THE Gi7XITE. • • • -irsonsmus -- PENNIKAM.-L REED "& CO., tor. Sixth 'IITOIIIO iid Smitkfleld otrett. P. B. l'EnTithr; ,TOBIAII ZUG, T. P. HOUSTON, " d . P. SEED, roprronsA:l(D ra.ormizom ,1 Tiraucirris Tax minx. 1 " 1 61 4 per rellr .43.11tp54 by eurien, p.ronelt ,ttff aittrajotts, GENERAL NEWS. FLORIDA =llls tiallelln Out. .' Ax anierostie crolle—the cradle of the .-•- • . {Fannon moms a poor maple sugar season'" . ; T B * doge at Bt. • , prey ;on tender Children. • Tam best mothers for ballet girls—step.socalrenk, s• . • • Yozetit f l ab; is haipy in Canes with L.whistles: N r tc "Zurrranto arlfress"—Ashy manner. Haw. Downes policemen sleep In dry ' Hoes talks t datteatng tale to Georgia corn planters. Toms Meraphians are earning $lO a clay catchfak . Ten Info' at common taught.ology—iteo• • : 1 0117e. —Lovooll GrorHsr. 2. lite at - Piara Montreal, lifay ciAirrittra la Med to receive a Viennese la $l,OOO richer for raiding on its gamhkoa LOA rmrk., ~. • Tan Risalisippl planters are going "". their pile on ;Mei this year. , Ponenxisnre is getting along as well as it can without a John Smith. EUROPEANS are successfully working . the Tak asthma coal mines in Japan, lIITLIZING the savory and salatory -Kangaroo for food lea Paris notion. , . Tan woman suffrage movement iri,llan ' - Francisco lereported "petered nut:" - Cerro:mon oil, bleached and relined, extensively used for salad purprisea Gaial'erm?a itaW sicam` • jetties unload vessels at a rite to atteant the natives. Cortaro hia:aiolfed to' Elizabeth. A. • good place from which to write "Elia" A TrIOI7ISABD dollar quoit match is the - • fart outtuesk'Of the stareploiaahlo mat& Lrrrxboy. at St. brick each other to d eath instead ofLouts rocking to sleep. A Lone Isz.arie,graveyard was mliv reed the' ther morning by a prize fight. Tear call it a rough joke on a friend at 'Bt Louis to smash his skull with a slung Two Indiana doctors decided their claims to a young lady's band by a prize -fight. Km Peke, of Virginia, peelk4 Into the other world lag week by taking land. CRUM. A Lrrnia St. Loafs boy has jna l tdie. of base ball on the brats. It fraetnred . Drew,' after.dhiner;reehes are to be published and I ll ustra —Tith plates, naturally.. Tax R 902111 41661 it Coustantina, Algeria, have diigorged a statue of Her. cules in marble. "thrmxtrro dui', mod mid deep ow n are the' delights or travel in . one New Hampshire town. A Micareo.vinarn struck a man In a Ztthe dtherllif, with lila °per; lm, ke his neck. thrown& frult.growers are indigruint chat they have been buying young ponto on for peach treed. , Drumarra too much water in his arisen _ le was the - cause of a Cincinnatian's decease on a recent evening. A wonky with a. beard two fief long Wasfecentir one of ilia gelds at, Toulouse, boa the only lived 105 years. -- : ,- /acinansVizzat Ileitolonsm ing with wonderful success in camellias . and fattening nog, for market. - • , Incoscravnuarre Induce .en impel ' sive Nashville lady to pummel her husband to death tbs. other day., ' :Raiervoiro &lei of hifiLonsfiew Song of Bigher•Water,- and pines for County, ticut ever shad.-lEforiford Tima.l A Nine Orleans policeman got dninli the other night, and made it warm for the 'citizens henna, sliwthig them on!aight.. • Mn. RAJUILEIGII rashly drowned him self but west the other day because his wife went to lectures with - moil= mon. A listooxaver man magnanimouilly refuses to prosecute the man, who shot him, hecause he meant told?. another fel. WHAT I. the difference between a don ' key and the only empire in South Ameri ca? The one brays well; the other Brazil. Taw Sultan's family consists 900 artist and 1,400 other people, at meld tfmes, and p in he g. is thinking of gising up house kee An Snelni fsperPol‘sly, "a mowisar, bombastic ruffian; 'who seld his mother's only cow to bny himself 'flashy nab-rm." - - A TINSILEAS . II dentist has made himself - beautiful new set Of teeth. The others ; were Impelled, dawn his .throat by his mule's heels. Tharan.thr Yonne has just got home front his tour of the Territory, and was ~received bra proadthowpf several hun. dred of hut children. 13131331 DI GIBARDIN Is opposed to traying criminals at aIL ,He thinks they should be left .to the pangs of remorse. • That's what they all think. A Cameo° bartender married a couple -- land who confidingly thought him had hi They havarrested. e found out their avor and m Jsai.ousr impelled the vengeful carving knife which piercedthe vitals of • New Orleans wok, a few days since. The other woman Is in jail. TER loyal leaguers of Robeson county, N. 0., are again raiding on the disloyal • of that section, and all night long the soft notes of the pistol are heard. Two compthiesof Canadian volunteers that 63 the front at Bt. Armand, were each snail boys and they boohooed so, their i,celottel kindly'sent them hums Foul, expecimentors in a new Illuraln• --- sting gas at San Francisco assembled the other evening to test It. Each left the room with a window sash brag monad his neek. • Pumas= Churres mother is drier bed as "a weillyraertrat, old lady of 70; rattler below the medium height, with a dam 0 11 ;P eye. and neatly yet plainly dressed," . . TS heathen emblem of the snake bold. hag his tall in its month has always been . explained to mean Eternity. Bun Ukiah the emblem typical of Life, rather. is in dialing a continual effort to sake both ends meet. The Pope's. Precaution itoten Pesos. At the finte of mass. betas the Pm*. entice', ife box containing the hosts is placed on the altar, from which the Holy rather selects three, which are placed In a row. The Pope indrcates one, but relvistny from Mucking it. This the dews takes to Monsignor Marinelli, Who consumes It a OnOS, being careful "to look info the rya eats Peps." The Pope then points to one of the remaining two, which the deacon at once consumes, looting at the Pope. The third is used by the. Pope himself, no ens being allow• al to torch it, safer pain of szcormnuni wan- The deacon ..then takes the cru ets containintr the wine and water, and miaow wiping as cAaUcs , pours a little each Into it. This is drunk by the semistan, looking at the Pope as before. The deacon then does the same. The remainder ID consumed by His Holiness. These precautions pre tupposo that if the 'tarlatan or guilty collof isoning. either paniontaly by usioa , he will show itymptoms in his countenance when he by to consume the elements. Hence he mast leak at the Pbps. Then the deacon, who is a Cardinal, generally, Is Interest ed !is the sacristen's good faith, for he sham the mime tisk. If the chalice is poisoned, It will probably be by same mixture rubbed malts tides. Tide Might •be removed, if as is usual, the chance Was first wiped. This is much more than a efferiony, and Mamma% Pontiff mots every tittle of it. 111 ( h tit, „ t 4, h _ I • Z t, II VOL. LXXXV. MEZI LIFE INSUBANCF. LIM Insurance substilates a remote good or a present exigency. A man who labors to purchase an !n -uisance on his life for the benefit of his future widow and orphans, : cannot com mend the energy be would feel were be laboring for present affluence, distance of time operating on man's energies like thstance of space operates on the attraction of a magnet. This reed of &titmice every man feels when, in the midst of health, he [italics hie last will and testa timid. Aware of this natural difficulty, when an English Judge wrote his own will, he took ten guineas from bls purse and laid them on the table, to stimulate his intellect by the semblance of present In terest • And, still more, Life Insurance is obstructive of ; present interests; A man's earlyssvings are ordinarily small; or whether he is to grow affluent or re main poor, depends^ usually od whether he employehis small savings in process of increase, or extinguishes them In an nual premiums of Life Insurance or some other my. Imagine, now, a father, who shall keephimself poor by the annual drainings of his savings to some Life In• surance for the remote benefit of his wife, He dies, and she commences a like pro cess for the benefit of the children. She dies, and the children severally begin the same proceed for the benefit of their de scendants; i and thus like a cat In chase of her tail, the world s made to revolve around a Life Insurance, is pursuit of en always future competency, instead .of present affluence. Whereby a less mo tive is continually substituted for a great. Life Insurance is unfavorable to domes. tic purity. In England mothers have been .known to murder their infants to obtain some petty sums, which certain clubs bestowed for funeral expenses en members whose children die. Not long since a man in London killed with strych. nine his wife's sister; after having In. decal her toget her life insured, the-ben efit to go to his wife; and several similar cases have wcurred in our own country. Such cases, in time of pestilence may occur when none suspect, and thus the gutity may elude detection. In the mists nary to the sick ion. In seasons, one's death could be hastened, with. out being noticed, by selfish expectants. Savings Banks are conducive to thrift, as Life Insurance is to unthrift. The dis advantages of Life Insurance proceed from oar organization, and, there fore, are Inevitable. The advantages of the Sayings Banks are equally organic, A boy who makes snowballs will throw them away as fast as he makes them; but should he chance to roll up one of more than ordinary,slze, it will excite in him an ambition to enlarge It instead of throwing it *fray, and the biggt: It be comes, under his efforts, the atom ger will become his desire for its further increase. The principle applies to money. The day', earnings ot. a poor man are cast away as soon as earned, a man's reckless. seas being as great as his poverty; but should he deposit any of his earnings in a Savings Bank, an appetite for accumu lation is immediately .produced by the unusual possession of a surplus, and the appetite growing by what it feeds on will add an impulse to the industry and fru gality of the depositor. His maxim will be, refrain from expenditure to-day fast he may add to the deposits to-morrow. He rejects the maxim, 'Eat, drink and be merry," iitc. ; Accumulation is a more salutary Tell twee than Life Insurance. An agricul turist will receive a few grains of an im. proved. peclesof corn, which he will not eV- Wm 11, /Qat them, aid replant the trituct,' until die few - grains become undrade of bushels If a man, from his ; earnings, at the age of twenty years, can nave twenty-six cents pertlay, and annu ally Invest the aggregate at. compound legal seven per cent. interest, he will, at the age of seventy, possess $32,000. Many men who resort to Life Insurance can save several times twenty•aix cents per day. Nearly all large fortunes are the result of such accumulations. To be In baste tp become rich by a few great operations is a direct- road to eventual poverty. Every hundred dollars ex pended ky a man at the age of twenty years., fa an expenditure of what, at our legal rate of interest, would, by com pounding It annually, 'become $3,000, should be.lare at the age of seventy. This -.lesson is practically taught by Saving& Banks, and counteracts the fatal mistake of the young that old age is the period -of accumulation, and youth the period of expenditure. if any persons should take out Life policies, It should be only ola persons. To teach the poor self-dependence, Is a better charity than alms. "The poverty of the poor is their destruction," says the Bible; but Savings Banks correct this evil, by enabling them to accumulate their savings, and become rich by the means which ordinarily mate the rich richer. Nature Idndly.alds the Improvement by the organic mode by which' every man -estimates his .possession—not by com paring himself with other people, but by comparing his present possessions with', hls former. Thus a man may be pre served from becoming an inmate of a pen itentiary, enable him to cook his own soup, support his family better by his life than by his death, and be independent of the community. -- The slow accumulation of property pro., ducts better moral effects than sudden acquisition of property. A man's-self respect, and the respect of his wife and , children for itim and themselves, will Increase continually as his savings ang ' meat. The gradual increase' of wealth, which attends the accumulation of a man's Mints, is also more favorable to its pres ervation, and to the possessor's equanim ity, than any sudden accumulation of prop erty. A family who succeed to the slowly acctunulated property of a deceased father, know his modes of investment ( a knowl- edge almost as valuable as the property ,left them). The „family will bo more likely to retain the property permanently, ,than a widow of orphans suddenly en , riched by Life Insurance, which will be paid them la money, of whose proper use and Investment they will be Ignorant Beside, the parent whose savings are safely - accumulated, feels not the anxiety which sometimes attends. Life Insurance, lest he may be in capacitated by sickness, -inadvertence or dleeppointtheat, fronf paying his burden some and insidious renewal premium. He le, on the • contrary, master at all times of his sayings, and can recall them all or in part, as his necessities may - require. Not is a Sayings Bank depositor a sort of prisoner, under bonds not to travel In foreign countries, or beyond any defined longitude or latitude, without the consent at some Life Insurance company; this freedom nor money is lost to him; nor in case pf death arehis deposits liable to be arrested from his - family, by the qiibbles of the law. The general system of Life Inenranee Is oppressive In Its effects, - takes away all incentive to progress and Improvement, and a sense of self and -moral dependence, Imagining a future , good In reserve, without using legitimate ; means, now, to lay the foundation of such A. B. L [TO 111 OONITNUD.] Yinto-Wa's and Bea Yur's rival Donations of Celestial cigar makers at Ban Francisco have shown their ill-feeling towards each other by a bloody battle with Chinese swords, Iron bars, pistols and ladvea A Gnome. town greatly enjoyed the spectacle of a negro &A!µ td►lng. a migra tory swarm of bees the other day. Re sprinkled the crawling rams with water, rolled it into a moist ball and scooped it into a box. A Wzarsai youth who tried - is the guise of s ghost to frighten his rival frni wa iting upon the young lady to question, has a fractured knee in proof of the other ckip's marksmanship with a pistol. rwams. alligator's post mortem no sealed several buttons, marbles ands top to his stomach, ands neiihteriag badly thinks it knows whim its missing little boy went to. I= fIRST EDITIOI. - .1117D.7rIGHT. THE CAPITAL. The Funding and Army Bills— Troops Ordered from 'Virginia and Kentucky to lowa—En forcing %Nth Amendment— Nominations—Western River Improvement. CET TeleKraptk to Hie Plasburet ussette) WAcmiNaToir. Aprjl 25, 1870. THE FUNDIXO BILL. The Ways and Means I..sammlttee has agreed to some important amendments to the Funding bill, the purport of which Is unknown. I=l The Senate .t>ammittoo on MlMay, Affairs has eubstantlally agreed. to all the provialons of Mr. Wilson's bill, excepting those relating to the pay of Officers. • On this subject the Committee will probably recommend the adoption of the schedule of the House bill, with certain mocliticalons. ==l A special order has been lammed from the War Department direct ing the Seventeenth United States In fantry, now in Virginia, and Fourteenth inThnirY, mow in Kentucky, to proceed with all possible dispatch to Sioux City, lowa, and report thence to the General commanding the department of Dakota for assignment to duty: I=l The following nominations were made to-day: Commodore S. P. Lee to be Rear Admiral; Capt. Enoch G. Parrott to be Commander; Commander Wm. F. , Spear to be Captain; Lieutenant Commander Edmund 0. Matthews, to be Command er; Lieutenant John McGowan to be Li. Commander; Frank Burnett to be Super. visory Inspector of steamboats in the 4th District. IMIXEME22I Telegraphic dispatches 'have been received from Toronto professing to state the informatioit given by the Govern ment of theynited States to the Canadian authorities with regard to the Fontana Is not to be relied on, but they appear prepared with a design of invari ably misrepresenting this Government and are generally - pure fiction. 0 == Goys. Merrill, of lowa, Butler of Ne braska, and Fairchild of Wisconsin, had a bearing before the House Committee on Commerce to-day. They are urging Congress to give the people a free water channel between the Mississippi river and Lake Michigan via. Fox and Wis• cousin rivegbableh will cause a redur• non of freiglinharges between the grain growing and grain consuming States. There is every possibility the bill pending will beat owing to the strong desire of the -west. TRH PILOVEYJCIPP OP TROOPS The War Department order removing the 17th and 14th' regiments of infiintrY from Virginia and Kentucky, and as signing them to duty to the Department of Dakota, removes all troops now per- forming duty In those Mates. The understanding Is the move has some thing to do with the condition of affair. in the Red River country, and refers to the neutrality of American soil during the existing trouble. There are already In the Department- of Dakota 'three regiments of Infantry and• a battalion of TO =FORCE TEE AMENDMENT The bill to enforce the Fifteenth Amendment, reported in the Senate, provides that all citizens of the bowed States, otherwise qualified by law, shall bo entitled and allowed to vote at ell elections without distinction of race, color or previous condition of servitude. Penalties of tine and imprisonment are provided for failure of officials to allow opportunity to perform any necessary prerequisite of State or territorial laws. Persons, deprived •of any except that of - members of Con gress or State legislatures, by reason of the vioLetion of the previa loos of the act, may recover txmaesaion through the United States courts. The United States District courts dull have, exclusively of State courts, cognissnee of all crimes' and effenses against the proviidons of the act. AU officers of the United States are required, under :pen alty of 11,000, to institute and enforce proceedings thereunder, and the Presi dent is authorized to employ the land and naval forces, or militia, to enforce its execution. THE CHEROKEE NATION. Message of the Principal' Chkf. ===l W.IIIPHIB, April 25.—The messy.° of Allen Wright, principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation, concerning the special session of the Council, Is an able state paper. He warm them by the fete of their territory in blharisalppl, and in view efthe proposed establishment of the territory of Lincoln, says. "It is Idle to talk of things remaining as they are. The great change la approaching, not such as we wish, but just as it is, tester than we are prepared to meet. We moat, meet the change whether pre pared' or not, and let us meet it mac fully." He then advises that the lands be surveyed and held in severalty. and then that "we organlee ourselves at once as the State of Okulusharns, and ask for admission u one of the States of the Union, and if it Is the honest desire of the United States government to have as be come citizens of the American Uttionothe will acquiesce in our petition," He also recommends an Immediate protest against any territorial government, and tt doption of resolutions asking the government to settle the status of freed. men, and recommends the encourage. ment of railroad'. The Council subsequently Famed en act submitting the question of dividing their lands ao as to be held In severalty, or as heretofore, In common, to a vote of the people on the 4th ofJcily next. KANSAS. The Revenue Revenue Deraleatlon—harpehm And IndianaUon at the Removal of Raper. visor Mare. . . . (Gy.Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) Lawns:sworn( ' April 25.—The an. nom:moment of the action of Commis sioner Delano in removing Supervisor Mare from the District of Kansas when he had but Just commenced to unearth one of the greatest swindles ever perpetrated in the Revenue Department, was received in Kansas with surprise and indignation. Col; Harr, however, aecertslned that Speer's defalcation extended through the whole of his administration as col lector of this district, and amounte to over one hundred and , sixty-two thou sand dollars. The most substantial men of Leavenworth, Junction City, Topeka, Yort Scott and Mound City, men who are worth twenty-live to three hun dred thousand dollars, who never failed to pay their tax, have been reported by Speer •as dead, absconded, _run away, failed to find, no property, etc. The re tention of Supervisor Harr, at least until he can complete the examination of Speer's case, is demanded by many of the most prominent and influential Men of Kansas. • gumboot Engineer Murdered. , (By Telegraph to the PlUstetrght:lasette•) .lidultrams, April 25.—A terrible murder was perpetrated three mftee below here early this morning, on the towboat Mary Aloe, from New Orleans fOT Pitlaintrgh. Benj. Kennedy, the engineer, being an noyed by two negro deck hinds named Anderson and Henderson, ordered them to leave the engine room, whereupon they i seised him, and, after stabbing him • sheath knife, threw -him over board. The watchman, who wu • tet ras* of the mons; attempting to MVO the *DP:Meer, was knoftked down- and brutally beaten.' An dick& was made to save Kennedy with • yawl, but he muik befontssaistanos could be rendered. On the arrival of the boat here the nerves were* brought before' • raligUltrate and oommitted to jail for trial for murder in the drat degree. 111 ' • ' C , 1 S AY, APRIL 26, 1870. ORTHIRST CONGRESS (NECOND SESSION.) SENATE: The Louisville Canal Enforcement of "Xlfth Amend ment—? he Calendar Taken Up. HOUSE: Large Number' of Bills Introduced—Fining of Absen tees—Remains of the Late Gen. 'Rawlins—Tariff Bill. Br Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) WABILINGTOIf, April 25. 1870. SENATE Mr. SHERfdAN • presented a petition of the. oard of: Aldermen and Council of Cincinnati ielative to the ; Lottlaville Canal, representing the injury ,t 0 oom mord from the new bridge • senate the Ohio river opposite the tells and the ne . orwitity de greater promptness In 01 com pletion of the work of the enlargement of the Louisville Canal. Ho asked hit refer ence to the Committee on ApprOnitationa and hoped they would report an appro. .priation to complete the work. = Mr: STEWART, from Judiciary, Com mittee, reported a bill covering , the sub. ject of the enforcement* of the FlReenth Amendment. A Mil wax introdueed by M. SHER MAN, amendatory of the liar fer the disposal of coal lands, etc., on Me trate domain. • • • • The Senate insisted on its amend ants to the Income tax bill, and Means. Sher. man, Williams and Morrill, (Vt.) .were appointed a Oommittee of Conference. A similar Committee, consisting of Mears. Conkling, Carpenter and Bayard wax also appointed on the Census WM Mr. SUMNER, from the Committee on Foreign Relations, reported a bill mak ing an appropriation to carry into exec:Li tton a recommendation of the President of the United States, In pursuance of an award made by the joint,ommission between the United States and Peru The calendar was then taken up and only these bills to which noyobjectlan was made were passed. They Included the bill extending for. three ears the time for oopsolidating the statu pf the United States, being a substitute for the House bill; also a bill giving priority in courts of the United States to cases to which a State is a party or where the execution of revenue laws of a State may be stayed by Judicial order or process. The bill to authorize the settlement of accounts plot:Beers of the army and navy wits referred to the Committee on Finance. The bill to make the importation of Immigrants under labor contracts nn• lawful was referred to the Committee on Education and Labor. The hill specifying Regulations for the foreign coasting trade in the northern, north-eastern and north-western Iron tiers was palsied, A large number of private hills wore also paned. • • . Adjourned. -C HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVEd. A large number of Mils wero Intro duced, Including one to charter the American and Holland Ocean Cable Company, also granting land, for a rail road from Ontonagon to the Michigan State line, for • railroad from Lake Superior to-Vermillion Lake, and for the Omaha Ind Northwestern Railroad; also for the survey of the Minim' PPI river from the Missouri to the fderrimao. Also the following by Mr. SAILGENT: For the relief of the people of the United States, by reducing taxation, providing that on the Stith of June next there shall be a general reduction of 15 per cent. on Internal taxes and ten per cent. on import duties, except on Writs. . tobaccq and cigars; that no income loom or derived after Decettiber Met, 1889, shall be taxa. ble and abolishing all special licenses except on distillers, brewers and menu. lactstrara of tobacco, sung and dims. Mr. AYES' offered a resolution that the tariff, bill ought to be indellnitelg postponed. The House reftised to seoond tho pre vious question, and the resolution went over. Mr. GABON offered a resolution in structing the Secretory of the Treasury to duke an inquiry into the relative trade between the United States and SriUsh North American dependencies. The Hones refused to eecond the pre vious question. and the resolution went over. Mr. McKENZLE offered a resolution calling on the President for a statement ae to the moneys paid - Luta the treasury on account of property seised and sold for taxes due to the United States under act of June 7th, 1862. The Home refused to second the ore. Timm question, and the resolution went over. -. Mr. BOOKER Offered a resolution that the honor mid good faith of the Govern ment are bound to the payment of loyal clUsens of the Routh for property of every description taken from them for the use of the Government. The House refused to second the pre. VlOllll question-89 to 90, and the resolu. lion went over. • . Mr. CESSNA offered a resolution in. structing the" Committee on revolution ary potations to provide for all surviving °Marrs sod soldiers of the war oflBl2. Adopted. Mr. STILES offered a resolution • call. ing for Information as to the army °fa oers on duty to Wuhluaton. The House refused to second tho pre vlons question, and the resolution wen. over. The morning hour having expired the question came up as to members absent on the call of the House on Friday night. Mr. SCHENCK offered a rerolution fining all not yet excused ten dollars each, &acmes, hOwever, to be allowed to be submitted. The previous question was seconded— 109 to 22. Several members proffered excuses, which were accepted. Mr. CULLOM moved to suspend the rules and adopt areeolution remitting all fines imposed. On s oount by tellers the vote stood 79 to 88. but Mr. DAWES having called for the yeas and oars, the rules were not sua pended—yeas 68. nays 64, two-ttardenot voting In favor thereof. - Mr. SCHENCK gave notice he would daily, atter the reading of the journal, move a call of the House. The matter here ended. Mr. FITCH moved to suipend the rules to give next Thursifiy to the.con. alderatlon of business of the Committee on Public Linde. :Rejected. Mr. DIXON moved to suspend the rules, lOU to consider a substitute for the Senate bill to prevent the extermina tion of fur.bearing animals of Alaska— , you 111, nayss9, less than two-thirds In he affirmative. A. petition was presented by Mr' EBIONof ninety-four butanes' firms and companies of Cleveland against the pee sage of the handing bill. Mr. LOGAN, by , unanimous consent, Introduced a joint resolution appointing (leveret Giles A. Smith, General Johns Smith and General Ell R. Parker, a commission to procure an appropriate burial place for the remains of General John A. Rawlins, late Secretary of War, and that the cost of the same be paid out of the contingent fund of the War Deiertment. Mr. COX suggested a modification to provide for • the erection of a suitable monument over the grave. Mr. LOGAN modified the resolution accordingly. Mr. VOORHEES remarked the remains of. Gen. Rawlins were lying in • pnbll6 vault in a graveyard In Washington. , - The joint resolution tis modified was pained. Mr. PETERS moved to suspend the rules for the purpose of reporting from tho Committee on Judiciary and passing a joint resolution to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to collectlwrecked and abandoned property, derelict claims and dues belonging to the United States. The rules were suspended and the Ant resolution passed--p 8 to 47. - The HOLM went into Oommittee of the Whole on the tariff bill. - The paragraph relative to Iron In slabs, btooma, loops,' eta, was verbally amended. To that relative to Iron bare, rolled or hammered, several , amendments were offered and rejected.. Mr. BROOKS., New York, moved to make the duty eighteen dollara'per ton, Instead of one cent per pound. Alter a general discussion, and without Map:slog of the amendment, the Um& minim rose. Mr. DIGERI3OLL introduced e joint 1 ~. resolution donating . four Mews of-con demned cannon to the Ledies Monument Association ,of Peoria, Illinois. Famed. Mr.SCIIENCE.gaye notice he would ask for night sessions to-morrow and Thursday for the tariff bill. • Mr. BURDETT, from Election Cam mime, • reported on the election case from the Fourth ,Thatriet of ~ L ouislana. that Michael Rysys not entitled to a seat and that J. P.. ewaham la. CALKIN o red a resolution call ing for Information Of the amounts ex tended . in improvement of Boston and New. York harbor*. 'Delaware break water and mouth of the fdleslasippi river. Adopted. . •Adjouirneil. NEW lOU CITY. McFarland Trial Resumed—The Fenian Raid--Murderer Con signed to an Asylum., - By Telegraph to the I.ttttburgb 64ietto.) Iprw, YOUR, April 25, 1870. aerAIMAND 10IIRTECNTli DAY The McFarland tafal was again resumed to-day. Publlo interest, which had ceased for the past few days, broke out again and 'tilled the court room with crowds of both sexes. . - The first Witnen 4 called was John Orr, Assistant Warden of the city prison, who testified Chop/limner - was accustomed to read In the night time in his cell; noticed he could not sleep. Reuben A. Vanoeephysician of Bellevue. Remittal, testified be visited prisoner on the Bth, lLth and I.llh of March, In the city prison; on the ith of March con versed with him on his family, his his 'tory and everything connected with him; examined his heart and lungs In the ordinary method of physicians; his sensibility was decreased ;. found con gestion of the brain when exam ined his pulse; when he commenced his examination,it was 112 to the min ute and at the conclusion of his interview It was 115. On the 11th wit neencame with solve other gentlemen; lalepulse at the oommoncement was 107 and at the end 128: Oa the 15th yeitnena remained an hour with prisoner; exam tried him again with same result as be: tore; coated McFarland as to his neneibil- Icy; found it normal: there was no organic disease; the apposnince of prisoner's eye Indicated tho presenoe of congestion of the brain. Mr. Gerry here showed the witness some diagrams of the brain, on which he explained the condition of the brain when affected with congestion. Witness teldilled that a person may, under the influence of congestion of the brain, commit violent acts. In congas. Con of the brain the whole character of the man le changed; pious men may be. come ungodly, a prudent man . a spend. thrift, and so on, exaltation and delves. Con of mind altegliating. The witness had heard all of the testimony, and be lieved the pannier to be insane at the time of the ahootieg, and not aware of the consequential. of 11)11 deed. His state of mind was such that the witness' did not think him morally respOnalble. • Mr. Graham at his point stood up and maid that some of the city papers had reproduced an article from some western papers which stated that he (Mr. Gra. ham) hid gone to the District Attorney and disavowed his conduct in the -trial with regard to Mts. Calhoun. He wished to state that neither to the District At torney nor to aulother human being did he make inch a !statement. The District Attorney corroborated Mr. Graham's statements. • The Court then adjourned till to. morrow ruornl:4 l .. x -, Chambers, the murderer of Vootheea, has been committed to the Utica Lunatic lusyluru. He eaye there ie nothing the matter with him, and that be will be back In Brooklyn In a month or two. ?IKE FOE TEE HELD PLEAD Rumor says 'Sunday next has been definitely fixed by the Feulan leaders for the commencement of the raid on Canada. =EMI Capt. — Wm. ',Hemmer, commander of the first battery put lu the field by New Jamey, at the beginning of the war, inset today. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. —Pechter, the actor, is seriously 111 at Boston. —The !teenier City of Brooklyn ar. died aVTew York yesterday. —Freeknal funding bill has boon algn ed by the Governor of New York. —Dr. L. P. Grant, an eminent phyal. elan of Memphis, died of apoplexy yesterday morning. —The General Conference of the Methodist Bolero* Church South will meet at Memphis May 4th. —The New York Senate passed a bill yesterday, appropriating 1600,000 for the State to erect and lease elevator, at Buf. fain and Oswego. —The home of 'Mrs. Martha Kean, in East Mansfield, Massachusetts, was burned yesterday. A young man named Frederick Ames perished. —Wan. Jambs, Chief 'of the Six Nation Indians, writes to the Torontb Globe, de. eying that any of his tribe ere to form a part of the Red River expedition. —The new hospital of the soldiers' home at Dayton. Onto, will be dedicated on Thursday. President Grant and Gen. Sherman are expected to be present on the occasion. —A collision between two schooners at 'Baltimore, - yesterday, uccattoned a per sonal encounter between the crews, In which one man was killed. The mur derer was arrested. —Among recent arrivals froth Europe aro 'Rev. 'Wm. Arnett and Dr. Blakie, deputed from ihe - Free Church of Soot. land to the Aeaembly of thePreebyteriaa• Church of the United States. —Andrew Keetteckner, a compositor on the Dubuque /reread, fell dead at lila case yesterday. He bad been a printer for fifty-one years and net type on the first newspaper published in lowa. —At a meeting of the American Colon. !ration Society at New York, Sunday evening, Rev. Dr. Northrop, Secretary of the Society, gave some very interest ing details regarding the present 'sato of the Liberian . Republic. Since date of organization the Society has received from all sources the sum of 82,424,761 22, and has colonized In Liberia eighteen thousand persons. —A special dispatch to the Louisville Courier Journal Indicates the election of Gera. J. H. Lewis. Democrat, to Congress from the Third Congressional District of Kentucky, by a rrnsiderable majority. The negroes voted. In Bowling Green the negro vote with one exception, was cast for Lowry. Republican candidate. A disturbance recurred. J. S. Golladay spoke at Bowling Green and announced himself a member of Congress at pees. ent.. He bad a large piatol at his waist and indulged in abuse of newspaper men. It is probable he will contest the seat of the member elect to Congress. • —Dispatches from Poughkeepsie, N. Y., say: Reports of disasters by the re. cent freshet are still coming in. Greene county has suffered greatly. Bridges, factories, mill dams and entire roads hive been swept away. In the town of Dunham two persons were drowned —one a girl named Powers, fourteen years of age. Fifteen hcnes and twen eight bead of cattle-wane drowned. Dwelling houses were destroyed, and one man had the greater portion of his farm destroyed. In Ulster county the low lands are flooded, and many families residing there were compelled to flee for their lives. Upper }liven: EAT P. a A. Televaph comm.7l Haowromum, April26.—Ettver fain rig with ten feet of water In the channel. Weather oloar. Thermometer 66 at 6 . - Gitnreennani April 26 . —Elver falling very slowly, With .ten feet of water .hi the Channel. Weather clear. Titer. mometer 67 at 5 w. m. . , ... ./ . 'tit , . F. broactawfoletC_P 26 .—River falling with fifty inchee tester in the channel. Weather clear. • Therttometer 57 at 4 Oa Cur. ADM 26. Lltiver falling slowly, with three feet and seven Inches water in the channel. Weather cloudy.. Thermometer 60 at 6 P. Y. F. SECOID EDITIOI. 'will O'CLOCK../. 011 NEWS BY CABLE. Resigned Fenian Raid in London —Massacre of Captives by Bri gands in GreeceC,--jlritish Par Bement x. The Great Yacht Race—Political Excitement in France—Ministerial Circular= Ecumenical Council at Rome— , Impressive and Interesting Proceedings. IZZA y Telexraph to the rltteburgh GREAT BRITAIN. • LONDON, April 25.—The story or a projected Fenian insurrection in London Is believed to be a hoax, but a large extra police force is on duty. News RIM received here thst the Greek Brigands, who were closely pressed by the troops, have terribly massacred their English prisoners and the Italian Secre tary of Athens recently captured. A telegraphic dispatch Butt received says. that a piece of wood has drifted Rebore on the northwest -coast of (ken. wall, containing this inscription in large letterte.oeity of Boston sinking, Februa ry eleventh." LONDON, April 25.—Mr. Otway, Under Foreign Secretary, stated in the House of Commons the Government had received dispatches from Athens, con. firming the melancholy intelligence of the fate of the captives in the hands of the brigands. The Greek Government mode every effort to save them, hat In vain. Negotiations having been exhaus. ted, the troops moved against the robbers and drove them to a tower on the rout near Orepowhere they were surrounded on Frl . day afternoon. Offers were once more made to the brigands, but rejected, and at ten o'clock next morning an attack was made on their position. As soon as the troops com. menced to move Mr. Herbert and the Secretary of the Italian legatkm were taken out by the captors and butchered, and subsequently, when the brigands found themselves hard pressed, Vyner and Lloyd were killed. The troops finally carried the Lower, and the brigands, two of whose leaders had been mortally wounded, fled, closely pursued bp the soldiers. - There are strong hopes that moat of the band will be captured, in which case they wilt be summarily dealt with by the Greek authorities. The British press clamor for the pettish. ment of the murderers, and demand Idemnity from the Greek Government. Capt. Eyre, of the steamer Bombay, is seeking restoration of his certificate on the ground that the evidence against him is contradictory. and inconclusive. Much sympathy is shown for him berm It is said the movement in Atlantic & Great Western Railway stock is owing to tho acceptance by bondholders of Mc. - Henry's terms. Thera le every sign that business will be pushed with vigor in Parliament. Another public mouton of the (mmen- . Ica' Cotincil will be held tomorrow. The Pope will preside and the Fathers will vote openly on the additional articles of faith. The Romeo( Comnconereaesembled to day. Mr. Otway read a statement in re• gard to the maaaacre of foreign captive. In Greece and promised Her Majesty's Government would lose nojiMe In urging the authorities at Athens to take proper action. The House went Into Committee on the Budget.' The proposals of the Chancellor of the Exchequer regarding .newspaper wad othaelltate duties were agreed to. The naturalisation bill, after lashed de bate, was taken up. Mr. Fielder opposed the 'measure, denouncing It as redolent of jobbery. Lord Elcbo held the same views. Mr. Stanfield defended the. bill In detail. One of Its principal merits ho • said was to establish control over ri expenditure. Sir J . Per ugton general ly approved the bill a d d confined his objections to certain odi:lance details. Mr. Cardwell, Secretaryof War, closed the debate with a speech In refutation of the 'objection' offered.,.The bill then palmed by a majority of 74. Tholfletropolitan Poor Relief bill, after a long debate, was passed to second reading. . . .. Cowes. April 25.—The yachts Sappho and Cambria are comitantiy under will and subjected to th e severest team under every circumstance of wind and weather. preparatory to the find of the series of three races to take place in the British Channel.• Douglass and Ashbury Wive acreed to leave the entire management of the races to unimpeachable yachting authorities, whose decisions will be eon , elusive. As far as at present arranged the Nola requires a six to eight knot breeze for the start. The course hi to be sixty miles to windward from 'some point to m of Wight. id-channel off the easkend of th Pants, April 26.—There 15 a reported disaffeltion In the party of the Left. Meetings have been held and the meld berm will all vote alike. The Journal Official contains the following circular to the °Moen of the civil service, signed by all the Ministers: "The' Emperor addresses a solemn appeal to the natteu. In 1852 he &eked power to assure order; In 1870 ho sake power to establish liberty. Confident of little which Is Ma by reason of 8,000,000 suffrages, he does riot surrender .the empire to discussion: He aubmitis to a vote only its -. liberal transforms. don. To vote yea,' Is to vote for liberty. The revolutionary party, se. crony attacking the nationalsovereignty and rnisrepreeenting the respect. which the EMperor pays to that sovereignty to thus consulting the people, are not true 'frlenda of that liberty. But in spite of three the masses will march to our ranks. Gan they Ignore the fact to at)• stain from voting, or to vote no, will be to atreugthen those who only combat the transformation of the empire to order that they may destroy it, and with it the apolitical and social organization to which France owes her greatness f In the name of the public peace and liberty, in the name of the Emperor, we demand of you all, our devoted co-laborers, to unite your efforts with ours. It la to citizens we address ouraelves not as ordering, but as offering, patriotic counsel. Our object Is to swum to our country a tran. quit future, to the end that on the throne, as in the humblest dwelling, the eon may succeed the father In peace and quiet." In the public Meetings held yesterday to discreet the pleblecitum, the, majoritg of the audience declared in fever of ab. staining from voting on the Bth of May. Signor Usmindri. sn Italian banker, of well known-republican proclivities, presented one hundred thousand francs to the antl.plebiscitum committee. Prime Pierre Bonaparte yesterday gave a grand banquet to the Corsicans belonging to the Guards. Roma, April 25.—The third public sitting of the Ecumenical Council was held this morning. There was a mag. niticent assembly. The Pope made his entrance at nine o'clock. Nearly all the benches were occupied by that time. Many Bishops heretofore abstaining from the meetings attended to day. Alter the celebration of Maas, the non voting prelates withdrew. Tne four first chapters of the first Schema de Plitt, condemning rational philosophy and heterodoxy, were read aloud. The Scrntators collected the votes, which were all In the affirmative. The Pope, from his throne, then an nounced and sanctioned the Decree of the Mune% The proceedings were highly impres sive. At the Ecumenical well yesterday (Sunday) six hundred and sixty-four Fathers were present. The Constitution de Fide was unanimously voted for. It centains four charters, eighteen canons, as follows : Charter first, live canons on the Creator; charter second, four canons on Revelation': Charter third, six canons on Faith; Charter fourth; three canons on Faith and Reason. - FLoarsor. Aprl 25.—King Vlator Emanuel h as recovered honv enght at tick of searletirm , -Annum April 24.—1 n the drat ittaok upon the brigands near Marathon chit, ton of them were killed. The fight sited an hour, and sararaleoldlers were 12 also killed. Konit, the chief, and eight of the band fled. During the pursuit Lord Nuncaster made his escape. On the fourth day Mr. Herbert, , attache of the British Legation, and Count Boyd, Becretary'of the Italian legation, became exhausted and were brutally murdered. The next day Vyner and Lloyd, wnoee exhaustion also occurred during the flight, were poignarded. 'The troop, are still part:deg the bandits. The excite= meat Is 'terrible. The bodies murdered will be brought here for burial. MADRID. , April 25.—The city Journals mention the continued receipt of memo • lisle from the northeastern provinces favoring the • election of Emartero as future Monarch of Spain. Lormost, April 25.—Advices from Madrid represent violent quarrels in the Spanish Cabinet and the partizans of the Duke of Montpensier are gaining ground outside the Capital. It is also reported that a rising in favor of the Prince of Asturias is threatened. HAVANA, April 25.—Captain Olano, of the Cuban volunteers, recently pub lished en article ratiocting on the charac- ter of General Puello, and there baa been some talk of a duel between those two officers. The matter, however, has been amicably settled, and Capt. Olano bas published an apology in the BERLIN. April 25.—The Parliament of the Zoilverein completed lie organiza tion. Herr Simeon was elected Presi dent and Prince Hohenlohe and Herr Von U.lest Vice President'. QtrEnnsTowm, April 25.—The steamers Java and Idaho have arrived. Lowbort, April 25 —A thin strip of Wood about a yard long and painted blue drifted aebore yesterday near Lig ger Bay, on the northwestern coast of Cornwall, containing the following in scription in large lettere: "Oily of Bos ton sinking, February 11111." Tne wood bore evidence of having been broken in two, and the remainder of the inscription is consequently lost, except the • letter "M," which followed the words above given. We have no means of knowing whether this is a genuine message from the missing steamer, or a heartless hoax, but the latter is strongly suspected. I ==! LONDON, April 2.5-;.Eveiting.—Consola for money, 94}; on account, 94%. American securitlee quiet: '62., 86%; '6se, 87%; '67s, 89%; 10-40 s, 88; Erlee, 1.9%; Illinois, 112; Great Western, 28. I Stocks quiet. Lorrems, April 25.—Linseed..,..cakes firmer at £9 10sgi9 188. Tallow quiet at 44s 6d. Sugar firmer; spot Ws 6a. Cal cutta linseed 60. 6.1. P.efined petroleum dull at la 7%digla Bd. Oommon rosin dull at 5s 6d(i)ss 9d. " Fnianvonx, April 25.—Bonds closed active and Arm at 95e955t. PARIS. April 25.—Boarse dull at 74 francs 55 centime's. Liv Epsom., April 25—Cotton steady: middling uplands 1.244 d: • Orleans 11%d; sales 12,000 balm. California white wneat Be 241 red western No. 27s 10d; winter 7d(pa Bd. Western dour 19s 9d. Corn No. 2 mixed 80s. Oate2s sd. Barley W. Feu sae 6d. Pork 9814 6d. Beef 106 a. Lard 69s 6d. Cheese 73e 6d. Bacon 58s for Cumberland OM. Common Resin 4s 6d. Tallow 43117 d. HAVRM, April 25.—Cotton quiet. ANTWERP. April 25.—Petroleum firm et 82 f. O did ye hoar That clarion clear, That sounded over land and sea "Absolve the ban Of Canaan:" It was the Trump of Jubilee. - go, se of old, Again behold - • The waves divide amidst the seal Again tby rod Prevails, 0 God. And runes the tide to Jubilee. . Thy cloud by day • ' Still leads the way; And naming back across the atm, Thro' Dark and Dire • Thy Pillared Fire, The beacon-blase of Jubilee. THOU latest, Lord, • Thy living word Again go forth from sea to sea, ABSOLVE VEER BAN THAT SID TEES HAN! PBOOLLIM, FROOLADE THIC JUMLIZI The ExUntie° Committee of Western Penneylymila held a special meeting-a every College on Monday evening,April 25th. Henry Highland Garnet occepied the chair, and S. A. Neale acted u Sec Vetary. Toe Secretary presented the following resolution, which wee unanimously adopted : WHasEsis, Through the kindness of a distinguished gentleman, we have ob tained the manse of a number of the heroic men who, In the name of God and Humanity, struggled so arduously under the banner of the old Liberty party, to right the wrongs of our once belpleee, but now enfranchised race. Therefore, be it 1:131331 Resolved, That Mr. Jacob O. Brown be Instructed to procure three more car riages, In addition to those already pro cured, and that the following gentlemen be kindly Invited to take' seats therein, viz Rev. Jas. Rogers. D. D., Rev. Dr. Sproul, Rev. John Douglass. D. D., Rev. M. B. Sloan, Edward Allen, Jim. McMas ter'', James Reed. Alexander Gordon ' C. Sackett, W. W. Wallace, Dr. John Sc ott, Dr. Jas. Brown. M. )Maionnigle, B. Ross, Manchester,' Rev. Jos. Turner Sharpaburg, Edward - Dltnridge, Jas. H. McLellan, John B. Siuiderson, James Alllndor, Wm. Allinder, C. Slade, Thos. Davison, John Flack, Richard Straw, Thos. Shields, Sam'l Patterson, Hon. Jas. L. Graham, Rev. Williams, John Wright, Aaron Floyd, Thos. Mitchell, Geo.Faweett, Dr. C.-0. Hussey, Rued Errett, Hon. D. N. Whits, Chas. IL Tay lor, T. H. Douglass, John Wallace, Alex. Wallace, David Bowen, Benj. Bowen, John White, E. Martin, Wm. Black. The carriages will await the arrival of the guests at the Monongahela Howie until 12 o'clock, and Mr. John Luriley Is specially detailed from the Executive Committee to coo that they are courte ously received and seated. Manner,. April 26.—The first case that was taken up wan that of John Schlegee and wife vs. J. S. Smith, action for dam. ages resulting from a false arrest of Dorothea. wife of ,Schlegel, for not at the instance of defendant paying costa in a case of [rover and conversion tried before an Alderman of the city of Pitts. burgh, remaining in the county jail from Saturday night until Monday morning following. Jury returned a verdict for plaintiff for $2lO. The next case taken up wasshat of P. H. Stevenson vs. Samuel C. Little. This was an action for defendant amounting tq ;Ili. 13 for coal sold and delivered. On trial at adjournment of court. Ei= TRIAL LIST FOR TIIREIDAT -101. Twain Klee vs. Reed. 125. King vv. Kirkpatrick et aL 182. Lelbler vv. Voelkria. 134. Kerr es. Young. 138. Adams vs. Fletcher 188, Gray vs. Farley 189. Schott vs. Bair et al. 140. Hug vs. &tumor 13L Clark & Co. U. Graham &. 142. Davi., U. Parton et al. In the cue of Robert Finney vs. Wm. H. Brown, previously reported, a motion was made by the defendant's oonmel fisr a new trial. From 'quietus Dean, Eoq., Professor of Rattail Scien ces , Pittsburgh High School.—Mesam. L ockhart & Co. Sirs: I bare examined with care a speci men of okinnaon's Copper Tabular Light, ning Rod with Spiral Flanges," sub' mined by you, and would state that in my opinion it combines, better than any other form of rod I have ever seen, the essential features of a complete list= protection; it is also worm? of introduction, for its cotorialss cheap news and durabillcf • hews features enable persons of moderate means to ob. Min that complete security a ga i ns t li g h t _ nlng which ham heretofore been enjoyed only by the wealthy. Parham' Dian. • Manufactured by Lockhart & Co., 9134 Penn street, Pittsburgh. GREECE. ITEM 1211:72! I=2 =lE= 13= To.,Dols Jubilee. Common Plese—fudge Collier. * NO. 99. WANTS WANTED—A Girl for Gene. nl hou'e n O•5-S PPI7 st 75 roone fltnue. W F N T . fd I ( 7 17:4 u i u r a l e 'lv% do a l i t k t i t o e Sixth avenue, rittstnegh. WANTED— 3 nollers.3 Hook.: Y.113.1N, 3 men for SUM WOO, 3 boys for Muslim, to work In vineyard Also Cris fur all walk for lily and coontry. Apply at itmviuy meat ()Mcr. No. 1 Sloth Street. WANTED. SITUATION A s BO or hIIIPPING CLERK sonfec OKKEEPER turing or Wholesale Suitor... by a yoeng man or ,nolerrab e experience. can speak and Write Airrman. Can Sloe brat city reference. Address W. Uslsodlee. 453 WANTED.—A PARTNER in the Neriery Banteem Address A. H., (ucre's Once. 4 22 WANTED.- 00ARDER9. - A od mode r ncrEL ac.ind floor, in a new house, with itoproacments..ln • genteel aciennorlfooll, convenient le ear, fish ward, Allenneav, for rent, tarnished, with board. to A or two single gentlemen of quiet habil,. Apoly at MAHAN'S ART GALLERY. coml . Peon and blithstreeta. 4.01 • h TED.—SIx - or Eight good BOARDERS at No. ti 9 DABRAOIS ST., bets. en Leaeoek and Robinson, one square from Feiteral street, Allegheny ulty. TANTED.—L! i LABORERS to T Ink at Watling. Steady tmDloyment the Year through. Tut best of wages paid to good men. Gall at corner or Allegheny avenue and Ridge street. Allegheny City, ra• . 4-13 - - Vi c TILYTED. MOJUTGAG ES. —; $30,000 to Loan In lane or mall amount at a fair rate of Int:rest. THOMAS K. 8111. Bend and Real Entitle Broker, No. 179 Str.lthfLeld atroe t. LOST. LOST —Yesterday morning J on Ike way from Boylo to Dr. J . R. ciallt's Clutch. by way of Feder& street. • LA DIE,' Y1N1: WA felt CHAIN. The nutter will receive the thanes of the. owner by leavlner It at kW ATTI a Tetultri.l3, rederal street, or at Warren rake. 9-1 S T OST.—Pnlicy N 0.10,839 in PENN MUT LI A I. LI LE INnURA NOE eV. ur ..alladelphle. on ilfe of VT. ie. AIITCh ELI.. Notice le hereby give. that aprlfeallun hae been made fur a durilleate. ' • SOS. TitAVFLLI. Arent. .-"Ir No. 37 Filth avenue. Pllteburarh, Pe. BOARDING iptOAFIDINGT.—.4. number of rientlewen .n be furnished with Bonding YU L'IMPAA" 1 1=1 tit; bridge. lir [betty cl[T• TO-LET To LET—ROOMS—Cheap, very deelrable forsmall family. 41541151 re of C. T. WE oßlen. No. 51 and 4 151010 street (late Clair.) TO .LET. —An Unfurnished BED ROOM. first floor front: new bowie. nar the AVegbety Cowman. allable for one or two gentlemen a bed room, st et. dem. price. Addrate got 370, Pltteburgli P. p. 4-21 T ° LET. = On the groeino te,. &poly to ED. LIRE & CO., 1211 Smlthfel I tlreet, opposite the Coat apthw= rro LET.—Two Comfortably fur - Ma/led Rooms, a n for fear sleuth men. A few ear warders can be accommodated also, at No. 75 Fourth avenue. FOR RENT.—The Three story BRICK WARP:llooHE.ChuretraUey, rear of No. POO Wood street, formerly occupied by WIII. tloadorf t CO. so a droom Factory. Inquire of W 'LANG & ill • So. 1741 and 174 Wood lit. . • rLET.—one good Store room ead DWELLIniti. O. 45 Obto atecet. 3 odn from Dtamond and next door to Ftsuallu sayings Honk. One or the beat Heattosa tu the at vent moderate. Also, II NOUN In tbe mor eald storeroom. Indult. a of arti.Van W. CAltdubt. 46 Ohio .tract. frO.LET.Brick House of Rooms. Hall. Lot and Cold Water. large VT4' i1:40; l'..P ! ,.;," d ebn4-17.1aVe.z. °, 2 7"*. Aeso. BALCH. nerUele of 0 Ward , Alle ghe ny. 13S Middle' +lacy, near tae street, Ad we, d. Allegheny. Apply ' D. YRIDF, spit • Al Diamond. Allegheny:" TOeLETs HOUSE. oontalstios 0 rooms, with gat marl water. complete. No. WI LatOck stmt.. • Also. NOUSE contabalog 9 romp' s, with gas water complete, at No. 10 Walnut — street, oth wart), Enquire of A. PATTERSON. spa 87 Peebles street. Allezbests ell, Pa. CET o .—COUN'TRY ItEEII rDEPOIL.—Part of the well known property On the Perryaillln Plank Road. within 11:5 attunes walk cf City Hall. Inn legheny. The house Is lira stalled,containtaff o anoint. and lemew, eomf triable and of elegant archtlyeture, •nd Is supplied with all moos= Improvernente. Ansa carriage house and sta king for Donnaand covra The around. are boadtlfullylald out. sad are covered with nee forest trees. mm 11,11121, It trulya country nal denc a with all the ad sentare. of brine very con venient to the elks. and from Ito k ration la one of tae most healthy &Mallon In this notion. 1 1 : 1Vit r iVi/ 4 .. r i;lll ' S q /Ve ' ng- QLIY" 31;2:11:' FOR SALE: OR SALE.—A. ONE HORSE 2E I SPRING MU WAGON. 'Apply at/the shop of N'•EN. Wagon Maker. Lod Black. at o tihs, No. 42 No Alley, Al 2 gb any. 4.23 • • FOR 8 4LE.—One good DIL- I 'AIM TABLE; WILL be sot) cheap. at 060 on street, Pittabarah. FOR SAT E. Engine of 4 horse .Dowe In rtionlag ordrr. 'Wilt be .old ADDIT to W. I'. rRICIC, 31 Olito street, elle. ighenT• FORBILE.-FRAME 11011:18E Tao Rooms. Lot 30:100 feet. Pelee $l.OO. IL BILL a SUN. corntr Penn and Tyrant,- third street.. , I'OR SALE. - MAIVITFACTII. RING SITR.—We have!or sale a very dest• üble location far =emanate...l punpsos.would be a rare ehattee rrr a. Tannery. It having been formerly d fur that purpose. There are 48 good vats and 00PbOttatS. end sone machinery, Lot 110i131/ feet: fronting on two streets .4 near Valle, Road. In u e Fifteenth ward. -'f. U. SILL & SON. earner Penn and Thlr,y-thlrd at& t'OR SALE.—A Large Amomit of wry desirable prop, rty. Itufmwed and unimproved, In the Tar one ward sof the city. all of we offer at great bargains. On timall man sines, Twelfth ...rd. two handsome build ing lots. Whillso Corr each. Some due sobillanv tial dwellings bars lately been built In the im mediate viols it' of Ow. lota. aar lu I o smi. T W lt e . ,plhl e4r . them at horn t mum ga PeonandT f o r ti-i him! s.meta St FOR SALE.-111t111.DiliG LOTS IN ALLY:OIIEN CITY.—I offer for sale the moot delighiful building lets attuned In the second ward. Allegheny, ou Perryeville Plank Need and Observatory avenue, adjoining the Observatbry ground.. Their Lots are pan of 11, •• and one•nalr 45,K) acres. A plan of these' Lotscati be tern. at my otore, No. b 3 WOOD •111.11. ET. The plan hasalso pen recorded. Each Lot Is a front lot, fronting on Prerpeollie rood or Observatory avenue- sim.lll* feet wide by 131 de: p. Toe lots opposite the residenm ol Wasmegton and Welter Ncelintoet. Esq... ant 314 by 175 feet. Most of thel ots are wild. rive dwellings hare been erected a head,. Per son. desirous to leave the low reminds and smoky title. can here find an Oriiieidlonil , The locality Is one of the ant. in the taro cities. and hat tour minutest welt from tee heed of Beaver street: a board walk leads to the premises. The beauty of scenery and surromrdinge are de• ern. easy; prices low. Eneulre of . . . ro. r. JHN. No 83 Woo street. Plttsbn:3l. No. NUlttvf r Avenue. Alleuhenv ear. 34 EY O 3 1 1 eNir gemett: r ?..t,Ve...1., borne capitalists, e are cost/len to boy or n go. slate Sr.. -clue mortgages on good city or labor. but tee proved property In large or small autos, at rair rates, an at abort notice. T: BILL • BON, ors, Penn and Thirty.tal rd sin Cu. lloivimf.l443:lzvot:iam*oßi v il IarTIFTH AFORE' F. BANK OF -Pittsburgh. The annual election arcane Directors of tble bank. to serve for the cueing ear, be held at Tue s day,ltlee, No. 101 /Nth avenue. on lity 10. 1810, between the boars of n and 5 o'clock, P. x, tr•A • • P. E. CCEIENCB. Cashler. 1.1 'etters o : . m . L . TB ATION on the 4 state of him ELIZA. 1 TR SMITH having been gnaw againstun• missed. sltpartleshaving claims the Sid eats ts wilt present them for palms:lt. sna " parties ovular the soul allot. will 41111 sag tittle. EDWARD BAILEY. SAO Centre avenue., sgßksegi Pittsburgh. tliOTlCE.—Whereas letters of adminlatrallon cum testateentn annesoto tata of ANN JANE McCHEADY, late of tee etc? of Pittaborah. Mweased. have been . granted to the whs.:ether. al Demons indebted tO the said mist. , are motteeted to make immeo• late payment. and thme baring claims or de- Maxine avant che eaten. of the mid decedent, willseake known the same, without delay, to W. U. AUUTILTIBLININ. /Ulmer Curls uptamento attack.. - No. 87.1)1amond street, flUseernh.. PrziSICISOU. Abell 23, 11170. av21:74111•T CHARTER. 1829 PERPETUAL. ERANIILIN FIRE INS. CO. OF PHILADELPHIA, OPPICZ 4a ls AND CHPATRUTIST:—.A ..... an Jan I. IST& /014100 1 .731 AT. 4400.00.00. armed Surplus and Prenaturas , is, eseArat er. Lomas Dalt sines U 99. pier 45.600,000, Paraiba' ana Tearmrary era Liberal Company also Panes policies upon Emsfa 'et all - kbads of Balblinas, Ciround Esau suellaomuspu. DIRECTOWS—AIireiI 0. Baker, Banmel Grant, Geo. W. Risk! s nle Isaac 1 .5 5 . 71012. Thos. eparli F. Wm. B. amt. Thoataa 5. Ill* Gustavus A Ream.. - ' ALI/RED G. HALER. Preald&L DEO. PALE& Ploo Presideat. - Z. W..MeAllister. On A T. H. Rarer, &Wats. Seer. OODIFIII & ILILIdOOO. ape' Car. Tided &summand Woad Wont. THE WEEKLY tiAZEITE , U DUIT . AXD IMMILPIST • .1 Commercial and Bluffly Newspaper PUBLISHED IN WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA. No fanner. mechanic. or merchant. &Wild be Single subscribers Clubs of glve Clubs of Leo • copy Is furnished gratatto.sly to the otter up of a Club of tea. Postmaster. aro snouted to act Ailments. Address, PENNICULZI, TIMED & PROPIIIETOBA NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. LIGUMNG RODS; .• 1110 Is the thirteenth year of the imiccessfet introdnetion or the "MUNSON COPPER TUB- r f ULLit I.IUItrNNQ 1101). • WITH SPIRAL IrLANGES,I• and or the thousands wo latl et meted, no rod hat felled to protect the bundler. • This fact sprats more In Its favor tbsn all other commendations. We may state, however. titer In nainevius trials. scientific committees have awarded tie Munson Rod the preference—it wee never beaten In any contest. It boatmen come mended by many me• of the Mehemet...dine tU the selentific world as the fest protection agalnal. .• lightning ever Invented. It Is a compltte oats wbereVer Introduerd. We have bun.les of ft l commendatory letters from cur customers es. tending over the Out decade, embraoltin may Utley and towns from °mane to Charleston. Its advantages me that, owing to !Le:retailer I constraction, electricity it admitted to the tutu aurface. thus utilizing what heretofore was • waste, and its spiral Ganges which lead the ear- {- rent by thogOurse natirad to Its movent nt; the material. copper, Is the best available sustains conductor, and, taken altogether. its capacity Is equal to twenty Iron rode; It never rush. and never seta out of order. We employ skilled workmen to attach teems rods to bonding, In twit or country. The prfw when pot op Is 30 emits per foot, sad $3 00 for too. No extra charge, ofskey kind. LOCKHART & CO.. IikNOPACTUNERS. 234 PENN PTIIEET. =I A NEW AUTEIOIL OP kIAILIEEO AU LIFE. f: D. APPLETON & CO, NEW YOKE. Have Jon published • • A RACE FOR A WIVE. BY Hewers' Banat . . 1 Tot. Sao. Paper corers. price 50 cent*. *i A new "near of sneaked nos... and originality. 1; The noyel deplete with much feted the omelet. gulag on In • England between the Rower of ! wealth and the pride of cane. The style Is crisp, racy and dramatic—the char actors boldlf drawn and well sustained. It Is doe of the most Deletes! and lute:eating of recent ouldleallons. . "GRACE. AGUILAR WRUTI AND WOKS AS ORS lIiBI'Ut D." A HEW. ILLMTEATED EDITION GRAOII AGUILAR'S/ wow's. Prtee $1 ;or volume, toandln ' I I). APPLETON't CO., . r , . .•. No. 90 Grand et., New YatE,' . Patamb U. day: .., 7 • ' THE IMQOEL -. 10 "HUME IItiri,THENCE.." ~ THE MOTHER'S RECOMPENSE. A sequel to "Home Ineneuce. a Tale for Matt r ess sad Daughters." BY GRACE A 01111.12.. One vol., Mao. Cloth dI• WWI Wastrallo.. "The writings of °such Aouri.La hats • t Imam Inseparable Atom productions In which echoic. Is combined with Intense.; they godl ct'r to Ins heart. •Home Influence.• theft riedly popular story to which this Is the sequel, dmirzbly teaches the lesson tmylled In lia asr..• , —••kt °ruing Chrozdele.•• "Ibis beautiful story was completed when the entboresa wel little shire 'the Sheol slotteen, yelltnai the sober MIMI of middle sae. 'noire I,', is no she nor sex that will 'hot profit by its para. ml. and It will afford as much pleasant as knoll so the reader.—••Critle." Jun ready: • HOME INIMUENCE. . . ~ l TALE TOE .HOTHEES AND DAIJOHTEEB. • IT ' One tol., I.ll¢io. 31111psges. Cloth. Price 61. • • I!••. Ntatliready: • The follow hut Rook; BY TEE SAME ARTEMIS. - Ix THS 5,1 SAME STYLE AND PRICE, Wpl appear in rapid gaciusloA WOMAN•S FRIENESRIP. 1 vol. THE VALE OP CEDARS: '1 DAYS OP. BRUCE. Avol.. WOMEN OF /SHANG. SI vols. ROMIFI3OZNIS AND HEART SIDDIFIL 1 Either of the above 1,111 In real. rasa SY lam, to any edemas in the 'United &Mee, Oa receipt et the price. D. APPLETON ,& CO., Fro. 90 Wand street. New Turk. YISBLIND THIS DAY: ' MANDCALIA, . • THEIR VARIOUS DIIDERS AND HARLIN. Papuhaly Hluetrated by ijpleal cpeetes. By LOUIS WWI 5167 engravings. lval., Hyo. 1606 plot, Cloth, 85; half calf, $t By the same anthor. =I AND REPTILES. A. popular account j... „ of Maly mantas orderamith a dew:lntlon of the habits and economy of the moat Interesting By Louts Fluitax.„ n natrat..d with 307 wood .ls. svo. Peos.lls: halff. nalf. $7; 5.11,aa1t.55* THE INSECT WORLD. Edna a Y opnas at. p, count or the orders of Howls, together with a t, description of the habit* and acosiony of await j of the moat Intereaung species. By Loots 4 rionar.a. 'Hutse tad wiih eleven fag-page ea. cravings, and 503 beautifully orbited wood. 11 Cuts. Cloth, 510; half calf. IT; full calf. $3. THE OCEAN WORLD. A deaerlotiva /altos., of the Sea and Its Inbabitutr . By LOOTS 510 . visa. Illasuated etufraslngs. loot., V, 13.. Nice In cloth, 45; wor oar, extra. .11T: net °MASS. THE WOALD BEFORE THE DELUGE. BY Louie Firms& Containing 34 hal• os. tratirliss of extinct /infuses and Ideal Land. r d ..apa. of.. Ancient World. .4201 figures of Animal.. Plaata. and other fault rem.nn and restorations. 1 vol., Res., 433 page.. Clotn. haltealt 01, fhll calf. extra .BE. TREVEOETABIA WORLD. By Loom Pio • !, PIMS. Being a history of Planta... their bo. 'tanical denctiptiona and p culler proPertios. illustrated wit 444 engt.inEs. and 111 E lull. Blustrati Cloth. 45; half oaf, az . CHRIS D'IIitITRE OF THE INDII.STRIAL ARTS. By enithrrx Burry: Tranalated .4 7! edited by W. Chaffer. Y. O. A.• aro, with Rap enErariora• Price.ll3:2lalf morocco, $5. Either of the above neat free by mall to any 41re. on receipt of Die price. if CHARTERS =TERI' • 1.; i=b 1.1.1311.0 El4so.ems•A or • BURIAL LOTS.. On the Cernetety Grounds. begleolag .0 10 o•cicme t, tr.. en FILTURGAT awl contlnuiwg RATLIKE/AY, May pp 30th, 1910, BATHED 1070.. • Y ktayllo. 11 90. cusrtiers cemetery Is situated Bo the Temper •'; anceyllle end DI Id Platik Road, about 3 111 mile• from the River end ocie•qu.trur of a mile ... from Cemetery Iltatlin, Tau Handle Railroad. Toe sround• having bei n muttony plotted lato section. and ranee., the minstrel. eau offer the ellsibie lot. at uric. to eel& thew...tie! ell. and much below the price. now mirrent la the city cemet•rie.. Alt who hays not let pa ?chased 41 , ,, a e mall Burial Lot ere particularly 0110.1.0t0 lave.• l on o o . i iro d t ft o tt o gy e t: * " 1 7:4 .'" k • ' Vlslterstrom the Otte. end p ri v et remit r • the Cemetery the taking the seesaw. delJen •Traln, lensing the Oslo. Depot as 11:19 A, I I !castes Ilisminstism MU. at 11139 A. ■ . loving Teta p.m.:m.lth, latiololl.oo A. d lett WI then un et Cemetery otAtlon• Train; i• . ••• morn to the aftenma u Sin sad 3130 F. K . nomwsl • ' • CHANDELIERS 1 9 Brackets, Pendants, • . • • AND • FIXTURES Of ALL DESCRIPTIONS 44 For Gas or OIL Li , We are now merles our SPRING STOCI OP te PTZTURZ3 of the Lotest and Tined Dotlitut, from Ito ISI Lights, *abrades over LOOM/Sr. L, cot Styles. which we. are at Slag at ILIDIAIRD PRICIER, Wholesale and Retail. • - .4 WELDON & KELLY, 0 iininalkOPS aUla 431113 illtellrlh 147 WOOD STREIT, ntar FMk'lmos. air Ord•rs An Plumbing, f/... and Steen TW .- 10, Drelnutty attended to: 00 ° prinrsnuntin • • - BARR FO rßileff PAYING& fig F. So. ei irocrErrn ai n rrar B. Orr B C ,rdi, Aßnag e Me& lad als sexual:o/zaaol 21.1. raire tit fir 'Ray try= kald at the rata of Ma per . cent., apt a umlaut withdrawn composnide wearl•aanaaLlys la January awl July. Nadi 0/BrialVa. Ben BB' &Mad PtWOatt H. yerta r aii. Part,tr..Vllea . Plaaldealst X.. Wain ley, Beentazy Asa Tea". A 1.110 A. Bradley. J. 1.. firahres,•l4 r Jolla lllera M. roams. aboamJaaJlealt.Edbi• 4 ptmm AxV4V. 0 MMI