitted up, and is worthy of the beautiful building. On the second floor of the building over the apartment :last mentioned, is the office of the Pittsburgh, West Virginia aria Charleston Railroad Company. The fitting up of this apartment is In perfect keeping with the elegant style of the rooms already aescribed. The M. & M. Bank is, with one ex. ception, the oldest of our banking insti tutions. •" Under able -management its prosperity' tuts been great. The noble structure on Fourth avenue lungshes evidence . _ of the prosperity and healthy financial condition of its builders, and upon this fact we heartily congratulate them. The New mud Stocking Stare It is & pleasure at all times to the gen eral business community to welcome Into the milks of new home* under fresh and new. auspices. It is especially pleasing to accord welcome to firms made up of our young men who, hall of vigor and enterprise, enter Into the field of iminpetition, and use their beiLexer lions toptush ' forward into , and prosperity. It is. therefore, w much. pleasure that we announce this morning the opening of a new stand stocking store at No. 30 Fifth avenue, over which. our young friends John Degelman, long Identified with the popular house of Jas. Phelan, and Janies &Black will preside. Mr. Degeintab is thoroughly acquainted with the business in all its branches. and his most excellent judgment and, capacity as a buyer, knowing exactly what is wanted In this market. and what will afford the largest measure of satis faction to patron.. Mr. Black is well versed in business mittens, and we can confidently say that the affairs of the new firm of John Degelman .t Co. will be well managed. ar4d that a large share of patronage will be directed towards them. The store has been thoroughly rano-. valsd and Improved, making a handsome appearance both Inside and outside. The nook of hosiery, gloves, drawers, shirts.' ladles and gentlemen's underclothing, bows, dal", warns, suspenders, collars and general furnishing goods is entirely freak; and wilt be offered at very reason able prices. 'We wish the new firm that success and prosperity which their, en terpriseand energy warrant, and bespeak for them a fair share of our readers patronage. A Brutal IF atber Between -Twenty-sixth and Twenty. Seventh streets, - on Canon • street, Bir mingham, there raffles one John H. I as an old Man, and his daughter, Who h also passed' the merrldlan of life. For some days past the house was closed anti no one wee . seen about the premises. The neighbors became inarm -Ist abOut - UM matter-acid called upon justice Ammon •to solve: the mystery for them. The old .man was known to bo intemperate, and when drunk was exceedingly, vicious, which had a ten dency to infamies :the arixiety ' of the neighbor' for the welfare of himself and daughter. - Jostles Ammon scrio . Cupauled - by 'Conn- Inman Hillec.promeded to the house to ncrivel the—mystery, and On arriving there „found the doors locked. They knocked but received no response. The door- was then broken open when a pliable scene was presented. The daughter was ftrond lying upon a bed in al helpless condition healing been terri bly beaten and abu sed, and the old gray leaded sinner was lying in the middle of the floor Ina beastly state of bitoxim. lion; The daughter was removed to the co unty Home, and an' information was Made against iturold men for assault and battery, and a warrant Issued for his ar. rest. The officer, at lam amount s was welting for him to become sufficiently I sober to go to the -justices office.'. Pew Time Tablie..Fast Trans. A now Time Table will go IMO tided on the Pennsylvania Rail road on Mon. day next. Bat alight alterations have been made in the time of trans. The Noble Express has been. made a much faster train than heretofore, and will leavourlier than at present. The Feet Line west has also beau made a fast train. This change decreases the time Of the Fast Line, between' Philadelphia and Pittsburgh, two hems and seven minutes, and the time ist the Pacific Express, between . Pittsburgh and phill. delplitaitwo bolus. The Fast Lint will make the run west, from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh, in 12 holm ond 7 minutes. and the Paddle Express the run eut In 11 hOure.and 16 minutes—a stood equal to IC Mlles an tour. Inca uding elope ,or EMIRS en haw. deducting stops. The tune, taigas of other s will be eggnog On Monday, and w e e will pnbilsh sheimanded thus tables in that day. TROUBLES MULTIPLY A Min Unroneen Bllbetutles. The Evans Case—A Black Feature. Some days since we published an ec. count of the arrest of W. B. Evans, at Freeport, by &Boer Fred Rivera, on a charge of horse stealing, information having been made against him py Simpson, of Westmoreland county, from whom It was alleged he stole a horse brought him to this city and sold hint is har."McKibboc. - Since his arrest Evans has been in jail and there has been a strong effort made to settle the matter. Mr. McKibben. we learn, is willing to have- the matter gnashed provided the money he paid for the horse is refunded. Evans' friends are willing to refund the money provi ded a settlement can.be effeoted, but the matter Is somewhat complicated and will probably remain so &di unravelled In the Quarter Sessions Court. In the drat place she Mayor Is not disposed to allow the case to be compromised, as it is not of that clan of eases which he Is author ized to settle, but should the. prosecutor fall to appear on Wednesday nest, to which time the hearing has been Post poned, and should there be no evidence to warrant him in detaining the accused he would as a matter of course be cony pelted to discharge him. Sot It le warmly probable that such will be the case: ' When Mr. Sinn/Son demanded his property of Mr. McKibben, we are informed that the latter refused to give It up unless Mr. S. would prosecute Evens, and after Simplon had made the Information, Mr. McKibben insisted that he be held in his own recognizance in the sum of 11.300 to appear and prose. cute the cue when the thief was arrested. The bond wu taken and Is In the bandit' of the Mayor, who, It is alleged, has, sufficient testimony on which to bold the accused even if the prosecutor should not appear. These are, however, not the only die.: cultism against which Evana will have to -, contend. We learned last evening that_ one of the Mayor's officers has in OP posse/Won a warrant for the 'arrest of Evans, on a charge pf sedaction, In which bibs Mary Smith, of Carlisle, Is ibe prcsecutor, and should he be die charged here he will be taken Into custody immediately and taken to Oar, lisle. - I= There is a darker feature still to this man'. case, which although it has not yet assumed the shape of a protract'. skin la liable to do so at any time within the next two years, and would pwobably terminate in one immediately were Pralle discharged from custody. The hOyor received a-letter from Blairsville yeaosrday making Inquiry concerning Evan., jo which it was stated, that there was a golored• girl In that town who, desired to make information swarm Evans for fort& el .4:of The authontits there, so mote tho letter, were not anx ious to have Mans arrested on Madame if he could only Do kept away from there. " Verily,. be has a "heap o' trouble on his head." and we think his friends would do well to keep their money and allow the law to take its course. If Idlte,, I man is innocent of any or all, those charger?, she may be, It will tge.hard to convict him, and_ if guilty, ho should be punished.- • Chartlets Valley Ilk'road. The citizens of •Washingtou, Pi., and thorn rending sling the lineof the Char tiers Valley Railroad, are looking for ward anxiously to the lime when that road shall be completed and they afford ed an outlet and a market for their produce. For years past these people haVe been laboring under great disad vantage. for want of a railroad, that' only means of reaching this city, which is their only market, being by the way of Wheeling, or over twenty-six miles of miserably bad road by coach. We are pleased to be able to announce to _thew that this state of affairs will anon be brought to an end by- the completion of the Chartfers Valley Railroad, from this city to Washington. We are •authorativelv Informed that the work is being pushed forward as rapidly as pas. table, as strong a tree of men being em, pI - eyed as can be worked tededyyZare: • tad tad and the df e Chief Engineer is confident, ,that the road will be completed and ready for the rolling stock to Beings': mill, three miles this side of Washing , ton, by the first of October next, and that it will probably be com p leted a the nd to r operation The matter e. of the time the entire completion of thd road-noir . ever, in • great measure depends upon the residents of Washington themselves, and these directly interested In- It. There appears to .be a diversity of opin ion as to what route shall be adopt ii from Ewings' mill to to the borough Hof-Vesoakongtaan. One early was. 1r...- .diverge from the Oliglnel route and enter the town on the East side, while the -others desire that the old line 'shall be followed arid the entrance to the town be -at the West end. The flemoolvanis :Railroad Company will be =tailed to .construct the road on either route that may be decided upon by the citissns, and :are ready to put the work under con tract as soon as the decision is mode. All they ask la the right of way and they will run the road into the borough, put it In operation at once, and give the pep. Tie, who ever since the days of radioed', have been ens off from the rest of the world; an owlet. • z The completion of the road will open rati and bring into market moot the finest oast fields in Welaterttrennsylvanis, and cane at but enh materially the value read estate al the entire line of the • ReCkieSS D due—Tae - Result. , An instance of reckless dtiviog occur red in Alliegheny, attended with results which will. doubtless cure nee. man. of the evil practice. A butenr whose name is unknown, was returning home along Ohio street about two °dock. and an. ions to get there in abort order, urged hie horse,' attzened to a wegon, forward at a rapid gait. He proceeded along well enough until test at the corner nt-North and Ohio streets, when a lady, the wife cf Christian Gerat, with a child - in her arms, wile crooning the street. The botcher failed to check up la limo and the lady and child were knocked down and run over. Rome persons who ob served the affair ran to her relief, 'but the driver continued on his course and managed to get sway before he could be arrested. When picked up it was found that, the women wan not very badly injured, but the child did hot so easily escape. They were both taken home and then medical aid was sum moned. The child was found to be very seriously injured and trarn are enter tainedof Ilk recovery. - - Last evening Mr. Gerd made Informa tion before Mayor Callow against the butcher. who is known to the police by eight, and he will doubtless. be "Mated this morning. Such affairs are getting 'altogether too frequent to the city and !every offender mould fie visited with speedy and severe punishment. That would check it up a little._ Mead This. • Almost every one needs the servjoea of a Dentist In some way, and to inform the public where they can be skillfully and leniently served, is the object of this short article. Dr. Gillespie has success. folly practiced his profession In this oily for the last twelve yeankand the liberal patronage he now anjOys 111 convinclng proof of his qualification for, and adapta bility to, his chosen profession. The Doctor is a progressive man and la al ways to advance with any Improvement for the benefit and comfort of hls patrons. He employs none but'• first-edam' work men, and can always warrant superior work at the lowest prices. His suocesslo extracting teeth without pain, by thous') of his Improved laughing gas, Is too well known to need comment. His office and residence le at No. SNI Penn street. Mortuary Report. The folthwing are the intern:units In the oity of Pittsburgh froth April 18th to April 25th, with the °suns of death, as reported,by Dr. ..T.'Ouy McCandless. Phvalcian of Board of Health: Diseases—Adults:-Conatimption, It. Dropsy, 1; Ulcerated Stomach, L OWL Oren: Scarlatina, 5; Mirules, 1; Erysip. elan, 1; 81111 Born, 2; Inflammation bf Brain, 1; Inflammation of Lungs, 1; 0011288tion of Brain, I; Idarsamtul, 1; Conseil= of Lungs, 1; Diphtheria. 1; 'Accidental death by railroad, L Emphy sema, 1; Convulsions. 2; 0 9 480818 , 2 . • Of the &boy° there were under 1 year, 10; from 1 tot,-22 to 5,7; sto 10, 1; 10 7 t 0 0 15 t0 ,1; 80 4 . 0 to l. 50 6 2: 1 15;1;ith emi1b0.470,1; White, 20; colored, none. Total, 28. Special Card to the Ladles.—lulles soillpecialty Invited to examine on Mon day oar steak of all the newest fabric!' In n ra is Goods; Silk - Mantles; Shawls; Pi; - War Mantles, Scarfs. and compare prices without being urged to puma.. The stook will also be Spend complete In ail departments of Hid Gloves, g0y07 4 Handkerchlelk, Embroideries, p.. 0 ' ge., while the variety and amortmeat White Goods, BowleksePizit GOOdl. Tab. lingo, Linea% Towels, do.. for variety and prices cannot be akoelled. J. M. Qum, 115 Federal Street, Allegheny,. Ds you want a meortiuulls ? Go to Pisgraw's, No. WS Matti (load) Wrest. EMI Mil PiTESEURGH DAILY GAZETTE: SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 30. 1870 I."soiree sitorcate." Last evening an enjoyable and select • tuocloal kiree came off at the residence of H e nry po e her, Erg., No. 183 Handl:ate street, Allegheny. The occasion was lanothir of those "Children's Operas" introduced by Mr. Elober Into hie family 4 the entertainment of a few friends, end the musical cultivation of the younger - members of his household. • Those operas, which are new features In musical circles hereabouts, were intro. timed about a year ago, and met with so much favor and were attended with so warty pleasant associations and gather ings of friends that it was determined to continue them, and last evening wit nested Vie initial performance of the second season. A select company of ladles and geptle., Men, numbering about twenty, were present' by invitation at eight o'clock, when the performance began. The back parlor had been diced up with a mimic stage, witheplatform, footlights, curtain and all the neoceasary paraphernalia to louder the imitation complete. The front parlor was occupied by the guests who, ware so arranged that a full view of the stags might be had by every spectator. Mr. Kleber presided at the piano, and the young performers were the Misses Ida Kleber, Emmalidan, Ellie (3111,. aid Masters Adolph , Lo ud and Harry Kleber ' The prosramme.eontated of several tingle selections, ail of a hum:tr ots character, and the, comic opera of ..68" in tam acts, closgag with a scene from"Listcharts and:Fritschena" None of the performers were Yet in their. teens , she the musical' taste. 'expreesiod,and culture exhibited Nese in the bighted degree surprising. The performances throughout were marked with so much youthful vivacity and sparkle, and seemed to be entered Into with so much enthusiasm and spin °elation of the sentiment, and withal were so unique, that the hours paused rapidly and the ' listeners telt a genuine regret When the 1 curtain finally fell. The complithents jecelved. by the young Parrott:llf" both hi applause and In. words, were many and heartily sincere, and could not bat make the director, • Mr. Kleber, feel proud of his little opera troupe. We predict for any of them a brilliant musical future, should taste and upper tunity offer for a continuation of their studies and prlctioe of the "divine art." . _,.... The evenings exercises Were brought to a claw about . eleven o'clock, winding up With a collation} and a few choice musical gems froni thole. of "Older growth," and leaving in the ory of all the recolleCtion of an exceed• ingly agreeable episode. • . =! OPERA Houss..—Mr. Chanfrau has n draVring large audiences at the Opora Honig, durlngthe past week. The attraction has been hie represenntation of an extremely sensational and °erre!. pondlngly Interesting drams entitled "Mt; or, The ..krkansas Traveler." The scenes of the drama, which has a thrill ing plot are laid on the Missitelppl River, and are calculated to recall to mind the days when railroads were not .mind rnmer outs. This afternoon and evening will clone his engagement, and those who have not seen .-1C1t" should avail them selves of the opportunity. Tan rAnt.—The attendance at City Rail last night was very large. This afternoon a grand matinee for ladles and children will be held, at which the cir cus, museum and humming will be in full operation.- The ellnteste at the various booths are growing eaolting. At the table of Mrs. Keating and Mrs. Griffin Rev. Fathers tdollinger, Kerr and Tobin are closely contesting for the ele gant gold chalice. Ospt. Barbour Is ahead In the fight for the tame elephants. The valuable cake disposed of by chances was drawn by Mr. D. Mayer, who pear oualy returned It to the table. 'The elegant regulation sword, belt and sash contested for by the most popular C a ptain or Lieutenant of the home military companies his arrived, and thus far the Contest to between the Greys,. Z31:11Vell and Washington Infantry, toe latter being sing htly ahead. = The foll Owing decide were admitted of record to the °Moe of Thai. H. Hunter, Recorder for Allegheny count); Friday, April 29, 1870:_ Rco. Rcater to 11.1initlaelt. April It 1370; lot PI 07 10071. on Boundary Stern, P A t....srs T100s• Cannon to Jam 41. CMG, Apill 1370: 9. operty lo Chatters Ip ' la MO Baker no Mat tba J. Crolmards, *021131. Bath Mama of landl,Rlehiaad Ip REMO N. to Lagos; Batter, *OR 37, IWO. 3 101 l In to aloorattothille au M. Joint Alexander Tro ..... or Vint Mitaltc 11110040. of T. ropttrarteevtlle, liar IL, lieu; It lota to tore.,. of Temoorimerville 32 100 2d A. Batter to Aaron Halter. RPM' IT; MB 3 lota In Timporancc• It r SI.M Ib4l':;%..AstAVitd:et?:Yrt.4lll.7l7, rTnE*4.4?-14 tp 1140 OPI U. H. Ormsby, Una to Hata Blakell, April II ISM; l.t Yf ort2Onh an, IC: Bir t7' ou Jot. 1.941011. to Wm. el :1103.e. April M. ISM 14 of 9,134.9uar0 ft 10 19111 wand. Pin 411 YJo Oro. Witlitaell to P.m ;Whiteet I . 4110 C 1910. 1901:=1 .40 and 104 pure:tea of laud lo Ramp too tp ...... . BM 190 Mary Be- satin to Juno [3 liar, April 2.191..; 13 aere9_ol load In Ifclbodv tp, 31,140 41.0. v Mine , Itoto to R. Wein. rshataino. Moron], 11100: lot al 241 it In McCloro 19.. 'Jaa. &aright to U. o. Monte on. April In. IRO I acres • 11•111.1 In Ma 00 2 1 i3M Tn l .v. P. itostlanto Jot. r MoROI9 P 7. 00 1- 3411. /Me; I 'acre .odl3 potent, of land In Richland Gto.ni• Love and Be Happy It is the sealant thing in the world to be happy„ if men and. women would only think se. Happiness s only another. name for love; for where love exists in a home there must happmeas also exist, even if - II have poverty ; hr a close ccon. pardon. Where love alas not," oven though It be In apatite., happiness cannot come. He was a cold selfish man who said "when poverty comer in at the- door love Iles out at the window," and his assertion proves he had no knowledge of love, fcrr unquestlonably.r the reverse of the axiom qaoted is nearer the truth. When poverty comes In at the door, love, true love, Is more than ever Inclined to tarry, and do battle' with the enemy. Let those who imagine themselves to be misersble, before they find fault with their surroundings, search In their hearts for the cause. Sometimes unhappiness, rapeotally In the case of • traveller, caused by having 'trunk which Is either old and shabby, or will hunt, notwith standing every care to prevent the catas trophe, all this may be avoided be purchasing of Llebler No. 104 Wood. Ills trunks always stand the wear and tear and look well. Go to Llebter's for ti truck.. Camiguin Pins-Judge Collier .Farnar. April 20-4n.the case of Weis enterger & Co. vs. hint:linage A Co., reported yesterday, the Pry found for the plaintiff In theaim 015417,70. The first case taken up was that of E. J. Adams - fa - A. M. Fletcher, action on a book account. Verdict tor. Plaintiff in stun of 173 4 .7 4 . The next case taken op was that of Christina B. Oray vs. Samuel Findley, &talon fordjima ge s for an - alleged false arrest and imprisOnment. It appears that defendant made information before an alderman charging plaintiff with keeping a disorderly house, upon which Information a warrant was issued and plaintiff 'mated and held for a bearing. The ore sous heard and she was discharge ed. Jury out. On motion of B. F. Lucas, Esq.. S. H. normal, Esq., was abmitted to practice law in the several courts of this county. Mears Leeks. -Yesterday morning Jerry Henan arrested by °Meer O'Connor, of Alder. man licildasters' police, on ,a charge of larceny. The . umlaut, was discovered perambulating the ornate and peddling locks. door !rubs, bolts, fro., for marvel ously low prices. Locks worth two dol. tars be &spoiled of for Ave cents. or a glass th of beer. One of them wu Identified by e proprietors of the Novelty Woks, who sooordinaly made the Information upon which Hamm wee arrested. Sub sequently all that were In him passession were Identified by the prosecutors,. and Harlan was accordingly committed for trial. he falling to give any Batt sooount of how the locks came Latcrhi= Personal Appearance. Every man igonld pay soma g_tention to his personal apaeannee. 'IWy who affect to despise this matter are either de. Admit le anappreciation of the proprie ties of life or affected cynics.. A man need not be. fop, but It can't be gain sayed that a good fitting suit of clothing will do Yaw harm. It is evidence of good lute sod refinement, and aa such should be rigarded. flespenheide & Co., No. 60 Sixth street, (St. Clair), have rec, cognized this principle, and by eadeavor. lug to please their patrons In this respect have won an enviable reputation -and patronage. Gentlemen will find it to their I nterest to patronize Neapenheide & Co. stone 1111 a - Prom New. York Allotlens.' $1,60, 11,76, #0.00.112, 25 , Also, Are all under lar regu iff/ 068 . lie 00114 Fedora! street. IPlae all Cat, anpa Tann& aiming. smoking -.kinds d . grades of tablet *, at Itsgraw% 65 Ninth (Hand) suet& EN= SEE Pertocual Notei. C. G. Foexea Emt, editor and proprie tor of the Kansas City (Mo.) Journal of Commerce, Ia stopping At the Merchants Hotel. He Inteside to remain here some days to Berme advertisements for his widely circulated and first-class journal, and we hope he may be successful. RSV. Himnr D. Moon., formerly pas. tor of the Congregational Churnh of this city, but nowof Cincinnati, Is thm, Vete,' prostrated by Meknes, which , has been induced by excessive mental labor* dor. • recent revival in his charge. RSV. JAXIS & DICTLESSON. with Lad. ly, baa loft for his home to Boston. • Gru. AMBIBT rum, the confederate soldier and Arkansas poet. Passed through the city, east, yolderday, REV. FATHER ErICIERT io to lecture to. morrow night &week, on the 'Church and Schools," In the Cathedral. °ruin, Itasecuans, Butler, McClelland, Howard, and all the other great Ameri can generals of the day, have been In. viced to participate In the Soldiers' Monument corner -atone laying. . CHAI F.E.617 has been serloualy posed during the engagement be Is ndw playing. He has marvelons pluck, abd ail] not succumb to sickness. Cox:. ZlEvitt, formerly of the Diayalch, is now the editor of the Leader. He Is strong, vigorous and forcible writer: • Youthful Pktpoeitets. Last night at the Mercy Hospital Fair several ladles end gentlemen were • re lieved of their pocket book; containing In the aggregate some thirty dollar& Col. Joseph Heating felt a hand In his pocket and quickly, discovered that It belonged to a email boy named Murphy. who he banded over to the police. On his'person was found an empty pocket book belonging to a lady who bad been relieved of her money. The gash, the boy stated, was taken by a second boy and he only got the pocket book as his share of the spoils. The police arrested the second boy and discharged the first, , • but yet got no money. The youthful prisoner declared that the cash was In the possession of a third boy who had made good his escape. The second boy, aged about thirteen, was held in the tombs for his appearance thls morning. The boys are all: hardened hardened characters, and betweev • them undoubtedly com mitted the series . of robberies and have the money. t r:B=r=i Is one of the heaviest misfortunes that afflict humanity. It shots out the vial. ble world and renders life one dark, ray less night. Numbers suffer this heavy 'affliction, for some of whom no preven tative exists, and no remedy could have been found ; thoneancts are compelled to grope their way, through the ignorance of quacks, who, to make money, hesitate not to mume the highly responsible and delicate duty of attending to the care of the eyes, the natural consequence is, the eyesight Is injured beyond the power of skill to care, We - have aeon numerous cases of partial and total blindness. wherein the complaint was the result of accident or commenced from a alight Indionation, or the use of Improper spec. Melee, It is by neglect of the proper re medies, by leaving to much to nature's recuperative power that so much evil ensues. Medical zit, and optical edema, can do much for temporary diseases and weaknesses of - the eye; therefore, when mese arts are combined, as they ever ought to be, in one man of scientific at. tsinments, we earnestly imprese -- upon , our readers the great Importance of at tending to. early sensations of weakness In the eyes. D. Prattles has the highest testimonials. We would, therefore, ad vise those in want of the services of a thoroughly educated mullet and opti cian, to consult him without delay, at the St. Clair Hotel, feeling conflient that they will thank us for the advice, and be permanently benentted. Poplar for Walnut. Patrick Valleby, a gentleman recently from Mik, but now a resident of the South Bide, alleges that he has Ixsen vlo• tinned by a false pretender. He called at the °Dice of Justice Helsel yesterday and made information charging William 7.lmmerbrook; a furniture dealer, with cheating by false pretences. He alleges that William sold hires pair of bedsteads for 516, warnutnngthem tq be walnut, and udlvil a bit Of walndt is there in tblm; be Jabots, they are all poplar, blaokened'wid a little paint." He thought It a fraud on hie rights as an American citizen, and would not submit to It. A warrant was issued for the furniture man CECTE=II The Continental. Thri Vamlinental The Continental. The Continental Fifth avenue. The Continental ' Filth avenue. Grand - Dinner.. at the Continental. Grand Dinner.. at the' DarittoentaL oysters, Qo at the Continental. Finest natty at the Continental. Lunch at any hour...at the Continental. The Continental Deleon is located on Fifth avenue, directly below the poet. office. The proprietor. Mr. William Holtzhelmer, makes it a speciality, In toe management of the Saloon, to pre pare the moat palatable weals. and to have them ready any moment. Business men can appreciate this. If they desire to save time,' that Is the plane to go. Books. School Books at Egan's. Law Books at Egan's. Theological Books at Egan's. Books of Travel at Egan's. Sunday School 'Books at Egan's. Biographical Books at Egan's. All kinds of Books at Egan's. Col. J. D. Esan's new establishment la on Smithfield street, next door to the Masonic Savings Bank. His books aro good and hisfrioes the lowest. Mew Books for sale by John W. Pit. took, bookseller and news dealer, Fifth avenue,' Pittaburgh,Ps.: The Bab Bal lads; or, Much Sound and Wile Sense, by W. 8. Gilbert, with 113 Illustrations by the author; square 12mo, cloth, gilt edges, 11,75. Toe Gentleman's Stable Guide: Containing a familiar description of the American Stable; illustrated, SIN. The American Chess-Player's Hand Book: Teaching the rudiments of the game, and giving an analylde of all the recognised openings.; from the work of Staunton, 16mo, with diagrams, cloth, elegant, 11,25. • - The Beason.—The Ice Cream and Sods Water season la rapidly approaching. Tao warm weather •of the past few days has developed great activity among the confectioners. Preparations for an ex. tenalvo business has been made at 'Tomlinson's, corner of Smlthdeld street and Diamond Alley—the popular saloon of the city. Their palatial room 4 have been thoroughly refitted and rennovatod, and every convenience for the comfort and cheer of each guest Introduced. For ladles or gentlemen there is no Water loo cream saloon in the city.. Children , . Carriage., wholesale and re• . at Jan, Longhridge's, 171 . Smithfield. For the Ladies.—Ladies will find It worth while to visit Meorhead'slaaltion. able store, No. 81 Market street, whether u purohuera or not. A look at the goods Is a sight sa beautiful as a fresh and at tractive picture. It is not considered troubleeome to show the goods either, and if• a ..ohoice be desired there is no Mak In-'the city which affords more variety. For looking gimes and picture frames, go to Loughridge's 171 Smithfield street. - Mew Boon. The Old kitchen Fire. Welfer'Parna soze. e B p c omers. The While Foreigners. Linden Wood. For tale by P. G. Relneman, 11S Tutrd Avenue, Pittsburgh. - Brashest Braehest—All kinds of Inma n', of our own manufacture, at Lough ridge, 17 . 1. Smithfield street. Furniture, Carpets and Plano at Age. lion.—The attire furniture at Mr. Graf ton's 'house, 189 South avenue, Ont ward, Allegheny will be sold this t2lat_nrday) morning, at 10 o'clock. A. Iftgate, Auctioneer. . Th e Speas Inept ot Henry G. Hale, Merchant Taller, at corner of Penn avenue and Sixth street, le now large and complete. Monsieur Simper' con tinues to preside at the cutting. u. BUSINESS woricum ,The IMee Dreores Shit for frond In NM to etudes mat exeltament le Balm. It • wild warn young men rot to :WWI In ham.. Rle• le bat Rt. ht. bride V. Bs •Waare list .ha mule lam bellow she wu net ht. own Nee. by baled Balm npou her fate. Diet $ O4 panda. Pow booth. 111 probable theh4 Dar tie**. we no% nalta so wet and pretty. °UM Hazen to ba Indicted 1 IN • know °lmlay atme• tar ewes. Tble Balm elves s most 'medalist pearly and intend weenie:lm to which we 4 ° . 'l °VW.' flank. pretty woman. To Setae Pleteye. they should boa LOW. it:h 2l ..a upon the hue. With praele blab. roll Cb"kg sad .on. terarlant tntesie, they Dwaine Irre. estlbla. MEE = In I recent issue of the indansectra; the R,v. De Witt Talmage, of Brooklyn, has the following utterances. on the subject of "amelle," . I have a good Christian friend who, if he sat in the front pew in the church, and a working man should enter the .door at the other end, would smell him instantly. My friend is not to blame for the aemat tiveuees of his nose, any more than you would dog a pointer for being keener on the scent than a stupid watch dog. . The fact Is, if you bad all the churches free, by reason of the mixing up of the common people with the uncommon, you would keep one half of christendom sick at the stomach. II you are going to • kill the church with bad smells, I will have nothing to do with this work of . evan gelization. , . We have reason to believe that there will be laboring men in heaven; and also Terra del Puegaus;and Arabs, and a few Indians,and possibly even some Spaniards it i and Portug ese. All things &repealable with God. We shall have all the sorts i of people i heaven; but, &last In getting them we all lose the society of Dr. Talmage.; Which is to say, we shall loose'. company of one who could ve more real "tone" to celestial society than - any .. other contributions Brooklyn could fur. Dish. And what would eter nal happiness be without the Doctor? Blissful, unquestionably—we know that well enough—but would it be didmgus, would it be recherche without him? Bt. Matthew without stockings or sandals; Bt. Jerome bareheaded, and and with a coarse brown blanket robe dragging the ground; Bt. Sebastian, with scarcely any raiment at el—these we - should see, ' and we should enjoy seeing them; but would wo not miss a spike tailed coat and kids, and turn away re apectfully, and say to parties from the Orient, These are well enough, but you ought to see Talmage of Brooklyn. i! I fear me that in the better world we shall not even have Dr. Talmage'd "good Christian friend." For if he were sitting tinder the glory of the Throne, and the Keeper of the keys admitted a Benjamin Franklin or other laboring man, that "friend," with his fine natural powers infinitely augmented by emancipation from hampering flesh, would detect him with a single sniff, and immediately take lug and asked to be excused. • _ _ _ If the subject these of remarks had been chosen among the original Twelve Apos tlesjse would not have associated with the relit, because he could not have stood the fishy smell or some of Ma comrades who come trout around the &sof Galilee. He would have resigned his commission with some such remark u he makes in the extract quoted above: "Muter, if thou art going to kill the church with bad smells. I will have nothing to do with this work of evangelization." He is a disciple, and makes that remark to the Muter; the only difference is, that he makes It la the nine• teenth Instead of the first century. Now, can It be possible that In a handful of centuries the Christian character -has Allen away from an imposing heroism that scorned even - the stake, the cross and axe, to a poor little effeminacy that withers and wilts under an unsavory smell ? Fee limpidity and necrecy with which ■ Dlwoece - May be Put Through a Court. (From the Albany (Ical.)lleatster.) We can't say that the divorce laws of Indiana are pure and undefiled and alto gather lovely. Ind . ed. we fear, just the reverse of this is true, or,.at my rate, the Practice under these laws is grossly dis honest, and altogether disgraceful, too, in very many instances. We have a case In point, reported by the Blooming. ton Proyress, and which occurred the present month in Monroe county. Several Weeks ago a farmer and his wife, living a abort distance from Bloom ington, indulged in a little quarrel, and the woman went to town, where she might grow cool, and sooner recover bar good nature. Soon after the wife left home, 'the husband also went to town, but, as the sequel will show, upon an errand of a different nature. He called upon an attorney, stated that his wife had left him, that their dispositions were learn. pstible, and that he wished to procure a divorce upon these grounda—abandon inent being the principal one. Court would convene on the following Monday, and the beldame was transacted at once. Notice was served for the wife, and left at the residence of the husband, . and as the wife wan In town getting over her "pet," she was unwaware of service. The case was called in the Common Puns Court, and an attorney appointed to tear the ease; the husband brought in evidence to show that his wife had left him, that they did not live together har moniously, and that there was no proba— bility' of a reconciliation. Thl divorce was granted. . Several days a ft erward, the ife, hav ing recovered her equanimity, returned to what she still believed to be.her home, only to find that ehe was divorced and homeless. We understand that an effort will be made to recover alimony. If, after this, the married women of Monroe cowry observe an anxiety. upon the part of their husbands to have them visit their friends, just before Common Pleas Court convenes, there will be Just grounds for suspicion. ...Fifth avenue _Fifth liVeritle, ...Firth avenue Louts Napoleon The Emperor of the French is now in his alxiy.second year, twenty two of which have been. spent amid the cares and responsibilities of the most trying position in the world. He has survived Orsini bombs and lumbago with the con stitution of a salamander. Yet, u his fami:y has not been noted for longevity. it may be expected that his end is draw ing near. It Is difficult, however, to make out when be is really sick. The bulletins which aro so often issued about his health have such.a close and intimate `connection with the Bonne that there is no end to the canards of the bulls and bears. When he is in good bullhead spirits the bulls are happy; when he is stretched out for dead then the bean rejoice and are exceedingly glad. Then again the in— terests of his dynasty , and of the empire, in its present disturbed' condition, re— quire that people should believe th at his life is good for forty years to come. Little reliance, therefore, can be placed upon the official rt ports which from time to time appear in the Moaner Official concerning his mind and body, 'there is little doubt that he will die on the throne, the only French sovereign who has done so during the put °manly, with the exception of Louie XV. and Louis XVIIL; and the latter wu fully entitled to the privilege, having endured twenty— two years exile. COT num.—WOLF-0o Thursday mOrolug. April AO, IEIO at the residents of the bride's when- Birmingham, Pa.; by tits Rs,. Samuel Lam, W. P. COTTRELL, of Columbia, P.., and AGANA 11.. eldest daughter of Dr. D. A. Wolf, of the former place. HARTLEY—WARDIBBIIRG—On Thursday, Appll4ll.llllo, at Bt. peters March. PM. burgh, by RV, B. J. Costar, HOWARD HART -I.IIT. of thle eltY. and Mu SALLIE. Z. WAR DINBURO, of lialthnori, WALL—RiTODlsrApritslll.llllo Ly Ram. O. W. awes, Mr. war.li• WALLaagNies ANNA i. Erro mp, both of Allegboxy taw. Pa. SELLIRS—BROWN—on Tharsaar, Aprll logo, at the Tint Rablint Church, Pittsburgh, . Pa., by Yee. J. S. Dickerson. D. D., sedated b 7 nu. 1. 0. Perehlag, D. D., la, Ro l m= 1. SILLT.R.S. Jr., to 11111 CORA A. BROWN, all of Pdtebarga. BUILIIRTS—AA on Prlelay al tame. aat A colork RUTH , arlta of Bea. W , the Oath year at am ma. lwe.eel 0* 0171rDAY, Yaw het 11 0., Inn Broweiviae Insertion; when cis rlyee will proceed no Allegheny Cemetery'. 6111:1.11;1171,;7171iPant Iprl ofJekla D. bungle,. and 60 inn. The tonsrsl aelll take place trout tha of a. O. Haim, Eea , fan of rorty4m meat, yawreorerWe, TO Del (satarday) avraaaoea, at aaNsloot. The Mends ottbefamly. are M r campy Invited toatuad. I.lartiages wttl kan Wia.H. Devon a Ca.'s oleo. No. lea gnat surest, at/ o'clock r• HASYST- - On nicht, April spay .1 owoh, the 79W MALeA, inf. pi 7n • Harvey. In the Sikh year or het ai • Tha Erten& ►ad acqualatan.• of the tanillY arc Invited ta attana tha Mral, Irma the rad on. of her hasband, Porty.fourth etra-t, below MIS (eeard.., aralaaoo3l. at a ga~~r►,: • HILL-On Friday. Aprtl ino. ow , eiagyilk, wilt of lames B. UM, morel Fear. The Alum' mill take place TO.DAV. 30th nuna, et 1134 roelock P horn tam= late ms- Menem No. 03 Veto street, All•abeny. Tee memos or Me Weft are mapettrally aortal to • AORIPW-.3a nifty. April let MM. MARTA IIAYZEI,IOIOI4I !Meehan. or v. P. aati O. H. L ime year alltimmtits. y. the pareate , rub:Mace. - No. ..,11 WasbLneton earth PIPSDAp, May Isl. at II o'clock P. K. • OTTEEkOS-At his rostde,..•".. 41 Water V MtlnriocitYi mlthevir Q JUIL2I firriltisoN. his ialal..r. Ihmasi from Ids late reekleose. No. 41 Pe ter Cu, ph tlaTtrium,Y, at 10 o'elock. • '.""Q`} 'mow e3tS"~r' ... ~ur.• , ~ S ~{, - ~y ,~Z ~~, 13:12 smart mulatto, in the presence o • num ber of the dignitaries of a western town, Justice Garnett said: "In the risme of the Great Jehovah, the Continental Congreer, and the Fifteenth Amendment, I pro nounce you husband and wife.".t_ • . , TEK largest salary in the imperial house hold, namely, ten thousand dollars s year, IS received by' Eugenle'a hair dressar. iddlorkal r ark is by Telegraph SupsAto, April 2.9.—Fresh receipts of cattle, 117 cars; total this week, 413 can; last week. 380 cars; the market is weak to-dal at 17@8,30 for shipping stook; 92 cars of to-day'. cattle were trotted through from Chicago and detained here under the State law for -24 boars' rest, much to the disgust of the owners. Sheet) firm and receipts light. Hogs better; shipping stock $9@9,80. New Onz..X..ane, April 29.—Flour 54,60@5,55.. Corn 11,1234g1.15. 0.1.65. Bran 1440. Hay firm at 528,65. Pork firmer, mesa 530,25(430,75. Bacon firmer at 1.1N@)180, hams 19®1935c. Lord easier and irregular. Other articlea un. changed. Sterling 25%. BAN, FBARODSCO, Aril 29.-Flour quiet at 51,00®15,37)5. Wheat in good demand and• light, extreme $1,80@1,80. tgrA. Y. 111.—The members of MoKINLIT LOOGI No. gig are re quested to meet In Masonic Hall. Allegheny eta. on •ATIINDAY MANNING at 9 o•cloe0, far the purpose of attending the funeral of our lei. 0 milker, OTTLESON. Members of Er orderodgspeetfall) 1001 led to amend. Er of thetaM. aoleilr6l Ii[IiNCIABTRUS DUQUESIne On .Ta. YITTS3OIWit, April Iblo. I • larA SPECIAL MEETING OF COMPANIEt A. H. C and D will Do tad attbe Armory cm SATUNDAY EVENING, Aprli 301 h, at T o'cloch. There will be mono — lotion of Impormem to mitanit for action. ;By ord rot the commanding °facer, J. J. ALBSITZ. Sterat•ry. BOUNTY.— =I $lOO BOUNTY • 001.1ZOTED leor all soldiers whoenllzted betweeD Hey 4tb, aid .In:v RS& ÜBE who were discharred for dissbUlly before servirie two years, and who have heretofore received no bounty. • The undersigned h asrelne red his °See to tiA• LT= BaUding, coriseS Sixth avenue and Smith neld street, and is now pierareeWnelleet claims epeedily ana at atoderst • rates. Call on• or ad dress, with stamp, B. 7. BROWN, • ' Claim ASent. Skeane Battle& Corner litzth &Venn. rod Smithfield str tot, Sittsbunth. Va. (FIFTH AVENUE MUM OF Pltuintrah. The I election amine Directors Within hank, to lane for the ensuing yer. will te n se s. at Tue s d a y,ktagtion. No. lon Ilith on May 10. 1110, between the boors of 3 and 3 o'clock, F. Y. mr.37 F. E. CCEIENCIC. Cashier. girTHE ANNUAL ELECTION for. Pre*Meet sod DiTWOS . / of the MER CHANTS HATII , NAL TELEGRAPH 1011 PANT .111 be held at the OPPICE or JAMES WILKINS. Ire. elll'aMalec Duenesse Way. on TOr-O A M. Ed, ISTO, berween tbeßours of ti a. 4 o'clock F.M. JAMES WILKINS. Secretary. Prrresamotl. Aprll Mtn, 1810. arKI. IiarTIOTICE.—The stockh . old- KRBtif theCENTKAL UTUANB LULU INO - AND LOAN AtAOCIATION.. f AUe ht ty City. P... are reenested to me. t at BALI. No. 11... b to street. Al eabeny, on TUBBDAX LYE , - INO. Bey 30. INTO, to sane mitten pn amend ment to the By•Lalre. By fader of President, apZIPSW N. B. IIeILOWN. Bearetatl. Dena or Curren Par= MULL ) Yrirsnonan, PA., April 18th. 1810. ar'PITTILIBIIRGR PAPER MANIIYAC OILIAU CO. • but plll be • Ppeelal Meetingof the Stoo. holders of the above t,mbany,astbeolllee,•4 TEILILD Lyn; UP, on MONDA Y, May Nlcl.'at 10 o'clock S.D. nreakva RIDDLE, Storotn,Y. arNOTICE.—An election for Ideal. and SIX Directors of the ItHAIIPBBIING AND LAWBENCEVILLN BRIDGE COMPANY. to sure during the cine ma yckx. will be held at the TOLL ROIIMC an the PIRA" MONDAY OP MAY. betweeilift) and POUR o'clock T. N.- J. M. MELD, Secotary. 1511. • 013BC80.'AVril /B. /STU. 1101911r5 • 'FOR COUNTY COMMIS BONNE. Of Marshall Township, subject t the deulgoa of the Uhl. Republic. County Con Tenth.. up:Pular WHOLESALE GROCERS. &c DILWORTII,IIIIIPER &CO., 243 Liberty Street, (Oppogtto head of Wood street.) WHOLES/LE GROCERS, Pittsburgh, Pa. IMAM ESTABLISHED & T. CiORMLY, 1812. W. M. BOBILY, WHOLESALE GROCER No. 271 Liberty Street, (DtIZCTLY Ohl. EAGLI ROM.) BTERLR .o. A. CIT M STEELE & SON, • Onnimission Merrahariis Alfro DBA , •% W1...q1:111,4C4RA1N. FE XlO, Ma I= MEANOR & HARPER, 720171 i, GRAIN •Sal PRODUCZ Commission 141eroliants Coallanmeats sollalted W. C. ARMSTRONG, 613tweenaor to retie! • AtintrOSlL) PRODUCE COMMON MCRAE% No. 25 Market Street. ems L. 1; BLANCIIARDi Wholesale and Retail Grover, 11 No. Nee PLNN STILEST .N oiN l i irTLE, BAIRD AI PATTON. Wl:Mg:rale Omen, Comm X. "" R a. Dialritn Produce. tour Bacc.Clle, freigr/Y ri dattilld /OHM 1. 1101:111a..11Dw. /10052....1.11. n. nOtrall yowl HOOSE & BROS, SEM.. ••• Onlion to JOHN I. H 013116 t CO., Whole- Isle Grocers and omull Wan Merchants. Corner of Waltageld and Water street.. Plttsburgb. =33 tHiPTON &WALILACE.WhoIer BALL DROCERS AND PRODUCE DRAY Rn. ALEPH FITRXILT. Plttobarth. CIBEAT REDUCTION IN PHI %A CIES OP LADIES' COLD WATCHES WATTLES a SEINAPIJIMI 101 MTH AVENUE, above haaltheald Omit. 430 Watch Ihr SO Watch for 440 Watch f0r......... 3 3.0 0 . *MI Watch tor Watch for 0.00. Al' Watch . - .00. I other Watch. I redeeraTo . ...pla i n : to, An elerant aanorteeent or GOLD 1J on hand. CoU and MMUS now. • • eta JOS. bralteralt...Lts. ItelLa7..3.oET. LIDDILL. SHIM BREW [i I t = SPENCER, IieKAY & C 0.,, AlaStaters and Brewers of dile, PORTER AND BROWN STOUT. iMMUIT WATSON. Manager meta UALUAII LE !PAWN AND KILL PROPZRTY PUit SALE.—Ylatied al Ht a taxi Bad Pb..'ean oa Mahood.' Contalat laO teem TV of width are Wetted: al tinder good Ittleel_llo acne of Coal The • improvetitala ate • Plotting Nam with SI lon of berm, to tr. Malawi a large natant; la toll OD.. cottNte Hetet. 0 ttewh.Tenant Hoene tad large ems. postal/Mute. trtle • within( to go ado Ile willing tad coal totems. theta.. 111714 . M alP7t "" rik e 7reo. r , Sr. lug You n t n atoms. iEtEsnisuLE OCILLAND RES IDZINCZ POE SALS.—A' neat eubetig. y bait Cones eof 6 feet hall. pa , lor 26 in OS met, otttleg room. marble nestles, alum`` roam, =teams with Boma recto. hot sad sold emir, bug tone,' fen, chambers. cistern And enter' Agee City Won.. Inge nape arbor Mpti orgeseinal tree., dwanpeor, puck g.,1 apple trin.ebructen. inee•coln deene. atatd• and canine bone. edam: , Sone, etc., gad Inge lot of ground lo ex... Meat tr, to . 171:11.2%,71.L..1t14.. VOIIIIIIALE.—Eustnes and Bair- ZEI3; N.• and addend Bead, of all coutaltif as dead. • Orem Man dl pada of tha comma arm play JANES HILL Id 00.. Carder Marton Maass sad P. F. W. tO. B. W.. Ailagbear. hgs young Irish girl to a NOTICES CANDIDATES 011012613 MILLET, ===l ETEI=OI3ME4I Is. IMO LI lITKEZT, = MRRORANT TAILORS P. 31".A.1 : 113 1- -4•. FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOR, Keep. conal.antty on 11.1 no b.. Canniest.. .4 V05..2; elw. Gentlemen , . Fur nishing lloods. No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St., PATIBUBOH. PA. //!Oent'sClothtng made to order Si the Intant ttllet. .DU IR.M3I+I4CONT.A.I..a GRAY & LOGAN Have rr,sweel Itom 89 HMI AVENINS, to 47 Sixth Street. SAMUEL GRAY, Merchant Tailor, • • Having resumed businees. Is now receiving at No. 99 FIFTH /MOUE. *stock of entire NEW AND FRESH GOODS, tor Mee'. wear, conshiting of Cloths. Cusimerea and Vratines, and all the newest styles of Ponta and English Coat ugh which he is prepared to Mate op On Order la the =Ora fashionable style. Gentlemen desiring their Clothing leads Monter can rely on haring tbem Made to their entire U.S. Istection, both as regard. style Mid quality, SAMUEL GRAY, . mb11:110 89 FIFTH hVinittg. MING AND SUMMER gfllA3l 1870. = M'PHERSON & MUHLANBRIN L G Merchant Tailor., No 10 SIXTH IiTIAMET, well selectedr.) We bas d a large and well block of the behind most feshion able flood. In oar line. • great portlOst of orldch swe our own lmportatloe. reeling an nn of cur ability to stye perfect salisfact on. we respectfully solicit IV , In von an early examlasUon of our sloes of 'Flue Cloths. G"'h"" M " el'ial1010 '." 11 FILLN . nusie No. 10 Slntn newt. NEW SPRING 69011& • nolsndld wow idea of CLOTRA OASSIIILIMELEth ICI Jost neelved D 1 U2ISIAT NATAL I,:arebant Tailor. TS Rg' *Asia sUeirL 31V11 1 ROBERT 8 PATTERSON a co., COUR= OP Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., IPITTIMMICIII, PA. wai on Every Saturday Sold AN AUCTION SALE of HORSES, CARRIAGES, -BUGGIES, WAGONS, A VA ona L"litftr,,, nelt i ti W ne4rlesTe Matt notion of ornArnment on or belbra Thursday al rghtxtwzror gra= all r iZ a rtig mew. JOHN H. STEWART, Auctioneer. u r•T.I AVID (XIK:KMMON STABLER COL BEYEITE rEIRE k LIBERTY 0 PIT 11111IIRGII, PA. WALL PAPERS NEW WALL PAP ,c TOR SPRING SALES, AT N 0.107 Market St, near sth Avenue. We now offer to the public • stock of PAT= HANGINGS unsurpassed to the West ter Twisty and beauty of style., embracing 0 11 he Novell" to If ILISSI.O, Mu*PLIC, PERSIAN and GIBIOLL24 DlrdlOsin in plain and bright colors, for Halls, Dining Room. de. Also W •'OD and MASIBLS D PAPERS ATIONS. TINTEO endless PARLOR PAPERS, with an &thicket variety 01 CHEAP liking PATES& WHITE and BROWIi BLANKS Icor Chambers, Aca All ot which we g rol . r d to sell as low esthete...Mild She MOO& No. 107 Market St, near sth Avenue. JO S. IL RIIWIES t =O. moll tot WALL PAPERS. SPRING, 18'70. PRICES REDUCED. INCao HEA Irtde tlatcai iBe. Der rah ' I:llLT—* great tamely at 110 c. per roll. • BLAZED—.II along at Stan Der 1 . 011• ELEGA riT French .4 Lmarlcan Paper Half. sor ID 4. not 40(0.11a4 above. anrior lo• E Osale tment In Oa Country. Tar sale at to any W. P; Alf A MASSA T.TIS New Wholesale and Retail Rom 191 Liberty Street. tah4 P17111811148/1. TAKE NOTICE! The undersigned bu letters patent of the United States for the Improved coutrectlao of weather-boardinsi Inside Unini 50 , 1 of 7110.- eotini for homes. The weather-boarding, by this patent intorou meat, baton more particolar. IT Intended for vertical nee, and oontbirdas, great darabill .• and besaly of appwande; and 11 la an onnstnnelnd aa to entirely avoid the az- of Jomt nth.. and to bravest water loom enter• lug tho Joint. or the captor or ue showing of the John. by souon of the weather on the thug inside lining and wainscoting by m m new method Are ad constructed .as. tO far perfect = ' s :reel r tl: Ler, by bf th :llfill U rte stagric of she jolots' to any eau., teavlng no renege* tor bogs. H. has also purchased the patmit sight of what is commonly known as the •liouldeet Weather boarelug•" lie low disposed of the following territorial nod shop right. i n Allegheny county, for both pat e uts. to wits To G. A. Ilundortr, the right of the territory south f the rime.e in said county. To lletinew” -A Douglass. the right Me the ref. ward of Plttsborgo. T. 'Matte Deustats, shop right Itir their mili,ltatetuth ward.tlttabornb. Claceenth Ward. 'To 13111. Panama Co..,aboy Man for assr i' ward, Fltutnert. tor.sh of Yo- Al.e a. McClure' ;or • I .V . :=l . uer • PAM, for Flree. Lamle, Third and Pounti wards, cAy of All l isess =us us To 81e...11'!.°U1tr2,,,;7/14,.!°-!—.4 ai To Duntmak. halal Co. for the boroughs of ehorpebure nod Emu; the township! of theler sod Indium. • All pl2llOllll UV W a n eea anted torril i ell upon either or ...a oes, mg thore lag to pumbase 1.1111011. as call, or sOgrne me, al 110.111 hadthlield street. POtteburgb,ll_ re . C. ANDERWIT. PiTll3/3178011 J. • WHITE LEAD AND COLOR WORKS, je & SON, 1.1401 , 11,ZEM011 1 8. M.sniteturris of WENTZ INA% lILD7 MAD, ZINO!, Ll2Waltel. PErrit sad all oak. DRY ANL IN OIL. • WIWI AND neuron: 40, ill, 4U, 416 lad 458, Mem itreet, AuseHr.liy. We call littAlglOn to tea gamuts, patted oa oar Strictly Yore Waits Lead. sad srlies vs lay a iiparer earboasta of lead." we leash iiebeint .1117 pm ~ that lg. bee trona Acetate lad Br orate, sad therefor. Is whiter sod sayerlor, both Is color sad ceveriag property. • NUARANTIND Was a rower Cutouts of Lead sod 'MKS than say to the Marken 1.4 WM forfeit the twice of this psalms It coateda., bat the least atialteratlea. JOHN_ COOPER &ca Bell ud Bran Founders, SABINE, 1000IOTITE t ElLlffig NBA MAIMS Made Preempt/if era Order. BABBIT , II METAL Made and Sept on Hand. Proptstors ind Ximaglaszass J.M.Coopetslaprond BRIM! Wied. STEAM PUMP. Office, 882 PENN . OMIT. AloadThCer.lnesolEareaßenoth t=n3El3 ERSOIIAL.-11111* Wile man E a lm svp a Lw ow: =aw l. . WI 111 maws. Me Mr ~ r ~ ~?~ ~. 1: ArdIISEEKENTEI tgrEE'W OPERA ROPBE:x SATURDAY ATTI RSUON, April 3s . urn. • OILLNIMAII MILTIIIIIIE, W presented the Woelar Inez stayer Lit; oit Tlts ►mans•■ Taa'suss. Doors open at 1. certain Zees sa R SATURDAY INKNING tee canals Irtll Zee HIT.• " Os. To Jammu, T.avaLat. Kit 'Leading Mr. 7. Sc Chastran. The porforsanoe tilt conclude eel It Brosile an'. great telfielque of POCAHONTAS, Till OHNTLX b►7AOB. Ia"MERCY HOSPITAL 3E°4l.l'Et., OPEJr E Irma r ErEJr/Jra, CITY BALL ET= ADMISSION eimo•wis FAIR AT KEYSTONE 'RINK, it0131.1550N MEET, Allcabenr. OPEN EVERY EVENING, Per the 13enelit of 7. Plan 11W CITUOLIC EOM. ap2IADMISSION mil IMMEMI grime FIRST SEMI- ANNIU— AL ZIHIBITION of the PITTSBURAIII ANT OALLZRY, conlatnlos • nos eolleeties of Tell dings, the peodactlon 01 American eM lotehln uttlt., ts now open Day and Leans& No. 831 MINIM!' STAMM% opposite the taw] of Woos street. .Adentselon. 880 elm INSURANCE IGIUM'I EL 3EOI MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO Of tlew York 139 BROADWAY, New York. FIIINCIPAL FEATURES: Ordinary whale Lite. Pallet. ABSOLUTZLT NON-FORWILITABLE from payment of teat " 11 ."" Inslarail "". ee NON-FORYNITABLE alter ' two annul reoarrnets. AB p011.1.a l 'ONTIWP ABLE for usual uuses. and •lI.oLUTILnY IN -IP4)NTINPAOLE after two annual premium. All restrictions upon T RAP. T, and NESIDINOIr. wonoeuel e and no permits required. NO AC 11. DIULATION OF IliTgalfAT on Loans or Tarred Premiums, and NO INCII6A.It of-'annual ?t,lT4l73rlttelairint o llrintipoi ) e I t ' tg 1 / 1 1112 ol r Entirlufl i nr ii " NenZWl4lll7L.Vittrg or INTalswe'S enatarei ape. .ue 'ma. pulp el. beams BELF.IIUST'LI V IN O In about. Ma teo, year. old Monett, 11014 MI MGM* to tbe Policy bolder. Lite termsod endoWnuat policies are Isened;' ale. guarantee Interest pin aboun annulttee • Number of Pothole. lotted, 3;349; Coveting In NIA. 111.11113.850.00; Premium. 019, 049.93; A asece, over 11.1111.000 00. Good, setae Agents wanted 'averywbai• la Wane= PennOltunla. •: POLLEE. Manamir for Western Pennsylvania. Ogler, TO FOURTH AVENUE, Plttabargb. • CROAT -- LB 1829 rgRPF,TILAL. tM t i gr IIEINS.C r . Or jL I dMOO 31. ~ h. BO TO. th , p1.171A 400 oo L ia ermed Bond. and Premluana.lsl el OASIS Louise paid ewe 1659, over $6.600 Fermenta ann Tee rondo on Terme. The Crmepany, also Penes talkies epos the Rants of all ItrollA of Bundle/e s . Oneend Keats and hiorteeeee. • DlGlVTolls—Al[red G. Faker. El emel Geri Geo W. lAcoords. Woo AAA U. 0. - lairm. Al 716er. Thos.nar k. . Wm. o. Oran. Tienu e Ml,OA rmn eDG BA SER . Predden". i . . OKA. FALLS, Wen Preeldent. Jae W. We/ Meter. iiee7. . 1. H. Berms, Assistarm .e'lf. CORWIN i ulna:ouch ups ' Cor. Third Avenue. nod Wood Moot. CH INSURANCE COMPANY. PZUSLANN BUILDING, ugh ss strut AINSKIRS. Blom CYDital A.li Pald llw ••It• John "WM spulLßACilif. - 4V — sugis s.O olk,abas, anal% ai tart ... AL is /MIT 111W,14 1,-.. tieSts exalts, se t3l=l: Wnrinuumicz coN 1ME G5 p..10.... a t al sswm, 1.7. Ofts. lie Slot ogr a 4SY " MV:ro W.% 41/ Yltistairtin. Will twins silica In lilads al taw sad Lo Hsi BMus • loam latiltutiosi. sitsiustur by Di... =pa 7 . •=2 , ,i7, to tt osmiss4ll% silty to asals the thae= till et ett Um= 'soused. as the best protsetlas 14 tame sibs 0412.41 to it=ql ll., 7°178.4n . pl l ( M . ' asses lleaslrgy Alsztadyr Vow. . riosepb za=. 1 . Massa, . • , • salY NATIONAL INSURAN Cu. festal IL uti Bisand, illegisy, Cle ßu b li. the !noon NierumAL writ n Atll=TA2l:l3olc."''l' tree d = Lt bm;, , n 'a t.. tatriam r tr. DEOPLESP !INSURANCE CON. 1 PAAL.I OMIXR, A. ZAKILISS WOOD a nem rts. • lUM Coinsay.taktas Masud NatfM ltlatL 1:71.141437.a: ! a 2.• • Papa . l YaleWhefintak • r. 121:1 • Milan P r illl3 l 2 W lL hOLTetfte"na.; A • L LEO T. INSIUKANOXI onicriavir c.6T I !Issansigas?um kLL k I 'a k tleeN kf;;' , Vvyr7lM ,- &" 1 "1 Geseni Los& !KMFEE . . . • P.I. -: Wl= . Migra liftoTtEl. %TU. - • fiNfh.. Memlag P:tat.t.1.171Tt..... pia T. eme.,41.. WINSIS, LIQUORS, dixt; wAGNErs ?BERCI COLORING, ne Tory But In ci tifled Stales. • MARDI'', RI WILLIAM WAGNER 9131 ilrorth Seventh.Stred, IRELADALPIRA. Refammer-An Me bt nns• 4.21.11,r2z. SCHMIEIT & FRIDAY, - lIIMPOSOMPUI OP WINGS, WNW, GIN, E ORALISLO pi 7 _, PURE RYE WHISKINk . ' 40$ pEns STREET. Have Removed to NOEL SSA AND DM PENN, Car. Itleyontb St.. (formerly Cattel.) joszeil a. swim a co., wis. p s ,„nri. us &Y 196. MST 61/ 1 1Zr• Y , B H. Cor moped rim Rio Indlikey. A& ni 'MUM' AIM oar Ll. MA& nom it% • EKOVA L. FREDERICK awsonza.zoica. IferchaotTellor and Dealer Is Goittereco'l Fortlibloh Goods; aro°WU ais 77oye• Clottittut on hood had humid t!it, order at Ohs shortest moth*. has reamed from Estate dm& 740. 02 If meth mum, to**. SE wOOD DTIIXT. cornier of Third 5T.,,.. 9. 2 WArr eitir r izog' 43.1E1 TXI , O" G&W; Llibtwatt Our fpftlalt7. LOOM gym= Gal Et =Tr..a, =• Wiles g i ro,. MVO Omar Dmeig i W 1. P.. '!" I "lbabh 11A - 7 — ish- P 2"1" .1: 4411 ; 717 .4110 e S , /IMULIMOIIII. RI =SOF Alimurni Erwit i wz= Diramt. • - • •74:_'-.Y4_ , . 4 7.4: • ESMI