Ei m4:I:44LT -OAXETTE _ PENNIMAN. REED & CO., for. Sixth mine aid Smithfield strut. P. E. PEIIIYAI. JoB= 1110, P. HOUSTOi, N. P. BEM EDITORS AND PROPRIETORS. TIMES OF YU* DAILY, rs am% pv year ., irsitMnaeby.itifiony par4.ll. tilidiurdr GaOf, GENERAL /NEWEL!' Mao:toms ire matt:ll*6 at Macon. FONXION redatione-4xqudim" Tax. stßet Ithor nercetga,...with the Fumy t ' - Arthvitittied'horrie in August • Dase of Ft*,gre sheered. a reltieg KAtZ Ry.tattoixat la the present delight of 81 . /CUP. gran prove eta' are u'Atering. t a r ,fe u rq.: l 4 ll tEntelstible In Mr 0010. m 4 Ulf TOS. OrPTINBACII bit evolsed another op= Grandleime, been CrrY's are apparatus has Joe been seized for debt. %r l = a l3olwerAirq legflejit to in "Ihht It of ROMs.; i ...; • Vattssj .has witsiesqad "17ns Folio ROMerlit the Pull Anthenee. A NNW burlesque, popular in London. IN "Don Carlos, or the infants In Arils." Fascism' are In full bloom In Hen lucky, in the absence of other moue. ;Vents. - A P. ~ .eld acturs *rams. Is the' . Pali of New Haven just now, as well as of Prvoy. BAN kitANCISCO has a TatamaarHall, rat which a female minstrel' ttutipe Is the A. T. ST2WAUT and others .are said robs plettiogik.gtotitic cryatal palace In New York. A BT. torriewordan rose from earth the .other tinyby falling through slJc Stilriell ' Of Z6if. h`6lol , So many people. dropped tatters, into a ;Baltimore snap that it would'nt work. '.They thoncht it a pillar letterbox. As Cnow has been , arrested in Bin :Frabidsoo for stabbirig some of his Coke. Likl. Mends, Ala Chow is a bad lot. ST. Loma hens McFarland sensation. A .Germart, seeking, a.divoros from his id* "hot,'alfati.srho took her to the that, • • Tux Li:tieing, burglars and rogues gen erally, in' thin' cit3i, will now try to get on the other side of Jourtmt.-.-LX OAELYLN is bringing out ii Greenock shoeinaker who has written some sew. sew sketches, haying a good thread*to them. Tsta ktanl . d'Aux de , Gen tleman of the C uts hamber to 'Louis LescoutXVlll. and Charles X., and peer of France, is just dead. L inns boy out west punished his baby sister for not eating her breakfast by shooting her dead and hiding her body in the brash. • Dan Pra.Sx thinks the Russian Govern anent better keep an eye on Catacary since he has ;ekes to diplomatically controver ''xial letters in,print. , A. Innen in.lndiana went averted by . ore of the principals fainting when brought to the scratch; the other magnanimously refusing to "shoot a sick man." - Tax 'Frisco fruit growershave resolved to pay only seventy.tiva cents per day for Chinese labor, and Baer:speuto seta them and goes twanty-tlyte othHekt lama' Tax British Conseil at Boma thinks he ..01Striot geSiticeig:with any rechiellon of stein Ilitgre, "having been his own star for thd past eleven MIA"' anta youth's co is emt , 'tired M by the fret . Gut hisurtahip lady-lovbie'. boaseia hutted, and the ghosts make it lively for Illm every time he calls. • - In amorous Ban Franciscan has achiev. ed the penitentiary twice in his brief career, each time for stealing Rinds to de. fray the etpenses of a wedding tam% A cants deepest .Of• Florida "dares" rheumatism by doses of pine knots, =and boiled. The mortality has large singe s h e her calm. , . Tat collegians - of a Western town have annual feativals, et which they tear no all the sidewalks carelessly left out doors. The festivities are over tor thia_year. - Aiailialgiiiice - inber has a proposition to 'boll& ltielnecrmie tax, and substitute is Its-plaaaahodditional tax onapirituous .11gticinkot tiveitty-five outs per ga ll on, but Congress will hardly agree to it - WORK will be commenced in earnest ainsiStei-lon entente:pi of. the Allegheny Valley Railroad, from the month of Nahoning to Driftwood, by way of New Bethlehem and Brookville. KSTORIGKI Giumh.th HOAR haS no intention 'of tendering his reeignation, either now or next fall, or at any other time, but is making his arrangements to remain until the close of General Gent's administration. Consmenosem Damsno has decided .that any person or company delivering Like Superior iron ore to a furnaoe com pany, and receiving pig iron in exchange. meat regard . the transaction as a sale, m must also the fernace company, and both Nut enter the sale upon their revenue In the United States District Court at Trenton, on Tuesday, daring the progress of an argument by the District Attorney, Judge Field, who was on the bench, rose - from his seat, and with his face to the westerly wall of the Court, lifted up his . hands, boat the air wildly with them and shouted out, "Its no we, Its no viaticum, you must indictee Judger' and then shrieked and fell toward the wall, but fortunately was caught and con veyed, in en ingestible condition to his chambers in the State House. Thoscene crated much excitement and confusion: Medical aid was - promptly obtained, and it was learned about half an hour after warda that the attack had resulted from om ind application to studyland to worry of m. Tan amult made upon Pennsylvania, in the present free unto contest, lord been a) vehement and detentilned that we feel sure one conspicuous feature in It was tit make the position of tide Interest appear generally selfish, monopolizing and odious, while securing under cover of this attack a net number of other ob. jeep. The Free Trader, the organ of the sect, acknowledge, this in the follow ' lag Jesuitical style: "The prize of the entire war is recog nized by both parties. Ho word - has been WAY spoken, yet every one knows that the fight la for the abolition of the Iron dutles. This duty, the most WWI- I ous, meet Injurious, and raostinezemable bunkel ever placed by cupidity - titan the backs of an unreflecting people, Is doomed I The year /MI will toe iron placed upon the free list I" Nerder la .11111sdasipp!. Vecessenct,' AFC 21. —Th Particulars of 'doable murder; committed •a week ago, at Cottonwood Point, about a hand• tad miles above Memphis, came to light :Yesterday. They are u follows: At the time simedos lumber raft; In charge of man named. Mclntyre, loft Cairo for Vicksburg. The mew consisted of the AM, named McGuire, Dowd, Watson, Ferguson, and a negro. After 1431114 g 'Cairo, McGuire and Dowd had a aft- Olt/• and were rowed ashore to fight it put. but settled it amicatdy.and returned to the raft. They were on watch that night,, during which they armed them selves, one with an axe, the other with a kWe., and prootieded to where the W esel of the crew were sleeping, with the supposed intention of murdering thus— /Ferrymen saw them and gave the d a rn. The two murderers then attacked Wilson and Mclntyre. McGuire, stamblin,g, dropped the axe; Mclntyre sprang'up, Poked It, and buried it in McGuire's skill ; and observing Dennis about to plunge the lotife Into Wilson. dealt him fearful blow on the head, killing him Instantly. The bodies of the would-be murderers were thrown Into the river. When the raft reached Memphis, Mcln tyre and Wilson left, but were tutu wady arrested there by the police as suptotone.characters, but released. On the arrival of the raft here infortnition was given the pollee, and search is now being made for them. h , tit .cv to r . . rvv4/[1 7- r lett F OL ‘ • 11.00 15 yoL. LXXXV. 138 1 0RAACE VS. The characteristics of Gambling consist otin sibilance of mutual hermits to the .1 41 Went ' ' . . So In ; Life Insurance; no patty thereto will usually gain; except at the Toes of the 4?:.rreletleo party: The chance of gain is also adverse, to the insured, as is demon- strated bit e large 'surplus profits, which Life Insurance Companies announce the pellerreeionok Sidwhich profits, like- the . foot prints around a daughter house, may admonish those who are entering that the I currnot Inwards greatly ekceeds the cur real outwards. Life Insurance is promo ted by the same artifice as Lotteries,—the publication or every case where an adven turer dice; soon after the commencement Sr hie Insurance; while nothing is said, wherethe Insured abandons his policy, in disgust, or from sickness, poverty or In. advertence, after having • distressed him. self for many years by annual premiums; nor where a person pays much more than his heirshave to receive back on his death. .A man because married at twenty-five; whose support consisted of a small annui ty; insured for five thousand dollars at an annual premium of eighty dollars, which be could badly spare. Interest on two years' premien; $177.19; shC.lld he con- Thum the. procsas larehty•four years, he Will hey.; pod, in principal and interest, iii.sl93.so, being $38.60• more than his widow would have received at his death. He is young and robust, and should he live seventy.tlye years, his payments, CORI compound inters d therooli, - would amount to $37,t100, mad is widow would lose $9;000 in Life Insurance. , iden'tzed the coercion. of necessity, and .pot the anodyne of. security. Bat gasibling lures men from Industry, fru gality and accumulation by hopes of going through precesSes less slow than these, mkt jees self-denying.-,lst this re. airl4 Oleo, Life insuraneeszilmilateastith gambling. "Eat, drink, and bd merry, for to-morrow we die," and a Life In suns= will provide for our families, la the tendency of Life Insurance,. whether conducted by corporations, Which catch large adventurers, or by Clubs, that catch humble people, or by Health Societies, that I wring from . manual laborers their pettiest surplus earning,. To paralyze a mans efforts, no surer means can be de vised inn companies and clubs, which ehalreare for him in sickness, bury him when dead, and provide for his widow and 'orphans. By like Influences the heirs of rich men exhibit, rarely, self denial in expenditures, or energy in bust. ness,l and become drones in society. Necessity is nature's expedient to van quish man's love of ease. • Providence intends that we shall take care of the future by taking care of the present, and take care of our descendants by taking care of ourselves,Just as, a horse takes care Of it hind steps by taking heed where he places his fore feet. Whatever supplies the °Moe of thrift, supercedes thrift. No man is So-reckless as to rmain in be remain In a d ilapidated when the his et) fire; bathe may honse Mit falls and crushes him,- If the canstrophe be not itnaiineit. ao, ii no Life Insurance would provide for our families, after our decease, no Insurance or Health company would bury us when dead, we should provide for these pur poses by self denying accumulations. A man's performances are graduated by his efforts. A civilized man's wants arc numerous, an Indian's comparatively hw; hence the civilized'sum labors more than the savage, and thence proceeds the diffe nce in their performance. Ey nun' productions will, ordinarily, be thin pro 'cloned to his efforts; therefore some governments stimulate effort, by protec tive duties and honorary distinction, but where a DMZ aspire, to only present no. mashies, and to a Club for assistance in sickness, and a Life Insurance for his widow and orphans, he will- accomplish only what he aspires to. A man's efforts dilate, like the atmosphere, in proportion to the vacuum which hi, efforts are re quired to fill; hence the man who strives I for present affluence, as his only , provision against sickness and death, will fled his efforts expand with his' aspiration, and his accomplishment will increase with his efforts. These princi. plea are true of abates and NatiOILR. A city nearly destroyed by conflagration, will awaken and arouse the sufferers to efforts that will make them more pit,. perons, than if the providence had not happened. Every man's efforts are grad- 4 sated by his necessities. What the poor expend in tobacco we lament, forgetting that men labor by only the coercion of wants, and that Dlogenes,., who lived without labor, lived without' wants, by being disciplined. Tobacco and other superfluities perform, for the poor, what equipage and gorgeous furniture, perform for the rich. Our otganization is so ad mirably adapted to keep na active by the coercion of wants, that new wants arise in every man spontaneously, as fast as be can satisfy old ones. Napoleon, in the zenith of his prosperity, craved more do minion, augmented by • present possess. ion. The designs of Providence to thus keep men kotin by pressure of wants, Life - Insnraidees companies and Clubs counteract; like the multiplying of Alms. houses, is the . surest course to multiply Planers. A. B. L tro HS oasersonerel In view of the uncertainty of getting the tariff bill through both Rouses during the present session, and in order to gain time, for the transaction of other business, there Is some talk among tariff men of tabling the bill - and simply adopting the free list. It is believed that there will be little opposition to the free list, which is, otter all, the most important change in the present law, and which, instead of injur ing, would to a great extent benefit the general indictees of the country. Ho far as Pennsylvania is concerned, her special interests are better protected by the law now in force than they are likely to be In the present bill, even should it become a law. There are elements of demoraliza tion at work, tending to Inure the re committal of the measure or tho adoption of a substitute. It is- already reported that the Pennsylvanians are willing to give up the bill, though It c Incorrectly published hero that they hive hela a for meeting and agreed to do so. daub. stitnte was presented to-day by Mr. Judd, proposing a graduated reduction of the existing tariff and internal taxes, amount ing in a rough estimateto a reduction of $50,000,000. Of course this will hardly pass in that shape, but It is an indication of the way western Republicans and Dem ricrac feel en the question of tautly, c. Another dispatch states that the Judd substitute proposes a graduated reduction on Iron, coffee, sugar, &c., and of inter nal taxes, which, If adopted, will reduce taxation about $00,000,000. The fuller report to the New York press states that the Judd bill fixes the ,duties on sugar, silt, coal, sad pig and scrap iron at one. third las than existing duties, and on coffee, tea, and on all numnfactures of Iron, except railroad iron, at onefilth less, provided that no manufactures of iron shall Day leas than 35 per cent. ad valorem; on all woolen anti cotton manu factures and on railroad iron at onetenth less, provided that no woolen or cotton manufacture shall pay las than 85 per cent: ad valorem. Al to , to reduce the Income tax to three per cent. on Incomes 0ver.52,500, and to repeal all special taxes on distillers, rectifiers, liquor deal ers, brewers, manufacturers and dealers I in tobacco, dgars and snuff, and banks and bankers. The Chairman decided that the substitute might be offered now, but could not be considered or voted on until all the sectigps on those subjects had been passed on. ANormat day has passed without any farther consideration of the tariff. These rermated delays with only one fourth part ofjt concluded, are almost fatal to its passage, erect If it should be made coin. parativ,ely acceptable to the interests of tariff reform. With pig iron at ;a or Sa, lumber, salt and coal free, and with the reduced rates of the bill on sugar, celiac and would tea p roba bl y vote fot the friends of reduction r the bill on final Peelligm FIRST EDITION. .min.rxeur. FORTY-FIRST CONGRESS. (SECOND MESSIO!.I.) The Income Tax—Rouse Refugee to Concur in Senate Amend ments. .(By Telegraph to . tbe Plttatsurgh Illatette.) WAsanrcirozr,D, 0., Ainll2B, 1810 HOUSE OP REPRiSSENTATIVES. _ - Mr. STEVENSON presented the ere. dentlals of Erasmus D. Peck, member . elect from the 10th Congreeelonal Die. trlct, Oblo, In place of Mr. Hoag, de =abed. - Mr. Peck took the oath. Mr. DAWES offered the following as a question privilege : • Resoiveif, That leaves of absence here. tofore granted for an indefinite length of tlme.stutil In no case extend beyond `Monday, but May next, unless hereafter cithennao ordered by the House. ',Agreed to. The bill relative to the Hot Springs reservation, Arkansas, pasted-98 to 54. Mr. SCHENCK toterrted back the Sen. ate amendment lncome Tax bill and moved non-concurrence, stating, however, he would not ask for a Coin. mittee of Qinferenee. .After ooneiderable discussion theHo use refused to lay- the bill on the table and then refused to cOncur In sub- stitute, leaving the Renate wtheeek aSenate Com mittee of Conference, if it ehboaea. During the thieintalOn 2dr, Mitr.NcE Ideclined to admit the amendments in creasing the amount Of exemption, and said the Coiximittee Of Ways and Means would In due time report a general bill on that subject. The inquieltorial nature of the tax would slim be modified. He did not believe thetas could beatioliithed without continuing other axes more odious and vexatious t ottotal number of perilous who paid income tax wea • 272,813. Of this number over 107,000 paid twenty dollars, or less, and if the ex emptlon were raised to 12,000 that class would be out off. The second class, that paid between 120 and 150, numbers 67,184; third class, that paid between 150 and 1100, numbers 41,196; fourth chum, that paid between 1100 and lib9o, num bered over 45.000, and those who paid over 1530 numbered 9,484. Mr. VOORHEES favored the continu ance of the Income tax and declared his opinion that the most unpopular thing the House could do would be to abolish . It. Instead of being too Inquialtorial, he would make It more so. Messrs. Coburn, Judd, McCreary and Farnsworth.. 'expressed similar views, after which aetion was - taken as above stated. The Speaker announced the appoint ment of Mears. Garfield, Allison and Cox as a Conference Committee on the census bill. Adjourned NEW YORK CITY. The Fenian Congresses—A Row in Camp—Exposures Threatened —San Domingo Annexation, & c. (Be Telegraph to We Plttsteargh dasethe.) NEW YORK, April 23 =I John P. Finnerty, chairman of the Ctdeagd delegation, whole propoaltlons for' union were rejected by the Fenian • turress, states, that In esae of an at.; tempted raid by General O'Neal, the party he reormented will endeavor to frustrate the movement by publishing opinions of the attempted movement, In order, as they say, that the reckless sac rifice of life may be avoided. The Fenian Congress adjourned tide evening sine die. General O'Neill has beanie-elected President. The utmost twareay has been maintained In reference , to the' proceedings of the Convention, but the Impression among three claiming to be wall Informed is that a war policy baa been determined on. The Fenian Concrete before adjourn ing elected Wm. Eagan. of New - York, Vice Prealdont, and M. J. Cunningham, of Utica, P. Forsythe Detroit, Sweeney, Lawrence, Maas., John Shelley, Louis: villa, P. R. Gradi, Alban}, P. O'Neil, Cleveland. and P. 0. Dv, Buffalo, members of the CounelL The ateamehlp Venezhelan was towed Into this harbor today. One Pierce was arrested In San Fran cisco for concern in the robbery of Mot , risen, Son a Co. of 1100,000 In Govern. meet bond.. Over live thousand dollars' worth were fonhd on his person. Hill. the defaulting teller of the Somers Bank, has been held fur the so- Elan of the Grand Jury. - It seems settled that Sanford E. Church is to bathe Democratic candidate for Chief Justice of the Court of Appeals. • Recorder Hackett Is much better and will beanie to proceed with the McFar land trial Monday. i.e. Gardner and Geo. Phelps, two notorious contiterfoltera and burglars, have beer' arrested for dealing in coon. torfeit money. Others of the gang are on the eve of arrest. A thirty thousand dollar clerical defal cation in tha Surrogate's °Moe, before thts.present Incumbent, Mr.;Elotchins, was elected, is reported. Inc. McCormick, alleged partner of Jno.- fdorlasey, has given bonds to answer a charge of - winning 14,000 at faro from a Pennsylvanian. • Baron Orteneacken, Russian Consul General, has sailed for Europe, Major Sigourney. Claimant of the au thorship of "Beautiful Snow," relative of the poetess. committed suic ide Jester. day. _ City Comptroller Richard R. Conne lly is about to resign. An ineffectual attempt was made to day to sell the United States steamer Seminole at auction. The planing mills of Allendorf Q Soho field, Thirty-eighth street. were partially destroyed by an Incendiary - fire last night, and a man named Lawrence ar. rested therefor. The steamer America. from lionthiunp ton on the 12th, has arrived. %- New Yonx, April 24. 1870. w;gom BAN . Domaroo A Hayden letter of April 12th reports the people again excitedly dismissing the San Domingo annexation question, on account of information that a United Stites war steamer low 'taken possession of the Bay of Mansanillo, on the north- ern , frontier of Hayti. The feeling is more bitter than ever. It Is understood this movement of the United States an. thorities Is for the purpose of preventing Luperon entering (Atm mud of San Do mbigo with hostile Intent. The Severn called at Cape Haitian In search of Lu• Faison, but be made his escape in an English schooner. Tali YENIAIt DiHROOLIO The Feutut Executive counsel elected by the recent Chicago Congress hub. sued an address to the order announcing the removal of the central office of the brotherhood to Philadelphia and the sp• polntment of John Brennan as Treasurer. The address charges President O'Neill with uraipaticorand malfeseance inoffice, the misappropriation of eight hundred dollars, funds of the order, during the past two years, and the Chicago delegates protest against the recent treatment they received from the recent New York Con vention. They intimate in strong terms that military Operations will awn be begun, and promise an early statement of the work or removals to the complete equipment of the form. —ln the Court of aid pries at Phila delphia, Saturday, a preliminary injunc- Con wee granted, prior to • argument, restraining the Collector of. Internal Revenuefrom collecting Income tax on dividends and earning" applied to the construction of the Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad. Ten or twelve lead. tog railroad' In the State have refused to TaitP e tax and await the action of the l e Molted that the Mormons north al Salt Lake are buying all the arras and arnmunitton they can obtatn, the oatenatble object being Protection etteheet /Julian bet the Iodt• ens nava raver been bodge to the bier nane. PITTSBURGH, 'MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1870 CANADA The Fenlan Beare User—Armed Venal. on Patrol Duty—Dlaenarire of the ITlnnepeg Delegatee. . (Hy Telegraph to the Plttahargh °lrene.) . Mormattax,, April - VS.—Orders have been Signed to disband the volunteer corm on active service, 'except ' those on the frontier. The four poisons ,arrested on a charge of Fenlaniern, having given a satisfactory explanation, were discharged. Capt. Cameron to Organizing a force of mounted pollee for Ued A telegram from I lluttmlogford nye last night a party of throb from the United States attempted to !pass the tientry, or the out poet guard, two miles from that place. After being duly challenged amt ordered to halt, they were received at the bayonet's point by the sentry. Ono• of their horses was' badly Injured, and their wagcin overturned and smashed. Two of the party were arrested, but the third escaped. Investigation today led to the belief, that the affair was merely a piece of bravado. TOILOPTo, April V...,--The gunboat Res cue left liingaWn Let night for Prescott to patrol the St. Lawrence between King ston and Prescott. The Prince Alfred arrived •at Bernie' Yesterday afternoon. Her force °owlets of sizty , men and four officer; armed with . two Armstning guns, two -braze howitzers undone pivot gun. It is understood that the shareholders of, the Great Western Railroad accord their CODiettt to the plll authorizing a branch road to be constructed from - Glencoe east, forming a southern ,road, and that a double track' will be laid on the western road between Windsor and Glencoe. The new work will be cool . manned the canton. OrrArta, April 4A ,- To=day 'the so called . delegates Father Richert , and 7;:are again Richert ;vial rant charging them, with aiding and abet. nog in the murder of Thomas Scott, at Fort Garry. Considerable interest was A. prominent member of the House of Commons was present. Various gen tlemerixecently arrived from Red River were also In court. Mr. trees appeared for the prOseOutibil tin behalf of the crown, and Mr. Boutton on behalf of Scott, on whose information a warrant was granted. lion. Jno. Milord Caen. eron appeared' for the prisoners. Oa the magistrate taking . his ant, Lee 'aid, after consulting with the coml. eel of the private prosecutor, and emendating the evidence of the wit nesses which had been examined, they came to the conclusion that the °v. Idence they bad to produce would not be of snob nature as to Justify the commit. tal of the prisoners. The private prose. cuter had consented to withdraw from the prosecution, and as the crown had no further evidence to offer, and no wish to press the matter further, it also with drew- The magistrate s aid there wan no Me against the prisoners and ordered them to be discharged. The prligonere left the court room amid the congratula. hops of friends. BRIEF TELEGRAMS. • —Recruiting for the navy has been re: mimed at the Brooklyn navy yard. —Charles Hodgman, many years cashier of the •St. Louts Iloattostea Say. Inge Inatitetion, died on Saturday. —lnvestigation has resulted in proof that the charges against penalort agent Forbes, at Philadelphia, are unfounded. —A rumor waa afloat in Llndon that queen Victoria intends •to many "a Prince of the house of Eichleawls Hol stein. —Mae Malec*, the venerable tester of the poet Fitz Greene Halloo*, waa burled Saturday at Guilford, Court., by the aldo of -her_brother. —Mr. and Mrs. Myers, residing In Williamsburg, N. Y.. were dreadfully burned on Saturday by the explosion of kerosene oli used for hurrying a slow fire.. The mammoth still of Higglefort's distillery, at. Carrollton, Ohio, exploded on the 22d, destroying tart of the build lok where located, and doing consider able other damage. • —Five thousand bushels of oats wore sold on 'Change at Chicago, Saturday, deliverable on the reception of toted'''. gence that a Fenlsn army had occupied the Red River country. —The Bt. George Society of New York celebrated the aonlvenrary of St. George and of the natnal • day of Shakespeare Saturday evening.. Wm. Cullen Bryant was one at the speakers. -Borne fool In St. Louis sent a box by express to Horace Oyeeley, which con tained a dead white cat packed in sew dust. It was opened and set outside the Tribune office for admen to carry oft —Five companies of the Seventh Cav alry, now at Fort Leavenwinth, are under orders to proceed to fort Hays for active service against depredating Indians. Gen. Costar will detrunand. —eat attempt to rob Southwark bank, at Philadelphia, whole vaults contained over ten millions of dollars, was free. Dated Saturday night. The burglars escaped. They were using miners' im. plements. —The bill repeating the regLstry law throughout the State, except New York city, has passed the New York Assem bly; aim a bill amending the election law oy placing colored voters on an equality with whites. —There Is a great freshet in the sisalppl river. On both the Illinois and lowa sides a great part of the country and some towns along the river are over flowed, and much damage has been done to railroad and private property. —A twostory frame house on Indiana street, Chicago, last week fell to the ground, a distance of five feet, by the caving I,t, of tho underpinning. Four families occupied tbo upper story, and three families the drat floor, but, strange to say, no one was Injured. —The funeral of Anson Burlingame took place at Boston on Saturday. The services wereimpreselve and the process ea long. An Immense throng lined the route; minute guns were fired, flags at half mut, and bash:ten suspended. The remains were interred at Mt. An. burn, with Masonic funeral ritea. —A dispatch from St. Paul, Minnesota, Saturday, say' the rivers are falling rapidly, and without general rains, of which there is no prospect, the water will soon be at the usual stage. The far mers have not for many years bad so favorable a time for putting In their crops. The mercury On Prlday, in , the shade, stood eightytive . degrees. —The members of the Ohio Legislature and other citizens of that State, who have been on an excursion to Washington city, on Saturday-were the guests of the city of Baltimore, by invitation of the Mayor. After uniting the steamehip Ohio, they made an excaraleon down the bay. Ott their return that visited Druid HUI Park and left for their homes at 9:30 P. X —The Cincinnati Board of Trade have recommended certain amendments to Senator Sherman'e Cincinnati and Chat• tanooga Railroad bill, which will, If adopted, in the oath:nation of the - Board. enable the Trustees appointed to build the Cincinnati Southern Railroad under the ten million loan to enter upon the construction of, the road ,under the national charter. —A gentleman who arrived st St. Paul on Saturday, from Red River, says when he left the people were wholly Ignorant of the excitement In Canada, least of all that preparations for war were going on. Everybody wan expecting the acceptance of the Mil of rights, and the peaceable admission of the Northwest Territory u a province, and the advent of some Gov ernor acceptable to the people. —The organisers of the Big Horn ex pedition have conoleded to augment their number from live hundred to one thousand men, and start folly armed and provided with four months' Mimi. Several men are now in Chicago recruit. lug men for the expedition andsoliciting suppiNeft. York, Agnts have bee apinted in w e n Philadelphia and po Boston to forward those who wish to follow the expedition and settle up. the country. The expedition will leave Cheyenne about May 10th. —A court martial has been sitting in New York for several days. Ameng tile. officers who were tried was First Lieu tenant B. F. Nyer, of the Second United Mates Artillery, who has been found Minty of presenting a false and franda• lent claim 'gains* the United States, and who has been aantemced to forfeit all the pty andallowance due him, to be el ' b " tared and dhimhosed from the service, to be rendered incompetent to hold any Dolltion of responsibility or,trust under the Government, and to be bonlined for three years In such penitentiary as the proper authorities may direct. &ECM EMIR FOUR O'CLOCK.. 4. "V NEWS BY CABLE. Political Excitement in Prance— Proclamation. of the Emperor Submitting Proposed Reforms to the Ballot:--Seneral Labor Strike—Penton Sensation lit London—Funeral . Demonstra tion at Dublin—Aaivlty in Iron Trade, &c., &c.. Telegraph to nil, Pittsburgh tialetie . FRAItiCE. Rants, April 23.—The Journal (Odd contains the Imperial decree calling upon the people of the nation to accept or re ject Vie project of thee tollottleg chain on the sth pmxittid:' "The people approve of the liberal reforms .Whloh have been. effected in th e ocostitoilon sine 1860, by the :Emperor, with the concurrence of the great' - legislative bodies of _the State, and ratify the Sena up-oommltum- of Aprll.2o, 1870." Other parts of the decree contain directions for the manner of voting: . The ballot boxes are to be - opened at ids o'clock in the morning, and remain open until six o'clock in. the evening. Tho canvass of Votes la to commence, In the morning after the close of balloting. Form of My yea =ninny. , Lagaitnectorsof the army and navirill Wile at their place of garrison or residence at the time olthe election; returns of tfie vote to each district will be calnvassed In public session by three Counselors Oeneral, appointed by the reacts of the dl'lor out departments. The, general returns, from all department*, will be finally can , sassed in the Cbrpe Legielatif. Toe decree Is signed by Blithe Ministers, and bears date of April2B&,.. This le followed . by another decree containing directions relatlie •to the voting of the French naturalized citizens In Algiers. Following this again lea list of filenattmeousulturn, fixing the Conan. rotten of the Empire as voted by the Senate at the session of April 20th, and authorizing the' public assemblies for the discussion of the- new Constitution.- These assemblies *lll hold sessions from the 23d of April to the 3d of May, and every elector, without regard to precinct or department where he may be at the time, will have the right topartlcipate in the deliberations. Professor Bared', at liarseiller, has discovered a new planet. The manlfestoe of the .Internatlonal Association and Federal Chamber of labor Societies of tutted to-day, rem:amend to the Members and others to abstain from voting altogether on the sth of May. Yesterday a grand reunion of the workmen of alt trades was held In this ally, 'and_after a debate rowan: Ilona were adoptd. &Voting a general strike. In alt the districts of Pule the former electoral and democractic committees have been reformed: --The Monitore, or gan .of the Lett Center, comes out in favor of voting affirmatively, and the I Francais, also, the/ organ of , the Left tt Centre, annoniseti that =Myi members of that party resolved to vote 'w, because their adheaionlerequestedto tile Senate., consultum as well as to the proposed re forms. The Univers,. ultramontane journal, n Snot it ham ot yet taken a do. cided position In regard to the ;lads. ethos, because It Wishes to escerrein, Ara, whet le tote of oho unuttiti factory points now visible in that measure. 4 0, 4 •- • • A Cabinet-Cotut ,yierderday, at the Tuilleries. Stenpanatvreildea., It was decided, Ithaca debate or over two hour.: to identify the ministry with the piebitatte wetmodish a.prociamation aligned to , each minister, Ake paper. anti. regulations attached to it to be inserted in the proclamation. M. 011ivier at fint objected to this, on the ground that the regulations andall- the matter referred to Would be duly - published to-day in the Journal (Oda and the ministerial moo lamatton be known through the same source to-morrow; (Sunday), and also, if ready, proclamation by the Emperor explanatory of the documents. A diecneedon arose on the eublect whether the question of. _the Emperor's dynasty and • hereditary succession should be inserted in the proclunation. The Emperor objected to this, on the ground that for him, the acknowledged representative of the people. to now ask for a ratification of the vote of 1862, would be in reality an expression of doubt of theloyalty of his subjects." It - was de cided that the Emperor, being elected by eight millions of votes; will not anddoes not propose at the present day the Tres. lion of dynaaty to the people, on the ground that in 11362 his Majesty demand ed the co-operation of the people to eaten. lisp order, which is the foundation of all national prosperity, and that - in -IMO be demands the assistance of the people to enable him to found and consolidate lib. ertyin and for France. ; . • The ministerial proclamation criticises the conduct of the oppoeitionletsi and asserts that their course la inexplicable. It says that if the electors vote 110 on the plebiscite, they will avow themselves, ad. versarlee of liberty by so doing. .The Francis republicans have rewolied to hoist their party flag openly and pub licly on the occasion of the electoral vote. At a - meeting of that body, held last night. it.was resolved to establish a Parisian International Association of workingmen and that the artisans' motto on flags, du, should be, "The lie public with all its conseguesem, and death to its enemies , ' This is far In advanoe of Rochefort. The audacious announce. went is already reported in copy before the Procurenr Imperial for consideration and legal action. ,Psmis, April 24.—The Journal -0/letel publishes the following proclamatlon by the. Emperor : Frenchmen—The con stitution of lea, drawn up in-virtue of the power which you gave me, and rail. lied by the eight millions of rotes wi11.% re-established the Empire, has procured for France eighteen yearn of calm and prosperity, which have not been without glory. It ban insured order and left the way open to all improvements. Thus more security has been confirmed. The larger part it has taken In the progress of liberty. But enoseselve changes have altered the basis' of the. pi e . biscitum, which cannot .• be ZW:Kii• tied without appeal to the nation. It beeomes indispensable then, that the now constitutional fact shall be approved by the people; as were formerly the con stitutions of the Republic and of the Empire. At those two epochs it was believed. even as I myself believe today, thatanytbing done without yeoman: egi limits. The constitution of Imperial and Democratic France may be reduced to a small number of fundamental provialoits which cannot be changed without your consent. :Your decision will have the advadtige of rendering definite the pro. geese already made, and . of placing be. raid the - infinlino) Of, political Mutsu. 3 10115 the PrinelPles oigovernment. Time lost too often in barren and embittered controversies may be more .ovaltilly em ployed hereafter In seeking for means of increasing the moral and material well being of the greatest number. . I address myself to all of you who, from the 10th of December, 1818, 'dor mounted all obstacles to place me at your head. TO you who for twenty-two years have without cessation, guarded by your suffrage and aostained by your ersoperation; rewarded me by Yew Oleo lion. Believe me by anew proof of mind. denoo in bringing to the ballot' box an affirmative vote, you will exercise the menaces of revolution, you. will place order and liberty on a solid basis, and you will render easier In the future the transmission of the crown to. my son. You have almost unanimously for . eigh teen years clothed me with the moat extensive powers. Bo also equally unanimous to-day in supporting the transformation of the Imperial regime. A great nation has no way of attaining its development without resting on insti tutions which guarantee at the same time 'stability and Progress. - The call which I make on you is to ratify the Liberal reforms realized during the last ten yearn.. Esply, , Yes, As for my. sell, faithful to. my origin, I atoll continue penetrated by your thought and fortified by your will, and confiding In Provides:we *hall work without cos. ustlon Gtr the prosperity andgrandeur of France. • [Signed.] Reaormos. Ccisaltotrne, Aprll 23.—The iron clad Roohambean, Me 11. B. steamer Dander. bur, is now need to carry eight three hundred pounders and two tour hundred and fifty pounders. VLeitore are rigor ously excluded. •. GREAT EtsLIMA] N. • .Irroon, April 24.—The Observer says tbFenlans here mean mischief. The gernmpnt . him been authentically oi ices of their i ntent i o nto destroy the of the Times and Pali Mail Ga. wile and other projects equally miachlev cue, but the publication of the particu lars is withheld. Increased activity in the Iron trade Is noticed throughout England. _The Times hints the Grecian Govern- .. . _. . . .. _ ..... _ . . . theta he responalble for the capture of foreigners so heat Its capital,. especially Wan those foreigners are Ingraham Of a f alga legation. event]. commenicationa appeared In t English papers lately, written by' Americana, correcting the miegatementa of the Edinburg Bevies/4 touching the ballot In the United Mates. The sugar brokers complain bitterly of the ruinous effects of lowa's sudden remission on sugar duties. Many bolded*. bought their stocks when the cnrrpnt price was 39 or 40 shillings per 100 weight for No. 20 Dutch standard. When the budget was presented to the House of Comruongh recortimendlag a reduction of duties on sugars, the price suddenly fell' to 92 shillings, at which figure It now stands: The Spectator, Whig organ, bays an archy In Ireland and• Eugland Is the alternative of the passage of the Land bill. The celebrated horse Blue Clown, which Was sold by Sir Joseph Rowley- to a Priuslan company, will, after a continen tal campaign, be brought to Meat to train for the great race for the gold cup in June. Lord Romance hsti declined to poet. -pone the Mordannt divorce ease beyond next Wednesday- A. collision • occurred •on the• g.Fireat Northern Railroad to-day. The.. cart were badly wrecked and a Bremen killed. Several were slightly hurt. Continental cable service is somewhat disordered to-day from an unexplained The' money market, which baa been quite active at times during the week, cloned quiet this evening. - The recent Fenian panto in this city wee obcasioned by the tiling of informa tion with the chief of police that a large number of Pentane bad recently arrived from America for Incendiary and other unlawful purposes, and that together with other buildings the offices of the Time; and Pall Mall Gaeette had been threatened with destruction by them. Protection asked for was accordingly granted. The Globe says the police authorities are recording the names of all lodgers at hotels and boarding houses as a measure of safety. The trustees of the Peabody fund have declined to purchase the Magdalene Hospital. Correspondents of the Lot:Haien papers assert that fully one•thlyd of the guests at the British charity ball, recently hold at the British Legation In Paris, .were Americana. I.orii3ox. April 24.—The Mal schema do dogma or the (Ecumenical Connell has been officially promulgated. The Chinese Embamy have left Berlin for Brussels. The Ensso•Chineee bona- Vi ari question has been practically set . A Constantinople telegram says the Turkish Minister at Athena reports to his Government the captives retained for /imam in the hands of the brigiuuls, near Marathon, have been killed. Duntaff, April 23.—Extensive prepare. Dons are being made for the great Fenian demonstration on the occasion of the funeral of the late George Henry Moore, the celebrated advocate of Irish nation silty. Deep feeling is everywhere exoressod at his sudden demise, and the unfortunate event excites feelings of deepest commiseration and sorrow. All Afteprincipal Irlah aociettes will partial -pate in - thelletoonstnitton, liDkialiostatUt wont has made excellent puling arrange manta • and taken every precautionary measure, against any disturbance. LavnnrooL. April 23—The steamship c* to m oo P n ' t ni rrl the a'e r"kratesiaogr d fnm ete g rmin tt. O ed n e g ifg a rta n they previously demanded four pence per bushel. They have netified their agents In the United Staten not to tate any grain, even on their 'own account. The companies will allow steamers o return in ballast rather than .submit to the views of shippers for a reduction of freight,. • • =I ST. Domino, April 14, via. Havana, April 23.—The revolution continues ion. Cabral has been declared an outlaw Om delivering &Mayo into the hands of the Hiram's. Censurers, sin. Havana, April 23.—The government is rapidly crushing the revolutionists. Havana, April 23.—The Eagliah man. otwar Lapwing has arrived 'from Nam ans. The officers say General Jordan. of the Cuban throes, together with six IXII3I. pardons, arrived at llama on the 12tir. Jordan Intends to proceed to Hew York. The .Prensa annonnoes to day that the Inanrgent General Parana had appeared In the Jurisdiction of Holguinwith five' hundred men. =TM VIENNA' April 23 The Reicherith having planed upon the principal meas ures in connection with a policy of liberal reform, for the consideration of which it was convened, It le probable the sessions will soon be terminated by a decree of dissoliition from the Emperor. New Governors have been nominated for the provinces. An election has been offered on the question of a liberal con stitution. • There is a strong movement In Tyrol for seetealon from the Roman Chun% In miss the question ;of infallibility is praised upon the Connell. 112313 Rome, April 23.—The Prelates are ao. nve la dentroylng the pamphlets recently lamed by Patuchen and Swartzenburg ',salt:lst Papal Infallibility. The photo graphs of these gentlemen have also been seised. A public meeting of the CEenmenlcal Conned will be held at St: Peters on Sunday. After Naas the Fathers will vote orally, an the presence of the Pope, on the tarot acts of the Connell, and the Pope will solemnly promnlgatethe sets. There are comparatively few strangers in the city. = MADRID, April 2&—The Spanish gov ernment officially denies the recant cable dispatches reporting reverses to_the Spanish arms in the district of Baymo, 112 Cuba. MADRID. April U.—The LIIMOIII the; Montpeneler had been wounded •at Seville are pronounced false. In the Cortes yesterday, Minister Morel, In reply to au Inquiry, said the news from Cuba was satisfactory, but gave no particrulars. The. Answer Is con sidered vague, and' creates some un easiness. 1021=3:11 CONSTANTINOPLE, April 2.11.—An Ar. menlan manifesto relative to the (Eau. monical Council, which wee issued in this city, was *torn down by a Turkish mob yesterday. A serious riot being imminent the police ware called an to preserve corder. MARLINE NEWS LIVZILPOOI., April 23.—There were greet demonstrations here on the arrival of the steamer City of armee ls. Crowds collected; cannons tired, ate Eitasciow, Apell M.—Yha etesmahlp Columbia, frOm Now York, arrived at BM:wills to-day. LIVERPOOL, April 24.—.Th0 'steamship Calabria arrived at 'Queenstown rater. day. .PonlaisOurai April U.—The steamer Allemanis, from New York, has sr rived.. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, Losnon, April 23.—Bkaning.—Consols for money 943‘; account 943 i. American securities steady; _320 bonds '62. 883; 873 f; 'B7:Bl,Sti 10 40 s, 88. Erie 1931; I. CI:, 112 ii; G. W.,-27%. Lwanroci., April EA—Cotton market firmi - middling uplands 1154 i Orleans 11,4®1134; sales 12,000 bales. California white wheat 9s ld(§.9a 2d; red western No 27. gdwa 10d; winter Ca 7d.31 mired.3.a. Western Flour 19s 92. Oorn—Ne 2 23a. Oats 25 sd. Barley ss. Peas 385 Bd. Pork firm at fas. Beef 70Ets, lard 89a, Cheese 78. Bd. Bacon 58s forChimberland cut. Tallow 445. Sugar 325€212s Bd. Clover seed 475. Calcutta Linseed 15002) 60s 6d. THE CAPITAL. The British liortkwest Expedi tion—The War with Spain Ca nard—Small Pox Infected But tale Robes—Balance of Trade —Fraud in Cigars Freed men's Bureau Inquest—Ala bama Question—The Tariff. kill TauntlA to the rlttetteihtielette.) WASHINGTON, Apia 23, 1870 BRITISH NORTHWEST EXPEDITION Late dlipatches In regard to the views of rrcsident Grant and Secretary. Fish on the gOestion of allowing the Dm:Mit ion Awes,' to pose through our territory to the scene of the Winnipeg revolt, have led to some discussion. What the Brit ish authorities want is to carry their ex pedition through the canal of Sault St. Marie, precisely what the administration will not permit on any account, and pre cisely what Thornton has been . wen: to understand in a quiet and respectful manner. Sault St. Marie Canal being In the State of Michigan is of cooraewithin the territorial juriscUction of this coun try, and CO allow - British troops to pass through it for:hostile • purposes of the kind proposed.would be just as objection able as to allow them to march through Minnesota. - Authority that cannot be doutgedsays that Secretary Fish would sooner resign . than consent to extend such Privilege to the British authorities. ATTAR TEM PORGEFLS ...Admiral Porter has lest:noted an in +mitigation with. a view to ascertain the party or parties who used his name in sending bogusgold-gambling dispatches all over the country to the 'effect that a war wee imininent.between the United States and Spain. The. Admiral made application to the telegraph companY to the illapatch, but the manager refused to allow him to see it, alleging that it was against the rules to show a telegram er, cept upon the order of the party sending t. • PEOTHp ZUPPALO 3101111. Information having been received at the War Department that a large. num. bar of buffalo robes were obtained from Indiana who have bean suffering front small pox, and the robes, being undoubt: odly infected with vino, were packed with a view to early shipment to leading poste on the Upper Missouri, the depart. meat has given Instructions ttidoinmand. ere of military posts on the river to pre. vent the shipment or passage of any boat containing the infected poltrice by thole FORTY-SIGHT HOUR RULE. - Supervisor Bloomfield writes to the Internal-Revenue Office that the die. tillers of Peoria express' satisfaction with the fortg-eight hour period, and that the distillers" of Bloomington are also work ing under It. ; W:lB2tirt crroN, April 24, 1870 nAtioccis OF FEUDS.. The monthly report of the Bureau of Statistics shows that for the first seven months of the current decal year, the value of imports exceeded the exports, in gold value, by only 138935.72, against 1338,621.78 for the corresponding period last year. The returns of foreign trade for January, 1870, exhibit an excess of exports over imports of 53,6415,884. Dr. Boynton, fires President of Hose and Univeraity, was yesterday before the Committee on Education and Labor, and testified that he bad nothing whatever to do with the instigation of the charges made by Mr. Wood against Den. Howard, and neither eaw or heard of them before they appeared in the newspapers.. PILLVD LW CIGAR& lathemation having been received from. the weattlutt manufacturers of clears lu! laseriiA letaitadigare shipping cigars witn labels - or tached to the ‘ borders and doubling over the edges of oozes so finely printed as to. escape obseriatlon except upon close scrutiny, the Commissioner of Internal Revenue orders the seizure and deten tion of cigars having thereon soy such labels. =I A letter has been reoeived at the Indian Bureau from Capt. G. M. Randall, agent at Cheyenne Agency, of April .9th. He stelae he is subsisting eta thousand nye hundred Indians, being three thousand more than the number anticipated, and others are daily expected. [ - TEL ALLHASTA. QUESTION. There le no Indication whatever of the re opening of the Alabama claims ques tion:The subjeet'has not been officially mentioned for several months. It sp. peers the. each government le waiting for the other. . IN DANCIZE The Tariff bill is in danger of defeat. The friendsof the Pennsylvania Iron In terest will vote against the bill should the Home concur in the reduction of the duty In4 4 t 7 F)lg iron made by the Committee oftne PARAGUAYAN QUESTION. The Homo Committee on Foreign Affairs will make a voluminous report this week on the Paraguayan question. —The lecture of Mn.s. Wheaton. of Michigan, in the Illinois House of Repro sentativee, on Thursday of last week - , talking ground against woman suff rage. was a very able one, and is said to have worked a revolution in the minds of members of they Constitutional Con ventlon, who were befora inclined to ex. tend the ballot to women. A meeting was extemp3rlsed - alter the address, and remarks highly complimentary to the lecturer were made by a number of gen tlemen, and resolutions were passed In. citing tile lecturer to repeat her address. It is said It la the Intention when the report of ,the Committee on. Elective Franchise comet before the Convention for dual adoption, to make a motion to strike out the section adopted in (km mlitee of the whole. submitting the question of woman suffrage to the pee pier and that It will pretty sorely prove successful. Mairrneos are holding by the citizens of Maryland, without distinction of party or race, on the new condition of atfains under" the Fifteenth Amendment At a mass meeting in Bladensburgh, resolutions were passed acknowledging and accepting the propriety of the amendment's regards the btate, which is one of those moat di rectly interested, and pledging the parti cipant to a cordial submission. A committee composed of four white and three, colored men was then appointed to prepare a plan for the organization of a permanent club. Beni. G. Harris has announced himself as a candidate for Congress, in this district, on the platform of opposition to the enforcement of the Fifteenth Amemdment, and this move. men% is mid to be intended to organize the moderate Democracy and conservative Republicans in opposition to him. Pow= Cauroza.—Jones' Bills, West moreland comity—Graft M. Pile, vice A. 11. Pile, resigned; Tipton; Blair county— Alexander Dysart, vice W. R. Dysart, deceased; Perrin, Mercer count —Ben net B. Perrin, vice T. D. Mackey, re signed. Strougton" ' Indiana co.— Mary Burke, vice Wm. B . Beller, moved away. Delight, Green county—L. D. Spmgg, vice John A. Brock, resigned. Pollock, Clarion county James Pollock, vice Al. len Anchors, declined, Cass, Venting° county—John F. Sayers, vice B. M. Pot. tor, resigned. Gerbille, Washington county—John D. McCabe, vice J. A. Gal.. braitb, moved away. Establiahal.—. Barkville, Wastage county—A. Rims. berger, Postmaster. Donley. Washing. ton county-43. Snodgrass, Postmaster. Be.established—Ceylon, Green county— !). O. Stepheson. Postmaster. A worms:nem phenomenon has taken place at Far Rockaway. On Wednesday night of hat week the Inlet at, that wed known watering place was . swept clean away, and the beach carried out a distance of some four miles, where itsettled down on the great Oyster beds:cousin destm" then to the growing hfulyes. some mil• llonsof which wersidlW, and loss to the amount of $85,000. Tat United States frigate Uongenst, le undergoing melee it Boston, from which poet efie will start in a few days iar Sin Domingo, with eight membereotCongeess on boar!. NO. 98 I—Al. San Francisco contracts were entered Into and signed by the etlinate and Fad e° Telegraph Company of New York, and Central..Psiolfle 'and Western. Paola° and Oakland Bann:aid' Viitereph lines, of California, for 114 eleiredreeate nection for buslnewaL 'Tile Ord= Psdeo road having' macleadnethiretit the ;Atlantic and Perefinonlet fail, these lines oomPlate the' frotri Omaha to San rraradselti- - they are met by:.ther... 011etakAraittein Telegraph Company fromOhlongo._',lt Is expected the whole I inefrom Chifto to California will be In operation the ooze- —At Cincinnati, yesterday, Rev. C. B. Borges was oonsecrated Bishop of the Diocese of Detroit. with Imposing cere monies at that Cathedral: - A large num ber of priests parthdpated. PARIS, April 2.3.;—Boureefirm at 74f. Fnanzpour,Aprit23.—Bonds quiet at 95@)9534. • , .- A.wrwanr, pril 2r.—Petroleum firm at 540. • Hems, April 23.—cotton quiet at 1115,4 f on spot. . .SAN Fuerrersco, April 23.—Flour quiet and unchanged. • Wheat quiet at 1573 e. Legal tenders gay • bIEIW ADVERTISEMENTS gTHE FIRST SEMI-ANNUL • - 7 AL EXHIBITION of the PITTSBURGH Aar GAL LSAT; eonulainit a One aolleoUon Of Paintings, the prodoetton 7 • f Atomic. .0 Foreign artists. Is now, open Dal and Armor. No. 231 LIBERTY tTli vs ZET. opposite the bond of Wooa street. Admission. 5111 e • am . O'COMPANY ;D, 'DUQUESNE • UIiETB.—A. meeting of the inember• or Company , I 1 toi,eld In tke lug WARD MANE, 401 h greet. au TUESDAY 'EV/MINN. April . With: at TM o'clock. C•vt. BELLCAMig be preembirkeit hold the elec tion ilon eincers. By orderer the Committee. noPStwie VaTICE.—The: Books 'for the suhscrintl on of block of the., Crystal Spring ice Manufactnrini • • • and titoril go• Company, • • • • • Are now oprn,d at the Mt chanlc s , !aria gs Dank, STIIKET. ' This honlystiy Is drifired by the Legislature or Pennsylvania, au . * to the exclusly e tight of Manufacturing 14'61106 Coeaty _, of Allegheny by Carte's eele• brate4 trench Patent. -. • JAMES BLACKMORE, President. 'IN. .S . .' ' TA- . CLES: .-- , : ,- - :7:::.,;.r , • -•- ..- Dr. /BANElVEss! . .amlebrated Lecture! on the Eye, and EiSit "iof Patent and /improved SiXetiteles,lia/4 * ioXEMbersh,; and at IIL 4 new at th e EIT; OPEL; Where he:I4)MS hts for famed Ettingertio to dtilmilvalrfeki n from an examination of the eye alone, so into salt equally well by day ns by artificial light mrlfitotot fatigue, from 115 to 26 yearn. Dr. F. may b e Professionally consulted on all . dlacases of the' Home. EYe• and has a large stock of his Specta- ales 'and Eve Olio.. for Isle. Aboit 4,000 pearl .01 Urea. Epectacles were bit on Dr. Franks last visit la the apace of three month.; styles' the meet ehttre sathfactlon loan, as the, medical gentlemen and citizens of Pittsburgh have by ceruncate teactled.. OBoe. BOOM 22, Ht. Claw Betel. Ladle.. en- Ulm. on Penn street. spit:arra . STOCK, LEASE, FIITERfig AND: Good -W . lll of tiqitsteptioluneut J. W. BARKER &. CO., FOR SALE. .I. W. Barker .& Co.; 59 Market Street. will close out the bal ance of their Stock, amounting, to 1.10,000 worth ' of Goods, to: Jobbers,. retail dealers or con.: sttniers,in lots of from one to. Wee - thousand do - Bare-and up•l ed in the East , nt - the present • The lease, fixtures and good will of the establishment are. for sale. This is a rare chance. for any one who wishes to go into the dry goods business. The Administrator is at present in the city with the view of clo sing out the entire establish ment. d. IV.ItAIDLEB, Jr.,. , • ADMINUITRATOIL" 12EMEEI 0/710. Or TELE Strezalti•T Or ALLEOUfIY Co. SPOPEOOI7OIA April 80th, 1810. TN .COMPLIANCE ..:WITH A -a- resolution, bathed by the Inspectors 8: the Allegheny county Pelson. the Arth eeetlon of the Act 'if Auemlly, OPPOirid tihe lot 011iOr Feb ro.7. A. D. 1668, being an W. eepidesteatery to ma eat, "For the Better Management of the Allegheny County Prison," In 4 .'o* Publlahed and !r.vads as fogarem • That when the arringiments ire completed for the reception of inmates, It shall teethe duty 'of the Isspectora to Crane.* Rome the County Prison to the Workhouse all persons having more than tea days to serve, who shall have been corn mlted for vagranoy. drunk - Consul:lr disorderly conduct, and also such otter persona as the dour% of criminal Jurisdiction of Allegheny county may direct to be transferred:. and tbersafter, when any porton,* persons snail be convicted in said Court AZ any admix. .the punishment whereof, by existing laws, Is or mar be impirie- Miment In the County Jail, said Court may sin. mace saes person or parsons to either the said Jail or Workhouse, as its discretion, and miming magistrates to said Coddty thereafter shall sentence to the Workhoise all persons convicted of vagrancy, drunkenness, or ,silsor daily conduct, er of any other offense 'fsr which they may no* be sentenced to imtrisonient ln the County Jail, titivate be fed ■lid clothed, and treated as provided (or in Las eat, and the rules and regulations of said ' And ss the arrangements.are now Omelet.] for the reception of YALE. convicts into the Workhouse, It Is recommended to and urged neon all committing magistrate. throughout the minty to extend the time for which pintoes, to be sent to said Winkhouito to as long a period as poolbly corteletent 'with Justice. It is espe cially me fatal that all parties, generally kaolin as . f.old offenders, , ! for shelf bertegt. as well.. that of the community and the lostitutlon Itsel4 he committed for the longest period whirh the laws will allow. • HENRY EMMA thu,t. of the Allegheny County Wortheane "I FREE EXCURSION TO THE Finest Show in the City. D. W. EVANS' One Price DEPARTMENT VAMETT STORE, JUST OPENED IN PITTSBURGH, - AT No. 59 Fifth Avenue. • The Proprieto. Vilalet W.' EVANS, !Moot /Oa Cheicnot atreet, Pilllxlslat. Yr. ham rt"itaem h 'itiarri . Co.. ' wonTrieptelfully of this city that opens to-dy wits scum la Um retall uena. woMd.ahla reirde t Immo. as SWANS , otrae Price Das paramour Variaty illtares" ayery momd of air rehandfse at this se tahltshmrnt ts Mustard ....pm., to mica; otherwl e.lbe entire MAMA &rm.,. tot. iom, and each placed In a sepal. ate devaluing,. Tbasedspartnuataareernaides liOney 1 011 11, Sod any p•rtor; even a chlIA, may kn o w. the; mate of thensanda of dollars` worth of roods at a glace, ViaITORA WILL NOT• .. lIIIGED.o or }Tay; AHED. TO OUI1Cliail& as the Pro- Meter prefers to off.? a .litle reamer- Mitt Usefol Ornamental. sod Valnatle. of ratCLI TIMM =LC , •11S.LL TEl.lOlll.Vrt. 1 e Or. la other words, to inks 'Jae Department aeon ••Ilead Quarter.; for rtargalna..• A moral NV1.211011 in eitendal tO al 10 Oaf and illirollOr DAT AND 167Z/IN6. - . 59 Fifth Avenue, ranultraeli, THE. WEEKLY GAZETTE n 110 i 31331"M1D carArsre ' Commercial and . Family Newspaper • PtII4.IIINED IN WESTENN.POINSYLVANIA. No tanner, meehanic, or merchant; abolige bi wlthoet It. Stogie auboerlbera Clubs of five Cabo of ten 1 if A copy la forniabod gratulton.ly to the getter up of a 1..10b of fin. Partmasters are op Prided to act as agents. Addrres, PEI RERUN, REED & CO TV-La." "lb* 6b L 4" "L o w, 14frare , 411411buw4 71 .23aartflig t n d h 3, not exceeding FOUR L.EN.819,. tnN be Waled in Uwe coiumna • once for TWENTY-FIVE CEP T 9; each add& Kemal .line PIM OEPTS. W/LNTS: WA I WTED.--A BOY in a BlaOk tlJftTH ntIOP. Nor, map• Cal applYr. !again. or I .4 T. J. • IIIIND/414. Wagon Mak en,.ers and Blacklnaths, Na 11 North M a Anent 4 72 AVANTED.—A • riAtITNE't is the Nursery Business. Address A. 8.. 122 NVANTED.-- BOAIRDE HS. A grad flout To m, a.md floor. to a atm boon, with modern firma° , amen ts, In a sante* rirArefar. 7:1;7,1=11:11 . ar, ;:ith s' 4,x.l4 one or two amain gentleuteqof quiet habits. Al , Dif at MAIIAN'it ART GALLERY: enamor Patin and Sixth alma's. WANTED.—Six or Eight gelid 1101.61711ttLY at. N. Lig DAIWACI LI WY., between Legeoek nod Robin ten, one .Innn , rederalltreet, Allegheny LILY. 410 • NVANTED.-$20,0 00. worth of 91916 T CT, Ah.• )1,09T(.. Inglars or J SCOD er. 4-10 59 Irourth "venue. 19 'burgh._ ANTED;-75 tAnonEo s to .• viotk at fading. Ntrady Coplopolatt the Olen. ....club. corn. of of wait. Pald . 0 11 004 Olen. Call at corn., of Alletcbtuy aytt,oft Illalso darer, Allegther y Co., to. WANTED.—Fifty Coal and Ore Miner, no °oe, fee to Mr. and lan Paid to the Won. neveral Girt! are Ira ed for clty and country. Andy at P midterms. Mae. ...No. 3. Mato Street, that door trona cannadila litldge• WANTED. -- IDORTGAGES..—• /130.000 to L.* Inters* or malt w 005.% Dar rite or LlaVitasto THOMAS L. PETTY, BEN • Eond and Heil Betake Broker, . - $900. 7W.ANT . ED... lAN ACTIVE MAN In eta I ilentrit In the Mitts, teThinel and tak e . ornate brume e. fee Teo, Coffee and Spices. • To saleable . Inca we will give a salary RI SIMI to' $l,OOO a yea., above aaaaa ilser and otuer az p,,nate, and a reasonable commission Galata. Immediate applications are solici , ed from 'proper rattles. ref fences asebanged. Apply or atleetss • •ConUnental 111115, ,. 31if Bowery, New Tint. • spat w2l LOST, L • OYY —Yesterday morning, tat the way from Boylettrdet to Dr. J. N. cum's Cattreh. by way of Federal meet, FINE WATCH CRAM.. The finder will receive the thank• of the owner by leaving ft a • /MATT% & TNIUMM . B, Federal street, or at • 443 BOARDING. BOARDING.—AL number of ti enflame,. can be tarn Lahedailth Boarding and Room. If dm red. pi...inlay located at No. AO ANDECIWON tiTUEET, near Hand Oren bridge. • Ilrgbepy nog. &PM itf TO-LET • • • pal .LET. Untarnished' 1100 ht, Arm noor,Jrout now house, aaaaa he Allegheny Commun. suitable for one or two gentlemen aa bedroom. at tutderate prim. Address hoz 575, Pittsburgh P. O. 4 To- LET. AN CIEWICV. On the trout., foot'. Apply to ICD. LABS a 00.; 1514 amtth4eld Ono!. Onpmate the Poet °Meg: antaw27 TILET.—Two erubbed Room.. imitable for four oath men. A few ear boarders eau be areoneruoduted aho, a% No. 73 fourth avenue, FOR RENT;—The Three Story • BRICK WARZEIOuIiS to Chorea alley, m. M rear of No. IVO Wood meet, forme,r l 7 actIVIIV b/Wead:WO Co. as • drools Oman of WATT, lANC — alid •• • No. nil sad 114:Woodlit, rLIET.--ne good Store !vim and DIMLING. No. 45 Ohio moat, .rir from Diamond and neat .door to ' , lanai's gltr Z' . MitiViod ?AV! `2.17- L l l,5luYB "ut: '7.14.?"°1512118 1 i1§ 4 .i4" I, • ent. rllo4.lE'r,—ltriek - Mouse -- of. 'V ji Booms, Ran, Oa , Bataan Cold Water . ..largo Val:s e :a r e g p ! i qr . ,11 - ga - r1,% ` 1% etrt '?o. Amu, AMC. noUsZ of BOWL No las 311001 e a..ty,. near natapeun street, lad wa.4l, Mirlrenanr• Ann/ en W. re ratar, apes WI Dimond. Allentteny. TO -LET. • . 8008 P. oontalalos Brooms. wltte water complete.. No. Al Laerek street, Autisz containing 0 roomy 111tb Rae water complete, at , No, 10 Walnut street. etk ward, alleaberq. • Xaqulre of A. PATINE/80N. son AT Peebles street, Allegheny el.r. Pa. _L_ET,-COUN it REM or W.or,m,ectz.":l Then44'4l"llrega2 Ineado.nrWeitantWlr d awatk "y"lc_yfFseLinisq4l. 9 renew and Is ne w,.cotn f naltde lt and ' og *leeway. araidt.xlare, lad upp with all moment Itoproventente. Alto, carrlane house and star bUnd for boron and cows. , , She around. nas beantlfally laid oat. and are . covered aril h toe for trees. readetins 'lstria) acountry flat. with all the advantace• of being very con. ' , ardent to the eity, and from its It. allot to owe' of toe most healthyaltnatlons In thta are/Amt. For c harllenlaq moire or otavatc wrgatr- TO K & thria Ayanne. 00041 FOR SALE' EOS SALE.- , A, ONE HORSE SPRING WAGON. Apply at tho shop of t . O. 3. PIUNF.EN. Wagon Makers and Black. smiths N'o. 47 North Ahey, A Icor en), 4.12 .. • Cl v on LE.—ne good BIL- _ S t TABLE; wilt be seal cheap. at 9ElO' n street, Plttabarah• 4 It pots 841 E.—Engine of 4 horse Dower In Tanning( old,. went, Apply K. W. P. ratoz, .001* went, a HO. "VOA NILE . -FBADIE UOVSE I. Twoßoonti. Lat 30x100 feet. Pries $7OO. T.. IL 5.11.1. ••• AWN. cornet Neat Mut %Inlay. third stmts. • t'COR 8 . 4110 E. - MANIUIPACTIJ HIND IFITIV—We bare far sale n very dert• 'able loesUnn for Inantancturlni tnrnoteroronl4 r be a nye chance fry a Tannery, It taming been formerly us-a for that pnrpose. There see US Wren 'MU "WI ont-bountr. and Susan tasetanery. Let 110:131) heti Mutton on two sireet• ant Road, In tile Flltztaah Ward. T. ft, BILL i. [UN. corner Penn add Ttar t-ttard stn. FOR gaLlg.—A Large graeilar of wry desirable pronto). Intproved eat unimproved. In Ike yar.otni ward s to the att.. all of winch we oPsr at great bargains. On email- . man street. Twelfth ward. two handsome build. In g lota. 1a4z1140 Let each. Son" ase tobslan- Mal dweiliage barely tam nem in the on. lindlite 'Melly of lb., lots. Wenger abets at abargain If called for soot. T. 11. BILL - 8 BUY, Comae Penn aw•l Tairta-u.lnl atrrete•. , . • R SALE.—RIOILDING ALLKOHENT oTer. tor sale, s meet dellghthi building iota. situated lathe • Second warn. Allenheny, on Perryiville Road and Otwervatory acentle, adjoining the Obserralery• irroniula These ,Lots an Dart Of 111 . - Sod ooe'lthlf th3l) octet., pl. or th ese Lott can be seen at my store, No. 53 W O OD sTitgl.T. The pl. bat also n enrecorded. /garb Lot le • frott lot. frentlen on Prmssils• rout or Observmory livenne; slea. 114 het wide, t intlu d aWn " ae r d ' Ult SG br 115 feet. htost of the ots are 0014. r.hteOnntOek, Ens ~ an etre dwellings bare been erecter! sirradr• rt.•. sons deslsons to leave the tow rrounds - mot, cities min hers opporteelrf• In. locality is oue of the driest In the two cities. all Out (oar minutes. walk from the head of Seaver street: • reard walk leads to the 1...V...,7 d r . ,rat t t ratY of scenery end ennettomng• a n . - • Ten= easy: prim low. tay . ro r o . f prait. NO 83 Wood sintol.PltWburgb,OTNO. WHIM! Avenue., Alloglocor OW. Li CMOfiIIBT • TO LOAN. - By . ran/no/ate Jett enacted with tastes and 4le eapltallett. we are enabled to boy Or bean. [late Ara:-/leas mortise. on wood 1117 or sub, ban bewared property's largo or small MSS, at 1.1 abort aeltoe. 'Y. B. SILL ;KIN, tome Peon and Thlrl7,taird str. eta. ' CHA.NDRLIERS 9 Brackets, Pendants, IXTURES OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS For Gati or Oil. We are now mmetelog our SPAIING BTOCIC. OF TIITUfI of the Lett et 104 Need Designs, from 1 to 151 Llghte, - embraelat over 100 Differ. lot htylts..whlch we an. ' , Wag u 11.EDUCID PHICCEI, WholuMe sod Beta= WELDON & KELLY, OGG 147 - WOOD AFIRE?, rim, Fifth iTellOO. Mr Orden far rlssiblas. Gas •ad Steam ilog DrOlnptt• ILUADded Zan ANIL& 111119111 RANCE EITOCK9. —IIIIIIOAN NVI.IIIBO, AWN 960 a a. TM oat. Noe on unclad floor of the COol inirtaal EWA k 100 Saritallaie sum . NO snares •erpl•si Barhaar Banat , 10 snares thoona National Bulk: & abates Nryitossiaarraa Baur SO earls Pairnallirrala lararnaes Co aplS 100 boxes Civilian closet: 1 . cor . Alarc o rLaa_urt7; for salti /4111.111,Avaalta, WEI ,~:.~.;