_ El I FINANCIAL. aITEREiN BANK, NO, 136 FOUNTS AVENUE, VTTTSIIIIRGIL csrrrsi. izoo,ooo Stockholders Individually Liable. OT DISCOUNT ADD rompearr. JOUR FLOYD ' FLOYD. President. Casklar. DismaTdan. M. Marshall, John M. kliartland. tn. T. nharown. Archibald WaLlsa. James W. Aerett, Su. D. Neill. Ohs.. M. Leath. Rao Fiord. Juba Floyd, This Rank la now rally organised udpripsred tin a general Nanking bilalness. I.total (3-cordri, 41LYEU AND COUPONS, nought at Brighest Prices. Pll.- B. MERTZ, Banker, ror. Wood St. and sth tame lims T. BAY, liro CO., Oleossooss SO IS. SONIA-• CX, v.oraer Fourth Ammo and Wood St. Hay and yal all Wady og I:OYERNIENT SECIMITIES, HOLD. MTV= AND COUPON% %I MOM iAVINIABLIC TIMM tir biteregt Al' , swami Deposita. q`rioser loaned as limenment Hoods ,OVrelt. Market Mt. Order. eseeuted for the Purchase end !We of !MOORS, BONDS and uas.D. JAMES T. BRADT A. CO, gittslntrai etaielts FINANCE AND TRADE (111Tettotstb to toe rttlsborth (luau.) NEW VOIY, April !a5, 1870 Affairs in Wall street were buoyant to-day. with a marked actlyity and 1m provement In rates fbr stacks aad Gov amount Bonds. Money.esay at 4(g6 on call. Sterling arm at 8.%@9%. Gold eteadyt -opened at 13%, fell to 18 and dosed at 13%013%. ng rates % per cent. Cleae ano7sV..B,ooo,ooo. Onvernmente etrOnger, with an active demand, Ind tho rise failed to bring out peon oonsiderable amount of stock. u sOf 16016%; do. 'ft, 13%@13 C0 %; do. '64, 121012%; do. 'O5, 12%@12%; do. new, 10 3 / 4 0110%; do. '67, 11%@1.1%; do. 68, 11%14 11 %; 10.40'5, 834(x4633; currency irs, 12 %10 2 * • State bonds lower. liiimaniria, 92%; old Tennessee., 59%; new do, 55%; old Virginias, 69%; old North Carotins', 46%, new do, 23. The railway market was alternately weak. and strong during the afternoon, with frequent fluctuations. The business was large and well distributed, with in. creamed ordered to buy from outsiders' At the does the market was not up to the extreme high point of the day, al though strong at quotations. Misoella-, neous and expreeb stocks quiet. 4....nt0n,. 72%; Cumberland, 29%; West. am Union Telegraph, 32%; quicksilver. 8%; Maritsa*. 7; do preferred. 1334; Adszne Express, 62%. Wells, 20%; American,3B4; United States, 4434; Pacific Mll, 3334; New York Central, 95%; Scrip. 9234; Erie, 24%; do prefer'd 48; Harlem, 145%; Reacting, 10034; Mich. Ivan Central, 124; Lake Shore, 92%1 Illinois Central. 13T; Pittsburgh, 105,q Northweetem,76%; do pret'd, 87%; It. 118%; New York Central, 10534; St, Paul, 61%; do. preferred, 76%; Wabash, 52%; Fort Wayne, 92,.•.; Terre Haute, 39; do. preferred, 63%; Chicago dr Alton, 114; do. preferred, 114%; Ohlo Q hiloslmippl, 33 34; Clevelarld, Columbus Illinois Central, 17%; St. Joseph, 111%; Dubuque, 100; Marietta, let preferred, 20, Iron Moun tain, 4434. Boson pikes: Copper Falls; • 4%; Franklin, 6; Hada, 80; Quincy. 18. illob•Tressury balance; gold, 133.888,221; currency. 12,898,656; general balance, 487,958.825. . The failure of Oddiett.C/0.. brokers, le armotinoed; liabilities unknown. Orrica or PrrrainnuM Gizarrie, MONDAY, April 25, 1570. S —*hoeing quotazlonn received by James T. Brady a Co. Gold: 1181 i; Unltad, States Saxon, 1881. 1.15; PITe-Tweratlea, 1852, 113%; do. 1864, 112; do. 1865, 11230 Ten-Fortaaa, 1013%; iriveirwantloa, Jana • vary and Ju1y0565. 11.03 y: do. do. 1857, 111 X: do. do. 1858. 111%; Union Pacilla Ralireed. 5734; Central do, do, 80%; Cy. Paellso, 112; riITROLEUN MAIULIGT tlritan op PITTSBURGH das 1870. srra, MONDAY, April 25. The oil market continue firm with eon , alderable Inquiry, particularly for re. fined, and crude abate !stronger and Mind. upward. It is well enough to note, per. haps, that so far 6111.311idi is conoerned, the general Impression is that prices cannot long be =stained. parUcularily es quite a number of good strikes have been reported remain making an increased production almost inritable. There has beenimmoral similar ""flurry." in crude within Ike past monti or two, none of which amounted to much, and this to gether with the -increased production impresser operators. generally, with the belief that this last advance will be of short duration and consequently, there are not as ma ny buyers as there would be otherwise. Besides, crude Is still higher, relatively than relined, and • still further decline would be of great benefit to the trade at large, as it would infuse new life and vigor into our menu. lecturers, and would cause quite a num ber of mammies that have been stand ing Idle to resume business. It Is be. coming more apparent, every day, that rs, menncture gnerall, are determ• Ined to ea do a leg e itimate y btudnesa this year, and consequently there is not the same disposition manifested to speculate that there was st this lime last year. Minna Market strong and prices a shade higher, but es already Intimated, the de mand Is only moderate. and buyers gen erally are loth to take hold at the ad. wanes. Spot or seller April, 11 bid, 1134(41134 asked; seller 'May, 14031114. Sale 1.000 bbla seller Jane at 1130 1,000 bbla Parker (regardl of gravity) at 114,15 per bbl. REFINED. Market Inner with considerable in , quirt', but sellers are scarce and there was not a single We reported. April or May, WOW: June 263. i; July 27; June to December 26; August to December I S 9ls(;.buyar all year 29,4(€920. OREIMII Or GEIER OIL BY A. 9. ex. R. A. P.' Mills Kt bblo. on acoolent W. Bartle; Lockhart a Frew 'l2B, on account same; B. Itichardion 660, on acoount Joe. Fleming. 1,866 bbla. 158114 t 07 OIL ET V V. N. B. Riter, 269 bbla reined to Logan Bra. & CO.. Philadelphia. Fawcett. Logan,; B. & Co. 260 bbl. re finedto Lapp. Bro. Co Fulton, Marvin Co. 261 bble ref. to W. P. Logan Bro. & Co., Phila. Livinpuon Bro., 691 bbla rer. oil to :Warden. Frew a Co. Phila. , Lockhart, Frew &Co. 1,869 bbla retinal to Warden. Frew a Co., Phila, Mama Oil Works 616 Obis relined to Tick g i ro., - Philadelphia. - Total... • 8,979 bbla; OIL lIIIYPED BY WIRT NOB. R. B. Union Ref a Storing Co. 867 bbis ref. to W. P. Logan,Phila. Mentaer, H. a Co., 250 bbis refined to . Waring. Xing a Co., Phila. Kliktetrick a Co., 421 bbl. reflood to . Bros. a Co., 'Phil's. ...... ...... ...... ... 1,023 tibia. Dry Goods Market. New Yong, April 25—Brisinses gen erally quiet, yet some of the le•Mnit Job' Dins houses repast an active trade. In priced there is but very littid change to note, other than that It would appear that =I calicos bad touched the lowest Sprague's fancy prints have been advanced by agents to ilo, Dar- Da% PI WOo3SO. and Anaceda & Freeman's to tle. 1 3t :. ; ` - Lorgsvirsm. April 25.—Cotton firm, with sales middling at 220. - Flour $5,00. inn $4.05:f0r naked. ;Wheat 10,050 Oates 63e. Bye - 9bo. Orme:leg k ~.„,,„,„ pork 129. Balk Mugs 11q, 115%* - 1&0.” gm= 12 50 6 0 12 ,f0. Whisky 01c01,02. Tobacco—ages ,290 hhda at 7)io rw frozen to tugs End B.leo for .. . . - low to good leaf. • .4, Torino. .11.prll al. dull. Wheat votive sad IWo better; Niles No. 2 whits wabeih at 2146; No. 1 whits Melds= 21,119 t rilliddir do. 11,1E4 ambur Mahlon, UM; No.l red 21.14; No. 2 do. f 1,073. Cord dull And unobangod; No. 1910. PITTAISURGIII XIARKETS Orrice or Prrrenunan GAZETTE, Moamar, April 25, 1870. S • Trade In general merchandise con. and while there Is a time fairly active, continued steady demand for all the lea di n g staples and a fair business In the aggregate,there is,nevertheless,en almost total absence of anything like specula tion. The arrivals of grain, flour, and tra duce generally continue fair, and while there Mao glut, the supply Is - fully up to the demand, and there is lees di 81- culty In making sales than there has been for some months. Confidants° Is being restored, both dealers and con sumers have commenced to stock up, having become pretty well initialled that the shrinking process Is about over, and that for many of the leading commodi ties, prices are more likely to advance than to decline. APPLE BUTTER—SaIes at 65®70c. ASHES—Quiet and unchanged; Com , mon Soda Ash, 4e; relined do 4%; Pearls 131®935; Pots 734. • - APPLES—Scarce and firm but un changed—sales at 43®.5 per bbl, for com mon to choice. BUTTER—Is quiet and unchanged. l Prime fresh; roll is In demaid, while common and inferior Is almost tamales. ' ble. Sales of the former at 85®37. BEANS—DuII and neglected but un changed-1)1,50W. per bushel. CHEESE—Is firmer and- mom active. New York . State Dairy. 16%®17%; -York State Factory, good, 18; do. Fancy, 1835. CRANBERRIES—SaIes of Sackett's Belle Berries at $2O per bbL CARBON OlL—le, if anything, a shade stronger, but without quotable change as yet. Standard brands, 23 for round lots, and 2435114.25 for small lota. CORNMEAL—Is nrmer In sympathy with corn, but unatanged ' 43at 91 per bushel as to quality: DRIED FRUlT—There is no improve' went to note in the demand and no change to make in quotations: Apples at 53, ®6%, and Peaches at 7W for quar ters, and 835 ®9% for halves. Blaclr. berries, 12®13. FOGS—Continue dull and unchanged —sales at 15®16.. Dealers generally ap pear to be impressed with the 12 ,4 1.1:11 inat .prices will 1141 i -eve Within the week— the prospects are not very bright. FEATHERS—Live geese feathers quoted -at 90 es to the trade, and the usual advance for small lots.l FLOUR—Is firm with a steady local demand, but prices are Unchanged. We continue to - quote western flours, in store, at 45®5!Vor spring: 35,50®6 for winter, and ®7,50 for fancy brands. Rye floor, firm et 15. GRAlN—Wheat Is scarce said in steady milling demand out tuachanged—Sales of red at $1,15451,16, for fair \to prime. Oats in good supply add the arrivals continue liberal, while prices are un changed; 47(448 in first hands buyers furnishing wildcat 50®51 en wharf and track, and 5313,55 In store. Corn is hardly 31 strong the demand being less argent, though the ollarings are by no means large; sales on wharf at 85 for ear and 90 for shelled. Rye demand bettor and offeringellght; sale 1.500 bushels at $l, sixty days with interest; small lots will not) bring over 95®97. There is no movement In Barley, and scarcely enough doing to establith quotations. HAY—Sales of baled on. wharf at sls®2o—the outside quotation can only be realized for strictly prime timothy. HOMlNY—Market almost bare, but there is not much inquiry for it; may be quoted at 16(46% per bbL HlDES—Green WWI, 10®11. do butchers, 7(4)8; dry lint, =®l24; green calf, 12% HUSKS-2350 • LARD 01L—Extra No. 1 Is quoted firm at f 1,213@1,30. LlME—Eastern white, $1,75; Cleve land. 82. 2 . 6 . ONlONS—Market pretty well glutted, and little or no demand. POTATOES—In good supply and un changed. Sales on wharf at 35040; and prime Peach Blows; in store, at 454547. PROVISIONS—Market steady bat un changed. Shoulders, 1235 (41234 for Plain, and 1334®13y for Sugar Cured; Bides, 15% far Ribbed and 17% for Clear. Hams, 16% fcr Plain; imam for Plain Sugar Cured, and 1835 for Canvassed. Lard, 16% in tierces' and 17% in kers. Mess Pork. 823. Breakfast Bacon, 1735. Dried Beef. 20. PEANUTS—Prime Tennessee quoted at 9 ®loc. • PEARL BARLEY—No. 4,6; No. 3, 634; Oatmeal, 110,50 per bushel, $5,50 per half bbl. PEAS —51,75 ®l,BO per bushel. SALT—Sales car load lots at 31.650 1,70. with the usual advance in store. SEEDS—The demand for both Clover and Timothy is gradually falling off but with reduced stocks. prices are but Clover at 1935, and Tim othy at vac/03:. Fux•eigi hi quoted at ‘64:4 2 , 20 . 1 • ALLEGHENY EATTLE HAMLET OFFICE by M P 114.81,11011 GAZETTE ONDAY, April 26, 1870. • CATTLE. Following shows the number of cars of cattle on sale to-day, the points at which they were shippod, and the names of the shippers r ' 1 Traurman dr Lohman. Chicago—. 2 cars 11. Varner, Chicago - 2 cars Peter Hartman Chicago 1 car E. Katz, Chica go , 1 car Chas. Byers. Chicago 1 car L. Keefer, Chi 1 car c*. G . Kranz, Chicago 1 car Greenwald a Kahn, Chicag0....... 6 cars HMS a Kraus Chicago 2 cars EL Marks it 13;0., Chicago 8 cars L. & .I.,Sharoberg, Chicago S can Dougherty dt HMCo, Fort Wayne.. 2 cars A.. Usmpbell, 'lndianapolis 2 etre Needy it Itro.. Newark 2 cars G. Hershey. Orrvllle 1 car N, Werns,, Alliance 1 car B. Pancoast, Bellair 1 car W. 8. Hall, Btenbenyille 1 car Total In addition - to the above, there were at lomat two car loads" of cattle driven In, making 34 instead of 32 cars. and allow. log .18 to th e car, gives the number on male at 812 head, a smaller number than againls is the sam old story n the part of drovers. e making no money, and the butchers, too, continue to complain bitterly, though it is but proper to state that they have good ante for making complaint. Cattle have ruled very high during the past three months but there has been no cons ! ponding advance in meat or' the offa l-l in fact, the latter is not worth as much' now as it was when cattlewere lower, se I both hides and tallow have, If we mitt.. take ed within that time. The drovers a lso l continue to complain about , hard markets, that notwithstanding the 1 high prices they are making no money, as cattle are folly as high 4a the west, I relatively, as here, and that therere hardly realising a respectable oommis sten. Commission men, too, feel blue, no ff n e n g w rd i t t h o tpreimce sw a h s e t l h tm acktetl l e i t are 6 or 10c, but the trouble with them lies In the fact that commission cattle are re markably scarce—some of them have hardly made enugh within the poet three or four tetr o as to pay for their Compared with last week, the market te.day was quicker, as the butchers, generally, seemed to take hold more I readily and by 10 o'clock the pens were almost cleared. Priors have undergone no change. As will be seen by reference to the report of salt" prime to extra fat steers sold at 8g.8%, with some few fancy at BM(4B—there were but very few sales above 8)4 and not many even at that. Fair to medium stock brought 04(i17).4-511 the different grades were worked off at about last week'a ,prioes. The quality, If anything, was better than on last market day, and those who could stand the prices experienced no, ln maims:selections. • Fresh cows wre in good enmity and sold all the way from 840 to 880. B. LOWOI23tBIII sold 18 head of good to medium stook, at 7,40®7,87)4. Peter Hartman. 18 head mixed stock, from Chicago, at 7,70@8,2 6 . 1.. Keefer 23 or common to fairish stock, from Chicago, at 84470. Rothchild', k Zeigler 18 head of good to prime at 7,t4@18%. Maas d Kraus 38 head of common to'' Prime steers at 8,4(gi8.20. M. Verner 34 head, from Chicago, at' . Xatr. 17 head of good to extra- at I 73408,30. • Greenwald & Kahn SO head, Chi ago.fren- at 7Q)8%. B. Marks & Bro. 78 bead of , fair to prime steers at 7@834. 1. £J. Sbamberg 61 head of Chicago stook at 7(i4834. Hoboes, 'Lafferty & Co. 46 head.rnixed stock at B(Piti. Trott:mum & Lohman 63 bead of good to extra steers, from Chicago, at 734 ® HaileWood t Blackitock 36 head in Dilmouri steers, at 7g638%. W. Wercu sold 18 head of good to extra Ohio steers. at 7.14@ 8 7i. J. &S.Needy sold lib head Ohlo stock, at 734(3&%. Chas. Boyer 17 head good Chicago steers, at 7307 1 3,4 0 .. sungr AI(D LAMBS. The supply on sale today was odd inably larger than It has been for vilwal weeks, BB hind, and this being tiecase, with no Laproxeramit lathe dennind the market was sluggish, though alter all, the best 'hulas brought 91,176, fall Prim. One bunch of prime wooled sheep, av agin 115 lb s, brought MO, which springum, and a couple of butiches of lards brought li3Xoo‘ head. C Ipped sheep • may be fairly' quoted a 534@6 cts, and-wooled at RP; that, is do "Inman to. prima, and moat of the eh--p on sale drday were sold within the above range. Joshin sold 17 head of common wool s h at 11534 par head. Stake Bro. sold 13 head of lambs averaging about 55 law. at 3,50 r head. M. Humes 60 good woole s d sheep pe aver aging 854g90 lbs—held at 7 cis. Jacob Mon 105 common wool sheep, ' held at 53 per bead. Stouffer & Sheltemantle 125 good to extra wooled sheep; 634@t3 cts; 11 lamrs at 53,4. John WalleriLsold 85 mixed sheep it an average of it per head. _ Aull d Myers 270 head; sold 105 head In one lot at 52}, and 20 in another at 6 eta per pound. Neely & McMillan 127 bead clipped from Beaver Co.; sold the tope at 53(06 ids per lb. Johoalhan Davis sold 55 head of com mon to fair clipped, at 342)53.k. Boos. The retell market continues very slow, and le not likely to Improve much with warmrweather rapidly approaching, and with the advent of summer, too demand for fresh pork la very light. Compared with last week prices are lower, and we now quote, Ina retail way, at 8f l 0 cis per pound. Hull sold 24 head to . Boyer at 9 cis; and Dillon wholesaled 2 car loads to Emerick dr. Co. at same figure. J. &S. Needy had a car load on sale, but had not sold up to 10 o'clock. HARKETA HT TELEGRAPH - - Nsw YORK, April 25.-Cotton is a shade firmer, with !sales of 9,000 bales at 2334%23%e for middling uplands. Flour: Receipts 7,769 bbls. Flour is Sc better for low grades, with sales of 7,400 bide at 81,60%4.65 for superfine State and west ern; 54,80%5,40 for extra State:l4,B3o 5.40 for extra western; 55,2506,15 for white wheat extra; 54,90%8 for round hoop Ohio;' $5,2506 for extra St. Louis, and 56%8 for good to choice do. Rye flour steady, with sales 250 bbla at 54,2 5 ®5,05. Oorn meal quiet and unchanged. Whisky quiet; sales 250 bbie at 51,06 , 4® 1,07 for (r.Z, molting quiet. Wheat-re ceipts of 77,179 buahebn the market Is a . shade firmer for - spring, and dull and heavy for winter with sales of 7,200 bushels at 51,0201,03 for spring, 51,11® 1,13 for No. a spring, 91,1534 for In store No. 1 spring, $1,23®1,25 for winter red and amber western, 51,50 for good white State. Rye (pilot and unchanged. Bar ley unchanged; sales of 6,000 bushels at 72340 for western, 960 for Canada. Corn unchanged; sales of 39,000 bush at 11,11 01,14 for new mixed western, 51.16 for new western yellow, 51,12 in store, 111.18 delivered old relied western, 51,1035 for Inferior new white southern. Oats steady; sales of 34,000 Muth at 59%45600 for western in store, 610 for delivered 680690 for Ohio and State. Stock of grain in warehouse' wheat 1,532,807 bush, corn 208,051 bush, oats 588.308 bush, rye 31,2.47 bush, barley 178,627 bush, malt 98,761 bush, peas 4,996 bush. Rice doll. Mine firm. Molasses dull, sales of 560 lihds clayod Cuba at 8730. Sugar in moderate request, sales of 568 hhda at 931@10e for Cubs, 93.1010340 for Porto Rico. Petroleum quiet, 14350 for crude, 260 for refined. Hay firm at 85 for shipping and 95(0)105 at retail. /Hops firm, 16%260 for American. Pork a shade firmer and closing heavy. I with sales of 1,150 bbla at 8J7,95 for mesa, 521,50%22 for prime, and 524%44,25 for prime mess; also 500 bbls mem, seller June, at VS. Beef steady, -. with sales of 330 bbls at 510®15 for new plain mesa, 514®17,50 for new extra mess. I Tierce beef firm. Beef hams steady, I with sales of 240 - packages at iyi@l2c for shoulders, 15% @leaps for o hams. Middles quiet and steady. Lard firm, with sales of 370 tierces at 15% ®16%0 for steam, 1634017 c for kettle rendered:also lone elearn, seller April, May and eat 16%®16340. Butter steady at 14@i0o for Ohio. Cheese quiet at 140 17c. Freights to Liverpool firm; ahlp. manta of 30000 brush wheat per steamer at 4sl. Lcderd..-Flour closed a 'bade firmer, 1 1 with a fair export and home trade de. ' mend. W heat Irregular and unsettled; spring quiet and firm; winter dull and ' declining; sales No. 2 spring at 51,09® I 1,18; winter red and amber western, I 51.23%1,35. Rye quiet and firm at 51% 1 1,03 for western. Oats dull at 59%c for western in store. Corn quiet at 11, 0% 1 1,13 for new mixed western. Pork arm I at 528 for mess, Aprll or May, and $2B was bid, seller Jima. Beef quiet and steady. Cut meats firm and moder tely active Bacon nominal. Lard firm; .000 tierces prime steam for May, bm ght 16,%c, and 16340 is now asked, 16 le offered for ep,t, and 16%c le asked. 'ga quiet and unchanged. Colo/Leo, April 25.-Exchange un. changed. Flour firm and 1234 15c higher for upper grades, with sal of spring extras at $3,70(43,75. Wheats mar and 2.(g3e higher, with mien of No 2 at 85454834 e; closing at 85340: uncha gad this afternoon. Corn firmer and 1 , (.420. higher, with lodes at 37%860 cash, 0469 8934 c seller May for No. 2; this (tor noon the market was easier at 34c seller May. Oata excited, with sal of No 2at 45%%4630; closing at 45®45350 cash and 4604630 seller May. Rye quiet and steady. Highwines quiet at $l,Ol for wood and 51,02 for iron. Mesa pork dull at $27,50®27,75. Lard 16016360. Mesta firmer and 3‘43 her with melee of dry salted shou ld ers ) gat lie and rough I sides at 14c. Receipts for the past 481 hours: 3646 bbls flour, 4150 hi s : r i wheat, 44,848 bush corn. 18,765 bustil oats. 375 bush rye, 8848 bush barley, hogs. Shipments: 7993 bets flour, 77,282 bush wheat, 35,145 bush corn, 19,763 Mishaps, 1120 bush rye, 1670 bush barley, B=B hogs. Freights dull and firm' at to for oats to Buffalo. CINCINNATI. April 25. -- Flour un changed. Ifamiiy 55®5,25. Wheat in ale:Me - demand at $1.1IX0) 1 , 12 . - choice 5113. Corn firm at 90 ®92e. Oats In fair demand at 550623. Rye 95497 c. Barley unchanged. The Chamber of Commerce has decided that on and after the first of Slay next 30 pounds shall be a bushel of oats, which is in ponformity to the State law. The custom has been In this market to take 33 wands. Cot ton firm at 2234 c, demand fair. Tobacco active at full rates. Whisky is held firmly at 51,01@1,02; buyers I offer 51. Maw pork tending upward and , Is held at 527, buyers 128,50. Bulk shoulders 110113$0, aides 149914360, but I 15350 asked. Bacon firmer ; shoulders have been mid at 12350, aide" held at 15% (glee for clear rib and in clear there is not much done owing to the IifTECIOSA of holders. Lard held at 16148917 34 less offered. Eggs declined to 160. Butter is unchanged. Cheese unchanged. Lin seed ell 88®900 Lard oil in good de mand at 51,2501,28. Petroleum 25%270 for refined and steady. Sr. Lome, April 25.-Tobacoo steady st 118®11,50 cowmen to medium leaf, and 1112,50© 18 good manufacturing. Cotton firm 7.144:02 2 34 0 . Hemp is Arm and un changed. Flour quiet; fall superfine 1 4 %4.20; X 14.40; MX.114,60644,75; family $5,8540. Wheat firm at tiOo for No. 2 spring; 850 No. 1 do; No 2 red fall 51,03 ®1,05; choice to fanny 51,20%1,40. 03rn bouyant and higher 94®95.3 mixed; 95® 97 yellow: 96c®11 white. Oats firm and better 56%570. Barley du1151,10 choice 1 Canadian. Rye firm 77®1400. Whiskey dull and lower 51,02. Oroceriee steady and unchanged. Provision! firm and I not much done. Pork $28,60®29. Dry salt meats held higher, 10340 retuned for shoulders; clear rib sold at 14350: Bacon stiff: shoulders lac; clear rib 16c; clear 16%e. Lard firmer 15%0 steam. PHILADILITIIA, April 25.-Flour dull; northwestern extra family 55,25%5,75. Wheat dull; rod 51,25%1,80, with° 51,35. Rysll,os. Corn unsettled; yellow 51,14% 1,15. Oats In fair demand. Petroleum is unchanged and quiet. Whiskey nominal at 51,03, wood, and 51,07, iron bound. Beef cattle dull and a fraction lower; sales 1,500 extra at 934 @lee, fair to good 734589 c, common 6997 c. Sheep in fair demand at 7359990. Hogs dull and lower, 2,300 head sold at 511,50®13,50, the latter for prime corn fed. Curver..arro, April 25.-Flour steady and unchanged. Rye floor quiet at $4,75 %5,50 per bbl. Wheat quiet and un changed. Corn-Old and new mixed held y at 950, No 1 yellow at 98c. Oats stead at 570 for 1 State. Rye firm at 90(.5195c. Barley No quiet and held at 85 0930 for State, 95c0111,05 for Canada. Petroleum quiet and unchanged, eastern buyers offering 22350 for refined for May, and 230 for June In round lots; crude is steady at 55,10 per bblon s pot. BALTIXOIti. April 25 .- Floor steady. I Wheat Ilan; Maryland amber 11,40(41, 56 . Corn active; white 51,1001,12, yellow dull at 51,10. Oats 6345650. Rye 95099 ' 51,10. Mesa pork - firm at 529. Bacon I active: rib aides 1630, clear sides 17c, I shoulders 183,133‘c, hams 19®200. Lard firmer atl 183;017e. Whiskey quiet at Dwraorr. April 25.-Wheat: white I very firm, but unchanged; amber scarce and higher; extra white 51,81; No. 1 do 51,21; regular 51,06; amber 51,100411. 11.06. Corn quiet at 900. Oats a shade weaker at 156 e. Bran $18; coarse middling 522. Clover seed nominal at 59. Mammas, April 25.-Cotton quiet and firm at 22350; reoelpts, flatbed= experts, 1920 tales. Flour st. 14,50®6,50. Corn dull at 51,10.. Oahe 350. nay 522, Bran 127. Lard 16017350. Pork Is retailing al 520. Bacon: shoulders Is3o, sides MILWAV April 25.-Floor nomi nally firm. Wheat weak steady 90 for No. 1, and 85% for No. 2. Oats steady at 663$ Oar 2. Coma and :bMday niaralnaL Patellrm at 72 Ter No. 2. A. CNC:WI% April 25.-Cattle active for far- Mawr grades and 1543200 higier, 011 6 0 as 8.15 for cows to extra: ahtleplng beeves. -f Hogs lasedy and fairly aetlye u WA® 8,85 for light to heavy. -} PITTSBURGH_ D.AILT GAZETTE: TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 26, 1870. Live Stoct Markets. , . - • Ntrw Toast, April W.—The dead meats were cleaned out Saturday, leaving the butchers hungry. The 6,000 beeves for the week prove scarcely sufficient. There were Tit nrs to-day at Comniuni. paw and- 67 each ,at Weehawken and One Hundredth street, makldg 3,550 head. They were early sold. The wea ther is coming favorable and the quality of stock is fair. Prices are 13340 for bulls up to 1750 fur a few extra steers. Most of the sales were at 15 to 16®16340; such as 130 . prime Nebraska steers. 78: cwt. at 1534@17c: 120 Illinois, 734 cwt., at 15016W0, 90 Missouri, 7 cwt. at l 5 40, orabont the average of the mar ket, making an advance of ,ql2)%c, and closing very firm. The total number of Sheep la 13,400 head; to-day there were 7 cars arrived at Forty-elghth street, 6 at Communipaw and 1 at Weehawken; the market Is firm at former prices at Sc for very thin sixtydive pound Ohio sheared, six cents for two cars of 76 Ibis, 70 fora car of 87 lbe and So fora deck of 98 lbs. Spring, lambs are i worth 15(4206. Total ecelpts of hogs, 12.700 head; to-day , : 40 cars and market off again to 125f@ 1 2 3 4 foe dressed. Two cars Illinois, 100 to't fpolinda sold alive at 9x%0. and a car of 60 pounds Ohio at 934 cents. i i ST. Louts, April —Cattle steady 44 @e7,25: Ho gs IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PrITSBUSO.III, CII4OIIINATI AND ST. Louis Itairmoan, April 25.-180 half kga w lish,.J.Ccinnor; 7 bgs corn, 12 do barley, McHenry R H; 28 bgs corn, 163 de—oats, Bingham C & Co; 10 bge rage, Christy &P: 1 oar oats, Meanor & H; 3 kgs butter, F 0 Craighead; 20 bga corn, S Hood; 13 do do, P Duff & Soo; 60 do oats 40 do corn. Meanor & 11; 4 kge lard, Head dr. ht; . 2 tuba butter, a Kos Jri' 200 bbis flour, Schomaker & IA 1 car lumber, J M Seibert; 2 do wheat, R T Kennedy; 8,500 f brick, J Woods & Co, ; 50 this whisky, F Evert; 18 bblv grease. W B Hays; 3 bales leatber, J Canary; 24 caddies tobacco, Weyalan & Bro; 100 .L:6 starch, 24 caddies tobleeo, E Hsarfeton; 4 tibia syrup, - .1 Stevenson; 5 toe d beef. F Sellers . 4 Wide tobacco, W Taylor; 6 tee tarns, J A Renshaw; 6do do, DalaOU T; 6do J . Watt, L & Co; 6 WA' 1 oil, B L Fahneatock; 6 bolts to bacco, John Fullerton; 10 cases wine, Little & M; 24 caddies tobacco, John Cal win; 25 bbl' whisky; Dillinger & El; 15 cans oil, Haub' &E; 10 hf butts. 20 cad dies t o y H & W Jenkinson; 1 car staves, W Heating.; 100 bbls flour, Dan Wallace; 2 tee hams, W Haslage; 8 cad dies tobaoco, R T Weddell; 50 buckets tar, J Wilson & Son; 100 do do, J Can. non; 100 do do, J S Dilworth; 6 WA hams, 2do bacon, .1 Porterfield; 15 do lard; - Dalsell & T; 3 cars wheat, R T Kennedy; 1. car wheat, J M Boulgarder; 1 car horses, John . Spencer. CLEVELAND, AND PITTSBURGH EMS /WAD, April 25.-3 cars pig iron, Nimlck & Co;3 dole ore, Brady's Bend Iron Co; 60,000 shingles, Slack & Sholes; 1,632 blooms iron 6 cars do, J Moorhead; 42 "bbla dyewtiod, 50 bra do, B L'Fahrie eta* & Cu; 6 bbls 011, J Hammok. & bon; 60 bre log wood, J Henderson & Bros 40 bbbi glean, Agnew& Wilcox; 8,000 ft pine lumber, .1 Heath: 50 bxs h Ware, Secorab & Co; 6 palls c tobacca, 1 bx do, Wm Lon ton;2 bxs mdse., A Pershing; lot fug:attire, Lemon & Weise; 15 bxs scales, Fair banks, hi & lb; 60 Ulla brooms, J Con ner; 1 iron boiler, W B &sire; 1 cask point, Citizens Lead Works; 6 bxs glass ware, Dlthrldge & Sou; 19 bx sewing machines. Smith & Forroeter; 12 empty hlbbis, Pier, Dsnuals & 00; 7.d0 do, Darlington Brewery; 3 eke coffee, T Jenkins & Bro; 392 ski oats, B 0 Hen. derson; 2 bbls eggs, SS Marvin; 11 cone old rope, Godfrey a Clark; s pipe, 11 1,1 Collins; 45 eke oata,,Roee a Ewing. 1 1 bbl dapples, 2 ban bacon, Carter ' MC°. &Ox 1 oacon, W Grafi: 1 6 bbla whisky, .1 Selfreth dr. Co; '6O blot torpe does, Iteymer & Bro; 1 bbl apples, 1 do eggs, Head & 111; 60 bbls m dust, Arm strong Bro & Co; 4 bbla apples., 6 do dry apples, Woodworth & Davldaon; 6 do do, Voigt, Mahcod Co; 2 cars PIIZ metal, Lewis, Oliver &P; 1 dodo, Union Inn Mills; 1 do do, Graff, B & Co. PITTELEILIRGE FOOT WAYNE AEG CHI CAGO RAlLacien. April ;25.-4 cars Ore, Hussey, Wells & Co; 200 sirs barley, Pier, 1) h Co; 10 bbla flour, 1, J Blau chard; 10 bge ioap, Johnson at C; ' slut rags, Godfrey er.C; 2110 bbls flour, T Jenkins & Bro; 1U bills forks. Logan. I Gregg & Co; 20 big starch, .1. A Renshaw; 1 car potatoca. Volgt, 31 h Co; 10 bbls potatoes, W C Armstrong; 11 aks raga, It Christy; 2 cars metal, titmice & Cu; 3 do do, Totten & 0o; 3 do do, Hallman & ' /1; 2 do do, Graff, B & Co; 7do do, Bryan &0; 31 bbla broken glare, Can geld, J & Co; 33 bbls peas, Voigt, M & 00; 27 bbla peas. Bruggerinan & 0; 25 bbls 1011, 20 cases, do, Rees 'Owens; 10 canes lard, W B Hays ,t 13o; 60 Coble al cohol, Hostetter & S. PITT aution & Corrxxxxsvii.xn ROAD, April 25.-3 care metal, Dunbar Iron Co; Ido Evervon Presto 60 bbla wh is ky, , J Finch & Co ; lOU do do, A 0 McGrew; 02 sks-corn, Scott bdle psper, Smith Jr. Fnulelw. 1 ear nem Ido oats, Ido grain, J Schsoppe & Co; 42 Ws whisky, Dan Wallace; Ilfl aka cote, P Duff dc Son; 60 bbla whisky, 1211511 & adechling; 72 obis cement, John . Mooney; 50 eke oats, & Son. A.l.l..soazxr STATION, April 25.-7 pkgs tobacco, Rh J H Elton; f cki cheese, B Jenny; 1 car lime, J K Shinn; [c bxs coop, M. h a .l H bullerton; 2 Cara cooperage, Rely h It; 1 car lumber, .1 lamas; 2 caddies tobacco, It & W Jankln- I son; 1 car barley, H Hardt; 8 hide., 2 bbls tallow, Lappe & Weise; 4 bbls eggs, Liefendofer; 1 do do, 1 pkg butter, - Dyer; tear cooperage, .1 M. Hemphill. ALLILIMMTY VALLEY FLAILAGAD, April 25,-163 ski rags, McElroy & CO; 1 bbl eggs, Paul &Gibson; 1 car coal, Kier. Foster &K; 66 do do, Armstrong, D & 0e; 18 do do, Coleman, Rehm & OD; 3 sks wool, E. G Smith; 1 car lumber, S II Mar tin; 1 do do, B S Thompson. IMPORT'S IST ,RIVER ZANNEVILLII PER &MEESE , Juts.a. No. 2, April 25.-213 bbl. egg., 4 htids bacoo, 100 - bbl,' flour, Clarke& Co; 22 bbla apples, 4 do eggs, W H Graff & Co; 20 bbis flour, 2do apples, 1 sack d peaches, Campbell & Coulson; 17 bids eggs, 36 eke potatoes, 2 pkgs hotter, .1 N Lyon; 7 Ws apples. 1 do cider, J A Graff a Co; 1 bbl eggs, 2 kga apple butter, Volgt, 1,1 &Lb; 1 20 ale flour, 05 do apples; 8 pkgs butter , J Pettit; 2bble apples, 9 aka potatoes, Woodworth & Davison; 9 bbls egg', 1 bz butter, C Hartman; 100 aka potatoes, 26 bble apples, 8 do eggs, 5 pkgs apples but/ ter, Randolph & 8; 42. pkp rye, Hugh Knox; 207 mks potatoes, W J Steel a Rrol' GO do do, Jackson & D; 38 bbis apples, 11 do eggs, J Twiggy; 42 chairs, J W Wood well a Co; 114 do do, Dealer & Son; 124 do do, Lemon & W; 38 do do, Example & Co; &I bbla potatoes, 7 do apples, 0 Green; 100 oil bble, C A Wormcaatle; 1,000 It lumber, 3 bbl. sorgum, 10 do "mph's, H Rea Jr; 4 bbl. eggs, Head A Metzger; 5 pkgs butter and eggs, V Singer; 8 do do, II Riddle; 6 do do, P Duff & Son; 63 pkgs produce, Benito° & Rice. WHEELING nta-isser.a, April 25.-33 eke potatoes, 0 Arbuckle,' & Co; 4 casks ware. Bennett, F a Co; 2 pkgs cigars, 11 Ehrlich; 25 beg h ware, Fleming, A & Lb; 12 eke potatoes. C Ferman; bbla apples, W H Graff & Co; 870 bdls paper, Godfrey & Clark; 10 kga washers, Lewis., Oliver & P; 10 bales paper stock, O P Markle & bon; 12 bbl. apples, 1 do, onions, Miller & Son; 66 eke potatoes' D A McDonald; 68 bundles piper, Pitts burgh Paper , Manuf Co; 60 legs nails Reed & M; 82 eke corn, Geo Stewart; 20 bola potatoes. Volgt, 31& Co; 26 eke oats, O S 'Yeager; 1 box cigars, J Zimmerman. Pis -Tennison, Baowersmes AND Us. NEVA PAEEId Co., April 25.-15 bales hay, Johnston • & Mee. 62 bgs corn, Campbell & lbulson; 18 mks rags, L Mooney; 78 eke oats, J O Schauppe & Co; 15 bales hay..l W Holley; 7L bgs oats, 21 do corn, Hell'it Ritchart; 2 doe brooms, S P Shriver 0:1; 3 bbis apples, .8 B Floyd & Co; 9 kgs butter, Volgt, M & Co; 27 bbla oil, O F Mankedick; 49 eke oats, W D West Bro; 64 eke corn, McCracken, &l:k"; 814 mks oats, 32 do wheat, 87 do corn, McHenry a Hood; 82 do oats, 1 bbl whisky, AS Carlisle. AUCTION SALES SUBURBAN LOTS On 191CDNISDAY, ♦Drll 111111. se 11 o'clock •. ■.. will De told on the Dread... a Lola of a half sera sash. a Lots of use awl • half autos ear Il Lot of Iwo sad a gamete.. mores. Situated at Jack'. Bea l finely sdapted for mbar• ban bootee, thick ty planted with Trutt Trete and arm” Views, ever to Railroad Station. adordlell beautiful river sad landscapaviews. gnu adjoin. Iron. properties of Meson. - Watson. length and Old• Goad water. Pure alr, go)d roads . and good saighborttood generally. renders to a 'erg nt• trective location for private residence.. !lane et INA Federal street. Take 10 o'clock train Mut &Real:may Depot. ANNA INSCRIANCE STOCKS. .95—TUMSDATICYZNINCIt Abel SOW. le 'l% does. mill be .old on .001111 noel . of also UOM. merdat Sales Rooms, 100 thaltbeeld street. 90 shares Peoples , Nat West Bank; • 1U shares St coma NaUonal Sankt 5 shares KtyttOna flaying* Bank; - 30 sherry Peansynasts Insures. , Ceo. • , sESS A . lltaLyr,9l-99. Aaetbiseer. DREKA. Szapattcr and retell diater In Ii IN IiMATIODOESBNOt WEDDING. YISMII6. PANTY AND BUSINESS . CARD ENGHILANIOI6, 11011081telet, AR M& ILLIINCISATINIS le, Orden by nal sleeve sunset otteutum. Send LOCI Chestnut sa.,reins. RIVER NEWS. The river continues to recede' steadily at this point with 8% feet in the channel last evening. Business continues Blow at the land ing, freights for all pointe being scarce, but it Is hoped that there will be an early improvement. The Arlington, Capt. Den Moore, is the regular packet for Cincinnati to. day, leaving at 12 o'clock. She is, 1.1 all respecte, an excellent boat; offers mime tier inducements to passengers and has plenty of room for freight. Messrs. Shepard and Bunting are associated to. gather In the office. The Juniata left Cincinnati on Sunday. Among her passengers la Capt. Jack Chambers, of Memphis and Arkansas river fame. Capt. John Woodburn was to have left Cincinnati yesterday for Memphis. The • Messenger, . earoute from St.. Louis, has 350 tons iron ore for Wheeling. James Kerr Jr., missing clerk of the Grand Era, telegraphed from St. Louie on Saturday that he would meet tho boat at Belmont. Fie was detained by some 'personal difficulty of a private nature. - The Julia arrived from Zanesville, and will return again today at 4 r. m. As venal, sne brought a large supply of The The Mollie Ebert, Capt. 0. W. Ebert, is announced for Now riol3llll, and pas sengers and shippers can rely on the Mollie going clear throush. The Lorena, Capt. Saul Shuman, is Eal ing up steadily for St. Louis end the Upper hieseleeippl.. • The new steamer Fontanelle, Capt. Shaw, Ia announced to depart today for Bt. Louis and Missoiirl River. ~' —Wm. Ford, a well-known Cincinnati and New Orleans pilot, after an illness of two months, is able to be out again. The Leonidas arrived at Cairo on Friday. five days and thirteen hours out from New Orleans. —The Arkansas river wee falling at list accounts with 43‘ feet at Little Rock. —The tilendale arrived at St. Louis on Friday lmt. RIVER PACKETS. ~VANRVILLE_AAU NARIIVILLE OK EVAN CLAttEOVILLK AND _ rplencLO t.t.trorr ,_ CAMEI.I IL L. 34 lo ° r ' ta ago ' ;; Vi• itorttmalte: Clort. Nrlll4;istainmr. Aprt, sod totorntedlote W. O. "th " r m. arc' sptOr on board or to oVIV'reY"LbAt(7I27{.I)ItLINIPI4 00D. Agrotit MENPUISJAND NEW ORLEANS on MEMPHIS ANDidget NZW ORLEANS. — The •plc , Itid Red clmmudloer MOLLIE ZBI&RT. ...... Csmt. U. W. EuzaT. Clerk. Btavaih t ht pprr.. will 1eave.... 1, 9 , e on WZDNEZD•Y. Aprll3l7m. :cja " . ' 7All ger (MLISIVLIV.Vigt. UPPER MISSISSIPPI' FIR ST. LOUS, KEO.adr ai t AUK •U BT. PAUL.—Tbe elffitErt.7nr....t.7•Ttfir. FucaLer.. Com'', Clerk. Capt. James M. Vmdergrar, will hareem serrve_!srt TUILBI3 n Yr April Beth- ~ .t. l ßc . .r t rr "g" " P nIfI s tiTONT. ' Co.. A Rees.. CAIRO AND . ST. LOUIS FOR CAIRO. 8 T.l d dr im b LOlllB At MIKSOUIII RIVER. he new yaskenger oteamer VONTENF.LLE. ..... JOWN S. WHAW, (wet r, • Ir aye as, above ow TDEMDAY. April tt Ott, for trAglit or ps‘ssore PPP! , on tootot or to • YLACK C CULLIZIERVOUD, Afents. CINCIPINATI PITTSBURGH AND ()MIN PACKET LINK The neer and splendid side-wheels . JLTNIATA.Capt. C. L. Ilazahas. urn kayo Pittsburgh for Cincinnati EVERY TigUltsll A'a at 12 oieloak bromptly. Return ing. 2111 leav e Cincinnati V.VERY SUNDAY at 12 M. Tor freight or malage, away on board or to ! ' EL ACK a CULLING .1 (191) to ! JAMES COLLINS. A/M[lU. TTSDURGII AND CINCL PACKET LINE. The u.•.• su.l ~,I,u,ll,llkide..l., l si lia rm t Ste.ntr. 4111.17 , UTUff..DANIF.f. . MVOS., saw., IS•smat . ...o. Oler luavc• rittsburgb, fur CluClnetpti 41..7 TUNISDAY .t IA M• pr , J.PUT. Atat...tax. leaves Clactnnatl tut rlttsbrab. at IS eve r) FRIDAY. For fret ikL. smear, or otticr talcinnatloo..r ply on board or to (.1 irtr.ClS C /P T 6./ r. L el.lll . - 0 WOOD. Agoc4o. NOTICES ar - 00 - DE. beiter.leett•Nrubilomuelltur torw. "Aar IthlLV:rarilllTAZ , "l . : 10, th, cure spepsta and all the Debtiltated Candi oft[lent bolitweace.4 DR. eCHItIeCK•6 MANDKIKIL fo Dbeasca of the Liver or to act as • tieelle rtir Kathi Alt oe. f there three illeilici•er are alert required lu caring CensumpUou, thougq the Pattoonte resin alone has cured maey. desperate rare, The Seawed Tonle and heal tale Pills. unmet la regulating the litonitach and Liver, man kelp the Pulnionic Syrup to digest aud search through the Mood veraels, imam a cure to soon el, l Tore. Medicines arc eorisclentionely orb__ , the Public as the only are. retie'. 1.13,1 rellabi_ remedy fur Pulmonary consumption. ad for all those morbid condition• of the body which Iced peyote l &woe. Lira( atypical and 1-17.• peyote ate often forerunner of Consumption. ad weep they matrest then:metres they malty the too t prompt attentau. • The Ifulmoule Strop le a medicine which has had a long probationbefore the public. Devalue has been proved by the thousand ave. It has 01.01 three( la a period of more than *Mar -dye yeah. In allot which time its reputation has In. ereamd. and the most obstlata skepticism eau nolonger doebt that it Is a remedy which may hr osed witheohtletence in all cases which admit of &cure. • If Um patiat per.ercringly follow the di rections which it each bottle. he Will meanly be cured. hi. lanes ars not wo much wasted to make a cure possitle. Leen la eibee apposed to be Incurable, when Mends and play- Las iir b ett ' Vc 7 111. 1 7 ' 21g ;L e l el f t M iel= him to perfect health . , Dr. karmic does not toy that all cases at Pulri myna, Ceneumfddon are within the reach of medicine, bathe emphaticelly amene that often - ben paneets have the most alarming symptoms, such as a violent cough, creeping chills, night yereays, general debility, even to leek a degree Meat they ere obliged to lie le bed. and when they me stern op by tale phalcian they may &Ull a eared. 1 0 0 medical treatment can create, uew langs. somehe the tunes oe ray mayed find to extent destroyed, a are tie of leeted by 11r. Sehentk • • medicate. Auto. In tkroroloos Thema, mac medicines are mostly ciloant. Dr. Schenck has photo graphs oft tt:t4T u r ir T c ht 71MeriennaW„Tg and now watch most be able to healevelties In' Um lonia In UM Mutant of Couareption it is us toe Inmost LLODOrtanee to glee rigor mie taeOhl tooe to theOpt°. 'Hence it le ItedteelkeY to strengthen the appetite of the patient sea im• Prove the digeation. Prover nourishment is re gaired together with seen means as edit make the food rally digestible.- The ottelas most suitable fur the diet of Consumptive patient. as dealenated in Dr. Scheuck's Almanacs. which are Ainsibuted gratuitously. In general. the most hlaly nutritious article. are to he pree ferred.but the ellgestiveorgans most be et, Math. reed in order to male either food or medicine isenicemble. This teadmment is met by the Seaweed Tonic, and for this purpose It eras doe ignittedi When the dismal. , Mears ire pot In goad order. the foodhes Its proper agents the Mstem Of the patient Is Inelgorated endive hinge be lln to eared.° their factions in • nor Mal and healthy manor. Then the healing power. Of Palmate Syrup will ellect Use aura p .12=ZIVIIryi=ran tarlroricatft. set ' sak's Madras row in , audei P to Move obstruction. from the Liver and restore its healthy action. They hare all the eMcacy which is earthed to calomel or "bloc meal." and ars warranted not to oonteln • particle of any mitt crl poisop. These rsit, cure the most obstinate costiveness, slob headache, pUra bilious erre. Me, and all other disco. which Arne from • torpid or °helmeted condition the Liver. tine box of these pills will prove MedMl of the Modica°. In Constant on the lea Weed Tonle and Man drake TIII. a laminable auxiliary medicines m They rollere tee sufferings of two patient and avel one Polmonle Syrup In a Mire. They ft have been toned meat in ada cflecta pte g d etagers or Cousumution, where the lunge sin almost tire', destroy./ t end all symptoms warding to ruitt. dr' Tl:gesrilliit i ntrirt i trral= l smiths inicandielon have at. Prearlred roe by the use of tlelicack's three great rem ales. Dr. Schenck'. Almanac antra. a foil treatise on. the radon. form. of disease. his mode of treatment, h ednera directios how Apemenhis mediate, csa had gran., o r gent ym h t samara his Principal oMce,l No. 10. North 1710th etreat. Philadelphia. pa I • Price or the Maputo Syrup ad Seaweed Toe. ie eah 61,54) per hotUe, or 111,60 half dams.. Mandrake 1 . 111,MS cents &box. Tor sale by all druggt.t. AeZed&T Iag — DOCTOR WUITTIER CON . 11}11.111:5 TO TREAT ALL PRIVATE NEARER. That nuterove Mess of cameo result ing fromself-abase. prOdOClng U1112•1111111p4, tenon.lrriteldlity , eruption.. semMel emissions. and gristly Impotency permanentlY cured. 'Petteln amiebed with delicate, toms:ate and long standing constitution.' eromplauts are politely invited to call for osneultation. which 00111.5 nothing. EZlKrlellee. Linnet,. °near-nem. hu esibled Wm to wince& remedial at ono. effi cient. sea, permanent. and which la rust eases can be al gid without Itindranes to 1)11111112211. Med icines prepared In the establishment, which em brues otticc, reception and waiting rooms; alm bunting and Meseta' apartments for patleate requiring daily attention. and vapor and cheall thus oonoentrating the fasted 'anent urine. o matter who bus fallen, slate your eon. Read whet be • unit Ole pam phlet of env pages. sent to any addreu for two stun* In sealed envelope. Thousands of cues _treated mtnuallz; at offre sad all over the corm nes, , C lq " u :O U' W a ;TticenTerr r Ck ' gr t bl Ei mat Pittsour ' in. Pa. 7 ltoars 9 1 1. to V M. Sun days MK. to r. li. Pamphlet sant to any ad dram Mr two UMINN •Sr •. LEOtJA.TE. Amattockear LarBATCHELOWS ELURDIE. —Thi. eldendld Hair Dye Is tbabest In Me world. Elacudess, rdl.We t Instantancents. does not contain less. 1 , 01,3ky fttailla ipotioa to peplums payitlystsOr death. Avoid the vaunted And delnatve prensinittons nautili virtu rt .* they 0010 Ivy OL . 3//lneesliLtraii2loo ret i tle! tion to ophold tts Inteertty as tee only Perfect .Ine—Blect 0 , Brown. Pohl ny: all Drugs Ven. Applied MAO Bond ntreet. Y. te7 (V.01.1631T.-100.1 bble. •virtax,B'ydraulle Unbelstbs best to use. re. , Sala by - J. IS, Four th FlEL 141 mum. FREEHOLD - BANK AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION. No. 100 Fourth Me., Pittsburgh. CAPITAT PRIVILEGE tow Allow Awnrea by Mad on Time neal Deposits.'Estate and wt. Depo Int . Preeldent—!DWA ll l 3 NOM. - Vice rrciiiiiente — d. a. GUAM ADAK JA . . SIMARD HOUSE, WIT.I.IAM PH.LLIPS, JAMES S. CHAFT, HOWT W. MACKEY, THOMAS STHO M TEL, W .IARED M. HHOSEI. AS . HAWS &CUL.] sod Tremem — THOMAS STEEL. Ambits. Cashler—JAMES P. SPEER. (Mice ho , re fr..= 9 o'clock A• ■. to 4 o'clock . dolly and every Saturday events, from 7 010. a ..7twal 11 ECM !LINKING CO., No. 92 Fourth Avenue, PITTBDUIieII. BE= ockholders Individually Liable. W. H. $Y MASON. W. C. MACRUM, CARMEL CICE=I ALEXANDER RATES. JOHN LINDSAY. W H. axteist.n4, JOHN 0. PHanLlll3. W. 0. HUUHABT. B. JACOB KLEE. Collentlone made on all aicamlble polutcot the Untied States and Canada.. INTEREST allowed On TIME DEPOSITS. Promo attention ileen WWI bulkiness of eor. emondents, PrIdafTIONAI BANK, Wood St, cor. Second Avenue. INTEREST MID ON DEPOSITS. Bold, Coupons, Bonds and Stooks DODGEM AND SOLD. A. BEAMAY, President, W. VANKIII.K. Vim rre.a141.. , .. o.i•JAT CYKI3IICLAIMIC. Jn.. C.hler. 14:lat140 1 )Hilbiki 71 OE' rrx-rr4nuisciaa., MEM Safe Keeping of Valuables, Under nnarnntee. and the rantinn of Safes In ils Firs and Burglar-Proof Vaults. No. 83 FOURTH AVENUE President—WlLLlAM PHILLIPS. Vico Presldeot—llENST LLOYD. DINSCTOWS: WILLIAM rtuct.L03.1111(1102•1 H. PAINTER, HENRY LIA.1(I), , Jot 3. MORRIOOM. V/ W 4L L L "A IA M IIt K M EA . L . TOIt.CI U IWIT RU LdrO S . L II A U C OIi K kt. .1401. I. MONNIXT. Tkluo-fl. F. VOIN HOISMIIIOIIIIT. Otool &A LT Horn o f o'clock 2 Fifth Amin, Pittsburgh, I% CAPITAL. 1100.000. STOCKROOM INDIVIDUILLT MOLE. I4TEBBOj OR ILAN E ID X. 4: Cl i i A n N E Rouitht Imd *old. an 4 when dcaltrt remitted to =t7,;( VL: V9Aqno.lPAnfLfrrL 3;1117 TAZaerlr. •••:• W• N. MORGAN. Casdif.r.. " InniCrO.A. Javan M r Huai, /Wtt e t , Terence Cam. Jame. Chelan, H. A. Trerroate TlMmasitarna, Thtrl ct om.* Hawk.. rs Hum . . • Chas.. Ma*lnn It. J. U race, MMfflMi = HART, CAUGHEIt & CO., :HANKERS AND BROKERS, corner Fourth and Wood Streets, PITTIIIIITGLI. PA.. MUCCES3OII. TO ItiNNA. BART U. DWAIII 4 Exchange, Cin, Coupons, .1 phetleular attgAli&rztd to the eatete I GOVERNMENT BONDS. DraitT an Lendon. MOLDIER i SONS, /A • - 13.A.N1ELMS, 57 MARKET STREET PTITS . II9IIOIII. PA. of thill=Tit:rditra (Vl2a. "'lPat "th" Stocks,Bonds and other Securities BOOOLIT AND BOLD ON COMMISSION r.rtiesur NJA dal. of United States Securities P 4.11.11 COAL AND COKE OSCAR F. LADIN MiNIIYACTOSIIRS OF CONNELLSVILLE 001 a, DZALICRS LN Youghiogheny and Anthracite Coal, PITTMUIIGH. PA. Office: BOOM 110. 6, Gazette Building. larCrdels rand. tally solleltel, apnyja COAL ! COAL'. Youghiogheny Gas Coal Co. ' Thle Company ere now prepared to furnish the baT M C l M oes a nd a da q .d an ng Y h eATFAI.R -•1110 Railroad Depot, foot of Try street, Pate ton, Pte. or to Yard, WUI beV:11; a ttended to. a. r. O'HE6I(• Secretai7a = CILIIILBS ••ALEA !ought any and Gonneilsville Coa, And Rantfaciurer o, COAL, BLACK AND motirnuenzi) COIL OIPTICE AND YARD, corner Huth: and Morton street. Liberty and Clymer etreeth. Moth ward; slut nocond newts, Mlghth ward. 0000 t [ hot or nano meet. P. C. R. R. DePot. Beetled ward. t Ordure left at either of the shore recce, or ed dies.to me throsnaPinaburgh P. 0...0111 T - een, promo; swam. 0, alle.o4roznal".trratim.vaiurra la; ler bo,Olllehell, thephennon Co., iey o oPregf,ll2N2l. Egltit wm. "AWL A co.. J 10. Lyon 6 CA., Janes ninsball di Co., Allen. Iffolleo A Co., Linton Da vl : tAlitati:il)4lft:ll,4lll:llle.. S., Ponninloanin B. r0A1..1 COAL!! MAIM DICKSON, STEIVA.RT ik• ii• - rtuu re.ore4 tlxict. , lle• it NW 667 LIBERTY STIRELf, , smut/ 0 1 1 . 00 ,4 ta,.,117 EatT.ltgiNTolll.lBZ u zirk; tatrset tele.% price. • 411n.r0 left st ttlet , oflce, or addressed to .nomtbrongh Me sail. 1.111 tro ettentl/ ra mom., LIGAL TN TUE COURT OF QUARTER MiSIONB.IF o. 15, December Maalox., 0511. M= • City of Pittaberili. And now. April Ad. IWIO, the Mart •Prwitiet J. W. OVER. Etc . Cominhatoner In tee above cam. to bear the evidence offered by the parties Interested and report the woe to tide Cow with Ids opinion as In .00h modification of the mPort of viewer. as should be made, If any, and eform of decree. le. Prom the It, cord . JOSEPH BROWNE, Clerk. Notice Is hereby elven that the eadrrahriced will attend to the &Mee of his above appoint. mast at hi. othdr, Not 911 Fifth &wane, on Di& 9th DAY OF MAY. at S r. N. of MOIST when and where all parties may attend. J. W. OYES, Onsmlsnionar. No. Oh Fifth &octane. azz:l ARO - BITEOTt3 rr D. EVI.IIIF4-- • 'Aitcrarr.E.cr. • No. 42 'Fifth A:iireirlie. Plans and epecU!edtlana prepared Teltkeard far all !dada of paPPI CINIEEBI6. N../ Iwo boxes embus 10 0 00=1 ler We II J. S. oA.llMilikU. 11111 JIM Alllllll DUQUESNE WORKS. COLEMAN. RAHIL & 00.. I=l IRON. NAILS STEEL, AXLES AND SPRINGS. • D IMMIX X. I. X AND JUX FL A.L . BA.&dpjl i N E D K 4ligniV l K E N t or ItILNALATES AND IIEADS,._ VENTil,reu p alva ir jfal l i s a ST E EL . nP ILI NO.TtArW AND CULTIVATOR STEEL. STEEL WINOS STE E LUL cute" pattern. STEEL TEAKS. SLLAYTINU, A. E. STEEL. - ACOACH, BOOBY and V LOON SPHINIAI and CLES. UT NAILS AND SPIKES. All Goods First Cass and Warranted. • OFFICES AND WOIOLS: -Ilintaentla Street and Allegheny River and IT Wattar iltreet. Pittsburgh. mho . , tll 1 ' 1 .$51104.1.000 = HICTCALT• IfIEDRE r N A .X K IL i ki . k/GO• W. B ABB. 4.41A8. ersam. Piano's-13 M. KIER. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, MILLER, BABB & PARKIN, OFFICE,. No, 120 Libtrty Strut, PirrEIBIIRUH. felt:dl3 PITTSBURGH STEEL WORKS. XISWILISHED IN 1841: ANDERSON & WOODS, YAIO/A0:08818 OF BEST REPINED OAST STEEL Of even desfAIPO.A. ADO. tAft Refined Gomez Plow and Rpring Steel. DUNNED EONS AND MIST AVANUIS- POD bunch. ra. DUQUESNE FORGE. wu Asa Vitiecessor to JOS. HhJt H . & .ittt the leadheit Tor '"t44l:fe'tatly 'alrld.ggelerltto ergIVIUS Alolet, Corklar.B, PINION HOD. LIVIFIIB. PITMAN JAM.% V? RAILROAD AXLES, LOCOMOTIVE FRAMES, together with ere.", deseripUon of SHAPE WORE. (Moo .0 Forge Corner of Duquesne Way and First Elrod. WS:MO prrrsiTuliou NOVELTY IT OR Foranded h. D. 1813. MOORIZAB,ADAIS & ItA2IIPALCIVAIIIt B 0? " I NPFI T A A TAN D iItraint a ii rAT. SCALES. • 1..1 1 TXRAZttI Door i hr•Altd Latch., rr SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, MIMI & CO., PITTABIIIIGH, PA - MlL ' uldacturaill of oven , deecalotlosr of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL. rff.fiIYTTORAIrIhLATTOW.II BPHINEII3, A1L.1121, 33V11.1. TULE. 4e.. to. Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Ste. B LACK DLOIOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & €O., Manufacturers of all descriptions of eirr-MWrir . • CIS. sad Warehouse. THIRTIETH, THIRTY /DLIT sad RAILROAD STREETS, STOvEfti, CASTINGS. &o COOK STOVE& CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO'S TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL, Warranted to Cook, Hake or Bout u well IS My ether Store In the Union. BISSELL & CO, No. 286 Liberty Street. *lvo, on band and for PARLOR. STOVES, inwrire novas. ORATE rstoTs, VENDEE& COOSING SkrallCS. Lc. RAPP, HUMUS & CO KLIM FAULT:MOS Or ITIZT vaaErnr or STOVES, BOSTON COOKING ( RANGE THE FIERY FURNACE," = THZ NEW ANTI•DUBT COOKING BTOVIR lIRROULATOR. I. COLUMBIA COOK S_TGVA zip TAlTAtt,imr.,ll2 wvarm runri. TußarirTsirbWrittlln and dust; 206 and 208 Liberty Street, PITTSBURGH. l'll. A. BB ADLEN & CO., NO. BO WOOD STREET, Maofooturoro of the Greaten Urletyof Cook, Parlor and Heating Stores, Is oar aseoriment will to foetid all the LATEST PATTERNS AND DePROVEMENTS, sad the rep mall= of oar Moves is such that any one in watt of • Rood article should parches* none but those msonvictured by as, se they will. be foetid the on durable as well as emaciates!. Would rgyrizra ch attention t lo oar .... t. yuLcan) )01 Ittl * lot 1,1141 7 1=1... .totlortlL ' ol ' Ol• 0111.01111 casco... ltat groto n : WOO them proto nottlL., tot oot totineroor LO miter so , tor er. for est alOsun LAS, kA 10;ii:izs7teloq:i;11 tnicm2 HENRY BIER 'ac CO., JOHN N. COOPER & 00.. Bell and Brass Founders. INS CASTINGS MADE. PBOMPt TO MOIL Iffaleable and Grey Iron Fittings, GAS PIPE AND TUBING, 11110111 a, ,1, SUITT tidD YILYIB, nr mann .*arraner. IRON COCTECON, Brass Work of every description for • Steam, Water and OH. =ME XANIIPIXTUBILItS OP J. M. COOPERS COIS laprend Balance-Wheel Stan Pump. Agents to Dreyfus , Pateat Ott ers, the best to the Market. Olin sad Wins . emu Thleteenstll awl Piss Streets. I=3 A 11WOOD & BicCAFFREV, Maser Lamar street taut Third Arcata. 1=21331 IMAM FOUNDERS AND IRON PIPE Firm . sad Alardrill [or A. CAXIZON a 00'! MUM plial PS AND lit,aWkall. HOLEIRF44 I , MIA, it . ANCHOR COTTON MILL* 7Latarketsesers of aft WART AsoHos: AID aglzerar.lloi *MD "XATTIMICI. ENGINES, BOILERS. &o, FO T PIT" BOILER. STILL AND TANS NVC/I - 1.1 - K*;. CARROLL AND SNYDER. KAN ITYACTUREBA Or AIL DOUTILIL.PLITED TUBULAR rIIOC,I4ILL AN U VYLIIIDEA FINN; OIL ISTILLN AND MI. TANKS, CHIMNEYS, ANNKcHINO AND AIOI PAWN. ISETTLINti PANN, NN, AMU CON DENHKILL !STEAM PIC)* IiANLOIF.TV.H.S AND LEON BRAN] M, ZILLINON DOOM AND CULL NOUTES. 01Iles and Wareham.. earner Seen d Tklrd, Short add /Abater prrraistruau. PA or Orders salt to the, sm.* addrvsup be pm roPtli to . 7_l6jl_ KINK N. BOLE 86 CO. Lbr. Point Alley and Duquesne Sift Engine Buddera, Feninders and Manufactere BTEAMBOAT iNGINEB ale. 'STATIONARY ENGINES, of Mildew , Roeclot attention I ARY OIL WELL cot low E 2VVNIIIVILAB BOILER r ' ILL S ofirP Stud mWetoordelatoar Foundry, on a MED BTREaT, below lemltet. RIGS for ON Wells, !MATTING, PULLEIM. A GEM, 1101:1eF , and TOBACCO WILEWIS ' LAE . ON TOBACCO FILESWES, on . hand and made to order, at the • INDUSTRIAL WORKS. rrontlng on the Allenheny RIM . , near the Foist, I=M;t RIESICK & BBO VIBE a BUROLAU-PIiIAYOF SAFES AND VAULTS. NO DAMP;NO 110IILD ENGINES AND . LICILINERT, Argr e z o c u it i fids — ar ,o " CC- Cur. 17th and Plke Ste., Pit hsbargh, Pa. O'HARA BOILER WORKS. F. REPHAN & CO.. Yom•facturera of STEAM BOILER'S, OIL TANEN BTILLB. ITsToI4I, SALT r A NS, OASUNIETEVS,SZT TLIN EN O P&tis. l'itts BEIM, ON LOXIILS, CII/MMETB. BRIC PIRA h.e.. Cor. of Broad • Meant and , Liberty tt., Repairing done promptly. Orders mat to the above addreas ~11l be promptly attended to. Y. ItISVHAN. termarly Manager at CAititOtat ISNYDISIt'S. oeldtptr2 SAID Y. SIWSH YDYDYD D . 31081, I.RED SU BRUSH ac SON, Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IKON WOES, &O. 61 Penn Street. Pittsburgh' Pa. LW o 3+141,19 OAP TORT PITT 'OUNDRY COMPANY TWELFTH STREET ,Mr Engines. BeMing Mill Ma chinery, Nail Machines, Re torts. and Castings generally. NATIONAL FOUNDRY =I Varner Carroll and amallmarm atreela. WILLIAM SMITH, CAST IRON BOWL PIPE ky rives are all on Irmarlably In rlta. Is Cra and and l 9 Rat karat. Alm, fall analanny. reakal Castings for Gas & Water Works. antsould also call the attention of Superintend. of Gas Works to my make of .H.LTOILTB. Ram: lLnnhctnrcn ‘ Adi n il4 1311 1 21 1 .1nd FRONT!' arscaixtr.M,P‘g CITIFAM; tituut Houses. Ornem OuflOnT—No• ISO WATER STREET, PltUburgb.r. ROBINSON, USA & CO., 9r;eoa...tra to 80311111011, MINIS t Y 111.2 8 .1% WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND IIkOBERISTS, PITTSBUNGH, itoontsetOror• of Boat sad Statlonarißteaso La vati,B,ut, OUT and Otlos. Holley arid If Mei Iron Wo• Lace, No. la, comer nut and nadthadd atretil. lora PATZNT THONLILS CARLIN & CO., TO BL POUND IlainilhaumsofftdlonarTand Portiblglitem Blununs.UU W ort. BAW L =delay , 111111 Wort. BAWL? unload ggegoir pniponqc BOLL FOUNDRY, Cor. LIBERTY sod 5418 STREET& BOLLNI AN BACALEY, SUCCUMBS to COTTON MILLS ervivistrtsciu rENNSYLV A NIA GlCtiritAL LLI AIL On end .$t 11 1411 . 1559, Trailtelll R the Union rierot, ”d Liberty streets. Ye b arriot, 1169 Tram.— 1:60 ash That Line 1-116 as Wall's No. 1.. 0 SO ea BristosioNol7:6o Wall's No. 1..11:50 IN elnelsnalt Ex.9:60 lota:Sown Ac 1U:50 am lineks As Sol 7:00 pm Pltteb' h 11 , k . 141 , ) , wrms pm 1 ' A N4 N . 1 pv pm i Way lon Phess`r 10:60 pm 'These tralsts make DIN be4tfolllaltetmi z thtrolay 9:0111 10:96 a. m. Be tatatut 111:110 p. m. and arrivi . 'Cln 7 etu ut nall Tams. I Snort./ Ira, a dallf ex.% ";WANL7.7.l.lgg.`r.,"r EBT E. N- 4 graggrAisl • FENNSYLVANIA yIiSALL).-4111 and after NOV. 14, `,,45va raasenget Trains oa the Weals= cabman arrive at Kad Inl6 . 0.11 federal 131 not INrot. AIWIRhtuT ity,as !iglus - 21 Arrlys. _ Depart. . • 6Atidtrbiltlll3 :t, Yrs :It 0 • . 15 , s,rWg Nal 11:10 an irrAt gIU;i , . Piliitta m - s ' repAl. N 0.2 SAO P tipruutd's N. 100 V 2 , la Stlrlng , Pe No10:30 pit Above trains rn'. d a ll 9 erupPt Sunday. The7.ralo leaves Allegheny Jurct/e1 evert all„.0 , at I:40 m. le Allogneny City ate , : yotorore,g, leaves Allerheny . (AZ , at l:e s(11 p. n, and ac Y.ilerhens Jose qOn at awns , leavinit Alleattmy cuy at 4•t. .• . Aiers dirties eeflues Don at Freeport i. Itaeet eu, for Entice wad Hatinabstenrt• .2 , 1301 , tickets asay be purchased at the lace, • u. 1 lit.Clats att . :Set, near the Onsimusiusliridga, elttstnirgh, and at. tte Depot, Alieghoo7. • • 70r flistber luS .1 0rm5.C.22 Splay to tI.I.PF.S.NTS, Sh. te ll* it Stsent t , • • Sim W.s:era renne•lvartla itallread Is DI 0,4 tot excel for "Inarlog AttgAtel,..l2,Vlirtt..ole rd ns,llo tilindreil Dollars In 'aloe. All beggsu• ea. needing this amount. la value 'filth*, at thr ; lap ovyner, ,side taker.1.15 , zu . , 1 % . 1 , 1,i,: r. nett fienersl linnstlates.,:at. A .4 , 0 . .. lat (Nu m Tin VOINT.) AfaChildBGl. PILTTSBuRett , PA pLILIDed, TUT Oh_ PITPSIIIJRUP4 f PA MANITFACTCOiItS or OrFIOA AND INTORNO, PLITSBUAGH, PA AND PIPE WORKS, =9 P1LTTE113117.11.43113, MIME YOB GAS AND WATER WOILEIS W. J. ANDERSON & CO., Patinae of all tlestriptloos. onfth Ward Foundry 04 lathing Volta BANDUBIEY BT.. ALLEUMNY Bt. Ilanutseturers of fluperfor ChM Rona, Sand Rolla & Pinkma. 1.0 REIMOVALS REMOVAL. ALDERMAN LIMES unisex Ras removed his *Mee. from corner of Webster avenue and Washington stenos, to No. 181 nrm 1.121111 X. 10111:112 REMOVAL. Eatabargh Bank for Parings Hu rammed' nom tro. 67 ha el FOURTECAVY, NOM, In the Merchants and Yannhetmra Stank tnnullon. • a.ll -REMOVAL. The Monongahela Insurance Company Has removal from No. 98Wster etreat to N. N. comer of Wood meet and north avenue two old tom). CULCILBCti w 'fourth avenue. spawn JOHN H. cx.iumr. Nocreto7. ff=l= M= FULTON 8 "'BANN, PRA.CTICA.X. P1,1731:13E1143 GAS AND STEMS FITTERS; R ink inveigge, Near BIEb Straere PTIINIBILMen. Lead Pipe. "dom How. Ga. Iflxture. Wake, Bath TVA and Wean etend A lion Pip. .ae Fittings. Ate zed Beer Panda, and Steam Mete always on hand. Peelle and Private Platlelage fitted nip with Use. Water and Steam ligaglag Aileaggigeg. Jobbing Ineeni , • Weeded to. '44 - 41)1ICETO FLOVILDEMLERB AND CONBI3II3I3I&—We are Now mete slot: of 40,000 Waldo earetally&leeted warts' AND AND= • AND TZ...OZT. parebosed.lo Ottroo, Parks. Oren ajarmornt, • otenittes,. bearln*. a me nd ot Wn& lathe wry best to und and Oialtat sa nriaolOO by any to the Irnitod Slates. , • • We Iwo Woo dabbed our ItownwomeaU lDwaeldo b b a o r t w o w B pemthr ,tw s Co oouT t o Wl A C D oD lo.lo.inn ge . mn ooMpeNt m n e onDO tam e wade•az Azar DMdefy 11. labbtalCDT & • Puri IteastlLlN. 9960999. 6939.ambes 11,1067. 1 • Lll. r• m•• ovnaa ,„ „rive ; • , Corner - 'VW' 4:41-0-.1.5 Southort!: . s : 10 .11: Da •••••• •if i0bt..,17,Z-,610 V: • V • PLUG. 4 ,, 0 1 1 3 7 30 1 . 9 r t.P counacilo MOE as,: Walla !Fok , tinn ev e n! rOutlituMg aßti . I`lllll , AR..t. rohallempanyielll teat Sr `WWW:Vg°I:I: :; All Bac,ege ezet.td:all will be' at the rh.l tee A, J. ORt3SATT. thtetteeht Alt. 0.011•. Yee— The Petzsylvitulatentlr. lane nny ittliforttarekt % ' d 4 t ' gtVgil th' nt_n " . e .t " hnt amount Is v TllUtt Owner, units, taken by MR=M= 1 5z .. .14 1 :1 atr '‘ Ai rld titY ' NriftA 711.61 .' /lio e V. Vath. and &mire at UP! Oahe Cittga, P.llO. Vrl g rirAP: M. VitilcX•l6: Vam P I T ° a 'U. 11171:: (An p i Dm n ' ttfil . F.All7 Wrif MI! t Tiachtf ter '• avait Pra tuaa •• 11:Itt; Loatadalt Aca•s:l3 pm Ilea•rFalla • 0:13 Laatottale •• 43HPAP Fair Osta Ya day Churcu , :111 er. Cbleaa ekr114:0813 ta.(;tima! Y. Et. aIYM i J. ilettlra , a act ge nom • WAY NIL 4 , 1111.1.4.01 J ) PITTSBUIif.III M. K. • 9, trait., IV Ili I t s from lystynt. r0r,A2!0., . . Chlease Ex.. 1,113 aea ..! Cecina Ex ...11adiil p xi ~, Wheeling EX lUi lbwm l, C.h.l.it. G. Ex 7:114 pm •-, C4llgoExa.Ml39 l S I m ~.; Cleveland Ex 3:411p m }-, Eme dr YglnExll•o3pag ; c!. g wale ExlAMple , ~ aervva (a .4l: , togr• ~.. Lecledale A.c..6:03 ate Peer Valle l• 06R ma HOW 14 Caetle llS4•21 mai 1.• haon il iiii: ma , • Leets , l 46 ‘ . /)1 , 413i , .. reel rah! `` trill , . • Lanted l• 7 ale l• 4 .213 P :7, x M ip glxi. Vale s dm, dav Choral. V:411 am ° "'" go 14" '" l ' l ' a la ..:. N l .jrcliZlti re .ull ~,11. eat, Pix,...tl , ,siret. t• TIME. 4. E 01122..7 VALLEY 11.4114:10.71. MIL ORLY DIRECT ROUTE TO AR on RENTOIDS WITH( /UT CIIANOE Of CARP. °nano Altos 111/21114.7. 1/4 11100.1711) 7 4 . tirleja‘:ni ggf.T.PtilluuZgii! out:rand Pao suceis,f ersultiln,Ou Loty.sonl• falo and allpoints t 1 011 Region*. saiers prnnucuou. AXSIV rirrspems Coy Et 7:115am Day 4:31/ p m , islot:, Ex..— 14,00 pm Night Ex.—. 7:00 a m - 15t11411.0n... 11:40 a m Ist Oohs" • 11:73'• M fit mu1t0n...11:40 m 741100.00 .. 9:00 aTO ad 8.00 ph; =Holum—. iS:ta m 4th Hulton..11:00 p m 4th Button. 7:13 , vrelport Ac. 9:30 aos gods Works 7.55 ain So4aWorks.. 0:30 p m Prer_port Ao 6:14 p m Hrstlyis B 4:11 p Roblya BAA 10:04 am ChtliTh 1;00 pm ethirch--•... 11111 . 11 •so Storms trains stop only st psi uropai Arrotionodation trains Mon at all Ms thins. Ws are now running "haver Poises lileeptos Cars' , onour night Express trains, both wall Prom Pittsburgh to Corry. .leltj(i'tiflr.XlVlCA . 5 / ' is ", o." 1?:".• wirrepertorlp swim CINCINNA LTLv i i r MAIM IL. PLY HANDLE RC'C. ONANOlreir TIMM.-On ...suites SUNDA!, '.... No, 14th 1869, train. witi t .sve.and an:test : , 1, ! UL1(111 Depot. PR.-smug t, ... enibroa: Pittsburgh Time. .. .13, part. Arr.-. ~. Nall .-.-...........—.-.. NMI a. m. lila] p. es. ri , Southern Express 11:9ti p. to. Sir e. sn. i... rigeerce.Gl-".-•-• lalitg: 11:1Pa: ~. McDonald's Acen.No.l 11:9 9a. 131. 7;33 a. a.. :, Steubenville Aocommod. 3:43 p.m. 9:4N a.m. Mr.Doneld's ACC . II, N0.26:53 p.m. 3:33 T. T.. Sunder Church Train.. 13:516 p. m. .9:128 a. m. sr ft MN r. m. lesprese will lease dairy. , - 33:13 I. Y. Had will anise dtir i i . 0",.1 '., ..,-, Gtilerli Matt elDf. " C7o . lntitfU; ID• j ' 97. w. 01.31). Sav't.. Aniesa. Otto. noili • . . ErntißGll & grogalliw . CONNELTAI 4I T. T. T. OAD. - - Oa =ld after BIINDLY, /Omar, 80ta. 1810, trate will arrive at and demetill4ll o : wetter of Want ai d F et e? . =2 Naito And BoaThaws 11=4.1;;;TZta;ring..4i 11%1 sa. t t. Er. to And'frote tlet.n. 3:15 r. 5. 10:00 •. Y. West Newton Aoctota`d 4:30 r. 5. 1011151. Y. essedoers Aososndt , n. 5:15 r. r. 1.50 r. Night Ae. toliteli . sport 10:30 r. r. (1:45 A. K. *nada, Church Train to And non Wrst Newton 1: 1110/11.5.13 B. 00 nOWEBSI. Anent. t . HARDWARE & CUTLERY. [3 • BEIVER FALLS , • o. CUTLERY. 00„. li No. 70 Wood Strept, = MANUFACTIIIIZES CY THZI2. NLW Solid Cast Handle TABLE MCNI FE. rti • ~ Supertor Steel Blade, Witter...leave Sol-' ~ J star. The metal compolitng thin handle Ls ,3 cast game to the blade. aerating the at. “. . 4 lim i rtrrength in construction without ad- -. al Weight. •,' py It Unlade of the requlldta hardness, lid L , Itnot tarnish or blacken, as In the caw" ,' of plated ware. In color and brIP Isnot, It is similar to pore silver. Handle and r. Blade, ma above deacribed,_coastitate as il article of LINIQHF. 111510 N. Elt dant Ap. !.., pearauce and 1,01,41 Darabilit.. L. mThe nnomb little and Great Strength of L- Ude article enables the manitfacturer. to I, recommend Is . a. toccUaly adapted for an 1 ....... in all Hotels Steamboat.. Restaurant., 114 Public InaUtatio. and rrlvate rambles. - a , , 0 BEAVER FALLS CUTLERY CA) n _ ;•,‘,.. • ,;:, No. 70 Wood St., Pittsburgh; 1114NUFACTORKRS OP TABLE CUTLERY /is - POCKET KNIVES. 4.mality Guaranteed. ntrz- ESTABLISHED 1831. LOGIN, U 6666 1V C 11... =I HARDWARE, 1= 52 Wood Street, rear seer■ above et. (Marilee Hotel') Country Nerehants are Invited is eall..ase examine ear *teat whoa Is the City. Adents for Anderson & Wood's /steel . ad Northwestern Horse !Moe lOU Cosonny. A rollaloe* of Illisetdolsis. Meek smiths o dd Carpenter's Tows.. Apes. ewes Piles. Maribor Bells—g, Lace Leather, *o., always on hand. ja.11:115 PROFESSIONAL W. DeCAPIP, AfTORNET AND COUNSELLOR AT I.W.A Res removed to No. 75 ORA NT ISTRZET, Pitts numb, preeMe In the IL Clrant end leutet Warta, In the Bute linpreme and all LI. 00erts of Allegheny Comae. eon renkhe Wm% In moot or the 041 meet counties. ja.9:el7-1 H. BiccOUNtich, Attornev-at-L aw. No. G kiHADTT STREIT Ou icrPrompS attention Otto to tilt:lids of local tlaws. ie. Alt A.RCWJLILD BLA!MMG wrwourrinx-wr-maaw, 11. NWT= AVEZiTIC. IMIEME WM. IL NEEPEit, Lunramear AND ez•orizczo arnincnt or OFrica, 89 FIFTH AVENUE. el 1=:1 2 ,42 477"*Il e rs i n sad all left onalneu alUnde4 w promptly and accurately. EITONN WEST.COViritir • Machine MOM "R''b r i4 o l peatityviteoroorotlier:CMOS!!l4 0,1111.b".7. inir664l. A•ZykrilLi. A. GO. !Soso colloid or Imola= ma abort uoVoo houirb sad Star. Stoner, Tiro ' far eldoirollr; Slower. rroorto. Haul awl Tonoto Oroneo. .1411rtnei7411 . Ma* . . • 61 I 21=3 = =1