FINANPIA.L. lAN BANK, NO, 80 FOURTH AVENIII3, •rrrTaannunr. CA NH CAPITAL • .• • • -$400.000 Stockholders Individually Liable. SANK Or DISCOUNT AND otrourr GiMM JOHN ythlD President ... . . . • To M. Igaralual,• Jobs W. Wardwd. Wm. T. ShanSW. Ardbiteidd Wails.. Ilwees W. Assett, Jae. I). ledr. SM., H. Leda, , • ;WO, John Yloyd, • "= , . Yids Santis sow roily organised and presaged f i l'lsdliterni!!'9.l.B,,,":N''. :. '. GtCla.4ll3, 1 411 1 1E1i 4n I ttljPONS Bought at Highest .Prtata...; Pll. K. 111111TZ, Banker, Cor. Wood St. and Mb Wine /LEES Ts" BRADT Q. CO.; ay' vit"# ou earner Fourth 4nm and Wood a; 113.A.NibEIRS, ' Boy "UAW' all Ma& of tiIIVFMNIENT SECURITIES, HOLD.'AILVER AND couroms, ===2l Mr Oren Allewed ; sis Deposits ear Monne loaned on lioeenalnant !toad. I ....teat market este& Orders executed for the Purehase and lisle or irrporro, nORIDS and GOLD. • J *MX! . "1". BRADY ik CO, 5110 rurg Gagtte _EINARMAND TRADE Illy Telma* to tee PlUSearre Queue.) Nem Yong, April 22, IMO. Money te1e ., 41(408 per cont. on cell, and some transactions even at 3. A ,Waahingtogrdiapitch ths4 . the Banking OuTinecat.OceatolUeeblid eanaluded to report a bill authorizing the issue of .P4000,11001n Natkond bank notes on the Welremertr of Mel per dent. certitleatee, and $61,000.000 legal tendert, was geher. ally discredited. ..aerling dull at 83.4®8. Gold strong, openings' 113. fell to G. 2.14, and closed al 113%.1 Carrying rates 4 per cent. to fist, closing at the latter. Cl. 11813,000.000 d Governments etrengln sympathy; with gold. Coupons of 'Bl., 14%0)14%; _do 'B2, o 'B5, 11X W .% IN; 12 do now, - inXoNlyir eo d- 'B7, leg® LIOU't do 'NI. 105C3,105fr-10-40 1 1L6' GB)4. Mite bands quiet and newt' Inheouria, OW old Tennessee% Olt new do, MM. stocks strong. The chief %anima were • • 'MOW York Canoed, Lake Shore, 'North. western, Reading and Ohio. New York ." Central touched 933‘ for stock and 8914 for scrip. Canton sarong; Pacific Mall weak; Ad. • AM. - Exordia strong; Canton 7t'; tkam ' • laniand Mil _Western - Union 'Alegraph 84i; Quldualver B%tr Mariposa by.: do . preferred'. 10%1 A&' Express 61M; Welts & Fargo 19%; American 38; United States 431.;Pacillc Mall 30g; New Yrrlr Central 93 . %; Berrie 833:; Erie 241.: do preferred 42; Harlem 142; Reading 99.54; ' ir=n Central 123,4'; Lakeldhore, Central, 138%; Pittsburgh, 101%; Northweatern. 7414; do. preferred. 85,4% Bock Wend, 11634* New Jersey Central, 106 , 4; i. S Paul, fitik; do. preferred. 7454; Wabash, 60t4 ; do. preferred, 78; Ft. Wayne, 9230 Terre Haute; MI; do. pre: tarred, 68 ; - Chimgo and Alton, 1111{; do. preferred, 1131 ; Ohio Mississippi, W.,.;,; Hartford dt Erle,.4; C. C. A C., 7634; Iron Mountain, 44. Dubuque. 107; Burli ngton et Quincy, 148; Bt. Joe, 10914. iscaton pricei:. Copper Falls. 5; Prank. 5; Reda, 80; Quincy, 18. SubTteeitury balance: gold,883,831,113; emencV 14 88 Q0/ o j.E B nerta balance, Ornas or Prrrammon. Gesurra, t., • .1. -.1 , .77.101. T.. April 22, 1/00, gootauons as remove° -ay go.; k. • • Sleets Odd, 1121‘; Silver. 111 - Eighty. • wares, /NM...Aro Twenties; 1662, 112 N: malitifit do 1B35,:111%; do U 3 06, y, .109%, do 1867, 110: do 1663, 110) 4 ; Ten raffles. 106,q; Adams Mr• =ess°=44:jiyl.4, filderchants mew emu any, at; • Western Union ; NeW 'Task , 'Central. 112: • fidediolP • 88%f; • Plitabunth, Fort '"?..Wityne?-4...-0hicag0....121%; Ohio a Ws. - abdpo; ldiettistan' Southern, 89%: Olovol.' a. 44., Fittabrolth. 98; Chicago, .IW:diode Wand dt•Paolflo, 1610 Oldestro a Borth Western. 753‘;',uhicsgo _A North 0111•Mhan PriderznitiS6,lo. niCHAltag. Large, Ceara ( '15,65 rni24l. .•• 2 4 Benin, maser. —• lilt W. diraltkibrkdiorine::::. - .:;;••••••: •871:.• • Ati -(liceingtpuAstiora received by Jame . ' , I'.. Brag i v_l - Oil Gold: 112; United • lieN, 114%; Five-Twenties, :•" 1 1% 1 11 - & -7 •Zil-11 1 84',1 11 1 eIM-11165,;111%., Te ea n- For ul l ', o 6KF i /00 e *nat•i t o Jn . 1101 d o o.. I n B6B e 129 g Union Pacific Railroad. W3O •11aoUld do• 20 Ni Pi% "ciao. 1124 Lake Saperhar , • •, • -4 •• • - 65 if Lilf.tri • ; tril'anOLEUl ll MARKET. Amman Frrranunan. FRIDA.C. April 2111:: There ham been a little morejtherp of lilt; spin; bat hardly sbilicithit . to war• rant a reitlind of: bops among the de -pieroiltdsalars and •brokers: Refined • callorlagen a little firmer, and- may be =Squinter of a cent tilgher, which sedan with the decline m crude zdes, It maLis io • l erippased, to the plea . , 010(61.1 tiviain redeem. But the aisle k `( Bair e trade silll remains de. 4 1 02 ,610,140010. and all engaged In it firs w igabi t :: anx for that good t wo *bleb hui !m pl y in coming. - o "taciddnik ( mild v or cs better illustra tlon of 'fhb than the that one well • known broker hangouts/11 .16 8D reduced to peddling matches, and,1.1. 46222 , be • driviog a much brisker ba sin.4ll! be * BARB SWit Ole competitors iran no'`? do - In oil. , ,•••.•• =ULM • Market appeared to bee little stronger • • data to the day. themah there is no quoin• Ole advance in prices. Salerof 1,000 bras seller April, at 10%; I,MO do, at 1010 end, (settlement of contract); at 10%....fia11er May quoted atilt buyer ; all ..7 1 54. id /W Tl* Mit that.the impute , J,kino lsf powlw - firmat ream& loan loa duettion is ntat tut air thls there not-roach --doubt bat what crude would advance With retned. szy.arso.•• --'Market more *Sire stud • stionger, ~, , ,,there la oonslderabk; .lnqulry for early I astivertee, and compared with yesterday •-• rears fully st quarter higher.. • Halo • OOO Obis May, Bat, at 258: 500 April at Wand 500•Auguat at 27,44 June,, 28' asked; .Inlydielipillitax; Angela, ; • Frifflils(r May to Juin MB; .Augttaa to October 28 .bid; buyer all year, 283 i• 42 1 F8: staktalrfit 07 077D1 OM lit 7 'T. IL 111. Brilliant 011 W 04.101810. on account FA Co; Vesta Oil Works 252, - on account 0 oRamse dloarlimeaunt acme; A II MM. 81, on so y taunt W Bertisa Mere Oil Works M. on '• moount Fleming & Co; J as Wilkins 240, • • on sooonni Fiala and Boston Pet Co; Pennock Berman len, on sereant Thai " .011111116622 V. St • 'National Refuting Blating. lid .01 10 Wertlea, FAOO.. Trite. Lavinpton firo4 - •120* bble rot. oili to W rda+,'Y.Aol, Phil's/ • 4 iafin I A C0._616 bbll ;.11o.•WatiBil.PMW 00. 0102 ._ • • telfnivy Ilro's. 218 bbielleaSeld . 4 o W. _L sa ttorptri . . Bro. d Ptk t i • _1- ' ! lase Swek Staritet." lest Tom Aprn7l9,-Baoraa to day 85 ears at *mamalpaw, 40 at Weehawk• ad and 15 at bus' lituffinattb" idreeg; =- king 4505 sir MOO for the week. First - : . r _alock:trainonUi Brio toad slope Moe; drw arrived to-day. Cattle• trade active at 75=anPfloca or IRMO ORO for most ef Me Work, A lot otig..eten Widolt :Wars btlDgiOg 5110;: Name Texans of J obe pouts& VOSS at; 14®14..r;! 57 • gon ads per ewt. Market oboes strong. .:whosip Poilasoil. but sell slowly at un ekanged rata; antratc'woay. !um ao loag:11.505 Ms Week; . some lota *opals, siacoldt a air of I. pallid Minas wo i: a mmo told at 6,tje; some 00 80 !pound 7yie; a ;Mr Ohio shearing, 75 pound.,cot of Si pounds axe. 800 Q ot to is o yesterday there were bac vow*ef int th." 7 Eric lloa"otitor trains e9lo< 22 ears to4•lB7a"FaarOAn tad 141111116, 1ie193L.C4 acr.,•l4 , tiuluois. :Am^ sOld aura at . !' 95 pound a ..70}0. FITTSIiaRGH MARKETS °mosey PITTSHIM pGiiI 2 H ti 2, lazar rB7o.g, Frunar, A p ril We Were nnable - to discover any new feature. in tae general markets today, no thing at toast &leaning of social notice. In the absence of any excite. meat, there lea continued steady con. samptive demand for nearly all of the -leading articles and with a fair business in the aggregate, there are no important I changes to make in quotations. Oar mord:mita generally appear to be busy, but there 1.• a pretty general complaint about email margins, which is to be re• gentled-but there appears to bo no help emit, es it is ceased by shin* oonsp). Litton. There Is loss "cutting" now than there was a mouth ago, but this is a mat 'Jaewblch in tneleouree of time NM mo tif); Itself. It to said that refined sugars arc being sold here at 3.; below eastern price& APPLE BUTTER--tialas nt 65®7043. ASHES—Quiet and unchanged; Com mon Soda Ash, 4c refined do 45(; Pearls 9@9!(; Pots' 7)4. '. APPLES—Scarce and Arm but on. :eltaged; 'Mgt tbr folr to good, and Fl% ® 5 for choice. —BUTTERaPrIme — to Choice you Is quoted at WOW, and fancy, In small packages, at 38@37. Oommou butter la bard to sell at - any, prim. 13HANS—Crmtinne dull but un changed; 11,50(42,00 per bushel, as to quilitY. CHEESE—Is firmer and more active. •New York State Dairy. 1850111735; York State Factory, good, 18; do Fancy, 1835. CRANBERRIFS—SaIon of Backett'a Belle Berries at 420 per bbl. CARBON OIL—Is dull, but maiming ed; 23 In 50or 100 barrel iota, and 24(i)25 Ina small way. CORNMEAL—Is quoted, In store, at 95@1l per bushel. as to quality. DRIED FRUlT—Quiet and un changed. Apples SV:3OW Peaches 7® ) 8 for quartette, and •830149)i for halves. Blackberriei; 121343. EGOS—The receipts babe fallen off considerably wttlari the peat few days, but there Is no Improvement In the do. mend, and the market L dull and prices, unchanged-16 cents seemed to be the ruling figure. FEATHERS—Live geese feathers quoted at 90 eta to the trade, and the usual advance for small lota. FLOUR—There le a continued steady demand, and with a reduced stock, espe cially of, winter wheat, the market is firm t ongh prices are not quotably highs . We continue to quote weatern Doan, In store, at ga@syf for spring: 55,50 for winter, and 71713,7,50- for fancy rands.' Rye fl our, firm at ;a. GR N—Wheat is scarce and in good millin demand —wecan report sales of 'good ' prime red at ‘1,151:41,13. Oats combs In pretty freely but tmchimged; can n fairly be quoted above 47@48 in Int nds, buyers furnishing sacks; 50 051 wharf and track, and 63ggi55, for for 'Mall lota in store. Corn continues scar/and strong with considerable in. quiry thougb.not quotably higher; ear, 85@87 - nod shelled, 90@92. Rye la imam. and In .fair demand, though it wont. seem that there are no cash buy erg r. .. re 95-iiirie buyers would probs. bly h, ve to pay 95 or . V: We ate cog nlmn• of 801130 emit sales at 95. . In ,Barb • there is not much doing—but little . (faring, epd not much wanted; last is es at 5.5099, far good to choice ■prin• • - HA. r—Baled may be quoted at ;154g. 20, wi • but little strictly prime in mar ket. ... HO ENY—Market almost bare, but there a not much Inquiry for It; may be quo at fe@ityi per bbl. o.z 'teen salted. NOM do batch , re, 7@B; dry flint, 22024; green calf, 34' 10:1-2% ®Se. LA • D 01L—Extre No. 1 to quoted firm a it,213(41,80. UM NS—Market pretty well glutted le ornoderrownd. - • ONI. i and II PU&TOES—SeIes of prime Lake Shore - Peach Blows a 41447. River pa 1atnea,46(4,400 co wharf. . .I'fi3OWSlONS—These la a - steady Job binirdemand and we can report eaten at fall prima. Shoulders, 1241:412X: for Plain, and 13.4@13K for Sugar Lured; Sides, 154 fur Ribbed and 174 for Clear. Hams, 164 far Plain; nwitots for Plain Bng Cured, and 184 for Canvassed. Lard 104 in tierces and 174 L irf kegs Mean 'ork, Breakfast Bacon, 174. Brie. Beef. 20. UM—Primo Tonneau° quoted 100. . , P •EL BARLEY—No. 4, 13: No. 3 . 6}(; Oatmeal, '10.50 per bushel, 15,60 per ball bbL PEAS—Sales at 11,90432 per bushel. BALT—Sales oar load lota at 5L6 5 (4 0 . 1,70. with the usual advance In atom: HEEDS—The demand, as Might be ex peeled, la falling otr as the season for Clover and Timothy is . alidost over, how ever as stocks are pretty well reduced. pricim are naelianatel.: We continue to quote the former at (934 @BO, and the hitter at &Wu. Flaxseed, 52,151 g bid, aria market bare. PITTNRUItOII . IRON MARKET OIPICH or PlTSSlttilttlit GAZETTIik • FRIDAY, April 22, 1570. The donee:ea which has characterized the.inetal inarket durtng the past two or three w,Qoke.7tlA Continuos, though some of the communion men reported that their sale* were somewhat. larger ASIS ereolcthsn last. - The nillia continue . . to bOY.Serysparlngly, not being Inclined to tarry an more stock than possible. rind this of course restricts the demand .and retards business. Prices. although Weneir and unsettled, hare undergone no qnotabis change, and while some of the Munfialtdon men appear to be... Unproved w th ihi belief that the bottom has been touched,- there are others, equally as well posted, who aro not very sanguine on this point. In manufactured iron and nails, burd ens is generally reported dull and un• satisfactory, though this Is the usually the ease at this season of the year. Or ders are pot flowing in so freely, and as 'might be expe4ed, tho shipments. west Mt least, are fallin g off. 50 loos Red 5h0rt.... .._, 2111 w No, 1111Ottled 120 do do ..... oiriatooax.. 15 tons Hanging Rock 448.00 4 mos 10 No. 2 Hanging Rock 40.00 4 moo 20 do do do 42.00 8 mos 60 MISSOOTI No. 2 Cold Blast 68 .004 mm 20 4 . 1 xtra Forge 40.001 mos -20 V, ~ do do 47.006 mos erroarnious VOLL SULTSIII/11011 Lax x SUPERIOR oaR. 140 tone No. 8 51111 Iron.. ... Ram 6 mm 60 .• Medium Close Red • Short F0rge..........84.00 4 mm 100 Common' Brand White and Mottled 82 50 4 moil 105 o Common Mixed • Coke Forge 30 00 4 mos -200 a Common Forge 88.004 mos 20 0 .. medium Brand Whlio and Mottled 81:60 . cash 300 “ Neutral Fhrge Mix , ' tura with Nitlyeor9 82.00. cash 100 : •• ..Mixed grade 8210 mos 150 Open Gray Yorge 25.064 mom • • air.xxo sant cams. • • 200 tone Allegheny Forge.—{B4.oo 4 mos MARIEHTs BY TELEGRAPH. NEW Yoaa, April 22.—Cotton ateaay dosing qulet: 8,000 bales middling Sip, lands at 2334 c; included in the salesere 1,500 bales In tranaltu. Flour unchanged: reesipte4,6o s ;ealos 7,600 bb1e.4146,650 4,66 superfine Mato and western; 14,10® ASO extra Slate; 14,7 0 (4: 4 , 40 extra errii 5420043 while wheat ex1ia1.14.85 1108 round hoop Ohio; 15.25Q6 extra St. Lords; 16@8 good choice do, Including 1 ; 500 extra Stale 14,10€0 1 .er. Rye flo quiet: 200 bbl. 14,25® 5 , 8 5 C Ol7l meal ur quiet and unchanged. Whisky lower: 450 Ws of western at 11,074:61,0735 bx - _free.. :. .Wheat is low salve and unchanged: receipts 16,480, wiles 56,000 lamb ea 11,10:01,12 SW No 2 spring, 11,06 for Nos 2 and 3 do mixed. $1,15 for No 11,28.20..25 for winter rod and amber Western, 111,55 for white Michigan. Bye 'quiet. Barley steady Corn: receipts of 11,810 bush; dull and * de:dining; sales of X 51.000 both at 11,12131,14 Mr newrolxed western, 11,15 for new western yellow, for straw adored :leathern, 11,10 for unsound western mixed. Oats; re , oelpts of 11,106 bush; dull; Wee of 12,000 bush at 610 , 630 for western, 6201700 for Ohio end State, WAG dm ca ft an.; auger eteadyi Silos at 11;190 Ithors at 9® 935 e for Cuba, 103al0Mo for Porto Moo. Molasses dull. Petroleum unchanged; Hops quiet . 1 11117 Altmor7.6r. lota. Turpentine quleti 2 fork heavy, with sales of ,i 1.25 bbta J/0 for , hags', i 1 1 46 0 622 for_prinao.' irda .*iwos,6o r prime mess. ueetsteady and unehansed. with miles of _ soo bbla and 70 germs, Beef hams steady, with asks of 180 bbls arZt@fiSe for'new.• OM meats steady, with sales of 8000 PSCkiKee at 10M%1M for shoulders; 18€817e tor - tams. MM. dies quiet. /dard drum. With sales of 4211 llama at 15,W1 6 ,ti0 for atom. MM @IBMs for kettle rendered ; also 76i i t emo a steam, seller May and last three month; at .15x@10e. Butter quiet at 14(420a for Ohio. Chore Oboe dull at inyr a , Freights to Llv.erpool quiet and firm., .Gafert.--Flour closed Steady, with a very limited desnand. Wheat dull rind scarcely so Area; No. Slworlos 8109®1111, In store and afloat. Corn dull at 1112 ® 1.14 for new mixed western. Pork dub, with sale* 260 bbla mess, seller at 1127 86. Beef In good request at full prima. Miasmata firm, with glair de mand. Bacon nominal. Lard active, with miles MOO tierces prime steam at 16%c on spot, MX° seller. May, and 15%c Weller 3 months. 1...);:gs quiet and un changed. • Cificsoo, April 'M.—Exchange 1 -10. Freights dull. Flour firm and fairly active on 'hipping account, without ma. terial change. Wheat dull but firm; early Bales of No 2at 82%C. seller May, and 82e cash; subsequently prices dwin dled, closing at 8090 for the latter, op tional sales at 813411410120 seller May, 833j ®83,40 seller June; other grades In fair demand at 900 for No 1 and 7812176,4 c for No 2; during the afternoon the market was steady at 81c for No 2 cash, and MX €4Bl4ic seller May. Corn quiet, 21:142540 lower; sales .at 84021853,4 c for No 2, 8.814 850 for new, and 71®72.0 for no grade In Wore; clones at 84e for No 2; optional sales at Mt5@18.60 for seller May, and 8235 G for. seller May and June; In the afternoon the market was dull and unsettled at 8434 c for N 0.2 cash, and 70c bid for no grade. Oats la In fair demand at a decline of 2c, with taloa at 43,7i@145c cash, and 43,V(.0144V.0 seller month, 44%6114513' seller May, Alla buyer May, 43%a live doll and steady, closing at 750 for fresh No. - 2. Barley firm at 50%520 for No. 2. Blithwines lower; Market dull at 11.02. Mesa pork easier and more active, Glos. log dull, with Belle* at $27.2.5'. Lard inactive but firm at 153ic for j steam. Meats firmer, closing at 10% ®IOXo for dry salted shoulders, 1330 for rough sides, 140 for abort rib middles, and 14go for short clear middles. Recels: 8750 bbla thur, 22442 bush wriest, 42965 corn, 13856 oats, 2202 rye, 1800 barley, 4784 bead hogs. Shipment= 8482 bbls . flour, 208193 bash wheat, 65519 corn, 2588 oats, 720 rye. 6408 barley, 4469 hogs. Cattle 15(4,25e higher, with sa les at 2.50 for cows. V. 6 254 0 7 45 for fair to medium and 17,60®7,90 for good extra shipping steers. Hogs' firm and steady st 88.5008,65 for fair to medium and 1:8,7E48,90 for good to smooth lot= 011101WIPATI, April 22.—Flour quiet and unchanged. Wheat dull at sl.lo® 1.18. Corn 103®800. Oats firm at 155®800. Rye firm at 95®97c. Barley dull at 800 to Vols. Cotton unchanged. Tobacco active and supply not equal to the de mand, with sales of 110 hats at 15,30 to 127,80. Whisky firm at $1,01®1,02. Mess pork sold at $28,60 fon first class city brands. Bulk al:molders sold to the ex- tent of 100,000 pounds at 10%®110, chiefly at the latter, and 160,000 pounds sold at 13% cents for rib and 14% cents 'tor clear rib, and clear are held at 15a, no salsa. Bacon—shoulders 11X0I2c. sides 15;fc end 16}0 ,for clear rib. Lard 15% lee, chiefly the latter. Butter and cheese undimmed. Eggs dull - at 17a. Sugar In good demand at 10401234 c. Coffee firm at 19®8116. Beef cattle scaroo and firm at $6(§17,75. Hogs In good demand at $13,60®9,60, the latter rate foe extra corn fatted. CI.SYSIAND, April 22.—Floar steady for country_ brands; eaten white double extra at $5,75®13,25; red double extra ib ®6,25; amber double extra $505,60; spring double extra 15 1 ,. 2 NDV° Nye Flour quiet at 14,75®5,50 per bbl. Wheat quiet; sales No. 1 red at 11.1234; No. 2 rod held at 11,05®1,00 Rye firm at 90® 950. Oats: No. 1 State le held at '57(2480. Barley quiet at 800541 for State and Canada. Petroleum qulot; refined held at 2234 c on spot, for standard white: crude quiet rri 10,10; sales 1,000 bbls flood, buyer all yi Sir, at VIP.. ST. Louis, April ..T..-Tobaceo steady and strong. Cotton nominal at 22®22Mc. Flour unchanged. Wheat firmer at 800 for No. 2 spring. 88340 for No. 1 do. and 11,03®1,115 for No. 2 rod fall. Coro firm, at 92(930 for mixed, 03@940 for yellow and 95®97c for white. Oats unchanged. Barley dull. Rye 75®76c. Whisky firm at $1,95. Pork f. 23,25022,50. Loose Shoulders 10340. Rams arid Clear Rib 143(e. Clear sides 153i0. Bacon: shoal. 11Mc; clear sides 16549 18Mo.. cattle steedy at 4341573(0 HOgs Bloody at 18®9. Betristomt, April22.-Floor firm for low, and higher for medium grades. Western superfine, 14,87406,0034; extra, $5,37®5,75; family, $0,556,76. Wheat un. changed. Corn: white closed dull at 111,12(41,14; yellow dull at 11,104®1,12. Rye steady at $1,401,10.. Oats active at 61e. Mess pork-firm at $28,50. Bacot firm; rib aides 16c clear sides 16Mm shoulders 1293®15G hems 195520 c. bird firm at 10c. Whisky firm at 14,07®1,08 PHILADELPHIA, April 22.-Flour leas 'active with spring wheat extra family at $8.25®470. Wheat quiet and nuchang ed. Rye unchanged. Giro unsettled and declined Sot yellow $1.10451,14. Osta firm at 64®68c. Pork Lard 13®12340. Whisky lower at $1,07 for iron bound. Wool very dull with sales 180,000 pounds Ohio flue at l 0( 52Me. Murals, April .22-Cotton quit and firm at 22mm receipts 816 bales, exports 41% week , . receipts 4.018 balsa, exports 3,968 bales stock 19.033 balm. Flom: medium $5.50. Corn scarce at51,14(5)1,15. Oats dull atNoire dull at 11213. • Bran active at rig. Lard 16017 M. Pork scarce at $26; bacon Moulders 1234 c; sides 173(; bulk shoulders 1134; sides 10c. LOUIeVILLE, April 22.-Cotton active and firm. with sales middling. at =a Flour dull at 'S. Corn 11,05 for sacked. Oats 590. Rye 65e. Wheat 11,06.®1,20. Groceries active. Parkin. Bulk Meats 1 1134, 18015350. Bacon 1254, 11416M0 Lard 14340 . Hams 18e. Whisky 51,02. Tobacco-sales 189 lihda at $505.8234e; market firmer for Inge • MILLAUKEE, 22-Flour firmer; Min ' newts 51,2E44,57. Wheat firmer: 810 for No 1. 800 for Not Oats lower; 46340 for No 2. Corn nominal. Rye unsettled; ft& for No 2 winter receipts. Fa eights vomitd. • • • Tomo% April V.-Flour dull. Wheat lower, amber Michigan 51,05. No 1 red I $l,ll, No 2do 51.0434. OM& 2 0. 10 lowe r ; I No 192 c, No 291 c.. Oda Sc lower, No 1 ILEA No 2 53556234 c. Drraorr. April 21-Tiour $6,60(48 for choice. Wheat: extra 11,30, No 1 51,200 • 1,21. Corn 90®950 Oats 67®58x. Cie. • ver soed nominal at 59,70. Dry Goods Market New Yong, April 22—The dry goods market was without decided change to-day, there being only a moderate boldness among doallrigJobbent. the beat brown @beatings selling at 16C015340 medium do, 14(414)0; do Atlantic L flee 130; Coatis 110; do 8 12,5im doff 034 c; do F 11)50; Bedford R B,lirg Cabot A 14m Idamachmetta .1 1134 o; Amoakeag A bleached matins .1834 m Dwight camera 17m gold medal 14c and Waltham OW; 'hooting' "to. I=ooB mos . 32 00 6 moe 1141.00 5 mos IMPORTS BY UAILIKOAU PlTTennadd MOAT WATXII AND UK; maw ' RAILROAD, April' 112 —lot stin• dries, Isaiah Dkikay, ilk Co; 4 bids eggs. 3 pkp butter r P Gilbert; 40 bbla 40 aka dour, tinip A Shepard; 100 do do. Dan Wallace; / . ear "tares, Bollman A Gills. ter; 29 bdisehrrrelk idriwa A Armour; 80 eke oats, W G Millar; 1 car corn, Mc- Henry A Hood; 362 bre cheese. Dilworth, Harper & Co; 30 doz brooms, W m Gormly; 10 do do, D Haworth; 10 do do, W Millar dr Co; 2 aka wool, W Barker & Co; 2 aka codes, S P Shriver On; 2 blile onions, H Roo Jr: 1 car wooden ware, Dllworth,ll &Co; 16 dos brooms, Houck, Jamlson A Om 1 bbl whisky, Adler & Oo 4 bids potatoes. 24 hip do. Meanor & 11; ga As mita, 0 Criverfordi 12 do do, Wood. worth Davison: 81"110 6o; H Riddle, 10 'bbd hung" Armstrong, Bro & Co; 271 eke oats. Graham A Marshall; lot furni ture:a Bergen 120 epos* . it Rea Jr; 100 Mai Hour/ owner; 10 do whlsky, LK tell & Moohling; 10 do spirits, Adler A R; 8 rolls leather, 0 IT .."ff.tott; 23 but ° pew, 11( J Bradoo; l 3;ba M0i1. 61- losigh; S & 00. . CLIcvALAISD, AND I.ITTSPURGH RAIL. ROAD, April 22.-1 oar pig Iron, Lewis, Oliver A P; 1 do do. Union Iron Mill; - do do, Nimlck A Co; 2 do iron ore, Brown & Co; 0,000 Itiumber, A Mon dorf; to Malt 1 boor. J Ressler ' bdts chairs, Bedford U Cot 1 bbl wire, M Adonts et Co; 15 pall" tobacco, Wm mil. ler e; Cot 1 lax chalk, 3 ; 2 • Weldln & Co; 2 pkgs cheese safe Bands & Bineman; 6 pails o tobacco, 11 Gantaohey; 1 bbl molasses, Bakowoll a 0; 1 case g candy, kt Taylor; 180 aka potatoes, Bruggerman A Crß; 1 car flazaeed, Graham & bbd oil, F Sellers & Co; 10 bus 1 cheese, 2 tubs do, W G Weir . . 10 bug do,.Wm Hardie; 9 bblgapplei.l' Drift d : Ber; 1 do d apples, El Res Jr; I do eggs, P Duff A Son; 7 tubs cheese, Et, Ranker, 37 bbd oil, F Sailors A Cm 9 emit wine, 713 bbls do, N Young 1 ear gaud stories, F Alden; 219 do do, Lindsay. S & F.; 1 car. stoncEplps, Et Er Collins 25 rocker. Prim' nook & Betas 011; 4 bdla 3 do chairs, T Et Young; 31,511 eggs. K. Poet. prrrtinusiou, • Curourakri awn er. LIMA RAILSOAD, April 22.-69 by osta. S Floods 4 bbla d rippled,* W Hankins 16 do d frult; 14 do apples, 9olgt, M & Co; 2 do eggs, W 13 Graff; 2 do do, J J Pet. III; Nona" Gorntly; 25 Dbl. whisky, , Woods; birs potatoes. J B HObisiiri ;M grain, g grain, ilfoßenry &11; 27 ,bbiapproa, .1 A Graff; 1 car wheat, J BOingarder, caskg "boulders, Dalzell & T, 2 bola -whisky, J T Bennet; 15 cads W. 1 ,241ce0, Rouble At tag tursh; 1 Idei beef, ' I MU dr, Son; 2do saniage, 11 H Myelin ;10 bids 011, Schwartz & El; 151 tcs hams. Bucklnirmun & I car. wheat, Wm McKee; 26 tat hams, Watt. LA tku 1 car Wages, r Kober; do do , John }lowish; Ido wheat, R T Henuody; 25 beds h wines, swoon & W; 24 do do, Roedel helm a 4; oar Mirth 0 1 1 41 4011 C; 7 1 R Christy. ..• Amatonsur Etragrox,, . April 22 —4O m shingles. W Mcfludersulf 2 cars wheat, Kennedy Bro; 20 bales hay, Rose & Rw .^l;2so.pigs lead, T 11 Nevin; 4 Mira and au dour. 50 do bran, Rippler & Beck 'o bbd lime, Jos Crest; 70 m PITDI3I3Reit DALLY _GAZETTE: MORNING, APRIL 23, 1870. shinglea; Frazier Bro; 1 ear wheat, Ken nedy Bro; 264 pigs lead, .1 Schoonmaker & Son; 3 can wheat, W McKee; I bbl onions, Mercer £ Robipson; 1 car cO O 9. erage, Ralya & R. • ALLICHOZNI" VALLEY ILLILILOATir April 22.-1 car lime, 11 51 Henderson & Bro; 4 bbla apples, Knox at Orr; 2 bbbi eggs, 1 box butter, H F Broggerman; 1. box eggs, Paul 4.0; 15 aka corn. Scott Jr 0; 11 pkga potatoes, David .Campbell; 70 aka oats, 9 do corn, Hugh Mclb - ady; 52 eke oats, Schnell:sick Jr Scott; 53 do do, .7 R Garver; 1 car metal. McKnight Jr Co; 4 bdls bides, 1 bbl tallow, 11 McCiem. ants; 2 pkgs eggs, W a Kirkpatrick. IMPORTS BY RIYER. - Prrrenunon, Bnowzrepritat Awn On. rult•A PACHLT CO, April 22.-33 bales hay, 68 eke corn, A S Carlisle; 33 do do, J 10 Eichauppe & Co; 17 eke rags, , L Mooney; 28 eke corn, 23 do oatei H Gam ble; 9 pkga eggs, Ido butter, 2 do dry apples, Johnston ,t Colvin; 79 ski corn, 2 kge butter, McCracken, 0 t Co; 217 ski oats, 61 do corn, 38 do wheat, Aio• Henry & HOod; 65 do oats, R H Conway; 60 do do, S B Floyd & Co; 03 do corn, hicElanoi& AnJer; 43 do oats, W D West & Bro; 11 pkgs produce, J; W Craig; 85 bbls apples, Ere Stephens; 12 eke oats, W Welsh & Cu; 13.5 do do, D Benton; 20 bbls apples, D 0.11111011. Wurnuso ran iskiLk, April-22.-14 bbls potatoes, Broggerman &0; 1 crate cigars, 0 C Banor; 6 bee eggs, 3 obis sp. plea.. S Devol; 10 dos tube, Prooman ,t B; 4 bbl. eggs, 2 pkgs butter, Head 8 70 01l b 131413 11 Moore; 8 bble apples,: 4 bales hay, owner, 27 ski rye, w.a •, 28 bdla paper, Pittsburgh Paper. Manor. Co; 1 bbl eggs, 2 tubs butter, Randolph • & 5; 20 bales hay, W J Steel & Bro. RIVER NEWS. 'The river continues to recede alowly with ten feet in the channel by the Mo. nongahela marks last 'evening. Weath er clear and pleasant, and all that could be desired for out door business. The Belle arrived from Wheeling; also, the St. Charles f comma cinnati, Caps, Hugh Campbell Ind. The Mary Davage did not get off on Thursday night as expected, having been delayed untll,yeaterday afternoon. She had a good trip. Pilots—fames and Thomas Whitten. . . The Argosy departod for St. Louts last evening. with about ail she could carry, which - does not amount to much, some 400 tons. • _ _ Capt. D. S. H Gilmore Is superintend ing the Pittsburgh and nchester Street Railway Company in place of. Capt. W. J. Korints, who Is at St. Louis looking after his mountain fleet Hs could not have obtained a better ink,- 'Mute, as Capt. Gilmore Is pretty well posted In the strait railway badness. and is withal, a very clever gentleman. Any interest - oomMitted to btu care will not be neglected. Tho Belle v vernon, Capt. J. J. Darragh. will positively depart for St. Louts and the Upper Mississippi to-day and paesen gers and shippers should bear this. In mind. Mr. Torn Darragh, still retains charge of the office. Tho Mollie Ebert, Capt. G. W. Ebert, will be the first boat out for New Or• leans. The Fontanelle. Capt. Shaw, to now o calving for St. Louis and the idlseour River, and Will leave as advertised. The Lorena - Capt. Shuman, Is an nounced for St. Lords and the Upper —The Evanavillo Journal says: Steamboating as a business is very un certain, and but few persons who follow the river fora living succeed in making money. The widow of a prominent Nashville steamboat Captain last month bad occasion to swear that her husband "left no money at his death, except six hundred dollars, and not' even a home for herself and. little children." This Captain was.-up-to the time of his death, always In command of the best steamers, and regarded by the public as a wealthy man. So says a reliable correspondent. —John T. Smith, formerly a Cincin nati and St. Look pilot, who was gen. tanned to the penitentiary for life in thin county, two years ago, on the c harge of homicide, was pardoned by Governor ' Hayes Fast Friday. The evidence on the trial was conflictlnc, and we understand tbasince his conviction new evidence hasTheen developed going to prove his Innoosney was extended to him.—Cia. —Three Sem(steamers are about to be stabllahed, to ply between St. 14121111 and New Orleans, beside the barge line. The latter has long been In operation, and the "St. Louis and . New Orleans Picket Line" has' been running ror some months. The "Independent Packet Line" is about Martina. and a now one not named Is now forming 'to carry freight excluaively. —Ex•Mayrr Bunee and Capt. R. Woolfelk were la Evansvllik. Mandr.r. on Madness connected with ;the consolidat!on ••of • the steamers City of Evansville and Quickstep into ;the general stock of the Evansville and Memphis packet Company. The Evens. villa Courier believes their bcusinms was to seta value upon. the steamer quick step. -:-The first of a series of suits against the tonieville and Cincinnati United States Mall Line Company for damages, resulting from the destruction of the steamer. Untied States and Amelia, December 4th commenced at Louisville, on Wednesday, In the Court Of Com. mon Please. -Bsys the Cincinnati Cbtinswrritd, of Thursday: Capt. John Woodburn. re. turned froniPittiburgh, yesterday. He did not motive for the building of any 'learners while there. Capt. Woodburn will visit Memphis In a few days. —The Mobile Reguter, or Ptirldsy, says: Capt. Pete'. Murray. the -welt known and popular =amender of the bay steamer Oman Wave, died suddenly yesterday, from an attack of bilious —Capt. Peckenpaugh, who arrived at Louisville from Arkansaa river Tuesday. reportalbe recent injury to the R. C. v•Y. is very light. —The ship esrpentera and eatilaern of the Hemphla Dry Deck (bntpany have struck for It 4 per day. —Tito .tiske Suostrior for St Paul and the Fenninah for Fort Winton, left St. Louts on Wednesday. —The Savanna, Pittsburg e Bt. Louis, left Cincinnati on Wednesday pled. ' - 1 1'ne Hate Tntnam, Camelia and Red Wing were at Louisville on Wednes day. RIVER PACKETS. ==2=ll2=C! • - AND • • aud commod 0141.015.—The op • • loip 11OLLIT. ..... Capt. U. W. 61111Vri • Clerk. %Malta Pio prated, will leave as above PAtUfIDLY, Aprllll34. MT"iftre?T'teilv3l6PutTiV:t. El=l:=3 R ST. LOUIS, REO. s e ggr o 6 ov o KUIE AND ST. PAUlp—Tbe egatit 11•1111t121W steamer LOSZNA PIIUMAN. Com% Clerk, Coot. Jam,. M. Irsoderoriff. .111 knon 01010 on SATURDAY. •DrU SR& 014 P. Per height or va..ap. anp , , on b•SId Or tn. .ro lllintES T A Co.. Atontm. EOlit ST. LOUIS, IMEGa d dra HUH. GAMMA. DUBI3OI D Tr. PAUL.—The rant god go amodlogr dILLTATCHIIOIi,...Cagt. J. J. DAIggOU. Will lower for thg snore and lutermedigto tart. THIS DAT. £P.II Sid: at 4 r. For freight or pusgoe gap:goo hoard or to opal FLOCK a COLLINaHO9D, agents. t.l l(YtJI:l ,nIj!: • Fos CAIRO. S T. jo gglei LOUTH & 811,130U111 RIVER. he new omen.. stem. • ' TONTZNEI,LIC Jon& H. &UAW, C•mv , Will lee . above pe.,ne THIS me I , AY, A i BM RBA. netrelebe on baud ore. plll &LACK m & MIAMI WOOD. Arm... CINCINNATI. likiniimmxiwouti PACKET LINE. The no r and splendid side,rtircis i dr i e JUNIATA. CapL MUMMA will lam Pittsburgh for Cincinnati EVENT THUNADAT at WI o'clock oramptly. natUrn• Int will learn Cincinnati EVERY SUNDAY at for RMiht illtritTelt n i iir d ar _m b 7 /AMU 'S COLLIN. Agents. PITIIBIIII6II AND CINCINNATI PACKET The writ and si , lemlld sidaWb r esliidr m a Sturm. ARLINUTON. DANIEL NOW/E. IluteLAL EFigrAlu4, Clem Icars PiDabijeli fic CladAlAti :Wen. TIDESDAT at IN N. PrOapUy. Itoosmlng, I.arrA Cincinnati. for Pittsburgh, at ill N. troy FRIDAY. for ft.4 l /14.4151*, 'or Inforinalloll. ply on Ward or to • JAM COLLINS • ELAINE a ouiduziamoon4,4o.l4. kil3rATT.l:ll7jlll To uvrotpooL ,ANDAn QUEENST.OWN. ism Draws men formutatrji, Nuilbertac slxtr: un-elasa . O MAVIVIN MIR., VAIX4', UF %I? lit Mib Ler aV el. Lett olunaire..n. 2 .°l " ,7 ”..44 •,=, 4 'y• i 143 Slant/ MD mum. SPEOLAL NOTICES riereONSOIIIPTIOIif. DU. SOILIP.NOX•B POLMONIO tlYttllP Seethe core f ? tfn lad c TPiadlloriwalt Carrie ore or Dyppaa and allthapobillated Candi soflb. ntomach. reIIENCICOS 11/LITIIRCHIi FILM, for Dtsclaca of the Liver or to set Su a (issue Pur gative. AIL of these three Medlel+eaara aftenreonlred In curing Conantoptlon. m oogn Lh o na m . j .k 8 A7.4?<•=1%11,1, a 54 stwanVgirlrir= reguLatlng the Stomach and Liver. go 4 be ! w me Pultuoute Syrup to digest and moral through the t,ae,da, by which Eleana a Cate 111000 a rmed. TM:. Medicines are conscierittoady offered tO the rllblle or the only care, certain and reliable runt. for Pulmonary Consumption, and for all those morbid condition. of the bogy which lead to that fatal discago. Lifer( omplalut and My. Dorsi* are Often fOrerriraler Or CopsllllllDtt... end, wtea they naltdreit themselves they require the mo t prompt ationCorn . The Pulsatile BIT. Is a Medicine which bas had a long probationbelbre it..toc has. been .proved by the.thousalid mires It has Mete through a period of more than thirty - are 'Years, In allof which Onic Its reputallonlisa creased. and the most obstlnate skepticism can tio lodger doubt that It is a remetly.which rosy be used with candid.. Cu all eves which admit of • cure. , if the patient will pereeenetney follow the di rections which accompany itch bottle, be will certainly be cured, If Ids lunge an not .eo math Wasted to make a cure pont em. Sven In awes se spewed to be Ineurablei when Mende and phy sicist. have despaired. t h e use of tout meewne has saved the life of the Dulcet and metered hlm to perfect lw MO. M. &hence does not my that all tams of Put mynas-, consumption are witt4rl the reach of lerZh;lll=l=r' often aari etch to a 1101. t COlO. Cre e pi n g chills. e ted, Vett e g i n sglnteVel; lie ° ln k' ea d llte d :& ` :: they are given up hy Melt phleiti.thca Mal stun be cured. Fe medical treatment tan create mew tad t , tzle:kg et Ur rnier.e:ery at44zzee to se: f d . tinted by Dr. ennens=dicllt a Also, In &refute. DlmMum. these metiklum are of enic.ent. Dr. &hence nag phew. graphs of • number of Mown. who have Wen I nearly covered with running acme and now all healed ap. This Mewl lie p a rism. prevent., which t ees ube able io heal ca•ltlm 1 the ng. In we trreent of Cenaumptio nu Os toe stem.; imminence te_save Vigor a • stealthy tone to toe Intern. Ilene, the le neee to eirenonen tne appetite of the natlent inn im. Prove tie digestion. Proper neunahteest Ls re I l lie r igor g e e .tr, vg.teittr. 'ATI:II7Ig r3Oll Suitable for the diet of CousumpUns patients are d.breated In Dr. &bench , ' Almanac.. which are - distributed ',retain/ in general, the moat..bighly nutritious Drees are to be pre. rerree,tmtthe diglistine gansseen& atiengin cued to order to make either Iced or medicine . • -- •• • • • ... . serviceable. This requirement is mat by. the Beaweed Tonic, and fcc this purpose it was der Melted When the digestive powers are pet In 'good order, the foodlas It. proper effect: the urgent of the potion: is turlgora4 and ore hinge be gin to e herein, their functions la a normal and healthy manner. Then the healing powers of relmonle Syrup will off .ct the care. rnisins•ry flonsemptlon is almost alwayntsyan. plicated with Dyers/PM nod nenenek . . Mandrate nus we hi coded to re move obstructions from the Unread restore Ile healthy action. They have all the efficacy which ts ascribed to calomel or •litlne nod are warranted not to cont.ln a particle of any nitn. mei redson. These Yillo cure the meet aptly Me. co•tfveness, sick headache. pile", bilious sffee, lions, and all other disease. which %rise town s torpid or pills condition et the Liver. One box of thus will prem. the efficacy of th e toteditene. Clonsumpt on the gee Weed Tonle mid Man. drake Pills art Invaluable gut:Mary mediate.. Thsg relieve tee sufferings of the patient. and assist the Palmonht threp egeeting a Care. They hsve been forted nem I In advanced stages tf Consumption, where the kings an almost en irely destroyed and all nmptom..ecording to the Judgment of the physician Molested ..peed( drub. The lives of patients weer were acteally In a dries a.ndltloa have teem emerged for months by the use of Schenck , . three great rem- Dr. Behenek , s Almanac contains a full treatise . .... . on the valio93 forma of Clara. e. bla mode of treatmont, and genata2 directions how to um lila medicine. cos ba bad grails, or iient by mall by addrowilow his Principal Unice, No. U. Moro 010th street. rbiladelphia, Pa. priie of the Pplinonia bleep and SaMeed TON.; n , :r b :YIAVII druggist. dertida rar DOCTOR WHITTIER CON w TLNUILS TO TRITAT ALL PRIV.ILTIT DISITASXB. flat onmarossli.S of eases result ing from self-abase pc:outing umanlinesA narrons debility. Irritability, cruptious. eentinal cistselon. and - Smelly Impotency perman ently cared. Persons satiated with delicate. IntilesW and loo` atandbur contlitutional animist. t. are nopolitely burned to call far consultation. which nothing Irmetience. the butt of learners, boa enabled him to perfect remedies at ono. Mil cleat, We, permanent. and which la most cues can be used without hindranes to bantam. lied. Ida. prepared is the mtablianment which cm. brace. °Mee. reception and waiting rooms; also boarding and alarming apartments for patients requirtag dall b c4 N rsonal attention. and vapor and ehem than ooncentrating the iimad mineral springs. o matter who base stab , your raw. Read what be say. in hla yam. phlat of Anew.... mat to um address for two stmispe In scaled envelope. Thousands of cues treated annually. at om.e sad all oral. the y cot n • vaT,°,..oe,V;fl":7,6r.lo"etVirattiTa) Pittsburgh. ra. ;oars WA. r. to Y r.lll. days 19 es. Sr. r. pamphlet .nut ID any 1141- 4.1111 for hie .101.1.00. rmit AUCTIO tki SALES CHARiIERS MECitiit I=pulzolla 19a,1es or BURIAL LOTS Zee T... .... of Chanters Cemetery v.:II bold WOUU PUBLIC BALLY. of 8.1.1 Let. OP .16 Ormetery Groltuds. Ix roar SOMCBSfiI. dais, beginning at 10 o'slork A. Al.. oa SATURDAY April Rad, 11170, and eaullardlis SATURDAY, April 3016. 11170. ' SATURDAY. RA, lth, 11170, SATURDAY. Ma 7 1411, 1570. Cheri km Cemetery le situated ea the Temper memento and Moodkid Plank HMO, abOut Mlle. from the Elver end oem,puuter of a Mlle from Cemetery Stallei, ran Hindle Henreid.- Ms Is now the ONLY paths Iscorporsted Cemetery on the •Soutti Ilide." It sou charter ed and set &put for banal purpoeei le 10610. It le not iteceseary to speak of the mas &torsi sdeeettses it peewees. for beauty of siteaties and capability of With loproveasast. attested an the Istelabusdk. It overlooks the besittliel chartlers Vallee; es 4 whilst It Is near theca*. ad &nosed., borough.. let the location is bitch as tit turbid. its ever being resw.neel or es. crotched 00 by city or lows. Tiso limns& bas hog be , • carefully plotted into &aloneand 14.10- 801‘ the onassent eau oral the MC /1 !Hang, WS st Orion. bouitil the parses of elf; ad such be iow the pekes now current In the city oracterkse. The decorations &adios Proves& eta already sonde by lot holders Irtll compare fweorabey with older cstseteHes. heads of balite& sad others who hove nut let linrehe&da yamly Untlni Let are - partleularly &rioted to these salel&end urged to came Al ones and slim jelestlen of alai while the pnces are se low. =I the Cemetery by (Wang the ALeiontmodhtios Tram, le Rein g the Oclon Depot el 11:35 A. 9. t keying -Bltmagghem Itt►ttoa at 11:36 e. X. leaving Teeipethaeeville htattee 5t11.40 and gct off the testa at t - leseetery6telles. Ttal totem I the Merman. at 11:30 led 6,30 ►. w aol.he2 SUBURBAN` LOTS On WILDNICODAY, Aprll AND. at 11 o'clock A. W, rlll 1?.. BOW on the prangtea, 3 Lots of a half acre each. Lola of owl sod • kalif acres each. 1 Lot of Iwo sai s quarter aerse. Militated at Ran, Italy adapted for moimr. paa mdse., talents to selth trait Tree. and tin. Vines, war to Railroad Station. allordlos beautiful river and landscape slaws, ant adjoist- Inia present. of me.m. Watson. Smith and ul th;ad water, ptrn air. god real. and toed neissenthood ganerally. traders tlitas very nt trseirre 'mattes ler private mildest.. Plans at 159 Federal meet. Takla 10 o'clock tram man Ulrakaal I.pist. A. tANGOATT. AtCUMIN, OILS ACM BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS •ND MAILERS IN Petroleum mid Its Products. littabstrab OIIey—DALIBLLM BUIL earner of Dimwits. Way uul Trona street. nlisdelphla Wice-131 WALNUT lIT WARING & RING, Canadan. Werenats •ad Broken Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL.S BLOOD, DUQUESNE WAY. PLIILLD IDDEI22I. WARING, KING k 109 WALNUT STREET ECLIPSE PETROLEUM RERNERY Einuozr BUIMPAQTWIER, L . „. L. Libileatlng &High Test Biaiglini: &gips. IleaUroad On. tin,ad..goest best without mows. ritustto Ilsold towestiototramarts. a oil tar trOplella alma ta •• or hot wrsAtter. thOotantilettbOt 1 110.141.1*T11ish Planing MU Oils.' - A =ViL a Vi l linielin•tigto on, 011,nasisonestialninessonr. mit .1 ., rho s : , 1 ..1. == t MINOR 9.&81038,. to prelims Might Inn .Wort sod Mrobtacri rraa - a.m. Thews products sr. akaaaractareirat Dr. .14fleddleVre a rni•• . 41,••• mn. Lot ...3.•%.1.• Wave:ratan staelisaml.tid %Mpld outstrips cold.• Tag , jhs ate • . snot are la mum& otc. Vref l orrorsud " o ars • At: P rOM tiTAAT. WOMB 11,5hirPliblIZIN114(0. OFFICIAL. A ___ N ORDINANCE to authorize the Undies and Paving of Deena Vista Steve t. from Taylor steams toActlty street. S.C. 1. 818 serialised amamessetsal fer the Sited and Cosmos Counters of am Cup of AUephemi. and et 0 Agrees °vitalised - and enacted tithe as thortly of the some. That the , Committee on Streets be, and they are hereby authorised and directed to invite and receive proposals for the treading and paring of Baena Vistammet es afore said, and to eyntract therefor with the lowest and beat bidder ot hidden. at their discretion• Usu. 51. That foe the poems< of defeatism the cut and expenses of the said improvements, there be. and Is hereby levied, a special tax. te be dewily m .eased upon the several lots bound. lug and abutting nom the sales Litmus Vista s rect. respectively In proportion to the feet Rout la them empectively comprised, and bounding and ebutustg as aforesaid. Sac. 3. Teat as soots am the cost and expense. of said baprevsmente shell be tally mcertala ed. It shall be she duty of the Street Cc matimitmer to and apportion the same among the me seal lots boa bang sad shutting °poll Bald auras Vista street respectively. accosting to the rule above isolMated. and thereupon mussed to make demandasoiceitleet thetame,according to the pro visions of the Act or the treaeral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. entitled An Act defining the manner hf coltecting the expenses of gradingnd paving of the streets alto alleys of th e C it y of Alleghtay. and for oCher =triunes," passethe thtrt.elh day of Ilarch,lllsll. Sac. 4. To at so much of say ordinance as may,a, with, or he •epplied be the foregoing, he .1 the same Is heresy repealed Ord Med and enactea into a law, this the 14th elitio Ape% A. D. 1870. i AIfKS • President of SetTaVal. At sts J. Z. Oxt.rr. Clerk of Melees Connell. RR FRP WARNER. President of Common Connell Attest, B. DicsrOalli, Clerk of Common Connell. an? A.N ORDINANCE to authorize I I the Grading and Prying of Colon arses.. Rom Tartan street to northern tem... Ess.l. Ss ft ordained sad Garretwiby tlorffstref and Common Dosisseits .if the CUB et and It . Sorter smartakd by tie arao.ift of MA sass. That the Committee on litress be, and Cu / are hereby nothorlaed.d directed loin:rim led receive IrOpeaals forthe grading and paint 1 . of Uni. aaaaaa as aforuald, - .d to contract th for with the lowest .d best bidder or bid de a. at their diseratlon C. S. That for the porpoes of defraying the co sad exp... of the said Improvements, th re be, .d la hereby levied. • aPeci•l to. , to be equally assessed upon the several iota bound ing nod abutting side of the sal.l Unio• avenue re fpectively In proportion to th e feet front In them retpectlvely comprised, and bounding and abutting . aforesaid. els. 3, That . seen as the coat and ex... of said improvemeots shall be lolly ....slued. It Shall be the duty of the Street Commission r r to boundingd :Onion the tame among the several lOU and abutting ofan said Bell Ave., ea aforesaid, respectively, accorning to the rule dßove indicated. and thereupon proceed to make emand .d collect the same. according to the prorillons of the Actor the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act detains the manner of colter:ling tee ape.. of trading and paving of tits /fusels and alleys of ine City of Allegheny and for MO. PYre.'l`:•fhsrtt i l l oe aQ ock tiP say of of ordloanoe as.. conflict with orbs Gilled by the toregoing, h e and the some Is ham re peele. Ordained and enacted Into a law this the FILO day of April, A. 13.1510. JAMIZI IIdBRIZR, . President of //elect Council. Attn.: J. U. OxLsT. Clark of Select . Counell, It NUT WAUNZa. President of Common Connell. Attest: it. PILWOara. Clerk of Common Colleen. ap9l_, AN OUDINANCE to authorize the Reading and Paving of Mull. ty ..... Lenin Kehler to street terminus. Sec. I. Be in ordained and tilted by the Sehet and Common Council. of the Clay of Alla ghee,. end It to hereby ordained and tattled by the solemn) of the tame, The. ten Committee on Street s be end they are hereby anthorised and directed to Invite and receive proporede for the grading and con t ract the street, al afore said. and to contract therefor with the lowest and hest bidder or bidders, at their discretion. SSC. 31. That for the porno. of defraying the coltand to tin of the Bald Improvements, there D r, and le hereby levied, a special tax. to be equally assessed upon the several lots bound ing and abutting upon the maid lintherry street respectively In proportion to the fee{ front In teemrespectively compe ll ed, .4 boinsding and shuttled Si aforesaid. Sec. a. That Le soon ask the Poet and renenees of said Improvements shall too fully ascertained, It shall be the duty of the Street Connutesloner to use. and apportion the unto moon the several lots boundleg and abutting upon sa id d Melberg, West respectively. according to the note above Indicated, c o ll ect reu proceed to make de mand and the same. according to the All of the rieneral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penneyllanle, entitled ' , An Act dedning the manner of coll.tlng tee expenees of ending ad paving of the si rents and alleys of the City tAllegheny. end for other purposee,” passed b• thirtieth day of March, HMS. Sec. 4. That so much of any ordinals en may e end abet e w sa i m th e olsr h be p ple p byh e forgoing, be Ordeined and enacted into • lan. this the 14th day of Aprlt. Anne Domini, one thousand eight hundred and seventy. JAMES efeBRIES, President of the Oiled Connell. Attach: I. R. Oitsv. Clerk of the Seleel Connell. HENRI WARNER. President of the Common Connell. ' Attest: Meter Dttwookru, • Clerk of Common Conned. aptl A N ORDINANCE to authorize ouL the Unman! if nod Pasta. of reet, trues Wathlna too arebile to Uhl ave n ue Ithcasoir CoEt a ordained mid sisactmt by the Beim. mid Commas Cousells of the kitty of haw the mut U hereby ordained mid masted h. the authority of same, That the Committee on bimetal be, and they ere hereby authorised and directed to Invite and remise proposals for the trading aad peels. of Teggartetwiet,m afore said, and to contract therefor with the lowest and best bidder or bidders, at their discretion. bed. 14. That for the! purpose of de freYint the cost and ex pram of said improvements, there be. SOO le hereby levied. a speclal Lc. to be equally sneezed upon the Reseal lots bobbin.e and abetting Upon the Bald TalsaM street. relipeelbrely Droportlon to the feet frost In thew respectively coispriMd, and sad shuttle. Th a tres am. S. es e oo te as the cost and expenses o r said noplevresents shalt be fully ascertained, it shall be the Jot, of the btrella Ctenaulesloner to tose" end sillesetlith the same upon the msemi te bounding silo &battier upon said Tasman street setheeilyely. according to alas rade above Indicated. and tbereopoo proceed tomato demand nod collect the same; p roceed to t h e Demuth. of the Let of the General Assembly of the COssnvonereigala of Periasylvthie, .ko Act deep the manner of the xpesse. of the and pasts". of abt Streete ant alleys , of Lay of An.stieuL y thrtioeother Nr t res, we'd the wow). of mare*. Aso. 41. Ptiat be of by °mousse. am may coullact wlitt at be Mthelled by the foregmur, be mid the same la hereby repealed lirdathed Ana enacted luto alms the the 14th day of AMU. A. L. lit t. Abirs mamma, Presideut of bolect Council. ARM: J. R. HILES, Clerk of the Salmi flormett. HENRY WARNER.. President of Common Commit. Attest: RObreir DHASOWIin. =M==t=l AN ORDINANCE to authorize the tirade:aof School street. fees Wads. Sstreet to the Ailed...entre,. acrion 1. ite It ordained and enacted by the • Select and Common Connell. of the COT of Alle ' fit h eri:ri ' t al 4 el ifirrnirltirthrCe="d °,l; streets be. and they are hereby ..than e and directed to Invite .d receive prolboetle re the grading of Retool street as albreeald. sed to con tract therefor elth lA. lamest bidder or 111.14eri. 'ache:, dlscrellint. Ste. M. That for the purpose of defraying the coat and e :pane. of eald improvements, there be. and la hereby levied, • aped:a tag. to be equally aueteed upon the seyenal lots bounding_ mot &Winter epos the eald beo.l street reg. liteltheir le premrOrin to th e ten grow la ti respectively cosnerised. and bousidlng and shuttled as etomultd. • SIM 3. l bat as loos as the con sad exprzotee of .014 Imptevs meets shall be fully asotrtained. It shell A. the ditty of the Street Conteilesloner to use. hod .Indtioa the same wee.. tie .•c• era tots boundleg and alratenc •pon Bald Sebeol A 4.0. respectlycy, secorang to the muleboye lodkated, and tbereepon proceed to des/kedged collect the wine. accomallig to the mll5lOOO of tho Act or the thnorel Assem bly of the Commonwealth of Peitasylvarils. en Oiled ...en am. imenimy the manner of oolleetlng the eapesere of greeting sod paving of the Webta cod alleys./ the allyof Allegabny, and roes otter boreal.... ranee the thirtieth day of htarcb. 103. ' , Mtn. 4. Tent so much of any ord Dime as um eonllct with, or be 4000104 by the fOreeoleg. be .d the genie Is he mby repealed. day of Ordained Aprll.l . anal e D. 117 nacted 10. lute slaw this the 14th JAMES MeIiRTZB. Prvel lent of the select Council. Attest: J. B. 0011.0 Y. Clerk of Select Connell. • II ttillY WAIINZII. Pesaißeat of the Common COnnall. Attest: Soutar DtalllOacti. Chet alai:eilttiVequell. - 1111 Ni ,ORDINANCE to authorize thelley. tom:notion of • Lateral tower on Sao... Beer ordained owl neetatelbylke Woe end Canso* Oonnelie Of the Cite of 41 Map. and ft is Asceby ordolsied and esioefed by the on. writ, of git”amr, That the Sewer Colsedeslon be and they are hereby antlitelsed and dtrected to Invite nod nacelle Proposal. for the tortelree. Mon of &Sewer. located as fog owe, :els.: On lush alley. from Talton .treat to eledgelck s:reet, the plan to be approved by Col:ache, .4 to cotitnet therefor with the lemelit had best bidder or bld• dere, at their discretion. / Sur S. That as so. eetbe Cost and expel:me of sold Sewer shall belt:illy areertalued, the emu shall: be heeled, aseeesed anti collected as prowl• der* for, by. no Act of Assesolly ef the Opameir et:alit:of Penneylysela. entitled :`• see tient tea euppleinent of the raertk .sedan ot an net, lentitled as. •Act arse s tebrir_ i tt e lbirenY CRY.' I I :gi r rilrfhat et: milehlf lb. ordieenae . may and with . telti r molled,bl d. us foregoing, he of Ap ri 0.21.11. alOlO. ay 4 enacted o • law Int 14tti day - i JAMMI IffeBRIER, • Presldaat of Sedeett Connell. • i"u" ' . olVlRil.t.t Corball. RINEY WARNER.. . . • Preetdmit of Common Connell. 'MOM.: 201110 r beILWORTU, therk of Col9lll[lllCOMltii. spa ANORDINANCE to authorise the coastroattoll Aida newer on Nenla *yenta , Oln - Tion 1. B ordasra asd made , ' 61 no /Wart and Commas throseite N tM Mr qf Bela 6y to and to /unify ordained and enaated anfillort y some. That tin newer Coin- Weldon be,nod they are barony anthoriz..l and dir and to Mona and met.* orapondo for Um •onstrsotion of I Bow /. located an iollown, viz., On North sooner, Octoroon Palo Alto moot sad Yo•to re bootand to COMMA tborobur with tin 150011 sad binder or 014dero, at their discre tion . eia. S. ISn as soon se the cost sad =Pease of loilo Sew er 'bail be roily tree ruined, the eons shall be levied. aseessed and oo bread noprot4 dee for t by an set of Assembly of toe Cot 11111•12• wealth of rennsylvania, entitled *Mt !gasp meet to a mcpletaent ot tbr fourth motion or an set. " r 4. Vr el Tr. ..taco r.t.PP-P PP- P Teat so mien of any * ordinance ea mar mentos wort or be eolled by tire foregeolad, and tbe nine is benbr rePrsled. - Ordained aed enacted Into • lair Ibis lain day of' MS% /I". y President of ntelt i altloa. Anal: .1. Olen ar setCoeuell. . • WIRY wmones. . President ot Common Council. - ' AttestiliOnlier Dmwearti. - stirs or Cosmos Comical; isplY IV 01111111Allar. to authorize the Coastalattest of a lotaral Sewer oa IN ~.,.. . , Asc.fall ordelasd 4not sausolaa awfasflslaid awl CowatowOolosetts grafts Platy of 4, k0..16 ohs egae appear ordained. Cy mad esrrel d er , iof V sM.M. That th wer' n he, tetteararj4nettr Itl4 oft a Better leastattas nollonal tiff Modes *bay. ig:Clatl,lll ° A u sleallr"" lb°. 0.40 12 a Hale tebeefir by Coombs. sod to co. mot. tbasikflos Ito lowest. 101 l Ant tidier i t f tadatkPou t eir fits "ratna: Thal as aloe aaiblieOtt and Fairneee of said newer shall be fully aseastalatd. the aaaaa ellen be Mead. Wand And oolletted as prowl. dad for, by. as *et of Assemblypf the (lemma. wealth of remarylveMa. Mtalttoa ••••• eaPPlentella to • supplement or tne Garth seetka at ma ott it V , tlAd i r i n a gl t n i er al . tiket i tirenv F‘ty. • ••.p. P OW. 1. 7210,05p0el Of any mibirim., uouelet vile, arta sapp/relta Role lal and the same la Witt at .. . ordalued . dam or 4ul vee ~ tl r 4 law ills Ma 14sy x... tot lat i es iki Ni g nall . Attials J. 13.. 0121 Y. . Clark of Weal Colanalf • ' .'-- - `-' - " .x' MIS* riff An 47 1 =1 d • I:: .."1 L",t , ;( 215411%j0r p m ", moinl? - ILWOITIL, . apVI eet . 04■1111ott Veinal'. OFFICIAL, AN ORDINANCE to authorize tue r .dth. of Jalappa strett. from to 01 faded P0nt,,,..t dismicat I. Bs er orOoloot and enoefset 6y the 9699 sod Cosmos Councils or 0,4 of A I le pima. audit is ktreOp ortlisi.ed cool mooted try , the cnetAteray of fAo some. Oat ommit.tee ' on Istreets be, lad ihtY arc ante Axed and directed lo ladle st tl reeMse .000•als for t h e m al e , of jjaZi ps street 19 .L . 0110. and to contract therefor with Me tomcat ottd best bidder or bbidkre, at faith . dikrytio • . &MC. 9. Tltat ` f rthe purpose of defraying the cost and 'expenses of the said Improeemehy, there be, and le hereby levied a .p..0%0 tax, to be equally assessed uptu the several lets bound log ad shuttle: awn the said Mord Street respectively in proportion to the feet front In them respectively comprised, and branding ad abutting as afodzald. • Sec 3 That as soon as the cost and edlehms of add hoprovemehts shall be fully atherinined. It shall be the dot, of the Street Commlaloner to assess and apdetion the lame among the several lota bounding ad abutting upon said Jaen street. respectively. according to the role shove Indicated, and thereupon elms d to make 'mead and collett the same. acre dine to the provisions of the Act of General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penneylvanla, • nrtleo t•An Act dent Ing the menner of collect-Me the and of grading and ocelot of the streets and alleys of the City •Of All , Lad for other porpothe,” p mad the thirtieth day of March. 111154 Sec. 4. That go much of anyordinance 1.2 may andlcdrith, or be soppiltd by the foregoing, be and the sense is her foPOIOd • Ordalhed ad enacted into a law. this the 14th day d of Aprli, Ann° Dandal e one thousand eight hunred and eeventy. 1 /AYES efellitlltit, President of Select Council. Attest, 'O.ll. OXLET. Clerk of Select Council. HEART I WARNEB. Preeldent of Common Coact'. Attest: Bohai DILWORTH. Clerk or CommOn council. ay= AN ORDINANCE to authorize the Conetruction of a Latervi &veer on as eta street. Frasier otrevt and Oble avenue. Sic. 1. Ile ft ordaiud and enacted by the Ali. and Oconsiton Conseite qf the City of Ali. "Army. and tt m /are°, ordained and enacted by tiveauthority of the gam, That the.hewer Com minion be and they are hereby sulhortZeo and directed to lathe and receive propoesla for the constriction of a Fewer, located'. follows. els.: Commencing at the corner of titteelO and Fat. , m o a n eeeee tO, sunning along Elnedield street to Frs.- ! Stet street, tnenoe along Frazier street to Ohio avenue. thence along Ohio avenue to connect with the Beduelet street sewer, plan to be ap proved by Cassellt. and to eontrac t therefor with the lowest and belt bldder or bidders, at their disareilon. Ott. 4. That ai soon as the cost and expense shalld newt r obeli be fedly luC w i le.ed, c mine be levied. setessWand ed a, prod'. aid foray an net or Alsembly of the Common wealth of Fenniyivanis, entitled a "supplement to a supplement of the roar h section of an act, raided an 'Art relating to Allegheny My,. ap proved March 94. L.ll. 1564." poC. 3. That so mach of .1 , ordinance as may and thtri r ame le hereby ttli or he .6:T repealed.iled by the foregoing, be °tattled and enacted Into a law this 14th day of April: 1570. JAMES McBRIER. President oft elect Council. Atteste.l. R. Mum Ciark of Select Council. A . .., HENRY WRNER, Praldeut of common Council, Attest: 0001st DILWOR2II. Clerk of common Council. ' al2 AA ORDINANCE repealing • that portion of Ordinance Which author ise. B e avering and Pacing of Ademe *meet, Mom avenue lo Pretoe street. 113CTIon 1., Se If ordateed and ...acted by Ow &feet and (lbeemon lknewetts of tbe City of A lhelephesY mad U reby orektleut and en defuerby the netbortty of to same. That theor dlaanN sotharising the 'pulley and fomlng of Adam.from Fulton meet to Feeble street, be own...tendedto hece no force and effect, Ir m the potatobetween neater avenue end Preble street. BM 14. Ailordtnences or parts of ordinance. Ineonzlitteut with the provision. of this Ordi nance be and the lame ere hereby repelled. O , datneo and enacted In o • aw thl. 141 h doy of Aga., A. D. 11170. JAMILS MCBRILIt, President of beleet Council. Attest. J. B. estAY, Clots of /Select coon-ti. UNARY WARNER, e _ Attest: Eforn/ . . :1.;Togle, """' C*" Clerk of Common Council. apt FINANCIAL COMIERCIIL BINKING CO., No. 92 Fourth Avenue, PITTSBURGH =I tockkalders W. 11. KVICIIIIION, W. C. DIACHURI rammurr. Ociuma. ALI:LAHORE NATI% JOHN LINDSAY. A. H. ANOLISH, . II W H AVINHO_,N JOHN O. PHILLIPS W. O. HOOHMIT. B. P. WU:ION, . . JACOB iLEZ. Colloellona zombi on all accessible points of th United Stow and C.sdos. IN Tani= allowed on TIMIC Dzrostrs. Protopt ottontlon given tool! n osiness of nor ref dents. ARTISANS' DEPOWET BANK, .4 , 0. 46 Wood Street. N. I. Cot. Third artnue, PITTSBURGH I. PRESTDINT. Merest Allowed . on Time Deposits. I=M3l DIII.7.CTORS: W. B. Smith, W. 11. Heiler, James 7. Barr, James H. carmcr. Deo. W. Casa, 7. M. Hutchinson John Dunlap. James 11.itttritsa, apt' W. H. litechlitin. TBADISNIN'S NATIONAL BANK Wood St., cor. Second Avenue. IIiTKILEST PAID O DEPOSIT& Gold, Ckmpons, Bonds and Stooks •OUGUT AND SOLD. A. BRADLEY, President. • W. -VANKLII.K. Vice Prealdnnt. etrdAT ellitin CLAIMS. JR.. cum.,. I 04.134:110:14ibiliaiiii OF rri-rsiturAciii. I= Beeping of Valuables, Older caulataa; and W ...Una at Sates In Its Phi and Ineskr•Proot No. 88 FOURTH AVENUE Prolidessi—lVlLLlAN PHILLIPS. ilea Presbilent—HENllT LLOYD. .LIAM 1PM1.1.414, BYRON H..P41F1T.49. JOB. 9. 111011.41901., !ELIA: LYON. BIIIIMT - 14;11,T. Jas. HaNziarr. saws. a Tax•i—S. P. IMN 111091NiloaST. ozwat &My from 9 Weloat A. K. o 4 0•c10r.2 P.S. t., '4 Kit ILI carriraL. 1100.000. II'ICUOLDIBS'IBDIYiDIIALLY LIIBLL INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. IMt=:MZ= • • Bought and gold. end when desired.remitted to Boron. Collecting mode Cu nB to 'nor al oolong*, the United atate• end On .1.. ' DOBINICI Preeldee Jiang McCall. Vico Ple^iner.. W. B. 11110sogx, Cashkr. Jsmes McCabe, Muth IKcat.lnc, Tcrerge ipatesPb oy 7.%0 A. r rtr:et 4 . '' N. Inn?. JOS. M. tiAZZAIV. NnlfellOr D. Muss. llamas Bourke, ais.e. Yyt•a B. J. draw. Wad HART, CAIIGHEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Irth and Wood Streets, 1:3M1 OKNXIIIOSOII TO HLNNL, HAUT , O. =I Exchange, Coin, Coupons, Joel partlealar alizor2gd to the web.. GOVERNMENT BONDS. - ISAD i t Drafts on London. N HOLMES & SONS, 33, VII 157 MARKET STREET PITTSBURGH!. PA. „,,, 110 ,..0f00f.f 0 Ot Stoeks,Bolids and other Securitlea 1110171111 T Anti BOLD OICCOMLICIMON. Ild/a w ad Illdtbase dad L7~ni 9d States Seetmit!es. JOHN T..' GRAY, House and Bipn Painter, italtabirion Atm oi..l.2nart. 64:111aili stnet.) w' sTa AP. ts 'Ana Ttrgweaul, JENDEEs.'CoLL Boxss, JINN luthis, ac.. at ge.c. D1J1171% r=ll=r=3 QUAD DRESSING. --just - ire= e t M.hook Ilrome • BIWA vroll., nbiMLtK Wale. mum Mamaln season mtioon aim iamtbrasam of [nob Moo QW D U draostAodour sad baltypsta, IT th. pis. or JOBN A. zNeaAw. apli Cam? LlWtb aaa numb ets. ENGINES, BOILERS. dco, FORT PITT BOILS& STILL AND TANK WORSE. CARROLL AND SNYDER. Lexm►crUSEßtl OP N4 , ypi ND CYLINUYN sr Au OIL 9.1 L sTruz AND OIL TA...INN, H PRARNIZ .PAr's'lUDPCAffle tlTtAM GASOYSTIDIA AND DION B rareDOONS AND COAL ettUlttl. Ogee sad Warehouse, canner Seeeall, Third. Sher& aud Liberty Strum, PITT/18080U, PA. /fir Orders scot to the scare addreo will be promptly attended to. mh7:lB, HUGH N. BOLE tk CO., Con Point Alley and Dogmas 136 (Naas ilia POEM) Engine Builders, Pounders and Machildats. kanursature STEAMBOAT ISOM= Aid STATIONANY siaimics, or All atzeit Special attention Invited to our sem STATISM. A BOILE MY O B,_or IS h o ne WEL rs pow ENGIer. NE AND TONTAELE CASTINGS, of every Cod, made to order's' oso Foundry, on THIRD STREIT, below Muket. T RIOS for Oil IMAITIBIS, PULL_E HANS,_HOUISI sod TOB/LOCO tiCIKEWe add OW N TOBACCO CILIDMICS, on and and made to order, at the INDUSTRIAL WORKS, Fronting on the Allegheny Myer, ass, the Mat, ==nra 3MI=I iptiEsipic k BRO., • nas a atraaLia-ruour SAFES AND VAULTS so ',Axe, No MOULD MOINES AND MAMMY, BRZWZRY W granri a llnt llloo ;; . COr. 17th Mid Pike Pa. Zlrt:l O'HARA BOILER WORKS F. REPIJAN & CO.. Manufacturers of BTZAIII BOILERS, _ITITGLIB, VIGUNWN 'A ks. " I4 . = tirmrairarg. BILICEDLN 1111 A BEDS, &a., for, of becond bane Ind Liberty BL = • Remlefty none promptly. Orden sent to the above address will be prolyptly &Mondavi to. P. BEPEItaII • formerly Jimmie , st CA 1010 " a oCUPPM .1/1.10,11 M. 1.110611 EDMUND D. MOM JARED M. BRUSH &80N, DILAIIIIITALCTOBSILS 07 Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SURER IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street. ...NSW:ninth, Pa. I 1 , 10, ± ON .$.900.000 OAP FORT PITT 'OUNDRY COMPANY 0111011 ARID WOMIII. TWELFTH MEREET. PITIMBURGH. RA. ur Engines,lto:iling Mill Ms chlnery, Nail Machines. lie NATIONAL FOrNDILT AND PIPE WORKS. Ourner Carron aad I Waltman Iltrolits. =EL= prrrsirtritois, PA. WILLIAM SMITH, r===rn 41 .BEIVER FALLS gi CUTLERY CO., Ai CI I c. 7 No. 70 Wood Street, PITTSBIINGS. PA., dtiraaMftis " t 1 tr:ZeV r iMPTr a- I ad OAST IRON BOWL 107.1%1 YOH OAS AND WATCH WORKI. Illy Pipes are all east Wearied) , la Pita. 1* Ail ned .d 12 feet lenctbe. Wm, tall assortamat of mend . • • ftir this & Water Works. MONONA= FOUNDRY, W. J. ANDERSON k CO4 Manuftztaran of IRON EIOUbr. /YOST& WII DOW LINTELtS and 9ILLn. slid CasUap of all Desetipiras. air Bipedal att i entlon told to AteIIITECTU UAL NASTIIIe and to Cutiox tor wishwor Orozco Asto , 160 BTRIZT, Pltubarott: Pa. ROBINSON. 111 EA & CO., ocessors fa BOUICIIOX. MICA iltruanVil. WASIEINGTON WORKS, FOUDDNIS AND umfmnars, rinseusen; It t annf ß oetnrers of Boot sad Innuonu7 Bte.rO t. 1.2, corn. /trm sod nulthlteld Wee.. ~ A. for lIIMILDII PALTNNT DUZOTOR tor foodltio Boilers. tail-r 0 T 110111.418 . 4CABILIN & CO.. Mutt Ward Fendry aid ■utimm With, SANDUSKY St ! , ALLEOUNNY OI Y. !a., Maandaatarerm otdtatlonady and Portatda Memo Xnaines. Pressaa,rallay, _nnandnd, Grin and JON JAM Wort. Mit% Mill u ra ILTs an ahem layl4. • I Pavia ROI f L, FOUNDRY, Oor. LIBERTY .4 Aft. WiILZW2S. BOLLINAN & BACALEY, I= Chu Rolls, Sand Bolls & Pinions. 14.11 COAL AND CORN COAL 2 cc.A.x, 1 Youghiogheny Gas Coal Co This Ctonpany are now prepared Wren:fah the best Coal or any Use or guanine,. AT PAIR SLUM Mice sad Tardsdloin 13111111Kella- , OHIO Railroad Depot., foot of Irdatteet, Pats. berth. orders addreesed t 4 eltner Ittnee.Weseltew— Ass. Ps., or .to Yand. will be seemptly stteseee to. ' N. r. 011E1IN, Secretary. tpt2:l7ll MEOW Y04111(0611 lad, Connellsvllte Coal, r . MI, SLACK IBD DEMPIIIIIZEDZOn ornas Anev 'sag 'mem Matt LA Mt carom sinete. " „„ dk Fawn, Mink .O.A. And at Saes of Bow sirmt. P. • 41 AL AL DMA, Almond vfard i . i ohm,. f the AMTI,m de. 0.. .631 aw• colyn t o mbsm. „ • lettereek feeplitle tithe/. W 6114 &W a if mark uirotelziregvz.: l4e m era Alaßruneff. Ed mt. J A r '. voll •Co ' a es I.bail It CO.. •1113;..1... e • lab. Mat= rocco.uffuw . u.. earmiThrsala (OA-1. 1 co co.tut: 'DICKSON; STEWART' is Co , Butastsisaml sbeir WWI* NO. 567 1513118T1r :BTBNIIT, 044 • 11 cim Ile* imiqwagOloc." 4 , o ff s . 1 4, - , NIMNAMZEM "Z" tr. thattlfr. Warr t minus. . CM rENN Ilt.L NIA eSNTRAL .... and aitar 1410, MU, Tralr• Max the Union ll