II II Eittsbract etaptts. a UT! AND SUBURBAN But One Left. We have but one more room to let in the "Gazerre Building." It Is a very desirable room on the second floor, front ing on Smithfield street. Terms very low for the location. Cali at the Count log Boom, tirst floor. The Booths at the Mercy Hospital Fair, City Hall, are filled with an abemdance of elegant goods for sale. John Greer, the man arrested for ex hibiting obscene pictures In the Alleghe ny Diamond, was yesterday committed la the county jail for trial by Mayor Cal. low. , Sheeting Galleiy, Ilisems, and Minis. tare Circus are among the many attrso• Hone to be fon at City Hall at the Fair being held for he benefit of Mercy Hos. pilaf. • Alderman naldson, yesterday. Was thrown from horse. on the Steubenville pike, and had tile right leg injured. tie was able, however, to attend Ms office last evening. • • Obetructlona—Chief Maus yesterday. made information before the Mayor against U. A. 'Boucher, Tor obstructing the side walk with plane, ghnds, do. Mr. Boucher will haves hearing on Saturday. John Seville was brought before Mayor Callow yesterday, charged with abusing his wife, who 'enured hts arrest. The Cue was like otbent of the same sort, compromised, and the pair left the office together. Seriously lojured.—klary Smith, a little girl four years o e v ening seriously in. •Jured Yeaterday on Butler street by being run over by a buggy. She was taken to the residence of her parents on Butler street. • Connell Meetings..—Seetlon 23, page 34, Clty . Digest. provides tbat all moat. Inge of "Council, shall be . open to the ptibllo and shalt be held In day light, commencing at an appointed bout., , not lager, than loco o'clock." Notice.—The old members of the Lib erty Party will meet atidr. McKelvey's office, No. 91 treat Minot, at 11A. IL, to join In the Jubilee Procesalon to-day, April 26th. Dzonot D. W•an, Chief Marshal. Persona vialtsug Ulty Hall will be at forded- every opportunity of enjoying theutoelvea, and doing an act of mercy by contributing to the fund for the cure of the sick and injured who are cared for by thehilatere of Mercy at the Mercy Ho•pftaL - If you do not feel Inclined to spend an evening at the Mercy Hospital Fair go during the day to the Hospital and see the Tea amount of care and labor be Stowed on the sick by the Sisters, and we feel confident you will return willing to do your alight share in this noble work. isaing.—On Friday of lut week Pat. rick Farrell, residing at Walker's Mills, left Ms home to go to Maniasld for the purpose of buying some lumber, since which time his Mende have been unable to hear anything of htisu • His wife Visited the Mayor s office yesterday and stated the above facts. Ilisa.-01litter James Steitz, who was beaten and severely injured by James Mclntyre, in Lawrenceville, Sat. urday night, an account of which we pub lished, yesterday made Information be• fore Deputy Mayor Nichols, charging Mclntyre with felonious 'mogul% and bat tory. A warrant was lamed. s Gibson inform ation L before thelquer.—Matil Ma d yor, yeste made rdar, °batwing Mary Trainer with eelUng liquor on Sundy. Mary resides In Dunn's Ocrtirt, off Fourteenth street, and Matilda alleges that she disperses , bad whisky Irimiminately. Mary was arrested and neld for a hearing. Felonian/ Amu!' and Battery.—Geo. Lackrey, • rough Individual, made an esaault upon Sylvester Lee, a colored Man. Yesterday, at the corner of Wylie and Waahington streets, and struck him on the bead with a boulder, inflicting a serious wound. Lee made information before Alderman • Humbert. charging Laokrey with felonious assault and bat tory. A warrant was lamed for his Wets/ Ont.—Peter Chalk, a grocer in Birmingham, is not in favor of the Fifteenth Amendment, and yesterday gave a practical demoruetration of it by kicking - Dirs. Bonny Brown, a colored woman, out of his store. Nancy is not only ■ supporter of the Amend. went but is an advocate of woman rights, and,exerclied ber prerogative by making information before Alderman Helsel charging Chalk with mama and battery. A warrant issued.' •t the closing of the polls tut evening at the Mercy Hospital Fair, at City Hall, on the elephants- for the most popular gentleman the various candidates • • • • es fellows : T. limn Bweatinger J. A. Cosienere ..... Theo. Teak._ ....... B. H. Ruble.... W. D. aplittog Gw. Walt= 8r0ck........ Aggravated Assault and Battery.—A. Germaneeernster • whose name we did not ascertain, made information before the Mayor yesterday, 'charging John Davis. a drayman, wilAaggravated as and battery. It appears that Davis' dray collided with the German's wagon on SmithOetd street, on Saturday, when a quarrel ensued and the - drayman amok the German on the head with a . heavy, oak standard. Injuring him severe ly. Davis was arrested and bold. for • hearing. , Taft' the lalusic,—Yesterday morning Mr. George Barns made information be bore Alderman Mehl asters, against Alex ander Aederson,Alexanderlf.Connelly, A. W. Haley, and another man, 1:12029 unknown, charging them with larceny. Barns is one of the Trainees of the Clin ton Presbyterian Church. He charges the accueed with entering thtfoburch at night and carrying off the organ, valued at, gno. He alleges they have since con fessed to taking the organ, but claim that She church authorities owe them 120. which justifies their action. Warrants have been loaned, and in a day or two probably the other side evil be heard. =I The members of the Union Repablf can Fateoutlye Committee Of Allegheny (aunty are requested to meet_ promptly at eleven o'clock this mornlng,at • tbe Mike of J. E. IdalTelvy. -- Elq., corner of Fifth avenue. and Grant acre* where carriages will be waiting them to Juin In the Jubilee Proremion. • By order of the Chairman. N. B. Man. &WY. Jubilee of Freemen. • This is the day to which our enfran chised colored blends have patiently end hopefully looked forward, when they would gather from theaurroundiag towns and country and seneup to Be,. yen a grand bosannah of jubilant re : juleaug, for that the wrath of man had been made to work to the prelim of God, and those whom the devil or man had predestined to perpetual slavery were made free—when foroed servitude, with au las &Ruminant and contingent barban ties, were rendered forever impossible - in our lend. • The gathering today win be lar g e. The newly enfranchised people will show. to the world their profound sense of the boon they celebrate, by an orderly and digallied conduct of all the mummers. ties ceremonies. Eloquent speeches will be delivered by both colored and white. orators. The wanton is one of pint moral - and practical sigmilleance. We hope the weather will prove ample'. The promotion will humid noon on Ws ter street, the nght reeling on Smithfield. It will be preoeded by the Great Western Band, and will move up Smithfield to Third, up Third to. Rios, up Rom to Fifth avenue, up Fifth avenue to Pride street, 12P Pride to Fulton ' along Fulton to Wylie, down Wylie to Fifth avenue down ammo to Smithfield, along Smith! - 'field to Seventh avenue, along same to Ninth street, down Ninth to the bridge, mom to Allegheny city, up Andaman strait to °oder, ,avenue, up same t o Lll o . orgy. up Liberty to North, up North to Ohio, down Ohio to West, up West to Borth Avenue, anon same to Federal, down Federal to bridg, across to Pittsburgh to Sixth s e tater, thence to Liberty, up taffy to Wood street and insudaa. . The procession on its way through Al. legheny will bail at the Diamond, share the grand radfloaticm meeting writ Lae Mao,. The attracuons as the Item Hospital Fitr have not been equated by any atm lar affair emotion up In thlarlth Go 10 Oily Hall to-night and an for yourselZ CITY COUNCILS. Regular Meeting—Untintsliee Butner —Reports or ComtnltteesClty Hall RIL Joan; Scoaloo—F.lectlon or Eire Commießomero. A regular meeting of the Select and Common Councils was held yesterday, Monday, April 25, 1870, at two o'clock Select Council. ,Members present--Mesera. Ahl. Ahl born, Aiken, Armstrong, BlaseLl, Brown. Burg win. Como, Devlin, Daum, Ed. wards, Friday, Gallaher, Glenn, Gross, Hartman, Herron, House, Jones E. P., Jones Isaac, Xehew, Xirk, Leaman, Liddell, Littell, Lloyd, Morrow, Mur doch, Murray, McEwen, McMahon, Phil lips, Rafferty, Rees, Rush, Schmidt, Scully, Seeley, Shipton, Thompson, Wainwright S. J., Wainwright Z. White, Wilson and President McAuley. On motion of Mr. Rafferty, Mr. Burg win was called to the chair. The minutes of the preceding meeting were read and approved. UNFINISHED 111.111211rai. Mr. 8. J. Walnwrighemoved.■ anapen . sloe of the rules In order to enable Coun cils to take up and dispose of -the Indio. lobed businesa ou the table. The motion wu adoption and the fol. lowing business acted upon In Common Council at previous meeting was - taken up. Anordlnance for ■ switch from Schoen berger Mille to the A. V. Railroad, adopted - /darch 28th, 'lB7O. B. C. con. curred. - Resolution relative to bill of Patrick Smiley for paving Sluff atreey•whlch was referred to Street Committee. S.C. concurred. Ordinance relative to Kirkpatrick street passed lislariffi 28th, 1870. In S. C. laid over under the rules. Resolution relative to the removal of toll gate on Pennsylvania areas/0. passed March 28th, 1970. In S. C. laid over under the rules. Ordinance relattie to grading and pay. leg Catherine alley, passed March 28th, 1870. In S. C. laid over under the rules. Report of the Committee on City Print ing, presented nod adopted March 281 h, 1870. S. C. concurred. Resolution for warrant, In favor of Prauhe d Drie o oll, presented March 28:h, 1870 and pulsed. Laid over under the rules, in S. 0. Resolution imitructlng the Ordinance Committee to prepare an ordinance pro. riding for the payment of expenses of officers in pursuit of malefactors, passed March 28, 1870. S. C. concurred. petitions of 'J. B. Young relative to streets. Referred to Street Committee. S. C. concurred. Petition of C. Howard relative to street which was referred to Street Committee S. C. concurred. CITY HALL. Rosalotion approving of the sot of Assembly authorising the City Hall Commissioner. to lumina° the fund to ;590,000, adopted . March 28, 1870, was then taken up. • Mr. House moved to concur with C. C. Mr. Kirk objected. Mr. Phillips moved to novena the rules. The motion was lost. An ordinance supplemental tout ordi• nonce relating to wooden buildings, paseeded. a previous meeting. EL C. non °err Petition of the Pleasant Valley . Rail. way Company, presented at a previous meeting and. referred to the Railroad Company. S. C. concurred. An ordinance repealing an ordinance for the grading of Cassett street, passed ■t a previous meeting, was taken up. Mr. - Jones objected to Its passage. • Mr. McEwen moved to suspend the L,et. - . Ordinance for tee grading of Cassell street passed at sY previous meeting was taken up. In Select Council, laid over under the rules. . . , Petition for straightening North street, Seventeenth ward, March 26th. Refer.' red to street Committee. Select - Connell concurred. Petitkin for removing Forty-third street weigh scales. Referred to Cora. mine° on City Property. Report of the special Committee on Braddock's Field Plank Road, presented at a previous meeting and referre4 to Finance Committee with power to act. Select Council concurred. Resolutions relative to hiving the ar• venal building removed presented at • previous meeting and adopted. Select tbuncil concurred. • Moolotto% 'clads. to a crossing on Smithfield street at 81:th avenue, passed April 14th. 1870. Select Council concur. .red. Ordinance fora sewer Third and Fourth avenues. Presented and referred to Street Committee. 8. %concurred. Mr. Isaac Jones presented a remon- strance against the construction of the above sewer. Referred to the three/ Committee. , Mr. Jones moved to reconsider the ac tion of Councils relative to toe ordinance repealing an ordinance for grading CM. sett street. Adopted. The ordinance was then adopted. The ordinance for the 'grading of Qu een street was adopted. A plan of streets in the Ninteenth ward, known as "River View plan," presented and comtlined. S.C. concur . red. 1117HERE118. Mr. Rafferty offered a resolution In structing tho Street Commissioner to give a permit to Bernard admen to build -a boon with • nine Inch wall. Laid on the table. Mr :Herron, a petition for the locating of Webster avenue in the Thirteenth ward. Referred to the Survey Committee. Mr. Ahiborn presented a petition for the grading and paving of 87th street. Accepted. • - Ales an ordinance Providing for the same. Plumed under suspension of the rules. - Mr. Aiken. • petition relative to the extension of Highland Avenue. Related to the Survey Committee. 711.011 TRH ocnincomas ti - • —___ I Mr. Phillips, from the FinsC • oe Corm I mittee, presented the following crn municaticno from the Controller: GENTLEMEN: The Penn avenue Ith• provement Act" referred by Councils to the Finance Committee waa read and unanimously approved by said Commit. tee and tut adoption by Councils recom. mended. / also manta the claim of Wm. Ash. held & Co. for $446 for paving of .the sidewalk at the upper Water Works, to August, 1869, for your consideration. The petition of Thos. Byrne relative to a balance due him for grading and pay. tog done on Miltenberger Street, referred by Councils to Finance Committee, with request that it be paid from the street fund.Tßeport accepted. Mr. Gross Moved that the "Penn Avenue Improvement Act"- be passed !Manly under a suspension of the rules. Adopted. - On motion of Mr. Rafferty, the claim of Wm. Asktield, referred to In Con. troller's Zbinmenication, - wu referred to the Street Committee. The petition of Thomas Byrne was or dared to be paid out of the Street Fund. ALLgagiurr WIILRF COMMIXTTNE. Mr. Birk. from the CbmmMee on Allegheny Wharf, presented the follow ing report from said committee: Your Committee on Allegneny Wharf, to whom was referred the petition of consist parties asking for the privilege of placing a boat at the wharf to be used for night soiling purposes, would re. speetfully report that they have already rented, with the approval of Connell; a portion of the wharf for this purpose, which is located there with the approval and consent of the Board of Health, and as there Is plenty of room and increased revenue is destraffe, they know of as region why the request of the petition. era - should not be granted. They there. fore recommend the adoption of the following resolution : Resoioed, That the Allegheny Wharf Committee be authorized to ring portions of the wart for the foregoing purpose, not to exceed ZOO feet. N TROY SHE ORDINANOR 001111111726 Mr. Brown from the Committee on Ordinanoei submitted the report of that committee offering an ordinance re tarred to the committee by council; rein. five tothe construction of an iron bridge over Church alley, by Artemide it. Co., recommending the of the mil ' mow. reserving e r ght to repeal it at any time. Report accepted. Mr. Brown moved the Anal passage of the ordinance atom referred to. Mr. Morrow objected and called for the yeas and nays. The call was not sustained and the or. dinance was passed finally under a sus pension of the mita. Mr. Brown, an ordinance requiring the chairmen of the mural committees to report at each stated meeting a dn. tailed report or statement of the action of their several committees an abstract of the proceedings of meetings, the letting of contracts; together with the disburse. manta of moneys, the report to be mill. tied to by the clerk of the committees. The ordinance was pawed dnally under a suspension of the raw. Mr. E. 1., Jones, from the Road Com mitts% submitted we, ordinance appoint ing John Barba viewer on the opening of Homewood avenue Instead Of Finley Tontines. Who declined to MT& ru Ado le&pted under a suspension of the Mr. Morrow. • resolution thedruatio the Street Committee to bevy the tmlld- g lop on Fifth avenue To-numbered.' Re ferred to the Street Committee. Mr. MeEwen, a reeolaUon euthoetsing .the Controller to certify a warrant for the Payment of Wm. Bhaffer'a bill for erect ing Platforms In the lobrea of Council chambers Adopted. Women BUILDIIIi36. Mr. Hartman, from the Committee on Wooden Buildings, presented a report recommending the adoption of the fol lowing ordinances: Granting to Dickson, Mantua & Co. the right to erect iron clad building. To Martin FrOwer to erect iron clad building-in Stub ward. To Jones Satrel to erect four frame buildings in the Seventeenth ward. To Wm. Smith to erect inn clad In Twelfth ward. ' Report accepted and ofilinanoes paned dually. P. t C. RAILROAD Mr. House called up the - ordinance authorizing the P. dr. C. R. R. Company to erect a pane/ten • depot upon tho Mo. nongahela wharf. Referred to the Committee on Rail. roads, and the Mongahela Wharf Com mittee to fix the amount of the annual r ental for thrtme of thewbaif. Mr. Gross offered the following In con: amnion with the foregoing ordinance: "Provided,- however; That this grant le made upon the express condition that the Pittsburgh. Virginia and Charleston Railway Company may and shall* have the right and privilege of using and oc cupying In common witn the said 'Pitts. burgh and Connelleville Railroad Com. piny, the said wart and the structure, tracks, building and depot to be thereon erected by the said Pittsburgh and Con. [teller/Ill° Railroad Company, for the purposes and use of the said Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston Railway-Com pany. epee' the payment by It, to the Pittsburgh and Connellsville Railroad Company of one-half part of the cost of said buildings and Improvements placed thereon and the expenses of keeping up and maintaining the same, together with one-half part of the annual rent afore said." Referred to the committees to which the ordinance was referred. =EOM Mr. RBIs offered • resolution providing that the approved act Of Assembly granting additional funds to the City Hall Commis:don:ire be postponed until such time as the commlaslon should make a fell report to Council of the con dition of their finances and the reason way they need 1700,000 In support of the resolution Mr. Kirk made a lengthy speech, to which Mr. Phillips replied In his usual forcible style. A lengthy discussion ensued. Mr. Jones moved to lay the resolution on the table. Ur. Kirk called the yeas and nays, with the following result: , Ayes—Mews. Aiken. Brown, :Collin Edwards, Friday,.Gallaher, Glenn, Gross, Hartman, Herron, Houset.lones, Z. P. Isaac, Rehew, Laufman," Lanett, Lloyd, Morrow, Murdoch, Murray, Ma. Ewen, Phillips, Rees, Schmidt, Shlpton, Thompson. Wilson, and President Ma Auley-28. Nays—Mesas. Ahl, Blasell, Burgwin, Devlin, Duncan, Kirk, Liddell, MAL'. hen, Rafferty. Rush, Scully, Beelby, Walownght, S. J., and Wainwright, Z Li. So the motion iiits adopted, and the resolution laid on the table. Mr. Duncan then moved to reconsider the action of Connell relative to the City Hall bill. Adopted. The question then recurred on the ap proval of the bill. Mr. Brown moved that the rules be suspended and the act approved. Mr. Kirk called for the yeas and nays with the fellowleg result: 'resell°, nays 'l3. Bother rules were not. suspended. Mr. Phillips rose to a point of order. He held that IL was not anith a oneatlon as required s suspension of the rules. • The chair decided that It was. Mr. Phillips appealed from the de• cialon of the chair. M==l Council adjourned Common Connell. At a quarter pest twoo'clock President Tomlinson called this branch to order, when the. following member, answered to the call of the roll : Messrs. Arthur, Albeit; Barker. Bar ton, Batolielor, Belmar Black, 'Booth, Bradley, Cameron, C ,rroll, Caskey, Chalmers, Creagan Daum , Diamond, Buff, Edwards, Fax on, redder, Fleming, J., Gamin, Hare, Jahn, Jamison, Jones, Kohne, Lyons, Mat tern, Meyer, hiltchell, Miller, Moorhead, Morgan, Moseley, McCoy, McGann. McKelvy. Begley. Oliver, 11. W. Br., Oliver, R. W. Jr., Pander, Schleifer, Werth, Senn Shoeb, Sims, Smith, Snestben, Snodgrass, Wal lace, and President Tomlinson. Minutes read and approved. • • Ilse President stated It was a regular meeting and business would be taken up in regular order. esurous MATTERS DISPORED OP. Mr. Clausm presented s petition for the erection of a gas lamp. ;inferred' to Gas Committee. Mr. Arthur& presented a communi sation from the City Engineer, In relation to certain asseemmenut for con structlon of sewers on Gum, Shields and other streets. The communication .was referred to the Committee on Finance, with power to act. Also, a.petition eking for privilege to use the gas Dolts in the city for advertis ing purposes. Referred to Gas &bin. mitres. Alao, a petition In regard to roads and road beds, which was referred to the Road Committee. Mr. Swathes, petition asking for priv ilege to erect an ironclad building. Referred to the Wooden linlldhsr Com mittee. Mr. Snodgrass, roetitlon for the erection of a gasittee lamp. Referred to Gas Com m. A similar petition was presented by Mr. Chalmis. and was referred to the same Committee. STAIRWAYS ON BOYD'S RILL Mr. Oliver presented the following: Witraursa, The Inhabitants of the Sixth, Seventh; Eighth and Thirteenth wards, large numbers of whom are em. ployed In_the manufactories located oa ths Monongahela river and In Birming• ham, have no ready means of °unman'. cation between the localities above named except by dangerous paths down the face of Boyd's Hill, which are Impas sable the greater part of the year. and also the inhabitants of the Eleventh and Thirteenth wards, large numbers of whom work In the foundries, milli and . depots situated along th e Allegheny river, have no direct passage way and are compelled to make a long detour of about three times the distance between their Domes and their places of liminess in going to and from their daily labor, therefore be It • - • Reached, That a Committee of five of them from • Common Council and two from Select Connell be appointed wbo with the city Engineer will examine the gronud and report es to the practicabili ty of • constructing Line, easily graded stairways at the following loyalties, from Cement and Cliff streets to Liberty street, from 'Kirkpatrick — to Liberty etreet, from Fulton street, near High School to the Union depot, from Marion end Bluff streets to Second avenue and Monongahela river, Stevenson street and Bluff street, Sixth ward to Second avenue and Birmingham avenue. Said Committee will confer with the Pennsylvania Railroad COmpany, and Pittsburgh and Connellevllle Railroad Company officiateand request their co operation and engirt ' Worm as to the moat suitable location to bridge or tunnel their tracks; also report detailed plans and Mays and meant, for perfecting the above improvement. Theevolution was adopted and Mes srs. Oliver f Batchelor and Caskey sp. pointed for Common Council. Mr. Moorhead, resolution for the erec tion of gas lamps on .Arthur. and Over bill streets. Referred to Gam Committee. Mr. Oliver, Jr., petition from Central Board asking for opening of Arch street. _ . Mr. MoKelvy offered the following resolutions passed at a meeting of citi zens hold Saturday evening. April 23: Resolved, That a market house is also. lately necessary for the cilium of the Twelfth, Thirteenth, Flfteeenth month, Seventeenth and Eighteenth wards that; We, the representatives of said wards; do hereby unanimously recommend the selection of a alto for said market', house somewhere between Twenty•alnth and Thirty-ninth streets, end that we hereby urge upon the City. Oonnolls the necessity of taking imme diate step to secure a market . house in said locality. Resolved, That we call .upon our mem bers in oouncile to unite upon this measure, and use their utmost exertions to accomplish the same. Referred to Market Oommlttee. Abe. a - n ordinance granting Wm. Smith permisidon to erect an ironclad addition to his building on 803,11101/1:1 • Alw. an °Stinson granting Manthxl/ Paimar privilege to erect an ironclad in the Sixteenth ward. Also, an ordinance for two other iron clad., all of which were referred to the Committee on Wooden Buildings. Mr. MoKeley also presented a commu ideation from Ibuillnaon a 1110See:ealc lug privilege to erect iron clad addition to tbelr foundry. Referred to Wooden 'Building Committee. Mr. Wiliam presented an ordinance ibr grad_ing and wing Twin:Lipp:Lim target. Related to Street Committee. Also, an ordinal°, for grading. and Paving Twentytlßh street, from Liberty street to Penn 'mac Bimfirly re• fined. Wir..7 ` ►lig!4 • resolution hlianng. VITI'SBITRGR DAILY GAZETTE : TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1870, Street Commissioner to lay a stone cros. sing on Centre avenue at lie Intersection with Kirkpatrickstreet. Referred to Street Committee With power to art. • Mr. McGann. remonstrance against construction of sewer on Third avenue. Referred to Street Committee. Mr.- Daum, petition for grading and paving Thirty-third street. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Daum, remonstrance against sewer on Almond Hey, and petition for water pipe on Fortieth street. Referred to ap propriate Committees. Mr: Barton presented a resolution rescinding thq action of Common Conn. all In adopting a plan for Shady Side, which had been passed at last - meeting,— the plan having no streets marked out on it. Adopted, and, plan referred to Survey Committee, with instructions to prepare a plan with the streets Troperly marked and named, that having been neglected on the plan adopted. — Mr. Batchelor petition for opening of a new street in the Twintysecond ward, from Fenn avenue to Liberty street.. Referred to Street Committee. 'NEW ORDI2tABCISB. Mr. Morgan presented the report of the Committee on Streets, with ordin ances which were disposed of as follows: Ordinance for opening of Arch street from Cliff street to Vessel street. Ob. jected to anti/laid over under the rides. Ordinance for change of grade on Liberty !street, from Hazlett street .to Penn avenue. Laid over. Ordinance for grading and paving of Pine allay from Thirty-seconilto Thirty. third streets. - Mr. MaKelvy presented a remon. atrance against the passage of this 'ordi. nanoe. Some discussion ensued, when a motion was made to pass the ordinance under a suspension of the rnles,,which motion was finally lost... The ordinance was accordingly laid over; ordisianoe granting Pittsburgh and Chicago Mining and Transportation Company privilege to remove their coal scales from theyard out to Canal street, by plying an annual rental of 125 for the privilege; the Oral- I stance was passed under a suspensiOn of the rules; Ordinance authorizing the Central Passenger Railway Compel* to change their tracks on Fourth avenue, between Wood and Market streets, io as to make the rails come on the south side of the Street, near the gutter; rules sus pended and ordinance passed finally; ordinance for grading and paving of Granville street. between Wylie street cud Webster avenue; passed finally un der suspension of the rules. I Mr. Morgan presented a remonstrance against the opening of Locust street. Referred to Street Committee. Petition irom residents on Latimer avenue for grading and paving of the thoroughfare. Referred to Survey Committee. Also. an ordinance authorizing the City En. gineer to open Granville ,street from Wylie street to Webster avenue. Rules euapended and ordinance passed finally. Mr. Lewis, an ordinance authorizing the opening of Webster avenue 'from Grant street to Seventh avenue. Laid over under the rules. REPORTS OP VIEWERS • Mr. Morgan poesented the reports of viewers on opening of Lang avenue, Denny alley, Cresson street and Milten berger alley, all of which were approved. THE PASsENGER HAILIVATE. Mr. Mcßelvy presented en ordinance !supplemental to an ordinance granting certain privileges to the Pittsburgh and Birmingham Passenger Railway Compa. ny. The ordinance provided that when the street was improved In any way, either by relieving, laying down seweni, water or gas pipes, the railway company be compelled to take up and put down 'their tracks again at their own expense. Mr. Mcßelvy moved the passage of the ordinance. Mr. Moorhead moved to lay thht mo tion on the table. Lost. Alter some discussion, the ordinanoe wasthe passed finally, under a suspension of rates. Mr. Morgan presented an ordinanoe granting the Pleasant Valley Passenger Railway Company privilege to lay their tracks from the Head Street Bridge to the Postoffice„ north. of Liberty street, Seventlievenue and Smithfield , street. Mr. Morgan moved the passage of the ordinance. . . . Mr. Batchelor ,suoyd that a speclflC time fur the completion of the work be inserted in the ordinance. The paper wee then worded so in to require the Company to tienuneno within three months, and complete the work within one year. After which it was • paned; finally undernanspenelen of the Mee. NIW BURNIITEL Mr. Oliver, Jr. presented, from the Surveys Oommitae, plane; of Lang avenue Bates avenue and Dallas avenue, all of which were approved. The following brimless. of . Select Caus e% April 14th, was concurred in: Report of Road Committee covering ordi nances, read and accepted; ordinance opening. Roup street, read three times I end poured; ordinance changing grade in Liberty street froi: Hazlett to Cream.- burg Pike, referred to &rein Committee; resolutions relativ to_Alke act ramming City Councils, passed; resolution provid ing the lotereat on the expended balance and the interest thereon be set apart as a fund to pay off the city indebtedness, referred to Ordinaries Committee- to re tort an ordinance; resolution authons log the Mayor to call a special election to till the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Dr. MoMeal of Select Council, read three times and passed; ordinance authorizing the granting of permits for the construction of vaults under sidewalks, read three times and peened. Mr. Batchelor mired that the Clerk' he lustracted to aunt, Select Unmet!, C. C. was ready to meet them In joint sea- Mon to elect Fite Commissioners. Cu , tied. 1210== Mr. &blether presented a resolution recommending the Board of Fire tkim miseloners to appoint 8. B. Paisley See. rotary of the Board, provided he would take the position without further com pensation than his present salary as Superintendent of the Fire Abu= Tele graph. - Mr. Batchelor—l move that resolution be laid on the table. I • • Some confusion ensued upon this mo tion. when a vote war called for. While the vote was being taken Mr. Bare—This will break the mucus. Let us lay the motion on the table. The suggestion of the member was not heeded, mid the motion to lay on the table was lost. The motion then occurred on the motion to adopt the resolution. Mr. Morgan—Mr. Preabient, before a vote is taken on that, T went to say s word. I don't think we ought to elect • Secretary of this Board. We will elect the Board, and I think they should have the power. to say he will hae. we put Mr. Paisle who y In t in y this_ , and thew he chooses to "kick by Ned," why the Board can't get inixOnt. And then, besides, Mr. Paisley cannot attend to the duties. If he properly discharges his duties as. Superintendent or the Fire Alarm, I think he'll have enough to do. And I do not think we ought to put him in another office even if be will do It for nothing; We are going to elect a Board of Comutirsioners. and It is nothing mere than right that they...should bay 4 the power to choose their own men. • Mr. Arthurs—lig. President, I saw Mr. Paisley to day, and be said he would have plenty of timeWittencl to the Fire Alarm Telegraph. and the duties of See. rotary to the Board. Now, If we can save 112,600, I think that we ought to save Mr. Oliver You're pretty high. Where do you get-each a salary for the Secretary?. (Laughter.) After some further deocuallon. partici pated in by Messrs. 0111ver, Morgan, Hare and Batchelor, the resolution wee indefinitely postponed. Mr. Wallace, petition for construction of wirer on Sixteespth street. Referred to Street Committee. f Mr. Mitchell, a .resedution instructing the City Engineer to notify Council what has become of ordinance for grad ing and paving of Fortieth street. Adopted. Mr. Chum offered a resolution provid- Log, for two regular meetings of ()council each month. The resolution was in. definitely postponed. Mr. Garsam moved a reixonslderallori of the action of Council In reference to the vehicle lioeise. Ruled out of order, because two meetings had intervened since the passage of the ornlnance. Mr. Snodgrass presented a supplement to the Fire Commissioner ordinance making the Mayor of the city an ez officio member of the Board. The ordi nsnoe was subsequently withdrawn for the present. Tsounwo AirriclPATxD, Mr. Hare called attention to the sec tion in the ordinance which provided for the election of the hire era at a "Joint meeting called for the purpose." The gentleman said, after reading this, "sow, Mr. President, for fear there should be • loophole for trouble; I think we had better adjourn regularlY. Jon now and then let the Prasidentai of Clonneili call us together again. afters few minutes, 11:1113101:1, under a call for a special meeting which my friend Mr. Barton .is preparing.- In this way we can'avold 'all, Mittel:lU, and yet settle the - businees - IhU afternoon. Several members wished to know 11 each member' would baye to be sup. plied with • written Inotios. It wee decided that this was not necestrary. and Councils then antelded Into a temporary lull while the call wit bolus made out, - which was interrupted by adournment. O. 0. reassembled in specia l 11 6 / 1 /1011 in a few moments, when the usual formula of opening exercises was gone through With. The members of 8. C. being Pre* Bent the Joint session was now organized. Immediately after the adjournment Council of the joint session Common ad. Journed its special session. Joint session. • Mr. Burgssin President pro tem of the Select Branch called the Joint session to order and read the call under whichlt assembled. I Mr. Batchekir then moved that the election of are Commissioners be pro ceeded with., Parried. Mr. Batehelor—now Mr. Preeldent, I nominate for the three year term, Messrs. R. W. Mackey, Henry Hays and U. R. Moorhead, and move their oleo tion by acclamition. Mr. Scully—Mr. President I object. I nominate James P. Barr, for the three year term.. Mr. Wallace -1' nominate Charles B. Strain. A disatundan in reference to the man ner of voting wu about to spring up here, several members being on the floor, when Mr. Batchelor asked If the Chair had decided his motion in or out of order.! The Prealdent--Well, I decide it out of order. It is perfectly proper to take the voteby acclamation, but that moat be by unatilmoviaconeent. - The fact that other nominations have been made is evidence that such a vote could not be had. There fore it is out of order. 2 41cnatehelor—Well then,Mr. Presi dent, I nominate the nine posons named on the printed slip in my hand. These men were nominated at a caucus on Bat. urday afternoon, and I was requested to put them In nomination which Ido now, and move that we elect all the Commis sioners at the one vote Instead of taking them no three at a time. The clerk stated there would be some difficulty with this, as it would make the list too long. Air. Batchelor—Carr we elect, by one vote, all the Commissionerh? The Preeldent—Certainly. It Is within the province of Cannella to elect the Commleaioners in that manner lrikey eo wish. Mr. McAuley—l have exarolnOd the clerk's papers sad I think it will he bat ter to elect only those for the three year term tlrst and the others in two separate votes. Mr. Morgan—The clerk can easily manage the voting, I have been in con ventions where there were thirty or forty candidates and there was ni",, trouble.. A. vote was then taken on Mr. Batch: elor's motion to decide upon all the can: dldates at the one vote, which was der cided In the afimative. Mr. Batchelor then read thenominationa made by him as follows: For three yearn—Robert W. Mackey, Henry Hays, M. K. Moorhead. For two )ears—John H. Stewart, Robert Finney, William M. McKelvy. • For one year—Thomas Reese, JO/121 J. Torley, John H. McElroy. Mr. Scully—Mr. Prealdet, In behalf of the Democrats who we n re- Invited to the Republican caucus. who did not get their candidates nominated, I now nom. filets for the three year term James P. Barr, for the two year term James Irvin and for the one year term O. B. Strain. On motion the nominations then Woe. ed. The Clerks arranged their papers and the voting was proceeded with viva wee, the members naming their choice • the roll was called by the clerk. The first ballot remitted as follows: POST/IHEZ YEARa Robert W. Mackey. ...... Henry Rays . MK. Moorhead Jae. P. Burr = John H. Stewart - - • - •Robert Finney "Wm. M. Melteley James Irvin 1=132E Thomu Reese motto J. Torley 88 •John IL McElroy 85 V. B.Eltrain 20 The gentlemen marked with an aeterlak having received the highest number of votes were declared elected. After the announcement of the result by the Chair the joint Beeslon, on motion of Mr. Batchelor, adjourned city- Hall. They Mercy Hospital Fair at City Hall last evening attracted seven thousand 'gators, and no person in at. tendance could have left without having experienced gresfenloyment. The Fair thus fir has been one of the most Ritmo , sive anst. held In the city, and those Who attend- hove ..mprolooed 'tooth , satisfaction with all the arrangements. Te.nlght Col. Joe Keating promisee a purse of one thousand dollars to the equestrian who. shall soccoonfully ride the trick pony "Aetna" in tho circus. tiel. Swearingen, Major Tee , brook, Syl. Coograye, Theo. Tack and Jame. B. Dodge have already entered their names as entitlements for the royal prize. bit a dusky knight of "Blue Virginia" is •x. pentad to put In an appearance and camen the prise. The elephant contest Is waxing warm. Owing to the limited awe aflbrded to4)ity Hall the elinhanta are kept during the day at Hare's Hotel yard, and In the evening are trotted to the fair. A. sight of them In worth double the admittance fee, and as they are tame and trained, no danger need be, anticipated by the timid... . , Green Pennsylvanlan.• Is nothing uncommon for New Yorker, who come to this city tole elo• tinned' by sharpen, but we seldom hear of a P( 1 4[1171•11:11411 being "done" In New Torte; 'Tbere are exceptions to all rules bowever, and to this one In particular, as the A:Mowing statement, which we clip from a Now York paper, fully demon strates: "Charles Green, of Parker', Landing. Pennsylvania, • stranger in this city, made complaint to Justice Chandlery, at Jefferson klatket Police Court on Friday ast, that be had been induced to enter al gambling house, No. Broadway, by John McCormick, who la understood to be • partner of John Morrissey, In the ownership of the banking establishment, and beguiled him at faro out of all the money he powtftsed, about four thousand doll n= waked for a warrant to arrest M for keeping a gambling house. whlch . was ranted'g Greenhorns from the country should'nt attempt to fight the "tiger" In Gotham. It lan't healthy. Allege Horne Thief Captured. Wm. H. was arrested at Free port yesterday by OMoer Long, on. a charge of -horse stealing. 'About four weeks mince aivaluable horse was stolen from the stable of Mr. Simpson, east of Greensburg. In Westmoreland county, and the following day was sold In this city to Mr. McKibben by Evans for 1125. Krum, at the time of selling the horse. gave Mr. McKibben good referenoes,lind astlslied him that there wan nothing wrong la the transaction; but he elbow. erad hie mistake a few days after, when Mr. Simpson arrived in the City, saw the horse, identified him and took him home. Information was at once made against Evans, sad. yesterday he was arrested. He wu locked up for a hearing. • In the City. Yesterday we met with Dr. P.A.Dun. oeff, We of 11 Et. A., in the city on bas ins's, but nevertheless pleasantly enjoy ing himself in the society of "comrselea," lila boldness is lecturing, under the auspices of. the arand Army of the Re. public'. After entertaining the peopleof New Brighten, he will hold forth here tinder - arrangements now making by Post let, probably during next , week. and go hence to New Castle. Dr. D. was "through the war," in tho thickest staff In the eoutb-west, having served as surgeon under Glens. McPherson, How ard and Sherman, and bears high ore dentists for faithful and gallant services. His lectures, wherceer he has been, have drawn favorable notices from the press, and his lettere have been widely pub- Ittihad. Due notice will be given of the time and place of his lecture. Farewell Services. Rev. John H. Black preached his farewell sermon in the Presbyterian Church at Hazelwood, Sunday evening last. A large audience was present, and the sermon and 'aervioes were every way worthy of the occasion. - During Mr. Black's ministry at Hazelwood the present church organisation has been formed, and a neat and substantial edifice erected, and the affairs of the congregation placed upon a secure and nrosperons footing. Es takes with him the esteem and well of the churn& were Lotiat isca's atte.—A. Auctioneer, will sell tousorrcuM % M. needs.) , morning, at 11 o'clock, several very pretty lota from a half to two scree each, at Jack's Rue, descriptive &dyer• tlument of whisk la on second page. 'RI e nu Water Gooier atanO.—An In genious new Invention Orr the parlor, dining room or library. Look In at obkire, Ro. 68 Federal street, Alla. lawny, and pee how exactly It units you. the 131b1 ten—Tt the Yeai The aft: of the Yot held host tartan Church, (Rev. Noble's) Sixth avenue. The attendance wan not so large as had been expected, but the exercises were nevertheless interesting. At seven and a half o'clock tbehhoir of the church opened the exercises with an anthem, which was followed by the reading of a Scripture lesson, ny the Rev. Dr. Doug las. The Rev. B. F.- Woodburn then offered prayer, and the audience and choir united in singing the 113th Psalm. ==3 The annual report of the Secretary of the Society, Mr. Thomas H. Lane, was then presented, showing the operations of the Society during the year. . The report commenced with an an nouncement that shot* the consolidation of the Allegheny and Pittsburgh socie ties, the results of the year's operations had not been quite.as extended as had been anticipated, yet a great work bad been done, and the experience of the first year had shown the wisdom and beneficial effects of the consolidation. The meetlngs of the Board of Managers have been held alternately In Pittsburgh and Allegheny, but these meetings have not been se largely attended as they should have been, which was, perhaps, owing to the fact that many new organ isations during the year had been formed for the distribution of the Sacred Scrip- tures, in many of which those connected with the Society are interested and active workers. The report then refers to the Bible in the Schools. and says "the fore boding efforts which' are now befog made to exclude the Bible from our Public Schools should stimulate an additional Interest in this Society, whore the stead feat purpose has been from Its very on gin, to place the Bible lb every family, and Indeed In the heart of every voter who should sooner or later parUcipate In the decision of this momentous question. Can any more powerful . argument be presented In that confroversy than the Scriptures themselves ?" Complimentary reference is next made to the labors of the agent, Mr. David Clark, who during the year had made eight thousand two hundred and eighty calls, and In addition visited nearly all the prisons and reformatory Institutions In the county, and, when 01304Sion . pre. rented, presented the Bible cause from the pulpit. Hie work consisted in dis tributing the Bible wherever deemed advisable, and to Dolleit the necessary means to carry on the general work of the Society. Theresulta bad heen moat gratifying. The officers of Dirmont Hospital, City Farm, House of Refuge and the Weetern . Penitentiary nad acknowledged the effi ciency of the aid rendered them, and had contributed liberally to the funds of the society Bulging the year altogether 603 Bibles and 006 Testaments had been doh Ibuted. There had been scattered on steamboats, in hotels,_ prisons and other places, besides the supplies given to Mission Sabbath Schools, and with families. Twenty live persona had been consti- toted rue r rabere of the Allegheny County Society,. and forty.flte persona life members of the Pennsylvania Bible Society. The report concludes as follows: "More .than half a century has gone since the nucleus of our society took form. The young men who fostered it, infancy have filed the measure of their days,- and one after another has been called " , To Join the Innumerable caravan that moves to that mysterious realm Whence each shall take: his chamber in the silent halls of death.' "The provincial town his since then expanded into a mighty city. Its work shops have been transformed Into lingd manufactories, and trade and commerce combining therewith, have made It one of the centres of wealth and Influence in our nation; but the Bible Society, like the Incarnate Word, when 'it was made flesh and dwelt among us," unless as a mendicant amid our crowded thorough fares without a local habitation or a name. I Amid the costly structures dedicated to Finance and Trade, to Learning, Lit erabere and art, to Charity and Reform, to Whale and the Drama, and the taste and elegance which so commendably adores the quiet resting places of our dead,—le it befitting that no Bible House, flowerer homely or inexpensive, testifies of our appreciation of that which consti tutes our largest wealth and greatest [ 101 7n." Mr. John F. Loy, Treasurer, then kited bit annual report of the re. celpts and expenditures during the year. From the report It appeared that the re ceipts amounted to ]5,433 31-113,930 of which had be . en received through the agent, 'David Clark, and the remainder from the este of books and contributions of individuals and churches. The ex penditures - during the same time amounted to ;a, 79-111,000 of which was paid to the ag tas salary, and the remainder expended for printing cata. loguee, notice., and other small ex. pinnies. The balance between the re. celpte and expenditures was thus 11,514 63, which bad been paid over to the Pennsylvania Bible Society. Both reports were received, accepted and ordered to be tiled. The report of the Librarian was called for, but on motion of Mr. Glenn, the nudists of this paper was deferred. _The ROT. George P. Rays was then ip Induced and delivered an address oh the sublesi..!Bible Christianity the want of the times." At the conclusion of this address, the choir and congregation again united in singing the 78th 'Psalm, after which the Rer. Irvin H. Torrence, of Philadelphia, was Introduced and discussed the clues. lion "why should we circulate the 'Bt. ble and how beat to do It.. Mr. B. F. Kennedy presented the re port of the Nominating Committee with • list of /1111161, numbering two represen tatives from each church in both cities as managers for the ensuing year. The report was recelyed and the Board of Managers as reported unanimously elected. The first meeting of the new board was fixed for next Thuraday evening In the Second U. P. Church, Allegheny. • A resolution of thanks was tendered the Revs. Mears. Torrence 'Cud Hays for their addresses, and coplee requested for publication. The thanks of the So ciety were also tendered the trustees of the church for the generous privilege granted of holding In It the annlvereary meeting, and to the choir for their nor- Tina. The Doxology wee then ming, arid the meeting adjourned with the benediction pronounftd by the Rey. F. A. Noble. The Americas Gridiron is for sale at Hubley's. No. 65 Federal street, Alto. gheny. The Spring skoca of Henry G:Mate, Merchant Tailor, at corner of Penn avenue and al.atb street, is now large and complete. Monsieur Bonpaln con nano' to preside at the cutting. tf For looking glasses and picture frames go to Looghridge's 171t3mithaeld street • Tee Americus Gridiron la for male at Hunley's, No. 68 Federal street, Azle• eseny. Fredrick the Great of deadly polmon whl fe whenever the oeed In cutting off Dannala dc Co.'ncrea r rrltid a guild' pill h wan to end Yds Mon should sue. ; upply of Pier, Cblldreir's Carriagesl at Jas. Loughrld : : 'wholesale and re. 0. 171 Smithfield. Ilecimea Farina ro able light nutritive cle ibr puddings and J. recommended by ph and children. Bold by: is • ° very agree !! a aoprileoldarti relaos for Invalids id grocers. v XL All.—Efubley, Allegheny, agent for ()heat, so popular for y . L receiving his stook sales. 88 Federal St.. lee * superior Ice • re In both titles, or the summer If you want frizzled fortabl or all, k , No. 190 Bend!, es, of ridge, Faoi Pidgin lockhs amined Lightning manatee it my nY nese, et ductlik lite tnl e l g public b Mend Penn etre' ki n k:ll4E lIIIIPErEOTS OF ALL tind. of frost late Ilah ore mewed stsla Dloroonel Plaket,'lPL.%4V:bantu th ,:°.Tvrla 02 0 ,0 rd., ~.ty,:g..(pj to g =.ll.l7,llsai =Pastan. names no to M Niro on 0.40 . 11 . r0l op. BtorT 4 BMll.l3 wbit.: 2.l % .144 amon. Vivo we steno le Wholes le . OVUM tiled promptly. Additional Market. By Telegraph. NSW Ort.t.eass, April 25 .—Cotto dull and unchanged; middling. 22% , 14j= 3 ,, sales, 1410 bales; recolpts, 8142• hales: stock, 13924 bake. Flour dull at 14,12 h Corn firm at stogijo. Oats 63®65C . .. Bran 11.45@1,50. Bay rm. po r k s2o4 33,75. Bacon film; 1234®123:0 for shoul ' dere, 104(318% for clear rib, and 1734@ 17y,0 for clear sides, hams 19c. Lard firmer; tierce 16340, keg 1134(3120. Sugar firm; prime 11%@113.4c.' _Molasses; com mon plantation rebolled 35(340c; prime to choice 75c. Whiskey 9.230@11,05. Stock of coffee light and prices firm; fair 11354;316%c, prime 1734®18340. Sterling 24 ® 2 434. ALBANY ' April 25.—Beeves active and all sold; the supply was 1000 short of last week, but the quality is superior; prices are 34(4)!..‘c better, the highest price being 9%c for very choice 'lllinois, aver aging 1350 lbs.; lowest 90, except some mixed herds ' which sold down to 7,%c; the market closed - buoyant. Sheep scarce and 3.03 higher; receipts 8400; all sold; the average quality was good; thin to fair o(4l7c,,fair to good 7(380. good to extra 8(390. rifting Cl d the Wit ty during meeting ety was Presby- 1=3:111 CLIAMBEIf LIN—BARKER—At Rahway,ldeav Jitney, ou Tkuraday, April 14th. MO, by Btu Wlll H. Bole, )Tr. WARD B. CD AM BERLIN. of New York city. to MIA.LIZZIE r., daughter of the late James W. Barker, formerly of thls MAC!. • • BOYD—BYERS—On Wedneadity. April 13 11170. by the Be.. John Douglas, D. D., Mr ROBERT BOYD and 31Is• ISABELLA M BYERS, both of Pl.tabargh. WILCOX-41n Myeday mcrning, Anell 95th, 1870. Mrs. 11ARIC WILCOX. aged 84. Funeral Tills (Tneads') Aryanaroow. at 4 o'clock P from the residence of kieorge How arth. No. 43 Diamend. Allegheny. SMITH—On Sabbath evening, Awrll 94th. JIT.NNIE Col.l.lein, only child of Wm. A. cod Mica J. Smith, aged g. year, 8 months. and 3 day. . • Funeral on TUESDAY. At 10 .4. K.. loom the residence of It. parents, No. 34 Locust street. Alleatkeny. ' , lle gleeth his beloved .Inept. BROWN—on Monday. A lull Oath, Mi. ELIZABLTH BROWN, aged 4a.years. Funeral yeti take ,nlace TO-nit, •14 o'clock, from. her late residence—cm Diamond street, ensue Ross. ' DU elf —On Monday,' Apr t 25th. MARY At, BEHTTA, daughter of Hibbard and Kate A. Dunn, aged nee its a and three month.. )•_ Notice of funeral In afternoon paper.. NOTICES Urn= FIRST SEMI- 4J IMBIBITION of the PITTSBURGH ACT GALLERY, containing a One collection of Paintings, the production at American and "Torelgn artte.e. Is now open Day and Eventliff, I No. 231 LIBERTY ITRBET, oppoelte the bead of Wotia itrer t. Adtelsolon. bide abZ 1120''COMPANY D, DUQUESNE (DIETS —A meeting of tbn membe•• or r'ompeng It -111 be ten In the lien WARD SCHGOL HOUSE. 40th street, on TUESDAY EVENING. April. 51111. at 7.4 o'cloc. t. CAM ritELL wild be o penent and hold k the C ekape- Won log ecommleatoned t dicers. fly order or the Commune. Mtn/ arTHE ANNUAL .ELECTION for Presiders ; and Directors of the AMR CHANTS NATIONAL TELEGRAPH CAM PA NY +lll be hold at the OTTICE OP JAMES WILKINS. No. 4 tlll'a Bolldlno. Mumma Way, on TUASDAI. May 34. 1510, between the boort of A anti 4 o'clock P. Y. Ptrmrnali. j A l Pl E sll7t! - 1 . .4 i. 1e 7: ; • nines. or CLINTON PArta Mitts, Etrithucall, CA., April 18th, 1870.1 tar'PITTSBURGH PAPER ^here w kIANIIRAC s ()RING CO. • ill be • epec:Al Mee Cog of the Stock. holders of the shot, Cemostly,at the office. SE THIRD AVENUE, on MONDAY. klsy 2•1, et 10 o'clock A. R. ephhe7 suf. r, RIDDLE, Secretary. ar/►ITIDEND NOTICE —The Directors of the ERARPSBURG nod LAW VENCEVILLE REEL GE CO. have this di, dreland a Dlildetol of PIPE PER CENT. for the last ex month,. "fah e forthwith at the Witte of the Treatuter, to tlha-plbartt, JOHN REED, Tressurer. 811•19,6!ICRO. ARM 18, IBTO. • apnwore (NOTICE.-6n election for Pres Meet end 111 Diteetors of the OHARPOBURU AND LAWRENCEVILLE BRIDGE COMPANY. to setae during the ensu ing ycat. will be held at the TULL HOLtdE on the.PIRST MONDAY OP MAY. between TWO and POUR o'clock r. B. • • J. M. REED, Secrtry. 81lAltr6lit7P O. Aprli IL 1870. SpID:1113 CANDI ATES IarFOR COVNTR. COMMIS 8101. ER, GEORGE REELER, Of Marshall To...tails, subject to the decision of the Union Republican County Cousin:Mon. sr/Mid/IT OILS TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND DEALERS IN , Petroleum and Its Products. Pittsburgh OaIce—DALZZLIL'S BUILDiF9 c er of Daqo cave Wky and Irwin street Philadelphia Oflloe-131 WALNUT NT and mA. WARING & KING, Commission Merthants and Bankers In Petroleum and Its Products, °MIELE'S BLOOM, DUQUESNE WAY PUILADILLPHIA ADDBKS3. WARING, KING & CO., 108 WALL trr STREET. apt° ECLIPSE PETROLEUM REFINERY. HERBERT W. C. TWEDBLE, *ANINALTURER Ur L übricating & High Test Burning Oils. Relipoe Railroad Azle 011. Stands great heat without alumni remains Ilmnld at lowest temperatures. Special 01l for troplearellmatee or hot weather. Locomotive, Saguia itaeldite Shop, Will cot rcrevra Saw Mill mai Flaming Eill Adopted O il .gh speed. Spinals Wool tleati-Light 011, Oil, Tamsere • Stair-i Reasolo, LI 7 1 '111',17.`J"'":::;. •14100 VARNISH, to preserve - Bright Iron Work and Ifachlnery from Inset. These products are ream [lactated ander Dr. Tweddle•• patent by Superhemed Stem la Von. coo. The L 0 bricating Oils Are almost odorless, Derree /y pure, uniform. and aloofly 1110%cl:d -ared, Mad • high temperature unchanged. aad remain limpid durltte extreme °old. The Ball. ingot/User* unualled. and are La combust up. op marty of B andaclpal !Unimak. amplest.= be examined orders left at WOOD Works 4Nbarpeborr MRS. S. O. ROBB, No. 91 Federal St., Allegheny, Rang determined not e l l . y over any Winter' Cloons.,llll positively below coat, Air the next 30 dam CONNATE, HATE. FLOWERS. RIBBONS.' FEATHHAB, FitAIME. • LACE COLLARS, LACE IiANUEZEC`F LINEN COLLARS AND cur's. PAPER COLLARS AND CUNTS. RID OLOVEs, CORSETs LADIIIIS` HOSE. • CHILDAIGN , S HOSE. CLUNZYLACE EDGINGS _ . LAMM. ONDERWRAC, LADI6.I , ACHONeI. ~. New etyl Cl3l..No24 elfuHAlß 8, SWITCH'S& ana . 111118 NETTS, ... -AO..aOZAe f.2llnne JOHN M. COOPER & Bell and Brass ;Founders, ENGINE, LOCOINOTITE a I•OLLIIIO lIILi BRASSES Made Promptly to Order. NIABBIT'S METAL Made and Kept on Hand. Ireased or , A 00111. th or a log, any saloon, ia I= L Cooper's Improved lialatice Whee) STEAM PUMP. Office, /*PENN STREET. Youldrh C0r.17111 and Railroad Weida, 'resident -Meseta /IWO ex- Tubular binges," ally give 'or light. and con. it to any li:tainted. Id be a 1111 NO. C!=l=l P ITINGSTON & c 0... Manalsotarerg of LIGHT GANT LEON $91 1 1"1NCN.153. Light Atewr gmelnlty. Lao. John Gotta, Wooer eu, taw., we Piglet% on °the, Articles of Builders , Hardware alwayr on Mad. nearOnter De_pos,_ _Allegheny kortoSco Waters . Lock ;sox NOS plee. born. Pg. tams Co., 234 JOHN T. GRAY, House and Sign Painter, "warm= Arm! Gtx.Azzicill, ae. 6S Illatb Picot Mite Thad strano put/Lm.", h. THE PITTSBURW! VINEGAR WORKS. MLR & ADAMS 167, 168, 169 and 170 SECOND AVENUE,: wee now crtoaree ro to ,I.E lA/WICiT IARKXT ILTEd. AttZUUOSI is pus tleslarly called to O. VIVA WINE VEVEBAE. DIEROIiANT TAIL. Its 3:1 'A_ 1 7 1 , FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TA ILOR Kenya constantly on hand Cloths. Casslmerem and Vesting,; also, Gentlemon'a for. . Watling lioodt. •-.,1■.--- DIED; No. 93 1-2 Smithfield St PITTSBURGH, PA. siroenV.Clothtne made to order to the late styles. sole 3EI ME IiT.AL.T-N Have remind ftom BH 111TH AVENUE. 1• SAX EL GRAY, Merc ant Tailor, Hader resumed badness. Iv now retelling at Do. XV FIXTd !NAHUM. IL.LOCIL of entire NEW AND FRESH GOODS, far Men'. tees., consisting of Cloths. Casstmeres and Waite., and all the newest Styles of catch and goolleh Coat nes, which he Is prepared to make up to ordet In the Clothingdotteble style. frentlemen dealrlop their made to order can rely on Oaring them made to their entire sat- Isfaettoo. both so regards style sad quality. SAMUEL GRAY, WM:via ll9 711TH AVENUE SPRING AND SUMMER STYLES 1 • 1870. S. C. Writisson. c. L. snitlLA.Nlinixe. MTHERSON &MUHLANBRING, Merchant Tailors, No 10 1311TH (let. dt. Clair.) We have received a Inge and well selected Stock of the best and mon ftshion able Goods In 00r line. a great portion of Which are onr own Importation. Feeling con deentef mir abillly to glyt perfect Settilfeet , oll. We respectfullyßalkh !NM teol an early examination of our note of rise Cloths. C."th"" grYtiggin t o kIMILANBRINO. main No. 10 Meth street. N EW @PRIAM GOODS. • • • splazdtd uzw stoct of CLOTHE!, O.IBBIMEitES, 40 Jut itoalved lISIERY Meiehaat Tallos. Ti Badtla7e.l4 strait. NEW WALL PAPEII, - YOB SPRING SALES, Na 107 Market St., near sth Avenue. We now offer to the public a .toot of PAPER HANGINGS anseroamed to the Wert for vaffety and beauty of etylee,llm bracing MI the Novelties La TitIZIGO, MOSAIC. PERSIAN and GRECIAN DESIGNS In plata sad bright colon, for RIME Dinlng Rama. to. Al.o WOOD and MARBLE DECORATIONS, TINTED and GILT PARLOR PAPERS, vrth au almost-endless• 01 CHEAP SATIN PAPENS. WHITE and BROWN BLANKS tor Chambers Sc. All of which we pronoae to Wiwi low as lOn“t In the Market. Call and ace, at No. 107 Market St., near sth Avenue. allztarriS JOB. R. HUGHES & BRO. • - WALL PA VEDA. SPRING, 1870. • PRIDES REDITIDED 40 INCHES wide tints etle. per roll. OILT--e greet vulety 50.. per rolL OLAZ ED—silting, at Ell per roll. • ELEGANT Preach .d Anterlean Paper HUE Ines, not spee.Sed Move._ superior to soy sort:Dent In the country. /or West W. pow A licsirr A TIM New Wholesale and , Retail Store, 191 Liberty Street. mb4 _ PITTIMINGB. Vi- 11 :.41Kt;Y- 7 0 ef 3;1 Izti vci k 14:) DOI 6 Goan DRIVING HORSZEI 6 0 , OD DRAFT EMMEN 9 GOOD IrAMILY 1108818, EIGJD RIDING GORSES. 1 GOOD PO VT. All warranted to be sound and all right as rep. resented. Cell at oar New hale Stable, on Mid. die Alley, near Allegheny Diamond Market. and see the hon.. 15537113 ROBERT if. PATTERSON 1 CO, annum AND TEA BETA 0008/ES OP a rg TIE Trays and Outlay.' Seventh Avenue and Liberty St., I Ta a b..t. 1rm0,,,, wEirn , groNz WAILS sad COSMOS GOODS PITTEBEECEE, PA. at tow teen. .. WW on /Ovary fiaturdag Sold ..T.R. E. „BREED a' CO. AN AUCTION SALE m HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, • WAGONS. AM a:Mrrinr I.7= V 'pt ih .: is a 1 elm. .10 010 notlen of ooneliroment on or before Thursday ol each week In otter for W 0 no Prompt Id tentlon and good care will no if von 411 kn. facade. JOHN. IL STEWART, Auctioneer. JOEN n. eTZWILIT Roxtr. R. PATTERSON & CO.. X...ll7?Eart3C. MULT...132 AM> COMMISSION STABLES COL IEIEII7 1111111 4 LOUT! 14. PITIIIBI7BGM, WINES, LIQUORS, &o, WAGNER'S FRENCH COLORING, The Very Butt lathe United Rita. ItANI77.ICTIIDXD BY WILLIAM. WAGNER 9111. Jrort# Seventh Street, itallutacet,lll the leadlng hawses In Phila. aim Jaamlemals SCHMIDT & FRIDAY, IMPONTNia OP WINKS, BRANDIES, GII, E, lipiroutriALE DiA/AILII PURE RYE WIIBKM, 408 PENN STREET Have Removed to 100.1184 AND *N6 pram, Cor. Irderonth St.. (formerly CasiaL) JOSEPH & FINCH $ CO., orooatia, MIRO, 121. ill mot MI, MOT rraisr. rrrreauswi. ' Karorionnuns or Coma' Dlitakid Pan Rn Wklattr. Q mor o ao n. 1 . 7011.11:10N Walla sa44l. VINEGAR. GRAY & LOELAN 47 - txth Street. WALL PAPERS GEORGE EWALT, ==l Orrice or Tearooaan or atm:maxi CO., Yrnsourtort, Of 1it,11510. 1 TX PIIRSITANCE Or TIRE 2Lit ...Heaton of an Act relattne to Allegheny coun ty,. approved the tat dirn of Jity,AB6l.,..ord or the amendment to eald motion. approved the .10th day of March. 18664 I do hereby glee so. nee that lea Duplicates or the several Wart* Horretilm Oa dl ownshlpthe open, and I erbil be Prepared to receive. the County, Stat; Poor, Work Mine and, Improve ent Taxes forlB7o, • • 0. wad after theist day of KAY. 1070. Bald taw eta he odd at this ;Am sail( the Ist day of Aarast ' , fhb a "Waal= of 71V4 .P2ll 00107. foe nrcanyt clamant ball persona flying' taa whole amount of Moly taw. Thera trill Da no dedsetfea allowed dulag the ; isioath.:Zast. Thera will . PER ozwr. ADDED PHLEADLLPEILI To all limn mo01al:4 alpald oa tN lot day Of i PoPtomber. J. P. DZA 7 / 1 /XTON, . RaOVAL. S. P. SHRIVEE & CO. Halm 111220•61 from their old .toad; Nos. ST mad BY IiteITHFILL 0, to tbetz Worsham, Zi Nes. 269 and 261 . Liberty Street, 'ABOIfy TELEHEAD 0 f WOOD imam. ths7 will be pleased to see all their old mends and oalitomen. 8. P. faIRIVER & 01422.. and 2814berty Street. P it. r, Car".l ' • ' '•-,:,1-, IFROnI3 *Nfl i3317).-7.7, ,-.,...; earwigs, 00aL .80xEs.PLat 010 /!IS. 1 . 46 1 0 , 47 , 14S Gnat meet. ,;gr = 11 M178X1Pd'ENTH rit"NEW OPER& 'ROUSE. TIIKBDAT IiVENiNG, April MI. Mink sem ond week of the t•lourphant and Mud sent and the great otitt enor or pt eleldes, OIL 1`..5.-011AIIP8A17, Wbo will appear It au orlennl dram•of AMERICAN WESTatta LITZ, Written for him by 'Moe. De Walden and E. ward Speneer. entitled KIT. Oa, rut Anagasks Kit Redding Kr. T. Lamar., New !comity. Propertlee and Weclumkalif feet.: Choetreu Mann. en Saturday, tarSIERCY HOSPITAL. FAIR, OPE 1 ' E 1' ErlgirlArG, CITY HALL_ ADIMIIIION apt° on% 'FAZE AT KEYSTONE RINK, BTRISICT, Alleiheny. OPEN EVERY EVENINC, For the Benefit of BT. PETER% MEW CATHOLIC CHURCH AD/MSION .p2Z:vrn • INSURANC.6 IMIXEDIELM MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO Of New York. 139 BROADWAY, New York. PRINCIPAL FEATURES: Ordloary whole Ltle Ponder ABSOLUTELY , NUN-FORVICITABLE from payment of ant annnal Premloto. Pinelal insurance soy-rouvarrints after• two anneal payments. All Dentin INCONTIIIIT-• ABLE for usual causes. and AItvOLUTML.Y IN CONTESTANLIG afar two annual premium, All reatr:etions upon TRAVEL and RESIDENCin removed, and no permits required. NO ACCU MULATION tilr INTAREPT on Louo or De ferved Premieres and NO INCRICAVE of aroma payments on an y ' elas• of polities. Dividends on the PROGRESSIVE Pl. AN• alroopon GUAM ANTIt6 Pl.. ' NO NO , N le wellarrA on LOAN, and there In NO ACCU/dULATI• OF INTIMIMIT