TILE DAILY GAZETTE I ENNIMAN. REED & CO ! Car. MO irrOve aid imllkfidd rtret F. B. PETHIVAN. T. P. notreTos, Abriola AID PROPRIETO79 =I }IT mall: per year ellycned by plantar's, per yeti Itithrift Skit GENEE/L NEWS. A two foot rale—Seep your kot oft tho cualdone—f Commercial Balletln. Tan Latest marvel in the petrification line is the discovery - in Montana of a mine of petrified mud turtles. Twiglag from the Iron blut Pm** hi now tiled frafrusaels and Parham am k g. and surpasses the beat natural ston es in strength. Jimmie varied the- monotony a :little. wean he wrote of the Colhdlon it lady's reception: "Humanity found am ple and aubstantial saipprt in her house." A cotosam doctresa of Lake City, Fla, marts that a pine knot over which a cart w heel has run, If grated and boiled two ars, will cure the worst cases of intLun• oratory rim:melba. Mn. Wass, In the Anthropological Society of London, his lately read a piper suggesting till the original seat of human civilisation was probably- the bland' of gvisgucar. Tan West •Virginia Republican Con vention will be hthrat 'Parkersburg Jaw 22d. It will nominate, candidates tor the Tallow State OfaCel whlcli are to be tilled at the October .election. "Now, my little boys and girls," said a wait% want yenta be :Very qtzlet. so guise that you can bear a pin. drop.l' In a minute all wee silent; when a little boy shrieked out, "Let her drop." Thum were very recently living in a small town in Vermont four widows all eighty years old ormore, all totally blind, highly respected and each tenderly cared for by an unmarried daughter. One. of the quartet died last week. A Natant:Luau Jest week conceived \ the Idea that he could fly, and Climbed • ham. waved iwuutsrardly, andaaruck out: 'Somehow . the ground 'sprint up and Idt.hini, and he crawled into the hoax) convinced that flying was not his forte. . MCFARLAND • MICRARDSON has offered for sale the estate of ' the late Albert D. Richardson, at Woodside, N. L In her adverthememt she styles htx self ..Abby 'B. Richardson." and a gaardian for Itirluidsorea. mirror- 1 IT sow trawl:tea that the numerous Chlorite women of the town in San . t Francisco are decoyed on board American I ships' to , Clans ports by their brotaryi I near drugged , and brought to Wiforiiiii i where they era sold at auction to keepers of dens of infamy. - t. A. Moarrawtt. paper says that es eaten. dva maanfactsferen in Canada ; SM. able 1 . to pay all their household and personal ~ \ expanses out of the discount on Silver, ..-.1 -, which they purchase to pay at par to their - t employes, It is natural that they should I ~. be strongly in favor of the. present de -i. preciated currency. A WAIT= In a New Bedford saloon looked la bleak amazunent'lrhen I. party of New Yorkers asked fora wine qua, and protested he knew not what they _ meant. "Well," said one of the party, - $ • impatiently, "have you'atty Dry Sill ay?" tr - "I think not," replied the.ater prompt .-t• la, "but we, have some cold cabbage." - - - 1 A Rl:Parlr of Dr. Livingstone,' he far. 1. famed - Ablest traveler, resides fat the 4 - South Clutha district, Africa, in the vi. deity of the large bush stretching from --„ Port Nolyneux to the Mstanra. ,He is reported to be ono of the bestbushmen in, the locallty, ,and manifests considerable , peeehent for isploration And Power of physical endurance. . . "Prursoz, Ihad moth Maker hear you .i,I 'I said a bathed, swindling horse :iti , "than see you Interfering in bar -41 gins mac andmwt." "Well," .-s said the parson, "If you had been where youtsight to have been kit Susulay, you :75 would have heard me preach," "Where welt F' 'lire! the parry,' "In the State Prawnqn," u replied thedergymen. ' Tait British Museum - has - ecat • the .11 '-' Govenunent nearly $20,000,000, and It now coax nearly $500,000 a year to r maintain It, or more than a dollar for every parson who visits It. But the 0 f , North Kensington Museum, which costs 0 mach 'lees, is visited by three times as 0 ntesty people. The difference Is said to 1 iber - WitM management -rather thastin the • i attractiveness of the collections. " _Tax scientific apparatus of Dartmouth College has just xeceived an additiorain. 4 the 'gape of a new induction coil, *bled 5., • Is said to be the most powerful instill it_ meat of the kind in the United - States. It wee kalit in Boston, at an expense of - $7OO. Though no battery yat been I 13114 connected with it sufficient to Idly ban ont. Its power, a spark nineteen and a half l' tnchee long bas been got from it. „ r ' A. ILLIf who was once a member of the t, State Senate of Ohio, died tat- Indiana $ Penitentiary a few 'days ago. Watts was - $ Ids alma, and he married. after arriving at middle age„ - a young and beautiful, bra , Iwitrj ; rain and extriVagant woman. She was not a fit companion for him, twiddle rapidly "went to the bad," dragging her husband with her. In • drunken apreehe Canwiattled the Crime frir which hef was . Tax New York World eabnates 1 .111'e lumber of persons, of all degrees, Who • live at -restaurant' and sleep at lodging, • houses In that eity, at not less than 150,000. The number who take the mid. die meal of the day at down town eating bowies is about 200,009 more oft the -' average, made upoady of so clerks and business men, __. whi c h gives aggreg ate of et imat7oo,oooncrals pit day • • -.•-• there by 300 restaurants and eating A TUT senotrt objection is made to the New York City tax levy. 'Bad& being aitmm with the usual extravagant appropriations four counsel fees, salaries Sre 0 who hare done no work end fir religious and charitable institutions, there Is a clause by which the Commis sioner of Public Works is authorized .te put water meters In all dwelling houses, storm &e. As the Commissioner. can Wert the pattern of meter, it makes a fat lob for that oißeer. Two Now York Crodergrotind Railway ears are to be lighted lit gains of the lemon burner. A smell piece 'of a crgs. *line mineral succm—esy a quarter of an Inch long and oneeighth of an inch hi diameter--Is placed in a burner, and against it - streams of condensed oxygen wad hydrogen are rude to impinge, and -e t zug Imlay) a brilliant and needy fight, which will bunt seven boon without ad. jostmeat, The bit of zircon, which acts stir • wick, will last for some threstenzahs TAX North German correspondent saye"ln the approaching summer half year Zainitillterature will be wealthe subject of several courses of lectures in the 'University' of Berlin. Professor .31tillenhoff will reed Anelo-Bexon and Interpret the Poems of Beowulf, while Mr. Bolly (Lector) will treat of the Mod ern British Poets. Been English sten ography will furnish materials for a Ispersra murk In English history Peofewen Erdmaraudorfer hu chosen the B s olutkin se the subject of his summer isetoPis." Tun :arrival In favor of the rod m a EMU' maintaining discipline in schools, which Is making such prograur is England, has readied thin country. The female Welchers in the New York public schools, bare united in a petition to the Banda Bgncation to restore cor poral punishment. They declare that while the muse of the children are amen. o hm to gentler Madan% certain unruly boys cannot be - hrousitt Into subjection without the rod; and only a few of these ' children are sufficient to demoralize a whole school. T E E new planet antionneed bizeirEcf. ronenn dimmhes to have been discovered by Profaner Borah., at marseilles, c r a ms the whole number of primary one itamboongi eighteen. Only sir of these were known when Blr Willimeg eme m glimmered Uranus in the year vrei . Mace then • a systematic searelthmese w gdanetabas beat kept up among ansonli. . mun o i t replay organized observatories. Qr. this Maher- twenty-feu bun been ge M it ,V lq L -z y t <4. JOSUE KING N P. REED, Al 11.00 VOL. LMV. discovered in this country by the follow. lug named astronomers: Searle, at Al.• bony, one ; Tuttle; at Cambridre. two; Ferguson, at Washington, three; Peters, at Clinton, nine, 'and Watson, at Ann Arbor, nine. Aasremsvvritten at Rome at the be ginning. of the mend: rays the winter of 1869 70 will be fraught with painful asso ciations to many American and English fernlike. There has been .an extraordi nary development of Roman fever In its two regular forms, both that of an inter rnitteat and that of a lower typhoid der ider. An mutual Dronortion of Ameri can Melton hive, this letter says, fallen victims to the acoBrge, and a gall greater 'lumber have been compelled to leave the banks of the Tiber, and beaten to Florence with the seeds of low fever or malaria in their constltti tom "At the present Moment," adds the correspondent, the hotels on the Lung Arno present the appearance of so many hospitals—the patients being 'almost entirely prostrate or slowly recovering from the effects of this ruthless Roman fever." 'Lainniso >b Coom—A. - new - mania' has sprung up . among the Edinburg ladies—not quite _a useless one—a fancy to learn to cook. Eeveralef the leading confectioners advertise.tooking hinghter and have large kitchens and bakeriea fitted up for the purpose. Until recently the claim have only been attended by young ladles who wlll probably find the rise of the practice when they become wives and mothers;. but lately the desire -to - achieve wonders in the culinary I department has spread to those who, In all probability, will never see the Inside of their own-kitchens when they come to rule a household, and dainty damsels put off their silk attire, their rings, and their adornments, and, donning linen dresses and white aprons, become for the nonee amateur .woks. One confectioner goes to the length of having blouses prepared fOr his ,students, exactly similar to the costumes worn by eccentric artists. ' A Bad tileuivy . - Mr. Jefferson has written a letter to a good Philadelphia Democrat, now going the rounds of the veils, denying the statement of Senator , Cameron that be once told Hails that his seat In the Senate would one day be occupied by a colored man. We print-the letter, and we publish it not to refresh the memory of the ex-rel-el, but to put on record ailittle matter of history: Manyntrs, Tenn., March W, 1870. HT Dian ft: Yoars of. the 2d franc reached here - daring my absence, which will explain the delay to this reply. Sen ator Cameron made • • no such :statement as that 'quoted by you. He made no re marks to me at the time of my with drawal from, the Senate other than thd expression of his good wishes for me.. His relations with tee had been Ind itermly those of personal kindness, and'l have expected him, as a duty to himself and to truth, deny having made - such re- marks affiari been Imputed in the news- P?f ie e rt had not them reached the degree of andtHniatlon which cased the with drawal of States from the Union to be called "rebellion;" and the only remark, so far arai know, made by any State Sen ator, which had the least powdble bearing, was ttie expression of Mr. Hale, of New Hampahtre, that he expected us all aeon to come back. Very reepectfally and truly yours, hcrirsaaozr Dkrza. In 1881, about two weeks before Dayis left Washington to join his fellow.h.Mt ors in the South. Senator his_ met Mrs. Davis on Pennsylvania avenue. In reply to her question as to why he did not andsee Jiff," the Senator saki, "Why does not Jeff. ask me." "Well, /ask you to come and breakfast .with us to morrow morning." "At what howl" "Nine o'clock." "I will be there." At the time mentioned Senator Came. ron made • his appearance, and alter Maddest the conversation naturally turned 'open the then latitude of the South. Davis was, as usual, outspoken in ills secession views, and threatened that if It came to the worst, and blood bad to flow war would be waged in the States n orth: of Mason and Dixon's line. As may well be supposed, such words were not pleasing to the Pennsylvania Senator, and he answered in effect that the rebellions section would - be brought back into the Union, and that he firmly believed that, if the South persisted in its course, not only would the slaves all be s2t tbee, but that "Ono day a colored man ball occupy your mat : Mr. Davis, in as Vatted States Senate. ' Davis, in great anger, pointed to Senator Cameron, and said that -the North, nuthe South, would suffer from the coming war, and that he himself would "lead a party to burst to the ground your property, Mr. Cameron, In . Pennsylvania." ' Of this incident Hr. Davis appears to lieu forgetful as he has been of his oath. Rhea- the invasion of Pennsylvania wu attempta by the rebel army, one of the !Generals received orders to destroy, If possible, the property of Simon Cameron and Thaddeus Stevens. They burnt that of the latter and went on their way to destroy Gen eral Cameron's, when they turned upon their tracts.—Washington A Queer Duty= In Naples. They have a singular =tom at the foundling hospital of the Junninsiata, Naples, on the 25th of March (Lady day), or the Fest& dell, Annanziata. The building is thrown open to the public, laid any gonna man who wishes can provide himself with a wife in cue ho can prove to the satisfaction of the governors of the Institution that- he can maintain her. We have, unfortunately, wirer bad the good fortu nei to be nresent; but the business is, we hear, managed pretty much as follows: All the girls who have arrived at a marriageable age are drawn up in a line In one of the large rooms, where the cavalier, are allowed to enter. A regular inspection then, we suppose, commences, from left to right, front and rear. Baroo prefer dark beauties, of course, and others blondes, and each' is allowed to suit his own particular taste or fancy. When smitten the main drops his pocket In front of the lady of his choice, and if his salt is accepted she picks it up and they walk off arm-in-arm to signify their intention to the authorities and make the necessary preliminaries previous to their marriage. - The bride receives a small sum oamoney by way of dowry, and a few necesiaries which comprise her trous seau, a few sheets and a blanket or two. These marriages, contrary to what one would naturally suppose, generally too out happily, as a man must have - gnat* felt the want of a woman's soothing in fluence to enable lum ta - muster up courage to undergo such an ordeal - Oevionsly to entering the happy state. This is what one might almost call mar. riage alight, or marriage a 33 eotilios. A Wow:terra Plower One of the most exquisite wonders of the seals the Opelet, a flower resembling very much the Getman China Aster. /t has the appearanxt of the • large double ester, with a quantity of petals of a light green color, _glossy 111 silk , each petal Upped with rose color. These lovely petals are never stUl, bat wave - stoat in the water while, the flower clings to the rocks. •Bo innocent and lovely looking, no one could suspect it of eating any, thing; certainly—if It did, only a bit of rainbow or drop of dew. Bat those bean tiful waving petals have other and mom material work to do,—to provid e food fo ra large mouth, which !scanning ly hid deep down among %bent. To Ito their duty (=wilily, for as soon ass slily little Ash comes in contact with those rosy Bps, he is struck with a poison, fatal and quick as lightning. •Bedieshistantly, and the beautiful arms wrap themselves around him and drag him In Itulttrees l 7 mouth.. Then . those °wily petalsunelose, float Innocently on the water, just like our own weber Illy. The flower was long o g o - l i ak e d of, but Its existence 'Wm doubted until the list century. Now the ()paid is known to be a thing that really El !FIRST EDITION. JILELIPTBEIT. NEW 110Itli CITY. The McFarland Trial--Erldence Not Yet Concluded. (13/ Telegraph to the PltUberah Gazette.) Niw Tonic, April AIR% Y'f►IILAND THIAL-18TH DAT. Upon the opening of Court this morn ing, the jury being found In their Beats, the trial af. Daniel McFarland was re. snmed- J. C. Howell was agate put op the stand. Had been a dentist, • dagnerree. typer, a newspaper editor, a Fair pin manufacturer, alarm hand. and • drug clerk; had been in the Government em. ploy; have mold my own patent rights and - brie been Inspector of Chtatomaln this city; now consider myself ati Cantor. Witness—Called on McFarland In the tOmbe, as I had promlMd Lhim I should do so If besot into trouble; I looked Into bla . cell from the outside. I first knew I was to be a witness for the prosecution on the 18th of this . month. Mr. Sinclair was the tint person to speak to me of it I went down to the Tribune Mlles and offered myself as a witness.' I wrote to the District Attorney that I had been acquarMad with. McFarland alms IMO and could give information on tho sub. ject. I received no answer, and then applied to Mr. Sinclair. Nothing now was allotted front the testimony of this witness. Heldridge Davis testitied—l have been saqininted WWI . * airland dna 1681; when he was a Commissioner of Enroll manta. McFarland had • pistol, which he showed me, and salg he was going to shoot Itlehardien with iL A Mr. Knapp, or such name. had given him the pistol for that purpose. Have seen the prioners drink ardent lig:Mite; knew him to be in the glbk of drinking wbiln I was acquainted with him. To Mr. Graham McFarland chow grief when he spoke of his troubles. I did not consider it 'eery, extensive grief, I never told him what I would do under similar circumstances. I spoke to sev eral persons of the threats made by Me. Farland. I never believed McFarland would execute his threats. -Charles G. Stone teatifled he knew Ma Farland since 1883; knew him to re 11 drinking man; under the influence of liquor he was morose, unpLiamint and irritable. He mune to my office sod showed was letter, saying if he saw any more such letters he would shoot Rich'. ardson. lb Mr. Uratiam—l was a warmed for boat Mr. and Mr. McFarland In the habeas corpus proceedings. Imes &clerk in the enrollment office under Mani, land ; waa discharged and - conaidered hlm the cause of my displicemene. I avowed publitty mv,hastility to him. do not think .It we. in consequent°. of (Mal was called on by Mn. Randle to be witness in the habeas corpus proceed. legs. McFarland did not drink may more than other men In responsible, positions. ' • . Mrs. Sarah Lane testified she boarded. In the house with prisoner la Jane. / 9 38. it No. 5011ixth Avenue; had • float roma on second floor; McFarland had • back room. I heard a noise In his room and went in; saw McFarland In We room on the bed; asked him if he wan nick; he said ono." I. think I took his little boy Into my room. / thought he wasdrunk. and I.went tub him room and saws pthea, of abed to his hand. Never heard Wm make oily throat. towards Mr.-.Bialawdr, To . : Onibatio--A lopeariin o es in fitiParland were symptoms of being under thein annum of liquor. ilrabam--Do Icy know that eosin Rugs of Insinally are unable to be diatin. *iked by phyalefans nom drunken ! near Witness-41e matter what I know; I know. he was drunk. Mr. Davls—We now offer the decree In the habeas statedr The decr that both father ana other would be allowed scum to the i tliildren, and further that thetiother are' Daniel and the father Piney. , This was dated October Slat, 1867.- • - Mr. Davis effected other evidence, but Mr. Graham objected, saying winters should be brought up, and that the time up to twon!cdoek abould be occupied by living Witnesses. Mr. Darla sold Mr. Grahang ehaniknoh Interropetn Mlle =moor. Mx. tihem replied, comtneantini - Invorably on Itzto letteetsiot of the prose ontket. The Recorderealdine aould nee-Inter fere with the District Attereey.7and ehoutd allow Idea to Introduce !di tad. monist any Dom. or In anyaumner he PUN* diooda In his OPiolon , he could not change the order In 'which the evidence 'wasßeeved's. _brought by the prosecution, The aiserstiferred to Diortik whiek. Wyss the wont of seniorcoututee for the defense to make on every oppor- Mut tj he. markt. ; Mr. Graham said he objected to this testimony as not enffklently Mei Greeley mold not swear to proved, deuce prop:wed to be read , which was a statement of McFarland ley for publication. given to Gree - Mr. Davie thought It was proved. The Recorder ruled It Inadmbeible. Mr. Davis then offered to read the Maiement of Rithardaon In reference to pia Intended marriage with Mrs. McFar land. Mr. Spume In his opening spoke of this as of sock a harrowing chamfer that It Induced the Insanity of the per over. Mr. Orin - am objected bit ms not being In evidence. Mr. Davis oxuddered that as the de. :cense had spoken of It In such terms the PrOsetutton should be allowed to prove its real character. Mr. Graham—No one referred to this but the counsel who opened the casa, and every one knows anew:tingle never fully proved. An opening Is intended show everything connected with the case and should not be 'confined to a mere-statement of facts. The pailtiOn of the prosecution Is or tenable. • , • Recorder—l do not think the counsel' fit:Mt-defence should be held to any ementaenade Witte opening. - onleas is ru betantiri le tedlty prbof. The testimony d out. .Ths Recorder-asked how long the prosecution was likely to butt. Mr. Garvin said he thought one day.,! Court then adjourned to Monday to give an opportunity to attend Judge ;Russell's funeral. While the room was oleering almost a gab% oappsd betweint Mr. Unload Mr: Graham, the latter lean speak' to to Dula in a f loa t d am; angry an not without oaths. abakinitlitila dal in h face and telling theillteoorder, who 'came up, tni , Ought notes have tacked him up. Others Interfered and the parties were separated. CUSTOM 110116 18•IID8. In the Investigatlon of the alleged frauds In the Inspector's departmeino a! the custom house, It Is understood en dears was additaed justlfylicg she dia. missal of ten or twelve Inspenten Ib; receiving bribes.' D 29014.11021 DAY. The General Committee of the Grand Anne of the Republic to-0q designated May Mb NI aids) on which the soldiers plum would be decorated. II The annual reunion of the Third Amy Bove Union will be held at the Putter House, Boston, May Oth. - Upper River!. . (Br A. P. T irob ColnanTa GRIERBIIOIIO, April 29.—Ittver station al''', with mean feet and throe Inches water in the channel.. Weather 'Olean Thermometer 80 at 8 r. Bnowsiturazotpril PD.—Elver rising Dielanllll6 storm and chair feet irattit In go chatimeL Weatherelear....Tber? sttrouter 68 at 6 P. "'"" Mol.a.urrowL‘Apill 29.—ItIver its. tlo . with thirty-one Indict water in 4 °°°. C aaller clear, • Thai. naomotarAll Om_.C7///,, April 27.-321n0 .6.111mr, With two Lest Wu !aches vats/ ha the ohaanel. Weather aloody. Thermometer 70 at 6 r. CI GI PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, APRIL 30, 1870 FORTV-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECOND SESSION.) SENATE: Portrait of Gen. Thom as—Railroad Bills Reported Claims of Southern Loyalists. OrSE: Land Grants to Rail roads—lncrease of Banking Facilities—The Tariff Bill. (By Teleneph to the Plttebergh Gaeettl.3 WuNII{oTOX, p.x., # pru 29,1870 SENATE. The Vies 'President submitted to the . House the concurrent resolution provid ing ,for_ a painting of tho late General Thoma& Mr. HOWARD eulogised the personal .worth and dmportsnt services of the de. Oeneed; ; hilWato averse to the etiolation aa eltabllshing a general precedent for all Mr. DAttilinade r maths eta similar taper. He thought if n. Thortias were alive he would be the drat to remonstrate against the PrMwedtlon• hir.4IOWARDWiId-Oen. Thenitas and his acheivementa would be recorded on the most important page of the country's htstory;lind no picture would add any. thing to his great fame. While mewing this much of Gen. Thomas, he could not; nor could other Senators, forget that there were other dlstlegulehtid Generals who tuidt 'tendered: Inestimable services In the same wise: He would not, by singling out Gen. Thomas, furnish the slightest occults:l for rivalry between the great 'men to whom' the country , owed so much. • Mx. 2dORRELL moved to refer the resolution to the Committee on Library. Agreed to. Public N:BEoY, po rte de Committee oat Lands, rwith amend ment the — bill Ater the - oiler Of pre. emotion scoters in - Nebraska. Mr. WILLIAMS, from Committee on Pacific Railroad, reported with %mend mentlhe bill.to authorise the Southern . illotteeotoßidiroad Oompany tooonnsct tta line with the Northern Pantile Rail road; also, with amendmenta, the bill to aid the aotatiuotlon of the Oregon blanch of this Patine Railtoad. _ Bills wenrlbtrodooed as follows: By Mr. WILSON: Providing a mode for the selection of camas to the military and naval academies. aty far. idaDORALD: For - the settle. inant ciao:musts tw ee d the Bontbern Railroad corporations and the United States Government; also, to allow the aohool trustees In Arkansan. to enter lands Gar school porpoises under the homeatead law. By Mr. MOBRU.L, Maine: Relating to Indian reservations selected by Peace Gatnadaaloners. - . By Mr.'RO:..IS: To anthories the settle. went oration of Sarum for seryleas of troops under the requbdtion of Omura! Mr. COLE offered a resolution to pro. vide fora standing osentulttee on torelau posteg and telftrapn'Ookimunleatatne. BIS: SUMNER objected and the reeo. lotion went over. - , The Moneejoint regainalon, appropri. skin is,cloo to pay for experiments to - ventilating the nails of the Capitol was paseed_ , , Mr. FENTON called •up the bill .authoritteg QM appointment of an agent to enquire rehillve to the state of trade betweenthe: United States and British North . Ateetima which, alter some dee. °canton, was referred to the Committee on Finance., • Mr. WILLIAMS gave notice . that he would °Beet bill relating to the of gold Intl Silver huh Ice at - the mint of the United States and branches, as an amendment to the !exudative, executive and judicial appropriation bill, on the ground that It tended to reduce the ex penses of the Government in the coinage of mensy. Upon his mOttOti the bill was taken from the calendar and referred to ;the Committee op Appropriations.. . The Calendar truant., ed:with. and a number of noose passed, in cluding the following: • Auttierlslng a `Amply of arms for Instrtictlen arid Peeettce to certain Vol. lapel and -Ifolvertillee. • For the return of evidence of the nottoratde discharge of officers. The bill to pay the claimed Cowan e nd. Dicklmon, of Knoxville, Tenn., WY ob jected to by ',liar::: TRumariLL, on the grimed that It Involved' the principle whether the Government should pay f,r cotton used by, our army In erecting fortifications. Be could see no more reseenfar this than paying for lumber and earth need in such • work. Mr. WILLEY said half en hour had not elapsed since the Senate passed en emu, similar claim, and that the only reason for Ito assent In one ease •and re fusal in the otherwas that one claimant lived in Missouri and the other In Ten nessee. He thought the Government could not much longer afford to deny jollier to loyal men. *imply because they lived In the South. A few paltry dollars might be saved, but the credu and honor of the nation was threatened by yersistentre In such a policy. - Mr. FOWLER, Itr support of tbe elder, Mated that Dlekiriaonome of the Slaimante, publicly refused to take the Oath of allegiance to the Confederate government. Mr. TRUMBULL said the bill which bad pained Involved the principle pre sented by the ooe now pending. It was 0 4E 141 4. ,9bieClMPa f tle. He therefore *aired . tMenitlitner 'velment enters motion for It* recall from the House. DAVIS urged the telection of a cue and the diestuatiou of the gen. sal question as ■ means of determining the future paler of the Senate, with a view to the guidance of members. Mr. Trumtnill'a =aka was then After a abort. 'executive melon, the Sautee ttjeuil Monday., • • rned 'ma - NOM 'OP RERIIESENTATIPIft' Mr. - LfKiAN. from the Military Com. Minim, reported adversely gp the bill permitting army and navy onlcem to bold civil odloes. • The bill donating condemned C/11112021 to the McPherson Monument Amoolation Was peened. \rations other private bills were pared. . The House refuted. 43 to 88,,to.take op the Lordshina contested case of Darrell akid proceeded to the bus. Weft on the Speaker's table and disposed Of a large ntunber of nahnportant The benate bill legalizing certain loos. Was orogrtenltural scrip hi yobsconiun , Senate MG granting lands to ald the construction Ma railroad and telegraph from Portland to Astoria and Mouton. Oriden, melted long debate.. Mr. HOLMAN said 1111, bill appropria ted 910,000 sores of public land. He had Mated on a former 100 f, ohu o there .were, nineotlyo,bli o l o lwbendlng, apprOpriating over learnedtheth m mateWas for below the reality, and that the number of bills pending- was - over one. hundred and seMinty. appropitatlng over 250 1, 000 m semi. 810 the establishment o the Government there tied been given away for purposes of ed u anion 78,000,000 Wes Of public lands Mid 1 85,000,000 to build for. tunas for oraft_y and unscruplaous men. No leo than M 0.000,000 acres bed been granted to corporittons within the last ten yoga. If that policy wereoontlnued, It would not be long till there would be no public lends left for homesteads and preemption purpOsm, for which over 10,- 000,000 sire* had been taken last year. Kr. Holman oontlened to argue at long* against !recta. Idr. EST' replied for five minutes Pa' Mama's , . isignmen gating that the opposition to rellroil grannialionld not have come from Repro. emdadves of Mates that bad their Internal improvements built y such means. M.r..FlTOlialso replied up.b to Mr Holman. Be declared the policy of railroad grants had been prollga of great national ;bens. fits, and of but few abuses. Mr. kV:COMMIE spoke briefly In favor of railroad ;gents. --- Mr.. BbIIII3I, - of Oregon,- argued la favor . th e.idilea Mktg In the:line:rest of imettlare, or prospective menders further dlacmaion Mr.1101.,14.11.11 moved to Wee the bill to the Committal mo..Pablle bead& Ziegatived—Yeurni l M ke bil nisi' puled—yam 97, nays s 68, ae own: _ . yina r . Mama Allison, Amos, Arm. Strang," +Upon wood, Axton. *Toro BarrY. . Bs. , .i3snesli, Blair , BocliFer, ka, (Mask) Bock, ammai t o le=tiniloliNkillar (Tem) Ooks, i Caw - (T,Oxia vitae, ColgeConner, )DawC:nacener Dor'Eldrld Parilw l ' orth, Ferris. Irisheir, • Pitg,' tit baon, Hamilton, (Pia) Kuria. HIM Heflin, Hoar Hooper, Etoichlthot, Inger- nod. Jenck s , Hoar, ReUoag, Knapp, Logan, Maynard, McCarthy, OleCormlck, McCrary. McKee. McKenzie, Milner, Moore all.), Morphia. Morrell_(Pa Myers, Kegley, O'Neill, Peck, Pierce, Peters. Poland, Pomeroy, Porter, Pros. ser. Rogers, Roots. Sanford, sump, Surge?, alchemic, Sheldon (LL), slur. Wood,- Smith (Wagon), Smith (Tezu), Smythe • (Is.), Starkereather, Stokes, Stoughton, &radar, Strickland. stra w . Tanner, Tillman. l'on_rtai.o.d,. Voorhees!, Washburn, (W. , ), welts. Wheeler Whitmore, Wilkinson, Maxi (htina.): . Witham • - Nays—Messrs. Adams, Anabler. Arch. er, Amen, Benton, Milts, Bird, Noffftl• ton. Bernhard, Comae, Cleveland, Cobb, (W 11.) ,, Cowles, , Vos, Dickinsea, Feu kolabergPox, Gets,lnnen, (ilrlaircdd, Harableton, (idd.). Hawley, Hay, Bill, Holman, Joao', SKr). Judd, , Kelasy, Kerr, Betcnum, knot,tawrence, Lough - ridge, Mayhem, McGrew, McNeil/. Mercer, Moore, (N.J.) Morgan, Niblick, Packard, Packer, ' Phelps,4tandall, Reeves, RIM% Scofield, Shank Shiber. Snllth, (Ohio), Stevens, St venom, Stiles, Swazi, Sweeny, Taylor,' Tyner. Van -Ankeny .Van Tromp. Van wYck. too, (O.), Miners, Winchester, Wood. . A. large number of Senate bill. were referred to appropriate committees. Mr. GARFIELD, from Committee on Banking and Currency, i re . ported. bill to increase banking Raman; The House took. recess. . Evening Bedlioll.—The Tariff bill we considered in committee. ' The whole paragraph relative to hob wire was amended .by a proviso that rail road iron Intoilenot over thresaixteenths or an inch in diameter. railed or square, shall be &object to the Name witty u oho. . . The .paragraph tatting iron or• steel Wire rope was atganded by reducing the daty'to fwo and% half mitre per pound and twenty per cent ad valorem for No: 1 'in le; three and a half cents and twenty per cent. ad valorem for No. le to Wand four cents and twenty per cent. ad enforce* above Na .48. no agraphs taxno wire, cloth and ir p on ar spiral furni i tu g re ir spri n ngs, Wen not amended.. The Committee rout and the Benue CANADA. 'ate and. Celli Daues—The Red Ilya Troubles—Planer camproader. (By Yeteinkett to the Pitteberett Ossetia.) OTTAWA, Aptll 29.—1 n the Bettie of Commons yesterday the motion ..to pet coke and coal on that/Free list was de; tested by a large majority. . • Mr. Cartier announced that the Rad River delegates - had been consulted 'by the Government. Donald A. faplith'a m e l.rfolon use. i ftal River w as u Is e r f t erire hig th Strong military force be sent. I : The following is the reported plan of compromise to be offered by the Govern. meat; first. to organise a small province on both aides of Red river, about fifteen miles square, which will cover the settle. moot., of the half breeds; second, the Legislature shall havo control of the pit blie,..lands of the province; third, subsidy shall be grunted by the dominion for colonial expenses; fourth, the bolance of 'from O the Be* ttawa. territory shall • be governed TtleGeorgta Legblatere. =;==S Arial:my •pril 29.—1 n the Ramie kaday the only important Anton was an draft to seat six members who Claimed to have been elected under the auth ority of the old orfrardzatton.' A resolution to that effect was aaoinea—yeas 66, nays :a. There were many absentees and notice was Elven for rcormutlderatlon to morrow. In the Senate the resolution authoris ing the Governor to provide for the pay, count of the Interest and prlnal palm[ lb* . ietylle.slebt seorulter prior to ift d7o;Asas sdopted—yeas IS, tiara 1.L.:4 Joint committee was appointed to inveti gate the road affairs of the Western &Attaotio Rail. BRIEF TELEORIZS. —The official vote of the Dotniniolans shows 15,719 for annexation to the United States to 110 against. Memorial fen - lees were held at Phila delphia yesterday in ruesnory of Bishops Thomism and. Kingsley. —The long dry apell In California has teen of great Injury to the crops. In portlonsof the State they are a .fallum —Four dock hands of the luesztier Paul, nametranknown, were drowned at ss Louis Thursday night, by the aptly tog or • yawl. t .'—The county Judge at Los Angelo,. Cala.. has decided that colored,people CeinnOt be registered until impropriate leglalation Is had on the Fifteenth Amendment. —The Soprano Connell of the thirty. third degree of, abodes, Albert Pike &wen= : Grand Commander, will assemble at the Masonic Temple at Balti more on Mondry. —Ctuis. Smith, of hisetdas,', N.. Y., killed his wife with en aie In a quarrel. cat Mundy. He Is aixty years or age and for some time lived unhappily wits We wife. He was arrested. . . . and : —Commodore Vanderbilermen Barker. a colored man. everal others Were arrested at New York on Thursday far fast driving, and detained at a polio° station for two hour*. —Wm. MeDoman., who claims to have discovered obstrnetlons On the • Rartibrd and Erie Railroad. Thursday. morning, and saved a train from destructi o n. has been arrested on suspicion of placing . them there himself. ' mine meeting of workbag men of San Fnumlice/ approaching night deolded -Co oppose the approaching eleetlessjotop• minion to subsidize, the Southern Pacdno Railroad, polar the company pledges Itself not to employ Chinese labor. --At a meeting of thefts:tom:if the Dayton and. Otnetntudi Short Line /tall. toad, yesterday, A. 0. Hodder. OeIlna; Ohba, and Thomu Wr%Mon, Newipea. Ky., were elected directors. hir.-Hod; der was subsequently elected Predditel of the Board la poses of Same. Cioodln, realgued. —The stockholders of the Marietta and °lmbued : Railroad'. Comport' , lane voted to accept the provhcone of the recent law of the State of Ohio allowing bonds to be boned with power to vote, ey also ratified the previous action or the directors, authorizing the Jaime of threamillioneof third worliglit• bonds, with the powers to bondholdani extent. plated by the law. —The Triennial Convention of the Congregationalists of the Northlwest reassembled yesterday moral , as Chleama iiroaabittcai wax pro; p.a." 4aa radar North-west for the Bay TODD an the TODD or the BoattM• Congregational Howse. Bev. & Bartlett wag eleoteri:!Pnsiddent 'otos we s tern EAncattatiereagaty. - • Them:mention adjourned shut die. —At Chicago, Thursday night. seldom:l keeper 111 the gee In the rem: part of his ortormemnent, threw than/atm upon the floor and dommenced rolling a barrel of .whisky, when the bang dropped out and the whisk". Ignited Ca the temmiqg match and a destructive cmillemmi on ensued. Six buildings were de= i , or badly damaged, indluding a home. Thirly4wo hoarders were turn. ed out in their night clothing, m any of them losing all their personal property.: Supreme Court of APpeabt of Virginia yestirdardeelded the enabling .ace passed by the Legbdature was 0012. mituticinal; and that Henry& Ra m, not George Colman, Is lawful Mayor of Richmond, end that all acts of Zillion Ira 'aocordince with State law are legal end binding. Cahoon. under his forma ureement, will retire from the field and 'Zillion remains Mayor of the City. The Court was unanimous In its opinion, which is voluminous and corm eirlt7 point named. ' —The . Prealdeit of the St Paul and Lake Superior Palkuld•lts.9s gists la no doubt (Jibe ocknoletloa of the po l o to . Driluth by, the- fourth of J uly. Thais are about hun dred . met, at work. The iron is now /aid Nome al: or llttieayef eight miles beyond Hattie Riser. ee.ro oni.Oultdred Paul. Trains will commence running regularly to Kettle FUTlOratatknthiety. cora mike Irma Bt. Paul. in a few due. „ .I.=lt i portion of the grading on them fbrty miles in oomplifad. 112/ SECO° EDITIOIL FOUR O'CLOCK, 4. Jl. NEWS BY CABLE. Terrible Accident in London: Proceedings In' Parliament— Political Excitement in France 'permslng—Rebellion in India. Br ratemob to UM Pltrib97lll OW L 1. 1 41 GREAT . BRITAIN. Loniaotr, April 29.- A terrible aocidetii r caearred this morning at the city tenni. i tins of the Blackfrlars bridge arching, th ugh which passes the now Metropol . lean Railway. The northern approach tot e bridge gave way. The Immense wel ht of masonry and earth wee prat Alai ted. into the tunnel beneath, in whi were engaged • large number of .wer men. Several porton. were killed and a large number severely wounded. The Pell Mall Gazette has an article on 'American affairs, wherein it comments on the amelioration of American opinion during the putt few years. It Is now impartible, the writer says, to dnd ea American who will admit having op. posed the right of the negroes to vote. The Ittib,leet of • ship canal horn Liv erpool to Manchester has again been re. virecL - _ The- estulltion or the Archbishop or Chinterbery Is lore alarming than was reported vesterd_ey. - Mu. Buxton. IL wu shot at thls afternoon by hts secretary, but sot hurt. The assailant, named White, imme diately tied. There to little doubt beams fume. in the House of Lards to night the Math Court of Justice bill was recommit. tad. Dint Romllly urged the difficulty of blending law and equity in case of Injunctions. Lords Cairn and West • bury aid sucts diffleal les applied to procedure not -to pin iples. Lord Penzance sunported the bill. rumor circulated yesterday. which, however, is generally discredited, that the American Camel at Jeddo had been killed by natives, use had a very depress Innintroduced effect on the Japanese loan recently The Mad. returning from Gremiand bring eight hundred tons of seal oil The Weekly Register. recognised organ Of the Roman Cethblice bore and well Instructed as to the movements at th. Vatloati, sags the Ecumenical Council hew work before It for goer. LONDON. April 78.—Tfte Esominer says the Macy pervading the entire debate In Parliament on colonial affairs is that looal-ilberty and Imperial solidarity are locompatilhe. In the . Como:ions to-night Mr. Glad stone anisonneed the debate In Commit. tee on the Irish land bill will be resumed on htenday, and; that Mr. Newdegate'• meth= Ihr bulairy into Monastic Institu tions would now be ootaddreed - and dimmed. The lied river di flimsily was postponed nail May ffith. Mr. Gladstone sad this Important prin. eiplos of the Irish land bill bad already ants settle" -- able to resume tb, Ideas- Uon bill at The bill doornal •Tho bins bran • comer topoi of Greenland Hovr d, has arrived Paine, , „..... were held yesterday r ....ore matters relative to the plebiscite, and were more turbulent than ever. One held by ttieopponents of the plebiscite in this city was dissolved by the authorities, because en aceoution t b E t of the Emperor wu The people separated withou t oting, though they expressed their d on by, cheering fors EaPtiteci 'lining - the Mareslialse. Many other ngs were held in the city, which, however, were soneralty orderly. alt At some of these It wasi ranted tbat UMW in &tor of a Eepublio souks vote i No." Ann three hundred reruns, who had been compromised is the late rambles In Spain, arrindra Paris pester dakither demonstrattons on the part of the students are expected on the opening of the Piedras' Oollege next Monday. M. °Men publishes another circular in reply toe manifeeto Just issued by the electoral committee of M. Theirs He brands the . sawn= that &wording to the new - constitution the Emperor may do /111 he pleases, as an error too urn to deceive, and declares It would only have been pet forward by perms who con. sidered the electors a peck of kola M. Waltman% Min of the Inte rior, hastened setutdar to his constitu. Inn, Wynn Items to vote "yea: , : Mr. Land* who M-s public meeting last night urged the Impeachment of Ms Emperor was arrested thin morning.. Jules inn Indorses the manifesto on tiro plebradtum leaned by. the deputies of the Left and opposition journalists. The ftrobblskop of Chambray and the Bishop of Gap have ordered their clergy to vote In the &armadas. • • The Court: It is said, will go to Bt. Cloud to remain during the week in which the platter:4nm le taken.. The tour of the Fria* Imperial In the !retinae' is deferred. • IKOIL ateortas,London, April formation from the northezn nnevinoe brings the ;report of a merlon; outbreak Among the native Thakoora, at Newer. a town of thevovinoe of Itasi=nu no ro hundred =ea southwest of two thousand's( the tribe have rebelled against shale chiefs and their follower, And tentblennesseree have taken piece. The troop" at the nearest sunhat?. station have been , ordered .to the scene of the Outbreak. = Blenitto„ April 29—Thsjoarnsis of this dry deny the rumored withdrawal of Marshal Serrano to make way for the establishment of • nay, composed of three persona. OntMealm occurred last evening st Alm* in the province of Sat* sod at Santiago, though they were soon repressed. At the latter place over one hundred of the lneurgents were ermated and lmprlaoned. • ITALY In withhßooz, April 0. —The Pope MID persists oldlnern's note from e th Documental Cthl L m Da ell, notalthstandlia the 'concurrence of the Great therein. • auaslia Loewe, April 29.—The steastuire Sol ea Min and Audi* from New York, lam arrived out. Fusircisi. SAD COIIIIIIpiCIAL. 14. 1'.° Au Asa A pri l 29.- 11 e. quiet ' : 88%; .65; St 67. 89%. Ten-Fartlea, 86. Erie. Mg; Great Weaken. 27X. Mocks quiet. PARni, April 211.—Searre 'dull at Tat t •Fa aw mnarowr, April 29.—Bonds flat at April 29. -f-Tallow 441 304448 " ea and guns and -steady. Linseed 011 and Calatuta Limed easier at abed Wel Bd. Rom ..dulL Tarpaulin at uoa Bannan, April 22.—Parolio414u dr at &hears, 28 groats. - - Itaissoso, April Y9.—Petroleum fa Hamm April 21k—Ootton fist' on spot USW; • Anewanr, April 511.;-Petrolenm ex eked, bat unchanged. Lmenroor., a ri1.99.-Cotton: sales for thewarn. 07,000 bales: martif9,ooo: etkamlialon MOO; Mock BM. ban 368,140. Receipte fbr the week were 125,000, American MAIM amount 91101%." 278,01* Aseencan mom Market eteedy: Wee M,ooo nptsndy Orissa". 1110. Wheat: receipts ibr 1 11 La three dam 10,000 • quarters Aniarieen. Oellftrula whine, In MEM 641 re d western No 9 Ala ;14(i8s 29; winter fie IMMBII ed• Weleicfn. 20a Corn: No 2 ane,ed ses 2e ad. Baxley .15C-POllll Se• 6/1„ Base Motor abort ribbedinioWer,33albr Corn. Lowland ad. Perk lOU- Hee 11X00 . 3d. Wars 70e. -.obses s .74a Common Roth% sannameriat; pinutroidn MeV* petrolann Is refined ls daa. Maar as, Torpmtine Slie Linesee 01l Met Liaised cake Se linnale 111 1:111 THE CAPITAL. The Public Debt—Paraguayan Waddle Increased Banking Faellities—The Army Bill— Nominations Confirmed—Medi cal Convention. • Tolo(raph to Ito Plttaboritt °matte.) WASEINGTON. Aprll W, .prro . , Treasurer Spinner was of the opinion yesterday that tho publie debt statement of next Monday would not show much of a reduction, though the amount oft money brought In by 'the revenue and customs has bean quite large, because the payments on the dl i t t icienoy bill have been so extensive, a they apply to ' , every branch of the Government. This 1 bin Is to supply ttut.deticieney for the year ending June nex PARAGUAYAN UNST/021. The House Commit on Foreign Af. fairs Is In a' hopeless riddle over the Washburrie-Lopes-Ps gutty investiga tion. Aim:kb-committee was appointed to examine witnesses an take testimony. They examined so man witnesses and took so much testimon that they have several volumes of pu is documents to show is the sole run t of their labors. The report submitted ro the General Committee le almost as voluminous as the evidence of that tom ttee. It seems they were not agreed. There will prob ably be two reports—one In favor of cen suring Admiral Davis, General McMa hon and the naval authorities acting un der Admiral Davis. Another thinks C. A. Wastantnie surlily of conduct unbecom. leg a representative of our Government abrcal. A third is of the opinion that the evidence taken by the Committee estab lishes the fact that Lopez was s monster of tyranny. Still another wants to corn • promise the whole matter by distributing the blame all around. IlLNlirtlf 0 PACILITIZI6 Gen. Garfield, chairman of-Committee on Banking and. Currency,. reported to the House tads' , a bill to 'increase the banking facilities. It contains twelve +actions and proirbieefor the hone of ramoo,coo of national currency to .the States having leas than their proportion, and for the. redemption ind:canoellation of 645,000,000 of three per cent aerial:l c:at/1k and for the cancellation of 610,000,- 000 orlegal tenders; atm, that the addi tional currency Admit be secured by a deposit - of four and one-half per cent, bonds, exempt from task. tlon, and that when 650404000 of the new issue have been taken up all banks shall receive the same four and half per cent. bonds as sermilty for their circulation. It provides for free banking on a gold bsals and for the redistribution of p 25,000,000 of national bang notes, taking that amount from Suites which have an excess and distributing it to State!' 'which are deficient; but the re. distribution shall 'not take Mace until the 695.004000 provided for shall have been issued. It reduces the taxes on cir; col/alien one half on all banks that secure all their circulation by hew bonds. The bill was ordered printed and recommit. tad. Senator Wilion ha determinsd, at the suggention of toe Secretary of War, to make a further amendment to his army 0111, so as to six the time for the radon. Son of the army In July Iturtead of Jan. nary. The strength of the army at ttds time, In enlisted men, Is 96,000. In July, 1871, the terms of enlistment of 'lB,OOO men will ran_ out, and It le therefore proposed to extend the time sons to effect reduction In this manner. istoackt otownwrion. 1:2M1 fonaolo of of • I Walt :WON The Medical Teachers' Convention to; day arordseal Melt into a Teachers Aasoetatton. Fifteen .moddnal_ Leach reported. The Association elected the followinf permanent oftioerr: Prof. D. aro.; o Philadelphia, Preaident; Prof. D. W. Yaodel, of Louisville, Vice Preai dent • Dr. N. 8. Davis, go, of Chica Becreiary. 1(011111MTIONS 00AFI81®. . !MO Omuta this afternoon: aoseArreed Seel. J. Waters as Associate Jartles of the Supreme Court, New Mexico, and Sorm T. Nixon as Judge of the ratted States Court for New Jersey. Funerals of the Killed l tbe 'Capitol Dew aater—The Leottalatare, LIT Telegram tote. riumotatt Own , t. 3 lizolutortn, Apnl. 29 .—There were. Aye funeral Ms morning, Including that of Dr. Brock, of the Examiner, which were attended by large numbers of persona. Both houses of the Legislature met In the Circuit Court building to-day and adopted a resolution to meet at the Ex change Hotel temporarily. The Defile. tratton bill finally passed. Wier Calvert, ex-State Treasurer, and W. C. DunhaM, of New York, are dying, both victims of the Widener. The b usi ness houses are still closed. • - The Governor has Issued his Drools- Con designating the 4th of May as a day of humiliation and nrayer throughout the State. - Late this afternoon all the city property in the possesalcnt of Mayor Cahoon , was surrendered to Mayor Ellison Twelve Annuals of vlctinneaf the dius. ter took • plans today, imitating that of E. M. SoNfield, City Ammon and brother of Mikjerigieneral likkolleld, which was ' attended by . nearly two - thousand Wrist arid those of Julius Hotison, Col lector of CRY Taxes, and Wm. A. Char. ten, Chief of Eire Department. Theist ter was attended by an Immense crowd. Thewbody as conveyed on an engine, Adlowed by all the tuber engines of the department, decorated wine evergreen'. Governor Walker has written • letter to Goonfal CaohY, thanking him for hi p s kindness In ftticdshlng surgeon', &a, to the wounded by the late disaster. A telegram was received by the Boo teary of State today, from Mayor Poi, of Philadelphia, kasha that. antrarip. dons were being raised Air the sufferers. &merchant of Chicago has also advised the relief committee to draw on .him for necessary fonds. . No Anther details! to.day.• THE INDILNS. Gen. shermaWa Reply to Brig Cloud. T.leisraph toile iumanablinsada) emoaoo, April 28.-Gen. Sherman, in reply to the request of Bed Cloud, the Sioux Chief, for clothing and, ammuni tiorittrirt wafflers, and fin pirialsidon for and fifty , of his band to pro omit° Washington to confer with the Preadant. says that these Indians should be told plainly and emphatically trinities to the, reservation set apart ' by their . treaty with the Pesos Commissioners.. and stay there. • The examand 'at 'Port Fetterman might let them have • Mlle clothing, but not a parti., l cle of ammunition. - ita• to their going - to Washington, be thought the President would oppose it. Still Os matter would bare to be laid bedne the Indian Bureau belbre'• it could be pe l. lively. settled. Gen. Sherman adds: "We might as well commence to . deal with these people Dow ea m a n longe" Six hundred and twenty of the 1 4th infantry and three hundred and seventy eight of the 17th have paased through Chicago ewrouti for the Indian country. • Malone on tn. Rost In proposing a 'toast for the news. vendors; on April Stil t Mr. Dickens ob. serred "1 wu vice proem In company where the question _wu askedt • What ts the moat absorbing and longest lived puska. of the human breast t. and an editor of net experience : . who wu present, stated..wlth the groan% ulnab duce, and supported his argument' by proof, that it Witi the deem to obtain orders for the theatre. This mado.is psiShrrpresslon JAM used In, this falth far soinsAhne, brwit *Venal ow stomir.lache / iniktnaly. escorted .frant...s. /boas railway -au* Min to the - town . - which it repro sootedohrogb spetgtoly an vlonoci nelistssa. , cTOltint ;1 ritoponnikd ttu OM= anhalregG along anderasYlnw• brilia;.-Whots throne absolbteaPoics of thelonnoi- rant IforeSUA vithcft ealgtsem nagrenos, that ft oendoly oaths pardon for getting. yourotewo paperinoavarnaeotyearomotrottotons Ciallatatc.l , 'Arbor If:Tow Olatl•hired it, • to haw Is &Root at-rear door at I=l TILE PISBLIO DEBT Pastor, OP LITZ/19.011fraut t f e r ir :I' Liberty ad iamb etasete.- itervieeeljeoery LanPe Day at 10.4 IL • emattay net at 936 r. • The Debits are eerdiailt Invitee. tarFIIIST VIM' - CHURCH. tenter Berne. ° ir lA Z KIN=Yr" alt rAil. OI Joaraq Day) stip . NCII r OR L W (LOW i fil A- wad 7 it ..,,,....txraw b r ia i . ... 7 .* aim hm.t.t. tarriamour n pzir.mmaetLiez.e", rcly mp Z. RAN rAu .t £eeeUle! 6.a corner or ".c«ing:«it arrumu lll c TLECTUR MI E AT 1 c ._, E DIV MUNI*, May Ist. Butdent—wfav the ma tSo naktoll , ag to near and meat gate Gas boo. Mos of the paw Commit* •, arGRACE R E POl2 If E ClitritCG.—Corner Groat and Wendt; =I • ther.'7 nomAs J. BaitIELLY. the , irt; will ...eau. the sarelee in this ehareh TO.IIIIIIP, 'BO W,(117h DAY.) ilaY) let. at the asealliir. • • The Debate contletTy Invited to "T_HE ;CHURCH. WORIIIIIIO• 1111Laeo k Nopdudtrd the timiloth ADvearlii; Of th the at/real 111 . 1 ‘li t tliordien i f i ts;Isk:: ta 10,10 (SUNDA/.) Elthalts, et 10aki L . BIUW I vethell the Word.'. Ether WEND Lt. la sin) roo d. Come and hear, we will . try and do roe rood. (4 v -1 4.b ) -.41. 0 ., t i a1E7411.11tub : 71,, 21 : 142 e7 141 - Mtanvilazyi TV. - %tit 1...., at M 0.,. Bt.! "" ar e avenue aad Wood Waal. al C o ra . &Mar= ' H. J. WAVE Satze tary. Q' fgrwas COVATY COHEN'S. SIORIM . . _ • Hrizuenuar Dournerr. . ESQ., . Of Indians town WO. . • candidate for (leant/ Commission. In xnbartllntlon to the doolSlon of the nerobilann Convent:on. Nalstodooln rob.. spllnwoldar - . aEITOCILHOLDERS , =ET -12713.--The alma!Eneallag of thsstook• holders *Ms Pittsburgh Female Cathay Wit be held la the College DOORMAT. MAT 2, AT 3 P. Et D. H. /HALIDE, Serretary. RrACADEDIT OF MUSIC. . . PATTL- PATTI. MAX BTRAKORICH raftettolly sumnaces Wit itta woraf-rezuwaed and aurtuled saststocs.' • MIS O.II.I2LOTTA - 7. llkhrt . I. luer dvrtr t ra for Rfo Jumbo, of Asiterl a, saiit..V . l4o Ore IVIA.VAnOIt CEN2S, Friday ErAning, Moy 6th, and balarday Eirealag. may 7th, at fil • T rats m alwA r rezt (3 , Ltl- i rut tua=dx. Vst-bla Ilracisppeszniace •.• BIUNOR PABLO BAIIALTB. Th. waillithAValtriagriliWat, pVlae ig• Boman Mellor, and JOSE? WS "telnel! 11%! Mat to Tka sal.. et seats win Xxemrnes 21:114D•re rtLy't at ■ IM.l.rays Pianos asod at all Paul. co. taa °'the". apr:•s7 - - """ RICHMOND. aISSOLUTION OF-peg TNIIIEV, SHIT.—The partmerahlp heretofore vi between]. T. GUYS ant Chas. A. Las acla( basiaese coder the Arm of J. T. elms Co, • wee Weeny dinsolsen by menial eetseat. T. LA„..„111. Trtrilenlion; Anti' AIL W I N.' A. 1707 . et . • , CHARLES P. ernionT. CarPentei. and loader, • wen promptly Maud .to all Nadi of JobbMilt work. Oil and water tanks Nude to otter. No. IT North ayes.% oarner Webster streak. Ail*? Rhin,.llll3oM4 BLACQ IILPACAg An the but flakes, at the loweet plate. RED BORDERED TOWEL& A Vn7Lirge OtO.OC - 11:0New Tork - 101- . tton., at 10,111, as, so, XL 70, 4311XLT JOB. BLACk slums, strzic ewe Gams. at 11 . 1 0. itirk $2,111. to .WC wn at IS suss Con et buyers- nORDNID POPLIN% itttZS, GRIMM MODES TANS, TIMM • Iltry (re .1 b. 414. prim POPLIN ROBES. ALL TUE 4:111010Z MUM, ROLLED POPLINS, - ALL C01;0813, AT Tn.. tXIIIIIIITION qvlvre, vikar The , finest 'Tar oared 1p tie city. LION an t.Tltld to examlaii them. TO STONE CO NWILCTOBI3 COUNTY SOLDBOW_IONOMMY Tn. zinc coauilidiqiiii.ou 'Wins ritol,- 311L3 td. "exastroaties of tie Ibitadatios Ar the &aiarn itoasisass - trosil 11733133.1% say Xs, 3, MO. •• _ . jAaccsj PHELAN'S Cold Stand Stkioking Store; A.:As - Mrs sissros - I inmate Win.=.tli.x Inecklall. • • • f Isakits. Mat. itntiso Isfasts. RI ad-Itirit teS, Er,sosrois ikaa Lalles'atitAa's e.ui Yanio II otztVirlikxsztausascioristrarrwer.-as !gam- • • - OLD'6.lll l l, frOC lll l4.lirtr, 114th Liver. El * NO. 103. exactly the same moment as another man who hired the mime copy and lived four miles off; and finally, me invincible de termination on the part of each man not to believe that the time was up when the boy milled for it." (1/xlhter-/ Lightning - Meda. ILthescithowns AGNICVLTOILLT. COL , twos, Amherst, Meamehusette, March 4, 1868. GE rrunthar: I regard the Munson Copper Tubular Lightning Rod su_peri , or to any th ing _ before the public. It Is $ better conductor, and less liable to fall from any cause to. awry safely to the earth an electric discharge than an I=ll welly times the size. It is dimly uni ted so as to Mon a Continuous conductor s and from its lightness and pliability is, when, fastened to buildings, much less likely to break the insulators and get out of place than a heavy rod. By order of our Board, the Munson Rod hair been attacced to the airs buildings of the Mate Agricaltu'al College. W. 8. CLAIM, President. Manufactured by Lockhart Zs Co., 234 Penn street, Pittsburgh. A DITERTIBEhLONTS rair THE FIRST METHODIST srimmgrlgl.l.l. n.7.4caowitriza.r. Pc4') P t X 7ri b x %IT" 8" " 214 41. / . 914 x• WED/FRIA/WEL en os lURVIN AL Bowarr OGEZNY.-.4 •••a••••,, e w ecCUTOILIZO 4"U." ra m /a: k=1.1.! itliimb;U:YrecrOi! . /Santee. been IltkVo`tl.lt. " m = =MI m7mm!!! SA/Ell3 IL cLaia... 111 le4aul sired a- 11l ralakielicat As as carrel. J. Y CA 2, MI7=MI • : Z. M. 1111112.11.' M=YiMI vm amp J. M. 04121/.. iiiiiodaral Stmt. J. Y. 0.11111.. 1111 ripflona Direst. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE HI RIZ asErr ans) arearrsr Oommemba and Family Newspaper PUBLISHED IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. No torn;er. orearo L oild or akerehap t, oho NO N. ...arbour It. =ma Biagio iratooribers Clubs of g» .... ....:. ...... Chao of ........ • *map Is foralabsd grataltomly to the sear[ Sp of • PhD of Asa. Postmasters ars soot et to act es umts. IMNIUMIN, REED 1 OM. pitorairroril. W,NOT2TII/B— , t2b-Let.' "Ilbr Bate,. "Los," " Waage? it/tor/id," ..Boarctimg,t , est. c wog assedisse POUR r.rxist4 wilt bst issesreed. its Ow astssmaa owl for TWENTY-PIPE Cifli.7 l 9; *cleA add& Nasal Nut 721 7 21 CENTS. WANTS. competent 4 „: 4 -c . re coots to kr? tot " WA D NTE 5 01:1 BARRELS tittarctr, ItAti'Per • WANTED. -six or: Eight good :BOA.EDEES at No. 1191)...ka.auti 87%, boyars* Lomat sadlloblamat, on. WM:* :rook raairal stroll Allegheny; tau. .40 WA TED — 8 MAIO' rs. 8 Hook. 3 me% for firm IrOrk. 3 boy for coastry, 101.04 MTh:mud Abe errs for ON work for city and cousin. Apply or X eno.,y molls Onor. No. 1312th btftet. ANTED...-SITUATION AS BOOKIXErIIit or liHIPMG CLERIC In a annfietarlng or Wholnala barlanc by a roans man or coaaldorab a eantrlarkea. • La .15aolt aad Warm Kagilab Sod German to. via era beat el . *daress W. ta [Jam WANTE , ll.—Several men for farming and grad,. ; al•o rani girl•fhf Son lionsnerark, .2., in eh] ang cos etry. .tiler. for helpof kinds lined on. hnrt4 tlklhlon• ADP,' payment • nlrn. So. *Sixth street. lermerly or. Clair, tarn door from bete:ben/dos Bridge, Pittaborgh, P.. • WARTED;- Baled - proposals • miti°l6" ° lllll VALI"Antt amok Tor Muriel Wort, to to delivered. 900.. p o Al y between itare .i 9l lint lel tbe mune. OVV:illTliNittr "V. • tortiell.treet. - . • STO . Onto. ViTANTED - 7SITUATION—By- a 70Ulf Am AS salesman In A Crew, or Dry, Roods note: Hee 'MAMAS- etperlenee lbothl•• 'Nears" AO °Wahl a icon thorough Ituolot Atte of mercantile butts.... No oblootlon to going to the country. Reference feral former utollast employer. Addrese W. . OA/Arra (Mee. ehthens • WANTED - MORTGAGE..-- I Thirty Thousand DoHare to Loan In largo or maul ontonnes on property In Ala inony ofonsio at • far me of In t , root. _ (MAHE JEKLYT. ,o1A:wao E" fnt . l t fes at I. WANTED. MOILTGiAGE& - 140.1110 to Loan to 'Ulm. mall =pints, et a Mx rate of taticrea. THOMAS K. ' , Rm. Inn, Ilona awl Rasa istaLe /4004 • No. /19 Saltaleld Moat. WARDING. , Oooarrar. BOSELDlNA).—.Fur misled Booms. with lioardlog for Oki angle giatlctotat, or geaUtlaso •ad Wilt, alll be obtaLued in • private Wally, to i moot delight: tat locattott, oat) , taro =butts walk fromiVooor Etta ntatioa, P. 71. W. t. 0. B. • itteulx•or oiaddres• A. TAYLOR, op nib ltd Feder at,u'eat. - Alleahtsy 13:y. • _ . . TIOATIDING.--A number of titatlmantaa fanalthed Irlch Boarding *rid Boom If de , red, mall) Ittsud at No. SE AIMEEIION STREET, .13.8 strert bdidge, All.zbeny My. . . ap2l:tf TO-LET LET. --Two pleasaistilleep. MINS on Hefter.ne,r tan Ls"".1" nr—filYo, l ::;`.*m"l- . • .• . r - LET.—A • pleasant • sleep. s room, soluble for one or Moscow.- . Inman ft allilath othou 'OR IMENTTIie • Three''glory JORLOK. WIELUO udd..jo - choreal w n roar of No. owl wood otreet,fonmerly o6rakpled blairfor.4 Ce.WitrintlW: , Wo. 11r11 and ITC Wood . IrG.LET.--IlefellE - Room of Roogo. HAD. Sae, Bataan Cold Wee Me. WAS la a' llatt r t Cr e t, d ekrter t . g i • — •= * . Alio. BRICIrROIueZ 'or le &roma Pro--1121 Kumla Impar Hamm* re Sel alkde Allegheny. Apply to W. P. PRIOe. *VW ISt Diamond. Allemeny, D• L ..—COUPTPT IROX—aree ta lam t I.lLe aea aren lama • teed ' ra i l c a '"6 l . nl sto?l4l.lonledg; 9 zoom, and. minr. 011/11Pruibl sad of eleesur ereen.erem. led to Welled win en Mue& Impeitent. alp, caerisse baw sat an, bnt.astr bank! sad emu. The Inman. Alf Wield ese. lied ore covered ernli las !Vint ems. reede.le, It truly a country r.al. dese• eriln W teasdeukeues of Wee rat" doe. ',sleet tbe cite , . and team nal le. Won la ono WI UM Mast 111121111, altaavoea fe ibis **Mee.. Per welealeae, _new= of aLIVILIL WOLIN TU C 41., gne-tt • FOR BAI.E. LAOS H./Li of 4hoisl IV rosMer to reabledordet; V? be sold be. LIMIT So W. P. rums. o o street, al/e. B • • SALE.-. 11. • ONE nomer. PBINB WaGON. Apply at the shop of g J. /117110111, Wagon Makers .4 Maelt• gelthe, ale. Ref. Alta), A • ~a . _ VOR' CLE,-FRAIIIE • 110IIIIE Two Bparru.Lot 30x100 teat Prlcellloo. sILL am. corner Pam 2Nreat7- %WM miarlats. POR 811L.E. BIANIIFICrEiIIi;tt I. RING'S/Tn.—Ws bare foe ut• • rail dad• • we eliaaca " : a : m far tu rl t' p r= rthr . .7 Th relt . i n ai l rood Tata and cnst•bouta, and sopa taantUnarT. LAI •119.0n0 ,• trentinit on TWO streets and attar Valley In Pe n nttowth Net te d.l3. & CON, cornerand TOIT:Ma: • rat . •4 1 ,1LL11—A Large . Almouzat damnable poverty. haprose.ll st Mintrfed.l,l lti• nr.ons ward. qt the [ln. of ertneb aro offer at um bananas. tha eseall. - easa . U ., otoneft.ll ward. two asstd.:me bane. lots. M 5.1.90 feet snob. Bowes .omb/sum. , tt4 dangling Dm nasty beim bunt tarabe mediate vandal, ef these lota. We eller ib at ...Inman II Sallee for aooa. T. H. SILL &SOD, abr.. Pea! sad Turn-taint streets. R BALE.—BUILDIN G EATS TW ALLZORIEBT CIT 3.-1 olYm for alb mar gh , tlM , _ 0.1 141.. '.ota situated la Um = and . r *T. Zsra P er ara7 Plank trraz . o ta t i Liot t r . i=l Lob ran In seen at my dare, No. 53 WOOD rrYBILIT., Mar Man kb also Al ea reeonhal Each Lot la a front lot. OnntgAoldegyrn nso ll , 3l l ll: " Tri r oni. oeta tha raincoat or Matter Meek. Bab, $ Or life Mat We I of sold. BM dwellings km* bournrame. already. Irarr =tegaroaa to -Inv* jhe Wm banana mal loeMojrbee or b :n e e:in La ' Mi l :Ahem. awl tat roar unman' walk from the poem or Bearer meat; • babe walk lads baba premises. TOO t.losemy of beam, and brrazadinga ars Mo our price. , Or 1=;=i4111,1=0 MONET TO LOAN.—By sr. Jul sheeted with ;sawn end avesitsts. we Are scudded to boy or morn , natelrat-clac ehv s nit, 01 [OO4 clts or Wren. ben usW Ws:Vert? re bre, orsse soma, et calhrs too el short notice- eti . T 4- CM, career Peen sad OMR ONNONDAY. Lmzer AMPInONS TO . tarrocK Black Hamanle% • Iron - Plata Flawed Grenadines, . . Pure 'disks, • - • BLack Times% Grei lixtares, • Wash Poplins, Plain and Printed Percales, Black ~ • Puler lantles, - 'l. - • loarnhlG Hoed% a'mr7.,ampLatex wrocz : PAR:~f~OLB, 1 -N arirrsszwr Beim= • lid Hosiery, Etc: - J ay:se (Tip), a nail ilAss•ix IN DRESS GOODS, RAU ALPACAS,' 4 ar.i.t.qh..444 4441,4.4 Bar g ain to Bbik: AT 1111.T6. A MAGNIFICENT. SILK; arLalis watirot to wadi's fiiraaw4lk. JAIIMS X. - C. . 118 redFalBtniet, $1 SO i I 3 1 13 ...~ :;.~~: MI P